#and since I've been meaning to delete so many of my works forever now
I've been trying to improve my writing lately and have recently come to some very big realizations regarding characterization, the way I write interactions, pacing, and overall thematic coherency. Because of this I am, naturally, extremely embarrassed of many of my past (and current) works and am seriously considering orphaning or deleting them, as well as potentially abandoning my current Ao3 account.
It's a personal choice primarily stemming from a desire to limit the audience of my old works and potentially regain any audience I've alienated in the past with honestly pretty godawful writing thus far. I don't think most people on here follow me for my writing, but for, like, the three of you that do, would you rather I leave old stuff up, or delete it altogether?
I've had people grow annoyed over me deleting work in the past and would like to at least test the waters, though I honestly don't think anyone is so invested that this'll get any response??? Just like. Reply if you have a strong opinion ig lol, I'd rather not upset anyone if I can help it
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bridgertonbabe · 4 months
Signing off.
I never really thought I'd ever write a post like this and to be perfectly honest I feel a bit cringe for even making a thing out of this but I felt it necessary to address those of you who follow me and my writings.
In the last month I have been suffering severely from anxiety, waking up to what feels like a ball of dread clutching at my heart and being unable to shift it for the better part of the day. It's all come to a head as of late because I've reached a crossroads in my life where I've realised just how unhappy and unfulfilled I am. Truth to be told I really don't have any aspect in my life that I am happy with and for years I've dismissed myself and my own desires for the sake of others to the point where I have no self worth, no self confidence, and I just feel like a shell of a person. Realising that I can't go on like this, that I can't live the life I aspire to without sorting my mental health out, I've taken the first steps in getting counselling and in going to the doctors to be put on anti-depressants.
While I'm already starting to feel better, I've decided it's in my best interests to take some other steps going ahead; which is I'm logging off this account.
Don't get me wrong, this account has brought me fulfillment in the last two and a half years and I've had so much fun interacting with so many of you but as of late I've become very disengaged with Bridgerton. It's one of several of my hyperfixations which I have become anxious with in the last few weeks, in part because they are what I used to immerse myself in as a means to distract myself from a dissatisfying existence, but now I've decided to make a change in my life for the better, everything that I once used to bury my head in the sand has now essentially given me the ick. Bridgerton is just now one of several things that I feel the need to distance myself from in order to fully focus and concentrate on bettering my mental health as well as getting what I want out of life.
As much as I've taken pride in writing because of Bridgerton, my dream has always to one day publish a book of my own and I need to refocus my energies on writing my own original stories to have the chance of maybe being able to make that dream a reality. I would have so dearly loved to have been able to complete a whole host of WIPs (would have also loved to have been able to just focus on one story at a time but c'est la vie) and I can only apologise to anyone who's been hoping for an update from any of them.
You will still be able to read all of my works on AO3 (plus I've restored a couple I had previously hidden from view), and I won't be deleting this tumblr so all of my drabbles and various posts will still be here for you to browse and read at your leisure.
Though I'm stepping away from this account, I don't necessarily know if this will be forever. I might well end up in a better place mentally at some point and return with a healthier state of mind where I can enjoy Bridgerton again, and I would never rule out contributing writings again - however as it stands, I don't want to promise anything and taking care of my mental health is my main priority for now and the foreseeable future.
I also just wanted to take the opportunity to thank every single person who has ever liked, reblogged, and interacted with me since I joined. I had never previously shared any of my creative writing online and thought it would be nice if even a single person somewhere vaguely liked anything I had to share - but over the last two and a half years I've been given such a boost from the amount of people who have reached out and commented on any one of my silly writings. I don't think you'll ever understand just how much it has meant to me and the love and appreciation will stay with me forever.
That about does it, so thank you all for everything. I wish you all a lifetime of health and happiness.
Signing off,
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
I'm trans nonbinary and I really kind of hate myself for it and feel like such a fucking freak and I don't even know why because I didn't even grow up around a lot of homophobia or anything. I let everyone assume I'm a (trans) man because in my head if someone found out I was nonbinary they would just think I'm so fucking wierd, even when I'm in spaces or with people I know for a fact wouldn't actually think any of that. I don't feel this way about anyone else, just me. I'm really sorry if this is too much of a vent kind of thing I totally get you deleting it or whatever, but any advice you have would be really great.
I want to preface this by emphatically saying: Nobody here (least of all myself!) are judging you. I am sure many trans people who are following this blog know how you feel intimately. It's a consequence of the world we live in, not an intrinsic failure of character. I want to make this clear because you were incredibly vulnerable and I don't want you to worry that your vulnerability is a bad thing. It takes a lot to open up like this, no matter if you're on anon or not.
I've talked about this before, but this is a process that takes... a long time to work through, if I'm honest. I've been out since I was a young teenager, and now as an adult I still fall into the trappings of feeling similarly to you. What helped for me is to generally avoid judging myself for when I do feel like this. I think trying to outright ignore how you feel is very inefficient - I have tended to be a person who needs to feel those awful feelings so that I can look back and notice exactly what went wrong. I wouldn't specifically recommend that you do this - I have had many years of combating internalized transphobia to feel this is effective for myself. But, regardless of where you are in your journey of internal acceptance, I will advise this: don't judge yourself for these feelings. It is easy to do, but you don't deserve to have even more feelings of shame, isolation, or overall feelings of hopelessness or helplessness.
Often, we won't know exactly "why" we feel these feelings of internalized transphobia. For me, I also didn't grow up with outright homophobia, but I did grow up with the idea that I would only be loved if I was cishet, so when I discovered I was neither, it was jarring. I thought I would never be loved. And years later, I became open to the idea that I might have been wrong because there were people along the way - friends, certain family, strangers, even - who showed the love I felt I surrendered when I realized who and what I was.
It has helped me to expose myself to other trans people, as well. It's a delicate balance, at times, because there are moments where I find myself growing envious of another trans person for the way I perceive their own transition. It's a natural response, I guess, a natural human response that is amplified when you are part of a group that is often maligned. But I have found that the pros outweigh the cons: I see trans people of all identities now, trans people who look like me, who have incredibly similar experiences, who taught me so much about what it actually means to love and be loved. It's funny, because I'm largely a trans man (with caveats), yet some of the people who have deeply impacted me forever weren't always the same as I am (in fact, one of the first true "I look up to this person" experiences was from a trans woman who I still to this day admire and look up to).
