#and then the show turned into dragons den for a bit there
michaelgovehateblog · 2 months
The apprentice did not...... quite go how I thought it was going to there
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thegnomelord · 6 months
Ok, so I loved your dragon reader/ dragon price fic. The detailed courting rituals got me thinking about how different members of TF 141 react to a s/o who has different courting rituals than them.
The one rolling around in my mind rn is Gaz (which I'm pretty sure is a harpy or bird hybrid of some kind) with a dragon reader.
So Gaz tries to court reader through a more fancy version of pebbling. But, instead of giving cool rocks and sticks, it's gemstones and weapons. Yknow, expensive/fancy things that Gaz thinks the reader might want to add to his hoard.
Btw do you have an anon list? If so, is 👑 anon available?
I don't have an anon list yet but you're welcome to be 👑anon!
It's cool to think how they'd try to court you. I hc that werewolves, and Johnny by extension, are really straightforward. Like sitting way too close, hands roaming over your body, trying to lick into your mouth and going "Hey wanna make more of us?"
Ghost, the poor thing, is completely fucked bc he was human before becoming a wraith, how the Hell is he supposed to know? Que him going through Wikipedia articles and watching documentaries of your species courting and mating (having to rub one out imaging you and him in that position ofc) and just stumbling through the whole courting thing.
But Gaz? Oooh Gaz—
Safe to say he's fallen ass over tits for you.
It's the way you take care of them, of him, of the monstrous strength used to defend them turning velvet soft when Gaz needs emotional support that has his harpy hindmind demanding to lock you down before a competitor snatches you away.
Only problem — you're not a harpy. And Gaz has no idea how courtship works, as when he asks Price about it (under the guise of just being curious) the old fart just gives him an amused look and tells him to figure it out.
Though harpies and dragons are two different species, he figures there must be some similarities, so he figures to listen to the old fairy tales about your kind and looks for the shiniest thing he can find, because Harpies court by giving gifts and dragons like to hoard and both of them like shiny stuff right?
You're confused like Hell when one day you wake up to find a silver ring with a shiny amethyst sitting on your windowsill. You know for a fact it's not yours as the instinct to catalogue every item in your hoard is as old as the draconic blood running through your veins and you'd remember if you had it.
When you make sure it's not stolen and no owner can be found, (because who'd wear that type of ring in a military base?) you decide to keep it, failing to notice how the way Gaz's pupils get bigger when you put the ring in your pocket.
It is a nice ring, the shine of the gemstone tickling your brain in a pleasant way. The military doesn't allow dragons to have large hoards, most of the items you've gathered over the decades and centuries safely hidden in vaults, but it feels good to have a small hoard in your den.
You expect this to be a one off event. But. No. Every few weeks you find a new thing on your windowsill, from gems to guns to additions to weapons you've expressed you'd like to get. Each new thing leaves you scratching your head, annoyance growing bit by bit as there's never enough scent on the items to track the culprit down and it's not like you can turn the base upside down looking for them (again).
You're unsure how to feel; it's obvious someone is trying to court you, but it definitely can't be Price because no dragon would go about it like this. But you have to admit it's nice to be desired, regardless how odd the method may be.
Then you notice how Gaz has started acting. . . different. He'll ruffle his feathers and flutter his wings more than usual when you two are alone, purposely stretch more often to make your eyes naturally draw to him, sticking to your side as he talks about everything and anything under the sun.
You're also not a fool. You can figure out it's a harpy's way of trying to show off, but without any open hostility you can only assume he's trying to court you. And you let him, you like his presence and the sound of his voice, the way he gives you a lopsided smile and the way his dark feathers shine like onyx gems when the light hits them juuust right and the way he flushes and stutters when your tail wraps around his leg.
Then one late evening when you're doing paperwork you catch sight of something behind your window in the corner of your eye. Like a flash you're opening the window, your clawed hand gripping Gaz's hand before he can scatter.
Gaz's wings spread out wide, a surprised squawk leaving him as he looks into your slitted eyes. "Uh-, I, eh- Hi?" He says, gulping, his newest gift, a very shiny ruby, held in his hand. But what draws your eye are his dark feathers.
You let out an amused snort, "Hello." You purr, leaning in so your faces are close, enjoying the way he flushes from the proximity. "So you're the little thief that's been visiting me."
Gaz's feather puff up to make his silhouette twice as big, his eyes narrowing, a hurt and angry look spreading across his features. "I'm no thief!" He says, insulted that you'd suggest he can't get you gifts on his own. "I-"
"You are," You hum, reaching out your other hand to hold his jaw, and even with his anger he feels his mind croon at how softly you touch him. "You're in the process of stealing my heart."
"Oh." Is the most intelligent thing he can come up with, his pupils blowing wide like he'd just seen the shiniest thing in his life. "Oh."
"Yes," You shrug and pull your hand back to yank one of your scales out of your shoulder, giving it to him as you take the ruby. "Keep this safe for me, yeah?" You hum and then you let him go, going back to your work while he's left dumbstruck, clutching the scale close to his chest.
When it finally settles in his head that you'd just given him a gift, that you'd reciprocated, and given him a shiny gift, oh he's treating that scale like it's the most precious thing in his world. He keeps it close to him, cooing to it in the privacy of his room, keeping it on his pillow so he can fall asleep with your scent in his nose.
He also doubles down on the gifts, but now he's very open about it, to the point you'll have him randomly come into your office to give you something shiny or another weapon, preening so prettily when you praise the thing he's brought back, nuzzling into your neck and fluffing up his feathers. His heart swoons when you show him the small hoard you've made with all the things he's brought you, and you end up spending the entire evening with him cuddled up to you, chirping happily.
"Hey, can I see that scale I gave you?" You ask after a couple of weeks, curious to see how he's treated it.
"Uh, sure." Gaz can swear his heart's beating like a war drum as he watches you inspect your scale, checking for scratches or cracks.
But you find none, it's still as shiny as the day you'd given it to him. Maybe even shinier.
You smile and before he can do anything you pull him close to you by a hand on his hip. "Very well done, little thief." You hum, kissing him. Gaz melts against you, not even your lips able to muffle the happy chirps and croons that escape his chest.
You spend the next few months getting familiar with each other's bodies, lazy evenings spent with your clawed hands preening his wings, Gaz steadily melting into the bed with every brush of your fingers. Kyle taking a few extra minutes in the morning to rub his face between your wing, chirping and crooning.
Harpy mating season comes around and you're caught off guard when you come to your room to find your covers and pillows and entire wardrobe on the ground, turned into a makeshift nest with a very naked, and very horny, Gaz sitting in the middle of it.
His eyes are hazy but he knows you're there the second your scent hits his nose, the most desperate sound you've ever heard leaving his lips, bruised from how hard he'd been biting them to reign his noises in, to keep them only for you.
"Mate-" Kyle whines, shuffles in the nest that has the pretty gems he'd gifted you strewn amongst the fabric, "-need you, please- I-"
One more needy sound is all it takes to have you tumbling naked into the nest in record time, deep guttural purrs answering his pleased coos. He presses flush against you, seeking out your mouth, whole body burning up and his thighs shaking, his cock rock hard.
"I got you, pretty thief." You rumble, pulling him into your lap, his wings spreading out and feathers puffing up, as if he needs to make himself look even more desirable. "What do you need Kyle?"
"Need you," Kyle whines, pawing at your own erection, desperate fingers shaking as he strokes you, "Please- hurts, I need- mate."
You shush him with sweet kisses, your hand sliding down to very carefully stretch him open while avoiding injuring him with your claws, your mind purring at how willingly he opens up for you, wings and limbs shaking as he whimpers against your lips, his mind steadily leaking from his cock.
"You're alright," You calm him when you pull your fingers out, positioning him so your cock head rests against his entrance, not missing how Kyle preens at your strength. "Going to breed you right, gonna take care of you."
"Yes, yes, yes!" Kyle moans are loud as you steadily push your cock into him, his walls clamping down on every inch of your length. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank- mate." His claws dig into your shoulders, clutching you tight as you bottom out in him, his hole clenching you in sync with his ragged breathing.
"I'm here," You hum, barely able to think, "Just relax, let me take care of you." You say, feeling him relax into you, and with deep purrs and lots of praise you begin to fuck him, moving him like a fleshlight on your cock, letting him moan and groan and scream his heart out uncaring who hears it, your ancient blood singing at the thought of his noises being a testament to your abilities as a mate.
Then the tight heat and the scent and just Kyle has your mind forgetting how to think, your body moving on it's own to show Kyle he'd picked a good mate.
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dreamsinmoonlight · 25 days
Could you do a yandere Adam x fem reader? Let your imagination run free, I JUST NEED SOMETHING. also, love your writing! You write Adam super accurate :)
(Sorry this took so long, I wanted to space out my stories a bit. Admittedly had this done before Angel Massages >w<
I'm so touched you liked my work and think I write this moron well, I hope this is good enough for you; I found myself thinking about yandere!Adam and deciding that that fool could hurt everything from a fly to a dragon but he sure as hell wouldn't want to hurt you. Hence this.)
It wasn't that the first man was obsessed with you; it was that you had made the first mistake of catching his eye, the second of agreeing to that first date and the final one of saying “I love you”.
The progression was slow enough that in real time you had never even noticed. Adam was always the type who was everywhere you looked anyway, he was the kind of person who drew attention by being there, by being loud and vulgar and all around an annoyance. But you'd made the mistake of smiling a few too many times and something in his head had switched; suddenly it wasn't just that he was everywhere you looked but you were everywhere he did. He watched you, curious at first then intrigued and finally attracted. You were cute and sweet and you smiled when he did something stupid and he took that how he wanted. He took that as interest.
When he asked you out it had partially been with an intention to defuse whatever it was causing him to watch you as much as he did. The fact you said yes definitely didn't cause butterflies, that feeling was hunger. Yeah. Hunger. But he couldn't help but think you looked nice in the dress you put on for the date and your hair was very nice the way you'd styled it and your makeup made your already pretty face all the prettier. He had grinned like he always did and boasted aloud of how lucky you were to have him, the first man, the Dick Master himself, going out with you. The fact that his pride quickly internally turned to irritation when he noted the eyes looking you over, looking over his date, well that was nothing; it was normal wasn't? Any man would glare at someone staring at their date the way they stared at you, be upset that anyone would even think they had a chance with you when he was there.
He kept telling himself that. He'd keep telling himself that. You were sweet to him and you didn't know, it was hard to really know what you were doing to him when he didn't even fully understand it; he was obnoxious and narcissistic and you were aware of that much but you liked that about him, and how sweet he could be sometimes. So you made a mistake: you told him you loved him and that switch that had already been flipped broke.
Suddenly you found yourself rarely having a moment to yourself. Or honestly much personal space; the angel, despite his own duty to complete, spent more time hovering over you than anything else, following close. At first it was pretty benign in public at least, he was always close by but never too close, angels were weird about PDA and Adam for all of his attitude was good at playing games. But before you knew it people started to avoid you; friends stopped talking to you as much, acquaintances stayed away. You didn't really notice it much, or pay it much mind, people got busy, even heaven had stuff to do, but then the Incident happened.
The angel had been a newer arrival and he was as shaky and uncertain as a lamb. He stuttered and stammered and fumbled his way through heaven with the confidence of prey thrown into the lion's den. You were good and sweet and how could you resist a person needing help? That would be wrong, this was heaven and you were an angel; helping was what angels did.
You smiled and approached, offering a hand to the shaking angel to help him. “I can show you the way if you want, I know this building like the back of my hand.”
He looked at you with wide blue eyes and a smile that was just starting to creep onto his features; he reminded you of the kids who sometimes showed up. You hated to see kids come to heaven but better there than Down Below. He took your hand and started to open his mouth but a dark shadow cast over you both and you could only blink for a second before seeing the new angel's expression change. What you saw in his eyes was something deep; it was fear, primal and true, and his hand slipped from yours, tears pooling quickly in terrified eyes. You tried to ask what was wrong; he ran away before a single sound left your lips, leaving behind a trail of feathers shed in terror. You were confused and turned around to see what cast the shadow.
Adam stood behind you and at first everything seemed normal. His mask showed that giant toothy grin of his, that glow of electric gold that hid the real face of the first man, of your man. But you noticed the glitch, the crackle in the mask that you'd never seen before, and something in the back of your mind felt something was very much Not Right. He always loomed over you, it was a matter of fact and of height, he slouched a lot as it was and still he was taller than you.
Maybe it was the wings; you decided that had to be it. Usually, when he was out and about, his wings were tucked under his arms, almost inconspicuous despite their glowing hue. Yet they were out now and spread, beautiful in their glory. Terrifying to that primal sense within your mind; for a second you felt you weren't looking at the same man who liked to play you songs on his guitar or hold you in his lap while he worked in his office or steal bites of your food no matter what you decided to buy. He wasn't silly or annoying or even that sweetness that you came to love in him; something was frightening in that grin and those narrowed pure gold eyes. You thought to yourself that the face underneath was likely far more frightening than the electronic features of his mask.
That was the moment and you got the sense you were aware but he wasn't. He never let you out of his sight, save for when you needed to go to the bathroom or such. Constantly he was by your side and while in public still he managed to hold onto some level of decorum, privately he seemed unwilling to let go. He held you, he touched you, and there was something mad in the way his fingers pressed into your skin, never harming you, not to that degree. You knew he was an exterminator, the leader of the exterminators, and you knew he was dangerous and violent and capable of so much pain, but the first time you realized he wasn't aware of what he was truly doing was when his grip had gotten too tight and left a bruise. The look he gave you was nothing short of heartbreaking; who knew he could even make such a face.
The only thing that never seemed to change was the sex. Before he was intense, hungry and active; now he was just as much in every factor, in every way. He fed upon you, your body, your passions, and some days your head was left spinning with the sensation of bliss that came with being at his mercy. The only real difference was how often he drew those three little words from you, seemed driven further by them; whispering them against his skin made him crazy, to the point he'd taken you in any way he could, filling you up and leaving you shaking. Crying them out in passion made him hold you closer and dig those teeth of his into your neck, your shoulder, the flesh of your breasts; marks were getting harder and harder to hide when he left them wherever he could. You had to be careful speaking them aloud after the fact; sometimes it spurned him to new life and your body sometimes needed a day or two to recover if that happened. Sometimes it made him beg for it, actually beg. It was the same as that day he'd accidentally hurt you; the depth of the breaks inside him made you want to hold him and never let go as well.
You never saw that scared little angel again but you did see the one who had made the mistake of whistling at you. Only once though, before your constant shadow made sure that they didn't whistle again; Sera wasn't very happy about it but Adam's status was dangerously safe and you came to understand that he was starting to become comfortable doing things he very much shouldn't. And you became aware you may be a little mad yourself when you barely flinched as he cupped your chin in his bloodied hand, claws leaving streaks of red against your skin as he smiled down at you.
“I should have plucked out his eyes as well as his tongue,” he said in a tone far too low for the boastful first man.
Should you have told him not to have done either? You mulled over that question only later when you washed your face and settled into your usual place on his lap.
Telling him you loved him had been the straw but it became the solution. New people came every day, they couldn't possibly know immediately what was going on, that heaven had a very dangerous problem. But the sweetness of those three words distracted him like nothing else and the laugh he'd give, “I know, how could you not”, and the souls got to live to enjoy heaven in safety, away from the monster you'd fed.
