#anyway I’ll get to it & it looks dope so far from what I’ve read
queer-ragnelle · 4 months
So evil that I have to work to live instead of reading books and chilling full time instead.
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
Looking Too Closely (Bucky x Stark!Fem!Reader) -- part one
I know, I know. I just finished a 100k fic about Aaron Hotchner, I have another fic for him coming in May, and yet here I am, writing a Bucky Barnes fic. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier has done things to me, guys. I knew I was going to fall right back in love with Bucky and I totally did. So here’s this xx.
(Also, as for the timeline, don’t question it. I’m kind of imagining this on its own separate timeline, but I’ll pull details from everywhere)
Summary: You’re (possibly) Tony Stark’s daughter. You’re also (possibly) on the run from the law. What better place to show up than the Avengers Tower? [Oh and no Bucky in this one! He comes in part 2]
Warnings: angst, mentions of death (your mom), mentions of homelessness, Tony is kinda an asshole (but I still think it’s in character)
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You weren’t going to come here.
It was a last-resort kind of option. A I-don’t-want-to-sleep-on-a-park-bench-(again) option. An is-going-to-jail-really-better-than-just-knocking-on-a-door? Kind of option.
Turns out, knocking on a door is better than going to jail. Especially when Tony Stark’s shocked face is almost as comical as your mom’s.
Currently, you’re soaking wet (damn skies decided to open up before you could get to the Tower) and sitting in Tony’s office while he paces and talks on the phone.
“Pepper, honey, I know this is bad timing, but I need you to pick up, okay? I have a kid here— Okay, she’s glaring at me, so not a kid— No, you know what? She is a kid and she’s getting water everywhere and she says she’s my kid and I’m two seconds from going into crisis mode.”
You and me both, you think to yourself. If you knew Tony was this much of a drama queen, you would’ve just gone to the police station. It was closer, anyway. Damn.
Tony ends the voicemail (which is his fifth one, you believe) and spins around to face you, a nervous smile on his lips. “Okay. How old are you again?”
“19,” you repeat tiredly. It was one of the first questions he asked you. “And I don’t actually know if I’m really your kid, okay? My mom says you are, but I don’t know.”
“Where is your mom?” His eyebrows raise like he’s brilliant and has found a way out. “Can you call her?”
“I don’t have a phone, but even if I did, no, I can’t,” you pause, rolling your eyes at his confusion. “She’s dead, Tony. She passed away last month.”
His confusion settles into shock. “Oh.”
“Oh is right,” you chuckle, ignoring your teeth chattering. “And trust me, I wouldn’t be here if I had literally anywhere else I could go.”
Tony opens his mouth to reply, but is cut off by his phone. He hurriedly answers and returns to pacing. “Pepper! Hi!— Okay, slow down, yes I’m telling the truth! Why would I lie— Okay, that was one time. Listen, this time, I’m not lying.” Pause. “Yes, there really is a kid here. You’re serious? Okay, fine, hang on.”
You watch as Tony starts a video call, and then turns the phone around on you.
Pepper Potts’s eyes widen when she sees you staring back at her, a cold and shivering mess.
“Um, hi?” Your voice is small and wary.
“Shit,” Pepper replies, and Tony turns the phone back on his face.
“See? Not lying.”
“For God’s sake, Tony!” Pepper yells. “Get the poor girl some dry clothes! I’ll be there as soon as I can, but try not to freeze her to death before I can get there. Christ.” The call ends.
You muffle a giggle in your hand, looking up to find a tired stare from Tony. Your laughter ends and you mirror his expression. “I told you dude, if I had literally anywhere else I could go, I’d be there.”
“Homeless shelter?” Tony questions.
“A homeless shelter in New York? You mean a breeding ground for disease and sexual assault?”
Your blunt reply has Tony faltering, but he accepts it. “Right. Let’s just— Let’s get you into something dry and warm and maybe get some food in you.” His eyes graze over your form. “When was the last time you ate?”
“Do you really want to ask me that?”
He thinks it over, and nods. “Never mind. Follow me.”
You stand and follow him, leaving a trail of water wherever you step.
He grimaces, pausing in his steps to say, “FRIDAY, will you dry the floors in here before I get back?”
“Who the hell are you talking to—”
Your question is promptly cut off by a female voice answering Tony. “Yes, Mr. Stark.” The voice echoes all around and sounds human, but distinctly sounds like it isn’t.
“What the fuck was that?”
“FRIDAY,” Tony replies. “Stands for ‘Female Replacement Intelligent Digital Assistant Youth’. A mouthful, I know, so I just call her FRIDAY. She’s my AI and she’s all over this building.”
“She— Never mind,” you shake your head. “Cool. Weird, but cool. I guess.”
Tony smiles, but then continues walking, exiting his office.
You follow closely behind, trying not to get too distracted by everything you’re seeing. All you saw on the way up here was the lobby, the elevator, and then right into Tony’s office. Now, you’re seeing out glass windows and down into the rest of the Tower. You have a clean view into what looks like a lab, and you see a few people working in there, but they’re too focused to even bother looking elsewhere.
After stepping into the elevator with you, Tony says, “Wanda should have some extra clothes you can borrow and if not she can at least help you...find some.”
He eyes you like he doesn’t quite know what to do with you, which you think is remarkably humbling of him. Part of you expected (what with all the stories you’ve heard and read about him) that he would act like he knew exactly what to do — regardless of whether it was right.
Maybe he will act that way later, but right now he almost seems frightened, and it’s weirdly comforting.
“Wanda is one of the…” Tony pauses. “You know where we are, right?”
You raise one eyebrow. “You mean do I know this is the Avengers Tower and that the Avengers are real people?”
“Then yes.”
“Okay,” Tony says, straightening and composing himself once more. “Wanda is one of the Avengers.”
“I know.”
Tony hesitates, and the elevator is still going. “You’re not some crazy fan, right?”
“Dude, I told you. If I had anywhere else to be, I would’ve gone there.” You shrug. “Yeah, it’s cool or whatever, but I’m not going to faint.”
“Good to know,” he says, though you faintly hear him mutter, “cool or whatever,” to himself.
Finally, the elevator stops and the doors open to a new floor, one that you quickly realize is what can be described as the residential area for the Avengers. Their rooms are on this floor, along with a kitchen and a living area of sorts — both of which are empty right now.
Tony notices you looking around and says, “Most everyone is out on a mission right now, so it’s just me and Wanda around.”
“Okay,” you say.
Tony takes you down a hall and around a corner, and stops at a door. He knocks a couple times and then says, “Hey Wan, it’s me and I have a...an issue that I need your help with.”
The door opens a moment later to reveal Wanda Maximoff, a younger woman closer to your age wearing a confused expression. “An issue?” She questions, and then her eyes land on you. “Oh, hi.”
“Hey,” you offer a small smile. “I’m Y/N.”
“I’m Wanda,” she replies, offering a smile in return. But when she looks at Tony, it drops. “What did you do?”
“Why does everyone always assume that I’ve done something?”
“Because when have you not done something?”
Tony pauses. “Fair point. Look, the kid needs some clothes, and I figured borrowing something old of yours would be more comfortable than Avengers workout gear.”
Wanda seems surprised Tony even thought of that. “Of course,” she looks at you. “You can take a shower to warm up, if you want. But I definitely have some clothes you can borrow.”
“Just uh…” Tony pauses, waving around like the words will appear in thin air. “Bring her to the kitchen when she’s done.”
“Standing right here,” you mutter, earning a laugh from Wanda.
“Go away,” she waves at Tony. “I’ve got this.”
Tony walks away, clearly elated to be rid of you and have you in the hands of a responsible adult that is not himself.
Wanda shuts her door with a roll of her eyes. “Sometimes I wonder how Pepper keeps him afloat,” she murmurs. “Anyway, on to you— Oh, before all that, I can read minds, but I am actively blocking that right now. I’ll try really hard not to be nosy, but don’t worry, I am really good at keeping secrets because of it.”
You can’t help but smile. “It’s okay. There’s not much that goes on up here anyway.”
She gives you a skeptical look. “I may not be listening, but the amount of energy I am using right now to not listen tells me that’s far from true.”
You just shrug in response, not wanting to get into it.
Thankfully, she keeps her promise and moves on, too, walking toward her closet. “I have loads of t-shirts and hoodies, skirts, too, but I do have some leggings. Do you have a preference?”
“Just whatever you’re comfortable with letting me borrow.”
Part of you thinks she read your mind, though, because she hands you leggings and a t-shirt, along with one of her many zip-up hoodies. You were silently wishing she wouldn’t hand you a skirt.
“My bathroom is just through there and there’s clean towels on the shelf if you want to shower.” Wanda smiles, gesturing toward the open door at the other end of her room.
“Thanks.” You walk over and quickly pee, not realizing until you entered that you’ve desperately had to piss this entire time.
You decide against a shower for the sake of not wanting to take up too much time, and not feeling up for being naked in a stranger’s shower (albeit a kind stranger).
After changing into Wanda’s clothes, and hanging your wet ones over the shower curtain, you go back into Wanda’s bedroom. She’s sitting on her bed, mindlessly moving a red ball of energy between her fingers and up her arms.
She smiles upon seeing you, but doesn’t drop the energy. “Feel better?”
“Yeah,” you nod, mesmerized by the glowing ball of red in her palms. “That’s so dope.”
“Really cool,” you clarify.
“Oh,” she giggles, and the energy evaporates. “I think I’ve heard Peter say that a few times.”
You have no clue who Peter is, but you don’t question it. “Should we go out there?”
“Yes,” she slides off the bed. “I’ll come with you. Tony can be a handful.”
That’s what your mom used to say about him, too.
You follow Wanda silently out into the hallway, and as you both get closer to the living area and kitchen, you hear two voices this time. One is Tony’s and after a few more steps, you find out that the other voice is Pepper.
“You’re saying she just showed up out of nowhere?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying because that’s exactly what happened.”
“And she says you’re her father?”
“Allegedly,” Tony scoffs, resting his hands on the kitchen counter. “I don’t actually know. I can’t remember that far back.”
“How far back?” Pepper asks, arms crossed over her chest.
“She says she’s 19.”
“I’ll be 20 this year,” you interject, enjoying the way Tony fumbles and tries to put on his mask one more time.
“Hey kiddo,” he says. “This is Pepper Potts, she’s the one who wrangles me in.”
Pepper shakes her head before offering you a warm smile and her hand to shake. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N. I’m sorry you seem to be going through such a tough time.”
“It’s okay,” you say while shaking her hand. “I’m sorry for barging in and all. I didn’t know where else to really go.”
“Nope, that’s okay,” she assures you. “We’re going to get this figured out. Do you mind if you and I just talk for a minute?”
“That sounds good.”
“Awesome,” Pepper smiles. “Okay, Tony, just...go to the lab or something. But...go away.”
You and Wanda share a look as Tony saunters off, no doubt muttering under his breath.
“I’ll leave you guys to it,” Wanda says, gesturing between you and Pepper. “It was nice to meet you.”
“You too,” you smile. “Thanks again for the clothes. I’ll try to give them back soon.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Wanda shakes her head before heading back down the hallway to her room.
You’re left alone with Pepper, who doesn’t terrify you, but the prospect of what conversation is going to come next does.
“Do you want something to eat?” She asks. “I can order something while we talk.”
“Um...pizza?” It’s inexpensive and never fails you in terms of being able to eat it.
“Sure,” Pepper smiles gently. “What kind?”
After telling her your favorite toppings, the two of you take a seat on one of the couches. She finishes placing the order on her phone before she sets down the device and gives you her full attention.
“So. Tony told me your mom passed away,” Pepper pauses. “I’m really sorry for your loss.”
“It’s alright.”
“He also told me you didn’t show up with anything at all,” Pepper says. “Do you mind if FRIDAY does an identity check?”
“Is that like a background check?”
“Essentially, but it’s not that extensive. It’s just so we know the truth about who you are.” She pauses again, sensing your hesitation. “Unfortunately, it’s just a precaution we have to take.”
“Okay,” you agree, realizing you have nothing left to lose. “Uh, how do I…?”
“Right,” Pepper chuckles. “FRIDAY?”
“Yes, Ms. Potts.”
“Will you please do an identity check on…”
“Y/N M/N L/N.”
“One moment.”
“It should just take a few seconds,” Pepper explains. “Oh, and there will be a hologram that will appear— Right there.”
“Identity confirmed.”
The hologram appears in front of the TV, showing general information about you alongside a picture of you — a picture that you think is on your driver’s license, wherever the ashes of that is.
“Y/N M/N L/N, born to Isabella L/N in 2001 in a hospital in Newark, New Jersey. She was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.”
Your eyes widen. “That’s weird.”
“Thank you, FRIDAY,” Pepper says, and the hologram disappears. “It is a little freaky. I’m still not totally used to all of Tony’s tech, but I’ve stopped worrying about it. Good news is, you are who you say you are.” She pauses. “But I do have to ask why you decided to show up here? You told Tony if you had anywhere else to go, you would’ve, so I understand.”
“It’s the first place I could think of,” you admit quietly. “I’ve been living on the streets for a few weeks now.”
Pepper pales. “You’ve been homeless?”
You nod. “Mom died in a house fire. It was our house. I was on a walk to the gas station to get her favorite candy bar because she had been having a rough time.”
“And she…”
“By the time I came out of the gas station, fire trucks were blaring past and I could smell the smoke. The flames were high enough to see from a mile away.”
“I...I am so sorry.”
You shrug, surprised you’re not crying. “Everything I had was in there, except the clothes I was wearing when I got here. She had my cell phone because we could only afford the one, but it burned, too. Everything burned.
“Anyway, she… She always told me Tony was my dad and I didn’t believe her, but then she showed me pictures of them together, and it made me believe her. So I figured coming here would be better than staying on the streets or going to another shelter.”
Pepper nods. “Okay, well, I’m glad you came here. I am. But...Tony can’t do anything for you if he isn’t your real father.”
“I understand.”
“We can do a paternity test,” she offers. “If you want to, I’ll get him to agree. It wouldn’t be the first one he’s had to do, but this one…this one would probably be the first I think he’d do willingly.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “Really?”
She nods. “The others have been infants and the mothers have mostly been after money. The paternity tests were used in court.”
Your eyes widen. “I do not want to go to court.”
“You won’t,” she says. “The test could be done here and kept between the three of us. But, until then, it is up to Tony what he wants to do — whether or not he wants to let you stay. I’m not saying I will allow him to kick you out, but if he doesn’t want you to stay here, I will do everything I can to make sure you are somewhere safe.” She pauses, watching your expression as it changes. “I’m sorry if this sounds so harsh. It’s a recycled speech I’ve had to give a thousand times,” she laughs airily. “But I do mean it when I say I will make sure you’re safe. I don’t care if it comes out of my paycheck.”
“No, you don’t need to do that,” you start shaking your head, but she stops you.
“You are special, I can tell,” Pepper says. “And Wanda seems to like you, which is telling. In the time that she’s been here, it hasn’t been easy to get her to open up to others.”
You felt comfortable around Wanda, too. The same kind of comfortable you feel with Pepper right now.
Before anything else can be said, footsteps are heard and the smell of pizza fills your nostrils.
“Did you order me pizza? You’re too kind, Ms. Potts,” Tony’s voice floats from the hallway before he enters the living room, pizza box in hand.
“Actually, it’s for Y/N,” Pepper says.
“It’s fine,” you wave them off, but neither of them let it slide.
“Nope,” Tony says, placing the box down on the table in front of the couch. “I’ll get plates. You’re eating.”
“But if you—”
“Ah-ah,” he holds up his index finger, raising his eyebrows. “No arguing.”
“Seriously?” You deadpan, rolling your eyes.
You open the box and pull out a slice while he’s busy wasting time getting plates. When he returns, he hands you a plate, even though you won’t use it. He plops down next to Pepper and grabs a slice, shoving half of it in his mouth.
“Want some?” He gestures the half-eaten slice toward Pepper.
She shakes her head. “No, it’s your favorite, not mine.”
Your chewing slows. “It’s your favorite?”
“Yeah,” Tony replies, eating the other half of his slice.
“It’s my favorite, too,” you reply slowly, reaching for a second piece.
Tony smiles, grabbing a second slice, too. “You’ve got good taste, kid.” He takes less of a big bite this time. “So, what’s the consensus? How much money do you want?”
“Tony—” Pepper starts, but he doesn’t let her finish.
“Or, let me guess, paternity test. And money. College? I can give you a scholarship.”
With every word that falls from his lips, you get more and more angry.
“Or are we just waiting for the police to pick you up? I have to admit, that’s boring, but if that’s what we’re doing—”
“That is enough,” Pepper hisses.
“Um,” you swallow the bite of pizza that you had in your mouth. “Thanks for the pizza and...dry clothes and the talk, but I’m gonna go.”
“Y/N--” Pepper tries.
“No, it’s fine,” you shake your head as you stand. “It’s okay, it was a bad idea anyway. Don’t worry about the test, I mean, I’m an adult anyway, it’s not like it would make any difference.”
“She has a point,” Tony adds.
You ignore him. “I’ll just...yeah.”
The two of them are still bickering when you run off, toward the elevator. The doors open quickly and you let the elevator swallow you whole.
You were stupid, so stupid for coming here. You would’ve been better off on another park bench or something.
When the elevator reaches the lobby, you’re running out as fast as your feet will carry you.
You’re thankful for Wanda’s hoodie when the cold wind of New York starts biting into your skin. It’s a miracle to find an open park bench, and it’d be a miracle if it could be a few degrees warmer outside, but you know that’s asking for way too much.
Still, you try to relax and rest. You have no clue where to go from here. Maybe back to a shelter, but the idea of that makes your body shiver for a different reason other than the cold.
You zip the hoodie up to your chin and wrap your arms around yourself, keeping the heat in as much as you can. Eventually, because of the exhaustion, you find yourself drifting off.
When you wake, it’s with a jolt because the empty seat next to you on the bench is now filled.
“What do you want?” After realizing the person is none other than Tony Stark, you can’t be bothered to be polite.
“For you to come back to the Tower before it starts raining.”
You sit up straighter, shaking your head. “No thanks. Did Pepper put you up to this?”
“Actually, I put myself up to this,” he replies. “I was a jackass. I’m sorry.”
“I mean it, kid.”
“Maybe stop calling me ‘kid.’”
“I will when you quit acting like one.”
You lift your head to glare at him. “That’s a low blow. Even for you.”
“I just want you to come back to the Tower with me,” Tony says. “I’m sorry. It was a low blow, and so was everything else I said earlier. But I refuse to let you sleep here when there’s a perfectly fine and vacant room at the Tower. Right next to Wanda’s room.”
You mull it over for a second. The mention of Wanda is enticing because despite today’s circumstances, she did seem kind and harmless. The two of you seemed like you could get along well, too, which is rare for you — and her, apparently.
“Fine,” you cave. “But only because this bench is uncomfortable as hell.”
Tony sighs, but doesn’t comment on that. Instead, he stands, gesturing for you to follow, and you do. “Okay, come on. I parked over here.”
“Yeah, ki— You walked a good thirty minute drive from the Tower.”
“It’s fine,” he says. “But it is about to rain, so.”
He clicks something and what was once a black smudge in your vision suddenly lit up as the car’s engine roared to life, turning the headlights on, too.
You can’t help but scoff.
“What?” Tony asks through a laugh. “It’s my car.”
“It’s so flashy.”
He accepts it. “Fair point.”
You have no clue what make or model the car is, but regardless it’s too sleek and too low to the ground. Thank God you aren’t driving.
You hop in the passenger seat, unashamed that you want to get out of the wind. Tony silently turns the seat warmers on when he gets in.
After driving for a few minutes, Tony breaks the silence.
“I need to call Pepper to let her know I found you,” he says, and without another word, the car begins calling Pepper. Well, FRIDAY does, because she’s in his cars, too.
Pepper picks up almost immediately. “Please tell me you found her.”
“I did, Pep.”
“Thank God,” she says, exhaling deeply. “Is she in the car? Y/N?”
“I’m here,” you speak up.
“Good,” she replies. “I was scared he made you angrier instead of apologizing.”
You’re still angry with him, but you don’t say that. “He apologized.”
“Good,” Pepper says. “Drive safe, Tony, please.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll only go ten above the speed limit.”
“Call disconnected.”
“Oops,” Tony says. “Do you want a milkshake? Late night snack?”
“I’m good.”
“Suit yourself,” he shrugs, speeding up.
You got a milkshake.
Not because you really wanted one, but because Tony ordered you one anyway. He guessed your favorite — it’s the same as his, but still — and didn’t let you argue. And you’re not one to let something go to waste if it’s right in front of you.
Pepper and Wanda look more than relieved when you enter the Tower beside Tony, milkshake still in hand.
“I have returned with the… With Y/N.”
You roll your eyes.
“Thank you,” Pepper says, but she still gives Tony a glare. When she looks back at you, her expression is soft. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you murmur. “I won’t stay for long, I promise.”
Pepper shook her head. “You can stay for as long as you need to. There’s no sense in you sleeping anywhere else when there’s a room here you can have.”
“I could use the company,” Wanda adds, smiling gently. “If you want.”
You smile in return, but you’re still wary. You look at Tony to see what he thinks, but to your complete surprise, he doesn’t look angry or anything.
