#and think about ocs as well. this group of ocs has existed for 12 years... haunting me
ramshacklerumble · 7 months
For the OC ask meme!
9 and 12 (fave teach and fave event/role in it)
Nine has been answered here! But twelve—!
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stitch event, my beloved. spoilers ahead since it hasn’t hit en servers yet
(this also wound up kinda long but its because its crucial to me okay)
it was a tie between this and the ghost marriage event, but storyline wise i have to go with lost in the book with stitch because it’s the event that officially launches the 💖KISS KISS FALL IN LOVE 💖 factor within the quasi-glorious and utterly exhausting misadventures of one gia yugo.
working with the assumption this is the final escapade of the trial by fire that was gia’s freshman year, one would think the approach of summer vacation would give them some semblance of comfort. once everyone takes their leave, gia and grim get left with the run of the school grounds— something gia fully planned to take advantage of in preparation of sophomore year.
suddenly being stuck on a magic island certainly put a pause on things. and gia…doesn’t seem to mind… like at ALL.
to everyone’s surprise, the normally straight-faced, busy-bodied prefect of ramshackle dorm is having the time of their life. smiling, openly playful, quick to joke— even volunteering to sing at the campfire alongside floyd and stitch’s ukulele strumming— ace initially worries gia might have hit their head when no one was looking.
after some needling on his part, a conversation that takes place during his suisui wear vignette when they go out on patrol, gia finally tells him despite being stranded on an island, they can’t help but feel…happy that it happened.
it’s a tad selfish, they admit. but while they were hearing everyone’s plans for summer vacay back at the library, there’d been this sense of bitterness welling up inside them. they were going to be stuck at school stewing over the threat of what their future held while everyone else got to go home and spend time with their families or whatever.
they didn’t have to think about what was going to happen after graduation.
gia on the other hand isn’t sure what comes next and that terrifies them. but they’ll deal with their crushing fear of the future when they get back to school, for now they’ll take the island for the breath of fresh air that it is.
yeah, okay, being stranded isn’t exactly a vacation— but it’s a bit of a ‘been there, done that’ type of deal. in comparison to their arrival at night raven, being stuck on an island with perfect weather, tons of food, and an alien that can make anything out of everything is a cake walk.
and besides…even if they do wish deuce was there enjoying the sea breeze with them. they’ve got ace, don’t they?
there’s a little more to this convo i’d like to flesh out, but there is a notable shift between gia and ace during the final days on the island. they are almost inseparable, often making up excuses to pair up for the day’s chores and generally having fun together.
ace comes to realize that this “new gia” isn’t actually new and in fact, he’d been catching glimpses of them throughout the school year. it’s the reason why he sticks by them even when things get real fucking bad, real fucking quick.
he’d sooner go through another ten overblots scenarios than verbally admit this, but in truth, he’s come to deeply care for this weirdo. the thought of someday they might not be there anymore leaves an awful taste in his mouth.
when the time to leave on the spaceship comes and they’re rocketing towards the atmosphere, ace sees this side of gia already beginning to slip back into hiding. before he can really stop himself, he tells them not to shut themself in again. they’re gonna have just as much fun together as they did on the island when they get back to school, got it?
i cannot explain how upset i was when the group wakes up with no recollection of everything that happened— the ‘group forgets the entire adventure they went through at the end of it all’ trope is the bane of my existence BUT we see that the group has an inkling that SOMETHING happened between them and i’m running with that SO—
gia didn’t get the chance to reply to ace’s statement on the ship, but they are absolutely BEAMING after they wake up, look at him and say: i feel like…we were just talking about something.
and ace is confused, more so a little stunned by how natural the smile looks on gia’s face, but he can’t quite shake the feeling either.
no one can quite put a finger on what happened, even though everyone suddenly has the urge to have an outing to the beach together despite the majority of this group never having hung out together in such a way, but no one fights it either.
gia personally is excited to have something to look forward to for once.
when the time to go meet at the beach comes, there is the reoccurring phenomenon of group déjà vu they all just decide to shrug at. but for ace, he gets hit by it the hardest whenever he steals a glance at gia.
they dont look any different, save for the smile they shoot him when they catch his eye.
(hey but gar isn’t gia shipped with floyd. yes, my love. they are. and they’re shipped with ace too. it’s eventually a polycule that forms after they all graduate named dragon roll— hey dont run, dont run i promise i make it make sense coME BACK—)
wanna send an ask or get some yourself? here!
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cosmicjoke · 9 months
I hope in the nearing future all Levi x Oc/ Levi x reader shippers see how mentally delusional you all are. I know for a fact your weirdo behavior will be frown upon soon. Also keep in your lane and shut your mouth up about Satosugu and other gay ships. We all knew your group of weirdos will start coming after every gay ship that makes y'all itch.
And that bullshit you all spew about not being homophobic because you have gay relatives is funny as hell. My Dad has a gay son and he's still homophobic so you all did nothing with that bullcrap
Even if you claim Levi isn't gay, it doesn't stop your friends from writing Levi x original male characters. But you guys don't because your homophobic asses can't handle the thought of him being bisexual even though isayama himself said he likes to see Levi with men by calling himself a Levi yaoi enjoyer. If he had said he likes seeing Levi with red haired women you all would have eaten that up. I think it was just fair that that anon called you all retarded. I was giggling so hard. Saying this as a Satosugu shipper btw. Again, tell your friends to not add us into your dumbass discord.
Oh. It's you. You're back, huh? Haven't had enough of getting your ass handed to you? Well, some people just don't know when to quit.
You "giggled" when "that anon" called us "retards"? Tell me you're a 12 year old boy without telling me you're a 12 year old boy.
You're accusing me of being a self-shipper, but everyone who follows me and pays even the most moderate amount of attention knows I don't ship Levi with anyone, including self-shipping. I make it a point again and again to reiterate that about myself. But then, that's all people like you have, isn't it? There's nothing to actually back up your deluded insistence that Levi is gay or in love with Erwin, but you're so deliriously obsessed with the notion, that any time anyone actually points it out, the only thing you can resort to is accusations of bigotry and the pitiful attempt to frame every other ship as "delusional" and "perverse", as if that somehow serves as proof of Levi's romantic interest in Erwin, or anyone else. The only thing it serves as proof of is your pathological inability to accept reality.
I don't claim anything about Levi's sexuality, one way or the other, because there's nothing in canon, or in Isayama's interviews, which addresses Levi's sexuality, period. Everything you say, everything you claim, every psychologically warped belief you hold about Levi, is based on nothing but conjecture, assumption, speculation and theory rooted in conspiracy. You literally have no foundation for anything you claim.
We don't know if Levi is gay, or straight, or asexual, or bisexual. And we don't know because it's irrelevant to his character. You and your ilk are the only ones who can't seem to accept that irrefutable fact, and you and your ilk are the only ones who are dumb enough, and pathetic enough, to reduce a character who's romantic life and sexual orientation have no bearing whatsoever on his actual story and person, and make it the only thing about him that you talk about or care about. You base your entire interaction and relationship to this piece of art on something that only exists in your head, and then you spend all your time online harassing people over it, bullying and insulting them, and accusing them of the very things you yourself are guilty of, all for the horrific crime of pointing out to you that your delusions, I'm so sorry to reiterate, aren't canon.
You aren't a Levi fan. You aren't even an Erwin fan. You aren't a fan of Gojo either, or of Geto. You're a fan of your own fantasies. Something which has zero relation or connection to Isayama's actual work, or to Gege's work either.
But keep trying. Keep making baseless accusations about people you know nothing about. It tracks for you, perfectly. After all, your entire fandom experience revolves around baseless, foundationless fantasy, so you might as well go all the way, and make your interactions with other people just as tightly wrapped in delusion and self-soothing lies.
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concerningwolves · 7 months
Hi! I don't know if you do fandom related things or not, so idk how much you know about a series called The Owl House (if not, then I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time sending you this ask)
I'm writing a TOH oc who is a half-witch that's supposed to be autistic, have underdeveloped magic, as well as being able to perform two types of magic (one related to illusions and another based off of controlling anything related to animals)
Also, just to clarify, by "underdeveloped magic", I'm mainly thinking about that because my character is supposed to be half witch and half grimwalker, so I was thinking of possibly making her have an organ that witches have in the show where they produce magic from, but maybe having it produce weaker magic in comparison to other kids her grade (she's about 12 years old), but idk if all of this could relate to any real disabilities that exist
Are there things that I should look into to better understand what I can do to have this make more sense? If so, what exactly do you think would best fit for this character?
Hi! No need to apologise; it's always worth asking :]
All I know about TOH has been gleaned through Tumblr osmosis, so I can't really comment on anything specifically related to the series' storyworld/lore. Regarding the autistic representation, it sounds like you've got a plausible in-world reason for your character's magic to be weaker that isn't related to her being autistic, which is good.
In the case of a fantasy disability like this (and I think it's absolutely fair to call it a disability, even if there's no real-world parallel), it's always good to ask yourself questions like:
How does this affect my character's day to day life? – i.e., are there activities which require magic that she can't do as easily?
What sort of accommodations would those effects require? – in what ways can other people make things easier or more accessible for your character?
What kind of social awareness is there of the disability (and of disability in general)? – disabilities and disabled people don't exist in a vacuum, and there has always been awareness and varying levels of acceptance of disabilities within societies. Thinking about this will inform how your character is treated, and how they feel about their own disability.
(and on a similar note: Do institutional and systemic ableism exist? If not, why? How has your society gotten around that, and how do they embrace and support disabled existence?)
Is this character the only person with the disability? Are there other disabled characters at all? – There's a lot of solidarity between disabled communities and I always like to encourage authors to consider this in their worldbuilding. Where quick and global communication exists (like the internet or some fantasy/sci-fi equivalent, or some other magical means of communication), people like to connect with people like them. Even if someone irl has a rare condition which makes it difficult for them to find or access their community, there will still be value in more general support groups (either online or in person), because of the way some disabled experiences intersect and overlap.
How does your character feel about their disability? – it's important to think about this in relation to all the other factors above, instead of assuming that internalised ableism is the norm. How a person feels about their disability if often complex, and can fluctuate based on different situations – e.g., a character might feel proud of the things they've learned from having to work with their disability, but still struggle with feeling alienated because of their disability. (This is doubly true when you're multiply disabled, or have something like autism which can have positive, negative and neutral aspects).
Hopefully this will give you something to work with, even if I couldn't help with TOH-specific stuff.
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Aldara [@kozzax]
I've carried her with me as long as she's existed. Even just doodling her in the corner of a notebook has gotten me through some of my roughest days. She's everything to me. Her story and world have developed so incredibly far from her original creation-- which, for the record, was for a school assignment --but she's always, always been here for me. Yeah, she's changed over the years as I've grown as a storyteller and artist, but the thing about change is that it's not always bad. She's still Aldara, she'll always still be Aldara at her core. When I draw her as a comfort for myself, it's like a piece of me from a time when everything was just that little bit easier has come up to the present and told me that everything's going to be alright. When I work on developing her story, it's a gift to that younger version of myself. A promise that we can grow and develop and change and yet we can still keep the parts of ourselves that are the most important. She means the world to me.
As for propaganda about her, on her own-- she was originally meant to be a "little sister" sort of character. Kind and caring and bubbly and happy, with a naivety that followed everything she did. Her original story had her simultaneously being the protagonist of the story who couldn't read, when everyone else could, and being old enough to have had kids that were stolen from her by her ex-husband. She's never been an active player in the plot, which is now an intentional choice but in my childhood was very much not.
Back when I was twelve, she'd been part of a group trying to free a bunch of cats who had been experimented on by humans, except her group just kind of naturally had magic powers as well. While her powers were never overly powerful, she was always good enough to stand alongside people with far more training than her and who were objectively more powerful than her without much, if any, consequence.
I've refocused her, now. She's kind, still, and she cares about people in a way that a lot of my other characters just don't quite reach. She's still naive, and still a sweet person who lights up any room she walks into. At her core, she hasn't changed. All that's changed is that the world she exists in suits her better, and the role she fills in it makes more sense for her.
I don't think she'll ever change, at her core. Her design changes on a regular basis, but the core concept will always remain the same. Her personality has never changed, not as long as I've had her, besides fleshing it out further. She'll always be Aldara. She'll always have the bits of myself that I put into her when I was twelve, and I'll always love her for that. She's maybe the best thing I ever started creating, and I will always consider her and her story to be a love letter to my childhood self and the way the creativity that poured out of me at that age let me develop into who I am today.
Description: No matter how long I've had her, she's always kept the same set of colors. She's always kept the way her tailtip is colored, and the arrows on her forehead and chest. She's always kept the colors on her wings, though they have changed locations over the years, and she's always kept her ear tufts. While her design may have grown more complex over the years, I've fought hard to keep the essence of what makes her recognizable as herself. I don't want to erase the character that I created when I was twelve. I never want to erase that character. She holds the shards of my twelve-year-old heart, and I will never let myself forget that.
Dan (Hanson Ōkami) [@cabincryptid51]
My trans awakening. I played as him in a Maximum Ride Amino even though I didn't know anything about it! My friend made me join so I could play their love interest and Dan is who I made. He already had a name in the lore but I didn't like it so he ended up having about 20+ secret identities. At some point his evil brother kidnapped, making everyone believe that he was dead and then the role play group stopped. But my friend and I had lore that continued because we wanted to have an arc were he died then came back to life where he would loose his arm and get dragon wings (I have a picture of this but I literally have no idea where it went). Anyway, I love him <3 My silly goofy himbo boy!
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drippywing · 4 months
12, 17, and 23 for the ask game? :}
| 12. One thing you'd add to an arc/ book?
Hmm this one's interesting! I think that the arcs already have a good amount going on, but what arc 1 could have used more betrayal. Other dragons fully taking advantage of the Dragonets and possibly using them as a bartering chip.
That being said, the other side would be a stronger and more committed Talons of Peace. They already have a few who died for the Dragonets, but I want MORE! A wider web of secret Talons throughout the world, helping the DoD when they're backed into a corner. The Talons of Peace should be a force not to be reckoned with, not just a bunch of lame-o exiles.
| 17. General character headcanons? (all these are post-canon)
This one I've posted about in the past, but I think Fierceteeth has continuous nightmares from what Darkstalker did to her. Turning a dragon into another, pre-existing dragon based off your own MEMORY of them (after thousands of years!!!) is incredibly irresponsible. Even after animus magic is 86'd she has a hard time sleeping soundly, and suffers from insomnia and paranoia.
Winter actually likes living alone. After so many years of others telling him how to act, look, or react to things- its so nice to just have room to breathe. He goes out when he needs socialization, but for the most part he's a homebody. He eventually takes a liking to home improvement, gardening, and general self-sufficiency; after relying on a queendom's resources for so long, it feels liberating.
Chameleon eventually joins a traveling thespian troupe. He gets to pretend to be anyone other than himself, and he's quite good at it too.
