#and trying to read their emotions to make sure theyre having a good time or whatever... or making sure the other members include them...
wickymicky · 1 year
whenever there’s an idol who i feel like i relate to VERY strongly, like i feel like they have a very similar personality to me and they react to situations and conversations in much the same sort of way that i would... they often end up leaving their groups :(
the two examples that come to mind immediately are Jiyoon from Weeekly and Jieun from Purple Kiss. apparently Jinni from NMIXX also has a similar mbti. i dont really care that much about mbti, i dont think it’s a perfect scientific thing or anything, but i do think it sort of generally indicates that people who get similar results to me have similar personalities to me, even if you could answer two different mbti tests on the same day and get two different results. anyway, whenever i feel like there’s an idol who i can just look into their eyes and see aspects of myself... i’m always kinda bracing myself for the news of them leaving their groups for mental health reasons. because damn man.... i get it. the kpop industry would be AWFUL for your mental health, especially if you’re already starting out with it being bad. i’m sad those members left their groups, but at the same time, i can’t blame them. they probably stayed longer than i would have, because they’re stronger than i am. 
also for what it’s worth, i dont know why Jinni left. im not sure anyone’s really stated anything about it and i’m not trying to speculate, and tbh i only really got more into learning about the NMIXX members during Love Me Like This, so i don’t know a lot about her. i’m just saying that recently i found out she was similar to me and i was like “oh. damn. yeah. that’ll happen.”
anyway. Mashiro from Kep1er is also someone i feel like i relate to super strongly, but i dont think there are any signs that she’s not doing well or anything. i just have an urge to be very protective of her. idk. anyway
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ellecdc · 7 months
Mother, i had a request but i forgot what it was 😭😭 i was sooo excited tooo 😫
But in trying to remember i had another brilliant idea!!
Reader x Reggie where theyre both stoic, slightly volatile 🐍 but theyre actually really soft and mushy. And then SURPRISE!! Theyre actually also dating Remus who takes care of them and is super protective. Maybe its revealed near the full moon and possessive Moony makes an appearance.
Siri is flabberghasted; Barty is horrified his darling sweethearts are be defiled; James is shook; and Lily is yhe ultimate bro and super proud of Rem.
Anyway, im sorry your computer was so mean to you. I hope you're looking after yourself 🩵🩵
......this is going to go down in history as my most controversial post........😈 may I present to you.....poly!MoonWater 😈😈😈😈😈
poly!moonwater x fem stoic!reader (i.e., Remus Lupin x Regulus Black x reader)
Sirius Black was admittedly currently going through a hard time.
Now, depending on who you asked, one (literally everyone and anyone) might say it was his own fault.
But if you asked Sirius Black? It was everyone else and their insufferable happiness that was to blame.
His insufferable best-friend-that-anyone-could-ever-ask-for finally landed the woman of his dreams and said woman of previously mentioned best friend was horribly in love with the sod.
Even his baby brother was happy! Which seemed like an oxymoron because in looking at Regulus Arcturus Black, one would assume that boy had never known a single moment of happiness in his life.
If one took into account their childhoods, they’d be right.
But Regulus Black, who was quiet in a way that made you feel like you were always being judged and ridiculed (you were) who very rarely had a kind thing to say about anyone had found happiness (read: a girl) who, for all intents and purposes, could be his personality doppelganger.
One difference, however, was that you were quiet in a way that always had one feeling like you knew too much, saw too much, and you were far too perceptive for anyone’s good. You always seemed to be analyzing the people around you and Sirius, sue him, found that incredibly disconcerting. 
He did not wish to be known, thank you very much. 
And even Moony! Moony, the bastard, was seeing someone! Fucked if Sirius knew who though because the sod wouldn't tell anyone who they were. He just kept popping back to the dorm room covered in hickies and looking far too pleased with himself whilst offering no details.
He was even spending entire nights away from the dorm, and always made sure he had the sodding map with him so they couldn’t even see where he was.
So yeah, Sirius was pissed.
And before you ask – no, it’s not because he was lonely – in fact, he had frequent visitors in his bed thank you very much.  And NO, he didn’t want to discuss the fact that perhaps if he didn’t run at the first sign of commitment or emotional intimacy, he too would have happiness. 
Perhaps he just wanted everyone else to be slightly less happy for his own sake.
Did no one ever think about Sirius Black?
Give right now for example. He and Regulus had been...hanging out (if that’s what you could call the two of them sitting together not speaking as they each did their own homework) since Sirius insisted it was important to do so, especially since Sirius no longer lived at home meaning that their usual means of brotherly bonding (read: trauma) no longer took place. 
And then James showed up (he was so lucky Sirius loved him) who was but of course accompanied by Lily Evans (she was so lucky she’s as lovely as she is) which turned into a small James Potter roast on account of Regulus and Lily both having years’ worth of material from hating him up until recently, and Sirius had loads of material on account of him being a certified hater. 
And then Moony showed up, and if Sirius didn’t know any better, he had definitely been fooling around mere moments ago.
But Sirius did know better.
“Moony, what broom closet did you just crawl out of and where’s the poor soul that was stuck in there with you?” He spat.
Remus merely chuckled and pulled a book out of his bag, making himself comfortable in one of the library’s grandfather chairs. “No one was stuck anywhere with me.”
“No, I’m sure they were a very willing participant.” Regulus drawled, looking particularly bored for all intents and purposes, never bothering to lift his gaze from his book.
“No need to be jealous, baby Black. You’re more than welcome to join me in such broom closets.” Remus joked with a wink.
“Oi!” Sirius swatted at Remus on behalf of his brother (he’s welcome). “That’s my baby brother you’re talking about, and he’s taken thank you very much.”
“Merlin knows how,” James muttered none too quietly, “it’s not like he’s very approachable.”
Regulus lifted a lazy eyebrow as he looked at James from above the pages of his book. “I’ll have you know I’m very approachable to those I wish to be approached by.”
“Hi Reggie!” 
“Get fucked.” Regulus called back to Barty Crouch Junior, hardly sparing his best friend a glance as he approached him from behind. 
“Wow, Reggie’s in a good mood today, huh?” Barty said as he sat on one arm of Regulus’ chair, causing James to laugh until he realized that Barty wasn’t joking.
Suddenly another body showed up and gently sat on the other arm of Regulus’ chair.
Sirius watched as Regulus’ impassive face completely cleared of all contempt and he looked up at you with pure and unadulterated adoration.
It made Sirius sick. 
“Bonjour, mon cheri.” He murmured softly, in complete contrast to the harsh, militarized way he had previously been spitting at everyone else. 
You smiled gently at the boy as you pulled a notebook out of your book bag and produced a small, pressed flower, handing it to Regulus between your thumb and forefinger.
Regulus looked at it like you had just presented him with a hundred-year-old bottle of fire-whiskey.
“Did you pick this for me?” He asked gently, plucking the flower from your fingers with matching delicacy.
You offered him a quiet ‘mhm’ and Sirius noticed a shy smile grace your lips. Regulus’ eyes moved from the flower to your face, and he gazed at you like you had hung the moon.
“Merci, mon amour.” He said reverently and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
Lily looked at the two of you with a smile one might see on the face of a proud mother, James looked at the two of you like he was seeing a bowtruckle for the first time, and Remus looked oddly taken with the show of affection. Barty was apparently the only other sane one amongst them – oh gods, maybe Sirius really was losing it.
“Where the fuck has this Regulus been the last six years?” Barty muttered incredulously. 
Without much effort on your part, you reached over Regulus’ shoulder and shoved Barty off the arm of the chair and onto the floor before sliding to sit directly in Regulus’ lap.
“You...alright, Crouch?” James called tentatively from his place on the other side of the couple. 
“Oh, I’m fine. That’s just how she shows her love.” Barty said as he bounced back up, completely unperturbed. 
“Is it now?” Sirius asked, tone dripping with sarcasm. Remus swatted Sirius’ leg with his book.
“What?” Sirius squawked.
“Be nice.” He chided.
“I am nice! And why do you care?” Sirius argued, though he never got an answer. 
“I think they’re cute.” Lily announced, sending a sly smirk towards Remus.
“See? Lily gets it.” Remus said with a shrug as he went back to his book.
Sirius hated every single one of them.
But if Sirius thought that had been rough, he had no idea what was in store for him today. 
Sirius, Remus, Peter, James and... Lily had all been sitting at the Gryffindor table during dinner when Sirius noticed you rushing into the Great Hall looking rather frazzled.
“Whoa, what’s going on with Y/N?” Peter asked, apparently having noticed you at the same time as Sirius.
The conversation stopped abruptly as Remus’ head snapped towards the entrance, seemingly on high alert upon hearing of your arrival.
