#and then when it all gets set up right i knock it over because holy HELL i cant be having people going around thinking dr phil doesnt suck
timeisacephalopod · 1 year
Every once and awhile I like to burst my mom's bubble on something and right now I'm in the process of bursting her bubble on Dr Phil, Dr oz, and Oprah and thankfully these people documentedly suck so hard it's not actually difficult for me to pull up details I remember that if looked up absolutely can be corroborated.
Anyway it's kind of a fun hobby of mine, mostly because I already burst my own bubble on these people (except Dr oz I never liked that asshole I HATED how much he constantly talked about dieting and weight loss, my LEAST favorite topic even now tbh) and it's taken me like 3 years of hint dropping to get here ok. It's been a long time coming 😂😂😭
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falling-endlessly · 8 months
Boomerang (part 2)
Vox x Female!Ex!Overlord!Reader
Summary: After being faced with a dilemma, Vox tries a new approach to get you back. All hell breaks loose.
<—Part 1 Chapter Index Part 3—>
"You're shitting me right now," Velvette's eye twitched as she stared at the snoring TV demon sprawled across your bed. "For fuck's sake, what am I? A babysitter?"
"At least he's knocked out," you crossed your arms, raising a brow. "You won't have to listen him try and tell you that he lost his hat, only to realize it was on his head the whole time, and then start crying because he forgot he owned such a cool hat."
Velvette smacked her forehead audibly, dragging the hand down her face. "Jesus Christ," she hissed under her breath, before glaring at you in irritation. "You know, none of this would have happened if you hadn't left, right?"
"Vel," you said tiredly, rubbing your temples.
"Do you know how fucking annoying it is to hear him bitch all goddamn day about you?" She growled, waving her hands around aggressively. "I'm this close," she held her fingers a millimeter apart. "To pouring water all over his monitors. This. Close."
"And then there's Valentino, who's also in a fucking mood. You know what? Forget about the water. I'm going to shoot both of them in the—"
"Velvette!" You raised your voice, making her grit her teeth. "I'm not coming back. He made his choice," you glanced at the demon in question, currently drooling all over your pillow. "It's not my problem anymore."
"Is that what you think?" She snapped, crossing her arms. "That you can just, what, leave your shit in a mess and walk out? Sorry to burst your bubble bitch, but you aren't fucking Cinderella. Things aren't just going to magically work out if you hide from them."
"I'm not hiding—"
"Bullshit!" She growled.
Your jaw set tightly as you both stood in a tense silence, glaring at each other.
After a few seconds, you sighed, shaking your head. "He already knows what he has to do if he wants to fix this," you said firmly. "I'm not going to change my mind."
Velvette pressed her lips together, before letting out an irritated breath. "Always fucking cleaning up everyone else's messes," she muttered angrily under her breath as she roughly hoisted Vox's limp body over her shoulder. "I'm going to kill him. Pathetic piece of shit—keep up a good image my ass."
She was almost out of the window when you called out, "Vel."
Velvette turned to give you an annoyed what now look over her shoulder, scowling impatiently.
"Thanks," you said sincerely.
She didn't answer you, instead turning and vaulting herself out of the window, disappearing from sight.
Vox woke up feeling like his screen was being forcibly bent in half. "What the ungodly fuck?" he whimpered, grabbing fistfuls of his sweaty bed sheets as he tried to control his breathing.
His stomach roiled ominously, making him gag. "Nope, nope. Not here," he stumbled out of bed, staggering to his attached bathroom like a desperate zombie and nearly running face first into the wall.
Vox dropped to his knees, flipping open the toilet lid and shooting out an unholy amount of chunks.
"What the—ugh, holy shit!" Velvette coughed from the doorway, shielding her face. "God, that smells worse than that skit when Angel got shat on."
Fuck you, he wanted to say. What the fuck are you doing in my bathroom?
But instead what came out was: "FUghhhuckk!"
Velvette watched him, unimpressed and disgusted. "You're an idiot."
"Not. Helping." Vox growled miserably, screen flickering as he gripped the edges of the toilet bowl.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Velvette jeered unsympathetically. "Who dragged your pathetic drunk ass back here last night? Oh, that's right!" She snapped her fingers in a mock eureka! moment. "I did. How about a little gratitude?"
Vox lifted a weak, trembling hand and flipped her off.
Velvette rolled her eyes. "Ungrateful bitch," she muttered under her breath.
Vox heaved loudly into the toilet, making her cringe. Gross. She grabbed the hand towel off of the rack, before throwing it at his head. It landed on the top of his monitor, hanging off the corner, before he grabbed it and sluggishly wiped his mouth. "I th-think I'm sh-short circuiting," he groaned, gripping his head in pain.
"You'll be fine," Velvette closed her eyes in frustration, but internally her thoughts took a different turn. She hadn't seen Vox this fucked up in ages. Val maybe. But not Vox. He cared way too much about his public image. This erratic behavior was very, very unlike him, and it was starting to become...concerning.
"What happened?" Vox coughed, leaning his monitor weakly against his forearms. The last thing he remembered was the fight with Val, and then—a garden...? The hell?
"Well, apparently, your dumbass thought it was a good idea to pay Y/n a visit—" Vox froze at the sound of your name "—to personally deliver her flowers at three in the morning. Then you cried about your stupid hat, passed out in her room, and she called me to pick you up like an incompetent child. The end."
By the end of her rant, Vox's expression looked even more pained, if that was even possible. "Shitttt," he moaned, curling in on himself. "Fuck. Shit. Fuck."
He looked so pathetic and distraught that Velvette almost felt bad for him. Almost.
For a long moment, the only sounds in the room were Vox's labored breaths and Velvette's judgmental stare. The silence was starting to border on stifling when Vox finally broke it.
"Did she like it?" He asked quietly.
"What?" Velvette scowled, crossing her arms.
"The roses," he continued, making her raise a brow. So he did remember buying the flowers then, she never told him what kind they were. "Did she like them?"
She was about to dismiss it when a sudden memory struck her, making her pause. "She kept them. In a vase on her night stand."
Vox slowly lifted his head, a warmth (not bile this time) blooming in his chest. You kept them. Even though he'd made a fool out of himself and probably ruined your night. And you didn't kick him out, either.
You still care, he realized, with a fragile, growing hope.
And that meant—he had a chance. Not baseless hope this time, an actual, legitimate chance to win you back. A slow, goofy grin started to climb his face.
"What—what the fuck? What's with the idiotic look on your face?" Velvette cringed away, disturbed. Then realization hit her as her eyes rolled skyward. "You're going to do something incredibly stupid, aren't you?"
"Maybe," he grinned, before another bout of nausea hit him, making him retch violently into the bowl.
"Idiot," Velvette reiterated.
"Oh, hell no," you heard Vaggie say, making you glance up. The moth demon looked incredibly hostile, spear pointed at whoever was at the door.
Concerned, you lifted from the lounge chair you were seated in, taking a few steps towards them, only for a firm hand to land on your shoulder.
"Toots," Angel Dust laughed nervously, moving to block the scene with his body. "Maybe you should let the others sort this one out, yeah?"
"Angel, I know I don't look like much, but I'm an overlord," you raised a brow, peeling his hand off of your shoulder with ease. "I can probably help."
"Shit! Wait, you're not going to like this," Angel groaned under his breath, but it was too late. You'd already seen him.
Vox caught your eye, a charming smile quirking his mouth. "Hey, doll."
Your fists curled by your sides, eyes flashing dangerously as you started to dematerialize, glowing green code dancing along your skin. You glitched out, growing substantially in stature as your mouth distended horrifically.
"Ohhh shit," Angel cursed, taking cover behind the bar counter.
"What's wrong?" Charlie's confused voice came from the stairwell, only to gasp at your demonic form, glitching horribly as your voice raged like gravelly static. It almost sounded like there was another, deeper voice speaking in tandem with yours.
"Woah!" She bolted to the scene, catching sight of a pale Vox, shocked Vaggie, and gaping Niffty. Husk, Pentious and Angel had done the smart thing and taken cover behind the bar.
"Y/n," she smiled placatingly, raising her hands in a show of non-aggression. "What's going on?"
"Gonna kill him," you spat, making everyone wince. "Can't have one goddamn moment to myself without this fucker appearing like a fucking genital wart—"
 "Hey," Vox laughed nervously. "I'm not here for any of that, I promise. Just—sweetheart—could you maybe not hover over me like that—"
"O-kay Y/n," Charlie stepped between the two of you. "Maybe just calm down, take a few deep breaths, and let's hear him out."
"Charlie, he blew up the hotel two days ago," Vaggie hissed through gritted teeth.
"Yeah, well, so did Pentious," Charlie raised a brow, wincing at said demon's faint protest.
"Pentious blew a hole in the wall," Vaggie argued. "This guy blew up half of the building!"
"Charlie!" Angel yelled, voice strained. "Do something before we all die!"
"Alastor's going to kill him," Niffty said cheerfully.
"I'll kill him first."
"Guys—" Charlie pleaded.
"I'm here for redemption!" Vox's voice cut through the air, making everyone freeze. It even shocked you out of your demonic form, the glowing code disappearing as you shrunk to normal proportions.
"You what?" you snapped.
"I want to...make things right," he glanced at you, making you grit your teeth and turn away. "I'm not here to cause trouble I swear—"
The door slammed in his face, cutting him off.
"Charlie," Alastor grinned, finally pulled from wherever the hell he'd fucked off to in his free time. "Tell me you're not thinking of letting this mongrel stay, are you?"
"What is this?" Vaggie hissed, dropping her head in her hands. "Overlord central?"
Charlie looked down, pursing her lips. "Well, it would be wrong of us to refuse anyone. It is open to everyone, after all."
"Think of Y/n!" Alastor said desperately, smile twitching as he clasped his hands on your shoulders, holding you out like some sort of charity case. You gave him an unimpressed look. "It's obvious he's only here to harass her!"
"And what were you here for again?" Charlie raised a brow. "To see demons trip and tumble down into the fiery pit of failure," she deepened her voice to imitate his, making him let out a screech of radio feedback.
"Look, I appreciate the concern, but I can take care of myself," you said, disgruntled as you shrugged off Alastor's uncomfortably tightening grip. "Charlie, do what you want. But I can't promise I won't kill him."
You were starting to accept the fact that there was nowhere in hell you could possibly go to escape your ex if he didn't wish it. That didn’t mean you wouldn’t put up a fight, though.
"Oh fuck," Angel dragged a hand down in face. He already knew what Charlie was going to decide. "Shoulda fuckin' stayed over with Cherri."
Charlie took a deep breath, and despite everyone's silent pleas, reached for the door handle and twisted it open. Vox perked up, turning towards her attentively.
"Welcome to Hazbin Hotel!" She attempted an awkward, welcoming smile.
<—Part 1 Chapter Index Part 3—>
Taglist: @pooplyface1423 @spookysisters @that-one-weeb-buts-its-the-main @neito327 @hxzbinwrites @coleisyn @bababahannah
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hoshifighting · 8 days
Could you do svt’s reaction on forgetting their anniversary with the reader?
seungcheol’d been so wrapped up in schedules, meetings, and everything else on his plate that the date completely slipped his mind. the moment it sinks in, his stomach drops. he’s sitting at home, scrolling through his phone when he sees the reminder forgotten on his past notifications—anniversary dinner tonight. “shit, shit, shit.” he stands up abruptly, knocking his chair over as he scrambles to grab his keys. you’d been waiting, and the thought of you sitting there alone eats him alive. when he finally sees you, there’s no smile, just regret. “baby, i’m so fucking sorry.” his voice cracks. seungcheol is a person for whom responsibility is a priority. and the feeling that he failed a commitment and with you. makes him want to cry. “i don’t know what happened, but i swear i’ll make it up to you.”
jeonghan? oh, he knew it was coming. he just thought he had more time. his confidence gets the best of him. but when you bring it up, the look on your face says everything. and it’s like his brain short-circuits. “oh, t-the date,” he mutters under his breath, realizing that he’s been too laid-back about it. he tries to play it off, but the second he sees how hurt you are, he internally crumbles. “i really fucked up, didnt I baby?” he’d spend the rest of the day trying to fix it, probably spoiling you with something over-the-top, even though you’re still a little pissed.
joshua forgot because he was so caught up in helping his family with something important. when he checks the time and realizes what day it is, he freezes. “no, no, no.” he whispers to himself, heart sinking. his first instinct is to call you, but when you pick up, your tone is cold. “josh, where are you?” your voice is sharp, and he can’t even find the words to apologize. “i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean to. i—” he stumbles over his words, feeling like the worst boyfriend in the world. “i’ll make it right, i swear. please, just... let me make it right. im heading to the restaurant baby, just a sec, please”
junhui’s mind was on a completely different planet—he’d been immersed in practicing something new for you, wanting to surprise you, that he completely blanked on the actual anniversary. when it hits him, he laughs out of sheer disbelief at himself. “holy shit, i’m a dumbass.” he’s halfway through a text to you before deleting it, knowing a message wouldn’t be enough. he’s at your door within minutes, out of breath and a little frantic. “i know i’m late. i’m so fucking sorry. i... i was planning something for us, but i screwed up. can we start over?”
soonyoung’s the type to get so wrapped up in everything else that he loses track of days entirely. when it sinks in, it’s mid-dance practice, and he stops dead in his tracks. the date flashing in his brain like a neon sign. “no way,” he mutters, practically throwing his phone down as he rushes to text you. “please tell me you’re still there. please, please.” the guilt settles in hard when he realizes you’d probably already left. he wants to apologize in person, but he’s afraid of what he’ll see in your eyes. “i’ll do anything to fix this. just... just don’t hate me.”
wonwoo’s lost track of time probably because of a gaming session that went on way too long. he’s always been a little absent-minded, and this time it cost him. he doesn’t realize it until late at night when he’s scrolling through his phone, and your messages pop-up nonstop. he freezes, eyes glued to the screen. “fuck, my babe.” he knows it’s bad. wonwoo’s never been good with words, so when he tries to apologize, it’s a little awkward, but sincere. “i really didn’t mean to forget… i’ve just been all over the place.” he’ll make it up to you in quiet, meaningful ways—extra touches, thoughtful gestures.
woozi was in the studio, headphones on, lost in the music, lost in a project, an album, something like this. when the reminder popped up on his phone—the one he had set just because he knew he must NOT forget, he stared at it in disbelief. “no. fucking. way.” he pulls off the headphones, heart racing, standing up from his chair. he didn’t forget on purpose, but he knows that’s not going to make you feel better. he is already imagining how disappointed you’ll be. he hates that he’s made you cry without even being there to see it. without thinking, he grabs his things and rushes out, dialing your number.
minghao is probably halfway through some deep meditation or art project when he finally thinks of it. the date pops into his mind, and he freezes, the calm shattered in an instant. thrown off balance his usual balance. he hates that he let this happen, especially when he’s always so in tune with your emotions and your relationship. minghao will come to you with all sincerity, not trying to make excuses, just wanting to fix it. “i didn’t mean to forget… you know that right? you know how much I love you.” after the restaurant's booking was fucked up, he brings u to another expensive restaurant, trying to cheer you up with a sad smile.
mingyu’s the type to feel absolutely awful about it. he’s so used to being thoughtful and over-the-top with his affection, so when he forgets the anniversary, it feels like the ultimate failure to him. “oh my god, no way,” he groans, running his hands through his hair. he’d feel guilty as hell, probably already planning some over-the-top way to make it up to you before you even bring it up. he rushes to call you, but it goes straight to voicemail. “baby, please call me back. i’ll make this right, i swear.” the thought of you waiting for him with disappointment in your eyes kills him.
seokmin probably gets caught up in meetings, back-to-back phone calls, just grinding through work like he always does. the moment he sees the date on his calendar on the table, marked with a red heart, it hits him like a fucking truck. he’s frustrated with himself, pacing around the room, trying to figure out how to make it up to you. he doesn’t waste time; the guilt’s already settling in. you mean too much to him to leave it like this, so he’s quick to call you “baby im on my way home, wait for me—shit know i've made you wait a lot already, but just give me some minutes, in on the central bridge”
seungkwan was busy with work, thinking about a million other things when he realizes he forgot your anniversary. for a second, he just stands there, processing. “i’m the worst,” he mutters to himself, panic quickly setting in. he dials your number, but when you don’t pick up, the guilt is agonizing. he would probably appear on your door with everything he can, chocolate, plushies, bouquets of flowers, but all of it, with his teary eyes in the middle.
vernon is the type to lose track of time when he’s deep into something. so when he realizes the date, his heart sinks. its already night when he notices that he had sent you “good morning” and not even mentioning the anniversary. he feels bad, but he doesn’t know how to handle it right away. “let’s do something special today, okay?” he promises as he leaves the subway station.
chan feels like absolute shit the moment he realizes. he’s been so caught up in trying to prove himself, so focused on rehearsals, working hard, pushing himself, that he lost track of what day it is. “fuck, i can’t believe i forgot,” he mutters under his breath, hands clenched into fists. he hates that he let you down, and when he comes to you he gives all of himself. his face scrunched up everytime you hang up his calls, but you cant ignore the door since he lives with you. he would just hug you, even though you don't recriprocate, he does it.
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vivwritesfics · 7 months
Hey you were looking for a polyfic so here you go!
LanOscar or Lando x Max
(Idk if you write smut but the if you do you can encourparate it into this plot)
Plot: The reader becomes pregnant after a wild night (shall we say) and between the two boys they are convinced that it's their child. But when the baby is born it is one of the drivers from the ship above (I don't mind which one either driver of any ship is fine) and they are proud of it, and the other driver is slightly jealous that it isn't his. But he grows to love the child as the months pass and the reader says how the next child that is put in her is his.
I really don't know if this makes sense upon which I do apologise.
Hope your Well <3
Gonna do norstappen bc I got a landoscar one coming
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It was meant to be a threesome, a one night experience, not a throuple. But they worked together, so it was pretty hard to stay away
Whether it was lingering gazes and touches, or moments spent too long in each others presence without much explanation.
But this only lasted a few weeks, a month at most, before came the dreaded pregnancy test.
It was bought in a moment of anxiety. Her period was only late by a day and she had no other symptoms of pregnancy, but she was so worried that she ran to the store and bought one that afternoon.
She didn't tell the boys. Why should she when she's definitely not pregnant? But she wasn't definitely not pregnant.
The two lines stared back at her. Fuck, she really was pregnant. Holy fuck she was going to throw up.
As soon as she was done throwing up, she grabbed her phone and sent a picture of the pregnancy test to the groupchat she had with Max and Lando.
They rushed straight over. Thank god they all resided in Monaco. It was just one of the perks of being drivers, she supposed. Well, not that she'd be driving at the minute.
Her thoughts started spiralling down the path of who would be driving the Ferrari alongside Charles Leclerc in her place. She would have loved to see Arthur Leclerc drive alongside his brother, bit Ollie Bearman was an incredibly talented candidate, too.
It was only when Max and Lando knocked on her door that she snapped out of it. They wore grins on their faces as she pulled the door open. "So," Lando began, his boyish smile playing on his lips. "Who's is it?"