No, Adam was not obsessed with you. It simply was that once he had you, he couldn't, wouldn't, refused to continue his eternal existence without you. And no one, not in heaven, not in hell, was going to take you away from him.
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joonie-berry · 7 months
Witch of the Sea and the Lakehouse
Intro | Rose Maze | Lion’s Den | Desert Manor | Poison Palace | Death’s Mansion | Dragon’s Castle
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After escaping the Den, Yuu and Grim finds themselves at a relaxing House near the Lake (?). As they walked across the wooden bridge, there was movement that was being seen underneath them. Before they could react, something long and teal attacked Yuu and dragged them under. They woke up in a glass cage that was slowly filling up with water. Yuu in a panic starts to hit on the glass and panics more when they realize Grim is no where to be seen.
Yuu then hears cackling as the tweels stalk closer to the cage and start to spew out how the dealmaker of the Lakehouse could save Grim if Yuu only gave themselves and their power up to them and the twins would not only release Yuu from their glass cage, but they will tell them where Grim is being held. This is were an option would come up. One would lead to and instant game over and the other to the next cutscene. I’ll make a post on each chapters bad end choices and insta game overs. Anyway Yuu declines, which cause the twins to smirk and walk away knowing that Yuu will change their mind, they always do.
As Yuu tries to find a way to escape, they see a shadow of a large animal that walks closer. They panic and wonder if this was the twins way of intimidating them into changing their mind but it turns out to be Jack in his wolf form. He breaks the glass and helps Yuu escape. Jack takes Grim’s place until he is found which won’t be until much later in the game.
The Lakehouse is filled with various types of Puzzles, that require Yuu and Jack to leave the Lakehouse and go to the shore of the lake, which causes chase mechanics with both the twins. Yuu and Jack realize the Lakehouse is far to dangerous to deal with alone so Jack has to drag Yuu back to the Den and get help for either Leona or go back to the Maze to get Ace and Deuce.
Back at The Lion’s Den Jack and Yuu beg Leona to help as there was pieces missing of several puzzles and each time Jack sniffed them out it lead to a locked room in the upper part of the Lakehouse. Leona mentions how Azul must lock his study office when its not in use, by either him or the Tweels. So he allows Yuu to camp out in the Den while Ruggie gets the master key. Ruggie comes back with not one key, but the whole Master Keyring, say “You might be able to find that runt of yours so that you can return our runt.” Yuu only nods with a smile as they hug Ruggie, thanking him for risking his life just to allow them to save Grim.
Jack and Yuu crosses the wooden bridge once more only to be attacked by all kinds of merpeople. Using Jack to jump and attack Yuu and him escape to a pool house, which starts a cutscene With Jade congratulating Yuu on escaping while Floyd jumps Jack and drags him off somewhere, which leaves Yuu with Jade for a bit until Floyd comes back. Jade with his “gentlemanly charm” tries to get Yuu to let their guard down which doesn’t work, so a boss battle happens. During the battle Jack and Grim shows up and helps Yuu fight they have to be careful not to kill one of the twins.
After defeating the twins, Jack helps Yuu and Grim out of the pool house before returning back to the Den. Yuu goes to the Dealmaker’s office and finds the missing puzzle pieces and also finds a note, and several contracts that involve seven people. Yuu recognizes Riddle and Leona’s name, so they take the contracts and as they turn to leave, Azul was behind them with an angry and disappointed look upon his face. He does that anguish yell that he does in chapter 3, and proceeds to attack Yuu which causes a chase. Yuu loses him half way and this starts a cutscene of Yuu running across the bridge and Leona, Riddle, Ruggie, Trey, Ace and Deuce, and Jack were on the other side of the bridge when Azul popped from beneath the bridge and began to fight the group and was promptly dealt with by the group. After his defeat Yuu gains his Seashell Necklace.
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rufflesandbows · 1 year
In the Den of Dragons (Part III)
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Aegon II Targaryen x Reader
The month is dwindling away faster than you can keep track with your head in the clouds. As you enjoy your time with Aegon, you are still required to humor Barston with a once a week date. Normally it doesn't go well. However, a surprise visitor crashes the date, alleviating your headache, and sparking your envy.
Warnings: Misogyny, old timey views, inappropriate language Word Count: 4000
(Part 1) (Part 2)
Two weeks had gone by so fast. All your mind was consumed with two things: the marriage and Aegon. 
Others found it charming how you and the prince had become such friends. The vulnerability you had shown must have triggered some glimmer of a conscience in him. How pure a concept. What a miracle. You were often speaking with one another now, Aegon requesting you to where he was so he might amuse you on whatever was happening. No one seemed to have any inkling of what was truly happening when you managed to be alone with him, behind a closed door. You hoped. The Queen had gone back to ignoring you at least.
He won’t ever love you. Sir Erryk once warned, very quietly in the deep night. He was the only one who knew the truth in it’s entirety, but was sworn to Aegon’s secrets. Those secrets included you. You politely responded I’ll be leaving soon. What we do here won’t matter then, will it?
Erryk gave you a look, a cross of pity and warning, but said no more. 
Lunch today was set up for another date with Barston. You nearly slapped the medicine from his maestor you were in such a foul mood, entirely brought on by the very thought of being in the same room as the Clay Keeper. The last two, as the first, had been utterly insufferable. Your father was supposed to arrive in King’s Landing soon, and he was going to get the lecture of a lifetime. 
In the meantime, you slipped into Aegon’s room earlier in the morning than usual. The only way to ease the sharp knot forming in your skull.
He’d left the Keep maybe a total of four times since the liaisons had begun. Each time you were tense through the night. Caught between jealousy and chiding yourself for being jealous. He wasn’t yours to keep. And he was Aegon. What were you thinking imagining he’d have any sort of loyalty to you? You were not special to him. 
When he’d leave, he always came back with the scent of his adventures clinging to him. Be that in a high end brothel or low. In a bar or in the gutters. You could recount his time in the night you became so familiar with them through him.
Quietly approaching, careful not to wake him, you leaned over Aegon and could smell the incense mixed with wine, a bit of perfume and not much else. It seemed that when he left, he’d only gone to catch up with friends, likely with a woman presented on his lap. Perhaps they did a little more than sit and talk, but the little relief you felt made you smile.
You crawled on the bed and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Another on his jaw. When you kissed his neck, Aegon gave a hum as he lightly shifted. You moved on top of him, his hands naturally falling on your waist as you kissed down his collar, a smile growing on him. “It’s a bit early, isn’t it?”
You started working your way back up, softly admitting by his ear, “I missed you.”
“I’ll have to take you with me next time. You might of enjoyed the show.” Aegon cupped the back of your neck as you drew close, turning in to kiss your lips. Just as quickly he snapped back with a grimace, “Oh! You taste awful!”
You took back, defensive despite knowing your mouth and every little bubble up your throat was coated in that vile decoction. “I had breakfast! You can still taste it?”
“Did you drink aged milk with your breakfast?”
You grumbled miserably, “No.” Dropping your cheek to his chest as obviously he wasn’t going to want to kiss you now. Disappointed, you curled up around him, arms and legs hugging him tightly and you got comfortable. Resting there and savoring his heat before you were to face Barston.
Aegon slowly grew tense. His hands on you tapping anxiously. You found he often got awkward after a while of your insistent cuddling. As if there was a specified time limit one should hold another. He had to find some way to escape your strange behavior. “So… what chores are you supposed to be doing?”
You scoffed. “Preparing your bath.” That was going to be something you wouldn’t miss in leaving. Pampering fully grown and capable adults as if they were children.
“Are the others behind the door or-”
“I told them to stick to their regular chores. I wanted to spend some time with you before… you know.”
“Ah. One of those days, huh?” You nodded, as well felt his legs growing restless under you. “Probably wouldn’t want to see him smelling of me.”
You lifted your head to look at him, how innocently he looked back as if he wasn’t making all this awkward. In spite of his ways, you carried a sense of teasing. “What’s the rush? Why do you want me to leave?”
“I don’t want you to leave! It’s just… I don’t know,” He grabbed your hips and moved them over his, pressing with eagerness yet he wasn’t even roused. “feels like we should be doing something at least.”
You glanced down at your connected bodies. “I’m holding you.”
“I like holding you. It makes me feel better.” Those big eyes of his looked around, down as if he was just made aware you were on top of him. It seemed all words were lost, looking to you for some sort of confirmation. You started pulling back, “My prince, if you don’t like it-”
“No-no! I do! I do like it!” In a rush he caught you, leaving you to straddle his lap, his hands roughly gripping your waist as if you might be stolen at any second. Amused by your cheeky ploy, he chuckled, slowly relaxing. “Usually people get a decent fuck in and can’t wait to leave the room once it’s done.” 
“More customers means more money.” You shrugged. Yet the light in his eyes faded, glancing to the rest of his room with little joy to be had. You could ask him, but you worried he might shy away. Selfishly, you had come here to lift spirits, not dampen them. Reality was going to flay you alive on your wedding night, the least the world could do was let you hover above it until then. “Maybe you should invest in a small pet.”
He raised a brow to you, a sharp smile returning to him, his hands roaming your body. “Maybe I’ll make you my pet.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes, Aegon sitting up and wrapping his arms around you, suddenly very comfortable with just touching. “You think you wouldn’t like that? I’d get you everything you could desire. The finest dresses and the most glittering jewels. I could make you happy.”
You brushed his long bangs back and cupped his soft cheeks. “You already make me happy.”
Aegon gripped you tighter, the smile on him timid, a unique sight on him. He dropped his head on your chest, his arms holding you tight as he nuzzled into you. You enjoyed being held so tightly, holding him back and savoring the silence of it. After a long beat of being wrapped up in you, you heard Aegon through muffled words, “You really think you can convince your father to drop the marriage?”
“I don’t understand how he ever accepted.” You bitterly huffed. But you tried to relax yourself, combing through his silver hair and reminiscing out loud. “He trusted my council before my arrival here, he still should.”
“It’s been a year.”
“But I came here to learn more of politicking and the state of things. So I might return with a plan of raising our status and our wealth back to what it was, with the allies to support it. It would be ridiculous for him to have forgotten that.”
“And yet he’s matched you with a man who shouldn’t be matched with anybody.” When only silence returned and your hands stopped moving, he tried to pet down your rush of anxiety, moving so he could speak more clearly. “I just don’t know if you should have your hopes so high. You don’t know what’s going to happen when he gets here or what’s changed in a year.” 
“My father will listen to me.” You assured yourself more than Aegon. “He’s just been listening to the wrong people since I left. Or worse, listening to himself. I’ve always brought him to reason before.” A stirring behind the door made you jump, looking over your shoulder. You had hoped by coming to Aegon, you’d relax. Now you wanted to drag him away and hide from the world for the rest of your days, pretend like none of your situation existed.
“I best call for the others.” You reached out, running your fingers along his jaw until he looked up at you with those big pretty eyes of his, making you smile. Hesitantly, he returned it. “I’ll be fine. Don’t you worry about me.”
“What is this talk you went bawling to the prince about your marriage?”
You nearly burst with a sardonic laughter. He was just hearing about it now? With clenched teeth, you were grateful for sitting far across the table from Barston. His skin leathery and peeling dry from the sun, yet somehow he’d not obtained any tan. Just a permanent burn, pink red like wine stained on white cloth. His brow was so low you could hardly see his spiteful eyes, of which matched his thin bitter frown splendidly. Despite his lacking choice in apparel, he was enjoying the luxuries of the Keep and Kings Landing with ease. At lunch he always demanded it be a full table, and picked at it endlessly yet it seemed to contribute to his strength and towering height rather than any gaining of weight. Not once did he make an offer to you or ask what you might like. Such things were irrelevant. With a controlled sigh, you spoke politely. “I, admittedly, felt quite a bit of shock over the announcement and-”
“Why should you be shocked?” He grunted, guzzling on honeyed dates one after the other. “You were always bound to be married off. If anything you should have been preparing for the day since you were born. Marrying a lord and fathering his heirs is your greatest purpose. What is to fear of that?”
“I have been waiting on the day, of course-”
“Have you been taking your medicine?”
You rolled your jaw to ease the tension in it. “I have, yes. But you had asked me about the prince-”
“I don’t want you wearing white or green on your wedding gown.” 
“... they are my house colors.” The sage green willow on a crisp white field. There were once rumors of the ancient willows whispering to your family. Gathering secrets on their leaves that your ancestors used to gain great advantages. Cleverness had once been a big trait of your house. Once. It had been well over a century since someone in your family had done something truly impressive to be remembered by. Not like the ancestors that traveled the world and returned with great fortunes and beautiful paramours. The first Master of Whispers, named by Aegon the Conqueror himself for his political prowess. Even a mythical tale that they tricked creatures made of ice into returning stolen children.
That was all far in the past. Your house had since lost most of its wealth and respect over the decades. Stolen by a repeat of poor leadership.
Barston grunted, “It clashes something awful with reds and browns of mine.” 
Nonsense. You could make it work just fine. He just wanted to strip you of anything familiar. Make you forget you were more than his belonging. “I was not aware you were so adept with fashion.”
He stopped eating to glare at you. Yet it was difficult to tell since he was always glaring. His tone however, had dropped to a threatening gravel. “Don’t get cheeky with me, girl.”
“I was paying you a compliment-” 
“I can taste the venom on your tongue from here.” Unable to deny it, you remained silent. “I’ll not stand for any backtalk from my wife. Don’t think I won’t have you whipped.”
You remained silent as the heat of your anger thrashed inside. So violently you wanted to react. To set the table on fire, crack the stone beneath your feet and send the entire Keep crumbling on top of him. Yet you dug your nails into your palm and stared at your crumb ridden plate. Once you were able to wrestle back the hot tears of frustration, you asked, “When will my father be arriving?”
“Soon, I imagine. Must have been delayed, or side tracked.” He grunted. “It won’t change anything. You women think you can twist your tongues and make men bow to your whims. My money is worth far more than your words, girl. Remember that.”
“Worry not, Lord Barston. I remember everything you say.” You sneered. 
“Hope I’m not interrupting.” A far too cheery and familiar voice came. You almost felt like you were losing your mind as Aegon smiled at you and took an open seat beside Barston. 
The old man sat up straight, trying to put on an air of dignity. “Not at all, prince Aegon. Your presence is always welcome. Please, have whatever you like.”
A brow on Aegon jumped as he look at you, his smile broadening as he was in on the joke. He could at least be subtle. Barston wasn’t a complete idiot. Lightening up you gave him a forced smile. “There is plenty to go around, my prince.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” He reached in and grabbed a ripe peach. “I just wanted to see how the happy couple was doing, and congratulate you on your upcoming union.” He motioned to Barton, “Will you be having a grand show of it? Or a tourney perhaps?”   
As he took a large bite of the peach, you bite your lips. How long you went off to Aegon about Barston wanting to just whisk you away back to his mud hut. Not even giving you the courtesy of fine gifts and praise for a single day. Surely that would boost your ego too far to be treated as a proper woman for even a single day. 
Barston looked at you, sensing your disapproval. You didn’t say anything and let your soon to be husband explain himself. This man who so easily berated you, suddenly too stiff to move and speaking carefully.
“Uh, no. Much as it is a special occasion, I must be returning by the end of the month. The Reedmarsh has been without its Lord for too long already.” It was nice to see Barston finally behaving himself. See him a little shook up, a little uncertain. A wonder then how he’d feel about your familiarity with those he trembled before. 
