#anyways yeah that's my current medical concern lol
the like. constant obsession with losing weight is so like. like obviously it's bad bc it can encourage rly unhealthy behavior and there's more to being healthy than being under a certain weight but like. also (and i don't know if this is talked abt as much?) it makes it like. extremely hard to tell if ur underweight or losing too much. like. i have been Rapidly Losing Weight for like. unknown reasons and everything i look at will tell me what i should be UNDER but no one will tell me what i should be OVER or when im underweight enough for it to be like. really concerning. AND like. i don't have an eating disorder and i never have but my eating is juuuust disordered enough that it's super super super extremely not helpful for every fucking thing i look at to tell me i should like. lose weight or not overeat or etc etc bc like. i need to gain weight. im 20 years old and 5'3 and im under 100lbs. that's not healthy but no one will tell me HOW not healthy that is or like. how concerned i should be. like yeah okay if you've lost 10% of ur body weight in under 6 months (which i have) ur supposed to go to the doctor but like. i don't know. and then now im trying to like. track what i eat so that when i DO go to the doctor i have actual shit to show them and even all of that is just so fucking concerned with telling u ur eating too much and not if ur eating too little. kind of really fucking frustrating lol. also also i feel like no one is really that concerned about it??? (except for some of my friends who absolutely freaked the fuck out about but they were like. kind of dramatic about it i stopped telling them abt it lol). like ive lost over 10lbs in like 5 months?????? and like i told my mom and she was like. idk i was like 100 when i was ur age and that's like?? okay?? but if i fucking gained 10lbs in 5 months everyone would freak the fuck out. idk. my bmi is so low rn that i qualify for anorexia??????? and i cant figure out if im like. overreacting abt this like part of the reason i havent gone to the doctor is i feel like theyll be like 🤷 eat more 🤷 switch ur meds 🤷 which is. not helpful. like yeah i know i have to eat more thank u. idk i am just kind of frustrated lol like yeah being skinny is good and whatever but this is not healthy and it's kind of concerning that people don't care. i havent even told my dad bc im like. pretty sure he'd be like??? why is that bad??? idk. anyways. im gonna go to the doctor at some point i havent decided if im going this week or next week so we'll see hopefully i live lol
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nickolox · 4 months
((( long ramble post)))
trying to figure wtf is going on with your own mental health without the help of a professional + having a mental illness that already fucks with the way you perceive things (ocd) is genuine hell
like, I HAVE a psychiatrist, but he's fucking. awful and always puts medications first over like, figuring out what the fuck is going on
and everything about this whole procedure just feels like, off???
tldr: local man questions if he has The Dissociative Disorder™ whilst being simultaneously given red herrings and blatantly obvious eye opening signals at the same time, and has the same realizations 30 times over because i am in a constant cycle of denial, forgetting and then rediscovering this bullshit
so to put it in a nutshell most of my psychiatrist discussions about the big disorderly things go like this:
psych: so what are you experiencing me: i keep like, having these massive gaps in my memory, where i have no idea what happened or what i did or anythign for hours and hours at a time, and i looked up what that means and its apparently called dissociating? what does that mean? psych: right, that's a stress response. me: yeah, That makes sense. But I've also been unable to remember major events like my sister's wedding or my graduation... psych: well... obviously you were just anxious lol me: *remembers the photos i have as the only proof i have that those events happened, and im smiling in all of them* maybe?? i mean, it didn't seem like that was the case. psych: (completely ignores that) hmmm. okay. anyways- me: also I've been hearing voices??? psych: where? externally or internally? me: internally psych: (visible relief) oh thank god i was concerned it was schizophrenia for a moment, having an internal dialogue is normal :) me: i can't control the voices though, and they don't sound like my own voice in my mind. they're distinct, and it's not like my OCD either. psych: that's normal, sometimes people just imagine things ^_^
so, it was "anxiety" the first time, came back. told him this shit is still happening, and then he blamed it on my medications, and now i'm on a new set, which i suppose needed to happen anyways?
But like, he told me that brain fog and memory loss are a thing with prozac (what i was taking before) and i was like "huh no one told me that" to which he said "well no one says the full list of side effects because no one would want to take the meds otherwise"
i get home, i look up the fucking manual that comes with prozac when you go on it for the first time, and no where. NOWHERE. is this shit on that list of side effects. i look up a list of the side effects, dozens of sites, NOTHING!!!!
I speak with my bestie and he reminds me that,
I dealt with these problems prior to going on medication (something i didnt even remember, lol)
it has literally nothing to do with anxiety bc he himself has crippling anxiety and deals with none of the shit i do
i'm going to shit bricks dude what the fuck is wrong with my stupid brain, it feels like such a wild challenge compared to when i found out about my OCD, like, dude at least with that bitch it was consistent, it was 24/7. as shit as that was at least I knew it was always there, always there to be a bitch, but undeniable none the less.
This current mystery disorder is like, oooOOOooo i'm going to be here SOME OF THE TIME!!! to make you DOUBT it exists!!! and im sitting here like, is this a symptom or is this my ocd fucking with me bro
i feel like i might have some kind of dissociative disorder, but the problem I'm having is that it's not CONSISTENT??? like, some days I'll be like yeah this is the dream and then other days I cannot physically do anything, remember jack shit, feel like my soul is leaving my fucking body all god damn day?
why do people always talk about alters too, it's like, the one thing I don't experience, or at least, the one thing that's rare enough to not hinder me like the actual dissociation problems.
I feel like I can't be certain, and that sets my OCD off, because my brain goes "what if we're faking- what if you're overreacting" which in turn makes me go. insane. I am going insane.
there is sooo much more i could say, but i just realized it;s half past midnight. I should um. probably go to bed.
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earthstellar · 2 years
I wonder if Cybertronians experience protoform/weight redistribution with age, to at least some degree
Some old bots like Megatron have some general consistency with frame alterations etc. over the years, but then other old bots like Ratchet seem to go up a weight class/change total armour silhouette etc. more noticeably -- Compare young Ratchet's build during the pre-war era to Ratchet during Lost Light
And yeah some of this is just the result of sizing up for wartime reasons, but even post-war, some bots still hold onto a certain silhouette (which may not be their 'original' one)
I like it because it's not universal; obviously there's a lot of customization choices in the first place regardless of age
But even putting more commonplace mods etc. aside, I wonder how much of it relates to actual protoform or internal changes over time
I fully admit I am thinking about this because now that I am off HRT for medical reasons, I am regaining my hips and belly lmao, but it's interesting because I am also now middle aged
I don't really get dysphoria too badly myself, because as far as I'm personally concerned the Truest Gender will always be in one's heart, so like fuck it whatever, lmao, but it's interesting comparing current body post-HRT to my pre-HRT body from like 15+ years ago
and like yeah gaining weight etc. but I'm old and have a stressful job lmao, the fatter I get the more large I become, which is excellent not gonna lie. fuck yeah, become large. I'm already 6 feet tall, let's gooooo
but I wonder if under-armour changes in the protoform or other internal structure might occur in bots with age -- outside of intentional customisations
they live a long, long time, and they literally have at least one God/Prime dedicated to the concept of adaptation and change who is heavily implied to have actually physically designed the ability to change forms into their species in the first place, so I'd be surprised if no such changes occurred at all
ultimately while they have a lot of choice when it comes to their armour, paint job, etc. how much of that control extends to the actual matter of their being underneath it all?
what physical changes, over time or otherwise, occur that they cannot necessarily manually customise? how might that influence how they do actually customise their frames? how much flux is there over a lifetime, although this would almost certainly vary from individual to individual?
clearly I am in a very trans mood today LOL but I also always like thinkin' about Cybertronian physiology
anyway break's over I gotta get back to work
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mirakurutaimu · 1 year
Saw your last ask, wanted to ask one myself. What's your opinion on hemp-derived THC gummies? Currently in PA and the state puts you on a list for medical (I do qualify and it helps but hell no a registry is just asking for hell) and recreational is banned but not Hemp-derived. I'm still wary of junk brands though.
If you've a good opinion of them, any you'd recommend?
they work fine for me lol. the gummies i was posting about prior are actually hemp-derived as well, ass-backwards Indiana sure as fuck ain't a legal state lmao hell they're starting to pull back on hemp-derived shit, too. sux anyways as far as health concerns go if you're conscious about it i'd just avoid super cheap, like, gas station quality vape carts. it's like dick pills, they stand out. shit you get at a proper smoke shop is likely gonna be chill. my general go-to when it comes to head shops/smoke shops is that if it looks like a jewelry store, everything behind glass cases, no products actually within the customer's reach, i don't fuck with those kinda places. generally overexpensive anyways
uhh anyways i got distracted on my tangent but yeah probably no worries or anything as far as just getting, like, hemp-derived edibles or some shit.
it's hard to consistently recommend brands since the variety of stock at different head shops can vary a lot, but I've really enjoyed what i've had of torch's gummies so far, both the 175mgs and these 350mgs. big high dosage for a high-tolerance dickhead like me at a decent cost. satisfactory. torch hit me up for the big sponsorship pwease i've never asked before
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skadream · 5 months
happy ummm 8th month on t? (9th if i were actually on t continuously but i ran out for a month that one time) i used to do monthly t updates on tiktok but i dont rlly feel like doing that rn so i'll yap about it here (its actually wild how little stuff i have about my transition on my tumblr generally speaking? as if this isnt the website that transed my gender in the first place)
it really is hard to notice such gradual changes from month to month, especially if its just me lookin at myself, compared to seeing a doctor in person which, i am getting rx'd T thru telehealth currently as my nearest planned parenthood or even a neighboring one does not actually do gender affirming care which is. insane and whack. esp when i do live in a pretty populated county maybe second or third to nyc and albany area. and i have to call in to a pp THREE HOURS BY TRANSIT from me. but like, its been working for now ok!
mentally and emotionally ive been very up and down overall but i think thats largely due to my medication changes rather than hormones. ALTHOUGH. when i ran out for a month in november and my period came back... dude it was so horrible like genuinely the worst period of my life. its one of those things where i didnt realize just how dysphoric something could make me feel until i had a taste of being able to alleviate said dysphoria. so mentally speaking testosterone is probably pulling the mental train even more than the wellbutrin lol. and im trying not to account too much for circumstance/environment cuz like OBVIOUSLY if things were going smoothly for me there a lot of my emotional issues would be at least somewhat relieved, but im working with what i got.
physically, since starting t in july i have lost weight. at first i was very scared it was my medication, and i think a part of it was at least a little, like two of my meds can cause some weight loss, but i am no longer losing weight in a concerning way but just yknow the regular amount of daily fluctuation. so i do think a lot of my weight loss was due to hormones just shifting around my fat and all that, or something idk lol. everyones so diff with hormones, i know some trans guys gain weight on t and not necessarily from muscle training, i know girls on e who have lost weight without any changes to diet or exercise, it really depends so as always, this is just my experience etc etc
i do have more facial hair but its still quite patchy, i think i might start filling in my stache tho. with my shitty goatee, its not my fav so i shave it off when im not just sitting inside all day, but also idk it makes my chin feel less. round. or smth. i do always think of my one friend telling me ill look like the lead singer of a nü metal band and honestly maybe i should start giving that energy more anyway! embrace goatee lifestyle!
oh yeah my voice dropped in like the first two months and has gotten deeper since, and on timtom i talked a lot about wanting to maintain the vocal range i had pre-t? i dont think thats fully possible like i think the highest notes i used to reach are just inaccessible to me, but i think if i did some like vocal singing warmups i can get back up to reach those higher notes. in retrospect the way ive sung my whole life has actually prob been destructive on my voice, partly from lack of proper training and partly intentionally trying to sound deeper and more gravelly, but now that i can access deeper sounds more naturally i really do wanna work on singing in a better way where i can reach some of those notes.
overall yea im liking whats happening so far, i do wish it was happening faster but i understand that some people dont get the progress ive gotten for like, YEARS, and new progressions will be happening to me for years after today. if you think about "real" puberty, it is a gradual shift its not like you suddenly grow a chest as soon as you Bleed or whatever its different for literally every person and since im the only one in my family that i know of who has done this, im kind of a guinea pig. but like im okay with that! anyway yeah really recommrnd testosterone if u want it i like it :)
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thebibliosphere · 3 years
I had a question.
So, just an hour or two ago, I was going through some sort of “manic high”, sorta like how somebody with bipolar disorder would have (I don’t have BPD). It felt like a bullet train at max speed and completely derailing, and it was incredibly draining. It also got me wondering.
Do people with severe enough ADHD deal with ADHD episodes like this? My search attempts are often futile because all of it is just talking about how to differentiate between BPD and ADHD and BPD manic episodes, but nobody ever mentions ADHD episodes; the only time I’ve seen it mentioned ever was when somebody made a clip of crankgameplays to show what an ADHD episode looked like.
Do they even exist? I’ve got no idea, so I was just wondering if you knew.
