#and remove the teens from the fandom
steakout-05 · 9 months
//ableism mention tw
ok just gonna say something really quick: i absolutely hate Abe's characterisation in the reboot of Clone High because it is nothing like how he acted in season 1 and it just. isn't funny. they've turned this good-intentioned but flawed loser kid who just wants to be like the original Abraham Lincoln but doesn't know how to, into a self-centered and arrogant asshole who literally almost said a horrible ableist slur twice in the first episode. like. i'm being serious, he almost says the R-slur twice in the same minute and i dunno about you but i really don't find it very funny when a) the only "joke" behind it is "oh look at how bad Abe is compared to the more progressive sensitivities of the new generation of clones, isn't he just terrible", and b) they felt the need to completely rewrite a pre-existing character that fans are already attached to to do something against his own morals for the sake of a shitty joke, and c) TOPHER WAS RIGHT THERE!!! isn't he supposed to be the asshole or am i missing something?? like...
i'm not saying you can't have "edgy" or "dark" comedy or whatever, but personally, i don't find it very funny when a character that actually means quite a lot to me and is one of my favourites is twisted and rewritten into an arrogant asshole in an apparent attempt to appeal to the people who hate Abe for his flaws in the original show. especially when he's rewritten to be someone who would say a slur that's literally been used against my fellow disabled peers, myself included. it just feels... wrong. it actually hurts a lot to see a character i once loved and found to be one of the funniest and most important characters in the show be turned into an arrogant dick, with barely any thought or meaning put into him. i don't like what they did with the rest of the OG cast as well (such as Joan making a complete 180 in her entire character, JFK's character assassination, the removal of Gandhi, Cleo barely being in it etc.), but to me, they did Abe the dirtiest in this season and i'm really disappointed that one of my favourite shows had to continue like this :(
#clone high#abe lincoln#rant#sorry this post is a little heavier than what i usually post on here but i just felt like i really needed to say this#abe from clone high is actually quite an important character to me and i'm still upset that he's been written so poorly in season 2#like he's a silly parody of a teen drama protag but honestly i think his struggles in the original series are actually really meaningful#like he's a little shy and doesn't exactly know how to express his ideas in the best way but wants to help and i just think that's so real#especially as someone who struggles with that myself#he has so much pressure to live up to the OG abraham lincoln and he really wants to be like him and tries but doesn't get it#i mean he even says something like that in episode 2 when joan and gandhi come to see him in his room and that's really relatable#so to see him so horribly misinterpreted as a selfish asshole really hurts me.#they've essentially done the thing where a fandom will tear apart the neurodivergent coded character#and write them off as selfish and arrogant and completely misinterpret everything about them#not saying that Abe is written to be neurodivergent but you get my point#it's kinda like that#he's relatable to me as an autistic person and a lot of his struggles are similar to what the autistic community experiences#also i'm sad that gandhi had to get removed because he's important to me too#he's actually one of my favourite ADHD reps on tv i've seen and he's just really funny#i know he was removed because people in India got offended and they probably don't wanna cause another incident like that again#but still it's such a shame he couldn't be included because he was a great character#also slightly unrelated but i think turning characters into a moral debate it stupid and often results in stuff like this happening#ableism mention#tw ableism mention
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lavenderlegends · 11 months
updated my ao3 username to match my old one without using my deadname so now it’s foxlavender (and also lavenderlegends)
i will use my old names in the tags just in case but pretend y’all didn’t see it, okay? okay. love u!
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magpiesbones · 2 years
fundamentally, really, the grishaverse trilogy really is a three-book-long set up of a girl getting to tell someone ‘no’ and remove herself from his narrative and you know what thats valid and important.
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 3 - "Okay, show me."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: G
Warnings: -
"So… first time getting kidnapped?"
Tim blinked at the teen that was tied to a wall right across from him. He marveled for a a moment at how similar the two looked and even thought that he could see how the other teen could have gotten mistakenly kidnapped in his place. Though if they had already kidnapped him then why did they end up kidnapping him again?
"No, getting kidnapped kinda comes with the name and status." Tim finally answered and the other kid nodded sagely as if he understood. "Usually they are a little more incompetent."
He moved his wrists a little causing the strange silver bracelets they had slapped on his wired before chaining him to the wall so that they would cause a rattling noise, making the other teen look at them with a raised eyebrow.
"So first time getting kidnapped by the GIW then."
"Guys in White, or well Ghost Investigation Ward, a government organization." The other teen explained with a shrug. "Usually they are incompetent. Aside from a couple of burns from getting shot, this is the first time they actually managed to chain me in a while. Normally they would have messed up by now but it's interesting that they even manage to nap you too."
Now Tim raised an eyebrow. That was news to him. To think there was a governmental organization that was actively abducting civilians for who knows what. Damn, he could see how B would not be happy once he told them about that.
"Sorry btw." Tim blinked up at the other teen in confusion, who chuckled in return. "They probably kidnapped you thinking you were my double or something. We look similar enough for them to think that."
"Wait…" Tim's eyes widened in realization. "They kidnapped me because I look like you? Not the other way around?"
"Uh yeah, why would I be kidnapped because of you?"
"Tim Drake-Wayne. Does that ring a bell?" Tim huffed only to watch how the other teen furrowed his eyebrows as if deep in thoughts before shrugging.
"In fact no it doesn't. But I don't keep up with high society, it helps pissing of the fruitloop whenever he drags me to 'meet important people' and I actively call them false names no matter how often he introduces them."
Tim's eye twitched. While that is fun, this was also the first time he met someone who hadn't heard of his name before in some way or form. In the end just let out a sigh.
"So what now? We wait to get rescued or will they release us after some time?" Well he had already tipped off his family, so it was probably only a matter of time until one of his siblings burst in to play knight in shining armor. He just hoped it wasn't Jason again, or he wouldn't shut up about having saved him for another month.
"Oh we can wait, but they won't release us. It's probably better if we get out on our own."
"Really? And how do you plan for us to get out of the handcuffs?" Well Tim did have a lock pin hidden in his jacket and some small sized tools stuffed into the sole of his shoes but with his hands chained above his head it was a little difficult to get them. But his feet were not chained so with just a bit of body twisting he could-
"Oh the handcuffs are no problem. They can be easily removed by overloading them."
"Overloading?" Tim arched an eyebrow, now the cuffs did not look like your normal brand he can admit that but how was the other going to do that unless he had some secret electric tool stored on him.
"Yea, overloading. It's pretty simple. These look like the same Brant they tried to cuff me with a year ago. It's funny how they look like they haven't learned a single thing in all these years."
"Really now?" Tim stared at the other teen unimpressed. "Okay, show me. How are you going to overload them with no tools around?"
"Easy." The other teen smirked at him and Tim's eyes widen as he saw the others hands emitting a green light before the cuffs on his wrist sparked and then fell off. Okay, noted the other teen was a Meta.
"My name is Danny by the way." Danny grinned as he rubbed his wrists before getting up and walking over to Tim to do the same to his cuffs. Tim rubbed his his own wirsts, carefully examining them for any time of injury only to look up just in time to watch Danny reach into his own chest. With wide eyes he watched Danny sticking out his tongue while one of his hands was going through his body as if he was looking for something.
"Aha! I knew I stuck them in my body somewhere for a situation like this!" Okay there was so much to unpack from this sentence alone but before Tim could even ask a single question Danny pulled out a lockpick set from his chest and proceeded to pick at their cell door.
"I have so many questions." Tim muttered, still watching the other teen.
"Well I can probably answer some of them once we are out of here. It's the least I can do after you get kidnapped because of me." Danny grinned as the lock he was working on clicked and he swung the door open. "Wanna talk over some coffee? You look like you need some."
"This is definitely not what I expected when I said 'show me'." Tim muttered once more walking passed Danny out of their cell, eager to leave this place.
"Yea well that the more civilian friendly things I can do." Danny followed with a grin. "Though I do have some other tricks I could have used too."
"You talk like a hero." Tim thought aloud, eyeing the teen and how they were holding themselves. Nothing about this teen screamed innocent civilian anymore, well aside from the obvious Meta abilities. He also marbled about the fact that they basically just walked out of the warehouse they had been holding. Huh looked like these GIW guys were really as incompetent as Danny had mentioned earlier.
