#anyway i don’t have many followers here but i did want to make my position on this clear
tojikai · 1 year
Sundered 5: QUARRELS
Pairing: Gojo x reader
Part 1  |  Part 2   | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Alt. Ending
Genre: Angst
tags/cw: angst, babydaddy!gojo, babymomma!reader, motherhood, insecurities, explicit smut, arguments, implied noncon
word count: 6.8k
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This is close enough for a beggar like him.
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“When Yui turns three…” Satoru turns to look at you with a small smile and a look in his eyes that you know too well not to understand at a glance. “When Yui turns three?” You urged him to continue, “...we make another one. Hopefully, a baby boy.” He pulled you on top of him as you laughed fondly.
“I can’t even count on my fingers how many times you said that already.” You giggled, kissing his blushing face. “I can’t have you forgetting. It’s a must. We make cute babies.” He spoke each sentence in between pecks. “ Yeah, but she’s only 5 months old, Satoru.” You put your head on his chest, feeling him caress your hair.
“I know, but I wanna tell you in advance.” Moments like this make you forget about all the problems and fights that you have with him. “But we’re gonna get married first, of course.” You looked up at him, watching his eyes glimmer. “You’re asking me to marry you?” You poked his side.
“Of course, what else am I gonna do with you?” He flips you over, kissing your neck and chest before attempting to pull the straps of your nighties down your shoulders. “This is for your daughter, don’t even try.” You pointed a finger at his nose as he pouted, “She’s asleep. Can’t I get a sip?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you making you giggle.
“What is going on with you?” He kissed your lips, joining you in your joy. Just two days ago, you and Satoru were screaming at each other’s faces because of how he got angry at you for talking back to his mother. She came into his house, trying to fight you because you got Yui’s ears pierced. You and Satoru agreed on it, but he didn’t like that you ‘talked back’ to his mom.
And now, it’s all gone. Washed away by his touches. Drowned away by his kisses and moans. “Remember when we did this while you were pregnant?” You could hear his smirk as he nibbled on your skin. You're now lying sideways with your hand holding one of your legs up. His strong arms were wrapped around your waist, caressing your lower stomach.
“Gonna put another one here in a few years.” He grunted when you reached for his hair, pressing him closer to you. “Satoru…” His breath on the shell of your ear only made you heat up more. You sobbed as his thrust got faster and harder. “Yeah, you want that.” He bit your ear lightly as you arched your back, whimpering.
You were just about to tell him that you’re close but Satoru got your body memorized. His hand was already trailing down to your womanhood, fingers rubbing on your nub as he coaxed you to your climax and followed shortly after. He finished inside you with your name flowing smoothly out of his lips. You stayed in the same position; with him still inside you as he pushed your legs together.
It was only one of those nights that made you believe that you’d be together until the end.
“...a new one?” Satoru’s voice snapped you back to reality. “Hm?” You turned to him, seeing that he was already staring at you. Yesterday, you and Toji fought. And today, you did again. Is the honeymoon phase they were saying already over? You gritted your teeth. “Are you still thinking about it?” Satoru’s voice was laced with concern as he drove.
Yesterday afternoon, you and Toji were talking about how much louder it gets when there are more kids around. Other than Yuuji, a little girl from their neighborhood named Nobara also joined—a name Yui cannot pronounce correctly but kept saying anyway. 
With four children running around the house, you and Toji could only communicate with eyes, teasing like a married couple planning for an addition. You two could only joke around the topic, though, knowing how serious and how big a responsibility it will be. 
Besides, your relationship is still young and you would like to get married first before taking a step like that. But marriage still feels pretty far for you and Toji.  
“Look, I’m sure he doesn’t mean it like that.” Satoru tried to comfort you. “His wife used to do that stuff and now he’s just sharing it with you.” He explained. You can’t help but feel like you were being petty. The kids had a playdate and you thought that making a bit of juice for their picnic would give them a better experience.
Toji started randomly talking about how his wife had little cousins and she refused to give them juice until they were 5 because it’s terrible for toddlers’ health. And though, you understand this, the way he said it just put you off. You felt like he was comparing you to her and you just didn’t like the way it made you feel. 
Before, there were times when he would mindlessly say that his wife introduced something to him or taught him to do something and you would think that he was probably just reminiscing. But now you just felt…sensitive. It just felt like you still had to compete even if there was no one to compete with.
“He’s probably just suggesting.” Satoru tried to explain for Toji, something you didn’t think would ever happen because they’re almost always wordless around one another. “Suggesting what? That I should do what his first wife did? And today he got upset that Yui and I would leave early to go with you.” Satoru sighed, nodding slowly.
Ever since that night, he’s been a lot more calm, more patient, and more careful with everything he does. “We should’ve canceled and moved it another day.” You looked at him, disbelief flashing on your face.
“Y/N, he’s your boyfriend now. It’s not good to leave a fight without talking first, even just for reassurance.” Whatever he’s been learning at counseling is definitely working, you thought. When he first told you about it, you didn't know how to react. Probably because you know that the cause of your problems is not just him. But also his mother.
“I told him we’ll talk later. He just doesn’t like that we have to spend time around each other like this.” Your voice was quieter. To be honest, you don’t know how to deal with that because it concerns your daughter too. “We can…we can just reduce times like this to milestones like birthdays and school events when she’s finally in school,” Satoru spoke, clearing his throat.
“I don’t think it’s that important anyway, Yui will understand that we’re separated soon. She’s growing fast.” You glanced at your daughter as she waves at the passing cars. Satoru’s right. “Yeah, I’ll just…I’ll talk to him about it.” Satoru probably doesn’t want it like that, but nowadays, he’s been…different. In a good way.
“By the way, I have a…my previous car. Do you remember? The one before this.” He asked, “Your car always breaks down. I mean…You can have it. So, you won’t have to take a cab when you take Yui to daycare, go to work, or pick her up from my place.” You can tell that he was nervous to ask you about it.
“Actually, if you want. I can ask Toji, so he won’t think of it as anything.” You looked away, thinking. You’re not the only one who has a significant other here; Naomi might think of it as something too. “You have to tell Naomi too.” You glanced at him through the rearview mirror. “Yeah…” He cleared his throat. 
Silence enveloped the three of you for several minutes until Satoru spoke again. “My counselor said it’s easy to mistake comfort for love.” Taking a deep breath, you chose your words carefully. “You can learn to love people and things.” There was a long pause along as you reached his house.  You checked on Yui to find out that she fell asleep.
“That sounds like resignation, Y/N. Love doesn’t need conditions.”  He mumbled, looking at his lap. “Let’s go, she’s getting uncomfortable.” You took Yui’s things before following him inside his house. “Don’t forget her vitamins, Satoru.” Humming, he opened the door for you with your sleeping daughter in his arms. 
To his surprise, the lights were on and there, his mother and Naomi sat on his couch.
“You took so long. Did you forget about your girlfriend?” His mother was the first to speak. “Why are you here, Mom? You’re early, Naomi.” Naomi glanced at you with a look on her face that you can’t quite read. There’s nothing sinister about it, in fact, she looked nervous.
“She’s early because she won’t be working full days anymore.” You stood there awkwardly, feeling invisible before Satoru took a step closer to you, “Since she’ll be a part of the family soon, I asked your father if he can take it easy on her workload. Lovers should spend time with each other as much as they can.” His mother continues, emphasizing the word ‘family’ as she gave a mocking glance your way.
She never once considered you as one. Not that you want to be related in any way to someone like her. You scoffed inside your head, seeing Satoru glance at you. “We do spend enough time together.” He spoke, “And why are you deciding for her, Mom?” He took the bags in your hand, “Let’s go to Yui's room.” 
“It’s okay, I won’t be staying for long anyway, I just wanted to drop her off.” After taking Yui to an inflatable indoor park, Satoru bought her a Hello Kitty cake just as you were about to go home. The kid was excited to open the cake with you, but you were reluctant because you don’t really want to be around Naomi. After being assured by Satoru that Naomi wasn’t supposed to come over until Friday, you finally agreed.
You should’ve trusted your gut, because here she is with Satoru’s mom, like a cherry on top.
“I’ll take you home, let’s just put her to bed, then we’ll go.” The child stirred in her sleep, adjusting her head on his shoulder, “Mama, cake.” She murmured, probably dreaming about her food. You looked at Satoru, catching him already staring at you and something tells you it’s gonna be alright even with these two people who seemingly want you out of your own daughter’s life.
“We’ll talk later,” Satoru spoke to them, gently nudging you toward your daughter’s room. “There’s literally nothing to talk about, son. We just wanted to make the two of you more free for each other. Can’t have others hogging all of your attention from your lover. She won’t appreciate that. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” You paused, glancing at Satoru.
“With your new boyfriend, doesn’t it irritate you when he uses his time for other things?” You can tell that his mother is trying to elicit a reaction from you. “The only thing my boyfriend does other than work is take care of his son.  And I will never put myself in between them.” Before his mother could even say anything, Satoru quickly took the stage.
“I said later, Mom. Naomi and I will talk. It’s our relationship.” With that, he walked with you into Yui’s room, closing the door behind him, careful not to wake his daughter up. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t think they’d be here.” You took Yui’s shoes and jacket off, before letting Satoru put her down. “I know, it’s okay.” Kissing Yui’s forehead, you could hear him whisper curse words.
“Hey.” You can tell he’s more than upset. This is probably more painful and exhausting to him than you thought. “I don’t know anymore, Y/N.” He turned away from you, running his hand over his face, “This. This is what’s making my life harder.” He gestured towards the door, referring to his mother. “This is what made our life harder.” You caught him saying as he shook his head.
“Just talk to them. Maybe there's a reason for this. She’s just naturally hostile with me.” You shrugged, knowing that he was speaking the truth. “That’s the point. She’s pointlessly hostile and she thinks she can decide for me.” Turning to you, there was redness in his eyes. 
Satoru didn’t want to seem like he was asking you for comfort. He refused to give you that before, he’d be shameless if he wanted you to hold him. “Let’s go. I’ll explain to Yui, we’ll call you later.” Blinking hard before opening the door, Satoru knows better than to allow his mother near you. You never told him but he knows that she slapped you when she came to your house.
They fought about it when he went to their mansion. Thankfully, his father backed him up with a speech about protective orders which shut her down. It pained him to be like that to his mom but he can’t just have her abusing you just because she can. 
Satoru walked beside you, covering you from his mother. “Satoru…” Naomi called out but his mother quickly spoke, “Doesn’t she have a car? Did it break down again? Ah, like before, when she wanted someone to take her home.” There was no hint of amusement in Naomi’s eyes, probably clueless as to what she was talking about. 
“I’m calling Dad to pick you up.” With that, he continued walking, leaving his mother with an angry look on her face. “That’d be good. He will be here to discuss things since he’s her boss. He might even give her a vacation. You and Naomi can go out of the country. Get close, plan things like marriage, children—” Stopping in his tracks, Satoru turned with his jaws clenched. 
“You know what? Maybe I shouldn’t leave my daughter here. After all, you threatened to take her away.” Walking back to Yui’s room, Satoru didn’t think twice as he grabbed your hand, making Naomi tense up. “Can she stay with you tonight? I’ll get her tomorrow.” He murmured, breathing hard as he picked his daughter up again.
“You think I’ll kidnap my own granddaughter, look what she’s making you think.” You can hear his mom as you rush to take Yui’s things. Whining, Yui covered her ears as Satoru walked her out of the room with you beside him. “I don’t need to kidnap Yui to get her away, her own mother isn’t even capable, what makes you think—” Satoru cut her off when he stood in front of her.
“I’m filing a restraining order.” He spoke, voice low as he tried to stay respectful despite what he was saying, “Against you.” His mother’s eyes widened in surprise, “Come on.” Ushering you out, and leaving his mother stunned. Opening the door for you, he then proceeded to fix his daughter in her car seat.
“Mama why?” You shushed her, caressing her hair, “We’ll eat cake at home.” You smiled at her, trying your best not to sound panicked before closing the door to finally get in the car. Satoru was about to get in the driver’s seat but Naomi came out of the house and ran to him. Glancing at you, she held his hand, “We’ll talk about it later.” He told her, checking if his mother followed. 
“Can’t you just…” Naomi was about to say something but held back, grabbed his collar, pulling him down to kiss his lips. You almost immediately looked away, seeing from your peripheral vision how she put Satoru’s arms around her waist. “Come home quick.” She whispered not so quietly at him. Getting in the car, you wondered if his mom told her about it.
“Naomi…” Satoru sighed, pulling away before looking at you with a concerned look in his eyes as he nodded away at her words. Leaving her, Satoru entered the car and started it. She stood there with a mixed look on her face that screams how irritated and upset she is with the events. 
“You don’t have to file a restraining order against her. She’s still your mother.” You didn’t have to say that but you felt like you’re the reason why there’s a gap between them now. “She’s not good for Yui. I can’t have her around speaking about you like that in front of her.” He was breathing hard. “Can you calm down? You’re driving.” 
“Sorry.” He muttered, before taking a deep breath. “I hope she won’t be there when I come back. I can deal with it on my own, whatever Naomi and I have to talk about.” He ranted, “I wish she didn’t intervene so much in everything I do. I feel like the decisions I made aren’t even mine.” He rarely talked like this back then. Actually, you rarely interacted like this back then.
“How’s…” Hesitating, he swallowed before continuing his question, “How’s Toji’s family to you?” He asked softly as if the information he’ll get can break him even more. It probably would. “He’s not that close to them, so they don’t really know much about us. I’ve met them twice when we picked up Megumi. They treat us kindly.” You glanced at him, seeing him purse his lips.
“That’s good for you. You won’t have to deal with something like this.” Satoru wanted to say that he’ll cut ties with his mother to protect you; to be with you. But knowing you, you’ll probably feel like it’s your fault and he doesn’t want that.
He’s aware that his mother influenced the decisions he made in the past. Talking to someone about it made him realize how wrong he approached things with you and how easily he let himself be swayed by the instant gratification that he felt when he gave up on your relationship. 
None of it was worth it. 
Three Days Ago
“I can’t do that,” Naomi spoke as she tried to lean away from Satoru’s mom. They met at a cafe near her neighborhood. She was supposed to ask for advice, but it quickly turned into plotting how to lock Satoru to her. “Listen, Y/N was able to keep Satoru with her because they have a child together.” She tapped a sharp nail on the table.
Naomi would be lying if she said that she didn’t think about using that to get more of his time. She admit that she thought of a way to make him have a kid with her, even trying to lie about her safe day to make him do it inside her. She didn’t think that hearing it come from someone else can sound so sick and twisted.
If Satoru doesn’t want the kid, what’s going to happen to me; to us?
“Why are you worried? I’ve been in the same situation and I’m telling you, Satoru kept his father for me.” Naomi’s eyebrows bumped together as she thought of how easy it was for her to say something like that. “You did that to his father?” She asked in disbelief, wanting nothing but to go but desperate enough to stay.
“Not intentionally. But had I not told him, his ex-wife wouldn’t have left us alone and he wouldn’t have stopped running after her.” She took a sip of her coffee, making her seem so chill with her story. Naomi knows all of it for Satoru once told her. She just thought that his mother really baby-trapped his dad to make him stay.
Can Naomi really do that?
“You won’t baby trap my son, you just let him come to you. Attract him like you did back then.” She nodded at Naomi. “I just wanted to help him, then. I didn’t try to seduce him.” She defended herself, “But you did drink with him a few times? Tell me you didn’t get seductive with him during those nights.” She dared, and Naomi looked down.
She remembers telling him how she liked his eyes and how he was too hot to bury himself in problems. She also remembers nonchalantly telling him how he caught her eye when she first saw him. She knows that she liked to think of him and Yui as her own little family even before they started dating and she remembers promising him that they can make it work.
Was Naomi really being just a friend to him then? Or was she already falling for him when she tried to become what he needs during those times?
“Y/N was confident that she’ll get Satoru back and that’s why she let her guard down. Now, if you want to be her so much then, be happy-go-lucky and watch him dump you.” She shook her head, and the words easily got Naomi thinking twice. She’s not trying to be like you. She’s better than you. 
She’s better for him than you.
“Why do you hate her so much?” Naomi suddenly asked, thinking out loud as she carefully thought about her decision. I mean, she didn’t really do anything to me.” If she’s going to think about it, other than the misunderstandings— which were probably caused by something offensive she did or said—you’re never antagonistic towards her.
“She ruined my son’s life. I shouldn’t have expected anything knowing how she got him, but she even had the nerve to try and make him do all the work. She’s probably just after the money..” No matter how hard she tried to recall, Naomi can’t remember him sighing over having Yui with you. “And you think she didn’t really do anything to you? You’re a bit naive.” Naomi’s forehead puckered at her statement.
“Didn’t you notice how she got a new man only now when it started looking like Satoru’s sure about you?” His mother might just be overthinking things but it didn’t help that the changes in her and Satoru’s relationship were almost perfectly timed with you getting a boyfriend. But what if it’s just Satoru? It could’ve been a coincidence, right?
Realizing how she was trying to convince herself in her mind, Naomi only felt worse. Maybe she really has to do something. After all, she swore to him that they can make it work. She’s not someone to just back down and give up on the one she loves when things get tough.
She’s better than you, and unlike you, she won’t run away; she’ll fight for their relationship. 
Arriving home, Yui was already wide awake. “...then, Dad will be back to buy a new cake with Yui! How’s that?” Satoru kissed her cheek as he put her down on the couch. The little girl got upset that her dad has to go so soon. She just stood there wordlessly, leaning on the couch as she refused to look at Satoru.
“It’s okay, I’ll talk to her. She’s just grumpy because her nap was disturbed.” Walking towards the little girl, you sat down and put her on your lap. “Say bye, now.” You pushed the stray hairs away from her face and Satoru can’t help but admire how much he missed just seeing the two of you waiting for him on his couch.
Yui was younger then; much smaller in your arms. And he felt like a real husband coming home to his wife and child when you’d be there, watching TV when he got home from work. It’s been more than a year now, he just thinks he’s lucky enough to still be close to you again. 
You’re not as close as he wants you to be but this is more than enough for a beggar like him.
Leaning down to give your daughter a kiss, she turned away from him. “Yui, that’s not nice.” Her mouth was quivering but you know her too well. “You better go, they’re waiting for you there.” You looked at him but he only stared at you, sighing deeply. You felt like it was the hundredth time today. 
He looked so worn out; like he was just ready to drop as soon as he gets these things out of his tail. You wondered if you looked like this to him back then, too. Probably not this bad because you don’t have a meddlesome mother who keeps trying to put her finger in the pie. 
Before Satoru could answer, a knock on the door was heard. The door opened and a little boy holding his sippy cup stood by the doorway. Toji held the doorknob, staring at you and Satoru. What time is it? You thought. You remembered telling him that you’d be back by 4 in the afternoon. Yui was quick to jump from your lap.
“Dada! ‘Gumi! Dada! ‘Gumi!” She squealed at them and you could feel Satoru tense up beside you. She had been told by Toji about it, but hearing it from her friend isn’t helping at all. Megumi looked up at Satoru before looking at Yui. “Hey, hey, hey. What’s my name?” Toji bent down to pick her up when she kept stomping her feet and reaching up at him.
“Dada!” She laughed, before pointing at Megumi who was now taking his little bag from his father’s hand. “You’ll play later. Listen, tell your Dada what my name is.” Toji repeated just as Satoru regained his composure. “It’s alright,” He chuckled, “She probably thought you’re her Dada because you take care of her. And her mom.” You wanted to stop him, feeling bad that he had to pretend that he's cool about this.
Yui’s first word was ‘Dada’ and you could still remember how happy he was when he got her to say it before ‘Mama’. You can’t stand the thought of that memory becoming painful for him. “I gotta go, I’ll just pick her up again tomorrow.” He whispered to you, before nodding to Toji. “Bye, love. See you, tomorrow.” He waved at Yui, faking a smile before rushing to leave.
Yui waved back at him before wiggling out of Toji’s arms. She rushed to get her toys when he put her down. “She’s…she’s a kid” Biting your lip, you breathed out through your nose before walking to Toji and putting your arms around him. “Don’t run.” He called out to the children as giggled their way to Yui’s room. “I feel bad. I’m gonna talk to him later.” You mumbled.
Toji kissed your forehead before you pulled him to your room. “What’s going on?” He asked you, sitting on the bed. “Are you worried?” You asked, straddling him. “I am.” He answered, ignoring your actions. You looked up at him with a frown, remembering the misunderstanding that you had. “Why was he here?” 
“Look, he just had to drop me and Yui off because his mother was in his house—” He cut you off, leaning away a bit from you. You know that you didn’t tell him that you were going to Satoru’s house with Yui because you were still upset about your argument the other day and earlier this morning. 
“You told me the time but you can’t tell me where you were going?” Perplexity was clear on his face, “I didn’t want to agitate you further. I wouldn’t tell you right now if there’s another reason why I’m there except for Yui.” You tried to explain, feeling him put you beside him on the bed. “Y/N, that’s not the point.” He sighed, closing his eyes.
“Then, what is? I wasn’t planning to stay for long.” You kicked off your shoes, before turning to him. “Look, I’m sorry, ok? I just thought you were mad because of earlier.” You hugged his arm, putting your forehead on his shoulder. “And I was still upset.” Kicking his own shoes off, Toji pulled you on top of him as he leaned back on the headboard
“You have to tell me why you’re upset. It can’t be just the orange juice.” He spoke, grabbing your face as he kissed you. You moaned, breathing into him as you opened your mouth, letting his tongue find yours. His grunts sent vibrations to your core as you press yourself against him. 
“Did you lock the door?” He murmured, taking off your cardigan before putting his hands on your buttocks. “Yeah, don’t worry.” You quickly took off your shirt before going back to kissing him, completely forgetting about what he was asking from you. 
“As long as we can hear the laughs, they’re fine.” He chuckled, unclasping your bra before taking a nipple in his mouth. “Oh…” You moaned rubbing on his shoulders and tugging at the fabric of his sweater. His other fingers tweaked at your bud as he stared up at you, lustful eyes taking away your worries.
You really just don’t want to tell him that the mention of his wife is starting to trigger you.
