#and no i am not misusing delusion
verdantmeadows · 8 months
My biggest delusion/cope is that I will genuinely believe that YURI!!! on ICE the movie : ICE ADOLESCENCE will actually come out one day
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lurking-latinist · 1 year
#ooh I have a lot of thoughts about Six and Charley and her mysteriousness and how he responds to it#but they intersect with my Six's Mental Health Thoughts which are extremely headcanony#and I know a lot of the fandom would rather just kind of wall off Twin Dilemma and assume Six's proper characterization doesn't include it#and I don't know that I blame them for that#but I like trying to make things fit together#and also there's no way to do that without probably misusing real-world mental health terminology#because (watsonian) the doctor is an alien with an alien brain and (doylist) the writers do not know all that much about psychiatry#but. at least for a bit after his regeneration he deals with paranoia right?#like that's the term the narrative uses. (and it clearly explains his attack on peri - he's perceiving her as a threat due to delusion)#& she says 'I'm not letting a manic depressive paranoid personality like you shut me up' & he objects specifically to 'manic depressive'#later in uhhhh revelation of the daleks? he doesn't tell her about a real danger#and he says 'I didn't want to burden you with what might have been a piece of paranoid speculation on my part'#again I cannot emphasize enough how much I am talking about a fictional character with fictional problems. I do not know psychiatry either!#I do not want to mislead#but one of this character's problems is that he has a badly calibrated sense of danger. sometimes he sees things as threatening that aren't#and sometimes he overcompensates for that#and I think when he first meets Charley he is really not very sure whether he should trust the alarm bells he's hearing or not#she seems deeply suspicious! but also nice? he wants to like her? but deeply suspicious!#'or am I just being crazy?' he asks himself#and so he just kind of... keeps watching her#also unrelatedly to all that I think he kind of likes having the excuse of Mystery for doing what he does anyway which is orbiting her#just slightly obsessing over his companion at the time even if he also occasionally forgets they're there#(he's just very all or nothing in everything all the time)#but yeah. you know how 11 gets about Clara and her Mystery Plotline? 6 is like that about every companion in turn anyway#so he doesn't actually mind having the excuse of Mystery with Charley#this is also why 6 and Clara is so compelling#(this was a tag essay in response to lrb but I decided it was opening too many cans of worms and needed its own post)
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nicromancytarot · 7 months
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I offer free pick a card readings, I sometimes open games and I also have paid readings on offer too!
My page is to be seen as purely entertainment purposes, and not to be misused to feed into delusions, or exasperate any already existing symptoms.
I am a royal procrastinator, so I don’t have an upload schedule, and I don’t upload consistently.
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I am 18 years old, I’ve been studying Tarot and other spiritual practices since I was 14.
I channel mainly through Tarot, pendulums, physical feeling and often writing as well. Writing is one of my core strengths for channeling as my spirits come through the most when I do that.
How I got started with Tarot and my tips for all you beginners
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Free the land of Palestina
Go Fund me’s
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- My future spouse
- Spiritual endeavours
- Afterlife and religion
- Rants
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Games (CLOSED)
Free readings (CLOSED)
Paid readings (CLOSED)
Celebrity readings (Coming soon)
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Romantic relationships
Future spouse
Shifting realities
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enterwittyjokehere · 7 months
[Angsty Gale won the poll, have fun with his mage hand guys. ;)]
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Dread Alter of The Heart
[Gale (of waterdeep) Dekarios x afab reader smut]
[Mentions of death and being blown up]
[Angry at old man]
[Early act two spoilers!!!]
[Heavy smut 18+ only]
[Incorrect use of mage hand]
“I am so very sorry, Gale..” The old man's words filled you with a burning rage, a pit that sat in the top of your chest, right next to your heart, and made fiery tears fill your eyes. The dangerous emotion was clear to both of the wizards surrounding you, Gale was more concerned by the sudden uncharacteristic change in your demeanor. 
Gale’s warm hand moved to sit on your shoulder, in an attempt to provide a bit of emotional support and to try and quell your worsening rage. The large hand rubbed at the bone of your shoulder, you only shrugged it off as you took a step closer to Elminster.
Fists balled and face getting redder by the second, you pointed a finger past the old man, “Get out of my camp.” 
You said it as calmly as you could, the anger inside of your chest making you less than rational. A hand firmly grabbed at your wrist, “(y/n), please, Elminster is a dear friend.”
Turning to face Gale, you furrowed your eyebrows, “No, Gale, friends don't randomly show up, eat all your food and then tell you to kill yourself, not good friends at least.”
“As previously stated I am so very sorry, Gale, truly.” You shot the old wizard a glare.
After being reprimanded by Gale once again, you retreated, stomping off to your tent. Letting the flap of fabric, used as the door, fall down, you sat upright on your bedroll, head hung low.
The feelings you held for your party's wizard were so blatant and obvious, the whole team was aware. Hearing what has to come next made you fearful, to say the least. Holding your hands up to your face, your bundle of stressful emotions left through your eyes.
The looming spectre, known as the fear of rejection, had kept you from ever allowing Gale to know your true feelings. Even now as he was going to put the half assed forgiveness from a goddess, who has done nothing but abuse and misuse both him, his trust and his magickal abilities over the life he lives currently and more importantly to you, the one he could live, after this was all over, with you.
Not knowing if he would even accept your love now that his goddess was back in the equation. All the hard work you had put into your delusions of a content life with a sweet wizard husband poured down the drain. Almost left you feeling like you belonged in the sewers of Baldr’s gate.
Reveling in your reminiscent remorse took you out of your surroundings and your tears became sobs. The emotional waves that washed over you felt uncontrollable, almost inconsolable, as though no one could help, the dreaded feeling of losing Gale, all to win the favor of some goddess, left you in hysterics.
Sobbing into your hands, you sniffled and swore under your breath, left startled by a sharp clearing of a throat outside your tent. 
“(Y/n)... Can I speak with you?” Gale muttered, then pausing to wait for your response, your startled demeanor fluctuated, relief poured into you when Gale’s voice was heard and then you remembered that you are almost in no shape to speak to him.
Eyes puffy and nose running, you were aware that your disheveled state was obvious and yet when Gale asked to talk you could never say no. The butterflies started without even having to look at him, knowing right now he was outside your tent waiting to speak with you made you giddy. 
“Sh*t-! Yes, Gale. Just… um- give me a second.” You said, hurriedly, wiping your red tearstained face on the sleeve of your cotton camp clothes. 
Opening the flap of the tent, you stepped out into Gale's view. He frowned for a second, placing a hand on your shoulder, “Have you been crying?” 
You glanced up at him, biting onto your bottom lip in an attempt to quell the next round of tears. Nodding your head slightly, before your attempt to stop your overflowing emotions failed, Gale wrapped an arm around you pulling you into an embrace.
“I should be the one crying, I'll be the one that has to… you know.” He said, laughing slightly, before making a worried face.
You didn't have to see his face to know what he did, he was so predictable in everything, or maybe you just knew him well enough. Sniffling slightly you shook your head, “No. I won't let you. We'll find another way.” 
“I am afraid that's not your place, my friend.” Gale said, pulling away from you.
Your hands rested on his shoulders, gripping tightly onto the sleeve of his shirt, your face wet from tears. You shuttered when his big brown eyes found your own, “...Gale, I'm in love with you.”
The words had slipped out before you could stop them, the tone of your voice was as though that was a reason for him to let you stop him. 
Gale's lips curled into a small smile, yet his eyes were still sad, “I know.” 
His words were gentle and sweet, he wrapped his arms around you again, before speaking once more, “and maybe had I not been cursed with this ‘divine purpose’ we could've had each other.”
More tears pushed over the threshold, your hands attempted to retract from Gale's shoulders. He watched as your lip began to quiver and you backed away, “Or you could've chosen me… instead of a goddess who has done nothing for you.” 
You tried to turn around, away from Gale, but he grabbed your wrist, “Please, you should know I cannot disobey Mystra, she is magick and magick is-”
“Your life?” You finished, knowing where his words would end, “That's what I wanted too.” 
Ripping your hand away from the wizard, you wiped your tears. Turning around, only to have Gale's hands latch onto your wrist holding you firmly in place. His eyes peered into you, pleading for you to listen. Yet the hurt in your heart hid his heart from your eyes, your clouded mind forbade you from taking the wizard as who he truly was.
“(Y/n), please, don't be like this..” Gale called, “I love you too, you make me happier than anyone else, I would love nothing more than to make you mine and allow all of Faerûn that knowledge and yet-”
“Gale, Please, you said quite enough, already.” The belated words hurt more than they should have, Gale's attempt to rekindle a flame he had just extinguished only killed the dying sparks further. 
Gale placed a hand to his chest, his now sad eyes peering into you, “I love you, too, please.” 
You shook your head, “No, if you loved me I would mean more to you than-” 
“Mystra means very little to me-! But if this is the only way to save Faerûn, to save everyone… including you, I have to do it. It's my responsibility…” Gale said, grabbing at the orb that decorated both the inside and outside of his chest, “Please… I love you.” 
“You've said that… Gale-” 
Your words were swiftly cut short as Gale's warm hands found your face, cupping the soft tearstained flesh. He pushed his forehead to your own, “Please, allow me a chance is all I ask…”
You stayed silent, Gale tilted your head slightly and pressed a hot kiss to your forehead. 
His eyes found your own again, “Tonight there is no orb, no absolute just you and me… We can worry about Elminster and Mystra's demand when the need for such an action arises.” 
Your eyes filled with tears once more, you blinked as they rolled down your cheeks. Only to be wiped away by Gale's thumb, “No need for tears, my darling, please.”
You looked up into Gale's eyes, he took the moment to smile down at you before pressing his lips to your own, kissing you properly. Your hand slipped behind his shoulder, holding onto the fabric of his shirt, holding the fabric tightly you pulled Gale off of you.
“If I allow you this-”
“If we find another way to defeat this thing… consider it done, orb and Gale, both still intact.” Gale said, his eyes staring into you.
“And Mystra?”
“What of her?” Gale questioned where you were going with your words.
“I’m sure she won’t be pleased with me taking her sweet little lapdog.”
“Then, she should have considered that before tossing me aside.” Gale spoke, placing a short lived kiss to your lips, “Its as you said, why kill myself to please a Goddess, who has done less for me than the sweet adventurer i’ve grown to know and love.”
“Stop with the flattery and kiss me already, wizard.” You teased, Gale smiled, placing his hands on your hips and doing exactly as you told him. Leaning over to meet you in another kiss, your hands found his shoulders as Gale pulled your body closer. 
