#and you would look great back behind bars but i guess we can't all get what we want man
radarchives · 2 years
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passivenovember · 4 months
thinking real hard about Billy and Steve finding each other years after they've settled into themselves.
Billy's gone to therapy and he lives in a little house on the shoreline. Steve makes it to California. Doesn't have the six nuggets, yet. He's working insane hours at a job that isn't very lucrative, but he never had to sell his soul to his old man--
So. Point is. They're happy. Content, almost.
And then they find each other.
Steve's burning a pot of water when the phone rings.
It's like a knife through the air. A thorn in his side, pain and annoyance ramping up to an 11 as he yanks the receiver from the wall. "Yeah, now's not a great time," He says, because the goddamn smoke alarm's gonna start wailing any second now, and Steve's neighbor is real trigger-happy when it comes to alerting the fire department. "Look, I'll call you--"
"--Why answer the phone?"
Steve would know Billy's voice anywhere, the rough and tumble drag of someone who used to live fast and hard but doesn't, anymore. "I," Steve says, "I don't--"
"--It's like. Why answer the phone if it's not a good time to talk?"
"I don't like being impolite."
Billy hums, smoke and lightning on the end of the line. "So, you weren't waiting for me to call?"
"No," Steve says. But he was. Has been since high school and all the weird, boring, disheartening years that followed until Billy appeared at the dive bar on Saturday. Like a vision. An angel.
"Damn. And here I was, taking a full 72 hours to figure out what I should say," Billy tells him.
Steve can hear a smile.
Aches to taste it, but-- "That's kinda lame, Hargrove."
"So what?"
"So. You're kinda lame, I guess."
Billy laughs at him, then, high and bright. It shoots confetti into Steve's kitchen, the curling tendrils nearly catching on fire as Steve comes back to himself. He pulls the pan of water and dumps it into the sink, killing the flame on the stove.
"Yeah, I'm a disaster. Maxine tells me all the time," Billy says, "It's just. How weird, y'know?"
"What? You?"
"No, you," Billy tells him, chuckling again. "Fell outta the sky, or something. Into a shitty dive bar."
"So did you--"
"--Fell outta my dreams."
"So did you," Steve says, and his stomach twists. Tumbles. Washing-machine guts still soiled with the bloody red spots of a decade-long crush.
"Huh. You're kinda forward, Harrington."
Steve shrugs, face burning. "Long as I'm not as lame as you are."
"Dude, I didn't say you weren't lame."
"Sure, you didn't."
Billy's next laugh Steve feels in his gut, heat pooling behind the thatch of curly down at his pelvis. "Still such a bitch, pretty boy."
"I'm just being honest. We aren't getting any younger, I'm not really interested in playing it cool, anymore."
Something rustles as Billy shifts his weight, "You were cool, once?"
"I don't wanna play it cool, either," Billy tells him, as serious as a heart attack, "Look, can I be honest? You mind?"
Steve nods and then remembers Billy can't see him. "Go ahead."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
Steve peers through the kitchen window, trying to imagine Billy somewhere on the edge of town with sunlight in his hair. Smoking in bed, naked gold until the duvet pulls him under hips first.
"Harrington, I need to see you again."
"Need is kind of dramatic."
"Maybe I'm feeling dramatic."
"Thought this was honesty hour, Hargrove?"
"It is. Honestly? I wanna kiss you," Billy tells him. "At midnight. In the pouring rain because I was too chicken-shit to do it after our first date."
Steve focuses on not swallowing his tongue. Damn near fails. "Was that a date?"
"No, it was bigger. It was the stars aligning, the start of--"
"--God, you are feeling dramatic."
"When can I see you?"
"I dunno," Steve says, fiddling with the lip of the sink, "When are we expecting rain?"
"Not sure."
Steve can hear his smile. Aches to sink into the softness. "I need a window to commit."
"Tonight. I'll make it rain."
Steve snorts, light as air. "You're crazy."
"I've had ten years to plan for this, Steve."
"Alright, lemme--" Steve pads over to the refrigerator, peering at his Kittens and Firefighters calendar. May is covered in birthdays, vacations, late nights at work, and roll-over plans from April, all hacked into the cardstock in striking red.
Steve groans and flips to June. "--Can you still make it rain in a month?"
"A month," Billy demands, "Fuck. You're hot shit but I didn't think--"
"--I have a full-time job. And friends who want to hang out when I'm not at work, but since I use all my energy at work I cancel on them, and things get moved around and--"
"--You can't make an exception for the guy who wants to eat you out?"
The pages of the calendar flutter, May settling heavy in the room. Steve swallows and his throat clicks. "Uh. My friends--"
"--Aren't gonna eat you out."
"They would. If I asked them to, at least one of them would."
"I'm not really loving that idea, pretty boy," Billy says, teasing. "What about over a lunch break?"
"You want to eat my ass over a lunch break?" Steve snorts, "I'm not a hooker."
"What's wrong with--"
"--I'm not," Steve says, "And even if I was, I'm not cheap. You couldn't afford the hour, and we'd need more than that, anyway."
"What about a sleep over?"
"A sleepover?" Steve says, turning from the refrigerator. "Like, where I come over to your house and stay until the morning?"
"Or I come over to yours, yeah."
"Actually, let's do yours. Maxine's place is getting fumigated, so she and Lucas are staying in the guest house."
"You have a guest house?" Steve doesn't remember mention of that during their first date, but. He was distracted.
Billy laughs, "Bet I could afford your hour, pretty boy."
"I thought," Steve says, twirling the phone cord around his hand, "In high school, I remember you telling Becky Gordes that you don't do sleepovers."
"I'm gay."
"Okay, but what about Eddie Munson? The whole school thought you were fucking him, did he ever sleep--"
"--No, my dad would've killed both of us," Billy tells him, and. Something in his voice makes Steve's blood run cold. Makes him believe it.
So he shifts gears, "But. Don't you have work tomorrow?"
"Who said anything about a sleepover tonight," Billy says. Steve imagines the look on his face. Shit-eating grin bright and sharp and beautiful as always. "Unless you want me to come over tonight?"
"I never said that."
"I can work wherever I want. I don't have to go in at all, if I don't want to."
Steve pads over to his junk drawer, digging around for a red pen. "What does Saturday look like for you?" He bites the cap off, holding it like a straw in the curl of his tongue.
Billy laughs, "I thought you said you weren't free until next month?"
Steve chews on the cap for a moment, pen shaking over the cardstock surface of his calendar. He imagines Billy like he was that night. Different but exactly the same. Charming and soft in a way that only comes from the toil of regeneration. Years and years shedding skin.
He'd been funny and smart. Quick wittted.
Sweet. Like cotton fuckin' candy.
Steve remembers not wanting the date to end, not believing that the universe would give him Billy with no strings attached and laying awake that night, hoping Billy would call, and that they'd get their chance, and now--
"Shit. What the fuck am I doing?" Steve asks, but it comes out garbled and messy and wrong. Comes out sounding like, she whale the food ham ding dong.
Billy laughs at him, again, anyway. "What?"
Steve spits the pen cap onto the counter. "You really want to eat me out tonight?"
"--Because. I was too fucking stupid to realize what was happening between us in high school. Or. What was happening to me when I saw you in high school, and this is important to me," Steve says in a rush. Fuck being subtle, right? "We're not getting any younger. And I haven't slept with anyone for a long time, much less someone who I've wanted for as long as I can remember, so if you're going to come over here and fuck me--"
"Or talk," Billy says gently. "We could talk more. Get to know each other."
Steve listens to the static on the other end of the line.
"I want to get to know you again, Steve," Billy says.
And Steve cracks. Like a bowl in the microwave, curdling under pressure and heat. "Alright, just. Do you have a pen and paper?"
"For what?"
"My address," Steve says, leaning against the sink, "I want to get to know you, too."
"Tonight," Billy asks, digging around for something.
"Tonight," Steve says. "What the hell."
"You've got something to write with?"
"Yeah," Billy says, sounding like he's barely holding it together. "Yeah, just. Whenever you're ready."
That night, after, just as Steve falls asleep in Billy's arms--
It rains.
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aettuddae · 4 months
business matter — chapter 56.
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↳ synopsis: two of the most important kpop companies covet a partnership with a huge global brand, only to be surprised when the deal is extended to both labels. fearing potential sabotage and cynical strategies to secure exclusivity for just one of them, both CEOs resort to desperate measures. in a bid to maintain trust and prevent betrayal before the signing, they come up with a pact: forcing a fake relationship between the leaders of their star girlgroups. if one side attempted to fail the other, they threaten to expose it all to the conservative south korea.
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masterlist | prev | next
[written chapter]
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karina was in her bed quietly watching television during the afternoon when a knock on her door distracted her. she got out of bed reluctantly, knowing who was calling, and opened with a bored expression for her to not to be surprised by the person who was looking at her bitterly from the hallway.
“sorry, but for the sake of your career you can't kick me out of your house.” she crossed her arms.
“since you seem to be more affected by living with me, i would never do something like that.” serim shrugged her shoulders feigning innocence. “when did you decorate this room?” her expression changed to one of confusion and she leaned down, holding onto the edges of the door to get her head inside and begin to inspect it with her eyes.
“this place was depressing." she explained obviously. “i started buying things to decorate it on the days when i had to stay here while you worked.” she added.
“that's a whole new couch.” she pointed at the furniture, horrified to realize that she didn't know what that girl was doing behind her back.
“yes, and it's very comfortable.” she answered without further ado. “you didn't tell me what you want." asked, annoyed.
"come." she ordered, letting out a tired sigh.
“i thought you were mad at me because i hate your plants.” spoke arrogantly as she was dragged by the hand into the kitchen.
"yes, that's right." serim stopped in front of the bar, causing karina to also stop next to her.
“so why are we looking at a plant?” the dancer questioned emotionlessly, eyeing a small pot resting on the marble.
"it's yours." the woman reported seriously.
"i do not want it." she took a few steps trying to return to her room, but serim held her hand firmly, pulling her back to her side.
“you know, karina?” she continued, both with their eyes still glued to the plant in front of them.
"no." interrupted.
“i had never imagined myself taking care of plants.” she turned her head towards the girl, watching her as she continued with her words.
“i guess it's not a dream that many people have.” karina shrugged, returning her eye contact defiantly.
“do you want to know who introduced me to gardening?”
“professor sprout?”
“sejeong." she quickly corrected.
“oh great, more women you're probably dating.” she tried to leave again, but only got serim to hold her hand tighter.
“sejeong is a good friend.” clarified, rolling her eyes. “and also someone who takes care of me a lot and wants the best for me, even though we argue a lot.” she examined her up and down accusatorily. “do you know what azza time is?”
“namu, i already told you i was in azza time once.” yu returned frustrated. “serim.” she arranged her quickly.
"really?" she stayed silent thinking.
“i don't have memory loss like you, namu.”
“you called me namu again.” the named one remarked.
“serim!” karina repeated to herself. "i am going to my room." she turned on her heel but was quickly returned to her previous position.
“stay still, i'm trying to teach you a lesson.” she turned her attention from her to the object of the conversation. “i met sejeong long before azza time and we became friends.” she picked up the thread again. “i was quite reckless and idiotic, and she had been in the industry for more years.”
“you're still an idiot.” she cut off her speech.
“but at least i'm not so reckless anymore.” serim smiled sideways. “sese wanted me to learn responsibility, patience…” she sighed. “to be a good leader, take care of others, and to care about something other than myself.” her tone carried a hint of nostalgia. “i'm not saying you're a bad leader, i don't know how you lead your group, nor do i care.” she gave a dry laugh. “but i learned a lot taking care of that first plant that sejeong gave me, and that was what made me fall in love with gardening.”
she raised her head and searched the apartment, lifting her hand she pointed to a corner near the balcony.
“that's the plant she gave me.” karina followed with her eyes the place her finger indicated. “it's a philodendron, i almost killed it three times.” she laughed embarrassedly.
“let's see if i understood," she blurted out after hearing the oldest. “this plant,” she indicated with her finger to the one that was resting on the counter. "it's mine?"
"yes, as i said before, it is." she nodded. “i was going to be angry at you, in fact, i am.” she rubbed her face with her hands, finally releasing her grip on karina. “but maybe you just don't understand why i like this so much, and i think if you don't try it on your own you'll never understand it.” she reasoned. “and who knows if it won't help you learn and discover new things about yourself.”
karina looked at the gift that rested there, contemplating what she should do, and then looked back at the philodendron in the distance. "what's it called?"
“the one that sejeong gave me?” the younger nodded with her head indicating that she was referring to that. “it doesn't have a name, not all my plants have one.” she wandered around the kitchen while she waited for the girl to do something. “do you want to choose it?” she proposed after a moment.
“do you trust me to name your most precious plant?” she inquired, surprised.
