#annabelle trein
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Summer is ending!!
School is around the corner!!
*thanks god it's been a whilllleeeeeeeeee since I don't have go back to school..... I let that to the youngsters!! Do your best!!*
A little illustration to close the summer!!!
I was kind of happy for the Stitch event/beach event!....But.......Hallow's eve is near.....oh oh oh!!!!
Anyway take care, good luck in your life/school and so on!!
Random infos:
K doesn't know how to swim as there is no water related thing in Wasteland, only "diluant ink paint" lac which can kill toons.
K never saw sea/ocean too as they don't exist in Wasteland! Yan Sid create an alternate sea theme park later.
K has 419 siblings. She is the 101th born.
Despite being a familiar, she is also seen being the reliable nanny around NRC staff's family. Sam is nanny number 1....
In my "lore" Divus has 6 brothers and a baby cousin (Cameron), Vargas has triplets daughters (Isabelle, Maribelle and Annabelle) and our dear Trein-sensei has 2 grandchildren from her stepdaugter!
When they visit or actually stay around NRC, K is the one taking care of them as their relative are busy with work.
Being a big rabbit children herself, they get into light troubles and cause some chaos! But they are never put into dangerous situation and are greatly take care!
Actually those little one are the ONE teaching her how to swim, with the help of the mermaid mob!
Eventually Mister Crewel being *cough cough* tsunderearoundhisfamilyyesitsafacthessoftyetharshyetsoftandhopeless, he is watching them not too far.
Floater, floater and floater... even a breath under water potion and 50 UV sunscreen with some water and cookies are a must to go, all prepared by Sam and his friends on the other side.
It's not a sea dolphin, it's a "freshwater" dolphin, a Boto yes it's pink.... And in deep need of protection!!! K is like "national geographic around the school" with "It's a boto!!! We need to protect them!! Don't throw your paper on the floor stupid human!!"
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ask-the-twst-girls · 4 years
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Meet Annabelle Trien! 
Be on the Lookout for more art of her and her sister Danielle~
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aetheve · 3 years
hello! I came from your Icarus dorm assignments, can I get sorted into one?
favorite character: I like them all but Floyd is my number one <3
favorite teacher: Mozus trein, I like his cat
zodiac: Virgo sun, Sagittarius rising, Cancer moon
rice purity score: idk
thing appealing about me: I like to think I'm pretty ❤️
book smarts or street smarts: is neither a option??? but I guess street smarts
dry texter or not: dry texter, I've been told that too many times 😭
introvert or extrovert: introvert
cats or dogs: CATS!!!!! I like some dogs doe just some
favorite song: none but my latest obsession is Honeymoon Un Deux Trois cover by dongdang
lead or follow: follow
─ I like story based games and otome games! I hate and despise horror and gore. I only have a small group of friends, and a casual relationship with everyone else. I never did dislike someone or had a crush on someone before. My friends had said I was kinda insensitive and too indifferent about some things. They did say I'm nice to hangout and talk with doe, only if I made effort to make friends.
─ making and keeping relationships is hard for me especially if I don't see them everyday like school or smth. I would feel lazy to text them or anything, just not making any effort to start or continue anything. ofc I'd say hi and stuff if I see them but nothing beyond school unless I know them for very long alr. I rarely trust people wholely, just some small doubts here and there, I never act it out doe. I love gossip and drama lol, hate it when I'm involved doe but they're entertaining.
─ I don't rrly know how to react to insults, I just say okay and go. I say thanks for compliments or I know for close friends and family. I've been called dumb so many times I don't even care anymore 😭 I haven't failed any of my subjects except for maths, as long I graduate and don't get hold back everything is good. I'm mentally and physically weak.... and lazy and easily unmotivated. I've been told I look scary doe, ppl. socially awkward, I'm super forgetful, straightforward. I tend to be more honest, I'd feel bad for lying 😰 (sometimes) I have a good poker face so many tend to think I'm saying the truth when I'm just messing with them lol.