The closeness of the two of you made you needy as you would move and tease both of you, small whines trickling from your throat. Gale moved a hand to rest on the inside of your thigh pulling your leg over his hip, you would move occasionally brushing against his growing er*ct*on. The thoughts that ran through his head were less than savory, your free hand tangling in his long hair. While his lips devoured your own, his tongue ravaged the inside of your mouth, searching the cavern thoroughly. 
Gale pulled away from the kiss, panting like a dog, “Gods, we should at least get inside before continuing, if you wish to continue..” His words lingered; they carried insecurity but also curiosity as though he was searching for your consent, eager to know your wishes.
 Perhaps he wondered if you wanted him as much as he wanted you, a small smile found your face, “Oh, please Gale, you’re not getting out of this that easily.”
You backed into the tent, moving against him as soon as he entered, kissing him roughly, once more. Gale’s hands fluttered to your hips, holding you flush to his body, smiling into the embrace.
Inside the tent, Gale placed you down on a large wooden chest. His heavy breathing and lidded eyes made your stomach curl in excitement. 
“Lay down, my precious.” He said, placing a kiss to the back of your hand, “By the gods, you're perfect.”
His words were expelled in a groan as you followed his instructions, laying back in the cold wood of the chest. Gale's steady hands began disrobing you, he unbuttoned and pulled off your trousers. 
Before he started on your undergarments he licked the pad of his thumb, pushing it to your clothed core. You squirmed at the action, pulling a small chuckle from the wizard's lips, “Patience, I will not keep you waiting long.” 
He pulled away from you, and began slipping out of his robe, then he hastily unbuttoned his own trousers. Discarding both of the garments onto the floor of your tent, he smiled down at you palming the growing tent in his purple underwear.
You pushed onto your elbows watching him, licking your lips as your eyes traced over his crotch. Gale moved closer to you, his hands enveloping your clothed chest, playing with the soft flesh, “Your turn.” 
His simper was ravenous, like he could devour you whole. He moved closer, kneeling onto the chest, his body hanging over your own. 
The closer Gale got to you the worse your craving for him panged in your aching core. It didn't help that when he pressed a long cascading kiss to your lips, his knee pressed into your lower body, rubbing your warm core. Gale would pull away and come right back into the kiss, igniting a passionate fire beneath him.
Each time the wizard would pull away from your embrace, muttering your praises, only to reignite the kiss. His hand pumping around his hard c**k, groaning into the kiss, “G-Gale, please…”
His lidded eyes opened, staring down at you, nodding slightly before he pulled away. Gale quickly slipped off the briefs, kneeling down at the edge of the chest, he took a finger slipping off your underwear. The wizard's free hand cast mage hand, a spell resulting in a small ghostly hand to appear, with a flick of his free hand the mage hand slipped over your chest. Playing with your nipples, the blue hand teased your hardening bud.
Gale smiled at the sounds the spell elicited, moving his free hand to hold down one of your legs, while spreading your lower lips open. Your attempt at keeping your eyes on Gale failed as he moved into your core, suckling sweetly on the aching bud in your lower body. 
The more ragged and feral your moans for him became the quicker his hand at the base of his own pleasure moved. He mumbled and moaned into your core as you rocked your hips against his face, in an attempt to secure more pleasure for yourself.
“You're more than I could ever need, don't you ever forget that.” Gale moaned out, his tongue assaulting your sensitive c*nt.
“Yeah and that's why you're going to find another way, right?”
“Whatever you ask of me.” He said, before standing up to fully penetrate your lower body.
Your hands found his forearms, while Gale's hands settled on the dips of your hips, you moaned out before biting your lip to quell your noises.
“Let's make this quick, yeah?” Gale said as he rocked in and out of you, “I don't think I can last much longer.”
The friction between the two of you was ecstatic, the building knot in your lower stomach pleaded to be broken. The blue hand Gale had summoned, moved down to where your bodies met, rubbing the abused bundle of nerves Gale had previously been sucking on.
With a jolt of your hips your climax hit, Gale almost immediately succumb to the warmth squeezing feeling of you tensing around him. Sloppily thrusting in, he chased the high while you squirmed beneath him, overstimulation threatened to ruin your moment.
“I hope we didn't wake the others.” You spoke your voice shaky.
Gale looked up at you, kissing you gently, “To the hells with them.”
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
This is a rant that is going to end in a question that I genuinely want the answer to.
I've recently seen (in the past year or so) an uptick in people online using the word "delusional" casually or as an insult. Worse even than that, "delulu" which I believe originated on Tiktok or Twitter (likely places for ableism to come from, yeah, fork found in kitchen etc etc). The only people I really see calling this behavior out are, you guessed it, actually delusional or psychotic people.
Typically it's thrown around to describe someone's "weird" or "chronically online" beliefs. Like using it to talk about reality shifters or RPF shippers who think their ship is actually together or etc. And, like, while I don't disagree that spiritual psychosis or "the belief that someone is sending me signals via social media" are real actual delusional behaviors/can lead to actual delusions, I really don't think that believing you can shift to Hogwarts to see Draco or that you have a mental connection to the Stranger Things universe or that Taylor Swift is queer and flagging via music videos really fits the criteria for spiritual psychosis or erotomania or what have you *in itself* - meaning if you live an otherwise normal life and only get out of touch with reality when you're on #MaraudersTok or r/LarryStylinson, you're likely not delusional, or at least not delusional enough for it to impact your functionality.
So, that begs the question, WHY? Why use delusional to describe stupid chronically online drama? Like, I'm being genuine, I truly do want to know why. Are these people misusing/misunderstanding what the word delusional means? Are they armchair diagnosing? Do they think these people are actually experiencing psychosis, and if so, why are they using said diagnosis as an insult or as part of their moral flaws? Why are they so bothered and obsessed with someone else's "delusion", especially when the delusion in question isn't hurting them and is just a stupid thing like thinking that some random celeb is about to hard launch their coming out or that they can teleport to a fictional world?
(also, PLEASE, I know it sounds like I have specific beef with shifters or gay rpf truthers, I DON'T, nor am i necessarily 'defending' these communities, 'cuz i know they do have actual issues outside of just being cringe or whatever. I don't want gaylor shift malfoy snapewives discourse, i want "why are you using a psychotic disorder to describe these fringe fandom communities" discourse, and in the circles i run in that's just the type of people who are described as delusional the most - I know that the overall issue runs much deeper, I just figured Id ask a fandom blog why the word is so prevelant in fandoms, especially in specific "types" of fandoms)
Like, I'm not looking for an argument of "it's ok to use delusional so casually" or "yeah i agree it's so fucked up that people throw that word around :/" all i want is an honest and concise answer of WHY delusional has become the Hot New Armchair Diagnosis For Weird People On TikTok or whatever.
Lots of words get used with a colloquial definition and people aren't really thinking about their technical meaning.
K-pop fandom. Blame them.
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hunnidmilly · 2 years
soap |r.r|
(a/n): ill be honest, i never intended to write anything on this blog. as a college student with a job, a bitch be tired asf. but, writing is my happiness. so is delusion ;). complete inspiration comes from @itjazzbicch and their “Cheiftess” series.
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*credit to owner. @romanreigns*
Parings: Dom!Roman Reigns x Black!Female Interviewer
Warnings: enemies to lovers????maybe still enemies. Smut. Lots of Smut. Swearing. Don’t interact if you’re under 18. ion like prison.
*takes place in 2021, feud between Roman Reigns vs Kevin Owens.*
It was Friday; Another boring ass Friday. The only difference was that he was here. And today, Jesus was he mad. But that’s just him nowadays anyway. Maybe it was due to the fact of Kevin Owens calling him out repeatedly. If there was one thing Roman Reigns refused to tolerate, it was disrespect. Disrespect to him meant disrespect to his family, his bloodline. Everyone in the arena already knew what he was capable of when he felt his heritage was disrespected. And best believe nobody wanted to engage with those consequences.
Over the last few months, since Roman’s return, he’s had a complete fucking identity change. He came back with a badass attitude, ready to take on anyone who was a threat to him and his family. His ego boost was on 100, with no sight of it coming back down to earth. But between you and your late-night thoughts? His persona, the “Tribal Chief,” had you imaging shit you didn’t even know could be possible. You knew that man could turn and twist you in ways that could be so pleasurable you could forget your name by only thinking about it.
As a backstage interviewer covering for Renee, while she enjoyed the beauty of her pregnancy with her husband, Jon, and you were temporary for now. Still, rumors swirled backstage on whether you’d stay. Stephanie and the other backstage crew mentioned more than once before how they loved how you can get into the superstars' minds during their interview. You gave a talk, unlike other interviewers—who were playing around the bush and being corny. You asked questions that could make them shiver or test their confidence. Or both.
You were on your way to your interview point, to interview Roman. Which you already knew was going to be dreadful. With how he treated Kayla during her interview, you knew he already had multiple insults ready for your questions. Little did he know you had something for his ass had he decided to pull it.
“You’re late.” He growls, readjusting his championship, Paul and Jey behind him
“I’m right on time. I said at 8:30, and it’s currently 8:30.” You smartly answer, taking your mic from one of the production members
“You’re supposed to be here when I’m here. I don’t give a damn about what time it is.” He snarls in your direction, “You have a once in a lifetime opportunity, don’t blow it.”
“I’ll assure you I won’t, Tribal Chief.” You give him a challenging smile
You clear your throat and smooth out the wrinkles in your skirt under his intense gaze at you before looking at the camera.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am currently here right now with our Smackdown WWE Champi—”
You were cut off as Roman placed his hand over the mic stopping the sound, “No, no, no, baby girl. If you want to introduce me, you’re going to do it right. Paul.” He calls for as he stepped aside for the short stubby man to speak
You roll your eyes as you lean your mic over to Paul—who held a grin on his face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, myself, and your lovely interviewer y/n are currently grateful to be in the presence of Head of the table, Smackdown WWE Champion, and ‘your’ Tribal Chief, Roman Reigns.” Paul giddily recites into the mic
“Okay, so Roman, last week you unleashed a brutal attack on Kevin Owens. You believe that you have to make him fear you, but are you starting to think his words are getting into your head?”
Roman lets out a chuckle before turning to Paul and Jey, “You see what I mean now? We give people like her chances in a million, and they blow it on stupid questions. Kevin Owens is irrelevant, just like you’re about to be. Find a better question. Next.”
You kiss your teeth before, letting out an aggravated sigh. With Roman’s new ego boost, you and practically everyone else in the arena wanted to sucker punch him in his face. And you planned to do so on your last day here.