"Yea, well I am a retired Hero." Great now Tim got more to look into in regards to Danny. Oh that reminded him, he probably should tell his family that he was no longer kidnapped… but that could probably wait until after he got his coffee with Danny. What was the worst that could happen? Red Hood storming an empty building. Oh well, it would be a good exercise for his brother then.
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glisten-inthedark · 6 days
I don't know if I'm more chill about Byler endgame because I have the intel that people didn't have during volume 2 or what, but to any other ending that doesn't involve Byler becoming canon would just make the Duffer brothers the worst writers in the history of ever.
Because what do you mean you have a gay character that doesn't believe he'll get a happy ending only to prove that you know, he's right? How would that make any sense?!
I've said it before and I'll say how many times I have to: They could've made Will in love with literally anyone else. I don't know, some boy from Lenora, some other guy from Hawkings, hell, even Dustin was an option. But noooo, they instead chose to make him in love with his best friend.
They could've presented another male character with Argyle, instead they spent God knows how much money of their budget getting every Byler scene just right. Who would give this much dedication to a sinking ship? Like, they literally talked about how they had to wait during the day just so the lightning was just right during the van scene.
And also, the lighting during the cabin scene as well? Because that must have taken them ages to get it right. For the line to poor down only on Will, and that's not an artificial light, is literally the sun. So you're telling the Duffers were going to waste precious time getting these scenes just right but you know what? They don't mean anything at all, forget about it.
And to further drive the point home, the storyline makes no actual sense from a logical standpoint. Remove Byler. Let's all pretend we don't ship for one second.
Why in the world would they make Will in love with Mike of all people? He could've been gay without having to be that in love with someone. I know I'm repeating myself but I have to because I don't think you guys understand how senseless this plot is if they're not going to do anything about it.
And I mean senseless in the sense that it literally has no use to the plot (that we know of which is why I made that post about how Will's love will be fundamental to the story).
And not only that, not having Mike go with El to the Nina project thingy literally stalled their progression which is a huge deal. I know some people don't like that Byler was removed from the supernatural plot, but I for one think it was a necessary evil to allow Will to explore his feelings and for Mike to miss him.
And to honest, even if the writers are the most douchebags to ever douchebag, it still wouldn't explain the amount of care they took in every Byler scene. It wouldn't explain how whenever we are in Mike's POV, is like he literally sees Will like this shinning beacon of light.
Because if they wanted a quick cash grab on the expense of the queer community, I can assure you there are easier ways of doing it. I remember when I was at the Sterek fandom and J*ff Davis was an ass about the ship during interviews. I remember how Tyl*r P*sey made terrible comments all the while they were clearly using the shippers in the series. And yeah, while I do agree Teen Wolf wasn't necessarily queerbait because there were actual queer couples, it still left a bitter taste on my mouth.
The way they built this, they didn't give themselves an easy way out. It would be one thing if Will was gay but not in love with Mike, it's a completely different thing for him to love Mike so deeply that he's willing to sacrifice his own happiness for him.
The writers made him to me irrevocably in love with Mike. (You don't make her (him) feel like a mistake at all), El (Will) needs you and she (him) always Will. These aren't the words of someone that has a crush or whose feelings are fleeting, these are the words of someone who would rip his heart out just so that the man he loves can be happy.
These aren't the words of someone that can be just be: yeah, I moving on from this. Mike is Will's heart.
So sure, Will needs to discover self acceptance and self love. He needs to recognize that he can be happy and deserves to have happiness, but if that was the entire point all along, he literally could have figured that without having to be in love with his best friend whom he believes will never love him back.
If the sole point of his arc was: Needs to learn how to accept himself for who he is, there are other - less cruel - ways of going about.
Because at the end of the day, making Will to be this deeply in love with Mike only to be rejected is just that: pointless and cruel.
And again. Pointless.
The GA already believes that to be the case, the Mil*evns too, Will also believes that. So why would it be a conflict at all if it was actually the case?
Why would they make a slowburn reaction? Will already thinks he was rejected, that's the thing. He already thinks it's hopeless.
So why would they use the painting? Why would they frame everything as a love triangle? Why not get this shit over already?
Why pair them together with the already canon couples?
At this point I'm just rambling and repeating myself. I'm gonna sleep, but I hope I was coherent enough.
You guys are welcomed to chime in, I love to hear your thoughts on that because I feel like I wrote all of this before but I'll say however many times I have to.
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nu-carniviva · 9 months
A censored version of Nu: Carnival is coming to the app store... Which is not good
When this was first brought to my attention, I honestly didn't believe it at first. I mean, why would I? Nu: Carnival has advertised itself as an adult-only game since it's release. I rarely go on Twitter since it's a total shithole, but that's how I found out that the rumors were true. Nu: Carnival - Bliss, they're calling it. The overall plot, events, and gameplay will be the same. But many crucial changes will be done to the dialogue, CG, and audio. Long post ahead, but I'll be ranting about it below
Why is this a bad move?
There are multiple reasons as to why making a censored, teen friendly version of Nu: Carnival is a horrible decision. I might not get them all, but here are a few I can think of off the top of my head:
It is literally impossible to separate the nsfw from the source. Whether the devs like it or not, they made an nsfw game. After the first half of the prologue, the game opens with porn. You are introduced to two characters at the time — Aster and Morvay. That right there is already an issue. Morvay is an incubus. He is a sex demon who wears leather lingerie. While there is certainly more to his personality, his is very existence is sex. Sex is what keeps him alive and fed. Morvay is very open about his sexual desires and the topic of sex as a whole. He doesn't find it shameful or taboo. So... What are they going to do with Morvay? He can't be removed since he's bonded with Aster. Censoring him will have him take a MAJOR hit. Now that leads me to the second part of this bullet point: sex is a crucial part of the plot. Essence is what keeps Klein stable. Eiden and his clan's job is to use their essence to fix the gem altars so said altars can keep the essence regulated throughout the continent. While there are several ways to replenish one's essence, the most effective way is through sex. Sex also plays a crucial role in expanding on the plot and the characters. Sex scenes aren't just there for entertainment, there is genuine lore within the dialogue. Through sex, Eiden bonds with his clan members in the most intimate and personal ways. He sees his clan members at their most vulnerable moments, and through that they share a deep connection. You can see when sex scenes go from Eiden and whoever the clan member is having sex just to have it to having sex because they genuinely care for each other and want to physically bond. I could delve deeper into this topic, but I'm sure you all understand by now what I'm trying to say. Sex is not just an accessory or perk. It's part of the worldbuilding
Minors will not be able to escape nsfw within the fandom. Since the game's release, the fan base has been entirely made up of adults. Since we are all adults, we freely talk and post about the nsfw parts of the game. You go on any social media platform where Nu: Carnival is discussed, and you will see nsfw. It's a very casual topic in the fandom, and in a way it's something that bonds us together… As weird as that may sound. My point is, making a censored version of the game is pointless, because the source itself in inherently nsfw and the fan base is full of adults making nsfw content which is usually uncensored since the artists expect for anyone in the fandom to only be adults
Minors in fandoms often bring drama... Hear me out on this one. Not to sound like one of those "grr minors dni I hate minors" people, but kids in fandoms often bring drama and discourse. As aggravating at it is, I have to admit that it isn't entirely their fault. When you're in your early teens, you're starting to discover yourself. You become very opinionated and defensive over your beliefs because you're trying to figure out who you are and where you stand in life. You're trying to gain independence and autonomy. It's normal... But it's very draining. Since Nu: Carnival has an all-adult fandom, there isn't a lot of drama at all. Sure, you're going to have stupid people saying stupid shit to start drama, that happens everywhere, but those people are typically ignored because it isn't too common. With kids coming into the fandom and starting unnecessary drama, it'll be so much harder to avoid. Not only that, but kids don't have as much media literacy as adults do. It's not an insult, but simply a fact. Nu: Carnival delves in a LOT of heavy themes in the game. Some of which are stated outright while others require you to read in between the lines to pick up on them. Since the fandom is all adults, it's easier for us to handle these topics and discuss them maturely
Why are the devs doing this?