Hey! Sorry, I saw your other ask a while ago, but I wanted to talk to my ADHD specialist before I answered because I’d never heard of the term “episode” being used to describe ADHD. I’m also going to splice both questions together here and answer them in segments in the hope it helps :)
So like I said, I’d never heard of the term “episode” with ADHD, and neither has my specialist. Part of ADHD is having a natural ebb and flow between inattention and hyperactivity, sometimes skewed toward one or the other, depending on your ADHD type. (What are the different types of ADHD?)
Your type of ADHD may also fluctuate because of other factors, such as stress, changes in medication, hormonal fluctuations, lack of sleep, overstimulation, or even under-stimulation, to name a few. Another overlooked part of ADHD is emotional dysregulation, which may cause rapid cycling emotions that may look like an “episode” to someone unfamiliar with what that actually qualifies. The way my therapist explained it and using your example of bipolar disorder, “episode” is used in diagnostic criteria to categorize manic or depressive episodes that last X amount of time, are usually severe, potentially requiring hospitalization, and are accompanied by other symptoms not found in ADHD.
Our “bursts” of energy or lack thereof typically don’t last long enough to be considered episodes. This isn’t to say they are not severe or debilitating, especially if you suffer from things like anxiety or depression that ADHD can feed into. Merely that “episode” is not used as part of the language used to discuss ADHD, which is likely why you’re not finding anything.
So, do ADHDers experience intense bursts of energy that are draining afterward? Yeah, we can do, especially if we lean more toward hyperactive than inattentive. (And again, it's normal to fluctuate and also for things to be affected or worsened by secondary factors.)
And I'm going to put the rest under the cut because this is hella long.
I’ve seen some people think that all hyperactivity has to come with fixation, but that’s not how ADHD works. It’s true if something gets us excited or gives us a dopamine boost, we might be more prone to becoming hyperfixated and burn all our energy up on that. But you don’t need something to fixate on to experience hyperactivity. Some of us are just wired to the moon sometimes, and yes, it can be very draining when it ends. Some people find medication helpful in regulating their hyperactivity/preventing it from coming in such big swings and dips.
Speaking personally, when I'm hyper and nothing is grabbing my attention, the world and people around me can feel painfully slow. It's like I'm going a mile a minute doing everything but achieving nothing. The crash that comes after can also be particularly bad, as I also have dysthymia, which can tip over into a major depressive episode depending on other factors in my life at that time. For years I was misdiagnosed as having "probably Bipolar Type II" by a doctor who didn't believe teenage girls could "get" ADHD* and convinced my parents I needed psychoactive drugs. The drugs I was on didn't help, in fact, they made me worse so I was taken off them.
It wasn't until I found an ADHD specialist as an adult a few years ago that I made any real progress. And I'll be honest, I was shocked when she diagnosed me with ADHD, I really didn't think I had it. Right up until we started doing the work and slowly but surely my mental health began to improve and my understanding of myself with it.
Sometimes there are days when I will be wired to the moon and it will derail my entire day because I can't focus on a single thing/I'll focus too much on a single thing. Other times, like when I am closer to my menstrual cycle, I'll crash into inattentiveness and depression because of how my hormones affect my various different conditions, including my ADHD. Medication would likely help with this, but due to medical reasons, that's currently not an option for me so I do the best I can.
That said, if you’re experiencing something more than hyperactivity but it's not mania, you may be experiencing a form of hypomania and you should talk to a doctor about your concerns.
Hypomania typically occurs in Bipolar Type II disorder, which is less severe than the manic episodes in Bipolar I. I’ve experienced both manic and hypomanic episodes in my life due to medication interactions, and they felt very different from ADHD hyperactivity. It's not just derailing mile-a-minute thoughts, it's something usually completely mood-altering and out of control feeling followed by devastating crashes.
If you're on any medications and are worried you are experiencing something like this, you need to talk to your doctor. You might just need a dosage tweak, or you might be better off on a different medication altogether. Also, make a thorough check of any and all medications you are taking to check for any interactions.
I'm on a cocktail of meds for my MCAS, which if I were to combine them with the SSRI one of my doctors wants me to try, would result in serotonin syndrome. The doctor didn't notice this, but the pharmacist sure as shit did!
Some people (ask me how I know) even develop mild hypomania from overusing the sunlamps used to treat SAD (link), which is why brands like Verilux now include warnings in their leaflets about not using the lamps for more than X amount of time a day. Thankfully it goes away once you stop overusing the lamps.
Which actually brings me to something you asked last time about being unable to sleep at night. Insomnia and delayed sleep phase cycles are not uncommon in ADHD. This is likely because our circadian rhythm is thought to be out of whack (link).
You also mentioned having racing thoughts at night too, which is not uncommon either with hyperactivity. I find if I get overstimulated before trying to sleep, I’ll end up lying there awake with what I like to call “radio ADHD” playing in my head. It can range from snippets of songs stuck on repeat, conversations, things I’ve watched on TV, arguments, or if something is happening the next day, fixating on not being late for it. Hence, I end up getting no sleep because you can’t accidentally sleep in if you don’t sleep. *jazz hands of despair.*
Sometimes I find Radio ADHD soothing if it’s fixating on something chill, but it can get annoying fast and even distressing if I’m tired and can’t “change the station.” (I’d say “shut it off,” but as of yet, I’ve never been able to do that. Medication helps some people with this, as can looking into “sleep hygiene” if you haven’t already.) Conversely, if I’m bored or something is too stressful, I will 100% fall asleep because my brain would literally rather just turn off than do something I don’t want to do or is a low dopamine reward task.
Brains are fun.
Anyway, I uh, I am not sure if any of this is useful to you, but I hope it helps. Mostly I'm just repeating back what my specialist said when I asked her about it lol. Good luck, and I hope you figure things out.
*NB: It's important to note that ADHD and Bipolar Disorder can be comorbid. It's not a one or the other situation. I’m just throwing it out there in case hearing that helps someone else pursue the proper diagnosis!
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Hii, I really like your commentary on the situation in the fandom right now and I'm excited that you want to write steddie content too! I'd love to read about trevor (that's the quarterback's name right?) somehow finding eddie and punching him/beating him up and steve taking care of eddie's bruises or wounds afterwards. Of course, only if you're comfortable writing stuff like that, but I personally love hurt/comfort. Thank you so much!
Oh thank god I was really worried people weren’t going to really agree with me 😭. But yes of course I can write that! (And I think the guys name is Jason? I hope I’m thinking of the same guy as you or else I wrote the wrong guy lol. But I hope it’s ok but I’m going to combine this with another request I have because they tie together perfectly! (Plus it’s a hurt/comfort thing still anyway lol)
@feministfandomgeek (I hope this is ok with you too.)
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(This one shot is split into two parts, but under the same post with the gif of the skeletons separating them.) Steve being taken care of is the first part and then Eddie being taken care of is the second part :)
Steve was finding a common theme with the past few days. Everyone kept on getting split up. He remembered the older days when everyone would stay together and make sure everyone was accounted for and safe. Now it seemed like just because majority of them were used to everything going on they felt like they could just separate. Dustin has been in a pissy mood with Steve sense he came through the portal. Almost as if he was jealous. So of course Dustin decided to stick with Lucas and Max, while Nancy and Robin split up again.
Though Steve is very positive that the only reason why they left him behind was because he was injured. That and he would be perfect to stay with Eddie. Who was currently freaking out and staring off into space around the trailer. Harrington recognized that look, the same one he had when Barbara disappeared near his pool. He moves to try and distract the other but winces as he nearly falls. Eddie seems to snap out of it as his arm moves around him quickly and look very concerned.
“Hey, Harrington not falling for me already are you.” He quips nervously. Steve rolls his eyes, it was already figured out that the other boy made stupid remarks when he’s anxious. Though Steve can’t help but chuckle a little as he winced more.
“Stop it, don’t make me laugh.” He winces as grunts in pain a little moving out of the others arm. “Ouch, ouch. You’re hands digging into my cut.” He whimpers a little in pain his face going white and nearly falling on his face. Now he knew why everyone left him with the wanted man. He would most likely hold them back.
“Shit, man. You are not okay.” Eddie says with his face scrunched up a bit as he moves to quickly move to his kitchen for first aid. Knocking everything over in the process as Steve rolls his eyes at the dumbass.
“Hm, let’s think Munson.” Steve says in a sarcastic tone. “I just had a pound of flesh bit out of me like I was some fucking meat popsicle stick. So yeah! I’m not going to be okay!” Steve snaps a little. In a lot of pain as he realizes that the adrenaline rush in the Upside Down was the only thing making him not notice the pain.
“Jesus Christ. I know! I know!” Eddie yells back. His hands shaking really badly as it seems to hit him to. Breathing in and out the best he can as he jumps up finding the stupid guitar shaped case that held bandages, ointment and other medical stuff. Steve breathes in trying to calm himself down as he moves to sit on the couch. But it seemed really disgusting and he didn’t want to sit anywhere near the gate.
Eddie looks at the gate before he’s moving over to the other moving a gentle hand to the others shoulder. Wrapping his arm around him a bit protectively, but if the other asks it was to only lead him. “Come on, let’s get you to my room so I can patch you up.” He says softly as he hears Steve let a pained laugh go.
“Jesus Eddie, if I knew any better you were trying to get me to bed. That bandana really isn’t for show is it?” Steve teases not really thinking about what the hell he was implying. He was in to much pain to think. That and he barely thought about what he said on the day to day basis.
Eddie freezes as he looks at the other scared. He had a more frightened look now then when they were facing demo bats. Steve catches onto this and looks serious as he asks. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did one of those bats get your tongue?” He asks with a soft laugh.
“No- it’s just… you know what the bandana in the pocket means?” Eddie says not moving them to his room. This seemed a bit important to him.
“Well yeah,” Steve says as if it’s basic knowledge before his eyes widen a bit, “Oh fuck, I didn’t mean to bring that up. Shit, are we talking about the same meaning right now?”
The two were anxious idiots who were stumbling over their words and talking over each other before Steve spits it out. It was obvious the other was to anxious to say anything.
“It means you’re gay right?” He asks as Eddie nearly faints right then and there. Nearly dropping the other in the process and Steve figures he hit the target. “Well, if it is um- I hope you know I don’t really care. Neither does Robin. Robin’s actually the one that told me about the bandana thing with the community, I just never wanted to bring it up.” Steve blushes as Eddie wasn’t saying anything.
Quickly snapping out of it just leading them to his room silently. Almost as if he was in shock. He sets the awkward boy down on the bed as he opens the box as he doesn’t say a word for a second just staring at the bandages.
“Ok, but why the hell would a straight boy like you need to know that.” Eddie says defensively. Steve blushes a bit as he rubs the back of his neck. He was sort of embarrassed that he was pushed onto the others bed but he didn’t want to say anything.
“So like, fun story. You remember Billy Hargrove? Well you see I kind of found his hair really fucking hot, his ass, and somehow he had boobs. Though he was a huge asshole, Um I met Robin. Who is very educated on shit. Like she knows a lot of shit. And she shared her knowledge and forced me to realize that being Bi is a thing?” Steve says shyly fiddling with his fingers as Eddie started to relax but also feel guilty.
“Oh- I, uh I’m sorry for forcing you to come out like that.” He apologizes as Steve shrugs a little face red.
“It’s cool- well it isn’t. But like I’ve been tortured by Russian guys and given a shit ton of drugs with Robin so this isn’t the worst thing to ever happen to me.” He admits as Eddie raises a eyebrow mouth falling open before he remembers what they were doing.
Moving and carefully taking the others bandages off, or Nancy’s shirt off as he grimaced a little. “Well, I’m still sorry. And I normally don’t get many boys in my bed so I’m going to have to apologize about any kinky joke I’m about to make.” He rambles out trying to distract the other.
Steve laughs a little as he watches the boy carefully bandage him up. Shivering a little as each of the others rings brushed up against his skin. His head tilting back a bit as Eddie snaps at him forcefully.
“No, you’re not allowed to sleep until we get you food and water.” He says seriously as he finishes wrapping the clothe around the others waist. Then moving to his dresser pulling out a baggie sweater that he thought the other would apreciate. It was one of his older Christmas sweaters, but instead of anything Christmasy on it it was covered in skulls.
“Here put this on Harrington.” He says as Steve laughs taking it from him as pulling it over his head with a wince. Then wrapping his arms around himself as he moves to stand up but Eddie pushes him carefully back on the bed.
“No, you need to rest up. Just- just don’t fall asleep.” Eddie comments as he moves to walk out of the room to then return with a bowl of Alphabet soup and crackers with of course water. Steve can’t help but laugh at the other as he shakes his head amused sitting up with a wince.
“Um- I want to thank you. I know I was a huge dick to you a few years back and I wanted to apologize for that. Though you are a lot less scary now that I’ve been with you for a while.” Steve says amused as he takes a bite of the soup before catching some of the letters on his spoon offering the other a bite.
“Here you’re probably starving to.” He says kindly and Eddie blushes as he moves to take a bite before snorting.
“Steve, did you seriously spell Bitch with a ‘s’?”
