#and now he has all this bonus life to figure out when he thought he should have perished. same boat old man
heirbane · 6 months
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THE HERMIT. - It’s a skill, to look inside yourself, one you have mastered. The endless corridors and shifting thoughts are mapped to very carefully. This all takes time, of course. And those twisting hallways are so very difficult to map. It would be so easy to get lost. You know this space so well. Wouldn’t it be a lovely place to stay? So well-known and comforting. Why go back? How nice, how easy, to dissolve, to hide from the rest of the world and all the people in it. Why bother, when you are so good at looking inside yourself. Like enlightenment, the self. Retreating this far inwards is like retreating just as far out, into the vast ether. So comforting. The thing that was you looks at the thing that was the old woman. There is no you anymore. Goodbye.
stolen from @sephaeroth / tagging @iernbone
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numinous-scribe · 7 months
Siblings by trial and choice
So @noir-renard posted a prompt in Haunting Heroes a little while ago that's had me in a perpetual choke hold ever since.
When the Portal ZAPS Danny, he doesn't just get turned into a half ghost; he gets catapulted halfway across the galaxy. So now he's stuck on an alien ship, trying to deal with new powers, and desperately searching for a way home.
And my immediate thought was "How can I make this about Starfire?", from which everything spiraled.
[Click the pictures for better quality!]
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Having assumed that the portal wasn't even supposed to be functional, Danny had absolutely no basis for anything that was happening to him. Not his new look or powers, not for wherever he was, and certainly not for the predicament of where he landed-- A ship he would later come to know as belonging to the slavers known as the Gordanians.
For all Danny knew, he certainly wasn't human anymore, and he might not have even been in the same dimension either; while Earth had been seeing more and more interactions with aliens, he'd never seen any quiet like these, and his parents had said that the portal was designed to view a whole other world.
And that was terrifying! He was Danny Fenton, just fourteen, and so far out of his depth it wasn't even funny. If it weren't for Koriand'r then Danny didn't know how he would have kept it all together.
As it were, Kor'i had already been enslaved for four years by this point. She knew what it was like to suddenly be cut off from everything she'd ever known, and the torment that was awaiting this strange boy that had appeared in a flash of green light. So even though she had nothing to give, Kor'i stuck by Danny's side.
Together, for the next two years, they fed each other hope.
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Naturally, returning to Earth was a big ordeal for Danny, and by proxy for Kor'i as well. Over the two years they spent enduring harsh labor and torture from both their Gordanian captors and the Psions, Danny had confided in all sorts of stories about his home world and vice versa Kor'i about Tamaran. After confirming that he hadn't been transported to another reality, and that this was his Earth, Danny had been so excited to return home and to introduce Kor'i to his friends and family.
But while Earth was still the same, home... was not.
His parents were in jail; not only for their unethical and code violating lab, but because they were so neglectful to the point that minors were able to get into the lab unsupervised and one of them— Danny —was able to access their faulty machine and, presumably, died.
Jazz got picked up by the state, but quickly managed to get herself emancipated and now lived in some other state attending college.
The Manson's moved. Sam was a wreck and not coping well at all; her parents were considering having her committed to an institution for a bit to help her last anyone had heard.
The Foley's couldn't afford to move, so Tucker had to carry on with life as well as he could. He's quiet now, not as verbose and shameless as before, more of a hermit than anything.
And since he's been presumed dead, and can't figure out how to disprove that, honestly, Danny doesn't know how to pick back up where he left off. He can't. Because everything, including him, has changed as well.
But, like she's always done since the moment they met, Kor'i was there for him. And now they have a new family in the Teen Titans as well.
Close ups of Phantom and Starfire. Danny's suit design is a mixture of some of his original concept art and @the-stove-is-on-fire's designs :)
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vrystalius · 1 month
💕 Love Languages of the Upper Moons + Muzan
How the Upper Moons and Muzan express their love language for you!
Here is my masterlist for the hashira.
Here is my masterlist for the demons.
Note: I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Brief mention of being parents in Douma’s part. It’s right at the end and just one sentence <3
Pairing: Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyutaro, Daki x gn!reader
❤️ Muzan Kibutsuji ❤️
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Quality Time (intensity: 9/10)
Muzan would call himself a busy man, but he likes having you around while doing his experiments. Just having your presence near him just makes him calm and able to concentrate on his experiments. But besides that, Muzan likes to spend time with you. Over his thousands of years of living, he’s spend a lot of time doing many things, and yet spending his valuable time with you made him the happiest and content he’s ever been. Even if he won’t admit.
Also, Muzan enjoys holding you in bed. He himself doesn’t need sleep, not that he can sleep, but he will hold you and caress you until you fall asleep. He will remain the whole night, just silently laying there watch your chest go up and down, brushing your hair out of your face.
Giving/receiving gifts (intensity: 8/10)
Gifts don’t mean anything to Muzan, but you giving him little trinkets you found on the market, or a new article of clothing you thought would suit him makes him feel happy. Those things have a meaning to him, unlike the other meaningless garbage. Muzan will make sure to wear the clothes or keep the trinkets close to show how much he appreciates him.
But what Muzan loves even more is to shower you in gifts. Thanks to Gyokko and the pot selling business, Muzan is very wealthy. That means he can buy you all the food you like, all the clothes you want, and all the little trinkets your heart desires. That man will spoil you, and he will do it until the end of time.
“Would you like to go to a new restaurant that just opened in the southern district, my light? I heard your favourite dish is server there.”
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Words of affirmation (intensity: 9/10)
Kokushibo doesn’t talk a lot, but he likes listening to you. You talking about your day makes him content, almost a little envying your simple life. No matter how simple or boring something may seem to you, he’d want to hear it. Not being able to go outside with you during the day kind of kills him.
Also, you complimenting him boasts his confidence and pride, especially when you compliment his skill. He has trained for centuries and always envied his brother for being more talented and stronger, so you admiring something he worked so hard for makes him beam of pride.
Kokushibo also likes praising you for your skill in whatever you’re doing right now. Sketching, writing, training or whatever. Kokushibo likes to admire you and express his affections with compliments.
Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Kokushibo used to work with wood, carving small things like animals out of wood. He lost interest in that little hobby shortly after becoming a demon, but picked it back up after starting a relationship with you. You once found a very, very old wooden figure he carved and told him you liked it, so he started carving those things again. It relaxes him, but also he likes seeing you happy and appreciate his art.
He showed you everything he carved, almost childishly begging for you to praise his artwork
“My moon, would you like to see the new project I’m working on? … Yes, it’s a little statue of you…. Do you like it?”
🩵 Douma 🩵
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Physical affection (intensity: 10/10)
Douma wants to be near you, preferably on you, on all times. His hand has to be somewhere on your body, may it be on your shoulder, around your waist, on your thigh or just holding your hand. You’re near him during sermons, near him during his free time, and in his arms when you sleep. He doesn’t need sleep, just like the other demons, but he likes cuddling you while you do so. It kind of gives him a power trip, you being all trusting and vulnerable while he, a man-eating demon, cuddles and watches over you.
Just to test your limits, he likes teasing you as well. Pinching and squeezing your skin on all kinds of areas, watching your reactions and laughing at them. You’re so adorable, do you know that? He could eat you right up!
Acts of service (intensity: 8/10)
People serve Douma every day and night, giving gifts from all kinds of people, poor or rich. It’s boring and meaningless to him, because he probably got every gift in the world at least twice or trice (expect the blue spider lily of course). What Douma does like to do, is to “serve” you., instead of being served for once. Massages, kisses, cooking (he’s trying) or just doing little chores for you. The only thing he wants in return is the appropriate amount of kisses, cuddles and praises!
Quality time (intensity: 6/10)
Douma adores spending time with you doing whatever! Sometimes it’s just you sitting with him during the sermons, or sitting together in the bathhouse, or you watching him make his little Douma ice sculptures. He likes making little you’s out of ice and play house with you. His little Douma’s are the papa, and the little you’s the mama. It sounds silly, but it’s adorable and he loves it
“My dear lotus! Where are you going, hmm? I’m not finished kissing and coddling you yet! And don’t give me any excuses this time!”
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Receiving/Gifting gifts (intensity: 6/10)
Akaza would occasionally steal things for you from people’s homes, dressing you in nice clothes and beautiful hairpins. He picks up everything he believes would suit you. He also likes stealing sweets and food for you, making sure to grab all your favourite foods. He can’t eat them himself, but he likes sitting beside you while you eat, and it makes him very proud when you wear the things he stole for you.
Akaza also melts when you gift him things, whatever it is. He likes handmade things the most. Whimsy flower-crowns or handmade bracelets make him all giddy and warm inside, and he will wear them with pride (enduring all the side eyes and teasing he will receive from the other Upper Moons).
Quality Time (intensity: 8/10)
Akaza likes being around you. That’s when he feels the safest and most welcome. Something he enjoys doing the most is watching fireworks with you, when another festival comes around. The moment between you two as he holds you close, sitting together on a rooftop just makes him feel… human. It remind him of something he once had once but then lost, and you keep reminding him of it. Akaza can’t quite put the finger on it what exactly it is you remind him off, but he doesn’t really mind. He just wants to savour the moment with you and hold you a little longer, just until the fireworks are finished and the sun starts coming up.
“My, my Akaza-dono!~ What’s this? A bracelet? It looks so colourful!”
“Take your damn eyes of it and then kill yourself.”
💚 Gyutaro Shabana 💚
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Words of affirmations (intensity: 10/10)
At the start of your relationship, Gyutaro hated it when you called him handsome or pretty, or compliment anything on his appearance. It makes him feel itchy and dirty, as if you’re just lying straight to his face.
But after a while, he warmed up to them more and more. Now, Gyutaro out right craves your words and compliments. It boosts his pride and confidence, and it makes him feel wanted and cherished for. Just one nice word makes his complete day, maybe even week. It’s like he’s addicted to your praise.
He’ll try to return the favour, but he just can’t out into words how MUCH he really loves you. Gyutaro can’t decide what he should praise you on. There are just so many things about you that are beautiful to him, he just can’t decide and starts stuttering, sometimes accidentally throwing an insult your way.
Physical touch (intensity: 8/10)
Just like praises, physical touch was something Gyutaro resented at the beginning of the relationship. Why do you want to touch him anyway? He’ll just end up ruining your clothes, or worse, make you hate him even more than you probably do!
After a while, a very long time, he starts getting used to it. Now, he’s very addicted to that as well. Gyutaro is very similar to a feral cat that needs to learn how to love and get loved, and when you show him enough patience, he’ll be a cuddle bug. He wants to hold you, cuddle you and be wrapped in your arms as well.
“A-Are you done talking w-with your pretty lips? I-I wanna be h-held now. I-I’m clean, I swe-swear!”
🩷Daki Shabana🩷
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Receiving/Giving gifts (intensity: 9/0)
Daki is used to being spoiled, and she likes giving you gifts as much as you give her some. In her eyes, it’s some sort of competition. You gift her a golden hairpin, she’ll give you a diamond-golden-hand made hairpin. You give her a new kimono, she’ll give you the most high quality silken kimono on the market.
Daki will appreciate your gifts though. She’ll boast it to her brother about it, priding herself in the fact that you gifted her something. You thought about her while you choose the gift! It just makes her very happy.
Quality Time (intensity 10/10)
Daki likes spending time with you. Gyutaro barely comes out of her anymore, so she really appreciates you hanging out with her. You two gossip about the other oirans from the other brothels while Daki paints your nails, or she does your hair while she rants about Muzan and the other Upper Moons. Sometimes Gyutaro joins in, and you two do his make up. He doesn’t like it, put he puts up with it. Since Daki likes you so much, he will tolerate you.
“Those nails look so pretty on you! Not as pretty as on me, but you get it. Oh, oh! How about we do onii-chan’s next?”
I added Daki as a platonic bonus. Hope you guys enjoyed!
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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edenesth · 5 months
TWTHH Bonus: Star of the Show
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Pairing: general!Seonghwa x wife!reader
AU: arranged marriage au (Joseon era)
Word Count: 3.1k
Summary: Life has been hell ever since your mother's passing many years ago. Despite being from a prominent family, you've never received the privileges associated with it. It only got worse with the arrival of your stepmother and her daughters. When the intimidating General Park was in search of a wife, your father seized the opportunity to dispose of you, simultaneously securing a connection with the powerful general—killing two birds with one stone.
A/N: In case you haven't already read Honeymoon Avenue (the first bonus chapter), it's probably better to check that out before reading this. Also, please be warned that this contains a slight spoiler to Wooyoung and Hongjoong's spinoffs.
Honeymoon Avenue | Fic Masterlist
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"Your wife is with child."
The words echoed in the general's mind long after Yunho had uttered them. You remained unconscious in his room, undergoing a more thorough examination. Seonghwa had been asked to leave while you were attended to. He felt a wave of relief knowing that, according to the physician, your fainting spell was simply your body's way of compensating for the exhaustion caused by the demands of the little one growing inside you.
"Don't worry, everything will be okay."
"I'm counting on you, Yunho," he recalled telling the doctor before exiting his private quarters, his gaze lingering on your still, pale figure nestled under the covers.
"When have I ever let you down, my lord? She'll be fine, the baby will be fine; your family, they'll be just fine."
Realising there was no use lingering outside while the physician and his team of servants were busy examining you—his presence wouldn't change anything—he decided to occupy himself elsewhere while he waited. However, returning to his study seemed impossible; he knew he wouldn't be able to focus on anything else.
As if with a mind of its own, his feet carried him toward the House of Lotus. His heart warmed at the familiar sight of the pavilion facing the lotus pond, your favourite spot, once empty but now furnished with a small table, cosy cushioned seats, and decorative lanterns. It was a testament to the time you two spent together there. He could never tire of being there with you, and the mere thought of spending eternity like that was more than enough to fill his heart with joy.
Soon, it wouldn't just be us two.
Deciding not to sit alone without you, he opted to enter your quarters instead, where every corner held a piece of you. He softened as he opened the door and spotted your embroidery kit at the centre of the room. You had been deeply invested in the craft ever since Hongjoong had taught you a few techniques, dedicating nearly all your time to it when you weren't occupied with anything else. He remembered finding you diligently working on it late into the night and had to gently coax you to bed with him.
Approaching the items, he settled into your usual spot before going through the designs you had created. A chuckle escaped him as he took in some of your earlier, more clumsy works—clearly, these were from when you first began learning from the dressmaker. As he continued, a smile graced his lips at the gradual improvement in quality. It hinted at the possibility that you had discovered a hidden talent; his friend would surely be proud to see your progress.
However, his movements faltered as he reached the bottom of the pile and discovered what appeared to be a... baby shirt. Realisation dawned on him: had this been your secret project all along? Were you aware of your pregnancy all this time?
Questions flooded his mind, each one more pressing than the last. Why hadn't you told him? Why had you lied and pretended everything was fine when you must have been feeling so sick? Did you not trust him enough to confide in him?
His heart ached with the thought that you might have felt the need to hide something so important from him. It left him feeling a mix of confusion, hurt, and a tinge of betrayal. Had he not made it clear that he was there for you, no matter what?
As he sat there, staring at the tiny garment in his hands, he couldn't help but wonder what reasons you could have had for keeping this from him. His mind raced with possibilities, each one more heartbreaking than the last. He thought back to all the times you had been showing symptoms of pregnancy, and it hurt him to know you didn't feel safe enough to tell him the truth. Was it because you didn't think he would be a good father? What if, deep down, there was a part of you that was still afraid of him? What if—
Before his thoughts could further linger, a knock on the door snapped him out of his train of thought. Turning to see who it was, he allowed entry and found Eunsook standing there with a smile on her face, "The mistress is awake, master," she announced. With that, all his previous worries were momentarily swept from his mind. Only you mattered as he quickly rose from his seat and dashed towards his room to see you.
Rushing into the room, Seonghwa's heart raced as he laid eyes on you, sitting up on his bed with Yunho standing beside you. Relief flooded him as he saw you speaking softly with the physician, a gentle hand pressed against your stomach.
Oh thank god, she's alright... they're alright.
Moving closer, he couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for you. Despite the recent scare, you looked calm and serene, your presence soothing his worried mind. He approached quietly, not wanting to interrupt your conversation with Yunho but eager to be by your side.
As soon as your eyes met, he noticed the hint of moisture gathering in your gaze as you uttered his name, "Hwa..." His heart ached at the vulnerability in your voice, and he quickly moved forward, settling beside you on the bed. Gently, he grasped your hand, brushing strands of hair away from your face and stroking your cheek, "What's wrong, my love? Are you feeling alright?"
You nodded, leaning into his touch and motioning for Yunho to speak on your behalf. Taking a deep breath, the physician began, "Her condition is currently stable, my lord."
Seonghwa furrowed his brow in dread, "I'm sensing a 'but' there."
"But..." the doctor continued, "Due to years of severe malnutrition throughout the lady's childhood, her body lacks many essential nutrients necessary for both her and the baby. This explains her weakness. But fear not, I will do everything in my power to ensure her full recovery. Once we pass the three-month mark safely, the remainder of the pregnancy should proceed smoothly."
"I... I understand. Thank you again, Yunho, for your hard work. It seems we'll need your frequent visits for the next few months," the general acknowledged, offering a grateful nod to his friend.
"No problem, my lord and lady. I'll ensure Eunsook receives all the necessary information for the mistress' care. Please excuse me, I should get started on the preparations immediately."
Once Yunho had left and you were alone together, your husband turned his attention back to you. Squeezing your hand gently, he couldn't shake the image of the baby shirt from his mind. He knew he had to address it. Leaning closer, he pressed a kiss on your forehead before delicately broaching the subject, "I... I have a question."
You responded in a soft voice, returning the squeeze of his hand, "What is it, Hwa?"
"My love, have you been aware that you were pregnant all along?"
As your gaze met his, he rested his forehead against yours, seeking to reassure you, "It's just... I was going through your embroideries earlier and I saw it—the baby shirt."
You let out a soft sigh, nodding, "Yes, I... I had a feeling, and I've been preparing myself to tell you about it, Hwa. But I just didn't know how to say it. I was scared of your reaction." When he attempted to pull away, you reached out, cupping his face to keep him close, "Listen to me, I'm not afraid of you. I... I know you've never had a proper family growing up—both of us, actually—and... I can't help but wonder if you might hate the idea of starting one."
His heart swelled with understanding, realising he had momentarily let his earlier insecurities get the best of him. Of course, you were simply concerned about him. Leaning in, he pressed a soft kiss against your lips before murmuring tenderly, "With another person, I would hate the idea. But with you, my love, I want it all."
