#anti money
furiousgoldfish · 1 month
My parents, as lots of abusive parents, are obsessed with money. It's very clear from their behaviour they're valuing money over human lives, their comments of "you're a burden on this family" and "this won't make you any money" demonstrated they value both their children, and their children's actions based on how much money they're losing/gaining for it.
This had me feeling inferior to money; I felt like I was not worth any money, that having cost them money meant I was irredeemable, being told I'd have to pay it all back made me panic, because I was also being told I was unsuitable to ever hold down a job, and any of my activities, hobbies, interests, felt empty and worthless because they were not currently bringing any income to parents.
The entire profess of growing up like this made me loathe money. I decided as a child, that I would never value money over people, or live in a way that prioritized it over anything, I couldn't bear to become as disgusting and hollow as they are. So I grew up into a person who hates money. Which then ensured I would always live in poverty (well, that and being too sick to work full time).
Hating money within capitalism makes for an awful experience of surviving, but at this point I can't help it anymore, I want to live without money. I can't stand being valued only for how much I can potentially earn. No matter how stressed I get having no money when I have to deal with health issues, hunger, lack of resources, and whatever parts of my life I get cut off (travel, experiences, safety) I still can't find a way to make peace with it. I feel that money is evil and I need to keep it away from me.
I've lowered the quality of my life a lot, but I think that's capitalism's fault and not mine. If money wasn't something everyone desperately need to have more of, if everything wasn't created as a competition over who gets more money, if money wasn't direly necessary for survival, if it was an optional thing for 'people who just wanted more stuff', I wouldn't be struggling, I'd be having a good time.
It just scares me too much. I've seen how money overpowers people's perception to the point where they don't care what they do as long as they get more money. I've seen them use the power of money to control others, to get their way, to blackmail, to force others to do as they want. I've seen them look at the world only in prospect of what brings them money, and to see monetary value in every object, human, animal, tree. It disgusts me. Looking at the world with eyes that only appraise how much something and someone can financially benefit you. Feels inhumane, grotesque, terrifying.
I understand I went into the other extreme where I refuse to acknowledge that money is a necessity and that I might deserve any because I'm still affected by the abuse, but again, I don't feel that I can change this about myself.
Did this happen to anyone else?
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nando161mando · 4 months
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3d-th3-d3d · 3 months
I think my autism may be part of the reason I’m an anarchist. So much of our lives today are just societal constructs and I don’t like or believe in them cause I genuinely don’t understand the need. For example, money. Why does it have the value it does? Why do certain metals have the value they do? Why is the exchange rate like that? If inflation is as bad as it is why don’t we just stop it and keep prices the same? That last question is usually met with responses about supply and demand. Bitch I know all about supply and demand. But we literally made up the system we can change it if we want or need to. Supply and demand doesn’t mean shit when it’s literally made up. It’s not some natural law or something. We made it up
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wanderingmind867 · 5 months
Money is a Construct. We treat it like it was invented before humanity was a twinkle in the eyes of the gods. But it's not. Money was something some idiots made up to divide us and make us hate each other. Get rid of money (or heavily devalue money), and people's lives will get a whole lot easier. I too could print coloured paper and assign a value to it, and you'd all say I'm insane. But that's what money is. Money is green paper that we collectively assigned value to. $1000 is the exact same as $100. It's all about perspective.
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lsdavid50 · 5 months
You can blame men, whites, governments and religion for a lot but all races can be racist, all sexes sexist, all governments unjust, all religions controlling. Everyone in every country has a struggle so the system is to blame. Without money to power give them power, there's no incentive for our leaders.
Focus on the root of the problem.
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corneille-moisie · 1 year
abolish capitalism
abolish police
abolish prison
abolish work
abolish borders
but to do all that, and keep these abolished, we, most of all, need to abolish money and abolish the notion that things and time have financial value.
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theasexual-jackson · 4 months
Tw for a mention of suicide.
To whoever created money, go fuck yourself, our world is in shambles and it's all your fault, people are conditioned to being fucking gears to the capitalist system to the point of being unable to have basic fucking empathy, because we literally have no time to, colonialism happened because of what you did, I hope you burn in hell and never get out, because you are the fucking reason I have suicidal thoughts and I wish you were never born, never lived and never breathed, GO TO HELL.
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owoy-ou · 2 years
“money can’t buy happiness” wrong, actually. 100% incorrect. No shit post, genuinely and truly mean that in modern society, money ABSOLUTELY buys happiness. Because money buys LIFE, and before you can be happy you have to be alive.
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destielmemenews · 4 months
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'your free protection software, may not be enough!'
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nando161mando · 4 months
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Just say you care more about Money than Art you cowards!
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wanderingmind867 · 10 months
Only way I'd accept money being a thing is if we stopped caring about things about debt and the deficit. Out of money? Just print more! Stop imposing consequences through debt! Debt is a social construct! Get rid of debt, and money would be at least slightly more tolerable. I'd still prefer it be abolished, but I'd take a heavy devaluation of money over what we've got now! Nothing can be worse than what we've got now!
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lsdavid50 · 3 months
"I'm not gonna spend my life being a color" - Michael Jackson
Maybe you all should take that into consideration when you think who you are is so important. What have you done? You got pride for what? You should be disgusted being a human in a world that refuses to see humanity in others. It's not and has never been about you.
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loz-tearsofahomo · 1 year
I was telling my dad about ao3 and he asked "But why would anyone do it if they're not being paid?" And that genuinely makes me so sad. The fact that the majority of people are told things are only worth doing if there is financial gain in it. Oh you're an artist? Artists don't make any money.
Sometimes the point isn't money. Sometimes it's just to create.
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lesbionia · 3 months
It costs a few hundred dollars or more for a full bag of makeup. Or you could skip it and bank the money. 
It takes about 30-60+ minutes to do a face of makeup in the morning. Or you could skip it and sleep in. 
It takes time and money to shave, and it has to be done on a regular basis. Or you could skip it, bank the money, and remove a task from your mental load. 
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strawlessandbraless · 4 months
Convicted felon, Donald Trump is legally banned from entering these countries, how can he possibly serve as President of the United States?
🇬🇧 UK
🇮🇱 Israel
🇨🇦 Canada
🇨🇺 Cuba
🇨🇳 China
🇯🇵 Japan
🇮🇷 Iran
🇮🇳 India
🇦🇺 Australia
🇳🇿 New Zealand
🇹🇼 Taiwan
🇿🇦 South Africa
🇲🇽 Mexico
🇰🇷 South Korea
🇧🇷 Brazil
🇮🇪 Ireland
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