#and now I’m in excruciating pain and I literally don’t want to leave the bed
chrollohearttags · 27 days
I literally do not want to get out of bed today or participate in society.
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crippleprophet · 1 year
(feel free to not respond to this, hell feel free to be like “please don’t do this again”)
so i’ve had join problems for like 3 1/2 years now and they just got diagnosed like 2 week’s ago, turns out i have runners knee
so i feel bad because 1. it feels lit not as big of a deal as i feel like it is (it is a big deal, it’s impacted my life (thank you therapy))
2. i’m worried that pt and more exercise won’t make it better (i’m on my schools swim team, so 4 practices a week during the season, plus a swim meet on friday)
and 3. i feel like (at least for now) i need more support. my pt doesn’t start until february and i can’t remember the last day i haven’t been in pain or had sensations that are probably due to nerve wackiness. i have used a cane in the past and it has helped me immensely. but i feel bad for wanting something that works for both legs. i’ve literally have had 2 dreams about me having forearm crutches.
i’m just really exhausted, sorry for dumping this all on you rn, i feel like even though i was listened to i still was just told to exercise and loose weight
hey, it’s absolutely no problem & i’m so deeply sorry you’re dealing with this 💕💕
i’m gonna throw like a billion disclaimers on this that, in addition to my usual line about just being Some Guy on the internet, i am definitely responding from a place of trauma here - i don’t know your body & you are the authority on your experiences, i’m just tossing some stuff out there based on my experiences, which might be totally different in other (or underlying physical processes yadda yadda) ways. also like big tw for medical neglect
so. i ran cross country in high school and my joint pain originated in my left knee at age 16, no specific injury or incident, RICE etc barely did anything. xrays and mri showed nothing. tried cortisone shot, euflexxa injections, some sort of topical steroid that was originally used on racehorses, nothing. because i was a runner no one ever considered it could be anything but an orthopedic issue.
i had two exploratory arthroscopic surgeries (which i’ve since learned are as effective as a placebo) with extensive debridement - first dx, plica syndrome, “we have no idea why this was this bad,” cleared to run again after post-op PT, pain came back even worse after ~7 months.
second dx, grade II chondromalacia patellae aka runner’s knee. told never to run again. i knew in post-op PT that something was wrong, this wasn’t the same pain as recovery previously, it felt like the underlying issue was still there. this wasn’t pain of healing, it was making something else worse. my physical therapist didn’t believe me, just kept pushing me, literally told me once that there was no way i was in that much pain. the pattern of swelling, location & sensation of pain, nerve symptoms, etc never made sense to anyone, no matter how many people they called over to poke & prod.
i don’t think i’ll ever know why, especially when he then didn’t fucking do anything with this information, but one day he had me try a lumbar extension stretch. you know the scene in the little mermaid where she’s propping her upper body up with her arms on the rock, waves crashing behind her, triumphant music? it’s basically that pose. it was both the single most excruciating and relieving thing i’ve ever done; even my chronic migraine of 2 years lessened. but we proceeded on a normative linear recovery arc, i got cleared from PT, the pain was better but still there.
flash forward four more years of intensifying pain - first my other knee, then the bottoms of my feet, then more constant and prominent in my lower back, then my upper back & worsening of the neck pain i’d been told and believed was from looking down at books/phone, what i now know as neuropathy increasing all the while - using a cane, then forearm crutches, then a forearm rollator, then a mobility scooter, spending more & more time unable to leave the bed - and i stumbled across an article about ankylosing spondylitis that matched my history fucking eerily, right down to the car crash as a younger teenager. it turns out AS commonly first presents with knee pain, not back pain, in juveniles.
so here’s what i’m gonna tell you: even if it’s “only” chondromalacia, your pain is real and serious and you should listen to your body. and, with again the mega disclaimer that you might be experiencing something totally different, i gently suggest:
read my posts about AS. read my google doc about AS. read anybody’s posts and articles about anything that originates with knee pain, especially if it involves neuropathy.
keep tabs on your body and don’t believe anyone who tells you something is normal until you’ve investigated it for yourself. does your neck hurt? how much? how often? what about your upper spine, between your shoulders? your lower back?
try a lumbar extension stretch, just in case.
if you haven’t been to a rheumatologist before and it’s at all possible for you to do so, do it. if you have a GP and can get a blood workup from them instead, do that. more info on blood testing here - but keep in mind that negative blood work doesn’t rule anything out.
if you can get forearm crutches, one hundred thousand percent do it. make sure they’re sized properly - more info on that here.
do whatever you possibly can to shore up your trust in yourself and your experiences. surround yourself with as many people as possible, in person or online, who believe your pain and make you feel solid in your knowledge of yourself. i’m a big fan of putting up signs with reminders if you can. whether you have chondromalacia, something else, or a combination, your pain is real, it is disabling, and it is in your best interest to develop strategies to cope with the systemic gaslighting that is existing within an ableist society & medical system.
if there is literally anything at all i can do to encourage you, answer questions, etc, please feel free to dm me or send another ask any time. my whole fucking heart goes out to you - you are not the only one who’s been through this, and that is both the horror & deepest relief of chronic pain. so much love to you, may you receive everything you need.
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kalihaze604 · 5 months
flare ups still suck
Tuesday, January 23rd, 12am
the elevator in my building has been broken for over a week now and living on the top floor has become annoying as hell for my disabled body. Staff are pretty much useless and most are scared to even leave the office or look at me like I’m insane for asking for help carrying heavy stuff up and down the stairs, like as if they have no clue what an “invisible disability” is. I didn’t get any choices in terms of housing when I moved here. When it was time for me to leave transitional housing after fleeing violence, I was only offered this one room. No other housing options were presented to me other than “well you can go steal a tent from army and navy if this isn’t adequate”. Anyways. This building is way worse than the one that I left due to fleeing violence and psychosis. Like I thought Atira would be safer because they marketed themselves as “ending violence against women” which was literally nothing more than marketing because womens safety wasn’t even so much as an afterthought here. I’ve been assaulted by Atira employees in the past. I’ve had my storage locker broken into and had thousands of dollars of belongings stolen by staff. There’s no accountability here. Last time the elevator broke, it was out of service for half a year and management thought it was fine for disabled and paraplegic folks using wheelchairs and walkers to crawl up and down the stairs on their hands and knees or slide down on their butt. Apparently that was okay in management’s eyes? That the building was completely inaccessible to tenants?! I don’t expect anything to get fixed here in a timely fashion and I don’t expect staff to help, even if their job is literally to be a tenant support worker helping tenants. They don’t even wanna do their job, just sit on their ass, scared in the office. So I climbed 32 flights of stairs on Friday while doing my laundry. That’s just going from the laundry room to my room. The only staff member that helped me was a middle aged dude with severe osteoporosis and a torn left meniscus. The only staff member that had a shred of empathy and cared to help was in just as much pain as I was. Work was dead on Friday but my body was already feeling exhausted. Saturday was the busiest work night of the year so far and Sunday I just crashed and slept all day and same with Monday. I realized I pushed my body too hard trying to get all that laundry done as I’d been postponing it while waiting for the elevator to get fixed. Then I pushed myself again at work on Saturday. My flare ups used to last about 3 days of intense excruciating pain where I wouldn’t get out of bed. So I’m hoping that I’ll start feeling better today/Tuesday? My body is sooo sore from all the stairs. I didn’t manage to go out for any daily walks in the last couple days, I guess I’ve just been riding out the pain and trying to take it easy and catch up on resting. This week I really want to start doing more yoga at home. I got a new yoga mat recently and I’m really excited to return to my practice even if it means I have to move a bunch of stuff just to create enough floor space to put my mat down. My body needs to stretch, my body needs gentle movement. I felt like I was going to faint in the shower today and my body was shaking so badly, another side effect of the broken elevator is not wanting go to buy groceries or stock up on anything because nobody will likely help me carry my groceries up the stairs. I didn’t end up doing any baking last week/weekend, but I’m hoping to make purple sweet potato brownies this week?? I feel like I have so many goals and so much ambition this year, but life is really challenging me and it’s hard to stay on track and keep momentum building.
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allmightluver · 3 years
**bnha spoilers** I'm just sat here with renewed realisation of what All Might is going through. 40 years. /40 years/ he held and refined that power and dedicated his every waking (and sleeping if Vigilantes is anything to go by) moment towards the goal of defeating AfO and creating a society in which people could feel happy and safe. And now as it turns out AfO is still alive, society is broken and he has given a literal piece of his soul to this young boy leaving himself with only phantoms
Yes. I don’t think people quite grasp what all he’s going through.
It’s been shown recently to us that some, if not most, heroes have underlying ambitions in becoming a hero. Whether for money, glory, fame, popularity, doesn’t matter. They’re ultimately in it for themselves. Toshinori’s intentions from the beginning have been the most pure- he wanted to be a symbol that people can look to and know things will be ok. A symbol of hope. This boy was only around 14 years old when he decided this. What kind of 14 year old sees the world that clearly? Sees that people have no hope, that a veil of darkness covers them. The only thing I can think of is- Toshinori did not have a good childhood. Something had to have happened to a boy that young to stop seeing the joy in life so early, and see the world’s flaws. Truthfully, I believe he was an outcast- due to his quirklessness. Most likely an orphan, perhaps abandoned by his parents, as we’ve never seen him have any family. I do truly believe Toshinori has been alone all his life. I don’t doubt more could have happened to him as a child before he met Nana. 
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Some may argue that Izuku is the same age, and therefore it shouldn’t be that hard to see why Toshinori wanted to be a hero at such a young age. BUT, Izuku had someone to look up to, ever since he was a child of four years old, to inspire him to be a hero his whole life *cough cough* All Might. Izuku also was quirkless, much like Toshinori, and an outcast because of it (hence where I assume Toshinori was much the same). But ultimately, Izuku wanted to save people because he saw his hero do it. It really wasn’t until Izuku was a bit older, has been in UA, has been on rescue missions, has seen what the heroes see, that I think he’s truly realized how dark the world really is. Toshinori didn’t have that. He didn’t have someone to inspire him as a child, someone to look up to, a hero to inspire him to help others. At that time, heroes hadn’t become as popular as they are in present times. Toshinori saw the world for what it was, on his own, at a tender age. I think that day Nana ran into this blonde hair kid, she eyed him up, noticed his scraggly form, looked into those captivating blue eyes, and saw a man who’s lived through the world’s horrors- experienced the worst it has to offer-, and wants to save everyone he can from the same fate, all in a 14 year old boy. 
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Then after only a few short years with the woman he saw as his mother, she’s killed in front of him because of his own weakness- he wasn’t strong enough yet to protect her. The only other person his life, Gran Torino, literally abused him. He beat him to a pulp, taking his own emotions out on a teenager, and I doubt Toshinori said anything of it. He probably thought he deserved it. He’s still afraid of Gran Torino to this day, remembering the beatings and expecting more for his failures- even if he doesn’t know what they are surely he’s at fault for something, but he’s the only person who’s stood by his side for this long. Even while at a distance, and spouting nothing but criticisms along the way. But Toshinori had to put aside his own emotions to be that hope for everyone. He left everything he knew to go to a new country on his own, to learn how to be a hero, to be that hope for someone.
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Vigilantes showed us just how hard he worked. Toshinori literally stayed awake with no sleep for days on end- 3 in the chapter I’m referencing- because people needed help, people needed saving, and no one else stepped up. He fought villains, rescued civilians, repaired damage, cleared rubble, (even accept and eat food that was against his dietary restrictions after his injury) whatever the public needed, all while draining himself further. He worked himself to the point of exhaustion because he had no help, once literally falling asleep while mid-leap across the city because he simply could go no further. 
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^^These happen in succession of each other^^
No one stepped up to say “Hey, Mr. Number 1, you’ve been working hard lately. Let me help you!” No one tried to take over his position. Even the Number 2 hero, Endeavor, never tried to take some of his burden. His only goal was to try to be better than All Might in terms of power- he was never trying to be the hero that the people relied on All Might for. Everyone relied on him when things looked grim. He was the back up plan. And all of this happened before Toshinori’s injury. 
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The only thing he ever wanted to do- help people- he can’t do (at least the way he’s always known how to). The ability to save people has been taken from him in the most gruesome way. He was finally able to fight the man that killed Nana, and in a rage that I’m sure echoed with all of the emotions of the previous users, he smashed that man’s head like a grape. But not without consequence. Several organs are gone. The pain is excruciating. He wears that man’s mark on his body for the rest of his life, never truly able to rid himself of the filth.
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Then we have Nighteye’s betrayal. The man that helped him as a sidekick, the man that grew to be his only friend. Now some people may ask why Toshinori flipped like he did to Nighteye looking into his future when he was concerned about him making it through his injury. What I believe is Toshinori didn’t want to know when he would die (and really, who does). Now he knows he’s on a time limit, knows the clock is ticking. Time is running out to keep the world at peace, and with him as he is now, how long can this go on? 
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I think the betrayal, doing something that Toshinori specifically asked him not to do, is what hurt the most. How can he trust Nighteye anymore? He already can only count on one hand the people he can trust, let alone befriend.
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He’s wasted away into a skeleton, a shell of the man he used to be. He can’t over exert himself without his only lung bleeding in protest. It’s canon in the side books that he really doesn’t eat much, which isn’t good for his diet without a stomach now (he’s supposed to have several small meals a day). He is quite literally punishing himself by starving. (Granted, he doesn’t feel hunger anymore.) He’s a sick man, beyond medical help at this point. They can only stabilize him and hope for the best. For five years now he’s in constant pain, every day. He loses blood like sweat. Surely his veins are bruised and collapsed with how many times he would have needed to be hospitalized. Whether from losing too much blood, being too dehydrated or starved from “forgetting” to eat, or an organ failing as body continues to fall apart. “...even as my body rots and grows frail...” - Toshinori People are bound to stare at him as he walks down the street. A tall, willowy, skeleton with a grimace on his face and blood stains on his clothes as he coughs up more into his own hands. There would be the ones who outright ignore him when they walk by, the people who offer pitying smiles and sympathetic glances or just outright stare, and then ones who are afraid of his appearance- children screaming at the mere sight of him and running to their parents to hide from the monster. Each one is another knife in Toshinori’s side, an ache in his chest. If only they knew who I really am.
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Losing Nighteye took a toll on his hero work as well. Mirai was a huge help in the past, and took care of all Toshinori’s paperwork, while also reminding him to take care of himself. Without him, Toshinori was even more buried beneath his responsibilities. Plus, now he was on a time limit. He even snapped briefly in his first meeting with Tsukauchi, accidentally revealing himself as All Might because he was under too much pressure, and telling the detective he literally couldn’t handle doing everything by himself (who graciously took over the paperwork side of things for him). 
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He was living a double life now, having to lie to people left and right about who he was while in his small form, about how he became so sickly, why he was here in the first place who the heck is this skinny old guy. Surely he had multiple visits to the doctor while continuing to repair the damage done by AFO (there’s a limit to how much the body can handle at once. And things I’m sure continued to fail as time went on). Then he would be bedridden for as long as the doctors could keep him strapped to a bed, until he couldn’t take the people’s cries for help any longer, and would jump into action. (It’s also revealed he has something of a super hearing- able to hear danger- which may have been a form of danger sense of OFA that was never fully unlocked?. Either way, he surly could sense disasters happening while he could only lay and heal from his latest surgery. Those poor doctors must have had to re-stitch him several times). People blame him for not preparing society for his retirement, that he failed in passing on the torch so to speak, but in reality he did everything possible to keep society from falling for 40 years, doing all within his power just to keep things afloat. He is only one person. One human being, he can’t do everything despite trying to. Society failed All Might.
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People blame him for not being a good teacher. He didn’t exactly have the greatest teacher himself to learn from. He’s never had to teach anyone anything, he just punches! He’s learning. And for his own credit, he’s an incredibly wise man, he has years of experience under his belt, and an intelligence score of 6/6, scoring up there with Nezu! He may not always have the right way to bring something up, but he’s doing his best. Yet even he blames himself for Izuku not being able to control his quirk better. Every time the boy hurts himself, it’s just another tally on the chalkboard of Toshinori’s failures. He himself knows the boy deserves better, better than him. Useless. Pathetic.
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Then his friend from America, Dave, essentially became a villain trying to preserve Toshinori’s legacy after Toshinori told him about his injury. Dave went behind his back, threatened people, injured people (pretty sure people died), all for Toshinori’s sake. Something he didn’t want to begin with. Having to put your only other friend in jail for trying to help you surely couldn’t have been easy.
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Oh, by the way? All For One isn’t dead. All Might will fight him again, publicly, have his weakened form exposed to the world, and have his own emotions toyed with as he finds out about his master’s grandson in the villain’s hands. Would Nana hate him for leaving her son alone like she’d asked, and dooming her grandchild to be raised by the greatest villain? Could he have done anything to save him? But Toshinori isn’t allowed to feel, he has to smile and push his own feelings aside once again, because there’s a villain to be fought, and only he can fight him. Despite coming out on top, he’ll have suffered severe head trauma, broken left arm, destroyed right arm, and several cuts and bruises that are sure to scar. And then, his quirk, the only thing that’s been allowing him to help people, the gift given to him that he carefully held for 40 years and molded into his own until his very consciousness was permanently carved into it, blows out like a match in the wind. And he’s done. Used up. Empty. Broken. Hollow. Alone, again.
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He overhears his student, Bakugo, admit that he blames himself for All Might’s retirement. If he hadn’t been captured, All Might wouldn’t have had to save him, and he wouldn’t have had to fight AFO. Of course Toshinori knows that’s not true, his time was about to run out anyway. It would have happened one way or another. But how can he explain to this child that he wasn’t the cause of his hero, the world’s greatest hero, fighting for his sake, bleeding for his sake, being forced into retirement to keep him safe. Every time Bakugo sees the bandages covering Toshinori’s body is another reminder of the pain and sacrifice Toshinori willingly gave to keep him safe. Toshinori wasn’t held when his mentor died. He wasn’t told it was ok to be sad, that grief and mourning was a natural process, that it takes time to heal. He wasn’t told it was ok to cry. Instead his feelings were beaten out of him as he wondered if Gran Torino blamed him for Nana’s death. He already blamed himself How then, does he comfort a child mourning for him? For what he lost.
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And then he gets the call to come to the hospital. Mirai, Nighteye, his old sidekick friend, has been gravely injured, much like he himself was only a few years ago, and most likely won’t survive the night. And to his horror, Nighteye is happy to see him, smiles at him, says he doesn’t hate him for what happened, only wants Toshinori to be happy. He can’t accept that, at least let him apologize, reconcile his sins before it’s too late! But it is. Another fractured piece of his heart gone.
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Of course, seeing your students beat up and their arms completely destroyed must have hurt. Instead of being able to save these kids, they’re the ones that hurt themselves to save everyone else. And if Bakugo had kept OFA, things could have been very different (especially with what we know now of OFA and people with quirks). Toshinori wasn’t mad at Izuku for transferring it away, he’d never regret choosing Izuku, and I believe he still would have stayed by Izuku and Bakugo’s side should it have stayed in Bakugo, doing whatever he could to help.
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As he tells Aizawa, “I’ve decided to live,” -that statement seems so melancholy, besides obvious reasons. It sounds more like another task he has to accomplish. He didn’t die he was supposed to die with the AFO fight, and now the whole life he lived is over. The world has no use for him anymore. If not for Izuku, he’d have nothing left keeping him here. But because his boy made him promise to live, he’ll do so. Though it almost seems like he says those words with regret. “I’ve decided to live.” Not, “I’m going to live!” “Nothing can kill me!” “I won’t go down without a fight!” No. “I’ll live if I have to, only because you asked me to.” The man is obviously and outwardly depressed. He has so many things against him. No doubt has severe PTSD, anxiety, among others. Not to mention his own physical health. Every day hurts. It’s painful to be alive. Why would he torture himself if he doesn’t have to? For you, my boy. You’re the only thing keeping me here. The only light in my dark world.
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He tries to help Izuku find out the previous holder’s quirks, to help his boy in any way he can now that he’s worthless, and goes days on end without sleep, running his body into the ground. He even forgets Christmas. Only to find that by giving the boy the same gift he had received, he may have just doomed him to an early death, among psychological torture (danger detection). (Granted, he really doesn’t know how everything works, and he’s afraid to talk to anyone about it). His boy could live only half a life.
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It’s only been a few months since he retired, and society has fallen into shambles. People are blaming him. People are dying. He watches helplessly as his colleague fight his fight for him, and end up battered, bruised, crippled, dead. He students, his boy, battle the monster he should have killed. Children are bleeding. This shouldn’t happen. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Is everything he worked for, everything he fought to protect, to build up, to inspire, is all for naught?! Did he live a foolish dream and doom the world? Was all the the friends he lost, tears he shed, the organs he destroyed, the pain he endures on a daily basis from the hole in his side, and the blood he continues to bleed every day, for nothing? The public, the ones he protected for so long, mourn his absence, but surely there are those among them who also blame him. The statue from his last fight in Kamino one that he never asked for was decimated in a mock of his catch phrase- the one that was supposed to give hope.
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Now he can feel his own vestige speaking with Izuku in the OFA realm, even with out OFA in his own body anymore. His clock as nearly reached it’s limit, Nighteye’s prediction is due any day now. The only thing he wants is to see his boy smile at him, to give him some shred of hope. Yet the child remains unconscious, and Toshinori can’t even hold his hand from the bandages covering his arms. Will he still be able to fight? Is there any coming back from this now? Did I break him?