Feeling touched by his words, you realised you had never needed to overthink the situation. You should have known that his love and acceptance were unwavering.
Perhaps you had just been overwhelmed by the idea of a tiny life growing inside you—a product of your love with Seonghwa. The thought of having a baby, your baby, filled you with joy and apprehension. Neither of you had experienced a conventional family upbringing, and you feared whether you could provide the love and care this child deserved. Since the first moment you felt sick and figured you might be pregnant, endless questions floated around your mind.
Were you ready?
Was he ready?
What if he didn't want children?
But now, those fears seemed unfounded. As tears welled in your eyes, you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck and buried your face against his shoulder, finding comfort in his embrace. He held you close, peppering kisses all over your head, his love and warmth enveloping you. Through your tears, you whispered, "I love you, Hwa."
You could feel his smile against your skin as he leaned his head against yours, his voice soft and reassuring, "I love you more, my wife, and that'll never change."
In the days that followed, you found yourself hardly ever alone. Your husband seemed determined to stay by your side every moment, as if he hadn't already been doing so since he dismissed all his friends. Now, he was even more attentive and vigilant, always ensuring he was nearby to keep watch over you. And whenever he needed to retreat to his study for brief meetings with Jongho, Eunsook remained faithfully by your side.
Today was another one of those days when he had no choice but to attend to some work. He hadn't been attending the daily assemblies for a while, so the least he could do was go through some reports to stay updated on the latest happenings in court.
Meanwhile, the head maid remained by your side in your room. You sat with a cookbook in your hand, diligently trying to learn new recipes. As the saying goes, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and although you already had a hold on Seonghwa's heart, you were determined to work even harder to keep it safe with you.
"You've been quite busy lately, mistress, with cooking and embroidering. I think the master might be getting a bit jealous that you're not as focused on him as you are on these tasks," she joked, gently brushing your hair as she observed your focused expression.
With a playful giggle, you shot her a glance, "Is he really? Well, everything I do, I do it to be a better wife for him and a better mother to this little one," you said, smiling down at your growing bump.
Eunsook's expression softened, "I'm just kidding. I'm sure the master knows that," she reassured before pausing, "Mistress, have you both thought about baby names yet?"
At that, your eyes widened, and you set down the book in your hands, "Oh dear, we haven't. I've been so invested in everything else, it seems I might have overlooked the most important thing."
She chuckled, rubbing your back soothingly, "Don't worry, you still have plenty of time until the little one is born. Perhaps you and the master could start thinking about it now."
Later that night, as you lay in bed next to your husband, the words of the head maid lingered in your mind like a persistent whisper. Despite the exhaustion weighing heavily on your eyelids, you found yourself unable to sleep as your thoughts drifted towards potential names for the future baby Park. Each name you considered brought with it a flood of emotions and images of what your child might look like, how they would grow, and the kind of person they would become.
Sensing your slight movements, Seonghwa kissed your head softly, his voice gentle, "Are you still awake, my love?"
You grinned sheepishly, patting his chest, "I'm fine, Hwa. You go ahead and sleep. You must be tired."
But he sighed, gently sitting up with you still in his arms, ensuring the comforter covered you, "Not as tired as you. You're carrying a little person. Now, do you want to tell me why you're still not sleeping?"
Smiling shyly, you met his gaze, "I was talking to Eunsook earlier and realised... we haven't thought of any baby names."
His mouth formed an 'O' in realisation, mirroring your surprise. It seemed he, too, had not given it much thought. Nodding slowly, he whispered, "That's right, we haven't," pulling you closer to him, he relished the way your head fits perfectly in the crook of his neck, "So, what do you have in mind then? Have you managed to come up with anything with all that thinking, hm?"
You replied, nervously nibbling on your lip, "Actually, I have thought of a name. If it's a girl, Yeonjoo feels right."
He hummed, considering deeply, "Yeonjoo... like a lotus princess?"
You beamed, "Exactly. She'd be our little princess, growing up in the House of Lotus."
His heart swelled; your choice held significance. It wasn't just a random pretty name; it carried depth. Planting a kiss on your cheek, he smiled, "It's perfect. So, if it's a girl, Yeonjoo it is."
You cheered, "Okay, any ideas for a boy?"
He hesitated, then brightened, "You know what? I do have one in mind, though it might not be as thoughtful as yours. How about Jiyeong? It means a wise and brave hero, and it could also symbolise a flower petal, like the lotus. It'd be wonderful if he grew up to be intelligent and brave enough to protect his eomma," he murmured, gently placing his hand on your bump and stroking it.
"I think Jiyeong is a wonderful choice, Hwa, if it's a boy," you whispered, a sense of relief washing over you now that you finally had names for your child.
Covering his hand on your stomach with yours, you looked up at him with slightly wet eyes, "Gosh, can you believe we're going to be parents in a few months?"
"It's surreal sometimes, my love. And I'll admit, I am a little scared. But I know we'll manage. It won't be easy, but as long as we face it together, we'll be fine."
Yes, I know we will.
The first three months seemed to pass in a whirlwind, with Yunho's weekly visits becoming a familiar routine. Each time, he checked on your condition and brought herbs to boost your health and stabilise the pregnancy, ensuring everything progressed smoothly. Amidst this, life outside your little family continued to unfold.
You recall a particular evening when Wooyoung rushed in, desperate for your husband's aid to rescue a certain Miss Han. In a matter of weeks, she became a temporary resident in your household while still courting the private investigator. Her presence was delightful as she eagerly assisted you in cooking and embroidering, all while awaiting Wooyoung's eventual proposal that would take her away.
And through him, you learned of Hongjoong's latest job, assisting the youngest miss of the Baek family. It appeared to affect the dressmaker unexpectedly, stirring emotions no one had anticipated, especially him, even requiring a little nudge from both Seonghwa and Wooyoung to realise his feelings.
Before you knew it, you found yourself seated in the dining hall, surrounded by your husband's friends. Giving your hand a squeeze, Seonghwa cleared his throat to grab their attention, "Guys," he began, "we've gathered you all here today because we have an announcement to make."
Hongjoong, arms crossed, chimed in, "Pssh, I had a feeling. I knew you wouldn't be treating us to a meal for no reason."
Yunho's knowing grin widened, excited to see the dressmaker's reaction while Wooyoung leaned forward excitedly in his seat, nudging San beside him, who smiled back but inwardly wished the investigator would leave him alone. Mingi promptly set down his wine glass, eager to hear what was to come.
"I hope you're all excited because you're going to be uncles soon," the general announced, prompting cheers from everyone at the table.
The lovely Miss Han, seated beside you, wasted no time in giving you a side hug, though she had already been privy to your little secret. She had even been considerate enough to keep her man in the dark about it.
Wooyoung joined in the celebration, clapping enthusiastically, oblivious that his other half had been aware the whole time, "I knew it! I could tell she was pregnant from my first visit all those months ago. You've been so oddly careful with her ever since!"
At that, Hongjoong's expression darkened, "What do you mean, all those months ago? How far along are you, my lady?"
You rubbed the back of your neck sheepishly, "Three months."
The dressmaker's jaw dropped in disbelief, "You didn't think to tell us until now? Park Seonghwa, what kind of friend are you?"
Yunho scoffed and rolled his eyes, "See, that's why you're an idiot. What does Miss Baek even see in you, I'll never know. Obviously, they wanted to wait until her condition was stable before telling everyone. Why do you think I've been so busy for the past few months?"
Hongjoong shot him a glare, "Oh, I don't know? Maybe because you've been trying to spend all your time with a certain Miss Ryu?"
The physician sputtered in shock, but before the argument could escalate, Jongho appeared behind them, smacking both on the back, "That's enough, you two. Please continue this another time."
Your husband interjected, shooting the assistant a grateful smile, "That's right. As Yunho mentioned, we just wanted to wait until it was safe before telling you guys."
San and Mingi softened, offering heartfelt congratulations to you and Seonghwa, prompting the rest of the guys to do the same. However, the peace was short-lived. Wooyoung eagerly raised his hand, "Ooh, can I please be the godfather?"
The dressmaker was quick to object, "Excuse me? If anyone here is to be the godfather, it's obviously me! Know your place, you fool."
"Oh, dear god, here we go again," your husband muttered beside you.
You couldn't help but grin at their endless shenanigans, glancing down at your stomach and rubbing it affectionately. You already knew this baby would be spoiled rotten even before entering the world. It seemed this little one was already the star of the show.
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I contemplated how much of the pregnancy I should cover, but I think I'll only do this much for now! Because any further than this, and that might spoil some of the other members' spinoffs. I shall focus on finishing up all the rest of the stories after this, and who knows? There could be more bonus chapters in the future, we'll see~
As always, thank you for reading and let me know your thoughts! <3
Tag list (1/6): Tumblr is a bitch and won't let me mention more than 5 users in a single sentence, so now my tag list looks like a complete joke🤡
@huachengsbestie01 @evidive @weedforthoughtz @ssrnghwa @yunnieo |
@sunnyhokyu @lynnsqueendom @frobin4ever @chwesuh-imnida @skzline |
@itstheghostofmypast @professormingisglasses @xoxkii @avantalem @famishalll |
@soobiverse @joongified @scuzmunkie @http-gyu @mentoslol |
@atinyreads @angel-hyuckie @anxiousskylar @onedumbho3 @narashii |
@ddaeing @sansaurora9904 @sohnfile @scarfac3 @dreamingofyeo |
@puppyminnnie @tinyteezer @vantediary @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks |
@aliona124754 @lilactangerine @atinyniki @1117promises @deltamoon666 |
@st4rhwa @hikarii02 @xdolls-crownx @ashrocker123 @thunderous-wolf |
@minkiflwr @starssongs98 @kawaiikels @en-happiness @cheolliehugs |
@persnyako @startinystay @fatspecimen @christinerose380 @stfu-rina |
@kyukyustar @taytayy178 @appleschre @brielle-in-the-galaxy @laurenwidjaja |
@idkwgoh @loveateez @linosllvr @idfkeddieishot @yuyubun
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pickingupmymercedes · 15 days
Leap of faith - Lewis Hamilton
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It can be read as a separate one-shot. But with the story it just makes it so much better
Sequence: Not just a pretty face / I need you to let me go / Fly on my own / Leap of faith (bonus)
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: couple who went through a lot finally getting their happily ever after 🥹❤️
wordcount: +2k
a/n: Their story has my whole heart and I thought they deserved this closure❤️
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
Laughter and clinking glasses filled the air, the glow of fairy lights casting a warm light across the open Californian sky. Guests were scattered around tables, their faces glowing with joy and a bit of alcohol.
In the midst of it all, the newlyweds stood at the center of attention, surrounded by family and friends who had gathered to witness this moment.
Lewis stood there, his fingers lightly gripping the mic as he looked around the room.
His eyes landed on Y/n, and his usual confidence softened into something more tender. He took a breath, the kind that spoke volumes without saying a word, then began to speak with that familiar, easygoing tone.
"I've been thinking a lot about what I wanted to say today. You all know I’m not really one for speeches—well, at least not ones that don’t involve a podium anyway. But today, standing here, looking at Y/n, I realize that there are some things that need to be said. Things that have been in my heart for a long time, but that maybe I haven’t always found the right words for."
He glanced down at his new wedding band for a moment, gathering his thoughts, before looking back up at her.
"When I first met Y/n, I was... let’s just say I was a little too sure of myself. I thought I knew what I wanted out of life, what it meant to be successful, to be happy. But Y/n... she changed all of that."
He paused, his eyes softening as he took in her face, the way she looked at him with that mix of affection and amusement that only she could pull off.
"I won’t pretend that our journey has been easy. It hasn’t. There have been times when I wondered if we’d ever get here, if we’d ever figure out how to make it work. But through it all, there was this pull—something that kept drawing me back to you. It felt inevitable."
There was a brief silence, the kind that came when words just didn’t seem enough, but he pressed on, his voice a little softer now.
"Over the years, I’ve felt so many things for you, Y/n. Admiration, frustration, pride, fear... love. So much love.
“But more than anything, I’ve felt lucky. Lucky to have met someone who sees me—not the driver, not the celebrity. The real me. And even luckier that, despite everything, you’ve chosen to stand by my side."
He shook his head slightly, a small smile playing on his lips as if he was still a bit in awe of it all.
"You’ve taught me that love isn’t about finding someone who’s perfect—God knows neither of us are that. It’s about finding someone who’s willing to grow with you, to fight with you and for you, to laugh with you when things are good and hold you when they’re not.”
“It’s about finding that person who challenges you, who pushes you to be better, even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard."
His voice caught slightly, just for a moment, and he cleared his throat before continuing.
"There were times when the distance, the pressures, the lives we lead seemed like too much. But every time I doubted, you showed up. You were always there, with your strength, your sarcasm, your endless belief in me. And slowly, I started to believe too. Believe that we were worth the fight, worth all the doubts."
He stopped, letting those words hang in the air for a moment before continuing, his tone more thoughtful now.
"I’ve thought a lot about what it means to commit to someone, to truly give yourself over to another person. It’s not something I’ve ever taken lightly. But then I remember when you asked me if I'd catch you. And how I just knew, somehow, that I could never let you fall. That I would always be there, arms wide open, ready to catch you."
He paused again, his eyes never leaving hers, and there was a rawness in his voice.
"You’ve been my biggest challenge and my greatest adventure. And through all the ups and downs, all the doubts and fears, one thing has remained constant: my love for you. It’s been tested, pushed to its limits, but it’s also grown stronger because of it. Stronger because of you."
There was a brief silence as he let those words sink in, both for himself and for everyone listening.
"I’ve come to realize that loving you, Y/n, isn’t trying to fit into some perfect mold, some idea of what we’re supposed to be. It’s embracing who we are, flaws and all. You make me want to be a better man, not because you ask me to, but because you deserve nothing less."
He took a deep breath, the emotion in his voice becoming more apparent as he neared the end of his vows.
"I’ve been in some pretty high-pressure situations in my life. But standing here today, committing my life to you, is by far the most important thing I’ve ever done.”
He smiled, a little wistful but also full of hope and love.
"You’ve always been the one, Y/n. Even when I didn’t know it, even when I tried to deny it, you were always the one. And, standing here, I can’t imagine my life without you. I don’t want to. Because I’ve found home."
Lewis’s voice dropped to a near whisper, the words meant only for her, even as the room listened intently.
"I’m all in, Y/n. I’ve always been all in, even when I didn’t realize it. And I can’t wait to see where this leap takes us next. Because whatever happens, wherever we go, I know one thing for sure—I’ll always catch you."
He let out a small, almost relieved sigh, as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Then, with a soft smile, he added,
"And I promise, for as long as I’m breathing, I’ll never let you fall alone."
As the last word left his lips and he smiled at his wife, Y/n stepped forward, closing the space between them. Her arms wrapped around his waist, holding him tightly, as if to anchor herself in that moment.
He embraced her, his lips brushing softly against her hair, leaving a tender kiss there as he breathed in her familiar scent for a minute, before she let go and nodded at him.
Y/n took a deep breath as she took the microphone from Lewis, her fingers lightly brushing over his fingers as she gazed at him.
His vows had been everything she expected and more, and now it was her turn.
She could feel the weight of the moment, the anticipation in the air, but as she turned away from him, there was a flicker of something in her eyes—mischief, affection, and a hint of that vulnerability she rarely let anyone see.
She glanced at the guests, her smile widening as she began to speak, her tone warm but laced with the familiar sarcasm that everyone knew.
“Well, that was something, wasn’t it?” Y/n’s voice carried through the room, earning a ripple of laughter. She turned her gaze back to Lewis, playfully narrowing her eyes.
 “Leave it to you to set the bar so damn high. Now I’m standing here, realizing that I should’ve probably gone first. But hey, that’s always been our dynamic, right? You go ahead, and I’ll catch up when I’m not that scared anymore.”
The guests chuckled, and Y/n took a moment to collect her thoughts. The teasing edge in her voice softened into something more genuine as she shifted her gaze back to Lewis.
“First off, let’s get this out of the way— you guys have no idea how much I’ve been trying to keep my cool all day.” She winked at the crowd, earning a few more chuckles.
“The fact that I’m standing here, in front of all of you, without a single escape plan in my back pocket is... growth.”
Her gaze shifted to her mother, who was sitting with tears already glistening in her eyes.
“I see you, Mom. I know what you’re thinking: ‘Finally, she’s not running.’ But, you know, there’s a story there.”
Y/n’s voice softened; her smile more tender as she addressed her mother.
“I get it now. All those times you tried to guide me, protect me from the world, from heartbreak—I know you were just trying to give me the best. And I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like I wasn’t listening, or worse, like I didn’t care. I did. I always have. I just... I had to figure it out in my own stubborn way”
She paused, letting her words sink in. Her mother nodded, lips trembling with a smile that spoke volumes more than any words could.
“And Dad,” Y/n continued, her eyes finding her father’s across the room.
“You always knew, didn’t you? You saw something in Lewis long before I did. And me, being me, I just rolled my eyes, thinking you were too eager to hand me off.” She laughed, shaking her head.
“But you were right. As always. And you never pushed, never pressured. You let me come to my own conclusions, and for that, I’m so grateful. You knew I needed time to figure out that Lewis was my away to learn how to fly.”
A wave of emotion caught in her throat, but Y/n swallowed it down, keeping her tone light as she turned to address Lewis’s parents. Her smile softened as she met their eyes.
“And to my future in-laws—Carmen, Anthony and Linda – God, I can’t believe I’m saying that out loud—thank you for raising a man who is patient enough to deal with all of this.”
She gestured to herself with a grin, drawing laughter from the guests.
“I know you probably didn’t sign up for a daughter-in-law who has a habit of running. I know it hasn’t always been easy, watching us go through everything, but I hope you know how much I love him. Thank you for welcoming me, quirks and all, into your family with open arms. I promise to take care of him, to be the partner he deserves.”
She turned then, her gaze locking onto Lewis. The room seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of them in that moment.
“And you” she began, her voice softer, more intimate. “Lewis... where do I even start? You’ve been my constant when I was chaos, my anchor when I was drifting.”
Another pause, her voice almost choking as she took one of Lewis’s outstretched hands.
“I begged you to let me go. I was so scared—of us, of what we were becoming, of what I was feeling. I thought if I ran far enough, fast enough, I could escape it.”
She took a breath, her eyes glistening.
“But you—God, you just wouldn’t let me go, even when I didn’t deserve you. You stood there, you saw right through all my bravado, and you told me you weren’t going anywhere. That you’d wait. And you did.”
She said the last part almost to herself, nodding incredulously.
