#and she can be a little scratchy and hoarse at times
mydemonsdrivealimo · 10 months
so my new obsession is jensen and liyah doing covers of songs that end up gaining a lot of traction online and while i want them to do covers of songs that are completely their style i also need them doing covers of like,, the chain and shit
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augustinewrites · 1 year
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the dull throb resonating over your entire body is what eventually rouses you, slowly bringing you back into consciousness. your head feels like a sword’s been driven through it, leaving your mind muddled.
the first thing you see is satoru hunched over your bedside, his hand carefully clutching yours. you call his name, but your voice is hoarse and scratchy and barely above a whisper.
he hears you regardless, eyes wide and alert as he lifts his head. he looks tired, dark circles stamped under his eyes and an unusual stiffness in his movements.
“you’re…okay,” he says, strained. as if he can’t believe it. you hum in response - because it’s all you can manage at the moment - feeling your eyelids begin to droop your will. “get some more rest. i’ll call shoko.” 
the gentle brush of his lips against your forehead is the last thing you feel before drifting back to sleep.
you’re not sure how much time has passed when you come to. now, the room is illuminated by honeyed lamplight and you see shoko and satoru talking quietly at the foot of your bed. 
“glad to see you’re still with us,” your best friend smiles once she notices you’re awake. she moves to your side, leaning over you to pull back the thin blanket. there’s a swathe of bandages wrapped around your shoulder and a sling immobilizing your arm. 
“how do you feel?” satoru asks, that worried look still set in his expression. 
“i‘m fine,” you manage to answer, trying to blink the room into focus.
“you need to be more careful,” shoko tells you, peeling her gloves off and tossing them into the trash. the usual air indifference in her voice is gone, replaced with concern. “take satoru with you next time. not because i think you’re incapable of doing your job, but so he can do the corny, heroic thing and take the hit for you. god knows he could stand to be humbled every once in a while…” 
“thanks, shoko,” your boyfriend scoffs, but the way his hand grips yours tightly tells you he’d be more than willing to be your corny hero. 
you hate the way they look down at your prone form as shoko goes over your treatment plan. it makes you feel small and weak, and you are neither of those things. 
“can you help me sit up?”
“you shouldn’t be moving around–” 
your body burns with protest as you awkwardly push yourself up anyway, exhaling a pained hiss as gojo swears, reaching out to help steady your trembling torso as shoko shoves pillows behind your back. 
“i’m fine,” you argue, trying to ignore the throbbing behind your temples. you don’t remember exactly how you’d ended up in the school’s infirmary, just remember the way pain had exploded across your left side when you’d been hit.  
“you almost weren’t,” he says quietly. a deeply haunted look clouds his face as he recalls what must have happened after you’d been brought in, and you feel guilty for not being able to remember it. 
so you let him squeeze into bed next to you, let him carefully pull you into his chest and hold you until you feel the tension in his body dissipate. you know he needs this a little more than you do, know that the knowledge of you being okay isn’t enough. it won’t stop the fear and anxiety of losing you from gnawing on the edge of his sanity.
“i wanna give the flowers–”
“so you can take all the credit? i’m the one who bought them!”
your pained grimace easily turns to a smile when the door opens to reveal megumi and tsumiki, who are both gripping a bouquet of flowers. nanami follows them in, wearing the tired look of a man that’s never spent more than three hours dealing with moody preteens raised by gojo – until today.
your family spoils you over the next few days. the three of them falling asleep on the little couch in your room, tucked under gojo’s arms every night until you’re cleared to go home. even then, they don’t leave your side. tsumiki snuggles next to you to watch movies and bakes you little treats. megumi reads to you from the book you’d been going through together and listens to your favourite records with you after school. 
satoru posts himself by your side. you like having him around. like the gentle way he handles you when working through the stretches shoko prescribes. like watching the way his hands move he diligently slices wedges of fresh fruit. 
you like being the focus of his single-minded attention, but you know how restless he can get when he doesn’t go off to work. rightfully so, because the jujutsu world would probably fall apart without him.
“you can go if you want,” you say one day, when he gets off a phone call with yaga. “i’ll be okay for a few hours.” 
he doesn’t get up, instead beginning to peel a plump orange (you’d never noticed how nice his hands were until now). “no, nanami’s still covering for me.” 
“satoru,” you sigh, taking an orange slice from him. “there’s a lot going on, you have bigger fish to fry.”
“i’m not going anywhere,” he tells you firmly, looking like he’d physically fight the idea of leaving your side. “you’re my fish.”
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jinnie-ret · 6 months
cigarette duet
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poly!stray kids x ninth member!reader
genre: angst, fluff at the end
content warnings: smoking, mentions of rehab, mentions of recovery
word count: 3k
summary: you get hounded by your boyfriends after they catch you smoking. how will they react when you disappear and go off the radar?
requested: @ihrtlix
It has been a while since I've written! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to the requests for this event but I'm getting back into the swing of things! Hope you enjoy! Please don't take offense to any opinions presented in this imagine. Enjoy! And if you want to be tagged in anything I write please lemme know! <3
Perhaps you had smoked one too many cigarettes last night. Waking up the next morning after battling your stresses with the addictive feed of nicotine, your throat felt dry, hoarse, scratchy even.
"Baby, are you sure you're not sick?" Felix fussed, placing his hand delicately on your forehead to gain an idea of your temperature. "I mean, you don't feel hot, but maybe you're coming down with something?"
"I'm fine, love, just need some water," you kiss his hand that was pulling away from your face, offering a reassuring smile after clearing your throat.
And in your mind, that was enough. You didn't notice the little things that your boyfriends did however.
"Binnie, what are you doing? You look like a perv haha," Hyunjin giggled at the sight of Changbin rummaging through the laundry basket and sniffing your hoodie.
"Ssshhh, keep it down. And plus, it's not being pervy, people in relationships do it all the time. It's comforting smelling each other's clothing," Changbin righteously pointed out to his boyfriend, puffing his chest before adding, "well, normally it is..." he sighed.
"Woah that's mean, you can't say our girlfriend smells," Hyunjin pushed Changbin's shoulder, laughing again but with wide eyes this time round.
"No, no, you've got the wrong idea anyways. I think... I think Y/N's been smoking. I can smell it on her hoodie," Changbin sighed, tossing the white hoodie of yours back into the washing basket that was full to the brim. He was about to continue his spiel of conspiracies until he jumped when your arms wrapped around behind him.
"Aw, babe, are you doing the washing? Thank god for that, I was worried it would never get done," you squeezed him tightly once more before kissing him on the cheek and continuing your venture into the kitchen, Felix trailing behind you.
"I think she's getting sick, I'm gonna see if we have any meds in the cupboard, or some throat sweets at least," Felix pouted as he walked past his two boyfriends, Hyunjin ruffling his hair on the way.
Changbin threw a meaningful look at Hyunjin, alarms going off in his head because it only added more fuel to the blazing fire of thoughts in his head.
"Look, we don't know that she is smoking for sure. Maybe she's just been around some friends that are?" Hyunjin whispers hurriedly, yet this caught Seungmin's attention, and his ears too.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Seungmin casually stood between the two, grabbing laundry detergent and capsules from the cupboard to act natural yet because practical at the same time.
"I'll explain later, to all of you. I'm just a bit concerned," Changbin sighed, rubbing his hand across his face before actually making a start on the chore at hand.
It was an escape for you, much like it was for other people who smoked cigarettes. And plus, you hadn't been doing it for long. You thought what could the harm be when you didn't do it a lot? Plus, it was handy that none of your boyfriends batted an eyelid in the studio when you said you wanted to go outside for some air. In fact, it gave the opportunity for Changbin to lay out his thoughts to the rest of your boyfriends who hadn't yet heard his observations.
"Y/N... I don't think she'd do that, I can't picture it," Jeongin shook his head, shaking his hands in confusion because the picture being painted in front of them seemed very unlikely and it wasn't a nice one to think of.
"And she knows it's too risky. First of all we're idols. I hate to say it but we have to think about that first in situations like these. Even when we're drinking we've got to be careful. If you're right about this, Binnie, then..." Chan groaned, leaning back into his seat with a huff.
"But she did just go out 'for some air'," Han added on, brows furrowed as he thought what Changbin was saying was quite plausible.
"Ok. We'll go check then," Minho shrugged as he stood.
"What?" Felix too stood up.
"We can't sit here and keep worrying. Let's go check and see for ourselves. If we're wrong... And I hope we are... Then it's fine," Minho grabbed his phone and shoved it into his pocket, scanning around the room for his boyfriends' reactions.
"And if we're not wrong, then what?" Hyunjin voiced his concerns.
"Let's just hope we're not," Chan was first to walk out the door, the rest of Stray Kids following along after him like ducklings and their mother. Apart from this time it wasn't the cute, adorable scene you'd hope for, especially because they could smell the smoke and see your lax figure as soon as they rounded the corner to the back of the building.
"No. Y/N you've got to be kidding me!" Chan snatched the cigarette out of your hand and immediately stomped it out.
"Chan I-" you fumbled on your words, eyes wide as you had all eight of your lovers stood in front of you. And the way they looked at you made you stomach twist into knots you were sure you'd never felt.
Disappointment. Anger. Concern. Indifference.
"Let's talk about this inside," Changbin wrapped an arm around your shoulder as he spoke quietly to you.
Your heart was racing faster. They were going to think the worst. But you had a way out of this. It wasn't even that bad. Sure, over the past month maybe you'd have been spending more money on packs of cigarettes, yet on the inside you felt as if there were worse things you could be doing to yourself.
"Sit," Minho bluntly said, face unreadable, tone void of emotion.
And so you did.
"We'll just have a conversation about this, nice and calm, ok?" Felix nudged Chan in particular with his leg.
It seemed however that it wasn't a conversation, but more of an intervention. A heated one, at that.
"I can't be nice and calm, Lix! Our girlfriend is destroying her body, and for what?" Chan's voice rose ever so slightly, hands squeezing the arms of the chair he was tensely sat in.
"It's just a cigarette," you feebly replied. That backbone of yours was slowly wearing away the more and more anger you felt radiating off of your partners.
"Don't be ridiculous," Seungmin scoffed, "think of the damage it's doing. Think about your career."
"It's more than just the odd cigarette, right?" Changbin prodded, wanting answers to the millions of questions he had. After all, he was the first one to notice how you gradually stopped voicing your concerns to him but still sometimes had the habits that showed your anxiety.
"Well, yes, but-" you began but were cut off.
"No buts. That's... It's, you're hurting yourself, hurting your lungs. Why are you doing this, baby?" Jeongin took your hand in his, concern not the only thing glistening in his eyes, which broke your heart.
"It's just a nice distraction, that's all. It won't go on forever, I'll just stop when I want to," you shrug your shoulders, squeezing his hand to show you meant what you said.
"It's not that easy. Nicotine. It's addictive. You think you can just stop like that?" Hyunjin frowned, shaking his head.
"I know I can," you firmly said, urging them with your voice to trust you.
"I don't know what planet you're living on," Chan shook his head.
"Channie..." Felix bit his lip, feeling torn. On one hand he didn't want your boyfriend to be so tough with you, but he also disagreed with the choices you made, the ones you were making.
"No I'm sorry but Y/N, babe, you've made one of the stupidest choices you could make! Seungminnie is right, Jeongin too. It's damaging for your body, let alone your career. You keep this up, you're not going to be able to sing as well as before. And then it'll get to the point where you can't breathe as well anymore," Chan ranted, fiddling with the bracelets adorning his wrist as he didn't take his eyes away from yours, not once.
"I just told you it's not going to go that far!" your face contorted to one of disbelief.
"That's out of your control," Minho sternly redirected your attention to him.
"Wow. It's like you don't even trust me. I'm not some kid. I can make my own decisions. So what if I'm doing this for a little bit of stress relief? For a bit of fun. It helps me," your voice almost turns to pleading, wanting them to hear you out, hear your reasoning.
"It hurts you, baby. And when it hurts you, it hurts us as well," Han bit his lip after shakily speaking up. He didn't like this situation, not one bit.
"I'm not doing it to hurt you. I'd never do that," your voice wobbled, throat feeling as if it was closing up from the sob that was lodged down there.
"Too late. I mean just look," Chan emptied your handbag, empty packets of cigarettes and some not, falling out onto the floor of the studio.
"Y/N, that's a lot," Hyunjin gasped, clutching a hand on his chest.
"It's not. It's not that bad..." you denied as you knelt on the floor and tidied up the mess.
"You're in complete denial," Seungmin rolled his eyes.
"I'm not! I'm well aware of my actions thank you very much!" you shouted suddenly, causing everyone to freeze at the volume you had just reached.
The guilt set in. It was never meant to go this far. It was just meant to be for stress relief. Something to distract you from the aches and pains, physical and mental. It wasn't long until you'd be performing a special fanmeeting and relearning old choreographies and a cover had you feeling like you were being worked down to the bone. Even iconic dances like God's Menu were hard to remember, and you felt like you had no chance. No choice. It was like it fell into your lap so easily.
The first time you had stood outside to catch some air, it was for that genuine reason. And you weren't alone. You didn't know if the person worked at your company, if you knew them, whatever. But their hand offering you something that could bring you temporary bliss was a solution you were grateful for. Only now, you were seeing that it was short term.
"You need help. Seriously..." Chan spat, grabbing his backpack and storming out of the studio.
"Find a way to end this, Y/Nnie," Felix mumbled, stroking your hair gently before following Chan out with a rush.
"You're all just going to go?" your voice cracked. Were they leaving you now?
"We just need some time," Changbin sighed. And then he was gone too.
"You're leaving me?" you sniffled, standing up to face your boyfriends that were still in the room.
"Not like that, baby. We're just giving you time to think about how you can stop this, ok?" Han stroked your face as he made sure you knew this wasn't the end. And then he left too, Minho, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Jeongin leaving too.
All alone. Perhaps it was what you deserved. You relied on the cigarettes more than your boyfriends. And they were all you had left for the moment. That was when it sank in. You had to make a change. You had to stop this habit form taking over your life, from pushing away the people you love most, and from taking your life away.
"She's sorting herself out at least... that's got to be commendable."
"I guess so. Let's just hope it doesn't get out that a JYP idol is at rehab for smoking."
"It won't. And she's doing well from what I've heard..."
This was the only time Han was grateful for the staff gossiping. Immediately, he felt calmer. Considering the boys had spent the last few days blowing up your phone and worrying where you went, it was an oddly relieving feeling hearing you were at rehab. They had tried asking JYP himself, asking the manager of the company where you were but all they said was that you were safe.
"I know where she is!" Han bursted through the apartment door, slamming it shut behind him as he panted out of breath.
"Woah, woah, ok, deep breaths, let's sit down," Chan, with the darkest circles around his eyes yet, gently sat Han down on the sofa. He felt awful. He thought he had driven you away from them all. From the group. From the relationship. And that had been eating him up inside. It was a wonder he could act so calm with the news of you going into rehab.
"Rehab? For smoking? I didn't even know that was a thing," Seungmin hummed in thought, his arms crossed.
"I didn't either, but I overheard the staff. They say she's doing well. It's a good thing, right?" Han's eyes stared through the souls of everyone gathered in the lounge, begging for some sort of confirmation that things would get better.
"I mean, at least we're a bit more in the know then our own fans about why our girlfriend is on hiatus," Changbin brushed his fluffy, dark hair out of his eye.
"Can't we go and see her?" Felix wondered, lifting his head up from where it rested on Minho's shoulder.
"We shouldn't," Minho quietly sighed.
"Why not?" Jeongin quickly turned to him, mouth parted in shock that he didn't want to see Y/N.
"No, he's right. She's gone there for a reason. To get better. It's what we all said to her, isn't it? We'll see her soon. And when we do... It'll all be better," Chan helped everyone see sense. He was right. You had listened to them. You went and got help and were solving the problem. If they suddenly ambushed you and got in the way of that... You'd be back to square one.
Today was the day, you were finally going back to the boys. You spent a good 3 weeks at rehab, and had been advised on some good coping mechanisms to take your mind off of smoking and how to create some healthier habits. You had shown good progress and it was deemed acceptable for you to leave and spend time back with your loved ones. And you couldn't lie, you were incredibly nervous. You had dropped a text without reading the spam that littered the groupchat, notifying your boyfriends what time you'd be returning, but after that you once again did not read anything else that was sent.
"Oh my baby, I've missed you so much," Han was the first one at the door, pressing kisses all over your face as he took you into his arms, holding you lightly.
"I've missed you too," you cried immediately, despite the weight off your shoulders.
"You're good now, right, darling?" Seungmin softly tugged you away from Han, both of his hands cupping your face whilst his thumbs wiped away your tears.
"I'm better," you nod through tears, Seungmin pressing a kiss to your head and giving space for your other boyfriends to soothe you and reunite with you. It had only been three weeks, yes, but 21 days had never felt so long.
"I'm proud of you, come here," Changbin scooped you into his arms and lifted you slightly, making you giggle before your feet touched the ground once more.
"Thank you... I'm sorry. I didn't realise what I had done... How far it went, you know?" you began, looking down at the floor as Hyunjin came and wrapped his arms around you from behind, his long arms securing you to him.
"We're just happy to see you here, honey, healthier," he whispered into your ear soothingly.
"And please talk to us in future. We had time to think after that, moment, and we know you were doing it as an escape. But we're here for you," Jeongin pecked you on the lips, your heads pressed against each other for a moment before he too moved away.
"Always, we're always here," Felix reiterated what Jeongin preached, and kisses you as well, noses rubbing against each other as he moved away, a cute expression on his face.
"Come here," Minho opened his arms, and you reluctantly left Hyunjin's arms only to be happy again in the warmth of your other boyfriend's embrace.
"Thank you for waiting, all of you," you swayed with him in his hug, until you pulled away and it was only Chan left.
He stood a few metres away, back to you, shoulders shaking ever so slightly.
"Channie... babe," you sighed, tugging his hand to turn him and face you. His words had hurt you the most but it was also a huge wake up call. "Please, look at me, I'm not mad. I'm so grateful."
"I was too harsh with you," he bit his lip, hard, not wanting to let any tears escape.
"I needed it. Look at me now, I'm here, I'm better, and I've got habits I can stick to instead. Ones that won't hurt me. And they won't hurt you guys either," you looked up at him, one hand running through the hair at the nape of his neck and the other cupping his face.
"I'm so glad you're back... We were worried... Lost without you," Chan admitted, staring up at the ceiling before kissing you deeply, expressing all the emotions he had held back whilst you were gone.
"It's all good now. Plus, you should all be proud of me-"
"We are proud of you, baby," Jeongin cut you off stroking your hair.
"Well, be even prouder because I know how to bake an amazing carrot cake if I say so myself," you laughed, sharing a new skill that had occupied your stress and been taught whilst you were away.
"You can bake with me now! Oh my gosh! It's a miracle!" Felix cheered, tugging you into the kitchen as the other boys chuckled from behind you both.
"I didn't think you meant this very second!"
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @kpopmenace143 @sakufilms @kailee08 @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky @his-angell @turtledove824 @2minstan @royal-shinigami @yangbbokari @skzoologist @crabrangoongirl25 @atinyniki @writingforstraykids @minholing @lilmisssona @astraysimp @lixie-phoria
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
cw for ; cheating like really bad cheating dskfsk, mind games, bisexual reader (its relevant!!!), emotional sadism, yandere in the most uncomfortable flavor, and sexuality fuckery.
readers gender is intentionally left neutral!!. @p00pdev1l tag for my beloved.
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You can feel yourself starting to cry again.
You have a headache. The noise of the izakaya is flooding out into the streets. Even with alcohol and cigarettes and other distractions, you can't help but feel like you're about to throw up. The dry-heave works itself up to your throat, and you smoke a little to shove it back down.
You were careful this time.
When you hear footsteps walk themselves next to you, and see nice black dress shoes from your gaze is downcast - you already know it's Suguru.
You feel yourself getting sick again. Your voice is hoarse, scratchy with pain and tears. You're unimaginably angry at him, and you're sure if you were a little drunker, you'd take your pocket knife to his throat.
But the words don't come. You're so frustrated you just ended up crying again, hiccuping. Something falls onto your shoulders, a jacket that smells like cologne.
That wakes you up, makes you turn your head to one side. Your heartbeat is hard and loud, and your anger is the only thing in your body. Your seething, all hard lines and rage.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
He shrugs. "It's cold. You'll get sick."
"Don't act like you give a single fuck about me, you psychopath."
His reaction to that is cold. Makes your blood run cold. "Call me whatever you want but don't say I don't care about you."
"Fuck off, Suguru," The feeling of his name is intimate in the same way knives are. Sharp against the roof of your mouth because of the smooth way the syllables slice. The familiarity of a cut. "Go inside and fuck off. Go be with..." Your words trail off.
"I'd rather be out here," He assures, then shrugs. He joins you in smoking, but you turn your gaze back to the pavement so you don't have to look. "She'll be fine without me."
There's a lot of things you don't understand about him. What you understand least though is this. How long has it gone on? How long did he plan on doing this?
The first time Getou stole the girl you loved from you, you're nearly too heartbroken to stay friends with him. It was your first real crush. A girl in the same year as you. You loved her. She smelled soft like roses and put her head in your lap. You managed to confess to her despite yourself at the end of your second-year.
She was your friend, still - even as she let you down gently. Told you that she had a boyfriend now. He was your friend, actually.
The first time it happened, you thought about cutting your ties with Getou. He didn't pretend to be apologetic to you, said she was cute and he liked her. He didn't say he was sorry.
Instead he said: "You shouldn't be with a girl who could get over you so easily." And leaves it at that.
You almost got physical with him, you remember. Gojo stopped you.
Over the years, the incident becomes pattern enough to recognize. The first is a mistake, the second a frustrating coincidence. The third time it happens you do get into an altercation. Each time Getou confronts you he says the same thing. That if a girl really loved you, she wouldn't been with him so easily. If a girl really loved you, she shouldn't have been so easy for him to persuade.
You think abut killing him. It's so frustrating, so humiliating, so painful it nearly puts you in therapy. The fourth time in happens, you try to cut him off but you can't. Your lives are so tied together you can't avoid seeing him and for whatever reason he can't leave you alone.
When there's no one you're interested in, he's your friend after all. That's the strangest part. The part that makes the least sense, that he acts like your fucking friend when he does that to you but he does it again and again and again. It hurt less when it was just puppy crushes. Eventually you grew numb to it. Gave up on love for a while.