Taking off the clothing, he flipped you on your back, removing your belt and jeans. His lips trailed kisses on your thighs as he go, massaging your calves before parting your legs, making you inhale sharply. “We can’t drag this long. Come here.” You giggled, ushering him to hover over you. “You know how they are…” You moaned when he started to kiss your neck.
His tongue and teeth bring pleasure and a bit of sting on your skin. “You just want it that much.” Winking at you, he discarded his remaining clothes before hovering over your womanhood. He smirked as he slid your underwear down, kissing your pearl. “Toji…” You whined, worried that this might get cut short if he doesn’t hurry.
“Alright, alright. I can’t just stick in. Let’s see…” Spreading your lips with two fingers, he eyed your heat with furrowed brows and his mouth slightly ajar, you can’t help but rock your hips against his hand, desperate for friction. Your eyes shut close when he put a finger in, slowly at first, before speeding up when he added a second one.
Toji panted, stroking his member when he felt you squeeze his digits. You’re dripping and he’s starting to ache. “Fuck.” He muttered as he leaned over to go for your lips, kissing you hard. He growled in your mouth when you whimpered as he rubbed on your pearl while massaging the sensitive spot inside you.
Pulling away when your legs started to tremble, Toji hissed as he tapped his head on the bundle of nerves before rubbing his length on your wet folds to lube himself up. “Toji, please.” You cupped your mounds, looking up at him. Seeing you like this drove him crazy, he had to hold back from just slamming himself into you. 
Grabbing a pillow and putting it under your hips, Toji prodded your entrance with his tip. He opened your legs wider, taking in the sight of you being stretched and his shaft disappearing slowly until he was fully in. Leaning on the bed with one hand, he grabbed your jaw with the other and silenced your moans with his kisses.
“You can’t let them hear you.” He murmured as he clenches his jaw, pressing his nose on your cheeks and kissing it. He was moving steadily inside of you and whispering words of praises to your ear, “You take me so well now.” He teased you, groaning whenever your hole fluttered around him.
You gasped when Toji pushes your legs to your chest, pounding deeper into you as he sings your name like you do to his. His thrusts were unrelenting, merciless as he slams himself into you. Soon enough, your walls were starting to convulse and your nails were clawing on his arm. 
“Come on. Let it go, hon.” You closed your eyes, feeling your chest throb at the nickname he used but the surges of pleasure that took over your senses flooded it out. Your hand covered your mouth, eyes rolling back as you writhed underneath him, coming undone with a cry of delight escaping your lips.
Your thighs trembled under his touch as he continued to rut into you, desperate for his high. “Oh fuck…Oh, Y/N.” Feeling your walls spasm and contract around him, he hurriedly pulled out and spilled his load on your womanhood. A sight to see, he thought as he watched your thighs still shaking from the pleasure.
“Wait a minute," Reaching over to your cabinet, Toji took the box of tissues before wiping you and himself clean. Hearing the jolly screams from the other room made you both laugh to yourself. "That's too quick. We gotta continue this later." He winked, throwing the tissues away before getting on the bed with you.
"Definitely." You let out a tired laugh as you put your head on his shoulder, sighing as the heavy feeling settled on top of your chest. Why did you have to remember him just from that word alone? Toji tilted your head up for a passionate kiss, blurring away the image of your ex inside your head.
“I have a request, though.” You looked down, avoiding his curious gaze. “Can you….can we not use ‘hon’?” You don’t know how weirdly you phrased the question until you looked at Toji to see him looking puzzled. “I mean…this is the first time you called me that and I’m, uh, not really comfortable with that. “
“Yeah, alright. But why?” Maybe you should’ve thought this through. You know Toji’s been getting moody whenever you two talk about anything concerning Satoru. You can’t really blame him after what happened that night. “I just… don’t feel it.” You lied, shrugging. “It’s not that bad, though. I could get used to it.” You smiled up at him, pecking his lips.
“Alright, I think I know.” He exhaled harshly, standing up from the bed to grab your clothes. Great. You just ruined the moment. “Are you mad?” You sat up, watching him get dressed. “No, I just wanna check on the kids.” He is mad. You clicked your tongue, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Babe, I just don’t want to–“ 
“Y/N. I said alright. I can’t do anything about it, anyway.” That doesn’t fix anything. “A lot of people use that, I just don’t get why you keep getting affected.” You stared at him, baffled. “It’s not like I want to do that. I can’t help my mind, there was a memory attached to that word.” 
You stood up to get a robe, “You know that it’s not easy for me, too. I told you.” You uttered, watching his back through your vanity mirror as he stood still. “Maybe if you stop relating everything to him, then it won’t be so hard.” With that, he left the room and you don’t know if you’re hurt or just shocked that he would say something like that to you.
Because he does that to you too. And you thought that he, of all people, should understand where you’re coming from. 
Satoru slid the door open with force, seeing Naomi flinch as she was startled by the sound. “Where’s mom?” He asked, breathing hard and eager to just put an end to the craziness she was doing. “I convinced her that we’ll be fine.” She walked to him, smiling as she put her arms around his neck. 
“We just need to catch up on each other, I feel like we’ve been too occupied these days.” She buried her face in the crook of his neck, kissing the skin as she rubbed his nape with a soft, delicate hand. “Yeah, we got a lot to talk about.” Satoru put a hand on the small of her back. “But first, you gotta tell me what that was about.”
“I just invited her over. I didn’t know Y/N would be here, sorry.” She sighed, before dragging him to the couch. Satoru kept thinking about the scene before he left your house. That was just a lot to take in, especially when he just fought with his mother. “I got no work tomorrow, we can stay up all night.” She giggled, taking off her cardigan.
“Let’s have a couple of drinks during dinner. I’ll cook for you.” She proposed, walking to the kitchen. Checking his phone, he found himself expecting a text from you. None. You don’t give a fuck about him. He sighed, It’s okay. As long as I can see themi, he thought. He just hoped that you’d ask how things went in his house. Or if he’s hurt about ‘Dada’ Toji. All the things he shouldn’t expect.
Guess, I’ll fucking die of jealousy, then. He clenched his teeth proceeding to his bedroom. “I’ll wash up.” He spoke to Naomi, “Go on, baby. I’ll be making dinner.” She answered, glancing his way. If she’s going to be honest, she wanted to skip the talks. The truth is Naomi’s afraid of what he’ll say if she confronts him with her real thoughts.
She could easily skip those steps, and get to her goal.
Goal? Naomi’s movements halt as she realized how she sounded. She’s not a bad person, she thought. Is she really gonna do this? “If you want to be her so much then, be happy-go-lucky and watch him dump you.” Naomi’s breath hitched when his mother’s words reverberated in her head.
She can’t lose him. Not now when they’re almost settling down. She’s not being a monster, she’s not baiting him. He’ll come to her on his own like he did before. She’s just going to make him see that she’s good for him. 
Dinner time came and she prepared it more than ordinary, hoping to ignite a light in him. It’s not usual for a woman to start something like this but Naomi’s different. As she said, she’ll fight for him. “Wow, is this a date?” Satoru chuckled sitting down in front of her seat. “I just wanted to rekindle. Your mom’s right, we’re just drifting away. I can’t stand that happening.”
Walking to her chair, Naomi stopped by him and kissed his cheek. Satoru on the other hand, can’t help but feel bad. He’s sure that nothing will change even if they do this. “Try. She’s a good person.” He quickly downed a drink, letting it take your voice away. Not because he doesn’t want to listen to you, but because he’s not sure if he can do it. 
The dinner went by quickly, and they were just discussing over drinks. He can’t even count how many he downed when she started talking about how you look more plump. “They might beat us in giving Yui a sibling.” She joked, laughing because she didn’t know what was in his head. “I doubt it, she wanna get married first.” He replied monotonously before opening up about his counseling sessions.
“Counselling?” She asked. The topic is incredibly close to what Satoru’s about to confess. She stared at her wide eyes as he nodded. “Were you having problems? Baby, why didn’t you tell me? I could’ve helped you.” Her concern was sincere and it made him feel like a villain. “I wanted to be better for Yui.” And for Y/N. 
Clueless, she gave him a fond stare. “You’re a great father. Y/N knows that.”  There were times during the dinner when Satoru was so close to spitting out the truth to her but the effort she put in just to make that food on the table makes him feel remorseful. 
Satoru knows that it’s not right. But just for tonight, after all the months that he made him feel tranquil, he can spare her heart for a night or two. He didn’t want to hurt her, he didn’t want to break her heart. But staying would only mean that she’s never going to get what she wants and deserves.
“I’ll be brushing my teeth then, get to bed. The drink got to me.” He laughed, holding the chair as he stood up. “Thank you so much. For everything.” She came to hug him, kissing his lips as she murmured words of adoration to him. “Go ahead, you’re all red, can you walk?” She joked, before pushing him to go, “I’ll be with you in a few. I feel really sleepy now, too.” 
It’s been almost half an hour. Naomi checked on Satoru to find him sleeping soundly already. Not even her slam of the door woke him up. She stared at herself in the mirror, “I’m really gonna do this.” She exhaled, closing her eyes before going walking out of the bathroom. He’s still in the same position as before. 
Stepping closer, Naomi removed her silk robe, revealing her night dress. She clenched her fist tightly, before quickly releasing it just to try and get rid of the tension in her body. She sat on the bed, touching his chest and abs. Hearing him moan when she got to his lower part calmed her slightly. Just like we always do, she repeated in her head, kissing his skin.
“I’m sorry, Satoru…” She whispered one last time.
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thatlittlered · 4 months
time warp | aaron hotchner
warning(s): none, just hotch being delicious
GIF by @katebeckets
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part one
author's note: I have never updated a story this fast in my life. Another part is coming tomorrow.
Follow me @MadeofLilies on Ao3 and let me know if you want to be tagged here.
The door to his office is open, chatter from the bullpen reaching him when you all get too loud. He can tell Morgan is pestering you about something and the others have gathered around to listen.
“You only have one watch?”
“How many watches do other people have? You act like it’s insane.”
Spencer, like always, feels the need to interject, “I have three.”
You sigh, abandoning your pen and notes.
“I have another one but that’s my grandmother’s, I can’t wear it to work.”
Derek is not satisfied with your answer.
“You have a thousand pieces of jewelry.”
“I know!”
“You are wearing most of them right now.”
“I know, Morgan, you can stop bullying me now.” You pout at him and he pouts back, but his grin is indicator enough that he’s not even close to finished with you.
“Where do you even spend your paychecks, sweetheart?”
“Important stuff. Like shoes.”
“I only have one pair of shoes aside of my trainers.”
Emily laughs, “Yeah, we know that, Spence. Their time is coming to an end, by the way.”
Morgan zeroes in on you again, poking a finger into your knee to get a reaction.
“How many pairs of shoes do you have exactly? Fifteen? Twenty?”
“They were twenty… at some point.”
You almost can’t stand his shit-eating grin.
“There you go. Too bad you don’t get to wear them here.”
“Where do you spend yours? A lifetime’s supply of V-necks at GAP?”
You stand up from your chair, eager to get away from this conversation.
“You’re only mean to me because you know I’ll love you anyway.”  
He puts his hand over his heart in feign hurt. Garcia mutters something about a woman’s right to shoes in your defense and you kiss her cheek to thank her on your way to the kitchenette. Aaron still watches from his seat and squirms uncomfortably when he sees Morgan follow you.
You take his mug and pour you both some coffee while he takes a seat, thanking you. You don’t even see Hotch come in.
“Did your watch get lost?”
You almost spill your coffee at the baritone of his voice. Everything he says comes out so official, so professional, as if speaking orders, but not at that beach under the sunrise. Who was he then?
“Yes, it did. Totally on its own and not because I keep leaving my stuff in random places and not looking after them properly.”
“Maybe that’s why you spend so much on stuff, if you keep losing them.”
You quirk a brow at Derek, leaning over him menacingly from your position.
“I swear to God, Morgan, this might be the day you officially lose my affection.”
He takes the cup you’ve poured for him from your hand and slowly walks backwards in resignation.
“No, please, I didn’t mean it.”
You smile at each other and you point a finger at him. Hotch watches with a frown.
“Tread lightly.”
When Morgan’s gone, he can finally step closer to you. Getting to the coffee machine is only the excuse.
“You know, you’re really good at keeping him in check. Maybe you should be in charge here.”
You smile into your cup, “That’s alright, we already have a boss and he’s okay.”
“Oh, is he? Good to know, I can’t wait to have that all over my evaluation files next year.”
You nod. The fabric of his suit jacket brushes against your arm while he pours.
“Some might even use the words ‘pretty good’.”
He hums, “So eloquent.”
Your smile deepens, nose wrinkling upwards in a way that now really can’t be hidden in your cup.
It’s almost time for everyone to head home and for once, he’s trying really hard to make it out of the office before sundown; maybe spend some quality time with Jack.
There’s a knock on his door before it opens and he’s about to send whoever it is away but-
“Hi, sorry, am I interrupting?”
He looks up, uncharacteristically disoriented.
“Uh, no-no, come in.”
“Are you coming to Rossi’s tonight?”
He’s dumbfounded.
“I’m not really sure yet, I have some errands to run when I’m done here.”
“Oh, okay… I just found some old Marvel comics and I thought Jack might like to have them, but I didn’t bring them with me. Maybe I could give them to you tonight? That is, if you make it.”
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“Do you mind?”
“No, of course not, I just-”, he exhales, “I’ll be there.”
You smile and nod, ready to leave.
“Maybe I could give you a ride and you can give them to me then. I mean,” his thumb scratches his bottom lip uncomfortably, “your place is practically on the way.”
“Have you ever been to my place?”
Aaron laughs awkwardly, “No.”
“But you seem to know what you’re talking about, so I’m going to put my faith in you. Pick me up at seven?”
“That works.”
It’s not even half past six when he rings your doorbell and you open the door still clad in pjs.
“You are so early.”
Hotch suddenly looks so small for such a usually imposing man. He stands in your doorway with nervous hands in his pockets and you don’t think you’ve ever seen him act like this before.
“I’m sorry, I can wait in the car if you’d like.”
“No, it’s okay, come in. I think I knew deep down that you would be; just not by this much.”
 He clears his throat and moves inside to now stand awkwardly at the apartment’s entrance, “I’m sorry, I started way too early from my house. Overestimated how long it would take to get here.”
Your interactions do something to warp his sense of time.
“That’s okay, Aaron, really. You’re just going to have to give me a few minutes because I haven’t had the time to get ready yet.”
He watches, frozen in his place, while you walk towards the kitchen.
“Do you need anything? Coffee, orange juice?”
He almost smiles to himself. He just knew you’d be the type of person to always keep the fridge fully stocked even if you’re barely ever home. He likes the confirmation that he knows you, despite his inability to really make conversation and establish familiarity. He grasps at straws; little pieces of you that he sometimes finds and keeps them close to his heart.
“I’m fine, thank you.”
You still bring him a glass of water, freezing cold, just like he likes it, and rest it on the coffee table.
“You can sit, if you want.”
He smiles and sits almost robotically. When he picks up the glass, he softly wipes the ring of water that’s formed underneath with his hand but you don’t see it.
“Let me just grab the box.”
“It’s a whole box?”
“Yeah, I got it at a yard sale.”
“You bought it? You really didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, now that him and I are officially friends I have to do something to maintain the relationship, seeing how I never actually get to see him.” You sit beside him while he looks through the various issues. There have to be at least fifteen in here.
“Yeah, neither do I,” he really appreciates the comforting hand on his shoulder, “This was very nice of you to do, thank you.”
You smile and nod at him.
“Actually, I also have something I wanted to give you; I just need to get it from the car.”
“Yeah, give me a moment, will you?”
He’s out and back in a second. Practically runs back into your apartment when you open the door; a small gift bag in hand.
“I would have brought in with me, but I chickened out at the last minute.”
His fingers linger when he hands it to you. It’s almost a caress in passing.
“You got me something?”
It’s a digital watch, neatly sat on soft velvet.
Was that the errand he had to run?
“Oh, Hotch, thank you so much, but you really shouldn’t have. I know I joked around today, but I would have actually gotten around to getting one. I am not that financially irresponsible.”
“It’s nothing really, it’s not an expensive watch.”
“Oh, okay, as long as it’s the cheap, trashy stuff. Phew.”
He laughs and you realize you’re both standing in your doorway again.
“I just wanted to do something nice.”
“You’re nice to me all the time.”
His brows furrow, “It doesn’t feel like I am.”
“It must come easy then.”
“It does with you.”
He meets your gaze and you stay there for a while.
“Can you help me try it on?”
“Of course.”
He clasps it high on your wrist, just like he’s seen you wear the previous one. The color matches your jewelry and it’s excruciatingly sweet just how much attention he pays to details.
“I just wanted to thank you, I suppose, for the other day. It meant a lot to me.”
Aaron’s hand doesn’t leave your arm, instead wraps gently around it instead, as if one of your bracelets.
“It meant a lot to me too.”
His breathing is heavy, his voice barely a whisper. What you are doing feels like a secret; like it’s meant to be hidden from the rest of the world.
“I’m not sure you mean that in the same way that I do.”
Your other hand comes to rest on top of his, thumb passing softly over protruding veins and scars. He thinks, for a moment, it might wipe them away.
“Then you’re not the people expert that you think you are.”
His laugh is heartbreaking.
“Guess I’m not very good at that either.”
You hum, “You’re okay.”
Neither of you is moving but it feels like you’re getting closer.
“So eloquent again.”
You can’t help but beam with pride at how comfortable he’s getting with your banter. A whole world unlocked and open for you to see. His body is drawn to you, almost folds over and around you to be closer. As close as he can possibly get without touching you more.
“It’s the worst moment possible now, when you’ve just given me a gift and picked me up from my place, but I think it deserves to be said that I would very much like to be kissed by you.”
His eyes flutter close.
“It really is the worst moment possible,” his hand slides slowly from your wrist to elbow, taking in the feeling of bare skin, “but I would very much like to kiss you.”
“But you won’t.”
His hand stops traveling up your arm, drops back onto your wrist and without really meaning to, pulls you closer.
You stay like this for a while. Nothing but soft breathing to be heard in the room.
“I should probably go.”
You look up in surprise, “Are you not coming with me?”
“I’m sorry, I just…” he touches the inside of your palm and traces the lines as if to remember them, “I wouldn't know what to say or do after this.”
You smile, but it doesn’t reach your eyes.
“It’s alright, I understand… I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The loss of his touch is like a sudden drop in the temperature around you. You both feel it.
He doesn’t meet your gaze again, simply gathers the box and clears his throat as if that will magically return him to what he’s used to being.
“Yeah. Tomorrow.”
You see him press his lips together before he turns to leave.
When you get to Rossi’s, the team is disappointed to know he’s not coming after all, but they’re not surprised. JJ asks you about the new watch and you lie. You can tell Emily is not convinced but she doesn’t say anything about it, merely smiles at you and inches closer with her chair.
Aaron spends another night alone. Jack is at a sleepover with a friend that he didn’t have the heart to pick him up from all of the sudden.
That’s the cost of being a stone, he supposes.
part three
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pennylanewrites · 1 year
[used to be my girl] levi ackerman x f!reader
inspired by used to be my girl by the last shadow puppets
cw + what to expect: cheating, alcohol consumption, smoking, unprotected sex, oral (f! receiving), creampie, levi is mean and a tease, marking, missionary and lotus position
find part two here
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you loved your partner, erwin. you really did, but god, he was so…vanilla. and you never came with him.
only when you were thinking of your ex instead.
you hated it so much, but sex with levi was so good. he knew exactly where to touch you, kiss you, what position made you scream his name. and you needed to feel that way again so, so bad.
but you and levi were long over. he broke up with you when you became a squad leader, never really explaining why. but you knew well he was just scared. levi had lost too many people in his life, that any new ones he just pushed away. you never tried reasoning with him, you knew it would fall on deaf ears anyway.
and then, you and erwin smith became much, much closer than before. all those late nights in his office, discussing tactics and helping him with mountains of paperwork brought you closer, and closer, until you were sharing secret kisses in dim-lit hallways, until he changed the squad positions to have you close to him, until he fell down on one knee two years later and asked you to marry him when everything was over. of course you said yes, and you were beaming and showing off that tiny diamond on your finger, until everything went to shit.
hange had warned you that erwin is in love with his job. you just never knew it would get so bad, to the point he came to sleep in your shared bed once every two weeks, only pecked your lips in a rush when you asked, only fucked you once in a full moon.
you were still in love with levi ackerman. and now you were standing at the annual gala for the survey corps, in a long blue gown, staring your ex boyfriend up and down. your table was filled with wine glasses, and someone would think you had company, but you were all alone since the start of the event. levi was listening to hange babbling about whatever, his pink lips in contact with a whiskey glass every few seconds.
god, you could eat him up right then and there.
what am i thinking? you brought your cold palm against your burning cheek, opting to look for your fiancé instead. he was nowhere to be found, of course. a gala basically in his honour and he was gone.
your eyes fell on levi again. he was wearing a black button-down, sleeves rolled up and black pants. so simple, but so, delicious.
the glass almost fell from your hand when he locked eyes with you.
oh god, he’s coming. make a turn, make a turn, don’t-
“hey, levi.” you gave a half embrace and kissed his cheek, your cheap lipstick leaving a faint red mark right on his cheekbone.
“you look beautiful.” was all he said. “and drunk.”
“i’m not drunk,” you scoffed, “this is my second drink.”
“what, in the last ten minutes?” he motioned to the table and your cheeks turned bright red. “where’s your husband?” his tongue was bitter with sarcasm.
“he’s not my husband. and i don’t know.” you mumbled, embarrassed. what kind of fiancée doesn’t know where her partner is?
“want to get some air?” you only nodded, following him out of the main hall and to a bench overlooking the walls. it was a starry night, the moon was full and you felt like a teenager again. just like you were when you and levi first met.
you watched intently as his hand reached in his pocket for a packet of slim cigarettes. he sighed when he realised his lighter was nowhere to be found, but you came quickly to his rescue. opening your purse, you took out a silver lighter, the initials L.A engraved on the side in tiny letters. levi was surprised you still had that, his eyes never leaving that stupid rock on your ring finger as he let you light his cigarette. he offered you one as well, now his turn to light it for you. your eyes met his. were you wrong to think they were full of longing? was he wrong to think yours were filled with regret?
“don’t tell him i’m smoking.”
