Wait what's wrong with Maeve and Maxine 😭😭 and I do agree that there's sm off with Garcia in CME
There’s nothing wrong with them, really. If you like them, then power to you. The show is fictional and so are the characters, and I don’t ever recommend that people care as much about prime-time television writing as I do lmao.
That being said, I have a few complaints about Maeve as a character and Maxine as a partner for Spencer. I’ll put them below because it’s a lot.
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For starters, Maeve is an awful geneticist. I’m also confused as to what the hell her job is. If you have an understanding of medical science, you know that absolutely no part of their story makes sense unless Maeve is an awful person.
(For the record, I don’t think the writers understand medical science, so this is probably unintentional.)
We’re introduced to Maeve as the woman who cured Spencer’s headaches. When he explains how she did that, the “magical cure” is, in fact, the equivalent of a multivitamin. Setting aside how unlikely it is that none of Spencer’s doctors could identify a very basic nutritional deficiency, it’s absolutely absurd that Maeve would recommend high doses of vitamins to someone who isn’t her patient.
(Is she even a medical doctor. Do we ever get confirmation? You don’t need to be to be a geneticist. I know because I’ve worked for one.)
That leads to the next question. Why the FUCK did she agree to read someone’s brain scans? You are NOT a radiologist and you’re not a neurologist. You have NO idea what you’re doing.
Now we move into her even more serious ethical violations.
Maeve identifies this man who is desperately seeking care for (what appear to be) psychosomatic symptoms as a result of trauma and stress. Instead of, I don’t know, helping him access psychiatric care he clearly needs, she…
That’s right! She starts dating him!
Maeve is a master manipulator. We see it repeatedly. Every time that Spencer begins to open up to her or offer her any vulnerability, she responds by either mocking the things he enjoys or by suddenly freezing him out. The one extended conversation we see between the two of them, Spencer expresses the desire to get to know her better, and once again offers his very specialized assistance in her exact problem.
What does Maeve do in response? She refuses to answer. The call goes silent, and she immediately proceeds to heavily guilt him while he apologizes in excess. She starts to vocally cry, but then immediately stops when he retracts his feelings.
Then, when he is devastated by being rejected, she tells him that she loves him and hangs up the phone.
Then we get introduced to Bobby—the very recent fiancé that Maeve completely refused to mention. We hear from Maeve’s parents that Bobby was “controlling,” but when we see him, and how he interacts with Maeve… he’s completely normal? In fact, he seems genuinely concerned for her safety.
We have no reason to believe Bobby was ever acting against her best interests. She sure didn’t give a shit what happened to him, though, or else she could’ve helped him (and herself) by simply letting the FBI help her with a very basic and unsophisticated stalker that was identified in like five seconds.
Maeve didn’t want help. Maeve didn’t want Spencer to be cured. She wanted him to be available and rely on her because she was bored. She was lonely and she exploited a sick man for company. She left Bobby because she was worried about his safety. Didn’t give a fuck about Spencer’s, though.
I think Spencer knew that, too. Because even in his fantasy of her, he playfully corrects her just for her to shut him down for “arguing” with her. Because he corrected something she said that was literally just wrong.
So, that’s why I hate her.
(Don’t even get me started on how nothing they did made sense to avoid a stalker. You had Spencer call the same number every week on the same time through the same mechanism. Her number. She never changed her number. How many times does the BAU tell us that routine is a stalker’s best friend? Come on, man.)
Moving on to Maxine.
She’s fine. Really, I don’t have any qualms with who she is as a person except for the fact she’s a teacher who hates her job (and her name). You’re telling me this woman who went through school for art history hates children’s art? What?
Also, why are you devaluing children’s art? They’re kids. Are you okay?
The first thing we learn about her is that she’s a teacher, but she hates it because children’s art is lame. So, with a man’s permission (Spencer), she leaves that job to go work for the Smithsonian (Finally! A prestigious enough career for her!).
Setting aside how cringeworthy that notion is, it’s not even the worst part about that storyline.
My problem with her is the way they set up their relationship. Saturday begins with Spencer expressing his (very autistic) concerns about connecting with other people. In response, the psychologist essentially tells him to… just be normal, dude.