“As long as you don’t ask for an entire floor, you can stay,” he says.
That’s about as good a response you’re going to get out of him, it seems, so you accept it.
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meruz · 3 years
i was gonna draw tonight but i dropped my tablet pen and the barrel of the pen broke off and flew somewhere underneath (??) my bed (?) and now i cant find it so I’m just gonna answer asks before bed instead. just some art asks and more mentions of infinity train LOL
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What program and brushes do you use when making your art?
@ravki hi! part of this is in my FAQ but i’ll say it again anyways LOL: I use photoshop CC and have used photoshop for pretty much....my whole art career. I’ve dabbled in clip and paint tool sai in the past but photoshop is my true wife, we eloped away from her awful father adobe many years ago and are very happy together. 
as for brushes... I should prob put this info in my FAQ too lol,... my default brush set is actually free to download here! Tho I will say I also use steve ahn’s storyboarding brush sometimes and lately i’ve been using shiyoon kim’s brushes A TON. Shiyoon’s cost a couple bucks but they’re super worth it imo
How do you choose colors?
This is kind of a difficult one to describe from scratch but hmm.... I’ll put it this way. Generally when I go into coloring or painting something I already have some colors in mind. Like for a certain piece I know I want a bright green, or a magenta, or a dark blue in certain areas. A lot of the time I know a mood I want. So I’ll start with that core color tone and build around it. I’ll use an example from a recent piece
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So you can see here that the first color I accessed was that bright cyan. So I start with that bright cyan and then bring in its “friends” in the form of analogous colors (shown below on the far left)
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greens greys etc. THEN I know I want the characters to stand out against all the blue so I start laying down warm contrasting colors for them (middle group). the mat under them is orange, skin tones are warm, ryans flannel is red etc. then to get them to work together I work more cool colors into the shadows and slightly warmer (not too warm because its a cool img overall so in this case, greener LOL) colors into highlights. 
hope that makes sense? for me choosing colors is a lot about story and composition. If you know what you want to say, the mood you want to create, where you want to go, the path to get there becomes a lot clearer imo.
Have you ever considered making an art book?
I have! But I don’t think I currently have enough...original illustrations for one LOL? Not that an art book has to be all original work but if I were putting fanart in an art book...at that point I’d just make a fanzine. I’m making more original work lately though so maybe this year....? Who knows. For now, I do have a sketchbook up on gumroad. Hoping to do one of those next year too.
Any tips for keeping background drawings from getting super stiff, especially since things like interiors have a lot of straight lines?
This is a really interesting ask. Really great question that I don’t think gets asked enough - forgive me if I get a bit art school here but I drew up some examples.
First I think we have to investigate the assumption that straight lines make things stiff. That seems true on an instinctual level and certainly proves to be true very often But I don’t think its actually the straight lines themselves but the sort of arrangements and compositions they tend to dictate. Take this for instance.
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pretty big difference, right? there’s a couple things that make a composition feel stiff and one of the most significant is lines that are perpendicular and parallel to the frame. it feels locked in and solid, like bricks. but the moment you shift these angles even a little the composition instantly becomes more dynamic because our innate senses of weight, gravity, and directionality can sense movement.
But it’s not just diagonals let’s take this one step further
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when lines meet and terminate together those tangents can flatten and lock space so the best way to solve this is with overlap and complete intersection, forms continuing past or behind each other feel more layered and less like a flat mosaic... again, even in the simplest line drawings. So how do we apply this to a background?
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ok I drew this really fast so its potentially not the best example but I think the idea is there. This space isn’t even particularly deep, it’s basically a room, a doorway, and a hallway behind it, and we’re not seeing that much of any of those things LOL. but when you draw an environmental object like a doorway in a way that lines up with the perpendicular and parallel lines of the canvas you’re automatically flattening it and making it look rigid.
and when you create tangents with objects and characters you flatten the space around them and make it difficult to tell what is actually in front or behind or if they’re on the same plane.
GOD I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. Anyways. avoid those things and you’ll instantly have less stiff bgs no matter what kind of bg you’re depicting.
I wanna mention however that this isn’t to say a stiff bg with flat space doesn’t have its purposes.
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sometimes you want to create parallels and tangents. it can make characters feel closed in, trapped, regimented, part of a routine, etc. it’s also great for making a composition look ornamental (especially combined with symmetry).
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directors like wes anderson can even use these compositional elements to make images feel uncanny or harrowing! its very versatile. I think the important thing is to just be aware of when you are making something rigid and when that’s the last thing you want to do. conscious choices.
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Can you speak Tagalog?
@lemuelzero101​ I can! BUT NOT VERY WELL LOL ;;; both my parents are from Visayas! but they met and had me in the states lol so I’m pretty American born and raised. We go back to visit family on occasion but not regularly. My tagalog is mostly absorbed from listening to relatives at parties lol and my parents speak bisaya at home so I’m marginally better at that. Sorry to any filipinos out there hoping I’d be better educated, I’m like a little baby...
I do love meeting and talking to other filipinos online though, I grew up in an area that was relatively diverse but the asian population was small and the filipino population basically non-existent. I was like one of maybe 2 filipino kids in my highschool of 2000.
Apart from infinity train what shows are you watching now? Have you seen jujitsu kaisen?
Man this is gonna sound so boring but I haven’t watched a lot of tv lately.  It’s not really part of my daily routine. Let’s see... I was sort of watching Amphibia, Craig of the Creek, and the new Digimon Adventure 2020 but I keep falling off watching those for one reason or another. Also there’s a lot of episodes, it doesn’t feel like something I can just binge and be done with.
The last thing I binged was Succession. I want that show and Euphoria back so bad, when I’m done forcing all my friends to watch Infinity Train im cancelling my HBO subscription until Succession and Euphoria return so they know exactly what I’m on their list for LOL. 
I have not watched jujitsu kaisen but I’ve kept up with some of the sakuga news (I keep up with anime industry news and production info like x5 the amt i keep up with actual anime) for it and their compositing/editing looks dope. I’ve read the manga actually LOL or at least part of the beginning. I wasn’t super keen on the whole finger eating thing. Also to be honest I kinda feel like its the new Bleach and I never particularly cared about Bleach. Characters look nice enough tho. I wholeheartedly support jjk fans.
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Thank you! Thank you @keznodzieja​! <3
And thank you anons who don’t watch infinity train LOL...it’s always nice to hear when people enjoy my fanart despite not knowing the source material because it lifts a little bit of the “oh god am I being annoying???” fear off my chest. But also I think you should watch infinity train because it’s really good I have no reservations recommending it.
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alienheartattack · 3 years
Sweet Revenge (Inexorable AU)
Word Count: 2260 words
Rating: E. They fuck. It’s dope. Don’t read if you’re underage or have objections to explicit adult content.
Summary: Levi and Mikasa have a feud at the school bake sale and decide to get revenge on their PTA nemesis.
Notes: For non-US readers, PTA stands for parent-teacher association, where parents volunteer at their children’s schools to get involved in the school’s activities and influence the quality of their child’s education, usually through fundraisers and other events.
This story takes place 8-9 years after the events of Inexorable and about 2 years after the events of the other Inexorable AU fics, A Scream in the Night and A Minor Dispute About Rain. The only thing you really need to know if you haven’t read those is that Levi and Mikasa have a daughter named Anya, who is basically a grumpy mini Levi, in addition to Hana.
The only thing keeping Levi from running after the PTA president and giving her a hefty piece of his mind is Mikasa’s grip, firm and insistent, on the hem of his sweater.
“You’re going to stretch it out,” Levi snaps at his wife, redirecting his ire at the closest target. Mikasa idly caresses the swell of her belly with one hand and looks at him with one eyebrow raised, silently asking if he wants to argue with his pregnant wife in public.
“I’ll let you go when I’m confident you’re not going to track Joanne down and scream in her face,” she says calmly. “As much as I’d like to see that.”
“She fucking begged us to help out at this bake sale and now she’s just gonna call our lemon bars basic?! We’re not goddamn pastry chefs!”
“Levi, listen to yourself. You sound legitimately insane.”
He sighs, letting his shoulders drop as the tension and rage starts to leave his body. Mikasa releases his sweater and he collapses into his seat, crossing his arms over his chest. She joins him, gingerly lowering herself onto the uncomfortable metal folding chair provided by the school.
“I hate this so much. I hate Joanne, I hate being on the PTA, and I absolutely fucking hate bake sales,” he huffs.
"Well, we’re stuck here for the evening. I don’t want to be here either but I’m trying to make the most of it. Mikasa picks up a lemon bar and takes a huge bite. "Besides, fuck Joanne. These are good.”
Levi motions for Mikasa to give him a bite. “Fuck Joanne,” he agrees through a mouthful of pastry and curd.
Thankfully business picks up after that, and Levi and Mikasa spend the next half hour handing out lemon bars to parents and kids, ignoring Joanne hovering around them and observing their dealings with a disdainful eye. When the rush clears, she slowly approaches their table, pretending to be browsing. They both clock her gaze drifting over their mostly empty dish of lemon bars and the small twitch at the corner of her mouth that telegraphs her dissatisfaction with the Ackermans’ success. Triumphant, they share a brief glance, another silent Fuck Joanne.
To their dismay, she approaches Mikasa, staring at her oversized t-shirt dress. “Bun in the oven,” Joanne reads, her cold eyes sweeping over the looped script printed across Mikasa’s abdomen, decorated with a drawing of a smiling roll baking away. “Oh, you’re pregnant, sweetie! Congratulations!” There’s sweetness in her voice, but it’s tinged with venom. Mikasa knows it all too well.
“Thanks,” she mutters, bracing herself for the backhanded part of Joanne’s compliment.
“I thought you’d just let yourself go, but it’s a blessing instead! What a relief!” She laughs uproariously at her own joke. Levi jams his hands into the pockets of his jeans, balling them into tight fists so Joanne can’t see how enraged he is. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
Mikasa does not answer, instead focusing her energy on keeping a straight face while she contemplates murder. Levi can sense her tensing up, her shoulders stiffening, fury radiating from her body in waves.
“It’s a boy,” he cuts in curtly. “We’ve already got our two girls.”
“Your oldest isn’t—” Joanne’s voice drops to a near-whisper— “yours, though, is she?”
Levi narrows his eyes, no longer interested in hiding his annoyance. “She’s mine. I’ve helped raise her since she was a baby.”
“Oh, how sweet. What a modern family,” she gushes, cooing with an edge of condescension in her voice. “Well, congratulations.” She then turns and walks off, conveniently waving to someone across the room.
“Are you okay?” Levi asks Mikasa in a low voice once Joanne is out of earshot. Mikasa stares after her, eyes black with rage, her breath hissing through clenched teeth. She doesn’t need to say anything; he already knows the answer is no.
He places a reassuring hand on the back of her neck, massaging her nape the way she does to him when he’s stressed and ranting. “Tell you what, I’ll go out to the car and grab something sharp, we slice Joanne’s Achilles tendons and then get the hell out of here.”
“What? No!” She looks over at him, her expression disgusted and exasperated. “You have to stop watching gore movies with Hana. She’s barely ten.”
“She loves them! We were watching some zombie bullshit the other day and that little monster laughed while watching a guy get his guts ripped out and eaten. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna grow up to be a serial killer.”
Mikasa rolls her eyes. “Well, if she is, she gets it from Eren’s side of the family.” Even though he’s still angry on his wife’s behalf, Levi can’t help but chuckle at that.
“Fucking Joanne,” he grumbles. “If zombies ate her guts they’d spit them back out. Her kid’s an asshole, too.” Mikasa is well aware of that fact: Joanne’s son tried bullying Anya at the beginning of the school year, calling her a midget and pulling her hair until she had enough and whacked him in the face with her math textbook. That was Levi and Mikasa’s first run-in with Joanne before they joined the PTA, and things have only gone downhill since.
A few more kids approach the table, hesitant due to Levi’s scowl; Mikasa shutters her anger behind a calm facade and handles the sales, though she doesn’t say much.
When the latest wave of customers leaves, she turns to her husband. “I think I have an idea to make both of us feel better.”
A look of skepticism crosses his face. “Really? I was kinda hoping for that severed Achilles tendon.”
Mikasa facepalms; she’s had years to grow accustomed to her husband’s awkwardness and his awful jokes, but sometimes he still manages to surprise her. Ironically it only makes her love him more, this odd, cranky man who might literally kill for her.
“Joanne parked next to us, right?” she asks.
“Yeah, remember? I said her car looks like the physical embodiment of vaginal dryness and you laughed so hard you peed a little.”
“You really didn’t have to mention that last part.”
“I dunno, it gives the story flavor. Pee flavor.”
“Look, I have an idea. Get someone to take the rest of the lemon bars, then meet me in the parking lot. If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well and you need to take me home.”
Levi sighs. “What are you planning?”
Mikasa leans in close to him, her lips millimeters from his ear. “Meet me outside and you’ll see,” she purrs.
Five minutes later he bursts through the metal doors at the back of the school to see her sitting on the hood of Joanne’s car, an aggressively beige sedan.
“Come here,” she beckons him. He approaches her and, when he is within reach, she grabs his shirt and pulls him to her. Their lips collide awkwardly before settling into the familiar rhythm of their kissing, slow and deep.
After a few moments, he pulls away. “What is going on here?”
“Revenge,” she says. “I want you to fuck me on the hood of Joanne’s car.”
He ponders the suggestion for a moment, then smiles — and then a giggle escapes his mouth, a sound somewhere between bewilderment and glee, then another, then another.
“Aw, come on, don’t laugh. I thought it’d be fun.” She frowns, embarrassment heating and coloring her cheeks.
“No, no,” he says once he’s able to control his laughter. “I fucking love it.” He kisses her fiercely, growling deep in his throat. “I fucking love you.” Mikasa smiles, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. There’s some maneuvering involved in getting her underwear off, her round belly making the whole process somewhat unwieldy; Levi stuffs them in his pocket then gets down on the concrete, kneeling before her.
“Are you serious?” she squeals, trying to look at him over the curve of her stomach.
“If anyone asks, tell them you went into labor and I’m checking how far along you are.” With a low laugh he gets to work, nuzzling her pussy before licking a firm stroke along her seam. Mikasa bites her lip and lets out a shaky anticipatory breath in the brief moment before Levi lavishes attention on her clit, massaging it with his lips and tongue. She gasps when he pulls away from her a few minutes later, halfway to orgasm and disappointed not to get there.
“We need to be fast,” he says in lieu of an apology, undoing his pants and pulling out his half-hard cock, pumping it a few times in his fist. “I’ll finish you off at home.”
“You’d better,” she replies, a playful threat.
Levi settles himself between her legs then enters her with no warning or fanfare save the soft moan they both make, a low noise of contentment, of wholeness. They have always been a fearsome team, first as colleagues, then lovers, now spouses and parents, and their lovemaking is no different, each of them able to discern angles and positions from sighs, from grunts, from the furrow of a brow or the touch of a hand. Tonight Mikasa slides her hands down Levi’s back, skating over the soft brushed cashmere of his sweater, telling him that she wants him to be gentle with her — for now, anyway. Joanne’s comment must have stung, he thinks, and he resolves to show her exactly how beautiful he thinks she is, pregnant or not. There’s a certain earthy, ephemeral beauty in her pregnant body, something attractive and incredibly arousing about the thought of her creating and building life even as she sits next to him selling lemon bars at a school bake sale. He loves the way her hard edges have softened, the pleasing new fullness in her cheeks, the luminous glow that seems to emanate from within her.
(He has learned since her last pregnancy not to mention that he also loves the growing size of her breasts, and in return Mikasa only rebukes him for staring when he’s open-mouthed and practically drooling.)
Mikasa’s eyes flutter closed as Levi rocks against her, a gentle motion that makes the car bounce in time with his thrusts. A bubble of laughter escapes her lips.
“What’s that for?” he asks with a smile, then kisses her before she can answer.
“I love you so much,” she says against his mouth. “And fuck Joanne.”
Levi stops moving; Mikasa cocks her head, silently asking him what’s wrong. “Don’t say that bitch’s name when I’m inside you.”
“Look, do you want to revenge-fuck me or not?” She isn’t sure if that’s a word, but during sex, when they’re heated and frantic for each other, even Levi’s crude come-ons sound like poetry, so maybe this will work.
It does. “You want me to revenge-fuck you?” he growls, slapping his hips against hers with a rough thrust. She whimpers at the impact, a wave of pleasure rippling through her body.
“Yeah,” she pants. “Show me how angry you are.”
He makes a low hum of approval; though he’s become more proficient at sweet talk and romance in the years he’s been with Mikasa, he tends to favor sex as intense as his personality, grasping hands and heavy eye contact. Mikasa has never seemed to mind though sometimes, like tonight, she needs him to make love to her first.
Levi fucks her hard and fast, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoing in the cool night, her cunt making obscene liquid noises around his cock. Even through the delicious haze of their passion they’re listening out for footsteps, for cars, for the creak of doors opening.
“We should finish soon,” Mikasa pants.
“I’m close.” He slows his pace, grinding against her, sinking into her as deep as he can go, before pulling back and scything into her slick heat again and again, harder and harder, muttering curses and endearments and wordless sounds of effort and desire.
And then he thrusts into Mikasa so roughly that her ass hits the hood of Joanne’s car hard, triggering the car alarm, horn blaring and lights flashing.
“Shit!” Levi yelps, startled by the sudden noise. He jumps back from her, stuffing his stiff, aching cock back in his pants and undoing the fly with adrenaline-shaky fingers.
“We gotta go!” She hops down from the car, landing unsteadily on her feet, pulling her dress down over her nudity. “Do you have the keys?” She scrambles over to their car, pulling at the handle of the locked passenger door. “Come on!”
Levi reaches in his pocket for the key fob, mashing the buttons so the doors unlock and the ignition turns on. Mikasa clambers into the car as fast as she can, slamming the door behind her, and Levi follows soon after. Through the windshield she can see someone coming to locate the source of the commotion and chants, “Drive! Drive!” at Levi while he clicks his seatbelt into place.
“Seatbelt!” he barks at her and she complies, fear and arousal and adrenaline making her feel jittery and giggly and wonderfully alive. Levi remains stoic, but there’s a devilish glee playing at the corners of his lips: he’s enjoying himself just as much as she is. He backs their car out of the parking spot with the precision of a stunt driver and peels off, speeding off into the night seconds before Joanne comes outside to investigate the shrieking car alarm and the strange ass-shaped dent on her hood.
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mintyminyoongi · 4 years
Pairing: Min Yoongi x ReaderRating: T
Word Count: 7.8k
Trigger warnings: None 
Summary: Imagine you love Yoongi and Yoongi loves you but you’re both idiots and can’t say it. Or better yet, read about it.
Normally, when your phone starts ringing at 2:00 AM, you would curse the living daylights out of the person on the other end of the line. Maybe ask them if they were raised by barbarians or looking to get fully throttled. 
But when you finish grumbling curses under your breath and crack an eye open to look at your screen, you can’t help the way your heart flops over a little. Yoongi. You swipe your thumb across the screen to answer before it goes to voicemail. 
“You better be dead or dying,” you groan into the receiver. 
You hear him curse under his breath and some fumbling around. “I, um, am not dying. Coincidentally. I forgot to check the time again.” 
His low, drawling voice sends a shiver down your spine, as always. “Yeah, you did.” You find yourself chuckling, despite your initial anger. 
“Sorry,” he mutters. “You were sleeping?” 
You laugh fully this time. “Yeah Yoongi, I was sleeping. Like most people do at two in the morning on a Wednesday.”
“Ugh, sorry Y/N.” He sighs into the phone. 
You frown and roll in your sheets, sitting up fully. “Hey, you okay? It’s  been a while since you’ve spaced on time like this.” 
About three years ago, you met Yoongi. You’d just graduated from university and had been able to get an internship at a tech start up in Seoul. It was shit pay and crazy hours but you loved the work. 
You had met Yoongi in a cafe, late one night. Officially, you were off the clock but you had taken your laptop with you to try and catch up on some of your assignments. The cafe was close to your apartment, open late and had cheap, strong coffee. 
Yoongi had been set up at one of the far tables, feline eyes droopy despite the numerous coffee cups littering his table. He had a fancy set of headphones on and his bleached blonde hair had dark roots growing in. 
The cafe was busy, even during this time of night so you took one of the last empty tables near him. You tried to get work done, honestly. But between your sleep deprivation, over caffeination and this gorgeous boy sitting a table away, it was difficult. 
So he naturally caught you staring at him. And your best way to save face was to point dumbly at your own ear. His brow furrowed but he pushed one headphone off his ear anyway. 
“Sorry, just... I could hear your music through the headphones. It’s a little distracting.” It wasn’t, you could barely hear it over the other cafe noises. “Also, it’s bad for your hearing. To play music that loud.”
You wanted to disappear. Like wholly, from this plane of existence and any others that were out there. 
But he just looks at you with an amused, crooked smile. 
You didn’t know at the time that Yoongi was a successful rapper. He went by the name Agust D, and had just gotten back from his first tour after the release of his mixtape. 
And the formation of your friendship went just like that. He needed a friend that didn’t care about his fame or his reputation. And you just needed a friend. 