My guess? Money. The devs are part of a company after all. At the end of the day, all companies want to make money. By making a game they can put on app stores, the game becomes more visible to a broader audience. People who have never heard of Nu: Carnival before will see what appears to be an innocent anime game when it's far from that. All it will take is a simple google search for people to see the the game is very much nsfw and not something minors should indulge themselves in. It's dangerous for both parties involved, both the minors and the adults
But hey, whatever's bringing in the money, right? Sigh...
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When Our Stars Cross Paths; VI Treech x Mentor!Reader 🌲Treech’s POV🌲
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Pairing: Treech x Mentor!Reader
Word Count: 1.64k
Warnings: Cursing
Sweet Angels🪻: @nemesii @mrsyixingunicorn10 @chmpgneprblem @thxmiss @storiesofmyhead @valdezsttuff @nekee-lilac02 @shykittycat @aceofspades190 @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs @lostmoongoddess24 @nothing2113 @gracethg @primroseluna @multi-fandom-quote-chaos @cdragons @boreddemigodd @yazissupercool @baby-ditzzy
🎬Mood boards🎬
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******************Treech’s POV*****************
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He was about to throw up.
It had now been five hours that Treech had been stuck in this train, and the lingering stench of stale animal manure combined with the periodic shaking of the car was more than enough to make the boy nauseous.
He slowly slid down to the floor searching for some for of relief, legs aching for rest after the prolonged period of standing. It made him feel less vulnerable, standing. Treech didn’t have the faintest clue as to why, maybe it was his height that he felt gave him an advantage. Whatever the reason, whenever he had felt intimidated or threatened he usually found himself refusing to rest for hours on end, not realizing the toll it took on his body until he finally sat down. The air in the car was thick and humid and Treech soon found himself shifting to remove his wool coat, before remembering was this car was previously used for. He would rather suffer the sweltering heat than ruin what could very well be his only form of protection.
A scoff escaped his mouth before he could stop it, causing Lamina to look up from where she had buried her face into her knees, hiding in the corner of the car. Her auburn hair was beginning to frizz and tears stained her cheeks as they spilled from her puffy eyes. She was young, at only fifteen she was too young to be condemned to this.
They all were.
The pair had known each other back home. Lamina often babysitting Treech’s younger sister, Hazel when him and his pa were working in the forests and his ma was running errands. The ginger girl had always been quite timid, only exchanging a few brief words every now and then with him, and even then her voice always remained soft and gentle, barely above a whisper. Hazel adored her though, always returning home from their escapades with friendship bracelets adorning her wrists and flower crowns in her golden hair. And Treech loved nothing more than to see his baby sister happy. He had always held a soft spot in his heart for all the women in his life, Hazel, his ma, even Lamina had grown to be a surrogate little sister in his eyes. Which was why it was devastating to hear her name echoed out during the Reapings. He remembered how she had failed to hold back her tears as she was marched onto the rickety wooden platform, peacekeepers unnecessarily close to the poor girl only scaring her further. He had been so caught up in his immediate dread at Lamina’s named being picked that he barely noticed that the boy’s name was being selected.
“Treech Laurier.”
Shock couldn’t even begin to describe how he felt in those first few moments. He was eighteen and as it was his last year in the Reapings, Treech hadn’t thought himself as likely to be picked. An eerie silence fell across the male enclosure as his classmates and neighbors turned to face him, all wearing identical pitying faces. Realizing that peacekeepers would approach if he didn’t start moving, he maneuvered through the rows of teen boys and into the aisle of the town square. He felt a gloved hand push into his back, a peacekeeper, incase he decided to make a run for it. But Treech did none of that, slowly marching towards the platform where Lamina and the mayor stood, it took everything in him to keep the tears from escaping his eyes as he turned to see cameras pointed at him from every angle. Like a fucking animal. He ascended the stairs of the platform, eyes casted on the ground and the mayor mumbled out a quick speech, only glancing up once prompted to shake Lamina’s hand. As he peered into the already swollen eyes of the young girl, Treech knew he would do anything in his power to protect her, even if it came at his own demise. However as he was coming to peace with this newfound promise, peacekeepers tugged at their arms dragging them away from the crowds of citizens just as quickly as they were reaped. The District seven pair were then escorted out of the town square, two peacekeepers crowding both of them on either side. Treech finally allowed the tears to flow from his eyes no longer caring if he appeared weak, and after a few minutes of trudging along the dirts roads of their district, they came to a dilapidated train, the tracks it stood on rusted over from a year of no use. The peacekeepers ushered the pair into one of the cars, nudging the butts of their rifles into their backs as they did so. The metal door slammed behind the two and before their eyes could adjust to the sudden darkness, they were moving, albeit rather slowly. The first few hours were torture, Lamina’s sobs only further cementing the realization of their likely imminent deaths, nearly bringing the older boy to tears for the second time that day. Eventually Lamina’s sobs and shaky breaths died down to whimpers and moans, and as he stood against the metal wall, Treech racked his brain for anything, any memory or thought that would draw his attention away from the train car, and the Hunger Games, and the poor miserable girl sitting a few feet away from him. So he started listing things, at first mumbling the names of his family members under his breath, each murmur bringing a new fond memory to the boy’s head. It didn’t take long for this list to extend to his friends, boys he had grown up with and laughed alongside during the long work days in the forests; subsequently places entered the whispered mantra, his secret spot in the woods down by the lake, his house, even his old school. Nearly two hours went by like this as Treech carried on with this spiraling list, continuing to name everything and everyone he wanted to come back to when a high pitched whistling, followed by a screech that of metal on metal shook the boys out of his thoughts.
They were coming to a stop.
Treech was quick to stand up, not wanting to be caught in a vulnerable position when the doors opened. He could hear people from outside on the platform, peacekeepers barking orders and tributes groaning as they disembarked, disoriented and confused. He pressed his ear against the metal of the car, attempting to survey his surroundings without actually seeing them. But beyond the booming commands of soldiers and the trembling voices of young tributes, he also heard a girl too. She couldn’t have stood too far away from his car, and her voice didn’t carry any hints of fear or aggression, so she didn’t fall into the two categories of people he had listened to previously. From what the tall boy could make out, she seemed to be having a friendly chat with someone a few feet away from the train. It was beyond Treech who she would feel comfortable enough to talk with like that, the peacekeepers back home weren’t notorious for being welcoming, and although he hadn’t met any of the other tributes yet, he doubted any of them would be in the mood to carry a lighthearted conversation. As the voice gradually got closer and closer, Treech found himself listening for it more and more, disregarding his previous mission of ease dropping on the people outside in favor of tracking the captivating sound.
Her voice sounded like sunshine.
Too busy being drawn in by the captivating words, Treech barely had time to register the metal door of the car screeching open as he fell into the wall, nearly falling directly out onto the platform. He brought his hands to his forehead, groaning at the collision that was sure to leave a bruise. He turned away from the wall and towards Lamina, who had started to peer out into the train station before swiftly retracting her head. She was too scared to go first, and she was definitely more likely to hurt herself on the jump down, with the entrance to the train car being around five feet above the platform. Big brother instincts taking over, Treech quickly made his way over to the now open doorway, eyes roaming across the vast train station—he was listen for or rather looking for the girl with the enchanting voice. Failing to see anyone who could’ve possibly been his mystery girl, he heaved himself onto the platform. He then turned back to face Lamina, offering her his hand, trying to convince the younger girl to trust him enough to exit the shadows of the car and to jump onto the platform. After a few seconds passed the redheaded girl emerged from the corner of the train, meekly taking his hand in her own as she hopped onto the platform, falling into his chest as she did so. Treech let out a sigh of relief, grateful for the stench free, albeit polluted air. Lamina seemed to be more at ease too, her sniffles becoming fewer and farther between as she took in her surroundings; fear slowly melting from her face as she caught glimpse of the other younger tributes, some even younger than her. However that all came crashing down when something or someone startled the girl enough to shrink away into the material of his jacket, a small petrified whimper escaping her lips.
Lamina cowered behind him, her frail hands clutching onto his coat as she peered from behind his back. For a split second, Treech became concerned that a fight had broken out between the peacekeepers and tributes and quickly moved closer to his partner in an attempt at protection, but when he turned around to see who was Frightening the young girl so badly, he found himself standing face to face with the owner of the enrapturing voice.
“Hi, You must be Treech! i’m Y/N, your mentor!”
