#anyway hello goodnight hope you're having a nice day
joka13 · 1 year
FANFICTION: Weasley Twins x Reader (Slytherin Girl) - Part 6
WARNINGS: mentions of violence
You follow Fred and George over to the table on the far right of the room where Hermione Granger, the famous Harry Potter, and their younger brother, Ron Weasley, are already sitting.
"Everyone, this is our new friend, y/n," George happily introduces you.
You suddenly feel very self conscious. "Hello," you say, waving shyly as you sit down.
Hermione waves back. Harry smiles briefly then goes back to the newspaper in his hands.
"So we're making friends with Slytherins now, eh?" says Ron. Hermione elbows him in hard in the stomach. "Ow!"
"Don't be rude!" Hermione scolds. She turns to you and smiles apologetically. "It's very nice to finally meet you."
"Finally?" you say as you dish yourself some mashed potatoes.
Hermione nods. "Yes, I've heard all about you. You're—"
"The Hermione of Slytherins," Fred interrupts.
You laugh. "I'm honored to receive such a title!" Hermione blushes at the compliment.
"Honestly, the two of you should be in Ravenclaw," says George through a mouthful of chicken.
"Do you like quidditch, y/n?" Ron asks. At this, Harry looks up from the paper.
"I don't play, but I fancy watching a good game as much as the next person," you respond.
"That's how I feel about it, too," Hermione says.
"You should come watch us play some time," George says. The other three boys nod in agreement.
"You could sit in the stands with me!" Hermione sings, grasping your arm excitedly with both hands.
"I would like that very much! Just don't be offended when I cheer for team Slytherin," you chortle.
"We'll convince you soon enough to cheer for us," Fred says. "And once you do, you'll never be disappointed again!"
"Amen to that!" George exclaims, and the twins share a high-five.
You chuckle. "I look forward to it."
"When is our first game anyway?" Ron asks, stuffing an entire roll into his mouth.
"For heaven's sake, Ron, you're going to choke on your food one of these days!" Hermione warns.
"And die," adds Fred. You and George snort.
Ron rolls his eyes. "If I do, I at least hope it's before our O.W.L.S. exams."
"You'd be more willing to take them if you were better prepared—" Hermione starts.
"Aw, here we go again..."
Fred leans over to George and mutters something inaudible, apparently deciding now's a good time to leave. They stand up and go to stand on either side of you, George on your left and Fred on your right.
"We've got to go," George says, stooping down to link his arm with yours.
"Hm?" You're in the middle of chewing a bite of pulled pork, so you can't protest.
"Say goodnight, y/n," Fred encourages. He grabs your other arm. You look back and forth between the twins confusedly before the they hoist you up off the bench. Hermione, acting like the twins' behavior is nothing out of the norm, waves goodbye as Fred and George drag you out of the Great Hall.
You swallow your food quickly. "Hey! Stop manhandling me! I've had enough of that today already," you mope.
"Already?" the twins ask. They stop walking and let go of you obediently, stepping aside to give you space. They watch with mild concern and curiosity as you brush yourself off.
"Yes..." You don't want to tell them about your embarrassing run in with Malfoy, but they're waiting for an answer and you want to go finish your dinner. "Malfoy... um..."
Fred and George raise their eyebrows at the mention of Malfoy's name.
"What did he do?" Fred asks. You're surprised by the urgency in his voice.
"Nothing terrible... he just... kissed me without my permission to do so..." You blush and stare at the ground. Why are you telling, of all people, the Weasley twins about this? "And he really snogged me if you know what I mean," you chuckle uncomfortably. "I almost went to Dumbledore about it..."
"By golly, for Malfoy's sake you should have gone to Dumbledore," George laughs bluntly after a small moment of silence, though he seems far from amused.
"Don't you worry about it any longer, y/n. We'll give him a real punishment. One that the headmaster isn't allowed to give," Fred says, nodding determinedly.
"No! No, no, please don't," you beg. "I don't want the drama to go on."
"But it will if no one puts a stop to it," says George.
"That's the thing! I think I've done that. What I mean is, Malfoy and I are even." The twins raise their eyebrows once more, insisting that you elaborate. "Look closely at the back of his head the next time you see him. He should have a bald patch," you say casually.
Fred's howling laughter echoes throughout the halls. George just stares at you in shock, an amazed grin slowly spreading across his face.
"Merlin's beard, y/n!" exclaims George.
"Yup! Practically scalped him with my bare hands!" you gladly exaggerate, making a ripping gesture with your hands. This makes Fred laugh even harder. George has to help him off the ground by the time he finally calms. The three of you sit down on a nearby bench because Fred's laughing has left him weak in the knees.
"Wow. Thanks, guys. It feels really good to have told somebody about it all," you say. "I would have normally ranted to my friend, Maddy, but she's seemed to have sort of fallen off the face of the earth."
"Glad to be of service," Fred snickers. There's a content moment of silence as you all gaze out the window on the wall across from you. The remnants of the sunset are beautiful, causing the evening sky to fade from pink, to purple, and then dark blue.
"Where were you two intending to take me?" you ask after a while. "When you stole me away from my supper."
The twins chuckle.
"We need your help again," George says. "Hermione doesn't dare associate herself with our shenanigans."
"And you're her, but better," Fred finishes with a grin.
"Oh..." So they only wanted you for your brains...
"But it's getting late, and it sounds like you might need a good night's rest," says George. "Project Nosebleed can wait."
Project Nosebleed? "Alright then..."
Fred and George get to their feet. "We bid you adieu," Fred says and both brothers bow low to the ground dramatically.
You giggle. "Goodnight. Have sweet dreams," you say, standing. You turn and start for your common room.
"Oh, we will," George says quietly, though you don't think you were meant to hear it.
When you reach the Slytherin common room, Maddy is still no where to be seen. She's not even in your dormitory. You leisurely get ready for bed, wondering if you should be worried about her, but you don't get to think much more about it because you pass out the moment your head hits the pillow.
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cummin-n-cryin · 2 years
Hello, nice to meet you! Hope you're having a great day!
Could I request Jamil and Leona in a poly relationship with a female reader who's missing her parents who had left the world when she was in middle school? She misses their lullabies and encouraging words, so the boys try to cheer her up.
~Thank you for your request!
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Old Lullabies
Jamil + Leona x fem!reader (polyamory)
Tw: lil bit of angst, lil suggestive at one part, afab/fem reader, lemme know if I missed any
Wordcount: 1,438
Side Note: nice to meet you too! Merry Christmas btw if you celebrate it! I hope I understood your request correctly. I'm sry if it's not that great but I hope it's at least okay!
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Jamil had left you in your bedroom for a few minutes to go check on Kalim, only to come back and find you crying! Had you hurt yourself in his absence?
He carefully sat next to you on the bed. "Why are you crying, did something happen?" He asks worriedly.
As you try to dry your tears you respond, "My parents... I miss them." You trail off as tears fill your eyes once more. Jamil tentatively places a hand upon your back. He slowly rubs your back in an attempt to comfort you.
Though hesitant, Jamil asks, "Can you tell me about them?" You let out a heavy breath as you take your time responding, "Their gone. I was in middle school when... I just- I miss them."
You take a minute, staring down at your feet as you try to collect your thoughts, "They were great. They would always try to encourage me to pursue my dreams and, I know it might sound a bit odd but, they would also sing lullabies to me. It helped me sleep... I'm sorry." You give a sad laugh as you try to dry your tears.
Jamil gently pulls you closer to him, "That's not weird at all." He says reassuringly. "Thank you for telling me. I'm sure it was difficult."
You both sit in a comforting silence as you try to collect yourself. Soon enough you yawn and Jamil lets out a soft laugh. "After all that, it's no surprise you're tired. Here, I'll help you get to bed." While you would tell him that you could do it on your own, you were far too tired, so instead you simply nodded. Jamil then helps you get into your bed. As you make yourself comfortable, Jamil wishes you a goodnight before leaving.
But, as he reaches for your door handle, he suddenly stops. Curious, you watch him as he turns around and grabs your desk chair, pulling it next to your bed.
Jamil notices your curious stare and says, "I would like to try something. Though, I'd prefer it if you weren't looking directly at me. Could you turn around?" Still confused, you decided to just go with it and turned, your back now facing him.
You waited for a few moments and just before you were about to ask what he was planning to do, you heard it.
A soft humming. You could just barely hear it. You quickly realize it was coming from Jamil. Though, the song is different from what your parents used to sing, it still brought a smile to your face. You whisper a thank you to Jamil, he doesn't stop to answer you but the humming does become slightly louder.
Slowly you fall into the depths of sleep and you swear, as the comforting darkness envelops you, you could almost hear Jamil softly singing the words to the lullaby instead of humming them. Nonetheless, it comforts you.
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You wake up in your bed. Jamil is no longer there, the chair having been placed back next to your desk. You feel a bit lonely sitting in the silence but, you do feel a lot better than you did yesterday. Getting ready, you continue your day as normal.
Occasionally, you would come across your two boyfriends as you walked to your classes. Though, they were acting a bit strange.
Jamil would try to secretly guide you away from Kalim's prying eyes and kiss you on the cheek before telling you how grateful he was to be yours. When you asked why he was doing this he said, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Besides, I don't get to do these things that often with you anyway."
Leona was his usual self, simply nodding his head in your direction as a form of acknowledgement while you both walked your separate ways in the crowded halls. That was until he ran into you in an empty hallway. Seeing you, Leona smirked as he pulled you in for a tight hug, nuzzling his face into the curve of your neck. You laughed as you asked him why he was acting like this. He huffed a bit saying, "I can't show my queen how much I love her?"
Though strange, you simply brushed it off. It wasn't until school ended that you ran into one of your boyfriends again.
Leona seemingly appeared out of nowhere, putting one of his hands against the wall to block you from walking.
"I wanted to wait until further along in our relationship to make a request like this but... Can ya come to my bedroom tonight?" A smirk spread across Leona's face, "It'll be fun. I'll even try to convince that snake to join in."
Your face burns, your mouth slightly open as you try to process what he was asking of you. But, before you could respond, Leona interrupts you. "Good to know you'll be there. Come around when the sun starts to set, I'll be seein' ya then." He then walks off his tail swinging behind him.
You stood in the school hallway wondering what just happened. While you weren't sure how you felt about his offer, your curiosity got the better of you.
It didn't sound like such a bad idea...
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As sunset comes you make your way to the Savanaclaw dorm. Your heart hammers in your chest as you get closer to Leona's bedroom.
Sooner than you thought you reached the door. Lifting up your fist you hesitantly knocked on the door. After a few noises from inside, the door opened to reveal Jamil.
"Oh good you're here, come in." He held open the door letting you inside. Leona's bedroom was much cleaner than usual, there was also more blankets and pillows hanging out on the bed and to your surprise, there was a small stack of what seemed to be board games.
Nervously you ask, "So, what are we doing?" Jamil looked at you confused, "We're having a sleepover. I thought that since we don't get to spend much time together that it would be nice to get together for awhile. Didn't Leona tell you?"
Jamil, seeing your surprised expression, quickly looked over to Leona who was casually lounging on the bed. Leona looked smug, "Well, I may have changed a few words."
Jamil rolled his eyes, "Unbelievable... Either way, we're having a sleepover and it's only a sleepover." Jamil gives a pointed look to Leona who only grins wider in response.
Having settled that, you three then spent your time playing board games and chatting about school and such. At some point your conversations eventually turned to your family.
"I told Leona what you told me. I felt it was right that he knew as well." Jamil said after a moment of silence. Your expression grew somber at the reminder of your parents but you nod in understanding. Leona would have probably found out at some point anyway.
Leona interrupts with a yawn, "Let's head to bed. You two can be all sad while I sleep, yeah?"
You watch as Jamil berates Leona. Though, as Jamil tells him how rude he's being, Leona seems to be falling asleep by the second. You shake your head at the two before yawning yourself, "Yeah, we should go to bed. I'm pretty tired."
Jamil sighs as he goes to prepare the bed. But, before Jamil could do anything, Leona picks you up and throws you onto the bed. You fall into the bed with a yelp and Leona flops down next to you. He quickly buries himself in the blankets and pulls you closer. Jamil for a moment cracks a small smile, though it's gone as quickly as it appeared. He then grabs the chair by Leona's desk and brings it closer to the bed.
"Ya gonna sing that song?" Leona asks while watching Jamil sit down on the chair. "Yes. Now if you could be quiet, I'll begin." He says with an irk in his voice. Leona huffs a laugh before bringing you closer to him and mumbles, "Yeah, real sweet and romantic, just don't be too loud." Jamil grumbles to himself though quiet you catch a few words, "With how deeply you sleep you wouldn't know anyway..."
Now in the comfort of Leona's arms and listening to the soft humming of Jamil, you quickly find yourself falling asleep. Even though they bicker a bit, it warms your heart to see them both trying to help you.
Soon the comforting darkness envelops you once more but, this time at least, you won't have to wake up alone.
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atmymercy · 2 years
Hello ! How are you doing? i hope you do well.
May i have a reading?
How could be like our first kiss between me and my futurespouse!
Thank you and have a nice day! xoxo
hello ro! welcome! i love seeing a new friend! so glad you could join me today! i'm doing great! i hope you are too! and thank for the well wishes towards my day! i hope yours is nice too! ooh let's see what you get!
for you, i got the ace of swords, page of cups & king of swords.
ooh so your first kiss with your future spouse is going to be very sudden! and ps most likely your spouse is a male or at least presented in a more masculine fashion. anyways! lol like i see you almost leaving to go because your shoulder is turned and you two have already started to say goodnight and you think you two are just naturally parting ways when suddenly they pull you back! and it's like fuck! it's on! omg! that's hilarious! but seriously, you're going to secretly hope that they will and then suddenly they spin you around and you're in their arms and woot! you two are kissing! kiss me more by doja cat started to play so i don't really know if you need any more clues as to what happens after this first kiss... lol like i said no nsfw! that's for private reads but i'm sure you can use your imagination, honey! lol but you'll be all in your emotions in this kiss and yeah! wow, honey! is it a little steamy in here?
hope you enjoyed it! please give feedback or buy me a coffee when you can! if you want to explore this further, please consider a private read as well. also thank you for sharing with me!♡
love & light!
as always, my rules & info are in my pinned post if you're interested in a reading of your own!