So what if you thought he was incredibly hot and talented and funny… Yoongi had never shown you any interest, romantically. And that was fine with you. His friendship meant the world to you. 
Anyway, Yoongi wasn’t the best at taking care of himself. So when he calls you in the middle of the night, it’s almost always because he’s been locked in his studio all day and has lost all sense of time. 
He sighs, not answering you right away. “I’m okay. Just- stuck on a song.”
You furrow your brow. “When did you eat last?” 
A beat of silence. “Um.”
“Yoongi.” You bite your tongue to hold back the full lecture. “How about sleep?”
An even longer pause. “I took a nap this afternoon,” he says. “Or wait. What day is it?” 
“Alright, that’s enough. Go home. Take a shower, sleep in an actual bed. You’re not doing yourself any favors running on fumes.” 
“I know.” 
“Nope, not buying it. I wanna hear you leave the studio.” 
“Woman,” he sighs under his breath. “Fine.”
You can hear him shutting down the programs on his computer, almost feeling the way he’s making mental notes of where to pick up in the morning. 
“So, which song is giving you trouble?” 
Yoongi starts to describe the track, how he wants a syncopated rhythm but it’s not hitting right. He muses all the way during his walk home about different things he can try.
You curl back up into bed, just listening to him and giving what little insight you could. It kind of pained you to admit how much just the sound of his voice affected you. 
Before long, you hear his front chime open. “Okay, I’m home.” You hope you were imagining just how exhausted he was. Even though you know you weren’t. 
“Good. Please take care of yourself, Yoongi. You’re starting to give me gray hairs.”
Yoongi just huffs into the phone. “Thank you, Y/N. I am sorry for waking you up. Tomorrow’s your big presentation right?” 
“It’s okay,” you say. “Yeah, it's at nine. So like,” you wince as you look at your screen. “Six hours.” 
“Fuck,” he hisses under his breath. “I really am sorry.”
“It’s fine, Yoongi. Honestly. I’m used to running on no energy and all coffee.”
You could tell he didn’t feel better with that answer. “We're still on for movie night on Friday?” 
“Yes please. I’ve been killing myself trying to avoid spoiler alerts.” 
“Okay, great. I’ll bring snacks to make it up to you.” 
You thought about protesting but knew it would be pointless. “That sounds like a fabulous idea. Now go get some sleep! And when you eat in the morning, it needs to be something that doesn’t come out of a plastic package, you hear me?”
“Aish, woman, let me live,” he gripes but you know him well enough that you can practically picture the smile on his face. “See you Friday. Good luck with the presentation, you’re gonna kill it.” 
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You hang up and have to force yourself back to sleep, always getting a bit of a high from talking to him. 
On Friday night, you were running around your apartment like a mad woman, trying to get it clean before Yoongi shows up. Even though he was terrible with the concept of time, he was never late to your movie nights. 
You had stayed late at work talking to your boss about your presentation from the day before. So when Yoongi showed up at your door right on time you were still in your work clothes, hair a mess. 
“Hi, come in. What the-” Your eyes practically bulge out of your head when you see how many bags he’s carrying. 
“I said I would bring snacks,” he says sheepishly, cheeks tinted a dusty pink. 
“Yoongi, this is like a whole store.”
He sets the bags down on your kitchen counter. “I felt bad about waking you up.”
You shove his arm, eyes widening further as he starts unbagging everything. “I told you it was fine, you dope! This is way too much food.” 
Just as he opens his mouth your doorbell rings. Yoongi looks at you guiltily, a bag of your favorite chips in his hand. 
“I may have also ordered pizza from that place you like.” 
You wanted to smack him and kiss him in the same instant. That pizza was the perfect way to end a long, stressful week. “Well, you answer the door. I’m going to change clothes.”
In your room, you quickly change into sweats and a t-shirt. You fix your hair into a normal, less insane ponytail and make your way back into the kitchen. 
You find Yoongi staring at you as you drop your hands from your hair. “What?” 
He coughs, looking down. “Nothing. The food’s all ready.”
You frown a little but leave it. Then you see the three pizza boxes sitting on the counter. “Min Yoongi you did not order three pizzas and buy all these snacks.” 
He squawks a little, unable to form words for a second. “Will you just take my apology already?” 
Your heart seizes a little at his sincerity and you try not to read into it. “Fine. Apology accepted.” You cross your way into the kitchen, grabbing some plates out of the cabinet. 
“How did your presentation go, by the way?” 
“Oh my god it went great, Yoongi! My boss loved the idea of an integrated software, and he gave me the lead on it.” You turn to see him watching you attentively, a proud smile on his face. 
“And this is the first time you’ve been the lead, right?” 
“Yeah, at least one of this size. It’s gonna be a lot of work but I’m really excited.” 
Once again, Yoongi gives you this unreadable look. His gaze makes you feel squirmy so you hand him a plate. “Well I’m proud of you, Y/N. You’ve really made a name for yourself at that company.” 
“Thanks, Yoongi.” You cracked open the first pizza box and could’ve started drooling. “Oh my god, this smells amazing.”
When you’re thoroughly surrounded on the couch with more pizza, snacks and wine than any two people could need, you start the movie.
You and Yoongi had started making movie nights a habit about a year ago. Every month you both find time to make it work. It was kind of your favorite thing but you wouldn’t tell him that. 
You really were trying to reign in your feelings for him. It didn’t seem fair, when Yoongi was only looking for platonic companionship. So you keep respectable inches between the two of you as you queued up the movie. 
Yoongi gave you a judgy look at the moan you let out around your first bite of pizza but a swift elbow to the ribs made him look away. 
The movie was pretty good, it was a slasher movie that came out earlier in the year. You watched with your mouth hung open in disbelief as the killer rose from the dead for the third time and snuck up on the lead actress. 
“Oh, come on, they can’t be serious.” You lean forward on the couch cushion, thoroughly enveloped in the plotline. As the killer brandishes a kitchen knife and raises it above his head, your reflex is to smack Yoongi in the arm. 
“Why doesn’t she just turn around?” you demand. “The house is like 800 years old the floorboards are creaking louder than your snoring.” 
You can feel Yoongi look at you in offense. “First you hit me then you insult me?” 
The girl on the screen eventually turns around and a chase ensues. You turn to Yoongi. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to hit you. I just get so wound up at these movies.” 
“Oh, but you meant to insult me?” He says, an eyebrow raised. 
Damn, he looks good sprawled out on your couch. The thought comes unbidden. You bring yourself back to the present, to the sound of screaming and shrill horror music in the background. The present with Yoongi sitting on your couch. 
“Yeah, I mean have you heard your snoring?” 
“When have you heard me snore?” he demands.
You turn to face him on the couch, the movie forgotten for the moment. “Like three months ago, when you showed up at my door, completely wasted. You stumbled around my apartment for twenty minutes and then you passed out on the couch. You snored. All night.” 
Yoongi looks at you with his mouth hung open, speechless. He shakes his head, seeming to snap out of it. “I completely forgot about that night.”
“Yeah, it was after some event at your label. You showed up smelling like cheap perfume and whiskey, barely able to stand up straight. I gave Namjoon an earful the next day for letting you get that drunk.” 
Yoongi scoffs, suddenly finding the hole in the knee of his jeans very interesting. “He didn’t let me do anything. I can be pretty stubborn when it comes to that stuff.” 
You nod, not understanding where the uneasy mood came from. “That’s pretty much what he told me. He said that you showed up to the event pissed off, that you were an asshole the whole night and he couldn’t keep you in check.” 
“Yeah I wasn’t myself that night.” 
He still wouldn’t look at you.
 “I remember,” you say. “I’d never seen you that far gone before. Namjoon said he hadn’t either.” 
Yoongi stays silent. For long enough that you started to turn back to the TV screen, not wanting to push him. 
Truthfully, that night had kind of scared you. He had been almost incoherent when you let him in. Yoongi was a fan of a good whiskey but he usually didn’t get that drunk, let alone wasted like that. You hadn’t known what to do so you kind of just stood back as Yoongi mumbled to himself, shucking his jacket and boots before falling onto the couch and passing out. 
He says something under his breath and even though you were right next to him you didn’t catch it. You wince as a bloodcurdling scream comes from the TV screen. He doesn’t even seem to notice it. 
“What did you say?” You ask him, scooting a little closer. 
Again, he stays quiet. At which point you’re starting to get annoyed, so you let out a huff and flop back against the couch cushion.
“You had a date that night.” 
You stare uncomprehendingly at the gory scene on the TV before looking at him. “What?” 
He had turned his gaze to you, but not in your eyes. He’s looking somewhere around your shoulder, you think. 
Yoongi runs his tongue over his teeth before answering you. “That night, you had a date with some guy from your office.”
You think back, remember that you’d had a date with Minho. He was in the advertising department of your company. He had a really cute smile and loved cats so you thought you’d give him a chance. 
You thought if you just actively started dating that you would get over your stupid crush on Yoongi faster. 
Spoiler alert: it didn’t work. 
Even though Minho was attractive, and he had really funny stories you only found yourself thinking about Yoongi all night. The date had ended when he walked you to your door, and kissed your cheek. You told him it had been a nice night but you didn’t think you saw him as more than a friend. Things had been awkward around the office for a few days but he took it graciously and you two are friends now. 
Yoongi had shown up not long after you’d gotten back. You were still in your dress, heels kicked off by the door. You remember now, he had given you a once over and scoffed before stepping past you into the apartment. Before you’d gone on the date, you’d told Yoongi about it. You thought maybe if he hyped you up it would help you be more excited for it. 
Instead, he just said “have fun” and didn’t speak to you for the rest of the night. Until he showed up at your door, so drunk he couldn’t stand straight. 
He never asked about the date, you didn’t think he even remembered it. He certainly didn’t seem like he cared about it at the time. 
Belatedly, you realize the end credits are rolling on the screen. 
And Yoongi is staring at you. Not at your shoulder or somewhere in the vicinity. Right at you. 
“Yoongi…” You say, because you didn’t know what else to say.
He gulps down the rest of his wine and turns to face you fully. “I-I didn’t have the right to be jealous but I was. Of him. So I went to that stupid fundraising event and focused on the free drinks and the easy women. And ended up here anyway.” 
You swallowed thickly, trying not to overthink what he was saying. “You were jealous?” The words are strained as you say them. Your hands curled into fists because the bite of your nails in your palms helps to ground you. 
Yoongi leans in a little, sucks in a quick breath. He opens his mouth to speak just as the movie kicks back to the main menu, the title music blaring through the speakers. 
You jump reflexively. You didn’t realize how close you’d gotten to him, your face barely a few inches from his. So close you can see his pupils dilate, can smell the sweet red wine on his breath. 
And just like that, Yoongi seems to snap out of something. He stands from the couch and picks up your dirty plates and wine glasses. He’s already in the kitchen, loading the dishes in the washer when you feel yourself snap back into reality.
What the hell was that?
You were pretty sure you weren’t misreading things. He was jealous that you were dating other people. Well, had dated other people. Honestly you were tired of the whole song and dance. You hadn’t been on a date since Minho. When the right guy came along, you would try again. But you hadn’t found anyone that could hold a candle to Yoongi. And you didn’t want to waste anyone’s time. 
But… why was Yoongi jealous? He was famous, had tons of beautiful idols and models and actresses he could pick from. Maybe he was just jealous of having a normal dating life. 
Either way when you shuffle into the kitchen with the bowls of snacks, you couldn’t ignore the tension in Yoongi’s shoulders. The dishes were all loaded but he stood at the sink, clutching the edge of the counter. 
“Yoongi.” This was new for you. You’d never felt uncertain around him before. Maybe shy, when you caught yourself thinking about his adorable smile or strong hands. But never uncertain. 
He cleared his throat and turned abruptly. “I forgot I have an early morning tomorrow. I should get going.” 
You frown, not wanting to leave things in this weird state. You follow him to the door where he’s pulling on his coat. “Yoongi,” you try again. 
He falters, head hanging low. 
“Will you just tell me what’s bothering you?” You finally demand. 
Yoongi turns swiftly, pulling you close to him by your waist. He leans his forehead against yours and you suck in a breath, gasping it out at his proximity. Usually you’re the one initiating the contact, little side hugs or poking his cheeks when he’s grumpy. You always tease him about his fear of intimacy.
He huffs out a breath and closes his eyes. His hands tighten their grip on your waist. 
You let him hold you. Part of you can tell he somehow needs this. You wonder if he can feel how heavily your heart is beating inside your chest. It feels thunderous to you. 
Yoongi shifts, turning his face into your neck. You feel yourself relax a bit. This feels more familiar, closer to the hugs you’ve shared before. You allow yourself to wrap your arms around him, hoping to bring him some comfort. 
“Don’t date anyone else.” 
The words are soft, spoken against the skin of your neck. But you hear them perfectly. And your heart skips a beat all the same. “Yoongi-”
He moves, pulling his face from the crook of your neck. It takes him a minute to bring his eyes up to meet yours. And it almost seems to pain him when he croaks out “Please, Y/N.” 
One of your hands seems to have its own mind as it combs through the hair at the back of his neck. His eyes close a little as he waits for your answer. “Okay,” you whisper. 
His sharp gaze snaps up to yours and it takes you aback. Your hormone addled brain thinks that he’s going to kiss you. And it really seems like he’s going to. He moves one of his hands from your waist to cradle your face in his palm. 
You lick your lips subconsciously and Yoongi’s eyes dart down to watch the action. And then something happens in his brain because he’s letting you go and backing away. “I should go,” he mutters as he pulls a mask from his coat. 
Something about his tone is final. You don’t want to push it or question him. He turns back to you when he’s out in the hallway. “I’ll call you later.” 
You nod, thoroughly overwhelmed and incapable of forming a response. And then he’s gone. And you close the door and have to ask yourself if you didn’t just dream the whole thing. 
You were slammed at work the next week, trying to get the initial details of your new project hammered out. And maybe the lack of communication from Yoongi encouraged you to throw yourself headfirst into the work. Because you really didn’t want to stop and think about what your conversation that night had meant. 
‘Don’t date anyone else’? That could really only mean one thing, right? If he didn’t want you dating anyone else it was so you could be with him. Right?
Or maybe he just meant he didn’t want you dating the wrong guys, to protect you or whatever. As if he could know that Minho or any of the other guys you’d dated were “wrong”. 
And this whirling blackhole of a thought process is exactly why you’d been staying late every night this week. 
The sun had been down for hours when you finally left your office building. You’re on the subway home when Yoongi calls you. Your eyes widen and you feel your heart stutter a bit when you see his name on the screen. 
When you answer the phone you immediately hold the receiver away from your ear, the speaker blasting music and overlapping chatter from a crowd. “Yoongi?” 
You think you can hear him saying something in the background. After a few moments you hang up. He must’ve called accidentally. And you have to kick yourself for getting so excited. 
He’s out at a club or a concert, judging by the noise. It could be for work or for pleasure. Either way, he’s out with people and probably other girls- 
You have to stop yourself. He’s not yours. 
You get through the train ride and the walk home with a set jaw. This was exhausting. This weird, in-between thing was way worse than just suppressing your feelings altogether. 
It was a little after 10:00 when he started texting you. You’d just finished eating a bowl of instant noodles over the sink when you see it. And from the first text you could tell he was drunk. 
10:11 Yoongi: I MISs you
10:15 Yoongi: Y/N
10:15 Yoongi: This palace sucks
10:19 Yoongi: wis
10:19 Yoongi: I wish
10:20 Yoongi: Wish yu were hr
10:23 Y/N: Yoongi, you’re drunk. Text me when you’re sober. 
Not long after your message he tries calling again. It pains you to do it but you let it go to voicemail. Nothing he says right now is going to keep you from combusting. 
So you try to occupy yourself with a few episodes of trashy reality TV until you think you’re tired enough to go to bed. Yoongi hadn’t texted or called again. You hoped it was because he went home. Your brain strayed to some other girl catching his attention at whatever club he was at. Imagined her taking his mind off of you and his phone. 
You bite your lip to stem off the ridiculous tears that spring into your eyes at the thought. He’s not yours, you remind yourself again.
The incredibly overwhelming sense of deja vu hits you when your ringing phone wakes you in the early hours of the morning. Yoongi’s face is on your screen. Maybe it’s because your brain is more than half asleep or because part of you is desperate to know if he went home alone that you answer the call.
You were grateful that you didn’t immediately hear the noise of pounding bass and drunk people in the background. But you do hear traffic noise, lots of it. 
“Y/N, what time is it?” His voice is still heavy with alcohol and you wince. 
“It’s like one in the morning, Yoongi. Where are you?” 
“Fuck. I told you I wouldn’t call you like this again.” He mumbles and you can imagine his lips forming that adorable pout. You have to shake your head out of that thought process when you hear a car horn too close for comfort.
“Yoongi, listen to me. Where are you? Are you safe?” 
There’s a moment of silence as you imagine him looking around. “I’m- near the um, that corner store where you spilled soda all over me that one time. ‘member?” 
“Yeah, I remember. Yoongi, can you get yourself a ride? You should go home and sleep this off.” 
He continues talking, as if he didn’t hear you. And maybe he didn’t. He sounded just like that night, months ago. Who knows how much he’s had to drink. “You were so… so flustered and I-I remember you asking me how much my shirt cost because you were worried you wouldn’t be able to pay me back. And I told you it was just a regular t-shirt but really it cost $300 and I never told you that. And you were so cute. You were stuttering, and your cheeks were so red.” 
“You- you kept trying to clean me up and everyone in the store was staring. I kind of realized then that you were maybe the cutest girl I had ever seen. Like, the cutest. But I didn’t… I didn’t know how to say that. Because I don’t like people and there are very few that I choose to spend time around.” 
While (a very large) part of you loved this confession, you know it didn’t count. He was so incredibly drunk and would probably not remember any of this in the morning. And since you couldn’t see him, all your brain can imagine is that he’s about to stumble into traffic at any moment. 
“Yoongi please. I need you to put me on speaker while you get yourself a taxi. I need to know you’re safe.” 
He cuts himself off. All of a sudden the traffic noise is much louder so he must’ve put you on speaker. He grumbles as he’s tapping through the app. “Y/N thank you for taking such good care of me.” 
“You’re welcome, Yoongi.” Your voice comes out whisper-soft and he might not have heard you over the rushing cars, 
He must take you off speaker because he’s easier to hear again. “Says it should be here in ten minutes.” 
You exhale, not even realizing how worried you had been. “Okay, good.” 
“You interrupted me, you know.” Again, you can picture the pout on his face so clearly. 
You chuckle a little, leaning back against your headboard. “You’re right I did.” 
“Where was I?” You notice his Daegu accent is slipping in the more he talks. You wish it didn’t affect you as much as it did. “Oh, that people suck. Not you though, Y/N. You don’t suck and I’ve been scared to tell you that because I love our friendship. I don’t want to fuck it up.”
Your heart flutters. You try to keep reminding yourself not to read too much into this. He’s drunk and has never said anything along these lines when he’s sober. He’s had all the opportunity. But maybe you’re a masochist because you ask. “Fuck what up, Yoongi?”
He sighs. “I hate that I’ve never had the guts to say any of this to you sober. I’m such a coward, Y/N.” 
As if you somehow know what he’s going to say, you try to stop him. “Yoongi, wait.” 
“I love you, Y/N. I’m fucking stupid because I love you and I can’t even say it to your face.” 
Tears sting into your eyes because this feels so surreal and it almost physically pains you to hear the words you’ve been dreaming about for so long. 
You think you hear him getting into the cab when a car door slams shut and the traffic noise is much more muffled.  “I fucking love you, Y/N,” he sighs happily, like he’s glad to have it off his chest. 
You have to steel yourself because you can feel your brain slipping into La La Land. “Yoongi, you are drunk. Hang up and call me when you’re sober.” 
He chuckles a little. “So bossy. Just because I’m hanging up, doesn’t mean I’ll forget that I love you,” he croons. 
“Christ,” you mutter under your breath and hang up.
You flop against your pillows and try to calm your racing heart. What. The. Fuck. 
In all of your fantasies about Yoongi you had never let yourself imagine he would say those words to you. It was too painful. 
It was painful even now. Until you could talk to Yoongi face to face, you couldn’t know what he meant, if he meant any of it at all. So you were reminding yourself of this, to keep yourself sane as you lay spread eagle on your bed. Wondering what you did in your past life to deserve this kind of emotional turmoil.
When there’s a knock on your door. And a very drunk Yoongi calling your name through the cheap wood. 
You run to the door to let him in before he wakes up any of your nosy neighbors. When you open the door, Yoongi almost falls across the threshold. You reach out on instinct to steady him and close the door promptly behind him.
“Would you shut up?” you hiss. 
As he straightens and sees you, he gets this lazy smile on his face. 
You decide to speak first and cut off whatever thought process he had. “What are you doing here?” 
Yoongi pouts and rubs a thumb across your cheek. “I missed you.” 
“You were supposed to go home Yoongi.” 
“Didn’t want to,” he shrugs. 
You sigh, knowing you didn’t have the heart to kick him out when he was like this. “Fine. Will you at least take a shower before you crash? You stink.” 
“You just want me naked,” he says, waggling his eyebrows at you. 