I'm not going to lie, this (how you're feeling) is an incredibly common, but sometimes devastating result of so many factors. While we all go about these feelings in different ways, it can be hard. Therefore, it's important that we support each other. I want to offer my support to you, and let you know that you aren't going to be looked at by others in the way you might fear. It's hard to even conceptualize, honestly, but I am being honest. I understand that some of what I might have said won't resonate with you now, or ever, and that's okay. When we have a community to talk about ideas as a way of support, we can start to have more resources that we might be able to utilize effectively.
Your vulnerability right now isn't going unnoticed. It took a lot to express this, and I hope you might read this and feel even slightly better. I wish nothing but good things for you, nothing but bountiful joy and understanding that you deserve so much from this world.
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thana-topsy · 1 year
If you're up for sharing more writing tips, how can I tell if what I've written is actually any good? With writing I get stuck in a cycle of feeling like I'm the next Shakespeare while writing but then I'll look over my work a few days later and absolutely hate everything and think it's the most cringe shit ever, then I'll leave it a bit longer and think eh it's not as bad as I thought but still not great and so on. I feel like being forced to write for a grade during school and having everything be marked and assessed and assigned a particular value has robbed me of the ability to critically analyse my own work in a way that's objective and accurate but also fair and realistic. I can analyse other peoples' stuff till the cows come home but I lose all rational thought when it comes to my own stuff
Adding onto that, how do I get to the point where I can stop looking back at my old work and hating everything and wanting to delete it all? Realistically I know finding fault with my old stuff is good bc it means I've grown and improved from where I once was etc but at the same time I wanna enjoy stuff I've made in the past without cringing every time I read it
Hey there Nony, I wanted to let this one percolate a little bit before answering because I've been where you are. And it's a rough time for sure. But aside from my own experiences, I also wanted to get the opinions of some of my writerly friends in the fandom, too, since everyone is a little font of wisdom in their own right.
So I'm going to share their advice alongside my own, because this is kind of a complicated string of questions you're asking. Long post ahead!
@paraparadigm says to Keep Writing: "Write more. Write so much (and so many different things) that eventually the sheer volume bulldozes over self-devouring ego, comparison twitches, or feeling lost, because you don't yet know your own baseline. Coupled with "read more, read everything, read things you enjoy and things you don't, read for the craft as much as the entertainment." And: "I'd add that when revisiting old writing, it's helpful for me to differentiate between "ew the writing is not as technically solid as it is now" and "ah that's interesting, I guess that's where I was at then, emotionally and psychologically". Old writing is also a sort of archaeological record of your younger self, and that can, in fact, be a bit itchy to revisit, so learning to cherish that without passing judgement can be really helpful. I try to treat it like those little marks one puts on the door jamb to track a kid's height."
@mareenavee says "Part of it is writing more, as Para said and I will always second that. Another part is, honestly, the hardest part. It's to try very hard to get out of the habit of negative self-talk.... There's so much work involved with this but normalizing being proud of your work and having some grace with yourself is part of that answer."
@archangelsunited says "Early on, instead of going “this has to be a masterpiece” I would tell myself my only job was to tell a story. I couldn’t tell a story if I was deleting it. Also, talking about your work helps. The less ashamed I was of my writing, the more people wanted to read it. There is a need to hide your work, and that can lead to a downward spiral all its own. And, 90% of the time, you have to suck at something to learn to be good at something. The work you already wrote shouldn’t be the sum of all your skill, it should be one of those measuring sticks for the moment. Despite previous thought, you won’t be stuck at the same level forever."
@polypolymorph says "In addition to accumulating experience via reading and writing, you also have to be willing to reinvent the wheel. Unfortunately the Process™️ is unique to everyone, and even when you are deliberately mimicking a voice as, say, a ghost writer, you can't expect that 2+2=4 for you. Your process might look more like a Lotka-Volterra equation for the same type of work and that's okay. Trial and error is the best way to figure out what advice actually works for you--and if it doesn't, it doesn't mean you're wrong. Don't get stuck on pop writing advice like a sad roomba does on an upturned rug. Learn when to throw it out."
So there's some advice from some other excellent writers! I hope you've been able to find some value in their advice, because it certainly kicked me in the pants a few times.
As for me, I think, having been where you are, my biggest piece of advice is: Find joy in the craft. Get curious instead of critical. An artist shouldn't down themselves over a rough sketch when they're working out a drawing, so why would a writer do such a thing? Everything you write is practice. Everything you make has value because it builds up to the next thing you make.
At the end of the day, you are the only one who is capable of telling the stories that are in your head. This fact alone gives whatever you put onto paper value, regardless of quality. You are creating magic, in the most literal sense! Creating something out of nothing, conjuring images into someone else's mind from hundreds of thousands of miles away, transcending space and time. It's amazing!
Lastly, my final piece of advice is to just write for fun. Write things nobody else will ever see just because you wanted to get words onto paper. You have to unlearn what was drilled into you in school. You are more than a content creation machine. You are an artist, a wordsmith. And just know that there will never be a day when you look at your own work and say "That's it, I have achieved perfection."
Writing is a life-long journey. Just enjoy the ride!
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not-poignant · 6 months
Hello! Wanted to ask about Ream. You said that you set your tiers a long time ago, and with current horrors of Patreon and such will you add some tiers to Ream so that once-a-month payers on Patreon could find a tier with same price on Ream and would be comfortable moving? Thanks!
Hi anon!
So this is something I've been thinking over for months actually.
At first I was like 'yes of course' and then a very good friend sat me down and I realised that...actually maybe not.
Here's the reason (tl;dr I haven't increased my income in 10 years and actually cost of living has gone up in that period of time and I need to eat too):
Those prices haven't changed in a decade. I haven't had a 'wage increase' on that front in a decade. You can't change tier prices once they're made, they're locked in place forever (until you delete or retire the tier).
Not only that, but I offer about...3-4 times as much as I used to.
In the end, I increased my prices on Ream (a semi-midway point between charging once and charging twice) because of inflation and cost of living.
I know that everyone reading this is impacted by that too, and that might mean some people can't subscribe to Ream (or can't subscribe on the same tier) for a few dollars more because it's just too much, but I am now drastically undercharging compared to so many other authors on the market who do subscription.