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carcinized · 2 years
hello june skycourthouse youre literally the coolest ever you are just. just. hmm i am so happy we are friends <3 it is sunny and and the leaves are pretty colors ill send u some pictures later maybe and i think im home alone and the world is just so pretty and i think you are just. you're sunshiney <3 i am listening to the song good morning sunlight by i fight dragons do you know that one? it makes me think of u :D its so warm and pretty also i love it :DDD
how are you today! it's sunday! today we are putting the sun in sunday i suppose at least where i live. i am uhh putting off homework. oops. i started a new minecraft hardcore world yestrday!! i found a village and made a silly little starter house that is literally just a box and also found a shipwreck but i cant navigate the map that was in it :< i have. so much laundry to do >_< and im just very warm rn! in multiple ways :) i am wearing the coziest sweater its lovely :]
its october 16 which is so many of my friends' birthdays so i forgot about the red festival ummm. im gonna rewatch tubbos pov of the red festival i think </3 OH ive eben working on the benchtrio ghosthunting au a bit im excited for that and also my other main project (aka: stardust projects onto tommy and ranboo is well hes certainly There.) ive been like outlining whats gonna happen and its gonna be cool :) im giving u a bouquet of flowers or a potted plant or just literally a piece of grass i hope youre doing well <3 im not ready for the weather to get colder but i do love the pretty colors and . sweaters :]]
LAJDFJ i wrote this in the afternoon.... its 10 pm now.... PFFT. okay pressing send. i do just frequemntly forget to do that huh
love ya ollie :D
awww thats so sweet, it was super foggy the past 2 days here for the first time its been sooo nice <3 and no i do not know that song :O
YOOOO HARDCORE!!! i have never done a hardcore world i have far too much rage inside me i dont think i could take that sort of loss, BUT ITS OK UR SLAYING i have Also been putting off folding my laundry... it is just in a pile on my floor Oops. I Forgor (my room is the messiest place in the universe rn Its Fine)
BUT WOOOO YEAH IT IS :D the red festival my beloved <333 THATS SO COOL THO GHOSTHUNTING AU THE BEST AU IN THE WORLD!!!! i think itll be aweomse also Omg Grass... the other day i was outside doing (activity) with friends and there was some really soft grass and i wanted to eat it but then i remembereed we were at Gross Public Place and though it was soft someone had probably thrown up on it before so i should Not put it in my mouth and it was very sad for me, i like how grass tastes but alas that grass would have been germy so yes anyways i am appreciating your grass. also i cant wait for the cold weather except for actually its just about as cold as itll get here already only it still warms up to like 80F in the afternoon so we just suffer bc we cant dress right, but its ok bc the past two days like i said its been foggy so :D i just need it to start raining so we can Heat Our House lmao we need it to be wet enough outside to make a fire w/o lighting half the country on fire LOL
and its ok king i get it. i am heading to bed Also now i think this is a late response sorry i didnt see this, but goodnight sleep well i hope you have a great day tomorrow!! love u :] <33
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albatris · 3 years
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:D!! yes!! ok!! yes!! please forgive the much-much-much-lengthier-than-intended ramble sorry thank you love you <3
first off, two facts about Noa and Kai:
they care about each other a lot
they cannot fucking STAND each other 90% of the time
they struggle a lot when it comes to teamwork, their personalities don't mesh well under pressure and their approaches to problem-solving differ wildly, so they often end up getting on each other’s nerves and being quite tense when they have to work together :P nothing, like, dramatic though, and nothing that escalates beyond general bickering and annoyance
that being said, on a personal and social level they do view each other as close friends and (can) get along well, though you’d be hard-pressed to get either of them to admit it. they share a lot of similarities (some of which I’ll go into) and both value the other as someone they can be open and honest with and drop their guard around, which is sayin somethin ‘cause openness and honesty are notoriously difficult for both of them lmao
in general I would say hmmmm
Noa views Kai (fondly) as a bastard and a swindler and possibly the most infuriating person she’s ever met, an opinion which does not change even as she grows to consider them a friend. like, genuinely? she fuckin hates their guts. and their ridiculously charming smile. and the way they can sweet talk their way into or out of any situation. she’s a little bitter about the way people just seem to hand over whatever Kai wants just ‘cause they’re a smooth-talker and good at pulling strings, ‘cause that level of uhhhhh sneaky interpersonal finesse is not something she’s ever really been able to access and it strikes her as cheating ahaha
that being said, though she finds their personality grating and their face punchable, they’re a person who cares intensely about people, not in an abstract theoretical all-talk-no-action kind of way, but in a concrete, physical, motivated “hey let me help you with that right now” kind of way, which Noa will never have any beef with. too many people sit around talking about what it means to do the right thing. not enough people get out there in a van full of interdimensional crime and pull off elaborate heists for the greater good
Kai has a similar take on Noa in that regard, as in, like. she’s kind of hardcore, yes. but. there are too many people sitting around talking about what it means to do the right thing, not enough people getting rightfully fucking unhinged and charging headfirst into injustice and cruelty and punching the shit out of it. her methods are a little too impulsive and headstrong for Kai’s tastes but it works for her n they’re cheering from the sidelines lol
but ye, Kai views Noa as. hm. a very very very intense person who is a lot of fun to mess with. pretty much as soon as Kai realises Noa isn’t going to be a threat in any capacity they’re like “sick now I have free reign to be the most annoying person in the universe” and they absolutely follow through. they find her passion and intensity amusing but admirable, and they were sold on the fact that she’s a good, kind person no matter her prickly exterior the second they saw how much she adores her mum c:
so, arguably, half of the next part is just,,,, me elaborating to an excessive extent,,,,, but this info used to be at the start of the ramble so I’d already written it before being like “hey wait a minute” so to hell with it I’m including it anyway
these two don’t get a lot of screentime together till the second half of the book and they have a pretty rocky start imo
like, Noa’s first impressions of Kai on two separate occasions are “that bastard who robbed me while I was on the clock” and “that random weirdo who somehow charmed my best friend into thinking they’re cool even though they sound like the shadiest motherfucker on the entire planet and I’m pretty sure they’re a serial killer”, which then culminate into “oh shit these are in fact the same person and they’re definitely bad news”
Kai never dislikes Noa the same way Noa dislikes them, but they are wary of her and have a healthy degree of fear regarding the threat she could pose to them.......... Kai and Noa’s different career choices put them at odds with each other right off the bat, what with Noa working for the Department of Interdimensional Instabilities and Kai operating a significantly less legal business that’s essentially the antithesis of the DII
plus Noa in general has a reputation for being Kind Of Fucking Terrifying
initially I would say they both view the other as “potentially a legitimate threat” and “not to be underestimated”, but post-mid-story-heist they get to spend some proper time together and form more grounded opinions of each other :P though arguably still for a considerable while the only reason they put up with each other is because Tris is like “:D” at them both and they’re like........ aw no I don’t wanna make him sad
Kai warms to Noa a lot faster than Noa warms to Kai, ‘cause Kai warms to most people pretty quick provided they’re not literal axe murderers. Noa starts to warm to Kai only after careful observation and assessment leads her to conclude the following two facts with reasonable certainty:
Kai does appear to be in possession of a solid moral compass
Kai has no ill intent towards Tris whatsoever
which tips the scale in their favour enough for her to be like “okay fine”
there's a level of distance and awkwardness between them for ages 'cause like, yeah, they're friends they guess but not like, friends-friends, there just seems to be something that's not clicking, n the main reason for that is just like
(handshake meme)
a deep-seated terror of being emotionally open and vulnerable resulting in a pathological need to project a loud outgoing persona that masks every ounce of insecurity and fear and prevents anyone from getting close enough to Know You: Noa 🤝 Kai
as soon as THAT realisation clicks for both of them n they're like "oh shit you're just like me and I know exactly how you feel" it instils a sense of connection and camaraderie between them and solidifies a kinship based on Something rather than simply "mutual friends" and "sometimes we're in the same place"
n like, obviously the others Know about the whole. situation. with Kai’s backstory but Kai’s still pretty cagey about it emotionally speaking.... I’m pretty sure Noa is?? the only person they manage to completely drop their guard around over the course of the story? in terms of like.... having a genuine heart-to-heart about the emotions involved and the fear n guilt
and like. yeah. yeah. Noa hasn’t made a friend besides Tris in like ten years n she’s also notoriously cagey with her emotions and her being genuine and vulnerable is just....... not a thing that happens very often or very easily.... and even less through a lot of the story
idk man. they’ve just got good vibes together
they offer each other a Safe Place and a level of understanding that maybe the others don’t quite grasp. even though the others r still empathetic and care for them a lot n have equally important things they bring to the friendship. Noa and Kai just have a vibe yeah
even though they’d sell each other to satan for one corn chip
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everestica · 2 years
hello i’m back w my akito reqs haha~ may i request (hmm story if possible,,) beach day w vbs and akito confesses during sunset and stuffs like that? hope it’s not too confusing or vague hwks thank you have a nice day/evening<33
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Akito x Reader: Sunset Confession
Writing Type: Story
Request: Yes
Author’s Note: Ahhh This is adorable, because he would totally do this! Anyway as always if you don’t like it or if it’s not what you wanted feel free to let me know and have me rewrite it!<3
You and Vivid Bad squad were heading to the beach for a team bonding thing, you’re not really sure why you were invited since you weren’t actually a part of the band, but you took it as a beach trip with your friends, and your crush, Akito. Yeah, you guys were in the same class and you two have grown super close over the couple months that your guys have known each other, but little did you know that he also really liked you, and this was the rest of the unit's idea so you two could get together.
-TimeSkip To when you get there-
“Alright so we got 3 rooms, so let's have Myself, and Kohane in one room, Toya by himself, and Akito and Y/n!” An says question at first and excited by the time she finished.
“Shouldn’t Akito and Toya be together” You questioned An
“Nah, You and Akito get along to well that you two should be together” She said confidently
“Oh Okay!” You said back
You and Akito walked over to the room and opened the door to see one bed, and bathroom on the left, a vanity, a tv, and an ocean view.
“Oh dang only one bed and no couch” He said with hope in his voice
“I mean we could always share..?” You started
“I mean only if you're okay with it” You said as soon as you finished your first statement.
“I mean if your okay with it, then sure” He said putting his bag down
Soon after settling in you got at text from An, saying the rest were going to the beach, and you and Akito should join them.
You texted “Yes!” Back really quick, told Akito then you took the bathroom to change.
“Hey, you look really good ;)” Akito said as soon as you stepped out of the bathroom
“Oh shut up you perv” you said after he winked at you
He just laughed in response
-TimeSkip to the beach-
“OVER HERE!!” An yells excitedly when she see you and Akito.
You both walk down and you see they already had a spot set up with towels, an umbrella, and a cooler with drinks. Akito, An, and Toya all went to mess around in the water which left you and Kohane to just chill with the stuff.
“So.. You and Akito” Kohane says looking mischievously at you sitting on her left
“What about us..?” You say with a growing blush on your face
“I mean like are you two like secretly dating or something?” She contuines
“No” You say
“And even if I did like him, I doubt he likes me back” you finish
Just then Kohane bursts out laughing
“Huh” you say looking at her weirdly
“He totally likes you, and his plan was to confess to you today at some point, but you uh didn’t hear that from me” She finishes
“Yeah, as if” you say rolling your eyes
You guys were all sitting under the umbrella and it was also just about to be sunset. That’s when Akito grabbed your hand out of nowhere and started to pull you towards a cliff.
He didn’t let go of you until you two made it to the top
“What the hell Akito” you say almost yelling
“Please, I just really need to tell you something” He says
“What is some important that you almost had to rip off my arm” you said crossing your arms
“This” his says kissing you”
“I- W-“ you say after he pulls back
It’s now sunset
“I really like you Y/n, and I thought this was the perfect time to tell you, Will you uh be my girlfriend” He says
“I- Yes!” You say
“Now im like half asleep so I’m can we go back to the room” you finish
“Sure, Sleepyhead” He says laughing
You guys go back to the room, change, and get into bed. Just as your about to fall asleep Akito pulls you so your laying on head on his chest, he kisses your head.
“Goodnight Sleepyhead” He says.<3
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damonjuicyscock · 3 years
To the end (Chapter 9: End of a century)
Pairing: 90's Damon Albarn x Reader
Warnings: Language, maybe some spelling mistakes
Summary: You are Damon Albarn's girlfriend. You meet two persons and Damon is not going to like it.
Words: 1485
A/N: Hello, short chapter this time, hope you'll like the appearance of new characters that will have some importance in this fanfic.
Enjoy !
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“Sex on the TV, everybody's at it The mind gets dirty as you get closer to thirty He gives her a cuddle, they're glowing in a huddle Good night TV, you're all made up and you're looking like me We all say, don't want to be alone We wear the same clothes 'cause we feel the same We kiss with dry lips when we say goodnight End of a century, oh, it's nothing special Can you eat her? Yes, you can”
Glastonbury festival-June 26th 1994:
Troubles started here. I say “started” but that’s not the day it started. I just say they started here because everything has beginnings and endings. Here, it’s about a meeting. Glastonbury 1994, lots of good artists, lots of bands. One of these bands being Oasis. The Mancunian troublemakers. Or so I thought. Liam really was one, but Noel… Noel was only playing with it. When you really know Noel like I do, he’s a deeply sensitive, touching, and tender person. That night, I knew.
- Oi, here she is, the famous girlfriend! I heard, said in a strong Mancunian accent.
It was a party with some bands and artists in many different boxes, during the festival. I turned to see the man.
- Liam Gallagher, troublemaker in chief. I said
- In the flesh baby. He answered
- Huh huh, bad beginning mate. I’m not your baby. I’m Damon’s one, And I have to warn you, don’t you dare touching me or hurt my boyfriend in any way. I answered
Liam chuckled sarcastically
- Oh baby, I won’t hurt him, I don’t need to do this to have you. I’m in the best band of the whole fucking world, you’ll see, you’ll end up in me bed, and I’m a better shag than this fucker.
- You fucking prick. I answered pissed off
- Oi our kid, leave her alone! I heard another Mancunian voice say
The man approached the other, and I turned to see him. He had a cigarette between his lips, ready to be lighten.
- Now go find someone your age, man.
When he finally looked at me, I swear I saw something crossing his eyes, I couldn’t explain what.
- Huh…
- Lost your tongue Noel? I said
- N-No! No! I’m chuffed to finally meet you Y/N Y/L/N. Want a fag?
- Since it is so kindly offered! I answered, smiling at him
It seemed like I had an effect on Noel. He put the cigarette between my lips and kindly lit it up for me.
- Thank you, that’s very kind of you.
- Ye’re welcome! Tell me ‘bout ya
- Well… I’m here with Blur. You know who my boyfriend is, right?
- Yea, y’are Damon’s one. What are you doing with him?
- I love him?
- Sure, but don’t you have any problems with him?
- What kind?
- Well ya know, girls and the stuff, doesn’t it mither ya?
- Oh ! I don’t have any problems with it anymore, he’s entirely faithful to me now. At the beginning of our relationship, he was onto being in an open relationship, but not anymore, I’m his only one.
- Be well careful anyway huh?
- Why?
- I don’t want this wanker to hurt ya.
We only knew each other for two minutes, but it’s like a bond was born between us, he was really nice to me, like… what the fuck, I was the “enemy’s” girlfriend, why did he even bother to talk to me?
As I inhaled some smoke from my cigarette, I felt his gaze on my lips.
- Yes Noel, I’ll be if you can be relieved.
- Oh and soz our kid, he can be a real prick.
- Our kid, IS a kid, let him be, he’ll end up growing up.
- Yeah, hope so me.
What I didn’t know was that another gaze was on me during all this time. Damon’s. And he clearly wasn’t happy to see me talk with Noel.
- Thanks for the cig, gotta go back to Damon now, he’s waiting for me. It was nice talking to you Noel.
- Anytime Y/N.
I came back to Damon. A pissed off Damon.
- What were you doing with Noel Gallagher? He asked me on an angry tone
- Just chatting. He offered me a cig.
- Yeah, I saw that. Don’t you have hands and fingers?
- Why’s that? I answered, surprised
- To put this goddamn cigarette in your mouth and light it up like a grown-up girl!
He was being aggressive now. Jealous Damon was back.
- Dames, it was nothing more than a cig!
- He was flirting with you! Don’t you fucking see?
- He wasn’t…
- Yes, HE WAS!
- He was just being a gentleman!
- Yeah, and I can be too. Why wouldn’t I go propose a cig to one of the groupies here? And light it for her, and shag her in the end?
I thought all of this was behind us. I was wrong. Damon just threatened me in front of everyone, and my heart shattered in front of everyone. The boys heard everything.
- Damon! Graham shouted at him
- You know what? Fuck you Damon! I said getting up and going outside
Someone followed me. I felt the tears threatening to fall. Once I was outside, sat and crying, a hand touched my shoulder.
I turned to see Graham.
- Hey Y/N, are you okay?
I broke down, and he took me in his arms, hugging me.
- He really can be a fucking bastard! I said, sobbing against his chest
- You know how Damon can really be a dick when he’s frustrated.
- I swear I was only having a random chat with Noel, nothing more.
- I know Y/N, I saw you both. I don’t even know why he got jealous and was mean to you like this.
- He knows I won’t ever cheat on him, why does he have to be so cruel?
- It’s okay Y/N, he’ll realize he fucked up.
After I stopped crying, Graham and I sat here for a few minutes, smoking a cigarette together. I decided to go back to the caravan where we were sleeping, where I took a shower, and laid in the bed, crying again.
Not even 5 minutes after, Damon walked into the room.
- Y/N…
- What do you fucking want?
- I’m sorry… he answered
- You’re sorry? How am I to trust you and love you if you threaten me when you get jealous, even if you fucking know I’ll never cheat on you Damon?
- I didn’t mean it, I was angry.
- Don’t you fucking spill your hate on me! I don’t deserve it.
My face was pressed against the pillow, drinking all my tears. That’s where I heard him sob, the man was crying too. He laid next to me, trying a little touch on my arm, in the hope that I would let him hold me. And Damon crying made me weak, and I couldn’t stay angry at him in those cases.
I turned to face him, and he kissed me.
- what have I done to deserve this?
- I’m so sorry, you know I love you right? It’s just…I’m so afraid to lose you.
- Don’t you ever do this to me again Damon. Never. Understood?
His fingers entwined with mine.
- I promise. I can’t lose you; I love you. He sobbed
- And I love you too.
Damon was respectful after this. We slept without having sex. At the time, we didn’t have make-up sex. It wasn’t my thing.
A few days after, Oasis first album was released. Both bands were promoting their albums, and Liam Gallagher was fancying me, or to translate in his language, wanted to shag me. The one who had a crush on me was Noel. Liam just wanted to have what Damon had. And everytime we were able to, Damon and I were going at it, “christening places” like he said.
Time passed, Damon and I were together for more than a year when Blur’s live in Paris took place. I knew Damon for his love for France and French language. It was a week before Halloween, and we were touring in a bus.