“Do you feel as though, by using Jey as a pawn, you’re allowing yourself to get too comfortable? By using Jey as a backup, you make yourself an easy target to attack. Maybe other superstars think It’ll be easy to use him to make you riled up?” You question with a slight smirk
“Another dumb question. Ever since I took Jey under my wing, he’s been the main event three times in a row. I love my cousin. I’m a provider. I get riled up when I sense disrespect. Disrespect to me is disrespect to my family, my bloodline. Everything my family worked for will only be recognized with respect and decency, not in a silly conversation or this interview. If anybody would like to test that theory of me as a target, they can try; they won’t get too far.” He responds in a healthy, confident tone
“Jey, would you agree? Those people who disrespect your family will be dealt with? Perhaps in the same fashion, he’s dealt with you?”
You knew that was the easiest way to get to Roman; Through Jey’s head. He also made his blood boil by mentioning the gruesome beating Roman gave to Jey in their matches.
Roman stated multiple times that the beatings Jey endured were well deserved in all aspects. He also hated when Jey answered any questions about it. He knew that by Jey telling his story of their bond, it would be dangerous to take it and misuse the information, making Roman vulnerable.
Roman gave Jey a side glare—silently telling him to choose his words carefully—before turning to Paul with an impatient expression.
“No...you know….” Jey stammers in nervousness, “It takes a lot to understand the pressure my cousin has on his back. He’s a provider to our family. He does what he has to do to take care of the people who matter most to him. People like Kevin Owens, Drew Mcintyre...they threatened that position he has at the table—”
“Do you agree? Roman feels threatened by Kevin Owens and WWE Universal Champion Drew Mcintyre?”
You could see Jey start to shift, meaning he was immensely trying to pick his words before saying anything that could cause Roman’s anger to be retaliated. Again.
“That’s enough for this interview. The Tribal Chief is needed elsewhere.” Paul inserts before moving his hand back and forth over his throat—signaling the production team to cut the cameras
You pop your lips before looking up at Roman’s frustrated brown filled eyes. You notice how his expression softens for almost a second the longer you look at him, “You have some strong confidence, I see. That attitude can get you in some trouble, babygirl.”
“My attitude is wonderful. I’m doing my job, just like you’re doing yours, Roman. The only thing is that I’m not a little bitch, with the urge to belittle everyone because I’m insecure about my potential and qualities.”
Roman gave you a sly smirk that almost makes you want to kick him in his face, “Insecure?” He chuckles devilishly, “That mouth of yours is dangerous. You should close it before I show you how to use it properly.”
He whispers the last part, leaning down to your ear, so Jey and Paul are out of shot, leaving your cheeks flush from embarrassment. Your shift on your feet, shaking your head in amazement.
You were sick of his shit.
You stuck your tongue in the side of your cheek and turned on your heel to walk over to the monitors. You continue watching the rest of the show, occasionally engaging with other superstars who walked by. Your mind continued to lose focus as you thought back to your interview with Roman.
You thought about his body language against you. He consistently sized up and was rigid towards everyone he talked to backstage as if with one wrong move, he’d be ready to bodyslam anybody. But around you, he wasn’t as tense. He was in his natural element; himself. You could see small smirks appearing on his face suggesting he was enjoying getting under your skin.
Roman ended up winning his match against Kevin through Jey handcuffing Kevin to the steel cage. You crack your neck and relax your shoulders. Roman could win a match without Jey or Paul by his side. Of course, that was just his character now. Still, something about seeing how much his dominance shows through his performance and his interactions with everyone else was secretly intriguing to you, how he ditched his vest and began to wrestle shirtless.
He should've been doing this shit when he got out of The Shield with Jon and Colby.
After Smackdown ended, everyone started to clean up. The long drive to the next city was crucial. You’d be driving all night long practically, inside of a small rental car. You could already feel the back cramps, the charlie horses, and the arm strains. You wanted to get your body at least some kind of relaxation before you began the midnight journey, so you head straight to the locker room showers for a hot shower to calm your nerves.
On the way towards the locker rooms, you heard yelling. You turn your head for your eyes to come in direct contact with Roman’s brown ones, completely tensed and filled with rage. You could feel the tension sweating off his muscular body throughout the atmosphere. He was yelling at Jey for interrupting his match when he had it under control. Jey being his current lapdog, he had no choice but to listen to the 6’3 ‘Tribal Chief’.
You swallow harshly under his intense gaze and continue your path to the showers with your luggage in your hand.
You were met with complete silence—thank god.—when you enter the showers. You lock the door behind you and turn the knob to a blazing hot setting. What? Hot showers are good, but blazing hot showers? Even better. Just the feel of your skin under the water steaming off you made your body instantly settle.
You quickly undress from head to toe, cracking your neck to the side. Before you could lift your feet to walk into the shower, you felt a large hand on your lower back shoving you inside, causing you to let out a screech.
The person roughly turns your body to face them, and you come face to face with none other than the Samoan. Nude as the day he was born, with his cock standing at attention against his muscled stomach.
“Ah!” You squeak under his large hand, covering your mouth, with the under holding the arch of your back close to his hard-built and sweaty frame.
“You’ve enjoyed this, haven't you. Were you running around all damn day provoking me? Getting in Jeys head, asking bullshit questions, smart ass remarks, and this tight fucking dress squeezing your body in all the right places? Do you enjoy playing games with me? Why would you play games with me? With your Chief?” He growled close to your face; the showers were now steaming around both your naked bodies.
“Do you enjoy being a little bitch boy? Fucking thinking everyone falls at your beck and call to please you?” His hand on your mouth was lowering as you struggled to get out of his hold on you.
“I don’t think, babygirl. Everyone falls because of who the hell I am! I am the Tribal Chief. I am your Tribal Chief. I am the face of this company, holding it on my back every day. You have no clue what that will ever feel like because you’re too busy running that pretty little smart-ass mouth of yours. Maybe it’s time for me to give you some discipline? For you to acknowledge me?” He pants in a cautious tone
You stop struggling for a moment, letting him pull you closer. You lean up closer to his lips, a mere centimeters away from your lips touching, “Like hell would I ever acknowledge you as anything other than a whiny fucking brat.” You sultrily respond
He lets out a humorless chuckle before responding, “It’s your punishment, babygirl.” With that simple response, he smacks his lips onto yours with force ending any further communication. You kiss him back with just as much roughness.
Your hand slides up to tangle themselves into his long dark black hair, pulling softly. You moan softly as Roman bit down on your lip, gaining entry to your mouth, both your tongues fighting for control.
The control you desperately desired to have.
He let you win for a moment to lower his hands under your ass to lift you around his waist. He takes a handful of your ass, pressing your body into the wall.
“Fuck!” You whine out as he takes a large hand to deliver a smack to your ass.
“You will acknowledge me. Do you understand me? You will fucking respect your Tribal Chiff, or I’m going to make you respect me. Am I clear?” He moans in your ear as your lips latch onto his neck, leaving love bites.
You were so caught up in the clouds of your head, with the thought of him fucking you that you didn’t even think twice about what he said, “Am. I. Clear?” He reiterates each word with a smack to your ass
“You’re such a jackass!” You mewl loudly, feeling him rub his long thick cock between your wet folds; lifting your legs to wrap around his muscular torso
“What was that?”
“I said you’re such a—Fuck, Roman!” You scream as the feeling of him stretching out your pussy to accommodate his cock overtook you to places you haven’t visited in a long time. You were anything but a virgin. But working at WWE had its downsides to finding good dick. Deciding to focus on your career, you decide to pause on sex for a while
Roman gave you a second to get used to the feeling of you being so painfully stretched out around his cock. “You wanna finish that sentence, babygirl?”
You could barely pay attention with his cock slamming in and out of you, already fucking at a furious and rough pace so quickly. Breathing in harshly as he pulls out to split you open on his cock again.
“Don’t stop! Roman, please don’t stop!” You moan, gripping onto his stiff shoulders
“Fuck! Look at you moaning my name like the slut you are. What happened to all that shit you were saying a moment ago?” Roman pants deeply in your ear
“I—Ah!” You squeal as Romans hands grip your thighs, bouncing you up and down his thick cock
“Shit, where am I, baby? Do you feel me in those guts? Deep inside that pretty little pussy? It’s my pussy now. The Tribal Chiefs pussy.” He deeply chuckles into your ear, his cock rubbing over your g-spot at every thrust, letting silent screams come out your mouth “All that bratty ass attitude...talking to me like you’re above me. Giving me nothing but fucking sass. The whole time you’re nothing but a slut for my cock, aren’t you? Letting me fuck you in the showers? You’re gonna give me this pussy anytime I fucking want it.”
You let out a loud salacious whine as Roman slowly pulls out. He sets you down on your feet, flipping your body around letting your hard nipples collide with the cold and wet glass wall. He uses his foot to spread your legs apart. Roman slides a hand into your hair, yanking while simultaneously sliding his cock back into you.
“Fuck! You’re so fuck–“ You swallow a silent gasp as you felt him bite down on your shoulder. “You’re so fucking aggravating!”
“I'm aggravating, but who's taking this dick right now? Who’s dripping more than a faucet?” His confidence booms into your ear in a grunt
“Good dick doesn’t stop you from being an asshole.”
“But it makes you satisfied, doesn’t it?” He responds breathlessly before speeding up, cutting off your next reply
You place both your hands on the glass attempting to throw your ass back on him.If he thought he was controlling the situation, you were definity about to show him otherwise, by making him cum first. As breathless pant’s begin to leave his mouth, you feel him lean forward pressing his front against your back. You work hard at the thought of not cumming. Roman’s left hand comes down to rub your clit at a fast pace making that thought…just a thought. You bite down on your lip until the blood drains from it to stop yourself from relishing in the euphoric bliss you knew Roman was about to grant you.
“I can feel you clenching around me. Look at you. Fighting the urge to cum right now. Come on, babygirl. I know you’re good for it, let go. Acknowledge me as your chief. Let me see how fucked out you turn for me.” His voice sends shocks through your spine that leads to your core.
You gasp as your leg turns inwards, you throw your head back mewling to the ceiling for mercy as you finally let your orgasm crest. Not too far behind you; Roman allows his orgasm to follow through deep into your pussy. Primal roar’s coming deep from his chest bounce off the walls.
If anyone else was showering, they're certainly gone now.
With Roman holding your body in a death grip tight to his chest, you allow yourself to take a moment to let the following events settle in your mind. Having sex with Roman wasn’t the problem; it was the what if’s that clouded your already fucked out brain. Sex didn’t change how you felt about him. He was still an entitled brat with no sympathy for anyone. And he was definitely the last person you’d fall in love with.
“I think you should get going. I’m sure your entourage is going to come looking for you soon.” You choke out, attempting to break from his hold.
“They’re fine wherever they're at. They don’t do anything unless I give them the ok for it.” He sighs into your neck leaving kisses behind
Before falling too deep into his trap, you muster up enough strength to remove his arms from your body, “Okay, stop it.”