Aegon was being a bit noisy in his eating of the peach. You weren’t thinking anything of it until you glanced at him, just to see he was looking directly at you as he sucked and licked at the soft fruit. You were amused as he was trying to be sensual and clearly aimed to arouse you, but really he was just making a sticky mess of himself. Fighting back a smile, you asked, “Aegon, what are you doing?”
He shrugged innocently, his mouth half full. “I’m eating.”
“You’re being quite the tramp about it.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Barston flinch in shock, his mouth slightly agape and for the first time, you saw he had green hazel eyes. Aegon gave you a pout, setting the mauled peach on his plate. “I was trying to impress you.”
You chuckled, “I’ll say, that peach is thoroughly ravaged.” Honestly, watching him nonchalantly lick up and clean his fingers had far more of an effect on you. It was a more familiar sight, making your face heat at the memories of only a few nights before. The scene had the added benefit of seeing Barston utterly appalled and helplessly silent. You steepled your fingers and rested your chin on them, leaning closer to Aegon as you teased him, “You know, I heard a rumor just before lunch that you acquired quite a large debt from gambling last night.”
As his thumb slipped from his lips, he became awkward and looked away from you. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I heard your mother was quite… livid, is the polite word.” He made a stressed expression, unable to even look at the table. “You wouldn’t be joining us just to hide from her, would you? Hm? Is the prince of the Realm a craven?”
Barston made a very audible choking sound, his knuckles white on the table, pressing so hard you were surprised the wood didn’t crack. His face was more red than you’d ever seen it before, a deep red tomato standing out on his brown attire. “How can you speak-”
“Call me a craven all you want, my mother is ferocious when angered.” Aegon was sat lower in his seat, ankle resting on his knee, having brushed off your accusation with ease, now chewing at his nail.
Much as everyone would doubt, you knew Queen Alicent would try to be strict with him, and that it served little purpose. It only pushed Aegon to leave the Keep for longer and indulge deeper and darker vices. If things weren’t smoothed over between them, you might not see Aegon for the next two weeks. Not until you were long gone to Reedmarsh, never to return. You thought a moment before coming up with a plan. “Stop me if I am too bold, but what I would do is go back to my princely room. Get a sizable and ornate box and fill it with gold, silver and gems. You have a plethora of old gifts collecting dust, I’m sure that won’t be difficult. I’d take that box and preferably offer it on the high council, but if I couldn’t make a formal presentation, I’d take it to Lord Beesbury. I would say, I feel awful about the debt, and I wish to give a donation to cover the expenses. He’ll politely take enough to cover the debt, and try to give back the rest. I’d refuse. I’d push it back and insist this is a donation. I’ve taken far more than the most recent debt in the past. This is compensation.”
Barston leaned over the table, seething at you between clenched teeth. “That is too bold. You speak of conspiracy.”
You let out a high gawk of surprise. “Conspiracy? No one is getting hurt or deposed. In fact it adds to the crowns revenue!”
“You speak of manipulating the Queen.” He said. A quiet air of threat as if the guards would spring at any moment and drag you both to the dungeons. Aegon kept a watchful eye at the new couple already bitterly snapping at one another.
“How is paying for his own debt and gifting a surplus a manipulation!?”
“It is your intentions. They are not genuine nor honorable.” Barston was trembling to restrain himself. He wanted so badly to openly scream and berate you, slam his fist on the table or throw it to the ground entirely. But he wouldn’t while royalty sat next to him.
How the Gods damned you. What a pleasure it would be to live as royalty. 
“What matters is what is written down. The intention will be irrelevant when it has a very real and even helpful impact. The trinkets are of no worth to the prince, but they will have great worth to the crown and the smallfolk.” You turned to Aegon, “It would be better than showing up with nothing.”
He gave a nod and a reluctant frown before rising to his feet. “Very well. I better find a way to sneak back to my room before Sir Erryk finds me. Enjoy the rest of your lunch, my lady.” 
As he walked by, he reached out and quickly drug his fingers, still soaking wet and sticky from the peach and his failed attempt at cleaning them along your cheek. “Ah! Aegon!”
He laughed as he quickly walked away, flashing you a bright smile as you quickly grabbed your napkin and started wiping down your face. A small giggle slipped through your lips. Once Aegon was out of earshot, Barston slammed his fist on the table, making everything jump. “How can you speak to the Prince so formally? Have you no respect of rank!? Are you such a spoiled and arrogant-”
“The Prince Aegon prefers natural conversation.” You said simply, still trying to scrub the stickiness off your face. “He finds people who are too formal fake and annoying. His words, not mine.”
Barston was huffing through his nose he was so worked up. Yet he didn’t say anything. Slowly, he sat back, looking between you and where Aegon had left to. “I did not expect you to be so close to the Prince.”
Such a sentence could be interpreted in a few ways. You weren’t sure if he knew of Aegon’s reputation, but you knew Barston as prideful as he was suspicious. When your father finally came to Kings Landing, you wouldn’t have to bother knowing anything about him again. “I have been living in the Red Keep for a year. I bathe his little ones and give his wife company. I bring his mother breakfast and wash her dresses. It should be no surprise I am close with the Royal family.”
You stared one another down hard, the meal holding all the gravity of a battlefield awaiting action. “You may go.” He said. “I’ve lost my appetite.”
With a polite bow, you left, positively glowing. A nice change from leaving these dates. Feeling uppity through the rest of your chores. When it came time to deliver Aegon his nightly wine, the moment the door shut and you set the decanter down on the table, you were warmly embraced from behind. 
“You are a gift from the Gods, you know that?”
You chuckled, pouring a cup as Aegon buried himself against your neck, sending all the hair to rise as he peppered kisses there. “All went well then?”
“Her temper cooled as soon as I set down the box.” He rested his chin on your shoulder, staring off rather than taking his cup. “She even said she was proud of me for taking responsibility for my actions.”
“Must have been nice to hear.”
He was silent as thoughts you were not privy to danced in his eyes. You were patient, content with just seeing him. There was a tick in his gaze and everything shifted. Aegon pulled back enough to turn you around in his arms, a sultry lilt in his voice. “For your efforts, there should be a talk of your reward...”
“Reward?” You said innocently. “I need no reward. I only wish to serve my kingdom as best I can.”
Aegon didn’t by it. He gave you a nod and pulled back completely, taking his cup of wine with him. “Alright then. Goodnight.”
You couldn’t hide the pout on you even if you tried. “What?”
“Oh? What?” He mocked your surprise, relaxing on his bed and sipping his drink. “Maybe you do want a reward? Hm? Maybe you do want me up your skirts? You want my hands on you? You want my mouth on your cunt?”
You should be used to his brazen filthy talk by now, but still you felt your cheeks heat, took a very coy stance in swaying your skirts. “I wouldn’t dare ask for something so specific but if that’s what you want to do, it would be awfully rude of me to refuse a gift from the prince.”
“What a sweet girl you are.” He reached out to you and you eagerly jumped onto the bed, Aegon nearly spilling his drink as you enveloped him completely. Giggles filling the room before you kissed him, this time without him grimacing at the taste of the medicine.
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(Part 4)
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Dragon!Merlin being very polite and not at all aggressive towards humans, moving into a very nice abandoned fortress up in the hills there, a little confused by the fact the local villagers are offering him what little bit of treasure they have, but he would hate to be rude by refusing them and he does like shiny things, but why on earth they would give him a girl is beyond him, humans are too skinny for eating and taste funny besides, still, Gwen is very lovely and she reads to him (he can't hold books very well and his claws tear the pages when he tries to turn them, see) and she shows him how to cook so his food doesn't always taste the same, and so he lets her have as many of his Shinies as she likes and brings her flying with him (humans don't have wings, poor things) but here, now, why is there a knight in his den waving a sword about, it's not nice coming into someone's home without being invited, no, of course he hasn't eaten Gwen, whyever would he do that, what is a 'prince' and why should that mean he can't be squashed, Gwen, oh fine, he'll live, even if he is very rude, coming uninvited into someone's home bold as brass and trying to take his treasures away even though they were gifts, oh, well, now, that is some very shiny chainmaille, and the way the light plays on his golden hair is rather fetching, stop squawking, nobody's going to be eaten, come sit down, Gwen is going to read a story about a giant and a witch, put the sword down and be quiet and listen, dinner comes after stories, the boar has been roasting all day, a while longer won't hurt, this 'prince' makes a fine treasure, doesn't he, what a splendid addition to his hoard, of course he's staying, no, he does not know what a 'king' is and does not care what he should think, hush and listen, it's time for stories.
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tabletofruination · 21 days
Expedition Log: Day One at Casseroya Lake
((small ooc note: i unfortunately only have violet for the moment because i am poor and also just have no way of getting scarlet for funsies. so please ignore any inconsistencies in appearance, i tried to make her look canon as possible with what i had <3 thanks in advance!!))
[pt. 1 (you are here), pt. 2]
[initial recording time: 2:59pm]
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"Ugh, should I really be recording in this rain? Green's taking a brief nap, yeah, but ugh. If I don't do it now, I'm totally gonna forget..."
Despite the concern on her face, though, she seems more than apt to get her pep up and repositions the camera and makes a cheerful little gesture.
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"...Screw it, we'll do it live! Hi everyone, it's Juli!"
Juliana talks easily, despite what seems to be a small rasp in her throat--one could likely excuse it at maybe a bit of sickness taking her, but still being able to speak on despite it. It at least shows the girl is determined, if little else, as she gestures with her hand out to the area.
"Green's taking a little nap while I go exploring outside a bit! Never really been fond of the rain, that one. But I'm over by the watchtower of Casseroya Lake, and the view is just plain stunning! Here, get a good look!"
Juliana seems to reposition the camera, the view going outward as one can hear the girl's energetic steps as she focuses on a few different views from the lake.
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"Ehe! The sky's so clear, but it's still raining Fidough and Glameow--but look at that pretty sunlight! Isn't it just gorgeous?"
Juliana's laughter, her vibrance and enthusiasm, it's all very clear in how she animatedly talks about her surroundings--about some of the Pokemon she's seen so far, about how Darling has been able to go for a nice swim and enjoy herself while Guidance keeps a watch--it's a tangent that gets Juliana to laugh a bit, before she seemingly stops herself short.
"--But right, right! This is, uh, supposed to be about my notes for the expedition, right? Right. I'll see if I can edit this out once I do my presentation, but...I don't know, it always makes me super happy to be able to talk about my Pokemon, you know?"
One can hear shuffling as the camera view shifts down a little bit, as if Juliana is taking a seat upon the rainsoaked ground a bit.
"But let's get started with our observations! And, oh, a little bit of history about this place. That's important too, right?"
"So! This place is Casseroya Lake, basically a beautiful haven for water Pokemon to thrive, and home to at least a few of Paldea's great wonders! On one side, you've got the Colonnade Hollow--a place where Dragon and Fighting types tend to come and raise their young before moving to other places, and a pretty common place to find Noibat, if you're looking for them! The dark cave kinda tends to evoke their old home in...Kalos, right? I think that's where they're from originally, at least."
"Then you've got the Gracia Stones, which are probably some of the nicest rock formations you'll find off of the coast of Paldea! I admit, their history isn't something I've learned about yet, but if I had to make a guess...it must've been the den of a great Water type Pokemon, waaay long ago!"
"And then there's Casseroya Falls! It's the connecting point between Glaseado Mountain--" Juliana turns her camera back towards the lake, angling it so a faint view of the mountain can be seen. "--And the lake itself! Water melting down from the mountain comes and graces the lake, welling in it, and connecting all life within it...heehee! Isn't that super cool? It just means that each and every one of us, we're all connected in some way or another--from the water that comes down the mountain, from the lake, and into the faucets of our homes, we are connected in all things. Or...something like that!"
Juliana seems to giggle a bit, brightly as she focuses the shot on the lake again and seems to sigh as the rain continues. If she minds, it doesn't seem obvious in her (admittedly still a little raspy) voice.
"If you can believe it, there used to be a giant, Titanic Pokemon that roamed these parts. The Elusive, False Dragon Titan...which in truth, was actually two Pokemon working in tandem with one another!"
"You see, about a year and a half ago, I was helping a friend of mine with his own research, see--his name's Arven, he makes the best food you could ever ask for! No joke, I'm pretty sure this guy could put any and all of Paldea's sandwich shops out of business if he opened one up. But I shouldn't get carried away! But we wound up finding and fighting this Titan, see? And at first, it was this big, huge Dondozo that had seemed to eat a Tatsugiri! And like, what on earth, right?! Poor little guy was just living his life."
"But you see--the Tatsugiri, it was actually like, waaay smarter than it looked. It was actually controlling the Dondozo from inside of it's mouth, and it wound up fighting us too after we managed to defeat it's big shield! It was the weirdest thing ever! But we managed to find this really special herb in a cave, and--"
"Juliana. Are you going to sit here and talk all day?"
Juliana's phone seems to immediately drop into the wet grass as she startles, but it's...strange, almost. The voice in question that speaks up--it's decidedly older in nature, though it's gender isn't exactly easy to determine. But more odd is the seeming...closeness of the voice. And it's qualities, too--it doesn't exactly feel like a voice that has suddenly come up beside someone, startling them while they're talking.
It seems to almost...reverb, in a way that one can't quite place their finger on. It feels there, yet not. Human, but with just enough weirdness to make one question it. It's strange, but the camera's gone dark as Juliana dropped it, and she seems to chuckle no worse for wear.
"Green, come on! You can't go scaring a girl like that when she's in the middle of a story!"
"I am well aware. I simply think there are better uses of your time than simply nattering into a camera about ancient history; writing is a far better medium for such things, no?"
"I mean, I guess..." Juliana seems slightly dejected, though she seems to laugh afterward. "But you lose all of the enthusiasm with writing, you know?"
"Mmm. I do suppose that is a fair point; I acquiesce." Green seems to chuckle, the sound very light and with a quality that seems mature in nature. Like a good hearted, gentle chuckle. "But we should begin our journey to the other side of the lake, if we wish to make it by nightfall."
"Yeah?" Juliana can be heard shifting a bit in the wet grass, seeming to ponder that. "Did you or Guidance find something?"
"I can sense something in the distance. I am not...entirely certain of what the energy is, but it feels real. I believe we may be onto something, if my hunch is correct."
"Wait, for real?! Why didn't you say so sooner?!" Juliana seems to jump up, her voice becoming more distant as she gets off the ground. "Come on, lets get going! If we have Buddy ferry us across, we should be able to get there before night time, right?"
...Oddly enough, Green's voice seems a touch more distant too. Odd, given that there seem to have been no other steps heard...? "That is exactly what I was thinking. We should make haste, then. I imagine the rain will let up in due time as well, and as long as Buddy stays on task, we should be able to make it swiftly."
"Let's get going, then! Oh, I just can't wait...!"
"Ah, Miss Juliana--do not forget your phone! You will need that, won't you?"
"Oh, shoot, right! Hang on a second--"
Juliana seems to pick up the Rotomphone again, the camera a touch blurry from the rainsoaked grass it laid in, but no worse for wear otherwise. There's a brief bit of darkness as she seems to wipe down the camera, starting to walk back while cheerfully signing off.
"Alright, that's going to end the first part of this! But I'll keep all of you posted on what we're able to find next! Bye-bye~!"
The camera ends on an odd shot of the ground--one which had been seen earlier, if only from a distance. Very little seems to be different about it from a glance, but...
Odd. Were there always those little buds growing on the ground? If you blink you'll miss them, but hm. How strange.
Either way, the video ends off here.