Before leaving Paris, Damon took me for a walk on the banks. After all, Paris is said to be the most romantic city in the world. Especially when it’s raining, just like it was that night. And by raining, I meant heavy rain.
This walk was kind of half romantic, half chaotic. Happily, I took the right clothes, But Damon decided to change in a suit. Not really a good idea in my opinion. For once, none of us were drunk. Well at least, not yet.
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the memory of you pt. 1
Gilderoy Lockhart x Healer!reader
requested: (anon) Omg thank you! If you want to write any kind of Lockhart scenario that suggests NSFW stuff then I'd totally be cool with whatever you come up with 😊 thanks again so much! ❤️
warnings: none
summary: After helping Gilderoy deal with his memory loss and get him out of St. Mungo's, you couldn't help but fall for his charm once more when he finds you on the streets of London.
a/n: I THOUGHT I QUEUED THIS 💀 i sat here at work thinking 'damn, no one liked my post? k 😭' anyways, i'm gonna break this into two parts before it gets too long lmao. bold italics are flashbacks
(gif not mine, cred to owner)
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You worked with a certain celebrity for quite a while now. He was brought in one day without knowing who he was, where he came from, and how he ended up in a weird cave. His residence at St. Mungo’s where you worked lasted for a while. Other Healers declared that there was no way to recover his memory, but he didn’t seem to mind. Gilderoy was perfectly content with being happy and healthy even if he didn't know what was going on.
He was so sweet. Never gave you or any of your colleagues any trouble. He took his potions with ease, didn't make a fuss when bringing him from one room to another, and held conversations as normal. His family would visit him on occasion and it pained you to watch him not know them. But overall, he was happy.
After two years at St. Mungos, Gilderoy was let go considering that even though his memories were gone, he had enough mental stability to be out in public. Gilderoy had to go to a private academy to re-learn magic basics in adult classes. You remember the night before he left.
“So nice to start my life tomorrow,” Gilderoy had his signature smile on. He ate his dinner on his own without the help of Healers.
“Your life has already started, you just don't remember is all,” you corrected. You were preparing his bed for the last time. Since it's his last night, you were able to grab an extra pillow for him to be comfortable.
“Yes, but tomorrow I'll start a life I can remember. I'll make new memories.” Gilderoy stood up from his small table and walk to his hospital bed. He always loved the way you prepared his bed. How you fluffed the pillow, folded the blankets back neatly, and made sure the bed was warm. It wasn't special treatment as you did it for all patients, but he appreciated it all the same.
“Good night, Miss Y/L/N,” he said.
“Good night, Mr. Lockhart,” you replied.
Two years later, you're still working at St. Mungos. You've seen patients come and go since then. None quite as cooperative as Gilderoy, but they weren't all bad either.
The London streets were busy as usual today. It was slightly cloudy, but luckily it wasn't raining. And thank Merlin because you didn't have an umbrella with you. Cabs were driving right past you as you stood by the sidewalk trying to catch one. Once one stopped in front of you and you were about to climb in, another hand also grabbed for the handle. “Miss Y/L/N?”
Gilderoy stood next to you, eyes gleaming and wore his charming smile. He looked as happy as he always did. “Mr. Lockhart, hello.” It was a pleasant run in, and you'd love to chat but you had to be at work soon. It seemed that he noticed your uniform as well. “Oh, go ahead. I'll call for another one.”
“Thank you, Mr. Lockhart.” You opened the door but before you could close it, Gilderoy said one last thing. “I hope to see you again!” He waved at you as you left and kept at it until you were out of sight.
His wish was granted three months later; he was walking around the same street for probably the 4th time that week. He wasn't ashamed to admit that after that day he ran into you, he wanted to see you again. You were with a couple of friends at a pub one night celebrating a proper weekend off. Gilderoy followed you in, a bit of people that recognized him stopped him to say ‘hi’ but of course, he doesn't know them. They were fans of his before the memory loss. They took a few pictures and he went walking after you. You were seen sitting at a bar table by yourself waiting for your friends to come back from the restroom.
Gilderoy walked up to you slowly, “Hello, Miss Y/L/N.” You recognized him and by pure habit, you gave him your work smile and voice, “Good evening, Mr. Lockhart.”
“Please, call me Gilderoy,” he requested.
“Gilderoy,” you reached your hand out to shake his, “you can call me Y/N.” His smile changed, not one that you've seen in magazines and papers, but a more humble one. His cheeks became a bit rosy and he looked like he was flustered. “So, how have you been?” he asked. You took a quick sip of the water that was on the table before continuing the conversation, “I’ve been good! Just been working all the time. How about you? I bet so many great things have been going with you?”
“Not really. Since I didn't know much about my life before I was admitted in, I didn't know where to start. So I lived with my mother for a while, but now I’m on my own.” Seeing Gilderoy be so humble was a sight to see. A once self-centered, proud man has turned into a sweet, kind one. You almost wanted to thank whoever did this to him, not knowing it was actually Gilderoy who had accidentally done this to myself. “Well, are you working right now?” you asked him.
“No, I don’t really have anything to offer,” he looked down.
“That’s not true, you…” you stopped to think about what it was that Gilderoy could do. And unfortunately, it wasn't much. When word had gone out that he had actually stolen credit for all the things he had claimed to have done, people wondered if he was good at anything.
Gilderoy laughed at your blank expression. You felt bad. “Well, I’m sure you’re good at something.” You patted his shoulder gently across the table. Your friends came back from the restroom after what felt like twenty minutes. “Oh! It’s Gilderoy Lockhart, so nice to meet you,” each of them shook his hand. “What brings you here?”
Suddenly, he was embarrassed to say that he was spending weeks trying to find you. “Oh, I was just around. I walked inside and recognized Y/N. Thought I’d say hello,” he felt a bit nervous at that moment. “Well I best be going. I don't want to intrude. Have a good evening.” Gilderoy was about to leave until one of your friends called out for him, “No, stay! I’m sure Y/N would love to catch up with you, isn't that right?” You weren't sure if it would be appropriate to hang out with a former patient. Sure, it’s been a couple years since then, but you've never had any patients become even acquaintances, let alone friends. But the look in Gilderoy’s eyes that were basically begging you to say ‘yes’ hit something in you. “If you’re not doing anything else tonight, I'm sure we would like your company tonight.”
Gilderoy was funnier than he seemed to be. Being one of the Healers that worked with him for nearly four years, you never knew about this. He was telling the story of the first time he had used the levitation spell during his adult classes and he accidentally made his professor levitate and not the inanimate object on the table. Slightly tipsy, you and your friends laughed so hard trying to picture the situation. Gilderoy said he panicked and when he tried to let him down, the professor fell from ten feet in the air on his head and passed out. Luckily, he wasn't kicked out to the class but it was certainly something the professor never let him live down.
By the end of the night, your friends had gotten plastered and left for home. You were fine; your tipsy state was gone. You made sure your friends were set in the cab and told the cabbie their addresses. Gilderoy stood behind you and watched as you took care of your friends. It was different than when you worked, but it brought back memories when you took care of him.
When the cab drove off, you turned to look at the blond man. “Well, it was great seeing you, Mr. Lock– Gilderoy,” you quickly corrected yourself. You nodded and started walking down the street before he called for you again. “W-would you like to take a walk?” You thought about it, the same thought from earlier. But you've already shared a few drinks with him, so a walk wouldn't hurt. The sky was clear and although the stars were faint, there were a couple large ones that you could point out. You walked in silence for a couple minutes until you spoke up, “The weather’s nice.” He nodded quietly. It wasn't odd for him, but it was for you. It was odd to see him not as talkative as he used to be. You supposed that when you have your memories wiped, your personality could be affected as well. But he was still somewhat himself when he was a patient, so this change must have happened in the past two years. You hoped that nothing bad happened in that time.
It was getting later and later, but something about Gilderoy was different and you liked being around this sort of new him. He’s more inviting compared to how he was when he was a celebrity. The feeling of it being weird with him outside of work was gone, and something else started. You wanted to get to know him as a person again.
You checked the time on your wristwatch and decided that you should head home eventually. “It was nice seeing you tonight. I hope to see you again,” you grinned. His eyes lit up as he looked at you, “I would love that. Maybe we can have tea sometime?”
“I’d like that. Goodnight, Gilderoy.”
“Good night, Y/N.” He signaled a cab for you and like he did the last time, he waved until he couldn't see you anymore.
requests open!
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beauvibaby · 4 years
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Across The Street — Part Two
read part one here
a/n: just a short two parted series for y’all, I hope you enjoyed it!
Surely this wouldn’t be easy.
Those words were all that ran through your mind, but, if you’re being truthful, you didn’t know if it was anything to be worried about. Considering how he just kissed you and walked off, who does that?
But then, he started texting you daily, and sneaking flirty comments in when you’d see him in public, just enough to keep your mind at ease. Not to mention the kisses stolen when it was just the two of you. He wasn’t used to something like this, for him it kind of just always happened, but with you, it was different. He wanted to show you how you should be treated, and he hated to admit that how he normally went about things wasn’t how you deserved to be treated.
“Good luck on your first day!”
His text read, following a good morning message as well, it was finally time for you to start watching Steven and Emily, you were beyond ecstatic to fall into a routine. You needed it, a constant in your life. You were at a red light, just outside the kids neighborhood when you sent him a thank you, and told him to have a good day. It sounded cliche, but the two of you didn’t have that awkward phase, you skipped straight into being comfortable together.
Parking your car, you went inside and proceeded to have an amazing first day, both of the kids so happy to have you there, putting their mom at ease. Emily clung to your hip most of the day, still being new to walking, but she happily babbled to you whenever she wasn’t napping, and Steven was proudly showing off his Lego collection to you, and adorably telling you how Emily wasn’t allowed near them because she tried to eat them. You gasped, making him feel proud that he at least thought he taught you something new. By the end of the day you were beaming ear to ear, and couldn’t help but call Tyler on your drive home, you didn’t think much of the gesture, but Tyler did.
“Hello?” He answered, confused, not expecting to hear from you, not that he was complaining. “Tyler! I just had the best first day, I’m already in love with those kids, they’re so sweet, and cute, oh my god!” You rambled, stopping when he began to laugh over the phone. “What?” You pouted, even if he couldn’t see you. “Nothing, it’s just–am I the first person you called?” He questioned, and your face warmed up, “maybe.” You sang, he laughed under his breath. “That’s sweet, baby.” The word slipped before he could stop it, and you swear you couldn’t get even redder than you already were. “Mhm, who else would I call?” You teased him, listening as he went silent, you heard movement before he spoke, “dunno, Cassidy? Henry? Jenny?” He offered, laughing groggily, “oh my god! I’m sorry, your nap.” You rushed checking the time, they were away for a game, the time difference, you felt terrible. “S’alright.” He mumbled, “go to sleep, Ty.” You demanded with a giggle, “call me after the game?” You added in a questioning tone, unsure if that was pushing the bounds of this new relationship. “It’ll be so late there.” He reminded you. “I don’t care.” You admitted, realizing how badly you wanted to see him now. “Ok, ok, I’ll call.” He laughed softly, “bye, Y/N.” He murmured, “bye.” You repeated, hanging up the call, chewing your lip, a smile evident on your face.
“Why are you so happy?” Henry teased the second you walked in, you rolled your eyes, slipping your shoes off by the door, “it was my first day remember?” You called, walking through the kitchen, “how was it?” He paused whatever show he was watching, looking over the back of the couch towards the kitchen. You pulled out something to cook for dinner, “it was great! They’re such a nice family.” You gushed, not boring him with the details, knowing he wouldn’t bother to listen anyways. “I’m going out with Jenny again tonight.” He spoke over his show as he turned it back on. Your eyebrows shot up, “really?” You squealed, bouncing in the kitchen. Henry only laughed in response at your enthusiasm. You were happy that the two were working out so far, and Jenny was the only one who knew about you and Tyler. Your mind drifted back to him as you cooked, about what it would be like to go on a proper date with him, not sneaking off when you were with your friends, or hushed conversations at night.
“Seriously, you're terrifyingly happy.” Henry grimaced, walking past you after he got ready for his date, you scoffed, trying to kick him as he walked past but he dodged it. “Am I not allowed to be happy oh dearest brother of mine?” You mumbled, scooping a spoonful of your rice and beef into your mouth. “I didn’t say that! It just seems like more than a good first day of work…” he trailed off, eyeing you suspiciously. “Is it a boy?” He raised an eyebrow, you shrugged, “don’t wanna be late for your date, Henry.” You pointed to the time, and he gasped, panicking as if she wasn’t just downstairs, but rightfully so, because then he’d have no excuse for being late. “Have fun!” You called as the door shut, slinking your way to your room after doing the dishes, you wasted time on your phone until the game was supposed to start. After making sure you had your things ready for work again tomorrow, your music cut off as you got a notification, making you rush over to your phone. A Snapchat from Tyler, a simple photo of his laced up skates, “almost game time, you gonna watch?”
You laughed, rolling your eyes, you already had the channel on the TV, and your Seguin jersey, of course you had one, it had been–at the time–a terrible Christmas gift from Henry, but now it wasn’t so bad. You walked over by the TV, taking a silly selfie, “of course I’m watching, I’m offended you thought I wouldn’t!”
He opened it nearly instantly, and you turned pink as you got the notification of him taking a screenshot. “That better be my jersey.” A chat, instead of a photo, “no, it’s Roope’s.” You laughed, receiving a string of angry emojis from him. You felt a little daring tonight, and you felt good, running off a high from today, so you stepped into the bathroom, turning to the side so the number on the sleeve showed, sending him a picture, the caption only being a winking face. This time you chuckled as he took a screenshot, he wasn’t shy, that’s for sure. He didn’t respond, which you expected as the game was supposed to start in a few minutes. You curled up against your headboard, plugging your phone in beside your bed and snuggling in for the game. Happy that Henry was out, giving you the chance to shout at the game as much as you want without him questioning your sudden concern for the players, Tyler specifically. But it was a good game, an easy game, which was good, as you weren’t sure you’d be able to handle anything serious happening when they were so far away.
When you woke up to your alarm, realizing Tyler never called, you were slightly upset, but it melted away when you saw the texts from him in your phone.
“Are you up?”
“Told you it was gonna be late, goodnight Y/N”
You laughed, typing out a congrats and good morning text before beginning your new routine for the day.
It went like this for a while, the boys gone on a string of away games for a couple of weeks, which felt like an eternity to you.
You were thankful for Henry’s ever changing work schedule, since he was working late tonight, installing traffic lights, you were going to Tyler’s house, he just got back this afternoon and insisted you come over, since you would have just been sitting alone at home. You were suddenly very aware that you were coming straight from work, your clothes reeking of the baby food Emily had spilt on you today. You grimaced, not coming to this realization until you were pulling up his driveway. No going back now, the dogs started barking when they heard your door shut, they came running out as Tyler opened the front door for them. “Hi puppies!” You shrieked kneeling in the grass, allowing them to smother you in licks and tail thumps. Gerry the youngest, and most excited jumped, putting his paws on your shoulders, sending you backwards into the grass. “Gerry!” Tyler laughed, coming over to you, you were a giggling mess underneath the dog, as he pinned you down, licking the sides of your face repeatedly. “Gerry, that’s enough.” Tyler spoke again, looking down at you with outstretched hands when the dog moved, you pouted, letting him help you up. “Don’t be so mean to him.” You mumbled teasingly as Gerry nudged between the two of you, Marshall and Cash calming down and sitting on either side of you. “Are you more excited to see me or the dogs?” Tyler questioned, wrapping his arms around your waist, you held your chin in thought. “Oh definitely the dogs.” You answered, laughing when he tried to move away from you. “No.” You whined, throwing your arms around his neck, “I missed you.” The words slipped from your mouth, but you couldn’t care to be embarrassed as he hummed in response before kissing you, maybe it was the two weeks apart, but this was definitely the best kiss you’ve had in your short relationship. He squeezed you a little tighter, “Ty.” You mumbled pulling away as he chased your lips, “Tyler.” You spoke again, laughing as he opened his eyes with a dramatic whine. “We’re still in your front yard.” You reminded him, he looked around, “whoops.” Dragging you inside, the dogs following happily.