Where I charge $5 USD for base early access, most charge between $10-20. I settled on $9 USD on Ream. Some authors have tiers of like... $100-200 per month, and I couldn't ever dream of doing that. But this is my career, and it's the money I use to pay for food, bills, etc. I don't make a minimum wage with the hours I work, and the idea of just hitting the country's average yearly income feels like a distant dream.
Granted, some of that could be down to my marketing options (like maybe I'd make more if I took all my writing offline and made people pay for all of it, but I don't want to do that, I like the model I do now, but it's dependent on those who can comfortably afford to support it... supporting it - if they want!!)
When I set up Ream, and set up the new tiers, I set them up with how much the cost of living has changed in a decade and how much other authors are charging on the whole. And I thought about it and came to the conclusion that I have 10 years behind me, I'm offering 3-4 times as much as I used to and am only charging about 50-80% more, cost of living has changed, and since I don't rely on book royalties (I love Perth Shifters but royalties work out to about $30 every 3 months), subscription is where the changes need to happen.
I'm not super happy about that, like, obviously I don't want people to feel hard done by, but all I can do is remind myself - and remind you and others anon - that unlike 99% of other authors in subscription, almost all of my writing becomes freely available if folks just have patience. That's something I know for a fact some other authors think I'm stupid for doing, lol, but I prefer doing it this way because it feels fandom and community friendly in a different way.
So even if folks can't afford a few dollars more to subscribe on Ream (you can become a follower though and still get email notifications - no one needs to pay to follow me on Ream, that's completely free), you just need to be patient. Like I get it, that few dollars is the difference sometimes between a bill getting paid and not getting paid - I feel and live that myself. I'm so angry at the Patreon situation, because honestly, if my account goes tomorrow and I get banned there, I may have to quit writing if Ream can't pick up fast. I cannot work for like... 50c an hour.
And I need to make some posts about this on Patreon obviously, but the stress of it is so overwhelming, because it's like staring down the barrel of a potentially career-ending policy decision.
Anyway, re: tier prices, the one exception to not changing / offering half-priced or lower-priced tiers is the merch tier, where I have thought about approaching Ream with getting an ongoing discount code, since I calculated sending merch on the merch tier at the $25 USD rate with the awareness that some people would be paying twice as much, and the leap there is the most significant one. That's a place where I'm willing to compromise if I can work that out, and Ream is typically very accommodating.
Folks who can't afford it still get access to nearly everything eventually - and not in a year, but like...in a few months, or even just a handful of weeks.
Folks who don't think my writing is worth a modest increase can choose to bow out whenever they want (or sign up to a lower tier and still get access to nearly everything eventually)!
I am grateful to any and all folks who choose to support my writing whether it's financially or not, and I do get that like, sometimes the budget just does not allow for an increase of any kind. Or maybe you only signed up this year and don't believe in paying more than what you do already, and so it doesn't matter that my prices have been the same for a decade. Most artists / creators / writers have put up their book prices / art prices / etc. Ream is the first time I've ever done it.
Anyway on the matter of the merch tier, I'll talk to Ream about organising some kind of perma-discount and offering it specifically in that tier. For the rest, I'll keep thinking about it, and maybe talk to Ream to see what they suggest too.
Anyway, I'm just... I am sorry anon, in a perfect world, I would have been able to incrementally increase my tier prices all along with a lot of warning in advance. And I'm also like, extremely and intensely hoping that I can just stay on Patreon, but that seems less and less likely with their new policy changes. I'm not uprooting, I will keep posting on Patreon until the lights metaphorically go out. It's just, they could kick me in an hour and I'd have no recourse and there'd be no point in appealing. Or they could kick me in 5 years, or 10.
In some ways this isn't a problem until Patreon makes it a problem for all of us, but yeah, that's where I'm at. A friend basically reminded me that it's okay for me to value my writing and my 10 years of experience and my track record and my stories a bit more, and I took their advice to heart, and then have felt terribly guilty ever since, lol. I'll keep thinking about my options here, and what I can do, because I obviously don't want to leave a lot of people behind, either.
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crazylittlejester · 2 months
I got jump scared by a pedestrian on my way to get groceries because I was thinking about this, and I don't have a good excuse because I am also a pedestrian.
Adding a "half out of control ADHD" disclaimer on this one.
I have been seized by the brainrot, and it is holding me hostage until I finish writing out Legend and Wild meeting for the first time in the vigilante AU, and that's why the next chapter of poor Hyrule's fic hasn't been touched today.
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it. He's been around for like... basically forever, so he gets to have all the friends he wants. I am aggressively improving his quality of life here. I went to the effort of finding him a sandwich recipe (and honestly might try it myself because it looks tasty).
Back to the point, which is that I was thinking about what powers everyone would have in this AU when I was going to get groceries. It's a very tough question, and the fact that my area of expertise in high school was Marvel is not helping because there are too many options to pick from. So I only managed to work out the abilities for two of the boys so far, which is half the reason why I'm making Wild and Legend play nice with each other today.
Long story short, I decided Wild should actually get a copy-and-paste ability AND I HAVE A GOOD REASON, OK. I love love love the idea that the Shrine of Resurrection's Sheikah Juice stuff is actually liquid information and since I can, I figured why not just replace his blood with it or something?? It's fanfiction I can do what I want. So now Wild has blue Shrine Juice blood and is sort of partly like a computer I guess, which means he has the ability to copy "files" and store them in his "system memory." Which... actually kind of explains the amnesia, I guess. Had to delete a few "files" (memories) to make space for the new "files" (abilities/powers). Obviously I've got to put a limit on him otherwise he'd be WAY TOO POWERFUL, so I'm thinking that each "file" either has a cool-down period of 1x every 24 hours or he has to pick 1 power to use for each 24-hour period. This explains how the Champions' gifts and the abilities from TotK work, and it makes me feel Very Smart.
Legend is actually pretty boring in comparison. I didn't really want to have to pick between his numerous items, so I gave him a very basic enhancement ability with an emphasis on speed and agility in the legs so he can run around on top of buildings and do parkour. His power isn't anything special, it's how he uses it that's actually interesting because he's had to make up for being Very Vanilla. It DOES let him keep up with most people, though, with few exceptions. And I like this because I think it kind of does reflect on how he's not really a special person by himself and that his being interesting comes from his experience and knowledge and inventory. He's the guy who's been everywhere, done everything, and knows everyone, and that's where a surprisingly large amount of his flavor comes from.