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IM SO SO SORRY FOR THE LACK OF UPDATES. IVE BEEN STUDYING FOR EXAMS ALL WEEK AND THIS HONESTLY SLIPPED MY MIND. I PROMISE TO BE BACK ON THE GRIND. And I know this is really short, but as I continue to write this story I wanted to create small filler chapters where you get to learn more about Treech and his relationships with everyone bc I feel like that really isnt showcased in a lot of fics. Chapter seven is in the works right now and i’ll have is released by Friday!!!
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dmajor7th · 6 months
Renouncing the throne would not set Wilhelm free
A question asked of those in the Young Royals fandom: Are you Team Monarchy or Team Abdication?
For those who wish to see Wilhelm fulfil his birthright, the desire comes from him being able to find peace with himself and thus the role, and setting an example by living as the first openly queer monarch in Swedish Royal history. That it denies August the position also helps this argument.
For those who wish to see Wilhelm renounce the thrown, the desire comes from wishing him to be free from the shackles of unasked for expectations, and emancipated from the pressure that crushes down on his wellbeing, his romantic relationship, and his ability to live a "normal" teen and adult life.
But here's the thing: Wilhelm is marked for life. Refusing to become King, and removing himself from all royal duties and the Crown itself, will not lead him to become a "normal" person.
There is a real world, contemporary example of a prince forsaking his duties and being no freer from the media circus that haunts him—Prince Harry of the British Royal Family. The details of his conflict and departure from his royal duties are widely publicised, no less than in his own autobiography. To be sure, the pressures and scrutiny he has faced growing up are horrific—least of all the media treatment of his mother's death—and the racialised aggression towards his wife is beyond disgusting. It makes total sense that he would want to remove himself and his own family from the shit show that is being a royal in the Internet Age.
But rather than give him and his family the peaceful life he seems to crave, the media fire has only intensified. How much of this is driven my him I can't say; but the point is, making an effort to step away form his expectations has not freed him.
And so, to Wilhelm. He can chose to renounce the thrown, and he can choose not to become King, but he will always, always, be Prince Wilhelm. Unless he were to completely cut himself off from society, run away into a forest and never be seen again, he will forever be marked as a Prince.
Wille has also stated that he actually likes the monarchy. Who would he even be outside of it? He can't just get a job in a bakery or be a bus driver. What would he do? How would he live?
What I want is for Wilhelm to be able to find peace with himself and his place in the world, and based on what we've seen in season 3, I don't think it's more likely that will come to him outside of the monarchy than within it. He is a young, troubled man who needs considerable help and support, and I don't think leaving the framework he's accustomed to—with all of the resources it provides—to walk into an even greater media fire will help him.
I want Wille to be happy and I want him to be free. But moving away from his family and birthright is not, for me, the answer.
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halfagone · 1 year
Ghost King Danny Ao3 Statistics
Just like the title states, this post intends to cover everything there is to know about Ghost King Danny fics for the DPxDC crossover on Ao3! Understandably, this is a very long post and there are a lot of numbers involved, so you may want to be prepared!
Did You Know?
There are a total of 1,334 Ghost King Danny Fenton fics found on Ao3. Of that figure, DPxDC makes up 697 fics- a whopping 52.25% of all fics under the "Ghost King Danny Fenton" tag. Danny Phantom, one of the parent fandoms for this crossover, have a total of 439 fics, which amounts to 32.91% of this tag.
But that's just the broader overview of the Ghost King trope for the crossover. Looking deeper reveals more interesting details about this concept and the authors' preferences.
Before we begin, it would be remiss of me not to include a disclaimer about this information. You are otherwise free to ignore this list, but for those of you who are interested on where or how I gathered this data, I thought it would be appropriate to be as open as possible.
These numbers were gathered through manual labor on the site, Archive of Our Own.
These numbers were compiled in one day- September 12th, 2023, and as such, may not reflect the statistics on Ao3 in, for example, one month from now.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: These figures only include fics that have been explicitly tagged as Ghost King Danny. While some stories not included in these statistics may have hints towards his royal status, a good rule of thumb is to never assume the trope will be included in a fic until given reason to. The best way to do that is when the author properly tags "Ghost King Danny Fenton" on their work.
These numbers do not include any other crossovers, nor three-way crossovers. Ex: A Danny Phantom, DC, Miraculous Ladybug crossover. This is not to put down these other crossovers in any way, shape or form, but to show a clear, concise overview of the DPxDC community on Ao3.
Fun Fact!: As I gathered the data, I had to manually remove an incredible 57 fandoms and media from the Ghost King Danny tag in order to compile this list. [*] There are countless of other crossovers still going strong to this day, and while this post may not be about them, they deserve a round of applause as well!
No Languages were excluded from these figures.
This list included fics that are not open to guest readers (fics that must be read while you are signed in with your account).
For some of these statistics, please keep in mind that there can be an overlap. For example: Under the Fandom and Character Filters.
As a general reminder, while I took great pains to clean this information as thoroughly as possible, human error is still possible.
[*]: Curious about what that looks like? Here's a screenshot:
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These are just 7 of the 57 fandoms I had to remove. I would offer you more, but then we would be scrolling even longer.
However, let's move onto the statistics portion.
Please keep in mind: During this process, I used the 697 figure stated at the beginning of this post to calculate the percentages of each category.
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Teen - 320; 45.91%
Gen - 159; 22.81
Not Rated - 129; 18.51%
Mature - 75; 10.76%
Explicit - 14; 2.01%
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
No Archive Warnings Apply - 276; 39.6%
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings - 270; 38.74%
Graphic Depictions of Violence - 149; 21.38%
Major Character Death (MCD) - 82; 11.76%
Rape/Non-Con - 5; 0.72% [^]
Underage - 2; 0.29% [^]
[^]: Your eyes are not deceiving you, these fics do not make up even a full percent.
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Gen - 284; 40.75%
M/M - 158; 22.67%
F/M - 63; 9.04%
Multi - 44; 6.31% [#]
Other - 29; 4.16%
F/F - 18; 2.58%
[#]: What does the category "Multi" mean? "Multi" in Ao3 means that there are more than relationship dynamic found in the story. For example, a work features both a M/M and a F/F ship.
Confused about why the numbers don't add up to 100%? Not all authors choose to mark the category of their work since it is not a required selection in Ao3.
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Batman - All Media Types - 533; 76.47%
DCU - 173; 24.82%
Justice League - All Media Types - 164; 23.53%
DCU (Comics) - 52; 7.46%
Young Justice (Cartoon) - 24; 3.44%
Shazam! | Captain Marvel (Comics) - 17; 2.44%
Superman - All Media Types - 16; 2.3%
Young Justice - All Media Types - 16; 2.3%
DC Extended Universe - 14; 2.01%
Confused about why these numbers add up to more than 100%? As stated in #8 of Disclaimers, many stories may include two or more of these fandoms.
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Danny Fenton - 664; 95.27%
Bruce Wayne - 433; 62.12%
Jason Todd - 396; 56.81%
Dick Grayson - 297; 42.61%
Tim Drake - 294; 42.18%
Damian Wayne - 287; 41.18%
Jazz Fenton - 215; 30.85%
John Constantine - 176; 25.25%
Tucker Foley - 169; 24.25%
Sam Manson - 167; 23.96%
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Danny Fenton & Jason Todd - 142; 20.37%
Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne - 102; 14.63%
Danny Fenton & Damian Wayne - 95; 13.63%
Batfamily Members & Danny Fenton - 92; 13.2%
Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton - 82; 11.76%
Danny Fenton/Jason Todd - 67; 9.61%
Tim Drake & Danny Fenton - 64; 9.18%
Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson - 58; 8.32%
Danny Fenton & Dick Grayson - 57; 8.18%
Tim Drake/Danny Fenton - 43; 6.17%
Additional Tags
The number and percentages of each rating- from greatest to least- are as follows:
Not Beta Read - 176; 25.25%
Not Phantom Planet Compliant (Danny Phantom) - 145; 20.8%
Danny Fenton Needs a Hug - 104; 14.92%
Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton - 91; 13.06% [!]
