#and trusting family with the ocean part of their soul
ghost-bxrd · 27 days
How would Bruce and Cobb react to Selkie!Jason trusting them with his coat? Like maybe giving it to them if they're upset or just in general trusting them to protect it 🦭🪙
Crossovers are literally taking over my brain rn
Bruce would treat the coat like the most fragile piece of spun glass and marvel at the softness. He’d be so, so happy the skittish little Selkie boy he adopted feels safe enough to let him touch a piece of his soul and trusts him to keep it safe. Bruce would be hyper aware of any signs from Jason that he wants his coat returned to him the entire time, mildly terrified he’ll accidentally do something to spoon the kid.
Cobb would pretend like he could care less and treat it like any valuable trinket a court member hands him, casually but with the utmost care. But joke’s on him, Jason totally saw him pull a knife on a curious Court member that came a little too close to the coat for comfort, even though the poor guy was just trying to reach the door to the left of the Talon.
(The coat is always safest with Cobb. No contest. The Talon would sooner allow himself to be beheaded than let the pelt come to harm. And usually he’s too scared he’ll damage the soft fur to pet it, so Jason makes a game out of draping it around his shoulders every once in a while, pretending like he doesn’t see how Cobb sometimes indulges himself and rubs his cheek against the fuzzy seal fur.) 🪙🦭
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amoosarte · 2 months
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SUMMARY ! in which Carlos and his wife enjoy their little life in spain with their children but are somewhat a cute family dynamic !
FACECLAIM ! julia.hatchh, TROPE ! long lasting love !
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It was no secret that Carlos Sainz Jr. wanted a family of his own. Growing up in a household that held so much love was all he ever wanted in the future. He and his sister were showered with love since well..forever.
Carlos thought of it all the time while holding his wife in his arms every night, in his eyes it would be a long night for him but he wouldn't nag about it. Carlos was a sincere man, he would shush his wife to sleep when she was overstress and tired, massage her hair to caress her to sleep, then hold her while looking at her delicate body.
Carlos would study the women that had catched his heart with just a look. Those brown doe eyes just looking at her like she was the moon, he was looking at her in a way a woman dreamed of. He was utterly in love with her, wishing to be by her side forevermore.
Lana was a woman that was soft spoken, a woman that would praise him for right about everything. She would shower him with love when feeling low. She was his best friend, a woman he could never get tired of.
When the topic of children rose in conversation, Lana became shy. She had admitted she did want a family with Carlos and said it was always a thought in her head. She dreamed of them having his eyes and his way loving. It had almost brought him to tears, twirling her around in excitement.
With that, they were blessed with a baby boy. His name soonly becoming Lorenzo Sainz, most of his uncles calling him 'Enzo'. A boy that look exactly like his mamita, but having his papitos eyes. He was and adored toddler until simply two years later he had his baby sister.
Carolina Sainz was her father's carbon copy with her mamitas eyes, and she was a daddy's girl. Becoming the princess of the Sainz family, with everyone adoring her.
Carlos decided that this would be enough for him, becoming traumatize with his wife pregnancy. Lana would admit both of them were harsh pregnancies but she didn't want to let her husband down.
Now they were a simple family living in spain, somewhere near a part of the ocean. In hacienda spanish style home, where both children live their childhood dreams.
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"Caro, linda, estás listo para ir a ver a papi?" Lana said while making her son look presentable. Lorenzo just looked at his mother while she called out for her four year old daughter. "Si mami, me miro bonita?"
Although she looked like her father, she had a bit of her mother witty personality. "Preciosa." Lana smiled at the girl, sitting her down on the bathroom counter. Her silky brown hair were tied into pigtails, making her look absolutely stunning. "yo tambien?" her little boy said.
"guapo." She said before kissing them on their cheeks, staining their brown skin with a lipstick stain. "Listos para mirar ver a papá en su auto de carreras?" Lana smiled sweetly at them, watching them nod furiously.
They left the house on time, driving to see Carlos drive. It was somewhat special since it was a home race but if Carlos was being honest, it was Carolina's first time watching him race in person.
Trust that he told every soul in the paddock, and they loved seeing the spanish driver all excited. Though he wished it was under a better situation, Ferrari didn't extend his contract and he somewhat he needed to focus on landing on the podium.
"Well aren't you excited!" A very well known english accent rand from behind him. "You have no idea." Carlos smiled sincerely at Lando, making the younger boy laugh. "Is our princess coming for the first time today?" Lando was not going to express it but he loved the kids to an extent.
"Yes, and I must land on the podium to celebrate it." Carlos said half serious and half jokingly. Lando rolled his eyes playfully the wishing him luck.
Carlos had entered the Ferrari garage before a squeak called out to him. “Papi!” There she was the golden girl of Ferrari.
"Caro!" Carlos immediately crouch down to embrace his little girl, a large grin spreading like wildfire across his lips. "Papi! Papi! estoy de igualitas con mami!" Carolina let go of him and jumped before spinning around. "Si? Donde esta mami preciosa?" Carlos asked and right on que, Lana walked right in.
She was wearing white sundress with her red ballerina flats, looks gorgeous in his eyes. Then his eyes drifted to his son, cuddled in his mother's arms. Carlos sighed before listing his little girl up into his arms. "Todo bien amor?" Lana asked him, earning a smile from him.
"Se puso mucho mejor desde que te vi entrar.." Carlos kissed while she let out a small laugh. Carlos then felt a small hand push him off his wife, right beside him was his son looking quite annoyed. "¿No te dije que tu mamá no puede te cargar por tanto tiempo?" Carlos told his son who just stuck his tongue out.
"Papi, es tio cha!" Carolina squealed and ran to one of her uncles, who gladly picked her up. "Tioo cha!" Enzo jumped out of his others arms and ran towards his uncle. While the kids were occupied by their uncle and knowing colleagues, Carlos dragged his wife to his arms who gladly embraced him.
"Todo bien amor?" Lana asked yet again but in her soft honey voice, making Carlos melt almost immediately. "Solo estoy nervioso." He mumbled into her ginger hair, she then let go of him and walked towards Charles. "Can you watched them for a minute Charles?" She asked him, making him nod and go towards Alex to introduce the kids to her.
"Amor, no tienes por qué estar nervioso, eres un gran piloto, eres el mejor." Lana cupped his face after entering his driver room, making him relax a bit in her arms. She smiled softly analyzing every adoring feature on him, of course she saw bits of children in him and that made her happy. Carlos would say the exact same thing, he could only be so greatful.
"Dale gana, pero no olvides que te amamos." With that she kissed him on his nose. Carlos had laughed just a bit before lunging in to kiss her properly.
With his wife and kids encouragement, Carlos came out on 2rd, proudly standing at his home podium. With Carolina and Lorenzo screaming happily for their papa. Not missing how they ran towards him after his podium, knocking him to the ground.
What a cute family.
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MENTIONS ! @landitolover, @moneygramhaas, @d6za1, @ch3rryknots @louvrepool @thearchieves
𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉, ⟢ more!
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kamisatomay018 · 5 months
Happy New Year, Mrs. Neuvillette!
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Lots of fluff, new year special fic!
Neuvillette x fem! Reader
“My love, you look simply divine tonight..” you heard your boyfriend’s deep and soothing voice say as you turned around, feeling your heart skip a beat seeing him in an elegant suit, his long hair flowing freely. You blushed and approached him, fixing his tie and kissing his cheek. “Thank you Neuvi, and trust me, you look so heartbreakingly handsome..” Your sweet dragon tilted his head in slight confusion, not understanding your words of endearment correctly. “Heartbreakingly? Why my dear, I never wish to do that to you..” Your sweet laughter echoed through the room as you felt your heart melt, making you kiss his cheeks again. “Aawww don’t worry Neuvi; it’s just an expression! I know you’d never break my heart!”
He smiles in relief, holding your hand and kissing your palm. It was a habit he had developed ever since you started dating. “That puts my heart at ease Mon Amour. Now then, shall we get going? It is 11:30 pm.” You nodded excitedly, holding onto his arm which he held out for you. Archons, he was such a gentleman. As you both stepped out of the Palais Mermonia, your eyes shone brightly as you viewed the glittering city of Fontaine, everyone excitedly waiting for another new year. Festive lights adorned the city as people were out and about, mingling with friends and family. You and Neuvillette were headed to the Opera Epiclese, where he had stated he wished to show you a surprise. You thought that he must have prepared something for new year and nothing more, but soon you’d find out that you were very wrong. Tonight was going to change your life.
You both boarded the aquabus and chatted merrily with the melusine in charge of the trip. The best part about the aquabus in your opinion was the spectacular view of Fontaine it provided, the bright moonlight illuminating on the surface of the oceans as the atmosphere was simply stunning. Fontaine was so different from your home, that is Liyue, yet you had no problem whatsoever in adjusting thanks to the brilliant man seated beside you, your hand safely clasped in his. You were one of the many adepti in Liyue, who had fought alongside Rex Lapis in the archon war. However as time went by, the Liyue you knew and loved also changed as all the adepti departed to Juyeun karst, knowing their protection wasn’t needed. When the news of Rex Lapis’ passing spread, you knew that your millennia long contract with him had come to an end, and although you still held deep love for Liyue, you were no longer bound to stay there and protect the citizens. With Rex Lapis, blessing you departed from Liyue to fulfil your desire of exploring Teyvat, and soon reached Fontaine.
Who knew that you would end up meeting your soulmate and stay here forever? Meeting Neuvillette was purely coincidental, for he had first laid eyes on you when you were tending to the wound of an injured melusine, using your healing powers to ease her pain. When he saw you he instantly knew you weren’t from Fontaine, and he was completely awestruck by your beauty and kindness. And then, when you turned around to lock eyes with him, your entire world changed as a delicate red string appeared, wrapping around your ring finger and his, connecting not just your bodies, but also your souls together. Neuvillette on the other hand, instantly felt his draconic instincts telling him that he had found his mate, and the magical red string that he saw further convinced him of the same, although he did not completely understand what it was. That was the day you both pledged to love one another endlessly, and you chose to settle down in Fontaine, for you really did not have anyone else to go back to in Liyue. 4 years had passed by already, and your bond with Neuvillette had only grown stronger. You both were devoted to one another, your love deeper than any oceans in Fontaine. Sure it was a little tricky to get used to living in a city as developed as Fontaine, but Neuvillette’s unwavering support helped you through it all.
“Dearest, are you alright?” Your beloved’s voice snapped you out of your memory lane, as you noticed the worried expression on his face. “Oh? Oh yes of course love, forgive me, I was just reminiscing about our past.” He lets out a soft chuckle, placing a chaste kiss on your forehead. “Ah I see, is it perhaps you miss your home? If you wish, you can go visit Liyue any time you want dearest.” You shook your head, resting it on his shoulder. “No neuvi, that’s not the reason, I’m quite alright. Besides, I have no one to visit in Liyue really..we adepti are not that close with one another anymore..”
Sensing your slight sadness, neuvillette gently squeezes your hand, holding you close. He knew of your past, and he knew that you missed the way adepti used to be close with one another before the archon war. Now times had changed, and with it so had the bonds you made. “Know that my love for you is unchanging and eternal Mon Amour. I am with you, always.” You looked up at him with those beautiful eyes of yours, your delicate features being adorned with that pretty smile of yours his heart went crazy over. “I know Neuvi, which is why I wish to stay here with you. You make me the happiest, and as long as I have your support and love, I don’t need anyone else!”