You stayed tucked under his arm, giggling when he looked at you oddly, “what’s that smell?” He inquired, tilting his head to the side, you covered your mouth, hoping to hide the almost snort that fell from it. “Did you just snort?!” He gasped, trying his best not to laugh hysterically. “It’s baby food.” You answered, between your laughs, “the smell.” You added when he looked lost, “oh!” That sent him into a real fit of chuckles, “did you want a shirt?” He asked once he calmed down, you bit your lip but nodded, you saw his eyes flicker to your lips but he didn’t say anything. You followed him around the large house, trying to remember your way around. “So I was thinking.” Tyler trailed off, as he pulled a random stars shirt from his closet, “is that ever a good thing?” You retorted, watching as he gasped. “Well never mind then.” He huffed, handing you the shirt, making his way out of the room so you could change the material. “No, what is it?” You questioned following him, easily slipping the shirt on, it ended about mid thigh, but it didn’t matter as you had jeans on. “I was going to cook–“ he glanced back, eyeing you over, his words coming to a halt. “Uh, cook? Did you want to stay for dinner?” He managed to get out, you smirked, knowing his reaction was related to seeing you in his shirt. “I’d love to stay for dinner.” You answered with an innocent smile, resuming your spot under his arm, he nodded, clearing his throat as he walked. You laughed softly, such a guy.
You pushed yourself up onto the edge of the counter, swinging your legs girlishly, Tyler turned to face you, you motioned him closer. “You played so good when you were gone.” You mumbled, resting your arms over his shoulders, like this was a normal occurrence, his hands rested just above your knees. “Yeah?” He smiled, “you watched?” He questioned, hoping this was going in the way your touches were leading, but if it wasn’t, he wouldn’t be mad, he wouldn’t rush you. “I watched every game.” You mumbled, his smile only widened, “every game?” He smirked, sliding his hand up a little higher. “In your jersey.” You whispered, one hand moving up to play with his hair. He still didn’t make a move to kiss you. “Ty, do I have to spell it out, or are you going to make a move.” You whined, suddenly worried that he didn’t even want to be with you like that. You pushed him back, “did I read this wrong? Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed.” You rushed, hiding your face in your hands, Tyler grabbed your hands, moving them off your face. “No, you definitely didn’t read it wrong.” He pulled you in for a kiss, smirking when you sighed into it, his arms moved around your back the tips of his fingers dipping into your back pocket. You leaned away, keeping your forehead pressed against his. “I believe I was promised dinner first.” You teased, watching as he laughed, “I’m more of a dessert first kinda guy.” He mumbled, “Tyler Paul Seguin!” You shrieked, lightly whacking his arm, laughing but not fighting him when he pulled you back in. Yeah, it was a late dinner that night.
You looked in front of where Tyler parked, and over at him, then down at your clothes, “why are we so dressed up, to go to the park? At night?” You questioned, looking at him with confused eyes. Over a month of dating him, and he still managed to confuse you. Secret dating, keep in mind, so you were still learning somethings about each other. “Because, I didn’t want you to figure out what we were doing, and I thought you would like it.” He answered, cheeks pink, he shut the jeep off, demanding you stay in your seat as he hopped out. You giggled but agreed, not wanting to ruin his hard efforts, he opened the door for you, holding his hand out for you. “And they say chivalry is dead.” You laughed, allowing him to help you down, he grabbed your other hand, steadying you when you stumbled a bit in your heels. “Are we going in the grass?” You questioned, before he could shut the car door, “yes?” He answered skeptically. You placed a hand on his shoulder, using it to steady yourself as you reached down and pulled your heels off. “I’d sink if I tried to walk in the grass in these.” You laughed when he looked at you confused, he nodded, understanding what you meant. “Are you going to get cold?” He sounded concerned, releasing your hand to reach into the backseat while you threw your heels onto the floor of the passenger seat. He pulled out a basket, and your face fell into a happy pout. “Tyler, that’s so cute.” You gasped, leaning up to kiss his cheek. “Oh thank god.” He mumbled, the tension in his shoulders releasing. “You were nervous?” You asked, smiling as he laced your fingers together again.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I be nervous? I have to impress you.” He gasped dramatically, you smiled with a shake of your head, “you don’t have to do anything special to impress me.” You assured him, allowing him to lead you to a spot in the grass, a blanket already there, you smiled again, in awe of the effort he went through. “So cute.” You grinned, carefully sitting in your dress, he followed, sitting beside you, popping the basket open. You threw your head back in laughter when the food in the basket was takeout from your favorite restaurant, coincidentally the one you had went to the first night you moved here. “Surprise.” Tyler laughed, opening the container, “you remembered?” You gasped seeing the same pasta you ordered that night. He shrugged, looking down as he stuck a fork into his food, “aw, bub, thank you.” You placed your hand on his leg, “this is all really sweet.” You added, giving him a quick kiss, “I’m glad you like it.” He mumbled, shifting in his spot, taking another bite of his food. You put your food down, moving to be in front of him, holding back your insecurities, “are you alright, Tyler? You’re acting weird.” You questioned, sitting in front of him. “I’ve never done stuff like this.” He admitted, finally, finally, meeting your eyes. “What?” You didn’t understand what he meant.
“Romantic stuff, personal stuff, I just, I’ve never wanted to do it for someone before.” He explained, watching as you nodded, processing his words, “I’m flattered that you want to do those things for me, I really am, but Tyler. I don’t want you to think you have to do this to impress me, I’m perfectly happy spending our dates watching Netflix and playing with the dogs.” You explained, wishing he would understand that, this wasn’t how you wanted tonight to go. “Yeah, but you deserve this too.” He sighed, also frustrated with how this date started going. You shook your head, taking a bite of your food, “we’re trying too hard.” You deadpanned, and it was true, both of you were trying to rush this along, but you didn’t have too. There was no rush, there was no need to speed it up, you already knew each other, and maybe, just maybe, that’s why the two of you were trying to be farther along than you were. “I know.” He sighed, undoing a button on his shirt, slumping down more. “Let’s just talk then.” He added, relaxing as he realized you felt the same.
“Mhm, this food is cold but good.” You laughed, bringing your teasing back into the date, Tyler chuckled, desperately stabbing at his pasta, the noodles continuing to mush and roll away from his fork, “how’s work?” He asked, missing the stories you would call and tell him when he was on the road, you grinned and pulled your phone out, showing him the video you took of Emily walking completely on her own to Steven. He felt much more at peace as the two of you fell into easy conversation, and how he could look at you while you spoke and see the happiness you emitted as you talked about them. “They’re cute.” Tyler commented, smiling at the pictures of them you had, “I love them, it’s not even like a job, you know? I just love going to see them every–what? Why are you looking at me like that?” You cut yourself off, catching the way he was smiling, his most genuine one so far. “Cause you’re cute when you ramble.” He answered in a duh tone, “see this is much better.” You grinned, scooting closer to him, letting out a surprised shriek when he pulled you over one of his legs, leaving you sitting between them, your back against his chest. He smiled, placing a lazy kiss to your cheek, “can I ask something?” He murmured, wrapping his arms around your torso. “Anything.” You mumbled, leaning further into his hold, when he didn’t speak you looked up to see him smiling down at you fondly.
“It’s stupid, but I’ve always wondered–more so now, what you were really crying about on the dock that night.” Tyler explained, confusion settling on his face when you started giggling uncontrollably, never thinking you’d be having this conversation. “What?” He questioned when you looked at him and started laughing harder, you took a breath, calming yourself down. “It’s stupid, Ty, you wouldn’t understand.” You mumbled, it didn’t matter if he knew now, he was your boyfriend after all, you just knew he’d be confused. “Try me!” He whined, now really interested at the fact you were laughing about it now, but crying about it then. “I was the first one of my friends to have boobs.” You spoke bluntly, and he stared at you, trying to determine if you were being serious. “You were crying over that?” He mumbled, eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Oh my god,” you paused to laugh, smoothing the wrinkles on his forehead out, “it’s not like guys, girls were mean because of it. And older guys would stare, it was just not a good year.” You laughed, Tyler still looking at you uncertain, “why did I ask.” He muttered, nuzzling his face into your neck. “Dunno, babe.” You sighed, happy with his reaction to the pet name, you could feel him smiling against your skin. He was definitely the one that used your name less, but maybe now you’d start using his name less too.
Jenny smirked at you as you kept changing your mind about what to wear to this house party, more of a get together but you were certain there would be more people there than you thought. “You don��t want to be obvious.” She reminded you, being the only one that knew about you and Tyler, tonight would be the first time you two were hanging out in such a public setting with all your friends around, and you were wondering how it would go, and quite honestly, how you would keep yourself from kissing him the second you got there. “I know, but I also want to know that he’s looking at me.” You spoke sheepishly, holding the two options out for her to survey. “Oh, definitely this one.” She pointed to the light wash skinny jeans, and burgundy sweater, “with those cute cut out boots!” She added, clapping her hands in success. You laughed, but did as she said, feeling good about yourself once you had the outfit on. “Are you guys ready yet?” Henry groaned from the living room, the two of you laughed, Jenny pulled her sweater on, giving you a smile, “let’s do this.” You were so grateful that she was your friend as much as she was your brother's girlfriend, it was the ideal situation to get along with someone so important in his life. “Quit rushing us.” Jenny chastised him once you two walked out of your room, he rolled his eyes but gave her a quick peck before heading to the door.
You arrived at Tyler’s house, shooting him a smile when he saw you, nothing too conspicuous, Roope waved, as well as some of the other guys who were here. Jamie gave you a quick hug, you’d grown quite close to him over the past couple of months, considering how often he was around Tyler. You made your way to the kitchen, grabbing yourself a drink, jumping when you felt arms wrapped around your waist. “Hi, baby.” Tyler mumbled, spinning your around for a quick kiss, you smiled against him, “hi.” You breathed out, “don’t get us caught.” You demanded, lightly pushing at him when he placed a kiss to the side of your neck. “Just getting my fix.” He teased, giving you one last peck before putting some space between the two of you. He started a casual conversation with one of the guys while they walked into the kitchen, getting themselves some drinks too. You snuck out, squeezing past them, mumbling a sorry when your hand grazed over Tyler’s. He smiled at you, hiding a laugh from your purposeful action.
“Hey, Y/N.” Roope smiled when you sat beside him on the couch, “hey, how’ve you been?” You questioned, settling into random conversation with the group around you, Henry being across the room with Jenny glued to his side, Roope beside you, and Esa beside him with his girlfriend. “Good, what about you?” He answered, keeping the talking going. You soon drifted into talking about random things, from work, to hockey, to random stories from over the years. Your head snapped up when Tyler walked in, a girl trying to keep herself tucked into his side, your stomach clenched, and you had to resist the urge reacting. Of course, you knew that since you wanted to keep this a secret, he couldn’t just stop his normal behavior completely. You shifted in your spot, before deciding to go get another drink, you made it a little stronger than the last one. “Y/N, are you alright?” Jenny came in beside you, she watched as you shrugged, “yeah, it’s just weird.” You admitted, giving her a solemn smile. “Maybe you guys should just stop keeping it a secret? Henry would get over it.” She offered, and you wanted to do that, but you were nervous. “I’m just afraid that if we do that, things will change, it’s been so easy! Not having to deal with people's opinions, or the boys chirping him.” You explained, sipping on your drink, the girl that was attached to Tyler just a moment ago, walked in and got herself a drink, already seeming more than tipsy enough. You shook your head, walking out as the conversation ended now. Tyler watched you walk out the back door where more people had dispersed, he discreetly followed you, pulling you to the side. “Tyler.” You sighed, he pulled you into the pool house, “don’t be mad, it’s just for show. I haven’t don’t anything with her, and you know I wouldn’t.” He rushed to explain, afraid you were upset with him. “You can’t expect it to be easy for me, how would you feel if I walked out with some guy wrapped around me?” You retorted, not meaning to snap, his face fell.
“I wouldn’t like it.” He confirmed, reaching for your waist, pulling you closer to him, “baby, I would walk out there right now with you all over me if you let me.” He assured you, he was over keeping it private after just over a month of sneaking around, he wanted to show you off, and be able to kiss you and hug you whenever he wanted. You nodded biting your lip, “I know, bub, soon, not tonight.” You whispered, pulling him in for a sweet kiss, “I promise, soon.” You added, feeling him nod against you. “Do you think you could figure out a way to stay tonight?” He mumbled, pushing your hair back. “I’ll figure it out.” You smiled, kissing him once more before sneaking out, he waited around in there for a minute, making sure nobody noticed how you both had walked out.
Instantly you went to find Jenny, hating that you were asking her but you needed a way to stay here without Henry questioning it. “Hey, Jenny, can I talk to you for a minute?” You asked, she looked up at you, smiling, Henry released her waist as she stood to follow you. “I’m spending the night here, is there anyway you could keep Henry distracted?” You pouted at the slightly older girl, she laughed, “one step ahead of you, he’s staying at my place tonight, he won’t know you didn’t come home.” She winked, strutting back to him, your mouth agape, “too much information.” You grimaced before she reached him, she laughed at you but accepted your grateful smile. As you were walking back towards the center of the party, you passed Tyler huddled around some of the guys, his cheeks pink, “is it her?” Miro asked, Tyler shook his head. “No you guys it isn’t like that.” He mumbled, “then what is it like? That girls been all over you tonight, and you don’t get marks on your back for no reason.” Jamie chirped the younger guy, your stomach dropped to your feet. They didn’t notice you as you walked by.
Before you knew it, everyone was gone, and you had more than one to many drinks. You were sitting on the couch, trying to hold your emotions together, but the alcohol only made you want to cry more. Tyler sighed, sitting beside you, for the first time all night, and only then did he realize how much you had drank. “Baby?” He laughed, reaching for your hand, his face quickly falling when you yanked away from him, he wasn’t completely in the wrong here, you were the one keeping it secret, but now your insecurities were getting the best of you. “Hey, what’s wrong?” He tried again, you shrunk away from him, “I don’t want to talk about it.” You sniffled, wishing you could hide. He shook his head, moving in front of you, “talk to me, don’t do this.” He murmured, grabbing your hands before you could move again, you looked down at him as he kneeled in front of the couch, he rested your connected hands on your lap. “I just–are you sure you want this? Want me?” You whimpered, the water slipping over your eyes, if you had been sober, you’d see the way Tyler’s heart so clearly broke when you started crying. “Y/N, of course I’m sure.” He rushed, releasing your hands to cup your face, “but you looked so much better with that other girl.” You admitted, and he realized these tears were more about yourself doubt than anything. He shook his head, “no, I look better with you, baby.” He assured, wiping at the tears, “I promise, you’re the one I want to parade around with at parties, only you.” He tilted your head down, kissing your forehead, frowning when your body slumped with a cry. “I’m sorry.” You whispered, “for what?” He gasped, leaning away to meet your eyes again.
“For keeping it a secret.” You whined, feeling your head already begin to hurt. “It’s alright, princess, let’s just get you to bed, yeah?” He murmured lovingly, helping you to your feet.
When you went to sleep that night you could swear he whispered an I love you into your hair, but you were too far gone to be certain.
Your hands shot to your head when you woke up, the pounding being unbearable, you shifted in the bed, freezing when you felt the weight of Tyler’s arm over your waist. He groaned incoherently into his pillow, “my head hurts.” You whispered, he groggily chuckled into his pillow, lifting his head slowly. “Mhm, I figured it would.” He smiled, he left a careful kiss to your head before pointing to the nightstand and laying back down. You looked over and saw a water and pain killers sitting there, you quickly took some before curling back into the bed. He watched you with a lazy smile as you rolled closer to him, “Ty?” You murmured, a hand resting on his jaw, lightly rubbing against his beard, he raised a brow at you. “I love you too.” You sighed, he widened his eyes before a cheeky smile came over his face, “I didn’t think you heard me.” He laughed, quietly, not wanting to hurt your head anymore. “I kinda took a leap of faith, assuming that I had heard you correctly.” You breathed out in relief, laying your head back down, “we can tell Henry, but not until after you make it to the conference final.” You added, smiling when he shot up, “really?” He gasped, apologizing when you winced. “Yes, now shush.”
This was it, the game that would tell you if they made it to the conference finals. You were sitting in the stands with Henry and Jenny, all three of you anxious beyond belief, this was a huge deal, and you were praying they’d make it through. Tyler and you had decided that if they won, you’d tell Henry tonight, right after the game, because Tyler knew he wouldn’t be able to resist kissing you during his game winning high, and well, if they didn’t, you’d probably also tell Henry tonight because you’d be a mess worrying for Tyler.
Puck drop, your heart rate picked up, grinning when Jamie won it, and sent it flying behind him. A good start, setting the tone. You could only hope the game would continue like that.
The first period did, if anything it got even better, they were ahead by two, the other team not even scoring.