“You waited while I sorted through my mess, while I ran from something I didn’t fully understand.”
A tear slid down her cheek, and she let it fall freely.
“I’ve been thinking about this day for a long time—Feels like I’ve been calling you my partner, my best friend, my everything for so long, but now… Husband. That’s a whole new level. I mean, look at you, sitting there all smug, knowing you got me to sign my life away."
She let out a small laugh, lightening the mood for a moment as everyone else felt the tension ease, only for her expression to turn more reflective again.
"Seriously though … when I first met you, I wasn’t looking for forever. Hell, I wasn’t even sure I was looking for tomorrow. I was stuck, scared, trying to navigate my own storm, and you—you were like this ridiculous beacon of light, just… shining. And I couldn’t ignore you, even though I really wanted to."
She paused, smiling as she recalled those early days.
"I kept telling myself, ‘Don’t get involved, don’t fall for the guy with the world at his feet.’ But then you’d do something… something so small, like remembering how I take my coffee or noticing when I was having a bad day without me saying a word. You were patient when I needed time, persistent when I pushed you away, and through all my doubts and fears, you became the person I couldn’t imagine my life without."
Y/n looked down for a moment, taking a breath before continuing.
“You lit something up in me that I didn’t even know was there, something that made me feel like I was enough. Like maybe, just maybe, I could be more than the sum of my fears and insecurities.”
She paused, her eyes softening again as she looked at Lewis.
"We’ve been through it, haven’t we? And I don’t just mean the glamorous stuff. I’m talking about the hard nights, the distance, the moments where I didn’t know if we’d make it through.”
There was a soft murmur among the guests as Y/n’s voice lowered, the raw emotion in her words unmistakable.
“We’re standing here today because you never let go, even when I wasn’t sure I could hold on."
Then the room was silent once again, the weight of her words hanging in the air.
“You’ve taught me that love it’s something you choose, every single day. That it resides in the little things—the way you pull me closer when I need it, the way you let me push you away for a bit when I’m too scared to let you in. It’s about the quiet moments, when you’ve stayed by me even when I didn’t ask, because you knew I needed you. The times when you’ve held me together when I felt like falling apart.”
She took a deep breath, her voice trembling slightly before she regained her composure.
“I know I haven’t always been the easiest person to love. I’ve put up walls, kept you at arm’s length because I was scared of what it might mean to really let you in. But you never gave up on me. You never walked away, even when I gave you every reason to.”
Y/n’s voice trembled, but she steadied herself with a deep breath.
“Falling for you felt like coming home. Like finding the place I was always meant to be, the place where all the chaos was worth it”
She looked back at Lewis, her eyes shining with and her voice thick.
"Lewis, you were my leap of faith. And trust me, I’ve never been a fan of heights. But with you, it’s all about rising. Rising above my fears, my insecurities, all the things that used to hold me back."
She paused, blinking back tears as she smiled at the guests.
“You’ve been my rock, my safe place, the one who’s seen me at my worst and still loved me through it all.”
She wiped her cheek with a shaky laugh.
“There’s something terrifying about that, isn’t there? The idea that someone could know you so completely, so intimately, and still choose to stay. You’ve chosen me, even when I wasn’t sure if I could choose myself.”
She took a deep breath, her voice trembling with emotion as she continued.
“I always think back to that night – you know the one – when I asked you if you’d catch me or if I’d have to learn to fly on my own. You didn’t hesitate. You just opened your arms and let me fall… fall into you.”
Y/n’s breathing trembled again.
“And that’s when I knew. No matter what happened, no matter where life took us, I’d never be alone. Because I had you. I had this incredible man who was willing to catch me, over and over again, no matter how many times I stumbled.”
Y/n’s voice broke slightly as she spoke her next words, her tears flowing freely now.
“I’ve always been scared of letting go, of giving myself over to someone completely. But with you, it doesn’t feel like falling. It feels like flying. Like coming home.”
Y/n took a moment to steady herself before she added, with a smile through her tears.
“Lewis, I’m all in. My husband, my partner, my leap of faith, you’re the one I choose, every day and in every way.”
Y/n wiped at the corner of her eye as she finished, giving Lewis’s hands that extra squeeze.
“So here’s to us, to our forever. I can’t promise I won’t drive you crazy, or that I’ll ever stop being a little bit of a mess, but I can promise to love you fiercely, endlessly, and with everything I have. Thank you for being my anchor, my safe place, and most importantly, for being you.
There was a pause as she took a last breath, her eyes never leaving his, her smile bright on her features.
"Okay, enough with the mushy stuff. Cheers—to love, to learning how to fly, to taking the leap."
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @itsmrshamilton @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf
@priopp123 @strqirlhrts @hmmmmm-01 @bisexual-babygirl-mj @bebesobrielo
If you’d like to be added to my taglist you can leave a comment or send me a dm/ask.
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runninriot · 1 month
Love Me Til It Hurts
written for @steddiesongfics
song: Neon Noir by Ville Valo (2023) | rated: E | wc: 1.368 | cw: blood, blood drinking, blood kink (kind of), sexual content | tags: Monster!Eddie Munson, Monster Lover!Steve Harrington, Steve is a Freak, and Eddie loves him for it | also on ao3
Becoming a monster had always sounded kind of… intriguing.
The reality of it, however, sucked big time.
And maybe that’s just due to the circumstances of how it happened. Because nearly being eaten alive by demon bats in a place that resembles more hell than Hawkins (or- now that he thinks about it, maybe it just shows Hawkins’s true face because his hometown kind of always had been hell) and the fact that it fucking hurt to be transformed into the human-monster-abnormality that he is now.
So, yeah. Becoming a monster had been a literal nightmare.
Being one, on the other hand, is even crazier than he’d ever imagined it would be.
Sure, it was scary at first, to suddenly see the world in a different light. Literally. And to suddenly be able to hear sounds he’d never heard before. To smell and taste flavours he never even knew existed. But he soon learned to accept it, made peace with his new self and all the traits that come with it.
Being a monster is kind of fun, to be honest, and to feel superior in a way, to be stronger, taller, more powerful than he could ever have dreamed of being is just a bonus. A little cherry on top. Something that keeps him sane whenever the memories of their final fight against Vecna replay in his mind.
Because now, he’s able to protect his friends. To watch out for them. To make sure they’re safe.
And giving up part of his humanity for that is a prize he’d be willing to pay all over again.
That and the fact that being this new, better version of himself changed his life in ways he never thought would be possible.
He’s been living in the Harrington home ever since they brought him back, with Steve helping him discover and... explore all the changes he’s been going through.
And that had been a wild ride from the start.
Nothing and no one could’ve prepared Eddie for finding out just how much of a freak Steve Harrington would turn out to be.
Because he is. Oh God, he is. Maybe the biggest freak of them all.
Freaky in a way Eddie still has a hard time believing is not just some side effect from being bitten by the same gnarly creatures, or maybe from swallowing that bat’s blood when he ripped it apart with his teeth, looking all rough and grimy and too fucking sexy, bleeding and bare chested and-
Where was he?
Oh, yeah.
Whatever it is, however Eddie got so lucky – he cherishes every moment of it. Because ever since coming back wrong, everything in his life suddenly went right.
When Steve offered his blood to Eddie for the first time, he nearly lost it because- shit, that was better than any trip. No drug could ever compare to the effect Steve’s blood had on him, finally scratching that itch that had been driving him mad ever since his transformation.
But it didn’t stop there, no. What Eddie initially thought was just one of the endless self-sacrificing acts Steve is known for, turned out to be so much more. Because somehow, Steve found a liking in Eddie’s new form.
It took Eddie a while to figure it out. To understand why Steve suddenly always came so close. Always in his periphery at least, always touching when they were sitting next to each other. Always right there, waiting for Eddie’s next blood rush, too quick to offer his wrist or neck for Eddie to sink his teeth in.
Look, call him stupid or whatever, but how the hell could Eddie have known that fangs and wings would do it for Steve?
And he should have been offended, really, when Steve finally confessed. Because-
    Honestly, Steve? You’re telling me I had to literally die for you to finally notice me?
But let’s be real. Eddie would gladly let himself be turned into a fucking worm if it meant he could have Steve in return.
Yeah, that man’s definitely worth dying for.
If anyone asked him, he’d deny it but Eddie had a crush on Steve long before the world went to shit. But never – not even in his wildest dreams – did he dare to fantasize about a future where he’d know what Steve looks like underneath his stupid polos and illegally tight jeans.
And now he does.
Knows all the parts of him, even the hidden ones. Because Steve is a goddamn monster lover, in every sense of the word.
The first time Eddie realised Steve’s quiet whimpers were more than just a response to the pain of having the skin of his neck pierced by razor-sharp teeth, was a true revelation. He still remembers how embarrassed Steve had been when Eddie noticed the dark patch at the front of his sweats. He was still visibly half hard and Eddie – lost in the daze of drinking his blood – couldn’t stop staring.
He tried to apologise, tried to tell Steve that it was okay, that is was probably just his body’s reaction to being drained because that shit’s not normal, is it? But Steve just shook his head, took Eddie’s large, clawed hand and placed it right above the wet spot in the front of his pants.
Eddie nearly choked on his own tongue, overcome with a desire to take and claim, to touch Steve where his blood was pulsing hot and hard beneath the damp fabric.
He needed Steve in ways that should’ve scared them both but- did he mention that Steve’s a freak?
Because he didn’t even wait for permission, didn’t stop one second to consider how dangerous this was, or could’ve been, when he crawled into Eddie’s lap like a love-sick dog, whining and whimpering so sweetly against Eddie’s lips as he kissed him, deep and unafraid, uncaring of the bittersweet iron they could both taste when he pricked his greedy tongue on Eddie’s fangs.
It was fucked-up and dirty and so fucking frightening but Eddie couldn’t resist, couldn’t reject the offer when Steve was so ready to give him more than he ever dreamed of.
And it remains a dream, a wonderful fantasy each time it happens. Each time Steve gets this look in his eyes, full of want, full of unhinged desire to be taken apart. To be claimed by his monster, to be fucked and kissed and loved- God, Eddie loves him so much.
He worships him like a king – Eddie’s inferior to no one but Steve – and what he gets in return is more than just a taste of what his new form needs to thrive.
When his humanity takes a backseat while his monster self takes over, and the rioting rush of primal desire is clouding his senses, Steve’s touch is the only thing keeping him grounded. And it’s so much more than just sex. More than just two creatures giving in to their godless impulses to take and be taken.
It’s a beautiful mess very time Eddie leaves a trail of dark red love confessions on Steve’s skin just to kiss them better. And it feels like rebirth every time Steve comes with Eddie’s name on his lips, every time he falls to pieces in Eddie’s arms.
Every time they share each other’s blood and cum and spit, every time they crash and fall, sweat-drenched and breathless, it’s like Eddie is being transformed all over again, bathed in Steve’s light, graced by his lover’s mercy – really letting himself become the monster he is because his boyfriend likes him like that.
His boyfriend Steve, the freak. The one reason for Eddie’s stone-cold heart to keep beating.
Steve Harrington, the monster lover. His beautiful, insatiable boy, always so greedy for more.
   “I love you, Steve,” Eddie whispers as he lets his hand glide over naked, burning skin. Careful this time, not to break any more of it.
   “Love me, Eddie. Love me ‘til it hurts.”
Oh. But how could he not, when Steve demands it like that?
He’ll never get enough of it.
Because, yeah, being a monster is fun. But being Steve’s monster is everything.
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roseserpentpress · 5 months
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Zosan cat fic anthology (plus the tiger Zoro figure I had just finished making a little while ago!)
Fic links, comments and a photo of my cat below:
Having read a few zosan cat-related fics, I thought it would be really fun to make a small, cat themed zosan anthology, and here it is! To my delight, I found a paw print font (pawprints on defont) but to my annoyance it had no option to have no pawprints on the letters which made it look too busy, nor was there already a version of the font without pawprints, so for the first time I broke out fontforge to make my own version of the font in which I dropped the pawprints. I also drew little cat Zoros and Sanji's for each of the main stories title pages; bookbinding really is a good mash of different hobbies and skills I swear. Also on the mention of other hobbies, I was well pleased that I finished the book and my tiger Zoro figure relatively closely so I could take a photo of them together; here's the post for more photos of the figure and the post for the progress pics!
Also amusingly, when I originally was putting together the anthology, I had not added the second part of stay, and had assumed it would be a somewhat thinner small volume then it is... Which is rather incorrect. I do have to say it's a truly delightful proportion, being this thick and small! I'm also quite pleased at how the cover turned out, with the little gold pawprints. Originally for the title I was going to find a different name and then just went for the one I had originally named the file after, since it's well themed. Wait actually I think I was going to use ships cat and just now realized that... Ooops. Oh well. Also, as a bonus: here's my old cat hanging out on my lap while I was working on the gold foiling!
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Fics include:
Stay by @itsmylifekay (NW, 21.5 k)
Sanji doesn't know what he's done in a past life to deserve this, but somehow when Zoro gets turned into a cat he's the one stuck on babysitting duty. How someone that small can cause so much trouble, he'll never understand.
But even after all the hell he's put through, he still manages to fall in love.
Without Words (NW, 3.8 k)
(stay part ii)
Sanji likes to dote on the people he cares about, likes to express himself fully and without reservation. But sometimes that’s hard to do living on a pirate ship, especially when the person he wants to be affectionate with is a prickly, stubborn asshole of a man.
Or, Zoro gets a bath.
Cat's Cradle by Hazel_Athena (T, 21.5k)
In which a run in with a new Devil Fruit user leaves Sanji with an unexpectedly furry problem.
Ship's Cat by @helloharubo (T, 3k)
The Going Merry has a mouse infestation. Despite Usopp's attempts, Sanji has yet to find a solution to the problem. Enter Zoro, the world's deadliest mouser.
Zoro is the ship's cat and expects rewards.
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kivino · 11 months
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Word counter – ~6.9k words
Tags/Warnings – Gn!Reader, Shadow!Reader (it’s not for long lol, don’t get your hopes up), murder of civilians/corpses/blood mentioned, physical fights, reader likes to throw fists, Reader’s callsign is Bug to pay tribute to my original idea.
Summary – After the betrayal of Task Force 141 and the slaughter of civilians in Las Almas you decide to leave Shadow Company on the spot, which works out sideways, leaving you with simmering hate towards the man whom you used to look up to and new interesting figures in your life. 
also available on my ao3!
a/n after the fic because they’re too long. but just know that this is the first chapter of the series, feel free to let me know if you want to be tagged in the next part. enjoy!
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Everything was calm. The sound of rain covering up the murmur of trucks helped you wind down after the adrenaline rush, and a sense of accomplishment for a job well done swelled in your chest. You already anticipated a long sleep and maybe a night out with your friends when you’re back home from the job. Maybe you’d even get a bonus from Graves and buy something nice for yourself. 
In all honesty, you didn’t even mind being crammed into the backseat along with those 141 guys. Working with them was a pleasure and they seemed like an interesting sort of crowd. Especially that man with the skull mask. Ghost, was it? He certainly attracted your attention the most, with his huge size, booming voice, and undeniable skill in what he did. You were willing to admit that the way he took out the enemies with ease and swiftness was mesmerizing.  And…your train of thought that consisted of pure fascination was interrupted by the abrupt stop of the convoy in front of the base gate. 
Everything was calm until you were surrounded by shouting and then eventual gunshots, along with muffled screams of your brothers in arms. You didn’t understand how it all escalated so fast. One moment you were sure about Shadow Company and Task Force 141 being on the same side, but now you didn’t know what to think of it all. And from Graves' words, it was apparent that Shepherd was behind this too. So naturally you, and many other shadows, the lower ranks, had no fucking clue what all of this was about. One would care to tell a mindless weapon where to shoot, but not why. Blood rushed through your veins and pulsed in your ears, turning the pleasant buzz in your body into strained sharpness. You hurriedly pulled up the rear sight to your eye level. Two bodies dropped to the wet asphalt with soft thuds right in front of you. You felt your heart sink right down to your feet. Instead of firing your shots, you hesitated, backing out to hide behind the bumper of the truck, while hearing agitated, aggressive shouts. You weren’t able to tell who was shouting. So, you leaned out and felt yourself freeze in place. 
And there he is. Ghost, eyes locked right on you. He sure has a…strong presence. And instead of shooting you he just…looks. You don’t like the stupid flowery language, but in this split second, it really feels like he is staring right into your soul. Or like someone is sticking metal rods right through your chest, with how hard breathing becomes in an instant. 
You knew that if you were to shoot him right now, you’d never forgive yourself, all because you were kept in the dark about the whole thing Graves had planned. And you were not willing to get blood on your hands because of some “mistake”. If you pull the trigger, there will be one less person who’s able to make a change. One less person who’ll be willing to get their hands dirty and save people. 
So, you lower the muzzle of your rifle and nod to the side, urging him to start his getaway, before other Shadows and Graves decide to check the perimeter. You see his dark eyes blink, or at least you think you do before he disappears into the darkness. Like he was never there in the first place.
In the end, you didn’t get even a single scratch. Three other Shadows were K.I.A.
Your head buzzed with so many different questions you wanted to ask Graves, and more importantly, the guilt you felt from whatever happened in front of the threshold. You had no idea what happened with that Los Vaquero base or what was up with your CO, while you were escorting him and those 141 guys along with several other Shadows for this mission. Why was he taking it? What was he even thinking? You wanted to pull out your hair and claw out your eyes just thinking about all of it. Which, you weren’t paid to do, but that didn’t mean you weren’t concerned with the moral side of things. Unlike the majority of the Shadows, as you came to find out.
Confusion bubbled up inside of your mind, eyes burned by the white synthetic light of the gate when you looked up at it just to feel something aside from sheer distress and bewilderment. You didn’t want to believe that your Commander was the type of person to sell himself out, and you didn’t expect him to be, from all the time spent working with him. The man was nothing short of likable and friendly, with his beaming smile, confident attitude, and outgoing way of communicating… a natural-born leader, that was the first thing that came to mind when you thought about your boss. And with how Graves treated you and all other Shadows like you were more than just his employees, the realization was even more painful. Of course, you didn’t want to think about how he could so easily turn his back on people who trusted him.
It raised many questions in your mind about the price of his word, as well as made your stomach churn with acidic, flesh-eating poison full of doubt and suspicion. If it was so easy for your CO to cut out the men someone he told you all to think of as your brothers, then how long will it be before he sells you and other shadows out for…whatever was offered to him? 
“Find ‘em!” Graves barks and your chest swells with bitter disappointment. You thought you knew him before (as much as a subordinate can know their superior), but how can you even begin to understand him now?