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bleachanimefan1 · 2 months
Hallowed Fangs Part 12
The Druid, Halsin,
Just as they were to head inside the temple, Vex noticed a small maze of some sorts and walked a little closer towards it. The others followed behind her, wondering where she was going. Vex approached the goblins, guarding the maze. Vex's eyes widen when she saw the owl bear cub. The same one in the cave with its mother. The goblins must have killed her. Vex frowned, seeing the cub's terrified state as it shivered a little.
"Well now-you look like a tough'un. But 'ave you got smarts? Skill? Guts?" The female goblin smirked. Vex crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at the goblin.
"I can handle myself just fine." She spoke. The goblin chuckled.
"No doubt mate. But this ain't dragons, or demons, or anything else you might've faced. This...this is chicken-chasin'."
"For the record that's an owlbear, not a chicken." Vex corrected. The goblin shrugged her shoulders.
"It's got feathers, don't it? A beak? Besides, I reckon it owes us seein' as it just ate our last chicken. Reckon it owes us a game. You wanna hear the rules or not?"
"Could be fun. What's chicken-chasing', exactly?" Vex asked.
"Only the greatest thing since eggs sprouted legs, mate. You just gotta chase the chicken around the course and through the posts0 but that ain't all. Gotta do it quick and alone- any of your mates step in, you lose. Time runs out, you lose. Sound's easy? It ain't. Better contenders than you have been bested by the bird."
"We don't have time to be doing this." Lae'zel spoke but Vex glanced over at her.
"Just stand back and watch." 
"Oh, this is going to fun." Astarion smirked. Vex blinked, looking at him for a moment and turned back to the goblin.
"Sounds fun. I'm in." Vex smiled. The goblin snorted.
"Fun? Show a bit of respect, mate. This is serious business. Besides-we gotta agree stakes before we begin, don't we? 30 gold."
"Sure, I'll place a bet." Vex spoke and handed her the gold.
"We got the coin-we got the wager. Now we just need the crowd, eh?" The goblin woman smiled and walked away to get the match started. The others watched as Vex approached the entrance of the maze. The goblin started the timer and Vex quickly urged the cub, moving it through the obstacles in the way until they finally reached the two posts.
"That's the game, done. Come'ere." The goblin shouted. Vex had quickly sneaked in a speaking animal potion and drank it. She bent down towards the cub, who eyed her curiously, but backed away, scared.
"Hey, I'm not going to hurt you." She whispered, softly.
"Mother gone. Hungry!" The cub cried.
"I have a camp. You'll be safer there." Vex told the cub. The cub blinked at her with his big eyes, turning his head.
"New home? Maybe. But I got to stay here." The cub told her. Vex nodded and stood up, thinking. The cub was too anxious to leave. The goblins need to be dealt with, first.
"Okay, I'll be back for you." Vex told the cub and walked away, heading back towards the female goblin. 
"Well lookee! That thing works even better'n a chicken. Reckon we won't eat it after all." The goblin sneered.
"Now, if you'll hand over my winnings, please." Vex said. The goblin blinked at her.
"Pardon, your what? I think you misunderstood, mate. Ain't no winnings, cos only a goblin can win chicken-chase. Says so in the rules." She smirked. Vex frowned. 
"We're having fun, aren't we? Why ruin it now?"
"Hmm. Alright, no need to be weepy over it. Here." The goblin handed the coin back to Vex. Vex smiled, taking it back.
"Thank you." She headed back to the others, who were waiting for her. She noticed that Astarion was loving the party.
"Ah, drink it in-that sweet, sweet chaos." He smiled as he breathed in deeply.
"Seems like you're enjoying yourself." Vex told him.
"Not that I approve of the goblins, of course-filthy little beasts. But I do like a good den of debauchery." He smiled. Vex rolled her eyes.
"Come on, lets go get Volo and Halsin." She told him. They headed inside the temple, but saw there were several guards at the front entrance. One of the goblins glared at Vex and the others as they approached.
"Oi! Ain't no party in here-We doing the Absolute's work. State your business. Now." He demanded.
"We have an audience with the one in charge." Vex insisted.
"Right. Well. You ain't the first foreign type, I'spose." "Gonna 'ave to be a bit more specific though, mate. Absolute's got a few favorites around here. You 'ere to see Priestess Gut, Boss Ragzlin, or the drow?"
"I want to see Priestess Gut." Vex told him.
"Do ya now? Might feel a little different once she puts a brand on you." The goblin sneered. "She's up ahead." Vex blinked wondering what he meant and quickly left; the others followed behind her. They approached an alter of some kind and saw a goblin dressed in shaman clothes. 
"It smells like burnt flesh in here." Vex gagged.
"Let's just hurry up and find the druid and that idiot and get out of here." Lae'zel spoke. The group walked over towards the goblin shaman. She smiled when she noticed them approaching, looking at Vex.
"Now, here's somebody special. The Absolute has touched you, hasn't she? Priestess Gut needs to touch you, too-hold out your hand so I can mark your flesh."
"I'm not letting you burn me for life on a whim." Vex frowned. The goblin blinked and smirked.
"Maybe you don't need it. After all, you're special, ain't you? Like me. In fact, I can sense all of you all were touched as well."
Vex could feel the goblin probing through her mind as she tried to block her out. She had a parasite like them. Darkness seems to swallow the temple, leaving her with a vision of the goblin priestess, receiving instruction from a handsome young man. One of the Chosen...
Vex blinked as the vision faded away, staring at the goblin in front of her. Vex decided to push deeper into the goblins mind to see if she could find anything else. Her faith floods into you-a tide of shuddering ecstasy. Her tadpole within that mania, secure, hidden. The goblin smirked.
"I can fell you in there, digging around. Works both ways. And I saw some wierd shadows swimming around in your head just now. Maybe I can help with that. Us True Souls got to look out for one another."
"Sure, but can we talk privately this is a sensitive matter." Vex told her. The goblin blinked, a little surprised, and nodded.
"Of course, don't want the rabble interfering in our business. Come, let's go talk in the chapel." She walked away, telling the others to follow her. 
"What are you doing? You're not actually going through with this are you?" Shadowheart whisper to Vex.
"Don't worry, I got a plan." Vex told her. The goblin shaman led the party up stairs and into a room, which led to a chapel.
"Ready to clear your head?" She turned, looking at Vex. Vex smirked.
"There's been a change of plans. I'm here to kill you." 
The goblin's eyes widen in shock and she got into a fighting stance.
"The Absolute will protect me-You will not stand a chance!"
"Now!" Vex shouted and everyone quickly lunged at the goblin. Lae'zel, Vex and Shadowheart both sliced at the goblin with their swords, Astarion shot at her a couple times with his crossbow. The goblin fell to the ground, dead. Just as Vex walked closer to loot the body, a voice spoke.
You should search that corpse. 
Vex blinked and turned to the others.
"Did any of you say something?" She asked them.
"No." Shadowheart spoke.
"Did you hear something?" Astarion asked her.
"Maybe it was just my imagination." Vex shook her head and looted the goblin, finding a key and some healing potions. There was also a letter as well and she read it. Halsin was being held in a Worg pen, not too far from here. Her eyes widen when she saw that the goblin had a parasite contained in a jar. She could hear the same voice again, telling her to take it. Vex quickly stashed the specimen into her pack and stood up.
"So, did you find anything useful?" Astarion asked. "Or was all this for nothing."
"There was a note, saying that Halsin is being kept in the pens not too far from here. And the goblin had a parasite contained in a jar, so I took it as well."
Shadowheart and Lae'zel's eyes widen in shock.
"Why?" Lae'zel frowned.
"I figured that it might come in handy. You never know." Vex told her.
"These things are not here to help us. We need to remove them as soon as we can." She told Vex.
"Still, it wouldn't hurt. Plus, no one else can get it. So, it'll be safer with us." Vex told her. Lae'zel huffed. Vex walked away and the others followed behind her as they went deeper into the temple. They headed to where the pens were, where Halsin was being held captive. They passed by a room and Vex was surprised to see Volo in cage, being guarded by the female goblin.
"Hey, there's Volo." Vex pointed out to the others. They slowly walked into the room and the goblin noticed them and so did Volo who silently whispered to help him. The goblin stood in front of the cage, narrowing her eyes at everyone.
"Don't go botherin' my pigeon! He's mine."
"So I see. Do you have plans for this "pigeon?" Vex smiled.
"Keep him safe. Listen to him coo. 'Til I gets hungry or some such. What's it to ya?" The goblin frowned.
"I hate to see such a lovely creature in a cage." Vex told her. The goblin waved her hand.
"Ehh, he don't mind. Keeps him safe from me mates! Raids make 'em rabid. Then catch one of your own."
"He looks weak. Sick, even. He won't last long in there." Vex spoke, smirking at Volo. Volo frowned at her, feeling insulted. The goblin was silent for a moment before she nodded.
"Take him for a jog, why don't ya? Here's the key. But don't let the other mates snatch him up! Bring him back once you're done." She told Vex and handed her the key. Vex took it from her and the goblin walked away. Vex unlocked the cage, opening it. Volo smiled and he stepped out, shaking Vex's hand, gratefully.
"Ha! Ha! Look at this-I'm quite saved! A joy to see a familiar face in such a precarious setting. I guarantee the story of your daring rescue of my person will live on for aeons!"
"Just get yourself to safety and be quick." Vex told him.
"I intend to do just that. A trusty invisibility potion goes a long way in a place like this. We mustn't tarry, but I'd hate for our friendship to end here. Please-won't you meet me once we've both slipped the goblin's yoke?" Volo asked.
"How did you get yourself into this mess to begin with?" Shadowheart asked him.
"Why, by design my friend. How better to learn the ways of a people than to live among them? I daresay the experiment has proven most fruitful, too. I'll be happy to share my findings, once we've found somewhere safe to parley." Volo explained.
"The camp's nearby here. We'll talk once we're both safe." Vex replied. Volo smiled.
"Smashing! Soon, my friend! We'll share a flagon and talk about our Daring dos. I can't wait to pick your brain!" He pulled out an invisibility potion out of his hat and drank it and disappeared.
"Why didn't he do that before?" Astarion questioned.
"He probably froze up. He seems like that type of guy." Vex told him. Everyone continued, heading to the pens. They passed by a couple of goblins guarding the door and quickly went into the dungeons. Up ahead, Vex heard a couple of goblins laughing. She walked closer and the others followed behind her to see what it was. There were three goblins near a cell. They saw a bear, locked inside, being tortured by the goblins as they threw stones at it. 
"See? It squealed!" one of the goblins shouted, jumping excitedly.
"Hit it again!" The second one exclaimed. Vex walked over to them. The bear looked at the group when they approached, looking at Vex.
"Stop them. Free me." It spoke.
"Again! Again! Make it squeal again!" The goblin shouted. gleefully, about to throw another rock at the bear.
"What are you doing!?" Vex shouted at them. The goblins turned to her.
"We're juicing it up. The beast came in with those robbers. Boss's thinkin of sevin' it to the worgs." One of the goblins smirked.
"And it makes funny noises." The second one smiled.
"We made it squeal!" The third one shouted. "Look, look, you'll see. Gimme that rock. I'll show ya!"
"Leave him alone!" Vex shouted, angrily.
"What're ya-get lost if you can't stand a bit of rough housin'." The goblin guard, glared at her.
Vex made a nod to the bear and it let out a roar, distracting the goblins. They looked back and saw the bear reared up on it's hind legs and charged at the door. Vex and the others quickly moved back and the door fell top of the goblins, squashing them. The noise also alerted some of the goblins in the room and the charged at the group. One goblin unleashed the worgs and they charged at the group as well. They quickly took out every single of them.
Vex turned back towards the bear to see it change, shifting back to an elven man. He was a wood elf, a lot taller than usual, bulkier and muscular. His hair was tied back in a ponytail while most of it hanged out loose. He was wearing a red and white armor with leaf shoulder pads. He also had a large scar over his right eye, covered by a faint red swirling tattoo, that looked like it was slashed by claws.
"Pardon the viscera. One should cherish all of nature's bounty, but goblin guts are quite far down the line. Not only do you speak with a bear, but you free it, too? A true friend of nature-or perhaps a lunatic. Either way, I owe you thanks. I am the druid Halsin."
"You're Halsin? The Mater Halsin of the Emerald Grove?" Vex asked, unsure. He smiled.
"Yes, but just Halsin will suffice. Unbecoming to demand honorifics from the one who saved my hide."
"Glad I could be of help." Vex smiled back.
"I must admit, I didn't expect anyone would come to my aid. Who in their right mind would infiltrate a goblin infested temple. Unless..." Halsin stared into Vex's eyes. "Hrrm. That look in your eyes-I've seen it before. Are you feeling alright?" He moved in a little closer, cupping Vex's cheeks. Astarion frowned as he watched the two, not liking how close the druid was to Vex. Halsin peered deeper into Vex's eyes before his eyes widen a little in shock and let go and he backed away from her.
"Oak father preserve you, child. You're infected, aren't you? The mind flayers' spawn. But something's different. You're aware of the monster inside of you. You don't bow to the Absolute, like the True Souls do. How is this possible?"
"It's not just me who is infected, it's all of us.  But we don't know how we still have our minds." Vex told him.
"It's no coincidence that you found me here. I'll wager you're after a cure for this parasite, yes? I've been studying those parasites for quite a while now. Ever since I discovered those so-called True Souls are infected with them. Some is using very powerful magic to modify these tadpoles. They are using them to exert control over the infected. I'm sorry to say, I can't undo that magic, which means I cannot cure you. But that doesn't mean I can't help. I didn't find what I came here for-a way to remove the tadpoles, but I found the next best thing. I found out where they are coming from. That must be where these enchantments are placed on them, and it's where you'll find your cure." Halsin explained. Vex eyes dropped, disappointed, and so did everyone else.
"So, this was all for nothing." She sighed. Halsin held a hand out, that he wasn't finished yet.
"Patience. I can't just snap my fingers, but I know where the solution almost certainly lies. I overheard that the cultists are sending all of their captives to Moonrise Towers. Innocents go in, True Souls come out. Given that all of these True Souls are infected, it has to be the source of this magic. IF you want to find a cure, you must head there and discover how the tadpoles are being manipulated."
"You seem to know a lot about this. Will you come with us to Moonrise?" Vex asked. Halsin shook his head.
"I wish I could but there's still work I've yet to finish-blood I've yet to spill. I've no right to ask more of you, but if you could help me, I'd be free to join your journey to Moonrise. I cannot allow these butchers to threaten my grove. the natural order must be protected." He told them.
"How can I help?" Vex asked. Halsin smiled.
"My thanks. If you prevail, I'll owe you the debt of a lifetime. Rare is the beast that survives decapitation. Help me eliminate the drow Minthara, the hobgoblin Dror Ragzlin, and that perversion of a priestess Gut. They are the ones holding these parasites together. Remove them and nature will cure itself." Halsin said.
"Having a shape-shifting bear druid at my side might make things easier. And we've already taken down one of the leaders." Vex told him.
"Be warned, my presence could make things more difficult. I can only restrain my bear form so much. I won't be able to help but attack goblins. If I join you, we'll likely have to slaughter this entire place. You may want to use discretion when approaching the goblin leaders." Halsin spoke.
"We could use the help." Vex insisted. Halsin smiled and nodded.
"So, it will be. May Silvanus lead us to nature's fury."
Vex nodded, smiling back.