“dear husband doesn’t allow it?” you rolled your eyes at his comment.
“he just hates it.”
“it’s a good thing he doesn’t kiss you then. he won’t smell it on your breath.” you turned your head surprised. how did he know?
“everyone knows, y/n.” he replied without you even having to ask. you sighed, staring at the burning cigarette in your hand.
“great. the survey corps’ walking anecdote, ladies and gentlemen.” you bowed to an invisible audience, leaning back on the bench with a frustrated sigh.
“what are you even doing with him?”
“it’s none of your business.”
“it is when i hear you moaning in the supply closet every night.” you let out a surprised gasp. how did he say these things so freely?
“the only person masturbating around cleaning products could be you, levi.”
“then who’s that moaning my name in there? every single night. at 2 o’clock sharp.” his voice came out in a whisper, lips touching your ear as he spoke. shivers ran down your spine and your eyes were burning with guilty tears.
“sounds like you have a secret admirer.”
“sounds like erwin can’t make you cum.”
“shut up!” you got up, looking out in the distance. two familiar arms snaked around your waist, locking against your lower stomach. wet lips came in contact with your neck, and you wanted to pull away so bad. to leave, run to your fiancé and kiss him.
but you couldn’t. and you didn’t.
because it was levi you were in love with.
“levi,” you whimpered and he swore his knees would give right then and there.
“shh. let me have this, let you have this.” he was kissing that spot right behind your ear, his hands roaming your body over your dress.
“someone could see us, levi.” you warned him.
“bet it would turn you on.” fuck, he knew what he was doing. “my room. ten minutes.”
levi went around the building and you went back into the main hall, falling right into erwin’s arms.
“i’ve been looking all over for you.” he scanned your face with worried eyes. “you look…”
“i can feel a migraine starting, erwin. i was just out getting some air.”
“okay, go get some sleep, alright? i’ll be in soon.” your heart skipped a beat.
“no, have fun tonight. you deserve it.” you reached up and kissed his lips softly, tears brimming your eyes.
you practically sprinted to levi’s room, head spinning and heart pounding like crazy. you knocked on the door and levi opened in mere seconds, as if he was standing right behind it waiting for you.
“you took too long.” he took you in his embrace, letting his forehead touch yours as you shut the door behind you.
“i ran into erwin.” you bit your bottom lip when levi showed the slightest hint of annoyance. he pushed you against the door, protecting the back of your head with his hand.
“yeah? did you tell him you’re gonna fuck your ex?”
“you should have. because he’ll take one look at you tomorrow and he’s going to know.” his lips were attached on your neck, your jaw, your collarbone. god, you missed his touch. you missed needing him.
“what?” his voice didn’t show, but he was worried. scared you’ll regret this and leave, run off to erwin and tell him everything.
“kiss me, please.” you didn’t have to ask a second time, because his lips were slamming against yours, and he was so, so hungry. he lowered his body and his hands were around your thighs. you let him lift you up, wrapping your legs around his torso, letting you take him into the bedroom. two candles lit the room up, and you were hit with memories as soon as he dropped you on the mattress.
“take that off.” he instructed and you began unzipping your dress, but he stopped you. “i meant that.” he pointed at your finger. you didn’t give it a second thought, placing the ring in your purse and throwing it on the floor. “now that.” he pointed at your dress as he undressed himself too. you were too focused on the tricks the flame played on his chiselled abs, his strong veiny arms and muscular thighs.
god, he looked like a greek statue.
“can’t even do that yourself?” he took matters into his own hands, slowly taking your dress off before pushing you down again. he fell on top of you, his knees on either side of your hips and leaned down to kiss you. your lips were locked in place perfectly, like the last two pieces of a puzzle you couldn’t finish.
you took your bra off and let it fall on the floor with the rest of your clothes. levi’s lips latched onto your nipple, his fingers rolling the other one. you arched your back off the bed, moaning softly in his ear. his erection hit against your panties and suddenly you were going crazy.
you needed him. now, and forever. you rolled your hips against him as he kissed your body hungrily, watched him as he slid down until his teeth caught the bow on your underwear. he took them off as quick as he could.
“tell me, does he do this?” he asked, leaving a kiss on your clit. god, you were embarrassingly wet.
“he does…” you looked away, but levi reached your jaw with his hand and made you stare at him.
“he doesn’t know where to touch me.” you mumbled.
“does he touch you here?” you felt the pads of his fingers come in contact with the top of your clit. you nodded no. “here?” he asked, slowly pulling his fingers down, to that spot that made your stomach tighten.
“that idiot doesn’t know what he’s missing then.” was the last thing levi said before his tongue slipped into your folds. your hand fell on his head, as if out of instinct, and you pulled on his perfectly styled hair, guiding him right where you wanted him. a row of fuck, shit, oh god came out of your mouth. how long has it been since you felt this way? your fingers didn’t do even half of what levi was doing to you right now.
“levi, i’m coming.” you warned and he looked up at you as he added two fingers to the mixture, entering your slick cunt. you couldn’t look away from those mesmerising gray eyes as you moaned in pleasure and that knot in your stomach came undone. levi slowed down until he was off your pussy completely, now coming up to you again.
“has he ever made you this wet?” he kissed you, making you taste your juices mixed with his saliva.
“never.” you were telling the truth. levi was the only man who could ever do this to you. he was like magic.
“can i fuck you?”
“yes, please.” you whined when levi slapped his cock against your clit and you looked up at him through eyelashes painted black, silently begging for him to fuck you. he didn’t wait any longer to enter your cunt, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. he adjusted your legs around his ass and leaned down, chests touching, to kiss you.
“you can’t even kiss me?” he teased. how could you? you were a moaning mess, getting louder with every harsh, slow thrust. even though erwin was much bigger than him, levi filled you up perfectly in every way.
he was made for you.
you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, sucking on his neck and those pretty collarbones to muffle your moan. leaning back, you admired the purple and red marks before smiling at him. levi could melt right then and there.
he picked up the pace, fucking you fast into the mattress.
“please, please, please!”
“what, coming again?” he chuckled, brushing a stray strand of hair from your eye. “how long has it been, y/n? since someone made you come?”
“too-too long.” you breathed out.
“two years? two and a half?” you knew what he was doing. trying to make you admit he was the last man to make you orgasm.
“oh god, i’m coming!” your walls clenched around his dick, making him moan in pleasure. “levi, levi hold me.”
“i’m holding you.”
“more.” you needed his arms around you. you needed to become one again.
levi pulled you up and into his lap and you wrapped your legs around his torso, arms roaming his back, scratching it. he held you tight, slamming you up and down his cock until you were coming again, and again…
“missed this pussy,” he whined when he felt you clenching again, “missed your claws on my back.”
“give me all of it, levi.” you whispered in his ear and he lifted you up, hips bucking into the back of your thighs as he reached that spot he knew drove you mad. he was close, you could tell. oh god, you didn’t want this to end.
“fuck, i’m gonna-”
“inside me.” you didn’t let him finish. you wanted to feel all of him so bad.
“does erwin cum inside?”
“he doesn’t. he thinks it’s filthy.”
“good. this pussy’s…” his sentence was cut short with a groan and you felt a new, familiar warmth inside you, as he brought you down to fit all of his length, “all mine.” he whispered.
out of breath, you stared at each other. you didn’t want him to pull out. it would all become too real. but your juices combined were making a mess on his lap, so you slowly got up, heading for the bathroom. levi was hot on your heels, accepting the towel you took out for him. you looked at him through the mirror with a sad smile and he returned a serious gaze.
“don’t say this was a mistake.” he blurted out when you opened your mouth to speak. “don’t say anything.” he spun you around and hugged you tight. you could feel his warm breath on your neck, his fingers leaving white marks where he held you, his toes touching yours.
“i have to go.” your voice was shaky. tears fell down your cheeks and dropped on levi’s back, startling him. he pushed you softly and wiped your tears with his thumbs.
“i can’t. i’m sorry.” you kissed his cheek and left. levi didn’t come into the bedroom. he waited for you to get dressed, and only when he heard the front door did he go into the room.
he spotted your bag, forgotten on the floor. with a sigh he took it, sat on the bed and opened it. lipstick, his lighter, cigarettes. your engagement ring. he took it in his hand, inspecting it against the light. he leaned to open the top nightstand drawer, a red slick wooden box the only thing inside it. he opened it, comparing the two rings.
“mine’s better. cheap piece of shit.”
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muwapsturniolo · 4 months
Matt x earthyboho! Reader (platonic only!!)
IN WHICH…after flaking on his friends 1 million party, Matt spends time with Chris’s girlfriend, Y/n.
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, self-deprecation, smoking, drinking, I think that’s it.
yall can thank @mattslolita & @thenickgirl because i didn't want this fic to see the light of day but they wanted it.
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It was a late Saturday night and Y/n was currently in her living room having her annual wine night.
The sound of Pink Floyd’s money was flowing through the speakers as she danced around the living room, blunt in her mouth and wine glass in the other.
“I’m alright jack keep your hands off my st-'' She stops her singing when her phone rings. She smiles seeing her boyfriend’s name flash across the screen.
“Hi baby, everything ok?” She flops down on to her couch, wine glass still in her hand. Chris smiles seeing her in her eccentric state.
“Yeah everything’s fine I just have a favor to ask. You can definitely say no, but I thought I’d ask anyway.” She hums and takes a sip of her wine.
“So like, we have Tara’s party to go to tonight and Matt is supposed to come but he’s in a funk. He’s been like this all week and I’m positive it’s his anxiety. Do you think he could go to your tonight? I know it’s a big favor to ask because you two have never been alone, but I know you deal with anxiety and I just don’t want Matt to be alone tonight.”
The question throws her off.
She has never hung out with Chris’s brothers without Chris present. It wasn’t because she didn’t want to, she just didn’t see the need for it if Chris wasn’t there. However, Chris was asking her to do so out of love and she can’t deny him that.
“Sure, yeah that’s fine.”
The call ends after the two exchange plans and 'I love yous'. About an hour and a half later, her doorbell rings. She walks through the foyer, humming along to the fading music, and opens the door.
“Hey…” Matt trails off awkwardly. He feels bad having to show up at his brother's girlfriend's house like a child needing to be watched. He planned on staying home after dropping his brothers off, but Chris demanded that he go to Y/n's
So here he is.
“Hey, come in.”
She steps to the side and allows him inside. Usually, she would grab her stick of palo santo and cleanse him down, but she could tell that he doesn’t have a bad bone in his body and needs comfort, not an energy cleansing.
Matt kicks off his shoes and follows her through the big home. Matt looks around in amazement, he knew Y/n was a bit of a hippie, but not to this extent.
He feels safe in her home, surrounded by multiple shades of browns, greens, and oranges. The multiple paintings and posters on the walls, the vases of many shapes and sizes.
It was something out of a movie, but he loved it.
As they walk further into the house, he hears the tune of a familiar song he can’t place his finger on.
“Sorry for the mess, it’s my wine night. Did you want a glass? It’s blueberry!” Matt looks to the wine bottle on the table, accompanied by a bong, and a few other knickknacks.
“Don’t apologize, I intruded on your night. Not like you were expecting to babysit a grown man.” He mumbles.
Y/n frowns at his words, “I don’t see it as babysitting. I see it as you needing a friend. We may not actually be friends, but this is a chance to start.” He smiles softly at her comforting words. He eyes the orange beanbag in the corner and immediately wants to sit on it. It was huge and looked more comforting than his own bed ever had. Y/n sees him eyeing the bean bag and motions to it, “You can sit on it. Make yourself at home.”
Matt doesn’t have to be told twice, immediately sitting down on the bean bag. Oddly, it seems like most of the pressure on his shoulders has been released, the softness of the on-ground chair aiding in that.
Y/n watches silently as Matt closes his eyes and fades into the beanbag. She could tell he had a lot going on in his head, and she hated it for him. She knew all too well what it was like to be fighting your own thoughts, and she felt like she owed it to Chris to help his brother.
She stands up from the couch and walks over to her vinyl's, getting ready to switch them out. “You have a lot of vinyl's.” Matt’s voice rings out.
“I’ve collected a bunch over the years, I blame my mom and dad for the obsession...Chris got me a few of these as well.” A smile graces her face as she thinks about her parents, she decides to call them soon.
“Did you want to pick one?” She offers. Matt stands up from the bean and walks over to the collection of crates.
He sees a few familiar artists, never listening to their music but recognizing their faces. “I’ll be honest, I don’t really know any of these people.” She hums and looks at the crates before looking back to Matt, “Did you want to hook your phone up and play music? I won’t mind but, I will request something soft. I’m not a fan of loud music when it’s late.” Matt nods and the two immediately hook his phone up.
He clicks on a playlist and the soft sound of Fleetwood Mac fills the room. “Oo good choice. I love Stevie Nicks.”
Matt lets out a sigh of relief hearing her words. He was a bit self-conscious when playing music for other people, scared they would judge him. It wasn't like he listened to rap every day, he tended to branch out at times, finding solace in the slower songs.
“Did you want a glass of wine?” She offers once again, already pouring herself another glass. “Sure, I don’t think I’ve ever had wine before.” He says sitting up.
Y/n pours him a glass before handing it to him, “This is my favorite. It’s cheap but it tastes like juice.” He smells it before taking a sip, humming at the sweet taste.
A few glasses later the two are laughing and talking, the conversation flowing easier now that their heads are heavy and their bodies are light.
“How come you didn’t want to go to Tara’s party?” It’s as if her words flip a switch in Matt’s brain, his body tensing as he falls silent.
“Why are you asking? I know Chris told you why.” His words come out a bit snappy making Y/n tap her leg anxiously. “Well, he did... But I want to hear it from you…I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or like I was all in your business.”
The two sit in a pregnant silence before Y/n speaks up once again. “Do you want to talk about it?”
It takes a moment for Matt to speak,
“I'm sick and tired of fighting. I wasn’t born to fight, maybe a small part of me is but I can’t do it anymore….I want to run away from the thoughts in my head and the problems in life but it's like I'm stuck, my legs no longer working, leaving me to be crushed.”
Y/n listens closely to his words, not wanting to interrupt him. She figures it’s best for him to speak his mind since it seems like he’s never able to.
“I wanted to go to Tara’s party tonight, but I just freaked out. The idea of being around so many people who are screaming, drinking, and smoking just made me want to vomit. I haven't always been like this but at the same time, I have. I used to be able to go out with Chris and Nick when we were in Boston, sometimes getting anxious...But it seemed like when we moved to LA, it just got worse. I feel like I’m putting my friends and family through hell by not wanting to do certain things or go anywhere all because of this fucking anxiety.” He rubs over his face in exhaustion, just the thought of being in a crowded room with drunks taking a toll on his body.
“I understand completely. I’m not much of a party person either so I usually stay in the solitude of my own home. Although I’m not living it up like every person in LA, I think what I’m doing is considered living. You’re only ruled by the vibe you’re serving yourself. Don’t feel bad about it.”
He listens to her words closely, finding them to be comforting but also confusing. “But is it considered living? When you hear people say they are living life, you don’t picture someone in their home, you picture parties and trips.”
Y/n takes another sip of wine, “that’s true, but everyone has their own perceptions of things. What I may consider living, others might not. But like I said, you’re only ruled by the vibe you’re serving yourself.”
“But what does that mean? Ruled by the vibe of serving yourself?” He sits up on the bean bag, crossing his legs and arms as he only becomes more confused.
“It means that if you are content and happy by being alone and doing what you want to do, aka serving yourself, then that’s all that matters." Matt furrows his brows.
He doesn’t know if it’s the wine making her not make sense or if her words truly aren’t adding up.
“That doesn’t make sense though. I’m not happy staying inside because anxiety is what’s making me do it. It’s not like I’m choosing to be alone, I want to go out like everyone else and have a good time.”
“And that’s the issue-" she pointed at him.
“You’re not living by your own means, and let’s face it, that’s normal considering you’re a 20-year-old influencer in LA. You feel like you need to go out like everyone else, or else they are going to think you’re weird, or boring. You have this urge to fit in and that isn’t serving you by any means because that’s when the anxiety shows its face.”
It all starts to slowly make sense to him.
“So you’re saying by me trying to force myself to fit in and go to parties and go out, I’m making my anxiety worse?” He tries to clarify.
“Not worse per se, that sounds bad. Anxiety doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but it’s not a good thing either. Some people are just natural introverts, but when they force themselves to do things they won’t enjoy, they get anxious and freak out. That’s when I think anxiety is good because it’s telling you to stop forcing yourself through something that’s just going to drain you.”
Y/n lets her words sink into Matt, watching as his face goes through different emotions as he deciphers her thoughts.
“I think I understand? So what you’re trying to say is that I’m most likely an introvert, and by forcing myself into situations that don’t benefit me, I’m making my anxiety flare up. And that my anxiety is trying to warn me to take it easy?”
A small smile forms on Y/n’s face, “and?”
“And that I need to start living life by my means and what makes me happy, because living life by society's means doesn’t benefit me?”
Y/n claps excitedly, “yes! Exactly! You got it! Live your own life and you will be happy!” Matt lets out a breath of air now that he understands her words.
The conversation helped him understand himself a bit more and his thoughts, no longer feeling bad about ditching Tara’s party. And now that he no longer feels bad, all that internal pressure that was ready to burst out of his body is gone.
“I feel so much better now, Christ you have a way with words…I’m sorry for getting snappy earlier.” Y/n waves him off and giggles.
“It’s fine, I tend to do the same at times, but you just need to work through your thoughts and feelings.” She stands up from the couch and claps her hands.
“Now, after that long conversation, I think we deserve a dance break!” Y/n holds her hand out waiting for Matt’s phone. He unlocks it and hands it to her, the girl immediately going to Spotify and loading up a queue of songs.
Y/n immediately bobs her head to the song, twirling around the living room.
“You’ve got to press it on you- Come on Matt everyone knows Gorillaz!” She dances over to him and pulls him off the bean bag.
Matt laughs out as he begins to dance and sing along to the infamous song with the girl.
“It’s coming up it’s coming up, it’s dare!” They shout the lyrics at the top of their lungs, not having a care in the world about how crazy they look.
they were having fun and that's all that matters.
This goes on for about an hour, the two dancing and singing their hearts away. They even recorded a few snaps that were posted of them dancing and singing.
The two collapse onto the couch, out of breath and tired from the workout. “That was tiring. I don’t know if I want to eat or sleep.” Y/n giggles and points to her kitchen, “Well luckily for you, food is next. You good with pasta? I made ravioli from scratch."
“That sounds amazing.” Y/n bounces into the kitchen leaving Matt alone in the living room. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a brown ball trotting into the living room. He gasps seeing the small ball of fur, and immediately picks her up. “You are so cute, what is your name?”
He looks at the collar and chuckles seeing the name
“Janelle meownet”.
He’s heard of the singer and with Y/n’s vibes, it made sense for her to like her.
He sets the kitten on the couch and begins to play with her, his phone soon interrupting them. He answers seeing it’s Chris and smiles at the camera.
The loud sound of the party fills his ears before Chris speaks, “Hey you good?”
Matt nods, “I’m good, I’m having a good time with Y/n.” He answers. Chris smiles, happy that his brother and girlfriend are getting along.
“That’s great! You feeling ok?” Matt nods once again.
“Yeah, Y/n and I had a talk and she really helped me see things differently it was nice….I really like her for you Chris.”
Chris smiles brightly, finding solace in Matt’s words. He knew his brothers liked Y/n, but hearing that at least one of them thought she was perfect filled Chris's heart with joy.
The phone is taken by Tara, " Matt I wish you were here!" He smiles softly and talks to Tara for a minute.
Chris takes the phone back and demands to speak with Y/n. Matt rolls his eyes and hands the phone to the girl who just walked back in the livingroom.
"Hi, are you enjoying the party?" She asks Chris.
The two talk for a few minutes before Chris lets her know that him and Nick are going to come over after. They get off the phone and Y/n hands the device back to Matt.
"The food should be done, ready to eat?"
They walk into the kitchen and Matt's mouth waters at the site of the ravioli in alfredo sauce.
They sit down and dive into the food, Matt scarfing his down. It wasn't every day he had a homecooked meal, especially ravioli from scratch.
The night ensues with more wine, painting, doing puzzles, and talking.
Matt felt himself genuinely forgetting about all his worries and problems that once held all the weight of the world on his shoulders. He enjoyed his night with Y/n, she was truly a breath of fresh air.
"This might come out weird, but I can see why Chris likes you."
Y/n looks up from her diamond painting, a curious look on her face.
"What do you mean?''
"It's no secret that most people in LA aren't...normal? Everyone is either trying to be famous, or they are famous and want to use people to climb to the top. Their personalities are fake, and they don't care about other people....You're different. You actually care about people, you're actually nice, you don't care about fame or money... you're a breath of fresh air..... Chris deserves that."
Y/n finds comfort in Matt's words, enjoying the friendly praises. "At first Nick and I were worried about you, scared that you were only going to hurt him, use him to get higher in social situations…But we realized you aren’t like that at all, and tonight confirmed that even more for me. You could have told Chris no when he asked if I could come over, you could have been rude to me all night, but instead, you welcomed me with open arms.”
She smiles softly at Matt, the same smile being returned to her.
“I had no reason not to welcome you with open arms. Besides the fact that you’re Chris’s family, I could tell you needed a friend. I know you and I aren’t that close, but I wanted to be another person you know you could count on when times got rough. Thank you for trusting me tonight….and thank you and Nick for trusting me with Chris as well.”
“Thanks for being another person on my team….I hope you and Chris last. I’ll actually beat his ass and disown him if he fucks this up.”
Y/n falls out laughing, Matt joining in as well.
The two adults fall into a comfortable silence, the only sound being the soft voice of Sade. This lasts for about 20 minutes before her front door is pushed open, Chris and Nick walking into the living room.
Chris’s eyes immediately land on the two adults sitting on the floor, "well you two look cozy." Chris drops his bag on the couch and sits down next to Y/n, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. She turns to him and smiles, realizing how much she missed his presence.
"Did you guys have a good time at the party?" Nick goes on a tangent about the party and how he got irritated a few times, but overall had a good night.
Not long after the tangent, Nick and Chris join in on the diamond paintings.