Moon and Kinkajou eventually become roommates after being apart for some time. They live in a treehut close to the forest floor. Kinkajou begins a daycare service as well, and teaches young dragonets important things like sharing and making mary sue ocs.
| 23. Hot takes?
Not sure what qualifies as a hot take, but here's some quick ones:
Nightwings are the main characters of Wings of Fire, and I hate it.
We should not be using the word "Tribe" to describe a group of non-human creatures. I am still guilty of this and am attempting to use "Flight" whenever possible.
Peril is a little over-hyped at this point, but I get why people love her. Make her more autistic.
Rainwings are over-powered compared to other tribes. Also due to not being in the war they should have a much larger population that is not illustrated in the books.
Link to the ask prompts!
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xalygatorx · 6 months
Powerless (2017) | Chapter 12, "It's Only Forever"
Years after Sarah’s wit and bravery saved her brother and brought the Labyrinth to its knees, her daughter Andie is transported to what remains of that same fantastical place, somewhere she thought only existed in her favorite childhood stories. To find her way back home, she must traverse what’s left of the crumbling kingdom, find a way to set both moments and magic in motion again, and even save the Goblin King, himself. But who will save her from him?
Powerless is a SFW slow-burn romance between Jareth and an original female character. The story overall contains descriptions of fantasy violence, mild suggestive content, and grief regarding family illness. Chapter-by-chapter warnings will be provided as well.
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Summary: Nyle reaffirms his warnings to Andie and expresses his doubts that she’ll be allowed to return home once all this is over. Andie begins to let those doubts get to her. The group finds the Wiseman and learns how they may set time in motion within the Labyrinth again. 
Pairing: Jareth x Fem!OC
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2.9k
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When Andie woke, she was warm and her brain was muddled by a dream that had her pumped with equal parts confusion and anxiety, though it seemed that as soon as she took the time to assess her reality—as unrealistic as it was—she was able to push whatever nightmare she'd been burdened with aside. She winced the sleep from her eyes and glanced down to see that Jareth had fallen asleep with his head on her lap, his features lax as he slept soundly, half-curled in a fetal position. That can't be comfortable…, she thought, but then again, how was sitting up against a stone wall any more comfortable?
"He's not going to let you leave, you know."
Andie thought she was going to have her real first heart attack in this place from people sneaking up on her. She turned her head to see Nyle sitting on her other side, the one that Jareth wasn't occupying. He shifted a little when she jolted, but remained asleep against her. "What do you—"
Nyle looked toward her darkly as Didymus and Ambrosius snored nearby. A patch of night sky had fallen over their location and the shadows seemed greedy and tall around them. "You heard me. I just thought you should know."
"But that's what we're doing, he's helping… That's the whole point of—"
"Is it?" Nyle wondered. "Is what we're doing anymore really about you?" When she hesitated before immediately answering, he added, "Or has it become about him?"
"We're going to see the Wiseman to ask him how I can get home," Andie pointed out, awake enough now to hold her own. "Why else would we be going there?"
"Jareth wants back in the place of power here. It's likely that the Wiseman may also know something about repairing this place and, if that happens, time will move forward again and the magic will come back."
"And that's a bad thing? That would make things 'normal' around here again and might provide more ways for me to get back to my world."
"If you think for one second that once he has the means to keep you here, he won't, you are truly a fool." He slanted a yellow glance her way. "Or maybe that's what you're hoping for?"
Andie glared at him. "I have to get back. My family needs me."
"Good luck with that," he muttered, slowly getting to his feet and then towering over her and the man sleeping next to her.
Andie wasn't going to say anything in response, but she just couldn't help herself. "What do you mean?"
He sighed and looked over at her as if she were the most pitiful creature he'd ever encountered, which pissed her off immediately. "Look, Andie, even if he didn't want to keep you here out of this weird infatuation or lust, maybe even amusement, he has for you, there's a strong possibility that he knows who you are." Andie lost whatever smart remark she was going to throw back at him and could almost feel it dissolve on her tongue. "Your mother brought his world crashing down around his ears and dethroned him in doing so. It's probable that he's buddying up to you now so you help him long enough for him to get his power back. Goblins hold grudges. There's a reason he's our king."
Andie glanced down to make sure Jareth was still asleep before replying dubiously, "You're trying to say he's planning on killing me as an act of revenge against what my mom did?"
"You'd be lucky if he killed you," Nyle murmured. "Most things aren't that easy."
"If you're trying to scare me, you're going to have to figure out a new plan."
He gave a devil-may-care lift of his shoulders. "I don't know if 'scare' is the right word. But I am warning you. Forgiveness isn't in his blood and after so long to think of what he might do, given the chance for vengeance… If it were me, I would jump at the opportunity"
"Except you two are nothing alike."
Nyle cracked a faint smile. "I hope you're right. For your sake. Though, the chances of you knowing that after such a short time here are slim to say the least. I genuinely hope you're right though. Just do yourself a favor and don't completely disregard what I've told you."
Andie scoffed quietly. "Fine."
"Good," Nyle said with a small sigh of relief, heading over to start a small fire after Hoggle woke and complained of the chill, as the temperature had dropped significantly with the change of atmosphere.
Andie warily watched him go until she felt Jareth move around, prompting her to look down. Mismatched eyes met her own, unfocused from the exit of a deep sleep, it seemed. His hair was comically askew and she unthinkingly reached over and fixed it, only to have her hand snared lightly by the awakening Goblin King. "Morning," she murmured, her brow arched at his actions.
"Mm, good morning," he murmured sleepily, toying with her hand and seeming to explore every detail. "How did you sleep?"
Terribly. "Well. You?"
"Better than I have been," Jareth murmured as he continued his perusal, holding her hand closer toward his face as he breathed in. "Likely thanks to you."
"Think so?"
He smirked. "Indeed. You make a divine pillow."
"Ah, so that's why."
Jareth chuckled and glanced up at her. "Are you disappointed?"
Andie rolled her eyes a little. "I can't be disappointed if I didn't have expectations to begin with."
"No expectations?" he wondered aloud, seeming a bit offended. "Now I'm the one who's disappointed."
"Tough," Andie replied bluntly, drawing another chuckle from her companion until he was interrupted by his stomach growling. Seeming displeased with his physical needs, he glared toward the sound and then sat up, but not before dropping a kiss to the pulse point on her wrist that was so faint, she would have surely missed it had she not been watching him. Jareth stood and sauntered over to where Nyle had just stoked a fire to life, getting into their supplies for some of the food Andie had brought back from the castle.
Andie looked toward him crouched down near the fire before turning her gaze down to where he'd brushed his lips against her wrist, her face feeling warm and her stomach fluttery. "Goblins hold grudges," she heard Nyle say in her head, frowning as she drew her knees up toward her chest. "I hope you're right. For your sake."
"Here," Jareth said beside her, making her jump. She looked at him and her eyes fell to his extended hand, in which was a shiny red apple and a couple of cakes. "Eat."
"Your stomach growled, not mine," she pointed out grumpily, not taking kindly to him ordering her around though it never seemed to dissuade him from doing so again. She turned the apple over in her hand. "Not poison, is it?"
Jareth rolled his eyes as he picked the leaf off the one he held for himself. "You're the one who brought them, you should know." He smirked and began to roll the apple along his palm, switching it over to the back of his hand with just the flick of his wrist. The way it moved at his command was unreal and Andie swore it was an optical illusion of some kind. At least, she would have sworn that were it anyone else doing it. He noticed her mesmerization and smiled, spinning it on one finger before snatching it and taking a bite. "Hurry up and eat, we will be leaving afterward."
Andie was munching on one of the cakes, the buttercream melting against her tongue and waking up her taste buds. As much as she wanted to, she couldn't shake the wary feeling Nyle had instilled in her because what he'd said held some truth. And even excluding that, it managed to make sense. Just the thought of that made her feel a little sick. However, she pushed away the doubts and focused on eating and taking a sip from the water jug when it came their way. It didn't matter what his motives were, she'd take the help and get out of this insane place and count her blessings that she'd found a way out with the help of everyone in their party. That was really all there was to it… Right?
Andie sighed and soon got a weird feeling she was being watched, glancing over to find Jareth staring at her, chewing on a bite of apple, his face just inches from hers. "Can I help you?"
"Something is wrong," he mumbled around the chewed fruit.
"Clearly," she muttered back as suddenly they were bathed in unfiltered daylight, the sky changing as manically as her moods that day.
"With you, I mean."
"That's rude."
"You know what I mean," Jareth insisted grumpily, but he dropped the subject when he made no progress. No more conversation passed between them until the group packed up and headed through the maze once again, after checking once again that the portion of the maze housing the Wiseman's favorite spot had remained in its proper place. They made great time in getting to the wide courtyard and, once the path opened up into the clearing, Andie saw a very old-looking man with a long white mustache and eyebrows, a bulbous pink nose, and what appeared to be a hat in the shape of an ugly bird. He sat upon what appeared to be a throne of stone books, a small box in his left hand.
"Oh! What have we here?" crowed a high voice and, at first, Andie thought the man had spoken, but she soon noticed that his hat was the one scrutinizing the group, its head swiveling to view them all. In fact, the old man appeared to be half-asleep. "Wake up!" The Wiseman snorted himself awake and blinked blearily at the lot of them, the Hat still speaking. "Who goes? A dwarf—"
"My name is Hoggle!"
"—the forest beast, Sir Didymus, two faces I don't know… Oh! Your Majesty, a pleasure, and… Have we met?"
Andie blinked when the Hat addressed her. "No, we haven't."
"Well, then what is your name, young lady?"
"Andie," she replied, wondering why she was so nervous about speaking to a hat.
The Hat nodded incrementally. "A strange name."
"Who gave you permission to speak?" the Wiseman finally wondered, glancing upward at his very outgoing garment.
"Well, one of us has to and you were sleeping on the job!"
"I am no longer, so if you would just be quiet!"
"All right, all right… Sheesh!" the Hat harrumphed.
"Now, what is it that you all wanted?" the Wiseman asked, old soulful eyes peering at them calmly.
Jareth nudged her forward and Andie shot him a look before replying, "Well, I was hoping you could tell me how I might get home. I'm not from here."
"As if that was not obvious!" the Hat shouted shrilly.
"Be quiet!" the Wiseman demanded before looking at Andie. "You wish to leave the Labyrinth and return to your world, yes?"
"Yes," Andie said emphatically, nodding. "Do you know how I can manage that?"
"Normally, that might be a much simpler feat," the Wiseman commented. "However, the absence of magic from this land bars us from much. Once magic has returned to the Labyrinth, perhaps you will find your way to where you need to be."
"How can magic be restored here?" Andie asked and she remembered Nyle's words again, warning her that this was what Jareth wanted from this journey. That he would use that against her. Could he really be so heartless? The warmth he'd shown her in small spurts over their time together argued against that, but—as much as she hated to admit it—Nyle was right. She barely knew him, in the grand scheme of things.
"You must bring order back to time. With time, magic may return. It is the way of all things," the Wiseman explained. "The Girl Who Ate the Peach and Forgot Everything thwarted the natural order of time in this land and it shattered order from here to the stars. You must bring that order back in the same manner."
"But how do I do that? Fix the clock?"
"The clock?" Jareth repeated behind her questioningly. When she turned, she saw equally baffled looks from the rest of her group as well.
"The clock in the throne room of the castle," she elaborated.
"I know which clock…," Jareth sighed impatiently before looking at the Wiseman. "Would that really restore things to how they were?"
"Things can never be exactly as those which have passed, Your Highness," the Hat snapped. "Time rules against such things."
"And for a reason," the Wiseman agreed. "However, it will put things back in motion. To whatever may come next."
"Do these go to the clock?" Andie asked as she dug the drawstring pouch from her bag and picked out the cog she'd snatched from the junkyard, holding it toward the Wiseman.
"Don't give him that!" Hoggle cried in despair, eying the donation box.
"Be quiet!" the Hat shouted at the dwarf, who fell silent apart from periodic muttering, his eyes bulging toward the golden cog as the Wiseman leaned forward to examine it, the hat bending at its large neck to do the same. "Oooh," it murmured, clicking its tongue. "That's it, isn't it?"
"Indeed, it is," the Wiseman agreed. "Have you more of them?"
"Hoggle," Andie requested, holding out her hand for the other cogs. When Hoggle didn't budge, she gave him a pleading look and he soon hobbled over, handing her the other two they'd found in the Bog and with the Fireys in the jungle. She gave him the plastic gems from the pouch as compensation, which mollified him some. Or, at the very least, distracted him while the Wiseman looked over the cogs. "So? Will those fix the clock? And will fixing the clock fix the, er…natural order?"
"You have the majority of the pieces," the Wiseman said.
"And the majority of the information," the Hat added, rolling its tongue.
"And yet there is still more to uncover, which will all become clear when you near the end," the Wiseman finished.
"That was horribly unhelpful," Jareth murmured, discouraged.
"So, there's more? There were gaps for four cogs at the most, where is the fourth?" Andie asked despairingly, so frustrated she felt on the verge of tears. She couldn't waste any more time here, especially now that she was aware of what might be at stake. "This is horrible… How can we still have so far to go?"
"Not far at all, in fact," the Hat supplied gently, looking down at its wearer pointedly.
At Andie's confused glance, the Wiseman nodded and carefully unlatched his donation box, turning over the lid. "Quite often, young lady, it seems like we're not getting anywhere, when in fact…"
"We are," the Hat assured her.
"…we are," the Wiseman finished as he produced the fourth golden cog from inside the box. Her eyes widened, but she was afraid to just reach for it until he gave her a nod of encouragement. Andie took the cog and looked it over before sliding all four of them into the pouch. "We wish you luck. It is time that this broken place was mended."
Andie nodded and gratefully said, "Thank you for all your help," her voice heavy with relief.
The Wiseman inclined his head as the group filed out of the courtyard, old eyes watching them as they disappeared back into the maze. The Hat glanced between the Wiseman and the opening their visitors had left through. "A strange group."
"A strange girl."
"Very much so."
The Hat looked pensive. "And a strange king, too."
The Wiseman looked upward. "How so?"
"He is different. He is not the Goblin King I remember."
"And what does your birdbrain remember?"
The Hat glared a little toward its wearer before replying, "Incompleteness."
"Explain?" the Wiseman requested.
"You're the wise one, you figure it out!" it squawked.
The Wiseman and his hat fell silent with differently pitched hmph's, enjoying the summer sky that had wandered over to cover their perch.
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While the group headed back through the pathway taken from the Goblin City, Andie packed the pouch back into her bag and noted, "So. Back to the castle, we go, eh?"
"So it would seem," Didymus agreed. "Though, it is only 'back' for you, my lady."
"He's right," Leona murmured, "no one has been back there—except perhaps the goblins—for thousands of years."