"Great. But, not at the moment. We need to rest a little first. Do you mind if we head back to our camp? Then we'll come back to get you." She told him and Halsin nodded. Everyone walked away, heading back to the camp for some rest. As they walked, Vex noticed that Astarion had been quiet, instead of being usually chatty self.
"Is there something wrong?" Vex asked him.
"I just noticed you and that druid seemed pretty chummy with one another." He frowned. Vex smiled.
"I didn't think you would be the type to be jealous." She smirked. Astarion blinked at her. Why was he acting like this? Sure, he cared about her, even if she was a goody two shoes. But this whole relationship was just for protection, right? And nothing more. He had to stick with his plan.
"Besides, you're the only elf for me." Vex spoke, snapping Astarion out of his thoughts. "And a vampire. He can't beat that." She smiled. Astarion stopped in his tracks, completely surprised by her words and Vex walked away. Astarion followed behind her as they headed back to the camp.
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queenofdragons12 · 5 days
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The Unexpected Bond | Elvis Presley
But now, as you find yourself face-to-face with the rock star king, your heart pounds with uncertainty. You're not used to being seen, let alone scrutinized by someone of such celebrity. You shift uncomfortably, your tail swishing nervously through the dust, unsure of how to respond to this unexpected encounter.
"How may I assist you?" you finally manage to ask, your voice emerging as beautiful and melodious as a siren's song. Elvis, caught off guard, blinks in surprise.
"Oh, it's nothing," he stammers, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just wanted to get away from my family for a bit."
You nod, your scaly head dipping in understanding. A rumble begins in your chest, growing louder until it bursts forth as a mighty roar, strong enough to send the king's hair blowing back.
The king flinches instinctively, any man would be foolish not to fear such a monstrous sight.
But his shock is short-lived, and he's soon back to his charming ways, flashing you a flirtatious smile. "What's your name, darling?" he purrs, his tone dripping with the same charisma you've seen on TV and in the tabloids.
You can't help but smile inwardly. He may know fame, but he doesn't know you—the mysterious dragon he's stumbled upon.
You snort, turning your snout toward him to take in his scent, then pivot back around. "y/n," you introduce yourself coolly.
"Now, King of Rock out here in the wilderness," you chastise, "you said you were escaping your family, but that's not very honorable, my good man."
You draw back, buffeting him with a blast of warm steam to emphasize your point. The king blinks, momentarily stunned by your forthrightness.
"Well..." the king begins, but you cut him off with a cackle.
"Relax, sweetheart. You can stay here with me for now, but I swear, if any of your mob shows up here, I'll raze the city to the ground," you growl. The king's eyes widen, and he gulps audibly.
For a moment, he looks as though he's questioning his decision to venture into the wilderness, but then his lips curl into a mischievous grin. "You're not like any dragon I've ever met, y/n," he says, his voice filled with a mixture of intrigue and amusement.
A chuckle escapes your lips. "Let's hope you're lucky enough to never meet my goody two-shoes twin. No one is as kind and generous as I am."
You turn away, pushing Elvis along with your tail as he stumbles over the small rocks and roots.
"Come on, I'll take you back to my lair," you call over your shoulder, amusement dancing in your eyes as you watch the once-confident rock star struggling to keep up with you.
"Calm down, will you?" he calls out as you catch him before he falls. You chuckle, replying, "Sure thing, Your Highness. But out here, you're no king, and you won't find any limousines."
As you reach the entrance of your den, prey bones litter the ground—evidence of your recent meals. But beyond that, your lair is clean and tidy, a stark contrast to the chaos of the outside world.
The king takes a hesitant step inside, his eyes scanning the cavernous space as he mumbles, "It's...surprisingly cozy."
"I can't say I enjoy sleeping in a filthy cave," you hum, shuffling over to a large nest. A gleaming, crystal egg-shaped stone rests in its center, drawing Elvis's attention.
"Is that...yours?" he inquires, his brow furrowing.
You shake your head dismissively. "Nah, it's just a stone."
Elvis appears unconvinced, but he doesn't press the matter. Instead, he turns his gaze back to you, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "So, how long do you plan on keeping me here?" he asks.
You shrug indifferently. "You're free to leave if you wish. I'm not one of those greedy dragons, you know." Curling up in your bed, you drape your tail over your snout, settling in for the night.
"Make yourself comfortable, Elvis," you rumble, your voice vibrating through the cavern.
Exhausted, Elvis clambers into the nest and leans against the edge, only to let out a startled yelp when you slide your tusk under him and lift him onto your stomach.
"Now sleep," you grumble, your warm scales providing a surprisingly comfortable bed for the weary rock star.
As you soar over the valley on your hunting trip, you spot two girls approaching the hill, encroaching on the territory you've claimed since Elvis' arrival. A growl rumbles in your chest—you've made it clear that this path is off-limits to humans. Landing with a thud before the startled girls, you unleash a deafening roar, sending them stumbling backwards, screams echoing through the air. You're not taking any chances with potential intruders, and the sheer power of your presence is enough to drive the message home.
"Flee, you pathetic mice!" you thunder, your words punctuated by another burst of fiery breath. The field erupts in chaos as the girls scream, scrambling away as fast as their legs can carry them. Satisfied that they've received the message loud and clear, you exhale a hot stream of air before turning back towards home, a freshly-caught wild boar clutched in your talons—the result of your anger-fueled hunt.
As you enter the cave, you find Elvis lounging comfortably, engrossed in a book. At the sound of your arrival, he looks up and smiles warmly. "You're back!" he exclaims, setting his book aside and rushing over to greet you.
You deposit the wild boar on the ground and nod, still bristling with the remnants of your earlier anger. "I caught dinner," you say gruffly, secretly enjoying the look of appreciation in Elvis' eyes.
Elvis smiles again, then sets to work on the boar with his knife, his movements precise and practiced. You watch him with a steady gaze, your anger slowly fading. Moving closer, you gently nuzzle him with your snout, the gesture surprisingly affectionate for a creature of your nature.
Elvis stumbles back a step, caught off guard by the unexpected show of affection, his hand pressed against your scaly cheek. "You're quite the softie, aren't you?" he teases, his voice a mix of amusement and tenderness.
Without another word, you turn and lumber towards your nest, your tail trailing behind you and inadvertently knocking Elvis' leg on the way. He's left standing there, heart racing, as he realizes just how attached he's become to you. There's no way he's leaving anytime soon.
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the-baschet · 9 months
#30 - Amity
Hardly any words exchanged between him and the inquisitors when they snatched him from his holding cell. They walked him down the frozen streets of Foundation toward The Arc of the Worthy... across the Steps of Faith. Where were they leading him? As they made passage down the aged bridge, the deep gnashes carved into the stonework from dragon general Vishap, the Warrior of Light, and countless surviving and fallen countrymen stole his attention. Mattisaux set his brow in furls.
They mean to kill me quietly.
A muted bloodthirst warmed his chest though he showed neither ire nor unrest. In silence they journeyed through the Gates of Judgement and toward Camp Dragonhead. Fledgling adventurers ill-prepared for the piercing cold, merchants bundling up while making their profits from those hapless fools, and soldiers stationed there for the day roamed the settlement. It was not often Mattisaux made his way for the central regions of Coerthas; there was no real sentiment holding him there, but he knew his way around like any other soldier.
Like how the robed men lead him north toward Witchdrop, an expected destination until they marched well past it.
By then the winds picked up and whipped graupel in their faces, some lifting a hand to shield from the sour turn of the weather. The air smelled sharp, angry perhaps; it matched Mattisaux’s attitude about the entire endeavor though he never minded how the frost bit into his exposed flesh. The broken silhouette of Steel Vigil loamed ahead, another memorable landmark that could possibly hold a spat for his survival. But they turned eastward, facing the mouth of an oncoming blizzard before his skin truly prickled to the chill.
“The Weeping Saint...?” Mattisaux’s voice startled one of the younger inquisitors, his being the only voice heard over the last bell or so, though he quickly looked down to his feet. An unknown guilt to Mattisaux bit the lad’s lip while the others paid no mind to the musings, continuing forward and shoving the man ahead if they had to.
That they wanted to do away with him so far out of reach ran his mind through idea after idea.
Why here? A chimera’s domain. Is there another one somehow?
“Here we are.” They stopped just before the entrance, the timid inquisitor handing Mattisaux his weapon while the others backed far away. “May Halone shine Her grace on you, Ser.” Then in hushed tones, he added, “This is cruel. Pray, how sorry I am.” The lad offered a remorseful frown.
Mattisaux grasped his sword and looked forward into the yawning void of the cave. “If you had any spine at all, you would not be here ushering me to my death.”
The Hyuran man paused in shame before speaking. “...You are correct, but know that a past comrade lies in wait. I must tell you that much.”
The news did little to surprise Mattisaux; he gained more enemies after the Calamity, it was an expectation at this point since turning himself in. “Away with you lest you carry this trial with me. They are watching.” He took a willful step forward. “No man has bested me and I do not intend to fall to a coward.”
A dejected sigh whined from the inquisitor, opening his mouth to respond but ultimately chose to dash away, whimpering in a strange fear. Mattisaux did not have the time to wonder in confusion nor dwell on how awkwardly the inquisitor carried himself. From within the depths of the den, a dissonant chorus bellowed and hurried stamps shook the earth. His opponent was not only a man this time.
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part one
--- --- ---
The slow and careful creaking of his door opening is what wakes Coran from his slumber. The next thing he hears is quiet footsteps, slow and careful, like a lion cub carefully sneaking up on its mother.
Coran grumbles, squeezing his eyes shut tighter and tensing in wait. He knows exactly what’s coming. 
“Coran!” comes a whispered yell, right before 140 pounds of scrawny Latino human comes running and landing on top of Coran’s poor body in a flop. “Coran Coran Coran you need to wake up –” Lance needles, shaking the Altean’s shoulder.
“Oof,” Coran groans, feeling his very bones creak. He sighs, although he can’t help the smile taking over his face. “It is early, Lance. I am old. Go back to bed. Wake me up in the morning.”
Lance’s knee digs into the Altean’s back as he moves, turning around to flop on his back (still on top of Coran, of course). 
“But the sky’s awake, so I’m awake,” Lance huffs theatrically. Coran can imagine him throwing a dramatic elbow over his eyes. 
"It’s the middle of the night, child. You are growing. You need sleep.”
“That’s not true anymore!” Lance says excitedly, squirming around some more. “It’s past midnight! It’s my birthday! I’m 18 years old!” He shakes Coran’s shoulder again, and Coran opens one bleary eye, taking in Lance’s blinding beam and flapping hand. “I’m an adult now!”
18? Adult? Please. 
“If your argument to your newfound adulthood and lack of further growth is that you have completed 18 trips around your sun, then I have some shocking news for you, dear.”
Lance pouts at him, and Coran groans one more time, before hefting himself up. 
“No need to pout, Number Four. I’m up.”
Lance claps his hands, elated, and Coran smiles fondly as he drags himself out of bed. 
“Okay okay okay! Meet me at the bridge! I already went to three locations, but I need your help to get to the fourth, so meet me there!”
Lance rushes out of the room before Coran can ask further questions. 
Coran shrugs, changing out of his blue silk pajamas into his royal attendant uniform. He doesn’t have to wear it, not anymore, but he likes wearing it. It was designed especially for him, after all. (And any memory from Altea always brings him deep comfort, even with the accompanying painful sting of loss).
Coran takes his sweet time strolling to the bridge, enjoying the quiet of the night. He finally arrives after several minutes of walking, and he pauses at the door, grinning as he watches the Blue Paladin dance around the bridge.
Lance twirls around, humming to himself, stopping abruptly when he sees Coran, nearly falling right over. 
“Coran! You’re here! Let’s go!”
Coran squints at him. 
“Leandro Agustìn,” Coran scolds as he’s heard Hunk do several dozen times, “is that a scar on your face?”
Lance smiles sheepishly. “Location 2 was a dragon’s den, it was wicked. She thought I was attacking her at first so she scratched me, but then we bonded and we’re friends now! She even let me keep this cool diamond.” Lance pulls a diamond seemingly from thin air, roughly the size of his face. Coran raises an eyebrow. He decides not to address the fact that Lance approached an actual dragon on his own, because honestly Lance is excellent with dangerous animals and has yet to give Coran a reason to doubt his abilities, and he has remained in one piece, so Coran’s not going to push the matter.
“Lance, child, you have not yet explained what these ‘locations’ are,” Coran reminds him. “I’m a little lost.”
“Oh! Right!” 
Lance strides over to his station, grabbing his holopad and hurrying back to Coran. He flips it over, showing Coran a document with nothing on it but a few coordinates, no context at all. 
“So this future version of me visited me at midnight,” he says casually. “We chatted for a bit, but he told me the reason he contacted me was because there was a list of locations he needed to show me that I am not, under any circumstance, meant to visit. So I ignored him immediately, obviously. The first location was this cool beach planet about a twenty minute flight from here – the time there ran differently, so I got to spend like two days scuba diving and it was my birthday the whole time! Only, like, a half-hour had passed when I got back to the Castle. Isn’t that cool? And look, these are all the shells I got!”
He pulls out a huge bag of shells, also seemingly from nowhere. Coran blinks at him.
“Oh, wow,” he says, leaning forward to inspect them closer, “these are beautiful shells! Excellent eye, my boy!”
Lance beams at him. “Thank you! They were fun to collect.” He sets the bag down carefully on his chair, then turns back to Coran. “The last location I’ve been to so far was this piercing place! Look!” He sticks out his tongue, showing off a blue stud nestled proudly in the muscle. 
Coran grins. “That explains the lisp.”
Lance closes his mouth, smile sliding right back into place. “Yep! I don’t mind it though, I look so cool. My sister has a tongue piercing, I’ve always wanted one, so I was so pumped to pull up at the parlour.”
“Those sound like excellent adventures, Lance.”
“They were! The rest of the coordinates are too far to reach in Blue, though. That’s why I need your help!”
“For wormholes?”
“Yep! The next set of coordinates is in the Seflarn quadrant.”
“Oh, that’s quite a distance away,” Coran agrees, walking over to the podium. He stands with his hands above the controls, and Lance sits on the floor (he has informed Coran in the past of his hatred for chairs). Coran’s eyes glow as his palms make contact with the controls as his quintessence connects and intertwines with the quintessence from the Balmeran crystal. In one second he’s envisioning the notorious emptiness of the Seflarn galaxy, in the next, they’ve arrived. Lance is the first of them to move, rushing forward to the control board and leaning as far as he can over it.
“Whoa,” Lance says as he takes in the galaxy before him, “this bitch is empty. Yeet, I guess. Damn.”
Coran doesn’t know what half of those words mean, but he understands the sentiment. “Yes, child. This galaxy is very, very old. Most of it has already faded away. In a few thousand years, it shall simply be empty space.”
“Hey, what’s that over there?” Lance asks, pointing to a growing flash of bright light a ways to the left. Coran squints at it, considering, and they both realise what it is at the same time, gasping. 
“A supernova! Happening right now! At this very second!” Lance exclaims. Coran rushes over to join him by the giant window, so he can see it better. 
“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a star go supernova,” Coran comments. 
“This is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Lance breathes, and Coran chuckles.
“I take it you’ve never seen one before?”
Lance shakes his head, not taking his eyes off the star for even a second. Coran smiles, quietly taking in the boy’s wide-eyed wonder. To say Lance looks awed is an understatement. 
It’s very sweet. 
“Coran, Coran, look! It’s really starting to explode! Oh, wow, it’s so bright!”
