pilferingapples · 8 months
idk if you've already done this but i'm lowkey dying to know what you think all the amis (and co) would do career-wise in the modern day because i think about it all the time
All of them are the planners REALLY even if Enjolras tends to be the one who really pulls it together Feuilly is the sharpshooter, this is canon
Bahorel , Courfeyrac and Legle take the in-person actor/Face roles as much as possible ; they also take the Daredevil, backup Muscle, and Thief roles, respectively, as needed
Enjolras is the muscle/combat monster
Combeferre is the tech specialist
Prouvaire handles the online social interaction, which is increasingly crucial these days
Joly is the lockpick and when needed the Distraction ; they've done so many of these missions they've lost count and STILL no one even suspects his involvement
Grantaire is the cook and the getaway driver when Bahorel's otherwise occupied
Together they do Leverage-esque Heists to try and make the world a better place already dammit
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
Captain Marvel (Shazam) and the Justice League Funny Idea
Y'all know the hit show Brooklyn Nine-Nine, right? And how they have a thing called a "Halloween Heist" episode that happens every season or so, right?
Good. Because that's all I know from the show. Anyway! Seeing clips on YouTube about it got me thinking
What if the Justice League did something similar? Just for fun in their down time while they're not out saving the world or helping little old ladies cross the street. Maybe some members would do it. But what would be a good incentive or prize to motivate them to play?
How about each member pools in what they could give as a prize?
Superman promises to gift fresh baked cookies by his mom
Black Canary promises doing their share of monitor duty
Other members promise other cool things, favors, etc. A good chunk of members are interested in playing, but not all. Batman still refuses to play, calling it childish
When it's Captain Marvel's turn to state what he's offering on the table for the winner, everyone's heads turn and can't believe what they just heard. Captain Marvel promised that he would reveal his secret identity to whoever wins.
Everyone is in an uproar and signing up to play. Batman included. He even gets his batfam to join the game. A lot of other members, too, are getting their sidekicks, friends and prodigies into the game.
Captain Marvel, the most extroverted and yet most private member of the league has never offered any information of his private life in the past four years he's been on the team, and now there's finally a chance to learn more about him
The Watchtower rioted that night and Captain Marvel began to regret his decision...
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codenamesazanka · 8 months
AFO+Shigaraki Tomura/Shimura Tenko Role Reversal AU
Terrorist Shimura Tenko, age 26, has been sentenced to death for his heinous crimes. Morning before he goes though, he's carted over to Central Hospital.
Little AFO, age 12, is brought before Shimura to give him five quirks - this will surely overload Shimura’s brain, but since he's about to be executed anyways, it doesn't really matter.
But right before the procedure starts, Central Hospital is attacked. It's the League of Villains, here to rescue their boss. As he marbles Shimura, Mr. Compress also ends up marbling AFO and taking him along.
Hours later, in a secret hideout, the League congrats themselves on a successful rescue mission, but wonders what to do about this weird kid they've kidnapped. They’ll have to act quick - Heroes and HPSC will come for them soon. The HPSC have to come for the kidnapped kid, because, the moment the League realized who the kid is, they know AFO as the central piece of HPSC's new direction for society.
Four years ago, the government made a paradigm changing announcement - they've gained the ability to take away quirks and will start doing so as part of criminal justice.
This is a great thing, as it solves the century-old question about what to do with Villains. Really Bad Villains will have their quirks taken away, and put into regular security prison. Mild Villains can exchange their quirks for a shorter sentence. Dangerous quirks can now be eliminated. Human rights will be improved. Society will be safer.
—At least, it will be, once the chaos the announcement created settles down. Because the remnants of the Meta Liberation Army straight up revolted, along with other groups and other people.
The League of Villains did not start with this upheaval - they were already active two years before the announcement, led by Shimura Tenko, as just particularly notorious Villains doing whatever they wanted, whether it was heists or killing heroes or feuding with other villain groups - but they have become embroiled into the fight through a loose alliance with the MLA, and due to the HPSC holding members of the League up as the reason why the new law was enacted in the first place.
The HPSC have kept very, very top secret the exact method they’re using to take away quirks. No one knows for sure whether it was a drug or surgery or implant. There was a rumor that it was a quirk that was doing this, but it was just a rumor—until now.
Though, the League didn’t expect that it would be a kid. So what will they do with him now?
For all nearly all twelve years of his life, AFO (and his younger twin brother) has been in care of the HPSC. This is the first time he's ever been kidnapped, is in real danger, but he knows exactly what to do:
In all honesty, AFO would rather destroy this 'League of Villains' - just a bunch of insignificant insects running around causes messes and ruining everything (like his day!) - and just go home using his own power. He doesn’t like being away from Yoichi; he still has schoolwork to finish; the new chapter of Captain Hero: New Ultra is out Monday; he’s got his life to get back to.
But AFO has been relentlessly counseled and drilled by the HPSC for this exact scenario: He is NOT allowed to use his quirk. No matter what happens, he is only to wait for rescue.
Not that using his quirks might help much. AFO has never been taught to fight, and besides his own ‘Give-and-Take’ quirk, he’s got only five other low-tier quirks he had only taken this morning that he’s never used. The HPSC won’t risk letting him keep the quirks, see, so the system they’ve come up with is this: the quirks taken from criminals are transferred immediately to a Villain scheduled for execution. (Given the explosion in criminal activity and revolt over the past four years, death row has just the right and regular numbers to supply.) They’ve even got a machine just for him, just for tracking his quirk(s), invented by the famous American scientists David Shield and Toshinori Yagi, so they know exactly what he takes in and lets out.
When AFO has just his own original quirk, it’s as good as no quirk.
The HPSC has to do this, because AFO is a born villain. They know it; he knows it, everyone who’s ever met him knows it. It’s just hard to describe otherwise a child who came into this world stealing everything within reach: his mother’s life, his twin brother’s health, and every person’s quirk he ever had come into physical contact with even as an infant - the homeless woman who rescued the twins from a decaying corpse, the police who later found them while investigating a dead body that was registered in the system with a quirk but autopsy had revealed zero quirk factors left, the doctors that examined the twin babies.
AFO has heard this story many times. He’s got a too-strong quirk that’s made him clinically diagnosed kleptomaniac with a Cluster B personality disorder. Quirk counseling, behavioral counseling, regular counseling, art therapy... He’s been handled extremely delicately and thoroughly his entire life.