"Then it might be news to you all that the entire first floor has collapsed… At least on the outside. The throne room and such still stand, but there's no way in or out of it except, well… Taking a leap of faith like I did."
"Your Highness, might there be another way in?" Didymus wondered hopefully.
"Through the dungeons, perhaps," Jareth and Nyle said at once, glancing at each other narrowly before Jareth continued, "There is an outside entrance down to the tunnels, through the Hall of Mirrors and the dungeons. As long as that stands, it will take us directly to the throne room."
Andie nodded, zipping up the bag and swinging it back to her shoulders. "Then that's what we'll do."
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Next chapter: Chapter 13, "Not Long At All"
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frigidfries · 3 years
how about chara for the ask game!!
chara. chara chara chara
favorite thing about them:
so. you see one of my FAVORITE tropes in media is that the narrator was a character all along. partially because- especially when i was younger- i would pay super close attention to narration and choices and diction in a game to glean anything like a canon personality to a silent protagonist. and the narrator being a person in the story itself was basically a 'you were right to pay attention! it is that deep!' to me. and my fondness for this predates undertale!
i know narrachara isnt canon-canon, but... man! if it is, then chara is easily one of the most complex characters in undertale by the fact they have the most "screentime"(?) to work with!
it means they're funny and bitingly sarcastic when they want to be, it means they have opinions on anime debates, that they like plants and fun facts, they're impatient, they have a deep sense of right and wrong, they think a heroine who can save the underground is the coolest thing ever, they know some DEEP CUT old video game references, they like obscure japanese novels about tea and kitchens and loss...
its just so cool to me that a character that barely exists in the narrative- only known through second hand stories and footage, even less than we know about asriel- is revealed to be the narrative. and so many emotional beats get to hit so much harder. its just... a nice idea, you know? that we get to meet something like the real them at all.
least favorite thing about them:
ah hmmm. hm. i have reached the point of "they obviously have some pretty severe issues i don't think were helped by the unknowing, well-intentioned pressure of their loved ones and the entire underground as one of the two only 'hopes' of an entire group of people, and they did and can do some really jacked up things, but also think about them as a catholic 12 year old and everything makes sense."
tldr; i love chara discussions but i think we can all move past totally black or white reads of them because that doesn't fit in at all with the themes and style of toby's writing. utdr simply doesn't have pure evil or perfect good
favorite line:
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sighs. sighs. i talked about them and asriel in his post but. augh. they were so important to each other. making edgy ocs- chara remembered the name of every single attack. they gagged over their parents PDA together. they... man. man. objectively not great for each other, but i think they desperately needed each other in their lives.
frisk and chara are also. just! man!!!! they get impatient over repeated checking but its impossible for me to not read so much of it as... painfully fond. it's you! you won! hey, you're not made of money. that's called a 'water sausage'. ...there's a lot there, i think.
same digs with asriel i dont ship them with anyone, really!
random headcanon:
they knew dr. gaster when they were both alive/whole and they liked that he treated them as a Peer. An Intellectual Equal. (read: dr. gaster did actually treat them like a child he just did it in a way that made chara feel respected lol)
golden flowers are weeds. they choke out any garden they're in and are incredibly tenacious. chara likes them so much because have spent hours wistfully relating to them while looking out of their original city's library windows
fell in 2012 and has all the baggage and trappings of being a 11-12 y/o closeted nonbinary kid who was too online in 2012
songs i associate with them:
some excerpts from the playlist i made for them when i was 16
The Scary Jokes - Catabolic Seed
My Chemical Romance - The End
Rilo Kiley - The Execution of All Things
..... Panic! At the Disco - The Only Difference Between Martyrdom and Suicide Is The Press Coverage
favorite image:
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of course, offical and my own LMAO
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 years
Guess I always knew
Prequel to Say it to me Softly.
Pairing:Nolan Patrick x Sawyer Grey(OC fem)
Warnings: swearing, mentions of death, parties, alcohol, sexual situations, fluff, angst, harassment, fighting.
Hi all! This is really long, but it had to be done! Just some fun Nolan and Sawyer moments through the years until he asks her to move with him. Hopefully it can give you some background on them and you enjoy it!
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Toast popped up just as Delaney wrapped the hair tie around the bottom of Sawyers braid
“Viola.” She said smiling and pulling it tight. Sawyer smiled at her sister as her mother pulled the toast up and put butter on it. It was a warm early summer morning and a cool breeze was drifting through the open screen door in the kitchen. The radio was on, Sawyer’s mother, Anna humming along with the radio as she moved about the kitchen making breakfast. Mason was in his high chair eating cereal, and she could hear Liv making her way downstairs. Kellan was seated at the island reading the sports section of the paper.
“ Alright.” Delaney said, finishing her orange juice and placing her plate and cup in the dishwasher “I’m out.”
“Where you off to today?” He mom asked as she stirred pancake batter, bowl perched on her hip.
“Heading to the lake with some friends, shouldn’t be home too late.”
Her mom smiled, as Delaney dropped a kiss in Mason’s head and slugged kellan in the side. She waved to the girls and her mom.
“Del?” She turned hoisting her bag over her shoulder, hand braced on the door frame.
“Be careful. “
She smiled “Always am mom.” She breezed out the door, the sound of her flip flops on the gravel growing faint until she reached her car and pulled out of the driveway.
“How bout you?” Her mom said turning to Kellan. He stood drinking the last of his coffee, and stretched setting the paper down.
“I’m heading out to pick up some bait, then I’m gonna meet dad out at the mill and we’re gonna go fishing and then we’ll be home with dinner.” She smiled and wiped her hands on her apron, accepting a kiss on the cheek as he walked to put his boots on.
“And you?” Sawyer smiled and before she could say anything she heard her name being called from the driveway.
“Why do I even ask?” He mother chuckled and opened the window.
“Good morning Nolan honey! Are you hungry?”
“Good morning Mrs.Grey! No thanks my mom wouldn’t let me leave without eating. She said she has flowers to drop off for you later today!” Sawyer shoved her feet in her sneakers and put her plate and cup in the dishwasher before giving her mom a quick hug and waving to her siblings.
Nolan was sitting on his bike at the bottom of the driveway, backpack strapped on his shoulders. Sawyer heaved her own bike up, throwing a leg over it and hoisting herself up on the seat.
“So what do you want to do today?” Nolan asked as they began pedaling down the gravel road.
Summer had just started, and they had 3 whole months of free time with no school, no teachers and no responsibility.
“ I don’t know. It’s not warm enough to go swimming.”
He shook his head as they continued down the road waving to various neighbors and classmates. The sun was out now, high in the sky beating down and burning their shoulders. They ended up pedaling out of the neighborhood and dropped their bikes at the end of a hill and hiked to the top. They could see almost the whole town from there. Nolan was stretched out laying on his back eyes closed. Even at 12 Nolan was all legs and arms, hair shaggy that he refused cut. His mom had given up chasing him around with scissors and threatening bodily harm if he didn’t keep it short.
“I’m so glad schools over.”
“Yeah me too. No more homework, no more class, no more hockey.”
“You love hockey.”
“ Well yeah I do but I like a good break now and again you know.”
They sat for a while talking about the important stuff all 12 year olds talk about until it got too hot. They trekked back down the hill and decided to go to Nolan’s. The sun was shining and the air was warm and what should have been the start of a fun filled summer was the day their lives were about to change. Nolan’s mom had come frantically running from the front door when she saw them coming up the front walk and ushered them both into the car.
Delaney Grey was gone, her car abandoned, and no one knew where she was. Sawyer watched the following days destroy her parents, and turn her world upside down. The discovery of her car and her body later on would change the course of Sawyers entire life. She would forever be known as the girl who’s sister was murdered. Nolan was more important to her than ever. His mom took her in, keeping her shielded and protected from things she didn’t need to see, and stepped in when her mom couldn’t.
Time passed, the wounds healed but her parents were never the same and never okay. A lot of it passed so quickly she woke some days and didn’t remember. But the time they turned 15 rumors and stares mostly died down, until the anniversary. It would always be a part of her, and something that would always affect her. But she had Nolan. So she would fine.
“Gosh it’s so hot.” Jessi was sitting on a lawn chair in Sawyers backyard, sunglasses perched on her nose. Jessie had become an unexpected and close friend over the school year. They had met in English class, and paired together in a project. Jessie had a purple streak in her long dark hair, and a nose ring but she was funny and the only person who she could spend long amounts of time with besides Nolan. He even liked her, and the two of them got along well. The girls had been laying out in their bathing suits for almost 45 minutes and the most color they had gotten was sunburn. Sawyer closed her eyes and tipped her head back. It was rare to have peaceful moments like this so she was going to cherish it.
“Speaking of hot-“Jessi lowered her glasses and nudged her chin forward. Nolan and Chase, along with some other guys she didn’t know had just pulled into her driveway.
“Are you sure you never hit that?” Jessi was talking about Nolan, as always. She didn’t understand how ‘two people so attractive could exist as just friends without sex’.
“No Jess, I have not.”
“Are you sure you don’t wanna now? I mean damn.”
“If you think he’s so hot why don’t you-“
“He’s way out of my league babe. I wouldn’t even try it. But you should.”
Nolan had immediately tried to get them to leave her driveway the minute they pulled up and he saw she was wearing a bikini.
“Oh hell no.” Chase said practically jumping out of the car. “Sorry Pat. You said I couldn’t touch, but you said nothing about looking.”
Nolan mumbled something and followed his friends into her backyard, already regretting not calling. Why couldn’t she be wearing clothing?
Sawyer closed her locker, balancing her books in one arm as she clicked the lock shut. It was raining but it was Friday and school was halfway over. As she turned she bumped into a chest. She looked up, about to scold Nolan for sneaking up on her when she was greeted by Kyle Welch. Kyle was the captain of the football team and a pretty well known colossal dick, but all the same he was popular and someone she had never even spoken to. Her eyebrows shot up on her forehead and she took a step back.
Hi. Your Sawyer right?”
“I-Uh yeah?”
“Your in my English class right? We should study sometime.” He was smiling at her, all teeth like a fucking dragon. He was looking at her with the strangest of looks, one that made her very very uncomfortable. Like she was a piece of meat, a toy for him to play with.
“Uhm. Sure. I guess.”
He gave her another smile and a nod before walking down the hallway and disappearing.
She shook her head, still confused but began her walk to the cafeteria. She found Nolan and the rest of her friends seated at the usual table. She sat between Nolan and Chase, across from Jessie, still bothered by the exchange at her locker.
“Your never going to believe who asked me to study today.” She said as she bit into an apple slice from her spot between them.
“Who?” Chase asked turning to her, mouth full of sandwich.
“Kyle Welch.”
Nolan’s bottle of water banged loudly off the table as he dropped it and his head whipped towards her.
“He what?”
She nodded and as she went to speak Kyle himself passed by their table sending her a smile. Nolan was glaring at him so severely, if looks could kill Kyle would be dead and the football team would be out a captain.
“No fucking way are you helping that guy study.” Nolan said, face set in stone.
“Yeah I’m gonna have to second this one.” Chase said from her other side.
“I wasn’t going to anyways, I think he just did it to be a dick.” She could feel heat and tension radiating off of Nolan, though she wasn’t sure why. As far as she knew they had never had any interaction, and ran in separate circles. But he was still glaring at him all the same.
“I heard some pretty messed up shit about that guy.” Chase said, eyeing Kyle from across the room.
“Like what?” Jessie asked. She was staring at Nolan who was still visibly angry, eyebrows furrowed. She glanced at Sawyer, who shrugged and turned her attention to Chase.
“ I mean it’s just a rumor but someone said that spiked some girls drink at Jenny Miller’s party last year. And I guess she isn’t the only one. Apparently he’s done it before. Like I said, just what I heard but still alarming eh?”
“Just stay clear of him.” Nolan snapped. He was quiet for the rest of lunch till the bell rang. He gave her a long look as he stood, and then turned abruptly and left the cafeteria without another word.
“What’s his deal?” Jessi asked, making Chase roll his eyes.
“You know Nolan. Come on.” He said nudging Sawyer “We’re gonna be late.”
She had always tried to keep her distance from Kyle and his group of friends in general. Nolan had an issue with him that she never truly understood but because it was Nolan she trusted it was for a good reason. She was following behind Chase on the way to history, but as he rounded the corner Kyle reappeared in front of her separating them. Chase kept walking unaware that she was no longer behind him.
“Oh hi.” She said taking a step away from him. The hallway was mostly empty and he was way too close to her.
“So about studying. How about later?”
“Oh I Uhm. I don’t know.”
“Come on. My parents are gone for the weekend so we’ll have the place to ourselves.” He reached forward, and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. She froze. Nolan had a habit of tucking her hair behind her ear, but it felt all wrong when Kyle did it, and she didn’t like it one bit.
“I can drive you to my house. It’ll be fun.”
“I usually drive home with-“
“Me.” She jumped and turned to find Nolan coming up behind her. He was glowering at Kyle over her shoulder, who looked at him unfazed.
“Is this your boyfriend or something?”
“Yeah I am. Let’s go.” He steered her away by the waist, and down the hall away from him.
“What the fuck was that about?” He stopped suddenly and spun to face her.
“He wanted me to come home with him after school. I said no.”
He rubbed his forehead eyes closed “Go to History. And wait for me after school. “
He left, storming down the hall leaving her standing in front of her classroom. After class she said goodbye to Chase and stuffed her books into her locker before walking out the back entrance of school. The rain had stopped but it was damp and chilly as she walked, avoiding puddles on the sidewalk. She rubbed her arms through her sweater, and as she turned the corner to the back of the building she stopped.
Kyle and a few of on his football buddies were hanging around, and turned to face her. Kyle smiled slowly, and gave her a once over, making her feel like she needed a shower. She felt trapped for a moment when she realized she was alone, the closest person being way ahead of her in the parking lot.
“Hey. Decided to take me up in my offer eh?” She was still glued to the spot.
“I was actually heading to meet Nolan. Excuse me.” She tried to brush past him but he grabbed her arm.
“Hey where you going?” He pulled her closer, fingers gripping her skin painfully. The other guys had wandered over, circling around laughing. She broke from his grasp only to have him catch both of her wrists and pull him to her.
“You should be thankful I’m even giving you the time of day.” He said coolly “Now how about you come get in my car and we’ll go to my house and you can get on your-“
“What is this?” Nolan had turned to corner with Rhett and Chase. Kyle released her and held his hands up. She bolted to Nolan, falling into his arms holding back tears. Had he not turned the corner she had no idea what would have happened. Kyle and his friends turned to leave, and he yelled over his shoulder.
“Have fun slumming Patrick.”
“I’ll kill him.”
“Whoa buddy. Calm down.” Chase said peering around him to look at her.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah I’m fine I just really wanna go home.” She swiped at a tear, as more came rolling down her cheeks, she heaved in a ragged breath. He had scared her, and made her feel small. She wondered if this was how her sister felt when she knew she was in trouble that day. Small and scared. And alone. Nolan ducked his head down to look at her.
