#and this shit had been so normal to me that i didnt realise it wasnt okay or normal until my new band friends freshman year told me
dizzybevvie · 1 year
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If I die within the next week know it wasnt an accident
#I dont have the energy to elaborate rn and this is a /lh#i just have sooo much nostalgia for rob/dob and every plot point is wrapped up in a lil bow instead of stretching for 9373927393 episodes#i get thats some peoples style! its just not rlly mine :3#as a kid i loved every dragon from Book Of Dragons having its own episode#and i feel like ppl forget that when rtte was coming out; they could only go so far!#like the second movie had already come out. they knew where they were going#which is definitely a strength of the show in some regards#but rob/dob didnt have that#we hsd no idea where rhe franchise was going#which made big lore revelations so meaningful#Hiccup discovering the box with a present from his (thought diseased) mother??? THAT WAS SO WILD TO 5 YEAR OLD ME#or Borks papers and the isle of night (which turned out to be a ruse but like!!!! IT STILL FELT SO BIG AT THE TIME!!!!!!)#idk.#i feel like ive been trying to downplay my love for rob/dob which really ignited my love for the franchise to begin with#bc the animation was janky and no one had really seen it and no one in my entire life had ever valued it like i did#(read: i was autistic and didnt realise caring so much about something wasnt “normal”)#But i rewatched it this year and yknow what? it holds up. i ADORE riders of berk. FIGHT ME.#(Sonic destruction Knuckles voice) Try some shit youll catch these hands#FIGHT ME. YOU'LL WIN#httyd#rob/dob#riders of berk#defenders of berk#race to the edge#NOT RTTE NEGATIVITY BTW!!!!! I LOVE RTTE TE WRITING IS RLLY GOOD ITS JUST THE FORMAT OF ROB APPEALS MORE TO ME PERSONALLY#how to train your dragon#hiccup how to train your dragon#beverly says stuff
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One more "hehe projection" onto Ruben post for the night.
Ruben didn't realised how fucked his mom's behavior was until he met the others. Like he'd be telling what he thought was a "cute fun story" about his childhood and finish to the others looking at him like "what the actual fuck". And he's like "what?" And they're like "dude that's so fucked up and not normal"
And the rest was Veronica hating history
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AITA for yelling at my friend over discord?
@aita-throwary-blogggg1456789 for finding later
so. um. i realise i come across as massively assholey here but idk man. this might just be teenage angst/drama
basically i (16FTM) have this friend. lets call him O (16M) we met last year since i showed him around the school on his first day. we sort of clicked and became friends.
at the time i was questioning my gender identity and was talking to a couple professionals about possible mental health issues and disabilites i was suspected to have, and when i talked to O about it he was super supportive. when i came out as enby he accepted me, and when i eventually came out as trans he accepted me then too. i told him about the adhd and the anxiety and the depression, and he was cool with all of that.
the main problem starts at the beginning of the new academic year. i'd introduced him to a really close knit friend group of mine, and he also clicked there. i was pretty happy about it, before he started saying some um... iffy things. i had recently found out my parents were severly abusive and i had been conditioned to believe that it was normal. so i'd talked to my friend group about it and they had all been really supportive. except for O. he'd conveniently kept quiet whenever i'd start talking about it. recently i asked him (quite nicely i'd like to add) why, and he said he doesn't have the full story, and that i was probably exagurating. obviously i was hurt, since it took a long time for me to finally talk about this shit, but i brushed it off since he had a relativley smooth life and didn't really know.
later i was diagonsed with osdd, and i told my friends. O admitted to me he thought i was faking it for attention, since he had become close with another person in the friend group T (16FTM). again i was deeply hurt, and didnt talk to him for a couple months. afterwards i started talking to him again, but he kept making jokes at my expense
one night i was highly emotional after a whole thing which led to me to cry for a couple hours. he made yet another joke at my expense in the discord gc and i just snapped. i went into dms and yelled at him for a paragraph and then some. he hasn't replied or even talked to me and i'm scared i did the wrong thing and overreacted
i feel really bad about it but my firend told me i wasnt the asshole... but am i?
so tumblr, aita??
(if this posted again bc of tumblr being wierd im sorry)
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theparadoxart · 2 years
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani
Idc what anyone says about YJHD. It is one of the best bollywood movie out there(if not best) and has arguably the most realistic characters bollywood ever made. Y'all can say no friend group is like this, dreams arent everything, bunny is a piece of shit, he left his family, his friends, ghosted everyone for years, suddenly came back and fell in love with naina coz she became pretty but i say fuck you. This is what the whole movie is about, realising that not everyone is the same. Avi prioritised his friendship over everything and felt betrayed when bunny didnt reciprocate his energy, he got into gambling and destroyed his life. Aditi was a simple girl who was possibly in the group only for avi, but seeing him ignore her all the time and flirting with other girls, she felt heartbroken. She grew out of her first love and gave importance to self love and other relationships in her life(which was evident by how she got close to naina and contacted bunny over the years). Naina was the shy, introvert girl who was always left out and nobody ever understood her, she fell in love with a guy who never settled, whose dreams were everything to him. She never confessed her love for him not because she was scared of rejection but because she didnt wanna come in between bunny's dream or stop him in anyway. SHE WAS SELFLESS. And Bunny, he is just way too realistic..just like us he had dreams, dreams he could sacrifice anything for, just like us he made many many mistakes in life, left his family, didnt attend his mother's funeral, ghosted his closed ones, he was selfish and what not. But above everything else, he never ran away from his past. He knew what he had done, he knew he had to face his past and so he put his dream of travelling the world on hold and came back to india. Yes, he wanted to live his dream and yes he might've been too selfish to complete his dream, but who are we to say anything? Are you telling me that u wont choose ur dreams ur passion over some friendship?? Let's be real, what he did was selfish but it wasnt wrong. He was just a guy who had an insatiable hunger, who didnt wanted to be chained to the normal life. BUT when he met naina after all the years, when he talked to her, he realised that dreams arent everything this life has to offer, that even tho he was completing his dream he was still empty from the inside, that being settled for once and having someone u care about, looking forward to seeing them everyday is what matters the most and so he left his dreams, he left his passion coz for him it was either following dreams or naina and he didnt wanna lose her, so he stayed with her. If u are telling me that he left his dream to travel the world, to explore everything this world has to offer for a superficial reason like "ohh naina became pretty" (the same dream for which he left everyone and evrything behind) then u are living in a delusion. He sacrificed his dreams for something far more deep, he sacrificed them for human love. And he was happy about it!!
Without sacrifice, true love is incomprehensible
If this isnt the best movie out there then what is?????
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s0lar-ch3ri · 9 months
tell me all about dnd character(s) please i am begging
ohevet: first ever character! uses she/they i think (and if they didnt, they do now! update: JUST REMEMBERED, IT WAS HE/HIM FOR A CIS WOMAN! THROW OUT THE OTHER IDEA SORRY) and also my first aroace character. his name is a joke with that honestly, as ohevet is hebrew for love. i lost the stat sheet a bit back BUT im working on rewriting the stats so i can make an actual character of him! his backstory is kinda silly and i dont really remember it rn so ill also be redoing that shit for sure, but i do know one thing, he's cursed. with this marking on his face, hes able to get "Stackable Concussions" (which me and my dms came up with stat affection ideas but i do also wanna make my own for funzies, and i doubt either would mind if you also wanted to lol). by the end of the campaign, he had been like the only one to not try to seduce someone (my friend had gotten a nat 20 to seduce "mommy nature" so theres that) and had a stack of 10 concussions. how he was still standing is beyond me. did i fall for him? abso-fucking-lutely, i made him hot and wanted him carnially and yet hes aroace so what can my gay ass do? (fun fact: one of my dms is my now girlfriend!) btw before i forget, mountain dwarf fighter, and had a lizard he took off the floor rather then pay for a pet, one of the players had its brother/cousin.
ivy: meant to be an npc for my campaign (which btw ill gladly talk about BUT MY PLAYERS CANNOT SEE THIS LOL ARCADIAN AND GAYWITCHNERD SKIP TO THE SECOND PARAGRAPH ON IVY), but a played character in my friend's (arcadian) campaign (arcadian was the one to try and seduce "mommy nature" btw). speaking of npc, the played character and npc have different stories, so we going with npcs rn! ivy (she/they/star pronouns lol) was meant to be a royal guard who did training and learning in the forests, but im thinking of making her a shop owner (eh, probs for out of dnd oc shit). while in the forest, she sorta fell for a nymph there which looks a lot like one of my players characters (agreed romance thing lol). while in town, i plan for her to sorta like fall for said player after bumping into them and shit. that being said, love wont be her only motivation! i do have some plot ideas i need to think up, but im pretty ready to connect shit in. also shes gonna have a dog familiar (my dog) just to involve her somehow lol. oh yeah she slso has gay moms
NOW WE TALK HER AS A PLAYED CHARACTER! in arcadians campaign, shes a half-elf druid like before, but her lesbian parents arent really too existant. (hey gaywitchnerd, i dont mind you reading this, but your character wouldnt know this info) due to issues with her planet, ivy has had her set of challenges, and is looking for strength in knowledge (literally). back home, theres some fucking secret thing there for some deity. on this route, its a pursuit of learning what the deity is. (another idea i had was that the swamp she once lived in is commonly disregarded, and due to anxiety she worried about it being forgotten and shit happening to it so she went looking for power to protect it) there are religions based around it, but ivy isnt exactly religous but still learning as much as she can about it. (fun fact for this one, but its related to the oc: i was planning for her to have BPD, but i wasnt sure how to play one so as a non-dnd character im gonna find ways to incorperate it, also she likes one of the pcs and an npc, the pc is my gfs one but i doubt they realise it lol)
hunter: like all my characters, i go into it with a basis, something i build around for them (ivy is an acception, she was just gonna be an npc), and hunters no different. since the campaign features 3-4 tabaxis (cant remember for sure), an undead, and other various magical people, i wanted to be just a regular guy, which i am! human fighter guy and all that, pretty normal (most extraordinary thing is that hes a magician)...except humans arent fucking normal here because its a tabaxi village. i fucking love that i didnt know this btw! CAUSE I DID NOT, NOR DID MY FRIENDS REALIZE. the story with this guy that i got is he was a traveling performer, one who used this bow tie made special by his fiancé, which works like the bandana chip uses. this however, got taken while traveling, and hes not willing to preform at a show or anything until he gets it back. for the tabaxi village hes disguised as a cat and his whip is his cat tail (this is to make up for the fact that im not a tabaxi with them all lol)! fun fact for him now: his original design was meant to look feminine and masculine to encapsulate my bigenderness in a character ("the most magical thing about them is their gender!"), but ended up feeling too extra for the "just a guy" vibe and got a total redesign lol (he/him cishet man btw, gonna be fun to try <- bigender afab)
techic: my newest campaign character (who i get to play again in 5 minutes, but by the time i finish writing this, we may have started already lol)! a genderfluid tiefling warlock, who worked as a cashier at a 8/12 before shit went down (its an apocalypse campaign). (update, it did actually, writing while we wait for players to arrive) the funny idea with this one? "what if they made a deal for surgery and just got more out of it?". not much on them rn so fun fact time! their mom is a pc (played by arcadian) and currently being locked in a closet cause they ate their zombified partner!