You hear Shadows mutter a quiet “Yup-yup”, more to themselves than to your CO, and you could almost feel the doubt settle over them in a thick, transparent blanket. From the conversations you can pick up on while Graves is out of earshot, you guess that some of them don’t think betraying the 141 guys and trying to hunt the two of them down is the right thing to do. But it didn’t seem like they were going to do anything about it though. You, however, want to help. You know that it’s not right, so…screw it. You can always find another job, and if it comes down to it, 141 seem like an okay sort of people, the type that would have your back if you had theirs. At least, you have hope for it.
So maybe you could hold out until they come back for Los Vaqueros. And you were certain they’d do that, no way they’d abandon all these men. You haven’t seen how the things were on said base that was taken from them, but you were certain you could do more on the inside than if you were to leave right now. Maybe you could break Colonel out of there, or help the Task Force sneak in, you were sure they could use any help from you. 
That was the plan before you saw what Shadow Company did to Las Almas.
The picture that Shadows were painting with innocent blood on the rainy landscape was horrifying, to say the least. The metallic smell hit your nose the moment you jumped out of the truck right onto the flooded pavement. That was the exact moment when you realized you couldn’t stay with Shadows any longer. You were supposed to help these people. It was your job. Instead, you felt filthier than the dirt on your boots. Traitor. Backstabber. You choked on your breath behind the mask each time you noticed the bodies of the victims in every dark corner of the city, nausea coming up your throat when you could see rivers of crimson streaming down the road and right into the sewers. Your Shadow Company patch felt like the mark of a killer, etched into your skin permanently, instead of just being part of your uniform.
Limp bodies that didn’t even have the time to grow cold yet, scattered around warm homes. Some of the killed were probably already in their beds sleeping, coming back from work, watching TV, or cooking dinner when they got dragged out under the rain and massacred…Everything felt like a blur, your thoughts were a jumbled mess of whys, while you were led further into the town, to continue the revolting, disgusting crimes of your brothers-in-arms. You couldn’t stand to spend another minute in here. You need to get out before you do something you’ll never be able to forgive yourself for. You were many things, but you were not willing to go that far. Not here, not anywhere. 
“Hey. Where’s Graves?” You tap another Shadow, your “close colleague” with a callsign Kruk, on the shoulder. He turns to you, while you see several other soldiers passing by, yellow streetlights barely illuminating their swiftly moving figures. You knew why it was hard for you to even look in their direction. Kruk points towards the building to the left of you two and croaks something about “briefing the rookies”. You nod and thank him, stumbling in the general direction he pointed you to. 
“Commander, with all due respect, I think it’s time for you to discharge me.” You only came to your senses when you stood in front of your CO in the cramped space of someone’s living room. Wallpaper, creamy in color, dulled lights, tons of decorative cushions on the couch… Your voice is quiet, but firm, not leaving any space for compromise when you speak up to the blond man, and your politeness is as fake as this copy of “Guernica” you could see hanging on the wall. Blood pulses in your ears. You want to leave, you want out. Out of here.
“Bug, now’s not the time for jokes, I need you on the field now. We’ve got our orders.” Graves barely raises his eyes from tapping something on the tablet, that usual scowl that you got used to present on his face. His actions are as ugly as he is. Him not taking you seriously sure does a number on your confidence. But that only reassures you in your decision. You need out. 
“Do I look like I’m joking? I’m leaving, because I don’t think what we’re doing is right.” You try to stay calm, you really do. But how can you, when out of something so vile he makes a joke? Makes all these people a sick joke.
A crease lies between your brows, and shadows falling over your eyes make your face look similar to a carved statue. Before talking to Graves, you decided to take off the eyewear that obscures your face and pull down the thin mask, the signatures for Shadows who are lower in the chain of command. You’re the faceless sort, after all.  “And I don’t think you know your place.” You’re instantly taken aback by his sudden outburst, but you don’t let it show. “I point and you shoot. I sign your paychecks, Bug, and you take them.” You feel something inside of you flinch at the way he mutters your callsign. “I’m in charge. You don’t have a say in what we do.” With each statement, his gloved finger points from him to you, making the rage and frustration boil inside of your chest. You trusted Graves and he led all of your colleagues, along with you to dragging out unarmed, innocent people in the dead of night out of their houses on their streets and executing them. Hell of a leader he is. 
“Well, I’m stepping down. If that’s what we do, I don’t want to take part in it.” You wanted to tell him a lot more, give Graves a piece of your mind on war crimes and killing people in their own homes. On how drowning Las Almas in blood won’t fix whatever the fuck he was trying to fix right now. Instead, you kept it to yourself, tightening your fists just so you didn’t spit in his face or punch him.
“You’re putting a target on your back. Do you not understand how what you’re saying makes you look?” Graves leans in closer to you, the low volume of his voice making it even more threatening, similar to the hissing of a snake. Give him a minute and he will start spewing real venom right in your face. 
“You know that whatever you’re thinking is not true.” To be completely honest, you didn’t care what he thought right now. Graves’ mind and morals were clearly in the wrong place if he considered all this bloodshed justified. 
“Do I really? A moment ago I was sure that you were my subordinate, now I’m not even sure what to make of you.” You’re barely able to resist rolling your eyes at this. Your heart is picking up the pace with each minute. Getting more and more desperate to leave your body altogether, just so you don’t have to listen to his bullshit any longer. You wish it was that easy.
“I’m not taking orders from you. Not anymore.” Saying this took a lot more out of you than you expected, you felt your chest tremble when you met your CO’s eyes.
“Well, would you just look at that, you happen to be a fan of our local drug lord too?” If eyes could kill, Graves would’ve dropped dead right this moment. He smiles, his sharp canines peeking from under his top lip. He knows he’s making your skin crawl and your stomach flip from this interaction, which, if you’re lucky, would be the last for the two of you. “Helping the cartel and corrupt police won’t look too good on your resume”
“I see you’re just making it up as you go.” You let out a breath you didn’t know you held in your chest. Shaky. Uneven. Infuriated. Your eyes are drilling Graves’, a deep frown between them as proof of how much you despise him now, for the baseless assumption too. After a moment of silence, you add. “You know what my stance on this is. Whether I get your approval or not, I’m leaving.” Graves finally withdraws from your personal space, sliding the palm over his face with a heavy sigh, as his lips tighten into a thin line. You knew that this combination meant he was trying to calm down. After a moment of silence, he speaks up again. 
“Look, Bug, you’re a smart kid and frankly, I like you.” he makes a short pause, sighing. “So, I’ll give you a fighting chance. Five minutes – if you’re not out of the city, then you’re a target.” He wasn’t that fucking courteous with the civilians that lay dead a few meters away. Shot on sight. Without any questions. You grit your teeth.
What are you supposed to do with that? Those five minutes didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, most likely, you’ll be rotting in the ditch somewhere shortly after your time runs out - too little to get out of the city or find the Task Force you so desperately wanted to help. Graves won’t leave any witnesses. And you are one. He knows it’s not going to be easy for you to just turn on the Shadows like that too, even though you despised what they were doing while following his orders. They still were your family. Dysfunctional and disproportionately big, but family, nonetheless. Even if they deserved it for their lack of action to prevent what was happening now, you don’t turn on your family like that. What he’s doing is forcing your hand.
Regardless, you have no choice but to take Graves up on his last “generous” offer.
“What are you waiting for, hm? Get out of here while you can.” You didn’t need to be told that twice. So, still balancing your rifle on your arm, your free hand reaches for that patch on your shoulder. Tearing it off in a quick motion makes the sound of Velcro strips snapping open almost echo from how quiet it is. It felt like a whole mountain dropped off of your shoulders when you threw the patch on the ground and stormed out of the building right into the pouring rain.
You felt goosebumps and tremors creeping up your spine as you ran through the dark streets, getting more and more soaked with each second. You didn’t feel much better though. The resentment for Graves grew each second, with all the steps that sent ripples on the surface of the deep puddles, and every raindrop that fell from the copper-colored clouds. But now wasn’t the time to wallow in your misery. Although you wanted to. It did feel like the loss of a person you used to know, of someone you looked up to. The only thing is, he was still living and breathing, and the only thing that died was that idealized image of him in your head. 
There was a cold hollowness somewhere in your chest. Gaping with the darkness that, and you were sure of it, will eat you alive soon enough. Even though you backed out of the Shadow company, it won’t bring back all the people who are not here anymore. You won’t fix it, no matter how hard you try. That bitter guilt snaked its way into the back of your mind and it was there to help stay. 
You managed to pull yourself out of this to make things right. But why do you feel so helpless still?
Your footsteps get faster and faster, as you maneuver through the narrow alleyways, staying out of the range your former colleagues were in. It was easy to hear them, gunshots and voices echoed throughout the city in a weird cacophony that your ears got used to after a long time working for the Shadow Company. They were not afraid, probably feeling like masters here. Somebody has to give them a scare, you thought. So they know better in the future. But it wasn’t your job at the moment. Right now, you needed to get out and do it as soon as possible.
Stopping and coming up with any sort of plan that would help you was not an option - hang in somewhere for too long and you’ll be found. And you were sure you wouldn’t be shown any mercy. 
So instead of staying on the street, where you can be easily spotted with the help of the dim light of a flashlight, you decide to alternate between the corridors of empty homes, with doors wide open for anyone seeking shelter, and the maze of alleyways crawling with Shadows. It felt wrong, invading someone’s homes like this, but you knew if they were unlocked and lights beamed around them, giving out a warm glow the inhabitants were most likely not coming back.
You felt that tingle on the nape of your neck, ready to hide or flee in case you heard any sudden movement from any direction. It’s dead quiet, except for occasional radio talk from the shadows, which you tried to listen in on when you could. It didn’t give you much on where 141 could be. You would start losing hope if you had any left after Graves. But you continue your search nonetheless, reflexes instead of thinking, pure determination instead of hope, and fire in your veins, instead of blood.
That is until you quietly step inside another warm hallway, and you’re met with a wide-eyed stare from another Shadow that makes you freeze like a deer in the headlights. Something inside of you starts to churn with terror from the looming understanding – only one of you will walk out of here alive. Your eyes trail down to the raven patch on his tac vest. It’s Kruk. You want to ask what he is doing here, but you already feel his gaze studying you too. And as soon as he sees that the Shadow Company patch is missing from your uniform, the muzzle of his rifle points right at you. Fucking shit.
“Drop your gun, Kruk!” You warn the man, pointing the weapon in his direction too. He only shakes his head, refusing to stand down. With each second air is laced with tension more and more, you were sure that soon enough it’ll be so thick even a knife wouldn’t cut through it.
“You drop yours first.” His voice is shaky and unsure like he can’t believe what he’s doing right now either. “Commander gave us an order. You’re an enemy now too, Bug. Better get used to it.” Kruk started slowly approaching you, while pulling something out of the bag, strapped on his hip.
“Oh, fuck that!” You swing towards Kruk, trying to approach him in your momentary rage, but you’re immediately met with the warning “Don’t” from Kruk, who doesn’t stand down. “You know what they’re doing here. It doesn’t matter to you?” The man is silent. You don’t see his face behind his mask, so you’re left with even more questions instead of answers. Regardless of what he was thinking right now, you didn’t want to hurt him. So, you bend down and put your rifle on the ground with a quiet clack. If he needs a gesture of goodwill, he can have it. “Your turn.” Kruk only shakes his head.
“Turn around.” So, it was a mistake to trust him. Naturally. Your gullibility will be your downfall. You can almost feel the bitter taste spread inside of your mouth when you look at Kruk. Fucking asshole. But you comply, although reluctantly. He grabs you roughly by the wrists with one hand and by the neck with another, leading you toward what looks like a kitchen in the dim lights falling through the doorway. You get lowered on your knees and then pressed into the dirty floor. And it hits right then and there. He’s going to execute you. Oh, shit, shit, shit.
“You know that I don’t want to do this.” He says quietly so that any shadows passing by don’t hear him. You feel your heartbeat shake your whole body and nausea so intense like you are on the verge of throwing up all of your internal organs, but giving up is just not an option right now. So, you try to prevent him from tying your hands together with all the strength you have.
“Then don’t fucking do it!” He does not answer this as you continue squirming in his hold, trying to make it as hard as possible for him to restrain you. He only grunts but keeps a firm grip. Your head was a mess, you thought Shadows were a family. But all it took was one order from Graves, now they’re scouring the town like damn bloodhounds for you too.
“Get…off of me!” You grit through your teeth. You feel a zip tie slide over your hands and turn your head. The rifle he previously held in his hands was gone, probably so he could tie you up properly, so you take your chance and deliver a hard kick to Kruk’s stomach. He chokes out a pained gasp and finally lets go of your hands. You scurry to get up from the floor with wide smears of rainwater and dirt decorating it, but you get grabbed by the leg, which causes you to stumble and fall once again. You turn your head and kick Kruk with all your might, while attempting to take off the zip tie off your wrists, which, thankfully, he didn’t have the time to close.
You manage to shake the man off of you, as you scramble to your feet, knocking over a corner table with some decorations on it. Yet when you see Kruk fumbling with his hip holster you immediately tackle him to the ground, which causes him to drop the handgun. The whole fight is just a mess, nothing but blinding rage is pulsing in your temples, melting your bones and muscles into something no better than an animal. You get up again, while Kruk is on the floor, searching for the handgun in the darkness. You feel the heavy metal press against your boot and you kick it behind you. You hear it slide across the floor and here it is. Kruk’s eyes, are directed right at you. His hands claw at your leg, trying to drag you down to the floor. And then you black out completely. Kicking, punching, pained wheezes and screams are all you hear, a stuffy abyss with little to no specks of light surrounding you.
You come back to your senses when you don’t feel the familiar weight of your handgun pressing against your hip and then you see it again. Kruk managed to grab it while you were in your anger-induced frenzy. Everything around you slows down. His shaky fingers pull on the safety, but you reach out and grab his hands, pulling them up, not letting him aim at you. Kruk grunts and you see his eyes focused on you in fear, and desperation, as he tries to overpower you in the struggle. You see his weakened state, but the self-preservation is stronger than any compassion towards him at the moment. Kruk will take your life if you don’t take his. That’s just the gist of it. You can’t let him walk away.
Your hands tremble when he manages to overpower you momentarily, but it’s all in vain when you press the handgun harder and harder into his frame, feeling his hands start to yield more and more with each second, strength leaving him. The fear in his eyes is directed at you and only you, but you try not to look. The muzzle of your gun is pressed snugly under his chin. Your gaze trails to his eyes once again. They burn you with terror. Your fingers hook around the trigger guard. You hear a faint whisper.
Gunshot rings in your ears for another second, despite the earmuffs in your helmet.
“Fuck! Fuck…I’m so sorry…I’m sorry.” It all came crashing down on you in one moment. You wouldn’t feel guilty if it was the enemy, you wouldn’t care. He was an enemy now, so why do you feel so guilty, why is it starting to corrode and eat you alive even more? Your palms cover the profusely bleeding gunshot wound, going through his neck and cranium, hot blood pouring out with impossible speed, staining your hands, gear, and skin. Staining your whole being. How could you do something like this? Shadows are family. Killing an unarmed man who’s pleading for his life?
You’re no better than Graves.
The gunshot alerts the Shadows and they start scurrying around on the street. You have no time to mourn Kruk or search for your rifle in the dark, so you yank your handgun out of his hands which only started succumbing to rigor mortis, and sprint out the backdoor, desperately attempting to get away. You can feel your heartbeat booming in your ears, wet hair sticking to the nape of your neck, as you hear distant commotion and a chase stirring behind you, as you dart inside another building and run through the hallways, searching for a way out.
Back on the street, rain droplets are so cold that it feels like they’re splitting your skin open, you can barely feel the pain in your ankle from adrenaline pumping through your blood flow. You start slipping on the slick pavement, but you still refuse to stop, diving inside another doorway. Your head hurts, your lungs feel like they are about to explode, and you think you stepped into a puddle of someone’s blood. No time to ram through the locked door, so you jumped out of the second-story window and landed on your foot, twisting it in the process and swallowing the sob that welled up in your throat. You needed to move.
That bought you some time to get up and dip into the dark alleyway before you heard the loud footsteps approaching the window that you used to escape. You let out a heavy exhale, propping your back against the cold stone. You’re not completely safe, but…that’s better than nothing. The commotion of shadows quiets down and you hear it become more and more distant with each second. 
After a moment of silence, you continue moving, albeit slowly, trying to get used to the hot pulsing in your leg, that shot up right through your nerves with each step you tried to take. You wince and whine in pain, dragging your leg behind, grabbing at the moist stone walls, clinging to them for any sort of support. However, it’s not much of a help. 
Your escape is cut short when your legs finally give out, causing you to stumble and fall while crossing the church garden. Although it probably looked magical in the daylight, right now it was far from it, the smell of metal and smoke still lacing the darkness. You already feel your ankle swelling and some bruises forming under all your gear. You see the lights on the exterior of the church blend into the ribbon of lights and shadows and the thought crosses your mind. You can hide there.
You almost fly up the stairs despite the hurting leg, fumbling with the door for a second, before it creaks open. You shuffle inside with light steps and close the door behind you as quietly as you can. Your knees tremble as you slide down the cold wall and crawl further inside the building, barely feeling any strength left in you. God, you are so drained. Strained gasps are ripped out of your throat every second. You want nothing more than to lie down right there in this church and just let the darkness overtake you in a peaceful slumber. That would be so easy.
Your calm moment is interrupted by someone yanking you up on your feet, to which you let out a surprised yelp. You can’t see the person, but you can feel their hands tugging on your gear roughly and dragging you somewhere. It takes you a second to weigh your pretty limited options given the fact it’s so dark that you are barely able to make out your surroundings. So, you decide to take this fight head on and your heavy boot comes down right on their foot, which prompts the person to grunt, revealing a pretty low male voice, and let go of you.
You tear out from his grasp and almost tumble down to the church floor, bunching up dust with your loud, uneven footsteps. Your back is hunched as you look up at the dark figure from under your eyebrows, ready to deflect any blows if he decides to attack first. You stay silent, feeling like a cornered animal in his presence, small, feeble. Weak. Of course, you were at a disadvantage here, taking a beating, running from Shadows, twisting your ankle, and losing your rifle certainly didn’t help your chances to win, but you were ready to claw your way out of here with your bare hands, breaking your nails and skinning your hands if you had to.
