#and other fandoms that im too embarrassed to tag about
miku-meeku · 1 month
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hi chat i went to comifuro day 1 today (dont ask what happen to the wig that i was yapping about, apparently i lost it hAHAHAHA)
i got some whitney merch haha
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gonna get more tomorrow cuz most dol merchs are selling on day 2 (im also gonna meet up with some dol cosplayers too, like fem robin design by dollya, whitney, etc etc)
I ALSO TOOK SOME PICS WITH COSPLAYERS KYAA (covered my ugli face for ur eyes)
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they also had holoarmis shit and the temptation to buy holoarmis stuffs was....was very tempting
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ight i hit the image limit already smh, cya when i die tomorrow dies
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jiiyawns · 2 years
late, but, 3 4 5 6 & 27 for the sonic asks!
it's never too late to send me asks :3c
3. how long have you been a sonic fan?
oh god okay so my sonic origin story is that when i was around 11 or 12 i caught some of satam then ended up binging all of it, then found out that it half continues in the comic series and binged ALL of archie (by that point they were at least 220+ issues in along with the side series like sonic universe, so when i say all i meant ALL of it) ... so by all technicalities it's been a little over a decade now
back then tho i didn't do anything like draw or look for fanart or read fics specifically for sonic (aka like, "fandom consumption" i suppose), so it feels kinda weird to say it's been that long even tho it's true !! i saw a weird little blue guy sayin shit like "way past cool" and "gotta juice" and i was like oh i have to find out what his deal is actually
4. favorite male characters?
sonic characters are forever playing spinball in my brain to determine who's my favorite but im what you call a basic bastard and tend to enjoy main characters/protags/main cast of most media i consume and sonic is no different (ofc there are times where side charas become my favorite but. well. not this series)
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runner ups include tails my boy my little guy my buddy pal amigo and goddamn ANTOINE IS ONE OF THE CHARACTERS I MISS THE MOST FROM FREEDOM FIGHTERS
5. favorite female characters?
when i was younger i thought blaze was so fucking cool, i would always pick to play as her for mario and sonic at the olympic games LMAOO she was by far my favorite kinda overall as a child ...
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now im a misogynist /j i just tend to like a lot of the male cast over the female cast (which. well. it doesn't help that there's a lot more male characters and a lot more focus on them anyhow) the comics really tend to add a lot more cool female charas to help that out... i fucking Love bunnie and sally still, tangle and whisper from idw have really been getting up there + surge's design is so good
6. favorite games?
shy emoji i already answered this one with my confession i haven't played any sonic games hehe. teehee. tho i suppose if u count the olympic games one that's the only one on my resume for realsies so far </3 my favorites are based on plot and stuff like visuals .... i'm expecting sonic frontiers to become my first sonic game but i've also been meaning to play sa2 on steam whenever i get the video game urge again i've been slacking as a gamer
27. what do you like about the fandom?
sonic fandom is like. notorious. as we all know GJKLDGAS so i like to poke fun and stuff about it pretty often ... especially the more gamerbro side of it (the side that instantly panned frontiers as shit based on the first footage we ever saw of it that only really showed a bit of environment and movement. u know)
but it's genuinely such a passionate fanbase, like the sheer amount of fans and the amount of fanworks is always so astounding to me. it's notorious but that's probably because people care so much yknow ... people feel things A Lot for sonic as a series. if someone told me sonic has the most video game mods and fangames Ever i would fully believe that
+ fanart, fics, WHOLE animations and animated series and like the fucking sonic and tails radio my beloved and stuff ... so much is made every day even during lull periods between games or nothing rlly happening. crazy shit! people LOVE that goddamn hedgehog!!! so many people like it enough to MAKE stuff for him!!!!!! insanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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awakened-void-deity · 2 months
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I have nothing serious to post but i need to post art more. Problem is i dont art enough to post more AND I AM SUFFERING FOR IT
Best i have is a couple of sketches so enjoy some sketches for your....viewing purposes i suppose? Been practicing fluid and dynamic posing, trying to push poses further too yk. Anatomy is a bit wack but idc its not supposed to be super accurate
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Then have some stuff from a Cyberpunk AU i made bc i listened to a song too many times (in my defence, Cyberpunk - ATEEZ is a good fucking song) (people who know me dont look at this) (i beg) (unfortunately this is my cringe thing)
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(+ i made a design for my sona's husband too but id rather ask his creator first before posting that one)
Anyway thats all i have i havent been very motivated lately SIGHHHHH
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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canonically47 · 6 days
hot take i guess, but fandoms (and people in general) are so annoying about romance. like genuinely. its so tiring to find a new interest and want to connect with other fans, only for them to be like “look at my ship!!” “look at this ship!!” and ESPECIALLY when the media WASN’T EVEN ABOUT THAT. i just came back from inside out 2 and wanted to find some fun fanart or thoughts of fellow viewers, instead i am bombarded with sadness x embarrassment or disgust x some video game character. ARE YALL OKAY??? THEY’RE EMOTIONS!!!
you people are so annoying and i am tired of sugar coating it. “filter your tags” i have. “let people ship whatever” i do. “do you not have any ships?” i do, but they go deeper than romance. “this is mean” YOU try being aromantic in a world FILLED TO THE BRIM with your tiring, boresome, disgusting romance. you try being aromantic with so many detailed and complex thoughts on relationships while those around you just go “boy and girl stand together = love”. you try being aromantic in a fandom that is meant to be your escape yet all you’re met with is an unaccessible space because everything, everything, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, is about something you cannot feel, cannot relate to, cannot understand, something you despise, something that is forced on you, something THE ENTIRE WORLD REVOLVES AROUND.
comfort characters that are canonically aspec? guess what! allos took them too! alastor? “oh well idk he interacts with vox and lucifer once so they must be in love.” georgia from loveless? “aroaces can be in relationships too.” i hate this fan culture and i hate this shipping culture and i hate your romance and i hate your society and i hate you.
you have given me no space to express myself in. you have said the LGBTQ+ community is about love, when i am left feeling none, excluding me, my fellow aspecs, and my trans siblings because god know you put them through hell too. you have told me to seek other fans and all they do is drive me away from what i love. you have called me a broken monster and i just had to fucking take it.
i hate you, and i don’t even want to sugarcoat it anymore. why should i have to specify that i want to spare your feelings? obviously im not all against shipping. obviously im not all against romance. click my profile, you’ll see my all-time favorite ship, you’ll call me a hypocrite. because all you care is the angry words i write and you see on a screen without caring for the complex picture - person - i am behind this account, behind this face.
all you want is your romance and your feelings being spared, and i never have either of those. so excuse me for feeling rage.