─ I like humour and laughing, that sounded kinda weird. I like people with humour, I laugh easily too. I hate exercising and I'm bad with technology which is kinda funny cause i don't think I can survive without any entertainment honestly and also bc they say I'm addicted to my phone sometimes 💀
is this enough??? hopefully I didn't miss anything, sorry if it's too much, thank you if you took up my ask! ❤️❤️ stay safe and hope you have a nice day or whatever timezone you're at
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—- 🐉 WELCOME TO DIASOMNIA! a dorm based on the thorn fairy's spirit of nobility. twisted from sleeping beauty.
malleus enjoys going on walks with you, very specific i know. you don't actually have to be talking to each other he just enjoys your vibez yk? you're his go to person when he needs to complain about the inaccuracy of magic class. if someone insults you, you'll both stand there with blank expressions before you look at one another wondering 'what now?'
sebek admires you, not as much as malleus though. you'll be his living diary. late at night you'd listen to him talk about his day and then he'll just fall asleep on your shoulder. i'd suggest listening to him in his room so you can just leave him to sleep when he passes out.
lilia love scaring you. you could be trying to sleep when he appears in your slightly opened closet looking like mf annabelle. it doesn't matter the time, he will go through hell and back if it means frightening you trust me. at some point, he deleted all your apps causing you to faint because your progress?! gone?! however if someone insults you he will roast their ass dwdw.
silver often naps, head resting on your lap, while you play on your phone. no words are spoken, you two just enjoy the presence of the other and that is all there is to it.
your close friend out of your dorm is idia. you two met online and you recklessly told him you attended the nrc and the rest is history. you're over there during school hours so you can study together without going to class and play games until school hours end because you have to go pick up your 'kids.'
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"child of man, what's the matter?" malleus burst through your door, light from the outside flooding your room. your shaking hand pointed towards your closet, there you saw two red dot thingies that resembled eyes.
"uhh, malleus is everything alright?" sebek inquired, popping out from behind the housewarden. he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he watched malleus open your closet curiously. "huh.. who would've guessed yn'd be the type to have a life size lilia plushie.."
"this isn't a 'plushie'" malleus sighed, picking up the thing by its head. "it's lilia." a 'boo!' accompanied malleus' statement from the smaller fae.
"ha! you looked so scared–"
"we'll be going now."
it took a while to calm your racing heart, you couldn't make yourself move as you eavesdropped on the not so quiet conversation outside,
"that wasn't funny, quit your giggling, malleus scolded.
"yeah, lilia, you should apologize–" sebak chimed in, slowly realizing his mistake weh nthe fae disappeared.
"sorry!" lilia reappeared above you, upside down for a minute to see your reaction before disappearing for the night.
"...in the morning." sebek added at the sound of your scream.
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"done!" you giggled, turning your phone screen to your blue haired friend. "got luke's ending before you did, woo!" you collapsed on his bed with a sigh of relief at the released tension."
"eh? but that's impossible!" he stood examining your phone.
"but it isn't." you looked at him, amused by his distress. "i'm tired.." you mumbled, rolling onto your side.
"uh – uhm, sleep i have to figure out how on earth you beat me at this, it – it just isn't adding up?" he went back to typing away on his computer like a man on a mission, "i'll wake you up when it's time. unless you cheated…"
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ceciasa · 3 years
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Annabelle Trein Ceremonial robes Card
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
May I request a drabble between Divus Crewel and Mozus Trein, with the word "pets".
The Possibilities are Endless
“Let’s come to an agreement.”
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“Are you lost, little one?” Divus Crewel picked the small kitten that wandered the halls up in his arms, the tiny thing quickly burying itself and kneading his fur coat. The collar it wore was a bright red, one a certain Liberal Arts professor wore. “Perhaps you belong to Professor Trein, is that right little kitty?” The small kitten purred, the professor’s gloves hand scratching a very good spot behind its ears. “Let’s get you back to him, shall we.”
The small puppy ran around the classroom, the tiny Labrador stealing the hearts and attention of the students in his class. Lucius followed quickly after the dog and soon, the big cat held the puppy by the scruff and Mozus took the puppy in his arms. It panted, liking the position and rested its head on the teacher’s chest. A sight to behold. Lucius was almost jealous.
“Are you perhaps Crewel’s pup?” He asked the tiny puppy, already in the midst of a pre-nap yawn. “I see.” He said as if he understood. “Then let’s look for him after class ends.
In the faculty lounge room, the two professors laughed as they held their respective lost animal. “I didn’t know Lucius had kittens.” Crewel said while Trein let the pup sit on his desk. “And I didn’t know Annabelle gave birth.”
“…Can I hold it for longer, professor?”
“You can, just as long as I spend some more time with this little trouble maker.”
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maryamsreisblog · 7 years
Blog 4: Whale watching, Jervis Bay en heel veel eten
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Oh, oh wat een weken weer.
