#and my sister is out this evening so i couldnt call them so i tried messaging to meet at theirs tmr morning to get a lift
happy one year anniversary of My Mum Saying The Worst Part Of My Grandma's Funeral Was Not Burying Her But The Fact That I Was There And She Wished I Hadn't Gone To The Funeral At All to me
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readychilledwine · 10 months
Kissed by Fire pt 1
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Summary - Amelia Archeron, the oldest of the made sisters, sacrificed more than her sisters would ever understand, and more than she would ever allow them to know. Now, they want her to sacrifice her one chance at happiness, too.
Warnings - rhysand is kind of a dick, signs of depression and PTSD, trauma, implied EDs, kind of poisoning
An - and we begin 💜
Part 2
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Rhysand tapped his fingers on the desk next to Amelia, his eyes narrowed as the oldest sister stared out the window.
She had been the last to wake up. She was withdrawn from them, constantly sat in the cushioned window ledge and wiping tears from her face.
He had expected more from Amelia. She was supposed to be a rock, a strong influence, yet here she was, mind lost in her grief, in her confusion, her longing for their father. “You need to get up,” he commanded. “You need to stand on your feet and be strong for your sisters. They need you.”
Amelia sighed deeply, that familiar weight of being the oldest pressing down on her shoulders once again.
It felt like carrying the weight of the world. It felt like being forced to sacrifice her own health and happiness for her sisters again.
It reminded her of nights spent in a brothel laid beneath some man she had no interest in for a small amount of coin. It reminded her of hiding the coins with Feyre's earnings so no one would ask questions or ask if she was okay.
“If my adult sisters are making the choice to hide in a room and refuse to eat, how exactly would me going and demanding that of them make a difference?”
Rhysand rolled his eyes, scoffing at the question. “You never cared for them while you all were starving in that cabin,” Amelia flinched at the accusation. “The least you could do is pretend to care now.” She looked away from him as the first night spent in the whorehouse, handing her virginity away to a complete stranger twice her age came forward.
She didn't see Rhysand's face fall, his eyes becoming sympathy as you stood. “Right. I forgot about Feyre's pretty story of how she kept our family afloat.�� The true sentence should have been, “I forgot she didn't know,” yet Amelia stuck to her self defense. “I will try. Do not expect me to join you, though.”
Nesta, Elain, and Amelia ate in silence in Amelia's room. If you could call what the three of them did eating.
Nesta pushed the food around. Elain stared out the window. Amelia sat there, shivering despite being the closest to the fire and in heavy wool socks and a sweater provided by the House.
She could feel a chill deep inside of her. Like the Cauldron had left a reminder deep inside of her of what happened. “Have you two been cold since-” she couldnt even finish the sentence, but she didn't need to.
Elain shook her head softly. “No, just. Lost.”
Nesta also shook her head before smiling sadly. “Have you tried to bathe yet?” Amelia paled at the idea. She had several times. Hoping the hot water would melt the ice settling in her veins and bones. “I had the same reaction,” Nesta sad softly.
Elain also nodded, tears streaming down her face, “It's like bathing takes me right back there. I cam feel it burning my skin all over again from how cold it was, I feel myself struggling to breathe, i-” Amelia silenced her younger sister with a hand on hers.
“Don't, little tulip. Don't talk about it unless you're ready to.” Elain leaned into her, closing her eyes as Amelia ran her fingers through her soft hair. “I'm sorry I can't fix this.”
Nesta smiled for the first time in a week. “You aren't a miracle worker, Lia. We don't expect you to fix it.”
Amelia's dreams that night had her transporting to a cabin. It was warm with a soft fire crackling in the background as she looked around. She could hear the voices of two males in another room. One was deep and smooth, although somewhat sarcastic as he spoke to a deep familiar voice. Shadows trailed through Amelia's fingers and the voices stopped. A door opening and footsteps coming towards her.
Amelia shot awake, her eyes adjusting to the darkness to a figure sitting on her bed. Rhysand had his hands holding his nose, his eyes glazed over slightly. “Do you know where you just were?” She shook her head, take a few deep breaths and then the tea he offered her. “I need you to drink that. You followed Azriel on a mission. In your sleep.”
He looked up sighing heavily. “You didn't fully transport your body there. Just your soul and mind. I need you to drink that so you don't do it again.”
Amelia sniffed it, eyes watering at how bitter it smelled. “What is it?”
Rhys looked at her, eyes cold as he distanced himself from what he was asking her to do. “It's faebane. It'll put whatever the fuck the Cauldron did to you to sleep.”
Rhys laid Amelia down, having watched her finish the cup and fall into a drug induced sleep. He sensed Azriel landing at the house and waited.
The Spymaster pushed Amelia's balcony doors open, looking between her and Rhysand. “How? That cabin is heavily warded to protect-”
Rhys held a hand up. “Amren is looking into it. Until we have an answer, we keep her on a low dose faebane to keep her powers locked down and quiet.”
Azriel looked at him, slightly shocked. “So poison her instead of helping her control it? Rhys, we know better than this. Her powers will eat her alive.”
“We will figure it out before than, Azriel.” Rhys looked at Amelia, watching as she shivered. “Did he have any ideas for helping her stay warm?”
Azriel nodded, pulling out a heavy sweater in a cream and another in burgundy, and then a soft fluffy pumpkin colored blanket. They reeked of cinnamon and apples, the fabric was unnaturally warm after having been enchanted. “He says we owe him.”
Rhys rolled his eyes. “Of course we do. The snake doesn't do a single thing unless it benefits him.” he took the blanket, thanking Azriel softly before tucking Amelia in and listening as she released a soft content sigh. She snuggled deeply into her new blanket, shivering stopping almost immediately. “Did he say what he wants?” Rhys moved her hair out of her face. Guilt eating him alive as he saw how peaceful she looked in this forced state.
“He'll call us when he's ready.”
Taglist : @justdreamstars @coralseacourt @kemillyfreitas @impossibelle
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bridgyrose · 4 days
Weiss assumes everyone has ridden a horse/pony before... only to find that the only person who doesn't fall off in the first five minutes is Jaune.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun,” Weiss said as she walked her friends over to the corral with a smile on her face. “This is going to be a nice and relaxing day to take our minds off finals.” 
“And how, exactly, is horseback riding relaxing?” Yang asked. 
Weiss stopped at the gate and looked back at her friends. “Why wouldnt it be relaxing?” 
“Because its an animal that can potentially break our necks?” Jaune asked more than he said. “I dont know if this is a good idea.” 
“You have nothing to worry about.” Weiss opened the gate and took the reins of one of the horses. “Its easy enough to ride them and these horses have been trained to let people on them. Plus, there’s ranch hands at the ready in case anything spooks the horses. Everything about this today is going to be safe.” 
Nora walked over to one of the horses. “If Weiss says its easy, how hard could it be?” 
Weiss nodded and watched as Nora got up onto the horse… and then slipped off when she couldnt get her footing in the stirrups. With a heavy sigh, she walked over and helped Nora get steady before taking a few steps to let Nora try to get the horse moving. Then, she watched as the others tried their hands. Blake seemed to get up the easiest, but couldnt seem to stay steady once the horse started moving. Ren and Pyrrha struggled with getting up onto it, Pyrrha worried about hurting it and Ren unable to keep his balance. Even Ruby and Yang, the two she would’ve expected to ride a horse easily, struggled to get onto their horses correctly or even to stay on while the horses were moving. 
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Okay, this is going to be harder than I thought…” 
“Not our faults that we’ve never ridden a horse before,” Ruby said as she held her horse by the neck to keep stable. “Some of us have only watched it in shows or movies.” 
“It shouldnt be *that* hard to ride a horse.” 
“Its not, but sometimes it takes a bit for people to really learn how to do it,” Jaune said. 
Weiss looked over at him, expecting for him to be falling off, only to be surprised to see that he seemed to be the only one of her friends that was capable of riding a horse. Even as he brought the horse to a quick trot, he seemed to hold on fine and almost professionally as he kept himself up right and gentle with the horse. “Where… where did you learn to ride like that?” 
Jaune brought the horse to a stop next to Pyrrha and got off to help her up. “My parents had a friend who owned horses and would ask us to help take care of them. Riding lessons were put up as payment, so my sisters and I all learned how to ride a horse.” 
“I guess that makes sense.” Weiss watched her team continue to struggle with their own horses and started to make her way towards them. “You want to help your team while I help mine?” 
Jaune nodded. “Sure thing.” 
Weiss paused for a moment as she watched Jaune make his horse trot over to Nora. It was almost too easy to envision him as a knight from the romance novels she read, a blush crossing her cheeks when she thought about it. If he were to bulk up and get a set of armor that fit him-
“W-Weiss!” Ruby called out from hanging under her horse. “A-a little help?” 