And that’s…fine. That’s how the world works. That’s the price of power. It’s better than being dead in the grave with the mom he killed, or out there in the chaos, if the HSPC had never found them. AFO’s on the side that’s calling the shots and set to dictate the final reality of a post-Advent world - he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. One day, he’ll grow up and he’ll become part of the HPSC and he’ll get his rightful piece of the cake - really, they’ve let him have some of it already, when he first started taking quirks away for them five years ago (first year was trial year, before they went public).
His itch to use his quirk is scratched regularly. He got to keep Yoichi, who had once almost been adopted away. Being on his best behavior means he gets most of what he asks for. The worst AFO can say is that he’s bored - which is expected, his brain is wired differently after all.
All he has to do is stay calm, play nice with the League, and wait for Heroes to arrive. Someone will come save him soon enough.
Everything is in order.
But of course, this encounter with Shimura and the League will be the catalyst that will destroy that very order.
(In one universe, AFO tells Tenko he'll teach him how to take his rage and give it purpose.
In this universe, Shimura tells little AFO he'll teach him how to find his rage.)
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tea-earl-grey · 11 months
i had an itching for comfort media so i went back to watch some s1 voyager episodes and s1 is soooo much better than i remembered. the later seasons appeal to my tastes a bit more but all the characters in s1 are so earnest and hopeful even when they butt heads and disagree and i'm just sitting here like "oh god they don't know what the next 7 years have in store..." i doubt it was that purposeful on the writers' part but it's so compelling how all of the characters have pretty open insecurities and are clearly people with lives and dreams beyond Voyager and bit by bit that's chipped away in later seasons. yes everyone becomes more confident and competent but is that really who they are or are they just losing themselves along the journey? (unfortunately the Doyalist explanation is just that the writers stopped putting focus on like. half of the main cast but shh i'm here for Watsonian analysis.)
like it's particularly noticeable with Janeway. she's definitely always been written as a strong leader but i forgot how much in early seasons we get to see her insecurities and vulnerabilities, how different she acts from when she's acting as captain to when she's alone, how often she questions her morality and whether she has the right to make decisions for her crew (and how often others questioned that right). then in the later seasons (around s3 and definitely by s4), she almost never questions her moral decisions, she rarely shows doubt, she plans heists on Borg cubes without a second thought, she dispenses her justice to the Equinox crew without really considering their position, she regulates others' autonomy (especially with Seven and the Doctor) without seeming to realize how easily that can go wrong. and don't get me wrong i love this development and think it's incredibly realistic for Janeway to deeply internalize her role and authority as a Captain and for it to permanently change her sense of self. Endgame is the perfect closure for Janeway's character because her future self exerts that same authority that she's been practicing over herself (also Janeway gets to live out her martyr complex one last time). i just wish the show was a little bit more self-aware that it was writing Janeway (and other characters) like this because there could be so many more interesting character conflicts.
anyways rewatching early ds9 made me say "aww these characters don't know that one day they'll all grow together and basically become family" and rewatching early voyager has me saying "uhohhhh these characters don't know the unhealthy relationships and neuroses they're going to uncover and develop". toxic found family for the win.
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Adam goes to the base after his recent heist.
Angel: So, how’d it go big guy?
Adam: Not as smooth as I thought it would. I stumbled to someone.
Michael/Angel/Cherri: WHAT?!
Adam: He’s a criminal himself. He wouldn’t dare.
Michael: How exactly you know this?!
Adam: He murdered the rich bitch. I saw it.
Michael: … Fine.
Cherri: Do you know who he is?
Adam: How the fuck would I know that?!
Angel: Then describe it.
Adam: Who, the man? He was hiding his face, I don’t remember.
Angel: The work dumbass! Was the corpse respectively left untouched?
Adam: *He describes it shortly. The complete opposite.*
Cherri: Holy shit.
Adam: What?
Angel: Seriously? You didn’t notice who he was?!
Adam: Do I look like I did! Just fucking tell me anyway!
Cherri: You literally stumbled to a serial killer and you didn’t notice. It was probably the Devil.
Adam: Wait… THAT was how he was supposed to look like?
Angel: You said you didn’t remember!
Adam: I still remember him being short you know.
The next time they meet Lucifer confirmes this and Adam says he is the Commander in return.
Adam: So you just take the justice into your own hands? Why?
Lucifer: Lots of people get away with many crimes that they should be dead or in prison for. When the system fails, I clean up the mess.
Adam: Makes you sound like a vigilant.
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boreal-wood · 1 year
Alright wise guy, what are your thoughts on the theme(s) of the first Mistborn book. This is literally an excuse for you to ramble about it, have fun.
So spoilers for Mistborn: The Final Empire! If you haven't read it, please beware because under the cut, Here There Be Spoilers (and also beware, Very Long post under the cut!)
The big running theme in The Final Empire is trust. Who can one really trust? Is it worth it to put your life in the hands of other people? What says they won't betray you as soon as it becomes favorable to do so?
Honestly this really is what Vin's character arc in the first book is about. At the beginning of the book, she's trapped in a low-level street gang where everyone is always out to get everyone else. Heck, the second time the audience ever sees her use her powers is when she is helping her boss betray a business partner.
Vin's brother has beaten into her the idea that she can trust nobody, not even him. Everyone is always out to hurt her or take advantage of her, and if she does not prove her immediate worth to her group, then at best she will be kicked out.
This, of course, is not helped by the fact that she is part of the literal slave class! Which is a whole nother essay tbh.
Then Kelsier takes her in and everything changes. There's a scene early on in the book, after vin formally joins the crew, where Kelsier and his men are all laughing and enjoying themselves while plotting their Big Plan™. And Vin, who does not trust any of them, is on the outside, quite literally. She's outside the room, watching them plan, wishing she could be included but not allowing herself to, because at this point in the book she still thinks they could betray her at any time.
I think now is a really good time to mention that being a Mistborn is built on secrecy and paranoia. Mistborn are literally the nobility's assassins. They hide their identities under hoods that blend into the mist so as not to be seen. So their powers cannot be used against them or their Noble Houses. In broad daylight they have to pretend to be normal people, or at best, regular Mistings. They can't trust anyone with the truth that they are Mistborn.
(Heck, even a quarter of their powerset- Copper and Bronze- create mistrust. With Bronze, after all, one can hear the allomantic pulses of burning another metal. Copper, on the other hand, blocks that; the use cases for these two metals lies in paranoia that someone else can use their Allomantic powers against you.)
Anyways! So we've explored some of the different aspects of mistrust in Mistborn, so what's the counterargument?
In a word: Kelsier.