“Hey. Hey. It’s okay let’s just go.” She walked with them to the car, several student noticing her red eyes and tears. She got in quickly, while Nolan said goodbye to the guys. The ride home was quiet. Too quiet. She felt disgusting, and every time she closed her eyes she could feel his breath on her face and his hands on her skin. Nolan was gripping the steering wheel, knuckles white face unreadable. When he pulled up to her house, he parked and sighed. No one was home, and though normally he would drop her off, he got out.
“I’m not leaving you here alone.”
She nodded and he followed her up the front steps and in the front door. She was still crying as she dropped her backpack by the door.
“Sawyer.” He said softly. She turned, head bowed and he very gently wrapped her in a hug, sobs wracking her body. They stayed like that for a while, till she was all cried out.
Nolan had completely forgotten that he promised Bo he would do an “interview” the best day. While he was annoyed, he was also relieved. They had been friends for a long time, and Bo took his mind off getting in his car and driving to Kyle’s house to murder him. Sawyer was going to come over afterwards. She was still upset, but was doing her best to mask it. He felt guilty for letting her walk out of school alone that day, when he would typically meet her by the entrance.
After the whole thing was over and Bo ended the interview, miffed that Nolan had answered the phone before he was done speaking, Nolan hung up and turned back to Bo who was smiling mischievously.
“ So?”
Bo rolled his eyes “We all know who your best friend is Pat and we both know it’s neither one of those guys.”
Nolan rolled his eyes and scowled “ Leave her out of this.”
“I would but she’s just so hot-“
Before Bo could say anything else Nolan had pulled the back of his shirt over his head and had him in a tight neck lock. The other guys laughed immediately trying to turn the camera back on.
“Alright Jesus let go Pat! I was joking!”
He released him and pointed a finger threateningly at him as Bo straightened his shirt and started giggling.
“I’m serious-“
“I know Pat I would never do that. I thought you knew me better than that.”
That was Nolan’s worst fear. Most of his friends knew better than to even think about asking Sawyer out but it didn’t stop them from looking and making comments. The speculation that surrounded them had grown huge by the time they were in high school, and while it was exhausting to have to answer the same questions over and over again Nolan found that he didn’t really mind that people thought there was some attachment between them. It kept guys away from her and while he knew it was selfish he couldn’t help it. He just didn’t think anyone was good enough for her. He had purposely said someone else’s name when Bo asked so that they would leave him alone about her and it had backfired anyways.
It was frustrating for Nolan to know that given the opportunity all his friends would make some type of move on her, and he would break both his legs before that happened. He tried to keep a barrier between her and them but most of the time it didn’t work. She was just so damn friendly and approachable, her big smile pulled people in like a magnet.
“ I thought she’d be around, where is she anyway?”
“None of your business.”
Bo held his hands up, and as if on cue Sawyers car pulled into his driveway. Nolan had tried to hurry the process of the ‘interview’ hoping they would be gone before she got there but Bo had spent so much time goofing around they were behind schedule.
She stepped out, closed the door and made her way to Nolan’s back yard. Her hair was curly today, falling down her back to her waist. She had on a pair of jeans and a long sleeve grey shirt. Even completely covered the other guys had already given her a thorough once over and continued to stare as she came to stand next to him. Nolan gave Bo one last glare
“Hi.” Nolan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a squeeze. For whatever the reason Nolan got slightly possessive over her in situations like this, which didn’t make sense because he wasn’t her boyfriend. But the arm that he wrapped around her shoulders stayed there, keeping her pulled flush to his side.
“Hi Bo.” She smiled at him, practically making the other guys flood Nolan’s yard with drool.
“Hey. Your boy here just hit me with a plastic ball right in the junk.”
“Well you probably deserved it.”
Nolan laughed and bid Bo and the others goodbye, as they filed out of his yard, and Sawyer followed him up the steps to his room and threw herself down on his bed. He pulled open a drawer and pulled his shirt off to put on a new one. Sawyer turned and felt a blush creep up her neck while he changed. She had seen him shirtless plenty of times but he had obviously been spending extra time in the gym and his long lanky frame was beginning to change.
What the hell am I saying? She shook her head and turned her attention to the tv instead, trying to ignore shirtless Nolan on the other side of the room. He pulled another shirt over his head and came to sit next to her.
“Tired?” He asked. She was curled in a ball, head on his pillow. She nodded and closed her eyes.
“I couldn’t sleep last night after you know-.”
He nodded “I’m still mad about it. But that’s never gonna happen again.”
He laid down next to her, settling in and flipped the tv on and she inches closer resting her head on his shoulder. She had an angry purple bruise on her wrist, another on her upper arm. He was pissed just looking at it. It was a reminder that he hadn’t been there to protect her.
Her eyes had slid closed. He was so warm and inviting and she felt safe and relaxed for the first time in 24 hours, as she felt his arm wrap around her shoulders. He felt her body grow heavy, and her breathing even out and grow slow. They were alone in his house, his parents and sisters were gone and would be for several hours. He reached a hand up and ran it tentatively through her hair. He always had his hands in her hair. It was thick and soft and caught the light just right when she moved. She stirred slightly, and wrapped an arm around his midsection, sighing. Her eyes opened and she tipped her head back to look up at him.
Nolan suddenly felt an extreme urge to kiss her. His eyes moved to her mouth, which was less than 6 inches from his own, and then back up to her eyes again. They stayed that way for a few moments before Nolan leaned forward slightly hand coming up to her face. Her heart rate increased as his nose brushed against hers. Their lips had just touched when the sound of a slamming door from downstairs made them jump apart and Sawyer moved clear across the bed away from him before standing up quickly. Nolan was alarmed at what had almost just happened and was rooted to the spot. She was backed up against the wall like a animal cornered in a cage, eyes large.
“Sawyer I-“
She hurried from the room, the sound of her feet carrying down the stairs, out his front door and into her car. He threw himself backwards and sighed.
Sawyer was standing with Jessie drink in hand when Bo came up behind her and bumped her shoulder.
“Your boy is here.” He motioned behind him with his head, and Sawyer rolled her eyes.
“He’s not my boy.” She looked over Bo’s shoulder and felt a twinge of annoyance. Nolan was standing with Rhett and Chase surrounded by a group of girls all giggling and twirling their hair around their fingers, giving them their best doe eyes. One girl in particular had Nolan’s attention, as he leaned against the wall hands in his pockets smiling as she spoke to him. The twinge of annoyance became anger. What the hell was he doing? He had nearly kissed her earlier that afternoon and now he was flirting with someone else?
“Kaylee Smith eh?” Jessie shook her head and took a sip out of her solo cup “Is anyone gonna tell him it’s supposedly like a cave down there?”
Bo stifled a laugh and looked at Sawyer. She was gripping her cup, other arm folded across her midsection.
“Well isn’t that just fucking cozy.”
She downed the rest of her drink and pushed through the crowd to get another one. Bo and Jessie watched her go before turning back to each other.
“This isn’t going to end well.”
“Maybe I should go warn Pat.”
Bo turned and weaved through the crowd of people, and gave Nolan a punch when he reached him. He turned pausing his conversation with Kaylee, and gave Bo a small smile.
“What’s up?”
“Can I talk to you?…. Alone?” Kaylee reached forward and gave Nolan’s hand a small squeeze before she turned to walk away.
“I’ll talk to you later.” She gave him a smile over the shoulder which he returned, and turned to leave with her friends.
“Are you a moron?” Bo asked arms folded. Nolan frowned, and Rhett and Chase both let out a chuckle.
“Your about to cause a serious cat fight my guy.”
“Cat fight? I’m down for a cat fight.” Chase was snickering over the top of his solo cup, as he surveyed the girls in the living room.
“Who?” Nolan was confused. He had been talking to Kaylee since he had arrived and she was definitely flirting with him. He didn’t really have any interest in her, but he also didn’t have a girlfriend so he let her continue. And then it hit him. Sawyer had to be around here somewhere and no doubt it looked from the outside that he was going to take Kaylee home.
“Where is she?” Bo was frowning at him, and shook his head.
“What is up with you two? Your friends but I don’t think your really just friends-“
“Please dude we’ve had this conversation with him a million times and he refuses to budge.”
“Where is she?” Nolan repeated more forcefully this time. After what had happened earlier he had to at least explain himself. He couldn’t see her but he did see Jessie making her way through the crowd. He pushed in between them and caught her by the elbow.
“Nolan hi.” She knew what he wanted, but Sawyer had asked her to cover so she was going to.
“Where is she Jessie?”
“I don’t know honestly. I lost her a little bit ago. Check the bathroom maybe?”
Jessie’s face was solid as steel. She wasn’t going to tell him anything.
Sawyer in the mean time was in the kitchen pouring alcohol into a cup when she felt a presence behind her. Kaylee smith was leaning against the counter behind her, arms crossed. She had never spoken a word to her before so she wasn’t sure why she was in her space now.
“Sorry do you need something?” She wasn’t usually this snippy but she was already annoyed and the source of her annoyance was way too close for her liking.
“What’s with you and Nolan?”
“Because I’m going home with him, and I just want to make sure you aren’t together.”
Sawyer giggled into her cup, before sipping off the top of it and shook her head as it burned all the way down her throat. “Your awfully sure of yourself huh?”
She pursed her lips in a tight smile, head turning to the side “Honey, I always get what I want. So you can find your own way home tonight. Kay?” She gave a wide nasty smile and Sawyer saw red.
“You really think he’s taking you home? Then you don’t really know Nolan at all. And don’t ever think he’ll take you home over me. Ever.”
At that moment Nolan himself entered the kitchen looking relieved to find her and then awkward when he realized she wasn’t alone. Kaylee smiled at him but he brushed past her and stood between them.
“Can I talk to you.” He gently grabbed Sawyers elbow and pulled her out of the kitchen. She sent a small smile at Kaylee over her shoulder as he steered her away, and left her standing in the kitchen mouth open. Once out of sight she pulled her arm from his grip and nearly stumbled, catching herself on the wall.
“Are you drunk?”
“Not enough.” She took another sip of her drink and ran her fingers through her hair before she turned on him.
“You and Kaylee smith huh?” She was squinting at him, cheeks red, hand on her hip. She looked angry, but Nolan wasn’t sure why because he hadn’t done anything.
“What? No.”
“Oh please.” She jabbed a finger into his chest, and stumbled back from the force of it “I saw her all googledneyes-gogole eyeed” Nolan was almost tempted to laugh as she stumbled over her words eyebrows furrowed as she struggled to say what she was trying to.
“Okay. I think it’s time to take you home.”
“She said you were taking her home.”
“God no. I’m taking you home. Now let’s go.”
He said goodbye to his friends and put her in the car. Her house was dark which meant no one was home. He had a hell of a time getting her out and up the stairs. He had just gotten her in the door when he felt her start to shake. At first he thought she was going to puke and immediately held her out at arms length, and rubbed against the wall near the light switch trying to turn it on with no hands. But when she let out a whimper he realized she wasn’t about to get sick.
“Are you crying?”
“No.” She choked out, bracing a hand on his arm as she almost fell in the doorway.
“What’s wrong?”
“She’s gonna take you away.”
“What? Who?”
“Kaylee what’s her name? Girlfriends never let guys have girl beat friends.”
“Oh my god are you-stop.” He heaved her up the stairs as tear flowed down her face. He turned her around so her arms were around his neck, face tucked into his shoulder. She had herself pulled so tightly against him he was struggling to get up the stairs. He had one hand firmly on her lower back, the other one he was using to pull himself up the stairs by the railing. She let out a particular loud sob, and Nolan tired to pull her off of him to look at him, but she just held him tighter.
“Im not even into her like that.”
“Her. Someone else. Doesn’t matter. They’ll take you from me.” She whispered against his neck. Her words touched Nolan’s heart.
“That’s never gonna happen okay?” He opened her bedroom door and walked her forward to her bed losing his footing and falling down into bed with her. They landed, bed springs squeaking with a small ‘oof’. Her tears had subsided and she was laying with her eyes closed on her pillow as he untangled himself from her.
“ Nolan?” Sawyer asked face against the pillow
“ Hmmmmm?”
“ Do you still love me?” He chuckled and pulled the covers up over her, pushing her hair from her face. She was flushed and her eyeliner was smudged around the eyes from her crying, but she opened them and stared at him waiting for his answer.
“ Of course I do. Why?”
She sat up suddenly, getting right up in his face. He was frozen as she stared at him, lips pushing up against his, arm wrapping around his neck. It was chaste at first but then she pressed harder and pulled herself flush to him. Like his body was on autopilot he let his tongue trace across her lower lip, and she opened her mouth allowing him to push it inside. Her heart was beating hard in her chest as one of his hands tangled in her hair and gripped the back of her neck. They carried on a few more moments till he felt her tug at the bottom of his shirt.
“No Sawyer.”
She looked shocked, and then angry as she backed up against her headboard.
“Did you say no? “
“Yes I did.”
She sputtered for a moment, genuine hurt clouding her face. Nolan felt bad but he had to put his foot down.
“ What? Not pretty enough?”
“No that has nothing to do with it. I’m not gonna let you do this when your drunk. Now go to bed. We’ll talk about this tomorrow.” She blinked sadly and laid down facing away from him. She was out within seconds and Nolan sighed looking down at her. He laid down on the sofa at the opposite end of her room, and folded his arm beneath his head as stared at the ceiling.
What the hell was going on?
Sawyer woke up with a raging headache the next morning. Her whole body hurt, and her mouth tasted like booze. She blinked a few times before she lifted her head and immediately put it back on her pillow. Her clothing from the night before was still on and as she curled up to snuggle deeper under the blankets her foot hit something. She froze and turned slowly to find Nolan was sitting up next to her on her bed, doing something on his phone. Her curtains were drawn shut and the room was still dark, but the the tv was on. She could hear the putter patter of rain on her window and could see the dark clouds through a sliver of window not covered by the curtain. He looked down when she stirred and smiled.
“Hey. How are you feeling?”
“Like I got hit by a train. She rolled over to face him, head still on her pillow.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll stay for a while.”
She nodded and yawned snuggling in closer to him. He reached a tentative hand up and let his fingers run through her hair. She was asleep within a few minutes, her head resting on her pillow by his hip. She didn’t remember last night and he wouldn’t tell her about it. It was a secret he would keep, and kiss he would try to forget.
Nolan never spoke of it to anyone, not his friends, family no one. It was a secret he would take with him not only for his own sake but for hers as well. He didn’t know what she was going through but what had happened last night could have changed everything. He had thankfully not been drinking at that point, because if he had he wasn’t so sure he would have stopped her. The way she had kissed him had sent a chill up his spine. He buried it, and things between them went back to normal, but sometimes late at night when he couldn’t sleep it floated into his mind, and though he would never admit it to anyone but his own conscience, he wanted to do it again.