I have a rough idea for Sky, but I'm not completely sold on anything for him, yet (because of the whole deal with Demise and all). I'm extremely tempted to make him think he's a normal guy when he just uses his Terrifying Prophetic Abilities in his sleep. Like, he thinks he probably sleepwalks so he tells Twilight and Warriors when he moves in and the first week goes okay, but then for the second week he is walking in his sleep and doing Crazy Shit while spitting out Creepy Prophecies about stuff. It's concerning, and they're trying to figure out how to tell Sky to go to therapy because he is An Absolute Ray of Sunshine during the day. (Maybe he just has remlit powers?)
Legend gets to be happy in this AU because I think he's earned it <- OBSESSED WITH THIS.
dude oh my GOD i fucking love all your au’s so much, the insane amount of detail you put in em???? I eat it up every goddamn time. thank you for bestowing upon me your brainrot every day 🙏
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luthordamnvers · 3 months
8 & 18 & 19 & 24 & 30
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
A sequel itself, I think I would love to explore medieval AU fic. I have no idea what about, but I loved that little world. Also, 23'sSupercorptober, also same thing. I could keep writing on that world, I'm just not sure what about 😂 ALSO ALSO, for mayhem fic @snowydragonscave and I had to actively stop ourselves because we could have kept writing and adding details, but we felt that we were running out of time.
18. if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
This was from mayhem's fic, I did include part of it (i think, it's a blur) but think I rewrote it. I don't tend to keep many deleted scenes. This was my first draft of the start of the fic, but it felt confusing and disjointed, so back to the chalkboard i went, lol. She loves a routine. She wakes up at 6:10 AM, takes a quick shower and hits the building’s gym. She stretches and uses the treadmill for 10 minutes, before hitting the rowing machine for 20 minutes, in 1-minute intervals training, and then she does some stretches to cool down. She returns to her own penthouse, to take a more relaxing shower, painstakingly apply makeup over her body and face, and dresses herself for the day. Sometimes, she even has a quick breakfast; most of the time, she drinks a cup of espresso, and runs towards the door. It works for her. Once upon a time, she would do some extra squats and deadlifts at the gym, to keep up with her fencing training, but that was when she was a too young college kid and didn’t have a company to run. Now she can dedicate no more than 35-minutes daily to her workout, to make it to the office before 8:00 AM.  She’s still getting used to her new routine, after years of avoiding LuthorCorp, now it’s been almost a year since she had to face the reality of taking over the company. In all honesty, no one was happy about it. Not the board, not Lex, definitively not her, but the Luthors have majority Lillian just put her name forward, for only God knows what reason, when Lex was arrested.  Everything just piled up and was what made her take the decision to move an entire company to the other side of the country. Because her brother went into a murderous spree, to kill one single being. Her first move as acting CEO was to move headquarters. The next one was to rename the company, separate it from the Luthor name, maybe it could survive whatever sentence Lex was about to get. The move has been in the works for almost a year, and Lena has been traveling to and fro the west-coast since the decision had been made and she assumed the charge of her family’s company.
19. the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
I really liked the research about witchcraft, actually. it was very superficial, of course, but all the meaning of flowers and intention was really fun. I do really superficial research, tbh, especially when I realized that I was doing pretty deep research and never using it, or it was like A LINE in the fic, and that took so much time that I figured I just needed to check if I could get away with it 😂
24. how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
In all honesty, part of my brain is always thinking about creating something, it's not something i can turn off, but, when i'm in no writing mode, I read fics, watch movies and tv. Go for a drive. Lowkey always watching youtube. Recently i've been trying to draw more, tho, i think that counts as a creative thing???
30. share a fic you’re especially proud of
Will forever be proud of my first one [D.E.B.S. AU]
Thank you for asking, darling 💜
[Ask Game]
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chaniis-atlantis · 3 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for tagging me @anonmadsci !
How many works do you have on ao3?
I have 18! All but two are SGA
What's your total Ao3 word count?
421,430 yeesh, that's a little embarrassing to admit lol. Writing fic got me through college, and will probably get me through life.
What fandoms do you write for?
Stargate Atlantis, Good Omens (TV), and NBC Hannibal
Top five fics by kudos:
The Reconstruction of Will Graham (552) - Across the Universe (346) - Companion (172) - You Want It (139) - All Betts are off (107)
Do you respond to comments?
I always do eventually. Lately, I've been struggling with burnout and I've found that my capacity for doing anything online has shrunk way down. But that doesn't mean that I don't want to participate/respond, just that it might take a little longer. I appreciate every comment <3
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
There's one that isn't finished. but in terms of finished fics, I think it's "Companion" (John/Todd) it ends with John getting his memory back and reliving a horrible past
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Across the Universe! That fic is my baby and my most indulgent. It ends with everyone happy and hopeful
Do you get hate on fics?
Just once on my Hannibal fic. Someone got really angry that I was "character bashing" (I wasn't) and even if I was, the whole thing they were referring to was noted in the tags and summary. They also criticized my use of ellipses lol
Do you write smut?
Yes, most of my fics have it. I've been doing it since what I want to call the Golden Age of Wattpad (like 2015-2018) (Though I axed all that stuff long ago. It was terrible)
Craziest crossover:
If I was ever going to finish the Hannibal fic (I won't because me and its coauthor broke up and don't speak) then it would have had the greek gods in it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it would be so cool
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! The Hannibal fic (rip Hannibal fic) and me and @anonmadsci have an idea that I'd love to get back to!
All-time favourite ship?
John Sheppard/Todd the Wraith. They are my OTP
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have so many WIPs that are part of different series that I honestly have no idea. We'll have to see where inspiration takes me.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at setting, and I get good reactions to my dialogue and character internal monologue!
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I'm for it as long as I can look it up.
First fandom you wrote in?
First ever - Hamilton fic First that I put up somewhere - a smut fic for this Wattpad series called The Underworld Chronicles. My fic was on Wattpad and was culled (Wattpad used to delete stories that were pwp without any warning, they probably still do. I was twice a victim of that whole thing. eye roll). It's gone forever now.