Samen met mijn vriendengroep belandde ik op vrijdagavond, na een hectische week met Tommy en Katy in het appartement van een Deense jongen die ik niet kende. Dit was op zich best ongemakkelijk omdat we met 10 mensen onaangekondigd aan kwamen kakken. Gelukkig vond hij het zelf geen probleem. We hebben de leukste avond gehad en ik heb veel nieuwe mensen kunnen ontmoeten, maar ook was hier het begin van mijn ellende…..(klinkt heel dramatisch, was het ook een beetje)
Namelijk kwam ik laat thuis en deed ik vrijwel alleen een dutje voordat ik weer moest opstaan om terug te gaan naar Darling Harbour. Samen met de andere Nederlandse au pairs en een Duitse vriendin zouden we meegaan op een whale watching cruise, super leuk!
Voordat ik vertrok las ik de uitleg eens goed door. Het was verplicht om een zonnebril en een hoed mee te nemen, pilletjes tegen zeeziekte, een camera, en moest ik bedekkende kleding aandoen. Wat een onzin, typte een zonnebril en hoed-loze Maryam naar haar vriendinnen, ze kunnen me toch niet verplichten om dat allemaal mee te nemen.
Wat had ik het ontzettend fout.
De cruise was geweldig, we hebben veel walvissen gezien waarvan zelfs twee die het water uit kwamen springen! De boot ging vrij hard en de golven waren hoog, waar ik in principe erg van genoot, alleen… zat ik uiteraard op de minst gunstige plek vergeleken met al mijn vriendinnen. Al het water klotste over mij heen en er kwamen steeds spetters zout water in mijn ogen. Ik had de hele cruise betraande ogen, niet dat je dat kon zien, want ik was zeiknat. Vandaar dat Esmee de legendarische zin: “you look like a verzopen kat” uitsprak.
Ondanks dat ik wel een pilletje tegen zeeziekte had genomen werd ik toch zeeziek (zal misschien te maken hebben met de 2 uur slaap) en heb ik de reis terug met een kots zakje in mijn hand gezeten.
Eenmaal weer aan land ging het stukken beter waardoor ik, heel naïef, besloot mijn dag voort te zetten. We gingen op naar Pancake on the Rocks, waar we heerlijke pannenkoeken hebben gegeten. Ondanks dat ik heel zelfverzekerd voorspelde dat ik alles wel op kreeg heb ik 1/3 naar binnen kunnen werken zodat ik de rest kon bewaren voor mijn avondeten.
Hierna hebben we een paar uurtjes in the Royal Botanical Gardens gezeten waar ik mijn tweede nap heb volbracht. Toen ik weer wakker was leek het me een verstandig idee om dan nu wel naar huis te gaan, maar..
Het was nog zo gezellig. Een anderhalf uur durende tour door the Rocks? Tuurlijk! Ik ging verder met de dames op stap en we kregen een leuke tour door een wat ouder gedeelte van Sydney. Hier ontmoette we ook een Hongaars meisje en hebben we de perfecte plek gevonden om nieuwjaar te vieren!
Hierna hebben we nog even gegeten (hoewel er bij mij echt niet heel veel meer naar binnen kon) en pakten we de trein terug naar huis.
Ik lag laat op bed en moest de volgende ochtend weer vroeg op want we zouden met een tour meegaan naar Jervis Bay. Dit is 3 uur rijden vanaf het CBD in Sydney en claimt het strand met het witste zand van de wereld te zijn! Het was prachtig, ik heb altijd al een strand als dit willen zien. Maar het was ook 34 graden en volop zon...
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Hoewel het een heerlijke dag was en ik leuke, nieuwe mensen heb kunnen ontmoeten voelde ik me de hele dag niet zo lekker. Uiteindelijk bleek dat ik een zonnesteek had opgelopen waar ik de rest van de week heb moeten herstellen.
Daarom heb ik ook lekker rustig aan gedaan met Tommy en Katy. Tommy en Katy alleen niet met mij, dat was dan wel weer jammer.
Vrijdagavond heb ik met een stel meiden de sterren van de hemel gezongen in een karaoke bar, dit vonden we zo leuk dat we dit wel echt vaker willen doen. Zijn karaoke bars ook populair in Nederland?
Zaterdag was de rustigste zaterdag tot nu toe. Ik heb kunnen uitslapen en lekker geluncht met vriendinnen bij the Blackwood Pantry in Cronulla, erg van genoten. Ergens anders koffie gedronken en even langs het strand gewandeld en daarna alleen door Westfield in Miranda gedwaald. ’s Avonds ging ik heel spontaan Cronulla in met Demi en 3 andere Franse au pairs. Heerlijk dagje zo!