Hurt/Comfort - 87; 12.48%
Eldritch Danny Fenton - 87; 12.48%
Other Additional Tags To Be Added - 85; 12.2%
BAMF Danny Fenton - 76; 10.9%
Danny Fenton is a Little Shit - 66; 9.47%
[!]: At this time there appears to be no consensus on what tag to use to describe the Fenton parents. Although "Bad Parents Jack and Maddie Fenton" appears to be the most common, some other tags include:
Jack and Maddie's A+ Parenting
Fenton Parents' A+ Parenting
Jack and Maddy's D- Parenting (This was how the author spelled the tag)
The Fentons' A+ Parenting
The Fenton Parents Are Bad but not evil
Danny Fenton's Parents Bashing
Key Takeaways
To wrap up this entire post, let's look at some at some important or intriguing details we've gleaned from these statistics.
Most stories with this tag are Rated Teen.
Similarly, most stories do not have applicable Archive Warnings.
Gen fics, or stories without romance, make up the most Ghost King Danny fics for the crossover.
Batman - All Media Types sweeps up the competition and can be found in most crossovers.
This may be surprising to some, but Bruce Wayne appears in more crossovers under the Ghost King banner than any of his children.
More people have written about Danny Fenton & Jason Todd in a platonic relationship than a romantic one.
There have been arguments that depictions of Jack and Maddie as bad parents are everywhere in the crossover. Numbers show, however, that for the Ghost King Danny Fenton tag it is very unlikely. Even if there were a hundred more fics that use one of the alternate tags, that would still only be 27.4%. That's little over 1/4 of all Ghost King DPxDC fics. Now, 1/4 might sound like a lot, but when you consider that there are 3/4 of other stories that do not include this concept, or the Fenton parents' skills are irrelevant to the story told, that's not actually as many as it would seem.
For more information about these statistics, or the work that went into gathering this info, feel free to ask!
But I hope you all learned something new with this foray of mine. I know I learned a lot about the DPxDC community too. Thank you for reading.
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vikingstoner69 · 2 years
Derek Hale/Reader: Make Me Your Bitch
Fandom; Teen wolf 
Pairing:Derek hale/reader
Info: its the full moon and the reader wants something a bit more this time
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"What's wrong Der?" You ask, seeing an even more sour look than normal. Derek looks down at you with a softer look. 
"Sometimes having super hearing is not always good" he says grumply, you grab his hand and give him a smile.
"Then tune them out, besides it can't be that bad all the time" you grin with a teasing smile, you pick up your drink as the band starts up another song. It was Friday night and you and Derek were out in town. He was against going but you talked him into it. 
"And how do you spouse I do that?" He grins as you wrap your arms around his neck and he goes to your waist pulling you closer and you bite your lip as you look up at him. 
"I'm sure I can think of a few ways to distract you" you whisper against his lips and he growls as you pull away.
"Oh really now" he smirks as the room gets darker as they dim the lights In the club. 
"Oh yes, I can give you something else to think about" you say against his neck close to his ear. Derek's hold on you tightins just a bit. 
"Don't tease me, it's the full moon and I can smell how wet you are" he growls lowly making you bite your lip and your cunt throb at his tone of voice. 
"Then maybe we should get out of here?" You grin and nip his neck as the bass of the music goes through your body. Everything was so loud and the energy in the club made you feel a rush of adrenalin. Without saying a word Derek heads for the exit and leads you outside the warm summer air hitting you all over in your shorts and tank top. 
"Where are we going?" You ask looking up at him. Derek stops and pushes you against the tree behind the building, his car right in front of you. 
Derek kisses you deeply and you moan and reach up your hands going into his hair. You hear him growl lowly when you nip his lip he pulls back and his eyes are glowing red and you feel yourself become even more wet. 
"To my loft so I can fuck you into my bed" he growls in your ear and then he pulls away grabing your hand and helping you into the car. You squeeze your thighs as your cunt aches. Derek gets in and groans as your scent hits him. You look over at him as he starts the car and speeds off. You lean over and kiss and nip his neck up to his ear. 
"I can't wait to feel you deep inside of me" you bite his neck and he growls. His hands are tightening on the steering wheel.  He lets one hand drift to your thigh and you bite your lip as you see his claws on your leg and you feel your heart speed up. 
"Stay still" he growls as he cuts through the crotch of your pants and you shiver and moan as you feel his finger on your clit. 
"Derek" you moan, Derek groans as he sinks his finger deep inside of your soaking cunt. 
"Your soaking" he groans as he finger fucks you. You moan and cry out as you get closer and closer to coming but he stops and removes his hand from you and you whine. 
"Derek, please don't stop! I need you!" You beg not realizing that you had made it to the loft. 
"Where here" he says, opening his door and you blink as he opens your door and you step out on wobbly legs and you look up at Derek as he pins you to the car door once it's closed, his body heat making you shiver. 
"Are you sure about this? You know I can be rougher on the full moon" he says honestly looking you in the eyes. You lean up and kiss him, molding your body to his. 
"I don't want gentle Derek, I want your more primal animalistic side tonight" you tell him leaning up and kissing him deeply and he growls his hands going in your hair and pulling your head back. 
"Better be sure because once you're in my loft your mine" he says huskly. You could feel how hard he was and you felt your cunt clench around nothing. 
"Make me your bitch Derek" you moan Derek picks you up with a snarl and carries you to the loft door. Once inside he pushes you against the wall and kisses you deeply as he rips your shirt off and grabs both breasts in his hands and squeeze making you moan in the kiss. You pull up at his shirt, your hands going under and your nails run down his chest making him snarl. 
"Your mine" he growls picking you up making your legs wrap around his waist and you moan and cling to him as you feel him against your cunt through the rip in your shorts. 
"Yes Derek, all yours" you moan and kiss him deeply. Derek's hold on you is tight but you don't mind one bit. You moan as your back leaves the wall and you feel the softness of his bed under you. 
Derek kisses down your neck to the top of your breasts where he uses his claws to rip off. Your body arches and you moan as you feel his hot mouth on your nipple as he sucks and bites at your breasts. Derek pulls back as he undoes your ruined pants and he pulls them down leaving him naked on his bed. 
"Not fair" you whine leaning up and tugging at his shirt for him to take it off. Derek is on his knees in the middle of the bed as he takes off his shirt and you undo his pants as you lean up and kiss and bite his neck and chest till you got to where his pants met and you nipped there making him growl and pin you to the bed his body fitting perfectly between your legs. 
"You think teasing is fun, do you?" His eyes glowing a blood red making your insides twist. 
"Maybe" you moan as his fingers return to your cunt. He chuckles and nips your hip bone. You moan as you feel his hot breath on your cunt. 
"When you cum on my face I want to hear every sound you make" he growls before shoves his face in your cunt sucking and lapping at your cunt like it's the best thing he has ever had. 
"Fuck derek" you cry out your hands going into his hair as you grind down on his tounge. You feel your body break out in a sweat as you get closer to cumming. Derek shoves his tongue in you and you cum hard screaming out his name. Derek kisses up your body till he reaches your ear.
"I love the way you taste" he growls hotly in your ear. You moan and reach up your hands resting on his shoulder. And you wrap your legs tightly around him and you thrust your hips up. 
"Fuck me Derek, please!" You beg, Derek kisses you deeply and you moan and cling to him, your hands roaming his body. You moan in the kiss when he grinds his hard cock Into you. Derek frees his cock and thrusts into you roughly making you  scream out his name. 
"So fucking tight" he snarls as he fucks you into the bed. Your nails scratching down his back making him snarl and thrust harder making you cry out. You kiss him deeply and flip him on his back and you slam down taking him deeply and he snarls as his hands hold your hips tightly. 
"Fuck! I feel so full!" You cry out your nails digging into his chest. He leans up and sucks a mark into the side of your neck, both of you breathing heavy. 
Derek flips you back over but pulls out making you whine at the loss. He grabs your hips and flips you over till your ass is in the air and he smacks your ass making you moan and push back into his hand for more. 
"Your ass looks so good with my handprint on it" he groans, you moan and look back at him. 
"Derek fuck me" you beg and Derek line his cock up with your enterce and you cry out when he shoves in starting a hard fast pace. 
"Fuck!" He groans his head falling back as your body takes every inch of him. Derek growls and fists your hair pulling you back hard to meet his thrusts. 
"Oh!" You cry out when you feel sparks go through your body. You shove back roughly and he growls smacking your ass. 
