#and whenever anyone complains to me about school I find it so hard to take it seriously
autisticlenaluthor · 7 months
being back in school after being in the hospital for over a week is so disorienting. like this English paper? yeah, not a real problem. this exam? it's made up. meaningless.
it is so hard to care about turning stuff in and getting good grades now after going through non stop hell and then having to return to 'normal' as if nothing happened at all
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rems-writing · 13 days
When the mountain meets a shy girl
》 Pairing: stripper!San x afab!reader
》 Trope: strangers to lovers
》 Wordcount: 4,062 words
》 Rating: nc-17
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society @othersideoutlawsnetwork @illusionnet
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“Oh come on, Y/N! It’s literally one night!”
“Guys, I don’t know -”
“Omg just ignore her and drag her along! We’re going to be late!”
This is how you found yourself on a Friday night. You got off work but instead of going straight home, your lovely coworkers pressured you into going out with them. They claimed that you needed to ‘live a little’ since you can’t ‘be a miserable hobbit’ your entire life. They say that like it’s a bad thing! If you want to stay home, you will stay home. If you want to go out, you will go out on your own free will. Alas, your coworkers didn’t understand. Or they did. They just didn’t care about your boundaries nor your personal preferences, especially the leader of the extroverts. 
Her name was Chelsea. 
You honestly didn’t know how she was able to get hired. She doesn’t know anything about the company you both work at, she slacks off most of the time, and almost always engages in the freshest office gossip. She speaks like she’s texting someone, has an annoying giggle whenever a man hits on her, and never follows the dress code. 
At least she takes responsibility for her fuck-ups and picks up the slack. And never throws you under the bus for anything. 
Other than that, she was dumb as a rock. 
You steered clear of her radar every day. You only talk to her, along with others, about work related things. The only time you don’t is when you give her the usual formal greetings. Other than that, you were never her concern. 
Until today. 
You honestly wished people would leave you alone. Why were they talking about you? You never did anything to them, didn’t snitch on them when they weren’t doing what they were supposed to do, and you were polite when you needed to be. So what’s with the sudden interest in you? 
You were 24, lived alone (aside from the many figurines you owned. They were your children), and only went out if it was required. Other than that, you preferred to stay home. You weren’t interested in dating nor sex (you’ve been there, done that way back in high school) so you tended to stay away from men since they honestly scared you.
A lot. 
If you wanted pleasure, you either took care of it yourself or you just left it alone. You didn't need anyone else to take care of it for you. But now back to the topic at hand. 
You were trying to figure out ways to excuse yourself from this outing. The last place you wanted to go was a damn strip club. You didn’t need half naked to almost fully naked men thrusting and grinding in your face. And you certainly weren’t about to waste your precious hard earned dollar bills on someone else. It’s not that you were selfish or greedy. 
You were simply frugal. 
And according to Chelsea and your coworkers, that’s ‘super hella lame’ of you to do. 
What were they? Newly oriented high school freshmen? 
Alas, you couldn’t think of any excuse to get out of this ‘extraordinary adventure’ you were on. As you neared the entrance of the strip club, everyone had to go through an ID check. Some of them complained, but you didn’t mind. Rules are rules after all. When the bouncer landed on you, you felt intimidated by the sharpness of his wolf eyes. You shakily handed your ID to him and you were ready to be scrutinized by him. You were used to being mocked by bouncers whenever you went to clubs or high-end bars with your coworkers or your family members (i.e. cousins). Surprisingly, nothing came out of the bouncer’s mouth. Instead, he gave you back your ID and offered a warm and comforting smile that reached his eyes until they formed crescents. He then leaned in and whispered in your ear. 
“If you need to find a way out, have the bartender page me. I’m sorry you were dragged out here by those… uh… lovely ladies.”
His deep and husky voice sent a small shiver down your spine and you couldn’t help but be flattered with the offer he gave you. You nodded rapidly and thanked him quietly before following the rest of the girls inside. At least someone understood how you felt, even if they were a complete stranger. When you got inside, the host led you to your table. You wanted to sit at the far end of the booth so you could make your escape (you were not about to turn down the hot bouncer’s offer), but your request fell on deaf ears. Instead, you were smack in the middle of your group with Chelsea seated to your left and someone else on your right. As soon as you were settled in, a waiter approached you. He seemed young and you couldn’t help but find his round cheeks so adorable. 
“Hello. Welcome to Cyberpunk. My name is Jongho. I’ll be taking your orders tonight. What can I get started for you?” 
An overly excited coworker screeched right into Jongho’s ear and you felt yourself cringe for him. Apparently, Golden Hour is what they call happy hour here. Good to know. Jongho laughed awkwardly and nodded before presenting the menu for Golden Hour. That same coworker practically clawed it out of his hands and thanked him shamelessly by running her manicured hand down his chest. You couldn’t stand it and reached over to grab her wrist. 
“Leave the poor guy alone!”
Your angry hiss made your coworker shrink into herself but still had the audacity to roll her eyes at your sense of duty. As payback, she ordered drinks for everyone else but made sure to save the strongest drink for you. And she said this out loud. You sighed and sat back with your arms crossed while Jongho nodded and wrote the order down. Before he left, he looked at you with a grateful expression and mouthed something to you. You were confused at first, but then you looked in the direction of where the young waiter was nodding at and you saw the hot bouncer waving at you with his heavily ringed hand. 
Jongho was giving you the name of the hot bouncer that offered you an escape earlier. 
His name is Mingi. Got it. 
You made a mental note to remember that, along with the name of the bartender you needed to page Mingi for. 
His name is Wooyoung. Got it. 
After Jongho walked away to fulfill your order, you observed your surroundings while your coworkers were talking amongst themselves. It’s a shame that they didn’t talk to you, but you didn’t care. It was better this way. 
Drink after drink. Shot after shot. And the cycle repeats. Your coworkers were astonished with the way you could handle your liquor. Even that nasty cocktail that you received made you feel nothing. If anything, you were only about five percent tipsy. As the night progressed, a lot of strippers made their way towards your booth and did what they needed to do. You weren’t interested in any of them. At all. You just wanted this night to be over. While the girls were fawning over the tallest stripper giving them lap dances (his name is Yunho), you saw Chelsea approach you with an evil look in her eyes and a mischievious grin on her overly painted lips. Before you could even question her intentions, she dragged you out of the booth and into a private dance room. The last words from your coworkers left you mortified. 
This was not happening. You refused to believe it. Not only did they pay for you to experience a private dance with one of those greasy oiled up men, but they truly believed that you needed this. As Chelsea sat you down on the plush lavender couch, she crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at you. Although, you couldn’t tell since her fake lashes were too thick to comprehend anything. 
“We all chipped in for this dance. It could’ve been one of us, but we decided that you needed it the most. So like… don’t be yourself and weird him out, ok sweetie? Great! Have fun! Oh and provide us with juicy details once you’re done!”
She patted your head before exiting the room. You wanted to cry. You never asked for this. For any of this! You just wanted to go home, curl up on the couch, and watch reruns of your favorite k-dramas. But nope! You were here in a dimly lit room, anticipating who would come out. As the strange techno music played, you saw a figure approach the pole. Your eyes widened as you saw who it was. 
The Mountain. 
His seductive smile and the way he curled his fingers around the pole did nothing to quell your anxiety. You sat up straight and darted your eyes around towards every movement he pulled. Sure, you found him extremely fucking attractive, but you had to be honest with yourself. With the way you are and with the way you wanted nothing more than to escape, you wanted to shrink into the couch you were sitting on and just fade into non-existence. He noticed it at first but thought nothing of it. He believed that your shyness was just an act. Soon, you’ll pounce on him and beg for him to take you. That’s how it always was with women like you. However, he was in for a shocking awakening when he slid down the pole and tore away his shirt, leaving his muscular upper body bare. As he crawled towards you, he was getting closer to your legs, which you shut tightly. It didn’t last long before his strong hands grabbed your knees and forced them open. You shut your eyes when his nose touched the side of your right knee, almost nuzzling it in a way. He soon dragged it upwards before stopping just at the hem of your pencil skirt. He then stood up fully and looked down at you. 
This is where the hesitation began. 
He looked down at your rigid form and the way you screwed your eyes shut. His gut told him to stop, but he pushed through. He bent down and whispered huskily in your ear. The action had you open your eyes wide and look straight at him, which was a mistake since he was so close to your face.
“Don’t be shy, kitten. Come on. Touch me.”
Not waiting for your response, he gingerly grabbed your wrist and made sure your palm was flat against his broad chest. He kept eye contact with you as he slowly slid your hand down to his abs. The pace was snail-like and you found yourself shaking. Your anxiety was at an all time high. When you felt your wrist stop at the hem of his jeans, your eyes widened even more. You retracted your hand and cradled it like he had broken it. You muttered so many apologies as you curled into yourself even more. 
Oh… he felt his heart break at the sight. 
A sigh left his lips as he turned around and walked away. You were panicking internally, thinking the worst. What if he had Mingi kick you out? What if he told the owner of this strip club to blacklist you? What if he snitched on you to your friends and sneered at the way you trembled before him? And not in a good way. The anxiety died down a bit when the lights came on and you saw him walk back to you. He knelt before you and had an unreadable expression on his face. He then stuck out his hand and spoke in an authoritative voice. 
“Let me see your ID.”
You immediately thought to yourself that he was simply following protocol. However, it didn’t help that his seemingly angry look unnerved you. You dug into your pocket and fished out your ID before slapping it into his waiting palm. He held it up to his face and narrowed his eyes as he scanned over the details of it. 
‘It doesn’t look fake right?’
‘It’s as real as it can get.’
‘You probably should’ve brought your passport just in case.’
‘Oh shit he’s looking back at you! Fuck!’
As he gave you back your ID, he helped you stand up. The look on his face melted into one of concern and compassion. He gingerly grabbed your hand and rubbed your knuckles with his thumb. 
“Can I hug you? I understand if you don’t want to be touched, but I can tell you need it.”
That’s all it took for you to break down in his arms. He shushed you gently and made sure his hold on you was tight enough to provide a sense of comfort for you. He walked the both of you towards the couch and held onto you until you decided to pull away. You looked up at him and sniffled. As much as he found that action to be utterly cute, he knew it wasn’t the time to address that. He gently wiped away your tears and put some distance in between you two. However, he still had his arms wrapped around you. You didn’t mind it of course. You were just glad someone empathized with you. 
“I’m guessing this is just your personality. Your ID checks out and from what you’re wearing, you definitely are of age.”
“Y-Yeah. I’m sorry if this is how you’re spending your night. I’m s-sure you weren’t expecting someone like me.”
“It’s ok. I think this is a good change of pace. If it helps, we can simply talk. I know you don’t want to be here and I apologize for making you uncomfortable.”
“It’s ok. And yeah… I would love to talk.”
“Great. Let me start by introducing myself. I’m San.”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl.”
Your light-hearted giggle made his heart soar and soon, he found himself in a deep conversation with you. You two talked about everything. From the basics down to you willingly explaining how your current personality came to be. And San listened tentatively. After talking some more, you checked the time. 
“Oh shit! My two hours are up! I’m sorry for holding you here longer than I should have.”
“Don’t worry about it. I enjoyed talking with you.”
San nodded and gave you an award winning smile. One that showcased his dimples and was similar to Mingi’s but brighter. After the both of you stood up, he gathered his things and stared at you affectionately. His gaze made you blush and you looked away. He gently grabbed your chin so he could look at you. 
“If you want, there’s a ramen place next door that’s open 24/7. Once this place closes up, we can chat some more. Or… I can take you home, either by calling an uber for you or driving you home myself. After what you told me, I don’t feel comfortable leaving you with your coworkers.”
You swore you fell in love with him.
“Actually, I would love that. I sort of need something to absorb all the alcohol that’s in my body.”
“Great! In the meantime, go speak with Hongjoong. He’s the owner of this place. Explain your situation with him and he’ll let you stay in his office for the time being. I still have work to do.”
After accepting his offer, he walked you towards his boss’s office. A short man came out and he was immediately about to interrogate you when you held your hands up in defense. The last thing he needed was to file a case for harassment. As you explained yourself, his form grew less rigid and he looked towards San, who gave a nod of confirmation, indicating that you were speaking the truth. 
“Oh, darling… here. You can stay in my office. Do whatever you need to do. I’ll have Mingi fetch you once this is over.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Kim.”
“Please. Call me Hongjoong.”
You nodded shyly and Hongjoong patted your head before walking out of his office so you could get comfortable. San looked at you one last time before leaving to continue his job. He didn’t want to leave you there alone, but he knew you needed space to breathe and gather your bearings. After all, you went through a lot. 
It had been some time since that horrible outing with your coworkers. Sure, you met some angels and your savior along the way, but the events leading up to that moment left you drained. After that night, you didn’t speak with Chelsea or any of your coworkers. Instead, you worked faster and more diligently than before so you could clock out early and go home immediately. You did not want to interact with any of them whatsoever. As soon as you reached home, you flopped on the couch. 
“Aww. You didn’t want to greet me? That makes me sad.”
“Shut up, San!”
San giggled at your sassy voice as he walked over to you and sat on the couch beside you. He lifted your head so you could lay on his lap. As he ran his fingers through your hair and massaged your scalp, you talked about how your day went. 
Did I mention that you two were roommates now?
Ever since you met San, he’s been a comforting presence in your life. You asked him to move in with you since you felt at ease with him. One thing led to another and the two of you were now a couple. It was awkward at first since you haven’t dated anyone in the longest, but San was patient with you. He took things at your own pace and made it less awkward. He still works at the strip club unfortunately, but he reassures you that he will always come back to you since you have his heart. 
“As I motherfucking should!”
That was always your response to him and he could never get tired of it. As the relationship progresses, you slowly find yourself coming out of your shell. You no longer feel overly shy whenever he walks around shirtless or whispers sensual words in your ear as he flirts with you. Instead, you play along and even tease him sometimes. That’s an effect only San can bring unto you. In addition, he taught you how to be more confident and stand up for yourself. 
His hard work paid off when you told him about how you told your boss about how you felt with your coworkers.