He chuckles sweetly, hugging you close to him, thinking to himself- Dont you worry mon amour, I’m going to make you so happy tonight. Eventually you both got off the aquabus, holding hands as you walked down the pathway towards the Opera Epiclese. “The city looks so beautiful tonight Neuvi, we can sense the joy in the atmosphere! It’s really so lively!” You said, admiring the way people were so cheerful and happy. “Believe me my dearest, the city’s beauty is nothing compared to yours..” and there we go, he managed to make you blush yet again! Giggling shyly, you shook your head, making him chuckle too. Eventually you two reached the fountain of Lucine and Neuvillette left your hand, walking forward. With a snap of his fingers, the water in the fountain started glowing beautifully, the plants and flowers around you both gleaming and shining due to the existing water droplets on them. It looked absolutely magical, making you feel like you were in an enchanted fairy tale.
“Oh my..neuvi this is…oh wow..” you really had no words to describe it, the gleaming water droplets seeming like shining fairy lights. He smiles at you, going to you slowly while taking a deep breath to compose his nervous self. This was it, the biggest step in your relationship was here. “Mon amour, I have something to say..” You looked at him with a big smile, cupping his cheek softly “go ahead Neuvi, tell me, I’m listening..” Well, here goes nothing.
“Mon amour..the moment our eyes first locked, I knew you were the only one my heart and soul was bound to. You’ve taught me love, you’ve given me the honour of being with you and experiencing what true happiness feels like. Without you, I am nothing. You fill me with so much joy, so much hope and so much love..before you entered my life, I was alone and merely just…existing. But with you I’ve realised what living life to the fullest feels like..You are simply magnificent, one of a kind. My love for you is everlasting and ever growing..I wish to spend my entire life with you, just like this, holding your hand in mine. So…” getting down on one knee, he opened a beautiful engraved box. On a velvet pillow lay a beautiful ring, with a big diamond in between, surrounded by two shining cor lapis stones. “Will you let me have the honour of calling you my wife? Will you marry me and become Mrs. Neuvillette?”
You were a crying mess by now. Words could never describe how euphoric your felt right now. It was a dream come true; there was no other way to describe it. You nodded vigorously through your tears, falling into his arms giving him perhaps the tightest hug you had ever given. “YES! Yes Neuvi, I’d love to be your wife!!” At that very moment, the clock struck midnight as fireworks erupted all over the night sky. Neuvillette smiled ever so happily, embracing you close to him. He held your left hand, gently slipping the beautiful ring onto your ring finger, right where the red string had shown itself 4 years ago.
“I love you Mon Amour, I cannot wait to marry you.” You smiled through your tears, admiring him so much. He could sense your joy, and it was contagious for he himself was beyond ecstatic. “Oh Neuvi…I love you so much too, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me..” as you both stood back up, he held you close, leaning his forehead against yours. “Happy New Year my beloved.” You giggled softly, wrapping your arms around his neck, your ring shining brighter than the stars. “Happy new year Neuvillette..”
And once again, you both locked eyes, lilac meeting gold. The two of you were so happy, that nothing else mattered in this moment. Without wasting any more time, he leaned in, sealing the new year with a sweet kiss filled with pure love. This was perhaps the best way to start the new year, one you knew would be the best year of your lives. He was your home, your everything. And now, you were his fiancée. Happy new year, Mrs. Neuvillette!
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melandrops · 7 months
The Magnus Archives Entities as Greek Gods
The Vast - Zeus
The all powerful, infinite cosmic force that is both the king of the gods and the fear of insignificance. The fear of falling, and of openness. Pray that when lightning strikes, you will not taste ozone on your tongue.
The Buried - Poseidon
The ocean could very well be a part of the Vast, but they are fundamentally opposed. The same sides of a coin, one side pewter the other side copper. Two kings that rule next to each other yet are complete opposites. Pray that his brutal storms do not swallow you whole, crushing you under the weight of his world.
The End - Hades
He is the one inevitability of the world. He waits, passive, for victims. The other gods squabble and bicker and play their games while he looks on from the Underworld and knows that he is the ultimate winner. It is pointless to hope that he will not claim you eventually. Pray that you will be contented when he does.
The Web - Athena
The goddess of strategy, of weaving and trickery and cunning. She once cursed a girl to become a spider for her insolence. Pray that she does not lay her marionette strings over you, for then you will never know free will again.
The Slaughter - Ares
The god of war, and the gleam of bloodshed in your eyes and the eyes of the person on the other end of the battlefield. Pray that the blood streaking your hands and face is not your own.
The Corruption - Aphrodite
She is love, and the unbecoming of it all. The deadly force that eats away at your soul and changes you into someone you don't recognize anymore. She whispers that she is the most good and right form of the world, but her kiss is made of rot. Pray that her love will not break you apart piece by piece.
The Eye - Apollo
The god of the sun, who sees all the occurs in the daylight. Prophecy, truth, and the goings on of the world are the way he idles his time away. Pray that you are not intriguing enough to catch his vicious interest.
The Lonely - Hestia
She is the goddess of the hearth, of warmth and of family. Yet it was she who was foisted out of Olympus to make way for Dionysus. She tends to a hearth with no visitors to warm themselves by it. Pray that she does not beckon you to join her by the empty fire.
The Stranger - Dionysus
His parties are the raucous screams in the night, and people who walk in will never walk out the same person. There will always be something a little bit off about them. Pray that when the wine touches your lips you will still recognize yourself the next morning.
The Desolation - Hephaestus
Ugly, marred and disfigured. His wife refuses to look at him. He burns with a rage that he cannot distinguish as self hatred or as loathing for the world he lives in. He toys with the fire in his forge and the burns are the only thing that bring him joy anymore. Pray that he does not look at you with that fiery hatred in his eyes.
The Hunt - Artemis
She hunts in the dead of night, armed by the protection of the moon. Occasionally she enlists help. But always, she will dedicate herself to the next hunt. Pray you are not next.
The Flesh - Prometheus
He built humans out of clay. He built them with imperfections they would see in the mirror and insecurities that feel like a gaping pit in their chest. The god of innovation is also a god who wants their passions to hurt. Pray that when he creates you, your imperfections do not swallow you whole.
The Spiral - Janus
Doors and transitions and new beginnings but also endings all rolled into one. Everything and anything but also nothing and no one. He is a two faced god of deception and lies, and you can never trust what either face tells you. Pray for truth, but there is no point.
The Dark - Nyx
She's always there. Waiting for Apollo to leave. You're not safe from her. No matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise, the most animal part of your brain will always fear her. Pray that she smiles at you without teeth as she watches while you sleep.
The Extinction - Pan
He is the god of nature, and there is no length he will not go to in order to protect it. Mankind is but a blemish on the world. The wild, untamable forces of nature will conquer it eventually. Pray that you will be overlooked when it floods the cities and burns the crops.
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atruththatyoudeny · 8 days
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Happy 28th! Here are all the amazing fics I read this month:
Sewn Into You | tiltreality33 | [167k] Harry Styles thinks soulmates are a fairytale, or in other words-a lie. He has no interest in entertaining anything that has anything to do with the very name that had been etched along his collarbone since his eighteenth birthday. Louis Tomlinson won't be answering to another alpha for the rest of his life if he can help it. Fuck happy endings, his soul mate can choke on it. Problem is, Harry needs a personal assistant to save his family's business, Louis needs the cash to officially move off of his childhood best-friend's couch. They can manage. Surely, nothing will go wrong.
The weekend | words_of_my_own | [92k] They make the bed together, Louis with his clothes on and Harry still naked, and they laugh a bit about it. But Harry is also rather chuffed about the fact that Louis thirstily lingers with his look on his body more often than not. When Harry is dressed too, he walks up to Louis, where he waits by the door. “I wanna kiss you. Is that bad?” He whispers, crowding Louis against the back of the door, leaning in close to his face. “I don’t care about the answer, just do it already.” Louis whispers back and grabs Harry by his neck and pulls him in. ******************** In a universe where Harry's and Louis' respective relationships are idling - without them fully realising it before - they meet at a swinger weekend. Louis is an experienced swinger goer, and even though Harry probably is the most attractive guy he's ever wanted to hook up with at a party like this, he's supposed to be just that: another swinger hookup. Harry has never swinged before and soon finds it slightly hard to distinguish between the want for sexual exploration and the want for one particular guy.
Fight For Us | FallingLikeThis | [11k] Louis isn’t okay. It’s beyond wrong, the way they’re held in a cage waiting to be chosen for mating. It’s the way it’s been all Louis’ life, but he never wanted to end up like this. He’d hoped against hope that he’d present as a beta since they don’t have these same restrictions on them. They don’t have to adhere to their biology. And one dark night, long after all of the other omegas in the pen have fallen asleep, biology comes calling for Louis.
Ocean Wave Blues | babyhoneyhslt | [49k] After the gruesome death of his Alpha, Harry takes over as the Captain of the Rose Arrow. Trying his best to uphold her reputation as being the most dreadful pirate ship to sail the Seven Seas. With the help of his alpha-quartermaster Niall, he manages to keep his secondary gender hidden from everyone except his most trusted crew, as he operates under his late Alpha’s name. Captain Payne. Everything changes when his ship is taken hostage by Pirate Captain Louis. To keep his crew, and himself, alive, Harry must play the part of dutiful Omega who’s waiting for his Alpha’s return.
True Colours | Darling28 | [90k] Harry has everything he wanted for now; his own yoga studio in London and hardly any contact with his family. Yes, he's a bit lonely, but that's okay. It's better than having a new participant who disrupts the class with his swearing and brings down Harry's beautifully constructed self-image with his bum in those tight leggings. It's a hard road to self-acceptance and breaking free from the shackles of the past, but Louis is always by his side. Until Harry suddenly wants more and everything is once again on the brink of collapse.
don't be afraid to love (and love again) | localopa | [83k] All Louis’ life, he’s known he’s been different. There’s always been something at odds about how he felt. As the eldest daughter of seven kids, he knew something was wrong with his body. Something was off, he just couldn’t quite put his finger on it. His mum dressed him in dresses and tights, plaits in his hair as he wandered around with the local neighborhood boys. They called him a girl, called him she and Rosemary when his name is Louis. He had told the boys as such, but they would tell him Louis is a boy’s name, not a girl’s. Louis is a boy. He knows he is. or the one where louis is trans and afraid, harry is cis and brave, and being 100% yourself is easier said than done.
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starrylothcat · 1 year
Quiet Love
Crosshair x Gender Neutral!Reader One-Shot
Summary: Crosshair pops the question 💍
Warnings: None? Feelings, some angst, sappiness. Softy soft Crosshair. Some kissy. Reader not described. AU Crosshair is on Pabu and wants to marry you. He deserves it. In the context of my fic a cycle = a year. 1200 words
Author’s Note: Idk I just have Crosshair feels. Song inspo when I was writing this: Eric’s Song by Vienna Teng 🫶
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think! Also we need happier Crosshair gifs 😭😂
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Strange how I fit into you // There's a distance erased with the greatest of ease // Strange how you fit into me // A gentle warmth filling the deepest of needs
The sun was sinking below the horizon, scattering magnificent hues of purples, pinks, and reds over the ocean. A slight breeze carried the smell of salty air and distant rain. Puffy thunderheads were forming high in the atmosphere, promising tropical showers.
You and Crosshair were sitting quietly, watching the sun disappear as stars blinked into existence above.
You were good at this, embracing stillness, savoring one another’s quiet presence.
After so long being at war, living in a Galaxy that was torn apart and was still being pieced back together, quiet is now calm.
Quiet is peace.
Quiet is love.
Four cycles have passed since you first saw Crosshair on the island.
Four cycles of being drawn to one another by an invisible force, filling the holes in your hearts that you never thought would close. Finding solace in one another’s company, finding forgiveness where you thought there was none.
He was afraid at first, when he realized his feelings for you. Frightened if he let you get close, his darkness and fears would spread like a disease and corrupt you. He was a broken man, his past still weighing heavy on his soul, even after the forgiveness of his family.
Slowly, the gracious and patient light that radiated from you burned through his shadows and he let you in. You both tread carefully at first, but as time went on, and more of his walls came down, the more he let himself fall for you.
