#and some men folk
nerdyshrew · 1 year
“Haili cetare, Mandolorian” | The Mandolorian
Pairing: The Mandolorian/Din Djarin x mystery!Reader (no y/n)
Warnings: None
Summary: The Mandolorian and Grogu find themselves in Tatooine in preparation for a mission and Peli’s found herself an apprentice. When the young woman proves herself useful for the assignment, Din Djarin finds himself drawn to this mysterious and enigmatic stranger during a quiet moment.
Author’s Note: Barely edited so apologies in advance. Not a full story so much as an overfed plot bunny. Got a few of these running around and this was the first one that came out. I hope I used that title phrase correctly. 🤷🏻‍♀️
My body is at about a stage 4 out of 5 on the Pedro Pandemic scale. It’s real bad. I can’t believe I’m writing fics again. It’s been YEARS, ya’ll. Allegedly it’s healthy outlet so I’m gonna let it happen. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.
Din spun around and found Peli’s apprentice standing in the foyer with her arms crossed, eyeing him curiously.
“Ah, yes. Sorry.” He replied sheepishly, standing up a little straighter than he had intended, unconsciously scratching a nonexistent itch on his neck. She smirked at his hesitancy and uncrossed her arms.
“We have some left over ronto roast from earlier this week. I can get it.” She walked around the counter and began shuffling through the cooler.
“Thank you. That’s very kind.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” he heard her retort while her back was turned. She turned back to face him as she dressed his plate and took a beat to look up at him.
“For you all know, I’m just the distraction while Peli absconds with your kid.”
Din tilted his helmet down at her curiously and noticed the mischievous glint in her eyes. He had observed over the course of the day that they were a perfect reflection of her emotions, becoming cloudy when she was concentrating on what someone was saying or dark and piercing when she was pressed. He had also noticed that they sparkled with light after she laughed. It was a simple observation, really, her eyes were just expressive.
He chuckled lightly, imagining the wily old woman running towards town with reckless abandon, a highly amused Grogu babbling and laughing in her arms and nowhere in particular to go. He knew for a fact that they were both sleeping soundly in Peli’s room, the woman’s snores heard when he walked past her room to get to the kitchen. “She can try.”
The apprentice laughed, her head bobbing in agreement, busying herself with warming up his food. “Peli can barely lift a wrench without pulling something in her back. Grogu is the only thing I’ve seen her pick up without complaining.” She glanced back over at him. “I don’t imagine she’d get very far from the likes of you,” she finished with a smirk.
The Mandolorian ignored the skip in his heartbeat and nodded in agreement. “You’d be right.”
He allowed himself to get comfortable, relaxing his shoulders and leaning on the opposite side of the counter where she had situated herself. There was a quiet pause as she spun and put the rest of the food back into the cooler, her first joke breaking the tentative tension in the room. Din realized then that this was the first time they occupied a space together without anyone else present. Strangely, the silence that hung between them didn’t feel like the common one among strangers, awkward and tepid. This was surprisingly light, almost comfortable as he watched her finish wandering about the kitchen.
She placed the plate in front of him and began to roll some utensils into a napkin, speaking again. “You didn’t get anything with the rest of us at the cantina so I assumed that you were the kind of Mandolorian that eats in private where you could take your helmet off.” She tilted her chin, gesturing at the plate.
His head snapped from the food to her face, studying. “That is correct.” He responded, slowly. Many would press, make jokes, ask questions. He was used to it, often responding with silence until people got the hint not to ask. She did none of those, she just knew. Accepted it. How did she know that?
As if reading his mind, she stopped what she was doing and gave him a small smile. “You are not the first Mandolorian I’ve met.”
Oh? “You are familiar with the Creed?” He gently pressed, his tone perhaps giving away his curiosity.
She shrugged nonchalantly with one shoulder, face turned down back towards the task that busied her hands. “I know that coverts have interpreted the Creed in their own ways.” She finished rolling and set the bundle of utensils next to the plate in front of him before she finally met his gaze again. “But I also know that any one who lives by the honor of that core Creed is one to be respected, no matter how different their custom is to the majority.” Her eyes were clear and bright, reflecting back at her from the t-visor in his helmet. Somehow, Din thought in the recesses of his mind in the quietest of whispers, they reminded him of swirling galaxies, sparkling in the dark vacuum of space.
Her opinion had been astute, thoughtful, and honorable. She spoke with resolve, as if telling him something as obvious as water being wet. It was incredibly refreshing. He nodded in agreement as he continued to study her, noticing how the loose tendrils of the day’s updo framed her face. The soft light of the kitchen made her skin radiate a warm glow, that fact which he tried to ignore until he noticed slightest hint of a furrow on her brow as she awaited a response.