That’s when we meet Max, who then spends the rest of their onscreen time together constantly reminding Spencer how fucking weird he is and he should just chill out and be normal.
That whole idea of “ommmggg we’re not dating okay it’s super chill and casual 🙄 we’re not dating it’s not even that serious 😒 he’s NOT my boyfriend I don’t want to call him that 😬” is also… not cute. It’s very juvenile and sort of insulting. It always came off to me as her repeatedly saying she doesn’t even really like him that much, she’s just there because the narrative needs her.
Then we get Date Night. What a fucking disaster of an episode. Here, we get to see Cat and Spencer reduced to absolute idiots who randomly believe a basic ass young woman’s super manufactured story about how she murdered someone.
Are you serious? Cat Adams, an actual serial killer, can’t tell when someone isn’t an actual murderer?
Of course, we’re meant to believe she’s “just that good,” and also seemingly totally fine under the pressure of her family being kidnapped and potentially murdered.
(Maybe she is a psychopath?)
Her little jokes about Cat as a “mean girl but stabby” are so poorly received in the context of the episode. We have Spencer, still reeling from JJ’s forced confession and the upcoming loss of his mother, lamenting about how he really needs to stop basing his whole identity on the women who love him. Yet, that’s exactly what Max is there for. To be “better than Cat” so he has someone new to attach his mouth to.
(Also, super fucking weird she abandoned her family and kissed him after saying how much he liked kissing Cat, but we’ll move past that.)
Max is a mediocre character and a misogynist’s attempt to make a girlboss. She is also a way for the writers to reinforce that Spencer will only be deserving of love when he stops being so autistic “weird” and learns to just be “normal.”
Spencer frankly deserves better than that. This is why I’ve always loved his love interests like Lila and Austin. They reveled in Spencer’s “weirdness.” They found his real personality charming and cute. They were nice to him because they actually liked him.
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So, that’s why I don’t like Maeve and Maxine. Feel free to disagree, but you should probably argue with someone else because I’ve developed my opinion after (too) many rewatches. I don’t see my perspective changing much.
That brings me back to how I started this rant, though. This is a fictional serial television show. It’s not literature to be preserved forever. It’s just our fun little copaganda show, and you can enjoy it however you want! That is your right, and you shouldn’t let me rain on your parade.
Just have fun! That’s what fandom is all about.
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shieldofiron · 8 months
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Max: You have something a lot more sinister going on but okay, sure.
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Batman gays and Batfanon girls are lgbt friendly and feminist the same way the 'No fats,no femmes,no blacks or asians' rule is
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hellfireclub84 · 1 year
I hate when fanfictions make billy basically roll over and take everything and everyone’s threats and just accepts them. Like Nancy threatening that she knows how to use a gun if billy does so and so and they just make billy agree. Like no, billy would get pissed off because how dare you threaten me? Or if he says a comment about someone in the party and max threatens to get the nail bat again and they make billy suddenly stiffen in fear or something. NO, he would be furious because who does she think she is? Just because she drugged him and then threatened him when he was already down and delirious.
I hate when people make billy someone who will just roll over and take whatever people throw at him and threaten him with. He would be pissed as all hell if someone threatened him. And he would be pissed at max for using that bat. He wouldn’t be scared of her he would be furious at her.
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spaceofentropy · 1 year
Jesus tap dancing Christ, just read someone in the tags of a shitty anti-Billy post saying that Max would celebrate July 4th as the happy day she got rid of Billy.
Like, mate, did we watch the same show? Did we watch the same scene? Did we hear Max read the same letter to her brother? Did we have to contend with the same musical choice about making a deal with God and so much hate for the ones we love and switching places and not really wanting to hurt each other but still doing it?
Did anything of what happen to Max in season 4 even enter your empty skull, just to twirl around the pneumatic vacuum in a sad dance, and exit from the same hole it entered, leaving nothing behind?!
I can't with some people's inability to comprehend and retain what they consume, holy hell, this is so disheartening!
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celxstialdxeams · 23 days
stonathan and lumax for the ship thingy
Just did stonathan but lemme do lumax !!
Can I just say for a second how much I love lumax. I just love them. They are my everything.