Kelsier shakes up everything that Vin believes about how relationships work. He introduces his crew as something different- despite being a thieving crew, they operate under a principle of trust and camaraderie. "My crews rely on trust," Kelsier says at one point. In direct contrast to the dirty, paranoid crews Vin worked with before, Kelsier's crew is welcoming, understanding, and trusting of her.
But Kelsier's trust isn't just talk, either. When we learn that the crew believes Mare betrayed them in their last heist, Vin asks Kelsier how he could love Mare even though she betrayed him. Kelsier answers that given the choice between loving Mare and being betrayed or never knowing her, he would choose loving her. "I'd rather trust my men than worry about what will happen if they turn on me."
In the same passage as above, Kelsier poses a question to Vin: where has she been happier? with the old crews that we built on lies and suspicious, or with Kelsier's crew, who trusted each other and let their guards down? It's a rhetorical question, and the meaning is clear: Vin and Kelsier both are happier for risking themselves in order to be loved.
I don't think I've nearly done this topic justice. There are a million more points I could pull out and point to, but I want to end with my favorite quote from The Final Empire. It's from Vin, in Chapter 32. She says:
“Once I may have thought you a fool, but… well, that’s kind of what trust is, isn’t it? A willful self-delusion? You have to shut out that voice that whispers about betrayal, and just hope that your friends aren’t going to hurt you... Distrust is really the same thing, only on the other side. I can see how a person, given the choice of two assumptions, would choose to trust.”
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
Hi! Absolutely love your writing and I basically rebinge all your riddler content every now and then.
You've made me fall in love with all of them especially Young Justice! Riddler.
And I was wondering how would the riddlers react to meeting a villain reader during a dangerous situation.
You're like "Oh hey, you're cute." Adding in a compliment, before dashing away and leaving him in the dust without letting him get a word in.
I thought I'd be funny.
If you can't do them all, maybe young justice, dano, and/or Gotham?
Villain!Reader w/Crush
Riddler Headcanons eeeef this is cute!! and thank you so much! yj!eddie has become my babygirl and this prompt suits him so well 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: flirting/suggestive things
Tumblr media
zero year
as much as he pretends he's 'all that'
he actually never gets complimented
because he's a pain in the ass monster of a boy
but maybe someone just as villainous as him
someone who is also a pain in the ass
could see the perfect potential within him
enough to develop maybe a little crush on him?
and now he's forgotten what he was even doing out here
maybe that was the plan all along, damn
he's no stranger to love in the field
this idiot falls in love quick and fast and with anyone
especially if they're also a bit mischievous (or criminal)
so another villain declaring their love... well...
he's kinda 'been there, done that' so to speak
but it wouldn't put him off!
it's just going to take a little bit more than rushed flirting
if you really want him to be knocked off his feet
a strange thing to say, and he's not reciprocating at all
he has absolutley no time for that kind of distraction in his life
not unless you're willing to give up on your own criminal plans
and dedicate your time to his villanous endeavours
how are you with robots by the way... just out of curiosity...?
not that it matters! because he's not interested... but...
hey, you never know! it could all work out perfectly
living together in the sewers and building robot armies
you could get married standing on top of batman's corpse!
this is the only relationship he would consider
it helps that he's had his eye on you
from afar of course, just quietly admiring
because heaven forbid he admit that he feels normal things
but you've broken the seal and now it's a full blown crush
he's already planning your criminal endeavours together
sweet memories to be made, first murder, first heist
so many villainous firsts to experience together
hang on, wait just a fucking minute, get your ass back here
just because he's little doesn't mean he won't run after you
he's not above chasing a compliment, literally or figuratively
and if you have any more of them you'd like to give out
he's here, ready to bask in your adoration
or if you'd rather take this to a more physical level...
no need to rush though! he's happy to sit here and listen
while you tell him what a cute and precious bean he is
unphased, you think this doesn't happen all. the. time?
he's banged pam, selina and once got some goodies from harley
plus him and harvey have this weird mutual thing going on
doesn't matter, because while it's not new to him
he's hardly going to turn down someone's advances
so you can run away, but he'll remember
he never forgets a face, or an ass
and he liked both of yours
yeah, it would be easier for everyone involved
if he just pretended he didn't hear anything you said
and you didn't repeat it, or say anything to him ever again
because you're verging into dangerous territory here
so few kind words have been spoken to him ever
that he's just definitely going to latch on to the first kind soul
who shows him any sign of affection
and before you know it, you're getting little greetings cards
from your secret admirer
and no amount of villainy is going to put him off
so miss tuesday's task for the foreseeable future is research
find out who you are and what you were doing there
was it a ploy to out-heist him? were you there to distract?
because it worked, annoyingly so
but uh... if miss tuesday also happens to find out your name
and your number... mabye what kind of food you're into
then maybe he could let you distract him again
perhaps over dinner at the nicest restuarant around... if you want
young justice
immense confusion here bless him
some idiotic hero or a mindless member of the public
maybe maybe he could see them developing a crush on him
but another criminal genius? and a very attractive one at that
complimenting him? impossible, it must have been a mistake
which explains why you rushed away from him so quickly
better that way anyway, because he's starting to sweat. a lot.
and he's so flustered he can't even think straight, let alone well
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project-isles · 1 month
To all the au Freddys what is your most treasured memory about your brothers and friends and if so what memory makes you laugh the most??
(Gem note: that's a really good question.)
Wing!freddy: "I'll go first, my most treasured memory with my friends is when we threw a particular birthday for an earth kid, it was our most successful one yet. The air was filled with laughter, whimsy, fun and most of all delight! As for the happiest memory with goldie.... Is when i saw him fly properly for the first time..."
Mer!Freddy: "my turn! oh! Oh! this happen to me a few days ago! You see I kinda got... Captured by some... Cruel net men... It was awful, but the others came to save me! Even goldie! And I was so happy being freed! We had kelp cake after!"
Streamer!Freddy: "kelp cake?? Ew. Anyways me and the others threw a 50000 sub party and streamed it. Very fun and Goldie fell into one of the cakes. Which by the way was so funny!!! What about you a.d.f?"
Afterdeath!freddy: "..."
Streamer!freddy: "oh.. right.."
Winter!Freddy: "ahem... Alright my happiest memory... Let's see... Ah! Every few moons we have a chance of getting spring like weather instead of the eternal winter we're usually stuck with, well don't know if that's true, I've only got it once. But it was nice..."
cowboy!Freddy: "well me and the gang busted Goldie's biggest heist yet! We even had him running! It was Very exciting, hadn't had my blood pumping like that in lonnnggg time! As for with goldie... His time when he was my partner in crime- er... justice... When he was good..."
king!Freddy: "you know a similar thing happened to me... Anyways it was toy Freddy's birthday and as my top adviser I knew it had to be good! Goldie tried to ruin it like always... But we chased him off. Nearly captured him too!"