You came back into the office feeling nervous yet invigorated. You needed to put a stop to your coworkers peer pressuring you into going out. You also needed to stop caring about what they might say. As San has stated to you despite being only in tight jeans with dollar bills peeking out from the top, if you liked staying in, then stay in. You knocked on the CEO’s front door and heard her honeyed voice telling you to come in. When you entered, your eyes landed on your CEO boss, who was also your long time best friend. “Hey. What’s up, Y/N?” She smiled that beautiful smile and you felt relieved momentarily. “Um… we need to talk, Ms. Hwasa.” 
“I thought I told you to call me by my real name. After all, we have been friends for seven years.”
“Sorry, Hyejin.”
“It’s ok. Anyways, what did you need to talk about?”
It was now or never. 
Slowly but surely, you vented about everything. From your coworkers to Chelsea all the way to the main topic: disrespecting boundaries. You also explained how you were afraid of what she might say despite vowing to always have your back. Of course you didn’t doubt her words. You were simply afraid of her brushing you off like you were nothing more than another employee. When you finished speaking, Hwasa had her eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. Finally, she spoke. 
“Thank you for telling me this. I honestly didn’t think they would be dumb enough to forget common sense. Set a meeting right now. I think I need to remind these women of how everything works around here.”
“Yes, ma’am!”
Hwasa laughed slightly as you saluted before turning around and marching back to your cubicle. A couple of hours later, a lot of employees were in a meeting room, standing nervously as they watched their CEO pace back and forth whilst looking at them with an unreadable expression. You were in the middle of the crowd, pretending to be nervous, but in reality, you were playing it cool. 
“It seems to me that you guys keep forgetting about the one thing I wanted all of you to have.”
Oop - 
“Common courtesy.”
A lot of your coworkers were sweating nervously, including Chelsea. You felt bad for them a little bit since you know Hwasa to be strict. 
“Just because someone doesn’t like the things that you do after work doesn’t mean you have the right to change their dynamics. We are all different here. And yet, we still work well together. So please. The next time you want to take someone away from their comfort bubble, think twice before doing so. Either do nothing about it or do something about it the right way. Ask first! That’s always a requirement. If they say yes, then there you go. If they say no, then no means no! Do we have an understanding?”
Everyone nodded.
“In addition, I am putting a stop to the unnecessary gossip swimming around here. The people you gossip about? They have done nothing to you and they don’t do that to you. So why do it to them in the first place?”
It was a rhetorical question that no one dared to answer. 
“This meeting is adjourned. Get back to work.”
“Yes, Ms, Hwasa!”
Everyone scattered and scurried back to their places. Hwasa looked at you and smiled while you profusely thanked her. 
“You can go home now if you want. I know your boy toy misses you.”
“Girl, shut up!”
“And that’s what happened!”
“I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself.”
San sat you up and hugged you tightly. You returned the hug happily and remained in his arms for a while before he pulled away. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stood up from the couch. 
“This calls for a celebration. Time to give you that private dance you originally signed up for.”
Before you could protest, San turned on the stereo system and played the track before standing in the middle of the living room to begin his routine.
You watched as San performed his routine perfectly. It catered to the song and you found yourself drooling as you leaned in to observe him more. San smirked at this as he jumped and did a diving move before crawling towards you. Your legs were open for him and he came in between them, nuzzling his nose into both of your inner thighs before slowly standing up. He gingerly grabbed your hand and took off his shirt before placing your palm on his broad chest. 
You watched your hand slowly trail down to his abs until your wrist stopped at the top of his sweats. It was then you noticed how low they hung on his hips. You looked back up to see him lean in closer, his eyes dark with lust and desire. His other hand cupped your cheek and he used his thumb to drag your bottom lip down slowly. 
“Can I have you for tonight, kitten?”
You were not about to pass up on the opportunity to ride that dick into the sunset. With a small ‘yes’ leaving your mouth, he kissed you passionately before grabbing your waist and carrying you to your shared bedroom.
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brokebonewritings · 2 months
The Courage to Try
Peter Parker x reader
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, High School Crush, Friends to Lovers
Summary: After years of swooning over Peter, you finally have the courage to ask him on a date. You would have never thought that going on a date with your best friend would turn out so well.
Word Count: 3k
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Lunch period at Midtown High was always chaotic. The hallways are filled with smelly, hangry teenagers who don’t know how to say “excuse me”. It never bothered you though, not really anyways. You had your friends to keep you company, even in class. MJ always made Honors Calculus more enjoyable, and Ned kept you occupied in Spanish. Peter on the other hand, it was hard to focus whenever you were in class with him.
It started out with small things. Little touches while handing you vials in Chemistry, or the smiles he would give you in Honors Calc. Lunch period was where you started to zone out the most. Even though there were no teachers to notice, your friends definitely could tell.
Peter always seemed to find a way to sit beside you during lunch, casually striking up conversations about anything and everything. Not that you complained about it. MJ would exchange knowing glances with Ned, who would tease you endlessly about your obvious crush on Peter.
“Hey!” You turn as you hear your name being called. It was MJ, trying to catch up with you from her last class. “How was Film Lit?”
“Hey, Ah, y’know, Mr. Micucci never really shows anything interesting so…” You trail off after seeing Peter and Ned up ahead. 
“You’re such a film snob,” MJ teased, nudging you playfully but you weren’t listening. “Uhm hello? Anyone in there?”
You’re brought back to reality as your friend waves her hand in front of your face. “Huh, sorry?”
“Dude, you totally were staring at Peter.” She said as you both stopped in the middle of the hallway.
You can feel the blush rising to your cheeks at her words, but you play it off with a laugh. "What? No way, I was just...” MJ raises an eyebrow at you, clearly not buying it. “Besides, Peter is just a friend.”
"Sure, just a friend who you can't take your eyes off of," she teases, bumping your shoulder as you start walking again. You roll your eyes, but there's a small part of you that can't deny the truth in her words.
As you approach Peter and Ned, you see them deep in conversation. Ned is animatedly telling a story while Peter listens, a small smile playing on his lips. You can't help but smile at the sight, feeling lucky to have such good friends by your side.
“Hey nerds,” MJ greets, “What is it this time? Star Wars or?”
Peter looks up with a grin as you and MJ approach, his eyes lighting up as he sees you. "Hey guys! Actually, we were just talking about the new Captain America musical on broadway!”
"Really? That sounds... interesting," you reply, trying to hide your amusement at the thought of a musical about Captain America. Ned launches into an excited explanation about the show.
As you all make your way to the cafeteria, Peter falls into step beside you, his shoulder lightly brushing yours. You feel a jolt of electricity at the contact, making it difficult to focus on the conversation.
Once you reach an empty table, you all sit down and start unpacking your lunches. MJ pulls out a sandwich while Ned eagerly unwraps a burrito. Peter, as usual, has brought a homemade lunch complete with a note from Aunt May.
"So, are you guys coming over tonight to work on the history project?" Ned asks between bites of his burrito.
"I wish I could, but I have to cover a shift at the bookstore," MJ replies apologetically.
You glance over at Peter, waiting for his reply. "Yeah, I'll be there. Maybe we can order some pizza while we work?" Peter suggests with a smile.
“I’ll be there!” You smile at both Ned and Peter. “Only if we can listen to my playlist.” 
Peter's eyes light up "Deal! As long as we get to listen to my playlist after," he teases, nudging you playfully. You roll your eyes but can't help the smile that tugs at your lips.
Ned groans, “Oh no, not your playlist again. We don’t need a repeat of the incident from last time.”
The rest of lunch is spent in easy conversation and laughter, the usual banter flowing effortlessly between the four of you. Despite the chaotic surroundings, there's a sense of calm whenever you're with your friends, especially when Peter is beside you.
As the bell signaling the end of lunch period rings, you all gather up your belongings and start making your way to your next classes. Peter falls into step beside you once again, and this time, he reaches out to lightly bump his shoulder against yours.
"See you after school for the project?" Peter asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes. You nod, feeling a flush of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him outside of school.
“I’ll meet you on the steps.” You grin as he walks away.
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Your last class seemed to drone on for hours. None of your friends were in it so you seemed exhausted by the end of it. You can't help but replay the small moments with Peter over and over in your head, his laughter, his smile, the way he always seemed to find a reason to be near you.
Not realizing the bell had rung, you looked around to see your classmates were all packed up and leaving. You hurriedly packed your bag, eager to meet Peter outside to walk to Ned’s house together.
Once you get outside, you notice him standing at the bottom of the steps looking for you. You notice him turn to see you as you walk by down the stairs. Peter flashed you a bright smile as you approached, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Peter asked as you joined him at the bottom of the steps. You nodded, feeling a rush of excitement. The two of you started walking towards Ned's house, the familiar route feeling different somehow with Peter by your side.
As you chatted about random things like the latest Spider-Man sightings in the city and your upcoming history project, you couldn't shake off the nervous energy bubbling inside you. There was something about Peter's presence that made you feel at ease.
“Pete?” You start, “You know you’re one of my best friends right?”
He smiles, “Of course!”
“Good," you continued, feeling a rush of courage. "Because lately, I've been thinking...” 
You both stop walking as your sentence trails off. Staring at the ground you can’t bring yourself to say the next set of words.
“Hey.” You hear Peter say softly. Looking up you see his round eyes staring back at you with a soft smile spreading across his lips. “I know you can say whatever it is you’re trying to tell me.”
Taking a deep breath you finally continue, “Peter Parker, I would really like to take you on a date.”
Peter's smile widens at your words, his eyes lighting up with surprise and joy. "I would love that," he says, his voice filled with warmth. The nervous energy inside you dissipates, replaced by a sense of relief and happiness at his response.
The two of you continue walking towards Ned's house, the weight of unspoken words now lifted from your shoulders. You can't help but steal glances at Peter, a smile tugging at your lips as you think about the possibility of going on a date with him.
When you reach Ned's house, he greets you both enthusiastically at the door and leads you to his room where you'll be working on the history project. As you settle in with your laptops and textbooks, Peter shifts closer to you, his shoulder brushing yours in a silent gesture of comfort and support.
You feel a rush of warmth at the simple touch, grateful for Peter's presence beside you. The three of you dive into the project, discussing ideas and sharing laughs as the afternoon turns into evening. Peter's eyes meet yours from across the table, a silent understanding passing between you.
Ned excused himself to use the restroom halfway through the study session, leaving you and Peter alone in his room. The silence wasn’t awkward, but it wasn’t comforting either.
Peter cleared his throat, breaking the quiet. "So... about that date," he started, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
You turned to face him, a smile playing on your lips. "Yes, about that date," you echoed.
He smiled back, “I was thinking about taking you to a museum or maybe Central Park?”
“Central Park is perfect!” 
“I also wanted to take you to this cafe near the park too.”
“I would really love that, Peter.” 
As Ned returns to the room, you both continue on with your work. When it was finally time for you both to go home, you hugged and said your goodbye to Ned, and thanked his Lola for the food. Peter said his goodbyes, and you both started walking towards the train.
The train ride was filled with a comfortable silence, the occasional glances and smiles shared between you and Peter speaking volumes. As the train pulled into your stop, you both stepped out onto the bustling platform and started walking towards your respective homes.
"Tonight was great," Peter said, breaking the silence. "I can't wait for our date at Central Park."
You smiled back at him,"Me too. Thanks for saying yes."
"Of course I said yes. I've been wanting to ask you out for a while now."
“What?” you say surprised.
“Yeah,” he says rubbing the back of his neck “I just was really nervous you would say no.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his confession, realizing that your feelings were reciprocated all this time. The walk to your apartment felt shorter than usual, because in no time you reached your building.
“Well, it looks like this is me.” You say, stalling. “So, tomorrow? For our Date? Since it is Saturday and all.”
"Absolutely," Peter replies with a warm smile. "I'll meet you at Central Park tomorrow afternoon."
You nod, and run up the stairs to your apartment. Your older brother takes note first on how giddy you are as you run inside. Then your mom notices.
“There’s no way you’re this excited about a project.” he says unamused. “Wait. Did he?”
You drop your bag and smile at your brother. “Mhm!” 
“Did who what?” Your mom asks from the kitchen table.
“Peter totally asked her out finally!”
Your mom stands up, taking her glasses off excitedly. “He did!”
You giggle at the excitement your family was portraying. “Well actually, I asked him. But, he did most of the planning!”
The three of you chat for a while before you decide to go to bed.
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The night felt like forever as you tossed and turned in bed, your thoughts consumed by your date with Peter. Every nerve in your body seemed to be tingling with excitement and a touch of nervousness, but deep down, you felt a sense of contentment knowing that you would be spending the day with him.
Waking up the next day, you went through your usual routine with a little more excitement. Your brother helped you with your outfit, since he was going to the most prestigious fashion college in New York City.
As you got ready for your date, your mind raced with possibilities. Would he let you hold his hand? What would you talk about? Would Peter still make your heart skip a beat like he always did?
With one last look in the mirror, and approval from both your mom and brother you grab your small backpack and head out the door to meet Peter.
The sun was shining brightly as you walked towards Central Park. You spot Peter waiting for you near the entrance, a bright smile on his face. As you approach him, he greets you and hugs you tightly.
"Hey," Peter says, his eyes filled with warmth. "You look amazing."
You feel a blush creep up your cheeks at his compliment. "Thanks. You don't look too bad yourself."
Peter chuckles, a grin playing on his lips. "Shall we?" he asks, gesturing towards the park.
You nod, and the two of you enter Central Park, the bustling city noises fading into the background as you walk along the winding pathways. The air is filled with laughter and chatter of families enjoying the weekend, adding to the vibrant atmosphere.
As you walked further into the park, a sense of serenity washed over you. The sun peeked through the trees, casting a warm glow over everything around you. Peter led you to a quiet spot by a tranquil pond, where a gentle breeze rustled the leaves above you. You sat down on a bench together, the sound of chirping birds providing a soothing soundtrack to your date.
Peter turned to you, his gaze soft yet full of excitement. "I'm really glad we're here together," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Me too," you replied, reaching out to take his hand in yours.
His fingers intertwined with yours, fitting perfectly as if they were always meant to be together.
“How long have you liked me, y’know, more than friends?” he asks curiously.