But any punches or kicks you try to land the man easily deflects or blocks, not trying to attack or overpower you however, opting to just take up the defensive position in the fight. Which is, admittedly, a lot easier than taking the offensive one. Maybe he was aiming to exhaust you and then, when you are at your lowest point, he would attack. That seemed like a solid tactic, but you don’t want to let that happen. However, before you can think of anything you end up rolling with the man on the floor. You can hear him huff in frustration and exertion, the wood pressing harshly against your ribs and all the bruises on your lower body pulsing with pain.
After some struggle, however, you managed to tackle the man to the ground, pressing him down to the floor with your weight. Your hands snaked their way onto his neck as you glared at him, resisting the urge to bare your teeth akin to a stray, abused, and betrayed dog, crawling with fleas and parasites. Choking him out obviously wasn’t a nice thing to do, but you were trying to send a message here, that if you continue being followed, you will use your strength. If violence was the only language Shadows understood (and that’s who you believe the man was) then you were ready to become fluent.
“I swear, I’ll fucking kill you!” You press him into the floor harder, hands squeezing the man’s throat, your vision going blurry. You feel his hands grasp at your wrists, but he does not resist. Why is he not trying to shake you off? Why is he letting you choke him like this? Why is he not fighting back? 
“Let go, Bug.” The man’s voice is strained, but familiar, he whispers through his closed jaw. You can hear the way his throat tenses up, or his Adam’s apple bobs under your thick gloves, the warmth of his skin, and the moisture that seeped into the mask. Mask. More light falls through the window thanks to the momentary flicker of the streetlight. Skull. Eight lines on his chin, two on the forehead. Dark brown eyes.
Your hands shoot up like his neck is on fire. Guilt settles in your gut and your throat, pulling you in like you’re some puppet with no free will. You try to get up from the man’s midsection but tumble down on your side from trying to do it too quickly. It’s Ghost. How the hell did you not recognize Ghost?
“I’m sorry. I’m not…myself right now.” You were now sitting on the floor, palms resting on your face, wet from the rain, skin burning up, either trying to regulate the temperature or from all the exertion. Either way, it didn’t matter right now.
“Yeah, you made it pretty obvious.” Ghost coughs, trying to shake off your attempt to cut off his air circulation just seconds ago, as he gets up from his lying position. “At least now I know you’ve got a good grip.” He lets out a deep chuckle which only earns him an eyebrow raise from you. He was joking at a time like this? Must’ve hit his head pretty hard too.
“I could’ve choked you. Why did you not fight back more?” You were royally confused about that. He could’ve stopped the fight before it even began and avoided some bruises along with the sore neck if he just told you who he was or fought back. But he didn’t.
Ghost wants to say something, but stops himself right after opening his mouth. You see it in the way he looks at you. The pause stretches for an endless amount of time and you feel your skin crawling with anxiety while his eyes study your face.
“I was going easy on ya.” Ghost says in a rather blunt manner, which didn’t answer that many of your questions. Well, if he was going easy, he should’ve been at least going at you, which wasn’t true – you saw him only defending himself and blocking some of your blows. Did he?.. Was he trying not to hurt you? Okay, the more you thought about it, the wilder it sounded. Maybe you should just drop it. “I don’t suppose you came here to wash your sins away.” You want to scoff from the bad taste. “Lil’ birdie told me you ditched the Shadows. Any particular reason why?” The man inquires, turning to you. Sitting like this on the floor with him felt unusual, like some sort of weird church sleepover. Give Ghost a minute and he’ll bring you some ice cream so you two can watch some wacky TV shows together.
“Did your little birdie also tell you that Graves is hunting me down too?” You ask while pulling your drenched mask over your face. It brought some comfort and familiarity that were gone the moment you spoke to your CO in that living room. And, well, it would be awkward if Ghost was the only one in the mask.
“I guessed by the gunshots, some racket, and a horde of Shadows taking a night run through the neighborhood close by.” The man chuckles and you feel your face burn up in embarrassment under your mask. You try not to let it show, however. You knew that it wasn’t a very sleek move that you pulled with Kruk, but you were desperate and you didn’t need motherfucking Ghost telling you it was stupid. 
“You’re just hilarious. Is that how you became a lieutenant, by cracking jokes left and right?” You roll your eyes and hope he won’t notice it in the darkness. This banter was pointless, you knew it but…you needed it. It was not easy losing something familiar, so you desperately wanted to feel that camaraderie you experienced in the Shadows.
“You’ll find out once you’re a lieutenant yourself.” And Ghost indulges you. Which, you are thankful for. Isn’t such a scary guy after all, huh?
“Yeah, if I’m alive long enough.” You scoff at his concealed attempt to comfort and reassure you, but you can’t help that warm feeling in your chest. Weird.
“Well, you’ve already surpassed my expectations by staying alive until now.” The man stands up from the floor with a low grunt, pressing an arm around his midsection, right around where you might’ve pinned him to the floor with your body. “Let’s make sure it lasts, eh?” He extends a gloved hand toward you in an open, inviting gesture. Your eyes trail over his huge figure and land on specks of light in his eyes.
His eye black is all smudged and messy.
You have to shake off the sudden thought, observation too close and intimate for your liking, as you grab him by the forearm, trying to ignore the way your skin burns up when you feel his warmth through his gear. Ghost pulls you up to your feet, but doesn’t let go of your arm once you’re up. You don’t let go either. The silence rings in your ears. God, he’s so warm.
 “Are you like a human furnace or something?” You joke to fill the excruciating silence. Which you immediately regret. You wish it wasn’t so dark so you could see just how his face stretched the fabric of a skull mask, which you clearly heard happen by a small shuffle very close to you. Who knows, maybe he cracked a smile?
“Why? Need someone to warm you up at night?” Okay, this is terrible and stupid, and so damn corny, and why do you feel your cheeks grow hot and breath get stuck in your chest? Maybe that’s just how awful his jokes are. Ghost clears his throat and reluctantly lets go of your forearm, fingers still clinging to your sleeve as he pulls himself away too quickly for it to be something nonchalant or casual.
“So, are you answering my question, or do I have to use torture?” Fucking hell, his jokes are morbid. You almost forgot in those several hours you haven’t interacted with him. Although that would be quite hard, he leaves quite an impression, after all.
“Well, I suppose you’ve seen the…the civilians?” You can’t call them anything besides that. To call them corpses is to take away from their whole being. To call them dead would just be a lie. They were still alive in the walls of their homes, in the memories of their breathing relatives and friends, and in the pictures, their traces are everywhere. Ghost silently nods to your question, prompting you to continue. “Then here’s your reason.” You didn’t want to explain your feelings in great detail. And you didn’t feel the need to; you saw the compassion in his eyes. “Plus, the whole thing with the Los Vaqueros base.” If you saw Ghost’s face now you’d note how the expression darkened in a single moment. However, you do feel the temperature in the room fall several degrees lower, so you decide to joke again. “Pay wasn’t that good anyway, so…”
“Fair enough.” The man chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ll keep an eye on you though. Don’t think you can just waltz in here like this and be completely trusted.” Well, that’s understandable. If you were him you wouldn’t trust yourself either. Although you did hope that the mercy you’ve shown him earlier would influence his decision making. At least a little bit. “And you better toss that thing. Or else.” He points to the radio, still strapped to your tactical vest. You unclasp the device, detaching the small microphone that was holding on by a thread, and hand it to Ghost.
“You’re welcome to get rid of it for me.” And he doesn’t waste any time, dropping the radio on the ground, stomping on it so hard that the sound of it breaking echoes through the church. You assess the scraps of wires and plastic on the floor with a pitiful gaze, coming to a conclusion that you wouldn’t want to end up under Ghost’s boot. Or maybe you would, but under different circumstances. “Well, that’s…effective.”
“You good with the sniper rifle?” The man ignores your previous remark, immediately firing back with the question.  
“Decent.” You were a lot better in close quarters and preferred a more hands-on approach. But a sniper rifle wasn’t that bad. As long as he doesn’t ask you to use it without a scope.
“You’re on the lookout with me then. Don’t screw it up.”
Oh, you’re absolutely not going to.
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a/n – first of all, thank you for reading this fic, and if you enjoyed it, consider dropping me a comment, i’ll really appreciate it! SECOND OF ALL.  I’M NOT A GRAVES HATER, DON’T COME @ ME. segment with him also was written before the campaign release, so in case there are some inaccuracies with the plot/his character – let me know, so I can fix it. all of this is a huge rework of the series that I started but never posted. Originally, it was supposed to be Graves x Reader, but for multiple reasons, moral mostly, it didn’t quite sit right with me. So instead of letting 6k words first part that I’ve written and abandoned go to waste, I decided to remake it into something else here, based on the idea of @mockerycrow (ily you have such a big brain)! so yeah, that’s it for now!
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ja3yun · 9 months
The Sun That Always Burns | Wedding (bonus) | S.JY
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sim jaeyun x afab!reader
warnings: suggestive, fluff, minor character death (mentioned), swearing, it's just tooth-rotting sweetness, not proofread.
synopsis: 6 years after you are reunited with your love, it's finally time to tie the knot.
wc: 6.5k+
a/n: hi! it's time for that bonus chapter I promised. I wouldn't say this was an in-demand bonus but people did ask about a wedding and I wanted to give you all something for giving the series so much love! if it's in italics then it's a flashback scene <3 thank you all so much
Staring into the mirror, you see yourself exactly where you should be: in a wedding dress about to marry the love of your life, Jaeyun. It feels surreal to be here at exactly this moment. You don’t really recognise yourself but in the best, most beautiful way possible.
You run your hands down your ivory Stevie wedding dress, its a-line cut, floral lace bodice, and bishop sleeves make you feel like a princess. It looked gorgeous on you the moment you tried it on but now it’s like a whole different level. It could be due to your blowout and exquisitely done, subtle make-up. 
Taking the headpiece from its velvet-lined box you place it gently atop the crown of your head. It completes the look perfectly, the tiara flashy enough to know it’s there but not to overshadow the dress. You had to thank your maid of honour for bringing this whole look together.
“I found th-, Oh my days, Y/N, look at you!”
Speak of the devil
You turn around and pose awkwardly, seeking approval, “Do we like it?”
When Eunseo puts her hands up to her face, tears brimming in her sockets, you know you made the right choice of dress, “You look unreal. I wish I were the one marrying you.” She was always a flatterer. 
“Stop it.” You blush and turn away. A bucket ton of emotion is weighing you down as you look at your best friend through the mirror, “I’m so happy you’re here with me.” 
Considering everything you’ve both been through and who her sister is, she shouldn’t even be speaking to you right now, never mind accepting to be your maid of honour.
When Jake told Yeoreum he was leaving her the day before their wedding, Eunseo could only see red. How dare you both do this to her sister. But seeing how desperate Jake was to find you after she told you to leave, she knew it was for the best. 
“Eunseo, please where did she go? Back to Uni? I heard her mentioning Pyeongchang once, is she there?” Jake’s eyes are flying across Eunseo’s face to seek any sort of information about where you had gone.
The girl has a look of disbelief on her face. How can he ask her that, in front of her sister who is crying her eyes out? Jake not only a minute ago told Yeoreum he wasn’t marrying her and now he’s pleading with Eunseo to help him? He has a set of balls on him, that’s for sure.
The truth is, he’ll regret the way he handled the situation but at that moment, all he thought about was you. He couldn’t lose you again, not after everything. 
Eunseo turns to Yeoreum who has tears cascading down her face, mascara stains on her cheeks. She’s heartbroken obviously and Eunseo can’t do anything about it.
Facing Jake once again she sees the desperation in his eyes, “Eunseo, I know I don’t deserve your help but I am begging you, even just tell me the smallest of details, I’ll figure it out from there.” 
“Jake, you are the grottiest piece of shit I know.” She spits out, fists clench, but she sighs and thinks about how you looked at her before you left and how you said she wouldn’t understand the love between you and Jake, which is true, she doesn’t get it, but she loves you and as much as she might despise the man in front of her, she can’t stand in the way of your happiness. 
Eunseo has a choice: tell him where you would go and give you both the chance of reconciliation or deny him the information and make everyone in the situation miserable. 
“Avanti. She goes to Avanti College.” Yeoreum screeches out a ‘what?!’ and Eunseo winces, feeling like she’s betraying her, but truth be told it doesn’t matter what she does, she will always hurt someone she loves in the end. At least Yeoreum would get over it, they’re sisters after all.
“Eunseo, thank you. Thank you so much.” He places his hands gently on her shoulders, “I know it doesn’t mean much right now when I say this but,” He pauses, trying to gather his words, “Don’t blame Y/N for this. This is my decision. Don’t shut her out, I can tell she loves you.”
Eunseo knew he was right back then. You were both twin flames caught in a shitty situation, and she loves you more than she realised. Eventually, Eunseo returned to Pyeongchang and just like always there she was in the coffee shop you both frequently visited. It had been about 2 months since you saw her last and when you placed her usual coffee order on the table and sat down, she burst into tears and hugged you tight. After about 4 hours of conversation and forgiveness, she was your best friend again.
That’s the thing about best friends, their relationship lasts through even the bumpiest of rollercoasters.
“Y/N, I seriously will marry you. Leave him for me.” She deadpans before you both laugh loudly as she places her hands on your shoulders, staring at you through the mirror, “I am so glad to be by your side.” The utter honesty in her words almost has you crying. You’re so glad you didn’t lose her through all of this, she was your rock.
As she fixed your veil onto your tiara you suddenly got an overwhelming sense of pure love for not only her but your friendship, “I love you, Eunseo.” You confess so easily, just like you have over the years.
Her eyes sparkle when she turns to face you properly, “I love you too, Y/N.” She has tears in her eyes while she speaks to you, “I am so enthralled to see you happy like this.” 
You can’t remember a time you were genuinely happier than right now. Seeing Jaeyun all those years ago when he was about to be taken away from you made you realise how tightly you had to hold onto him once you had him back. And you both never wasted another second.
It was 6 years ago when you wandered into the Son family house and saw your love engaged to someone else, and it took a week for him to come back to you. Since then you’ve both been enamoured by each other, just like you were teenagers again, hopelessly and criminally in love. 
You graduated a few months later in Film and Media and landed yourself a paid internship at HYBE Media in Busan. You kept your promise to Jaeyun and as soon as you finished school, you were on the first train with your bags packed to go spend the rest of your life with him. The job itself wasn’t inherently glamorous to start with, you mostly got teas and coffees for staff on set but as you’ve progressed and worked your way up, you’re now working on several projects as Director of Photography. It's a dream come true for you, and Jaeyun has been with you every step of the way, even when you bawled and screamed at him because you were frustrated with work, he never took it to heart, instead, he would just be there. In silence, or with reassuring hugs, or pouring you a wine and gently placing it on your desk, he did whatever he thought was right for you. That’s Sim Jaeyun, always putting you at the forefront of his brain. You couldn’t be luckier to have him.
He felt the same about you. His time with the Jo Twins working on his thesis’ encouraged him to go and study for his doctorate and he’s now working towards his PhD in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. It wasn’t an easy decision for Jaeyun, money would be tighter, long hours between work and studying, and not to mention the disdain he felt leaving you for days at a time to go on research bouts. But you assured him all of this would be worth the struggle you face, and any hardship that came his way, you would both face it together. A problem shared is a problem halved as they say.
Both of you went through every emotion over the past few years, love, anger, sadness, frustration, joy, and all of it is what led you to today. Even when you both fought, you knew you couldn’t live without one another, each time an argument arose you each would look at one another and remember how tragic those 4 years without each other were the most brutal that no one wanted to go through again so you communicated and worked through everything, hand in hand. In a way, you’re glad you left back then because it helps you appreciate how lucky you are to have him now.
He was your everything. And you were his.
“I do not know why you picked a summer wedding though,” Eunseo fans herself with her two hands and whines, “Wearing this dress is too much I can’t wait to get into something a little more comfortable.” She wasn’t exactly covered, her bridesmaid dress was a thin strapped maroon-pink gown that had a slit up the side. You let her pick her own dress considering she turned down all your ideas. What she means by ‘more comfortable’ is the gold sparkly cropped dress she picked out 2 weeks ago for your reception party.
“Summer is the best time to take pictures outside in the Botanical Garden, and I look better in the sunlight.” You always did look ethereal bathed in the sun, “Besides, there is AC in the church, yeah?”
“Not in this hell of a swamp though.” She grumbles. You and Eunseo tried to adjust the AC in the hotel room you had booked to get ready but you genuinely might have to be a rocket scientist to figure out the dials, so you’re both currently sweltering. 
As you down the last of the Champagne in your glass to quench your thirst you hear a knock on the door, “Can I come in?” The familiar voice of your dad hides behind the door before he opens it and stands, looking you up and down, “Oh, wow, sweetheart you look…” His eyes don’t come off you as he strides forward, hands outstretched in front of him, “You look like a dream, Y/N.” Hugging you tight, careful not to stand on the bottom of your dress, he whispers in your ear, “Your mum would be so proud of you.”
Mum. Your one true supporter through everything. Unfortunately, she passed away 2 months ago due to an unexpected case of stage 4 cancer, it broke you and your dad to pieces, but she wasn’t in pain anymore, and that brought some comfort to you both. Bless her, she tried to hang on for the wedding but she couldn’t make it. Jaeyun had suggested having a quick ceremony at the hospital so she could see it which you were all for, but she said ‘If you get married at the foot of my bed and not at the top of an aisle I will haunt you both when I’m dead’. She meant it to, and since you believed in ghosts, you were not taking any chances.
“So, are you all set? Don’t want Jake thinking you got cold feet now do we?” He laughs softly pulling away from you. 
You look to Eunseo who just gives you a thumbs up, “Yeah, yeah I’m ready.” You were so ready.
“Great! Eunseo, phone the planner and let them know we will be there in 10 minutes.” Eunseo does as your dad instructed and reaches for both your hands, “My baby, I’m not good with words, but I am so proud of you and everything you have achieved. You will always be my little girl but looking at you now I see not my little angel trying on her mum’s high heels at 5 years old, but a woman stepping into her own, ready to walk a path with her new family.” He rubs your arms lightly, looking at you intently, “He is so lucky to have you, Y/N.” 
If your makeup wasn’t done and you weren’t about the walk down the aisle in front of over 70 people you probably would burst into tears, but you simply hold it in, biting both your lips before a sob escapes. Never has your dad said something so beautiful to you and he meant every word, “I love you, Dad.”
Nodding he holds out his arm for you to take and escorts you down the car.
On the other end, Jaeyun was standing at the altar waiting for his bride-to-be to make her grand entrance. He jumped a little and shook out all his nerves, looking for reassurance from his best man, “You don’t think she got cold feet, right? You don’t think she’s realised how unworthy I am and dipped, do you?” He whispers.
