#anti-endo friendly
foolishcards · 2 months
Friendly reminder if you don’t have an inner world as a system you’re 100% still a valid system.
Even as adults we don’t have an inner world. It’s a black void with doors and those doors are rooms for each alters and even in those room are black voids with some items scattered around. That’s the closest we’ll ever get to an inner world. Others don’t have inner worlds AT ALL and guess what? They’re 100% valid as systems.
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hi-im-kaybee · 4 months
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now that i have the copies printed & stapled for school, here's the plurality comic i've been working on for a while now. the whole process was excruciating in physical media but it felt really good just to have the tangible product in my hands. cc info under read more.
Plurality: A Brief, Illustrated Primer © 2024 by Kay & Bea is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
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non-dys-sys · 4 months
Oh boy I sure do love solitude, it’s so great to just hang out with me and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “myself” and “my-
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transspeciesguy · 29 days
Endogenic systems that have naturally been a system as long as they can remember, you're so cool.
Endogenic systems that formed out of loneliness, you're so cool.
Endogenic systems that formed for no fuckin' reason whatsoever, you're so cool.
Endogenic systems that technically formed from trauma but it's not the "usual" type of trauma so they labeled themself endo, you're so cool.
Endogenic systems that formed for fun, you're so cool.
Endogenic systems that are multigenic, you're so cool.
Disordered endogenic systems, you're so cool.
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therihare · 3 months
im a traumagenic system, so telling me that "REAL traumagenic systems hate endogenic systems!!!" means literally nothing to me. funnily enough the folks this usually comes from have fakeclaimers in their DNI. hmm... anyways, endogenic systems have my full support and always will. its extremely entitled to say that you know exactly how the human brain works. you dont.
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spacestationsystem · 2 months
actually you know what . appreciation post bc as a traumagenic system who splits involuntarily, frequently, and with a lot of less developed alters, i look up tulpamancy and willogenic practices and it helps US !!! it helps those nondeveloped headmates to feel more like people!!! so!!!!! thank you for that!!!
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gremmything · 3 months
Alright let's review notes:
- if endos aren't disordered they don't belong in disordered spaces
- if endos have no trauma they don't belong in spaces made for people who do have trauma
- being a system is both a symptom of a disorder, and a disorder in and of itself, you cannot be a system without being disordered
- being a system is specifically a symptom of and a trauma disorder, therefore you cannot be a system without trauma(you do not have to REMEMBER the trauma. But it has to exist)
• side note: trauma does not have to be "severe" because trauma is subjective.
Thanks for coming to my tedtalk. Unless I see more content that pisses me off, hopefully this will be the last post I make on my syscourse spiel and I can continue using my time to hyperfixate on royale high
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the-alarm-system · 3 months
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Systempunk: A term or Subculture surrounding the liberation of plurals and the critique of psychiatry. We're outspoken on how the psych community mistreats us and how we will force the breaking of the chains that continuously fakeclaim or harm us whenever we do something singlets/psychiatrist do not like. We have been silenced and told that if we are open, it is a sign of us lying. We have been forced to follow the strict guidelines of the dsm5 in order to avoid being told that our experiences are false. We have been forced into psychiatric wards and abused because we are not singlet. We have been the face of the liars for too long, plural liberation is something we must push. The future is plural.
Meaning of the flag:
Brown and Black: The POC-bodied systems who are put down by both the community and the society around them. POC-bodied systems who have had their diagnosis's rejected due to their race. POC-bodied systems who have a cultural origin or connection and are hurt because of it. POC-bodied systems who are appropriated by other systems and are not listened to. POC-bodied systems who are hurt by the white dominated psychiatric system. POC-bodied systems who deserve to be heard and understood.
Purple stripe: Endogenic Solidarity, allyship, love, liberation. Endogenic systems are continuously harmed by antis who remain uncritical of psychiatry, are against the liberation of plurals, and deny a plural future in order to push singlethood onto others. Endogenic systems are also used in a lot of fakeclaiming content made by singlets and psychiatrist despite the research that supports their existence. It's because singlet society hates plurals and hates any form of existence we have. Love your endogenic siblings. They are the diverse experiences of plurality, they have helped us through so much.