Your love was a quiet one, but it was strong. It didn’t need to be loud.
Whether it was his hand on the small of your back when you were in public, or having a cup of caf ready for you in the morning exactly how you liked. How he’d worship your body behind closed doors, confessing his desires and need for you, quiet admissions from his heart, trusting you with his most vulnerable self.
Crosshair felt at his pocket as you sat, you not noticing as you watched the sunset. A ring was hidden in his pocket, something that he’s had for some time.
You held his heart and entire being in your hands. He knew you didn’t need a ring from him to realize his devotion to you. He didn’t either.
But you were willing to accept and help heal the heavy burden that was his heart and his love.
It was all he could do to let you know that you were his forever.
If you said yes.
A dark part of him wondered if this was all a dream, too good to be true. How could someone want to be with him, after all that he’s done? He wasn’t the best with words, but he was trying. He hoped it was enough.
You felt Crosshair’s arm snake around your shoulder, pulling you closer into him. He usually saved acts of affection like this when you were truly alone, but the veranda you had found was tucked away. You wouldn’t be bothered any time soon.
You leaned your head on his shoulder, your shoulders pressed together, the sun slowly fading in the distance. You looked at him, giving him a soft smile.
“It’s beautiful.” You uttered, bringing your hand over his that was draped over your shoulder.
“Hm.” Crosshair grunted in agreement, glancing down at you, the dimming sunlight casting a warm glow over your skin. You brushed your lips against his, content in this moment. Crosshair accepted your kiss, deepening it by leaning more toward you.
His hand that was free secretly slipped down to his side to his pocket. You didn’t notice what he was doing, too lost in his kiss. Crosshair pulled away from you, knowing it was now or never. His arm left your shoulder, leaning away from you slightly. That’s when you noticed he was holding something out to you in his hand.
You stared, taking a moment to realize what he was holding. It was small and shiny. You focused your eyes and realized it was a ring.
You gawked, trying to process what he was offering to you, and why.
The gears turned in your head, your mouth opening and closing, at a loss for words.
Was he…was this?
“C-Crosshair?” You whispered, your voice shaking, looking between him and the ring. “What…what is this?”
He didn’t say anything as you continued to gaze at the ring, not wanting to misinterpret the gesture.
“I’m not getting down on one knee if that’s what you’re expecting.” He grumbled, shifting in his seated position, waiting for your answer.
Tears filled the sides of your eyes, his words solidifying exactly what he was asking you.
And he was doing it in the most Crosshair way possible.
“Crosshair, are you asking me to marry you?” Your voice was hoarse, your heart pounding in your chest.
Crosshair rolled his eyes, yet his expression was soft.
“Yes, why else would I be giving this to you?”
He held the ring out further, gesturing for you to take it.
You gently took the ring from his hands, turning it in your fingers.
Embedded in the band was a jewel in your favorite color, catching the light of the setting sun.
“How long have you…?”
“Are you saying yes or not?”
You looked at him, seeing him intensely waiting, his eyes locked on yours. Was there a hint of nervousness deep in his eyes?
You gripped the ring in your hand, knowing your answer without a second thought. You slung your arms around his neck, pulling him into a flaming kiss.
“Yes! Crosshair, yes!” You gasped against his lips as his moved just as passionately against yours. You could swear you felt a weight lift off his shoulders, his body relaxing.
Tears were streaming down your cheeks as you kissed, his arms wrapping around you. Begrudgingly, you pulled away after what seemed like hours, realizing you were still grasping the ring in your hand.
“I love you.” You whispered as your lips left his. He squeezed you tighter. “I know.” You released him from your embrace, looking at the ring again in your hand, and looking back at him. You couldn’t help the wide smile on your face, though tears were still wetting your cheeks.
“Don’t get sappy on me.” He whispered, bringing a hand to wipe the tears from your face.
You huffed, grinning. “You’re calling me sappy?”
Crosshair chuckled, a rare small smile gracing his face, his sharp features softening momentarily.
“Well, are you going to put it on me properly?” You asked. Crosshair’s smile turned signature sly smirk as he took the ring from you.
With a gentleness only he could show you, Crosshair took your hand, sliding the ring on your finger.
It fit perfectly.
“Does anyone know?” You wondered, admiring how it looked, happiness flooding your entire being.
“Wrecker knows. Which means everyone does since he can’t keep a secret.”
You laughed as you leaned against him, both of you looking back at the sky, the sun now almost completely set. You placed your newly ringed hand on his thigh, his own hand covering yours.
You continued to sit silently, the last rays of light fading beyond the horizon. Nothing more needed to be said.
Quiet is peace.
Quiet is love.
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@wanderer-six @pb-jellybeans
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Spring, 2020 - San Diego, California
Chapter 7 Part 2 of You Are My Soulmate
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Reader
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Description: Bradley's in love. One night with Tinkerbell has already been like no other experience in his life. And he wasn't even alone with her! Now his soulmate's agreed to go on a date with him - and the pressure is on. It has to be perfect. He has to make her smile. Bradley's not sure there are very many first impressions left to make on his soulmate. This date might be the last first impression they've got.
Disclaimers: Misogynistic speech. Mentioned Homosexual Relationships. Angst. Flagrant disregard for protocols or Authority. Angst. Anguish.
This content presented in this story is for audiences age 18 and over only. MINORS DNI. I will not be accepting tag-list requests from Blank or Ageless Blogs for this story.
Warnings: Female!Reader
Word Count: 3207
A/N: All aboard the slow-burn train! It's Roo and Tink's first date and they're so fluffy I could die
<insert Despicable Me gif of Agnes with Unicorn here>
Thanks to @desert-fern who beta-read this chapter and made sure it was all flowing right. Your girl got stuck in Angst Central (TM) and got lost trying to write fluff again.
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
Wattpad: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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Inviting Tinkerbell to his dad’s birthday celebration had been a better choice than he’d ever imagined. She’d agreed so readily, in a way that was balm to his bruised soul, sitting there on the beach. He’d spent the night split between two foci, caught between his family and his soul, cataloging the emotions flitting across her face just as hungrily as he sucked up the stories of his parents from the people who knew them best. As worried as he had been to invite her into the center of his messed up life, seeing her make herself at home, charming his family as easily as she’d charmed him, had been a balm to his soul. His family adored her. He’d been a little worried, standing in his dad and Pop’s colossal kitchen, that she’d feel lost and alone. Instead, it felt right, seeing the smile on her face, as sweet as the first rays of the sun on a spring morning. All night, Bradley felt his parent’s presence on the ocean breeze. He’d felt their approval, their joy as the wet, salt-laden breeze brushed over his skin.
His heart had lurched painfully when Tinkerbell asked him why he’d aimed words meant to hurt like a shrapnel-filled bomb the night he met her. He’d been less than eloquent, stumblingly explaining his feelings and his fears, trying to distill the rage in his chest, crouching like a disgruntled, hastily awoken hibernating bear. She’d let him chatter on, unblinkingly serious, reminding him of a museum statue, an eldritch being carved from the stone with a brow furrowed in thought. She’d forgiven him just as easily as breathing, too. It was an easy forgiveness made a hard pill to swallow. Bradley’s not sure he deserves it.
There will never be anything but forgiveness between us, darling.
Standing in his small apartment on base, as the morning sun slants in through the windows, weak and watery through clouds, Bradley’s only got Tinkerbell on his mind. Her words resound through his mind, coupled with the resolute look on her face. She said the words like they were facts like she’d be a fool to do anything other than forgive him. Her easy agreement to a date shocked him, too. That his soul would be so easy to trust him when he’d never shown her a reason to? 
It makes his decision of a place to take his soulmate on their date even more important. Maybe he’s putting too much pressure on himself. This is just a first date, after all. He’s been on hundreds of first dates before. But this isn’t just any other first date. This is the last first date of his life, and hers, if he’s got anything to say about it. This is the last opportunity to make a good impression on his soulmate. After so long being antagonistic, Bradley’s sure there’s no way he could make a worse impression than he has in the months since Tink came to North Island. But he can make an effort.
If he had the time to plan a bit more, he could have made reservations. But there isn’t time. There are only hours. How can he make today special? Dinner at a restaurant would be ideal. But every place he calls has been booked for months. He’d tried texting Nat, hoping his best friend would have an enlightening idea. The response he got back is less than ideal: I’m sure she’ll like any place you take her, Roo. He’s driving himself crazy, mind running in circles. Pent-up energy crawls through his veins, and the more he thinks, the less he wants to. 
Maybe getting out of the house will help? He’s out of the house before he can think, sneakers tied tight as he pushes through the humid air. His lungs burn far sooner than they would have before the accident, twinging in concert with his weakened muscles. He’s got his crutches jammed under his armpits, walking in a slow, wobbly cadence in the sand. It’s as he’s stumbling up the steps to the boardwalk that he sees the flyer. It’s not special by any means, but it should be fun, something Tinkerbell will adore.
The nerves are still crawling up his spine a few hours later when he’s standing on the stoop of the address Tinkerbell texted him last night, facing her green door. He rings the doorbell in a burst of confidence, holding a bouquet in his sweating, clammy hand. The flowers were the first thing he’d ordered when he got back to his quarters, asking if the florist could make something to denote his love and an apology. The resulting arrangement of purple-blue asters, bluebells, white tulips, baby’s breath, and green myrtle is what he’s cradling in his hands. There’s a note included in the bright white butcher’s paper wrapping, asking her to look up the meaning of the flowers. Bradley wants his soul to know what he’s saying, especially since he’s not sure he can say the words without making a fool of himself.
When the door opens, he swears his heart skips a beat. His jaw drops and he couldn’t keep his eyes off his soul if he tried. She’s wearing shorts and a flowy top. Her hair is in a braid, a signature look of hers, and all he wants to do is bury his fingers in the lush strands. He needs to know if she smells like oranges because of her perfume or because of her shampoo. Tinkerbell is just as awestruck and silent, which makes him preen over his choice of a white button-down and dark jeans. He blinks a bit more and then practically shoves the bouquet into her face.
Her nose scrunches as she laughs, her mirth making him chuckle too.
“Let me put these in water, Bradley.” She steps back and tugs him in with one delicate hand on his forearm. 
“You look a little nervous, Roo.” Her voice is teasing.
“Well, can you blame me? When I’m taking a girl out who looks as good as you do right now?”
Tinkerbell’s steady hands nearly fumble as she’s filling the vase up. He’s content to watch, drinking in the sight of her moving in her kitchen. His mind is filled with visions of sleepy mornings with Tink puttering about in the kitchen, with him draped over her back, of cooking dinner together, of kissing her skin as she smacks his knuckles when he tries to steal a taste. It’s a dream he’s still not sure he’s going to get to have.
When she turns around and chirps, “All Done!” in that upbeat tone, he pulls her into his arms. He’s been barely an arm’s length away from her since she opened the door, and in that moment, even the short distance feels like it’s too far from his soulmate. She smells even more like oranges in his arms, the scent blending with his favorite cologne, sandalwood, and citrus blending in the air like they were meant to. 
“C’mon gorgeous. I promised you a date.” 
Her hand finds his as she locks the door behind her and follows him out to the Bronco. He opens the door for her, just as he did last night, and is enraptured again at the sight of his soulmate marveling at his car. 
“I love this car.” The words spill out of her voice in a near moan as he starts the Bronco with a rumble of the engine.
The entire drive, he has to force himself to pay attention to the words she’s saying and respond to them like he’s supposed to. She’s talking about his car, asking when he got it, where he got it, and how he’s taking care of it. It’s difficult when all he wants to do is bury his face between her thighs until she’s moaning over him instead of his car. Tonight’s going to be torture. The way her eyes light up and she bounces in the seat when they pull into their parking spot half an hour later just cements his feelings. The only parking spot he found was up at the top of a hill near a big tree. Down below is a sea of cars, shining chrome and polished finishes glinting in the sun.