Weiss shook her head as she was pulled out of her own thoughts and started to make her way over. “How did you do that?” 
“I tried to get on and I dont think I set the saddle on quite right.” 
“Its not that hard. Just drop to the ground and we’ll set it right.” 
“I dont think I-” Ruby winced as she dropped on the ground. “Nevermind!” 
Weiss pinched the bridge of her and took a deep breath. “This will be a relaxing day… as soon as I teach them how to stay on their horses correctly.”
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AITA for slapping my mother in law?
I (27F) am married to my husband Jay (26M) and we recently had our first child Lily.
Well the pregnancy was a very very difficult one. I was throwing up every day for over six months, suffered long bouts of insomnia, developed gestational diabetes, standing up too fast made me incredibly dizzy, my entire body just constantly hurt, Lily kicked me so hard I legit had tears in my eyes (which combined with full body pain was...not pleasant) and to top it all off Lily weighed ELEVEN pounds and I tore really really badly.
I love my daughter to death but never again. Ever.
Anyways after that literal hell of a pregnancy, I've been more or less bedbound for several weeks now while healing from that entire ordeal. Which means Jay has been taking care of pretty much everything, keeping the house clean, making food, taking care of me and Lily, etc. Its a lot I know and I wish I could do more to help but Jay has been insisting that I rest and recover and that he's got this. He's been handling everything like an absolute champ. Honestly if I didnt have him I dont know how I would be doing anything.
Well this morning Jay's parents came to visit and meet their granddaughter. So I was moved to the living room so I could introduce them to Lily and socialize a bit while Jay cooked lunch.
Now Jay's parents are very traditional. They believe that men make the money and that its the woman's job to take care of the house, the cooking, and the children.
You can probably see where this is going.
I introduce Mother in law to Lily and we get to talking. (Father in law went outside to go smoke)
Thats when mother in law asks why Jay is cooking. More importantly why Im NOT cooking. I tell her I physically cant even stand UP without help so how am I supposed to cook.
She only scoffed saying that I was just making excuses. I am very used to her bullshit by now so I just roll my eyes.
Then Lily started crying because she needed a diaper change. Mother in law tells me to go change her diaper. Again I cant even stand up by myself, much less get up to change a diaper.
I call Jay and he happily comes to get our daughter. Mother in law starts yelling, telling Jay no that I should do it because its my job. She grabs Lily and shoves her back into my arms and tells me to get up and go do it.
Jay, my wonderful angel, tried to tell her that I physically couldnt move for weeks and to mind her own damn business.
She then started yelling even more saying that I was making my husband do my job for me, calling me lazy and a slut (What that has anything to do with this? I have no idea) she went off on a complete tangent about how it was a woman's job to take care of the home and the children, that SHE managed just fine and she had five small children, that I was completely emasculating Jay, that I was a disgrace, etc.
She just kept going and going while not letting me and Jay even get a word in. Until eventually she said that my daughter will probably grow up to be a whore like I am.
I think it was a mix of pure exhaustion and hormones because somehow I managed to stand up for a moment and slap her across the face before immediately falling back on the couch.
Jay looked shocked, Mother in law looked livid. (Father in law was just watching from the doorway, equally as shocked.)
Mother in law started full on screaming, calling me every single name in the book until father in law physically dragged her out of the house by her arm.
Now hours later my phone has been blowing up with messages from my brothers and sister in laws, telling me that I was an asshole and that I had no excuse for hitting their mother.
Hell even my friends think I was in the wrong for hitting her (completely ignoring how she was yelling, calling me horrible names, in front of a newborn baby no less.)
What are these acronyms?
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aliceyed · 1 year
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summary: after a shitty date you cry about it to your bestfriend, beomgyu.
warnings: kissing, cursing, horny ass dude.
pairing: bestfriend!beomgyu x fem!reader
genre: bestfriends to lovers
"how do I look?" you said while walking out of the bathroom.
beomgyu who was lying on your bed looked up from his phone, "eh, you look fine."
you rolled your eyes, "you said that about the last 4 outfits can you please help me choose the perfect one." walking over to your vanity table you attempted to fix your hair a little when beomgyu walked over to you tucking stray strands of hair behind you ear.
"okok, im sorry. you looked stunning in all of the outfits, i think even if you wore a trash bag to your date you would look gorgeous."
your stomach did something weird, it always happened when you hung out with beomgyu. you know you probably had feelings for him but there was no chance he liked you back, besides he said he only saw you as a sister. so to cope with this you tried to take your mind off him by going on dates with random guys (really stupid coping mechanism).
coming back to reality you slapped his arm, "stop lying to me."
laughing a bit he replied, "im really not lying, but i think you should go with this outfit." picking up your phone you see your date texted you saying he was already at your door to pick you up. quickly grabbing your bag you rush to your door and compose yourself before opening the door.
your date who shall not be named (im lazy to think of a name), looks you up and down, "looking good babe, ready to go?"
you felt slightly uncomfortable but tried to smile and nod your head.
basically long story short, the date was horrible. you went to a nice restaurant, where your self absorbed date was practically throwing himself at you the whole time trying to kiss you. he just made you feel really uncomfortable the whole time and to top it all off he forgot to bring his wallet and you ended up paying for the whole date. you just wanted to get home.
when the both of you got in his car he put his hand on your thigh, "wanna go back to my place?" at this point you were so done, "what the fuck is wrong with you!" you shouted and ran out of his car and straight to a bathroom and cried it all out. you called beomgyu to come pick you up and from hearning your choked up voice he ran faster than ever to come get you. after calling you to let you know he was outside, you ran out and hugged him tightly.
beomgyu didn't care that your tears were staining his shirt, he hugged you back just as tight softly rubbing your back. seeing you like this after so many dates broke his heart, he couldn't stand to see you like this anymore.
driving you back to your place, he prepared your favourite snacks and your favourite movie to try and lighten your spirits while you changed into more comfortable clothes. when you got out you saw beomgyu in your living room selecting the movie and patting the seat beside him. you still weren't over your awful date and could feel tears threatening to spill out at any time and just started ranting about it all to beomgyu.
"yn why do you do this to yourself? why do you always go out with these jerks and make yourself miserable, i hate seeing you like this."
"you wanna know why beomgyu?" you were going to regret this confession but you couldnt hold in your feelings anymore. "i like you gyu, ive liked you for such a long time but 2 years ago i heard you say you only thought of me as some sort of a sister, and that broke my heart. to try and get over it i started dating these jerks. i really like you and it hurts that youll never feel the same way." tears starting pouring out of your eyes uncontrollably as you quickly try to wipe them away with the back of your hand.
beomgyu was dumbfounded, after all this time because of his stupidity hes been hurting you all these years. he pulled you close to him, holding your face gently and wiping away the tears with his thumbs and embraced you, calming you down.
"yn, ive always liked you too... I was just always scared you wouldn't like me back so i would tell my friends i saw you as a sister even though i liked- heck loved you for so long. it would hurt me to see you go out with so many guys and never asked me once."
it was now
your turn to be dumbfounded, did he really like you back? "please dont tell me this is a joke," you sniffled back a tear. "do i look like im joking?" he held your chin softly and brought your face close to his. you heart was beating a million miles an hour, was this really happening?
he looked into your eyes for any sign of discomfort before leaning in to close the gap between your lips. the kiss was slow and gentle and you loved every second of it. after pulling away you both couldnt help but laugh at the situation, 2 idiots in love for so long but unaware.