“A while,” you giggle, “probably when you were mixing random chemicals together in Chem class.”
He groans at this admission. “You don’t mean when I made that drawer explode right?”
“Yep exactly then, I think.” You look down at your hands interlaced together. “What about you?”
He smiles and looks up at the sky for a moment. “Probably when you went on that rant about how Capybaras would make better pets than Dogs.”
You both burst into laughter. Your laughter echoed through the park, blending with the rustling leaves and chirping birds around you. As your laughter subsided, a comfortable silence settled between you, filled with unspoken words and shared emotions.
Peter turned to you, his eyes meeting yours. “I really am glad you got the courage to ask me out.”
“I’m just really glad you didn’t turn me down.” You sigh.
Peter's warm smile never wavered as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. "I could never turn you down," he said softly, his gaze unwavering. "I've always known there was something special between us, even before we realized it ourselves."
"I've never felt this way about anyone before," you confessed, your heart pounding in your chest.
"Me neither," he admitted, “Is it okay if I kiss you now?”
Without another word, you leaned in towards Peter, closing the gap between you. His lips met yours in a gentle, tender kiss, sending a jolt of electricity through your entire being.
As you pull away, you can hear Peter sigh softly before opening his eyes. You both smile brightly at each other, while exchanging awkward giggles.
"Wow," he whispered, his breath mingling with yours.
"Wow indeed," you replied softly.
The rest of the afternoon was spent walking hand in hand through Central Park, sharing stories, dreams, and stolen kisses.
The sun began to dip below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the park. Peter decides that heading to the cafe before It closes was the best thing to do. The two of you found a cozy table by the window, the soft golden light illuminating your faces as you talked and laughed over cups of coffee.
“How did you even find this place?” You ask.
After taking a long sip of his coffee, he sets down his mug, “I was in the neighborhood and saw it one day. I just wanted to try it.” 
“How do you think Ned and MJ will react?”
“I think they’ll be relieved they won’t have to deal with us hiding our crushes.” He laughs, followed by your own.
“They’re really good at keeping secrets,” you begin.”Which is kind of scary.”
As the evening wore on, Peter walked you back to your apartment, hand in hand under the starlit sky. The familiar streets seemed transformed by the magic of the night, each moment etching itself into your memory as if trying to make it last forever.
“I had an amazing time today.” Peter says as you guys reach your building.
“Me too, Peter.” You smile. “Thank you for the coffee.”
Peter took a step closer, his hand reaching up to gently cup your cheek. “I wish the night went on longer.”
“This doesn’t have to be our only date if you don’t want it to be.”
His eyes sparkled with hope and affection. "I definitely want more than just one date with you," he said softly, his thumb brushing against your cheek. 
With a smile tugging at the corners of your lips, you leaned closer to him, closing the gap between you once again in a sweet and lingering kiss.
Pulling away, you look up to see your mom and brother watching from the fire escape. “I should probably get inside.” you announce.
“Wait!” he starts, “Uh, I was just wondering if you wanted to make it official?”
“Official?” you echo
“Yeah, like will you officially go out with me?”
You smile wide and nod to his question. “Yes, Peter, Of course!”
He returns the smile and wraps you in a warm hug. “I’m so glad.”
Pulling away from him once again, “Goodnight, Peter!” you say before climbing the steps to your building.
“Good night!”
As Peter begins to walk home, you can’t help but look back at him and watch as he looks back at you. He waves once more before disappearing around the corner, leaving you standing on the steps with a contented smile on your face.
You really were glad you got the courage to finally ask him on a real date. Maybe you would have the courage to ask him if he was actually Spider-Man in the future, or decide if MJ made that up.
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taglist: @guacam011y @alexxavicry @emma23 @moncherriis
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 months
hello! if you want me to break this up for you I will!!
anyway, I want to request two sets of headcanons, if that's okay?
we have two YanSim fictives in our system, we have Osana (hiii!!!!) and Ayano... we are dating in our system
I know you said no character x character and I totally get it so stick with me I have a point
Ayano x fem reader who loves Yan-chan very much and supports her in every way possible and likes to play games with her (as in if Ayano kidnaps her, she breaks out but leaves a note saying "come catch me (:" with a bunch of hearts and Reader's just like... under the bed or something) and is in general genuinely just happy to be with Ayano even if she's... Not Mentally Well
Osana x fem reader who struggles with feeling any emotions at all around anyone but Osana, and, while being obsessed with her sure, does her level best to keep within Osana's boundaries and not really hurt her or make her uncomfortable in any serious way
if this isn't okay that's totally fine
don't worry about us being disappointed, we know no one can write us perfectly accurately and we don't expect you to write Osana and Ayano the Alters in the Spice Collective, we expect you to write Osana and Ayano from YanSim
please add your headcanons we LOVE headcanons
if there's not enough info, none of it's helpful, or there's too much lmk and I'll do what I can to fix it <33
all in all if you do this have fun with it bestiieee!!!!
Dating Osana Najimi and Ayano Aishi Headcanons.
Female Reader.
Requested by: @chilipowder9
Request Rules.
Mostly used "you" in headcanons. Sorry if this is short.
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Ayano Aishi:
The two of you... were not normal per say.
Ayano who's unable to feel emotions at all and will do anything to be with her love one and you...
Who's completely fine with Ayano's behavior, who doesn't see anything wrong with Ayano killing other people.
In fact, you encourage it. you indulge in it.
When you find out before you two got together, that she used many ways to get rid of her rivals just so she can be with you.
Instead of being afraid of your own being, disgusted and be in fear of Ayano.
You smiled, you congratulated her. You smiled and kissed her in the cheeks when you found out.
Ayano was shock per say, this wasn't the reaction she was expecting but she wasn't complaining.
After all, her girlfriend was happy on what she did just to get her love.
You two were happy and had fun in your relationship.
And what I mean by fun, is that you two have fun in ways a couple wouldn't.
Sometimes, Ayano would "kidnap" you just after school ends and act out a roleplay.
Sometimes you "break" free and leave a note, telling her to come and find you.
Whenever Ayano hears that someone else has taken an interest in you, she takes precautious measures to make sure you won't get stolen away from her.
Whenever it's blackmailing, murder, bullying, expelling etc.
And you would help her with it, whenever you found what she was doing.
It was kinda like a bonding moment between you two, strengthening your relationship together.
Since she knows what you like, waaayyy before you two started dating.
Ayano didn't have to ask nor figure out. She already knows, whatever you want. She'll get it for you.
Even if it's means murdering another person just for you.
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Osana Najimi:
You were different, you couldn't feel any emotions at all.
It was hard to act like a normal person 'till you met her, Osana Najimi.
You did everything for her, you got rid of the other people that had took a liking to her.
You only wanted her to be the one with you.
And it worked.
After all the things you did, you confessed and she accepted your feelings.
She doesn't know of the devious things you had to do in order to get rid of the rivals.
You tried to act normal around her, let her know of the obsessive feelings you had for her.
You don't want to scare your beloved away.
Whenever you got jealous, you had to keep it a minimum to make sure, Osana doesn't get scared.
Your jealousy was a scary thing and it was something you didn't want Osana to ever find out.
You respected Osana's boundaries, you didn't want to over cross it and make her uncomfortable and hate you for it.
Gods know what you'll do if she ever hates you.
Its something you ever don't want to happen, ever.
Whatever Osana wants, you'll make sure she'll get.
You know everything about her after all, what kind of girlfriend you were if you didn't know what your precious girlfriend likes and wants?
You'll make sure no one come across you two, even if you murder a few people in the background.
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chaosduckies · 2 months
Friends In Small Places (Chapter 4)
As I’ve mentioned when I had first started writing this, this piece is meant to be gloomy. So, I give you the fearplay chapter. I’m so sorry for the delay, but I hope you enjoy! (I have no idea how to feel about this scene-) Also, I get to put my three years of spanish classes to use :D (Translations are included)
Word Count: 3.5k
CW: Anxiety, panic attacks, slight gore mentioned
A week can pass by quickly. 
Cas and I have been slowly getting to know each other a little more. Not a whole lot since some topics were a little too hard for him to talk about. Classes at college were getting even more tiring, and before I could ask to take the classes online it turns out that they had already handled it when I brought up the subject. So, now I was practically staying at Cas’s house almost all of the time. Although it isn’t too bad, I’ve noticed something about his behavior. He likes to stay close by me. 
It’s not a bad thing, I’m not complaining at all, it’s just that it’s nerve wracking whenever he asks if I’m okay with him sitting near me. I’m not used to him all that much. I know most people are fine with being around shifters but of course I’ve believed all my life that most shifters were scary, intimidating even. It’ll just take some time to get used to living with one I guess. After all, I was supposed to be a therapist. 
Today I was just writing some notes while Cas sat on the floor, a bright smile on his face as he looked at his phone. I was about to ask what that was about, but then I remembered him telling me something about seeing his parents sometimes this week. Was that today? If it was I should probably get ready. The only thing I knew was that I was required to be there the entire time. They didn’t tell me what was going to happen, how long it would be, but I’m sure Cas would tell me on our way there. 
I shut my computer closed, placing my notebook on top of it before shoving it into my bag and glancing over at Cas. He seemed excited to meet with his parents. I would be too if I had been separated for however long. Then again I live in an entire different city than my parents. They do like calling every once in a while though. I don’t think they let Cas have his own parents phone number. 
“Excited?” I mumbled, walking a little bit closer. I’m pretty sure we’ll have to leave soon. It was already noon and I was mainly waiting on a text or a call that explains that his parents were ready to see him. For some reason he’s not allowed to go in early which I find is kind of irrational, but I can’t just go against them. Heck, I wasn’t even supposed to be part of this organization. 
“Mhm. Last time we were only allowed an hour to talk.” He smiled sadly at me, still looking positive about today’s outcome. I do hope he gets to see them today. I think he needs this. But I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as excited to see their parents as Cas was. 
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but how old are you?” I asked, looking up curiously. He can’t be more than three years younger than me. He doesn’t go to school, and I doubt he’s any older than myself. 
“Eighteen. I know, I act like a child.” He chuckled, messing with his hands. Nervous? I don’t really think I could do anything about that. Actually, for someone who has depression and struggles with emotions, he doesn’t lose control a whole lot. Only ever twice has he in front of me, minus the times where he starts growing a couple feet from either watching someone thing or thinking about something. I try my hardest to shut it down before anything bad could happen. Last time I freaked out and couldn’t do anything useful to help him. 
“I don’t think you act like a child.” I laughed, hearing my phone go off. I hurried to pick it up, seeing Cas quite literally beam with a shocked smile. I told them we’d be right there, and then carefully climbed into his hands. Today would be a good day. I don’t know why I get the feeling something bad will happen. It’s just the way they had sounded on the phone… 
The building looked relatively normal on the outside, with a fancy look that had screamed “We’re rich,” there were different sized doors, but what caught me off guard was that there was an entire security system right at the front that makes sure you’r not bringing a weapon. Cas set me down near the human-sized doors, telling me to just do what they say and we’ll eventually meet up again. It’s kind of awkward taking instructions from someone younger than me, but he’s been here for much, much longer. 
I went through security, answered a few questions, like who I was with, how long I would prefer the visit time be, mostly questions about Cas if I were being honest. Was this why he was only allowed a singular hour to talk last time? Because he had someone else? I don’t really mind spending a few hours here. What could go wrong? I answered as long as Cas and his parents were going to be here. I’d feel bad if I set a time limit. Plus, I’m sure his parents would love to spend some more time with him. 
Eventually they lead me to a huge waiting room, where I was guessing I would be able to keep an eye on Cas. I was I trusted to stay in there in case something goes wrong, but I sincerely doubt it. What was there to be upset about in the first place? I think everything would be fine. I was just staying on the sidelines anyways. Maybe meet his parents, talk for a while. Heck, maybe I’ll even get to know a little more about him. Cas doesn’t answer some questions I have. All for good reason I hope, it’s not like I was going to force it out of him anyways. That would just be plain wrong. 
Out side of the room, Cas had walked in, standing up near the platform I was guessing they’d be at. Weren’t they supposed to take me up there too? A woman wearing a suit walked into my holding room, taking a seat right next to me, “Kayla Cruz. I was Casper’s old therapist.” She giggled, holding her hand out. Oh? What was she doing here then? Why was she replaced by me of all people? She certainly looked like she was more trained for this job than I was. Something wasn’t right here. 
“Oh, um, Liam Rover. It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled, shaking her offered hand and watching as Three people wearing a guard outfit instructed Cas about something to which he nodded to. Wasn’t I supposed to be up there? I think I know which way to go to get up to him. I guess I can wait an extra couple of minutes. I have no idea why, but I had a bad feeling about everything. Maybe I could ask Ryan later? I know the person he was placed with is a shifter who can only reduce their size, was this really any different? I’d have to ask. 
The woman next to me watched, a frown on her face as she looked at Cas, a worried look on his face. His eyes darted all around the room, still waiting for when his parents walk through the safety of the doors high above where I was sitting. Was it supposed to take this long? Why was I the one worried? Was it just a feeling? 
Th woman next to me glared at me from the corner of her eye, a smirk appearing on her face, “They told you he was meeting with his parents today?” She leaned back in the seat. I nodded my head, confused. “It’s technically true, but the company has deemed Casper here too mentally unstable to meet with anyone but shifters and his corresponding therapist, which would be you.” 
My heart sank. 
What the hell. This was just wrong! I have to go up there before they do anythi- I stared up at the platform, seeing a singular guard walk in, say something to Cas, have a short conversation that made his eyes grow wide and slide slowly down the metal-looking wall behind him. My eyes darted around the room, searching for a door to go and help him. Of course I was terrified about what they’ve done, mostly the outcome of what’s about to happen, but it’s not like I can just leave him here. I know what they do to shifters who can’t control their emotions. Their either sent off to a special captivity prison, or they… I can’t think about that right now. I am not about to become the reason Cas gets sent to a place like that. I don’t have the heart in me to do so. 