When you meet Mikoto, you don't make the mistake of showing your interest. You especially don't show it around Getou. On the job, a sorcerer from a branch in the Nara prefecture who's recently moved. A nice woman with black hair and soft eyes, you seek her friendship first and don't let yourself indulge in anything more.
You don't dote on her more than friends. You don't show your feelings off. You don't tell anyone, not even Gojo whom you tell everything, or Shoko - who you tell when you don't want Getou finding out. You bury the feeling of love in yourself and hope they die there. You hope she ends up with anyone but you, or you in some miracle.
You fall in love with her because it's who you are. Getou shows up with her at your gathering the minute you begin to accept it.
If he doesn't hate you, it must be something much stronger. Disgust or pure disdain. Something stronger than hate must drive him to do this so perpetually.
It's not even something you can tell anyone. What do you tell girls before you go out with them? What do you say to people when they ask why you and him act so odd?
There's nothing to say. Nothing to explain. It's so fucked up that you wouldn't even know where to begin.
Your voice is trembling as you take another drag of your cigarette. "How did you know?"
He laughs a little. "You make it obvious."
"Why do you keep doing this to me...?" You ask, defeated. Broken, maybe. "....I really loved her."
Getou shrugs again. You can tell even if you don't see it. "She was the same as the rest of them. I'm doing you a favor."
"Do you even like her?"
He takes a drag of his cigarette and looks at you a little longer than you expct. "So-so."
"I hate you," You give up on everything else, letting your cigarette fall to the ground. Your voice is shot. "You're fucking horrible. Just leave me alone. Please, please just leave me alone."
There's a minute of silence there. He stamps his own cigarette out and sighs. "You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
You break down in tears all over again.
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When you're in highschool, you date Satoru for a week.
Suguru remembers this. It's one of the only things about his highschool experience that feel standout. A defining moment of his youth, where the two of you try it just because everyone says you should and neither of you really like it. You end up being friends again, laughing it off after it happens.
But he hated it.
There was a pit in his stomach the entire week. Even though you barely dated, and only really held hands as a joke - Suguru hated it. You kissed Satoru too, you confessed. He was a decent kisser, but you didn't feel much.
It was a joke of a relationship. Still.
He remembers too, the first time you had your first real crush. Up until then, you'd really never thought of anyone else. There was no one for Suguru to care about. But he remembers exactly when it happened, and where - how the four of you were slacking off in the storage room, passing around Shoko's cigarette. He remembers the way you got embarrassed telling them about her. How you could barely keep the smile off of your face.
The first time Suguru steals someone from you, it's during highschool. It wasn't because he had really wanted her. He hated her. Hated how she smiled at you and hated how innocently she spoke. But when he stepped closer to her, she blushed.
It was to get her to fall for him. And that wouldn't do, he didn't think. How could you like someone with so little resolve? When she couldn't be even a little loyal to you?
He asked her out on a whim that time. But he saw how angry it made you. How your eyes were wet with tears and how much you hated him in that moment.
How much you thought of him. Have you ever before then? Considered him so much? Suguru didn't think so.
It becomes an obsession, Suguru can admit. It didn't really matter who it was, though it'd been mostly girls. Anyone you showed interest in. Anyone who caught your eye. Suguru got their first and you always, always looked so miserable about it. Like a puppy who can't get on a couch, he thinks.
He prefers when you've already been with them. He prefers knowing that your skin has touched theirs. The parts of you that linger in their life become Suguru's so wholly. When he can smell your scent and taste your cigarette smoke. It'd be better if it was you, but there was something gratifying in this.
In the roundabout ways of finding you. Of seeing pictures of you in their phone, or of tasting you. It's like being with you, even though it's never enough. Always wants to make him break you more.
He likes when they cheat on you with him. He likes when it's just after. They get some cheap thrill out of it. Suguru can entertain it even if it disgusts him.
It's the only way your shirts end up in his closet. The only way he can smell your new shampoo so deeply because you share it. They think that he must hate you. He's sure you think that too.
But that's not it. He couldn't hate you. All the people he's ever fucked, he's tried to find evidence of your intimacy with them. Kiss marks he didn't leave on their skin, clothes they don't own, music they wouldn't normally listen to. You would. They're all yours.
He'd ask about you to them. Often. Listen to the parts of yourself that you'd been trying to keep secret from him.
He'd take it all by force and discard them all afterwards. That was all he wanted. You were all he wanted.
He liked seeing you angry with him. Liked seeing you cry and weep. Liked that you couldn't go anywhere or love anyone without thoughts of him following you and haunting you.
Satoru thinks he should just ask you out already. Suguru doesn't think he's broken you down enough. You need it to hurt a little more. You need to think of him a little more until you can't love anyone else.
Suguru wants to see you hurt a little more. Until you're so broken you're really begging. When he brings her with him today, you react even worse than he could have hoped for it. He shivers a little thinking about it.
He's getting closer to really breaking you, he thinks.
He looks at you now as he puts out his cigarette, broken from his thoughts.
"You should come in. You'll catch a cold." You don't reply. He sighs again. "I'll buy you a drink."
Suguru turns around to leave after he says it. Goes back inside. Before the door of the izakaya closes again, he can hear the way you sob so desperately.
He smiles at that. Just a little.
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bartxnhood · 2 years
right here waiting | f.o
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finnic odair x fem!reader
summary: after the quarter quell you vanish, no sign, no trace. you left behind your boyfriend, finnick, who could just not wrap his head around your disappearance. what happened?
warnings: typical hunger games violence, blood, torture, strong language, descriptions of wounds.
a/n: this fic is a long time coming. i love finnick and is one of my favorite characters but i can never find the right storyline for his character. it’s also been a hot minute since i’ve watched the movies so if there are any inaccuracies just look away lmao. hopefully, i can continue to write for him. i hope you guys enjoy this one !! feedback is appreciated ! also since i haven’t written in a very long time this came out shorter than i wanted it too. sorry about that.
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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“run!!” your voice echoed, the dome was collapsing. “finnick, run!” you turned around, grabbing his wrist to pull you along. the arena was exploding as you tried your best to dodge the debris. katniss had used one of her arrows and shot the border of the arena causing it to collapse. now, all the victors began to spread out to take cover from the panels.
“holy shit, y/n, look out!!” finnick was ripped from your grasp as the ground below you rumbled and sent you falling.
"y/n!? “y/n!" you could hear someone calling your name in the distance, it was a panicked finnick searching the forest floor for your body. you opened your eyes trying to search for him but your vision was too blurry. everything was spinning. "finnick."
in seconds you were back on the ground and eyes falling back, slipping into unconsciousness.
it had been weeks since your disappearance, at first most people just assumed you had died that day in the arena. either by debris or the capital, but finnick knew that you were still out there somewhere.
for finnick, it was a nightmare. he barely left his room. every day that you stayed missing he slowly began to lose hope that he’d find you again. so, he began to mourn.
he was almost unrecognizable. finnick was letting himself go. he began to neglect his health, he refused to eat, he couldn’t sleep, and he was killing himself.
guilt heavy on his shoulders after losing you, even though the people around him had assured him that your disappearance wasn’t his fault. but finnick thought that had he held on to your hand just a little tighter you would’ve made it out.
katniss came to him one day, finding him lying on his bed staring at the ceiling like any other day. “this isn’t like you.” she stated. finnicks eyes found her, standing at the edge of his bed. the girl sighed, crossing her arms. “you’re killing yourself.” he shrugged. “what else am i supposed to do?” “fight for her?” “how?” katniss fell silent, she wasn’t sure how to proceed with the news she had just received. slowly, she moved to his side and sat down. “she’s alive.”
everything froze, he was sure he even stopped breathing. finnick sat up slowly so he could face katniss. “what?” “she’s in the capitol. with peeta.”
the bright fluorescent light of the hospital room burned your eyes, you brought your hand over your eyes to adjust to the light. once your eyes adjusted to the light you scanned your surroundings. you looked at your hand, you had an iv in, and you heard the faint beeping of the monitor next to you.
what happened? how did you get out? where were you? you barely remembered what happened in the capitol, it was all a blur. you began to panic, searching around the room wondering if you could get out.
the door opened, and you looked to your left and saw someone entering. “kat?” your voice was scratchy and hoarse. she now stood at your bedside holding your hand. she hummed, “hi, y/n/n”. “thank god” you breathed, tears welling in your eyes. “i thought id never see you again” katniss hushed your cries, wiping away the tears falling from your eyes. “shh, it’s okay. you’re okay” she smiled. caressing your cheek.
you had lost a lot of weight at this point, your face was sunken in. your body thinner than it had ever been, and you were beyond exhausted both physically and mentally. “oh, honey” she coaxed. you held onto her hand tightly, “there’s someone here who wants to see you.” she gently escaped from your grasp, walking to the exit.
"fin. you breathed, watching him enter the room. it felt like a dream you had wanted to see him for so long. it felt like an eternity. the one you loved so dearly, the one who has saved your life multiple times. "y/n" he walked over to your bedside. he was hesitant at first, but when you held your hand out for him he gained confidence.
"you're here." you weakly smiled, reaching for his hand. he found himself on the edge of your bed, holding you
“of course i am, sweets. where else would i be?" he chuckled softly, and you hummed. you brought your hand to his cheek. you examined his face and he placed his hands on yours. finnick studied you, making sure to soak in every detail.
"you'll never have to go through that again, y/n. i promise i'll do anything to keep you safe." he kissed the top of your head.
you smiled as he pulled back, and tears fell from your eyes again. "i know, fin" you said softly. "you look tired, love" he sighed. it had been such a long time since you'd been in his embrace, you missed everything about him. his jokes, snarky comments, his grin. he was your everything. "i am." you hummed, while he sat holding your hand. “rest, i’ll be right here when you wake up.”
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vixen7243 · 3 months
Undivided Attention: Like a Dream
TF141 X AFAB!Reader
Masterlist | Snake in the Garden | Team Bonding
Tag list 🖤: @jenniferpendragon @amyg1509
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CW: Some gruesome moment of pain (?)
Waking up to arms being wrapped tightly around you and snoring, drowning out the faint whisper of hushed tones you huffed slowly stretching your limbs and carefully turning so as to have a little more room. Lifting your head you looked down the length of the bed and saw Johnny and Simon re-removing their shirts before looking at you, Johnny giving you his cheeky smile, “Hey there bonnie.”
“Hi.” Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from sleep as you started sitting up twitching slightly at the strain on your back, “God.”
“Need a hand luv?” Reaching out and grabbing onto Simon’s outstretched hand you let him tug you up and to the foot of the bed. His other hand grabbing onto your waist to steady you as you gasped looking down at your thighs.
“Jesus.” Both men looked down, the sight of their mixed cum from the night now on your thighs, your bed still wet from you cumming had you blushing. “Don’t look.” Trying to use your free hand to cover yourself you stumbled off the bed till Johnny made his way to your side.
“No need to be embarrassed, Bonnie, only natural.” If he didn’t have such a charming smile and the look in his eyes didn’t make your knees weak and want to redo last night you’d push his face rolling your eyes.
“Why couldn’t you guys at least wipe me down?”
“Cause now we can share a shower.” Trying to not smile at Simon you walked into your bathroom, looking at your shower you were a little nervous on how this was even going to work, your shower was barely big enough to fit two people let alone two big ass guys and yourself. As you turned on the water and made sure it got to the perfect temperature Johnny and Simon stripped down before Johnny turned you around shocking you and picking you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, they squeezed in and Simon got to working lathering your washcloth with soap before washing your back, neck, arms, peeling them from around Johnny’s shoulders then your cunt. You were otherwise preoccupied with Johnny, who had connected his lips with yours kissing you tenderly and sweetly, his hands gripping your ass. He groaned as he could feel Simon’s hand in the washcloth bumping his cock and your hips moving whenever the cloth would graze your clit. 
As Simon hooked his arms under your knees Johnny guided you to lean back into Simon’s chest as he then took the washcloth from Simon and wiped down your legs and front as Simon held you and kissed along your neck and shoulders humming against your skin. 
As the three of you enjoyed a slow shower, tender touches, sweet kisses and lingering glances, John and Kyle went to their rooms to shower quickly after reading the note that Simon left on the desk for them. Meeting up together in the rec room they went to an abandoned training building on the edge of the base, “How the hell did she even get into our barracks?”
“Someone must have forgotten to lock the doors, we also weren’t really planning to take the route that we did.” John said, closing the doors behind himself and Kyle, “But thankfully our girl is more than understanding and loving enough to listen to us and give us a chance.” Eyes hardening as he glanced at the tied up and duct taped Angie, she looked frantically between the two men, tears cascading down her cheeks, one black eye, nose bleeding, and a knife stuck in her thigh.
“Wouldn’t have had the mess if this slag listened in the first place.” Her muffled whining as she tried to thrash and shake her head, “What?”
Ripping the tape from her mouth, she cried out before huffing, “Please, I won’t say anything just let me go! I don’t deserve this! I didn’t do anything!!”
“You made our girl question her standing with us. Made her question our love and loyalty to her. You overstepped time and time again with us when we’ve always told you not to touch us and to respect our boundaries. You’ve made shitty jabs and comments about her. Because of you, we almost lost her.” John leaned close to her face as she looked horrified back at him, “You deserve everything that’s coming your way and then some.”
“Bonnie said she was going to be busy in the clinic for a bit but she’ll meet up with us at the jeeps so we can get lunch later.” Johnny and Simon walked in, Simon glaring at Angie who screamed at the top of her lungs when she saw the door open, hoping, praying that someone heard her.
A loud slap shut her up as John used every ounce of his strength to strike his hand across her cheek when she screamed. “We can’t be too long, we still will have to dispose of her and you’ll need to write up that she’d gone AWOL.” Simon said, arms crossed tightly over his chest as she looked shocked at all of them.
“You’re seriously going to kill me because of her?” New tears started falling as everything was settling in that she was truly going to die. “Why can’t you just transfer me? I swear I won’t tell anyone what you guys ha- AAAAAAAAH!” Johnny had twisted the knife that was in her leg before ripping it out of her leg at an angle widening the slit before stabbing her knee and twisting, digging in and through.
John grabbed a fist full of her hair and yanked back, she looked up at him, fear imprinted into her features, “If you were even close to lucky enough for us to consider of transferring you we know your loud mouth would spill everything before you even settling in where you would get dumped off at.”
“No point in us wasting our time tracking you down and finishing what we’ve started at a later date.” Kyle said, voice flat and void, uncharacteristically. 
You happily sat between Kyle and Johnny, fingers laced with Kyle as his thumb ran over your knuckles looking at him smiling sweetly as he kissed your hand. Lunch was bliss as Kyle sat by you the whole time trying to keep all your attention on him using his charm to his full ability feeling proud whenever you would blush and try to hide your face in Simon’s shoulder. The day ended on a wonderful note, due to mostly that you did see even a glance of Angie all day. As the days went by, you grew more and more comfortable with them all again, everything going back to how they once were. 
John even let you come on missions again, of course you were to be glued to someone's side at all times and you didn’t fight on it, following orders to the letter pride and happiness making you shine when John would praise you for doing as you were told. They also dedicated every Sunday to you, all attention was on you, they catered to your every wish and command, praise and love poured into you the moment you wake up till the moment you fall asleep. Of course if for any reason during the week that they picked up on something being wrong with you they dropped everything to listen and take care of you. They always checked in with you before you had a chance to check in with them. You all even talked about your relationship when at home, the one that was mostly farther than the rest was Johnny, but you all agreed that after your next deployment depending on how things went with your comfortability this time home they were looking for a home that was big enough for all of them to live together.
Of course everything went smoothly and a month before they were due to go home they all were looking up houses, Johnny did ask if they could find something close enough to his family which everyone was fine with. In no time they bought a house, listed it under your name and everything else, the guys refused to let you use a dime in purchasing the place and claimed they were going to give you everything you need and let your money be for spoiling yourself instead. Meeting Johnny’s family was nerve wracking but they accepted you instantly and didn’t question the broad relationship you had with everyone and were just happy that Johnny was happy and that you loved him. Kyle’s family was invited to visit you guys to meet you due to the fact that they were more spread out and weren’t local like Johnny’s family and they also embraced you and the guys. John’s family was more questionable on the relationship but John had your back through and through when they would try to poke and prod you, whispering behind your back. Through every family meeting, Simon stuck close to you like he was your shadow, his hand always somewhere on you, he had told you long ago of his lack of family and you knew it was hard on him. You always leaned close into him when his fingers would tighten into you a little more when things would get to be a little much for him. He felt his heart swell every time you would check in with him, asking if he was okay, needed a break, fresh air, or if he would want to go home or send everyone away.
When you got pregnant you didn’t hesitate to put in for early retirement which John understood and gratefully signed. You all lived out your days happily, building your own family, living your dream life, after another 3 years John retired relishing in being a father, Johnny and Kyle retired around the same time finding little jobs in town to keep themselves busy. Simon stayed enlisted the longest, until he came home early one night, phone a few weeks prior broken and unable to stay in contact heard you bawling your eyes out, the guys trying to comfort you and reassure you that he should be okay. His heart shattered when you voiced your worries that he could be dead and no one was telling them anything, that his daughter won’t have her father. Walking in and holding you that night he decided enough was enough and that you guys needed him more and that you all were enough for him to stay home.
All in all, you never stopped doting on your men, even when your kids were born, you learned early on that you had more than enough love and heart to give, and what you felt you lacked, the guys always reassured and filled for you. They never stopped their tradition of Sunday’s being about you, teaching their sons and daughters it as well, you never again felt unappreciated, they always took the best care of you and life became like a dream.
Yaaay! Pretty. Happy. Sweet. Loving. Just right. Hope ya'll enjoyed.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 5 months
Gaming - "Beautiful Adeptus, Sky Weaver"
In which the Traveler and Paimon unknowingly come across a mysterious adeptus by the name of Sky Weaver while the two are exploring near the sparsely populated cliffsides of Mt. Mingyuan. Or; In which the long-forgotten tale of the adeptus Sky Weaver is uncovered by Aether from the lips of the various Adepti of the Nation of Liyue and the people who know them.
Prologue | Part 1 | (1.5) | Part 2 | (2.5) | Part 3 | (3.5) | Part 4 | (4.5) | Part 5 | (5.5) | Part 6 | (6.5) | Epilog | Extra 1 | Extra 2
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The silhouette of Yilong Wharf draws nearer and becomes larger with each step taken toward it; the distant view is rendered unfocused by the uneven terrain being traversed. The sleepy sun is drooping down behind the teal hills to the west, bathing the sky in an ethereal medley of pinks, yellows, and reds. The afternoon today seems to hold an air of melancholy that wasn't present in the last, yet it still has enough beauty to overshadow that faint sadness.
Aether sighs for what could've been the hundredth time today; his mind playing the memory of the events on Mt. Mingyuan on a loop. He did regret leaving the mountain, even if it was on request out of concern for his and Paimon's safety. There were so many questions he wanted to ask them, the possibility of also gaining more information about Lumine meant that most of them were about her. Yet there was also the mystery of Chenyu Vale's skies that he longed to uncover; the curiosity that it stirred in him tumbled about in his mind.
‘But… that's not too important right now…’  
The golden blonde thought as he gazed down at the snoozing fairy-like girl in his arms with soft eyes, gently moving a lock of white hair from her face.
“Don't worry, Paimon, I'll make sure to cook you something extra delicious once we get back to the Inn. I shouldn't have scared you like that.”  
Aether mutters to her as he strokes her head.
The small girl peels her eyes open just a bit and smiles sleepily at her traveling companion; her eyes are all red and puffy with dried tears in the corners of her eyes. 
“Hehe… Paimon will make sure… to hold you to that, so make sure you keep your promise, okay?”  
She whispers between yawns in her hoarse and scratchy voice; a little fist going up to rub at her eyes as the other takes a handful of his shirt.
The golden blonde only nodded and chuckled softly at her cute mannerisms, the display reminding him of a small child. He watched as she made futile attempts to fight sleep; eyes drooping and head bobbing to the side. The soft smile on his face only softened further as he took the initiative and began to gently rock her back and forth. Paimon seemingly finally relents and falls into slumber; her little hand still holding onto his shirt.
Aether sighs once again, somehow traveling with Paimon has made him miss his sister even more with each passing day. Instead of being the younger sibling, he feels like the older one. He'd always wanted a younger sibling, to be looked up to and relied on, to be sought out for protection or advice. Somedays, he wonders if Lumine is relieved now that he's not tagging along with her everywhere; since he fished the small girl out of the water on the beach under Starnatch Cliff, the golden blonde has learned how much responsibility is required to take care of someone younger than you.
The familiar sight of charcoal gray shingled white walls closes in as the golden-eyed boy approaches the side entrance of the wharf. He can already see the adeptea filled shallow baskets that were sat out to dry in the hot sun a couple days before. The children that usually wandered about and played had long retired back to their homes and into their beds at this time of day.
The setting sun, now just barely peeking over the rolling hills in the distance, has blanketed the landscape in a warm peach film. 
Hopefully, tomorrow will be far more productive.
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It had been a few days since the incident at Mt. Mingyuan and Aether had thought it best to begin making their way back towards Liyue Harbor. At the moment he and Paimon were behind Mt. Lingmeng on the side opposite to river Jademouth; about halfway to Qioaying Village. The two were now enjoying some of the golden-eyed traveler's cooking as they relaxed after the days of walking that they had endured.
In the peaceful atmosphere, the only noises were the rhythmic sloshing of the river beside them, the bubbling of the water cooking pot, and the crackling of the fire beneath it, Paimon's munching, and—
“Oh! Hey Traveler!” 
A familiar voice called out to the golden blonde and broke him from his observation; the figures of a certain aspiring wushu dancer and his suanni companion coming into view.
Aether smiled, it had been a while since the two had last seen each other. Gaming's refreshing grin never failed to put the otherworldly blonde at ease when he was stressed; not to mention he always carries around that delicious winter melon cake.
Paimon grins as she floats off the chair that she was sitting on previously; overenthusiastically waving to the ochre-eyed boy and Man Chai. A chunk of chicken on the skewer that the girl was violently waving around flew and landed on the ground, making her whine and pout. The golden blonde chuckles at her as he pulls more food out of the cooking pot that he was kneeled over.
“I hope I'm not interrupting you both. I saw you from the road and thought I'd say hi!” 