“This is the way,” he said simply.
The apprentice gave him a small smile as she pushed herself off the counter. “Yes it is.”
She began to walk back around it, casually making her leave. She nodded her head at his food when she passed. “I’ll let you bring that back to your room while it’s still warm.”
His head followed her as she headed for the door, arms reaching for the plate on the counter. “Thank you again,” he started, catching her before she reached the entryway. She slowed and turned to look at him.
“For the food.” He continued. “And your respect to the Creed. Your opinion is rare, but it is an honorable one.”
Her lips turned up into a smile as she nodded in recognition.
“Of course.” She turned around and called out to him over her shoulder as she walked away. “Haili cetare, Mandolorian.”
“Wait,” he uttered, trying to catch her and failing. He watched her figure disappear through the entryway and gave a silent prayer in thanks for his helmet, which hid the gaping, wide-eyed look that she had left on his face. Of all the things he might have expected her to say in her departure, Mando’a was certainly not one. At all.
Who is this woman?
Haili cetare!
Tuck in! Enjoy! (approx. Fill your boots.)
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nothatsmi · 9 months
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Lovely isn't he.
I finished the third book. It's been a few days already but with work and stuff... Anyway now I'm digging through the additional content Nora posted on Tumblr, took me a while to understand how it works but now I am pleased.
I cannot express the emotionnal damage these books have done to me, but I'm not finished drawing any of the foxes. Just saying.
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basil-under-a-blanket · 5 months
Quick transmasc lifehack to do after getting out of the shower
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dandelion-roots · 5 months
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[ID: a digital drawing of chuuya and dazai from bungou stray dogs. in the main image, dazai is sitting on a metal counter in a nurse's office, his arms behind him to support him and knees spread so that chuuya can clean his wounds. he has bandages and scars on his arms and bare torso and is wearing white pants and white shoes. with a bored expression he says, hurry up. chuuya, who's opening a green bottle and is standing in front of the counter, shouts, wait a fucking minute, asshole, i'm not your damn nurse! in a smaller follow-up panel dazai shouts, you shot me! and chuuya is looking away while sweating and shouting back, you were being a shit. end ID]
the price of engaging in homoeroticism via shooting you 'old friend' THREE FUCKING TIMES more than necessary is, um... *checks notes* having to patch him up five minutes later whilst staring at his bare chest and then having to set his leg, thus literally putting him back on his feet to do his dramatic victory reveal??? this can't be right who wrote this
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larsnicklas · 2 months
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man sacrifices his own blood for a four minute power play and no dice...
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ladystoneboobs · 21 days
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House of the Dragon s01e05 We Light the Way // Game of Thrones s02e06 The Old Gods and the New // House of the Dragon s01e05 We Light the Way // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter LVI, Theon V // House of the Dragon s01e07 Driftmark // Game of Thrones s02e03 What Is Dead May Never Die // House of the Dragon s01e07 Driftmark // Game of Thrones s02e07 A Man Without Honor // House of the Dragon s01e07 Driftmark // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter LVI, Theon V // House of the Dragon s01e07 Driftmark // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter XXXVII, Theon III // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter LVI, Theon V // House of the Dragon s01e07 Driftmark // Game of Thrones s02e06 The Old Gods and the New // House of the Dragon s01e09 The Green Council // Game of Thrones s01e04 Cripples, Bastards and Broken Things // House of the Dragon s01e09 The Green Council // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter LXVI, Theon VI // House of the Dragon s01e09 The Green Council // A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin, Chapter XLVI, Bran VI // House of the Dragon s01e09 The Green Council // Game of Thrones s02e03 What Is Dead May Never Die //
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blood-orange-juice · 7 months
About Childe and his weird gender again, expanding on this post.
I think it has a lot to do with how gender is constructed. Male gender has very clear-cut prescriptions, mostly it's everything that is considered "good" or "human" in current culture. The expectations it places on a person may not be realistic or achievable but they are very clear. Great importance is also placed on separating itself from Everything Female. Things That Are Too Much. Things that break the current culture meaning-making procedures.
Women, while having quite a few prescriptions of their own, also deal with whatever fell through the cracks. Someone needs to ensure the world still functions and reality is never completely covered by whatever official model of the world we currently have.