Sirius watched as you scanned the Hall before your eyes fell on their group. Your face crumpled in misery, and you rushed over. You were usually so polished and poised, any and all emotions locked away behind a well-fitted mask, no wonder you and Regulus got along so well.
Regulus...something must have happened to Regulus. Sirius had a dreadful feeling settle in the pit of his stomach; what could have happened to make you rush up to him looking that alarmed?
Except...you breezed right past him.
“What’s wrong, lovebug?” Remus cooed quietly, causing Sirius to choke on his own spit.
“He was hurt during practice.” You cried quietly, voice no more than a whisper as you moved to step between Remus’ spread legs where he had rotated on the bench to face you. His hands landed on the back of your thighs were his thumbs rubbed soothing circles into your tight clad legs.
“Okay. How hurt?” Remus asked just as quietly, ignoring the sputtering happening from James, the chuckling from Lily, and the horrified expression painting Sirius’ face.
“Dislocated shoulder.” You cried miserably, as if you’d just been told Regulus was damned to spend the rest of his life in a vegetative state.
Remus’s mouth looked like it was fighting really hard to smile as his eyes pooled with equal parts fondness, worry (for you or Regulus, Sirius wasn’t sure at this moment), and no shortage of love.
What the fuck was going on right now!? 
“What the fuck is going on right now!?” Sirius demanded, his outside voice echoing the one inside of his head.
You startled a little at his exclamation, leaning closer into Remus who increased his embrace around you. 
“What’s happening dear padfoot, is it appears your brother has been injured during quidditch practice. Perhaps you ought to go see how he is?” Remus taunted as he continued running soothing hands over your body.
“Yeah, yeah; the sky is blue, and people get hurt in quidditch. Now what is this!?” He screeched gesturing wildly at the two of you. 
You looked equal parts embarrassed from the attention and equal parts wanting to tell Sirius off for downplaying what you clearly thought was some great upheaval in Regulus’ life when Lily spoke up.
“I’m surprised it took you this long to notice, Pads.”
His mouth dropped open as he turned to regard his best friend’s girlfriend with a look of pure betrayal.
“Et tu, Lily!?” Sirius cried as James sputtered, “you knew!?”
Remus just smiled as he shoved his nose into your collarbone. You brought up a hand to begin scratching at his scalp, and Sirius was certain the sods leg would be thumping in contentment if he were a dog.
“Let’s go, Sirius.” Remus finally muttered, interrupting an argument that was going nowhere between James, Lily, and Sirius. “You’ve got a brother in the hospital wing.”
You hurried on ahead of them, clearly not interested in the talk the two friends were about to have.
“So, are you fucking my brother too or just fucking him over by screwing his girl?” Sirius finally spat with his arms crossed petulantly over his chest. 
Remus groaned and looked up at the ceiling, as if praying for strength to get through this conversation with Sirius Drama Queen Black. “Sirius, can you ask me a question that’s less likely to get me punched in the face?”
“No.” Sirius muttered. 
“He’s happy, Sirius. I promise.” Remus pressed. “He...he really deserves all the love he’s getting.”
And Sirius would have been an absolute arse if he’d had anything to say in response to that...
Don’t get him wrong, Sirius was an arse and did have many things to say in response to that, but the words died on the tip of his tongue when they walked into the hospital wing to see you sitting on the end of Regulus’ hospital bed.
Regulus, save the sling holding his arm to his chest and the fact that he was sitting in a hospital bed, looked as casual as Sirius ever remembered seeing him, smiling at you with...
A lot of love. 
“I’m fine, amour, I promise.” They heard him plead with you as they approached.
“Still have all your limbs, I see.” Remus commented as he walked over and pressed a gentle kiss to Regulus’ hair, causing the youngest Black to blush something fierce as he looked over at Sirius. 
“I’m sure she told you I was comatose.” He commented quietly, turning and offering you a wink.
“Don’t tease me...” You moaned, looking very much like you still wanted to fold Regulus up and put him in your pocket for safe keeping.
“Yeah, don’t tease her, love. You’d be sitting in this hospital bed all on your lonesome with no one you dote on you otherwise.” Remus jokingly chided. 
“Love.” Sirius groaned with a dramatized gag. 
“Oh, grow up, Siri.” Regulus barked.
Sirius’ head snapped over to his brother at the sound of his childhood nickname. Regulus’ cheeks were still dusted pink, whether it be at the unplanned outing of his relationship, being hurt, or the gravity of this moment.
Regulus hadn’t called him that since they were children...like, real children before the trauma, the alienation, the disinheritance, the running away...
Perhaps because Regulus had spent all of that time living in unmeasurable pain. Just like Sirius had.
And maybe, now...Regulus had people who made him feel brave enough to be vulnerable like this, to reconnect in ways he long thought impossible. 
Fuck Moony and his good naturedness; Sirius hated that Remus was right about this. 
“Oh, fucking Godric.” Sirius muttered petulantly as he pulled Regulus into a bone crushing hug.
“Sirius!” Regulus groaned before Sirius was ripped away from his brother. Sirius expected Remus to be the one throwing him to the floor for inadvertently hurting Regulus’ injury...but it was you. 
“You idiot.” You hissed as new tears formed in your eyes, immediately moving to grab the ice pack from the bedside table and gently placing it on Regulus’ shoulder.
Remus and Regulus looked at you with so much adoration, Sirius was certain hearts were going to start pouring out of their eyes and floating around their heads.
“I’m fine, thanks!” He called out as he hauled himself up off the floor. 
“Oh good.” You said sarcastically.
“I don’t like this.” Sirius grumbled, causing all three faces to turn to him.
“Sirius, please.” Regulus implored.  
“What if you break his heart?” He asked no one in particular. “What if you hurt my baby brother? Who am I supposed to support then? Or you; what am I supposed to do if you hurt my best friend? And what if you tossers hurt Y/N!”
The three of you shared a look before his brother turned to him. “Sirius, if we breakup, I give you permission to side with Remus.”
“And if we break up, I promise you can side with Y/N.” Remus added.
“Nope.” You said quickly, “that’s fine, I don’t need to be included in this.”
Sirius groaned out a sigh of relief. “Oh, thank gods. Okay, okay. I guess I'll allow it then....”
“THE THREE OF YOU ARE WHAT!?” Barty screeched as he stood at the door of the infirmary, still in his quidditch kit.
“Do we actually have to have this conversation again?” You groaned quietly.
Remus shot Regulus and extremely guilty look as he slowly stood.
“Remus.” Regulus warned.
Remus grimaced and slowly made his way over to you.
“Remus John Lupin, I swear to Salazar...”
“Regulus, I love you; I do. But...he’s you’re friend an- NOW DOVE” He shouted, and the two of you took off in a sprint out of the infirmary. 
“Quite the catch you’ve got yourself there Regs.” Sirius taunted. 
“Sod off.” Regulus muttered as Barty made his way over to his bedside.
“Don’t mind if I do.” Sirius jeered as he, too, took off out of the infirmary, leaving Regulus Black to deal with the likes of Barty Crouch Junior on his own.  
don't hate me
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year2000electronics · 17 days
I read that part on both finally being seen in willford and now I want to hear more of Stanford Gleeful's thoughts on his pathetic triangle demon bf throughout the years if that's alright
ALRIGHTY i can take a crack at it.
when they first meet, i imagine, is a lot similar to canon billford, with will primping and preening ford's ego like "of COURSE i chose you! youre special!" and ford eagerly accepts the praise, but the more time they spend together, the more ford gets a read on will, and the more ford realizes will is very purposely kinda showing "holes" in his plan because he's really falling for ford/using him as his Emotional Support Human. and that's fine by ford, he'll do whatever he needs to get the success he so richly deserves, but in my mind, he slowly starts getting less and less impressed by will. he still likes him, to be sure, but less like a muse and more like... i don't know, a pet. as a random, non-specific example. like a stray cat you found at the side of the road.
then, the "betrayal" happens, in which ford shackles will into his servitude because fiddleford left the portal project right before they were good to test it. ford knows will feels incredibly betrayed by this, but really, who will nurture will like he does? who's going to be a better subject for his muse? nobody. it's better this way for both of them. one day will's going to see that.