She rolled her eyes and let them into her apartment. "Does it matter?" She asked and Max shook his head, but Lando nodded.
Of course he did. There was nothing simple about Lando Norris. "Yeah, because whoever isn't the dad gets the next go, right?"
Her eyes went wide at that suggestion. "Jeez Lando, we haven't even had the first yet," she said as she sat on the sofa beside Max.
He instantly pulled her into his body and kissed the top of her head. "We'll be with you every step of the way," he said and she turned to kiss him properly.
And they were with her every step of the way. They were with her when she told her team principl and they were there when her absence was announced on social media (along with the announcement of the promising young F2 driver that would be her stand in). Of course, the media weren't told why she was missing the races for the year, just that it was medical.
They were there when her bump started to show, there to buy her maternity clothes. They were there for the late night cravings and for the emotional breakdowns over things she later thought to be insignificant.
They were there to set up a room for the baby, decorated with race cars, of course. "Project Hamilton," she had jokes as they painted a track onto the wall.
When the baby was born, they got a paternity test. Just to find out if the baby would be predisposed to any conditions of any kid. The only condition he was predisposed to was being part Dutch.
As soon as the results came that he was Max's son, Lando was pouty as all hell. He didn't want it to affect the way he loved this child, tried so hard not to let it, but he couldn't help it.
Max constantly reminded Lando that he was just his son, he was Lando's son, too. The four of them were one big family, didn't matter who was really the father.
It took some time, and some forced bonding from her and Max, but Lando came to love their son as if they were blood.
But he was still convinced it was his job to knock her up next. He was a man obsessed. As soon as he could he had her on the bed with her ankles in the air.
Max hadn't touched her pussy in weeks. He wasn't allowed to, not unless he wanted to get jumped by Lando.
But, sure enough, another positive pregnancy test sat on the bathroom sink. Lando Norris was a smug little shit, because this one was definitely his.
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hellfirenacht · 14 days
C'mon, It's Just One Night (Part 2)
Summary: After getting a fake love note in your locker, you ask Eddie to help you mess up some bullies plans. 
Tags: Eddie Munson x Reader, smut later, fem reader, reader wears a dress at one point, mentions of bullying, actual bullying, three-shot
Master List
3.8k Words
Part 1
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You and Eddie didn’t talk about the plan again until the night of Homecoming. Most of the chats you had about what was going to happen tonight was about the secret show that Corroded Coffin was going to do right after the dance. 
Honestly, you had heard a few kids quietly whispering about the show, which surprised you. You wondered how many people were interested in the music versus wanting to see the Freak and his band play. After all, Corroded Coffin only really played The Hideout on Tuesdays, which wasn’t exactly the best time slot for high schoolers. 
It was about a half hour before the dance was supposed to start, and you had spent the whole day distracted. You kept reading that stupid note over and over again, and anyone watching you would think that you were just excited about a secret date. The truth was that you hoped that the note would somehow give you any sort of clue about what was planned for you when you made your way into the gym that night. 
You’d convinced the rest of Hellfire to try and gather any information on what was going to happen, but no one came back with any information. Even Lucas, who was a jock, couldn’t get any information from anyone. 
Maybe this would be a Carrie situation. 
Having telekinetic powers could be cool though. 
You stared hard at the brush on your desk that night, trying to make it move with your mind. Nothing happened. 
It might not have moved because as you were glaring at your brush, a knock came at your bedroom door. It was your mom, wanting you to come outside and take photos of you in your outfit. And yeah, you were a little excited to do that after all the work that you had put into looking this nice for a fifteen minute bit. It wouldn’t hurt to have proof that you looked good tonight.
You stood up and smoothed out your dress before walking outside into the front yard as your mom called out that she���d be out there in a second as she grabbed the camera.
You didn’t expect anyone else to be outside, but when you stepped out the door you were greeted with the sight of someone standing on the porch.
It was Eddie.
Eddie Munson. 
His hair was freshly washed and his waves were framing his face perfectly. His leather jacket had been discarded for the night and he was wearing a dark gray button-up shirt that looked almost black with the top two buttons undone. The closest you’d ever seen him wear a button up were a few flannels that he wore in the fall and winter. His jeans looked... they looked new. New and dark blue with no holes in them to be seen. The only pieces of his outfit that you recognized were his rings and his reeboks. The twilight had cast a near purple haze over your neighborhood, and Eddie... Eddie looked good in that fading light. 
“Holy shit.” You said, after staring at him like an idiot for a moment. “Who are you and what have you done with Eddie?”
“Ha Ha.” Eddie fake laughed. “I could say the same about you.” 
You felt your cheeks grow warm, unsure if that was a compliment or not. “I... You look good.” you said more genuinely. 
This caused Eddie to shift slightly on his feet. “You look better.”
You could have died on the spot. 
“Wait, what are you doing here?” you asked. “I thought we were meeting up at the school?” 
“You’re coming to the show with me after this anyway.” Eddie explained. “It’d be easier if I just drove both of us. We can still pretend that we didn’t meet up, I can drop you off at the school where no one will see us together and I’ll follow you inside after a few minutes.”
That made sense, you were going to be helping out with set up after the dance anyway. 
“You might have made a mistake coming out here to pick me up, you know.” you said. “My mom will be out here in about two minutes and if she sees you, she’s going to make us take cheesy photos together.”
“I can humor your mom for a few minutes for this.” Eddie shrugged. “Besides, I owe her for being such a loyal customer.”
You stared at him. “Eddie... what do you mean by that?”
He gave you that trademark shit-eating grin, the one that he often used during club when he knew he was about to royally piss everyone off. 
“How else do you think I was able to buy new jeans?” he asked, his brown eyes shining in the lingering twilight. 
“Eddie Munson, you motherfucker, do not tell me that you sell drugs to my own mother-” 
Speak of your mother, and she shall appear with a smile and a camera in hand. You were going to have a long talk with Eddie later about boundaries and selling weed to your mother, even though you knew it wouldn’t change anything. 
Your mom quickly ushered you to take some solo pictures of you, and Eddie stood behind her watching with amusement as you awkwardly posed in the way you had seen in some teen magazine that you’d browsed when waiting in line at the grocery store. You felt stiff and awkward until Eddie started making faces behind your mom’s back that had you breaking out into a fit of giggles. He was totally going to give you shit for this later, but you knew he’d have his moment in the spotlight in a moment as well. 
Eddie was next up, but somehow he had no problem casually posing and smiling for your mom’s camera. Asshole. 
Then the couple’s pictures came and your mom made it clear exactly how she had wanted you two to pose. Eddie didn’t even hesitate wrapping his arm around your waist and holding your hand. 
For a few moments, you forgot what was supposed to happen that night. In this moment, you could really believe that you were going on a date with your best friend, and that he was holding your hand because he wanted to, not just because he was being forced to because of a favor. Eddie had always been a good actor, and you thought that if he wasn’t such a metal-and-D&D nerd, he could have been great in the theater department. 
Eddie really was a storyteller at heart. In music, in Dungeons and Dragons, in his doodles, the way he played up his Freak persona, and in this moment with his arms settled on your hips and his head on your shoulder. If Eddie wanted to captivate with a story, he could. 
It’s a shame that a story was all this was. 
Once the two of you were finally released from the watchful eye of your moms camera, Eddie led you to his van. He opened the passenger seat door for you, and even helped you into your seat as if he were a real gentleman. You didn’t think anyone had ever done that for you before. 
“So... is there a plan for how we’re going to do this?” you asked. “We haven’t really talked about how this is going to happen.” 
“What time is your secret admirer supposed to show up?” Eddie asked, the sound of his mixtape crackling through the air. 
“Then you’ll go in about five minutes early, stand in the middle of the gym, and at 7:30 I’ll burst in, sweep you off your feet, and then we can blow this joint.” Eddie said. 
“I could use a joint.” you sighed, looking out the window as reality came back. You weren’t a princess, and this wasn’t a fairytale. Eddie was only doing this as a favor, nothing more. 
“I’ll let you have one after we set up for the show.” He promised, pulling his van up to behind the school where no one was going to be dropped off for the dance. “I’ll see you inside in five minutes.” 
You gave him a nod. “See you on the other side, Freak.” 
You slipped to the entrance of the gym, and walked towards the booth where you presented your homecoming ticket. Homecoming had started at 7 pm on the dot and most students were already inside, dancing and giggling and having fun. The sound of the latest pop songs were echoing through the halls outside of the gym. The cheerleader running the ticket booth looked you up and down with a giggle.
“I love your outfit! It’s so... unique!” she gave you a smile that was way too wide and you grit your teeth at the false compliment. You shoved that anger down into your gut, and gave your best fake smile back, hoping that you sounded more sincere. 
“Thank you, so much!” Your voice came out a bit higher pitched than anticipated, but the cheerleader didn’t seem to notice. 
“Your Secret Admirer is going to love it.” She continued, and you felt your stomach twist. Shit, the cheerleaders were in on this too? You wondered how many people were in on this. “He asked me to give you this when you got here.”
She handed you a note, in the same sloppy handwriting as before. 
Meet me in the center of the dance floor at 7:30. 
It was 7:26 right now. You were tempted to make the assholes wait, after all, you wanted to make sure Eddie had a chance to get here before they could. But the cheerleader obviously saw you read the note, and there was no time to turn back. 
Just show up for me. Eddie. You thought to yourself. Although this had been your idea, you were feeling nervous now. You really were about to put yourself out on full display to the school, willingly offering yourself up on a plate to your peers for humiliation. What if this didn’t work? What if Eddie didn’t make it in time? What if something worse happened with Eddie here? 
The short walk from the entrance to the middle of the dance floor felt like slow motion. Your mind felt fuzzy and you hoped that you weren’t shaking from nerves. You stood in the center of the dance floor, and turned to face the single clock in the back of the gym. You could barely make out the time with the distance and dim lights, but you knew it was almost time. 
You could do this
Almost time....
Where the fuck was Eddie?
Did he get held up?
Did he change his mind?
Fuck, you could hear the giggling.
You felt a tap on your shoulder. 
This was it. 
You turned around slowly, waiting for the worst. 
Eddie stood before you, corsage in hand, on one knee as if he was proposing to you. 
Maybe this was the real prank. Maybe the real prank was the one you played on yourself to be able to see your best friend kneeling and smiling up at you, offering you a corsage. 
Time froze for a second as you took in the sight and committed it to memory. 
“I’m glad you made it.” Eddie said, loud enough for anyone to hear. He really did have that natural projection that should have had the theater kids begging him to join them. “I knew you’d respond to my note.”
There was a dull murmur of confusion behind you, and you saw Eddie’s eyes flicker to something that you couldn’t see and he gave you a small nod. 
Fuck, that was your cue. 
You brought your hands up to your mouth, acting like all of the actresses you’d seen on tv who’s characters had been proposed to. You began nodding and accepted the corsage, letting him slide it onto your wrist. 
How had he known what color to get to match your dress? 
Eddie stood up and you threw your arms around him. “I was hoping it was you!” you said loudly, no need to act for this part. Eddie wrapped his arms around your waist and picked you up and spun you around once. He really was deceptively strong, and you giggled as he set you down. Your lips met his cheek. His arms stayed around you. 
Eddie smiled at you in a way that made your cheeks heat up and your knees feel weak. 
You two were staring at each other. 
The music changed. 
Eddie moved one of his hands from around your waist to grab yours, and the two of you were slow dancing before you even fully knew what was happening. 
“Eddie, what are you doing?” You asked, following his movements. 
“You said you wanted to really sell this that we were together now.” Eddie said, keeping his eyes on you. “I don’t know how many people would believe it if I showed up and we immediately left. It wouldn’t exactly be memorable.” 
“Right, good point.” you agreed. 
“I always have good points, that’s why I’m the dungeon master.” Eddie chuckled, “Besides, it’d be a shame that you put in this much effort to look good for little old me to not show you off. What kind of boyfriend would I be? I have to make sure that I get a reputation for being a mean and scary freak, but also a decent date.”
“Shit.” you said quietly. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, brows furrowing with a frown. 
“I didn’t think about what happens after this. You agreed to be my fake date, but I don’t want you to feel trapped with me after this.” you said. “Yeah, this’ll get everyone off my back for now but when school starts again, I don’t want you to feel like you have to act like we’re together.”
“Don’t worry about that.” Eddie said. “It’s not like my dating life is thriving here anyway. Between you and me, I’m a little too old for those who dare try and get with the Freak here.”
You let out a small laugh. “Tired of one night stands with girls who just want bragging rights?” 
“After the third time, I was starting to feel like I was cheating on my right hand.”
You pressed your forehead against his shoulder, erupting into a fit of giggles. This felt right, this relaxed moment with Eddie. This is how it was supposed to feel with someone, right? It was supposed to be easy, and with Eddie it always was. 
“Thank you, Eddie.” you said after your giggles had died down. “I really owe you one.”
“I thought this plan was me owing you one.” Eddie asked. 
“This is honestly above and beyond helping you get a passing grade for a test.” you admitted. “I know you have your show tonight, and you hate doing anything for school. Plus, you showed up wearing this and you spent money on jeans and the corsage- oh, thank you for the corsage-”
“Hey,” Eddie snapped you out of your rambling. “Don’t act like you forced me to do anything. You said I had full creative control tonight. I chose to do all this for you.”
“Why?” you asked, meeting his eyes. “You could have so easily told me to just fuck off and said no.”
“I’ll admit this wasn’t exactly my idea of how this night was going to go.” Eddie said. “But then you said that you wanted the Freak to show up for you. I wanted to know what would happen if it was just Eddie.” 
“Just Eddie...” you said quietly. Not the Freak, not the satanic cult leader, not the dungeon master. Just Eddie, your friend. “I’m glad that just Eddie was the one to show up.” your mouth went dry. “I- ...Eddie I-”
The two of you had stopped moving in slow circles, Eddie was closer than he had ever been to you before. You forgot where you were and Eddie was leaning closer to you, his mouth opening as if he was going to say something. 
And that’s when it happened. 
Whatever it was, it was room temperature, and sticky. It dripped down from your hair, down your face and onto your dress. You looked down to see pools of red flooding below you on the gym floor, and then your head shot up to see Eddie, covered in the same sticky substance with a dumbstruck look on his face. 
Blood? Was that actually blood?! Was Eddie bleeding? Were you? Wait, had someone actually dumped pigs blood on you?
Eddie wiped his face, smearing the substance on his skin and hand and carefully brought it to his face and sniffed it, and then gave it a small lick.
“Corn syrup.” he said and looked at you, his eyes wide in shock. 
“You mean this was a Carrie situation?!” you asked in a loud whisper as the two of you stared at each other. You looked around, and saw the group of jocks laughing and high fiving each other. One of them was holding an old paint bucket. Your body froze, and you couldn’t believe that this was actually happening. Those assholes had thrown fake blood on you and Eddie. They won. You fucked up. Eddie did so much for you tonight and you never even considered that the jocks would be smart enough to adjust their plans to account for Eddie being here-
Then Eddie started laughing, like really laughing. It was that genuine laugh that you’d heard a hundred times when the party came up with a stupid plan to get past one of Eddie’s challenges in Hellfire. 
He looked at you, with a spark in his eyes and a grin that was manic. 
His laughter was so contagious, that you found yourself laughing as well. You heard the laughter from the jocks start to die down and turn into mutters of confusion. The whole gym seemed to go silent, and you think the DJ stopped the music but you were laughing too much to care. 
How fucking rediculous was this? It was almost too obvious what they had set up, but you didn’t think they were this unoriginal. How did they even sneak in the bucket? How did no faculty or staff react to this?!
“I guess the Freak is showing up, anyway.” Eddie laughed and looked at you. “Let’s give them the show they want.”
Eddie’s hand wrapped around the back of your neck and started pulling you in. Instinct took over and you gripped at his stained shirt and then your lips met. The kiss was met with gasps and oohs and shouts from around you, but you didn’t care. Eddie was kissing you, and you were kissing him back. The two of you must have looked like a spectacle, covered in fake blood and making out with him in the middle of the dance floor after laughing like maniacs.
“Stop that, right now you two!” you heard a teacher yell, and that’s when Eddie pulled back.
“Feel free to kill me for that later, okay?” That wild smile was still on his face. 
“I think we should run now.” you agreed, deciding that whatever had just happened within the last 30 seconds could be processed later. You could see a few teachers starting to finally take action and start to run over, and the jocks were now scattering. Even though you and Eddie were the victims here, you didn’t really feel like sticking around. Whatever would happen with the school, could wait until Monday.
Eddie grabbed your hand, flipped off the few jocks that were still gawking, and the two of you took off running through the exit doors of the gym, the two of you laughing and cackling like mad. 
“Fake blood!” you yelled as the two of you dashed across the parking lot. “They threw fake blood on us!” 
“They actually spent money to get that much corn syrup and dye!” Eddie laughed, opening the door to his van for you again. 
“Shit, it’s gonna get all over your van.” you said, taking your seat anyway and buckling up. 
“That’s the least worrying thing I’ve spilled in here. Don’t worry about it.” He said, hopping into the driver side seat. “Jesus Christ, I didn’t think they had it in them!”
“Eddie, they ruined your new clothes.” You frowned, looking at him. The fake blood was starting to dry to your skin, and you could see it starting to give Eddie’s hair an odd texture in certain areas. 
“They also ruined your dress.” 
“Yeah, but I was never going to wear this again.” you said. 
“And I was going to ruin these clothes anyway.” he shrugged and started the car, peeling out of the parking lot like a bat out of Hell. Eddie’s lead foot hit the gas and the two of you were speeding down the road, out of town towards the quarry. 
“Holy shit.” you said, leaning against the seat as the adrenaline faded. 
“I think that could’ve gone worse.” Eddie said, still smiling. “I think the blood really adds to Corroded Coffin’s whole thing.” 
You shook your head, grabbing some napkins from the floor and wiping your hands off. “Shit, do we owe them a thanks now? Should we send them a fruit basket?” 
“Nah, they’ll get what they deserve. A slap on the wrist for pulling this stunt at a school function.” Eddie glanced at you with a wry grin. 
“Right, why do I feel like they’ll get off easy but somehow we’re gonna be the ones in trouble on Monday?” You rolled your eyes and lowered your voice in a horrible imitation of Principal Higgins. “Yes, those two played a harmless prank by dumping corn syrup on you, but you two displayed unsightly behavior in front of everyone in some sort of Hellish ritual-”
“Ouch. I didn’t think I was that bad of a kisser.” 
You stopped talking and suddenly the corn syrup felt sticky and uncomfortable. You still hadn’t been able to digest the fact that the two of you had kissed- no, you two had full on made-out in front of the whole student body. Had there been tongue? You honestly couldn’t remember. 
An awkward silence settled over the two of you and you were unsure of what to say. You wanted to tell him that no, he wasn’t a bad kisser at all. You wanted to be smooth and say something like “Well, I wasn’t really paying attention before, how about we try again?”. You wanted to say anything to indicate that you liked it and very much wanted to do it again. 
Instead the two of you sat in the loudest silence you had ever been in as the two of you drove the long strip down to the quarry. You scolded yourself, thinking that saying anything had to be better than saying nothing. 