“Oh c'mon. Are you seriously about to ruin an amazing time here?” He snaps leaning onto the shower wall
“Did you think fucking me was going to make us best friends forever?” You question turning off the shower
“I see it didn’t work too well. You’re still the same old Y/N. Don’t act like this wasn’t the best thing to disturb your night.” He says returning back into his asshole self
“Oh no, trust me. That was amazing. Maybe you can get permission from your Daddy again to come and play again.” You laugh grabbing your body towel to dry yourself off
“Oh we’ll have to see about that. The next time you’re in need of me to make you forget your own name, just call me. I’ll always come running, baby.”
You drop your towel as you bend over with hysteric laughs coming out your mouth, “Oh fucking please. Me? Beg you? I wouldn’t hold my breath on that.”
“We’ll see. You know where to find me.”
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joannasteez · 3 months
"im with you" - installment two
featured characters: mother's milk & female reader. warnings: alcohol usage (misuse) and angst. MM being his supportive, caring self. mutual pining? (kinda) authors note: this second installment has been sitting in my drafts since the release of season three, so over a year maybe? i don't see myself progressing the story (sorry?) but i was tired of seeing this in the drafts. so i give it to you all who wish to read it!
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You hate 'The Reserve', not just for its sordid means of molding into fruition false delusions of grandeur, but because it is also a reflection. A mirror, smudged and stained, bitter callousness webbing sharply from the heart of it, mangling its way to the furthest reaches, but a mirror all the same. And when the sun wanes low into the horizon, that bombastic need for liquid comfort livening up the bar, in the solace of yourself you say 'I am not like these people; degenerate drunks and reckless hedonist, bleeding the poison of a heartless raging machine who thinks them too low to even consider their existence. I am not like the super-abled, I am better'. The hatred is beautiful enough in those times, consistent enough that it waters the dust and forms thought into palpable word. Then where is this mantra now? As the weeks grow colder, air nipping sporadic bites into the skin, lethargy soothing something still and lukewarm into your veins.
Grief is loud, 'where is your mantra now?', and your need for comfort is as bombastic as theres.
On this unsteady line of desire, here must be where the attraction falls short for him. Clips its wings, falling from on high.
'He sees you', the brandy says, auburn and taunting. 'He pity's you'.
All those years ago when the ache was new, splitting raw and lethal at your chest, you're almost sure it was pity that drew him in, that made him linger. It had to be, or that's what the sluggish, drunken part of you thinks, the part that takes comfort in dark hard spirits and makes you believe all the untrue shit that stains the foreverness of wayward esteem and memory. But sipping from the bottle is good, it's easy, feeling like a drizzle of fresh rain on the skin. The burn goes dull after while, when the sky bleeds something angry and orange,  leaving just the smooth glide down the path of your throat, and when your eyes shut to escape the welling of tears, you hear that everlasting crunch of metal.
It's a hard piercing, that cringing screech and scratch of metal etching into itself, the friction tearing into flesh and bone, and just mere seconds remain before the face that shares your own fades into something distant and lifeless.
Twins, a true phenomenon, and yet as you stare into the bottle, it all feels false and unnatural, like retribution. Something beautiful and different, worth no more to the state than a cover up story and a check for $75,000.
She was worth more. She deserved more, true justice, and yet here you are wasting away, your stomach a pool of brandy.
Like clockwork your phone vibrates. 'Here comes the pity', you think.
--How you holdin' up?
His wonder is a grey text bubble, nothing more than routine and after several years still its consistent. Maybe that's why desire has etched into your skin so, a slow gradual drag into nerve, entangled to the pulse of your veins, because at least some semblance of him cares. Even if it is all just obligation, when others stopped their award wining performances of sympathy, he'd still roll around in the early cool of October asking 'Are you holding up?', and 'How are you doing?'
The tears and liquor screw your senses well, fingers slipping over some of the right keys and missing others. It takes a while to gather thought, and even then it's driven by lies and poor motor skills.
--Mi fi.
--Im fie.
--Fuk Im fine*.
The disappointment is palpable, heavy on the tongue and an uncomfortable warmth to the skin. You know it, can picture the way those brows of his pull together, mouth screwed and on the verge of disgusted. Well fuck him, if he thinks you care, he isn't the one in pain, drowning in perpetual heartbreak. Saturated to the bone with it really and its ripping at you slow and dreadful, a vicious tear of tissue and vessel. And God-- but...but doesn't he know? No, no, no he has to, he's suffered similar... but it's not the same... but it is, you stress to yourself, it has to be... but it isn't, and the tears taste more salty as they come. An aged bitterness that makes you wince.
--... are you drunk?
You keep him suspended, seconds, minutes even.
--A but,, Im ok.
--A bit but Im ok*.
He's quick to reply.
--Where are you?
He waits, with a staling patience just at the top floor of the flatiron building, where the city bustles and groans, exhausted and restless. In just a few measly minutes, still nerve goes erratic with impatience and then comes the hammering of his pulse.
You're drunk and alone, drowning in the memory of shitty circumstance. His chest aches in that familiarity-- Harlem and a blazing summer sun, the hard blow of barely cool air, a child's excitement and then the coming in of doom, Soldier Boy, and then the swooshing in and fatal crunch of metal-- the ache a vicious sting. Growing nails make slight indents in his skin, fingers coming into his palm, to ball and harden, to feel and never to forget.
He was lonely then, just a wild vengeance to keep him company.
Marvin moves before he can think, leaves, turns the key in his ignition and joins the hard rush of the city before resolution melts loose and hesitant.
Your Brooklyn apartment is old, as old as the house he loved destroyed by the hurling in of a benz, and as he breathes, alleviating the hard brick of tension in his shoulders, he understands why he's here. Why-- in the most inconveniencing of times-- he thinks about you. Why desire, a fervent stream in his blood, has become more ungovernable by the day. You are new but familiar. Soft and alluring but recognizable to the bone, a reflection of pain and survival that wholly scares him and excites him just the same.
When the door opens, it's the petulant embrace that catches him first, the bottle of brandy nestled in your palm, but the smell curls about the air bitter and heavy, unsullied by shame. Even in the most dismal affair, your eyes are blood-shot, daring him to go beyond whatever is shy and lingering, a plead to make the pain go away. To call out the itching twitch in his skin by name and validate its presence.
"What?", you start, feeling his eyes. The stony weight. "You're not gonna wish me happy birthday?"
"You're a mess".
You'd waited for this, hoped for it even, to have the burn and the break of desire collapse against you. For it to scorch flesh and that unrelenting part of the heart that says 'yes, i want him, need him', but it never comes. There is no fracture, even when he tears you open with concerned eyes, just the unreconcilable truth that if you are a mess, royally fucked up and drunk out of your mind, that you do not want to be. Not when or where he can see. Because there is no middle, no point at which allure and brokenness meet in a charming enough compromise... right? So this must be judgement then, 'you're a mess', the knocking in of the gavel.
The quiver to your lip is fragile. You are fragile. "If you're here to judge, you can fuck off".
The lone tear you give makes his heart squeeze. Maybe he shouldn't have led so strong, so exacting.  
He brushes in anyways, like a piece of him belongs here and steals the bottle from your fingers. Palms growing idle now, fearful, balling and releasing, grasping at air --like your whole being-- grasping at everything, anything and gaining nothing. Nothing but the soreness of muscle once bent about glass fighting for strength, for the will to straighten. All there is, is the leaning in of silence, as he cracks the windows for a fresh breeze, a hard press that leaves you scorching and loose with a raw bare boned awareness. The mantle of your belly churning and awakened with a sullen impatience to hear his words, the charge of his thoughts.
Wont he do it now?
"Just say it already", knotting pain in your throat leaving your urgency dry. Brittle. "Whatever straight laced bullshit speech you got about effective coping, and-and-and pain... and whatever the fuck".  The new air is chilling, makes the grate of your voice wane and shiver. "Just say it".
He's next to you, sinking into the couch, and it's the closest he's ever been. "What's the point of preachin' shit you don't practice".
"Drinking isn't effective coping but tearing through the city, through the damn country, offing supes left and right with Butcher is?"
You were both wrong, but so terribly right. The through-line of your lives, just narrowly escaping death, broken already but always seeming still to be on the precipice of breaking.
For some time there's nothing, no word or deed, and then, there's everything. A delirious unearthing, barbarous and desperate. 'Look at me, understand me, please', fragile, on the borders of begging. "I never meant to drink so much, it-it just happened I-", your tongue goes lax and dry from temporary thoughtlessness or the swimming and draining of liquor in your veins, you aren't sure. "I don't even like the taste but June she... she made it a thing. Our thing".
You look to him, and see through the blur of your vision, the forming together of intent and attention. No crease of pity, just tenderness and patience, without blame. Just understanding.
And then it's here, nostalgia, a wistful coming together again of memory. "My father liked to have his taste every now and then y'know... a little sip just to feel some shit I guess", you start. A finger pulling at and curling into another. "So he'd hide little bottles of brandy around the house. A stash here, stash there, but he'd always end up forgetting. He had shitty memory that way... still does", the knot in your throat grew, forming a choking sensation. "But June would find them  and re-stash them, so when our birthday came around we'd sip and get shitfaced together".
You can feel the build, a hard rushing in, the levee soon to break. "We both hated the taste, but we were doing stupid shit together and thats all that mattered".
She comes clearly in your minds eye, a replica yet different. Glassy eyes dazzled by the soft burning away of innocence. The liquor is strong on her tongue, makes her touch something tight to the skin, a holding on to that bites but comforts all the same, and the air is pungent. Rife with rebellion. In the shared bedroom of an old family owned Brooklyn Brownstone, the world opens, teems founded and un-conforming with the blazing of this single moment. Oh sister, my sister. She was your mirror, your opposite. Everything. "She was just here my whole life and now she's gone. What thing am I supposed to have that I can touch, that-that-that I can feel other than this, other than our thing".
Something in Marvin wonders, if he reaches out, forms you with his hands, will you take him in or stretch away? Will you break? Shatter into a fragmented loathing because he is not her. And there is the curt twitching in his finger, he feigns for the answer.
"You never told me that".
You laugh, mirthless and ironic. "I never told anybody because I feel like a fucking joke. I speech those kids to death almost every damn day, about being present and making room, growing in grief and look at me." Your head feels full and heavy, a sharp pounding meeting just at the forefront of your skull. "I didn't even have the fight to do anything about it. They took her away from me and I just let that shit fade. I let her go Marvin, me".
He pulls at your chin softly to face him, smearing away a lonely rolling tear. From here, just inches away, everything about him is tender and warm. But if you lean further into him, will he pull you in?, or will the comfort of his touch fall away?