“the philodendron is important to me, but my most precious plant was victoria, whom you already killed, so i don't think you will do worse harm.” she bowed her head dejectedly.
"sorry about that." her countenance changed to a kinder one as she remembered that event. “boo.” she thought out loud, laughing tenderly.
“like seungkwan?” she frowned uncomprehendingly.
"no, idiot." she denied. “like boo-chan from crayon shinchan.” she informed her. “you like plants and i like silly cartoons.”
“and then you make fun of me.” serim murmured in disbelief. “okay, we'll call it boo.” she walked to stand next to her again. “and that one?” she pointed to what she had just gifted her.
"what is it?"
“a haworthia.” karina looked at her with complete misunderstanding on her face. “a succulent.” she said again.
“that doesn't work.” she stayed silent making up names. “tell me a character you like in a musical.”
"me?" jang pointed to herself.
“no, the philodendron.” she replied wryly.
"alright." she gently hit the dancer on her shoulder. "dr. frank-n-furter.”
"who is that?" she expressed bewildered.
“rocky horror show?” no reaction. “remind me that i have to sit you down and teach you about musicals.”
“i would never spend more than half an hour with you voluntarily.” she rejected her. "so," she returned to the plant. “franky.” she announced.
“franky.” the vocalist repeated. “so, this is you accepting it?”
“my parents raised me well and taught me not to refuse a gift.” she took the mentioned object in her hands.
“don't put it so exposed to the sun and let the soil dry out between waterings.” she indicated. “if you start seeing brown colors just call me.” the girl finished, beginning to walk towards the hallway.
“i said i would accept it, not that i would actually take care of it.” karina contradicted the oldest, but no one answered. “namu?” she called her.
“you called me namu again!” serim stressed from her room.
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smalltownbeautyqueen · 11 months
Dancing with the Doctor (Spencer Reid x fem! Reader)
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After hearing the BAU's prom stories, Garcia decides to throw her own BAU prom! Much dialogue and fluff.
Warnings: mentions of drinking and feeling tipsy, reader is referred to as girl, reader is described as having hair long enough to brush off her face
Word Count: 1.5k
Unfortunately, this inspired Garcia to ask about everyone else's high school and prom experiences. Derek had been popular in high school, so he had his pick of girls to ask out to prom. Penelope had a steady boyfriend at the time, and Emily had gone with a group of her friends. "So my pretties… that leaves you two to tell your prom stories," Garcia said, gesturing to you and Reid.
After several long weeks of solving heinous crimes and seeing the dark underbelly of society, a few drinks with your work family seemed like a great way to relax. It started innocently enough, with the ordinarily private Hotch sharing how he met his wife while at his high school prom. It was the sort of meet-cute that seemed right out of an 80s teen movie.
"Did you know that proms actually began as formal tea parties for male college students and their families and that it wasn't until the 1950s that proms began to morph into what we think of them today. But to answer your question, Garcia, no. I did not attend my prom. I was too young." Garcia turned towards you, "Now, your turn, my precious." "Oh…uhm…I was busy? So I didn't go," you said, slurping your cocktail to avoid further questioning. You really did not want your coworkers to know that you had been dumped the day before prom. So, instead of going, you stayed at home, cried, and knit while watching Doctor Who re-runs.
As you walked in the next day, Garcia ran up to you excitedly. "Guess what?" Penelope sing-songed, "What?" you smiled back at the bubbly blonde. "I had the most fabulous idea last night! We should have our own BAU prom!"
Luckily for you, Garcia turned her attention to a cute guy who had walked up to the bar. "I'm going to go make a new friend," Garcia said, sliding out of the booth to go see the new object of her affection. "I need to go too," Hotch said, standing up to leave. "Yeah, me too," Morgan agreed. "Then there were three," Emily said. "Well, actually, I'm giving Spencer a ride home. So we should probably go before it gets too late." You responded to Emily while tugging on Spencer's sleeve. "Ugh, fine. Good night." Emily grumped.
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"Really?" You asked skeptically. You didn't mean to rain on Penelope's parade, of course. But how would that even work? A bunch of grown people who work for the FBI throwing a prom? "Yes!" Penelope responded, "Don't worry, I will figure out all the logistics. You just have to show up."
"Show up where?" Spencer asked, walking up from behind Penelope. "Garcia's throwing a BAU prom," Morgan answered. "Wow. Really?" Reid responded. "You're into this, Spencer?" Morgan asked from his desk. "Yeah. I remember seeing everybody being so excited for prom, and I always wondered what it was like." Reid admitted, looking down at his fidgeting hands. "See…" Garcia said, "I'll send out the deets later. This is totally happening!"
Two weeks later, you had all but forgotten about the proposed BAU prom until you received a "promposal" email from Garcia. "Uh… Hey, did anyone else get a weird email from Garcia?" Spencer asked. "Yeah, I did," Emily answered. "I got a promposal too. I can't believe she pulled this off." You chime in.
"Possible serial killer in Wyoming." Hotch shouted down from his office, "Wheels up in 30."
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You wiped your surprisingly sweaty palms on your clothes before you knocked on Penelope's door. "Hello, Gorgeous!" Penelope greeted you as she swung the door wide. Behind her, you saw Morgan putting gauzy purple and blue fabric over the lamps and furniture. "Wow, Penelope! You went all out!" "Well, you know me."
"That was Reid; he said that he isn't feeling very good, so he won't be able to make it." Upon hearing this, you felt a flood of relief. This wasn't because you didn't like Reid. It was because you did like Reid. You liked him a little too much.
Penelope ushered you through the door with a smile. Just as soon as you stepped inside Penelope's house, Emily knocked on the door. This time, Derek opened the door for the pretty brunette dressed in a simple red dress. "Hi, everybody," Emily greeted. Penelope's phone rang in response.
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A few cups of Penelope's spiked punch later, you had forgotten all about your previous nerves. So, when you turned around and bumped into your coworker's tall form, you invited him to dance instead of apologizing like a normal person. "Oh…no… I-I don't really dance," Spencer responded, shaking his head. "Aww, come on, Spency Poo," you pouted up at him. " Spency Poo? How much have you had to drink?" He asked incredulously.
He was part of why you felt nervous about the prom; you had a massive crush on Dr. Spencer Reid since you started at the BAU a few months ago. You usually weren't a particularly giggly person. But, when he was around, you turned into a giggly, mushy mess. Your crush was so obvious! Penelope had caught on to it almost immediately and teased you about it ever since. You were sure that if Penelope, who wasn't even an FBI profiler, had caught on, it must be painfully obvious to everyone else on the team.
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Before you could respond, Morgan clapped his hands around Spencer's shoulders. "I thought you weren't going to be able to make it?" Morgan asked. "I guess I started feeling better." The bespeckled man responded. "Yeah…" Morgan said, unconvinced.
"Come on," You said to Spenecr as you tugged on the sleeve of his wool blazer. "Yeah, man, go dance with your girl." Morgan encouraged. Upon hearing Derek refer to you as Reid's girl and seeing the panicked look across Reid's pretty face, you were momentarily stunned out of your tipsy state.
"I'm your girl?" You asked with a coquettish grin. "You know what? I changed my mind. I will dance with you." Spencer responded quickly, tugging you onto the makeshift dancefloor in the center of Garcia's living room. Suddenly, you didn't want to dance; you wanted to know what Morgan meant when he told Spencer to dance with his girl.
"It's hot in here. Will you come outside with me?" You smiled up at Reid. "Of course. Did you know that alcohol disturbs your central nervous system, which can cause your body to less effectively heat and cool your body?" You found it endearing that he could share his fun facts even in uncomfortable situations. "Really? Do you think getting out of here would make me feel better?" You ask sweetly. "Probably." With this, you lead him out onto Penelope's patio.
You decided then and there to do something you wouldn't have thought of doing just a few hours ago. You were going to tell Reid how you really felt
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"There, that's better." You sighed once the sliding door had shut, muffling the noises of conversation and music. "It's not much cooler out here than inside," Spencer remarked, bringing attention to the unseasonably warm weather. "Yeah, you're right," With this, you pushed the hair away from your face and stretched tall. When you looked back at Spencer, you saw his eyes quickly avert away from your chest.
"I saw that, Spence." You teased. "Saw what?" He asked, cheeks reddening. "Don't play stupid with me." You admonished. "I have a question for you, Mr. Smarty Pants." Spencer let out a soft snort at the nickname. "Sure, what is it?" He asked, eager to help.
"What did Morgan mean when he called me your girl?" "Oh…nothing. You know how Morgan is." He responded quickly, practically cutting your sentence off. "Yeah, I do know how Morgan is. That's why I asked." Spencer avoided eye contact, more so than usual.
You moved closer to him and whispered conspiratorially. "Can I tell you a secret?" You tried not to giggle at Spencer's wide-eyed look and cute nod. "I like you. I have a big, fat, stupid crush on you, Spencer!" "No, you don't," Spencer said, backing away from you.
"How do you know!?" You asked indignantly. "You're drunk. "You don't know what you're saying." Spencer glumly answered. "Yes. I do." You loosely picked up his hand. Instead of letting go of your hand like you thought he would, he held it tighter and looked into your eyes.
"Do you really?" He asked quietly. "Can I kiss you?" You asked before what little resolve you had was worn away by the warmth of Spencer's gaze and touch. "Yes." He whispered. With this, you smooshed your mouth into his. It was soft and sweet, like Spencer. You kissed for what felt like minutes but was really only seconds.
"I like you too, since your first day at work. Morgan has teased me about it ever since. That's why he called you my girl." Spencer blurted out once your lips had separated. You laughed, happy in this moment. "Would you like me to be your girl?" you asked sweetly. "Yes!" Spencer responded without a second thought.
A/N hi hi! I've been reading fan fiction for a while and finally wrote my own. This story was written for @imagining-in-the-margins CM office party prompt challenge. dividers credit: @saradika-graphics
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adaptacy · 1 year
I know this might seem like a weird hcs to make   but if Johnny went to prison do you think he would want his s/o to stay with him or leave him to live a normal life ?
Hi anon! I really hope this doesn't break your heart. Sorry if it does darlin <3
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If Johnny is getting arrested, if he's going away, he is going away for life. Like, ten- maybe twenty, hell, thirty times over. We don't even know how many people he's killed. And I'm no law student, but I'm pretty sure cannibalism and stalking and hunting them definitely makes those life sentences worse.
Point is, there is no way he's getting out. Not legally, anyways.
And Johnny more than understands that. He is NOT going to let you sit around dreaming about him when he knows he's gonna be rotting behind bars for the rest of his life, and then some.
The first thing he tells you when he gets arrested is not to wait for him. You'd be waiting an eternity. He tells you that he loves you, and that he's sorry, but maybe it's for the best. So yeah, no, he wants you to leave him. I mean- he doesn't want that but I think if he really does love you he wants you to be happy. It's not like he can do anything about it from behind bars.
That being said....
If he somehow, miraculously gets (breaks) out, he's hunting you down. Doesn't matter if it's been 6 months, two years, or fifteen years. He will find you. I mean, it's not like there's much to do in prison other than think about his life before. And that means you.
Sure, his tracking skills are a little rusty at this point, but information becomes easier to access the more that time goes on thanks to technological advances. And he will find you, eventually.
When he does, you immediately recognize him- prison has gyms, after all, and he'd need his muscles in jail anyways, so he's still as buff, if not more. He looks more rugged, clearly he's had a good number of prison fights. Not surprising, seeing as how it is Johnny.
At first, he's gentle. Asks how you're doing. Asks- err, demands, that you don't report him to the cops. He is definitely a vigilante, and a very much wanted man. Asks if you missed him.
And then he's a little more forthright. "Missed you. Thought 'bout you. A lot." It gives you butterflies, but you're not sure if you want to suffer through the heartbreak of him potentially being stolen away by the cops again.
Also, if you have a family or another partner, that's going to make things much more troublesome. If you accept him, you'd have to accept moving several states away from Texas and completely change your identities. And if you are with someone else...
Johnny isn't upset at you. He expected it. He never would've guessed he got free, so of course you wouldn't have either. But he doesn't really know what to do with his life if he can't have you. He hated his family- grew to hate the Sawyers as he aged in those concrete walls, realizing just how responsible they were for his problems. yeah, he's not great at taking responsibility. He had a lot of time to brew on that anger.
So beyond hating his family, you were what kept him going. Even if he'd told you to find happiness elsewhere, you were his happiness. So hearing that you are already with someone else definitely hurts.
He accepts it.
At first. And then he thinks about it some more, and he finds the idea a little ridiculous. You'd pleaded to stay with him, promised your devotion even when he'd told you not to. But now you were suddenly going against your word? Yeah, right.
He'd visit you often. Specifically when he knew you were alone. because he knew he could win you over and convince you with enough time. Eventually, he's taking you out to 'catch up', and then those turn into weirdly romantic dinners, and small gifts, and...