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writing-in-sin · 1 year
Kuroba Kaito HC: Career
Unlike many, I'm the odd duck who likes to think that Kaito would remain as KID when Pandora's destroyed instead of hanging up his mantle. Because unlike his parents who became thieves as a means to an end, Kaito finds that its the opposite for him
It's an ironic twist of fate, but Kaito discovered his life's calling when he became KID
Initially, he thought he'd be a stage magician like his dad. It's certainly a dream he'd love to live out but then he became KID and suddenly, the whole world became his stage.
But not only
He enjoys the thrill and excitement in pulling off impossible heists. The awe and joy in bringing smiles and wonder onto people's faces
The chase. The battle of wits
Helping people
Protecting people
In becoming KID, he discovers that he wants to use his magic not just for shows but to hone them into something that can help and protect others too
So he does-- striving to make the impossible, possible
By being the first person in history to make 'phantom thief' into a legitimate career
It takes some effort but considering his contribution in bringing down the BO, he eventually found a way to ensure Interpol would have his back. Once done, Kaito soon make quick work in turning his crazy idea into reality
It certainly took the world by storm when it was made official and he became a freelance agent for Interpol
Never let it be said that Kuroba Kaito does things by halves
While he still prefers working around and even outside of the law, people now know he's on the side of justice so teaming-up with law enforcements is a great deal easier than before
Which also means flirting with his beloved tantei-kun without worry too!
Shinichi may not admit it, but he's pretty happy that he can kiss the stupid thief without having to worry about being a criminal accomplice and such
Granted, it never stopped him before but still
Anyways, Shinichi is also the 1st person Kaito told his grand plan to, which in retrospect, didn't really surprise Shinichi as much as he thought. He always suspected that KID wasn't just an entertainer or a thrill seeker
And its nice, being able to work together on a regular basis without worry about 'repaying debts', 'exchanging favours' or being situational allies
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fearforthestorm · 3 months
is there a rec(s) for artemis fowl fanfic?? ty <3
YES. the great gender heist by yellow_caballero!! absolutely fucking phenomenal longfic (45k) retelling of the series except artemis is transmasc. it's been a while since I read it but it's got such a special place in my heart and I feel like it does a lot of justice to the characters and story. also massive bonus points for being the only (or the only one last time I looked anyway) fic to write orion well. i love this fic and I'm going to go reread it now lol
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For the 1 Like=1 Fic I Want to Write Game (the post s pinned if you want to join) and @rodhatz
Role/Situation Reversal plot for Stolitz and their deal.
Stolas got out of his marriage to Stella long ago, and rather explosively. I'm thinking that instead of just being abusive to him, Stella turned on little Via, because that is the only thing I can think of that would make Stolas completely snap. You would think that we all could cheer for him standing up for himself....but the type of snap I'm going for is not a cathartic yelling match and then telling his staff to make sure she gets out, but, rather, a knee jerk reaction he can't take back that has huge ramifications. He turns Stella to stone.
Usually nobody would care (What royal demon doesn't have the occasional "whoopsy" and kill a member of their household?), but Andrealphus and the rest of Stella's family demand justice. They have titles, influence and power of their own. Stolas ends up getting judged by a goetia court for crimes against another member of the royals. He is cast out--stripped of some of his demonic/magical powers as well as his titles if that sounds realistic, or just disowned by Paimon and disavowed by the rest of the goetia if not. Octavia is taken away from him and to be elevated to his position with Andrealphus acting as her caretaker and training her powers.
SO we have "regular guy just scraping by" Stolas who runs a fortune telling business, one that built a reputation for being always extremely accurate, completely unlike other scams--because Stolas ripped the portal spell out of the grimoire before he gave it up and can still travel to the human world. Or, well, he could until recently when Paimon went to check on Octavia's progress and found out she has no practical experience reading the stars?!? Blah blah missing grimoire spell, missing spell tracked down, Stolas's portal spell and even his memories of it are taken.
What's an owl to do?
Well, that's when Stolas sees Vox's sit-down interview with Verosika and Blitz Mayday (Yes, he took her name). The interview, more than being about Verosika's music is about personal questions.
There are attempts to talk about the rumors about Verosika's alcohol and drug abuse or the rocky state of the Mayday marriage, but Verosika insists that it's all false. Vox also tries to needle Blitz about how he used to be a performer and his career never took off (And what is he doing now? He used to be Verosika's head of security, everyone knows that, but...is he really just a househusband now? Completely irrelevant and, oh, starting to get out of shape?). Blitz deflects...mostly. There is some threats of how he'll show Vox just how out of shape he is.
Verosika and Blitz push the story of their wonderfully happy family instead. Their five adopted children, each from a different ring and each with their own talents they are discovering and pursuing. How much Blitz loves them...they both love them...and they're both totally involved of course.
Somewhere in there, an anecdote is told about how, when she was leaving for her Two World Tour, their youngest child hid Verosika's Asmodeus crystal to try and get her to stay home. Verosika didn't even notice and she felt so bad. Didn't notice? Yeah, she still keeps mostly succubi and incubi as background dancers and entourage. There's always someone else to open a portal. Plus, the Hell dates were before the human world dates so it was months before she went topside anyway.
There's more of course, but that's what sticks out to Stolas: an Asmodeus crystal that the owner just leaves lying around and won't notice missing, a legal portal to the human world to keep his business legitimate.
A heist is planned.
Stolas gets caught. Of course he gets caught. Blitz is retired, but he's still sharp and more than capable of his own home defense. Blitz rants about firing their staff because this isn't the first time they let some sick stalker who wanted to hide in the closet to surprise Verosika slip by them.
Stolas thinks on his feet, and coos that he's actually there for Blitz. He saw him on TV, so handsome, so underappreciated. Blah blah, I want you to ravish me, Blitzy.
Blitz isn't as easy of a target as Stolas was in canon, but Stolas still manages his seduction and robbery after a bit of convincing.
Blitz is also slower to notice the crystal missing than Stolas was with his grimoire in canon, but then quicker to track the thief and not interested in a deal. However, Stolas is dressed only in that slutty red robe when Blitz tracks him down, and....things sure do happen and Stolas gets away again.