I found a door that looked like it lead to the room, and almost as if they knew I was searching for it, it unlocked. I threw it open, rushing out, my heart beating fast and uncontrollable. My legs were about to give out from underneath me, breath shaky, my mind screaming at me to get the hell out of here. But I don’t. I knew what was about to happen. They weren’t letting Cas see his parents. I heard slight screaming and yelling in another room that sounded like a woman’s and crying from a kid. But I didn’t focus on that right now. I was more worried about the situation in front of me. 
What do I do? Something tells me this isn’t going to be anything like that other time. Cas has always watched how he reacts to things, what he does, but right now he’s not. He’s most definitely depressed, and there was just something else I couldn’t pin point. People do dumb things while they’re upset. They regret it all later, so it would be best if I make sure Cas doesn’t so anything he’ll regret. Because then that’s an entire different problem to deal with after this one. 
“Cas!” I managed to scream at the top of my lungs, knees buckling underneath me, but I force them to keep me standing upright as his gaze falls onto me. I jumped, chest heaving up and down as I struggled to find the words to say. My body was frozen in fear, not even able to move a single limb from it’s place. He winced when his legs uncomfortably hit the wall opposite of him. I didn’t know what to do. It’s almost like… they wanted him to lash out. Why would they want that? Soon enough, guards ran in, yelling orders while one tugged at me to head back inside, but I didn’t move. Instead, I rushed forward, avoiding the somehow careful limbs that were trying to move into a compact position on the floor. 
A guard was running after me, but I guess someone held him back since I was somehow gaining ground when I was running extremely slow and tripping every once in a while. I found Cas’s head, seeing him scrunched up as much as he could manage as of right now. He laid on the ground, arms and hands covering his face and knees up against the chest. He still realizes that he can hurt people. Maybe I can actually do this? Still, the size difference between us is huge. 
Cas wasn’t crying or anything. Just mumbling words I surprisingly couldn’t make out. He didn’t sound angry. Just upset. That makes it easier to deal with. People do horrible things out of anger. And I could only imagine how devastating it would be if Cas wasn’t thoughtful enough to watch himself. 
I found his head, buried underneath his arms and muttering incomprehensible words to himself. He groaned a bit, slightly turning his body to face the wall, moving his arms away from his face to lay them down. I guess he didn’t see that I was so close to him because his arm almost killed me. I quickly jumped out the way just before I would’ve been nothing but a pile of flesh and bones on the ground. My heart skipped a beat, unable to stare at the spot on the ground where I could’ve died. My breathing became a ragged, and the sounds close to me were slightly muffled, but it’s not like anyone was saying anything important to me. 
Cas turned his head, eyes meeting my frozen minuscule frame and gasping. He moved his arm away from me, doing his best to slowly sit up without alarming the multiple guards in the room, along with the weapons they probably have imbedded in the room itself. I could tell he was still upset, but right now I was too focused on the fact that I could have died. That reminded me just how much power Cas had over me. Even if I was the one who was watching over him. 
“L-Liam I-I’m so sorry I didn’t mean-“ He tried apologizing, voice hitching just before sucked in a sharp breath. My entire body was shaky, but I forced my legs to push me back up and walk over to the towering being. More people had walked in, Cas pressed his back closer to the wall scared. He knew what was going to happen. I knew what was going to happen. I just had to make sure it wasn’t the worst possible outcome of the the two. I don’t think I could handle the guilt that way. 
The week I’ve spent with Cas has been amazing really. Even though sometimes I get a little jumpy from the fast movements, or feel uncomfortable at times when he’s around me, Cas really isn’t bad at all. We’ve hung out for a while, watched movies, played a few games. I think we’re friends? With that thought in mind I’d hate to see them take him to a place he doesn’t even deserve to be in. Of course I was afraid of him still, instincts and all, but I don’t want him to end up being alone. 
I stood up, taking shaky breaths as I tried my hardest to stay upright. Come on I’m not even hurt- I was just terrified. Shocked. A little unstable right now even. If I had tried talking to Cas now he wouldn’t hear me. The distance between my and himself was huge. I looked back up at him, taking deep breaths. He stared worriedly at the people making their way in, looking ready to advance if he tries anything. 
“I’m not scared. I’m totally fine.” I kept muttering to myself. It usually worked when I felt like this. It’s what my dad would keep telling me. Little did he know that I was terrified of everything going on around me right now. 
Cas’s attention turned to me, a hand reaching taking up my vision as I stood frozen in fear. The next the thing I knew I was pinched tightly between two of his fingers, arms pinned to my sides and barely able to move any part of my body. The pressure against my chest increased, threatening to break my ribs. That was the least of my worries. I couldn’t breathe right now. 
“I-I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you like that!” He freaked out, holding me dangerously close to his face. He’s not being his usual careful self, but that was expected when a person was upset. I gasped for air, trying to free my arms from the prison I was in currently, but Cas just kept looking over the the people on the ground that was far, far below me and muttering words in a language I couldn’t hear. 
My heart was racing fast as my lungs had begged me for air. I managed to free one of my arms, and I forced my voice to work for once, “Cas!” 
“…Lo siento. Lo siento mucho. Estoy arruinando todo...” (*Translation: I’m sorry. I’m very sorry. I’m ruining everything…*)He kept on muttering over and over again, and it just makes me wish I had paid attention to my spanish classes in high school. Something about him being sorry? I think have much, much bigger problems at hand though. 
Cas shifted me in his literal death grip, allowing me to breathe, but he was pressing down harder, and a sharp pain erupted from my leg, but I was fueled by the adrenaline. 
“Cas!” I screamed again, trying to pull myself out of his grip. His eyes darted to me, wide and shocked. It took him a moment to realize, but he let go, laying me down in his open palm, running a hand through his hair. I coughed for air, wincing when I checked out the leg that felt like it was on fire. Most likely broken, but nothing I couldn’t handle. It was fine though. I know he didn’t mean to. But still, my fear never wavered at the fact that he could quite literally kill me by not even trying to. 
“¿Estás bien? I-I didn’t mean to-“ I nodded my head, biting down hard on the bottom of my lip. It’s okay, you know him good enough to know that he wouldn’t do any of this on purpose. I had to remind myself before gathering up my remaining courage to actually do my job. 
“Cas, just take a few breaths, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong.” I had only hoped he heard over how shaky my voice was. He slowly nodded his head, I closed my eyes, hoping that when I opened them the ground wouldn’t be so far from me. When I peaked out, the ground was a bit closer, people stood on the ground, frozen in either fear or shock. I calmed my heart down enough to actually get a few more words in. 
“Feeling a little better?” I asked, putting on the best smile I could manage right now. He slightly nodded again, continuing to take slow breaths. 
“What happened?” I asked calmly, genuinely worried about what was said before I rushed in through here. Cas eyes me sadly, wincing, “I won’t… be able to see my parents for a long time.” He whispered, suddenly aware of everything around him again. He moved further into the wall, away from the people below us. 
“And that means?…” He bit the bottom of his lip, “Apparently I’m too unstable to even see my own family.” He sighed, and I could tell he wanted to cry, but he knew what would happen if he gave into those feelings. 
“I-I have a little brother. He loves trying to climb up anything he can,” He started laughing sadly, “You can imagine how much fun he has when he and my parents come for visits.” He sniffled a little, smiling. Oh. Oh. He’s calming down in his own way. 
Why was the world so adamant on having people watch over the “dangerous” shifters? Cas doesn’t need me… and maybe shifters don’t actually need anyone to watch over them. 
“Yeah?” I smiled, laughing with him while he seemed to have calmed down. 
“… I’m sorry, Liam.” He pressed me up agianst the bridge of his nose, this time a lot more gentle. I winced from the sharp pain in my leg, but sucked it up. I think Cas needs this. Even if I was scared he’d accidentally hurt me again. 
Cas let me down, facing the crowd on the ground that had rushed to help me up, limping the entire way until multiple people were talking behind me, rushing into places. I turned back, ignoring the warning from the people helping me. Cas gave a sad smile as the red band on his wrists started blinking, clasping themselves together like magnetic handcuffs. Cas sighed. 
I heard people in another room yelling, even a child’s voice. It’s his parents. I gasped, finding a door to another room I haven’t been in, seeing a guard and a person with a suit and tie in there. Through the small window, I saw a tall man trying to comfort his wife, who sat crying on the bench while the child stared, screaming at the guard to let him see his brother. My heart sank. 
They weren’t going to kill Cas. I knew they wouldn’t. I just hoped I would be allowed to see him in the hospital they’ll be placing him in. This wasn’t right. Not at all. 
Aghhh plot build up my beloved. This chapter leads up to something reallyyy important for later.
Aww all Cas wanted was to see his little brother 🥺
I hope you enjoyed! I have no idea how to feel about this chapter if I’m being honest, but I hope it’s alright TwT work is affecting my writing grahhhh. Thank you for reading though!
The drawing I did for this chapter is right here!
Taglist: @da3dm (If you would like to be added, leave a note or dm me! :D)
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class-1b-bull · 5 months
Can I ask what 1-B would be like with an S/O who shows their feelings mainly through lots of cooking and feeding?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - anything his s/o makes for him he will eat pretty quickly and then talk about how good it was for 5 minutes lmao. Like you blink and the food is gone. Fucking inhaled that shit.
Sen - he always asks his s/o for little snacks and stuff when he goes training and for similar things. He wont directly say anything specific about the foods but he will silently find ways to thank his s/o
Kamakiri - he wont openly say anything about it but he will point out if his s/o stopped. If they stop cooking for him he will point it out and say he rlly liked the food and they should cook for him more ykyk?
Kuroiro - he wont eat much of anything unless you cooked it at this point lmao. Like he will if he has too but he will always prefer his s/os cooking over anyone elses
Kendo - she loves when her s/o cooks for her and she started asking for them to teach her how to cook the things they've made her so she can return the favor
Kodai - if her s/o has a tendency to give her food as a love language then her love language becomes getting them the ingredients. She likes helping them prepare the foods and such but still lets her s/o do most of the hard stuff.
Komori - every time her s/o brings her food she immediately starts gushing about how good it is and she insists on sharing it with them
Shiozaki - whenever you cook for her she will pack it up and eat it as a mid gardening snack or for her lunch that day at school. Then later she will always make sure to tell her s/o how much she liked it and that they should make it again sometime.
Shishida - hes pretty large and his quirk takes up a lot of his energy so he needs to eat and sleep quite a bit. So if his s/os love language is cooking him things he loves it more than he could show.
Shoda - it dosent matter what it is he will eat his s/os cooking every time without fail and he will quietly thank them every time they make him something.
Pony - shes always so happy when her s/o makes her anything. She will give her s/o the biggest hug and gush about how good the food is <3
Tsubaraba - hes a bit of a picky eater but no matter how bad something his s/o made is he will eat all of it. He dosent have to worry about that though since he likes all of his s/os food
Tetsutetsu - if his s/o makes him something to eat they will be forced to listen to him talk about how manly knowing to cook is for at least five minutes. Every dish his s/o makes is the best dish ever according to Tetsu (and he will make sure everyone nearby knows)
Tokage - she instantly starts to praise her s/o about how good their cooking is while insisting they have some of what they made too. She will share it with them, they dont get a choice.
Manga - manga likes to take the little snacks hos s/o makes him and use what they taste like as inspiration for his next drawing (if that makes sense lmao) every time his s/o cooks him something he draws them something and hides it in their bag or room for them to find <3
Honenuki - he also really loves cooking and his love language is acts of service so whenever he sees you cooking him something he always helps in any way. He will run to the store to get a single spice if his s/o asked
Bondo - its the highlight of his day when his s/o comes to him with some food they made. No matter what his s/o made him he loves it every time.
Monoma - he keeps 'complaining' about how hes trying to stay nimble and thin for the sake of his quirk or whatever but at the same time he always eats everything his s/o makes and he even scolds them for not cooking him stuff in a while lmao.
Reiko - she likes the little snacks her s/o makes over the full course meals. Dont get me wrong she eats it no matter what but she prefers the snack foods to eat so he can share with her s/o while they watch a movie or smthn
Rin - he loves his s/os cooking lmao. He will always ask for little snacks when hes about to study or smthn like that. He insists on helping when they cook as well.
Gif anime - dungeon meshi
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kexing · 11 months
Its so wild to see how openly and aggressively people hate forcebook and their work. Iknow bl opinions are so varied but other than the odd 'this is not for me' i never really come across hate for pairings on here (maybe its different on twitter idk) so its so insane that when it comes to fb people just stop being considerate to fans or even look to bother them actively. there are some actors who get rightly criticized for awful behaviour but with fb it just seems like its the one pairing that people are allowed to shit on and thats why they do it? bc what's the worst they've done? not act the way you would want them to or take part in a show you didn't like?? why would people then focus so much on them rather than focus on the stuff they do like? its so baffling i truly wonder if its just 'playground join in with the bully' behaviour. sorry thats been on my mind as someone who only filters into bl every now and then, its so strange.
hi there!
RIGHT????? before them, i had never seen hate for pairings on this level. i knew about some problematic actors and pairings that had broken up so most people had moved on but actual gratuitous hate??? was unknown to me.
i used to think we all minded our business with our faves and everyone lived in peace. at least it was like that here on tumblr for my first years of bl. i do think twitter is different and probably worse, but the way their behavior has been poisoning tumblr as well is concerning.
truly. i don’t KNOW what’s with forcebook that people seem to enjoy hating on them. they’ve been on the public eye for nearly two years now, they have zero rumors, zero scandals, zero accusations, work hard, just do their thing, openly support the lgbtq+ community, all their coworkers like them, for fanfest in japan geminifourth, joong and phuwin went to force’s room in the middle of the night to hang out because their adore spending time with him, their previous directors adore them, p’film considers forcebook his actual children and p’new opens his arms for book to bear hug him whenever he sees him.
hell, even their old classmates from school came forward to say they were really nice people back then. that force was popular because he was friends with everyone and book was quiet but sweet.
when there’s actual deeply problematic actors out there. people who get accused of unspeakable things EVERY SINGLE DAY. and fans still defend them and give them 937482848384 chances.
it just doesn’t make sense to me. WHY would you be so obsessed with someone you don’t like? focus on your faves instead of complaining about other people just doing their job!!!!!!!!!!
i do usually call it “hate train” because it seems like everybody’s hopping on it just because it’s going around a lot.
but STILL. i see some criticism that’s just baffling. the way people will take forcebook’s words out of context and attack them with it, invent shit saying they’re nepotism babies (they are not). some even use forcebook’s friendship against them which is????? surreal. jobless behavior. go find a hobby or something else to do???? WHAT ARE YOU GAINING FROM ALL THIS?????
force and book are very open about their friendship and how it’s not perfect because they like being honest with us instead of painting a false image of their relationship, it’s not for people to turn it into weapons!! the disrespect is just so infuriating!
i’m not asking for everyone to start loving forcebook, just RESPECT THEM. or even ignore them. but don’t ruin things for them 😭😭😭 and us fans who are just trying to support them.
it’s okay! i wonder about the same things every single day. and i sincerely don’t know if i’m just too biased or something but i have never understood the amount of hate and still don’t because i would never do this to anyone. i never expected things to become like this.
but oh well :/
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thelazyhermits · 11 months
Gonna talk about ADeuce and my Yuu underneath the cut
So y'all know how I once said in a fic A/N that I couldn't really see my Yuu ending up with any of the first years except for possibly Jack or Sebek?