Oh, and he's kissing you. And you're kissing him back.
This is gonna be tough to explain.
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minzart · 8 months
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[Vignette + rambling of the design bellow]
Will: Grim has been really interested in this museum, I thought he would whine more to be honest, but I guess not, the great seven are something he really is interested in....
Grim: HENCHMEN! Come take a look!
Will: hm? What is it?
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Grim: are you seeing this guy, he was the thorn witch henchman! It says here he was the only capable being of her army, and he's just a raven!
Will: hm... he found someone she was looking for 16 years, her goons didn't take in consideration that said person ages as time goes on... so he got one more braincell than normal?
Grim: exactly! I heard from Tsunotarou he was extremely loyal too! He is a great role model to you
Will: me?!
Grim: if course! You are my henchman after all! You gotta step up and learn from good examples hehehe
Will: why does this feel like you are mocking me...
Grim: aw don't worry, you are already plenty smarter than one bird brain we know of :)
Will: .... the bar is that low to ya isn't it?
Grim: what a weird corridor.... it isn't as fancy as the rest of the museum
Will: I think we shouldn't be here
Grim: nahhh you are just scared! We are benefactors! We gotta see all that the museum has to offer right?! Comon' it's a special year! It's 100 anniversary don't be a scared kitty
Will: says the talking cat
Grim: I AM NOT A CAT! - ohhhh who's that?
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Will: the plate says "the dark mountain demon, a being once said to rule over the night and it's spirits, he slept by day and reighned caos by night"
Grim: he looks like he's the size of that mountain! Do you think I'm gonna grow that big?
Will: I hope not or else not even a truck of tuna cans will satiate your hunger
Will: I think we should get back Grim, it doesn't look like we should be here
Grim: yeah... the lights are really week here... FUGNYA! WHO IS THAT!
Will: that's just a... ohhh... ok yeah the red eyes are kinda creepy, but it's just a painting... a... very old painting... and unkempt too....
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Grim: no wonder they don't want to put it were everyone can see, he's ugly.... and scary- NOT THAT I'M SCARED OF COURSE!
Will: "the caudron king"-Deuce's rival got it- "once a powerful magician with a caudron that could rise the dead..." I can't read the rest the plate is too damaged
Grim: powerful magician? Do you think he was that strong? He's just bones
Will: Epel said the same thing of Vil's physical power and look were that got him
Grim: hey... will... doesn't the eyes of this paint look... that... they are following us....?
Grim: right behind you!
Wil's pose was based on this scene of the official 100 year anniversary art were the characters are in a "disney" artstyle
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Grim looks like he was tossed into the air and is looking at carter's camera like the heartslabyul crew, so one of Will's hand looks like it's tosing something up and the other a peace sigh
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hii! i was wondering if you could write a ranpo x reader where they both come to yosano/fukuzawa for advice on getting with the other and they have to watch painfully at how oblivious they are
Oblivious in love
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Oneshot: No matter how smart they are, love makes them blind Ranpo x Reader Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting. This oneshot melts me heart tysm for the request anon!! I think its the longest oneshot I have ever written
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Yeah, you can call me lover boy They say I throw my heart around
“Yosanoooo I just love him” You sighed as you told your female friend about yet another day, as she shook her head in disapproval. “Stop throwing your heart at every boy you see now dear, last week you were obsessed with the boy you met at the bar” she commented, as she cleaned up her medical desk.
And you can be my lover girl I'll pick you up, drive you around
“This couldn't be” Ranpo stared at the mirror in denial while he held it out in front of him, as Atsushi came behind him to ask “Are you okay Ranpo-kun?”
Ranpo could only nod. He was thinking about Y/N, while staring at his face. He was thinking how good it would be that she was kissing his forehead, hugging him and being in his arms with him.
I'll show you how to fall in love We'll be the talk of all the town Now everybody wants to be like us They're getting jealous, feel it now
“....And I guess that's why i like him” you commented as you screamed at your pillow, while Yosano handed you the juice she made. “Y/N, your crush on him is going out of hand”
“But, I just need one chance, I’ll make sure he feels love. He is so UGh, I’ll even make sure he doesnt get diabetes….Yosano this is unhealthy isn't it?” 
Yosano just hummed as a response, sipping her drink before commenting “It's fun to watch grown up act like teenagers”
Oh, wow Kill the lights
Yosano was just fed up. Her seniors were lovestruck. and of all, both of them were in love.
“YOSANO!!!” You whispered loudly, “He was looking at MY DIRECTION”
“Oh boy” Yosano was pretty sure she would age to death before anyone could.
Oh, baby, close your eyes The way you're looking at me You've got me mesmerized
“Yo-sa-no” Ranpo pocked Yosano’s cheek as they were sitting in the train, returning back from the mission they were assigned.
‘“What is it,  lover boy?” Yosano commented, clearly looking bored, “Stop poking me”
“Lover boy?” 
“It doesn't take a great mind to figure it out you know”
“You got me Yosano-san!” Ranpo laughed, as he removed his cap from his head. Yosano watched him playing with his cap.
“Seems like it's a secret between us now Yosano-san, I really like her you know?”
“Is it so? Tell me about it more, we got the whole day, it's going to be worth travelling”
Something I can't escape Feel like I'm lost in space You've got that good loving Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away
“You need to talk about it to him Y/N! Am pretty sure everyone in the agency have figured about your little crush” Yosano spoke, pushing you towards the door of the agency, “Just go inside, its not like you can't keep up a normal convo”
“I can keep up the convo! But it wouldn't be the same as before, I like him now”
“Dear, you liked him before too”
“Yeah but it was Platonically!” 
“To bad” And with that Yosano opened the door and pushed Y/N inside, and it was Y/N’s luck that she bumped into the one and only
Ranpo Edogawa
You know my heart can't take the break Nothing will ever be the same We'll meet again some other day Oh, yeah It's such a shame
Ranpo was casually sitting in the newly found office as Yosano and Kunikida seemed to be working on a document. Unexpectedly, the agency door opened to reveal Fukuzawa and another girl. “Please Welcome, L/N Y/N, she is an ability user who will be aiding us with our agency”  The girl nervously waved at three of them, before looking around the office to get used to it. Kunikida, being idealistic he is, went off to introduce everyone in the office. “Hello, My name is Kunikida Doppo” 
“My named is Yosano Akiro and this is” 
“The world’s greatest detective to ever exist! Ranpo Edogawa!” Ranpo spoke, loud enough to make the newcomer take back a few steps.
“As you know….My name is L/N Y/N, But i wouldn't mind you all calling me Y/N”
Somehow the love came to an end You've started talking to a tool
“Ranpo! Oh sorry I didn't see you here” You spoke immediately, as you awkwardly scorched your head to pick up the candy packed Ranpo dropped because of you bumping.
“It's fine Y/N!” Ranpo immediately responded, before looking up to see Yosano smiling innocently. His hands immediately went towards the candy pack, to which by his luck, touched Y/N’s hand which seemed to touch the same candy packet. 
Quickly withdrawing, you both cleared up the mess before someone from behind spoke, “Y/N can you please bring me bandages? It seems that I have a shortage of it " another shouted "Bring me some Cheesecake too!”. And in no time, you were given a list to shop for the agency.
“Oh can you please bring back some chip packets for me?” Ranpo piped in, and as soon as he said that Yosano said, “Ranpo! Why don't you go with Y/N and help her out, it would be helpful, plus you can buy bakery stuff together” 
Ranpo and Y/N both glared at her, indicating to shut her mouth, unaware the other one was sending the same message to her as well.
“No No, its fine I can-” 
Yosano pushed both of them out of the door, and closed it behind them “HEY! I WASNT FINISHED”
You're telling lies to all your friends But you know damn well it should be me But I'm moving on, doing my best Now everybody whispers things 'bout us
“Say Y/N who was the one you were having difficulty talking with? Ranpo asked, as he ate his chip he carried all the way. 
“No one you should get familiar with Ranpo!” You said, nervously as you walked beside him hoping he didn't figure it out.
“Humm, is it a crush perhaps?” Ranpo enquired to which Y/N almost lost her breath.
“Crush? Pfff no…” “You are bad at lying, you know?” 
“You tell me Ranpo, you're 26 and still single?”
“Hey!” Ranpo said pounding, throwing the chips packet in the dustbin nearby and throwing his arms in protest “Says the one who is also going to turn 26 soon” 
“Sorry Sorry” Y/N laughed hands up in defeat, as they reached the store to buy stuff.
You're hearing voices in your head Can't forget Kill the lights Oh, baby, close your eyes The way you're looking at me
Ranpo looked at Y/N, Who seemed to be laughing at the drawing created by Dazai. It was a drawing of Dazai himself drowning in water, but it more of looked like Dazai was falling from the sky with wings instead of arms.
Her voice, and her smile amused him, no one ever made him this lovestruck. Everything around him reminded him of her. He would look at the plant near his chair, it would remind him the time she instead to keep that plant and make it grow because ‘Ranpo needs to be responsible’
Unexpectedly, You turn around to see Ranpo staring at you, intensely as if he was reading you. Did he think you had a crush on Dazai? No, you were pretty sure Ranpo could never go wrong then, Did he figured it out?
You've got me mesmerized Something I can't escape Feel like I'm lost in space You've got that good loving
“Here” You commented, passing on the pastry packet you bought for him and yourself to eat. He looks at it and without a thought hugs you making you almost fall on the ground. You could do nothing but blush at the sudden gesture from him, your crush
“Thanks Y/N!” He practically shouted, “Your welcome, we should go back to the agency, its getting late”
Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away You know my heart can't take the break Nothing will ever be the same We'll meet again some other day
“Oh look lovermates are back” Dazai commented looking at you two holding hands, Ranpo didn't seem to listen to him, but you on the other hand, “HEY! We just went shopping for you people” before removing your hand from his, realizing and regretting making that move. His hands were warm and you missed his warmth.
“Y/N if you can please help me out,” Dazai says as if held you hand, getting on his knees, “Are you willing to commit double suicide with me?”
Kunikida, seeing it, pulled Dazai’s ear and scolded him while knocking him unconscious.
“Was that necessary Kunikida-san? I am pretty sure he is happy to be dead with that”
“That waste of human potential deserves it, Thank you for getting things for the agency Y/N”
“No problem”
“Me and Y/N will be going now” Yosano commented, dragging her out of the office just before making sure,  her and Ranpo’s shoulder bump.
Oh, yeah Oh, yeah Kill the lights Oh, baby, close your eyes
“How did your little date go?” Yosano asked Pocking , a blushing Y/N who was busy processing the things that happened throughout the day.
“Are you sure? You two were pretty much eating pastry cakes together” Yosano smirked, as you blushed remembering the hug you had.
“Umm we just hugged okay!” Yosano raised her eyebrow, listening to you “And maybe hold hands, IT WAS NOTHING I SWEAR-” 
“WAIT, we were holding hands…HOLDING HANDS OH MY GOD-”
“Calm down Y/N will you now”
“Yeah I am pretty sure it was a friendly gesture”
The way you're looking at me You've got me mesmerized Something I can't escape Feel like I'm lost in space
“Yosano I need help,” Ranpo said over the call, as Yosano reached her home to listen to the other one again. She doesn't even know what her profession is anymore. 
“Sure tell me, you both kissed or something?”
“Now-now, dont assume that Yosano-san, but we did hold hands” Ranpo said over the call
“Congratulations Ranpo, confess already will you?”
“No, I am pretty sure she doesn't feel the same way”
“How can you be sure? Did you use your ability or something?”
“No Yosano-kun” Ranpo said almost laughing, “Love makes even the greatest abilities blind, and I Ranpo Edogawa have seem to fall in love with Y/N L/N”
You've got that good loving Girl, if you leave me I might throw my heart away
Another day passed by, and the agency was calmly working well, except Dazai, who was busy listening to music on the couch.
“Ranpo and Y/N, there is a murder case near the Yokohama port, Mr president has requested you two to take over it” Yosano said, from the agency door winking at both of them. 
You know my heart can't take the break Nothing will ever be the same We'll meet again some other day
“Well, Ranpo seems like we both need to work now” you said, and taking a bold move, you held his hand to pull him down from the table , out the door to the elevator.
Howling could be heard behind the agency door, which quickly seemed to die down. Ranpo seemed to stare at his hand before he closed his eyes smiling “Let's go shall we? There is no case this detective can't solve”
And just like that, two idiots, in love, intertwined their hands, to solve another case in the city.
Who says love is only expressed through words? Actions are enough.
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My heart is going so UwU reading this and writing this. Hope this satisfy you anon. Song used: Loverboy by A-wall
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amwife · 1 year
omg niko next please!
Niko Omilana
this ws the most random thing ive ever written 😭
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You and Niko had just finished filming a video for Beta Squad with you as the special guest.