“Are we at a car show, Bradley?” 
He has to thank his lucky stars for the body of the Bronco, hiding his embarrassing, unexpected hard-on at the sight of her excitement as he gets out of the car and opens Tink’s door for her. His futile attempts at calming down don’t help, though, because he’s met with an armful of his excited soul the minute the door opens. He feels like he’s drowning in the scent and heat of Tinkerbell as she yanks him into a messy, filthy, wet kiss. Her hands slide through his hair, short, blunt nails raking over his scalp as he drags her closer than is decent.
When he pulls away, she’s breathing heavily, eyes glazed, and skin hot to the touch. He’s not much better. His dick is rock-hard and aching. All he wants is to whisk her away and make her scream his name, a feeling intensified by the kiss they shared and the whimper leaving her kiss-slicked lips. 
We’re taking this slow, we’re taking this slow. It’s a mantra his brain is quickly grinding into dust from over-utterance, a mantra that is not helping the situation he’s encountering. But he has to get himself in check. This is his soulmate. It’s high time he makes a good impression.
“Yeah, Tink. We’re at the car show.” 
Bradley has to grin, chuckling a little bit under his breath, as he gets hugged again in a mess of orange-scented hair and warmth. She’s practically bouncing once he pays for their tickets, dragging him in her wake as they flit from car to car. Tinkerbell’s in her element, soaking up every crumb of information from the owners as they show off their cars. Her eyes are wide and child-like in joy as she oohs and aahs over the vehicles.
Three hours later, the sun has set over San Diego. Bradley has his crutches jammed securely under his armpits, and Tink’s bought a commemorative tote bag stuffed with merchandise. His cheeks hurt from smiling so much, and Tinkerbell’s rumpled and gorgeous, her hair escaping from her neat braid as the afternoon passed by in a blur of shining metal and exhaust fumes.
Tinkerbell is also holding a bag containing their dinner in one hand and a carrier with drinks in the other. He'd offered to take something from her, but his firecracker soul just glared at him until he backed down. The bounce in her steps still hasn’t faded away. Some of her boundless enthusiasm gives way to exhaustion when she’s sitting on the picnic blanket he pulls out of the trunk of the Bronco. The grass is fragrant and warm, and they’re far from the only couple to have the idea of a picnic underneath the stars.
“I don’t know how you did this, Bradley, but today has been perfect.”
Her eyes seem to reflect the stars as they take in the vista. 
“Yeah?” Bradley’s tongue tied at the look on her face. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like to do today.”
His voice is raspy and low as he whispers the words into his soulmate’s ears.
“I loved today, Bradley.” She curls into his side like she was meant to be there. “A car show? You spent hours today listening to me talk about cars, Bradley. Hours.”
“Of course I did. I picked this place because of that cherry red convertible you drive to base.” He presses a kiss against her temple as he hands her a fork. “C’mon, start eating, pretty. I’m starving, and I know you have to be, considering how you’ve been bouncing around in excitement all afternoon.”
He waits until she’s placed a forkful in her mouth before continuing. It might be a little bit sneaky and underhanded, but there are a few more things Bradley needs to tell his soulmate.
“I never thought I’d have this.” Her brow furrows at the words, eyes widening even as she chews and swallows. “I never thought I’d deserve to have this with my soulmate.”
“Why is that?” After a day spent with a wildly curious Tinkerbell, Bradley can tell when she’s got more questions than answers.
“Bradshaws don’t spend very long with their soulmates, or well, not in recent memory.” As always happens when he’s talking about his mom and dad, Bradley feels the pit yawning in his stomach, and his throat close up as his grief threatens to yank him under again. His heart stutters in its steady beat when Tinkerbell crawls into his lap. With her head over his heart and her arms curled around his back, he feels stronger than ever.
“My dad was younger than I was when he passed away. 24. He was 24 years old.” Tink presses kisses across his face, seemingly content to stay in his lap. “I barely remember him. I don’t know how to treat a soulmate, I don’t know how to make you happy, how to keep you happy.”
“What makes you think I know how to make my soulmate happy, either?” Her quiet question is so at odds with her bubbly, confident personality that Bradley isn’t sure how to respond. “I- I want to make you happy. I want to love you.”
“But I don’t know how to.” It’s a bold statement, spiraling out into the night air. Bradley can see the pain, the worry creasing her face. Her brow is furrowed as her big brain analyzes his words.
“Shhhh.” He tries to smooth the furrows away with his fingers, a gentle caress cupping her cheek. “I don’t mean to worry you. Sweetheart, this is a promise.”
“I promise I’m going to take care of you. I promise to love you, to make you happy. No matter what happens, even if I die tomorrow, I never want you to doubt that I love you.”
This time, Bradley can’t figure out who starts the kiss. It feels like he’s free-falling, synapses firing behind his eyes in starbursts of color and zaps of electricity. Tinkerbell’s warm and solid in his arms, moans slipping out of her mouth as he traces kisses down the firm, supple skin of her neck. Goosebumps rise up across her skin as his mustache rasps over sensitive flesh. He steals the opportunity to suck a hickey against her breast, slipping the neckline of her blouse down until he can smell more of that delectable orange scent emanating from her flushed skin. When he captures her lips again, he swallows the sweetest sigh. 
Her lips are spit-slicked and puffy. “You’re not dying on me so soon, Bradshaw.” Her voice is breathy and soft as she settles back down on the blanket, toying with the fork in her meal.
“Oh yeah?” His question, coupled with how he starts to scarf down his own meal, prompts Tink to eat too. For several minutes, only the rustling of the leaves in the tree above them punctuates the silence. 
“Yeah.” Tink’s smile is soft as she looks up at the sky. “I have plans to grow old with you.”
Once again, his soulmate takes him by surprise. She’s planned a life with him. She wants to spend her life with him.
“So what do those plans entail?” Bradley needs to know, watching as Tinkerbell’s eyes flutter as she sets her bowl to the side and sips on the bottle of ridiculously overpriced sparkling water she’d ordered.
“You and me, mostly.” She murmurs, tipping her head up to watch how the colors mingle in a riotous mix of red, yellow, indigo, and violet. “But also so much laughter and love.”
Her voice is quiet as she lays down on the blanket, eyes reflecting the skies above. “Maybe a family?”
The grass is cold and damp under the blanket as Bradley settles down next to his soul. She’s got her right arm under her head, eyes wide and wondering as her face is illuminated by the silvery light of the moon.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it, Bradley?” She’s still looking up at the stars, shivering as the cool ocean breeze drifts across her skin, illuminated in the silvery light of the moon.
“Yeah, it is.” Bradley is not looking at the stars. He’s only looking at Tinkerbell. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees her lips part as she gasps up at the vista.
The night is quiet and still around them as they chat with each other, their voices barely loud enough to be heard over the rustling of the leaves. It doesn’t bother Bradley. Nor does it bother his soulmate. In fleeting moments, he marvels at their positions. As the night deepens around them, Tinkerbell moves closer, hands against his chest, head pillowed against his bicep. In the dark, all he can see is her silhouette, smell her orangey perfume and feel the heat of her skin against him. Even lying on the hard ground, he feels more at home than he's felt in a long time.
Bradley wakes up to weak, watery sunlight and fat raindrops splattering across his face. Tinkerbell’s still fast asleep, her face buried in his chest, her weight more comforting than a weighted blanket as her limbs entangle with his own.
“Hey, Tink.” Her nose wrinkles as she clutches tighter to his shirt and nuzzles even further into his chest.
“C'mon, sweetheart. It's 7 A.M. We have work today.”
Her head jolts up so fast it nearly impacts his chin.
“Shit!” Braley's not sure he’s ever heard Tinkerbell curse before. Now all he wants to do is hear her curse some more.
She's mussed and indescribably gorgeous as she chivvies him up off the blanket and into the Bronco. 
“I'll get you home in no time, Sweetheart.”
Tinkerbell’s smile is like the sun filtering through rain clouds, golden and gorgeous. “Are you going to kiss me at the door, too, Bradshaw?”
That's exactly what Bradley does. He presses his soul up against her dark green door and kisses her until her lips are swollen and her eyes are lidded. She whines, quiet and strung out when he pulls away.
“I'd come join you in the shower, Sweets, but we need you clean, not dirty before work today. It'll also make us both late. I don’t think we need any more demerits after the past few months.” 
Her laugh curls warm in his chest. “We really don't, Bradley.” With a snick, that pretty green door opens and his soulmate leaves him with that heart stoppingly sweet grin.
They're both a little late on base that morning. Commander Grayson glares when he sees Tinkerbell walk in, Bradley following behind her like a lost puppy. Mav just sighs and orders Bradley to do a hundred pushups as Tinkerbell giggles. In the grand scheme of things, there are worse things he'd do for his soulmate than one hundred pushups. His arms hurt like hell that night though. 
He didn’t regret it one bit. 
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black-dhalias · 2 years
I’d Burn it all For You
Namor X F!Reader
Warning: SPOILERS FOR BLACK PANTHER 2, Angst, death, child loss, mentions of loss and grief, blood.
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A spray of mist and fury burn your cheeks as the waves crest onto the beach. Your toes touching the water in the briefest of ways, body stolen by the drowning grief. The loss of your only family has taken you completely.
“My love?” His voice used to bring you great comfort, but now it is only a reminder of what he knowingly sacrificed. Only to bend the knee to the Wakandans. “You must come home to Talocan, you must find it in yourself to rest.” In our bed, the thought is painful and rigid—your life is grossly intertwined with him. All of him.
“K’uk’ulkan, do not speak as if you did not let my brother and sister die…” An unearthly rage has mounted in your chest at the very image of their bodies amongst the fallen, the emptiness of their eyes. “Do not pretend that our daughter… Our child, was not amongst the casualties.” Your chest heaves, a deep aggressively broken part of you has completely snapped in two.
You note the way that his hands twitch, but he does not touch you—and even if he had, you fear you would snap his wrist. He seems to be reaching out for you
You find it in yourself to meet his eye, and for the first time, he does not recognize you. Your gaze is harsh, hardened with grief—you mirror his own, but you have someone to blame. Someone to pass the hate onto. Him.
The way your fingers ghost over his cheek, he leans into the touch—knowing it was probably the last time. If you ever found it in yourself to forgive him, he doubts anything would be the same.
“K’uk’ulkan… You have never been Namor to me, always my greatest love. My truest friend and trusted ally. I followed you. Believed in you. Trusted you to protect my family, our child, me… Until today, you were never not loved. Today, you earned the name Namor.” Your hand drops off his cheek and instantly, he wishes it would return. Wishes he could wipe away every incursion, for no one knew him the way that you did. Understood his values and believed in the cause. “And I hope that name chokes the very soul from your body, a chain to drag you to the pits of the Mariana Trench.”
You turn to the ocean, the taste of salt, tears pouring down your cheeks. You had not cried like this before now, felt the pain until it was certain. Mourn your losses, that’s what he said to the Wakandan Princess—had he forgotten so quickly the losses incurred on them, how they stole his only daughter and child.
“Adora… That is what we named our daughter, carry her name on that same chain. Let it be the anchor… I wish grief would drown you, consume you, as it has me.” You gasp, choking on air and wishing it would silence you completely. “Don’t forget to mourn her.” Her sweet face echoes in the shadows, you see her smile and doe eyes—the brightness she echoes reminiscent of the sun itself.
“I do… I feel your pain, your same pain.” To lose a child is unlike any ache, it hollows out your chest and turns the bitter edge of sword onto your neck. Makes you wish that it would all end, knowing that it won’t. If you did know him, you’d believe him.
“If you felt anything, you would have burned them all. I’d burn them all for her. I’d burn them all for you. Now I will do nothing, just as you did nothing.”