Heeseung laughs and shakes his head, “Mate, she’s on her way, I heard the event planner on their little walkie-talkie saying ‘The eagle is leaving the nest, I repeat, the eagle is leaving the nest’.”
“The eagle?”
“Y/N, obviously. Eunseo also texted me saying they were on their way.” Phew. Jaeyun lets out a sigh of relief, “You know, now is not the time to feel self-deprecation, you are literally getting married in approximately ‘10 minutes people’.” He mocks the event planner once again which eases Jaeyun a little, “If Y/N didn’t want to marry you, she wouldn’t have said yes to your atrocious proposal.”
Jaeyun cringes when he thinks about how he proposed. Out of all the declarations of love he’s done over the years, your engagement was the worst one.
“Keep them closed, baby.” Jaeyun’s fingers are sealed over your eyes as he guides you into your apartment. You’re confused as to why you were kidnapped from your work and brought back home for a ‘personal matter.’
“Jaeyun, what is going on? Did you burn the house down because if you have I will literally kill you, I just finished painting the kitchen that nice duck egg blue.” You spent your paid time off decorating the kitchen so if he even so much as scratched some of the paint off you would be fuming.
He just laughs and takes his shoes off behind you, and you follow his lead, “Have some faith in me, baby.” It’s hard to have faith when just a few weeks ago he ‘hung up’ the clothes to be dried on the veranda and forgot the clothes pegs resulting in your clothes being scattered through half of Busan when a gust of wind swept them away, “Now keep your eyes tight shut okay?”
Removing his hands from your face he shuffles towards you, running around the apartment to make sure everything is displayed perfectly, “Okay, open them!” His excited voice echoes through your ears and you open your eyes, adjusting to the sudden light. When you finally unblur your vision you see candles set up like a walkway, guiding you to the coffee table which has a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket, and polaroids scattered.
“What’s all this?” You asked, walking between the candles and inspecting your surroundings, “Jaeyun, baby?” He smiles widely, as he sits down, ushering you to do the same on the opposite side. 
Pushing the polaroids in front of you, he says lowly, “I took a picture every time I fell in love with you all over again.” Now you look at him skeptically because there have to be at least 40 polaroids here, “I know, this is me really cutting back, I think I had like 130 or something.” He says nonchalantly and your eyes widen, “But these were the moments I realised that it was just more than love.”
Picking up a few you see moments you didn’t even know he captured, your first time visiting him at work when you brought him his favourite lunch, the time you finally won a game of Cluedo because you gave everyone the benefit of the doubt, the moment you won employee of the year, and so much more, “When did you take these? I think I would have noticed a flash?”
“Actually, they aren’t real polaroids, did you know you can get your phone photos printed on these things?” He looked so cute as he looked through the pictures with you, clearly proud of his discovery. If there was a moment you wish you could capture and put on your own fake polaroid, it was this one, “Anyway, um, these moments were the ones I was going to ask you something but was too scared to.”
You tilt your head, “Ask me what?” 
His palms go sweaty as he puts down the pictures he’s holding. Whistling, you see Layla bounding over with a cute pink bow, her face as happy as ever. “Well, I’m still too scared to ask you, so I’ve asked Layla for help.” He points to her collar and you notice a piece of paper wedged in her bow. 
As you take out the paper, Jaeyun looks at Layla and asks her to get something but you’re too busy unraveling the note to notice, “Will you marry me? Wait why would Layla ask me to mar-” And it hits you as you re-read it carefully, “Jaeyun?”
“Will you? Marry me?” Layla comes back with a ring box in her mouth and Jaeyun couldn’t look more proud. 3 months he’s been training Layla for this, she’s such a good girl. Dropping the box on your lap she sits obediently, waiting for you to open it. Your heart is racing, mouth moist yet throat dry, was he truly asking you to marry him right now? Opening the box you look confused and Jaeyun goes into his normal panic mode, “What? Do you not like it?”
“Baby, there’s nothing in here?” You pass him the box and you’re right, there isn’t anything in it but the white satin lining that should be holding your pink sapphire engagement ring. 
“No, no, no, where is it?” He looks around the area quickly, hoping to catch a glimpse of the silver jeweled ring, but it’s so dark he can’t see a thing, “I swear I haven’t even taken it out of the box to look at it since I got it.” He stands up and rushes into your shared bedroom and all you can hear is him spitting profanities and tearing your belongings apart to find the ring. You don’t want to get in the way so you start to look in the living room, which would be great if you knew what exactly it looked like. 
20 minutes later he comes back into you searching under the couch flashing your phone torch, “This isn’t how this was supposed to go,” He pouts and sits on the couch exasperated, “It was supposed to be cute and romantic, I had all this stuff prepared and I still couldn’t get it right.”
“Hey,” You poke your head up from the floor and sit on your knees in front of him, soothing him as your hands rub his thighs, “I don’t care how you ask me, remember last time you asked me after we had sex that one time in my childhood bedroom?” The day he was supposed to be marrying Yeoreum, which is totally ironic now that you look back on it.
“That was different, I asked you that as a promise to marry you, this is meant to be the real deal.”
You can see how upset he is by the way he’s pouting, and not his usual absentminded cuteness pout, a real lip-jutted-out moment. Every fiber of you wants to just tell him to leave it because let's face it, ring or no ring your answer would be the same, but he has worked so hard for this, you need to help him see it through, “Okay, so when did you last have the box to check the ring?”
Signing he leans forward, taking your hands in his, “Literally before I picked you up from work to bring you here, I ran through it with Layla a few times and left. It was there, Y/N I swear.”
“Shh I know, I know. Maybe Layla dropped it?” Not that you were trying to direct the blame onto his precious baby, but she’s the only explanation right now, “Let's have a look around to see where she could hav-”
“She ate it…” He whispers, “What if she ate it?” Jaeyun’s eyes widen as he gets up off the couch and runs to his dog, hitting you in the face with his knee in the process. Too engrossed in the idea of Layla consuming the £2,000 ring that he doesn’t comprehend the blood coming from your nose, “Layla, open your mouth, angel, let me see.” 
Blood starts to stain your t-shirt as it trickles down through your fingers as you hold each side of your nose. He was so clumsy when he wanted to be that if your injury didn’t hurt like a bitch you would have found him endearing right now. You walk to the bathroom and past the pleading man, arguing with a dog to cough up the jewelry. The cold running water helps a little with numbing the pain but the swelling of your nose insinuates that you might need to get it checked out, “Baby?” Your nasally tone brings him to look at you and his eyes nearly bulge out of his head.
“Fuck, Y/N what happened?” You could laugh, and you’re going to before he trips over the carpet in an attempt to rush over to you, knocking over a candle and starting a small fire. Everything is going wrong, this might go down in history as the worst proposal ever made, “Shit, shit,” He mutters, putting out the fire with a damp cloth he retrieved from the kitchen sink which luckily did the job.
With the smoke detector beeping, Layla barking, and Jaeyun stomping the fire out, you can only laugh, “Let’s do it.”
Your boyfriend looks up at you confused, “What?”
“Let’s get married.”
Turns out, Layla did eat the ring and after a hefty vet bill and some laxatives later, you got your ring. You steeped it in bleach and cleaned it to the high heavens but now you wear it with pride. Your nose was also broken due to his knee colliding with you, but it worked in your favour because Jaeyun felt so guilty about what he did that he was at your beck and call, he did every little thing for you and showered you with more kisses than ever before. Despite the chaos that occurred that night, you still said yes and agreed to be his forever and always, and now here you both are.
Jaeyun exhales sharply while Heeseung adjusts his black bowtie, “Jake, why are you so nervous? All you’ve spoken about since you were 15 is how much you’re looking forward to marrying Y/N.” He understands what his best friend is saying but isn’t it natural to be nervous?
“I’m not anxious about marrying her, I just don’t want to disappoint her. It’s easy for her to leave just now, we aren’t legally bound, but what if in years to come she doesn’t want me anymore because I do something stupid or can’t give her what she needs? I mean, I don’t even have a stable job right now, I’m relying on her when it should always be the other way around.”
He keeps rambling a list of reasons why you might get bored or tired of him until Heeseung interjects, “Jake, mate, there is not a man in the world that can love her as you can and she knows that. She’s besotted with you and trust me, Y/N is the only one that can put up with you,” He pats the groom's shoulder before continuing, “And who cares if you’re studying still, it’s all for your future, a future you have put Y/N at the forefront of. Gender norms have made you think men should look after women but it isn’t about who can provide what for whom, it’s about being there for each other equally, and you both are.”
Heeseung’s words instill Jaeyun with comfort and before he gets the chance to overthink again, he sees the priest walking to the alter. This is it. He’s getting married, and he’s going to be your man forever, “Okay, I gotta go and walk with Eunseo. Breathe and try not to cry when you see her.” Heeseung smirks as he jets off through the side doors to take his place as the ceremony gets underway.
Eunseo, who looks like a vision, walks with her hand grasping Heeseung’s arm as they lead the trail of bridesmaids and groomsmen down the aisle. Jaeyun greets them all as they come up and take their places, calming himself down as he anticipates your arrival. Nothing can prepare him for what he sees next.
As a piano version of Howl’s Moving Castle’s ‘Merry Go Round of Life’ echoes through the church, the grand wooden doors open once again to unveil you and your dad walking side by side, gracefully gliding your way down the aisle. All those weeks of practicing how to float on your feet are finally working, granted, all you’re focusing on right now is not faceplanting the ground. 
You look beguiling in your dress, so much so that Jaeyun’s breath catches in his throat, and his eyes water. In Jaeyun’s eyes, you always look beautiful whether it be in your everyday work clothes or his jumpers that he selfishly forces you to wear to bed because you look so good when he fucks you in them. You’re perfect, however, now that he’s seeing you in a wedding dress, a sheepish smile on your face because you hate the attention you’re receiving from the ogling eyes of the attendees, he realises what an honour it is to witness you right now, walking to him about to vow yourself loyal to him for eternity. It’s that thought that sends him over the edge and a few tears slip down his cheeks.
Seeing him cry fills you with glee because isn’t that what everybody wants at their wedding? For their partner to shed tears when they see you? It makes you smile widely and look at your dad who has a similar look on his face, “If he didn’t cry I would have turned you back and kept walking until he did.” He chuckles as you slap his chest with your sunflower bouquet. 
Taking your hand, your dad helps you step up to the altar, hugging you tightly, “I love you, Y/N. So does your mum.” He pats his heart before walking to Jaeyun who is too busy looking at you in awe, “Jake, son, be good to my girl, just as you have been.” Jaeyun was expecting a more threatening speech from your father to be fair, but your dad knew Jaeyun would never hurt you, and if he did it would never be intentional, so he doesn’t need to browbeat him into treating you well.
As everyone sits back down and you hand your flowers to Eunseo, it’s finally time for you to look at Jaeyun properly. He looks gorgeous, his simple black suit with extra button detailing, the bowtie you begged him to wear rather than a traditional tie because he looked so cute when he jokingly tried it on, and his dark hair slicked back, pieces framing his face, “Hi.” You say just loud enough for him to hear.
“Hi, baby,” Jaeyun has the biggest urge to kiss you but that’s not how these ceremonies work so he settles for taking your hands and bringing them to his lips, “You look so fucking beautiful.”
“Jaeyun!” You scold him quietly, “Don’t swear in church.” 
“Shit, sorry.” He shuts his eyes as he does it again, leaning his head back to stop himself from blundering anymore. 2 minutes in and he’s already fucking up the most important day of his life. 
The priest side-eyes you both as he clears his throat, “We will begin.” This is going to be a hell of a shift for him.
Halfway through the ceremony, you regret wearing heels because no one told you how long this would drag on. How many blessings and quotes from the bible did this guy have to say before you get to say ‘I do’ and call it a day? Looking at your soon-to-be husband you notice his eyes trailing down your body. Surely he isn’t thinking anything provocative in God’s house?
He was. Of course he was, it’s Jaeyun. As he consumes you through his gaze he notices how your tits look in the plunge-lined dress and more importantly how you couldn’t be wearing a bra underneath. Since he didn’t get to see you last night he might be a little deprived, especially when you looked so good right before you left.
Picking up your overnight bag you double-check you have everything, “Okay, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.” You grin brightly as you walk over to Jaeyun.
He makes you drop your bag, his arms circling your waist as he pulls you in for a kiss, his tongue licking into your mouth straight away. It’s the kind of kiss that leads to you either bent over the couch or trapped between him and a wall, either of those things would make you elated right now. So you give into him as your hands find their way into his mane, tugging him further down into your lips. 
Smirking, Jaeyun is just about to lift you up and carry you to the nearest surface when Eunseo barges in, sighing at the sight before her, “Guys, we need to go! I got a taxi waiting downstairs waiting for me and Y/N.” 
“Let me have 5 more minutes with my girl.” Jaeyun huffs and keeps kissing you, not caring much about the interruption of your best friend but unluckily for him, you do care and start to pull away, “Baby, no,” He whines, “I’ll pay whatever the fare is, just stay for max 10 minutes.”
You laugh and shake your head, “I need to go, Jaeyun. You have forever with me after tomorrow.”
Squeezing his hand you bring him out of his thoughts and have that harsh stare in your eyes. He knows he’s been caught thinking illicit things in the holy house but he can’t seem to care right now.
“Now, did you each write your own vows?” The priest asks.
This is the part you’ve been dreading the most. When Jaeyun suggested, more like demanded you both write vows, you panicked. Jaeyun is so good with his words, he’s naturally emotive whether you feel things deeply but don’t know how to express them. Heeseung and Eunseo offered you some help but you couldn’t even describe how you felt about Jaeyun because you’ve never been able to put it into words. Not when you were explaining it to Eunseo that day, not even to your notes app. It’s too pure and immense to put in a few paragraphs. 
Jaeyun had struggled with writing his vows too, except it was the opposite, he couldn’t keep his words to an appropriate limit. All his love and devotion to you poured onto the scrapped paper turned into 5 A4 pages front and back. 
“I’ll go first.” You blurt out. Better to get it over and done with and not feel pressured by what surely will be the most romantic words known to man that Jaeyun will say in the next 5 minutes.  Jaeyun beams and tucks a loose strand of hair behind your ear as you find the piece of paper in your cleavage. The dress was beautiful but woefully for you it lacked pockets. 
“I’ll love anything you say, baby.” He whispers to you because he knows you so well, the slight change in your breathing and trembling hands go unnoticed by most, but not to your lover.
“Okay,” You breathe out and begin, “Nothing makes me more sick than speaking publicly and I regret only having one glass of champagne before doing this,” The hall fills with laughter, pity or not you’ll take it. “My Jaeyun, for the past 14 years I have never been able to put into words my feelings for you, and I think I’ll spend the rest of my life trying to do so. My love for you goes beyond words spoken, it runs deep into my veins like a venom that slowly consumes me into madness, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. Alan Watts said that people don’t rise into love but fall and that life is an act of faith and an act of gamble. That love is an act of surrender to another person. When I fell in love with you, I went in with no safety net, no precaution, I just fell for you so deeply knowing that you would be there to catch me. 
I want to be that for you too. That’s what my vow is to you, to catch you if you fall too deeply, carry you over every threshold, and love you for an eternity. Give me your hand today, and I’ll promise my heart to you forever.” 
Silence. Is that good? Bad? You can’t even bring yourself to look at Jaeyun out of fear. All that re-writing and tearing your hair out was over before you knew it. Was it too short? How long was it supposed to go on anyway?
All these questions run wild in your head, and they’re all settled by a single touch, Jaeyun’s touch. He traps your chin between his thumb and pointer finger, lifting your head so your eyes meet. Jaeyun’s loving pout is back, his iris’ flooded with the purity of his love. He liked it.
“I love you so much, Y/N.” With a swift lean down, his lips are on yours and you melt against him. He knows he shouldn’t kiss you right now, but he needed you to know how much he appreciated the words you spoke, how he knows you would have spent weeks on your vows, and they were even better than anything he could have imagined.
The priest coughs, breaking the kiss, “Sorry, Father.” Your fiance bows softly and steps back again, a smirk spreading on his face, “My turn now, huh? No pressure or anything.” Everyone laughs once again, none of you have looked at your loved ones since the wedding started so you miss the weeping cries of his mother and others. They could feel the love in the room even just looking at you both.
Jaeyun reaches into his inner pocket pulling out his neatly written vows and starts, “Dear, Y/N. If I could go back and tell 15-year-old me that he would one day be marrying that girl who sat next to him on the bus journey to their first day of high school, I think he might pass out. From the minute you pushed passed people to take the seat next to me, and when the sun shone on your face, I knew you were going to change my life. I love you for everything you are, and everything you make me.” 
He pauses, reading the rest of his vows to himself before folding the paper and putting it back in his pocket, “I spent hours trying to say the right words, but I guess I should just say how I feel in this moment, right? Truth is, my body and soul belong to you, they exist to love you and help you through thick and thin, to be there for you even when we are apart. I don’t want to exist as a separate entity from you but rather that we become one so we can share everything this life has to give us. Rain or sunshine, I want us to walk this path together. If you have a hard time, I’ll have a hard time with you. If you feel overwhelmed, I want to be overwhelmed with you. I know it’s usually the opposite, that I’m supposed to say I’ll take care of you and heal you, but facing these things together isn’t having someone hold you up, but rather taking your hand and understanding you, being complete with you one hundred percent. I vow that to you, my love.
You say to me all the time that you don’t deserve the love you receive from me, yet, I think it’s the other way around. Everything you have ever done since we’ve known one another has been for me. You’re selfless and I can’t ever thank you enough for that. But from this day, as my wife, stop sacrificing yourself lets live every single day together, as one, so we can always be connected.” 
Tears are cascading down your face with every word he says just like you knew would happen. Jaeyun is the most beautiful, kind-hearted, generous, and loving person you have ever had the privilege of knowing. And as soon as you both say ‘I do’ he will be yours forever.
His thumb wipes your tears as he kisses you again, despite the huff from the priest, “I love you so much, Y/N. I’m so serious.” And it’s not just his words that convince you, it’s the way his lips are so gently capturing yours like this kiss seals everything you both said and locks it into eternity. 
“I love you too, Jaeyun. So fucking much.” He smiles as he hears you swear, the exact thing you reprimanded him for earlier but it just meant you were too lost in the moment, too lost in being his. 
“I suppose we should speed this up,” The priest starts, “Y/N L/N, do you take Sim Jaeyun to be your lawfully wedded husband?” 
“I do, forever.” 
“And do you, Sim Jaeyun, take Y/N L/N to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
“Of course I do.” 