And yet no words came out.
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This was supposed to be a one shot in April. Now it's a three-shot. Do NOT let me write more than three chapters. The third chapter is almost done. There will be smut.
Divider by @strangergraphics
Tag List: @supernaturalstilinski @wonderlanddreamer @princesssunderworld @kores-mun-son-n-more @munsonfiles
@ladysilence @ghcstpyre @avalon-wolf @huffledor-able541 @sheneedsrocknroll92
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thrillered · 26 days
Could you do a fic where spencer reacts to edits of reader or of them together💖
Reacts | Spencer Agnew x Reader Oneshots
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I had a few requests like this so I hope everyone who had a similar request likes it! Just something cute and fluffy.
“I love you Angela, this is incredible!” You laughed, watching a compilation of Angela moments titled ‘Angela being a feral guinea pig AGAIN for 8 minutes and 22 seconds’. 
“Feral guinea pig is crazy.” Angela sighed. 
The small group finished watching the video, making comments here and there about Angela’s antics. 
“The next compilation requires a slight change in cast,” Ian explained. “Tommy, get out of here! Spencer! Come on over!” 
“Awe Spencey!” You cooed, as he walked onto set, the sound of applause echoing. 
“Now that both Y/N and Spencer are here it’s time for our next video: ‘Spencer and Y/N being the cutest (not 🤨) couple at Smosh’. Let’s get into it.” 
You and Spencer looked at each other, curious as to what would constitute an 18 minute video. You knocked your shoulder into his teasingly, an easy smile gracing his features at your touch. 
“Oh my god! I’m so nervous! Why am I nervous?” You gripped Spencer’s arm tightly, his hand coming to rest on top of yours reassuringly as Shayne began to read an update to the reddit story. Spencer whispered something in your ear, so quiet the mic didn’t even pick it up, making you laugh. 
You paused the video, laughing at the memory. “Oh my god, what did you whisper again?” You asked Spencer. 
“I quoted Will Farrell.” He clarified. 
“Shut up, I’m so fucking scared right now, shut up!” You and Spencer quoted in unison, knocking together in your laughter. 
“That’s definitely gonna be in the next compilation of you two.” Angela teased. 
“Y/N Stop! Holy Shit! Get off of me!” Spencer shriek-laughed, attempting to put his controller out of your reach. 
“No! Fuck! Spencer!” You yelled, basically climbing on top of him trying to mess him up. 
The minigame ended quickly. Hearing it was over you gave up your pursuit of his controller, collapsing on top of him, slightly out of breath. “Good god.” You huffed, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“No way we’re still tied for 4th after all that!” Spencer said, exasperated. He placed his free hand– the one not being pinned down by your body– on your head, ruffling your hair slightly before you sat back up. Looking over to Shayne and Chanse they were both out of breath from laughing at your attack on Spencer.
“I still demand a rematch.” Spencer said, bitter about your success in that ‘don’t Win’ video. 
“Only if you’re ready to get your ass handed to you again.” 
“I feel like there’s gonna be a comp of me and Ian third wheeling you two this whole segment.” Angela interjected, earning a playful glare from the two of you. 
It was just clip after clip of you and Spencer being cute. You two were best friends so you were incredibly comfortable around each other. However, watching the compilation made it a little harder to deny both yours and Spencer’s feelings. You couldn’t help but notice the way he looked at you in each of the clips. He watched you with rapture when you spoke, he looked at you like your voice was the sweetest song he’d ever heard. 
You wanted to deny it but you recognized that look. You recognized it because it was the same way you looked at him. It made your heart swell. 
“I bet if we did an eye-tracker on Spencer and just played a smosh video with Y/N in it, he would always be looking at her.” Ian teased. 
“I mean, as he should.” You laughed. 
“Yeah yeah, whatever. God forbid a man cares about his friend.”
“Oh hush, it's equal caring. I’d be honored for you to stare at me in a video.” You defended. You unpaused for the final clip of the video. 
“Can I phone a friend?” You asked, having no clue what the answer was. 
How you ended up in a video game beapordy, you had no clue. You were doing alright but didn’t know the current question so you didn’t even buzz in. Both Trevor and Chanse had gotten it wrong, leaving it to you. 
“Go ahead.” Shayne allowed.
You called Spencer. You knew he would know the answer. He was currently at his apartment since he had the day off work. 
He picked up after the first ring, which wasn’t unusual for him. “I was just thinking about you.” Spencer remarked, a blush creeping up your neck. “What’s up?” 
“I have a really important question.” You told him, pausing for dramatic effect before reciting the question from Shayne. 
“Oh! This is easy.” Spencer laughed, rattling off the answer and some. 
“I hate to cut you off,” You interjected. “But I gotta finish this game. You can tell me all about it later though.” You promised with a laugh. 
“Okay okay. I’ll see you later then.” 
“Okay, Love you Spence.” 
“I love you more.” 
You hung up, Chanse giving you a playful and knowing smirk. 
“Oh Spencer I love you so dearly.” he mocked, pitching his voice up and adding kissy noises. 
You lightly slapped his arm, allowing the game to continue. 
“Let’s look at some comments, shall we?” Ian asked, scrolling down. 
“ ‘not dating’ my ass, they are too perfect together to not be” 
“Can Spencer fight? I’m so serious.” 
You laughed at this one, looking to Spencer to see his head hanging and shaking no. Beneath that comment was another that mirrored it, only switching your names. 
“Unlike Spencer I can fight so back off my best friend.” You intimated, squaring up to the camera. “Don’t worry babe, I’ll protect you.” You said to Spencer, doing your best douche-bag voice. 
Spencer left the video after this, Tommy reentering to watch the rest of the compilations. 
Spencer sat to the side, watching you, smiling when you did and laughing at all of your jokes. He already knew the comments on this video would be wild. You two had been getting edits and shipping content since your very first video together years ago. He didn’t mind it though.  He knew your friendship was secure and that’s all he cared about. 
Would it make him the happiest man on Earth to be with you? Yes. But that didn’t matter unless you wanted it. He was perfectly content being your best friend, it was a title he wore with great honor. 
He would try one day, he had to. But for now he didn’t need to be your boyfriend to know you loved him. You made it apparent every day with each interaction you shared. He hoped he did the same, because loving you was always the easiest part of his days, and the one that made him the happiest.
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bahrtofane · 8 months
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kylians sick, and only you can make him feel better
word count - 1.1 k+
watch it - pure fluff ^^
kylian feels like shit. a pile of straight garbage. what he thought was a small headache and stuffy nose has snowballed full force into the worst cold he’s had since he was like 5. at least he hopes it’s just a cold. 
his eyes droop wet and cloudy with the tears that he keeps blinking away. he desperately wants to go to sleep but the constant leaking of his nose and the feeling of being permanently submerged in water from his ears down is making that impossible. his left ear hurts with each movement of his head, god forbid he yaws, not only does it send a shock wave of pain to his ear but also makes the swelling of his sore throat that much more apparent. 
his head pounds, phone long forgotten somewhere tossed on the floor. and to top it all off he thinks he’s running a fever. it’s so cold, no matter how hard he tries to sink deeper into his mattress, hugging his comforter tighter, he can’t fight the constant chill that creeps up his spine. 
it’s around 2 am last time he checked. god fucking dammit he just needs to go to bed. he so desperately wishes you were here, to kiss away his frustrated tears, tuck him into bed properly, make him feel better. but he doesn’t want to bother you. especially not at this time. he can power through this, he knows he can.
hours pass by in agony. the sweat has pooled in his sheets, sticking it to him and permanently settling in a cold he can’t shake off. it’s shit. he feels like shit. he probably smells like it too. And to make everything so much fucking better training is first thing tomorrow morning. Shit shit shit shit. 
why does this always happen to him at the most inconvenient of times. what it the hair he didn’t dry off before bed 2 days ago? the coat he didn’t wear when taking the trash out? ice water he drank after practice? holy fucking shit, he writhes in his sheets and comforters again, silently praying to any entity out there to end this suffering. 
the pain and exhaustion is what knocks him out. for better or worse. 
kylian eyes open blearily, blinking away harsh rays of sunlight and crusties from the restless night. when he wakes he realizes one of two things, 1) it’s way, way, past training, and 2) he feels impossibly worse. 
he doesn’t get out of bed, mainly because he just can’t. the pain has immobilized him, fearing if he so much as moves an inch it’ll sink him further into helpless suffering. 
so he whines pitifully and closes his eyes tight. 
he’s woken up again, but not by the sun, or pain. it’s the sound of his door opening that startles him awake. lovely, absolutely marvelous. he’s fucking bed ridden and about to be robbed. what a time to be alive. 
the footsteps don’t sound like an intruders, soft and gentle as they pad around his apartment. kylian waits in silence. what if it’s someone sent to check on him? hakimi most likely.
when the door to his room opens he’s never been happier to be wrong. 
it’s you, standing in his hoodie, wrapped in one of the blankets he leaves on the couch. a god send. 
you take one look at his feeble state and frown. 
all he can do is manage a garbled response, more of a pitiful whine. 
you rush over, kicking the blanket off and rushing up to cup his face in your hands. 
“my sweet baby, are you sick?” you murmur. 
a weak nod. 
“shit you're burning up, hold on.”  
you come back with a thermometer, gently opening his mouth and setting it under his tongue. 
“hold still baby.” you whisper, hand holding his jaw in place, he almost melts into your touch.
he waits for what feels like hours, till the little beeps go off and you gently remove the plastic from his mouth. 
“you have a fever all right. i prescribe to you bed rest, lots of fluids, and tylenol for the pain. “ 
he blinks sleepy and you take that as an answer. 
you get to work tidying up his room for him while he blinky sleepily as you.
"just rest, I'll call the team for you."
he goes back to the safety of sleep the moment you finish your sentence. 
when he wakes out yet again, its to you at the foot of his bed, and a bowl of spoop in hand.
he grimaces at the thought but you shake your head, "you gotta eat baby."
he all but sobs trying to get up to eat properly, but you make it work. gently spooning the hot soup into his mouth. 
it takes a little while but the soup is half done when he calls it quits. flopping back into his expanse of pillows and blankets. 
he makes a noise and you feel his hand desperately reaching for you, as meek as can be. you give it to him, gently swiping your thumb over his. 
bed time proves to be a hassle as all he can do is groan in pain, begging for you to join him in the very few words he can croak out. 
“if i get sick, who will take care of you? “ 
he stays silent, out of spite or inability remains a mystery as you tuck him into bed properly and take your things to the guest room. 
thankfully, it is just a cold and he’s back to his usual self in no more than 3 days. all thanks to you. 
he’s a quiet type of thanker, thanks lies in his actions and eyes rather than words. 
the gentle hand that rests on the small of your back, picking you up even if its just a 5 minute drive. he gets you flowers, and even takes you out to dinner. 
your smiles the whole way and it makes him beyond happy.
he finally gets those kisses he wanted to bad, easy and smooth against his skin.
"thank you darling." he hums, hands on your waist, bringing you close. 
you smile against his lips, melting into them once more. you sit on his lap at the edge of his bed. at the edge of the world you feel sometimes.
"come to the match?" he almost begs.
"I have a jersey I want to see you in." he plays with the hem of your shirt.
"when do you not want to see me in your jersey?" you playfully roll your eyes. 
he snorts, flipping you into your back, mercilessly attacking your sides with tickles as you burst at the seams.
you laugh till you cant breath, and he's enjoying this all too much. collapsing into you when he's had enough. 
"your heavy." you squeak.
he pretends not to listen, you resort to kicking him off.
"wheres this jersey ?" 
he immediately jumps at this, taking your hand in his to lead you to your 50th jersey of his at this point. you don't mind, if anything it fills you with pride and joy to wear his jerseys. always his.
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cottoncandyswisherz · 1 month
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bsf!triplets x depressed!reader
warnings: describes imposter syndrome, and poor mental health. this is so sad and i'm sorry. if you are not comfortable or stable enough to read this, then please dont because it might make it worse.
im laying in my bed when i hear the knock on my front door. i don't wanna get up. i just wanna lay here until my skin has fused with the mattress, so i ignore the knocking until it turns to pounding and makes the ache in my head even worse. 
i try to get up but i get dizzy so i plant my feet on the cold tile and sit at the edge of my bed for a moment. when i think i'm good i trudge to the door, and when i open it i see nick, matt and chris on my doorstop. chris has his phone to his ear but his arm falls when he see's me. 
chris's pov
holy shit. 
"i was just calling you to let you know that it was us at the door. " i told her. she only nods he head and walks back into her house, leaving the door open to let us know we can come in. 
my brothers and i all look at each other before we step inside. we know what each other are thinking.
she's not okay.
usually when we come back to boston, she's at our house when we get there. but we've been here three days and we hadn't seen her. when we called her, her phone goes straight to voicemail, our texts don't deliver and when we came yesterday she didn't answer the door. 
she's all of our friend but she's always been closer to me than matt or nick. she says because it's because i reciprocate her chaotic energy.
when we enter the living room, everything is in order. her kitchen is clean, and her bedroom door is closed. 
she still hasn't said anything. she won't even look at us. she just sits on the couch and picks at her nails. 
i look at nick in a way that says, what the fuck do we do? his look back says i have no fucking clue and we both nudge matt, who's eyes haven't left her since she opened the door. he looks at us and i can't tell what he's thinking. 
"we've been calling you since we got home." he says, walking over to the couch and sitting on the side opposite to her. "no answer. our messages didn't go through either."
she just blinks and says "my phone must be dead." he voice is scratchy and it sounds so weak that i just wanna hug her. 
"for three days?" nick asks, sitting on the floor in front of her in the living room. she just nodded. 
i make my way to her other couch and sit down. "and we came yesterday, but you didn't answer the door."
reader's pov
three days? 
the thing about depression is, it kinda collapses time. i don't even know what day it is right now. i feel like shit knowing they've been trying to reach me, but i can't find the energy to speak long enough to apologize.
"sorry." is what i come with. 
matts pov
chris, being the person he is states the obvious. "you don't look so good right now... like i don't recognize you right now."
my heart breaks when i see her head fall and a tear fall into her lap. "i don't recognize myself either, chris." when she speaks its a whisper. but the silence is so loud that we all hear it. 
then she wipes her face and lifts her head only to look at her reflection in the flatscreen that's powered off. 
"what's going on?" nick asks. 
she chuckles at that, but her eyes never leave her reflection. "i wish i could explain it. "
i decide that maybe i should say something, instead of just staring at her. "try."
she's silent for a moment. "you know how sometimes-" she swallows. "you know how sometimes you just look in the mirror and you don't know who you are anymore?" more tears slide down her face. "and you don't know how you got to the point you're at. and then that reality sets in that you've felt so.... so empty and anonymous for a while." her eyebrows furrow as she keep staring at herself. "but you didn't realize you were feeling it because you were so caught up in making sure everyone else was good because they have it worse than you and you really have no reason to feel that way. they became the priority." she sucks in a breath and wipes her face, even though new tear replace the old ones instantly. "but then you're looking in this mirror. and you see yourself. but it's not you. that it looks like you, but it's not you. it cant be. because this person in the mirror looks like everything is okay, but it's not okay. and so you try to make it okay... but you don't think it can ever really be okay anymore because you don't remember what okay feels like." 
and now she's silent. her face is blank and she won't stop looking at the tv. 
chris and nick keep looking at me like i know what to do right now. 
i don't.
but i do what i want someone to do if it was me in this situation. i get up and walk to her side of the couch and wrap my arms around her and that's when she breaks. 
her sobs vibrate through my chest and i hold her tighter. "i don't know who i am anymore, matt."
nicks pov
what. the. fuck. is going on?
i'm sitting here looking at my friend, who's face was stuck in a permanent smile yet i don't even remember what her smile looks like. 
i can't even begin to think about her smiling because her face is contorted in a way that shows how much pain she's in.
i can see how tired she is, because her dark circles are almost black. i can tell she hasn't showered because her hair is matted and i can see that she hasn't been eating because her face is so pale. 
she's been withering away in this house, while i've been making jokes for a camera. 
all i can do to show how sorry i feel is crawl from my spot on the floor and lay my head in her lap. "i wish it was different, babe." 
"so do i." she mutters.
readers pov
they must think i'm crazy. because matt never hugs people that aren't his brothers or parents, and nick has never called me babe. and i know chris thinks i'm fucked because he's just sitting on my couch staring at the floor while i'm drowning in both his brothers arms. 
we all stay like this for a while. nick and matt holding me while i just pathetically weep and chris in utter silence. 
until he's not silent. "why didn't you call me?" he almost sounds hurt. 
i know what i want to say.that i didn't call anyone. that i'm embarrassed. that i'm the person everyone goes to with their problems so how can i can go to them that i feel hollow when nothing is happening in my life for me to feel that way. 
but again, i don't have it in me to talk. so i just shrug. 
and he get's up from and walks over to me, pulling me away from nick and matt and making me stand up. 
his grip on my biceps is tight as he speaks. "you should have called me..." and he hugs me so tight that the little air i have left in my lungs is knocked out of me. 
and now we're just crying. me into his chest, him into my shoulder. at some point, nick and matt get up and join us and we all just hold each other until we've telepathically said everything that needs to be said. 
niyah speaks🤍 last sad one for now lollll
taglist: @mattslolita @muwapsturniolo @jnkvivi @sturnsslut @koilaniazul @thisisntmattsturniolo @nyktoxs-lover @l0akkzz @zainabthescientist @chaossturns
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sinning-23 · 6 months
Twice the Fun (Zoro x Reader x Sanji)
Because i need them both in a way that is concern to feminism and they could literally do whatever they wanted to me (respectfully) ahem. This ones for my sick, freak, nasty, touch-starved bitches It's really just prn with A LITTLE plot yall and a little more attention to detail.
18+ DUH?!
Warnings: Tagteam, creampie, gagging, choking, biting, scratching, p in v, unprotected, degradation, teasing, praising, spanking, double penetration (holy shit this is a lot even for me lol)
Hope yall enjoy (smut is a bit of a specialty of mine)
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What were you truly meant to do? Turn down the pair to try and make yourself look like less of a slut than you really were? Well, slut was kind of harsh. We'll say, more sexually inclined.
Yeah, that sounds classier.
Anyway, when Sanji and Zoro approached you in a more physical than verbal way, you couldn't decide whether or not you should say no to try and keep up an image they already saw past, or simply let them Eiffel Tower you. How the hell did you end up in this predicament in the first place???
___3 days ago___
You sigh, rubbing the sleep from your eyes as you nudge the man beside you. You didn't quite care if he woke up or not, you'd just go to your other 'friends' room to fulfill your insatiable need for dick...and love and affection...but of course, Sanji didn't know that...and neither did Zoro and hell you'd like to keep it that way.
Perfectly balanced...sorta. Part of you feels bad though, you do love him...and Zoro too but damn it you just had to have them both. And with the way that two bicker and act like they can't stand each other, there was a fat chance you'd get your wish.
You nudge Sanji again, pressing soft kisses to his temple, and brushing his hair out of his face. He stirs, eyes slightly opening to reveal a set of lovely blues.
"Good morning. Pussy put you to sleep?" You tease, seeing him smile in recollection of the events of the night prior.