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K’uk’ulkan watches you from afar, the sweetest of smiles intoxicates and enchants—you were perfect. You did not plead or beg, but you asked and bartered. You were kind before you were angry, and warm before you were cold.
Genuine love came from every moment spent together, the people sang the song of your story. How you were born months after K’uk’ulkan—the gentle wave to match his storm. You were not weak by any means, but you chose to wear your heart proudly.
He remembered it all so clearly, beautiful and loyal, with eyes that read him. Knew him. He never felt more seen than when he was in your gaze.
It moves quickly now—to dance with you after becoming husband and wife. To hold you, as your carried their child. Their first. After a century of love and dedication to the people of Talocan, a royal child was to be born. He sees your smile, a warmth and light that is reminiscent of the sun itself.
When the sky turned dark, the sun no longer burning your skin—you find it in yourself to rise to your feet. To watch as the waves turn black under the nighttime moon.
“I love you, K’uk’ulkan. I swear I do, but loving you is not enough anymore.” You swallow, the anger has drifted out to sea and in its place is only sadness. Anguish. “If I had my way, I’d drown before I reach Talocan—but the sea refuses to consume me as I wish.”
Before long, you are gone from his view. Leaving him alone on that beach. Completely, and overwhelmingly consumed by his own grief. Aware of every sensation and whim, and the urge to burn the world echoes once more.
You were right. He did not want you to be right, but you were.
“Wait—” His voice is more hoarse than he expected, weathered and aged in the last week more than before. The weight of his people on one shoulder, a burden of duty — while the weight of his family grows heavier by the second. His duty to them. To his wife. You stop, looking back at him briefly—if it were anyone else, you wouldn’t have looked at all. “I love you. Please believe that much.”
“Love is not enough, Namor.” That name never sounded so foreign, but so true—it never hurt or bothered him, except when it came to you.
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AN: I promise I have a happy Namor fic in the works (and like two or three more after that), but this one was just in my head. Ya know when you can’t write anything except a singular piece, that was this. However, now I feel as though I have satisfied the itch and am ready to finish everything else.
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josiesullysblog · 1 year
~Lo’ak x Metkayina Reader
~Fluff, angst
~Summary- 2 outcasts find a home within each other.
~note-not me posting for someone other then Neteyam🤭! my next post is a sequel to not so small so be on the look out for it!
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A mistake. You were never meant to be born, your mother made sure you knew of this. You don't have many memories with your family, but all you knew was they did not love you. Your family left you for dead. At the mere age of 2, they marked you for death,” forcing you to fend for yourself. Till Payakan found you. You were crying by the ocean, trying to swim to catch up with something. Exhaustion covered your little body as the tulkun swam under lifting you to the surface. Your body collapsed after finally finding rest.
From that moment on it was always just you two. Payakan was your father, your brother, and your best friend. You believed he was all you needed since no one else wanted you, but he knew you needed to be with your people. Being abandoned so young, you never truly grasped how to speak properly. You could speak small sentences and due to this Payakan spoke to you through his eyes.
You and his bond were so special you didn't need to speak with him to connect. You just were connected, and of course, he knew your story. How your family stranded you, in hopes you die, but you also knew his. How Payakan was just a baby when his mother was marked.
That's what also pulled him so close to your spirit. He knew what it was meant to be marked.
You found joy in Payakan. He was misunderstood, an outcast. He told you how he could never go home because of this and you grew a distaste for the clans that surrounded the water. They didn't understand why Payakan did what he did, and they wouldn't try to listen to him.
Peace, to you at least, was sometimes not the answer. Those people deserved what happened to them, they hurt Payakan and the tracker in his arm is proof of it. Unfortunately, you were much too weak to pull the thing out of him so you let it be. But every time you saw it, you realize just how similar you and Payakan are.
You may be different to the eye, but deep down you both were babies forced to grow up.
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Lo’ak always felt misunderstood. He was nothing like Neteyam, who was the perfect son. No matter how hard he’d try he could never fit in with his family, he knew this. He loved them, of course, but they never saw him. Didn't help with having extra fingers either.
He was a lost soul, and even he didn't understand why he was the way he was. He couldn’t explain why he punched Anoung even though Neteyam had it under control. His anger sometimes gets the best of him, he knew this for a fact.
He knew he was foolish in trusting Anoung, but a little part of him believed that they had truly made amends. Obviously, he was wrong as he looked around and noticed they left him. He was pissed, as he noticed an animal swirled around him as if he was food. As he swam away dodging the hungry beast his eyes looked at the surface. There seemed to be a girl on a Tulkun but he dismissed these thoughts and continued dodging the beast chasing him.
Though his attempts were futile, escaping the hungry beast would take a miracle. He pulled his knife ready to take the beat head-on when a Tulkun came crashing the beast into the rocks nearby. The waves pushed the boy as he attempted to swim for air, his lungs gave out and he felt himself slipping. As he pushed one last time his eyes caught onto a figure of a girl swimming in his direction. His last thoughts before passing out were, “is that a mermaid?”
You watched the boy carefully as you noticed the small breaths he took. You had never seen anyone come this far out into the reef and examined his face. He had hair over his eyes, and an extra finger on each hand. He was pretty to you. Payakan made a small squeal telling you to give the boy space, “sorry,” you mumbled sitting a little further away from the boy.
Lo’ak slowly regained consciousness, looking around trying to remember where he was. He sat up noticing the fin he sat on, making eye contact with Payakan. He remembers that incident taking place before he passed out causing him to thank the Tulkun. His eyes wandered looking for the girl he briefly remembers. His eyes fell onto you, who was already watching him intently. “Thank you,” he says causing you to scoot back a bit. Payakan let a sound out causing the girl to stop, and look at him. “Trust him, little one.”
Her gaze softened as she looked back at the boy. She got up quickly going closer to him, but she stopped to grab his hands and show the tracker in Payakan’s fin. She smiled big at the thought of finally being able to bring Payakan some relief. “You don’t talk much?” the boy questioned you, a soft sigh left your mouth as you nodded. “Help?” you said referring to the tracker, Lo’ak nodded, “they hurt him, didn't they?” you nodded sadly, Lo’ak headed underwater to take the bottom part out. You yanked the top part out and threw it in the water smiling and hugging Payakan, “free!” Payakan let a loud squeal out replicating your excitement.
Lo’ak resurfaced and smiled as he noticed your joy, “free!” you said in his direction as you clapped your hands, “yes, he is free!” you grabbed your hair and twirled it something you did often, “how did you guys end up out here?” you sat down close to the boy tapping your chest softly, “outcast,” you said then tapping Payakan, “outcast,” you brought your hand to his chest, and he nodded while looking into your eyes, “outcast.”
His words, even though they were sad, brought a bittersweet smile to your face. He was like you. You softly patted his head, “okay,” you repeated the term till he understood what you meant, and having no heart to correct he smiled, “thank you,” you stopped petting him and placed your head near Payakan’s eyes, “only us,” Lo’ak’s heart broke hearing you say that, “I understand what it feels like to be alone.”
His eyes lingered on you, Payakan took notice, and since he was sitting on his fin he lightly dropped it causing Lo’ak to fall. You let out a laugh watching the boy and Tulkun fool around. “Hold on,” Payakan said to you both after cutting Lo’ak a break. You grabbed tightly onto his fin and made sure Lo’ak was okay before you three ventured off.
You had never, in your life, had this much fun. You ran around on Payakan as Lo’ak chased you, who would blow water on the boy to stop him. Your smile was genuine, and Payakan knew that soon you would have to leave with Lo’ak. He hadn't heard you attempt to talk in such a long time, seen you smile, or seen genuine happiness on your face.
As the night came, you dazzled at the sky. You were fascinated by what those sparkling things were but had no name to put to them. “You like looking at the stars?” Lo’ak pulled your attention to him, “stars?” he nodded, “all those things in the sky are called stars. You know my dad came from a star.” you looked amazed at him before looking back at the sky, “stars!”
You both were too busy stargazing to realize Payakan had brought you both to a tribe. The one Lo’ak was with. Lo’ak sighed while looking around noticing they were all still awake. Your eyes fell when you noticed where you were, you instantly grabbed Lo’ak’s arm, “no go!” you had such a good time with the boy. You feared you would never see him again, “don’t worry I’ll come back for you I promise.” he smiled as he spoke with you, hoping to convince you, so he held his pinky out.
“Promise?” you watched him pick your hand and loop his extra finger with your ring finger, “that means I can't take back what I say,” you looked at Payakan who tells you the boy must go. You nodded, “promise,” you hugged the boy tight before watching him swim away.
Lo’ak looked back as he watched you leave, he wanted you to come with him, but he knew the answer. Payakan was all you knew, hell he wouldn't leave Payakan if he was in your shoes but he still wished. Lo’ak rubbed his hands together as he approached land, he had no idea how he was gonna get out of this one.
Heyy! I’ve actually had this idea for a long time, but this is the first time I put it into words! Hope you enjoyed it! The song I think this story gives off is Heart to Heart by Mac Demarco! If any of you want to put a song to it!
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b0njourbeach · 2 months
My Jade Leech Rant!
"Haha, funny Mushroom man!"
The joke was funny the first 53 times but it's getting boring.
I get it, he spends a lot of time studying and growing mushrooms, he's fascinated in it, so it's easy to make it his personality. I get it, I really do.
But Jade is more than just some twisted merman version of Mario.
Possible spoilers for Book 3 and following. Proceed with caution.
For one, I feel like people often miss the part where Jade expresses interest in *all* kinds of plants - He loves the nature because he grew up in the deepest parts of the ocean where they probably barely had plants and even if they did, they definitely hadn't the kinds we have on land. And this one might be more my own guess but the - possible - reason why Jade is so fixated on mushrooms is the simple fact that they're relatively easy to grow (compared to other land-based plants) and let's be fair here: I don't think a merperson has automatically the needed skills for land-based plant-sitting. So, give a Mushroom a bit of light (optional), some moisture and something to feast on and everything's thriving (I'm guessing. Haven't grown a Mushroom myself before but I do know that they feast on pretty much anything, so).
Also, why is no one mentioning Jades passion for tea? It would actually work with the fandoms insane passion of comparing him to Sebastian (which - again - was amusing the first few times but it's getting annoying). He meets Kalim while studying tea and mentions he's quite interested in it (it was his School Uniform Vignette, if my memory serves me right) and in Ruggies School Uniform Vignette we learn that Jade is also always trying to improve his usage of Herbs of all kinds. His literal special item in the Guest Room is a TEA GUIDE.
And there's another thing I don't get in this fandom: Why does he have to be compared so often to Sebastian? Sure, they both have the "polite gentleman" personality but both of them have very different reasons to do so and last time I checked, Jade ain't a who knows how old demon who made a contract with a severely traumatized orphan just to have a quick snack on his soul later on. I watched Black Butler and as far as I'm concerned, Jade has more depth in his personality than "perfectionist cat loving demon butler for little British brat". But then again, thats just my hot take (and I never really liked Sebastian anyways. On another note: Stop comparing Riddle to Ciel as well).
As I said: Jade is trying to be a polite little guy but fails with elegance on hiding his rather sadistic nature behind a wide smile, leaving him with that everlasting aura of pure mischief which is rather charming in my personal opinion but many people find this more intimidating than charming. So a natural layer of Fear surrounds those who have to deal with Jade - Unless they share a similiar sight like him (as we can see in his interaction with Rook: Instead of being intimidating by the Hunters heartfelt Invasion of privacy, they end up giggling together, causing Riddle - the third wheel of this conversation - to feel mildly but certainly uncomfortable to the point where he left the two of them alone.