“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now keep kissing the bride I suppose.” 
Jaeyun laughs into the kiss as he deepens it, trying his best to keep it modest considering your family is all watching. He has never been happier in his life, the way he can legally call you his wife feels surreal like a dream come true. If it is a dream, he never wants to wake up, “All mine.”
You smile as he whispers into your mouth, “All yours, Jaeyun.”
Your journey with Jaeyun has been a wild ride but none of you would change what happened because right now in this moment is exactly where you both should be. You are his love and he is yours, no time apart would have ever changed that, and it never will.
“Should we get out of here, Mr. Sim?”
“Let’s do it, Mrs. Sim.”
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h0neysp1ce · 1 month
Hi again!:) this is my first request<3
How would Childe fall in love?
Cԋιʅԃҽ ˣ Fҽɱ! Rҽαԃҽɾ
Summary: How would he fall in love with you?
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Characters: Childe, Fem! reader Tags: Fluff, None Established relationship (beginning) Established Relationship (ending) Constellation: Drabble + Head canons Warning(s): None ੈ✩‧₊˚
A/N: First request from a Mutual! @lavandulawrites :) Hope you enjoy! 🌀🩵.
Word Count: 613
It's a slow-burn type of love, starting with him falling in love with you.
The two of you began as friends- maybe even close friends. Childe fell harder as he started to realize his feelings for you.
It started off small, just the mere thought of being in the light you shed was constantly on his mind. Being in your light and warmth is something he wanted, even though, at first, he was honestly confused about what he was feeling. It didn’t take him long to figure out it was love.
Initially, he just wanted to hang out with you casually, like friends do. Then he began to notice small details- how you talked, how you laughed. He started seeing all of these aspects of you in a new light as he fell for you. <3
He gets a little shy, but not enough for you to notice right away.
Once he falls in love, he goes above and beyond to impress you, trying to gain your attention without admitting just yet that he's madly in love with you.
As his love for you grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to hide his feelings. Part of him might be afraid you don’t feel the same way, or there might be a multitude of other reasons only he can think of.
His loyalty extends to you in many ways; you are one of the people he is most loyal to. <3
He might spend a lot of time stalling or delaying being honest about his feelings for you.
When he finally gathers the courage to confess, he’ll ask you to meet him somewhere. He'll be somewhat nervous, but will ultimately come straight out with his confession.
He will be pleasantly shocked to find out you feel the same way, as he was convinced you only saw him as a friend.
You’ll know the relationship is going to be made official right then and there. With your permission, of course, he might ask if he can kiss you.
Being able to call you his fills him with immense joy and happiness. This man will love you for the rest of his life- he is that in love with you and remains dedicated and loyal to you. <3
Bonus  Head canons
Once this man falls in love with you, he might get easily distracted by you. No matter what you’re doing, simply being in the same room can capture his full attention.
He is very much mesmerized by you, and this feeling starts as he falls in love.
As mentioned before, he begins to notice small details about you that he hadn’t paid attention to before, wishing he had noticed them earlier. He will pay close attention to these details.
He memorizes or keeps a list of- your likes and interests. Whenever you mention something you enjoy, he takes note.
He’s the type of guy who will give you flowers when he confesses his feelings or when the two of you become officially together.
He kisses the back of your hand as a greeting when he returns from his duties  or any other work he might have.
He loves clutching your hand in his, giving it a squeeze every now and then.
He enjoys making eye contact with you and giving you his classic smile or grin.
He gives you goodbye kisses before he leaves for business and returning kisses when he comes back from his duties.
He has told you that he is one of the Fatui  Harbingers. Initially, he wanted to keep this a secret because of the potential dangers associated with it. He only kept it from you because he cares about your safety.
A/N: Hopefully I didn't mis - characterized him ^^" its been a minute since I last dug into his story and personality lol.
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otomehoneyybearr · 27 days
Kagari Amagase
Be My Lover, Be My Beast
Ch1 | Ch2 | Sweet | Premium | Epilogue| Bonus
Warning: Mention of blood
The second prince of Kogyoku, a country known for its tumultuous times and night cherry blossoms, is feared as a "demon" due to his love for battle. He’s always calm and composed, making it impossible to read what he’s thinking.
That’s why I wanted to know—the true nature of the fierce heat that occasionally flickers in his emerald eyes.
Merchant: "Oh... Oh no."
Emma: "Is something wrong?"
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One day, after finishing my duties as Belle, I visited Kogyoku, where the cherry blossoms bloom all year round, along with the bookstore owner.
A merchant who had come to the inn where I was staying at to deliver a book I had ordered, showed me a package with a troubled look on his face.
Merchant: "The truth is, I thought your book was the last item to deliver today, but I just realized there’s still one more left."
Merchant: "If I deliver it now, I’ll keep an important client of mine waiting in the neighboring town, and that’s something I want to avoid..."
Emma: "If you’d like, I can deliver it for you."
Merchant: "What? But..."
Emma: "I’ve been wanting to thank you for always recommending such wonderful products, so please let me help!"
Merchant: "…Thank you, honestly, I appreciate it. The delivery location is somewhere you’ve been to before, so you should be fine."
Emma: "A place I’ve been to before?"
(Indeed, I’ve been here before.)
The delivery location was a grand castle standing proudly on a hill, with distinctive red tiles.
(It's strange how familiar this place feels... Oh, I remember, I’ve crossed paths with him here before...)
I glance down at the package I was holding carefully.
(It’s heavier than it looks... I wonder what’s inside.)
When I lifted my head to climb the stairs, I noticed a figure at the very top.
Although they had their back turned to me, the fiery red hair tied in a braid told me who they were.
Emma: "Prince Kagari..."
(Huh? ...This scent...)
What wafted past my nose was the fleeting scent of cherry blossoms mixed with the thick smell of iron, as if to erase the former.
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Kagari: "Princess, your timing is as bad as ever."
When Prince Kagari turned around, his clothes were splattered with dark red patterns.
As soon as I realized what it was, my body temperature plummeted.
Emma: "A-Are you injured...?"
Kagari: "Don’t worry, it’s just blood."
(So all of that... is someone else’s blood...)
A different kind of fear crawled up from my spine.
Kogyoku is known as a war-torn land, where battles are an everyday occurrence.
Prince Kagari had stood on the battlefield since he was young, achieving countless victories.
His overwhelming strength has earned him the fearsome title of "demon," something I was told about even before coming to Kogyoku.
(I first met him when he saved me from being attacked by bandits, but...)
(Even though he had saved me, when I encounter situations like this, I can’t help but feel my legs trembling.)
Kagari: "Do you need something from me?"
Emma: "Yes."
Kagari: "…Speak from there."
Kagari: "You can at least manage that much, can’t you?"
(Did I have a tense expression on my face?)
(...No, I can’t be scared over something like this.)
Though his words were blunt, the concern hidden within them gradually calmed my racing heart.
(I’m the one who decided to come to this country, knowing it would be dangerous.)
I steeled myself and started moving my feet again, standing beside Prince Kagari.
And the moment I looked up at his expressionless emerald eyes—
Kagari: "You’re quite the brave one, Princess. But don't complain if the scent rubs off on you."
A red-gloved hand covered touched my neck.
In a situation where it felt like my life was being held in someone else’s hands, I almost forgot how to breathe.
Kagari: "Didn’t you consider that I might be on edge after returning from battle?"
Emma: "I... I don’t think you’re the type of person who would take out their frustrations on innocent people."
(If he were, he wouldn’t have taken the trouble to keep me from getting too close to him when I was scared.)
The hand that had been gripping my neck easily let go, allowing me to steady my shallow breath.
Kagari: "You’re right. If I were to take it out on someone, it would probably be one of my attendants."
(I feel sorry them...)
Kagari: "Don’t worry. There’s nothing to gain from killing you... for now."
Emma: "Is there a chance that could change?"
Kagari: "Who knows?"
(That’s ominous...)
Kagari: "So, what do you need from me?"
I handed Prince Kagari the package.
Emma: "I brought this package addressed to you from a merchant."
Kagari: "Why you?"
Emma: "It just turned out that way. The merchant was worried he wouldn’t make his next appointment on time if he delivered it himself."
Kagari: "I see. So you offered to deliver it for him?"
Kagari: "You’ve been made to work for free, you kind-hearted Princess."
Emma: "...That’s not a very pleasant way to put it."
Kagari: "It’s the truth. Deal with it."
Kagari: "....."
After receiving the package, Prince Kagari seemed to think for a moment, then looked back at me.
Kagari: "Thank you for going to the trouble. I appreciate it."
Emma: "It was nothing. Well then, I’ll be on my way..."
Emma: "......... Um, Prince Kagari?"
Kagari: "What is it?"
Emma: "I can’t leave if you’re holding onto my arm."
(And he’s got a pretty firm grip; I can’t even move.)
Prince Kagari’s expression remained unreadable as he looked down at me, as usual, making it impossible to know what he was thinking or feeling.
Kagari: "Don’t you want some dorayaki?"
Emma: "Dorayaki? Not particularly..."
Kagari: "I do. I’m going to change, so wait here."
Emma: "Huh? Wait, Prince Kagari... And he’s gone."
(Why dorayaki all of a sudden? And without even asking about my plans... Well, I don’t really have any, so it’s fine.)
(If I go home now, he’ll probably come after me...)
(Prince Kagari is still as abrupt and forceful as ever.)
After changing with frightening speed, Prince Kagari and I were soon riding in a carriage to a sweets shop in the neighboring town.
Emma: "Matcha, sakura, strawberry, chestnut, butter... There are so many options. Do you have a recommendation, Prince Kagari?"
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Kagari: "All of them."
Emma: "...That doesn’t make it easier."
The sweet aroma of freshly baked dorayaki filled the air, making it hard to resist.
I kept scanning the menu from top to bottom, but I couldn’t decide.
(They all look so good... I’m leaning towards the classic red bean paste. But the butter one sounds interesting too.)
(No, since I’m in Kogyoku, I should probably go with the sakura flavor!)
Kagari: "Shopkeeper, one red bean paste with butter and one sakura, please."
Shopkeeper: "Got it, just a moment."
Emma: "...Did it show on my face?"
Kagari: "Your eyes are more honest than your mouth, Princess."
(It’s hard to hide anything from Prince Kagari.)
(Let’s see... The sakura dorayaki costs...…)
As I reached for my wallet, Prince Kagari suddenly grabbed my hand, stopping me.
With efficient movements, he used his other hand to pay the shopkeeper and took both dorayaki.
Kagari: "Too bad, I already paid."
Kagari: "Consider it as thanks for delivering the package."
(I see, so that’s why he brought me here.)
Emma: "Thank you. Then I’ll accept your offer and enjoy it."
Still holding onto my hand, Prince Kagari led me to a nearby bench and had me sit down.
When I took the dorayaki he offered, the warmth of the freshly baked treat gently eased my heart.
Prince Kagari sat down beside me—and for some reason— turned to face me.
Kagari: "Princess, would you like to split the butter dorayaki with me?"
Emma: "Were you having trouble deciding too?"
Kagari: "...Something like that."
(Is he really fond of dorayaki?)
It was so unexpected that I couldn’t help but smile at the cuteness of it.
Emma: "I’d be happy to share. I was actually torn between the sakura and butter, so this makes me happy."
●●●●●● Flashback ●●●●●●
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Kagari: "Your eyes are more honest than your mouth, Princess."
●●●●●● Flashback End ●●●●●●
(Wait…. Did he order the butter dorayaki because he noticed I was struggling to decide between the two...?)
Kagari: "Here, Princess."
Emma: "Ah, sorry. I’ll split mine too."
I carefully broke the dorayaki in half and exchanged pieces with him.
(The slightly melted butter bean paste and the beautifully pink sakura bean paste... Which should I try first?)
(Which one did Prince Kagari start with?)
Kagari: "…That was good."
(What, he’s already finished!? It’s only been a few seconds!)
Ignoring my surprise, Prince Kagari stood up and spoke to the shopkeeper.
Kagari: "One more red bean paste dorayaki, please."
Shopkeeper: "Got it, coming right up."
(So... he didn’t suggest splitting because I was undecided; he just wanted more dorayaki for himself.)
(I never imagined Prince Kagari loved dorayaki THIS much.)
Prince Kagari sat down next to me again and, without changing his expression, began eating his dorayaki with complete focus.
(I still can’t quite read what he’s thinking, but from the way he looked out for me at the castle and thanked me with dorayaki...)
(He’s probably a kind person at heart.)
(Ah…. Both flavors were amazing.)
After finishing the dorayaki, a contented sigh escaped my lips without me realizing it.
Kagari: "Was it good, Princess?"
Emma: "Yes, very! They were so delicious; I’d love to try every flavor now."
As I nodded, his emerald eyes narrowed slightly in satisfaction.
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Kagari: "I see. Then I’ll treat you again."
Kagari: "So, please be my lover."
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A little Birdy told me you are taking Clarisse requests 👀. Little idea: Clarisse x child of hades reader who is like a lava girl? Aka she has hair that can turn into fire, can breath fire and can shoot lava from her hands?
When reader gets angry hair air bursts into flames. (And when she gets pouty she creates a fire circle to sit in the middle of to sulk) lol.
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Clarisse la rue x daughter of hades!reader
A/n:sorry it's so bad and late.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️:fluff
Summary: clarisse comforting you after someone says something mean to you in capture the flag
Today was capture the flag as always you were very happy but at the same time not cause you knew your girlfriend was very competitive last night she spoke to you about the game "look, don't take anything serious, okay?" She knew you like the back of your head cause she knew you were hot-tempered you didn't say anything to her you didn't want to lie to her.
Not even five minutes into the game you've already fallen flat on your face you got up and dusted yourself off people tripped you over by accident they all say their sorry but then go off laughing your try so hard to not take it to heart but then someone trips you over again you thought 'what the hades is going on here, did I make someone angry or something?"before he muttered in your ear "the daughter of hades but out all his children, your weakest." You looked shocked at what he said your hair literally burst in fire you got off the floor as he tried to run away you shot a ball of lava out of your hands and shot it at him he was severely burnt on his back and you walked up to him and pushed him on the a breathed fire at him he ran away probably to go snitch or something you were told off by the teacher you sighed upsetting.
Sitting near the lake you bring your knees near your chest for comfort tears falling down your face you sniffled your team did not win because of your outburst everyone blamed you for it but tried truly to not cause a scene sobbing and a big ring of fire surrounded all around you clarisse asked everyone where you were nobody knew she truly thought and figured you would be at the lake she wondered towards the lake looking for you only to hear you sniffing and a sobbing "y/n?" She spoke softly hearing her you quickly wiped your tears away from your face and tried to calm down so the fire wouldn't show anymore it worked you "hello, rissey what you doing here bubs?" You said quietly your eyes are still glassy from your tears looking down clarisse responded "I was looking for you, sweetheart, why are you crying?" She said putting her hand on your arm for comfort you broke your silence "it's just I lost my temper I didn't mean to like I really did but he sai-" you stopped on your words and just choked out tears you always thought you were a burden and now you know it "I always thought I was a burden to my father know I know it's true.." clarisse sat there shocked "am I hearing this right?, you mean to tell me someone like you is a burden to your father?." y/n looked at clarisse and then she held your hand together "look to me your perfect, my love." She said kissing your forehead.
Clarisse: "honey, cool down before you burn something!"
Literally hair on fire and a big ring of fire around her Y/n: *mumbling about the boy that tripped her*
But then the boy was actually put on life support.
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nobigsecrets · 3 months
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H50 Fic Recs
Light At The End Of The Tunnel by bluflamingo Rating: T, Words: 3,191 The first time Catherine meets Steve, he's a voice on the other end of the radio, asking for her help.
Where lies the final harbor? by @missslothy Rating: M, Words: 48,643 Steve and Danny had finally admitted their feelings for each other just three days before the events of Season 10 Episode 7. Can their new relationship survive the fallout from what happened in Mexico and Doris's death? (Coda to 10x07)
Agitated States of Amazement by @emphasisonthehomo Rating: T, Words: 5,823 He meets Stef when he’s like 18, on a sub-reddit that doesn’t exist anymore. She’s kind of a huge fucking cunt. Danny’s kind of in love with her. OR: Sometimes the people you meet on the internet stick with you.
I’m dumb she’s a lesbian (I thought I had found the one) by @five-wow Rating: G, Words: 1,299 Danny waves his coffee around a little more. The lid is the only thing that prevents them from having to dig up a mop. “What’d I do? All I did is tell her you’re handsome and single and free Friday night.” “You were setting us up,” Quinn summarizes. Or: Just another morning in the life of Steve McGarrett, whose best friend is deeply concerned with getting him a date.
COMPETITIVE BY NATURE by alizarin_nyc Rating: E, Words: 2,701 "Oh come on, that isn’t gay," Steve says. "I was in high school. You’re gay, you’re totally gayer than me. Your pants are tight across the ass!” Steve has his little protesty face on and it’s exactly like his earnest, don’t-worry-we’ll-catch-your-husband’s-killer face. It is so, so gay.
Does This Marriage Come With Any Perks? by @pterawaters Rating: T, Words: 3,369 After Danny suffers a life-threatening injury, he finds himself in Steve’s care. He doesn’t remember much about what happened after getting shot, but he’s pretty sure signing a marriage certificate wasn’t something he’d forget.
Sometimes You Just Need a Decoder Ring by kho Rating: T, Words: 2,849 Danny follows Steve into the kitchen and sticks the beers in the fridge. “Actually I’m of the mind that it takes two to tango so I don’t know who started and who fueled but you’re both in this fight, so I’m just trying to figure out how to diffuse this situation so I don’t wind up as collateral damage.” (Mary & Steve centric)
You Move Me by dogeared Rating: M, Words: 486 Yoga, and waffles, and kisses.
Pick up line by kaige68 Rating: T, Words: 100 Prompt from kapuahi, Hawaii Five-0, McDanno, Steve loses a bet with his Navy mates and has to dress in drag Bonus points if someone (Danny) tries to chat up Lady!Steve
Careful, or you'll end up in my novel by kaige68 Rating: M, Words: 2,200 Former Newark police detective, now mystery, writer Danny Williams follows his daughter to Hawaii, and meets his biggest fan.
I Want A Man With A Slow Hand by thefourofswords Rating: E, Words: 6,597 “Can I ask you a question?” he asked on their way to a crime scene, because no time like the present, and Danny believed in ripping off band-aids. “Why not?” Steve replied, eyes on the road. “You’re gonna even if I say no.” “What do you like in bed?” Or: Danny undertakes a very important mission to get Steve laid. For his health. Ahem.