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ford's return from the portal has him realizing that dipper and mabel have been "looking after" will for a couple years now, and although he's initially happy to share, he just would like everyone to know. thats HIS dream demon. not yours. so as the days go on in the gleeful manor, ford ends up spending a lot of time with will and just generally trying to re-bolster their connection, using everything from threats to charms- all that. and, of course, will does all his chores. he missed the simple luxury of having someone swoon over you all day
during weirdmageddon, he views will as a partner, because he's "willing" to give a 50/50 split to their power now that will's got a physical form, and perhaps he'll stop being quite so weepy. but there's a moment during all that, when will casually starts dropping a LOT more violent language, and doing his sad little laugh a lot more often, and ford realizes "oh. oh, i've been making a DEMON slowly lose his patience over the course of 30 years." and that yes, will IS still mad about their deal. and it all comes to a head when will lets slip that he is planning on killing the rest of the gleefuls.
as of the book of will/will getting locked in the theraprism, i feel like theyre still on each others' minds, but with ford gleeful it's like "maybe one day he'll come back and we can make a better life together and atone" and will is like "i am going to pin him to a wall like a butterfly and make him watch as i paint the entire room red from his family's blood" so. maybe some time apart for them is just fine!
overall i want them to kinda be a funhouse mirror reflection of bill and ford's canon dynamic, but since will still has the power and mentality of a demon in this dynamic, and since ford gleeful's still just a man, it's not 1-1 exactly
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okay so what if reader pulled a pink diamond (from Steven universe) on the yan!beasts? (2 weeks after corruption)
before when the beasts got corrupted, reader use to be a joyful, carefree and soothing cookie.
pros: they bring a good vibe to the room, and can easily comfort and cheer someone up
cons: a bit naive, curious, and unrealistic, they can seem a bit frustrating cause they won’t realize it quickly, they also have extremely powerful but uncontrollable power/emotions (think of pink diamond, how when she screams she can crack the walls? and shape shifting, shields etc)
so when this does happen, after you have your little outburst, they just.. lock in your chambers or just somewhere you spend your time most, for a little while.. (days to weeks)
after a while, they didn’t have time for what you had to say, cause they think it’s probably something stupid or strangely naive, so they kinda shut reader out??
and then, reader felt a bit mentally drained, and unheard, cause of the status and power they never wanted nor asked for, so in the end, the more shit they went through, from loosing people, or like just, being shut out and locked out, they spent more time alone, they wasn’t as joyful as before, they were still soothing, but distant and more calm and collected, and hardly spoke as much, they can read the room so much better now though
after like a month the beasts get corrupted, and reader can see the little changes in reader’s “friends” character, so they finally took a stand, as something they couldn’t ignore
managed to make an illusion, faking they’re death, and it was so realistic too, yet so simple to you, of course, why not add a witness? so once everything was in actually in action, they waited till some cookie ran by (i don’t really know if the beast have royal subjects or servants or something so you can choose who witness)
once they walk pass.. or walk in idfk..
DOOM, you were stabbed right in front of them, right in the soul jam
not even a second later, they fled the scene, without anyone noticing, changed theyre appearance to look more “natural and simpler”
and left, without a trace, then they got captured yada yada, i think you get the point
Set as the aftermath!
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You had expected it to work, of course, but.. you didn't actually think it would work that well.
Your illusion fell just after the Cookie ran off, frantically screaming for Burning Spice Cookie. You knew you had to be quick with it, lest your ruse be found out.
You casted another illusion of your dead body and rushed into hiding. It wasn't long until Burning Spice Cookie came, and the carnage began.
The Beasts were incensed by whoever dared to try and kill you. They were tearing through the land, seeing who could dare to try and stab you.
It was outrageous, and you could only watch with a heavy heart as they were locked away. You made sure to turn and leave that life behind you. Changing yourself more and more with each year.
Hoping that you never have to see them again.
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
haii !! for your fluffy friday:
hobie brown x reader and reader got one of those american girl doll baby dolls (i forgot what theyre called) so hobie and reader can take care of it like its a real baby 🤗
Hi, angel! Thank you for your request, hope you like it ❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x Fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, Reader is pregnant, Fluff.
It's Fluffy Friday!
You and Hobie wave goodbye to Mayday, she pouts in her dad's arms, not ready to go home yet. Baby blues tearing up, her lip wobbles. Peter tries to console his daughter. The portal swirls in your living room, bathing it in a yellow glow. You cringe at how your stuff will fall harshly on the floors once it closes.
"You'll see them again, don't you miss mama?" He bounces her in his arms. Mayday only frowns more at her father's question, emotions running high.
"Mm-hmm, I'm sure your mommy misses you a lot, Mayday" you coo at the toddler, cradling your baby bump. You're about to burst any day now.
Hobie hands Peter Mayday's baby bag, "yeah, we'll just be here waiting for you" he ducks down to meet Mayday's teary eyes, shaking her tiny hands, trying to bring comfort. You grin at the interaction, hormones making you tear up.
"Thanks guys, I really need to get her home before she throws a tantrum. See ya!" Peter makes Mayday wave her hand by using his own. "Say bye bye, Mayday! Hit me up if you need any help, okay?" she finally wails as her dad steps inside the portal. Her cries get cut off by the portal closing.
"Oof glad I'm not Peter right now" you huff, turning around to look for Hobie, "Hobie?"
He crouches down to pick up a baby doll left on the floor. Shaking it in his grip, "D'you think she was crying because of this?"
"I don't think so, she barely played with it" you shrug, wobbling to him, taking the doll in his hands. Still accustomed to taking care of an actual baby, you cradle the toy like it's alive. "We can give it back to Pete next time they visit"
Hobie cracks an endearing smile, he's seen you hold Mayday before with the same enthusiasm but something about you carrying a smaller baby albeit a toy one unlocks something in his mind. He's absolutely excited to have the little one in your arms.
"You look really fit right now" Hobie eyes you up and down, whistling. You make pregnancy look good.
You roll your eyes, "what?" Not believing the words he uttered "my shirt is covered in baby food," you sniff at your collar. "Yep, mango baby food. And I haven't washed my hair in days"
Hobie leads you in his arms by your elbow, holding you close, the baby doll right in the middle of your cuddling, stomach making it hard to embrace him properly.
You suddenly realize what he really meant, knowing him well. Basically reading his mind when he lays his head on your shoulder, tired from chasing around Mayday all over the flat; hand rubbing soft circles over your tummy. The other kneads at the small of your back, massaging the aching muscle.
He's been so supportive the entire pregnancy, even with all your weird cravings and hormone induced mood swings, Hobie was always there to help ease the burden off of you. You've seen him get more and more excited everyday, bouncing all over the flat to get it ready for the baby.
"Yeah? I look good?" Bouncing the toy in your arms, you smirk at Hobie.
"Mm-hmm," Hobie peppers your face with sticky kisses leaving you all giggly and smiley. "So" kiss "bloody" kiss "good"
"Okay" laughing in between "calm down this is the reason why I'm pregnant" instead of pulling away, you encourage him by leaving your own kisses on his cheeks.
After a moment of you attacking his face with your lips, you finally pull away, scrunching your nose endearingly at Hobie with a lopsided grin. His hand never leaves your bump.
"Maybe we should keep this for a few days, might be good for practice" He holds the doll by its foot jokingly. You know he's prepared enough to know how to hold a baby properly.
You chuckle, "not a good start, babe" taking the doll with care, cradling its head, you indulge him.
"I haven't got that swaddling thing down"
"Come on then, let's practice" leading him to the bedroom by his hand with a tired but happy smile.
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Reblog banner by @/cafekitsune
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Random Bo Sinclair Headcanons!!
authors' note: these are def just personally influenced, and if im being honest this was in my drafts for like.. a year and a half I think, and well I wrote it in the dead of night and was emotional and delirious. anyway, if u like any of these or wanna discuss his pass leave a note or reblog!!
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Bo likes reading—mostly nonfiction but he has read a good amount of fiction when he gets his greasy hands on them. He needs glasses to read sometimes. reads when he isn't busy, andusually is before before (if he isn't drunk lol)
He likes to sketch—in his childhood Vince was the artist, just naturally good at it. His parents hoped Bo could have an artistic talent as well, but soon gave up when they realized he was too much to handle. Bo always liked to randomly doodle when he got bored. Likes to doodle whatever he can, in his youth it was usually just funny sketches of people that he'd make fun of
Has a great ass singing voice—first heard him humming in the garage to some song. Later that day after Bo n u got a couple of beers down, the music was low and playing and you heard him just belt it out. Sure it mostly comes out when he’s drunk but gad damn . You just egg him on because you need more bo singing voice.