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
wrestling fic writers!!
i have decided to be the change i wanna see, so lets do a nice little thing for each other, as a community full of incredible and talented writers. yes this is writer specific only, but thats cause thats where the main problem of people not interacting with creative works lies in this fandom as far as i can tell and have seen people talking about it especially in the last couple of months
if you read this, please add links to your written works. it can be just a single fic youre really proud of, your writing blog, your writing tag, your ao3 account, anything where your works can be found
and if you leave your link here, PLEASE check out someone else that has left their works, and interact with them. leave them a comment, even just a kudos, REBLOG their fic, etc. interacting is the keyword i want to emphasize here, along with building a sort of a masterpost of where to find people writing in this fandom
and if you are not a writer, youre still highly encouraged to interact with this post and share it and show love to the writers in this fandom, obviously!! i think that should go without saying, but adding it in anyways
a bit more about my vision and resources and such under the read more, but thats the gist of it. happy linking and please be kind and supportive to each other!! 💜
nobody is too big or too small to add their things on this list. if you write and post anything in this fandom whatsoever, be it fics or drabbles or headcanons, any companies or any kind of ships or reader inserts or any content whatsoever no matter how 'dead dove dont eat' or hell even if its just meta, we welcome all here and nobody can say that one thing is less valid than another. just please tag your content accordingly, especially if theres content warnings, and feel free to mention what you write, who you write, any info you wish to leave that would help people before they click on your links. but even so, that should not and hopefully will not deter people from interacting, no matter what it is. someones trash is another ones treasure, i promise you
and unless the amount gets really overwhelming, im personally going to be checking out everyone that leaves something here. unless it squeaks me out, but even then, i'll spread the word. and i just wish as many people as possible will do the same, and not just use this as a potential board to only get eyes on their stuff. ofc thats also the point, but you should give as much, if not more, than you get. we need to be kind and supportive of one another (besides, from personal experience, if you show love to someone else, they are more likely to do it back than without you taking the first step, so... pay it forward)
as for resources, heres a few links that should be helpful in leaving comments and feedback. of course everyone does their own thing and no comment is too big or too small to leave, but for those who need them. if you have anything you'd like added to this list, dont hesitate to get in touch or drop it in the post yourself!!
101 comment starters
ao3 floating comment box
kudos html
dont know how to comment? easy solutions
a quick hot guide to commenting (by yours truly)
an overall guide to appreciating fanfic writers
and just in general.. leave people comments. leave them asks about their projects. just go over and gush about their work. i know it sounds embarrassing but writers love nothing more than to hear that someone likes what they are doing. if you find a fic that hasnt been updated in forever, comment on it. it might just be the spark the author needs to continue. while kudos and likes are nice, and just as valuable to some, its definitely in the words the people leave for them that matter the most. im not saying this to put pressure on anyone, its just how it is, and i feel like unless people are writers themselves, and even then sometimes, thats just hard to grasp, especially if the writer is a smaller and less popular one who doesnt get a lot of traffic in the first place
i think thats all. just be nice and considered to everyone, reblog peoples works, this post with others add ons and so forth. and if i find anyone talking shit here or at other writers for something they share, you'll be blocked and im probably taking your kneecaps. be fucking nice. we are all struggling here and we need to stick together
happy sharing and commenting 💜💜
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l0velylecter · 2 years
I was wondering if you could do hcs with a f!reader (who’s part of task force 141) for the codmw2 guys where the reader is a very happy/sappy drunk and flat out confesses that she loves them? The whole “you’re so great, I love you so much” typa thing?
— the cod : mw ii men + drunken confessions! characters : simon ‘ghost’ riley, john ‘soap’ mactavish, alejandro vargas, captain john price, phillip graves, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, rodolfo parra fandom : call of duty modern warfare ii tags : f!reader, headcanons, kind of lengthy, i hope it’s not ooc because i tried to set a humorous tone, fluff !  additional warnings : mentions of drinking, cursing  rating : t for teen and up audiences , sfw!
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01| He noticed that you were always formal with him, sometimes to the point where it came off as awkward. While Price never blames you for it, he does carry his suspicions on why you're always so jittery and nervous despite having known him for years. He just didn't expect the confession to spill out of your mouth after three pitches of beer.
" I can't take it anymore !" You cried, somewhat sobbing into your hands, cheeks bright and voice desperate, " Captain, I'm so fucking sorry for what I'm about to say after this, but I like you! Fuck it — I'm not even sorry."
You slammed a hand on the table, and Price tried to calm you down, looking around at the heads that turned to face your way.
" You just had to light that cigar and lean back with your arms crossed! As if you don't know how cool and handsome and kissable you look at the moment! And it's unfair because," You let out a shuddering breath, throwing your arms up in the air, "you'll never like me back !"
At that moment, he grabbed your right wrist to pull you close, his grip warm and steady: thumb skimming over your racing pulse. He smiled at you affectionately, eyes softening and voice raspy, " Never say never, kid."
The morning after, he's at your door with a cup of coffee for the hangover, fueling your embarrassment further by telling you he didn't want to kiss you because you won't remember it. With a fond smile, Price set the cup on the bedside table.
" Drink your coffee, Sargeant," He smirked: raising a half-lit cigar onto his lips, " Then we can talk."
02| Drinking with the team is always fun, but drinking alone with a certain Scottish Sargeant is bound to get you in trouble. You know how loud and cheerful you get when you're drunk: it's the first tell-tale sign of your self-control checking out of your body to book itself a vacation. Without a filter, you're always nervous that you'll accidentally reveal your true feelings to Soap. It would've stayed a secret if you didn't accidentally lose count of how much scotch you had into the night.
" I love this," You hiccuped, grabbing Soap's shoulder's with both hands, head flat against his chest, " I love being here — hik! I love drinking, I love not dying on missions, I love..."
" You okay, hen?" Soap called out, easing you back on your seat, hands still cradling your shoulders to keep you upright. And you only grinned, eyes on the brink of closing when you lifted a finger to boop his nose.
" ...you. I love you most, Johnny."
With that, your head tipped forward and crashed into his neck, lips brushing his pulse point, causing him to freeze. Once he realized you were fast asleep, he hoisted you up to carry you back to the car, paying for your drinks almost sheepishly ( because he's sure at least three other people heard your confession.)
Once the door was closed, he looked at you sprawled on the passenger seat, softly brushing an index finger against your cheek, " I love you too, silly."
You’re never touching scottish scotch ever again.
03| It's not a secret that despite his determination and never-ending input of opinions during recons, Gaz gets embarrassed very quickly. Outside the field, whenever you go to a bar or have dinners with the team, he's always keeping to himself: quietly sipping his drink and talking to only people within the group. Once, he had to excuse himself from the table when Soap spilled his drink onto the person next to them because he couldn't handle the second-hand embarrassment. It was an interesting quirk of his, and maybe that's why he's currently trying to hide from all the attention as you announce his name into the mic.
" This is for the very, very, very handsome gentleman sitting by table 14, Kyle — I love you ! So this song’s for you, baby !"
He was begging for Price to come to get you from the stage, but the captain ignored him ( it was a small bar in the remote of nowhere after all), chuckling to himself as he knew what was to come. Everyone told you that your crush on Gaz was anything but subtle. It has gotten to the point where Simon himself had to intervene, voicing his frustration — " Just bloody fucking confess to him already and spare everyone from the bullshit."
So you singing your heart out on the stage, somewhat off key and mixing up some of the lyrics, was partly because of the lieutenant. While Gaz is shrinking in his seat and chuckling at how unbelievable you were, everyone could tell he was enjoying himself, admiring how you even gathered a small crowd to sing with you. Gaz had to carry you back into the car, still giggling and whooping in his arms, " How's that for a confession?"
Gaz tried to look angry, but he couldn't hide the laugh that escaped his mouth, " It was good."
You nodded in satisfaction, " Ghost, you sing next !"
" Fuck off."
04| There was this sense of mutual respect between you and Ghost. A kind of ' you watch his back, and he watches yours' bond. While Simon believes that friends aren't part of the rulebook, you're probably the closest he'll ever get to a friend. Considering that you've known him the longest and that even if you were separated multiple times, you always end up being reassigned with each other. Not wanting to ruin the peaceful dynamic, you never got around to confessing what you felt to him. That was until you were caught under a heavy storm, stuck in the middle of nowhere with nothing but a rickety, old safehouse and bottle of tequila to shield you from the rain and cold.
You leaned your head against the wall to stare at the flames, Simon throwing in more wood while you've nearly drunk half of the bottle.
" Don't be a brat. Save some for me."