“Nolan James you are cutting this hair whether you like it or not.” His mom said as she shoved him out the door and into the car. Sawyer was chuckling as she buckled herself in the backseat. He threw his head against the passenger seat. He had worked so hard to grow it out.
“I will not have you looking like a homeless child when you get drafted.”
“Everyone wears it this way now mom-“
“Well you don’t.” Nolan grumbled, and bitched and moaned through the whole thing. His mom made him take it short, shorter than it had been in a long time. He looked clean cut and presentable, but she liked it long.
“You look SO handsome.” She said smiling at him through the mirror. He looked sadly at the long pieces that littered the floor.
“I better get drafted really high for this.”
“Philadelphia selects from the Western Hockey League’s Brandon Wheat Kings, Nolan Patrick.”
Sawyer covered her mouth, blinking away the tears in her eyes. She watched as Nolan stood, and hugged his parents and sisters before turning to her and pulling her into a very long hug.
“I couldn’t have made it this far without you.” He whispered, before releasing her and walked up to the stage, and pulled on the orange sweater.
He had made it. And she was so proud of him. His mom gave her a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.
“It’s so important to him that your here.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” She swiped at a tear, and clapped along with the rest of the crowd as Nolan stood on the stage and officially became a Philadelphia Flyer. She knew this meant she was going to lose him, that he would be far away and make new friends, and maybe even meet the girl he would spend the rest of his life with. But he had made it and that was all that mattered. When everything was all said and done, interviews completed and photos taken, it was just them alone in her hotel room. They had broken into the mini bar, and were laying on their back in the bed. The orange jersey hung on the back of a chair, and her black dress was hung on a hanger, shoes on the floor.
“How does it feel?” She asked quietly. The sun had just started to go down, the tv was on and she was sleepy from the long day and the alcohol. He shrugged.
“Nols you got drafted today. That’s a big thing.”
“Yeah. But it means I’m going to have to leave you.”
He turned his head to look at her. He was happy about the draft, but his whole life was in Winnipeg, with his family, his friends, and her. And he would leave all that at the end of the summer.
“I’m not going anywhere Nols. I’ll be here when you leave, and I’ll be here when you get back.”
There wasn’t much talking the rest of the night. They chose to sit in comfortable silence till they both fell asleep. They spent as much time together that summer as they could, clinging on to the last moments together for dear life. They were both absolutely terrified of being without each other for the first time in almost 19 years. She would have to re adjust her life at home without him, and he would have to start over somewhere new without her.
The night before he was due to leave they hiked up to the top of that hill they had sat on the day her sister disappeared. It was dark by the time they reached the top, the sounds of nightfall echoing through the trees. The moon was high in the sky, casting a pale milky glow over the trees and hills. The light sod town seemed so far away as they sat neither one saying a word.
“Will you come visit?” He asked quietly. She nodded.
“Of course. As soon as I can. Your gonna have so much fun in Philly Nolan.”
“I guess.”
It was quiet for a while before Nolan couldn’t take it anymore. He had been dying the last few months, each day getting shorter and shorter as it passed. His time with her seemed like it was being robbed from him. He went over it a million times in his head. And he always came back to the night she kissed him. A night she didn’t even remember and he would never forget.
“Sawyer.” He said suddenly, startling her. She was so used to him mumbling his way through life it took her aback how deep his voice was when he spoke clearly.
“Can I- I just. Maybe this is just me being…whatever about leaving tomorrow but, can I…can I kiss you?”
She sucked in a breath, feeling like her chest was constricting. They had not spoken of their almost kiss the day he took her home when she was drunk, and she had pushed it out of her mind as a pity kiss for what had happened at the school the day prior. She didn’t remember the other one, and here he was asking her to do it again. He stared at her for a long time waiting for an answer. She didn’t know why she did it, she couldn’t think of a reason, she could barely even formulate words, but somehow she managed to say.
He rose to his feet and extended a hand pulling her up with him. Her heart was clocking around in her chest, as she watched his hand moved forward and came to rest on her cheek. He stepped forward, pulling her against him very gently before he leaned down and brushed her nose with his own, before he pressed his lips to hers.
It wasn’t a heavy make out like in a movie. It was soft and slow, and shorter than she wanted it to be. When they broke apart, he sighed and let his forehead fall against her own.
“I don’t want to leave tomorrow.”
She watched with tears in her eyes as Nolan hugged his parents, various aunts uncles and friends at the airport. There had been no more talking, or kissing the night before. She didn’t know why he had done it, but it felt like it was okay. He finally turned to her, eyes sad and took a deep breath.
“Don’t cry.” He said as she fell slowly into him, arms coming around his midsection. A series of silent tears fell from her eyes as he rubbed a hand up her back. She knew this moment was coming, but she wasn’t ready for it. He pulled back to look at her, hands resting on her shoulders. She had her head bowed, two fistfuls of the material of his sweatshirt. His mom motioned for the rest of the group to turn around, and give them some privacy.
“Nolan.” Her voice caught in her throat. He reached forward and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear for what felt like the last time.
“I’ll see you soon.” He gave her a small smile, and let go of her still grasping her hand as he walked away towards the gate until they both let go. She wrapped her arms around her middle. She watched until he disappeared through security before she let out a choked sob. Bo, Jessi, And Chase immediately pulled her into a three way hug, and allowed her to cry on their shoulders right there in the airport.
I hope you like this! It was both funny and sad and special to write! Let me know what you think💕
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for the asks thing, do you have any OCs? sorry I can't really think of anything else to ask
I do! I don't talk about them much outside like. When people ask me if they do exist, but all in all they're usually somewhere in the background of my Danger Days universe even when not mentioned. Currently the roster is:
Dead Don't Testify, SHAUT, Baba Yaga:
Young zone bands started somewhere in the latter years of what I call "the Killjoys Era" (2013-2019) and contemporary with most canon zone bands I usually mention except for Massive/Awesome and Cold Dead Hands. Unlike canon bands, though, they fizzle out quite quickly, all either breaking up or getting ghosted by 2023.
Lobby droid band that plays something between techno and industrial metal, made up exclusively from samples of old pre-war cartoons. They play at The Lounge, the Lobby's most infamous bar hidden in the shell of what once was a large clothing department store, and always bring with them really cyber-punk meets scene looking fake instruments.
Tray, the Zone 5 ghost
How they became a ghost? Who knows! It's hard to say when they even died, but they have been stuck between planes since long before even the Phoenix Witch and that, sadly, has its consequences. Tray does not remember who they are, and is slowly fading away because of it, but whenever there's someone starting a fire, they always feel drawn to it. Not many 'joys are quite fond of amnesiac ghosts who can only speak of pre-war literature, though.
Acid Angel
1/3 of a supernatural hunting club and amateur radio host. Xyr station only ever airs at night, because that's when only White Noise (juvie station) used to be on and it all just felt so empty, xe couldn't stand it. This does mean xyr eyeshadow often hides bags that go on for miles, but killjoys are supposed to live on liquid heartattck anyways, right? Knocking out cold for 12 hours for every other day is totally normal. Xe is the only person who's ever reaally bothered to remember Tray, even if only by the character they talk about or act out for xem.
Graveyard Storyteller & Unicorn Skin
The other 2/3s of the supernatural hunting club. Graveyard is the opposite of a vulture, in that instead of finding and collecting the possessions of the dead to deliver to the mailbox, lost possessions of people gone missing end up on his and Unicorn's doorstep. Sometimes he knows exactly where the items need to be delivered to, otherwise it takes a while, testamony being the boxes of random things neatly stacked on a shelf in the storage room. Unicorn is usually the one to do the deliveries as it is a. part of her job as a handyperson/courrier, and b. he knows her brother is stubborn as fuck and has no common sense, meaning he'll try to go outside although it hurts him to do so and might very well needlessly further worsen his eyesight.
The Finch Sisters
A pair of identical twins, called Anne and Maria Finch, who've been 14 ever since 2009-ish iirc and run most of the distribution for band merch and zines in the Zones. They can be found every 2 weeks outside Tommy Chow Mein's shopfront in Zone 3, a.k.a the Paradise Motel, and are really the only ones allowed to loiter like that in the premise of any TCM store. They go missing the night Baterry City falls.
Dead Silence (ex-Neon Ghost)
Exists in the gray area between persona and an OC. The Zones best worst guide ever— they cannot give out directions for shit, but somehow xe still knows the most obscure of locations. They move around a lot, as is the way of tumbleweeds, and they mostly get around by finding stuff for people or doing long and tedious tasks like patching up holes in clothing.
The American Suitehearts
A group of juvie halls who share themes with the characters from Fall Out Boy's American Suitehearts music video, and who end up as an administrative group, almost, to a juvie outpost in post-Killjoys/neo-Killjoys era (2020-2027) Outer Zone 1. This is mostly spearheaded by Donnie and xyr general involvement with Lobby wizards (tech-savvy folk with a foot in the proverbial back door of BLi's archives), though it's not exactly like any of the others were opposed to xyr proposition when xe caught them up to speed on what was going on behind the curtains. The outpost is where The Girl hides for about 6 years, after running away from WKIL and ultimately how she returns in the Zones inhabited by killjoys.
I guess She also counts? But She is quite literally Fate, much less in the way of 'ones destiny is pre-determined from birth' and more in the way of the entity that runs the cosmic lottery every time someone makes a decision that affects more than just themselves
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by-inky · 3 years
random Amira (twst) headcanons
,,are those headcanons if she’s my oc? dunno
am just vibing ok (more headcanons here)
Amira likers (if you do even exist) come get yo juice
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• Singing voice claims! I don’t really find a JP voice that would suit her but I did find quite some songs with the pitch I see for her! please click on the links for the songs!
Ashes (Promare) - Hiroyuki Sawano feat. Gemie (especially the second part ≈2:12, it’s more potent)
BAR2NG4女14yoN (Promare) - Hiroyuki Sawano (voice at 0:30 but the part at 1:03 is very potent too)
Poor Unfortunate Souls/I Put a Spell on You - Voctave ft. Rachel Potter
Gurenge - AmaLee cover (I see Amira’s voice as more velvety or warm, but the pitch is thERE)
Arabian Nights (Aladdin) - JADA cover
Tick Tock - Clean Bandit & Mabel ft. 24kGoldn (this voice is a bit different from the others but I still see it a pretty good match)
linked to the previous point, her voice generally would be pretty potent and energetic. she probably uses to sing when she’s feeling a bit stressed, but also hums mindlessly when she’s doing something like cooking or tidying
likes to cook a lot! she didn’t have to do that since there are maids at her place, but still really enjoys it. it started as a challenge to herself when she was younger; she desperately wanted to be proud of herself by not letting people making her things, and found it enjoyable quickly. she also helped Jamil to cook from time to time (cough sneakily cough),, she can cook lots of plates now and still wants to expand her knowledge! also man her cooking is delicious
linked to the previous point!! she has nO IDEA how to cook seafood tho, especially mollusks,, those aren’t common at her place, and she never had the chance to lay a hand on them pls help her. I also hc that Jamil also doesn’t have much of a clue to cook them, so they’re just confused together. Of course I can’t talk for him, but I think it’d be pretty funny (the Yuu in the last pic is Carol, @fumikomiyasaki’s Yuu)
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her sunglasses aren’t there for display!! Amira’s flirtatious (?) personality sometimes hypnotizes accidentally. her UM requires her to look seductively at someone. by training this magic, she involuntary got used to it, to a point that it made part of her behavior. the sunglasses block her red eyes light, so she doesn’t hypnotize someone unknowingly.
maybe I've already mentioned this before, but she has three siblings, all younger than her
Amira was a very mature kid for her age because she had to look after her mom😩
about Amira’s mom: she was forced to marry the son of a wealthy man. Her family is wealthy too, so the marriage was arranged between the children of two high-statused friends. she wasn’t too contrary to the marriage since she started to feel something for his fiancé. during the marriage, she genuinely fell for his husband, but he had to be away during prolonged times due to business. she then realized that the marriage was like a cage that she couldn’t be freed from, and slowly but surely developed a depression. she fell out of love with her husband, thus worsening her state. now she’s most of her time in her room and doesn’t get out too often. she looks tired and melancholic.
about Amira’s dad: absent father 102%, both physically and emotionally. he’s a quite reckless man, full of himself and pretty narcissistic as well due to how well his business goes.
OVERBLOT REASONS: arson since Amira’s twisted off Jafar’s staff, there HAS to be manipulation somewhere. She had pretty many reasons to overblot (looking after one of her parents; being looked down by men; being turned down numerous times by her father), that grew in the span of a year.
may I say that her place is quite male chauvinist,,her father is passive-aggressive to her and her younger sister (who would be the “next in line” before a boy) only because they’re women
Amira’s family is wealthy and known for this along her land, and has a small nobility title. But not high enough as her father wants.
Amira’s father wanted to get her married to a son of a noble family. She is VERY contrary to this, however. The father, then, decided to make a bet with her; enroll her in NRC, a male-only school, and force her to study there for three years. If the school didn’t kick her out for being a woman, she wouldn’t get married. If it did, she’d marry the eldest son of a friend of his. She was terrified of this, so she kept a cover for the first year that blew out at the beginning of the second year due to her overblot.
the subtle manipulation would continue even at the school due to the cover and create her pain. She had to cover her outgoing personality, not to mention voice, movements and face traits, to keep her safe. She would stray away and just look like a shy boy, avoiding crowds and groups of people.
but everything would burst when there’s an argument between her and Jamil (probably about a small thing, but things heated up), and he yelled that he was using her all that time; Amira is close with him since childhood and many times offered to help him with chores. He’d say he used her kindness to shorten the tasks, when that wasn’t true at all. Jamil was skeptical of her at first, but then genuinely opened up and warmed up to her, he only said that to hurt her feelings. Which did.
and boom overblot time. Maybe I’ll draw it one day, but she’d have a big black and red cobra around her neck, and the figure behind her would be the same cobra as in the snake staff, but black with red and golden ornaments.
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sadiq very probably had a crush on Amira at one point, but it was delusional
she dislikes coldness wiTH A PASSION
she loves lanterns!! especially the ones with warmer colors!
and I see that whenever she feels sad, she would hide inside a closet or under a desk. it makes her feel covered and helps her calm down faster.
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lilxberry · 4 years
Can’t Quite Quit You - Chapter 1
It appears that Mr Stark once had a Mrs Stark in his life that certainly wasn’t his mother. Tony and reader must work around their rocky path for the sake of the Avengers and the work the must focus on together once again.
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Warnings: Language. Mentions of past relationship. That’s about it for this Chapter.