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t0mcruize123 · 7 months
March 5th
Third March 5th🎀🫶
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I dont really know what to put here for this one lmao just prepare yourself for the ending🤫 oh also there’s some smut so be warned👹👹
Third March 5th:
My phone vibrated in my pocket and my heart raced at the sound. I’d been sitting in my living room for hours, waiting and waiting for David to knock on my front door but the hours were passing and he wasn't anywhere in sight. I didnt recognise the number calling but then again, we’d deleted each other’s numbers. It was March 5th, it had to be him.
My heart sunk.
Please let him just be late. Please don't let him be calling me because he isnt coming today.
My thumb slid answer and I nervously brought the phone up to my ear, “Hello?”
I instantly recognised David’s sigh from the other side of the phone, “Hey.”
It wasnt the desperate, happy greeting I was hoping to hear. He didnt sound panicked that he was late, he sounded like he was just sitting on a bed somewhere without a care in the world.
“Where are you?” I uttered the dreaded question.
“New York,” the sadness in my exhale was audible, “I’m so sorry.”
The silence grew thick in the air between us and I tried to act normal, “Is everything okay?”
He didnt answer immediately and when he did his voice faltered, “I dont even know how to say this but...do you remember my roommate? Danny? He...uh..he was in a wreck two days ago.”
My hand instantly flew to my mouth, “Oh my god is he okay?”
More silence, “He um...no, he didnt make it.”
I was unable to respond to that sentence, I had no useful words at all. I didnt know how to console David over the phone and I didnt know Danny well enough to express sadness.
“I dont think I’m going to make it any time soon-”
“Stop its okay, I’m so sorry David,” he still cared about showing up even after one of his best friends had died. Sadness etched into my features as my grip on the phone shook.
“This is killing me,” his voice was barely a whisper, “Ill see you next year. I promise.”
“I’ll be fine David, please dont feel bad...I understand.”
Silence hung in the air between us until he sighed, “Goodbye.”
The line disconnected before I could reply and tears began to blur my vsision. I was crushed. I was an asshole because I wanted to convince myself I was crying over Danny but truthfully, I was crying for completely selfish reasons. Realising how pathetic I am, I began to cry even harder.
David slowly opened the door and stilled, blinking twice as if unsure I was really there.
“I wouldve called first,” I looked down nervously, “But I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
He opened his mouth to speak but I held up my hand to stop him, “I lied, I’m sorry. I’m not here to make sure youre okay because I know youre not okay. It was just the thought of not seeing you today and having to wait another year that gutted me and....”
He stepped forward and pressed his lips against mine, sad and yet sure. I sighed against the familiar press of his mouth and wrapped my arms around him. He kissed me as though he couldnt believe I was real, like he couldnt believe I’d bought a ticket just to see him for one day.
He continued to kiss me and pulled me into his apartment, one arm around my waist as though he was afraid I was going to vanish. He closed his bedroom door behind us and pulled me in for a long hug. I closed my eyes and kept my head pressed against his shoulder. One of his hands wrapped around the back of my head and the other secured at my back – I couldve stayed here all night if he wanted.
He kissed the top of my head then placed his hands on either side of my face, tilting it up to look at him, “I cant believe youre here.”
His eyes were red as though he’d been crying and I quietly asked, “How did it happen?”
“He was on his way back from work when his car slipped off the road,” his voice trembled slightly and I squeezed his hand, “Vi’s been in pieces as you can imagine. She’s pregnant.”
I couldnt help but gasp and he nodded, “I know its shit luck. They’re supposed to be celebrating their anniversary this weekend.”
“How far along is she?” I sat down on the bed and he lay down next to me.
“She’s due in November.”
The blonde girl from last year paused in the doorway, cocking her head to the side in confusion, “Do I know you?”
“We met briefly last year,” I blushed in embarrassment at the memory and the corner of David’s lip lifted.
“Well I’m Vi,” she shook my hand and looked back at David, “I’ll be expecting you to fill me in on all the details of this tomorrow.”
“You bet,” David replied and when she shut the door, he glanced at me with a glint in his eye, “Not a chance.”
I laughed quietly and David reached for the lamp at his bedside. There was a look in his eye that made my lips curl up slightly, and before I knew what was happening, David grabbed the hem of my shirt and pulled it up without hesitation. He threw it somewhere behind him and his eyes read every curve of my body, and he released a shaky breath.
His lips were moist and his tongue was rough and apologetic and my back arched against his touch. He pulled me flush against him but I pulled back in hesitancy.
“David....,” I looked up at him, “I’m worried you’re only doing this to distract yourself from what happened to Danny. I mean, I’ll go through with it but-”
He shook his head fiercely, “I’m not doing this as a distraction. I’m doing this because I want to do this with you, here in this bed. I’ve been thinking about it for nearly 364 days.”
His eyes darkened as he slid his body over me, caging me in with his arms. I could feel him hard against me and I nearly whimpered at the idea of being with him. I’d also been thinking about this moment a lot longer than I shouldve.
He brushed his thumb over my lips, “I want to be your only. Your first and last. I want you to promise I’ll be able to hear your voice tomorroe and every day that follows.”
I nodded in agreeance, “I promise.”
“I’m serious, I want your phone number and youre adres and everything before you leave tomorrow.”
“You can have it,” I grinned, “You can have everything.”
My fingers dragged up his jawline until I cupped his face, “What are you waiting for?”
“To wake up, I think,” he dragged in a raspy breath and kissed my neck, “I’m dreaming right?”
I shook my head just as his hips moved against me. A moan escaped my lips and his kisses against my neck grew wilder.
“Definately dreaming,” he murmured against my skinand touched his tongue against my skin, dragging it up to my throat before kissing me again.
He lined himself up in front of me but still didnt push inside, continuting to tease and touch my skin whilst I grew hotter with need and anticipation. He dragged his lips against mine and as soon as I opened my mouth to say something, he pushed himself deep inside of me. He covered my moan in a kiss and a burst of pain and pleasure burst within me – he was bigger than I’d expected, he could hardly fit as my back arched. The perfection of how we fit together made the pain a mere inconvenience however.
“God youre so fucking tight,” he groaned as his eyes fluttered ever so slightly, “Its perfect.”
It was beautiful. David was beautiful. And somehow, with the way he was staring down at me I felt as though I was beautiful. He gave me a moment to adjust to his size before he thrusted into me once more, claiming my mouth with his whilst squeezing my hand tight. Pleasure like no other shot through my core as his thrusts grew deeper and more frequent. The sound of our bodies smacking together and the bed hitting the wall echoed throughout the room but neither of us seemed to care. My thighs were already dripping and a low sound at the back of his throat groaned as he pushed us both closer towards the edge.
“David,” I whimpered as he pressed our interlocked hands into the mattress. His other hand hooked under my legs and pulled them up over his shoulders so that he had a better angle. Thrusting into me and perfectly hitting my g spot, I let out a loud moan and shoved my face into the pillow beside me to keep quiet. His breathing grew ragged as he grabbed my hips and pulled meet him impossibly closer. I’d never been so filled and I knew I wouldnt be able to walk straight for days after this.
My nails dragged down his back and his head tipped back with a mix of pleasure and pain. I could feel an orgasm building up in my stomach and he pounded into me faster and harder, watching me intently for the moment I released.
David thrusted once more and I felt myself coming undone beneath him. He spilled himself inside of me and it dripped out onto my thighs, soaking me and the bed sheets beneath us. I squeezed my eyes shut as he buried his face into my hair, trying to catch his breath. His skin was hot and gleaning with a thin layer of sweat and I ran my hands through the dark locks of his hair.
We lay there for a few minutes, both of us trying to catch our breath and calming down after such an intense experience. He ran his nose along my jawline until his lips were at my ear,
“I dont want to say goodbye tomorrow morning.”
I breathed in slowly, “You have my number to call me.”
“Every single day?”
“I’ll be mad if you dont.”
“Twice a day?”
I laughed and he added, “Can I see you every day?”
I shook my head because that one was kind of impossible, “That’ll be expensive.”
“Not if I live in the same house as you.”
I stilled and a smile engulfed his face, “I’m thinking about selling my apartment. Violet’s got her own place and the only reason I stay here is because of my job. But i shouldnt have to put the company above you. I could still work there from afar it would just be a bit more difficult. But im ready for that challenge.”
I couldnt believe we were both having this conversation. As much as I knew we needed to talk about it without sex clouding our minds, i couldnt think of anything I wanted more than to see him every day. To have him as part of my life.
He was serious. He actually wanted to move to Chicago and I couldnt think of single reason as to why he couldnt.
I nodded slowly and a smile transformed his entire face. His hand reached up to trace my jaw and his thumb brushed over my lips.
I grinned, ”You’re going to need a jacket.”
I walked into David’s kitchen to see Vi sitting on the counter, her green eyes reflecting in the sunlight streaming through the window. David was still asleep and I hadnt wanted to interrupt his rest when he looked so peaceful.
“Hey,” Vi smiled and nodded towards the toaster, “Do you want any?”
“Oh that’d be great,” I smiled and took a seat next to her.
“So you’re the girl David meets up with once a year?”
I nodded, happy to hear David talked about me when I wasnt there, “Yeah its kind of a tradition.”
“How long are you planning on doing that? For the rest of your lives?”
“Until I’m twenty three.”
Her head cocked to the side, “Why?”
“Its the age my mother decided I’d be mature enough to have a serious relationship with somebody.”
“Ah,” she smiled and looked down at her hands, “Davids a great guy. He’s been so helpful recently with Danny and everything....,” her smile faded and she quickly added, “And he’s a great boss.”
“Oh I remember.”
“I dont know if he’s told you but he’s doing greater than he’s ever done at work,” she smiled proudly, “He’s earning more, enjoying it more, its going well.”
Doing greater than he’s ever done? And he’d give it all up to move to Chicago with me?
“How is he?”
My head snapped to hers, “David?”
She nodded, “I havent really interacted with anyone, I know its selfish because I’m not the only one hurting but-”
I squeezed her hand reassuringly, “He’s okay. He understands Vi.”
She wiped away a tear, “I just feel bad that i havent even thought about how he’s hurting. And now he’s stuck with a girl who’s about to have a baby, and the last thing I want is for him to feel obliged to help me...and I cant move back to me and Danny’s place its so quiet and lonely there,” she pressed her fists to her eyes, “I dont know what to do. I don’t want to burden anyone, but I’m scared I can’t do this on my own.”
I wrapped my arms around Vi as she began to cry into my shirt.
“Vi?” We both looked up to see David standing in the doorway with a distraught look on his face. Vi starts crying even harder and he was instantly at her side.
“You’ll be fine,” he spoke softly, “promise me you’ll let us help you.”