Instead of answering him, you turn to your room to get him a change of clothes. If he were anyone else, if he hadn’t just told he loved you- this would be hilarious. You would never let Yoongi live this down. 
But it wasn’t someone else. It was Yoongi. And not only had he told you he loved you, it seems like he already forgot about it. He was so unaware of the spiral you were in it was painful. 
He was struggling with his boots when you made your way back into the living room. You swallow back the lump in your throat as you kneel in front of him. 
You nudge his hands away and make quick work of the laces. 
“Y/N.” When you look up, you’re struck with the clarity in his gaze. You’re not sure what changed in the time it took you to get him some clothes but the flirty Yoongi was gone. 
His eyes were still dropping and he was a little sideways on your couch but he seemed more like Yoongi again. 
“What?” you ask and wince when your voice cracks. 
“I meant it.” 
Your eyes close and you sit back on your heels to give yourself some distance. “Yoongi, please.” 
He doesn’t say anything more and when you finally open your eyes again, he’s running a hand over his face. “Okay,” he sighs. Then he grabs the clothes from off the floor and disappears into the bathroom. 
How did things get so complicated so quickly? 
This was exactly the kind of situation you were hoping to avoid all these years. You roughly wipe your eyes to stop any tears from falling before getting to your feet.
You hear the shower turn on as you make up the couch, tucking sheets into the cushion and bringing out extra pillows. And then you don’t know what to do with yourself. Your first instinct is to go close yourself in your room and not come out until he’s gone in the morning. 
You knew you could never do that though. You’d never been good at ignoring Yoongi. It was unclear if other people experienced this kind of magnetism towards him, but you were hopeless.
Because of the war going on in your brain, you were still sitting on the couch when Yoongi walked back down the hallway. And - in a word - oof. 
The clothes were his, some you’d stolen a long time ago but he’d put on a muscle since then so the shirt was a little tight. His damp hair hung a little longer, hanging into his eyes a little bit. 
The shower seemed to do him some good, he looked a little more alert. More himself.
You watch him warily and tuck your knees into your chest. He takes a seat opposite you on the coffee table. Then you two sit there, not looking at and not talking to each other. 
Then Yoongi heaves a heavy sigh and you dare to look at him. “Y/N…” He doesn’t seem to have more to say than that.
You turn to look at him. “Yoongi, I’m exhausted. Can we talk in the morning?” 
He nods, shoulders sagging. “Yeah. That’s a good idea.” 
You shoot up from the couch, ready to get out of this tense atmosphere. “I brought out sheets and blankets. And there’s a stack of pillows there. If you need anything else, you know where everything is.” 
“Y/N.” Yoongi’s hand reaches out, maybe to stop you or grab you. You just dart a few paces away. You had no resolve left and you were pretty sure if he touched you at this point that would just crumble. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, Yoongi.”
His sighs and it ruffles your hair, sends a shiver down your back. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
The next morning, as the sun shone brightly through your curtains, you were praying for a sinkhole to open underneath your apartment building and swallow you whole. Or maybe like a stray asteroid could come in through your window. Less casualties that way. Anything to get you out of this conversation with Yoongi.
You hadn’t slept all night, trying to decode Yoongi’s words and your own feelings. You’d been squashing them down for so long, trying to make them as small and inconsequential as possible. 
It was sometime after the sky started to turn pink that you truly allowed yourself to accept how much you love Min Yoongi. How much you always have. 
For as long as you can remember, you have cherished every moment with him. Your movie nights. When you could bring your laptop to his studio and listen to him produce music while you worked. Getting late night coffees at the same cafe you first met. 
The list goes on. 
Now it was just a matter of figuring out if Yoongi really did… love you. You know that saying “drunk words are sober thoughts.” And maybe it was true in this case. But what if he just meant he loved you as a friend?
Really, it wasn’t that far fetched. You have never met a more emotionally guarded person than Yoongi. He didn’t even want to admit to being friends until after you threatened to send a video of him dressed up as his female counterpart “Yoonji” to Dispatch. 
In short, you were getting nowhere fast. Which is why you finally kicked yourself out from under your sheets to make some coffee. Coffee always helps right?
A quick peek into the living room and you can see Yoongi curled up on the couch, still out. 
You tiptoe past him and into the kitchen. You start to brew a pot of coffee and let the comforting smell wash over you. It seemed to rouse Yoongi as well. Over the back of the couch you see him stretch his arms, groaning as he does it. 
You pour two mugs of coffee and give him time to fully wake up. 
He shuffles into the kitchen, one eye cracked open and trying to smooth his hair down with his hands. “Morning,” he mumbles.
You wordlessly hand him a mug of plain black coffee. He hums gratefully and takes a large gulp. 
Not for the first time you internally coo at his early-morning grumpiness. His eyes are puffy and his hair is sticking up in multiple directions despite his efforts. You sip your own coffee and try to figure out how to start this conversation. 
Yoongi leans against the opposite of the island counter and looks at you over the rim of his mug. “So.” 
“So,” you agree. And then leap into it. “You remember everything you said last night?” 
He takes another large gulp of his coffee before setting the mug down. “I do.” 
You lean your elbows down on the counter and grip onto your mug with both hands to have something to ground you. “Okay.” 
Yoongi looks at you, eyes wary. You can’t look at him, can’t be the one that says something that ruins this friendship.
“Y/N… can we just forget it?” 
Your eyes fall closed. You wonder at the same time if it’s possible for your heart to fall out of place in your chest because it no longer feels like it’s there. “Yeah,” you force out of your vocal chords. “Let’s forget it.” 
“I just- it was wrong for me to say those things. To you. While I was so… out of it.” Yoongi sighs. “Will you look at me? Please?” 
He’s staring at you, fully awake now. His gaze is imploring, like his words are saying one thing but his eyes are trying to tell you something else. 
“Y/N, your friendship is one of the most important things in my life. You found me when I was in a shitty place and couldn’t find any real people to be around. Everyone wanted to know Agust D, they didn’t give a fuck about me. I can’t lose that, I can’t lose you-” 
You take another drink from your mug to distract you and to hopefully hide the tears building in your eyes. This was the most likely scenario, you knew that. But you had still allowed yourself to hope for the best. 
“I get it Yoongi. You love me, as a friend.” 
He makes this noise in the back of his throat and comes around the island towards you. 
On instinct you back away, trying to keep the distance. You throw your hands up when your back hits the counter behind you. “Yoongi, please don’t-” 
He immediately stops a few feet away from you. “This is exactly what I didn’t want,” he says, voice breaking a little on the last words. “I didn’t want to upset you.” 
You realize that the tears in your eyes have fallen so you wipe them away hastily. “It’s fine. I’m fine.” 
Yoongi frowns, “You’re crying so it’s not fine.” He looks at you with such concern that it hurts. Like he would do anything to fix it if he could. 
“Please don’t look at me like that,” you say weakly. 
“Like what?” 
You are exhausted, mentally and physically. So your filter is gone. And you blurt, “If we’re going to be just friends, I can live with that but that means you can’t look at me like that. Like you love me more than that.” 
Yoongi just looks at you, jaw slack. “Let me be perfectly clear, Y/N. If we’re going to be just friends I am going to be the one living with it. Because…” he sighs and closes his eyes, as if to collect himself. “Because I do love you more than that.” 
If your heart hadn’t fallen out of place earlier it certainly did in that moment. “What?” you squeak.
He takes a cautious step towards you. “Last night, I meant everything I said. I’ve never been brave enough to say it to your face, but I have been in love with you for the better part of three years. It wasn’t fair of me to say all of that to you or to show up here and have you take care of me. And I mean it, we can be friends. Because I’d rather be friends than nothing at all. But since we’re here I might as well get it all off my chest, even if it means I never mention it again. At least that way I can finally breathe again.” 
Your chest heaves with panicked breaths as you absorb everything he just said. This time there wasn’t any way to misconstrue his words. No doubt about the meaning. Yoongi had just laid himself bare in front of you. 
“Idiots,” you mutter. 
Yoongi’s eyebrows shoot up past his hairline. “What?” 
“We are idiots,” you say and a somewhat manic laugh slips its way past your lips. When you see the hurt cross his face, you step closer and clap a hand over your mouth. “I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, Yoongi.”
He pulls back a step and the action sobers you immediately. “We are both complete idiots, Yoongi. Because I’ve never been brave enough either. Brave enough to tell you that you are what kept me sane during my intern year. That getting to see you is the best part of my day. And I’ve never told you I love you because I was terrified of you not feeling the same way.” 
“Idiots,” he muses. Yoongi looks at you, eyes darting everywhere as if looking for the lie. His lips slowly curl into a smile when he doesn’t seem to find one. He closes the gap between you, cradling your face in his hands.
When he presses his lips to yours, it’s gentle. The tenderness makes your eyes slip shut, makes every time you’ve ever dreamt about this in the past pale in comparison. You could never have imagined how perfect it would feel when his hands roam the planes of your body, wrap around your waist and pull you flush against him. 
The closeness has you overwhelmed, whimpering into his mouth. You find yourself craving even more contact, pull yourself infinitesimally closer by wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. 
Yoongi pushes against you, making you stumble back a few steps until you hit the counter. Without missing a beat, his hands move from your waist down to your thighs. He grips the flesh there and hoists you up onto the countertop.
You gasp at the lift, legs wrapping around his hips for anchorage. Yoongi takes advantage and licks his way into your open mouth. You let him take the lead, feeling wholly overwhelmed by the way he kisses you. Your fingers thread in his hair, tugging on the roots when the sensations become too much. 
Yoongi groans, pressing his lips harder to yours for another second before pulling away. He immediately presses another chaste kiss to your lips before leaning his forehead on yours. 
You don’t open your eyes right away, almost afraid he won’t be there when you open them. 
“Y/N,” he whispers. Your heart flops over, probably somewhere down near your appendix at this point. “We really are idiots.” 
You smile, finally looking back at him. You tighten your legs around him, your body’s way of telling him he wasn’t allowed to go anywhere. Yoongi’s eyes slip shut as he lets out a hiss. “Woman, you’ve gotta stop doing that.” 
“Why?” you smirk.
“Because all I’ve thought about for years is being able to love you like I want to. I want to love you in every way you deserve to be loved. But I also haven’t slept in days. I haven’t slept a full night since I was here last, for movie night. If you keep doing that I’m going to take you right here and it won’t be my A game.” He kisses you slowly, making your toes curl in. “I want to give you my A game.” 
You smile fondly at the rant but relent, dropping your legs to either side of his hips. Your fingertips trace the shadows under his eyes “I haven’t slept well either. Since that night.” 
“I’m sorry,” Yoongi whispers, slumping into you. 
“Don’t be,” you say as you comb your fingers through his hair. “How about a nap? Because I too want nothing less than your A game.” 
Yoongi straightens and glares at you. You put a hand on his chest and push lightly. He backs up enough for you to hop down from the counter. You take one of his hands in yours, taking a second to appreciate how easily they fit together. 
“What, you’re not going to make me sleep on the couch again?” Yoongi says as you lead him to your room.
“I’m still not fully convinced this is all real.” You turn and pull him close again. “Until I am I need you to stay close to me. So no more couch.”
Yoongi smiles softly. “I can do that.” He kisses your forehead sweetly. 
He audibly groans as he climbs into your bed beside you. You roll your eyes at him. “Don’t be so dramatic.” 
“You try sleeping on that couch. Whoever talked you into that couch is a nutjob.”
You smack his chest. “You convinced me to buy that couch!” 
Yoongi shrugs, grinning softly. You smack him once more for good measure. Then you give into the instinct your body has been screaming for, which is to snuggle into him. You get comfortable with your head resting on his chest and one of your legs tangled between his. Your fingers fist into the material of his shirt on their own volition. 
He pulls you closer with the arm that’s under you, not seeming to be satisfied until every gap between the two of you is gone. 
“From now on, let’s be idiots together, okay?” 
Yoongi chuckles and drops a lingering kiss on the top of your head. “Deal.”
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Just curious! But how did you get all the scripts you covered on tdb podcast?
Oh sure, so...  
The Pilot is available to anyone who googles it -- that’s how I picked that one up. 
So, once upon a time there was a group called The Box Scene project.  Their original initiative was to get the Extraordinary Merry Christmas script so we could all read the missing Klaine scene from it -- they eventually were able to win it in an auction (ooh that was a fun day) and shared that scene with everyone.  (Funny, I do not have that script.)  (Also funny aside, about the time they won it, Ryan Murphy posted it online as a deleted scene - which you can still go see.) 
Anyway - after that, they went on a crusade for a while demanding RIB put in more gay content (which is a whole other discussion) and after that they decided to put all that energy to good use and raise awareness for LGBT things and started a charity.  One of the things Box Scene Project did was do charity auctions - and if you donated money, you could get scripts.  So I donated and got scripts.  
I believe that’s how I got the The First Time and Love Love Love scripts.  I know that’s how I got the A Wedding and Dreams Come True scripts (the Loser Like Me script was also available, but that script is trash and I refused to pay money for it.)
I can’t remember if that’s where I got the Never Been Kissed script - if it was through an auction, or if someone gave that to me.  (Back in the day there was a lot of private file sharing even though we weren’t supposed to do that.)  
Fwiw - I have no idea what happened to the Box Scene Project - they seemed to fizzle out somewhere around 2015.  
Meanwhile, we got a lot of not necessarily scripts, but cut content from a group of Brazilians who would release interesting portions of the scripts -- which is how we got a lot of the deleted material from season 4 related things. 
There are other full scripts floating around -- I know Original Song is out there, but I’ve never had a copy.  
Scripts and Cut Content: 
Original Pilot Script (Without Kurt) 
PIlot Script; shooting draft
TDB’s Podcast for Pilot script
Never Been Kissed portion (scroll down) 
TDB’s Podcast for NBK script
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle Klaine Scene (scroll down)
Original Song script description 
The First Time script description
TDB’s Podcast for TFT Script
Hold Onto 16/Michael/Heart (non Klaine things) 
Extraordinary Merry Christmas/Box Scene
Box Scene on Youtube (Note - there are other deleted scenes you can watch - just type in glee & deleted scenes and they all come up.) 
On My Way Klaine Scene (scroll down) 
The New Rachel - I can’t find a copy of it anywhere, but there were two lines of dialogue missing from the episode at the end of the Klaine goodbye/it’s time scene.   Kurt: I’m going to miss you so much.  You really are a star./Blaine: And you’re mine. You always will be.
Some deleted non Klaine things from The Break Up, I Do, and Wonderful (notably the Burt/Blaine scene in Wonderful) (As far as I know/remember) - nothing Klaine related was released from these scripts
All or Nothing has cut lines I cannot find (they were released by the Brazilians).  During the All or Nothing performance:  Kurt: “Why am I so nervous?”/Santana: “Because you still love him, you dope.”
Love Love Love deleted scenes (scroll down) 
TDB’s Podcast for Love Love Love script
The 100 script is out there somewhere, I’ve never read it, and there wasn’t anything Klaine related that came out of that one.  
Loser Like Me deleted scenes (Warning - the klaine break up is very nasty, and not a pleasant read.  Read at your own risk.) 
A Wedding Script deleted scenes (scroll way, way down) 
TDB’s Podcast for A Wedding script
Dreams Come True and A Wedding deleted scenes
TDB’s Podcast for Dreams Come True script
Kinda sad we never got anything from the New York Arc.  Ah well.  Anyway, that’s all I’ve got.  Like I said earlier -- you can easily look up the released deleted scenes on YouTube.  If anyone else knows of a script snippet, I’ll add it to the list! 
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The Art of Love (Part 8) ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College!AU
A/N: Hello lovelies! Happy Tuesday! I hope that you’re all having a good week! We’ve got a few more parts for this story. And I’m hoping to post on Tuesdays so keep an eye out. And enjoy and take care of yourselves! 
Summary: More shenanigans with the idiots in love and sarah and bucky 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader (Eventual), Bucky Barnes, Sarah Rogers
Rating: K+
Warnings: None. Fluff . Idiots
Word Count: 1250
Divider by: @whimsicalrogers​
Main Masterlist | The Art of Love Masterlist | Broken Hearts and Robot Parts Masterlist (Companion Fic) ​
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Bucky nudged Steve as they cleared and washed the dishes.
“They seem to be getting along well,” he nodded towards you and Sarah.
“Yeah, they sure do.”
Steve watched you fondly, letting out a soft sigh when you laughed at the story his mother was telling you. Undoubtedly about him and most definitely embarrassing based on the snort you let out.
“You know you look like a love struck dope right now,” Bucky chuckled.
“Do not,” he huffed, elbowing Bucky out of the way so he could keep washing.
“Oh come on, man. Why don’t you just admit it? You two are practically married.”
“We’re just comfortable around each other. We’re best friends,” Steve argued, rinsing off the last of the plates and wiping down the sink.
“No. We’re best friends.”
“Debatable,” the blonde grumbled.
Bucky scoffed, but otherwise ignored the comment.
“You two are something else. For crying out loud the two of you hosted your mom for dinner.”
Steve lacked a believable retort so he kept his mouth shut.
The truth was, he knew Bucky was right, and although he’d long since admitted his feelings for you to himself. He wasn’t ready to say them to you.
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Once the dishes were done, he and Bucky rejoined you and Sarah in the living room.
“All done?” you asked as Steve sat down in the armchair. He was rarely so far away, and you found yourself missing his warmth.
Bucky lounged in the chair and a half with your pack of Oreos.
“Those are mine for our marathon,” you pouted. “I’ve been waiting to open them all week.”  
He paused with a cookie halfway to his mouth.
“The package was half empty.”
You swung your gaze onto Steve, who was looking all kinds of guilty.
“Sorry, sweetheart. I was half asleep after a sudden bout of inspiration the other night. And I kind of ate a couple.”
“A couple?” You quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Okay, a lot. I did already replace them though. And I got you the chocolate cream ones too.”
Your mock glare slipped as you giggled in delight.
“Thanks, Stevie. I guess I forgive you then.”
His shoulders dipped in relief and you laughed at him.  
“Does that mean I can eat the rest of these?” Bucky mumbled with his mouth full.
“Oh James,” Sarah admonished fondly.
“Yes,” you chuckled. “Have at it.”
“So, what were you two talking about?” Steve asked as Bucky happily munched on cookies.
“Y/n was telling me how the two of you first met. You never told me that you took ballroom dancing lessons, Steven.” Sarah’s smile was full of mirth.
“It was just one hour a week. I wasn’t very good. Y/n’s the only reason I even made it through.”
“That is not true. You were the best partner a girl good ask for. Once I got steel tipped character shoes,” you teased.
Steve groaned and slid down in his seat.
“I’m kidding. Steve truly was the best. I’d still ask him to be my partner any day of the week. The steps are just part of it. You’ve got to know the other person’s rhythm.”
Steve couldn’t help as his smile widened.
“We have gotten pretty good at that over the years.”
“Yes, we have. It’s something I could only hope for in a partner.”
“Speaking of dancing-”
“Buck,” Steve warned.
“Relax, it’s not about you or your brief foray into hip hop.”
“Excuse me?” Sarah guffawed looking to you for elaboration.
“It was very brief. Like one day brief. He transferred to swing after his first class,” you admitted.
“Oh dear.”
“Smudge,” Steve whined hiding behind a throw pillow.
Unable to bear the sight of him embarrassed, you made your way over to him, plucking the pillow from his hands as you settled on the arm of his chair.  
“In his defense, I begged him to take it with me,” you explained to Sarah, carding your fingers through his hair. “It was an intermediate class that I was nervous to take because it was mostly upperclassmen. And Steve was sweet enough to sign up for it with me. Once I realized Natasha was also in the class, I held his oath fulfilled.”
He chuckled at the Lord of the Rings reference as his hand settled on your hip.
“My two left feet are always at your service, milady.”
He took your other hand and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles.
“I am learning so many new things tonight,” Sarah smiled at the two of you.
Her warm smile kept any feelings of embarrassment at bay.
“Anyways, I have a favor to ask,” Bucky interjected, breaking the pregnant moment.  
“Of course. What do you need?”
“The big fundraiser for this semester is going to be a dance-a-thon.”
“Oh that sounds so fun,” you gushed.  
“I think it will be.”
“So what do you need from me?”
“The brothers and I thought a fun way to keep the day moving was to teach different dances throughout the night. And since you’re the only one I know knows pretty much all of them…”
“Yes! Of course I’ll help. We can do swing and Lindy and…”
You hopped off the chair to grab a notebook and start writing things down. Bucky joined you at the dining room table, going over ideas and timetables.
Sarah took the opportunity to observe her son. Steve’s eyes never left you as you flitted about, talking animatedly and gesturing wildly. Clearly he was smitten. You both were. Her beloved son just needed to do something about it.
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You and Sarah shared a tight hug as she said her goodbyes. She ruffled Bucky’s hair and reminded him to call his mom, before the two of you got back to work.
“Walk me out?”
“Of course, Ma.”
“You know, you really should tell her how you feel,” Sarah said conversationally as he walked her to the door.  
Steve’s steps faltered as he looked down at her, wide eyed from shock.
“I’m not in love with Smudge,” he blurted out.
“Oh, darling. Would you like to try that again?”
He sighed, knowing there was no use in lying. He was terrible at it anyway.
“I can’t tell her, Ma.”  