you 2 spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching the movie then falling asleep on the couch, the perfect ending for the not so perfect night.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Petals (Roy!Sibling x Connor Roy)
Character/s: Connor, Shiv, Roman, Logan, Willa, Marcia
Word Count: 1,315
Requested: hello! is it okay if i request more roy baby sibling and connor? i’d like to see them asking connor to dance at shiv’s wedding (or maybe even at his wedding?)! thank you :) - anon
Requested: your younger roy sibling hcs have been rotting my brain recently and now im imagining 8 year old them making a drawing for connor's birthday that is them holding hands with big hearts and "wish you were my daddy" written in big kid letters (probably with spelling mistakes) and connor just like. sobbing when he reads it. i feel like hed be such a big father role to a significantly younger sibling (i personally imagine them and roman having a around 10 year gap, so thats probably like ~35 years of different between them and connor). and we all know what a shitty dad logan is/was, so i can see younger sibling calling connor after some big fight with logan and crying while begging him to pick them up and let them live with him and it breaks his heart cause logan would never let it happen and he tried but couldnt protect ken and shiv and rome and he just wishes he could at least protect his baby sib but he just cant and it kills him. anyway happy thursday thought haha roy family brainrot - @fromirkwood
Inspired By: Petals on the Moon by Wasia Project
Tag: @locke-writes
A/N: I know the second one wasn't exactly a request, but I couldn't get it out of my head!!! Big Bro Connor is my absolute favorite!! I hope this doesn't rot in your brain too long my love lol. I just couldn't get it out of my head, especially when it was combined with the other request!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Time is a thief, at least that’s what he thinks when he looks at you, spinning with your sister on the dance floor. Your smile is so bright, so wide, your cheeks flushed. You drank too much, no doubt it was Roman refilling your glass without your notice. The song picks up speed, picks up in joy, and you break out into laughter, you and Shivy. It’s as if you’re in your own world and only she’s in it. You spin and jump and sing along, your niece and nephew beside you and the bride. He hasn’t seen you this electric, this alive, so much like your old self, in weeks. Connor considered himself lucky to be able to watch, to bear witness. Just moments ago you were a baby, doodling with your thick crayons, mistakenly calling him Dad instead of Logan. Only recently had he learned that's who he was in your phone, Dad, that Logan was simply Logan. Years pass, but so little changes. He still had all your fathers day cards stashed away, hidden before your real father caught what you were doing. Stick figures, one tall, one small, hand in hand surrounded by flowers and butterflies and other bugs. Happy Fathers Day Connor. Your uppercase letters always slanted, crooked, his name spelled with one N instead of two. It wasn’t long until his figure started sprouting gray hair, graying far earlier than anyone else in the family, and yours grew taller every year. Connor feared you might have forgotten about him, that you were getting too old to need your eldest brother like your siblings had, but you proved him wrong after that night. 
You hadn’t even wanted to go to the wedding. It was so bad. Whatever was said and done remained a mystery. You wouldn’t tell him, tell anyone, just that it was bad. He’d gone with Willa to pick something out for you, knowing you left the house with nothing. You refused to try it on, to come out of the spare bedroom. It wasn’t until the day before when they were getting ready to leave, accepting that there was no way you were going, did you come out with your outfit packed. You weren’t going to miss Shiv's big day because of him, you declared, and it was settled. He couldn’t contain his excitement, grinning from ear to ear. Letting her down, letting him down, just because of your old man, it seemed like a cruel punishment. You sat beside him in the plane, his hand on your knee, trying to disregard the dread in your chest. They’d all heard about your big blow out, they all wanted to know, going to Connor first instead of you. You were the closest, you told him everything. When he had nothing to say, when all he could offer was a warning, it said something, something more than he was expecting: whatever happened got to you. It genuinely hurt you. They imagined the worst, unsure of what to do. He was at a loss, too. Your father could say and do as he pleased, you’d always been the best at ignoring him, especially when he was in one of his moods, but this time? This time was different. It stung more than all of the other fights you’d had with him, and there were some memorable ones. Never had you yelled back like that, never had you stormed out in a fury, never had you sobbed to your brother like that on the phone. This wasn’t the kind of thing that would go away on its own. It wouldn’t heal with time. 
He could almost forget the crack in your voice as he watched you now. That sad, crying child looked so different from the young adult on the dance floor. Eventually you came over to him, asking him to dance. As if on cue, a slower song came on. This was far different than the last time you danced together. You stood on his shoes, swaying, giggling that high pitched giggle, the one that made his heart melt. You were so little then, so tiny, he was scared to let go. Now you swayed on your own, your arms around him as if you’re scared he’ll flee, your face buried into his chest. Thank you for letting me stay with you. It came out mumbled, muffled, but he understood. Anytime, kiddo. You’re a pleasure to have. Your eyes were big when you looked up at him, as if trying to decipher if he was telling the truth or not. His smile, so reassuring, told you he meant it. I’m sorry about Pops. you shook your head, not wanting to hear his name, not wanting your brother to carry the guilt for him. If he was going to apologize you were going to hear it from him. Not anyone else. Connor spent the entire night putting distance between the two of you, becoming your human shield. Logan, it seemed, had completely forgotten about the whole ordeal, kissing Shiv, saying hello to your brothers, like nothing was amiss. They each shared a glance, all looking to Connor for help, for guidance, just like they had when they were little. He knew what he had to do. How bad was it, kiddo? He asks. Bad. It’s all you can say without upsetting yourself all over again. 
He called you his greatest failure. Spineless. A mistake. You don’t remember how it started, only that you were bleeding out on the floor before him and he refused to put the knife down. A plague to the Roy name, a curse, a bad seed. You never should have been born. A loser. Incompetent. He’s not sure where you came from, but you are certainly not his. You should be smarter, work harder, but instead you are nothing, you are nobody. No one has ever or will ever love you. It hits you so hard, so forcefully, it knocks the wind out of you. He means it, he means every word, but especially that. That’s what kills you, that’s what makes the tears slip down your cheeks. That’s not true, you try to spit back, but he’s not listening and you’re crying, and you’re proving him right. He keeps talking. You can’t hear it, though. You’re gone. You’ve retreated into yourself, so far back he cannot possibly get you. You stand there, unmoving, as he gets in your face. No one has or will ever love you. No one has or will ever love you. It plays on loop, again and again until you cannot breathe. Finally you back away, you run from him, slamming each door behind you. Marcia calls out to you, hearing what went down, but nothing can stop you. Through the busy sidewalks, sobbing uncontrollably, you call him. You can’t repeat what he said, you still can’t. You know that would make him furious, all of them, and it is not their burden to carry. A quiet fear has settled in the back of your mind: what if he’s right? 
If he knew, if Connor knew, he would have killed his father. No one said that to his baby, no one ever dared talk to you that way. But he doesn’t, and he never will. You have vowed to yourself that neither him nor your other siblings will know, for fear that they might agree with him. That they’ll show you he’s right. Instead they watch you carefully, ready to intervene should that be necessary. You hold on to him tight long after the song ends, not wanting to let go, to be alone with Logan's words. Connor doesn’t mind at all. He’s his happiest when his siblings need him, when you need him. He’ll always be there to rescue you. Always. It’s his job, you’re his greatest love. You all are.
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bingusbongu · 6 months
Julian from the Arcana. With an academic/noble reader
Like they meet at some point in the castle and the reader is in the library or some shit
A/N: so sorry this is short, i havent played the Arcana in SUCH a long time, but i remember Julian being my favorite. He was so goofy silly and my favorite route! But, as an fyi, im slowly burning myself out, so if i dont update everyday dont come after me for it. Also, since i havent played this game in a long while, i may have the story wrong, let me know if i do so i can fix it, thanks! Again, supper short, to tired to do a bunch
Readers lines are in pink, but they are Gender neutral!!!!
Julian x Noble! Reader
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• Julian HAD to have snuck into the castle if he were to meet you for the first time. After all, he is a wanted criminal, depending on when he meets your character
• maybe he was looking for more clues about what happened to the king or left something of his behind in his studies, which brought him to the library. He still had a key that Portia gave him, who he told her he lost it so he could come and go as he pleased, as long as he dosnt get caught that is.
• what he didnt expect was to actually find someone in the library. The library that has been out of use for auch a long time. That someone would actually be in it to begin with. He only thought that he and his sister had the keys... maybe Nadia, too.
• he stopped at the door to study you, just staring at you. How neat and beautiful your clothes were, and how stylish you seemed, with your jewelry and established posture. You must had been an guest at the castle, or a friend of Nadias to be looking so upper class and being allowed in the library.
"Its rude to stare, you know?"
Your voice caught him off gaurd, he must have been staring at you for you to notice. Even with your book in hand, you looked up at him with an unimpressed look as he fumbled over his words for an answer.
"Well.... i uh... didnt expect to find anyone taking of intrest of these old books" he would recover himself, trying to put on his best grin to make him not seem suspicious.
You would roll your eyes at him and continue reading as he stood there awkwardly. Until clearing his throat, picking out a completely random book and pulled up a chair to talk to you, which you responded, despite being intrested in your book, to his questions.
The two pf you chatted, and when he told you his name, you already knew who he was, which astounded him. But, instead of alerting the guards, you just sat there quietly while reading your book. Flipping through it withiut a care in the world as Julian freaked out you were going to call someone.
You just sat there reading, without a care that an alleged and wanted criminal was right next to you, but you liked your book more anyway. Just shrugging at him whem he asked
So, instead, he sat there and talked to you while you responded back to him. Him learning of your nobility abd why you were in the castle to begin with. One of the most engaging talks he ever had that wasnt with his sister that was scolding him.