Favourite fic you've written?
I am proudest of what I'm doing with "You're Too Sweet For Me" but my favorite will always be "Across the Universe."
This was fun!
npt: @bagheerita @annwayne @trainofcommand @aintgonnatakethis @mx-seraph @sga-owns-my-soul and @adriankyte-writes
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amostimprobabledream · 7 months
Writer Tag!
Thanks so much @blindmagdalena! How many works do you have on AO3? As of right now, 67. What's your total AO3 word count?
No idea lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? A Lungful of Smoke Quid Pro Quo The Trees Stood Witness The Beast You've Made of Me the beast you've made of me
I feel like three of these should be discounted because I wrote them in like 2017 - the Hawks one was literally when he was first introduced and we didn't even know his civilian name then.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, though not every comment - usually if they're just like "Part Two!" or "More plz!" I tend not to reply to those. I tend to worry about looking like I'm purposefully boosting my comment number by replying to them all.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Definitely "as the stars explode".
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending? I'm not sure, most of my fics are smut oneshots so I guess hitting the big O is a happy ending. "The Gift" was a pretty happy ending for Grimmjow and Reader.
Do you write crossovers? Not usually but that doesn't necessarily mean I never will.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes. Once I got a particularly stupid one about some girl getting salty that I spoiled a character's death - a character that had only appeared in the manga, so as an anime-only watcher she shouldn't have even been reading about him since she shouldn't know who he is if she hadn't already seen some spoilers.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I think it's pretty much all I write lol. I'm trying to branch out a bit but I worry people feel cheated with no sexy payoff.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have, though this was back in like 2015 of a fandom I'm not naming out of embarrassment, and they reposted it to ff.net. Luckily I don't think Reader Inserts are permitted there so I'm assuming it got deleted anyway.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a couple of times! Mostly into Russian.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, though my Peaky Blinders OC fic is based off an RP I was doing with my friend, so some of it was partly written by her, which I'm repurposing with her permission. <3
What's your all-time favorite ship? I tend to not get too involved with shipping because I like ships that are more unusual and get tired of the same super-popular pairing getting shoved down my neck. That being said, I am forever salty Peaky Blinders set up Tommy/May in Season 2 and then inexplicably just sorta dropped it because May's actress got preggers. (I want them to finally get together for the movie so badly but I'm not holding out much hope.)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I like to think once my hyperfixation kicks in I'll go back to some fics I've ditched but I find multichapter stories difficult to commit to. I do want to continue with my Demon!Dabi story and that Dazai one I wrote one chapter of and then ditched. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm fairly good at dialogue and I try to put unique twists on concepts I've seen done before. I personally also enjoy the personalities I give to my Readers, I'm a bit picky with Readers in Reader Inserts (I hate it when they're either super passive and meek or aggressive af for no reason).
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I have a bad tendency to skip a lot of exposition because I want to jump to dialogue. I also sometimes worry my writing is too beige prose-y and I should take my time a bit more. Also I am awful at finishing multichapter fics because I get distracted so easily. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I guess it depends on how it's used? I quite like it when people write characters with accents, I think it adds a nice flavour to stories. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fruits Basket and Naruto lol. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to I have a bunch of like, half-started Billy Butcher x Reader concepts but he's such a hard character to write for. I think it's because I don't get to discuss him nearly as much as Homelander. What's your favorite fic you've written? I'm personally pretty fond of "I'm neon phosporescent" for Dabi being a kinky bastard and "stardust in my eyes" as my first foray into The Boys.
No pressure tags: @librarianqueen @inkyveins @honeydazai-main and anyone else who wants to participate!
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solradguy · 2 years
I have sent many asks to you before filled with honest yet corny-as-hell sentimental bullshit about how much your blog, and you by extension, means to me— even if we don’t even really know each other. But if this isn’t a better time to actually buckle down and give you a proper “thank you,” than I don’t know what is.
I found your blog a while back, sometime early last summer if I remember correctly, through your Guilty Gear scans. It was around the time I first started actively hunting down whatever remnants of a Guilty Gear fandom were scattered across the internet, and luckily I hit the jackpot with Tumblr (amongst other sites.) God bless whatever made you make this blog, cause the things it has done for me since then have been tremendous. From small things like your discussions about music and your random posts about vintage technology that inevitably prompt me to do deep-dives on the subject, or bigger things like your entire translation or scanning projects that open me to an entire new world of Guilty Gear media, your blog has taught me about so many new things that have molded me into the person I am today, and suffice to say, I’m proud of that person. You have introduced me to new singers, bands, books, movies, games, shows; so many goddamn things and the majority of them have turned out to be things I simply enamor. Beyond that, your art has helped me improve on my own art and has inspired me to make so much more work and work even harder. Plus, you also brought back my obsession with dragons! I used to be enthralled by dragons; collecting paintings, statues, plushies, books, you name it and I probably have it. And just to like them once more due to my exposure with the content you churn out (wether original or reblogged) is something I can also say I am grateful for. Even just ranting about personal interests in your asks or asking if you perhaps enjoy the same things that I do is something that makes me happy.
I don’t want to make you uncomfortable by saying this, but I seriously do see you as a sort of “big brother” figure in my life. It’s a parasocial relationship, sure, but I have found solitude and comfort in your blog, and even a sort of aspiration to be like you. Either way, the truth is your blog has helped me so much this year and has brought me so much more happiness than what I had before. You have seriously helped me become a better person, better in loving myself and finding something to love in the world around me as well.
So, thank you. Thank you for this blog and for everything you post on here. Thank you, and happy new years. I hope next year gives you nothing but unadulterated love. You deserve it.
Ok so, for an uncountable amount of times this has happened now, I typed a really lengthy reply to this and then cut a section of text to move it and Tumblr decided that meant "delete the whole post except the cut text and then close the post editor, deleting everything forever." It is 3:30am. I'm going to summarize what I wrote as I type it for the second time. The last two paragraphs are the only sections from the first draft that got saved.
First off, I apologize for taking so long to reply to this. Your message is extremely heartfelt and sincere and, when I got it (around noon), I wanted to think on it for a little and reread it a few times before replying.