"Its not nice to tease." He groans, sitting up on his elbows and forearms to kiss your lips.
Its sweet, your heart stuttering with guilt. You know he loves you but this whole thing was supposed to be no strings attached. You pull away, noticing a brief hurt behind those eyes you just stared so lustfully into hours ago.
"Hurry up, youve got breakfast to make and I'm pretty sure someones getting a bit suspicious. You chuckle, pointing to the alarm clock.
He swears, shuffling a bit faster to find his briefs, dress pants, and shirt in a hurry. He doesnt forget to kis your temple before he leaves though.
"Come to my room again tonight, yeah?" He asks, and you nod. How could you not?
When you're sure he's long gone, you hide your face in your palms, groaning deeply before gazing into the mirror. Shit...he marked you up worse than before. You roll your eyes, that funny butterfly feeling filling up your stomach again. Damn him for making you love him. This wasn't the first time you'd have to cover up hickeys and it wouldn't be the last.
Your shoes echo down the hall a bit as you pass zoro's room now, curiosity getting the best of you. You crack the door open and there he is, pulling on that same old tan shirt over that damn gorgeous body.
"Good morning." You hum, slipping in and closing the door behind you.
He doesn't respond back, only nods in your direction. Zoro was more...blunt with these things. He thought he'd almost gotten perfect at hiding how he was feeling from you, but you had already clawed your way up and over the walls he put up. Essentially you could see right through him.
Before he can protest about you not knocking, you've got your arms around him in a hug, one he definitely needed seeing as he missed your touch far more than he would admit out loud. In his head, you were his girl. All his. He knew it wasn't true, this...whatever this was, being nothing more than a beneficial friendship. You weren't really his and it tore him up inside. He knows he loves you, but damn it if he admits it.
"Missed me? I see that look in your eyes Roro." You tease, knowing the nick name bothers him in th best way.
"I wish you would quit calling me that." He responds, letting his arms wrap around you to return the embrace, his chin resting atop your head. He needed you bad.
"Coming here tonight? Or do I have to drag you from your quarters to mine?" He smirks, making you laugh and bury your face in his chest. Gods he loved your laugh.
"How could I not?" You respond, swallowing a bit hard, knowing you were wrong for that.
Double booking a dick appointment was a big NO-NO. This leaves too much opportunity for one to find out about the other. But in hindsight, would that really be so bad? You wanted and loved them both, and being sneaky was starting to weigh on your conscience despite not being in an actual relationship with either of them.
"You alright?" He asks, cupping your face with his free hand. You drank up moments like these, it was truly a privilege to see the softer side of Zoro.
You nod, kissing him quick before making your leave.
The rest of the crew is already up and working on odds and ins of the ship. You managed your end of the chores, first mopping, then tying knots, and lastly laundry. You chatted with Nami, hoping a village is coming up soon but no luck.
Damn, the day had really gotten away from you. The sun was already setting and your heart sank to the pit of your goddamn stomach. It's sunset...which means night is right around the corner...
Oh fuck.
You scramble off the front deck and head straight to your quarters, skillfully dodging both Sanji and Zoro, who you had managed to have run into each other instead of you. Bad idea, because if you knew anything about Sanji, it's that he had a funny way of letting things slip rather sneakily. And if you knew anything about Zoro, its that he would easily catch a slick comment, and match it.
You lock your door, pacing back and forth in hopes of coming up with a plan. The truth? Yeah maybe tell the truth! You swallow your pride, taking a deep breath, only to head a kock at your door. Oh god. Your hands tremble, that sickly nervous feeling seeping into your pores. Its hot in here.
"Hey honey, um, how about we reschedule to tomorrow?" Sanji hums, something...off in his tone.
You pull the door open, that same facade over your face. You swallow, nodding at him in response.
"I see. I mean yeah we can. Something come up?" You ask, eyes shifting all over. You can bring yourself to keep direct contact with him and damn he can tell. You could've sworn that you saw someone turn the corner...was that Zoro. Nevermind that. Apparently, Sanji had said something to you but you hadn't heard it you were panicking so damn much.
"Uhh sure. You okay?" He questions, more smug than anything. He knows...
__2 days ago___
It was far too quiet for your liking. Sanji seemed to avoid you...and so did Zoro. Well, not really avoid you. In all honestly you were paranoid and reading into everything. You had FABULOUS intuition so when the energy was out of wack it went straight to your head.
They know. They have to. There's no way they don't. The two of them had gotten a lot bolder you noticed. It was all so clear to you. They were...competing almost. Zoro would leave his hand on your hip, and Sanji would roll his eyes. Sanji would pull your hair up into a ponytail to keep it out of your face when you were cleaning? Zoro would scoff and move on.
Okay, so they definitely knew. Now they were playing the "She likes me more game." That was the least of your concerns. If anything you were drinking up the attention. What you really wanted to know, was how they had found out about each other...the ship is small so that doesn't help the situation.
Today, you managed to find yourself in the kitchen while both your blonde and green-headed sneaky links were ALSO in the vicinity. You swallow hard, bidding them a good day whilst making your way to the fridge, which Sanji usually keeps locked up otherwise Luffy would get in it.
"Sanji, um, the key please." You ask, clearing your throat as the two seemed to watch your every move.
He smiles, stepping beside you, his hand trailing from your waist to the curve of your ass. He's grinning the whole time, his eyes cutting to Zoro before squatting down, using your leg as a means to steady himself to retrieve the well-hidden, key. His fingers dance over your thighs and inwards, just barely brushing over the crotch of your shorts. You yelp, tensing when Zoro gives a slight 'tch'
Sanji stands, plopping the piece of metal in your hand before returning to the stove from whence he came.
"Thanks." You rasp, fianlly feeling a pinh at ease before oepenign the fridge.
Too bad the peace only lasted for two seconds, becuse right when you had cracked it open, Zoro was already behind you, reaching for his desnated bottle of alcohol, his hand right at your waist, just where Sanji's had been.
Instead of squatting however, down to more or less 'politely' show ownership of you, Zoro opts to wind his hand back as far as possible.
You yelp louder, steadying yourself agaisn the fridge as you moan at the sting. There was no doubt there was a bit of a mark again toyu melenated skin now. Zoro only grins, all too smug at Sanji's enraged expression.
"Thats it. You just have no sense of respect do you." Sanji argues, Zoro standing a bit taller now.
If you hadn't been squeezed between the two now, they'd surely be chest to chest. Your body is beginning to betray you, heat flooding your face and between your thighs. This wasn't about them. This was about you and who you liked more...They each wanted your attention. Rightfully so, I mean not only were you a sweetheart with a smart mouth but that mouth could do a lot more than just talk shit. And either one of them would be happy to accept death between your thighs.
"If you knew anythign at all, youd kne she likes a little desrespect." Zoro shoots back, your eyes widening.
"If you knew anything you'd know she likes being treated like a princess." Sanji scoffs.
"Lets not talk about me like im not here-"
You're cut off when they shoot that same look your way. A look you'd seen one to many times, bent over, facing a conveniently placed mirror...or wit your back against the matress, one of them over you while your legs cramp up from being so close to your chest.
Damn fr two guys who seemingly didn't 'get alog' they sure had a lot in common.
In the heat fo the argument, you slide pst the pair and out of the kitchen. Unfortunetly for you, a head of orage just happened to be outside and heard part of the last three statements.
"I dont even want to knw what or how you're gonna get out of this. Youll figure it out." Nami half encourages as you groan.
Is that what good pussy did to a mf? Start wars?! It blew your mind but you had less than a few seconds process to the situation. Before you could even realize what was happening, Zoro exited the kitchen and scope you up. And right behim him was a very serious, looking Sanji....
oh you’re so screwed.
Authors note: HI YALLL ok so this one’s been sitting in the drafts for literally I wanna say a half a year now lmao uhhhhh let me know if you’d like to be tagged for pt.2 that’s where all the HOT SHIT HAPPENS! Anyway love you all! Drink water lol
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billthedrake · 6 months
Joseph Murphy didn't even have to knock on the hotel door. He'd texted Kyle to get the room number and as he strode up to 1139 in the downtown Boston hotel, the door opened right up.
Kyle was dressed in his Marines cammies - either he hadn't had time to change since checking in or else he wanted to be in uniform for the older man. A big smile formed on the 21 year old's face. "Hey," he muttered as he stepped aside to let the beefy cop enter.
"Hey yeuself," Joe hissed in his thick New England accent as he stepped right up to the young Marine and placed his hands around the stud's waist, drawing him in.
Their kiss was hot. A tongue heavy, facing sucking kind of kiss. Officer Murphy didn't do finesse, and it turns out Kyle Smith was A-OK with that. It had been TOO long since they'd been together, or even seen each other. They'd had a conversation before Kyle's deployment about whether they were dating. The cop didn't feel comfortable with that, and Joe hadn't even reached out to the Marine over the last few months. It was only an instant reply that Kyle received when he said he was coming home that made him realize there was still a spark there.
More than a spark. Officer Murphy was pawing at the ridge of hard military cock in the camo pants. And Kyle was feeling up all the cop beef through the man's long-sleeve Pats T-shirt. THIS was the young man's type to a T. Some heft on his bones, thick muscle, a beer belly. It had been the body Kyle had been into since he first started jacking off. Joe reminded him of his middle school wrestling coach - and even, if he was honest, of his own father.
Officer Murphy was even a dyed-in-the-wool working class New Englander like Kyle's father, only more brash even.
Indeed, the booming voice came as he backed off. "How's my fuckin' parn stah doin?" the cop bellowed, fingers tracing the long ridge of Marine meat sticking up in the uniform.
"Holy fuck, I missed you, man," Kyle said with a big grin. Maybe that was too much to say, but he felt it.
"I bet ya did," Joe said as he crouched down, fingers already fumbling with the uniform. "I know how to take care of this bad boy."
The cop's fingers felt good as they undid the trousers. "Are we gonna wait?" Kyle asked. "I mean, we said..."
Already the cop's big mitt was on the young stud's boner, pulling it out and gently stroking it. "You got a couple in ya, Corporal," he growled. "Come on, Jesus, four months and ya gonna fuckin' blue ball me?"
Officer Murphy didn't give Kyle a chance to answer. The question was rhetorical anyway. Because already he was taking the thick, long tool into his mouth.
"Oh fuck... fuck yes," Kyle hissed as he felt the police officer's hot wet mouth go down on him. The cop sucked dick like he kissed. No finesse. But it was amazing, especially after no sex for the last four months.
The Marine didn't realize he was carrying around so much tension in his body, but as Joe blew him, he felt himself relax, his stance widening just a little and his hand placed gently on top of the man's medium-short hair. He'd experienced a Joe Murphy BJ in full Boston Police uniform. THAT had been incredible, but even now he loved looking down on the man's thick-set daddy bod, face getting redder as he bobbed up and down more quickly. Kyle was still in full uniform, for his part, and he suspected that was driving Joe wild.
"It's not gonna take me long," Kyle warned.
The cop spit out his cock. "Dont ya dare, buddy." He wiped the spit off his chin with the back of his hand and leaned back. Kyle loved that view of him, the way it showed off Officer Murphy's broad rounded shoulders and massive chest.
Kyle knew what the man meant. He actually didn't have a lot of experience with other men. He'd met Joe Murphy when he was still 18, still a senior in high school. But the sex was electric between them. Joe was such a deeply sexual man, and the cop's hunger for a younger top, a much younger top, fueled Kyle's own lust.
"On the bed, Officer," he hissed.
Joe broke into a huge grin. Standing up, he started undoing his jeans and kicking off his sneakers.
"Keep that fuckin' unifo'm on buddy," he growled.
Kyle nodded. "That's 'Corporal Smith' to you, Officer."
"All right, Corporal," Joe chuckled. "Don't hold back. Just go for it, OK?"
Kyle was getting lightheaded now, he was so horny. Especially seeing Murphy pull off that T and reveal that beefy daddy bod. His big brother had teased him once when he showed him a picture of his cop lover. "You a chaser, Kyle?" Brandon had laughed. Kyle stood his ground those. The beer belly on such a meaty frame did something for him. He liked having a lot of daddy to hold onto.
That lot of daddy was naked now and crawling onto one of the queen beds on all fours. Kyle got in place.
"Aw yeah, eat my hole, Corporal. Aw, fuck yeah... root around with that tongue buddy. Get up in daddy's ass. Oh, fucking nasty, buddy."
Kyle remembered the first time he rimmed Joe Murphy he was worried the man would get freaked out. But it was one of Kyle's favorite things to watch in porn, so he just went for it. As they say, history was made. He and Joe rarely had sex without some ass eating.
Still, both knew it wasn't going to be a long rim session. Their absence had been too long. Kyle leaned back up on his haunches and gave a light slap to the cop's surprisingly smooth rump. Leaning over, he pumped out a couple of squirts of lube, which he applied to his boner, and then to Joe's hole.
The cop wasn't exactly slutty, but he was wanton in taking taking cock. Spreading his legs and wiggling his ass some as Kyle fingered him. Then, as Joe felt that thick piece of Marine cock bore in, he hissed and did his best to relax.
"Easy, buddy... easy... I'm fuckin' tight... ya gotta open daddy back up for business OK?"
"Yeah," Kyle hissed. He didn't want to cum yet. He knew if he could get through the penetration he'd be good for a bit.
Joe's verbal streak quieted down as Kyle slowly penetrated the older man. Murphy had lied about his age when they first met on the app, but the cop was 50. Squarely middle aged. The young man sometimes wondered why he was wired for older men, men like Murphy. But now that he was boning Joe, he didn't feel the need to question, his heart and mind and cock knew this is what he wanted.
Finally his balls pressed against the man's ass.
"God, yes," the Marine hissed. THIS was what a homecoming should be.
"I can feel your uniform against me, Corporal," Joe said in a surprisingly quiet tone. "So very hot."
Kyle held the man's waist. The skin was hot to the touch. "I dreamed about doing this in the barracks," he hissed. "Even fantasized about banging the Master Sergeant."
That got a chuckle from Joe beneath him. "I bet ya did, buddy. Just as I've had the hots for the new rookie on the force. Fresh faced fucker."
Kyle pulled back and pushed back in. Not fast, not yet. But he could feel the cop's insides open up for him, some.
"Anyone else fucking you, Joe?" he asked, an edge to his voice.
The reply was quiet. "A couple, Kyle," the cop answered. "It gets lonely, you know."
"Yeah," Kyle said, sadly. He wished he was the only one. But they'd never had that conversation. This was probably not the time to have it. "Man, I wish we didn't live so far apart."
The next thrust was hard, real hard. It knocked the wind out of Joe a little, and if Kyle hadn't fucked the cop like this before he would have been concerned.
"Give me a sec," Joe finally hissed.
Kyle slowed his roll and watched as the man reached over for his own squirt of lube.
The Marine didn't need to be told to resume fucking. That's how it was between him and Joe. Perfect synchronization of needs. The minute he saw the man reach down to jerk his cock, Kyle started fucking hard. Jack hammer thrusts in and out of the man's now relaxed hole.
"That's it, stud... horse hung Marine gonna fuck my cop ass..."
"Fuckin' take it, Officer," he hissed. Getting into it.
With other men Kyle had fucked it wasn't like this. It was usually fucking for his own pleasure or for the bottom's. But he and Joe Murphy were on the same wavelength, the older man rapidly jerking while Kyle threw his strength into hard fucking the beefy daddy.
Just the sight of the man's bare back, strong and full, and the love handles and the way Joe's face turned redder when he was getting close to cumming. Kyle felt that light headed feeling again and knew the cum was already traveling up his piss tube, pumping out from his balls.
"Oh FUCK!" he whimpered.
"SHIT!" Joe grunted.
Their orgasm was simultaneous. Kyle's body clenched and held still as his dick continued to unload inside the man. It had actually taken a few times to talk Officer Murphy into barebacking, but now he couldn't imagine sex between the two any other way. This was just sex, and it was just the hormones talking, but Kyle was in love with the man.
He started to pull back, but he saw Joe's hand reach back, as if to stop him. "Don't, Kyle... stay in me for a while longer, OK?"
The Marine nodded and placed his hand softly on Joe's lower back, feeling up the clammy sweaty muscle. He wondered if his dick was going to go soft. It usually did after a cum like that, but being connected with the police officer meant it still felt rock hard.
Brandon Smith waited in the hotel bar, sipping his beer. He was always a little nervous waiting for Preston, but he was getting that pit-in-his-stomach now. Maybe this was a bad idea.
But it only took the sight of his sorta boyfriend in the mirror to brighten up. Preston Weldman cut the vision of a real executive, as tall as Brandon, and his figure looking fit in slacks and a sport coat. The gray temples were the icing on the cake, so to speak. Brandon felt an instant chub in his jeans.
"Hope you haven't been waiting long," the business exec said as he sidled up to the hunky 32-year-old. He placed a hand on Brandon's shoulder. Not obvious but the touch felt electric between the two men.
"No," Brandon shook his head. "Anyway, it's good people watching here," he said.
Preston smiled. "Scoping out the business daddies?" he whispered. He knew Brandon's type. It was how they'd met each other on an app when Brandon was back home visiting family. Leaning in more, he growled. "You're looking really good, Sergeant Smith."
Brandon's heart pounded. "SO good to see you, Press." That had been his nickname for the man. Then, his eyes sweeping up and down, something clicked. "You're not wearing your wedding ring?"
Preston shrugged. "You disappointed?" he joked. "The divorce isn't final but it feels like it, you know?"
Brandon nodded and with concern asked, "How you doing?"
"We'll talk about it later, OK? We have the whole weekend, right?"
Brandon smiled. Long distance was tough, and there was military life on top of that. But maybe that's what worked for this divorced hunk. He had his own busy career to deal with, and his kids, too. "Yeah. I have some stuff I wanna talk about too."
"Yeah?" Preston replied. "You wanna talk about it now, kiddo?"
Brandon shook his head. "I think the guys are up in the room waiting for us."
Preston's lust was visible on his face, even if he normally had that WASPy repressed thing going on. "Sure you're OK with this?"
Brandon laughed. "I was gonna ask you the same thing, Press." He stood up and set down some cash to pay for his beer. "It'll be way hot."
"You're bringing out my naughty side for sure." Preston was definitely in a good mood.
Brandon leaned in and whispered. "How do you think I feel? He's my brother." Then he pulled back and gave a wink to the man before grabbing his overnight bag. "Come on, let's go up."
Even on the elevator ride up, the two couldn't keep their eyes off each other. Preston still couldn't believe he'd scored a young man as hot as Brandon Smith. 6'3" ex-football jock, his body honed by years in the US Marine Corps. The 26-year-old was like a porn character come to life. The superstitious, or realist, part of Preston knew this affair was on borrowed time, that Brandon would move on. But he'd sure as hell enjoy the ride.
Joe had dozed off but the knock on the hotel room woke him up. He was naked in the damp, disheveled hotel bed. The kid had gone for seconds, all right, and the middle-aged cop felt well and truly fucked. Like, a sleepy, tired and satisfied level of truly fucked.