The second period, that’s where things began to shift, the score was tied, Tyler was on the end of a long shift. He had been a little bit more feisty tonight, and that’s how you saw it coming, the way the player from the other team was skating right towards him, it was definitely going to draw a penalty as Tyler had passed the puck long before the opponent reached him. It felt like slow motion as you shot to your feet before they collided, Henry followed right after you, not noticing how you gasped sharply and your hands shot to your mouth. You watched Tyler’s head bounce off the ice as he went down, how thankful you were that his helmet hadn’t come off in the hit. He slid a little bit before the refs were blowing whistles constantly, swarming over to them as the opposing team member stood there, they directed him to a penalty box, Jamie skating over to Tyler as he didn’t try to get up. You watched your boyfriends hands go up to his face, hiding it from the cameras. Jenny wrapped you up in a hug, allowing you to hide your face in her hair. “It’s ok, he’s going to be fine, I’m sure.” She tried to assure you, but even her voice was shaky, it was a terrible hit.
You removed your head from her hair, and saw the team doctor making his way to the ice, kneeling beside him, he felt around his neck and shoulders, making sure nothing was broken, eventually, what felt like hours but was only two minutes, they were helping him to his feet, slowly walking him off the ice. Jamie came over to the glass in front of your section, searching for you. Jenny spotted him first, pointing him out to you. “Go.” He mouthed, having figured out your relationship quickly, you looked to Jenny with tears in your eyes, Henry coming to his senses and looking between you and the ice, eyes moving quicker than you’d ever seen. “Why you? What’s–oh my god.” It hit him, as you scrambled to make sure you had your phone, “go, go.” Jenny assured you, seeing the way you hesitated, you didn’t wait any longer, and took off towards the tunnels you’d learned your way around so well. Henry was calling for you over the sound of the crowd talking, but you didn’t stop, you could hear Jenny faintly as she told him to calm down.
You reached the locker room in record time, the security guard telling you that you couldn’t go in until they were done, you watched as people kept going in and out. Only furthering your nerves, you couldn’t be bothered to care anymore, the second they came out and one of them looked at you, you lost it. “I’m guessing your Y/N?” He spoke, a soft smile on his face, you nodded vigorously, “you can go in there now.” As you heard the loud speakers, “number 91 Tyler Seguin will not be returning to play tonight” your heart dropped, not needing to hear anything else as you stormed in there. Tyler sitting in the corner of the room, in a chair with his eyes shut, a bandage over his shoulder, and his brows furrowed in pain. You froze, letting out a cry at the sight of him, so clearly in pain, his eyes fluttered open at the sound, the second he met your eyes you were rushing over to him.
“Are you ok?” You whispered, carefully cupping his jaw, he nodded, wincing, “don’t cry because of me.” He mumbled, smiling softly when you shook your head with a breathy laugh. “You scared the crap out of me, Ty, that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” You sighed, gently kissing his pouted lips. “How bad is it?” You asked once you pulled away, carefully touching his shoulder, he groaned, and you instantly pulled your hand away. “Dislocation and a concussion, they put it back in, but damn it hurts like a bitch.” He muttered. “I’m sorry, baby.” You spoke gently, sitting beside him, he nodded, resting his head carefully back against the wall. You carefully played with his hair, knowing it soothed him, he smiled at the gesture, “you’re gonna put me to sleep.” He laughed gently, placing his hand on your thigh, squeezing it reassuringly. “I love you.” You murmured, moving to place your hand over his, “I love you.” He repeated, so happy that you were here with him. He leaned his head onto your shoulder, also happy that you sat on his good side, “I think Henry knows now.” You whispered.
The door opened and both of you looked over, Henry standing there in shock. “Yeah, I know.” He snapped, arms crossed, neither of you made an effort to move, he shook his head, “don’t be a dick, Henry.” You snapped, Tyler laughing but stopping as it increased the pain in his head. “Careful, bub.” You whispered, returning your hand to his hair, ignoring your brother, if he wasn’t going to be nice, then he didn’t deserve your attention. “How long?” Henry asked, in a softer tone, aware of how Tyler must be hurting. You sighed, “almost three months.” You practically mouthed, but he definitely heard you as his jaw all but dropped to the floor. “Three months?!” He snapped, and you glared when Tyler groaned, squeezing his eyes shut. You carefully pushed him off of you, “let me go talk to him.” You whispered, pecking him quickly, before dragging Henry out of there. “How? Tyler I mean–the age gap, but he’s him.” Henry stuttered out, his face pale, you shook your head. “Henry, I’m not in the mood to do this. This is why I didn’t want to tell you.” You mumbled, arms crossed as you looked up at him. “You can’t expect me to just be ok with this all of a sudden, you’re dating my best friend, that’s gross.” He snapped, and that was the last straw for you.
You tuned out the sound of the final buzzer filling the arena as you got close to Henry, “I love him, and he loves me. You’re just going to have to be a grown up about this, so you can either suck it up, and be a good brother, or you can go home and I’ll stay here to take care of my boyfriend.” You snapped, Henry looked behind you at the influx of sad hockey players, you whipped around, taking in their faces. “Oh, I’m sorry guys.” You gasped, Jamie nodding solemnly, when you turned back around Henry was walking off, not daring to give you a second look.
And then, if it couldn’t be worse, you looked to your left and saw Tyler standing there, not taking too long for him to figure out what happened. “Damn it!” He snapped, slamming his hand against the cement wall, you were there in an instant, surprised when he hugged you, hiding his face in your neck. “I’m sorry, Tyler, it’s not your fault.” You whispered, hearing the guys moving past you, they were suffering too. “Hey, look at me.” You demanded, leaning away from him, he looked at you with glazed over eyes, “you’re gonna go in there, and carefully put some clothes on, you’re going to take a minute to be with your team, and then you’re gonna come out here, and I’m gonna take you home. Everything’s going to be ok, Henry can go be a pain, I don’t care, as long as I know you’re ok.” You spoke sternly, but still had a softness in your voice. “Ok, baby, please. It’s going to be ok, I promise.” You whispered, he nodded slowly, kissing your forehead before forcing himself back into the locker room.
Finally, when he did re-emerge, he seemed to be in slightly better spirits, allowing you to take him home and stay with him.
Although, the next day you had to go back to your place, having to get ready for work, Tyler protested, milking his injuries for all he could get. “I’ll FaceTime you when the kids are napping, you’ll live, babe.” You had told him as you walked out the door, despite his whining from the couch. A man child, that was your conclusion.
When you got to the kids house, you were surprised to see them with the hockey channel on, your heart stopped for a moment as they were discussing Tyler’s injuries, of course, you couldn’t escape it. “Oh, Frank had it on last night, I didn’t even realize when I turned the tv on.” Julie spoke when she saw you looking at it, “oh, honey. What’s wrong?” She questioned, sensing your off mood as she finished cooking the kids breakfast, having a late start at her office today. “What? Nothing, I’m fine!” You assured her, the two of you had grown close, she was like an older version of you, it was nice, she really cared for you. She raised a brow at you, watching as you picked up Emily who was grabbing at your legs, you kissed the girls chubby cheek, smiling when she giggled, “Tyler Seguin,” you motioned to the tv, where somehow they were still replaying the hit, “that’s my boyfriend.” You told her, Steven shrieked. “You know Tyler!?” He shouted, a grin over his face, you weren’t sure how hockey hadn’t come up, but now that you think about it, Frank did have some stars items in his office. “I do.” You smiled down at the boy, Julie still processing it, “he’s a lucky man.” She finally spoke, sending you a smile when you blushed. “Hopefully he’s doing alright.” She added, “Frank played in college, I hated it.” She explained, seeing the way you were looking at her. Oh, “he’s alright, he’ll be back at it before you know it.” You laughed softly, Steven rambling off so many questions, apparently sharing his dads love for hockey.
“Steven, calm down honey.” His mother laughed, helping him climb into his chair at the dining table while you strapped Emily into her high chair, “I really have to be leaving for work, hopefully he doesn’t bug you too much about this new information.” Julie smiled, you waved her off, “it’s fine.”
And it was, truly, and while he was eating breakfast and rambling about hockey and asking you questions, to which you answered to the best of your availability, you had recorded a clip to show Tyler, of how excited Steven was. Which Tyler loved, and made sure to get some stuff for you to give him.
You walked into your apartment, hoping Henry had already left for work but when you saw his boots by the door you knew he hadn’t. “Y/N?” He rushed around the corner, you looked at him with wide eyes, “I’m sorry.” He mumbled, sheepishly, his face showing his regret, you hadn’t spoken to him in over a week. Ever since he found out about the two of you, “I should’ve reacted better, I mean, I should be happy that you’re dating such a good guy. Someone that I trust.” He rambled, you stayed silent, you were still angry, it hurt for him to so blatantly choose to be upset over supporting you. “Ok.” You sighed, and he stared at you blankly, “ok? All I’m getting is an ok? When you’re the ones who hid it from me?” He looked exasperated, “that’s all Tyler said too. You guys are insufferable.” Henry muttered, this peeked your interest. “Wait, you talked to him?” You questioned, finally shutting the door to the apartment. “Yeah, like three days ago, he said he wasn’t going to say anything else until I talked to you.” He looked at you skeptically when you started smiling like a fool. “Damn, you really do love him don’t you?” He sighed, shaking his head. “Just don’t kiss in front of me and we’ll be fine.” He gave in, laughing when you jumped on him in a hug. “Deal, deal, deal.” You grinned, happily rushing off to your room.
You dialed Tyler’s contact, his face popping up on your screen shortly after, “hi baby.” He grinned, only smiling more when he took in the happiness on your face. “Why are you so smiley?” He teased, you shrugged, “I talked to Henry…” you trailed off, and Tyler nodded, “Mhm, and how’d that go?” He hummed, you rolled your eyes, “I’m quoting him, ‘just don’t kiss in front of me and we’ll be fine’.” You mocked your brother's voice making Tyler laugh deeply. “It’s about damn time.”
A couple of days later you told all your friends after a game, and the two of you FaceTime Cassidy and Candace, they reacted much better than Henry, that’s for sure. Then you made it public by posting a photo on social media, the two of you smiling brightly, Tyler towering over you as he was still dressed in his skates, you were looking up at him with a goofy grin as he laughed at something Jamie had said. His arm around your shoulders and your hand resting on his chest.
“Who knew moving across the street would lead to all of this…”
taglist: @vinceduhn​ @vincecdunn​ @kempe​ @literarycharleton​ @wtfkie​ @myjacketisblue @jackiesquinn​ @summer--infinity
108 notes · View notes
hughiecampbelle · 4 years
Vulcan (Arthur Shelby Oneshot) Pt. 2/12
Character/s: Arthur
Word Count: 1,145
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @captivatedbycillianmurphy @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @babylooneytoonz @peakyxtommy @locke-writes
A/N: Hello I'm a liar I stayed up v late to write this and I'm too impulsive and impatient not to post it asap!!! I hope this one is as good as the first!!! And makes you want to read more!!! Again this is my first BIG series which is kinda scary considering there was a time I thought I'd never be able to write more than 500 words! Look at me now :D Anyways, be sure to check out part one my loves and I just really hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @peakycillianblinders :)
ROMAN GODS SERIES: Jupiter /Juno / Mars / Vulcan / Mercury / Minerva / Neptune / Venus / Pluto / Janus / Caelus / Apollo
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You are no more human than himself.
Nothing, though, more human than mans own emotions. The very things that beat and pound against the cage of his ribs, breaking every bone, tearing through himself in an effort to conceal until he is nothing but ruins himself, until there is no fight left. The very things that rule him. Control and berate his spirits better than any blood could. It's not their words spoken behind closed doors, or the distance they put between themselves, but their expressions. The pity. The disgust. The horror. As if he is less, as if he were mortal. Atop their pedestals they are in power, in control, their true selves hidden behind masks. He lives truthful, exposed, waiting for infection. Begging for it. Few can understand, fewer sympathize, but from the moment you looked at him, watched the lines in his forehead crease, his mouth fall, his entire outward being change, you knew. How could Gods possibly live among their people and not pick up a few habits? Not just the things they mirrored with ease. Joy, sadness, even anger became second nature. He was burdened with more, with complications. Anger became fury, rage, bitterness, even destruction.
They were scared not because they could not understand what it felt to hurt so deeply, to bleed to freely, but because pride lived in him where they felt nothing but shame. Shame for screaming, crying, sobbing. For finding their knees weak, breakable, their spirits broken, their worlds shattering before their eyes. Shame for falling, shattering, letting themselves be weak, vulnerable, human. He was not. Openly, he let these things seep through his words, his actions, carrying it on his back when there was no where else to put it, never daring to put up a front of invulnerability. Gods could be fragile, too.
And just as they could be fragile, they were dangerous.
Not once would he let you forget that.
You never saw it. Not when it was happening. When his arms grew tired, when his back ached, when his eyes saw red. The myths, the stories, the thing of nightmares. Horrifying. Truly horrifying. In his prime, nothing left unharmed, untouched. Pushed to the edge, he didn't just fall, he put on a goddamn show. Sometimes you wished to watch, see for yourself what it was that made others shake, what made them leave everything they had in his name, praying for joy. Sometimes you decided it was better to leave it up to your imagination. You were there after though, ordered to clean up, collect his pieces, hold him together until someone more familiar put him back together again. He trusted you, for what reason you still questioned. Let you get close enough to hush his own unrecognizable sobs, plucking the gun, knife, pipe from his weak hand, wipe the red from his cheek. Still wet. It wasn't a fall from grace, not exactly, but a taste, a glimpse of how fragile ones world really was when immortals lost their grip. Just as they could play nice, offer riches, they could leave nothing but ash in their wake.
Little fires everywhere.
The ruins were magnificent. Shocking, and amazing. Homes unrecognizable. Bodies shredded, anonymous now, without worth. The grass and trees blackened, smoking even as the sun rose, welcoming a new day. You never could get used to the smell of burning flesh, the stinging in your lungs enough to bring tears to your eyes. The clouds grey, moody, as far as you could see. A reminder, as if the unsettled silence weren't enough. All that's left is the quiet cry of the crackling fire, weaker and weaker with every passing second. He could not bear to look. A man gone blind in his rage. You'd seen it enough with the mortals to know. Humans had a funny way of wanting to protect themselves, their psyche, even at their most destructive. Funny, and odd. He possessed these same traits. Weakened by what he's done, exhausted, there is not another threat of this for a long time. But when it comes, because it always does, he'll scorch the new earth, this new life, without hesitation.
Sometimes, it's not an outward cry, but inward. A gun to his head, the metal kissing his temple goodnight. The rope around his neck, soft against his skin. The booze sweet, tempting, making his steps light and careless. Someone is there before it's too late, before there is no God left, easing him off the ledge the way they think they'll always have to. This you do not see. You do not hear. This is kept among gods, another secret they are sworn to, another thing they can use against one another. But you know, as you would. And again, you understand. Stitched across his features. A crime not yet committed. In due time, he promises, without a single word, and you believe him. Succumbed to his emotions. He does not berate them, or belittle, but joins them, knowing, despite how much it hurts, how beautiful they really can be.
Something none of them could begin to understand.
All of this is worth the euphoria, the tears of joy, walking the thin line between elation and madness, even if it only lasts one second.
Lower on the ranks, the impoverished class, fresh blood, sent to do the work no one else wanted because you had no other choice. Unlike the rest, he was eager to join, to help, anything to rid himself of his own guilt, gain back the respect he's lost. A glance is all you share. That of secrecy. Those moments, where he is shattered, the source of so much heartache, kept between you. Not out of personal gain, for leverage, but because you, too, have found yourself the cause, not the affect. The rest underestimate, overlooking, never meeting your eyes, but he is careful. He doesn't know, none do, but he is one of few who see man and God all the same. Strengths and weaknesses. Pain and suffering. Love and war. A multitude of pieces, each worthy in their own right of respect, of understanding and patience. One is not only their mistakes, their faults, all the things that keep them awake at night, just as they are not only their vigor, their vitality, all the battles they've won. They are all of them, and more, things he cannot even see, nor begin to comprehend. So, he looks you in the eye, as he does the others, regardless of who they take orders from.
As long as he's concerned, with that cap, you're one of them. The rest of the family, they differentiate, they seclude, they draw a line right down the middle. Us and them. Worthy and unworthy. Those that decide and those to be disposed.
Not Arthur, though.
He is different.
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willddheartt · 4 years
24 Days | Wilbur Soot
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30 days to fall in love with someone? Sounds easy right? It would be if that person wasn’t so unbelievably annoying in almost every sense.
You’re not sure how you found yourself in this situation, but you were positive there was no backing out now…
Series Warnings: Mostly fluff and angst, and a very poorly constructed enemies to lovers plot.