Jade is shady, no questions asked but I would like to remind you that Jade also grew up in a very different environment: Not only has he been growing up under the sea, he also had - most likely - fight to survive at some point. Not to mention that his family is heavily implied to be shady business and with shady business, there comes a shady mindset. While Floyd doesn't bother hiding this "setting" of mind, Jade pretty much does so. For what reason? There could be many but as far as I'm aware, we haven't been given a confirmed reason.
It could be a tactical strategy: If he can convince people to trust in the "polite" side of him, giving him the opportunity to surprise them with the true depth of his mind - Luring his enemies like a siren with charming manners, only to slaughter them in a dark alleyway. He openly admitted that he enjoys having control over someone's/somethings life and death (although this was more about the living organisms in his terrariums - Book 4 and his Halloween Card make me believe that this also applies outside of the glass.)
There's also something about Jades specific reaction whenever he shows his more.. Passionate side: He often stops himself and pauses for a moment, before saying that he's joking. In my eyes, he notices how uncomfortable the person in front of him is getting, quickly thinking of an excuse and choosing to pretend that he's joking - It would cause trouble in the future for him if he were to intimidate people to the point of them avoiding him at all cost. People who say things that could be very well from the depths of the darknet happen to freak people out - A lot. More often than not, the person with this knowledge only realizes *after* starting to speak that their words are not necessarily "normal" for the average person. And especially Jade, who - assumingly - grew up surrounded by all kinds of dark stuff, it's certainly rather difficult to adjust your personal average to societies average.
I can also see him as a very extroverted child who wanted to make a lot of friends but never had the chance because of several reasons (for one, kids were often scared of him and his brother and possibly due to family affairs he wasn't allowed or it was significantly more difficult/dangerous to make friends with your average neighbourhood joe. Additionally, many kids misunderstood his gentle teasing as insulting the others even though being mean was a part of his "love language"). I'm also almost certain that he always had to make up for Floyd's mistake growing up, leading him to have this habit even now where he cleans up Floyd's messes or tries to keep up with Floyd's moods the best way possible. Which leads me to one specific personality trait of Jade: He never had the chance to be himself. He always had to be something: Father needed him to be careful, brother needed stability, classmates needed to feel save enough to be comfortable around him, Azul needed a capable right hand. The only times where he was truly himself were the times he was alone - In the nature. In peace, in harmony, studying the land he had not seen before, for he was bound to the Sea.
He's just a guy who's trying to please everyone while also trying to hold onto his personality as good as he possibly can.
And now some headcanons for my favorite shady eel!
He definitely has at least one scar in the shape of a bite mark from fighting with Floyd as kids (including possibly several other scars because these two just can't not fight - Surprisingly, Jade would win most of the fights).
Everytime he gets overwhelmed by something or if he's too stressed, he just leaves for a few hours to go hiking and to just touch some grass to calm down again. He then proceed to cause some petty mischief to call it even (only ¼ of the time people actually knew it was him causing said chaos).
I can't explain this one but I feel like he would have a lactose intolerance.
Out of all three, Jade was the first one who nailed the walking - He struggles with other typical land-sport activities. (One of his worst enemies is couple dancing. It's the only social gathering he tries to avoid like the plague.)
Have I gotten all my thoughts on my dear eel? I hope so. If not, I shall add it later
Ps: I know it's manners but you don't have to thank me every time I answer your ask, dear. I'm enjoying the attention, so it's mutual benefit /lh
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sarnai4 · 1 month
The Underworld
I cannot even express how excited I was to listen to the Underworld Saga. It did not disappoint at all (of course, I wanted more songs, but the trio was amazing). Spoilers ahead for Epic the Musical.
"The Underworld" was an amazing setup for what we had coming. There are just so many tiny details! There are callbacks with "Full speed ahead," "Open Arms," and of course, we also have the "Ruthlessness" callbacks with the army. That would be so horrifying. He's surrounded by the 500+ soldiers who relied on him and trusted him to bring them back home. He even stated back in the Ocean saga how he didn't lose a single soul in the war. It's when they leave that everyone starts dying. Then, we have the heart-breaking Polites cameo, reminding Odysseus of how he cost his best friend his life. Now, the part that got me a little choked up was when his mom showed up. I have read even the story, so I know that she's gone, but it hurt so much to hear him realize he'd been at war so long that he never got to see her alive again. Him saying "Bye, Mom," just tears my heart strings right out. I love the contrast too of the quiet sadness in his voice with this line, then immediately yelling "All I hear are screams!" There's so much rage and pain as he's forced to confront everything that's kept him away from his family--including those he'll never be reunited with in life.
Then, we have "No Longer You." When I say the snippet did not do this song justice...(sighs dreamily). I still enjoyed the snippet, but this is probably my favorite of the bunch to listen to. The melody, the vocals, it's all just so beautiful. The tune just seems to float like you could do a ballroom dance with someone. That's not to say that the lines aren't great too. I love how this one plays on Odysseus's fears and how his increased time away from home has jaded him. The prophet basically says, "I see you with your wife, but you're messed up from your time away" and our Ithaca king is just pissed that he saw someone with his wife. Uh, buddy...well, I guess you'll find out soon enough. It's also so fun to know the story and get reminded of what Odysseus will be doing when he returns to Ithaca, fighting subjects who just assumed he had died and don't have respect for anyone in his family now. Even this entire concept to me in fascinating since it considers an underlying theme of the play: how people change due to their experiences. Odysseus will return, but it'll never be the same Odysseus who left in the first place.
And we end with "Monster" which is such an awesome ending to a first act. I wish this was live, so the audience could erupt in applause. (Small detail, but I love the music at the beginning. It's so unique when compared to the other songs and is pretty cool, gradually growing when more instruments are added). A bigger detail is that you have the instrumental intro matching the intro for "The Horse and the Infant." It just shows how far they've come and calls back to the very first time Odysseus was responsible for a lost life in the musical. My favorite line in this song is "I'm the only one whose line I haven't crossed." That's saying something too because this song is full of amazing lines. I just love the implication since we know Odysseus has often had lines he thought were too far. He didn't want to kill the baby, chose to spare Polyphemus, didn't kill Circe when he won in the fight, etc. Still, as he finally admits in this song, he did kill the baby. Despite that, he hasn't crossed his line. Why? I think it's because he keeps pushing it back each time he's confronted with something he doesn't want to do but feels he has to. It ties into the end of this song where he considers everyone he's lost, fully understanding the scope of it now that he's seen the spirits of his loved ones. Turning into someone he never wanted to be doesn't matter anymore. If he's a monster who still has a living family and hasn't proven the faith people had in him was foolish, then it's fine. He might have even been a monster before by not going against their enemies with everything he had. It's all a matter of perspective. Was he a monster for killing the baby, one for causing so many in his fleet to never return to their families, or one for both of those choices? The ending going back to "The Horse and the Infant" with him calling out for Penelope and Telemachus AND pairing that with the repeat of "Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves" is marvelous. It's almost like it's in the same sentence where he's explaining his actions to them, telling them that he has to become a monster because it'll make things alright for everyone they hold dear.
The only thing that made me mad about this is that I have no clue when the next saga is coming out or what it's even called. So, I'll just be playing the songs on repeat until I can add however many more to the playlist.
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
congratulations on 500 !! u deserve it all ur writing is literally perfect
🪐 - this might be difficult (bc the song isnt by taylor swift) but can u write something about rafe cameron based on the song “goodbye kiss” by ‘kasabian’ ? pls be angsty as it’s such a sad and beautiful song <33
omg thank you for requesting this!! i’ve never heard that song before but now i’m listening to it ON REPEAT it is so good omg!!
(ps: sorry i’m advance for the heartbreak you’re about to witness and i hope this is what you wanted!!)
Goodbye Kiss (r.c)
pairing: rafe x reader
wc: 1.1k
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Rafe had known for some time now that your relationship was volatile and dangerous. He knew that after you both helped his father drop the body of their pilot into the ocean with the earliest part of the sunrise washing over them, everything was getting too crazy. What scared him the most was the way you didn't ask questions, you helped without hesitating- and he stared at you as you nodded intently, listening to who you imagined would one day be your father-in-law while he asked the two of you to find and dispose of the gun Rafe had used to kill the sheriff. The morning breeze brushed through your hair as it fell messily out of the braids you'd put in the night before, and the side of your face was bathed in the light of the sunrise. And as he watched you wipe the stray blood off your skin with a rag, Rafe realized he had never loved you more.
You had been at his side when he shot his sister in the Bahamas, and you had watched with a straight face as they drove off with the gold- Rafe could see in your eyes that you would never tell a soul. He trusted you endlessly, and you trusted him. Rafe was starting to see that this adventure you were on could only end in one of you facing a similar fate, in the name of money, and in the name of love. You would die for each other in a heartbeat. You were perfect for each other, in the most terrifying possible way.
"I'm okay, Rafe- I'm just... I don't know, a little burnt out." You sigh, rubbing your forehead as you stand in the driveway. "I'll get over it. It's fine."
"I get that, I just- it's so... everything is so crazy I just don't know what to do." He replies quietly.
You look at him in confusion. Ward got the gold back, and you were back home safe and sound. It was all over. "What is there left?" You settle on.
"I killed someone, Y/N/N!" Rafe snaps, throwing down the blood-stained rag he was now using to wipe down his bike. "I killed someone, my dad did too, and I shot my sister and you don't give a shit! What is wrong with us?"
Your eyes widen in shock, unsure what to say. "I- I... of course I care, Rafe. What did you want me to do? Run to the cops and get you locked up for life? I'm not doing that, so what choice did I have other than to help?"
Rafe sighs as he looks around. "That's not the point- obviously I didn't want that." He shakes his head. "I just- I don't know, our lives are just so fucked now. I never wanted this."
"Okay, it's okay..." You hold your hands out to him, grasping his in your own. "We'll get you help, like you wanted. We'll get on a better path, it's over now. Yeah?"
Rafe looks down at your small hands wrapped around his, and the healing bruises that adorn your skin in a hue of yellow and green. "I don't know that it is." He shakes his head.
"Sure it is." You smile hopefully. His eyes glide up to your face, and his breath hitches in his throat as he looks at your expression. You have this aura of innocence around you, like you haven't done horrible things for him and his family. Things he would never expect of you, but this lifestyle he dragged you into has changed you enough to allow for that kind of recklessness. You're the kindest person he has ever known, if he truly loved you, how could he turn you into something you were never meant to be?
He shakes his head again. "Maybe it's time for us to break up, Y/N." He says, before he can fully think it through. He trusts his impulses fully, and this is what he feels is right. For you, especially.
Your face falls and you loosen your hold on his hands. "What? Why..? I'm not upset with you- if that's what you think, I don't care what you've done, Rafe-" You plead, hoping he doesn't mean it.
"No, no I know you don't." He assures you. "I just- this can't end well. Open your eyes. Seriously, this can only end with one of us dead. And I won't let it be you."
You stare at him in shock, not sure what to say. "I... I only care about you..." You whisper, lip wobbling as you look up at your boyfriend. The love of your life- you were so sure he was the only guy for you. How could he do this?
"Don't cry, baby. Please, don't.." Rafe shakes his head at you, squeezing your hands. He doesn't want to watch you cry, he doesn't want to hurt you, but it's for the best. He can hardly remember the last time things were normal for you. The last time you went out for dinner or watched a movie together. It wasn't fair.
"I just don’t understand.” You reply, tears welling up in your eyes as you look up at him.
“I know.. I know. I just have to do what I have to for my family, be the man I ought to be, this whole gold situation has got me going insane and that isn’t fair to you.” Rafe explains, trying to keep a strong front as he drops your hands.
You instantly wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him and burying your face in his chest. “Okay…” You agree hesitantly. You know Rafe will do anything for his family, he’s always fighting for his dads approval, and if that is what he feels is more important right now, you will let him make that decision. No words could save this.