The man felt bad for telling Kyle about the hookups he'd had. But he didn't want to hold back from the young man. Besides, there had just been two men over the last few month. They hadn't meant a thing and certainly couldn't hold a candle to Kyle fuckin' Smith.
Another knock came. Louder.
"All right," Joe called out. "Coming!"
He jumped out of the bed and sauntered over to the door. He could hear the shower running, and realized Kyle was in there.
Brandon and Preston were surprised to see the door fling open to reveal the full nakedness of a thick-set 50-ish man they'd never met. Lightly furred front, soft dick dangling beneath.
"Come in, fellas," Joe said. "Kyle's in the shower." Unceremoniously he turned and let the men indoors.
It took a second for Joe to pick up on their reaction. "Why be shy, right?" he said in his thick accent. He flashed an impish smile. "I can cover up if it bothers you though."
"Guess you're right," Brandon said. He held out his hand. "I'm Brandon."
Joe took the hand in his own strong mitt and shook it. "Definitely see the family ressemblance."
"Joe," the cop said.
"Preston," the businessman said as he greeted the cop.
"Jesus what the fuck kind of name is Preston?" Joe quipped.
Brandon got angry. Protective and angry. "We can call this off," he said through gritted teeth.
"Call what off?" came Kyle's voice as he stepped out, towel wrapped around his waist.
Preston's eyes noticeably showed excitement. If he had to pick, he'd choose Brandon's body, but Kyle had a shorter, more compact build that was scrlpted with tight, rounded young muscle.
Kyle immediately picked up on the vibe. "Jesus, Joe. Did you shoot off your mouth again?"
The cop looked genuinely contrite. "Sorry fellas. Guess I'm shitty at first impressions. Preston," he said, turning to the other daddy in the group. "I'm sorry man. Really. That was a shitty thing to say."
"All right," he said in a clipped Yankee accent. "I guess we're not here on a date or anything," he joked.
Joe nodded. "Yeah, the Smith brothers are the stars of the weekend, right?"
Brandon looked at Kyle. "You guys already get started?" he asked his brother.
Kyle nodded. "Yeah, couldn't wait, sorry."
Brandon turned to look at his lover. "I wouldn't mind a little one-on-one time with Press first."
"Yeah, babe?" Preston asked. He wasn't sure how this scene would play out. But as much as he wanted to see Kyle in action, he was drawn to Brandon first and foremost.
The hunky marine pulled Preston closer to him, then guided his arms around the man's waist to draw him into a kiss. It was soft and sensual. Brandon Smith was SUCH an amazing kisser, and inspired Preston to give his best in return.
"We can give ya guys some space," Joe spoke up. Amused to see a version of what he and Kyle had just experienced.
"Yah," Brandon almost said. Only Press' hand gripped his arm.
"It's OK if they watch babe," he said. The older man had a playful look on his face. "I kind of want 'em to."
Brandon looked at Preston in amusement. This buttoned-down divorced dad had a way of surprising him. "OK, he said.
Kyle was still in his towel as he sat on the bed, feeling Joe settle in behind him. The cop's mitts felt good feeling up his ripped Marine muscles. If Kyle hadn't just fucked the man, twice, he'd be boning up fast.
"You OK with this, Kyle?" Brandon asked.
Kyle nodded. "Go for it, bro. It'll be hot to see you guys."
That was all the green light it took for Brandon and Preston. It was like it was just them, alone in the room, even as they were also aware of putting on a show. They slowly stripped each other and made out.
About the only thing to break the spell was the cop's outburst when Brandon removed Press's button-down shirt, revealing a DILF-y gym-toned body.
"Holy fucking shit, he's a frickin' magazine model."
The cop's loudmouth approach had rubbed him the wrong way, but now he enjoyed having Preston's amazing body recognized.
The lovers were soon naked and Brandon was reclining them down on the other bed. Kissing softly even as their bodies humped more urgently. They were matched in height, but Brandon had some more muscle on him, and Preston was feeling up every inch with his hands.
Soon the older man was parting his legs, letting Brandon's body find that spot between them. Their kissing grew more impassioned, until Brandon leaned up.
"Fuck you feel so good, Press," he sighed. "I love ya, man."
"Love you, too, Big B." This was the only thing that made Preston self conscious about having an audience. But he knew this was part of sex between him and Brandon. The emotional openness.
"I need to be inside you, Dad," Brandon hissed.
"Please," Preston said. "I need you, Son."
Joe felt Kyle's body tense in his arms. The cop was a pervy enough man that the dad-son play didn't phase him. But he sensed it hit differently for Kyle. This was his brother, talking about "Dad." Joe just held the 21-year-old tight against him and kissed the side of his neck.
"OK?" he whispered.
"Yeah," Kyle whispered back.
Then Joe felt Kyle's hand grip his forearm, pulling it down. Joe thought the kid was rejecting his embrace but instead Kyle guided Joe's hand lower, right to the towel, where there was a ridge of hard dick. The kid was turned on.
"Jesus, it's a like a Lifetime movie," Joe almost said, but restrained himself. Everything was so frickin sensuous between the other couple. Even the lubing of cocks and the fingering of Preston's hole. The man was glas Kyle was into more animalistic fucking. The kid always had been, even at 18.
At last the divorced exec lifted his toned legs, and Brandon gingerly positioned the ankles on his meaty shoulders. The two locked eyes, silently, lovingly.
And Brandon entered his daddy lover.
Preston winced at entry but after a second, his hands were on Brandon's muscle ass, coaxing him to push in further.
"Not gonna last long today, Dad," Brandon hissed. "You feel so fucking good."
"We got all weekend, Son," Press countered. Before Brandon he didn't enjoy bottoming. Hell, the times he fooled around with men he usually preferred getting head. But this Marine had a way of rocking his world, turning it upside down. Of making him want cock like this. "Fuck me. Fuck your father."
Brandon let out a low deep grunt and powered in. Slowly, sensually at first. God he was SO turned on. Being with Press, hearing that roleplay talk. But also know his little bro was watching. "I'm gonna go a little harder, sir," he hissed.
"Do it!" Press urged.
And like that came a serious of slow, rough thrusts.
"Yes!" the exec grunted. Only Brandon could make him love it like this, too. Hard, with a roughness to each inward push of that meaty cock. "Attaboy."
Brandon had a few trigger words and that was one of them. He knew orgasm was coming now. So he humped more excitedly, hard stokes working to get himself off with this perfect man's ass.
"Yeah, Dad," he hissed. "Gonna cum!"
He felt Press's hands caress his sides, encouraging him to give it up.
"UNNGH!" Brandon grunted and unloaded.
"Yes!" Press said excitedly. He loved watching his Big B cum, loved seeing that mix of youthful masculinity and almost childish need. Already he was stroking his dick to get his own nut.
Brandon took a second to come down from the high but when he did he started working his dick in and out of Press's warm hole. Fucking slowly but hard, the way Press liked it.
The older man wasn't a loud cummer, but Brandon knew how to read the signs. Sure enough. the middle-aged man's body clenched and white hot sperm flew out. Preston Weldman came a lot when he orgasmed.
Brandon pulled out and only then was self conscious that his brother and his brother's lover were looking on.
Kyle had a look that was clearly horny and maybe a little embarrassed. "Why don't we give you some space, Bro?" he said quietly.
The older brother rolled off Preston's body. "We freak you out, Kyle? I guess I should have warned you that we do the roleplay thing."
Joe spoke up. "Don't let the kid fool ya, he loved that shit."
"Jesus, Joe," Kyle objected. But the man was right.
Preston leaned up. He felt a strange fondness for Kyle, a dude he'd never met. "Kyle, it took me a while to get into it." He ran his hand up and down Brandon's strong back. "I don't know... your brother's a persuasive man."
"Eight inches is a lot of persuasion," Joe quipped. He'd just witness the other brother's endowment, and Brandon was as hung as Kyle, for sure.
"Joe, what the fuck?" Kyle pestered. But Brandon and Preston were smirking.
"Fuckin' Christ. What the fuck are we for? It's supposed to be a fun weekend, right?" He patted Kyle's chest affectionately and gave a soft, contrite kiss. "Come on, let's go get a pint and we can talk more at the pub." The cop pulled his meaty body back from his younger lovers and stepped off the bed. "Apparently we need to talk about 'ground rules' or some bullshit," he bellowed.
Brandon had to admit the policeman was growing on him.
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wheatnoodle · 1 year
i love you, evangeline
og post | p1 | p2 | p3 | p4
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“evie, babe, darling, my love. you gotta stop stressing so much. dustin’s going to like whatever you make, everything you cook is great. you’re going to pace holes into the floor and we won’t get our security deposit back,” robin says and places her hands on evie’s shoulders. the girl’s been panicking over the pasta on the stovetop, having already restarted her sauce for the third time now.
“i- i know, i know. but it’s not…about the food, robs,” evie says and tips her head back to face the ceiling once she feels tears welling behind her eyes. she can’t let her mascara run. it’s expensive.
“honey, hey,” robin is snatching a napkin off the counter to dab at evie’s waterline, her other hand cupping her face. “dustin is going to love you, no matter what. do you know how long he’s been waiting for this day? every time i see or talk to him, it’s all ‘where’s steve why are you hiding him is he dead can i see him’. he’s going to be over the moon.”
“that’s just it, robin. he misses steve and i’m not him. what if he’s disappointed, or disgusted, or he hates me, or he won’t accept it? oh my god, i don’t know if i can do this,” she can feel her breathing picking up and robin is instantly placing her hands on her shoulders.
“okay, no, hey, we’re not going to do that. we are not panicking. everything is going to go amazing. nothing bad is going to happen. you just finished a glass of wine, your emotions are gettin’ high, you are okay. we are okay. let’s breathe, yeah?” slowly, she guides evie through deep breaths, rubbing her shoulders all throughout. after a few moments, evie shuts her eyes, a sigh of relief leaving her body and her shoulders dropping. she pulls robin into a hug.
“you’re right. everything’s okay. thanks,” she mumbles into her shoulder.
“anytime. now, get out of your head, dingus. if you burn this sauce, i’m not letting you start over again,” robin smirks and pulls back to finish her setting of the small kitchen table.
just as she finishes lighting the candles in the center of the table, there’s a knock to the tune of “skunk in the barnyard”. robin’s head snaps over to evie, seeing the girl freeze just as she was about to fill their glasses.
“okay…here we go,” robin whispers and walks to the door. she pulls it open, stepping in the doorway to greet the kid, well adult, on the other side. “dustin!”
“robin!” dustin answers her cheer, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug that’s got her feet off the ground.
“oh my god, i’ve missed you so much. when did you grow?!” robin laughs once he puts her down and they pull back to look each other in the eye.
“everyone keeps asking me that! i’ve missed you too,” he smiles and she can still see the kid he used to be. “also, what on earth is that smell because if i don’t get to consume whatever that is immediately, things may get violent.”
“that, me dear nerd, would be ms evangeline’s cooking awaiting us inside,” she smiles proudly, tilting her chin back as she prepares herself. she steps out of the way to let him in.
“dude, you didn’t tell me she can cook too! and you mean you haven’t proposed to her-“ dustin freezes as he’s about halfway through the entryway, the table in view. evie stands up straight, her cheeks tinging pink as her nerves spiked.
“dustin…” evie says softly, her voice wavering just slightly. she watches as he looks her all over. from her long, loosely curled hair, to the sparkly earrings and her makeup, pausing briefly on her figure, before going back to her face. “hey.”
“oh my god…” dustin breathes out and he’s moving in an instant. he rushes forward and his arms are tight around her waist, squeezing hard. “oh my god! oh my god, you’re alive.”
“i’m alive. i’m here,” she sniffles, one arm going around his neck, the other ruffling his hair. she doesn’t bother to fight her own tears this time when she feels and hears dustin crying in her shoulder.
“i can’t believe you’re you. holy shit,” he cries out years of waiting, years of wondering, years of confusion and betrayal. he’s so…relieved. “i missed you.”
“i missed you too, kid. fuck, i missed you.” they hold on for a few more minutes, not a word shared before dustin decides to pull back. his face is red and tear stained but he has a smile evie hasn’t seen since eddie woke up in the hospital.
“you look so good! ohohoh this is amazing!” dustin gushes, giggling excitedly. robin’s leaning against the counter with a huge smile and tears of her own she’s not so subtly trying to wipe away.
“really? you’re…okay with this?” evie asks, every ounce of insecurity dripping into her voice as she looks down at herself.
“are you kidding me? dude, i love you. every form of you. i thought you died! oh shit, should i not call you dude?” dustin pauses, eyes wide and a hand coming to cover his mouth.
“what? oh, no! dude’s fine,” she clarifies, a bit awkward.
robin snorts and walks closer, taking her own turn in ruffling dustin’s hair. “trust, she’ll let you know when somethings not.”
“so…does this mean i can stay here instead of the hotel?” dustin glances between them with his best puppy eyes.
robin and evie look over at each other, a quick silent conversation. “well i guess you can,” evie says dramatically and drops into her seat at the table.
she hides her smile behind her wine glass at dustin’s whoop of excitement.
taggie waggies:
@lololol-1234 @xo-r4e @paintsplatteredandimperfect @homohomohoe @charlies-candid-corner @tartarusfairy @howincrediblysapphicofyou @steddie-as-they-go @bestwifehaver @sexymothmanincarnate @zoeweee @romanticdestruction @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @breadboi66 @shadowofaliar @mollymawkwrites @lofaewrites @estrellami-1 @ronance-is-my-wife @afewproblems @heartsong18 @discount-izukumidoriya @mightbeasleep @bookbinderbitch @justforthedead89 @onehandedbitch @anxiouseds @sunfloweringstories @cyranyx @thegingerrapunzel @hequet @herebedragons404 @magpiemuseum @scheodingers-muppet @the-ghost-in-your-curtains @background-noise-headache @steddieloverrr @punctualhowell @musical-theatre-gay
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reidreaders · 1 year
I Love You?
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Summary: You aren't totally sure of your feelings about Spencer, at least not until you both attend JJ's wedding.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: descriptions of unhealthy relationships, some colorful language (literally just one swear word), kissing, established relationship, not proof read, I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: this is entirely self indulgent because I'm obsessed with Spencer with kids, and also I hate most men but I just know Spencer would be the perfect bf. Also, this is totally inspired by 7x24.
Let’s be honest. You’ve had your heart broken more times than you could count. Your type seemed to be cheaters, liars, manipulators, and the like. As your mother would say, your picker was broken. That is until you met Spencer. When you met, you had sworn off of men. You were tired of begging them to do the bare minimum. All that to say, you were wary of him. He seemed nice enough, all awkward and nervous, sputtering at you like he had never spoken to a woman before. You found it endearing and honestly, you kind of liked the idea of someone who didn’t have much experience with women. It made him seem less likely to treat you the way your exes had. So, despite your vow of not dating, Spencer became your boyfriend.
Six months in and were still wary of him. Your therapist says you have “commitment issues” and to be honest she was right. You had no problem dating Spencer, no problem spending the night at his house or meeting his friends, you had no problem having sex or even meeting his mother. You just got a little freaked out when it came to taking the relationship to the next step. For example, four months into your relationship, Spencer told you that he loved you. That had freaked you out more than anything. You didn’t want to break his heart, but you also wanted to protect your own. It’s not that you didn’t have feelings for Spencer, you did, big ones, it’s just that your past relationships had made you scared to feel that way about anyone again. Spencer, of course, understood. The two of you agreed to take things slow, to wait until you felt secure, but you could tell Spencer was getting impatient. He needed more from you. You could tell that you were going to have to make your move soon or you would lose him, and that scared you more than anything. Still, you wanted to be sure, you had to be sure. 
Rossi had called a few days ago and told Spencer that he was throwing a surprise wedding for JJ and Will, and he wanted you both to be there. As you got ready for the wedding, you felt nervous. Surely being at a wedding, with all the love in the air or whatever, would make Spencer even more anxious for a commitment. 
Soon the knock on your door alerted you to Spencer’s presence. You didn’t bother to move from your spot in the bathroom, putting the finishing touches on your makeup. He had a key to your apartment and you knew he’d just come in. Out of your peripheral vision you saw a mop of curly brown hair and felt a set of hands on your waist. 
“Hey.” He whispered into your ear. The sound of his voice was enough to send shivers down your spine. You spun around to face him.
“Wow,” He said, taking a step back to see all of you, “You look incredible.”
“Well thank you,” You smirked, pulling away to do a spin so he could see the way your dress moved. He grinned as pulled you back in for a kiss, slow and passionate. As you kissed him, you felt fireworks, like the kind they talked about in overplayed pop songs. Holy shit. Were you in love with him? 
As soon as you arrived at Rossi’s mansion (he’d kill you if he heard you call it merely a house), you had been whisked away by Penelope and Emily, wanting to catch up after not having seen each other for a while. The three of you talked, well gossiped is more like it, over a couple glasses of wine. Your attention was pulled from the conversation when you heard the excited screams of children. You turned around to see Spencer, pulling a coin out of Henry’s ear, as Jack begged him to do the trick on him next. You watched as he did, eliciting the same excited scream from Jack as it had in Henry. You watched as he did card tricks for them with a deck of poker cards he had found in Rossi’s junk drawer. But most of all, you watched how he looked at the kids, like they were the greatest things ever put on this Earth. He was so happy in this moment, really, genuinely happy. The first thought that crossed your mind was, ‘he would make such a good father’, and then it was over for you. You started picturing Spencer playing like that with your kids while you cooked dinner, you thought about what he might be like while you were at the hospital in labor. You thought about what kind of house you might live in, maybe something in the suburbs? You thought about what kind of dress you would wear on your wedding day and what colors the bridesmaids would wear. You thought about how’d he tear up seeing you come down the aisle. And that was the moment you knew, the moment you were really sure, that you were hopelessly in love with Spencer. 
As you sat next to Spencer at the ceremony, you were nearly crying. You couldn’t stop thinking about the sudden realization that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. You wanted to marry him and have his babies. You figured no one would really notice your crying, it was pretty common to cry at weddings after all. But Spencer noticed. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it, trying to get your attention. You turned your head to meet his eyes and he mouthed a subtle “You okay?”. You nodded and turned back to watch JJ and Will say their vows, but that simple act of checking in on you made you feel something you had never felt before. Sure you had been in love before, but Spencer made you feel safe. In that moment, you knew that all the crying and heartbreak was over for you, because you had him. 
The reception was now in full swing. Everyone had a couple of drinks in them, and you were being dragged onto the dance floor by a fairly intoxicated Agent Rossi. After a couple of songs, you shot Spencer a look that said “Help me” and you knew he’d come to your rescue, even though he was much for dancing. 
“Sorry Rossi, but I think it’s my turn,” He said as he took your hand and escorted you to a more desolate part of the dance floor. As the two of you began to sway, the DJ played “Lover” by Taylor Swift. You usually weren’t into the typical wedding songs, but all of the sudden you understood. You understood Taylor Swift in a way you never had before. You looked up at Spencer and saw nothing but love in his big, brown eyes. 
You took a deep breath, “I love you.” You said it so quietly you weren’t sure he had heard it. Before you could confirm whether or not he had, his hands were on your face and your lips were crashing into his, for a deep and passionate kiss. 