Zondag bracht ik door in Manly. Annabel en ik hebben een uurtje rondgehangen in Sea Life voordat we met  Demi en Lotta een geweldige lunch hadden in het café Girdlers. Daarna hebben we rondgekeken in Manly en zonder Lotta de boot en trein teruggepakt naar Cronulla, waar Kira met ons mee ging avondeten. We hebben de rest van de avond gezellig koffie gedronken in een leuk tentje.
Maandag bracht ik door in Bondi met Lotta en stond in het teken van heel veel eten (best een goede dag dus) en vandaag was ik gezellig met Kira en heb ik extra op Katy en Tommy gepast.
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Volgend weekend vlieg ik voor een weekendje naar Melbourne, ontzettend veel zin in! Will keep you updated on that.
 P.S. Aanschouw hier een korte lijst met herinneringen aan mezelf en tips voor jullie:
-          Neem de aanwijzingen voor een whale watching cruise serieus
-          Zoutwater in je ogen is niet chill
-          Koop een zonnebril en een hoed
-          Het is best handig om meer dan 2 uur slaap in een nacht krijgen
-          Je bent niet immuun voor de zon ofzo. Ga uit de zon.
-          Een zonnesteek is niet chill
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
Laechesis Blog-isms - Part 1: the Hike
NOTE: This is based off of the Vargas training camp event that has recently come out. The event is changed to where it involves the main cast, plus the girl OCs me and my Sisters made up. This is going to be told in Camera form, with Laechesis recording (one of the 3 fates OCs my sister made up. Shoutout to my sis, @extremelywonderfulplaces!!)
--- In the Mirror Hall ---
Laechesis: *activates Camera* K, peeps, this is me, Laechesis and my classmates and I are on a Camping trip. We have a good half of the school with us, including dorm leaders, so this outta be fun!
--- outside in the courtyard. Many students are gathered, looking over their supplies. ---
Laechesis: Okay, so here we have our dorm members looking over our supplies. *shows Atropes, Clotho and Ortho looking over their stuff. Camera then zooms to Idia, who is sitting in the corner, playing his Nintendo switch.* Idia, what's your opinion on Camp so far?"
Idia: Camp is a pain in my ass and I wanna go back to the dorm.
Laechesis: Okaaaaaay, let's check on the girls. *camera turns to Atropes and Clotho* How is Camp so far?
Clotho: Camp hasn't even started yet, and I'm excited!!!
Atropes: Heck yeah! Plus, it's not just gonna be us!' *camera zooms towards other students, who are looking over their supplies.*
Laechesis: well then, let's go ask around and see what everyone else thinks of this camping trip *camera fizzes out and then shows Members of Savannaclaw, looking over their luggage*
Leona: Ugh... so noisy. I just wanna nap. To answer your question, Retna, no. I'm not.
Taai: Leona may not be excited, but we sure are.
Ruggie: heck yeah! The wilderness is an all you can eat buffet! Shishishishi~
Jack: I'm excited as well. I've been camping with my little siblings and it was fun. Plus, this is a chance for me to test my strength.
Laechesis: Great! Now that we have our answers from Savannaclaw, let's move to the members of Scarabia *Camera fizzes before it's on Kalim and the members of the Scarabia* Kalim! You excited for camp?
Kalim: You bet! This is my first time camping so this outta be fun. Jamil, Sahara, Shi and Amee are also pretty excited.
Shi: *mutters* not really
Amee: *shakes her head*
Jamil: Well, I normally don't like getting dragged around by Kalim, but I'll admit, I'm pretty excited to be on this trip.
Sahara: You kidding me?! I'm lucky Vil is bringing extra make-up! I won't last a day without that.
Laechesis: Speaking of Vil, let's go check on Pomefiore's members~ *camera fizzes til it's on Vil and the Members of Pomefiore.* Vil, how does it feel to be on a camping trip like this?
Vil: I'm not cut out for outdoor activities. Seeing as we will be gone for a week at least, I bought enough makeup to last me and my members. *gestures to the Backpack that he is carrying. It looks like one of those big hiking backpacks*
Laechesis: Understood, Scheonheit-san. What about you Annabelle-chan? *Camera turns to Annabelle*
Annabelle: I've never been camping before, but it sounds like fun! My Dad is too old to take us anywhere like that, so I think I missed out.
