#and maybe this is just my perception but i feel like younger people tend to be the worst about this?
jattendschaton · 4 months
Some people are very good at talking to a group and creating an environment where all of them feel very welcome and proactively making sure people are included in all aspects of the conversation and then some people talk to a group as if they are trying to keep everyone divided? Like they are using inside jokes that only one person understands or talk in a guarded way that suggests they are everyone's closest confidant but no one else is allowed to know each other. No real point, I'm just thinking about how much I would rather be the first type of person but how much more common I think the second is
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freya-fallen · 2 years
Yandere Sebastian Michaelis
CWs: stalking, demons, non-con kiss
word count: 1174
Part 2
It is the cats that draw him, naturally.
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He first sees you as you're luring a pregnant queen into a carrier. By the way she butted against your hand, you were already familiar.
"I know, Your Majesty, but I want to get you home before that storm hits." You gaze at the impending clouds in the distance. There was a light snow just the other day, and the cold snap doesn't seem to be getting better.
The lady cat eventually acquiesces, and you saunter away with her.
A few months later, he sees you holding a little orange kitten up for an inn keeper as the man sits on his porch with his morning pipe.
"Rudy will be an excellent mouser, and he's easily the biggest of his litter. He'll keep away other toms."
The man's eyes narrow. "Is he snipped?"
You nod. "Yes, sir, and fully healed. You'll have no kittens from this boy."
After a moment, the inn keeper scratches behind one of the tom's ears. Even from a distance, Sebastian hears the purring of the content little creature.
"All right, I'll take him." There is an exchange, and then you're walking away.
Sebastian follows you home, a quaint little flat that is nevertheless neat-- well, except for the messes made by the Felines residing therein.
There are blankets hither and thither, makeshift toys, the occasional item that has been knocked from a surface.
As you enter, two little tufts of fur amble across your foot, playing until one bites too hard and the other shrieks.
"Alba, don't be so rough with him." You reach down and separate the white and cream girl from her grey brother, kissing both on their noses. "Sorry, Ash, honey." The grey kitten is the smaller of the two.
He watches for a few moments as you put out food. There are three kittens total-- the girl and boy he saw before, and another orange tabby that's lighter in color than the one you gave the inn keeper-- and their mother.
A scraggly old black cat waits for his own bowl. You favor him with pets as he eats, cooing at the ancient creature. "That's my boy."
Hung on one wall is a large map of the area, pins marking locations in different colors, little notes written across it. You hum and place another pin as he watches-- green. It's where the inn stands, unless he's mistaken.
Sebastian smiles to himself as he leaves.
You don't know you've attracted the attention of a demon. You're just going about your life, providing care for animals, fostering and finding homes for stray cats in particular. People treat cats like garbage so often, and they're really lovely creatures. Cats are caring, social, more intelligent than people give them credit, and can be quite useful.
You've placed mousers on so many farms and local business, even a ship or two.
Your life is fairly quiet unless there are kittens to tend (especially orphans; they take constant care when younger than six weeks).
And then you start waking in the night.
It's nothing, you tell yourself. Just the cats.
But something doesn't feel right.
So you sneak out of bed one night when you just can't put your mind at ease and down the stairs to your living area. Your current fosters are all staring at a shadowed corner, and Whisper (your senior cat, whom you found sick some years ago) sits in your rocking chair, alert. He turns to you with those lantern yellow eyes, then to the corner.
"H-hello?" You don't know what prompts you to speak.. maybe it's the way the cats are acting as if there's something-- someone there. As you watch, little Rufus trills and rubs against the darkness.
You gasp.
Everything seems to happen all at once.
The shadow blurs with movement. You trip over a stair and sprawl back on flight, elbows catching with a bang. The cats scatter. There's a delicate click across the bare parts of your floor. A creak. A soft chuckle. You squeeze your eyes closed.
"My, my, quite the perceptive little thing, aren't you?" The voice is like warm, velvet fur across your electrified nerves, and your fear heightens. "It's alright, Miss." Something brushes your cheek. Your breath rattles in and out.
"What do you want?" The words are so small you wonder that it--he-- they-- hear it.
There's another chuckle, like the being is hovering over you. "I'm merely satisfying my curiosity."
You frown, and the being reads the question there.
"I had to meet these lovely cats you keep safe and warm."
The ludicrous statement forces a nervous giggle from you. "You came to see my cats?"
It's said with such seriousness that your eyes pop open and your breath comes easier.
In front of you is a man. He's quite handsome; tall, lithe, with hair that blends into the night, skin that gathers what little light slips through your windows, and eyes that bleed crimson even in the inky darkness. He smiles down at you, a beautiful expression.
"How did you get in here?" You wonder.
He gestures. "Through the door."
"But I locked it," you argue.
"Did you?"
Your tongue darts across dry lips. You're certain you did. You do every night. You're very careful about locking your door before bed.
"You know, you're very pretty like this."
Alarms bells sound in your head at the compliment, despite his affable manner.
Your eyes dart around the room, but there's no safety. You slowly ease up a stair.
The sculpted lines of his face fall into a frown. "Are you going to run away from me? That would not be a good idea."
"Why not?" You slip up another step.
His scarlet eyes gleam. "I don't know that I can resist the chase."
Your heart thuds against your ribs, your pulse becomes a rushing river in your ears, and you can feel the beat through the arteries in your throat. As though he can hear your terror, his lips spread in a wide smile.
In the darkness you can just make out the flash of fangs
You turn and flee toward your bedroom.
Before you make it to the top, a vice wraps around one ankle and tugs you down, down, down, bumping painfully along the way.
When you reach the rug in the center of your living area, he flips you into your back, kneeling over your prone form. "I told you running was a bad idea."
He looks like a cat with a cornered mouse. You cower, but his long fingers curls around your wrists before you can curl in on yourself.
"Now you've made me hungry."
Do those canines look longer? Sharper? And his nails are pointed and black. There's a strange mark on the back of one hand.
"You are too delectable." His tongue flicks wetly across his lips. As he begins to close in, you accept you're about to die.
Your body tenses, eyes shut, lips part with a gasp--
And something soft and hot presses to your mouth. Slick muscle strokes against your tongue, and you belatedly realize your midnight visitor is kissing you.
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infernaltenor · 8 months
maybe im just a super salty person bc its 5am and im Still not sleepingn and Still thinking about it but i cant help but feel that qtubbo fans are some of the most hypocritial people ive ever seen. this is like. full of generalizations and just observations ive made as a crow and im. typically defensive and salty so im gonna try to be objective but at the very least im not trying to neg on the characters or the ccs, since im directing this towards the fans. its also like a solid two months of build up .so. oops?
but uh. how to start explaining this. well for one im taking this as a recent fan who is a phil watcher pretty much only. but i tend to chronically read posts about other characters since when im into things i like to be informed on all cases (idk constant instinct i have lol). like i said im gonna focus on qtubbo here, if i go into qphil stuff its purely as a comparison point. i cant speak much on interactions with other fanbases since i simply am Not informed enough but yknow.
for one, i think both tubbo and phil ahve similar things when remembering lore that is Not their own. not a neg on either one, since i dont expect them to remember it, but both have forgotten major stuff recently, ie. fred's kidnapping (phil) and the birdhouse (tubbo). both things happened before purgatoryand the subsequent forgetting happened after so even in character it makes sense (they had more to worry about), but i also think reactions in character tends to fuck with audience perception. ie, tubbos very visceral reaction to the ill timed fred joke phil had made (and it was ill timed, and thats all that i feel was criminal about it. tubbo and phils friendship is very much based on banter and friendly barbs, lots of teasing from either side. phil simply shot back on a smilar level as tubbo had originally, making his joke about "phil and who?". other people have spoken on that so im not gonna rehash about whos comment was worse, since imo they were both just shy of being insensitive, had tubbo not been dealing with freds presumed death at the time. im not gonna talk about the funeral, becasue if i do i'll get mad.). likewise, when tubbo forgot birdhouse phils reaction was much less outwards. he just said a birdhouse wouldnt be slaying- given the imprisionment he had, it makes sense that phil would associate it negatively, especially since it catalzyed all of his future derealization episodes. both of these are simply ooc things imo, from their original standpoint. i dont think either is in the wrong for forgetting. but what annoys me is the fandom perception.
this is a problem im going to link back heavily to purgatory. im not sure if it was present beforehand, as i only really got into qsmp the last two-three weeks in october (bad timing) and had only really been watching vods in order to catch up. that being said, i think the bolas and soulfire rivalry had widened the gap between the fans, which in turn affects negative perception. later weeks in november had full bad faith interpretations of phil because he was critical of tubbos choices or simply didnt understand sunnys character perfectly. and there were. a lot of those. purgatory had happened just a few weeks prior, so i liken it to that. maybe it is just my expierence, but the phrasing of a lot of character crit and analysis between the two has wildly different interpretations of a character (to wildly different results)
you can get qphil fans explaining against a bad faith interpretaiton, and people will (and have) called them excuses to defend against character analysis. i have noticed, however, when qtubbo fans do the same thing (and they have) it seems to be more of a matter of adding context to the conversation. thats.... exactly what qphil fans are doing however? when talking critically about qtubbo not communicating with other parents and friends both his and sunny insecurities, its all that hes younger and in a bad mental state. but you have something about phil not understanding sunnys character perfectly, and hes a cruel stepmother and such; and when an explanation is added to why hes not a bad father nor a good father, just an imperfect one trying his best, its simply a "mindless defense against a crit of his character". are these not the same things? providing context to a percieved bad faith interpretation? idk. i cant tell if its the age or the percieved roles theyre supposed to take, but why is tubbo allowed to be imperfect and doused in outward angst, especially when interacting with other characters (ramon had to take the initiative to communicate with tubbo. and yet. age age age.) phils just as complex and imperfect and unwell. all of qsmp is unwell. it is an explanation, not an excuse.
anyway. i think i was thinking about this because of the flightless bird/ostrich dna joke. ill timed, just like the fred one. but phils reaction speaks volumes doesnt it? if its an age one maybe he'll overdramaticize, but he laughs it off mostly. theres a lot he laughs off. he doesnt. "if your kid wasnt here id kill you". tubbo doesnt know about phils failed flight. he probably wont for a while (i cant help but think qphil is embarassed. he was knocked unconcious from hitting the water too hard. and he knows how to fly? fuck, man). i think its wild, however, that one fred joke gets the entire fanbase ready to deface and mischaracterize the whole character. but one wing joke gets maybe shocked laughter and about two posts complaining? idk. maybe im just complaining about nothing, im tired as fuck.
tldr is that tubbo fans are so wildly hypocritical that they cant see when theyre doing the same thing as everyone else. im sure im being hypocritical in this post, its human. but its annoying as fuck when its everywhere, and i think purgatory made it worse.