“And why not?”
“Because I could lose her.”
“Oh, Steven. There’s no chance of that.”
“But how do you know?”
“Because she is just as in love with you as you are with her. Any fool could see that. And I most certainly did not raise a fool now did I?”
“Of course not, ma’am.”
“Good, then go tell the amazing woman how you feel about her.”
“You really like her?” he asked with a shy smile.
“Of course I do. I’ve been telling you she was the best thing to happen to you for years. Tonight just confirmed it.”
“But what if I end up leaving?”
“Whether you leave or not, you both deserve to know your options.”
She could see the decision rolling around in his head.
“Just think on it. Personally, I think she’d be well worth the effort of long distance.”
“Of course she is,” Steve huffed, insulted his mother would imply he thought otherwise.
“Then what exactly is your argument?”
The cab driver leaned on his horn.
“I’ve got to go. Good night, honey.”
She gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the forehead.
“Night, Ma,” he mumbled still stunned by the turn in the conversation.
What was his argument?
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A/N: Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed it! 
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frecklef0x · 4 years
Mass Effect 1: Playthrough Masterpost
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At last, I have finished Mass Effect 1!
I have heard some mutuals say they wish they could play it again for the first time, and you kind of can--through me! I’ve been posting little “episodes” of live-tweet-stream-of-consciousness as I play, and now I’ve compiled them into one post to make my life easier.
Anyway, here’s the first one, the rest are under the cut. :)
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode one
My ass looks great in this uniform, first of all
Impaled robo zombies, yikes
Cheap shot, Saren, smh. How will I pass my spectre test now?!
Why does he have robot eyes? Is he like, Geth-Turian? Why? Is he a robo zombie also? Was it the beacon???
Cool beacon nightmares, I'm sure this is fine
This Kaiden guy has implants? ORTEGA?!??!?
"Call me princess again and you'll be picking your teeth up off the floor" lol obliterated
The citadel elevators are very realistic, five minutes of tense silence huh
Ya girl got a PROMOTION and a DOPE SQUAD time to catch a TRAITOR
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode two
First things first, gotta go find the blue scientist to join the gang
This galaxy is HUGE! How many of these places will I actually be able to go?!
Only two friends at a time????? D:
Ah, a distress signal, let's see wha--A DESERT CENTIPEDE NOPE ABORT ABORT
Robo aliens? In MY Theronian mining facility? Its more likely than you think
Running over dudes in my Mako is extremely satisfying tbh
*runs over geth troopers* *runs over geth armature* *runs over geth colossus* ... *backs over geth colossus*
Working elevators in the ancient ruins ✔
Oooooooh man hope this nerd is gay
Wrex, a friend of yours? Nope, not a friend, too murdery
"ShAaaAame about the ruins Shep, sOooOo much collatoral damage, SHEP" stfu Council, "ruthless" was in the resume when you promoted us, 10/10 would shoot lasers through archeological digs again
When Kaiden calls us "ma'am" I am, uh, into it
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode three
Time to talk to the gang! Gotta meet the fam proper
Oh dear seems we got a shmee of racism on board, compatriots
Wow Raina, good foot-in-mouth moment with Wrex there huh...sorry about the eventual extinction of your race, lost this round of Pain Olympics
“hi I’m Kaiden wanna hear about my last crush ;)” “hi I’m Liara wanna hear about Asari mating rituals? ;)))” damn we really slidin right into the DMs no chill
Garrus: fuck rules and red tape amiright Raina: oh u right ;)
Guess I’ll actually do a mission now LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO
Honestly rolling out with Tali and Liara is a mood, squad goals
Raina @ every corporation on Noveria: I would sell you to satan for one(1) corn chip
This reactivation puzzle is some shit
I see some Mistakes were made
We already killing moms at this stage damn BioWare
fuck fuck fuck god damn it gotta shoot a bunch of deranged baby bug people again god DAMN IT
Okay we killed Liara’s mom in front of her hope that’s fine
And we let mama bug go free because after talking to Wrex, Raina’s like “this galaxy is a little trigger happy with the genocide, good luck out there bug mama ❤️ be cool please”
I have literally watched the scientist in the hot labs get killed three times now
So far the debreifs with the council have not gone very well
“You let bug mama go?! How many generations until they take over everything???” “My money’s on two :D Place your bets now assholes or stfu :DDD”
Asked Liara if she was okay and she seems pretty Cool With It
I hope to one day return to Noveria and Death Star it into oblivion
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode four
Talked with Tali and this situation with the Geth and the Quarians is giving me an existential crisis
You “inspect” my beautiful ship? You got somethin’ to say about my crew??? Talk shit get hit, bitch I will kill you
Yoooo my old earth gang, yeah what the hell, I’ll help ou—oh nope nvm he’s a xenophobe, you hang him and I’ll shoot his friend in the face, thx for your time
Went to the citadel to finish some assignments, left tasked with twice as many
“dOn’T cUt CoRneRs” fear not dear Kaiden, I have a permit: this piece of paper that says I do what I want
Still with the elevators, I really cannot with this
“You make it all sound so...dangerous...” ;) ;))))))
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode five
Headin’ to Virmire to rendezvous with the Salarian team
A cure for the genophase?!?!?! :D
Oh wait oh no are we for real gonna talk about destroying the cure like Wrex isn’t standing right here omg
Phew for a conversation that basically started with guns drawn, it went pretty well... “What Saren has isn’t even a proper cure, he’s just fucking with the Krogans at this point. Are we gonna stand for that? Or are we gonna murder?” “Damn Shep, you right, we gon’ murder”
Okay Ashley, go join the aliens, try not to die
Shadow Team!🎵 tearing through the base 🎶 disabling all the     defenses 🎵 (you gotta sing it to the tune of the Trogdor song)
We free the prisoners!!! :)
We shoot the prisoners??? :(
“Raina? How can you shoot them where they stand?” So it’s more merciful to let them explode? NAH FAM
This scientist is responsible for the mind control stuff? For Benezia? Fine     I’ll let her go but I hope she explodes
We did not learn our lesson concerning beacons I see
Wait if even Saren is worried about his mind control ship does that mean there are larger forces involved here?
Oh. Oh fuck
(so we really never found any info about that genophase cure huh? disappointing)
Oh Seren, you dumb dumb. You absolute fool. Clown man.
When Raina slings Kaiden over her shoulder to carry him to the ship—mmmmmmmmwoooow I am very bisexual
Bruh Raina takes every council call and she disconnects pissed off every time
WAIT I literally just hung up with the council, ASHLEY is DEAD, and Kaiden needs a DTR RIGHT NOW?!?!? Boy, NO, READ THE ROOM
This has been a stressful day
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode six
Shepard will avoid her feelings and go to Faros instead
Seeing Ashley’s figure greyed out and her locker inaccessible makes me sad
Wrex and Garrus, let’s go shoot some geth 💪 
A mind controlling planet—of course!
Shep gets all her renegade points shooting capitalists
Saved, uh, about half the colonists
If I have one more bad acid trip I stg
Oh nope here’s another one
Shep needs a nap
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode seven
Ah, the council. Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal.
At least Liara is good at pep talks ;)
Joker, you cockblock
Haha DUDE we airborne, you THOUGHT
Now that I am exiled from the Citadel, guess I’ll run some galactic errands:
o   Killed corporate scientists who though we would rescue them lol
o   Destroyed a bunch of geth camps helping Tali on her pilgrimage
o   Disabled a nuke and killed some pirates
o   Shut down some evil Cerberus experiments
o   And illegally traded information!
Okay time to get back on track
So we may or may not be flying to our doom
frecklef0x plays mass effect: (ME1) episode eight
You know what I love? Being murdered by geth armatures
All these Ilos ruins be looking the same
Security panel is only kinda helpful
Oh, luckily I know Prothean now!
“CANNOT BE STOPPED” wow very encouraging, thanks
After that super motivating message and disabling security, its time to go down, down to goblin town
Vigil? Oh word?
My girlfriend is GEEKING out
I knew something what wrong with that fucking Citadel
Vigil: information is power. Also Vigil: What does it matter why they do what they do? All that matters is you stop them
“non-essential” personnel die first, huh? GROSS, VIGIL (gotta be honest that hits different in 2020)
Garrus gets it, I knew we liked that guy
Okay, find conduit, save galaxy, break millennium-old genocide cyle, nbd
Ugh Mako you gotta do me dirty one last time I see, I hate this thing
The citadel robot says we’re doomed : )
This shootout is SO fun, seriously
Saren get it toGETHER
Renegade Raina can kill with a conversation apparently, well done then
Concentrate on the Sovereign—why am I gonna save a council that hates my guts, sorry, but I have a JOB to DO that you ACTIVELY HINDERED
Great, zombie husk Saren, just what I needed as I mull over the possible consequences of my galaxy-altering decision
Humanity-only council seems…questionable. Raina didn’t love the council but this sits wrong. Couldn’t we just appoint a more diverse council, including a human?
Anderson seems like a good enough dude, so…we’ll see.
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Lukadrien: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Seventeen
Read it on AO3: Your Hands Hold Home: Chapter Seventeen: Broken Families
“Sup, G Flat,” Xavier-Yves greeted as he descended the stairs into the main cabin of the Liberty.
Adrien grimaced but mentally reminded himself to be nice for Luka’s sake.
“Hi, XY. Luka’s actually not here right now. He’s out with the Capitaine, and I don’t think they’ll be back soon,” he informed, hoping that that would be the end of his exposure to the popstar for the day.
XY shrugged, taking a seat on the opposite limb of the L-shaped couch from Adrien.
“That’s okay,” XY assured as he made himself comfortable, spreading out like a starfish and pulling his laptop out of his bag. “You probably don’t know this because you’re still pretty new here, but I have the okay to just kick it here whenever I want.”
Adrien nodded, internally cursing his lot in life. “I see. That’s cool.”
“Yeppers,” Xavier-Yves agreed, barely paying Adrien any mind as he started up his audio editing program.
Adrien set aside the book he’d borrowed from Luka, seeing that he wasn’t going to get any more reading done in XY’s presence.
“How long do you think you’ll hang out?” Adrien inquired, trying to sound interested rather than rude and impatient for Xavier-Yves to leave.
XY shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe a couple hours? Probably until this evening.”
Adrien mentally swore.
“I’m hiding from my dad,” XY added voluntarily.
Adrien frowned. “Why?”
XY clicked his tongue. “He’s trying to set me up with some actress. You know. For publicity and all that.”
Adrien shuddered. “My father made me do that a couple times. I’ve always hated that kind of thing.”
“Dude, I know!” XY exclaimed, looking up from his computer screen. “Sucks, right?!”
Adrien nodded. “I mean, some of the girls were okay, and I may have even been able to like one or two of them in earnest if we’d met more naturally and it had been our decision to date, but…those arrangements are so staged. I always resented them as just one more thing Father was making me do against my will and completely ignoring my wishes about.”
“Tch. Yeah,” Xavier-Yves scoffed. “Trust me. I hear you.”
Just as suddenly as the conversation started, it ended, and XY seemed to go back to his laptop.
Adrien gave his book a sidelong look, debating whether to take it up to the deck to continue reading in peace.
Before he could come to a decision, XY broke back into Adrien’s thoughts.
“…So…you’re bi or what?”
Adrien gave a start. “What?”
“You said you could have liked some of the girls your dad made you date,” XY explained, “but I always thought you had a thing for Luka…so are you bi or in denial or what?”
Adrien stared at his love rival for a moment, trying to determine whether he should be affronted by XY’s abrupt demands for personal information.
Xavier-Yves looked at Adrien expectantly with seemingly no malice or agenda hidden behind his words.
It was then that Adrien remembered what Luka had told him about XY’s penchant for coming across as rude due to his lack of normal socialization—something Adrien could, unfortunately, relate to.
Adrien decided to take XY’s question in good faith and answered, “I think I’m probably bi.”
XY cocked an eyebrow. “What do you mean you think you’re bi? Isn’t that something you just know?”
Adrien shifted uncomfortably under Xavier-Yves’s scrutiny. “I think it’s confusing because the media really only shows men and women ending up with one another, so that’s how I thought it had to be when I was growing up. I didn’t realize guys were actually an option until later, and I’ve mostly just been interested in girls so far. I mean, I can tell if a guy is attractive, but Luka’s the only guy I’ve ever been attracted to in practice, not just in theory.”
XY blinked several times, trying to parse Adrien’s response. “…So…you’re bi?”
“At least as far as Luka’s concerned,” Adrien confirmed with a shrug.
“You make my head hurt,” XY announced. “You’re just thinking about it too much.”
“Maybe,” Adrien chuckled, musing that XY might have accidentally stumbled upon the truth.
Xavier-Yves shook his head. “I’ve always known I was gay. I never even looked at girls as a kid.”
Adrien’s eyes widened. “I-I’m sorry. I always assumed you were bi. Well…after I found out about your feelings for Luka, anyway. Until then, I thought you were straight.”
XY rolled his eyes and waved dismissively. “That’s because my dad says I have to stay in the closet.”
Adrien’s jaw descended several centimeters. “He what?”
XY nodded, setting his laptop aside and angling more towards Adrien. “My dad says that gay doesn’t sell and that all of my fangirls will stop buying my music and coming to concerts if they find out I only like dudes, so I can’t tell anyone I’m gay.”
Adrien blinked dumbly, finding himself wondering if his own father would react similarly if he found out about Adrien being queer. A lot of people in fashion were, so maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal, but…somehow, Adrien got the feeling that Gabriel would probably prefer it if Adrien kept that fact to himself and found a nice female partner.
“…I’m sorry,” Adrien mumbled, suddenly seeing past the annoying, inconvenient aspects of XY to the very real person with problems and feelings and dreams underneath.
XY shrugged. “Is what it is. Just don’t you go tellin’ people.”
“I would never do that,” Adrien was quick to assure.
XY gave a snort as he nodded. “Good.”
“…So…you’re not allowed to date?” Adrien inquired, morbid curiosity getting the best of him.
XY shook his head. “Nah. Dad would flip. It’s okay, though. I’ve never been really into anyone before, so it was, like, whatever.”
Adrien’s eyebrow arched. “What about Luka? You seem pretty into him.”
“Luka’s different,” Xavier-Yves confirmed with a passionate punch to the words. “He’s the one, you know?”
Adrien dropped his gaze, wilting slightly because he knew that fact all too well.
“I’d come out, if he wanted me to,” XY continued. “I don’t know. Luka’s kind of quiet and private, so I don’t know if he’d want to make it all public, but he’d at least want to tell his friends who he was seeing, so it would get out there eventually. I wouldn’t care, though. He’s worth it.”
“You really care about him a lot,” Adrien whispered.
“You bet I do,” XY insisted. “You know how annoying and dumb I am.”
Adrien’s head jerked up at the blatant self-deprecation.
“Not a lot of people like me. A lot of people pretend to because they want something, but they don’t actually like me,” XY snorted.
Adrien suddenly felt a chill at hearing circumstances that so closely echoed his own.
“Luka didn’t like me at first, and he had a good excuse not to, but instead of telling me to get lost when I came to ask him to teach me about loving music, he put up with me,” XY recounted with a soft look of gratitude and affection in his placid blue eyes.
“He was really patient, and he taught me and helped me be a better person. My dad taught me a lot of bad things.” His eyes dropped to the floor as he confessed his past shortcomings. “I didn’t know they were bad until Luka told me so…so I owe him a lot. I’d do anything for him.”
Adrien nodded passively, averting his gaze as he wondered if Luka wouldn’t be better off with XY than himself.
Xavier-Yves could give Luka fortune and industry contacts, and while “Roth” wasn’t the most well-liked surname in Paris, it was worlds ahead of “Agreste” which had become synonymous with “dirt” a month previously when Papillon’s identity had been revealed.
Maybe Adrien should step aside romantically and focus on being a good, supportive friend to Luka.
“I’d do anything for him,” Xavier-Yves repeated solemnly, “…even if that meant bowing out and supporting his happiness with you.”
Adrien’s head jerked up again, and he gaped at XY in disbelief. “What?”
XY shrugged. “The most important thing is that Luka is happy, yeah?”
Adrien nodded, still not understanding. “Yes. Absolutely. But…what does that have to do with me?”
XY shook his head. “You’re important to him. We’re both really important to him. I can’t tell you how many times he’s asked me to try to play nice with you these past few weeks because he wants us both in his life, and he wants us all to get along.”
Adrien’s lips rounded into a small “o”.
XY nodded. “I want him to be happy. Even if you win, I want him to be happy, so I’m gonna try to be friends with you because it’s important to Luka.”
Adrien slowly began to nod. “Okay. I can’t promise I’ll ever really like you much, but I’m going to tolerate you for Luka’s sake. So, let’s make this work, okay?”
“Deal,” XY agreed with a wide grin, holding out his fist to Adrien for a fist bump.
Chuckling, Adrien leaned forward and touched his fist to XY’s.
“…So,” Xavier-Yves remarked after the moment had passed. “Wanna watch a movie or something?”
Adrien shrugged. “Sure. Why not?”
“How good’s your English?” XY asked, grabbing his laptop and opening up his video library.
“Not fluent, but I should be able to watch a movie without subtitles,” Adrien replied, moving to sit next to Xavier-Yves.
XY looked up at Adrien and tipped his head to the side. “You ever heard of Abbott and Costello?”
Adrien frowned, searching his memory banks. “…The comedy duo?”
XY nodded enthusiastically, a wide grin quickly spreading from one cheek to the other. “They’re super dope. You’ll love them. Let’s watch In Society. It’s got one of my favourite routines.”
“All right,” Adrien easily agreed, reasoning that he owed it to Luka and himself to make an effort. “Sounds good.”
 A little over an hour later, Luka returned to find Adrien and Xavier-Yves in a pile on the couch, leaning on one another to keep themselves upright as they chortled, “He’s not dead, Lady! He’s hiding!”
“I see you showed him Abbott and Costello?” Luka remarked, announcing his presence.
XY pushed himself up to grin adoringly at Luka. “Yeah. We were just thinking about watching another. Wanna join us?”
“Sure,” Luka chuckled, coming around to their side of the couch.
Adrien scooted over to make room for Luka between himself and XY.
“After all, it’s not every day that two of my best friends are able to spend time together without wanting to kill one another. We should do something to celebrate,” Luka reasoned.
“We’re not that bad. We just…verbally snipe at each other sometimes,” Adrien giggled, quickly snuggling up to Luka at exactly the same moment XY wrapped his arm around Luka’s shoulders.
“Yeah,” XY seconded. “The only friend of yours I want to kill is that Jacob loser.”
Luka groaned, rolling his eyes.
Adrien lifted his head to look around Luka at Xavier-Yves. “Jacob?”
XY nodded. “That bassist in his band. He’s Luka’s ex.”
Adrien quirked an eyebrow. “We can’t be civil with Luka’s exes?”
XY’s eyes narrowed. “Jacob’s one of the four he slept with.”
“Oh,” Adrien replied flatly, his opinion abruptly changing.
“Yeah. Those ones are dead to me,” Xavier-Yves snorted.
“Can we not talk about my love life?” Luka sighed, tipping his head back to stare up at the ceiling. “It’s really not that interesting. Let’s watch the movie.”
XY clicked his tongue. “I beg to be different. I am super interested in the people you’ve slept with.”
“Prune,” Luka groaned. “Drop it. I’ve been the adult in this household since I was ten. I’m allowed to sleep with whomever my little demi heart loves.”
“Would you sleep with me?” XY wondered curiously.
Luka’s cheeks flushed as he pointedly avoided Xavier-Yves’s gaze. “No comment.”
“Would you sleep with him?” XY pressed, jabbing a finger at Adrien.
Luka choked on air, making a wheezing sound of distress.
“No comment,” he managed with some effort.
“How about a threesome?” Xavier-Yves suggested amicably.
Adrien burst out laughing, snuggling in closer.
“For the love of whatever you hold sacred, start the movie already before I strangle you,” Luka pleaded.
“I could be into that,” XY replied, waggling his eyebrows.
Luka threw his hands up in the air, exclaiming, “Aaaaah!”
This caused Adrien to laugh even harder.
XY joined in.
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mulderist · 4 years
Wicked Game
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previous chapter // read on A03 // @today-in-fic​
CHAPTER 7 3rd District Precinct 12:31 a.m.
The second wind finally arrived. I paced the floor in Interrogation Room 5 with arms folded tight across my chest. I felt like a gun ready to go off. My focus was on Theo Chambers, enforcer to Carlo Lodi. He sat handcuffed in his expensive blue suit with a shit-eating grin. After I got him processed I let him stew and he behaved, which was a bit of a surprise.
“I could do this all night, you know, “ I said standing at the edge of the table looking at the remains of a weak cup of coffee and half a pack of Morleys. “Even if we’re just sitting here in silence.”
I paused and listened for dramatic affect. “You know, I read somewhere that silence is golden but, I don’t think you like to keep quiet.” 
“How’s the jaw,” he responded with a puff of smoke and a tilt of his chin.   
I turned and pulled out the chair at the opposite end of the table, dragging it purposefully across the floor creating a sound like nails on a chalkboard. 