It travels instead, holding firm at your shoulders. His eyes settling light and easy.
"You wanna go all Rambo with the shit, and find out what happened, I'm with you 100%, but what happened to June isn't on you, its not".
The brandy on your tongue wears old, the solace of it going stale.
'I'm with you'
His embrace is a furnace, a delicate purging. A new opening of the world.
"Thank you Marvin".
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cloverdaisies · 1 year
SNAP OUT OF IT (juyeon ver.) 🖤🎸
description: alternative rock band tbz, are on a wicked roll with their first tour "tbz: most wanted" and things just had to get more complicated for (your name) as another man just cannot keep his sly hands in his own pockets. Album based on AM - arctic monkeys.
snap out of it (eric ver.) 🖤🎸🎧
contains: (slight mature content, drugs misuse, suggestive themes, minors dni sil’vous plait, reader discretion advised but there’s nout too mental bit cliche really)
member: juyeon x reader
🔨🦺 editing in progress 🦺🔨
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"i wanna grab both your shoulders and shake, baby snap out of it"
"under a spell you're hypnotised."
Radio announcer one: I honestly cannot get enough of this track, and neither can you guys as "snap out of it" by the Boyz continues to slaughter the music charts serving number one at the top of the charts for over two weeks now!
Radio announcer two: You mean they can't get enough of their lead singer Juyeon, I mean wow, what a man! He posted a picture on instagram earlier and the fans went absolutely nuts, so did Kerry in the studio didn’t you?
Radio announcer 1: Of course I did! He’s gorgeous, how could I not? Anyways to keep the theme going here’s another one of their tracks for you here on Radio Z..
Things for you have been complicated since you’d met Eric, unfortunately it didn’t take long to start the fire, the paparazzi had caught a photo of you two together - it spread online and absolutely enraged fans who according to their delusion smooth brains, thought he was the sweetheart of the band.
And it didn’t take them long to find you either.. your instagram was soon swamped with the vilest hate comments of all kinds, despite all of them being the most absurd untrue things you’d ever read.
Whilst both you and eric were distraught about the rumors, his manager was eating every piece of it up, dollar signs shining in his greedy eyes, taking the form of the greenest trees - awaiting the growth of the desired image he had for Eric, to be like the rest of his band mates, immersed in sex drugs and have a tainted image that was clean enough to attach people..
A week later and no contact from Eric, trying to distance himself was probably the best thing he thought he could do in this situation to try help you get out of this mess.
However, you had another problem on your hands:
02:57: Juyeon (3) missed calls
(1 new message)
Juyeon: Hey (your name), you can’t ignore me for much longer darling.
Juyeon would not leave you alone.
You didn’t know why, or what he had in mind when he left multiple missed calls and messages as if he hadn’t seen another person before in life, or he was doing it for the sake of medaling in Eric’s “little love life”.
Juyeon is calling….
Rolling over in the sheets of your bed, knowing you weren’t gonna get any shut eye if you didn’t at least answer once so you grabbed the phone and answered the phone with a slam of your thumb on the accept button.
“What, Juyeon?”
“Oh. So you answered? *laugh*.” His sinister chuckle was self explanatory that he’d gotten either high or pissed out of his mind before calling you.
“Why’d you only call me when your high?” You sighed, rubbing your eyes in tiredness not being able to sleep because of the constant vibrations from the bedside table.
“I just wanted to know darl, you coming out tonight?” His voice was gruff and low, tempting as lucifer’s own words, but you were smart enough to understand he didn’t know his left and rights at the present moment.
“No, it’s 3 in the fucking morning, I’m going to sleep. I have to be up the morning. Leave me alone.” With that you hung up and luckily your phone didn’t ring again.
A week without those suspicious, phone calls was bliss you slept peacefully for the first time in weeks without anyone medaling with the cycle.
Of course, naturally the peace was short lived, and the phone calls returned except this time it was noon, an unusual time for Juyeon to message you.
Juyeon: Hi darling, the band are doing a secret pop up show tonight, just a small venue, would love it if you came x
You: As if your fans aren’t already crawling up my ass about being anywhere near you, hard no x
Juyeon: Can easily be solved with backstage lovely x
You: Still a no x
Then another message from someone you hadn’t heard from in weeks since the incident that tore you to pieces mentally. How considerate of him.
Eric: Please come so he’ll shut the fuck up, I’m so sorry, do us a favor.
You: Sorry but why would I do you of all people a favor matey ?
Eric: Just this once.
You: Fine but if it’s a shit show, I’m gonna be mad as hell.
Eric: Thanks, sorry again.
So, with that you dolled yourself up and got ready to leave the house for a night you’d never dreaded more, you felt as if you were being lured in by some sorts of dark forces. However, there was something so thrilling about having connections to one of the biggest alt bands.
You’d made your way down to the venue and out of the cab that and dropped you there, you were dressed to perfection in the eyes of yourself and everyone who caught a glimpse of you that night.
The venue chosen, was a small industrial bar not too far out of the city, it was a quite spacious but definitely couldn't handle a capacity more than 100-200 people, the place was lined with a dark polished wood and lit cozily with a dim warm lighting, highlighted with a pool table as the centrepiece of the place.
Immediately spotted by security at the doors, you were ushered into a dark corridor at the back of the place and then thrown into the noisy room at the end.
The sounds of incoherent instrument practice stopped as you turned around to see Hyunae and Sunwoo in states of confusion upon seeing you.
"You actually came." Sunwoo looked up at you in shock, the cigarette between his lips threatening to fall and set the place a light.
"Yeah shocker she'll be doing a lot of that when he's done with her." Hyundai chuckled boyishly, at the crude comment which earned a high five from Sunwoo and a twisted chuckle.
"You're both vile excuses for human beings, where are the other two of your kind?" You smiled sarcastically, watching them brush off your comment with laughter.
"One's preparing something very special for you, fuck knows where Eric is." Hyunjae shrugged, taking off his bass guitar and leaving the room to grab another drink from the bar.
"What does something very special mean?" You looked at Sunwoo with a glare, your arms folded over one and other in front of your torso.
"You'll have to see, I can't tell you another man's surprises." He surrendered his hands up in the air, and went back to viciously practicing the drums to avoid anymore conversation.
You wandered through to the bar to ask Hyunjae the same question you’d asked Sunwoo, also to get yourself a drink to try make the night a little less nerve wracking.
“Hello gorgeous.” The familiar devilish, northern english, voice echoed through your ears, the presence of someone’s body heat behind you making your skin crawl in temptation. “Can I get you a drink?”
*insert no diggity juyeon right here* All wrapped up in a crushed velvet suit with a causal t-shirt tucked underdeath, his hair was slicked back and emphasizing all the right sharp features of his face. A glass of Jack on ice firmly grasped in his right hand he smiled down at you.
“Sure.” You turned back around to the bar, already quite crowded with people lining up to be served, none of them knowing remotely who tbz were.
“I heard you had a surprise for me tonight. Care to explain?” You asked trying to ignore the fact he was practically leant over you with one arm on the bar, sending shivers through every bone in your body.
“You’ll find out in ten minutes, darling.” Before you could ask anymore questions, the bartender rushed over to serve him - ordering you a double rum and coke with a lime, served on ice in a small crystal glass.
After he did so, he handed you the glass, but before you could grab it his large defined hand grasped yours, bringing it to his lips causing all oxygen to stop entering your body as you held your breath, his soft lips touching the the back of your hand and leaving a gentle kiss. But why?
Despite the feeling the electric sensation between the two of you, you still couldn’t trust that his affection was pure, like no other man did he make you feel, it felt as if you’d found some sort of evil twin flame connection. It felt so good but you just couldn’t trust his image, he was 100% fucking with you, for his own entertainment. At least that’s what you’d gathered.
You needed to ask the only trustworthy source close to him, and that was unfortunately Eric.
Amps, Microphones and a set of drums were all set up at the front of the bar, you’d been quietly moved to a balcony area in front of all the action with a few other staff members and friends of the band.
You watched as they got into place on the stage area, Juyeon walking on to adjust his mic, looking up at you as if to check you were there. Eric doing the same, making his first appearance of the night, sending you a shy smile.
“Hello, kingsley inn, we are a small local band I’m sure you’ve never heard of. We’re here to play a few of our tracks and I hope you’d enjoy them” Juyeon gave the place an on brand sarcastic introduction, the older regulars of the bar probably believing it word for word.
First they played “Snap Out of It”, Juyeon’s voice sounded unreal, with it’s highlights being the lower tone and accent, Hyunjae and Eric complimenting him with their higher register backing vocals.
“I wanna grab both your shoulders and shake baby, snap out of it, I get the feeling I’ve left it to late but baby, snap out of it”
You couldn’t help but sing a long quietly, admittedly it was an amazing song, and made you feel a certain way that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. The way Juyeon looked as he performed it, swaying along to the beat at certain parts, his facial expressions he was truly a work of art, as most people thought.
The song came to a close, and the bar broke out into a small applause for the band as they began preparing for the next song.
“Hey.” You heard a voice next to you, looking up to see a boy with thin framed round glasses and beanie a large camera hung around his neck. “Are you (your name)?”
“I am, why do you ask?” You looked over suspiciously at the boy, who stared blankly back at me.
“Oh I’m Kevin, the band’s photographer.” He awkwardly held up the camera, “I’ve just heard your name going around the past few weeks from someone in particular.”
“Juyeon or Eric?” You sighed in frustration looking the boys messing around with their band equipment on stage.
“Well both, but I’d say Juyeon may have developed some sort of infatuation with you.” He spoke awkwardly as if he was keeping many secrets in his bank of overheard information.
“Well? Spill then.” You spoke abruptly, wanting to grasp more information from the boy who seemed to more than he should.
“A man never tells another man’s secrets. But he doesn’t have any bad intentions, I guess what I do know about Juyeon, he has a very addictive personality, he sees or finds something he likes and he wants it, badly.” Kevin spoke minimally trying to reassure you as much as he could without disturbing Juyeon’s privacy
All of a sudden the guitar chords began again as another song was about to be played, Juyeon’s lips that were sealed around a cigarette now closing in on the mic.
“This next song is dedicated to someone special, it’s so thing we’re working on to be released very soon. This is “Why’d you only call me when you’re high?” As the words fell from his lips your stomach dropped, remembering the conversation from last week, he’d used it for a song? You were halfway between being outraged and startled by the sudden announcement.
The song had a beautiful baseline but questionable lyrics about Juyeon’s desire for you but his habits seem to get in the way.
“Now it’s 3 in the morning and I’m tryna change your mind left you multiple missed calls and to my message you replied ‘Why’d you only call me when you’re high?’”