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artemistorm · 2 years
I know there is much chaos with the update, with people simping and/or cancelling Dink, but May I ask height and Age headcanons of the Lu bois?
Hi. Sorry for the long wait Butterfly Rancher Anon. This ask caught me right before the busy few days where I moved out of my house. But now I’m chilling in a hotel and finally have time to get into it.
Age and height headcanons you say? Well I am quite excited to share my age headcanons, but I must admit, I don’t really have height headcanons. I think it’s part of my autism, but I don’t really notice people’s height unless it’s extreme, so I’ll do a rather simplistic “short, average, or tall” for the Links.
Here we go! (Long post: 1311 words)
Time – He’s tall and imposing—or is he? Maybe it’s just an optical illusion and he is actually average height but because he’s so built and wears armor that he seems tall. It’s hard to say. Age-wise, his body is in the late thirties, but his mind is older, somewhere in his forties. He’s seen a lot, experienced a lot, but there’s that part of him that’ll will always be a joyful and mischievous child, although he tends to keep it hidden.
Warriors – Warriors is quite tall, no doubt about that. He is 27 years old. He enlisted in the army as soon as he could and spent several years as an infantryman. When he was 22, Cia initiated her war against Hyrule and that’s when his adventure began. For his valor during the first battle of his adventure, he earned himself a battlefield promotion to Lieutenant and the title of Hero of Warriors. Over the next 5 years, he completed his adventure, formally attended officer training school, and progressed through the ranks, and is now a Captain.
Sky – Sky is an average height (maybe a little on the tall side) 25 years old. He completed his adventure when he was 18 or 19 years old and since then has officially become a knight, started a new Hylian colony on the Surface (the residents want Sky to be the leader, but Sky is reluctant—he doesn’t feel like he’s leader material). He and Zelda are in a serious relationship and are talking about marriage. Sky wants to propose but he’s very nervous and he wants to make sure to do it at just the right time and in just the right way.
Twilight – Twilight is 24 (but since he was found and adopted as a young child, he doesn’t know his age for sure). Not gonna lie, Twilight is the Link I know least about so I don’t really have much to say other than that he’s like Time, he’s seen and experienced a lot and it weighs down on him sometimes, but he is still pretty young and sometimes it shows. He is of an average height, but his bulky pelt makes him seem bigger.
Four – Four is a very small 22 year old. He was a hard one for me to understand who he was, but generally, he seems to be quite mature, very smart, but he still has some of that young hot blood and passion that one has as a younger adult. Honestly, to me he is ageless, like a divine being that is both ancient and eternally young. Despite the timeless vibes I get from him, he is in fact a Hylian, and since most people headcanon him to be one of the younger heroes, I put him at a solid 22 (although I could probably get away with 23 if I pushed it). He is the middle child, filling the gap between the older 4 heroes and the younger 4 heroes.
Legend – Legend is average height and 21 or maybe 22 years old. He started off young with adventuring and goes through a lot and it takes his toll on him mentally and physically. At first impressions, he seems much older than he is, at least 26 years old, but if you’re around him for a while or if you’re particularly perceptive, you’ll realize that he’s not quite as emotionally mature as you might initially think. And he definitely does have a substantial gremlin streak that is common amongst the younger heroes, but he’s usually pretty good about moderating it.
Hyrule – Hyrule is borderline between average and short (thanks to fairy genes) and he is 18 years old. He is definitely one of the youngest heroes, but he’s older and more mature than Wild and Wind. He has lots of practical life experience with living on the road, he’s been fighting monsters since he was young, but minimal peopling experience. He is an extreme gremlin (he tries to hide it and be sneaky, but everyone knows what he’s up to) and a tendency to be silly, but he struggles with anxiety and badthoughts. Those things combined sometimes make him seem younger than he is.
Wild – Wild is 117, 17, and 2. Canonically in LU, Wild is 117 in chronological age, but practically, he’s 17. Physically, he’s 17, he’s slightly taller than Hyrule, but he’s kinda scrawny so it makes him look smaller. Wild’s an interesting one and he’s similar to Time in that he has a body-mind age mismatch. His brain has the “programming” of a 17-year old troubled and dutiful knight, but with none of the memory and only about 2 years of life experience (thus the 2 years old). He is mature in some ways, especially with regards to battle and wilderness survival, but very immature in other ways, like with emotional regulation, social interaction, and impulse control.
Wind – Wind is short (but going through growth spurts) and 13 years old (his canonical LU age). I know a lot of people favor a more mature Wind, but from the LU comics I interpret him to be rather immature, innocent, and inexperienced. If you think about it, he had a happy childhood, growing up with his grandmother and little sister, and living on an island, it was probably pretty sheltered. He’s really grown a lot from his adventure—he is sharp, quick, very clever, and can handle battle as well as any grown man, but he’s still pretty inexperienced at life in general.  He is on the cusp of those turbulent teenage years and occasionally goes through phases where he’s dark, moody, and angsty, but for the most part he is a jovial and peppy young lad.
These are based heavily on how they act in the LU comics (since I have only played a few of the games) and my own experience. I work in a career field that primarily employs young folk, people in their 20s and 30s, and I’ve got a pretty solid understanding of how people act/how mature they are at different ages/responsibility levels (entry-level, proficient worker, crew leader, shift manager, etc.). So I just compared what I saw in the comics with what I knew from work and voila: age headcanons.
Yes, I know my age headcanons are older than most people’s age headcanons for the boys. It’s possible that I’ve misinterpreted their ages once I play their games/read their mangas I’ll realize “oh, actually he’s older/younger than I thought.” To be honest, I think that with a few exceptions, most of them probably don’t even know their own true ages. Most Links don’t have family to speak of and none of them have biological parents still around.
And there’s a certain point at which exact age no longer matters, you are simply Adult. They’re all peers regardless of age. They may have different roles in the group, but overall they have the same mission, the same quest. It doesn’t matter how old they are, only what they bring to the table. It doesn’t matter where they’ve been, only where they’re going.
But anyways. This was fun! Thanks for asking, Butterfly Rancher Anon! What do you think their ages are?
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
How can you tell if someone is a minor? I have a side blog and I’m getting some weird, kinda immature requests, but idk maybe I’m just paranoid
ahh honestly it's how they express themselves i suppose. the way they type, their choice of vocabulary, if 'ur tlkn 2 me lyk dis' then i'm going to be a smidge bit suspicious. i do take into consideration language barriers though. sometimes the request itself may be a little 'immature' (honestly i can't even give an example right now).
sometimes i check their bio and straight up just see 'middle schooler', 'high schooler'. i have to take into consideration that the education system differs around the world. personally, in my country the oldest you'll be in high school is 16/17. so in my experience i would expect everyone here that's pursuing an education to be in college or uni. again, it's different for different places. some people may have gotten held back or they're just 18 and in highschool, who knows?
as long as you are 18 (or over) then you're good.
i'd like to say though that i don't just block a person straight away from a little inkling or suspicion. i'll try dig a bit more, give it a bit more time, look at all the facts, and then make the decision.
i'll be honest and say that i feel so strongly about this because i just don't want to traumatize anyone. our frontal lobe (decision making; impulse control; emotions) doesn't fully develop until 25, and the younger you are the less developed it is. consuming shit like what i write can really fuck with a persons' perceptions (and expectations) - the way we perceive relationships and what sex is like.
what i write is all fiction and isn't a true depiction of sex.
the younger brain is very impressionable, and whilst we may think we're mature enough to decide what content to consume we really are aren't and we tend to come to this realization later in life when we mature. (not to say 'immature' in a derogatory way, btw) but yeah, its from a place of concern. sorry i kind of went off on a tangent here
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mjjune · 1 year
is it too much to ask for 1-13 for the pride asks for helio bc i’m obsessed with him 🙈
Only because it's you, Ren. I'll do it for you, specifically /j
I'll put it under the cut so it doesn't clog everyone's dash!
Ask me Pride Asks!!!
1 & 2. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender? What's your oc's orientation? Do they have opinions about it?
Honestly for both Helio and Danny I don't use labels. Helio uses the word gay to describe himself in book one, and there is literally an entire chapter called The Queer Crisis dedicated to Helio's self-perception regarding gender and sexuality so I don't want to spoil it since you will eventually read it. Take this as encouragement to go read my damn book, Ren 🔪
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
The latter part of the question actually isn't discussed much. In terms of discovering himself, he's still doing that LOL I would say by the end of book 1 he's getting somewhere in the discovery department. But I think he did always know. Maybe not that he was Gay™ specifically, but that he was different.
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
Siblings are very supportive. Parents are... a work in progress. for actual environment his friends and NYC are progressive, so it's not too much of a problem. I think the werewolf pack being heavily Catholic impacted him a lot when he was younger, re: making him feel unsafe to come out -- but he hasn't lived within that environment in close to 10 years.
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
Honestly, exploring him and Danny's relationship on the page. I went in with the presumption that he was going to be a Cis Gay™ but... I also went in with the presumption that he was white, so we see how far I got with that character design 😂
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
Does anyone in my book use labels, is the real question lmao Like I said he uses the word "gay" for himself, but that's just to Come Out To People™, I wouldn't say that he thinks of himself as any label in particular, especially by the end of book 1 after being with Danny and seeing how labels just... are completely insufficient for describing Danny in any capacity lmao that made him less inclined to use them for himself.
