#anti fake women
feai99 · 11 months
Misogynistic law roadmap
Phase 1 <--you are here
Ban 'positive' discrimination in favor of women
Ban feminist ideology in schools
Restrict abortion
Phase 2
Increase evidentiary requirements for workplace sexual harassment claims
Permit positive discrimination in favor of men in university admissions and underrepresented jobs
Restrict FTM gender transition care
Phase 3
Promote traditional gender roles in schools
Permit gender discrimination in employment generally
Promote women marrying and staying home via changes to welfare and tax law
Restrict birth control
Phase 4
Increase evidentiary requirements for rape and sexual assault claims
Legalize public nudity for women and the appearance of nude women in media
Restrict lesbian marriage and cohabitation
Give HoHs custodianship over adult dependents (mostly women due to changes in employment)
Phase 5
Change voting laws so that HoHs vote on behalf of household
Restrict divorce
Legalize HoHs administering corporal punishment over household
Promote pregnancy via changes to welfare and tax law
Phase 6
Give husbands custodianship over wives
Legalize public sex
Legalize spousal rape
Legalize arranged marriage
Ban women's suffrage and office holding
Phase 7
Require that all women have a male custodian
Restrict women's clothing
Redefine rape to be based off of the consent of the woman's custodian
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terfism-unmasked · 2 months
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presented without comment
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Oh did that trans woman present femininely in a way you find corny?Did that autistic kid annoy you by being passionate about their interests?Did that traumatized person cope by being a therian so you think they're stupid?Did that black person act in a way you found offputting?Thank you SO much for making a whole post to make fun of them because it was completely necessary to announce your most important feelings ever because weird people are vewy scawy.Should we throw a party to cheer you up?Should we invite JK Rowling?
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chrissy-kaos · 5 months
If you think I’m going to talk to you when your blog is full of stolen content being used by fake blogs.. think again bruh.
Support real creators not scammers.
End rant.
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daeneryseastar · 6 months
suffice to say that the morality conflict between those that view rhaenyra as the rightful heir and those that bud in with ‘actually RHAENYS was the rightful heir due to x, y, z’ is everyone involved being intentionally obstinate about the subject because these statements can and should coexist together.
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rise-my-angel · 8 months
Hot take: arguing Elia vs Lyanna is lame because they are both the unwilling victims. Why we blaming two dead women for the others death, instead of fucking Rhaegar?
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
IDK if it's exactly what you wanted but your recent post about Mirri came "in time" for what I've seen.
Here are some screeshots of tags from this post
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To me it seems like they try to critique the writing but as always, tend to blame the character. Plus, they sprinkle some lies (that Dany forced Mirri to save Drogo, that she refuses to engage with history), they project onto GRRM (that he wants to critique violent intervetionism with her), they ignore his statement about the "white saviour" accusations (which fair, you may not find them satisfying but still, take his intentions into account), they take away acountability of what the slavers did (bc THEY turned Slaver's Bay into a "hole of death" and was that long before Dany arrived) and not saying why "she allowed slavery to continue", which is a convenient way to frame her as immoral because after the masters of Yunkai attacked Astapor, and because "gently born" people, anticipating the struggle in Meereen, ask her to let them sell themselves back into slavery :
"My queen?" Daario stepped forward. "The riverside is full of Meereenese, begging leave to be allowed to sell themselves to this Qartheen. They are thicker than the flies."
Dany was shocked. "They want to be slaves?"
"The ones who come are well spoken and gently born, sweet queen. Such slaves are prized. In the Free Cities they will be tutors, scribes, bed slaves, even healers and priests. They will sleep in soft beds, eat rich foods, and dwell in manses. Here they have lost all, and live in fear and squalor."
"I see." Perhaps it was not so shocking, if these tales of Astapor were true. Dany thought a moment. "Any man who wishes to sell himself into slavery may do so. Or woman." She raised a hand. "But they may not sell their children, nor a man his wife." (ASOS, Daenerys VI)
I mean, she does this because she wants to respect their choice and she makes sure no one is forced to be enslaved. I don't think she should have allowed it but I understand why. It was not out of mallice. (here is a meta about how she is not a slaver X , X )
Plus the tendency to blame Daenerys fans for pointing out how the situation with Mirri was grey, that Mirri indeed killed Rhaego, but they can defend Mirri and acuse us, Dany stans, of being racists and whatnot.
Ironically my post was about conversations on Twitter (I know) where people were demonizing Dany and I found out this post was actually what started it all, so my post was unintentionally a response to this one. I'm gonna talk a little bit about this conversation and the overall conversations about racism in this fandom but I don't mean it as a direct reply to OP's post. The only thing I have to say specific to their post is that it does stand out to me that they acknowledge the issue with Mirri's writing, which is that it's part of a trend with how characters of color are written, but they fail to actually talk about said characters. Their main point isn't even about how Mirri is handled, it's on the subject of Dany's whiteness.