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With all Toshinori has been through, I’m honestly surprised we haven’t seen him just outright break down. Anyone, anyone, else should have crumbled under the pressure of holding up the world for 40 years alone. And instead of being able to pass it on to someone when he can no longer bear its weight, it simply falls to into the abyss. People don’t credit All Might enough for everything he’s done. Most don’t realize the sacrifices he’s made. His character is so unbelievably profound and deep, it’s more than just the “I am here!” people focus on. He’s a deeply troubled, layered, complex character. And I can’t find fault within him.
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iloveicedcoffees · 3 years
SMUT | Snape x reader|
The chatters and smell of dinner lingered in the air as you sat peacefully with Severus who was trying to hold back his jealousy by gritting his teeth, his hand was gripping the fork tightly that his knuckles turned snow white. You were talking to Lockhart who seemed to be enjoying your oblivious behaviour to his advances.
He was flirting with you and it takes everything for Severus not to take you here, right now in the middle of Great Hall where everyone could literally watch both of you fuck each other. The possessiveness inside him was trying to surface on his face, the rage was visible in his eyes but you were too busy entertaining Lockhart to take notice.
As the dinner ended, Severus did not even look at you once, nor did he utter a word. You were planning on spending a night with him in a tub filled with rose petals and a glass of wine but your hopes went down to the drain as he left you alone on your own. There was no hope left, not even a thin sheet of hope that was lying in your heart seemed to be gone with the wind.
As you walked your way down to the dungeons, you were certain to ask Severus about his problems that he seemed to be keeping to himself, you were furious but his actions seemed to stand up in your mind like a sore thumb.
As you opened the door to his classroom, you were harshly slammed against it that it caused a yell to escaped your lips, your mouth hung open as you stared at Severus with fear in your eyes. He was angry, furious and jealous.
You managed to croak as he stared at you with the same amount of hunger and lust in his eyes, his eyes travelled to your slightly parted lips before he roughly pressed his lips against yours, catching you off guard.
His kisses were rough as if he wanted to make your lips bleed with how harsh he was kissing you. He pressed his knees on your clothed cunt, making you gasped from the pleasure, leaving your mouth wide open and it was enough for his tongue to have an access to your mouth.
You did not dare fight for dominance like you usually do. His mouth sucked your tongue like a hungry toddler would do, eliciting a moan from you and you could not help but snake your arms around his neck, pulling him more closely.
"Do you like flirting with that fraud?"
He whispered between open mouth kisses, his lips travelled down to your neck, sucking and biting it as he shamelessly left purple marks on your skin. You could not register every word he said, and the silence that you gave Severus made him only more furious.
"I intend not to repeat myself, Y/N."
He said as he swiftly turned you around, your palms were against the wooden door. You still don't know what he was talking about and you don't really want to push him to his edge so you answered a small 'no,' to him.
He asked as he tugged your skirt down, leaving you on your knickers and your knickers soon vanished too, leaving you bare, except for the turtle neck that you were wearing. A harsh slap was met by your ass cheeks, making you jolt in pain.
"Severus, are you jealous?"
You asked as you remembered the last person you talked to. Severus only give you a spank, causing another yelp to escape your mouth. The feeling was excruciating, yet it turned you on like a fire blazing in the dark.
"What if I'm jealous, what are you going to do about it?"
He asked, he bit your earlobe, causing a moan to escape your lips from the feeling of his hot breath and lips on it.
"You know that I am all yours,"
You managed to say, your cheeks were pressed on the door. Severus only chuckled at your pathetic state.
"But it doesn't mean I will not fuck you hard tonight."
He rasped, he roughly removed your top and kneaded your breast from behind, his hands were large, cold and rough against your skin but the mixture of it was pleasurable and you could only wish for Severus to be rougher on you in bed.
He turned you around again just to attack your hardened nipples, his mouth was hot, making you melt more upon the incandescent glow he gave your body. His other hand massaged your other breast, giving your body more stimulation.
"Fucking hell,"
You moaned between heavy breaths the moment Severus bit your nipples, your eyelids were blown with lust and his eyes were darker than ever. He kissed you again, and this time, you wrapped your legs around his waist, making his hardened erection pressed on your unclothed sex.
Severus let out a deep guttural groan, as you unwrapped your legs from his waist only to palm him beneath his trousers.
"He will never get to see you like this, only me."
He said as he got down on his knees, facing your glistening cunt with your sweet arousal dripping from it. Your eyes rolled in the back of your skull as Severus became passionate with your pussy.
"You're going to take my tongue like a good girl and I don't care if your legs give up."
He said, his voice was enough to send you to the brink of your orgasm. Severus sucked your clit and the satisfaction he got was remarkable the moment a broken moan escaped your lips. Your mouth hung open, your fingers tangled themselves in his dark hair, pressing his face more on your cunt.
He poked his tongue on your entrance before replacing it with his two large fingers, making you buck your hips in pure pleasure. He was scissoring his two fingers inside you before curling them inside, hitting your G-spot that made your legs quiver from the unexplainable feelings.
"Severus, Severus,"
You chanted his name like you were worshipping him. Severus liked it and it only gave him a reason not to be jealous of Lockhart. He added another finger inside you, stretching you more and you were now close to your orgasm. His nose was nuzzled into your clit, inhaling your feminine scent.
"He can't even see you in this state."
He murmured, sending vibrations on your body, your mind was too clouded with lust that you can't even form a word inside your mind as if your vocabulary was betraying you, your walls clenched around his fingers, indicating that you were close and Severus did not waste any time as he fastened his pace, drawing you more close to your orgasm. Tears brimmed in the corner of your eyes and his name echoed around the room as you screamed it when you came, covering his fingers with your juices.
Your sweet release had had you quivering, your breathing became ragged and Severus turned you around again as he unbuckled his belt. The metallic clink on the floor made you aware that the potions master was now naked with you. Without an ounce of warning, he slid his shaft inside your hole, making a curse left your mouth from the way he stretched you out.
Severus closed his eyes as the warmth of your walls welcomed his throbbing cock, he let your walls adjust from his size before snapping his hips, making your back arched from the perpetual bliss he was giving you.
His hands were gripping your hips painfully, as he mercilessly pounded you with all his might, all of his pent up frustration, jealousy and anger vanished the moment he had you crumbling under his touch. Your moans grew louder and that was music to his ears. You tried keeping yourself standing but the ultimate pleasure that was once again building inside was making you fail each time you tried.
"Who do you belong to?"
He asked,  he continued snapping his hips, your nipples were brushing against the door of his classroom.
"To you Sev. Oh my God."
Severus massaged your breast, his fingers pinching your nipples while his thrust became more erratic, his tip was hitting your cervix, sending a mixture of pain and pleasure in your body. It was good, the feeling was addicting as if he had poisoned your veins. His cock was buried to the hilt.
"Severus, I'm close."
You mewled out, Severus only bit your shoulders painfully that his teeth drew blood from it. He licked it as if he was a vampire who hasn't had blood for weeks, and it only turned you on more. The whole feeling was new, it was something you wanted to happen again, him biting your shoulders until you bleed and beg for him to stop.
"Cum, cum all over my cock like a good whore you are."
He whispered, his thumb circled your bundle of nerves, making you cry out, your walls painfully clenched around his cock, also drawing him close to his orgasm and before the two of you could know it, you were squirting all over his cock.
The intense orgasm made your legs gave out but Severus was there to catch you as he did not stop pounding into you, and not for long, he came shooting his load inside, each spurt of his cum, a groan would escape his lips.
But Severus did not stop, he continued thrusting his cock inside you, the overstimulation was making your brain hazy, you tried standing but failed and that's when Severus decided to bend you over his desk.
Your ass was in the air, his hand gripped your hair painfully tight, making you bend more over on his desk. Sweat was starting to cascade down to your forehead.
"You're a slut for my cock, aren't you Y/N?"
He asked as he pulled your hair, your cheeks were roughly pressed against the wooden surface of his desk. You tried answering but you were too weak to do so.
"Answer me, slut." He said, his movements slowed down, making you moan from disapproval.
"Yes, Severus I'm your slut, your whore and your fucktoy."
You almost screamed as the building orgasm was starting to vanish, your words made a smirk crept on his face and he continued rocking his hips back and forth, drawing you now close to your orgasm.
And for the second time tonight, your walls clenched around his cock, drawing out a grunt from his lips. You were too tired and used to even open your mouth and without any warning, you came all over his cock and Severus followed not for long.
He watched as the mixture of your cum dripped down to your thighs before he brought his finger to your cunt again, not letting any of his cum to come out as he was certain that you belong to him and him only.
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aching-tummies · 3 years
If I was your partner...I'd want to catch you after a long, long day of misfortune forced you to go without breakfast, or lunch, and you've missed your usual dinnertime by at least a couple hours. You finally get home with your empty belly rumbling VERY audibly; pressing your arm against your tummy as you close the door behind you does nothing to silence the furious growls. You'd collapse on the couch next to me and quickly start trying to soothe your starving tummy with rubs, softly whimpering as your belly clenches tighter and tighter...so I'd pull in you up to sit on my lap and rest my hands on yours. I'd love to just feel the intense churning grumbles and powerful starved roars against our hands, as well as hear them, before even considering feeding you~
After a while, I'd start teasing you about how hungry you'd have to be by then, occasionally squeezing and poking your whining tummy to draw out harsher rumbles and make you moan and plead for me to make something to eat, or at least some kind of snack, but for a while I would just play with your empty belly, kneading in circles to make it more active...make it clench and twist harder. I'd see just how long you could last before I finally get up and make something for you...and even then once you started eating I would keep rubbing and "massaging" your guts, causing the cacophony to grow even louder and more insistent; begging for more despite how quickly you'd be stuffing your face.
"...You finally get home with your empty belly rumbling VERY audibly; pressing your arm against your tummy as you close the door behind you does nothing to silence the furious growls..."
I step into our home quietly, trying not to make too much noise and disturb anything. Also, I'm kind of embarrassed about my tummy. Skipping one meal, maybe two...yeah, must've been busy...but all three mealtimes? Only an idiot would let themselves get this hungry. Though...to be honest...after lunchtime came and went I kind of saw this as something I wanted. The gnawing ache started to tickle my kinky side just a little. I wanted this. I wanted to see how long I could endure...to see how long I could let myself enjoy the active squirming and clenching of my guts.
Trying to focus on work was next to impossible as I my attention was constantly tugged toward the state of my hollow guts with each and every cramp and growl. I nearly caved on the way home. The bus stop is next to a burger joint and I could smell the heavenly scent of salt and grease in the air...but the bus was just pulling into my stop as I neared and I didn't want to wait however long for the next one...so home without food it was. The ride back was excruciating. The scents from the burger joint had stimulated my appetite and my tummy was snarling and growling throughout the whole ride. The cramps were cranked up to eleven with the newly awoken appetite and it hurt a lot. Thank heavens the other passengers all had their headphones in. I set my bag on my lap and was squeezing my empty tummy the whole way, trying to calm it out of fear that it would embarrass me in public. I couldn't help but let out a few soft moans because it hurt so much.
I'm kind of apprehensive about letting you in on the state of my starving tummy. Like a dog with a toy or something, a part of me wants to keep this gnawing feeling to myself to enjoy. An audible growl triggered by my arm pressing into my stomach as I bend over to set my bag down foils that though. There's no way you didn't hear that.
I'm in the hallway that has our front door on one end and the couch you're perched on at the other--literally two sides of an echo chamber. You'd have to be completely deaf not to hear that grumble and we both know you're keenly attuned to even the subtlest noises from my tummy. Also, you were expecting my starving state. You knew I skipped out on breakfast because my alarm failed to wake me in time to catch breakfast and my bus to work. I texted you after having missed lunch by a matter of hours, sharing a bit about the state of my neglected innards...and you had promised to have dinner waiting whenever I managed to come home.
"...You'd collapse on the couch next to me and quickly start trying to soothe your starving tummy with rubs, softly whimpering as your belly clenches tighter and tighter..."
"Babe? Y-you said in the text that you'd have dinner ready...ouch...w-when are we e-eating? Ugh…ow…m-my tummy really hurts…’m so hungry…"
"...so I'd pull in you up to sit on my lap and rest my hands on yours. I'd love to just feel the intense churning grumbles and powerful starved roars against our hands..."
"Y-you w-wanna--you wanna get into *that*? Now? Ugh...fine...b-but I really need to eat some time tonight. My tummy *really* hurts; I'm not going to be able to sleep like this. Babe? Are you listening to me?"
Clearly, you're not. You are completely transfixed on my tummy. Your hands have taken over on my stomach, somehow having pushed mine aside to lay directly over my achingly empty tummy. Your palms press into my midriff, jostling my digestive organs and stimulating my appetite just as the fast-food joint had done. I didn't think it was possible, but what you've done actually hurts more than the smell of food did at the bus stop. It was a gradual clenching and the growls sort of built up slowly and naturally on the bus. Under your undulating ministrations the cramps are forced into a head faster than they'd form on their own. Premature growls and grumbles are being squeezed into resounding throughout my hollow innards. Your palms create a cacophony of growls all over my guts--interrupting each other, flowing and crashing into each other. Dear gosh it hurts. My guts feel like they are liquifying. It feels like my gastric acids have burned through every which way in the hunt for sustenance and your palms are causing the burning mess to spread. Clearly, you’re an agent of hunger and want it to succeed in devouring my innards.
"Aaahh...OUCH! N-Not there...ugh...ow...t-that hurts...d-don't p-oke...ow...i-it's really t-tight there...y-yeah...i-it's cramping there...n-NO! D-don't squeeze it! Please...it...HURTS!"
My protests fall on deaf ears--what a time for you to choose to be selectively deaf, acutely aware of every noise from my guts but your brain not really caring to register a word out of my mouth. It's fine. We have safe-words. One word and all of this stops and you'll bring out the dinner you're hiding from me.
"Ugh...fine. We can play for a little while--but I'm watching the 11'o clock news. There was an incident on the transit lines and I want to know what it was that caused me to hug my grumbling tummy for an extra forty minutes on the way home as the bus took a HUGE detour."
"...After a while, I'd start teasing you about how hungry you'd have to be by then, occasionally squeezing and poking your whining tummy to draw out harsher rumbles and make you moan..."
"Shh...babe, I'm try'na watch the news—Yeah, I know I’m hungry. You know it. I know it. Shut up. It's ON!"
Your fingers push into a hunger pang reaching its climax and I swear its retaliation for shushing you as rudely as I am. I can’t help it. I’m irritable. The hunger pangs are intensifying. I like my news. I like to be informed and I have a personal stake in the news story on right now. It’s hard to focus when my tummy is straining in a cramp and it’s impossible to hear the guy on the T.V. when your “massage” is causing the growls to grow in intensity, duration, and volume. Of course you have the remote too.
"Ugh...really, babe? Now? Welp, that was the story I wanted to listen to."
I’d love to stay upset at you, but my stomach lets out a long, impassioned groan and my throat soon joins it as I moan around a building cramp, curling over your hand pressed into my belly. I forget my foiled news as my entire world shrinks to the sensation reverberating in my abdomen. Hollow is an understatement. I feel like a large hole has opened inside of me and everything is being pulled into it. You grin and press your hand deeper, intensifying the hunger pang.
"...I would just play with your empty belly, kneading in circles to make it more active...make it clench and twist harder. I'd see just how long you could last..."
In my head I’m thinking that I want to draw the line at midnight or something. I want to go to bed at a reasonable hour—after all, I’ve still got a full shift tomorrow too. I can’t seem to focus on the thought long enough to voice it though. You mentioned something about wanting to see how long I can stick this out for. I haven’t eaten in more than twenty-four hours. You know that. I’d love to shove that fact in your face but the way you say it in that teasing, seductive way of yours makes me see this as a challenge. On top of it all, it’s been a stressful week. We haven’t seen much of each other and both of us are starved for tummy-kink because we haven’t had a chance to indulge in far too long.
“Ergh…b-babe…y-you’re making it worse. I-It hurts.”
You know exactly what you’re doing and you revel in it as I squirm in your lap, trying to force your hand to leave some of the more tender areas of my stomach alone. We’ve done this enough times for you to know which areas of my digestive system are especially sensitive in whatever state I am in. You know exactly where to put your hands and where to push and squeeze to over-stimulate my stomach. You know exactly what buttons to push to get me to the peak of the hunger pangs and to prolong that moment and freeze my tummy in the most painful part of it all…before letting it go and causing a very audible grumble.
The rumbles from my stomach aren’t just audible, but totally palpable too. With the frequency of the growls you’ve managed to inflict I honestly feel like I swallowed a vibrator or something and it is now going to town in my guts. You feel every vibration and every cramp under your palm.
“…I finally get up and make something for you...and even then once you started eating I would keep rubbing and "massaging" your guts, causing the cacophony to grow even louder and more insistent; begging for more despite how quickly you'd be stuffing your face.”
We’ve done this long enough for you to know what I am thinking. You know I have a full shift tomorrow and you know I’m exhausted. As much as we’d both love to continue our fun, it’s so late that it is early now and if I don’t get to bed in an hour or two I’m going to be tackling a full shift with next to no sleep.
We eat on the couch with me sitting between your legs. We’re lounging across the couch so I’m actually reclined against your front. Your hands are still on my tummy as I eat. Occasionally, you grip my hand that holds the utensil and bring it to my lips, impatient that I’m taking so long to eat. I’m worried about a couple of things: too much and too fast.
I was starving, so I basically inhaled the first half of my plate. I slowed down for the second because my stomach was flipping at the sudden influx of food. There’s a dull ache in my stomach that’s the telltale sign of a bad night of indigestion for me. You only started this utensil-pushing when I started in on the second half at a noticeably slower pace than the first.
My stomach is still audible, but for a very different reason. I’m not full (yet), but if I manage to finish the whole plate I will be. I wonder if my stomach capacity shrank after more than twenty-four hours without food. My tummy feels really packed now and there is still food on the plate.
“Ugh…babe…slow down. M-my tummy’s starting to hurt…y-yeah…i-it was hurting before too…b-but now…ugh…I-I don’t want to get sick. I don’t want to have an upset tummy…I-I just…I just want to sleep tonight…”
Your “massage” churns up my stomach contents. It both upsets things and soothes at the same time. It’s an odd feeling. I feel like a laundry machine or something with how active your hands have made my guts. I can feel everything swirling around inside me and it’s slightly nauseating.
Eventually, we head to bed, me lugging my almost-stuffed tummy as though I’m hoisting a bowling ball. I let out a sharp belch as I flop onto the bed, the movement jostling my guts enough to make me moan. There’s too much pressure in my tummy. I lie back and rub at it with lethargic movements. You’re not here, likely getting ready for bed.
I feel the bed dip announcing your arrival. The movement disrupts the swirling churning in my guts and I let out a moan around a wet belch as my stomach burbles in warning.
“G’night.” You call out, intending on going straight to sleep. My hand snaps out and I grip your wrist, startling you. There’s silence as I gasp around a pocket of gas that seems to be struggling to pick an end of my esophagus. As it passes, I glare at you. My burbling stomach is the only noise in the otherwise quiet bedroom.
“Oh no—you’re not getting of that easy.” I gesture to my slightly distended stomach. “I can’t sleep like this. It. Hurts. You caused this. You’re going to fix it. I’m exhausted. I went from achingly empty to basically nauseatingly stuffed thanks to you. I’m going to sleep and I do not want to wake up to an upset tummy tomorrow morning—so *you’re* going to stay up and fix this.” I bring your hand to my grumbling belly.
You grin. So many possibilities. You could refuse and let me suffer all night. You could have some more fun with my stomach at the other extreme and keep us both up. You could do as I ask, but where’s the fun in that? Maybe I’ll end up sleeping through my alarm again…or you’ll just go ahead and shut it off/alter it so that we can repeat all of this again tomorrow…’cuz damn if that wasn’t fun.
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alwaysmarveling · 3 years
The Incident, The Aftermath
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Warnings: Amputation, an explosion, hints at PTSD (it’s a wee bit sad but I promise it gets happier)
Word Count: ~3k
A/N: So I finally got the guts to post something... If you like it, thank Camz :) If you don’t, sorry mi dude, I’m working on it (but constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!).
You’d slipped into the tank top and shorts easily enough, and here you were standing in front of your dresser. One look at the unruly mop atop your head caused you to let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. You carefully ran the brush through your hair, allowing the knots to loosen up one by one.
You’d been leaving your hair down every day since The Incident, but that was two weeks ago. Assuming everything healed properly, Tony and Bruce were going to fit you for a prosthetic in a week, but until then you had to work with what you had… which was one less arm than you were used to having your entire life.
The universe wasn’t being very thoughtful of your adjustment—it was supposed to get up to ninety-five degrees today—so maybe today would be the day to try putting it up. You had seen some people do it on YouTube, and it didn’t seem that difficult. Plus, if you had enough dexterity to wield a knife with one hand and still leave your opponent in pieces, you should be able to put up your hair with one hand easy peasy.