You gave him a side-eye, raising the glass his way, " You're always so mean to me, Simon."
He stilled, watching you suspiciously as if he couldn't tell if you were truly upset or just drunk, " Never take it to the heart, kid."
You pursed your lips together, the alcohol in your bloodstream causing you to smile, " Can I take you ?"
This time he stopped midway to pull his hand away from the fire. The silence urging you to repeat yourself, " Can I take you to the heart, then? I don't know if that even makes sense but...I'm drunk."
" I can see that."
" I'm drunk and...I love you. You don't have to love me back though, no pressure. I know...it's been hard for you. I just wanted to let it out. That's all."
Even when you're intoxicated, you still try your best to comfort him. Always putting him first, always so selfless, the observation made Simon's eyes drop almost sadly behind the mask. He moved to sit next to you, arm nearly grazing yours.
You both listened to the heap of flames crackle and pop, and a few minutes passed before he turned to you, " I...care about you too."
You let out a laugh, wiping the corners of your eyes to rest your head atop his shoulder, " That's good to know."
That was enough, you thought. You've waited before, and you can wait again. And Simon doesn't pull away.
05| You like to think that crushing on Alejandro is the modern-day equivalent of sending yourself to a death sentence. The colonel always seemed out of reach, untouchable, a faraway dream for you to admire but never live through. You grew frustrated by the day, knowing that the chances of your feelings ever being returned are lower than zero. He was too busy. Too devoted to the city. Too selfless to let himself have a relationship. To make things worse, following her re-appearance, rumors about him and Valeria have circulated the base, haunting you with the worst-case possibility of him being a man still hung up on his war criminal *ex-girlfriend.
You were drowning out your sorrows at a local bar, knowing best to distract yourself with drinks and good company. You were well aware of how chatty you can be when drunk, always the avid storyteller when the alcohol starts to settle. In a few minutes, you have a small group around you, sympathizing with your current predicament. You continued to gush about how much you loved your crush to your new-found friends without noticing that he was behind you the entire time, having come to pick you up after Rodolfo told him you were having a bad day.
" I bet he gets marriage proposals daily! Tias outside his door lined up to match him with their daughters. I can't fucking compete!"
Behind you, Alejandro snorted at the ridiculous statement, shyly scratching the back of his neck and debating where he should stop you or let you continue.
" Oh, life is so fucking painful," You wailed dramatically, earning a chorus of pity and encouragement. You sighed, placing a chin atop your hand, " But I love him. I just wished he feels the same."
" I think you should ask him."
You turned around, briefly wondering why the voice sounded familiar, “Really?"
Alejandro beamed down at you, eyes full of understanding, " Really."
By this point, the crowd had dispersed, busy on their own, parting like ships in the sea. Still too drunk to notice it was him, you scooted closer, " But what if he says no?"
Alejandro played along, dropping his voice to pretend to whisper a secret, " I'm sure he won't, cariño."
The morning after, training got delayed by half an hour because no one in your team could coax you out of your room. ( Price and Simon had to kick the door open. You got toilet duty for a year.)
06 | Rodolfo knew you turn boisterous and loud when you're drunk. He didn't also expect you to suffer from temporary memory loss. You were practically crushing him in your arms, hugging him with your cheek pressed against his.
" I need to tell you a secret, but you cannot tell anyone. Okay?"
Rodolfo nodded dumbly, curious to see where this goes. Nothing could have prepared him for your sudden confession. His neck turned red.
" I think I have a crush on Sargeant Rodolfo Parra. You know the cute second in command? I think I like him a lot. He's always so sweet and so kind to me. Do you know if he happens to have a girlfriend ?"
Realizing that despite the state of intoxication, you were serious with your feelings, Rodolfo decided to play along, " I-I don't think he does."
You gave him a triumphant smirk, patting him on the chest, " That's good intel, soldier."
Rodolfo let out a small laugh, patting your head gently.
" Remember, you're not to tell a single soul. Promise?"
" Promise. Your secret's safe with me, (name)."
" Wait, how do you know my name?"
07| Most days, you feel like choking Graves, but some days, you have to face the fact that you're in love with him. Like an irritating plant by the sidewalk, it's horrifying how quickly he's grown on you. And even after his betrayal, you still find yourself missing him. Not that you'll ever tell anyone.
Once HQ confirmed that he survived the attack and was on the run with his shadow company, you've constantly been checking the radar for his whereabouts, hoping you were discreet enough to lure any suspicion from your teammates. When it comes to Graves, there were a lot of unspoken words inside of you, thoughts and feelings you'll never get to express.
So you decided to drink them away. After your fifth shot, you stared blankly at the empty glasses; situated by the furthest corner of the otherwise lively bar.
" What's a girl like you doing all alone?"
At the voice, your eyes widened. Even drunk, you still recognize the owner. Hell — you could be run over by a tank and you'd still recognize his voice. You raised your head, and there he stood: all smug, and handsome, and alive. As insufferable as it was to see him gloat at you, you started sobbing, happy tears streaming down your face as you pulled him in.
" It's alright now, baby," He chuckled, patting your hair while you babbled incoherently against his shoulder about how much he made you worry. Your tears: staining the crisp, white button-down he wore.
"Did you miss me that much? If I had known, I would've sent you a postcard."
" Just s-shut up and kiss me."
" Yes ma'am."
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a/n : order up ! i hope this lived up to your expectations anon <3 thank you for requesting, i had fun writing this, but i am sorry if it ends up being too lengthy for hcs, i tend to get carried away hahaha ! happy holidays and thank you for the sweet compliments 🙈 ( enjoy the meal hehe ) 
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Does He Love You?
Fandom: Elvis, Elvis Presley, Elvis 2022, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Female Reader, Elvis Presley x Ann-Margaret
Characters: Elvis Presley, Female Reader, Ann-Margaret, Jerry Schilling, Joe Esposito, Red West, Sonny West, Colonel Tom Parker
Word Count: 3225
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Does he love you, like he loves me?
Tags/Warnings: Request, Requested Fic, Vaginal Sex, Kissing, Arguing, Cheating, Infidelity, Drunk Arguments, Betrayal, Angst, Hurt, Affairs, Established Relationship, Reba Song
Notes: This kinda reminded me of a Reba song at the end. It was giving me Jolene vibes but Ann Margaret knew they weren’t meant to be im sure.
Elvis Tags: @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley
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Request by @elvispresleyxoxo - yes that’s completely fine! I was wondering if you could do one where reader knows elvis is cheating with ann margaret and confront him in front of all of the memphis mafia maybe even ann margaret if your comfortable with that! she tells elvis that she loves him ,shares like smutty details about there sex life ( if ann margaret is there could reader be like does he do that to you to, but again if your uncomfortable with that you don’t have to write that) , just overall a messy argument in front of everyone. but in the end elvis lashes out and takes her into another room and makes love to her and everyone can hear them she comes back like embarrassed but yk forgives him , you can choose the ending around the ann margaret situation if your comfortable writing that part x
One would think that being in a relationship with Elvis Presley would be fun. And for the most part, it is but not always. Sometimes the glitz and the glamour of Hollywood isn't parties and shows, it's dreadfully boring meetings with studio executives that come disguised as evening dinner parties. Whilst Elvis allowed the Colonel to negotiate most of the deals he was required to be present, something that no doubt allowed the Colonel to do what he wanted whilst having the excuse that Elvis never protested even though he was ten people down the table. As long as Elvis showed up the Colonel was happy but to keep Elvis happy he needed distractions. Which was why he brought friends. Members of the Mafia or me, someone he could talk to whilst they hashed out details of contracts that didn't interest him. The upside of these meetings was that they were largely comped by the networks meaning they were almost exclusively held in fancy hotels or restaurants rather than the dreary offices of Paramount. That was why tonight we would be dining at Perino's.