Well, since writing for Twst Halloween, I've been thinking more about the ADeuYuu dynamic, which is making me reconsider what I had first said.
Up until that point, because of my Jack & Sebek bias, I hadn't really been giving a lot of thought to ADeuce, even though I love them and their relationship with Yuu. There's just no competing my love for Jack and Sebek lol 😂
But, despite my strong bias, I have been thinking more about ADeuce as of late, and I've come to a realization:
There are probably no boys that are more smitten with Yuu than Ace and Deuce lol
Like, I'm not saying they're in love with her, but at the same time, I'm not saying they're not in love with her either.
The more time I spend thinking about them and writing scenes with them, I'm just like, "Damn, these two are crazy about Yuu." lol 😂
It makes sense though, especially in Ace's case, since there's plenty of game content that supports his attachment to Yuu. Hell, the newest Halloween event is like a AceYuu date at one point lol
In the case of my Yuu, Ace wasn't too fond of her at first cause it pissed him off that this magicless kid got involved in the entrance ceremony and is allowed on campus despite how hard he worked to get into the school. (Which is apparently how he feels about Yuu according to what I've seen of the first light novel.)
However, after the incident at the Dwarfs' Mine, Ace becomes more interested in her since there's clearly more than meets the eye to her, although there was some reluctancy on his end cause of what happened with his ex-girlfriend which had made him originally plan on avoiding dealing with girls so he could just hang out with guy friends instead.
His curiosity won out in the end, though, cause it bugged him that he couldn't get a good, solid read on Yuu.
Plus, Yuu, albeit somewhat reluctantly, agrees to help Ace with the situation with Riddle that happens soon after the Prologue, so the events of Book 1 lead to him warming up to her and that's why he gets angry enough to punch Riddle on her behalf like what happens in canon.
If asked about his relationship with Yuu and the others, Ace would make the excuse that Yuu and the others are always following him around, and he's got no other choice but to put up with them since they're all in the same class, but that's a total lie lol
Ace, like Deuce, sticks with Yuu because he wants to. At first, it was to satisfy his curiosity about her, but it didn't take long for the main reason to be because he got genuinely attached to her.
He likes that it's never boring with Yuu and that she can give as good as she gets whenever he messes with her. He loves getting her riled up.
But rather than just cause he finds her reactions funny, it's mostly cause he likes having her undivided attention.
Ace was totally the kid that pulled the pigtails of girls that he liked when he was younger lol 😂
While I've said before that Deuce is one of the most overprotective of Yuu's sons, Ace is one of the most possessive, along with Grim lol
That's why Ace will get all sulky/annoyed if Yuu gives too much of her attention to anyone else. He's like a cat in that he'll make sure his displeasure is known and if he wants attention he'll make sure to get it, much to Yuu's exasperation/amusement.
That said, Ace doesn't mind if his time spent with Yuu is shared with Deuce, although Ace doesn't necessarily hate sharing his time with Yuu with her other sons. He's just less likely to complain if it's Deuce who's with them since they're both on the same wavelength when it comes to Yuu.
Moving onto Deuce, he quickly becomes attached to Yuu after he finds out that she also got into a lot of fights in the past and is trying to turn over a new leaf at NRC, like him.
While Ace became smitten with Yuu over time, Deuce got smitten early on since she really won him over when she comforted him during that shopping trip and assured him that his mother would be proud of the man he's becoming. His feelings just got stronger the closer he became to Yuu since she's always so supportive of him.
Deuce has no idea just how smitten he is. He just thinks this is normal for best friends lol
He's the biggest sweetheart when Yuu is concerned. In direct contrast to Ace, Deuce is always trying to be helpful to her since she's always supporting him, and he's pretty much always the first person who jumps to her defense.
Deuce thinks really highly of Yuu cause of how hard she works at school and with her part-time jobs and how she's able to earn the respect of the most powerful students at NRC.
He thinks it's amazing how patient she is with him when they do homework together and admires how smart she is.
Honestly, if any one person is considered a Yuu simp, it's probably Deuce 😂
Of course, Deuce will still get upset with Yuu for being reckless, like what happens at the end of Book 6 when everyone gets back from Styx, cause he cares so much about her and doesn't want anything to happen to her.
But Deuce could never get seriously mad at her and lose his temper cause he'd be worried about scaring her if he went full delinquent mode on her. (He has nothing to worry about. Yuu could never be scared of Deuce.)
The ADeuYuu dynamic is so good since these boys are crazy about Yuu and would drop everything for her, and Yuu equally adores them since these are her best friends, two of the first friends she ever made, and they've been with her since the beginning and have never left her side, which means a lot to a girl who, in the past, was always alone.
So just expect more of that in my writing since, while I still love Jack and Sebek the most, ADeuce have successfully wormed their way into the spotlight, so I intend to make sure to give them more love haha
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zu-is-here · 11 months
Hi... Sorry for sad rant, beforehand
So, where do you guys get ideas, or help, or something? Like, internet has a lot of info... But I cannot find answers I'm looking for, or learn in general, so it's pretty annoying ...
And it's just...getting worse. I can't get help from family, they lost years raising me and I'm just stuck, not being able to "grow up" and be on my own. I can't find answers online, and I can't get medical/psychological help because it doesn't work (pills doesn't work on me, and therapy is just... You can't progress without talking and my mind just goes blank whenever I sit with the guy. Tried like 4 different ones, no results with any)
I have no idea how did I get through the school, and everyone pointing it out like me being in college is proof that it's not bad is pretty depressing (I'm here only because I barely passed a test, and in a subject that they would probably take in anyone, if they were just going to sign a paper. And even here I am barely making through just because teachers didn't really care and just let people pass).
It's stupid. I know it's just my problem for not getting it, or not trying hard enough, but... I just don't even know where to turn. In the end I just sleep day away or look blankly on the phone or wall. I try to research, or whatever, but nothing sticks in my mind for more than a hour if it gets there in the first place ...
You know, the more I read, the more I realize that things are not as bad as it might seem. It depends on your perception and reflects on your attitudes.
I'm in no way minimizing your problem, but before you can get help, you might try helping yourself.
You're growing, you still do, and it's never a waste of time but your personal journey. You did graduate from high school, and you study in college now — that's a fact, and whether it's good or not really, depressing or promising, is only up to you to decide. As well as whether to accept this fact or to change it.
Sometimes you need to take a step, even if you're not ready. You can't start being on your own if you're not on your own now. You can't learn to cook if someone does it for you. Sometimes we learn not because we have a choice but because we have no other choice.
It's not stupid to feel helpless, you have the right to all the feelings, you are a living being. But this is not a dead end. You can get sympathy to feel better, but you know it won't help you to get better.
For your own sake, get out of bed and put away your phone. Start with self-care, move on to cleaning, and gradually expand your to-do's. Do it for yourself ♡
Same goes to getting help: don't expect someone to find a way out for you if you don't help them with it. If you can't talk to a therapist, write them a letter in advance. If you can't describe your problem, start with your feelings. I'm not a therapist and never been to one, but I believe it's a tandem, so take a step forward.
If you want to get an answer, ask the question instead of looking for a place with answers. If you don't like the outcome, start taking actions instead of complaining about the outcome.
Perhaps my words might seem harsh to you, but please, don't take them personally, for I truly believe in you (⊃。•́‿•̀。)⊃ You can make a change when you realize that your life, even with someone's help, is in your own hands. ☆
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redey3core · 1 year
Scooter & Clover Headcanons
I had kind of a bad week so Imma post my individual hcs for these two to cheer me up :] it's a little long so click to see them all!
18 years old (senior year).
Has 3 older brothers- Roller, Blade, and Skate (triplets, 23 years old).
Ojibwe. Knows bits and pieces of the language; not enough to speak it properly, but enough to trick non-indigenous people into thinking she can.
Has dyslexia. English is her least favourite class.
Her parents are pretty busy people. They work very long shifts and usually aren't home. Nonetheless, they love Scooter very much and try to make time for all of their children.
Scooter is most similar to her father, down to her mannerisms. Her brothers, meanwhile, take after their mother more.
In comparison, she's very good at maths. She's near the top of her algebra class.
Learnt to skateboard after Roller went through a skateboarding phase when they were younger. He eventually dropped it, but she kept the hobby.
Girls are her weakness. She absolutely melts at the sight of a girl she likes.
Generally very confident and rowdy. She's known to not take anybody's crap and can be a bit impulsive, especially when she's upset or angry.
Easy to anger, but also very easy to calm down. She doesn't really hold grudges.
Friends with all the guys. Her best friend is Wylan B.
Involved in the skate punk subculture. She's very vocal if she thinks something is unjust or unfair, even if it gets her into deep trouble.
Constantly covered in scrapes, bumps and bruises from skateboarding.
A thrillseeker. There's nothing out there that can scare her. At least that's what she claims.
Kind of nosey. It comes from a good place - she just wants to make sure her friends are alright - but she really doesn't know when to stop pushing people for information.
Only one out of her friends to have a driver's licence. She drives her brother's old battered car whenever she can get her hands on the keys.
HORRIBLE handwriting. Combined with her dyslexia, it's a miracle she's even passing half of her classes.
Alongside skateboarding, she's also a talented artist. It's a hobby she's not open about though, and she mainly draws at home.
A pretty decent fighter. Blade was the one who taught her.
17 years old (senior year).
Her family life is… complicated. Her family life is extremely dysfunctional and is still a source of extreme anxiety for her. She moved in with Marty when she was 13. Her family life is an extremely sensitive topic, and she will lash out if people question her about them.
Used to be a VERY different person when she was younger. She was very introverted, shy, a people pleaser and obedient to her parents. Marty's "bad influence" helped her to come out of her shell and tap into who she really is.
Very bubbly both on and off the stage. Her best friends are Amy and Hope, but she gets along with pretty much everyone.
Despite being very friendly, she finds it hard to open up/be vulnerable around others.
Clumsy. Prone to dropping things and tripping over her own feet. She has broken several pieces of music equipment by accidentally dropping them or falling over.
Takes a day off school at least once every 2 weeks to practise for the band. Her teachers hate it, but she's passing all her classes, so they can't complain much.
Highly emotional. She wears her emotions with pride, and she often influences her own friends emotions. This can be great when she's in a good mood... It's not so fun when she's feeling upset.
Has anxiety, partially as a result of her parents. Although it's under control, she finds it extremely embarrassing and hasn't told anyone else about it aside from Marty. Her parents and people yelling are major triggers for her anxiety.
Very close with Scarlett. She sees her like an older sister.
Learnt to play the drums in secret from her parents. She's been playing since she was 12. She started taking it way more seriously after moving in with Marty.
Enjoys reading, especially magazines. Has a monthly subscription to a punk magazine.
Cut off all her hair the night she moved in with Marty. She's kept it short ever since.
Has a fear of dogs, especially large ones. She was bitten by a large dog as a kid & the fear's just stuck ever since.
Has a tendency to be extremely impatient. If a customer takes 0.5 seconds too long to order, she'll be in a bad mood.
LOVES dyeing her hair. She's had streaks, bangs-only, half-half, ect. Her bathroom is stained green from her dyeing efforts.
Tutors some of the other students in English, mainly the sophomores and juniors.
Collects pins. Most of her stuff is covered in various types of pins. Her favourite is a custom green clover pin that she keeps on her schoolbag.
Was (and still is) her parents' favourite child. She does not like that.
Enjoys writing lyrics. Most of her songs don't make it to the band's albums (they're admittedly a little too teenage-y for Scarlett to sing), but she has a notebook full of self-written lyrics.
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softguarnere · 2 years
Heyyy, hope you’re good and hope you’re still doing these?
could I please request a BoB ship!! I’m 5”3 (somewhere around that) and I look fairly younger for my age. I’m a mixture between skinny and a little curvy and I’m a fake blonde lmao which reaches my mid / lower back and I have blue eyes.
I used to be really shy, and I still can feel a little self conscious/ anxious in certain situations I’m not comfortable with, but now I’m super outgoing and a little too chatty. I’m a really giggly person and find it hard to stay in a bad mood. I’m a little uncomfortable about being super open with people as use humour a lot of the time. Id say I can be a little flirty, but I get too shy or embarrassed the majority of the time.
I loveeee all animals apart from insects and reptiles, and I’m such a mix of loving time by myself and going out and socialising. I can be really emotional and empathetic and sometimes I do get a little worried about what people think about me. Apart from that I’m fairly level headed to other people, I try my best to say rational and want people to know they can turn to me if they ever need.
Hi Anon! Of course you can have a ship (I'm terribly sorry about the wait, school has been keeping me insanely busy)
I ship you with . . .
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Joe Toye!
I get a lot of Luz vibes from you (in the best way possible), which meant that it was between the two of them. But I really feel like Joe would just be enamored with you!
Because he's taller than you, Joe would for sure be the boyfriend that comes up behind you, wraps you in his arms, and rests his chin on top of your head (very jealous of you bestie!)