You stared at your reflection in the mirror, unsure of what to really do with it. You didn’t see a braid working. You could pin some of it to the side so that it wouldn’t fall in your face, but with the heat, you wanted it completely up. A messy bun could work, though; it was simple, got the hair off of your neck, and it was meant to be a bit untidy. Perfect. With the style in mind, you pushed an elastic around your wrist and set off to work.
Twisting your hair was easy enough. Looping it around to actually form a bun was slightly more difficult, but you managed. When it came time to actually loop the elastic around the bun, though, things got more complicated.
You copied the video, pressing your head against the wall to hold your hair in place while you secured the elastic. However, looping the elastic around the bun without significantly shifting your hair was proving to be extremely difficult. Nevertheless, you managed to do it. The mirror then filled with your reflection as you examined your handiwork.
Handiwork was one word for it. Simply put, it looked like a toddler had done your hair. You weren’t sure how exactly you had messed up since you couldn’t really see behind your head, but you could see the result, and it wasn’t pretty. You let out a puff of air, pulling the elastic out and reaching for your brush. One glance at the clock told you you had enough time for two or three more attempts before you had to call it a day.
Five tries later, you were no better off than you were before. Sure, the bun was supposed to be messy, but there was a certain art to a messy bun. This just looked like a giant cat spit a hairball on top of your head. On top of that, you were now running late to meet Wanda for grocery shopping.
“Miss Y/N,” FRIDAY started.
“Tell her I’ll be down in five,” you sighed, your eyes brimming with tears. You supposed one more day of leaving your hair down wouldn’t kill you even if it was going to be hot, but you just wanted to be able to take care of yourself. You hated seeing the looks of sympathy your teammates gave you every time you had to ask for help for the simplest things, whether it be grabbing a plate at the bottom of the stack or setting up equipment for training.
Sure, things were getting a little easier, like dressing yourself without help. You could deal with the phantom pain. It was excruciating, but pain was one part of the job that you were used to. You had also managed to hide your frustration from the team pretty well since The Incident, but you weren’t sure if that made it any better; half of them seemed like they were walking on eggshells when they were around you.
When it came to the nightmares, though, that was much harder to hide, especially considering you shared a bed with one of the lightest sleepers in the world. You hated waking her up every night, your body soaked in sweat and chest heaving as you forced yourself to remember that it was all over, forced your mind to believe that you were safe even when your body didn’t.
Before you could really understand what was happening, your emotions from the last few weeks bubbled over. Anger, frustration, anguish, and countless others flew to the surface, demanding to be released. Your fingers dug into your hair, yanking on the elastic—along with several strands of hair—until they flew out, hitting the floor somewhere you didn’t care to find. The hairbrush was next, being snatched from the top of the dresser and chucked at the door as hard as you could manage.
“What the- Y/N? Are you okay, babe?”
The thwack of the brush hitting the door caused you to flinch even though you were the one who caused it. Not processing your girlfriend’s muffled words at first, your eyes widened as you stepped back, and for a split second you were transported back to The Incident.
You grabbed the last civilian who had fallen behind the others, practically tossing them out of the building before it could explode.
“Y/N! Get out of-” Before Steve could finish his sentence, the building burst into flame, and the blast sent you flying in the air.
When you came to, the only thing you could focus on was the excruciating pain radiating from your elbow. You couldn’t make out exactly what had happened to it, but, wow, to say it hurt was an understatement.
It was several minutes later before the ringing cleared from your ears and you finally realized someone was talking to you.
“Y/N! Y/N, love, please, where are you?” The familiar voice drove you to use the little energy you had left, lifting your head off of the pavement to scan your surroundings. The dust and debris from the explosion made it difficult to see, but you could just make out her shape a few feet away from you.
“Turn… around, you doofus… I’m… behind you,” you wheezed out before letting your head hit the ground.
“Y/N! Oh my god, I thought we-” The second the former assassin saw you, her mouth dropped.
“What is it, Natty?” you asked weakly.
“Nothing, sweetheart. Just give me a second, okay? I’m going to get the rest of the team so we can get you out of here.”
“Liar,” you wheezed, half-teasing, half-panicked, but your girlfriend had already turned around. Squinting your eyes, you could just make out the small movements of her lips that told you she was talking, but the chaos and your pain and exhaustion—and probably blood loss, but you didn’t know that at the time—was making it impossible to hear what she was saying.
“Okay, they’re coming,” she reassured you, kneeling down next to you.
“What happened?” you tried again.
“You’re a hero, babe,” the redhead murmured, smoothing back your hair and brushing dirt from your face.
“Yeah?” Your voice was growing weaker, and you were becoming loopier than someone who had just come out of wisdom teeth surgery. Natasha knew it was only moments until you passed out.
“Yeah, you did it, sweet girl. You saved them all.”
“I did? I seriously hope Helen is a superhero too because someone’s going to need to save my arm. God, it hurts.” Natasha only let out a huff at your poor attempt at a joke, but you appreciated it nonetheless.
“Just hold on a little longer for me, okay? Can you do that?” Something wet hit your cheek, making you realize that your girlfriend was crying.
“Of course,” you scoffed. “Don’t…” You left her hanging.
After what felt like years, you finally regained your breath and returned to the present. “I’m fine,” you yelled out, your voice wavering. You knew Natasha wouldn’t believe you. Not only was she your girlfriend, but she was literally one of the best spies in the world. Sure enough, she tried to open the door, her efforts in vain since you’d locked it when you were changing.
“Hon, can you please open the door?”
“I’m fine, Nat,” you breathed out, your tone slightly more stable.
“Just let me in,” she pleaded. “Please?” Her soft voice made you sigh in resignation as you wiped your eyes. You tugged your fingers through your hair, trying to tame the bird’s nest on your head at least a little before showing yourself to her.
“Hi,” you practically whispered, not making eye contact with her once you had opened the door.
“Hey,” she responded softly, taking your hand in one of hers and using her other hand to lift up your chin. Rather than saying anything else immediately, she pressed a soft kiss to the top of your forehead as her second hand slid down to completely wrap your one hand in both of hers. The two of you stood in the doorway for a while, eyes closed and hand in hand. You weren’t a super soldier, but you were sure you could hear both of your heartbeats, yours slowing down to beat in tandem with hers.
“You okay?” she finally asked. You nodded slightly, your breathing now back to normal and the tears no longer streaming down your face.
Natasha always had a way of calming you down. You didn’t get frustrated or angry often, but when you did… the rest of the Avengers always joked that you were seconds away from becoming the next Hulk.
The former assassin slowly reached up to untangle your locks, noticing how you flinched when she first reached your hairline.
“I’ve been thinking,” she started with the faintest hint of uncertainty, “It’s been a while since I did your hair, and I saw this new hairstyle online that I thought would look really good on you…”
“Thank you,” you sighed quietly as you leaned into her touch.
“My pleasure,” your girlfriend smirked, pushing you inside your shared bedroom and closing the door behind her. She guided you to sit on the floor as she sat on the edge of the bed behind you. Brush in hand, Nat started sectioning off your hair. A small smile graced her face when you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to fully enjoy the contact.
Now halfway down your head, she spoke up again. “You know I’ll always be here for you, right?
“Nat…” you warned, although you had nothing to say afterwards, and the redhead took advantage of that.
“I can only imagine how upset you feel about losing your arm-”
“Nat,” you interrupted, your voice slightly harder this time. Natasha sighed as she continued to braid your hair.
“I’m just trying to say that I’m here for you. I was here for you before, and I’m here for you now. The number of limbs that you have doesn’t affect that. It also doesn’t affect your worth. You’re not useless, Y/N. You never were, and you certainly aren’t now.” Despite your best efforts, tears began to trail down your face. Natasha pursed her lips at the sight but continued, knowing that if she stopped now she wouldn’t have another chance to say what she needed to. “You are-” Nat’s fingers froze when you mumbled out something unintelligible, the hand over your mouth preventing you from enunciating. “What was that?” You sighed before speaking again.
“It’s not the arm. It’s not just the arm,” you corrected.
“Then what is it?” She resumed braiding your hair, her voice matching the tenderness in her hands.
“It’s- it’s the- god, this is embarrassing.”
“You have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about, love. I’ll never judge you for anything you’re feeling,” the redhead promised, pausing once again to brush her lips above your brow bone.
“It’s the fear, Nat. I can’t go one second without thinking about the explosion. About… losing it. I’m scared 24/7, Nat, and even if I could forget about it for even a moment, I have a constant reminder.” Natasha didn’t have to see your face to know that your eyes had flickered to the remainder of your arm that hung by your side. “And, god,” you laughed bitterly, “god, does it make me feel weak. What kind of Avenger constantly lives in fear and panic? How am I ever supposed to help anyone like this?”
“Y/N.” She stopped braiding your hair for the third time, pulling on it slightly so that you were forced to meet her eyes above you. “You are the strongest person I know. I know you’re scared, but guess what? You went through something super traumatic. It’s okay to be scared. Honestly, I might be more concerned if you came out of that and you weren’t scared at all. All of us get scared, and that’s perfectly valid because being scared does not make you weak. Being scared means you value your life, and that’s a good thing.” She paused her speech to relax her grip on your hair, but your head remained tilted, captivated by the passion and emotion that filled your girlfriend’s face and voice.
“And the Avenger that lives in fear and panic is the same one that was ready to give up her life to save people. You helped people in the past not because you had two arms or because you weren’t scared of stuff. You helped them for the sole reason that you made a commitment to helping others, to making the world a better place, and that is the sole reason why you will still be able to help others.” Natasha’s whole body was trembling. The hands that held your hair were white at the fingertips as she clenched them. 
“I admire you more than anyone else in the world. You’re a hero, Y/N. Not ‘were,’ but ‘are.’ You’re the hero of every single person whose life you saved, and you’re my hero.”
“I didn’t-” Despite your interruption, the spy didn’t stop talking.
“You saved my life, Y/N, the second you walked into it. You give me a reason to live, to wake up every morning. And you’re my hero even more so now than before because you get up every day with a smile on your face, no matter what’s thrown at you.”
“Not much of a smile now,” you sniffed. Despite the tears that blurred your vision, you couldn’t stop the corner of your lips from curling up slightly. Nat laughed at the juxtaposition, finishing up the intricate braids woven in your hair before turning you around to face her.
“But look how quickly that changed,” she teased, pecking your lips after she wiped the tears from your face.
“Thank you,” you repeated for the second time in less than fifteen minutes.
“It was my pleasure. Plus, I was right, this hairstyle does look really good on you.” You bit your lip in embarrassment as you turned your gaze to the floor. “I’ll always do your hair for you, milaya.”
“I was actually thinking of shaving it off,” you smirked. As you examined your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help but agree with Natasha. You looked good, missing arm and all. A little teary-eyed and runny-nosed, but amazing nonetheless.
“Don’t you dare,” your girlfriend scoffed. “I know I said I wasn’t leaving, but I might at that,” she winked.
“Hey!” You tackled her to the ground. Reaching for her abdomen, her eyes widened as your grin grew larger.
“Y/N, don’t you dare-” You talked over her, not paying attention to her threat.
“I can still tickle you with one arm.” The spy didn’t get the chance to respond before you pounced, smiling at the sound of her laughter.
“Stop, Y/N, please!” she managed to get out.
“Are you going to leave me then? Huh?”
“No, no! I won’t! I’ll never leave you! Please, just stop!” You let up on the tickling, gently brushing away the hair that was thrown over her face seconds ago. “Great,” Nat groaned, “now I need to redo my hair.”
“Sorry,” you giggled sheepishly. Seeing the pout on her face, you bent down and met her lips with yours.
“I meant it, though.”
“That you need to fix your hair?” Natasha laughed at the way your head had adorably cocked to one side.
“No, silly, that you’re my hero. That you’re the strongest, most admirable person I know. That I’ll always be there for you, and that I’ll always do your hair for you, even when you don’t need me to do it for you any longer.”
“I love you.” You kissed her again. “And I will always love you.” Noticing a slight shift in her face, you paused, studying her expression. “Don’t you dare start singing that song.”
“Miss Y/N, Miss Maximoff is wondering if you are alright.”
“Shoot, I need to go grocery shopping with Wanda!” You scrambled to get off of the floor, smoothing out your clothes before looking for your shoes. “Uh, FRIDAY, tell her I’m so sorry and I’m coming down right now.”
“One more for the road?” Nat pouted just before you reached the door.
“Of course. Thank you again, for everything.” Your lips melted together for a second before you pulled away.
“Wanda, I’m here, I’m so, so sorry!” You half-ran, half-slid down the hallway to meet your best friend at the door.
“Hey,” Wanda turned to greet you. “What took you-” She paused upon making eye contact with you. “I like your hair,” she grinned.
“Thanks,” you smiled back, “Nat did it for me.”
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tulsa-trash · 3 years
Night of the Rumble
Tumblr media
WARNING(S): Swearing, mentions of violence.
Its been four hours, four excruciating hours you waited for him to call you. He attended a rumble tonight, and he promised he’d call you after to let you know he was okay. So far there has been no phone call and your anxiety was eating you alive.
A part of you wanted to go and watch just so you could know if he was okay; but then you knew you wouldn’t be able to watch him get hurt. Plus he wouldn’t let you go anyway, he didn't want you to get hurt. You laid in your bed and stared at your ceiling, there was no way you could sleep. You looked over at your alarm clock and sighed deeply when you realized it was now two-thirty in the morning.
Your mind was racing with thoughts. Is he okay? Where is he? Why hasn’t he called me yet? You were losing your mind and on on the edge of flipping out. You ran your hands over your face roughly and groaned in frustration, you couldn’t take it anymore. The suspense was killing you and you were so damn worried about him it hurt.
Your phone began to ring loudly, making you shoot up and answer it within a millisecond.
“Hello!?” Your voice rushed out into the receiver.
You heard a quiet groan before the voice spoke, “Hey, baby girl.”
Steve's voice was dry and hoarse, he sounded like he was in pain which made the fear you already felt rise within you. Thankfully he was at least alive and breathing.
“Oh my goodness, Steve. You scared the sh*t out of me! Are you okay?” You asked.
There was silence on his end for a moment, “I’m fine. Really you don’t have to worry about me, Y/N.”
“Steve you sound horrible, I know you’re not okay. What the hell happened at that damned rumble?”
He chuckled but then groaned once more, “Don’t worry, the other guys are in way worse condition than me.”
You rolled your eye’s but a ghost of a smirk found its way to your lips. He still managed to boast to you in this dire situation.
“Babe where are you? I really want to see you.” You said softly.
“B-Believe me you really don’t.” He stuttered.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, “What do you mean? Steve, I’ve been worried sick about you all night! I wanna see you!”
He went silent again, except this time for a while. The only thing you could  hear was him breathing and the faint sound of other voices in the background. He was definitely at the Curtis house.
You could hear him hum in response.
“Why don’t you want me to see you?” You asked, hurt evident in your tone.
He sighed, “Darlin', please don’t be sad. The main reason I don’t want you seein’ me is because I don’t want you to be upset.”
You scoffed, "I’m goin’ over there right now.”
“What!?” He exclaimed.
You got up off your bed and began to look around for an outfit, but not going far since your phone cord was not long at all.
“I’m gonna see you whether you like it or not.” You stated as you picked up a pair of jeans off the floor and slipped them on.
“How do you even know where I am?” He asked.
“I can hear the gang in the background, Steve. I’m not stupid.”
“Please don’t.” He begged into the phone.
“Nope, I’m comin'.” You said sternly.
“I don’t want you out at this time of night, Y/N. Somethin’ bad can happen I don’t want ya out on your lonesome.”
“I’m taking my parents car and driving over there right now. See you in a few.”
Before he could protest any longer you hung up, quickly throwing on a decent looking shirt and a coat. You quietly snuck down stairs and grabbed your shoes along with the keys on the way out. You were going to see him no matter what.
You knocked hard on the Curtis’ front door, you heard the chatter die down before Sodapop answered. He had a giant bruise on his left cheek and a busted lip, but he still managed to send you his classic movie star smile.
“Jesus, Soda.” You breathed out.
“I’m fine, really. It’s not as bad as it looks.” He tried to reassure you.
“Steve is here, right?” You asked worriedly.
His best friend began to laugh, “Yeah, he’s hidin’ in the bathroom.”
He moved so he could let you by and without a word you rushed past everyone to the bathroom. The door was closed, you tried opening it but to your dismay it was locked.
You lightly knocked on the door, “Steve? It’s Y/N. Can you unlock the door?”
“No.” You heard his gruff voice mumble from the other side.
You rolled your eyes, “Steve, I came all this way at two in the mornin’ to see you and you’re just gonna hide from me?”
“Yeah…” He replied.
You were beginning to get frustrated with him, you stayed up worrying all night only for him to shut you out.
“Steve…” You whimpered. “Please, let me in.”
He was breaking your heart by refusing you like this. You didn’t understand why he was scared for you to see him. He didn’t answer you at all and soon the feeling of being unwanted was washing over you.
“Whatever.” You sniffled and began to walk towards the door.
Before you even took more than three steps the bathroom door swung open. His hand grabbed your arm, stopping you. He gently tugged you into the bathroom and closed the door behind the both of you.
He kept his gaze on the ground, not wanting to face you. You looked him up and down, his clothes were completely covered in mud and his exposed skin was covered in cuts and bruises.
“Look at me.” You pleaded.
He slowly turned his head up to reveal his beat up face, you couldn't help but literally gasp. The sight of him made big fat tears roll down your cheeks, you covered your mouth try and hold in the loud sobs that escaped past your lips.
His nose was most definitely broken, it was somewhat crooked and fresh blood was trickling down onto his lips. And just like Sodapop, he had a busted lip and a bruised cheek.
He pulled you in for a bone crushing hug, you returned the affection by tightly wrapping your arms around his neck. You cried into his neck while he gently rubbed your back up and down soothingly.
“Shh, please don’t cry.” He whispered into your hair. "See, this is exactly why I ain't want you to come by. I don't like seein' you like this."
"Me!? What about you!?" You wailed into his shoulder. "You gotta stop with the fightin' Steve. It's goin' too far. Look at you!"
He stayed silent as he continued to hold your shaking body in his arms. He felt terrible, the last thing he wanted was to make you upset.
He pulled away from the hug to hold your face with his two large hands, wiping away stray tears with the pads of his thumbs. He stood there, looking into your tear filled eyes as you looked right back into his. He had wondered how he got so lucky to have you, and he was so scared of losing you.
“You can leave me if ya want.” He whispered.
It was only then you had noticed his once crooked tooth had disappeared from his mouth.
“Why would I leave you?” You asked him skeptically.
“Because I’m hideous.” He chuckled dryly.
His calloused hands dropped from your face to grip the sink so he could lean back on it. He really did mean it, he'd understand if you wanted to run away. He's a lot of work, and on top of that he believed he was even more odd looking than before. He wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to be with him anymore.
“You didn’t want me here because you were afraid I was gonna see your beat up face and break up with you?” You asked.
He nodded, a tint of pink began to creep up onto his cheeks. Steve had never felt so embarrassed and vulnerable in his life. You on the other hand, thought it was the cutest thing ever.
“Oh, Steve.” You cooed.
You stood up on your tippy toes and gently took his face in your hands, careful not to press hard on any of his wounds. You leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on his busted lip. He kept his arms at his sides and didn’t even muster up enough strength to kiss you back.
“Why would you wanna look at me when I’m like this? Or why would you wanna kiss me when I’m missin’ my front tooth lookin’ like a damn five year old. I never understood how you’d kiss me before with my snaggletooth never mind now.” He spoke against your lips.
You pulled away buy but kept your hands on his bruised cheeks, he finally wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you against him.
“Why are you thinkin’ like this, Steve?” You questioned him.
“I-I just…” He trailed off. He seemed to be at a loss for words, unsure of how to explain himself any further.
“I just don’t wanna lose you.” He whispered.
Your heart swelled at his words, this boy really did care about you a lot. There was no way you were going to let him go. Steve on the other hand was a nervous wreck, expressing himself made him feel completely mortified.
“I guess I’m just a p*ssy, huh?” He grumbled.
“No you’re not!” You hushed him. “Steve, caring about someone doesn’t make you a p*ssy. Look, you’re not gonna lose me. Even if you wanted to I’m not goin’ anywhere, ya hear?”
He smiled widely, showing off the brand new gap in his teeth.
“And I’m not gonna lose you either, right?” You asked him.
He shook his head, “Never.”
You loved his crooked teeth and his big nose, hell you loved everything about him. He was perfectly imperfect, nothing was going to stop you from loving him with every fiber of your being.
“I’m still pretty sure you’re gonna leave me after a week of kissin’ a toothless Steve.” He said.
“Nope, I think its hot.” You winked at him, “It makes you look real tuff.”
“Of course you’d think that.” He laughed.
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buckysgoldenheart · 3 years
Angel in the Dark
Demon!August Walker x Reader
Summary: After a one-night stand, or what you thought would be one, a demon drags you to his world and forces you to grow wings like he has so you would have to stay with him, unable to permanently return to Earth.
Notes: (So this is like a one-shot that is little snippets/summary of something I might turn into a multi-chaptered fic. I’m not sure if I’m going to do that yet or if anyone would even like this idea, but if it seems a bit choppy, this is why.) I know its been an age and a half since i posted anything, but college, ya know? Also to those who have made requests, I have started all of them and they are to be posted next. I just started this fic a long time ago. I havent written anything for a while so it might actually kinda suck. 