It was such a good song, but you couldn’t look past the fact he’d written a song about you? Did he really find you that infatuating? And the answer was yes, yes he did.
For the moment he laid his eyes on you, the words were already in the notepad as he smoked up and drank next to a grand piano. His brain couldn’t shake the image of you, he was jealous someone else had their eyes on you, since he thought Eric had. He had to do something chivalrous that would one up Eric’s advances. At least that’s how his brain thought of things.
The words in the pad read those from ones of a famous poem “I wanna be yours.”
(Switch song - I wanna be yours , Arctic Monkeys )
Which was the next song to play, a mellow song with a low sultry guitar and bass.
“Secrets I have held in my heart, are harder to hide than I thought, Baby I just wanna be yours.”
Juyeon sang the lyrics looking up at you every now and then, singing lyrics of desire and deep devotion that melted the ice he’d formed around your heart. It was a deeply romantic act that made him more attractive than he was already. Something that no man in the right mind would do as a practical joke, he meant every word of that song.
“Thank you for listening tonight, Kingsley. We’ve been the boyz.” Juyeon closed the set, leaving the stage and grabbing his drink from the side.
Shortly after disappearing from the side of the stage, you felt a hand grasp you. Juyeon seemed as if he’d ran up the stairs to see you, sweeping you into his arms.
“What did you think of the set darling?” He asked a hopeful glint lighting his eyes like a golden retriever, contrasting his usual seductive and enticing nature,
“I can’t tell if I want to kill you or kiss you.” You looked back up at him with a look of affection, admiration and also nerves.
“Do both, I don’t care. I just wanna be yours. ” His eyes dilated in deep feelings of love clouding every ounce of devilish charm he normally he has.
Soon returning as you pulled him into a passionate kiss in a more secluded area, by his collar melting him as he took control of the kiss, forcing you to surrender to love, lust and all in between.
He’d won and it would be hard for an upset observer, to accept that as they went back into the shadows of the night.
a/n: hello my daisies!! IM BACKKK AGAHWGW, no one can get rid of me, hope you enjoyed this imagine as much as i enjoyed writing it!! i will now be sleeping as I stayed up this late to finish it 😩🤍
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dream-bee-baby · 2 months
I am super excited to do this exchange thank you so much again and I can’t wait to see the results!
MISC: For HOTD, I would prefer to be matched with a male character and preferably the targaryens if that’s something you can do ofc :) and for JJK, I’m fine with anyone as long as they aren’t minors (this also goes for HOTD).
My name is Jaxrel! People mostly use “Jax” as a nickname for me which is perfectly fine! I go by many other names like Ian, Alex, Levi, etc. I go by he/him pronouns, i’m a (trans)male, and im bisexual with more of a male preference. I’m an aquarius. chaotic neutral/evil. choleric-sanguine, morally-grey. ENTP, extrovert (but also introverted as well). enneagram-4w3, and a Slyffindor. :D
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I'm very extroverted but I also have introvert traits as well. My personality is very unique but also a bit hard to describe. I'm very confident, straightforward and I have a sense of justice for myself (I have a urge to correct someone of faulty information), uses "big" words, good sense of humor, playful, entertaining, optimistic, mischievous, curious(l'm nosy and I love gossip/drama), I can be a rule breaker(sometimes don't mean to). l'm extremely independent, when comfortable I talk about a lot of stuff for hours, loud talker (I can also be really quiet to the point where no one around me can hear), emotions come off as sarcastic or silly due to autism). I’m also pretty monotone/nonchalant and blunt(unintentionally). As for my sense of humor I can be sometimes crude. l'm a very chill and intelligent person but some people would say I have some "repressed anger issues, get a reallyyy overractive Brain, tend to get deep and philosophical when I'm left on my own for to long, I can be verbally aggressive when prevoked. Usually when I meet people I come off as awkward and shy and sometimes even distant and cold but l'lI get comfortable with them soon enough. Usually at first I can come off as cold and calculative in demeanor but it can get mixed up for me being arrogant or detached from people around me. l'm always there for someone no matter what. I'm the dad friend. When I go out I always bring water bottles, first aid kit, chapsticks (pretty much anything you can think of). I have a lot of social awareness but i often intentionally act in a rash and unapologetic way because personally i do not care at all for social norms or rules. As l'm the dad friend (also the therapist friend too) l've been told give a lot of good advice and im also a very good listener too. I tend to take risks for my curiosity or if it’s for something I really have to know. Here’s more information about me
(^з^)-☆ I've been diagnosed with a lot of disorders such as Autism, ADHD, Schizophrenia, BPD + etc, it's hard especially with my Autism, sadly a lot of these run in my family unfortunately and I gotten a lot of them, I'm prone to psychosis / delusions and sometimes it happens in episodes that can last for months. I also get really mad if people piss me off which goes for my repressed anger issues. I love texting with kaomojis and silly little emoticon thingies :D. I’ve been compared to Victor Nikiforov a lot because of how cheerful can be and from what I know I don't seem to understand -or even care about-conventional social norms. I also have that rock star charm. And as an extra I can always dazzle woman and men alike without a single glance). Clumsy (accidentally + sometimes purposely). Misuses slangs or common phases. Im able to pick up new skills relativity easy. I can sometimes point out the most oblivious things and sometimes miss so many details. Prone to be a bit directionless in life and prone to bad luck but try to find humor in most situations. I approach life to live a life of varied experiences, not take life too seriously, to not dwell on the past. I’m comfortable with confrontation and I don’t shy away from conflict (I often meet heated conflict with a snarky/condescending smile, a bit combative with authority and those who irritate me) but is generally easygoing, even-tempered, logical, intelligent (as I said previously…), not sentimental, does not hold onto regrets, good at self-reflection, generally does things out of self-interest but willingly helps others out occasionally. Affectionate with loved ones, very teasing(only if I know that they don’t mind), I wanna be a youtuber / twitch streamer who games a lot and reacts to vocaloid songs, true crime, etc… My lucky colors are all shades of yellow, gold and green. My lucky gems are moonstone, cats-eye, peral and any kind of white stone, my lucky bontanicals are elder, blackberrys, hops, juniper, linseed, grapes and all types of fruit juices.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) hiyori tomoe (enstars), yoosung kim (mystic messenger), jumin han (mystic messenger), hanako (tbhk), felix kranken (twf), albedo (genshin impact), shoya ishida (a silent voice), tom (eddsworld). eridan (homestuck), karkat (homestuck), shu itsuki (enstars), miyamura izumi (horimiya), michael afton (FNAF), william afton (FNAF), lolbit (FNAF), mangle (FNAF), natsume sakasaki (enstars), sora harukawa (enstars), urumi akamaki (alice in borderland), V (mystic messenger), hagumi kitazawa (bandori), argenti (honaki star rail), matsubara kanon (bandori), shinji ikari (neon genesis evangelion), kanade uryuu (platinum end), minami kotobuki (oshi no ko), lain iwakura (serial experiments lain), hajime hinata (danganronpa), k-angel (needy streamer overdose) and more.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice), Tei (Nameless), Cutthroat (Akudama Drive, Except the Bloodlust cutthroat has.), Gu Won (King The Land), Ranpo Edogawa (Bungo Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungo Stray Dogs), Space Ishtar (Fate), Okita Souji (Fate), Langa Hasegawa (Sk8 The Infinity), Sherlock Holmes (TGAA), Suguru Niragi (Alice In Borderland), Mira Kano (Alice In Borderland), Aguni (Alice In Borderland), Shuntaro Chishiya (Alice In Borderland), Takeru Danma (Alice In Borderland), Zack (Final Fantasy 7), William James Moriarty (Moriarty The Patriot), Vash The Stampede (Trigun), Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist), Otonashi Yuzuru (Angel Beats), Karma Akabane (Assassination Classroom), Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai: Colorful Stage), Vanitas (Study Case of Vanitas), Zoe Hange (AOT), Shinoa Hiragi (Seraph of The End) + more
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) gaming, anthropology pathology, theology, zoology, music, dancing, filmmaking, art (drawing, painting, pottery, digital art, etc), learning different instruments/languages, cosplaying, skateboarding, tabletop RPG's, taking pictures of things that I think are pretty, collecting figurines/stuffed animals and puppetry, science/history, soccer(football)/volleyball/ basketball, skating and swimming, cooking/baking, art is definitely my main hobby I dedicate a lot of time to it, I can play 5 instruments which is the piano, cello, koto and bass/electric guitar, I know 6 languages and I'm learning more right now (which are hindi, german, thai, portuguese, cantonese and chinese if your interested).
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I love gaming a lot and I play a lot of survival horror games, role-playing games, visual novels, etc, spent a lot of my money on games for my nintendo, Ps5 and computer. I play too much on roblox and basically during my freetime when I'm not studying other things I like/OR for school I'm usually in my gaming seat playing away and eating junk food. The games I really enjoy playing is roblox, class of 09, needy streamer overdose, honaki impact 3rd, omori, any rhythm games, any horror games and etc… I also like writing and reading a lot, including with a studying new things with history, languages, etc. I love taking naps too and I also enjoy watching youtube (my favorite youtubers are flamingo, berleezy, kub scoutz, markiplier, benoftheweek, funkyfrogbait, etc). This also includes with me liking to watch movies as well, same goes for tv shows, animes, asian dramas, etc.. (I also tend to rewatch a lot but not too much; like watching the harry potter movies, any of the marvel movies, horror movies, etc). I've been told I'm a very good dancer! I do belly dancing and I also do hiphop dancing as well. I've been in a lot of sports for years now since I was little (thank you to my mother for forcing me :,D) and now I'm in so many! and l've won a lot of rewards and I've been to a couple championships all because of me.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿)Chocolate, Strawberries, Pizza, Iced Coffee and Boba Tea, Anime/ Manga, Music, Food, Winning in arguments online or irl, Reading, Cats, Sharks, Animals in general, Cold/or Rainy Weather, Shopping, Action or Romance movies, Kdrama(pretty much any asian dramas), Skincare + GWRM routines (I ENJOY doing those things, they make me feel so awake), Spicy & Sweet Food, Wax Candy, Chinese Takeout, Chicken(any kind of meat), Ramen.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I LOVE music a lot. I'm a k/jpop stan, I listen to metal/rock a lot, I listen to vkei and vocaloid a lot too, this is also another genre I enjoy listening to but idk what to call it but it's similar to 6arelyhuman, Odetari, Kets4eki, etc (I make similar music to them and I’m a small vocaloid producer), I also listen to a lot of indie pop, rap music and scene music. I've been a really big lemon demon fan and I really like listening to any sad music too.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿)Gift-Giving, Physical Touch, Quality time. You wouldn’t know how much I enjoy it when someone gifts me something I love/like a LOT, for example like getting me cherry pepsis, energy, arizona tea, etc and anything food/drink related or even giving me plushies, chocolate strawberries or even a sanrio plushie bouquet I’ll be over the moon and it makes me feel like I’m loved. I’m pretty clingy when I’m not doing anything ngl, I love physical touch as much as I love receiving gifts, I love hugging my beloveds close to me and lay my head on their shoulder, I’ll also listen to my partner and everything! They’ll get whatever they want from me since I would throw my money to get them what they want and I’ll just be there for them. I love going out whenever I can, I love aquariums a lot and o would love to have those kind of dates, I enjoy shopping too, like for clothes, merch, books, etc, I’ll probably spend my entire life’s savings on those things.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) l'm pretty tall l'm 5'9 right now and l'm on the very skinny side / very slender. I'm half Polish and half West Asian (Iraqi). People usually get confused and a lot I get questions if I'm from Hawaii, Brazil or Mexico (even though I’m not from either of those country’s I’m happy that people think that), I have dyed black hair. My hair is pretty short (but a little long only going down my neck a few inches) but I get a lot of compliments for it. When I get out of bed from sleeping my hair is always looking like a mess (psst I also have bangs too. Ive been told I look both masculine and feminine). I’ve also been told that I look a lot like those hot webtoon characters. I have piercings (one in (?) my nose, two on the bottom of my lips, and a couple more on both of my ears). I want a tattoo so bad, If I ever get one it would be on the side of my belly and it would be a spider tattoo. I have a dimple on my chin and I have hazel almond eyes.