She nods and wipes her tears away fiercely I cant watch her cry anymore. I'm on the verge of tears myself just knowing how scared she is. I rush up the stairs and back into David’s bedroom, where I can gather my thoughts. So many things are running through my head, most of them fears. I'm afraid he's making a decision out of haste. I'm afraid if I tell him how much I wish he would move to Chicago, he would actually do it, and it's obvious Vi. Not to mention the possibilities he'd lose by giving up his job. If we just up and end our arrangement in the middle without continuing to meet up on March 5th, I’d break my promise to my mother and commit before I turn 23
I know two years is a long time for us to wait, but those two years could make a huge difference in his success.I didn’t want to be the reason he quit, Years from now, he'd look back on tonight and hed wonder if he made the wrong choice. If maybe our lives would have still turned out the same and we would still end up together, but by waiting two years, he also would have met his work goals.
He's made such a huge difference in my life. More than he'll ever know. If it weren't for him, I don't think I would have ever regained my confidence. Just having him in my life one day a year has had such a positive effect on me, I'd hate myself if I did the exact opposite for him.
And none of that includes what just transpired over the last ten minutes. There's no way he can move to Chicago when his family needs him now more than ever. Vi is going to need him here way more than I need him in Chicago. I refuse to be the one to convince him to leave her at a time like this.
I grab my phone and call for a cab before I change my mind.
David walked around the corner to meet me and I gasped, clutching a hand to my heart.
"You scared me," I took the last step. "How is she?"
He glance down the hallway toward Vi’s bedroom. "Better,"
I took two more steps, toward the front door this time. David finally noticed the purse around my shoulder and the shoes on my feet. I was prepared to leave.
I put my weight on one foot, “earlier…”
"Please don't change your mind." He interrupted.
I winced looking to the right to hold back my tears. I didn’t want to hurt David but it was best for us both if I left. David rushed towards me and grabbed both of my hands.
“Please. We can do this. Maybe I can't move right away, but I will. Things just need to settle around here first."
I squeezed his hands and sighed, “Vi says you’re doing great at work.”
He realised where this was going, “I don’t care about my job, it doesn’t matter-“
A stream of light strolls across the walls, and I glances back to see my cab waiting.
“Please," he begged, “Just give me your phone number, at least. I'll call you tomorrow and we'll figure it out then, okay?" He tried to to keep his voice soothing and hopeful, but i noticed the panic building in his chest.
"It's been an emotional couple of days, David. It's not fair of me to let you make this kind of decision right now." I pressed my lips to his cheek and then turned for the front door. He followed behind me as I reached the cab and I could feel my heart breaking with each step I took. Why couldn’t he make this easier?
"I would never forgive myself if I didn't encourage you to follow your dreams like you encouraged me to follow mine. Please don't ask me to be the reason you give them up. It isn't fair."
I wrapped my arms around him and pressed my face into his neck. He held me right and I could feel how much he needed me to stay but I couldn’t. I opened the door to the cab but hesitated.
"I'll come here next year," I promised. "I want to meet Vi’s baby. We'll meet at the restaurant again, okay? Same time, same place?"
He shook his head and shut the cab door, refusing to let me in.
“ You can't just agree to love me, and then take in back because you think it's not what's best for me. That's not how this works."
I leaned against the cab and crossed my arms over my chest. My eyes were focused on the ground but I could feel his stare.
“David” my voice was barely a whisper, “You don't need to be in Chicago. You need to be here. I'll just be a distraction, It's only two more years.If we're meant to be together, two years is nothing."
He laughed but it was short and humorless. "Meant to be together? Are you listening to yourself? This isn't one of your fairy tales, This is real life, and in the real world you have to bust your ass for the happy ever after!"
He gripped the nape of his neck and took a step away from me, trying to collect his frustration but it was pouring out of him.
“When you find love, you take it. You grab it with both hands and you do everything in your power not to let it go. You can't just walk away from it and expect it to linger until you're ready for it." The pain was etched into his face and my eyes began to tear. The moment we shared in his room meant more to me than he’d ever know but he was looking at me like I was a traitor.
I glanced at the cab and he stepped forward and put his hands on my shoulders, “Don’t walk away from this.”
My shoulders dropped with a sigh and I shook my head softly, “Im not walking away from this. I'm not doing anything we didn't agree to the first day we met. I'm the one sticking to the rules, here. We agreed on five years. And yes, we had a little hiccup upstairs where we almost caved and_"
"A hiccup?" He pointed to the house. "Did you just refer to us agreeing to start a relationship as a . . . hiccup?"
He gripped my face until his fingers were wrapped around the nape of my neck. He brush his thumbs across my cheeks and encouraged me to look up at him. David touched me softly and I swallowed back the lump in my throat.
"I don't care about work. All I care about is you. Being with you every day. Seeing you every day, I'm no finished falling in love with you yet. But if you don't want to finish falling in love with me, then you need to tell me right now. Do you want me to be a part of your life on more than just March 5th? If you say no, I'll turn around and walk right back inside that house and things can go back to how they were before you showed up here yesterday. I'll continue working and we'll meet up next year. But if you say yes . .. if you tell me you want to spend every single day on the calendar this year falling in love with me, then I'm going to kiss you. And I'll spend every day after today proving to you that you made the right choice."
His hands remained firm on my face and my eyes remained firm on hers. I could hardly breathe. A tear slowly rolled down my cheek as I shook my head no.
“You can’t-“
"Yes or no, That's all I want to hear."
His eyes were so pleading and I hated that I was the one breaking his heart but I had no choice.
"You need to be here for your family this year. You know that as well as I do. The last thing we need is a relationship over a cell phone. And that's exactly what will happen, because we'll spend every spare second wanting to talk to each other instead of focusing on our goals. We'll alter everything just to be together, and it shouldn't be that way. Not yet. We need to finish what we-“
“Yes or no.” He lowered himself until he was eye level with me and I couldn’t help but inhale sharply.
“Go back inside,” I hated how weak I sounded and I hated the tears that escaped my eyes.
David stepped back and I quickly climbed into the car before I could change my mind. I rolled down my window but he wasn’t looking at me, instead staring at the ground with a distant look in his eye.
"The one thing I want more than anything is for the whole world to live with you,” he could hear the tears in my voice. "But I have to do what you did for me the day we met. You let me go. You encouraged me to go. And I want the same for you. I want you to follow your passion instead of your heart."
The cab began to back away, and for a split second he looked as though he was debating chasing after me - like he did on the plane all those years ago. But he stood still and swallowed hard, realising my decision was set.
“Fuck!” He cursed at the empty street as the cab backed away. Tears blurred my vision as I left his apartment yet again on March 6th, certain I’d never see David Aames again.
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commaclear · 2 years
comma I have a connfesion, when i was in first grade i punched a kid unprompted. i bitch slapped him accross the face but with my fist. i wasnt known as a bully and had never interacted with him prior too this, he was one of those football boys who. i did it because i felt like it, i literaly just wanted too see how he would react and figured there was no time like the present, the teacher tried too explain why it was wrong but i just didnt get it.
growing up i literaly treated reality like a sandbox game and people like labrats, i would do anything i wanted because i didnt give a shit about the conqecuences or my peers own feelings. if nobody else was going too find out what happened i was, and i got away with it most of the time. my poor litle brother still thinks he has a horrible illness that only affects him when hes sleeping! point is ive realised that throought the years i have been the outlier too everyone else, so many people must hate me with burning rage or ponder my actions. everyone has a story from their childhood in wich they are comedicaly wronged by a peer and ive realised that i AM that person. i am that bitch who said there was a secret tunnel to china underneath the sandbox and instruced you too dig til you got there, then told you there was dogshit in the sandbox only after you had been digging for ages. i was that kid who would hide under the tables waiting for someone too sit down only too grab their ankles with my cold small childlike hands. i was that kid who would start fucking cackling in the middle of a math class because i was bored.
point is was i insane as a child or is this a seminormal experiance?
I too was a strange and violent child, but don't worry because childhood is the time when it's safe to explore cause and effect. It's actually pretty normal for kids to do bizarre things just to see what will happen cuz developmentally that's what they should be doing!
Everyone was a weird kid and if you say you weren't, then either you're lying to yourself or you weren't paying enough attention
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years
What is the gender when you're afab but you feel like if you were amab you'd be so jealous of guys who do girly things and dress up all pretty and shit, and you would want to be one of them.
Tbh maybe its just that I think my face structure isnt right for that femboy aesthethic. I want to do cute makeup looks in the guy way. I want to wear make up and be called a girl(derogatory) for it.
I want to be amab. Not even a cisman. I want to have been sociliased as "a boy" for my whole life. I don't think that would change my gender in any way, i just would probably feel more comfortable in my own body.
Maybe i would trust my emotions more and not chuck everything up to "girl hormones". Maybe I'd be able to build muscle and feel more confident in my abilities.
I'd rather get misgendered as a boy than a girl.
I'd rather have my attraction to men be interpreted as gay than straight.
I'd rather have my sadness be looked at as hot than weird and pityful.
I want to be considered cool for just wearing earrings.
I don't think I want to grow up with an autism diagnosis though. I don't think my mom would handle it right.
I want to not have to do so much work to look intimidatingly relaxed. I want to not mask around every person.
I almost dont want to have my current autism diagnosis. I feel like in a way it stops people from realising that i just dont have motivation for life, and that I dont avoid school on purpose because of sensory issues or something. I've answered in my life time only 2 of those doctor certified "are you depressed" quizzes. Maybe 5 years ago I just lied my ass off because I "didnt want my mom to think i was depressed", i was so adamant that that wasnt depression. Then maybe 4 years ago i answered one kinda truthfully, saying that i had thought about suicide. I explained to the therapist that it was just in passing, "everybody thinks about killing themselves once in a while". The questionnaire had weirdly specific answers so i didnt put an X further. I think I was aware that my suicidal thoughts were more than passing, but i had this thing -and still do- where no matter what, i refused to call myself depressed. Others had it worse. I didn't even feel like a burden on my family! I didn't even want to harm myself!...Partly I think its because before that,ni had gone through a brief "not like other girls/I'm 14 and this is deep" phase, where i would unironically send those "I'm broken" pictures to people, and I hoped for something tragic to happen to me so i could justify being so angsty. So when i had gotten over that, it left this doubt about my own emotions, after i realised that I hadnt actually been that "broken" or "depressed". It felt like every negative emotion was just willingly made by me, to be that "tragic thing" to justify my angst. I think I wanted to feel sad because I had stopped talking to most of my friends, thinking them too "other girls" like. And i still judged them often, for really just existing as girls and having friends. Maybe i was just jealous how easy they made friendships look. My last word to this E guy was calling him gay. Me and my friend, L, had built this high ground where we predicted what would become of our classmates in the future, and we were so sure that this one guy, who was friends with most of the girls, was gonna come out as gay..in hindsight it was pretty homophobic, but we just saw it as a fact, because we thought we were so much smarter than everybody else. We were going to be the loners that just read books all the time. Self-fulfilling prophecy i guess.
In kindergarten i made friends with these two friends, and then I started complaining to friend K about the other, E, and I started trying to push E out of the friend group and have K all by myself. I didn't realise what I was doing. Then in elementary school, we moved, I went to a school full of strangers that all had been in kindergarten together. First grade I spent just being normal, maybe a bit unaware of other's physical boundaries. In 2nd grade I had a lot of friends, but I was closest to these two, N and L, who were also friends. I did the same thing. I complained about N to L, and a few other people as well. I wasn't fully aware of what I was doing, but I was aware of the jealousy I always felt when the two would spend time together without me. I got agitated over anything N did. We still stayed friends, I think at the end of grade 3 we hugged for the last time. I was succesfull and by 4th grade I had L all to myself. We mostly read beside each other during breaks. I remember wanting a deeper relationship with her, wanting to be able to talk about the many thoughts about shooting myself I had. She wasn't the type to really get deep, at least not with me. We spoke a bit still at the start of 7th grade, clearly farther apart. My school absences broke off the last of our relationship, since neither of us really liked to text or call.