The thing about discussing racism in asoiaf is that it's a more complex and nuanced conversation than a majority of people are willing to have. Often times it just gets devolved into justifications for disliking a specific character and this was the same attitude people had towards the show. If there's racism in the writing, then that's a factor that affects how the entire series is written, it doesn't just reflect poorly on a single character. People definitely act like that's the case though.
On the subject of Mirri and her treatment, it's rare that people discuss her character without using her as a means of bashing Dany. The screenshots you provided highlight this. We're supposed to believe that Mirri's actions towards Dany are justified and that Dany's actions towards Mirri are racist solely on the basis that Mirri is a WOC, but it's not that simple (Also note that it's always "Mirri was right to do what she did" but they never talk about what specifically she did, which was force the abortion of a 14-year-old bridal slave. Somehow saying exactly what happened doesn't make her as sympathetic). What makes the writing racist isn't the situation itself, it's the idea of characters of color being disposable in service of white characters' arcs. But this situation is often talked about as an isolated event, in a vacuum. The logic applied just doesn't work. If race is such an important factor, why was Mirri right to kill a child of color over a prophecy she was ultimately wrong about? There are plenty of racist connotations in the "brute" narrative surrounding POC, specifically men of color, but people eagerly justify his death because of the hypothetical harm he could've caused. They also completely ignore that the prophecy wasn't about him, so the justification is that a child of color can be murdered if people assume they'll cause harm. There were also the others in Drogo's Khalasar that Dany couldn't help because of her situation. Eroeh suffered a horrible fate before her ultimate death, but Dany would've conceivably been able to help her if she hadn't been incapacitated. So does the fact that Mirri's actions harmed other POC, and not just a white woman, factor in at all? Or are we not supposed to care about them because they are, however positively, associated with Dany?
That also leads to the question of what exactly would be the right way of handling this situation. Dany's whiteness is the biggest criticism but her being a woc would come with its own racist connotations. Dany's life of poverty and being sold as a slave would've had other implications when contrasted to the other primarily white, high-born female characters. So what would've been a better way of handling the Dothraki and other people of color in this series? Whether Dany is white or not, the problem isn't solved. Somehow that's never a conversation being had, despite the number of people who supposedly care so much. It also seems as though Dany's suffering, and only Dany's suffering, is considered justifiable through her whiteness. If Dany had been the one to die instead, it still would've been a child bridal slave being killed. How is that the "better" option for people supposedly concerned with racism and misogyny? With almost any other female character their suffering is never justified regardless of who is causing it.
There is just...a different set of standards people have for Dany than they have for any other character. Someone brought up the point that Robb's part in the war caused incredible violence to the smallfolk, yet he is considered one of the noblest characters in the series. We see firsthand the devastation the Northerners are responsible for through Arya's POV, and many women and children specifically are harmed. We hear about countless women being raped and killed from the fallout of Robb's actions but somehow that's not Robb's responsibility. On top of that, there are plenty of smallfolk who have actively anti-North mindsets. Robb, who isn't trying to bring about systemic change or actively focused on fighting for the smallfolk, isn't responsible for the damage he causes them. Dany, who is trying to overthrow a violent system built on subjugating people, is the most evil character in the series because she interacts with characters of color more than anyone else. But then...people seem uninterested in discussing privileges and harm caused when it isn't related to bashing Dany. It's damn near taboo to refer to certain characters as classist, even when that's how they're written.
If you want to discuss racism in the series and fandom though, let's do it! Let's talk about the depiction of the Dothraki vs. The (white) Wildings and the difference in nuance and empathy they get, let's talk about how the current generation of Starks benefit from colonization and the eradication of the children of the forest (who are very much indigenous-coded) and how that's not framed as a bad thing, let's talk about women of color who are already being enslaved before Dany was sold to the Dothraki, let's talk about Alayaya + the senseless violence she faces and how her pain is used to give Tyrion angst, let's talk about the various background women of color portrayed as sex workers and how that could play into the jezebel trope, let's talk about lack of prominent characters of color outside of Dany's pov, let's talk about how D&D wrote a former Black slave dying in chains, how they portrayed the slaves exclusively as people of color despite slavery not being based on race in the books, let's talk about how they played into the Dothraki's racist writing and portrayed Dany's people as "scary foreign invaders" that the North looked down on, let's talk about how everyone justified the Northerners (and Sansa specifically) being scared even though Dany came to help, let's talk about how people in the fandom were laughing at Missandei's death and saying she deserved to die for being "rude" to a white woman, let's talk about fandom's habit of portraying Jon and Arya (considered the uglier, feral starks) as dark-skinned in comparison to their "white" siblings, let's talk about how the hotd writers made characters Black and then diminished their roles and importance, let's talk about how routinely characters of color are ignored and turned into props by fandom, LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! But no, the only capacity people are interested in talking about racism is when they can use it to bash Dany.