No but I feel like he would love your hair? Don't get me wrong, he lives for the blonde, but even if you changed colors or went natural he would still think that you're drop dead gorgeous
And if you like your s/o touching your hair, then you're in luck, because Joe is actually really good at braiding hair. And with a little determination and some lessons, he could do other styles for you too
In social situations he would be so grateful for you. You're so outgoing and it's so easy for you to meet new people that it makes it easier for him to connect with others as well, since he's more introverted
But it definitely goes both ways! Being with Joe is like having your own personal body guard. He's scary good at predicting what you need. You start to get overwhelmed in a social setting but don't want to leave quite yet? He's holding your hair or has a reassuring hand on your waist. You're done with being social for the night? Him too, and he's already found an exit strategy
After the war, he tends to get a little overwhelmed in certain social situations as well. He knows that he can turn to you once you're alone together, but he's kind of a reserved person, so be patient with him and give him some time to learn that it's okay to open up to you
I also feel like you would just get along so well with his friends. Especially Luz. Y'all would just have a really fun time whenever the group meets up to hang out
Joe Toye does not let anyone mess with his girl -- whether that's a person or a spider. 100% the boyfriend who you can call for when you find a bug in the bathroom. He's already got it under a cup and is ready to take it outside, and he never complains about it once, it's very sweet
Thanks for the request! I hope you liked this 💕🕊️
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ltwharfy · 1 month
[Ask Game] Writing Patterns
Thanks so much to @daddygrandpaandthebeaver for tagging me in this!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern.
Rudy Stieblitz followed Louise Belcher into her family’s restaurant. From "Mom, Lies, and Rudy"
With a dull ache in his heart, Sylvester Stieblitz looked at the text message yet again, hoping that maybe it would say something different when he read it for the tenth time. From Loneliness Comes Around Again
It was a beautiful Saturday evening in spring, with the breeze gently blowing off the ocean. From My Love, Take My Breath Away
The tradition had started in the winter break of their 4th grade year, when Louise mentioned to Rudy that her family went to the top of their building to watch the Wonder Wharf fireworks at midnight on New Year’s Eve. From Cold Lang Syne
Louise Belcher looked up at the clock in Mr. Johansen’s Social Studies classroom. From Rudy (But It's About Wagstaff Basketball Notre Dame Football)
Chloe Barbash idly twirled a strand of her long, red hair around her finger as she fought to pay attention to what Ms. LaBonz was saying. From The Barbash Inquisition
“I am so fucking tired of all this goddamn stupid puberty shit!” From A Good Hat is Hard to Find
“Oh my god, I can’t believe Tina and Zeke are doing this to us!”, seventeen-year-old Louise Belcher groaned melodramatically to her boyfriend. From Iconic
Rudy Stieblitz hugged his Mom and waved to Paul and Vicki, then climbed into the backseat of his Dad’s car, crawling over to the driver’s side, and placing his backpack on the car floor next to his feet. From And in the Backseats We Just Tried to Find Some Room to Breathe
The bell above the door jangled as fifteen-year old Rudy Stieblitz entered Bob’s Burgers. From Happy Anniversary (Whenever It Is...)
Patterns? I tend to introduce chracters by using their full name even though that's probably not really necessary in fanfic. (If I didn't write "Belcher" do I think people would think I was writing about the late actress Louise Fletcher or something?) Also, I tend to put their ages in there if it's a future fic.
Some smaller patterns: stories that begin with Rudy entering the restaurant (1 and 10); stories that begin with girls in school (5 and 6); and stories that begin with Louise complaining about something (7 and 8).
For what it's worth, I think that the opening of "A Good Hat is Hard to Find" is by far the best one on this list and probably the best one I've written.
Tagging anyone who would like to join in!
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hazelyn-baggay-7 · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I am Hazelyn Baggay, 17 years old born and raised in Pinukpuk, Kalinga. I came from the bountiful harvest of the north, province of Kalinga. I am a jolly person and friendly person. But I am also quiet especially around strangers and people that Im not close with. I honestly, is not a talented student, dancing, drawing, singing Id say I am alien to all but one thing is I know for sure about myself and it is to learn and willing to work hard just to have those talents. I am small in height but big in size. Yes, I am fat but it is not a problem for me because I know that I have the power to change my physical features. I can change myself but unfortunately, I am lazy with exercising and I really eat a lot. I believe my strength is my attitude, and I like to take up challenges and think to accept both success and failure in balance way to move forward. I want to say I dont leave any questions altogether as I believe in myself and my work. On the other hand I also have my weaknesses which includes being away from my family. Honestly I easily feels homesick whenever I am away from my siblings and parents. My short-term goal is to finish all my academic activities given to me and just live life happily and stress free. As for my long term goal, is to be a medical technologist and a successful business woman in the future. Therefore, I always challenge myself to improve and steady growth. I always want to move out of my comfort zone because I know that it is where I can find my strengths that I have never encountered before. I love to watch how I progress and move through my journey. My moral is never to intend to harm anyone on purpose. I believe there is nothing more painful than the feeling of being hurt. I know how it feels because I often feel it whenever someone shouts or scolds me. My dad has anger issues so, he often cant controls his emotions consequently, he tells words that are sometimes offensive which hurts me all the time. As I have experienced it I dont want anyone to feel as how I always feel so it became my moral. Furthermore, my motto in life is “YOU CANT LET YOUR FAILURES DEFINE YOU, LET YOUR FAILURES TEACH YOU”. This is how I manage my mistakes and failures in life. Whenever I make mistakes or things that I regret I dont think about it hardly, instead I take it as a life lesson so that in next time or the future I will be able to use as a basis on how I should act or work. Because I believe that if you are just stuck with your failures you wont make any progress in life, as a famous Filipino adage says “All people makes mistakes”. It conveys a message that it is normal for a person to make mistakes, and with those mistakes it is normal to regret things or to blame yourself but always think that you need to move, stop caging yourself into something that will not make you someone better? Right? Forget the mistakes and move on but dont forget to not repeat your mistakes again. I will run this online blog geared towards the explanation and showcase of my experiences inside the SPUP. It will be platform where I will share my life as Paulinian. It is a stepping stone for me to emphasize what are the things and decisions inside a senior high school student’s mind and point of view.
Where do i see myself 10 years from now? Was my learning in SPUP vital to where I'm leading to?
-We are all studying in order to fulfill our dreams and as for me 10 years from now i can see myself as a registered medical technologist. I believe that i can reach it although it wouldn't be easy i willl take the challenge and work hard to reach my goals. My journey will be hard and, now as i start a new chapter of my life i can feel how heavy and lonely is the path to success. But as long as i have God and my family with me it will not be a lonely and sad journey. Instead of complaining how bigare the problems, i will look at the beautiful saide of it and will not think about it hardly in order for me to attain the dream job that i have always wanted. Furthermore as i juggle to reach my dreams my school will be my foundation for it gives the learning s and kniwledges that i will be needing in my future life. Yes, my learnings in SPUP will play a vital role on the place that i am leading to. Although it wasn't that long since i started to enter SPUP i observed that it doesn't just nurture students to academically competent but also to be culturaly responsible human being. Even for a little bit of time on SPUP i learned a lot especially on my etiuqettes and proper attidtudes which will be very big help on my future life. So in conclusion, i know surely that my school will give me a lot of learnings that will make me into what i have always wanted to be.
Was STEM the best choice after all?
-Yes, STEM is still the best choice for me. Although it is hard , i know that it is the best strand to help me get ready on my future course. The term STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)focuses in invoking 21st century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, cultural awareness, collaboration and problem-solving which i think will be a great introduction on my future coarse. With all its impresive and advance learnings on technologies, sciences and mathematics it will be a great start for me on my journey on beconing as medical technologist. STEM empowers critical thinking skills which include conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and evaluating information through observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication. As such, students will be encouraged to answer questions or solve problems not based on memorization but based on actively engaging with the material to understand the issue at hand and solve it using logic. These kinds of situations better reflect what is expected in my workplace – experiencing situations like this early in my education will better prepare them for my future.
What course will you take in college and why?
- I will be taking medical technology as my course in college. I am taking it because i love it, i love seeing things and substances tha are not visible in the naked eye. It is super interesting to encounter small living organisms and learn about how they are formed or how they can be differentiated. Also, this course is what my mom had always wanted to be if they were finacially stable before. But as my mom can afford to send me in a university that can offer thus course shr wants me to persie it and fulfill her dreams. My mom didn't forced me honestly, this course is what i also wanted even on my elementary days. Lastly, i chose the course because i want to help people with illnesses and help to mitigate or kill the deseases inside their bodies. Also to help on stoping dangerous deseases on spreading and killing the mankind. And as a normal human being i chose it because the monty payment on this job is good and i think it will be able to support me and my parents in the future.
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dawndelion-winery · 2 years
Lorem Ipsum
Highschool au Ft. Arlecchino, Pantalone, Dottore
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Has probably threatened everyone in class at least once, the teachers included
As you can probably guess, she doesn't have a lot of friends
But you sit next to her, so you figured you might as well try to get along with her
But then it seemed she misunderstood and assumed you were flirting with her
She starts treating you to lunch after that, to the point you're always seated with her throughout the school day
Now apart from death glaring anyone who irks her, she does the same to anyone who seems to bother you
She doesn't talk much to you, but she did tell you to blabber on if it made you happy
You figured it'd be alright to keep talking until she tells you to shut up because she wasn't the type to tolerate things she didn't like
The again you never thought she actually listened since she always looked so listless
Yet whenever you offhandedly mention someone giving you a hard time, you find them surprisingly cooperative the next time you discuss things with them
She always did seem a little happier when you told her the issue has been resolved
"Didn't I tell you? The situation will resolve itself once you distance yourself from these problems, just stick with me instead."
Class treasurer, somewhat of a prick
But he does his job flawlessly, so no one can really complain
Except when he rejects their proposals for whatever class ventures they have in mind for "being too wasteful"
With that in mind, he's never gotten anything short of a perfect score for maths, ever precise in his calculations and analysis
He's the type of asshole to breeze through calculus and scoff at those who can't
He makes an amazing tutor though
With calculation embedded in his nature, he knows when to praise and criticise you, pulling at your strings to keep you motivated - even if your motivation is just to be praised by him
"Yes, good work, look at how much faster you got this one, you'll keep up the effort, yes?"
And you can't really say no to him when he faces you with that close-eyed smile and pats your head
It doesn't matter if you haven't gotten past the first part of the question for the past five minutes, you badgered him to tutor you first and he will get it through your head whether you like it or not
"You're not giving up already, are you? ...to think I had such high hopes for you..."
He says it like he's truly disappointed and sighs, resting his chin in one hand as his fingers tap his cheek like he's deep in thought
And of course, you being a simp caved hard and fast, hastily agreeing to give it another shot
"That's my diligent student," he says as he pats your head again, and you should be more concerned about how quickly his tune changed but frankly, he doesn't give you much time to ponder as he shoos you back to work
Terrible classmate, amazing seatmate
Pretty much an asshole to the class, but as his seatmate you're practically guaranteed to ace any science subjects you have
Taking notes too slowly and can't keep up with class?
"Write faster, fool," he says as he effortlessly scribbles down all the key concepts, seemingly irritated by the fact that you can't keep up.
Big mistake because now you're even more distracted by the way his long, slender fingers move so deftly with his pen
If he noticed you staring he didn't say anything, but you swore you saw the corner of his lips tug upwards in a smirk
You know you're in trouble when the bell rings and you realised you've missed nearly everything
Yet, for some unknown reason, it would seemed he felt a shred of kindness towards you, sliding the notes he so boredly scrawled over to you before packing up his things and leaving for the next class
His notes are like a cheat sheet to your entire syllabus
Which leads to you often praising how smart he is, to which he scoffs and tells you flattery won't convince him to keep helping you keep up with class
That's a lie, it does
It also convinces him to tutor you
Not the best idea when you're more likely to study him than you're work, though he usually remedies that by grabbing your jaw to turn your attention back to your papers
His face comes dangerously close to yours when he explains things to you as you write, normally with him standing behind you and hunching over you with his face next to yours
His furrowed brows and keen eyes scanning your work to criticise your mistakes were quite the sight to behold - his side profile is vv pretty
And rest assured, you will understand whatever he teaches you, however much it takes
If he has to repeat and paraphrase himself, so be it, as long as your attention was on him and you kept looking at him like he was a godsend
Honestly, he just enjoys the attention and fawning, it feeds his ego sm
"I suppose I can't expect you to understand things as quickly as I do. Ah well, no matter, consider yourself fortunate you have someone as brilliant as I to help you."
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vdlest · 3 years
Always & Forever
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Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Steve sees himself as nothing but a pretty face, but you managed to remind him that he's more than just that.
"I revised this fucking essay countless times already, yet it still doesn't make any sense to me," Steve crumpled his essay and threw it on the back of his car, "I guess what they say about me is true, I'm just a fucking pretty face."
You and Steve arrived early at school today, you have dropped off Dustin with his friends already and so you and Steve decided to kill some time in his car. He showed you the fourth essay draft he came up with for your class in English, it's a very important essay since the grade for this essay will surely manifest in your transcripts.
That explains Steve's paranoia.
"Hey," you cupped his face and made him look at you, "That's not true. There's two people in this car who both know that you are more than a pretty face. That's you and me," you assured him.
In the duration of your relationship with Steve, you have nothing to complain about. He's sweet, caring, and he always make sure that you always feel his love. The only thing that makes you worried about him is the times like when he is too frustrated to prove himself when you know that he doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.
You love Steve the way he is.
You first liked him when he helped your dear-o cousin, Dustin, and his friends when they were facing the Demogorgons. You liked him even more when he protected them against Billy, despite the fact that Billy knocked him off.
"Steve, you have to stop calling yourself that," you told him.
Steve shook his head and scoff as he move his face away from your touch, "You're my girlfriend that's why you're saying that, but if you weren't, you'll see me that way too, everyone does anyway," he put both of his hand on the steering wheel and sighed, "So sick and tired of this."
"Steve, baby," you forced him to look at you again by cupping both of his cheeks, "You're being too hard on yourself. Don't be pressured. Just take things slow. Think about what you want to say in this essay, what you really think of. Don't think about what other people will say about your essay or what grade will you get. If you keep on thinking of those things, you really won't get better. This piece," you reached for the paper he crumpled and held it, "This is already good. Just imagine how more good could it be if you focused on the positive things."