He likes a lot of alt music. Loud shit. Metal. Rock. Etc. But he’s also secretly into classic romantic shit., (to me personally just the vibe of romantic older music, but im bad w names so like idk songs like put your head on my shoulder dunno)
He has like only three different caps that he circulates through. Theyre all dirty so help him out here, gift him a new one or help him wash them bec them caps are dirty as shi
He just has stickers and he puts them almost everywhere. In certain spots on the truck, in the garage, on his tool box case, etc. Some are from the people he and his brother catch, and others are ones he's gotten on his own over time (there's a sticker in his truck that is most definitely a hello kitty sticker, he denies it was him but he stuck it on when he was plastered and is unable to rip the sticker off its place)
Never learned how to ride a bicycle. Him and his brothers not having the best upbringing, they never really got those bonding moments. I imagine one day after finding a bicycle, and assuming you know how to ride one, he just looks at you as if you discovered a new planet. he never considered that other people knew how to ride those things. So surprised and impressed. He wont ask you to teach him so you kinda have to like coax him to try it. Would definitely get frustrated. I also imagine that if theres a possibility of kids, and he sees you teaching them how to ride a bike he would definitely be holding back tears when he sees you teaching them how to ride a bike (he'll join in bec he wants to learn too but he'd just stand on the side until you tell him to try it)
loll I edited them but I wrote these so long ago and many are def jus self-indulgent . fucj it they head canons for a reason ;)
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bookwormbynight · 14 days
hello! as a huge fan of ur works i was inspired to write something of my own but im struggling to get L & light's voices down, in both exposition and dialogue, theyre so tricky! 😭 would you have any tips youre willing to share? 💖💖
Oh my fucking God I'm so flattered I'm going to crumple up into a little ball and die you let me know the second I can read whatever u got going on my dms are open
Here's the biggest single piece of advice I can offer you: can you hear their voice actors read the line you just wrote in your head. That's the one I always end up harkening back to. To get a good sense of this, make sure you know the material. Interpret the way the characters say things and deduce how this adds to the person they are beneath everything explicitly stated or shown. Watch the series a couple times, maybe focusing on episodes that the character you're struggling with features strongly in. That sort of thing. I use this in every fandom I've been in that has voice acting. This applies to exposition as well, although that's always a bit more nebulous and can really come down to personal style.
Character specific... Let's see...
L - Be an asshole. State everything eloquently, but basically as plainly as possible and do not pull any punches. His vocabulary tends to be a bit higher-class than pretty much everyone else in the anime, aside from maybe Watari. Lots of SAT words and synonyms for common words. ("I understand" instead of "got it" like Ryuk would say. But don't overdo it, he still speaks like a human being.) Do not hold back on the snark, he's a fucking dick and even more so when he doesn't have to watch his words for cooperation purposes. If you can fit the occasional pun or two in there, do it, you KNOW the scene where he shows a penchant for wordplay and I'm inclined to believe that wasn't out of left field for him. He's constantly cracking himself up and no one else, and he doesn't care, because any jokes he makes are for him. If Light's involved in the scene, have L fixate on him. In the anime, he's CONSTANTLY poking Light, asking questions, and trying to get him to engage. If I'm translating this into prose, I usually take his POV as the opportunity for the most fucking detailed obsessive descriptions of Light I possibly could want to do. (If L describes literally nothing else about his surroundings and all you can envision is a white room, HE WILL LET YOU KNOW HOW LIGHT'S EYELASHES ARE LOOKING.) He also tends to notice little details about others, to be fair, but far less frequently lol simply because he doesn't give enough of a shit to catalog them.
Light - He's a lot trickier for me, tbh. I'll do my best. He tends to avoid slang, but I don't think he goes out of his way to, and he's not afraid to cuss for emphasis, but otherwise he keeps his mouth clean. Other than that, his word use is very average and unremarkable (he pays a lot of attention to not being noticeably weird, even though he's super hindered in that goal by virtue of the fact that he's a fucking weirdo 😭 he's got most of the superficial stuff down, tho). His emotional thought process (and thereby descriptions) depends on where exactly he is in his Kira journey, sliding scale of arrogant but legit sweetheart to full on Regina George. He is kind of a bitch regardless, but he'll be very very polite if it's good for him to do that. He's a hardcore rationalizer, and sometimes he's right, but sometimes he's dead wrong and deploying it as a defense mechanism, which can affect the prose.
Hope this helps.
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lifeafterartsch00l · 1 month
✨sns fic recs✨
I’ll try and tag the authors, or link them to this 😊🤗 please tag authors if you know who they are on tumblr!
Scaredy-cat by loveumo
A Spotless Mind by Gospa
Two is a Crowd by KinomiAkai
what you won't do for love by squimbleandwheem
a loosened tongue by mnee
a wanderer's soul by Anonymous
⬇️Please read below for deets/reviews ⬇️
Scaredy-cat by loveumo
“Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura & Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hatake Kakashi
Additional Tags: Post-War, Fluff and Angst, Mutual Pining, Flirting, Uzumaki Naruto is Bad at Feelings, like bro just chill
Summary: Sasuke was kind, and Naruto had probably witnessed it more than anyone over the years. But this—this was new. Not bad, Naruto acknowledged, his heart threatening to burst out of his chest at any moment, but definitely new.
Or, Sasuke temporarily comes back and Naruto isn't sure how to act around him. He just wants him to stay.”
Naruto figuring stuff out ❤️, cute flirting, a lil 🔥 & Sasuke making some very great, logical points that I’ve never realised! 😊
A Spotless Mind by Gospa
“Chapters: 7/?
Fandom: Naruto
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru/Temari, Hyuuga Hinata/Inuzuka Kiba
Additional Tags: Coming of Age, Coming Out, Violence, Horny Teenagers, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Smut, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Content
Summary: Naruto and Sasuke grew up together in an orphanage, inseparable as kids. But years have passed since they last saw each other, and now as teenagers, their unexpected reunion stirs up long-buried emotions. As they navigate their complicated past and uncertain future, they must confront the confusing questions of identity, desire, and what they truly mean to each other. What happens when childhood bonds evolve into something deeper? What do they want—and more importantly, who are they to each other now?”
Pleasantly hard to predict what’s going to happen in this one 😊 excited for more chapters! Also really enjoying this for Shikamaru’s characterisation & development & relationship with Temari.
Two is a Crowd by KinomiAkai
“Chapters: 25/?
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke
Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Uchiha Sasuke Has Issues, hot damn what a tag that is, Uchiha Sasuke Needs a Hug, Uchiha Sasuke-centric, Uzumaki Naruto Needs a Hug, Eventual Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, Comfort/Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, POV Third Person Limited, POV Uchiha Sasuke, Idiots in Love, Hokage Uzumaki Naruto, Friendship/Love, Post-War, Post-VOTE2, no kids or new gen marriages, Work In Progress, Panic Attacks, Mild Blood, Childhood Trauma, Alcohol, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining
Summary: Sasuke has spent three years trying to figure out how to live on his own. Maybe it’s time to try something different.
WIP, SNS, Canonverse. Rated E!
Back now! Thank you for waiting!”
Kween Kinomi is BACK, baby! This slow burn fic is so dreamy 💙 This author has created for us an absolute treasure trove of wonderful sns fics
what you won't do for love by squimbleandwheem
“Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke
Additional Tags: Infidelity, Anal Sex, Top Uzumaki Naruto, Bottom Uchiha Sasuke, hokage office being put to good use, theyre in their forties in this one
Summary: Sasuke always takes it. No matter how rough, Sasuke takes it with his sharingan whirring and whirring, recording all movement”
What can I say, glorious sns smutty smut 🔥🔥🔥 I find smut super hard to write so props to them! Great dirty talk and dynamics between them
a wanderer's soul by Anonymous
“Chapters: 1/4
Rating: Mature
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Healing, Past Relationship(s), First Kiss, Making Out, this is basically a character study, timeline is not strictly maintained, mentions of naruto canon in vague terms, sasuke and naruto meet up in between long missions and discover they have a lot to heal, mending past conflicts, Hurt/Comfort, Hokage Uzumaki Naruto, Anbu Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke-centric, Naruto's pov, post vote2
Summary: Sasuke's face was bathed in the last lights of the day, long strands of inky hair ruffled by the perpetually windy tops of the eastern hills at the Fire country border. He was staring at the horizon with a serene, peaceful gaze— the crescent moon overhead reflected in his obsidian eyes— he looked like he was drawn by an artist— the lines of him stark and dreamy and beautiful against the glassy, pale evening sky.
And right at the moment, Naruto’s heart had twisted with a longing so violent it had made his head spin.
He’d been afraid of the answer he knew was staring him right in the face. Because he realized he did know love— perhaps he’d known it all his life.
He just didn’t realize it would stare at him with the face of his best friend, his rival, his one and only— his soulmate”
Bittersweet & lovely, I’m looking forward to where this fic leads me 😊❤️
a loosened tongue by mnee
“Chapters: 2/2
Rating: Teen And Up
Relationships: Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto
Characters: Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-Chapter 699 (Naruto), Poison, Delirium, Love Confessions, Fluff and Humor, Kissing, Complete
Summary: “I poisoned myself, dumbass.” Sasuke barely suppresses another wave of laughter at the ridiculousness of that statement. “Not on purpose,” he adds when Naruto’s bottom lip quivers. “Idiot. I just ate the wrong berries. Light red good, marginally darker red bad. Who knew?”