As we walked into the room my eyes roved over the table that was already jam-packed full of people, as ever we were the last to arrive. The majority of it was made up of men in stiff suits, business types, and members of Elvis' entourage who always tried so desperately to fit in at these things but somehow always seemed to look like boys play acting as Hollywood bigwigs. And then my eyes landed on the end of the table. On the only other woman in the room. Ann-Margaret.
Whilst Elvis' schmoozed his way through the crowd of people that had jumped up to greet him my eyes remained locked on her. Her red-golden hair was pushed back from her face, her natural makeup accentuating her large eyes and full lips in the dim ambient lighting. She looked beautiful. She was chatting to a man I didn't know seemingly unbothered by our entrance, a fact that made my heart sink. After all, why would she? She knew Elvis well. Too well. The novelty of his presence had no doubt rubbed off for her.
A million thoughts circled in my mind. What was she doing here? Had Elvis invited her? Had the network? I didn't know which of those options was worse. Either way, it signalled that she wasn't going anywhere much to my sadness. They had just debuted their first film together, Viva Las Vegas, and it was a hit. Elvis had even seemed to enjoy himself on this production which I was ecstatic for. He seemed more lenient with the scripts, happier to sing the same old songs he'd been given and altogether more enthusiastic whenever he'd called home. It was only when I flew out to Vegas for the last few days of filming I saw why.
I couldn't blame him I supposed. After all she was a beautiful, charming and magnetic woman. The press liked her. The Mafia liked her. Elvis liked her. But I couldn't bring myself to. He'd been like this before of course. No matter what I did he couldn't seem to stay true yet none of the others ever bothered me...but she did. Because I could feel the way he felt about her. The others never bothered me because I knew he didn't love them but with her? The potential was there. Another two or three films, who knew what could happen?
Tears stung at my eyes but I forced them back, going through the motions of greeting people until I could finally drop down into my seat beside Elvis. Ann-Margaret was sitting on his other side. I didn't listen to either of them as they started to talk. Instead, I grabbed the bottle of wine that had been left on the table and poured myself a large glassful, immediately sipping it down as much as I could. Neither of them even noticed.
I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to even be here. As everyone laughed and joked around me I sat in silence nursing whatever number glass of wine I was up to and watching Elvis and Ann-Margaret talk. It was like slow torture. Every laugh, every coy smile, every touch of the hand was like another rock being placed on my chest until I couldn't breathe. I had to get out of there. I stood up from the table, gripping onto it for balance as the alcohol in my system hit me full on making me woozy.
'You alright honey?' Elvis said, finally noticing me. His hand gently touched the back of mine but I pulled mine out from under his.
'Fine, I just need the restroom,' I said. Elvis looked at me curiously but I didn't stay there long enough for him to ask any questions. I wanted to cry. Or scream. Or throw up. I fled to the bathroom and locked myself in the stall, trying to calm myself down. I knew there was no point getting upset. I couldn’t make a scene and I couldn’t go home not without Elvis wondering what was wrong so I put on my most composed expression and returned to the table trying to ignore the tears that threatened to spill over at any moment. I hurried my way back to my seat, noticing how the waiters had started arriving at the table placing our orders down in front of us. As a bowl full of pasta dropped into place in front of me a young waiter appeared at Elvis' side.
'Steak?' the waiter asked.
'Here,' Elvis said, allowing him to place the plate down in front of him. My eyes scanned his plate though where I expected to see a block of charcoal in place of steak I found a normal-looking piece of meat looking back at me.
'You should send that back,' I blurted out. Elvis looked at me for a second, suddenly realising I was back in the room, and shook his head.
'It's fine,' Elvis said as he picked up his napkin and dropped it on his lap.
'It's rare,' I said.
'Like I said it's fine,' Elvis said.
'You hate your food rare,' I said, utterly perplexed. It was true. Any who knew him knew that unless it was absolutely cremated Elvis wouldn't eat it. Before now he'd sent food back in restaurants up to three times until it was completely obliterated.
'It's not a big deal,' Elvis gritted out looking up the table. My voice had been louder than intended thanks to the alcohol meaning I was no longer the only one looking at him. He was now the spectacle of the show with almost everyone peering down the table at what was going on. He didn't flounder though and instead he cut a neat piece of meat off the end and though he couldn't stop himself from grimacing as blood oozed out onto his plate he hoyed it into his mouth and choked it down all the same.
'How is it?' I asked after it was gone.
'Fine,' he said, taking a sip of his iced water.
'See!' Ann said placing a dainty hand on his bicep, 'I told you it wouldn't be that bad.'
'What?' I said, confused. She looked at me with a smile though Elvis kept his head down sheepishly.
'Last time we had dinner he ordered this thing, it looked more like a tire than a piece of meat, and I told him all that burnt stuff was bad for his health,' she said, 'too many carcinogens. It's much healthier to have your meat medium or rare.'
'Yeah, I think I've heard that before,' Joe said from the side of me.
'The question is what isn't bad for you these days,' Sonny chimed in, 'though good on you for makin' EP change his mind about the bits of rubber he calls meat.'
'Yeah that's a feat in itself,' Joe said. Their conversation continued but I couldn't join in. My blood was boiling, the alcohol well and truly taking hold as I watched him. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. After years of moaning at him to eat someone that resembled an edible meal and him refusing he’d elected to make a change after one meal with her. It was like a punch to the gut. My jealousy took a hold consuming every fibre of my being. Elvis wasn't paying much attention and was instead scarfing down his pink steak punctuating it with sips of water to no doubt dilute the taste. My focus didn't land on him however, it landed across the table. I wanted to make her feel as bad as I did. To ruin her night like she had ruined mine. I could feel my words coming on fast and there was no way to stop them.
'Oh, I don't know. I wouldn’t say it’s that hard to change his mind,' I said taking a sip of wine as I rested back in my chair. I could feel several pairs of eyes land on me, including Elvis and Ann's.
'Remind me of that when I'm trying to pry him out of bed to go to the lot,' Joe chuckled.
'You just need to know how to handle him,' I said, 'ain’t that right sweetie?'
'You think you can handle me?' Elvis said quirking an eyebrow. He was playing along in front of the boys but I could see him hesitate, not knowing where I was going with it.
'Of course, though it seems like I'm not the only one. Right, Ann?' I asked with a fake smile. Ann glanced at Elvis and then back at me.
'Oh I wouldn't say I can handle him like you,' she said an embarrassed blush on her pretty face.
'But he listens to you,’ I said, ‘I mean you got him to eat something other than black steak. That’s some feat.’
‘Like I said it’s nothing,’ she said shifting awkwardly in her seat. I didn’t care though. I could feel more and more people staring curiously at me, wondering what the hell I was going on about, Elvis too but I didn’t pay them any attention.
‘How did you do it?’ I said.
‘What?’ she asked glancing at Elvis for help.
‘It’s a simple question,’ I said leaning forward and running my finger around the rim of my wine glass, ‘I mean I know how I’d do it. You know one time Elvis took me shopping and I found this beautiful Chanel number, you remember that right honey? The one with all the buttons? Anyway, he’s moaning about it telling me it looks like something a sailor would wear but me? I love it, so you know I did?’
‘What?’ Ann said quietly unable to ignore me as I watched her intently my gaze never wandering from her green eyes.
‘I got down on my knees and blew him right there in the dressing room,’ I said.
‘Y/N!’ Elvis snapped.