Laechesis: LMAO, YOU CALLED YOUR DAD O- *camera fizzes* Anyway, Epel, Rook, Danielle, what are your thoughts?
Rook: Je suis très excité! The thrill of the outdoors and the hunt are what excite me the most about this trip *shows his bow and arrows*
Epel: You're telling me! I hope I catch a bear while I'm out there! *pulls out his pocket knife and gives his signature "I'm deadly" smirk*
Danielle: Ew, the outdoors are disgusting.
Laechesis: I'm not surprised about Rook's reaction; Epel..... WTF? And Danielle, not surprised you're a prissy B*tch.
Danielle: HOW DAR- *Camera fizzes*
Laechesis: ANYWAY, Let's take a break from the Sumptuous Pomefiore and take a look at the deadliest dorm this side of NRC, Diasomnia! *Camera fizzes again* Alrighty, Malleus-san, what is your opinion on this trip?
Malleus: I'm rather excited. Like some of the students here, this will be my first time camping, so I can't wait to see what it's like.
Lilia: Plus, I packed us enough food to last us the week~ *shows off a container of the Oblivion he calls food*
Rest of Diasomina: .......
Laechesis: Um, okay! Briar, Silver, Sebek, what about you three?
Silver: Zzzzzz
Sebek: I'm excited for whatever the young Master is excited fo-ow! *is elbowed in the gut by Briar*
Briar: Sebek, shut your trap. *turns back to the Camera* I'm actually pretty excited for this.
Laechesis: Sounds good! Now, let's go check on Octavinelle! *Camera fizzes again before it is on the members of Octavinelle* So Azul, what's your opinion on Camp?
Azul: Unfortunately, I'm not cut out for physical sports, so I'm hoping for a raise in my grade.
Laechesis: Yeah, you can barely fly, so it makes sense.
Azul: >:O
Laechesis: Jade, Floyd, Scylla, what about you three?
Scylla: Well, this is no different then what Jade does for his Club
Jade: Indeed. Plus, I'm hoping to find some mushrooms while I'm here.
Floyd: Neeee~ I wanna go swimming while I'm here. It's better then hunting for mushrooms.
Scylla: Floyd, you and Jade swim all the time.
Floyd: You swim with us too!
Scylla: Fair, but still!
Laechesis: Well, looks like you guys got your agenda sorted. Now, let's check in on Heartslaybul *camera fizzes before it's trained on Heartslaybul.* Riddle, what's your opinion on camp so far?
Riddle: Well, I've never been camping before, so this new experience should be fun and educational.
Laechesis: Oh believe me, Camping is loads of fun. Trey, Cater, Rosia, how about you guys? *Camera moves over to them*
Rosia: I think it will be a delightful time.
Cater: Yep! Plus, Trey-kun here will be making his famous Flapjacks! Hopefully we can find some berries. Plus, I'll be able to take lots of selfies~
Rosia: Remember that this is for your grade as well, Cater.
Cater: right, right.
Trey: Cooking out in the Wilderness should be a new experience for me. Besides Ruggie, a few of us are gonna be cooking. Hopefully not Lilia though.
Laechesis: Sounds good Senpais. Ace, Deuce what about.... you guys? *Camera pans over to Ace and Duece, who are fighting over a backpack* Let's leave them. Anyway, I'll film again when we reach the first sight! Take care Peepies! *Camera turns off*
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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Some Annabelle Trien Gifs I made
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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Groovy Art under the cut to avoid spoilers
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Groovy (Left), Regular (Right)
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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Annabelle Personal Story: I can teach You Pt. 2
(Story and Art under the cut)
Place - Courtyard
Annabelle: Now, now~ What to do with you? Looks like you won't be flying for a while, since your wings are a bit crumpled from Jack catching you.
Fairy: *Jingle jingle!*
Annabelle: You're a funny creature, aren't you~ If you wanted to hear me play, all you had to do was ask.
Fairy: *Jingle jingle!*
Annabelle: Let's go back and sit down. I have to clean my flute before I can play it, as it has been sitting in dust for quite a long time. Now be a good fairy and watch me. Alright. *begins taking the flute apart*
Fairy: *Jingle?*
Annabelle: Hmm? You look awfully curious. Ah, are you wondering why I'm taking my flute apart like this?