Everyone else was planning to go out to eat after the shoot but you and him somehow ended up getting fish and chips and eating in a random park at 10 PM.
"You know, I used to do this all the time with my family, and we would end up playing football at the end." You said as you grabbed a couple chips and ate them.
"You? Playing football? That's impossible." He said in what you think was the most sarcastic voice you've ever heard.
"Yeah. I was great at it." You replied, flinging your hair over your shoulder and rolling your eyes. That action alone made Niko laugh at you.
"Nah that's too unbelievable." He said as he wrapped up the rubbish that was left.
"Rude. I bet I could beat you in a 1v1." You said as he looked at you with a glare.
"Really? Let's get a football and do it right now."
"I can't you know? I got a bung knee. Players injury."
"Yeah alright then." He said after he laughed a little to long at that. "Let's go to your apartment, I'll get an uber." He said as he pulled out his phone
"We should have a movie night tonight. I've already got tons of snacks at my house too." You said as you pulled out your phone to search up what movie you'll be watching.
You walked into your apartment, Niko following behind, and set your bag and keys down on your breakfast bar.
"What are we watching Y/n?" Niko said as he pushed his shoes next to your shoe rack, and made his way to the breakfast bar seats.
You grabbed popcorn from your pantry, putting it in the microwave, and turning around to stand at the other side of the counter.
"A disney one of course. I was thinking about Mulan but we could watch another one."
"We should watch a horror movie-"
"Mulan? I agree." You said, cutting him off as soon as you heard horror movie. He laughed at you and got up to go set up the movie on your tv.
Niko had been at your house so many times it was basically his second home at this point.
"Y/n it's a movie, it's not real." Niko said as he watched you with slightly frightened eyes.
"Oh I know it's just so stupid since she did all that for them." You said as you slumped back on the chair after you finished your mini rant.
Niko said nothing as he pulled you closer to him by your shoulder, and picked up the remote to play it.
You stayed silent as he rotated you to lean on the stack of pillows next to the armrest and pulled your legs on top of his lap.
The movie continued but your focus was only on the fact that Niko had been absentmindedly rubbing circles on your calf.
You sat up and moved yourself closer to him, so your upper leg was resting on his lap instead of your calves. He looked at you and raised his eyebrows, grabbing the remote to pause it.
"What's up?"
"What're you talking about?" You asked him with a smile forming onto your face.
He smiled back at you before turning back to the tv, lying one of his arms behind you on the couch and the other on your leg. You scooted forward to be lying against the arm on the couch, with him wrapping it around you to pull you closer to him.
The movie had finished so you grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, crawling over so you were on his lap, and grabbed his face with both of your hands.
"Hi Niko." You whispered to him.
"Hello." He whispered back, looking from your lips to your eyes.
"Guess what?"
"What?" He said as his arms wrapped around your lower back with his fingers tapping a beat into your back.
You shrugged your shoulders as you climbed off his lap, and grabbed the empty popcorn bowl, and walked off to the kitchen.
"TEASE." You heard him say from the couch.
"Buy me dinner first Mr Mayor." You giggled back as he sighed very loudly and muttered under his breathe.
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moodymisty · 1 year
Wow! Congrats on 1k followers!! Your writing is always a delight. 🥰
For your event, may I request Tech x F!reader with the prompt "You really want me?"
Thank you! I hope you have a great day. ❤️
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Awww thank you! I'm glad you enjoy my writing! and techtechtechtechtechtech
Relationships: Tech/Gn!Reader
Warnings: None, just fluff and confessions of love
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"So, I have to ask..."
Echo's voice perks up your ears, as sits beside you. His glass is in his hands but he hasn't taken a sip yet, at least that you've noticed.
79's is relatively barren tonight, at least by the normal standards; Though it's still quite loud and packed with enough clones that traversal through the bar is for sure going to end up with you bumping into a few shoulders.
"Did you show Tech some new book or something?" He's not here tonight, having neglected coming out for drinks because of some important worked he wanted to finish, and had insisted you all go on without him. it's not incredibly unusual; This sort of scene isn't his type.
You think on Echo's question for a moment, pursing your lips as you look off in no particular direction trying to recall. Once you do, it's such a brief moment that you don't really think that it would be anything of note.
"Um, I mean I mentioned something not too long ago?" Echo leans back against the seat, an arm over the back behind your head.
"Ok, because he's not shut up about whatever it was for at least a week now. He's been researching it nonstop." That sentence makes you surprised, but also it's impossible to contain a smile at the thought of him doing something like that when you aren't around. It's, endearing. Not too often do you find someone who enjoys you enough that they try to enjoy the things you do. You love watching Tech tinker, to sometimes catch his tongue just barely poking out between his lips, but it makes your heart flutter a bit to know this new tidbit of info.
"Really? I didn't know he cared that much." Crosshair makes an amused noise.
"Cares? He's obsessed." He gets an odd look from you back, and Hunter seeks to clarify what Crosshair won't.
"The two of you really get along well," He says, and you raise your eyebrows. He can't exactly find the best way to put this so for the sake of his brother and for your own sanity, he'll be blunt.
"Look, we don't wanna shove into your business or anything," Hunter rubs the back of his neck. "But Tech really likes you." It's feels more than a little bit intense being underneath the stare of four eyes, especially considering who they are.
"But he's not gonna say it unless you do first."
Were you really so obvious in your attraction that they were all able to notice? You had hoped you were being at least somewhat subtle.
No point in denying it, you guess. They already have it all figured out.
"So, you want me to just go for it then?" You smile and laugh, expecting it to be taken as a joke. But instead, Hunter nods and agrees with you.
"Go sweep him off his feet."
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You're not drunk in the slightest; seeing the outline of the Marauder ahead of you as you walk forward towards it with purpose. It's just that your conversation with the rest of the 99's has pushed you over the edge.
You ended up leaving not long after you'd finished talking, deciding to take the opportunity of Tech being alone. It's not too often you have the chance to do so.
You'll just say how you feel, and damn the consequences. You can't stay in the limbo anymore.
But Tech is just, so hard to read.
You've gotten better at it over time, but sometimes you find yourself wondering. His brothers know him best, and hopefully their encouragement doesn't end with you making an ass of yourself.
You have the codes to unlock the Marauder, bringing down the gangplank so you can head inside. Once you do, it's only takes a quick look to the right to locate Tech, who's situated in the cockpit using Gonky as an extension to his current work table; Which is the control panel. He heard your entrance and looks over, perking up in casual surprise.
"Oh, I thought you all would be out for most of the evening." He says it with curiosity, not disappointment. You notice he's reading one of the books you'd mentioned awhile ago when you step closer, datapad sat aside whatever he's been tinkering with. He must be using it as background noise.
"Yeah, it got a little too rowdy for my liking." He's soldering two wires together, humming and adjusting his goggles with a wiggle of his nose. When he speaks he's still working, not looking as you watch over him from his side.
"I apologize for my brothers if they said or did anything particularly uncouth; Them and large amounts of alcohol are not often the best combination." Speaking from experience? You joke to only yourself. Smiling, you wave off his concerns.
"Nah, they were fine," Your sentence hangs for a bit, leaning to one side as your eyes flick over his hands and arms. "I, wanted to talk to you, actually." That admission gets Tech's interest, naturally.
Gonky takes up a good portion of the free space between the seats, so he ushers the droid away and gives you the room to sit down.
"To me?" He seems both surprised and curious, already trying to figure out what you'd possibly need to talk to him about. It could be any number of things, it's not as if the two of you have ever run out of things to talk about.
"Yeah, I," You lick your lips, finding the words and the confidence to just say them.
Gods he looks so cute right now... You think while seeing his dark brown eyes watch you from behind his goggles.
"Do you want to go out sometime? Just you and me?" He quickly counts his tools as he puts them away back in his storage box, glancing up at you.
"Do you need help with something? I see no need why to specify just you and me if you would just like to go and-"
You get out of your seat and kneel on the edge of Tech's, leaning inward and stealing a kiss from him. He certainly looks surprised the moment you pull away, but it seems to get the point across well enough.
"Oh," He says, adjusting his goggles from where you'd bumped them out of alignment. "You meant in that way." His eyes are wide, flicking around focus on a different part of your face as he thinks.
"I, failed to think this was a possible scenario." In any other situation you might've considered making a joke, but the tone would be ruined if you did so.
"Being a clone isn't a desirable trait apart from a few select scenarios, my brothers are quite overbearing, and the state of the war I-" He cuts himself off, brain thinking a mile a minute. "You really want me?"
You smile and nod, lips just barely dusting over his. You can still feel his breath on your face, before he decides to kiss you this time. His feels more assertive, as if he's quickly gaining the confidence in what he's figured out so far. His body rises from his aggressive slouch and his hands move up your thighs, from where they had laid politely on your knees.
"Do you want me to say?" You say, feeling his hands on your hips.
His brothers won't be back for most of the night anyways. He has plenty of time to figure things out and get all the answers he needs.
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final-girl96 · 11 months
Broken World: Chapter Two
"Ya fuckin' kidding me?" I let out a long sigh as I looked at Daryl. I had graduated college with a bachelor's in criminal justice and then went straight to the police academy and now I'm a cop. My hope was to become a detective and I've been trying to prove myself to the chief. That meant I needed to bring Merle Dixon in for questioning.
"I have to bring him in for questioning, Daryl. He's a suspect in a murder case! I can't just let him go because he's my best friend's brother!" I stood in front of him, hands on my hips. "I ain't tellin' ya where he is," he said, going to slam the door. I stopped it with my boot and pushed it open. "I'm going to need to look around," I said. "Ya got a warrant?" He asked, and I shook my head. "Then get the fuck outta here!"
"Daryl, come on. I need to do my job. I don't want to have to go back to the chief and tell him we need to get a warrant. Please, just let me look around. This makes you look like you have something to hide, Daryl. I convinced my Chief to let me come here alone. Please just let me in so he doesn't send someone else out." He looked down at where my hand rested over my gun. It was simply a habit now, that's all it was.
"You gonna shoot me if I don't?" He asked. I looked at him in disbelief. How could he ask me something like that? I dropped my arms to my sides and looked him in the eye. "No, Daryl, I'm not going to shoot you. And the fact that you even asked me that fucking hurts. You've been a real fucking asshole to me for the past three years." He didn't answer me. Hell, he couldn't even look at me. "Fine. Guess I'll just tell the Chief he'll need to send someone else out with a warrant. Great fucking talking."
I turned around and walked to my squad car. I flinched a little when I heard him slam the door behind me. He's acted like an asshole towards me since I told him I was going to the police academy right after I graduated college. I know the Dixons hate cops. Of course they do, both Will and Merle were constantly in and out of jail. Will usually got a night, sometimes two after being picked up from the bar.
Merle was always more than that, like drugs. He also liked to get into a lot of fights. When I found out he was a suspect in a murder related to drugs, no surprise there, but I was shocked. Merle is an asshole. He's racist, thinks women are an object, he always makes disgusting comments towards women, fuck he's done it to me. But if someone asked if I think he could be capable of killing someone, the answer would be no.
I walked back into the station and straight to the Chief's office and knocked on the open door. He looked up at the paperwork in front of him. "Come in." I walked in and stood in front of his desk. "Did you search the place?" He asked. I shook my head, "No, sir. Daryl wouldn't let me in. Said we would need to come back with a warrant." He let out a long sigh. "I'm sorry, sir." He shook his head, "no need to be sorry. You tried. That's all that matters."
After work, I went straight home. I lived in a small one bedroom apartment in town, above the bar of all places. Charlotte, the bartender and owner of the bar, insisted that I rent the apartment after I moved out of my dad's. There were only a few regulars downstairs sitting at the bar, so it wasn't loud, but it would be in a few hours. I set my belt down on my dresser, and just as I was pulling my shirt out of my pants and unbuttoning it, there was a knock on my door.
I walked towards the door while still unbuttoning my shirt. Another knock came this time louder and harder. "Alright! I'm coming, holy fuck!" I looked through the peephole to see Daryl standing outside. I took a deep breath, exhaled, and opened the door. "The fuck is wrong with you!" I was taken back at him yelling at me as soon as I opened the door. "Excuse me?"
"Merle was arrested!" He yelled, pointing a finger in my face. I swatted his hand away and glared at him. "First off, lower your goddamn voice. Secondly, I have nothing to do with that. As you can see…" I gestured down to myself. "I just got home. He ran and hid. That made him look suspicious, Daryl. He knew the guy who was murdered. He was only wanted for questioning at first until he ran, then it turned into him being a suspect. Don't blame me for your brother's stupidity."
"He didn't do anything! Merle wouldn't kill anyone, and you know it!" Still with the yelling. "If you're going to yell, at least come inside. Either that or get the fuck off my doorstep," I said. "Fuck you! Fucking pig!" He turned, walked down the hall to the stairs, and disappeared. That's just great. I took a shaky breath and closed my door. Losing my best friend over and over again was starting to really fucking sucks.