Warnings: Implied smut, kinda. Unhealthy attachment on August’s end. If I make this chaptered then there would be actual smut. I think cursing. Eventual Stockholm syndrome if continued.
Words: 1713
 Angel in the Dark
You didn’t believe in fate, not really. You didn’t believe your life was predestined or anyone else’s to play with. It was yours alone, to make choices, good or bad. Only you decided when you did things and where you did them. And no one would have ever been able to convince you otherwise, until you met him.
Seeing him in that club, kissing him before you knew his name, now you couldn’t help but feel was in some way a trick, manipulated in his favor. That maybe bumping into him, quite literally, was his orchestration. Maybe whether you spoke to him or not, he had his sights set on you, and a one-night stand was never going to just get to be a one-night stand.
It was all too simple. Meeting you and not taking advantage, kissing you but following your lead, sleeping with you like you meant something to him. It didn’t add up. You could sense the kind of man he was; dominating and possessive. Too dominating and possessive to be as gentle with you as he had been. And all of it fell into a perfect line for what you now realized he wanted from you: not just sex, but more; nothing less than your life. But admitting all of that to yourself was entertaining the possibility that you were stalked like prey and any training at staying away from bad men had been a useless waste of time.
It was the third day, third of eight. August promised the pain would subside as the days passed, but so far he was proving to be a liar, not to your surprise. Every few hours, the wings ripped your skin wider to accommodate their size as they grew from the inside of your body pushing out. At three days, they were now the span of a couple feet, shining an opalescent white in the glare of the sun.
As you laid on your stomach, frozen in place against the mattress, wings bloodied and draped across your back with your eyes closed tight, you tried to understand the depth of the pain; how it was able to hurt the way it did. The feeling couldn’t compare to anything Earth may dare to offer. So different, so unnatural in its entirety, and indescribably excruciating. It was merciless, not letting you escape, not letting you find the will to walk without your bones threatening to crack. You could barely speak for fear fire would thrust itself up from your lungs and incinerate your throat. It was all-consuming, swallowing your body whole instead of localizing where the skin of your back had shredded open.
“Just a few more days,” August said, and you flinched at his voice. Every time he spoke it was a shock he was still there beside you, with his massive, black wings hanging over the back of the chair he sat in. Those monstrosities weren’t attached to his muscled back when you met him; nowhere in sight when he was in your bed.
August dabbed at your broken and bleeding skin with a cool cloth, eliciting little whimpers passed your chapped lips. “I know it hurts, Angel.”
“Don’t—" You forced out despite the heat in your throat, acid on your tongue, waves of nausea you knew would follow. “…C-Call me that.”
He sighed and continued to wipe the blood from your naked body. “I wish you wouldn’t say that. When the time is up, you’ll feel so much better about this, about me, and you’ll see how beautiful they are. You’re already so gorgeous, the wings will only add to your beauty.”
“I di-didn’t want--
“Don’t talk, Angel,” he said. “I know how you’re feeling about this right now, but humans are not allowed to live in this world. I had to do this so you can stay.”
You screamed as the wings tore your skin open a few more centimeters, and August quickly scooted his chair closer to brush the hair from your face.
He softly shushed you the way one might soothe a kitten, before leaning down and placing a kiss to your sweaty forehead. “It’s ok. I’m not going to leave your side.”
You would have slapped at him, pushed him away with all your might if you had the strength, but your lungs were tightening, body burning as if it had been licked by the sun. You were dying, slowly morphing into a horrid creature from fantasies, leaving behind any trace of humanity. In your veins you could feel something coursing and altering your DNA. You knew you still looked like you, for the most part, but you weren’t you, not anymore. All because you met a man who got attached and wouldn’t let you go. All because he couldn’t remain in your world and decided with certainty that if he couldn’t be in yours, he would drag you to his. A place some believed in and some didn’t, a place no one could prove the existence of, now your iron cage.
It was five more nights of torture before you felt like you could really breathe again, and even then, the oxygen was just as foreign as the pain you had trudged through, and you found little comfort in it fully filling your lungs.
“You’re awake.”
His smooth voice drew your eyes away from the scenery out the bedroom window; the first glimpse of true, heavenly beauty you’d seen since he brought you here. But you weren’t convinced it wasn’t an illusion crafted by his devilish fingers for your comfort. Much like his own beauty, a trick tempting you to call off your desire to leave this world and go home. You tried your best to ignore how perfect he looked; the curls of his hair, the scruff of his jaw, the black wings you first saw the night you met him when they had suddenly appeared only after you’d slept together.
“And you’re standing already. I hoped to come help you, but you’re clearly much stronger than I was after I had to grow my own wings.”
Your eyes flashed in anger before your tore them away from his, back to the rolling hills overlapping one another outside your window. The breeze rustling your hair, the chirp of the birds, the glisten of the sun off the small lake dotted in the landscape, distracted you from August’s approach. You stilled at his breath hitting the back of your neck, but when he slipped his rough fingers through the layers of your shimmering feathers you couldn’t contain the shiver that shot through your body. His own black ones ruffled when his skin touched his creation.
“So beautiful,” he whispered.
“I’m glad you’re proud of your work.”
August let out a puff of air, a weak laugh. “My work? Angel, this was all you. I knew they would be beautiful if they were going to be a part of you, but you really outdid yourself.”
Twisting your body fast, you met him chest to chest, your eyes burning with a heat to match the devil. “I outdid myself? You forced this on me. You injected me with that—that poison without my permission.”
“And you survived. Not many can say the same. You’ve come out stronger.” Fingers trailed through your feathers again and you ignored the heat it sent to your core.
“I’ve come out of this wanting to kill you more than I did before,” You said, shifting the wing back and away from his reach.
Without a moment to pass, August gently grasped your chin between his thumb and index finger as his gaze landed on your lips. “That will fade with time,” he whispered, then inched his face closer. You shoved him away just before his lips could meet yours, and August stumbled back with a chuckle. “Certainly stronger.”
“I’m not going to let you kiss me,” you snapped.
“Not today, it would seem.”
“Not ever again!” Somehow the words felt wrong, each one more sour than the last. Wrong, as if your lips called to his and a portion of your mind was so disappointed at the fight you were going to force it through by trying to keep yourself away from him. But it was a small portion, and the rest of you was much stronger.
“We will see, Angel,” He crossed his arms. “You and I have eternity. One day you will wake up and realize I am all you have, I am all you want, and this memory will be lost. All you will know is me and my touch and our world.”
As he spoke, his eyes held a gentle sincerity that you wished wasn’t there. You wished the blue of them wasn’t so calm and casual and certain of the way he was feeling. Shaking your head, you matched his stance. “You’re a monster,” you said. “You really are, and here I thought I’d seen the worst of monsters, but clearly not.”
August slowly stepped back into your space again, catching you off guard with a flush to your cheeks as he loomed over you. But you kept his stare, even with your back against the wall, wings spread against the stone. “You may breathe your sweet words all you’d like, Angel, but it changes nothing,” He said, running a knuckle down your cheek. “If I am a monster, I am your monster, and I’m not going anywhere.” Smiling, his eyes glanced at your lips again. “Luckily for me…neither are you.”
@agniavateira​ @tumblnewby @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @summersong69​ @starlite13​ @mstgsmy​ @purplelove75​ @defffcc​ @the-soot-sprite​ @kissthatlifeaway​ @atomicpaperhairdouniversity​ @aquariuslavenderhoney​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @the-problem-of-leisure​ @amberlokabrenna​ @a-dlv​ @writing-about-current-obsessions​ @weallhaveadestiny​ @coffeebreathy​ @madbaddic7ed​ @petitefirecracker10​ 
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
From anon's request: "How would the boys react to see the reader appeared out of no where in the lair. Like there is a portal that open in the middle of the lair and the reader get out of it. They don’t know the reader before. How would they react? You can do separately or all together I don’t mind."
A/N: It got too long, but hope you like it! If you find any mistakes in the paragraphs or do not understand something, feel free to tell me.
They/them pronouns used!
The Guest
It's just another random day in the underground. Eletronic sounds from improvised machines coming from Donnie's computer station, splashing of the waterfall in the enormous main space and a Hip Hop song echoing around, filling the light dump air of the air.
Leo sat on the edge of the platform where he is used to train, a heavy breathe leaving his mouth, exausted by an intensive training session he just had; several drops of sweat slide over his muscled and hot body, clothing showing dark stains here and there as outcome of his effort. But he was satisfied by his well-conclued work. The leader takes a look around to see what is currently happening in his home, as always. Donnie isn't at his computer station or neither his lab. Well, the genius must be doing who knows what somewhere. Leonardo ran his eyes around carefully to find his purple-clad brother and Bingo! Donnie is lying down, using his tablet, on his improvised bed in the giant pipe hole with purple neon wire making a circle around the edge. Rising the corner of his mouth by the view, Leo watched around again to look for his two troublemakers brothers, but couldn't find any of them. Meybe they are distrubing each other somewhere.
Sighing, Leonardo stands and jumped off the platform, walking towards the kitchen area to take a glass of water.
''Eat Me'' red neon sign above the kitchen makes him think of inappropiate things; of course, he tried to change Mikey's mind when the young brother choose it as decoration, but there was nothing the leader could do. Leo is not gonna lie, that sign suits a lot with the kitchen...
Shaking his head to wash the naughty thoughts away and opening the high cabinet door, he picks his favourite blue glass and headed to the fridge. Opening the door he ran his eyes through the small cold space and found the jar water. After pouring the cold liquid into the blue glass, he let's out a relief sigh as brings it to his mouth, finally swallowing the fresh liquid down his throat. His muscles are exausted to continue the intense training, so the blue-clad turtle decided to take a break.
Suddenly a light beam emerged from behind him.
''What the-''
The whole lair vibrated.
He was threw against the cabinets by the shock wave. Groaning, Leo rubs behind his neck; a pair of blue ocean eyes scanned towards to where the defeaning sound came from and saw that there's a thick and dark gray fume hovering in the middle of the big space, spreading around.
"Donnie! You must be careful with your stuff!'' Leo yelled, thinking that this explosion was caused by one of Donnie's inventions.
''It wasn't me, Leo!'' Donnie protested, running beside his brother, who is already in the local of the explosion, trying so hard to see what was demaged.
''What happened?!'' Raphael shouted from a distance with Mikey walking right behind him.
Master Splinter came out of the dojo and gasped while watches the unexpected situation ''Leonardo!'' the old rat called ''Explain what just happaned here. Is everyone okay?''.
''Yes, we are, master. But I don't understand the cause of the explosion. It was so fast.''
''Do not worry, my son. The importand is that no one got hurted.''
Leo sighed relived, placing his hands on each side of his hips and just kept stand there a few seconds, watching everybody disappearing into the dense fume. The brothers walk carefully through it to find a reason of the explosin. But all they can see is the concrete ground was covered with a dark dust, for now.
Raph gasped when see a silhouette a few steps away from him, the arduous smoke difficulting his view.
The silhouette was crouched, its head lowered between its knees, and arms crossed around its body. Raph grabs his both sais and positioned them beside him, ready for the action. He slowly takes steps towards the stranger, being careful to not scare the unexpected guest.
He knew it is not Splinter because that shape is human.
As he aproaches to the mysterious form, Raph noticed that it is a person. ''What ta hell...'' he whispered. ''Hey!'' He called, but you didn't response, keeping your head down between your knees. "Hey!'' Raph called again, but has received no response yet. The brute's yell called the others attention who went quicly beside him, and got surpried by your presence.
''Who is this person?'' Mikey asked, in shock.
''I don't know.'' Leo said as take a few steps closer to you, his eyes watching you form carefully.
Donnie took a few steps foward as well, and pulled his googles down to scan you and adjusted some annulus to have a better view of your vital signals, and kneeled in front of you. ''Hey'' he called, but you kept your head lowered.
The boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
You're so afraid to lift your eyes to see what is happening or where you got. You knew that you're being watched by someone, but a discomfort high-pitched sound disturbs your ears, preventing you to hear them.
Donnie lift his hand and with all careful of the world he touches your shoulder.
You quickly rise your head, and shut your eyes open wide.
Gasping, your breathe got faster as you watch a big humanoid green creature a few inches away right in front of you. Without thinking twice you dragged yourself away from the weird creature who stands quickly and lift his hands in front of him as a peace sign. You could see that it is like a human, but with a green skin and so fucking tall; military green cargo pants, a pair of big boots, suspenders around his... plated chest, and that scary thing he's using above his eyes, or are those literally his eyes?!
"WFT?!" You thought.
"Hey, hey, It's okay!" The purple-clad terrapin said, but all you could see is his mouth moving.
You quickly moved your weak body away from him, but something hits your back, preventing you from escape. Slowly your eyes looked back and chills ran down your spine. A pair of sandals in a feet with two big fingers? Your eyes followed up slowly and saw that it is another creature, but this time it is using black pants over his thighs, something you couldn't describe over his lower legs and nothing on upper body. And... Is it wearing a blue cloth around his eyes?
But, out of all of it, you got surprised of how massive these things are. Where have you arrived? And what kind of aliens are they? Wait, they are aliens, right?
"Hey, it's okay. We're not gonna hurt you" Leo said with a comfort voice but you can't hear a single word from him.
You tried to get up and run away but your legs failed, bringing you to the ground. And an excruciating pain started to roll through your legs, making you groan violently.
"Wow, easy!" Donnie shouted "Leo, they're legs are injured! Keep them on the ground or they will hurt themselves even more!".
"Raph, with me!" Leo ordered but his brother didn't even moved; Raph just crossed his arms and shift his wheight from a leg to another. Leo studied your body language, he knew that if he holds you by your legs he would cause more pain on you, so he made a decision to hold you by your arms.
''Hey, hey. Easy'' he tried to grabs your arms but you fought with all your strength to shove his three-fingered hands away. Donnie noticed that Raph doesn't want to collaborate and groaned, walking towards you and kneeling.
Mikey joined his brothers and could finally grabs your arms and laying you down on your back on the ground. Even with a hell of pain you're feeling you moved your legs to kick your immobilizer but the pain hits you so hard, making you're scream.
''We need to calm them down!" Donnie warned.
''And how we're supose to do it? They're freaking out!'' Mikey said, holding you against the ground while Leo keeps his hands on your hips to keep you immobilized.
Donnie has no choice but talk to you.
''Hey'' he carefully lands his hand agaisnt your forehead to call your attention ''I know that you're scared and that you're not understanding what is happening, but you need to calm down''.
You eyes locked with his amber ones.
''Calm down...'' he repeated ''What's your name?''
You didn't get his words and made a question expression, shaking your head from a side to another as a negative response.
''Um... Do you have a name?'' Donnie asked, and quirked a brow ridge.
''I think they're not hearing ya'' Raph opined from behind ''They didn't answer my call when I called them twice in front of them'' Raph continued, shrugging.
''Really?'' Donnie looked back at his red-banded brother.
That's make sense...
Donnie payied back his attention on you. How will he comunicate with you now?
''Can. You. Hear. Me?'' he asked slowly, making sure that his lips are moving for you understand perfectly. Of course, none of them knows language signal, so moving his lips slowly is the only way to make a communication with you. He could see your eyes locked on his lips while he talks, reading carefully each words formed.
You look back at his eyes and nod negatively.
''Oh no...'' Leo murmured.
''Are they deaf?'' Mikey asked.
''I fear...'' Donnie answered, then sighed ''But I'm relieved that they can understand lip reading. Raph" He called, looking back at his brother who was just stand behind him watching you with caution "Can you bring a pen and a paper, or whatever the thing I can write down?"
''Okay." Raph nodded, making a scary and intimidating face without breaking eye contact with you. You knew that the red-clad creature has something negative about you. His deadly stare says everything.
''Hey...'' Donnie called your attention back, and repeated the same exercise as he did to communicate with you ''Keep. Calm. We. Will. Release. You."
You nodded positively.
The boys slowly take their hands off you, waiting if in case you do another resistance or an escape attempt, but you kept layied there, calm.
''I'll need you guys to help me to take them to a confortable place'' Donnie said ''Mikey, I need you to pick them on bridal style. It's the only way to carry them''.
''But how about their legs?'' the young brother questioned, worried about hurting you by accident.
''I guess it will hurt them a bit but... It's the only way. If you lift them just by their arms, they will try to stand instinctively, and it would make them suffer even more''.
"What kind of injury they have on their legs, my son?" Splinter questioned, emerging and walking beside his taller son.
Your eyes went wide.
"I scanned their legs and I found out that they have some brusies and their muscles are demaged. I'm surprised the bones weren't broken." Donnie continued "I'm gonna care their injuries and soon they will walk again. But... I'm not sure when they will be healed a hundred per cent.''
The boys stood around you a minute watching you lay on the ground, thinking and speaking between them about what they must do to help you. And you took it as opportunity to study more carefully their forms. Green skin with scales here and there, tonic muscles on their arms and legs. "Holly fuck shit" you tryied to whisper but your voice cracked, indicating that your vocal chords are very weak as much as your body. For sure that traveling through the portal was pretty bad for you.
Your eyes studied them again and you rise an eyebrow. They're wearing backpacks. Wait, those are not backpacks... are... Shells... Shells?! And why are they're wearing colourful clothes around their eyes? Are they criminals or something?!
Your eyes caught the purple clad creature kneeling beside you again. You are sure that he said something like "alright". He lift his three-fingered hand, approaching it closer to your face and you couldn't help but refuse his touch shifting your head away making Mikey and Leo kneel to hold you still, but this time not too hard as before.
Donnie touches your cheek and sotfly turn your face towards his. "Easy... We. Want. To. Help. You". Then he shares a soft smile.
You have no idea what or who they are, but you knew that whatever they're planning, is for help you. Is for your own healthy and safety. At least, if these massive creatures wanted to harm you, they would have already done it, but all they have done is being careful with you; taking care of you.
You smiled back.
Donnie lets out a heavy breathe, then glanced at Mikey and nodded. Leo stood aside to give his younger brother space enough to adjust himself beside you and pick you up. You quickly turned your eyes back at the purple-clad creature like asking him to tell you what his friend will do.
He just nodded positively, smiling.
Leo positioned himself on your another side to help Mikey, taking care to lift your upper body first. Mikey reached to support your body, placing his arm behind you. And now, the most difficult part: your injured legs. ''I'm sorry if you feel pain. You have to be strong as possible.'' Mikey murmured. But before they could work on your legs, Donnie raised his hand to call their attention and soft landed it on your knee. A soft groan left your mouth but you thanked that your knees were just a bit ached ''Wait! Let's do it one step at time. After I count three, lift them fast. Ready?'' Leo and Mikey give a firm nod. ''Alright. One.'' You read his lips, and asked to yourself why he was counting. ''Two''. Your eyes lower to take a look on your legs, and saw that they're with their hands positioned like would pick you up on bridal style. Wait... Your heart beats faster. Donnie noticed that you are staring at him with wide eyes and shaking your head from a side to another desperately, but there's nothing he could do. ''Three!''
You screamed; a heavy wave of pain ran through your weak legs like a hundred knives were penetrating your meat violently. You threw your head back, your mouth open while agonizing sounds go out; it is hard even to breathe.
''Take them to the sofa. Now!'' Donnie ordered.
Mikey quickly headed towards the .... He has to admit that hearing your protesting painfully in his arms breaks his heart. Never in his life he heard someone scream like you're doing right now.
"Here..." Leo directed, adjusting the soft sheet to lay you down and a sofa pillow to support your head. Mikey bent over to place you carefully on the sofa with Donnie holding your head. "Be careful." Leo commented. It hurt a bit when your legs were landed on two pillows, but as fast as the pain started, it ended.
Finally you can inhale oxygen after a whole minute of suffocate.
"I'll grab a medicine to lower their pain. It will get them tiredness but will worth" Donnie said, turning and heading towards his lab.
Leo and Mikey positioned themselves beside you, his eyes watching over every single movement you do. You kinda felt uncomfortable with them looking at you all the time; feeling totally vulnerable under their care, but you knew that what are they're doing is for you own good.
Your eyes caught another massive form coming closer and your bones started to shiver again. The red-cladded humanoid creature is back but this time he was holding pen and a notebook.
"Hey, guys. This is all I could find at the moment" Raph said while look at the stuff he just took, then his scary stare locked on you.
Your blood freeze.
"Thanks, Raph." The leader grabs the stuff and sat on the ground right beside you. He positioned the pen between his big fingers and the notebook on his lap, and his eyes landed on yours. You couldn't help but appreciate to utmost of how beautiful his eyes are. A deep and vividly color of blue. They're like a painting... You shook your head and looked to opposite side, hiding your blush.
"They shook their head. Why? We didn't make any questions." Mikey said.
"I don't know, but let's find out" Leo continued, writing down "Are you okay?". Finishing, he reaches out his hand and gently touches your shoulder making you snap your eyes back at his. Then Leo lifts the notebook to show you the question.
You read it and shake your hand as "So so" then pointed at your legs.
Leo nodded back, understanding your message, then placed the notebook on his lap again and wrote "My brother will take care of your injuries and certificate that you'll be okay and we will help. Don't be afraid". You read it and show a positive thumb. Leo replaced the notebook back and wrote "I'll introduce us to you". You show a positive thumb again. Then Leo wrote all their names down and lifted it to you."Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, and our father, Master Splinter".