Sasuke accidentally takes truth-telling berries 😈 very fun & cute 🥰
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fuyuu-chan · 5 months
hellu! how are u? i adore the entirety of ur blog, its very cute! : D
i was wondering if you could write vyn with a reader who lets their emotions overtake them? like theyre very sensitive! then they meet a calm vyn that affects them to be more at peace w/ themselves.
thank u sm! i hope ure doing well!! 🤍
Love Who You Are
Fuyuu-chan: Hi Hi. I'm good, how about you?? Thank you for requesting!! Love your idea, also idk if i did this right 🥹 but i hope you like it <3
Pairing: Vyn Richter x Reader
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You were just here to browse for a new book to read when someone approached you out of nowhere.
"Excuse me...are you perhaps interested in that book?" Someone asked.
You looked from the book you were holding to the person who probably asked the question to you.
"Are you talking to me?" You asked as you let your eyes scanned your surroundings only to found you and this guy.
"Yes I am" he nod and smiled slightly. You looked back at the guy again.
"Oh well...to answer your question..yes, I took an interest on this book, why do you ask?" You asked.
"Oh its nothing...its because its my first time seeing someone took an interest on that book...not many people like those types of book" he explained.
You frown slightly which made the man taken aback. "Oh...are you telling me...never mind" you said as you avert your gaze for a few seconds before turning back to the man. 'Is he telling me I had bad taste in books?' you thought. Seeming to notice your silence the guys asked. "Did...I say something wrong?"
"...umm do you meant that in a bad way or like??" You asked.
The man took a second only to realize what he said earlier. He probably had offended you accidentally considering your also a book lover. "Oh no I'm sorry...I meant it in a good way...that book was actually nice to read while relaxing, I was just surprised to see someone also interested, since whenever I came here no one really looked at that book." He explained. Usually people take his compliment but you...thought it was an insult? Sure maybe bevause of his wordings and all but... People still usually assume its a compliment or sometimes they just dont ask about it.
"Oh...I see" you nod in acknowledgement. "I..never got your name by the way?"
"Ah how could I forget to introduce myself... My name is Vyn Richter, what about yours?"
"(Name), nice to meet you Vyn" you said.
Ever since that encounter you two usually met coincidentally there at that book shop and sometimes at the café across from that book store.
Of course with those encounters you two exchange a word or two that extends to conversations that extends for quite some time. So at the end of the day you two got to know each other.
Your time with Vyn only grows and he got to know you. He got to realize about your sensitivity for words at your first meeting.  So he make sure that he watch his words much more carefully so he won't accidentally offend you like last time. He also realized your sensitivity for loud noises.
That happened when he invited you to catch up after not meeting each other after a busy week. Vyn invited you to catch up in the usual café you two always meet up.
As usual you also met up at the same time as always. But you noticed, lots of people starts to pack up the café. Like every once in a while you would hear the bell meaning some new people just entered. Then you realized then. "Is it holiday today?" You asked Vyn as you put down your drink.
"I think so..." He said as he looked down and took his phone that is on the table. He opened his calendar and looked to see if it is holiday or something.
He looked up after confirming. "It is holiday" he said as he smiled. "Oh...this café must be really famous" you said as you drink again.
Vyn nods. "Even if it weekday it doesn't have much people but I didn't expect to see this many now that its holiday." He said as he looked around.
"Mhm" you hummed trying to calm yourself down since its starting to get loud by people's chattering.
Vyn who looked back noticed how quiet and how you look uncomfortable. Not to mention the urge for you to cover your ears. (He could see by your body language) After gathering his thoughts he asked. "Hmm its getting a bit hot here too, do you want to go somewhere peaceful and have some fresh air (name)?"
You who was looking down the entire time to calm yourself looked up at the mention of leaving the once peaceful café. You immediately nod and so Vyn stands up as he extends his hand to you.
You took his hand out as you two left the café and goes to a park where its just you two. You sat down at the vacant swing as he too sat down next to yours.
He glanced at you checking if you starts to calm down. "Are you alright?" He asked. You looked at him and smiled softly. "Yeah thanks for offering to leave"
He shook his head. "No problem. Though I'm sorry for not noticing immediately that you dont like noisy places"
"No no I should be the one saying sorry....we were having a good time but had to stop because of..me" you looked down as you said that. "My fault too for not bringing my earphones"
"You should not blame yourself (name), besides I was also about to offer to leave the café because it was getting hot there and so we could also watch the sunset here" Vyn said as he smiled to reassure you and sure enough you smiled back.
"Thank you..." You said as you looked at the view in front of you. "You're welcome, you should tell me next time if you got uncomfortable too" he said as he also looked in front.
After that day, he made sure to bring extra earphones just in case it became too loud for your liking. And considering your comfort Vyn started to invite you to his home to just relax while listening to his collection of classical musics, have tea, read, bake or anything else because at least there its just you two and peaceful for you.
It doesn't mean that you two won't hangout anymore to other places, you two would still do that. He would let you choose the places you like to go to and when its his turn to pick he would search/research about some places where its quiet, where there is no much people. 
You notice how caring Vyn is, how he watch his words (even though you two became comfortable with each other and even though he made a mistake or two you completely understand since you know he mean no harm). Vyn also doesn't judge you like how people would normally do instead he helped you.
He also doesn't push you to get over the things your sensitive at instead he told you its alright to just be you, since he would be there no matter what. There always at your side but if you want to actually do it he would tell you to do it at a slow pace or a pace were you are comfortable.
Vyn is literally there that helped you through it all and most importantly he helped you to be at peace with yourself. Because of how calm Vyn is, you got affected that you also starts to be calm too (with his help of course).
When in the past you hated who you are and your sensitivity. Vyn...vyn loved who you were and guided you. In the end he is also the reason you start to accept yourself, love yourself, and starts to be a new person.
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ahundredtimesover · 6 months
WOOWEEE i’m still processing the new chapter 🥹 i just wanna stress that there’s multiple realities, guys. jk wanting to respect oc by upholding her wishes to grow, but also feeling abandoned by her choices despite him baring his emotions and desire to have her close by. then you have oc feeling the burden of her family ties/debt with the jeon family and wanting to find out who she is away from her current role, but she’s emotionally attached to jk and it’s blurring with her own goals. not only that, we see jk’s codependency on oc and how that could make her feel more chained down. ultimately she’s always needed by someone, but when has she put her needs first?
as mentioned, this is all so deeply rooted. they need to spend time away from each other to grow. jk is probably going to retreat/relapse to his past behaviors or maybe he’ll also be working on himself so that he can be a better partner for oc … my guts say former because ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i’m an angst enthusiast.
ALSO i see lots of ppl saying UGH JUST STAY AND DATE, and while yes … this is a fic, this is a slice of life too. yall realize it is super inappropriate to have a secret relationship with your boss? granted all of my bosses have been old balding dudes and not jk, still … it’s the principle 😭 oc and jk having this “separation” period is good (i’m sleeping on the highway) and needed for their character development. i’m sure theyre gunna meet again and the tension is gunna be so high and they will do the boom boom pow💥🤯😏 without feeling that guilt/weird power dynamic!! 🫶🏼
mimi, you’re so awesome and i love this fic so much. YOUR BRAIN IS SO BEAUTIFUL, MUAH!!!!!!! 💋 you did not disappoint with the make out scene … cuz man if they can get like that on their first kiss … WE ARE NOT READY (i am🤲🏼)!! pls take care of yourself as always and hope you have a lovely day
Hi, anon. I took a break from doing my readings bc this just... this just made me smile and it appeased me (as did a lot of other readers' asks and comments) 🥹🥹 especially considering the other asks claiming how the characters are so dumb and stupid, or that they can just date while OC's in the company or date after she resigns. I would like to copy-paste your first paragraph to everything now hahaha (bc oh god the immense joy of a writer when someone accurately says what I was trying to show is insane and that's what I'm feeling!) 😭😭
Like, you couldn't have said it any better. All those things you mentioned can co-exist, and part of the characters' respective stories is learning that those realities can indeed co-exist. Which is why they're as burdened by their choices as they are (and we'll see more of this in ch12). I'd like for you to park that second paragraph bc... I wrote this entire series with the plan for season 2 so whatever happens at the end of this season, know that more will happen and you kind of raised some points already. 👀👀
And with the boss/asst. thing - YES. The power dynamic goes beyond their roles bc their pasts are intertwined as well. Mr. Ri pointed it out to JK - did he want OC to feel indebted to him, too? There are just so many complications. It's always been about needing to feel free for OC. What that freedom means is something she has yet to explore. Even the question of happiness is something she's figuring out.