"I think this is the most silent Chris has been," Nick jokes. Hearing his name he looks up, putting his tongue that was sticking out in concentration back in his mouth. "Shut the hell up Nick, your painting looks like ass anyway! Right Y/n?" When the girl doesn't answer, Chris looks down only to see the girl sleeping, her hand propping her head up.
He smiles softly at her sleeping frame, "I'm going to get her in bed. There are blankets in that bin over there if you guys want to sleep in the living room. Otherwise, there's a spare room next to the kitchen." The other two boys nod and go back to talking quietly as Chris picks Y/n up, carrying her to her room.
He lays her down on the bed, changing into spare clothes he's left and climbing in next to her. He pulls her close, wrapping his arms around her tightly. Y/n hums and nuzzles her head into his chest. Chris could tell her eyes were open by the way he felt her lashes tickling his chest softly.
“Did you and Matt have a good time? I saw the wine on the table and multiple snap stories.” Her soft and sleepy giggles make Chris smile, his grip on her waist tightening. “It was really nice, I like Matt."
“That’s good, I’m glad…Thank you for helping out. I know I just kind of threw this at you last minute, but I’m really grateful you could help. I know you struggle with anxiety and I just thought you and Matt could work on things together.”
She looks up and gives a dopey smile at his words, “Don’t thank me for doing the bare minimum...I love you."
He trails a hand up her side before gently caressing her face, "I love you too baby-" He plants a soft and delicate kiss on her lips, enjoying the soft moment between the two of them.
He feels her slowly stop kissing back, making him pull away. He chuckles seeing she fell back asleep that quickly. " I got to put you on a wine limit."
He kisses her nose before falling into a deep sleep.
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i hate this fic sm im so sorry if nothing makes sense. i did my best to explain my personal feelings towards anxiety and ik it doesn't make sense at times.
𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 🍑: @mattslolita @thenickgirl @guccifrog @luverboychris @zayyluvz @mrsmiagreer @chrisssluttywaist @78yaz @hoesformatt @freshloveforthefit @3lizaluvs @mattsturniolosgirlfriend @jetaimevous @luxy-nyx @ts-is-my-spirt-animal @iihrtsturniol0 @idontexistman @katw4shereee @madisturn @starlace111 @zivall @adoreindie @imwetforyourmom @sturnsxplr-25 @sturncakez @theyluvme-2315
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bellewintersroe · 1 year
Charles Leclerc smut x reader - part 1
Little bit different from my normal writing, but I’ve been obsessed with f1 atm and can’t seem to shake the thirst for the drivers 😬 so anyway here’s a Charles smut x Vasseur! Daughter. Don’t know if this will hit the target audience but it’s fine!
this hasn’t been proof read so could be kinda shit.
Jenny never had a good relationship with her father, the current principle of Ferrari. He’s brought her to many of the 2023 Grand Prix races in order to bond, however she seems to have turned her efforts elsewhere when she meets a certain driver who can’t seem to keep his eyes off her. Their relationship is forbidden, hidden make out sessions, late night drives, the two are getting closer and closer until neither of them can handle the tension between one another.
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“Looks cold.” I commented, half distracted as the Monegasque struggled to lower himself into the ice-bath. Fuck, he was so sexy. My eyes dropped down to Charles’ bare torso, he was so toned, his tan skin was smooth and I wanted to run my hand down there so bad. His chest rose and fell heavily, fast enough to get my imagination racing.
“Probably because it is!” Charles teased back, letting out several gasps that had me turning away in order to rid the dirty thoughts from my mind. I couldn’t control my mind around Charles, we’d been getting closer for the past two months, out of the four we’d known one another. Secret, friendly drives and late night takeaways turned into heated make out sessions in hotel corridors and, tense, sex fuelled texts from one another’s rooms when our hands were the only tools to satisfy our own cravings. If it wasn’t for my dad, Frederic Vasseur, principle of Ferrari, and therefore Charles’ borderline manager- or whatever you wanted to call him- I was positive I’d have had Charles in the way I wanted several times at this point.
Growing up I’d loved attending races, placing in the cars, I enjoyed being around here, but living in England with my mum strained my relationship with my father, my teenage years having interests elsewhere than race tracks and cars. This year, I’d made the effort to follow my dad around and Ferrari, accepting his invitation and staying with my 3 siblings and step-mum. I was glad I did, not only for the family time, but for the fact I’d met Charles. Wondering off, I didn’t really know where to linger, none of my family were here, so I just kinda stood on my phone inside, revealing a text from Charles before I’d seen him outside. Let’s go for a drive tonight?
Smiling, I was quick to text back in agreement before I scrolled up ever so slightly. Sexts. Fuck, intimate, graphic pictures, I ignored my own and glanced over Charles’s, pulling my phone closer to me so nobody could see. Not that there was anybody about. Pictures of his cock, exposed, hidden beneath his boxers, strained under a towel, wrapped in his hand- I had to quickly flick off the chat to control my breathing. How I needed him, so desperately, I’d yet to see him naked in real, I’d yet to touch him. The video he sent me from the night before plagued my mind, the way his breath trembled as he jerked himself off, how he’d spat into his palm, lubricating himself and, how he’d moaned and gasped my name as he came over his bare torso. My stomach churned with butterflies, my hand scraped through my hair, fidgeting as I let out a quick exhale through my nose. I was officially sex deprived. Turning down to my phone, I started texting Charles again, not knowing if he’d see it or not. I really need you
Much to my surprise, he read the message almost instantly. He must be out of his ice-bath already. Why, are you okay??? I physically face palmed at his message, feeling a slight humiliation covet my face. Maybe if I dirty talked in the small amount of French I knew he’d actually take the hint? I don’t mean it like that hahaha
Where are you? I see you
Glancing up from my phone, I noticed the shirtless boy walking towards home, glimpsing behind him to see if anybody followed. “You thought I was hurt?” I giggled when he got closer, biting down on my lip as he placed a hand on my lower back. “I am an idiot.” He laughed, his accent thick. “I know.” I hummed out, gazing up to him as his eyes lingered over me.
He moved down, pressing a kiss to the side of my forehead before his other hand ran over the back of my hip. “This way, my love.” He sweetly spoke as I felt that familiar pulsating in my core. Fuck, I needed him, and I needed him now.
I didn’t ask any questions, I just allowed him to lead me down past the gym and into a small changing room. I could feel my breathing grow heavy, the anticipation of being completely and utterly alone being too much as I spun around as soon as the door was shut. “Charles.” I whispered, a little breathy as I slid my hands over his shoulders, simultaneously clashing our lips together. His hands were still holding my hips, the front now, smoothing over my white summer dress that was maybe a little too short.
“I needed you so bad.” I practically whined, pressing our bodies closer together as his fingers tightened over my hips. “Fuck, in here?!” He whispered, the kiss breaking apart for a second as we stared back to one another with the same wild look in our eyes. “Please.” I hushed, bucking my hips a little into his as his eyes fluttered shut, hearing him let out a small breath. “I thought about you all day in this dress.” Charles muttered, pushing my head back into a bruising kiss. “Mmmh.” I hummed, hungrily against his mouth. “What about?” I giggled, desperate to hear more of his dirty words. My hand smoothed down his front, knowing we didn’t have much time and rested over his lower abdomen. Charles gulped harshly, lips grazing over mine.
“You are a dirty girl, wanting to hear about it all, yes?” He let out a breathless laugh as I giggled, nodding and leaving a second lingering kiss on his mouth. When I retracted, he attempted to move closer again, letting out a noise of discontent when I moved away from the kiss he chased. “Oui.” I teased as he smirked. “Oh, tu veux le faire en français?” I vaguely recognised he was asking if I wanted to do this in French. “Mmmh.” I agreed, feeling one of his hands fall down as he smoothed over the curve of my ass.
Charles lowered his head, dipping it into the crook of my neck as I swallowed, letting out a breathy moan at the sensitivity I felt when he trailed his lips over my exposed skin. “Tu veux entendre parler de toutes les choses sales que j'ai pensé de toi?” He hummed as I simultaneously let out a moan at his French tongue, whispering into my ear. I was entirely too distracted to translate what he was saying. “God.” I gasped out, head lolling back, the tension thick between us as he pressed my hips into his. “Don’t run away.” He borderline tutted, attaching our lips again. This time, the kiss was deep and there was no breaking apart, Charles stumbled back, into the wall, stumbling around as he hummed lowly, running his hands over my back, pinching my ass and pulling it desperately into his already hard front. “I wanted to get up this skirt all…” I felt him wince when he couldn’t think of the word. “Day?” I giggled. “Day.” He breathily laughed, kissing me gently. “Since you sent me those pictures.” His hand reached down to the bare of my leg, smoothing over my thigh and up my skirt.
“So, so sexy.” He hummed, fingers grazing over my core, top to bottom, all the way to the top of my pubic mound, over the slit. My hips bucked at the sensitivity, it had been a while since anybody other than myself had touched there. And now Charles was the one running his fingers over me, my pussy ached for him. I didn’t think I could be patient, Charles and I took a second to glance at once another before he now nudged me back into the wall, the kiss becoming heavy and sloppy as he breathed harshly against my lips, pushing his fingers into my thongs as his rough fingertips rubbed over my wetness, sliding easily against my throbbing clit.
“Si humide, putain, j'ai tellement besoin de toi.” He borderline whimpered as my hand wrapped around his clothed cock. He was rock hard, he felt so big against my small hands, and as I rubbed my hand up and down, Charles’ breathing grew heavier. “I need you too.” I choked out, letting a soft gasp escape my lips when his fingers pressed down harder on my sensitivity. “Fuck.” I whimpered out. “Please, I need you to fuck me.” My head fell against his shoulder as he nudged my face up with his. “Are you sure?” “Yeah.” I nodded, surely, his hand creeping out of my underwear, resting on my exposed hip. “Just take me here, please, we can make up for it later.” I squeezed the tip of his cock as he choked out a French curse word. “C’mere.” Charles then quickly ushered, lowering himself down onto the bench as I was quick to follow, watching him pull out his cock. He was just as big in real life compared to the numerous pictures and videos he sent me. I wanted to taste him. Just as I was ready to get on my knees his hand stopped me by the elbows.
“Non, non. You wont do that the first time we sleep together.” He insisted, pulling me on top. “I don’t have much time.” Charles admittied, guiding me to climb on top, knees either side of him. It was the first time we’d been in this position, and I could feel myself growing a little red in the cheeks. I’d been so caught up in my sexual desperation, that I didn’t fully realise how exciting and fun this was to do with Charles.
“Are you sure you want to do it in here?” He paused, running a hand over my cheek, some strands of hair catching between his fingers. “Yeah.” I nodded, smiling a little shyly at the vulnerable moment. “I’m on the pill as well. La pilule.” I translated as he nodded, lifting his head to kiss me more gently now. Charles fingers pushed the shoulder of my sleeve slightly, exposing my skin as he pressed a kiss there before spitting in his hand to lubricate himself and angle himself at my entrance.
I gasped at the slight stretch, sinking down slowly on his cock as he let out a sigh, fidgeting a little at the sensation as he smoothed a hand down my back. Fuck. He felt so good- I felt so full. Just how if needed. “That’s good?” He asked me as I nodded. “Yeah.” I squeaked, moving forwards for another kiss as he began moving me up and down with the thrust of his hips, the small noises he was making causing me to gasp out myself. The angle was intense, immediately hitting a sensitive spot deep inside of me as I struggled to remain quiet.
“Oh my god.” Charles hushed against my ear, pressing a kiss to my neck as I whined, gripping at him tighter, I began moving my hips, bouncing on his cock as I started a rhythm that made his eyes roll back into his head. Fuck, he looked so good, I couldn’t speak, I was struggling to hold back my moans, so if I opened my mouth I’d get us into trouble. “So good.” I sobbed against his neck, hiding my face in there. “Oui.” He agreed, strained as he bucked his hips up again, once, twice, three times, before he started fucking me at a much faster rate. “Fuck, like that, fuck me Charles.” I practically sung as he let out a gasp of a moan, my hips jolting forwards.
“Been waiting for this.” He grunted out, pulling my hips down to grind over him. “For so long.” He groaned, dropping his head back as I whined, grinding myself over him. “Fuck.” I choked out as he lifted his head again, watching me with an open mouth. He tensed his jaw, one hand on my shoulder, the other gripping my ass as he began fucking into me. “Tu le veux plus fort?” I moaned out in response, “yes, yes.” I choked, overwhelmed by the pleasure as he continued fucking up into me.
“Needed you for so long, Charles.” I whimpered, forehead resting against his own as he continued bucking up into me, beginning to sweat as he huffed at my words. Now we’d been so deep into our intense love making, I felt all the confidence to begin babbling. “Fuck, I needed you to fuck me like this, watching you touch yourself over me.” Charles let out a much louder groan at my words now, one of his hands slamming on the longer besides us for support. “I can’t.. I can’t, I’m going to cum if you keep talking like that.” Charles paused, breathing heavily as I gasped out from the loss of movement. Instead, I began bouncing my hips up and down, hands resting on his bare torso. “That’s what I want.” I admitted as his eyes squeezed tightly shut for a moment, gripping my flesh harshly. “Baby, baby, baby.” He hushed, pulling my front closer to his. “I want you to cum first. Tu jouis en premier.” He whispered, inhaling sharply with another snap of my hips.
“I’ll finish too fast.” He settled a hand on my hips, freezing my actions as he smiled a little shyly. “Charles?! Charles?!” A man’s voice began echoing as I turned over my shoulder. Charles let out a frustrated sigh, dropping his shoulder against mine. The door was locked. “Yo, Charles you in there?” The man asked as I made direct eye contact with the boy still inside me. No, I needed him, fuck, I didn’t want this to end.
“Can’t I get two minutes alone with you?” Charles muttered, head leaning on my chest now. His hips gyrated the slightest against mine as I let out a quiet sigh, trailing my hands over his shoulders. “Yeah! Just on the phone!” Charles exclaimed. “Oh! Okay, sorry! You’re needed outside, bro!” Charles winced as I went to slide off him, he shook his head, wanting me to stay there, but I dropped to my knees causing him to sit up straighter, stunned by my actions. I smirked up to him, licking a stripe along the bottom of his cock as his jaw dropped.
“I-I’ll be 10 minutes!” He choked out, holding eye contact with him for as long as I could before I sunk my lips down over his erection. I’d wanted to feel him in my mouth for so long.
“Okay, bro, sorry for interrupting!” The man called out again, I think his name was Marcus. “Merde.” Charles muttered maybe a little too loud as I hollowed my cheeks, sucking a little faster now. His hand hovered over the back of my head, resting it there lightly as I felt his whole body tense. My lips ran over his veiny tip, the taste of myself and his precum filled my mouth, edging me on.
“What?” The guy called out again. “Nothing!” Charles exclaimed, miming out a soft, “oh my god.” Biting down on his hand, I glanced up to him before going down as far as possible. He jumped and hunched forwards. He was going to cum, I could feel it, I wanted it.
“Ah, alright man, see you in 10.” The footsteps slowly got quieter as Charles finally sighed out.
“Si bon, Jenny tu es si bon pour moi.” I knew that was him telling me how good I was, fuck, I needed to hear more of his praises as I bobbed my head up and down. His soft breaths soon became heavy and shaky, as he struggled to keep his composure and keep quiet. “Je vais jouir.” He warned, “merde! Baby!” He held his breath, tapping desperately on my cheek, but I didn’t pull off as his whole body seized and began shaking. I moaned against his twitching cock, pulling off just as he spurted his cum everywhere, the breath he was holding coming out as one loud groan, the desperation soon replaced with content as I smoothed my hands over his wet cock. Charles’s hand landed on top of mine as he caressed my fingers that stroked over his dick. That was too good… making him cum for me with my mouth, I’d never done that before.
“Oh, baby!” He moaned out, exhaling and sitting up straighter as he pulled me up, kissing me several times. “You didn’t have to do that.” He breathed, still coming down from his high as I smiled, kissing his cheek. “I wanted to. Plus, you were in a rush.”
“Fuck, you are so good. I owe you big time.” He shook his head, glancing down to the mess we’d both made. “No you don’t.” I swiped my fingers under my lip, cleaning myself up as my pussy still throbbed, I was in pain with the amount of sexual frustration I had. “I do.” Charles nodded firmly, “I want to properly fuck you. For as long as you want.” He shook his head, his words making me groan playfully as he giggled. He knew exactly what he was doing.
“Don’t make yourself cum until I can. Tonight.” Charles grabbed my wrist once more as I bit down on my lip. “If I can wait that long.” I eyed him up and down as he slowly eased himself onto his feet. We shared a few sweet kisses before he apologised profusely that he had to leave. I was fine with it, kinda satisfied from the fact we’d finally got to- pretty much fuck. Now all I had to do was wait until tonight without touching myself. Kinda difficult when I’d been worked up to the edge of orgasm by one of the hottest guys I’d ever seen. I wasn’t sure if I could wait that long ….
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whereismyhat5678 · 9 months
Guys, the new year hasn’t started for me yet, I still got a few hours to go but I’ll mine-as-well make this post since I’ll probably go to bed anyways- 😂
First, I’d like to say
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HELL YEAH! -I mean it’s just the characters but- HELL YEAH‼️‼️‼️‼️
SECOND. I want to show you something AMAZING and that something I’d never expect??
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It really makes me think how all of you guys really like and appreciate my art, and the fact that so many people encourage me to keep doing it, it brings me to tears! 🥹
Every one of you are the best thing in my life!! The first time I got Tumblr I started in:
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March 30?? That’s insane- 💀
And the fact that I’ve improved SO MUCH is just INCREDIBLE!
You wanna see the FIRST drawings of Peppino??
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And you’re telling me that this was in what- THE START OF MARCH?? (Or February I don’t remember-) But this is just the PINNACLE of how much I’ve changed in terms in art style and experience.
I bring this up because I think Tumblr is the REASON why I improved so much! I experimented with brushes (digitally) and I found my brushes!! I learned how to EXAGGERATE AND ACTUALLY DRAW CARTOONY LIKE I’VE WANTED TO FOR SO LONG!!
(And NEVER took an art class. That’s fucking what- 💀 I need to take one I actually need to at this point-)
Also also also- I’ve learned a lot of things! Anatomy, exaggerative expression, stretchy cartooniness, ALL OF THESE ARE JUST- I can’t believe I’ve learned all this because one day I decided: “Maybe I should ACTUALLY get a social media for my art? 🤔” AND I DID IT AND CHANGED MY LIFE‼️‼️‼️
My followers!- My mutuals/friends- I NEED TO SAY HOW MUCH I APPRECIATE ALL MY MUTUALS, ALL OF YOU 💖💕💖💕💖💕💖💕
Everything about Tumblr has changed me in SUCH a positive way in not only terms of art but with how many people (TALENTED PEOPLE) I’ve made FRIENDS with AND ACTUALLY got to know!!!
I already said it but you guys are absolutely AMAZING and I just CAN’T FATHAM how much this year has just been a BLAST.
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My mutuals:
@noodletime @moon9931 @marclef @margarita-the-pizzeria-worker @lucia-the-mii @lovestryke @lord-yiikes @ijusthavefun @linhfoxmoive @kate-bot @nomlioart @boogiestronic80s @zedortoo @jarroyave4637 @atlaslovesedm @alaskacoolkid1 @remaking-machine @average-amount-of-chaos @cherryxsapphic @dingle-dee @eyeballdrawer @tailsdollsnewlife @radaverse @gongustheawsome01 @fluffygiraffe @qwertykeyboard045 @w00den-h3ad @the-little-knight @oddpizza @misdreavusplush
(OKAY- I may have added some people on here that I think ARE REALLY COOL, I may not talk to you much but I’ve seen you guys like my art and I think ya’ll deserve to be on here 🫶💖✨)
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When They Know They're In Love ~ Jabberwock Edition
I will be doing the other houses and will link them here once they're posted (Frostheim and Vagastrom are already done). I hope you like this and if you did, please feel free to send in requests for what you'd like to see.
Fandom: Tokyo Debunker
Characters: Haru Sagara, Towa Otonashi, Ren Shiranami x gn! Reader
Frostheim | Vagastrom | Jabberwock | Sinostra | Hotarubi | Obscuary | Mortkranken
How do the characters know they're in love and what will they do when they realise?
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Ah, Haru. He knows what love feels like. That’s what he feels to all the anomalies he cares for (especially Peekaboo). So when he feels that towards you, he knows exactly what it is.
He probably notices when you’re helping out around Jabberwock, caring for the animals under his careful watch. You’re smiling and the anomalies seem to like your presence.
And Haru realises that if he’s the dad to these creatures, he wants you to be their parent as well.
He then immediately realises how creepy that sounds and back tracks his thoughts. When he confesses to you, he needs to make sure he doesn’t say something like that by accident.
Yes, he’s already thinking about confessing. He’s sure someone like you has many potential suitors and he doesn’t want to miss his chance. He’ll tell you his feelings and accept whatever answer you give him.
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Towa knows straight way that what he feels for you is love. It really is a “love at first sight” situation.
He’s good at telling who people are at a glance and when he looks at you, all he gets is a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest.
Despite his certainty about his feelings, Towa won’t tell you outright. He doesn’t speak much anyway but he’d also rather make it a fun game. You’ve got to figure out how he feels about you based on his clues.
But that’s not to say he won’t show his affection for you. You’ll probably find him following you around (in a non stalkerish way) whenever you visit Jabberwock and he’ll seem more content when you’re near him.
Oh, and you think you’re going to get the usual amount of flowers? Oh no, that’s getting doubled. Tripled. You’re going to need to buy a lot of flower vases to keep them all in.
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Poor Ren. He just wanted a simple life of video games and slacking off. Now he’s got a job, he lives in a zoo, one of his housemates keeps trying to feed him flowers, and the other one breaks into his room at all hours.
And now, on top of all that, he’s got feelings for you? Nope, sorry, that just won’t work.
He’s going into full denial of his feelings entirely to start with. Then, when he can’t do that anymore, he’s going into denial about what his feelings actually are. You’re just a really good friend. That’s all.
But he eventually can’t deny his feelings any longer and that’s when he really starts to freak out. He’s been so preoccupied with his own feelings, he hasn’t even considered yours. What if you don’t like him?