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
Lmao again let me refer you to The Queer Crisis chapter.
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
I think the biggest struggle was to come out, and the internal battle of choosing how and when and if. In high school he was just trying to survive being a werewolf so any romance or coming out was on the back burner, and then in his 20s when he finally started acting on his feelings, there wasn't that much time between that happening and shit hitting the fan (re: chapter 7) where coming out was no longer an option, or in his control at all. But honestly Helio's entire existence is a struggle so... yes. Is the short answer.
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
Born werewolves in my story do tend to have... mating practices? Lmao not like Bonding or Fated Mates or anything like that, but typically they do choose a mate and stay mates for life, monogamously, and (since their lifespans are 250+ years) they tend to have kid(s) somewhere between 20-200 years into the relationship. Since Helio's parents are high up in the pack, and so were his grandparents, there is extra pressure for him and his siblings to adhere to this (which is... going super well :/) Anyway, all this to say: even if Helio were cishet, there were expectations that he very likely wouldn't have been able to meet. There is also The Treaty, which maintains civility between werewolf packs and the vampire order, which forbids vampires/werewolf relations SO YA KNOW THERE'S THAT TOO
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
Uhhh Pride has not happened on the page in my story but?? After book one, definitely! Before book one he's too in the closet for it. After, though, I'm sure Danny's bar has huge pride parties lmao
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
After book one, yes. Lowkey for sure, though he does wear leather jackets and has long hair but I wouldn't say people's gaydar goes off the charts when you spot him. It's just in his nature to be lowkey in general, even though the universe (aka: me, the writer) obviously says otherwise.
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling?
Nah, I don't think so. Even before he came out and thought his parents would disown him (which they didn't). I think he wishes that it was easier to be himself, and less stressful. But especially after meeting Danny I think if he ever wished he could change it would be to be more like Danny 😂 (re: fluidity, openness to change, not using labels, self-acceptance, and shameless lmao)
13. Would your oc be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
He is in one :P
AVOF TAGLIST: (ask or comment below to be +/-) @aritany @artbyeloquent @bebewrites @ceph-the-ghost-writer @elijahrichardwrites @eventideintrigue @faithfire @flowerprose @garthcelyn @ghafasinej @jezifster @knosium @isabellebissonrouthier @lexiklecksi @little-mouse-gardens @mr-writes @thyroidhormones @vacantgodling @wildswrites @wip-nook
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crisps-craft · 2 years
Hello, I saw your post about being open for readings and thought I would try at asking a question if that's alright. Lately I have been contemplating the concept of a curse, I have been a witch for 5 years and understand the concept within its typical context and discourse, but I find that often times we tend to view ourselves as being 'cursed' when we see the repetition of an event or fault within ourselves; this can be something we see suddenly begin at some point in our lives (clear or vague) or believe to come from birth (maybe a past life). In some ways, rationally I know I'm not cursed and that it has more to do with my self perception, but looking back at my life I see a history in which I'm alone, incapable of making friends or successfully socialising with others except for a few online friends and shallow irl friendships who aren't part of my daily life (unlike other forced/awkward interactions). I would like to know if, when, and how this will change? Is it really a curse that I've placed on myself or was born with?
I hope you have a wonderful day and Thank You,
-L.C.F 🌙
Capricorn Rising, Sagittarius Sun
hello :) reading this ask, i just wanted to take a second to appreciate your occult philosophy because mine is very similar and its fascinating talking with other practitioners and witches! & while reading your question, i got a very cerebral and intellectual vibe from you. you spend so much time refining your perspectives and personal beliefs- its like a mental tinker toy that you always add, remove, transmute, and transform with. you are always learning and try to add / question it and its cool. scientist philosopher vibe and it makes sense with the cap ris and sag sun!
a quick astrological note i have about sagittarius is that a lot of them that ive been friends with (i have a lot of sag friends - im a gemini so sister signs hehe) never feel at place anywhere. not only physically, but even with friends too? even the extroverted ones who have the skill and charisma of socializing never feel at place or 'real' with anyone - jupiter (ruling planet) is an outer planet and they are more focused on large-scale collective issues / philosophy, etc. and their energies tend to be heavier / more intense with outer planets imo. esp with saturn as your ruler (im going to guess your sun in sag is in the 12th house if your rising is in cap! i have a 12th house too and 12th house planets are veryyyy important to your soul's path and how it experiences existence) a 12th house sun indicates someone more withdrawn who only feels comfortable being who they are alone - however, often enough, they find themselves emotionally in conflicts with this. 12th housers are notably known for experiencing loneliness, however, not only can this change (the 12th house has highhh spiritual energy within it that can manifest sooooo much holy shit) 12th housers are natural psychics, channelers, and magicians. its part of their soul path. when they learn to channel more from a place of pure self acceptance, self-love, etc. - existence will be so much easier for them.
i have a couple 12th house placements and when i was younger i couldnt click with anyone either - for example, i hate television and mass media. i use tumblr as a spiritual space which is nice but thats about it. i have others but all of it exhausts me tbh. i read a lot of philosophy and psych (im a phi and psych major) and its made me see the world differently. i took for more sensitive intelligent yet fun types! those people can be hard to find and when i was younger and not in control of my 12th house energies (aka always having self guilt, intense self hatred, intense ego inflation / wanting to achieve worldly goals) i couldnt manifest or meet any of them. i spend a lot of time alone (but honestly my psychic abilities thriveee when im alone so realize that the 12th house has hidden gifts and they r so fun hehe) and through self-healing, when i noticed myself shedding those parts of myself that were channeling dark energy, my life manifested better in all areas. when you shed the ego, oddly enough spirit comes through and blesses your life and im so serious with this one. my relationship to the world changed radically, same with my family, friends, i came into alignment with my soulmates. the 12th house is all about learning self-forgiveness and changing negative mental patterns- like i think, from reading your question, you are blaming yourself a lot like "whats wrong with me?" or "what am i doing to 'dispel' people?" i dont think this is the case. its wild because other people find you really cool and intelligent but in a detached way while you see yourself so much lesser than. but ur cool asf so remember that haha. i think that recognizing what qualities you like in people instead of what you lack in yourself might help - there is a good manifestation tool where you write spells/ affirmations and put it on the windowsill and forget about it. when you write what you want, you have to be specific (to make sure the spell doesnt work wrong), use positive energy, and use the present tense as if it has already happened. this might help you redirect and refocus a bit?
i also want to say that witches and mystics can often feel lonely- i notice this a lot with my intuitive friends where they either need a lot of alone time or cant find those introspective, deep, solacing, and safe connections that they crave. they exist out there, and i think alignment will help. trust in yourself. i keep getting the whole self-love message here - your guides are stressing this a lot - also i would recommend looking into 12th house placements because (i cant exaggerate it enough) that's the fix- the only way out is from within.
though im not too familiar with the specifics of curses (i practice light magick) i see curses as reversible forces and i truly believe in the unconditional love of the Absolute (the universe) and its extensions of Being (the soul in the immaterial realms, and the ego in the material realms). the lessons that our souls are learning on earth are stepping stones to our revolution. opening up the heart to the unconditional patience and forgiveness to yourself is so essential - don't rest in shame or feel like 'something is wrong with you'. fear feeds on fear, and love breeds on love. Sometimes 12th house placements can feel like a curse but it’s moreso what state of mind you have. If anything, the 12th house is karma to resolve. Just make sure you aren’t blaming yourself and that it can be so difficult to connect with people and it’s not your fault at all - imo from a philosophical standpoint, we have capitalism to blame. Marx’s theory of alienation is interesting.
I hope that this could help and that it resonates! energy is such a malleable and manipulative source so you can use this for good causes such as energy transmutation and rebirth. i think that expanding out into your interests and trying to find people similar to you might help? like i think you seek mental stimulation and you should look for those types? like most people seem kind of unconnectable or maybe even childish to you and i don't blame you at all for that
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leannieland · 2 years
First post!
Hey! My name is Leannie. I'm 21 years old, and I am a singer-songwriter from Los Angeles. Let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am the happy and unproblematic friend who only ever wants to lift everyone's spirits, so I tend to keep negative feelings to myself (highly don't recommend, but maybe you can relate). Unfortunately, this has caused my entire persona to become a mask. I'm always smiling wide and laughing like a maniac, but I never speak my mind, and I never cry in front of people unless I'm crying tears of joy (bittersweet tears at MOST). I feel things really deeply and fall into melancholic moods often, but hardly anybody would believe me if I told them that. Most people just assume I'm the spaced-out type -- like there's nothing beyond my bubbly disposition and nothing beneath my skin. Some people even go so far as to treat me like I'm a child. When I was 19, some guy who I thought was a friend said I was a five-year old mentally, and the entire group we were in laughed. Everyone understood what he meant, and I never felt so misunderstood. Most people don't truly hear me when I speak. My words go into one ear and out the other. To them, I'm like a kid who doesn't understand the concept of time yet, so how could I understand anything else? If you asked 90% of the people I know to recall something I've said to them in the past, they probably wouldn't be able to recall anything.
In the end, the way I perceive peoples' perceptions of me could be due to anxiety and insecurity, but the actual things I've experienced certainly don't help me think differently.
Luckily, music provides me the space to let those deeper emotions flow, and my songs never laughs at me. My lyrics and stories revolve around mental health struggles and the situations that cause them.
If you've ever experienced anxiety, depression, insecurity, or trauma, you are exactly who I want to connect with. My first song is coming out early 2023, and I could use all the support I can get. My only hope is that my listeners get from my music what I desperately yearned for but struggled to find when I was a bit younger.