BUT THANK YOU, like, really. 🥹🥹 It's always tricky and draining to write super long stories like this bc I need to make sure that the characters and storylines are consistent, and knowing that what I intended comes across (most of the time) is truly worth all the stress of writing this one hahaha I hope you're well and I hope to hear from you and your wonderful mind again! 💕💕💕
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eerie-night · 9 months
i always like stumbling across fic rec lists so i thought about compiling a list of some of my favorites and linking the tumblrs of the authors (but if i cant find them ill link twitter or ao3) bc theyre all fucking awesome
and all i loved, i loved alone- @featherxs
“An ability?”
— on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
SOOOO GOOD!! its what originally got me so into bsd and its such a good reread too
(don’t) stop the rain- miniekooki
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke finds himself taking care of the Twain family after an unfortunate turn of events.
And he also finds himself considering Mark Twain as more than just an annoying prick.
(ALTERNATIVE TITLE: the domestication of akutagawa ryuunosuke)
i loveeeeeeeeee this and how it goes about describing the family its sooooooooo good
as bright as a blackhole; and twice as dense- cereal_whore
“Kageyama’s being bullied,” Yamaguchi grits, expression steeled.
Tsukishima lowers his book quietly, and stares, eyes wide.
“As if he has enough social competence to realise he’s being bullied.”
“Tsukki, please.”
Meant to be 5 times Tsukishima accidentally and very reluctantly saved Kageyama from his own social ineptness, and one time Kageyama does the same for him, but we ran into problems bc OP can't count.
(or: everyone is srsly stressed over kageyamas existence, but kageyama, despite having the common sense of a Five Minute Crafts video, is like those buff himbos within the tsundere category. so he somehow ends up wholly unscathed throughout this shit, while everyone else doesnt)
tldr: kageyama lacks forethought, and everyone but him suffers the consequences of it.
i eat this shit up omg omg its great its funny and it makes my day better read it
but not for spring to well up- tookumade
Miya Brothers
Sellers & Buyers of Antiques & Curiosities
Suna Rintarou squints at the small sign attached to the front door of the brick shopfront.
He wasn’t sure what he’d been expecting. Something flashier? More brass? The Miya brothers could do with a pot plant out the front. The shopfront has one single large window that’s covered by a plain white curtain, so maybe they could open that up and have some of their antiques and such on display so people get an idea of what they buy and sell. Maybe a paint job for the door, which is the most boring brown Suna has ever seen. There is nothing he can say about it—it’s not nice nor ugly, it’s just boring.
Or, maybe Suna could stop giving any more of a damn about this shopfront and just get his appointment over and done with.
After ending a relationship with a fiancé, Suna returns home and tries to heal from heartbreak. Here, he finds friends in the form of the Miya brothers, and learns patience, forgiveness, and what happiness means to him.
this sounds repetitive but…..SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOD i love the emotion and how it deals with sunas ex and like everything about this fic is gold
“To Chase”- @diggingupgrave
Megumi has never thanked the man who raised him.
god…no words except read it you will not regret it
A Fair Day’s Work- featherhearted
“I may have some coffee in the place for you,” said Prime Minister Aegir. “Let me show you how much better I have become at brewing it to your taste.”
“If you insist,” said Minister Vestra but he sounded pleased. To Delarivier, who had literally made it her profession to attune herself to his tone (usually ranging from sort-of-murder-y to extremely-murder-y), Minister Vestra sounded very pleased indeed.
Ferdinand and Hubert's long-suffering aides figure out a way to work fewer hours.
im a whore for outsider povs and this one takes the cake and does laps around my brain when i try and sleep
a glass essay- fairbanks
Right out of university Jon's run out of time to run from the Web. The only way he knows to escape one domain is to give yourself to another, and he's always been good at being alone.
He really wasn't imagining the Lukas family would take him in at all, let alone arrange him to marry some smarmy ass named Peter Lukas.
yet again something to reread till you memorize every word and still cant get enough
now for authors that i recommend HIGHLY and a fic or two from them:
i recommend everything shes written but my top favorites currently are:
Cor Cordium
Fox dies. He wakes up. And then things start getting weird.
its so so good and kats soooo good at characterization and descriptions and could prob make paint drying interesting
out of night (out of nothing)
It's the duty of the Temple Guard to keep the Sacred Spire, the Force nexus at the heart of the Temple. Feemor's always done his duty gladly, kept it safe, kept the light burning. Order 66 changes everything. Changes him. Changes the Spire, too.
Hevy, Cutup, and Droidbait are just caught in the currents and trying to make the most of their second chances, but an unstable Jedi and new powers don't make anything easier.
the concept is so cool and the execution is even better she could probably sell me air and id go crazy for it
trade your heart for bones to know
A week after an attack that nearly killed him and his son, Jaster Mereel finds Mostross dead on a battlefield. His killer is a Jedi, grievously wounded, who Jaster takes into his care. By Mandalorian tradition, Jon Antilles owes him a life-debt, and Jaster is cunning enough not to let such a thing slip away.
It's meant to be an entirely political arrangement. It doesn't stay that way for long.
not to sound like broken record but god this is fucking fabulous
i totally recommend checking out ALL her works but these were the first ones i thought of out of the ones that are currently updating
she has written sooo many good fics im just going to recommend my favorite series and you can go from there
Shisui is way too strong to have his eye taken by Danzo
He's the only one smart enough to master the simplest of techniques to legendary proportions
He was sweet and kind and, despite everything he'd seen and all the things he'd done, he wasn't afraid to hope. To dream for something better.
A series for Shisui
the characters, the plots, the descriptions all add up to something amazing
do yourself a favor and check her out, you will not regret it. unfortunately, i will restrain myself to only recommending one fic but DO check the rest out
With no root in the land —(To keep my branches green)
He is not a human and he is not a beast and he is not a creature, but he is. He is a being, then. A being that changes and learns and lives. He thinks his name is Ani.
this is the fic that i first read by llamallamaduck and its a really good introduction to how fucking amazing she is at doing crossovers and writing in general
i hope you enjoy these as much as i have :)
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 11 months
3. "Wait, you love me?" "I always have." With RED Demo and BLUE Soldier (because theyre canonical FRIENDS and they make me cry /pos). Bonus points if Soldier is dense as fuck
❤️Red Demo + Blu Soldier💙
Ough, I kept wondering if you put friends in all caps for it to be platonic or wanting me to ignore canon I'm so dumb sometimes lmao, so uh I wrote them with a budding romance because Boots n Bombs has my heart. UHHHH I figured it'd be annoying to read "RED demo" and "BLUE soldier" every time I wrote out their names so I'm just calling them Demo and Soldier, but they are Red and Blue respectively, cool? cool.
Demo didn't even know his feelings were blooming. Demo and Soldier simply found themselves growing closer to each other, sharing jokes, drinks, and stories to break up the nights after battles. Forming a friendship, Demo thought. But something felt different. He had close friends before, hell, he even figured him and his team were getting pretty close, but there was something more, something below it all, something Demo couldn't understand. It all started gently, unknowingly, soft touches, longer glances, and small jokes between the two of them. Demo realized what his feelings truly were during a battle. The bloodshed was heavy on both sides, neither team making enough progress to matter, everyone was on edge, tense from both the heat, and angry at the lack of progress. Even Demo found himself being rather annoyed, finding himself hiding in a shady spot, giving himself a break from it all, letting out a long and drawn-out sigh, until his eyes lit up at the sight of Soldier running past, turning to flash a smile at Demo. Demo smiled slightly to himself, finding comfort in seeing the face of his friend, until a bullet from Sniper plowed through his skull, dropping him to the ground. Sure, Soldier would respawn in a minute or two and would find himself back on the field just fine, albeit a bit angrier than before, but Demo still feels like he's been punched in the gut, he feels cold and hot, and sick and, oh, he feels his heart, hurt, hurt in a way that he's never been able to grasp until now, he finds a wall to brace himself against, as his mind finally connects the dots. He loves him. Soldier didn't think anything of the intensity or emotion in which Demo started to lock eyes with him, Demo always holding the gaze a bit longer than normal.
Soldier also didn't think anything of Demo's sudden but subtle protectiveness during battles, never connecting any dots that one might in this situation. Soldier had grown up very sheltered, very alone. He was never a boy with many friends. Even as he grew up, his friendships came from a sense of obligational brotherhood due to his military roots, but with Demo, it was different, Soldier felt understood in a way he had never been before. He just appreciates having a friend, and he doesn't bother attempting to understand the weird feeling in his chest, or the warmth in his soul when with Demo, chalking it up to it being normal and how things should be forever, and he's okay with that, he wants to feel like this forever.