The red-brunette goods transporter chirped kindly as he approached the small camp that the traveling pair had set up just off to the side of the nearby dirt road.
Aether only shakes his head in response and offers the other boy a few skewers; piercing steaming and fragrant chunks of chicken and mushrooms onto a few more of the still bare sharp ended sticks. Gaming thanks him and grabs a few, though the golden blonde suspected that it wasn't out of hunger but to be polite.
The four of them –well, three, since Man Chai can't really talk– caught each other up on what they had been up to while the other was away. In the midst of it all, however, a certain otherworldly boy had an epiphany. Didn't Gaming know Cloud Retainer? If he knew her, he might also know that mysterious adeptus that was on the mountain! Although it might be a small stretch, it was worth a try at the very least.
“Hey, Gaming. Do you know of any adepti that live on Mt. Mingyuan or like to visit it often?” 
The golden-eyed traveler eagerly inquired during a moment of comfortable silence between the trio.
Aether's sudden question had brought an expression of deep thought to the red-brunette's face; the boy's brow and nose crinkling as he contorted his face in contemplation. It was truly a cute display, though Paimon and the golden blonde wouldn't dare to say it out loud just in case they embarrassed the other.
Tapping his chin, the ochre-eyed boy glances to the side as if he had found an answer, but was unsure if it was the correct one. But, he nodded to himself with resolve before turning his gaze back to the long haired boy.
“I think I know who you're talking about. I don't know his name since he never told me, but he let me give him a nickname instead. Uncle Měilì is what I call him.” 
Gaming replies, yet his answer only seems to raise even more questions.
“Uncle Měilì? Why did you call him uncle? Ah! Are you half adeptus!? Hey! How could you hide that from Paimon!?” 
Paimon exclaims, spewing questions while placing a hand on her chest and giving Sword & Strongbox goods transporter a scandalized look; leftover food scraps still clinging to the corners of her mouth.
The ochre-eyed boy chuckles in a bashful way as a cartoon sweatdrop falls down the side of his head in a slow and comical fashion. Scratching the back of his head; he looked away in embarrassment at the sound of the name Měilì coming from another person's mouth. He was really bad at naming things when he was young, it seems.
“No, he's not my uncle by blood. He's just taken care of me from time to time since I was little,so I call him Uncle. It's like how I call Aunty Xianyun, Aunty.”
The red-brunette explains, adjusting his position to sit cross-legged instead of crouching just above the grass covered ground.
Paimon bobbed her head in understanding, her white hair bouncing and swaying along with the movement before Aether grabbed her chin and turned her face in his direction. He brought a small rag up to her cheeks and wiped away the leftover crumbs from earlier that had been bothering him; muttering something about how the small girl was 'so messy'.
“Did this adeptus you're talking about have the form of a glowing cloud of mist? Maybe glowing as well?” 
The golden blonde asked absentmindedly, his focus still occupied with cleaning up his fairy-like companions' appearance.
Gaming's eyes seemed to glimmer with familiarity at the other boy's words. He grinned widely, holding up his weight with his palms pressed into Chenyu Vale's token blueish-greenish grass. His body rocked back and forth with giddiness as memories flooded in and swirled around in his brain.
“He let you see his illuminated beast form? You both are lucky; he's usually not comfortable enough to allow people to know he's there, let alone see him. I even have a hard time convincing him to let me see it.” 
The goods transporter gazes at them both with admiration, clearly impressed by their normally impossible feat.
Aether raised a brow, his mind stewing with the new information. That was ‘Uncle Měilì’ true illuminated beast form? Weren't the adepti all some iteration of the ancient beasts of Liyue? Considering the other known adepti and their adeptal forms;
Zhongli is a dragon, Cloud Retainer and Mountain Shaper are cranes, Moon Carver is a stag, Madam Ping….?, Xiao is some type of bird, Ganyu is Half Qilin, Yanfei is Half… something, Tubby and Chubby are finches?, Changsheng is a Serpent, Fujin is a Carp, and Lingyuan is a Suanni?
All of them are some type of animal, so what's with the adeptus on Mt. Mingyuan?
“Is he not an illuminated beast? I mean- I know you called it his illuminated beast form, but all Paimon and I saw was a cloud of mist.” 
The golden blonde asked as he finally pulled away from his little friend, turning his gaze back to Gaming.
“You sure are curious about Uncle, but I don't mind answering more questions. Uncle is an illuminated beast; under the cloud of mist is a tortoise. The cloud is kind of like a tortoise shell from what I've seen.”
The red-brunette answers him calmly, tilting his head back to look up at the darkening sky, the sun beginning to hide itself behind the hills in the distance.
Golden eyes follow the aspiring wushu dancer's vision, taking note of the time. Aether then turns to his travel bag, opening one of the pouches and pulling out a sleeping bag.
“How about you stay the night with us, it'll take a while for you to get to the next village.” 
The Outlander suggests, lifting the sleeping bag towards Gaming with a kind smile that had an underlying pleading look to it.
Ochre eyes curve into crescents as the boy grabs onto the offered sleeping bag, carefully bringing it towards himself as he beams at the golden blonde in gratitude.
“Im- I'm heading back to Wangshu Inn in the morning to let Miss Verr Goldett know that their goods have been delivered… Do you want to come with me, since you're heading that way anyway?” 
The red-brunette suggests, shyly diverting his gaze to the side and scratching the back of his neck.
Both boys get under the covers of their respective sleeping bags, facing each other as their companions also slide themselves into the warmth of the makeshift bed.
“That would be nice, it's been a while since I've traveled with someone other than Paimon.”
Aether spoke in a whisper, golden eyes heavy with fatigue; he paused for a while before speaking once more.
“Goodnight, Gaming.”
“Goodnight, Traveler.”
The red-brunette whispers back, snuggling deeper into his sleeping bag.
“Goodnight, Traveler and Gaming don't let the cincins bite.”
Paimon's sleepy muffled voice called out the two from her place inside her and the golden blonde's shared sleeping bag.
Man Chai grumbles, softly headbutting Gaming's chest in complaint.
“Hehe Yes, you too, Man Chai.” 
The ochre-eyed boy chuckles as he softly pats his suanni companion on their furry head.
As the four fell into slumber, the moon rose into the sky. Vibrant colors weave themselves into the dark tapestry that was the blackened night sky, creating a colorful masterpiece.
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Genshin Masterlist and Series Masterlist!
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
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{Cregan drops his duties for you when you fall sick}
Hope you enjoy lovelies! 💕
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The north was abysmally cold and once winter pushes through it only seems to get worse, when the sun is hidden beneath the shadowy grey clouds, and the wind rushes through the trees and the castle walls, it was only a matter of time until you would fall sick.
Bedbound is what Cregan told you as soon as the Maesters informed him about your illness, bedbound and not to move a muscle until the sickness was gone, but there were only so many books you could read before you go crazy.
You were wrapped up in furs, thick blankets and the fire was lit, surrounded by nothing but warmth, another thing Cregan had told the Maesters after you woke up practically shivering, and gods, you were so bored.
“Lady Stark please stay in bed” Lyra asks so politely that you almost feel a little bad, you only wanted to go for a walk, just to stretch your legs a little.
You shake your head, akin to a stubborn child, as you ready yourself, “Lyra I’ll be fine, all I want is to stretch, I won’t go too far and I’ll be back before Cregan returns” you tell her, voice hoarse and scratchy.
She looks at you very concerned, “I will be fine, I promise” You smile as you erupt into a coughing fit, your chest aching with every breath.
Lyra is quick making her way to your side, a gentle hand against your back as she urges you to sit back on the bed, “Please I insist lady Stark, you must rest” she panics a little, but you’d rather have to listen to lord Cerwyn’s boring rambling then go back to bed.
“I’m fine Lyra” she sighs giving up on your relentless fighting, you were stubborn and she had learnt that the hard way, she nods curtly before bidding you farewell and Lyra makes her way straight to Cregan.
Cregan had an inkling that you wouldn’t listen to his nor the Maesters words, he knew you far too well that it was hard to really hide anything from him, and his suspicion was only proven correct when Lyra came bursting through the doors, disrupting one of the lords, as she nervously rambles about how you're up and out of bed.
You don’t even get halfway down the hallway of the freezing castle before you’re stopped by your husband, “What exactly are you doing out of bed” You tense up at the sound of his stern voice, a smile teetering on your lips at the slightest playful hint in his tone.
You turn around with a sheepish smile, he wasn’t meant to be here yet, “You’re supposed to be attending to your duties, lord Stark” you tell him, a smirk playing on your lips, trying to ignore the soreness that itches at the back of your throat.
“And you’re supposed to be in bed, resting,” he says, wincing at the croaky chuckle that falls from your lips, he walks over to you with a gentle hand on the small of your back as he guides you back to your shared bedchambers.
You don’t fight him on the matter figuring you would just lose anyway, because If there was anyone that could outdo your stubbornness it was definitely your husband, especially when the matter involves you.
But that doesn’t stop you from complaining, “My dear, I feel fine” you sigh, yet again overtaken by your feverish cough, the burning in the back of your throat causes tears to well up in your eyes.
Cregan’s heart breaks at the sight, how your shoulders shake, and gods, the sound of your painful cough near enough brings him to tears, he hates seeing you in pain, hates that there’s nothing he can do about it.
“My sweet girl, please sit” he says, noticing the way you shiver slightly as a gust of wind whistles through the castle, you groan slightly as you climb back into bed, “Good girl” he teases, chuckling as you roll your eyes.
He fluffs up the pillows before you lay against them as he pulls the blankets back up to your shoulders, “I’m starting to hate this bed” you mumble, you’re tired of being ill.
“I know, but the more you rest-“ he glances over at the cup of herbal tea that’s now gone cold, his eyebrows knitting together, “-and actually drink the tea the Maesters give you, the quicker you will get better” he presses a kiss to your warm forehead, brushing your hair behind your ear.
You smile up at him, “I’m sure the other Lords aren’t too pleased about you leaving them to fuss over your sick wife” You giggle as he takes a seat beside the bed.
His face softens, “They can wait, you, my love, are the most important person to me— you come first” he smiles, pressing another kiss to your temple, and his thumb gently soothes your cheek and you can’t help but lean into his gentle touch.
Your limbs are overcome with a sudden dull ache and everything just seems to hurt, your hand reaches for his and your fingers entwine, “It hurts so bad” you whisper, your eyes closing with pain and you try so hard to ignore the stinging sensation that scratches at the back of your throat.
“Where sweet girl?” Cregan asks, taking your hand up to his mouth as he presses gentle kisses to your knuckles.
“Everywhere” You squeeze his hand slightly, and he looks down at you with worry laced in his eyes.
He looks over at Lyra who’s preparing tea, just like the Maesters told her, she passes the cup to Cregan with a nod, “Here my love, sit up” he prompts and you groan slightly as you do, he hands you the warm cup and you grimace slightly at the taste as the sharp liquid sits against your tongue.
His hand finds yours squeezing them with encouragement, “There you go” he smiles, taking the cup from your hands as you lay back down, nuzzling against your pillows, sleep already hanging heavy over you.
“Can you stay, tell me about one of your great adventures” You give him a weak giggle as he nods clearing his throat before he recalls the one time, with Jacaerys, about how he taught him how to shoot with a bow and arrow.
He doesn’t leave your side, not until you’re fast asleep, and he prays to the gods that you get better soon.
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newwritergirl · 2 months
Starting over | Part 21
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Summary: Thanks to the Admiral pulling some strings y/n is discharged from the hospital right into the care of Bradley and Jake.
Trigger warnings: 18+, minors DNI, mentions of death, nightmare, injuries, soft Jake, crying, throwing up, pain
A/N: It took me very long to get this one out and I'm very sorry. Had an operation on my eye and I felt very exhausted for weeks. But enough of me: HERE IT IS! Thanks for reading and supporting my silly little story <3 I didn't read it very thorough for detecting mistakes, so sorry when there are too many.
Word Count: 6.7k +
The smell of the room is the first thing y/n notices when she slowly comes to. It's a clean odor with a hint of alcohol and gauze. Y/n knows that smell, she knows the feeling of the scratchy sheets, she's familiar with the noises coming from the busy hallway. The bright light hurts her head when she finally blinks her heavy eyes open. Is she back in the hospital when her ex tried to stab her to death? Was it all a dream and she's still in her hometown, in the hospital where she was some kind of regular, afraid Michael will step foot into her hospital room any minute? A moan is tumbling out of her sore throat. Her whole body hurts. Y/n's head is throbbing painfully. She still feels a painful tightness around her neck like there are still hands wrapped around it. She takes stock of her other injuries. Her lower back is on fire, like the first time when she woke up from the operation she had on her kidney. Her whole side hurts like hell like she was overrun by a truck. Blinking her eyes she tries to focus on her surroundings. She sees a figure in the corner of the room. He is here. Michael is here. Once again he plays the role of the caretaking boyfriend and told the story of the clumsy girlfriend. Probably she fell down the stairs. She knows these kind of stories he always tells the hospital staff. Another whimper can be heard in the room such as the heart monitor's beeping which is alarmingly increasing, signaling y/n's elevated heartbeat. The dark haired figure approaches the young woman's bed. Y/n can't help it but tries to sit up, she feels to vulnerable in the laying position. Probably Michael will give her an earful for being so whiny that he had to take her to the hospital for the ridiculous scratches he inflicted on her. Out of pain she pinches her eyes shut. Y/n doesn't accomplish to sit up in the hospital bed, too weak and the pain too prominent to make a proper move.
"Hey, Princess. It's okay…" She can hear the dark figure talk to her. The voice so soft and warm. This can't be Michael, he would never call her Princess or talk to her in such a caring voice. Cautiously she opens her eyes when she feels a warm and strong hand softly stroking over her hand which doesn't has an IV in its vein. Bradley, the dark figure in her hospital room is Bradley. She isn't back in the hellhole of her hometown.
"Roo-y…" She breathes out, nothing more than a painful hoarse noise.
"Yes, Princess. I'm here." The taller man towers over her but not in a scaring way. She feels safe with the brunette aviator by her side. He bends down and places a soft kiss on y/n's head before he takes the place in the uncomfortable chair beside her bed.
Slowly but surely the memories are coming back into the young woman's mind. The reason why she's in the hospital. Welsh assaulting her, driving home, laying on the cold bathroom tiles, Jake and Bradley finally being back home.
"You're home…you're finally h-home…" y/n whispers before a painful sob escapes her mouth and tears immediately wetting her pale face. Without any words Bradley sits down beside y/n on the hospital bed, taking her in his arms, as cautiously as possible afraid he could hurt her. Bradley cradles y/n's head into his chest, breathing in the scent he fell in love with the first time he stood close to her. She fists his shirt into her hand afraid he would disappear any second, with her other arm she holds the side of the broken ribs. The slightly elevated position of her upper body is hurting her but she needs to feel the safety of Bradley's warm and broad chest. He lets her cry for some minutes until her breathing is slowly going back into a normal pace. He gently lies her back down against the pillow but stays seated beside her on the hospital bed.
"You scared us, Princess!" Bradley speaks with his voice full of emotion and eyes filled with unshed tears. He will never forget the moment he and Jake saw her laying on the bathroom floor, unmoving and pale like they were already too late.
"s-sorry…" The young woman slurred clearly exhausted even after she rested the last two hours.
"WE are sorry, Princess. Get some more sleep." The brunette says while stroking softly over her cheek.
Her eyes start to flutter but she fights against the exhaustion.
"Jakey?" Y/n asks in nothing more than a whisper. She misses her other boyfriend and starts to worry where he might be.
"He's on a coffee run, Princess. He will be back when you wake up."
In fact Jake talked to the Admiral and to Mav and is now outside to cool off. His rage is over the roof, he's never felt this huge desire to kill someone. In case he gets this Welsh guy into his hands, the perv is not going to last long. He touched, harassed and hurt their girlfriend. He tried to rape her and now she is in the hospital with severe injuries. He has no right to live any longer if you ask Jake.
Y/n tried to fight off sleep for nearly ten minutes but the pain and exhaustion are clearly visible on her pale face. But she needs to see Jake. She needs to know that he is okay. The overwhelming fear to lose Jake because he can't handle the situation or worse, he is distgusted with her, is keeping her awake.
"Brad- Roo…" Y/n whispers to get Bradley's attention.
"Hey, Princess. You still with me?" The brunette pilot looks up from his mobile and directly in the painfilled eyes of his girlfriend. "You okay? Are you in pain?" Bradley slightly starts to panic when he sees y/n's shaking hands which are resting on top of the scratchy hospital blanket.
"J-jaake…" Pain and exhaustion and the fear for her other boyfriend are too prominent in her brain that building a coherent sentence seems too difficult for the young woman. She just needs both her boyfriends and she wants to go home. Too bad are the memories she has from her last stay in the hospital. The sterile white room in the hospital in her hometown was a lonely jail cell for her. The nurses, doctors and her boss were her only visitors. The trauma of being hurt and alone is making her increasingly panicky.
"Please…" Y/n whines. It brakes Bradley's heart even more to see his girlfriend so desperate and in pain.
"I go get him, okay Princess?" Despite Bradley's grasp for the situation, hell he is just in as much rage as Jake, but he needs to get Jake's ass in this hospital room before y/n works herself up even more.
Pain and exhaustion is quickly replaced by pure fear. Y/n eyes always seem to be the key to her soul and Bradley and Jake learned to read her easily over the last two years they lived together but now it's like her eyes are screaming agony and fear. He feels a cold and shaking hand grips his wrists tightly.
"D-don't leave me, please. Don't leave me too…" y/n begs him with her eyes wide open. Does she really think Jake left her? Just another reason for the brunette aviator to find their partner and bring him to their girlfriend before this situation gets out of hand.
"Princess, hey look at me." He softly puts his thumb under her chin and strokes her pale cheek. "We're not going to leave you. We are here for you, no matter what! We love you."
"J-jake went away…" She looks confused with her eyes now glazed over, the fever hitting her full force one more time. Bradley feels the heat radiating from her face into his hand. Y/n clearly thinks Jake left her after what has happened to her.
"Oh baby. He didn't left us. He just had to take care of some things. I'll be back with him okay? I hurry up…" He slowly stands up and strides to the door like a man on a mission.
In the distance Bradley can make out the tousled blonde hair, which is under normal circumstances perfectly styled. Today it looks like it has been attacked by all ten fingers of the aviator pacing in front of the glass doors of the ER.
"What do you think you're doing?" Bradley's harsh words interrupting the pacing pilot. Bradley understands the turmoil Jake finds himself in right now. He feels the exact same but Bradley accomplished to prioritize and puts y/n first and didn't let the rage he feels become the better of him.
Jake immediately turns around when he hears the strained voice of his partner.
"Is Y/n okay?" Is the first thing Jake has in mind. Why is Bradley here and not with their girlfriend? Something must've happened that the brunette pilot left y/n's hospital room.
"No, she's not okay, Hangman. She is exhausted, in pain and traumatized and she thinks you left her. So instead of swaying your cocky ass out here you could be with your girlfriend who is on the verge of a panic attack." Now it was Roosters time to blow off some steam.
Jake drops his gaze, his shoes now the most interesting item in the waiting room. He knows he has to be with her. He wants to be with her, but his rage was so overwhelming that he thought he couldn't stand the sight of their girlfriend, hurt and in pain.
Bradley takes a step closer to his partner and squeezes his shoulder in a soothing manner.
"Hey. I'm sorry… I know you're just as concerned as I am. But please, she needs us both right now. Let the team and the military police look for that son of a bitch."
The guilt really hits Jake hard when he opens the door to y/n's hospital room and sees his girl silently crying. Her wet cheeks flushed from fever her eyes glazed over. With shaking hands she tries to dry her wet face but she is startled when she hears the door to her room close. She sees the blonde aviator drawing closer to her. But she can't believe her eyes. By now her feverish brain told her the story of her being alone again, Bradley and Jake away living their peaceful life without her seemingly increasing baggage.
Y/n looks like a dear in the headlight when she finally feels the comforting touch of the blonde Navy man.
"Cupcake. I'm here now, I'm not gonna leave you." He grabs the hand without the IV line and places a soft kiss on her warm skin. Y/n shudders from the soft touch of Jake's lips. Behind the blonde man slowly approaches Bradley, relieved to see his two partners now finally together and y/n calmer than previously without Jake. 
"Sleep, babygirl. Roo-y and I will be here when you wake up." Finally y/n can let the exhaustion and the medication take over and her glassy eyes fall shut.
"She still asleep?" Bradley whispers when he enters the hospital room with two steaming hot cups of coffee. Jake and Bradley were allowed to stay the night in y/n's hospital room, after the Admiral pulled some strings at the military hospital. It was absolutely not negotiable that either Jake nor Bradley leave y/n alone in the night. Due to the heavy medication to keep the fever and the pain in check y/n slept rather deep despite waking up from two nightmares and the fear of being alone in the sterile atmosphere of the unkown hospital. Fortunately both pilots were able to calm her down quickly.
Now shortly before the medical round of the head physician and the assistant medical directors they have to wake y/n up to check if she's more coherent than yesterday.
"I talked to the doctor and the Admiral just now, we can bail her out when her fever is down. They want to keep her for more days but the Admiral gave us the support to take her home. For the sake of her recovery and for her safety. I made it clear that she will be safer at home with us than here at the hospital." Bradley talks in a hushed tone not to disturb the sleeping woman.
When both men hear a faint whimper and the rustling of the sheets they both turn to look at y/n. She nearly looks lost in the hospital bed. The stark white sheets give nearly no contrast to her ghostly white face and her pale lips. Jake is the first she sees when she blinks her eyes open. A soft smile forms on her lips. Jake kept his words from the night. He is still here and behind him she can also make out another familiar figure. She is not alone like the other times in her past that she woke up in a hospital bed. But this time she is not alone. Jake and Bradley are still with her.
"Good morning." She whispers with a smile on her lips despite her still aching throat.
"Good morning, baby." Jake says between the kisses he places on her small hand. "What's that smile?" He asks in his cocky and flirty tone she loves so much.
"Missed you both, now you're back and I'm happy." Y/n croaks out, her voice breaking at the end of the sentence. Jake bends over her laying body and places a soft kiss on y/n forehead and lingers there a bit longer than necessary to feel her temperature. She seems more coherent than yesterday and her temperature also seems to be down. Jake wanders further down and places his plump lips cautiously on y/n's. He feels her smiling into his lips and hears a faint giggle. How he loves the way she giggles shyly when he kisses her.