I pulled my shirt off, walked back to my room, and threw it on the dresser. I was not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. I needed to get the fuck out of this small ass town. Maybe move to the city. Not like anyone would notice that I was gone. I need to put an application into Atlanta PD. New job. New apartment. New life. New start.
I took my hair out and stripped the rest of my clothes off, then got in the shower. The hot water was a welcoming feeling. It felt amazing on my sore and aching muscles. My mind just kept going back to Daryl, and how pissed he is at me. How much he hates me now. I finished up, got up, and dressed, then decided to head downstairs to the bar and have a drink or five. I guess we'll see.
I sat at the bar nursing a beer trying to ignore Clyde and his horrible flirting. The man was old enough to be my father and was one of the town drunks besides Will. Clyde was the nice drunk who flirted with any woman he could. "Clyde, leave the poor girl alone before she arrests you and throws you in jail." Charlotte placed another beer in front of him, and he took it, got up, and walked away. "How ya doin, sugar?"
"Well, my father doesn't talk to me because his wife has always hated me. My best friend called me a pig and hates me now, too. So I'm doing fucking great!" I said. She put a shot glass in front of me and filled it with whiskey. As soon as she was done I picked it up and knocked it back. "I think I'm gonna move to Atlanta."
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blueseachelle · 2 years
Can you please write some Percy de rolo x reader one shot. With jealous reader? Maybe some smut?
Jealous? Me? Never. PART 1
Percy De Rolo x Jealous! Reader
Smut will be in PART 2 but, I like to build a foundation for jealous type situations so, this is a build up for the good stuff
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It seems like the whole world is against you at this point.
Every time you tried to do something. Someone or something stood in your way. You were trying to figure out a way into a certain someone's heart yet, were stopped by observation.
As you sat in a tavern next to Pike. You noticed a number of things. Your eyes never strayed too far away from the silver haired gunslinger across from you. You saw how Vex leaned into him. You saw how he seemed to smirk and reflect the same energy back.
It made you sick. You thought nothing was going on between the two of them but, you guess you were wrong after all.
You're heart ached. You looked down into your mug. You got lost in your thoughts for a little bit until Pike nudged you gently,
"You okay, Girlie?"
You just look over to her and smiled softly,
"I'm good. I'm just gonna head outside for some air."
Pike watched with a concerned look as you stood up and made your way out of the bar. She looked around and saw that no one noticed her sudden exit. She stood on her bench and turned to hop down.
Just as she did this, Grog grabbed her up,
"Did you see that, Pike?! I beat Vax once again!"
Pike pushed out of his grasp slightly,
"Yeah. I saw that. You did great, Buddies. I'll be back in a second."
With that, she quickly followed the path you took out of the bar.
Percy saw this and realized that you weren't there. You never alone really so, this concerned him slightly. Vex put an arm over his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts,
"Darling! Did you see that? Scanlan fell of his stool, long gone! Hahahaha."
Percy just nodded. He quickly got out of her grasp, much how Pike did the same with Grog. He cleared his throat quickly after.
"Excuse me, Vex'ahlia. I have to visit the men's room."
He then disappeared out the door. This went unnoticed to the rest of the drunk group.
You walked away from the tavern. Looking at the ground as you walked, kicking some pebbles as you went.
How could you be so blind? You should've knew that they were together before you fell for Percy. You were just blinded by love.
You tried so hard to make time for him and help him with his projects. You made sure to keep him safe in battle. You always were there to take care of him when he needed it. You guess you were always saw as a best friend. Nothing more.
You heard rushed footsteps from behind you. You didn't bother to turn around. You didn't care anymore.
Pike ran up to your side. She walked next to you as she caught her breath quickly. She then gave your cloak a slight tug, catching your attention. You looked over at her with saddened eyes. Pike just nodded. She understood your pain.
"It's okay to be jealous and hurt."
"Jealous? Me? Never."
Y/n responded with slightly sarcastic tone. Pike just shook her head,
"Even if he isn't there for you, I always will be. We'll get through this together, Girlie."
"I just wish he understood how much my heart hurts to see him with her. I was always there for him. Through everything. Before he even got into the group. I guess I never been more than a best friend. I'm stupid for thinking so."
"Y/n. You are not stupid. What's stupid is that Percy can't see that you love him but he sees Vex's advances. We did everything we could to get you with him. Maybe he'll realize soon. You never know."
Percy, who was approaching the two, heard the whole exchange. His eyes widened. You? Jealous? He would never guess that you loved him as much as you said to Pike. He did always see you as his best friend but, he saw so much more. He thought he had no chance because you never, well he didn't realize, acted like you wanted to be anything more. When Vex made it obvious, he thought he could get rid of these feelings he had for you.
Oh boy. He was so wrong.
He saw you give Pike a hug. You sat there on you knees as you hugged her. Pike patted your back.
"Everything will be okay. I promise."
You just nodded. Soon, the hug broke apart and Pike told you she had to head back and take care of Grog. You just nodded and said that you needed a couple more minutes before going back.
Pike nodded and ran back to the tavern. She didn't notice Percy as she ran by because he was hiding.
Once you were alone, Percy came out of hiding and made his way towards you. You just hung your head low and was lost in thought. You didn't notice Percy's entrance.
He gingerly set a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him. You looked slightly surprised but, your sadness covered it up quickly.
"Why are you here? You should be with Vex'ahlia."
Percy shook his head,
"I came here because I was worried about you. You seem off tonight and I want to know what's wrong."
Rage pulsed through you. You looked at him and stepped back so his hand fell off your shoulder,
"You know what's wrong. Don't act like you weren't hiding and overhearing my conversation with Pike. Do I look stupid to you? Don't play me like a fucking fool."
Percy pursed his lips together. He was caught. He didn't want you to be anger at him but, here we are.
"I did hear it all. I just want to know why didn't make a move sooner. Why didn't you point blank ask me how I felt towards you?"
You clutched your fists and you growled slightly,
"You think it's so easy. I didn't want to lose you as even my friend if you rejected me. Plus, now I know you and Vex are something so, I can just forget about my feelings and go about my business. Do snog with her and leave me alone."
Percy took a step towards you. You anger was valid. He knew he fucked up but, he wants to make it up to you. He needed to reach out first. He slowly gripped your shoulders,
"It is easy. I'll do it so you can see."
You froze in confusion as he continued,
"Y/n. I have loved you for a very long time now. You have always been by my side and I appreciate it. You showed me so much of myself that I wouldn't have ever found without you. I thought YOU would reject me so, when Vex made it obvious of her feelings, I thought I could run away from them. Seeing you hurt like this, I can't run. I'm sorry for my stupidity. I love you. More than the world. You are my world."
You stood there with tears running down your cheeks. He slowly moved his hand and wiped your tears as they came. You leaned into his touch.
"I love you too, Percy."
Percy smiled and leaned in and kissed You. You both stayed in that position for some time. Kissing over and over again. The tears soon stopped to flow as the kissing stopped as well. Once the two of you separated, Percy held you close. He whispered sweet words to you.
You held him tightly, like he was gonna disappear in a seconds time. Percy looked down at you,
"Do you want to head back to the tavern now?"
You slowly nodded and you both walked hand in hand to the building. You were both going to tell the rest of the group of the new development. No matter what anyone said. No matter the repercussions of the relationship. You both didn't care. You loved each other and that's that.
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Chapter 7
Series Summary: There are moments in our lives that have a major impact. The interactions, the adventures, and the love, all make up who we are. But when Harry can't remember those moments with YN, they are both left wondering what that means for themselves and their relationship.
Chapter Summary: This is (again) from Harry's point of view. Oh Harry, honey, has dug himself a hole and now he has to climb out of it. Does he actually have a chance? Does one memory regained mean anything for the rest of them?
Chapter Warnings: Some explicit language, doctor appointment, ANGSTY ANGST
Time. And Torment.
That's all Harry has had since discovering his feelings for YN. Well, besides the doctor's appointment he has today.
"So, Harry, how have you been feeling lately?" Dr. Green asks.
Physically he's fine. Emotionally, he's bruised. Bruised and bleeding, to give a more accurate description. It's just a shame that Dr. Green can't do anything to fix that.
"Alright I guess." He answers, looking down at his lap as he sits across from her, a sigh slipping out before he can catch it.
"Hmm." She answers, jotting down notes on her computer, her reaction not providing much hint of belief. "And what about your memory?"
"Actually…" His eyes glance up at hers. "I did have one memory come to my mind last week."
"That's great." She replies, though Harry would not agree considering the context of said memory, and the fact that it wasn't one of the more important or more recent ones that he should be experiencing. "I don't want to get your hopes up, but it is a good sign. More could come back, slowly over time or very suddenly. Either way, it could be overwhelming, so just be aware of that."
He almost scoffs at the mention of something being overwhelming, as he isn't sure much could compare to what he has been going through lately.
"I think that's all we need to discuss. Do you have any concerns?"
If only she could help him repair a hurting heart, or two.
"You're really not even coming tonight?" Mitch asks Harry, sitting on the couch at his and Sarah's place.
"I just don't see why I would." He responds, mildly annoyed that this is probably the fifth time since Harry got there that Mitch has asked him this same question.
"Because I want you to meet two of the singers performing tonight…" Mitch states, discontinuing strumming on his guitar.
Harry sighs at the thought of going to the opening night of Aman's bar. He doesn't know, or at least doesn't remember the owner, but he does know who will inevitably be there. It's not that Harry doesn't want to see YN, it's actually the opposite, but the week that he knew she was away just caused him even more doubt that he deserves a second chance. He knows it could hurt him to see her and not have her, but he also knows it could cause her the same pain, even though she isn't aware of what he truly wants now.
"M'just… not feeling up to it." He replies, unsure if Mitch knows the deeper meaning behind his answer. He runs a hand through his hair and tilts his head to meet Mitch's gaze.
"Alright, alright." Mitch sighs. "But you should meet them at some point. Ny Oh and Elin are really good."
"Yeah. Maybe we can just… set something up for later."
Sarah walks over holding a dish and three plates. She sets it all down and hands Harry a plate full, when he notices what she's serving. He glares at her and she shrugs her shoulders.
"Hey… I finally learned how to do it… now I wanna make it all the time!" She chuckles, cutting herself a slice of her second attempt at YN's famous casserole and handing the plate to Mitch.
"You're ridiculous." Harry scoffs, taking a moment to look at the food and sighing before he takes a bite. It doesn't taste exactly the same, it probably never could, but he finds a little comfort in the meal, now that he knows it was created by her, and for him.
He begins to frown at himself, but catches it before his friends see. He isn't mad, he is simply surprised that he feels so strongly for YN, someone that his mind has told him he's only known for a month or so. He's beginning to think that while his brain may not acknowledge those old memories of her, but that it could still hold onto those old feelings, and maybe now they are seeping through.
"Aman did say that we can play some gigs there anytime, if we want to." Sarah states, snapping Harry out of his rabbit hole of thoughts.
"Yeah. Maybe." He slightly agrees. "What… umm… what songs do we usually play?"
"Well…" The couple look at each other as they answer in unison, and Sarah gets up, walking back to their bedroom and returning with a folder full of papers. As she comes around the couch again, she hands it to Harry.
"These are the usuals, and a few new ones that you boys wrote recen-... well, recently for us, I guess. Completely new to you."
Harry flips through the sheet music, seeing a few Fleetwood Mac songs, and covers of some more recent music. He flips a page over and lands on a few that he doesn't recognize, assuming they must be ones that the band has recently written.
"Ours?" He asks, holding up a few pages, but continuing to scan the words with his eyes. The lyrics are ones he can see himself writing with Mitch, the way he expresses his emotions, and he continues to read. The first one certainly doesn't have the tone of love or joy in it, especially considering it's called 'Two Ghosts', and it seems fitting. As he reads over the last line, he comes to the conclusion that this was most likely about Tabitha. At least a good song came out of that horrible situation.
He doesn't even acknowledge any answer or statement that his friends may have given, as he becomes engrossed in reading the lyrics of the second page in his hand. This one is the complete opposite, full of passion and desire.
"Who wrote this one?" He looks up to Mitch and flips the paper over to show the sheet music with the title 'Medicine'.
Sarah and Mitch look at each other and Harry notices the obvious look of mischief between them. It is clear to him that it means the song is about their relationship, although the lyrics do seem a bit more outgoing than their natural personalities.
"Okay you two, I get it. It's your song." He chuckles, only to be met with dual looks of confusion and debate from each of his friends.
"No, man. That's yours, too…" Mitch smirks. "That's about YN."
A tightness forms inside, but Harry determines that it is not one of any negative emotion, but giddiness instead. He figured he has written songs about her, that's what he does, but now he can see, read, and understand what he felt for her in that moment. As he determined before, it's full of passion and desire.