Ok so this is definitely what makes me unique to people other than my personality, my fashion extends to gyaruo (hime gal, himekaji, agejo, rokku, manba, banba, kogal, tsuyome, and kigurumi), goth (trad goth, romantic goth, mall goth, cyber goth, and victorian goth), scenemo/emo (ofc), & Y2K, shoujo, jirai kei, vkei, ouji and lolita, suits (+ MORE). I only wear all these outfits in a more masculine way on so many days, but I sometimes wear some feminine as well (usually going for gyaru, scenemo, lolita, jiari kei, etc, especially hime gyaru omfg). I usually wear these fashion outfits whenever I’m in school, when i'm out somewhere, during my job, or just to look cool. Whenever I'm not in my crazy outfits I'm usually dressed in my "IDGAF" outfits by that I mean are like pj pants and a black shirt, usually I look like I'm alternative whenever I'm not dressed, I wear a lot of jeans, sweatshirts, etc.
Σ੧(❛□❛✿) I’m definitely from a royal family (I think House Martell would be perfect for me). I would also come from a different house (this is a made-up house but I feel like it would be perfect to add in here) and that other house is also very powerful as much as the other royal houses, it’s located in a very dark/gloomy place and it’s away from the villages and it’s castle is more gothic looking and large, with this I would be from two different royal houses. Even though I wouldn’t have so much Targaryen blood in me I was able to claim one of the most powerful dragons known. I would be a really good political person and can possibly win for either side or somehow keep peace with them while they’ll get whatever they want, it would be simple for me. I would totally wear a lot of ouji / vkei in this universe as well, I’d be called a dark prince due to how much gothic-looking clothes I would wear for sure, but I would also have the cutest wardrobe ever too, since I wear a lot of pink as well I would have the best dresses too, just I wouldn’t wear them so often. I also think that I would be king material as well… honestly I would make a really good king if I think about it. Though, in this universe I think I would be more manipulative and cruel (but at the bare minimum + it’s only towards naïve strangers). I’d definitely be many things while being royal (historian, philosopher, poet, writer, counsellor AND adviser).
Thank you so much again! I cant wait :)
House of the Dragon:
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I ship you with Aemon Targaryen! I wasn't even done reading your info before I paired you two together. I think Aemond is the perfect balance of dangerous and stable for you
Aemond would definitely wait awhile before introducing you to Vhagar, but the two of you would get along well. She's a war dragon and incredibly ancient, so ultimately Vhagar is going to do what she wants. She also sees these traits in you, she would trust you to respect her and her wisdom. You and Aemond would ride around whenever you were both available. Maybe even setting some things on fire for funsies
You help bring Aemond out of his shell, encourage him to live a little. Since he's hesitant to show vulnerability around his family, especially his brother, the two of you alone is when he really shines. Spending time trading knowledge and books in the library, he would love to see you out in the gardens painting. You would even be able to capture Vhagar's beauty and you two would bond one on one
I think Aemond would love to learn some of the languages you know as well. Obviously he speaks both english and high valyrian, you wouldn't even have to ask. He'd just start speaking to you in another language just to make sure you feel seen. He'd also totally make sure you had all the instruments you could ever want in the house. If anyone was ever caught complaining about the noise, he'd instantly hurt them
When Aemond cares and is dedicated about something, he has the patience despite feeling confused. I think sometimes you would baffle him, both with your contrasting personality traits and with your mental health struggles (obviously this isn't exactly things they would regard back then). But I think Aemond would really be willing to support you the best he can. If you ever suffered a long episode he would make sure important things were around you (food, water, comfort items, etc). I think he would remain quiet, not knowing what to say, but he'd never leave your side. He'd read to you and tell you all about his family drama
I don't think Aemond is one for heavily fancy things, but he'd get you anything you wanted. It would perhaps find it strange you like children's toys (that's how he would regard plushies and such), and he wouldn't want them on the bed but he'd make sure you were stacked. Commissioning people to create plushies or toys of Vhagar, your personal dragon, etc. He'd encourage you to express yourself however you want, if his family had a problem with it they'd have to take it up with his dragon
He isn't good with words but he still makes things incredibly intimate. Lighting candles/incense of your favorite scents, visiting your home as often as you'd like, lightly playing with your hair or caressing the skin his hand was on/around. He would feel respected and comforted by you. Being both gentle and caring but honest with him. You'd be partners in crime, balancing both cruelty and deciding it's not worth your energy. The two of you are always learning how to better understand, read, and support each other. Creating an eternally engaging and loving relationship
Jujustu Kaisen:
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I ship you with Takuma Ino! He's not super popular, but I had a good feeling about the two of you together
Ino carries immense respect for those more experienced around him, as seen with Nanami. He did not want to advance to level 1 without Nanami's approval. He's very upbeat, dedicated, and loving.
Depending on who he is around, Ino has the complexity to be more fun and youthful or be more quiet and responsible. I think this is also a good match for you. Ino is able to make things very fun and loving, even in serious situations. I think (and I could be wrong) it would help you feel grounded. Having someone who is both caring but casual can help things feel more calming
I think the only potential conflict is he's very ethical, he thinks things should be done the best way possible. But unfortunately, not everything can be done without bloodshed. You would definitely tell him the upfront truth of what needs to be done, which also helps him remain safe. He finds a way to keep innocent people safe, but you can do the more dirty work to make sure that the threat is properly exterminated and his life isn't in any additional danger
He strikes me as someone with many hobbies, perhaps he jumps from project to project. The two of you would definitely bond over your unique and many interests. Ino would have lots of different training equipment scattered around with your instruments, maybe even timing his breathing or movements to the pace of your playing
Ino struggles with some self confidence and I think you're perfect for him in that sense. You're sure of yourself, your taste, and how much you care for him. It would help him gain confidence in himself and avoid insecurity in your relationship. He loves to see your different styles, although he is very simple and minimalist he loves seeing you happy and confident
He'd help you dye your hair, maybe help do diy piercings or pay for your new ones. He'd help clean up and care for you if you were ever struggling. I don't think he experiments with his own fashion, but I think he'd be willing to do some subtle matching emo looks as he wears all black. I think you two are very sunshine and moon pairing. He'd love kissing your chin dimple and would make you breakfast. He'd buy a fancy coffee machine and get all the flavor syrups you'd ever want. He'd make you drinks whenever you wanted, in the mornings while he brewed your coffee he'd move your bangs and hair back into place after it got messed up while sleeping
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a-dragons-journal · 9 months
i’m thinking of telling my friends that i’m fictionkin, but i’m scared that they’ll think i’m taking it too seriously. should i use KFF terminology and tell them i have a D/A, and that i am x character IRL? i feel like that would make them take me more seriously because to them, i would be just a KFF-er. and the KFF community is so widespread that it overshadows the otherkin community.
If you want my opinion, definitely don't. That's a) misusing the word "delusion" (assuming it's not actually tied to delusions for you, which it doesn't sound like it is), which, I hopefully don't have to explain why that's a problem, and b) frankly, contributing to the problem of otherkin not being taken seriously, and moreover c) if you have to functionally lie to your friends to make them take you seriously, they're not very good friends, are they?
If you explain things to your friends and they tell you you're "taking it too seriously" and won't listen to you when you explain - you probably need to ditch those friends, frankly, as much as I know that sucks to hear. It is understandable for someone to have been misinformed about what "kinning" is, but if someone won't believe you about your own identity and experiences and won't give you that basic respect, they're not really your friend. Be polite, don't be overly confrontational, be understanding of them having been misinformed - but don't let them run you over and disrespect you like that. I promise there are people out there who will respect you and love you for who you are and not expect you to lie and claim to have delusions when you don't in order to believe you about your own damn identity and experiences. It won't be easy, but if these aren't those people, I promise you can find us.
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Was chatting with @waitmyturtles last night and she sent me this screenshot from the Instagram story of The Eighth Sense director
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And I'm reading too much in to the choice of My Strange Addiction being the song here, and like yes granted "addicted" is part of the original post but between this and the post from @starsickkk with the Insta story about how this specific poster is the only one the production team wanted to run and they said there is meaning behind it all, and because @frietesmetmaajoo asked someone to overanalyze it, I took it upon myself in my COVID-ridden state to start looking at psych meds that are pink.
And God, I feel like I am causing problems for myself at this point because I said I was going to stop speculating about this show before we maybe get some fucking answers in Episode 7 but man oh man is it fun to speculate about this show. While in real like I do not think someone asking for an extension of their prescription is automatic grounds in any case for assuming they have a drug addiction, this is fiction. They have limited time to say what they want to say and so it is much more likely they had JaeWon ask for more drugs because he is misusing them.
So anyway without further ado, a list of psych medications that can pink according to the WebMD Pill Identifier website:
Amytriptyline: anti-depressant
Buproprion: anti-depressant and smoking cessation
Citalopram: anti-depressant
Clonazepam: treats anxiety and panic disorders
Vyvanse: Treats ADHD and severe binge eating disorders
Aripriprazole: Anti-psychotic for schizophrenia and bipolar
Dextro-amphetamine: Treats ADHD and narcolepsy
What medication JaeWon has been taking has been plaguing me, I don't think that he has ADHD or narcolepsy so we can cut out Vyvanse and dextro-amphet. I don't think he's psychotic, so I'm going to cut out Aripiprazole. I think it is more likely that JaeWon has depression than anxiety so let's cut out Clonazepam as well. Leaving us with the anti-depressants amytriptyline, buproprion, and citalopram. JaeWon is still smoking so let's cut out buproprion.