Stick around to get a sneak peak of the lyrics of my upcoming songs as well as music, films, and photos that have meant something to or inspired me :)
And meanwhile, if you're interested, here's where you can follow me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3beDFsVnxgNsR4VnSuo7np
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hhhhhhgggguuu · 2 months
i’m so tired. i got 3 hours of sleep last night and maybe 4 the night before? that’s a guess. the 3 is accurate tho. and it’s technically less than 3 if you count the minutes. i read your tweets tonight. i know they’re not about me. but i pretend they are sometimes. makes me feel important. makes me feel like someone is thinking about me. you’re not tho. and that’s okay. it sucks. but it’s still okay. i wish i could sleep. i wish there was an easier way to shut off my mind. i used to sleep all the time when you were here. you once told me that you liked when i fell asleep with you. you taught me that sleep is a very vulnerable state. you said your psychology class told you that if someone falls asleep around you it means they’re comfortable around you. they trust you. i used to sleep a lot around you. maybe it was the depression. maybe it was your mental health weighing down my mental health. either way i wish i could sleep like i did then. i sleep better when im not alone. prime example, family reunion last weekend. i was literally asleep from like 3pm-8pm and then again from like 11pm-10am. i was with my family. that’s where i feel most comfortable. i hate sleeping alone. i liked when i could move my foot to touch some part of you and know you were right there. i wasn’t alone. maybe it wasn’t you. maybe it was just the feeling of not being alone. as days go on i don’t think about you as much. don’t get me wrong, my mental state is just as vulnerable as a sleeping state. i have bad days. but who doesn’t. when there’s a lot going on i tend to miss you more because it’s hard to do it by yourself. it wouldn’t be better if you were here tho. you’d drag me down. i know that. but i like to look on the bright side. i like to think of all the good times. not the times you had me slamming my head into the door. not the time that our neighbors called the cops on us because i was screaming, bawling, begging you to care. you just shut down. i should have known better. i’ve been through a lot of therapy. and ive grown since then. i fully believe in the 25 year old mindset. frontal lobe is close to being fully developed and you start to question relationships in the life, or reflect on immature decisions you made. that was an immature decision i made. not an excuse but i was drunk and feeling unloved and uncared for. i was valid tho. i was being unloved and i wasn’t being cared for. but that’s okay. you were finding (im honestly not sure you’ve found it) self love and when i was younger it used to irritate me and really piss me off when people said “you can’t love anyone else until you love yourself”. i think it would rub me the wrong way because i was always like “i do love myself tho, i think im a good person, i think im a nice person, etc etc” and that statement implied that i didnt. no one really knows how youre feeling. everyone’s perception of life is different and reality is about individuality. we will never be able to know what someone else is going through despite how hard we try. its true. all that is true and that statement people said, its true. thats why i was able love as hard and as deeply as i did with you. i loved myself and was able to move to the next stage of sharing that with someone else you’d like my new tattoo. i just got it 2 days ago. i got the other one in June. you’d like them. you probably would have gone with me to get them. you wouldn’t be at work we know that. you don’t have a work ethic. that’s okay, you were never given the opportunity. you were shown but you were never given the opportunity. you can’t help that. i do miss you tho. i miss our conversations, i miss watching shows together. you’d like the new living room set up. i got those govee lights behind the tv that reflect the colors of the tv around the tv at night. it looks cool because of the way the living room is laid out. how the wall that tv is on is like a little nook. it makes the lights seem brighter as they bounce and reflect off the wall. i bought them with my $100 gift card i got from work. i’ve been working a lot
to be continued…
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equizona · 3 years
Can i have a request aftons with long lost sister who acts like mrs afton? Despite that they a 'scary' face like Will, theyre actually sweet and kind like mrs afton
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❝Notes❞ → Since you said 'sister' I'm assuming you meant the Afton kids, and not the parents. Though, I'm admittedly confused about the long lost part so I've taken the basis and ran with away. Far away. Still, I had a lot of fun with this. It's also.. very long. Especially Micheal's part. He's my favorite. ;)
❝Fandoms❞ → Five Night's at Freddy's
❝Characters❞ → Micheal Afton, Elizabeth Afton, Evan Afton
❝Scenario❞ → With a sister + some more
❝Trivia❞ → AFAB | She/Her
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→ Michael Afton
→ General
Out of all his siblings, he was always the most perceptive one. Always the more observant one.
It's why he's always hated his siblings, and his mother to some degree.
Because why couldn't he more like them? Why did he have to look and act so much like that man?
Micheal is a lot of bad things, dumb is not one of them. He's seen it, seen how horrible his father truly. Especially to children.
He hates it. He hates him, he hates himself,
And he hates his entire family. Everyone in that family is cursed to him, but he doesn't understand why he had to be the bad one.
But if it's bad the world wants, it's bad he'll be.
He takes after his father, picking on his younger siblings. Evan a significant amount more than Elizabeth, since she was always the favorite and his mother would get on his ass if he bothered her too much.
Evan.. not so much, he cried so much about such little things nobody but his mother really listened anymore. And even she had her doubts after his insane comments about a talking bear..
Then there's you. Out of everyone? You're both the one he hates the most, and the one he adores the most.
He used to think you were like him. That you were cursed with the blood of a killer, cursed to make a living Hell out of the lives of everyone around you.
You aren't. And he's somehow so angry and so happy about that.
At one side, you don't have to be subjected to the horrors he is. But on the other..
He doesn't want to be alone.
And no matter how much you tell him you'll always be with him, he knows you're lying. It's all people ever do, lie.
Just like his father, just like you,
Just like him.
He tends to ignore your entire existence.
→ Disappearance
When his mom comes home one day, tears streaming down her face as she breaks down next to him, cradling him close and apologizing again and again,
He's not sure how he should be feeling.
He quickly connects the dots when he hears his mom mumble your name between her sobbing.
He doesn't understand how badly he wants to do nothing but scream.
Yes, that's exactly what he wants to do. Scream and yell and shout and cry and break something.
This family truly was cursed, huh?
He does what he wants, like he's always done and starts screaming. He isn't sure what he's screaming, or at who,
But between him and his mother, Elizabeth, Evan and his father all come in.
He calms down when they do. As much as he hates his siblings, he can't have them seeing him like that.
Especially his father.
He just stares blankly at the wall, making an attempt to process that his family is missing.
He meets his father's gaze,
Acceptance, understanding, content.
When his father returns his glance,
Micheal understands exactly what happened to his sister.
→ Afterwards
Micheal ends up taking all his frustrations out on Evan.
He becomes less of a dumb bully and more outright cruel.
Micheal knows something is up with his father. He seems be working on something. Micheal doesn't want to know what, he only hopes it's for him.
While Micheal knows he's horrible, he does his best to shield Elizabeth and Evan from their parents constant fighting.
It's hard not to. Maybe an older brother instinct? He admits he doesn't go about it the best way,
He thinks he would have done less harm if he did nothing.
When Elizabeth's birthday comes around, the fighting gets worse. Aplenty there is something William did that his mother isn't happy about, and she doesn't want him to go through with it.
Micheal watches Elizabeth give William one of your favorite items, blurry eyes and a teary smile as she tells him you'll now be with him forever.
Micheal hates her,
But he'd be a fool not to recognize the change in Williams heart.
On Elizabeth's birthday, Micheal watched William sneak Elizabeth out somewhere. He assumes this is what his mother was trying to stop him from doing,
He assumes Elizabeth won't be coming home anymore.
So he goes to his room, waiting to hear his mother come home and start screaming angrily at the loss of yet another child.
He does something he never thought he'd do. He gets up and walks to Evan's room, knocking softly.
Evan is hesitant to open the door, teary eyes looking up at Micheal with fear and Micheal can tell that Evan has been having more delusional.
Or nightmares.
Or maybe they're real. Micheal is starting to believe his younger brother more and more as days go by.
He brings the younger boy in for a hug, not letting him break free as he settles them both by the end of the bed.
Eventually Evan gives up, and just starts sobbing on him horribly.
Affected by the fighting that Micheal knows he's failed at hiding from the brunette. Affected by the 'nightmares' and 'delusions' and the death if his sister.
A part of Micheal wants it to be like this. Wants them to be friends, or at least on good terms.
He knows that whatever bond they ever have is far to broken, and that he's unable to change and will be back to the cruel, abusive asshole he usually is by tomorrow.
He let's himself treasure the moment though, and he let's himself treasure the only person he doesn't hate in the world anymore.
He's not surprised when Clara comes home and starts screaming. He's not surprised when William comes home, no Elizabeth behind him. He isn't surprised when William breaks her 'death' to them.
He isn't surprised when his mother decides she wants a divorce. He isn't supposed by Evan's blank look.
He isn't surprised when Clara ends up dead the day after.
He isn't surprised when he goes back to tormenting the only person he loves anymore.
He isn't surprised when he ends up just like William, and murders his own little brother, the only thing he loves anymore.
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→ Elizabeth Afton
→ General
Elizabeth is admitted, the dumbest of her siblings. It's also not an unknown fact either.
But she likes you.
She used to be intimidated by you. So much like their stoic, strange father, but it didn't take her long to realize you were more like their amazing mother.
She loves mom, and since you're so much like mom, she loves you too.
You're different though, she knows that. So much like mom, but so different as well.
You're just as nice and sweet as her though, and Elizabeth realizes at an early point in life what sort of person she enjoys being around, and what sort of person she wants to be.
So she starts working hard to be just like you and mother, always following one of you around and asking to play. Or join in on whatever either of you is doing.
Cooking? Arts and crafts? Dancing?
She wants to join! She wishes to be just like you, after all.
→ Disappearance
She's woken up by her mother's loud crying and what she assumes is Micheal's screaming.
She'll never know though, because when she enters the living room all she sees is her brother staring at her father with blank eyes.
Evan woke up too, —Or maybe he never slept, she's sure he's been having nightmares lately, though she doesn't understand why—
And now they're both standing there, confused. Why is their mother crying? Did something happen?
Elizabeth notices you aren't there, and she's about to go and wake you because you always know how to make people feel better.
She watches her father and Micheal share a glance, and she wonders what she's missed before the thought leaves her mind as her father brings her and Evan into the hallway.
And tells them something happened to you, and they don't know when or if you would be coming back.
Elizabeth takes a moment to process the news before she runs off, hiding away in her bedroom, under her covers, holding her doll close to her as she cries.