The two of you stayed like that for while, only to be snapped back into reality by Morgan making kissy sounds and yelling at Spencer to stop trying to swallow you. You both laughed, your lips still touching. 
You pulled away and Spencer was beaming. You had never seen him smile that big. 
“I love you, too,” He said, “But you already knew that.”
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed and if have any ideas, requests, whatever, don't be scared to send them my way!
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 4 months
Tw: episodes and stuff, uh thinking simeone is coming to get you or something
Teen reader that has episodes and they think that someone is coming to get them and they only way you can calm them down is like holding them?? Just comfort basically with Ben, Liu, and jeff, bc yes
Btw love your writing😊😊
Summary: Being comforted by creeps during an episode by having them hold you
Genre: Fluff, minor angst
Warnings: Mentions of episodes/general unhappy emotions
Credits: Ben, Liu, Jeff- Creepypasta, Divider- benkeibear, Cover picture- Pinterest
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Ben Drowned
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You had plans to play video games together that day since Ben was off work
And after video games, you were gonna read comics
Ben had went up to the library for a little bit to get said comics, and came back 30 minutes later
You had said you'd be in his room by then, but you weren't
He wasn't too concerned though, maybe you were just a little late
So he sets the books down on the floor next to his bed and heads over to your room
It is completely empty, and it looks like you had been trying to move somewhere fast by how disheveled the room was
He opens the door a little wider to step into the room, hoping to look for you when he hears a sharp gasp come from the bathroom
He raises a brow and steps over to the door, knocking and waiting for a response
When he doesn't get one he begins to get a little concerned "Y/n, are you ok in there?"
He then hears what sounds like a gun cocking, so he phases through the door without warning
When he does, he is immediately shot at by you, but of course the bullets go right through him
After maybe 3 shots, you drop the gun and begin to sob uncontrollably
You are curled up in your bathtub, knees to your chest and shaking violently
Ben comes to sit in the bath with you, hesitating before beginning to rub your back
"Woah, what's going on? What was the gun in here for?"
You try to speak but it all comes out jumbled and fast "Iwasscaredsomeonewasgonnagetmesoihidinthebathtubandgottheguntobesafe" You take a long breath "It was so scary!!"
Ben did not understand a word of what you had said, but he's not gonna make you repeat it because of how stressed you are
So he instead straightens out his legs and makes his form more physical and solid, so he can drag you up into his lap and cradle you
"Hey, let's calm down ok? Whatever happened, I'm here now, so you don't have to be scared. I promise" He says as he begins to wipe tears from your face
You already begin to calm down, your breathing slowing and the tears almost stopping entirely
A few minutes pass before he speaks again "See? You're alright. Barely even crying now" he says with a smile
"Come on, let's go play video games now. That always helps me feel less scared."
Homicidal Liu
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Liu, being a caretaker is almost always swarmed by kids
He tries his best to keep up with everyone, making sure they're taken care of and happy, but sometimes it's hard to get to everyone
It was mid-afternoon at this point, and he had thought that maybe he had some time to himself when he realized that he hadn't checked in on you today
Logically he knows that you are old enough to take care of yourself, but he still likes to check in and make sure you're ok
So he gets up and heads to your room, but when he arrives you aren't there
He thinks that maybe you had gotten out of bed to get food or something until he hears a shifting noise from the closet
With a piqued interest, he heads over and opens one of the doors cautiously
It takes him a moment to realize that you are on the floor, curled up in a ball with your head under your hands, and violently shaking
He frowns and crouches down, lowering his voice so he doesn't startle you "What are you doing in here? Are you ok?"
You shake your head but don't say anything, you can't
As a caretaker, he is told any necessary medical information about the children so he can do his job better
So he is aware that you can have episodes sometimes and how he can help
So seeing that you are currently in one, he begins to take off his cardigan, setting it to the side and pulling you into his lap
Once you are settled, he spreads his cardigan over you making sure you are all covered
He begins to stroke your hair and shush you, telling you that you are safe and that no one is coming for you
Once you are calm enough to communicate, he asks if you'd like any water, and if you'd like to stay with him for the rest of the day
The choice is yours as to what you do, and he will respect your decision either way
Jeff The Killer
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Jeff is a very naturally protective person, so he told you early on that if you ever felt like you were in danger that you needed to come find and tell him about it
He doesn't care what he's doing, you are always the most important thing
So when you feel the anxiety creeping in, you immediately head to his room to tell him about it
He is asleep, and is a very hard sleeper at that, but you know he'll be upset if you don't at least try to wake him up and tell him
So you crawl over to the side of the bed he's on and shake him a little
After a few moments of shaking him, he begins to wake up, squinting and sleepily asking what you want
You explain that you think you're about to have an episode, and he sighs loudly
He doesn't like being woke up, but he also really cares about you
So he sits up, rubs his face and beckons you into his arms
You silently crawl onto him, and once you are comfy he lays back down
"You know there's no body comin' to get ya" he mutters into your head
"I know, but my brain doesn't" you whisper
"Well just know that I'm scarier than anybody that could want to take you. Even if there was someone coming for you, I promise they'd never even get the chance to finish getting the idea through their head before I take care of 'em." He says
He then covers your eyes with his hands "Now go to sleep, nerd. I'm tired"
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minhosimthings · 7 months
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A La Folie ft. Jay || Part 2
Synopsis: Wounds came and went. All in the circle of life am I right? The greatest warrior among all the kings, Park Jay. For him, seeing blood was like seeing the sky. It was a daily routine which he could not escape. Yes sometimes he had grave injuries, which he wouldn't stop to take care of, with him being a workaholic. But sometimes healers do more than heal physical wounds, and for Jay, you did exactly that.
Pairings: King!Jay × healer!fem!reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, suggestive at the end, SMUT IN THE NEXT CHAPTER MY BABIES, mentions of food, mentions of abuse, reader has scars, mention of blood and violence, hurt/comfort, reader has a panic attack, Heeseung suffering a shit ton lmao I'm sorry hee
A/N: I am legit so sorry for the long wait my babies I wanted to make this as perfect as possible! Thank you for the notes on the first part YAY!!! And the next chapter has smut hehe 😏😏
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
The French Quotes Series Masterlist
Memories are said to be core parts of a person's life, no matter good or bad.
The only memories you had were of blood, broken glass, and destroyed homes.
Laughter had always seemed so frightening to you, it reminded you terribly of your mother and father's drunken laughter, as they put the belt to their daughter, just because she was a daughter.
Laughter was no longer how your older brother used to comb your hair, how he used to engulf you in his arms everytime the house was filled with things that a seven year old shouldn't be hearing.
Laughter and love, no longer seemed to exist, as you looked down on the bruises on your skin, and wondered when the last time someone had noticed it under all your setting powder was.
Oh right.
Just over an hour ago by the goddamn king of the place you lived in. The possibility of something going wrong was approximately zero, and yet your powder just had to melt off.
Now you were slumped against your bed, almost about to tear your hair out at how much you were regretting even signing up for an apprentice's position in the palace. At the time, when you were fifteen, it seemed the only possible solution, to get away from your home.
To get away from Jooyeon, atleast.
Knock knock knock.
You let out a loud groan at the sound of tapping on the door. Who on earth was calling for you now?
Checking the clock on the wall, you seethed. Begrudgingly getting up, you dragged yourself to the door, and opened it only to find-
"Your Highness!" You gasped, quickly bending into a curtsey at the light footed man standing before you, "Um..am I of any requirance?"
Heeseung chuckled, and pressed his hand to his chest, returning the respect but bowing to you and sweeping away a stray hair from his forehead.
"Jay just sent me over to you to find out if you were alright, Miss Y/N." He said, with the air of a holy messenger, "You seemed to have rushed out the door on his saying something. Did he offend you perhaps?"
"Oh." You breathed a sigh of relief, not realising your facial expression until you saw Heeseung's amused face looking at you, "Oh no! No absolutely not! No, it's um—its really my fault, sort of. Um—is-is he quite mad?"
Heeseung mused over the question for a bit, quietly laughing to himself at how flustered you were.
"Well I wouldn't say mad." Heeseung finally answered after what seemed like an eternity, "But I would say extremely confused and possibly bleeding out his bandages again."
"Fuck." You cursed under your breath, hoping Heeseung didn't hear what you said, "I'll see it to the matter straight away, Your Highness."
"Oh please, Miss Y/N, call me Heeseung." He winked flirtatiously at you, to which you wanted to slightly gag.
"Is it a custom for all Paradoxica kings to allow their nurses to call them by their names?" You chuckled, remembering how Jay so magnificently told you to call him by his name.
"Maybe just for the handsome ones." Heeseung jested, throwing you another wink, which you tried hard not to frown at.
As Heeseung's footsteps faded away, you turned to the door in front of you. Taking a deep breath, you strode forward and slowly opened the door, having the scent of musk hit your nostrils with a bang again, as your eyes fell upon Jay, sitting calmly against the bedframe with his bandages drenched in red.
"May I come in, Your Majesty?" You forced the sentence out, not daring to meet Jay's eyes. You heard a slight hum of approval, to which you sighed a breath of relief and strode in, immediately going to the tiny table you had set up in the corner of the room and getting your supplies to change Jay's bandages, not noticing how Jay's eyes were following your every movement.
Silence filled the room for many minutes as you went on with your routine of pressing the ointment against his wounds and wrapping them up in clean linen. You hadn't dared to lift your lids up to Jay, all the while you were touching his stomach.
"Who did that to you?"
The air stilled drastically, at Jay's cold question, which he offered in a bittersweet voice, and you knew he could see how you visibly froze, from the hair on top of your head down to your little toe finger.
"Pardon me, Your Majesty?" You said, pretending not to hear the question and quickly wrapping up your tools. But Jay was quicker.
"I said—" he leaned forward, to your figure sitting on the stool and he whispered dangerously in your ear,
"Who gave you that mark on your shoulder?"
Jay's suspicions proved true at your flinch at his tone. Leaning back to look at your face, he saw nothing but pure fear and a few tears. His thoughts immediately started to run wild.
"Forgive me." He sighed, "That was too far."
"It was." The words ran out before you could stop them, and a bit harsher than you had wanted.
"May I be please be excused?" You asked him, trying hard to ignore the pit in your stomach and the urge to throw yourself onto a bed and sob.
That night, you tried everything to fall asleep. Empty packets of chamomile were all strewn over the floor, the heavy scent of lavender candles floated in the air, and yet nothing was knocking you out.
Sleep came very late into the darkness and sleep came disturbed. You had no idea how many times your eyes cracked open and stared at the ceiling above because the nightmare just seemed too damn real to be a figment of your imagination. You wondered how it would have been like if you had stayed with Jay all night in his chambers, you had heard that Mrs.Chun often stayed with him when he was injured.
Secrets and secrets never to be untold, you started to write in your diary again, to kill your time, and hopefully drowse off as soon as your poem was completed.
Little did you know, a certain king was doing the same thing next door.
"So let me get this straight-" Sunghoon ran his fingers through his hair, "You have a very attractive woman your age tending to you, almost touching your abs, talking to you like you want to be talked to, smells like lavender, and an apparently suspicious bruise on her shoulder and you want to find out where that thing came from but she won't tell you?"
"Well when you say it that way." Jay glared at his fellow king, "And anyways I'm pretty sure she's upset with me right now, she practically ran out on me yesterday."
Sunghoon snickered and ran a hand through his hair again. "How are you holding up? With the injury and all?"
"It's much better than Y/N expects me to rest for." Jay scoffed, "Have you seen her out of her chambers when you were coming here?"
"I think she's in the infirmary." Sunghoon scratched his head, "One of the maids told me that she was busy."
If you were in the infirmary, the infirmary was where Jay would go. With a heavy breath, he lunged himself off of the bed and onto his feet, to the concerned brow raise of Sunghoon.
"Alright you should return to your palace now, doesn't the kingdom need you and all?"
"I don't think so." Sunghoon threaded his fingers into his locks, "It's a bright sunny day, Jongsoeng brighten up a bit!"
"If you touch your hair one more time Park Sunghoon, I will brighten up your funeral."
The infirmary was a place of healing. For both physical and mental wounds. For most of your teenage years, Mrs Chun had set about trying heal the latter, by immersing you into the art of healing others. It had been fascinating, you thought, the quiet of the stone walls and the cold air brushing against your skin with kisses you preferred. It made you forget your home.
So it wasn't a surprise that this was the place you came to early in the morning when the king had ordered your presence. You were currently working on a nightmare potion for yourself, trying to mix in some additionalities to make you dream about something else.
Your carefully measured out drops of cranberry juice caught your attention as the vibration from the sound of heavy steps coming from outside made it quiver ever so slightly.
Sighing to yourself when you heard the door knob's knock, you abandoned your chemicals and went towards the door, thankful for your infirmary outfit of trousers because they didn't drag behind you. Why couldn't you have worn this when you were tending to-
"Your Majesty!" You all but screamed, quickly bowing to the man in front of you, "uh....hi." you added awkwardly at the end.
"Hi." Jay replied back, "And I told you not to call me that. Just call me Jay it's fine."
"You're the goddamn king, I can't just call you by your first name." You retorted as Jay walked in and dropped into the chair by the table where your nightmare potion lay, "Do you need anything?"
"Entertainment." Jay replied promptly, curiously poking at some herbs, "Why don't you wear that often?"
"Pardon?" You said before looking down and realising what you were wearing. You quickly grabbed a blanket and covered your lower portion, "That wasn't meant for anyone's eyes."
"You look good." Jay winked, nibbling on the cilantro you had saved for the potion, "Is that a nightmare potion?"
"Mrs Chun told me you were horrible at potions." You laughed, letting do of the blanket and striding over to Jay, plopping down on the chair opposite to him, "Kudos to recognising the potion."
"She's exaggerating, you know how old women are these days."
"How old do you suspect I am?" You asked, curious as to the king's opinions on women's ages. Jay thought for a moment before speaking.
"Depends." He leaned forward and smiled, "How old do you think I am?"
"45." You answered with an air of pride to your voice, to which Jay gasped dramatically and put a hand to his chest.
"You wound me Y/N." He chuckled, "Healers are supposed to heal aren't they?"
"Well depending on how you take your tea with a jar full of honey, you're certainly an old man." You were uncontrollably laughing now, "We're the same age, 22."
There was a moment of silence, in which you silently took the potion away from his radius and into your hands, your eyes widening dangerously at the bubbling liquid.
"Damn it!" You said, wincing at the hot touch. You looked around frantically for something, anything, which could calm the potion down, while Jay looked on, confused at your doings. Nevertheless, he got up and started to look for whatever you wanted.
"What are we looking for?" Jay asked as you ripped open the cupboards, the potion was bubbling aggressively by now.
"Something that can calm the potion down!" You cried, trying to get your mind to think, something to neutralize liquid, "like a lemon, alkali something."
Jay knew nightmare potion was dangerous when it wasn't neutralized, poisoning the skin of those whose grasp it reached. He racked his brain, trying to remember what Mrs Chun had taught him.
"Oh how about that baking soda there!" Jay pointed, wincing slightly as he felt pressure against his wounds but he tried not to show it, "It's alkali is it not?"
You had no time to respond as you grabbed thd baking soda at the speed of lightning and poured it all into the potion. The aggravated liquid seemed to calm down, as the bubbles slowly faded away and the colour changes from green to its normal azure.
"Thank the fucking heavens." You sighed, plopping down on the table much to Jay's amusement, "Thank you, Jay."
"I don't think Mrs Chun would like the state of this room right now." Jay motioned to the floor, where powders and cupboards lay ripped open from your frantic try to find an alkali. He was right of course, Mrs Chun would have killed you. The baking soda was also finished.
"Ah damn." You said, not realising the amount of times you swore in front of the kind today, you had to go out and get new ones now. You started to pick up the bigger jars which were thankfully not broken and arrange them back, not noticing Jay doing the same thing behind you. When you did notice however you were horrified.
"Your Majesty sit down!" You commanded, forcing Jay down onto the chair, "You'll worsen the injury."
"But I want to help." Jay visibly pouted, adorable, you thought, "Please?"
"Absolutely not." You responded, five minutes away from tying him to the chair, "If you're that bored, we can talk, but under no circumstance am I allowing you to bend and work."
Jay considered his options and came to the conclusion that talking was the better option. He wanted to find out more about your mysterious ways of enchanting him so well, about that scar too....
"Shall I start then?" Jay asked, as you nodded and started on the mess again, "Favourite food?"
"That's the best question you could think of?" You scoffed playfully, nevertheless smiling at him, "Apricots. Alright my turn. Hm..allergies?"
"Peaches, which is a pity because I love peaches. Hobbies?"
"Most of the time, reading, but I like experimenting here in the infirmary." You said. You liked this conversation, it was peaceful, bouncing back on each other with questions of all kinds. There was laughter, teasing and perhaps the most happiness you had felt in a lot of time.
"Birds can take over the world, you can fight me on that."
"If I fought you over it, I'd probably lose." Jay laughed, holding his stomach from the amount of bird jokes you both had made in the past fifteen minutes.
"So any siblings?"
Jay's question made you freeze again into that familiar pose Jay had grown to hate now. He wondered whether it was something related to your family that you were making the nightmare potion for.
"I'm sorry, you clearly aren't comfortable with discussing it I won't bring it up agai-"
"No it's alright." You sighed, letting out a breath that felt like it had been caged forever somewhere, "I-Well I don't speak with my family anymore they weren't exactly the loving type, a-and I ran away when I was 14."
14. That was the age when Jay lost everything.
"Well I guess we have a lot in common then." Jay sent you a comforting smile. God he had a gorgeous smile, you wished you could see it on his face at all times of the day.
"That would be a horrible similarly wouldn't it?" You forced a kindred smile. Jay nodded at your statement, and picked up the cilantro again, bringing the smaller leaves to his mouth to chew.
"Well I'll leave you to your work." Jay slumped off of his chair, the pain in his bandages had decreased now, "Good day Y/N."
"Good day Your- I mean Jay."
Jay had no idea how he managed to reach his chambers, his feet managed to trace the path back, all that was on his mind was how much if a mystery you still were.
That night, he opened the glass case in his room for the first time in seven years, taking out the ruby dagger and admiring how much it felt like your touch.
"Hyung are you serious?" Jay's fingers massaged his temple, as Heeseung smirked.
Both of them were sitting outside, in the warm afternoon Sun after you had allowed Jay to go outside on making sure his bandages were healed. It had been a few days since the infirmary incident, and Jay had constantly sneaked up so many times and messed with your potions that you had to threaten to rip apart the infirmary and blame it on him when Mrs Chun returned. Jay had heard worse threats in his life, but never before had he actually listened to them than now.
Plus it was the only thing that could allow him to see you in your shirt and trousers fit which he adores so much, even if you glared at him while he made suggestions for a potion while sitting next to you. Granted, he had been useful sometimes, particularly the time, he carefully bandaged your hand when you got a nasty burn from some dragon scales.
Unbeknownst to him, you though he looked adorable, with his tongue stuck out in pure concentration, as he carefully pressed his fingers across yours. It bought a blush to your face.