Leo got up and started to introduce them. He pointed at his name and then at him. Then he pointed at Donnie's name and then pointed towards the lab where Donnie is preparing his medical kit. Then Leo pointed at Mickey's name and then at his brother beside him. The young turtle waved, grinning. "So cute" you thought, waving back. Then Leo pointed at Raph's name and at him, an the brute just crossed his arms. "He's kinda... Rude..." You thought again. Then Leo pointed at Splinter's name and then at him who is a few steps away from you. "Wait. Father? Father? Is he they're father?!" You practically yelled mentally. Your mind was filled with many questions about this impossibility of this giant rat be father, or he must be their adoptive father. You prayed to the second option be the true.
You were brought back to reality with another soft hudge on your shoulder, making you look back at his deep blue eyes. The blue-cladded turtle took a deep breathe and made a worry face; and lift the notebook with the next phrase: "We are mutant turtles."
Your eyes went wide. Mutants? How? Since when it is possible? The boys looked at each other already expecting your shock. What kind of place you just arrived where there're mutants?! The mutants made a fear expression, waiting for your scream. But no sound has come out from your mouth.
You just got froze.
''Won't they scream?'' Raph asked, quirking a brow ridge.
''They got shocked'' Mikey simply commented.
Leo sighed and wrote down another sentence. 'Just keep calm. I'll explain everything when you get well soon". You made an effort to nod.
After a few minutes, Donnie went back holding a first aid kit under one of his his slim but muscular arms, a medicine pack between his thick fingers and a bottle of water. Leo and Mikey took a step back to give their brother some space to work on you. First of all, Donatello shows you the medicine pack, holding it in front of you; he looked at Leo and asked for the notebook and the pen, picking it. Your eyes watched every single move he does and you got the conclusion that this mutant has quick skills and much attention in his work, murmuring who knows what while work on you. "Interesting", you thought.
After finish writing, Donnie lift the notebook. "I'll give you a medicine for your pain, but it will make you tired because it has some substances which cause tiredness. If you feel some uncomfortable symptoms, warn me". You immediately rised a positive thumb. You had taken some medicines with that description many times in your life, so you're kind of used with it. But the bad news is that it makes you fall asleep quickly, a scary idea in your opinion. You have no clue what these mutants would do when you're sleeping; if they would do dirty things or something or whatever the shit you refuse to think. You pray, at least, for these mutants do not do disrespectful things.
Donnie picks a pill from the pack and gave it to you, then the bottle of water. All the five mutants are literally watching you doing it, and it made you uncomfortable. You're not used to many people staring at you like that.
After taking the medicine, Donnie mentioned to you lay down again. The nerd placed the first aid kit on the ground and open it, his hands moving some stuff away again and again, his eyes scanning the stuff in the box. What is he looking for, exactly?
Suddenly your eyes caught his facial expression turning from serious to happy. Well, what did he just find to make him smile? The other mutants—except the red one—grinned. "Why the fuck are they grinning?" You thought. Donnie returned his attention to you with his grin. Okay, you don't know if his smile is a good sign or a naughty sign.
Then you started to feel your eyes heavy.
"Fuck... Now now..." You murmued, feeling a weariness filling your body. You hate when this medicine effect affect you rapdly, and you can't fight back.
"Hey, did they say something? I swear I heard that" Mikey commented.
"Well, they can speak by the way" Raph mocks.
Slowly your vision got blur, and the last thing you remember is they debating with each other, then the darkness pulls you for a long rest.
——————Time Skip——————
The light fills the darkness of your sleepy world like a white spot growing and consuming every single space of the dark. You are not sure how much time you slept, but at least all of it was merely dream and those creatures were just an invention of your mind.
Opening up your eyes slowly, you expected to wake up in your bedroom, but, even with your vision blurring and get used by the ambient light, the place seems totally different of your comfortable bedroom. Damp walls, two thick pipes in a corner a thin one on another, and neon lights a few steps away from where you are layied down. As you can feel, it is a comfortable bed. Groaning softly you turned your head to the space illuminated by the neon flashing lights, seeing a shell with a big backpack facing you. Immediately you recognized him.
It was not a dream.
You hear quick types on a keyboard, noticing that this mutant turtle is using his... computers? He was typing who knows what about something you have no idea, and you got surprised how fast this turtle can do it. He might be a guy of technology, you presume.
Wait. Wait...
If you can hear him working, that's mean your hearing came back to normal! You let out a happy sigh, making the genius turn his head towards you. "Oh, you're awake!" He said grinning, but palmed his face remembering that you can't listen to him. The tall purple clad terrapin takes his skateboard and rolled it beside you and sat down. ''How. Are. You. Feeling?'' he asked; you couldn't help but share a soft smile and say with a weak voice ''I'm good... And I can hear you now.''
His jaw dropped, eyes going wide.
''Hey... Are you... okay?'' you asked quietly with the corner of your mouth rised.
''Oh! I'm- Yeah. I'm-'' he rubs his hand behind his neck ''I'm glad you're okay'' he murmured, sharing a shy smile. What is going on here? You started to think that the air got ''tensed'' sunddely between you. Is it good?
''So...'' Donnie started ''About your physical condition, you're getting better. The muscles of your legs are healing and your wounds are cicatrizing. The rest you've just taken helped you a lot.'' he continued ''Uh... I almost forgot: what's your name?''
''Amazing.'' he lower his head, trying to not show a light blush over his cheeks which you already noticed. ''So, uh... Who are you, where did you come from and how did you get here?'' he asked quicly without concerns, locking his amber eyes on yours again. Okay, that was expected but too fast as he did. You looked away from his gaze, fearing your answers would not convice or be plausibles for the situation. Well, there's no way out.
''You... will not believe me if I answer honestly'' you said with weak tone.
Donatello cocked his head to the side, quirking his brow ridges.
''I am from another... I don't know...'' you answered, sighing ''Also I don't remember exactly how I got into that portal-''
''Portal?'' He questioned.
''Yes. I do not remember how or who exactly put me in that portal, but all I can remember is of the explosion when that thing closed and then... an uncomfortable sound filled my ears and a sudden ache consumed my legs''.
''Oh, yeah. I noticed it too''.
You started to feel a little shame by your overreact you had when the boys tryied to help you; and you regret ''Sorry for my bad behaving. I was very scared...''
''Hey, there's no need to apologize. You were just shocked and didn't have time to think. It's totally okay.'' Donnie knew that going through a portal and end up in another place is odd and unconfortable, so he and his brothers will do everything to make you feel safe before find out a way to take you home. The nerdy shares a smile and comes closer to you, pulling his googles above his eyes to scan your vital signs. Your eyes went wide. That thing scared you when you saw it for the first time!
''Did you make these?'' you pointed at his goggles.
''Oh yeah! I did it all my own'' he said proundly.
You gliggled ''Amazing! But it scared the hell out of me when I saw it for the first time. I thought it were your eyes or something.''
Donnie chuckeld of your observation, which you're not wrong. ''Sorry, was not my intention. You're not the only one who got scared of my briliant creation.'' he grinned, adjusting some of his goggles annulus here and there, then actived his hologram from his watch and typed on it. You got surprised with his advanced technology, never in your life you have seen something like that. Which year are you?! A distant future?
Are these mutants evolued humans or hybrids?!
''Are you still hearing that unconfortable noise?''
You woke up from your thoughts ''What?''
''That noise you said about. Can you describe how it sounded?'' he asked without leave his attention from his screen.
''Um... it was like... uh... high-pitched sound.''
Donnie noded, still typing on his screen. You're just sit there watching him working on his whatever the thing it is, his three-fingered hand moving and shifting above the screen. ''I guess you got a temporary deaf by the reason of explosion, and I am surprised that it just gave you temporary damages. I thought your eardrums would suffer a rupture and your bones break... Well... I'm glad that you're okay now.''
You beamed timidly ''All thanks to you and your brothers''. It's just you or his cheeks are being filled with a dark colour? "So... before answer your questions, can I ask where am I? Is this place another dimension or something?''
Donnie's locked his eyes on you, not expecting this question ''What? Uh, no... Why? Are you from another dimension?''
You shrugged ''I donno. Where I came from is Earth. It's all can describe to you.
''Oh! Well, you can still keep calm because you're still on Earth''. He smiled playfulness.
You sigh relieved; thankfully you weren't thrown out of your planet. ''And... where exactly am I?...''
''New York City, USA. Technically under it; you're in mine and my family's home in the sewers''.
You froze. New York? Underground? Sewers? ''You got be kidden me...",
''No, I'm not. And... how about you?''
''Originally I'm from (your hometown). But... I just remember being kidnap and then... Everything went dark. The last thing I remember is flashbacks of some men putting me in that portal. Why did they do it? I don't know.'' you shrugged.
Donnie noded again, his head filled with several hypothesis about your weird past event. "And these men... what kind of clothing they were wearing?" he asked, rubbing his chin.
"Uh..." You made a question expression, not getting what does he want to know about something so random. But who are you to refuse to answer? This turtle must know something you don't. "There were some people wearing different kind of clothing. I remember some wearing white coats—like doctors—and... Others in black. All black. Even their masks...''
Donnie's eyes went wide. He knows exactly who wear dark clothing as in your description. Foot Clan. He stood and walked towards the exit over quick steps.
''Where're you going?''
''I'll be right back. Stay where you are, okay? Don't you dare escape.'' he pointed at you and then left, leaving you totally alone in his lab. What is he planning, by the way? Perhaps he has some knowledge about those people you have seen? Well, by his sudden shock react, he surely know.
After a few minutes, Donatello has arrived in his lab and going to where you both had a conversation. And he was not alone.
''So... what's the news?'' Mikey shares a cocky smile, picking a chair and sitting on the oposite of ot, keeping the back of this object in front of his plastron and landing his arms above the top rail. Leonardo stood right beside you and Raph a few steps away from your bed, arms crossed and looking at you with no interest, and the giant rat stood beside Mikey, who glanced at his father still with the cocky smile on his face then back at you.
"So, Y/N. Can you explain everything you know for us? We just want to help you, nothing otherwise." Leo assured, but quick steps has approached him and a sudden punch on his arm made him groan. "Help them?" Raph protested "We don't even know who they are or if they work for someone that is not by our side!". Splinter quickly acted, beating his tail behind Raphael's legs to stop "Enough! Let them speak. We will just know if they tell their story.", "But Master, if they lie?!" The brute threw his arms up in protest, but Splinter just shares an intimidating look, making his red-clad son shut up and take a step back. "I apologize, my young one. You can go ahead with your version of your story."
You took a deep breath, feeling a bit uncomfortable for being watched and sorrawnded by five mutants, but actually you don't care. They seem to be good guys—except for the hot head one. For a while, you told every single detail you remember; since your kidnapping till your arriving in this place, the people who put you in that portal, your hometown. It's so weird that all of it happened so fast which you couldn't believe that it took a while—maybe because you were put to sleep as that people did everything they want to you.
The mutants looked at each other, expressions like surprise, shock, suspicious, doubt traveled through each one. You're afraid of they all think that you're lying, well, the red one is already thinking, of course. But how about the others?
"I might think that people in black are members of Foot Clan..." Leo commented after a moment "And the people in white might be scientists. Helpers of-".
"Baxter Stockman." Donnie finished.
''You gotta be kidding me...'' you murmured, surprise that this dangerous clan are in the same universe with them. You thought you got in another dimension or wherever but you literally were transported to another place, just it. And you lived your entire life without know the existence of these mutants. You want to freak out.
''And why would those people put Y/N in that portal?'' Mikey asked ''Like, just them! Were... were you alone when you were transported, right?'' the youngest looked at you with concerns.
''Yes! As I remember, yes...''
"Well..." Leo started "From now on we have a hard work to do. Y/N, you are under our care, and you have to stay down here with us. It's for your protection".
"What?! But-"
Master Splinter takes a step forward and place one of his hands on your shoulder, looking deep into your eyes "You have no choice, my dear. But there's no need to be worry" he smiled "While you're with us, no dangerous will happen to you" then the old rat glanced at Raphael, who groaned and sighed, getting Splinter's message.
You have to be prepared for all obstacles that are coming, and you're thankful that these mutants are by your side. As Leo said before, there's hard work to execute, dangerous or not.
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Falling for you ( Falling from Grace) Jungkookx OC ( Complete)
Chapter 1
[ Read the rest here : Chapter 8 ( Final)  
Rated : 18 +
Warning : . Fuck buddies? Or rather enemies that have sex. They just really hate each other but also can’t keep their hands off each other. 
Sweat dotted the edge of my hairline and I felt like my entire body was on fire. I was wet, so fucking wet and the sound of him ramming into me, over and over again was absolutely obscene in the quiet of the bedroom. I was on my back, a thin black tie cutting off my vision and all I could feel was the steady staccato of his dick pounding into me. 
“Oh fuck.. Fuck...Just like that Jungkook fuck....” 
I could barely recognize my own voice. Wrecked and ruined, breathy and almost a whine. 
My shoulders ached from being stretched up, wrists almost numb from the handcuffs that held my body up to the head board. I felt like my shoulders were gonna pop out and I panted, fuming at him internally because he’d done it on purpose, locked the handcuffs a rung higher than usual which meant that I wasn’t lying comfortably on the bed as usual . 
“Look at you.... look so fucking filthy like this angel....” He smirked down at me, fingers like a vice around my waist holding me up and almost off the bed as he pounded into me, each thrust carrying the entire weight of his muscled body. It hurt so bad it felt good. My thighs ached from where they stayed wrapped around his slim waist. 
“Fuck...don’t stop...” I felt my head fall back, the ache in my back intensifying. I was so close....so fucking close, I could feel the heat as it built up, licking its way up my spine,  The angle was perfect, his cock had a slight curve to it when he was fully hard and that just meant that he managed to hit my sweet spot every time he pistoned in. 
And God we’d been at this for so long now... almost a whole damn hour and my senses were frayed, my body so sensitive and wrung out that all I wanted to do was cum. 
So, of course Jungkook being the supreme asshole that he was, chose that moment to stop moving completely. 
My heart jumped to my throat in panic, my body lifting off the bed, chasing friction and his hold on my waist tightened, so much that I was sure he had bruised me. 
“Hmm.... Don’t think you’re in any position to be telling me what to do, baby....” He drawled, voice husky in a way that made my ache worse.
“What- no..wait you fucking asshole ...” I screamed knowing what was coming and refusing to accept it. Fuck i hated him... Fuck Fuck....
He gripped my waist and slid forward again , but instead of sliding in he slotted his cock between my thighs, pulling my legs together so he could fuck into the gap and yes, it was really fucking hot but I was so close....I needed him inside me ......
“Please....Jungkook please don’t...” I begged, dignity forgotten because I was not a fan of delayed gratification. 
“Shush shush.....What’d I say about taking what I give you.....and to be fucking honest, I’m not sure you really like my dick all that much...” He said, sounding thoughtful and my head swam in confusing. What the fuck was he even on about?
“What? Are you kidding me? I let you fuck me almost every damn night why would you-”
“So why’d you go have dinner with Namjoon hyung?” He pinched my nipples', both at the same time, twisting and pulling till I whines, eyes watering enough to soak the silk of his tie. 
“What -- That’s... We’re not fucking dating....I can have dinner with who I want....” I snarled in disbelief, tugging fruitlessly on the handcuffs. Why the fuck had I agreed to this?? 
“Not after cancelling on me, you can’t... And certainly not with my brother, angel..” Jungkook snarled right back and I flinched when I felt his hand come down near my face. For one horrifying moment I thought he was going to slap me but what he did was rip the blindfold off me. Momentarily still blinded, I blinked till he came into focus and felt that familiar and unwelcome swooping sense of attraction. 
Jeon Jungkook with his long midnight hair and ivory skin. Doe eyes that carried entire galaxies in them and those soft, thin lips that smirked at the drop of a hat. 
 Fuck him... Fuck him for being so fucking attractive that my heart stopped every time I saw him. 
He was staring at me and the raging anger on his face really shouldn’t make me wetter but it did. I wanted to sob as my entire body clenched, aching empty and desperate to be filled again. 
“You sent me a fucking dick pic... “ I whined in despair. “ You were literally in the office when I was at dinner with him , how the fuck was I supposed to know you wanted to see me....!!!?” 
Jungkook reached down and began stroking himself and I felt my eyes widen in disbelief. 
“Jungkook....” I warned, feeling the desperation morph into genuine anger now.
“I wanted you to suck me off in my office. Isn’t that part of what my dad pays you for?” He drawled and I felt fury bloom. Jungkook knew just the right words to say, whether he wanted to turn me on or make me feel murderous....  
He scooted forward , straddling my chest and I bucked hard, trying to throw him off but it was fucking impossible. I flinched when he slipped a palm under my head, gripping my hair and yanking my head up till his cock pressed up against my lips.
“You owe me a blow job, princess.....gonna open up?” He gripped my hair harder and the pain made me keen. 
“If you stick your dick in my mouth I will bite it off....” I growled, resisting the urge to thrash because it only made my scalp hurt more. He laughed at that and I stared at him, the pink of his dick right on my lips and for a moment I almost had a pavlovian response to it. Almost opened my mouth and took the hard delicious length of it into my warm mouth. 
Shaking my head just enough to dislodge the head off my lips, I glared at him , my stomach clenching as he stared down at me, wicked dark eyes gleaming with satisfaction and pretty red lips parted in that sexy infuriating smirk of his. He gripped himself harder, groaning as his eyes rolled back a bit at the stimulation. I stared at how his long fingers wrapped around his length , the way he was so shameless in chasing his pleasure. His thumb traced the head, finger dipping lightly into his slit and he moaned, almost shuddering at the sensation. I wanted nothing more to touch myself, at least relieve some of the excruciating pressure between my legs but Jungkook had planned this, had put me in handcuffs fully intending to leave me high and dry . 
I stared at him and he glanced back, his face momentarily open in pleasure, lips spit slicked and parted and tongue poking out as he let out a breathy, ‘ fuck’ and i knew he was close. 
He always looked like a fallen angel when he was close to his orgasm. Fucking beautiful son of a bitch.
But no matter how gorgeous he was, Jeon Jungkook was an incorrigible jerk and I knew exactly what he was gonna do,.
I pursed my lips shut and turned my head away when he came , snarling when the hot wetness coated my face. Jungkook always came like a fucking hose and I could feel globs of it cling to my face, even my fucking eyelashes. 
When I turned back , snarling and ready to unload on him, he was already crawling away, but not before scooping up the last of his release on his fingers and reaching down to grip my cheeks with enough force to get my mouth open.
I whimpered when he stuck his finger in, the familiar taste of his cum only making my body thrum in desperation. I hated him. Hated him so fucking much. 
“Taste good, baby?” He drawled softly, chasing his fingers with his tongue and licking into my mouth, swirling his cum all over my tongue with his. 
“My filthy little slut...” He whispered against my lips, voice tinged with so much feigned fondness that I nearly bit his lip. 
“Take the handcuffs off, you fucker.” I growled, watching as he slipped on his boxer brief and his jeans. I fully intended to grab the vibrator on my desk and get myself off the minute he let me out of the handcuffs. 
And next time.... 
oh, boy next time Jungkook was going to be on his knees begging me to let him cum.... 
He was sweaty and looked like a mess but he never stayed around long enough to even take a shower. Now that I knew I wasn’t getting fucked my attraction for him was gone, replaced by homicidal fury. 
“Hmm.... I’ll think about it.” He shrugged, reaching for the white button down on the floor.
My eyes nearly bugged out.
“What the fuck do you mean you’ll think about it?” I snarled. 
“Your sister told me she’ll be dropping by at around five today..... I’ll leave the key on the dining tanle. She’ll help you out...” He grinned at me wide and I felt my heart drop through my throat. 
I spluttered as he dangled the key tauntingly , whistling as he moved to the door. 
“Do I even want to know?” My sister stared at me in honest disgust and I knew I must’ve looked a sight , with dried cum all over my face. But i was barely listening to her. I knew exactly what I had to do....Knew exactly what I could do to have Jeon Jungkook frothing at the mouth. 
“Areum? Are you listening..?” She called out when I raced to the bathroom. I quickly turned on the hot water , grabbing a washcloth to scrub at my face. Jungkook was going to regret this. 
When I finished taking a shower, scrubbing myself clean and stepped back out, my sister was airing out the room.
“Mom has been talking about setting you up with people and here you are , whoring around with that Jeon brat....” She rolled her eyes at me but I ignored her, moving to the closet with my lingerie.
My mother had high hopes for me. After blowing through my dad’s entire legacy with her fancy clothes and expensive bags, she was now panicking. She wanted me to marry big and granted, Jeon Jungkook came from a filthy rich family but he was still the prodigal son and his father made it plenty clear that unless he danced to the older man’s tune, he would be out without a penny to his name.  
But that was none of my business. I wasn’t going to marry the dude. I didn’t even  like  him. 
All i really cared about was getting him back for leaving me unsatisfied today. 
 I grabbed the most scandalous piece I had, black and completely sheer. It left absolutely nothing to the imagination and I felt saliva pooling at the back of my throat just thinking about how Jungkook would react to this. The first time I had worn it, he had held me up against the wall and fucked me senseless.  
“Why are you here anyway?” I asked my sister as she began picking up the different pieces of clothing scattered all over the room, dropping them in the laundry basket on her hip. 