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A few months later
Jason had been on Eddie’s trail sense the boat incident. Even though the other boy had been cleared of all counts of murder and proven not guilty by the government, Jason could not leave the other boy alone at all. He was having these horrible nightmares. The kind where you wake up with a sweat and every shadow in your room looks like some fucked up monster. The football player would never admit it but, at one point he refused to leave his small bed in the dark. Afraid something that Eddie came up with would reach out and grab his ankle. It got to the point where he refused to leave the bed in the middle of the night.
He had tried night lights in his room but it was extremely embarrassing and he was starting to have a bed wetting problem. Though he made sure to do his own laundry of course. It was his last straw when he seen that freak laughing with Steve Harrington and the group of Minnie freaks. So he decided to take matters in his own hands. He knew where Munson played DnD at. It was of course now at the Wheelers house.
The plan worked perfectly In his head. He was in his car secretly waiting for the moment he seen the other walking down the road. He knew that the other normally got a ride from Steve now. That and he walked a couple of feet away from the Wheelers house to smoke a cigarette. The boy barely made it away from the house before Jason was driving forward and bumping the other hard enough to send him forward onto the pavement. A loud Yelp and Jason knew he has only a few more minutes before someone catches them.
Hopping out of the car he’s not even thinking as he’s kicking the shit out of the other. Blood getting on his shoes as his face stay contorted up in a disgusted look. Spitting down at the other boy as he hears the wheelers door opening and a loud, “Eddie! Are you okay?”
Just like that Jason was in his car and gone, seeing a very frightened Steve Harrington running to a very beat up Eddie.
📼 🕰 🩹
Steve hadn’t left the other boys side when they were in the hospital. He wasn’t holding the others hand or anything but he did fall asleep with his head on the mattress awkwardly drooling. He was very aware the other had a concussion, and a lot of bruised bones. Dustin was just as worried about the boy. This has been expected for a long time now. Though Dustin couldn’t come in. It was a school night for him and his mother said no.
The next morning Steve’s startled by hands playing with his hair. Looking up startled he then gives a shit eating grin when he sees Eddie awake. “Oh my god Eddie you’re awake.” He says surprised as the other laughs before groaning a little.
“I feel like this is pay back for making you laugh when you were injured.” He winced as he sits up not wanting to lay back anymore
“Yeah, totally. I just fucking hired some hit man to come and run you over and beat the shit out of you for pay back.” Steve says sarcastically.
“Oh god Steve stop it, you’re making me laugh.” Eddie whines as he grimaced as Steve chuckles.
“Well you won’t be the last person I make laugh while we’re in bed.” Steve jokes purposely knowing the other would laugh again. He had discovered the others love for dirty jokes.
The nurse comes in to check on them. “Everything in here good boys?” She asks with a smile. And with discharge papers in hand she hands them to Eddie who groans already filling it out.
The second they returned to Steve’s place, as Eddie moved out from his Uncles. Both of them had agreed that it wasn’t good for Eddie’s mental health to live in a place where he watched someone die. Steve was taking care of him. Nothing but Steve slaving away for the other as they watched tv.
Eddie was getting better but Steve realized something was really wrong when he hears Eddie screaming out in his sleep. The other had taken over the guest room and wasn’t to far from Harrington. Steve was in the others bed within seconds shaking the other awake. Steve figured out awhile ago the other was a very sensitive person. And honestly he didn’t mind. He enjoyed taking care of someone else.
Eddie woke up clearly startled as he moves shaking badly. Steve doesn’t think and moves wrapping his arms around the other boy pulling him close to him. “Eddie it’s ok.” He whispers soothingly. “Everything’s fine.” He says softly as Eddie seems to relax a little before he’s pretty much tackling the other into the bed. Clinging onto him for dear life as he sobs a bit. Steve freezes a bit before he moves his hand to the others hair running his fingers through the curls. Letting the other let it all out.
When it goes silent again Steve realizes the other boy had fallen asleep on him. Laughing a little he just stays there for the other not moving. He found it funny out clingy the other could be. Eddie never knew what personal space was, so this wasn’t uncommon.
When Eddie wakes up it’s morning and Steve’s fast asleep on his back snoring. Eddie blushes as he gets up and decided to cook breakfast. And if the both of the avoid the topic through out the day, they didn’t care. It was of course awkward and everyone had noticed. But at the end of the night when steve was just starting to Doze off. Eddie walks into the room with a blushed face, and over sized Freddy Krueger hoodie no one has to know that he climbed in the others bed holding onto him like he was a hairy teddy bear.
OMG I REALLY ENJOYED THIS ONE SHOT AND I HOPE THE TWO PEOPLE WHO REQUESTED DID TO. (I’m really a simp for a soft and cuddly Eddie ok) if you guys ever want to request something ever again go right on ahead I’m like really bored. No one has been requesting anything lol.
Because I’m feeling nice here’s some bonus encounters I thought of.
Steve feeling like shit and unable to move and Eddie’s just forcing the other to learn how to play Dnd. That and Steve starts to notice how the other likes to hyperfixate on things.
The both of them have a long as smoke session which ends up with them making out for hours. They don’t talk about it but who has to know?
Steve ends up convincing Eddie to get a lip ring, because in his words “the guys dig that.”
Dustin is getting sick and tired of them constantly canceling on him so he shows up with no warning to find both of them shirtless and arguing about how many chest hairs Steve has
There are so many more I can think of but I’m lazy and have been writing all day lol but please! No one be afraid of requesting something :)
Why is Eddie a teddy bear?
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animeomegas · 3 years
MY FELLOW ANON ARE VIOLATING MY EMOTIONS TODAY 😂 god I’m acc crying. Your writing is amazing. I’m gonna combat the sadness with a wholesome thing of them finding a pup in a bin (or something) a few months after the loss of the first pup (Neji is currently shut down entirely) is like “lol gimme”. Proceeds to take the pup home, put it in his nest scent the lil bean (gender is your choice) and just be like “yeah this mine now”. Any nay sayers are ignored bc it’s still his baby (maybe almost like his pup reincarnated 👀👀) regardless of how baby was obtained. Idk I just think my guy needs some positivity after life kicking the ever loving shit out of him
This is beautiful and you’re right, Neji deserves the world, but I’ll settle with a quiet life and some happiness for my boy!
Okay, so things haven’t been…good with Neji since you had to let your pup die to save him.
It has been two months and still he lays in his nest every day, sometimes crying, sometimes whining, but mostly just staring at nothing. He had incorporated a bunch of baby stuff (blankets, toys etc.) into his nest before he went to the hospital, in order to make his pup feel more at home in the nest when he was supposed to bring them back. You had tried to take them out to stop him having to be confronted with what happened in his safe space, but Neji almost attacked you for doing so, so you let him keep them.
But it’s very concerning when he spends hours at a time just stroking the pup's blankets and staring at nothing.
So, you decide to take Neji on a walk to get him out of the house. It would be his first time leaving the house since the funeral.
You go at night time, because Neji is still refusing any contact with anyone he knows and this way he’s less likely to be confronted when he isn’t ready for it. To make extra sure that you can be alone, you decide to walk around the edge of the woods around one of the quieter training grounds.
Neji doesn’t speak much, but he doesn’t whine or cry either, and the night air brings a little colour to his cheeks, and you’re so happy at the small improvements. It doesn’t matter how long it ends up taking him to feel better, you’ll be here with him the whole way.
“I was thinking about cooking something special next week,” you make idle conversation, not expecting Neji to reply. “It’s our anniversary after all, do you have any preference?”
Neji stops walking suddenly. His shoulders are tense.
He hushes you harshly.
“I can hear…”
Without another word of warning, Neji makes his way a little further into the trees. You follow him, confused and worried.
“Byakugan!” he calls, scanning the area. He gasps as he scans over a nearby bush and immediately he drops to his knees beside it.
“Neji?” you ask, now more than a little concerned. “What is it? What’s wrong?”
You watch as Neji pulls something out of the bush. He turns around with a bundle in his arms.
“It’s a pup,” Neji says, obviously shocked. You can’t blame him, you’re feeling more than a little shocked yourself. What on earth was a pup doing out here? “They’re freezing. Give me your jacket.”
Without hesitance, you quickly slip your jacket of and hand it to Neji who promptly bundles up the pup in it and brings them to his chest. The pup is making small whimpering noises that had been almost impossible to hear over the wind. Neji must have hear them, thank goodness.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you,” Neji coos to the pup. “You’re safe now, I'll take you home and make it better, I promise.”
“We need to get them to the hospital asap," you say, shaking your head. "They must be freezing and they look underweight as well. We’re not mednin, Neji.”
“Our home is closer.”
“We need to make sure they’re warm,” he argues. “We can bring them home and alert a medic to make a home visit.”
You look at the earnest look on his face and know that he won’t back down, and now isn’t a time for arguments anyway.
“Okay,” you swallow nervously. “We’ll bring them home.”
You bring the pup back to your home and before you can protest, Neji brings them into his nest with a mumbled ‘they’ll be warm in there’.
Neji bundles himself and the pup up in the corner of the nest, turning on a little heater beside him, and tucking the pup into his shirt to share body warmth.
“We’ll get you nice and warm, it’s okay, you’re safe, I won’t let anyone harm you,” he whispers while stroking their cheek with a finger. The pup wriggles around, already looking more energetic, and starts mouthing at Neji’s chest.
“Are you hungry?” Neji laughs softly before turning to you. “Go and heat up a bottle for the pup, all the supplies are in the… the nursery.”
You nod dumbly and do as you’re asked, astounded at how much life is in Neji’s eyes. It’s the most life you’ve seen from him in months. But you can’t help but worry. What if Neji gets attached and you can’t keep the pup? Of course, you want nothing more than to keep the baby, it almost seems too good to be true that she literally fell into both your lives at this trying time, but what if it is too good to be true? What if they’re sick? Or their parents are looking for them? Or… something else. Neji doesn’t deserve another heartbreak, and you don’t want to destroy the small amount of progress he’s made in the last month.
But for now, all you can do is heat up the bottle.
“Here, it’s a good temperature, I already checked,” you pass Neji the bottle. He checks it again anyway and you can’t help but smile at how overprotective and parental he's being. It's so bittersweet to see him like this.
“Here you go sweetheart, just for you,” Neji smiles, cradling the pup as they latch onto the bottle with fervour. “Shh, shh, shh, slow down, it’s not going anywhere.”
Neji feeds the pup and then burps them, and you pretend you can’t see him smiling when he notices that they are starting to smell like him. You need to know you can keep her before you let him get even more attached.
“I’m going to send a clone for a medic, now.”
The room became tense all at once.
“They’re fine, I’m looking after them,” Neji protests.
“I know, and you’re doing a good job, but we still need a medic, Neji.”
Neji holds the pup more tightly to his chest, tucking an extra blanket around them. He's using the special blanket you had got commissioned for your pup. You can feel your heart break at the sight. He's already attached. Now you just have to hope you can keep them. For his sake.
“I don’t want them to take the pup away like last time,” Neji admits softly. "I can look after them, I won't let anything happen like last time, I promise. They'll be safe, we don't need a medic."
“We need to know their primary and secondary gender, omega, and we need to make sure they aren’t sick after being left in the woods…”
Neji hesitates but nods his consent in the end after you explain that your pup could become ill if left untreated. You don’t tell him that you are also sending a clone to the Hokage. Naruto will be able to grant you and Neji the right to keep the pup, and you hope that as Neji’s friend, he’ll be able to see how much he needs this.
You have to move Neji and the pup downstairs to wait for the medic, because Neji would not appreciate someone unknown seeing his nest he made for his pup. He’s not expecting Naruto to show up as well so you go to the door to intercept and prep them both.
“Thank you so much for coming, Naruto, I can’t tell you how much this means to me and Neji,” you say, hugging him as he walks through the door.
“I’m going to do everything I can,” he promises. “If the medic finds signs of long-term neglect, I can take the parental rights away from the biological parents straight away, even if I don't know who they are, and transfer you the rights.”
Your face visibly brightens, but Naruto continues.
“But if the only injuries are from laying in the forest for a few hours, I’ll have to try and find the parents first, because the child may have been taken from them by force, when the pup was otherwise a healthy baby being looked after sufficiently. In that circumstance, I’ll have to take the child back with me and put them in foster care until a three-month window has passed. And if the parents are found…”
“I know,” you sigh. “Let’s just get this done as soon as possible.”
The three of you walk into the living to see Neji cradling the pup tightly against his chest.
“Hey Neji,” Naruto greets softly with a sad smile. “I haven’t seen you around for a while.”
Neji tenses upon seeing Naruto.
“Naruto? Why are you here?” Neji clearly misinterprets the situation, holding the pup even more tightly and turning accusatory eyes against you. “Why did you bring him here?”
“I’m here to determine whether the pup was abandoned or kidnapped to the best of my abilities, once we have that done, we can decide how things are going to happen, okay?”
“How do you decide that?” Neji asks with distrustful eyes.
“The medic will give them a check-up, completely routine, I promise,” Naruto speaks with a soft voice like he’s talking to a cornered animal. Well, you look at Neji for a moment who is coiled as tightly as spring, he’s not far off.