"You fit me perfectly" he groans, feeling so close to his end. Without a word Derek pulls out and you are flipped onto your back. Your protests are cut short when he shoves back into.  you're nails leaving marks in his back. 
"So close Derek please" you beg feeling so close to reaching your peak. Derek looks down at you as you cum hard. Your nails drag down his back and you scream out as you cum hard. 
“Mine!” Derek growls as he cums deep inside of you making you moan Derek rests his head on yours as you both try to catch your breath and he kisses you one last time before rolling onto his back and pulling you with him. 
“10/10 deftly worth it” you grin looking up at him with a tired smile and he chuckles and looks down at you. 
“The moon is still full” he chuckles 
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alectoperdita · 1 month
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Uplifting Spirits by Alecto
Written for the #2024 Kaijou Summer Event
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler/Kaiba Seto Characters: Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler, Kaiba Seto Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Romance, Light Angst, Japanese Mythology & Folklore, Gods, Kitsune, Foxes, Summer, Summer Romance, Slice of Life
The sleepy countryside town was worlds removed from Domino's hustle and bustle, but Katsuya didn't mind it. In fact, he was grateful for the change of pace. House sitting for his grandparents guaranteed a roof over his head for a few months, and after that—well, he'd cross that bridge when he came to it. No reason to push his luck any further, even if he could really use more. He expected a quiet summer, reminiscent of the ones he spent here as a child, before his parents split. But his life changes forever when he meets the local fox god, Seto.
Don't miss other fabulous entries for the event in the #2024 kaijou summer tag!
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If there is something you don't want to see in fanfic on AO3, this box is your friend:
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How to use it under the cut
This box is found as a side bar next to the fanfic listings. It's a grey side bar that has 'sort and filter' written at the top. First you will see a list like the one above for including specific items (items you want to see) in your search and below that there is the exclude (items you don't want to see) option.
What do you find in each drop down menu? Ratings: Here you'll find a list of each of the ratings (gen, teen and up, mature, explicit, not rated). Warnings: Here you will find the different archive warnings (e.g. major character death). Categories: Here you'll find check boxes for the different relationship categories (m/m, f/f, f/m, gen, etc) Fandoms: If it's a large fandom with multiple works and media types they may be separated out here. E.g. within the wider 'Tolkien' fandom The Lord of the Rings books and films have different tags, as do the other books, films and the new show. Characters: Here you'll find a list of the most popular characters by number of tags. (More below on if the character you want rid of isn't in this list.) Relationships: Similar to characters, here you'll find a few of the most popular ships. (More below on if the ship you want rid of isn't in this list.) Additional tags: Here you'll find a list of popular tags you might want to exclude, e.g. hurt/comfort, romance, humour, enemies to lovers, fluff etc. etc. (More below on if the tag you want rid of isn't in this list.)
Using the filters You can open any of these drops down menus and tick off what you want to remove from the search results. As an example, here I've opened the Ratings drop down:
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All I need to do is select the box next to the ones I don't want to read, like in the below image:
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Now that those are selected, just click the sort and filter button (found at the top and bottom of this side bar) and there we go! No mature, explicit or unrated fics in our search results! And as I said, any of the other drop downs work the same way.
What if the character/ship/tag I want to exclude isn't on the list? If you are looking to exclude something that isn't included in the drop down menus you can use the 'other tags to exclude' field below the drop downs.
For example, the characters drop down lists a couple of the top most popular ones, by number of tags. But what if I want to exclude someone else? Just type their name into the field. The character's own tag, plus other tags they appear in, will come up as suggestions. Either leave it at what you've typed yourself and hit enter or select one of the suggestions. You're not limited to one excluded tag:
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Use both the include and exclude options together to really tailor what comes up in your search results.
There's also options relating to fic length, completion status and crossovers below the exclude criteria, under 'more options'. Again these work as drop downs:
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And there are more advanced filtering options using special character operations and all that jazz and you can search within your current search results. I've not included it here because most of the time I see people complain about not wanting to see x,y and z on AO3 their problem could be solved by simply checking a few buttons in a drop down.
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qprstobin · 1 year
It's interesting to me that the fandom looks at the "Steve Harrington isn't an asshole after all" line and 1) lords it as the first time Steve's gotten a compliment from a friend on screen and 2) that it's about Steve's growth as a character. Like I'm a Steve girlie don't get me wrong, that man is my pride and joy, but that line/exchange was very much about Eddie.
There's a whole layer of Eddie's story that fandom seems to love to ignore, in that the whole season he is grappling with the fact that the way he viewed the world (based largely on stereotypes and his viewpoint being the correct amount of nonconforming) is wrong. That's what the Munson Doctrine is all about. That preps act a certain way, that band geeks act a certain way, and that jocks act a certain way.
And he is finding out that this is wrong! That these people he judged as shallow his whole high school career and beyond are not actually as shallow as they appear! First it was Chrissy, then it was Steve and Nancy and even Robin!
And this isn't an insult lobbed at Eddie that he's uniquely ignorant lol. This is something all the teens (minus Argyle rip) go through when they get introduced to the Upside Down. Jonathan literally calls Nancy shallow and fake while defending the creep shots. Robin of course has her own "Mr. Cool Mr. Funny" speech about Steve in s3 and then later calls Nancy a priss. Nancy's is probably the most obvious because, yaknow, Barb
Like a key theme to the teens' Upside Down introduction arcs is that not only is their physical world being flipped on its head, but also that the petty shit that seems important isn't actually that important when your life is being threatened. Being introduced to the Upside Down very much also removes them from the main stream of high school life, and so even when they return to school they are not focused on the same social BS that they are before.
It really is nothing about Steve or Steve "changing". They don't know each other lol, I doubt either of them have given each other much thought before the kids joined Hellfire. But Eddie believed the world worked a certain way, and very much judged people for what their interests were and whether he considered them to be "conforming" or not. (Which, wasn't just about being a jock lol, he calls out the band kids and science kids before he even gets to the jocks and the partiers.) The Upside Down experience makes him realize that he is fitting people into boxes in the same way that he was protesting against.
It's actually really fun character growth, and a fun parallel I think to the other characters but especially s1 Steve. I really like it a lot and wish that fandom included it more in fics. It's wild to me that this aspect of Eddie's journey has just been completely dropped.
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flashfuture · 7 months
Jason Todd as Robin ... the first time
[I previously addressed how before the original Crisis Jason Todd was introduced to the world.] The world being Earth One and this Jason Todd is much different to the Jason of New Earth who smacked Batman with a tire iron. He has red hair
But this is the tale of how Jason was awarded the title of Robin the first time around.
It begins with Dick Grayson. Wally West has just quit the Titans because he's losing his powers. And Dick has an announcement of his own.
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(New Teen Titans vol 1 #39)
Dick has been Robin since he was 8 years old but he can't be Batman's kid partner forever. "Costume, you and I have gone through a Lot together. Sure hope your new wearer doesn't abuse you as much as I did." He already has a successor picked out of course
But Bruce is maybe not so on board not at first.
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(Batman #363)
Jason is rather peeved he isn't allowed to do anything in this new place he's been put and reminds Alfred he can just go back to the circus
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(Batman #363)
Still Jason sneaks out to assist Bruce with his Batmaning which is Not appreciated. Bruce realizing that maybe the orphan he took in at eight shouldn't have been fighting crime and trying to stop his new child actually makes So So much more sense than fired an adult Dick Grayson to protect him and then hired a twelve year old to replace him
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(Batman #363)
Anyways Jason is pissed and makes a break for it back to the circus. "... Not every conversation with a clown in funny." hilarious narration and excellent unintentional foreshadowing
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(Detective Comics #530)
Bruce realizes Jason ran away and is like 'Let's go get him back before the police realize we are almost kind of holding a child hostage. And by we I mean you Alfred okay bye.'
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(Detective Comics #531)
Then after a fight that was with some lions and other evil villains this circus has a rough time. Bruce agrees Jason can have a chance at being his partner.
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(Batman #366)
Jason is bored waiting around for Batman partner training and goes and fucks around in Dick's room.
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(Batman #366)
What he found was evidently one of Dick's costumes and hair dye? So to note Jason dyed his own hair black just to prove himself nobody made him.