Things evolve into these regular meetups where Blitz makes sure Stolas is at least taking care of the crystal, and Stolas feels the burden to keep Blitz charmed so the whole situation doesn't unravel.
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immortalbutterflycos · 5 months
For the WIP ask game:
💾What is your document of your wip/ a wip called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
Good morning~ (it's 8 am here when I'm writing this) I meant for this to be my first post of the day, but while trying to find the information I have, I found out that the summary section of Google Docs was deleted along with all of my "summaries" (which are, because my brain simply cannot function on a "normal" level, actually extensive plot notes that I now lost forever. Which is super cool~ ^.^ <3 Just another reason why I prefer to write on paper I guess...
Anyway, sorry about that, I'm not in a super fantastic mood rn.
BUT! To answer your question, unfortunately, I don't have an extremely fun one for this for the main fic that I've been working on. But that is primarily because I literally have -and I'm not kidding because I went back and counted them all- Ninety-nine docs relevant to this fic and I'm about to start on #100 because I just thought of a new plot point yesterday (that I thankfully wrote on paper since I was at work) and I need to give it a home.😂
And that is JUST for 'The Art of Running for Our Lives' (aka TAoRfOL since writing that title out every time is exhausting 😂)
I had to make a whole-ass Masterlist of docs with their links so that I could keep track of them and all of the titles are more spoilery than anything so that I know that what information I need to find will be in that doc before I click on it.
I started writing this fic in March, 2023 and I wish that I could tell you that this was all simple overkill, but I wish it was. It's not even posted yet but this plot has a grand total of 8 main characters and the AU I'm doing is so niche that I'm trying to merge magic systems (to an extent) and keeping track of timelines is wild in this one even without my ADHD getting in the way of things.
I'd say I do this because I hate myself, but this is very much a passion project and I really just want to do it the justice it deserves. 💜
That being said, I do have a few doc titles I'm willing to share because I think they're silly (I know, it took a WHILE to get here. Have I mentioned that I have really bad unregulated ADHD? 😂)
"TAoRfOL Cheat Sheet: [insert character name here]"
"James isn't doing well (TAoRfOL)"
"Post-[redacted] Dorlene Heist"
"I was in my feels..."
✨Bonus from other AU's:✨
"The cat distribution system but the cat is Regulus"
and finally,
"this was supposed to be smut how did I get here..?"
TL;DR: I have ADHD so there is no 1 specific doc for my fic. And also because I apparently need to dip my toes in every pond I find, (write too many fics/AUs at once), most of my docs are titled "[blank] AU" with a small description of the contents in the title.
Also apparently I can't give a simple answer to any of these ask games. Hope this is okay because I have no self-control and I'm very passionate about this fic.
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What makes Parker from Leverage the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Parker-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with Parker, portrayed by Beth Riesgraf, from Leverage at the centre. She is wearing all black and is strapped into a parachute harness. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"DVD commentary from the series has a creator saying she’s autistic! but also she has a bunch of autistic traits anyway - she misses most social cues, canonically practises nonverbal communication like doing air quotes, doesn’t get sarcasm and some jokes, has to have a particular line said on every job as part of her routine, etc. her special interest is security systems and how to get around them. she’s a world renowned thief who works with her found family team to steal from corrupt rich people and get justice for those they’ve hurt. she loves the feeling of rappelling down/jumping off buildings to the point that she even rigs a rope pulley thing inside the team headquarters when they’re away, which i think of as a stim or sensory seeking sort of thing."
"Theft and security systems are her special interest. She struggles with social cues and forming relationships. Airvents make her feel safe. (Look, if I'm the only one submitting Parker, I'm eating my hat) She is awesome."
"Besides word of god confirmation, she has a lot of trouble with social interactions (though she slowly improves over the course of the series) one notable example being not understanding that not everyone enjoys leaping off of high places like she does, and her special interest is theft - she'll go to a high-end art museum and only pay attention to the security systems and devise ways to crack it. She's extremely empathetic and learns to use that to her advantage."
"Parker is actually cannonly autistic. She does not interact well with others, unless you think stabbing the bad guys with forks is acceptable. She likes money and tasers and shinnies. The close relationships she has though show how her small group are tight and they understand each other on their own appropriate level. (this is not to discount the wonderful character growth she has over the course of the original series, the break, and the sequel series) Plus the pretzels."
"She stims by jumping off of buildings and needs flash cards for social rules and her special interest is stealing things. Like elaborate museum heists."
"Doesn't understand social interactions/cues and struggles to communicate with people. From the wikia "According to several DVD commentaries, Parker has Asperger's syndrome, which has since been reclassified as a form of Autism Spectrum Disorder." "
"Just, like, look at her."
"She is canonically autistic! I don’t think they say outright that’s what she is (unfortunately in s1 they say some kind of ableist stuff abt it like calling her crazy and weird), but it undeniably Is what she is. She has special interests (safes, art, alarm systems (she is a theif), and struggles with social cues. The rest of the crew at first struggle to understand her (except really her eventual love interest who is incredibly empathetic toward her and her struggles and I also think is autistic but he is not relevant here bc autism boy). The first show (they have a revival going on right now) does this so well, she's some of my favorite autistic representation because after the first season the crew really adjust and are just like "It's Parker (it's not weird, it’s expected of her /neutral)", and they never want her to change. They understand she struggles with social cues and sometimes needs guidance about things they think are normal, and they accept that and work with her on it to accomodate her and make what their job requires from her, easier for her. Also, her canonical relationship is one of thee most healthy relationships I've ever seen, especially with a character who has complicated feelings about romance and intimacy due to how she grew up in the foster system while also being autistic. The first show uses her character sooooo well, but I wouldn't recommend the revival because they have different writers and handle her, in my opinion, much worse and much more childishly and I HATE it. But yeah, first show??? really good love her favorite nbd rep."
"So, I believe that the lead writer actually confirmed that her being read as autistic was intentional. I don't have a source for it offhand, though. Either way, Parker is the 'thief' in the Leverage team. (They are all essentially one big con team). She is portrayed to have a keen interest in her craft, to a level that it seems to trump almost everything else. She's blunt, to the point, and often doesn't get subtext or why other people are doing/saying something - like a lot of social interaction is in-jokes that she's not a part of. They also portray her as being one of the most compassionate on the team - though often to her own chagrin, it's something that really sold her portrayal to me because while she does often come across as cold, even a bit ruthless - that's very far from all she is, and her character is so much more nuanced than I can accurately get across here 😭"
"doesn't understand social situations v well and has to follow a set of rules/instructions when speaking to marks, incredible technically proficient in her field of interest (thievery/heists), gets overwhelmed by her own emotions, etc!!"