It takes about five minutes for you to convince Neji to let go of the pup and hand them to the mednin, and then the next fifteen minutes involve you holding him in your arms to stop him wrestling the pup back from the mednin.
And then, rather ominously, the mednin pulls Naruto aside to talk.
Neji is shaking in your arms.
“It’s okay, calm down, Neji,” you try to comfort him.
“I can’t-“ Neji chokes, hands fisting in your shirt. “He has our pup, you let them take our pup.”
You don’t bother to correct him on his use of ‘our’, knowing it would only upset him more.
“I know baby, but they need to see that they’re healthy, nothing’s wrong, just breathe.”
Neji doesn’t take your advice.
"Last time they took them-"
"This isn't like last time, omega. Come one, try and settle down a little, that's it."
Naruto eventually walks back in, holding the pup securely, the mednin nowhere to be seen.
“So,” Naruto says seriously. And then his face breaks out into a wide grin. “Am I right in thinking you want to adopt?”
You can almost feel your relief in the air. Thanking every power that be for this stroke of luck. Losing this pup could have easily meant losing your mate, and the gravity of the situation all comes crashing down at once. Neji looks as though he is feeling much the same.
“Give me them,” he orders, arms out.
“Her,” Naruto corrects. “The mednin said she’s a female alpha.”
Tears start welling up in Neji’s eyes as he takes her. Their bio pup was a female alpha, too.
“Thank you,” he whispers to no one, holding his new pup as tightly as he dared. “I’ve got you now, you’re safe and sound with me, I won’t let anything hurt you ever again.”
Naruto slips out of the house without a fuss, dropping the mednin’s recommendations for feeding the underweight pup on the coffee table.
You and Neji take your new pup upstairs and bundle her back into the nest. Neji lays down with her, stroking her cheek as he watches her sleep.
“You need to get some rest too, omega,” you suggest, running a hand down Neji’s back.
“Guard?” he asks in response.
“Yes," you smile at his protective instincts. "I’ll guard the nest while you sleep, I promise.”
“Okay, alpha…” Neji settles down, still with one hand resting on the pup. “But if I don’t wake up when she cries, wake me… I want to be the one to feed her.”
You laugh gently, “Of course, now get some sleep. I’ll guard you both.”
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 318: On Your Left
Previously on BnHA: The Hawksquad+Lurkers were all “well this sucks” and sat around a bit talking about how maybe they should actually come up with a new plan that is actually good, but then in the end they were like “nah.” Deku was all, “THERE’S SOMETHING INSIDE ME THAT PULLS BENEATH THE SURFACE!! CONSUMING, CONFUSING!! THIS LACK OF SELF CONTROL I FEAR IS NEVERENDING. IT’S HAUNTING HOW I CANT SEEM TO FIND MYSELF AGAIN. MY WALLS ARE CLOSING IN.” Just, literally that whole entire song. All Might was all “Deku you should take care of yourself, try eating a thing,” and Deku was all “BYE, ALL MIGHT,” and just LEFT. He left!!! What the fuck!!!
Today on BnHA: Endeavor is all, “maybe if Deku didn’t listen to All Might he’ll listen to me instead.” Deku is all, “[doesn’t listen to Endeavor]” because, well, yeah. The Vestiges are all, “surprisingly, even we are a little concerned -- maybe you should get some rest, kid.” Deku is all, “((Ò ‸ Ó)).” The Vestiges are all, “holy shit.” Deku is all, “[wanders the ruined city streets terrifying the populace on account of him looking like Shelob had a baby with one of the Nazgul].” Some shriveled-up puppeteer villain asshole is all, “HORIKOSHI SAID IT’S MY TURN TO ATTACK DEKU TODAY SO I AM GOING TO SUMMON MY FRIGHTENED HELPLESS ATTACK MOB!!” Kacchan is all “WHADDYA MEAN THEY FOUND THE NERD!!! -- oh wait, that’s me, I found him. I found the nerd, you guys.” And just in time, too. I was about to owe a whole lot of people a whole lot of dollars.
so I have been super good about spoilers this week as always, but let me tell you guys, for the past 36 hours my dash filters have basically been nonstop “manga spoilers” this and “bnha 318” that, and so I’m coming in with a fair amount of hype here. your move, Horikoshi
oh, good! they got Endeavor to call Deku to try to talk him out of it. what a great and wonderful plan
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“listen up kid, you haven’t slept since March and you are basically a walking biohazard right now, I’m just telling it like it is. didn’t you get shot like three times?? and there was a whole thing about how you urgently needed medical attention?? and supposedly we gave it to you, but I mean you haven’t even changed your clothes and don’t seem to have any fresh bandages or anything, so did we?? did we, really?? and also we all got blown up yesterday, so yeah.” hmm he’s making some reasonable points here you guys, but you sure do go on and on, Endeavor
oh he says foreign aid is finally on its way! I’m sure they’ll be very helpful. I mean in fairness they can hardly be worse than the home-grown heroes at this point
hey Enji, could you maybe try appealing to Deku the sixteen-year-old human boy, as opposed to Deku The World’s Last Hope? he does have value beyond his quirk. I know that’s always been an incredibly difficult concept for you to grasp, but could you maybe TRY, jesus
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and also we’re worried about you as a person?? you’re just a kid and you’re pushing yourself way too hard?? you were going to say that part next, right. why the hell didn’t Hawks make this call instead
“don’t worry about me... I’m completely fine” Deku you do understand that saying it over and over again doesn’t actually make it true
and again with the rush!! all the rush rush rush!! we’re running out of time, we can’t let AFO and Tomura keep getting stronger, I have to end this now, there’s no time to rest, etc. etc. etc. just the constant pressure of this whole big countdown on top of everything else
holy shit, you KNOW it’s bad when even the Vestiges are telling him to chill
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these guys are basically the walking talking embodiments of self-sacrifice; if even they’re telling him he needs to take five, then he must seriously be like half a step away from death’s door
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(ETA: so I’m pretty sure this was just Danger Sense activating and so he cut them off to go do more hero stuff, but I’m gonna go ahead and stick to my original interpretation anyway lol.)
anyway so how’s everybody doing. we all good? En, you good? Banjou? Shino? I’m imagining you guys all curled up in a little ball on the floor right now lol. can’t say I blame you though, no shame
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“SHEESH.” sheesh indeed, lmao. “what in the FUCK was that”
see, this is why y’all need Kacchan. you need someone who’s not going to back down from him no matter what. if it’s a matter of out-stubborning Midoriya fucking Izuku, then there’s only one other person on the planet capable of that, and we all know it. don’t pretend like you don’t. I am not going to shut up about this! we’ve had our hurt so now what about SOME COMFORT, DAMMIT
“I’m afraid that he’s becoming influenced by my conscience” nah are you kidding Nana this is all 100% made-in-Japan pure original Deku right here
see, Banjou gets it. “that kid, he’s totally going on his own.” exactly. this was so inevitable it was basically scientific law
“well I for one don’t see the problem with Deku being so obsessed with saving everyone else that he pushes himself until his body and soul literally fall apart” okay, whose speech bubbles are these?? we’re about to have words
lol of course
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well you always did prefer the direct route didn’t you. but even you can’t possibly think this is okay lol
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dark AU!Kacchan please tell us more about your badass doomed timeline in which everything went to shit and you apparently had the same character arc that Deku is having right now except it somehow made you sexier instead of turning you into a rabid t-rex. I have so many questions
oh so now you want to help??? well -- good, actually. sorry if that sounded offended just now lol
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(ETA: so at first when I got to the end of this chapter I was wondering if Katsuki B. had somehow summoned his alternate-universe counterpart through trippy OFA space telepathy lol. but in the original Japanese there’s no reference to “we”, so this appears to be a mistranslation. this line should probably read more like “if there’s something/someone out there that would be able to complement/complete the current Midoriya Izuku [it would be]…” which, oh hello, is that Horikoshi once again reaffirming that Deku and Bakugou complete each other lol. “guess what guys, the Vestiges ship it too" heck yeah. they know what’s up!)
“meanwhile somewhere in the depths of the ruined city, Deku was having a dance-off with the villains”
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I like how the villains all have this “AHH WHAT THE FUCK” kind of body language to them lol. I mean if it were me, and an eldritch horror suddenly clawed its way from the shadows with its writhing glowy tentacles and pants-shitting nuclear death stare, I would probably just die on the spot. no need to stick around. only pain awaits
lol for a minute I thought this was Can’t Ya See-kun and I was like “WHAT A FASCINATING CROSSING OF PATHS” but it’s just some random girl
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he seems genuinely confused lol
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Deku it’s because you look like something that crawled out of a sewer drain, sweetheart
lol they just took his word for it?
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so trusting. even though they’re immediately hauling ass anyway just to be safe lmao
“my appearance is frightening to others” no shit Deku it’s because you look like a fucking alien exorcism. you look like a Lich that got caught up in an oil spill my dude
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“ENJOY THIS MONTAGE OF DEKU BATTLING A RANDOM KAIJU AND WANDERING THE WOODS LIKE A DERANGED GREEN BABA YAGA” okay yes but sir, exactly how much longer is this going to go on. if it’s a matter of you wanting to make sure we get it, let me assure you that aside from a few stray chuunis who think that Deku embracing the Darkness is the coolest thing he’s ever done, all of us here in fandom fully comprehend that this is Not Good
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really. with the flashbacks to his loved ones’ smiling faces and everything. not even gonna try to aim above the belt, huh
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(ETA: my man did Sero and Kaminari fucking dirty lmao. I miss their smiling faces too omg.)
the sheer, unparalleled irony of him saying this while he stands there looking like the gargoyle demon from Fantasia got crossed with an umbrella that got struck by lightning. Deku :(
oi who the fuck is this clown
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is he controlling this mob with his evil hair. “what if I made an exhausted, running-on-fumes Deku battle a brainwashed mob at Ground Zero.” Horikoshi do you just have like a checklist of horrible things you want to do to your protagonist
easy there Sasori
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well joke’s on you buddy because he’s apparently “completely fine”, so
“here’s to hoping that you know more about AFO’s location than the others” jesus christ Deku you really have hung your mercy out to dry huh
now he’s forcing his mob of terrified prisoners to attack Deku ahhhh. sucks to be them. at least they’re not being controlled by bees
so Deku is saying that Sasori’s control can be broken with “physical trauma.” similar to Shinsou’s quirk I guess. but so does that mean he’s gonna have to hurt them? ( •﹏•)
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fuck. he looks like he’s on the verge of passing out
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this is what happens when you nerf a character’s self-preservation stats in favor of spamming their bone-breaking stats instead. NOW ACCEPTING BRAIN CELL DONATIONS FOR A BOY IN NEED!! with your loving generosity we can hopefully help him live to the ripe old age of seventeen
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[grabs your hands] ლ(*꒪ヮ꒪*)ლ [swings you in a circle] へ(゚◇゚へ)
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(ETA: imagine what this must look like to Deku though. he’s been caught up in this dark cloud of despair and exhaustion that’s been building up over... I’m gonna go ahead and say “weeks”, because yeah. and now he finds himself here, in the place where All Might’s legacy ended and the torch was passed to him. and the world is in ruins, and he’s surrounded by frightened people who are all trying to hurt him -- because who isn’t trying to hurt him, these days -- and he’s scrambling to figure this all out, but meanwhile the weariness is finally starting to catch up to him, and so he’s basically just standing there in a fog of complete and utter misery.
and then all of a sudden through that haze, he hears the one voice that’s more familiar than any other that he knows. like, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he thought he was just imagining it at first. Kacchan showing up to save him right when he’s at his most desperate and feeling the most alone. Kacchan, showing up to save him.
this is the person he always looked up to as a child (to be fair he was quite a strange child lmao). the person who was even closer to him than All Might. the person he always thought was amazing. and bam, here he is now. appearing in the sky out of nowhere to one-shot the bad guy with a single blast (which, btw, that was his armor-piercing attack too lmao dslkjlk take it easy there kiddo). like, that must have felt absolutely surreal to him, especially coming at a time when he’s already half-delirious and barely hanging on to reality. he must have really thought that he was losing it there for a second.
but he’s really there. it really is him. and for this brief moment -- before the rest of the situation catches up to him, and he remembers about all of the fucked-up AFO stuff, and remembers why he was so afraid and why he was pushing everyone away -- for just this one brief moment, he’s too exhausted and stunned to do anything except to just react. just stands there, looking up at him in awe.
and you know, it almost reminds me of...
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just. you guys. the character development. the freaking character development. someone who brings reassurance. someone who shows up and makes you think, “oh, it’s all going to be okay now, because [person] is here.” the role reversals. the growth. the payoff!! because who is the one person who always had faith that Kacchan would one day grow up to become an amazing hero like that. WHO IS IT. YOU ALREADY KNOW.
omg. anyways, bless you Horikoshi, my feels which have been on backorder since fucking September have finally arrived lmao. yes, good, thank you. worth the wait. it is always, always worth the wait. fuck yeah.)