Word Count: 1685
Masterlist Series Masterlist
24 Days
It was Friday, you were in the middle of doing your two-hour-long stream that you did every Friday. Since you took weekends off from your own streams you did a long one every week. It worked out, you seemed to get a lot more views on Friday anyways.  All the donos seemed to ask about you and Wilbur, you forced a smile to tell everyone you guys were well and that you’re very happy together. The viewers seemed to be happy with your responses and didn't catch you falter.  You were on the DreamSMP cleaning up things and repairing things from any creeper explosions, as having holes in the walkways annoyed you to no end because it didn't look pleasing to the eye. Many ties you were passed by Fundy, Tubbo, and even Tommy.  The in-game chat stated to be spammed by Tommy, VC 2 VC 2 VC 2 over and over again. 
“Well chat, let’s see what Tommy wants,” You giggled and switched to discord.  “Hello Tommy,” You smiled, wondering what type of shenanigans he was up to today, you noticed he was also streaming so you knew it was something that was going to be very entertaining to the stream.  “Y/N!” He yelled  “Tommy!” You yelled back, matching his energy.  “How do you do?” His sudden calm tone almost made you burst into a fit of laughter.  “I do well, Thomas. What are you up to tonight?” You asked, smiling to yourself when using his full name.  “Well, you see, Y/N. See here’s the thing. I am out of supplies, I don’t even have iron to my name Y/N-” “Do you want me to help you get some?” You offered, cutting him off  “Well, actually I was hoping you could just give me some.”  “Tommy,” You laughed, “That’s- unfortunately, that not how it works my friend.” You paused, taking a sip of your water, “I am more than willing to help you go mining, I know a pretty good spot actually, but I’m not going to just give you stuff for nothing.”  “C’mon Y/N you could write it off your taxes as a charity donation,”  You had to give it to him, although Tommy could be annoying at times he was so effortlessly funny, you were almost certain that he didn't even have to try. 
“Ah yes, hang on let me see what I have to give to Tommy’s charity fund,” You laughed, looking through your inventory, pondering for a few moments, making it look like you were going to give him half your stack of iron only our stream before clicking to the three seeds you’d picked up some time ago and throwing them at his feet. His character's head went from looking at you to the seeds, then back to you and back to the seeds again, you pulled up his stream on your other monitor so you could see his face, trying so hard to not burst out into laughter when you saw his unamused look. 
Feeling bad you pulled up a donation, giving Tommy Five bucks so the text-to-speech would work, “Tommy Charity Fund.” You sent and waited for it to go through.  He paused, hearing the dono tts voice, before looking back up at you in the game.  “Fuck you,” He said running away. You couldn't suppress your laughter any longer and it all fell out at once, chat exploded into laughter and emotes, everyone found it hilarious.
A few seconds after you were still in the voice chat with Tommy, he had ventured off to go mining, I guess stealing from people wasn't going well. Since the last war, nobody has really been gathering supplies, taking a break from the lore to just get things done around the server. Tommy still bringing up the ‘charity fund’ you found it hilarious. 
“You’re a bitch you know that,” He mumbled, you knew he was only joking, with Tommy you never took anything to heart, if he had a true problem with you, you know he would message you privately.  “Tommy,” Wilbur's voice came over discord, making you jump slightly.  “Hi Wilbur,” He said, sounding like a little kid when their mom gets them in trouble.  “Apologize to Y/N.'' Wilbur's voice was playful, yet stern, sounding exactly like the older brother who was put in charge of his younger siblings. 
After a second, you could see Tommy bow his head on his stream that was still pulled up on your other monitor.  “Sorry, Y/N. You’re not a bitch.” He said  “It’s okay Tommy,” You chuckled  “Thank you.” Spoke Wilbur before leaving the voice chat. 
You and Tommy stayed on call until his stream ended. You were left alone, talking to your chat. Without anyone else there to keep a consistent conversation you started to daze off, forgetting you were on stream, yawning and leaning forward onto your desk. Your back hurt from how long you’d been sat in front of the monitor. 
Your discord made a noise again, but this time you didn’t bother tabbing out to see who had joined.  “Hey, Y/N,” Wilburs soft voice came across your headphones  “Will,” You smiled, sitting up  “You look tired, how long have you been up?” He asked 
You looked at the clock, it was only 11 PM but you could have sworn it was later.  “Since one,”  “AM or PM?” Will asked  You looked down, “AM,” You mumbled. “You should go to bed,” He said You sighed, knowing he could break you eventually, as your eyelids were drooping shut and your eyes were burning. “Its not even that long, Wil, I’m fine.” You argued 
“How long have you been streaming?” Wilbur asked  “I’m almost at my five hour mark, I’m like forty-five minutes away,”  “End your stream early and get ready for bed than we can chat,” His voice was soft and warm speaking over your stream, your chat exploded, loving Wilbur and you together.  “But I’m so close, just a few more minutes,” You sighed, tabbing out of your game and switching the stream to a full face cam. “I’m sure they wont mind if you end a little early, you've been streaming for a while, love.” He continued, slowly wearing you down. “I can even entertain your chat for a bit while you go get ready for bed, or even make yourself a cup of tea, then when you come back, it will be close enough that you can end the stream, how does that sound?”  You sighed, knowing he had won. You looked at chat and back to the timer of how long you've been on stream, “Okay.” You nodded. 
“Alright Chat, I’m sorry for ending early but you heard the man. Next week will be extra long to make up for this, I promise.” You said, looking at the chat, everyone was spamming ‘goodnight’ and ‘goodbye’  “It was nice spending this fine evening with you all, but I must go now, I will see everyone Monday. Bye!” You ended stream 
“Hi, Wilbur,” You smiled to yourself after ending stream  “I’m going to call your number now, and you can go get ready for bed, okay?” He said  “Alright, Wil,” you nodded, closing all the windows you had open on your pc. 
After shutting everything off you grabbed what you needed and went to the bathroom. Wilbur called you halfway through taking your makeup off, you had eyeliner smudged all around your eyes when you answered his facetime.  When his face popped up on your screen, he was wearing his glasses and a big smile, his hair was a mess and he was already in bed. 
“Getting ready for bed?” He asked, as if he didn't already know.  “Of course,” You shook your head, leaning closer to the mirror making sure you had all the bits of makeup taken off before washing your face with warm water  Picking up your phone you held up a peace sign, making Wil laugh and attempt to take a sneaky screenshot.  “Hey, no, delete that, I look terrible.” You quickly argued after hearing the noise.  “You do not.” He was fast to respond. “You look refreshed, you're glowing.” you shook your head at him as you walked back to your room through the dark house. 
Your roommate had already gone to bed, close to an hour ago. You were always the last person up, being an internet person with many American friends who are in a different time zone and a night owl at heart. You flopped down into your soft pillows, pulling your duvet over yourself and propping your phone up on your laptop so you could still see Wilbur and he could see you. You pulled the corner of the blanket up to hide your face. 
“Don't do that, I want to see your face,” Wilbur frowned.  “No you don’t,” You shook your head  “Yes,” He spoke, “I do.” You moved the blanket so it wasn't all the way covering your face but it was still pulled up enough that your shoulders were covered.  “You realize next week you’ll be here for your stream?” Wilbur said.  “I do now,” You pinched the bridge of your nose, “I’m sorry, I didn't think of that,”  “Its okay, you can stream from my computer,” He smiled. “It will surprise chat,”  “Oh my god, can you imagine, they're going to go crazy,” You chuckled  “They will,”
Wilbur continued to tell you about how he was truly getting excited to have you meet him in person, but his soft voice had been lulling you to sleep, your eyelids struggling to stay open and your warm bed weighing you down. Eventually you were out. Wilbur didn't notice until he asked you a question and did not respond. Your laptop screen was still shining light on you, and he saw you were asleep against the black screen, smiling at you. He snuck another screenshot, making sure the sound was off this time. 
“Goodnight, Y/N.” He said sweetly before getting comfortable in bed himself and slowly drifting off. 
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v-velvetykisscs · 3 years
Safety Net
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Note: here’s the update after two months. I’m so sorry, I’ve been going through personal stuff and school has been stressing me out like crazy. Hope you like this !!
Chapter 2:
My heartbeat is ringing in my ears. I watch the figures in the passenger seat attentively, whilst inhaling deeply and exhaling once again. 10 minutes have passed inside of this car, and not a single word has been spoken by Historia or either of the people in the driver and passenger seat. My palms are moist and a warm rush passes through my body. I dig my nails into the soft, damp skin of my palms. My eyes divert to the window of the car, following the fleeting street lights with my eyes before screwing my eyes shut. I'm going to be sick. This dread has formed a coiled-up knot in my stomach, I fear it'll travel up my throat and out.
"What is this?" I state firmly.
Historia turns her head away from her black ballet flats to look at me, rigid strands of her golden hair falling onto her face. Her eyes widen and her eyebrows furrow. She purses her lips as she looks away from me.
I stare furiously into the rear-view mirror.
"Who are you guys?"
The man in the driver's seat, pushes his glasses down onto the bridge of his nose and makes eye contact with me. His dark, thick eyebrows are relaxed and his chocolatey eyes pour indirectly into mine.
"So she didn't tell you."
I've seen those eyes somewhere.
"No, why would I be asking?"
As if on cue, he stops at the red light, turning around slowly.
"She's a feisty one, Krista."
He sports a light brown messy hair-do and leather jacket as a replacement for the white shirt, brown waistcoat and black bow tie.
"What the fuck?! I recognise you, you're the bartender I spoke to back there."
"I'm Jean, Sugar Cube." he smirks, quirking an eyebrow.
I spare him a glance before waiting for the other to speak.
"And I'm Armin." A shorter, skinnier man speaks quietly before turning to give me a small smile. He has short, straw-blonde hair and dusty blue eyes.
"Nice to meet you, although this doesn't answer my question."
The red-light fades to green and Jean turns around and pushes the pedal, resuming his driving.
I focus on Historia again, waiting for her to give me a response.
"I swear I was going to tell you-"
"And I was there to make sure that she would, but when I realised you ran into trouble, I got my baby ready for a swift escape." Jean intervenes.
"Who do you work for?"
"I work at Yeager Corporations, Jean and Armin are my colleagues."
"And where are they taking us?"
"The HQ. It's the safest place at the moment." Armin butts in promptly.
"You obviously don't know the first thing about me but I would definitely feel much safer within the walls of my house."
"I'm sure anyone would, but right now we need to make it to HQ, where the boss will know what to do."
I eye the pair as they slam the front doors of the vehicle and walk to either side of the car to prompt the doors open for us.
I huff, snatching my messenger bag up from the floor, reaching for the door handle. I hold onto it. Jean notices and frowns a little. He speaks loud enough for me to hear him through the glass with a muffle. "Allow me." he insists. I let go of the door handle and wait for him. He moves to the side and I step out of the car. "Thank you" I fix the neat rows of cars parked opposite us instead of making eye contact.
Historia falls behind and walks besides me.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"Because there's more to it."
"God you sound so morbid. Look, I've covered your ass more times than I seem to recall, so nothing you do shocks me. I know you better than anyone else."
"But this is different."
I pause.
"Different how?"
"We're nearly there, ladies."
"Alright Jean."
She wobbles forward as she tries to walk faster than before to avoid resuming our conversation. I glance at her injured foot; her ankle is bruised and battered with purple and blue. It looks as if it's swelling. I move up next to her and hold her arm, putting it gently around my shoulder to support her. I look away from her. There's an elevator. The boys pause and we walk a few more steps. Armin's finger skims over the numbers. He pushes the button. After a while, the metallic doors slide open smoothly.
Stepping out of the lift, Armin strides forward, his shoes clunking somewhat gracefully onto the white marble tiles. Jean follows quickly behind, not wanting to be the one left behind to tail the group. He puffs his chest out, straightening his posture to make himself seem taller and more intimidating. He turns and gives me a side smirk, but I scoff and roll my eyes, not allowing myself to associate with that heathen. Historia places a hand on your shoulder almost comfortingly, ushering you to follow behind Armin and that cocky bastard Jean. I exhale defeatedly, having no choice but to follow along and play their stupid little game. Historia whimpers, her ankle still being in moderate pain and currently untreated. This left her hopeless at the back, hopping along and trying to keep up with everyone else's paces. I check back on Historia every so often to make sure she's okay, and the lift door shuts, leaving only the cityscape lights to illuminate the room. I think to myself for a moment, how blindingly bright it must be here on a sunny day, the room being mostly white, and white being a reflective colour. Is that why mafia bosses wear sunglasses? I guess we'll never know. Focusing myself again, I turn back around to face the backs of Armin and Jean, whispering to one another, Armin occasionally glancing back at me.
"So.. where are we going?" I ask, feeling quite awkward being sandwiched between these weirdos. There was no response from either of them. Only the low chatter and the monotonous sound of a few keyboards typing away filled the silence. In fact, they both stopped whispering and continued to walk. I narrow my eyes, balling my hands into a fist and beginning to pierce my skin with my nails.
"Hello? I know the two of you aren't fucking deaf." This was a bold move from me, adrenaline rushing through my body as my anger levels continued to rise, them both still ignoring me. These fuckers. I look back at Historia hopelessly, asking for assistance with my eyes. She just stares back blankly at me, trying to keep her own balance whilst walking, leaving me to debate whether I should just throw a tantrum in the middle of the workroom, there and then, oblivious to the consequences.
"What the FUCK is this." I raise my voice this time, close to a yell. They both stop and look at each other, then turning back around to me. The sound of Historia's shoes stopped behind me. I gulped, looking up at the two of them. "Our workroom." Armin would finally reply, scarily calm.
Jean intervenes "It's our condo. We make business here, We drink and eat and socialise. No need to get so worked up, you little lemon. We're nearly there."
I let a short, humourless laugh escape, pulling my lips into a horrid smile. Jean smiles, unbothered by my sour attitude. "Bye Hitch!" Jean exclaims, waving at someone; a woman, in chunky, leather Dr. Martens black boots, red fishnet tights, a red lingerie silk dress with a khaki green jacket. She's carrying a black duffel back over her shoulder. She waves back at him with her free hand, smirking. "You have a goodnight" he says to himself. We make a right turn, down a corridor, past white office doors with plastic plaques. We walk past a red haired man, sliding a piece of paper with printed lettering through one of the transparent plates. "Still on prep duty I see, Floch." Jean blurts as he passes the man.
"Shut up Horseface." he retorts bitterly, sparing a quick glance at me before returning to his job. A few steps away sits a nameless mahogany door. Armin takes a nimble step forward, knocking on the door softly. When no one responds, Jean twists the door handle, leaving the door ajar. He slips through and we follow. The room is illuminated by a dim light dangling from the ceiling, above a round, oak table. The table is littered with playing cards, 3 cans of coke and 3 open packets of potato chips on the surface, crumbs splayed all over. The space smells of cheap lavender diffuser. Two people are sitting at the table, simultaneously turning their heads around to look at the commotion. One of them- a woman- with long brown hair, tied back in a dishevelled ponytail and beige skin, has potato chips crumbs on her face. Her chocolate eyes widen at the sight of us. The other, a man- has a buzz cut with prominent, light green eyes that mirror the woman's expression.
"Oh- Jean! We didn't expect you to pay us a visit. Otherwise I might've thought about saving you some of these." The woman admits, her tone guilty as she looks down at the empty, open crisps packets.
"Oh spare me the apology Sasha, these things have a lot of calories in them anyway. I was hoping you'd know where I can find Jaeger."
"Jaeger? He should be in his office, working late." The man adds.
"Thanks Connie."
Connie nods, craning his neck and swinging his chair back, his hands holding the table as he gazes at me curiously.
"Who's this?"
"Y/n, Y/n L/n." I respond before Jean can
Sasha laughs loudly, seeming to have heard that.
We've now walked back to the main lobby and steered towards a set of a coiling staircase. I pause at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing Historia's arm gently. " I'm not letting you go further in the state you're in." I eye Armin, his eyes already fixated on me. "Will you please take care of her?"
Armin nods sharply, walking towards Historia.
"Y/N, I'm okay-" She begins, but I turn around beginning to walk up the steps. "Lead the way" I ordered Jean. At the top, Jean saunters over to a pair of opaque double doors. Next to those are 3 velvet cushion chairs. I stare at him as he brings his fist up on the door, to knock gently.
I gulp.
"Come in." a voice from within says clearly, with a neutral tone.
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whitestaghere · 4 years
I'm here - Edmund Pevensie x reader (Chapter 4)
Hi guys! I'm back with chapter 4! I really hope you guys enjoy reading this. I'm enjoying writing this, probably cuz it's my first time writing a fic for Edmund. Enjoy! ❤️
Edmund's Pov
"Ed, we're home!"
I heard the familiar voice of my little sister. Turning around I smiled at them, "hey."
Lucy ran upto me engulfing me in a hug but pulling away looking at me confused.
"Hello! Are you a friend of Edmund's?"