This has been a self-held therapy session for me. Sorry for wasting your time if you actually read through this.
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isaacathom · 1 month
genuinely so hype about the dnd campaign bc all the potential with naielle and euphemia makes me feral. and part of that is that naielle has barely interacted with any other (still living) character, except marius? and their interaction was brief that besides some questions about why hes old naielle has nothing to like. hash out with him. when we get back to the normal timeline theres gonna be something a lot more pressing on naielles part that requires his attention, yknow.
but euphemia! in the prime timeline naielle and euphemia are friends! theyre part of the diplomacy/support squad alongside marius! of the two, theyre the big nerds, and also both involved in navigation - the former the navigator, the latter the cartographer, who is herself married to another navigator aboard. they enjoy knowledge and history. naielle trusts her a lot.
but! in the alt timeline euphemia is fucking scary. she forces naielle into the consultancy, reads her mind constantly (always Asking, but to naielle it never feels like she can actually say no). she lied to naielles face! naielle said 'please dont tell Qinan [about the vision where i murder him]' and euphemia looks her dead in the eye and goes 'i wont!' before handing Qinan a scroll of Detect Thoughts and showing it to him instead. maybe not a lie on technicality, but a lie in every way that matters.
naielle is terrified, categorically afraid for her safety, woefully intimidated by the undersecretary saying she 'killed 2 people' for the knowledge she conscripted naielle for.
and so when they get back to the prime reality, presumably remembering some of this, naielle is gonna be FUMING. naielle did not actually know abouy Euphemia's Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts, because it isn't a detectable spell. no part of that process is discernable by the target. its not detect thoughts, where you know theyre doing it if they push deeper. it just happens. you still make a save (and can choose to fail, as naielle consistently does in this timeline), but you dont know its happening. right. naielle DIDNT KNOW SHE HAD THAT.
so its like, point 1 - you can fucking read minds? how long have you been able to do that? have you been doing that to members of the crew? can i trust you to be honest with me about when and on who it was used? can i fucking trust you?
which feeds naturally into point 2 - i cant fucking trust you. i know its perhaps Unfair to hold you to the conduct of a version of yourself in a very different time and place, but as the war we are currently fighting continues, and is likely to get worse before it gets any fucking better, i cannot in good fucking conscience trust that you, right in front of me, will not make the same decisions that this alternate form of you did. and i dont know that i can fucking trust you if you are capable of that.
naielle doesnt have a way out of this. she doesnt have an olive branch to offer. she doesnt know what shed want euphemia to do to prove any sincerity. euphemia could offer her every excuse under the sky and i dont know that naielle will care, vis a vis the vision specifically. because while naielle isnt the Most self aware person, i think she can look at how she was personally acting in this alternate timeline and go 'you didnt have to lie to me to get the result you wanted. you could have told me no to my request. instead you looked at an elf who is on the verge of a breakdown and has just witnessed some pretty distressing things and decided to be a pedantic fuckstick. "i didnt tell him" fucking tripe. you could have said "i cant promise that, it might be important for him to know" and i wouldve gone "oh :(" but i wasnt gonna fucking stop you! are you insane????'
euphemia could offer whatever justification she likes, but naielle feels fundamentally betrayed by Euphemia's action there, and a little violated by the mind reading shit. naielle only came back to the royal quarter because there was nowhere else she could possibly go when she realised there was trouble, and the group had agreed to work together to try and fix the realities. shes going back because she saw marius and went 'well. he was nice to me earlier, i think. and the strange man seems friendly. ill trust them if i have to, to fix this'. shes not coming back because shes loyal to euphemia. shes back because shes scared, and the group had an answer, and she thinks some of them might at least listen to her. shes terrified.
so prime timeline naielle, a woman in possession of a Fucking Backbone, is going to remember this, in whole or in part, and turn to euphemia like 'we are going to discuss that later. and if i have to pull rank to do so i will, comprenez-vous?' and not wait for an answer. shes gonna be so mad.
#naielle odelia#one of naielles core character traits is that when she gets betrayed she gets fucking MAD#its why she attacked her professor. its why she punted Shui Qiang's corpse. its why she was willing to enthrall Qinan#(because in her view he'd betrayed the pendagast. its marginal)#and so too will she be fucking furious with Euphemia. she feels taken advantage of and lied to#whether shes “correct” logistically doesnt matter. she FEELS that deeply. or she certainly will#the only thing stopping her from open violence in the prime timeline is this keen knowledge of the world on their shoulders#and the fact she's reacting to the matter late. prime naielle is feeling the betrayal like a day or more after it happens#and that distance gives her the ability to take a deep breath and go okay. im not going to Attack you#but i might yell. i will curse. and if the discussion goes poorly i MIGHT attack you. we'll see!#i dont think she will. i think at worst itd be something she might bring to marius#like 'hey man so we have a LOT to discuss. like this is going to be a very long meeting. buckle up'#theres pact shit and then theres naielle going 'okay so. can i discuss this next bit friend to friend? not captain to commodore?'#'bc i think i need a friends perspective on the matter and you're probably the person i trust most on this ship.'#itll be so juicy. gahh#we dont get another session till uhhhhhhhh the 6th? which might be a lil dicey we'll see. i hope so tho#and then theres no guarantee we get to the prime timeline that session. or have time to debrief#i think no matter what the argument with euphemia will be in a months time imho
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abukhal14 · 1 year
Looking back, it was probably one of the happiest moment of my teenage-adult life. Even though yall showed me that yall didnt gave a fuck about me since the start, ive always wanted to be a part of the group. Maybe ive never felt a sense of belonging before but i guess i grow up slower than normal people do to know that what we had wasnt it.
I know i never respected your boundaries and personal space but given the fact that the rest did it too left me clueless. The way you were aggressive with only me is bullshit and maybe i was the only one who you could vent out your pent up anger to. I know I havent been nice to you and i realised it way back but i guess why i did it was purely because it was fun. If only u knew the amount of times u were the topic and how people you gravitate towards to talked shit about you passionately would be disappointing for you. All the shit talking that they do and im always the one defending your name. Im proud of you the most for achieving what you secretly wanted. In all honesty, have a backbone of your own and stick up for yourself.
We go way back and out of everyone, im disappointed in you the most. We've been through alot together but you switching up on me is crazy just because you feel like he has more to offer than what i have to offer. Being opportunistic when it comes to work/school is great but doing that to our friendship is out of pocket. You love putting our friendship on the line multiple times over minute things but act like things never happened. It bothers me how u hate when injustice is happening to you but when the same injustice is happening to others, you act like its nothing. I hope you blossom in life and achieve all your goals and dreams and build a wonderful family like you wanted.
To be honest, i have no issues with you but i havent been the best of friend towards you especially how i tested your patience to your limit. You are probably the most matured but nobody is going to see it the way i do. I truly believe people who has unfortunate background have amazing mind. If there is a thing i could tell you, do things for yourself and never to prove to others that you have something to offer. Friendship is seen when you have nothing to offer and they would still do it for you genuinely.
You are the worst ever. Manipulating your own friend because you feel like are the alpha. That itself is a problem because you see yourself as an alpha. I saw through you but ive never open my mouth to talk shit about you. Nah, maybe i did. You do things to others but when the same things is done to you. You purposely fuck up the mood by getting upset and become the child who throws a tantrum and make sures everyone notice so that way, everyone would know i was the cause of the mood change. Ive been nice enough to you hoping ud change for the longest of time but i guess u become worst. The same people who you "treasure" are the same people you talk the most shit about. Ill pray for you to be a better person and i hope you keep achieving what you want in life.
I know im not perfect, i have my flaws too but im always thinking for all of yall but its never appreciated. I would have given up everything for yall even my last dollar but yall would fuck me over. Im honestly sad that i chose to leave but i feel like its the only way for me to get my peace that ive longed for. Im glad that we happen but ill pray from afar and i hope that ill be the last to break away and for yall keep the friendship strong and have each other to depend on. Thankful for the memories we created together but now i know i cannot trust nobody, i can just hope people dont fuck me over.
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I saw your requests are open, I hope it’s okay to send something in! (˃ᆺ˂) I appreciate your writing style!
I wanted to ask if you could do some headcanons of Atsushi x petite!shy fem s/o who shares in his beast ability, only she can turn into a wolf? Just soft things between a tiger and wolf gifted if you are able too! I appreciate your time and hope you have an amazing day ahead! ✨🐺
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Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings:Atsushi X Fem!reader
Word Count:0.7K
A/n:girl you literally broke me lol. i mean i couldnt really think of anything yet i wanted to do this request because i like you a lot :') anyway, these are all i could do,hope its ok :> i love you and ty for requesting! my inbox was pretty empty lol
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ok lmao.
so the boy was shocked as hell when he found out about your ability.
i mean,youre kinda like him! except that you turn into a wolf instead of a tiger lol.
so the first time you guys met, he was super excited,but also super awkward. he wanted to make conversation, but didnt know where to start. and when he did think of something, it wasnt as smooth as it had to be.
"sooo...can you howl...?"
you were like: bruh what the hell
"yeah...i guess i can" "oh? thats cool! i...i can roar!" "oh? good! good for you!"
yeah the silence is definitely better lol
but when you got to know each other a bit more, you were both comfortable. a bit too much actually.
he wasnt as on gaurded as he was around his superiors, and he liked playing pranks on you (without crossing the line tho)
you once hid in the bathroom and scared the shit out of him. you were in your wolf form, and when he was entering the bathroom, you jumped out of your hideout and rumbled at him. he screamed-a very loud one, until he realised it was you.
he ended up laughing at his own reaction, but he wanted to repay you. i mean, Atsushi is a bit naughty too, if you watch him closely hehe
so when he hid in your closet and roared, you screamed and suddenly lost your balance. thankfully he was fast, so he immediately turned back into his human form and prevented you from falling to the ground by placing his arms under you.
you were like a princess in his arms, but like a shy and surprised princess, and boy he was not a smooth prince.
you were both a blushing mess, but you also couldnt take your eyes off each other. you never really payed attention to his face, and how gorgeous his eyes were.
he was also getting lost in your gaze before you smacked his head.
"ouch!" "you like what you see?" "yes! WAIT I MEAN NO-"
Things definitely got awkward again, but good awkward. that incident was enough for both of you to realise that what you felt for each other wasnt just normal liking, it was something more.
then the romance begins.
it took him quite a long time to ask you out, and he wouldnt have been able too, without the help of Dazai, but he did it eventually.
your jokes got a bit cheesier.