"-special interests: thieving generally, Christmas, Glenn-Rieder safes, climbing tall things -cereal samefood -openly admits to not understanding social norms or other people's emotions -learns to read people by tracking hyper-specific things like eye movements (to her allistic teammates' utter bafflement) -in the sequel she has a flowchart to help her do social interaction"
"It's canon! (Not talked about in the show text but the writers have confirmed it and it was written into her character from the very first episode) She has a lot of trouble with social skills, she has special interests, she has safe foods, and she has a hard time with empathy"
"SHE WAS WRITTEN THAT WAY ON PURPOSE! The show runners confirm she was written as having aspergers, & there's SO much in canon to support that. She's the best canon autistic representation I've ever seen. I know one of my friends is submitting her too and I'm not the best with words about Parker but I just love her so much! And I love how the show doesn't treat her like she needs to be fixed. There's characters who don't know how to respond to her at times but the team values her for who she is, as she is. I just think if an autistic girl's special interests are money stealing crime and jumping off buildings she should be allowed to do that and Leverage said rights!" End ID.]
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putonmyfavoriteshow · 2 years
Life With Luca thoughts/reactions
WOW, I really enjoyed that way more than I expected to!
OK, so timeline wise the math isn't really mathing for me lmao. Like how do they both have 14 yr olds and Simon being in college already?? The show only ended in 2009/2010 which was 13/14 years ago?? What year is it in this universe??? They both had children the year they went off to college lmao??
But I'm happy to ignore logic since I actually enjoyed the newbies a lot.
I liked that Luca/Skylar weren't just a repeat Casey/Derek dynamic and weren't rivals who full on hated each other but just grew up differently and had some jealousy/hostility toward the other because of that, but actually were a lot sweeter together during more serious moments. I think their personalities perfectly reflected how they were raised - Luca is a bit of a rebel, but he's very much Casey's son, he's trained in First Aid! and has a granola bar in his pocket at all times, albeit stale AF, and takes care of his siblings even if he can be lazy about it sometimes. Skylar is more mature minded but she has the freedom of Derek's parenting so she's not nearly as high strung as Casey is, but she is more organized and put together to make up for Derek's lackadaisical way of living.
I LOVED SIMON!!! He was easily my favorite new character. I can't believe I went from forgetting he even existing to absolutely adoring him. He was so lovable and silly and he must have such a wild childhood being the Venturi-McDonald baby, I would love more backstory on him!
Molly/Kai were adorable and the perfect little chaotic kiddos to round out the ensemble :3
George/Nora - although I wasn't as invested in them, their relationship is so adorable and they're just as dorky and sweet as they were in the series.
The random jewelry heist B-plot was so random, but kinda funny. I'm down for some chaotic hijinx, and I love how it ended with that theif falling through the ceiling XD
The return of Lassiter and Sam were great. It would've been great to see any of the show regulars honestly but I'm glad we got some. I think the return of D-Rock really got me. When they started singing the song I had tears in my eyes. And Ralph as a surgeon was such a great way to explain his absense lmao.
I missed Edwin/Lizzie/Marti. I think that was my only real let down with the movie. They didn't need to be in the whole thing but even a video call would have been nice :/
Career-wise I'm glad they went with Derek as a rock star and Casey as a lawyer. Even though Derek was the hockey guy, seeing him roam around as a rock star with his daughter really just fits his vibe. And I'm so glad the movie course corrected VWD Casey because I was never a fan of her dropping out of college to dance in NY like ?? sure Casey loves to dance but she loves to use her big brain even more!!! Plus fighting for justice?? THAT'S SO CASEY DASEY!!! So it was taboo then, I feel like it's even more taboo now, but had you lived it you would get it! These two always had way too much tension and never quite fell into a sibling-like relationship. They were insanely obsessed with each other making everyone around them uncomfortable, so they were destined to be messed up soulmates <3 It may be an ick for some and that's valid, but for me they'll always be "the exception the the rule" ;) Also Ashley and Mike were always pushing the limit on them, they knew what they were doing! Ok, so now that that's out of the way, I knew that we weren't going to get canon Dasey out of this, but I'm so glad the writers delivered on giving us some great Dasey content regardless. The fact that both Skylar's mom and Casey's hockey husband were both entirely absent and no love interest was given was wise. We basically got to see Derek and Casey play house and be the married vibes that they are which is honestly what us hardcore LWD/Dasey fans want anyway. Mike & Ash didn't miss a beat! That was really Casey and Derek back on my screen and it made me really emotional <3 Maybe the movie didn't have a whole lot of just them, since their children were the focal point but the way it ended, it just made me want more and feel like we were being set up for ...possible canon Dasey? But even if not canon, I think that if the show does get picked up, we can get so much fun Dasey content from it to build from anyway (canon is overrated sometimes lbr) Plus I genuinely enjoy seeing Derek and Casey in parental roles so that would be awesome. And SIMON MORE SIMON PLEASE!!!! <3
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 6 months
Notes/thoughts/interpretations/critiques on p. 1-7 of the junker short story "a friendly rivalry"
I'm not much of a reader but I thought I'd try to read the junker short story since it's available for free now. I took page-by-page notes on my thoughts/impressions while I was reading, which I'll put below. :0
This is only the first 7 pages because the latter half of the story was kind of confusing for me (a lot of combat that wasn't making sense to me), but I'll try to give those a proper read some time too.
(Please note that I'm critical at times because it's easier for me to write about things that don't work rather than do work, so if you don't like reading critique this might not be for you. I try not to be too negative or upset sounding but idk not totally sure how I come off in these notes. personally I'm like Extremely Neutral™️ about the story because I don't really care much about reading in the first place so lskdfjlsdfj)
This will prob not make much sense unless you have the story open at the same time, just a heads up;;
Page 1
Narration is 3rd person mostly limited to Junkrat’s thoughts/impressions (aka narration is in 3rd person but comments/etc made in the narration is indicative of Junkrat’s perception of things)
The cover art made me think it was gonna be from Roadhog’s POV but nah it’s mostly Junkrat
Narration refers to Roadhog as Junkrat’s “best mate” (implicitly Junkrat’s thoughts, so Junkrat thinks of Roadhog as his best mate)
Roadhog possibly nervous & Junkrat is able to pick up on it OR Junkrat is nervous & projecting his nervousness onto Roadhog (as the story progresses, it becomes clear that it’s the latter)
Junkrat calls Junker Queen “Queenie”; can be interpreted as affection for her or disrespecting her
Junkrat thinks he and the Queen have a mutual respect; Roadhog disagrees; indicative of Junkrat’s inability to accurately assess his relationships with other people I guess
They sell boba at a bar in Junkertown apparently LMAO?? I always interpreted it to be that Junkrat picked up the taste for boba from traveling around the world during his heist spree (tho honestly Junkrat’s boba interest was just a fun thing they added based on a fan question about Junkrat’s canteen iirc so I kinda get not taking an earnest route with this lmao)
Sludge pit = some sort of punishment for criminals in Junkertown I guess. Also Junkertown has a jail. I guess there is some sort of criminal justice system in Junkertown idk.
