#and my feet are both bruised tf up
countcvnt · 7 months
Chapter Four: Stamina
[Poly!TF 141 x Fem!Reader]
[Ch. Three] [Ch. Five]
Summary: After a couple days of rest, you realize just how much stamina you have. You train with boys to get some energy out. Warnings: Descriptions of broken bones, mentions of blood, slight suggestive language Word Count: 3.3k A/N: This chapter isn't as sad. Next chapter will have light smut! I got the idea of the chapter link thing from @going-to-ikea-for-the-fries so thanks Ikea!! Hope it's alright tag you just for that lmao. Also I just learned how to do the side by side gifs yay!!
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It’s been a couple days since your nap… Since your realization. Simon has only been more distant. You’re sitting in the training area, alone, when Soap and Gaz walk in.
"We got ye this!” Soap extends his hand. “It’s a radio!” You look up at him with confusion. “I ken it isnae a phone…”
“Hey,” You grab it, “it’s better than nothing. Now I can bother all of you all the time!”
“Actin’ more and more like yerself!” Soap hits you on the back. It catches you off guard how hard he hit you. You are fine, you aren’t going to bruise, but you can’t help but wonder if he’d always nudged or hit you so hard. “How come yer here by yerself?”
You shrug. “Simon was supposed to meet me here. Do some training. Guess he skipped out on me.”
Soap lights up. “I can help ye!” He seems excited.
“We both can, actually.” Gaz interjects.
You nod, lighting up. “Okay! I’d like that. I’ll be sure to go easy on the both of you.” You smile at them as you stand up. You already stretched earlier, ten minutes before Simon was supposed to come in. So, instead of doing that, you walk to the middle of the room and stand there, eagerly awaiting Soap and Gaz.
“Now,” Soap puts a hand up, “don’ think ye have to go easy on us.”
Gaz makes a face, “You haven’t seen her strength yet, have you?”
You laugh. “I’ll hold back a little bit…” You reassure him. “But, I don’t want either of you to hold back. I promise, I can take it. Trust me.”
You take a fighting stance, ready for them to come at you. Gaz and Soap look at each other. Gaz gives a gentle nod to Soap, one you assume you were not supposed to catch, and Soap takes off towards you. You plant your feet and prepare yourself for Soap hitting you. His rough hands grab you, and the both of you grapple for a moment. Your arms get free and instinctively wrap around Soap’s ribcage, and get behind him at a speed he was unsure was possible.
You easily bring him up and over you, suplexing him into the mat below you. You stand up straight and look down at Soap. He groans, the air has been knocked out of him. You smile at him and he motions for Gaz to move.
“Yer suppose’ to ger ‘er now.”
Gaz looks at you funny. “I don’t think I want to be thrown like that.”
“It’s kinda hot, actually,” Soap smiles at you once he seems to be breathing properly again. Your face heats up. You look at Soap with wide eyes. He sits up and rubs the back of his neck. “What did they give ye?”
You, still hung up on the ‘hot’ thing, shrug. “I dunno.” Your mind is racing. You need to do something other than rest or eat. You want to throw Soap around some more, but you can’t stop thinking about his comment.
“Look,” Gaz motions towards you, looking at Soap. “She’s in shock. Ya told her that was hot, and now she’s in shock.”
“Same old bonnie,” Soap stands up and smiles at you.
“Uh, that was very cathartic…” You shift your weight, “can we continue this… 'training’?”
“Cathartic? Throwing him around eased your mind?” Gaz looks at you with wide eyes.
You nod at him. “Yeah, I think it’d also be fun if you both ran at me!” You smile wide.
“Yer outnumbered,” Soap places a hand on your shoulder, “that isn’ fair.”
You cross your arms. “Johnny,” You narrow your eyes at him. “They wanted to test my reflexes before you got me out of there. They improved a lot more than my strength, I just wanna test something out…”
The both of them look at each other. “If ya say so.” Gaz responds.
You excitedly nod back and get in your fighting stance once more. “Remember,” You point at them, “do not go easy on me! Please.” You smile at them. You want to know what you’re capable of.
Gaz and Soap don’t say a word. Instead, Gaz runs at you. It's your turn to grapple with him. While you’re fighting with Gaz, you can feel Soap running at you. You tense and throw Gaz to the floor and immediately direct your attention onto Soap. His arms wrap around your waist and you're sent sailing over him. He effortlessly suplexes you into the mat and you groan.
Soap and Gaz are both standing over you, looking down at you and smiling. “Was that payback?” You ask, catching your breath.
“We’re even now.” Soap puts his hand out towards you.
You don’t hesitate to grab it. Soap easily pulls you up and Gaz steadies you as you stand. As you’re thanking them, the doors of the training room opens. The three of you turn towards the door and you perk up.
“You’re finally here!” Your eyes hit Simon’s.
“What do you mean? ‘Finally’?” He looks at the clock on the wall. “I said 12:30… it’s now 12:29.”
“Oh, I thought you said 1200…” You feel embarrassed now.
“You’ve been here since then, waiting?”
“She’s been throwin’ us around.” Gaz rubs the back of his neck.
Simon approaches you and looks down at you, “Good, you’ve been warming up.”
Your stomach flips at how he says that. His tone… He has not come to just mess around, you already know that much. He walks past you and towards the end of the mat. Soap, Gaz, and you stare at him. He motions for Soap and Gaz to move, and they do. You blink at him. You quickly take your ass to the other end of the mat and wait for Simon’s next move.
Simon does not say a word. Instead, he rushes you. He easily grabs you, turns you around, and is holding you close to him, his arms keeping you from moving. You let you an awkward laugh, “What the fuck?” Simon doesn’t say a word. Instead he shoves you forward. You do not miss a step. You turn back to him and rush towards him.
“Suplex him!” Gaz shouts from the sidelines. Him and Soap seem just as curious as you about your strength.
You can’t help but wonder if you could… You want to try it. Simon is a big boy, and you want to test your new found strength. The both of you circle each other and your fingers are wiggling, you’re looking for an opening. You end up moving faster than Simon can register. You wind up behind him and grab his waist.
Simon does not let you get further than that. His elbow rears back, and you realize you are at just the right angle to get hit just a tad too late. Simon’s elbow slams into your face, harder than he had expected it to, and a loud pop echoes through the training room. You let go of him immediately. You fall to the floor, warmth covering your face. You let out a low, primal growl ready to fucking obliterate Simon. You want to maul him. Something in you is about to snap. Until suddenly his words replay in your head. ‘I trust you.’
Simon would never intentionally hurt you. And when you look up at Simon, his eyes tell you he truly did not mean to hit you so hard. Your eyes cut towards Soap and Gaz, who are watching you with anticipation.
You inhale sharply through your mouth and snap your nose back into place, stopping the bleeding pretty quickly. You sit up and Ghost puts his hand towards you. “Come on,” He sounds like he’s trying to keep himself calm. “You need to go to the med bay.”
Your bloody hand reaches for him and you grab it. You, in the spur of the moment, decide now would be a good time to take advantage of the situation and as you pull yourself up, kick your leg out. It slams into Simon’s shin and he’s doubling over. You slam your body into his and slide across the mat. You straddle Simon and you're holding him down. You’re breathing heavily and watching him.
The look in his eyes tells you he had not expected that. “Don’t let your guard down.” You heave out, a dull pain pulsating through your nose.
Simon sits there a moment. You move to get up and look at Soap and Gaz, who are watching with wide eyes. As you stand, a hand grabs you and you’re flipped. Your back slams into the floor and the wind is knocked out of you. You gasp. Your eyes shoot open and Simon is crouching above you, his large, rough hand wrapped around your throat. You watch him, unblinking. Not breathing.
Simon lowers himself to your level. His eyes stay on yours. You swallow hard and inhale shakily as his lips hover over your ear. “Don’t let your guard down.” He whispers in your ear. He stands up and walks off from you. “Get her to the med bay.”
You lie on the floor. The door opens and closes as Simon leaves. You, still laying down, look over at Soap and Gaz. You try to process everything that just happened. They rush over to you and Gaz crouches beside you. You look at him, eyes still wide, brain still processing. Neither of them seem to have expected that.
“Gaz,” Soap looks off towards the door, “I’m gonna check on Ghost…”
“Okay, I’ll get her checked out.” Gaz nods at Soap. He places a hand on your shoulder and you sit up. Gaz helps you stand and you look at all the blood on the ground and your hands. You know it’s covering your face. “Come on, love, let’s go.”
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You're sitting in an exam room, mostly cleaned up. You look at the monitor across the room from you, your eyes stuck on it. The IV pole is beside it. “Are they gonna hook me up?” You ask Gaz, your eyes not leaving the monitor.
“No, love,” Gaz grips your shoulder. “You just broke your nose. They have no need to hook you up to that.”
The doctor walks in as he finishes his sentence. She's a woman. You feel yourself relaxing a little bit. Her lab coat isn't doing you any favors though. All medical coats must be the same, all you can think about is the facility. You exhale slowly and grab Gaz’s hand. He gives you a reassuring squeeze.
“I'm Doctor Johnson, I'll be checking on you, okay?” You can't tell if she used to know you or not. You nod at her. “What happened?”
“Well, I assume it all started when I was taken–”
“No, not that far back,” Gaz smiles at you.
“Oh, my bad.” You look at the doctor. “I was training with Lt. Ghost and we got a little too rough. Thankfully, I don't get hurt like normal people.” You say, kicking your feet off of the side of the exam bed.
Her face contorts. “Okay–” She drags out the word. “Is that from your…” She pauses. She knows. You nod. “Okay, Price should have brought you to me sooner.” She looks at Gaz and back at you. “Is it okay if he's in here?”
“Of course! I actually prefer it… him staying.”
Dr. Johnson nods. “That's fine, just wanna make sure.” She smiles at you softly. “Can I check your nose?” When you say yes, she approaches you. Her gloved hands gently touch the bridge of your nose. You don't flinch at her touches. She gently pushes it and it pops. Again, you don't flinch. “You can't feel that?”
“I mean, I know you're touching me. But it doesn't hurt, no.” You shake your head.
She hums. She checks inside and then looks at you. “Your nose, you broke it before.” She states it as fact. She knows you have.
“Well, actually, yes. At the facility, they broke it. They hit me with the butt of an assault rifle.”
Gaz’s drop on your hand tightens. You can see his whole body tense, his Adam's apple bobs. You say it so nonchalantly. He doesn't like it.
The doctor swallows hard. She seems stunned. She quickly gathers her thoughts and inhales through her nose. “May I ask what tests they ran on you?”
“Yes you may,” you reply sweetly. “But I can't tell you what they were. They never told me. I just know I'm quite literally built to take those types of blows and then some.”
“We could help you figure it out.” She suggests it. She isn't pushing you.
“No.” It's the first thing that comes from your mouth. “I'm already stressed enough sitting right here in front of you. I will not be hooked up to monitors, or poked with needles.” You stand your ground.
“It's okay,” Gaz calms you down. “We don't have to do that. Not right now.”
The doctor purses her lips, looking at Gaz. “It'd be good to know those things. It could help you.” She sounds so calming, genuinely trying to keep you from freaking out.
You do want to know what's up with you. But you don't want to put yourself in distress just to figure it out. You sigh. “Not right now.” You shake your head. “I need time to think about it.”
She nods at you. “That's fine. Your nose is completely fine. You're free to leave, if you'd like.”
You have never gotten up so fast in your life. You drag Gaz out of the room with you. He doesn't stumble once, but he does wince, causing you to realize how tightly you're holding onto him. You mumble an apology and let him go once you're out of the exam room. You stop in the hall and take everything in. The lights are bright and everything smells so… sterile. It's almost haunting.
“We can get out of here.”
“That sounds good.” The both of you begin to leave. “Do you wanna train again?” You ask him, cocking your head.
Gaz makes a gutteral noise, laughing. “After all that, you still wanna train?”
“Yes, it was nice. It was… relieving my stress. I still have a bunch of pent up energy.”
“We'll find you something to take that out on.” He leads you out of the med bay.
“After sleeping the last couple of nights, I've never felt better I don't think. I must have stamina for days. I feel like I could go at it forever.”
“Oh?” Gaz looks over his shoulder at you. “Forever? And what are you going at exactly?” His brow cocks.
Your face heats up. “Not like– That's not– In a sense–” You stumble on your words. “Fuck.” You want to bury your head in your hands.
“Oh, fuck?” Gaz smirks at you. “Really? I didn't know you were like that.” He nudges you with his elbow.
“Kyle, I'm going to die. I think I'm literally going to pass away.” You look at him with a pout.
“Sorry, love, you aren't getting out that easy. I think I have an idea on how to get your energy out though. We could always try the gym, or the track? There's a new recruit who beat the best time and I think– I know you can beat him.” He turns and grabs your shoulders. “I think it'd be really funny if you beat him.”
You smirk at him. “I'm an enhanced individual now. And you want me to beat some poor rookie’s best time on the track? You want me to destroy him?”
“Yes. Gotta keep the new guys in check. Plus, we can check that stamina of yours.”
You smile, “Okay!” You put a finger up, “But, I'm not doing it to pumble some guy's record. I'm doing it because I'm testing myself.”
“Hey, that's fine with me.” Gaz grabs your hand again. “Come on!”
You let out a laugh as Gaz drags you outside and towards the track. When you get outside there are several people stretching, getting ready to run. Most of them are men.
“Hey,” you look at Gaz, “do you think they'll be emotionally distraught if I outrun them?”
You sure hope so.
“Only one to find out.”
Gaz walks over to the track with you. You approach the group and they all look at you. Your grip tightens on Gaz’s hand and you smile awkwardly at them. Most of the people are new recruits. You are positive they don't know about your… predicament. You introduce yourself as Ace.
“Just came to run a little bit, burn some energy!” You release Gaz’s hand.
They don't seem to think much about it. You walk towards the track and ready yourself. The sergeant at the sidelines readies the group and you examine them. You're trying to pick out the fastest one. The one you want to beat. Or one Gaz wants you to beat.
Everyone is getting ready to run. You look at Gaz.
He motions towards a tall, slender man. You lock on.
You take off. All of you take off. You know you're supposed to pace yourself when running. You watch everyone doing that, except one person. The one Gaz pointed out to you. You can feel Gaz watching you. You have an urge to show off for him. The urge to impress him is suddenly very strong. You don't fight it.
You take off. Your legs push you forward and quickly run by the man. You give him a smile as you run by him. He doesn't falter. He picks up his speed. So you do the same.
Before you know it you are speeding around the track. The man left in the dust. You reach the end of the mile and smile at Gaz. He's the only one you see. You don't notice everyone stopped and staring. The sergeant clicks his timer.
“Ace,” the sergeant waves you over. “You just beat the fastest time by three minutes…”
“What. The. Fuck!?” A scream echoes from behind you. “How did you do that?”
“Peter, calm down.”
“What the fuck,” He repeats himself, quieter this time. “That’s not possible… I did track for years! And you come up here out of nowhere–” His hands are in his hair. His eye on the ground.
Oh, he’s mad. You watch him closely. Gaz steps in between you and Peter. You feel butterflies in your stomach as he does that. Peter looks distraught.
“How did you do that?”
You aren't sure how much you can tell him. So you shrug.
“You don't know?” His eyes widened. “Did you do track at all? Have you ever even run in your life? You aren't even out of breath!”
“I don't know–”
“What does that mean?! You don't know? How does someone not know that?”
He's so fragile. He storms off. You look at Gaz and he turns his head towards you.
“Did I do okay?” You can't help but ask.
“Okay?” He asks you. “Love, that was amazing! You set a new record!”
“I wasn't even doing the best I could–” Your face is hot.
Gaz pulls you into a hug. He's proud of you. You don't immediately hug back, causing Gaz to pull away. You pull him back to you, keeping from crushing him. The last time you hugged one of them —intentionally— was when you hugged Simon two days ago. You hadn't realized how much you needed physical contact since then.
Gaz hugs back, his hand rubbing your back. It seems to be just as therapeutic for him.
“Okay,” the sergeant speaks up, “how did you do that?”
Gaz pulls away from you, and you look at the sergeant. You shrug. “I'm just that good, I guess.”
The sergeant narrows his eyes. He doesn't get a chance to say anything about it before your new radio goes off.
“Ace,” Price comes over the radio. “meet me at the barracks immediately, over.”
You groan. “Copy, over.”
He knows something. You grab Gaz's hand and begin back towards base. Gaz doesn't argue with you taking him with you. He does seem confused. But he holds your hand with no complaints, following you to the barracks.
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@moonyinthestars @dory-98 @otto-s-alskling @aeilani @klutzy-kay24 @sher-ni @infpt-zylith @eustassh @kaoyamamegami @zoexme @reap3erslov3 @fruitymoonbeams-blog @cosmic-rich @bvxygriimes @waiting-so-long @mill7531
(tags are being weird again, i'm sorry if it didn't let me tag you... also think that's everyone? If i forgot you, just let me know I'll be sure to add you next chapter! I'm sorry im very forgetful and my list fills.. like it's missing someone)
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ghostlynachopanda · 2 years
Study date
a/n: I failed tf out of all my exams this week. at least it's spring break though. I'm SUPER tired and didn't read this so tell me if it's good. Here's this one pals, enjoy
Pairing: Wednesday Addams x reader
words: 1.9k
Wednesday had offered to help you study for the upcoming exams. Knowing it would be better to study with someone who will hold you accountable, you easily agreed. Wednesday knew she would ace her exams, she also knew you would do just fine without her. Nonetheless, she wanted to be the reason you came up to her with a breathtaking smile while showing off the grade you got. There was just one problem, you were late.
Wednesday didn’t know if she should be annoyed or worried. You were never late, not when it came to Wednesday. Your punctuality never went unappreciated, though she never outright said anything. All Wednesday could do was count the minutes go by as she awaited your arrival.
10 minutes had passed and you still hadn't come knocking with an apology already spilling from your lips. 10 minutes of sitting in an empty dorm, the only sounds being her breathing and the shuffling of her clothes. Wednesday decided she would reprimand you for being late, for making her waste her time waiting. She sat at her desk, contemplating what exactly to say to you to get the point across in the most efficient way.
Another 10 passes and Wednesday’s anger fades into worry. She had no idea where you are or what you were doing. She cannot fathom what could be more important than getting here on time, studying for your exams, and spending time with her. Except, there’s a possibility you’re injured somewhere and unable to reach her. The thought alone sends an unknown feeling to her stomach, settling uncomfortably. She waits, ashamedly hopeful you'll show up and relieve her of this feeling.
5 minutes pass with the uncomfortable weight in her stomach. The feeling is starting to get too much, Wednesday decides enough is enough. She abruptly stands from her chair, knocking it back a few feet before walking to the door.
Wednesday yanks the door open to find you. You reel back in surprise and bring your hand back down to your side. You both stare at each other for a moment, both too shocked to say anything. You part your lips to say something, but before any words come out you are hauled into Wednesday's dorm by the collar of your shirt.
The silence that follows the door slam is eerie. Wednesday hasn't said anything to you, just taking time to examine you. The first thing she notices is the cut on your lip and the bruise on your jaw, both look fresh and not something someone could get from themself. Second is your clothes, covered in dirt and some holes that definitely weren't there before. The last thing is the apprehensive look in your eyes. As much as she savors that same look from everyone else, she doesn't like the way it looks on you. She takes a brief moment to calm herself, letting the feeling in her stomach fade away before speaking, "You're late."
"Yeah, I'm sorry," you replied softly, not wanting to make her angrier. Wednesday looks at you before saying, "Sit on the floor, I should have an ointment for your lip and jaw."
You do as your told, moving to sit on Wednesday's side of the room while she searches for her first aid kit. You are mesmerized by the way she moves graciously around the room, momentarily forgetting about the ache in your jaw and throbbing of your lip. She walks back over with a tube in her hand, kneels beside you, and tenderly grasps your chin. She angles your face to give her the best view of your jaw, seeing the already bruising skin.
"Who did this to you," she asks feeling her blood start to boil. Whoever did this will face appropriate punishment.
"No one important," you respond, appearing unaffected by the injuries and whatever events led to it. Wednesday sends you a pointed look, making you sheepishly avert your eyes. "It's really nothing important, Wednesday." you tried to explain, making her sigh.
Wednesday knows she won't get anything from you, not when you think it isn't worth talking about. She gently starts applying the ointment, careful not to press too hard on the bruise, not wanting to hurt you. She feels your eyes on her, she locks eye contact, wanting to see if she accidentally hurt you. All Wednesday can see is a fondness in your eyes, making her quickly avert her eyes and say, "You look good like this,"
"Like this?" you ask, confused about what she meant. But, she doesn’t answer, content with leaving you confused.
Once she finished applying ointment to your jaw she angled you to look directly at her. Once again, Wednesday is caught off guard by the look you're giving her. Still had the same look from moments prior, but still made that fluttering feeling appear in her stomach. She focuses in on your lips, and an urge to kiss them washes over her. Barely able to refrain from kissing you, she starts applying the ointment.
Wednesday forces herself to stand when she's done, putting ample space between you two before saying, "Grab your textbook, we'll be starting on chapter 5." making you groan.
You two had gone over almost everything you needed to review for your exams. It alleviated some of the stress you were feeling, after a quick review of the notes you decided now would be a good time to leave.
Sitting up straight and relaxing the muscles in your neck and shoulders, causing you to release a sign of relief. Fatigue caught up with you faster than you thought, causing you to slump down to the floor. Wednesday looked at you, seeing goosebumps on your exposed skin and how tired you looked.
"You're going to get dirt on more than one part of my floor," Wednesday said, making you turn your head to look at her.
"Are my clothes really that dirty?" you asked
"That is the reason we are studying on the floor, yes."
You groan lightly, unhappy dirty clothes were the reason for sitting on the uncomfortable floor for the last couple of hours. Despite the fatigue you feel, you sit up and look at her before saying,
"I think now is a good stopping point. I'm going to head back to my room,"
"You’re leaving already?" she asked incredulously, though her voice was even. First, you had the nerve to show up late, injured, and refused to tell her anything about what happened, but now you're trying to leave?
"Yeah, I'm really tired and it’s almost curfew. Could we do this again another time?" you asked with hopefulness littering your voice. Wednesday always found it hard to say no to that tone.
"Will you be late?"
"I'll try my hardest not to be," you reply with a small smile. It makes Wednesday pause, she didn't want you to leave yet. She hadn’t spent enough time with you today, and not only that, you’re wounded. She just wanted to make sure you took care of your injuries.
"Stay there," Wednesday said, standing up and walking to her closet. Leaving you to sit and watch her, this time confused as to what she's doing. You peek at what she's doing and see her riffle through her vast choices of black clothing.
"Wednesday?" this situation confuses you. All you wanted to do was sleep in your warm bed. The holes in your shirt provide the cold air a chance to nip at the exposed skin. She doesn’t answer, instead silently walking in your direction with neatly folded clothes in her arms.
When she reaches you, she puts her arms out and looks at you expectantly. When she realizes you're unsure what to do, she says, "Change into these."
"Whatever you want, Wednesday" you respond, still confused about what's happening but too tired to even comprehend what she's implying. You grab the clothes and just look at them, where exactly does Wednesday want you to change? You look up at her and see her steadily looking back, she says again, "Change into those,"
"No, I know what you want me to do. But, uh," you trail off, looking away to hide your reddening cheeks. "where exactly do I change?" you ask, glancing at her.