He hugs you back, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he feels you shake in his arms. It’s his fault, all of it. You pull away after a moment and quickly wipe your eyes. “I should probably go home, then…” You mumble, avoiding his eyes now as you pick your bag up off the ground, starting to walk away.
“Y/N?” Rafe calls after you, his voice shaky as you head toward your car, which had looked so normal in their driveway for over a year now. You look up at him, fighting back a sob as you see him standing there. He doesn’t look like the boy you fell in love with anymore. You didn’t see him change. When did he change?
“I hope that someday we’ll meet again.”
You nod softly at this, unable to speak as you get in your car and quickly drive away, tears streaming down your cheeks. You had to go your way, and Rafe has to go his.
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taglist: @bookishbabyyy @madelynie , @whore-4-drewstarkey, @slut4drudy , @winterrrnight , @totalswag , @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron , @urfaveluvr , @chenslucy , @hxnnah-397 , @s-we-e-t-t-ea , @tahliac11 , @ragingsammie , @ietss , @dee127
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encrucijada · 7 months
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♡ genre & categroy: literary fiction, adult
♡ pov: dual 3rd person
♡ teddy and i revisited the beginnings of mari & theo and came out of it with a rewrite of their first story that reclaimed its place as their real canon??, duology + all the novellas we want, alliteration galore, sometimes all you need is a personal project with your qpp
♡ a reminder that teddy is @teddywriting
♡ cw: drug addiction, child neglect, homelessness, imperfect recovery, unmedicated mental illness
♡ themes: second opportunities, self-love, family both chosen and born, gentleness, what if choosing to live your life was an option
a b o u t :
babylon boy - circa late 00s. theo and maripaz find each other while searching for meaning, but they're not quite the answer they were looking for. having independently run away from home they are focused on survival. maripaz left behind a family with more kids her parents knew what to do with and a boyfriend she never really liked. theo cut his family's losses and he hopes eventually they will stop missing him, his problems are his own. survival leads to companionship leads to friendship leads to i would be really bummed if you ever parted from me. there is no future as they hop from place to place, shoplift, and try to have a night of rest, there is only today and maybe tomorrow. gossamer girl - circa early 10s. the most earth shattering things still happen walking down the street or in the store.
in other words: a story told in two parts (plus a few others) about maripaz and theo—who ran away from home to spare their families the trouble. maripaz was only taking up space in her house and theo definitely does not have a drug addiction problem. they meet when theo helps maripaz shoplift from a grocery store and he steals one of the two necklaces she brought with her, this one with an angel charm (this is important). teddy is writing the theo pov and i am writing the mari pov and they go back and forth throughout.
c h a r a c t e r s :
maría paz "maripaz" vega. would rather die than ever express a want or need. should be dancing to abba at a discotheque. loves valentine's day themed stuff unironically. sixth daughter of eight kids. audhd. constantly interrupting her narration with snippets of the past. wants love to fix her so so bad. i think that i'm not who you think i am / but i like to be seen and i like to be wanted [better than this - lizzy mcalpine].
theodore "theo" rayes. hasn't had a problem ever his brain is so normal promise. should be doing silly tricks at the skate park. smartest stupidest pretty boy you'll ever meet. twin brother (older). autistic. constantly interrupting his narration with daydreams of the future. has these drugs under control (trust me). medicate, meditate, save your soul for jesus / throw a punch, fall in love, give yourself a reason [call your mum - noah kahan].
the actual plot is less important than these two's emotional journeys. the conflict comes from... why isn't how much i love you enough to make everything right? what if you wanted someone to choose you and mean it. what if you wanted to be someone people can rely on. what if we were what the other person is looking for but where we're at right now is making it so hard but here we are, we are staying.
aesthetic: the changing lights of a carnival ferris wheel, tongues coloured from candy, heart-shaped sunglasses, intertwined fingers, the murmur of the ocean tide, fine white sand, pink and orange sunsets, hands sticky from melting ice cream, light refracted on a suncatcher, cramped secondhand bookstores, the buzz of fluorescent lights in a hospital waiting room, freckle-covered cheeks, the heads of strawberries, nightlife lights refracted on wet pavement, a necklace you never take off, rhinestone decorated flip phones, a steady heartbeat, graffities that scream for something more, homemade plastic jewellery, the light behind your head looks like a halo, tangled bedsheets, soft music at the grocery store, the cold of the frozen aisle, photographs from disposable cameras, porcelain angels
snippet for you:
Watermelon in triangles.
“That one’s mine.” Carla had grabbed one of the soup bowls, then the watermelon Maripaz had picked, and another one. Juan Pa had left then unattended after calling up the stairs if anyone wanted any.
“Girls,” Mum called from the living room, her telenovela was so loud Maripaz had been able to hear it from the second floor. Bringing herself to do homework before dark was hard enough. “No fighting, please. I don’t want to deal with this.”
Carla had watermelon juice, a single drop of it, rolling down her chin. “Don’t make a scene. It’s just fucking watermelon, just grab another one.”
Maripaz made a scene.
The soup bowl broke into six separate pieces when it crashed on the floor. Carla screamed, not from pain, but indignation and anger. She shoved Maripaz so hard she knocked over one of the kitchen table chairs.
“Girls! Por el amor de Dios, not one second of peace in this house.”
the universe as a whole has been baptised as HOME HABITAT. but you will see this tagged as #bb&gg, as well as any variation of #maripaz&theo. teddy and i have at least 2 novellas planned to bridge the gap between babylon boy and gossamer girl, and one prequel about maripaz's oldest sister. but more on that some other time!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 3 months
Russingon - March
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Written for my dear reader MoonLord :D
I am not entirely sure about this one...but here it is <3
Prompts: “are you okay" - Rough - Overprotective
Pairing: Maedhros x Fingon
Words: 1035
Warnings: Fighting, blood, doom, sadness, fear, naïve rewriting of the Nirnaeth, I am not feeling well, don't shoot me!
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Even though he was standing in an ephemeral pool of gleaming light, Maedhros felt a terrible shadow fall across his soul. He shivered violently.
At once, he recognised this sickening sensation only—the paralysing, clammy cold irrepressibly took him back to flashes of burning ships on dark waters and rough, cruel hands dragging him away from his screaming brothers on a field of fire.
He knew this sickening sense of foreboding only too well. They were about to be betrayed.
“Finno,” he gasped instinctively, his shapely head whipping around in search of his beloved.
Of course, per their agreed-upon battleplan, his lover was on the opposite side of the vast expanse of raw ruin, and he would have to cross literal hell to get to him in time.
The crownless, dishonoured prince had dreamed this so many times—losing Fingon because he was just not fast or skilful enough—and he was grimly determined not to let the nightmares haunting him eat up what little was left of his life.
Thus, he pushed through the throng of combatants blindly; every step was akin to wading through an ocean of sticky blood and stray limbs, and the mad screaming was deafening, but he couldn’t allow himself to be distracted or held up by the rivers of misery trying to ensnare his body and mind.
In passing, he caught a glimpse of Caranthir’s face—deadly pale under the splatter of black blood—and he swore to himself that he’d find and console his brother in due time.
“You are not the first to have trusted foolishly and to find yourself wickedly backstabbed,” he wanted to scream at that motionless mien that gave away how deep his sibling’s mental hurt truly was. “Rally, Moryo! There shall be time for remonstrances and remorse when the day is won. Now, stand and fight!”
All this and more, he yearned to say.  He longed to hear his voice rising above the terrible storm of chaos and destruction, but his lungs were burning, and his tongue wouldn’t move.
Once more, he had no choice but to forge ahead alone—mute and miserable.
After his capture and long, torturous abiding in the enemy’s fortress of pain, Maedhros had solemnly promised never to desert his family again, but could that reproach really be laid at his feet now?
Fingon was more than his cousin, more than one to whom he owed a life debt—he was the only sliver of purity and faith left intact within Maedhros’s crumbling heart, and losing him, he who had been brave and loyal from the very beginning to the bitter end, would have been too much of an injustice to bear.
“You cannot mean this,” Maedhros whispered, unsure whether it was Manwë or Námo with whom he was pleading within his mind. “We remember our Doom, worry not, but he cannot be part of the sacrifices and losses I am bound to bear.”
In the distance, a flash of gold danced like fireflies above a murky pool, and—clenching his jaw as fatigue and injury tried to tear him down—the Lord of Himring threw himself into a solid wall of armoured bodies like a crazed beast fighting for its survival.
“If you take him,” he mouthed as he hacked through limbs and fetid air with frenzied violence, “then you prove my father’s darkest accusations right. If this is the end of Findekáno, you are no better than Morgoth and his monstrosities.”
Every step was agony, but he pushed on, reciting the poems and empty phrases of puerile devotion that sprang from his muddled memory incessantly.
Once upon a time, he had believed the Valar to be invincible, and—one last time—Maedhros needed that blind faith to make it to the one he loved.
Praying fervently to Aulë and Ulmo to strengthen the hearts and arms of their favoured creations, he—who had been disappointed and abandoned more often than he could count—trusted that his allies would prevail.
As if the Powers that had turned away from his line had heard and heeded his desperate pleading, the host of savage fighters seemed to part like a roiling sea before Maedhros’s bleary eyes, and he could, at long last, make out Fingon’s glorious, unbowed silhouette, outlined starkly against the irreverently blue sky.
Soon, he knew, Morgoth would be forced to release his ultimate weapon: mindless, unbridled chaos.
Thus, it was vital to retreat and regroup before their carefully laid-out plans were turned against them.
Loyalty, he thought despairingly even as he reached his lover, should certainly vanquish base betrayal.
Throwing himself bodily between Fingon and the swelling tide of flame-wreathed foes, Maedhros pushed his half-cousin out of the way roughly.
“Love, are you okay?” the other exclaimed, surprised and alarmed by the unexpected arrival. If Maedhros was here, he immediately understood, it meant that all their strategies had gone awry.
“The Valiant” he was named, and he proved once more that he deserved that epitaph as he took a quick sidestep that allowed him to cleave a hitherto unnoticed enemy about to strike down Maedhros.
“We must away,” the exhausted redhead grunted. “Stay behind me!”
Despite the lethal danger caressing his skin with cold fingers, Fingon laughed throatily at that heart-warming but utterly ridiculous exhortation.
“You’ve ever been overprotective,” he guffawed good-humouredly. “As one I still cherish told your father once—lead and I shall follow! I have your back, my darling. And we have brothers to save!”
Whispering words of gratitude and relief under his breath, Maedhros chose life—Fingon’s and his own—over the horrible, seductive allure of the sweet, mendacious promise of a victory he knew to be incontrovertibly out of reach.
How easy it would have been to give in to the despair gnawing at his soul unrelentingly and follow the perfidious siren call into death!
Consciously renouncing the fateful flaw of his blood that ever pushed them to retaliate against treachery by unleashing the full extent of the reckless, self-forgotten fury of which they were undeniably capable, Maedhros—becoming the king he’d never wanted to be, garlanded by golden light and cold air—wisely declared the day lost and his union doomed.
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-> Masterlist
Lots of love from me!
@fellowshipofthefics Here's another one!
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avatarl0v3r · 7 months
Pink + White | Part Four
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warnings/notes: strong language, italics with "quotes" = your video log of your time studying the fauna and flora of pandora/narration
bold = song lyrics
side notes: each phase will be associated with a song, phase ones song is Pink + White by frank ocean, these last two chapter's of this phase might be shorter by A LOT
pink + white master list.
part three
part five
taglist: @itscheybaby @brookesbizzareadvendture @jakesully-sbabygirl @myheartfollower @inlovewithpandora
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Thats the same way you showed me, showed me
that night you went to the sully's home for dinner with your family's recipe of fried chicken. upon entering the home you were bombarded with hugs from the kids. “i missed you too” you said laughing at their reactions, finding the nearest table you sat the food down before hugging them back. after the interaction jake watched you have with his children he watched as you picked up the food and sat it down at the table.
the kids hurriedly ran to the table as if they’d been starved and grabbed away at the chicken you had brought “slow down so you don’t choke, i don’t need any of you dying over food” jake said in a joking yet serious tone causing you to laugh. finally, after eating your food, the kids wanted you to stay longer which you agreed to even though you didn’t have time-jake watched as you played with the kids with a sad smile on his face.
he wished neytiri was here to see how big the kids had gotten in such a short amount of time, watching you bringing life into them again made him feel happy. he had found his new source of happiness.