‘Soon got him to change his mind-’
‘That’s enough,’ Elvis said.
‘You know he can’t even see anything naval without sporting wood,’ I giggled.
‘Stop it,’ Elvis said standing up and yanking me out of my seat by my bicep. Though his grip was tight on my arm it was a good job he was holding me as I was unsteady enough that I would’ve toppled over if it hadn’t been for him.
‘What? We’re just swapping girly stories, right Annie? I bet she could tell me just how she gets you to do stuff don’t you think? I bet it’s not all that dissimilar, huh baby?’ I sneered.
‘You’re drunk,’ he said.
‘And you’re screwing your co-star,’ I said. Joe pushed my other side keeping me on balance as I yanked my arm out of Elvis’ grasp. Ann’s face paled before going deep crimson as she dropped her gaze to her lap. Elvis said nothing his face thunderous as everyone watched the pair of us just looking at each other.
‘Can’t even deny it can you?’ I said looking at him. I shook my head, grabbed the bottle of wine off the table and walked off out into the foyer. I didn’t know where I was going. The car wouldn’t be waiting and I didn’t feel like heading outside. I didn’t need to worry though as I felt a hand grasp my elbow, pushing me towards a door until I was roughly thrust through it into a storeroom of sorts. I fell inside, looking up to find Elvis standing by the door blocking my only exit.
‘What the hell do you think you’re playing at?!’ he snapped.
‘Me?! You’re fucking someone else and you’re angry at me!?’ I baulked.
‘It’s not like that,’ he said.
‘Yeah sure,’ I snorted.
‘Nothing’s going on,’ he said.
‘Nothing’s going on now? Or nothing’s ever happened,’ I said coming towards him. His jaw was tight as he looked down at me but my expression never changed. I was challenging him to tell me I was wrong.
‘It’s over,’ he said making me pull back shaking my head, ‘it has been for a while.’
‘Since I came to town and spoiled your fun?’ I said taking a swig from my bottle before setting it down on a shelf.
‘Since I remembered how much I love you,’ he said making me roll my eyes, ‘what you don’t believe me?’
‘Until I’m not around right,’ I said.
‘It’s not like that,’ he said coming towards me. I folded my arms across my chest to stop him from touching me, ‘you don’t think I know how pathetic I am? That I don’t know I’m weak? I know I’m not worth the ground you walk on and yet you still keep me around. I know I don’t deserve you Y/N…but I love you and I’m sorry.’
‘You always are,’ I said an errant tear trickling down my cheek. He moved to wrap his arms around me but I stayed still, letting his strong hold engulf me.
‘Do you love her?’ I said in almost a whisper. He was so close to me that I could feel the warmth of his breath on my face, the heat of his body matching that of my own.
‘Not as much as I love you,’ he said pressing his forehead to mine before he placed a kiss on my cheek. His lips kissed my tears away until finally, they landed on my lips. He kissed me, waiting for my permission to take it further. I tried to stop. I knew I should. But I loved him. I always would, so I moved my lips against his. He took this as a positive sign and deepened the kiss pushing me backwards until my back hit the wall. I didn’t do much of the work. His lips were everywhere all at once, touching every piece of skin they could find and leaving fire in their wake. His kisses were interspersed by murmurs of adoration as if his words could wipe away his actions for good.
‘I love you,’ he said as his hand slipped under my dress, teasing through my folds before he moved my panties to the side and slipped inside me, hoisting me up until my legs were wrapped around his waist. The wall was uncomfortable against my back but I couldn’t focus on that as Elvis’ fingers made their way to my sensitive bud, stroking it in time with his movements in and out of me. His name was all I could manage to whimper against his neck as the feeling of ecstasy started mounting in my core.
‘Baby,’ he grunted as his hips started faltering in rhythm.
‘Oh god,’ I said trembling around him with a whimper. He moved his hips in haphazard snaps against me until he groaned loudly, his breath hot and wet against my neck as he buried his face against my skin. After a moment he came round, pressing his forehead against mine. I could feel him softening inside me yet neither of us moved, my fingers tracing small circles on the nape of his neck as our breaths intermingled.
‘I love you,’ he said after a moment.
‘Enough to stop seeing her?’ I said.
‘Like I said. It’s over,’ he said pulling away from me so he could gently place me on my feet. His hand was tender against my cheek, his thumb stroking against my skin gently. I watched his face for a moment as if I would be able to tell the future from his expression alone. I knew it was pointless. I knew that whatever was going to happen in the future would happen regardless. But I loved him. With everything I had.  So, I pulled away and nodded ever so slightly. He kissed the top of my head and then led me out of the storage cupboard. There weren’t many people in the foyer but those that were there were sure to know what had just transpired. Joe, Sonny, Red and Jerry congregated by the door of the dining room probably unsure of what they were supposed to be doing in Elvis' absence. That or they were forming a human barrier in case I wanted to head back inside for round two.
‘Give me a minute,’ he said squeezing my hand before he dropped it and headed over to the boys where they began talking in hushed whispers. I could feel the eyes of the waitstaff watching me as I stood in the foyer and so I quickly ducked into the restroom to freshen up. I looked a little messy. My tears had given me black smudges under my eyes and my lipstick was smudged from Elvis kissing me. I grabbed a paper towel and started to retouch the damage but I slowed my actions down as I noticed the toilet door opening.
Ann stepped out.
‘Oh,’ she said, ‘um sorry I didn't know-’
‘It’s fine,’ I said straightening up and tossing the paper towel in the trash.
‘Y/N,’ she said coming towards me offering to put a tender hand on my shoulder but I moved out of her way.
‘Don’t,’ I said. We stood there watching each other for a moment. I didn’t know what I was feeling. Anger. Sadness. Who knew? Whatever it was it felt awful and it was made even worse by the fact she looked genuinely remorseful.
‘I really am sorry,’ she said.
‘Just,’ I said my words disappearing. I didn’t know what to say. After all, how could I blame her? The charm, looks and appeal she had been lured in by was the one that kept me hooked. I couldn’t resist it any more than she could. How could I blame her for giving in to temptation?
‘I can’t lose him,’ I said. My hand was on the door handle now, my gaze locked on it as I refused to look up at her.
‘You were never going to,’ she said capturing my attention, ‘I’m not what he wants.’
‘Yeah, who’d want a gorgeous movie star, right?’ I said.
‘It's what he wants for a night. You get his mornings. His afternoons. You’re the one he calls when he’s had a bad day,’ she said, her eyes were sad though she was wearing a sympathetic smile, ‘you’re the one who’ll get his last name.’
‘I hope you’re right,’ I said and with that, I slipped out of the bathroom. Elvis looked around as I came out. He was standing with Jerry, waiting for me by the main entrance, the others sent to handle whatever needed fixing on my behalf.
‘Everything okay honey?’ he murmured as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and led me outside.
‘Fine,’ I said with a small sigh, ‘just fine.’
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maochira · 1 year
Hi Mao! Im not sure if this has been requested before but like y/n who is best friends with Karasu, Otoya, and Yukimiya. Sooner or later Karasu and Otoya find out that y/n has a crush on Yukimiya (who may or may not know who knows) and try to help them get together.
The platonic chemistry between these three that I see around the fandom makes me wish for a group like them because it sounds so fun.