Words: 2,840
Pairing: Tony Stark x OC (past), James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes x OC (platonic)
(A/N: This is a separate series I will be working on. There will be confusing changes to the characters, original plots and relationships between people. For example;
Tony stark will have been previously married to OC
Morgan will be in existence at the age of 5 in this for a plot that will happen in future chapters
I have set direct ages for some characters like Tony and Rhodey which will respectively be 45 and 46
Tony and Rhodey will have met before they canonly met
Any further changes to things that I feel will need to be discussed, I’ll add them before the chapter begins in an authors note.)
(A/N 2: I will foreseeably not be posting on Thursdays and Fridays. I WILL continue to write during those days though ((if I do not have college work to complete during those nights)) and post them any other days of the week. Also, Chapter three of The Glitch should be up Saturday. Read chapter 2 here.)
She took one last look around her home that was now vacant and clear of all her belonging, dark from the late hours of the night. Chloe sighed through her nose softly and lugged the last box in her arms through the threshold, closing and locking the door behind her, posting the key through the letterbox then proceeding to head to her car.
One Nick Fury had requested her scientific knowledge to be put to use helping the Avengers. It took a lot of persuasion on Fury’s and Rhodey’s part. Rhodey and Chloe are practically life-long friends with how close they once were, knowing each other for many years, still regularly keeping in touch. So, when Fury approached him about about recruiting her to the more scientific and engineering department of the Avengers, he had contacted her immediately in the hopes of convincing you to take up his offer.
She was renowned in her work as a scientist and robotic engineer, although, no one would truly know it’s her. She gave herself an alias, disliking the attention and wanting the focus to be purely on her work. 
Usually, Chloe wouldn’t need to be sweet talked into such an amazing opportunity but certain circumstances with a certain someone had left a bitter after-taste in her mouth and, if you hadn’t picked up on this yet, that certain someone is, let’s just say, closely involved with the Avengers.
We’ll get on to whom she refers to later.
Placing the last box into her Vauxhall Wagon, she climbed into the drivers seat and began her journey to compound, leaving behind her comfortable and solitary life where she focused solely on living and work. As she drove down the desolate dirt road, her eyes drifted to the rear view mirror, noting the stand alone house surrounded by fields upon fields, slowly fade away as she put distance between it and herself.
Her mind wandered as she travelled, wandering into crevasses she wished would not be explored, memories she thought she had locked away behind barriers and chains well enough.
Chloe thought of him, what his reaction will be when he sees her for the first time in 13 years. If he’s changed, if he thinks she’s changed which admittedly, she had. 
She knew what he looked like recently, of course she did, he was all over the fucking news. She couldn’t even open up Google on her laptop without his bloody face showing up but she hadn’t the slightest clue on what was going on in his life apart from being one of Earths mightiest heroes and quite frankly, she didn’t want to know either.
As she pulled up to a red light, she leaned back into her seat and closed her eyes as she exhaled loudly. A million scenarios passed through her head at how the interaction could play out. She knew things would be fine though, Rhodey would be by her side, a comforting presence helping her through the ordeal.
Her eyes were open once more as she watched the lights change. She turned her radio on, hopeful the loud 80′s rock blaring from the speakers would drown her thought out, remotely giving her a peaceful 10 hour drive.
“Fuck. Me.”
After a gruelling 11 hours and 45 minutes drive, the compound came into view as she passed the trees surrounding the large, sleek building. Chloe noticed the many people training on the grounds, making the assumption that they were employees of S.H.I.E.L.D., agents training to maintain their fit-for-field-work physique.
As she closed in on the compound, she noticed three figures standing near the entrance. As her eyes adjusted, she was able to recognise Director Fury, whom she had seen through her laptop screen when they first made contact, and Captain America himself stood beside a woman she did not recognise.
Her car slowed to a stop, becoming still then silent as she killed the engine. She huffed out a breath as she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the door, swinging her legs out first, happy to finally stretched her legs and exit the vehicle finally.
She breathed in a the fresh air as she stoop up, momentarily closing her eyes to give them a well deserved break, adding moisture back into her green orbs. She quickly recomposed herself and closed her door, rounding the car and taking a few small paces forwards to meet the trio.
“Doctor Miller. I’m glad you took me up on my offer.” Fury extended his arm towards the woman for a handshake which she shook with firmly with confidence. As he retracted his hand for hers and began to gesture to the two beside him. “This is Agent Maria Hill and I assume that you already know who this man is.” He gestured over towards the fellow brunette and the Nations favourite super soldier who both gave the woman a friendly smile.
“You assumed correctly.” She mused as she thrust her right hand towards each other them to shake as her left slides into her front pocket of her jeans. “It’s good to meet you both.”
Steve was the next to speak. “It’s good to meet you, too. A few of us have been informed of your work and I believe you’ll be a great addition to the team, working in the labs.” He sent you a charming smile. “I think you’ll fit in nicely with the others.”
“I’m glad you think so.” Chloe sent him a smile back. They noted the lack of shyness, she exudes confidence and is clearly prideful of the work she has put out into the world.
“We should introduce you to the rest of the team in the living area.” Maria speaks up, catching the attention of the other three. They nodded simultaneously in agreement. “If you hand me the keys to your car, we can collect your stuff and take them on to your floor. We’ll move your car into the a secluded area for safe keeping as well.”
Chloe nodded but spoke before handing her keys over. “Let me just quickly grab something and we can get moving, I guess.” Maria gave a curt nod of her head and Chloe walked back towards the Vauxhall. 
She opened up the front passengers side door and reached in to retrieve a box off of the passengers seat and her back pack from floor in front. Satisfied she’s grabbed everything of real personal value, she straightens herself out, closes the door with her hip and makes her way back over to the trio who was patiently waiting by the entrance.
She swiftly handed her keys over to the agent of three before following Fury and Steve through the doors and towards an elevator at one end of the large space.
“Would you like any help with that bo-”
“NO!” She cuts the captain off quickly, emphasising loudly. She cleared her throat before continuing. “Uhm, no, thank you. Sorry, the stuff in here is really important to me and I’d rather not put it into the large hands of a stranger, no offence.” She smiles up at the man bashfully. He smiles at her apologetically in return.
“No worries, sorry.”
As the elevator finally arrived, they stepped inside and rode up to the main communal floor all the Avengers use. The ride was relatively silent, until Fury spoke up. “Rhodes has been quite excited to see you, you know.”
She smiled at the mention of her friend. “I’ve been pretty excited to see him too. Not seeing him in person for 12 years is a pretty long time.” She chuckled at the thought.
Steve smiled as he watched the woman speak kind words about her friend, voicing how, after all this time, she would seemingly still be excited to see an old friend.
They fell back into a comfortable silence, listening to the hum of the elevator as it works to ascend pass multiple floors. A simple ‘Ding’ cut through the silent machinery and soon after the metallic doors slid open, reveal the mixed group of people as they turned their attention to the three now steeping out. 
The silence was daunting as the team watched them walk towards them. The silence was soon broken once again as Rhodey pushed passed the few stood in his way, a massive smile had broken on to his face. “Hey there, Pip.”
She grinned at the use of her childhood nickname. “Well, if it isn’t my favourite Lieutenant Colonel.” She sent him a playful wink as she placed her back pack and box gently on to the ground before surging forward, engulfing the man in a long awaited hug.
He immediately responded by wrapping his arms tightly around her shoulders, closing his eyes to bask in the loving moment between friends for as long as time would allow him. “You’ve grown.” She mumbled.
“You’ve shrunk, short ass.” She pinched his back through his shirt and his chest vibrated as he laughed.
He leaned back, looking at how she’s aged well in person. A few frown lines are scattered across her forehead and dark bags from lack of sleep evident on face but he couldn’t help but notice that she still had that same beautiful, youthful features that remained from their 20′s.
A cough from behind Rhodes brought them out of their small reunion, forcing their attention on to the group awaiting anxiously for an introduction. “Oh shit, right. Avengers, this is Chloe Miller, Pip, these are the Avengers.”
They all flashed her a welcoming smile as she drank in all of their faces. 
‘Too many damn people. I’m not gonna get used to this quickly.’ Chloe thought to herself as she continued to study the heroes before her.
“Maybe we should actually start introductions instead of standing here looking like a bunch of mute dumbasses.” The man she recognises as Hawkeye spoke with a hint of sarcasm. “I’m Clint.”
He began to point at individuals as he recited their names to her. “That’s Natasha, Bucky and Sam. Over there we have Wanda, Vision and Thor. And finally, Carol, Stephen and Scott.”
“Lady Chloe, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Thor boomed as he quickly made his way over to her in just two large strides and proceeds to pat her shoulder.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too, Salt.” She winced slightly as she rolled the shoulder the God had previously touched with his large, powerful hands roughly, referencing the Angelina Jolie character with long, blonde hair.
“I apologize for my rough housing, lady Chloe.”
“All good, buddy.” She patted his arm to show there were no hard feelings between the two.
As it looked like Thor was to reply yet again, Steve decided to interject. “There’s a few more of us but they’re currently either out, busy in the labs or away for other matters, personal or other.”
“Cool.” She simply replied to the man. As formalities and introductions continued to be exchanged between the group she noticed a small girl peer from behind Scott, she appeared to be young, like 9 or 10.
The young girl wasn’t necessarily shy in any way, she just chosen to stay out of the way as the adults talked. Chloe tilted her head towards Rhodey who still stood beside her. “Didn’t realise you guys were a fucking day centre.” She joked quietly, causing the man to let out a chuckle at the crack.
“That’s Scott's kid, Cassie. It was Scott's weekend and she really wanted to stay at the compound. She’s a sweet kid.” Rhodey informed her. she nodded in acknowledgement before making the decision to take a step forward and lower herself down to the child's level.
“Hey there.” She smiled sweetly at the girl. “I heard that your name’s Cassie. I think that’s a super pretty name.” This caused the young girl to send a smile to the 43 year old and step closer.
“I think your name is pretty too.” Cassie spoke in a sweet voice, tone laced with a childlike chirpiness.  
“I think we’re gonna get along great, Cassie.” She stuck her hand out towards the girl to finalise their meeting. Cassie grasps Chloe’s hand into her small, dainty one and shook it lightly.
Chloe straightened herself out and sent one last smile towards the girl before stepping back to her original position next to Rhodey. The man smiled sadly as he watched her in the corner of his eye, a knowing look in his eye as he noticed the smile that didn’t quite match the solemn look in her eye as she continuously glances as Cassie.
The group of people had migrated to the couches within the living space, continue to conversate with the newest addition to the building although, Scott had taken Cassie out to get food and have some daddy-daughter time.
As they continue to get to know each other, the elevator dinged once more, signifying the arrival of more people. Chloe peered over, seeing one Doctor Robert Bruce Banner, whom she was a big fan of, and a young male at his side. 
‘Seriously. How many kids do they let in here?’ 
“Ah, Bruce, Peter. We’d like to introduce you to Doctor Chloe Miller. She’ll be working in the labs with you and Stark.” Steve spoke to the two. Chloe stood up, ignoring the mention of Anthony and met them halfway, shaking Banner’s outstretched hand.
“Doctor Banner, it’s wonderful to meet you. I’ve read all your papers. Your thesis's are impressive, to say the least.” He smiled sheepishly at Chloe. She noted he was quite the humble man. 
“Thank you, Doctor. I look forward to working with you in the lab. Young Peter here works alongside us in the labs sometimes.” He directed her attention to the teenage boy that stood to his left.
“P-Parker Peter. I-uh-I mean, Peter Parker.” He wiped his hands on the front of his jeans before reaching to shake the woman’s, stumbling over his words. 
She chuckled at the young boys behaviour and sent him a comforting smile which seemed to have helped him significantly. “Don’t worry kid. It’s nice to meet you. You must have a bright mind to be working alongside Banner occasionally.”
He beamed at this as he flushes a light shade of pink at her compliment. “I mean, I’m okay, I guess.” She laughed at his also apparent humbleness.
“Sure, kid.” She patted his shoulder gently before moving to sit beside Rhodey again.
Bruce and Peter joined the others on the couches, sitting in any space that was available. As they settled into their seats, Natasha spoke out over the small murmurs between people. “Tony still in the lab?”
“Yeah, he should be up in a few minutes though.” Banner replied then looked over towards Chloe. “Doctor Miller, have you met Stark before?” He questioned.
Rhodey and Chloe shared a look, almost seemingly having a miniature conversation telepathically that didn’t go unnoticed by the group. “I guess you could say that I have.” 
Before the scientist could ask what she had meant by her statement, the elevator dinged once again, announcing a new arrival. “Why is everyone so damn quiet? Who fucking died guys?” He spoke as he walked further into the space, not looking up from the tablet his eyes were glued to.
Chloe didn’t even need to look to know it was him. His voice hadn’t altered that much over the years.
Tony’s eyebrows furrowed together when his question was met with silence. He tore his gaze away from tablet that displayed plans for one of his new suits and looked around at each person sat on the couches. He did a double-take when his eyes reached a a certain brunette from his past, a brunette he hadn’t seen in 13 years. 
“Chloe.” He breathed out, multiple emotions are on display in his eyes alone but the most noticeable of them all is shock which is etched across his face. 
She stood up straight, looking him directly in the eyes, her face stoic but voice laced with many emotions. “Stark.” She spoke with anger, malice in her tone. 
Tony quickly recomposed himself before draining his face of emotion to match Chloe’s. “Don’t say my name with so much hate, Pip. After all, it was yours as well at some point in time.”
Rhodey closed his eyes for a brief moment as he sighed softly before joining the pair in standing, staying close to Chloe as he knows he needs his support most right now.
The rest of the Avengers, excluding the pairs best friend, looks at them in confusion, unsure of the true meaning behind his statement. “What do you mean you used to share it?” Wanda spoke up, her accent thick and laced with curiosity.
Then suddenly, it’s as if the newly gained information and witnessing the interaction between the two had made something click, everyone’s features change as quickly as a flick of a switch. 
“No fucking way...”
“You guys are...”