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night-owl-2000 · 3 years
Lilith Clawthorne X Reader: A Fool's Wisdom Teeth
Author’s Note: This is the first fanfic I’ve ever written. I never thought in a million years I’d be writing one but here we are lol. The title was the hardest thing to come up with. My wisdom teeth are coming in and giving me pain so I got the idea to write this and it made me feel better. I’m probably still not gonna have mine taken out since I don’t seem to want to listen to my own logic and reasoning lol. Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy it! 
         “Ow…” you whined from the kitchen as you tried to enjoy your favorite snack. Your wisdom teeth were growing in and one specifically was causing you pain. You gently rubbed the right side of your jaw and decided to put the snack away, sighing and accepting defeat. “Wisdom teeth suck” you stated, sounding moderately annoyed as you walked into your living room. “If they’re causing you so much pain, why don’t you get them removed? If I remember correctly, you said that wisdom teeth are not necessary for anything” suggested a calming voice from the couch. As you sat down, you looked over at Lilith. “The only reason I’m not getting them removed is because I don’t want to deal with the pain from recovery. Besides, I’d also be loopy from the medication and the last thing I need to do is make a fool of myself” you answered with a chuckle.
         This wasn’t your first experience with pain from your wisdom teeth. About a year ago you felt the same pain you were currently feeling on the left side of your jaw. You had gone to a dentist about it and he had explained that the pain was normal but that there wasn’t anything that could be done about it. That’s also when you found out you were one of the lucky few who didn’t need to have their wisdom teeth removed since yours were coming in straight and your jaw was big enough to house them. You were relieved to hear that and giggled because your father, who had taken you to the appointment, was jealous since he had to have his wisdom teeth cut out. You had told that story to Lilith once during one of your many walks together. That story still made you giggle at times.
         Returning to the present, you blushed slightly as a gentle kiss was placed on your cheek. “Dearest, you don’t need to worry about making a fool of yourself. I highly doubt anyone would seriously judge you for what you say or do while under the influence of medication following such a procedure” Lilith reassured you with a warm smile. “I know, making a fool of myself is the least of my worries. I’m more afraid of the pain. It would be much worse than this” you replied. You were stubborn. No matter how much pain you were in, you were not going to have those extra four teeth removed and you were certain no one could convince you to do so.
        Unfortunately for you, the tooth currently giving you pain made contact with the tooth growing in directly above it as you finished speaking, causing you more pain. This did not go unnoticed by Lilith, who sighed and shook her head. She knew how stubborn you were. She was just as stubborn though and hated seeing you in pain, whether it be emotionally or physically. She was determined to convince you to get your wisdom teeth taken out.
        “Dearest, I know you are afraid of the pain you’ll feel during recovery but think about it. If you get those teeth removed, you only have to suffer through one round of intense pain. This is your second time dealing with pain from those extra teeth. Based on what you’ve told me, you gain nothing from keeping them. Do you really want to go through this pain two more times and gain nothing in the end rather than go through one intense round of pain then be free?” Lilith asked as she looked at you. You could see the concern in her eyes. The thought of going through this same pain two more times certainly wasn’t a pleasant one. You gave the idea some thought, admitting to yourself that you’d be in pain either way, but you were still hesitant to change your mind. Seeing that you were thinking about what she said, Lilith spoke again. “Y/N, I hate to see you in pain like this. At least if you get your wisdom teeth removed, you won’t have to worry about them causing you pain ever again. I’ll stay with you throughout your recovery. All I’ll need to do is gather a few things in a suitcase to bring here. How does that sound?” she asked as she gently placed a hand on one of your shoulders. You took a little longer to think as you looked at her. She had a small, hopeful smile as she looked at you. Her eyes met yours and in them you could still see a hint of concern mixed with reassurance. You smiled a little bit and took a deep breath, having made your decision.
           Today was the big day; the day you were going to have your wisdom teeth removed. After finally agreeing to get them removed following your conversation with Lilith one week ago, you scheduled your appointment for the earliest possible date. Staying true to her word, Lilith had come over the previous evening with a suitcase of her belongings in preparation for her stay with you. Seeing as you still lived with your family and there were no guest rooms in your home, Lilith would be sharing a room with you during her stay. This was not an issue for you two though. She had stayed overnight a good handful of times before and even had a small dresser and a few hangers of her own in your closet. Likewise, you had your own dresser in the closet of her room back at the Owl House for whenever you stayed over.
         As your father drove you to your appointment with your sibling sitting in the front, you sat in the backseat with Lilith trying to stay calm. You were incredibly nervous about the whole thing and for good reason. After all, who wouldn’t be nervous in this situation? Seeing how nervous you were, Lilith did her best to help you calm down. “Did I already tell you about how Edalyn teased me as I was packing my things?” Lilith asked. You nodded and answered “Yeah, I wouldn’t mind hearing about it again though.” With that said, Lilith began telling you about how Eda had laughed and asked her if she was finally moving in with you. After the inevitable teasing from Eda, her and the rest of the Owl Fam, as you had taken to calling them, passed on their messages to her wishing you good luck and a speedy recovery. The story succeeded in calming you down and distracted you for the rest of the ride.
          The procedure to remove your wisdom teeth was finally over. You had been knocked out for the whole thing but for those that were awake waiting, it felt like the procedure was taking forever. Everything had gone smoothly as expected and you were cleared to go home and rest. Also as expected, you were still under the influence of the medication that was used on you. Lilith helped you get into the backseat of the car for the ride home so you wouldn’t fall in and possibly hurt yourself.
         On the ride home, things went well. Your father had the radio on playing some great metal music and the windows were partially open, allowing some fresh spring air to circulate throughout the inside of the car. Your sibling, who was sitting in the front, occasionally responded to the things you said. For most of the ride, you had your head resting on Lilith’s shoulder as you went on about various topics. Of course, you didn’t make much sense as you spoke but that didn’t stop you. Lilith had one arm wrapped around your shoulders as she listened to you go on about whatever came to mind.
         “Lily?” you said as you looked up at Lilith, your eyes meeting hers. “Yes, Darling?” she answered. “Why are you always so pretty?” Lilith blushed lightly and giggled as she thought of an answer to your question. In the front passenger seat and the driver’s seat, your father and sibling chuckled and your sibling rolled their eyes, making a mental note to tease you about this later. “I’m afraid I don’t have an answer. I am flattered though that you think I’m pretty all the time. Thank you” was Lilith’s answer. You offered a quiet hum in response.
        A brief moment of silence passed before you spoke again. “I wanna marry you” you said with a dopey smile. That sentence caught everyone off guard. Your sibling couldn’t help but to burst out laughing and your father was trying to stifle his own laughter. Lilith had gone from lightly blushing to being as red as a tomato the moment that sentence left your mouth. She looked exactly like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding truck. You two had known each other for a little more than a year at that point and had been together for about 9 months. It was in this moment that Lilith was the most flustered she had ever been. She had to take a moment to think and compose herself before responding.
        “I…we can get married after you recover” was her response. It took everything in Lilith to provide that response without turning into a flustered mess. The thought of marrying you was one that had only briefly crossed her mind a couple of times in the last month or so. The time she took to think and compose herself was the most time so far she had spent thinking about it. For a short time following her response, she imagined what the big day would be like. She imagined it would take place on a warm and sunny day, mixing together elements from witch wedding ceremonies and human wedding ceremonies to have a wedding like no other. What a wonderful day it would be, a day of celebration with family and friends from both realms. You cheering brought her out of her daydream.
       “Hell yeah! I get the best wife in existence!” you cheered with a giggle. Your father and sibling were still laughing in the front of the car, almost unable to stop. As the laughter from the front died down and you settled down, Lilith buried her face in her hands. She was still as red as a tomato. Thank Titan Eda wasn’t there or she’d never hear the end of it. A little while later the car was parked, signaling that you were finally home. Lilith helped you out of the car and upstairs to your room so you could rest. Once you were tucked in, you were out like a light. You didn’t find out about what you said until after you woke up a few hours later. You knew from that moment on you’d never hear the end of it from your family, especially your sibling. 
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spookypotato · 4 years
Wow I loved that ankle fic!! If you are still looking for fics I would really enjoy one where Sirius is caught skating before he’s been cleared, maybe with a couple of the other boys and he gets in loads of trouble, lol dw just ignore if it’s bad idea 😄
1. Thank you! I'm happy you liked it.
2. Oooh yess! I hope I can do this idea justice, because I like it a lot. That's such a Sirius thing!
3. Also I love requests. I have quite a hard time coming up with good ideas but I love to write, so thank you!
Characters by @lumosinlove 💙 Thank you for this universe!
Sirius has been on the ice once, since the 'accident'. It went about as good as watching a toddler take his first steps, but in the end he was able to skate slow laps without falling down. It was stupid. He did this for a living. He had been - not to brag, just stats - one of the best. And now he was sitting on the bench waiting for the team to clear out, so he could go through the pain of skating in a circle for half an hour.
After their practice was over, Sirius went back, to the lockerroom with the boys. He could at least help them theoretically. James asked, how he was doing, as he did each week sometime more than once. Sirius - as he did each week - answered with a: "too slow for my liking". James responsible-motherhen-instict was now, nowhere to be found, when he suggested going skating later that day once even the staff had cleared out.
"You want me to risk my recovery to skate properly now instead of in a few months? Are you crazy!?", is what Sirius should have said.
"So when and where are we meeting?", is what came out of his mouth in a whisper.
That's how after the 10 laps, he did with (almost) ease today, he told Loops, that he was going to stay and do some more streches.
"You can overdo it, you know?", Remus told him, "just be careful alright? I know you'd be devastated, if all of your progress was ruined. And I would be the one having to listen to you whine."
"Firstly, I dont whine. Ever." -thats a lie and both of them knew it- "and secondly, thank you so much for your concern about my well-being, but I'll be careful, mum", Sirius added theatrically annoyed.
"This is literally my job. To tell you to be careful, so that you can play next season."
"So you dont really care about my well-being then, Loops?", Sirius gasped dramatically.
"Dont overdo it. See you tomorrow, Cap."
"Bye, Re."
The rink was silent. It was just him.
Then he nearly fell over as James jumped on him from behind.
Correction, it was just him and James.
"So, you're feeling up to playing?", James asked, standing on his own now.
"Do you really think you can win a one on one against your Captain, Potty?", Sirius challenged.
"Yes. But also I was thinking we wait for the others to join first. They should be here in a second."
"You told the others? If anybody finds out we'll be in so much trouble.", Sirius was beginning to regret his decision.
"So you dont want to play with us?", Finn's voice came out of the tunnel.
"Betrayed by our own captain?!", Logan's voice followed.
The cubs and Kasey stood in front of them now.
"Did nobody of you think it was a bad idea to come?!", Sirius asked.
"Well, our captain thinks it's fine, apparently." "And we found out about it a minute ago that someone will be blocking the rink during goalie-practise times", Leo completed Finn's thoughts.
"So we thought we'd stay with Nut and see if you suck now.", Logan added.
And because Sirius was already excited to just play a little, he answered an "Oh, it's on, Tremzy!" from where he was lacing his skates a bit tighter to give his ankle at least some stability.
Kasey hadn't been much for the idea of his Captain playing again. He knew from his thighs, that disregarding Loops orders, would only lead to a longer break. But since he would have been at the rink because of his goalie-practise anyway, he decided he would stay. Just to keep an eye on them, of course.
Definitely not, because he was missing his captain as much as the rest of the team on the ice.
Once they were all on the ice, James let Sirius choose his Teammates in a three on three. It ended in Potts, Logan and Leo against him, Finn and Kasey.
They all got their sticks and let Sirius' team have the puck first. And so his first after-recovery-game began.
He knew they went easy on him and for the first time he was glad about that. It made the game easier. He got less competitive than usual and thus put less pressure on his recovered ankle.
They passed the puck easily between one another. It felt like he had never been gone. Skating had been so had the first time afterwards, but as soon as he held his stick, he felt like this was were he always belonged.
Sirius got it to Finn and he shot it back. Kasey acting as a player now skated through the middle. He got the puck from Sirius and went for the goal. It hadnt been a bad shot at all, but for Leo there was no fun in letting the puck go in on purpose, so he blocked it and shot it to Logan.
The game went back and forth a few times, Sirius always staying on his good side. He even scored twice. He felt good. It was the first time in a long the he felt truly happy, even.
"Sirius!", came a shout from the boards. It was Lupin. A Angry-Faced Lupin. A kind of Lupin he hadnt seen in a long time. So Sirius decided to better skate over quick but carefully. The others luckily got the hint to be quiet. Or the just wanted to eavesdrop who knows.
"Sirius.", Remus repeated. "I told you to not overdo it-twice, might I add- and you decided playing a game with the team would be a good idea? I'm checking you again and yes, that is absolutely necessary. What were you thinking? You could have undone all you worked for so hard. Not just the last few months but your entire life. You could have never been able to play, do you know that?"
"Yes", Remus was never usually this angry. But Sirius thought he also saw something else in his eyes. Something between relief and excitement, he guessed.
"I hope I scared you enough with that whole speech, for you to not do it again unless I tell you you can, okay?", Loops actually waited for an answer this time. He seemed a bit more relaxed now.