→ Afterwards
Elizabeth watches her family fall apart in front of her eyes.
She's hidden from the fighting by Micheal, but even she can tell how her mother and father look at each other in hatred.
No, that's wrong.
Her mother looks at her father in hatred, her father looks at her mother in something more alike amusement.
She gets one of the items she knew you treasured, sobbing as she entered your room. She gives it to her father with blurry eyes and tells him this way you'll always be with him.
She watched the first moment of regret and grief flash in his eyes, and wondered for a moment if it's for you or something else.
She downstairs think if it much when her father hugs her, and she watches Micheal sneak away.
Eventually her birthday comes, and her father brings her to Circus Baby's Pizza world, a new Fazbear establishment her father and uncle created.
She's told the main attraction was made just for her, and that she can sing, dance, make balloons, talk and ice cream.
Her favorite thing in the whole world. It's vanilla, the flavor she, you and her mom used to make for her birthday 'cause it's always been her favorite.
She regrets taking another life from her mother, Micheal and Evan.
She wishes she had been a better sister, a better person, a little bit more like you.
She wishes she didn't go on that stage.
She regrets not listening more than anything, so it's all she does anymore.
She learned it's best to be careful what you wish for, because you might get more.
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→ Evan Afton
→ General
Evan has a rather strained relationship with his family.
His father ignores him, his mother has almost lost hope for him, his brother bullies him..
He gets along well enough with Elizabeth, but Elizabeth loves mom and dad and both of them aren't too fond of him, so she tends to stay away.
She doesn't want to catch whatever he has apparently, doesn't want her family to hate him.
When she said that, Evan didn't know how to react. Did dad hate him? Did mom hate him? Did Micheal hate him? Did Elizabeth hate him?
Then there is you. You tend to play with him, and listen whenever he says the animatronics are talking. You'll ask him what they're saying and then processed to play with him and them.
He doesn't think you actually believe him, but it's nice even if you don't.
You're just like his mom was before she started giving up on him and his fragile mental state.
Even if it's all a facade, he still likes you.
He joins Elizabeth in following you around. Helping with what he can and joining with activities when you let him and bouncing with joy when you ask to play with him.
He wonders if maybe, just maybe, he can be your favorite.
He doubts if, but still tries. He starts competing with Elizabeth on most things. Not Micheal though, Micheal scares him and ignores you, so he doesn't think it's any need to.
He doesn't think he's succeeded, yet.
He'll get there, one day.
He tends to be very dependent on you for most things. He doesn't want you thinking lowly of him.
→ Disappearance
Evan was there shortly after his father arrived at the scene. He's also confused.
He doesn't get much sleep, and when he heard the screaming he originally thought it was another if his 'delusions' but when he heard Micheal it was hard to stay with that though..
He went to your bed to ask you to check it out with him, but you weren't there.
So he tried being brave, like you always were and Micheal always screamed at him to be. And low and behold,
His mother was crying and Micheal was staring blankly at his father.
Shortly after Elizabeth arrives, and that's when their father sees them. He takes them out and tells them the news and,
Evan doesn't know how to react.
So he doesn't. His father tries to pull a reaction out of him, but after shaking to be unsuccessful he just brings him to his room and leaves him there, probably going to check on his mom and Micheal.
Evan doesn't sleep at all that night, but at least his mind shut up for once.
He stares blankly into the moving white dots of his plushie,
Wondering why his father was smiling.
→ Afterwards
Evan is.. empty during daytime. He doesn't feel anything. Nothing towards his brother anymore, or sister, or mother or father.
There is nothing but fear. Which, Micheal seems to have picked up on because his older brother started tormenting him even more.
Evan's nightmares and delusions have gotten worse. Now they involve what he used to find comfort in, the animatronics from Fazbear Entertainment.
God, why did everything he loved hate him?
Evan isn't sure how he feels about Micheal, but he's grateful for the failed attempts at keeping him away from William and Clara's constant arguing.
He thinks it's about you and Elizabeth.
He hears both your names mentioned a lot.
The voices start telling him Elizabeth will be next. There's nothing anyone can do either, she's destined to die and be trapped alone forever.
Evan wonders if his fate will be the same.
He wonders if he was more like either you or Micheal maybe he wouldn't listen and would try to save her instead.
He's pretty sure Micheal would leave him to die.
He watches blankly as his parents tell him his last sister is dead.
Watches blankly as they decide to get a divorce, watches blankly as they argue.
Watches baknkly as he sees his mother hanging from the roof, dull empty eyes staring into the soul he's unsure he has.
What he can't comprehend is when Micheal comes into his room, gently unlike all the other times.
He's confused when Micheal hugs him, settling them on the edge of his bed.
He fight his brother– Of course he does, fighting is all he knows. It's what he's had to do ever since the 'nightmares' and 'delusions' started. Even if it was all in his mind, it still scared him.
Everything was too much. Even if Micheal knew how weird this was– Knew that Micheal would probably be getting worse, he let go.
Started sobbing, even if he was sure his brother would think he was pathetic and push him away, screaming at him that he was a crybaby or crazy. Or both.
He doesn't. He stays silent, an uneasy presence that probably wants to comfort him but only makes Evan feel worse.
It's the only thing that keeps him from seeing if it was truly in his mind and letting the monsters take him, hopefully to somewhere far away from everyone he's ever known.
Yes, that's what he wants. He wants to be far, far away from his father, from his mother, from Elizabeth, from you, from Micheal.
Everyone. Everything.
He wanted to run away.
The only thing that keeps him going is the thought that maybe it was all in his head, and he'd be fine.
Maybe one day he and Micheal would be fine.
He's disappointed when his brother shoves him in the head if a metal bear, and he meets a brash girl named Cassidy.
He doesn't want this. He wanted to be alone, forever. Far from anyone or anything. He doesn't even get that.
He didn't even get to stay with Micheal.
He wishes his entire life was just in his mind and he'll wake up and be dead and alone.
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→ 'Memories'
Micheal lost his memories at one point. He remembers a few things though,
Like his name. But he remembers hating that name, so he now used 'Mike' instead.
He remembers a man, a woman, two girls and a young boy.
And he knows that somewhere out there, those people are waiting for him. So he goes out, and searches. He follows the memories he has to them.
Slowly everything starts making more sense.
He finds her first, the first girl condemned to this fate. He didn't remember her, but her name is familiar.
After that he finds someone familiar, a girl that at her death bed must not have been much younger than his age as the time.
He watches her go and learns that the woman isn't waiting out there, so he crosses them both of his list.
He then meets the girl. The one with blonde hair and bright green eyes.
She's so young, and so sweet.
She tricks him. He guesses it's his fault,
He realizes he's in deeper than he thought.
But there is a part of him that is begging him to not be what the world wants him to be,
So even when his body isn't truly his anymore, he keeps going. Searching for the man he looks so much like,
And for the scared little boy who's his biggest regret, even if he doesn't quite remember that regret.
He knows he's waiting for him.
Waiting for him to remember his name.
Mike will get there at one point, he doesn't understand much anymore, but he's determined to fight whatever he was before. He knows who he wants to be now, and he'll be that person.
So, to the young brown haired boy showered in blood and gold,
"I'll find you."
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This.. escalated. Quite quickly. I have a lot of theories and personal beliefs of the Afton family, and it was easy to work another family member into the mix. I focused a lot on the relationships of Micheal, Elizabeth and Evan though.. This is definitely not what you wanted, I'm sorry. I just got really inspired, I hope you don't hate it— Low–key depressed about this though.
I think maybe William regretted planning to kill Elizabeth to some degree. It's not as easy as it was with Charlie for him, it's his daughter. So he tells her not to do it, but she wished to see Baby. Elizabeth learns quickly she might get more than what she wished for.
I also believe that Evan was always paranoid. May be a mental disorder, I'm unsure. But he's certainly scared of just about everything, so he wants to be alone.
Micheal.. Memory loss is not an unusual trauma response, so I think that's what happened to him. He has a few memories and is trying to figure everything out. So he looks for the souls of his family. He struggles with Evan because Evan has given up and gave all control to Cassidy.
The comment about listening being all Baby/Elizabeth ever does anymore is a reference to how she follows Ennards orders to kill the player in Sister Location. I felt like it fit to add it there.
I just.. I have a lot to say about this.
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Headcanon that everyone within the family may think of Dick as the one most in their father’s favor, but Dick is keenly aware that the general public thinks of him as their father’s ‘Consolation Prize.’
After all, when from their perspective he’s the one Bruce raised since he was eight as his ward, with that dissolving when he was eighteen and very little perceived contact between the two of them for years after that, while Jason was adopted soon after being taken in and Dick was then later adopted years after Jason’s death, without any public fanfare.....
What does that look like other than Bruce ‘settling’ for the son who didn’t appear to be his first choice, just chronologically first, once he lost Jason but still needed/wanted an heir, as he was getting older and the general public still didn’t know yet how closely tied Tim was to the family or that it wouldn’t be long after this that Bruce adopted him too?
Now granted, you can definitely perceive the above as overly angsty and not the only way this situation was likely to be perceived outside the family, but my point is more that like.....nobody ever presumes that the general public are overly kind or generous in their views or assumptions about the Wayne family behavior. I just don’t buy that people assumed there was some optimistic explanation for the way things appeared here, or that people just went “oh its probably because the kid who grew up in that house the longest just doesn’t WANT to be adopted by the billionaire and have all the security that brings, and that’s also clearly why he lives in Bludhaven of all places and a shitty apartment building at that.”
I mean, no matter what WE the readers may know of Dick’s personal priorities and how little he cares about where he lives or that Bruce would have willingly paid for him to have a better place to live if he really wanted it, is that what people are most likely to assume, based on appearances?
Anyway, I’m just saying, I bet it bugs the crap out of Dick to hear his siblings casually refer to him as so obviously enjoying favored son status and being the clear apple of Bruce’s eye, as he’s like, cue internal monologue: gee, sure wish I was as confident of that back during the years he seemed to want nothing to do with me.