Steve can be hard to deal with at times, but you have no plans of leaving him or breaking up with him just because of his insecurities and stubbornness. The moment you decided to be with him, you chose to love every single little thing about him.
Besides, the first thing you fell in love with him is how he takes good care of your little annoying cousin, Dustin, and his friends.
Your parents are already separated, they both have new families. Since you don't want to join either of their families, your Aunt Claudia, Dustin's mom, asked you to just live with them. Your Aunt Claudia is your dad's youngest and only sister, amongst your other relatives, she's your favorite and you're her favorite niece, well, you're her only niece after all.
Upon your arrival in Hawkins, Dustin invited you to join their Christmas party at Steve's house. You were hesitant at first because you don't know Steve, and any of Dustin's friends aside from Lucas and Mike, but your cousin insisted on bringing you.
When you arrived at Harrington's, Dustin introduced Steve to you. Steve offered you a bottle of beer but you told him that you don't drink and that you prefer a juice, which he don't have any. So what he did was he went to the nearest store to buy you a juice, not just one but tons of it. That was the first time you find him cute.
You and Steve got closer after that night. You two shared classes together, whenever he'll bring Dustin to school, he'll ask you to join them too. He would also bring you and Dustin home, which made you like him even more. He asked you to be lab partner in Biology. He asked you to watch Day of the Dead with him, and his hands were your stress ball the whole time. He even asked you to watch his games and he'll glance at you after his shots.
But then, you found out from Dustin that Steve dated the first close friend you had in Hawkins, Nancy Wheeler.
Nancy is like your best friend and you are always welcome to sleep over at their place, and she's also fond of staying over at Henderson's. But you find it awkward to like and date your best friend's ex, so you stayed away from Steve and avoided him for a week.
Steve immediately noticed that you were avoiding him. When he had enough of your cold shoulders, he confronted you after your last class together.
"What the hell's going on, Henderson?" Steve pulled his bag on his shoulder as he confronted you in front of your locker.
You looked at him and play dumb, "What do you mean what the hell is going on? Are you alright, Harrington?" you and Steve got used of calling each other by your last names, but sometimes you find it annoying because he also calls Dustin by his last name, "I have no time for your pranks, Steve. I have to stop by at the Byers. Nancy, Jonathan and I needs to finish our project in History."
Instead of answering you, he slammed the door of your locker, making you jump in surprise.
"I've had enough of your silent treatments, Y/N."
The moment he called you by your first name, your heart skipped a beat.
"You're avoiding me and I'm certain about it. Dustin told me that he told you about my past with Nancy, and from then on, you started to avoid me. Thank God, your cousin finally told me what's going on with you for the past few days after I bribed him with five new released board games," Steve scoffed and shook his head as he walk closer to you, "Why?"
"Why, what?" you asked him, still avoiding his gaze.
"Why the hell are you doing this to me?" he shot you his first question, "Why are you avoiding me? You can't keep doing this to me, I can't sleep, I can't think properly, I can't concentrate on my classes knowing that you are sitting beside me and yet you are avoiding me the whole time," he reached for your hands and held it, "Can you tell me what's wrong?"
You realized that it's now or never, you have to tell Steve what you truly feel for him.
You took a deep breath before you look into his eyes, "Steve, I had to avoid, I have to stay away from you."
"Why?" he asked you without letting you finish.
"Because I can't like my best friend's ex boyfriend!" it was a good thing that there weren't so many people near you and Steve, no one noticed that you two were arguing and no one heard what you just told Steve, "Can't you understand that? I can't be in the same room with you, knowing that you are Nancy's ex and that all I had to do is to like and admire you from afar. I was hoping that one day you'll come up to me and tell me you like me, but I can't wait for that day anymore, knowing that you and Nancy had a past."
Steve wasn't able to answer nor react. He was stunned. He was just looking at you, trying to process what you just said.
Tears escaped your eyes, but you immediately wiped them away.
"Steve," you sniffled as you wipe your tears away, "I'm gonna be okay. The kids may feel different about us not being together all the time, but they're gonna get over it. Dustin's gonna be okay with it. You don't have to say anything or do anything, but there's only one thing I want to ask you," you slowly retreat your hands away from his touch, "Don't you ever stop being there for the kids. They love you. I won't be able to forgive myself if they'll lose you. Those kids love you. It's gonna hurt a lot knowing that I'll lose you, but I'm gonna be okay knowing that the kids still have you."
You quickly opened your locker and put some of your stuff inside. You closed it and before you turn your back, you looked at Steve again, who is still shocked with what you just told him.
"One more thing, Harrington," you sniffled again as you reach for his right cheek, "Take care, always."
That same night, the kids were sad upon hearing from Dustin that you won't be able to join the gang for quite some time because you needed to move on. It was also heartbreaking for you not being able to watch movie with them, play games with them, go on a shopping bonding with Max and El, you would miss staying up late just to babysit them with Steve.
But the next day, Steve did not waste his time.
He went to Nancy and talked to her about you, your feelings for him, and Steve's feelings for you. Nancy and Steve both agreed that there's nothing left for the two of them, especially now that Nancy is with Jonathan and that Steve is already over her and he's in love with you. Nancy told Steve that he's idiot that he did not go after you as soon as you turn your back on him.
Right after Nancy and Steve's talk, Nancy went to you to tell you that you should not be bothered with her past with Steve. Nancy told you that Steve became a different person in a good way because of you, and that she was also grateful to you that you were able to give Steve the love she couldn't give to him when they were still together. You and Nancy agreed that you two would still be the best of friends and that there will be no awkwardness around the three of you.
That night, Steve knocked on your window, which surprised and shocked you.
You let him in and the two of you talked in your bedroom.
"I'm so stupid for not telling you this as soon as possible," Steve clenched his jaw before he looked at you, "I'm not gonna be okay with the fact that I'll lose you and you'll lose me. I'm not gonna be okay with the fact that the kids will lose you too. Those kids love me, they love you, they love both of us, and I know that you know that we both love them all. Even though they are all bunch of jackass, we love them," you both chuckled when Steve called the kids a bunch of jackass, "But most of all, I can't deny the fact that I can't lose you."
The smile on your lips faded away when he got serious again, at the same time you avoided his gaze and looked down.
Steve gently reached for your hand, "I can't lose you because I love you."
Your eyes immediately went to his when you heard what he just said.
"I love you, the whole you. I love you with all my heart, Henderson. And call me psycho but I think my surname will look good after your first name," he said.
This person is really thinking about marrying you in the future. He wants you to be his Mrs. Harrington.
"But while we're too young to go down that road, I want us to be with each other, I want us to go on dates, roadtrips together, I want us to go after our dreams together, I want us be there for each other ever single day, I want you to be with me because I became a better person because of you, and I want to be better each day, means, I want you to be with me for the rest of my life," he shifted his body facing you, he grabbed your other hand, "I lo--"
"Can you just kiss me?"
Steve's flickered like a light bulb when he heard what you asked him, "Can I what?"
You groaned and rolled your eyes at him, "I said can you just kiss me, jerk?" you asked him.
You and Steve sealed the night with a passionate kiss, and from that night, the two of you were inseparable. Steve shows you how much he loves you in every single way he know. But there are still time when you two will argue because of little things, but that's part of a relationship. You deal with it and move forward.
You smiled at him, "Steve, you trust me, right?" you asked him.
Steve nodded, "Of course, baby, I do. I trust you with all my heart, with my life."
"Then trust and believe me whenever I tell you that you can do this, that you're more than just a pretty face. Okay? As your girl, I 100% believe that you are the most intelligent and most gorgeous boyfriend in the whole world," you planted a quick kiss on his lips, making Steve smile, "Now you're smiling, you punk!"
His smile grew wider as he looks into your eyes deeply, "I love you," he said.
"And I love you too," you playfully pinched his nose.
"What the hell would I do without you?" he sighed and grabbed both of your hands, "I have no idea what did I do to actually deserve you."
Steve both kissed the back of your hands.
"Steve," you called his name as softly as you could, "We will never ever get to convince everyone, there will always be something that they will hate about us, that they will find weird about us, but you got to know that there are many people out there believing in you, trusting you. Those people don't see you as just a pretty face. Dustin sees you as a big brother, a hair mentor. The kids look up to you. They know you'll protect them as far as you could. They know you love them. And please, don't you ever say that if I'm not your girlfriend I will also see you how other see you, because no, that will never happen," you said in full conviction.
Instead of answering you, Steve closed the space between the two of you and claim your lips for a kiss.
Steve Harrington is hard to deal with, but the fact that he's hard to deal with is what makes you more in love with him.
Your kiss interrupted when someone knocked on Steve's window.
"Hey, you two," you and Steve heard Jonathan's voice outside, "Get a room!"
You looked over Steve's shoulder and Steve looked behind him where Jonathan and Nancy are.
"We're gonna be late for homeroom. Come on you two!" Nancy shouted.
"I guess that's our cue, mister," you grabbed your bag and prepared yourself to go to school.
"I guess so, but just so you know," Steve gently held your chin, making you face him again, "I have no basketball practice today, means we can go home early and watch a movie."
You smiled at him, "Ask permission from my little cousin first," you joked, "Let's go, we're gonna be late."
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papergirllife · 2 years
Yuta Nakamoto, Mark Lee
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Chapter 7
Venom! Yuta x human! Mark x human! reader
Synopsis :
Mark thought he’d never find love with Yuta living inside his body, having his life turned upside down when he met the alien, or more accurately, was ‘chosen’ by Yuta during an afternoon of a very normal university tour which turned out to be a tour to the biotechnology company he had to destroy to save the world.
So definitely, with the hero duties and school, and the fact that he’s no longer your typical university kid, love was sort of out of the picture for him. But what happens when he stumbles upon a girl who loves him and his alien buddy?
Warnings : Tentacles, aphrodisiac, cum inflation, fluff :)
Mark was rushing a paper on a Sunday morning in the midst of you having a thorough plan of teasing him the whole day, but hours passed, Mark was still busy with his paper, deciding to tease him tomorrow when he’s free, you decided to go to the gym instead, since there’s no way you can play video games without distracting him.
When you were done for the day, almost two and a half hours after you left home, Mark comes down to the gym, a towel and a bottle in hand, smiling when he sees you, even though you were in sweat drenched old gym clothes, most probably highly unattractive at the moment.
“Hey, mind spotting me?” He asks, going to the area where the weighs are at.
“Don't you have a paper due?” you asked, knowing he had stayed up last night to find the materials he needed to use just to finish it today.
“Went faster than I had expected,” Mark says before lifting, not bothering to check the weight that was heavier than his usual take, must be nice to have super strength, not that you were complaining, his biceps bulging are a sight to see.
“I was about to head up though,” you said as you wiped your face on a clean towel, sighing at the feeling of not having anymore sweat stuck to your face.
“Come on, stay with me for a sec, you could run on the thread mill while I'm lifting” Mark suggests before dropping the weighs mid air only for Yuta to pick them up with a limb immediately, obviously they're trying to show off.
“Are you implying that I need to exercise more Mark Lee?” you questioned, putting up an act of being offended by his words, even though he could most obviously tell you weren’t, you were trying so hard to control the tugging of your lips.
“Course not, you’re perfect the way you are. In fact, I can’t even feel the weight of your hot body all over us,” Mark says, his face only a few inches away from you, eyes clouded with lust as they constantly shift between looking at your cleavage or your lips, the sports bra obviously having an effect on him.
“This is a gym, guys, behave, anyone could walk in right this moment,” you chided, looking over at Yuta’s extended limb, still lifting the giant weighs.
“Alright, alright,” Mark chuckles before he sensed Yuta retract himself.
Watching Mark work out would’ve been shocking to others, you've seen men who are twice of Mark’s size but are three times slower than Mark’s pace, Yuta’s strength aiding him in terms of anything physical, he can cover a two hours workout into just one, moving at a quick speed and only breaking minimal sweat.
Halfway through, Mark took off his shirt, tired of pulling up his sleeves whenever they were in the way. And dear god, you wouldn't have thought a man this size would have abs this define, you wonder if this is entirely Yuta’s power taking place or Mark’s hard work.
“Enjoying the view?” Mark asks as he switches to another machine, his voice slightly deeper, teasing you.
“Can't say I'm not, there's this really hot guy swimming in the pool now,” you said, chin tilting to the direction of the floor to ceiling windows.
“Yeah, right, we know that's not your type,” Mark muses, shaking his head when he hears Yuta saying he could take the guy in his sleep.
“And what's my type, Mr know-it-all?” you asked, wondering what answer Mark would give you, Mark isn’t usually this flirty, he used to be a nervous wreck around you, and now he’s pulling on your feathers whenever he could.
“This,” Mark says before he transforms his arm to the tentacles you’ve grown accustomed to, wrapping around you waist, pulling you to him easily, your bare hips connecting, you’re glad you worn an old cropped tee today.
“Careful, Mr swimmer might see,” you warned, your tone serious, no matter how exciting it is, you’d never let Mark and Yuta’s identity get out
“Your leggings are black and he’s wearing goggles, he’ll just think he's seeing things wrongly,” Mark reassures you, knowing you just want what's best for him and Yuta.
“You didn’t answer my question,” you said, looping your hands around his waist, you could feel every movement of his muscular back under your fingertips.
“You didn't get it? Tentacles,” Mark says with a wiggle of his brows, earning a teasing slap on the chest from you, trying your hardest not to laugh.
The heart warming moment was broken by the sudden news flash on the TV screen mounted on the wall that runs the usual boring free TVN channels.
“It has been reported that there is a robbery at the Cartier outlet at Gangnam premium outlets area. One police was shot in the chest by a firearm carried by one of the criminals, an estimated of 15 staff are currently held hostage. Further updates would be available soon.”
“Duty calls, Mark Lee,” you said before pulling away, knowing that he has to go help those people.
“Maybe a good luck kiss?” Mark asked, puckering his lips.
You placed a chaste one before stepping away quickly, knowing that he has to take action before someone else gets hurt.
“Yuta wants one too,” Mark informed you.