“Well, you hit like a featherweight so a stiff drink and I was right as rain.” I said as I sat down. “Speaking of which, does Lodi get you to do all his heavy lifting? Use you like a trained dog; Theo attack! Theo come! Good boy Theo...”
“You wanna cut the bullshit?” he interrupted.
“Indeed I do. You want to tell me how long you’ve been running out of the Navy Yard?”
Theo cracked a smile and tapped his cigarette against the discolored ashtray. He then pinched it between his thumb and index finger, covering the end to hide the glow. Standard technique for someone who does a lot of their work in the shadows. I continued with my questioning.
“Is the taxi company your only front?”
“Mum’s the word, detective,” he said.
“Do the taxis only run in the southeast?” I pressed. 
Theo tucked the cigarette in the corner of his mouth then leaned back as far as he could. Silent, aside from the sound of the metal chain pulling across the top of the table. His cuffed hands knitted together. 
“Do the taxis run anywhere else in the District? Down Constitution Ave.? Down to the Tidal Basin? Over the bridge into Virginia?”
“Mum’s. The. Word,” Theo said pointedly, letting the cig hang from his lip. I was wired and on the edge. I rose and placed my hands on my hips. I resisted the urge to hit him; punch him square in the jaw, bloody his nose, pin him against the table. Really make him hurt. Instead, using better judgement, I turned on my heel and left the room, slamming the door behind me.
Several officers were in the hallway and scattered when they saw me. Word travels fast when you bring in a c-list celebrity from the crime sheets. I moved past them and their whispering and took a walk to the bullpen. The chorus of ringing phones and typewriters was in full swing. I approached my desk and took the liberty of kicking the unsuspecting wastebasket. It ricocheted and rolled away from where I was standing. A few heads perked up at the noise but returned to their work just as quickly. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back. I was getting nowhere slowly.  
“Rough night?” I heard the captain’s voice from behind me.
“Just blowing off some steam,” I said with an exhale, “So far I haven’t gotten much out of our new friend Theo. I need to talk to his boss.”
“He’s already been questioned,” Skinner said as I crouched down to straighten up the wastebasket. I glanced at my shoes, which were probably ruined from traipsing around in the storm. Maybe on a day off I’d buy another pair. 
“Not by me,” I replied and started out of the bullpen back to the interrogation rooms. I went two doors down but before I could turn the knob, Skinner caught up and stopped me.
“Sir, may I ask what you’re doing?”
“I want to remind you that this is a valuable asset. I commend your effort in apprehending him and his enforcer,” he said in a low voice. I sensed there was more to that statement. This case already had too many hands involved.
“But you don’t want me to unravel this seemingly tightly knit case with my usual brand of questioning.”
Skinner squared his jaw.
“Oh, now I get it,” I continued. “You already talked to him and you were just going to leave it at that. No one else in or out?”
“Are you doubting my methods, Mulder?”
“I’m doubting the line of questioning,” my voice lowered and I clenched my fist, “We are so close to tying things together with this ring and Spender’s involvement. I need to see how far up this goes.”
“We already have the evidence to pin Lodi for Skinner’s murder,” Skinner said. I shifted my stance. “We just need something to narrow down where the heroin was being distributed. 
“That’s all I want to do. Because as soon as I get what I need, I’m going home. Believe me sir I want to close this and move on. This case has already taken up too much of my life.”
Skinner nodded. I knew I was walking into a high-stakes game with the house’s money and a cold shoulder from Lady Luck. My hand gripped the doorknob and I entered the smoke filled room. 
Another table, another ashtray, another handcuffed suspect. Carlo Lodi sat just like he did when I confronted him at the restaurant; an air of superiority trapped in a grey pin-stripped suit. breathed life into a superficial demeanor as cool as a summer breeze. 
“We meet again Mr Lodi,” I began as I pulled out the chair and took a seat. I unbuttoned the cuffs of my sleeves then rolled them up towards my elbow. The skin on my forearms felt clammy. I couldn’t wait to get into fresh, dry clothes when this was all over. 
“Quite the set-up you’ve got down at the docks. Smart to use a small crew. Less people to inventory when you get caught.”
“C’mon detective, you know how this works,” Lodi said twisting the ring on his finger, “I ain’t saying anything without my lawyer.”
I continued without missing a beat.
“Vincenti sure knows how to pick ‘em. What makes you hold the title of being his favorite croney? It can’t be your looks.”
“You’re getting nothing from me.”
“Oh I can keep going.”
“You think this is the first time I’ve been here? You think you’re being original?”
“I have evidence that connects you to Vincenti. I have proof you operate out of the Navy Yard not to mention proof that you murdered a city detective in cold blood. And if you won’t talk, perhaps your friend down the hall will.”
I watched him light up and take a long drag. Thick white smoke drifted out of his mouth and curled up towards his nostrils.
“Here’s the thing, detective; you got nothing on me. Not a damn thing. My hands are as clean as a nun’s habit. So if you want to listen to yourself talk, then go right ahead. I’ll finish this pack of smokes and wait for my lawyer.”
My second wind dissolved into a subtle breeze, taking the wind out of my sails. I knew his lawyer wasn’t marching through that door anytime soon. I didn’t want to paint myself into a corner. I considered going downstairs to retrieve the bullets that matched his gun. Rub his face in it. 
“Alright then,” I said as I pushed back in my chair, “I like the sound of my own voice. Who’s idea was it to use a taxi company, couldn’t have been you could it? Vincenti must have been riding around town and the idea just came to him right? Seems as though an awful lot of people must want a taste of that dust. Gotta give those pushers an extra cut for spreading the word about a top notch supply.”
 Lodi pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray and cleared his throat.
“The pushers...they’re ants compared to us.” He grunted, “All of that product, all that demand, all because of us. They’d be nothing without us.”
Now we were getting somewhere.
“Are those pushers driving your cabs too? Skimming a little more off the top, just a little closer to that brass ring. Or are you threatening folks just trying to make an honest living, taking their livelihood so you can move the product. Unless, you start recruiting smart looking door-to-door salesmen to sell the dope”
“Yeah, then nice people in the suburbs would be hopheads,” he chuckled at himself, “Mary and Joe with their kids and their white picket fence, flying high getting a little taste of the city. Going mad when they can’t get another fix. Vincenti does say business is business.”
The pop of a match and familiar scent of a Lucky Strike. He waved his hand to extinguish the match and tossed it on the table. I rose from my seat and walked to the opposite corner of the room, glancing at my watch. I needed a drink. My stomach turned at the thought of another boiled down cup of coffee. I looked at Lodi and he flicked away some ash. 
“Get comfortable. You’re going to be staying the night.” I said then exited the room.
I woke with a start and realized I was still at the precinct. It was a brief respite, maybe thirty minutes of a fitful sleep. A cramp pinched at the side of my neck thanks to how my head was turned towards the back of the couch. The strap from my holster dug into my ribs; I should have taken it off before I laid down. I checked the time and slowly sat upright burying my face in my hands. My head was swimming, my throat felt raw. I stood and went to the water cooler, grabbed a paper cup and pushed the tab. I took a swig, listened for the gurgle then poured in some more. 
I walked past my desk to see if any messages had been left in my absence. Nothing. It was just as I left it. Officer Pendrell caught my attention.
“Hey Mulder, the suspect in room 3 was asking for some water a little while ago. Do you know if anyone went back in there?”
“I’m not sure. I took a cat nap but I was going back in there anyway. Have we heard anything from his lawyer?”
“Don’t think so. But I’ll check it out.”
I loosened my tie as I strode down the hall. My shoulders felt stiff as I adjusted the leather strap of the holster.
“Rise and shine,” I said as I entered the room and snapped my fingers. I felt my voice catch in my throat when I saw Lodi on the floor, his arms stretched overhead at an unnatural angle with hands still cuffed to the table. His lips were purple, his eyes looked bulged in their sockets. And then there was the smell. I covered my nose and mouth as I observed the horrible pale tint to the skin on his face. There was a puddle of sick on the floor and some remnants down his front.
“I need some help in here NOW!” I yelled out the door then approached his seemingly lifeless body. His wrists were a dark red from where the cuffs were cutting off the circulation, his fingers and hands already looked dead. 
“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” a voice said behind me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Pendrell hesitantly standing in the doorway.
“Do you have keys?” I asked. He nodded and fumbled in his pocket. I did the honors. With the second cuff released Lodi’s body fell to the floor with a wet smack. The smell hit me again.
“Was it a heart attack?” Pendrell offered as he came over. Two other officers crowded in the doorway to get their looks in. 
“Someone get Captain Skinner,” I said then turned my attention back to the body. I leaned closer and noticed a white trail down the corner of his mouth, crusting on the lips. Pendrell rounded the other side of the interrogation table and bent down, covering the lower part of his face.
“Mulder look.” He was pointing at a discarded water cup. The wheels started turning. I stood quickly and left the room, leaving Pendrell to document the scene. I went two doors down and saw Theo Chambers in a similar state. He had collapsed across the table, cuffed hands hung off the edge. The smell didn’t hit as hard but there was more blood. Theo had a thick smear of it under his nose down to his mouth. I left the room and charged down the hall, meeting Skinner.
“What the hell happened here, Mulder?”
“Both suspects are dead. I think they were poisoned.”
“Excuse me?”
“Someone...someone knew. Somebody discovered they were caught and wanted to rub them out.”
“Who would have known that?”
“It’s the mob, sir. Word travels fast.”
“Mulder...Hey! Mulder!”
“I need to get the boys in forensics up here. No one touches these two!” I was rambling, I could feel it. Things took a turn faster than a Grand Prix driver. I heard dissonance in my ears as I found the closest telephone. I pulled the rotary to dial the lab. I closed my eyes to try and center myself, listened to the ring in the earpiece. I hoped one of the boys was awake down there. Another ring and a groggy voice answered.
“Langley, it’s Mulder. Are Byers and Frohike with you?”
I could hear a yawn before he said, “Frohike called it a night a few hours ago but Byers is still burning the midnight oil.”
“I need the two of you up here with your bag of tricks. We’ve got a couple of stiffs in the intero rooms.”
“Wait a minute, someone dropped them off?”
“No. It’s a fresh scene.” I wiped my brow.
There was a pause and I heard him adjust the phone.
“We’ll be right up.”
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Weekly Media Roundup
-Venom: Let There Be Carnage (Movie) - Much like the first one I would love to break this movie apart and reconstruct the individual elements to create the ultimate ideal Monster-lover movie, but as it is it was still pretty fun. They fixed a lot of complaints I had about the first one (cut out unnecessary backstory, made the villains more interesting, made the Venom/Eddie relationship the focus, stopped trying to force Anne as the love interest and just let her be happy with Dan), though I still felt like we needed some more positive interactions between Eddie and Venom to make the whole “We’re a team and the villains aren't” thing work for me. Still the fact that this movie exists is hilarious and fantastic, really hope Marvel doesn’t fuck up my boys by making them villains.
-Ennead (Webcomic) - I don’t usually have guilty pleasures as I’m pretty unapologetic about the things I enjoy but in this rare case, yeah I’m kinda guilty about this one. I stand by the it has a lot of good elements (breathtaking art and character designs, a unique setting in Ancient Egypt, complicated characters with interesting motivations, ect), I really would not recommend most people check it out, and if you do definitely read the trigger warnings before hand. I would be lying if I didn’t say it occupied a lot of my brain space this week though so here it is.
-Link Click (Anime) - This has been hyped up as one of the Anime of the Year contenders, so I wanted to try it it before making my personal final judgement. I really like the art direction so far, and time travel stories definitely have the potential to be pretty dope, so wile my first impression is “pretty good”, I have expectations for it to impress me further. Also I realize that this is partially because I’m attracted to this genre anyway but with this, the MXTX works, 19 days, and Their Story, most of what I’ve read from China seems to fall into the “unusually long gays” category. 
-JJBA: Stone Ocean (Anime) - Anime night continues with the newest Jojo, we’ve just been introduced to a sentient collective of plankton inhabiting the body of a dead girl and I think she’ll be my favorite .I’ve been impressed by some of the creative way’s they are able to use Jolyne’s Stand, and am looking forward to seeing whatever weirdass shit Araki has in store for us.
-Blue Period (Anime) - Still very good, will probably have more to say when it concludes in a couple weeks.
-Sleepy Princess in The Demon Castle (Anime)- Finished! Up in the air about whether I’ll read the manga-I did really enjoy the wholesome demon castle setting and the cute, lovable character dynamics, but I’m not sure how many more stories they’ll be able to tell with the same “hostage princess looking for ways to sleep” gimmick. That being said, really love how all the castle residents are these skeletor minion looking demons but have a very chill coworker dynamic, exactly my taste.
-Yotsuba&! (Manga) - A new book finally came out so in celebration I’m going to be rereading the series. I’ll have more to say next time.
-The Vampire Dies In No Time (Anime) - Finished! My interest in the series waned a bit near the end as they started to get less creative with the jokes and enemy vampires, but overall I really enjoyed this, especially John-who is unbelievably cute and precious-and Draluc, who I liked a lot more than I thought I would thanks to his genuine excitement at everything and his malewife energy. Would recommend if your a fan of friendly monsters and stupid humor. 
-The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles (Video Game) - As you do with hyperfixations, I have found a good playthrough to watch and vicariously re live the entire story again. The playthrough I’m watching has all the people involved gushing over how charming all the characters are, and it’s nice to have my tastes validated haha. 
Listening to: Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran, Dive Back In Time (Link Click OST), Glad You Came (D Sharp’s Violin Cover), Electric Feel by MGMT, Don’t Stop by Innerpartysystem, No Body No Crime and Willow by Taylor Swift, Majora’s Mask OST, Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead, All Eyes on Me by Bo Burnham
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imagine-that · 4 years
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“Topanga, I really don’t think this is a good idea. I’m fine being single. You know that.” You protest, going through your closet to find clothes anyways.
“You need to branch out a bit y/n. You haven’t been on a date in a while and it’ll be fun!” She says as she hands you one of your cardigans and a camisole for underneath. Reluctantly, you pull both on and have to admit it does look perfect.
You grab a pair of jeans and pull them on, examining the outfit in the mirror. You turn to Topanga for approval.
“You look wonderful.” She says with a smile.
“Thank you but I don’t know who you could possibly know that I don’t. We always hang out together and we have like every single class together.” You sigh, running a brush through your hair.
“I never said you didn’t know him.” She says with a laugh. You whip around to look at her again, surprised.
“You mean to tell me I actually know the guy you’re setting me up with? How is that a blind date Topanga?!” You ask nervously.
She gets up off the edge of your bed and puts a hand on your shoulder calmly.
“Relax. He’s a very nice guy. I wouldn’t set you up with him if he wasn’t.” She assures you and you nod, taking a deep breath in order to calm yourself.
“Alright. I believe that, you’ve always been a good friend to me.” You say as you set the brush down. “But I swear if it turns out to be Minkus somehow, I’ll kill you!” You warn quickly and she laughs.
“No it isn’t Stuart, don’t worry.” She says with another smile.
Giving her one last look of scepticism, the two of you leave your room and step outside, getting into Corys parents car quickly.
“Cory I’m sure you know who she set me up with. Is it Minkus? Is it worse than Minkus?” You ask him from the backseat.
“God no.” He laughs a little. “Definitely not Minkus. It’s actually-“ He starts but Topanga gives him a look and he stops talking though his nervous laughter is still in the air.
As you arrive at Chubbies, Topanga and Cory are talking in hushed tones, making you even more nervous.
“Alright come on lovebirds let’s get this over with.” You sigh as you walk through the door. They follow close behind, Cory starting to do his nervous giggle.
You survey the restaurant and are confused to see only one other person your age.
“I’m thinking he isn’t here yet because the only guy in here who’s our age is Shawn and I mean-“ You start but stop abruptly when you see the smile Cory is fighting.
“You didn’t!” You groan, looking to them both for answers.
“Oh but we did.” Cory says with a grin.
“But I already know Shawn! I’ve had a date with Shawn! He doesn’t do more than two weeks per girl. Everyone knows that.” You ramble, biting at the ends of your nails nervously.
“For you y/n, he does. Now go. He’s waiting.” Topanga sing songs, pushing you gently in the direction of his table.
“Topanga Lawrence, you are a dead woman!” You growl and she holds up her hand to stop you, tsking a little bit.
“You only said I was dead if it were Stuart. Shawn is far from Stuart.” She reminds you and you glare between both her and Cory.
“Have fun.” Cory singsongs teasingly, waggling his fingers in a wave as Topanga pushes you over towards Shawn once again.
“You two schemers deserve each other.” You hiss as Topanga shoves you towards the table.
You quickly replace your scowl with a kind smile as you take a seat across from Shawn in his booth.
“Hey Shawnie.” You say happily, picking up your menu to busy yourself.
“H-hey y/n.” He stutters with a smile. You raise an eyebrow at him questioningly.
“I’ve never seen you stutter. What’s wrong? Lose your charm Hunter?” You ask teasingly.
The two of you had been friends for a long time. Even if you were a lot closer to Topanga, you were still always close to Shawn. The two of you talked about almost everything. Then when you went your two weeks of dating you started drifting apart a bit but powered through it for the most part.
“Oh did I stutter? I didn’t notice.” He shrugs. “So Topanga and Cory set us up huh?” He says, clearly wanting to change the subject.
“Yeah for some reason. I was surprised. Don’t they know we had our two weeks?” You ask.
“Oh yeah that’s right we did.” He realizes. You once again raise an eyebrow at him, crossing your arms.
“You forgot already? It was only a few months ago, should I be offended?” You ask dramatically, waggling your eyebrows playfully.
“No! I mean... I mean no.” He says with a nervous laugh.
“You’re very jumpy tonight. What gives Hunter?” You ask with a smile.
Before he has the chance to respond, the waitress comes with your food. Shawn, knowing you as well as he does, had ordered your regular for you. You however, are surprised to see he doesn’t even flirt with the waitress.
“You remembered, I’m flattered.” You tease with a coy smile as you bite into a fry.
“A burger, fries and a pop. Not hard to forget.” He shrugs but you note the bit of blushing in his cheeks.
“Ok I’ve never seen Shawn Hunter blush. Nor have I ever seen you pass up the chance to flirt with a girl. What gives?” You asks, leaning back with your arms still crossed.
“Nothing gives. I just wasn’t interested in the waitress. Not my kind of woman.” He says with a shrug and a lazy smile.
“You shush with that, shush right up.” You exclaim. He looks at you in pure confusion mixed with a bit of something else you can’t read. “We both know that’s absolutely not true Hunter. So you tell me, you tell me right now what is going on.” You order.
“Always the persistent one, huh y/n/n?” He teases with a smirk. You fix him with a glare that could kill.
Just then, you see Topanga leaving the table she was sharing with Cory and an idea pops into your head.
“Shawn.” You start with a sweet smile.
“Yes y/n?” He asks with a smile equally as sweet that makes you feel like swooning.
“Either you tell me right now why you’re acting so weird or I will go over and shake it out of Cory.” You warn and he looks at you in shock.
“You’re bluffing, you wouldn’t!” He challenges.
You lean in closer to the table, taking a sip of your drink. “I’m not and I totally would.” You tell him, watching his every move.
“He’s delicate! He’ll break under pressure! You wouldn’t do that to him would you y/n?” Shawn rambles and you suppress a laugh.
“I won’t have to if you just tell me what’s going on yourself.” You shrug, looking at him with determination.
“Alright alright jeeze.” He sighs in defeat and your eyes go wide in surprise. “I asked Corey to arrange this. Topanga was the brains though. Cory could not have pulled this off on his own, no matter how much he wishes he could.” He admits with another lazy smile.
“What? Why would you do that? We’ve already had our two week period.” You ask in confusion. For as long as you’d known Shawn, he’d never dated any girl for longer than two weeks. It was unheard of. Shawn was a self titled ladies man and it had been that way always.
“Maybe two weeks isn’t all I wanted this time.” He says with a shrug.
“Shawn... what are you saying?” You ask hesitantly.
“I’m saying that I like you as more than a friend.” He blurts, his quirky nervous giggle interrupting him mid sentence. “There, I said it. I blurted it right out.” He sighs, looking at you with hope in his eyes.
“Shawn...” You start and he perks up even more. “You can be such a nut sometimes.” You laugh.
“Huh?” He asks, clearly confused.
“You had Cory and Topanga ask me out for you.” You state, still laughing.
“Yeah and once again, huh?!” He asks.
“You should’ve just asked me out yourself you big dumby. I mean, it’s not like you don’t have the charm and good looks for it.” You giggle.
Shawn blinks at you a bit blankly.
“Oh my god. Ok I have to spell it out.” You sigh. “I like you too.” You say slowly, watching closely for his reaction.
“As a friend?” He asks, clearly worried.
“No you idiot! As more than a friend.” You explain.
He looks even more alarmed than he did before.
“Oh.” Is all he says, leaning back.
“Shawn? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. What exactly were you expecting to happen?” You ask, reaching an arm over the table to grab his hand.
He flinches away a little bit but still holds your hand. “I’m fine. Just... wasn’t totally expecting an actual positive response.” He admits.
You smile at him, amused. “Really? You had absolutely no idea that I liked you back?” You question.
“None. Actually, you should be proud. I usually notice when a pretty girl likes me.” He grins, regaining his usual composure with ease.