Yeah, it’s going to take Ren a long time to confess. You’ll either have to be patient with him or confess yourself. The choice is yours.
Hey, did you enjoy this? If you like my writing, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi page! This will allow me to make some money off my writing, something I enjoy doing.
Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment or reblog will mean just as much.
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iheartcake123 · 4 months
hii hello!! I'm your new follower. I really like and enjoy your stories, especially with sweet home's fanfiction!! Eumm- if you don't mind, can you make another story about Kim Yeonghu x reader and others soldier x reader please?? I'm desperately want it, but it's kinda difficult to find more stories about them :(
anyway, have a good day and thank you <3
hello!! im so glad you enjoy my fics :) im so sorry this has taken so long😭 but i am working on more fics currently and will have some more up soon!! (hopefully lol) in the mean time here’s a jin-ho fic since i’ve never done one for him <33 let me know if you’d like a part two bc this was so fun to write hehe
bang jin-ho X f!reader for @kuebandungs
you had met jin-ho through your work with the platoon. you were very skilful in technology before everything happened and when the platoon needed help, you were first to give a hand.
you worked along side jin-ho and discovered he was quiet, he kept to himself mostly and only really spoke with those he was close to. which wasn’t many.
there’d be times where he had no choice but to converse with you. after all, you would help the platoon members whenever they asked.
this time was like no other.
“did you try disconnecting and reconnecting it?” you asked jin-ho and he sighed in response
“that was the first thing i did” he told you and you nodded.
“well it looks like we have to take it apart” you pulled a seat up and was about to sit next to him.
“don’t worry, i can do it myself” he stopped you before you sat down.
“right..” you awkwardly cleared your throat and moved the chair back the original position “well if you do need a hand, give me a shout”
you then slowly walked away, to head back to your room. as you made your way back sergeant tak was in the hallway and he joined you.
“y/n, how are things going? i heard you’re helping the platoon more often” he said accompanying you.
“yes sir, it’s mainly just with little things here and there though” you answered with a smile.
“how would you feel if i got someone to start training you, that way- you can join the platoon and help with excursions? you’d basically be a second to jin-ho”
“oh um i appreciate the offer sir but i like where i am at the moment. i don’t mind helping the platoon here and there but just the thought of helping with excursions is a bit daunting”
“i can’t say im not a little disappointed y/n but i understand, just think about it and if you do change your mind. i’ll be more than happy to sort something for you”
you sent sergeant tak a small smile with a nod before rushing back to your room.
you couldn’t possibly help the crow platoon.
before you knew it, you were in front of sergeant tak again. this time, you were agreeing to his offer.
you didn’t know why you changed your mind. but you did.
“im glad you’re joining us y/n. bang jin-ho! come in!” sergeant tak had yelled that last part and in came jin-ho who saluted the sergeant before standing straight.
“from now on, you’ll follow jin-ho’ lead. he will train you and will get you prepared for what’s ahead. once he’s happy that you can protect yourself, then you’ll start by going on excursions. is that okay?” sergeant tak told you and you nodded.
“yes sir” you voice was quieter than expected.
“good. you may both leave now”
with a nod you followed jin-ho out the room.
“uh so what do we do first?” you smiled at jin-ho and he let out a sigh.
“look y/n, i don’t know what made you want to join the platoon. i didn’t think you would but here we are. so, we will train whenever we get a free chance. follow me” jin-ho got straight to the point and you followed him.
he took you outside, it was chilly and the dark grey clouds made everything feel especially gloomy.
“you need to run from here to the fence and back 100 times” he pointed to the fence in the distance.
you let out a laugh. he surely had to be joking, right? however, when he didn’t say anything further, it suddenly set in. he wasn’t joking.
“seriously?” you questioned and he just nodded.
with a gulp you started to run. as you did each lap, you felt your legs burn as you mentally pushed yourself to continue. no matter how much your body told you to stop, you were determined to complete the 100 laps. the trick was making sure your pace was consistent and you blocked out any distractions.
by the time you had completed it, the sun was beginning to set and you felt like throwing up. you hadn’t stopped for a water break and you wanted to just collapse. a part of you was also pissed off.
why did jin-ho throw you in the deep end by making you do 100 laps? was he trying to test you? see if you’d quit and change your mind about the whole joining the platoon? well if he was, you weren’t going to give in and give up so soon.
“happy?” you voice was harsh as you tried to catch your breath while making your way back into the stadium.
jin-ho stared at you as you walked away. you desperately wanted to just fall onto the floor and curl into a ball but you weren’t going to do that in front of him. instead, you dragged yourself through the halls back to your room where you immediately collapsed onto your bed and chugged down a bunch of water.
“asshole” you cursed throwing your bottle across your room.
not shortly after, there was a soft knock at your door and you huffed before opening it.
“what do you want?” you immediately questioned after seeing jin-ho stood there.
he had his hands on his hips before he reached his hand out.
you wearily shook his hand.
“welcome to the platoon” he nodded his head and you raised your eyebrow “i’ll be honest i didn’t think you’d finish those laps but you proved me wrong. the real training starts tomorrow”
jin-ho then let go of your hand before promptly leaving.
you couldn’t understand him.
over the next few weeks you trained with jin-ho on various things like fighting, self defense, stealth and how to use a gun. this was all so that you could start going on expeditions with the platoon when they went.
it would’ve been a lie if you said it was easy. most days would end with you laying in bed with all your limbs aching but it was slowly getting easier. you had started to see a change in your self. the way you carried yourself was a lot more confident and platoon members started to respect you more. in fact, you’d become close with some of them. more specifically seok-chan.
he was just a really kind person and he helped you a lot. and while jin-ho wasn’t horrible, he was surprisingly very strict and you’d only converse with him when he was giving you orders. there was a tension between the two of you and you couldn’t quite understand it.
the day started like no other, you woke up early, got changed and headed to the training area. you started with a warm up and soon decided to do some boxing. there was a punching bag in the corner of the room so you wrapped your fists up before jabbing the bag.
one. two. one. two.
you had a rhythm going.
“balance your weight. you’re all over the place” the sudden sound of jin-ho’ voice shocked you and you rolled your eyes before doing what he told you.
jin-ho folded his arms as he leaned on the door, watching you train.
you felt yourself begin to heat up. you hated when he watched you because he always managed to find flaws in whatever you were doing.
you really did try your best to continue but you just couldn’t. you brought your hands to your side and rested one on your hip as you turned to jin-ho.
“i don’t understand what the problem is? i just want to train in peace without the pressure of you watching. you look at me as if everything i do is wrong. so please show me if you think you can do better!” you snapped at him.
jin-ho smirked slightly as he stood straight.
“okay, i won’t watch you” he answered and you breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you-“ you began but he cut you off.
“i’ll fight you” he started to wrap him hands
your jaw dropped.
“what?” you gulped.
“let’s spar, seok-chan says you’ve improved and since you don’t want me watching. maybe fighting and sparring with you will be better. and there’s no rules with this, punching and kicking are allowed”
he finally finished wrapping his hands.
you couldn’t back down so you both got into position. you held your hands up in front of you to defend yourself and at the ready to punch.
a couple of minutes into it and you found yourself with a bloodied lip. you could taste the blood in your mouth but you refused to let him win. with one swift movement you made contact with his chin and he stumbled backwards slightly. after he regained his balance he lifted his leg and you felt it hit your stomach which caused you to fall on your back.
you winced in pain as you glared at jin-ho. you attempted to get up but he then managed to get you into a head lock. his arms tightened around you and although you tried breaking free, you couldn’t. plus it was getting hard to breath so, a few seconds later and you found yourself tapping out.
jin-ho immediately let go and you let out a harsh cough as you caught your breath. you remained on the floor with your hand on your neck slowly going back to normal as jin-ho stood above you.
when you looked up, he had his hand out to help you up but you ignored him.
you didn’t need his help to get up. jin-ho let out a chuckle as he watched you get up. you avoided his gaze as you turned your back on him, you brought your fingers up to your busted lip and winced in pain as you saw your finger covered in blood now too.
“your lips bleeding pretty bad, let me have a look” jin-ho’ eyebrows furrowed in concern and he reached an arm out to your shoulder.
“leave me alone” you instantly brushed him off and harshly moved away from him “i don’t need or want your help”
after saying those words you left the training room, ignoring jin-ho calling out to stop you.
you were now sat in front of seok-chan in the infirmary, he was cleaning your lip and trying to make you feel better.
“he only pushes you so hard because he wants what’s best for you. im sure he can see the effort you’re putting in and appreciates it” seok-chan said as his eyes remained focused on your lip.
“yeah, well it sure doesn’t feel like it. it seems quite the opposite- he hates me and i don’t know why” your voice came out in a croak as you held back tears.
why didn’t jin-ho like you? and why was he always so hard on you?
“trust me y/n, i wouldn’t lie to you” seok-chan finished up with your lip and you hopped of the table.
“i know…thank you for tending to my lip. i better get back to training or something” you blinked back tears and left to go back to your room.
meanwhile, seok-chan had gone to find jin-ho.
“jin-ho!” he called out to him and he hummed in response “you really bust y/n’ lip up pretty good. do you think maybe next time go a bit easy on her? she’s been finding it a bit tough”
“what do you mean? she did well. considering when we began she couldn’t even throw a punch” jin-ho answered.
“come on dude, she was almost in tears when i saw her. you’ve been so tough on her and she thinks you hate her. i’m not trying to tell you how to do your job but just take it a bit easier on her”
“does she really think that i hate her? i know i’ve been tough on her but i don’t hate her. seok-chan do you know where she is?”
“i don’t know, i think she’s gone back to her room or the training area”
jin-ho felt really bad. did you really think he hated you? he searched the training areas firstly but after seeing you weren’t there, he headed over to your room.
he hands banged on your door urgently and when you opened the door your eyes went wide with shock.
why was jin-ho here? and why was he knocking like a mad man?
he didn’t say anything and entered your room, closing the door behind him.
“jin-ho. why are you-“ you tried to ask him but he’d stopppef you mid sentence.
“do you think i hate you?” he blurted out and you were stunned. he was never so impulsive or erratic, usually he was very serious, calm and collected when he spoke.
this was different.
“who told you that?”
“y/n is it true? you think i hate you?”
you meekly nodded looking at the floor.
“why do you think that?” he stared at you so intently and your heart beat quickened as you briefly looked up and locked eyes with him.
“you’re just always so strict and you never say anything nice. i know im crap at this whole platoon stuff but im still learning and i think you forget that” you said honestly.
“i can assure you that i do not hate you, not even close. y/n you’re doing so well with training and i push you because i know you’re capable”
“but- you’re always so cold towards me and you barely talk to me..”
his eyes softened as he saw how upset you were and it was your first time seeing him like this. he actually had emotions.
“i promise you, i do not hate you. tell me how can i prove it to you” suddenly he brought his one hand up to cup your face.
you were in awe.
this was a whole new jin-ho.
“tell me y/n” his voice was soft and you admired jin-ho’ warm touch.
he waited for you answer.
“tell me”
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 20
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 6k
Tuesday, November 24; 3:15 PM - School.
It’s the first time since I’ve been here that we finish classes early. I never thought it was possible. It’s rare to see a teacher absent, but that’s the case today. The whole class decided to leave after ten minutes, seeing that he would never arrive. Especially since he’s usually already waiting for us in his classroom.
" I’m joining the girls in the common room. Want to come? " Alexia proposes.
" Sorry, I told Bronze I would come after my classes. "
" She doesn’t know we finished early. You can go afterward. "
" The sooner I go, the sooner I’ll be free from this obligation. "
" I could almost believe you’re becoming serious, " she laughs.
" I don’t think so, no! "
" Come on, go enjoy your time with Bronze now that she’s talking to you again. "
" Stop it, " I roll my eyes. " You’re really something! "
" Oddly, you’re not denying it, " she replies with a wink.
I giggle, rolling my eyes. Alexia has been making inappropriate remarks since last night, saying I’m addicted to Bronze. Well, it’s true that I was sulking when she ignored me, but I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’m addicted to her. I just missed her. She was so much on my back lately that it was weird when she suddenly disappeared. Alexia understands that I appreciate Bronze more than I let on. I stopped contradicting her when I realized my arguments were becoming ridiculous. She could hold hands with Mapi. The latter keeps asking about the progress of my relationship with Bronze since she heard me call her "baby". I’ve been teased and received the same remark as Ale. I’m starting to think I’m glad they don’t know each other. I can tolerate them individually, but I’d go crazy if I had them together. We finally reach the ground floor. I was getting tired of Alexia’s remarks. I quickly excuse myself before slipping away to Bronze’s office. The door is wide open today. I knock lightly to announce my presence, which earns me two surprised faces looking at me.
" What are you doing here already? Aren’t you supposed to have classes until five o’clock? Don’t tell me you got kicked out again? " Bronze bombards me, frowning.
" Thanks for the trust, " I roll my eyes. " My literature teacher is absent. "
" Mr. Johnson absent? " Engen repeats. " Weird… "
" Anyway, he didn’t come. We waited fifteen minutes, and my class started to disperse, so we left too, " I shrug.
The two instructors exchange a look as if silently communicating. Bronze finally shrugs, inviting me to sit. I smile at her and settle in front of her. Engen, on the other hand, stands up.
" I’ll find out what’s going on. Do you know where the rest of your class went? "
" All over, I’d say. Many are in the common room, and the others are probably in their rooms, I guess. "
" Hmm, thanks. "
She leaves, letting me alone with Bronze. She’s already making room for me on her desk. I take out my stuff, prominently displaying the exercise she gave me to complete last night. I had to do and redo it several times before succeeding. It was one of the hardest she’s given me. There’s even an equation I couldn’t solve.
" Did you do your math? "
" Yeah… Well, half of it. "
" What do you mean, half? "
I prefer to hand her my paper rather than give explanations. She immediately checks my work. She raises an eyebrow at my draft filled with scribbles. Maybe I should have rewritten it instead of leaving my mistakes, but at least she can see that I worked hard to get there. She can’t say I didn’t work.
" And the answer to my question about the sign? "
" You need to put a plus because it follows the sign of ���a’. Since the number is positive, my answer was correct. "
" You seem much more confident than yesterday, " she smiles amusedly.
" I almost dreamed of math all night, going over your sheet you made me. "
She chuckles as I cross my arms and sink into my chair. During her explanations last night, she made me a sheet summarizing all the important formulas to know. She added the sign rules since I was stuck on them. Needless to say, I spent my whole evening revising it. It’s much more effective than all my course notes. It’s short, clear, and precise.
" At least it was useful. "
" That’s for sure… "
" So, what didn’t you understand about the second function? "
I was about to answer, but Engen startles me by speaking up. I hadn’t even noticed she was back.
" Am I dreaming, or are you giving her lessons? "
" She’s struggling since she’s missing two years, " Bronze’s spontaneous honesty surprised me so much that my foot automatically kicked her under the desk. I would have preferred that detail stay between us. I’m already ashamed enough. Bronze raises an eyebrow at my gesture.
" Why was that? "
" You didn’t have to shout it from the rooftops, " I mumble, embarrassed.
She laughs softly. I jump when Engen hugs me from behind, resting her head on mine. I tense up at her unexpected closeness.
" Oh, come on! You don’t need to react like that for so little, Ona, " Engen says. " It’s good that you’re asking for help. "
" Hmm… "
" Wiegman is stupid for putting you at such a high level if you have difficulties, " she comments.
I shrug. I could actually keep up, but the problem is that I quickly lose interest and disengage. I would have caught up long ago otherwise. Plus, if I had reacted differently when I arrived, I wouldn’t have so much material to catch up on.
" Anyway, Mr. Johnson is really absent, " she informs me, letting go of me. " I have to gather your class in a study room to work, by Wiegman’s order. "
" Do I have to go too? "
" Well, I came to get you, but you came here willingly to work with Lucy. So, I guess you stay here. "
" Yes, she stays here, " Bronze intervenes. " Do you have to supervise the class? "
" Yeah, " Engen sighs. " They’re starting to get on my nerves. She could have let them have free time, but no, " she grumbles. " We’ll have to meet up to eat. "
" No worries, " Bronze laughs. " See you later. "
We say goodbye before she leaves. I get the impression she doesn’t like Wiegman at all. Last time, she didn’t hide her hatred towards her either. One thing is certain, she’s frank and direct, like Bronze. That’s probably why I like her too.
" Alright, back to our sheep, " she pulls me out of my thoughts. " What didn’t you understand then? "
" Is Wiegman that bad? " I ask.
" Why this question? " she frowns.
" I don’t know. Engen doesn’t seem to like her much. "
" Let’s just say she’s attentive to all our actions. She’s starting to get fed up. "
" Seriously? Why would she monitor the instructors too? "
" She doesn’t want another student-instructor relationship to happen again. "
" Oh… So, are you being monitored too? "
" Yes, like all my colleagues. Can we get back to the main topic, which is math? "
" No, wait… Are you talking about me? "
Bronze sighs in annoyance. This question is important to me. With what Alexia thinks, I’m afraid Wiegman will start thinking we’re too close. I don’t want her to risk her job because of me. And does she tell her what I confide in her? I hope not, because I tell her quite personal things.
" Why this question? "
I bite my lip. I don’t know if I should be honest with her. She gives me a hard look to encourage me to continue. I decide to play the honesty card.
" Alexia thinks we’re close. She keeps teasing me about it. Do you think you could get in trouble if Wiegman thought the same? I don’t want to cause you any problems. "
" Well, I’ll explain to you if it can reassure you. Every instructor has to see Wiegman at the end of the day for a debriefing. I’m not more monitored than the others because I’m in charge of you, if that’s your question. "
" And so… Do you ever talk about me? " I ask again.
" Of course we often talk about you. I’m the one supervising you, so it’s normal for her to ask me questions about you. "
" Do you tell her what I confide in you? " I ask with some fear.
«  We mainly talk about your progress, your reactions. I would never repeat what you confide in me. If I do, it will only be with your permission, to defend you, or if it’s a very important matter that can’t be kept. "
" A matter that can’t be kept? Like what? "
" Well, something that could harm you or put you in danger, for example. "
" Okay, " I sigh. " You promise not to talk about it otherwise? "
" Ona, the only thing I’ve told Wiegman since I’ve been supervising you is the events you told me about the night you ended up drugged. If I hadn’t done that, you could have had a lot of trouble with her. "
" Is that all? " I ask with a hint of surprise.
" Of course. I would never tell her your personal or family problems. Those things only concern you. I’ll always be here to listen, comfort, or support you, but I’ll never repeat anything to her. Only the results matter to her. Do you understand? "
" And for you? Do only the results matter to you too? "
" I should, yes, " she begins. " That was the case with all my former students under my care, but not with you. "
" Why not? " I laugh bitterly. " Don’t tell me that to please me, please. "
" That’s not the case. None of my former students confided in me like you do. It’s the first time I’ve had such a close relationship with a student, and it’s only because I want it. "
" What do you mean? "
" Usually, I remain cold and impassive in my work. It’s not for nothing they call me the commander. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I was never like that with you. « 
I lower my head, realizing it is the truth. She was strict at the beginning, but our relationship quickly evolved. She became understanding, and I almost want to say she became caring. I'd like to know the reasons why, but I doubt she would tell me.
- The results are important, of course, but I enjoy learning who you really are. I care about you, whether you believe it or not.
I have no doubt about her words. She has no reason to lie to me after all. I lift my head to smile at her timidly. She returns the smile, tilting her head slightly as if she knows what I'm thinking.
- Do you have any more questions you’d like answered, or can we get to work now?
- We can get to work... Unless you’re busy. I wouldn’t want to disturb you either.
- I don’t have that much work. Your test tomorrow is more important. Let’s go back to the exercise. What was your problem then? she says, picking up the paper.
- I think you didn’t give me all the formulas. I couldn’t do it even though I went over everything.
She looks at my draft again. I blush at the idea that she's once again wasting precious time on me. I still don’t understand why she does all this for me.
- We can stop if it bothers you, I begin again.
- Are you done? You don’t need to be embarrassed because I’m helping you study. Let me look at your exercise now.
I stay quiet to avoid disturbing her further. I wonder where her math skills come from. She has good logic and had no trouble finding my mistakes yesterday. She’s not very old. Maybe she just recently left school. That would answer my questions. Honestly, who remembers things like this? It’s not like it’s useful every day!
- How old are you?
- We never ask a person’s age, Ona, she replies. It’s rude and inappropriate, especially since I’m your supervisor. For your math problem, you just need to factorize the function.
- What? Seriously, I have to factorize again?
- Yeah. It’s exactly the kind of case you might have tomorrow. Just think a little. Pen, she says, holding out her hand.
I hand it to her, and she starts explaining while twisting in all directions to find a good position. She eventually comes around to sit beside me. She helps me factorize the function, then gives me the formula to use. In the end, it wasn’t so complicated with her help.
- When you can’t do something, you need to find other solutions. There are always some.
- Alright, I sigh.
- Do you want to do another one on your own?
- That’s okay, thanks. I’ve bothered you enough with my math. I’ll review tonight.
- We have more time today, so let’s make the most of it. You’re going to do another one on your own; I want to make sure you’ve understood.
I groan in frustration, which makes her smile. I thought I could escape, but she doesn’t seem to agree. She rewrites a formula similar to the one we just did. She already made me redo what I couldn’t do yesterday. It’s quite an effective method because I manage it each time afterward. She gives me three more, which I finish in half an hour.
- Well, it looks like you’ve understood. I think we can stop.
I sigh in relief, collapsing against my chair. She laughs and offers me a glass of water, which I gladly accept. I put my brain on pause while I drink from the cup she hands me.
- It’s only five o’clock. Do you want to look at your choices tonight or tomorrow?
I think about it. My brain is mush. I’m tempted to say tomorrow, but I want to get this problem resolved as quickly as possible. I’m afraid it will take longer than it should. Neither option really interests me, so I need to decide.
- Tonight, if you don’t mind.
- Not at all. Let’s see what we have. You have the forms, I hope?
- Of course.
I put away all my math stuff and replace it with my registration form and the list of available options. She takes the latter and sits comfortably in her chair, crossing her legs. She studies the sheet while finishing her drink.
- Alright. There are already a few we can eliminate, right?
- Yes, like sports.
- Yes, she laughs. It’s a shame because you have the potential to go far with the mental toughness you have. By the way, you’ve abandoned me for the runs.