I'm... not great... at accepting compliments. For a lot of my life I've been picked on for my physical appearance and interests so I learned how to take advantage of my size and how to project a pissed off aura to get people to leave me alone. It works very well. Online that doesn't work, and I wouldn't want it to, but offline I think I can be kind of a grumpy asshole. I try really hard to only appear to be that way. After making kids/babies cry just from being in the same space as them though, it can be difficult to think otherwise. I'm not used to people being this kind to me, let alone even admiring or looking up to me.
But the online format is nice; people just see me as an icon and if they don't like my posts/interests they can close the tab or filter it instead of making it my problem. Being able to talk about whatever on here and finding other people that also think it's interesting has helped me a lot too. Before getting into Guilty Gear around August 2021, this blog was mostly just an art reference blog with a very, very, small amount of personal posts scattered in-between when it was something I wanted to archive (like when I started HRT).
I started doing scans because I wanted to send a specific illustration to someone but could only find it in a low resolution. Since I had the GGX '07 art book and a scanner, I figured I might as well just scan it myself and it all sort of snowballed from there. The GG community has been incredibly motivating and I don't see myself quitting doing these scans/translations until there's nothing left to scanlate. Guilty Gear has done so much for me and I love the games and its setting probably more than any other series I've ever been into.
Know that I really, truly, appreciate you sending me this message. I have a little folder of nice messages like yours that I keep to look through on bad days. They genuinely mean a lot to me.
It's such an honor that the things I've posted about have inspired you and lead you to new interests, too, and I hope that I can keep motivating and inspiring you. 2023's gonna be a good year, I think, and I hope you get some of that unadulterated love too.
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0-pix · 2 months
hello girlie it's me again i've had ana just like you and idk anyone else who i can vent to about this so i hope this isn't too much on you or if you even relate , it's been affecting my personal relationships not directly but still nonetheless , my best friend doesn't want to be friends with me anymore or talk to me at all , i've been working a new job and it's been affecting me physically and mentally and it affected my friendship with her she's been less caring to me despite the fact that we were really close friends for so long ever since she started seeing her new guy she's been talking to me less and even taking normal conversations weirdly i admit i was weird to her but i was dealing with the mental stress of my ana and my new job and i just needed a friend to comfort me she acted weirdly as basically said something along the lines of i don't care and want to talk to you that hurt me deeply as someone who i saw as a big sister to me so in a moment of hurt i felt betrayed by someone who i cared for more than family had showed me they don't care about me and before that whenever i wanted to talk to her about how she's being mean to me and how me asking her to be gentle with me is annoying her, after a couple of days she would say i'm annoying her so as i was in my job stressed and panicked and i deleted WhatsApp so i wouldn't reopen it every two minutes to check if she texted me (she previously would text me all the time but in the last couple of days she wouldn't text unless i texted her) so i would feel less shitty about myself caring for someone who doesn't care about me it's been a couple of days now and i redownloaded the app and she hadn't texted me anything other than "eh" ,we talked and she said she felt the same way i felt but worse idk how someone can feel betrayed and not cared for after not caring to even check in on their bestfriend after they needed their help am i in the wrong?, afterwards she'd talk to me in the same way but colder she wouldn't say good night or even good morning she would wait hours to respond to my texts which is a new thing for us considering we were just like a little sister and a big sister and today she said she doesn't want to talk to me and every time i talk to her she feels annoyed by me, she's to me the family that was better than my real family and i supported her when her family would make her not w@nt to l!ve and i wanted her to support me that way too, but later she said she doesn't want to be friends anymore and i tried to make things between us better but she just doesn't want me talking to her and it's been the worst couple of days in my life the last few days just living my life without her being there, do you think there's a solution to this , do you think i can get my big sister back , and how can i make things better between us again i miss her more than she can ever imagine she and my rat mean the world to me and i don't want to live in a half world , and do you think her new bf is dividing us or am i just panicking , sorry for the long vent i just needed someone to understand me and being as panicked and stressed as i was i made many poor choices but i just want my sister to love me again , good luck in reaching your gw sis i'll reach mine in a few days but i hope it doesn't cost me my sis :<
hi! my advice is have a long deep talk with her and understand each other's perspectives, maybe it'll bring you closer and maybe not, but maybe come to terms with the fact it might not be the same, people don't last forever and they change and it's fine, ik this is hard to believe rn but you will get over it, don't neglect urself and keep pushing thru it, much love and my dms are always open for talk!
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jimmycarterghostland · 3 months
It's time for me to discuss an old Wattpad story of mine: Fallen Stars, by WoodZillaTV.
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I wrote Fallen Stars when I was a teenager. The writing is awful, absolutely horrendous. Yet I've decided that it's time for me to claim this story as my work, because it is.
Fallen Stars is a multiple point of view novel. Back then, I didn't know how to give each narrator a distinct character voice, and that is one of the reasons why Fallen Stars is flawed. There are many other reasons, too. The prose in this story is terrible, and it is full of telling instead of showing. I'm surprised that I didn't know about "show, don't tell" back then. Probably because I'm so used to doing it now.
As awfully written as it is, Fallen Stars is part of my bibliography. My plan in my web serial-writing hobby is to make each of my future web serials better than the one before it. I'm writing my serial 33 now. That means the one I write after 33 will have to be better than 33. Fallen Stars is one of my earliest web serials, and 33 has much better writing than it. Clearly my writing skills have gotten better since I was a teenager. So much better. Seriously, I've been reading some of Fallen Stars, and it is a horrendous novel. It's so bad.
Back then I wasn't an outliner. I wrote without a plan, and it shows. There's so much in FS that doesn't make any sense. At least 33 is easier to understand. I've forgotten most of what happened in FS, and I've forgotten most of the characters and their powers, and FS is so hard to comprehend. It's all over the place.
I see why no one liked it. It was bad even by Wattpad standards.
There are so many characters, and they hardly seem connected. I don't know how to explain it, but they seem so random, and they randomly get introduced. With 33, I try to make each character matter, try to make each of them be necessary to the plot. There's a lot of characters in Fallen Stars that don't matter. Still, some of them were pretty cool, and have interesting powers. If I remember correctly, one character was blind, but he could use his power to see anyway. Remote viewing. I vaguely remember there being another blind character in FS, a girl.