Something a bit different
Never done an OC before but I kinda liked how this turned out
I hope you enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and appreciated :D
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wovenstarlight · 4 years
YWBK update: chapter 25 + liner notes
yesterday will be kinder has updated! you can read chapter 25 here, or start from the beginning here
okay, on to notes and commentary! first time i’m doing these, let’s hope this works out. commentary under the cut to save people’s dashes
Hamin laughs. “Given how bad you are at not being suspicious, that’s understandable.” “Oh, come on, I’m not that bad.” Hamin screws up his whole face in a squint. “Okay, so maybe I’m a little bad.”
this part was really funny to me when i wrote it because i was like “hmm reasons for DHM to understand why HHJ wouldn’t work in the guild” and then i was like Wait. Their Whole First Meeting, Dude. DHM was lowkey convinced for the longest time that HHJ was like, on the run from the KR version of the mafia, and got plastic surgery to look like his little brothers, and is possibly in some sort of witness protection program??? or something??? how else does he not have cops on his ass this man is so suspicious all the time
“I don’t think… They said the dungeons were, like, different worlds? Did they find people there?”
mafia theory second place. dungeon theory first place
“Like, humans? Um. No, no humans.” “So then you can’t be from there. Okay.”
dungeon theory shot down. mafia theory back in the running
“Hey,” he says cautiously. “I’m— I’m gonna go get us some water, okay? Why don’t you… take a minute.” “Okay.” “The bathroom is over there, if you need it.” “Okay. Thank you.”
after four years working alongside a guy you start to notice when he’s feeling a little out of it and needs a bit of a break... but as JHW mentions later you also learn to be a little subtle about giving him one
jung heewon What’s with your typing? It reads like Jihye’s [HYJ]’s fine. Very energetic Too energetic? He’s going to burn out. How do I make him calm down
Epic Burnout Man makes a reappearance! when translating sclass one of the things that makes me want to shake HYJ most is his habit of constantly adding things to his to-do list while he already has 1 billion things on his plate. and all the time he’s whining about “UGH there’s SO MUCH WORK to do” No One Asked You To Do It
Anyway. the point is. HYJ isn’t about to be beat by HHJ at Developing Issues 😔
jung heewon I haven’t spoken to him directly about this because if he’s anything like you he’ll take it as an insult You wtf whts tht supposed 2 mean quit typing jung heewon Better not say shit, mr “No, I can’t take days off and cater to my interests or go out with friends or on a date, I’m too busy taking care of the kids and making sure their needs are met, no I don’t care that there are thousands of people out there balancing personal enjoyment and romance and work AND kids at the same time, are you suggesting I be a BAD GUARDIAN to MY KIDS?”
see above re: not being too direct with pointing out when HHJ’s having Issues because he doesn’t react well
You wht but our eyes r fine jung heewon Even if having glasses doesn’t run in the family, you should still get him checked, just in case
top 10 funny time travel moments: referring to you and your past self as “us” (our = my eyes are fine), but other people think you mean “our family” (our eyes are fine = no family history of long/shortsightedness)
Also. Sooyoung-ie says hi [Attachment: 20XX1213_144516.jpg] 
ok no lie this was one of the parts that pissed me off the most, even though it’s Literally One Line, because. i love chat exchanges. i really do. when done right they’re a lot of fun to read. But Do You Know How Long It Took Me To Figure Out A Calendar For The Events In This Fic. now everything’s TIMED i have to count HOW MANY DAYS IT’S BEEN since XY event so i can CORRECTLY NUMBER the FILE ATTACHMENTS!!! this sucks!!! it took me fucking forever to pin down a timeline just so i could write this chapter plus the few before and after it!!!!
anyway i gave up when i reached year. i just put 20XX. fuck it. we are running on fairy tail time now. (actually i think that’s XXnumber number? XX76? or was it X796. something like that. Who cares i stopped watching fairy tail forever ago)
Fuck it! Hamin will understand!! “If you Awaken you should come work with me,” Han Hyunjae says all in a rush. 
“HAMIN WILL UNDERSTAND” => he literally was cool with me giving zero context for half a dozen absolute balls to the wall nonsense bullshit things i’ve done before. he’ll be fine with this too. dog_in_burning_house_this_is_fine.png
“You already know about the guilds, those are going to be for dungeon Hunters, but I was thinking of forming something like an independent group of contractors. Awakened people with skills that aren’t useful for combat, but that might… that will be generally useful. It’d be you and me, and maybe one other guy I met recently. Probably more in the future.”
given that HHJ has no idea currently that peace exists (i’m so sorry baby i’ll find a way to shoehorn you in soon i miss you so much) he’s got no intentions to start a kiseungsu business yet! he mostly wants to live quietly while just acting as a manager for other Awakening-related services, like YMW’s forge and DHM’s tracking service, along with the information exchange/lowkey spy ring that he’s planning on setting up with JHW and the bar. since HYH is fine associating with him in this timeline, HHJ’s thinking he can get a foot in the door that way, then eventually spread out into dealings with most major guild leaders
RIP to this plan. you were well-made but you will not last long.
“Please, I can’t tell you how I know that, I really can’t, it’d put me and my brothers in danger if it got out. But—” “No need.” Hamin looks slightly alarmed, and Han Hyunjae feels himself settle at the obvious concern in his eyes.
“I spoke to the Task Force Head and she said that there’s been discussion about hosting a meeting for the nearby high-rankers, where they’ll announce the guild proposal and see who else is interested in trying it out.”
“they’ll announce” i’m sorry king 💔 you deserved a nap
(OH ALSO FUN FACT choi eunyoung is a canon character, not an OC of mine! she appears in uhhh i think late 140s? 150s? something like that)
“I think there’s… probably only one other S-rank who’s Awakened right now?”
Hamin beams. “No, they’re doing great! Spookie’s taken really well to the new housing situation, but I think Spots might miss the store…”
shoutout to @daemonic-dawn​ for letting me borrow a pet name, love u king. i had a much longer ramble about pet names here but i finished typing and realized it was all entirely off topic so i removed it for convenience
Hyunjae makes an annoyed noise in the back of his throat. “Don’t— I mean.” He huffs, visibly taking a deep breath, and Yoojin frowns reflexively. [...] “Is everything alright?” Yoojin kind of wants to be annoyed at his tone on principle, but he forces his shoulders to relax, matching Hyunjae’s posture. Though he can’t stop himself from being a little short when he answers.
things the brothers have learned in four years living together: getting confrontational often leads to arguments that just fizzle out anyway, so it’s way fucking easier to consciously tone down their combativeness in advance when talking to each other about things they have problems with, instead of screaming their heads off and then having to calm yoohyun down afterwards to boot
“I guess. Whatever.” Yoojin slumps. “Can I…” “Hm?” Hyunjae blinks at Yoojin as he gestures to the spot on the bed beside him, then jolts. “Oh! Yeah, sure, c’mere.” He opens his arms, and Yoojin goes over and flumps on the bed, head in Hyunjae’s lap. Almost immediately, Hyunjae starts stroking fingers through his hair, and Yoojin relaxes into the touch, listening as Hyunjae continues speaking.
cuddles 🥺🥺🥺 sorry i don’t have any other commentary here just. cuddles. extremely and overwhelmingly comforting for a man who spent the better part of 8 years(?) with no major positive relationships, and a kid who spent 12 years of early life basically abandoned by his parents. you had best bet they gave up on not hugging each other 1 year into this whole mess
Yoojin hums in acknowledgement. It’s not like he’d ever let himself get hurt; he has too many responsibilities to his family and friends. If he wants to be good enough to keep up, he can’t afford to fuck up like that. But… hyung will worry if he keeps working so hard. He can slow down a little for him. 
Problems disorder man when will you stop. the way he sees “getting hurt” as an inconvenience and an obstacle to his duties rather than a danger to himself. the way he doesn’t really care if he himself gets hurt, but if it’ll worry his family, then it’s a no-no. it’s just. wow. i know i wrote this but i hate him
“Not really. I talk to Myeongwoo about it sometimes.” “Ah, right, Myeongwoo.”
haha gays
“Don’t be weird about him,” Yoojin warns[...]. “I won’t, promise.”
if the “i won’t” line had a dialogue tag it’d be “Han Hyunjae lied”
“Is Eunwoo still in his relationship?” “Mhm, happy as ever. Apparently they’re trying long-distance, now that Eunwoo’s gone off to university abroad.”
three guesses for who eunwoo’s dating and you won’t need the first two
Hyunjae raises his hands like he’s going to deny the accusations levelled against him, so Yoojin seizes him by the collar and shakes him until he cries for mercy
oh my o/rv ass struggled so bad with not writing “shakes him like a man betrayed” here. it killed me not to. but in the end i prevailed (against, uh, myself. don’t think about it too hard.)
“Jeez, okay, he’s an F-rank!” “Eh?! Then why—” “He’s also got an SS-rank potential skill,” Hyunjae admits[...].
play-by-play of this scene because god if i draw any scene in this fic it would be this one just for the sheer hysterical nature of HYJ’s reaction:
HYUNJAE: he’s also got an SS-rank skill,
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hilariouslyedgy · 4 years
tgfmtif headcanons
hi, if you read my fanfic this godforsaken mess, this idiotic fool then this post may be for you. (if u haven’t read the fic maybe check it out before reading this list.) on ao3, I asked if anyone wanted a list of hc’s I have for this fic and a few of y’all said YES so. here it is. enjoy. I may go back and add things I think of later on.
-yakko is a leo (aug 10), wakko is a sagittarius (nov 30), and dot is a pisces-aries cusp (march 20)(if you ask her she’ll say she’s an aries)
-(this ones more for me) but if I were to describe the warners in this fic as tarot cards it would be this
-yakko: the hanged man
-wakko: six of swords
-dot: queen of swords
-(look em up)anyways
-yakko started working at that starbucks in that target at the age of 16
-he really enjoyed it there. the chaos reminded him vaguely of the movie lot and keeping his mind busy was nice
-the transition from “I do what I fucking want” to “yes ma’am right away” was difficult, it got him written up a couple times
-he was so good at his job that his boss couldn’t fire him
-now that he transferred into the store it’s less chaotic but he can have more time with a customer
-he actually likes helping elderly customers, they have so many questions and he has a lot of answers (and patience)
-he gets along pretty well with Shawn and playfully flirts with him. shawn is straight but he still jokes about running away with yakko
-shawn and annalise are very happy together, despite their vast differences. it’s actually annalise’s first healthy relationship
-yakko called annalise “Lisa” the first time he met her but then switched to “Annie bannanie” after seeing the face she made at the nickname
-“I got ᵘᵘᵘᵘʰʰʰʰʰ a venti mango dragonfruit with lemonade for ANNIE BANNANIE”
-annalise doesn’t really like teenagers but her education in psychology is changing that. yakko changed that too. she took it upon herself to keep tabs on him when he first started working at target. now they’re good friends.
-its still 2 years away but she’s planning things for yakkos 21st birthday
-when the 2 younger sibs started school they texted each other during class to make sure they were okay
-wakko immediately wanted to join orchestra, playing violin, naturally
-he met charlie in this class, she plays the flute. wakko noticed her after she let out a well timed belch after a piece
-wakko met astro in algebra 2. they both have an interest in a particular band and bonded over that
-charlie and astro share classes together and that’s how they know each other
-despite his grades, wakko adapted really well to going to school. as stated in the main fic, school becomes his escape from home when things are hard
-dot, on the other hand, is not such a big fan. classes are boring and her teachers are mean.
-however dance class is fun, and she got to participate in the homecoming parade, and that’s where she met chessie, who also took dance
-dot also adores her dance teacher, miss mercer (it’s my other oc, aria uwu)(idk if y’all will ever meet her tho)
-miss mercer can pass off as a student she looks so young and shes short af, but shes really cool and youthful and you can tell she loves her job, and that’s why dot loves her
-dot makes sure to stand in the very front of the class when they’re doing warm ups and learning new routines for the winter recital
-the winter recital was really exciting, dot got to stand in the front for her class’s dance and she heard her brothers cheering for her from the audience
-miss Mercer told dot that she has potential to join the dance team, and you bet your patootie she’s gonna audition at the end of the year
✨and now some hc’s for my oc’s, annalise and bella✨
-they each have their own respective fics,,,,,i created them for other fandoms 😅 bellas origin story is here, and annalises is here 🙂
-you don’t have to read them but both fics exist in the same universe, and it’s different from the one in this fic!
-anyways (pt2)
-annalise doesn’t really talk to her parents. she’ll see them on their birthdays and holidays but overall,,,,meh
-Bella hadn’t spoken to any of her relatives in years,,,,it’s a sensitive topic
-while bella isn’t an alt girl, she does follow the colorful hair/bold makeup/gamer boyfriend trope ☺️ (and if you peeped at her origin story [third installment] you know Who that bf is)
-annalise is a goth but her bf is “normal” bc that’s the relationship dynamic she saw growing up. so it stuck with her.
-she is the one who introduced dot to little mix, but Bella introduced annalise to them 🤣 you think a goth is gonna find a pop group on her own??
-oh and ann n bella are bisexual 🥰 and yakko is too 💖💜💙
-anyways ann and yakko try to get their lunch breaks at the same time to hang out
-Annalise has picked up the little ones from school a couple times
✨and now thing that were originally supposed to happen but didn’t✨
-in chapter 6 when it’s mentioned that dot spent the night with annalise while wakko was in the hospital?? yeah there was supposed to be a deep, profound, but nice conversation between them but a bitch fuckin forgot the dialogue 🙃
-I was originally going to have Ann’s n Bella’s roles swapped in this fic. Bella was going to be the Human Best Friend to yakko. she’s quiet and he’s loud and it would have been quite the dynamic
-I don’t know what happened tbh. I think Annie bannanie popped into my head first.
-this fic was supposed to take place around october or november but I knew I wanted dot’s birthday in there somewhere AND i wanted her star sign to be aries so it just ended up being late march
-and bc of that she’s accidentally a year older than I planned. so she is one year apart from wakko and 4 years from yakko. oopsie whoopsie
-and finally, the one I’m most 😤 abt bc I’m a dumbass who FORGOT TO WRITE IT IN
-in chapter 12 when yakko comes home he was meant to dig thru the cabinet n eat goldfish crackers (iykyk)
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Hans [@tzarina-alexandra] (he/him)
He is an extremely skilled programmer and hacker. He starts the story having stayed awake for almost a week to work on a very powerful virus. He passes out and ends up in the computer world, where he is treated like a Grim Reaper figure (he does get a sick looking scythe too!). At first, this is a power trip to him, until he meets and gets attached to various people in the computer world, only to see them get disintegrated by the Virus, so now he is desperate to fix the destruction he designed, but he finds himself increasingly powerless, and even begins to feel the effects of the Virus on himself.
Aldara [@kozzax] (she/her)
I've carried her with me as long as she's existed. Even just doodling her in the corner of a notebook has gotten me through some of my roughest days. She's everything to me. Her story and world have developed so incredibly far from her original creation-- which, for the record, was for a school assignment --but she's always, always been here for me. Yeah, she's changed over the years as I've grown as a storyteller and artist, but the thing about change is that it's not always bad. She's still Aldara, she'll always still be Aldara at her core. When I draw her as a comfort for myself, it's like a piece of me from a time when everything was just that little bit easier has come up to the present and told me that everything's going to be alright. When I work on developing her story, it's a gift to that younger version of myself. A promise that we can grow and develop and change and yet we can still keep the parts of ourselves that are the most important. She means the world to me.
As for propaganda about her, on her own-- she was originally meant to be a "little sister" sort of character. Kind and caring and bubbly and happy, with a naivety that followed everything she did. Her original story had her simultaneously being the protagonist of the story who couldn't read, when everyone else could, and being old enough to have had kids that were stolen from her by her ex-husband. She's never been an active player in the plot, which is now an intentional choice but in my childhood was very much not.