I look at her strangely. Me, good potential in sports? What a joke!
- You’re the one who was sulking, I reply. You’re the first to know that sports and I don’t mix, and that I’m not motivated to do any.
- Hey! she says, hitting my arm. I wasn’t sulking! I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Anyway, let’s cross out sports, you’re right, she concludes. Maybe in an other universe you would have been an athlete.
I open my mouth as she crosses it out on the sheet.
- Hey! Why are you writing on it! I exclaim. You shouldn’t!
- This sheet isn’t to be returned, Ona, she giggles.
- Oh, I say, mortified under her laughter.
- Alright, let’s be serious. Have you already thought about a future career perhaps? Let’s start with that.
I think about her question. I never had the chance to seriously think about it. Choices for my studies were always imposed on me.
- You must have thought about it before, right?
- No, I remain honest, playing timidly with my fingers.
I feel ashamed. Who hasn’t thought about their future except me? I stopped school after my diploma, without thinking about what came next. I never studied something I truly liked. Bronze puts her hand on my knee, as if trying to reassure me.
- Hey, it’s okay, it’s nothing serious. It’s going to be more complicated than expected, but it will be sorted out. Better late than never, right?
I smile timidly, nodding. She smiles back. I’m glad I consulted her. If I hadn’t, I would have probably chosen an option randomly, without really thinking about it. At least now I won’t choose at random.
- I understand better why you come to see me, and you’re doing the right thing. Let’s start from the beginning. You were in high school, so you must have studied a specialty, right?
- Science and medicine. My mother is a surgeon. She wanted me to follow in her footsteps, I explain. My father convinced me to accept, but it’s not at all what I want to do.
- At least you already know what you don’t want, she says, crossing out the option with a small smile.
- You can also cross out engineering, I giggle.
- That’s true, she crosses it out. Do you want to do something related to art?
- There’s no option for that. It’s annoying because that’s what interests me the most.
- No, but we could find possibilities that are close to it, you see? You like literature too, right?
I smile and nod. What she said earlier was true. She listens and is interested in what I say because I had already told her about my love for literature.
- So, literature could be one of the three options, right?
- Yes, it could be, I nod again.
- Hmm, she smiles, putting a check next to it. We’re making progress. Don’t forget that the order is important too. If the first one is accepted, you won’t be able to fall back on the others.
- Yes, I understood.
She scratches her head with the back of my pen. She must be thinking as much as I am. I have already studied all my possibilities to be honest. I had come to the conclusion that it would be literature, but it would annoy me to fall back on this option knowing that it’s far from being related to drawing.
- I imagine we’re forgetting math specialty? she giggles.
- Are you mocking me? I pull an exaggerated face.
- Far from it, she mocks.
- Well… You’re not wrong anyway…
- That’s what I thought, she laughs. Well, let’s go back to art then. There are several possibilities. I imagine you prefer practicing?
- Well... Yeah. What else would you want me to do?
- Well, you could also run a gallery. That would be more about management in that case. Do you see what I mean?
- I never saw it from that angle... I admit.
- That aspect could be interesting for you if you plan to be self-employed in the long term. It’s never a bad idea to have a foundation in management.
I never saw my future that far ahead. To be honest, all I dream about right now is being able to make a living from my talent. However, Bronze has a very different vision from mine. She doesn’t only see the present moment, she sees the entirety of a professional career.
- It’s true that it’s a good idea... I never thought of that. Is there an option like that?
- Well, yes. But I doubt you’ll like it.
- What’s the option? I ask cautiously.
- Business management. It’s equivalent to an MBA in regular universities.
- Oh... Isn’t that difficult?
- It’s a mix of management, finance, and commerce. It requires a lot of logic and is very math-heavy, so it’s up to you.
I nervously bite my lip. This idea suddenly cools me down. I doubt I’d enjoy it. Bronze must have sensed it given the smile she gives me.
- I warned you that the idea might not please you.
- Indeed, I agree, sighing. Can I ask what you studied? Maybe it’ll give me an idea.
Bronze looks at me for a moment, as if deciding whether or not to tell me. I know she doesn’t like talking about herself and that my question is risky. However, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- I was going for an athlete scholarship, but a knee injury at the end of the year prevented me from getting it. I was then offered to switch to a management program like an MBA in sports.
- What do you mean? I frown.
- It’s a special track that allows studying sports management instead of business management, she shrugs. Few schools offer it. I was lucky that the one I applied to as an athlete did. It was that or staying in Portugal with a lousy program and school.
-So… You have a good background in management, if I understand correctly?
- I suppose so, since I graduated, she replies with a smirk.
- No... Well, that's not what I meant... Is there a big difference compared to the program offered by the school? I’m being silly, you probably don’t know...
- I think I can help you study, if that's your question.
I nod slightly. I appreciate how quickly Bronze understands. Sometimes I wonder how she does it, because I'm far from being very explicit.
- It shouldn't be too bad then...
- As I said earlier, management is still a good foundation that will always be useful in life. However, I don't want to push you into it if you don’t like it. That's not the goal.
- No, but you're right. I can't pursue art here, so I might as well go for something that will be useful, right? At least I'll have a fallback option in any case.
- So, do you want to keep that option then?
- Yeah, in first position.
- Really? she raises an eyebrow. Wouldn’t you prefer to put literature first? It would be a bit more creative, even if it's not related to art.
- No. The goal isn’t to become a librarian or something. I'd rather put it as a second option.
- It's up to you. And for the last option then?
- I'm not too sure. I was thinking about foreign languages. I’m pretty good at them and I like breaking down international barriers. Do people usually get their last options?
- No, never in the final year, but it’s still good to have three options. It’s in the first year that class allocation is more challenging. Students are still figuring things out, like you right now, so there are always options that interest some more than others.
- How do they allocate students then?
- Well, based on grades. They take the best students to reward them. In the second year, some students switch options if the first one didn’t convince them. And since changes can only be made once, there’s hardly any class switching in the final year. So, the third option is rarely reached.
- I see. Well, it doesn't matter then. I could put languages, sports, or even engineering!
- I wouldn't do that if I were you, she laughs. You never know. Management and literature options might already be full.
- Do you think I have a chance in sports...? I ask hesitantly. Never mind, forget it, I say seeing her reaction. It's a ridiculous idea.
I lower my head, mortified with shame. Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut. She already told me she wouldn’t take sports for me. I thought about it because I know half of my friends will choose that option. I felt my head being lifted by two fingers under my chin. Bronze smiles at me with such kindness in her expression.
- You have a serious lack of self-confidence, Ona. I think you have potential that you probably don't even notice. You don't even realize how you always push yourself to the limit when you get a bit of encouragement. You've never given up on my punishments, even though others would have certainly done so in your place.
- At the same time, you don't give me a choice...
- I might be nicer to you normally, but I’m stricter with my punishments.
I look at her with wide eyes at these revelations. I didn’t know it was the case. She clears her throat seeing the look on my face.
- Well, it was the case at the beginning. I stopped since you calmed down. Believe me, I've never seen someone with a mentality like yours. You weren't athletic, yet you accepted my punishments. By the way, I'd like to see you again during my morning runs.
I grimace at the thought. This girl is crazy. How can she keep running when it's freezing outside! I don’t know if she realizes that snow is about to fall soon. One thing she’s right about is that I have no self-confidence. My past experiences have a lot to do with it. She doesn’t realize that she’s the one helping me get better. She pushes me to do things I would never have accomplished before. It's only because I feel she believes in me. More than I do, more than anyone.
- It’s negotiable. It’s way too cold to run right now.
- Hmm, she smiles. You’re a wimp!
- You can’t use my pride against me!
- Yes, I can, she giggles. Alright, back to the options. I wouldn’t put sports. It doesn’t align with your plans and there’s no need to include it just to be with your friends for a semester.
I blush at her raised eyebrow. Damn, she got it all. She must know Alexia is taking that option.
- If you want to do sports, do it as a hobby. Like running, for example...
- I won’t change my mind, I chuckle. Well, you’re right. I’ll stick with languages then.
- Or you could put medicine, since it would be a continuation of your studies.
- No thanks. I spent my high school years studying something that doesn’t interest me. I don’t want to go through that again and especially not to please my mother.
- Alright, she nods.
What I appreciate about Bronze is that she never asks personal questions. Or very rarely. She’ll always let me come to her when I want to open up on my own. I sigh, massaging my temples. My brain is starting to overheat from thinking. I’m glad to see the end in sight.
- It’s only Tuesday. You still have two evenings to think about it calmly.
- I don’t need to think any more. It will be management, literature, and foreign language.
- Well, if you’re decided... You can also put history if you prefer.
- You’re silly, I chuckle. Is it from spending time with you?
- Definitely.
- Oh, I say, placing my hand on my heart. You break my heart, I add dramatically.
- Poor little thing, she laughs.
I pout with crossed arms. I try to keep the expression, but it’s difficult when Bronze is smiling so broadly. She then pinches my cheek to tease me.
- Oh, but look at the big baby pouting.
- Stop it, I giggle, wriggling my head to escape her grasp. I’m not a kid.
- Oh, but you are, she says bluntly. I’ll consider you differently when you prove it to me.
- I’ve already proven it to you!
- Hmm... No. Not enough.
- Tsss. It shouldn’t be someone barely older than me telling me that.
- How much are you willing to give me? she smiles.
Where’s the catch? I thought she was going to brush me off like earlier when I asked her age. Why is she playing along? Well, why not if it helps me get some information about her...
- Twenty-seven? I say randomly.
- Hmm... Interesting.
- Am I getting warm?
- You’ll never know, she laughs.
I roll my eyes. Missed it. Of course, she won’t tell me anything. And I’m the kid? I’m convinced she’s not more mature than I am if she lets loose outside the establishment. Unless she’s really uptight, but I doubt it. She really exudes a strong self-confidence.
- It’s not fair, I say, crossing my arms. By the way, when is your birthday?
- Why does it interest you?
- Well, it interests me! I’d like to be able to wish you a happy birthday like you did for me.
- You won’t be able to. You’ll already be back in Barcelona when I have another year.
- Who says I’m going back?
- It seems obvious. Aren’t those your intentions?
I think I’ve piqued her curiosity. I smile, thinking that I’m not the only one curious here.
- I don’t know. I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions lately.
- Why? You have your life over there.
- Yeah. My life with a lot of bad memories.
- Is it because you’re on bad terms with your family?
- Among other things... With what I’ve been through the last two years too.
I fall back into my memories. I still feel just as bad thinking about it. She places her hand on my shoulder to keep me from sinking into my thoughts. She gives me a smile that would reassure anyone.
- You’re not alone anymore. I’m here if you need it, just like Alexia and the others. I’ll never leave you, and if you ever need to confide, I’ll be all ears.
She puts a bit more pressure on my shoulder. I smile faintly. I just need a bit of support and she offers it willingly. I’m on the verge of speaking, but I can’t yet. It’s still too hard. Just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes. I try to control them to keep them from rolling down my cheeks. I know that if I ever feel the need to open up, it will be to her. I trust her. It won’t be Alexia or even Mapi, but Bronze. She’s the only one who has reached a level where she has influence in my life. I’m simply not ready yet. To avoid breaking down, I decide to change the subject entirely.
- I need to fill out the form.
She nods understandingly, removing her hand from my shoulder. I immediately miss her touch. It was reassuring. She pushes the form in front of me, placing my pen on it.
- Only fill it out if you’re sure.
I don’t hesitate at any moment when writing down my choices on the dotted lines. They can only be the right ones. Her advice has been valuable, and I know she’ll help me if I run into difficulties. I like all the options. Even the languages will be useful later if I work with foreigners. International communication is important. I just hope my first choice gets approved. Bronze and I exchange a smile when I put the pen down. I take a deep breath and slump back into the chair. I look at the sheet where the options are proudly written. I have no regrets. Now, we’ll have to wait for the results. I check my watch, which reads six o'clock. It took an hour for me to finally know what to do with my life. She really took her time with me. Three hours have passed since I sat in this chair.
- By the way, you didn’t answer about your birthday.
- October 28th.
I look at her in surprise, not expecting a real answer. She smiles with amusement.
- Alright, I’ll make a note of it.
- Well, I still have some work to do, she says, standing up.
- Thank you for your help.
- You don’t need to thank me, she smiles as she sits down across from me.
- Do you mind if I stay a bit longer to work?
- No. The door is always open, as you can see, she says, pointing to the door.
- Haha! I just want to review my math and then I’ll leave you alone.
- You have a lot of courage, she chuckles.
- Good grades are earned, and it saves me from doing it tonight.
- True. You’d better get a good grade after all this studying, or you’ll hear about it from me.
I nod with a smile. I hope so too. I could have met up with Alexia, but I don’t want to. I need to succeed in my test, and studying is the key to success. My smile doesn’t leave my face as I watch Bronze resume her work. I’m glad things are finally falling into place since yesterday.
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bvidzsoo · 10 months
Drive to Survive
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⫻Formula One Racer!Hongjoong⫻
TW: nothing, except similarities to the 2021 season lol
Word count: 3,2k
A/N: So, I did something, again...*sigh*. This is for you Orsi bestie, I hope it reaches your expectations lol. This is like the 2021 F1 season without the injustice---anyways, I'm not here to get murdered by the F1 fandom, love y'all. Can't believe I wrote a Red Bull driver story, ew lol. Hope you all enjoy, and feedback is appreciated!!
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            It had been a gut-wrenching and nerve wrecking season this year’s fight for the championship. At times, I couldn’t help but wonder how Hongjoong was doing it all—keeping his mental health in check and letting loose at times while completely focusing on winning first place as many times as he could, securing himself in the Driver’s Championship. It was truly difficult. The car was very good, everything having ran smoothly after the summer break when a few final adjustments and changes had been done to the automobile, making the Red Bulls the quickest on the grid. However, Kang Yeosang, his biggest rival at the moment sat in an equal machinery, closely following Hongjoong on his tail. Each Grand Prix resulted with the two battling for first position in the driver’s standings, sometimes resulting in disqualifying the other by an incident—or in worst case scenario, by crashing into each other. Watching Hongjoong’s car get almost flipped as it went over Yeosang’s car had been one of the most horrific moments of my life, heart clenching and heartbeat halting as my breath caught in my throat, eyes wide in terror as all I could do was watch my fiancé through the screen of the TV, unable to do anything as I was seated between the mechanics in the Red Bull garage. It was an involuntary action as I jumped up to my feet with a loud gasp, everyone tense around me as we watched Hongjoong’s car glide over Yeosang’s, getting halfway suspended over it. Nobody moved nor breathed. I could see Yeosang moving as the camera zoomed in on them, thankfully he seemed to be fine, the halo around the car having protected his head from anything severe, but Hongjoong still gave no signs of life. I could feel my hands tremble as I looked at the mechanic next to me helplessly, who’s face looked just as worried as mine. And then, there came the shout from someone who stood next to Hongjoong’s engineer, letting us know that Hongjoong spoke on the radio and said that he was fine, slightly sore. Everything that happened afterwards was a blur, my head felt in a haze as Hongjoong was taken to the local hospital for a regular check-up to make sure he suffered no serious injuries. I was rushed to the hospital with him and after he was taken to a private room to rest for a bit, I was finally allowed to see him. I couldn’t help but let out a long sigh and pause in the doorway as Hongjoong was lazily flicking through the TV channels, probably searching for the one broadcasting the Formula One race still on-going. Upon hearing the door open, he turned his head and looked at me, features instantly softening when he saw my face. I couldn’t help but rush up to him and almost fall into his arms as he had opened them, waiting for me to reach him. The tears escaped my eyes involuntarily as I buried my head in Hongjoong’s neck, inhaling his familiar scent mixed with sweat. Hongjoong’s arms wrapped around me tightly and he started rubbing up and down my back, resting his chin on the top of my head.
“I’m alright, don’t cry.” He whispered, voice soft and I sniffed, my body finally relaxing. He was fine, he was holding me in his arms. He was breathing, talking, and hugging me. He was alive, and that’s what mattered, “I’m sorry for scaring you this much. The crash wasn’t as harsh as it seemed on TV, I’ve seen the replays.”
I shook my head and allowed my hand to raise to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his smooth hair, “Hongjoong, it looked horrible. I—I was so scared. I don’t ever again want to see you get into a crash. You have to be more careful, let Yeosang pass if you see he’s being aggressive—”
“That won’t happen, darling, you know I can’t let him pass.” Hongjoong’s voice hardened slightly at the mention of his rival, “If he wants to race hard, then we will race hard, I’m not the one to back down.”
“Look where it got you!” I pulled my head back, eyebrows furrowed as I stared into Hongjoong’s cat-like eyes. His own eyebrows were furrowed but he just sighed, averting his gaze.
“I’m alive, Y/N, it’s all that matters.” I couldn’t help but shudder at his words and Hongjoong noticed, face instantly morphing into regret. I couldn’t even fathom the thought of losing him to a fatal crash. He wouldn’t be the first, nor the last. Formula One was a dangerous sport, and your life was the only one at stake, “Sorry.”
Hongjoong muttered and I just shook my head, letting out a long sigh. He offered me a warm smile as he cupped my cheek and leaned down, pulling my head closer to his. My eyes fluttered close as Hongjoong’s warm lips pressed against mine and he kissed me tenderly, pouring an apology and a promise into the kiss. He was sorry, and he’d be more careful. I could live with that, even if I knew Hongjoong was a ruthless racer, fearless. His driving style set him apart from everyone, sharp in the corners and quick on the straights, not many could catch up to him. His defense was crazy and he always found the impossible spots for overtakes, making them possible, halting everyone’s heartbeats who were cheering for him. He was exceptional, legendary. People knew his name. People loved him and rooted for him. Some people even wanted to be him…or to be with him. But Hongjoong is a humble man, proud of what he has achieved so far and even more hard working and determined to earn more and more. And he is loyal, loving, and caring. Always by my side and on my side, shielding me from blind hatred and senseless drama. He had everything he wanted and needed, many envied him for that. Yet, Hongjoong only had one goal in his mind: win his first Championship. Become the Captain everyone seemed to be calling him, leader of his generation, an icon in motor racing. And all I could do was stand by his side and encourage him, bring him up when he felt like he couldn’t go anymore, comfort him when things went south and most importantly…love him for who he was. I smiled into the kiss as Hongjoong started rubbing my cheek lovingly, reassuring me that he was here and that he wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
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            But the game never stops nor does the race, not until the season ends. And today was the final Grand Prix, in Abu Dhabi, the last race which would go down in the history books, often talked about, always remembered. Yeosang and Hongjoong had equal points. However wins tonight, becomes the World Champion. It would be Yeosang’s second, and Hongjoong’s first title. The tension was palpable in the air and everyone in the garage was tense as everything was set up for the race. Hongjoong was placing his weight from one leg to another, jaw clenching and unclenching often. He looked mad, but he was only nervous. I knew him well, I could read him like the back of my hand. He was wearing his dark blue undies, the color specific to the Red Bull Racing team, with his overalls hanging low on his hips, the sleeves tied around it to keep it more in place. His costume was tight fitting, accentuating each muscle and curve of his body, his abs slightly defined by the shirt he was wearing. He had recently dyed his hair a darker purple, but it has faded out and now looked closer to the color of a grape. I watched from distance as he spoke to one of his mechanic’s, eyebrows furrowed and pointing at something on the car. He was frustrated, grip tightening around the Red Bull can he had to drink water from in order to show off the sponsor. The mechanic seemed to be a bit lost and I could see Hongjoong’s frustration morph slowly into irritation and anger, so I decided to step in quickly as I walked up to them. I allowed my hand to sneak up on his shoulder and squeeze lightly in order to get his attention. Hongjoong looked at me from the corner of his eyes before sighing and looking at the mechanic defeated.
“Fine, do as you think is best, but if I lose tonight—know it’s on you.” And then Hongjoong walked off to his PR manager, who was calling for him as he had to do one last interview before the race would start. The mechanic looked rather pale as I looked at him and offered him a small smile.
“He’s just very stressed, he didn’t mean that.” I reassured the mechanic, but it didn’t seem to work so I tried again, “Hongjoong will win tonight.”
“Yeah, he better.” The mechanic muttered before walking off and I went back to my seat, watching Hongjoong again as he spoke to the reporter, still looking irritated but hiding it well with a few charming smiles and light chuckles. I tried to keep it together for him, but I was a nervous wreck. The last three nights have been almost sleepless for the both of us, Hongjoong tossing and turning every few minutes as sleep never caught up with him. I would’ve been able to sleep, but I quickly absorbed his mood and it turned me restless too, leading to a few really bad nights as Hongjoong and I had to sleep in separate rooms, too on edge around each other. There was nothing wrong, it’s just that we were too in tune with each other’s feelings, and if I was feeling anxious it could throw him off his concentration and turn him into a nervous wreck as well, in such dire situation, such thing like that wasn’t allowed. Hongjoong had to fully commit and focus, his eyes set on the prize already. As he finished the interview he quickly pulled on his dark blue overall and zipped it up, headed my way. I smiled at him warmly and he stopped across from me, the high table between our bodies putting a distance between us. He fumbled with his fingers and I knew he didn’t know what to say, he was just in need of a little comfort. So, I reached across the table and held his hand in mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze. No words needed to be exchanged as Hongjoong sighed loudly, Yeosang’s laughter echoing around the garage as he had passed by the Red Bull garage with his engineer and two mechanics. Yeosang seemed to be dealing a lot better with tonight’s stressful Grand Prix, but we paid him no mind as Hongjoong rounded the high table and came closer to me, fingers intertwining with mine. The cold Ruby of my engagement ring pressed into my flesh and I felt Hongjoong play with it, a habit which always seemed to calm him down a bit. I beamed up at him and it made Hongjoong smile as he leaned down, pressing a kiss against my forehead. I sighed in contentment as he pulled back, determination glossing over his eyes. There he was, my little racer.
“I love you.” I whispered to him as Hongjoong smirked, pulling his shoulders back and letting go of my hand. He shook his arms out and cracked his neck, going to the side to stretch as he sent me a flying kiss, making me giggle.