"Hey, getting cozy without me?" Bradley talks rather amused and strokes his warm hand over y/n's tousled hair.
"Mrs. Y/ln due to the blunt trauma you suffered from a kidney contusion, blood in your urine such as nausea and pain is highly to expect in the next days and weeks. Fortunately your fever is currently down but you still have a slightly elevated temperature which is also common with your patterns of injury. Your broken ribs stay taped to keep them in place and reduce the pain. But I recommend regular intake of pain medication. The CT showed no bleedings, but the minor concussion can trigger headaches and dizziness. Your bruised throat will be uncomfortable for the next days but fortunately there is no damage to the vocal cords or the trachea." Y/n tries to listen carefully to the doctor who explains the extent of her injuries now that she is conscious and fully awake. Her whole body aches but there's nothing more than the wish to be discharged. She wants to go home, to feel the safety of their cozy house. That's reason she puts on a brave face.
"Under other circumstances I would keep you here, Mrs. y/ln, for at least two more days, but the Admiral and the two Lieutenants talked to me…" the doctor looks up from y/n and over to the two fidgeting and attentive listening pilots, "…and they all assure me and my colleagues that you will be in good care at home. Still we will stay in contact especially due to your kidney damage. So the nurse will get your discharge papers, medications and instructions ready and when you finish the IV you're free to go." The doctor explained politely.
Even though y/n wants to leave the hospital walking with her head held high she knows that it's either the wheelchair or one of her boyfriends carrying her to the car. Getting dressed in her own clothes, a soft leggings and one of her favorite hoodies from Jake or Bradley, she doesn't care, was her first obstacle. Her whole body hurts, the broken ribs screaming in pain and her bruised kidney is giving her a burning pain in her back let alone the dizziness from her concussion. She feels like her body is betraying her, it's a long time ago that she felt so physically weak. Even with a bad migraine attack she has some strength in her but now she feels like she could sleep for weeks, walking for more than some shaky steps seems too far away right now. Fortunately Bradley helped her with the ordeal of getting dressed while Jake organized a wheelchair and got some final instructions from the treating physician.
When she finally is fully clothed Bradley softly sits y/n back on the bed, waiting for Jake and the wheelchair. Before he can turn around and gather her personal items and the flowers and cards the Daggers send her, y/n grabs the brunette's hand to gain his attention.
"Thank you." She croaks out, "for taking me home. I know it's a lot and I'm so sorry…that you two have to deal with my mess after coming back home from deployment." Bradley softly shushes her by putting his forefinger on her plump lips. He lowers himself down, kneeling down in front of his smaller girlfriend.
"Princess, we would move Heaven and Hell for you. We are happy to take you home and take care of you. We love you!"
The door quietly opens with Jake stepping into the small hospital room. "Going down on your knees, Rooster? You couldn't wait until I'm back with both of you?!" The cocky pilot chuckles and squeezes the other man's shoulder.
"You wanna ride shotgun, shortcake?" Jake asks as he stops the wheelchair in front of his truck in the hospital parking lot. They finally managed to leave the hospital, excited to drive home to their cozy and warm house.
"Ehm, can you- can you sit with me in the back?" Y/n whispers afraid she would claim too much. Just getting ready and sitting in the wheelchair drained her to her limits. She feels her head swimming and pain radiating from her chest travelling in every fiber of her body. The young woman needs the physical contact right now and someone who gives her the safety she craved for the last two weeks.
"There's no place I'd rather be, my love." Jake kisses her head softly. The last thing the blonde aviator wants is to leave his girlfriend out of his sight. He already noticed her glazed over eyes which seem like they would fall shut any second. In the back of his head he asks himself if this was the right decision to take the injured woman home with them, but she will be comfier at home and they can keep a closer eye on her at their own house. In addition to that the Admiral positioned two Sergeants from the military police to observe their home until Welsh will be found and locked away, just in case the maniac chooses to come back and finish what he started. The Admiral was devasted when Mav called him and told him what has happened at the base during his absence. He felt and still feels a huge amount of guilt that something horrible happened to his IT-specialist at his base. So he pulled every string he could as a damage control even if he knows that he will never be able to make this unhappen.
"Rooster, you heard the lady. You're driving." Jake tosses his car keys in Bradley's direction.
The drive from the hospital to their shared home is not long but Jake immediately notices that it is stretching y/n to the limit. Just minutes after Bradley sets the truck into drive the woman starts to shake in Jake's arm. He sits in the middle of the bench seat y/n tucked into his side. He supports most her weight but still it seems to be more than exhausting for her to stay seated.
"You okay there, y/n?" The blonde looks down at her shaking body asking concerned.
 A quiet "mmh" Is the only thing he can hear as a reply from his girlfriend.
"Just five more minutes, Princess. Then we're finally back home together." Bradley shoots a worried glance at Jake in the rearview mirror.
Sitting in the back of the moving car hasn't ever been so exhausting for y/n than today. As much as she wished to be home in one of her boyfriends beds, the car ride is getting more and more painful. Her ribs screaming in agony and her swimming head is making her nauseous to the point where she is sure that she will puke into Jake's lap in the next two minutes. She pinches her nails into Jake's thigh to ground herself. Just some minutes and she will be home.
"You heard Roo-y? Some more minutes cupcake." Jake places a soft kiss on the younger woman's now sweaty forehead.
He lets out breath of relief when Bradley finally parks the car in their driveway. Getting y/n into their house is now the only left challenge before they can finally be together. He holds the shaking woman longer in his arms and waits for his partner to get out of the car and open y/n's door.
"I got her." Bradley mumbles when he gathers his girlfriend into his warm arms ready to carry her inside the house. With no complain from their girlfriend of being carried he knows that she is in real agony right now.
When her dizzy head hits the soft pillow and her aching body sinks into the most comfy mattress she's ever slept on she knows that she's finally home, safe and sound in Bradley's bedroom. The mattress dips and she feels a familiar hand stroking softly over her pale cheeks. Her tired eyes opening just a little bit.
"Princess, I know you're tired but before you can go to sleep you have to drink something and you're also due for your medication. Are you in pain?" The brunette asks in a loving tone.
Y/n opens her eyes fully, but hisses when the bright light which filters through the windows feels like hot iron in her head.
"I guess that was a yes. Jake is just preparing everything for you." She feels the mattress dip and a soft but big hand which is stroking over her hurting head.
 "-m dizzy and nauseous…" Y/n mumbles when Jake makes an appearance in Bradley's bedroom.
"Sweetcakes, just a glass of water and your medication. After that you can rest." The blonde aviator says.
The bedroom door is slowly opened with a creak. Faint lightning shining from the living room illuminates the otherwise dark room creating a ray of light like a dim spot light. Jake wonders why the bedroom opens when he is blinded by the light falling directly on his face until a dark shadow appears in the doorway. Immediately he looks to his right side. Bradley and y/n are sleeping peacefully beside him. An intruder. There's someone in their house and this stranger is now creeping into their bedroom. The blonde aviator feels his heart quicken its pace hammering painfully in his ribcage. But his body feels like frozen on the spot, he can't move. He has to stop whoever intrudes their personal space, the peace of their home. His limbs are too heavy to move. The stranger takes a step closer and now Jake can see his face. It's Welsh. This bastard is brave enough to break into their home and comes back now that Bradley and him are already back home. Jake keeps struggling but he feels like glued to the mattress. He shout over to his partner. He needs to alert Bradley. They have to keep y/n safe, at all costs. But the brunette aviator just keeps sleeping peacefully and also y/n doesn't wake up from Jake's panic-stricken screams. Welsh looks him directly into his eyes, showing his teeth in an ugly smile looking like a predator eying his prey.
But he is not there for Hangman or Rooster. He is there for her. He is there to end this whole ordeal. He is going to end her. After all she is responsible that he is banned from a Navy Base once again.
Jake screams and struggles to free himself of the invisible power which seems to hold him in a vice grip. He sees Welsh's big hands embrace y/n's delicate neck. His fingers looking like small but dangerous snakes enclosing around her neck his big thumbs are pressing on her throat. Y/n's eyes fly open when she feels two strong hands cutting off her oxygen feed. Desperately she tries to shove away the big hands which are suffocating her. She struggles, kicks but the young woman grows weaker every second she can't take in a proper breath until she is not moving anymore. The intruder slowly releases his deathly strong hold he has on her throat and admires his handywork. Y/n's head falls onto her side directly looking at Jake. Her eyes staring deadly into his. He couldn't safe her.
A hard kick hits y/n on her shin and wakes her up immediately. She lays curled into herself on her left side. Her eyes fly open from the sudden pain in her leg and she is greeted with a kicking and struggling Jake. His limbs are tangled completely in the covers. A chill runs over y/n body. Jake must've stolen the blanket during the night is now tangled in it. The three always sleep with just two blankets, at least one of them is always sharing his blanket with their girlfriend. She never wakes up chilly without a blanket draped over her body. This night was a first. Another blow just misses her concussed head. She needs to wake Jake up before he hurts her or himself. With her cold hand she touches his bare shoulder softly stroking up and down. She ignores her stiff body and the still lingering pain in all her limbs and especially her lower back and closes the space between them to whisper into Jake ear. 
"No, STOP!" The blonde aviator shouts which finally wakes up Bradley who slept peacefully through the night mere seconds ago.
"Jakey…" she starts but when his knee hits her directly into her stomach she lets out a loud painful moan. The wind is suddenly knocked out of the young woman completely. In pain she pinches her eyes shut too weak to create more space between her and the trashing pilot she sinks back into her pillow breathing rapidly.
Bradley needs some seconds to gain his bearings. Jake is shouting, y/n is moaning in pain, what the Hell is happening? When he hears the heavy breathing of his partner and the faint shallow attempt of a breath from his girlfriend in their middle he immediately turns around. His eyes are landing on the trashing and kicking blonde. He jumps out of the bed and sprints to the other side of the bed falling onto his knees with a loud thud. His hands immediately holding Jake's shoulders in a tight grip to prevent the blonde pilot from trashing and hitting further.
"Jake. JAKE!" Bradley talks in a loud voice. "HANGMAN!"
With a loud gasp Jake finally finds an exit out of his night terror. He is breathing heavily on the verge of hyperventilating. He looks directly into his partner's face which calms him down just a little bit before the vivid memories of his dream crashing back into his conscious mind.
"It was dream. Everything is okay! We are at home." Bradley doesn't know what demon had Jake in its claws but giving him the information that they're at home was the first one that came into his mind to calm down his sweating partner.
"Y/n." Jake's eyes grow wide and he turns his head around. He needs to make sure that this was just a dream that his girlfriend is still alive and peaceful sleeping in their bed.
"Hey calm down, okay. Shhh, we are okay." Bradley soothes Jake. He doesn't want to y/n getting scared by Jake's outburst. In that moment he remembers her painful moan and her ragged breathing from prior. So he lets his eyes wander from Jake's slowly calming face further over onto the middle of the bed.
She still hasn't moved from her fetal position eyes still pinched shut.
The blonde pilot cautiously sits up to also check up on his girlfriend. His first priority is always y/n. After checking up on her he has enough time to process his nightmare.
"B-baby?" He talks into her direction still a bit out of breath but immediately calmer to not scare her even more.
The young woman is shaking violently in her fetal position her arms cradling her body, her trembling hands on her abdomen. A moan is tumbling out of her slightly open mouth.
Bradley crawls on the other side of their girlfriend stroking gently over her back after he turned on the lamp on his nightstand. Jake tucks some loose wisps behind her ear to get better look at her face.
"Cupcake. Are you in pain?" Jake asks in a low voice when he sees her pain stricken face.
The blow to her abdomen was really powerful. Her lingering nausea now back full force. She feels Bradley jumping out of the bed and sprinting to Jake's side. Good. He can calm him down in the meantime she can try to breathe away the pain in her abdomen and lingering her nausea. Felling the bile creeping up her sore throat y/n completely blocks out the commotion beside her.
She doesn't know how much time ticked away when she feels a tender hand tucking loose hair behind her ear. "Cupcake. Are you in pain?" y/n hears the soft voice of the hand's owner.
"I-I…throw up." Are the only words she can come up with when the remains of the last drink she had is slowly creeping up her throat.
"Gonna pick you up, baby." Jake warns her before he picks his shaking girlfriend up. With Bradley in front of them he cautiously brings her into the master bathroom and slowly letting her down in front of the toilet.
"Here, some ice water. Slow sips, Princess." Bradley hands her the glass with the cool liquid. Throwing up is always an act of unpleasantness but with a concussion raging in her head and her beaten und bruised body throwing up was excruciating. Y/n is more than thankful for Jake holding up her upper body and now supporting her back with his warm chest while she's sitting on the cold tiles and sipping the cool water her other boyfriend just handed her. With her other hand she still cradles the place where Jake's knees made contact with her abdomen.
When she finishes the half full glass of water Bradley is quick to take the glass from her smaller hand.
"Are you in pain, Princess? You still holding your hand over your tummy." Of course Bradley doesn't miss her cradling the painful spot in her torso. Both men know the exact amount of injuries she has, they both seem like to have studied her medical report and the discharge papers. So both aviators are clearly aware that y/n hasn't issues with her abdomen when she was discharged earlier.
The young woman moves a bit in Jake arms to be able to look at her blonde boyfriend, completely ignoring Bradley's question. She needs to make sure Jake is okay. He had a bad nightmare, she's never saw him that agitated during his sleep. Normally he is calm but light sleeper. It's easy to wake him up and he never moves this much. It must've been a really bad nightmare, maybe from one of their former deployments?
"Jakey, " y/n starts to talk the blonde man who held her in his arms and lays the hand which is not holding her painful abdomen on his chest, directly over his heart, "you had a nightmare. Are you okay? It was really bad, I wanted to calm you down but you didn't wake up. I'm so sorry, I really tried…"
Jake can't hide the astonishment in his eyes when y/n tries to make sure HE is okay. He only had a nightmare, she is the one hurt after all.
"Baby, I'm okay. Please tell us if you're in pain. Do we need to take to the hospital?" Jake shifts her body in his arms to get a better look at y/n's face and to look her into her eyes.
"You screamed and you kicked…it was bad, wasn't it?" In that moment something klicks in his Jake's still muddled brain. He kicked and hit, he lashed out. Of course, in his dream he wanted to protect their girlfriend. While his body was frozen on place in his dream, it was well functioning in the real world. He gasps when realisation hits him.
"Did I hurt you, y/n?"
Bradley watches the exchange with an anxious feeling in his stomach. Hopefully Jake can keep his cool despite him instantly blaming himself for hurting their girlfriend even if it was unintentionally during a nightmare. He strokes softly over Jake's bare back to give him some soothing support.
"Baby?" Jake tries again to get an answer out of his girl.
"It's nothing, Jakey. Please don't be mad. I tried to calm you down and well my stomach connected with your knee."
Despite the serious situation Bradley lets out a small chuckle. This is typical y/n, of course she would  never admit that one of her partners is to blame for a situation in which she is involved. Even if Jake kicked her with his knee she turns it around making it look like she is the one to blame.
Jake feels his heart make a summersault and he feels it instantly dropping into his stomach. He hurt the most precious girl he has ever seen. Fuck.
"Baby…" he breathes out, "please let me see." As tender as he can he peels away y/n hand and starts to pull up the shirt their girlfriend is currently wearing to inspect the place where he accidently kicked her. Bradley also bends over Jake's shoulder to get a look at the injured woman in his partners arms.
A sigh of relief can be heard in the otherwise silent bathroom when there's no bruise to be in evidence.
"It's nothing. It was just the shock and my sensitive stomach. I was nauseous beforehand and that was just the catalyst." Y/n tries to downplay the whole situation and before Jake is able to stand up and give her chilly body over to Bradley she lets herself fall into his chest embracing him in a tight hug. "I love you Jake. I know would never intentionally hurt me."
Bradley places a soft kiss on the blonde aviators head and envelopes him from behind. The three don't know how long they enjoy each other's closeness when Bradley speaks up.
"Let's take this into bed, my loves. You're both are going hypothermic on the cold tiles."
The brunette stands up and rounds the bundle of human body in front of him.
"Let me take her…" He hushes to the blonde man still sitting on the floor.
Rooster bends down and presses a tender kiss on the other man's lips before he picks up y/n and carrying her back to his bed.
Finally back in the warmth of the bed Jake is still deep in thought, the dream, him hurting their girlfriend, her getting hurt during their absence, until he feels a familiar cold hand stroking over his chest.
"Jaaakey…" y/n dramatically whines. She feels Bradley spooning her smaller body from behind, his broad chest deliciously flush against her back. But she needs Jake just as much.
"Please come over to us. We miss you and I'm still cold…"
"Yes, Jakey. You heard the lady. We're cold." Bradley teases his boyfriend. He is not going to give the blonde the chance to disappear into his head and brooding for the rest of the night.
Jake huffs annoyed but turns around either way and finally closes the distance. He presses y/n's head softly into his chest and kisses her on the top of her head. Reality settles its ugly face deep into his bones. He feels his throat closing and the first tear falling from his eyes on top of y/n head. Bradley props himself up on his elbow and catches some more tears which make their way down Jake's face.
"We love you, Jakey!" Y/n slightly slurs, visibly exhausted from the events of the night. Her head is swimming and pounding but she stays still, buried into Jake's chest. His nightmare clearly shook him to the core whatever it was about it must have been cruel.
Jake tightens his hold on their girlfriend. "He killed you." The blonde aviator mumbles into her soft hair.
Y/n gathers all her strength which is left in her exhausted body. Jake needs to talk about his nightmare, she understands that he is somewhat traumatized. She knows this kind of dreams. They can feel so real that it's difficult to separate them from reality even if you're already awake for some time. The pictures are still coming back and talking about it is the best way to store the cruel pictures into the last corner of the mind.
"We're here, love. Y/n is here, we're back home. And we protect each other. We are not alone." Y/n is relieved that Bradley rises to speak. Her throat burns from Welsh's attempt to strangle her and throwing up earlier made the pain only worse. She feels Jake shudder and releases y/n's body out of his tight embrace to look into her tired face. He cups her still flushed cheeks but looks up to Bradley wo lays propped up on his elbow behind their girlfriend.
"My dream…in my dream he…" Jake has to swallow, he doesn't to say the name of this bastard in their cozy and safe bedroom, anyhow both his partners know who is meant by 'he', "he broke into our house. He came into our bedroom, you both were asleep. But I- I heard him, I tried to jump out of bed, but I couldn't move…" his voice cracks a bit but he continues, "I couldn't protect y/n. I screamed for you, but he didn't hear me. And then he strangled her. Fuck…" Jake looks down into the eyes of their girlfriend, which are slowly overflowing with tears. Her heart is breaking of the blonde aviator. She doesn't want him feeling like this because of her. Jake gets lost in y/n's eyes. They're full of life and emotions, unlike her dead eyes which looked at him in his dream. "You died, right in front of me and I couldn't do anything."
Y/n is shocked how distraught Jake looks at her. Despite her being in pain right now she moves her right hand to grab one of his and slowly bringing his hand to her chest.
"Feel my heart? I'm here. I love you." Y/n wants to say so much more but she is growing weaker every second her sentence nothing more than a whispered slur.
"I love you, too Cupcake. Come on let's catch some sleep." Jake kisses takes her hand and kisses her fingertips and helps her to lay down properly. The blonde pilot tucks her into their shared blanket but y/n is already fast asleep.
"We're okay, Jake. This never going to happen again." Bradley whispers and places a soft kiss on the other man's delicious looking lips, he tastes hints of the salty tears which are already dried. They're going to protect their girl at all costs. Welsh is the one who has to look over his shoulder, their prey.
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luveline · 2 years
jade roan being jealous of eddie cause reader is taking care of eddie on a sick day, i know youre working on halloween reqs but i just cant get this off my mind 😭😭 hope you do this after the celebration 💗
thank you for your request! roan being jealous / sad because you're being really sweet on her dad and leaving her out :( ♡ dad!eddie x fem!reader | 1.8k words
"Hello, Mr. Munson," you say quietly, unsurprised to find Eddie exactly where you'd left him. 
"Roan?" he asks hoarsely. 
You want to ask something sarcastic, like No, why? Have I shrunk? But he's really pitifully ill, so you answer his implied question without any wit. "She had to pee. I thought she was gonna wet herself in the car, she couldn't stop wiggling." 
"Told her she has to stop holding it, she'll," — Eddie coughs, a crunchy, awful sound — "hurt herself." 
"I know," you murmur, raking a limp curl away from his weathered face. You know pretty much everything there is to know about Roan at this point, and near enough the same about him.
You kiss his cheek and linger there. You love taking care of him because he's yours, but you miss your healthy, present Eddie too. Poor guy's been sick for almost a week now, and while Roan has helped out endlessly by being on her best behaviour, you need him to keep the ship afloat. Thankfully, he seems to be in the recovery process, and his fever's been gone for days. 
"You feeling any better?" 
"I feel awesome," he says, dropping a heavy arm around your back. 
You take his face into both hands. You'd worried he'd make you sick too at first but whatever it is he has he's yet to pass on. You figure if it was catching you would've felt it by now, and you can't say you care too much when you steal a kiss. He tries his very best to reciprocate, his exhale hot as it fans over your top lip. 
He peels his dry eyes open as you pull away, and you remind yourself to get him a hot towel or a tea tincture, something to ease the soreness. 
"You're on the up and up, handsome," you say. 
Eddie's never been sick like this while you've been together. Colds and the flu when you have a kid as young as Roan are a given; you've both fallen victim to her runny noses and sore throats a thousand times. They're easy enough to work through, especially when Eddie makes his lemon and honey tea. But this sickness, a virus, has had Eddie up against the wall. He's really worried you. 
He can see it on your face. 
"I'm actually feeling way better," he says, sounding extremely like himself despite the undertone of scratchiness to his voice. "Got a damn good nurse looking after me."
Roan's footsteps echo up the stairs. You don't turn to look at her as she enters the bedroom, hand stroking sweet, shaky lines down his stubbly cheeks. 
"Hey, Roanie," he says, shifting so he can see her from behind you. "D'you have a good day at school? Come and tell us." 
"Daddy!" she cheers, climbing up onto the bed and walking across it. Eddie pulls her skirt out of her tights where she's accidentally tucked it in, almost losing an arm as she collapses into his side. 