I looked behind me and realised. Moving to a side to show her in full view I introduced her, "hey so umm, I'd like you to meet y/n.. Y/n these are my siblings."
The youngest who spoke from before walked upto y/n with her hand held out, "hello there, I'm Lucy! It's a pleasure to meet you."
She smiled back at her. "It's a pleasure meeting you too."
"Peter," he shook her hand giving her a warm smile.
"I'm Susan," she gave her a small smile.
Peter looked between y/n and I, "why have you never introduced us before?"
I looked at y/n with a flustered expression, "well you see.. we met eachother today."
"You mean you just became friends?" Lucy chirped.
I nodded.
"Why don't we go inside?" I gestured for them to go inside.
Peter and Susan nodded their heads in agreement while Lucy walked past me with a yawn.
I looked at y/n. She looked so worried.
Walking upto her with that unknown confidence I get whenever I'm around her, I took her hand in mine.
"Don't worry, I'll explain it all.. their really nice once you get to know them."
Soon enough her smile returned. I felt my cheeks burn and looked away immediately, hoping she wouldn't notice.
Hand in hand, we walked inside.
Timeskip >>>
After explaining everything I finally let out a rather loud sigh.
Peter seemed to be thinking while Susan and Lucy sat by y/n trying to comfort her.
"Well it shouldn't be that hard.." Peter suddenly exclaimed. "I mean to find her home.. she probably got here by foot and well... if she did, she could be from somewhere nearby.
I nodded my head.
"Well why don't we call it a night?" Susan suddenly stood up. "It's been a long day even for you both.. so let's get some rest."
We all agreed.
Y/n stood up and cleared her throat, "I really hope I'm not being a bother. I owe you all a lot.."
Peter chuckled, "we're human aren't we? Don't worry y/n, it's not a big deal."
I smiled at her, her face lightning up.
"Y/n, you can sleep in my room if you'd like to," Lucy said looking rather excited.
Y/n looked at me as if to ask approval. I just gave her a smile, which she returned.
"I would love to Lucy, thank you.." Lucy squealed at that, giving her a little side hug. I noticed y/n blushing. Cute.
Everyone began to leave to their rooms. Before y/n could leave to Lucy's room I grabbed her by her wrist.
She looked back at me. Her pupils dilated a little bit, probably because I caught her at once.
She calmed down noticing it was me and smiled, "what is it, Ed?"
"I told you they'd like you.."
She giggled.
"Thank you Ed.."
"Don't thank me. I'm glad I could help. Plus Lucy seems to like you a lot already."
She let out a small laugh, "she's adorable."
"Are you coming y/n?" Lucy chirped.
"I'll be right there Lucy..." she looked at me, "well then, goodnight Ed."
"Goodnight y/n, I'll see you in the morning."
She smiled at me and followed Lucy to her room.
I smiled to myself.
My little moment was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. I looked to my side only to see Peter. He was leaning against the wall, with a smug grin on his face.
"What are you looking at?"
Peter let out a low laugh, "oh you know.. just observing."
"Observing what?" I frowned playfully.
"Oh your attempts on flirting of course," he smirked at me.
I scoffed, "I do not know what you're talking about." I pushed past him and walked into my room.
"You're denying the facts."
I raised my eyebrow at him and closed the door to my room.
"GOODNIGHT ED!" He yelled, a chuckle following soon after.
I sat on my bed with my hands covering my face.
Is he right? I mean was I really trying to flirt with her? I've never felt this drawn to a person before.
I fell flat on my bed. Ughhh. Why do I feel like this? Do I really like her? Or is it just that she's really nice... but no, that's no reason for me to keep blushing whenever I'm around her.
Closing my eyes, I pictured her.
The way she looks at me, the sound of her laughter, that soft smile she gives me. The feeling of her hands in mine.
I looked at my hands smiling. I can't wait till tomorrow.
Slowly I felt myself drifting off to sleep.
The next morning
Y/n's Pov
Opening my eyes slowly I stretched my body.
"Oh good morning y/n!" Lucy came into the room.
"Good morning Lucy. Oh, wait.. did I oversleep? I'm sorry."
"No, no you didn't. I just woke up a little early and decided to stay up anyway.. did you have a good sleep?" she sat down beside me.
Adjusting myself I sat down beside her, "I sure did, thank you Lucy."
She smiled at me, "stop thanking me y/n. It was a pleasure. By the way, breakfast is ready. Susan set you some clothes so, you can go freshen up."
I smiled back at her, "okay, thank you."
Lucy giggled, "I told you, no thank you's!"
I couldn't help but laugh.
Getting out of bed I headed to the washroom and got myself ready for the day. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't resist the smile that came up on my face.
Susan's clothes were a perfect fit and I really loved the blue t-shirt. Blue being my favourite colour of course.
I felt so thankful.
Walking out of the washroom and heading towards the hallway I bumped into someone.
"Woah there~"
That voice.
I looked up at him. Edmund held me by my waist holding me steady, giving me the smile I absolutely adored.
"Good morning Ed!"
"Good morning love," I blushed at the nickname he gave me. Did he really call me that? Or was I just hearing things?
I smiled at him. I couldn't take my eyes off his. I missed him, even though it had just been one night.
"Oh? Am I interrupting something?" being so absorbed in the moment we didn't notice that someone had walked in on our moment.
Edmund and I looked at the owner of the voice only to see Peter.
He smirked at us eyeing our position.
Then was it only that realisation hit the both of us.
Edmund was holding me by my waist. My arms were wrapped around his neck and we barely had any space between us.
We pushed away from eachother at the same time adjusting our clothes.
Peter only laughed at this, "come on, love birds.. let's go have breakfast."
I blushed even more at the nickname. Love birds? Really? I looked at Edmund from the corner of my eyes. He was blushing a bright pink.
I giggled. And walked after Peter with Edmund following right behind me.
And that's it for chapter 4! I hope you all enjoyed it! <3 Much love and stay safe everyone!
To be continued...
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pedropascalssimp · 5 years
●part one●
Demon of the night
Pairing: brian may x vamp reader.
Summary: its fall when Brian's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere leaving him to walk in the cold midnight air lost. But what happens when he runs into a certain someone..or something...
Warnings: none yet hehehehehehe just some high quality neck licking and probably language?...
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It's a cold night in london as brian walks out of the bar he and his band just played at, the cold fall chill making him shiver a bit as he bids his friends goodbye while carrying his beloved red special with him, they all say their goodbyes and head back in for a few drinks, usually brian would join but tonight he just didn't feel up to it, instead he just wanted to get home to his flat and rest. So he sets his guitar gently in the backseat of his car while getting in the drivers side and starting it with little difficulty, the old car has been having some trouble starting up lately, but he didn't think anything of it and just decided to have it looked at when he wasn't so busy with recording and playing.
But he would soon regret it when the old thing finally gives up.
You sigh while watching all these people walking around the streets at night, deciding which one should be dinner for the night, everyone here seemed so innocent though and you wasn't a murderer...you mostly ate the bad people...like criminals, murders, shit like that.
But as you stand in the shadows leaning against the building, watching these people you couldn't seem to find anyone, you might as well go to the damn graveyard and eat rats. You groan at the thought but it's your only option so you stand up straight, about to leave until someone catches your eye.
If your heart could beat your pretty sure it would be Beating out of your chest right now, the man you spotted was the definition of perfection and pure beauty, and when you saw him smile and wave at his friends you'd assume, is when you felt the connection you was always promised you would feel one day, I feeling you've been waiting for, for over centuries.
You smile at the man as he walks to his car carrying a guitar, his curls bouncing as he walks, and his smile still on his face. You're thoughts trail off as you think of any possible way you can turn him....because he was most definitely your soulmate you could feel it. You frown though once you notice he left...but lucky for you, you can trick that beautiful little mind of his to go wherever you need him to go...and you can follow him.
" ah shit..." brian mumbles as his car breaks down, he tries turning the key but it doesn't do anything, he sighs and leans his forehead on the stirring wheel, he decides to try and walk to the nearest gas station, but when he looks up he realizes he's in the middle of nowhere...surrounded by trees and the only light there is, is provided by the full moon.
He's beyond confused, last he checked he was on a actual road...but now he's not. He shrugs it off blaming it on the alcohol in his system that roger gave him before their show. He gets out closing the door making an echo through out the dark forest around him. And that's when he see's someone up ahead leaning on a tree.
" hello!." He says slightly loud, while walking toward the person, the closer he gets the more he see's, and that's when he notices it's a beautiful mysterious looking woman, she was paler then any normal human, and had a smirk. He clears his throat and stops walking when he believes He is close enough.
" excuse me ma'am...but my car broke down and I have no idea where I'm at..or how I even got here...but I was wondering if you could kindly point me toward the nearest gas station." He asks, his voice slightly shaking from being nervous, the woman smiles at him showing off her pearly whites...two front teeth sharper then anyone else's he has seen.
" of course I can its about 20miles back the way you came....but that would be an awful long walk for you." She smiles at him, he gulps and runs a hand through his curls.
" that it would be..." he said, he then looks toward the woman once more. " do you live nearby here so I could borrow a phone?." He asks her gently, she grins and motions him to follow her.
" yeah my house is a few minutes from here." She says while walking up the road, brian sighs with relief and follows her.
You smile as your plan was coming together so smoothly, especially since your little mind game worked on him bringing him right to your house you've lived in since centuries, you smile as the dark Victorian house comes in view, as you walk in you smile at him and motion him towards the ancient 1800s looking phone. He looks at it with a slightly shocked look.
" I know it's a little out of date but it still works." You tell him, he nods and begins figuring out how it works. But after a while he figures it out and calls someone.
But he frowns as nothing happens, he hangs it up and looks at you.
" I thought you said it worked?." He said, you look at him with fake confusion.
" it does...unless the squirrels chewed the chord again." You say, you sigh and give him a apologetic smile. " I'm sorry I'll fix it in the morning...that is if you want to stay the night?." You add, he runs a hand over his face with a small sigh.
" well I dont want to walk 20miles at 2am so I guess if you would allow it I could." He says, you can hear the stress in his voice making you smile kindly at him.
" I have a guest bedroom upstairs that I'll fix for you...I'm y/n y/l/n by the way." You introduce yourself with the same mysterious smile that has Brian's heart beating faster and faster,
" brian may...lovely to met you miss y/l/n." He smiles, you cant help but to fall even more in love with the tall man. He was just so handsome.
" likewise...why dont you have a seat while I make you some tea." You suggest, he nods and sits down. Playing with the end of his shirt sleeve nervously. He felt very sceptical about you and this place. After a few minutes the tea was done and you brought him the small cup, he smiled gratefully at you as you sit in a love seat in front of him.
" so y/n...what was you doing out this late at night anyway?." He asks you curiously, you smile and cross one of your legs over the other.
" well...I have a tomcat that doesn't really like to stay in one place for to long." You tell him, he nods, " he ran outside and I was afraid he would freeze to death where it's so cold so I was looking for him when I found you." You explained,
" I hope you find him." He says sincerely, you smile and stand up.
" dont worry he'll come back as long as I leave the window over there open." You say, he nods once more. You can tell how nervous he is. He seems scared as well and that's when you sit beside him.
" what's the matter bri...you seem scared?." You ask him quietly, he sighs and looks around at the ancient decor of your house...the living room walls was a deep red while the curtains was black, the floor's a dark brown wood while the lights was basically candles in old candle holders...but you had a chandelier providing more light then the candles...and your clothing choice was odd...you wore a black gown that came to your ankles and had long sleeves and the chest was cut out but it had a turtleneck. And your hair was left down
" I'm fine...just a bit shaken up is all." He reassured you, you nod and stand up.
" well what gotten you all shook up then?." You ask him, he stays quiet And you decide to fix the guest bedroom up for him. " I'll be back shortly I just have to fix that bedroom up." You smile and leave him alone to his wondering thoughts.
Brian stands up and looks at the phone making sure if it started working or not, he didn't want to stay here but the walk was ludacris, he thought you was a nice woman but you seemed so off...like you was hiding things from him he needed to know...he felt unsafe and uncomfortable here. And he had many reasons to, like the fact your house looks like it belongs to the 1800s murderer along with everything inside it...including you. He was scared for some reason.
He picks the phone up ready to call john knowing he would be the one to pick it up at such an hour, but like before it's dead silent on the other end, he curses and slams it down. If only he'd fixed that damn car he wouldn't be in this mess.
As he let's out a string of silent curses he feels as if someone is watching him, chills run through him as he turns around and sees a black cat staring at him with yellow glowing eyes. He jumps a bit as it meows at him with a rather deep meow. Even the cat seemed creepy
" there you are maximus I've been looking everywhere for you!." You say cheerfully, brian looks to the window seeing it's still closed, confusion takes over his features as he looks to the cat. If this was the cat you was looking for then is it in here?.
" I thought you said it ran outside?." He asks confused. Speaking his mind while lookingat the cat." And the windows are shut so how'd he get in?." He adds with wide eyes. The sound of your light giggle fills the silence of the house as you take the cat into your arms.
" he got in through the upstairs window...I always leave mine open at night...I sleep better when cold." You tell him, but he can tell that it's a lie...and that makes him more alert.
" let's get in bed brian its rather late..." you trail off as you walk up stares talking softly to the cat, great now he's stuck with a crazy cat woman. He hesitantly follows you though and you lead him through the dark hallway to a door. You stop and smile at him.
" here you are bri...I hope you have a wonderful nights sleep." You say, you set the cat down watching as it runs into brians room. and smile at him, " I should have the phone fixed in the morning before you wake up...so no need to keep trying." You said while bringing him in for a hug, he hugs back awkwardly and when you pull back you grab his warm hand In your ice cold one.
" goodnight brian...." and with that you disappeared into the next room over from his, he let's out a breath and stares at where you just stood with a confused look, you was the most beautiful yet mysterious woman he has ever met...and the fact you felt so cold made him worry a bit...
But he shrugs it off and walks into his room, the room was dark and cold, no lights on whatsoever, just the moon coming in through the open window beside the old bed with knew sheets and blankets, he sighs while taking his shoes off and sitting on the end of the bed, and holding his head in his hands, even though you seemed weird and off to him, you was a nice lady, Especially offering a complete stranger to stay with you. He felt bad for naming you weird but it seem to fit your description.
After closing the window He decided to get some sleep and laid down on the bed and covering up, he was rather tired and stressed over his car...and the fact he left his beloved red special in the car, that thought never leaving his mind. A small Yelp left Brian's lips as he felt something jumped on him, but he calms down seeing it's just maximus. Staring at him once more.
" maximus please dont stare at me...its creepy...just like everything else in here." He mumbles, the cat meows at him and continues its stare down. Brian sighs and closes his tired eyes. Falling asleep.
You pace around your room as you wait for the beautiful man to fall asleep, maximus was on watch for that, its around 4am as you patiently wait for the cat to run in here at any moment, you felt bad for doing this for some reason...but if you dont then you let him slip through your fingers like sand, he wont feel the connection unless you bite him...and once done the two of you will be inseparable.
But if you dont bite him then he could walk away leaving you to feel the unbearable pain that takes over you till the day you die...and you'll only die from said pain. And he...he will live a miserable life and you didn't want that for him. And you didn't want that for yourself so you have to turn him...whether he likes it or not.
The sound of a meow breaks your train of thoughts and a smile appears on your face, you quietly walk to his room seeing him sleeping peacefully, his mouth slightly parted as soft snores emitted from him, his beautifully sculpted face making a sense of love run through your cold veins, he was truly a gorgeous human, and your happy that he's the one who you've waited for all your life.
You walk to him and crawl in the bed hovering over him, he stirs a bit and moves around until he's comfortable, you smile and stare at his beautiful neck, you lick your lips as you bring a hand up moving his soft curls out of the way, once done you lean down ghosting your lips across the warm soft silky skin of his neck, you cant help but to lick the flesh, he moves a bit more and that's when your fangs come out and you bite him, he groans and you moan at the taste of his sweet pure blood, it was the best thing you've ever had, it was better then any other you've had, and that's what confirmed he was definitely your soulmate.
You pull your teeth from his neck and lick the mark you'd just made...the only scare that will ever paint his beautiful skin, you smile and roll over beside him to sleep, he was sweating and breathing heavily as he slept, he would sleep for a few days know as his body would adjust to becoming a demon of the night like you, you rest your head on his chest listening to his heart beat, knowing it will be the only and last time you'll hear it.
I was bored and decided to make a brian may x vamp reader imagine series hehehehehe. I hope you guys like it even tho no one looks at my imagines lol...but hopefully this one will get some likes and stuff, theres gonna be a part two btw....