            The loud roaring of men around me deafened me for a few seconds, mouth hung open and eyes wide like two saucers as I stared at the TV screen, my heartbeat probably non-existent at this point. My hands were shaking, my body was shivering, my eyes were filling with tears. My stomach was twisting and despite standing up, my right leg wouldn’t stop bouncing. My arms were thrown behind my head as I gripped onto my nape, biting my lower lip as anxiety coursed through my veins, adrenaline flowing in my bloodstream. All throughout the race it has been a cat and mouse game between Yeosang and Hongjoong. One time one was ahead, then the other, constantly battling for that first place. I couldn’t imagine what Hongjoong was currently feeling, but I knew I was on the brink of passing out. The cheers of the men around me were due to Hongjoong overtaking Yeosang in the second to last corner, having braked later. It was the last lap of the Grand Prix, everything mattered right now. Every little twitch of the wheel, a little slip of the car or of your attention. I couldn’t help but yelp as Yeosang gained advantage on Hongjoong again, the front wing of his car almost bumping into the back of Hongjoong’s as Yeosang drove aggressively, but Hongjoong defended just as fiercely. Hongjoong’s brother was a mess next to me as he kept cursing, their parents clutching each other’s hands as Hongjoong’s mother kept closing her eyes, muttering a prayer every once in a while. His father despite looking composed was shaking worse than me, eyes constantly wide as he gazed up at the big screen of the TV. My breath caught in my throat as Yeosang and Hongjoong took the last turn, Yeosang’s car slightly more ahead in the corner as he Hongjoong miscalculated the turn for some reason, and a collective gasp broke through the garage as Yeosang was now more ahead with his front wing. Nobody moved, nobody said anything as the cars sped towards the finish line, checkered flag waved crazily in the air, everyone excited for the outcome. And then, Yeosang’s car slightly lost its back, but it wasn’t anything vital as he quickly regained control and continued on pushing as if nothing happened. However, this allowed Hongjoong to slightly pass him, his front wing passing Yeosang’s, cars dangerously close side by side as they raced towards the finish line. And there it was, the victory right in front of their hands as they both crossed the finish line, seemingly in the same position, neither more forward nor backward than the other. I felt my body go limp as everyone went quiet, even the commentators, awaiting for the result. The picture came only seconds later, sent in by the race juries, broadcasted upon everyone’s screens as I could hear Hongjoong’s engineer scream into their radio from his place from the pit wall.
“Hongjoong!  You’re World Champion! Kim Hongjoong, you have won!”
And then, everyone screamed and jumped up, female and male voices mixing together as the grandstands broke into a roar of Hongjoong’s name, the fireworks going off and putting an end to this exhausting season. I barely realized, mind in shock and body frozen mid-yelp, as my body was lifted off the ground and I was whirled around as Hongjoong’s brother clutched me, cheering loudly as both of their parents cried. I couldn’t help but follow them, bawling my eyes out as I started laughing, Hongjoong’s brother carefully placing me down as the mechanics and the Red Bull team gathered in a circle and started shouting, hyping themselves up even more. My ears were ringing but I couldn’t really care about that as the TV showed Hongjoong’s car stopping at the finish line, Hongjoong hauling himself out of the car. My feet were moving before my mind could process what was happening, the mechanics ran through the pit and jumped over the fence as they ambushed Hongjoong, cheering and gripping onto him as he struggled to take off his helmet. I stood by the fence, wiping my tears away as Hongjoong’s brother jumped over and offered to help me over as well, his own hands shaking as he took my shaky ones in his. As my feet landed on the ground again, my eyes went to Hongjoong as he was down on his knees, forehead touching his car, body shaking. He was crying, I knew he was crying and it made me cry again as I consciously now walked towards him, his mechanics and team making space for me as I called out his name, my own raspy voice foreign to myself. I haven’t even realized I have screamed so much tonight until now.
“Hongjoong!” I called out again and he was suddenly up on his feet, sobs erupting from his mouth as his body collided against mine harshly as we ran up to each other, his arms caging me against himself in a bear hug, swaying us side to side as he continued sobbing into my neck, my own tears flowing heavier than they have been. All tension lifted from my body as I clutched onto my boyfriend with desperation, finally feeling the well deserved happiness and contentment wash over myself as I squealed, starting to jump up and down, making Hongjoong mirror me. He was laughing as he let out a loud shout of satisfaction, grabbing my thighs and bringing them around his middle as I yelped and held onto him tightly, getting whirled around as Hongjoong shouted loudly. I couldn’t help but laugh and press a messy kiss against his lips, our mouths unable to stop smiling as I felt love, adrenaline, happiness mix together and create an euphoric feeling in my brain and body.
“You’re a fucking World Champion, Kim Hongjoong!” I screamed and he threw his head back and laughed, mouth pulled into a wide smirk as his hands tightened around my thighs, “You are the World Champion!”
Hongjoong let out another deep shout as he swiftly placed me down on the ground and was instantly tackled into a tight hug by his brother then followed by their parents, the four of them huddled together as they celebrated briefly the victory of their beloved Hongjoong. And I couldn’t help but look around and take in the crowd, everyone ecstatic as they watched Hongjoong and the Red Bull team, jumping up and down and chanting his name. Proudness swelled in my chest and I pressed a hand against my heart, taking in a deep breath as I made eye contact with Yeosang, who had the tiniest smile on his lips as he stood to the side, leaning against the fence. His eyes glinted with proudness and he nodded at me with a grin as we made eye contact, making me break out into a huge smile. He knew the feeling, he was in Hongjoong’s shoes last year. It warmed my heart that despite their rivalry, Yeosang could still show some silent support towards Hongjoong. They’ve been racing together since a fragile age, deep down, both of them cared about each other, but in a sport like Formula One, such as friendship on the grid didn’t exist.
“Kim Hongjoong!” I heard the voice of the reporter boom through the speakers loudly, “First time World Champion! Takes the crown and bears its victory!”
And then I found Hongjoong’s eyes again and we grinned at each other as his trophy was carefully passed to him, Hongjoong’s hands clutching it tightly and carefully as if he was afraid anyone would try and take it away from him. But nobody could, because he was Kim Hongjoong, Red Bull Racing driver, first time World Champion. The first obstacle in his long journey had been just conquered, making way for many more to come. For many more victories to commence, happy and painful memories to follow. Kim Hongjoong, the Captain.
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Disability Swag Summit 2!!
The Swag Summit is back!
Now with some improvements.
I’ve added different categories to display and represent a wider array of characters and disabilities throughout the competition.
Also, since my goal is representation, you can submit any character with disabilities as major or “minor” as you want.
Also, head canons and coding are allowed, just mark them as such in the form.
The categories go as follows:
Here go characters with movement disabilities, like paralysis, missing a limb, or not being able to coordinate your body. Here go people with club foot, Parkinson’s, flat feet, dyspraxia, tic related disabilities, cerebral palsy, paraplegia, amputees, mobility aid users, etc.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their internal organs, endocrine system, immune system, amongst other systems inside of your body. Disabilities in this category may include asthma, autoimmune disorders, allergies, chronic pain, diabetes, PCOS, fibromyalgia, IBS, skin conditions, amongst others.
Here go characters with disabilities related to their senses, be it sight (blindness, colour blindness, cataracts, astigmatism, photosensitivity, etc), touch/pain (CIPA, Hyposthesia, Dysesthesia, etc.), hearing (deafness, being hard of hearing, etc), smell (anosmia, phantosmia, etc), taste (Ageusia, Hypogeusia, etc) or a combination of different senses (like synesthesia).
Pretty straight forward, disabilities related to speech, be it selective mutism, speech impediments, full on mutism or other speech related disabilities.
Physical differences
Catch all term for people who were born or developed some sort of physical difference. Idk if it counts as a disability, but we’re looking to represent as many people as possible here so. Here go people who are missing limbs, visible organs or pretty much any body part, people who use prosthetics, people with extra body parts (that are actually not normally supposed to be there, don’t fill this category with bug people and aliens) people with deformities, scars, conjoined twins, little people, people with gigantism, etc.
Since different types of Neurodivergencies overlap so much, I feel like separating them would make my job 10 times more difficult, so I decided to lump together Cognitive, Info-processing, Psycosocial, Learning, and other mental disabilities. Here go characters with Autism, Dementia, DID, Schizophrenia, brain damage, PTSD, OCD, Tourette’s, dyslexia, etc.
Those who do not fit under other categories, be it because I forgot, because it’s not really categorizable or because it’s a fantasy disability (if the fantasy disability is close enough to one of the other categories, put it there too for good measure).
And finally
1- No real people. Live action characters are fine, but I feel kinda uncomfortable putting actual real living (or historical) human beings here. Maybe you can submit a disabled real animal if you want, but no people.
2- Preferably positive or neutral representation, please. As in, I rather not see blatantly ableist media represented here, there’s better representation out there, but if you really have to, I guess do whatever you want.
3- Be civil. This is for fun and not to be taken seriously. If you manage to spark drama or harassment out of this silly and fun competition, you are going to the dungeon.
4- Don’t make submissions in the asks. The asks are for questions and propaganda, make your submissions in the form.
5- Propaganda is allowed and highly encouraged! Either share it in the asks, at @eddies-disability-swag-blog or tag it as #disability swag summit
6- Should go without saying, but, like, bigotry is cringe, so, like, don’t do it?
Anyways, here’s the form! Submit away!
The Form will close on December 25 (May be earlier or later depending on the number of submissions), so make sure to submit your blorbos by then!
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idkaurl · 6 months
Getting Together
Bruce noticed the change almost immediately, it was hard to get anything past him and they weren’t being very subtle about it. The hand holding and public groping was a dead giveaway, he can’t say he was surprised though, Diana had never been shy and Clark had always been easily turned into putty by her.
 Still, though not surprising, the change was very different. The once inseparable trio was now damaged. It wasn’t really their fault; they still made an effort to be around him. It was him who had done the damage. He was happy that they had finally gotten together, but something inside him was tearing him apart. He felt too many things when he saw them together now; anger, envy, sadness, it hurt, so he did the thing he was best at and started tearing himself away from the source of the pain.
 It was easier said than done to pull away from his two best friends. It’s hard to avoid someone when you work with them almost everyday. Needless to say, they took notice. He knew it was only a matter of time before they began questioning his odd behavior, and he was right.
Bruce sat at the computer in the watchtower, he was going over some files, nothing super important, he had really just been trying to look busy. He tensed up slightly as he heard a familiar set of heels heading in his direction. Of course, Diana would be the first to approach him. 
He felt her presence beside him as he kept his gaze on the computer in front of him. She was quiet for a moment before her hand made its way onto his shoulder, “Bruce,” she said calmly, “why don’t you take a break? Me and Clark were thinking we could all grab dinner together.”
He huffed, “I can’t Diana, there’s too much to do,” he lied. He knew that was a dangerous game, lying to both Diana and Clark was an almost impossible task, still he did.
He heard her sigh beside him, “Bruce, there is no work to do. You’ve been avoiding us for weeks,” she stated. It wasn’t a question, it was an observation, “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“There’s always work to do Diana,” he stated simply, “and I haven’t been avoiding you, I’ve just been busy.” Against his better judgment he continued, “you two seem to be getting on just fine without me anyway.”
Silence filled the room, he internally cursed himself for putting it out there, he should have just let it be. He felt her grip tighten on his shoulder and for a second he prided himself for rendering Wonder Woman speechless.
That silence was soon filled with the sound of wind coursing through and suddenly Clark was there. A flash of anger crossed Bruce’s eyes, not that they could see it with his cowl still on, Clark could probably sense it through his heartbeat though.
He kept his gaze forward, avoiding them, hoping they’d just leave him be. No such luck. “Bruce,” Diana tried again, “please,” she turned his chair, forcing him to face them, “we miss you.”
He jolted at the sudden change of position, glaring at the two of them, but staying silent.
“Come on Bats,” Clark chimed in, “I know you have to be missing us too,” he teased. Those words stirred something within Bruce. He did miss them, he missed them so much it hurt, but it hurt worse to be with them and see what he could never have.
He huffed pulling himself up from the chair, “I’m taking my leave,” he stated, “you’re right Diana, work here is done for now. I’ll be heading home to check on Gotham then.”
“Let us come with you,” Clark chimed in, “it’s been a while since we’ve come to visit Gotham.” Bruce shot a glare in his direction, why wouldn’t they just leave him alone?
“Do what you want,” he said simply, making his way towards the zeta tube.
There was no surprise when he found both of them following him, and soon they were standing in the Batcave. Bruce immediately made his way towards the large computer to scan for surveillance, ignoring them as they followed.
He took a seat and started clicking through the cameras he had placed through Gotham. It seemed like it was pretty quiet tonight, just his luck. “Bruce, can we talk?” Diana asked after a while of silence.
“Talk about what?” he growled out.
He felt a soft hand reach out to caress his face, “I think you know,” she stated.
He heart stilled at the touch before quickly speeding up, he kept his words level though, “what is there to talk about? If you are referring to the nature of your developing relationship, I am well aware of it and it does not need to be discussed further,” he stated.
She hummed, softly stroking his face, “Clark, I think we might have given him the wrong idea,” she said sadly.
“It appears that way,” Clark agreed, inching closer to the two of them.
“You can’t think we’d want to have a relationship without you, can you?” she asked Bruce. He stilled, did he hear her right?
“What?” he asked dumbly.
He saw both their mouths start to turn slightly upward into the shape of a smile, “We love you Bruce, both of us,” she smiled. Clark nodding shyly beside her.
He felt her hands move to remove his cowl, reaching a hand out to stop her. If they removed his cowl his emotions would be on full display, he wasn’t sure if he could handle that right now.
“It’s okay Bruce,” she said calmly, “it’s just us, let us see how you’re feeling.”
He slowly dropped his hand away, allowing her to remove his cowl. He saw their faces drop when they saw his. He knew he didn’t look great right now, but their expressions only solidified that.
“We’re sorry Bruce,” Clark stated, “we didn’t mean to do this to you,” he started.
“Do what to me?” Bruce demanded, anger flaring up again.
“Hurt you,” Diana ran her hand through his hair softly massaging his scalp. He found himself leaning into the touch, he’d missed them. He felt tears threaten to prick at the corners of his eyes.
Diana slid onto his lap easily, pressing soft kiss to his temple, “shh,” she hushed, as she continued petting his hair. His eyes widened in alarm when he felt himself be lifted in the air, Clark had scooped them both up in his strong arms and was carrying them up to the manor. Bruce stilled, allowing them to do as they pleased. He was still confused, but he figured he’d enjoy the moment while it lasted.
It wasn’t long before the reached Bruce’s bedroom and Clark deposited them both onto the bed before climbing on himself. Bruce found himself stuck in the middle, between his two best friends. His two best friends that he was in love with. There, he’d said it, to himself at least. It felt good to admit, even if he knew it couldn’t be. He was sure this was all out of pity. They had seen the affect their relationship had on him and were feeling guilty, this was all this was. Even so, he was going to soak it in while he could as greedy as that might be.
He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew he woke up to the sound of the soft murmurs of conversation around him. In his comfortable, sleep-dazed, state he couldn’t quite decipher what they were talking about, but he was certain of one thing; it was about him.
He sighed, pressing his face against something warm and firm. He felt hands softly massaging his back, “go back to sleep darling,” he heard a voice whisper in his ear, “we’ll be here when you wake up, we promise,” and then he did.
When Bruce woke the second time, he was much more coherent. His eyes widened as he realized the position he was in. He had thought it was all a dream, but the proof lay right before him as he found himself still sandwiched between the two. His face had been pressed up against Clark’s chest and he felt Diana pressed close against his back.
He moved to try and pull away, but he found himself trapped under the weight of their strong arms as they each had one arm wrapped around him.
He looked up as he felt a sleepy kiss be pressed against his forehead, Clark’s sleep riddled eyes looking down at him, “good morning,” he smiled, and Bruce felt his heartbeat speed up. He felt the vibrations of Clark’s soft chuckle as he was still pressed against his chest and suddenly felt another set of lips on the back of his neck, “good morning,” Diana smiled, wrapping her arm around him more securely as if he might try and run away.
“Good morning,” Bruce grumbled out, his tone exposing his confusion.
“Did you sleep well?” Diana asked. He could practically hear her grin.
He made an affirmative sound, “Better than I have in a long time,” he found himself admitting.
He heard them both hum happily in response, “I’m glad,” she purred into his ear as she leaned over to give Clark a kiss.
Something stirred in him at the sight, want. He felt her hand start to trail up his chest, trailing over his muscles, all the way until her hand rested at his chin. She cupped it in her hand, encouraging him to turn towards her. He allowed it, looking into her eyes, “can I kiss you, Bruce?” she asked softly.
“Yes,” the words left his mouth before he could even second guess himself and she acted quickly, pressing a soft kiss to his lips as well.
She pulled away far too quickly in his opinion, but he found himself being pulled back in the direction of Clark, “me too,” he asked, “can I kiss you too?”
“Yes,” he found himself answering on instinct, once again being pulled into a chaste kiss before he could back out.
Clark pulled away and Bruce found himself blinking confusedly at what had just happened. Diana hushed him, “I can tell that brain of your is running a mile a minute,” she chuckled into his ear, “you don’t need to think about it, this is real, we promise,” she smiled, “we love you.”
“We love you,” Clark reaffirmed, kissing his forehead once again.
Bruce felt the tension leave his body at their words, a soft smile forming on his face, “I love you too,” he said. 
They held him tighter, pressing soft kisses against his skin and he let them. He didn’t know how long this happiness would last, but he decided he’d embrace it while he could.
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hypnoneghoul · 8 months
okay this is the one topic I will go on anon for, dont mind me.
anyway, seeing as we have a kind of piss thing going on (a trickle if you will god Im sorry)
what about rain convincing the others to just, completely soak him in a gold shower. like think bukkake but piss. I would love to see it with everyone but if also understand if you dont want to do that, in that case choose who you think are best for the scenario. and if you dont wanna write it at all thats also perfectly fine pls dont feel like you have to!
bestie the noise that escaped my mouth when i saw that... yeah
700 words, what it says in the ask so bukkake but piss, rain x all the boys with transmasc dew, bit of p in v
Rain is a freak. He may not seem like one, but he is and all the pack knows it all too well. Each and every one of them was a subject of his… fantasies so many times it was uncountable at this point, whether he was doing something to them or asking them to do something to him.
One of Rain’s favorites was when it was the others’ turn to do something to him. All of them, preferably.
It started with a good old fashioned orgy. A sex party, if you will, though this time the ghoulettes kept away, letting the boys to their own devices. The ghouls locked themselves in Rain’s room hours ago and only noises that kept spilling out of there were an indicator of them still being alive and well. Maybe not too well.
The party was slowly coming to an end. Its grand finale. Everyone had taken a cock and everyone’s cock was taken. Nearly everyone had cum, at least twice. All the sexual tension of the day was dissipating. They were getting tired, but it was still not over.
Rain was still waiting.
He was engaging alright; he’d eaten Dewdrop out, rode Mountain and fucked Phantom, but as they all kept cumming, he didn’t. Not once.
“Fuck…” Swiss sighed as he was coming down from his fourth orgasm of the night, this one inside Dewdrop’s cunt. “This is fun, but I don’t think anyone’s got more in ‘em.”
“I second this,” Aether grumbled from under Phantom. “Got your fill, Tadpole?”
“Ugh. Fine.” Everyone chuckled at Rain’s dramatic eye roll. The water ghoul truly was insatiable, but if he wanted his plan to be followed through, he’d have to agree to do it now. Otherwise he’d have to milk it out of them all asleep, which… he wouldn’t entirely mind, neither would they, but it wasn’t the plan. Rain crawled out of Mountain’s lap and to the middle of the room, settling on his knees.
“You sure you don’t wanna move to the shower?” Phantom asked, still a bit concerned. He did take part in Rain’s… play time more than once, but this particular type of action was his first. 
“Don’t you worry about it, bug,” Swiss scoffed. “He’s got it.”
“Come here,” the water ghoul all but growled at nobody in particular. All of them, really. “Soak me, make me cum.”
They didn’t need any further encouragement.
With some groans and hisses all of them made their way over to kneeling Rain, taking their positions all around him. So simple, yet so powerful. Only Dewdrop waited, sitting at the edge of the bed and staring Rain down with fire in his eyes. As usual, the best part was his.
“Come on,” the water ghoul spat out once more and without further ado, the ghouls looked at each other and got even closer. Rain was opening his mouth again but instead of words, a high pitched moan left it when Mountain’s piss hit his chest. Then Aether on his back, Swiss on his right, Phantom on his left.
Rain was completely blissed out, shuddering and moaning, hands gripping his thighs, as he was being absolutely showered in hot piss. His red cock was rock hard and leaking, waiting for the slightest of touches to make him burst, cum so hard he’d black out. He couldn’t hear the noises others were making, in awe of their packmate so filthy. 
As all the streams were slowly dying out, Dewdrop stepped in. Finally.
He straddled Rain’s lap and the water ghoul’s eyes snapped open. Before he could register what was going on, Dewdrop slammed himself all the way down onto his cock, his wet and stretched out cunt swallowing Rain up to the very hilt with no issue.
Debauched moans rang out from both of them and the fire ghoul rolled his hips exactly once before letting go with a sigh and pissing all over Rain’s cock, balls and thighs. Rain wailed, then, jaw going slack and head falling backwards as he shook all over and cummed deep inside Dewdrop, some of his copious amounts of cum leaking out and mixing with the other’s piss, still trickling out.
Now, Rain was satiated.
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One Thing Right Pairing - Anakin Skywalker x female!Reader Summary - It's all over. After months of trying to complete your mission, Anakin and Palpatine have got you in their grasp. Word Count - 1k Warnings/Notes - Language. Some references to sexual content. This is in the same universe as The Separatist and the Jedi, so if you haven't read that you might want to so it makes a little more sense. :)
This was not where you thought everything was going to end. 
To be honest, you hadn’t spent much time thinking about it. All you had been concerned with for so long was making sure that you did everything that your Master had asked of you. It was the least you could do for the man that had pulled you out of obscurity and given you a purpose. 
A purpose that seemed like it was going to end here, with the creepy ass Emperor smiling in the background and Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber against your throat. The tables had turned, that much was for sure. Neither you or your Master had anticipated the Sith Lord to act so quickly, and now you were about to die because of it. 