"Roan," you chide gently, "be nice, baby, your dad's still fragile." 
Eddie wraps his arm around, sending you a very grateful look as he says, "It's okay, I didn't like that arm very much anyway. Now c'mon, I wanna hear all about it. Did Stacy K remember her show and tell?" 
Roan starts to recount the day's events, little legs tucked under her knees and the top of her body draped over Eddie's chest. You keep a selfish hand on the very edge of his face, thumb petting his cheek. After a short few minutes his eyes start to droop. He tightens his arm around Roan and rubs her back, her soft cardigan bunching up under his hand. 
"Baby, I'm still feeling icky, okay? Maybe you can tell me the rest later?" he mumbles, hand slowing.
"You can tell me double," you offer distractedly, frowning at Eddie's unhappy face. He doesn't look peaceful anymore, he looks tired. Ragged. 
"Okay," Roan says, kissing Eddie's cheek three times in a row. You can't tell if she's upset by his lack of attention. She doesn't look upset, but she can be surprisingly deceptive. 
She slides off of the bed. Her steps stop at the door. "Mom?" she asks. 
You beam at Eddie's dozing face and give his slack cheek another quick kiss. 
"What?" you ask Roan, turning away from her dad with a smile. Everytime she calls you 'mom' it makes your day, and today is no exception.
"Can we have spaghetti shapes?" 
You squeeze Eddie's arm before you stand and meet her in the doorway, looking down at her mini features with a fond smile. "Yeah, we can have spaghetti shapes. They had princess one's in Bradley's," you say, suddenly excited as you remember. 
"Mm. But there's spongebob if you want those ones instead." 
Roan takes your hand and starts to pull you toward the steps. "Princess ones, duh! Please." 
You watch Eddie's face until you can't, following Roan down the stairs and into the kitchen. 
You love how it's started to look as much like her and Eddie's kitchen than just your own. Her drawings and certificates litter the fridge, a family portrait pride of place and secured with upwards of five magnets so it doesn't fall off. There's sugary cereal across the top of the bread cabinet and a safety catch on the drawer with all the batteries. Cartoon characters are everywhere — on plates, spoons, Roan's placemat, and the spaghetti shapes themselves. You crack open a can and place a pan over the burner. 
"What do you want with them, princess? A dinner roll?" 
She wraps herself around your legs. "Two dinner rolls."
"Yeah? You must be hungry from all the running around this morning." 
When you'd dropped her off, her and her friend Jordan had decided they needed to run a race around the playground. You'd cheered from the sidelines.
"Can you pick me up?" she whines. 
You drop the wooden spoon you'd been stirring her spaghetti with into the pan and look down at her pleading pout. "Aw, yeah, I'm sorry." 
You pick her up and find her head quickly buried in your neck. She's almost as warm as the stovetop. You work your hand against her head and feel her temperature, concerned for a moment.
"I thought maybe you were sick like daddy, then, but you feel okay," you say softly, stroking curls back from her face. She's started hiding behind her hair like her dad more often. "Come out, I wanna see your lovely face." 
Roan lifts her chin. 
"That's what your dad said to me when we met. I'd never heard that word before I met you," you tell her. 
"What word?" 
"'Lovely,'" you say. 
She smiles with you for a couple of seconds but then it falters, and she looks at your necklace instead. A gift from her and her dad for mother's day. You'd cried for hours. 
"What's the matter?" you ask, eyebrows pinching together. 
You readjust your grip on her hips and lean back against the counter to stop from dropping her. She's getting heavier every single day. 
"Are you sure? You can tell me." 
Roan shrugs. It's adorable, though her next words are heartbreaking. "I don't know," she admits. 
"Are you feeling sick?" 
She shakes her head but won't look at you. You hold onto her tight and wait for her to continue, if she's even going to, the clock on the wall ticking in the quiet, the smell of spaghetti sauce sticky in your nose. 
"Are you sad about something? Did you… have an accident?" 
She shakes her head again. "No, I didn't. It's 'coz… I feel bad." 
"But not sick?"
"Not sick." 
"Oh no," you murmur, biting the inside of your bottom lip as her small face crumples. "Please tell me, Ro. I don't mind what it is, I promise." 
"I feel bad," she says again. "I miss dad." 
You feel your eyebrows jump. It makes sense for her to miss him, he's hardly awake when she's been home and they haven't had much time together all week. It's a sudden change. You feel very guilty very quickly for not realising it. 
"I'm sorry," you tell her genuinely. 
"I miss you, too. We don't have our hug after school now." 
Your guilt amplifies by a thousand. You haven't been spending that time with her after school, too busy checking on your bed bound partner. 
"Aw, Roan, I'm sorry, I've just been so worried about daddy, I didn't mean to forget." 
"You've been giving daddy hugs," she says insistently. 
You lean back further to take in her face. Her cheeks are red with blush, whether that be blood rush from embarrassment or injustice, you're unsure. She's frowning at your chin, eyes flicking up to meet yours. When she realises you're watching her she looks away and starts wiggling to be put down again. 
"Roan, it's okay," you start, arms crossing over her back. You angle your face to get her attention, holding her gaze. Pretty brown eyes edged in dark, long eyelashes like her dad's. "It's okay, bub. Don't wriggle, I wanna talk to you. Can I talk to you?" 
She pouts some more. You pout back, bringing a hand up to the back of her head. 
"I'm sorry I haven't been giving you as much attention as you dad this week," you say. You want to explain how hard it's been to handle everything by yourself, but you don't think it's the kind of thing she should ever have to worry about. "I'm really sorry, Roan, daddy's been so sick that I've been thinking about him all the time when I needed to be thinking about you too. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." Feel bad, feel jealous, feel upset by your redirected affection. "I love you so much. I didn't mean to forget our hugs, but it's okay if you're mad." 
Her spirits are lifted pretty swiftly after that. "We can hug again when daddy's not sick?" she asks. 
"We can hug right now!" you say urgently, carding your hand through her hair.
"On the couch?"
"Yeah, princess, on the couch. You can even eat your dinner on it if you promise not to tell dad." 
"You'll eat dinner with me?" she asks, suspicious. 
No tricks. "I promise." 
She smiles, a mirror image of her dad and all his mischief and her relief clear. "Okay, good, because I missed you and Teddy missed you and I didn't getta tell you about the rabbit we saw at school today. It was this big and it had pink eyes." 
You smile at her, a mixture of love and guilt. You're lucky to have a daughter like her, forgiving and patient, and you're lucky her dad did such an amazing job at making her that way. Rest assured, you won't forget your after school hugs again, even if Eddie's two bad coughs from the ER.
He appears an hour later to find you snuggled up on the couch, jealous and petty about it as he slots himself between you both. You and Roan hold hands over his chest. Munson cuddle piles are the best.
more eddie and roan
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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parings: thief!hawks x princess!reader
word count: 2k
warnings: kidnapping, fighting.
summary: thief!hawks steals you away and takes you far away from you home!…on accident.
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The more the carriage jiggled and shook, the more adrenaline shoot through your veins.
Skinningrove was terrifying, according to Dabi.
You wish your sisters were here because then you’d have to put on a more confident front to show them you weren’t scared at all.
but they aren’t here, you can’t hide.
Hawks steals glances towards you, you never makes eye contact. You hope he doesn’t see how scared you truly are.
You surround yourself with fun memory’s of your sisters, ones that make you feel warm, it hardens you.
“we’re here.” Dabi calls from the front.
never mind, your losing your shit.
You can hear hawks speaking to Tokoyami, “stay here, don’t want the cargo getting stolen- use dark shadow if you have to.”
Hawks then jumps out of the carriage joining you and Dabi.
“Stay close to me, okay?” Hawks whispers in your ear.
You nod as a protective wing covers you slightly.
The three of you walk through the crowd, it smells a lot worse than SableStone did, Dabi says it’s because a lot of “human waste” gets dropped here.
so you watch your step a little more than usual…
Through the hood you can see children on the streets, a lot of them looked malnourished but that’s average for a town like this- it smells like iron around the butcher shops, it makes you sick.
Your father would’ve never even let you set a single step here, let alone frolic in the crowds.
Dabi seems more on guard than he did in SableStone, so does Hawks. Both of their stances are more stiff- hawks has less of a cheerful “I love life!” face and more of a “come near me and I’ll slaughter you” face.
It gives you some comfort.
The three of you make your way to a darker shop tucked in a corner, it’s old and made out of gray stones stacked atop each-other with a little window.
“Excuse me?” Hawks taps the entrance of the window, “got an offer for ya.”
A man comes out from the darkness, he has pale skin and hair, his skin dry and cracking. He has at least two scars on his face as well with red eyes.
a little scary, so you shuffle a closer to hawks.
A scratchy voice replies from the window, “and that would be?”
“Just a few things from the palace?”
The man scoffs, “I got too many of your type coming in a day, don’t waste my time aga-“
Dabi smacks his hand on the counter, “Shigaraki, we’re not in the mood for games at the moment.”
“Dabi? hm, you should’ve done the talking first y’know- I’d believe you quicker.”
“The bird ain’t that smart, sorry.”
“How much of it you Va got?”
“A few chairs, chests, dresses, shoes, y’know the basics.”
You stay quiet and try not to make eye contact with the red eyed one.
for once, you hope someone doesn’t recognize you.
You can he shigaraki say, “You selling her too?”
Dabi chuckles, “Depends”
please say this is a joke, you’d rather sleep next to hawks for a 100 more nights than even be near that man for one.
Hawks said he wouldn’t sell you- he won’t, right?
You feel his wing shift around you tighter.
“She’s not for sell.” Hawks says hoarsely.
Shigaraki laughs, “what, you take the princess too?”
he stopped when they didn’t laugh with him.
“are you fucking serious.”
Dabi looks around, “a little bit.”
“You can’t be a little bit serious, why the hell did you kidnap her?!” Shigaraki whisper yells.
Hawks sighs, “it was an accident.”
“you don’t just accidentally kidnap someone, dipshit.”
During all of this chaos, you look around- it feels more crowded than before, you never liked crowds anyway.
But a man catches your eye, a very beautiful man at that.
Blond hair, blue eyes, dimples, a lazy smile with a relaxed pose- lord have mercy.
and he’s looking at you too!
All conversation behind you has been absolutely lost, this man is the only thing you’re thinking about right now.
Hawks wing isn’t entirely around you- you could just sneak away for a moment couldn’t you? I doubt Mr. bird man would care.
so you step out slightly- no reaction from hawks yet. then more, no reaction.
“Damit shigaraki, it was on accident okay?!” You can hear less and less of hawks the more you scoot away.
Then the gorgeous man is right next to you!
“Hello, pretty” he says with a smooth voice.
“I-I uhm- hi!”
“What’re you doing all the way in Skinningrove? Your skin looks it comes from the capitol.”
Slightly weird but that’s alright!
“I-I’m traveling, for work!” you reply almost too quick.
He touches your wrist, his hands are soft.
“You’d go for a pretty penny.”
“what was that?”
All he does is stare at you, with that lazy smile…okay you’d like to go back to Hawks now.
you take a step back but the man grips your hand tighter, “h-hey, let go.”
“God, you’d go for a fortune.” You can feel hawks feather fall out of your cloak.
He grabs you, covering your mouth and dragging you towards the iron scented shops.
Meanwhile, hawks is still arguing quietly with shigaraki.
“I’m surprised she hasn’t killed you in your sleep!” Shigaraki roughly says.
Hawks groans, “she likes me just fine, we’re civil.”
He looks towards where your supposed to be, “isn’t that right prin-…”
where are you?
“princess?” He says a little more worried.
Dabi looks at hawks, “what?”
“Where is she?”
“Who, y/n?”
“yes- where is she?” He says more quickly, looking frantically around.
Shigaraki starts, “Well good job, you lost someone you kidnap-“
“Shut up! Where did she go?” Hawks cuts him off.
Dabi looks around, “calm down, she couldn’t have gone far.”
Hawks wings puff slightly, “I’m going above ground, easier to spot her.”
He immediately shoots up ti the air, searching for even a glimpse of you.
The beautiful man is still dragging you through the streets, you whip around wildly trying to get him off of you.
“Stop struggling, no one will help you.”
The smell of iron gets stronger, was Dabi actually serious when he said they’d skin you?
You struggle more, you don’t want to be someone lamp shade o-or carpet!
You get closer and closer to the butchers door, you close your eyes, you don’t want to see.
“AGH-“ *smack!*
you fall to the ground immediately, you can hear people gasping and stepping away.
You can see Dabi come into your line of vision, “there you are!”
you wish it were hawks but- your just glad your safe.
Where is hawks? You turn your head to look for him but Dabi ends up stopping you, “don’t look.”
you don’t. You can hear it, grunting, the sound of flesh being hit, the running and cheering.
So all you do is stare at Dabi, “You scared the hell out of him yknow? better say thank you when he’s done.”
done beating a man to death. It makes your skin rise, makes you feel cold.
The noises stop. You can hear people usher to the man, then you can see hawks start to walk over to the carriage like he didn’t just pummel a man.
then, he starts giving your belongings to shigarakis hole-a-wall shop.
Dabi speaks up, “doubt we can sell it all here, need to go somewhere else after.”
your speechless, your father never let you even see blood.
you feel dirty even though you didn’t see anything really.
Dabi stands up, “cmon, let’s go meet up with them.”
you just follow, and sit at the front of the carriage with Tokoyami.
He looks at you, “told you Skinningrove was terrible.”
you exhale a small laugh, at least he tried to keep you happy.
you look towards the crowd, you don’t see the man but- you see specks of red.
“Thanks a bunch, shigaraki” you can hear Dabi say.
“Yea just make sure princess doesn’t run off again eh?”
You feel the carriage shift with Hawks and Dabis weight.
Tokoyami starts, “where to next?”
Dabi pauses, “Sunstone.”
Tokoyami stumbles, “In the dessert?”
“Yea, shigaraki says we’ll find some good prices there.” Dabi replies.
Tokoyami looks back into the carriage, “yikes, you need something to dress those knuckles Hawks.”
Dabi chuckles, “he don’t know how to tie a bandage barely.”
“I bet y/n does” Tokoyami says.
You say, “What?”
Tokoyami fixes himself, “I bet you know how to dress a wound, being the eldest daughter and all.”
It’s true, you do. You always dressed your sisters wounds when they tripped outside near the garden. Your father never liked you near blood but you still someone always came near it anyways.
“I uh…I do.”
Tokoyami smiles slightly, “will you do the honors then?”
you sigh and step into the covered part of the carriage.
Hawks is shaking slightly, maybe he’s not used to beating people…who are you kidding he’s a thief.
you sit directly in front of him, grabbing some cloth and trying to rip it. It doesn’t work.
He takes it from your hands, tearing it for you, you’re able to get a better look at his hands. They’re covered in blood, it’s your fault.
you grab the container of water and dab it onto the rag, cleaning his wounds softly as he winces quietly, griping your hands a little tighter.
Hawks doesn’t reply.
You wrap the cloth around his knuckles, are you okay…?”
something’s off, he seems angry? upset? maybe even a little sad too.
“are you sure, Mr. Hawks?”
He says quiet, looking down at his shoes.
“Why would you run off?”
“I-i was distracted.”
He huffs, “I know you’re not completely stupid y/n, why did you run off.”
He seems a whole lot more upset than you thought he’d be before you snuck off.
“I saw something that caught my eye..” you dab more water on the the rag.
“or someone.” he says with distain.
“y’know. I knew your were probably some princess who was aching for a bit of loving but I didn’t know you’d start whoring yourself out.”
You mouth drops, “h-hawks?!” Why would he say something like that to you, weren’t you two making good progress?
You can see Dabi look over in surprise but he decided not to intervene.
Hawks looks up from his shoes, “What, It’s the truth ain’t it?”
It’s true that you are a little bit touch starved and that you enjoy attention but you’ve also been inside a palace for most of your life.
“Y-you don’t even know me.”
“I know enough, I can tell through your damn actions y/n.” He voice raises, “You think some locked up princess will ever be as good of a ruler than your mother?”
“Don’t bring her into this-“
“Why? Cause your daddy said “off with her head” and you weren’t allowed to talk about her no more?” He yells at you.
Then carriage goes quiet. Mother made your father soft, he didn’t need that.
you can feel the tears burning the edging of your eyes, you can feel the pain resurface.
Dabi speaks up finally with just a simple, “oh wow.”
You don’t say anything, what would you say to something like that? No one ever talked about your mother like that.
So your tears fall instead of words.
“Y/n..” hawks says softly.
He continues, “I-I was just angry- I’m so sorry.”
You just cover your face a curl into your own lap, hiding, hawks placed his hands onto your back and continues talking.
“I swear I didn’t mean any of that princess, didn’t mean a single thing ‘swear it.”
You don’t respond.
“Fuck, m’sorry, m’so sorry princess- I just was angry because I couldn’t protect you okay?”
You sniffle, “I-it’s fine.”
“It’s not. M’sorry, princess.”
He holds you, you feel warm- mostly because his wings are trying to wrap around you.
You never knew hawks could get so….emotional?
The words he spewed out from his mouth did hurt but he seems like he’s actually sorry at least.
He just holds you, you wished he were one of your sisters- you missed them oh so much.
They would never say something like that to you, they were too scared to.
At least Hawks was honest. That’s probably what you liked so much about him.
you hug back.
He tightens his grip.
And his embrace is warm.
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skzkiof · 5 months
can u write a fic of ivantill navigating their feelings after the kiss if they were both saved by the rebels
Till was annoyed. He was also feeling a lot of other things, undoubtedly, but annoyance was at the top of the list because why wouldn't they just let him see Ivan already?
"Can you please stop pacing?"
He paused mid-step and glanced over at Mizi.
"I just found out one of my friends who I honestly thought was dead has actually been alive this whole time and my other friend is currently being operated on after nearly giving his life to save me. Sorry if I'm a little antsy."
Mizi gave a small smile, undeterred by his bluntness as usual. Or what used to be usual. Till wasn't so sure what had or hadn't changed.
"He'll be okay, I promise." Even as she said it, her eyes were drawn to the closed door. They couldn't even hear anything through the thick metal. "You heard them; the wound was pretty minor. Just grazed his side."
Till pressed his lips into a thin line, hands curled into fists at his sides.
"Why did he do that?" he asked, barely louder than a whisper. Mizi stood up and crossed the hall, drawing him into a hug. He used to dream about this - having her undivided attention - but now it did little to ease the terrible pain in his chest.
Sniffing once, he hugged her tight. She didn't say anything, even as began to cry into her shoulder.
It was nearly two hours before the door opened and one of the healers - Mizi had introduced them but honestly Till couldn't remember her name; he had been kind of traumatized at the time, okay? - stepped out.
Till tried very hard not to focus on the blood staining the front of her shirt. "He's stable," she said.
"Okay, great." Till didn't even wait before trying to push past her; she didn't budge. "Come on! I just want to see him."
She smiled politely. "I didn't say you couldn't. Just try and be quiet, okay? He might be doze in and out, don't try to force him to stay awake."
Till pursed his lips. "I know," he grumbled. Mizi joined his side.
"Thank you," she said. With a shared nod, the healer left. Inside the room was the other healer; he quietly set a rag on Ivan's forehead before also leaving the room.
"He still has a slight fever," he explained. "If he asks, you can refresh the rag." He pointed to a bucket on the table with what Till could only hope was clean water.
Once he was gone, Till walked over to the bed and sat down. Mizi sat on the other side of the bed. Ivan hadn't stirred since they walked in.
He looked bad - terrible, even. His skin was even paler than usual, there was a bit of crusted blood still at the corner of his mouth, dark circles under his eyes.
But he was alive, and that was all that mattered.
"I'll just stay until he wakes up," Mizi said quietly, staring at him. "I just want to make sure he's okay."
Till had almost forgotten he wasn't the only one who had been wounded by what happened. He suddenly felt a little guilty.
"You don't have to leave," he said instead.
She smiled over at him; there was something about the look in her eyes that made Till feel exposed. He didn't like the feeling. "I think you two need to talk."
He didn't argue, even if the last thing he wanted to do right now was talk about what had happened. Any of it.
Ivan woke up about ten minutes later; he was groggy, as expected, voice hoarse and scratchy.
"Here." Till moved without even thinking, grabbing a cup he had noticed on the table a little earlier.
Ivan was too weak to even hold it. Till adapted quickly; he held the cup to his lips and tilted it back a little. Once Ivan was done, he set it aside again.
"So," he licked his lips. "I guess this isn't heaven, huh?"
Mizi laughed softly. "Not even close. But you're safe here, at least."
He sighed, groaning a little as he tried to sit up. Till moved quickly, gently grabbing his arm to help him. He wasn't even sure if he should be moving yet but he wasn't about to fight him; that just seemed like asking for even more trouble.
"I really expected to die up there," he said once he was settled, the rag fallen at his side. Till grabbed it, plopping it in the bucket for now.
Mizi pressed her lips together. "I think I'm going to go see if they have anything that'll be easy enough on your stomach," she said, gently touching Ivan's shoulder as she stood.
"I'm not hungry," he replied automatically.
She clicked her tongue. "Too bad; you need to eat to recover."
Without waiting for a reply, she swept around the bed and paused just long enough to squeeze Till's shoulder once before leaving the room.
The silence was almost suffocating.
"You weren't really choking me," Till blurted.
Ivan side-eyed him. "Of course not," he said slowly. "Did you really think I would?"
Till opened his mouth, closed it. "I'm not really sure of anything anymore," he admitted quietly.
"It was just a ploy," Ivan continued, looking away. "I don't know. I just needed them to believe it."
It was silent again for a few beats. Till stared at his hands.
"You could've killed me," he said eventually. "I didn't care."
He chanced a look; Ivan was still staring ahead at nothing, his mouth a tight line. "I would've never let that happen," he said and for a moment Till wasn't sure what he meant until - "I would've done anything to ensure your safety."
And that was the crux of it, huh?
Till thought of Ivan's hands around his throat, surprisingly gentle. He thought about his mouth. His lips. He had kissed Till like he was searching for something. Like he needed something.
"You kissed me," he said. It felt weird, finally saying the words.
Ivan snorted, shaking his head minutely. "I did." He side-eyed Till again. "I know it was selfish of me. I know."
"But if you could do it over again, would you still kiss me?"
Till wasn't even sure what had motivated him to ask. Ivan smiled; it was almost sad. "Probably."