"i have a talking tiger at my house,you know? i can show it to you if you come over []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* "
and when you did came over, nothing cheesy happened, cuz its Atsushi were talking about.
you were the first one who made the move fot cuddling, and his silence was definitely a sign of satisfaction.
he has someone like him helping him during the missions now. he doesnt want you to get hurt, but hello? youre a wolf! theres nothing to worry about!
so when hes finally sure that you can take care of yourself, he's relieved, cuz he doesnt have to be afraid anymore, not without you by his side.
you both relate the pain of having your clothes ripped after transformation. its definitely a pain, but having someone whos going through the same thing is definitely better than nothing
ok ok hear me out. once you both were so tired from the mission that you fainted on he street and had others worry about you. Kunikida was really pissed, but when he find you two curled up around each other in your animal form, he got super soft.
you were in his arms, slightly snoring while rubbing yourself on his belly, and he was subconciously tightenning his embrace around you while licking your head.
everyone were taking pics and were like "Awwww! look at them!"
youre adorable :>
Atsushi is easier to open up around you. he knows that you once went through the same difficulties. he knows that some people werent exactly kind to you because of your ability, and he can relate. thats one of the reason he fell in love with you, because you understand him and dont question his fears
ok baby. i really hope you like this and thanks for reading💕
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seyvetch · 2 years
I will never forgive current government for destroying all my dreams for better Russia I doubt anyone will forget this war in the next 50 years
I still dont even get why it happened. The political and economic drawbacks which are obviously would happen concidering all the sanctions Russia got before the war for doing less in Ukraine are much more than any gain I can imagine. Brainwashing and lying to your population and especially the army they are sending to kill and die about why youre doing this especially makes this shitty. So many people believed trully that they were going to help people of Ukraine or something along those lines or didnt even know they were going to war. This is sick. So many people were killed who wanted to protect their home by people who blieved they were liberating them... For what?? A bit of land? To make our enemies fear us again? They made so many people die only to make their own sitizens suffer as well.
I thought about suicide more times since the war started than in total in last year or so before it bc I was so fearful that I might be drafted which fun fact I can be during war even tho Im technically not viable due to my mental state being a wreck and also being so depressed about this situation. First came economic sanctions then I realised just how much itll affect every citizen when such mondane things as microtransactions in Warframe - a game which I was relying on for like half a year to keep myself sane were not working since almost every way of payment wasnt working in Russia. I realised just how much of an impact to the Russian economy it was. Then almost a full out fucking war came on Russian culture and history (much of which is shared by other slavic nations btw) came. Ive been trying to share it for years bc of how good and underapriciated it was and then bc of actions of current government shit like redacting the name of THE FIRST MAN IN SPACE came. Then Warframe's developer company Digital Extremes or DE for short decided themselves that players from Russia and Belarus wont be able to do microtransactions. I cant convey how devistated I was from a thing that any other "normal" person would just be annoyed at. This game was almost all I was thinking about for months, it helped me not to go too insane or depressed for about half a year as I mentioned earlier, I was dependant on it to be happy at the time. I felt like I was stabbed in my back. I spent most of my savings on this game which wasnt a lot but still. And then at my lowest point at the time, already crushed by the current situation a punshiment for a crime someone else commited, a crime I was against and had no choice in came on me and many other faithful players in my shoes. It just kinda broke me. To my brain by doing something like this it was almost like saying I am responsible afterall punishment should ony come to guily. It didnt help that many people in the games community suppported this decision. I felt like I was going insane like the world was crumbling around me. And I couldnt even bring myself to play a game I relied on for moral support for so long.
Well this is the situation from my point of view. I wish that I was in the worst situation that came out of this shitshow bc I cant bring myself to imagine anyone dealing with something worse. And people do have it worse than me bc of what my government did. I wish I could strangle every single one of people who approved of this in the government myself. But even if I did that the situation wouldnt change. Even if I do feel guilty for feeling bad and venting about this in this situation I hate people who told me to "put things into perspective" bc my suffering was less than sufffering of others. An analogy comes to mind when people say that. A person is strapped to a seat in the back of a car and cant escape, the driver of the car is speeding up to ram into another car despite your protests. The driver than rams into another car killing and injuring people inside while you get less injured bc you were in the backseat. Does that mean that you should be prosecuted for murder as well just for being in the cat that was rammed intentionally into anther car causing death? Or that your injuries shouldnt be treated on the same principle and bc other people have it worse?
I recognise the nessecety of some of the actions but I am outraged just how far people are taking it in "protest of Russia's current actions". Whyd my german friend's bike tires were slashed several times just because he was born in Russia even if he moved to Germany long before he turned 18? Why are exhibits in museums that are Russian are being rid off? Why was the name of Юрий Гагарин, the first human in space was redacted in official documents during some large confirence??? Even thought he died long before Putin became president.
I feel a bit better after venting thanks for reading if you did read it.
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simpsiren · 4 years
closer to you
lee jeno x reader
main masterlist
the sequel
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description. you’re in a 2 year relationship with jaemin. the two of you know very well that you arent each other’s soulmates but you still felt that jaemin was the right one for you. that is until you are celebrating your 2 year anniversary with jaemin that memories of you being with someone else in your so called “past life” starts coming back to you, as if wanting to make you realise that your soulmate is still out there.
genre. soulmate au, strangers to lovers au, fluff and angst
warnings. none? except for the fact that reader becomes violent in their words when they’re stressed i guess
a/n. literally got this idea from the flashback tiktoks thats been appearing in my fyp. like ive seen it so many times that i just had to write about it HAHA alrighty thats all enjoyy :D
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when the idea of soulmates was first represented to humans, humans deeply believed in it, and would follow the idea of it religiously to find the one that they are truly meant to be with. however, now in the modern day, the idea of soulmates is slowly disappearing. people still believe that the number engraved on the side of their right foot is the time and date that they’ll meet their soulmates, but people of this generation start ignoring that fact, marrying someone that isnt even their soulmate. it left their actual soulmate to either die alone, or having to force themselves to love and marry someone else other than their soulmate.
and now here you are, surrounded by your friends with jaemin sitting next to you, your boyfriend of two years who’s number on the side of his foot does not match yours.
“blow out the candles already!” you hear johnny screaming. you and jaemin turn to look at each other at the same time, giving a smile before blowing out the two candles on the red velvet cheesecake that signified your two year relationship with jaemin.
you laugh loudly as everyone claps for the two of you. jaemin quickly places a peck on your cheek, making everyone smile widely. “i love you.” jaemin whispers into your ear.
“i love you too.”
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“do you really not care who your actually soulmate is? you know very well jaemin isnt yours.” you purse your lips into a thin line as you find jaehyun leaning against the doorframe of your bedroom.
“does it look like i care? who the hell even cares? ill be with who i wanna be! i aint gonna follow some ‘oh you’re destined to be with this guy’ type bullshit.” you giggle to yourself as you took a sip the whiskey in hand, despite already being in a very drunken state.
jaehyun walks over to you and snatches the glass away from you. you whine and beg for it back, but you know all too well that jaehyun is not going to give you what you want. you let out a huff in response.
“my god, evaline. how drunk can you be?” jaehyun takes a seat on the chair that faces your bed, in which you are currently rolling on and mumbling to yourself about god knows what.
jaehyun sighs as he looks at you. he’s been your friend for almost forever yet he still cant get over the fact that no matter how hard he tries to persuade you that jaemin isnt your soulmate, you give zero fucks about it.
“i really hope he comes in your dreams or something. if i can’t convince you, then why isnt the world doing anything about it?” jaehyun whispers to himself, resting his chin on his palm as his elbow is placed on the arm rest of the chair.
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you wake up with a sharp pain in your head. you wince as you slowly tried to sit up straight. you rub your eyes and try looking around your room. everything is normal, except for the fact that jaehyun is sleeping on your chair. you shrug your shoulders as you let out a long sigh and stare at the door in front of you, spacing out for a little. after at least five minutes of you doing nothing and staring off into who knows what, you gather up your strength to stand up from your bed. you stagger your way over to jaehyun.
“jae, wake up already. make me something to sober up- ouch!”
your foot suddenly hurt, making you stumble back and fall onto the floor. you flinched in fear when you realise the number on your foot is glowing. you scream in pain as you feel as though something thin and sharp is constantly stabbing your foot. the spinning in your head only made it worse. jaehyun wakes up from all your screaming and drops down on the floor to assist you quickly.
“evaline? eva! what’s wrong? wait why’s it glowing..” jaehyun eyes travel from your scrunched up face to your leg, noticing the number that’s glowing.
suddenly, your vision became blurry. you lost sight of what’s happening around you. you dont see your room and jaehyun in front of you anymore. you struggled as you try to squint your eyes to get your vision to be clear. it took awhile for your vision to come back. and when it did, something wasnt right.
it was like you were having a flashback. a flashback to a time you were unfamiliar with. you didn’t remember experiencing it at all. but the flasback looked like memories that you feel a sudden strong connection with.
the flashback was vivid. you couldn’t tell exactly what was going on. you saw a guy, estimated to be around your age, who’s smiling widely till his eyes form a thin line and holding up a polaroid camera to your point of view. you heard him laugh as snaps a picture and the camera’s flash shined your view. you soon focused your vision again onto the guy. he’s waiting for the film to develop. and that’s all you saw. a small snippet of a far distant memory which you arent even sure if it happened.
after that, you snapped out of your odd trance. you feel jaehyun shaking your shoulders with the look of extreme concern on your face. you bring your hand up to your head and scratch it slowly as you tilt your head in awe. jaehyun stops his actions as looks at you wierdly.
“what the fuck did i just experience?” you mumble to yourself, trying to process what you just went through. you look up from the floor to see jaehyun blinking his eyes rapidly.
“you saw what?”
you were this close to slapping jaehyun in the face.
“how many times do i have to fucking repeat myself?! i got a flashback of a memory of some random dude that i dont even know about!”
jaehyun’s mouth remains open in shock and confusion. it took him a few seconds to process your words. and when it did, he places both his hands on the table.
“its a sign.” your forehead creases as you look at him weirdly.
“the fuck you just say?” you pick up your fork and stab it into your freshly cooked fried chicken meal.
“is this the first time you experience it?” jaehyun asks you as he takes a sip of water. you took a moment to think about it.
“yeah it is.” you breathe out. jaehyun only nodded his head. he starts thinking about what he wished for that night had something to do with what happened to you.
“you know what? forget it. i need to meet up with jaemin for our date. ill see you around.” you finish what’s left on your plate, waving to jaehyun before leaving the restaurant.
jaehyun watches your back as you slowly disappear into the distance. “it cant be... can it?” jaehyun shakes his head and continues eating.
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“hey, babe. how was lunch with jaehyun?” jaemin wraps his arm around your waist as he leans down to peck your lips.
“it was good. let’s get ice cream.” you give off a wide smile and dragged jaemin to the famous ice cream shop that you were dying to try.
by the time you were halfway to finishing your ice cream, it was already 8pm. you’re weekly ice cream date with jaemin never fails to be extended as your chats with him grow longer and longer with every date.
as jaemin was talking, your mind goes back to the time you had that odd flashback. you wonder what it meant, or whats the significance of it. why did that suddenly happen to you? what can you do to make it go away? because for all you know, you have everything you need right here, in front of you. you had jaemin.