You weren’t going to go down blubbering like a pathetic idiot though. “You know we’ve been in this position before.” You reminded him, biting on your bottom lip. “It was much more fun that time.” You said, casting a glance up and down that body you knew so well. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to be quiet before you actually do it?” He hissed, bringing his lightsaber even closer to your skin. 
“Just reminiscing, Skywalker.” You replied, trying to ignore the rising panic inside of you as you felt the burn against your neck. “If you’re about to kill me, I should be thinking about the good times, right? Like when you were fu -”
“Enough!” Came the Emperor’s demanding voice, but Anakin’s eyes didn’t leave your face. 
His gaze was piercing into yours so harshly you wanted to pull away, but you refused to back down and look away. “You lied to me.” Anakin said, and although he tried to hide it, you saw it. The glimpse of hurt. 
It egged you on. “Cheated too.” When his eyes flashed with even more pain, as he took your words the wrong way, you ate it up. “I never really won that game of Sabacc. I had cards up my sleeves.” You told him with a teasing grin. 
He didn’t return it. Instead he leaned even closer. “That night. Was that a lie too?” 
Abruptly the humor left you. There was no question what night he was talking about. The night he had found you sobbing in the destruction of a fight between the Jedi and Separatists, cradling a little girl’s body in your arms who had reminded you so much of . . . “No,” You replied, not a trace of anything but sincerity in your tone this time. “That was real.” 
The tension in the room as Anakin studied your face was so thick you could feel it in every breath that you took. It seemed like minutes had passed before you couldn’t take it anymore. 
“If you’re going to kill me, just go ahead and do it already.” You hissed at him, leaning so close to him you felt the slightest burn on your neck from his lightsaber. “If you don’t, your Master will do it anyway.” 
His jaw tensed, and his nostrils flared in the same way they always did when you pissed him off, and in the next moment you were lying on the ground, eyes wide and startled as Anakin’s lightsaber deactivated and he turned back to face the Emperor. “She’s useful. It’d be a waste to kill her.” 
“She tried to kill me. There’s no room for negotiations here.” the Emperor replied, his voice like nails on a chalkboard to your ears. 
“And if I kill her, her Master will simply follow, perhaps at a moment when I’m not here to protect you. If instead I let her take me back to her master, I can cut off -”
“I’ll never give him up -!”
There was no time for you to prepare yourself for the onslaught of lightning that came from his hands, attacking your body in a painful way that had your back arching off the floor and clenching your fists. But your Master had made sure you were prepared for something like this, and you didn’t make a sound, even as sweat poured down your face and your insides felt as if they had been lit with fire. 
Then, just as suddenly as it had started, the pain left, and you couldn’t fight the urge to gasp in relief, your hand clutching your chest. 
“Can you convince her?” The Emperor asked as if he hadn’t just almost killed you. 
“I can be very persuasive.” Anakin said, and even though you couldn’t see his face, you could hear the cockiness in his voice. 
You would never do it. You would never betray your Master, even for Anakin. But this time you knew better than to open your mouth and say something about it. 
There was silence as the Emperor seemed to think about Anakin’s offer, which was insane to you. Either he grossly overestimated Anakin, or underestimated your Master. Either one would lead to a mistake. “You have one week, and then you’re to meet me on Mustafar.” 
“Yes, Master.” Before you could even comprehend what had just happened, Anakin pulled you to your feet and started pulling you out the door, keeping a tight grip on your hands. 
“Anakin.” The Emperor’s raspy voice made him freeze in his tracks. “Do not fail me.” He threatened. 
He paused for a moment, and then nodded. “Yes, Master,” he repeated, and then began dragging you out the door once more. 
Furious at how that situation had transpired, you couldn’t help but goad the man who was now your captor. “I thought you hated being an apprentice? Never appreciated for your talents? Funny how you leave one Master to go to another one who still treats you as if you’re beneath him.” You hissed. 
His grip tightened on your wrists to a painful level, but you refused to show any sign of it. 
“I’m never going to tell you where my Master is.” You continued, “I would rather die than betray him, so you might as well kill me now and go crawling back on your knees to your wrinkly old Master to beg for -”
You couldn’t help it this time. You let out a gasp as he turned sharply down an empty hall and shoved you roughly against the wall, pressing every inch of his body against yours in such a way it was almost suffocating. “I’m not going to be begging for anything anymore.” He said harshly, his hot breath fanning your cheeks. 
A slight smirk fell on your lips as you forced your eyes away from his ice cold ones to travel as far down as he allowed. “Anything? Even my lips around your -”
He moved so fast you didn’t have time to prepare yourself. In seconds he had gripped your hair in his fist and yanked down on it hard, forcing your eyes back up to his. “Drop the mask.” Anakin said, his nose brushing against your own. 
His words were so out of nowhere it felt like your brain short circuited. “I - What?” You said, more out of breath than you wanted to be at this moment. 
“I know you.” His words had turned steady, sure. “You made a mistake. I’ve seen who you really are beneath everything you try to hide behind.” 
You wanted to deny it, and you shook your head, but before you could say anything, you felt the softest pressure of his lips against your own. You eyes closed involuntarily, and you held your breath, waiting for the kiss . . . 
But it never came. 
“And you will take me to where your Master is,” he whispered against your lips. “Because I know he wants me on his side just as much as the Emperor wants me on his.” 
Your eyes flashed open in shock that you were unable to hide from his piercing blue ones. “You don’t know that.” You said quickly. 
But Anakin was smirking. “Why else would he have asked you to come after me?” 
Even though your heart was still playing catch up, your training was several steps ahead of you, a small smile forming on your lips without even thinking about it. “You sure do think highly of yourself, don’t you golden boy?” 
Anakin’s smirk dropped. “Are you going to take me to him or not?” 
You glanced up at the ceiling as if deep in thought, and you could practically feel the tension in his body rising as you didn’t speak. Finally, after several seconds, you decided to put him out of his misery. “Fine. As long as I get to drive, and let him know we’re coming.” You said, bringing your gaze to meet his again. “Got to let him know my mission to bring you to him was successful.” 
His eyes were like icicles, stabbing directly into your chest. At this moment, there was no doubt in your mind that Anakin Skywalker hated you. In fact, hate probably wasn’t a strong enough word. He loathed you. If the ground opened up right now and swallowed you whole, he wouldn’t lament your death for one moment. 
It was good. Better for him to think that your plan was to seduce him the whole time than to know that you’d fallen in love with him.
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fever-fluff · 11 months
Home V
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Word count: 3.2k (Not Proof Read) Azriel is butting heads with his new companion, being forced to recognise some hard truths...
Part IV , Part VI
The waves crashing against one another was a sound she hadn’t realised she’d missed so much in her time away. Brien had taken up post beside her, finally moving away from their guest for the first time since that night. She had felt his reluctance to carry out their journey after she had woken him for the terrors that had plagued his mind. It wasn’t the first time he had dealt with them, she supposed. But the undiluted fear that had come off him in waves was unlike anything she’d ever felt before.
So, she had silently requested Brien to accompany him when she couldn’t. And now that they’d made t to the swelling ocean, his anticipation to slip away had turned into a desire to run from what he’d promised. She’d smelt the shift so intensely that she almost felt bad for keeping him here. But their work was more important than running from inner demons, at least to her anyway. Besides, there was no telling whether he’d return to Indere to Mor, and she couldn’t allow someone a new friend held so dear decide to disappear into his shadows.
She moved away from them towards the cove they’d need to complete the journey from, walking down the steep rocks she’d passed so many times she didn’t need to follow Brien’s lead anymore, but his presence in front of her was a welcome one. They’d spent centuries together, sometimes it only being the two of them, and he had become apart of her just as much as she for him.
Aodhan was talking to Azriel behind her, explaining how they’d cross safely without fear of the swallowing waves beneath. “You’ll have to fly on the currents, making sure to take the ones sweeping up and avoiding those that’ll push you towards the swell. It gets easier as you do it, but winnowing is out of the question. There’s wards up that haven’t been broken longer than I’m alive.”
“And another reason Mor wouldn’t be able to cross regardless of whether she was allowed to or not.” He’d already pieced together that it was too dangerous to carry another fae as you navigated the currents. Aodhan nodded in confirmation, “We’ve had sailors and other fae try to cross before, whether they knew the islands were inhabited or not, we don’t know. Their secrets went down with them to the bottom of the sea.”
She was still looking towards the sound of the sea when she’d heard his next question. “Which still doesn’t explain how you’re crossing…” She smiled, not straying from her position, but pulled a sharp whistle to Brien who was preoccupied with sniffing around something to her right. Her voice cut loudly to the howling wind that had picked up as if it sensed the oncoming flight, “I can’t let you in on all my secrets just yet Shadowsinger.”
Brien moved to her feet, his physical body shifting into something else, something entirely magic. It swirled around her, climbing from her legs upwards and taking whatever was physical of her with it. There was no sign of her feet beneath her, not feeling of them either. They ceased to exist, as did the rest of her body as Brien climbed and climbed. It was always terrifying, feeling everything she was and is being turned into what felt like nothing. Brien had reached her neck as she bid her goodbyes, “I’ll see you both on the other side,” and the very last of her body was engulfed.
There was never any memory of what had happened once her consciousness was consumed. She had been something, then wasn’t, and until Brien decided to place her back in the physical world she did not exist in and shape or form. She always thought maybe one day, if Brien ever decided to, he could just allow her to be that way for eternity. She didn’t know if he could form his physical body without bringing her back, and never thought it necessary to find out. 
The return of her was always more tedious than the consuming, taking longer as if Brien wanted to make sure he didn’t forget to form a toe or a finger on the way back. Azriel and Aodhan hadn’t made it over yet, and she wondered if he’d actually attempted to make a run for it when she had disappeared. But the beats of two pairs of wings from the sea was enough to confirm her thoughts wrong. She sat perched on a rock, Brien wrapped loosely around her shoulders, purring loudly. He always craved the closeness of it after, as if he missed her presence in the short time she wasn’t there. Aodhan and Azriel were panting from the exertion it took to cross over, she wondered if either of them had gotten close to being swallowed on the way over.
She stood as the caught their breath, moving to greet the two of them on home soil. Home. It felt good to be able to call the ground she stood on that. The chieftains were right to call her, it had been far too long.
“Azriel” his body turned to her attention, “welcome to our home.”
Azriel never, never, wanted to agree to a race like that again. After he had gotten over his spluttering about how Brien had practically eaten her in a wave of pure magic, Aodhan had insisted that it was the best way to cross, that it would take his mind off the sheer force that would be beneath him. But it had done no such thing, and he’d nearly toppled through the rough wind too many times and fell straight into a watery grave. Dancing with death had always been easy for him and his brothers, but that was sheer stupidity.
But, looking at where he’d be stationed for the next while, he understood what that graveyard beyond the cliffs was hiding.
He felt it in the wind, soft and warm unlike the ones he’d just flown through. Lush green covered the sloping sides of the tops of the cliffs above him, a colour so inviting he felt the itch to roll in it like he were a dog. Trees of every kind seemed to guard him on both sides, and the sounds of running water filed his ears from somewhere. There was a quiet here he had never felt before, there was no inkling of being alert for oncoming dangers from somewhere. This place was a land that felt like he had passed on, but the aches in the muscles holding his wings and the tightness still filling his chest from a lack of air grounded him from thinking he had truly died going over the water.
They had begun to walk inland, passing floral and fauna that had gone undisturbed for centuries, unperturbed by their trek and seemingly unaware of the predators they could be. Azriel had never seen the likes of it -even Velaris, the city which held an imaginable number of dreams and hopes couldn’t hold a candle to the utter surrealness of this place.
Even watching her as she walked among paths long trodden into the earth, her steps were lighter than before. Like she had nothing to fear behind the bends ahead or the treeline to her side. Brien didn’t walk as closely to her either, shifting between prancing legs and swift wings as he basked in the afternoon sun overhead. The stopped slightly as they came to a dip in the land, the expanding view of her land filling his vision. She nodded towards Aodhan, “Fly ahead and let everyone know we’re back.” His arrival with them a silent command between her words was not lost on him as Aodhan unfurled his wings and split through the air, the gust he left behind making Azriel plant his feet more firmly in place. Before he had even looked to the sky, Aodhan had flown out of sight.
“Sometimes I forget the strength he has until he takes off.” The fondness in her voice was contagious and Azriel found himself smiling along. “You must be proud.”
Her face had tilted towards the sun to take in the heat as she sighed, “You have no idea.”
“When he was fifteen, he’d crash landed into the roof of our home, falling into where I was sitting trying to enjoy a glass of wine after a long day. It took him a week to repatch the hole. But the entire time all he could talk about was how fast he had flown and how he’d become faster and faster.” They were walking side by side now, his attention raptly on the joy she seemed to light up with as she gave him a laugh, “I couldn’t even be mad about the roof, or that he could have hurt himself. He seemed so happy in that moment that all I wanted from then on was to keep it that way, that he’d never feel bad about being who he was.”
“His happiness meant your happiness” Azriel thought back to Nyx, already noting the familiar feeling he had for his nephew brewing in his chest. “My brother, he has a little one now with his mate. I’m certain the whole family would tie the stars on strings for him if it’d make him smile.”
“It’s terrifying, thinking what you’d justify to bring them happiness. Everything is fair game when it comes to them.” her sentiment was horrifyingly true for Azriel. If anything -or anyone- ever got in the way of Nyx, not only would Feyre and Rhys burn the world, the rest of them would destroy whatever ash was left over in their wake. The air had turned tense around them for a moment until she spoke again, “It’s the reason I’m doing this, pushing to open the boarders that is… Aodhan, like many of the younger ones, is restless. He’s never truly seen the rest of the world. And this peace we’ve created, it’s become suffocating for them.”
She made to grasp his hand, gripping his fingers with hers stiffly, as if it would convey how much resolve she had in her to make this happen. “Children of peace are so different from children of war, Azriel. He – they – need the freedom we’ve kept from them for too long.”
He wanted to believe her, truly. But he’d seen so much of the ugly side of the world that he couldn’t bring himself to stop the words spilling from his mouth, “The world isn’t as welcoming as you think. It’s not as beautiful as here, the wounds are still so fresh from everything that I doubt even the next few centuries can fix it. Too much blood has been shed…”
“And yet your sister tends to those wounds not far from here, doing the work so many before have been too scared to even consider a possibility.” Something hard had entered her tone, and he felt himself wishing to take back his words if only to remove it as quickly as it had come, but he persisted. “She’s creating trade routes, what you’re implying is opening up a world, an unknown world, to the rest of us. You can’t possibly think it will end in peace…”
“She’s connecting worlds, how is that so different from what I want?”
“You know damn well how different it is. You’ve been cut off from the rest of us for centuries! You hid during wars that the rest of us bled for, how welcoming do you think our world will be to yours once they realise you have come out of everything unscathed while the rest of us clawed our way out of hel to rebuild what was left?” She’d ripped her grip from his at that, eyes hardening and levelling him. Even though he knew she couldn’t very well see him, Azriel had a mind to take a step back. “Do not try to educate me on political matters I am damn well aware of Shadowsinger. I see now I should have let you slink off in your fear instead of having Brien watch you like a dog.”
Azriel bristled at her admission, “Fear? Do you think that was what that was?” the distance he created closed instantly as he matched her stance a hair’s breadth away, “I have come here, an unknown territory with unknown fae, unguarded and you believe I am afraid?” His wings had spread wide, shadows pouring from them steadily as if to snuff the light that surrounded the two of them forever in a sea of darkness. But the female in front of him didn’t cower, didn’t balk at his act of dominance as so many others had.
“I have been alive for over seven hundred years; I know fear when I smell it. And the stench of it smothers you Azriel, whether you realise it or not.”
The hitch of his breath seemed to pull her from the fight she seemed so wound up to have, and she sighed when he answered her with a growl. “Azriel, I am not ignorant to what fae outside these islands may think. But this is the only step forward. If you do not want to help, then that is your choice, and you may leave whenever you want. But do not shut a door you haven’t properly opened yet.”
As she stepped away from him and the wave of shadows around them, turning to begin the walk again, Azriel felt himself torn in two. He was still angry, her implication still stinging fresh, but he hadn’t lost himself enough to forget the rest of her words. So, begrudgingly, he made to follow. Brien had flown back in between it all probably to ensure his masters safety and now slunk in between her steps, chuffing at him as if it was his fault the mood had turned sour. He growled back lowly at the disrespect, but the familiar had already taken to ignoring him in favour of watching a butterfly in the nearby brush.
Azriel wasn’t sure what to expect with his arrival, newly announced as it was. For somewhere so disconnected, surely a newcomer would warrant some type of wariness in the form of unchecked violence should the need arise. But, as they reached as small town that she had told him was one of many that sat on the outskirts of the main part of the island, he was met with very much the opposite.
Fae with wings very much like Aodhan’s had come out in groups to get a glance of what they’d heard to be an emissary of the known world. Small children, more than he had ever seen in one place his entire life, huddled in groups or at the legs of who were most likely their parents as he passed through beside her. Their whispers reached his ears quickly.
Gods, look at his wings…
Mom, why do they look like that?
Dad, why does his wings look different to ours?... He’s not fae like us son, he’s a foreigner. What’s a foreigner? Ahhhh, it’s someone who comes from a different place than you do… Oh….
Do you think he can fly in the rain?
Wonder where he’s coming from? Probably the continent, it’s where Danu was last visiting.
He looked to her in question of the last whisper he listened to, “Danu?”
“An honorary title, it’s what most fae will use instead of my given name.” He hummed his understanding, “So should I be using it as well?”
She threw him a shrug as they entered one of the buildings, “If you want, it makes no difference to me.”
The building turned out to be a tavern of a sorts. Bottles lined the shelves behind a counter, and tables with precarious looking stools littered the rest of the floor. But she made for the back of the room, pulling back a piece of fabric to reveal a better looking table and chairs made for those with wings more private than the rest of the place. Danu, he supposed it would be best if he honor her name here for the good graces of the rest, motioned for him to sit while she went to grab the bottle and two tumblers the barkeep had left on the counter without a word.
Pouring what looked to be whiskey for each of them, she lifted her glass in cheers to his and downed it in one go. It burned his throat as fire would going down, hitting the base of his stomach far harder than any liquor in Rita’s ever had and he found himself staving off a cough.
“Uisce thine, one of the best things to ever grace the world of drinking.” Azriel didn’t really agree with her sentiment. If either Cassian or Nesta got their hands on the likes of this, well, there wouldn’t be much to keep the chaos that would ensue from happening. “Perhaps you should keep this on the island.” Their spat from earlier on seemed to be a matter of the past for her as she laughed in understanding. Pouring a second round, she began to tell him more of her home and how to navigate it. “Muintir na Lasrach are an old race, they predate even some families of high fae and our customs are much different to yours.”
He listened closely to how they didn’t believe in the mother creating the known world, and how the phoenix was one of four gods who had given up a single feather to create them from fire, wind and clay. “Like the phoenix, they’re incredibly selfish down to their very nature, so I’d be careful if you decide to venture outside of political connections and who you choose to do that with. Male and females alike are extremely territorial if they’ve claimed someone for themselves, and because you’re an outsider death wouldn’t be too harsh a punishment if you put a foot wrong.” Azriel felt his stomach drop as the memory of Rhys swearing him off Elain resurfaced. He’d made the mistake of coming between fate once before, he wouldn’t do it again. “No mates. Noted.”
Her brows pulled together in rebuttal. “There’s no mates on the island, at least not in your knowledge of the term. Everyone here chooses their partner of their own accord, no fate involved. They’re just extremely territorial is all I’m saying.”
Azriel didn’t know how to comprehend what she’d admitted. Regardless of whether they believed in the mother or not, how could there be no semblance of mates anywhere. “How is that possible?”
She made to pour one last drink for them before they’d go to an inn for the night, “A story for another time. Drink up, and I’ll tell you the rest of what you need to know after we’ve had some stew.”
Pronunciation of words
Muintir na lasrach —> mwin-ter na lass-rock
Uisce Thine —> ish-kah chin-a
Aodhan —> a-dawn
Taglist @mis-lil-red, @justdreamstars, @florencemtrash
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WIP Wednesday
It has been a Closed Position kind of week! Who's ready for dancing Dieter to take over their thots? 😏
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Ask me how many times I have written the name 'Talia' instead of the name of the new OFC, 'Kat'? The answer...too many to fucking count. That is going to be a hard habit to break. 🤦‍♀️😂
Anyway, since it's Wednesday...I thought I might give you a little tease from the first chapter. Enjoy!
I was met with a mess of curls, dark eyes, and a lop-sided grin. It was Dieter fucking Bravo. “Hey there, sweetheart,” he said through a chuckle. We stared at each other for a moment. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he can’t call me that.  He had a slight smirk on his face now, “Katarina, right? Looks like we’re gonna be dance partners.”  I shook my head, my lips set in a tight line, “Don’t call me that.”  His brow furrowed, “What? Katarina?”  I scoffed, “No, sweetheart. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. It’s inappropriate. You can call me Kat like everyone else.”  He was obviously taken off guard by my cold demeanor as he gave me a confused look, “I didn’t...mean anything by it. I-I call everyone sweetheart.”  I rolled my eyes in response, “Well, you're not gonna call me that.” He chewed on the inside of his cheek for a beat, “I guess I’ve earned that. Sorry, I won’t do it again.”  I inhaled deeply, biting my bottom lip as I did so. It didn’t go unnoticed that his eyes shifted down to my mouth. “Look, this is my last season and I just wanna get through it without any drama, ok?” A crease formed between his brows as his jaw ticked to the side, “What makes you think I’m gonna cause drama?”
Let's just say there is in fact DRAMA all around on the first day of the new season of Dancing with the Stars...Wonder who causes it all? 👀
👉 Some fun facts... we will have alternating points of view in this fic - hearing both from Kat and Dieter. Also, some internal monologue too...
👉 If all goes to plan, the Epilogue for Destiny & Deliverance will post sometime next week. The first chapter for the new dancing Dieter fic will post the following week. I know, I've had you all waiting since October for this one and I apologize for that...but it is finally almost here. Yay!
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NPT: @for-a-longlongtime, @rhoorl, @trulybetty, @nerdieforpedro
Closed Position Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @linzels-blog @morallyinept @survivingandenduring  @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre
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