Demo knew he couldn't keep his feelings in forever, he was aware of the fact that sometimes his stares lasted a second to long, or that he was less than subtle about dropping (when he could) whatever he might have been doing to give his attention to Soldier, but at the same time he also worried about the what ifs that plauged his mind. Questions about ruining a perfectly good friendship, how things would change, the awkwardness, the tension, the- it was all just too much to worry about, so weeks would pass of him sitting on his feelings, occasionally unconscious expression of affection being given from Demo, until one night he found the feelings he had been pushing down bubbling back up again. He's frustrated at his inability to hush the voices inside him, pulling him in a different direction, and he's tried to try to keep this secret. He finds himself ready to be bolder, to finally let his feelings off his chest and be free of his doubts. He's done waiting. He invites Soldier out to a bar, away from the base, the mercs on both sides, and the general atmosphere of stress surrounding the battlefield and such. Soldier agrees without question, and they both make their way there. Demo on his way, however, looses his nerve, realizing that his doubts may have a stronger hold on him than he previously believed. A part of his mind now telling him to run, to get out before he does something he might regret, he ignores it, only for the fact that he can still spend a night with his friend, even if it is eating at him a little bit. Plus, there's alcohol! Why let drinks and a perfectly fun night go to waste over some doubt that he can silence with just staying quiet? That's what he thought and believed, truly. He went into the bar telling himself that it just wasn't the right time. It was never going to be the right time, and eventually, if he held out long enough, the feelings would go away. He just needed to stay quiet about it. But maybe it was something in the drinks that night. Maybe it was the shine of the lights or the music in the bar, but Demo found himself unable to stay true to the idea of staying silent. Demo letting some compliments slip out, all earnest, all with a genuine love tied to them, that most people would pick up in an instant, but not soldier. Soldier only responded in kind, thanking Demo for the compliments and returning them with an energy of joy and friendship. Demo only sighed, taking away from this half hazard "confession" that Soldier did indeed only viewed this as a friendship, assuming that in some way, this was a kinder form of a refusal of feelings. Demo knows he should cut this here, not say anything else, and continue the night with a smile, enjoying the friendship as it was and as it would continue to be, but his mouth is speaking before his brain can thing, and he lets out his one last thought, before shutting the idea of anything more happening between them,
"I love ya, Soldier. And I truly mean that." He immediately wants to clasp a hand over his mouth, but restrains himself, his brain rationalizing that he could come back from this if he convinced the other man that it was purely platonic. Soldier only smiles at Demo in a way that always got to him, a genuinely joyous smile, as he slaps him on the back,
"I love you too, Demoman! I'm glad we've built this friendship!" Demo is happy at Soldier's acceptance of the comment being platonic in nature, but it doesn't stop it from feeling like a knife to the side. Demo decides it's time to head back to base, fearing that the pain he feels from this might show through. He stands up, heading to the bar to close out the pairs tab, leaving Soldier by himself at the table. And when he does, Soldier sits in silence for a moment, and it all hits him like a fucking truck. For some reason, everything clicks in his mind all at once. He gets it now, he understands , and he feels stupid for not getting it before. This feeling is new and powerful. He realizes the feelings that Demo has. Demo walks back to the table slightly. Panicking as he sees Soldier freaking out. Soldier grabs Demo by his shoulders and asks bluntly,
"Wait, you love me?" Demo realizes at the emphasis on love that it's finally clicked,
"I think..." He pauses slightly, "I always have."
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG!! I got tired </3 (uh, I might have the sniperspy one out soon, too, btw 😨)Anyways, I hope you liked this even though I might have fucked it up. Also I hope this makes sense and I didn't miss plotholes or just make this genuinely confusing 😭 Also also sorry if the end is kinda rushed I'm half passing out, and I'm super embarrassed now about how cringey this might be 💔
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modernghostfare · 10 months
Hello.. can we get more ghostmace headcanons. If you ever wrote any pls link them too...
:)c YESSS i love talking abt maceghost.. i know ive made a bunch of sporadic posts about them but i havent done a like dedicated hcs post. i feel like often im struggling to understand the narrative of their past but generally i keep the same vibe to it all.
mace is for sure the more level headed of the two only because relationships and love freak ghost out. ive mentioned on a post like years ago hes traumatized by watching his mother stick with his father and i still believe this. hes like scared to be in a position where something Isn't working anymore but hes too emotional to cut it off so he self sabotages the relationship so mace will get pissed and stop talking to him.
in the past (as i mentioned in another post) mace Did also feed into this. he had a good home life but his own personal issues and anger at more outward issues caused him to like. seek an outlet for this sort of petty squabbling. and he found it in ghost. until he got tired of festering and being pissed off all the time and decided to actually like Do Shit he feels good about. and he broke up with ghost.
now in modern times where theyve caught up with each other it's like a weird mash of their past and them both being more mature. ghost struggles more because hes very adverse to actually improving himself and how he feels about himself bc hes like. hes Given Up on being a person. while mace has done a lot of healing.
like the toxic factor of maceghost Is Ghost at this point to me. but theres a lot of love there bc theres a lot of mutual respect and, like, easy familiarity there. mace understands how ghost works at his core.
so like. when ghost is being Normal and not anxious they literally just. like. Click? mace can extremely put ghost at ease with just his presence. and mace in turn rly enjoys his company bc a calm ghost is actually just sort of casually funny.
and ghost does like making mace laugh i imagine mace has a really beautiful smile bc he has resting bitch face so when it lights up it's very special.
ghost also i think would be 100% willing to take his mask off in a room of just him and mace. no special occasion needed he's just comforted. mace has already seen it over many, many years.
because they're like an Old couple i think theyve been on and off since their mid twenties for ghost and late twenties for mace. WHICH is another reason mace like wont entertain the childish picking ghost does theyre literally too old.
but he does play along a little. sometimes. old habits die hard. if it's petty mace will have a back and forth w ghost for old times sake its just how ghost communicates sometimes. emotions are just hard for ghost mace understands this. to put all of this simply.
i will say tho if more comes out and they end up more antagonistic than my current read i will still be a huge stan i love when dudes try to fuck and kill each other 💪🥰💕
speaking of fucking tho. tw for implying sexual assault also i just got kinda nasty sowwy.
LIKE we know ghost has a complicated relationship w sex a lot of his past history w it is like traumatic. i think he was already promiscuous as a teen bc he already had issues from his upbringing so hes like. well experienced. and he likes sex. and he likes fucking mace bc his dick is thick, hes good with his hands, and he's not afraid to be rough with him and take their time bc mace likes to be edged and when ghost is rly into it he Likes it to Last esp if he can cum more than once. he likes when his pussy is sore.
BUT ALSOO theyre both like. verse esp w each other. ghost likes topping more tho. he likes fucking mace for being a little bit vocal and just. like. huge. ghost loves bending him over and watching his fat bounce. ghost would blow off any task and anyone to go fuck him.
but also, bc its ghost and i think if the wrong buttons get pressed in the wrong order and it goes sour he gets quiet and, like, disassociates. and mace keeps watch for that bc he doesn't want to put ghost in that state. its not fun
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youhideastar · 7 months
I'm one of the readers for whom the ending of Concord didn't work and I think the commentary helped me realize why. WWX's depression really resonated with me extremely deeply, whereas the parts where you intended to show that he was getting better once LWJ started making an effort were incredibly subtle. So I continued feeling the angst building up and up and was expecting a climax that would be cathartic and drain all the pent up emotion, only for the angst to suddenly fizzle out (1/2)
(2/2) If the intention was that LWJ was an unreliable narrator and also, like the reader, had misunderstood WWX's mental state, it would have been nice to see him grappling with that realization for a bit. Maybe disbelieving or shocked at first but then rewinding his memories and picking up on all the things you pointed out in the commentary. Or something. Instead, he takes it in stride and then WWX tells him he loves him, and then theyre holding hands, the end. It's too rushed.
My usual response to constructive criticism with which I disagree is to carefully and patiently explain why I wrote the fic the way I did and why I think the way I did it is good. In this case, I already spent tens of thousands of words doing just that, so I'm disinclined to show my work all over again, especially for someone unwilling to attach their pseud to their criticism - instead, I'm going to speak from the heart.
I have spent a lot--a lot--of time talking to people with depression. Like you, they often try to convince me that the unrelentingly negative view of the world that they see through their Depression Goggles is, in fact, objective reality. It is not.
Wei Wuxian's growing happiness in the second half of Concord is not "incredibly subtle." Frankly, it is not "subtle" at all:
Wei Wuxian still conducts himself according to the principles, when they travel together – still eats in silence, sits properly, refuses alcohol. But he seems more comfortable in crowded spaces full of laughter and color – teahouses and markets and small-town festivals, where he banters easily with shopkeepers and hawkers. And if Lan Wangji fills his bowl after he has already eaten three, or orders meat dishes for him, Wei Wuxian accepts the implied permission and eats with pleasure. He is still too thin. But he no longer looks as if a strong wind could blow him away.