"Ouai, pardon"
"No need to say sorry to me, it would have been your- Well, I do have more work now- actually yeah, say sorry, but it's no problem. I'm honestly just really glad your not currently on the ice with another broken bone.", Remus told him warmly. "Still, dont tell Arthur any of this. All of you!", he shouted to the rest still standing there. " And I will look at your ankle again, if something happens it's better to know sooner than later. Will you wait in the in the medic room?"
"Thanks. Yeah, I'll just take off the skates first.", Sirius answered, while making his way dont to the locker rooms. It was- if he hadnt broken anything again, which it didnt feel like- totally worth it. For the first time in months he actually felt like all the work had made a difference.
"Potts", he heard Loops again, while walking through the tunnel, "Potter, I know this was your idea. Come here and explain yourself."
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bestintheparsec · 5 years
Healer - Part 1 (The Mandalorian)
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Din Djarin x F!Reader
Summary: You’re medically trained and somehow end up meeting the Mandalorian when he's injured and needs help...and over time maybe you become more than a crewmember to him (I love a slow burn)
A/N: this is my first fic ever, I hope you like it! Sorry if it’s not perfect (I would love any feedback or suggestions)! Is this going to have multiple parts? I’m not sure yet depending on how everyone feels about this one, but it’s likely because I have some other ideas in mind :) jk I’ve decided to add at least 2 more parts to this lol
Words: 1.9k
Rating: T (minor mentions of blood/surgery)
Healer masterlist
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Despite being smaller than he is, you have one arm wrapped around the Mandalorian’s waist, his left arm reluctantly around your shoulder, as you help him slowly up onto the Razor Crest. He’s returned from turning in his latest bounty, and this last job was evidently a trying one. He’d been very unsteady as he walked back to the ship, where you were playing with the child, waiting for him to get back. You’d run over as soon as you saw him.
“You’re not going to be able to help much if we’re both on the ground,” Din grunts as he leans onto you, worried about crushing you with the weight of the armor.
“Yeah, well, the little one can get us back up if that happens,” you playfully snap back.
You help him over to the cot and he sighs a breath of relief as he sits down. You let his arm off your shoulder, and for a second you think you feel him resisting, as if not wanting to lose contact. He’s weak and tired—it’s nothing, you think to yourself.
“Thank you,” Din says. “I think I can clean this one up pretty well myself.”
“You can’t fix all your wounds with a lighter, Din.”
It’s been weeks, months since you joined him as somewhat of a crew member aboard his ship, but Din is still often hesitant to let you help; even if it is what you’re here to do.
In a past life, your job was to heal. You have years of medical training, and it was what you once spent all of your time doing. Things are different now, after things got complicated on your home planet. Things you’d rather forget. People like you became far and few, and help is often unwanted. So you stopped, and started picking up ‘dirty’ errands instead.
But one day, you were on your way to the village to pick up another job, when you saw him—the Mandalorian. You’d never met one in person, but you knew the stories.
He’d had a minor injury to his arm, one he’d attempted to patch up himself with some gauze. You don’t know why he trusted you enough to stop you and ask, but he’d told you he needed help getting medical supplies—he was currently on a ‘wanted’ list, and unable to go to the shops himself without setting anyone on alert.
“I can help. Just stay right there,” you’d immediately told him. It had been long since you’d treated someone, but you still remembered the skills. Something told you it might be dangerous if you were caught helping him, but you felt that there was kindness behind all his composure, even though you couldn’t see his expressions. You quickly went to gather everything you needed, and headed back out to him.
“Where do you want to do this?”
“Do what?” he asked, reaching for the supplies in your bag.
“Where do you want me to apply all of this?”
He started to shake his head and protest, but you’d interrupted.
“Surely you don’t think I would let you do this yourself. I’m medically trained—please, let me help,” you said, gently pushing his hand away as he tried to hand you payment.
The Mandalorian said nothing, just looked at you with a slight tilt of the head.
“Please. Let me help. You’re safe with me—I know the troubles in this village and I won’t lead you into any.”
He’d given you a nod after some hesitation, and started walking towards the forest, gesturing for you to follow. Din knew the only safe place he could bring you was aboard the Razor Crest. You understood—the wound would need cleaning, something that required privacy—so you followed him.
It was shortly after that day that Din had awkwardly asked you to join him, to help him and his kid. It would’ve been a hard goodbye for you if he hadn’t asked—you’d quickly fallen in love with the child. You were under the impression that he was on a “list” was because of something more…malicious. But when he’d explained to you how he came to get this child, your impression of him softened even more.
Although he never says much, you two have grown closer over the last few weeks. You don’t know why, because even though he’s all armor, you started to feel this pull towards him, a deeper connection to him as a person, even without ever seeing his face. Despite his profession, he’s softer than you’d expected. He’s obviously new to caretaking, but makes every effort to do his best. And when he speaks to you, it’s as if he uses a gentler voice than with anyone else he interacts with.
You don’t know it, but he feels similarly regarding you. He watches you play with the kid; you have an obvious nurturing instinct that he follows in example. You’re reserved, too, but you still say more than he does, and it makes him happy to hear you talk about your life and your past adventures. He finds you endearing, and Din’s slowly realized that, like with the child, he would do anything to protect you.
After putting the child in his pod, you go back and kneel on the floor next to Din, gently inspecting the damage while he watches you neatly unwrap the supplies you need. Your quick mind and thinking have always been admirable to him. He’s often watched you while you patched him up, even when you thought he was looking away. You’re good at what you do—you often have to be firm with him, but somehow you always make him feel...safe. It’s been a long time since anything, or anyone, has made him feel remotely safe.
It doesn’t take much to figure out that this will take a bit of time to fix, and you look up at him.
“This is going to need a bit of cleaning—there’s a lot of blood, and I suspect there’s more that I can’t see,” you tell him. Din only looks at you, waiting for directions.
“…So, I’m going to have to peel back the fabric in a few of these spots to properly treat the wounds,” you add, hoping he understands. You’ve helped him many times now, but it’s rare for him to have to actually expose his skin, as most of his injuries have been relatively minor.
He stills. Din figured you would have to do this eventually, but his face warms at the thought of you touching his bare skin with your delicate hands.  He suddenly becomes glad you can’t see his face at the moment. Your hair is up and out of your face like it usually is, but little wisps fall in front of your face, and your eyes are heavy, likely from the long day you’ve had yourself. Din has to repress the urge to gently sweep the strands out of your way, and nods for you to go ahead. You tell him that there could be more damage under the helmet, but of course he insists that he can fix anything on his face himself later on, if needed.
“Okay, your right arm looks worse so I’ll start there.” You move his arm so that his palm faces up. His sleeve is made of a thick fabric, but it’s torn anyways, so you carefully cut and pull it back to expose the wound underneath, hoping it hasn’t dried down yet. You grimace when you see that his inner forearm has a long, deep gash—far worse than you were able to tell with it covered. You glance at him again.
“Din, what kind of bounty were you dealing with this time?” you ask softly. “Not another mudhorn, was it?” you tease.
“Not the worst thing I’ve had to recover from,” he answers. He’s in pain, and many parts of him sting and ache, but all of that is dampened when he looks at you, with your concerned gaze and furrowed brow. How you’re able to care about someone like him, someone who does the things that he does, he’s not sure. He’s never received this much kindness before. In the past, shopkeepers would toss him a medicated patch and call it a day. But you have a good soul, and he knows that. Your selflessness and affectionate attention for him and for the child are new things to him, and he wishes he knew how to reciprocate.
You begin to clean the wound, first wiping away all of the blood and then cleaning it with the antiseptic solution. As you work, you subtly put your other hand gently on his gloved fingers, giving him something to grip onto. Din is very clearly tense, but he’s still looking at you, slightly dazed and distracted by your fingers gently brushing against his. You begin to suture the cut, and you can tell he’s grimacing behind the helmet.
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, smiling weakly. “I’ll be quick with it.” You finish that arm and move to the next, this one only having minor scrapes. He has another cut on his leg, and you patch that up as well. There’s likely a lot of bruising all over, but you can’t do much for those except let them heal.
“Alright, I think that’s the worst of it. Can you lean back so I can check if anything’s broken?” you ask, knowing Din won’t be comfortable with it. He doesn’t answer for a few seconds, but wordlessly starts, with your help, to lift his legs onto the cot. Din knows he’s within his mental boundaries, but he still blushes heavily, once again glad to be hidden behind the helmet. He leans back against the wall of the ship as you gently reach behind his back and shoulders to make sure nothing is dislocated. You’re closer to him now, looking into his visor as if you can see through to his eyes. He’s the patient here, but your pulse is quickened, too.
“Any severe pain here?” you ask, still looking at him.
“No,” he manages to reply.
“Good.” Your fingers linger on his shoulder for a moment, both of you looking at each other. Din’s heart is racing now, and he’s almost sure you can hear it, too. Your eyes are soft and questioning, but he can’t tell if that’s just the healer in you, worrying about her patient, or if there’s something more there—an expression of longing instead of concern. Before he can analyze you any further, you move away and go to clean up the mess you’ve made of the supplies.
“Wait,” he calls softly, hoping you don’t catch the slight break in his voice.
“Thank you.”
“Of course.”
Later that night, Din opens his eyes, blinking a few times before re-orienting himself. He’s still on the cot, in full armor, and everything still aches. It’s dark now, all the lights are off, and you’re likely asleep with the child in your space on the other side of the ship. He thinks of how you must look when you sleep, peacefully and comfortably curled up. He rarely sees you after you go to sleep, but he often longs for the late-night intimate conversations you share, ones that are intensified by the background of a quiet night dimly lit by the stars.
He knows you likely attribute his resistance to your help because of the way he lives. But the truth is, he’s afraid to let you touch him because of all the feelings he’s started having, and how far those feelings might take him the more he allows himself to become closer to you.
Din sighs quietly. He’s falling deeper than he realized, and he has no idea how to stop.
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beelsnack · 4 years
Hey there! Love your Writing!! Can I request Some HC/Drabbles on the brothers and Diavolo comforting a Mc(GN) That Struggles with Migraines? (Thank you in advance if you do!)
Aw, thanks Nonnie!
I get migraines pretty frequently, so I’m pretty sure I’ve got headcanons lined up already, lol.
Content Warning: Mild description of vomit. Nothing graphic, but migraines be nasty.
(Side note: I guess these are kind of a mix between headcanons and drabbles, huh? Maybe I should combine them. Drabcanons? Headrabbles? I kind of like headrabbles.)
Lucifer: They hadn’t come down for dinner.
Usually, if they were planning on skipping dinner, they let at least one of the brothers know. But nobody had heard a sound from them after they had finished up their classes at RAD, and they weren’t answering texts or calls.
Lucifer climbed up the stairs leading to the second floor, already formulating a lecture. Tardiness would not be tolerated, neither at RAD or at home, it would reflect poorly on Diavolo if the exchange student suddenly developed a habit of skipping out of obligations, how dare they make him worry - 
He was just about to knock on their door when he heard a soft noise from inside. It sounded like a whimper.
He stilled, pressing his ear against the wood of the door. There it was again. Definitely a whimper, longer this time, laced with pain. His heart seized at the sound, and without thinking he stepped inside.
The human had burrowed beneath their blankets and had pressed a pillow over their head.If it wasn’t for the lights strung up along their headboard, Lucifer would have just assumed the human hadn’t made their bed.
They whined again, spurring Lucifer in to action.
He called out their name. “What’s wrong?”
A pathetic whimper was his only response, and he swallowed down the lump of panic that was beginning to rise in his throat. He crossed the room in three big strides before kneeling beside their bed. There was a small gap between the blankets and pillow, and he could see the way their brow was furrowed, how their eyes were squeezed shut, the thin sheen of sweat that shined over their skin.
As though they could feel his gaze, they cracked open eye and managed to groan, “Too bright.”
Lucifer flicked his gaze over to the soft lights strung up along their headboard. They were so low that even he had a hard time seeing anything in detail. If they thought those were to bright...ah.
“A migraine, huh?”
He didn’t bother waiting for the human’s strained “Mhm,” before reaching behind the night stand where the outlet was. Suddenly, what little light there had been was gone, leaving only the slight glow from the hallway.
“Better?” he asked softly, gently reaching beneath the pillow to wipe their sweat-drenched hair away from their face. 
“...Yeah...” they sighed, the crease in their brow easing slightly. “Thank you...”
“Of course.” Their eyes were already beginning to slip closed as he stood. “I’ll get you some water and let you rest.”
He was pretty sure they had passed out before he finished speaking. Which is why he allowed himself the small indulgence of placing a kiss on their forehead before he left.
Mammon: It seemed to come out of nowhere. One minute, they were walking through the halls at RAD killing time until their next class. The next, they were crying out like they had been stabbed, falling to their knees and clutching their head.
Immediately, he was beside them. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
They were trying to respond, he could tell, but all that was coming out were short, staccato breaths that ended on a pained moan. He could see tears welling up in the corner of their eyes.
A crowd was beginning to form around them. Curious whispers and hushed gossiping echoed through the hall, and Mammon instinctively scratched his claws along the marble floor to attempt to keep his cool.