Wednesday didn't think that part though, truthfully you could change anywhere you wish. Enid was not coming back tonight so anywhere was acceptable, but did Wednesday expect you to just take your clothes off right in front of her? The thought of seeing more of your skin, seeing what is hidden under your clothes makes her cheeks warm. She quickly turns away and says, "go change in my closet, but do not touch anything or get dirt on anything other than the floor."
You nod and quickly go to change, giving you both a chance to calm yourselves. When you start putting on Wednesday's clothes your fatigue is washed away. Realizing you will be wearing Wednesday's clothes makes you want to squeal, but you stop yourself. You take your time gathering your clothes and taking a deep breath before going back into the main room. Walking over to your bag to see all your stuff already neatly put away just the way you like. Gently placing your clothes on the floor next to it, you turn around.
Wednesday has been staring at you since you walked out of the closet. She never could have predicted how good you looked in black, how good you looked in her clothes. A wave of possessiveness overwhelms her. It’s unfair what you're unintentionally doing to her, what you’re making her feel. The work she put in to make her flushed cheeks go away was for nothing, the red coming back tenfold. Wednesday decides then she's fond of you wearing her clothes, just like she is to your kisses.
Wednesday can't stop herself from walking over to you, taking you in with every step she takes. You somehow look even better up close. She steps into your personal space, looking at every inch of you. "You look beautiful," she says breathlessly, not bothering to hide the endearment in her eyes or the red on her cheeks.
You look down at yourself, and eye the clothes before quietly asking, "you think so?"
"Undoubtedly" she replied sincerely.  
Your breath hitches, your brain becoming useless at her compliment. You want to return the compliment, want to say she looks gorgeous. But the way she's looking at you makes any coherent thought fly out the window. Your mouth opens slightly but closes shortly after, words are failing you miserably. Your lips tremble with unsaid words and Wednesday can't take it anymore.
Wednesday moves to smash her lips against yours, taking pride in the hum and exhales you let out. Both of you moving in sync, the feeling of your lips on hers is still as addictive as the first time. She moves her hands to clutch at the black shirt you wore, pulling you as close; not wanting any space between you two. You do the same by placing your hands on her jaw, not letting her pull away. You both hope what you're feeling is expressed.
Breaking the kiss only when air becomes a necessity, placing your forehead against hers. Slightly breathless from the intensity of the kiss. Wednesday watches your eyes travel across her face before settling on her lips again so she whispers, "Let's head to bed, my love"
tags: @alexkolax @rainbow-love4ever @o638 @tundra1029
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I see you write Troy Otto Fics 🫣
“you fixed me. you fixed my broken heart.”
could I request a angst turned fluffy fic where Troy is being an ass but around reader he’s an awkward ass bc he doesn’t know how to process his feelings but one day reader confronts him and is like “dude tf” and he reveals it all ? 👉🏽👈🏽
It has been quite a while since I have done any requests and succeeded in actually writing them, so first of all THANK YOU. And secondly, this terrified me so I'm sorry if I changed a few things because that's how my head works.
CHARACTERS: Troy Otto x Female Reader
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Everyone within a few miles distance could have heard the yelling coming from the militia tent. No one could tell who had started it when the ruckus had suddenly erupted moments ago. All you could tell was that the boys were finally fighting back at Troy, making your feet pace a little quicker and making your way across the ranch. 
When you made it to the ruckus, you noticed the eyes peeping through the windows of the outlying RVs and tents scattered around. Giving an all knowing smile to the peeping eyes, you quickly disappeared behind the tan curtains finding a group of 5 men squaring off against 2, Troy, with Nick holding Troy back. 
Your entrance was soon noticed and the group grew silent. 
“What in the holy hell is wrong with you all?” Toeing up to John who was rubbing the newly formed bruise on his jaw. Nick let go of his hold on Troy’s jacket, heading to the back of the tent with a grunting sigh, catching your gaze as he did so. 
“You have all been a bunch of children the past few days, and now this?” Turning on your heels you make eye contact with Troy. Scanning his features, you take in the red patches growing upon his cheek and jaw line before meeting his gaze once more, this time more worry and sadness laced in your eyes. “You’re going to attract every walker within miles, and if you’re all fighting eachother, who is going to fight for the rest of us?” 
All men in the tent sunk a bit in their boots, all eyes staring at the ground. Troy’s cheeks reddened, not from a sucker punch this time. You look over to Nick, a smirk turning at the corners of his lips as he stared back. 
“I’m sorry ma’am,” Cooper spoke up. “We had a disagreement. We will watch our voices.”
John scoffed loudly, his eyes shooting back up to Troy on the opposite side of you. “I think she should know. We’re done getting the shit end of everything and still getting shit on while others can skate by and get the royalty treatment.” His eyes then shifted to you, scanning your frame up and down. You could feel the hair on your neck raise at the feeling, and you could feel the way Troy shifted his weight behind you. 
“It’s not her fault,” Nick finally raised his voice. The tone sounding over this bull shit and ready for someone to lay everything out. “You’re all being a bit dramatic anyways. Troy hasn’t done shit, except be an ass as usual.” 
This earned a raised eyebrow and questioning look from Troy, standing with both hands on his hips. Everyone knew Troy was kind of an ass, that’s how he got the miltia where it is, but you had never really seen what everyone else said about him. He was typically kind and oddly gentle when you were around him. He wasn’t this “monster” you hear the ranch whispering about. 
“Troy-” you took a deep breath, your back still turned towards him with your eyes staring straight back at John. “-Say you’re sorry.”
The tent went still. No one, not even Troy, was expecting that. No one told Troy what to do other than his late father and brother, and after they had expired, no one would have ever tried. Let alone tell him to apologize. 
To everyone’s surprise, Troy spoke. 
“I’m sorry,” his voice low and grumbled through gritted teeth, but he said it. The men all shook their heads in response. Not knowing how or what to do next, they funneled out of the tent one by one. All as quiet as a mouse leaving only Troy and yourself in the space.
Turning on your heels, you lock eyes with the tall brunette. His face red and one eye growing bloodshot from what you assume was a nice hit from John. His eyes weren’t angry though… he was nervous as he tried his best to maintain the eye contact. 
“I didn’t think you would actually say it, but I’m glad you did.” Your lips turned into a gentle smile, closing the distance between you both. Your hands reached up to his face, cradling his jaw in both palms, fingers carefully brushing over the small cuts and broken capillaries in his skin. 
Troy returned the smile once he felt your warm touch. His blue eyes fluttering closed with a sense of comfort that felt so extraterrestrial to him. “Thank you for stopping us, Nick, that bastard, was close to getting his ass kicked too.” His voice cracked witha chuckle between his words. 
“Your still a ass though, Troy. You have to change that. I hear it from so many here, yet I never see it. So I know you are capable of being a gentleman, Troy Otto.” 
“If you tell me to, then I guess I have to.” Troy’s body shook with a mischievous laugh. His eyes opening to find yours once more. The closeness between you both instinctively closing little by little. “You fixed me, you know that?”
His words caught you off a little bit, making you stutter in your actions. His skin felt warm against your touch, his mere presence so close brought on a sense of safety and openness. You could have stayed like that for hours… days. It somehow felt right. 
What he spoke, however, caused a twisting feeling in your gut. 
“I was broken after everything, after everyone was gone. I was alone and hurt in so many ways,” Troy’s eyes softened. He had figured opening up to you would be impossible, his feelings always getting the best of him and taking any words he wanted to say and throwing them out the window. Bu here and now, with you like this, he was at peace. 
“I was broken and you fixed me-” His eyes fell from your own to land upon your lips, those nerves that had stopped him from saying it all previously appearing in his belly again. “-so thank you.”
You could feel his tension grow in the moment so you took matters into your own hands, raising to your tip-toes and crushing your lips to his. Years it had been since you had ever felt this feeling. Even then, it didn’t feel like this, not this strong. 
Troy was a pain in the ass. 
At times, an actual ass. 
But you were his golden key to change. 
And there was about to be a lot of it. 
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roosterbruiser · 1 year
!! life update and face reveal incoming !!
we're doing a bullet point system!
had my very first one night stand. honestly? less than stellar! but I did it! the guy was kind of a loser, but we all have our things. he did like literally SLAP my tits so hard that I have massive bruises there now and I feel like that was a weird move bc we'd known each other for a grand total of about 10 minutes when we started having sex? anyway, it was insane having sex with like a stranger....don't know if I'd do it again, but you live and you learn!
overwhelmed with tinder honestly....I have over 1400 likes and I just......don't have it in me to do anything about them. but turns out I'm very good at flirting! and I'm also funny! was thinking about posting some screenshots of funny exchanges and labeling which ones are which member of the Dagger Squad! heh!
randomly matched with my ex (the one I was with from 14-17) on tinder and then we started talking and then we just........didn't stop? and like every single night since we started talking again, we've stayed up until 4am talking. what has shocked me the most is that we're getting along better now than we ever have before? and not to mention, he has like actually really apologized about things. not even just a blanket apology either--like a thorough one where he detailed things he did and told me that he was sorry.
he manages a movie theater so the first time we hung out, he took me to the empty theater (like we were the only two in the building) at like 10PM and we watched the new Evil Dead: Rise. and then the next night we parked at the lake from like 10PM-5AM and just....talked. for hours. about everything and nothing. it was insane! and then the next day, he picked me up for coffee and I met his puppy. we've been texting nonstop since. also he's literally taking me to the theater AGAIN to watch Top Gun: Maverick all by ourselves 😭
so in conclusion....I wanna fuck him. and maybe I'm catching feelings. BUT my sister and I are both very co-dependent people with have attachment issues (but at least we're self-aware) so I've decided to adopt her three month rule. so like, I have to talk to my ex for three months before I decide if I'm going to be in a relationship with him. not that it's going to happen or not but...you know!
the only thing is that I WISH I had more time to sit tf down and write! but I have a really busy weekend! I am so excited that I have so many asks to go through! and on that subject, if you sent me a birthday ask---I just fucking adore you! and KNOW that I saw it and KNOW that it made me giggle and kick my feet! however, I don't want to bombard all my followers with answering like 30 birthday wishes a few days late! BUT I LOVE THAT ALL OF YOU SENT THEM AND I WANNA KISS EVERYONE!
so today, I will be writing a bunch of requests and queuing them! I'm trying to get at least TWO posted today! looks like the next week or two will be dedicated to blurbs! but I can't wait to get back into my regularly scheduled posting! hoping to get that schedule out too!!
I'm really happy right now :)
okay here's my face reveal
be nice to me I'm fragile
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goldenfox3 · 10 months
I know I have a tendency to make Falcon the one who gets physically hurt and Stewart the one who gets emotionally hurt just because of the nature of their characters but don't worry! I'll be sure to make Falcon cry and get Stewart injured some more ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
This thought just came about because I realised after posting Stars Fade that I've made Stewart cry around Falcon 3.5 times (.5 because he almost did but got interrupted by Goroh one time lmao) but Falcon hasn't cried around Stewart yet that I can remember. And Stewart got roughed up a bit and had a concussion but Falcon's fallen from several thousand feet up, gotten exploded, bruised ribs, had a fever, dealt with ongoing fatigue, and is generally the one being physically fussed over across all my fics because yeah, Doctor lmao.
In one of the older outlines of TF (back when it was like. 10 or 12 chapters planned only lmao) Falcon was supposed to get poisoned or shot or slashed or something on a hunt and then call Stewart and reveal that he'd keyed him into his secret hideout's access long ago without Stewart knowing, giving him directions before meeting him there. Stewart wasn't supposed to get hurt in the story at all lmao. But as the story's gone on I think it's become a more balanced give and take that focuses on both of them equally versus the "Falcon's story ft. Stewart his helper/observer" it was before. So yeah he's gotten hurt more and according to the current outline he'll get hurt again. Falcon I think is just generally a person who doesn't cry very easily but he will. I promise ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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the-archxr · 2 years
your sex is on fire
steve harrington x afab!reader
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summary: after defeating vecna, you and steve reunite in the best way possible.
a/n: *gif is not mine, it’s from pinterest* why did this take me forever? who tf knows. also in regards to the song inspo, the title says it all (if you know, you know). for the longest time, I was stuck between writing this one and another one that wasn’t smutty, but then I had a big brain moment and decided to combine them :)
warnings: +18 content; SMUT SMUT SMUT SMUT, nothing BUT smut (THIS SHIT RATED…PORN); fluffy; hella passionate sex; we survived the end of the world and now we gotta fuck sex; graphic sex; multiple orgasms; light teasing; over stimulation; switch!steve; face-sitting (oral sex, f receiving); cum-eating; hair-pulling kink; praise kink; dumbification kink?; unprotected p in v sex; creampie; LOTS of dirty talk (but it’s full of love)
word count: 4k
main m.list | steve harrington m.list
join my taglist!
“Jesu—fuck, —.” Steve sighs. “I’m tryna’—fuck, you want us to crash?”
Your mouth drags along the side of his throat, a rogue hand slipping down his chest and to the waistband of his pants. You hardly touch him, nothing more than feather-light touches as you palm him through his joggers. You’re restraining yourself as much as possible, and yet? The poor boy shakes beneath you. Whether that’s the adrenaline from nearly dying and subsequently surviving, or simply from the way you nibble at the skin under his ear.
Either way, you need each other.
Desperately. Insufferably.
Huffing, you bite at his jaw. “Just, dammit Steve, just park the fucking car.”
“We’re almost home, —.” Letting go of his dual-grip on the wheel, he picks your hand up from his crotch and puts it in your lap: a silent and unspoken warning as the car accelerates. “I’m already breaking so many traffic laws here, babe. Won’t be able to control myself if you keep doing that.”
You hum. “That’s kinda the point, Harrington.” Leaning over the console, you kiss the corner of his mouth. “Want you now, Stevie.”
“Jesus Christ,” he whimpers, eyes rolling into the back of his head like slot machines.
Even in his attempt to increase the distance for the sake of his better judgment, the heat rages on. And you suppose, as the realization falls upon both of you, that’s what spurs him on. All while maintaining his grip on your wrists, he spins the steering wheel harshly. It’s a sudden movement that rattles your unbuckled bodies around as the beemer rolls down the street. Then, down the darkened stretch of road, your apartment materializes, and instead of slowing down, Steve presses on the gas until the car is haphazardly parked.
From that point, everything blurs together.
Never mind whatever the fuck happened within the past four hours. The only thing you could focus on was the feel of Steve’s hand around yours, the cold press of the elevator wall against your back, and the sensation of sharp teeth on your shoulder.
He kisses you then: hot and heavy and full of strangling anticipation. With one hand on your jaw, he snakes the other down to your thigh, hitching it up to his hip and securing it there. His mouth opens wide; an attempt to devour you whole as he grinds into you.
“Steve…” Tilting your head to the side, you expose the wide expanse of your neck to him. “Steve, please…” The tip of his tongue peeks out, getting lost in his own ministrations. In the mirror on the opposite wall, you watch as he tenderly licks at the soft curve of your collarbone until purple bruising appears in his wake.
The elevator dings, prying a reluctant Steve off of you. But for only a moment. Because as soon as the doors open—and he determines the coast is clear—he’s towing you behind him towards your shared room.
You stumble over your own feet; excitement sending jitters all throughout your body as Steve pushes you through the threshold and up to the wall.
And then similar to the elevator, your boyfriend juts a knee between your thighs and places your hands on his face. He kisses you deeply, instantly robbing you of any breadth as he groans into your mouth. “Was so scared for you, babe.” His teeth clamp down onto your bottom lip. “So fucking scared.”
You kiss him back with just as much fervour; soaking in the intense smell of gasoline, soot, and the remnants of his shampoo. “I’m right here.” Another kiss. “Steve,” you meet his gaze with the free hand that grips his chin. “I’m right here. I’m okay… We’re okay.” His face is sombre, the melting tension of nearly losing your life turning into dried tears and rushed kisses. Tears that are embraced by loving hands and delicate forehead kisses.
“We’re okay,” he reassures.
Your hand falls down his chest until your fingers find the skin of his abdomen and then you press a slow peck into his cheek. “Steve, if you—want you to touch me…” Gripping the edges of his shirt, you pull him into you. “Want you to fuck me, honey.”
His face ducks and disappears into your chest, the dirty curls nuzzling into your equally dirty shirt. “You sure? Cause I—fuck, baby, I don’t know if I can be gentle right now—“
Carding your fingers through the roots of his hair, you yank his head up to yours, eliciting a low whine that shoots right down to your cunt. “I’m sure.”
He doesn’t say anything after that, but a new kind of determination glazes over his eyes. Pools of warm honey darken into the colour of molasses as he pulls you from the wall and chucks his jacket onto the couch. His shirt is next, tearing itself from his body, with adventurous fingers trailing down to yours. Soon you’re both in your underwear, falling into walls and tables, knocking over vases and picture frames until you finally make it to the bed.
Steve flops down first, the old mattress creaking beneath his weight and your sudden movements as you clamber on top of him.
Knees settling on either side of his hips, you lean down to his neck. Kissing and sucking at each mole and every freckle, you soothe the bitten areas with your tongue. Taking hold of his hand you bring it up to your back where he unclasps your bra. The fabric falls over your shoulders and onto his chest, breath faltering at the sight of your entire upper half completely bare for him.
His hands glide up your rib cage, smoothing over every dip and every curve until he has a firm grip on your torso. Sitting up, he presses his chest to yours and allows his knuckles to descend over the underside of your left boob. “You’re stunning, ya know that?”
You smile. “You tell me every day.”
Steve purrs, lips capturing your nipple in his warm mouth. “I know,” he grumbles into your chest. “But today was almost the last day where I would’ve been able to.”
You frown slightly, the bittersweetness of it all beginning to dawn on you.
“Which is why I’m gonna say it more often. Can’t have you leaving this earth without knowing how much I love you.” Butterflies bloom in the space behind your ribcage, tying intricate knots around your beating heart and flying away with it towards him. It’s an earth-shattering, death-defying force that binds you to him. It’s a force that kept you both alive long enough to see today.
And it’s that same force that makes you want to ride him into oblivion.
He bites at the sensitive flesh, kneading your other breast in his hand as he rubs onto you. He’s painfully hard—a thick heaviness resting against your bare thigh that twitches in his boxers with every shift. “Which is also why…” he begins, two calloused hands coming around your back, holding you close to him. Impossibly, and breathtakingly close. “I suddenly realized what I want before I die.”
You whine at the weight of his hips bumping into yours; at the feeling of your resolve growing sluggish by the minute. You have half a mind to respond to him, although the sound you make could simply be mistaken as one of pleasure.
But regardless, he answers it. His very own personalized call and response.
“I realized that before I eventually go…” he lies back down, hair billowing out from behind his head onto the pillow. “I want you to sit on my face at least once. Want you to cum on my tongue, babe.” Shock cuts through every sensation as your eyes widen in his direction.
His proposition makes electricity prick at the goosebumps along your skin.
He wants you to sit on his face.
Steve’s eaten you out before—many times before. Quite possibly, it’s his favourite thing to do. A fact he so gladly owns up to. And in doing so, he’s had no problem pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you that way. But you’ve never sat on his face.
Part of you up until now didn’t realize you could do that. That your partner could want that.
You almost protest. Almost mumble out something about how if you sit on his face he might die earlier than you both would’ve liked. But then you see him. The faint colouration of the streetlight outside of your window, along with the reflection of the moon, illuminates him.
It highlights the rigid line of his cheekbones; the way his mouth pulls into a tight grin; the way his hair falls softly around his face and the shadows casting over his gaze—a line of sight that hasn’t once left you.
He’s beautiful.
A renaissance painting come to life. A Da Vinci model plucked out of time and placed right here before you, under you. An offering. One that commits a lifetime of undying love and passionate sex.
You almost miss the slight nod of your head, if it weren’t for the look of surprise that tugs at his features.
It doesn’t last long though because then he’s helping you out of your underwear and up his torso until your body rests in midair just above his face. You’re incredibly exposed; a different kind of trepidation drowning your veins in freezing cold water.
And then in a moment of confidence, you lower yourself just enough for you to feel his hot breath on you. You stay there for a second, surveying how you’re going to do this, and how you think Steve wants to do this. But soon, without any warning whatsoever, he’s pulling you down completely. He smothers himself until his nose is pressed into your clit and his lips rest around your entrance. You gasp at the close contact: high-pitched and sharp, reverberating off the walls of your room.
Which is when he starts to move.
His hands smooth themselves down your hips and over your thighs digging into your skin as he holds onto you for dear life. The act almost seems self-soothing, like a child rubbing their arm in an attempt to calm themselves during a storm. Though as he kisses the hooded part of your pussy, followed by the agonizing drag of his tongue between your folds, you realize that him touching you like this is just a sign that he’s enjoying himself.
And fuck, you are too.
You should’ve done this fucking ages ago.
Steve starts off with kitten-licks; gently exploring the new parts of you that have gone untouched, nose bumping over and over again into your pelvic bone as your hips shift.
There’s a sudden vibration against you, low in energy and baritone in sound. At first, you mistake it for a moan, but then you hear it again. This time it’s a little stronger to the point where you feel it in your belly and in your kneecaps. And then you understand he’s trying to talk to you.
His eyes, which look up at you from between the space of your thighs—a sinful sight that you nearly cum on the spot from—are expressive, as the muscles in his face contort. With what little strength you have, you grab onto the headboard and lift yourself off of him.
His stunted intake of breath manifests in sheepish embarrassment as you look down at him. “Sorry.”
Steve shakes his head, tendrils of damp hair sticking to his forehead. “Absolutely never fucking apologize, babe. I was just tryna ask how you were doing up there.”
Laughing, you run your fingers through his hair and push it off of his face. “Good… It feels good.”
“Good,” he grins, sliding back down to reposition himself all over again. “You taste fucking good, too.” Sighing, you attempt to steady yourself with your grip on his head. “You might wanna hold on, sweetheart. I’m not stopping until you cum.”
With as much energy as when you were taking your clothes off, Steve dives back into you and not once does he let up. You do as instructed, white-knuckling both his hair and the wall as he bobs against you.
He’s ruthless in his efforts.
Utterly ruthless.
The sounds that emanate from him rumble the lower half of your body. A divine mixture of sultry groans and hums, all tongue and teeth as he feasts on you. By now you’re completely riding his face; humping his nose with ease as your slick spreads across his mouth.
You’re a whiny mess. The feeling of your throat and fluttering hole closing simultaneously is suffocating—enough of a reason to drive you downright mad. Pressure builds in your belly, the beautifully taut knot of your nearing orgasm growing tighter; keying higher and higher with every suck of his mouth, and every grind of his chin.
“Steve…Stevie, baby…” your free hand flies to the roots of his hair, pinning him in place as you buck wildly against him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. Gonna cum, Steve…”
His voice is still muffled by your cunt when you realize he says something along the lines of ‘come on, pretty girl’. And that’s when the coil snaps in two, forcing your knees to close around his head and sighs to tumble out into the air.
Your orgasm seems to leave just as quickly as it came; dispersing through your veins with a painful gasp, and aching limbs finally falling limp. Steve’s quick to move out from beneath you as you collapse forward, colliding into him out of early exhaustion.