"It's the only favour I ask of you Jay" Heeseung tried to put on his best boba eye impression, to manipulate Jay into asking you out on a date. To Heeseung's wedding.
"Why can't you ask?" Jay sighed, talking a sip of his lemonade.
"Because Y/N isn't making my heart beat at the pace of a cheetah, she's making yours." Heeseung smirked, "Wait isn't that her?"
Jay's head whipped around to look behind him, making a crack sound as it went. His eyes landed on someone in the distance, wearing an olive dress and a straw hat, carrying a wickerwork basket, possibly to pick some on the daffodils growing in the garden. Royal healers were always allowed to pick herbs in the garden, so that's what you were probably doing.
God you looked beautiful, Jay thought. It reminded him of earlier, happier days, of days when laughter echoed high through the walls and flowers bloomed. Especially lavender. Lavender, like his mother....
"Jay, you're staring." Heeseung coughed loudly, snapping Jay out of his euphoria.
In the distance, you were willing away your time by plucking out tiny bristles of daffodils, they would do you good in makin the nightmare potions again. It wad a pleasant day today and you hadn't expected Jay to come out, but there he was, sitting alongside Heeseung in a loose white shirt, open slightly at neck. You hoped fervently that there weren't any mind readers present at the scene, lest they read all your extremely unholy thoughts.
The last few days, were fun, happy even. You liked Jay making conversation with you at the infirmary. Sure he annoyed you sometimes, but you didn't think you had laughed this much in ages now. It felt like home, true home, which you hadn't ever known the feeling of.
The sound of loud coughing made you flinch as you turned around to see both the royals snap their heads into the distance from staring at you. Giggling to yourself, you began to walk towards them, basket full of daffodils in hand.
"Fuck she's coming here." Jay whispered, pretending to look busy in fishing the cilantro pieces out from his glass.
"And I thought I was the lovesick one." Heeseung rolled his eyes, quickly putting on his brightest smile, as he saw you approaching.
"Miss Y/N!" Heeseung bowed to you, trying to sound like he wasn't about to possibly ruin Jay's love life, "Are you doing well?"
"Perfect, Your Highness." You curtsied, noticing Jay still hiding his face, "Congratulations on the betrothal, Your Highness, or should I call you Heeseung?"
"You remember?" He shot you a cheeky smile, sitting down on his chair agin, as you sat down on the one a servant brought you, "Well I assume you are coming to the ball? I would be devastated if my darling Queen didn't meet you."
You chuckled and quietly shook your head. "I don't believe I was invited. Plus, i have no family or friend to go with."
"Oh what a coincidence! Jay doesn't either!" Heeseung said, in a fake cheery voice, as Jay groaned silently to himself and fervently wished to disappear from this moment. This was by far the weakest he had ever felt in all his life.
"Oh...um... That's sad?" You were uncertain on what to say. Heeseung took a deep breath, and reminded himself that he had to play Cupid properly.
"Yes it's so sad, don't you think it would so nice if you two went together?"
Perhaps the most frightening thing the birds heard that day was the sound of Jay's cough at Heeseung's sentence.
"Jay! Oh my god-" you panicked, bit Heeseung merely rolled his eyes and harshly patted Jay's back.
"Calm down idiot." Heeseung grumbled, and then turned back to you with a bright smile on his face, "Anyways, as we were saying, how about it Miss Y/N?"
"Well, for starters-" you said, with the air of a true healer, "I have to go out to town and get some supplies, the infirmary is nearly out. And secondly, it is a royal ball. I don't believe I have anything royal to wear."
"Oh pity, I think Jay knows a really good seamstress in town don't you Jay?" Heeseung smirked at a red eared Jay who was doing everything in his power to appear not flustered, "Plus weren't you going to go on your undercover rounds tomorrow Jay? Oh that's perfect! You and Y/N can go get the supplies in town, and get some measurements for her dress and voila! A perfect date to my wedding!"
That night, both you and Jay went to sleep peacefully, without scented candles or chamomile teas.
That night, a healer and a king couldn't wait for tomorrow's gift.
(And Heeseung slept, giggling next to his annoyed but loving wife)
"You look rather dashing." You giggled, clutching a basket tightly in your hand, and leaning against the door, admiring the figure of the man in front of you. Jay was clad in simple clothes today, a workman's attire. And he still looked more handsome that the devil himself.
"Oh shut up." Jay rolled his eyes, "You definetly look prettier."
"Where did you learn to impress a lady like that hmm?" You questioned, as Jay tried everything to adjust his collar and failed, "That's not how you press the fabric down idiot."
"First of all-" Jay glared playfully at you, "I didn't learn it just comes to me naturally" you scoffed at that, "Second of all you just called the king of tis kingdom an idiot. And third of all-" his eyes went round like the ones he used when he wanted something, "Can you adjust this collar please?"
"Idiot." You laughed, putting your basket down and walking over to him, your hands going up towards his unruly collar, "My idiot, unfortunately."
"Since when do healers get to own people?" Jay jested, feeling his entire world freeze at the soft touch of your hands. God you smelled like lavender and love.
Love? That four lettered word? Please, Jay mentally scoffed, it didn't exist.
But as Jay watched you, felt your fingers touching his neck, and your waist pressing against his, as you carefully adjusted the collar, in that very moment, he saw the most beautiful aspects of his life, and he knew he was helplessly in love. He craved your touch, your presence, your eyes stuck to his, anything with you. Was this the love his mother always spoke of?
"And I'm done!" You breathed a sigh of relief, the collar was hard to pull down, and you were relieved when it finally flattened. What you weren't expecting however, was Jay staring at you with widened eyes when you looked up from his neck.
"Um...Jay?" You said, waving your hand in front of him, "Earth to The great King Park Jongsoeng."
Your voice seemed to break Jay out of his temporary trance, as he quickly blinked his eyes and popped his lips together. "We should go." He said, much to your relief.
"Hey wait a second." You stopped him from exiting. Your fingers went up to his hair and quickly ruffled it, making it look messy and unruly
"There." You presented proudly, "now you look like a true town person."
Something in Jay told him that this day would go in a second as all good days went.
Jay had never before gone on his monthly undercover trip to the town, accompanied by anyone else. He feared it would blow his cover to the people. The trip always benefited him, he would get some delicious food, a day without guards, a day with peace, and a free survey of the citizens' wellbeing.
Today was different. He had no interest in looking at the wellbeing of the people, nor on the food. All he cared about was you.
You, with your head held high, easily chatting up the store owners, bargaining for the price of powdered dragon scales and smiling wide at the tiny child who had run up to you and have you a tiny sunflower blossom.
His heart was weak, fragile around you, it contained lovesick blood which he hadn't ever held before. Your hearty laughter, your hair moving in harmony with you and the contagious joy you spread to the people in the bustling market, it made Jay's knees buckle.
"Jongsoeng come on!" You cried, walking perhaps fifteen steps ahead of Jay. He had to jog to keep up. You were calling him by his actual name, since most people outside of royalty didn't know his real name.
"Did you get everything?" Jay panted, peering into your full basket. You nodded.
"Yep! I even got the cilantro you like chewing so much like a cow." You giggled, holding up a few leaves to his mouth, "Say ahh" you teased him as if you were feeding a child.
"Ahhh" Jay opened up his mouth and pushed the cilantro into his mouth, much to your surprise. You flinched slightly at his cold touch.
"Delicious." Jay smacked his lips together dramatically, "Anyways shall we get going?"
"Please don't tell me we're going to some shoe shop, I detest the smell of leather." You groaned, earning a look from Jay.
"That is by far the weirdest thing I've ever heard." Jay chuckled, "And we're going to the best seamstress of this kingdom darling, so keep your socks on."
Your heart fluttered uncontrollably at his nickname.
"Ah my King. Welcome!" A well dressed woman, with her hair tied into a fishtail greeted Jay and you. You assumed she was the Chaeryoung from "Chaeryoung's Seams", signboard outside which indicated her grand castle of a shop. This, according to Jay, was where all the aristocrats obtained their clothes.
"Chaeryoung, I assume you are well?" Jay pressed a kiss to her hand, a custom for most unmarried men, but delivering a pang of jealousy to your heart.
"I do not care about my wellbeing right now, Your Majesty. All I care about-" she shifted her pretty, cat-like eyes to you, "-is this beauty standing before me."
You felt your cheeks heat up at Chaeryoung's complement. You? A beauty? Impossible it seemed, especially next to a pretty woman like Chaeryoung.
"I am Y/N." You curtsied, "You are quite gorgeous yourself, Miss Chaeryoung."
Chaeryoung let out a giggle and blushed red in her ears, turning to Jay. "You found someone quite like yourself, Your Majesty."
"Oh please." You scoffed playfully, "I am much more handsome than him, don't you think?"
To Jay, that was more of a complement than an insult, especially when it came from your mouth.
You stayed in Chaeryoung's shop until the sky darkened. She wouldn't let you go until you tried on every combination she asked you to.
Jay was quite useful in this, you thought, giving Chaeryoung recommendations on necklines and earings and whatnot.
A memory which stayed particularly on your mind, was when you stepped out in a beautiful dress, which hugged your body perfectly, with a neckline that could send any man to heaven if he looked at it.
Any man meant Jay too, who thought he would combust if he saw you on any more dresses. He swore he could have seen pixies sparkling their magic dust over you.
"How does this look?" You stood in front of Jay with a big smile on your face.
"Spin for me." Jay said, standing up, to assess the dress more properly, as you spun, the fabric seemingly obeying your every command and spinning with you like a Scottish Fold's tail. Could you get any prettier?
"I swear to god if you don't get this dress, I will open my bandages." Jay said dramatically, much to Chaeryoung's pleasure who nodded and rushed out of the room, to get your measurements.
"Do I look good?" You asked again, a bit uncertainly this time.
"Good?" Jay scoffed, "You look like the prettiest person on earth."
"You sure know how to make a girl blush, are you sure you haven't had practice?" You giggled, spinning one more time in the dress to admire yourself. You loved the way the fabric felt against your skin, it hugged it in a way that all your scars didn't hurt too much. A perfect dress, you thought.
Perfect. Until you looked down at your collarbone.
Fate has its ways, dear reader. And it has many ways for misfortune.
"Oh no-no no no." You swore under your breath. Well that is, if you were even breathing. You were panicking, and panic attacks weren't exactly cotton candy flavoured for you. You could feel your throat tighten up and your peripheral vision blend out.
You felt cold all around, you felt the harsh words of little girls and the screams of your parents. You felt Jooyeon too....
"Hey hey Y/N, calm down." You could hear Jay's voice faintly behind you, but you couldn't bring yourself to focus on anything.
Jay was worried, extremely worried. He hadn't ever seen you panic like this before. Sure you had a few stressful mishaps in the infirmary, but this? Never before. Jay was confused as to why you were currently supporting your entire weight on him but he took one look down at your collarbone and he knew.
"Y/N, darling, I need you to breathe for me." Jay whispered in your ear, unsure of what to do. His hands trailed down to your waist, while one supported your shoulder.
"Shh, I'm right here, I'm right here calm down." Jay coached you, tracing shapes along your neck, which worked effectively.
"I-" you kept your sob in your throat, "I need something to c-cover..."
You felt a warm sort of cloth wrap around your shouder, Jay's jacket.
"Calm down now." Jay whispered again, hearing faint footsteps in the distance, "I'll distract Chaeryoung, you run."
"Your bandages aren't bleeding much, I think they're healed.." You clicked your tongue, pressing against Jay's wounds.
"You sound worried though, darling." Jay said, his eyes never leaving you even as you got up and settled your supplies down.
"You know I won't ever stop worrying about you." You chuckled, sitting opposite him on the bed, with two cups of chamomile. Drinking tea with Jay at night seemed to relax your nerves.
"Would you like to talk about what happened?"
You bit your lip at his question, savouring the taste of the chamomile for a while.
"Would you really like to know?" You sighed, putting your tea down, "You've been curious over it for a lot of days."
"I would like to know whether you want Jooyeon killed or tortured." Jay calmly sipped his tea.
How did he know?!
"How-" you raised your eyes to him, "Do you know about Jooyeon?"
"I'm a King, darling." Jay chuckled, his eyes seemed more dangerous than ever, "I know everything."
"If you knew everything, then why did you ask me?" You said, your tone laced with venom.
Jay's eyes softened. "I know who he is but I don't know what he did to you, darling." He toyed with his empty cup, "and I wanted to know why you hide that scar."
"Because it's ugly!" You cried out, slamming your teacup onto the table next to you, you were surprised it didn't break, "Because everyone I've ever met in my life recoils from it whenever they see it and for some fucking reason you didn't and it's just so weird!"
The air stilled again in that familiar manner, and flashes of memories came into Jay's mind.
'Mum why do you hide your shoulder?'
'its not as beautiful as the rest of me, Jay. Why do you ask?'
'You're still pretty to me mum!'
Your memories on the other hand, were entirely different.
The sound of glass....
The smell of blood....
Jooyeon's grip on your thigh.....
"Y/N, love-"
"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't have-"
Jay's hand buried you into his chest, as your sob ripped through the air like a siren. He could feel his shirt become damp but he didn't give a single damn. All he cared about was how you were practically shaking apart in his arms.
Your shattered words of 'Im sorry!' broke his heart into tatters and he felt like he was 13 again, listening to his mother son and him not being able to do anything.
Except this time, he could.
In the quiet moments of vulnerability, you shared your fear with him, trusting him with your deepest secrets. And as Jay held you in his arms, he realized that he had become your safe haven, and his love for you blossomed in that tender embrace.
"Y/N, love, look at me?" Jay tilted your head up to him, grabbing your chin with his finger. Your tear stained eyes looked up at him with nothing but calm trust. You did trust him. And love him too.
As your eyes met, a sense of familiarity washed over you. It was as if your souls had known each other in a different time and place. In that profound connection, you realized that the fates had pulled their strings again love unfurled within you.
"I-I want to-"
"Do it."
That's all Jay needed, for him to crash into you and create a magnificent firework display, maybe only he could see all the sparkles and colours. Jay could taste sweet moonlight and honey on your lips. Blood rushed to his heart, which pumped it ever so fastly, it was about to explode out of his chest.
He craved this, he craved it as a battlefield craved blood or as a nightmare potion craved alkali. Ribbons of love and hope rushed out of his neck, where your arms wrapped, sinking into him, with pure trust and love.
Was this the love the poets spoke of?
Maybe not, Jay thought, but he didn't care anymore. This was the love he now wanted, he never wanted to let go of it.
Perhaps he never would.
Silence fell like darkness, as you pulled away slowly, still keeping your eyes close for a second. You couldn't believe what on earth had just happened. Jay couldn't either.
“That felt like a crime against humanity.” you broke the silence, with your serious statement.
The seriousness didn't last long, when Jay looked into your eyes, you looked into his, and the both of you burst out laughing.
"Was that your first kiss?" Jay teased, his fingers were threading through your hair, relaxing you.
"Yours too?" You retorted.
Amidst the moonlight, no one would have suspected that a healer and a king would be laughing raucously, looking at each other with nothing but love, something they never experienced before.
“I mean, I could do with some more of that.” you said shyly, feeling a blush creep up to your face.
"Why don't we then, darling?"
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Next chapter coming soon!
Tags: @amazzwon @heeseungshim @kvmariii @mwahvvis @hottiewifeyyyy @sacrificeatmeup @perfectnighttt @yawnzzhoon @yunabi436 + send an ask to be tagged!
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808airsoftbros · 1 year
Fitness Trainer (Kim Seolhyun) (S) (BXG)
Author: This one was inspired from a Kdrama web series I recently watched so here it is... Also if you want to check out more of my stories take a peak at the Masterlist :)
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Hearing the news that a new gym has just opened in my town a couple blocks away from my house, I’ve already read positive reviews of the place as the staff and trainers are knowledgable of the equipment and proper diet and exercise along with all sorts of cool workout gadgets.
Not only that they also sell pre-workouts, protein shakes, and drinks, and of course the memberships required to enter the gym.
Honestly, the membership wasn’t too bad being the price of $25 per month and I decided why the hell not?
Changing into my workout attire, I grab my duffle bag holding all of my shower needs and a change of clothes.
I get into my car, start the engine, and exit the garage, the drive to the gym was about five minutes as it was close to my house.
Making my way into the gym, I was awestruck by the decor and how nice this place looked.
Walking up to the receptionist, he greets me and asked if I had a gym membership or not.
“Uhm, this is my first time here,” I answered.
“That’s perfect because we offer a ten percent discount to newcomers for the first three months and even a trainer,” The receptionists offered.
“Sweet, it’s a deal,” I accepted and he nodded.
Completing the transaction and getting the sweet deal, he gives me an access card that lets me through the doors and instructs me to wait in room 02 for the trainer.
Sliding the card on the electronic locking mechanism, it automatically unlocks the door and when I walked through the doors, I was again amazed by the amount of people working out and the top-of-the-line gym equipment.
Looking around for the private room, I saw a sign with the label “Room 02″ and the bottom text saying “Kim Seolhyun”. Guess she must be the trainer I’ll be working with so I politely knocked on the door.
“Coming~!” I hear a female voice shout.
Hearing footsteps approaching the door opens revealing a stunning woman dressed in a sports bra nearly exposing her beautiful breasts and yoga pants showing off her thighs and her thick ass.
“Holy fucking shit...” I said in my thoughts as I couldn’t believe my luck.
“Hello there, you must be Y/N, right?” She asked and I nervously nodded.
“Y-Yep, that’s me,” I answered and she smiled.
“Excellent! Please do come in!” She said and stepped aside.
Walking into her room, it was quite cozy and nice with two yoga mats set up on the floor along with a rack of weights and gym equipment.
“Please sit on the yoga mat, we will first begin with some yoga exercises,” She instructed and I did what she said.
Joining me on the mattress, she instructs me on certain poses and stretches which I find uncomfortable at first but I got used to it the longer I keep a certain position.
However, I can’t help but blush the fact at how close we are, her large mounds were literally smashed into my back.
Kinda makes me wonder if she was doing this on purpose...
Anyway, after the warm-up yoga exercises were over, we moved on to weight lifting and since I’m new, she starts me with 5-10 pound weights.
“Wah, for your first time, you’re doing quite well~,” She complimented and I chuckled.
“T-Thank you, Noona,” I nervously thanked her and she giggled.
Continuing lifting the weight bar, I squat down and up at a steady pace until she stopped me.
“Hold on! Your stance and position are wrong!” She called out and corrected me.
Once again, she takes my hand and legs, spreads them in the correct position, and tells me to continue my set.
“Okay, you’ve had enough for today, Y/N, great work today! Just make sure to follow the diet I’ve given you and you will be a pro in no time!” She explained and I nodded.
“Right, thank you again, Noona!” I thanked her.
“Anytime! I’ll see you again tomorrow!” She waved goodbye as I left the room.
Seolhyun’s POV
Damn, he is so cute... I don’t know what’s gotten into me but interacting and working with that boy made me feel butterflies in my stomach.
It’s strange to have such feelings after breaking up with my ex-boyfriend not too long ago.