Footnote on p. 1 is kinda funny (meant to emphasize that Junkrat’s a blabbermouth) but tbh I always took Junkrat’s “secret treasure” to mean “Junkrat has a treasure but no one knows what it is,” not “Junkrat has a secret and it’s a treasure.” (Junkrat telling everyone/bragging about having a treasure is in line with my headcanon though)
Unclear if this story takes place before or after their heist spree. Honestly continuity-wise it doesn’t make much sense either way; it kinda more feels like the heist spree never happened.  (If it was before the heist spree, its weird that Junker Queen would try to execute them here but then just exile them later. If it was after the heist spree, it’s weird she let them back in Junkertown just to execute them since they’re not her problem anymore.)
Page 2
Roadhog’s “worried look” was apparently just him waiting for Junkrat to shut up, cementing that Junkrat’s perception of Roadhog’s emotions was just Junkrat projecting his own worry onto someone else
This is a formatting thing but I don’t like when books have big blocks of text on the page from stuff that hasn’t happened yet LMAO why are they showing me spoilers.
It’s reveal on this page is that they’re here to be executed. Tbh this is kind of tonally weird to me, like I know Junker Queen wants Junkrat and Roadhog killed but it’s kind of at odds with the kind of cartoonishness of how the story’s written. (cartoonishness elaborated on in later bullet points)
Anyway the execution reveal also reveals that Junkrat’s perception of him and Junker Queen having “mutual respect” is something he made up
Junkrat is social in Junkertown and he seems to likes the people there, but he isn’t liked by the people (exemplified in part where someone throws an egg at him); apparently has some sort of sentimentality for living in Junkertown even if no one likes him
Scrumbo Wigley is a ridiculous name.
Scrumbo Wigley’s name & someone throwing an egg at Junkrat = cartoonish tone of the scene
Roadhog taps Junkrat on the shoulder to get his attention -> kind of a light touch from Roadhog which is cute to me, but tbh it’s probably meant to just shift the attention of the scene lmao
Page 3
Idk why “look” was italicized here, it felt kind of unnecessary since “gave him a look” already means “gave someone an irritated look.” (I’m just an italics hater in general tho dslfksdjfsd)
Junkertown has a premium sausage stand
The Outback Bill bit kind of emphasized the cartoonishness of the scene again; entire listing of the crimes bit intended as humorous. (Outback Bill part in particular felt so random to me, like trying to do an “avatar cabbages guy” bit in like 3 sentences)
Outback Bill crime suggests Junkrat and Roadhog blew up some people for fun (I guess the sausage stand was their target but some customers also got blown up; unclear if just injured or killed, but given the intended humor in the scene it’s probably not supposed to be anything serious)
Cartoony tone makes it feel kinda wild that they’re getting executed but I guess it’s more of a Colosseum battle than an execution
Junkrat is apparently not intimidated by Junker Queen given that he banters with her about her not wanting to fight them herself (though later he’s scared of her when she comes down to the battlefield thing so maybe that was just fake confidence.)
Junker Queen apparently finds Junkrat and Roadhog funny/entertaining (biscuit incident) which tbh makes it all the more random to me that they’re getting executed imo
This doesn’t exactly work tonally imo (again, hard to tell if there’s any gravity to this battle or if it’s just supposed to be wacky silly) but Junkrat getting pissy and saying “unbelievable” like a disappointed grandma about having to fight Wrecking Ball is pretty funny
Footnote on this page says that city factions (demolitionist, wrecker, etc) apparently work together or something I guess. Not really sure what they’re trying to suggest with this footnote; I guess it emphasizes the idea of Junkertown being self-sufficient or something. Or that they’re all destructive and violent, but like. In a community-building way.
Page 4
Roadhog pulls Junkrat out of danger (this isn’t new, he did this in Going Legit)
Junkrat eagerly joining in with the bantering/heckling conversation (?) in the crowd -> emphasizes his chatty/friendly personality, wants to make friends
Junkrat largely unaware of what Roadhog does during combat & focuses more on himself; incorporates Roadhog into his plans when it’s convenient for him; possible that it usually works out/Roadhog usually does what Junkrat asks given that it seems to be a regular occurrence (“Roadhog, catch me!” happens at the end of the story too)
Junkrat uses “wicker basket” as a swear. (???????) Again, this kind of just highlights the cartoonish/silly tone of the story
Page 5
Wrecking Ball’s reveal is also very cartoonish/unserious. Personally I don’t really know what to do with Wrecking Ball’s reveal in this story; it’s kind of not cohesive imo but I guess it’s sillay which seems to be the main goal of the story so it’s like fine I guess
Junkrat saying “It’s alright, Roadhog!” is another instance of him projecting his fear onto Roadhog and comforting himself in the guise of comforting Roadhog
Idk I’m not an action story reader (or a reader at all LMAO I never read) but the action feels kind of slow paced. Maybe because it keeps getting interrupted by jokey cartoonish things
Writing kind of too literal at times for my taste (eg: “He threw the grenade.” -> not much rising tension to this moment, almost seems like he does this casually. For example maybe there could’ve been a tense moment between the heckling from the crowd messing with Junkrat’s confidence or something (knowing that he seems to value the approval of people in Junkertown or is at least affectionate to them) but idk the scene ended up feeling very literally like “the crowd chanted -> Wrecking ball started spinning -> Junkrat aimed at Wrecking Ball -> Junkrat threw the grenade” without much investment)
Outback Bill gag happens again on this page (more cartoonish tone) but like he’s not bothered by it so good for him I guess
Junkrat’s scared of Junker Queen on this page; wasn’t much explicit indication of his worries or fears about Junker Queen before this (mostly just the implicit stuff with him projecting onto Roadhog which was very light), so idk to me this felt kind of out of nowhere for him to be explicitly scared especially since he bantered with her earlier. There’s also been like very little feeling of gravity through the whole thing (see: cartoonish moments) so it was hard for me to feel scared with him.