“Can’t I just come check on my beautiful baby sister? “ She smiled and I rolled my eyes . 
Hana was the perfect daughter in every way. She was a professional artist, married to the gorgeously successful surgeon, Dr. Kim Seokjin who happened to own the largest hospital in the country. 
And it was hard to hate her because she had endless patience for my shenanigans'. Because to be honest, this wasn’t the first time she had walked in on me lying debauched, courtesy Jeon fucking Jungkook. 
Which brought me to my current mission. 
���Okay. I’m fine. I’m actually on my way out so you can either crash here for a while or you can leave...” i waved dismissively, running to the bathroom to slip the dress on.
I rang the door bell again, feeling my body thrum with impatience. Why the fuck wasn’t he answering the damned door? I was wearing simple summer dress. The fastest thing I could take off. 
“Areum?” Namjoon’s surprised face barely registered on my face. He was in his sweatpants with a glass bowl filled with chips and he looked completely thrown by my presence. 
 I shouldered past him, moving to stand in the middle of the living room. 
“Is everything okay? What’s wro-”
I grabbed the hem of the dress pulling it over my head and tossing it away on the couch. 
Namjoon dropped the bowl and if it weren't for the ridiculously thick fur rug underneath us, the thing would have shattered to a million pieces. 
His eyes were wide in disbelief, mouth slack in shock as he stared at me and i could actually see his dick swelling in hi sweatpants as I stood in the completely see through babydoll. 
“Where’s the bedroom?” 
‘Fuck, yeah...that feels so fucking good...” Namjoon growled , gripping my waist as I rode him, his thick cock stretching me out so good that I moaned in relief. Stupid fucking Jeon Jungkook.... Namjoon wasn’t bad per se but he didn’t know the nuances of what I liked. Jungkook had this sinful way of rolling his hips up into mine when I rode him and it always made me see stars. But no matter....this wasn’t the main reason I was here. 
“Don’t cum... I want you to come on my face .” I whispered softly and Namjoon shuddered, grip on my waist tightening.
“Fuck..yeah,.yeah,.,.,okay,,.,anything you say.,...” He stuttered.
I reached down to rub my clit because I wanted to cum too and I sighed in sweet blessed relief as my orgasm washed over me, my walls clenching around Namjoon as I rode it out. 
“Fuck, I’m close...” Namjoon whispered and i clambered off him to kneel between his legs.
“Take a picture.” I grabbed my phone and turned on the camera , pressing it into his hands. 
“Wh- What?” His pacing faltered and I didn’t let him think too much , lest he change his mind...
“I want a picture of me choking on your cock , Joon oppa.... A picture with you painting my face with cum..please...please...” I blinked up at him through my wet lashes and I could almost see his mind disintegrating at the visual. 
“ Shit okay.... okay...”
I wrapped my lips around his cock, sucking quickly and taking him in deep, my mind swimming with glee as he clicked away. 
“Fuck, I’m cumming...” Namjoon began and I pulled away, opening my mouth, sticking my tongue out just as he came , making sure I stared straight into the camera as the first few spurts hit me, right across my tongue. I stuck a finger in my mouth, making a show of sucking it and Namjoon groaned, clicking away more pictures.
“Fuck...tell me I can get these pictures...” He moaned and I laughed, crawling up to kiss him. 
“Sure baby.” 
I called Jungkook first, simply to give him a chance to redeem himself. 
The thing with Namjoon was impulsive and  while i didn’t regret it per se , i didn’t want to drag Namjoon into this without just cause. 
“what the fuck do you want?” Jungkook’s annoyed voice made my hackles rise.
“A fucking apology for starters.” I snarled into the phone. The fucking audacity!!!
“Listen , I’m on the way to Sana’s place.... So I don’t have time for your toddler tantrums. I’m hanging up”
And he actually hung up. 
I stared at the phone, shaking in disbelief.
I quickly flipped through the photos I’d taken , trying to find the one that would make him furious enough to ditch his fuck for the night. Sana? Who the fuck was she anyway>?
I picked the one that was most obscene, you could see my sheer bodice, my nipples and the curve of my breasts, Namjoon’s cock resting against my tongue, spurts of his cum over my tongue and my cheek bones and the highlight- my eyes staring right at the camera in defiance. 
Nothing riled Jungkook up more than defiance. 
I opened snapchat , sending him the pic. 
I stared at the caption in satisfaction. 
 Your brother tasted better. 
I relaxed against the pillows, glancing at the clock over the door. It was a little past eleven but knowing Jungkook.... he’d be here within the hour. He had a key to my apartment so I locked the bedroom instead. 
“Kim Areum!!!!!!!!” Jungkook’s voice rang through the apartment rousing me from my nap. I blinked groggily and stared at the mirror.
11.25 PM.
I felt a smile creep into my face. A new record. 
The door into my bedroom shook on its hinges as he knocked on it. Hard. I moved to stand close to the door , reveling in the fact that Jungkook was on the other side, likely losing his everloving shit . 
“I’m too tired, Jungkook...your brother really put me through the wringer...” I whined piteously and the knocking stopped.
“Open the motherfucking door, Areum or I’m gonna fuck you so hard its gonna  put you in a fucking wheelchair .....” He growled. 
I smiled. 
“Good night Jungkook. Oh and you better leave soon...my sister is sleeping in the guest bedroom.” 
Ignoring his frustrated snarl , I turned the lights off.
Kim Areum- 1.
Jeon Jungkook -0 
 Author’s note : I was just really inspired by that pic of pic of Jungkook in the see through shirt. Lemme know what you thought :-* 
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xhanisai · 3 years
Confront the boundary line of good and evil in my heart
It wasn't her fault! No way whatsoever! But still... Still... 'It really does hurt so bad...so much, I can't take it!'
~(x)~ . . . Tick. Tock. "I'm so sorry Chat Noir! I didn't mean to- I just- I just completely broke down and she was right there and I needed someone-" "It's okay, Bug. I understand, don't apologise," Tick. Tock. "It's not okay at all! You've wanted to know for so long, so patiently and I have always said no- and then look at me now! A hypocrite! This is probably a huge sucker-punch for you and I hate that I've always kept on hurting you back then but now, this takes the cake-" "N-No, I'm fine, honest...really. What matters is your happiness and wellbeing-" "But what about you!?" "..." Tick- "...Kid, talk to me, please. The way you're staring out into space is scaring me." The subdued, raspy voice belonging to the ancient being of destruction went unheard. The boy in question continued to observe the empty space in front, sitting on top of his bed with his knees tucked under his chin and his arms folded in front, hiding the lower half of his face. If one were to enter the room, they would instantly freeze from the glower of the boy's fiery emerald greens that were begging to pool with unshed tears and the aura of his stone-cold demeanour. From the waft of his internal turmoil, even a blind person would be able to pick up that he was currently the host of bad luck. "...Adrien...I want to help, I want to understand, so talk to me!" Once again, Plagg was left ignored, leaving him no choice but to float back down to his pillow and direct his pleading kitten eyes at the blonde, his tiny heart shattered from the state of his chosen. Alas, even he was helpless, his feline ears and whiskers drooping with sorrow. 'But you won't understand. You never did and you never will. No one will ever understand.' Adrien didn't even flinch, didn't even bat an eye. He was a statue of apathy and aloofness; though deep down inside, he was a maelstrom of agonising pain. Oh, so much pain. It was excruciating. He wanted to suit up and claw through the rooves of Paris whilst screaming in anguish. He wanted to find every billboard that had his face on it and tear through it all like paper. He wanted to shred and pulverise his useless, traitorous heart along with its despicable feelings and emotions. But most importantly, he wanted to rip the magical ring off his finger and throw it into La Seine with all his might and then cry for the rest of eternity. And he hates that he feels that way. Absolutely, ridiculously, hates that he feels betrayed. Self-loathing and disgust have taken over his body like a puppet and rendered him completely useless, like a toy forgotten at the bottom of the box, never to see the light of day ever again. The feeling of uselessness and pure shame replaced the blood running through his veins and numbed him to the point where he was equivalent to a powerless machine. He felt his throbbing heart fall deeper and deeper into the pit of his stomach. It wasn't her fault! No way whatsoever! But still... Still... 'It really does hurt so bad...so much, I can't take it!' The younger, softer, naive part of himself which was usually tucked away within the dark, hidden crevices of his heart, screamed as if the rest of humanity's lives depended on it. It was taking Adrien everything to keep him out. 'Is it too much to ask for only one constant in my life? Is it too much to ask for one thing to remain the same? Is it too much for anyone to stop keeping me at arm's length!?' . It is. . It is. . Deep down inside, below the platinum chains and iron bars of solid, concrete denial, he always knew that Ladybug never considered him as close as he did with her. And why should she? Just because he performed an act of common, proper human decency and helped an old man get his walking stick back? Just because he was gifted with the power to destroy anything he touches in order to save the day? Just because he knew how to fight possessed villains alongside her? Just because he's in love with her? . "I'm literally the worst." Adrien finally spoke out loud ever since he returned from...that patrol many hours ago. Despite his words, his soul couldn't help but weep and pray that it was all one huge, cruel nightmare. A twisted, sick joke that whatever deities out there have concocted up just for him. Anything! Yet, this was his reality. "I disagree." The boy snapped his gaze towards the kwami, his brows furrowing for elaboration on the little God's part. "I may not be human but I do have feelings and I can empathise. I've existed from the beginning of time and I've witnessed many, many things in my lifetime." Plagg then floated towards him, settling on Adrien's arm so that he was face to face. "You're not in the wrong here, kid. It's okay to feel like this-" "No, it's not!" Adrien's sudden outburst had the kwami shoot away in surprise, the boy instantly turning baffled at his own harsh reaction and then visibly paling even further. He caught sight of his own reflection on a nearby mirror, cringing at the monstrous mess that looked back. With a frustrated sigh, he leapt off the bed, solemnly treading towards his windows, fingers digging into his upper arms as if he was hugging himself. . The luminous moon that shone through the night sky, what was once a beacon of freedom in the past, never looked so unappealing to the distraught hero. His usually glittering eyes were vacant, devoid of any joy and hope whilst his lips were etched in a permanent frown. How many fake smiles and empty words of wisdom did he force out in front of his Lady earlier on? He's lost count. And how many more times will he have to keep doing that, knowing that there will always be another person out that there that Ladybug trusts more than she'll ever trust him? . "I stand by with what I said," Plagg quipped once more, his host quietly surprised with how the little God managed to get so close without him realising. "The two of you have been thrust into a messy situation with very little guidance and a whole bunch of rules which only complicated it further." He then directed his eyes from the moon to the boy. "Yes, I agree that Ladybug's decision in confiding with someone about her identity was a good idea, but as a result of that, it's brought you so much pain. You are not the worst and it's okay to cry it out. It's okay to tell her how you really feel." He placed one of his tiny hands on Adrien's cheek, ears and whiskers still weighed with melancholy as the boy allowed his eyes to prick with tears. One drop. Two drops. Three drops. Four. "It shouldn't hurt- I...I shouldn't be so selfish! Even if she never told me, I was able to tell that she wasn't able to handle her civilian life any longer, especially after becoming the Guardian- I'm supposed to protect her and be by her side! Not throw a tantrum like a three-year-old just because I'm not the one she decided to tell about her secret identity! And then adding my own stupid feelings and insecurities to her plate? I'll be a burden!" The dam was broken and the overwhelming feelings within Adrien cascaded like a tsunami. "You have plenty on your plate as well-" "But I'm used to it, she isn't. I was born and raised to deal with these kinds of things anyway so it's a no brainer for me to shut up and accept it all with a smile-" He paused abruptly, a wet gasp escaping his throat as he leaned against the glass for support when even more realisation sunk in. 'I have been dealing with so many responsibilities ever since I was born...and that puts us on the same boat...so why couldn't she have confided with me then?' Adrien dropped to his knees, fingernails scraping against his scalp as he tried to fight back against those negative thoughts and questions. 'Why am I never good enough? Not for Maman, not for Père and now...not for Ladybug...?' 'Why am I even here then?'
"Adrien...you don't need to put a mask on when you're with me. Cry it all out. I'm not gonna sit by and watch you destroy yourself from inside out because of your inability to address your true feelings. I'm right here, I'll even destroy all the wretched butterflies that dare to come by- so please, let it all out," "I can't! If I do, I'll never be able to go back and nothing will be the same again-" "And if you don't, then things will change for the worse and trust me, kid, that is the last thing you need." Finally, Plagg's words unravelled the obstacles that slowed down the flood and Adrien couldn't help but give in. His body shook and a whole new fresh wave of tears pooled down his eyes, teeth biting down on his lip to prevent the sobs from bursting out. . "...It hurts Plagg...it hurts so much! I love her...and I trust her so much but it hurts! I know she trusts me on a level and I know that multiple times she's mentioned that I'm irreplaceable but dammit! Why does it all feel like a lie!? She did the right thing in telling her civilian best friend, she finally has someone to look after herself- but why does it feel so wrong? Why is my heart in so much pain? Why can't I stop crying? If Ladybug won't lean on me, then what am I here for? And if I can't lean on Ladybug...who...who do I have?" . "...I may not be much and I may talk about nothing but cheese...but you'll always have me, kid," "I want to believe you, I want to so badly, Plagg...but I can't. I feel so alone...I've always been alone... ...And I'll always be alone..." . . . A couple of hours ago, just shy under midnight on a lone, hidden rooftop, if a curious civilian looked up, they would have seen Ladybug and Chat Noir locked in an embrace. However, what they would have noticed first was the absolutely broken, heartwrenching expression Noir wore... ...As if his entire world has fallen apart... . . . ~(x)~ A/N: Just wondering if I should make a sequel and give these two poor cats a happy ending~
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chokemeanakin · 3 years
Heyyy first wanna say that I love you!! 💜❤️🤎🧡💙🤍💚🖤
Next, I’ve been really sick lately, like haven’t been bail to take down food for a solid week, and in and out of hospital for the last two weeks, so could you please write up an Anakin small fic or head canon or just anything with a really sick reader, but she finds it hard to exsept help? Your fives have been keep me alive I swear haha
YOOO IVE BEEN WANTING TO DO THIS FOR WEEEEEEKKKSSS you literally read my mind !!! 😆😆😆 (also I’m so sorry that you’re terribly sick, I’m sending you all my love and I hope you get better soon. I love you too boo thang ❤️) HERE WE GO:
(Also fun fact whump is my area of expertise so if this gets to be really long I apologize — it’s just hard for me to narrow stuff down, anyway, enjoy)
Anakin x Sick (fem) Reader Headcanons:
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Gif from @swprequels
The minute you get sick, you immediately shut yourself into your room and hide from the world.
You hate people seeing you at your worst, most vulnerable state. So weak, and needy, and messy and in pain. You’ve always been the type to push people away, no matter how sick you get, because you just can’t let them see you like that.
But like.... imagine you’re new to the temple or something. You haven’t been there for very long, and you still don’t really know your way around. And you wake up at night with the worst stomach pains, like writhing around in bed and crying and begging higher powers for any kind of relief sort of pain.
And you somehow manage to wrench yourself onto shaking legs and dig through the bathroom cabinet, only to find that you have no medicine that can help you.
The next logical step is you go to the medbay, but you have no idea where that even is. And so you’re left to drag yourself down the halls to the only other person who you can think of to help you, the only other other person you want to see right now.
Anakin opens the door shirtless, rubbing sleep out of his bleary eyes. You wish you could feel worse for waking him up when he was obviously sleeping, but your stomach is twisting and turning and a layer of cold sweat is forming over you and you need his help. So you swallow your pride and stand there as he asks, “Y/n? What’s wrong, baby?”
He doesn’t hesitate as he gently ushers you into his room, holding you up as he leads you to the bed. You’re glad, because you don’t think your legs can hold you up for very much longer. And he’s kneeling in front of you, taking your face in his hands and wiping away your tears as you clutch at your stomach and tremble beneath him.
“I-I don’t feel good,” is all you can manage before wincing at a particularly painful stab, shuttering as the nausea worsens.
He’s so worried, eyes scanning over every inch of you. He’s less soft now, and more action as protecting you and figuring out what’s wrong is his first priority.
“What hurts?”
Everything hurts, but you settle with the most pressing offender. “My stomach.”
His eyes drop to your arms, which are wound around your middle like you could squeeze the pain away. You’re hunched over, shivering violetently, skin pale in the darkness. Very obviously sick, although now he has to decide whether it’s bad enough where it warrants a visit to the medbay. His heart twists painfully.
“When did it start?”
“A couple hours ago.”
“Did you eat something?”
He’s rubbing his thumb along your cheek, capturing each cold tear as they’re occasionally squeezed out of your eye.
“Not that I know of,” you whisper. “I had the same as everyone else.”
“Okay,” he says after a moment, then stands. He keeps one hand gently cradling your face as he reaches behind you and pulls the blankets back. “You wanna lie down?”
You want to say yes, but suddenly you’re hit with a particularly excruciating twist of the stomach, and you know it wouldn’t be a good idea. If you move even slightly, you’re pretty certain you’ll be spilling your dinner all over the floor. The thought has you moaning slightly, curled even further into yourself, shaking your head. “Can’t.”
“Alright. That’s okay. Do you think you’re gonna be sick?”
A terrible wave of embarrassment washes over you, but you force yourself to nod.
Anakin doesn’t even have to ask to know that you won’t be able to make it the bathroom. He wouldn’t want to subject that to you anyway, knelt on the cold tile floor before the toilet. No, he wants you to be as comfortable as possible.
So he takes his garbage can and makes sure it’s clean before setting it on the floor or in front of you, in case you need it quickly. You’re hanging your head, sweating and shivering and whimpering every so often as the pain builds and builds and washes over you in waves.
“It’s okay,” Anakin sits beside you, hand rubbing your back in grounding circles. “Focus on your breathing. It’ll pass soon.”
You stay there with him like that for a long while. At one point, you’re begging him for some pain meds, or anything that can take the pain away, but he has to refuse because you’re just going to throw them up anyway. He feels awful saying no, because you begin to cry again and lean forward.
He senses it right before it happens. With lightning reflexes, he snatches the bin off the ground and holds it under you just as you begin to get violently sick.
It’s not pretty, and that thought is knocking at the back of your mind as you clutch onto the rim of the bin, emptying your stomach over and over and over, barely able to catch a breath before you’re hit with another round.
Anakin sits right next to you through it all, dragging his fingers along the nape of your neck to gather your hair over one shoulder, rubbing soothing line and circles into your back, hushing you and telling you to let it out, that you’ll feel better once it’s over.
He’s right about that. Throwing up scares you, and you hate it with everything in you, but for the time being you feel a little better. Once your food stops forcing its way back up and you can finally breathe, there’s a moment where the awful stabbing pain in your stomach is quiet and you can open your eyes and lift your head.
“You think you’re done?”
You take a moment to assess your nausea, not wanting to be hit with a surprise attack and make a mess all over the floor. But for the time being, your stomach has settled and now you’re left as a trembling, weak, shell of a human, barely able to sit upright on your own.
You nod and wipe your mouth, disgusted with the contents now on the back of your hand. Your pajamas have been soaked in sweat, and you’re sure you look absolutely disgusting. You’re too weak to care a whole lot, but the shame still bubbles up in your chest.
Somehow he’s got a glass of water, and he’s handing it to you so you can swish and spit. “Small sips, angel.”
Anakin sets the bin down, running his hand over your hair once more before standing. The loss of his warm presence has you shivering violently, teeth clacking together. “You want a bath? Or do you just want to go to bed?”
You don’t think you’d be able to sleep with your clothes stocking to you like this, so you choose the bath. He kisses your forehead once, saying, “I’ll go run it now. Stay here in case you get sick again.”
You nod and he leaves, the sounds of the faucet turning and water splashing into the bath sounding from the bathroom. He comes back to help you up, hands fitting right onto your disgusting sweaty and vomitty body as he half carries you to the bathroom.
And then he helps you get undressed, lowers you carefully into the water, kneels by the side of the tub and holds your hand.
Your eyes are closed and your head is pounding, achey and queasy and tired. You know you have to wash up, but you can’t seem to lift your arms.
So he does it for you 🥺
Squeezing some shampoo into his palm, gently rubbing it into your hair, using his hand to shield your face as he carefully washes it out. Running his hands over your arms and the top of you chest with soap, lathering you up and then rinsing again. And then he’s squeezing water out of a cloth, running the damp material over your face to clean it of sweat and sick.
And when he’s done, he stands and promises to be right back as he takes the bin full of vomit to the communal bathrooms, dumping it out in the toilet and then washing it in the showers. It’s early hours of the morning so no one is there, but he’d do it even if people were looking at him like he was crazy. 🥺
And when he comes back, he helps you out of the bath and bundles you up in a big fluffy towel. Runs it over your skin and dries you up, and helps you stand as you request to brush your teeth.
And then he brings you back into the room and helps you dress in some of his clothes, a pair of his sleep pants that he has to tie the string extra tight so they’ll stay up, and roll the cuffs up to your ankle about 10 times until you can walk without tripping. And he’s also got some sleep shirts that he’s never worn, and you swim in that also so he rolls up the sleeves until you can see your hands.
And now all you want to do is fall back into his pillows and go to sleep, but he asks you to hold on a while longer so that he can get you some meds. And he has you take some pills, encourages you to drink some more water, (“slow, baby”), and then he helps you lie back and get comfortable.