Anyway I hope you've been having a good day and I hope u continue to have a good week ahead (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
This is my third time writing for Yukimiya and ngl I feel like I'm developing a platonic crush on him😭😭 so keep requesting stuff for him!!! Writing for him makes me giggle kicking my feet
Requests open! - current writing event - masterlist
Tags: gn!reader x Yukimiya, some sort of high school AU I guess??, you're classmates with those three
-ever since you first met Yukimiya, Karasu and Otoya, all of you became best friends pretty much immediately
-at first you only spent time with them in school, but after a few weeks Karasu started asking to hang out after school and on weekends, so you got even closer with them
-sleepovers!!! Lots of them
-most of the time you're at Karasu's place because he has the biggest room. Most of the time you watch movies or YouTube videos on his TV while you just talk
-random late night deeptalks!!
-Karasu is the first to notice you have a crush on Yukimiya. He literally notices it before you realize it by yourself
-Karasu always organizes the sleepovers in a way that'll end up with you and Yukimiya sleeping next to each other
-one morning, you wake up and the way Yukimiya is sleeping next to you, sunshine across his face makes you realize you're in love with him
-Yukimiya is the first one to return home from the sleepover, which gives you the chance to tell Karasu and Otoya about yout crush
-Karasu responds with "That's why I made you sleep next to each other" and you're like "How did you know???"
-Karasu starts listing all the small reasons why he had noticed your feelings for Yukimiya and it gets you a little embarrassed because how did Karasu realize before you did?
-Otoya didn't necessarily expect it, but he isn't surprised by it either
-they really want you to confess to Yukimiya, but you're way too scared of him rejecting you and the possibility of ruining the friendship
-Otoya and Karasu promise to not tell Yukimiya anything, but they secretly make plans together on how they can set up you and Yukimiya
-sometimes you do karaoke together, and whenever there's a love song Otoya and Karasu make you and Yukimiya sing that together. That actually happens to often, there's one specific song you don't even need the lyrics for anymore
-Yukimiya is a bit clueless about everything, but the way the others make him get closer to you, makes him develop a bit of romantic feelings for you as well, and they only continue growing over time
-your and his feelings grow over time and there's so much romantic tension between you all the time, Karasu and Otoya can barely stand keeping it to themselves. They really want to tell you to start dating already, but they don't because they've promised you that they wouldn't
-it takes TWO MONTHS until you and Yukimiya finally confess to each other and start dating
-Karasu literally throws a small party to celebrate that and (badly) decorated a storebought cake with lots of sprinkles in your and Yukimiya's favourite colours. He also wrote "Yukimiya x (Y/N)" on it with frosting
-that one love song you always sang during karaoke together??? It's your relationship song now and Yukimiya has given you a nickname based on it
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rageprufrock · 1 year
Hi Pru!!! Ik you have been back on tumblr for a little but I just found out (bc I havent been here) so in a fit of nostalgia I went through your ask/fandom tags and read old fic meme responses and honestly it really struck me that I am now at the age of when you were writing many of my favorite fics (presque vu, drastically redefining protocol, etc etc your inception, haikyuu, and merlin fic lives in my heart) amd tbh it came as a shock. I think because im probably 15 years or so younger, I've always just seen those fics and ur process behind them as so Adult and one day I will also be an Adult just like that.
Spoilers, I am not quite the Adult I envisioned myself becoming while I had been reading your fics at 13, 14, 15 etc (worringly young) but I still hold a lot of it close to my chest and I think at least I am on the right track. Anyways tldr I love your fic, thanks for writing them, from both me of past and present.
I've read this ask over and over again, and I want you to know that I found it so moving, Anon, that I've been sitting with it for ages wondering how to respond other than to say: I can't think of anything more lovely or flattering than to know that in some way, the stories I wrote have been a part of your experiences growing up. These stories felt, to me, like part of my experiences growing up, too, and that we share that in some cosmic way always makes the world feel smaller and friendlier, and my own missteps and embarrassments less searing. We're all just kind of fumbling along together.
I think if you ask anyone, none of us are the adult that we anticipated being when we were young and reading about people older than us, who we had assumed had their shit together. I like to think that we're better than those imagined versions of ourselves, wiser and more patient, kinder from going through our own difficult periods, and more forgiving of people who we see headed down the same confusing roads toward getting older that we once took. It's why I think I find myself revisiting the theme of internal transformation so much: there's something so big and bright and difficult to explain about how the shape and size of the thing inside you changes over the years, how without any trigger mechanism or intention, you might wake up one day and realize you're an entirely different, marvelous surprise even to yourself.
Thank you, from the me of both past and present, for reading. <3
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renamusing · 11 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
aaah mack, thank you for sending me this!! im a bit embarrassed to answer because im not as prolific as i wish i was, and my confidence in my stories tends to diminish with time since im never satisfied and always think i could have done better (imposter syndrome my old friend), but here are what i consider my 5 favorites in no particular order:
how fools fall in love 126k | ginhiji — somehow this became a classic in the ginhiji fandom despite the time it took me to finish and my terribly irregular updates. i reread it recently and it made me cherish not only the characters but my fandom friends so much! always a sure read when in the mood for slowburn and angst.
ceremonials 29k | ginhiji — my post-canon ginhiji fic has some of the best character writing i've ever done imo. it's also a breather for me because i get to write ginchan and toshi being properly together, leaning on each other and healing.
when silver turned white 32k | ginhiji — one of my favorites because of its structure and plot. it's not too long but i managed to cram all my angsty headcanons and fit them into the plot of bfy movie. i also LOVED to write ginchan and toshi in other timelines/ages, which i plan to do again soon!
beware the desert 15k | skysolo — occasionally i go and reread this one and can't believe i wrote it because it hits every beat, it contains every single thing i love about skysolo and depicts so clearly the han solo i have in my head i could cry. honestly, im so glad i took the time (a year if i remember correctly) to write this down because it's made specifically for me and i don't think anyone else could have done it.
give heartache a name 25k | sterek — im so specific about stiles' characterization in fics that i had to write my own because after the movie came out this year the dormant sterek part of my brain came alive after a decade and i needed to put down my love for both these idiots. i think i've reread this story at least 50 times because i wanted it to be canon so much. i know i sound like a loser but i get so giddy about older stiles and derek. as the kids say nowadays, i am cringe but i am free.
im also nuts about my ginhiji zombie au which i fear i may never finish because im always thinking about expanding the plot instead of tying it all up and finish so i can start taking my og writing seriously. oh well.
tysm for tagging me <33
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robotnuts · 9 months
are there any rvb fics you still think about all the time? like i dont think a week goes by without thinking abt qed and how it def changed me on a molecular level, do you have any fics like that?
oooh good question. the most important fic is at the bottom of this post so just scroll to the final paragraph if you only want one, true recommendation of the only rvb fic that really matters.