“eva? hello~?” jaemin waves his hand in front of you to snap you back into reality. you shake your head vigorously. “oh shit im sorry jaemin what did you say?” jaemin smiles softly as he repeats over what he say.
it was about 10pm and you decided it was finally time to go home. you would have taken the train alone but jaemin insisted on accompanying you home and going back by himself after. you and jaemin were walking down the street that will lead to your apartment when jaemin sudden opens his mouth to ask you something.
“did you ever believe about the soulmate thing?” you stop walking and turn your body to face jaemin. jaemin does the same, shoving his hands in his pockets.
you shrug your shoulder and placed your weight on one leg. “i used to, but i slowly started to think it was ridiculous and that i should be able to love who i want, not someone im destined to be with.” you reply, slowly reaching your hand out to run your hand through jaemin’s hair. he smiles at your touch and pulls you in with your other arm, hugging you gently.
“im glad to be the one that you love, despite the fact that im not who you’re destined to be with.” jaemin strokes your hair and digs his head into the crook of your neck. you rub his back slowly. “me too.” you kiss jaemin on the cheek and pull away, smiling softly. “come on, we’re almost at my apartment.” your hands trailed down to meet jaemin’s, interlocking your fingers with his and you both continued walking down the long street.
however, for the first time, it felt as though jaemin’s hand didn’t sit right with yours, like his hand didnt belong to fit in yours. you look down at the interlocking hands. you never felt this way before. why did it occur to you only now?
“something on your mind, eva?” you hear jaemin ask. you shot your gaze up from your jaemin’s hand to his eyes, shaking your head as you faked a smile.
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a week has passed since that weird encounter of yours. you couldn’t get it out of your head. every hour of the day you’ll spare a few minutes thinking about it. why did you feel so connected to it? you felt eager to know about what i meant. why did a few seconds of experiencing a distant memory would be etched into your mind as you constantly replay what you saw that time?
you found it funny how you were already so deep in your thoughts early in the morning. you lay in bed looking through your social medias for awhile before getting out of bed to head to the living room.
you see jaehyun sitting on the couch, immensely concentrated on whatever’s on the television screen. you take a seat beside jaehyun, looking down, you see him munching on a bowl of popcorn.
“popcorn for breakfast. really?” you raise an eyebrow as jaehyun nods his head and offers the bowl. you take it regardless of your comment and stuffed popcorn in your mouth.
“you didn’t shower yet?” jaehyun asks. you only shrug in reply. jaehyun looks at you with a disguested look.
“i bet you didn’t shower either, now did you?” jaehyun kept quiet as his eyes widened yet still glued onto the screem. you observed his reaction and scoff, rolling your eyes. “idiot.” jaehyun glances at you and chukles, reaching out to take a handful of popcorn.
“what are you even watching?”
“a movie that i didn’t finish last night.” that explains the popcorn then.
you focus your mind on the movie, despite not knowing what it’s about. everything seemed normal until you see a couple suddenly come on screen. they’re apparently at a amusement park.
almost instantly, you lost sight of your surroundings. oh no.. it’s happening again. you shut your eyes tightly as your vision became blurry once again. you opened your eyes widely to find yourself at an amusement park. a flashback is now occuring, this time it was different.
the flashback. it wasnt a memory you’re unfamiliar with. its jaemin. you see jaemin come into view. it looked like you were taken back to your third date where jaemin brought you to an amusement park. you see him running in front of you happily. jaemin was about to turn around, and you remembered that exactly after that he smiled at you. but he doesn’t. you realise that its not even jaemin.
the one you’re seeing now is the guy from your previous flashback. the polaroid guy. he smiled the exact same way he did when he took the picture of you in the flashback. the guy reaches out to take your hand and you’re being pulled towards him. why does it feel like you’ve seen him somewhere? or maybe you haven’t, but feel like you would some time in the future.
“eva? god, evaline! wake up please!” you hear jaehyun’s voice.
“did it happened agai-“
“it happened again.”
you look around. everything was back to normal. you look at jaehyun. but his eyes were fixated on your foot, he looks shocked. you slowly tilt your head down to look at the number on your right foot. it changed. the number.. reshuffled themselves?
“you’re seeing that too right..?”
you nod your head slowly. its getting more weird. the number on your foot said that you’ll meet your “soulmate” on february 12th, 2020 at 7:06pm. but now, it changed itself to become december 6th, 2020 at 2:19am.
basically it went from 12.02.2020 19:06 to 06.12.2020 02:19
“did i space out again?” you look up at jaehyun as he nod slowly, still looking at your foot in shock. you couldn’t blame him. what happen? did it somehow extended the time you’re about to meet your soulmate? why did it happen? what does it mean?
you told jaehyun what happen. and he almost fainted. you let out a long sigh.
“im telling you its a sign. probably the guy you’re seeing is your soulmate.” jaehyun says lazily and he muched on some strawberry pocky.
“then why was jaemin in the flashback too? isnt it weird?” jaehyun nods his head quickly. he puts down the pack of pocky on his lap and blinks a couple of times. you see the gears turning in his head as you assume that he’s trying to come up with an explanation.
“maybe jaemin’s tied to the guy? like maybe jaemin knows him. or the dude’s from your past life and somehow jaemin is representing the guy in your present life.” jaehyun looks down to see his pocky was stolen from you. you nod your head and you continuously stuffed each stick into your mouth and eating them. “urgh i dont fucking know what to do about this!” you groan in frustration. suddenly, something hits you.
“wait. what’s today’s date?”
jaehyun lifts his phone up to check. “30th november. why?” jaehyun asks. “oh wait.”
“you’re telling me i have a full week until i meet my so called soulmate that i dont even know where ill meet him?!”
you scoff in disbelief. jaehyun doesnt respond, only staring at your face like he’s seen a ghost.
“can i somehow break someone’s neck and slam it on the wall for like i dont know, 5 hours?!”
no reply from jaehyun once again.
“oh for fuck’s sake i cant do this! im heading to johnny’s tea shop for my depression tea. meet me there if you want, i’ll probably be there the whole day as my head constantly spins.”
you quickly got up from the couch and get ready. jaehyun sees you coming out of your room with a hoodie and plain wide legged jeans. you only grab your phone and keys and waved jaehyun goodbye before leaving the apartment. jaehyun sighs.
“i might have set her temper circuit short.” jaehyun whispers to himself and sighs, getting off the couch as well to head over to johnny’s tea shop. “literally could have drove her there but oh well.”
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when you enter the shop, johnny face lit up with a huge smile. he runs over to hug you but his smile soon fades away and into a confused look when he sees how pissed you look.
“that’s very... interesting.” johnny comments. you sigh and nod, fiddling with the teaspoon in your drink. “yeah well its not going to be fun once jaemin knows.” johnny stops in his actions and looks up at you. your eyes glanced at johnny before tilting your head up from the drink that wrapped around your hands.
“yes i haven’t told jaemin. i didn’t think it meant anything at first but now...”
“you have to tell him! soon! its a sign!” johnny exclaims. you smacked your hand onto your forehead lightly. “i’ve heard that phrase countless of times by jaehyun and now you too? can you please explain?” you whine, scratching your head vigorously as you argrily take a sip of tea.
you were stressed, very stressed. life was going so well until this happened. you dont know who the mystery guy is. you dont know why he’s “memories” with you suddenly come back, especially when you’re in a really intimate relationship with jaemin. the same question keeps repeating in your head over and over each day and it gets more stressful when you try to think of an answer for them.
“no no listen. it happened to my relative. she was 3 months away from marrying her boyfriend who’s number doesnt match hers. and then she started getting weird flashbacks and she said that the number on her foot changed so that she wouldn’t miss a chance to meet her soulmate in the future instead of the past. and the so called memories? they’re memories that you’ll make with your soulmate once you meet them. the world is trying to make you realise that the guy in your flashbacks is your soulmate and not jaemin.”
you kept silent. so what jaehyun said was right. it was a sign to encourage you to find your real soulmate instead of settling for the one you arent meant to be with. you let out a sigh of relief as you finally know the background information to your whole situation.
“that’s a lot to take in.. how am i suppose to tell jaemin?” you frown as you look out the window. you love jaemin, very much. but to be honest, for the whole 2 years of your relationship with him, everything felt perfect, yet something was off. you never managed to pin point what, until now.
“oh i texted him just now when you were talking to me and he’s coming since he wants to see you.” great. you arent mentally prepared to tell jaemin yet and he’s going to arrive here in 15 minutes.
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“evaline! johnny texted me saying you were here and i immediately rushed over.” jaemin comes up from behind and kisses your cheek. you purse your lips into a thin line and you look to johnny leaving his seat. he nods his head, in a way to give you confidence to tell jaemin about the whole ordeal.
“jaemin.. i have to tell you something.” when jaemin takes the seat where johnny sat, you reach your hand out to grab his, slowly soothing your thumb over his skin. “mhm yeah what?” you look up from his hand to his face.
“ive been getting um.. signs lately. flashbacks. jaehyun told me that the guy, who’s always the main subject of my flashbacks could be my soulmate. and i might be meeting him soon, on 6th december.” you whisper to him, biting your lip.
jaemin swallows his own saliva, blinking at you a few times as he tries to process what you said. he lets out a long sigh and painfully puts on a soft smile.
“i knew it was going to happen to one of us sooner. ive heard about the flashbacks. its bound to happen sooner or later.” you nod your head in response.
“im sorry, jaemin. i love you very much-“
“its fine. i understand. im glad the world made you realise that you’re soulmate is still wondering around somewhere, and that it isnt me. im happy i got to spend 2 years loving you.. it made me feel good.” you interlocked your fingers with his, smiling softly before letting go.
you could tell jaemin was hurt. like a knife was stabbed into his heart. you see it behind his smile, his eyes. you knew him all too well.
“we’ll still be friends. and i hope you’re soulmate will come to you.”
jaemin only nods. you lean in and give one last passionate kiss on the cheek before hearing the bell above the door ringing, and noticing that jaehyun has arrived.
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december 3rd, 2020. you’re three days away to meeting your soulmate. where? you werent sure.
“good morning, evaline.” you hear jaehyun say. you just got out of bed and you were walking to the kitchen when you see what jaehyun was doing. he’s reading a book. your vision went blank.
its another flashback. you start to mentally prepare yourself as yoh want to absorb as much information as possible on your soulmate in the small portion of the memories.
“the book’s is interesting.” you’re hearing your soulmates voice. you try to figure out if you’ve heard it or not, but shake it out of your head when yoh remember your goal of gathering information. you registered the tone of his voice.
he’s sitting on a bed with round gold glasses on, in his pajamas.
your soulmate laughs. the same way he did the first time. he turns the book to you and it showed his phone betweem the pages of the book, resting there. “just joking!” you hear him say. you take a look at the wallpaper of your soulmate’s lockscreen. it was a picture of him kissing your cheek. it looked oddly the same as the picture you and jaemin once took together. however, there was a text above the picture. evaline heather and lee jeno
lee jeno. that’s the name of your soulmate.