And if you wake up later in the night to get sick again, he’s waking up right along with you, holding you and hushing you and being the sweetest person you could ever ask for.
In instances like this, you can’t help but need and accept his help. And he doesn’t mind giving it, in fact he wants you to come to him. Anything that brings you pain, he’ll destroy.
And he’ll make sure you eat as much as you can, and that you’re drinking water. Constantly asking you how you feel, if there’s anything he can do. Runs a cold cloth over your face to soothe the fever, and massages your aching muscles until you’re all better.
The voice he uses when you’re sick 🥺. He knows that any noise can hurt your head, so he lowers his voice and it’s so smooth and deep and rumbly. So soft and gentle 😭 the sweetest voice bc his baby is in pain and he just wants to take it all away 🥺🥺
In other cases where you’re sick, like you have a cold, you’re more stubborn. You shut yourself away as soon as you get the first symptoms, denying any hint that you might be getting sick, until suddenly he realizes he hasn’t seen you in days and stops by to find you buried under covers, surrounded by tissues, all lights off in your apartment, sleeping fitfully.
And so he’ll sigh a little, clean up your apartment and then sit and watch over you. When you wake up, you’ll groan and burrow deeper into the covers and demand he leave. But he’ll just tell you to be quiet and drink this water.
Demands you tell him the moment you feel sick next time, even though he knows you never will. And then when he gets you some medicine and food, your cheeks are red with embarrassment and fever as you bashfully accept them.
But ofc you’ll get over it soon because Anakin’s here now and you might as well be miserable in his arms. So you push the covers off your overheating body and reach across the bed for him, practically falling into his lap from where he’s sitting on a chair by your bedside.
And he just simply catches you and strokes your hair and hushes you as you bury your wet eyes and flushed cheeks into his chest, sniffling pathetically.
“You’re okay, sweetheart,” he’ll promise, and hold you in his warm arms and rock you until you fall asleep.
Getting sick on Republic Cruisers is the worst. When that happens, you’re either on your way to or back from war. And so usually people are busy and running around, or exhausted and beat up. The ship is cold and everyone has their own problems to worry about, but you feel like ass and you just want to be alone with Anakin.
He feels awful when he sees you, and will order everyone out of the pilot’s room. And then he’ll clear the passenger seat off, urge you to sit down, wrap you up in as many blankets as he can find, and when he can only find a couple, he’ll sacrifice his Jedi robe. And you’ll nuzzle deep down into the cacoon of blankets and inhale the scent of Anakin’s robe, fall in and out of consciousness as you’re lulled to sleep by the soft sounds of the ship.
Anakin wishes there was more he could do for you in these instances, but the food isn’t good and there’s not usually any medicine. So he’ll keep a hand on your knee, or let you hold his hand in your lap as you sleep, and he’ll send a little surge of peace and soothing energy through the force and into you.
Will 100% find an excuse to carry you off the ship when you land, and then spend the rest of the day lying with you and tending to you and trying to make you feel better 🥺
He’s so caring and so protective and sweet. His gentle side really comes out, because his #1 thing is that he needs the people he loves to be safe, so if an illness is hurting you he will do anything he can to take the pain away.
Yes, he can’t take care of himself sometimes. But the minute you’re feeling a little under the weather, suddenly he has a PHD in medical science and he’s nursing you back to health like an expert 🥺
Also he’ll never deny you kisses when you’re sick, even if you warn him he might catch it, he just hushes you and kisses you softly on the lips. Then on the chin, then the nose, then the forehead.
Will always brush off your inability to accept help. If you say “no” or “leave me alone” or “I’m fine go away” he’ll just roll his eyes and plant himself there. Bc no matter how stubborn you can be, he’s even more.
And when you keep apologizing, obviously feeling awful for having him take care of you, he’ll just hush your worries and hold a tissue to your nose and go “blow.”
And then he’ll stay with you and watch over you until you’re all better. And even when you get back into the swing of things, he’ll watch over you like a hawk while you’re recovering 🥺🥺
You might get shy and ashamed and embarrassed when he tries to help you, but he doesn’t mind. You’ll just have to come to accept the fact that he’s always going to be there for you, to help you and hold you and make you all better ❤️
Sweet boy is so good to you 🥺🥺🥰
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dinogoofy · 3 years
Scorpion/GN! Reader!- pt 2
Might kiss you, might rip your guts out.
It's safe to say this was my favorite chapter to write so far, enjoy!
TW for gore, out of place joints, ect.
The bright flash of lighting that branched through the sky wasn't enough to quell the uneasiness you felt in the fire gardens. 
You had been sitting by a window for quite some time, watching as the cloudy sky grew dark and restless by nightfall. Your stomach was churning still, it felt like every shadow was going to pounce at any second. It's the trauma from years past. You knew that. Your past had caused a bad tendency to overthink everything, everyone, at any time. It was exhausting. 
On the other side of the spectrum, you were under the roof of the man who literally killed you. Honestly, the real reason you had stuck so close to the window was because it was the quickest way to escape. Takeda had gone to bed, and without the child around, you almost felt…worse. Scared. Lonely. 
"You don't have to be so skittish. I understand your uneasiness, but the Shirai Ryu is not known for betrayal." You jumped at the voice. Eyes shifting over to the man. He was closer than you had thought, standing stiffly above you with a tray in his hands. You forced the flicker of fear in your stomach to still, and watched him closely as he sat. He set the tray in-between the two of you, and you could now see what he had been carrying. The traditional tea-cups didn't so much as clink as he set two out.  You eyed him skeptically, and he made short eye contact with you as he poured the kettle-water into them, and prepared the tea.
"I don't even know why I'm still here." You said, truthfully, spitefully. He hummed in response, and you kept your eyes locked on his hands as he worked. When he was done, he sat back. The two of you never broke eye contact as he lifted his cup to drink. Only then, were you satisfied that there was no poison. No tricks.
 After taking a moment to quell your anxiety, and revulsion at being so close to the man, you lifted the cup to drink. You did not thank him for the tea. You were tempted, fighting back a reflex from being raised with strict manners, but you refused. You would never thank the man who took so much from you.
After a long moment of drinking tea in silence, you had gingerly adjusted your wings, moving them into a more comfortable, relaxed position to avoid the pin-prickly sensation of them falling asleep. You supposed that's one feeling you didn't miss coming from the numb side. Scorpion tracked your movements with his eyes.
"How are your wings?" You scowled at the soft, inquisitive tone. How were your wings? The question ignited a rage in you.
"Why would you care, Scorpion?" You snapped. "You didn't care when you destroyed them." His face shifted in shame. He took a deep breath, before setting down his cup.
"Please, call me Hanzo Hasashi. I claimed victory over Scorpion long ago." You gave him a skeptical look. Finishing your tea in one last sip, and setting it down as well.
"But you were still once the Wraith, correct? You were still the one who slit my throat in the arena. You were the one who set fire to my wing." You stretched the appendage just slightly, showing the scar of a handprint that sat visibly at the curve of the wing. "You took everything from me." 
He lowered his gaze, you did not regret your words.
"I believed that you were a Wraith at first." He spoke, after a short moment. "I saw the blur of you from beyond the forest as you dove. I had run to where I left Takeda, but he was gone. I searched the cliff, I spotted you, with the boy. and I was fully prepared to…" He stopped. "Defend him." He was skirting around the true words, but you knew. His attempt to be polite was pitiful. The scowl grew on your face as you thought of his words. You? A Wraith? You snorted. Never. You never wanted revenge. You just wanted your life back. 
"When I… approached you, in the forest. I only restrained myself at the sight of your eyes. You were afraid, yes, but they were unclouded. Untouched by rage-"
"I would never. Be afraid of you." You snarled, lying through your teeth. He gave you a knowing look. You bristled a bit. How dare he?! How dare he see right through you? How dare he try talking to you like a sane human being. You didn't want to see him as a human being. He was an enemy. An antagonist- a force of death. A killer! A a fucking wraith! 
He wasn't- 
He would never be. 
Kind. To you.
It was easy to flinch as he started to clean up the glasses. You steadied your breathing. Tears stung at the corners of your eyes again. Pain stung your palms, and you flexed your hands, realizing that you were clenching them so hard your nails had bit into your hands.
"Takeda has taken a liking to you." Hanzo didn't look at your face as he spoke. "You are welcome to stay as long as you need," He stood, and with the silent steps of a ninja, left you alone in the room. You watched as he left, and the tears started to flow. You didn't know why you were crying. You didn't need to be crying. You needed rest. You knew that. But…
You couldn't. You couldn't stay here. 
The rain had lightened into a slight sprinkle, and without a word, you left the temple at the fire gardens. You stepped out into the soggy ground, and spread your wings.
You braced yourself as you did a testing flap of your wings, ignoring the strain, ignoring the soreness and warning signs. You crouched, preparing, and jumped. A great flap of your wings boosting your airtime, but it was not enough. Your appendages did not respond in time with your head, and you fell, landing lightly on your feet. Again. You had to do it again.
And so you did. You caught more air this time, but failed. Almost slipping in the mud after landing. One more time. You had to. You needed to prove yourself. You didn't need his help. You didn't need any help. You were fine. You would be fine. You just had to-
The last jump, the last flap, the last try, was the best yet. 
It left an even larger hole in your heart when a sharp stabbing pain in your wing left you unable to move again. You were too close to the ground to glide, and unable to move again to slow your fall. You braced yourself for the ground to hit. 
A pair of arms awkwardly caught around your waist, knocking the air out of you. The weight of your wings carried you backwards, but the hands slid under your wings and to the small of your back. When the two of you hit the ground his hands kept your torso and head from hitting the rocks along the pathway. 
The pain was bad. It was so bad. It hurt so much. You couldn't think of any other thing besides it. You could hardly see Hanzo through your blurry eyes as he gently held you still. It was impossible for you to hold back your tears. Hanzo gently moved to sit you up, and you let out a whimper as the shooting pain grew worse and your wing remained limp. You shouldn't have tried. Shouldn't have pushed yourself. Shouldn't have been stubborn. Shouldn't have been so-
Hanzo called your name, desperately trying to get you to cooperate and stand with him. Through your pain and tears, you clung to Hanzo Hasashi's shoulders, whimpering again as he stood the two of you up. Your bad wing moved again awkwardly as the support of the ground  left and it hung limply in the mud. You pressed your head into his shoulder, in complete agony. You hadn't been in so much pain since… since… 
"We need to get out of the rain. Please- work with me," You could feel the rumble in his chest as he spoke, but couldn't respond. Silently you adjusted your good wing accordingly as one of his hands wove under your arm and set squarely on the spot between your wings. The other looped under your knees and he lifted you up. You folded your good wing behind Hanzo's back to make it easier for him to move around the huge appendages. 
"Can you lift the other?" You tried. And you tried. And you tried again- and the tears never stopped. Why can't you move it. You can't move it. It hurt so. Much-
Hanzo understood the answer by your reaction. He was careful of the wing as he took you back inside. The handprint burning into his vision the longer he carried you.
He set you carefully on the floor of the temple, urging you to lay over on your stomach. You did, moving your head to the side and pressing your cheek to the wood. Hanzo left for a moment, shortly returning.
"Bite this." He held out a rolled cloth, and you did as he asked, taking hold of the cloth with your teeth without any hesitation. You let out a muffled cry as he gently moved the bad wing. He quietly apologized.
In a sudden moment of complete dread and fear, you bit down hard on the cloth as your wing and back erupted in  excruciating pain. Hanzo had popped your wing back in place without a word. The fear of his hands on you- on your wings, held steady in your chest. Even as he stepped away. Even as he helped you sit up once again.
"I'm sorry I gave no warning. Usually it hurts less when given no time to brace. Although I've never experienced a… dislocated wing, before." You didn't care about his apparent kindness. You didn't care about the help- or the tea, or the fucking shelter. He needed to stop touching you. Hanzo reached out for your shoulder, and you flinched away.
"Don't. Ever. Touch my wings. Again." You snarled, voice breaking. Hanzo understood. He sat back, retracting his hands away from you. He once again, apologized quietly.
You slept in a spare bedroom that night. Flat on the floor. Too many thoughts were going through your head. Too many to sleep. There was no way you could leave as soon as you wanted. Not after what had just happened. It could take weeks for you to heal. And then after that? Would you be able to leave then? You weren't sure. You had been lying still for so long you didn't even realize that the sun had started to rise.
"Miss?" Takeda's voice made you smile. With a groan you sat up sorely, able to see his shadow through the shoji sliding door.
"We're having breakfast soon. Grandmaster Hasashi asked me to leave some robes outside the door for you." Breakfast? The Shirai Ryu was inviting you to breakfast. God, this week was going to be so strange. 
"Thank you, Takeda. I'll be out in a bit."
"Ok!" You could practically hear the smile in his voice, opening the door to take the robes only after his footsteps had faded.
Thankfully, the robes that Hanzo had lent to you were simply black. No yellow. No clan markings, just pure, unaffiliated black. You were almost grateful for that. 
After a little bit of a struggle of sore limbs and big ass wings, you managed to change into the robes. For an un-tailored, borrowed set of clothes, they managed to fit nicely around your wings. You left your muddy clothes from last night folded on the floor, reminding yourself to ask Hanzo about washing them later. A soft knock came from the door again, and this time, you opened it to answer whoever it was. Of course, it was Takeda. He smiled widely at you. 
"Here to show me to breakfast?" He nodded excitedly. You followed as he led you through the temple, not daring to truly look at any of the other Shirai Ryu members you passed. Don't acknowledge them, and they won't bother you. They won't. You had to believe that they wouldn't. 
Sitting down for breakfast with your killer wasn't something you ever expected to do. And even as you sat here, out of all the mixed emotions you felt, none of them were the ones you expected to feel around him. You were confused, and somewhat nervous, but the fear… The fear you had felt early yesterday morning it had faded. It had been replaced with confusion, and suspicion, and… and some sort of respect. 
"Did you hurt your wing again?" Takeda spoke, words forming a lighthearted question. It startled you out of your haze, and reminded you of the droopy drag your bad wing had been doing all morning. It was only limp, and it had to be relaxed to not hurt, and for it to heal. You never realized how strange and concerning it must look to a child. Nevertheless, he had read the room, and you kept your eyes on him. 
"I… Yes."
"How long will it take for you to fly again?" His worried tone almost made your heart melt. What a sweet boy. You smiled lightly at him, glancing once at Hanzo across the table before directing your gaze back to your plate. It was difficult to be honest with yourself, but you were compelled to tell them the truth.
"Honestly? Weeks. Maybe a month. I have to keep up with a serious training routine to keep my damaged wing from atrophying. It…" You cleared your throat. "I hate to admit it. But it might be a while before I can fly semi-properly again."  Takeda nodded, face still scrunched in worry, but he asked no more questions. 
"We will provide for you until you can then." The voice of Hanzo startled you, and his words made you furrow your brow. Did you hear that correctly?
"I- excuse me?" Hanzo set his utensils down on his plate, wiping his mouth with a napkin.
"Stay. At least until you are back to full strength." You did hear him correctly then. Your immediate reaction wasn't fear, or anger, or concern, only the tightening in your chest you got when you felt you weren't doing the right thing.
"I can't take advantage of your offer like that. A month would be the bare minimum. To be back to- to 'full strength' would take-"
"You can decide whether or not you will stay that long later. Just accept it for now. " You sat, quiet for a moment. Words and thoughts and paranoid calculations clouding your head. But instead of saying anything rude, or emotion, or questioning… all you could really say was-
"...Thank you."
And for once, you meant it.
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cherrysha · 4 years
Uvo’s First Time With You
This is tooth rottingly sweet Uvo because i really cant help myself. im weak fr that big ass boi.
Requests are Open atm
Summary : I have this headcanon where Uvo doesn’t physically punish his girl *ahem* captive fr not wanting him... he just slips her a lil smthn smthn at dinner one night..
Word Count: 3,691
Warnings: dubcon/noncon, Yandere!Uvo, drugs, unprotected sex, cockwarming, kidnapping, tiniest mention of blood, mentions of violence, aaand I think thats it.
As per usual 18+ crowd here. No minors should be reading this.
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He just sits there after dinner, quieter than usual as he waits for it to kick in.
His arm draped across the back of the couch and he just feels you slowly start to squirm around more and more, he lets his eyes wander over you.
“Is everything okay sweetheart?”
“Yeah...it’s just.. really hot in here Uvo” you whisper to him.
And you saying his name like that,, already so needy for...something, has him trying to hide the smirk on his face.
“I’ll adjust the temperature for you then.”
And beFORE he even has a chance to get up your whining at him not to leave. (which is COMPLETELY out of character since you usually are uncomfortable just being around this giant of a man who quite literally kidnapped you)
“I just wanna lay down Uvo.. I don’t feel good”
And there it is again. Usually he can’t even get you to look him in the eye but nOW?! Your saying his name and clutching onto his t-shirt like ur fighting the urge to wrap yourself around him.
He nods his head, keeping a straight face as he gruffly replies with “Go lay down then”
You just let out an impatient sigh and bury your face into his side.
And the bastard KNOWS you want HIM to lay down with you!! But he wants to hear you say it. Wants to see that pretty blush on your face when you get flustered.
You whine out “Uvo...” and stare at him, mentally trying to communicate your need without having to say it out loud. Not really understanding what you want, or maybe you do but you’re so far in denial that you don’t want to acknowledge it.
“Tell me what you want or I won’t give you anything at all.”
And he watches as a pout makes its way across your features.
With a huff you crawl into his lap, arms reaching as far up his tall frame as they can to grip onto his shirt again. Pressing yourself completely against him. You make eye contact for the first time that night.
“I - I want you to lay down with me... please Uvo?”
To say he’s shocked is an understatement
The man is beyond words. It’s only been 15 minutes since he slipped you the drugs and you’re already more comfortable with him than you’ve been since he took you months ago.
“All you had to do was ask sweetheart.”
It’s only been seconds from your statement and you don’t even care about laying down anymore. Can’t even really remember that you were having a conversation or what it was even about. All you can think of now is how hot you are, how your clothing is too itchy and constricting. Your skin is on fire.
Uvo’s body temperature is way hotter than yours normally, and even now he’s still very warm. But to you it feels like heaven. His warmth like a soothing balm over your skin.
“Uvo I need.. I need to take this off” you squirm and try your hardest not to fall off his lap as you wrestle out of your shirt.
His grip on your hips tightens a little. You miss the groan that manages to pass through his lips, too distracted with your own mission of getting out of the straight jacket of a shirt.
He watches you for a minute, panting at the way you’re accidentally grinding down on him. So focused on getting comfortable that you completely forget where your sitting, or that Uvo’s eyes are watching you undress.
“L-Lets get you into bed first sugar” and he removes your clenched fists from the fabric of your shirt. He’s playing the part of an innocent man, but his true motive is that he wants to savor this. He doesn’t want to rush through the moment so quickly that he doesn’t have time to truly indulge in it. To drown in it.
At this point the drugs are kicking in HARD. All you can think of is your need for.. something. You just need it. And the frustration from the denial is mixing with the pain in your gut.
“No Uvo! I need it off.. all of it off! Please it hurts so bad. Please Uvo...”
You’re crying now, hitting his chest weakly with your closed fists.
Uvo’s lap us soaked from the wetness betwen your thighs. He’s not sure if you even notice. That along with the way you’re throwing your little hissy fit, squirming all over him has his head leaning back against the couch, stifling the moan that’s threatening to make it past his clenched jaw.
He collects himself, taking a deep breath before standing up, hands firmly planted on your ass to keep you as close as possible to his body.
He’s so tall that he has you pressed against his lower abdomen, your legs wrapped as far around his trunk of a torso as they can.
Your moving harder in his hands, panting as he takes you up the stairs.
At first he thinks youre struggling to get away from him, so used to your rejection that it takes him a minute to realize you’re rubbing your clothed crotch against his stomach, sighing at the friction of it.
You don’t even realize your doing it tbh. The drugs clouding your mind of any awareness you had. All you know is that moving your hips is making the pain in your gut a little more tolerable.
Uvo stops and just watches. Your breathing heavy as you rub yourself against him, little whispers of his name passing through your parted lips.
He realizes in that moment that he’s a goner. He expected this to be different, expected you to fight against it tooth and nail just like you fought against him over the months he’s had you. He knows you won’t stay this needy, but even now the intimacy you’ve shown him is enough to last him years to come. He’s prepared to go through whatever means necessary to feel this again.
You don’t even register he’s stopped or his heavy gaze watching you intently. You grab his shirt, hiking it up so you can feel the dips and curves of his stomach, greedily soaking up the soothing warmth against your hands, your body still unconsciously moving against his now exposed chest. 
He listens to you moan in relief, watches as your face contorts in pleasure. Uvo starts walking again, albeit a little quicker this time. His mind wandering to the warm slick you’ve just covered his stomach with. He’s painfully hard, needing it just as much as you do.
And in all honesty I don’t think Uvo could deny you anything besides leaving him ofc.
So he gets you in bed and helps you remove everything besides your underwear even though you tried to take that off too and just waits for it... lays there and holds you, waiting for you to tell him what you want from him.
Yes, he could take you by force if he wanted to but this man craves your love and he knows if you give in willingly you know besides the fact he drugged you you’ll see him as your savior. There for you when your hurting, aching, desperately needing help. 