Because he cannot take Wei Wuxian night hunting as often as he would wish, given his teaching responsibilities and other tasks as head disciple, Lan Wangji begins finding excuses to visit Caiyi Town. He brings his husband with him, and watches with satisfaction as Wei Wuxian offers effusive compliments to the innkeepers and waiters when his meal is finished; as the staff come to know Wei Wuxian’s likes and dislikes, and bring him his particular favorites.
On one such occasion, a small child toddles up to their table and deposits a toy lion in Wei Wuxian’s lap. “Can you make it roar?” the child asks, blinking up at him.
“Of course,” Wei Wuxian says, beaming. “What’s your name?”
“Well, xiao Yan’er, are you sure you want me to make your lion roar?” He makes a ridiculous face. “It’s going to be very scary!”
The fact that someone can read a passage like the above and think, "The angst just keeps building up and up, nothing is getting better," says something about the lens with which they are viewing the fic; it says nothing about the fic itself.
You say, "If the intention was that LWJ was an unreliable narrator and also, like the reader, had misunderstood WWX's mental state"--but that was not the intention at all. "The reader" does not misunderstand WWX's mental state. Most readers got it just fine. For the other readers (including at least one previous anon of the same mind), I have already expended hours and hours of time and effort on the commentary trying to help them understand, so going forward, I won't be responding to any more anon asks that boil down to "I don't get the ending of Concord." It's not a good use of my time or theirs.
Frankly, even if nobody else liked Concord, or its ending--which is very much not the case--that wouldn't change how I feel about it one bit. I am very proud of Concord, including and perhaps especially the ending. No anon is going to change my mind about that.
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bylerfields · 5 months
i just read your bottom mike points and its the most sense ive ever read on that topic, considering im a top mike truther. not so much dom mike, cos i think theyre equals, but your thing about mike chiling and come down to wills level was interesting. it makes me wonder how these dynamics would have played out if there was never this supernatural threat... i got the sense that mike still always led, because of how he approached will on the swings, and their little bickers in the whole group even, outside of monster stuff (like the ghostbusters venkman thing). mike being the de facto leader, soft version when with will, seemed like something that had simply always been. he's soft with will, but usually when he thinks will needs caring for. when will isnt in danger, i dont think mike is soft or chill necessarily. so its interesting that you see a matured, grown-into-himself and secure mike as 'chilling'.
and lastly, if they both come down and meet on this equal level of softness, how is that still evidence of mike being a sub? surely that would make them both soft vers?
but your points did make sense and i like that there are some bottomsub mike people out there who dont just see him as a babygirl
all really fair points anon!!
i think it’s just the way i see it or prefer, i guess? i don’t think i ever claimed that theres evidence of mike being a sub, since i’m of the strong belief that there’s no evidence for their sexual dynamic at all.
it’s really just how i prefer to think about it if i had to pick my favorite dynamic or what i’d lean towards when i’m writing.. lmao i think we’re pretty much on the same page tho, since i’m also a top mike truther who thinks they’re equals. so, sure, soft vers is a great description - but my personal preference is that mike is perfectly fine submitting to whatever will says and (for the reasons i said) will is perfectly fine not only asking for what he wants but also taking care of mike bc he wants mike to feel so good (which there is huge evidence for in s4). i’m not forcing others to see it this way, it’s just what i like 🥲 (also i should note that this isn’t the only dynamic i like when thinking of byler concepts, i like it all 😮‍💨 but when talking about which part of their canon dynamic is most satisfying/realistic to me i guess?)
(but i’d rather not have more people come to my inbox saying ‘well what you’re describing is actually still dom mike,’ because to me it’s not. i don’t see him that way as a default/usual assumed dynamic for them.)
to address what you said about mike’s behaviors being more dominant-leaning even outside of supernatural stuff, i guess my stance is that you can’t really separate it? like the way he was in s2 from the start was bc he felt crazy about el being alive or not. and him being the softer version with will is yes bc he has a sense of feeling like he’s taking care of someone, ((((((which i could argue isn’t a traditionally masc role but i won’t)))))) but also because it’s a safe place for him. i agree with you that he is 1000% the de facto leader of their group. he also paralleled joyce a lot in s1 with his persistence in getting will back and getting the others on board, while also being the gentlest and most nurturing of the boys with eleven.
what i love about mike is that he isn’t a violent person, like, at all - and it’s shown in the times that he does try and defend himself/others - it’s unnatural. i love that he can be the leader who people look to for guidance but not because he demands it, he just is. he’s the quietest in the party when theyre at the arcade in s2. there’s a common theme of will trusting and confiding in him where he wouldn’t with others. themes of nurturing, safe haven, emotional intelligence, follow mike before the clear shift in s2-3 when things start to become unmanageable for him. there are a lot of things that set him apart from dustin and lucas in s1 as far as typical masc traits and how they treat el (especially noticeable with lucas, since he and mike have pretty similar motive to get will back).
as far as him not being soft or chill w will when he’s not in danger, i guess we’ll have to agree to disagree? i’m thinking about “another 90 miles, why” and the softness in his tone when theyre on the couch, before will discloses that 001 isn’t dead. demanding and aggressive isn’t his default in a comfort setting. it’s just something that’s easy to pick up on for me, something i enjoy exploring more of, and a cool thing about fanfiction is that ability to have different interpretations or see qualities in characters that you focus on more while others choose different ones to expound on.
i’ve always said i think it’s presumptuous to assume the mike we see, with his clear multitude of external pressures, is the one he’ll be years from now. (will too, but mike is the focus here). and it’s really not far fetched when you look at how he is in his earlier days that he’s softer than the typical boy and would likely level back to that when settled and regulated.
thanks for the ask & i’m glad my take made a little sense 🩵 i mostly end up word vomiting when it comes to the mike topic
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lazypanartist · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* I gots a good one for ya.
Rise boys x Reader, once again. The brothers all became friends with Reader after April introduced them and, in all honesty...theyre p inexpressive. Reader has a bad habit of sneaking up on people because of how QUIET they are, even wondering if they simply just...couldnt talk. The boys try to get them to smile or frown or react but it never seems to work.
Turns out? They have SEVERE social anxiety. Basically sociaphobia. They find this out through text. Theyre GREAT at texting. Emojis are great for helping get tones and moods and facial expressions across for them. But anyway Reader eventually comes clean about the severe social anxiety, and how its so...Debilitating at this point. They WANT to make friends, its just that....communication is a nightmare and such a struggle.
This? This kicks our boys into gear! They want to help, theyre DETERMINED. They get that you cant just wish away something like this, and that its not solved in a day, but by golly are they going to help you.
Leo, ever the leader, tries helping Reader with showing their expressions more and opening up in that way. Sure, its mostly done via joking around, but he's gotten shockingly good at picking up your very small (but slowly growing!) facial ticks. Your nose flaring slightly when youre frustrated or upset, teeth grinding or tongue chewing when your anxiety spikes, hes picked up on it all. They all have, granted, but he's on the front lines, he knows you better and better every week.
Donnie helps by getting you set up with apps that have text to speak, and even helps get you better ways of communicating digitally. Struggling to tell everyone how you're feeling? Have no fear, Othello von Ryan has you covered. He's the most laid back about your anxiety. You know you can go in his lab any day and sit quietly to watch. He'll offer tools to help but wont push you to open up. Sometimes, the quiet is nice.
Where Nardo helps you with physically working on expressing yourself, Mikey is exceptional at helping you convey your emotions. Dr Feelings helps you work through your anxiety, helps you ground yourself and begin to relax and, ever so slowly, help you loosen your grip on your voice. Mikey, through writing, text, drawing, whatever, helps you communicate just how you feel, and if you're overwhelmed BY that feeling, he's 100% helping you work through it.
Raphael? Raphael didnt think he'd have, what he considers the hardest job, but its certainly difficult. Working on you ACTUALLY communicating verbally is ROUGH. You struggle getting sounds out, and your stutter is awful, but he comforts and soothes and encourages you to take your time, he's in no rush. Even of you're struggling with giving a simple answer of "yes" to a question bc you froze up, he never pushes or makes you rush. Take your time, and if you find yourself just unable, he lets you opt out and write.
and then, one day, you were in the lair.
It was a rather relaxed day Donnie was messing with his phone, texting you memes occasionally between bickering with April. Leo was draped upside down on the couch, reading. Mikey had brough an art project out in the tv room, wanting to share the space with you all. Raph was watching some old cheesy horror movie, wincing here and there as zombies lurched and growled.
and then
...they heard it.
It was tiny. Small. Delicate but gravelly from lack of use.
It was small and quiet, but the four heard it loud and clear.
"Th-tha-ank yo-you..."
They all snapped their gazes over to reader, who had shy, somwhat awkward but oh so very THEM smile pulling at their lips.
And the boys never felt more proud of your months of hard work.
Aww!!! Not quite nursing to health, but this feels like fundamentally the same trope.. months and months of tlc to get you to a better place than before, all because they love you 💕
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