Back when I was twelve, she'd been part of a group trying to free a bunch of cats who had been experimented on by humans, except her group just kind of naturally had magic powers as well. While her powers were never overly powerful, she was always good enough to stand alongside people with far more training than her and who were objectively more powerful than her without much, if any, consequence.
I've refocused her, now. She's kind, still, and she cares about people in a way that a lot of my other characters just don't quite reach. She's still naive, and still a sweet person who lights up any room she walks into. At her core, she hasn't changed. All that's changed is that the world she exists in suits her better, and the role she fills in it makes more sense for her.
I don't think she'll ever change, at her core. Her design changes on a regular basis, but the core concept will always remain the same. Her personality has never changed, not as long as I've had her, besides fleshing it out further. She'll always be Aldara. She'll always have the bits of myself that I put into her when I was twelve, and I'll always love her for that. She's maybe the best thing I ever started creating, and I will always consider her and her story to be a love letter to my childhood self and the way the creativity that poured out of me at that age let me develop into who I am today.
Description: No matter how long I've had her, she's always kept the same set of colors. She's always kept the way her tailtip is colored, and the arrows on her forehead and chest. She's always kept the colors on her wings, though they have changed locations over the years, and she's always kept her ear tufts. While her design may have grown more complex over the years, I've fought hard to keep the essence of what makes her recognizable as herself. I don't want to erase the character that I created when I was twelve. I never want to erase that character. She holds the shards of my twelve-year-old heart, and I will never let myself forget that.
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stuffedeggplants · 3 years
hullo pls can you tell me about your clone ocs?? any and all of them would be just lovely :D
Lieutenant Six! He’s a supply officer in Coruscant Guard Aviation Support Squadron 66. (They handle logistics and are also an OC squadron! So they don’t have pilots but deal with maintenance, parts, ordnance, etc..) Conveniently he’s CT-60-3102 which also adds up to six- twice. He likes making the kind of jokes that are usually way too obvious for most people to actually make, indulging in clone humor, and has a very optimistic personality. He’s creative with language (and chewing people out lol), but does not excel at lateral thinking and is routinely defeated by bureaucracy and his inability to think outside the box, (but that’s what he has friends for.) Very nice guy, will absolutely go out of his way to help you, but struggles with coming up with creative solutions on his own.
Trooper Eyes-up! He’s on the younger side and also in the Coruscant Guard where he works at the detention center. He got his nickname in very unfortunate and embarrassing circumstances wherein commanders Fox and Thorn caught him doing something he absolutely should not have been doing and told him to bring his “eyes up here, shiny!” So they gave him his name which he’ll never live down. He’s curious, enjoys reading, and is prone to pushing boundaries when he shouldn’t. But he’s also honest and owns up to his screw-ups and is kind of resigned to routinely getting shit for the nonsense he gets himself into, but people love him for it because the fallout is amusing. He was unfairly blamed for bringing granite slugs into one of the barracks (which then proceeded to eat the duracrete walls and cause a problem that only flame troopers could ultimately fix.) He’s good at reading people emotionally but his risk vs reward calibration is a little off. In worlds where Order 66 happens, Eyes-up never participates though the rest of his unit does- this is because his latest screw-up put him on SUFR duty (”sweeping up the fucking rain”), Fox telling him to stay outside in the rain and keep sweeping until it was completely dry. Well the ground was still wet when Order 66 was activated, and Eyes-up’s visceral fear of upsetting the commanding officer of the entire Coruscant Guard overrode his in-built compliance with Order 66, so he stayed and swept up the rain while his brothers went on to worse and darker things. :(
Corporal Corr: the Coruscant Guard Corpsman who ‘mysteriously’ has not managed to promote to sergeant (and likely never will....👀) He works under Thorn in the Diplomatic Service, is a great connoisseur of alcohol, and goes extremely hard for the Coruscant Guard (and nurtures a rivalry with 501st guys whenever they go planet-side for whatever.) He’s very serious about the concept of CG brotherhood and becomes a fixture in Diplomatic Service initiation rites (where shinies are ‘officially’ inducted into the group after their first milestone) to the point where he pretty much leads them. Part of this involves shinies mixing a drop of their blood into red paint, and then their older brothers in the CG mix in their own blood as well. The ex-shinies then use the paint for their armor. Corr has been implicated in brewing his own barracks moonshine which Fox and Thorn let him get away with just long enough to let him finish the process so they could see how good the final product actually was when they confiscated it. Corr also has an agreement with Toast clone, where he trades alcohol for the bread that Toast makes in a crematorium oven that’s non-operational on official records but which is very much operational in a hushed, practical sense. (He also has Toast score the bread surface with the pattern of the CG symbol because he can’t help himself, and has tattoos of the CG armor armbands and legbands actually over his arms and legs. Some might describe Corr as overzealous, but he believes you need passion and strong bonds in life or you have nothing. [This guy is also kind of a joint OC with my friend who runs a Coruscant Guard blog here!]
Are you sick of the Coruscant Guard yet? Well I have 12 more guardsmen alone where this came from and 13 if you count this next guy; I wasn’t kidding when I said I had half a platoon worth of OCs. 
Kov, rank to be determined, pronounced like “cove.” (I might change the spelling to better reflect that.) He’s in one of the Special Tactics Groups of the Coruscant Guard, a unit which I made up to work kind of like a SWAT team. He and his STG are also part of a designated force that can respond extremely quickly to developing situations and get there first to deal with the trouble before anybody else comes in. His STG’s motto is “made to kill, decanted to die” and he has a target tattooed over the side of his face to go with it. (They get shit from non-CG and units that think all they do is give out parking tickets and stand around looking pretty in the Senate building- these guys very much do not do that.) His face is very expressive, and he’s decisive, straightforward, and unfortunately comes off as kind of low on empathy. He wants people to see him as very pragmatic though he’s actually rather idealistic and kind of naive about certain things. He and his best friend are very interested in plants- Kamino didn’t have any, and they’re generally rare on Coruscant. There’s something calming and ‘constant’ about them that he enjoys. He likes taking photos of the ones they find together and looking them up later to learn about nature/biology. Kov learns he really likes children, but is uncertain/a little afraid to let himself interact with them because he’s worried about what sort of influence he’d have on them (and on a deeper level whether he’d learn from them that he’s not actually the person he thinks he is or tries to be.) He and a Twi’lek woman who immigrated from Ryloth sort of fall into a relationship without meaning to, and they both learn a lot from each other and grow as people. (I’m planning on having her take him to a botanical garden that he had no idea existed, and sometime during their visit he realizes he loves her even. He has trouble putting it into words in his mind, but he definitely knows.) 
Okay last one, I’m sorry! :( 
Lieutenant Rakia of the 212th, part of Slick’s direct chain of command. He goes through Geonosis with his best friend and batchmate Arak. When they were cadets on Kamino, and Arak’s helmet saved his life during a training accident but was partially shattered, and Rakia’s random compulsion to bend down and pick up a shard of the helmet inadvertently saved his life too during this incident. Arak and Rakia kept the small plastoid chunk, carved designs over its surface, and exchanged custody of it for years. Before Geonosis Arak gave it to Rakia. Rakia survives but somehow can’t find the chunk where it’s supposed to be in his utility belt, like it just disappeared, and Arak goes missing and is presumed KIA during the battle. On a deep internal level, Rakia has similar realizations to Slick, but because his personality is different he takes that in another direction. He doubles down on a deep trust and faith in the Republic and the Jedi because he’s subconsciously afraid of what it means about his life and purpose if those things are not the things he should believe in. He sees that they’re all cogs in a machine, but his response is that that’s a good thing. He finds something very personally significant about the idea that all those tiny cogs come together to become something much bigger. So his own internal tendencies towards a collective approach and trusting the leadership he was instructed to trust all his life just get kicked up to higher levels after Geonosis in the face of his anxieties.  
In normal speech he’s casual and kind of playful, but when he gets angry he becomes overly explicit/didactic about things and snaps a lot to the point where he can be condescending even without meaning to be. Rakia has an artistic side but doesn’t get to explore it much at first. He’s clean-shaven and lets his curls grow out a bit because he likes how he looks that way, but otherwise looks like everyone else and doesn’t want to visually distinguish himself from his brothers too much besides the slightly longer hair. He wants to be someone others look up to and tries to ignore/deny parts of himself that he doesn’t feel fit that ideal image he wants others to see. Part of that ties into him really struggling with grief but not even allowing himself to contend with it and find closure, stuffing it back down and ignoring it to negative effect. It also ties in to him resisting discovering himself as an individual beyond a certain point/his comfort zone because he’s afraid that will isolate himself from his brothers, but resisting that (and continuing to deny his grief/keep it bottled down) ends up doing that exactly, leading him to feel cut off and alone in certain ways that compound the problem in a bad spiral. (He gets out of it, I promise.) So because Slick is busy developing his own radical ideas and solutions which he can tell no one about (on top of feeling like he’s the only one who’s cottoned on to something nobody else can see,) that’s isolating too, and he and Rakia understand each other a lot better than they think they do in some respects, regardless of their disagreements. 
I know you didn’t ask for a six paragraph essay. Sorry I just really love these guys.😅
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gilded-green · 3 years
Eeeeeeee!!! Congrats on ten years!! I am having FEELINGS about this! All of your OCs are my favourites and I am so grateful for Stingrae’s support. I would commit CRIMES for a rewrite of GG, but mostly I want to know whether you have any favourite things you want to share? <3 <3 <3
Thank you Polly!!!! <3<3<3
We all owe Stingrae so much I stg.
I would also probably commit crimes for a rewrite of GG but frankly that’d still involve me having to WRITE it so idk if it’d help. XD
Oh jeez MY favorite things??? Uhhhh okay let’s see...
The fact that I am STILL loving this story and very devoted to it even after years, many of which were just radio silence. I knew that I was the slow and steady type, but it’s nice to have confirmation. XD
The fact that when I started writing this fic I was younger than Lu Ten is at the beginning, and now I am older than he’ll be at the end. Jk that’s not a favorite thing it’s just a pathetically hilarious thing forgive me lol. XD
I think I was one of the first people to say “actually Lu Ten would kind of be an imperialist jerk” long before I knew the term “imperialist”
ALL THE HISTORY AND CULTURAL THINGS I’VE LEARNED FROM RESEARCHING FOR MY FICS. I learned a lot of history as a kid but good curriculums on Chinese history just didn’t EXIST back then, or at least didn’t exist in the homeschooling catalogs my mother was able to access, so it’s really nice to have a hobby that also helps me learn stuff.
Huang and Wu Sheng. I love them so much and I’m very proud of them and how they always catch new readers’ attention because they are NOT what you’d expect of Dai Li agents. I can’t wait to expand upon them and their backstories in upcoming fics.
Shirong, and how people can’t decide if they love him or hate him or relate to him or all of them at once. XD
The fact that, ten years later, people have FINALLY STOPPED ASKING ME if I took Shirong from a certain other fic, because the idea of different writers looking at the same baby name lists is a foreign concept :P
Literally everything about the Preservation Branch, I’m so proud of my dumb museum guards
The fact that it’s been so long since I first wrote GG and I’ve written so much other stuff since then that a lot of things people REALLY wanted elaboration on back in the day (Enlai, Huang and Wu Sheng) have kinda fallen to the wayside. I get a lot more questions about Nanyue and the Dai family now. The passage of time sure is funny!
Just the fact that I was actually able to write Gilded Green at all. Like. It’s hard to explain. But I had to grow into my writing. Or my writing style, or approach to writing...idk what to call it. But this thing I do? With the worldubilding? And the OCs? And just the careful web of....stuff? I always wanted to do that, even as a kid, I grew up on massive stories like Star Wars and Lord of the Rings with crazy worldbuilding backgrounds and deep meanings and elaborate politics and I could not figure out how to tell stories like that myself. I remember being 12 years old staring at a bunch of concepts for an original fantasy idea I had and realizing that I had no idea how to make them work because I was too young to understand how the world worked. I remember deciding to shelve that whole story because I realized I didn’t even know what I didn’t know. Tolkien and Star Wars didn’t really explain how the worldbuilding happened, it was just THERE and I couldn’t figure out how to make it appear for myself, it wasn’t exactly easy for a child to figure out. Sometimes I envy kids these days who’re growing up with, like, Elena of Avalor, that show lays out some FANTASTIC political responsibility concepts in ways kids can understand, I could’ve used that as a kid. I was also crap at understanding how people actually interact with each other and just....had all these issues with figuring out how to make a story work, not at the writing level, but on a my-understanding-of-the-universe level, which was kinda humbling and also kinda scary. And some of that was youth, and some of that was undiagnosed ADD making it so that I just didn’t Get Things, but either way when I tentatively started writing GG and realized that wait, I think it’s making sense, and the characters are interacting and it’s not weird, and I think I’m GETTING it, omg, AM I GETTING IT??? That was a great feeling, even if it did feel like I was balancing on a tightrope.
ALSO the way in which you can KINDA track me slowly going from raised-in-a-conservative-Christian-environment to WELP-I’m-queer-and-pretty-progressive-now over the course of my writing, tho that may be hard to see if you don’t know what you’re looking at. I can see it tho, lol. I was fortunate in that my upbringing was just kinda incidental because my mother was too tired to consider any other approach to life, and as time went on my family all actually grew into very different, much better people. I was kind of the trailblazer in that regard tho (not fun) and frankly it was fanfiction that helped me get over my queerphobia and internalized misogyny, and it was the racebending protests that cropped up around The Movie That Shall Not Be Named that made me start to realize how racism actually worked and what cultural misappropriation was. If you squint you MIGHT be able to make out where in my stories I started getting excited over my newfound beliefs and started frantically shaking more sexualities over my characters like “I have GOT to de-heteronormative-ize this” XD But yeah this fic has been a big part of my life and you can see me changing as a person if you know where to look.
MY OCs. The fact that my OCs win people over so well! I had a very volatile relationship with OCs in my youth - self-inserts were A Thing Of The Devil in fandom back then and were to be mocked. I was, I’m semi-sorry to say, part of that crowd - never flamed anyone directly, because I was raised to Not Be Mean, but I joined in on the mocking on private message boards. These days I look back on my youthful indiscretions with eye-rolling fondness, because I can now see how much internalized misogyny I was dealing with and I’m very much over the whole idea of Mary-Sues. But the community I was with did actually have a lot of GOOD writing advice as well, and it was a fun group of people, so I can’t fully regret my time there. When fandom drift eventually caused me to float away, I took those lessons on what made an OC annoying and useless with me, and when I started writing OCs of my own, I made sure to go in the opposite direction. It really seems to have paid off!
The fact that I’ve managed to collect a small but loyal following and see the same names popping up after I post something. I don’t think I could handle being a BNF, but knowing that I’ve got a dozen people who consistently read and enjoy my stuff? That’s so cool. <3
There’s a LOT of other stuff, really, but off the top of my head...here you go! <3
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