So women deal with the things men have the luxury not to notice. Mostly bodily and psychological aspects and societal injustice that are not supposed to exist in the ideal picture of society men have imagined. (to be fair, it happens to anyone oppressed and othered. the task of not letting the oppressors meet with reality is delegated to them. I'm just talking about women specifically in this post. but there's a reason oppressed minorities always have ties to supernatural in folklore)
In a way, feminine women are very scary. Walking semiotic horrors.
And I explain all this to say that Childe can be perceived as feminine in two ways.
First, with his disregard for all and any societal norms he just doesn't follow the normal gender prescriptions. He plays a superhero/knight role because it's shiny and it reminds him of the stories he loved as a kid. He doesn't suppress his love for his family because it brings him joy. He looks pretty because looks are a weapon too. He does all these things that would be either stereotypically masculine or painfully unmasculine for anyone else who cares about what society thinks, but he doesn't really see any difference between them. He truly, genuinely doesn't care what others think.
Second, he's also painfully aware of the dark and insane parts of the universe everyone else has the luxury to ignore. He also knows no one cares so he dances around the things a normal guy would never have to deal with (it's such a stereotypical female experience. sometimes I wonder if that's why women rarely like Lovecraft. it's not scary or exciting to them, it's just Tuesday).
But that's just our perception, a trick of light. These are not necessarily gendered.
He also gives an impression of someone extremely vulnerable, yes, but I don't think he handles his vulnerability in a feminine way. He just doesn't hide it and we are used to labeling everything vulnerable as feminine.
He also doesn't really do anything feminine-labeled in a characteristic female way. He isn't really in contact with his emotions (despite having a lot of them), him caring about people takes the form of "protector and provider". his cooking... have you seen his cooking? He doesn't look for support and doesn't try to build things that last. He doesn't accept his vulnerability. If anything, he's trying to pretend he has no vulnerabilities and maybe no psyche at all. He's self-sacrificing in a very male way too. Because he was there and because he could and because it's a cool thing to do.
So he's just that. Himself. Someone outside of gender.
(or rather his gender is knightcore)
If we perceive him as feminine it says more about how our culture perceives gender than about who Childe is.
Also, quoting my previous post, it's a part of him being full of contradictions. For every thing that he does he also does the exact opposite, and this holds for gender too.
Yes he lives the male power fantasy. He also does it in an incredibly feminine way. I think this was Hoyo's original intention and then it blossomed into this human disaster we see.
And to end up on a joke, surely you all have seen that leaked art that is theorised to be Skirk but could have also been an early design of Childe before Hoyo decided to make him a guy.
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gen-is-gone · 5 months
my for some reason unpopular opinion is that it's boring when Fitz remains unhinged levels of self-deluded and closeted actually. Why does he have to be doctor who's answer to dean winchester, huh? why would this man in his mid-thirties who has spent at least a decade traveling in time and space still have weird insane hangups about being attracted to dudes? why does that need to be the thing about the text that we all collectively think is worth taking at face value? it's boring and fucking depressing and honestly doesn't make sense when the future of humanity in doctor who is that bisexuality is the cultural default and completely unremarkable.
#like geez I don't think that making it to thirty+ years old and still being afraid and filled with self-hatred is funny actually#eighth doctor adventures#eighth doctor#fitz kreiner#megan whines into the empty abyss of cyberspace#it's also weird because this definitely wasn't the attitude in fandom ten years ago#my suspicion is that Steve Cole's confirmation that Fitz was always meant to be bi made people start taking the text literally#in a way folks didn't before when slash shipping culture was just used to reading against a text as a default#like I vaguely recall a post going around shortly after that was confirmed in 2019#that brought up how Fitz being canonically bi meant that all his weird hangups couldn't be handwaved away now#because if fandom made him bi against canon then you could just ignore his weirder no homo moments#but if he was intentionally written as bi then he was also intentionally written as deeply closeted#and like. that's true. but also you can just do whatever the fuck you want with canon no matter what#and also like#sure many of the writers were writing him as queer intentionally#but like the writing in the EDAs is so inconsistent of course some people are going to write weird no homo crap#because those writers weren't comfortable with queerness even if Cole's intent was that Fitz was bi#like The Gallifrey Chronicles's whole thing with Fitz and Trix is one long lance parkin no homo moment#does that really matter more than textual evidence that he is attracted to men and knows this about himself?#like I just don't know how you reconcile 'Fitz will bend over backwards to pretend he's straight' with#'a consideration of his chances of [...] getting laid by the Doctor'#or for that matter 'with the Doctor it's the real thing'#or the really really heavy implication that he and Sasha had a one night stand in History 101#or that he and George went on a date in Camera Obscura which led to Fitz being invited on the Siberia expedition in the first place#and again and I can't emphasize this enough: why is this the thing about 'canon' that is so worth keeping?#why is Fitz being depressing levels of in denial more fun than him being openly bi?#destielification of Eight/Fitz smh
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viivdle · 5 months
cardan "okay maybe she didn't get it" greenbriar when realising he fucked it up big time
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meri-meri-mwah · 1 year
It's so weird how people think Ada is like this manipulative villainess who use Leon every single time when that's...not even half true?? If anything, that woman has done more good than bad and I feel like some people aren't ready for that conversation.