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(Batman #366)
Anyways SUPER important because I'm so Mad they changed this and the fandom gets in a tizzy about it to this day. But Bruce was pissed Jason dressed up as Robin. "But at the very first opportunity, you will remove that costume. You had no right to wear it in the first place. Becoming my new parter is one thing...stealing someone else's very identity is another-- and one I won't allow." Bruce was incredibly protective of Dick's claim to Robin.
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(Batman #367)
Just want to say Jason's first suggestion of an alternative sidekick name was "Ishmael"
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(Batman #368)
Jason is listing out other names he could be called and Bruce doesn't like any of them.
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(Batman #368)
But here comes Dick Grayson and he comes bearing gifts.
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(Batman #368)
He has a suit and a name for Jason Todd to use happy to give permission while also pleased with Bruce's protectiveness.
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(Batman #368)
Like this meant a whole lot to Bruce and Dick as well as Jason. Dick was nearly crying from Bruce's sincerity and gratefulness.
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(Batman #368)
And now it's time for Dick Grayson to take his leave.
"So long, Robin. Be great."
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
In Need Of Help
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Summary: Whilst visitng your parents for the holidays you find a present your roommate gave you, a buttplug. Unfortunately for you it gets stuck and there’s only one person you can ask for help; your parents next door neighbour and your dads best friend; August Walker
Pairing: Dads Best Friend August Walker x Female Reader (Slight age difference approx 8 years)
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Mission Impossible: Fallout.
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Age Gap Relationship, Sex Toys, Butt Plug, Butt Plug getting stuck, fingering, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Unprotected Sex, Creampie
Wordcount: 3333
Here is my masterlist and AO3
 I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
In Need Of Help
This is not the predicament you had been expecting to find yourself in when you’d made plans to spend Christmas with your parents in the suburbs. The worst thing you could have imagined happening would have been your much younger siblings causing bruises as they excitedly climbed on you - their big sister - instead you found yourself with your phone in your hand, scrolling through your contacts from high school to figure out who you could call as this was a problem you couldn’t fix on your own and was certainly not one you could ask your parents with.
When your best friend handed you your Christmas gift before you’d left, she had a shit eating grin on her face and simply said ‘don’t open it in front of your family’. It was only when you’d been sorting through your bag towards the end of your stay you’d found the forgotten gift and unwrapped it, almost dropping it when you saw the silver plug shining in the discrete velvet box, a small package of lube tucked in next to it. A note in your friend’s handwriting was tucked into the lid; ‘you need to open your horizons’. 
“Yeah, we’ll I've got to open my asshole first it would seem” you muttered to yourself, your thoughts interrupted by your Mom as she called up to you.
“We’re going now, enjoy the peace and quiet!”
That had been an hour ago, and now as your parents had taken your younger siblings to their post Christmas gymnastics lesson you’d stayed home, and after a restless half hour of attempting to read or enjoy your other seasonal gifts, you’d found yourself in your bedroom with the plug. You were horny. The walls of your parents' home were thin, so you hadn’t had a chance to use the small vibrator you’d optimistically packed, and had settled down with your kindle and some of the spicy titles you’d downloaded. A brief moment of misplaced confidence and that was how you found yourself in your predicament; the plug was stuck. 
At first you’d enjoyed the sensation, having gone slowly with a small amount of lube, but you’d shifted on the bed to get more comfortable but it’d had the opposite effect. Deciding it was time to remove it you’d stretched, twisted and tried, but no matter what you attempted your ass was not giving up its new decoration. 
So this is where you were, in need of help. Shutting your phone down you sighed, not a single one of your local contacts was someone who you’d feel comfortable approaching with such a matter, those that had stayed in town seemed the most vanilla type of people possible. You couldn’t even call your best friend as you knew she was on duty as a flight attendant, probably somewhere 40,000ft in the air right at this moment. Standing in your room you glanced out of the window and a thought came to you. Chewing on your lip you considered your options, before pulling your woollen socks further up your legs so your knitted dress covered the tops of them, sliding on your boots and making your way out of the house.
Your parents had conceived you early, whilst they were in high school, and against the odds had made a teen pregnancy work. Married fresh out of high school they had taken turns to go to local community college whilst raising a small child, only expanding their family once you headed off to college, and now you had twin sisters who were almost a generation younger than you. It also meant that the ages of your friends and the ages of your parents' friends would intersect in the middle. One friend in particular of your parents was their next door neighbour, August Walker. 
Mr Walker, or August as he’d insisted you’d call him, was smack bang in the middle of the age bracket between you and your parents, and although your father’s friend, he was known to throw a wink at you now and again when your parents weren’t looking. When you’d visited for 4th of July you’d be bending over in a short sundress to unload the dishwasher, when you’d turned around and saw him paused at the door to the kitchen. A smirk and a wink, he’d started to approach you when your Dad had called out to you, and with another wink he’d discretely adjusted himself before disappearing back to the party.
As you crossed the short path between houses you did your best not to slip over on the snow, the last thing you needed to happen was to fall on your ass, especially considering your current ass-based issue.
When he opened the door he briefly looked surprised, before a small smile crossed his face;
“Hi, what can I do for you?”
Shivering on the doorstep you hugged yourself tightly, your shivering more from nerves than the cold;
“Umm… can I come in, please?”
Ten minutes later you were stood beside the sleek marble kitchen island, August pushing a strong drink across the counter for you to take;
Rather than staying on the opposite side of the island, August circled around with his glass of whiskey before he stood in front of you. Placing his glass on the counter he rested both of his hands on your upper arms, softly rubbing as he spoke;
“Thank you for coming to me with this. You’re a beautiful girl and i wouldn’t want anything to happen to you”
“August, I’m not a girl, I’m 25” you corrected, slightly annoyed that he called you a girl; “And currently have a buttplug stuck in my ass”
“And we’ll get that sorted. Lots of first times can be embarrassing or tricky”
“It’s not my ‘first time’, i’ve fucked before”
He hooked his finger beneath your chin, guiding your head slightly so you could meet his intense gaze;
“I don’t doubt that, I meant the first time with something in your ass” he said with a slight chuckle.
“So umm… how are we… Are you going to do this? Should I just bend over or…?”
Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you to his chest and pressed a kiss to the top of your head;
“Oh Princess, no. No we’re not. You need to relax, as you’re no doubt wound so tight right about now that nothing is gonna go in or out of that ass”
You let out a sigh, inhaling his aftershave as your face was pressed to his chest, the soft knit shirt warm and comforting. After a few moments you pushed back and looked August in the face, for the first time noticing how his left eye had a little patch of brown in the iris among the icy blue. You were lost in your own mind when you realised he’d been saying something;
“I’m sorry, what did you say?”
“I said, let's get started”
He slipped his hand into yours but you didn’t make a move;
“How are we going to do this?”
He sighed before stepping back towards you;
“Believe it or not Princess, this isn’t my first rodeo with a lovely young lady being a little over confident with their butt. First and foremost you need to relax, and i don’t mean mentally, i mean physically. You need to relax all your pelvic muscles…”
“And the easiest way to do that is arousal”
You paused, taking in the reality of what you were about to do
“I see. And you’ll…”
“Help. In any way you need me to”
August had led you through his house to his bedroom which was exactly as you’d been expecting; simple dark tones, dark bedding, low lighting. The windows overlooked the wooded shore of the lake, the opposite direction from your parents house. The sense of privacy was comforting, and yet as August shut the door you felt a sense that you were way out of your depth. Crossing the room he stood in front of you, again resting his palms on your upper arms;
“So, what would you like?”