He nodded. He wasn't upset. He wasn't even sure if he had been upset, in the moment, not for longer than a second. Mostly he had been confused.
But now that he had time to think on it, he wasn't so confused anymore.
"I never knew," he mused quietly. "I mean." He looked up, suddenly a little angry. "You never told me. You should've told me."
All that time he had been chasing after Mizi and a part of him had always known it was never going to happen. She had loved - she still did - love Sua.
Time wasted. He had never even considered...
"There was no reason to burden you with my own feelings," Ivan said evenly. "I'm selfish, maybe, but I didn't want to make things even more complicated for you."
Till breathed out through his nose. "You really think you were doing that for my sake?" he asked, struggling to keep his voice level. "You think you had the right to decide what was best for me?"
Ivan stared back at him, eyes as dark as ever. "I don't understand."
"You kept it from me," Till continued, pressing a hand to his chest, "because you were scared to say it. You were scared of how I would respond."
Ivan let out a humorless laugh. "We both know how you would've responded, Till." He sighed. "This is a pointless argument to have."
He still wasn't getting it. "No," he said, leaning closer. "We don't know how I would've responded because you never gave me the chance."
"Just like you gave the same chance to Mizi?" he shot back.
Till pressed his lips together. "That is not the same and you know it. Sua loved her back. It was different. I - " He paused, biting the inside of his cheek.
Suddenly the fight was drained out of him. Ivan eyed him warily.
"You what?" he asked, looking cautious and almost nervous. Till had never seen that expression on his face. He always looked so in control of everything. It was nice to be reminded he was really just human like the rest of them.
Till swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I think I could've liked you, Ivan. If only I had known."
Ivan stared at him like he wasn't really seeing him. "No," he said, too fast. He looked more scared, here, than he had up on that stage.
"Didn't factor that into your little plan, huh?" he asked; without asking, he pulled the rag out of the water and wrung it before leaning forward to gently scrub away the dried blood on his chin. "I don't think I ever really liked her, not in the way I thought I did."
Ivan was silent, his jaw clenched.
"I was just - I needed something. An escape. A dream. She was nice to me. Pretty..." Till sat back. "I think I just really wanted someone to care about me."
Ivan glanced at him briefly before looking away again.
"But this whole time I was blind to see I had that," Till felt his eyes burning. "Maybe you weren't as obvious about it, maybe you had your own way of showing it, but... that doesn't matter." He tossed the rag aside and reached for his hand; Ivan stiffened as he grabbed it but didn't pull away. "I would like to have a second chance."
Ivan stared at their hands. "You don't owe me this," he said, voice still carefully even.
"I'm not offering anything because I feel like endowed to you," he squeezed his hand, hard. "You know me well enough to know I wouldn't do that. Now stop fighting me on this and look at me."
Ivan lifted his head.
"Thank you, Ivan," he said, staring into his eyes - dark, yes, but warm, comforting and familiar - "for caring about me, even when I couldn't see it."
Ivan opened his mouth, closed it. He squeezed his hand back. If Till didn't know better, he would even say he was blushing a little.
Maybe he would always have a bit of regret for not really seeing Ivan earlier. Maybe Ivan would apologize many more times for kissing him without permission. Maybe he would try to apologize for hurting Till, even if he didn't. Not really. All the pain he had felt - the real pain - was cured the moment he had known he would be okay. Maybe they would still struggle a lot, have bad and good days, but maybe that was okay.
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goldenempyrean · 1 year
Hey! I have a request. Could you write something where Wanda has been a bit stressed with work, and R had the flu. R doesn't want to add to Wanda's stress, so R hides their sickness. R has to go and do something outside for whatever reason (even though Wanda protests) and when R comes back in, their so delirious and out of it, they tell Wanda they feel sick, even though they don't really know what's going on. Thank you for your time!
Don't You Worry About Me
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〚 Notes  - Hey! Just another lil piece to fill the gap as I work on the AU :) Oh, please lmk what yall think about the new lil colours for the titles and stuff. I think it looks pretty cool! Also my amazing @lyak12 helped me out with the main idea for this too!〛
〚 Pairing- Wanda Maximoff x Reader 〛
〚 Summary - Wanda's been swamped with work lately and the last thing you wanted to was to add to her stress. Even if it means hiding the truth from her. 〛
〚 Wordcount - 3140 〛
〘 Check Out My Masterlist! 〙
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Wanda had spent the last few days battling a nasty case of the flu. She had been feeling weak and achy and was fighting a fever which just wouldn't break, no matter how hard you tried. But she was finally starting to feel better and had even managed to drag herself into her online work that morning. Unfortunately, she’d quickly realised that she was behind schedule on her reports. For some dumb reason Fury had decided to shorten the deadline and now she was quickly running out of time to complete them all. 
She tried to focus on her work, but her head was still a bit fuzzy from the fever. She kept having to stop and reread things, and it was taking her twice as long as it should have. She could feel her stress levels rising as the clock ticked on and her to-do list seemed to be getting longer rather than shorter. And despite your best efforts to keep her calm, every little thing only seemed to add to the growing pile of stress pressing down on her. That was probably why you hadn't even registered the aching feeling in your bones, you were far too busy.  
But as the day went on, you couldn't ignore the sick feeling that was slowly creeping up on you. Your head was starting to throb, and your throat was beginning to feel scratchy. You tried to push through it, but every time you stood up to grab something, you found yourself feeling dizzy and disoriented.  
Around noon you'd decided to make some tea and that's when you'd first noticed it, the weakness in your arm as you went to lift the kettle. That’s when it really clicked for you that you were getting sick, and you had to stifle an annoyed groan. Of course you’d caught it from her. Just great... But it wasn't exactly like you had the time to dwell on it – if you did you’d only end up alerting Wanda to your condition, which was the last thing you wanted, especially when she was already so stressed with her work, so instead you finished up the tea and came to sit beside Wanda in the living room, attempting to clear a space on the coffee table between the piles of paperwork and files to place her mug down. 
You could see the frustration and exhaustion written all over her face as she loudly tapped on the laptop settled on her knees. It made your heart ache. You knew that she was the type of person who hated falling behind on her work, especially when deadlines were involved. 
Wanda looked up from her laptop and smiled weakly as you placed the mug of tea in front of her. "Thank you," she murmured before turning her attention back to her work. You settled down beside her, trying to ignore the growing ache in your bones. You really didn't want to worry Wanda, especially since she was already stressed enough as it was. "How's your day going?" She asked casually, her voice still a little hoarse from days of coughing. 
You shrugged. "Busy, but nothing I can't handle," You replied, trying to sound optimistic, “Can I do anything else for you though sweetheart?” you offered sweetly as you reached out to gently squeeze her thigh. 
“Is there any way you could help me with these?” She motioned to the stacks of paper littering the coffee table, “I know it wasn’t your mission but I’m so far behind and Fury’s going to have my head chopped off and hung up for public display if I don’t get this all done.” 
You nodded, Fury was known for being strict with deadlines, “Okay baby, do you want me to look over these?” You asked, picking up one of the denser files. 
“That’d be amazing.” Wanda sighed in relief as she leant over to kiss your cheek, “You’re doing me such a huge favour baby.” 
As you both started working on the reports, you could feel your own weakness and fatigue growing with every passing minute, not to mention the constant feeling like your nose was running leading you to sniffle quietly every so often. But you pushed through it, determined to help Wanda get her work done. Much to your annoyance, over the next few hours, your sniffles only increased, and you were frequently having to take breaks to go and discreetly blow your nose in another room. On a normal occasion you would’ve told Wanda the second you began to feel like something was off, but you knew that telling her would only stress her out further and there was no way you wanted to do that. So, you stayed painfully silent about the growing pressure in your sinuses and continued to diligently help Wanda with her work. 
As the day wore on, you could feel the exhaustion starting to take its toll on you. Your body felt heavy, and your mind was starting to feel foggy. You knew you should probably take a break and rest, but you didn't want to let her down so when Wanda suggested taking a break, you instantly jumped on the opportunity. 
By the time the two of you were going to bed, you felt thoroughly exhausted. Even just moving felt like a monumental task and you had to fight to stay awake as you brushed your teeth. By some miracle, you managed to finish getting ready for bed without falling asleep, it was just as you were giving yourself a final look over in the mirror when you felt the annoying itch in your sinuses. 
“Hh'ishu! Ish'chu! HeH’TSHiew!” Despite your best efforts to stay quiet, your last sneeze ended up being on the louder side prompting Wanda to call out a ‘bless you!’ from the bedroom. You waited hesitantly to see whether she’d say anything else, but it seemed her poor mind was too preoccupied with the looming work of tomorrow for her to connect the dots, so you took the opportunity to thoroughly blow your nose before padding back into your bedroom. 
“You tired my love?” Wanda asked, as you sank into the bed, welcoming the warmth of your blankets, “Thanks for helping me out so much today.” 
“A little.” You mumbled – ‘a little’ was a huge understatement, “and you don’t need to thank me darling, I just want you to be able to get all this work done.” 
“You helped a lot. I'm really thankful.” Wanda murmured quietly as she yawned widely before nuzzling against you, “Goodnight baby.” 
“Goodnight Wands.” 
When you woke up the next morning the bed was cold. Painfully cold. You rolled over into the spot where Wanda would usually be led, only to be met with an empty bed. You felt awful, you’d barely opened your eyes when you were struck with a harsh, painful headache nestled deep behind them. Groaning, you tried to sit up, though admittedly it did numerous attempts, and you began slowly massaging temples in a feeble attempt of getting some form of relief. 
Pulling your aching body out of bed seemed almost impossible but you did it anyway, trying to take a deep breath as the room span around you. There was no way you were getting properly dressed today, instead you opted to pull on one of Wanda’s fuzzy cardigans instead before heading over to the bathroom. 
You really should’ve prepared yourself better for the reflection staring back at you in the mirror. You looked awful. Thick purple bags hung beneath your red, tired eyes, only extenuated further by your sickly, white skin. You hadn’t even had the chance to criticise your fever flushed cheeks before your sinuses reared their complaints and sent you bending at the waist with two strong sneezes only to be followed by a harsh bout of thick coughing which left you trembling and breathless. 
After the coughing fit subsided, you stumbled over to the sink and splashed some water on your face. The cool liquid brought a small measure of relief to your pounding head, but it wasn't enough to stop the dizziness from overwhelming you. You leaned heavily against the counter, willing the room to stop spinning. Humouring yourself, you decided to take your own temperature and even that was a huge task, especially when you weren’t able to breathe out of your overly stuffy nose. 
However, you managed to hold your breath long enough for the small device to beep loudly, announcing its verdict. 
“Oh shit...” You mumbled to yourself, looking down at the numbers on the slightly blurry electronic screen. 39.1 - that really wasn’t good, truthfully it wasn’t just the screen that was blurry, everything around you seemed to be muffled by a thick wall of cotton and you only found yourself cursing again when you opened the bathroom cupboard to see an almost-empty bottle of Flu medicine sitting on the shelf. 
Wanda had used the last of it. 
Speaking of. You wished Wanda was here. You needed her more than ever, you craved her comfort and longed for her to tuck you up into bed but no, you were stuck here staring at your pitiful reflection, feeling like death warmed over. Just as you were about to call out for her something stopped you.  
She still had her work to do, calling out for her now would only distract her. Muffling another round of harsh, chesty coughs into your sleeve only made tears well up in your eyes. But you didn't cry. You only sniffled and reminded yourself that you were an Avenger too. You might not have powers, but you had resilience and determination, and you weren't going to let the flu defeat you. You just had to toughen up. How far even was the shop anyway? All you needed to do was go out and by yourself some medicine. That’s all you needed to do. 
Taking a deep breath, you pulled yourself away from the bathroom counter and slowly made your way to the door. The room spun as you tried to focus on the hallway in front of you. Every step felt like a marathon, your body ached and shivered with every move. But you pushed on, driven by the desire to get better and not let this illness get the better of you. 
Ignoring Wanda’s call of ‘goodmorning’ from the kitchen, you reached the front door, opening to only be blinded by the intense light beaming down from the blue sky. It was a beautiful day, the kind of day you would usually spend outside, enjoying the warmth and taking in the sights of the city. But today, all you could think of was getting to the pharmacy and getting back to bed. 
With shaky hands, you stepped outside, continuing to ignore Wanda’s calls of confusion. The cool air hit you instantly, and you shuddered, pulling the cardigan tighter around yourself. The pharmacy was only a few blocks away, but each step felt like an eternity. You could feel your temperature rising, your head pounding, and your breathing becoming more and more laboured. 
You didn’t know how long you were walking for before you decided to turn back, everything was too much, the light, your wheezing exhausted breathing, everything. Hell, you could barely make out your own hand in front of your pale face as the world spun around you. It was a miracle you’d even made it this far without collapsing. 
And so, by the time you’d stumbled back into the safety of your home, all your energy had been thoroughly drained, and you clutched the wall for support, knowing it was the only thing keeping you upright. 
“Sweetie? Where did you go?” Wanda called out as the sound of the door closing echoed through your home, hearing no answer, the witch stood up from the table and slowly padded over to peek round the corner only to frantically rush to your side when she saw you leaning weakly against the wall for support, “Oh my god, Y/N?! Holy shit, you’re on fire, why on earth were you outside? When did you get this sick? Fuck Y/N-” 
Truthfully, you were only hearing about half of the worried words frantically spilling from her, you were too busy on attempting to keep yourself lucid which was proving to be a very difficult task when the room around you wouldn’t stop spinning, “We need’d med’cine.” Your words came out in a jumbled mess as Wanda pulled you into her arms, cradling your trembling body. 
“No, no baby you need to be in bed. Why didn’t you tell me you were feeling sick? When did you even get sick? This can’t be new.” Her anxious tone was impossible to miss as you felt yourself being lifted up into her arms as she carried you in the direction of your bedroom, “Why didn’t I notice this...” 
“Yo’ were busy wit’ work.” Your slurred word were barely decipherable and you soon felt yourself being lowered down onto the familiar softness of your bed; a thick blanket being tucked over your shaking body.   
Wanda’s face was etched with worry as she looked down at you, “No, I should have noticed. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. My work is nowhere near as important as your health is.” She pressed a cool hand to your sweat-soaked forehead, “You’re beyond burning up...” 
Your response was only a mutter of unaudiable words as Wanda quickly rushed out of the room. It felt like she was gone for hours, but in reality, it was only probably a few minutes. But when she returned, she was tightly clutching a small bottle in her hands, “I got this from the neighbours, it isn’t too strong but it’s the only thing we have on hand.” 
“Mm?” you tried sitting up, but a firm hand kept you in place. 
“No baby, lay down. I just need you to drink this, okay?” Wanda’s words soothed you as she poured out a dose of the medicine and held it to your lips, rubbing your back as you sipped it weakly.  
The medicine was bitter and made you scrunch up your face, but you were too weak to protest. Wanda continued to stroke your hair and hum a gentle tune, trying to calm you down as the medicine began to take effect. Gradually, you felt the heat in your body subside a little and your breathing became easier. 
“Poor baby, I'm so sorry that I got caught up in all that work.” She whispered quietly, reaching over to grab some tissues when you began fussing with your running nose. 
She must’ve been physic or something because only seconds later, you felt your nose burn with that pestering itch again and you only had to energy to turn your head away in the opposite direction to her before...  
““Ihsheiueww! Hih...hihhEHHHSHIEW!” 
“Awh my poor baby, bless you.” Wanda sighed, taking another handful of tissues to wipe your face before running her hand through your slightly-damp hair, “This bug’s really doing a number on you, isn’t it?” 
You could only manage a weak nod in response, feeling utterly drained and exhausted. But as Wanda continued to care for you, you couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence. Her gentle touch and soothing words were the only things keeping you grounded in reality. 
As the medicine began to take full effect, you felt your eyes start to droop and your body relax into the mattress. Wanda must have noticed because she leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead before whispering, "Get some rest, my love. I'll be right here with you." 
And with those words, you allowed yourself to drift off into a peaceful slumber, feeling safe and comforted in Wanda's loving embrace. 
The next time you opened your eyes, the room was dark, and you could see the faint outline of Wanda sitting in a chair beside you, still keeping a watchful eye. She must have fallen asleep at some point because her head was resting against the back of the chair, her breathing slow and steady. You didn't want to wake her, but your throat was parched, and you needed water. 
You mustered up all your strength to croak out her name, "Wanda?" 
She stirred slightly and opened her eyes, rubbing them to adjust to the dim light. "Hey there, how are you feeling?" she asked softly. 
"Thirsty," you managed to say, your gravelly voice barely above a whisper. 
Wanda immediately stood up and grabbed a glass of water from the bedside table. She helped you sit up and slowly raised the glass to your lips, supporting your head with her other hand. The cool water felt heavenly on your parched throat, and you gulped it down greedily. 
"Thanks," you said, your voice a bit stronger now. 
Wanda smiled, "Anything for you, my love." 
You settled back down into the bed, feeling a bit more comfortable now that you had some water in your system. Wanda pulled the covers up to your chin and tucked you in, her hand lingering on your forehead to check your temperature. 
"You're still warm," she noted. "But your fever has gone down a little, I was seriously debating taking you to hospital earlier y’know.” 
The next few days were a blur of fever dreams and fits of coughing, but Wanda remained by your side throughout it all. She made sure you were always comfortable, bringing you hot soup and a cool washcloth to soothe your burning forehead. 
Despite the pain and discomfort, there was something oddly comforting about being so vulnerable around Wanda. She never judged you or made you feel weak for being sick. Instead, she loved and cared for you even more, making you feel truly cherished. 
As the days passed, your symptoms gradually began to subside, and you started to feel more like yourself again. Wanda was always at your side, encouraging you to take it slow and rest as much as possible. 
Finally, the day came when you felt strong enough to get out of bed and move around a little. You stumbled into the living room, feeling a little unsteady on your feet, but Wanda was there to catch you. 
"Easy there," she said, smiling gently. "How are you feeling?" 
"Better," you replied, your voice still a little raspy from all the constant coughing. "Thanks to you." 
Wanda's smile widened, and she pulled you into a warm embrace. "I'm just glad you're feeling better," she whispered. "I was so worried about you." 
You hugged her back, feeling a sense of gratitude wash over you. Despite the illness, it had brought you even closer to Wanda, and you knew that you would always have her by your side, no matter what. 
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otrtbs · 7 months
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ an otrtbs submission for the @sillylovesongsfest ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
prompt: pierre by ryn weaver
jarty croucher | t | 4.1k | slightly sexual themes and recreational drug use
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Barty rolls over and groans at the sun-soaked tent he finds himself in. It’s sweltering hot and the thin cotton top sheet of the makeshift bed clings to his sticky skin. The tent is too bright and it smells sour with stale tobacco and weed.
It would be enough to make Barty vomit if there was anything left in his stomach.
There’s sand everywhere.
“It’s so fucking humid in here,” he groans, as his brain pounds against his skull. “I can’t breathe.”
A voice in the bed next to him makes him jump.
“It rained last night, remember?”
Barty turns to see a head of nearly white curly hair fanning out over the blue tarp next to him. A girl, no, the girl from last night laying on her stomach, still half-asleep.
“Fucking torrential.”
Barty didn’t remember. Not really.
The night before was coming back to him in bits and pieces. Alcohol-soaked frames of cognizance.
He remembers fighting with James again. Screaming so loud that his voice was hoarse and his throat was scratchy. This time was the last time. Never come back here again. He remembers hearing about some giant rager in the desert. Something about celebrating the blood moon. There were caravans of people and bonfires and music by the time Barty showed up.
He remembers not knowing anyone there. Heard from a friend of a friend. He was a drifter. A party crasher. None of that mattered once he was there though. A group of people pulled him in like they’ve known him his entire life, and soon enough he had a cup of something that burned his throat in his hand and a girl dragging him closer to the fire.
He remembers the brutal sun casting heat waves so violent that everything seemed to shimmer and dance slightly around him. Pockets of sun-induced water appeared just beyond the sand dunes and disappeared by the time Barty walked over to them.
He drank until the sun went down, he took everything offered to him. He sweats out all of the vodka in his system just to down more in a steady stream. He barely recalls the red moon rising high above him, ruddy and ominous.
When the desert got cold, that’s when the real party started.
Some man’s hand around his throat, some girl’s tongue in his mouth. Everything pulsating and dully muted around him. Bodies pressing up against his, hands through his hair, a settling chill to cool the sticky heat.
The girl pulls away. Stark white hair like an angel in the desert. Billowy white clothes like a ghost.
And Barty wants to be haunted.
Sand slipping through his hands. She weaves in and out of the crowd once she decides she’s done with him, but he follows as closely as he can.
Eventually, she stops and turns around again, the shadows from the fire flicker on her face.
“I have something to help with dullness,” she shouts over the noise, the people, the music, the blood rushing in his head.
“What?” He hadn’t realized he’d said that part out loud.
She sticks out her tongue so Barty can see a little white tab with a smiley face on it. It has three eyes, and one of them winks at him.
He puts his mouth on hers in grateful acceptance and the tab finds its way under his tongue.
“Who are you?” Barty asks, voice reverent as he eyes the tattoo on her shoulder. Little horns inked into her skin. “An angel?”
She laughs as she pulls him closer. Her nails are sharp like claws and for a second Barty thinks she might rip him apart. Feels like he’s been caught. Her teeth sharp and glinting at the sight of his throat.
“Maybe I’m the devil.”
That’s where his memory ends. For the most part.
He holds a hand up to his sore lip and winces. Runs his tongue over it and tastes the dried blood.
“Fuck,” he groans.
The girl sits up and as soon as Barty sees her pale green eyes blinking back at him he smiles.
“Hm. So you do remember.”
“Vaguely,” Barty croaks through chapped lips. “I can’t believe I slept in a tent in the desert on the floor.”
“Could’ve fooled me. You look like you do this all the time. No offense.”
“None taken,” Barty sighs, as he examines his stinging palm to see a raw and, now dried, bloody cut spanning the lifeline on his skin. “What the fuck?”
“It was the sacrifice to the moon,” Pandora supplies breezily as Barty moves to stand up.
“Right, whatever that fucking means,” Barty brushes her off.
Maybe he should be more concerned about the whole ordeal, but he wasn’t. It was actually…fun. A good release of energy.
He would’ve hated it.
He would’ve insisted that Barty stay the night at his place instead. Entertain him with something less risky. Something more self-serving.