With 33, I show some restraint when it comes to characters. There are a lot of characters, but I don't try to introduce too many at once, and I think I did a great job at gradually increasing the character count. There was no restraint when I was writing FS. Too many unnecessary characters, and they seem to be wildly inconsistent in personality too.
I'm going to keep Fallen Stars online forever, though. As bad as it is, I won't delete it. It might even be salvageable. As in, I might be able to rewrite it someday and make it into a great web serial. But I doubt that will ever happen. Right now, FS is a reminder of how far I've come as a writer. There's comfort in that.
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0the-duchess0 · 9 months
Okay so because sleep deprivation and the Holiday season make an emotional little bish out of me, I decided to start the trend of writing a letter to your very first starter Pokémon. Mine was Squirtle, the letter is under the cut.
Dear Bubbles,
We had more in common right from the start than we thought. I had just stepped out of the water from earning my swimmer's certificate, when my parents handed me a GameBoy Advance with a copy of Pokémon Blue as a present. Of course I had seen you in the anime before. The year was 2005 and despite the first generation having been succeeded by then by countless games and merchandise, I was beyond overjoyed to start up the pixelated adventure that started it all.
Since your final evolution was the box art for the game you were, in my head, the main character of the game. So naturally I had to choose you. I gave you the name Bubbles because it is one of the moves you learn. Also, my English wasn't that top notch at the time, so my knowledge of good water-based nicknames that fit the language was limited. We set out on our journey, and despite my best efforts and enthusiasm, we got lost all the time. Mt Moon: Lost. Rock Tunnel: Lost. Rocket's Celadon City base: Lost. Saffron City Sliph Co.: Lost. Nevernonetheless, I had the time of my life. I didn't really have any friends back then, so I'd spent a lot of time indoors playing on my Game Boy. I barely had an idea what I was doing and gave you the worst moveset in the history of my gaming existence, but we kept winning, and you grew stronger and evolved along the way. Just you. The rest of the team consisted of a Pidgey, Nidoran(f), Nidoran(m), Rattata and Caterpie, but none of them made it past level 5. You were the main character. You and your Surf overworld sprite took me everywhere I needed to go. Until we got stuck.
Since my English wasn't as sophisticated, I had a hard time following instructions. With just two Gyms left to go, I had no idea where we should be heading or what to do to get to the seventh Badge. Somehow, it didn't bother me. I liked spending time with you. I kept aimlessly wandering around with you, battling wild Pokémon for fun and talking to NPCs at random. Time went by, and just like you evolved, I evolved. I eventually went on to other games. Newer games. Then I became a teenager and thought Pokémon was too embarassing to talk about with people the same age, so I tossed everything Pokémon related to the side. But I returned, and everything I learned on my journey through the outside world I took with me, including some language lessons. On a whim, I started up the GameBoy again. It stll worked. You were still there. Level 88. Six badges. The rest of the game had turned into a breeze. Your sprite entered the Hall of Fame. I've never felt more proud and accomplished....
... And then I deleted you. Of course, I've had many reincarnations of you over the years, but I'll always regret that decision. Even though You were never my favourite Pokémon species (Mewtwo has my heart in that regard). Even though there is no way to retreive the original you. You'll always hold a special place in my heart. You will forever be my first Pokémon and my favourite starter. 2005 is 18 years ago now, and still your influence can be found all around me.
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And with that I truly mean all around me.
Though you may evolve. Though your sprite may change. Though your cry may be generated differently. To me, you'll always be that Tiny Turtle I got from Professor Oak the day I became a Pokémon trainer.
never change.
Love, Duchess (your OT)
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Eh, a classic - "Man, I wish I'd said something, but now it's too late." So, today I woke up and chose violence - that is, I started commenting on a Yahoo article about Trump vs. Biden polling and of course got into it with some red hats. For fun, I guess. I feel like I am dumber now, but I don't know, I'm in a mood. So, I stopped replying after a while, but am still getting replies sent to my Yahoo mail. I deleted one that I thought later of how to reply to. I figure I'll rant all my thoughts here in case people think my unshared thoughts are witty enough to zing their racist uncle with at Christmas dinner. (Someone whines about illegal people crossing the border and about dems wanting food shortages and bread lines). Me (should have): "Illegal people? Last I checked, being a person was not illegal. An illegal human? What a silly notion! Oh, I understand what you mean - people illegally crossing the arbitrary line that separates countries that we've all set up. That's been going on since forever, dude - since the concept of countries were a thing, it didn't start and end with Biden - or Obama. I grew up in Arizona. Disdain for "illegal Mexicans" was something all around me in my childhood. Some legal and generational Mexican-American families shared the disdain, because they seemed to blame them for the racism they suffered. I'd even concede a point or two on "they're takin' our jerbs!" because I distinctly remember being turned down for a job I wanted and desperately needed at a restaurant when I was young because the interviewer said that I "didn't speak enough Spanish" to work in the back. Upon demonstrating the Spanish that I knew (sadly, I am not fluent and have lost some since then, but I had a working knowledge of the language then), well... I knew that guy was looking at my blond hair and green eyes and thinking he didn't want to have to hire a dishwasher he'd be required to pay an actual minimum wage to with the possibility of benefits down the road. These were the Bush Jr. years, I remember. And that's the long and short of it. You people, who have always been afraid of the border crossings never think of who to blame for the "taking the jobs" aspect actually belongs to - the blame lies with the companies and landowners who don't want to pay people decent wages and want to get around the minimum wage laws by preying on the desperate who will never, ever ask for a raise because, if they do, the boss will call Immigration on them. I don't think it has ever been about preserving American jobs for Americans for you folks. Think about your real angle. We "dems" aren't stupid. We know. I could go bleeding heart and talk about how most of the people "flooding" the border are various asylum seekers and people wanting to come in legally. The "crisis" of the masses are people actually wanting to do things by the books. How many the U.S. can handle naturalising is a different matter. I just think that the blame for things that everyone complains about falls on shady capitalist practices than anything. As for the breadlines and food shortages you envision, the only time I've experienced anything like THAT in my life was during the Trump years - and I don't even blame him for that. Everyone went nuts when Covid was new. He made things worse, but in March 2020 it was just a natural disaster and peoples' response to it.