Taking a deep breath you could feel your voice waiver a little;
“I want you to take charge please, August”
He let out an appreciative hum before hooking his knuckle beneath your chin to turn your face to him before kissing you. What started as a small gentle touch of his lips soon developed into more, and before long your arms were around his shoulders as his tongue pushed into your mouth, tasting you as you were pliable in his grasp. He slowly pulled at your sweater dress until it was at your chest, breaking the kiss;
“Lift your arms Princess”
Doing as he told you, he lifted the garment all the way off, taking a moment to appreciate the way your bra cupped your breasts.His gaze travelled further down and smiled at the Christmas print cotton thong;
“Mmm, turn around” he instructed, his voice low
Slowly turning, your socks smooth on the thick pile carpet of his bedroom, when your ass was facing him he rested a hand on your shoulder;
“Hands on the bed”
Leaning forwards a little you set your palms onto the black comforter that was neatly folded on the high bed. You felt as he held your buttocks in his massive hands, warming the skin with his palms before pulling your cheeks apart a little and letting out a long slow breath;
“Now that is one of the prettiest sights i’ve seen”
You let out a small squeak as his hand slid between your legs, his thumb barely grazing against the plug as his fingers worked between your folds, grunting as he found you already soaked. Tenderly his fingers explored your folds, his other hand wrapping around your torso and pulled you up to stand, cupping your chin to turn your head so he could kiss you as his fingers worked between your thighs.
As his fingers pushed further you broke the kiss, panting out as you instinctively rose up onto your toes, your back supported against August’s chest.
“Such a good girl, so wet and tight, your pussy is begging for another finger, isn’t it?”
“Yes August, please”
With another low hum of appreciation he shifted his hand to allow a second finger slide into your eager hole, his breath hot on your face as he worked your body until you were rocking against his hand, eager for release. Your sighs and moans were an easy indication that you were close.
“It’s time to cum Princess, cum for me”
Your mouth fell into a silent O as you came, your hands clinging to August’s strong forearm that sat across your torso, your body shaking as he held you tight and let you ride out your orgasm on his hand. 
Eventually he pulled his hand away, and as you turned slightly you watched as he sucked two fingers into his mouth, sucking your slick juices from them;
“Delicious. Now, on the bed, on your hands and knees”
He swatted a light slap on your ass, to which you let out a little yelp before you did as he asked, settling on the high bed, your ass towards him.
“Now, let's have a good look here” he muttered to himself, smoothing his palms over your cheeks to pull them apart and take a look at the prize between them. Hooking your thong panties to one side he tenderly ran his finger through your folds and up to your ass, around the jewelled flared base before grasping it and giving it a little tug.
“Hmm, still tightly in there. How much lube did you use?”
“Just… Just a little bit”
He sucked in air through his teeth;
“Tut tut tut, No, with anything butt related you use a ton of lube. Copious amounts, it needs to be wetter than a slip and slide in a thunderstorm. Stay there.”
You heard him moving around the room before quickly returning to you, his warm hand on your ass again, this time carefully pulling your panties down until they sat around your thighs. The soft click of a capped bottle broke the silence before you felt a cold drip of something viscous land on your ass near to the plug, soon followed by the warm touch of his finger spreading the lube around the base of the plug;
“We’ll need to work the lube in around your little decoration Princess. No no, I can feel you tensing up again, relax…”
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one with something stuck in your ass”
“How do you know I haven't?”
You whipped your head around in shock, only to be greeted with August’s now tell tale smirk. Narrowing your gaze you glared at him;
“Yup. Now get back into position”
He pressed a hand to your shoulder blades, pushing you down until your chest was resting on the comforter;
“Time to get you relaxed again”
With your vision now obscured you could only feel what he was doing, the soft furnishings muting his movements, so you were shocked when you felt something warm and wet slide through your folds, followed by the rough brush of facial hair against your labia;
“Oh oooh god”
August set off at a brisk pace, his tongue working against your cunt to the point you barely noticed his fingers working around the plug, only realising something was amiss when you felt the definite stretch of a finger sliding in alongside the plug. The movement was a foreign feeling, but as his tongue delved further into your soaked hole you started to enjoy the feeling, your moans and sighs increasing until you could feel the start of an orgasm building in the pit of your stomach;
“Please… please, so good, more… please August…”
He didn’t reply, one hand now firmly gripped on your hip whilst the other worked at the plug, his mouth all but buried in your pussy until you came with a cry of his name, shuddering as your body was rocked with a strong orgasm, cumming on his face until you slumped forwards and lay twitching on the soft covers of his bed.
As the world came back into focus you saw August moving at the foot of the bed, a soft cloth in his hand before he pressed it to your buttocks;
“Sorry, there was a bit more lube than we needed”
It took a couple of seconds to register, but when it did your eyes went wide and you stretched a hand to your ass, only to find the unwanted decoration now missing from its prison;
“You got the plug out!”
“Hmmm mmm” he hummed, looking down at you as your hands explored your naked below the waist body, running his own hand over the obscene bulge now in his pants. In a moment of confidence you moved forward, resting carefully on the edge of the bed before reaching a hand out to palm over the bulge alongside his own much larger hand;
“I should thank you for your help” you said coyly, looking up through your lashes as you moved to tug the zipper down. 
August cupped your chin;
“Do you think you can handle me? You ever been with an older man?”
“Dude, you’re seven years old, eight at most depending on what month”
He just smirked at your response, instead picking you up and softly tossing you on to his bed;
“Lets apart, I want to see that pussy”
You did as he asked as he stripped, and you were transfixed by his body. Thick with muscle his chest was covered in a thick layer of hair that ran down to his stomach and dick. Speaking of which he was rock hard and girthy, patterned with veins. You licked your lips as you watched him roll a condom down before climbing into the bed.
He kissed his way up your body before settling between your thighs, pressing a kiss to your lips before he suddenly turned the pair of you so you were on top and straddling his stomach;
“You’re gonna show me just how much of a big girl you are Princess, I’m gonna let you ride me, see how much of me you can take”
“You want me to…?! Oh god…”
Pushing yourself up on your knees you took a deep breath and looked down at the monster standing proud beneath you. Reaching out to hold it you positioned him at your entrance before pushing down, feeling him breach your body. Resting the palms of your hands on his stomach you shut your eyes and rocked up and down a little, easing your way a little further each time until you heard him grunt;
“Doing well Princess”
In a moment of bravery - or perhaps stupidity - you rose and then fell all the way, taking him as deep as you could. Both of you let out curse words as your bodies grew accustomed to the size and tightness, trembling as you urged your body to relax until you were confident enough to start rocking your hips just a little.
“You’re so big August…” you praised, riding him with your eyes closed so you could focus on the stretch and pull every time. 
He didn’t respond, and when you opened your eyes you saw his were wide open, jaw slack as he watched where your bodies were joined;
“Your cunt looks so perfect stretching around me. I know you’re struggling to take me, you can do it… ride me Princess”
With renewed vigour and confidence you rode him like he was a pony ride at your 10th birthday, grinding your hips down so your clit rubbed against the root of his shaft, bringing you closer to another orgasm. You felt his hand grip your thighs then hips, pulling you down to meet his upwards thrusts and you could tell he was getting close. You quickly moved your hand to your pussy, rubbing your clit;
“Cum for me August, let me feel you inside me. You needn’t have worn the condom, i’m on the pill and tested…”
He suddenly pushed you up, pulling the condom off and tossing it aside before pulling you straight back down again onto his cock. The groan you both let out as you felt skin on skin filled the room;
“Oh fuck, i’m gonna cum, your cunt feels too good”
Your orgasm surged through you as you felt August filling you with his creamy seed, pumping you full as you trembled around him.  As your throes of passion subsided you collapsed on his chest, sated and full.
“It was so good of you to show my girl how to stop that hacker getting into her phone” you Dad said, clapping a hand over August’s shoulder as he stood in your parents kitchen. 
After what had happened you’d had to think of an excuse as your parents had seen you crossing the snowy lawn to which you’d had to come up with something quick as an excuse. That was how you found yourself standing in your parents kitchen listen to August make up a very plausible scenario, whilst his cum slowly dripped down your inner thigh.
“Hey, did she tell you she got a paid internship?” your Dad’s question to August pulled you out of your daze.
“No, where is that then?” August asked animatedly
“Some big law firm in the city”
“Oh really?”
“Where was it sweetie?” your Dad pushed
“Syverson, Marshall & Walker Associates”
“Ohhh really…” August nodded, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth
Your Dad missed the expression on August’s face, wrapping his arm around your shoulders;
“Yup, my little girl is all grown up now, playing with the big boys”
August smiled;
“Sounds like a dream come true”
You were completely unaware of just who your bosses come Monday would be.
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sundrop-writes · 5 months
Official Taglist Rules
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aka things you need to know if you want to be tagged in my fics
I am officially starting taglists! So if you want to be tagged in future fics, make sure to read this post first.
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