You had to leave at some point to go help Nadia, leaving Julian alone with his thoughts and old desk.
• now, Julian couldnt stop thinking of you. So, now at the same time every day, he would sneak into the library in hopes to find you, and of course, there you were. Reading the same or a different book in your lap.
Julian would stride in to talk to you. Greeting you with a smile and sitting down to talk to you about lord knows what. Even occasionally throwing flirts at you just to get you to look up at him from youf book.
His visits became frequent, despite them being a secret, he still somehow managed to meet in the library at the same exact time as you
• he definitely tries to get you to laugh by using rich people humor, which hardly gets a crack out of you, unless he actually says something funny or gets flustered
• at first it was just library visits. Then when Julian could go out without hiding, youd have him show you around the town, incase if you are new or just never got out long enough to see it all.
• makes stupid jokes about how he would throw himself in a mud pile to keep you from stepping in it to get you to roll your eyes chuckle at him
• always claims to be your night in shining armor when out and about, declairing he would protect you. Only to jump at the sight of a mouse skittering along the floor
• tries to learn upper class flirting to use on you. If he dosnt flirt enough now, just wait tell he adds in royalty
• you find it stupid, but Julian is stupid enough to make kt work.
• if you buy him anything he us intrested in he would try and decline as he litterly is screaming inside
• alittle bit nervous that he was a citizen and not a royal you shoukd end up with. Makes him paranoid that he is to poor for you to love/like him
• attending jis silly little plays makes him brighten up when he sees you
• def jokes about joining the royal gaurd just so he could spend more tims with you
• he liked it, after all
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heeseung-min · 2 years
Am i the only one who prefers soft yandere?😭 can i request more soft yandere enhypen where their s/o asks for a cuddle because they couldnt sleep
Yandere Enhypen Reaction: Their s/o asks for a cuddle (Hyung line)
Warning: In this reaction, s/o is really fucked up so most of them are okay with the situation they're in and again this is just fiction...if you dont like yandere please scroll and go read something else
You groaned after failed from trying to sleep. It's already 2 a.m. which the common time for people to sleep. The headache has started to form but the only thing you can do was just whimpering. It was the first time you sleep without your boyfriend, Heeseung. The man went out to settle for some work two hours ago.
Heeseung always will be by your side and will be caressing your hair until you fall asleep however today is different and then you realised that without him you will face problem that you couldn't solve by yourself.
You reached the phone that was on the nightstand, finding your boyfriend contact and immediately press a call. You can't wait anymore. You need him. Now.
"Hee....I need you."
"Hey baby, what happen? Are you okay?"
You can hear a sound like someone pleading but you didn't even care about that. What you wanted right now is Heeseung. You wanted him to hug your body closer so you can feel his warmth.
"I - I can't sleep. I want to cuddle with you."
Heeseung smiled softly at your words. He imagined you were pouting while talking to him right now. He looked down at the man who were in weak state but still tried his best to plead at Heeseung to let him go. Too bad, the man shouldn't look at your way.
"I will be back in 30 minutes, y/n. Can you wait for me?"
You hummed showing you agreed with him since you were too tired to talk. The headache is slowly gone so you were feeling better a bit.
"Sorry for making you waiting. Come here, baby."
It's really warm whenever you hug him and the warmth brings you comfort that other people couldn't give. Hence, that's why Heeseung is very important in your life because only him can do this to you.
You looked to your side that was empty and started wondering where is your man. Since it's already the time that both of you should sleep but today he isn't here right now.
You walked out from the bed and looking for him and found the man at kitchen. He was too busy cooking something to notice you were behind him. He startled a bit when he felt your small hands hugged his waist from behind and smiled when you put your face at his back.
"What are you doing, y/n?" He asked as one of his hand was holding your hand while the other one was stirring the cooking.
"We should sleep right now. What are you doing?" You were whining when heard Jay laughed softly at your complaining. He turned off the stove after making sure the food has cooked completely and then turned to face you.
"I was cooking because I noticed you kept went to eat after few hours sleeping. That's why I'm making those so you don't need to prepare or cook anything." Jay explained as he hold your face. Your doe eyes are so beautiful and your lips making him gulped.
You were touched on how Jay treated you with a good care that nobody can give you the same treatment. Growing up without having love from your parents that were too focused on your sister rather than you making you wanted to cry when you see how Jay really take good care of you.
"I love you." You said it then pulled his shirt down so you can kiss his lips.
"I love you more." Jay mumbled after pulling out from the kiss. He stared at your face for a last time before turned to finish the cooking.
"If you want to eat, wake me up okay? We can eat together."
"You don't mind? What if you don't get enough sleep?"
"I rather spend my time with you than sleep without you beside me. Now, let's go to sleep honey."
You are bored. Jake had gave you free time to do what you want and he will not disturb you until the time is finish. However, after 30 minutes you started to give up on doing what you had wanted to do. You didn't feel the fun anymore.
You still have one and half hour more of your free time but you couldn't find other things you can do. Maybe you had used to always spend time with your boyfriend. Maybe that's why you felt empty when he is not beside you.
You tried to convince yourself that you don't need him and you can be independent. You continue to draw on the drawing paper but after few minutes you groaned at the sight of the drawing. It look so awkward that you can't even draw it anymore.
You kept your drawing equipments in the storage box and went out from your room looking for your boyfriend. You felt sleepy so cuddling him is the best thing to do before you take a nap.
Shocking at the thing he hold with blood splattered on his face to some parts of his shirt, you gasped loudly while backing away from him slowly.
"Oh sweetheart, what are you doing here? You still have long time before I can get you."
"I- i just- I was looking- for you.." His eyes soften at your words. He resisted himself from hugging you since he didn't want to make you feel disgusting with all of this blood.
"That's so sweet of you. Can you wait for me? I want to clean myself before I get closer to you."
You nodded once and went to the kitchen because the smell of blood started to get you nauseous. You ate ice cream to reduce the urge to puke and didn't even realised aften an hour, you already sleep at the kitchen counter.
"Y/n? Sweetie where- oh." Jake smiled softly at the sight of yours hugging the ice cream bucket. He took care of it and brought you to the bed and changed your clothes to a comfortable one. The man took time to look at your angelic face, appreciating your snores and left some kisses.
"I love you so much, y/n. If I need to kill our new neighbour to prevent both of you from meeting each other, I'll gladly do that."
God, you groaned when he smirked at you when he didn't even bother to switch on the heater. When you tried to do it, he will tie you up on the bed and left you alone in the room.
You can imagine how warm he feel right now when he wear the thick sweater and drink warm chocolate.
It's winter and Sunghoon wanted to torture you just so you will ask him to cuddle together. You love your boyfriend but sometimes he is just so annoying.
"Oh god, I feel so warm. The chocolate drink too is perfect for this season."
You rolled your eyes at his words. You knew he wanted to make you envy so you can beg him to give the warmth that you really need.
Sunghoon came closer to you. He knew you are stubborn to beg him but he also knew you will eventually give up being a brat and let him cuddle your body closer.
"What do you want?"
"Now now, that's not a tone that you should to someone that can provide you warmth."
Y/n sighed at his answers. You don't want to give up because it seems pathetic to you. However, when your boyfriend cupped your cheeks with his warm hands, you can't help but to sob. You literally sobbing when he started to leave kisses on your face because it provides a little bit of warm to your face. Sunghoon put his head on your shoulder while rubbing your back slowly. He is waiting for you to say the words.
"Please, hug me. I want to feel the warmth."
"Absolutely my dear, your wish is my command."
Sunghoon got rid of the rope on your hands and put some baby powder to sooth the redness. He kissed your forehead and brought your body closer to him and finally you got what you want. Even though you hate your boyfriend sometimes, you can't help that he also the one can provide everything you need. You also slowly grow attached to him and that makes Sunghoon happy.
So, I swear yandere reaction took me really long time to do😐 I am really sorry for those who request yandere reaction 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ and also i've done the hyung line...for the maknae line it needs time so that's why im posting this first...so thank you so much for reading this😔😔✋
Because he only want you to depend everything on him.
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radation · 9 months
Can you do ler!venner + lee!velvet and put her in a real bad lee mood, having to admitting she wants to be tickled and to tickle her.
Tickly day for vel.
It was a normal day in mount rageous, the twins had an interview they were expecting in a few days time so they were warming up. Veneer was in his room, talking to himself about what the interviewer could ask and what he could respond with.
However, velvet was on her bed, trying her best to concentrate but just couldn’t get the feeling of wanting to be tickled out of her head, making her blush. Velvet sometimes hated to be tickled but she did have occasions where she did want them, she was on her bed huffing and puffing.