"Oh!" He finally responds, flickering his gaze between his friends and one of his forgotten songs, chuckling at himself as he rereads the words yet again. "I was pretty whipped huh?"
"Wouldn't say whipped… but you two are constantly, adorably, and almost disgustingly drawn to each other." Sarah replies with a mild giggle under her breath.
"And she gets you out of the house, out of your comfort zone! That's the point of the song. I wasn't joking when I said she made you more fun." Mitch laughs, receiving a sharp elbow into his ribcage from Sarah.
Harry sighs, knowing that not only do the lack of memories prevent him from having that with YN, but now his idiotic actions have too. He can't help but wonder about all the things he is missing out on now.
"Harry..." Sarah states softly. "I still think you should try to talk to her."
Harry simply responds with a shrug. He doesn't want to give up, it's getting harder to wrap his head around the idea that he's lost his chance. But the idea of possibly hurting her again is even stronger. What if he never regains his memories? What if he can't be as good as the Harry she knows him to be? What if she decides he doesn't measure up to who he once was? That last thought is obviously full of concern for his own heart, but it's one he can't help thinking about.
"She deserves better." He shakes his head, the sadness once again seeping back in and taking over the moment of contentment that he had just been experiencing.
"She wants y-"
"Sarah." Mitch interrupts, shooting her a quick glance, and Harry drops his gaze. "Look, man, we just want you to be happy, both of you. That's all."
"I know." He nods in reply. Maybe it is due to a bit of self-preservation of himself to not jump at the chance to reach out to her, but he really does believe she should always be put first. From what he's heard, and personally experienced, she always takes care of others. She is owed her own happiness, and being the one taken care of. Not that she can't do that for herself, she is plenty capable, but that doesn't mean she has to and that she needs to all of the time. She deserves a partner who is always there for her, and he wasn't. He tries to cut himself some slack, considering his injury, but it's becoming less and less of a valid excuse for him. Because, memory loss or not, he didn't treat her right and she does deserve better.
"I want her to be happy too."
Harry's phone sits on the kitchen counter, only just within arms reach, as he does his best to avoid scrolling through social media to get any glimpse of the events unfolding at BarCode tonight.
The book in his hands was a decent distraction for a while, but as he looks up from the current page it is open to, he realizes he hasn't absorbed any information from that entire chapter.
"Bloody hell, what's wrong with me?" He whispers to himself, resting his face in his palms as his elbows keep him propped up.
"You're in love, you blithering idiot." He hears from behind him, swiveling around on the kitchen bar stool to be met with an eye roll from his older sister. "Even if you don't remember."
"I just don't see how… that's possible…" He responds, not fully convincing even himself, considering how he has begun to believe that his mind is still holding onto those feelings, even if they are locked away with his memories. Maybe it isn't love yet, or again in this case, but what he is feeling is certainly stronger than he imagined it would be at this point, and he can't seem to reel it in. He's not sure he wants to, except for the fact that he's not able to express it to YN.
Another eye roll from Gemma is sent his way, accompanied by a head shake.
Suddenly, she pushes his book to the side and replaces it with the photo album his mum had flipped through on his first day out of hospital. It is open to a page filled with photos of Harry, Mitch, and Sarah performing on different stages. Alongside most of them are candid polaroids of YN as she watches from the crowd, with a beaming smile on her face and her hands thrown up as she dances.
He smiles as his eyes flicker over each one and he feels an intense flutter in his chest. It's familiar, he's felt it before, not that he can pinpoint the exact time or place it occurred.
"You should just go, Harry. At least see her, and then decide what you want to do."
"I just-"
"I'm the oldest, so you have to do it!" She interrupts, pushing her fist against his shoulder.
"That's not how sibling-ship works…"
"Okay, but Mum actually agrees too, so… you have to do what she says." She chuckles, placing her hands on her hips as she attempts to strengthen her point.
He glares and growls, frustrated with the fact that they are right, and that he actually does want to go. Also frustrated with the fact that they seem to know this, that they think they can tell him what to do, and that it is working.
"This is stupid." He states blankly, slowly getting off of the bar stool, not entirely sure if he is following her advice (more like demand) yet or not.
"Yeah, well, it's you." She sarcastically replies, getting closer and grabbing his elbow. "But… it's really not. Just… see how it goes, yeah? I'm heading that way anyway, so I can drop you off."
"How convenient." He sighs, finally caving into her suggestion, grabbing a coat as he follows her out the door.
The entire car ride was filled with anxiety, however it disappears when he meets up with Mitch and Sarah, hearing that they haven't seen YN all night. He isn't quite sure if he is relieved or saddened that he won't get to confront her tonight. At least he will have the chance to talk to the band members his friends have been so adamant that he meet.
He focuses on the song they begin to play, already liking their vibe, and allowing himself to relax. This night out could do him some good after all, even if it isn't how he wanted it to go.
As the song ends and they set up for the next, Harry unintentionally scans the room for familiar faces, thoroughly aware it's YN's that he is seeking out. He sighs in defeat, figuring out that Mitch and Sarah had been right, and she wasn't there.
A familiar laugh suddenly draws his attention to the back of the bar, closer to the stage. He steps side to side and stretches his neck to get a view of where it came from. His gaze finds a few people sitting on a velvet couch, tucked against the side wall, and his eyes instantly land on YN. His breath hitches, filled with both excitement and anxiety from actually seeing her there. As much as he disliked the idea of her not being there, the fact that she actually is has made his body freeze. However, it gives him a chance to look her over. She looks good in her oversized sweater and skirt, with thigh high boots. Pretty and comfortable, which is exactly how he's known her to be over the past few weeks.
The idea and urge to talk to her instantly overwhelms him. He can, and he wants to, and he should. At least he can give her an apology, and maybe some clarity. And if he isn't given the chance to redeem himself, then he will settle for the fact that he tried. It's ultimately her decision of course, and he would never force anything on her, especially since she was so gracious to do the same for him. But maybe, just maybe, he could do right by her. It's about time that he did.
His confidence isn't at an adequate level to get him to move that way, so he heads to the restroom to gather himself.
He cups cold water in his hands and splashes it over his face, shocking his system and waking it up to be prepared for what will take place. As he dries off, he takes some deep breaths, running over a few specific things he wants to say to her, no matter what happens.
As he walks back out into the main area, that same laugh catches his attention again, this time much closer than before. He searches around and finds her again, now standing at the bar and chatting with Adhira. A small sense of relief washes over him, thankful that she is with someone that he knows, which will hopefully lessen the awkwardness of this encounter.
He stops in his tracks when he sees someone approaching them. The guy first gives Adhira a quick hug, and his heart sinks as he notices the excitement in YN as he then wraps one arm around her shoulders and gives her a quick kiss on her cheek.
"What?" He whispers under his breath, his heart sinking further and his chest tightening. As beautiful as her smile is, the sight of it in this moment is paining him to the point that his knees might buckle. She's happy, which is what he wants for her, but it's not with him and it's with someone else, which is definitely not what he was hoping for. Now it's clear that he has lost his opportunity. It's over, and it's probably what he deserves.
He quickly makes his way back over to his friends, knowing he won't be able to survive being there much longer.
"I've got to go." He states as he reaches them.
"Ny Oh and Elin are almost done, dude." Mitch replies, giving Harry an inquisitive look at his sudden anxious demeanor.
"M'sorry. I just… I can't be here." He responds, suddenly hearing YN laugh once more, and turning his head slightly towards the noise, before catching it and snapping his gaze back to Mitch.
Sarah looks past him.
"YN's here. I thought you wanted to talk to her…" She questions, but Harry shakes his head as he hears what he assumes is the laugh of the guy who now has her attention. "I think she's with-"
"Yeah I don't need to know." He snaps, frowning at Sarah before patting Mitch on the back. "I'll meet the ladies another time. Promise. I just can't stick around."
"But I think that's-"
"Please." Harry puts his hand up to Sarah, hoping his gesture will give her the hint that he wants as little information as possible about the situation occurring behind him, with the one person he wishes he could be having that with. "M'gonna go. I'll talk to you later."
He turns around and hurriedly walks towards the entrance, stopping before he walks through, taking one more glance at the bar and one more glance at YN before he leaves. His heart stops when he sees her head twist around and catch his gaze for just a second, then doing a double take and meeting his eyes. A large lump in his throat, and an intense amount of embarrassment, instantly form inside and he quickly leaves the venue that he never wanted to be at in the first place.
His friends were wrong, his sister was wrong, and he was wrong. Going there and trying to talk to her was a mistake, he has already lost his chance. But he supposes that the one good thing that has come from it is that now he knows.
He slams the front door as he enters his mum's house, heading straight to his childhood room. He isn't mad, he shouldn't be at least, and it isn't directed towards YN. He's angry with himself, but that's not a new feeling anyway, it's just become stronger.
"Harry! What-"
"Mum, I just need… I just…" He begins to growl, again not at anyone but himself. His emotions are running so high he doesn't even want to be in anyone else's presence, for his sake and theirs. "I just need a shower and to go to bed."
"Alright. I'm here if you need me." She replies softly, an obvious worried tone in her voice, and he closes the bedroom door behind him. He plops down to sit on the edge of his bed, throwing his palms up to his face.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." He growls to himself. He doesn't want to just sit there in his thoughts any longer, so he gets up, grabs a pair of sweats, and heads into the bathroom. Not that those thoughts will halt in any way, but maybe the routine of a shower can put a temporary distraction on them.
He steps in as it reaches the perfect temperature, immediately letting the water wash over his face and through his hair. His arms shoot out and he pushes his palms against the shower, suddenly feeling dizzy, and stopping himself from falling. He hates this, he hates himself, he doesn't even want to be around himself, and he can't blame YN for not wanting to be either. Though he really, really wishes she would.
His fingers start tapping against the wall he is holding himself up against, trying to bring himself back to the task the shower was supposed to provide him- distraction. Unintentionally, he starts to tap a beat and begins to hum along. It feels sad, but what else would it feel like considering his current emotions, and he uses it as an anchor to finish his cleansing routine, even if it's only physical.
But even as he turns off the water and dries himself with his towel, the melody continues to play in his mind, as if it's in tune with his soul.
He drops down backwards onto his bed, covering his face with his arms resting across it, as the tune continues to play in his mind. However, thoughts of YN accompany it and he understands the melody is fueled by his feelings for her.
What does he do? If he didn't really know who he was before, he definitely doesn't know now. He wanted to be who YN had known him to be, or at least be someone she'd now want to be with. He feels his heart sinking again, falling down out of his chest to somewhere he can't reach.
What am I now?
What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again
I'm falling again
I'm falling
But it looks like she doesn't want that anymore. He's lost his chance. Now she'll eventually move on, and he will just be a memory to her.
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about
I'm falling again
I'm falling again
I'm falling
As much as he doesn't want to move, he pushes himself off the bed, and rummages through the closet to find the box of notebooks that Adhira had given back to him over a week ago.
He opens the one on top, flipping through to find the next blank page. He grabs a pen from the nightstand and his guitar he had displayed in the corner of the room, and sits back down on the edge of the bed.
His hand begins to scribble furiously as he jots down the words that were just flowing through his mind, feeling the slightest bit of weight release from his shoulders as he engages in the best way he knows how to express his feelings. He puts down the pen and begins to strum some chords on his guitar. As his chest squeezes tightly, he opens his mouth to reveal the words his heart just worried itself with.
And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again
"Fuck." He mutters, realizing he is unable to continue this song writing journey at the moment. He puts down the guitar onto the bed, and as he begins to close the journal, a curiosity fills him. He wonders what the last song written down was.
He flips the page backwards and reads over the lyrics, noticing the chords marked above them. So he picks the guitar back up, looking over the first verse and beginning to strum.
Walking your rainbow paradise
Strawberry lipstick state of mind
I get so lost inside your eyes
Would you believe it?
He instantly comes to the conclusion that this is about YN, since it describes her perfectly. The rainbow representing her bright and fun personality, the strawberry lipstick line speaks for itself as her lips were always that color, and he realizes he did get lost in her eyes on occasion, especially during the party at Sarah and Mitch's place. It was a big part of the reason why he kissed her that night.
You don't have to say you love me
You don't have to say nothing
You don't have to say you're mine
He must've been terrified writing this, but not in a bad way. It sounds like it could be about the first time he told her he loved her, but something inside him just knows there's more to it.
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'd ever do
Like it's the only thing I'd ever do
He pauses for a moment. He understands that he wrote these lyrics for her, but realizes that's exactly how she's been treating him since the accident. He didn't have to say any of the words she wanted to hear, but she still loved and adored him as much as he was comfortable with.
She probably would've done it forever if he had let her. He's an idiot for not, and he wishes he could do that for her now. If he's honest with himself, he had adored her since they met, something about her just made him want to do anything for her. After that first day at the cafe, he couldn't get her off of his mind, which is why he went back the next day.