Fairy: *Jingle. Jingle.*
Annabelle: Well, it's necessary to maintaining my flute, which is made of silver. If not taken care of properly, it could rust up or get clogged up with dust. Hence is why I have to clean it. *wipes down flute to demonstrate*
Fairy: *Jingle Jingle!*
Annabelle: Don't worry. The parts are able to be put back together. See; Watch me.
-- Starts putting flute back together but one part refuses to screw in. --
Annabelle: Oh dear. It seems this part won't screw back in.
Fairy: *Jingle! Jingle!*
Annabelle: Hm? What is it?*
Fairy: *Jingle!* *takes the piece and gently pushes it in before giving the flute back to Annabelle*
Annabelle: Ah! How did you do that? Thank you so much!
Fairy: *Jingle~*
Annabelle: Now I can play for you. And it looks like your wings are getting better. Look, they're straightening up!
Fairy: *Jingle!*
Annabelle: I hope my song entertains you. So let's play~
-- plays some notes before she starts playing a song. The fairy, charmed by the music, flies and begins dancing to it. After the song, the fairy lands on her lap --
Annabelle: How was that?
Fairy: *Bell noises*
Annabelle: I'm so glad you like it!
Fairy: *Bell noises*
Annabelle: I guess you want a flute of your own to play. I'm sorry, but mine would be much too big. It's twice your size after all. But I happen to know a student who's good at wood-carving. Would you like me to ask them to make a small flute for you?
Fairy: *Jingle! Jingle!!*
Annabelle: Oh good! However, you must do something for me in return. You fairies have to return whatever things you stole from the students around here.
Fairy: *Jingle! Jingle.....*
Annabelle: I know you tinker fairies have a penchant for collecting things, but you must be careful of what you steal. You might have accidently stolen something that someone was in need of. Many students have things they treasure dearly. You wouldn't like it if someone stole something important to you, wouldn't you?
Fairy: *Jingle...* *shakes her head*
Annabelle: I promise if you do this, I'll get you a flute of your own and I'll teach you how to play. We can meet here in the evening if that's convenient. Does that sound fair?
Fairy: *Jingle* *nods*
Annabelle: Excellent! I look forward to our lessons.
Fairy: *Jingle~ Jingle!* *Flies off*
Annabelle: *sighs* well that was out of the ordinary, but not unwelcome. I was wondering when I would see a fairy in real life, since they are rather elusive.
Vil: Ah, Annabelle. There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you.
Annabelle: Ah Vil-kun! You won't believe what just happened now!
Vil: You can tell me on the way back to the dorm. We have a lot of work to do.
Annabelle: Of course Senpai~
~~~~ The End ~~~~
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Hope you all liked this story, along with the linked song that partially inspired this story! This story was fun to make as the the Art, since I put a lot of effort into it!
Part 1, Part 2 (This post LOL)
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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Annabelle personal story: I can teach You Pt. 1
(Story below the cut)
Place - Courtyard
Annabelle: I know I should be working at the dorm but I really want some time to myself. I've been sewing for so long my fingers are hurting. Plus, I've pricked them so many times.
Annabelle: I'm sure Vil won't mind if I sneak away for just a little while. I'll just sit here and practice my flute. I haven't played in so long. I wonder if I'm still as good as I was when I was younger.
Annabelle: *Picks up flute and plays a few notes* Good. I might want to clean it though.
-- Wispy flying noise --
Annabelle: Aaah! Who's there?! Rook, is that you?
Fairy: *jingle*
Annabelle: Aah! It's one of the fairies that tends the school! I've never seen them up close like this before. She looks so pretty!
Fairy: *jingle jingle* *Takes flute from Annabelle*
Annabelle: H-hey! Please give it back! It's one of my most precious belongings!
Fairy: *Jingles* *Flies away*
Annabelle: Hey! Get back here *chases the fairy down*
Fairy: *jingle jingle*
Annabelle: *pants* I won't let you get away with this!
Fairy: *Jingle!*
-- Fairy is suddenly grabbed by Jack, who was passing by and sees what is happening. --
Jack: Whoa! What is going on here?
Annabelle: J-jack-kun! Thank you so much! My flute was almost nabbed by that fairy.
Jack: Ah... This must be a tinker fairy.
Annabelle: Ah? Tinker fairy?
Jack: I learned not too long ago that there are many different kinds of fairies that run the school. Tinker fairies make sure that the school's heating and cooling system is run without any complications. But they also have a habit of stealing things that they think are interesting.
Annabelle: Ah, so not only are they hard workers, they're little thieves as well.
Fairy: *Jingle Jingle!!!*
Annabelle: Hey, don't give me that look! You nearly stole my flute! Especially before I was going to practice!