You’re panting heavily, fingers desperate to find purchase on the loose bedsheet; to ground yourself to this realm. As you calm down, the numbing sensation slowly dies down. Steve kisses you then—your taste being the only thing on his tongue, and the only thing you can truly recognize.
“You did good, babe. So very good.” Another kiss, this time to your cheek. “Can’t believe we almost died without doing that first.”
An echoey giggle escapes you, hushed into his bare chest as your fingers toy with the edges of the bandage wrapped around his abdomen. As your consciousness cements itself to your body, a sadness suddenly befalls you. A sadness that you don’t quite acknowledge until he mentions it. “Hey,” tucking your head over his shoulder, he presses his nose to the shell of your ear. “Don’t do that, yeah? I’m still here. We’re okay, remember?”
“…I know, it’s just…” for a moment you consider entertaining the tenderness in the air. You both could sit down finally and truly talk about all the shit that had gone down the past couple of days. You could address the losses—Max and Eddie, and the pain you aren’t too sure Dustin will ever get over. You could address the fear you experienced watching Steve get pulled under, and the reality that if those vines had just pulled a little tighter you would’ve all died.
These are things you know have to be talked about eventually. But that’s just it.
You two always figure it out. There’s a time, and a place where you and Steve will always reunite; will always meet in the middle and will always be there when the other needs to talk.
But right now you need each other for different reasons.
You are each other’s lifeline; the saving grace that you both achingly need. And all you want is to drown in it, and in him.
So that is exactly what you’ll do.
Clearing your throat, you sigh. “…It’s just I wanted to make sure you could handle it. Ya know, for what’s gonna happen…”
A smirk forms on his face at your suggestion. “‘For what’s gonna happen?’” You nod into him, acutely aware of how he attempts to take his underwear off with you still on him. Sitting up, you move down his chest until your hips meet his; nearly joined completely and awaiting the inevitable green light.
It’s a moment of silence in which neither of you can operate properly. You both are far too caught up in the feel of each other to process what dysfunctionality even means; to understand the implications of how lucky the two of you were today.
Your hands cross over his chest until you’re stable enough to hoist yourself up as he aligns his dick with your entrance. The silence is deafening: thick as a sweltering fire and as deadly as oxygen. It isn’t until you see the way Steve’s chest heaves, powerful and rugged as he stares up at you through thick lashes, that you quickly exhale. “Think you can handle me, Harrington?”
He doesn’t spare a beat.
Clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth, he waits—abdomen constricting with every daunting inhale. Grabbing the back of your neck, he pulls you towards him, holding you only inches away from his face. “Think you can handle me, —?”
It’s that single sentence that sets off the chain reaction. A tumbling domino effect that begins with him jamming his tongue in your mouth at the same time he shoves inside of you. You let out a repressed gasp, one that he swallows without a second thought. He takes the time and the opportunity to suck on your tongue until your tastebuds are swollen. He bites at the sound of your moans, moving against you in continuous motions as your mind slips into darkness.
Steve doesn’t give you time to adjust to him in any way. His hips, desperate to feel you, and desperate to fuck you, already begin moving. Everything, from your surroundings to the man before you, works in tandem to wind you up just that much more. From the sound of Duran Duran playing faintly from your downstairs neighbour to the grip he has on your neck—everything collaborates until a blinding symphony. It’s an obscene, disgustingly pornographic view. One that only worsens when Steve’s intent gaze falls to where he pistons into you; spearing you on his cock until you're fucked stupid.
You watch the vein in his neck strain against him as he controls himself. “What were you saying…a—about me being able to handle it, sweetheart?” He grunts out.
Gritting his teeth together, he peeks out from behind a curtain of fallen hair. “As far as I can see…” he gives you one particularly hard thrust, connecting your hips and allowing for the tip of his cock to kiss that spongey part within you. “You’re the one who’s cock drunk, babe.” He lays a gentle smack to the globe of your ass, earning a whimper from you. “Not that I mind. Wanna’ show you just how much I fucking love you.”
Keeping up his tempo, Steve soldiers on. Pulling your head back farther and farther with every thrust, he marks up the skin along the column of your throat. Crying out, you screw your eyes shut and dig your nails into his biceps. Neediness gets the better of you, tricking your body into rocking him in your very own pattern. “Stevie…”
With a shaky exhale and aching hands, you make a feeble attempt to hold onto him. “I—fuck, Steve, I wanna, I wan—oh my god.”
Your second climax hits you immediately. The barely-there build up bleeding into a crashing high that leaves no room for coping.
You are still around him, inner walls squeezing him like a vice. Your toes have begun to curl in response, your body having lurched forward as you try to string words together to form a coherent sentence. Though, with the way, he’s been fucking you…
And if he keeps fucking you like this…
You consider you may never be able to speak again.
He kisses you for the thousandth time that night, hushing your uncontrollable babbles as his hips pick up speed. “Don’t need to say anything, pretty girl, already doing so good.” His large palm keeps your hips still as he drives into you, the incessant panting in your ear making you wet all over again. “So,” another snap of his hips. “So,” and another. “…fucking good.”
You whine as your vision goes cloudy—evidence of yet another orgasm taking charge. “Think you can give me another one, babe? I think you can… Fuck, I know you can.” Steve’s voice drifts in and out of your ears. Part of you thinks you hear him, and the other part, the one lost to time and space, can’t hear him at all.
With your limp body still in his arms, and with his pace unrelenting, Steve leans back into the headboard with a loud thud. Entangling your limbs as close as possible with his, he presses hot kisses into the side of your head, hooking his chin over your shoulder. He takes a second to readjust your body on his before speaking. “You’re gonna give me another, okay? Want you to cum one more time.”
“I don’t think I can,” you lie. It’s a half-baked one. A shitty excuse of an attempt to alleviate your delicious suffering. Your pussy is swollen. Abused and puffy and probably, undeniably red. It’s gratifying and damning all at once. Which is why you lie. Though the flames of satisfaction; the culmination of adrenaline, arousal, fear and desire, lick at your belly and swirl in the pit of your stomach, you lie.
You’re overstimulated.
Incredibly so.
But you know he won’t stop, because you couldn’t trick yourself into thinking you even wanted him to.
“Yes, you can.” It’s a breathy command. Quiet and slow, an opposing force to its true intention. The words are out in the open, the ground rules set in stone and presented on a silver platter. But you can’t tell if he’s talking to you, or himself, making the already complicated situation that much more complicated. Sweat makes his fingers slip, and makes his body loosen beneath you as he tries to maintain his grip. He’s struggling at this point; the feeling of him swelling in you growing more and more apparent. You can tell he’s close. So fucking close.
And you are too.
You’re right. Fucking. There.
“Almost there, baby. Just a—“ he slams you down onto his lap. “Just a bit more…”
Moaning erratically, your nails scratch down his back, your body not being able to do much else as he moves you in place, up and down on his hilted shaft. “Oh my god, yes. Yes, yes—fuckyes—right there.” A cry rips out of your throat as your upper body falls slack. “Fuck, Steve, yes!”
Your third orgasm shatters you completely. In every way, it destroys you; locking up your muscles and your mind, and ridding you of anything that isn’t white-hot pleasure. You scream in response, the record-scratch sound taking with it every last ounce of energy from your bones until you’re a pliable heap of arms and legs.
You feel as though you’re floating; the mindless darkness of earlier morphing into blotches of bright colours and glittery stars.
It’s all-consuming. All-encompassing as time passes on in what seems like a different universe.
Yet even in your haze you know Steve’s not too far behind.
“God, I love you. Love this—love this fucking pussy. Love you. Fuck.” Holding you in place, he loses control as his own high dominates him. The dam breaks, and his hips come to a stuttering stop with his own climax. Warmth pooling in your cunt as he flops on top of you, still holding you close as you take each other in.
There’s a nagging part of you that pressures you to acknowledge what happened today. To confront Steve about it; to act on it like a healthy couple does. But the sight of him nearly asleep makes you weak. And so you decide to trade in the stress and pain of today for peace as the two of you lay there; breathless and spent as you slowly renter your bodies. Bringing your legs up to Steve’s hips, you wrap yourself entirely around him, until all you can smell is fresh sweat and old smoke.
“Have I ever told you that I’m in love with you?” He kisses the area where your heart rests, canting his body so that he’s comfortably cuddled up to you.
You laugh softly. “…A time or two.”
Steve Harrington Taglist (+18)
@freaky-dcaky @spideyssunflower @detectivecarisi-1 @superfanmixromancepony @bookfrog242 @spectorfilms @serrendiipty @keepingitlokiii @v0idl1nq @blindedbyyourgrace17 @mrmoonman @emileebert14 @wordle233 @demirunner @randomlyblue @sad-innit @smarie7543 @scoopsahoyharrington @moonknightyws @imanilizabeth @gracie-marvel @liltimmyst
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twinkleimagines · 3 years
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* your secret’s safe with me*
You’re a pogue with a secret relationship with a Kook. Not just any kook either, the Kook KING. When people start to notice and the truth comes out Rafe tries to deny it since he’s the one who really keeps the Pogue vs. Kook war going . Do you go along or do you decide you’re worth more than secrets ?
“ fuck!” You moaned out loudly as you thrust your hips one more time, riding your climax out over Rafes huge cock. You felt him buck his hips up while squeezing your bottom while groaning, finishing out his own orgasm.
“ that was amazing” you breathed out as you rolled over , flopping yourself back down next to Rafe.
“ fuck yeah it was” he said catching his breath before sitting up, pulling something out of his top drawer on his night stand. You rolled your eyes as you heard him sniff something up his nose .
“ you ever gonna leave that shit alone?” You replied with aggravation, rolling over to face his toned back. He stayed quiet as he continued wiping his nose to catch anything that may have fallen out.
“ I just hate seeing how it’s changing you” you said with a softer tone, placing your head on your hand that was propped up on his pillow.
“ yeah well I’m handling my own shit okay” he said glancing over at you from his shoulder before looking back down and the substance in his hand.
“ heard that before “ you mumbled before sitting up, searching the floor for your clothes that Rafe practically ripped off of you an hour ago.
“ where ya goin?” He spoke as he watched you get dressed.
“ it’s 6 in the morning , don’t you have that thing at the country club with topper and Kelce?” You replied as you pulled your t-shirt over your head, pulling your tangled hair back out of it. Rafe shrugged not getting the memo.
“ soooo if we’re going to keep this a secret-“ you relied, pointing your finger back and forth between the space between the two of you , “ - then they can’t see me leaving and they’re going to be here soon”. Rafe nodded his head before standing up, his sweaty body shimmering with the morning sunlight.
“ yeah true” he stated walking towards you holding your sandals. “ you’re still coming to the party tonight at the bone yard though right ?” He replied standing very close to you.
“ duh” you replied pecking a kiss on his lips. “ wouldn’t miss it “ . Rafe stood for a second as he watched you bend over in front of him, placing your sandals on your feet.
“ just meet me at the spot” he replied before placing a quick smack across your left cheek. You jumped up before scolding him. ‘ the spot’ was the place you both hid secretly for quickies. It was the only spot you could be together at the bone yard that the pogues and kooks wouldn’t see.
“ okay I’ll text you” you replied before kissing his lips again.
“ ok I’m getting a shower “ he replied while running his hands through his hair . “ I smell like good pussy” he laughed out while running his finger tips up your crotch outside of your shorts.
“ you’re fucking nasty “ you laughed pushing at his chest .
[text message]
Rafe- you here?
Y/n- yuhh wya?
Rafe- topper wbu?
Y/n- bonfire
Rafe looked up from his phone to see you already looking in his direction smirking. Rafe grinned before looking back down at his phone.
[text message ]
Rafe- you look hot af
You grinned as you looked down at your outfit. You had short blue Jean shorts and a blue bathing suit top on, your hair flowing over your shoulders. You knew you looked hot But it was solely for Rafe.
Y/n - you too ;) I really like your hair pulled down the front like that
Rafe- quicky?
You bit your bottom lip, feeling the same tingling feeling at the pit of your stomach as you looked over at a couple of your friends letting them know you’d be right back .
You quickly made your way over to the spot , Rafe following with his red cup of alcohol right behind you.
“ hey princess” Rafe said from behind you. You turned around, lips immediately landing on yours . You giggled into the kiss, the excitement of being in a public area fucking and getting caught ran through you.
“ you can’t go 30 minutes of seeing me without wanting to fuck me huh?” You said , grabbing ahold of his rock hard boner beneath his shorts. Rafe threw his head back in pleasure as you got down on your knees , placing him in your mouth.
“ fuck” he groaned out while placing his hand through your hair, applying pressure against the back of your head. You could feel yourself gagging slightly as the tip of his dick hit the back of your throat , moving at a fast pace .
A couple more minutes went by before Rafe pulled himself away from your face. “ turn around” he replied as he pulled you up by your arm, only to turn you around shortly after . You quickly pulled your bottoms down, showing your bare ass before leaning down, placing your hands against a large fallen tree.
Your mouth flew open as you felt Rafe insert himself into you at a fast pace, his hips immediately moving back out only to slam himself back in . You arched your back, your hair draped to one side over your shoulder, swinging back and forth at the motion Rafe had you moving in. You couldn’t hold the moans in as Rafe continued to hit your g-spot over and over as he usually did.
“ hush baby don’t wanna get caught do you?” He replied as he continued to pound into you, his fingers digging into your hips surely to leave bruises . You bit tightly onto your bottom lip, trying to hold in the moans from all the pleasure you were receiving.
Rafe groaned loudly as he watched you place one of your hands on your clot, rubbing circles , bringing yourself to your climax . Rafe felt your legs begin to shake, causing him to hold you hip against him.
“ you cumming baby?” He breathed out as he watched your body start to tremble in front of him.
“ yes Rafe” you moaned out loudly, causing him to reach his climax as well. Rafe quickly pulled out, pumping himself a few times as his load shot out . You giggled as you watched him finish himself off before tucking himself back in his shorts, you following shortly after to pull your bottoms back up.
“ let me know when you go to leave I’ll take you home okay ?” He replied kissing the top of your forehead. You sighed heavily, sadness filling you. You absolutely adored Rafe. And having to keep him a secret from your friends and family honestly sucked so much. You wished you could be open about your relationship together but with you being a pogue from the poor side and him being a rich kook, it just wasn’t the right time to come out yet.
“ of course , wanna stay the night? My mom won’t be home this weekend “ you asked. He nodded placing his large hands on your cheeks .
“ what we doin? Movie night?” He asked, rubbing circles on your cheek with his thumb.
“ and other things” you teased with a big flirtatious grin.
“ you’re so cute” he laughed out before giving you a quick peck on your nose , before turning away - making his way back to his friends.
You made sure to wait a few seconds before following behind so no one would notice .
You walked over to one of the kegs, getting you a cup of whatever alcohol beverage they had mixed in it when you heard toppers loud drunken voice from behind.
“ where’d ya go buddy?” Topper said patting Rafe on the back. You didn’t hear Rafe respond but topper didn’t hesitate to run his mouth again.
“ you were fuckin someone weren’t you?” He joked, causing the group of people he was with to start laughing and cheering Rafe on. You began to smirk until you heard the words Kelce spoke.
“ I bet it was that pogue Y/n” he said. You froze for a second , the keg you were at was kind of hidden behind a tree so you backed yourself further behind, looking over towards rafes group , ease dropping in.
“ the fuck? No” Rafe replied almost to quick . You frowned slightly, wishing he would’ve had some other type of response other than the one he just gave them.
“ I call bull man “ Kelce replied . “ topper bro I saw her car parked in his driveway like 3 different times “ they all laughed at kelces words , while Rafe shook his head in denial.
“ who wants to fuck a dirty pogue “ he replied. It felt like a blade shot through your heart at his words. Is that really how Rafe felt about you? Was he really that ashamed of a ‘ dirty pogue’ like you?
“ hey man she’s pretty hot for a pogue” topper replied patting Rafe on the shoulder . You couldn’t handle listening to anymore once anger started to rise in you .
“ dirty pogue? I’ll show you a dirty pogue” you mumbled to yourself as you chugged down two full cups of the alcohol, pouring you a third before making your way to a group of tourons.
You had been standing there for a good 20 minutes, flirting away with a. Group of guys that were out of town , all young horny college boys looking for some fun one night stands.
You usually weren’t like this but your only intentions right now were to hurt the boy who unknowingly hurt you.
[ text message]
Rafe- tf you doin with them boys?
Rafe- hello?
Rafe- I’m ready to go c’mon
Rafe- are you ignoring me..?
You looked down at your phone after the 5th ding, only to leave him on read purposely.
“ hey I’m gonna grab another drink” you said running your hand down the side of his biceps, solely because you just knew Rafe was watching you from a distance based off of his messages.
You finished off the cup you had as you walked over towards the keg, almost tripping over yourself .
“ yo” you heard behind you as you struggled to fill your cup up. You sat up taking another sip of your drink to see Rafe towering over you, his eyes squinted at you with anger .
“ what” you spat out.
“ why are you ignoring me “ he asked , this time his voice a bit softer as if his feelings were hurt . You shrugged, taking another sip of your drink, not feeling sympathetic to him . “ I think you’ve had enough of this “ he said attempting to take the drink away from your hand but you quickly pulled away from him. “ y/n I’m serious those boys your with could try something with-“
“ what? Try to fuck me ?” You responded with a smirk. Before Rafe could even respond you turned your back to him, filling back up the bit of alcohol you just drank. “ hey at least they would WANT to fuck a dirty pogue like me “ you responded before walking off, chugging your now 5th drink once again.
Rafe wanted to chase after you to apologize , but he knew if he did everyone would see you two together and he wasn’t sure if he was ready for that yet.
You stood over with the boys, one in particular getting very handsy. At first your plan was to make Rafe jealous, but at this point you knew in the end ask you wanted was Rafe and you had taken this’ flirting’ thing too far.
“ you should really let us see your tits” one of the guys said, tugging at the string of your bathing suit. You quickly swatted his hand away, getting nervous as you watched the group of guys circling around you.
“ no way” you laughed out, “ I can’t just show my breasts out here” .
“ oh c’mon” another said grabbing at your ass, which you immediately pushed his hand away. “ everyone’s too drunk to even notice” . You attention to back away from the grabby guy but the circle just kept enclosing around you.
“ okay guys” you laughed off nervously , but by now the guy had his hands around your waste , pulling you against your boner .
“ why don’t you come back to our hotel we can show you a really good time” the guy said , while his friend reached out, grabbing one of your breast.
“ no- please stop” you responded trying push yourself off of the guy behind you. All of a sudden you felt the guy behind you sling backwards, almost dragging you with him. You quickly caught yourself from falling before you turned around, only to see Rafe himself picking the guy back up by his throat .
“didn’t you hear her say no?!” Rafe yelled, the guy stumbling backwards as Rafe pushed him towards the water .
“ Rafe stop!” You yelled grabbing at his flexed biceps but to no avail.
“ the who’re was practically throwing herself on us man !” The guy tried arguing which really set Rafe off. Before you could even defend yourself, Rafe was throwing punch after punch, not even giving the guy a fighting chance. By then a whole circle of people were surrounding the fight , topper and kelce trying to pull Rafe off.
“ he’s down man he’s down!” Topper yelled at Rafe as he watched the nearly unconscious guy spitting blood out his mouth. Rafe squatted down, picking the guys face back up by his jaw.
“ touch my girl again, and I’ll fucking kill you “ he spat out before pushing his head back down against the shore. Rafe quickly stood up, his jaw clenched walking straight towards you. He had pure rage written all over his face when he grabbed you by the forearm , making you follow him. You didn’t bother to hesitate, quickly following along with him. You were practically jogging trying to keep up with his lengthy legs as he walked quickly across the sand to his truck.
“ get the fuck in the truck” he gritted through his teeth, holding the passenger door open for you. You quickly climbed your way in his truck, him slamming the door before walking around to the driver side , getting in the truck with same aggressiveness. The ride back to your place was silent, the only sounds was the trucks engine revving up every-time Rafe pushed on the gas. You watched as his knuckles were pale white from squeezing so tight on the steering wheel and his jaw clenching over and over again. It was turning you on to the max but you decided to stay quiet, since he was way too upset at the moment .
You had finally made it to your house, your front porch light lighting the inside of the car up some.
“ thanks for the ride” you said softly before reaching for the door handle .
“ wait “ Rafe said , not taking his eyes off the street in front of you. He sighed heavily calming himself down before looking over at you. “ I didn’t mean what I said earlier” he spoke. You looked down. You knew he didn’t look at you like that, but to convince the kooks, that’s exactly what he had to say .
“ I know” you said softly looking over at him. The car stayed quiet , neither one of you knowing what to say but neither wanting to be away from each other. “ I wasn’t going to do anything with those guys” you said finally breaking the silence. Rafe stayed quiet, anger filling him just by picturing you getting fucked by one of those guys.
“ I was just trying to make you jealous” you said turning slightly in your seat facing towards Rafe. Rafe looked up at you, his eyes staring deeply into yours.
“ it very much worked” he replied. You chuckled slightly nodding your head.
“ I know and it was so hot “ Rafe laughed at your comment, shaking his head.
“ well everyone knows now too so” he said shrugging his shoulders.
“ I’m sorry” you replied softly while lowering your head.
“ princess it’s okay” he replied grabbing ahold of your face. “ everyone was bound to find out eventually “ he replied with a sincere smile.
“ I know but I forced it early and you weren’t ready” you replied , laying your head down in his head .
“ no “ he replied shaking his head. “ I don’t care who was around there’s no way I was about to let those guys keep touching you the way they were. “ you sighed heavily, leaning back in the seat .
“ well you wanna come inside?” You asked, feeling yourself getting drowsy.
“ of course princess “ he said taking the key out of the ignition .
He followed you to your front door, his eyes not leaving your bottom.
“ your ass really does look good “ he said before grabbing a handful.
“ behave yourself “ you joked before leading him inside your house.
It was about to be a loonnnng night .
Feedback is always appreciated ❤️
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hpimaginesandblurbs · 3 years
can you pleasee do pt 2 to draco fucking his arranged marriage wife of the next day the reader being needy saying that she can’t get enough of him while he’s working in his office and he’s like “babe im busy😑” but then rails tf outta her right there😀 with like praise and daddy kink😩😩😩
read part 1 here
pairing: draco malfoy x reader
word count: 3.0k
warning(s): 18+, dom/sub roles, daddy kink, praise, slight degradation/humiliation, mentions of arranged marriage
a/n: i have been so excited to write a part two to this imagine the second i got the request. there will also be a part three coming soon so if you like these stay tuned! these have to be my favorite ones i've ever written.
It was the day after your marriage truly started. Although you and your husband, Draco Malfoy, had been married for weeks, the marriage truly began yesterday.
It had been a whirlwind.
It all began with you fucking your ex boyfriend, something you did in a desperate attempt to receive physical contact and get out of the house you had thought to be a prison.
When your husband came home, you decided it would be a brilliant idea to tell him. It was an arranged marriage, one that he did not seem enthusiastic to be a part of, so you figured there would be no hard feelings.
You were incredibly, incredibly wrong.
He had a lot of feelings about your adultery, but not only was there the anger and jealousy you were expecting, there was sadness. That had taken you by surprise, and only after poking the dragon, you finally consummated your marriage with your husband. Right there on the couch of the entrance hall.