Harry straightens up and almost drops the guitar on the floor. His heart races which is then quickly accompanied by his breathing. He remembers the time they met. He remembers her profusely apologizing for spilling her coffee on him, and being enamored by how cute she was talking about her cupcake's purpose and how she likes life sweet. This isn't just a replay from when she explained their first meeting, this is certainly a memory, because she did not include those details when she talked about it. He picks the guitar back up again, hands a little shaky this time, and continues to play the next verse.
You're wonder under summer skies
Brown skin and lemon over ice
Would you believe it?
Jamaica. That was about Jamaica, when he and Sarah joined the program to teach kids how to read sheet music, asking YN and Mitch to join them. They would have the weekends off and just relax on the beach, her entire being just glowing in the sun, and he was so grateful he got to be the one to enjoy it with her. He had wanted to hold onto that feeling forever.
You don't have to say you love me
I just wanna tell you something
Lately you've been on my mind
He stops playing again and this time does drop the guitar, the sound of it hitting the floor muffled by the ache that screams throughout his body.
"Oh god." He whines. "No. Fuck!"
He drops to his knees, landing on the floor next to his guitar on one side and the box on the other. He had written the song after that trip. He knew he was utterly in love with her and had to get it out on paper for her to have forever.
"No, please, no." He mumbles again, turning to the box and furiously pushing notebooks aside, looking for what he was actually hoping wasn't there. This is the one time he didn't want a memory to come back, or to be true. Because if it's true, it'll be torture, and will continue to torture him for the rest of his life. If it's true, it means he really has lost everything.
"No!" He shouts, finding what he was looking for, but what he was also hoping wasn't there.
He picks up the leather sunglass case, opening an unraveling the cotton padding, and tears start streaming down his face.
"No." He sobs quietly, bending over at his waist and holding the case to his chest.
His door bursts open and he looks over to barely make out the figure of his mum standing in the doorway.
"Oh my god, Harry!" She exclaims, rushing to his side and dropping to her knees as she flings her arms around him, not yet knowing why he needs the comfort. "What's wrong?"
He pulls himself back enough to remove the padding from the case and unwrap it in his palm. He closes his eyes, the tears burning as they run down his cheeks, and feels Anne reposition herself to hold him as tight as she can.
"Oh, sweetheart." She simply states. "You didn't tell me."
"I… didn't… tell anyone…" He cries out, his heart now completely broken due to what he has lost. "No one knew I was going to propose."
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danceworshipper · 2 months
@hphm-ship-week Prompt 8: Sunset
aka part two of my gayass Rowan agenda
Ship: f!Rowan/Ismelda 🌲🖤
Date: September 8th, 1989 (sixth year)
It wasn't too cold to be outside yet, though Rowan knew that within a few weeks the Astronomy tower would be one of her least favored spots in the castle once more. She didn't mind staying up late to study the stars, not at all, but the cold of winter? It made her very bones shiver. If they were allowed warming charms there'd be no issue, but Professor Sinestra insisted that being cold helped with their focus. Rowan knew she was right. It still made her mutter under her breath.
She liked to get here early when it was nice weather to watch the sunset, and with most other students preferring to linger at dinner or in their Common Room, she was usually alone. Not that she minded, of course, because it was a great opportunity to get in some extra reading.
"Ugh, you're already here."
The corner of Rowan's mouth twitched upwards, not surprised in the slightest to hear Ismelda's voice behind her. If anyone else was going to show up early, it would be Ismelda. "As if you didn't just walk in an hour early."
Rowan heard the sound of Ismelda dropping her book bag onto the floor, and did her best not to look as footsteps approached and the other sat down close beside her, dangling her legs off the edge between the bars of the railing just like Rowan was.
A warm shoulder leaned against her as Ismelda peered at the book in Rowan's lap.
"What are you reading?" Ismelda asked.
Keeping her thumb on the page she was at, Rowan flipped the book shut to show her. "It's a book about the Goblin Rebellion of 1891. There was a huge confrontation in a hidden chamber below Hogwarts, and a professor named Eleazar Fig was killed."
Ismelda hummed. "There's a hidden chamber below Hogwarts?"
"It's Hogwarts," Rowan said dryly. "Obviously there's a hidden chamber. Probably more than that. Dozens, even."
"Does it say how to get in?"
"It says it's sealed off with an ancient type of magic so that no one can find it."
Ismelda scoffed. "It just says 'ancient magic'? No descriptions of what that means?"
"Nope, but apparently goblins could wield it. That's why the battle was under Hogwarts; there was a huge storage of power that a goblin named Ranrok was trying to steal."
"Hm. You know, I'm surprised a professor died. Guess the adults were less useless back then."
Rowan snorted. "It was a student who actually defeated Ranrok."
"Of course it was," Ismelda sighed. She rested her head on Rowan's shoulder and reached over her to flip the book back open. "How come we didn't learn about this one in class? We learned about a bunch of other rebellions."
Distracted, Rowan took a few extra seconds to answer.
"This is really the only book about it," she explained. "The student wanted to remain anonymous - much easier before handheld photography was widespread - and refused to go into detail about anything. I did ask Binns since he was around back then - "
"Fucking Merlin, he's been dead that long?" Ismelda interjected.
" - but he's got the timeline messed up. He knew Ranrok was a goblin but thought he was connected to something else."
Sighing, Ismelda shook her head. Her hair tickled Rowan's jaw.
"Even with only one book it's worth at least a short lesson," Ismelda reasoned. "There was a whole battle inside of a hidden and probably long forgotten chamber under the castle over some type of 'ancient magic' that no one knows anything about. Next time you take over for Binns, do me a favor and speed through the actual lesson so that you can talk about this. Also, you and I are going to find that chamber somehow, alright? I can get us down to the lowest known point of the castle, and I bet you could figure out how to break in. Then we could study the magic. Surely the two of us could learn how it worked. We'd be famous."
Rowan chuckled. "Yeah, alright. Are you free tomorrow night?"
"I'm being serious."
"I know."
"Obviously we can't try it tomorrow. People will be taking advantage of not having classes the next day. We should do it Sunday when most of them will be in bed."
Ismelda gently took Rowan's hand off of the book to thread their fingers together. "That way we won't be seen together," she said.
As she did every day, Rowan silently wished that someone else would come to class early for once, just to catch them. They both had their reasons to hide their... whatever they were, but she was getting so sick of the secrecy. Sneaking around in the library to study together, staying up late so they could talk in the Common Room, getting to Astronomy class super early. It had been fun at first, the thrill of it. Now it felt like more of an ache.
She pushed it out of her mind, choosing to enjoy the moments they did have, like this one right now. Ismelda flipped the book back to the beginning, but Rowan didn't protest, instead tipping her head up to watch the sun sink down in the sky. Being the highest tower, the Astronomy Tower had a spectacular view of the horizon. It was a wonder students didn't come up here to hang out very often. It was probably all of the stairs, she thought. The view itself wasn't worth that many stairs.
Rowan turned her head slightly to watch the golden light dance on Ismelda's face and found herself counting freckles. She looked so pretty when she wasn't scowling. Distantly, Rowan wondered if her own concentration face was cute, too. Ismelda ran her thumb over Rowan's knuckles as she read; she probably didn't even realize she as doing it. No, the view wasn't worth it by itself, but the company was. One day they could do this somewhere with less stairs. Until then, she'd climb as many as it took.
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epitomeofadisaster · 4 months
It's just a coincidence.
Dave Husker enjoyed working the bars at the casinos, he was 38 still in what he considered his prime, the casino was owned by a big shot from new York, it's said he was mafia but Dave didn't care the place was everything he had wanted, a steady job, a good pay check and stability which he needed since he had not long got married. The day was like any, Dave was closing up and organising the shelves before heading out when a skinny man in a suit showed up. The owner lived in New york but sometimes his son would show up to check on the casino, he was a bit of an odd ball, to skinny and a bit on the unhinged side, he slid up to the bar and waved Dave over "hey I need you to do me a fava" Dave nodded his head giving the dark haired man his full attention. "Add a new thing to the bar it's called an angel shot, anyone that orders that you help em, whether it's callin security or gettin em in a cab out the back you got it" his eyes where burning into Dave and he noticed the man's hands where balled up tight. "Yeah boss whatever you need, I'll have the other staff put that in, uh can I ask why?" The man gave a bitter smile to the bar top and lit up a smoke taking a long drag before speaking "ma nonna used to say if we ever needed help angels would come, they didn't help my brother none but maybe, maybe I can do some good in my miserable life fa once" Dave watched him trying to search for the words but the man just walked away with a single wave, Dave never saw him again and heard a rumour the big man in charges youngest son died, the casino was sold a year later.
It's just a coincidence
Huskers life had gone down hill he was 59 divorced twice and now spent his days either to drunk to function or hustling tables at the casinos that now resembled tourist traps, the old days truly gone, he was sitting at the bar nursing a whisky when a family walked over a dad and mom looking exhausted and a young teen her hair covering one side of her face and a smile that looked like a Cheshire cats. They sat down the dad ordered drinks, and the girl bounced on a bar stool right next to Husker. "Aw, this is epic! Can't believe we are really in the States, hey hey, do you live here! I'm from Australia! We came all the way here, isn't that cool!!!" Husker turned his head slightly to her, her face was as bright as a strobe light and he let out a not so enthusiastic "yippee" the girl didn't seem to mind she was bouncing around so much Husker found himself wearing his drink he abruptly got up looking down at his now wet shirt "what the fuck" the girl didn't apologise instead she got angrily "hey don't yell I'm just a kid you old fuck!" Her parents immediately jumped in."Chelsea apologised right now!" Her mother looked pleadingly at her and apologetic to Husker the girl let out a roar and kicked the stool before storming off her mother close behind, her father stepped forward with a napkin "I'm so sorry let me buy you another drink" Husker shrugged and sat back down he would never turn down a fresh drink the man sat next to him looking exhausted "I'm sorry about my daughter, she, Chelsea has had a rough time of it she was born blind in her right eye and we'll you know kids can be mean, she struggles to make friends we brought her here to just get away from it all" Husker sipped his new drink and gave the man a sympathetic nod "I get it my anger issues ain't to great neither, I guess no harm done since you got me a new drink" the man smiled and grabbed the drinks he got for his family leaving with a small wave, Husker never saw them again.
It's just a coincidence
Husk was old, his body ached all the time, cancer was a bitch but he guessed he only had himself to blame, he spent most of his days indoors now a run down house to go with his run down body, the times changed around him but his home was still very much stuck in the 50s an old tv set that never caught up to colour and his radio, he often spent his evening listening to true crime his favorite being the tales of the bayou killer from the 30s a cannibal taken out by a hunter, the true number of his victims was never identified. Tonight though he was listening to the tale of the Japanese house wife who killed her husband by stabbing him over one hundred times she didn't stop stabbing till the police shot her 3 times. Husk was in his bed the sounds playing over the speaker lulling him to sleep. Husk woke to the sound of the radio once more it was familiar the last broadcast from the bayou killers radio show back when he was a host, Husk blinked in confusion, he was sure that wasn't what was playing when he went to sleep, he tried to sit up but his body was stiff, he tried to roll but the pain was to much. A coughing fit over took him and Husk was unable to move to clear his air waves he started slipping into unconsciousness the sounds of the bayou killers voice wishing his audience a goodnight and a peaceful rest.
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halothenthehorns · 6 months
Magnus didn't even pretend like he wasn't going to stop and hear this story as he looked as wildly around at Percy as everybody else, only Annabeth didn't look surprised.
Percy relaxed back in his seat, kicking his feet out and crossing his ankles without a care in the world. "Rachel had been asking me about how that dog appeared to get us out of the arena, so I explained some of the details she didn't get and about how she was at camp now. Rachel was so upset she couldn't see her again that I IM'd Beckendorf to bring her to the city, we were going to meet up at the zoo. I hoped the Mist would blend her in as an elephant or something. So he flies in on Guido with Mrs. O'Leary right behind him, but he can't stick around because he's got some project that might explode the whole camp if he's not there to watch it and he runs off and, well-"
"You didn't exactly think that one through," Annabeth helpfully added.
"I did not think that one through," he sighed, "Mrs. O'Leary took no interest in Rachel and she started running around the place like crazy to sniff everything. So we're chasing her, I'm still half trying to explain what the heck a stygian ice whistle even is and why I don't have one, and she," he paused and sighed, truly sorry for what had happened, "she tried to jump headfirst into the elephant exhibit. The problem was, there's this platform thing she tried to leap off, and I guess she'd never done that trick before because she didn't go over them, she tried to go through them. Her head went in and didn't come out of some bars. So, she's crying, Rachel's promising her lawyers will sort out any damage this rogue delivery truck has apparently caused, and I'm standing there feeling like the worst person in the entire world."
"Time to call mom," Annabeth nodded without surprise.