You giggle nervously, feeling a smile spreading across your lips and a blush rising in your cheeks.
“Well... she does.” You say coyly, fiddling with your fingers.
He does his nervous giggle again and you purse your lips, covering your own laugh.
“You’re truly adorable.” You tell him, the smile never falling from your face.
“So are you. Now say it again. I know I am, I just like to here it coming from your mouth.” He says with a ginormous grin.
“You sound like Cory you dope.” You giggle and he looks at you expectantly. “Ok fine, you’re adorable.” You add a moment later, shaking your head with a grin.
“How’d you do it anyways?” You ask thoughtfully as you take a bite out of your burger.
“Do what?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Get them to arrange this.” You explain. “I mean, I get Cory but Topanga is a tough nut to crack. After the two weeks, she wanted you dead.” You add.
“Oh! That! It was actually pretty easy. All I did was go up to her and say I like this one, get a dopey, Cory like smile and then I started that weird, annoying laugh I get about you and she was basically begging to plan this.” He informs you with proud smile.
“Ah yes, I believe that’d definitely do it for her.” You respond with a small laugh.
Suddenly, your laughing and grinning are interrupted by Shawn quickly jumping to your side and pressing his lips against yours.
Your eyes are wide with surprise for a second before you recover and return the kiss. After a moment, Shawn pulls away with a big grin of his own.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for years. Without the two week limit, of course.” He tells you with a smirk.
You giggle again. “Well I’m glad you did because now I have the courage to do this.” You tell him as you grab his face in your hands and press your lips on his again.
When you pull away, he looks like he could faint.
“Well I’m glad you did.” He repeats your words and you break out in a laugh.
The two of you spend the rest of your date on that side of the booth, laughing and pelting fries at each other every now and then, both silently thanking your crazy schemer friends for doing what neither of you had the courage to do yourselves.
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pietropatrol · 4 years
Marvel High (Part 4)
Read Part 3
A/N: Happy Fic Fri--Saturday! Had this most of the way written up yesterday, but my daughter has not been going down at her bedtime very well so I didn’t get it done before bed! But here I am now, posting as my husband is now trying to get her to go back to sleep. Babies, I tell yah.
Welcome to Marvel High, where being the new kid wasn’t the worst. Your homeroom couldn’t be weirder though; your teacher wears an eye patch and is always shouting for some reason, and a group of dysfunctional teens calling themselves the “Avengers.” Probably the weirdest thing is their insistence that you join.
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Pairing: Pietro x Reader Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, teenage substance abuse Words: 1,300ish
The dynamic of the group was odd to witness. They all had drastically different personalities, something you had already gleaned from the bickering during the school day, but under the influence of alcohol, it became even more obvious. It was as if the group was comprised of smaller groups. 
The Maximoff twins were obvious. Natasha and Clint were a pair, that you were sure of. The way they shadowed each other and communicated in their body language was hard to ignore. Either they had been friends for a long time or something was going on between them. Though you felt it would have been inappropriate to ask. Tony and Bruce seemed close, from what you had overheard from their in-depth science conversation at lunch earlier. You could always find Steve, Bucky, and Sam together, but Bucky seemed annoyed whenever he was left with just Sam.
Thor was an outlier and seemed to bounce around all of them seamlessly. His cockiness rivaled Tony’s. Thor appeared to be about six beers deep and enthusiastically telling a story about how he wrestled some unnamed beast in is home country.
“Where is Thor from again?” You turned to Pietro who was watching the group from a distance with you. Though you had felt him watching you when you weren’t looking.
“Some Scandinavian country… we think.” Pietro shrugged. “You sure you don’t want another drink? Nat makes a mean cocktail.”
“I’m sure she does, but I should probably keep my wits about me and not smell like I’ve been drinking. My dad is like a bloodhound with that stuff. One beer was already a risk.”
“So, what is up with your dad anyway? He seems…” Pietro struggled to find the right word.
“Hella protective?” You quirked an eyebrow.
“Yes, hell-ah protective, as you so put it.” Pietro inclined his head in your direction, closing the small gap between your bodies.
“He means well. I haven’t made the best choices in my life. And trouble seems to follow me wherever we go. It’s only a matter of time before it finds me here.” You were being intentionally vague. It was a can of worms that someone you just met shouldn’t have sprung on them.
Pietro furrowed his eyebrows but didn’t push. “So, you set fire to your previous school?” He guided you back to the group and you sat next to Wanda on a loveseat, Pietro perched on the arm.
“Fire? Is Y/N talking about setting her school on fire?” Tony had been making his way to the bar when he heard the word fire. Another lit cigarette dangling from his lips.
“Yes, but don’t even think about sitting next to us with that lit.” Steve waved his hand to the offending object.
“It’s my house,” Tony guffawed.
“Rule eleven, specifically made for you, is not smoking within the group circle, because not all of us are trying to get lung cancer before twenty-five.” Steve rolled his eyes.
“I think it’s unfair that we have rules specifically aimed at me. But fine.” Tony dropped his cigarette into his glass and joined the group.
“Rules?” You echoed.
“Top secret,” Tony winked, “Back to the fire, what did you do?”
“It wasn’t anything crazy. I was in wood shop and got bored, wondered if I could burn in a design on a plank with my lighter, and it was highly flammable, apparently. It didn’t take long for the rest of the shop to start on fire, the air was basically half saw-dust.” You shrugged, honestly, it wasn’t the stupidest thing you’d done. It was also an accident for once.
“It only went as far as the home-ec classroom. No big deal, aside from being expelled." 
"Lame!" Tony yawned. "Let's play truth or dare!" 
Everyone groaned and threw empty solo cups at him. 
"Why do you always insist on playing?" Nat looked to him, incredulous. "We've been friends long enough that it isn't fun anymore. You just want us to do stupid shit." 
"What's wrong with stupid shit?" Tony insisted. "Besides we have a newbie now!"
  You looked at your phone and saw it was almost ten o'clock. Had it really been two hours already? "Sorry, but I have to head out. Curfew." 
"And here I was thinking you were a trouble maker," Tony smirked. 
"Oh, I am. But I don't want to be grounded for eternity. Great party though, Tony. Thanks for the invite." You made to leave with Pietro and Wanda on following behind you when a young boy, probably about 14, came running in, out of breath. 
"Alright, who invited the freshman?" Steve rubbed his temples. "We agreed, no freshman." 
"Parker isn't going to cause any trouble, the kid's a saint," Tony argued. "What's going on?" 
"Some--oh hi," the freshman saw you. "I'm Peter Parker. You must be new."
"I'm Y/N. You okay, Peter?"  
He was still trying to catch his breath. "Oh yeah! There's a bunch of Hydra High douche-bros who snuck in. They're by the pool." 
"Fuuuucccckkkkk." Bucky cursed. "They're definitely here to start some shit." "Alright, is everybody sober enough to deal with them?" Steve looked pointedly to Tony who was rolling up his sleeves, already looking ready for a fight. 
"We should probably go, you don't need me and Wanda, right?" Pietro looked to Steve. 
"Umm... if you're parked in the driveway, you won't be able to get out. They blocked it with their own cars." 
"Looks like you're going to be late. Sorry." Pietro frowned at you. A heavy sigh escaped your lips. 
"Nah, it's not your fault. How quickly do you think we can scare off these guys?" Tony held up his hand, gaining everyone's attention. "I might have a solution. Let me go down to my basement, and I will meet you out there." 
The group made their way down to the pool. Your other classmates had crowded around, keeping a distance from Hydra.
  Hydra was raiding the outdoor bar and the scariest student among them was lounging on a wicker chair, sipping lazily on a bottle of vodka. A small voice in your head said he was the leader. Maybe it was because everyone else was at work nabbing whatever they could and he was already enjoying their spoils. You just knew. 
"Avengers!" he called out, happily. "Great party!" 
"Avengers?" You whispered to Pietro. 
"I'll explain later." 
The leader's eyes narrowed in on you. "New recruit?" 
The hair stood up on the back of your neck as he stood up and stepped closer to you. He looked you up and down, perplexed. "Do I know you?"
"Doubt it." Pietro pulled you behind him, breaking his line of sight. 
"Maximoff onto a new toy already?" 
"What are you doing here, Keller? I thought we told you not to come near this place again?" Steve pulled the attention to him. "The message was pretty clear when Thor cracked open your forehead." 
"We heard about the dope ass party, Rogers. Thought some of your classmates would want to have a little more fun--" 
"We don't want your shitty drugs." Peter piped up. "Like weed is cool and stuff, but--" 
"Your shit is garbage." Tony sauntered through the group, a contraption strapped to his arms. "And calling it 'Candy Andy' is kinda lame." 
A light emitted from Tony's palm and beam jutted out and shatter the bottle of vodka in Keller's hand. Tony hissed from the hot metal burning into his palm but stood his ground. 
Keller remained calm and held up his hands, though you could see a slight look of terror in his eyes. "Alright, we'll see you around another time then. Good to see you again, Y/N." He winked at you and they took off. 
You froze, you didn't know him, how did he know you?
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stargazedmoony · 3 years
Excerpt from a story I’ll never write: A day at the Muggle-zoo.
“We’re going to have him for a whole day!”
Sirius was bouncing up and down next to Remus, who was styling his hair in the mirror. Remus snickered. “Would you knock it off already— you might poke my eye out.” Sirius laughed widely at him, exposing his freshly-brushed set of perfect teeth. “I can’t help it!” he said. “I’m just so excited. I can’t believe it!” He threw his hands up in the air so that Remus really had to duck this time to avoid having his eye poked out. “A whole day spend with the love of my life!”
“Oh, well, that’s sweet of you,” Remus said, grabbing his toothbrush. “But don’t you think Harry—”
“Oh no, I meant Harry!”
Remus opened his mouth, surprised. “Well, shit,” he said, grinning. “I’ve got competition.”
Sirius threw his arms around his husband, kissing him in the neck. “Oh, don’t you worry, tiger. My love’s up in the universe for you. Harry’s just a tiny star.” Remus smiled. “Makes me feel a little bit better,” he said, shrugging Sirius off of him so he could move his arm to brush his teeth.
“Alright, lover! Meet me in the kitchen when you’re done,” Sirius said, happily. Remus hadn’t seen him glow like that in a while. “I’ve got breakfast ready.”
Breakfast was done in a nick of time for Sirius was too excited to eat his burned toast in peace. He gulped it down and then just sat at the dining table, looking so restlessly at Remus that Remus put his half-eaten piece of bread in a sandwich bag to take with him on the road. He rolled his eyes as Sirius cleaned up the table in a rush so Remus could put on his shoes. He didn’t know what Sirius was more excited about: the fact that they were going to spend a whole day with Harry or that they were going to a real Muggle-zoo.
Sirius had been so impressed when Remus had suggested the idea to him and James and Lily, only knowing of it for having studied Muggle Studies at school. Lily had immediately backed him up of course, remembering her own good times visiting the zoo with her parents and sister. Remus wasn’t really that much of a fan, to be very honest. He didn’t like the idea of animals being kept in cages, because of the fact that the Ministry of Magic did the exact same thing with werewolves at the night of the full moon. Registered werewolves, at least.
But for a toddler, he’d thought that it’d be fun. And by toddler, he meant Sirius as much as Harry.
“Ready?” Sirius said, handing him the sack of Floo Powder.
“Come on, get moving,” Remus said, smiling and pushing him in the back. Sirius grabbed him by the hand and together they stepped into the fireplace that had been magically enchanted to fit the both of them. “Count to three,” Sirius said. “One, two, three— The Potters!” The words hadn’t even completely left their tongues yet, but their home vanished away and instead of their living room, they saw multiple other blurry wizarding homes. The simmering sparks of fire didn’t hurt one bit and in less than ten seconds Remus and Sirius stepped out of the fireplace onto a nice and clean red carpet.
“Oi, Moony! Padfoot!” James came walking into the living room of his home as Sirius and Remus brushed the rest of some ashes off of their shoulders. “What’s poppin’, Prongs?” Sirius said, nodding his head. James looked at him in horror. “What’s what now?” he asked, looking at Remus as if he would have some kind of cure to fix whatever just came out of Sirius’s mouth. Remus shrugged his shoulders in a way that said: “I’m as lost as you are”, but he opened his mouth to say: “Something he picked up in the record store in town. Apparently, it’s the slang kids use these days.”
Sirius shot him a look. “Apparently,” he said, mocking Remus. “It makes me sound dope, so shut your face.”
James’s eyes were now really wide with disturbance. “Pads, if you talk like that in front of my child, I swear to god—”
“No, no! I’m sorry, I’ll act normal,” Sirius said, quickly. “Well—” He very attractively flipped his hair over his shoulder. “—As normal as I can be, of course.” He winked at Remus, who felt his stomach flutter at this. Handsome devil, he thought.
“Where’s Harry, anyway?” Sirius went on, looking around the room as if Harry was hiding behind some cushions. “Is he—” But suddenly the door flew open and Lily came in, carrying Harry, an adorable miracle of a small child, on her arm.
“I thought I heard some annoyingly familiar voices,” she said, nodding to Sirius. The long-haired boy scoffed, but his eyes were far too distracted to pay any attention to her. They were on Harry, who had his tiny arms stretched out to his godfather ever since he’d first laid eyes on him. “Hello, my darling!” Sirius said, enthusiastically. “If your dear mother would let me— that’s a good girl. Hi, Harry!” Sirius had gracefully taken over Harry from Lily’s arms and held him high up in the air. “How are you doing today?”
“Paddie!” Harry cooed. “Mummy said zoo?”
“Oh, you just keep on getting better at talking! Remus, do you hear that?” Sirius was delighted, looking so full of pride, Remus couldn’t help but wonder why his chest was not bursting yet. But Remus was very proud as well— Harry spoke much more articulately since the last time they'd seen him.
“Mummy was right,” Sirius said. “Do you even know what a zoo is? James, how can you teach him words and not—”
“Remus?” As Sirius kept on talking to James and Harry, Lily turned to Remus. “You’ll take good care of them, right?” she asked him. He nodded. “Of course, Lils, there’s no need to worry.”
She smiled gracefully, her freckles sparkling on her nose and a laugh filling her eyes. “I’ve packed him some lunch and he’s got his own cup to drink from, but you can buy him something at the zoo as well, if you want. He does like chocolate ice cream a lot. I think he’s got that from you—” Remus smiled apologetically at this. “—I’ve packed him some cookies, you know, those cute star-like ones? I chipped in a few for Sirius as well, just so you know.” Remus smiled at her and then leaned into her and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. She blushed.
“We’ll be fine,” Remus assured her. “I’ll have us all safely back at the end of the day.” He then turned to the boys. “Pads, you ready? Our bus leaves in ten minutes.” Sirius nodded. “Moowy!” the boy in his arms said, happily. “Oh, I’m being noticed,” Remus chuckled, walking over to the both of them and taking Harry over from Sirius. “Hi, lad,” he said, softly. Sirius watched him in loving awe. “C’mon, give your mummy a kiss goodbye.”
They bid everyone goodbye and then, finally, they were on their way to the zoo. It wasn’t really a long ride, but it was a tad awkward for the two boys for they had never in their lives used a buggy before. Harry was still too small to walk around on his feet for a whole day.
Once they arrived at the zoo, Sirius was glad Remus knew how to work with Muggle-money, because the little coins and shiny money notes made him dizzy and there were simply too many other distractions around him that he had to contain already. They followed the signs that were on either sides of the paths and those lead them to a small area with cages full of owls and very extraordinary looking birds.
“Bird!” Harry exclaimed, happily pointing at a great white owl who looked proudly around its cage. Its feathers were unnaturally clean, but gorgeous. “No, Harry. Owl. A snow-owl, actually,” Sirius read off of one of the signs. “Makes sense,” he nodded agreeably, looking back at the owl.
“Swow owl,” Harry said, and Remus chuckled. “Good job, lad,” he praised the little boy. For some reason, Harry couldn’t quite pronounce the letter ‘n’ yet. It suited his adorable, young face and in a silent moment, Remus wished Harry wouldn’t have to grow up and that he’d stay young forever. But, on the other hand, it filled Remus with intense happiness to know that he’d grow up to be there with him, and Sirius, too, and that one day, they’d be called uncle Padfoot and uncle Moony.
With that thought forming a smile on his lips, Remus let his hand slip into Sirius’s. Sirius seemed quite surprised by this for a second, but kept holding onto it. They never really showed off their relationship in public places, because they never really felt like they had to— it was enough that they knew one another’s love. The rest of the world had no business in it.
But, today it felt right. It’s like having a family of my own, Remus thought, delighted.
They had ice cream for lunch, chocolate flavour for Harry, and Sirius was overjoyed with the cookies that Lily had packed for him. “I must buy her a souvenir!” he said. “Maybe that stuffed animal-penguin we saw earlier? Oh, she’d love that!” Remus snickered at his enthusiasm and wiped Harry’s lips clean.
Suddenly, a shadow covered the sunlight from their view: “Excuse me.”
An older-looking man stood in front of them. “What a lovely son you have there. Here, I noticed he let his rattle fall onto the floor.” The man held out his hand and Remus took over the toy. “Th— Thanks,” he said surprised. “But it’s not our son, really. We’re just babysitting.”
“Oh, so you’re not—” The man seemed to be looking for words, but he didn’t need to. Proudly, as he always was, Sirius wrapped an arm around Remus’s shoulders. Remus started blushing immensely as Sirius held him close and said: “Oh, we are, yes.”
The man chuckled. “How endearing,” he said. “Oh, to be young and in love. Well, I wish you all a happy day.” He gave them a small wave and stroked Harry’s little bush of black curls. Sirius let his head rest on Remus’s shoulder. “I love those kind of people,” he sighed. “Can you believe he thought that we were… you know. Parents?” He chuckled at this.
“Well, what if we were?” Remus suddenly asked, carefully. Sirius looked up to look him in the eye. “Are you s—?”
“Padfoot, I will not make the joke.”
Sirius smirked. “Oh, you’re no fun,” he said, eyes twinkling. His face got a bit more serious again, before asking: “Do you mean it, though?”
Remus shrugged. “Would it freak you out that much?”
Sirius started shaking his head wildly. “No! No, not at all!” he said, squeezing Remus’s hands. “Moony, that’d be so lovely! Me, a dad! Harry, do you hear that?” But as they turned their heads, they saw that Harry’s chin was softly balancing on his chest, his eyes closed and snoring a bit. “Oh, what a weakling,” Sirius said, pursing his lips together.
“Sirius! He’s a kid!”
Sirius shrugged. “You’re calling me a kid all the time, but you don’t see me beauty sleeping here.” Remus disapprovingly shook his head at him. “Okay, sorry!” Sirius laughed. “Harry, I love you.”
“He can’t hear you.���
“Okay, then Remus, I love you.”
Remus started laughing. “You big goof,” he said, shaking his head. “Shall we talk about it later? Bit of big subject to talk about in a zoo, no?”
“What do you mean? They keep like 50 animals here, I think it can handle one big conversation.” Sirius laughed at Remus, looking happier than ever as he leaned in and stole a quick kiss from Remus’s lips.
“Can we go see the lions now?” he pouted.
Remus pulled him closer, not giving a damn in the world about people seeing them, and he kissed him gently back. “We can go see the lions now.”
— by: @stargazedmoony
in loving memory of Sirius Black.
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makeste · 4 years
top 20 favorite quirks
okay, but listen, though! it’s exactly what it says in the title. not best quirks, or most useful quirks, or most creative quirks. not even coolest quirks! I did try to take all of these things into consideration when choosing, but honestly? by far the most important factor was, “I JUST THINK THEY’RE NEAT.”
anyway but let me backtrack and post the actual ask.
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you’ll note that at no point was I asked to pick twenty of them. I did that all on my own. so here is my list!
20. Solid Air (Tsuburaba)
Tsubaraba Kousei. all-time undefeated grand champion of The Floor Is Lava. or at least he was until Ochako came along. anyway, so this is an extremely nifty quirk with all sorts of utility ranging from defense to helping him get around. it’s super useful for catching bad guys, and apparently the only real limit is his lung capacity. this quirk has so much potential and I love it.
19. Copy (Monoma)
the fact that he can copy his opponents’ powers and use them against them is badass enough, but add in the fact that he can hold up to 3 (or 4??) of them at once -- for as long as ten minutes -- and this quirk starts getting seriously powerful. anyway so one thing you might note as you read on is that although Copy is on my favorite quirks list, AFO is not! and that’s because Monoma’s limits actually make the quirk much more interesting to me, because they force him (and Horikoshi) to get creative. this is a really fun quirk and I would love to see more of Monoma in action. about time we saw him fight some actual villains and not just class 1-A, honestly.
18. Brainwashing (Shinsou)
as with Monoma’s quirk, what really sets this apart from other mind-control superpowers (to me, anyway) is the fact that it has limitations. he can’t just control anyone at random; in order to take them over he has to get them to respond to him somehow. which leads to innovations like the voice-changer, and which as a result has made his battles so genuinely interesting and fun to watch. anyway so I really want Shinsou to hurry up and join 2-A, and for them to just give him his provisional license all “here you go, son” with no testing whatsoever, because we’re past the point of pretending the HPSC is actually responsible these days, and because I really want to see if he can help turn the tides the next time the heroes battle the League.