Barty shakes his head to clear his thoughts. At least last night he hadn’t thought of him at all. Now, the harsh light of the morning was screwing things up again.
Pandora helps him search the sand and surrounding tents for his keys and his wallet, and some various other items before she points him in the right direction and Barty makes the trek back up the road to his car.
She tells him there’s another party next month. He tells her he’ll think about it.
The drive back is quiet. Barty doesn’t turn on the radio, it’ll only aggravate his already pounding head.
Instead, he thinks.
What would he think if Barty told him what he did?
Told him he held out his bleeding palm to the fire and listened as the blood sizzled on the rocks and wood beneath it. Told him he danced in the desert in the pouring rain and slept in a sandy tent as the alcohol coursed through his system. Told him he stayed out all night, not bothering to call home. Not bothering to tell a single other person where he was.
He’d be appalled. He’d probably sigh in disappointment, or better yet, he’d yell when Barty finally bothered to answer his call the next week.
It’s not Barty’s fault that James liked him because he was rough around the edges. Too sharp to hold onto without bleeding. Too impulsive to see a long-term future with. Too mean to have breakfast with the next morning.
It’s why it was fun. Something with an expiration date. Manufactured good times in a bottle– consequence-free-fucking.
But then it got confusing.
Barty wishes he would call. But he’s thankful he doesn’t.
A few weeks later, Barty finds himself at the front row of some dive bar-turned-concert-venue sipping a warm and flat beer. The place is crowded and loud, and the air is warm with the stench of alcohol and weed. He’s pretty sure someone in the back is giving out makeshift tattoos for five dollars. He’s pretty sure he’s gonna take the guy up on the offer after the show.
Some girl, in a poor attempt to dance, knocks into him and sends his beer sloshing over the side of his cup and onto the floor.
He doesn’t really mind though. Because it’s that occurrence that causes the bass player to look at him. Really look at him as he sways along to the music, and nods his head to the beat.
Barty gives a small smirk and raises his plastic cup in response and the bass player smirks back at him. A challenge. A dare. One that Barty knows well.
Barty watches him all night. Dark, muscled arms strumming along, plucking the strings. He’s so close Barty can see his short paint chipped fingernails and calloused hands. His hair bleached almost white, falls in twists that he shakes every once in a while as they fall in front of his eyes. His lips mouth the words to the song the frontman is singing. His body moves to the beat of the drummer, and his eyes shine like he’s doing it all for Barty. And maybe it’s the alcohol, or maybe it’s because Barty has always been Barty, but as the night progresses he starts to actually believe it is all for him.
When the set is over, Barty follows the bassist out back into the cooling night.
“You played really well up there,” he called after the man, causing him to turn around.
“Oh yeah?” The man smirked.
“Yeah. I’m Barty.”
“Watched you all night.”
And that’s all it took really before Evan had him pressed up against some cold stone brick wall in a back alleyway.
Barty spends the better part of two months with Evan. They travel to different venues in the surrounding towns. They sleep all day and stay out all night as Evan plays his shows. Evan teaches him how to steal from unsuspecting store clerks. Barty shows him how to pick any lock. He lets Evan trace the scar on his palm over and over again. They’re high for most of it. Barty pierces Evan’s septum. Evan pierces his eyebrow. He travels with the band and plays the part of groupie dutifully.
It was much longer than his one-night desert excursion with Pandora, but soon enough the inevitable happened. He gets bored. Evan’s time was up and those soft, disappointed brown eyes flooded his mind once more.
Evan’s hands were calloused but not as rough. He was telling a joke but didn’t laugh the same. He didn’t bite to draw blood. He didn’t press to bruise.
Barty left with little trace. Just a text message telling Evan to text him the next time he was in town playing a show. Evan liked it but otherwise didn’t say a word.
And that was that.
Maybe this was just his way. Maybe he would be perpetually stuck chasing some unknown James shaped hole for the rest of his life. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. He could fill it up with other things. He could live with that.
He tries to tell himself he can live with that when it happens. His phone buzzes. Again and again and again and again and Barty stares at the caller ID displaying a number he’s more than familiar with. He answers it with a shameful eagerness but doesn’t speak.
“Did you mean to call me?” Barty croaks out in the deadened air.
A stuttering pause. “Yeah. Yeah, hi. How are you?”
Barty lets out a sharp laugh. Too sharp. “How am I? I’m fine, James. How are you?”
“Good,” James tried to say brightly, but Barty could hear the flatness in his voice. “How, um. How have you been?”
“Okay, what the fuck, Bambi. You’re freaking me out. It’s almost four in the morning.”
James laughs at the nickname that was always made to be an insult. Until it wasn’t.
“No, I know. I just…” James trails off and Barty finds himself wishing he would just finish his fucking sentence.
Come on, James. It’s me. You don’t have to be nice to me, remember? That’s the deal. That’s the rule. You can be mean to me. I can take it.
Something in his chest pulls, but Barty opts to ignore it as he takes on his talking-to-James tone: Sarcastic and needle-sharp.
“Miss me that much, Potter?” Barty hears James let in a sharp breath on the other end of the line and pushes on. “What? Are you going to tell me that it’s three in the morning and this is the time I normally come slinking around your place? Miss having someone like me to knock you about a bit? Get a little too rough with you? Fuck you, smoke with you after, and leave before the lights come on?”
“Barty.” He tries not to flinch at the fact that James is using his first name. “That’s not why…I’m calling because–”
But Barty cuts him off before James can say something ridiculous. Something like ‘I’m calling because I care about you,' or 'I’m seeing someone else,' or 'I’m worried for you. This guy’s really great, not at all like you,' or 'I miss you.’
“Well, I can’t come around anymore. I just finished touring around with some bass player and his band all across the state. They just signed to a label they’re about to be huge. And Evan, the bass player, he’s like the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, so.” Barty was aware that he was trying too hard. He could hear it in his own voice, but he was praying it was convincing enough for James. He pulled his lip ring in between his teeth and waited for James to say something.
“Oh, there’s an Evan.”
There was an Evan, kind of.
“Yeah, and he’s great, and I’m great. Never better, actually. So I think you were right to end it when you did. Whatever it was. It’s better this way.” Barty lies.
Barty lies and James goes quiet. It’s unbearable.
Do you want to come over?
Why did it take you months to call?
Did you mean what you said when you told me you could never bring me around your friends?
Do you ever miss fighting with me like I miss fighting with you?
Remember when you almost let me pierce your eyebrow? Evan pierced mine a while ago and I thought about you the entire time he was doing it.
His hands aren’t yours wrapped around my throat. He never squeezes hard enough.
“I’m going to hang up now.”
Speak now or forever hold your peace, James Potter.
“Okay, yeah. Sorry, yeah.”
“Okay. Later, bambi.”
Barty clicks the phone before James can respond.
What the fuck was James thinking?
What was he thinking?
Barty would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a small pulse of adrenaline at the sound of James’ voice. A small sense of satisfaction that James had broken the silence between them and called first.
He was going to ignore the fact that James had used the gentle voice with him. The voice reserved for a crying child, a terminal patient, or a scared wild animal in the woods. He was going to ignore the fact that James had obviously called him for a reason and Barty had dominated the conversation to keep him from it. And he was definitely going to ignore the curiosity chewing away at his mind about what James would’ve said if only Barty would’ve let him.
No. Instead, he was going to keep on telling James, and himself lies.
He was fine.
He was happy.
He was better than he’s ever been.
Barty walks himself out to his balcony and lights a cigarette as the cool air kisses his face. He recounts his lies over and over again and counts down to the day they might come true.
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“What did you say your name was again?” Barty looks at the sandy blonde boy questioningly. He’s got a smattering of freckles and soft eyes that are shining due to the alcohol.
The bar is too loud for a Thursday and Barty wants to leave, but the man just bought him another round and it would be rude to turn it away.
Barty nods, tilting his new beer towards him. “Well, cheers Peter.”
Peter offers him a smile as he tilts his glass in Barty’s direction and takes a drink, smiling coyly.
They talk for a minute. This is how Barty finds out that Peter is English and has no job and no house. He came into some money and is using it to travel to as many places as he can before the money dries up. He finds places to stay by matching with people on Tinder or Grindr and he’s out by morning exploring the city.
So in other words, he’s trouble. Which is exactly what Barty’s looking for.
Peter has honey-colored eyes and a honey-colored voice to match. Sweet on the surface with something dangerous and reckless buzzing just below the surface.
They stay until the bar closes and they stay until the parking lot clears out, and then when it’s good and dark and empty Barty slaps his motorcycle helmet on over Peter’s head and tosses him the keys.
He stands on the pavement with his arms crossed and watches as Peter starts the engine.
“Are you sure you’ve done this before?” Barty asks skeptically as Peter hesitates.
“Y-yeah.” He calls over the hum of the engine. “ I had a motorbike– have a motorbike back home but it’s in the shop getting repaired.”
Barty nods. “Well, just take her around the parking lot a few times then. Let’s see it.”
In his defense, Peter was the one who had asked to ride it. When Barty brought up his motorcycle, he watched as Peter’s honey-colored eyes went wide as saucers as he asked to see it. To give it a ride. Maybe Barty should’ve been worried that this stranger would just drive off with his bike in the dead of night with no witnesses and leave him stranded, but he was too drunk to care. It would all be just another story to laugh about in the daylight. Moonlight desert rituals and bass players and motorcycle thieves. All because of James fucking Potter.
Barty watches and snickers as Peter clearly has no idea what to do.
James knew how to ride motorcycles. He would take Barty’s sometimes to the only 24-hour corner store to pick up a watered-down black coffee and a new pack of Parliament’s when they ran out. Sometimes an orange or two if they were hungry.
Peter manages to make it around the parking lot twice before a loud pop rings through the air and causes Barty to jump. By the time he can register what’s happening, Peter is already beside him, pale-faced, and apologizing profusely.
He popped a fucking tire.
The blowout was not a gunshot. Thank god.
He lives another day.
Barty gives Peter a once over and determines that he went smashing into the concrete based on the scrapes to his face and his hands, and the tear in his pants at the knees.
For a moment, Peter looks at Barty like he might kick the shit out of him, and maybe Barty should, but the whole thing seems so comical at the moment that he can’t help but burst into delirious laughter.
Of course, someone named Peter that he met in a bar at midnight would ride his motorcycle once and make the tire pop. That was just his luck.
Without thinking about it, he sends a text to James.
‘Motorcycle tire just popped. Fucking shit.’
His phone buzzes almost instantly in his hand.
‘I told you last time the tire needed air. It was only a matter of time. You should’ve let me fill it up.’
Barty watches James type a message for what seems like an eternity. Then a new message.
‘Are you okay?’
Then it’s Barty’s turn to type forever.
‘Never better, bambi.’
He makes Peter call them a cab and tow company to get the bike. It’s the least he could do. Since he thinks it’s his fault the tire blew out, and Barty convinces him that it is.
Barty says they’ll figure it out in the morning and lets Peter stay at his place until the end of the week. Just long enough for him to see that the motorcycle was getting fixed. Long enough to take him around the city and show him all the best places.
They keep in touch for a month at tops and then Peter fades into another memory. Another story to tell. Another person he was with because he wouldn’t be with James.
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On the fourth of July, he meets Regulus at some party in someone’s backyard.
They’re about to start shooting off the fireworks when Barty sees him. Short crop of curly black hair and a downturned frown.
“Not having fun?” Barty smirked in an attempt to make conversation.
“Not having fun?”
“Not really.” The boy’s frown deepened. “Not at all.”
“Oh, what the fuck. You’re French?”
“Very astute observation.” The stranger says as he attempts to walk away.
“Sorry. It’s just, why the fuck would you be here if you could be in France? I’m Barty by the way.”
“Regulus,” the stranger sniffs. “And why the fuck would your parents name you Barty if they could pick from any other name in the world?”
Barty grins at Regulus’ accent and his snark. “Got it. No more questions then.”
“No more stupid questions,” Regulus amends.
They stick together the whole evening as Barty attempts to make the Fourth of July fun for the both of them.
He spends a few weeks with Regulus after that. Regulus speaks broken English, something stilted, but sure, and it rings nice in Barty’s ears long after he’s stopped talking. There’s nothing serious between them. They just spend the summer days sun drunk and carefree. Regulus attempts to teach him French. Barty attempts to make this time different. Neither of them are successful.
“I lied,” Regulus says in a passing moment as Barty gets ready to say his final goodbye. “I’m not twenty-three, I’m twenty. Also, my English is perfect. I was just fucking with you.”
Barty just blinks a few times. “Why do you think I would care about that? Regulus, what the fuck.”
Regulus shrugs. “Just thought you should know. You’re not the only one pretending to be something you’re not just for the fun of it.”
And Barty knows it’s fucked up, but he could kiss Regulus all over again.
He adds a pathological liar to his running list of adventures.
When he returns to his apartment, it’s quiet and empty. He tries to tell himself that he’s okay with that, that he likes it best this way, that he’s never been better.
James calls once again.
It’s become a routine of theirs.
James calls and Barty answers. He fills James’ head with all of his exploits, all of his stories, all of the Pandora’s and Evan’s and Peter’s and Regulus’ he’s been with since James. All of the fun he’s had since the last time they spoke.
But he couldn’t ever let any of them in, because James was already there, taking up too much space. Always there, lying in wait.
Barty keeps on telling his lies and James lets him, but they’re still not coming true. Barty’s counting down the days and still feeling more down than ever. He wishes that James would just call his bluff, hear the falseness in his voice, and yell at him for being irresponsible. But he never does.
It’s not until after Emmeline, Fabian, and Narcissa that James gives him another call.
Barty’s in the middle of recounting his latest adventure when James does it. Interrupts him with a knowing scoff.
“Listen, Crouch,” he says just like he used to. He’s fed up. Barty finally managed to press his buttons once more. “Can we stop doing this song and dance now? Drop the act?”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Barty sniffs, still trying to get one up on him.
“Oh sure,” James continues, voice flat. “When you’re ready to stop lying to yourself and to me…I was calling to tell you to come around.”
The words land like cement in his stomach.
“To come around?”
Barty’s heart picks up its pace.
It was a bad idea.
It was a horrible idea.
It would put them right back to where they were before.
Fighting and yelling and waiting for the moon to come out to talk to each other. To see each other.
It would end horribly.
They would burn each other up. Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. But God, Barty missed how it felt to be on fire.
“Yeah,” James breathes into the phone receiver. “You know the code to get in.”
Barty takes a deep breath.
What did it say about him that it had been all this time, and he still thought about James and his apartment and his soft sheets that were always laundered every day? James’ hands gripping his jaw. James’ laugh when Barty couldn’t find his jeans that had all been but ripped off of him. James’ sharp sneer and clenched jaw when Barty managed to get under his skin.
It doesn’t take too much convincing. Just lighting bolts of flashing memories. Tooth rot that ached too good to let go.
“Alright. Yeah. Fuck it. Fuck it, Bambi.”
There would be plenty of time for lying to himself later.
And one day his lies would come true.
Just not today. And definitely not tonight.
“I’ll come around.”
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inspired by the song pierre by ryn weaver
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107 notes · View notes
eclipse-rain · 1 year
'Awalie (Once; in the Past)
Summary: Reader (Jakes Sullys younger sister) wakes up in an unknown place and suddenly finds she has awoken 15 years later than the time of her last memory. But the real question is; why is she still the same age? Why doesn't this look like Earth? Will she be able to find her way back to Jake? And who is this Na'vi boy she just saved?
|Takes place after the end of the second movie|
Part 2 Part 3
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Have you ever thought about what you would do if suddenly you woke up and you were in an unknown place?
What would be your first reaction?
Well the first words that left your lips seemed to perfectly describe how you were feeling, as you had just been thrust into that exact scenario.
"What the...fuck?" You choked out, fairly groggy after just waking up from what felt like an eternal sleep.
You looked around your surroundings and realised fairly quickly that you didnt know where you were.
You were sat on the hard cold floor of a room that was made up of all white walls. It was full of all sorts of diffrent odd beeping machines that did god knows what.
You had previously been stuck in some kind of smaller compartment but when you had awoken you were able to push your way out.
There was a gap inbetween the segments of the compartment and so you wiggled your fingers through and found you were able to extend the table you laid on out of the small space, landing yourself on the floor instead.
That table.
You remembered that table.
What did you remeber about it?
Just then a memory came along with a sharp pain in your head and made your stomach lurch in realisation of what you remebered about this table.
"One, two. One, two."
"Hey, Little Miss Sully, you there?"
"If you can you hear us give us a sign."
Bright lights flashed across your face and shed some light in the darkness you saw, while you were poked and prodded like some kind of experiment.
Well, i guess thats all you were to them.
A science experiment.
Not a human being.
Not a living creature.
Just something to further their own curiosity and greed.
Why? Why did they do it? And why you?
You were angry about it at first. You were angry for a long time, during all of the time you were asleep. The sleep, the darkness, that seemed to go on forever but also somehow seemed to be gone in the blink of an eye now that you were awake.
But now you were fine with it. Now you didnt want to be seen as a human. You didnt want anything to do with them.
They had taken everything from you.
Your parents.
Your eldest brother.
'Tommy', Jake had bestowed the nickname onto his elder brother.
He had been shot to death right before your eyes. That was the last memory you had of him and the last memory you had at all. You had to tell Jake what happened. He could help.
But Tommy was already dead. What could he do? They're was no bringing someone back from the dead. You knew that. It was an undeniable fact.
The second words that you uttered, as you sat upright on the cold hard floor, after your awakening was the name of your older brother, the younger of the two twins.
"Jake...?" You called out. Your voice was hoarse as if it hadn't been used in some time and your throat felt scratchy like you had been forced to swallow thumbtacks.
What had happend to him, your second brother? Did he know what happened? Did he know his twin brother was dead? His older brother, his other half. Did he know what had happened to you? Where was he?
Where were you?
Just then you noticed a window a little ways away from you. You tried to get up to go look outside of it, to try and get a clue as to where you might be but your legs felt like jelly.
You collapsed as soon as you got up. You tried again only this time you used that wreatched table that would haunt your nightmares as support. You managed to make your somewhat numb legs move and you hobbled over to the window.
There was nothing to hold onto near the window, nothing to support you, so you had to just hope for the best. After throwing yourself in its direction you ended up latching onto the sides of the window, screws and all, since there was no windowsill to grab onto.
The pain caused to your hands by the old screws that jutted into your skin was nothing in comparison to the pain you felt all over the rest of your body before. How it felt when those experiments were actively being perfomed on you.
The pain you had felt then was so immense that it felt as if your whole body was burning from the inside out. Like thousands of little firey ants were making their way through each of your veins and into your blood stream.
Getting used to having to use your legs after being asleep was one thing but you still seemed to be affected by the after effects of the experiments that were perfomed on you by your own kind as well.
Now though, that pain you had felt had died down and your body felt somewhat sureen. As if it had been in hibernation, waiting for just the right time to awaken from its long slumber.
Perhaps that was why your legs felt like they hadn't been used in forever, why they were so numb. You had to find out how much time had passed. Just how long were you asleep for?
You had to find out where you were and what day it was. You had to get back to Jake. He must be worried about you, especially if he had already heard about Tommys death.
Except the only problem was that you didnt know where you were. As you peered out of that window and took in the view of the outside world that awaited you, nothing could have prepared you for what you saw.
The place that you woke up inside of seemed to be settled near a cliff with water, the sea you could assume, down below it. But that wasnt the weird part. Because when you looked in the opposite direction their were trees as tall as skyscrapers.
Ones that shined brightly of all diffrent colors. Colors that shouldn't come from normal trees. The foliage spread out into a canapy above making for a dense forest on the other side of the cliff. One more beautiful than you could imagine but also one just as deadly.
When you took a closer look at the outside surroundings you realised alot more could be seen. The forest seemed to be barricaded off and large machines as big as houses as well as people in giant metal robots patroled along it. There were many other structures, ones you assumed resembled the one you were in right now.
'Spaceships?' You thought to yourself
Yes. Thats what they looked like. You remebered from the pictures Tommy had show you about the one he was going to take to Pandora. You had also seen it on the news often when they reported what other scientists had found in their journeys to Pandora.
Everything you saw indicated only one thing. Only one place you could be. The place you had begged your eldest brother to tell you everything he knew about it.
The moon that had been found to have living creatures on it just like earth. You grew up hearing stories about it, everyone did.
You and Tommy had a particular intrest in it, although Jake never seemed as inthused about it as the both of you were. You had tried to make him come with you to classes countless times, where you would learn their language, but he had always brushed it off saying he was busy and had something else to do.
Tommy shared in your intrest of the planet though, even going so far as becoming a scientist to research it and the Na'vi peoples ways. You guessed he would never be able to achieve his dream now since he was shot dead right in front of you a week before he shipped out.
And then it hit you. Tommy was really dead. He wasn't coming back, he couldn't achieve his dream of going to Pandora and here you seemingly were. With the last memory you had, before finding yourself here, being of your eldest brother dying right before your eyes because some guy wanted the money in his wallet. You had watched the bullet wound bleed out and blood pool around his body, frozen in fear and dread before you too were shot.
Yes that was right. You had been shot too. So what happened after that? What was all that pain you had felt? Those voices you heard, those images you saw.
They had been experimenting on you. That had been your first thought and the conclusion you came to while you were asleep because of the vague distorted flashes and sounds that repeatedly played in your mind. Beeping machines and people mumuring above you, sounding so close yet so far away.
You slid down from where you were standing, holding the window, and clutched your head from these memories as they caused volts of pain to stab through your brain like they had done when you had first rembered the table.
They had been experimenting on you while you were asleep. So had you been in a coma? You were shot too but didnt die so mabey Tommy was in a coma too and you were just jumping to conclusions that he was dead. But then again, even if he was in a coma that wasnt much better than being dead either, it just ment that while his physical body wasnt dead his brain was.
So thats what had happened to you? After you had been shot you went into a coma and so you had been brian dead? How long had it been since you had first gone into the coma?
You started to panic now. Every moment that lead up to the situation you were in now played in your mind all at once. You clutched your head harder as your ears started to ring, your nails digging into them in the process, trying to relieve the pain you felt in your head by moving it somewhere else.
Your heart raced so fast you thought it would beat out of your chest as you clawed at it, bunching up the hospital gown you were wearning in the process. Your head rested down on your thighs, your body completely reclining into yourself in an attempt to keep you safe. You began to feel light headed and you thought you might pass out at any moment. Then a certain noise made you come to a realisation, enough to bring you back to your senses.