After he had fucked you silly, you both reached the agreement that you would actually try to work as a real marriage. You had both made mistakes, and you were both ready and excited to move past those and really try to build a relationship out of what you had both thought was doomed from the start.
Which was why you were in front of his study, a hand raised and ready to knock, the following evening. He had been in there most of the day, working on a project for what you had learned to be connected to the Malfoy’s family business, but you were ready to put an end to his work day in the best way you knew how.
Your hand had barely connected with the wood when you heard a curt “Come in,” from the other side of the door.
You opened the door slowly and walked in, taking in the sight before you. There were papers scattered all over the desk, inkwells and quills mixed into the mess. Either you caught him at a bad time, or he wasn’t as tidy as you had assumed.
But it wasn’t the desk that caught your eye. It was him.
His button down shirt was rolled up the elbows at the cuffs. His hands, already littered with rings, were smudged with ink and deftly writing something down on a piece of parchment. There wasn’t a single hair out of place on his head, but what struck you were his glasses. You didn’t even know he wore glasses. But he looked damn good in them, because of course he fucking did.
“Yes?” He asked, a smug smile on his face as he watched you openly check him out. You hadn’t even realized he had looked up from the parchment he had been writing on.
“Just figured you could use a break, dinner’s ready,” you explained, quickly catching yourself.
“I’ll be out in a bit. I just need to finish this bit up,” he replied, an obvious dismissal but you had had enough of that over the past two weeks to last a lifetime.
“Draco, you’ve obviously been at this for a while. Just come take a break,” you argued defiantly, happy with the knowledge you finally felt comfortable enough to do so.
“Y/N, I’m busy,” he said gently, clearly not wanting to break the carefully made balance you had just created with a silly argument, but you couldn’t help yourself.
You admitted it to yourself when you walked in the room. You didn’t really want him to take a break just to have dinner with you. No. You wanted him to take a break so he would fuck you right over his desk.
“You can finish it later,” you continued, your arms crossed over your chest as you waited for his eventual push back.
But his argument never came.
Slowly, painfully slow, he began to stack up his papers in neat piles to put them away. Next were the inkwells being covered and finally the quills being put away. All without a word between you both.
When his desk was cleared, he finally turned his attention back to you.
“You come into my study and argue with me over taking a break just to go eat dinner. You haven’t bothered to ask me to dinner once over the past few weeks. So is it really dinner that’s got you so riled up, or is it something else?” He asked straight faced, but the twinkle in his eye led you to believe he knew exactly why you were arguing.
“Can’t a wife just want to spend time with her husband?” You argued, but it didn’t hold the impact you wanted the words to have.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said, pushing his chair back just slightly. “Come here,” he commanded, crooking his fingers in your direction.
With just two silly little words your skin was flushed and your nerves were on fire. You weren’t sure what type of hold this man had over you, but it ran deep for only having just fucked him the day before for the first time.
You followed his command without a second thought, and it led you to standing right between his spread legs with your back pressed up against his now pristine desk.
“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think my wife just wants to get fucked. Am I correct?” He asked, raking his eyes over your body greedily, taking in every inch of you. You were just lucky you dressed to impress tonight in a perfect, form-fitting black cocktail dress. It didn’t leave much to the imagination.
“Yes,” you answered easily, completely giving up the fight now that you could see the hunger that you felt reflected in his eyes.
He gave you a slow smile before dragging you down to straddle his lap, perfectly placing you so you could feel his growing erection against your core as he kissed you roughly. It was perfect after a day of craving him so fiercely, and you knew this was only the appetizer.
His hands possessively roamed your body as he continued to dominate your kiss, finally landing on your ass to pull you closer against him. Your hands made quick work of taking his glasses off and gently placing them on the desk somewhere behind you before trailing through his hair, messing up his perfectly placed platinum locks.
You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding down on him, moans spilling from both of your lips at the friction. He let you do as you please for a few minutes, just enjoying kissing you and having you in his lap, but once your hands went to undo the buttons on his shirt, he gripped your hips roughly and pushed you back.
“Let’s get one thing straight, pretty girl. I’m in charge, and you’ll be a good girl and do as I say, won’t you?” He asked, running a thumb along your lower lip as he spoke.
You bit his finger gently before answering, and your answer only riled him up more than the bite did.
“Yes, Daddy.”
And just like that he unleashed himself on you, much like he had done the day before.
He had you on your feet and spun around faster than you could even blink. Within the next breath, your dress was being stripped off of your body and thrown across the room, your breasts exposed. When he had you bent over the desk with just a thong on, he finally opened his mouth again.
“You’re gonna be a good girl for Daddy, aren’t you, pretty girl?” He asked, dragging his hands up the back of your thighs until he was grabbing your ass again.
“Yes,” you gasped out, knowing you were already drenched from his words and touch alone.
When you felt his palm connect with your raised ass, you couldn’t hold back the whimper that fell from your lips.
“Yes, what?” He asked, rubbing his hands in circles to soothe the ache, but the contrast of his warm skin and cold rings only left you shaking.
“Yes, Daddy,” you answered, saying the words again.
They were meant to be a joke at first. Just another jest to rile him up and poke at him. But now, after having called him Daddy twice, it was starting to feel right. Like this was exactly the dynamic you were meant to be in with him.
“So much better. Look at you, already dripping down your thighs,” he mused, his finger trailing up your thigh in what you could only assume was a patch of wetness, a blush falling over your face at the thought.
He dragged your thong down your legs and slowly freed your feet before tossing the scrap of fabric across the room as well, leaving you totally exposed.
“Is this what you wanted? To be bent over Daddy’s desk just begging to be fucked?” He asked, his weight pinning you down as he bent over, slowly dragging his lips up the side of your neck as he spoke. You could feel how hard he was against your ass and you fought now to roll your hips into him, but you knew he would put an end to it anyway.
“Please fuck me,” you begged quietly, your words no more than a whisper as you played right into the fantasy he was spinning for the both of you.
“Patience, darling,” he said accompanied by a dark chuckle, but he didn’t leave you wanting.
He kept his weight on you, his lips leaving open mouth kisses on your neck that were sure to leave bruises for the coming days, but he dragged a finger up your slit and plunged inside of you.
You were so on edge that the one finger almost made you cum right then, but of course he was careful to make sure that didn’t happen. He teased you along until one finger turned into two, and by then you were a writhing mess on his desk.
“Daddy, please. I’m ready. Just fuck me,” you begged impatiently, all of your focus on him and his miraculous fingers.
Silently, he pulled back to stand up fully behind you. For a moment, you thought you’d be getting what you wanted, but you should have known it was too good to be true. You weren’t getting fucked until he thought you were ready.
You felt his thumbs pull your lips apart, and you knew all of his focus was right on you, right on where you were a dripping mess for him and that had you fighting not to squirm under his gaze.
“I told you to be patient, pretty girl. Or are you just that desperate to cum you couldn’t help yourself? Because this pretty little hole isn’t ready for me yet,” he mused, and his words forced an unexpected moan out of you.
You were exposed and aching, a true flushed mess in front of him, while he was a master of poise and control, still fully clothed behind you. Something about the situation made your head spin and your knees weak, and you knew you were in for a wild ride with this man. But you were willing to take anything and everything he threw your way because there was no denying you were enjoying every second of this. Not when he was holding you open obscenely and could see the evidence for himself.
“I want to cum,” you answered honestly, your breasts grinding on the desk and you arched your back, further exposing yourself in the hopes that he would fulfill your wishes.
While still holding you open, he used one gentle finger to stroke over your clit and it was just enough pressure to cause a shiver to run down your spine. If he kept it up, you knew you’d cum in seconds. “Go ahead, cum for me. Let me watch you make a mess of yourself,” he commanded, keeping the gentle pressure on your clit.
You came with a scream, your legs shaking beneath you. The desk was the only reason you stayed up, otherwise you would have collapsed from the force of your orgasm right there. It felt like one of the most intense orgasms of your life, all just from a little flick of his finger.
As you came down, you were gasping for air, just as desperate for your next breath as you were for Draco’s cock. No matter how mind shattering your orgasm had been, you were still craving more. You’d always crave more from him.
“That was beautiful, darling - watching you clench around nothing as you screamed for me. I think you’re ready for my cock now,” he mused, slowly stroking his hands up and down your back in an effort to calm your body, but every nerve was on fire from his touch.
“Please, please, fuck me Draco. I need you,” you were begging shamelessly now, not even worried about making a fool of yourself in this new marriage. You were both too invested in this moment to care, both of you just knew you needed each other.
“Shh, you have me, pretty girl. I’m right here,” he soothed, placing gentle kisses on your shoulders as he worked to free his cock behind you. “Stay just like that.”
You didn’t even know he had succeeded in taking his cock out until you felt his tip against your entrance, and he didn’t wait a second longer. He plunged into you like he was just as desperate as you were, which by the way he was fucking you in brutal strokes, you could tell he was.
Your hands clutched the edge of the desk for dear life, your knuckles a bright white against the dark oak wood. With every thrust, your hips collided with the sharp edge, sure to leave some marks for you to admire the next day.
You could feel the power behind each deep, hard stroke and you knew he was giving you his all. The previous night had been kind and sweet compared to the brutal fucking he was giving you now. You felt fucked within an inch of your life and he had barely even started.
“Fuck, Y/N. You take me so fucking well. So perfect,” he praised, not even sounding out of breath. Meanwhile, you couldn’t even control the noises that were coming from your mouth.
You climbed up the peak steadily, but even in your cock drunk daze you knew this orgasm would wipe you out. Once you were about to reach the edge, he pulled out.
“No, please, fuck. I was so close,” you whined, but a startled gasp came out of your mouth next when he lifted you up and spun you around, your back crashing back down on the desk with a gentle thud.
You finally got the chance to look at him, then. His cock was hard and aching, on the verge of falling over the edge himself. His hair was disheveled and he had that glow that only sex could bring coming from his perfect skin, but when you locked eyes you couldn’t look away. His silver eyes were clouded with lust and possession, a man closing in for the kill on his prey. It was terrifying and arousing all at once, but you were sure your own eyes reflected something similar.
Draco wasted no time in hoisting your legs over his shoulders and coming down to take your lips in a brutal kiss just before fucking back into you, his pace the same as it had been in the previous position. He swallowed your moans greedily, but finally pulled back to just concentrate on your face.
“I needed to look at you when you came on my cock. Show me how pretty you look when you fall apart for me,” he ordered, but his voice was gentle and there was a smile fighting to tug on his face. It didn’t hold the same dominance his previous commands did, but you followed it all the same.
One, two, three thrusts later you came with his name on your lips as he fucked you through it. It was like your whole world blacked out and only the two of you existed, suspended in this moment as he stared down at your blissed out face. He followed you shortly, and the feel of him emptying himself inside of you accompanied by the litany of choked out praises he was giving you was almost enough to push you into a third orgasm.
You both stayed like that as the minutes passed, chest to chest and near face to face as you caught your breath. It was no easy feat after an orgasm like that, but finally he was wrapping you in his arms and balancing you in his lap as he got comfortable in his desk chair once again.
“Was that too much?” He asked, the concern dripping from his voice as he tenderly brushed your hair from your face.
You could have laughed at his concern. That was the best sex you had ever had in your life, and he was asking if it was too much. But you didn’t want to worry him.
“Draco, that was perfect. I loved every second of it,” you told him honestly, tilting your head up so you could look him in the eye so he would have no room for doubt.
It was him who laughed then, in sheer disbelief of the woman curled up in his lap. “I got too lucky with you. You’re perfect,” he said with a smile, a small kiss to your forehead following his words.
“I think I’m the lucky one,” you insisted, curling further into his chest as the events of the evening finally wore on your body. It was comfortably silent for a few minutes as he held you, until you remembered why you had truly come into his study in the first place. “But I was serious when I came in. Dinner’s ready,” you reminded him with a slight giggle.
“How about I get you up to bed and we eat dinner in bed, hm?” He asked, already lifting you up and carrying you towards the door.
“Sounds perfect,” you said, relaxing against his strong chest as he continued to prove just how lucky you were to end up in this arranged marriage.
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erectionsandtea · 3 years
Roller rink skate date headcanons! (poly party) insp. by this post, for @mike-wheeler-is-gay (I know you wanted byler specifically and I usually write poly party, but I tried to stick some extra byler in here for you, I hope I did it justice and that you like it!)
So many paragraphs this should really just be a fic, I'm sorry
- Mike is super tall and gangly is absolutely the worst skater in the party (tied only with Lucas, who put on his very first pair of skates and promptly fell on his face and they weren't even on the rink yet, they were still on the carpet area)
- the moment Mike steps into the actual skating floor, he falls bc he's tall gangly uncoordinated Mike, and Will is just standing there rolling his eyes, like "babe, you're a mess" but he doesn't mind bc it means he gets to hold Mike's hand (and hold Mike in general) while he helps his bf balance and skate
- and Mike is like "I don't deserve you, why are you even with me, I'm so awkward" (poor self deprecating bby), and you know Will would respond with "are you kidding, you're amazing, why are YOU with ME?" (also a self deprecating bby), but then he falls and pulls Will down with him (aka on top of him lol)
- and they laugh, and just as their lips touch, the moment is ruined by Max zooming in their direction screaming "get up before you get run over!!" And she manages to avoid them (being the zoomer that she is) but Lucas has to swerve and falls the fuck over ofc (luckily the rink isn't super crowded that day so nobody's in any real danger)
- and Dustin is looking at byler like "this isn't even that hard guys, come on, are you even trying??"
- El and Will have totally been going to the rink (sibling bonding yo) and everyone realizes that's how they got so good bc El is totally the best skater in the group
- except for Suzie who is a skating queen
- El and Suzie totally having races from one end of the rink to the other
- Max totally joining them and they let her win, just once
- Dustin joining them and after he wins twice in a row (pure luck), Max and El pretend cross his path and bump into him, totally fucking him up, and Dustin's just like "are you shitting me?" (but it's all in good fun, everyone knows that)
- El and Max holding hands as El helps her get better at skating, bc Max is decent on skates but better on her skateboard (bc how do you wheels on both feet separately ??) (like skiing vs snowboarding)
- byler doing that thing where holding hands facing each other, and Mike learning how to actually move his feet and skate forward, and that's propelling Will backward (and Will constantly throwing praise at him and Mike grinning so big bc he's doing it! lol)
- Will and Mike holding hands as they slowly skate around the edge of the rink
- Mike needing to stop a moment and grab the wall to keep himself up and steady, and Will coming around in front of him, his hands over Mike's,and they stand there all adorable and then kisses (except Mike has to duck down bc Will cannot stand on his tippy-toes in skates)
- eventually Mike is like "I need a break" (from falling and stuff, tho he has gotten better) and he goes to sit down
- and then El comes over to join him bc "you looked lonely" (he isn't really lonely, he just kind of has a resting bitch face sometimes, tell me I'm wrong, am I actually wrong tho ??)
- they sit together in silence, watching the rest of the group playing some weird skate-tag game (rules at the bottom)
- Mike is watching Will with a smile on his face, laughing and having fun, and he says to nobody, really "what did I ever do to deserve him?"
- El replies "probably whatever I did to deserve you" and they look at each other and smile and then cute lil Mileven kiss
- their hands reach over (cos they are sitting like RIGHT next to each other, no space)
- they continue to sit there, hands clasped, her head on his shoulder, watching the group and sometimes making comments to each other and laughing
- after a while Will comes over to check on his bf and sis) ("I don't know which is more bruised, my knees or my ego" -> Mike, "you're doing really well!" -> El), which is actually kind of nice for El bc she wants to go skate some more but she doesn't want to leave Mike by himself
- before she leaves tho, she wants a kiss, so still holding Mike's hand she gets up and wheels around to face him and grabs his other hand and is like "I want a kiss" bc she's just blunt like that (it's a good thing)
- and mike laughs at her bluntness bc SO CUTE, and so Mike gives her one of those super cute kisses where he puts his hands on the sides of her face, you know? And she has to balance herself by putting her hands on his knees (Sorry, I just had to get a Mileven kiss in here)
(so much detail in those moments ^ I'm...sorry?)
- so Will sits there with Mike, and they hold hands and share kisses and say cute sweet things to each other, and honestly they spend more time looking at each other than anyone/thing else
- Will goes and buys them one giant drink to share bc boys gotta stay hydrated (can someone please draw this or maybe ALL of this idk ??)
- the rest of the group annoys them (but not really) by hanging over the wall and saying "AWWW" super loud and making kissy faces
- and then El comes back over later and says "okay, that's enough sitting down, we're going back skating, come on" and she grabs Mike's hand and Will's hand and tries to pull them up but it's hard bc wheels (like she's about to slip and the boys have to grab her arms to catch her), but the boys comply and go back to the rink floor
- Dustin and Suzie can totally do skate-dancing, whatever that is (and they totally get applause)
- Max skating by everyone so many times and being like "zoomer!" and everyone is like "pls stop, we get it"
- Dustin trying to tell help Lucas how to skate by actually explaining how the skates and the rubber stoppers work, and Lucas not getting it and just being like "can you explain in English please??" And Dustin throws his hands up like "I fucking give up, you're hopeless"
- Max learns how to skate in a small circle (basically just turning around without stepping) and she's super fucking proud of herself and does it constantly
- Max eventually needs to be stopped by El and Lucas bc "babe, you're gonna get so dizzy" (you can decide who says that 😊) but it's too late bc she's already dizzy
- Lucas and El lead Max off the rink floor and she just immediately falls down to sit on the carpet bc so dizzy and El falls down next to her bc hand holding (she gets pulled), and Lucas sits down too
- the girls can't stop laughing and Lucas is looking at them like "tf is wrong with you guys?" (but not really), also he's just smiling at them and laughing with them bc goddamn they are so cute, his girlfriend is the most beautiful girl in the world and seeing her as she is right now just inflates his heart
- eventually Max can't stay upright so she lies back and El follows her and they are just lying there together (Max on her back, El on her side facing Max, no space), giggling so hard, they can't stop laughing for some reason (I think it's bc when one laughs, it makes the other laugh too)
- Max is like "you, boyfriend, kiss" and so Lucas complies
- an employee has to come over and say "you can't lie down here, it's a safety hazard" and Lucas is like "we're sorry, sir" and he's like "babe, we gotta move"
- so he gets the girls up and they bring max to a bench where she can sit, instead of sitting tho, she lies down again, on the bench with her head in El's lap, and then elmax kisses as El plays with her hair
- El and Max basically take over the bench that Mike and Will were sitting on, and they also steal the boys' giant drink (barely a quarter empty) cos hydration
- Will and Mike trying to kiss while not holding the wall, but fucking down AnD having his eyes closed throws Mike way off balance bc what a klutz, and then he falls and Will is fuckin laughing and he feels bad but also it's funny
- so then Will gets down too (more gracefully but lbr, anyone can be more graceful than Mike, without even trying) and is like "it's okay, we can do this here" and then sitting kisses
- El trying to help Mike but she's having too much fun and ends up just speeding around while Mike tries to catch up with her, and she has to keep going back for him
- Mike feeling kind of embarrassed bc his gf is amazing while his own skating is questionable, and he confides this to her and is like "why are you with me, I'm so clumsy and awkward" (self deprecating again), but El makes him feel better by telling him that she's with him bc she loves him and actually she thinks it's kind of cute that he's not that good at skating and she likes being the one who helps him for once (bc he's helped her for so long with so much)
- and then Mike gives her one of his lil mike-smiles (you know the one I mean, like the one right after he kisses her for the very first time, in season 1)
- and then a Mileven kiss, but Mike almost loses his balance again like he did with the byler kiss, but El can sense it's about to happen and has to break their kiss to hold him up (she's holding both his hands, fingers intertwined), but it's okay, they just smile at each other share a little laugh at the situation and how uncoordinated he is, and they scoot their skates really close together in a sort-of huh type thing
- arcade games after!! (But I'll put that in its own separate post 😄)
- rules to the weird skate-tag game: 1) the wall is the safe zone, but you can only stay there for 10 seconds at a time 2) you cannot untouch the wall for one second and then go back to touching it for 10 seconds, you have to actually leave the wall and skate (HOWEVER you can try to skate from the wall on one end of the rink to the wall at the other end) 3) you are allowed to skate around the edge while touching the wall, as long as you only do so for no more than 10 seconds 4) whoever is 'it' cannot hover around those on the wall 5) crashing into someone does not count as tagging them 6) no tag backs
I tried to get equal parts of all the ships in this one but I know I failed miserably, I'm so sorry lol (clearly you can tell who I ship the most)
If you want to add more (I will if I think of any), send me ideas, or request anything, please feel free! 😀👍🏻
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
If you're still doing thirsty thot prompts or asks. I've been wondering how Din or Paz or perhaps both would be as horny baby daddies? Like how would they act when you are really pregnant?
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Title: Stuffed Pairings: f!Reader x Din Djarin, f!Reader x Paz Vizsla, Paz Vizsla x f!Reader x Din Djarin Wordcount: 8k+ 🙃🙃🙃 Rating: NC-17 (duh)
⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Read the warnings! ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Warnings: Borderline CNC (consensual non-consent – Paz, Din, and Reader are all pretending that Reader doesn’t want to get pregnant), rough enough to need a safe word, PWP (plot what plot), threesome, lots of unprotected sex, gratuitous self-indulgence of a cum kink, degradation (Reader called a slut for cock/cum), breeding fetish (Reader legit wants to be bred), use of a sex toy, Reader gets called ‘kitten’, cockwarming, oral (m & f receiving), the helmets come off, exhibitionism/public(ish) sex. I’m pretty sure I’ve missed a few, but these are the most important ones.
⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Read the warnings! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Author’s Note: I know what you were intending with your ask, but I’m totally going to be a thirsty bitch. 😉 This is focusing mainly on the baby making steps. This is also purely self-indulgent smut because I would love for these two to take turns with me for a few days and knock me tf up.
Thank you for the title, my darling Izzy!!!
For more dirtiness, please see:
📚 My Master List 📚
“You’re both too old for that,” you announce to Paz and Din, watching as their heads snap up.
“What?” Din asks as you silently laugh to yourself.
“You said you wanted to make a baby,” you respond. “At your age, you probably need those herbal teas. And don’t get me started on you, Paz. You’re ancient. Can you even keep it hard?”
“Don’t you run your mouth,” Paz warns quietly.
A low tendril of heat starts to curl low in your belly as you hear the warning in his voice. Shut your mouth, or I will prove you wrong. You lean back on your hands, tilting your head as the two men watch you from the other side of the cargo bay.
“I’m not,” you respond. “I’m just telling the truth. Us young tradespeople need competent warriors to raise the next generation with. You two are past your prime.”
“Kitten,” Din warns, a low growl in his voice.
You smile to yourself under your helmet. These two have just reached their prime as hunters. They know it, and they know you know it. Din and Paz exchange a silent glance between themselves. Lifting one hand, you plant it on your lower belly, watching as Paz’s head tilts downward, pointedly watching you slide your hand up and down, as if caressing a baby bump. If there is one thing that never fails to get a Mandalorian’s attention, it is a pregnant belly.
“If I am going to go through nine months of pregnancy, it wouldn’t be for two ancient fuckers like you two,” you say casually. “I’ll be fertile soon, so I need to be very picky about who I sleep with. I’m thinking maybe Dezha? Mathias?”