"I panicked, it was the only thing I could think to do," Percy agreed, "I didn't know how to get her out without hurting her and I didn't think Beckendorf would answer a second IM, or have time to make a rainbow to call anyone anyways!"
He'd wanted Annabeth so bad in that moment, but she'd still been on the other side of the country not exactly speaking to him if it wasn't a war update. He was grateful Rachel must have brought it up at some point though he couldn't remember, since none of this was news to her now. It felt great, the perfect kind of normal to have her telling this story with him even when she hadn't been there. They might as well have been sitting around a fire at camp with the audience talking about their latest quest.
"Rachel has my mom's number and calls her to come down. She gets there and puts her hands on my shoulder and just tells me, Percy, cut her loose."
He still face palmed like he had then, though thankfully not one of them had suggested that obvious answer as they all watched in various levels of concern even knowing everybody had made it out of this okay.
"I jump over and use Riptide to cut through the bars like nothing while my mom starts scratching the spot above her tail, she could only reach because she'd come down there in her heels," he added sheepishly, only finding out later she'd been late to a meeting with a publisher for his non-emergency like the hectic child he always was. "Mrs. O'Leary knocked over a few concrete pillars and trees, I think her tail got hurt more than anything," he finished affectionately. "She gets out and spins around, and even though I'm the one who got her out, I think she realized who it was to thank, cause she starts giving my mom a whole bath and nuzzling her. It's probably a miracle she let my mom out of her sight again. My mom talked the zoo people into letting us take home like twenty pounds of raw meat and tack it to our bill and we took her back to our place. Mom went upstairs and cooked it up real quick and threw it out the window for her while Rachel and I checked her all over to make sure there was nothing really wrong with her from what we googled." He finished in relief.
"So what I got out of all that is, you should just stay far away from zoo's," Thalia nodded without surprise.
"My takeaway is, Percy literally can't go on a quest without a girl saving his ass," Alex snickered.
"Both life lessons I willingly accept," Percy chuckled.
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katenewmanwrites · 3 months
Midnight at The Cave
Warnings: Violence and action scenes, Mild language, Supernatural themes, Mention of alcohol and Light flirtation and romantic tension
The trendy rooftop bar is crowded, the air thick with the scent of perfume and cologne. The city lights twinkle below, casting a warm, inviting glow over the skyline. Me and my friends gather around a table. Sipping our drinks, mine is a purple concoction that sparkles in the light, enjoying the rare chance to unwind. Juniper, my best friend, is wearing a flowy green dress that accentuates her emerald eyes. Her long auburn hair flowing over her shoulders.
"Oh my god, I can't believe he actually asked you out," she says with a laugh, looking at our friend Dalila.
"Well, I mean, I didn't say yes or anything," Dalila responds, rolling her eyes.
"Why not have a little fun, Dalila?" I ask, grinning. "He seems like… fun."
Juniper nods in agreement. "He seems like he'd be a lot of fun, honestly. Why not give it a shot?" she says, encouragingly.
"I guess a little harmless flirting couldn't hurt." Dalila shrugs, taking another sip of her drink.
"You know what would be fun?" Juniper says, her emerald eyes sparkling. "We should check out this bar, the Cave."
"Oh, that place!" Dalila exclaims, her interest piqued. "Lars has been going on and on about it."
"Well, what do you think, Dali?" Juniper teases. "Want to see what all the fuss is about?"
"Iris?" Dalila says, "What do you think?"
"Well, I'm in if you are, Dalila," I reply, taking another sip of my drink.
"Great, let's go!" Juniper claps her hands together, her excitement palpable. "It'll be a night to remember."
We make our way out of the rooftop bar and our way through the bustling streets, the smell of car exhaust and warm asphalt mingling with the cool night air. The Cave is nestled in the heart of the city, hidden behind a nondescript door in an alleyway. A small, unassuming sign above the entrance reads 'The Cave'.
Juniper, always the daring one, pushes the door open and we step inside. The air inside is thick with smoke, the dim lighting casting eerie shadows across the walls. The music, a hypnotic blend of electronic and classical, pulses through the room. I can feel the energy, the life, the pulse of the place. It's intoxicating.
As we make our way through the crowd, Dalila nudges me and nods discreetly to a table in the corner. Lars is there, laughing with his friends. "Oh, go on," I urged her, "what's the worst that could happen?" With a deep breath, we make our way over to them.
Juniper goes up to the bar and flirts with a bartender, leaving Dalila and I to fend for ourselves. We take a seat at the table, and I can feel the weight of Lars' friends' gaze on me. "So," he says, flashing me a charming smile, "what brings you ladies out tonight?"
I return his smile, trying to appear confident. "Well, we heard this place was amazing." I motion around, taking in the dimly lit room. "And it definitely lives up to the hype."
Dalila nods in agreement, her eyes darting around the room. "It's so different from anywhere else we've been tonight," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.
Lars' friend places his hand on my arm. I pull away. "I'm gonna grab a drink with Juniper. I'll be right back." He winks at me, and I swiftly turn around and walk towards where Juniper is at the bar. Still chatting up the tall, dark-haired bartender, she doesn't notice my approach until I'm standing right next to her.
"Hey," I say softly, "Have you met Lars' friend?" I gesture to the table.
"Oh, he is insufferable," Juniper chuckles, "Good luck with that one. I'm sure you can handle him." She glances over at Lars' friend. "He's harmless, really."
I study him for a moment, taking in his cocky grin and the way he holds himself. "Yeah well, if he gets handsy I'm hexing him." I joke, earning a laugh from the bartender and Juniper.
"That's something I'd like to see," he says, grinning as he leans over the bar.
The bartender hands her a drink, and she takes a sip before looking at me meaningfully. "See ya back at the table," she says with a wink, then she slips away, weaving through the crowd.
I turn my attention back to the bartender, our eyes meeting. In this light, his eye’s almost appear as if they’re red, like they're glowing. "Having fun?" He asks, sarcasm dripping from his lips.
"As much as you, I bet," I retort, trying to match his sarcasm. "Recommend any drink in particular?" I ask. The bartender looks me over, taking me in before shrugging.
"How about a Spicy Blackberry Margarita?" he suggests with a smile. "It's sweet and spicy, just like you." He says, and I can feel my cheeks flush. I'm not sure if it's from embarrassment or anger.
"I'll have that." I force a smile, feeling my cheeks heat up even more. The bartender nods and turns away, already reaching for a glass. As he pours the liquid from a tall, slender bottle, his muscles flex under his tight black shirt. He's definitely showing off.
"So, you like to flirt with all your customers?" I ask, unable to keep the sass from my voice. The bartender's eyes flicker over to me, and he gives a small smirk.
"Only the ones that could hex me," he teases. I feel my cheeks heat up again, and I look away, focusing on the drink he's setting down in front of me. The Spicy Blackberry Margarita looks delicious, the bright red liquid topped with a stick of blackberries. I reach for a straw and take a sip, feeling the sweet and spicy flavors dance on my tongue.
Just as I'm about to ask him more about himself, the atmosphere suddenly shifts. The doors burst open, and a group of heavily armed supernatural hunters storm in, weapons drawn, creating chaos. Screams fill the air as people dive under tables, trying to find safety. I feel a chill run down my spine as I see the looks in the hunter’s eyes.
The bartender curses under his breath and ducks down behind the bar, motioning for me to do the same. I quickly jump over the bar and crouch beside him, my heart pounding in my chest. The hunters are wearing military-grade gear, their expressions cold and determined. They're looking for someone or something specific, and I can only imagine the destruction they're capable of.
"We need to get out of here." I whisper to him, my heart racing. He nods in agreement, but before either of us can move, a hunter rounds the corner and levels his gun in our direction. I take a deep breath and raise my hands to attack, purple flames dancing around my fingertips. The hunter's eyes widen in surprise, and he hesitates for just a moment too long. I shot the flames forward, engulfing him in a wave of heat and purple light. He drops his gun and collapses to the ground, hissing in pain.
"Come on," He urges, grabbing my hand. Leading me through a small opening behind the bar, we find ourselves in a dimly lit tunnel. "This leads to an old abandoned wear house," he explains, dragging me deeper into the darkness.
The air feels heavy and damp, the smell of mold and earth filling my nostrils. His grip on my hand is firm, but not too tight. I can feel the tension in his body as we run, dodging around corners and ducking under low-hanging pipes. The sounds of the fight behind us grow fainter, replaced by the echo of our own footsteps.
"So, what's your name?" I whisper, trying to catch my breath. He doesn't answer, instead focusing on navigating the maze of tunnels. I wish I could see better, but my night vision isn't as good as his. "I'm Iris," I tell him.
The tunnels seem to go on forever, and my lungs burn from the lack of air. I can't help but wonder where we're going and how long it'll take us to get there. The only sound is the rhythmic slap of our shoes against the wet ground and the occasional drip of water from the ceiling.
Finally, we reach a rusty, dented door. The bartender pushes it open, revealing a dimly lit room filled with dusty crates and cobwebs. The air is thick with a musty, earthy scent that reminds me of my grandfather's attic.
He closes it behind us and turns to face me, his eyes glowing red in the dim light. "Malik." He says, introducing himself. He leads me deeper into the warehouse, guiding me through a maze of old crates and discarded furniture. The air is cold and dusty, making my nose itch and my lungs ache.
We come to a stop at the back of the warehouse, where there is a door leading to the outside. Malik opens it cautiously, peeking out before signaling for me to follow. The night air is cool and damp against my skin, and I shiver slightly as I step onto the deserted sidewalk. Malik closes the door and turns to face me, looking me over.
"You run pretty well in those things." He says, gesturing at my heels.
I look down at my feet, feeling a blush creep up my neck. "I can do a lot of things, Malik," I retort. My heart is still racing from the adrenaline.
"I saw what you're capable of, little witch," Malik says, his voice low. "You don't mess around, do you?" His eyes linger on me.
"My name is Iris," I retort. "And I won't have some vampire belittle me." The words come out sharper than I intend, and I immediately feel a pang of guilt for being so harsh.
"No, I imagine not." Malik chuckles, his voice deep and slightly amused. He takes a step closer to me, his gaze intent. "Bet you'd hex me if you wanted, huh?"
"Or I could burn you, poison you, a number of things really," I retorted, trying to match his grin with one of my own.
Malik chuckles and takes another step closer. "You're a fiery one, Iris." He studies me for a moment, his eyes traveling over my face. "I like that."
The way he says it sends a shiver down my spine. His nearness, the softness in his voice, it all feels… intoxicating. I swallow hard, trying to find my voice. "What do you want from me, Malik?"
He takes another step closer, and I feel his breath on my neck. "You intrigue me, Iris." Malik says, his voice low and husky.
My heart beats faster, but I try to keep my composure. "Well, I can't say the same." I take a step back, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.
Malik chuckles softly, his gaze never leaving my face. "Oh, Iris," he says, his voice almost wistful. "I think you're lying."
"Why can a vampire tell when people are lying?" I challenge, trying to sound more confident than I feel.
Malik smiles, his fangs glinting in the dim light. "Because we've been around for so long, we've learned to read people very well." He takes another step closer, his breath warm against my cheek. "You see, I can tell that you're nervous, and that your heart is racing. You want to push me away, but at the same time… you're as curious as me."
My heart skips a beat at his words, and I can feel the truth of them. I can't deny the thrill I get from being near him, the way he makes me feel so alive. "Well, this was fun. Goodnight, Malik," I say, trying to keep my voice steady.
He reaches out, placing a hand gently on my arm. "Hold on," he says, his eyes searching mine. "It's dangerous and you don't know where you are. Let me walk you home."
"I can get home just fine," I reply, stepping out of his reach. The last thing I need is a vampire knowing where I live. "I can handle myself."
Malik raises an eyebrow, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "I've no doubt about that," he says. "I hope I see you again Iris." He gives me a small, enigmatic smile before taking my hand and planting a surprisingly warm kiss on my knuckles.
I pull away, my cheeks flaming. "I… I doubt we'll bump into each other again," I stutter, my heart racing from his touch.
Malik's smile widens, revealing his sharp fangs once more. "A man can hope," he says, his eyes twinkling. "But if you ever need anything, just come to The Cave. I'll be there." He releases my hand and takes a step back, his gaze lingering on me for a moment before he turns and melts into the shadows of the warehouse, leaving me alone with my racing heart.
I take a deep breath and look around the desolate street. The city feels eerier than ever, the moon casting a silver glow over the abandoned buildings. The encounter with Malik has left me feeling both thrilled and confused. A vampire had never shown me anything but hostility before.
With a shiver, I hurry down the street, my mind racing with thoughts of Malik. He's incredibly charismatic, I'll give him that. It's almost impossible not to be drawn to him. But I can't forget that he's a vampire, and that they're dangerous creatures. Even if he seems different from the others I've encountered, I can't trust him.
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