Citalopram is used to treat major depressive disorder, and has been shown to be a potential treatment for PTSD when in combination with other medications.
Amytriptyline which can be used to treat major depressive disorder and which is a tricyclic antidepressant and can therefore ALSO be used to treat PTSD (x)(x)(x)
Both citalopram and amytriptyline can be addictive, and both say not to mix with alcohol, but when I think about the stark contrast in color between the Episode 6 title card and all the others, all I can think about is how pink it is.
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Title Card of Episode 6:
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All of this to say, putting aside the reality/delusion discussion we've been having over the last week. I think that JaeWon is misusing his medication, and I think the medication he may be prescribed is amytriptyline (I know this is a Korean show and not a Thai show but as a fun fact, amytriptyline is what Aye was prescribed in The Eclipse). Amytriptyline which has side effects such as blurred vision, weight gain, and can cause drug dependence because it is a sedative and can cause feelings of euphoria (x) and which can be fatal if you overdose.
JaeWon has said in the show that he is trying to watch his weight, and I am constantly being haunted by the blurry camerawork especially around JaeWon. I think JaeWon is misusing his medication, and I think we are seeing a suicide attempt by JaeWon before the end of this series. Or at the very least an intentional or unintentional overdose.
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lsjhl · 2 months
Nose in the Snow Pt.2
Parings: Alcina Dimitrescu x Agender reader
Summary: Finding evidence of fictional delusions sets a path down for further investigation Words: 1k+
Walking through the maze of a dungeon that my wife owns, I feel the humidity of the air and the sticky smell of blood that clings to everything in this godforsaken place. Weaving through rusted bars and walls of cages just as I have countless times, I relish the unrelenting life of Mother Nature and the cold of snow as I step past the last few cells that lead to an opening formed as a small holding area used for loading and unloading wine and materials of a similar category in the warmer weather.
Lifting my face to the sky, I take one quick whiff, hoping to pick up even the faintest trail of something that shouldn't be there.
Coal and ash blanketed by the stinging ammonia of a doe.
I follow the scent like a hound on the tail of a fox, giving my surroundings a once-over now and then until I reach the culprit of the offending markings in the air. Standing in front of the small campfire seemingly doused in the urine of what could only be a Cervidae, I crouch and look for any indications that the wood turned to char is still hot and that the trespassers are still near, but not even the fresh winter wind is picking up any embers.
Falling to the tips of my fingers and the phalanges of my feet, I rest into a more primal stance, though less than that of mankind itself. If I were to turn myself into any more of an animal, I would either need to be prey or human.
For now, I lower my nose in the snow and search for the telltale of the rubber from a shoe or the cotton of cloth, but surprisingly the snow tells no such thing. Only the crisp ice comes through, along with the pinch of pain that follows the below-zero temperature.
And even with my hackles now raised with what could only be drawn by the need to protect, I let off an involuntary warning of a large gargling noise not unlike the ones of a higher beast on the food chain that only the smartest of animals take as a threat and the dumbest of ones that hunt me try to find.
Shaking off the fallen snow that has built upon my shoulders, much compared to a soaking canine, I take my once-original stance and track back the steps that will take me to the holding area for loading and unloading and the rusty cells that tell stories. In the kitchen, where my steps falter though my rhythm does not, I grab a decorative bottle of Sanguis Virginis with the intention of having much to tell Alcina about the presence of something out there.
And being the loving parent I am, I find a suitable and nutrient-rich organ, such as a tender liver, and take the time to thinly slice it and put it on a tray along with the respective kinds of tea I and my lovely daughters tend to enjoy. Gathering the ensemble that can never show the amount of love that I can give my family but is a worthy proclamation for only one of the things on the never-ending list of things I would do for them.
Walking back to the library, I pass a ghost of a woman who doesn't seem to fear death enough, for she gave me a scowl as she saw me coming down the corridor.
I pay her no mind, mostly due to having been known as the one family member in this maze of walls labeled as Castle Dimitrescu to have no ill will thrown about from such looks and have even been the one to stop any kinds of blood-spilling acts that could have been caused by one twitch of the brow from any of the maidens on the castle grounds.
And even then, I already know all about this little maiden, for her death shall be one of both healing and cleansing. She's a nasty one, I'll say, taken and practically handed to my wife and daughters when her father went off to slaughter once it was found that he misused my kindness, which is not to be given lightly.
While I might not enjoy saying it, that man played me like a damned fool, and the only reason that shall stay on the books is for others to know that while I might be different from them, either human or fly or dragon, we all make mistakes.
Such as one like the shadow of a girl did. She, like the slave of foolishness we all fall to, sought some form of revenge for her father's quite timely death if you asked me. For the sound of glass shattering will always send a chill up my skin, and the air of winter fighting that of burning wood sharpens the teeth in my mouth, and the sound of insects ready to burst through the door, ready to endanger themselves, sharpens the glint in my eye.
She has broken one of the very few rules I have and has brought danger to my family. When caught and tried for her acts of disrespect and downright heinous crimes, having been told she has accomplished nothing in terms of enacting her plans of self-righteousness, all she could do was beg for death.
And while my lights were ready to fulfill said wish, I stepped in and instead gave her employment just so she would have to serve the ones she so wished were dead. I can be cruel when needed, and I so wished to see her suffer, playing the long game to see who makes the next move on the other's life, though with how she's looking, I do think her next hit might be self-sabotaging.
Arriving at the library, I kick off my shoes and find myself welcomed to the sight of my beauties cuddled up in the chair meant for Alcina, with my wife purring softly enough to bring out the same rumble from my children.
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noodle-shenaniganery · 11 months
Help, I think I made someone upset, so now I’m kind of freaking out?
I told someone that using “delusional” or “delulu” as a joke isn’t very nice to people who genuinely struggle with delusions or psychosis (which I agree with as someone who has had issues with both, and I have now discovered that they also belong to the group so I would think that they would agree, too), because that’s what I saw a lot of advocates saying you should do. But apparently that’s rude? Is this a social thing I’m not understanding because of autism reasons? I said please, I said thank you, I didn’t use any language I thought could be aggressive, I left a smiley face emoticon, but then they said that they got hate, presumably in reference to me? This is a person I admire and like a lot and I just got upset that they’d misuse terms like that, so I wanted to see if I could fix it, but now I made someone upset and I am stressed and I don’t know how to fix it. Could someone please help me? I don’t know what to do.
Is this a correction thing? That people don’t like to be corrected? Could someone please explain this to me?
Uh. I would like help. Please.
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firespirited · 5 months
Tumblr is becoming increasingly hostile to use, not because of the design: this site offers quite a range of blocking and muting abilities but because of deliberate misuse of the tags and aggressive user behaviour, that and the rampant bigotry that's not bannable. Anytime I leave the circle of friends and friends of friends it's less like livejournal and more like old twitter.
a few recent examples:
The #dollblr tag has been picked up by the nymphet bloggers
Any current trend or entertainment tag has social media street preachers screaming that you're going to hell for listening to music not the screams of mutilated children! I am doing stuff offline and have it all content muted. What is your problem? - i just want to go to the library.
The mental health tags are 75% honest folks and 25% what is essentially pro-ana but for indulging delusions and destructive behaviour, people cosplaying mental illness and conspiracy theories like satanic ritual abuse. It's really unhelpful if wading through a tag is a gamble.
I add ten new content mute words a week to get rid of rape fetish, anorexia and self insert fic when using the search engine only to find out that this week they're using rape or barbie in Cyrillic as the tags. tag abusers are exhausting.
the "So you hate waffles!" culture if you don't add a million disclaimers to your posts about anything, I understand that people are traumatized but why the instant leap to bad faith conclusions? How did we get to this PVP culture? Op forgot to mention snake phobia exists in their clearly tagged snake pet photo therefore op is a horrid person. Why are you picking fights at the clearly marked snake appreciation meet up?
Of course, I keep to the small circles, keep my content mute list updated but it would be nice to be able to venture out from time to time.
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midnight-coffeebreak · 5 months
I shouldn't have to add "actually" to mental illness tags. AND YET HERE I AM, HAVING TO, BECAUSE YOU MOTHER FUCKERS KEEP MISUSING THE WORD "DELUSIONAL"
I wish I could transfer this shit to the "delulu" fuckers, so they can know what it actually is. lets see how you like believing you're in a time loop.
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infinitefirmament · 5 months
Well, if you're reading this, that means I'm doing something right!
Please forgive any error; I am absolutely horrid with technology and have never been on a "social media" before... Galarian is also not my mother tongue.
Where am I supposed to start with this? I'm not normally one to talk about their life, but there comes a point where screaming into a void too much will cause you to go mad from the reverberations. Perhaps the illusion of an audience will quell the rot on my mind for a bit.
I imagine I'm quite a bit older than most of you on this "web sight", but I do hope that means I can at least provide some interesting stories! I can't promise any high levels of activity, though. I can hardly stand the sight of my reflection in the screen.
Oh, right, my name. Please, just call me Voltaire. I gained that moniker in Kalos; quite catchy, isn't it?
hi guys :3 havent made a new blog in a while... main is @plasmaapologist, mun is 21 , character is an adult as well
THIS IS YOUR WARNING! this blog will deal heavily with themes of delusion, paranoia, scopophobia, spectrophobia, and general discussions of life and death, as well was the concept of what comes after; there will very likely be religious discussion because of this, albeit fictional ones. discussion of self hatred and harm is very possible. i will be tagging things, of course, but you know. putting it out there.
since he doesn't have a trainer card, his pokemon are:
Togekiss ♂️, Grevard ♂️, Ninetails ♀️, Shedinja ✨️, Hisuian Zoroark ♀️, Spiritomb ♀️, and Togepi ♀️✨️. (hes unaware that shedinja is shiny)
more general rp information:
- sentient and sapient pokemon are welcome, but volt may react oddly or occasionally negatively to them
- for plot reasons, i will not be interacting with sentient or sapient legendaries; if your character is a trainer with a legendary, it will likely not be acknowledged. its not personal; i have a legendary blog too! albeit a dead one but.
- this blog will have typos and misused lingo/slang that is intentional on my part; feel free to correct or explain things to him ic!
- in character hatemail is okay, but i likely wont answer it unless i think it adds something. or is really funny. im a sucker for the bit
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