Coran glances at the star, briefly, but finds himself looking back at Lance. He’s seen a supernova before, but it’s been a long time since he’s seen Lance look so elated. He knows which sight he will cherish more.
Lance continues to supply a running commentary, eyes glued to the fiery explosion. As the life of the star comes to an end, and the light finally fades away, Lance looks back towards Coran. He is shaking with glee. 
“That. Was. So. Cool!” he yells, pumping his fists. 
“That it was, dear boy,” Coran agrees, although the brightness he’s envisioning did not come from a star. “That it was.”
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xamaxenta · 2 years
Amnesia shenanigans again bc it can be so comedic but Ace before joining the WBP meeting Sabo whilst Sabo’s on a mission
Turns out they have the same destination and team up to take out Sabo’s target who also happens to be Ace’s too
Sabo needed to take them out due to the potential political unrest they could cause in this continent and Dragon would like to avoid this, Ace wanted to take them out because the guy called Deuce “a filthy gutter urchin” which is pretty rude tbh and Ace wanted to kick his teeth in, don’t be RUDE
After it all Sabo’s fixing up his torn coat but realises its a lost cause, takes it off and asks Ace to burn it, leaving no evidence.
“You—uh, you fight good.” Sabo remarks, watching keenly as Ace takes the ruined coat and slowly, methodically sets it on fire. His heart lurches into his stomach before rocketing back up into his mouth at the lopsided smile the pirate rookie flashes him.
“Yeah? Could say the same for you as well.” Ace dusts his hands off of the sooty remains of his well worn, and unfortunately favourite coat, “—Shame about your jacket,”
“Coat.” Sabo amends immediately and almost laughs at the repulsed expression the pirate struggles to force down.
“Semantics.” Ace retorts, reaching up to adjust his bright orange cowboy hat, a motion Sabo has come to realise is to hide his embarrassment.
Huh. Cute.
“You got places to be?“ Sabo digs around his tunic pockets, mentally listing out all his belongings, meagre as they were his den den and purse were still intact. He’s also finished his mission way ahead of schedule, surely no one would mind if he took a bit of time off.
“Kinda, but s’not urgent.” Ace glances at him from under the brim of his hat, curious as to what Sabo had in mind.
“Wanna go grab a pint?“ Sabo nods down the alley to the main street, hoping that Firefist was of the social kind.
“I don’t have any money. Or at least, I used to, burnt it by mistake.” Ace mutters with a grimace, “—Deuce’s gonna kill me.” and Sabo stifles a laugh, must be one of those new devil fruit users then.
“My treat, I promise no tricks, as thanks for helping me out.” He soothes and it’s a marvellous thing, seeing the other man perk up at his charity. So, rough history then.
“Well damn, can’t really turn down such a generous offer from a well dressed gent like you now can I?” Ace demures, his smile open and unguarded at last.
Sabo flushes a little at this, was this what flirting was like? He’s never flirted before, hell he wasn’t even sure he was even into men, and yet he finds himself desperate to know more about this handsome fire wielding pirate.
“C’mon, lets go before the marines find us,” Ace grabs him by his unscarred wrist and begins to tug him down the alleyway and Sabo lets him, realises he’s going to say yes to him every time anyway.
“Halt you two! In the name of the navy, put your hands up where we can see em’!”
“Oh shit, lets go—“ Ace laughs, bursting into a flurry of golden flames and Sabo chokes, wild eyed as the heat touches him and—!
It doesn’t hurt, in fact it’s genuinely pleasant, Ace continues to blabber in his ear but Sabo doesn’t hear him, too distracted by the concept of wounding razing fire being… protective like this.
“Dude! Focus! You gotta hang on if you don’t want me to drop you!” Ace barks in his ear and Sabo jolts back to his senses, and in doing so finds that Ace has taken their escape into his own hands, by carrying him from roof top to roof top, bridal style of all things.
“Put me down!” Sabo squawks, undignified in his haste to put some kind of distance between them, this couldn’t be good for his heart, he’s too young to die from heart failure—
“Nah.” Ace retorts, and how does this feel familiar? The bickering.
“What do you mean, nah!?” Sabo squirms in his hold and almost regrets it when he slips and the ground is so so far away.
“Cuz you’re delicate, man.”
“I’ll show you delicate!” Sabo jabs Ace in the ribs, gently but it’s all that is needed to have them tumbling out of the sky and rolling across a colourful painted rooftop to break their falls.
Picking himself up off the painted stone, Sabo stares down at the man who even here, has protected him, cushioned his fall for some reason with his entire body. Ace blinks up at him, his dark hair in disarray around his angular freckled face, his hat lying a few feet away on the roof.
“Uh.” Sabo blanks when Ace swallows, his gaze locked in on the bob of his freckled throat, obsessed with the line of his tendons.
“You okay?” Ace rasps, strained from the weight of the revolutionary laying on top of him. Sabo for one hysterical moment almost wants to cry, this guy was too damn nice.
“Are you okay?” Sabo breathes, shifting his weight slightly.
“Never better now that you’re here.” Ace grins and Sabo huffs in annoyance, headache beginning to throb in his temple at how infuriating this man was.
“Does anything hurt?” They did hit the rooftop rather hard after all. And logia or not Ace still would’ve felt it.
“Why, gonna kiss it better for me?” Firefist asks cheekily and Sabo scoffs.
“Yeah, if you want.”
It’s not the answer Ace had been expecting and it shows, his cheeks burn a flustered and fetching pink and Sabo likes how the tables have turned at last.
“Well… I guess I did go down face first…”
“Don’t push your luck.” Sabo growls and when Ace throws him a kicked puppy look, the revolutionary finds he can’t say no to him. Not when Ace has been everything he’s ever wanted in one chaotic bundle of a person.
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wyverian-lady525 · 1 year
Heyoooo! I'm Layla, again, or a stupid mizutsune hehe. I readed my last request and, omg, your work is BEAUTIFUL! I was thinking about, what if the rider/leia and kyle go to search a Velkhana egg but they find an Oroshi Kirin egg (based in reality xd)
Hello!! I like the name XD who doesn't like mizutsune? And THANK YOU!💖 Congrats on your Oroshi find XD I hope you enjoy!
This Happy Little Accident
You and Kyle are in search of a rare velkhana egg, but find something else just as precious instead.
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"You can trust me when I say that I saw a den earlier! Barely noticeable in the snow." You told Kyle as you guys trudged, well, Kyle trudged and you rode happily from the back of Ratha through the snow, which was at least knee deep.
You don't need me to tell you that your blonde companion was having no fun.
"You know, you could just ride on Ratha with me. You've done it before." You said to Kyle as you turned your whole body, now sitting backwards in the saddle.
"That was one time. Remember, when the world was at stake? I don't need to ride a monster. I'm a hunter." He said gruffly, and you brushed off his attitude as you knew he was just grumpy from all the cold and snow.
So, you slowed Ratha down a bit just so he could keep up.
But as the den became closer and closer through the blinding white snow and tiny flurries that were falling from the sky, a familiar call sounded through the air. Both you and Kyle stopped walking. Slowly turning around, you guys saw the small blue bird wyverns running up over the snowbank.
"We can take them." You said, and Kyle looked down at his body in mid-snow. He winced.
But just as you said that, a great baggi showed up. It snorted, reminding you guys of its sleep-inducing spit. Immediately, it called out again and more baggi appeared. They began to circle you, and you guys began to sweat.
"Or not." You said sheepishly. The monsters began to hiss as did Ratha. It was an absurd amount of bird wyverns, and you guys could sense that you were outnumbered. Suddenly, Kyle was on the back of the saddle, clinging to you.
"I've changed my mind! Let's ride!" He shouted and immediately Ratha unfurled his wings and took to the skies. The baggis and their leader cried out as their prey got away. But now that Kyle was riding Ratha with you, it was much easier to fly to the den.
"Our prize awaits!" You shouted in glee and Kyle just tensed up as the rathalos dove down.
Soon, you guys reached a crystal den that was practically glowing and well hidden amongst the snow and rock. When you guys entered, it was a lot easier to walk without the deep snow, and the cold was more noticeable.
"If the velkhana is here...?" Kyle prompted you, hoping to hear a plan.
"Then we fight." You said and Ratha huffed in agreement as you grabbed your weapon. Kyle could only nod, seeing no other way around it, as he got his bow ready. The two of you guys walked deeper into the den, your footsteps echoing throughout the cave.
There were countless other monsters in your way as you guys fought your way to the heart of the den. You knew that it could be much worse, but a close encounter with a rajang is pretty hard to beat. Soon, after some more close encounters, you guys finally saw the nest, which was completely covered in bedding.
"No elder dragon in sight." Kyle whispered, peeking out from behind a rock, but you were already running towards the nest and digging through it in search of your beloved velkhana egg.
"Y/N! Wait!" He whisper-shouted at you, but you were deaf at the moment. You were looking through practically the entire nest, but there was no velkhana egg in sight. All your hopes were beginning to fade until your hand brushed against the shell of the only egg you found.
But it was no velkhana. It was still an elder dragon egg with mixes of dark and light blue.
"Let's go!" Kyle hissed as he began to hear the sounds of something big getting closer. You heaved the heavy egg into your arms before waddling back towards him and Ratha. Kyle observed the egg and your downtrodden face, and he knew that you didn't find what you wanted.
"Still looks like a good egg." Kyle tried to be supportive, and you smiled a bit. He was right. An elder dragon is still an elder dragon. Now you guys had to make the trek back to Kuan, being oh so careful not to get in any fights and hurt the egg.
Soon, you guys made it back, and it was time to hatch the egg.
"Wonder what it'll be..." The hunter mused and you nodded in agreement. You knew it wasn't a velkhana, but other than that, you didn't really know what you were hatching. And after raising your kinship stone, the egg hatched to reveal an elder dragon you weren't expecting to see today.
"That's an Oroshi Kirin!" You exclaimed in glee as you noticed the dark blue markings and purple mane of the kirin species. It stood up on shaky legs before neighing a bit, shaking its head back and force, its little tail swishing around.
"That's awesome!" Kyle congratulated you, a grin on his face. Despite his discomfort throughout the whole adventure, he was glad to be a part of this moment now.
You were on your knees, petting the tiny monstie as it nuzzled you in delight. You were pleased, giggling as you felt your fingertips grew cold from the touch of the elder dragon's skin.
"I'll take good care of you...M/N." You said with a grin.
"You'll get a velkhana next time." Kyle said while placing a hand on your shoulder for a second. But you just shrugged.
"If I got my velkhana, I wouldn't have met M/N." You simply said with a smile, and Kyle had to roll his eyes at your sappiness. Sometimes you got too sentimental and attached to things. But he had to admit that he was impressed that you found this elder dragon.
And don't worry, you'll get your velkhana soon enough. But in the meantime, you have a strong elder dragon with you.
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leviathanverse · 7 months
Another information dump about my HCD! au dragon species. Au belongs to @mylou-doodlesworld. All credit goes to them for the au!
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Species name:
Species name is: The Eclipse Wraith.
What they can't do:
They can't physically talk with their mouth.
What they can do:
They can go in the daytime.
They can go in the sun without getting burned.
They can go into the moon's gentle rays without freezing.
They can breathe a beautiful violet mist that can easy people's brain.
They can only eat a specific crystal.
They can make you fall asleep by humming a lullaby telepathically.
They can talk telepathically.
They can float like the other two.
They can control body temperatures like the Sun Wraith.
They can heal with the help of their mist.
They can walk in lava without burning.
Life expectancy:
They can reach ages of 20 000 years.
They are a bit more of a solitary species, unlike their other two counterparts.
Rarity, information locations:
They are actually a hybrid between the Sun- and Moon Wraith species.
But they happen to only have been introduced in the world some 2 087 years ago when a Sun- and Moon Wraith mated.
They are rare, but nowhere near extinction.
They lay eggs every time an Eclipse occurs.
They are known to lay up to 5 eggs.
Their eggs are the same shape like their other two counterparts.
Their eggs look almost like an eclipse, but in space.
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Egg colour spots and meaning:
No meaning.
Or that is what some people speculate.
How to tell an infertile and fertile egg apart:
Fertile eggs stay solid and are impossible to crack open.
Infertile eggs first turn into dust before burning into nothing.
Males and females:
Males are larger than females and have a small mist shaped like an eclipse float above their horn.
Females are smaller, and don't show themselves.
Very common to see.
They are lazy most of the time but can be useful to locate ore.
They are always watching baby dragons as if they were their own.
They do most of the guarding of their den.
What people get wrong:
People mistake them for the Moon- and Sun Wraith most of the time.
Incredibly trusting.
They often times save you when danger is near because they trust people and dragons too much.
Mating ritual:
They do the exact same mating ritual like the Moon Wraith, but only when there is a full moon.
They use soft leaves and rocks to build their nests.
Some nests have been recorded to be 3ft wide.
How they are during nesting season:
Personality and behaviour:
They share the same personality as their other two counterparts.
Fun facts:
Did you know that these dragons hibernate during the summer?
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Lion's Den
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Summary: Someone got a hint about Sammy and MJF's new "friendship" and decided to give Max a bit of a warning.
AN: This...honestly came out of a dream I had one day after the "friendship" happened. Please enjoy!
(Also if you want to read it on A03, here's the link! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46815397)
For the 50th time tonight, MJF just got off the phone after talking about some kind of anime the other person on the line was into. He shuts it off for the first time in a while and then jams it deep into his pocket.
Sammy Guevara is draining. This should be common knowledge but he didn't really take it seriously because people said the same thing about him but look where he was today. But Sammy was a different type of draining: every word, sign of affection and action was on the side of too much, and Max felt like he just came out of an all nighter by the end of every interaction.
To be honest, he didn't expect him to latch on so fast. For someone who talks to everyone, and Max meant everyone, he seemed like he would have some kind of close pose to ramble to, like the Jericho Appreciation Society but apparently not. In about 3 days alone, he learned more about Dragon Ball and anime then he was ready for. 
Whatever, makes it easier for him to take out of the picture of holding the championship. Just not tonight. Once again, Tony made him come to another stupid city, so he might as well make his way across the town to see what's so great about it.
Except before he could make his way out the arena he was in, he felt a hand land hard on his shoulder in a tight grip.
"A little jumpy, are we?"
Oh. It was him. He would recognize that showman tone from a mile away. "The hell do you want?" Max was shoved forward as the answer.
"We're just gonna have a little talk." The voice said, with a growl at the end as he brought both of his hands on Max now, bullying him over to another part of the arena, more quiet and secretive. Max was then turned around to see Chris Jericho, who looked a lot less showmansy than he sounded. He still had one of his hands on Max's shoulder, but it was not as tight. It didn't make him feel any less uneasy though.
He wasn't gonna let this man know that. So Max put on the annoyed look he was half feeling. "Look here, I got places to be old man, so I don't know what kind of fanfare speech you wanna have with me, but save it for Friday or something." He starts to leave but Jericho pulls him back to where he was, the grip tightening back to almost painful. Max hisses, trying to get away from it, but Jericho was unrelenting, the dick. "The hell-"
Jericho chuckles darkly at the attempt. "You've gotten way too used to getting your way around here, Max. Now like I said," He emphasized by pushing Max a few feet, still having his shoulder in a vice grip, “We’re gonna talk. Not gonna take long, and we can either end this with you walking away safely, or unconscious."