When Paz growls, you grin. Dezha is older than him, and Mathias is pretty close to Din’s age. You swing your legs back and forth casually, tilting your helmet slightly in what you hope they interpret as flirtation.
“Do you have any opinions, Din?”
Din comes forward a step, tension radiating through every part of his body.
“I might have an idea,” he says, as Paz starts to circle around you.
You slide your hand down toward your crotch as you spread your knees for Din. His next step falters ever so slightly.
“You know a warrior who can breed a woman properly?” you ask in mock surprise as he comes closer, almost hesitating.
“Do you actually want a kid?” Din asks flatly. He’s so hard you can see the outline of his cock through his trousers.
“I’ll be ovulating this week,” you say, sliding off the table and onto your feet.
Paz and Din exchange a look before turning their attention to you.
“I just need to find a warrior worthy of my time,” you say with a grin. “Certainly not either of you two ancient bastards.”
With those words, you dart for the open doorway, and laugh as you hear Paz curse. Heavy footsteps follow you as you bolt toward the cover of the trees. Unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten that both warriors have jetpacks, and you do not. Din lands a few meters in front of you, cutting you off from escape. In that moment of distraction, Paz catches up to you and grabs you. Firmly, he turns you around to face him, the fingers of one hand looped around your belt and the others under your chin. He tilts your face up to his.
“Kitten, I am not playing games with you,” he growls darkly, sending a low throb of pleasure shooting deep in your belly. “If you keep mouthing off, you’re going to end up pregnant.”
“There’s no way you could ever knock me up,” you say to Paz. “At your age, you’re shooting dust, aren’t you?”
“I’m not joking,” Paz says flatly, fingers tightening in warning.
“Neither am I,” you tell him. “I’m ready for a baby, and I want the two of you to take turns with me.”
“Did you hear that, Din?” Paz asks.
“Sure did,” Din says.
“Tell me what you’ve been fantasizing about, kitten,” Paz murmurs, loosening his grip around your chin.
Swallowing, you work up the courage to tell the two men exactly what you want from them.
“I’ve been masturbating for months now, thinking about the two of you,” you say shyly. “Taking turns using my body like you’re paying me for it. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve come around my fingers to the thoughts of you two fucking me while I struggle, while I beg you to not finish in me.”
You aren’t quite sure what Din or Paz are into, so degradation and playing around with unwanted impregnation might be out of what they are willing to give. Shit. You are on the verge of apologizing when Din speaks up.
“Kitten,” he breathes. “You have such a vivid imagination.”
“I genuinely want to be bred,” you whisper meekly, looking down as you suddenly lose your courage. “But I want to be taken. I don’t want you to ask.”
Paz tilts your face up toward his, fingers as light as feathers on your chin.
“I’d be happy to put a baby in you,” Paz says. “But let me make one thing clear – I’m not going to hurt you. I have never enjoyed hurting my partners and I never will. If that’s what you’re after, I can’t help you.”
“Nor will I,” Din adds, hands settling at your waist.
“No pain,” you say softly. “Just…rough enough to need a safe word to stop, instead of a no.”
Paz nods slowly.
“That I can agree to,” Paz says, nodding slowly. “Safe word?”
“Behot,” you blurt out the first thing on your mind.
“Behot is the safe word,” Din confirms.
Paz turns you around and shoves you against Din. You let out a squeak of protest as one massive hand encloses both your wrists, Paz’s massive forearm resting lightly on your breasts as he restrains you. He ducks his head down, pressing his helmet against your shoulder.
“You’re going to regret running your mouth, kitten,” he growls.
You struggle against Paz’s firm grip as Din advances, undoing his belt. The sound of leather zipping through his belt buckle makes your knees weak.
“No, not a snowball’s chance on Tatooine,” you snap, kicking at Din’s ankle.
“Normally, I’d just throw you into the sparring rings and smack you around until you shut up,” Din says. “But you…you’re young, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, what about it?” you ask. “What, you afraid I’ll kick your ass?”
“Young means fertile,” Paz says, his arm tightening around you, forcing a little squeak out of you.
“We’ve got a few days before we need to go back home,” Din suggests. “How about we have a little fun with our kitten?”
You wriggle in Paz’s arms. The thought of Paz and Din having their way with you sends a thrill shooting straight through your belly. You watch as Din spreads his cloak on the ground in front of you. Then Paz pushes you down. You land hard on your knees with a grunt. You try to get back up, but Paz keeps you down, wrestling you onto the fabric. He growls with pleasure. No matter how hard you fight, you simply cannot break out of Paz’s grip. His hands are snug around your wrists, but gentle, never painful, as he turns to look at Din.
“Let’s cuff her,” Paz says casually.
Equal measures of arousal and dread fill your belly as Din brings his restraints out. Swiftly, he restrains your wrists behind your back, not giving you the chance to break free. With your hands cuffed behind your back and Din’s hand between your shoulder blades, you can’t move much, so you settle for cursing both men out while Paz kneels behind you.
Then you hear a click and the distinctive hum of a vibroblade activating. You try to twist to see what Paz is doing, but Din keeps you from moving. You feel fabric give way as Paz very carefully slices through the crotch of your pants. Then he wriggles his fingers into the slice in the fabric and yanks it wide open, leaving you feeling cold and exposed.
“You’re already soaking wet,” Paz murmurs.
You hear a faint thump as his gloves land on the cloak next to your head. Two rough, calloused hands settle on your ass cheeks. Then thumbs spread your lower folds wide apart, baring your most private parts for him. Paz lets out a noise of delight.
“Look good?” Din asks.
“Oh, gods, yes,” Paz rumbles out. “So fucking good. Don’t let her move her head.”
You wonder what he’s going to do until you hear him speak again, that feeling of anticipation making your stomach feel weirdly tight.
“Let’s see how good you taste,” Paz says, his rich baritone no longer filtered by his modulator.
You squirm as you feel his breath fan across your vulva, his fingers digging into your plump ass so hard you know there will be bruises there. Paz swipes his tongue across your vulva, making stars dance behind your closed eyelids. A desperate warble escapes you as he draws back.
“You were struggling so much earlier,” Paz croons. “Where’s that fight, kitten?”
You bare your teeth in response and shift your weight, kicking back at him. Paz laughs as you miss him.
“There we go,” he rumbles, leaning in again.
He licks along your slit once more, tracing around your entrance, teasingly dipping the tip of his tongue into you. You buck your hips against his mouth, but Din is quick to pin you back down.
“Fuck you,” you hiss at Paz.
He only hums in response.
“I want a taste of her when you’re done,” Din says over your head.
Paz sucks your clit into his mouth and releases it with a pop that makes you squeal.
“She said she didn’t want this,” Paz comments idly. “But listen to her squealing.”
“I bet she’s already dripping down her thighs,” Din sighs.
Paz ducks his head down. His tongue traces a path from your inner thigh up to your entrance. He chuckles as you try to avoid his tongue. Without warning, Paz thrusts two fingers into your cunt, wrenching a cry of surprise from you.
“Ohh, fuck,” Paz groans out. “This pussy is tight. She’s gonna break my fingers.”
Roughly, he begins pumping his fingers in and out, filling the air with wet, sloppy noises. Then he plunges a third finger into you, making you shriek. Your walls protest the rough treatment, and you moan as each thrust of his calloused digits inside of you sends you spiraling closer and closer to the edge.
“Aww, I can feel your pussy getting all tight,” Paz croons. “Thought you didn’t want us to fuck you, kitten?”
“F-fuck you,” you gasp out, grimacing. “Should fu-fucking kill you – “
Paz pulls his fingers out and wipes your slick onto your thigh, chortling quietly. He gives you a few more long, slow licks, laughing each time you moan.
“Is it my turn?” Din asks.
“Of course,” Paz says. “Drink up, she’s dripping.”
As the two men shuffle around on the cloak, they keep you firmly trapped, not giving you an opportunity to escape. You huff quietly to yourself and resign yourself to the pleasurable torture.
“Look at how pretty,” Din says with a leer you can hear.
You feel him put his helmet down next to your knee. His voice is like caramel to your ears. Unfortunately, you don’t get a chance to enjoy it as he leans in and begins lapping at your slit, little groans of pleasure escaping him. Then he thrusts his tongue through your lips. Your breath catches in your throat, soft moans escaping you. Din gives you a few more moments on his tongue before withdrawing. Like Paz, he pushes his fingers into you, twisting and scissoring them inside you, as if mapping out your inner walls.
“Fuck,” Din says, and you can hear the grin on his lips. “You weren’t kidding.”
“Imagine how good she’s going to feel around your cock,” Paz suggests.
“Good idea,” Din says.
Din shuffles on the cloak behind you. You hear the whisper of fabric against flesh as he pushes his pants down. One hand wraps around your waist as he pushes forward, pressing the blunt head of his cock against your entrance. Then he starts pushing in slowly, firmly, filling you without giving you a chance to adjust. You sob as he finds the end of you, his cock brushing up against something vaguely uncomfortable.
“Oh, fuck,” he stutters out around a harsh pant. “Fuck!”
“Feel good?” Paz asks.
“So. Kriffing. Tight,” Din hisses, punctuating each word with a roll of his hips. “Kitten, how the fuck are you so tight?”
Tears spring to your eyes at how full you are, your walls struggling to take him. Din sets a slow, torturous pace, one that ensures you can feel every single inch of him as he fills you to the brim. Paz trails his hands up from your shoulders to your waist, stroking along your back through your suit. As that familiar heat begins to fill your belly, you realize you might have made a mistake in running your mouth. A very pleasurable mistake, but there is a strong chance you won’t be walking normally for a few days.
“I can feel you squeezing around me,” Din sings down to you. “Are you close, kitten?”
“I thought you didn’t want any of this,” Paz mocks you. “I thought you wanted us to let you go, kitten? I thought you hated the idea of us taking turns fucking you?”
You squirm again as Din’s pace grows rougher. Shit, he’s good. Too good. You’re already about to come and he has barely even gotten started.
“I’m gonna fill this pretty pussy right up,” Din grunts.
A whine escapes you before you can stop it. Paz reaches up and squeezes your hip. Immediately, you know what he’s feeling for. The contraceptive implant. He palpates for a few moments on both sides. A gush of wetness escapes you, pure pleasure filling you at the thought of your warriors breeding you.
“Where’s your contraceptive chip, kitten?” Paz asks. “Or did you not get one, hmm?”
Din increases his pace and force, hips slapping obscenely against your ass. His hand snakes around to your front. Strong fingers begin massaging your clit, little starbursts of pleasure exploding between your thighs. You hit your peak a few moments later, crying out as your walls quiver around his cock. Din’s grunts grow louder, his hands tightening around your hips. He smacks your ass lightly.
“Th-thought you didn’t want us to come in you?” he prompts.
Oh, right. You start struggling against him when you’ve regained your bearings.
“No, don’t you dare!” you hiss at him, “Pull out, pull out now!”
Din goes stiff, pace stuttering as his cock throbs inside of you, soft groans escaping him. Your eyes drift shut as he pants harshly.
“Company,” Paz warns.
Din puts his helmet on and pulls his pants up. You collapse flat onto your front and roll down onto your side, chest heaving as Din’s spend starts to leak out. Paz does not seem to care about the caravan passing by in the distance. Instead, he reaches over to remove your restraints. The instant you are free, you swing at him, but he anticipates it, catching your wrists and pinning them above your head.
With his other hand, he tugs your chest plate off and tosses it aside. Then he yanks your top open, sending buttons flying every which way. Then Paz pulls out his vibroblade.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” you hiss up at him. “This bra was expensive!”
He tilts his helmet down at you. Fortunately, he listens, and puts the damn blade away. Instead, he pushes your bra up over your tits, making you sigh in relief. Then Paz starts to push in. You howl, writhing in his iron-clad grip. Fuck, he’s huge, almost too big.
You pant harshly, digging your heels into his backside as he rocks forward experimentally. Din keeps watch over the caravan in the distance, polishing his weapon in a clear warning for them to stay the fuck away.
“Fight me, kitten,” Paz urges, “Show me those little claws of yours.”
Weakly, you buck your hips, but that only drives him in deeper, so deep it knocks the breath out of your lungs.
“Does my cock feel so good you can’t think?” Paz asks, faintly mockingly, as he rolls his hips once more. “Like that, my pretty little slut?”
Fuck, you think, as you clamp down around his length. Paz laughs at your reaction as he begins a deep pace, his cock hitting every single spot inside you that screams for friction.
“Fucking hell,” Paz breathes. “Din, how did you not come immediately? She’s squeezing so tight she’s about to push me back out.”
“I thought about your face,” Din lobs back easily, earning a bark of laughter from Paz. “He’s getting closer to us. Think he’s watching.”
“Watching?” you ask sharply, squirming again as alarm fills you. “Paz – “
“What, you don’t like the idea of being watched?” Paz asks, tilting his head down at you.
“Fuck off,” you hiss in response, mortification filling you at his words.
“You’re our woman,” Paz says, trailing a finger down to your breast. He pinches your nipple sharply, making you squeak. “And do you know what we do with fine Mandalorian women like you?”
Oh fuck, you think to yourself, as your cunt gushes in response.
“We breed our women,” Paz continues. “And this aruetii gets to see you do what you were meant to do. Take my cock.”
As you buck your hips and try to dislodge him, Paz keeps you pinned down, a growl of laughter escaping him. He keeps you pinned, his thrusts growing rougher and deeper, invading your body in the most pleasurable of ways.
“Yes,” he hisses, “Fight all you want, kitten, but I’m not going to stop. Not until I’ve filled you up, not until I have bred you.”
As you tilt your head, you can see the caravan is dangerously close by, having slowed down to shamelessly watch the three of you. Din is sitting in front of you, shielding most of your body from his prying eyes, but there is no doubting what is currently happening. Paz tweaks your nipple again.
“Look, he’s watching,” Paz croons.
You clamp down around Paz, looking away from the man in the distance. Paz laughs darkly, tilting your helmet back with one gentle hand, forcing you to look back at the trader. Mortification fills you as you see the unadulterated lust in his eyes.
“If you look closely, I think you’ll see just how appreciative he is,” Paz purrs, and your eyes drop down to confirm the massive bulge in the front of his trousers. “Don’t you like the idea of an aruetii watching you get bred?”
You’re shaking now, your body twisting and writhing as you simultaneously try to fight him off and fuck him back. Paz is a heavy, immovable weight between your thighs and on your body, keeping you spread wide open and helpless to do anything but lay there under him and pray for mercy you know will never come. The trader doesn’t even bother trying to hide the fact that he’s watching. You should be mortified, you think to yourself, but you aren’t. Instead, you’re so aroused you can’t even think straight, your head spinning from the dizzying combination of pleasure and shame of being reduced to this. Silently, you urge the trader to take a seat, to watch as your two warriors take turns ravaging your body.
“Come on, my sweet,” Paz urges.
With a shaking breath, you swallow, and redouble your efforts, bucking your hips in a vain attempt to dislodge him. Paz rides you through your struggles, soothing you with soft, mocking shushing noises. You begin to mouth off at him, trying to hide the fact that you are close to coming, your slick puddling under you on Din’s cloak.
“I swear if I get pregnant, I’m going to fucking kill you!” you howl up at him. “Pull out! PULL OUT!”
Paz laughs. You let out a shriek of rage as you writhe in his grasp. Inexplicably, he lets you go. You hammer your fists against his chest plate, but all you manage to do is make your hands hurt.
“Please – please – I’m begging you, pull out – pull out!” you sob up at him.
Paz groans, his pace growing deeper and rougher. You push against his chest plate with all your strength, but he doesn’t even twitch as his body folds over yours. Paz buries his helmet into the crook of your shoulder.
“Oh, kitten,” he moans into your shoulder. “I’m gonna make such a mess in you.”
The thought of Paz flooding your insides breaks you. You let out a high pitched noise as you orgasm, deep shuddering waves of pleasure coursing through you. Paz grunts and lets out a shuddering sigh, his cock throbbing inside you as he fills you with liquid heat.
“Yes, my sweet little slut,” Paz urges. “Milk every last drop out of me.”
Once your orgasm has subsided, you let your legs fall apart onto the cloak, body relaxing under Paz’s comforting warmth. Paz cradles you in his arms, murmuring soft nothings. Warmth fills you at his tender care. You can’t help but to giggle as he nuzzles his helmet against yours, much like a loth-cat would to show their affection.
“Good girl,” he murmurs. “You did so, so good. Real proud of you, kitten.”
The trader stands up. He opens his mouth to speak, but Din cuts him off.
“Fuck off, or I shoot,” Din says flatly.
Wisely, the trader holds both hands up and immediately retreats. Once he is gone, Paz pulls out, and a little whimper escapes you. Paz gives you one last kov’nyn and tucks himself away. As you sit up, Paz gathers your armor, while Din offers his hand to you. You stand. Immediately, their very generous contributions begin to make their way back out, and you make a face under your helmet. Din smacks your ass sharply.
“Get back to the ship,” he says. “I’m hard and I want to – “
Grinning, you bolt away from the ship. Din lets out a curse. You hear him drop the things in his arms as he comes after you. You give escaping your best shot, but you are laughing so hard you can’t breathe. You’re half naked, tits and ass flapping in the wind, trying to escape your lovers. The absurdity is nearly too much for you to handle. Din catches up to you easily. Then he scoops his arms around you and flings you over his shoulder, earning a sharp squeal from you. He pats one hand on a sticky ass cheek.
“Bad girl,” he chides, though you can hear amusement in his voice.
You offer no resistance as Din carries you back to the ship. Once inside, Din sets you down while Paz closes the ramp behind himself. Din wraps an arm around you and pulls you close, pressing his forehead to yours.
“Can I take the rest of this off?” he asks, hands lingering on your hips.
“Yes,” you confirm.
Din carefully begins to remove your gear, stacking it all on the table next to you. He drops to his knees to unlace your boots and you step out of them, nudging them under the table. Your ruined pants follow. Then he helps you remove the rest of your clothes, leaving you standing there in your helmet and nothing else. He hesitates.
“May I take your helmet off?” he asks.
Shyly, you reach for his hands and lift them to your helmet. Together, you lift your helmet off. Your eyes sting a bit at the bright lighting from the interior of the ship. Din lets out an appreciative noise as he lifts his hand to stroke your cheek. Pressing a kiss to his thumb, you hook your fingers into his belt and pull him closer, until your tits press up against the cool beskar plate on his chest.
Din brings out his restraints and a grin crosses your face, your pussy clenching in excitement. He encloses your wrists in the rings before testing them. Not too tight, not too loose.
“Ready?” Din asks.
“Ready,” you nod, “Safe word is behot.”
With your confirmation, Din moves swiftly, almost too quickly for you to track. He marches you into the bedroom and tosses you down onto the bed, where you bounce and squeak. Paz follows, already shedding his armor and clothes into the chair. Once Din is naked – save for his helmet – he crawls onto the bed with you, the mattress creaking under his weight. You kick out at him but miss, growling in frustration.
“She’s a feisty little thing, isn’t she?” Din asks Paz. The other man comes to join you, settling on your other side.
As Paz runs his finger along your breast, you bite at him. He laughs and then he thumps his finger against the end of your nose.
“This might be a problem, Paz,” Din says conversationally.
“What is it?” Paz asks.
“It looks like she’s pushed all our cum out of her,” Din says, swiping his fingers through the tacky mess on your thighs.
“We spent all day making those loads for your pussy,” Paz scolds you, tweaking your nipple.
“I never wanted them in the first place,” you growl up at them.
“Sweet kitten,” Din soothes, parting your knees and settling between them. “If you didn’t want to be bred, you shouldn’t have run your mouth.”
“Shouldn’t have called us old and incompetent,” Paz says.
“Called us unworthy of fucking this sweet pussy,” Din adds.
You can’t help the needy moan that escapes you while he strokes his cock to full stiffness. Lifting your hips, you writhe, pulling against Paz’s grip as he holds your wrists above your head.
“You say you don’t want to be pregnant,” Din chuckles lowly. Then he starts pushing in, sliding in with a satisfying thrust. Then he growls, his head falling back as he pauses, letting you feel the throb of his cock in you. “Look at the way you’re whining and writhing on my cock. You want this.”
“We’ll have to keep her chained to this bed until she’s pregnant,” Paz says.
You can’t help but to tighten around Din. He laughs, giving you a short thrust.
“I think she likes the idea of being chained to this bed and used,” Din looks over at Paz.
“Is she like a vice?” Paz asks, feigning surprise.
With one hand, he holds your arms down. With the other, he begins fondling your tits, tweaking your nipple and twisting. Then he smacks lightly, making you squeak and writhe. Din begins to thrust shallowly, his helmet tilting down toward your tits.
“I think she’s trying to keep me from pulling out,” Din says.
“I knew it,” Paz purrs, tracing a gentle finger along your jaw. “You’re a slut for a big, thick cock in you, aren’t you?”
“No!” you blurt out, twisting under Din. “Get it out! NO!”
Paz releases you to get up. Din catches your wrists and presses your palms to his chest as Paz goes to the wall.
“Dig your nails into me,” Din orders firmly.
“Like this?” you pant up at him, as Paz turns the lights off. “Or – or is it t-too much?”
“Make it hurt,” Din barks at you.
You obey, tightening your fingers until your nails dig in. He lets out a growl of pleasure, his hips snapping into yours sharply. Each thrust fills you to the brim and a little more, earning a squeak as he finds the line between pleasure and pain. The light turns off and you hear a thud as Din puts his helmet on the bedside table. Then another as Paz puts his down. The mattress shifts and Paz takes over holding you down.
“Baby, can I please spit in your mouth?” Din whispers, nuzzling along your jaw. You smile and press a kiss against his temple.
“Of course,” you respond.
He groans. Din’s hand finds your jaw and he presses against your cheeks to pry your jaws apart. Then he hooks his thumb over your lower teeth and pulls, holding your mouth open. You let out an inelegant noise as he traces your teeth with his tongue. Then he slides it in further, mapping the roof of your mouth and then your teeth. Din pulls back just a bit and he spits. Of course, he misses your mouth in the dark, so most of it ends up on your cheeks. Din releases you and you swallow, sighing as he starts hitting that spot that makes you see stars.
“Did you like that?” he asks gently, pressing his lips to your temple.
“Yes,” you whisper, “Can you…uhm…”
“What is it, baby?” Paz asks, stroking your arms.
“Be rougher, please?” you ask shyly.
“Anything you want,” Din says. “Are you ready?”
“Yes,” you confirm. “I’m ready.”
Din starts rolling his hips harder against yours and Paz’s grip grows tighter, verging on painful. Your eyes roll back up in your head as Din bites the meat of your shoulder and sucks hard. Din palms one breast for a moment, rolling and squeezing before pinching your nipple.
“These titties bounce so beautifully,” Din says. “You like this, kitten? Feeling my cock this far in you?”
“No,” you gasp, arching your back to welcome him in deeper. “No, don’t – don’t want to – “
Paz tweaks both your nipples sharply. You cry out at the little starbursts of pain radiating from your breasts. Then he smacks firmly, making your entire body twitch.
“If you didn’t want us breeding you, you would have kept that smart mouth of yours shut,” Paz says, squeezing again. “So glad you decided to run your mouth, kitten. Never would have known how fucking good you feel.”