TL;DR/summation: There's nothing wrong with having good-faith conversations about racism in the series or disliking a character because of it. The issue is that that's rarely what happens. Instead of having constructive conversations about race, the pain of characters of color gets turned into props and given no nuance outside of that.
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gryficowa · 3 months
A question for radical feminists: Do you care about Palestine? Congo? Sudan? Syria? Do you still prefer to attack trans people because you are fucked up?
Oh yes, these are not white women, and the threat to you is a group that was a victim of the Nazi rhetoric that you use today…
Trans people have always been here, and many of them died in concentration camps, but it's better to portray them as a threat and use the false tactic of raping white cis women, right? Somehow you don't care that trans guys and even cis guys are raped in prison, classic fake feminism, that's what you represent
It is because of you that real feminists are attacked and associated with hatred towards men, you are disgusting, racist and transphobic, stop lying that you are feminists when you don't care about trans women, women from Palestine, women from the Congo, women from Sudan and women from Syria, shove your feminism up your ass, you are not feminists, you are a fucking piece of shit
You don't know anything about feminism, you are a stain that has stuck to feminism like pedophiles to LGBT+, you are trying hard to be associated with it and you are not, parasites that destroy society and create negative associations with groups, that's what you did, fuck you fake feminists
For trans people, for people who live in Congo, Palestine, Sudan, Syria, for all LGBT+ people, for men who experience sexism, for everyone, because that's what feminism is and you don't understand it because you are not it
Stop calling yourselves feminists because you are not, you will never understand feminism because it hates people like you
It was trans people who made LGBT+ people come to this, it was they who helped them, not you, empty radical feminists, it is thanks to trans people that the LGBT+ movement exists, you want to erase the people who created this movement, who fought against those who put gays in prison, with those who closed their clubs, but if you don't do it, transphobia will die, and you will be associated with evil and lies
Your racism has shown, you only care about white cis straight women, you are not a feminist, you are a bigot
Stay away from the feminist movement, you parasite who spreads hatred towards trans people, men, non-white people
You are parasites in this movement, preying on people's suffering, you are no different from fascists (Even though you are them), Zionists, sects and other shit
I am a left-wing feminist and I know that what you present is not feminism, it is because of you that we feminists have a problem fighting for women's rights (including trans), because you spread propaganda, we are fed up with you, it's time to silence you
You separated many LGBT+ people, but eventually they will be reunited, because trans people made them have rights they didn't have, trans people started it all, you won't erase them from queer history
I'm fed up with many people agreeing with what you do
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The #GirlBoss movement in the MCU is extremely pseudo-feminist.
I could be totally off-base with this, but has anybody else noticed that here lately the mcu has had a slight pattern of making a few female characters ridiculously overpowered as well as turbo-hyped by the narrative and marketing…
This specifically includes Wanda, Carol Danvers, and Sylvie.
I’m in particular talking about how all 3 of them had far less time for character exploration and strength build-up than the majority of the other more powerful heroes, had fairly bland and uncreative personalities compared to the other more powerful heroes (Wanda was coddled by the narrative and not allowed to have any ownership in her wrongdoings which would’ve made her more complex, Carol was a victim of the “having the same arrogant attitude as the douchebro male characters is all it takes to make a Strong Female Character(TM)” writers’ mentality, and Sylvie with mary sue-ed to hell), and were generally made more about the cool powers and ‘oooh such a badass’ moments and the aesthetic than the actual depth.
My point is… they’re all so shallow and performative. It’s like the (mostly male) writers looked at the female character and scoffed and said “ok there’s no way this lady’s gonna become a fan fave on her own- we have to help her. We have to give her a boost. I have zero faith in women being able to gain popularity by their own merit (because who’d be interested in a woman, ammiright?), so we can’t just give her a compelling backstory and let that be it. We have to make sure she has the most tragic backstory of anyone on screen at any given time, and we have to make sure the audience knows it! We can’t just give her a specific set of powers and depict them in an interesting and unique way. We have to make her stronger than any other character she’s going to share screen time with and we have to have her flaunt her powers every ten minutes to remind the audience how strong she is! We can’t just make her intelligent in her own way and give her witty banter with the male characters. We have to make sure she makes them look like idiots and condescends them as frequently as possible so the audience knows it! We can’t just flesh out her morals and let her get things wrong sometimes. We have to make it so she’s always in the right and the audience should always be on her side! And even when she does something wrong, we have to make sure the audience knows that it wasn’t really her fault and she still has the moral high ground! That’s the only way we’ll ever get people to like her as much as the main male characters!!”