However, I can tell that he took some glances at my boobs and my ass which I didn’t mind as I was used to men eye-fucking me whenever I’m jogging or in the gym.
But Y/N is different from those creeps that I train, he’s respectful, polite, and kind, and he’s a young boy so he has much growing up to do before he becomes a man.
And I’ll be more than happy to help...
A Few Weeks Later...
It’s nearly been a month since I started being apprenticed to Kim Seolhyun and so far, she was the best fitness trainer I’ve been under.
Already, I can start seeing the progress as I’m starting to lose some pounds and my stomach was more toned.
I started eating less junk food and eating more vegetables and healthy foods like Seolhyun instructed.
Coming to another day of workout at the gym, I proceed into the room as per routine and was greeted by Seolhyun.
“Hello, Y/N, are you ready for your training?” She asked.
“More than ever!” I answered and she smiled.
“Good stuff! That’s what we like to hear! Now let’s get to our warm-up!” She commenced.
Getting onto the yoga mat as usual, she caught me by surprise when she said we were going to stretch together as she’s never done her daily stretching yet.
“Now can you hold my back for me, please?” She asked and I nodded.
Holding her back and hand as instructed as Seolhyun did her thing, it was embarrassing as my crotch was literally touching her ass.
Focus Y/N! Focus! DO NOT HAVE A BONER!!! NOT NOW!!!
I screamed to myself to not do it as it would make this situation very awkward and I’ll never see myself or Seolhyun the same ever again.
“Are you okay back there, Y/N? Your face is so red,” She concerningly asked and I shook my head.
“Huh? I’m fine, what about you?” I politely asked and she raised an eyebrow.
Right... I forgot to mention, as time went on, Seolhyun started to get ALOT more touchy with me.
I never questioned why she was touching places she wasn’t supposed to but who am I to stop her?
“Okay, that’s enough, now let’s get to the main set,” She said and we started our set.
After a few hours of weight training, running, and cardiac exercises, we were just about finished working out for today.
“Alright, that’ll be it for today, another job well done, Y/N,” She complimented as she drank water.
“Yeah, thanks,” I replied.
Grabbing our duffle backs, we get out of the room to see the gym was vacant and not a sight of a janitor or a clerk.
“Where is everyone?” I wondered and I take out my phone to check the time.
“Oh my God... The gym closed like an hour ago...” Seolhyun mentioned as she looked at her watch.
“Damn, must’ve lost track of time,” I said and she chuckled.
“Yeah, that’s what happens when you work so hard, but let’s shower and get out of here,” She said and I nodded.
Walking to the men’s shower room, I was shocked to see Seolhyun following me as the Women’s shower room was down the corridor.
“What? Nobody else is here? Plus it’s closer,” She pointed out and I sighed.
With my mind racing, I step into the shower room, I placed the duffle bag onto the bench, and Seolhyun places her on the opposite side.
I take out all of my showering gear consisting of soap, a towel, and my change of clothes before taking off my shirt.
“Not half bad body, being that you’ve been working out for the past few weeks,” Seolhyun complimented and I blushed.
“Hehe~. I don’t mind you peaking at me, I trust you enough,” She assured.
“Aish, can you stop this nonsense please?” I begged and she giggled.
Taking off the rest of my clothes, I take a deep breath before going under the shower head and turning the knob to hot water.
To my surprise, Seolhyun joins me as well and of course, she was butt-ass naked which didn’t help my situation.
“Uhm, Noona, there are other shower heads you know,” I pointed out and she playfully rolled my eyes.
“What? Are you afraid of a naked woman?” She asked.
“N-No, it’s just, a man and a woman shouldn’t shower together unless they are a couple,” I replied and she grinned.
“H-Hey, don’t you get any ideas!” I stuttered and she slowly approaches me.
“Or else what? What are you going to do?” She asked and I gulped.
Staring deep into my eyes, I can’t help but stare into her eyes and she’s telling me that she wasn’t fucking around... She actually wants to fuck.
“Maybe it’s a good time, to be honest with myself, Y/N, I’ve had feelings for you ever since we first met, I don’t know if I’m just crazily in love with you but I don’t care... Because now all I want to is you,” She said before whispering the last part into my ear sending shivers down my spine.
“I’ve seen you stare at my ass... I’ve seen you glancing at my breasts and I know you love the feeling of them pressing on your back~,” She flirted as she wraps her hand around my cock.
“T-This is too fast, Noona, I-I don’t-” I was about to say but she tightens her grip on my cock making me squeal.
“Did I say you can talk~?” She asked and I shook my head.
“Now, what do you want your Noona to do?” She asked as she gets on her knees and slowly gave me a handjob.
“B-Blowjob...?” I nervously asked and she smirked.
“Hehe. Anything for you cutie~,” She replied before licking the shaft making me loudly moan and kissing the tip.
Engulfing my length into her mouth, it was clear that she was experienced as it felt really good and warm. She kept bobbing her head up and down and letting out a loud bop.
“Did you like it, baby, ~?” She asked.
“Y-Yes, Noona, it was really good,” I answered and she smiled.
“Good, now it’s time to show you some moves~,” She said and was about to place my dick in between her mounds.
*phone ringing*
“Ughhh... Sorry honey but will have to continue this another time, I have an errand but remember, I want an answer by then, understand?” She asked and I nodded.
“Good, but let me finish you off, real fast,” She replied and sucked me off until I came into her mouth.
The Next Day...
After that strange interaction with my fitness trainer Seolhyun yesterday, I was left pondering as I don’t know how to feel about her.
Sure she was beautiful and all but this is all too sudden and quick for me as she’d be my first love.
I’m not sure if oral counts as taking my virginity or not but I felt like it was taken either way.
Anyway, I prepared myself for another training exercise, drove to the gym, and enter the room but I was surprised to see a different trainer.
“Hello, you must be Y/N, right?” The trainer asked and I nodded.
“Y-Yes, but where is Seolhyun?” I asked.
“Oh, well, Seolhyun is running a bit late so I’ll warm you up in the meantime, also my name is Kim Sohee and help you train until she gets here, so let’s start with some stretches, shall we?” She said and I get on the mat.
Glancing at her body, her breasts and ass were thicker than Seolhyun’s but I can’t help but feel as if she was trying to flirt with me.
“Wah, you’re so flexible and strong, Seolhyun trained you well, huh?” She complimented and I nervously chuckled.
“T-Thank you,” I thanked her and she giggled.
“No need to thank me, cutie, now let’s move on to our set,” She replied.
As we start weightlifting I can’t help but feel as if I was being watched by someone.
Seolhyun’s POV
Crap! Crap! I cannot believe this! My fucking ex-boyfriend shows up at my door begging for forgiveness for sleeping with another woman.
Of course, I shut him out and tell him to beat it and that I never want to see him ever again but he refused to leave.
Thankfully, I finally managed to make him fuck off, and now I’m going to be late because of him but I had a colleague of mine train him in the meantime.
I rushed to the gym as fast as I could hoping that Y/N will forgive me for being late. Parking at the lot, I ran into the gym, slide my card. and made my way into the gym and to my private training room.
I saw Y/N there with another trainer of mine but strangely, Jungkook wasn’t there instead it was Sohee.
Y/N never noticed my presence yet but Sohee did and she smirked at me as she gets behind him pressing her breasts on her back.
Obviously, I was infuriated as this was the same bitch who stole my previous boyfriend and I know she’s a playgirl and just wanted Y/N for herself only to dump him.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I’ll take it from here, Sohee,” I said.
“There’s no need for that, Seolhyun, I got this so why don’t you take a day off?” She offered and I gave her a fake smile.
“Thank you for the offer but I’ll have to decline it, besides, I know Y/N’s needs and everything he needs to do for today,” I replied and she frowned.
“Well, what do you think, Y/N? Do you want me? Or Seolhyun?” Sohee whispered into his ear making me clench my fists.
“U-Uhm...” He stuttered as he was unsure what to do in this situation making me feel sad. Did confessing my feelings not mean anything to him?
“Sorry, Sohee, but imma stick with Seolhyun, but thank you for your help,” Y/N answered making me sigh in relief.
“Aww~. Are you sure~?” She seductively asked and I’ve just about had it.
Pulling her by ear, she yelped in pain as I dragged her out of my room, opened the door, and threw her out before shutting the door.
Seeing her harshly dragging Sohee-Noona out of the room made me realize just how scary she can be. She turned around to face me and gave me a deadly glare.
“Now, baby boy, about what I asked for yesterday...” She paused.
“W-What about it?” I nervously asked.
“You know... Do you share the same feelings as I do? Do you love me?” She asked and I gulped.
Pushing me down onto the mattress with her hands straddling my hand whilst giving me a lustful look and dived into my neck before biting it leaving a mark and drawing out some blood.
“W-What was that for?” I asked.
“For making your mommy jealous and to show everyone who you belong to, now it’s time I take your virginity and for you to grow up~,” She answered sending shivers down my spine.
Not wasting any time, she strips down her clothes as I did the same, she places her lips onto mine and made out until we ran out of breath.
“You’re such a good kisser being a virgin, baby, but now it’s time for the main event,” She said before inserting my cock into her pussy making her loudly moan.
“W-What if they hear us?” I concerningly asked.
“Don’t worry about them, baby, this room is soundproof. Now stop asking questions because not only I’m going to fuck your brains out but I’m also going to drain your balls,” She answered and I gulped.
When Seolhyun begins riding the daylights out of me, I never knew how tight she was and it kinda hurt but it felt so good.
“Oh my God, baby, your dick is so good~!” She yelled as she continued moaning.
Seeing her tits bounce up and down as she rode me turned me on even more and we switch position to doggy style and re-insert back into her before ramming into her.
Yes, darling, right there~!” She moaned as I hit her G-spot.
Arching back, I play with her tits adding more pleasure and latched her lips as I pounded her.
“Ah, I’m so close, baby~,” She warned.
“So am I,” I replied.
“Then let’s cum together~,” She said and we did just that.
Collapsing onto the floor together, my dick was still inside of her but she didn’t care as she hugged me tightly as she pressed my head into her mounds.
“You did so well, baby~,” She complimented.
“T-Thank you, Noona, you were amazing~,” I replied and she giggled as she caressed my head.
“I love you, baby~,” She said.
“I love you too, Noona~,” I replied.
From that point on, we kept having sex in her gym room and at our houses or whenever we can as I get addicted to her. I’ve never met such an incredible and caring woman in all my life and I’m forever happy to be with her as she felt the same way.
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diagonal-queen · 2 months
The ADA as your roommates
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♡ characters: Atsushi Nakajima, Dazai Osamu, Kunikida Doppo, Yosano Akiko, Jun'ichiro Tanizaki, Naomi Tanizaki, Ranpo Edogawa, Yukichi Fukuzawa
♡ synopsis: How good are the ADA at being roommates?
♡ cw: This is a post born out of medication-induced sleeplessness and months of pent up unfiltered fury directed at my shitty, shitty housemates. Some of that resentment may shine through in the headcanons. Also naughty words, NSFW themes with Dazai
note: hey y'all. i know it's not a request but it's the best i've got right now. law school and depression are kicking my ass. y'know that meme with the tiny man, and then the two buff dudes start beating the shit out of him? that's law school and depression with me. as always apologies for errors and i hope you enjoy x
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Help he's so sweet and awkward all the time?? Always gives you a little wave or a smile and nod when you pass each other in the halls
He buys candies and chocolates and things and leave them in a bowl on the table for people to take if they want :')
When his roommates feels sad he takes the time to hang out with them and help them through whatever problem they're having
In the morning when he comes into the kitchen to make breakfast he's all yawny and has a scruffy bedhead and it's SO cute
He doesn't do it consciously, but on occasion Atsushi will fall asleep on the couch, and even more occasionally he'll transform into Byakko in his sleep. You get used to it after a while, but you can't really invite friends over unless you know Atsushi is in his room or out of the house T-T
But he really is so sweet. If you bring someone over they develop a crush on him immediately, but of course he's oblivious. After they leave he turns to you and is like 'aw your friend is nice' (they were hardcore flirting with him)
If he ever has an issue with you or the house, he gets very nervous when bringing it up because he doesn't wanna cause any conflict (you could be smashing the plates on the ground every day and he'd be like 'hey so i'm super duper sorry to bother you like i really hate to nag but-')
My mans. Is doing. His BEST
Screw you.
Holy shit this guy is an absolute nightmare to live with. he'll drive you crazy within the week just because of how *little* he does around the house
He doesn't clean his dishes. He doesn't buy stuff for the house. He doesn't do a DAMN thing.
Preferably, if you're gonna be living with him, you'll also wanna bring Kunikida. He has his own issues but at least then there's a balance between a chore-driven man and the embodiment of sloth, the deadly sin
He will stumble through the front door at 3am with unkempt clothes and the stink of alcohol on him. and he won't bother trying to be subtle or quiet either. Just crashes around until he pukes on the floor and falls asleep on the couch
At least he flushes (more than I can say for my housemates /gen)
He drinks in the house, and leaves bottles everywhere. The entire place is damn near bordering a safety hazard because of all the glass
Tries to cook but absolutely can't do it- he sets fires, ruins the kitchen, etc etc. It wouldn't be unreasonable for you to assume that all takeout packaging and pizza boxes you find strewn around the house belongs to him
He's fully up for a secret hookup if you're into that, though. Just give his door a knock after 11pm and you're in
This guy is both a saint and a total pain in the arse
On one hand, he does his chores and he does them literally perfectly. Is there even a perfect way to wash the dishes? There is now. Kunikida is here
On the other hand you can kiss your hopes of getting out of your own chores goodbye. This man makes a schedule. a chore chart. a system. he pulls out the whole nine yards
Thanks a lot DAZAI
Anyway, he has his merits. Kunikida brings it upon himself to bring up the slack (even if he doesn't want to) because he can't stand living in a messy space, so your home is always spick and span
He organises weekly or monthly meetings to discuss home affairs (he's a real Louis Moriarty, he will also make you omelettes)
Kunikida is also kind of a walking talking alarm clock- he wakes you up in the morning if you're not up by a certain time, and also gives you a lights out time at night when he deems it bedtime
He pretends that this is just a part of routine and etiquette and whatever- in reality, he just really cares about your health and wants you to get enough sleep and keep a consistent routine
He also encourages you to go out if you're an introvert because "staying inside all the time is bad for you". Damnit Kunikida
Oh she's so great to live with
Every time you run into her you two always end up bitching to each other about something. She's the ultimate bitch buddy
If you get sick she takes on the role of home doctor, quarantines you in your room, and tends to you until you're well again. Or, if she doesn't like you, she just chops you up and gets it over with lmao
Yosano drinks a lot though. You eventually get used to falling asleep to the sounds of crashing, whirring chainsaws and maniacal laughter from the next room over
She takes AGES in the bathroom, so you really ought to keep a bucket on hand or something just in case. Like this woman will be in there for hours on end (RIP your water bill)
She also always takes up the phone line because she's a lil social butterfly (RIP your phone bill) but she'll also take your phone calls for you if you don't like talking on the phone so there's that
Yosano is really sweet but she always leaves her stuff laying around. Like there'll just be patient portfolios and medical tools in the living room?? Girl
Some nights she comes home with a bigass pizza in her hand and a bottle of wine in the other, and you know you're in for a GOOD time
If you ever need some spare cash she'll give it to you but if you take too long to pay her back she WILL chop you up so beware
He's a perfectly adequate roommate.
In all honesty there's barely anything to say about Tanizaki. He does his chores, respects his roommates, helps them if they need help, etc etc. He's just a real stand up guy!
Though I HC that Tanizaki gets sick pretty easily, so he can sometimes be seen wandering the house with a pale face wrapped in a blanket making sad boy noises
He gives you lifts as long as you're able to provide gas money (or McDonalds, either works as payment)
He doesn't usually accept invitations to go out drinking, but he's more than happy to grab a coffee with you if time permits it. He's just a responsible guy 😌 (if you don't have time he'll also bring you a coffee because he's just that nice)
Tanizaki always has backup stuff in case you guys run out of anything. This man basically has a bunker's worth of extra supplies for literally no reason, but hey free stuff!
He likes to make dinner for you sometimes, and you guys eat together and chat (it's something he grew used to while living with Naomi)
He's always happy to lend you his stuff if you ever run out of things (because of Naomi he even keeps backup menstrual stuff on hand, so you vagina owners are all safe)
You guys definitely do face masks and manicures together too
Naomi might, literally, be the roommate ever
She does her chores, she keeps quiet at night, she lets you know if she's bringing people over. Her only flaw is that she's always talking about her brother. Naomi please
She's also very vocal whenever her brother's in the house. What are they doing ffs
She bakes cupcakes and cookies and stuff each week for her roommates
She also brings around her friends sometimes for movie nights, and if you come into the living room she invites you to watch movies with her and her friends
Naomi honestly invites you to everything. Parties, gatherings, hanging out with friends- she's a true extrovert and will adopt you if you're an introvert, you have no choice sry :/
She also decorates the place really well- in all honesty she really did miss her calling as an interior designer because miss girl makes your home look CLASS
Naomi is the roommate you go to when you're preparing for a date and you need help with your outfit or nerves. She's like the ultimate wingwoman fr
She also buys incense and air freshener so your house smells nice as FUCK
He's almost as bad as Dazai, aside from the fact that he can respect rules, and so (although begrudgingly and with a lot of whining) he actually does his chores
If you all live together he steals all of the candy Atsushi left out for everyone :(
Basically lives in his pyjamas. He gets home from work and immediately gets changed into his jammies
He also hogs the TV and won't let you watch Netflix until his own shows are finished :( and he also judges you for your taste in TV regardless of what it is
Ranpo never cooks for himself or you, but he LOVES when you cook for him. It makes him feel so special
You guys also get takeout all the time. You make a tradition of it and get different stuff on different days. It becomes a part of the autism routine and now you're stuck wasting your money (haha)
You also have to take him places and accompany him everywhere because he knows fuck all about taking the train. You basically live life around Ranpo's (annoying spontaneous) schedule
He uses too much soap in the shower and gets bubbles all over the bathroom, but at least he smells nice?
He does all the house paperwork, so silver lining and all
He's lowkey kind of scary 😔
Like, he's a really respectful roommate who does his chores and pays mind to his living companions, but he also just like barely comes out of his room or talks to anyone.
Plus, detective daddy kinda has a massive case of RBF which really isn't helping
That being said, he will make tea for you if you feel blue, and he'll sit in your room and silently listen to you complain about your issues for hours. The PATIENCE of this man
He randomly does really sweet stuff for you without saying a word about it. Replaces broken stuff, makes you pancakes in the morning etc.
Fukuzawa tends to work late hours so he's often awake late in the night. He enjoys when you keep him company on your sleepless nights, and will give you a blanket if you end up falling asleep in his bed or on the couch
He's also super neat and never touches your stuff without asking <3
He knocks on your bedroom door and the bathroom door every single time, just in case, and he never enters unless you give him the heads up
His own door is never locked in case you need him too. Or in case there's a break-in. Good luck to that person fr
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fyodorhatr, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl, @kokoenjiandco, @pinkiipeachiikeen, @call-me-albie, @sayyestoheaven00
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