“Come on velvet! Focus! Now, the interviewer could say something like “what are your goals after becoming famous popstars” and I could say “oh well we….we uhm…ugh! Come on velvet!”
she spent like 2 hours trying to get her crap together but no matter what, she couldn’t shake the whole “wanting to be tickled” thing. So she had no choice but to go to her brother.
she opened the door to find her brother pacing around the room talking to himself.
Veneer: yes, I do have a jetpack but it’s- oh hey velvet!
*he greeted her with a smile*
Velvet: h-hey, *she waved awkwardly as the blush on her face grew*
*a moment of silence was casted upon them*
Veneer: you okay?-
Velvet: oh yeah I’m great! Totally fine! A-are you? *she sat on his bed with an awkward smile*
*he sighed and sat next to her*
Veneer: are you sure you’re okay sis…? You know can tell me about anything right?
That comment made her even more flustered, she sighed, she wanted to tell her brother but couldnt bring herself to do it.
Velvet: yeah well uhm…can you…
Veneer: hm? *he smiled softly*
Velvet: can you…c-call crimp yeah call crimp!
Veneer: uhh…she’s on her holiday?
Velvet: right…
Veneer: velvet, what’s really going on? You know I’ll never judge you. *he placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look*
Velvet: uhm…can you do…that one thing?
Veneer: w-what thing…? *he gave her a puzzled look*
Velvet: ugh! Like… *her face got even more red* like you know! *she wiggles her fingers* that!
Veneer: vel, how on mount rageous am I supposed to know what this *he mocked her as he said the word “this”* is??
Velvet:…right…*her face flushed* well veneer, do you know how siblings bond?
Veneer: oh yeah! They can bond in many ways! Hanging out, playing, wrestling, teasing, tickling-
Velvet: THAT! *she pointed*
*veneer jumped*
Veneer: what…?
Velvet: sorry, that what you just said.
Veneer: tickling?
Velvet: *her face flushed* mhm, that.
*veneer seemed puzzled*
Veneer: what about tickling?
Velvet: can you….uhm…can you…do…ugh! *she buried her face* never mind.
*veneer took a second to realize*
Veneer: ohhhh!!! *he smirked* oh velvet, my dear sister, enlighten me, what is it do you wish for.
*velvet knows that when veneer starts speaking Shakespeare that means he is teasing her*
Velvet: veneer I swear!
Veneer: oh no, if you want me to tickle you, admit it.
Velvet: *her face is blushing really hard* but you know I can’t and what I want!!
Veneer: i know you can and i know I do, but Ofcourse, you have to admit it so I can be sure~
Velvet: veneer!
Veneer: velvet~
Velvet: ugh I hate you!
Veneer: aw come on! Just say it~
Velvet: veneer! *she whined*
Veneer: come on~ otherwise no tickling.
Velvet: ugh…can you…
*veneer watched with a smirk*
Velvet: can you….t-t…ti…ckle…me… *she mumbled*
Veneer: can’t hear ya. *he placed his hand on her his ear*
Velvet: ugh! Can you…
*veneer waited with a smug look on his face*
Velvet: tickle…me…
Veneer: there it is! Come here. *he giggled and pulled her close and began tickling her stomach*
*velvet yelped and tried her best not to squirm too much*
Velvet: veheneher!
Veneer: hm? This is what you wanted isn’t it?~
Velvet: yehehah buhut
Veneer: so shush. *he chuckled and kept tickling her stomach*
Velvet: *squeal* BAHAHAHAH! VEHENEHEHR!!!
*veneer began massaging her hips*
Veneer: what?! I’m just massaging! *he giggled as he spoke*
*velvet began thrashing around squirmed*
Veneer: oh shut up vel! You like it and that’s that. *he teased with a smirk*
*she laughed and squirmed on the bed, veneer quickly pinned her and used his free hand to tickle her armpits, ripping a squeal out of her*
Velvet: NOHOHO!! HAHAHAHAH! VHENEHR! IHI- HAHAHHA! *she tried to enjoy it but since it was a sensitive spot for her, she couldn’t help but try her best to lower her arms*
Veneer: there we go! Now we are getting all the spots, aye vel?~
Veneer: oh but you like this hm?~
*velvet just kept laughing and tried her best not to squirm, she didn’t wanna admit it just yet but she really was enjoying it*
*veneer let her go but straddled her and sat on her thighs*
Veneer: now let’s see if your sides want a little tickle as well hm vel? *he raised his eyebrow with a smirk and began massaging and tickling her sides*
Velvet: *squeal* vehenehher! HaheHAHAH!!
Veneer: that’s my name~
*he noticed she was trying everything to not push him away, he smiled softly and just kept up his act*
Velvet: it tiihicklehes!!! Hehahahah!
Veneer: well I hope it does? *he chuckled, he let go of her and began tickling her thighs*
Veneer: I know I did your hips but we can’t forget these sensitive guys right here~
Velvet: Eep! Vehenehehr! EhhaHAHAHAH! StohoOHOHOP! *both velvet and veneer knew that was a lie*
Veneer: nah, I’ll keep going, these little thighs won’t tickle themselves you know? *he chuckled and kept it up*
If you did not know, velvet’s face was so red that if someone didn’t know the context of the situation, they would’ve mistaken her for a cherry.
*veneer smirked*
Veneer: you sure seem pretty red vel, you okay? *he teased and without warning, dug his fingers behind her knees and tickled her all over and around her knees*
Velvet: *yelp* venHEHEHR! NohoOHOT therHHEHEHRE!! *soon tears began to form in her eyes from laughter*
Veneer: not where? Oh not here? Hmm…nah, I’m good here thanks. *he kept it up, he had a good grip while velvet kicked, she really hated how she tried to stop him even though she wants this*
Veneer: oh let’s not forget about this little place right…. *he wrapped his arm around her ankles and began tickling her feet using his free hand* here!
*velvet screamed*
Velvet: VEHENEHEHR! NOHOHOHO!! *she squirmed as her clenched her fist and hit the bed*
Veneer: veneer yes~
*velvet’s face just got redder by every tease he could give*
Veneer: but whyyyyy???~
Veneer: hmm…no.
Velvet: PLEHAHAHSE!! *she tapped him to let him know she has had enough*
*he giggled and let her go*
Veneer: oh one more thing!
Velvet: *she panted* h-huh…?
*he blew a raspberry on her stomach*
*velvet screamed hard*
*velvet threw her head back laughing as she arched her back and tried to push his head away, soon going into a silent laughter, now she really had enough. Veneer quickly stopped and giggled*
Velvet: oh god….that was….unnecessary!
Veneer: but it was worth it. *he smirked and rubbed her stomach to get rid of those ghostly tickles*
*soon velvet managed to compose herself, she had a small tint of pink on her cheeks as she gained control of her breathing and adjusted herself*
Velvet: veneer…?
Veneer: yeah sis?
Velvet: thank you, I know I can be a bit bossy at times but…I really do love you and I wouldn’t switch you for any other brother in the world, I’m so glad we don’t judge each other and we are always there for each other, and we always will be. *she smiled softly and hugged her brother*
*veneer smiled softly and hugged his sister*
Veneer: I love you vel.
Velvet: I love you too ven.
~the end~
Hope yall enjoyed! I know I really enjoyed making this, I had to like take breaks because even the teasing made me like wigekquabdgwk.
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I joined the hobby with my sister in early 2003. We both got our first dolls at the same time but I hated my doll (she arrived blank) and I decided to not join the hobby because I hated the doll so much. My sister stayed active, but passed away in 2016, in which I got my first doll back when they were passing the inheritance and arranging everything. That was my reintroduction into the doll hobby, to connect with my sister in a way.
Enjoyed making friends with people in the community, generally found the community peaceful and positive. I liked playing and taking pictures of my dolls and was interested in trying OC and the biographies people posted because it looked fun.
in 2022 the rest of my family passed away in a car crash. Its been difficult for me to accept this and I keep going into states of "if this" or "if that", and I tried to connect to the hobby but I couldnt escape reality. It didnt help that my fathers side of the family were relentlessly trying to put a conservatorship on me, have me put in a mental hospital and seize control of me, my assets and finances forcing me to go to a psychiatrist and take medication just so I can have freedom and avoid them.
I decide to try and cheer myself by going to a doll event on holiday and get a chance on a doll that is coveted by a niche in the community, as in limited to a few dolls a year that you can only get in person in a certain location on certain dates by a lottery. This is a doll Ive been obsessed with getting, having won two YJA auctions for her (you arent supposed to buy them secondhand or sell them), only to have the sellers always refund the proxy. I won this doll, on my first lottery entry and I feel nothing.