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december 5th, 2020. you’re starting to mentally prepare yourself. you dont know where you’re about to meet him. you tried coming up with all possibilities. to be frank, you were more excited about whether the places you thought of might be the place you meet your soulmate rather than being nervous.
the three flashbacks you had. it felt all too familiar. like you’ve known this lee jeno person forever. you feel the connection each time.
when the clock strikes 12am, your mind unknowingly decides to go to the park. the park where you and jaemin first met. you dont know why. it felt like your body was urging you to go there. you lazily got ready and headed out the door, of course you told jaehyun about your outing before leaving the apartment.
you had your hands shoved into your pockets with your hoodie on as you yawned. you breathed in the night air, admiring it dearly. when you reached the park, a quick glance at your phone told you that its 2am. you sigh and took a seat on the bench mindlessly after walking around the park.
you sat there for a few minutes, looking up into the sky and staring off into the distance. suddenly, you felt a presence next to you. you turn your head over to see a guy.
“you seemed pretty lonely so i brought ice cream-“
that voice.
“what’s your name?” you interrupt
the guy pauses and smiles. his face, his smile. its just like the one in your flashback.
“lee jeno. you?”
you didn’t reply. its him. he’s your soulmate, he’s here.
“why does it feel like ive known you for a very long time..?” you slowly started to ask as your eyes looked at him up and down.
jeno chuckles. “maybe..” you see jeno taking off his slipper on his right foot and lifting up his foot. you see the exact number that’s engraved on your foot.
“im your soulmate.”
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Ashes To Ashes
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Request: ‘Please could you write a Fred Weasley imagine where you’re inside the burrow when Bellatrix sets it on fire and Fred runs in to get you out?? Thank you, I’m really loving you writing!’ For anonymous
Ps- i havent read the books or seen the movies in a while so I kinda went w the time it was fleur & bills wedding & intergrated it w that, sorry if its not what u wanted but I did write Bellatrix’s attack in x
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Today was the big day. For today was the the day where Fleur & Bill were finally to be wed. For their celebration to erase war from anyones thoughts, today they were just two kids in love, not undercover Order Workers. Today they were simply girl & boy.
“Oi Y/N hurry up, Fleur’s asking for you” Ginny shouts practically breathless as she runs past your room, trying to find Hermione for the bride.
You pick up the gorgeous bouqet that earlier today you picked up from the florist for the woman and made your way downstairs into the living room. As you take a closer look, you notice something is off. Fleur was standing rigidly still, looking in the mirror unblinking.
“Fleur, darling, are you alright?”
The woman remained silent, Y/N had no idea what to do, she’d never seen her friend so paniced, so immobile. Ever since Y/N’s sixth year (after the Triwizard Tournament) the two kept in contact, maintaining a solid friendship with the other, who wouldve known that years later Fleur would join the family that you had already been apart of.
“Its okay to be nervous.” You sit beside the Frenchwoman “Just talk through it” grabbing her hand you pull her down to sit beside you.
“It’z all so scary Y/N. I love Bill, I really do, but what if he realises he doesnt feel the same about me and leaves me there?” She faces you, eyes glossed over
That caused you to frowm slightly “Bill loves you more than he loves life itself Fleaur, everybody knows that he’d do anything for you just to see you happy- not many can say that they have a person like that.” You smile lightly, thinking about your person. “You constantly say how much you love him, so if you stil feel that for him, theres no need to be scared of getting married-These are the normal pre wedding doubts, none of them are true. Besides, I’m sure if Bill tried to run away from such a gorgeous and talented person as you, Molly would raise havoc and go to the ends of the earth to get him back.”
Fleur looks up at you, smiling, but with stray tears going down her face “Thank you Y/N” she throws herself forward and hugs you “It’s just a big step & I’ve been so emotional lately because of-“ she hesitates
A look of realisation dawns on you and you beam, hugging her once more but tighter “You’re joking? Congratulations!” You give her a peck on the cheek “Does Bill know?” You queried as she shook her head
“Non, I only confirmed it a week ago. Please dont tell anyone Y/N.” She looks at you with pleading eyes and you vigorously nod
“Of course. I wont say a thing, this is your secret. But how about we start getting ready for your wedding hmm.”
As Y/N started to do Fleurs makeup, Hermione rushed in with the wedding dress that her and Molly had been making final adjustments to, Ginny was running around frantically trying to get all the guests in the right places and seats. Once commisioning your help to shout at a group of loiterers to leave the premises because they wouldnt listen to the red head girl. All in all, after many hours, Fleaur was ready.
“You look gorgeous.” Gabrielle beamed at her sister
“I might just steal you from Bill” you wink and cause her to laugh and blow you a kiss “I’ll go get everyone ready, you still have plenty of time to relax.” Handing Gabrielle the bouqet, you rush out of the room, which proved to be quite difficult in heels. But bearing through the pain, you get outside and see rows and rows of the fragile golden chairs set on either side of the long purple carpet. The supporting poles to the gazeebo top were entwined with gorgeous white and gold flowers. As you look to where there was supposed to be an enormous bunch of balloons, you frown to see it bare.
“George!” You shout getting his attention “Wheres Fred? You were supposed to the balloons up ages-“ you feel strong arms pick you up and spin you around, making you let out a shriek of surprise, thankfully not loud enough to get the attention of the others
“I’m here my love, disposable at your command.” He purrs into your ear, sending chills down your spine
“Put me down asshole” you laugh and turn to face him, before you could manage to say anything you were taken aback at how he looked. “You got a haircut.” You stated plainly and ran a hand through his hair as he put his arms around your waist.
“Correction, George cut my hair when I wasnt paying attention so ‘people would be able to tell the difference between us’” he wrinkled his nose
You stare at him, dumbstruck “As if the hole on the side of his head wasnt enough.” Fred laughs and says thats what he said “I like it, it suits you.”
Fred grins and kisses you, “Lets face it Y/N you like anything when its to do with me.”
You roll your eyes and hum in agreement “Thats because I love you Fred. But I will seriously consider breaking up with you if you dont get the balloons up as you promised.”
Fred gives you a small peck & jumps back from you “I’m on it!” and runs over towards his brother to finally do what he had to. You smile at him, reminiscing at how you managed to fall in love with such an idiotic man, yet you could never wish for more. Fred Weasley was truly perfect.
Shaking your head you turn back to the guests that were not where they were supposed to be before shouting “Get to your seats and away from the food please! Thats for after the ceremony!” You swat their hands before adding “If you dont know where youre supposed to be, go to Hermione and Molly, they will tell you.” You motion to the pair before walking around to make last minute adjustments.
The wedding ceremony went beautifully, Fleur was walked down with her bridesmaids: Gabrielle & Ginny. When in sight, she rendered everyone breathless, she was ethereal, the most gorgeous a person could possibly look. Molly teared up from the get go at the sight of her eldest marrying, many more joined in when they said their vows. You could not believe that the day of your friends wedding had finally arrived. Throughout the entire sitting down portion of the ceremony, Fred was holding your hand and rubbing circles on it, an assurance that through everything you went through- you were still together- still alive.
The loud music was ringing through the field, dancing bodies surrounded you, but you paid them no mind, your main focus on Fred.
“Did I tell you how gorgeous you look Y/N?”
You laugh lightly as you sway to the beat “No, I must’ve missed it the other ten times you said it”
“Well you do, absolutely bewitching, are you sure you didnt use a love poition on me? I never knew feeling this was possible.” He jokes as he spins you
“Must be my natural charm and charisma that got you so captured Fred.”
“Must be.” He mutters softly looking into your eyes. Fred was completely besotted by you, more than anyone had ever seen him be, he just knew that Y/N was perfect. The way that she’d light up any room she walked in, the way that she’d never back down from a challenge, and just simply how she made him feel. Dear Merlin he loved the girl. “After this do you fancy going away for a bit?”
You look at him sceptically “Planning out your murderous fantasies are we?”
He laughs and shakes his head “You’re impossible. No, since the shops closed I thought we could go away somewhere before everything with the war kicks off, I want as much time with you as I can get.”
“Oh” you forgot that the wizarding world was on the brink of war “Yeah. Yeah, I’d like that. But if you sneak George along i swear to Merlin I will live through my murderous fantasy & kill the pair of you.”
Fred chuckles again, before nodding “Promise, no George. I think he got an eyefull when he barged into our room without knocking.”
“Serves him right.” You mumble “I told him on multiple occasions to knock.”
The rest of the song died down and you stayed in Freds arms for a moment, before he was being wisked away to dance with Aunt Muriel, he held an awfully sour look as you giggled when she hounded on him to straighten his back, then saying that he was too tall.
“I’m a bit cold, I’ll go get a jacket then I’ll be right back” Y/N kissed his cheek & left to get back inside the burrow. Thinking nothing of it, she poured herself another drink, smiling to herself at how Fred would have to have another dance with Muriel. What an awful woman.
Unbeknown to the girl, a silver patronus intruded on the celebration to announce grave news. “The Ministary has fallen. The Minister of magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming.” Everyone scrabled to find their loved ones, to make sure that they were safe, but before Fred even had the chance to look for Y/N, everything burst into havoc. The gazeebo was now engulfed in flames, Death Eaters showing up everywhere to curse them.
“Y/N!” Fred shouted, frantically looking around for the girl “Y/N!”
He turned around and was greeted by a paniced Mr Weasley “Theres not much time Fred, I dont know where she is, you need to get to safety and leave. Now!”
Fred ignored his fathers protests and ran, dodging various spells being shot from either side. He had to find you, he had to know you were safe.
An abrupt crash jolts you back into reality, you get up to run and go outside but with a sudden ‘whoosh’ and black smoke- two Death Eaters appear infront of you.
“Shit.” You mumble & grab your wand, quickly dodging their spells you manage to knock one out & try to deal with the other. “You’re quite persistant-“ blue sparks shoot from your wand, the figure ran upstairs & you follow.
“And you’re associated with mud-blood scum!” A flash of green emerged from their wand that narrowly missed you, you grin
“You missed.” You kick a chair at the figure, momentarily distracting them to cast a spell “Stupefy! Petrificus totalus!” As the figure was knocked out & bound together, you walk over and spit out “Get a life, prick” snapping their wand in two.
In the middle of your fight, you had not noticed that the commotion outside had turned to an arsonists playground. looking through the window you call for Fred, hearing no response your heart stops, you leave the room & try to get down the stairs but now they were already engulfed by flames.
“Oh shit” you panic and shoot spells at it to stop the fire from spreading, but to no avail, it only got worse. Smoke was now clouding your vision, realising that if you were not to jump down you’d perish in this fire. Letting out a short breath, you hype yourself up for the leap of your life “You can do it Y/N. Come on” violetly coughing, you jump. Unfortunately landing a fair few stairs too high. Unbearable pain shoots up through your leg & you cry out in pain.
Sinking to the floor you couldnt even move, the pain in your arm and leg restricting you. This was it, this would be how you die. All alone, with no one to help you, no one to save you. In a burning house. Yet the only thought racing through your mind was ‘Is Fred safe’. Thankfully most of the fire was behind you, the staircase had completely gone up in flames however, the roof was begining to crumble down. A plank toppled down, narrowly missing you, but making the room next to you catch on fire.
As you were losing conciousness you hear a strained yell “Y/N!” You try to respond, but all that came out was a series of violent coughs “Y/N im coming, hang on!” You couldn’t see what was happening, i dont know if it was the thick cloud of smoke or the fact that you were breathing most of it in, but your vision blurred.