Apparently no one cares about Junkrat’s treasure. This suggests that Junkrat hires Roadhog just to protect him from the Queen’s men who want him dead since he’s a troublemaker. Tbh this is totally at odds with Wasted Land, where the Queen’s men are threatening him to give his treasure to them or something. Personally I think it’s just better drama for Junkrat to be wanted by the Queen and other greedy people in Junkertown for his treasure, with that being the main reason he hires Roadhog. Plus I think it just kind of ties in with his apparent theme of wanting to be liked by people: there’s something interesting to the notion of a guy that no one likes or wants to be around being literally wanted/coveted for his treasure
Junkrat’s kind of hurt when the crowd groans at him in annoyance but acts proud about it; suggests he’s not oblivious to people’s opinions of him and does get bothered when people find him annoying and don’t like him
Page 6
Crowd kind of feels like a studio audience or something at times LMAO kinda just emphasizes the cartoony/silly tone of the story
The reason given for Junkrat finding the final door is kinda wild lmao like he just fell in from holes in the roof??? Guess it’s again just supposed to emphasize his ~zany nature~. Either that or he like maneuvered his way in like a rat, but the phrasing makes it kind of unclear exactly what he did imo.
Junkrat’s “saucy wink” at Junker Queen meant to emphasize the importance of his eye and also make him flirt with Junker Queen I guess
“The crowd considered this” again kind of literal writing; I guess here it’s especially supposed to be snappy comedy but idk if it was working for me
There’s an abrupt free-for-all for Junkrat’s eye, which is kind of at odds with earlier where no one seemed to want or care about Junkrat’s treasure. I guess they’re all that curious to know what’s behind the final door? Idk the free-for-all would make more sense if the previous part about no one caring about Junkrat’s treasure wasn’t included.
Point of the free-for-all idea here that Junkrat revealing his treasure was supposed to be something he used to get the upper hand, but instead became something that gave him the lower hand (?); aka shows Junkrat is not able to read the room, is poor at manipulating/negotiating, and is always flubbing things
Page 7 (last page I read carefully)
“I thought you were gonna say idiot” -> suggests Junkrat values Roadhog’s opinion of him, insecure about himself (overcompensates when he suggests “Junkrat you’re a genius?” because he’s insecure)
Junker Queen saves Junkrat from a knife, so I guess his plan to reveal his treasure to Junker Queen did kind of work as leverage to get her on his side
 Junkrat never told Roadhog what his treasure is or where it is; not sure what’s meant to be implied here, it’s kind of weird that he’d never tell Roadhog especially since this story emphasizes Junkrat being a blabbermouth. It’s possible that he was saving the details specifically for a situation like this so he could use it to his advantage. Initially I thought maybe Roadhog said he didn’t know either as a lie (because he doesn’t trust Junker Queen) or because he forgot (suggesting he doesn’t actually care much about Junkrat’s treasure), but the end of the story makes it seem like he really just didn’t know anything about the treasure.
Roadhog agreeing about looking forward to Junkrat dying was kind of mean-spirited imo LMAO like I guess supposed to be just a joke given the overall cartoony tone of this story + the unserious atmosphere it’s created surrounding execution, and I usually don’t mind when Roadhog’s kind of an asshole to Junkrat, but that was kind of out of pocket for me lskfjldsf
Other misc notes:
2nd half of the story is kind of action-heavy (since there’s no heckling from the crowd anymore) which is kind of at odds with the cartoony tone of the first half imo.
Specific detail I liked: the idea that Junkrat projects his fears/worries/nervousness/etc onto how he interprets Roadhog and that he talks “Roadhog” through his “worries” as a way for him to verbalize his own fears and work through them. Basically this quirk allows him to believe he’s still a cocky, self-confident person when he actually has worries or insecurities. (Like “These aren’t MY problems or worries, they’re Roadhog’s!” but like they’re clearly his.) I guess it is kind of a selfish reading of Junkrat in that it seems like he doesn’t really understand Roadhog but idk for me I think it makes sense for him to be kind of a self-centered person most of the time.
I also kinda liked Junkrat being chatty with some people in the crowd and him being sentimental for Junkertown and its people. Honestly all the details I liked were so minor; I kind of wish they were somehow expanded on a little more. Especially think there could have been a lot more tension between the crowd & Junkrat’s desire to be liked or whatever vs how that might affect (and distract) him in combat. I mean it was literally a crowd, they could have very explicitly made him try (and probably fail) to be a crowd-pleaser. (Like there was a little of this but not much and not in a way that I found super compelling while reading. imo)
I think the main thing for me is that the writing was very straightforward or literal so most of the time was spent describing things that were literally happening instead of writing with a particular theme or goal in mind. Unfortunately I don’t really have a ton of examples of what I mean so. Whatever LMAO;; I think this kind of story just isn’t really my taste in the first place since I like moody/introspective stuff more than combat-heavy stuff. The lightheartedness was like fine I guess but I did feel like it was frequently awkward when couched between the combat scenes. Again I don’t have examples/evidence of this off the top of my head so I may be totally off here but the writing style felt a bit like describing an action movie or cinematic rather than being a work that utilizes writing to portray action scenes. That’s not really a big deal to me because I’m not expecting like amazing writing from Overwatch (it’s primarily a fps not prestige literature) but idk maybe it would’ve worked better for me if it was animated or a comic or something.
Sorry for the Junkrat-heavy notes; the story was mostly from Junkrat’s POV in a way so it was easier to write notes about him than other characters. maybe I'll have more to say about other stuff when/if I try to reread the last couple pages of the story.
Anyway thanks for reading if you did! Hopefully it was interesting to someone!;;;;;
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thejollywriter · 10 months
Wrote a story, published a story
I was watching a video about Payday 3, and watching the heist unfold. First came the urge to write things similar, because heists are, in my heart of hearts, my FAVORITE thing to consume in media.
And then came the questions. What was the heist about, everything else. All the necessary details in order to have a story.
The idea coalesced in a hurry; what if Delilah Jones encountered someone while robbing a mansion. A sympathetic old man who was at his wits end and needed help? It wasn't his house, but he was there to die, anyway. And she interrupted him.
The story is about her finding justice for him, the hard way. But first, he has to tell her a story.
This story is incredibly personal to me, and I'm very glad with how it turned out. It's available to be read on patreon, right now.
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