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keepthisholykiss · 11 months
Okay it's time, here's my gtfo of Tumblr post
Since Tumblr was previously my most active social media website I figure I will make a proper post to pin about my move off-site. By Jan 1 this blog will be deleted entirely. If you want to find me elsewhere now is the time. Here's the list of places to find me and how often I'll be around them!
My new website! - This is hands down the easiest place to find me. I am creating my website from the ground up so it's a mess but in an endearing way. I've even made my first blog post here. This website will essentially function how my Tumblr previously did. I will post blogs about random things, add updates on projects, create and publish free educational resources, and more! I do not have an RSS (yet?) so the easiest way to follow me is via a neocities account.
Cohost - Of the many twitter alts out there I like cohost the best. I have fun with it, I'm slowly finding my feet there, and I think the vibes are generally good. I do not follow nearly enough folks yet so if you follow me here please let's be mutuals there! I plan to use it much like twitter with lots of one-off thoughts. I am only still on twitter to stay up to date with activism stuff so it's really not worth plugging my twitter now.
Instagram - This is one of the only "big" socials I am active on. It's best to follow me here for activism stuff, cooking, and art as those are basically the only things I post there. If you want to follow me on IG please DM me because I am selective with who I trust to follow me there as I post more IRL things there.
...and that's it! Unless another weird niche semi-old-internet vibe type thing comes out I will only be in those three places from now on. I have been a tumblr user with few breaks since 2008 across a variety of accounts and niches. I don't know that I ever thought I would leave tumblr "for good" but it's way past time. My work in activism will continue offline largely or in ways I'm not talking about here.
Since I won't have time or space to post it in the new year (and like only 2 IRLs follow me here) we are relocating to Oregon next year for probably our last major move ever unless we end up needing (and having the means lol) to leave the country. I am also leaving 4-year institution work which is very exciting for me. Our journey in moving, my journey in finding my place in alternative educational lenses, and more will be covered largely on my blog and in other places I'm sure. So if any of that interests you feel free to follow me off this website. I also have heard something about tumblr dying (again) which lol, lmao even. I truly don't care how true or not that is, please know my intention in leaving has nothing to do with that and has everything to do with being a marketable number for them.
In closing, fuck tumblr, fuck staff, fuck specifically the bitch who runs emporium and tricked all these kids into dumping funds into a website that hates them. Fuck zionists, fuck transphobes, fuck racists, fuck neoliberal apologists, and fuck anyone who is trying to shame you into shutting up about the lives of people who deserve to live. Also organize within your communities and find ways to disengage from the economy and create a better future.
My wish is that every oppressed nation of beautiful people will be free now and forever, that land goes back to who it belongs to, and that some day capitalism will not ruin art, community, and love the way it has on this website and across the world.
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iamfebruaryfour · 1 year
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Okay so if it wasn't telling enough, I have been (and I think still am) in a book reading hiatus 🥹 I'm sorry!! But life just got... so busy. But recently, life has been, well, fairly interesting.
So okay before that, HELLO!! I haven't been on tumblr since FOREVER!! My last post was 4 years ago omg! I deleted the app, and stopped going on tumblr for a while, but I redownloaded it just now cause I have soooo much to talk about. Yes it's still about books, but there's another factor added: BTS.
Yes I am ARMY now 😂 I tell you soooooo much has happened!! But i'll fast forward.
Okay so it was about sometime after i've posted my last book summary that i felt a change in me. Suddenly I was too tired to read. My eyes would fail me everytime I open a book. 5 minutes in and I'm too sleepy. It doesn't matter what genre, what kind of book. I don't know then what happened but as I looked back, I concluded that it was because of my work. I had change jobs that time and suddenly work increased, and became more challenging that I didn't realize that it sucked all the energy out of me. Slowly i stopped altogether. Even my instagram and goodreads are all still in cobwebs.
The I met the men who would ✨literally✨ change my life. There were only 3 things that made me fangirl this hard and that was Harry Potter, Taylor Swift and ARASHI, and even these three didn't compare to how i've fangirled with BTS (though i still am a potterhead, a swiftie and an arashist at heart).
Skip to the point it's getting long!! --- So as all armys know these men are hella poetic in their lyrics, especially the rapline, especially namjoon, and I truly believe it's because they love to read. I believe that, cause when I was in my bookworm era, i'd use words I never thought i'd use, and I was more confident in using them, compared to now, I really felt that I'm always short of words to use that I more often black out when I speak in english.
Okay okay so BTS, they love to read. And they have ✨book recommendations✨!! And there's so many!!! I've kept the lists and wanted to go back to it when i'm ready to read. But still, I hadn't had the will to start. Until...
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Hello, Beyond the Story: 10 Year Record of BTS.
So yes I am currently reading it now and savoring EVERYTHING. Though I still feel that tiredness I was talking about, but this time I have sheer will. The need to finish this book AND read the tagalog version (which I heard and saw was really really good) is very strong.
I plan to make a post about it after I finish them, but wait, this isn't even what this post is about!!
So remember the ✨book recommendations✨ list?
Book reco list 1 (twitter)
Book reco list 2 (goodreads)
There were some titles here that I knew I already had. Some I already read, but most of them just gathered dust in my shelves (don't worry I cleaned them!!)
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What I found so far that I already have, plus The Alchemist aaaand Fahrenheit 451 -- two of which I've already read so it's not currently here on my shelf, but i'll have to look for it anyway. Ah I know I have Metamorphosis somewhere here too.
The I Decided to Live As Me I bought cause of them, and I just bought The Midnight Library but I don't have it now. I read parts of it via pdf but again I hadn't finished it!! I hope I finish it now, now that I have a physical copy. Am also planning to look for Almond, the Magic Shop book and the Omelas. After that i'll stop buying and finish everything 😅
I had Me Before You but i sold it!!! Why 😩
What's funny here is as I was laying these books down to take a photo, I realized that three of the books here have bookmarks 😂 it means that I was able to start it, but hadn'd finished it.
So what does this mean for me? Am I going to be back from hiatus? 😂 To be honest I really don't know 😂 But i'm really happy that i've found a new reason to pick up a book again after so many years. I wanted to read so much, I just feel like I can't, but now i'm reading again!! Even though it's because it's about or related to BTS (though don't get me wrong i'm happy it's about BTS!), it's still something! And by seeing these laid out books of mine, i just wanna read them now.
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*just adding this gif cos i miss them hahah 🥹
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