“You told us you were ovulating,” Din pants. “Did you think we would turn the invitation down?”
Warmth fills your belly as your pussy begins to throb around his cock. Din groans.
“If you didn’t want to be bred, you wouldn’t be moaning for cock like the little whore you are,” Paz interjects, his hand sliding toward your belly.
You choke out a sob, bucking your hips against Din’s half-heartedly, breaths coming in sharp, gasping pants.
“Come on my cock, my sweet little slut,” Din orders, and you fall apart.
“No, no, no,” you sob out while you come, “Ple-please pull out, don’t do this, Din – “
He groans and lunges forward, heaving gasps escaping him as he finishes, filling you with that liquid warmth you crave. Tightening your legs around his waist, you keep him trapped snugly in you. He thrusts shallowly for a few moments.
“There you go, kitten,” he rasps into your shoulder. “Another load for your fertile pussy.”
“My turn,” Paz says cheerfully.
Din releases you, pressing another kiss to your forehead, and pulls out with a wet noise. You collapse onto the bed, legs spread wantonly, as you try to catch your breath. Paz settles between your knees. He thrusts in sharply, wrenching a cry of surprise from you as he fills you. He begins to move, each thrust rocking your body on the covers.
“Fuck,” Paz grunts.
Arching your back, you whine, tightening your legs around Paz’s waist.
“Please,” you whine, “Harder, Paz.”
A desperate noise escapes you as he goes still.
“What was that, kitten?” he asks.
“Harder, please,” you mewl impatiently.
“Did we change your mind?” Din croons, tracing your jaw with his fingers. “Do you want to be filled up with cum, little slut?”
Another impatient noise escapes you as you lift your hips, urging Paz to continue what he was doing before. He doesn’t move, much to your chagrin. Your lower lip slides out in a pout.
“Tell me exactly what you want from me, kitten,” Paz says.
“I want you to fuck me please. Finish in me, I want every last drop,” you moan into his ear, sighing when he starts moving again. “Wanna be bred.”
“Good girl,” Paz rumbles in response.
“Wanna do what I was made to do,” you sigh, digging your nails into his back. “Get knocked up.”
He keeps a slow and unhurried pace, your mewls and pleas falling on deaf ears. He works you slowly to the edge, drawing out each thrust and kiss until you feel like your entire body quivering in desperation. He changes his pace then, grinding his pubic bone into your clit, giving you the friction and pressure that you so desperately need. Biting on your lower lip, you lift your hips, digging your nails into his back as you start to come. Paz bites you again and orgasm hits you like a freighter. You sob his name out, toes curling, as the pleasure wracks your body.
Paz rests inside you as you come down from your high, feeling fuzzy and warm, as if you’re about to fall asleep. He pulls out. A generous amount of his spend follows. He presses his lips to your forehead as you start to drowse off.
“Rest,” he murmurs. “You will need your strength, kitten.”
As you drift off, Paz tucks a blanket around you. Vaguely, you hear Din and Paz arguing over who sleeps where, but you tune them out, sinking into the warm abyss of sleep.
You aren’t quite sure how many times the two of them fuck you throughout the next few days. Originally, you had tagged along to hunt with them, but the two men clearly had other plans in mind. That first night, they keep you in bed, letting you out only for a trip to the bathroom and for food. The cuffs are loose enough for you to slip out in case of emergency, but you don’t take advantage of that fact. Honestly, the thought of being entirely at their mercy gets you soaked in seconds. Din also refuses to let you wear clothes. Any attempt to cover up is met with a growl and a very swift undressing.
Cover your tits with your hands? Din reaches for the handcuffs. He even threatens to hide the blankets and pillows until you agree to remain completely naked for his viewing pleasure. “If you’re cold,” Din says, “You come to me, and I’ll keep you warm.” Paz only shakes his head.
During the days, they alternate who hunts and who stays behind with you. When it’s Din’s turn to stay behind, he likes keeping you cuffed. Sometimes, when you’re very naughty, he’ll cuff you to the pilot’s seat and keep you between his knees. Then, he’ll slide his flaccid cock in your mouth and keep it there until you can get it hard again. Sometimes, when you get a little too fresh with him, he will finish on your face. He likes mocking you when you sulk about him wasting a load like that. Then, while you’re protesting, Din will slide his cock right back into your mouth to shut you up. When you’ve behaved to his liking, Din will finish in your pussy and tell you what a good girl you’ve been.
Paz, on the other hand, can’t stay out of your pussy. When it’s his turn to stay with you, he just plops you into his lap and buries his cock inside you. Paz is a very patient man. Sometimes, he makes you sit perfectly still on his cock. He won’t touch you until you break apart and beg him for his touch. Then, and only then, will he let you finish. Other times, he flat out uses you, not caring if you get off in the process. Then he makes you sit there in complete silence, feeling as his cock goes all soft inside you. If you make the mistake of letting his cock slip out, Paz will sigh in disappointment and make you lick up the mess that escapes your poor abused pussy.
On the fourth day of your scheduled breeding, Din comes back with something he promises you will “love”. He heads into the galley for a few minutes. You can hear the sounds of running water and him washing something. After his shower, he joins the two of you in the bed. Paz pulls out and Din replaces him. You whine impatiently – Paz hasn’t let you finish all day long. He’s kept you on the edge the entire time. Not thirty seconds later, Din also finishes, and you sulk as he pulls out.
Then something soft and squishy presses right up against your abused entrance. Your pussy resists for a few moments – whatever it is, it’s big­ – but it eventually pops in. You squirm as it slides in, pressing up against your g-spot.
“What the hell?” you ask Din.
“It’s an egg,” Din says proudly. “This way, we’ll be able to keep our cum inside you while you’re doing your chores, kitten.”
“I like that idea,” Paz says. “Speaking of chores, I’m hungry.”
“Me too,” Din says.
“Go get dinner on the table, woman,” Paz says, smacking your ass cheek as you roll off the bed.
The instant they found out you like being told what to do, they started taking shameless advantage of it. When they’re not fucking you, Paz and Din often have you cleaning armor or doing the cleaning around the ship. Paz especially loves watching you in the galley as you cook the meals. This is the only exception to Din’s demand that you stay naked. He lets you wear an apron to do the cooking so you don’t accidentally burn yourself. As soon as you’re finished in the galley, Din takes the apron from you and locks it up.
It took a little bit before you got used to the egg inside you, but now, it feels quite nice pressing up against your g-spot. Not only that, it keeps their spend from leaking out and making a horrible mess on your thighs. Din and Paz like seeing evidence of you being bred, but the thought of having it plugged up inside you is far more appealing to them. You can’t help but to find their eagerness to knock you up weirdly endearing.
“We should keep her like this forever,” Din says one evening while he fucks into your limp body, forcing a mortified moan out of you. “Naked and fucked into submission.”
“I like it much better when she’s cooking and cleaning,” Paz leers, stroking his cock as he waits for Din to finish, “Imagine how good she’ll look with a big belly on her. Cooking, cleaning, and looking after the little ones.”
Din swears as he finishes, coating your walls with another thick layer of spend. He pulls out and you squirm a bit. Your walls are hypersensitive now, almost tender from the sheer number of times the two warriors have fucked into your body. Paz laughs as he pushes in, plugging Din’s cum inside you.
“How many brats are we going to breed out of her?” Din asks, turning your head to the side.
He traces your lips with the head of his cock, smearing his spend and your slick onto your face. Obediently, you open your mouth and lick at the head of his cock. Din sighs as he slides in with short, gentle thrusts. Once they found out that you could swallow their cocks up to the hilt, neither one had been shy about using your mouth to get hard.
“Six,” Paz says, “Six sounds good.”
“Do you like the sound of that, kitten?” Din asks, tilting his helmet down at you. “Do you think you can breed us six children?”
You pull your mouth off Din’s cock and give him a look of pure disbelief.
“Competent warriors could provide for more than six,” you say hoarsely. “Only a useless, ancient fucker like you would stop at six.”
Paz starts to laugh hysterically at the incredulity in Din’s posture. Din sighs and picks up the big, squishy silicone egg he bought. Then he pops it into your pussy and smacks your ass.
“My armor needs to be cleaned,” he says. “Get to work, woman.”
“Yes, sir,” you sigh, as you bring your knees together and slide off the table.
They drop you off back home with the rest of the supplies. From there, Din and Paz go on to pursue the more dangerous bounties that they don’t quite trust you with. It doesn’t really offend you – you really aren’t that great of a hunter. They can handle themselves alone. They make a formidable team when partnered up together. When you go in for your medical examination, Doctor Shen just sort of stares at the results of the scan.
“Is this why you came to ask for the pregnancy cocktail?”
“I told them I was ready to have a baby,” you say shyly. “I’m so happy they were willing to help.”
Her hand on her hip is the equivalent of a raised brow.
“You’re covered in bruises and bite marks,” she says. “Did you get any hunting done at all?”
“I hunted for the first few days,” you say defensively. “Then I did a personal scan and found I was going to be ovulating soon.”
She sighs and shakes her head.
“It’ll be a little bit before we can determine if you succeeded,” she says. “So, take it easy for now.”
Twelve weeks later, Doctor Shen confirms that yes, Paz and Din were quite successful in knocking you up. When they get back, you deliver the good news. You expect them to be overjoyed – which they are – but you do not expect them to start arguing on the spot over who gets to raise the child. It gets to the point where they look like they’re ready to start brawling, so you swiftly cut in.
“You idiots had no problem taking turns fucking me,” you say, ignoring all the witnesses in the room. “You won’t have a problem taking turns raising this baby with me.”
Paz and Din grumble about having to ‘put up with’ the other, but eventually concede. You won’t admit it, but it feels nice being fought over by the two more competent warriors in the Tribe. You know you’re the recipient of many jealous looks from the others, but you have no desire to share them with anyone else. As your belly grows larger, Paz finally lets you move into his room, which is much larger than the bunk you share with your friend. (Din also moves in, so he can ‘make sure’ that Paz is looking after you.)
Then they start arguing about whose name the baby is going to get, which clan it is going to be raised in, and which warrior you were going to marry. (Armorer ends up cutting into the argument and telling you to just marry them both because she’s sick of hearing their voices and could you please tell them to shut up?)
Paz wins getting the two of you to join up as part of his clan. Regardless of clan politics, the Vizsla emblem does get certain benefits. You win the last name debacle by saying the baby gets your last name. Finally, Din gets to name the baby. (Though you remind him that any stupd names like Ori’buyce will immediately be vetoed.)
When you’re starting to get round, Din and Paz spend a lot of their time simply touching you, marveling at the changes in your body. You have to sleep between them most nights because they’re always underfoot, wanting to feel the baby move. Now, being pregnant isn’t a deterrent for either one.
In fact, the bigger your belly gets, the more they want to pleasure you. It doesn’t ever get rough – Paz and Din don’t want to risk hurting you or the baby – but it takes very little to convince them to please you. This late in your pregnancy, it’s hard to manage sex comfortably. So, they have to be creative.
Paz will make a nest of pillows on the armchair outside and layers a few towels onto the cushion. Then he carefully nestles you onto it, lifting your legs onto the arm rests until you’re spread wide open for them. (This is approximately the same time that Din loses control over his mouth.)
Din loves to tell you how good you look with a big, round belly. He comments on how your breasts have changed, how they feel heavy and ripe and full in his palms. Paz likes to tell you that you look like some sort of fertile goddess, ready to bring life into the world. He likes kissing every stretch mark and worshiping your pussy. When you’re appropriately dazed and incapable of forming a coherent sentence, they’ll let you rest. (The bigger the wet spot you leave behind on the pile of towels, the prouder they are of themselves.)
When you’re only a week from giving birth, the two of them start nesting hard. You have to wade through boxes of baby supplies to get into the little room you’ve turned into the nursery. The two idiots feed off of the other’s anxiety to the point where you have to pry baby supplies out of their hands and order them to rest. (You only have to threaten to get Doctor Shen three times before they calm down and stop panicking.)
The delivery goes smoothly. Din and Paz stay by your side the entire time, holding your hand and sponging the sweat off your forehead. They both cry more than the baby does as you hold him close to your chest. You know who fathered him, but neither Din nor Paz care. From there, they take you straight home. The two of them make a marvelous team, especially when it comes to Wife and Baby Care Duties.
Baby needs to be fed? Din’s already up to grab the baby, while Paz is finding some burp cloths for you. Diaper needs to be changed at night? You don’t know about it until you check the baby diaper log. (You are definitely getting the better end of the deal here, but you won’t complain about not having to change the diapers at night.)
By the time you’re on baby five (or six, was it? You’re not sure how many kids you have at this point), Paz and Din have already started staying at home longer and longer to bask in their well-earned ‘retirement’. They haven’t stopped hunting of course. Paz or Din just takes a young hunter or two with him to give them one-on-one tutelage.
“It’s a real privilege to be in this position,” Paz explains, as he shaves the remaining stubble off his face. “Back on Nevarro, we didn’t have this privilege. We had to go out on our own. We never had backup.”
“Kids are going to be soft,” Din mutters, though you can see the proud smile on his face. “We’ll have to toughen them up.”
“They’re lucky to have the two of you,” you respond quietly, to avoid waking up the newest member of the family. “Passing on your knowledge and skill…we’ll be all the stronger for it.”
“Exactly,” Din says, plastering a kiss onto your forehead.
“Can’t wait to take the ad’ika out,” Paz says dreamily. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to arrange childcare so you can come along.”
“I’m not missing any of their first hunts,” you say flatly. “The Tribe will just need to suck it up and babysit.”
The two of them only laugh at your indignant response. As you look out into the living room, you smile as you see your offspring spread out on the couch, watching a ‘borrowed’ movie. They will make fine warriors, you think to yourself, especially with who their fathers are.
Permanent Tags:
@hdlynn @princessbatears @oloreaa @phoenixhalliwell  @reader-without-a-story @nelba @aeryntheofficial @trippedmetaldetector @jedi-mando  @razzlefrazzum @paintballkid711 @hayley-the-comet @dornish-queen
Paz/Din Tags:
@esoltis280 @backontheolebullshit
The “If I have to Suffer, So Do You” Tags:
@magsgotswags @thecautiousengineer
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Almost NSFW-Alec Volturi P2
Ava’s POV 
It didn’t kick in yet. Bella would probably kill me if she knew but it doesn’t take a mind reader to know that my dear sister was extremely anxious and worried. We walked down a long, beautiful elegant hallway after passing the “future maybe desserts.” I hoped for the gummies to kick in soon because if I was going to die, painfully might i add, in the hands of a fuckin governing-power-royalty-mosquitos-whatever the hell they were, there was no way in hell I was about to do it sober. Was I too young to die? yes. But do I really give a shit? Yes, I do and I really don’t want to die on an empty stomach, but then again I really don’t wanna be here so it’s not like we all have choice here.The jetlag was just too much and I honestly at this point was leaving it up to natural selection to just do its thing. My plan was to just shut my mouth, follow Bella, slap the shiny disco named Edward, and then one of the red eyes would probably snap my neck or something because apparently, according to Alice, Edward broke one of their most sacred laws. I just pray that Bella will be happy again and maybe not a total fuckin idiot for the rest of her future immortal life. As for the Edward guy, I’m pretty sure there’s like no hope left for him. 
 if you’ve lived for more than a century and STILL lack common sense, it’s just hopeless for you at this point bud. And don’t you dare tell her I took these gummies i was anxious the whole time and its literally a fuckin miracle that i managed to get these through customs, you owe me that much. I thought to myself        
The mind rapist turned around to give me one annoyed look, but I could see in his eyes that he was apologetic and worried. 
We quickly approached the grand wooden doors. There were guard lining up the doors. Alice randomly whispered, “theyre the lower guards, the replaceable ones” as if I had any idea what the hell she meant by that, but the lower guards were stone faced, I honestly thought they were sculptures until one of them bowed to jane and opened the wooden doors.
We were greeted by a dude with red eyes that looked exactly like jane except much taller and like all of them- pale as fuck. He smiled and came forward to greet Jane. 
“Alec” she smiled for the first time and reached out to him. We stood awkwardly for a few seconds as they embraced and kissed each other on both cheeks. tf is this France? 
Alice blocked me from the view she seemed even more nervous than she was before, and the only vampires that could see me right now were the Demetri guy and the other one that was like 7 feet tall. The Alec boy suddenly stopped smiling and sniffed as if he was smelling something new. He quickly recovered and started to talk again
“And this is the cause of all the trouble?” 
“dibs” someone said and Edward started to growl. 
They passed another set of doors that were entirely gold and approached another set of plain wooden doors
Then it finally started to kick in. I sighed a breathe of relief. My plan was working. There were three vampires in the middle of the room, all of them in their 20s-late 20s. But I started losing focus and depended on Alice who was next to me for physical and emotional support. 
third POV
“They have another human with them. Brother this is absolutely ridiculous. It is clear that the Cullens have absolutely no respect towards us.” Caius hissed in disbelief
That was when every pair of eye in the throne room was on the other human. The other human looked young and shared no resemblance with the original human causing the trouble. The depressed king suddenly sat up. He had seen something he was not prepared for. One of their Elite guards had finally found not only his bloodsinger but also his true mate, that happened to be human and none other than the Bella Swan’s sister.
Alec felt like he was floating. Never in his 3,000 years of being an immortal had he expected to ever find a mate or a bloodsinger. But here he was. He had found both. The tired looking human was absolutely breathtaking in his eyes. He could every detail of her face. He ached to be close to her. At this point everyone had noticed his stance. 
Jane and Caius were showing confusion on their flawless cold faces, as Aro and Marcus started to exchange hands. Edward,Bella, and Alice tensed up,even more, unsure of what was going to unfold. Suddenly, a childlike yet angelic laughter echoed throughout the room. 
“Oh my, I absolutely adore happy endings. Not only is Bella Swan alive but her younger  sister seems to be the mate and bloodsinger of our dear beloved Alec.” The man with the raven black hair rejoiced giddily, his hands together. 
“La tua Cantante” 
Ava POV 
I was feeling high but clearly not enough because I was still well aware of my surroundings. The vampire with his raven black hair slicked back said something in italian  La tea cans … Cans? Edward was soon by my side in attempts to reassure me and calm down my anxiety. He opened his mouth carefully as if he was thinking carefully about what he was about to say next.
“Alec over there is..he’s your mate.” he mumbled but it was enough for me to hear. 
“What?” I answered bluntly almost close to yelling.  When edward looked down and failed to answer, instead of turning to Alice I did the logical mature thing I could think of.
Third POV
Ava slapped edward in the back of his head over and over again. Her sister and Alice were just watching helplessly and hopelessly as Ava poured out all her anger. Her hands were severely bruised at this point but because of the effect of the gummies and her rage she could give less than two shits. 
“YOU FUCKIN IDIOT. MAKING MY SISTER DEPRESSED FOR 6 WHOLE MONTHS WASN’T ENOUGH HUH HUH? YOU DRAGGED MY ASS ALL THE WAY FROM NYC TO FUCKIN EUROPE AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE EVEN DOING?” this was the point where Ava didn’t care about the others in the room because she was probably gonna die anyways and since her gummies weren’t doing shit she felt the need  to take out her rage on the stupid depressed vegan 
After 10 continuous slaps her hand was literally turning into a purplish red so she looked towards the amused 7 feet giant
“Do your job and HIT HIM PLEASE-GODDAMN IT” 
In a split second the pixie haired vampire was next to Ava, taking off her glove and holding the human’s badly bruised hand. And before they all knew it soothing black mists surrounded them, surrounding Ava’s badly bruised hand.
Link to Part one
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ladywinterwitch · 5 years
On Va Voir
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger! Reader
Summary: During a mission you unexpectedly find a new kink: Steve speaking french.
Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex (wrap it tf up), oral sex (f receiving), fingering, language kink (?), a bit of a dom fight between the reader and Steve, 18 + so if you’re under that age you shouldn’t be reading this. You’ve been warned.
Word Count: 3205 
A/n: Just rewatched for the 34868 time  the winter soldier and I’ve never noticed before HOW MUCH of a turn on is Steve speaking french. So yeah, enjoy a bit of smutty Rogers. Also, this is pretty much no plot and total filth.
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                                                  (Gif not mine)
You were on a mission with Steve, Natasha, Sam and Bucky. You had been paired with Bucky, while Sam was with Nat and Steve was alone, although you were constantly in contact with your auricular. -We’re inside the ship, front. What’s your position?- Bucky says with a gun in each hand. You followed behind him, with two guns of your own. -We’re in the control room. Working on the informations.- Sam responds. -Steve?- Bucky tries.
-I’m on the roof. And I’m pretty sure I’m not alone. How long have you got?- he asks. -Like, ten minutes, at least. This computer’s older than both of you.- Natasha responds and you can feel the smirk on her voice. You press your lips tightly to not chuckle, Bucky notices and shakes his head.
-Ah, very funny Romanoff.- the blonde sasses back.
-She got you there, oldies.- Sam commented. Bucky grunted with a ‘shut up’. After a few moments you realize that there’s no one in your area, so you lower your guns.
-We should come to you, Steve. We got nothing to do here anyways.- you say, looking at your partner that was still, but didn’t completely put off his guard. -Don’t worry doll, I got it.- but then you hear a gun shot, and glare at Bucky with wide eyes. He looks at you and starts to run. -We’re coming, pal, hold on.- he speaks while running. You both get out to the open and then come up the stairs to the roof.
When you arrive, you see a couple of men already on the ground, and Steve facing another alone. They are one in front of the other and he’s talking. You don’t hear what he says, but you hear Steve response. He drops the shield at his side and then removes his helmet, his hair a little messy. He has the slightest smirk on his face while he speaks. -On va voir.- you hear from the speaker. 'Lets see’. And in that moment something in your stomach shifts. You can’t really place what or why, but you just know that you feel a little too hot in your leather catsuit all of a sudden.
The two start to fight, but it doesn’t take long for the avenger to take him down. You glance at Bucky, who’s just leaning againts the door, with his arms crossed, guns slipped into the belt at his sides. A little knowing smirk playing on his lips. -Jerk.- he says amused. You turn around and see Steve that kicks his shield, making it jump back to his wrist. -Okay guys we have everything. We’ll meet at the quinjet.- Sam says. You clear your throat and look away. -Copy that.- you croak. - You all go back to the avengers tower safely and Tony decides to throw a party. Why? Cause he’s Tony. He didn’t really need a valid reason. So here you were, the day after, finding yourself in front of your full lenght mirror, in your matching blue lacy lingerie, fixing your wavy loose hair and your red lipstick. Normally at this time, especially after a mission, you would’ve all been lazy somewhere, but obviously your teammate couldn’t wait one more day to give you a wild night. Missions usually had as a consequence jet lag, a few bruises to heal, business to take care of and stuff to analyze, so it wasn’t exactly the perfect timing, but fortunately you were able to sleep like a baby the night prior. A particualr help came, indirectly, from Steve which helped your love-me session to end quickly and kick you out to sleep.
You should’ve felt ashamed for that, but honestly you were pretty sure you were not the only one in the world to get off at the thought of the broad and handsome Captain America. The only small detail was that you were his teammate and friend. You had a huge crush on him, but you feel more like a friend vibe from him and that’s okay. It sure avoids problems at work.