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albatris · 3 years
On the topic of sending you random songs unprovoked-- B.Body Terror Song by AJJ for Nat re: Greeble??? If not hi! concerning song for u! mwah
Hello hi yes I think of your wip in my spare time, yes. ily!!!! hope you are!! well! happy! as free of the burdens of life as possible! able to have a nice treat!
:D!!! hello!!
oh, you are always always allowed to send songs unprovoked, they are a blessing and I adore them <3
in this particular case........ hehehehe. this is in fact already on my playlist as a Greeble-Nat tune c: it's SUCH a good vibe for his whole greebly situation, poor kid
ye, this was one of my very very first Nat songs, how could I resist adding it?? :D it's genuinely horrifying and indeed deeply concerning but also just so so so exhausted and lowkey dejected-sounding
and just a perfect combination of the horror of your own body betraying you and twisting into something terrifying and unfamiliar and an enemy, as well as just being stepped on by other people and a violent world. good stuff good stuff good stuff
another veeeery good Greeble-Nat tune I can toss your way of you're up for it is "Inside of You, In Spite of You" by Thoushaltnot...... I might talk about this one later a bit more...... it deserves me putting my Thinking Brain on and not typing at 2:30am.......
but just!!! something ancient's here inside you :) it forced its way in and it's completely incomprehensible to you :) every single aspect of it terrifies you so unshakably deeply :) And It Loves You So Much :)
such a funky lil evil song full of dread
but yeah!!!!! yeah!! thank you for A Concerning Song, you have absolutely nailed the vibe as always, my dear :D
I am as free of the burdens of life as I'm likely to be today, I got to go out with a good good good friend tonight and have some nice foods and nice hangs c: all in all a very pleasant day!
I hope life has been kind to you today also and I am wrapping you in your favourite blanket and piling multiple cats on top of you for warmth and snuggles and purring. mwah <3
(also :O you think of my wip...... how peculiar to me for some strange reason even though my thoughts absolutely drift to Implausible Deniability at all sorts of odd moments....... I think I just forget I have the capacity to exist in other people's brains...... dhdhd)
ANYWAY goodnight goodnight, I am going to do the sleep, I hope your day is gentle and full of good things like u deserve <3
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cashtonwoah-blog · 6 years
Better Man // Part 1
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Hey guys! It's been a while since I wrote any stuff on here, so apologies! This is a new Ashton Irwin Series, enjoy!
Warnings : Swearing, light smut.
Side note--this is a very different series to what I normally write. It's a long one!
"Do you have Fanta Lemon or Orange?" I hear the old man say at the pool bar desk.
"Both! Which will it be?" I politely ask the customer. He agrees on one of each. I smile, walking over to the machine to pour a drink. I give the man his drinks, complete with ice and a lemon slice in the Fanta Lemon.
"Thanks" he says, adding a creepy wink at the end, shoving a crumpled €5 in to the tip jar on the work surface. I weakely smile, thanking him for his tip.
It's March, and it's currently 21 degrees in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and I'm working for a 6th day in a row. Don't get me wrong, I love my job. It was only meant to be a summer job, working in a restaurant bar at a five star hotel for 3 months during my university holidays. I had it all figured out, work during the summer abroad to save money for my 2nd year at university, however life took a different path. I ended up failing my last essay, meaning that I would have to retake the whole year, so I decided to drop out of university all together. My Dad ended up marrying this blonde women I'd met appropriately 5 times in 6 months, so I decided to move out. In the end, staying in Santa Cruz de Tenerife was a better plan, no family, no university, just my friends out here and work, and that's all that mattered.
"Y/N, go have your break" I hear my boss, Andre shout from the store cupboard. I take my apron off, grab a glass of water and head to the break room. I open the door to find my best mates, Camila and Ed, already sat in there, probably gossiping about someone.
"Y/N! Come join us, we're bitching about Margot again" Ed laughed, pushing a chair towards me.
"Let me guess, she left the cups in the dryer again?!" I sighed.
Ed and Camila hated the new girl, Margot, who had just started working shifts on the bar. It would be unfair to say she was bad at her job, she is awful. From spilling drinks to over customers to making basically poisonous drinks, she couldn't get the hang of it.
"She left me to do all the washing up again today, it's pissing me off" Camila moaned.
I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe mention it to Andre, maybe she needs more training".
Camila laughed.
"Nope, she needs to leave. She isn't cut out for this job" she replies, high fiving Ed. I rolled my eyes again.
"Anyway, what's up with you? Any new guys on the scene?" Ed winked at me, resting his hands on his face, like he was waiting for some big story.
"Oh please, next question" I scoffed, taking a mouthful of drink to clear my dry throat. Since moving to Santa Cruz de Tenerife permanently, I'd become best friends with Ed and Camila through work. We were a smiliar age, but very different people. Camila had been seeing a guy, Pete, for 8 months when I first met her, and Ed was in an on-off thing with the lifeguard at the pool, Mateo. Where as me, I'd been single for a good 2 years. My last relationship was with a guy back in England, which didn't end so nicely. I decided that my move to Santa Cruz de Tenerife would maybe bring some new love into my life, and a year later after moving here, I was still single.
"Well what about Matias?" Camila sighed.
"Not my type, too chatty" I laughed.
"Not funny enough"
"Mateo is nice" Ed laughed.
"Yeah, before I realised he only went out with me because he fancied you!" I laughed.
"Seriously though Y/N, where are you gonna find someone and stop being so fussy?" Camila asked.
"When the time is right Cami, just not now I guess!" I jokingly snapped at her. I loved my friends, but do wish that they'd get off my case about finding someone. I wasn't really in the mood for dating at the moment.
"Anyway... Moving on... What you got planned for this weekend?" I asked my friends.
"Well, there's fuck all to do here, so we could head into town, have a night out?" Ed suggested.
"Sounds good, and, maybe I could ask Pete to bring a mate..." Camila winked at me. I groaned.
"I better get back to work, see you later!" I got up and walked away before she could finish what she was going to say.
"Okay girl, think about it!" she laughs, seeing how annoyed I was getting. Ed nudges her playfully.
It's 12am, and my shift is coming to an end. I close up the outdoor bar, pack away the glasses that Margot didn't do from earlier. I hang my apron up, and head to the main reception desk of the hotel to sign out. I see a few regular hotel guests and say goodnight to them. Just as I get the staff sign out book, I hear a slam of a door behind me. It startles me so much that I drop the book onto the floor. I groan, bending down to pick the book up. As I go to pick it up, a set of hands also reaches for the book and helps me to pick it up. I look up, and see a man with messy curly hair, wearing a polka dot shirt and skinny black jeans. He gives me a warm smile, as he gives the book back to me.
"Gracias" I thank the boy in Spanish.
"No worries" he chuckles in English, with an Aussie twang. He warmly smiles, before reaching to his Jean back pocket, getting his mobile phone out to answer a call.
"Sorry" is all the boy says, before walking off.
I stand there, all confused for a second, before then realising that I need to sign out of work. I sign my name, and head for the exit of the hotel.
My drive home is a quiet one, thinking about the curly haired boy in the reception area. Yeah he was cute, and smartly dressed. I chuckled to myself, hoping to see him the next day around the hotel.
"Two beers coming up" I smile at the young couple on their holiday. Its a busy down round the pool today, lots of new arrivals, after all it is the school holidays. I place the young couple their drinks on their table before heading back to the bar to clean some drinks. The curly haired boy has been on my mind all morning. Yes it was a brief encounter. Yes I thought he was cute. And yes, I wanted to see him again.
"Y/N, can you go to reception? There's an early check in" Andre asks.
I head to reception, and I'm greeted by a young women with black hair, and a tall blonde haired boy. They look very young, but cute together. As I approach them, I greet them.
"Welcome to the Hotel La Flora, my name is Y/N" I smile. I see Ed across the counter, checking the young couple in.
"Thanks Y/N, I'm Sierra and this is my boyfriend Luke". She smiled, her boyfriend Luke offering a hand for me to shake. Polite, I thought. Once they're all checked in, I carry their bags to the room on the top floor, our penthouse deluxe room. Normally only wealthy businessmen or celebrities hire this room. I open the door, set the cases on the beds and open the French doors to show the young couple the huge balcony. The view fell the balcony is beautiful.
"You've got a beautiful view here, perfect view of the beach" I smile, handing them their keys.
"Would you like any help unpacking?" I ask.
"No thank you Y/N, thanks again" the boyfriend Luke smiles, handing me a €20 tip. I widely smile at this very generous tip, making note of the generous offer.
"Thank you that's very kind". I smile, placing the money into my pocket. I walk around the rest of the apartment, opening the other doors to show the couple around, including the 2nd bedroom.
"Ah, Ashton and Kay will be just fine here I hope" I hear the girlfriend, Sierra say to her boyfriend.
"Yeah, I'm not sure about Kay though" Luke mutters. I hear a deep sigh from the girl.
"I'll leave you guys to it, I hope you enjoy your stay. " I smile, thanking them again for the tip, before shutting the door to give them time to unpack. I run down to reception, to gloat at Ed for the huge tip.
"Comeon that's not fair, I checked them in!" he moans, trying to take the money off me.
"Well maybe next time you carry your own bags!" I scoff at him, playfully sticking my tongue out at him, before skipping back off to the bar.
It's 3pm, and things have gotten a lot quieter around the pool bar. People are starting to head inside for evening plans. I grab a book, The Fault in Our Stars by John Green, and read a few pages, before spotting a girl heading towards the bar. I set my book down, and greet the girl with a warm smile.
"Hello what can I get you today?"
"Tap water, make sure it's cold" she snaps, not even looking at me. I pore the girl a tap water, noting her tone. Rude, I thought.
"Thanks, sorry if I snapped at you, just been one of those day, you know" she sighs, looking at her phone still.
"I get it, it's OK" I say, not wanting to be nosy and ask what's happened. Before I can say anything else, she calls someone.
"I'm here, where are you?" she snaps to the person on her phone, before walking towards the door to the entrance of the bar. As she walks towards the door, a familiar face walks in, wearing a red t-shirt with skinny Jean shorts and Ray Ban sunglasses. I sigh, it's the curly haired boy from last night with the sign out book.
"Kay, you're early" he says, hugging the girl.
"Well I wanted to see you, is that so much of a problem?" she snaps.
"Not here, please" he requests, looking at me, before looking at the floor. He gently grabs her arms and they walk off. Dramatic, I thought. I continue to read my book.
Some people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.
"Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway".
That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway."
I deeply sighed at the quote in the book, before taking a sip of my ice tea.
"Are you Okay?" I hear a voice say. The voice startles me, as I spit out my drink over the counter. I can feel my face going bright red from sheer embarrassment.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry Sir" I say, running around to the back to get a cloth and wipe up the mess. I come back and see the curly haired boy looking at me and laughing.
"It's okay, I shouldn't have disturbed you during your book reading" he laughs, looking at my book. I continue to politely ignore him, clearing up my mess. I noted that my book was now covered in ice tea.
"Damn, guess I'll be needing a new book" I laugh, looking at the boy.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry Sir, it was very unprofessional of me to-" I apologise.
"No need... Um.... Y/N" he interrupts, looking closely at my name badge.
"Thank you." I awkwardly chuckle. There's a pause before either of us say anything.
"So.. Can I get you anything sir?" I ask, resuming my duty.
"Gin and tonic please" he responds. I head to the bar, and pour the man a drink. As I head back to the bar I note that he's taken a seat in front of my work station. Odd, I thought.
"There you go" I politely say, placing the drink in front of the boy. He smiled, taking a huge gulp of the drink. He sits there in silence, so I decide to make light conversation while cleaning a few glasses.
"So, everything okay?" I ask. For a few seconds he doesn't respond, he just stares into his glass.
"Yeah, just one of those days, y'know?" he says, scoffing under his breath, before finishing the rest of his drink. He lightly taps the top of the glass, indicating that he would like another, I head to the liquor counter and make him another one.
"I get what you mean, do you wanna talk about it? You wouldn't believe the stories I've heard working here" I softly reply.
"Maybe after a few of these ill open up" he cutely laughs. I hand him his second drink, to which he finishes all in one.
"Woah okay, take it easy yeah?" I say, slightly concerned.
"Nah its okay, I'm good with my drink. I remember having a drinking contest with Mike and Calum in LA after a gig... Good times." he reasurres me, asking for another drink. I make him another one, but deliberately put less alcohol in it, just in case.
"Oh so you're in a band?" I ask.
"Yeah, been together for quite a few years. Been touring for a few months so it's nice to have a break... Or so I thought" he mutters the last part.
"That's cool. What sort of music do you play?" I ask, continuing to clean glasses.
The boy pauses, looks confused into my eyes. I can't tell if he's mad at my comment or going to pass out.
"Oh, so you don't know who I am?" he asks confused.
I pause for a second. Shit, I've offended him.
"I'm sorry, just that music out here is a mixture and-" I panic.
"Hey no its okay! To be honest it's quite nice to not be well known" he smiles at me, taking a sip of his drink.
3 hours later, and the boy is still sat in front of me, drinking his millionth G&T, and I've joined him, having one or two won't hurt at work. He tells me his life story, the more drunk he gets. Turns out him and his band are quite well known globally. He tells me the awards they've won over the years, and tour stories. He tells me about the time one of the Jenner-Kardashian crew didn't get their band name right at an awards ceremony. He seems incredibly proud when talking about his band mates, who are also his best friends.
"So you've never really heard of us? " he slurrs a little.
I giggle. "I don't think so. Hum me one of your songs" I reply.
All of a sudden, he gets up on the bar stool and starts singing.
"Sometimes I’m feeling like I’m going insane
My neighbor told me that I got bad brains"
He is screaming at the top of his voice, standing on a bar stool in an empty bar. I'm crying with laughing at this, amazed at how he hasn't fallen off the bar stool. He says two lines of a song, that freezes, and hums.
"I-I can't remember how the rest goes" he laughs, climbing off the stool.
"That's okay" I laugh, wiping tears from my eyes.
"Did you enjoy that?" he laugh, shooting me a playful wink.
"I did actually, I'll keep an eye out for it in the charts" I laugh back. Suddenly his phone rings in his pocket. He groans, answering the call.
"Luke! Yeah I'm good, just in the bar. Yeah ill be up in a minute." he states bluntly, before hanging up. He stares at his phone, looking somewhat sad.
"Everything okay rockstar?" I chuckle.
He awkwardly chuckles back. "Yeah I guess just women stuff".
"Wanna talk about it? Funnily enough I'm quite knowledgeable in that area" I smile.
"Just my girlfri-ex girlfriend." he scoffs.
"Oh, wanna talk about it still?".
"She's here, on holiday wit-with me and my best mate and his girlfriend and I honestly don't know what. We're done, like done-done months ago, y'know?" he slightly slurrs.
"Yeah I get you" I sigh, remembering not so long ago I went through the same thing back in England.
"Why is sh-she here? She said she wanted to be mates and I agreed, but then she wants to acted all like a couple in public, but hates me when it's just me and her" he says. Im sympathetic towards this guy.
"Maybe talk to her while you're here, a little bit of sun and a different sight might work things out" I suggest, trying to cheer him up.
"Yeah, you're right. We're definitely done, I just want her to leave me alone basically" he scoffs.
"Sounds awful, but I don't want a relationship right now you know? I just wanna explore the world with my band, but also have something on the side, y'know?" he says. I stare at the harshness in his voice, yet I understand what he means.
I sigh. "um, yeah, I know exactly what you mean".
Just as the boy starts to speak again, the blonde hair boy from earlier walks in. He kicks his heals on the wooden floor, like in an inpatient manner.
"Ash, are you okay?" he asks.
The curly haired boy sighs. "Yeah I'm alright man, just needed a break. I just want her to go".
"Well Sierra is talking to her now, I think she's gonna head off so you can have a break" Luke replies. Luke notes my presence.
"Sorry, he hasn't been a pain has he?" Luke sarcastically asked.
I laugh. "I can reassure you sir I've had much worse."
The curly haired boy stands up from his bar stool slowly, trying to not stumble.
"Comeon, let's go have a nap" Luke says, putting his arm and shoulder under the curly haired boys armpit to support him.
"Do you need any help?" I ask.
"It's okay, he just needs a nap" Luke laughs.
"Thanks Y/N, see ya around!" the curly haired boy laughs. Luke walks off basically carrying the curly haired boy back to his room.
"She's kinda cute, right?" I hear Ashton attempting to whisper to his friend. I quietly giggle at this.
"Shh drunk boy" Luke laughs, helping his mate. They both leave the bar together, leaving just myself around an empty desolate bar, surrounding with 7 empty G&T glasses. I laugh to myself, thinking about the last 4 hours of chat we've had, hoping to have more with the curly haired boy sometime soon.
Part 2//
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