17. Zero Gravity (Ochako)
I feel like it’s worth noting that I don’t really have any kind of fear of heights or falling or anything like that. and so I can’t really explain why Toga using this quirk on Ms. Curious and her lackeys was hands down one of the most singularly disturbing scenes in the entire manga for me! but it was!! even now I’m wincing just thinking about it. she just lifted them all up and DROPPED THEM and they just FELL and DIED. just like that. holy fucking shit. anyway, so we should all be very grateful that Ochako is super kind and sweet and more inclined towards helping people rather than murdering them. because holy shit. anyways though this quirk is dope.
16. Erasure (Aizawa)
I once said that this quirk was “not very cinematic”, and I don’t think I’ve ever been so wrong about anything in my life. oh, past me. you truly underestimated the dramatic impact of someone with a terrifyingly powerful quirk going in for the kill, only to be all “NANI?!” as they suddenly realize that their powers are no longer working, and the camera pans over to a man with gorgeous floating hair and intense red anime eyes. I owe you an apology, Erasure. you are cinematic AF.
15. Black Hole (Thirteen)
I really wish we got to see Thirteen fight more often. they suffer from the same “too powerful” curse as so many of the other characters and it’s a shame. anyway so Black Hole is cool af and gives me a ton of Miroku/kazaana vibes, which I freaking love. this quirk is lowkey on a Tomura-level of destructive potential, honestly, and yet no one ever talks about it?? Thirteen could literally destroy anything they touched if they wanted to?? imagine if they ever Awakened, you guys. holy shit.
14. Tape (Sero)
this power is so fucking stupid and ridiculous and completely absurd and I LOVE IT. Horikoshi really drew a skinny guy with tape elbows and was all, “so this kid is basically Spider-Man but with tape. I have not put the least bit of logical thought or creative effort into this power beyond that, and I’m not going to, either.” and somehow we all just accepted it. anyway, dubious origins aside, it’s such a versatile ability and Sero has such amazing control over it. it’s offense; it’s defense; he can use it to set traps; he can use it for maneuverability. TAPE ELBOWS CAN DO IT ALL.
13. Outburst (Ms. Joke)
when will it finally be her time. Outburst is one of those powers that sounds super dumb at first, until you really stop and think what the ability to make someone laugh at will could actually DO to people. true uncontrollable belly laughter is a totally incapacitating thing. she’d have people collapsing to the ground and practically seizing up. and good luck using your own quirk to fight back when you’re doubled over struggling to breathe and can’t even see straight because of the tears in your eyes. that’s assuming any of her opponents are even capable of thinking straight long enough to try it. like, this is such a straight up brutal ability and the fact that we have still NEVER SEEN IT is honestly infuriating.
12. Glamour (Camie)
it’s an illusion quirk. of course I have to put it on my list. illusion powers make every battle approximately 100x more entertaining. and what makes this particular power even better is that in any other series, this quirk would have been given to some Tokoyami-esque super serious emo kid. but BnHA went and gave it to Karen from Mean Girls instead. what a fucking power move. goddamn.
11. Black (Kuroiro)
according to BnHA Ultra Analysis, Kuroiro’s Appearing Out of Nowhere skills are rated a 4 out of 6. I still haven’t figured out if this is meant to be a burn on him or not. this kid can ninja in and out of literally any dark object in existence. if it’s nighttime, that means he can basically move wherever he wants to at will. of course he’s skilled at Appearing Out of Nowhere. so tell me then, why is it ONLY a four out of six?? how could he possibly fuck this up?? who was grading him?? DOES HE JUST SUCK. I don’t know, but anyway it’s really funny to me and also I really love this quirk.
10. Transform (Toga)
Toga went and Awakened herself right into the top ten with the reveal that not only can she mimic other people’s appearances, but that while she is transformed, she can actually use their quirks. like excuse me, what?? holy shit??? it is honestly driving me crazy that we’ve only seen this in action once. Transform is basically Plot Twist: The Quirk. I really want to see Toga use it to its full potential and infiltrate U.A. and/or spy on the HPSC and/or murder someone with their loved one’s own quirk. I WANT HER TO GIVE SOMEONE THE MAES HUGHES TREATMENT. I want her to do something so shocking that people ragequit the fucking manga lol. I know I’m always saying the manga isn’t that dark, but this is honestly the one exception where I would freaking love for it to get dark as shit. anyway so yeah. if you want to fuck with people you really couldn’t ask for a better quirk.
9. Creation (Momo)
MACGUYVER: THE QUIRK. an unlimited inventory in the hands of someone brilliant enough to actually utilize it to its full extent. what’s not to love? honestly if it were me with this quirk it would be completely useless. not only would I get hopelessly bored two seconds into trying to memorize an object’s molecular structure or whatever, but even if I DID manage to figure out how to make stuff, I would never know what to do with the stuff, or when to use it. every time a new situation cropped up I would just create a bunch of random objects in a panic. but Momo is so elegant in her problem-solving that she often needs to create only one or two things to come up with the perfect solution for something. basically this is a good quirk that becomes a truly great quirk when placed in the hands of the best possible person in the world to wield it. the quirk is awesome because Momo is awesome, and I fucking adore quirks like that (see: next entry).
8. Permeation (Mirio)
ah, Mirio. the original victim of the “too powerful to be allowed” curse. remember that time he BEAT HALF OF CLASS 1-A IN UNDER SIX SECONDS, you guys.  small wonder Horikoshi couldn’t even make it through one complete villain fight with him before he had to de-quirk the poor kid. anyway, so Mirio makes this quirk look so mind-blowingly awesome that it’s easy to forget what a terrifying and fucked-up power it is in reality. “yeah it makes me blind and deaf and if I’m not careful I’ll fall into the center of the earth or splice myself in two or some shit.” what the actual fuck Mirio. but because he’s worked so hard and because Nighteye trained him so well, he’s mastered the timing to such an insane degree that he could kick Overhaul in the face without harming a single hair on Eri’s body. and honestly, there’s no way I could not love a quirk that gave us a moment like that.
7. Warp Gate (Kurogiri)
unlike SOME OTHER PEOPLE whose names start with Kuro, I would bet you that Kurogiri’s Appearing Out of Nowhere skills are a full six out of six! alas, the top ten of this list is chock full of people whose quirks are so badass that they had to be written out of the story one way or another. with Kuro at large there was technically nothing stopping the villains from just dropping in on U.A. one night to kill All Might, or rekidnap Bakugou, or whatever else they might want to do. and that’s actually a really scary thought though lol so it’s no wonder that Horikoshi was all, “yeah I’ll just have them capture him now.” anyways do you guys remember that one time in chapter 18 when Kuro used Warp Gate to create an endless loop of All Might suplexing Noumu suplexing All Might?? fucking quirks, though. wild.
6. Fiber Master (Best Jeanist)
another badass quirk, another badass quirk-user incapacitated and taken out of the story before their time. Best Jeanist is honestly terrifying. if he wanted to he could immobilize and even strangle and kill pretty much anyone in the world, whenever he fucking felt like it. that alone would be crazy enough, but then add to that that this quirk for all intents and purposes is basically telekinesis. as long as someone is wearing clothing he can move them around however he wants, as we saw in Kamino. basically, everything Hawks can do with Fierce Wings, Jeanist can probably do with his own quirk. AND THAT INCLUDES FLYING, YOU GUYS. the more I think about it the more I think we truly were robbed. I need Jeanist to come back already and fly everyone at Jakku to safety and tie Tomura to a chair with his own cape before proceeding to style his hair.
5. Rewind (Eri)
IT’S MY LIST!! I CAN PUT WHATEVER I WANT, AND IF YOU SAY I CAN’T, I’M TELLING MOM. okay but listen. everyone always rags on this quirk and how stupidly powerful it is, and look, I get it. but isn’t it kind of interesting that everyone is also always speculating over who Eri is eventually going to heal with her quirk? like, fandom is always complaining about how broken it is but at the same time they’re out here hatching all of these wild theories that center around it. and to me that indicates that in truth, this is actually an awesome quirk -- just so long as it’s used right. obviously there have to be some major limitations or else this is just “Fix Everything: The Quirk.” thankfully, Horikoshi did limit it! it’s super dangerous, she has trouble controlling it, and most importantly, it’s ridiculously slow to recharge and so she can only use it once every few months. it’s basically Recovery Girl’s quirk with a bonus slow-replenishing stamina bar that, once charged, allows her to release one ultra-powerful SUPER HEAL special move. and that’s pretty awesome. basically I think this quirk gets too much hate and not enough credit for the additional menu options it adds to the story. it’s interesting and compelling and I can’t wait to see what Horikoshi does with it.
4. Dark Shadow (Tokoyami)
TOKOYAMI WHY IS YOUR QUIRK SENTIENT. Existential Crisis: The Quirk. do quirks have souls?? if you shot Tokoyami with a quirk-be-gone bullet would Dark Shadow fucking die??? if Tomura absorbed Tokoyami’s quirk would Dark Shadow grow out of his back and be all “hey um, who the fuck are you”?? and would Toko’s head turn back into a normal human boy head?? would Dark Shadow look like Tomura instead of a bird shadow?? what even IS Dark Shadow, actually?? obviously it is not just a shadow because shadows can’t punch people or shield people from attacks or pick people up and fly them around. but yet he’s afraid of fire and grows weaker in daylight?? is Tokoyami secretly the strongest character in the entire series?? is there any way I can possibly justify putting this quirk all the way down at #4 instead of #1 where it clearly belongs?? let me answer that question by not answering it and moving on.
3. Explosion (Bakugou)
is the fix in?? is “exploding hands” really a better quirk than a fucking sentient monster man who lives in your belly button and reads your mind and is made of ~darkness energy~ and is your best friend? apparently the answer is yes! to both of those questions. yes the fix is in. I love Kacchan and his quirk is fucking awesome okay. it just never ceases to amaze me how this one single quirk, which really only does one thing, is nonetheless so spectacularly powerful that it allows Bakugou to compete on the same level as the fucking protagonist with all of his godlike super-strength and Main Character Powers and wacky SIXQUIRKS!! shenanigans. in my opinion the coolest thing about Explosion isn’t even its firepower; it’s the way Bakugou’s adapted it to fly around and to boost his speed. I think he legit may be the fastest character in the series right now, or close to it. he’s faster than Iida and Gran Torino and Endeavor. he can keep up with Deku without breaking a sweat. and he knows how to use that speed, thanks to his insane reflexes. add in the fact that this is also without a doubt the most cinematic quirk in the entire series, and I think I’m justified in putting it this high up. and anyway I still put two others up above it so shh.
2. Search (Ragdoll/Tomura)
Hey, What’s That Guy’s Deal: The Quirk. I just really love this one you guys. it’s so fucking useful. Video Game HUD: The Quirk. one hundred people at a time?? locations and weak points?? works even when you’re not looking at the person anymore and have blinked your eyes, unlike CERTAIN OTHER PEOPLE’S weak-ass quirks?? check, check, and check. is it any wonder AFO wanted this? plus it just looks so damn cool. the visual representation of everyone as little stars on a map. Turn On Location: The Quirk. okay look I feel like I’m doing a bad job of explaining why I have this quirk all the way up at number two. it just has this subtle badassness to it, and its introduction after almost two hundred chapters of buildup was just so fucking cool. maybe it’s recency bias?? I don’t even know; all I know is that I love this quirk and want to see more of it in action.
1. Blackwhip (Lariat/Deku)
listen, I was obsessed with this quirk back when it was called “Venom” and was by far the absolute coolest part of the 1990s Spider-Man cartoon series. I’m not just going to suddenly not be obsessed with it just because fandom is mad that Horikoshi gave Deku an additional power beyond just Smashing Stuff. Blackwhip is hands down the coolest quirk, guys. I’m sorry, it just is. it has the coolest name. it had the coolest entrance. it does basically anything you could ever want a quirk to do in battle. it grabs stuff. it Bloops. what more do you want. you’re all just jealous because you wish that you could Bloop too. I know I am. I wish I had a Bloop. anyway so yeah, Blackwhip is the upgrade to Deku’s fighting style that we desperately needed after 200+ chapters of Delaware Smashes and Broken Bones. all his fights are cooler now. he can save more people! he can fight without instantly dying! plus you just gotta love powers that occasionally explode out of control if their user gets all emotional and pissed off about the fact that you insulted his boyfriend. so yeah. Blackwhip at number one! on this list of favorite quirks. not best quirks!! jesus christ. please don’t kill me I have a family.
 so that’s my list! all 3000 words of it. how does this keep happening.
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trailerparkbubbs · 4 years
@melloclastic Hey I wrote some headcanons based on your idea about Julian and the dog... if you don’t wanna read them you don’t have to, or I can delete this if you want, but I thought I would let you know
Anyways headcanons below the cut:
- It happens while Ricky and Bubbles are in jail
- Julian had gotten into a fight with them because Ricky had a plan and Julian said it was stupid and that Ricky would never have any good ideas, but Ricky wanted to do the plan anyways and Bubbles went along to try and do damage control
- They ended up getting caught and going to jail for a few months... Bubbles phoned Julian from jail and said that they were doing okay but that Ricky was still pretty upset and it might be best to just not try and talk to him for a little while
- So now Julian is alone and feeling guilty and is worried that Ricky hates him forever and also oh shit he was supposed to protect Bubbles and he just walked away
- Anyways may as well get drunk in the woods right?
- He comes across a very dirty, very scrawny border collie with some porcupine quills stuck in its face
- Ricky had a run-in with a porcupine once (at least once), so at least Julian kind of knows what he’s doing, right?
- The dog whimpers when he pulls the first quill out and Julian almost has a breakdown but after a long, arduous process he’s able to get them all out
- The dog follows him home, so he washes it and feeds it 
- He actually ends up taking it to Bubbles’ shed, since there’s pet stuff in there (toys, beds, etc) and everything is already covered in cat hair so what’s a little dog hair?
- Luckily there don’t happen to be any cats there... they don’t hang out in Bubbles’ shed as much when he’s not there
- Julian sits on the bed and gets even more drunk, and the border collie lays down beside him and falls asleep on his chest
- It’s not like he’s going to disturb it or anything, so he ends up passing out there too
- It’s very weird and disorienting waking up in Bubbles’ shed... everything smells like Bubbles, of course, and he recognizes the general sounds/sights as Bubbles’ shed, so for a few minutes he thinks that Bubbles must be home, and that he just slept over, or Bubbles let him pass out here since he got too drunk/high and Bubbles was worried about Julian choking on his own vomit if he slept by himself
- Then the dog licks his face and he remembers
- Julian ends up sleepily slurring shit at the dog like “You’re tough, right? You can get through this... You’re a survivor, you don’t need anyone... Who cares if you don’t have your family anymore... We got each other... Border Collies are smart, right? You’re the smart one”
- Okay, maybe he’s still a little drunk
- He puts all his time and energy into nursing this dog back to health as much as he can
- The dog keeps getting stronger, its fur gets sleeker, it gets some energy back
- Every morning (or afternoon, depending when he wakes up) Julian and the dog go for walks out into the woods, and every night the dog falls asleep on Julian’s chest
- He makes a habit out of sleeping at Bubbles’ place, too. It’s not like Bubbles is there, anyways, since Julian fucked up and let him get sent to jail
- He’s so busy with the dog that he stops going to visit Bubbles and Ricky in jail. Ricky hates him now, anyways, right? Ricky’s better off without him
- One time Sarah asks him if he’s okay and where he’s been recently, and he just snaps at her that he’s busy and he’s got shit to take care of and it’s none of her business anyways
- Sarah tells him that it’s more about his business, as in, that bar? That he owns? That he’s supposed to be in charge of? That he’s completely forgotten about, apparently?
- He yells at her again so she leaves 
- After that nobody really tries to check up on him
- Sometimes he and the dog will go hang out down by the docks, and he can pretend that Ricky and Bubbles are fine, and the only reason he hasn’t talked to them in weeks is because he told them he was leaving. He’s the one who’s gone, not them
- They always sleep in Bubbles’ shed, though, and he’s never there
- Until, one day, he is there. Julian wakes up to Bubbles standing over him being like “Julian, what the fuck happened here? Where have you been?”
- Julian’s like, “Sorry, Bubs, I had to take care of the dog, it’s been keeping me pretty occupied. How was jail?”
- Bubbles is like, “Julian, what are you talking about? You don’t have a fucking dog.”
- Julian goes to motion to the dog, but it’s not there. He starts frantically searching for it and calling for it but it’s nowhere to be found
- Julian’s like, “There was this dog, I was nursing this dog back to health, he was here” and Bubbles is like, “Julian, the only thing you’ve been nursing is a bottle of whiskey. Sarah said you were doing bad, but I had no idea you were this far gone.”
- Julian just sits down and goes silent and won’t move
- After a while Bubbles is like, “Okay, stay here, I’ll go figure this out. Fucking dog cocksucker.” and he leaves
- Julian can hear Bubbles and Ricky arguing outside, so he starts singing to himself to cover the noise... naturally he sings Where, Oh Where, Has My Little Dog Gone?
- Eventually Ricky bursts in... he looks angry until he sees Julian sitting on the bed, drunk out of his mind, half crying, singing super off key, looking like he hasn’t showered in about a week
- Ricky, naturally, is not the most tactful
- He starts off with “Holy fuck, Julian, you look terrible... and you sound terrible, too, if you don’t stop singing I’m going to hit you, and I won a shitton of fights in jail, so you better fucking watch yourself, cause I’m the Arnold Wartsadagger fucking muscleman now”
- From there he immediately segues into “I was going to hit you anyways, but Bubbles told me you’re super drunk and freaking out about some dog or cat or something... are you sure it wasn’t just a Raykin? Those things look a lot like cats, except for they have those beaky noses, it’s easy to get confused. Anyways, you have to let them be wild... like that fucking tiger that Bubbles had. If you love something, you don’t get it for free or whatever you said,”  
- Julian cuts in to be like, “It wasn’t a raccoon, Ricky.” but Ricky’s just like “The fuck is a raccoon?” so Julian’s like “Nevermind, fucking forget it.”
- Ricky’s like, “Oh, you still think I’m stupid, huh? Well, I’ve been doing just fucking fine without you for the last four months in jail if you hadn’t noticed!”
- Julian’s like, “Bubbles said you didn’t want to talk to me, that it would be best not to try and talk to you.” and Ricky’s like, “Yeah, for a few days, not for four months! I can’t not talk to you for four months!”
- “I thought you were doing ‘just fucking fine’ without me, Rick. You’re fucking Arnold Schwarzenegger!” “What? Julian, I don’t want to fuck Arnold Swarzenpegger, you’re the one who’s in love with him and shit. And yeah, I had to be fine without you because you completely fucking abandoned me!” 
- There’s a quiet moment, and then Julian is like, “I’m sorry, about that. I found this dog in the woods, and it had these porcupine quills stuck in its face... you remember when you got the porcupine quills stuck in your ass?” and Ricky’s like “Oh, yeah... I think I fucking sat on it without realizing” and Julian’s like “No, Ricky, you fired your gun at it, scared yourself, screamed, and ended up falling onto the fucking thing” and Ricky’s like “Oh yeah”
- Julian tells him more about the dog, and about the last four months, and eventually he’s like, “I really missed you, Rick. I’m starting to think I made the dog up because I was so fucking lonely.”
- Ricky’s not even totally sure what to say to that. He just sits down on the bed next to Julian and they sit in silence for a few minutes, and then Julian’s like, “I think I might be an alcoholic,” and Ricky’s like, “You think? You’re turning into fucking Lahey here. Making up a fucking dog in your head? You’re drinking way too much.”
- Julian punches him in the arm, but just a little bit
- Ricky’s like, “Well, I’ll help you quit. First, you should take all the liquor and all the fucking dope you have, and give them to me, and I’ll safely disclose of them for you.”
- Julian’s like “You’re going to drink it, aren’t you?” and Ricky’s like “Well, not the dope, I’m probably going to smoke that,” and Julian’s like, “I love you” and Ricky’s like “I love you, too.”
- They try and hug, but it doesn’t work very well, since they’re sitting next to each other
- Bubbles comes back with some water, some warm tea with honey and lemon, and some clean clothes, and Julian gets cleaned up while Ricky and Bubbles go outside to talk
- Bubbles tells Julian that he (Julian, not Bubbles) needs to sleep, but that they’re going to have a conversation when he wakes up and make a proper plan for how Julian is going to get his drinking in check
- Julian sleeps in his own bed for the first time in months. Ricky insists on sleeping next to him because “If I leave you alone you’re gonna start drinking again... you need someone to hold you and count your bowls” and Julian’s like “Huh? Are you saying you want to sleep in my bed and fucking hold me? I thought we went over this,” and Rick is like “No, it’s an expression... like you need someone to make sure you don’t fuck up or whatever”
- Julian is pretty sure Ricky just wants a place to sleep, since the Shitmobile was impounded when he was arrested
- It’s kind of nice to have someone next to him, though, what with the dog being gone and all. He’s pretty sure having a big empty space next to him where there used to be the only thing keeping him going would, in fact, drive him to drink
- Shit, maybe Ricky is holding him accountable
- He falls asleep, eventually. It’s gonna be a rough road, but at least he’s not alone. 
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