Like I’ve said before, I think Dick isn’t actually super insecure and his insecurities such as they are mostly revolve around how his family and friends perceive him, not the general public.....BUT I do think that with as high profile as the Waynes are, there’s no way that nobody picked up on how little contact Dick and Bruce had in the continuities where they literally went over a year without even speaking to each other....and like, felt free to draw their own conclusions.
 And I do think this is also part of why I default to thinking a lot of canon takes and headcanons tend to gloss over how shitty Gotham public could be in their views/treatment of Dick. Like just because Dick was basically trained from birth to be able to work a room and entertain people while in their direct presence, that didn’t actually make him ‘one of them’ in their eyes, and I reeeeeeaally don’t think you can actually underestimate the pettiness and jealousy one percenters feel when they see someone they inherently view as lesser than them - as they would’ve viewed both Dick and Jason due to their lower class births - like....’leap frogging’ over them into greater wealth via being taken in by Bruce. 
Like, idk, maybe it just comes from having been a scholarship kid who went to a richy rich private high school attended mostly by the children of senators and hotel-chain owners, lol, but like.......I can not for a second picture Gotham’s upper class actually LIKING Dick or being as charmed by him as they frequently are depicted as, just because Dick knows how to be charming and likable. Like they might play it that way when in public at a gala, for appearances or whatever....but the second he turned around they’d be badmouthing him at juuuuust a high enough volume to ensure he’d be able to HEAR them but not be able to call them on it without it looking like he went back and provoked a scene over something ‘nobody else around them heard them say’ or whatever. Just to make sure that no matter how well he came across in public social settings, he never ‘forgot his place’ or whatever or forgot that they were all too aware of it too.
And also also, it always kinda bemuses me that as much focus as the Court of Owls and Talons get in Dick’s narratives in canon and fic, that we’ve barely ever seen any examination of what the Court retroactively means for Dick’s years growing up around upper class Gothamites who likely included more than a few Court members.....like, we KNOW years later that like, all along there were these people who even without knowing who Batman and Robin were, like, knew Dick Grayson was their ‘Gray Son’ and intended to claim him as their weapon someday, and you can’t tell me that wouldn’t have factored into how they viewed and interacted with a child and teenage Dick Grayson as they attended many of the same social gatherings and functions. OR that Dick himself in the aftermath of the Court of Owls reveal, didn’t look back at his OWN childhood and reflect on how many creepy or uncomfortable encounters he had with various socialites that left him feeling decidedly skeeved out and not a fan of how they were looking at him or things they might have said to him, thinking themselves oh so clever for alluding to things he had no idea about......like, I imagine there had to be more than a few encounters from his younger years that always stuck with him, and after the Court of Owls revelation like....looked TOTALLY different to him, especially if he happened to know for sure that some of those very people were in fact Court members. BUT I DIGRESS.
All in all though it all circles back to the same thought for me.....people might have been polite to Dick’s face when he was growing up, but they most likely had plenty of shit to say the second his back was turned, and I doubt they were afraid to be overheard by him. Especially in his later years, once people noticed how distant he and Bruce seemed to be, and thus perceived that as meaning that nineteen year old Dick Grayson wasn’t as ‘protected’ by Bruce the way he was when he was younger.....meaning the people who were most jealous of Dick’s ‘catapulting’ up the social ladder and eager to knock him down a peg because of that, like....probably would have looked at the relative lack of contact between he and Bruce as far as anyone could publicly tell, and felt emboldened enough by that to up their snide whisper game with shit like gossipping about how oh, the Grayson boy may be back in Gotham again, but we all know he’s just poor Brucie’s consolation prize anyway, why, if he really cared all that much about the boy, he’d hardly have ever let him run off to Bludhaven of all places, without even making sure to staple the advantages and opportunities granted by the Wayne name to him the way he made sure to right off the bat with the younger one.....
So yeah. There’s my angsty musings on how Dick likely is perceived by Gotham public at large, and how his interactions with them - especially when NOT around Bruce and Jason and the rest of his family....probably very much does not match up with what they assume public perception of Dick is, given that in their eyes ‘everybody loves Dick Grayson,’ but in Dick’s experience ‘everybody may be charmed by Dick Grayson while he’s doing his best to be charming,’ but don’t mistake that for acceptance. Not when Gotham’s public are just as likely to dismiss him as the second choice Wayne heir and consolation prize to make themselves feel more important/elevated than him the second their own insecurities have them feeling intimidated by the wealth, power and prestige Dick does actually share in by virtue of being part of Bruce’s family.
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strangerfigs · 2 years
Hmmm that’s very interesting. Ig I’m not really all that aware of what older adults were saying at the time, but I suppose that makes sense. Also, where are you getting the stat the general audience is intended to be 18-24ish? Genuinely curious. I agree ST isn’t necessarily for “children”; I think it’s for all ages and also for people who were nostalgic for their 80s childhoods. But a lot of people DID grow up with it, since it’s a coming-of-age show. I think it’s similar to HP in that way: I’m sure some people were probably uncomfy with those characters making out too, whereas others were like, and what about it? I also feel like most people who really interact with fandoms on like YouTube/TikTok/Tumblr/IG making edits and stuff tend to be younger, so maybe that is skewing my perception of what the collective ST fandom thinks. There was a big boon of Fillie content immediately following season 3 and also during the pandemic on TikTok when more kids got into the show. Also, diehard mlvns still cling to those s3 scenes. But people will obviously perceive things differently depending on their age bracket. So ig your theory depends on whether the Duffers were just being “realistic,” or whether they were trying to convey a deeper message
I had heard it somewhere but i misremembered (I just looked it up again) and it is 18-29, but some random sites did surveys so, who knows the accuracy but multiple sources state that! I honestly wasn’t like as disturbed as a lot of people were like I know some of the older audience was MAD about it, but I was just like… oh, man. This is uncomfortable.
And yeah! I’m not sure, ig. I kind of feel it’s interesting too because it was Millie’s idea for Mike and El to kiss at Snowball, so it’s like, where did that even come from? Lol.
But yeah, it’s just a fun theory. I am not sure if they’d think that far ahead about it, tbh. I do think it’s interesting though how we don’t really get a ton of make out scenes from other established couples… except stancy, which yk.
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tangledbea · 3 years
I completely agree with you on being glad that the ending has Cass leave. I don’t like Cass. Like on paper she’s cool but in action? Annoying horrendous why are you treating someone who just left a life situation like Raps the way she did even before Cass turned officially on everyone? She’s also older than Raps yet acts so immature and it’s ironic. And honestly when she got hurt it was an accident that wasn’t one persons fault I don’t think Raps could stop herself and warned Cass to back off but Cass was stubborn like always. I objectively understand those who project on Cass but I can’t see how they can pretend she didn’t cause some of her own problems. Also she antagonized Eugene at first and then it was mutual and yet some fans will see her as a sole victim. I feel like maybe if the show had been acted out I could be more empathetic but the way the show is I just don’t find myself caring as much about her. She had a better upbringing out of the main group but she’s still bitter. She’s too grown to be putting her problems on others. The show has its issues with pacing and consistency but if they wanted me to root for Cass it didn’t work.
While I agree with almost everything you said, I'd like to point out a few things:
1) In S1, when we meet her, she's 23. Yes, that's an adult, but it's also just four years out of being a teenager. From my POV, as someone who was 36 (going on 37) when TBEA came out, she's still in that "punk-ass young person" age. She's the same age in S1 is that Eugene is in the movie. Most people I know in their early 20s (myself included, when I was that age) don't feel particularly grown up, even when their lives are pretty together. I give most of the cast a giant pass on that, because most of them are in their 20s or younger.
2) We see Cassandra antagonize Eugene before we see him antagonize her, but we don't know how it started. It is never stated in canon that she started it. That's definitely the way I, personally, expect it went, but I am in no way claiming that my perception is actually canon in this case. Eugene in the movie kind of walked around being antagonistic towards people, after all. It's not like he lost that flair for being passive-aggressively insulting, even in the series.
But yeah, Cassandra is definitely not the kind of character I tend to get attached to or care much about.
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mind-balm · 3 years
What is a highly sensitive person (HSP)
One of my earliest memories is of me as a child of about 5 my mum had just lifted me out of the bathtub and wrapped a fluffy towel around me. It was still light outside and the sun was setting, I was staring out of the window at the orangey and distorted view. I felt warm and safe. All of a sudden I experienced a feeling of dread that washed over me slowly and gradually, it started in my chest and shoulders and spread throughout my body. This melancholy was indescribable for a 5 year old but it felt as real as the cold bathtub I was leaning on. I often recall this strange memory not understanding why I was so given to melancholy at the oddest of moments. Nothing significant had changed in my immediate environment, but I was most likely absorbing someone's energy. I have no idea where it came from (maybe it was my mum) but it was there. I don’t usually tell anyone when I get these strange energy shifts I have become accustomed to their existence, but I now know that I am highly sensitive person I can absorb emotion and I have always been  this way.
About 20% of the population is a highly sensitive person (HSP), it occurs equally between men and women, 70% of those are also introverts. You may notice some people who are bit more jumpy and seem to notice the things that seem irrelevant to most - they are probably a HSP. They tend to avoid overwhelming situations because they become over aroused which can be very draining for them. They can be labelled as shy but this is often an inaccurate and a simplified observation. They are mistakenly judged as lacking confidence but in reality the over arousing situation of social interaction causes them to go into their shell.
Evolution enabled the HSP nervous system to process details that most people miss. In this modern day this trait can be overwhelming because there is an overload of stimuli cars, traffic, technology etc. They have an enhanced perception and self-awareness.  They feel positive and negative emotions very deeply. HSP's are sensitive to strong smells or bright lights and loud noises . They get overstimulated exhausted and flustered.
They prefer smaller groups and meaningful interactions. Sometimes small talk can get boring for HSP’s and  they tend to feel disappointed with superficial connections, they tend to connect better when others show vulnerabilities or emotion. HSP's change careers more often and can get burnt out quite quickly. They can appreciate the subtleties of life, loving nature and animals, are empathetic, creative and imaginative. They feel the pain of others and want to help lessen that pain, I like to help people who are struggling especially emotionally , that’s why I became a life coach.