QED is fantastic though its more of @shotgunslap's thing than mine. the partner to that is also obviously QoQ, the only rvb fic ive been able to make almost all my friends read. i think about the south/north characterization every day of my life. caboose and carolina mean so much to me, etc etc. thats a pretty easy pick though so im cracking into my ao3 bookmarks to look for more niche picks.
i know there was actually a lot of rvb fic that was just posted to tumblr that i think ive gone back and tried to reblog at some points but i never organized it, i should have archived it, people who wrote good femslash and rvb women liked to just post it under a readmore on their tumblrlog and you have to go digging through decades old tags to find it now
okay. the big one i actually do still think about all the time forever and ever is saltsanford's stuff about epsilon/wash's relationship. this is the big one i still think about that centers on their backstory, but also, put my guns in the ground, which is one of the Big fandom tuckington longfics, also has such good washpilon stuff in it and they're so fucking juicy. when tucker asks wash how many times he's broken his ribs and he says four and epsilon says "actually it was five" before realizing How Bad of a Move that would be. Hello? Hello?????? i want them to be forced to reimplant and have weird mind brain trauma sex SO BAD sorry im normal. this is another one that takes place during/after the chorus era
on the spectrum of fics that i actually dont yet feel ashamed reccomending, primtheamazing, who wrote QoQ, also wrote some other good stuff. i am a HUGE fan of this fusion fic, the punchline to the tucker/caboose fusion is HYSTERICAL. this one where grif forgets who simmons is due to temple shennanigans and flirts with him is also very like. trope-y but i like that shit so this goes here too
ok. now onto the stuff that it is actively embarrassing for me to be recommending. but. prim's logrimmons fic is hysterical and was the stepping stone to creating the lolixgrimmons mind palaces with my friends so its worth it just for that. but also its really fucking funny. so is the one where locus has to listen to them have sex and gets himself caught
the truly embarrassing one for me to have here is the piece of softboy grimmons content i participate in. sadly i do enjoy s15 content sometimes for the softboy grif sensitive emotions exploration i will admit to being a hypocrite there and i really liked that one and reread it frequently (just realized this is written by the QED person so! you might already know of it)
and then finally. the most important red vs blue fanfiction of all time, guns are for shooting. it has it all. sarge. washington. sarge again. kismesisitude. grif and simmons acting like rosencrantz and guildenstern (are dead). locus being invisible and getting caught by lopez with a bag of flour. it's written by the person who wrote QED. You want to read it right now. Read it right now. READ IT RIGHT N
wait no the cute bit about sarge declaring war on gravity and upending a bag of flour onto lopez isnt in guns for shooting. what fic is that from
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brainrotgoverner · 4 months
Okay SO. You said your ask was always open for fanfic ideas and I. Kinda wanted to ask if you had planned a sequel for Mistletoe on Valentine's Day. And I don't mean a ~spicy~ sequel (although it would be just as welcomed) but a "how do these two interact from now on?".
Are they in a relationship? Do they act all embarrassed with each other the next time they meet? Did they go far enough to skip a few bases the same day of their first kiss? And how are they coping with it? How will their relationship evolve from this?
I can't stop imagining the next prince charming a few books later walking in on his mother/the queen/the evil step-mother making out with the girl of his dreams and THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
So, yeah. I know you probably have lots of WIPs already, so this is mostly me venting what my brain had thought today 👀
Yes I am open for ideas! (AND IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED)
I do want to make a sequel for 'Mistletoe on Valentines day' but there isn't really any planning in this moment for the exact reason you brought up XD I don't know if I want to make it ✨spicy✨ and finally bring the smut tag to this little but awesome fandom or go the 'time skip' route and wrote about these dorks trying to navigate their new...situation. (because it's not really a relationship, not yet <3)
Now onto your questions;
-No, it's not really a relationship yet. I don't think neither Chase nor Buddy has much experience with relationships (In my headcanon; Chase is too obsessed with idols and developed very high standards. Combine it with his mom being sick and he hadn't really dated much. I also headcanon Buddy literally grew up in Ex Libris and I don't think they allow dating, so again, not much experience) I doubt they would want to rush into one. More like pining, awkward flirting, and escapades. They would definitely want to take it to the next level, maybe go on a date but 1-) Buddy still needs to take Chase's key back 2-) They only know each other in books and didn't interact that much outside of their spats 3-) Ex Libris
So, yeah, they have a long way to go XD
-Yes they do act all embarrassed the next time they see each other. There would be lots of blushing, evaiding eyes, and stumbling over words XD They both don't really know how to handle this <3
-They wouldn't go all the way on the first day they kissed, no. But there would be enough action that they would need to clean up after if you catch my drift XD
-I think Buddy would be very deep guilt and shame. Not because of Chase, no, but because he feels like he betrayed Ex-Libris. Fraternized with the enemy. Worse, it wasn't just going with the flow. He specially asked to continue and he couldn't stop thinking about it. All the feelings he repressed about the 'annoying' blondie surfaced at the same time. Also, it's his first kiss. So, yeah, he is overwhelmed lol
And Chase is pretty pumped up he might get a hot goth bf who kinda looks like his body pillow <3 maybe a bit worried because Buddy seems like a very classy guy with high standards and he doesn't want to disappoint him. But overall? Pretty good <3
-Oh it WILL develop into something openly sincere (emphasis on the 'openly' part. They were both kinda into each other but repressed it cuz enemies to lovers <3) they just need a bit of time and effort from both sides.
AND YEP they are NOWHERE near as sneaky as they think they are and have to frequently abandon books because the stepsisters can't be mean to Cinderella since the poor maid got traumatised after walking in on her with stepmother and gossip travels fast XD
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH thanks to you I got to write my thoughts down and this actually cleared up my brain XD I think im going to do two different follow ups to that fic;
1-) ✨spice✨
2-) Them trying to navigate their new situation and traumatising a few book characters on the way
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captainjunglegym · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by the big man himself @bigassbowlingballhead
How many works do you have on ao3?
Fifteen wonderful fanfictional works of art (i used to have more for other fandoms but they were culled during the great move to this fandom haha)
What's your total ao3 word count?
102,099 if you can believe. all since the end of january.
What fandoms do you write for?
currently rwrb and rwrb rpf but I've been doing some research into another fandom that i wanna write in soon! watch this space *eyes*
Top five fics by kudos:
No.1 (Royal Red and Blue) Oil on Canvas
Henry Fox is Alive
If You're Not Made For Me (Why Did We Fall in Love?)
Said I'm Sorry But I'm Not To Blame
Drinking light chardonnays and eating tiny finger foods
Do you respond to comments?
uhhhhh yikes. I have adhd i'll blame that. I'm sorry. i dont tend to on my long fics but on my shorter smuts i might if i remember. im sorry. just know that i read every single comment!!!!!! and appreciate them
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I've written some angsty shit, but i think my fic Someone Loved Me But Not Today. It's an open ended fic where Alex and Henry are exes who reconnect at the funeral of Henry's twin brother George.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics bar the above have a happy(ish) ending.
But probably Henry Fox is Alive because it's so healing to both Alex and Henry.
No.1 is a close second. All my smut has a happy ending ifyaknowwhatimean *wink wonk*
Do you get hate on fics?
Hate is a strong word. I've had some slightly nasty comments about characterisation that hurt my feelings lol, but nothing that is intentionally nasty to me or about my writing. Just choices I've made. But it's whatevs innit.
Do you write smut?
Of course!
Craziest crossover:
no crossovers as of yet. I can imagine writting 911/911ls crossovers if that even counts. Maybe alex and henry can get into an accident in either austin or LA and have my fire boys and gyals come rescue them
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Ha! who'd bother
Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope but if ya want to then sure.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope. i'm too shy i'd be all embarrassed haha
All time favorite ship?
oh i've been in fandom for like 13 years now i've got a lot of ships that changed me. Lets say firstprince at the moment though bc it's brought me some wonderful friends
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i usually finish my wips actually. but my 1850s australian prison au is on the back burner bc i have others i find easier writing haha
What are your writing strengths?
people always say dialogue
What are your writing weaknesses?
editing and streamlining. maybe pacing.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
yes love it, but i wouldnt do it bc i only speak english and i dont want to look dumb in front of my international friends. like lots of my blorbos are multilingual!!!!
First fandom you wrote in?
oof. idk. Maybe supernatural as my first posted fic? I wrote a lot of fic for bands that were popular when i was young but they shall not be named and never saw the light of day
Favorite fic you've written?
uhh actually it's probably Henry Fox is Alive. Love that fic and it was my first firstprince fic. Special place in my heart!