They had mentioned something like this before, hadn’t they? That sometimes they got these blinding headaches that left them completely incapacitated for at least the rest of the day? 
“Hey,” he took their face in his hands, rubbing his thumbs soothingly along their jaw. Damn all the demons that had gathered around them, he had his priorities. “It’s okay, I’m right here, I gotcha.” 
He vaguely remembered them saying something about light sensitivity. Honestly, this probably wasn’t going to do anything, but he plucked his sunglasses from where they were hung on his uniform and slipped them over their face. “I’m going to get you to the Student Council lounge, okay? Can you walk?”
After a few deep, shuddering breaths, they managed to stand. Mammon didn’t liek the way they were swaying on their feet, however, so, with a click on his tongue, he scooped them up bridal style. The buried their face against the column of his neck without complaint, and that was when he knew they were really in pain.
“Everything’s okay, your first man’s gonna take care of ya.”
Levi: It was obvious the human wasn’t feeling well. They had their right eye squeezed shut, just barely watching the anime through their left. Every time Luminous-chan started her transformation scene, they were cringe at the sudden flash. He swore he even heard them whimper a little bit.
“Why are you still here?” wait, no, that came out wrong. “I-I mean, like, if you feel sick or something, we can watch it later. You’re not even really paying attention!”
They winced at the volume of his voice, and Levi internally cursed himself. “Seriously, go lie down if you feel sick. I don’t want your normie germs.”
Another bright, intensely colorful scene started, and Levi belatedly realized that he probably should at least pause it. 
They slumped their head against the back of the couch. They seemed to relax just a little bit without the noise. “Being in your room helps.”
“Eh?” Levi looked at them incredulously. “Why would it help?”
“The blue lights don’t hurt as much, and it’s nice and cool in here.” they muttered. “But I can leave if you really want me to.”
“N-No!” this time, both of them winced at his volume.
“You can stay here.” his voice was barely above a whisper. “I’ll just...use my headphones or whatever. You take a nap.”
Satan: With all the things that can go wrong with the human body, the species should have died out a millennia ago.
They were currently holed up in their room, trying to stave off the throbbing headache with Excedrin and sheer willpower. Satan, feeling particularly useless, was doing what he did best - research.
Obviously there were no books on human medical conditions in the Devildom, so that had led him to the internet.
“Aura? Migraines can affect your vision?” he muttered to himself, scrolling down further. “They can cause nausea? ‘May last up to 72 hours?!’“ 
No wonder the human wanted to be left alone. He would be in a foul mood too.
Asmo: “You know, I’m usually thrilled when my partner wakes up looking like they spent the night tumbling around, but something tells me this wasn’t nearly as enjoyable.”
They were a hot mess. Their usually neat uniform was rumpled, and they hadn’t quite been able to get the last button done right. Harsh, almost bruise-like bags stood out against their skin, which had taken on a sickly pallor. 
Joking aside, Asmo didn’t like how the human looked. “What’s the matter, darling?”
They plopped down on Asmo’s bed next to him, letting him fuss with their hair. “I definitely feel a migraine coming on.”
His fingers paused in their ministrations before beginning to massage gently at their scalp. “Poor thing, why are you even up?”
“Because Lucifer will flay me alive and use my pelt to decorate his office if I skip classes.” they shot back, and Asmo was glad to see they still had their snark even though they looked dead on their feet.
“Darling, it’s not skipping if your brain in trying to escape your skull.” he stood, running his long fingers through their hair one more time and quite enjoying how they leaned into the touch. “Now, let me take care of Lucifer, you get some rest.”
“Can I stay here?” they asked, rubbing at their temple. Asmo giggled.
“Well, I’m certainly not going to turn you away from my bed.” he flicked the lights off on his way out. “There’s an eye mask in the drawer next to the lube.”
Beelzebub: The two of them had a routine. Friday night, Beel would go to the gym, come home, and they would hang out in their room and watch so-bad-they’re-good horror movies until they fell asleep.
Since this was an every week thing, Beel didn’t even think to text them and tell them he was coming over. They usually left their door unlocked when they were home anyway.
There was no answer when he knocked, which seemed strange. They were usually here at this point. Maybe something had come up? But they would have let him know, surely. A frown tugged at his lips as he tested the doorknob. Unlocked.
Slowly, he opened the door, calling out to them. “Are you in here?”
A few seconds of silence ticked by. Beel was about to call again when he heard a gagging noise coming from their bathroom. He peered a little farther in and saw the light from the bathroom spilling into the room. They hadn’t even been able to close the door.
Concern washed over him, but he was pretty sure barging into the bathroom while they were sick wouldn’t help matters. He carefully shut the bedroom door behind him. “I’m coming in okay?”
“N-No, don’t -” another gag cut them off. Beel winced in sympathy as he entered the bathroom.
The sight made him want to cry. They were clinging onto the toilet, half slumped to the floor. Their pajama shorts were all twisted around, and Beel could see red marks from where the human had been kneeling against the floor tiles. Tears were streaming down their cheeks as they took deep breaths in an attempt to fight off the nausea.
Beel knelt down next to them, and they didn’t even have the energy to protest when he swept some of their sweaty hair out of their face. “Did you eat something bad?”
They shook their head, then squeezed their eyes shut. “No...it’s a migraine.”
Beel frowned. “I thought migraines were headaches.”
“They make you nauseated, too.” they muttered, reaching up to flush the contents of their stomach down the toilet. “Sorry, I should have let you know...”
He placed a large hand on their back and they sighed, letting his presence stabilize them. 
“It’s okay.” he said, rubbing small circles along their spine. “Isn’t there a drink that helps with upset stomachs?”
“Ginger ale.” they supplied, voice going a bit hoarse. “I’m pretty sure they don’t have it in the Devildom, though.”
“There might be some at that convenience store near The Fall. I could go check.” he stood up, almost instinctively reaching down to scoop them up before pausing. “Do you still feel sick?”
“No, it’s passing. I’m just super tired.” they reached out towards Beel, and he proceeded with the scooping.
“I won’t be long.” he promised as he deposited them on the bed.
“Don’t get distracted by all of the yummy snacks, okay?” they teased, and he smiled a little.
“I make no guarantees.”
Belphegor: He could practically see the irritation rolling off of them.
Movie night was always a garbage fire, but tonight was particularly bad. It had been nearly an hour and they were still arguing over what movie to watch, Mammon and Asmo had nearly come to blows, and Beel was sitting on his own island of pop cans and empty bags of popcorn.
Usually, they found the brothers’ antics amusing, but tonight, Belphegor saw murder in their eyes. And as much as he would delight in seeing his big brothers get fucking wrecked by a human, dealing with the cleanup would be a complete hassle.
“Are you feeling okay?” he leaned in to whisper. They blinked hard a few times, trying to clear their vision.
“I already felt like I was going to get a migraine,” they gritted their teeth as they spoke. “But this definitely isn’t helped.”
Belphie hummed in agreement. “Yeah, I can’t imagine it is. Think they’ll notice if we bow out?”
There was the sound of glass shattering as someone threw a couch pillow and either missed horrendously or hit precisely what they were aiming at. It was hard to tell.
“I think we’ll be fine.”
Chuckling, Belphie grabbed their hand and led them out of the living room. Of course the only one who saw them was Beel, and Belphie merely made a shushing gesture and nodded his head towards the staircase. The older twin nodded and went back to his munching without any fuss, bless his big, fluffy heart.
The human trudged after Belphie, already worn out. They walked past their room, so they assumed they were going to the twins’ room. But they passed that too. 
“Belphie, where are we going?”
He stopped them at the base of the attic stairs. “Someone will just barge in if we go to one of our rooms. Nobody will think about up here, though.”
If their head wasn’t pounding, they would have asked if Belphie was okay going back into the room that had basically been his prison cell for a year. But, their head was pounding, and they didn’t have the energy to question his logic. So up to the attic they went.
It was blissfully dark in the attic. Belphie yawned as he made his way over to the bed and flopped down.
“Come on, I think we both need a nap.”
“It’s late, isn’t this just going to bed at this point?” they wiggled into bed next to Belphie anyway, snuggling deeper into the blankets as he hugged them close.
“The human doth protest too much. Shut up and go to sleep.”
Diavolo: It was irrational, he knew. The human had a migraine, not the Black Death. But still, worry and uncertainty chased each other around his skull like rabid beasts until he couldn’t take it anymore.
“Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer looked shocked to see him as he entered. “Did we have a meeting for tonight?”
“No, no, don’t worry.” he grinned. “I heard our little human friend had to leave RAD early due to a migraine, and I wanted to see how they were feeling, is all.”
Lucifer raised one delicate eyebrow, and Diavolo knew he was blushing. He had grown rather attached to the human, probably more than he should have, considering the circumstances.
“They’re resting right now.” he nodded towards the stairs. “I’m not sure it would be wise to disturb them.”
“Disturb who?”
Both demons turned to look as the human came out of the hallway that led to the kitchen. Aside from their sleep-heavy eyes and the occasional roll of their neck, they looked just fine.
“Oh, Lord Diavolo!” they smiled.
“Well, you look much better than this afternoon.” he hoped the relief in his voice wasn’t too obvious. Based on the look Lucifer shot him, it was.
They nodded. “That medicine you gave me worked wonders! Better than anything I ever took in the human world. Thank you so much.”
“Think nothing of it.” his grin softened into something warm, something he knew was professionally inappropriate to feel towards a human exchange student. “I’m glad I could help.”
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sasarahsunshine · 3 years
Hey Sarah, don’t feel like you have to answer my questions but I read your whole thing about your diagnosis and I since started researching but basically I think I could also be on the spectrum. And I’m sorry if I sound at all like I’m self diagnosing as that is the last thing I want to do but it definitely got me thinking. Then I moved in with my one of my best friends and two strangers and things my family had written off as just things I do started to really hurt them. Like last night my best friend was addressing concerns in her class and I thought I reacted fairly well for the situation but after she texted me and said something I did was inappropriate. I’m so sorry for rambling but basically what I’m wondering is how you started the long process of getting a diagnosis. Basically I have some of the diagnosis you have and was assigned female at birth but I am non binary and use they/them pronouns. Again you don’t have to respond but I would be very grateful. Anyway keep doing you and I am excited for the A/B/O stuff coming up!
First of all, self diagnosing isn't a bad thing!! How else are you supposed to know to go to the doctor or therapist for assistance to help manage your diagnosis with medication (or whatever else you need), unless you do your own research first and realize that, hey, you might be on the spectrum?
Autism and ADHD go hand-in-hand as well, so if you think you *might* be on the spectrum, don't rule out that you *might* have ADHD instead (or like in my case, both. Which is a hell of a ride, I tell you what!).
(more under the cut)
For me, I was "diagnosed" with ADHD when I was 11 years old. But my mom didn't like that diagnosis and didn't want me on medication, so I kinda just learned to mask and struggled my way through middle and high school. I became *really* good at coming up with excuses for why my homework wasn't done, and somehow still passed all my classes (aha, I suggest you kiddos out there to not do that).
When I was 23, I hit a really deep low. And, let's just say, I ended up hurting myself. And it scared me, so I went to the doctor to ask for help. They suggested a low dose of Lexapro (a mood stabilizer for depression and anxiety), as well as speaking to a therapist. At 24 I was matched with my current therapist (Jenny, she's an angel), and she helped me with what I was battling at the time: My depression and severe anxiety.
As she got to know me, she pointed out when I was 25 that she thought I might have ADHD. I confirmed that yeah, I was diagnosed when I was 11. I'm the one who put off getting a proper test though because I thought I was managing it well on my own.
But then the lockdown was stretching out, and I wasn't working a regular job, and life got out of whack and off-center--and I had a breakdown. And I told her about how I just wanted to feel *normal.* So, we took the test, and yes, I have ADHD. Cool! Then, because of some of my answers to the ADHD test, she wondered if I was autistic as well. I mentioned that I always kinda wondered if I was on the spectrum, since my brother is, so it would make sense but like... yeah. Anyways, we tested for that too, and congrats! I'm autistic!
Now I take my Lexapro still, but I also take Vyvanse for the ADHD (it's a daily pill that helps keep the brain fog away and helps me function like a normal person without ADHD lol). I might even be able to be taken off the Lexapro soon! Because a symptom of ADHD is anxiety, which leads to depression, and if I'm battling it with the Vyvanse, then I might not need the mood stabilizer meds anymore! We'll see.
ANYWAYS, my story isn't the same as everyone else's, clearly. But the first step is definitely finding a doctor or therapist and telling them about your findings and why you feel this way. Let them know how it affects your day-to-day life (I learned to mask from an early age, so I can hold eye contact for a fair amount at the beginning of the day, but as the day goes on I can't anymore, for example. I can't focus in loud places, feel like I'm going to shut down while I'm shopping, and I thrive on structure and a routine, but if it's taken from me then I breakdown).