As You Wish by Brumeier Rating: M, Words: 4,077 When Steve comes back to Hawaii to find the man who killed his father he finds much more when he stumbles across a mysterious bottle on the beach.
Just Enough Hope by aries_taurus Rating: T, Words: 2,594 He hopes for a lot of things: that he didn’t make a mistake taking on this taskforce, that the ache he’s feeling in his soul will go away, that he can sleep at night without seeing his best friend being ripped to shreds by bullets, without remembering he left him behind for nothing, or hear a gunshot killing his father over a bad sat connection and he just hopes he wakes up one day without a scream dying in his throat.
All Hearts Come Home For Christmas by @cowandcalf Rating: E, Words: 12,198 Steve debates for four days if he should eat this year's Christmas dinner in the charity Christmas tent organized for the veterans by HPD.
Built For Tough Battles by thefourofswords Rating: E, Words: 20,770 Adam nudges his shoulder, “He’ll find his way back, you know.” Danny blows out a breath. “I dunno anymore about that. The stuff he’s gone through in the last year...” “He’s had a lot go very wrong, very quickly,” Adam says. “I’m sure it feels like he’s slowly been losing parts of his family and when you reach a certain point, loss aversion takes over. It can make you do crazy things…” Or: Danny waits for Steve to be ready to come back.
Friends don't let friends... by kaige68 Rating: E, Words: 2,008 Steve finds a desolate Adam in a bar. (Steve/Adam)
Foreplay by @stellarmeadow Rating: M, Words: 4,305 When sparring isn't just sparring.
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hoeforhao · 1 year
🏷 Kidult ▪︎ Choi Seungcheol Fic ▪︎ pt.3
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↷ pairing: dad!seungcheol × fem!reader (feat!jeonghan)
↷ genre: smut with zero to no plot, just a bonus stand alone sort of to the angsty previous parts.
↷ warnings: MINORS DNI!!!!explicit language, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving ), mostly fem pleasuring, thigh kink?creampie, breeding kink, biting and marking, slightly bratty seungcheol, lots of name calling. Tell me if i missed any!
↷ summary: what happens when your husband finally caves in to his mistakes and gives you an unforgettable night as an apology.
↷ part: 3/4 pt.1, pt.2, pt.4
↷ w.c: 2.3k (how can just smut be this long lord)
↷ author's note: last part finally lord yayyy!!! after much procrastination it's here at last. I suck at writing smut and specially breeding kink, so pls bear with me♡
Permanent taglist : @feat-sun @joonsytip @dinonuguaegi
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If your two day old self saw you now squished under seungcheol's bulk figure, his veiny hard length pumping restlessly around your soft pink walls while his head rested in the crook of your neck,his sweaty forehead rubbing against your collarbones and his small wet stubby nose grazing against the back of your earlobes.....she would've definitely thought it's a severe case of fever dreams!
"You're my wife y/n and even...even more the bane of my existence, you...you can look at me as long....as long as you want baby" cheol's mouth reverbed against the length of your jaw, imprinting his very own mastered piece of red and purple marks onto any exposed face of your honey skin.
"Cheollie" your gentle dovish coo brings out cheol from the nest of your shoulders and instead lands his dewy melon eyes onto your sultry cat ones.
His ears were refusing to believe what was entitled upon them.....you called him 'cheollie', the very name you used to call him everytime before he fucked up the things with you, the one you cried out while holding onto his hands with your entire life as you gave birth to the daylight of his life, and that exact same name you used to moan under him while he pumped his juices deep inside your womb.
"Can, you, keep, on, calling, me, that, throughout, the, entire, night, today, pls, love?" with each word leaving his mouth, his lips left a following kiss on your face, the last one landing on your forehead.
"You don't know how much I've missed hearing you call me Cheollie, how I've missed your little giggles these days, your cresent smile, those round cheeks pooffing up whenever you become sulky - my second adorable child!" Seungcheol's hands now traveling up your waist through over your dress, the cold metal rings drawing in a sensation you forgot you even had the ability to feel, and finally resting on the bow that was the only lock to the mystical city beneath.
"But most of all, you know what I missed?" bringing up his face from the enchanting sweat of your skin, his eyes now bore their venom into yours, hands still wrapped around your torso. "The taste of this pretty little body of yours"
Even before you could flash him with the red of your cheeks, cheol's hands shift from your back to your hips, landing a tight squeeze on the right one to let you know what your next step is going to be; and as an absolutely obedient wife you quickly catch onto his signals and push up a little to wrap your thighs around his tiny midriff.
Seungcheol walks back with you clutched onto his body like a koala, lips never leaving yours swollen ones as his legs finally hit the footboard of the queen bed.
Twirling on his feet and placing you down upon the satin sheets, oh so carefully as his you were the one last piece of Lorenzo's sculptures; something he can never afford to even tolerate a scratch on; cheol dropped himself on his knees against the velvety red rugs, hands now fixated onto your bare thighs.
"A man is said to be the lucky when his lady has thighs as thick as the towers on a monument" his lips now land onto the soft jiggly mass of your upper legs, hands slowly creeping up towards the boundaries of your panties. "And me? I'm the luckiest to have these supple smooth brawns all to myself"
"Che...cheol ahh fu-" a sharp sting grazes the heat of your skin as seungcheol bites down onto a small mound of your inner things.
"What did I say darling? Didn't i tell you to call me Cheollie, huh? Do you want that slutty cunt of yours to go unattended tonight then princess!" his words make the awaiting river in your pussy finally run free down its source.
"S-sorry cheollie, but ple..please touch me already, I can't take it anymore" your own lewd words were ringing in your ears, making those rosy cheeks become rosier by the time.
"Touch where baby? I need clear words" cheol's mouth is now dangerously close to your throbbing core, while your thighs are left stained with all shades of purple and blue.
"At...at my...ummm...you know" it wasn't your first time having sex with him after childbirth, but it was definitely the first time of him catering to your pleasures and edging you to the brink, which thus made you swallow your words down your throat again.
"Hmm?" another attack from seungcheol finds its targets on you, but this time along the linen of your already wet panties, as his teeth sharply grazed against your clothed clit.
"Fuck it! I need you to touch my pussy please cheollie, it's literally aching at this point!!!" you were never a woman of prolonged patience and that showed up quite well when you brought one of your hands from the sheets to pull onto cheol's freshly smoothed locks....the other staying back to support your arched up back onto the bed.
"That's like my girl, so horny for her man's touch!" seungcheol's hands finally find the hem of your panties, pulling them down your knees meanwhile prepping his fingers to dive right into cunt.
Teasing your sloppy folds with the tip of his slightly outgrown nails, driving you literally nuts from the painful pleasure running throughout the entire length of your sweet petals, the grip on seungcheol's hair getting tighter with every
You were brought out of the lecherous utopia with the sudden contact of a pair of soft silken lips onto the wet ones of yours. To your utter disbelief, cheol was now sucking down on your cunt, something he has done only once, on your wedding night.
"Cheol....Cheollie, what are you-" a finger coated in your slick lands on your ever so talkative pair of crescent flesh.
"Ssshh y/n! You don't know how much I've craved to have the taste of your juices on my tongue!" seungcheol was a secret master of giving oral and now you were brought to acquaint that fact as his tongue worked wonders on your clit, flicking it like it was some piece of food particle stuck in his mouth. With his every suck onto your pussy, your grip of cheol's hair kept tightening to the near extent of pulling the roots out of his scalp.....but he was too drowned in your wetness to even pay heed to his own pain.
"Cheollie I...I am nea...shit" you flooded up his face cavities with your warm discharge, completely unannounced. As cheol slowly brought up his face from the home of your pussy, your eyes got hooked onto the absolute beauty infront of you.
Your husband's face painted finely with your white secretes , a proud smirk creeping up his cum stained lips seeing how insane he's already driven you just with his mouth alone, your skin glowing like a firefly from witnessing your slick is dripping down his chin down to his lap.
"That spawn of devil bestfriend of yours can surely bring a smile on your lips, but bet he can ever see this pleasure stricken face of yours!!! It's only mine to view and only mine to keep. My pretty little slut, aren't you love?!" cheol finally gets up from the floor only to throw himself onto you, his lips entwining with yours for the umpteenth time. But this time there was a kick to the usual hungry approach.
He bites onto your lips, forcing them open just so that he can make you taste your own sweet nectar on your tongue, realise how heavenly your insides taste, why he was driven crazy to devour your cunt you after two years.
"You know even the flowers would wither away from jealousy if they get to know that their honey is nothing compared to yours" seungcheol's hands now playing with the bow of your dress, lips never leaving yours. "But alas they'll never. Cuz I'll be the only one to know how sweet my lady tastes"
"Cheollie I feel empty...i want it now please". From the moment cheol layed down his entire weight on you, you could feel his strained bulge against your stomach, hands finding an excuse to palm them at least once. So as to fuel in your cravings, you tug onto the back of his head to pull him up from your lips and fix his gaze onto your pleading kitten eyes.
"Want what baby?" seungcheol absolutely knew what he was doing, pushing you towards the edge of the cliff only to hear you begging for him or more appropriately his dick . How could you even think that he didn't notice your hand ghosting over the tent in his pants.
"This? Is this what my princess wants?" he takes your hands in his and brings them towards his crotch to finally rest them on this clothed dick.
"Y-yes please. Can't wait" you whimper under him, hands impatiently rubbing circles on his hardness until they're swished away by his, just so that he could finally bring out his aching length to the spotlight.
"This desperate for me honey? Guess I've no other options than to mend to my sweet wife's needs" the smug visible wide on his face as cheol lines up his dick infront of your hole, hands traveling up your torso to undo the bow of the dress and let it fall aside freely; your tanned glazed body now completely bare to his eyes.
"Ready love?" how you wish you could capture the exact moment cheol's eyes turned from all teasing to so soft, asking for your consent to go in, and then turning hungry again when you give an ok nod at him.
Even after being almost moulded into the shape of his cock, your pussy still clenched like shit around his length, as if trying to suck out the last drop of life from his genitals.
"Taking me in so well baby, so fuckin tight" cheol groans between thrusts, feeling your walls close up onto his dick ; hands now playing with your breasts, kneading the supple flesh like a dough with occasional twists of your nipple between his fingers. "Fucked by me so many times yet still not perfectly framed for my cock"
"Guess I've to now leave my dick curved hole into your womb for you to harbor it easy from the next time, or" his eyes light up at the sudden mischievous thought. "Or even better, fill you up with a child so that my imprint is left in there forever, so that i can see you now enjoying your lost childhood with two of my seedlings, so that we can finally change Hana's name after making her an older sister, what say love?"
Your cheeks heat up at his comment. The sheer sight of you carrying his second child, birthing again and giving Hana a sibling just instantly feels you up with pure delight and content.
Your shy little smile and that dreamy expression on your face was enough fuel for cheol to start pumping into you at his maximum pace, putting the bed at a risk of collapsing down under the intense action.
"Gonna look as heavenly as the dawn angel with my child swelling in your belly and as sultry as the night siren with my cum filling up your dirty little hole" maybe it was his words or his high thrusts that you were now close to your second orgasm of the night.
"Am gonna cum cheollie" you look up at him with the most endearing eyes one can ever witness, even in such a lewd position.
"Cum for me baby, cum on my cock, show me how good your husband makes you feel" he picks up his pace again anticipating his own climax soon.
"F..fu-fuck ahh" and with that one last thrust both of you come undone on the cream satin sheets, the thought of paying for the damages next morning never bothering the two as seungcheol was a literal walking atm.
Seungcheol's eyes stay fixed onto your legs at the sight of his cum filling up your gole to the brim and leaking down your marked up thighs. He pushes himself in you for the last few times, making sure to nestle his precious seeds deep inside your womb.
"Couldn't let even a drop of it go to waste, right?" his face paints itself with a victorious smirk as he finally pulls out of you and plops down on the bed by your side ; arms locking you in his embrace as tight as possible while his sweat stained forehead rests on the crater of your shoulders.
"Y-you won't change back again na cheollie?" the post sex doubts hit you and you're now curled up like a ball along his abs, hands gripping onto his with your entire life.
"I know I've fucked up bad y/n and no words of assurance can heal it so soon, but please let me show you through actions now, that how much both of you mean to me. You two are the literal gems of my life love, my most beautiful princesses." cheol gently releases his palms from your hold and places them on the back of your head instead, circling soft gentle pats onto your silky cascades, like a parent comforting their child.
His eyes feebly shoot up to see why you aren't replying, only to find you snoring like a kid in his warmth.
"My cute little kiddo. I will give my everything to protect this family y/n" and with that he places a soft kiss on your forehead before drifting off to his own slumber.
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zweiginator · 2 months
omg!! going off of single mum reader and patrick as her daughters coach, i imagine by that point in his life he’s kind of given up the thought of having his own children/settling down properly as he feels like he’s too old for that now and won’t be able to find anyone. enter reader!!! patrick overtime becoming the most devote stepdad, treating the girl to anything she wants, treating her like a princess cause that’s what she is! reader feeling all soppy watching that relationship blossom between them, and feeling so lucky bc patrick is as lovely and caring as he is! (bonus, maybe reader and patrick end up having a second child? perhaps completing their little family?) <33
yes he's in his mid thirties and that's not that old but it just feels like the clock is ticking for him and it feels like fate when he meets you and your daughter at that match. he had just been thinking about maybe settling down. coming to terms with his commitment issues and maybe getting some therapy. seeing art and tashi having lily made him realize he needed to grow up a bit.
and there you are, with a beautiful daughter. she has the same twinkle in her eyes as you and he has no issues committing to you fully. it's odd, because even months before meeting you the thought of being with one woman for the rest of his life was nauseating. but now the thought of not having you with him has the same effect.
and patrick is the perfect partner. just over the moon about your daughter being in the picture, when previous boyfriends of yours would break up with you once things started to feel so serious. once they realized they would be a father figure.
patrick plans birthday parties and plays dolls with her, has tea parties and lets her put makeup on him and as he watches your daughter blow out her candles for her sixth birthday patrick feels a sting in his chest because he loves her so much. he wants a kid that's all his.
he asks what you think. trying for a baby. and you have thought about it before but you have reservations. you're scared of being abandoned, of being a single mother of two instead of one.
two weeks later patrick proposes to you. promises forever with you.
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candybarz · 6 months
Gojo Headcannons
Warnigs: nsfw, contains the following, perverted things (panty stealing, fantasies, kinks), pussy slapping, literally just sex.
not proofread
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i feel like gojos a nasty motherfucker despite his looks, like a extreme closet pervert. he would watch a lot of porn, to either take his leaking dick and beat it or just for fun.
he would probably steal all your panties too, like a theif...he just cant help himself its just something about them that fuels his perviness wether it was the smell or the taste he loved them.
he would order food and make you go get the food at the door as he sat alone in your room, the moment you stepped away from the door, he snatches a panty and puts it in his bag.
then then when he gets home his dick is raging for him to touch it. he skips his way to his phone and puts his headphones on and picking a video with the girl closest to your body and strokes his dick at the same pase the people in the video are going. he could almost cum right then and there.
now were getting to the freaky deaky shit, he loves slapping your pussy, he would be leaned up against the headboard and your in-between his arms as he rubs your clit, he gives a evil smile as your eyes are shut and he raises his hand and gives a rough slap on the pussy making you jolt up.
he felt himself leak at the whimper you let you and started spanking your pussy roughly before your covered it and clamped your legs shut glaring at him. he also loves palming it like he would walk by you while you would be on your phone or distracted and he would wind his hand and palm in-between you legs while gripping before you would punch him in the hip.
whenever your away he fucks a sex doll, you know the ones that are just the thighs and the waist, with no arms or legs or head? those ones, he loves fucking them as he hits the "cervix" of the doll.
the sweet sounds of your moans filling his ears as he pounds into the fake doll, pushing it into the bed. he moans at the feeling as he smacks its ass wishing it was you. gripping its waist for dear life as he thrusts into it as the tits jiggled in his face.
he also has some nasty fantasies. like wild shit.its an intrusive thought he wont act on...most of the time. he once thought of fucking you anal style...and he did. you let him fuck your ass, spreading them for him.
you let out moans of either pleasure or discomfort, he didn't care. he came inside your ass after you told him not to and once he slipped it out of the hole after you were done squirting and creaming all over the place, you jumped at your phone to figure out how to get it out of your ass as you hit gojo.
he has one where he wants to be gangbanged by you and geto. or get caught fucking geto or getting fucked by geto -by you(☺️)
he put an apple in your mouth, gagging you like a pig and it made him hard, so he fucked you on the floor. he also likes you humping him, dry or not.
gojos a secret sub only you know it...hopefully...
he once grabbed your panties as he fucked you and put it in front of your neck and pulled, fucking you like that was one hell of a time before you got a scratch on your neck from it rubbing on it too roughly. he also likes to cum in your hair, face, eyes, or rubbing it in your hair on purpose, anything to make you look like a total porn star or slut.
he likes eating ass too. i said it.
now kinks? oh man. he loves you being helpless as he fucks you. he also likes cutting off your air ways, he loves seeing your face change color before he lets you breathe again. you on the other hand, being treated like a slut was your biggest kink. and his...was being dominated by a man *cough* geto.
he and his best friend are...close...VERY close...
you have a suspicion...
you kept bouncing on his thick cock, skin slaps filling the air wasn't the only thing getting filled. you moaned at every bounce, clawing at his chest. "gojo!" you whined bouncing as he guided you, flicking your clit making you squeal. he let out different whimpers as he slid you onto his cock like it was nothing. "f-fuck princess j-just like that." he whimpered and groaned as your walls sucked him in. "I can't! 's too much!" you whined and cried as you kept bouncing, tits jumping aswell.
"im gonna cum!" he said thrusting harder, digging his nails into you. you hissed at his nails and kept sliding down on it, he watched your pussy take him in and he lost it, he started wailing like a bitch as he came into you with no warning as he fucking his babies into you. "fuck princess you're getting tighter." he panted fucking you as you cried his name "fuck gojo, slow d-" you said before you started squirting all over him like crazy.
"yeah just like that baby, so fucking hot." he grunted playing with your pussy as you squirted. you fell down onto his dick, panting trying to catch your breath. "one more?" gojo asked getting hard again and you felt it. "ill treat you like a slut?" he promised you as he leaned into your ear. "ill stuff you full of my fucking kids, you little whore. hows that sound?" he said grabbing your hair and you were horny again. you put your hands on your knees as gojo leaned back onto the bed and let you get to work. you started moving up and down on his dick with no help making him start moaning again.
part 2? lmk
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