Jack: Annabelle-chan, you play the flute?
Annabelle: Eh? Oh yes... I've been playing ever since I was young.
Jack: Hmmm. That's pretty impressive. I heard that it's hard to play the flute.
Annabelle: It's not so hard. Just to show you, I can play for you if you want.
Jack: Maybe another time. I have to go and find Deuce for track and field.
Annabelle: Ah, that's too bad. I can look after the Tinker fairy from here.
Jack: Good luck with that. *leaves*
Annabelle: Haaaaa. Now back to business.
~~~~ To Be Continued ~~~~
Hope you all like Part 1! Part 2 is out right now, along with it's groovy image!!
Part 1 (This post), Part 2
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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Who says Boys are the only heroes in the stories?
Multi-muse OC RP Blog / TwstFem! Students / accepts RP 24/7
No smut or lemons allowed. PG-13 blog, so keep it clean for minors
Muses Include and are not limited to:
Rosia Rosehearts 🤍🌹💖
Taai Onheil 💛🐆🖤
Scylla Veil 🤍🐚💜
Shi Thirak 🧡🐈🖤
Amee Thirak 🖤🐈🧡
Sahara Veil 🖤🪔🧡
Danielle Trein 💜📿💖
Annabelle Trein 💜🧣💖
Laechesis Retna 💙🕷🖤
Clotho Shard 💙🧵🖤
Atropes Veil 💙✂🖤
Briarwood Veil 💚🐉🖤
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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🧡🐈🖤 Shi Thirak🖤🐈🧡
"You want something, take it. You have to beat them to it, you know~"
Japanese: シ・ティラック
Romanji: Shi tirakku
Other names: "Older Siamese-chan"/ "Shamu chōrō-chan" (Floyd), Dame d'esprit, (Rook), Sister (Amee)
Gender: Female
Age: 17 1/2
Birthday: July 4th
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 174 cm
Eye color: Turkish Blue
Hair Color: Light Vanilla/Antique Gold
Race: Beastman
Twisted From: Si the Siamese cat (Lady and the Tramp)
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands (birthplace), Land of Pyroxene
Family: Aunt Sara (Fraternal), Amee (Sister)
~~ Professional Status ~~
Dorm: Scarabia
School Year: 2nd
Class: 2-B student#25
Occupation: Student
Club: Trad. Dancing club
Best Subject: Offensive Magic
Unique Magic: "A Head for You"
Wand form: Pen (regular)
Friends: Danielle Trein, Annabelle Trein (formally), Kalim Al-asim, Jamil Viper, Sahara Veil, Leona Kingscholar
Enemies: Veil sisters (Sahara formally), Annabelle Trien, Taai Onheil
Fav Teacher: Sam
Least Fav. Teacher: Divus Crewel
~~ Fun Facts ~~
Dom. Hand: Left
Fav. Food: Roasted Fish
Least Fav. Food: Sour cream
Likes: Shiny trinkets, Taking naps, Milk, causing mischief
Dislikes: getting scolded, Dog
Favorite Accessory: Twin Ruby Cuff Bracelet
Hobby: Hip-hop Dancing
Talents: Magical Tambourine
Random Fact: Shi and Amee's cuff bracelets were gifts to them from their Aunt before they went to NRC.
The elder of the Thirak twins, Shi is a clever and witty beast-woman cat who will do anything to take advantage of other people. Being the brains of the duo, Shi is able to account for any outcome, and is often the one to attract her sister into causing trouble with her. With her sly tongue and way of speaking, she eventually warms up to Jamil Viper, empathizing to his frustration of looking after Kalim. Despite his suspicions about her, Shi is willing to put up an act long enough for her to take what she desires.
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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l🖤🐈🧡 Amee Thirak🧡🐈🖤
"We always share. It's a head for you, and a tail for me."