“Uvo.. please.. shirt off” is all he can make out of your incoherent mumbling.
And this fucker
“Your shirt is already off baby”
He’s making it difficult on purpose. Stringing you out so he can see you sob for him.
“No...no. You undress. Please? Please..”
And that’s enough.
His patience is wearing thin. Months and months of craving you. Wanting you to love him but only getting one word replies and scared tears had him yearning for your affection, to the point it made him sick.
He’s never wanted anything as desperately as he’s wanted you. And you wanting him back? He’ll do anything to have his feelings reciprocated.
He takes everything off, even stripping out of his boxers.
You sob when he pulls away to shuck out of his clothing, fat tears sliding down your face at the loss of his touch.
It only takes him seconds but it’s long enough to have you in hysterics
He shushes you, laying you on his chest as he wraps an arm around your waist. Running his fingers through your hair, whispering in your ear:
“It’s okay”
“I’m here”
“I’m not leaving you baby”
Until you’ve calmed down. His skin on yours is a godsend. You actually kiss him first, moving in as he’s whispering to you and catching him off guard.
It’s open mouthed and sloppy, your need making you desperate.
When he starts to kiss you back you whine into his mouth, not being able to stop yourself from moving your hips.
Uvo grunts, letting himself roll up against you; loving the squeak you let out into his mouth as his hands grasp your hips.
He could stop right now and it would still be the best moment of his life. His tongue in your mouth tasting your desire and his hips moving in tandem with yours. It’s heaven.
To you it’s pure ecstasy. You’ve never experienced this type of gut wrenching pain before. A need so desperate you’ll do anything to quell it.
Even if it meant letting your captor fuck you senseless.
You’re unashamed. There is no room in your head to think about such things when your body is on fire like this, burning as your floor muscles clench and unclench so hard it’s excruciating. Trying desperately to squeeze around something and adding to the fire when they find nothing.
The little drop of relief you felt with Uvo was enough to spur you on. If he was the cure then consequences be damned. You were trapped anyway.
You learned you couldn’t outrun him, definitely couldn’t fight him, and now you’d just proven that given a little push you’d actually be with him. You let the thoughts float away
If this was your bed, you’d lay in it.
“Y/n” he lets out a grunt as the spot between your thighs coats his cock through the soaked fabric of your panties.
“Y/n... let me take these off.”
You don’t respond. Instead you grind down harder against him.
Uvo tears the flimsy material off of you body, your bra following soon after.
He’s watching the way your breasts bounce at the force, eyes only ripping away when a high pitched whine leaves your throat.
Your eyes are closed, only focusing on his cock sliding between your folds with every glide of your hips.
Hot and thick, you sob with relief. And still, it wasn’t enough.
“Please Uvo”
“Please what baby? What do you want?”
And with the most conviction you’ve had tonight you beg him “I need you inside of me. Please Uvo. Make it stop.”
He’s breathless. You’ve never wanted anything. No gift would satisfy you, no amount of money could buy your love. And with one measly pill he’s got you writhing on top of him, begging for him to fill you up with his cock.
It gives him a head rush. The only thing you’ve ever asked for is to be stuffed full.
And we all know Uvo is packing some heat right?
Uvo even knows he’s huge, and right now this mans ain’t trying to tear you open unless you wanted him to.
Even though he wants nothing more than to simply seat himself fully inside the tight clutch of your warmth, and god how easy it’d be in this position to just pick you up and sit you down on his length, he flips over. Being careful not to use too much strength in his excited state, so you’re laying beneath him on the bed.
You’re disoriented, and by the time you even fully process what’s happened he’s got his middle finger knuckle deep inside of you.
You arch your back, vision going black and mouth opening into a silent scream with how hard you cum just from one drop of relief.
And he’s trying so fucking hard to keep it together. The way your eyes roll back and your sex already trying so desperately to milk him, tightly clenching and unclenching around his digit.
He’s sure you’re going to drive him mad with desire.
You catch your breath and Uvo’s panting along with you too.
“Did that feel good baby?” And you nod up at him, still too dazed to speak.
“I bet you needed that huh?” smiling down at you, eyes blown wide with lust.
But even though his finger is plenty thick enough, it’s like your body KNOWS that it wasn’t his cock. You still ache for him, the release just pouring gasoline to the flames licking up your spine.
Your voice is just a whisper when you ask him
“More...” you look up at him, lips puffy and trails of tears running down your face. “Please”
And not for the first time tonight, Uvo almost snaps. He closes his eyes, blinking slowly before he takes a deep breath.
“Fuck baby... yeah, yeah I know what you want. Just. Just let me get you ready first okay?”
You give a reluctant nod and Uvo slides a second finger into you.
Any pain you feel at how thick he is, is masked by the spine curling burn in your veins. All you feel from the stretch is white hot pleasure.
And with a shaky breath your thanking him again, boosting his ego as he flicks his wrist to push and pull at the heat clutching around his fingers.
It feels like he’s stuck in a vice. So tight and wet for him... only ever for him. Eyes blown wide he watches as you shake beneath him, chasing any chance of stopping the pain you feel. He scissors his fingers open. He needs to stretch you out enough to fit.
When you start to get close again he pulls out. While he does want to draw this out, he mostly does it out of curiosity. Wants to see what you’ll do when denied your pleasure.
He gets his answer quickly as you let out a scream of frustration, moving your hands from the sheets beneath you to grip his hair, using all your strength to try and get his mouth down to yours in search of any piece of him you can get.
Obviously he doesn’t budge he’s like a thousand times stronger than you. BUT you do succeed in lifting yourself up to meet his lips, biting at them with a low growl in your throat.
For once in this relationship Uvo feels completely in control. He has you right where he wants you. Completely feral for him. Your reward is not only the return of his digits, but also a third finger fucking deeply into you as well.
“Lay back down” he growls out “ be a good girl for me again”
And you do. You’ll do anything for him. A sigh leaves your lips as the pain recedes, replaced with the pleasure Uvo is giving you. It towed a thin line between pain. Any time he slowed down it creeped into your consciousness again. He was your salvation, your only respite from whatever was doing this to you.
He’s your god, and after what felt like forever, he finally answers your prayers.
“S’gunna sting baby. Don’ wanna hurt you but I can’t... I can’t take any more.”
His fingers are gone. In their place is the head of his cock sliding between the soft petals of your pussy.
Uvo moans at the feeling. The feeling of you wanting him, slick and waiting for him.
Such a pretty little thing. He wants to mark you up, leave your body bruised with his signature. To feel the weight of your breasts in his mouth. Wants to bite down gently on your shoulder and taste the iron of your blood on his tongue. To feel your lips swallowing around him, to drown in the taste of your cunt as it clenches on his tongue. He wants every single part of you. But most of all, He wants to ruin you.
You moan, pulling him out of his reverie. “I - I need more Uvo! Not enough, please.”
All of those things can wait for now. His focus in this moment is on making you realize just how much you need him.
Gritting his teeth he slides the tip in, watching with wide eyes as it disappears inside of you.
It’s stretches you out, a whine escaping at the noticble sting of it. Uvo watches your face before slowly plunging deeper within you. You let out a cry as he stretches you out.
after a few pushes and pulls, slowly fucking you open Uvo finally sinks down until he’s fully sheathed inside, releasing a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
He’s paralyzed for a moment, his attention solely on how warm and wet you are. It’s firm yet gentle around him. Better than everything he imagined. Like silk, only alive, and he swears he can feel your heartbeat enveloping him.
He buries his head in your neck, licking a stripe up a line of sweat until he’s kissing you again. Swallowing every whimper that slips past your swollen lips.
His mouth stays on yours as he slowly pulls back and ruts his hips against yours completely for the first time. You’re scratching his back and god he wishes you could mark him up. Wishes beyond measure that he could carry the sting of you wherever he goes.
“Yeah..right t-there. Fuck!”
 Your shy demeanor is being forcibly torn away. This is the first time he’s heard you curse, the sound of it making him let out a low growl. Thoughts of how he’s awoken some part of you he’d never seen before floating into his mind. his dirty little girl... he wonders how far he can push you until it becomes too much? It’s a question for another day. One where you’re used to taking his hard length, a day he’s not fucking you open.
“Tell me how you feel sweetheart”
You can’t even remember your own name, let alone construct a fully fledged sentence for the man above you. He’s pressing something deep within you that’s making your head even more dizzy than it was before. You clutch him as he rolls onto his back, laying you on his chest as he swivels his hips up into you, lazily grinding against your clit until your mewling.
“You needed this? Needed me? Just too shy to say it...”
He’s rambling, too far gone with pleasure to dice his words.
“Wanted to fill you up for a long time. You love this huh sweetheart? Love me inside of you like this.. so tight, made for me...All mine.” And then he quiets for a moment. His thoughts leading him elsewhere.
He pulls you tighter against his chest, your name falling from his lips like a prayer. Trailing his hand down to your clit, picking up the pace as he feels the beginning of your orgasm approach.
The pain is a distant memory at this point. The only feeling now was the all consuming pleasure Uvo was giving you. You try to writhe against him as the coil in your stomach threatens to snap, but his grip is iron clad on you. You’re so close, so close that your back starts to try to arch against him.
But with grunt he pulls completely out of you, steeling himself against the agonized wail that pass through your lips.
 “Tell me you love me y/n.”
The denial.. the pain slowly consuming you once again. Your cunt clenches around nothing, broken cries leaving your dry throat.
“Say it and I’ll make you feel better. I’m the only one who can make you feel like this. “
He’s tense but his words are desperate. Brows furrowed as you try, and fail, to squirm out of his grip.
“Say it for me sweetheart.”
You gulp, the choice excruciatingly clear as the seconds tick on.
Uvo I ... I love you.” it’s whisper quiet but the way that his fucks back up into your aching core with renewed vigor is proof enough that he’s heard you.
Delirious with your confession he starts talking again. Mumbles interlaced with his sounds of pleasure of how good you are, how tight, how he’d kill anyone who harmed you, whatever you want is yours just say the word, he’s yours. All of him until he draws his last breath.
As he hits that sweet spot inside of you again and again and again the coil snaps. A pleasured cry wrenches what little voice you have left from your sore throat as you’re hit full force. You can’t help how your body thrashes to escape his grip. He makes you cum so hard you almost pass out, black dots clouding your vision as he stills inside of you.
He stops thinking, stops talking as his mouth falls open at the clench of your pussy around him. You squeeze his length, so hard that he doesn’t have to move to cum. He lets your body finish him as he plays with your clit, turning a deaf ear to your overstimulated whine. 
The feeling of your pussy milking the rest of his release inside of you quickly becoming addicting. He’s never cum so hard in his life.
Months of pent of frustration paint your walls, the warmth seeming to soothe what is left of the painful ache of the drugs in your system. You let out a sigh of relief and relax as Uvo moves so he can spoon you, making sure to stay firmly rooted between your legs.
He pets your hair and whispers praises between gentle kiseses to you neck. You must be so exhausted, he knows. You let your eyelids droop, nows not the time to think about consequences. With Uvo’s strong arms wrapped around you, his cock still buried deep, you let yourself be lulled to sleep.
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wornoutmouse · 3 years
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Welcome back to mommy dearest writing for a character she doesn’t know. I present to you…..Adult Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball
(I’m joking)
We are going for the mating cycle trope cause it never fails.
Breeding kink, of course, literal impregnation, poison le peepee, mommy kink, daddy kink, everybody a switch
This dude looks lactose intolerant
Left-right, up-down, and 2 sides of the same damn coin are the most accurate descriptions of Tatsumi. So in the end you never know what he’s truly thinking and perhaps that’s for the best. What never is hard to decipher is when his heat comes. The passive aggressiveness was forever present as you went about everyday tasks. His playful nature dwindled as time went by until you were too scared to even joke around with him. “Tats, your fur is a lot softer than normal, are you using a different shampoo?”
The bluenette grumbled as he glared down at a book that he was never even reading in the first place, “You know what’s in the bathroom so you know I’m not using anything different. You don’t blame his attitude one bit, he had told you that sharing his cycle was something precious to him and even though you were his girlfriend even platonically helping him through it was a big thing. This however didn’t mean he didn’t want to fuck you against the stove every time he saw you making some nasty ass quesadilla’s. That didn’t prevent him from dry humping everything in your shared bedroom to spread his scent around. Didn’t even stop him from dry humping you as soon as you came home.
“Tatsumi, I know your thing is like tomorrow, but you can’t stop me from enjoying my bath.” The blunette stood menacingly over your bathtub as you soaked. Your brown skin caressed by sparkling white bubbles as a creamy scent wafted from the water was almost like presenting a duck on a platter for Tatsumi. It was moments like these when he understood your hurt look when he said he didn’t want to share his heat with you. “I’m not stopping you, I’m just watching..” You rest your arm outside the bath, having a long staring contest with the man. “Your braids are getting wet.” You sighed before pulling out the stopper.
The next day his rut was in full sweep, you woke up this morning to him in the shower so you opted to make breakfast. By the time you finished and came to alert him, the bedroom door was locked and you could hear heavy grunts on the other side. “K Tats, just remember I’m here for you if you need anything.” You finished your breakfast alone and kicked a couple of grain bars underneath the door.
You walked back into the kitchen and groaned when you saw the corner of your kitchen floor bare from the lack of water. “He’s going to dehydrate himself at the the rate he is going at it.” Your skin prickled from the thought of going outside into the cool fall air with only a pair of shorts but nonetheless, you head out to visit the nearest Walmart, “We’ll need more food anyways.”
Inside the bedroom
The heat was unbearable, Tatsumi had shredded most of his clothes the moment he woke up. The naive would say that the heat in his groin would be the hardest part to deal with, but the physical warmth that had his skin visibly boiling made him want to claw his skin off where he stood. He rested his head against the bed, eyes closed with unbridled rage. All he wanted to do is let you inside this room and never let you out until he had fucked a baby in you. Alas, it was not a baby he wanted so that is why he made up the lie about how his rut was special to him. In reality, he had shared his cycle with many others, some friends, some colleagues, a commonplace whore would even due during this time of crisis.
The only difference between you and them is that they never saw the next day. The point of his cycle is to mate, and more importantly, if the mating isn’t successful his cum becomes poisonous to the person it was inserted in. Even Muroi would make jokes about how he has “deadly dick” much to his dismay. So even if him sharing his heat with you would be pleasurable and end it quicker, if you do not get pregnant, you will die and that was the only thing keeping him from leaving this room.
His ears twitched to pick up on where you were in the house, they twitched, twitched a little bit more. Where the hell were you? Shakily he stands, screwing his face up when his dick hit his stomach shamelessly. He creaked the door open, mumbling your name into the open air. No response, “Y/n where the hell are you?” Even though it was a dangerous chance to take, Tatsumi didn’t feel comfortable not feeling your presence somewhere throughout the house. He walked around the apartment growing angrier than when he left when he saw your keys were missing. “What the hell, she couldn’t at least stay to make sure I didn’t die?” Your absence hurt a little bit, but his prideful heart just turned any pain into horn-filled anger.
Meanwhile, your dumbass was looping around for the 3rd time to get samples of imitation crab on a saltine cracker. “Miss, this is your 4th time..” “What do you mean, I’ve never been here before?” You of course, as any good customer would, didn’t buy a single package of imitation crab nor cracker. You went home with your belly full and a car filled with water and packaged ham because Thanksgiving was 6 months away and you’ll be damned if you get caught having to buy 6 chickens to replace the turkey again.
When you get home you carried the ham in your arms while you kicked a water bottle pack into the kitchen. During your excruciating workout, you failed to notice that the bedroom door was wide open, and an overbearing warmth filled the home spreading Tatsumi’s anger pheromones that you couldn’t even smell to save your life. And your life was indeed endangered. “Tats do you need some more water!” You whistle throughout the house, tossing your keys on the couch before gaping at the wide-open door. “Tatsumi!?”
“I’m glad you knew well enough to wear damn near nothing when you came back.” Tatsumi looked completely worse for wear, eyes blown wide and blue hair tousled. “What the hell are you doing outside our room, aren’t you the one that wanted for us to stay away from each other?” “Mmhm.” Tatsumi was completely naked from the waist down. From the neck up his skin was flushed red and sweaty, "Yes that was the plan until you decided to leave. "
Tatsuya was in you in an instant, teeth clashing together when he kissed you, your hands rested on clammy skin slowing Tatsumi's process of undressing you. "I'm going to fuck you so well Y/n. Breed your pretty little pussy for all to see." The brazen words of affirmation made your movements stutter in the slightest bit. "If this dirty talk or are you serious?!"
Tatsumi's hands slap down on your ass, gripping the soft flesh in-between his fingers. "I've never been more serious, this is life and death. " Using his hold on your buttocks, he lifts you up with a slight heave before placing you on the two-way countertop. Buttons pop off your shorts hitting the floor as they’re ripped off. Your panties soon join as well, falling to the floor in a graceful heap. Goosebumps plagued your skin at the act of aggression. "So pretty and perfect for me. There isn't any doubt in my mind that this'll work."
You couldn't help but twitch at the praise, making Tatsumi laugh. Slender fingers rub your clit building your pleasure to make you slick. The soft treatment was stopped when Tatsumi pinched the nerve. "Play with yourself while I go get some lube." It seemed almost like a challenge for Tatsumi to pull away from you but he did nonetheless. You hurriedly remove your tank top leaving your black sports bra on, unwilling to wrestle with it. Carefully balancing on the edge of the counter, you resume torturing your clit until sweat begins to build on your own body.
"Tatsumi!" You stuttered, rolling your body enticingly when he came back into your line of sight. "You're so damn sexy." You grab his neck and pull him in between your legs wrapping them around him. "I want to make you feel good, baby come on." You reach in-between your legs, squeezing the tip is cock, biting your lip when it twitches in your hand. "You're so big Tat's, do you want me that badly?"
His hair was dripping with sweat and his face was dusted a pretty red color, one you longed to make bloom. "Fuck yes! I need to feel you squeeze around me, fuck I'm so desperate right now, I'll do anything!" You caress his face cooing as he thrust into your palm like a hormonal teenager. "You ain't got to do nothing for me but put your pretty little cock in me baby!" You take the lube from him and squeeze the cool liquid on his dick making it twitch even more.
Tatsumi gripped the counter with one hand while pumping his lubed cock with the other. "Fuck fuck fuck!" Without warning, Tatsumi cums from his hands, shooting the warm liquid on your pussy lips making the perfect contrast of black and white. This detail went straight to Tatsumi's dick. So while his cock continued to shoot cum he thrust forward till he bottomed out, stretching your pussy to the shape of him. "Tell me when I can move, if it's good, tell me when!"
Tatsumi was teary-eyed staring at the ceiling so he could refrain from moving and possibly hurting you. "You're so warm Y/n, feel so good, all stretched out for me." When you finally relaxed, you lowered your legs, pushing his hips deeper. "Come on daddy, you said you wanted to be me hmm?" Tatsumi caged you against the counter with both hands on the sides, dripping the fake tile as if his life depended on it.
"Oh, don't call that. You know how I feel about that." You planted in his ear, dead-set on dirty talking him to completion. "Oh, you don't feel like being daddy right now baby? You want to be my pretty lil boy?" Tatsumi nodded nibbling in your collarbone. You squeezed your eyes shut as his cock began to move faster.
"Oh, your-fuck! Such a good boy for mommy you know that? I couldn't ask for a better...a better!" Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as Tatsumi pulled you off the counter, bouncing you on his cock while he stood. Tatsumi growled at the vibration your ass caused when it slammed down on his toned thighs. He was exerting himself in a display of primal strength. Your pussy clenched down on him as he held you still. Opting to jackhammer into your body, making you shake.
As ridiculous as you probably looked, the pleasure made up for it. "I'm going to fuck you so damn well, you're not leaving this damn house again!"
And leaving was something you could not do. You were fucked in all sorts of positions in all locations of the house. The only break you got was when you could shower and even that wasn't a break as Tatsumi soon joined you, and fucked you haphazardly against the shower wall. Both of you came in and out of consciousness throughout the days, only having enough time to eat and drink.
On the final day, Tatsumi was the one to wake first. His sleepy eyes blinked at the open window, the same window he made you deep throat him in front of hours ago. "Y/n?" His voice was scratchy and in desperate need of water as he held it gingerly. "Y/n?" You lay next to him, body partially covered in a white sheet that probably only sin if he were to guess from the scratch marks and bites littering both his and your backs.
Tatsumi’s heart raced at your stillness, time armed to slowdown as a shaking hand reached out for you flinching at your cold skin. "N-No!"
It didn't work, he had worked so hard to make it work and his efforts were fruitless. The bed shook with his sobs, he couldn't even look at your still form. What was he going to tell your family? Fuck that, how would he even be able to live with himself. "What do I do, oh God Y/n. I'm so sorry! I-"
"Dawg shut the FUCK UP!"
His crying was interrupted as he was hit full swing with his own pillow. Your almond eyes were swollen most likely from tears of overtime as you squinted at Tatsumi. Pointing an accusing finger at him. "You fucked me for 3 days straight, I deserve sleep. Now be quiet or go somewhere else!" With that, you turned back over, covering yourself with your sheet.
Despite your scolding, Tatsumi felt joy filling his being. When he quieted, he stiffens… if you were alive..that meant you were pregnant…… now how the hell is he supposed to break the news to you?
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