Ada isn't a villain, but a morally grey character who's more complex than ever because there's very few details about her as a person outside of the femme fatale act she puts on. Hell, till this day, we still don't know what her true motives are, but she ain't trying to destroy the world like every other villain in the franchise.
As far as her relationship with Leon, I think people just likes to stick with her persona in Resident Evil 2 Remake and make it seem like she's trying to manipulate him every single time. Yes, she WAS going to manipulate Leon throughout the game, but she changed her tactics when she recognized that Leon is just a good man trying to do good things for people. Even at the end, Leon TAUNTED Ada to shoot him. Saying stuff like, "Go ahead. Shoot me. I bet you can't do it." Leon probably knew there is some good in Ada and GUESS WHAT? Leon was right. Ada couldn't shoot him. And before she fell to her "death", she told Leon to take care of himself. For all we know, Ada probably wasn't expecting on seeing Leon again after Raccoon City but here we are. Many years later and she STILL actively helps Leon whenever she can.
If there's anyone Ada is manipulating, it's usually the bad guys she "works" with. She gave Wesker a weak/fake sample after the events for Re4 and turned on Simmons when he suggested shit that Ada did not want to do (that man was so obsessed with Ada, he literally created a CLONE just to get what he wanted).
This is getting long, but I need some people to realize that Ada is NOT the evil woman some of y'all want her to be.
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sleepynegress · 8 months
Love this interview... I have been semi-checking in on Zawe's journey since before certain stans were feeling some kinda way about her recent familial additions. I do for certain Black actors/creators especially, who seem to be moving in interesting ways in entertainment/film media...
-A remnant from a period when I used to go to screenings and blog about films (and was published a few times in a major national newspaper)... So, I knew of Zawe through the grapevine of her mentorship, i.e. she is the reason why Rege Jean Page of Bridgerton fame got to work in U.S. markets, as she sponsored him. And she is known, as one of those "good eggs" who will be accessible and help/advise especially young actors of color. ...But, I have some other stuff to say. This isn't about proving that she's an amazing human being. It's about a certain brand of misogynoir that some of these people far beneath her in self-knowledge, self-love, and just plain grown-ass-woman-personhood...keep letting fly in what they *think* are compliments, but actually are just trite microaggressions. Saying things like "as long she makes [T-blank H-blank] happy then she's alright" as if he's the centered human and her attachment renders her worthy somehow. Babies, as long as SHE'S happy. Yall. He's marrying up.
WAY UP and the fact that he knows this? Actually elevates him. She's been there.
She tells a story in the above interview that reminds me of Uzo Aduba's anecdote about her name , - of an incident when she was called to an early job (at 6!) and someone there said she wasn't pretty because of her gap and her Ugandan mother took her on past this person and into the room, ANYWAY.
... She learned a specific self-knowledge and self-love, that is necessary in very white western spaces that constantly pressures a narrow sense of worthiness and beauty, especially from Black women, something a lot of these small-minded stans don't even have a notion of seeing beyond. Zawe is biracial, and her features, aside from her skin tone are very African. So while she benefits from colorism, featurism is something I've seen those bigoted stans, pick on as well. She knows those features are what makes her beautiful and knew that, w/o and before her partner saw that too. And people who aren't blind narrow-minded ignoramuses can *also* see that. This is why I assert the fact of featurism needing to be in the conversation of light/dark privilege conversations. Lips, nose, gap, and even the set of her eyes are ethnic beauty markers within quite a few spaces in the Black African diaspora... My mom was an absolute stunner because of her gap.
Even the old school white model Lauren Hutton got there because of her gap. Uzo Aduba, who I have already mentioned has a deeper skintone and has similarly large round striking eyes, gap, and a non-pinched-nose *rightly* played Glinda in NBC's production of The Wiz a few years back, with Dorothy saying she's so beautiful *because* of those features, not despite them as a very narrow white-washed gaze would wrongly assert.
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And while we're here that includes sizes and shapes too. I'm saying your boy is enjoying all that plush. A lot of yall need to read or reread Maya Angelou's Phenomenal Woman, for comprehension.