Japanese: アミー・ティラック
Romanji: Amī tirakku
Other names: "younger Siamese-chan"/ "Wakai shamu-chan" (Floyd), Dame de ruse, (Rook), Sister (Shi)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: July 4th
Starsign: Cancer
Height: 174 cm
Eye color: Turkish Blue
Hair Color: Light Vanilla/Antique Gold
Race: Beastman
Twisted From: Am the Siamese cat (Lady and the Tramp)
Homeland: Land of Hot Sands (birthplace), Land of Pyroxene
Family: Aunt Sara (Fraternal), Shi (Sister)
~~ Professional Status ~~
Dorm: Scarabia
School Year: 2nd
Class: 2-D student#24
Occupation: Student
Club: Cheerleaders Association
Best Subject: Defensive Magic
Unique Magic: "A Tail for me"
Wand form: Pen (regular)
Friends: Danielle Trein, Annabelle Trein (formally), Kalim Al-asim, Jamil Viper, Sahara Veil, Leona Kingscholar
Enemies: Veil sisters (Sahara formally), Annabelle Trien, Taai Onheil
Fav Teacher: Sam
Least Fav. Teacher: Divus Crewel
~~ Fun Facts ~~
Dom. Hand: Right
Fav. Food: Grilled Turkey
Least Fav. Food: Sour Candy
Likes: Shiny trinkets, Taking naps, Milk, causing mischief
Dislikes: getting scolded, Dogs
Favorite Accessory: Twin Ruby Cuff Bracelet
Hobby: Hip-hop Dancing
Talents: Magical Tambourine
Random Fact: Instead of sleeping in a bed, Shi and Amee like to sleep in an oversized Basket that they stole from the Greenhouse.
The Younger of the Thirak twins, Amee is more mischievous and daring then her older sister. Like Shi, Amee will do anything to take advantage of other people, but has less grace then her sister. Counted as the brawn of the duo, Amee always followed in her sister's footsteps, willing to share anything with her and only her. Her penchant to rich, shiny objects attracts her to Kalim, but she soon finds his sunny disposition rather charming as well. Counting on his Naïve nature, Amee will do and say anything to get close to the Prince of Hot Sands.
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
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💖💄💜Danielle Trein💜💄💖
"Hah? You think you're better then me? We'll see about that!"
Japanese: ダニエル・トリエン
Romanji: Danieru torien
Other names: Dame Jonquille (Rook), Mandarin-chan (Floyd), Dani (Annabelle)
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: May 19th
Starsign: Taurus
Height: 172 cm
Eye color: Evergreen
Hair Color: Chocolate Brown
Race: Human
Twisted From: Drizella (Cinderella)
Homeland: Land of Pyroxene
Family: Mozus Trien (father), Mother (unnamed; †), Annabelle (sister), Lucius (pet)
~~ Professional Status ~~
Dorm: Pomefiore
School Year: 2nd
Class: 2-D; student #29
Occupation: Student
Club: Cheerleaders Association
Best Subject: History
Unique Magic: "Make it Fit"
Wand form: Pen (regular)
Friends: Annabelle(formally), Shi Thirak, Amee Thirak,
Enemies: Veil Sisters, Taai Onheil, Annabelle Trein
Fav Teacher: Mozus Trien
Least Fav. Teacher: Sam
~~ Fun Facts ~~
Dom. Hand: Right
Fav. Food: Cake
Least Fav. Food: Corned Beef
Likes: being famous, fancy jewelry and clothes, money
Dislikes: being humiliated and rejected, people taking her things. Anything not 1st rate
Favorite Accessory: Green Bow
Hobby: criticizing other people
Talents: Jewelry making
Random Fact: Danielle owns a Jade Necklace that is a gift to her from her Mom
The Elder daughter of Mozus Trein, Danielle is very much her father's daughter. Known for having a penchant for fame and fortune, Danielle longs to become a famous actress or model after graduating NRC, despite having no background in either careers. Haughty and proud, Danielle will not hesitate to step on anyone who objects to her getting her way and will even stoop low enough to bullying and degrading other people, even her own sister.
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ask-the-twst-girls · 3 years
2nd Year Girls Statuses
Each of the 2nd year muses here are in their own groups. Not all of the art and info I have of them is finished, so please excuse me.
First Group: The Troublesome Trio
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Consists of members Briarwood Veil, Taai Onheil and Annabelle Trein. All are in different dorms and have mutual respect for each other, their leaders and their abilities. Unfortunately, they often bear witness to the many feuds between said leaders.
(Final info on Annabelle has yet to be released)
2nd Group: The F.A.T.E.S
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Consists of Members Clotho Shard, Laechesis Retna and Atropes Veil. All three are members of Ignihyde and very reclusive at times. Are known to associate themselves with the Troublesome Trio at times. Love to Troll people whenever they get the chance.
Last Group: The Mean Girls Trio
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Consists of Danielle Trien and Shi and Amee Thirak. All three have a penchant for ambition and looking down on students they deem less then worthy. So if you hear some nasty rumor about you, ask them.
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