Where was this Jericho when I was in the Circle? The question in Max’s head as he sees that Jericho was all business, his face in a scowl, and giving a glimpse of who he saw backstage facing Kingston a couple of years ago. Either way, he was going to be smart today and show his hands as an obvious sign that he heard loud and clear what Jericho was warning. The JAS leader cocked his head, but Max felt the pressure leaving his shoulder until finally he saw Jericho hand come down at his side. “Alright then.” 
Automatically, Max’s hand came up to rub at the sore muscle. Again, where was this when he was in the group?
 "So you and Sammy, huh?" Jericho asked, almost uninterested in a way.
"Uh.." Max hesitates for a second before he agrees, "Yeah! Yeah, we're buds now! I just got off the phone with him," at that, he lets a weary laugh. "for the 10th time tonight actually."
Jericho scoffs a bit at that. "I admit, he's a mouthful once you get him going, but...he's a good kid." He lets a small smile pass. " I see a lot of myself in him.. Not afraid to speak his mind, cocky...a bit too trusting once he's on your side.." Max winced a bit at the bite towards the end.
“Well you know Sammy, like you said, he’s a lot sometimes. But he’s been cool.” And honestly, he wasn’t really lying about that. He learned about some new anime, and Piper had a new friend for a bit. So ok, he was getting used to him a bit.
  Jericho, on the other hand, didn’t seem to like the answer. He glared at Max. "I'm not here to sway you to be his friend forever. I know how you operate Max. And I watched you long enough to tell you something about yourself."  At that, his gloved hand grabbed at Max’s scarf, and he started to thread the material between his fingers. 
 "Take the money, the championship, the stupid scarf around your neck and who would you really have left? No one.” Jericho said, thoughtfully, not looking at Max as he still plays with the scarf. “Everyone you had, you either betrayed at some point or they betrayed you. You don't have any support, no friends outside of paying someone a few extra bucks out your paycheck. And no true friends means no true backup."
 And that was a low blow. Max glared at Jericho but all he received back was a sharp smile, and eyes now sparked with a look of satisfaction. "So I’m advising you, Maxwell, to really plan your next steps carefully. Because we're gonna be in his corner no matter what, and anything that's done to him will be given back ten fold."
Still smiling, Jericho pats Max’s shoulder in a ‘good talk’ kind of way, and then leaves, leaving Max by himself in the quiet garage area. 
He shifted to leave, and felt something cold touch his fingers. He looked down and finally saw the AEW championship that was around his waist. 
There was a reason people put it around the waist, or on the shoulder with both hands. He had to get used to feeling like he’s carrying a big fanny pack around his waist, but it made talking with his hands a lot easier. 
 It felt heavier than usual. He felt around the back until he could feel the metal snaps, and slowly unsnapped it. He had friends. He had people that would come from him, like Rush and Preston. Or maybe Tazz. Or…
Or maybe…
He threw the belt onto his shoulder. He jams his hand into his pocket, feeling for the power button on his phone. As expected, he heard the notification and he pulled out to see.
Missed call: Sammy G. 3 min. Ago.
He pushed call as he walked outside. 
“Hey Sammy! Yeah I…I had to do something, so I was away from my phone for a bit. Yeah. Um…are you doing anything right now?”
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rufflesandbows · 1 year
In the Den of Dragons (Part IV)
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Aegon ii Targaryen X Reader
It's your last chance to change your fate. You have a last talk with those around you, knowing if by the next morning you haven't convinced one mind to help you, you will be married off and never see the Red Keep again. You can only hope you've been clever enough through your own flawed desires to keep your freedom. But one should always be careful what they wish for.
Warnings: NSFW 18+ sexual themes, one might say. First time intercourse, p in v, oral, touching, kissing, the patriarchy as a whole. Possessiveness, power imbalance. Word count: 6000
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3)
“What is this rumor that the prince defiled you?!” Your father gawked as soon as you closed the door. There was no holding back your disdain. The look you fixed him with was enough to take him back. The bewilderment in response aggravated you. 
“Defiled now, defiled later. What does it matter as long as you are compensated to the highest bidder?”
All the confusion ended with a sigh and a roll of his eyes. “I know it is not the best fit, but surely he will die soon-”
“Words uttered by his last wife, I am sure!” You snapped, not caring if anyone beyond the four walls heard. “And what if he were to die too soon?! What if I am accused of poisoning, and you are a thousand leagues away from saving me?!” Your father turned away from your wrath, wandering back to his seat and plopping into it. You followed him, hands on your hips as you seethed from above. “Not only am I to be raped by an old man, I am to be hung till death shortly after. Is that the future you designed for me!? What you dreamed about all this time?!”
He held his hands up in a gesture to calm you. “I understand why you’re upset. But Barston has promised a great exchange for your dowry. This will bring us a hefty sum of wealth, and when he passes, it will be inherited to you. You will be the Keeper of the Clay Fort and all it’s wealth. I promise, it’s not so bad a plan as it sounds.”
“From your end! I’d like to see you on your back and open your legs for Barston! See how much the wealth is worth then!” You father put a hand to his chest and gave a choked grimace. With a huff, you jabbed at his chest. “And you’re forgetting it is my son who would be Keeper! Not me! Not you!”
“The Lord is impotent!”
“Then it will go to his brother, his nephew, his cousins! You think no one will contest me and not win!? A young woman with little experience and no surrounding connections? I will be a laughing stock before I am sent to my grave!”
He tried to reach out to you, take your hands in his but you were livid and under all the fire, panicked. You ripped your hands free and crossed your arms over your chest. “But you are a very clever girl, and so very easy to love.” 
You rolled your eyes, heating in your frustration, glaring out the bright sunlit window. “Cleverness will only get me so far. There are some traps set that the only way to escape is to sever a limb.” 
“You’re being dramatic.” You took a step closer, looming above him as an inquisitor before their suspect. 
“Who have you been talking to, to brush me aside so easily?” It agitated him, bristling and finally showing a hint that he might take this seriously. “I have always done what is most beneficial to our house. Even as a girl I wanted to be just as important to you as my brothers.” 
He jumped up, “But you are! A daughter unifies houses-”
“Sons do that too. But sons get to be lords and knights. What is there for me to aspire to?”  
“Married, my darling. You should have been married years ago.” You bit your tongue. “You are getting to the age it may be too late and now there are rumors of your impurity. This is our last chance, do you understand that? You’ve refused all those before-”
“Because there were bigger and better deals to be made! I-”
“You’ve delayed. You did it because you didn’t want to be married.” There was a soft laughter from him as you looked away, pouting in shame. Perhaps there was some truth to that. “I get it. No one want to be told who they will spend the rest of their lives with. That’s just the way of things, and you should know that better than most as you imagine yourself as some great schemer.” 
“Not him. Please.” The tears welled up in your eyes. “Pick any other, but not him.”
For only a moment, he faltered. His eyes dodging from yours. But then he steeled himself and gripped your shoulders tightly. “You will be married at the end of the week. We will inherit a large sum of the Clay Keepers enterprise, and in a years time, you might even thank me.”
A weight dropped in your chest. The tears fell but you wiped them away and stifled the furious fire in your gut. Without a word, you dipped your head and walked for the door. As your hand fell on the handle, you heard him quietly ask, “The prince… did he hurt you?”
It was tempting to just walk out, but there was a rumor that needed to be squashed. Rumors were like cockroaches in that way. “He sees me as a confidant.” Something your father no longer saw you as. “I help him navigate the political climate.”
Giving you a look over, he pressed, his brow knitted with concern. “And that’s all?”
Lifting your chin, you clutched the doorknob. “The prince has wounded me far less than you have today.”
The knit of concern quickly turned to a whiplash of pain. You whipped away a last stray tear and left the guest room. Only to run into Barston a few steps down the hall. He himself headed for your father. There was a different air about him today. Not his usual sour irritable way. He stood tall but hunched above you, a down-tipped smile forming on his face. Victory. He could see the tears still in your eyes and it only brought him joy. 
You would kill him. By poison or slitting his throat in his sleep or burying him in a coffin of his own clay. If this man took you to be his bride, he would pay for it with his life, you swore it.
Barston sauntered up to you, looming beside as he smile down. “Keep giving me that evil eye and I’ll have both removed from your pretty head.”
You didn’t let up the glare, instead fixed him with a long look over. “I would consider that a great kindness, my lord.”
Barston scoffed, a wicked sneer forming on his yellowed and blackened teeth. “Spit venom all you like, willow witch. Enjoy it while you can.”
His rasping chuckle moved past you. Leaving you alone in the hall as you listened for the door of your fathers guest room to open and slam shut. You felt like a rat trapped in rising water, the roof of your enclosure creeping closer and closer. Such desperation kept spurring on dark thoughts. Violent thoughts. You could hope your father would see reason and free you from this bond now that you’ve gotten to talk to him. But you’d been hoping all month something would change. Perhaps you should have been doing more than fleeing to Aegon. You should have been wooing an unmarried lord all this time, your mind too muddled between fear and ecstasy to see it before. One that was not too bright and easily manipulated. As if that would make you any happier. It would be easier to live with than Barston. But not happy. 
“Roots spun thick as webs.”
You startled at the soft voice beside you. She as well startled. Blinking back your welled tears, you gave her a bow. “My lady, forgive me, I didn’t catch what you said.”
Her big eyes looked behind you, to your fathers door where the mens jovial talking could be heard as murmurs. Laughter echoing past. “Was that your husband?”
You had a week. But a lot could happen in a week. Bitterly you stood firm. “Maybe. We shall see.” 
She nodded, “I was having lunch with mother. She says it is a great shame to be in such a poor match.”
You hadn’t expected the Queen to still be thinking of your predicament. She certainly made no indication. “She… wouldn’t by chance be interested in helping me?”
Helaena shyly bowed her head, “Um, she said it wouldn’t be wise to interfere.”
You conceded. It would have been quite the reach. “That is true. It would upset many if she interfered in the marital affairs of other lords.” 
“Perhaps he will leave you be once the wedding is over.” She had said it so hopefully, and you couldn’t help but feel it was a shame her and Aegon had been married. The two had no interest in the other, and you doubted she would even if he’d been faithful to her. They were two very different people with very different needs. They saw one another as siblings before husband and wife. It really was a shock the Faith allowed the old Valyrian tradition to go on. 
“One can only be so lucky.” You mused. The way she smiled softly at you, it made you appreciate how she always allowed you to speak freely. That Helaena enjoyed you talking about your home and was so genuinely entertained by your anecdotes despite not even being a lady-in-waiting. You wondered if she’d really even be disappointed in your affair with Aegon. If maybe she had her own kept secret. 
“I will miss serving under you, my lady.” She gave you a curious look. “You are very kind and humble for one born of such a high station. It was truly a privilege.”
Your compliments flustered her as much as they made her smile, anxiously playing with a strand of her long hair. “You don’t have to say that.”
“I mean it.” You assured her. “I’m going to miss you, Helaena.”
Your affirmation only warmed her more before a harrowed look came to her eyes. “If there was something I could do-”
You shook your head. You hadn’t meant to burden her with that sort of weight. “I’ll figure something out. Don’t you worry about me.” To distract her, you glanced down the direction she was facing. “Would you like me to escort you?” 
She thought a moment before nodding. It took a little while before she revealed where she was going, to the gardens, where a few ladies were already waiting for her. Seeing Helaena off, wishing you could forgo all these chores and make flower crowns and find bugs with the princess, you continued on with your day as any other. No one else mentioned the development, seeing it all too plainly on your face. 
Maybe you could make something out of it. You were hardly the first woman to be married off to old and wicked men for wealth. The first to taste bitter bile in her throat when touched by their husbands. In a year you’d made a home in Kings Landing. You could make one in the Clay Fort. Talk to those around him. Make friends with his enemies. It would be a slow process, but he was old. Surrounded by a youthful council ready to take his place. Those brothers and nephews and cousins. 
The constant thinking of the day left you exhausted by nightfall. You dropped onto your bed with a long sigh, rubbing at your burning eyes. Tomorrow morning, you’d have your fathers answer. If you were to be given a second chance or be forced to make due. 
“Um, sorry to bother you.” Lydia loomed over you, “Aegon has requested wine.”
You grumbled, making her chuckle. She went by her bed and began to dress down to her plain white chemise. “It’s a shame you can’t stick around. Aegon’s really calmed down since you two became such close friends. Who knew, all he needed was someone to talk to.”
“Yes. I do wonder what might happen once I’m gone. If he’ll go back to his old ways.” You were only his plaything. A favored one to be sure, but you made sure not to give yourself any delusions through all this. No doubt as soon as you left he’d be right back in the brothels, looking for another. A small sting nestled in your chest. Lydia gave a shrug, half muttering to herself. "I'm sure someone else might be around to talk to him."
The sting inflamed as you glared at her back. Wild thoughts nipped at you, feeling like your efforts of bonding with Aegon would go to waste now. That you deserved some reward for giving him your attention. That he was yours, not someone else's. Then you rolled your eyes at yourself, ignored her and headed for the kitchens. 
When you entered his room, Aegon rushed from his balcony, making strides across the room. You set the cup down and began pouring. Aegon came up to you but stopped a few feet away, not saying anything. He was standing awkwardly with his hands behind his back and having a stiff time meeting your eyes. You raised a brow to him as you poured a second cup. “Is something wrong?”
“I uh… got you something.”
You stopped pouring, surprised. He pulled around his hand, a slim golden chain dangling from his fingers. At the bottom hung a small and simple gold pendant of a bird in fight. It reminded you of the little wrens of your home, though it wasn’t as plump as one. The many round little brown birds chittering their sweet songs in the boughs of the willows. You often talked of them when you talked of home. He must have noticed. You smiled warmly as you took it and brought it closer, admiring his gift. 
“I remember you saying not to get you anything too expensive looking because someone might claim you stole it.” 
Feeling a warmth flooding your veins, you smiled at him. “This is very sweet, Aegon. Thank you.”
He reached out and took it, offering to put it on you. With a soft giggle, you turned around, your hair already done up in the coif. Patiently holding still as he draped the necklace before you and locked it behind. It was the perfect length to hide just under the collar of your uniform, and the chain thin enough to be easy to miss. You toyed with the bird between your fingers. Arms came around you then, holding you, easing away all your stress as Aegon rested against you, his chin on your shoulder. “I heard the talk with your father didn’t go well.”
You sighed, clutching onto him. “It’s hard to say. I can only hope my words sink in. I really wish he hadn’t delayed. I have half a mind to think he did on purpose so I couldn’t talk him out of it.” You shook your head, admitting bitterly, “I hate all those people out there who get to choose.”
“Marriage isn’t about love or happiness. It’s about serving your duty to the Realm and to the Gods.” His arms held you tighter, his hand gently caressing your arm, forming a barrier between you and the harsh world beyond his embrace. “That’s how I heard it anyway.”
It made you think of Helaena. Wondering if she heard the same thing. If that was what they reminded each other when forced to bed. From what you heard, Helaena didn’t protest as Aegon had. Helaena followed the wishes of her elders without a word of disagreement. And here you were spending the entire day thinking of all the “accidents” Barston might have in the future. Aegon should be grateful to be married off to Helaena and not someone like you, who had a mind in seeing enemies in every shadow.
“Do you know any noble lords in need of a deal?” Aegon suddenly went very rigid. He began pulling from you but you insisted. “Do you know of anyone who might make a bid for my dowry?”
When you turned to look at him, there was such a darkness in his gaze. His jaw was set and he spoke firmly. “No. I don’t know anyone like that.”