Your journey is just beginning, but I'm with you now!! Every step of the way! <3 The first step is the hardest part, but hopefully, in a year from now you'll feel amazing and you'll be so glad you took that step. You'll have the support and help you need, and you'll be thriving!! (Also, knowing for sure that you're on the spectrum is so liberating, because it's nice to finally KNOW that you're not alone, and the things you do are "normal" for you!).
And finally, thank you for messaging me <3 I hope I answered your questions! I kinda rambled, lol, whoops. (and I'm excited about the A/B/O stuff too!!)
(also also, make sure to talk to your friends about all of this and let them know that you never meant to upset them, and if you say something that seems inappropriate in the future to have them mention it to you so you can learn. You and your friends will all be learning so much in the coming months, so just keep your head up and help them to help you <3)
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Thought I Couldn't Top It, Huh? OVER 2000 Questions! (Truly the Longest!) Created by distortedcognition Part 5
x__Odd Questions__x
What color is the bottom of your tongue? Pink and whiteish. Your foot? White, like the rest of my skin. Do you have any medical problems concerning feet? No. Do you secretly fantasize about George W. Bush? Uh, no... Do you chew on your homework? No... Pencils? No, I’ve never chewed on any writing utensils or school supplies. Do you read the dictionary? No, not even when I’m super bored. Encyclopedia? When I was a kid I had some that were made for kids that I liked.
Atlas? No. Road map? No, that’s what GPS is for. 
Do you memorize random facts? Sure.
Do you stalk anyone? No.
Does anyone stalk you? Not that I know of... Do you collect dust? Not purposefully, but since I don’t dust I guess I do.... :X Lint? No. Baby teeth? No. Have you ever thought of becoming a prostitute? No. Do you use lotion on your feet? Yeah. Have you ever played a kazoo? Nope. Have you ever shot someone? Uh, no. Something? A target. How many pairs of underwear do you own? Several. Jeans? A few. What ring size are you? Like a 7 or 8. Belt size? I’m not sure, I never wear belts. Have you ever gotten anything amputated? No. Do you have a calendar from 2001 hanging in your room? No. That would be quite outdated. Do you eat a lot? I wish I could eat more so I could gain some weight. Do you get excited over cameras? No. Do you have a strange obsession with pickles? No, but I l like them. Poison? Uh, no. I’d like to avoid poison, please. Knives? No. Cheese? I love cheese. Penguins? No.
Bald people? No.
Pirates? No. Corny jokes? I am a sucker for corny and punny jokes. Are you a virgin? I am. Have you ever tied your tooth to a door to lose it? No. Do you bite yourself? No. Do you get cold sores often? No, thankfully. Those hurt so bad. Do you have a cold right now? No. Do you suffer from chronic migraines? No. Do you like to touch sharp objects? Uh, no. Do you have a twitching problem? No. What do you do on the computer? I spend most of my time on it scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, watching YouTube, and playing The Sims. Anything your parents should know about? Not that I can think of. Are you happy with your life? :/ Is everybody else happy with your life? Uhh, probably not. Do you like 100% white grape juice? No. How big is the universe? Bigger than you can even imagine. How many hours of sleep do you get every night? A few hours at most. What do you dream about? Random shit. Do you enjoy bungee jumping? I would never go bungee jumping. Do you have AIM? Well, not anymore since it doesn’t exist. I hadn’t used it since like 2009 anyway. MSN? No, I never had MSN. YIM? Not anymore. Is that still a thing? A Neopets account? I highly doubt my account still exists out there since I haven’t been on it since the early 2000s. I don’t even know Neopets is still around. A Vampirefreaks account? No. A Quizilla account? No. A Bzoink account? No. Do you watch bugs crawl on the floor? Ew, no. Do you follow the bugs that crawl on the floor? Absolutely not. Do you get attacked by ladybugs? NO, thankfully. Are you scared of everything that breathes? Ha, I know I’m a big scardy cat but I wouldn’t say that sheesh. Are you scared of anything at all? Yeah, a lot of things. What? A lot of things. Which cardinal direction do you like best? The one that takes me in the right direction at the time. Do you have a life? Nope.
Then why are you taking this? Because I don’t have a life. Do you have a microphone on your computer? Yeah. A webcam? Yeah. A scanner? Yes. A printer? Yes. A cordless mouse? No. I have a laptop and just use the trackpad. Does your mouse light up? -- What kind of computer do you have? A MacBook Air. Were you ever physically abused? No. Verbally? No. Sexually? No. Do you wish you were a fish? Nah, I’m good. A cat? No. A dog? No. Do you have a cell phone? I do. What kind is it? It’s an iPhone 12 Pro Max. Do your teachers like you? My teachers always loved me. Do your parents like you? My parents love me. Do your siblings like you? Yes. Does karma, if it exists, love you? I don’t believe in karma. Did you have a tail when you were born? No. Do you enjoy school? I enjoyed parts of it.  Are you a packrat? I do have a hard time getting rid of stuff. Do you know HTML or CSS? I know some very basic HTML. Do you find yourself chewing on anything your fingers have touched? My food? Do you shy away from social situations? Yes. Are you obsessed with shiny things? No. Are you at least attracted to them? I do find them pretty to look at, sure. Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument? No. I don’t understand that. Are you proud of doing so?  -- So. How bad can I make you look? Why do you want to make me look bad? Besides, I do that well enough on my own.
Do you wash your hands frequently? Yeah, especially since the start of the pandemic. Do you wet the bed? No. What age did you stop? When I was a little kid. Do you lie a lot? No. Have you lied at all in this survey? Nope. I have no reason to. Do you forget to brush your teeth frequently? No, I don’t forget to brush my teeth. Do you brush your hair? Yeah. Do you use antismelly? No. I don’t even know what that is. Are you an alcoholic? No, I don’t even drink. A druggie? Nope, I don’t do drugs. Do you drink illegally? I’m 32 I can do so if I wanted to. Do you wear underwear? Yes. Do you change it frequently? Everyday. Are you a coward? Yeah, you could say that. A loser? Yes. An idiot? Yep. Do you text talk? I use “lol”, “wtf”, “wth”, “omg”, but otherwise no I don’t like to use shorthand. Are you a bad friend? :/ Are you untrustworthy? No. Unreliable? I feel like I haven’t been the most the reliable these past few years. Do you pick your nose? No. Are you imperfect? Yes. Ugly? Yes. Do you have bad hair? Yes. A big nose? No, I don’t think so. Are you shallow? No. Greedy? No. Do you tell people you love them just to get what you want? No, definitely not. I don’t throw those words around and only say it if I mean it. Do you have any /important/ talents? I have no talents. Are you impolite? No, I don’t think so. Disrespectful? No. Do you have buck teeth? No. Acne? Not currently. Mentall illnesses? Yes. Does your breath smell? I hope not. Do you have a strong body odor? No. Do you have bad teeth? I would like to get veneers. Are you overweight? No, I’m too underweight. Anorexic? No. Bulimic? No. Do you have a piercing in an inappropriate spot on your body? No. A tattoo? Nope. Are you a wannabe? Yeah, I wannabe healthy and happy, ha. Do you get bad grades? I got A’s and B’s. Are you a bad guesser? Yeah, I suck. Just tell me what it is. Are you bad at reading people? I think I do a fairly good job at it, actually. Are you too nice for your own good? I used to be that way and got taken advantage of. Do you have a lot of friends? I have zero friends. Do you give in easily? I usually do. Are you stubborn? Very. Are you annoying? I feel like I am. Are you a necrophilliac? No. Are you incestuous? No. Is your room messy? It could use a little straightening up, but it’s not too bad. Do you make fun of other people? No. Do you respect your body? I guess you could say I don’t since there’s things I should be doing to take better care of myself that I don’t do. :/ I’ve neglected myself in a lot of ways. Are you arrogant? No. Do you have low self-esteem? Very. Are you unique? I don’t think I am. Are your hands clammy? No. Are you short? I am. Are you freakishly tall? No. Do you like Simple Plan? I liked some of their songs. It’s been awhile since I’ve listened to them, though.
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jyndor · 4 years
Oily skin anon here...Yeah, effaclar is great and not too stripping like a lot of acne products can be. I've tried the cleansers and the salicylic & glycolic acid serum. Unfortunately, the moisturizer is nothing special. Honestly, I've never had much luck finding a decent moisturizer. I'm currently using one of the toleriane line, which at least doesn't have fragrance. As for sensitive, red skin anon, I know they have a cream for rosacea and my mother uses one called kerium for red and flaky skin. She seems happy with it!
hi again anon! love talking acne and oily skin, and I don’t do it enough smdh. so lets talk moisturizers because they are important as fuck and often misunderstood by like everyone, especially people with oily skin. this is something that imo can exacerbate skin concerns and make oily skin oilier/dry skin drier/etc. so I’m gonna talk a bit about WHY they are important and then I will get into what different skins might need, and what you might consider trying.
the main purpose of a moisturizer is to lock in moisture (lol) and prevent transepidermal water loss (water evaporating through your skin’s top layers, aka your epidermis). without getting too technical, your skin has this handy thing called a moisture barrier/acid mantle that is integral to maintaining healthy skin. our skin’s barrier is naturally acidic due to sebum production (so oil) and sweat, around a 5 pH, to protect our bodies from viruses and bacteria.
so when we talk about stripping our skin of its natural oils, you know that squeaky clean feeling? that’s bad. it’s actually damaging your moisture barrier, making your skin more alkaline and leaving your skin vulnerable to germs and irritation. this is very common in dry skin, but people with oily, acne-prone skin have been sold so much nonsense for ages - the charcoal masks, baking soda cleansers and exfoliants, pore strips etc all spring to mind - and so often they will strip their skin’s natural oils and then send their sebum production into overdrive to compensate. this is why many people with oily skin actually find introducing certain kinds of oils into their skincare helps control oil production - sort of like tricking your skin into thinking it already made enough oil.
and to be clear, all skins need a good balance of water and oil - in fact this is what decides your skin type.
when skin is dry it lacks oil. normal skin has a equal balance of water and oil. oily skin has too much oil. combination skins have some areas that are one type and others that are another type. sensitive skin is also a skin type and it tends to be dry. your skin type doesn’t really change, although as we age our skin does produce less sebum over time. this is why people with oilier skin tend to look younger.
all skins can be sensitized and dehydrated - think moisture = oil and hydration = water. these are conditions, not skin types, because they can go away with treatment. my skin is always going to be somewhat dry even if it needs less oil during the summer and through good skin care. thanks genetics XD
if I don’t drink enough water, my skin will look crepe-y and older because I am dehydrated. thanks to environmental factors like pollution, stuff I put into my body, my stress levels, allergens, the amount of sun I get, etc - my skin can get more sensitized and irritated. when we deal with that stuff, the condition goes away (until the next time).
so all of that out of the way, what do the skin types need in moisturizers? so all of this is variable and depends on what other products are being used.
dry skin needs an oil-based moisturizer, non-negotiable. dry skin NEEDS to feed that acid mantle to prevent irritation, infection, etc. a thicker ointment is a great option for dry skin (like the cerave healing ointment I stan, it’s very lightweight and doesn’t have lanolin so it really is great for all skins). normal skin needs a good balanced moisturizer, often a light cream as opposed to an ointment or a lotion.
oily skin needs LESS oil in a moisturizer than dry skin does. that doesn’t mean NO oil, and again I do think that some topical oils are beneficial to oily skin, but generally speaking a lighter, water-based lotion is going to be better.
some moisturizers that I recommend for oily skin (besides the cerave healing ointment):
neutrogena hydro boost
dermalogica active moist - I am certified in dermalogica and while I don’t love all of their moisturizers I think this one is great. oily skinned folks lucked out.
glow recipe pink juice moisturizer - I actually have a mini bottle I use during the day under my SPF because my facial skin is pretty balanced at the moment. this does have fragrance but I am not opposed to fragrance by default (does the fragrance have other purposes - ie preservative, does it irritate my asthma, obviously do I have issues with that particular brand, etc. I want to talk about why fragrance (and other ingredients tbh cough parabens) isn’t inherently evil at some point because it’s all a matter of labeling practices, and clinique - a fragrance-free brand I worked for which works so well for so many people, is a NO NO for me)
I have also heard really good things about the cerave hydrating hyaluronic acid serum as a moisturizer for oily skin but I haven’t used it myself YET. if it is at all similar to my beloved b-hydra serum by (blegh) drunk elephant (eurghhh) then it’s a go.
belif aqua bomb is a good one, too
clinique’s dramatically different hydrating jelly is probably my favorite product from when I worked for the brand
on rosacea, I want to be clear that because rosacea is a medical condition it is important that if someone thinks they might have it they go to a medical professional to get it diagnosed and treated clinically. same thing with cystic acne (lol not to be a total hypocrite).
here are some really good videos from two actual dermatologists online who I really respect:
dr dray (so a lot of her videos have sponsorships but like who cares, she is clear about it and a dermatologist) -  best oily skincare (sponsored by walmart i know guys but like it’s a good video), 10 best products from lrp, best sunscreens for oily skin
dr vanita rattan (specialized in skin of color) - oily skin moisturizers, cleansers for oily skin, best sunscreens for oily skin, all of her videos omfg
anyway wow hope this helped!
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