You showed me love
a month or so later your time spent with the sully’s mainly jake became a daily habit, even amanté noticed and brought it up himself. “y/n/n, so whats goin on with you and jake?” you looked up at him from your chair confused “what about me and jake?” you said sarcastically. amanté rolled his eyes “first you're a shitty liar and you dare to attempt to lie to me! of all people your twin brother,” he put a fist over his heart like it was in pain “i’m hurt, but no real shit you two are always seen together whether it be alone or with the kids.”
you sighed and stood up putting your sample back into its container “i don’t know, maybe i’m looking too deep into it, you know?” he stared at you like you were the dumbest person on earth-well pandora-“are you crazy, of course, your not looking to deep into it have you seen the way he looks at you.” you looked at him hopefully.
“i’ve been here since tuks birth and neytiris death, trust me y/n…you given him his spark back.”
Glory from above
Regard my dear
meanwhile jake was talking to norm about his newfound feelings “norm, i don’t know what to do” jake said into his hands while talking to norm. “you have feelings correct?” he said looking at his friend, he was met with silence.
jake was fighting a battle in his mind, if he was to try again with you it would feel like throwing away his love for neytiri, he was scared because he knew the long-gone na'vi still watched over their families and loved ones. he also knew the feelings he has for you weren't an illusion as he tried to make it out to seem. everyone knew it was clear as day that he wanted to be more with you than just "friends."
he sighed before looking at norm "i have to go," he said rapidly standing up-norm following suit-"thanks for the advice" norm stood there as jake jogged away. he yelled back to him "wha- what advice!" but once again jake didn't seem to hear him.
jake jogged back to camp and grabbed his ikran and took off. since the tree of voices was destroyed years ago, there was only one place jake could talk to neytiri the tree of souls.
when jake arrived at the tree of souls he looked around. the feeling of sorrow crashed into him like a tsunami, all the memories here in one spot with neytiri. he stopped walking when he was met with a vine, he inhaled shakily before connecting his kuru and closing his eyes. he knew who he wanted to talk to.
"ma jake" jake opened his eyes to see neytiri standing there with her arms open, look just as heavenly as she did the day he met her. "neytiri," he said staring at her his voice barely above a whisper. his eyes wide and his heart beating erratically as he ran towards her engulfing her in a hug. "why have you come here?" she said pulling away he only looked away not wanting to meet her eyes, but she patiently waited for him to respond "I've met someone..." he waited for her to give him a angry response over him finding someone else, but it never came.
he was met with a soft smile instead "is she good with the children?" he smiled at the thought of you taking the responsibility to help raise the children even without him asking "yes" she kept asking him more questions, and with every answer her smile grew "your eyes glow when you talk about her this makes me happy to see you in such a state, do you love her?" he searched her eyes to find anything in them, but failed to find anything.
"i do" neytiri's smile grew even wider to see her jake in love and happy again since her passing, she cupped his face "just because you now love another doesn't mean you've replaced me, nor does it replace my love for you," she backed away "you know what you must do ma jake."
he opened his eyes and was back at the tree of souls a large smile had found its way upon his face as he ran to his ikran and headed back to high camp.
It's all downhill from here
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httyddragonfox · 10 months
Secrets of the Arcanums
I'm not sure if we'll ever get to see Callum connecting to all of the Arcanums and explaining them to us. Here's me trying to attempt such a feat:
First off, Sky: Skyline elves are very independently focused. We meet Nyx and she's trying to steal the good deed from under them and get a reward, next she's trying to save her own hide. We meet Ibis, when times get tough he suggests the heroes protect themselves and zym rather than protect the queen. A skywing Dragon guard in the past opted to flee when the chips were down, and suroh's family in blood moon huntress told him to focus more on his own safety.
The sky Arcanum is about understanding how the sky and it's power constantly surrounds you, and you constantly weild it just by breathing. It's power is at your fingertips and you can decide how to use it, you are in control of your own destiny. Basically it's "the sky is the limit." It's freedom, as it is said that 'those who discover flight wish to escape back to the sky.'
Next Ocean: We don't meet many tidebound elves and don't spend much time with them. What we know of Finnegran, he desires freedom and fears what he can't control. This makes him a villain in this sense. As for Akkiyu, she tries to trick them into thinking their task is pointless, and when discovered she knows too much, begs for an alternative. Akkiyu must've felt that nothing would stop this group, not even her defiance. So she did all she could to hinder their path, as she knew she couldn't stop them on her own.
Ocean is about understanding their are depths of knowledge that can't be known, and that the Ocean is too vast and powerful to control. The ocean is about working with the waves, not controlling them. It's about trust and faith, about "going with the flow of the tide," taking things as they are. Sailors like being on the sea because they like going wherever it takes them. It's acceptance of the unknown.
Third, Moon: Moonshadow elves have this mantra that death isn't an ending, death is nothing to be feared (at least for themselves). Life and death are both sacred. That doesn't mean it doesn't hurt when it happens to those they care for. Lujanne is a bit of a trickster, who likes to play with people's senses.
As Lujanne describes, most think appearances are deceiving and reality is truth. The truth is all there is of reality is the appearance. This must mean that reality is what you make of it. We see only parts of the moon, but that doesn't mean it's not there, we just believe it's not. We believe the moon sheds light, but it's just reflecting the sun. We believe those who die are gone, but they merely enter another plane of existence. We believe we are eating food, it's just grubs. Reality is what we make of it; we see what we wish to see, others perceive what we wish them to perceive. Truth and lies, it's mainly based on the perception.
Now for the hard ones...
First off, Sun: Sunfire elves live in a grand capital, heavy with knowledge, healing, and justice. They have brilliant scholars, amazing healing magic, plus strong and capable warriors. They have a rich history and culture. They hold a lot of reverence towards the sun. Their funeral rites are to guide souls to it's embrace, "returning them to the sun." Karim shouts at the sun, "what would you have me do? Give me a sign!" when he is baking under it. He claims lack of hope is a setting sun. So it seems the sun is like their God. They at least hold great reverence towards it. They also have two forms, fire form and light form, destructive powers vs creative powers.
What can we gather from this? It seems that without the sun there is no life, no hope. With the sun comes energy to live, it can also very easily destroy. Fire is like life itself, you have to feed it, and give it air. The sun and fire can both be snuffed out, much like life. The sun is also always constant, even when there is clouds, even at night with the moon. The sun never leaves, it exists to give energy and strength to everything that lives, that persists in the plants and every living thing. The sun is the strength and vitality of life. The sun Arcanum is much like, "with the rising sun comes a new day." The sun is hope, and the strength to keep on living. The sun Arcanum is understanding that inner strength.
How about Earth?: Earthblood elves tend to live amongst the wilds. Warlon likes dominating dragons, N'than is a more timid elf boy, Terry has a great relationship with plants and a super understanding nature towards otherness. According to Rayla the drakeriders guard the drakewood from trespassers. They seem to have a strong sense of community...towards themselves, but I don't think it has to be limited to that. Terry did not fit into that community, and N'than didn't either; probably a strained sense of community. The difference between Warlon and those two is that those two are much nicer. Warlon demonstrates social order community, following tribal traditions, while Terry and N'than demonstrate community in generosity and kindness.
Terry has a great relationship with plants, and N'than may know his gemstones and lava, Ezran can speak with animals (which can be apart of the earth arcanum), and Rex igneous is a master of stone. From these we can gather what the earth arcanum's secret is.
N'than has a playful way of perceiving the world, especially with how he playfully introduces the zones of peril, also he thought Soren was cool for standing up to Warlon and defending the drake, he also is empathetic towards dragons. He's a friendly guy. Warlon, took pride in showing N'than the ropes of being a drake rider, as well as defending his home turf. Terry doesn't control plants, but has a good relationship with them, he asks for their help and he comes to their aid. He's also understanding towards Claudia, who just wants to save her father. He does draw the line at needless cruelty or violence, and can be torn up from necessary violence (killing someone). He's also a playful guy as well. As for Rex igneous, he understands the humans aren't really a threat and there is no need to decimate them, as well as everything that shines meets it's end.
This all seems to stem a few things. For one, empathy: Showing care for your fellow man so to speak, and even an understanding for your enemies. Rex igneous, while hostile to avizandum was friends with him before but thinks he's a fool because he can understand the human's situation. Also not helping with Aaravos at first, because it would endanger everyone, then comes to help when he understands what has befallen avizandum's family. What about Warlon? We didn't see much of him, but I could understand if he was brotherly with the other Drakeriders. N'than and Terry speak for themselves. Another thing is playfulness. Rex igneous loves surprises, rare desserts, and being given gifts in the past. Warlon has a lot of fun chasing down intruders and going after drakes. Again, Terry and N'than speak for themselves. Not to mention the earth golems were playing jenga, and proclaimed themselves guardians of the gate. Ezran also has a sweet tooth, and starts his council meetings and big events with desserts.
I should probably get to that Arcanum secret...okay. There are plants and animals, as well as rocks and stones. N'than, Terry and Ezran treat animals and plants with respect, Warlon not so much. So that's not a necessity. Earth is probably understanding the life within all things, plants and animals. Understanding that life is all around you, each having their own ways of living: food, water, reproduction, communication, knowledge, their own communities. You could be like Warlon and make them submit to you anyway, or you can treat them with respect. Yet this doesn't apply to rock and stone. Rex igneous points out that all things lose their luster over time. This applies to all of life, everything on the earth. All is susceptible to time and change, nothing on earth is immortal. Everything has a lifeline, everything has a life, and while you are living that life you might as well have some fun. "The early bird gets the worm," it means to seize the day while you have it. Diamonds and gems are things to cherish, to compare someone to an animal is to endear them, it's to give them love.
Now Star: All we have to go off is startouch elves and Stella. For startouch elves, all we have are the stories Aaravos told. Both Aaravos and Stella are playful. That's only one facet. Thinking of the other startouch elves, aaravos says humans are puny compared to them, as they are aware of their own greatness. Is arrogance a factor, aaravos saw potential in humans? What does arrogance have to do with the stars? Well, they say if you are star, you stand out. You are popular, you're eye catching. Stars definitely do shine, startouch aren't just shiny thy are powerful. Stars are also powerful, being able to suck people in, like Aaravos can draw people in. I don't think the Arcanum is just power.
Stella has the power is make pocket dimensions and portals, and startouch elves are masters of divination. That's all realms of space and time. That is very vast, while Stars are single points, so it's not vastness. What do stars do that nothing else does? My theory is that it's persistence, as startouch elves are immortal. Stars are long lived. They take a long time to be created, they live for thousands of years, and even after they die it'll be hundreds of years before you notice. It takes many elements to make a star, and it takes a long time to reach any goal, to achieve greatness. "Rome wasn't built in a day," so to speak. Patience is not a trait of the stars, so it's not waiting for greatness. Instead it's understanding that their power will persist, memory also persists, everything has an echo. Much like starlight takes hundreds of years to reach earth, anything that happens will be remembered, it take a while for anything to truly die.
That's my 2 cents on the Arcanums and my understanding of them.
Tldr: Sky=agency and freedom, Ocean=faith and trust, and mystery, moon=reality is what you make of it, sun=the strength to keep living, earth=everything has life,star=power/action and memory persist
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