“I’ll kiss you when you guys get back. Go get them, tigers,” you said before you watch Mark rush out to save the day once more.
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When Yuta got back, he was still in his alien form, scent senses at its highest peak, which is why to him, the whole house never smelled better than right now, where three plates of pasta were laid on the table, you were still doing something by the open fridge, the refrigerator light bright against the candles you had laid around the place, unscented white ones that you got from the last big sale during October.
Yuta transforms back into his human form as Mark looks on in awe at the sight of the food, then you, in a beautiful dress of his favourite shade of blue that makes your skin shine in contrast.
‘Wait what's the occasion?’ Mark asked, forgetting that he wasn't the one present in front of you.
“We were wondering what's the special arrangements are for, baby,” Yuta asked after taking swift steps to you, walking without much sound, which shocked you at the feeling of sudden arms wrapping around you.
“Wow, that was faster than I had thought. I just thought I’d whip something up from the leftover food in the fridge, so I made egg pasta with ham and eggplants, we need to stop putting off going to the grocer,” you said with a slight shake of your head, looking at the empty fridge in front of you, “oh and I was thinking which wine you’d like? Red or white?” you asked, pointing at the bottle of white wine at the bottom compartment, then the red on the island.
“Red, we can save the white for when we eat seafood,” Mark said after Yuta retreated to let him decide, Yuta barely knows anything about human beverages.
“Hello to you too,” you said with a bright smile before reaching forward for a quick peck, pulling away to reach for the wine glasses in the cupboard.
“I'm sure you can open this with your own hands?” you asked, passing Mark the bottle with the cork.
You leant back to enjoy the show of Mark pulling open the cork as if it was nothing, a bittersweet scent of grapes filling your lungs.
“Come on, let's eat before the food gets cold for Yuta,” you teased, knowing that they like having two separate plates of the same thing just to enjoy it individually.
Mark complimented you on your dress and the pasta before he talks about what went down during the robbery, eyes lightning up in excitement and even going as far as making some sound effects to go along with it.
You love Mark’s boyish charm, it reminds you of puppy love, not the fragility of it, but the sincerity and adoration of this type of love, the good parts of a puppy love, that's how you’d describe being loved by Mark is like.
When Mark finished his plate, Yuta appeared, digging into the food quickly, having had tasted, although not as strongly when Mark ate it, only made him hungrier even though he was getting his stomach filled.
Yuta took a few quick bites of just the aglio olio pasta before poking the poached egg, watching the yolk and whites drip onto his pasta before he mixes it up. He wonders why humans would eat the babies of other organisms, but he’s not complaining, eggs taste even better than chicken.
“Good?” you asked, worried that this isn’t Yuta’s taste.
“Yeah, it’s good, really love it,” Yuta says before taking a sip of the wine, noticing that you haven’t drank yours even though you’re done eating.
“Why aren't you drinking?” Yuta asked, worried that you're suddenly feeling ill.
“Oh, right, I just wanted to tell you something before I drink,” you said before looking at Yuta, waiting for him to give you his full attention.
“Just wanted to tell you that you have my consent to touch me, even under the influence of alcohol,” you said.
“So that's what the pretty dress is for, I wonder what’s underneath if this is the type of dessert you’re implying,” Yuta teased, suddenly he's hungry for something else entirely.
“Eat your food, Yuta,” you said, feeling yourself all riled up by Yuta’s dirty words and sweet disposition, you’re confident you still have your cool facade on, but you can't let him get to you this easily.
Getting up with your dirty dishes, you went ahead to wash it, knowing them, they would probably put it off until tomorrow if you didn't volunteer to wash them.
Yuta finishes his dinner before making his way to the sink, taking the dirty pan from the side, the last item you needed to wash other than his plate and fork.
“I'll do it,” Yuta said.
“No, you’ll put it off until tomorrow,” you said, trying to reach for the pan in his hands.
“I wouldn't dare to, not if I want to get some tonight,” Yuta said with a chuckle, “wash your hands and wait in the bedroom, we’ll be right there,” Yuta told you.
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When Yuta walked into the bedroom, he could see you sitting cross-legged on their bed, a dead giveaway to the pastel yellow panties you obviously wore for him.
“So this is for me while the dress is for Mark,” Yuta says as he strides forward to spread your legs open, watching the small patch of wet spot forming, clapping himself on the back for having yellow as a favourite colour, maybe if you had worn a black set the spot of arousal wouldn’t have been as obvious.
“You haven’t even seen the rest of it,” you said before you lifted your hands up to signal him you wanted your dress off.
Yuta, abiding by your request, slips the smooth material off in one tug, throwing it aside before his eyes were transfixed on your breasts, a hand coming up to knead one of them slowly, the lace material digging into your skin had your nipple perking up, awaiting for more.
“You should touch her, Mark,” Yuta said before Mark is being summoned, a quick few seconds to wait for his whole body to switch to his completely before he realised what his left hand is currently touching, groaning at the soft feeling of the material of the bra and your skin.
“Can I take it off?” Mark asked with wide eyes looking at your face attentively.
“Only if you take off your pants,” you counter demanded.
Mark stands up from his crouched spot on the bed to tug off his sweats, revealing the once again lack of underwear, but instead of two big tentacles, for now, it is still a normal looking cock, lengthy and thick in girth, taking him would be a challenge even, but considering the circumstances, you have bigger worries, literally.
Mark swiftly goes back to kneading your boobs, both hands this time, his thumbs flicking your nipples as his palm holds them, applying a little bit of pressure that has you arching your back into his touch, teeth biting down on your bottom lip to suppress any sounds that threaten to escape, you don’t want to lose your cool this quick.
Mark could feel butterflies erupting in his belly at your positive reaction, deciding on switching it up, he attaches his mouth to your chest, sucking on your right tit as his hand pleasures the other.
Yuta, not wanting to feel left out, extends a tentacle behind Mark’s back, a small one, that goes underneath the band of your panties, its natural slick mixing with your arousal, Yuta nudges at your folds to locate your clit, flicking it quickly that has you moaning their names, the one action tearing down the bad bitch personality that they’re used to, revelling on the sight of you being so submissive to them.
Yuta summons another tentacle, morphing it into one that has a sucker as a tip, pulling down your panties with the assistance of his other tentacle before it delves into your core, exploring your warm velvet walls as the other attaches itself at your clit, sucking the bundle of nerves diligently, shooting sparks up your spine.
“Baby, you remember what I said to you the other day right? How you need to drink the aphrodisiac before we engage in any actual intercourse?” Yuta asked, reminding you of the conversation you’d most likely remember your whole life, it isn’t everyday you’d hear a detailed analysis on alien sex.
You nod at his words, opening your eyes wide to see what’s to come next.
Yuta has another tentacle out, this one looks a little bit different from the rest, thicker, but of course, not as thick as the ones in his pants, the end of it opened and closed, as if it was awaiting an order, Yuta’s order.
Yuta leans your body down to lay on the bed completely, telling you to open your mouth. You do as he says, watching the tentacle creep closer to you.
You close your eyes when you felt it entering your mouth, Yuta manoeuvring it to place it above your tongue, secreting a liquid that tasted and had a texture as sweet as honey, the liquid giving you a light feeling, as if you were on some type of drugs.
You don’t know how much you have to drink, and you’re quite sure Yuta is also estimating based on his guts too, but you’re sure he won’t give you too less, you know there’s a slight chance he might fuck up your whole vagina if he under secretes this magical nectar of his, but the possibility should be quite slim, given that it should be almost more than two minutes since you started chugging down the liquid. While you were distracted by this, Yuta had summoned another tentacle, this time it was bigger, entering your core, conjoining with the previous tentacle, the size of the tentacle was filling you whole slowly, but instead of pain, you only felt pleasure, which was odd because at times, a normal sized toy could hurt you without proper foreplay, and Yuta had definitely skipped the usual preps, so it means that the aphrodisiac is definitely running its course.
“How do you feel?” Yuta asked, finally pulling the tentacle out of your mouth, eyes wide, trying to read your face.
“Good, no pain at all,” you said in a huff before you tried to chase the tentacle, the taste so addictive that you just want more.
“Hey, hey, hey, easy, I think that’s enough for tonight, or you’ll really have a big bulge afterwards,” Yuta said, pressing onto your belly, feeling the swoosh of the liquid you drank.
You nodded, mind going delirious over the fact that Yuta could pump you full of that liquid, an underlying kink you had but never once voiced out.
“Do you want both or just one?” Yuta asks as he willed his cocks out, sighing when he moves them about, finally able to stretch the muscles.
“I never taken anything other than plugs in my ass, my ex didn’t want anything to do with backdoor,” you informed them.
“Fuck, how could he not? It’s a blessing that women have two holes and that asshole didn’t even want it? If you’d let me, I’d like to be your first in that department,” Yuta suggested but of course you could say no, he won’t dare to force you into anything you’re not comfortable with.
“Fuck, please, Yuta,” you moaned out, pushing your hips upwards, “I want you to fill me up, both holes,” you consented.
Yuta nods, taking in your words, he extracts another tiny tentacle, this one going to your rim, slicking up the hole before it slowly nudges in, the thin ends were nothing compared to the toys you tried on yourself, but the texture of his tentacle feels so warm, so wet, you just want more of it.
“More please,” you begged.
Yuta didn’t know if you meant both your ass and pussy or just your ass, so he slides in further for both, the thicker ends of the tentacles going inside you, thrusting at a mild pace to get you used to the feeling before Yuta summons more, two tentacles in each of your holes now, making themselves home in your warm caverns, loosening you up for the two biggest ones you’ll ever have inside you.
Yuta is patient, his cocks are restless, rubbing against each other to receive a bare minimum amount of pleasure as he watches you with dark eyes, taking in your face contorted in pleasure, pleasure that he’s giving you.
Mark was cursing in his head, his sight fixated on your belly, the way it bulges whenever Yuta reaches deeper inside you, shapes forming.
“Are you ready, baby?” Yuta asks, two hands reaching down to cup your cheeks, as if he was trying to anchor you to reality.
You nodded, knowing that if you open your mouth, only sounds of pleasure would spew out.
Yuta removes all the tentacles inside you, holding onto your hips as he slowly directs his cocks to your entrances, slipping in at the same pace, searching your eyes to see if you're in any pain, but the aphrodisiac must be working, because you can’t feel any pain, even during foreplay, it was more of a getting used to the feeling process instead of a pain to pleasure gradual switch.
“Watch and learn, Mark,” Yuta reminded him, they had agreed that he would go first, let Mark have a feel of it through Yuta before touching you, he didn’t want to hurt you because his lack of knowledge towards his two tentacle cocks.
“You can move now, Yuta,” you said, waiting, craving for it to come.
Yuta smiles at your eagerness before he focuses back onto the task at hand, thrusting at an experimental pace.
You can feel your holes stretching to an abnormal size, to Mark, this resembled hentai that he had watched during his sleepless nights, the tentacle ones that his best friend had sent him the link to, looking them up only when he really couldn't find anything, instead of cringing like he initially would've thought, he had enjoyed them so much that he's ashamed of this fantasy, that is, before this scene played out in front of him, Yuta filling you up, almost cartoonish, the way it bulges, not one, but two tentacles in both your holes, Mark couldn’t wait to do this himself after learning this once from Yuta.
Yuta didn't have to move his hips much, instead he controls the flow of his cocks, moving them in and out of you as he watches you intently, groaning when he feels your nails digging into his arm, your voice coming out in whimpers and staggered breaths.
It wasn't like anything you've ever felt, the smooth surface of his cocks rubbing against your walls, the size of them expanding your holes, touching places you've never known existed, and the length of it, you swear you can feel the tip of it going past your cervix, fortunately a painless experience, your mind only registers the pleasure and the fullness, head in the clouds as you feel your high began to build up, the knot in your abdomen threatening to snap as you try your best to pry open your eyes, you want to see if Yuta is enjoying it as much as you are.
“Are you going to cum, baby?” Yuta asked, quickening the pace of his hips as his hand transforms, breaking up into tiny tentacles with suckers, one going to clit and two latching themselves onto your nipples, sucking at a quick and strong pace, Yuta’s close, and he wants nothing more than to cum inside you, fill you up till you leak on Mark’s sheets.
When your orgasm hits you, you felt your body spasm as a gush of liquid escaped your body, squirting onto Yuta’s cock as your ass clenches hard onto the other, pushing Yuta over the edge, groaning when he feels his cocks expand to cum, whispering sweet and encouraging words to you when you panicked at the further stretch, calming down when you knew what was happening.
There wasn't any pain even though there was a swell, instead you let yourself enjoy the feeling of his cum filling you up, it must have been a minute since he started, but Yuta hasn’t stopped yet.
“Yuta, why...
“Sorry, baby, we just have a lot more than humans, just a bit more okay? Just a bit more then we can clean you up,” Yuta said breathlessly, his voice staggered by his orgasm.
At the final spurt, Yuta pulls out gently, you propped yourself up with your arms, watching silently as Yuta retracted himself, you thought the bulging in your stomach would be gone completely, but you almost let out a moan when you see a bump in your lower belly, reaching a hand forward to touch it before your reflection at Mark’s mirror catches your eye.
There you were, your hand gently touching your bump, you can feel the cum inside you when you shook it gently, you’re literally filled to the brim.
Mark cursed at the sight as Yuta looks on fondly at your body, admiring his handiwork. Yuta catches your attention when he brushes your bird nest of a hair back into place.
“Don't worry, it'll all come out once you head to the bathroom,” Yuta assured.
“I like it,” you said, still watching yourself, adjusting into a more comfortable position carefully, not wanting to let any escape, just yet, it would be bad to leave cum stains on Mark’s sheets.
“What are you implying? The sex in general or this?” Yuta asks, a cheeky smile on his face as he leaned down to kiss your bump, thinking about the day you'll be carrying his kids.
“Both, come here, I need sleep,” you said, opening your arms to welcome him.
“Don't you want to get rid of this first?” Yuta asked, gesturing your belly.
“It's fine, I can do it tomorrow, it's not like I'll get pregnant,” you said as you moved sideways for Yuta to join you.
“Goodnight, baby,” Yuta said before he heard you say it back to him softly, mind drifting off to sleep from the tiring sex.
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