#are we even that different? at our core? at the very center of who we are?
jennnifersbody · 2 years
you guys ever watch brother bear (2003) and there's that scene when koda and kenai are looking at the cave paintings and both of them are filled with awe at the beauty of them until kenai sees the handprints and cannot longer make his own hands fit among them and then they see the painting with the bear and the human hunter and koda says "those monsters are really scary. specially with those sticks" and you see kenai see himself as human and monster at the same time and he's seen bears as monsters before but he's also felt like a monster himself for his part in brother's death. but then you look at the paintings and it's like. could a monster do this? paint these animals and these hands and this proof of life? and it's like. are any of us monsters? or is it just the same capacity to hurt but to also care and love the world around us? and maybe monster is just what you don't know? and maybe we owe each other the grace of seeing each other and learning to love each other in our monstrousness so it's simply part of the good and the bad we all are? all alike? do you guys ever? think that?
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ineffable-endearments · 6 months
The Crow Road by Iain Banks
I finished The Crow Road and had a little time to think about it. I'll put my thoughts under a Keep Reading in case anyone is trying to avoid spoilers.
As I speculated before, I think it's likely that The Crow Road is more related to Good Omens in philosophy than in plot. I mean, it's not that the plots necessarily have nothing in common, and we could be very surprised in the end of course, but now that I've read the whole book, its philosophical commonalities with GO are both apparent and kind of inspiring. Also, if I were a writer, I'd be more interested in dropping hints about what themes are important than telegraphing my whole plot ahead of time.
So here, I will describe the book and point out themes that I believe may reappear in Good Omens 3.
This is a long post. If you read it, make a cup of [beverage of choice].
Update on 4/20/2024: I made a second post: The Crow Road and Good Omens: Further-Out Thoughts
Below are mentions of suicide, death/murder, and sexual acts.
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The Crow Road centers around a character named Prentice McHoan, a university student in Scotland who starts to sort out his complicated relationship with his complicated family as he explores the mystery of his uncle Rory's disappearance. Although the book is mostly from Prentice's perspective, the narration jumps around in time with the McHoan family. There are quite a lot of important characters to keep track of; the bare-bones summary I put below doesn't even include some of the important ones. I wanted to make the summary even shorter and simpler than this, but the truth is that this book is not short or simple, and if I made the summary any simpler, it might be downright misleading.
There are at least three major cultural aspects of The Crow Road that I am inexperienced with: the overall culture in the 1950s-1980s (I was born in 1988, so of course wasn't here for the relevant decades), the international experience of the Gulf War (again, born in 1988), and the history and culture of Scotland itself (I'm USAmerican with only reading as a source). As a result, I'm sure there are important dimensions to the book that I've missed. If someone has a different perspective taking some of these things into account, I'd love to know about it.
Also, keep in mind, there is a great deal of descriptive writing in this book. There are a lot of pages about the geography of Scotland, and about Prentice as a kid, and about Prentice's father and uncles hanging out together in their youth, and about various family incidents, and about Prentice spending time with his brothers and friends. At first, these passages seem to just make things more confusing, and in my head, I accused them of being "filler." But they definitely serve a purpose. They're a way of showing and not telling the characters' attitudes and relationships to each other. More importantly, because we get to actually live these experiences with the characters, they are what give all the plot points below their deeper emotional impacts. In other words, the everyday experiences give the plot its deeper meaning. They resonate with one of the core themes in the novel: that our experiences in life, rather than any supposed existence after death, are what matters.
The Crow Road's story is like this:
Prentice is rather directionless in life, and he seems to have trouble investing any energy in his own future as he moons over his unrequited feelings for an idealized young woman named Verity. Soon, Verity ends up in a romance with Prentice's brother, Lewis, and Prentice feels that Lewis "stole" her from him. Prentice has also become estranged from his father, Kenneth, over spirituality. Prentice believes there has to be something more after death because he feels it would be incredibly unfair if people didn't get anything other than this one life; Kenneth is not only a passionate atheist, but is offended by the notion of an afterlife.
Prentice's uncle Hamish, Kenneth's brother, has always been religious, although his religion involves a number of bizarre and offbeat ideas of his own, with inspiration from more traditional Christian notions. Prentice is not really sure about this ideology, but he's willing to talk to Hamish about it and even participates during Hamish's prayers, whereas Kenneth is openly scornful of Hamish's beliefs. Hamish interprets this as Prentice being on "his side."
Prentice has a few opportunities to go back and talk to his father, and is begged to do so by his mom, Mary, with whom his relationship is still good. Mary doesn't want either of the men to give up their inner ideas about the universe; she just wants them to agree to disagree and move on as a family. Prentice says he will visit, but he just keeps putting it off and off and off.