Also Drinking light chardonnays and eating tiny finger foods is a fave bc it got a lot of traction for being a piss fic hahahaha
No pressure tags for just a few peeps: @anincompletelist @agostobuwan @nocoastposts @wordsofhoneydew whoever wants to!
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ayup mates, its me (that one fucking guy that shows up in your fever dreams to offer you garlic bread then fucks off into the void) (i think you need to get a therapist btw)
Call me dots or dot (not correct but when saying something belongs to me you use "dot's". idk why don't ask me)
My cara page (for art): https://cara.app/ihavedotsinmybrain
They/them she/her it/its ( welcome to the mad lab we do experiments with the funny goofy hjinks with the genders here)
TAG GUIDE : my art (self explanatory), dot's thoughts (mad ramblings) (extra note, there are two versions of dot's thoughts, the other one is with the phone version of ' so you can go look for that if you wanna see me posting from outside the comfort of my room and computer), dot’s travel journal (me on holiday), my persona (obviously just my persona) *prone to updates
dumbass who likes to draw ocs and shit. (posts like there is no tomorrow but also like i have all the time in the world) (oc x canon stuff also) (some fanart ig)
if you wanna find my (mostly serious) art, check out @dots-in-my-head (send me asks and dms on this blog) also i have started putting fandom stuff there too so if you want to get my fandom doodles you can look to there as well
still questioning sexuality but currently aro/ace? (idk i'm not in a rush lol) (i WILL dabble in the arts of questioning me sexuality on internet if you got problems with that shoo)
my loveley husband (@octoxxt, pls ignore this blog dude its embarrassing)
why do you need to know my age, ‘you a cop?
will not draw smut or NSFW bcs i will start howling with racous laughter and melt. (i don;t even read smut in fic dude what do expect me to be able to draw im a cartoonish obviously anime style inspired semi-realism but not really shitty doodle artist you put your hopes too high if you think i can draw a dick without making it look like a piece of middle school desk graffiti)
i've got a bit of a dirty mouth but everything is pretty vanilla . (i make edgy dumb jokes sometimes, but it's not my actual personality peace 'n love on planet earth okay) (any time i say i wanna kms IT IS A JOKE) (most of my posts are /srs i will mark it if its a joke i know the pain of not knowing if it was a funny joke or not i gotchu other autistic peeps)
please talk to me god i am lonely (i am serious about this i love it when people rb and scream in the tags it genuinely makes my day) (send me asks send measkssendmeaskssendmeasks—)
Absolute art machine(whether the art is good or not is a big question that i am not ready to answer) makes shitty animations sometimes idk.
Uses lol too much. Chinese, knows mandarin (translate the random messages for maximum brain damage) i don't know simplified but i do know traditional (please talk to me i need to practice my chinese reading skills) am i a furry? idk but if you're mad about it you can fuck right off (i have a couple ocs and my darling fursona)
am currently inbetween fandoms, fandoms i am (kind of) active in are hetalia, scp, dnd, genshin, pjo, bg3, apothecary diaries, jrwi riptide and csm (list is prone to updating because fandom is my support system) (you wont see my art for most of them but the brainworms are there and sometimes i let them take over)
old fandoms or the fandoms i lurk in (i visit them often): eddsworld, demon slayer, pokemon, vocaloid and wof. (also prone to updates as i remember stuff)
note : i am still in school and have a life outside the internet so stuff will be delayed (which is why i am only kind of active) (i go missing sometimes i am not dead life is just lifing for me)
Do not say anything about how cringe I am I know trust me (it’s a coping mechanism lol)
if you're concerned, you're very right to be. I am very incoherent (most of my life updates have actually devolved into cries for help, please talk to me)
also if you don't like my art or ships just leave(any critique about anything i make shoots a bazooka straight into my heart and behind the screen i crumble into a cartoonish pile of ashes and bones as i stare at the screen blurred by tears) (unless I ask for critique then i brought this on myself and i’ll walk it off don't worry)
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(Both of my personas)
My flags (might be updated)
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actuallyitsstar · 5 months
oh my god tumblr is not a functional website and it ate my next two drafted asks so prepare to get tagged in textposts but @brambleberrycottage sent The Mentalist and/or Person of Interest for the fandom ask game:
✨ send me a fandom and i'll answer with the following!
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for person of interest:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
↣ very tough choice but i am gonna have to go with shaw for this one. my second choice probably would be reese tho- but i have to go by what ao3 tags i filter the most 😭
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
↣ BEAR THE DOG.....OBVIOUSLY....... akjdhdjfhf but for real it is probably finch. finch rly is So Shaped to me. i do not want anything bad to happen to him Ever. Protect At All Costs
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
�� FUSCO. FUSCO IS SUCH AN UNDERRATED FAVE. theres like 10 fics out there about my man fusco and ive reread all of them 100 times aldjfkfhjfgjgj this man just shows up to work every day and tries his best and he gets dragged into some of the craziest world-altering conspiracies known to man and for what ??? he just wants to come home to his son every day. but he cares about people and his friends and the world his son grows up IN, and thats why he sticks by the others no matter what he gets put thru. also he is just very funny and relatable at times akdhdjfhf
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
↣ harper!!! very much obscure but she has a cute lil arc that feels Meaningful and has such a fun energy and she has such an ~ outcome ~ (i will not spoil in case anyone who has not seen this show is thinking of seeing it) and tbh i want to learn everything about her
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
↣ elias. he is very problematic. very controversial. horrible villain crimelord etc etc. but isnt it interesting how this show plays with morality? how much nuance there is? how you slowly learn that finch is right- that there are no heroes or villains, just people doing the best they can??? elias is a terrible person that you would never want to meet in real life but hes MY terrible person you would never want to meet in real life.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
↣ this is reese hands down. sorry not sorry to the traumatized man but i do kind of enjoy you getting more traumatized
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
↣ i guess john greer ???? im not sorry, forget everything i said about nuance hes a villain akdhfdjkfhfj he is the worst im joking but if i have to pick anyone its him
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for the mentalist:
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
↣ its jane. of course its jane. what we have learned about me is i am always stanning traumatized over confident (often middle aged middle aged) men in problematic career paths with emotional issues 😭 its embarrassing how consistent i rly am tbh lmao. but HES SO INTERESTING. HES SO TRAGIC. HES SO MULTIFACETED. i could probably write 600 dissertations about him
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
↣ lisbon is my girl i love her so much i will not take any notes on this she is MY five foot nothing cop with anger management issues and i WOULD die for her. shes probably my height irl but she is !!!! small. i love her
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
↣ cho is so underrated !!!!! he is there from start to finish and he gets his own arcs and his own story and he's level-headed and in charge but he's not emotionless and he's not perfect, he's very good at what he does but he makes mistakes too and he's mature enough to own up to them. his realism and commitment is bracing and reliable and brings such a steady element to the show. couldnt do it without him!!
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
↣ she's really not even on screen for more than like 0.1 seconds of flashback but !!! ANGELA JANE. i know we don't get to know much in the way of cannonical characterization but i have read a lot of fics about her. i think the most influential has to be boy wonder, which is a wonderful how-angela-and-young-patrick-met fic unfortunately trapped on the horrible formatting of fanfiction dot net, but every time i think of angela i think of this fic and it very deeply informed my love for her character.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
↣ probably laroche. deeply weird man but he just wanted to go home to his little figurines and his fluffy dog. what more could he ask for. very creepy vibe but he did his job well and he came around in the end. i would love to know what sort of life made this man happen. i think about the iconic theater episode with him every day.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
↣ aaaaa once again its jane im so sorry sir i just find your trauma entertaining !!!!!
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
↣ probably bertram because i just think he was way scarier than the sherriff sorry sljfkfjfjg
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