I met two people and one was extremely kind, and the other that I thought I had a connection with was just disappointing to meet in person. Gossiping about people the whole time, including the person that was also there with us, always talking about why they were better than so and so because they did x. Talked about entering the lottery many times but always losing and not to get my hopes up because they dont pick nonresident foreigners. She also suggested I bring in someone to increase my chances, but I said I wanted to play fair and she shocked me when she said good answer; like it was a trick suggestion or she was waiting for an aha moment.
The pure anger on her face when I was called the winner, and then the comment about them picking the lottery winner like I was supposed to feel bad that I was picked instead of randomly chosen was weird to me. I just brushed it off as me being paranoid. Its not jealousy of the doll, but I think anger that they picked someone she saw as unworthy (me). She even called me a whale, but I just ignored the comment because I know Im not even remotely chubby back then.
Then she said something about how maybe this was the universe giving me a present because my whole family passed away a few months ago (at that time). This was the first time I told someone in the hobby about my familys passing and I felt completely emptied? deflated? by the comment. They may have not meant it to be negative, but I felt repulsed. TBH, I havent even taken the doll out of the box since getting her because I keep remembering that comment made. They probably didnt mean much, but it stuck to me. I cant even look at the doll's box without feeling sick. I just remembered this because its been a year + and I saw someone being annoyed that a oneoff winner didnt post an opening even though its been a few months, and now I feel worse because its been a year of her in the box.I was just waiting until I felt happy again so I can at least have the box opening be special. I dont know what to do because that comment; the universe giving me a doll in return of my whole family dying? I cant disassociate it and I wish I never met that person because I feel like it has made the doll hobby unenjoyable to me, but I also know its unreasonable to think this way because Ive met so many that are so nice and kind. I think Im reading into the comment more than its worth. I honestly feel pathetic for letting it affect me this much.
Sorry for writing all of this. I just wanted to get it out of my chest so I can maybe get back to normal. My friends dont like listening to this, because Im a man and am supposed to be more mature, and I also dont like holding on to anger, and I dont usually do, but I feel angry and sad all the time, when I know I should be grateful because I have a lot of blessings. Some might know who I am, and I hope they dont take it as a sign of me needing help, and more of just me venting if they read all of this, that my disinterest in a lot of things isnt them, its just Im not back to normal and I want to be.
Mod: I'm so sorry anon, you've been through so much. 💗
This person sounds insecure and jealous and imo you should dismiss everything they said to you, it was not coming from a good place. You deserve to have joy and happiness in your life.
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tom-is-online · 3 days
firstly hi, im the toya side story person. i do hate the fact that akito punched toya. i dont think anything really justifies violence. but enas is implied to be much more frequent! And sibling fights are whatever.
but u cant ignore the fact that some people may just not like ena because of this repeated pattern. i understand that the person in the tags was trying to explain enas behavior, not justify it. but unless its been retconned in a way i forgot, pale color says shinei only really started telling ena that she couldnt be an artist w/o talent when ena was looking at highschools, so its not like ena was fresh into middle school when her father rejected her dreams. akito when faced with insecurity didnt physically lash out at ena as far as im aware of. saying that she lashed out at him just bc he was nearby and improving in his own field doesnt really change a lot imo. just because siblings use each other as an outlet for stress doesnt mean everyone has to be comfy with it. plus, when akito describes the scratching, he mentions dodging the thrown objects and the scratches being hard to avoid if shes near, which leads me to believe that akito was trying to avoid a fight instead of a sibling brawl
im not calling this abuse, by any means, nor am i suggesting that ena shld have magically spawned healthy coping mechanisms. Im just trying to suggest a possibility that ena scratching akito may not have made her likable with some people, given the repetition and akitos lack of involvement in enas insecurity. everyone has different boundaries on what they think is okay. anyways i am happy to continue discussing this tho, i really liked hearing a diff perspective :) and if i missed anything from the stories, i really am sorry
original post
I understand what you're getting at, but I wanna just clear up some stuff with it
Akito and Toya became friends about two years before the main story (both 14), which means Ena was in the last year of Middle School when they met. Ena would have been looking at High Schools at the time, so the timelines with that add up with her emotional state due to her father. And since then, Ena has clearly stopped doing this to Akito
I understand the "it was a repetitive occurrence" argument but she was clearly not in the right headspace to be rational and considerate whilst having breakdowns, she was 15 and mentally unwell, and she's not gonna act in a rational way
Even if it was hypothetically before her last year of middle school.
SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO OLDER THAN 15 have you met a pair of siblings 14 and younger? esp with personalities like the Shinonomes
Akito likely wouldn't have fought back against Ena in the same way because he's clearly always been very athletic meaning to me if he tried to fight her back. He would probably just win and he doesn't want to just kick her when she's already down.
Anon (and other people who make this argument) I am just so curious if you're an only child and if not what your siblings are like. I don't have a sister but I have a brother one year younger than me and we fought all of the time until we were like 15-16, me and my brother are both very hot-headed people esp at that age. Siblings just do that, so being so uncomfortable with the concept of siblings fighting that you hate Ena just feels so much like you don't understand typical sibling behaviour
If you're uncomfortable with the fact a 15-year-old had fights with her brother whilst she was likely mentally unwell or below the age of 15 and continue to hold this to them until they are 17-18 when they no longer do this
whilst also excusing Akito for what he did in the main story because it was a "one-off"
idk, man.
the argument is about liking Akito and not Ena. If you can hate Ena for being ~15 and mentally unwell whilst scratching Akito but not hate Akito for punching Toya at 16 and that being a MAJOR PLOT POINT whilst Ena's isn't.
it just feels like you can't understand the nuance behind someone doing something negative when they have bad mental health or you don't have siblings and don't understand how siblings like the Shinonomes would act in a situation such as theirs.
Or someone just gives the male characters way more leniency than the female characters
anyway. i do understand people have diff boundaries. but giving Akito leniency on violent behaviour and not ena for actions she did years ago. you can understand how this is a red flag
idk if i have anything else to say about the matter without going in circles
Tumblr media
anyway. theyre great i love them
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marinaiguess · 2 years
inspired by @starrjoy ‘s pandora au :) i couldnt get this off of my head so i had to write it down (it’s 3am pls send help, im not proof reading that rn)
“Hey, Sonic! Check this out!”
The fox’s voice fills the underground basement, bouncing off of his mind’s walls. When he manages to understand where it’s coming from, he turns his head towards that direction, yet his attention lies elsewhere still, eyes dancing between Tails and the screen behind him. 
“It’s a new device I made for you and your…”
Slowly fading away, - was it him or was it the voice? - Sonic felt himself slipping from this reality, a sense of screaming unintelligible words, a sense of breathing in air that burned his lungs, a sense of sinking while everything became darker, of sinking and drowning, overtook him. Suddenly, he was underwater, reliving the same cursed day he had sworn to erase. 
He had promised to himself that he would fight until he made things okay. 
But things were never the same.
His hands and feet are flailing helplessly as he’s trying to reach the surface, ignoring whatever it is that is weighing him down. It feels like there’s a noose around his neck and the further he gets, he struggles to breathe, he’s just sinking in deeper. Running out of time, he looks at his heavy feet in an attempt to determine what is slowing him down. 
He opens his mouth and doesn’t find it in himself to close it again, not caring about the water that is overflowing his lungs. If he weren’t underwater, he would feel the tears that he sheds, that quickly turn into just a few meaningless drops of water, adding to the ocean that surrounded him. 
They are clinging onto him; his brother, his sister, his mother, moving slowly but acting surely, trying to take him with them, at the bottom of this sea. He wants to run away, to ignore their voices and their calls, he knows it’s all his fault but he can’t change anything, especially if he ends up having the same fate. Kicking, screaming, swimming and it seems his efforts will be rewarded soon, the surface looking closer than ever. 
No, not that voice, not him. He whips his head around just to find out that his family had disappeared, dissolved into the water. They were replaced though by someone else, a person who shouldn’t have been there. Not him, this is not supposed to happen. However, nothing changes; he is still there. 
He had sworn he would never let this happen again, he had promised he would never let anyone hurt his little bro. Even if it was his fault, he would try his best to undo his actions, to save him. And he tried, sinking but never reaching, eyesight turning dark as he felt a strong force pushing him out of the water. He should feel at least a little bit relieved, like back then, that he is laying on solid ground but he can’t help himself from diving into the ocean again. He’s fighting for a lost cause and he doesn’t know if that’s the people he lost or himself.
He closes his eyes, unable to open them again. 
Something grabs his shoulder and he is brought back to life.
“Sonic, are you ok?” 