HSP's are curious, creative, conscientious, compassionate, intuitive, and have a great imagination, their inner world is a rich tapestry of thoughts, feelings and opinions, but not everyone is lucky enough to become privy to them. They have been burnt by social interaction many times, mostly in childhood by being a bit different or struggling to fit in, so they are cautious around new people and they prefer to have smaller circles of friends. I sometimes get called stuck up because I have built a little wall around me, its an incorrect evaluation because I don’t think I am better than anyone else and mostly quite the opposite. I tend to gravitate towards people who seem open, authentic and down to earth and interestingly I get on well with extroverts because I  feel their energy compliments mine.
Most people don’t know that they are a HSP  as its not very well known in the mainstream consciousness. Through a process of coaching, self discovery and self awareness I discovered that I am a highly sensitive person at the age of 39 so not very long ago. It was a lightbulb moment for me and very cathartic,  the pieces of my jigsaw suddenly started to fit together a bit better. I wish I had known this when I was younger because it would have helped me to understand why had so many fears and anxieties. I saw it as my weakness and tried to muddle through so as not to disappoint others. I would often be told not to be "so sensitive" which was always  bewildering to me as if I could just switch off my feelings just because I had been told to do so, believe me I wish I could! But I do understand that it could be annoying for the people in my life when I would freeze up and decide I just couldn't do something or I would not do it. I would feel so anxious that it was visible on my face which makes other people feel uncomfortable.
As I grew older I learned to hide my real feelings and I have been surprised when I’m told I seem confident. I learned to speak a little louder, speak my mind, smile and join in even if I’m trembling inside! It’s called survival and I didn’t want to be left behind. Most HSP's become experts at fitting in and you probably wont even notice it, but I would bet that at least one of your friends or relatives is one, and perhaps even you are one. But now I know to be kinder to myself and embrace all the positive aspects of who I am.
Beware of labels though being a HSP doesn’t mean one is really insular and boring. I like having fun, music and dancing, I even like parties and music festivals. But my enthusiasm can sour very quickly if I just don't like the vibe, I cant always explain why but I just get a sinking feeling that something is not right and then I want to exit! It also doesn’t mean they are weak, they have a great many strengths.
Nowadays I give myself permission to say no when I need to, this is important to me, regaining control as an adult has been my energy preserving saviour. Self awareness has kind of set me free and I remind myself not to apologise for who I am, after all those that matter don’t mind and those that mind don’t matter.
Nisha is a Personal Development Coach
Contact  - [email protected]
Instagram - @nishasareen
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spasmsofthought · 4 years
rough waters (zuko x water tribe! reader)
Inspiration hit at like 3 am early this morning, but I didn’t get around to writing most of this until this evening. Technically, this can be categorized as a Part II to rituals. If you want more context to this pairing, read it first! 
If there’s anything off about how I wrote this situation, please message me your feedback so I can fix it! I want to be sensitive. 
I don’t know what it’s like to be a minority, or be a part of a group of people that has suffered destructive and violent oppression, since I’m white and American and have only lived in the US. I don’t know what it’s like to be a victim of prejudice, racism, misrepresentation or hurtful stereotyping because of the color of my skin or my background, or race. I took what my friends of color have spoken to me about when they have decided to open up to me and tried to honor their experiences and emotions and spaces in these words. I’m committed to be a safe space for them as I continue to educate myself in order to support them and fight for justice for them. 
If in any way shape or form, you do not feel that my writing reflected that, please let me know! I want to write an accurate representation in the small writings I present here in this blog. 
With all that said, I hope you all enjoy this piece! 
Like, comment, reblog! xo 
Next: Raw
While the Fire Nation palace was beautiful and ornate and architecturally captivating, staying cooped up inside had never been a virtue of yours. Especially considering your home growing up had been among the raging ocean and freezing snow. 
So, when you found yourself with a break in-between hefty meetings with lecture after lecture on what your life was going to look like as the future Fire Lade, you figured going out to explore the market was a good idea. 
Despite traveling back and forth from the Water Tribe to the Fire Nation before your engagement to Zuko, there had been little opportunity to spend much of your time among the common Fire Nation people. Your scarce time with Zuko, what with his duties and responsibilities, was spent in the safety of the Fire Nation palace feeding ducks or taking walks or exploring the library. 
It was obvious that to gain his people’s respect and trust as their new leader, and a leader that had recently ended the very supported and celebrated war his grandfather had started a hundred years ago, Zuko actually had to do his job. He was left time for little else. 
With the position of being securely part of his future, and the future of the country, freedom was granted to you on more occasions. Advisors had also pointed that it would be better for you to be spotted out and about every once and a while in order for people to see you and get the chance to interact with you. How could the people ever honor and respect you as their Fire Lady, especially one from another nation, if you remained so aloof and distant that they had to guess at almost every aspect of who you were? 
Thus, an adventure to the market was in order. 
A stall of fresh-looking fruit was the first to catch you eye after about half an hour of walking through the different sections of the city. You were walking down a branched path away from a main road, further away from the Palace than you had ever been before, when you saw it. 
When officials had offered you to participate in tours of the country before, they tended to stick to the places of nobility and wealth. This area looked less cleaned up and more familiar to you, a bit more like your previous home in the Water Tribe. Gone were stoned walkways and polished-up homes; you know walked cobbled streets and homes that seemed to be built with less care towards aesthetics and with more mind placed on structure and space equity. 
It wasn’t quiet like the upper villages that housed nobles and high-ranking government officials; it was beautifully less sterile. You keep your pace even, but it falters a bit as you see people from their doorways and windows watch you as you pass by. There are no smiles or friendly greetings. You try not to take it personally. You had been told from the beginning that here people choose to be reserved and stoic. Ahead of you, parents usher their children through their doorways and into their homes. 
They’re just shy and wary, Your head whispers to you. You’ve never been in this part of town before. 
You hear a soft echo of children’s laughter as the breeze ruffles your face, and you smile a bit as you stop in front of the fruit stall you eyed a few moments ago. You turn your eyes to examine the fruit that is laid out in categorized groupings. Apples, oranges, a few tomatoes, and fruit only specific to Fire Nation agriculture. 
You pick up a red apple to get a better look at it and don’t even notice the old lady sweeping the ground, positioned more in the shadows, until she speaks to you. 
“Those are expensive. And we don’t barter with foreign money.” 
Her voice sounds frail, but one look at her betrays what her voice implies. Her skin is weathered, and her eyes worn by time and emotions that aren’t able to be clearly deciphered. For a moment, you figure that the war had to have had an effect on everyone, even those who dwelt in the nation that benefited from it the most.  
“I’m sorry?” You ask, trying to get a sense of what she’s trying to get at. 
You’re wearing Fire Nation robes, rich in color but otherwise not gaudy, and to the latest style of what’s currently acceptable for ladies in the Capitol. There’s nothing off about how you’re dressed or presenting yourself. You even made sure to put your hair up properly, without your beads just this once. 
A show of solidarity, one Fire Sage said to you when they were leaving from the palace a few weeks ago and you had asked for some advice in how to move forward. 
“What’s there to not understand about what I said?” The old lady snaps at you, muscles recoiled with tension. “We don’t trade with foreign money.” 
The words are like acid to your stomach as the old lady looks directly in the eye. Her eyes drift down, and you inwardly curse; you forgot that you had on the betrothal necklace Zuko had given you just recently. Blue was not common in jewelry or as a color to wear in the Fire Nation, as you have come to know well.
The lady mumbles under her breath and begins sweeping the stall floor again, like she hasn’t even spoken, and you set the apple back down to its proper place among the others. She’s not even ashamed of her tone or at her lack of manners. It’s like she doesn’t even recognize who you are. 
It hits you: Maybe she doesn’t want to. 
There’s no point in explaining that you only carry Fire Nation money with you now; that all your Water Tribe coins are saved in a box that sits on your nightstand because you don’t know if you’ll ever use them again. You don’t know quite what to do with yourself. 
You’ve known that this country has suffered under at least a hundred years of nationalistic propaganda warding people away from associating with any other nation and promoting Fire Nation exceptionalism. You’d known there would be challenges to marrying the Fire Lord as someone from the Water Tribe, but maybe not that you’d have to struggle with changing an entire nation’s perception of your people and culture. That you’d have to prove to everyone here that you are just as equal as them. 
It’s obvious that the old lady is not going to speak to you again and wants nothing more to do with you. No one else is around for conversation or distraction either, so the choice to head back the way you came is an easy one. 
You’re turning away from the stand when you hear the old lady say something under her breath. At first, it doesn’t register as you walk away, but the further away you walk, the clearer the word becomes. 
It sends shivers up your spine and almost leaves you heaving in the middle of the street, but you refuse to cower to a word. Even if it is a word laced with a century, or more, of malice and hatred and prejudice. Your walk back to the Fire Nation palace is both long and short at the same time. 
It is hours later when Zuko finds you at the edge of a pond, watching the turtle ducks swimming around in it and fishing for food. It is secluded and quiet, and he has a few spare minutes he can spend with you without worrying about his duties as Fire Lord. 
You don’t startle when he sits down next to you on the grass, but you are surprised he found a few minutes of escape from the constant responsibility and pressure that surrounds him. Usually it’s not until at least dinner time that he’s free.  
He moves one of his hands towards both of yours, signaling that he wants to split the loaf of bread you’re feeding to the turtle ducks with him. For a moment it feels almost satisfying to rip something in half. You hand him one chunk while you cradle the other. There are a few minutes of silence as it seems Zuko decompresses and you try to retrain your rage and hurt and sadness from your interaction with the old lady. 
Your mother always told you that keeping a calm face when everything is the opposite inside of you is like the ocean trying to be a wave when it’s actually a tsunami. You block the memory out and just try to enjoy the stillness and peace with Zuko. It’s not like he gets much time for either. 