Trying to ease him, you stepped forward, placing your hands on his waist, but he didn’t hold you back, instead glaring behind you. What difference did it really make? You were to be married to Barston if not a different lord. “Aegon, please. If there is any other option, I don’t have much time. A recommendation from royalty would entice those wanting a good relationship with the crown.” 
You didn’t like the way he had gone cold. The way he wouldn’t even look at you now when you'd been surviving off his generous attention all this time. “It can’t be him.” You pleaded, as if he had any power to change what was happening. Some of Aegon’s anger ebbed, falling into shame as he realized that too. Your hands caressed up his sides, pulling him a little closer to you as you whispered, “If I had my way, it would be you. I would choose you.” 
He hesitated a moment, the ice shedding away when he reached up and touched the gift he’d gotten you. With a sigh he caved entirely and cupped your neck, trailing his thumb along your jaw. You keened into his touch, the heat infecting your eyes. The words slipped from you in a hush, slipping past all sense. “I want you, Aegon. Please, I want it to be you.”
When it dawned on him what you were asking, his eyes went wide. “Are you saying that-”
“Yes, yes I want you to take me.” You pulled up flush against him, hands craving more of his heat. A striking heat aching low in your core, readying. The tears welled higher, desperation guiding you. “I can’t have my first time be with him. I want it to be you. It has to be you.” 
His eyes danced between yours, taking in how serious you were, brushing away a tear that had fallen. Aegon swallowed thickly, nodding. In a fluid instant your breath and all other sound around you stopped. He pressed a kiss, soft as silk to your lips. The gentle heat on your face lifted the heavy weight off your chest, filling it with the sensation of fluttering. 
He parted your lips and tasted you with a hum, wrapping around your waist and shoulders, pressing you flush against him. So often now you associated his embrace with safety. All the energy of the day twisted into relief, into a pure wet heat. One of your hands drug up his back and tangled in his hair, tightly to give a small tug in the way you knew he liked. A moan rumbled in his chest and sent a thrill through yours.
Aegon broke the kiss to pepper more across your jaw, bury his face in the crook of your neck were he lavished lazy wet kisses, each giving your spine a tight jolt.
Hands slid down your body. A hot sigh left you as he gripped you tight, grinding your hips against his. A shudder went through you, his hands sprawled on your back until they found the ties of your dress and began to undo them with ease. He took a step back and you followed the lead forward, pleaded against his mouth, “Oh Aegon, I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to leave you.”
“Don’t worry about that now.” He pulled open your top gown, slipping it over your shoulders and it dropped to the ground. You stepped out, melting against him as you took his lips again, savoring the slick feel of running your tongue against his, the jolt of pleasure that jumped up your spine, your skin alight with the soft lick of heat. As he gripped the thin chemise, he murmured, “I’ll make you happy again.”
The last dress was raised over head and dropped to the floor, and Aegon dropped back onto the bed. Before, he’d only ever gotten to see glimpses and parts of you at a time. Your liaisons together were always rushed affairs, always on the cusp of getting caught and needing to return to your duties before anyone caught wise. For the first time he got to see you in your full form. His lips parted in awe, running his hands up your body, and down your chest, his fingertips tickling your stomach before moving out and rounding your hips. With a sigh, he rested his head against your front, pulling you closer enough your knees tapped against his length already beginning to firm, the brush of his breath ghosting down your legs. 
You combed your fingers through his hair, closing your eyes as his hands ran back up your sides, peppering wet kisses and licking down your front. His mouth wandered lower and lower, the tight heat making your hips shift to relieve the pressure, making you wait impatiently until you felt that first hot slick lick.
With a whimper, your fingers tightened and you pressed him snug between your thighs. Aegon was quick to relax, burying himself deeper to better latch onto you, his tongue working up a thirsty rhythm you began following, chasing the pleasure that lifted you high out of your own head. Normally you cared very deeply how loud you allowed either of you to be, but the cries and whines that dripped from your lips were unrestrained. Aegon seemed to catch on to your free voice, moaning in an echo of your voice, palming himself with one hand while the other gripped you, kept you tight against his feasting.
It burned you with delight seeing him so aroused, so determined to have you. Lifting a foot onto the mattress, you opened up for him, everything in you hot with tension, craving more and more as if you'd never be satisfied. On the cusp of the overwhelming flood threatening to consume you, Aegon broke away a moment, giving noisy quick breathes and you caught him, cupped his face in both your hands and crashed your mouth to his. Tasting the mix of you and him, savoring his many little noises.
His hands, trembling as they were, ran down your thighs and gripped them, pulling you onto his lap, your legs instinctively clutching his waist. With hunger you rolled your hips on his, your body knowing before you how to get what you wanted, Aegon whimpering between your suffocating kisses as you pushed him back.
His skin, even through his clothes was burning hot, making you start to sweat as you wrapped your body all around him, a tug on your spine urging you to take more. Finding the rim of his loose shirt, the moment your palms felt bare hot flesh they roamed hungrily. Feeling the expanse of his chest, mapping him out and dearly wanting to follow your touch with your lips. 
In your exploration, you led the shirt up over his head, leaving his bare chest to press against yours and it felt so right. The way two pieces of a puzzle fit together. You felt his hips move against yours, felt his cock, freed and slick smooth between your soaked thighs, felt it jump eagerly. You were eager to finally know, to get the proper consummation you'd been craving all this time.
You parted just to look at him. Take in his flushed face, his glistening lips, curling white hair framing him as a halo, a beauty in his own right, the only movement you made was parting your legs wider and grounding yourself down. The sharp take of his gasp as you felt the dull head of his tip press at your hot entry, it didn’t ease your desire but enhanced it.
You leaned over him, “Aegon, help me with the next part.”
Surprisingly, a chuckle came from him. “You sure you’re ready for that?”
You nodded. “I’m ready.” You ran your hand down his chest, low down his front. “I’ve thought of taking you in me for awhile now.”
It dazed him, One hand bringing you back to his lips when the other dived between you. You moaned as his fingers ran along your open seam. Your hips followed his fingers as he touched you, finding the small peak and spinning circles until you began to whine and whimper above him. Until your were soaking his fingers. He pressed two fingers inside you with ease. And as he slipped out, he gripped and lined himself properly.  
Testingly, a little too eager for your own good, you sank down. Your entire body flinched, stopping as the stretch surprisingly burned. You whimpered a few times having gone rigid, Aegon brushed your body as he soothed you despite his quick breaths and his eyes trained low, “Don’t rush it. Take your time.”
Call it stubbornness, but you didn't want to. Despite the bit of pain, there was something about the whole thing, the stretch, the heat, the thought that it was him slipping inside, it made you determined to take him entirely. You sank down in small rocking, a little in and a little out, going deeper every round. Until he was deep enough your lungs spasmed, panting gasps ripping from you. You sat down that little bit of way, finally feeling his skin under you. You sat there, catching your breath and savoring the way he filled you. Letting the muscles get comfortable. 
Aegon rolled his hips and the motion drug against something damn good, sparking a new pleasure you’d never experienced before. You felt it low and up your front, jumping up your spine and swimming in your head. It was such a shock you clutched and gave a small cry. 
“No, it felt good.” You said, emphasizing your words with a roll of your own hips, mimicking his action. Again it was such a strange pleasure, the heat numbing the pain. You started rocking harder, taking him deep. Dropping a hand onto the mattress, just above his shoulder just to stabilize yourself, you chased the waves of pleasure that came with every hit, chasing them faster and faster. 
“That’s it.” He praised, “No so bad, is it?”
You couldn’t think clear enough to talk, merely looked at him through misty lashes. Aegon moaned, running a thumb down your lips and chin. His words were choked, but he got them out in bursts, “I’ve wanted- to see you like this- for so long.” His eyes nearly rolled back, his brow knit as you only rode him faster and harder. “We could have been doing this all year, if you’d just let me.”
There was a clutch deep inside you. It was warped. It was wrong to remember that time and forget that you’d been afraid when he tried to force himself on you. That even if you had given in, even if you had liked it, you would have been stressed endlessly for your reputation. As pleasure pulsed in time with your thrusts, flitting away the memory, numb to reality. That’s why you were here, wasn’t it? Why you’d began seeing him? “Mm, Aegon-”
Aegon sat up on his elbow, the other hand on your hind, feeling your desperate thrusts. As he spoke, his voice, breathing heavy next to your ear, he spoke as a siren, “You like that thought? You want more of this?”
You nodded desperately, rocking your hips harder and faster to show how much you wanted more, chasing the glow building up inside, starting from low in your core and climbing up. Liquid heat burning through your system, making you shudder, a string of cries spilling from your lips.
Suddenly the world spun and your back was pressed into the mattress, Aegon above you as he gave a dragging reach, snapping his hips against you, smacking deep inside, making you arch your back to accommodate him. A great tightening suddenly took over. You placed your hands on his chest as you were mercilessly pounded into, feeling like you were taking him completely, pushing your mind higher in the clouds, your body as bright and hot as sunlight.
Aegon rode you through your climax, continuing to hit that place that had you rolling your eyes back, gasping for air. You felt him lean closer to you and you relaxed your arms, wrapping them around him instead as he laid himself on top of you, kissing you, filling you. His strides became long and savoringly slow, messaging the walls inside. You could have an entire session this way. Dragging it out, spending a long time just feeling him all around you, in you.
With a shudder Aegon pulled himself back, your chest in his face as gripped himself, whimpering against your breast as he reached his own climax, bucking over you and you were almost disappointed he'd not finished in you, as you finished on him. 
You let out a long breath, letting him drop down and you soon following, relaxing beneath him, trailing your nails down his back. There was a dull ache between your legs, but you figured that would fade.
Your mind still buzzing with the remnants of ecstasy, and something more as you held him in your arms and he brushed down your side. You began to worry you might fall asleep and mumbled lazily, “I should probably get dressed-”
“Stay.” He said. Aegon lifted enough to look you in the eye. He was uncharacteristically serious. “Just for a little while. Until I fall asleep.”
You nodded and settled up on the pillows. Curling up into his arms as he laid the blankets over the both of you. You hadn’t anticipated how tired you’d be from all the activities.  
By the time you cracked open your eyes, the sun was coming through the windows. You jolted up in the bed, only to find you were the only one in it. Since when was Aegon awake before you? You looked around the room, tilting enough to see around the divider and the tub. “Aegon?”
He didn’t appear to be in the room at all. Unsure what to do and in a full blown panic, you found your clothes on the ground and rushed putting them back on. You straightened out the wrinkles, tried your best to tidy up your hair, and before you were thinking of leaving, the door swung open, startling you before you sighed in relief.
“There you are. Where did you go-” Aegon briskly crossed the room, wrapped you up in his arms and kissed you, long and brimming with excitement. The door wide open. 
When he parted, he was all smiles. “I had a little talk with your father and Lord Barston. You’re not going anywhere.” 
An ice cold dread fell all around you. “What- what did you say? Aegon, what did you do?”
“I told them I’ve taken you as my mistress.” You firmly pulled his hands from you and backed up, stared at him with horrified eyes. He returned them with bewilderment. “What?”
“Do you remember all those little talks of my reputation? That it was important to me?” 
Aegon scoffed, taking your chin between his fingers, looming before you. “Be honest, would you really rather go to some marshland, getting mounting but an old ugly lord in a cold ugly old fort, or stay here with me?”
“I-I’m going to be seen as a whore for the rest of my life!” Aegon rolled his eyes, dropping his hand and dropping on his bed. Clearly he’d only gotten up early to ruin any foreseeable future of yours. How could he be so flippant? “Don’t you understand what you’ve done?”
“I’ll make you happy. You have nothing to worry about.” He said, kicking off his shoes and flopping up higher on the bed, closing his eyes. “Breakfast will be here shortly. Afterwards we’ll take a trip into the city. I want to buy you a dress befitting the mistress of a prince.”
But for how long would that last? What should happen to you when he gets bored? And Aegon grows bored so very easily. Frenzied horror was shaking through you. “My father, what did he say?”
“He just nodded and said whatever I wished.”
You nervously scratched at your scalp, brushing it back and breaking in a cold sweat thinking of what your father and lord Barston must think of you. What they might tell everyone. What everyone might tell everyone. You sighed, feeling as if you might throw up at any moment. 
Someone walked in but it wasn’t the maids with breakfast. It was Alicent. There was a furiousness to her step and for a moment in the way she looked at you. But the drained fear on your face was evidently painting a clearer picture for her. Your voice distant and dazed, you announced very blandly, “Your mother is here.”
Alicent looked to him. Aegon gave a tired sigh, sitting up in bed to give her his attention. No one said a thing, merely looking between on another. You were feeling cold, couldn’t feel your fingertips anymore even as they cupped your burning face, now your steps clumsy as you moved toward the small table. 
“Do one of you care to explain yourselves?” She asked.
Aegon shrugged, “She said she didn’t want to leave.”
Your ears were ringing, the nausea welling up your throat. You grabbed the untouched wine cup from last night. Drinking it down then dropping into a chair. You couldn’t see Alicent look at you, but you could feel it. “Is this true?”
“I…” Well, yes in the most technical way. However you didn’t ask for your entire life to be ruined without even talking to you about it. Everytime you thought how you needed to say something clever, something to get you out of this, no words came to you. “I don’t know what to say.”
Staring into the floor, you could hear the mattress shift, and soon Aegon came into view, dropping to his knees before you. His face was heavenly and innocent as he looked up to you, resting his hands on your waist. “Hey, everything is going to be alright. I promised I’d make you happy and I will. You’ll see.”
What came out was the only sentence playing in your head over and over. “Everyone is going to call me a whore.”
Still with that look of summer sweetness, “If anyone does, I’ll have their tongue cut out.” He thought that would be a helpful thing and not make people hate you and him more. You rested a hand on his shoulder, meaning to explain that but words simply wouldn’t form on your tongue anymore. So you just patted him.
“Aegon, why don’t you get some rest?” Aegon looked up to his mother who moved in closer. She rested a hand on your back, though you wondered what she really wished to do to you. “She and I will have a talk about your arrangement.”
You reached over and grabbed the other untouched cup, drinking that down as well, hoping it would prevent you from fainting. As you went to stand, Aegon’s grip suddenly hardened to stone, locking you down into the seat. His jaw was tense, his glare furious on his mother. “She’s not going anywhere.”
Both you and her took back. You looked up at Alicent as she tried to challenge him, “Aegon, there isn’t-”
He jumped to a stand, looming over you as he seethed, at the Queen. “I’ve made my decision. She stays.”
You looked between them, wondering if this was just some terrible nightmare, hoping and praying to the Gods it was. Alicent looked down at you, as bewildered as you were shocked. 
“We will talk about this.” She quietly assured, leaving you in the room alone with him. 
A touch came to your cheek and you flinched, coming face to face with Aegon as he lowered himself before you again. “Relax. The marriage is a thing of the past and my mother won’t do anything to you.”
He leaned in and kissed you, but you were far too stunned to kiss back. Still when he pulled back, he smiled, satisfied as he turned back to his bed and dropped on it. Shortly after the maids came with trays, one of them Lydia. You recognized the stunned mortification in her, as you knew it in yourself. They cleaned up and reset the table. Before she turned to leave, she reached out and rested her hand on your wrist. You desperately turned your hand and held hers, silently trying to assure both of you things would be alright.
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Hey hope you guys enjoyed the run so far! I was thinking of ending things here, felt like it sort of rounded itself out with the final deed done. Let me know what you think! If you enjoyed it or would like to see more!
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