You couldn’t stop thinking about that phrase that Steve said in french the day before. It turned you on to no end. You didn’t know why, but the way he said it, with that smugness, his hair all messy and shit. It was just so sexy to you. In any case, the crush was your dirty little secret. Well, not exactly, considering that both Bucky and Natasha had figured out by themselves and Wanda just happened to be reading your mind in the wrong moment. But you trusted them, even if them teasing you about it whenever they had the occasion was beyond embarassing.
You slid into your tight, red bodycon . It was plain, above the knee and had a low cut sweetheart neckline. It was strapless and it hugged your body perfectly. It wasn’t much in your style, but you felt bold that night, also you may or may not wanted to find someone to get laid.
You gave yourself one last look before going down with the elevator. Your black heels were already starting to bother you. You weren’t really a type for parties, but you did it just for the team. And a good drink, yeah. You arrived at the floor and when you stepped out you saw that there were a lot of people, but it wasn’t Tony’s worst. You looked around and saw Sam, Rhodie, Clint and Natasha at the bar, Wanda, Vision, Thor and Maria at the couches, Tony and Pepper talking with a couple of people, and then in a corner near the big window wall, Steve and Bucky.
They were both handsome. Bucky was wearing a grey shirt and Steve a deep blue one. They both had the first few buttons undone and were holding a beer and laughing. The blonde turned his head and saw you. His smile dropped and his gaze wandered on your body, from head to toe. You looked away, kinda embarrassed that you had been caught looking, but a few moments later the two man came to you.
-Y/n! You look great.- Bucky greeted you with a hug. You laughed and hugged him back. -Doesn’t she, Stevie?- he said in a slyly. The captain didn’t took his gaze away from you. -She always does.- he responds with a low tone that made you heat up. -Thanks. You don’t look too bad yourself.- you motioned at the two in front of you.
-Hey doll, care for a drink? We could go to the bar and -the brunette started, but Steve stepped closer. -Sam wants to talk to you, I’ll accompany her.- he says with a small smile. You smiled back and Bucky frowned. -Since when that bird man wants to breathe my same air?- Steve shoot at him a glare and he raised his eyebrows.
-Ooh, yeah, about the.. Uhm.. The mission…- he tries to save himself. Steve relaxes and Bucky starts to walk away. -Alright, catch up with you guys later.- he gives you a thumbs up. Steve looks at you and offers his arm. -Shall we get that drink?- he smirks making you melt. You smile widely and take his offer. -We very much shall.-
You soon were joined by the rest of the group and were having fun at the bar. You noticed that Steve never took his gaze off you, but you weren’t certain, considering the amount of alcohol that you ingested. You felt a little claustrophobic at one point so you excused yourself getting up. -Want me to come with you?- Nat asked. You shook your head. -I’m fine babe, just need a little air.- you walked between the people reaching the big balcony.
You went closer to the glass barrier and propped your elbows on the edge, looking at New York City by night. You closed your eyes, breathing deep. -Did you really drank that much?- you open your eyes suddenly, turning back to the voice. Steve was just a few feet away, hands in his pants’ pockets. He was looking at you with a little smile. You mirrored his expression, turning back to the view. The glass door was closed and you were alone.
-Not really. I’m just a little dizzy, and I needed some fresh air, that’s all.- you responded. There were some moments of silence. It wasn’t uncomfortable though. You felt him getting closeer to you, almost too close. So close that you could feel his breath on your neck. -You look so beautiful tonight..- he whispered raising one hand and resting it on your hip. Your breath hitched.
-Maybe it’s the alcohol, even though we both know I can’t really get drunk, or maybe its the way Bucky flirted before, or the way you looked so flustered yesterday on the mission..- he started to caress your waist gently. You were slowly melting under his touch, his hand so warm in stark contrast with the chilly air. You had goosbumps. -But I just can’t ignore how I feel anymore.- he turned you to face him slowly. You locked eyes. -I’ve never wanted someone so bad in my life, and I think that you want me, too.- he paused. You didn’t know what to say. You were completely taken aback by his confession.
-But if I’m wrong, I’m gonna step back right now and I’m gonna stay away.- he continued, with a little of uncertainty. You widened your eyes, laying your hand on his chest. -No- you said quickly. -I do. I want you. God, I want you so bad.- in that moment he grabbed your cheeks with his hands and started to kiss you. It was hungry, fast and messy. You almost didn’t even realize that he placed you against the wall, away from the view of the people. You grabbed his hair with one hand and his shirt in the other.
-I wanna fuck you right now, I don’t care if everyone sees, the team, the other people.- he said kissing your neck. -Steve.. Please- you moaned. He looked at you with the best bedroom eyes he could give. -Please what, baby?- he cooed.
-I need you, please. Let’s.. Let’s go to the bedroom, please I can’t take it anymore- he nodded and you quickly went inside, careful to not be seen by the team you reached the elevator and pressed to your private floor.
You had to keep your cool because you weren’t alone, but when you arrived you ran like teenagers, giggling towards his room. He opened the door and then slammed it shut. You pushed him on the bed and he let himself fall, resting on his elbows while he watches you like you were his prey. What he didn’t know was that joke’s on him.
You stood right in front of him, a smirk playing on your lips, an equally predatory gaze in your eyes. You reached to your side, unzipping the red dress slowly, letting it pool around your heels. You stepped out of the dress, bending to pick it up and in the meantime giving Steve a perfect view of your ass. -Fuck baby girl, blue is definitely your color.- he groaned. You chuckled straddling his lap. His warm hands were on your body in no time, pulling you flush against him kissing you. It wasn’t sweet, at all. It was full of passion, all teeth and tongue and soft bites.
At some point he reached behind your back to unclasp your blue lacy bra, then tossing the garment in some part of the room. He didn’t lose time and quickly attacked one of your breasts with his mouth, while he touched the other with his hand.
-Eager, captain?- you let out a noise that was a mixture between a moan and a laugh. He released your nipple from his mouth locking eyes.
-Excuse me if I can’t resist my urge to worship the goddess in front, oh well actually, on me.- he said smugly making you laugh. You gave him a push on the chest to make him lay down.
-Sweet talker.- you tease him, trailing his neck and jawline with wet kisses. He chuckles a little, his hands travelling on your sides, back and ass.
-What? You think I’m just, saying it? It’s true, y/n. You are stunning.- he says sincerly, making you look at him for a second. You smile and place a sweet kiss on his lips.
-Well, thank you.- you respond and you’re caught off guard when he grabs you by the hips and flips your position, so now he was hovering you. You gasped for the surprise.
-And now I’m gonna show exactly how much I want you.- he smirked and started to pepper your belly and hip bones with open mouthed kisses, and at the same time he slipped off your panties, letting them fall on the ground. And now you were stark naked and totally at his mercy. You moaned and with all the strenght you could find you stopped him. He gave you a confused look.
-First, I think you’re not playing fairly there, captain. Then, I’m gonna tell you exactly what I want. Strip.- you order and he licks his lips, his cerulean, and now glassy, eyes were eating you up. He got up, standing on his knees, and started to unbutton his blue shirt, while you took care of his belt and zip. He took off his pants and boxers in one move.
-Happy now?- he asked amused, resuming his work with his mouth, this time he started from your ankle, going up as he went. You peeked at his hard lenght, tip already glistening with precum and angry red.
-Can say so.- you murmured, laying on your back and enjoying the show of Steve between your legs. Your breath started to hitch when he got closer to your center, but as the teasing bastard that he his, he stopped.
-C'mon Steve, baby, I need you.- you say, throwing out of the window yor dignity. -What do you need? Tell me sweetheart.- he murmurs against your thigh, looking at you. -I’d quite like you to speak French between my legs, captain.- you smirk, biting your lip. His expression was priceless.
-Fuck yes- he groaned spreading your legsmore in front of him. He then smiled mischievously. -Alors c'est ce qui vous a tous énervé hier, uh?- So that’s what got you all flustered yesterday, uh?, his tone was a mixture of teasing and realization. He licked a long stripe from your entrance up to your clit anthat made you almost scream, instead you opted for grabbing his blonde hair with one hand and the snow-white like sheets.
-Can’t really blame me. With your cute messy hair, showing off like that..- you responded mewling, your eyes closed and your head leaned back. He chucked sending vibrations trough your whole body. You clenched instinctively. -Yeah, 'cause I’m good at what I do doesn’t mean that I was showing off, chéri.- a particularly harsh suck on your bundle of nerves got your back arching off the bed and moaning loudly -Steve- 
-Tu aimes ça, chérie?- You like that baby? you moaned when you heard him speak French again.
-Yes, God, Steve right there- you answer struggling to not grind onto his face. He adds two fingers and that knocks the air out of your lungs.
-Tu es si doux. Si mouillé, est-ce tout pour moi, chérie? Mmh cette jolie petite chatte, tout à moi pour jouer- You’re so sweet. So wet, is it all for me baby? This pretty little pussy, all mine to play with. He kept talking in between licks and open mouthed kisses on your clit, his long and thick fingers pumping directrly on your sweet spot.
-Fuck. I..I can’t take it anymore, please..- you pulled his hair slightly and he growled, the vibrations went straight to your core and you felt the coil in your belly tighten. You started to gasp. -You’re close aren’t you? Come on baby, I’ve got you, let go honey- he hummed, back to english, speeding up a little his fingers. With that you came. Hard. You screamed his name arching your back of the bed, the sheets out of place because of your pulling.
He rode you thorough your orgasm, and when he felt you calm down a bit he extracted his fingers, licking them clean. You could’ve cum again just by watching him. But instead, you rose up and pulled him to you, kissing him. You hummed when you felt your taste on his tongue. Your hand reached out to stroke his cock, now even harder than before. He choked out a moan on your mouth. -Baby girl I need to be inside you- you nodded and he replaced your hand with his, stroking his cock a few times, he lined himself with your entrance and entered you with a sharp thrust that took both your breaths away.
-Fuck y/n, baby, you feel so good around me- he hid his face in your neck and you circled his shoulders with your arms. -Please move- you gasped and he complied, starting to move faster. After a while he took your leg putting it on his hip, reaching a deeper spot inside you.
-Oh, Fuck. Yeah, right..ah, right there baby.-you gasped, your nails scratching his strong shoulders. You started to feel his breath getting erratic.
-So beautiful- he murmured in your ear and you felt yourself melt a bit more. -Baby ’m gonna come, I’m so close. Are you with me?- you said kissing him on the lips, the cheek, the jaw.
-Right behind you, love.- the pet name made your heart flutter, but you soon forgot about it when he stated to pick up pace again, then adding his fingers on your clit, and that was it. You orgasmed for the second time that night and he followed a few thrusts later with a loud moan and your name spilling from his plump lips. He ride out both of your releases and then planted his forehead against yours.
-It’s okay, baby.- you murmured scratching the nape of his neck lightly, while he calmed his breath, making him hum approvingly. You looked at his parted lips and closed eyes, his blissed out expression making you smile. A few seconds later he opened his blue pools, smiling back quite shyly. -Hi.- you said softly. -Hi sweetheart.- he responded fondly, caressing your cheek. You stayed there for a while.
Then he got up and cleaned you both with a warm and damp wash cloth, bringing it back to the bathroom then he came back to bed with you. -I don’t really wanna deal with the team tomorrow.- you said with your head on his chest. Your fingers tracing imaginary patterns on his torso, him petting your hair delicately. -Me neither. But even if we don’t say anything they’re gonna find out anyway. We kind of disappeared and never came back.- he chuckled and you laughed with him. -Let’s just enjoy this, for now.- you responded. -Yeah. Everything else can wait.- he kissed your head.
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Thank you for reading, feedback is appreciated ;)
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oakantony · 3 years
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@iaal​ oh god I have so much more. a continuation of this post, so the posts don’t get absurdly long on people’s dashes lmao
I’m just gonna continue chronologically which means nothing good happens for a while after the bike saga but. 
we get to wednesday, my third day at the job. 
in the semi-rural town I was in, there were two high schools: an all-boys “non-academic” school and an all-gender “low-academic” school. basically, none of these students were expected to go to college, because we were “just” a farming and manufacturing hub. (huge note here that these kids were all brilliant, bright, and cool as fuck even at these “less advanced” campuses.) my school was the all-gender school, not the all-boys school.
anyway, third day on the job, my supervisor stomped over to my desk. he said in English, “are you kidding me? come on.” (that will be burned into my brain for the rest of my life, btw, because this man almost never spoke English to me, and hearing him use a semi-casual English phrase THREW me.) in Japanese, he continued: “you’re supposed to be at your other school today.”
yeah, so. I was the assistant english teacher at the all-boys school, too. 
and I was late, because I went to my low-academic school like I thought I was meant to. I was horrified. here’s a fun fact about the JET program: they tell you about your school MONTHS before you move to japan. and nowhere, not on ANY document, was this other school mentioned. nonetheless, my supervisor just started SHOUTING the other school name at me. just, repeatedly screaming it, to the point where other teachers in the work room ran over to defuse/understand the situation.
somehow I figured out what was going on; that I was meant to be at my “second school” and I was making him look bad by fucking up my schedule.
I pulled out my map, because I literally never traveled without it thanks, and found the other school. I hopped on my bike. I got there as the baseball team finished their morning routine outside and they all ran over to me like OOOHHHH NEW TEACHERRR WHERE ARE YOU FROM? PLEASE TEACH ME ENGLISH DO YOU LIKE BASEBALL? lmao it was absolutely amazing ;__;
and it was actually kind of good fortune that we collided because their coach was able to guide me straight to the secretary, rather than me wandering around half-lost on the campus, which saved me some time. I was only about 30 minutes late, all told, which wasn’t great, but not the end of the world? still, I met the secretary and she seemed really put off. like, we walked over to these lockers, she showed me my locker, and when it was empty, she did a double take. and she said since I didn’t have indoor shoes with me, I’d have to borrow the school’s designated slippers for delinquent boys who also forgot their indoor shoes.
a second fun fact for today’s story: I wear a US women’s size 5. my feet. are tiny. I shuffled around that school all day like a fuckin slapstick ass clown in the men’s-sized spare slipper and when I tell you my shins were BRUISED from falling over and over... LMFAO
anyway. when I finally left school that day, my bike. was not. where I left it. I was lowkey losing my mind because that bike was the only good thing in my life at that point. I tearfully retreated back into the school after circling the WHOLE campus looking for it, and asked the secretary if she could drive me home, and she was like, “I don’t think your bike will fit in my car” and I said “yeah...my bike’s gone.” and she was like “isn’t it in the teacher’s bike parking across the street?”
at some point, someone moved my bike from guest parking to teacher parking, in its own building across the street. she realized then, when I was just staring at her like, “tf is teacher’s parking?” that I didn’t get a tour of the campus like she thought I had during my arrival to the town a few days prior. you see, on my first day in town, my supervisor was meant to drive me to the grocery store. the bank. the bikeshop. and my two fucking campuses. he didn’t. i was supposed to have already BEEN to this campus. I should have already known about my locker, I should have left spare indoor shoes!!! we both realized the fuckup at the same time, the secretary and me.
up until that point, she thought I was just a typical selfish American moron who usually leaves bikes in the wrong place, shows up late to work, and didn’t know Japanese people wore different shoes inside schools. she apologized to me, like, really sincerely, and then offered to drive me home so I could avoid the storm outside. I could get my bike back another time. I told her I was ok; I’d honestly gotten used to being out in the rain by now.
on my way back to my apartment, I started to cry. I mean, I’d held it together pretty well the last few days, but having someone else recognize that maybe I was being set up to fail hit me at that point. I stopped to get off my bike because I legit started sobbing and couldn’t see straight. I just crouched down next to a rice field and cried in the rain.
when I stood up a few minutes later, I took a photo.
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I was in the middle of nowhere, sopping wet, but man. look how pretty. and that mountain... the photo didn’t capture it quite right but I remember it exactly. I loved that mountain.
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ajokeformur-ray · 4 years
I watched Joker tonight and typed out my thoughts as they occurred to me. Unedited; typos are guaranteed. I did this a few months ago and really enjoyed looking back at my thought process and I wanted to do it again so that I can look back and know that what I feel is real and true in my darkest times.
You're welcome to skip this; it's under a cut for ease of doing so. Warnings for occasional sexual comment lmao. There’s no self shipping in this, I don’t think.
word count: 2, 575.
I’M SOBBING and I’ve only just pressed play.
Heart squeeze Chest much ow
Nooooo baby omg don’t pretend - let yourself hurt if it hurts. Don’t pretend. 
Carnival Carnival Carnivalllllllll 😍😍😍😍😍
I am a Simp for one clown and his name is Carnival
Someone help him, I????
That sign hit Arthur as hard as my love for him did ksksksk
bb nooooo
Oh honey let me kiss those bruises and replace the marks of violence with love, hm? You’re safe with me.
Breathe, my love. Don’t fight the laughter. Let it out, let yourself go. 
Screams into a pillow because????? much sad must kiss
“have you been keeping up with your journal?” LIKE HE HAS TIME
oHHHHH boi’s close to losing his shit
Do it, Artie. Give ‘em hell.
“I think I did” YOU TELL HER!!💖💖💖
I want to be his cigarette. Where’s Satan??? I got a new deal for my blackened soul which he took at half price😂😂😂😂
I’d have my hand between the door and his head so fuckin fast I swear
“I just don’t wanna feel so bad anymore” yep SAME
ohhhh peekaboo🥺🥺🥺
this makes me giggle ksksksk i watch this scene when i feel sad bc it always makes me happy for the time it’s on
he’s so good with kids; he doesn’t have to try and think about what’s funny, he just does it, he’s himself and it works
casually wrinkling my nose against tears lmao
ohhh the way he looks up at those stairs from the bottom
i can feel his exhaustion
me too, my love
step step step step
god i wanna get him the fuck outta gotham
and into my arms and a soft, warm blanket
“eat. you need to eat” LITERALLY WHAT I TELL MYSELF EVERY DAY IN HIS VOICE BC OTHERWISE I JUST WOULDNT EAT???? I’m losing so much weight asdfghjk its not enough tho
Did Arthur come up w that joke or was it actually a Murray joke????
go deepthroat a cactus randall - youre already a bit of a prick so🙃🙃🙃
Can arthur fuck me like he pounds the trash/????🥵🥵👀
those dark curls.... that crooked tooth... must kiss.🥺🥺🥺
pennys casual cruelty makes me so fucking angry
foreshadowingggggg ~  *JAZZ HANDS*
ugh the way he dances with that gun im👀🥵🥵🥵
he enjoys the power of it and his breathing gets deeper asdfghjk
clumsy baby omggggg i just COOED 🥺🥺🥺🥺
okay maybe im stupid but i genuinely dont understand this “senior who needs to graduate” skit i’m??? how is being an intro to western civ student funny im???? someone explain???
but also dont bc fuck that guy lmao arthur’s hilarious
true millenial humour (and brit humour lmao we’re dark asf)
wanna curl up on his lap at night when hes writing and go to sleep with a 
blanket around our bodies🥺🥺🥺🥺
when arthur wears a shirt at home you KNOW it’s a daydream
“doctor of laughter”🥺🥺🥺🥺
doctor i have a case of the Big Sad can you... do an exam? 😉😏
in what world does chucking cold greasy chips in a girls hair being “nice”???
lmao fuck these guys
ohhh honey breathe. dont fight it, my love, just breathe.
my heart’s breaking for you, you sweet thing🥺🥺🥺
i love you so so so so so so so much ugh you’re an actual fucking angel
just breathe darling
i need to get you a cup of tea with honey in it, your throat must be so sore
ohhhh baby im so sorry
i’d take every single punch if i could
i’d die for you
i wish i could protect you
i wish i could look after you
and take all those hits
and kill those guys for you
im so sorry
yeah i have a grey morality... im similar to deadpool in that way tbh
carnival comin’ to kill your insecurities
8 bullets in a 6 chamber???? mm-hm
fuck he’s so hypnotic
the way he runs his hand down his lower stomach asdfghj🥵
must kiss the inner tendons on his wrists and lick the blood off his face 
must kiss
he moves like water
fuck hes so fluid
bathroom scene = the scene in which my heart and vagina clench at the same time
“i still owe you for that, dont i?”
UGH I FUCKING HATE being told to smile if i don’t fucking want to so BIG mood
but also dont lmao bc i’ll think you’re mad at me and i’ll hide in the bedroom for the rest of the day lmao i’m sensitive✨✨✨
i wanna sit on his lap and still his bouncing knees
“thats not funny”
fuck off penny yes it is
“but i do” god the  P O W E R
ugh that fucking sexist piece of shit comedian can choke “women look at sex like buying a car” 🤢🤮🤢🤢🤮
chauvinistic pigs can die thanks
his lil trip upstage im cry🥺🥺🥺
ohhh baby. just breathe, darling. it’s okay to be scared. dont fight it. just breathe. 
he and i both cover our mouths when we laugh/smile in the exact same way and it makes me feel closer to him
how can they think hes laughing at himself when hes literally gagging????
people only see what they wanna
the Penny imitation is👌👌👌
s m i l e
i remember when i came home from seeing this for the first time, i got home and dropped to my knees to cry in the bathroom. it was such an emotional release and so much love and i played smile to try to make myself smile but i only made myself cry harder lmaooooo ~ 
smile and thats life are my go-to songs if i gotta cheer tf up
danger sign = neither works
he looks so soft after his “date”🥺🥺🥺
“thats life” yeah but murray you dont even leave the studio so how do you know????
ngl arthur’s anger scares me.
anyone so much as raise their voice at me and i’ll cry really bad and i will shut myself away for the rest of the day and quiet anger terrifies me so his banging abt in the kitchen would freak me tf out😲
angry bb😭
he controls his anger so fast though omgggg ~ 
that soft please sends me
idk where it sends me lmao
down below probably
okay but the implication that arthur always carries a clown nose on him is🥺🥺🥺
hes such a good clown im?????
lmao im enjoying the show more than bruce is skskskk
arthur’s lil chuckle makes me🥺
his HUMMING im??? soft?????
his brows are so strong and dark omggg ~ he’s so beautiful
OKAY i’ll be honest i’ve seen this alfred/bruce scene and the thomas bathroom scene later on and the penny flashback scene a 100 times and i still dont fucking understand what did or didnt happen regarding arthur’s parentage im????
 ive seen interpretations to say he is thomas’ son and some to say he isnt and i still cant decide so? im stupid i guess 🙃
“a clown thing?” the  s a s s
“it’s exit only” yeah so’s my ass🙃
if i was there in the hospital room i woulda turned that tv off as soon as i realised what clip was gonna play
murray’s cruelty is d i s g u s t i n g
lmao hes an asshole
arthurs lil clap from joyyyyy ~ 🥺🥺🥺
did i say murray???
i meant  m u r r a t
sneaky baby
wayne hall either has super bad security or arthurs v quick on his feet
he looks so good in red omggg ~ 
f o r e s h a d o w i n g
arthurs smile when hes watching chaplin is how he smiles when we all gush to each other abt him and ourselves!!!
hes so cuuuuuute🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
“told me what” 
ohhhh honey🥺🥺 im so sorry. “crazy” is a trigger word for arthur; it made him start laughing in the bathroom with thomas
“touch my son again ill fucking kill you” yeah?? touch my arthur again and i’ll fucking kill you🙃🙃🙃🙃
^^^ that ones a joke do not come at me
the clerk in arkham was nice to arthur - he, gary and sophie are the good gothamites.
none of it was enough to stop his descent into joker, though, and i’d even say it was too late right at the beginning of the film, too... 
his sock puppet thingy “they cut all those” is such a Joker thing to doooo ~ 
the way arthur’s laughing in the hall at arkham turns into sobbing is gut-wrenching omg the poor thing😭
i wanna hug him and protect him and help him to process this in a healthy way
sweetheart, if i could take all of your pain and put it onto me... i so would. i’d do it in a heartbeat.
i wanna get you into a hot shower, make you some food and sit and listen to you. we can either sit in silence or you can talk to me, my love, and you will be heard and understood and loved.