He takes a breath in what feels like forever, worried ocean eyes meeting his. “Yeah buddy, why you asking?” he places his own hand atop of his, thankful for the touch, reassuring him of Tails’ safety and of what is real.
“You seemed way out of it.” 
“I just probably zoned out. Sorry about that.”
Tails cocks a brow at that. “Are you…sure?”
“Yeah!” he tries, grinning a little too widely for Tails’ liking. “Nothing to worry about.”
Tails doesn’t back off.
“I promise!” Sonic puts his hands in the air defensively, taking a few steps back. “Now, bring me up to speed, I will be listening this time around.”
His little brother backs off at that, an exasperated sigh escaping him as he decides to drop the issue for the time being. No matter what this is about, Sonic clearly doesn't want to talk about it and he won’t push him to tell him, even if that would be the most logical course of action in that case. Instead, he chooses to begin his demonstration once again. Besides, he is certain that this gadget would come in handy for Sonic’s underwater missions and maybe would help him fight off his phobia. 
Sonic smiles at Tails, genuinely. And if his smile falters upon feeling hands reaching for him, ghosts asking for his help, he hides it and ignores them, too focused on his brother to give them the attention they want.
(pls check out the au, it’s truly incredible!!)
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altermay · 10 months
Tw/ transphobia, discussions of dysphoria, brief mention of suicide, descriptions of child abuse
Getting unbearable. Feeling sick. Started working to afford hormones only to find out the service that is most accessible to me (plume) doesnt offer T in alabama anymore due to changing laws. Fuck all these stupid politicians putting their noses in others lives.
Thought people at work wouldnt make a super huge deal, as I was selective with who I told, so i thought maybe I could hold out a bit longer and at least i wouldnt have to feel so dysphoric all the time, since all my coworkers knew me as Monte. But then instead of my name, people who would usually call anyone else by their name started calling me “Miss” and “maam”
Even the ones I had come out to, and even the ones who told me they were accepting.
Whatever, im from a small rural area, so transphobia is not new to me, what is new to me, however, is being openly trans in an unfamilliar environment. I thought I could start T quickly and maybe people would ever forget that im trans in the first place, but now its been so long.
Some people call me He, and use the right pronouns, but increasingly lately Ive received a myriad of transphobia.
Being called tranny loudly while my coworker kicks my broom as I try to sweep (kicking hard enough for the broom to almost leave my hands and hit another person behind me) , Getting called “it” behind my back. Stuff like this is becoming more common.
The two coworkers who called me it, have been spreading lies about my work performance these past five days, Ive been told my three different people that every time I leave to go do something they start talking badly of me. So I got to my breaking point, at this point it had nothing to do with the pronouns, I was just upset that two forty+ year old adults were purposefully making my job harder to do while I was also struggling with a ton of other stuff (ptsd, seasonal depression, a family members recent suicide) and so I couldnt stop crying.
Despite this situation having nothing to do with me being trans, they are now trying to spread the narrative that Im just being sensitive because they were misgendering me while they were borderline bullying me.
If I was not trans, people would take me seriously on these issues. But now, because I am upset, suddenly Im just a stereotype. A sensitive trans person who is offended because someone used the wrong pronouns a few times.
I will be one to say, I do not give a SHIT about my pronouns. Ive been called the wrong ones my whole life by a majority of people. That was never the issue. But because Im trans, that is the only issue people can perceive for me to have. The ONE issue I had with them regarding my pronouns was them calling me “it” and thats not because its the wrong pronoun, thats because its DEHUMANIZING.
But now I have other coworkers who know NOTHING about the situation saying shit like “well if she claims shes a man maybe she should suck it up” “well if she wants to be seen as a man maybe she shpuld cut her hair”
Fuck you. How about YOU get beaten for 17 years, YOU watch your siblings get beaten near to death for 17 years. YOU have flashbacks of things you dont understand all day every day and we will see how fucking well youre able to “suck it up” you are WEAK. YOU ARE ALL WEAK. And you dont know what its like to be me. My mother tried to kill me. My mother almost killed my sister, I was neglected, never went to a doctor, and I STILL dont know how to take care of myself. And I still havent recovered all of the memories.
Ive had SHORT HAIR ive had LONG HAIR Ive had a MOHAWK, ive had a BUZZCUT ive been BALD. And people STILL fucking saw me as a woman. Im tired of conforming to this bullshit just so people can treat me the same as they always do
Fun fact though, since Ive had long hair Ive been gendered correctly by strangers MORE than I have with ANY OTHER HAIR STYLE.
These stupid fucking transphobes and their stupid fucking stereotypes im so fucking sick of it all. And corporate wont do anything about it, Im sure of this.
Why is it so hard for me to just live my fucking life.
Im so sick of it all
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bridgyrose · 1 month
Weiss sank her sharp teeth into the roasted chicken that Ruby had brought for her, a small moan leaving her lips as her tail wagged. She savored the taste with each bite while trying to keep herself from tearing into it as her instincts wanted. “This is better than what I’ve had in months!” 
“What do you normally eat then?” Ruby asked as she sat down next to Weiss. 
“Rabbits, deer… and sometimes when I’m close enough to a village I’ll trade favors for food. Stuff like doing chores for people or killing grimm.” 
“Then why not stay closer to the villages? Sounds like you get a good deal out of it.” 
“Because I’m a monster as far as any of them are concerned.” Weiss took another ravenous bite of her chicken. “And besides, its hard to keep myself looking human enough to not draw attention to me being a werewolf.” 
Ruby nodded and watched Weiss. “So how exactly did you get like”- she motioned her hands around Weiss- “like this?” 
Weiss paused mid bite as she looked at Ruby. She slowly lowered her chicken and sighed as she pulled up a sleeve to show the scarred bite mark. “It… was a training accident. No one knew that one of the students I was training with was a wolf and… well… you saw how I reacted to getting touched by a little silver. I’m sure you can imagine what would happen if I’m struck with it.” 
“Training… were you training to be a huntress?” 
“I was. Father didnt like it, but it felt like the right path for me at the time. But after I was bit and shifted the following full moon, I ran away from home. I tried to go back a couple years after to take the exam to get into one of the academies, but there ended up being another full moon the night before and… well… I ended up attacking someone.” 
“I’m sorry,” Ruby said quietly. “How… how long have you been on your own then?” 
“About ten years.” Weiss went back to eating her chicken, practically crunching on the bones. “Long enough for me to take up my own training and work on my own.” 
“Must be rough.” 
Weiss shrugged and finished off the chicken she’d been given. She licked her lips and took a deep breath to try to focus on her human form, feeling her ears and tail disappear for the moment. Even after years of trying to pass as human, the form still felt foreign to her. And yet, it still felt more comfortable to be in around Ruby. Not that she ever felt uncomfortable around her in the hours since they first met. 
A small blush crossed her cheeks as she thought a bit more about Ruby. The girl was easy to talk to, didnt seem to be scared of her being a wolf, and cute to top it all off. “What about you? Did you train to be a huntress?” 
“I did,” Ruby answered. “Everyone in my family trained to be a huntsman. My sister and I attended Beacon together, though she went off with her girlfriend after we graduated. My mom and dad were on the same team too when they were in training, and the stories he told me of her made me want to be the huntress I am today.” 
“You do realize that means hunting down monsters like me, right?” 
“Well, yes, but… monsters like you are still people. You deserve to live a peaceful life, even if it means you cant be near the kingdoms.” 
Weiss smiled a bit and looked away from Ruby as her blush started to fade. “If only others could be like you. But the reality is that nobody wants anything that resembles a monster or a grimm nearby. And even if people were okay with me here, it wouldnt matter once the full moon came around. I… I still lose control.” 
“Then why not stay here with me until you have control?” 
Weiss went quiet as she looked over at Ruby again, not quite sure what to think. It’d be nice to have a place to call home, even if it’d only be for a while. But the thought of sharing a home with Ruby, staying with someone as kind as her… 
Her blush came back as she looked away, voice cracking briefly as she spoke. “I-I couldnt… I might hurt you on the full moon or bring people to you that might want to hurt you for taking me in-” 
“It’ll be fine,” Ruby said with a smile, offering a hand to Weiss. “I have a cabin in Patch that we can stay at. Far enough away from people that you wont be bothered and there’s plenty of space so when the full moon comes around, you can keep your distance if you’re that worried.” 
Weiss slowly reached for Ruby’s hand, tempted by the offer. A place to finally call home. A place she could finally be at peace and left alone for a few months. And yet, she couldnt find it in her to take Ruby’s hand, to take the offer that she was given. She slowly pulled her hand away, almost lingering until clutched her cloak. “I-I want to, but I cant.” 