It’s just…. This is just rank with a lack of confidence in women. They approach the idea of having women front and center with equal parts skepticism and greed. They’re so out of touch with what women want in superhero films and just what women want in general. They fall into the trap of thinking feminists want everyone to know that girls are actually superior to guys, when in reality we just want to be treated with the respect and humanity and agency guys have always been treated with.
And by creating these female characters the way they do (making sure they’re not equal but decidedly better than the male ones, making sure they’re nearly infallible strength-wise, making sure they’re never allowed to be held accountable for mistakes) they literally defeat that whole point. They’re being extremely counterproductive to what feminists are actually trying to do, because they aren’t actually interested giving women genuinely good representation- they’re just interested in pandering to Twitter stans and casual female fans who form their opinions based on a first glance and girls who are so starved for rep that they’ll praise movie-makers for serving up rank crumbs.
They give us female representation but not really, just like they give us queer representation but not really, and like they give us poc representation but oftentimes not really…. Because (surprise surprise) the multi-billion dollar corporation does not actually give a shit about minority issues.
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butchgtow · 6 months
how are you shameless enough to claim to be a radical feminist while believing that in non-sexual contexts, coerced decisions should be treated as freely made choices, particularly in analytics?
"financial coercion? whatever, she made her choice. violent coercion? whatever, it was her choice.
"it was all her choice. the intentional limitations placed by either an individual, a set of individuals, or the system oppressing her have no place in consideration."
you aren't a feminist -- especially not a radical feminist. you refute fundamental feminist philosophy of coercion as nonconsent (with rape as the only exception). you deny materialism.
you're directly encouraging the sex data gap and its intended, ever-successful outcome of women's global economic exploitability with your statements in this very moment.
anyway book recommendation because this user is a reactionary contrarian who loudly and proudly refuses to read it: Invisible Women by Caroline Criado Perez.
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sanctiphera · 4 months
Don't those female “protesters” not realize that the group they are supporting would deny them any education?
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
aaaand the unfolllowing spree continues
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animentality · 2 years
This guy is making ai women and acting like...uh...real women...are... "over."
Right. Right.
I also want to point how fucking racist and demeaning this shit is.
Why don't you rot in hell, you sweaty incel ass loser.
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Also women are not seething over this, lol.
Hentai and erotic art has existed since the beginning of human time.
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confier-boyfriend · 9 months
People are just really gross about their exes. Actually no I don’t think you getting vindication for an ended relationship is a good idea, you’re being an asshole. Just because you’re hurt, doesn’t give you the clear to hurt others.
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scribblinaway · 10 months
wow ok i am now squarely in the target demographic for Chatelaine Magazine but their content is so great i'm not even mad about it, is this what it feels like to know middle age is fast encroaching?
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coochiequeens · 5 months
If someone wants a baby so badly they are willing to commit fraudulent acts that could follow the kid for life, they shouldn't have a kid in the first place.
HONG KONG (Reuters) - China's National Health Commission said it was investigating a hospital in the southwest megacity of Chongqing for its alleged involvement in surrogacy, which is illegal in China, after wide circulation of the issue on social media.
The incident comes after a series of official investigations last year related to the issuance of fake birth certificates at a time when China is trying to boost its birth rate.
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital has been cooperating with illegal surrogacy agencies, a post on Chinese social media platform Weibo said on Sunday.
Surrogate mothers would use forged ID cards to give birth in the hospital and forged birth certificates would be made after the babies were born, according to the post, made by a user called Shangguan Zhengyi, who describes himself as a volunteer fighting child trafficking.
A team had been set up to investigate and verify the situation, the local Chongqing health committee said in a statement on its website on Sunday in response to the post.
"Once verified, it (the hospital) will be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations."
Chongqing Angel Obstetrics and Gynaecology Hospital did not immediately respond to a faxed request for comment.
The Weibo post on the hospital was one of the top trending items on Monday, drawing hundreds of comments.
"This industry always seems to have existed," said one comment by a user called Wensheng. Another user called XJ said: "This is an industrial chain, not something that can be accomplished by one person."
China said last year it would "severely crack down" on illegal activities related to the use of assisted reproductive technologies such as the buying or selling of sperm or eggs and surrogacy.
It suspended a hospital and judicial institute in Wuhan in November after they were accused of surrogacy and issuing fake paternity results.
Birth certificates are required in China for obtaining household registration and are necessary for vaccinations, medical insurance enrolment and application for a social security card.
(Reporting by Farah Master and the Beijing newsroom; editing by Lincoln Feast.)
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