“i had a bad day”
i just wanna hold you and protect you and help you and love you
I’m so fucking sorry, darling. i wish i could take it all away from you
“i havent been happy one minute of my entire fucking life”
boi dont test me ill fucking go feral or - no, tell you what, i’ll point the gun at me and see how you like it
im looking respectfully at the green speckled undies scene....👀👀👀
“coming” 😏😏😏
“my mum died im celebrating” and “i stopped taking my medication” and you STILL stayed in the apartment with Arthur????? dudes those are 🚨🚨🚨 signs
woe betide anyone who underestimates arthur fleck lmaoooo
randalls death scene makes me laugh every time omg i feel so vindictive
i wanna lick the blood off his face. i really want to
ngl i think i have a blood kink... 
“dont look just go” ME WITH MY ACNE WHEN I SEE IT IN THE MIRROR 😂😂😂😂
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 MY BABY MY MAN OMG THERE HE IS IM CRY???????😭🥺😭🥺😭🥺
my mind is literally blank rn im just staring and crying and smiling so hard my face hurts????? im love him so so so so much
sweet thing’s so used to pain he gets HIT BY A CAR AND KEEPS GOING????
*incoherent keyboardsmash to portray utter love*
ohhh baby no dont cry. oh honey😭 i wanna sit on your lap and kiss your tears away
“i love dr sally”
you have a WIFE at home
he’s so CUTE
omgggg ~ 
my hearts gonna give out its SQUEEZING SO HARD IT HURTS
“i wanna get it right” hes so passionate
my comments have deceased in number bc im just too starstruck and in love to even think clearly lmao
jokers all i know rn and this is the most peaceful ive felt in WEEKS
im sobbing
ugh fuck this hurts so BAD
youre speaking the truth, darling. im so so proud of you and i love you so much
literally sobbing right now ugh what the fuck youre in so much pain and in the middle of a breakdown and no one saw you
ugh baby im so sorry, you deserve so much better
you tried so hard and you were gonna fall no matter what
“hi” baby they cant hear you but im COOING 🥺🥺🥺🥺
you’re so fucking cute
say the word and ill burn gotham to the fucking ground for you
i wanna sit atop that car and cradle your head in my lap and wipe the blood off your face and help you stand up and be there for you and and and😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love you so so so much. 
i’d be so much worse off without you in my life. you brought a splash of colour which has never dimmed or faded. it never will. 
b l o o d    s m i l e
im wearing my inside on the outside now and it still hurts
i see you and your pain. i love you.
i see you, angel. 
his genuine laughter is🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that cute lil “ksksks” he does im🥺🥺🥺
i always laugh with him omg the two of us are laughing together ugh its the closest i will ever get to sharing in his joy
 t h a t ‘s    l i f e
i love the hallway daaaaaaaaaaaaaance ~ 
them hips dont lie😉😉😉
i love you i love you i love you i love you omg the sun’s like a halo ugh i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you im singing along to thats life while i type out how much i love you at 220am lmaooooo ~ 
i   l o v e    y o u
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urbigbiddygothgf · 4 years
⚠️spoilers for the most recent sanders sides!!!⚠️
The crickets were chirping their special tune as two bodies ran through the field of tall grass. One of them was cheering and howling at the top of their lungs, overall joy and happiness filling them up as they reached towards the starry sky. The other though, was swatting away the grass that tickled his sides.
"If you keep on doing that, we'll definitely be caught." Janus whispered as he elbowed away the grass that's separating he and Roman. The boy with golden brown locks chuckled at his worried friend's tone. "Roman, I'm serious. You aren't even supposed to be out here."
"Come on, J! Why do you think I'm so happy? I'm free!" Roman laughed as he thrusted his arms up once more towards the stars. Janus' frown melted into a soft smirk.
"You've were only grounded for two days, idiot. And I brought you some mochi for one of them." Janus said as they continued walking through the tall grass. He tensed at the sound of his phone going off. The phone slipped out from his jacket pocket and he read the text from Virgil.
Dude, where tf are you? We've been here for like thirty minutes and the pizzas already cold.
Shit. He completely forgot he made plans with Virgil and Remus tonight. His bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he chewed it nervously. Fuck fuck fuck-
"Hey," Janus flinched at the voice. He looked up from his phone to see Roman's knitted brows of concern. He released his lip as he glanced down at Virgil's text. "Is everything okay?"
Janus stared down at his screen for a few seconds before muting his phone and placing it in his back pocket. He reached up to adjust his mustard beanie and dark brown 'bangs' before straightening his posture. "M'fine. Let's go?"
The tension visibly disappeared from Roman's body as he gave Janus his award winning smile. His hand came up and snatched Janus' beanie before placing it atop his own head. He also booped his friend's nose to see his confused/irritated expression on that cute face of his. "Hey-!"
"Yeah, let's go." Roman smirked as he turned on his heels and disappeared in the grass once more. Janus huffed as he patted down his hair before following after Roman.
The grass seemed to grow more sparse as they neared the edge of the field where tiny daisies grew. Their view ahead became less grass filled as they saw miles beyond to where the daisies were continuous in going over the hills. Roman smiled at the sight as he slowly trailed past the daisies tickling his ankles. The other boy was staring at the back of his friend's head, his beanie rested atop brushed out curls that looked silky, yet tanged and frizzy at the same time. Janus sighed as he forced himself to look away.
"What did you do when I was grounded anyways?" Roman suddenly asked, throwing a look over his shoulder.
I realized something that will make you hate me. I already hate myself so please spare me. "I hung out with Remus and Virgil, also caught up on homework so," Janus said as he pulled out his Polaroid, taking it out of the pouch. He flipped it around and started wiping away the smudged fingerprints with his sleeve. Roman hummed in response as he shrugged off his jacket.
Janus brought the Polaroid up to his face so he could see if the fingerprints were gone. "I don't know how comfortable I feel with leaving my bike back at the fence. Y'know, the one that had a sign that said 'Private Property', and also had a picture of a gun under it?" Janus quipped as he continued to wipe at the lens. Roman rolled his eyes so hard Janus was afraid they'd stay that way.
"You're not scared, are you?" Roman smirked as he patted down his black Levi's. Janus raised a brow.
"Oh I'm sorry, I would just prefer to not be shot by a hillbilly with a fucking 22 Rifle, but be my guest if that's your thing." Janus scoffed as he crouched down to take a picture of the daisies. He stood back up to snap a picture of the daisies rolling down and over the hills further out.
"Jokes on you; it's not my thing," Roman mumbled as he sat down on his jacket. Janus winced when he stepped into a pothole, setting down his camera near Roman's foot so he can get his shoe free. "Holy shit," Roman said as he reached over and picked up the familiar looking camera. "This is the camera I bought you for your birthday. I thought you said Remus broke it at the movie theater?"
Janus got his shoe free and stumbled down beside Roman on the daisies. He winced but quickly shook it off as he reached for the camera. "Yeah I... I-I was saving up the money to fix it. I took it too Remy, but he did it for free anyways." Janus mumbled as he picked at the strap. Roman peered over his friend's shoulder.
"Does it have film?"
"Yeah, there's more in my pack too. We can take some pictures, if you wanted.." Janus added. Roman smirked as he practically gave Janus his puppy eyes. The boy flushed as he brought up his Polaroid with shaky hands. Roman immediately smiled for the camera and curled up to hug his knees. The flash didn't blind Roman cause his eyes were shut for the photo. Janus pulled out the Instax card and placed it on his backpack to develop.
"Maybe one of you looking at the stars? Just turn a bit and look up," Roman followed Janus' request and looked up at the millions upon millions of stars. He smiled softly as his friend shot more pictures. Janus slowly placed down his camera and just fonded over his friend's smile and sheer beauty. He barely contained himself from saying, "Perfect,"
Roman looked over at Janus with a shy smile, and grabbed the Polaroid with a smirk. "Roman-"
"C'mon, one picture." He snickered as he pointed the lens at Janus. The boy huffed as he hid behind his sweatshirt collar, then the flash blinded him. He squinted and pawed at his sensitive eyes before the flash frightened him once more.
"Alright, enough-" Janus smirked as he grabbed the Polaroid from Roman's grip, causing the other to burst out in laughter. "I don't know if you noticed, but I'm not exactly the photogenic one," He chuckled under his breath.
Roman's giggling faded as they sat their in silence, the crickets becoming the most prominent things they hear. "Hey," Janus looked up from the undeveloped photos of Roman on his backpack. He scooted closer into Janus' personal space and lightly brushed his fingers against the camera to place it beside his thigh. "I think you're breathtaking." Roman whispered under his breath.
Janus' cheeks flushed as Roman slipped off the mustard beanie and placed it back atop the other's head. Hands slid from his hair to cup his burning red cheeks. Roman's hands were soft and warm against his cool skin, causing him to shiver. It wasn't unpleasant, it was heavenly if anything. Janus leaned into the touch on instinct and sighed. "Yup, breathtaking.." Janus gasped softly when Roman's lips skimmed his own, and tensed up at the feeling uncontrollably. His eyes started fluttering shut, but it was quickly interrupted by a dog barking in the distance. They fell away from each other as they looked over to see a dog on a leash, with an angry owner attached to the end of it.
"Shit-!" Roman hissed as he quickly grabbed his jacket and backpack. "Come on, we gotta go." He grabbed the Polaroids and shoved them into his backpack. Janus scrambled to pocket the rest and snatched his pack right up. They started making a run for it back to the tall grass. It was safe to say they were both terrified of the dog that was surely chasing them. Janus quickly lost Roman as he ran blindly through seven foot tall grass. He grunted when he stumbled into a pothole, quickly regaining himself to keep on running. Swatting away the grass he went through helped alot, and soon enough he was out of the field and running to the fence.
"Janus!" Roman yelled from the other side of the fence. How the fuck is he already over the damn fence? Janus stumbled against the chained fence, throwing his backpack over and starting the climb. They both gasped when the dog and owner appeared from the grass, so Janus hastily jumped over, landing on his wrists. He whimpered as Roman lifted him to his feet.
"My camera!" Janus yelled as the Polaroid laid on the other side of the fence, the strap snapped in two. He fought Roman's grip to retrieve his previous camera but the other was too strong and determined to escape. "No- stop!"
"Fucking kids!" The man yelled as his dog barked and growled at them. The dog pawed and jumped on the fence, trying to get as close to the intruders as possible. "Private property! You're lucky I don't call the damn cops!"
Janus cursed under his breath as he ran over to his bike and Roman quickly got on while he hopped onto his handlebars. Roman quickly pedalled off onto the road towards downtown.
After ten minutes of riding, Janus just sat on the handlebars with a blank expression. "Fuck, that was close," Roman huffed as he continued to pedal down Stanford Lane. The lights were low but on, lighting up the street softly. It wasn't busy, but there was enough buzz for a Tuesday night. Cars reved on by while they simply rode the bike down main street. Roman chewed his lip at Janus' silence.
"I.. I'm sorry about the camera. We were gonna get caught I didn't know what to do..." He peered over to see the bruising on Ethan's left wrist. "Holy shit, is it broken-?"
"Just get to your house," Janus mumbled. "So I can get to mine." Roman frowned at Janus' bitter tone, but turned down towards his neighborhood anyways.
A few more blocks down and he turned them onto his street to the first house on the corner. His parents were home, great. The window it is.
He pulled them into his driveway, Janus getting off of the handlebars then Roman off the seat. He pushed down the kickstand and they both stood there staring at the pavement.
"I am, really, really sorry about the Polaroid. I wish you could've gotten it, and now you're wrist is probably sprained and I get it if your upset about that kiss, or whatever it was. Tonight was just bad and I'm- so fucking sorry." Roman poured out his apology in one go, while Janus still stared at his muddy shoes in a blank expression. Roman sighed as he adjusted his straps tighter for the climb up. "I'll... Night, J." Roman mumbled as he left Janus and the bike in the driveway while he went over to the side of his house.
He hopped onto one of the trashcans and jumped til he grabbed the edge of the gutter to hoist himself up and over. He grunted as he jumped over towards the ledge, scaling across the edge til he reached his window. Luckily, he always kept it open for this exact reason, so he simply slid the glass up and threw his backpack over to his desk then stepped through. His feet hit the carpeted floor not so gently. "You've singlehandedly fucked everything up. Good for you.." Roman sighed as he reached over to shut his window. His fingers brushed the sill as it started sliding shut, but a hand gripping his wrist caused him to stop in his tracks.
"What the f-" A hand clamped over his mouth, and soon he saw Janus' pleading eyes to not scream. "Janus?" He mumbled into the other's palm. Janus nodded as he removed his hand to grip the edge of the window.
"I-I'm slipping-!" Janus yelled under his breath as his grip faltered, but Roman quickly grabbed his wrist to pull him inside. Both of them fell to the ground with a loud thump. Roman groaned at the weight on his chest and stomach.
"Are you psychotic? What the hell was that! You could've been seriously injured-!" Roman gasped at how Janus connected their lips quickly. He laid frozen as warm, pliable lips grazed his. His eyes fluttered shut as he copied the movements, Janus straddling his thighs as he went in for more and more and more. Roman's hands were hot and delightful gripping his hips, keeping them close. "I'm still really upset with you, that was dangerous. And isn't your wrist sprained?"
Janus huffed as he leaned back on Roman's thighs. "Why did you think I was slipping? That was painful." Janus mumbled as he raised up his bruised wrist. Roman took his hand gently and kissed the inside of Janus' wrist. The boy winced but relaxed as the kisses trailed up to his palm, then to his fingers. His vision became cloudy as Roman kissed the tip of his fingers then grazed them against his lips. "Roman.." One finger slipped between those pillowy lips, and Janus sighed as he allowed his head to hang.
His tongue wrapped around the tip of Janus' index finger, causing the boy to shiver. "Fuck... Roman, you're insufferable." Janus mumbled, no real venom behind it. Roman simply snickered as he gently placed down the other's hand.
"What are you gonna tell your parents? Won't they notice their son's wrist is purple and broken?" Roman asked as he laid down beneath Janus, enjoying the weight atop his thighs. The boy huffed and stared at his wrist with a look of disgust. "I don't think they'll be very happy to hear we snook onto private property, then got chased out by a dog, and to top it all off-" Roman pointed at Janus' wrist, which was definitely swelling up.
"Yeah... I think it's my turn to be grounded for two days, or two years. We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Janus sighed, settling back against Roman's thighs. He smirked as he leaned over, his upper half being supported by his good arm as he and Roman brush noses. "But you'll be there with me anyways, won't you?"
Their lips connected, Roman's hand going up to cup Janus' cheeks as the silence settled around them. The only noise was their quick intakes of breath, the occasional whimper, or the slide of glossy lips and tongue. Roman hummed as he lifted his hips and hooked one leg behind the other's, then flipped them to where Janus was pinned to the carpet. If he bumped his wrist, he showed no pain. Though he did wrap his legs behind the small of Roman's back. All Roman saw were glassy eyes and rosy cheeks before diving back in.
Janus whined when Roman abandoned his mouth to kiss his nose, eyelids, then where his discolored skin was, from his forehead all they down to his neck. He smiled softly, turning his head to capture Roman's lips once more. His lips were heavenly, his touch intoxicating, this, everything is so much, but in a good way.
Roman nosed at the side of Janus' neck, pressing a smile into the heated skin.
"Yeah, I'll be there."
@lostonehero @imbasicallyshakespear
if there are any typos/grammatical errors/etc. please tell me and i will fic it immediately. reblog, like, and comment. hope you enjoyed♡
fun fact: this has been in my drafts for like a month, and it was almost finished, so i had to go back and change Ethan to Janus which was a pain in the a-
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My dad used to play club hockey when he was in college and has a lot of stories about different fights he got in, but he just told me about one and I can’t stop picturing the foxes so here we go:
-It’s a few years after the events of the book, and everyone except Neil has graduated
-The foxes make it to the championships, and to absolutely no one’s surprise they’re facing the ravens again, but thankfully the foxes will be at a home-court advantage
-Obviously both teams had changed a lot from the time R*ko was there, but I like to imagine that the ravens are still gargantuan pricks, just y’know less murder-y
-But none of the og champion foxes can’t bare to leave, so they’ve all gotten jobs helping around the stadium (student loans are also a real bitch and the school pays them pretty well)
-Matt, Dan, Andrew, and Renee work security for obvious reasons
-Allison and Nicky work the front desk (for the sake of this story he and Erik moved to the states) bc they like to shut down people looking to get in for free/being pricks about where their tickets are
-Aaron’s out selling the tickets bc he knows that if he sees someone being especially rough in the crowd Andrew’s gonna fight the guy and he just knows he’ll get roped into it
-But Kevin decided he’d come back and ref for the game, along with some former ravens to make sure it’s fair to both teams
-So the game’s going, it’s neck and neck, and Neil scores an point for the foxes that puts them just in the lead
-The ravens are having n o n e of that shit, so the next play Neil’s mark starts getting especially rough
-Like REALLY rough
-Kevin’s got his hand on the trigger with a red card, but the other refs are being bastards and saying “he hasn’t made an illegal play” and “it’s just a rough game, you’re being biased”
-But suddenly the guy marking Neil breaks off and starts going after some of the freshmen players, and Neil’s Captain/Mom Instincts start kicking in and he’s ready to fuckin demolish the guy
-The poor freshman his mark is targeting is trying to hold Neil back and tell him it’s not worth it, but as the kid turns his head Neil’s mark comes in swinging and does a baseball swing with his racket at the freshman’s head
-Ding ding, round one, Neil goes absolutely fucking batshit on the guy
-Kevin sprints over to break it up and he’s trying to pry Neil off the guy, but then he starts hearing all the shit his mark is spewing about how Neil’s “a psycho” and “deserves to rot like his dad”
-Ding ding, round two
-Suddenly THE Kevin Day, the same Kevin Day whose father is planning on making him run the Boston Marathon three times over if he so much as thinks about making a shit call on the ravens, is swinging on this guy with everything he has
-The people in the stands are going absolutely fucking nuts, the reporters are having a field day, and both teams have left the bench to help their respective teammates
-The security squad made an attempt to stay on task and make sure the crowd doesn’t riot, but as soon as one of the ravens knocked the cage off of Neil’s helmet Matt and Andrew took off running for the court
-Dan and Renee followed, intending to stop the two of them from getting involved, but they hear someone call Neil a fairy and suddenly Renee has her knives out and Dan’s knuckles are bruised and bloody
-Aaron went inside to hang out with Allison and Nicky after the game got started, and they all overhear some of the other stadium staff calling over the walkie-talkies for someone to call the campus police, so they turn on the monitor to see what the hell’s going on
-Aaron just mutters “ah, Christ” under his breath and makes a beeline for the court, Allison on his heels
-Nicky stayed behind to call the campus police, but as soon as he dialed the extension someone from the ravens put Andrew in a chokehold and started saying things in his ear with a smirk
-The small, almost imperceptible crack in his cousin’s apathetic facade had Nicky sprinting to catch up with Allison and Aaron
-On the court, Neil’s still swinging on the guy who hit the freshman when he notices Andrew in the chokehold
-If Neil wasn’t seeing red before, now he was drowning in it now
-Neil tears off towards them, rips the guy off Andrew, and takes the guy down
-Mind, the guy’s nearly twice his height and three times his width, but Neil is five feet and three inches of Rage and doesn’t stop wailing on him even after the guy passes out
-Andrew eventually gets Neil to stop, but at least 5 more guys are coming for them, so he grabs the guy’s racket and starts swinging it around
-Andrew: you want me, you gotta get through 6 feet of Christian
-Random Raven #1: only hockey sticks are called Christians, exy sticks-
-Renee, six feet of Christian: *body slams the guy*
-(I’m a simple lesbian and I love Tall Women so I choose to believe Renee is at least 6 ft tall, do not attempt to tell me otherwise)
-Eventually campus police get there and break up the fight, but over the years they had gotten pretty familiar with the foxes bc of their shenanigans, so they just go up to Neil and ask him “what’d these fuckers do to you to make you hit them so hard?”
-The ravens are fucking livid bc it’s OBVIOUSLY not THEIR fault (note the sarcasm), but no one’s rage can compare to Wymack’s
-Whew boy is man’s pissed
-He sits them all down (og foxes included) in the locker room and absolutely tears into them
-Nicky: but coach you don’t understand, they’re fuckin pricks-
-Abby has to physically restrain him after that
-So the og foxes decide to have a little sleepover after things get sorted at the station and of course they get roaring drunk
-It’s a mess
-Kevin’s crying because he messed up the fox’s chance at a 4th consecutive championship title
-Matt can’t stop laughing and yelling “THAT’S MY WIFE” at the press footage of Dan bodying a girl on the ravens who tried to attack Allison while her back was turned
-Aaron just passes tf out. He’s Tired Of This Shit.
-Andrew and Neil aren’t quite as drunk as the others, but they’re a little tipsy when Neil asks why Andrew got involved if they got rid of their promise of protection
-Andrew just glares at him
-When they wake up the next morning, it’s to a series of missed calls from Wymack
-Neil answers after about 6 missed calls
-Neil: coach it’s 8 in the morning-
-So all of the v e r y hungover foxes drag their asses downstairs and who do they see but the dean of palmetto state holding up this morning’s headline that reads “NCAA Exy Championship Game Ends in All-Out War”
-Wymack is revving up to tear into them again despite being hungover himself, but the dean stops him and reads them all the statements from their favourite southern Californian exy team, who had been in the front row of the stands and witnessed everything firsthand
-“‘...the ravens were absolutely to blame,’ says former USC exy captain Jeremy Knox, who witnessed the altercation firsthand. ‘That backliner was way out of line, taking a shot like that at a kid half his size, and the rest of the Ravens were egging the guy on.’”
-Matt: I mean no shit-
-Dan: just keep reading, honey
-“‘...this is exactly the type of thing to be expected from one of Riko Moriyama’s protégée,’ Jean Moreau, both a former Raven and a former Trojan, tells the press. ‘Not only did he deviate from the game over a petty rivalry, but his teammates targeted specific players and staff with severe PTSD. The Raven’s should be held solely responsible for the altercation.’”
-Nicky: we already know that coach, what’d you drag us out of bed for???
-But before anyone could finish the article, someone in an official looking suit came in, wheeling the championship trophy into the middle of the confused group of kids
-They explained that both Jean and Jeremy’s first-hand accounts, as well as videos of the incident, convinced the board that there could absolutely not be a rematch between the two teams, but that the foxes would still be crowned the victors by default
-If Ichirou’s influence over the board had anything to do with their decision...well, a win’s a win for the foxes
-And that’s how the foxes, both old and new, ended up roaring drunk at the local Denny’s at 10 am on a Sunday
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