But istg,
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CAN THEY PLEASE, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be allowed to be happy again istg suffer brothers you better make them okay!! 🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂🙃🙂
Pls don’t send me any ships on the bingo board, as well as mileven and Chrissy x Robin!
ok thanks ily guys
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justmy-account · 11 months
i convinced my mom to watch st with me
and we finished s1 today
when i asked her to recapitalize it, she said that: „ miek likes eleven, but since he’s like 10, he can’t admit he likes her, cuz girls are lame at the age”
well, after i watched s1 for the first time, i liked mileven too, they were cute back then, but now i’m like a full-time byler shiper
i’ve heard many people recommending telling someone who’s about to watch st to notice Byler dynamics , but i kinda forgot about that, so… nvm
now, i have these options
a) tell her in the middle of s2 sth like: „ oh, and btw, yk why Mike doesn’t like Max? cuz she’s reminding him that he doesn’t like girls, Lucas and Dustin are saying that she looks good and he’s like… idk, does she look good? oh, you thought mike likes girls? ups.”
b) let her figure out on her own
c) stop the show at snowball and point at mike’s face: „ this guy realized here that maybe he likes Will, so if you see mike being a jerk, it’s only bc he’s trying to act as normal kid who’s not gay.”
lol, i know you don’t care about this problem of mine, but i wanted to post sth today
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fruit-gummi-sys · 5 months
It's my girlfriend's birthday today! Say happy birthday to Maxine <3
Another side note it's her twin brother's birthday today as well. Say happy birthday to him as well. His side blog is @dynamight-hayden so send him a ask over there and/or here :3 -Luna 🌙
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asquinate · 1 year
I saw a post and I have to know the publics opinion.
Of the party
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nikkiruncks · 2 months
"Marcus, why are you hanging out with Abby? She betrayed me, you're my brother, you have to be on my side." "She's Ginny's best friend and she's pretty cool. What? You're the only one allowed to have friends, Maxine?"
"Marcus, why are you hanging out with Abby? She betrayed me, you're my brother, you have to be on my side."
Max crosses her arms and glares at Marcus, but he was unfazed.
"She's Ginny's best friend and she's pretty cool. What? You're the only one allowed to have friends, Maxine?" Marcus walks out of his bedroom, not bothering to spare a glance at his sister.
"Um, did you not hear me when I said that Abby betrayed me?" Max exclaims while chasing after her brother.
Marcus turns around to look at Maxine. "By what? Not airing out mine and Ginny's private business? Yeah, what a betrayal." He rolls his eyes.
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gothgleek · 2 months
Saera Targaryen is Maxxxine Minx coded
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xeyesofstardust · 1 year
The Thing about the 1st Life is Strange
Any character, literately any other character would've made a better co-protagonist than Chloe-f**king-Price
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On her first day at Blackwell Academy, Max bumps into her ex-best friend Victoria Chase
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Honestly, I think that would've made for a better character arch than Max and Chloe.
Victoria is no where as stupid as Chloe and would never did something as, for an example, lay in the middle of a train track.
I adore the idea of Friends-to-Enemies-to-Friends-Again and I don't think Max x Chloe cuts it.
Also, I would've loved it if the game had further explored Blackwell Academy.
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I love the whole Dark Academia vibe that the first episode had going on and I think that LIS should've maybe been like 10 EPs, most of it exploring the school and its secrets.
I feel like there is so much more to Blackwell than what we are told and the final episode left me a little disappointed that we didn't get to learn more.
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schokonilk · 8 months
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oc stuffs inspired by brave saint saturn :]
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silverflameataraxia · 2 years
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Not sure why the Duffer Brothers wrote these two as hating one another when they occasionally tend to be quite similar.
Anywho, I love both.
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celxstialdxeams · 24 days
okay okay I see you!!
personally, I think elumax is cute as a concept- I love the idea of having elmax and lumax in some capacity. I love reading fanfiction that features them in some way!
however, they would never be canon and tbh I don’t want them to be either. Lumax endgame!!! 🫶
btw, here are the ships I am yet to finish posting about, so please don’t ask me these:
stonathan, lumax, mileven
Ships I’ve finished & added to the bingo (DEFINITELY don’t ask me these):
stancy, jancy, byler, ronance, steddie, elumax
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Feel free to send more ships!!!
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roonilwazlibweasley · 2 years
max..i do not like u
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