Anyway... All this to say I know Zawe is and will be fine regardless.
P.S. Maya Angelou *also* had height, and gap and was very much known for her beauty/magnetism as a woman when she was alive. :
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pocketsizedquasar · 10 months
it would be really nice if ppl harping on transmascs for talking abt anti-transmasculinity (or even, gasp, giving a name to it!) actually listened to the experiences of transmascs of color (particularly Black transmascs), disabled transmascs, fat transmascs, etc. etc. instead of centering the hypothetical thin, white, cis-passing able-bodied trans man they have in their head who they use as the benchmark for all transmasc experience. any of the beliefs about how transmascs aren’t targeted as much, aren’t hated by terfs, face less violence, aren’t treated as predators, are simply “invisible” by default (rather than being deliberately erased and buried), etc wouldn’t be happening if people just listened to transmascs saying over and over again that yes, we do experience these things, yes, these harms do happen to us. you wouldn’t believe we don’t face those things if you listened to us.
anti-transmasculinity is a whole and unique experience, multifaceted and intersectional, and it involves the continued and deliberate erasure of transmasc folks and our struggles and the violence we face, and the lumping in of violence against us as “violence against women.” anti-transmasculinity is not a counter or an “opposite” to transmisogyny; they are interconnected struggles — transfem & transmasc are not opposites! the existence of anti-transmasculinity does not mean that transmascs have it “worse” or “better” — honestly, judging oppression by such metrics is unproductive and unhelpful. we have more to gain from engaging with each other and understanding how our experiences mutually connect with one another.
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armoralor · 10 months
people obsessed with cishet ships: You see this character that's a man? Well, every woman around him is secretly in love with him. Each and every one want to settle down with him, buy a house, and raise a nuclear family.
normal fandom enjoyers: Sure, I guess. But maybe some of them are just friends? Like, platonic non-romantic companionship? Not all of those women seem to be interested in that kind of thing. Plus, what if some of those women are queer and trans; surly not all of them want to marry and have kids either.
people obsessed with cishet ships: Why do you hate women!?? Why do you hate mothers? You're such a misogynist for saying women can't be soft and motherly. Why does every women have to be a lesbian???? Why are you pushing an agenda? I'm going to throw up, this is so gross. You pointing this out is bullying!!!! And YOU'RE transphobic for wanting a character to be a lesbian. People who like shipping straight characters need to come together in SOLIDARITY because of these MEAN gays.
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luesmainblog · 2 months
what a wonderful day to remember that there are real actual people in the world who fit your "harmful stereotypes" to a T and they deserve safety, love, respect as human beings, and YES, representation, because even the most stereotypical mother fucker has more going on in their life than just that. a LOVELY day to remember that your dislike of stereotypes should be based in a lack of variety and a watering down of human experience or an active distaste for those being shown, not your own personal distaste of Those People. a MARVELOUS day to consider that many of the stereotypes which are held up as Degenerates who must be Erased by the bigots are, in fact, people we should be protecting and empowering, and that you should NOT BE AGREEING WITH THE BIGOTS ABOUT THEM NEEDING TO GO AWAY.
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epickiya722 · 4 months
I'm gonna be honest. I like Izuku staying shorter than the others even as they get older more than him just shooting up in height.
Like, come on, let's show a little more appreciation for the short ones?
I get some like the idea because All Might is super tall, but that is not because of OFA. Look at his flashbacks when he's a teenager and you can tell he's quite tall. The most OFA does for All Might's height is straightens his posture and adds like an inch or so.
If OFA does make the user suddenly taller, then it skipped En! Izuku would immediately have gotten a growth spurt if OFA makes one taller.
I don't know, I just like Izuku shorter than his peers. Of course, duh, he's going to grow. But I just think his height is a nice touch to his design.
Even better, it's not even a thing that he's teased for in canon. You know how Edward is teased for his height in FMA? Yeah, Izuku's height isn't made fun of like that constantly.
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thelaurenshippen · 24 days
💜 for the oc ask game (love your stories so much <3)
for the oc ask game 💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
(thank you!! <3)
Sawyer is Black, his parents were originally from the West Indies before moving to the states - Sawyer was born in Montana.
Tex is, as far as he knows for most of his life, Irish. his dad came over when he was an adult and met a woman that he then got pregnant. she died when Tex was eighteen months old and his dad never really talked about her - it's only when he tracks his dad down much later in life that he learns his mother's mother was Osage and also had a child with a white guy (Tex's mom). he doesn't know his maternal grandfather's heritage at all.
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