“I dont understand. You could finally have the peace you want-” 
“And all I’d do is hurt you.” Weiss closed her cloak and pulled the hood over. “I should go. I wouldnt want you to get in trouble for being with me.” 
Ruby reached out to Weiss. “W-wait! Weiss!” 
Weiss pulled away as she felt Ruby’s fingers brush against her shoulder, her body freezing for just a moment as she took a quick look back at Ruby before running off into the woods. She felt her heart race the further she went, a few tears running down her cheeks at the thought of avoiding Ruby. But if it was the only way to keep her safe, then so be it. 
She’d avoid Ruby for as long as she’d need.
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boabelboo · 6 months
I would so be interested in hearing your headcanons for the tbosas characters if you feel like sharing!!
i have actually so many idk if i could fit this all in one ask but ill start w treemina
so my hc for treech's surname is hayashi, and he has 2 siblings, one older brother named rowan, and a younger sister named hana. basically his older brother was killed in an accident in the lumberyards when he was young, which left treech as the sole provider for his family, since his father passed from illness and his mother is unfit to work. he left school really young to join the lumberyards and make his brother proud (probably at like 12 or 13) but always kept trying to teach himself things out of old books he finds in his house, because he loves to learn and find out things about the world. he is js innately very curious about why things are the way they are, which makes him almost skeptical at times. he's really close with hana, and she was twelve when he was reaped, so he was only worrying about her and he didn't even think that his own name would be called.
he knew lamina before the games but not very closely, i imagine him to be quite jealous of her because although they are both from a poorer part of d7, lamina has older brothers she can rely on and she can stay in school. they had a few quick encounters, and treech knew her because she would always try to sell her woodwork to him/his family but he always politely declined since they didn't have enough money. he's almost mesmerised by the way that she crafts things and develops a small crush on her, which he feels absolutely awful about during the games.
speaking of lamina, i hc her last name to be blackthorn and that she's the youngest of four siblings, all brothers. her family isn't very close with her, and she has issues with her mother especially. she never met her dad, he was gunned down by peacekeepers before she was born, so her mother kind of latches on that hurt and resentment to lamina, and favours her brothers over her. her brothers all view eachother as competition almost, for who could be the best son, and lamina is so far left behind in that argument that she can't really connect w/ them either. she couldnt afford to be very emotional before the games because she knew she'd be ridiculed by her family for it so she tried to be nonchalant, but as soon as she's reaped she knows deep down that she isnt going to make it, and if she wants to be her true self and show her true feelings its going to be now. she is very steadfast in her morals and refuses to take another's life, unless it's for mercy (like marcus) and believes she'd rather die herself than become something else of the capitol's creation.
i may have to make a part two to this because its so long but sorry for ranting and thank u for the ask!!!!
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dixonsstinkysock · 1 year
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Chapter 1
I’m a down-to-earth nigga( yes im black) with intentions that’s right
You’ll be down in earth quicker if you diss me tonight.
But I’ll be the happiest if you decide to kick it tonight.
Pairing: Platonic Spider Socorro (#1 spider defender)
Word count: 1,077
Plot: Spiders Na’vi “mother” attempts to save her son but instead gets captured with him. During the time of them both being in captivity they both develop deep relationships with the recoms 😩 amazing plot (mostly follows movie story line js added mother!reader into it )
Notes: Omg guys its finally out.. no one was waiting for it but me 😜 btw i rlly like ttc if you couldnt tell 😎
A Mother’s purpose is to protect and care for her children. Who is she if she cannot?
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[Kids’ POV] 
“Tuk! Keep up!” Lo’ak scolds his younger sister.
“Okay, Okay!”
“Bro Why’d you bring her anyway?” Spider questions.
“ ‘Cause she’s such a crybaby.” Lo’ak complains “ She’s all ‘I’m telling. You’re not supposed to go to the battlefield. I’ll tell Mom if you don’t let me come”. He mocks.
Tuk wants to annoy her older brother even more so she sticks her tongue out at him.
“ Don’t pick on her.” Kiri retaliates.
                                     Time Skip
                                     'Who's we?’
        “Me, Spider, Kiri…” Lo’ak rolls his eyes “ and Tuk”
A look of shock and worry crosses the two mother’s faces.
 “Son, you listen to me very carefully. You pull back right now. Do not make a sound. You get the hell out of there. Move! You copy?”
                            “ Yes Sir. Moving out.”
The four kids make their way from the suspicious avatars. When the youngest of the four lets out a piercing scream.One of the avatars has managed to capture Tuk, and the rest have surrounded the other children.
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                  Another time skip..
[Second-Person POV]
Neytiri calls out to her children while you use the trees to your advantage, scoping out the formation of Avatars and the best way to approach them. Luckily your son is smart and is able to recognize his mother’s arrival. Neytiri whoops to alert her kids, unfortunately the Avatars can hear her call too putting them on high alert. Then… all hell breaks loose. Jake has killed 2 avatars, Neteyam shot one who was about to kill his mother, Neytiri is able to get one down before the rest alive let their bullets fly. 
The kids are able to escape while the Avatars are distracted. You find Spider and Kiri and attempt to lead them to safety. An explosion from behind stops you from doing so. Kiri falls forward on the slippery log while Spider falls off. He tries to grab a nearby vine but his hands slip as he falls to the forest floor. “ Spider!” You and Kiri yell. Neytiri jumps down from a close tree branch.
“Kiri, ___!” She grabs Kiri and tries to pull her away.
“Goi! I’ll get Spider!” you respond.You jump down to where you saw your son fall. “Spider?!..Spider!!” you frantically look for him until you see his small tan body. “Spider! Come, They are coming! We must hurry.” You pick him up and turn around. The Avatars have surrounded you, you have nowhere to go. You place your son down to grab your knife from its holster. The avatars warn you to stand down and drop your weapon but you aren’t going to let these animals harm your family.
There’s a sharp pain in your neck as one of the avatars aim their gun at you.You pull out the clear cylinder object from your neck not recognizing it. Everything gets blurry, your eyelids are heavy, your heartbeat has slowed tremendously. You collapse and plead for them to stay away from your child. “ No…Stay away from him.” The last thing you see is your boy being taken by those animals before everything goes black.
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                    Bridgehead Cell 
[Spider’s POV} 
I need to find my mother so we can get out of here…wherever here is. 
It's been a while since they took me from that machine.It hurt. It’s bright in here, I don’t like the way they can watch me from those cameras on the roof. The only safe space I see is under this cold metal table. The first rule in a new place is to find a spot where I can see all around me and also be able to have a quick escape. I hope everyone is okay– Swoosh. 
The clear door opens and I see… him. The man who took me and my mother away from our home.The man who is just a soulless copy of my real father. He steps around to the other side of the table I’m under and I see my chance to escape. The door isn’t that far from me. I bet I could make it out.
I didn’t make it.
“Easy, tiger” He says as he grabs me and holds me down on top of the metal table.”Easy.” I need to escape but he won’t let go. He steps back with his hands up “We good?” I can’t even look at his face. He looks too much like the real him.He kneels in front of me trying to make eye contact.
“Kid, you got heart.” he says “ Those science pukes leaned on you pretty hard. But you gave them nothin’...I respect that”. He pulls out a metal necklace. “I thought you might want this.” I do want to see what's on it but I don’t want to respond to him. He takes my hand and forcefully puts the metal necklace in it. I look at it. ‘Colonel Miles Quaritch’... It has my fathers name on it. “That’s Colonel MIles Quaritch. Deceased. Killed in action.” I fling it across the room. I’m not anything like my father, I don’t want any reminders of him.
 “I’m not that man.” He stands..well as much as he could considering this room is small compared to him. “ But I do have his memories,” he walks over to the metal necklace to pick it up. “Enough to know that…well, he wasn’t always the best father.” He comes to sit next to me. “ But that’s not an apology, I’m not your father. Technically…you and I, we’re nothin to each other. But… I can help you.” 
“I can get you outta here.” I glance at him to show I’m listening. “I’m not gonna ask you to betray Jake Sully.I know you’d never do that. You’re loyal…and I admire loyalty. Just ride along.Otherwise I gotta give you back to the lab coats..” I look at him.
“ Where is she?” I demand “Who? That woman that was with you?” he responds. “Yes… where is she? Is she okay?” He doesn’t respond for a beat and just looks at me, licking the front of his teeth. “Who is she to you?..” 
“It doesn’t matter. Is she okay?!” I’m getting annoyed with him now. Why won’t he just tell me if she's alright? “She’s fine, matter of fact she should be awake by now–” 
“ I’ll go with you if you let me see her!... please.” 
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