“When I was younger, I threw a whole loaf of bread at a baby turtle duck and the mother bit me.” 
The thought feels a bit incomplete, like it’s bittersweet, but you don’t press him today. It’s better for him to talk halfway about memories than not talk about them at all with you. 
You chuff out a laugh but otherwise remain silent. You rip off a small piece of bread and softly throw it into the water. Soon the turtle ducks are swarming around each other for more, but you pace out the chunks enough for there to be some bread left a minute later. 
Zuko is tossing out a few chunks of his own as you begin to speak. 
“Some old lady called me a savage in the market today.” 
Again, silence greets you. But this time, it’s not about governmental officials rejecting your culture while designing the wedding ceremony. This time it’s about the fact that the person he is going to marry soon is being prejudiced against by the people he rules; the people you will also have a part in ruling in a small amount of time. 
“She didn’t exactly say it to my face,” You say angrily as you toss the big chunk into the pond, scattering the turtle ducks, and standing up. The fury can no longer be ignored. “But it wasn’t even what she said, Zuko.” 
Your growl at the same time as the tears well up and make their way down your cheeks. You’re tired of crying, but it’s one of the only ways your emotions are expressed. Zuko stays in his seated position as he watches you. Tenderness clouds his expression, but he’s also being observant.
As much as the Fire Nation teaches their people rigidity, your community, especially your parents, taught you that to deny yourself expression is to deny yourself freedom. Emotional expression is where your relationship struggles the most sometimes, due to the polar opposite cultural values and teachings. Silence in his, complete and full expression in yours. Sometimes it’s hard to find a balance. Moon and sun, right?
It’s in situations like these where Zuko really takes time to consider what he says. 
“It’s what everyone doesn’t say,” You say, swiping at your eyes, trying to make the cursed water on your face disappear. Anger feels better right now than grief. “It’s the looks and the silence about it all from those here who say they care. Like complicity is the same as advocating. Why should I suffer for the one-sided education people experienced at the hands of those who wished to destroy the world in the name of nationalism and supremacy? It’s not fair and it’s wrong and I shouldn’t have to be stereotyped because of the things other people said!” 
You huff as you throw your hands at the sky. There’s also a bit of a yell that comes out, and you’re thankful it’s only you and Zuko in this secluded part of the palace. You sigh as you make you way back down to sit next to Zuko. He glances at his hands before staring out at the water. 
“I wish I could say things will be different, but they probably won’t be for a long time,” His time as the Fire Lord has given him wisdom he wouldn’t have otherwise. Although discomfort stews in your stomach, you know he’s right. He’s suffered from this too, in different ways.
“I know,” You say back at him, laying a hand on his clothed forearm. A hundred years of war has left the Fire Nation’s own people divided and prejudiced, never mind the rest of the world. You had gone through your own journey of dismantling your own prejudice about the Fire Nation when Zuko joined you, Sokka, Katara, Toph, and Aang in order to defeat his father. 
“There is a long road of healing ahead of us, of me. I meant it when I said it the day of my coronation, and I still mean it now,” Your hand makes its way down to his, clasping it in a show of support. Zuko always means what he says. “There are changes I’m making, and while some of them are already being implemented, it’s going to take time for some of the others.” 
“I know,” You whisper again, leaning your head on Zuko’s shoulder as you both stare out at the water. It doesn’t feel like peace that settles in your stomach; it feels more temporary and elusive, perhaps because it’s a foreign feeling to you. 
It may not seem be solid, but you cling onto it for dear life. One of each of your hands is clasped together as you breath out slowly; the rage has settled now, but the pain seeps deep into your being. You know it’s going to be a while before it fades away into healing. 
“Someday things will be different.” Zuko’s tone is soft as he rests his head against your own. 
And you realize what is stirring in you: hope. Fragile and small, but still sitting there in your belly when all else seems bleak. It looks as if undoing it all will take more work than what it took to do all of it in the first place. 
But as you and Zuko sit together and stare out at the calm little pond, a little oasis of tranquility, you can’t help but think, hope, that maybe, someday, even if it’s far into the future, things will be different. 
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kth1 · 4 years
why do you like taegi the most?
i’ve had this ask sitting in my inbox for a hot minute because i wanted to be able to respond when i had the time to lay out a novel. maybe... i don’t know how long this will be but here we go bubs. thank you for asking in advance! 
for starters... kim taehyung. 
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my ultimate. the man that choses me no matter what i did. i admire him, aspire to be more like him, and adore him to all extremes. from his younger years and to present years, this guy really sticks out with personality for me. (yes he’s attractive but like, it’s really the personality that makes me coo).  i could actually feel a vibe/energy toward taehyung in which in some sort of mystical au where i could meet him, i feel like i’d connect with him very well (you can disagree, idc). this is just my perception. yes, he’s a lump of an enigma and that’s exactly what i like about him. you never fully know what you’re getting with tae besides the fact that you know you don’t know what you’re going to get! the element of him being spontaneous and can reach all ends of the spectrum from animation really appeals to me. deep down, i feel like he is a very sensitive soul, things bother him quiet often but he masks. and with that mask he makes a great conversationalist because i believe he knows how to be appropriate with pushing back biased thoughts to be able to hear out others - however i feel like he runs into people who don’t understand or are willing to hear him out in return. sure he has trouble expressing things from time to time, but i think it’s because of the emotions and thoughts that course through him are nondefinitive. you have to know and learn tae to get and understand tae. (not disregarding any of the others when i speak this, btw) he is honestly, truly amazing in my eyes and that’s probably one of the main reasons why i feel toward him the most. he can be soft, cuddly, and kind. he as an earth sign supports the stereotypes of down to earth, wise, and also ambitious. also, tae can pull out some ruthless, playful, tactics out of left field because that’s just how he is - and we love all sides of him (or what he wants to show us). his constant creativeness is enjoyable, how many times does tae want to go against the standard? nearly all the time! and he pulls it off! because i feel like tae doesn’t fully care to be the same, he wants to be himself. and that’s so utterly sexy of him you have no idea. (again, you can disagree with me) but sometimes i personally feel like i can be very similar to tae in many ways, with thoughts, feelings, and creative drives. i feel we both attempt to put on our fronts, try to remain humble and respectful. understand we are just humans and we are the same. and also can be quick to call out the suspicious acts so bluntly because our bullshit meter is always running. not to mention, both he and i enjoying being dramatically extra for no apparent reason sometimes. this is how i conclude the fermented idea in my mind that maybe, just maybe, i would make a great friend with tae if i ever had a chance. 
mr. min yoongi.
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this many radiates comfort and i feel like he’s super trustworthy. yoongi is the type of person i feel like i could spill all my beans in front of, not matter how heated, sad, or excited i may be, and he’d openly accept it all. his level of patience is something i strive to have. the way he’s so witty and sharp tongued, smart, and ready to stir the pot from time to time to challenge against you is something i find remarkable and again - enjoyable. in the nicest of ways, yoongi can easily tell you how it is... and if you push the wrong buttons he can probably easily tell you how it be with more tone and harsher words. however, yoongi is straight-forward majority of the time, something i am like as well. he is a pisces with virgo moon so i feel real bad with the inner battles his brain probably constantly undergoes, all those hidden thoughts he doesn’t want to reveal to most. i feel that yoongi has such a massive intuition, a general 6th sense about him. in many occasions, i also see myself with similar personality as yoongi. those ‘tsundere’ vibes, introverted, keeps to ourselves, and randomly once we’re comfortable we ‘act out’ and surprise everyone, but they think it’s funny/cute, etc. yoongi (here i go with my delulu au’s where maggie is y/n) would be the type of person i look up to and always want to talk to - to tell him about what’s bothering me. even if i feel like im boring or annoying, i feel like i’d be able to open up to him fast because i just have that confidence and belief to him. in most cases, he acts in a calmly manner. whereas, once i loose my cool i come out very heated an aggressive because i cannot hold back as much as he can - another thing i wish i was more like. the natural, effortless and relaxed aspect of yoongi, is also very very attractive (all yoongi bias’ are going to agree to this one) but there is no lie when i speak this. he doesn’t showboat, he doesn’t parade around saying he’s the best and have a large ass ego. he is just yoongi who is doin’ himself. we like this shit. you do you booboo! 
taegi as a whole:
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yes, completely super in love with the friendship of taegi. yes, mainly because these two take all my food from my table and bid me goodnight. however, i love all the friendships between members!!! but because im a taegi fanatic because of the likeness i have to bother individuals, i will comment on their bond bc i love it. golly, where do i start? hm, for beginners... let’s just remember how taegi would typically have the most conflicting ideas, resulting in the most funny scenarios whenever they sometimes were paired up in games or something. (like holding hands because they disagree??? cute) how yoongi - to this day - tends to have a hard time changing tae’s mind / saying no to tae because tae is a wee bit stubborn and want to do / try things out. when tae always wants to be yoongi’s hype man, enjoy yoongi’s rap, verses, highest key is trying to take over all of yoongi’s parts in each rapping song because skrrt skrrt! together, taegi is very touching to me. tae admires and looks up to yoongi in so many ways, and yoongi shows such a concern in undertones towards tae is endearing. like, you can’t tell me this friendship ain’t cute. i would politely throat chop you and call you a fool. yes i’m hella biased, i know this, however i don’t care what you say against me because it is what i like to see and crave a bond like these two beans! taegi; two fun-filled people who are honest, deep, and most importantly... they are true. (not saying anyone is ‘fake’, please shake that thought from your head!!!) im saying like, true in the sense of real people. an archaic expression of being true to oneself, yourself, others, etc. they are true to most of everything (in my mind). both of these two are very commendable and you can learn a lot through them! 
this concludes my maggie rants for now. please come by another time after i recharge! i know i haven’t touched every single thing about each category, i know i have more to say but just don’t know how to say it or can’t bring all the thoughts to the table for now. thank you to the anon who prompted this question. and also thanks to whoever ends up reading this response! again, i love all the members in their own special ways! i don’t intend to disregard others but this ask caters to my personal loves. <3
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