A faint figure emerged, breathless, trying to get through the flames & to you fast enough “Hey Y/N ive got you, im here.” You felt yourself being picked up & your body fell like a ragdoll. “Oh merlin dont die on me Y/N.” Was the last thing you heard before passing out.
The abrupt light and noise woke you up, yet you were unable to open your eyes, they were far too heavy for the little energy you had. Were you dead? Is this what death felt like?
“Stop pacing Fred, she’ll be fine.” You heard a voice say, however, unable to distinguish who it belonged to “shes a strong girl, the nurses said so.”
“Yeah they also said she’d wake up yesterday, so my apologies if I dont believe what they have to say.” He snapped
Fred. Oh yes, Fred. He came into the building to save you didnt he? So that answered your question of being dead. You were very much alive, but dear Merlin you were in unbearable pain.
“She’ll be up and about soon though? Her body was exhausted thats why shes sleeping so long right?” He continued, sounding unsure. Well if this is how they reacted to you passing out you wouldn’t want to know how theyd react if you died.
“And id appreciate it if I could sleep some more.” You croak out as you let your eyes open. Coming to face the whole clan of distressed red heads, Harry, Hermione & Fleur.
Fred snaps to face you and a look of relief washes over his features “Y/N” he whispers and rushes to your side hugging you “You’re okay. You’re alive. Thank Merlin.”
You try to chuckle, which abruptly turns into a wheze “I’m okay yeah, in a lot of pain but I’m fine.” Fred retreats from you, an apologetic look on his face.
“Come on kids lets give them some space.” Molly ushers everyone out of the room “I’m glad you’re okay Y/N” she sends you a smile and leaves the room for you and Fred to be alone.
Moments pass with Fred just looking at you with glassy eyes before he abruptly let out “You bloody scared me half to death!”
You motion for him to help you sit up “Oh I do apologise that me nearly burning in a fire scared you. I wasnt very happy about it either.”
Fred looks at you speachless, confused at how you can joke about it so soon. He remains quiet before letting out a big sigh and hanging his head into his lap “I thought I lost you.” He mumbles, barely loud enough for you to hear
“Hey, look at me.” You say and put his face into your left hand with the little energy you have “I’m okay, I’m alive. And so are you” he smiles faintly before you continue “Obviously as gorgeous as ever, so nothing irreversible happened.”
He laughs “Obviously.”
While in the room Fred filled you in on what happened, that after the Death Eaters showed up & they fought them off- Bellatrix Lestrange set fire to the burrow & he ran in to get you out. He told you that you passed out & that you had to be taken to St Mungos to treat your broken leg and the burn on your arm.
“The nurses said you were lucky to get out alive Y/N” he said lowly, not being able to bear the thought of your death.
“Im alive because of you Fred. Thank you.” You offer a weak smile “There were two Death Eaters in the house when it burned up-“
“Thats not on your concious to bear, Its on Bellatrix Lestrange.”
You nod, in all honesty you didnt feel bad that they perished in the fire- their downfall was their own undoing. But what was on your mind was the fire burn “When I’m better do you recon I’ll l have a cool badass scar?”
Fred shakes his head as he holds your hand, of course thats what Y/N is thinking about “‘course you will, It’ll become part of badass backstory.”
“Good” you mumble and close your eyes. After a long silence you relax back into your pillow, the sleeping draft & skelly-grow hitting you like a brick. You begin to mumble incoherent sentences
“Hey Freddie?”
He looks at your peaceful face, all calm against the pillow and responds “Yes my love?”
After a little pause of small mumbles, you ask “When I’m better, can we leave for our trip?”
“Whatever you want Y/N.” He smiles lightly & watches you drift off to sleep, hoping that ‘better’ would come along faster.
Ahh okay hi! Omg this took so long to write, again sorry its not the actual bellatrix fire story, i jus forgot how it happened & when I remembered I wrote too much of it. <33
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spookypotato · 4 years
Hey @madsholland, hope you dont mind, but I wrote a continuation of your story.
Mads story
Please check it out! This will probably make no sense without it.
Also it was great so just read it anyway :)
cw: medicine, hospital, sex mention (just the word)
(this is also not proofread sorry)
The next day
There was a hand on his shoulder. Then Sirius heard James voice next to him, "Do you want to go visit Moony, Pads?"
"'Course.", he answered on instinct. It was only after, that he realised what they were doing. He didnt really get any sleep last night, spending that time to think about what Remus had told him the night before. Drugged up, he reminded himself. This was going to be fun.
Once they entered the hospital wing, they went straight for Remus bed.
"Hey, guys.", the werewolf said with a lopsided smile. Sirius was guessing he had no memories of the night before, seeing as there was no evidence of shame on his face.
"Hey, Moony.", Sirius drew out the words. He always did that whenever he was about to do something Remus probably wouldnt be a fan of, so the narrowed eyes that looked at him from two angles were no surprise.
"What did you do?", Remus asked slowly.
"Oh, I didnt do anything, my dear moonshine.", Sirius would be about to break if this had been James, laughing so had he would barely be able to breathe. This was Remus, though. So with a bit of laughter in his voice, but evident worry in his voice he continued, "You were the one that did something for a-"
Sirius was interrupted by a voice coming from the big door leading into the hospital wing. It was Lilys voice.
"James! Where are you?! The Head boy meeting is about to start!"
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.", was all they heard from James in response as he ran off after her.
Sirius was thanking the world for that timing. Although, if this all went horribly wrong, company wouldnt have been the worst thing.
He could do this. Just tell your friend, that already confessed his feelings, that you feel the same way. Even if he had been drugged up and definitely couldn't have thought straight. And even if he himself flirted with Remus and had confessed something accidentally and brushed it off as a joke. Remus had never joked about them being together, but maybe he had started? If Sirius was honest with himself the chances this was a good idea were rather slim.
"What are you thinking about, Pads?"
He probably should have talked to the werewolf. That's why he had come to the hospital wing in the first place. Maybe not about sleeping together just yet, though. Just a normal conversation.
"Last night.", he answered, which to be fair was the truth and visits were something they often talked about, but it was heading dangerously close in the direction of the topic Sirius wanted to avoid, even though he just wanted to scream at Remus if he had meant what he said.
"Oh. Well, good thoughts?", and if Sirius would have stopped stairing at the wall, still deep in his thoughts, he might have seen a deep blush creep up on Remus face.
"Yes. Technically, yes. I just-", Sirius really didnt know how to phrase this, without giving anything away. He was already too far into this conversation to just back out.
Then there was a hand on his. Warm tingles were sent from the place they touched all through Sirius body.
"Do you-", he started, "do you remember what you said last night?"
Sirius waited for an answer, but nothing came. He finally turned to the werewolf, seeing him only nod.
So he remembered. He didnt seem to take it back. Sirius wasnt sure if Remus really did remember everything he had told him.
"You told me-"
"That I wanted to have sex with you, yes.", Remus outwardly cringed at how blunt he'd been. The medicine had taken away every inch of self control he had. And being a hotheaded werewolf in a school full of nosy children, he had a lot.
Sirius didnt know how to answer. After a definitely too long break to not be awkward, he settled for, "So you dont regret, what you said?"
A smile spread across Remus lips, "Well, I wish I would have had the chance to tell you in a more romantic way and a nicer setting, but my subconscious apperently decided it didnt want to wait any longer. So no, I dont regret it, because at least it's out now, even if you dont-"
Remus words were broken off, by lips pressing to his own. It felt nice and he had been wishing for this for too long and then the next moment, they were gone.
Remus looked up at the other boy, his cheeks now coloured in a dark blush, while rubbing his hand across his neck.
"Well, I-", Sirius coughed, a bit overwhelmed with what had just happend. "I- yeah."
Great words you found there to Express your love for this boy you've been pining after for years. Thank you brain.
All thoughts were washed away, though when he looked back at Remus, who just answered, "Yeah." and with a smile pulled him back down to him for a propper kiss.
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Okay wait wait you saw my Haruta relationship hcs and everything but do you have any?? Pls I’m desperate for new opinions and hcs abt him 😫
ofc i do bro headcanons, ideas, scenarios, how can i not when hes in my brain constantly? GOD get ready for the rambling.
So, his ability? I just think its really neat like aside from the funky potential it has to make him real strong if he knew about it and like trained to be like super strong physically, just imagine the comedic value. JUST. I just think it’d be hilarious for someone to attempt to kill him. Just maybe Mahito went and said “lmao we dont need this guy” so there he is getting scolded for killing one of their pawns by Geto when all of a sudden Haruta sits up with a groan and everybodys in shock because wtf where is the injury how is he still alive? OR JUST. IMAGINE SOMEBODY TRYNA EXPLAIN IT LIKE “bro i tried to kill the blondie but???? he??? got up again??? after taking a bullet to the head???” OR SOMEBODY BEING “hes dead!! u just killed him!!” and then he just gets up lmao and just it makes him seem like a bigger airhead than he is like he asks the time and then checks it and its like 11:11 or somethin’ and then he forgets bc of his ability and asks and checks again and everyone just sighs please I think its funny
Okay enough abt that lets get to actual headcanon sorta stuff <3
Also its mentioned that his hits with his sword are super duper precise and accurate and while yeah sure maybe the sentient sword helps with that a little i just wanna imagine hes got great precision with his attacks <3
I feel like hes gotta know first aid like cmon now I can imagine like a mother or somebody teaching him bc hes weak or maybe he teaches himself bc hes weak and bullied and gets hurt a lot. He’s surprisingly competent and everybodys surprised.
Speaking of bullied !!! by god can i imagine it just. the name calling i bet hed get called the things like ‘weak’ and ‘pathetic’ and ‘airheaded idiot’ and ‘dumb blonde’ and ‘girly’ and stuff like that. It feels like though maybe as a kid he’d be a little hurt by it??? but as he is now he seems like he’d stand there with a blank stare just not seeming to know he’s actually supposed to be offended
and school !!! he strikes me as the type who just didnt go to any jujutsu school, or maybe just did and he dropped out. or dropped out of normal school. whatever the case, school has never been a high priority for him. but i can just imagine he wasnt really taught proper jujutsu stuff in a school </3 maybe hung out with a group of curse users and stuff, yknow? hanging out with the wrong crowd or whatevs
hes the sort to wear makeup im just saying imagine him with makeup with painted nails and like idk makeup stuff just <3
just saying he would just. If he met like Maki or Kugisaki at like a grocery store he’d probs approach them all friendly maybe all “well yeah I was supposed to try and kill you but i mean the missions over now we’re not on the battlefield rn!!”
people would come after him for like several accounts of murder and stuff and he’d be all “oh? i didnt know i had secret admirers <3″ when theyre all “finally found u!!!”
Talked abt him with a friend once and they said “he’d be that guy who says something offensive, gets his ass kicked by girls and then stays there in utter confusion because he got no clue what he did wrong” and honestly? yeah
Also they said “He’d probably do shit he doesn’t like just to impress a girl” He’s exactly that sort of person
also im just saying hes totally the type to go out with the intention of buying something for someone only to forget and buy things for himself instead and when he realises he just shrugs all “oh well, guess i’ll do it next time ig”
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