Yellow Stripe: Disordered and traumagenic system solidarity and liberation. Disordered systems are horribly abused by the psych system, we make up most of those hospitalized and we are put down as too crazy to make our own decisions. Even if our existence is from trauma or a disorder, we shouldn't be forced into a singlet cure, we deserve autonomy.
Pink stripe: Abolition of psychiatric wards used to abuse us, hide us away, and silence us. Our autonomy is stolen from them, we deserve resources that help us instead of force us into a place that fucking hates us.
White stripe: Psych-critical beliefs or Anti-psych beliefs, despite their differences we still stand together against the harms of the psychiatric system. ACAB included in this.
Barbed wire: Anti-fakeclaim culture, systems deserve to be believed. Pro-plural protection. Protect another no matter your beliefs, cops and psych wards fucking hate us and want us dead, protect those you love. protect the closeted, protect all systems.
Fangs: Fight for your existence, be loud about it, write essays, make art, do whatever you can. Force plural liberation down the throats of singlets. Force the future to be plural.
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nebulous-wanderers · 4 months
I LOVE ENDO SYSTEMS !! i love endo systems who chose their plurality i love endo systems who didn't i love nondisordered endo systems i love disordered endo systems i love transgender endo systems i love cisgender endo systems i love endo systems i love you
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anti endos thinking they're punk. lol. lmao even.
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snow-on-mtsilver · 2 months
when anti endos get upset about endos/pro endos using sp or pk(both pro endo) i think of this scene for some reason since like, they can't really "steal" other people's usage of those things, and they're free for everyone to use so like
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sparkssys · 2 months
If there's a million people supporting endogenic systems, I'm one of them.
If there's 5 people supporting endogenic systems, I'm among them.
If there is one person supporting endogenic systems, that person is me.
If there's no one supporting endogenic systems, I'm no longer alive.
If the entire world is against endogenic systems, I'm against the entire world.
Until my last breath, I'll support endogenic systems.
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foolishcards · 2 months
Friendly Reminder that having a high number of introjects is actually pretty normal. Media we consume affects everyone, not just systems, and as it continues to grow, so too does the rise of being introject/fictive/factive heavy will increase and become more so the norm.
So don’t feel ashamed of being an introject heavy system, media plays a key role in society as a whole, and in turn, plays a role of who you, and the system are, as well.
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non-dys-sys · 5 months
My good rule of thumb for avoiding unsafe plural communities is: if it is unsafe for some systems it’s unsafe for all systems. Anyone can decide you’re one of the “bad ones” and target you. -Ange
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cynicalundead · 3 months
endogenic and mixed origins did/osdd systems who can't get help or support for their trauma, dissociation and other struggles because of your origins, I see you and empathize with you. I'm sorry the community is like this. you are all so strong, and I'm proud of you, and I hope that some day the world is more accepting of your existence and doesn't discredit what you've been through and how it hurts you just because of how you became plural. we love you, don't give up, the world needs more people like you& in it 💙
- Moon 🌙
[anti endos and trolls will be blocked on sight. this is a positivity posts you fucks]
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loverboyplural · 2 months
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someone who either suspects, has traits of, or otherwise cannot be 100% sure they have NPD, but still find it important enough to mention as they relate to experiences and need to note how they interact with others.
examples may include people who :
aren't able to properly self-diagnose (ex. memory issues, focus issues, not enough resources) and choose to say they're suspected instead
are in the process of getting diagnosed or on a waiting list
are an alter who has npd traits while the rest of the system doesn't have these traits
are unsure whether their symptoms are pervasive/affect their day-to-day enough to be a personality disorder
tl;dr : a person with suspected npd, npd traits, etc.
self indulgent. made for us T‿‿T
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