Was the spaceship...taking off?
You clambered back up to look out the window once again and sure enough the room you were in was leaving the rocky ground below. With you still getting used to your legs and the new added movement of the swaying ship you were like a fish out of water, stumbling all over the place.
You stumbled to the other side of the room as it swayed and just as you were about to get thrown to the floor you braced yourself on a table. Not the table, not the one that would haunt your nightmares but one that looked almost the exact same nonetheless. In fact instead of grabbing onto the cold metal of the table instead you grabbed something more fleshy feeling and what it was had you at a loss for words.
The room you were in...you weren't the only one in it.
In fact the other person in the room with you didn't look quite human like at all. Although you had never seen one in person before, the blue tinted skin, long limbs and sizable body all conformed that you were indeed on Pandora. This was because the body that lay on that table, across from the one you were on a while ago, was the body of a na'vi person.
Like with the spaceships the appearance of the na'vi people had been described to you many times while you grew up on earth. You had even seen far away photos of them that were on the news or uploded to the internet, taken by scientists and others who were sent to explore the alien planet.
The person didn't seem at all likely to move. They too were clothed in a hospital gown like you were, you assumed this to be an avatar body that was not cureently in use.
It lay still and was rather cold to the touch but the machines it was hooked up to indicated that it had a heart rate. Tommy had told you that avatar bodies were usually kept in tank like things full of fluid, you recalled, so you wondered why this body was laid on a table out in the open like this.
And was it suposed to have a heart rate when their wasnt a person inside of it? You didn't know. You had always been more fascinated and interested in the na'vi peoples ways and culture, their planet the moon pandora, their home and the ecosystem there rather than the avatars the human scientists made and how they were used.
So you had mostly zoned out, never taking in the information Tommy had rattled on to you about them. Although you did know he was supposed to get his own avatar. They had constructed it from his DNA and it would be ready for him to use by the time, the six years, it took for him to get to Pandora.
Six years it would have taken for him to get to Pandora. You looked down at your own hands, out streached them and clenched them a few times, hard enough to leave little crecent shaps where your blunt fingernails jutted into your palms. You recalled back to the hint of a reflection you saw of yourself in passing as you looked through the window.
You had looked the same age!
Your hands were the same size as you remebered them and so were your facial features, you didnt have any wrinkles either. You felt warmth blossom in your heart at the thought that mabey not too much time had passed at all, but then again...
You were on Pandora weren't you? It would have taken Tommy six years to get to Pandora so if you were on Pandora and the same age as before that would be logical at all would it.
Just then you remebered another thing Tommy had said. He had made you watch a documentary with him about it since his twin seemingly didnt share in his intrest so you were made to instead.
During that he had explained how they would use some magic whatever stuff you couldn't remember the name of now, as you had only been half listening to him, to keep the spaceships crew members bodies preserved or something so that it was like they were frozen in time. Like a hyper sleep, where when they woke up they would be six years into the future.
Mabey thays how your body had stayed so young. That seemed logical although the only thing was, that he had said that it couldnt stop the aging process completely, only dwindle its effects as the body slept. But you looked the exact same as you had in the day of the memory you last remebered.
You would have been sixteen then so adding six years would have made you about twenty-two. There was no way, even with the effects of the stuff that was ment to preserve your body, that you wouldnt have at least looked a little different. Been a bit taller even, although that wasn't something you could check just by looking at yourself.
You had to start searching around and finding more stuff to explain the situation you were in. If you were in a spaceship in Pandora then there must be people here who could help you. But would they want to?
Did you even want their help?
What about the people who experimented on you while you were asleep? Caused you all that pain. Those very people could be the ones who brought you to Pandora. Did this have something to do with Tommy being a scientist on Pandora? Was his being shot to death not mearly an act of some rando wanting to snatch his cash? Did you just get in the way and then become an unlucky sacrifice in the process?
You started to hyperventilate again, overthinking yourself into ruin. You unclenched your hands from fists after drawing blood and brought both your hands up to your face. After literally smaking some sense back into yourself in order to calm down and get your shit together you decided not to panic anymore, as that would not help you in any way.
You would keep a cool head and get yourself out of this situation. You were resilient like your second brother. You had most likely even just awakened from a coma where you were also most likely brain dead, that had to add some truth to your self proclaimed resilience.
If you were all the way on Pandora that ment you were on a diffrent planet to the one your older brother was on. Could you find a way to contact him?
'Tommy would be fine if he was in this situation' you thought to yourself
What would Tommy do? What would Tommy do?
But Tommy knew all there was to know about Pandora, you didnt. You had only listened to what he said about the things you were intrested in like the ecosystem and the na'vi peoples culture and zoned out for the other half of it. Then another thought occured to you.
"What would Jake do...?" You whispered to yourself out loud.
People had often said that you two were more like twins then Jakes actual twin, this always confused you though. You thought that if they would say that about you and either of your brothers it would be about you and Tommy since you both shared a keen intrest in Pandora.
As you got older however you understood what they ment. You and Jake bounced off each other. You both had the same personality, shared the same sarcastic humor and carefree attitude. You were both headstrong and stubborn and had a certain resilience.
A resilience that could get you through anything.
You been through a basic first aid course as deemed necessary by your own ideals. Jake had been taught much the same in the marines along with the other members of his corps. Although he had said that it didnt help very much when the other members tried to perform what they knew on him when he was injured. At least thats how he looked at it, not you though.
It couldn't bring back his legs but it did retain his life, which you were thankful for, and so you took classes as well as pushing him to teach you once he was better. Though Jake being Jake, and you knowing him, he most likely thought that not having his legs was as good as him being dead. He might even have actually preferred if he had died then instead of still having to carry on with the loss of his legs.
He was too energetic to be confined to a chair for the rest of his life, although, if you knew him and you did, he would probably still end up finding someway to follow his crazy ideas and dreams even with being paralysed. Even though he had to stop being a marine you knew he would find another flame to latch onto again one day.
This time though you were sure that when he did he wouldnt dare let go this time, he would cut down anything in his path to achieve his goal. He was resilient, like you were too.Mabey he had already found it while you were asleep. That was a nice thought. Mabey the loss of both his siblings cleared his mind, gave him more time for himself, just to figure himself out. That thought wasnt as nice.
And although the thought of him doing fine although you and Tommy were gone made your heart warm it also felt a little bitter. Mabey that made you a bad person. Mabey you were. You used to be told that it was alright, that 'it made you human' but...maybe that ment that humans really were bad. That they only tried to justify their own actions so that they wouldn't have to feel remorse. But your older brother wasn't like that, not Jake, not ever.
Jake was the only person you could rely on. The person who you would get in touch with. The person who would help you like always because thats what older brothers did.
And the person who looked kind of like this avatar body.....
Wait. What was that last one?
You had always been scolded for being recless like Jake was too. You learned from his example which often earned your older brother an earfull from the eldest.
You couldn't help it though. Jake was the person you were around the most as you grew up. He had been there your whole life so of course you would learn from his example. Most younger siblings tend to do this without even meaning to.
Its like how when you get older you think your parents or older siblings are cringy or annoying but when your a kid your whole world revolves around them. Revolves around the people who are closest to you, who love you and keep you safe. You learn from their example in the safety of your own home and then you go out and practice those things in the real world.
So many people dont realise that they have picked up habits that have been around them their whole lives. Its just something that that person sees as natural while others may not.
That can be a real eye opener for some people.
When they finally go out into the real world and there are people who think diffrently then them or do things diffrent to what they have been taught. And weather thats good or bad and weather they take it in stride or not is up to their choosing.
They can choose how they want to live their lives, what kind of person they want to be. Remain ignorant or embrace whats in front of you. A new door to be opened. Having said that many people also tend to loose sight of the person they were before. While you can never know what future lies ahead of you, you should always remeber one thing...
Just keep moving forward.
Keep going.
One more time.
You can do this.
Or die trying.
Thats what you were good at.
You wouldn't give up. Not here. Not now. Not when you still had something to live for. Not when you faced death and still survived. Came crawling back stronger, from whatever fate the afterlife had in store for you.
Stronger than before and rearing to go. With your new found confidence you made up your mind to find a way to contact your older brother. That was until...*Gasp*
You might have thought that was you gasping. If you did...you would be wrong.
"Ahhhh" you shouted in shock
Instead it was that body on the table that had gasped for air. The avatar body had just woken up, still clothed in thay hospital gown and lying down on the table.
Had someone really been inside it the whole time? Wouldnt they have just gone back to their original body and if they did why would they return now? Did they try because they were alerted that the body had flatlined? But that wouldn't make much sense.
All this was really doing your head in. Their was too much information and gaps in that information for you, since you mostly didn't have a clue what you were dealing with here. From the avatar bodies to the whole diffrent alien planet you were on.
All these things flashed through your mind in a quarter of a second before you came back to the situation right in front of you. That person looking confused now suddenly also realised that they were not in fact alone in the room. Their eyes suddenly met yours as you continued to stare at them from where you stood above them.
"Uh...hi?" You said with a nervous smile donning your features as you raised one of your hands in greeting. Yeah, maybe not your best reaction but what were you suposed to do? You were freaking out as much as any other person but you were happy the avatar person wasn't dead at least.
The two of you stared at each other for another moment or two before everything seemed to click inside the other persons mind and soon he was struggling to get off of that table and away from you, but he couldnt. The swaying of the spaceship taking off had long since evened out as you now seemed to be flying steady.
You had an inkling that the person was indeed not an avatar but an actual na'vi person. Not your brightest moment either but you were still figuring things out nontheless. You noticed that the na'vi person was tightly tied down to the table, with metal cuffs donning their wrists, ankles, neck and one across the middle of their body.
"Easy" You said putting your other hand up, along with the first, in kind of a 'calm down' gesture. You hoped the na'vi people had the same thing or were at least taught what it ment by other humans like Grace. Like you had learned na'vi through classes on Earth, she had taught English to the na'vi children in a school on Pandora.
The na'vi person, who you assumed to be male, seemed very distressed and did not listen as you tried to calm him. He tried his luck at getting out of the restraints himself but soon found it was no use. And opted to lay still in defeat while never once breaking eye contact with you as if in warning.
During this you had looked back at his heart monitor and saw it steadily rising as he too seemed to be panicking like you had done earlier. Looking in his eyes you could see how frigtened he was, he reminded you of yourself and so you repeated yourself once more.
"Easy there, im not going to hurt you. I want to help." You said calmly.
He did not respond to you but you could see the doubt in his eyes. Slowly he nodded his head in your direction semmingly seeing no other option to get free of his restrains. As if picking the lesser evil he let you figure out how to unbind him from the table.
You struggled to figure out how you would unbind him exactly as he was tied to the table with metal cuffs. You tried to pry them open with your bare hands but quickly found that wouldn't work.
"Well thats not gonna work" you said outloud to no one in particular
Next you decided to look around the room to see if there was anything you could use to pry them open. By now the feeling had almost all returned in your legs so you could walk around the room without problem. You searched around for a minute or two before you heard someone start speaking.
"Over there on the table, try that."
You had been a bit startled by someone suddenly starting to talk out of the blue and stared for a moment at the guy before fully taking in his words and quickly making your way to where he was pointing to.
He was gesturing as well as he could to a table just in his line of sight since he was made stay in a lying position. You scanned the table to see what he could be thinking you could use to free him and picked up a few things to show him to which he shook his head at. You then picked up a needle which he finally nodded his head at and made you realise what he was thinking, you just didn't know if he could pull it off.
You found an old cloth and forcefully ripped off a scrap of it which you covered the pointy bit of the needle with. You couldn't help but wonder as you did this wheather or not this might have been a needle that was used om you when those experiments had been performed on your body. You held the head of the needle at its base, close to the tube and with the help of the edge of the table you snapped the needle off of the tube.
Discarding the body of the needle you brought the sharp point of the head down to meet the thick metal cuff that kept the guys right hand restrained. Before inserting it you quickly glanced at the na'vi male strapped down to the table, the one you were currently trying to free. Why? You didn't exactly know.
'This is exactly why you shouldn't panic' you thought to yourself. But you couldn't help it. You would have done the same thing even if you weren't in a stressful and panic enducing situation. You couldn't just stand by and watch someone die right in front of you, not while you could do something about it.
Even if your heart was going a million miles a minute, even if you didnt know anything about the person you were saving. Maybe that ment you were an idiot or maybe that just made you kind but either way you couldn't be stopped by anyone, not even Jake, once you set your mind on doing something.
And you had decide a whole ago now that you would get back to Jake, your only remaining older brother, your only remaining family. And if you could enlist the help of a person who might need help also, who might be trying to get back to his family too you would be happy to return the favor.
You gathered that he seemed around the same age as you, wheather he was na'vi or human you didnt care, you could help him too, you could both help each other. And if at times from certain angles or when the light hit some of his features just right he looked a little bit like your older brother than that was all the more reason.
He looked back at you with his big wide eyes and you could seen your own refelcetion in them, not only literally but also figuratively. You could see that he had his walls up, he was trying to be strong but he was just as scared and confused as you were.
And what you were helping him from you didnt know but if he was tied down to table like this when he looked like he was the same age as you then you knew that staying here was not a good option for him. You had always been good at reading people, maybe it was your personality, maybe it was being surrounded by all Jakes marine talk and all Tommys scientist talk your whole life but you had picked up on quite a bit.
Your brothers were much older than you, got to go out into the world and live their lives much quicker, leaving you behind. They were twenty-two, six years older than you, you werent even an adult yet. When you had turned sixteen you had told yourself countless times 'two more years'. Just wait two more years and you could leave that orphanage and finally go out into the world, live by your own rules, your own free will. You would finally get to fingure tourself out, find your passion like your brothers had found theirs and finally be your own person but what would happen now?
"Why are you helping me?"
You seemed to have zoned out for a second too long even though all this passed through your mind in a flash.
"Why am i helping you?" You returned the question back to him
He nodded back to you as best he could from his lying down position, his head still angled to look you in the eyes.
His question registered in your mind and you thought for a moment before you soon replied, finding your aswer rather quickly.
"You have a strong heart...very brave" You could tell his emotions through his eyes, like you could for many people. You saw how scared he was, especially to enlist the help of someone he didn't know and someone who could potentially cause him harm. But he did it anyway because he needed to do so if he wanted to survive, because he needed to survive, just like you.
"You remind me of someone" you said finishing off what you had said earlier before quickly busying yourself with trying to untie his restraints.
Before long you had both of his hand restraints off and the one that went across the middle of his body. He was now sitting in an upright position on the table, watching you fiddle around with the needle inside of the cuffs and rubbing his wrists where the restains were previously placed. You jostled the needle to and fro until you heard a click once again and got the remaining cuff off. You stayed still for a bit with a mix of diffrent emotions bubbling up inside of you that were made apparent on your face for the na'vi male to see.
That was until you felt him staring at you and you backed up a few steps since he had seemed quite frightened of you earlier. He slowly made his way off of the table and stumbled a bit like you had done.
"Careful!" You called out to him as you put your hands out just in case even thoigh you werent close enough to catch him if he fell
His legs seemed to have not been used in a while either but they did not seem as bad as yours had been. You supposed he had not been sleeping quite as long as you probably had. Speaking of which you still needed to figure out just where and when you were.
You were reluctant to move closer to him in case he thought you seemed to pose a threat to him and you didnt know if in his haste he might attack you to protect himself. You certainly might if you were in his position and he seemed to be thinking along much the same lines as you. You were both crouching down a little in a position that could be seen as either trying to seem less threatening to the other person and or getting into a ready stance in case the other intened to attack.
"Nga plltxe 'Ìnglìsì, kefyak?" (You speak English right?) You questioned in a clear voice.
You really hoped you had remebered your leassons on the na'vi language well enough that he had understood what you had said. He had seemed to be able to communicate to you in english well so you wondered if he had been a student of Graces since it would be wierd for him to know english fluently otherwise.
"Yes. Im fluent in English." He gave his answer to your question rather calmly and as clear as someone who had known the language since birth.
"You're not like the other humans are you?"
"If you mean the people who did experiments on me then hell no"
"I dont know anything about experiments but i assume that means your not on good terms with the humans who control these spaceships either."
"Youre one of the good ones?" He asked sounding slightly hopeful
"Well everyone has different meanings and values of the word 'good' but i can say for certain that im not involved in any of what they do and to be honest i actaully dont have a clue whats going on"
"I assume your not on good terms with them either by the way your talking" You concluded
He nodded in reponse to your observation.
"Ever heard the quote 'your enemies enemy is your friend'" You continued
You saw a smile pass over his face as you knew then that you were both once again thinking the same thing and in that moment you had a sudden thought that you and him would get along splendedly.
So as a sign of peace and truce you put your human hand out, in a gesture that you hoped he, as a na'vi, knew.
"My names Y/n
Whats yours?" You asked
"Nice to meet you Neteyam. Do you mind if i ask you a wierd question?...
What year is it?"
《No im not shipping them they are literally related so please do not think i am and or will be doing that😀》
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stories4thepack · 1 year
Revenge is so sweet (pt.2)
Wednesday x fem!reader
After being shot, you wake up in hospital. With someone special beside you with some horrible (or exciting) information
Warnings: flashbacks, mentions of blood, pain, fluff and I think that’s it
That is all you can feel before your eyes open. A pain, though numbed slightly, exploded from your waist as burning hot as-
Flames, flames danced before your eyes, taunting you with the memories of that night. Crack stones undead, scared face loomed in front of yours, eyes with the glare of a starved dog. Your own screams echoed in your ears as the bullet tore through your flesh again, and again, and again. You felt Wednesdays cool hands catch you on repeat as you cried out in agony, blood seeping between your fingers and trailing down your skin.
All you could feel was pain.
Until a pair of cold hands grasp your face gently, a voice talking to you softly, or at least trying to. They sounded panicked, sounded in pain. Was someone else shot? Was someone else suffering as you were?
Wednesday. Wednesday was calling your name. Suddenly you could hear the beeping of a machine nearby, feel the coolness of the air around you. And when your eyes snapped open, your were met with the face you loved so much. You grasps her arm, lights blinding you as she moved to crouch at your side.
“Part of me was hoping you were dead, then Thing would have another party to crash.”
You chuckled slightly at her words, laying your head back down onto the pillow. At least she hadn’t changed, but you give her the usual retort answer, even though your words were weak and partly forced from your pain filled body.
“I had hoped people wouldn’t be celebrating my death.”
“More your life. Never understood why that needs celebrating.”
“I’m not surprised.”
You didn’t like the scratchy, hoarse sound of your voice from not being used for a long time. You take in the white walls of the hospital around you. The uncomfortable looking chair beside you which you expect Wednesday had been sitting on. The heart monitor, showing a surprisingly stable beat of your own.
“Was your death pleasant?”
You couldn’t properly answer her question, your mind plaguing you with cruel images of how you died. Showing you the subtle things you had missed: the grin on Laurels face, the smoke from the gun, the cut on the palm of your hand from the broken sword, but also
The tear on Wednesdays cheek
You turn to say something to Wednesday, perhaps apologise, but the door to your room flies open and Enid, Yoko and Eugene run in.
“Y/n, I am so sorry we did that, I hope Wednesday put it kindly.”
Enid stammers, placing a shaking hand on the end of your bed. You furrow your eye brows, confused as to what the werewolf meant.
“I mean, it doesn’t turn you fully. You like a crossbreed now.”
Wednesday mutters and from the corner of my eye, I see her iconic death glare Nevermore is haunted by. But the werewolf continues, too distracted by her stammered words to notice.
“Being part werewolf isn’t that bad, you don’t transform every full moon, you can eat raw meat and you-“
You shout, jumping up before crying out in pain, falling back onto the bed as the wound pounds painfully. Wednesday slips her hand into yours, her thumb tracing the back of your knuckles lightly as to try to comfort you. The three in the room look confused, Yoko looks a little scared as Wednesdays glare seems to burn into her soul, or where her soul should have been.
“I had not told her yet, but thank you Enid for putting it so kindly.”
The werewolf hangs her head in shame before walking out the room, Yoko wrapping her arm around her as they both leave. Eugene smiles at you slightly, before following suit.
“So, I’m a werewolf?”
Wednesday shakes her head, speaking slowly for you to understand.
“A transformation had to be under a full moon and done by a werewolf in wolf form. Enid could hear your heart begin to give out, so she bit your arm. We had no idea if it was going to work. “
Wednesday lifts the sleeve of your hospital gown to reveal the deep bite mark left in your skin. You look away quickly, not wanting to be reminded in anyway about your bigger, more painful injury.
“And it did, but after a bit of research, it doesn’t turn you fully. Which is never what we wanted to have to do. Your a crossbreed, part human, part werewolf. It means, like Enid said, that you can eat raw food and drink blood if you do wished. “
“Like a vampire? From the throat?”
You question, both excited and horrified at the idea. Wednesday nods.
“Well, as a crossbreed parts of your wolf form will come out in your human one. Like claws and fangs. So yes, you could drink blood from someone as a vampire does. But, this is what Enid wanted me to be gentle about, you won’t transform every full moon, but you will transform with a trigger. “
You furrow your eye brows, not quite understanding what she meant. Wednesday sighed before leaning forward to you.
“No crossbreed knows what their trigger is until it happens, could be a person, a place, could even be a thought or a memory that could make you feel strong emotions and trigger you to wolf out. Whether at night or not “
“So you mean, until we find this trigger, I am dangerous?”
You look away, too much going through your mind about the information you had just received.
“But I don’t get it! Why did she have to?”
You fell silent, feeling Wednesdays other hand come to your face. When you turned back to her, she smiled too faintly for others to notice, but you did.
“I promise I will help you through this.”
She states, her eyes never leaving yours. You smile at her, leaning into her hand on your cheek.
“I need to know more though, how to control it.”
“It saved you y/n, by turning you, even partly, it gave your body the animalistic strength you needed to survive the trip to the hospital. “
Wednesday smiles, lowering you back into your bed slowly before pressing a button on the wall. No doubt calling the nurse to say you were awake. No doubt to drug you again.
“I don’t want to go back to sleep. “
The nurse walks in, but you don’t look at her. All you can do is look at your crush as the nurse does something behind you. Adding more drugs into your system, making your eyes droop heavily. And just before your out again, reliving the moment you almost died, you hear Wednesday mutter.
“I will help you understand, perhaps over coffee.”
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