Prentice acquires a folder containing some of his missing uncle Rory's notes in the process of hooking up with Rory's former girlfriend, Janice Rae, who seems to have taken a shine to Prentice because he reminds her of Rory. Using the contents of the folder, Prentice wants to piece together the great literary work that Rory left unfinished, which Rory titled Crow Road; however, it becomes apparent that Rory didn't turn his concepts into anything substantial and only had a bunch of disconnected notes and ideas. He hadn't even decided whether Crow Road would be a novel, a play, or something else. The few bits of Rory's poetry for Crow Road read are bleak and depressing.
Prentice also spends a lot of time with a young woman named Ash. They've been good friends since childhood and seem to have a somewhat flirtatious dynamic now, but they aren't in a romantic relationship; mostly, they drink and hang out together. Ash tells Prentice bluntly to get his life back on track when she finds out he's failing at school, avoiding his family, and engaging in shoplifting. She is a voice of reason, and when Prentice insists to her that he's just a failure, she reminds him that actually, he's just a kid.
Prentice's efforts to figure out Rory's story or location stagnate, and he continues to fail at school and avoid his father. He then receives word that Kenneth was killed while debating faith with Hamish. In fact, Kenneth dies after a fall from a church lightning rod, which he was climbing in an act of defiance against Hamish's philosophy when it was struck by lightning; Hamish is convinced that Kenneth had incurred God's wrath. Ash is there for support when Prentice finds out about the death.
With Ash's help, Prentice returns to his hometown again to help manage Kenneth's affairs. Prentice speaks with a very shaken Hamish, who is handling Kenneth's death with extreme drama and making it all about his own feelings. Hamish tells Prentice that Kenneth was jealous that Prentice shared more in common with Hamish's faith than with Kenneth's lack of faith. However, this isn't really true, and as he contemplates his father's death, Prentice begins to internalize one of the last things Hamish reported that Kenneth had argued: "All the gods are false. Faith itself is idolatry."
As the chapters go on, Prentice is compelled by some of the meaningful items related to Rory that he discovers in his father's belongings. He gains a renewed sense of purpose trying to solve the mystery of where Rory went and what happened to him. Among the interesting items are an ancient computer disk of Rory's that Prentice can't access with any equipment he can find; Ash uses her connections in the US and Canada to find a computer expert who can finally open the files on it. This takes quite a while, since the disk has to be mailed and Ash's connection is investigating the disk only in his free time.
Prentice also discovers that his feelings for Verity have changed. He no longer feels angry with Lewis for "stealing her." At first, Prentice's narration describes this as his feelings "cooling" as a result of the trauma of losing his father, but interestingly, this soon means Prentice gets to know Verity as a sister-in-law without getting caught up in jealous romantic feelings. Verity gets along well with the family, and Prentice is actually happy to discover that she and Lewis have a baby on the way. Prentice's relationship with Lewis improves greatly as well, partly because he is no longer jealous and partly because he realizes he does not want to lose Lewis, too.
Ash's connection who was looking at Rory's computer disk comes through and sends the printed contents of the files to Prentice. The files reveal to him that Rory likely knew Prentice's uncle, Fergus, murdered his wife by unbuckling her seat belt and crashing their car. Rory had written out a fictional version of events and considered using it in Crow Road. I'm not clear on exactly how certain Rory was about Fergus's crime, or whether Rory would have intentionally reported Ferg, or whether Rory even had enough proof to publicly accuse Ferg of murder, but people would likely have connected the dots in Rory's work and become suspicious of Ferg. For this reason, Prentice believes Ferg murdered Rory as well.
Prentice confronts Ferg. He doesn't get a confession and leaves Ferg's home with no concrete proof of anything; Ferg denies it all. But Prentice is soon physically assaulted in the night, and it seems Ferg was almost certainly the culprit, because he hadn't been home that same night, and he had injuries (probably from being fought off) the next day. A day or two later, Ferg's body is found unconscious in the cockpit of a plane, which crashes into the ocean. It's uncertain whether this was a suicide, but Prentice suspects it was. Rory's body is then soon recovered from the bottom of a waterway near Prentice's home, where Ferg had sunk it years ago.
As the mysteries are solved, Prentice realizes his feelings for Ash are romantic love. However, it's too late, he thinks, because Ash is about to take a job in Canada, where she may or may not stay. Prentice also hesitates to approach her because he's embarrassed about his previous behavior, venting all his angst about Verity and his father. He isn't sure she would even want to be in a relationship with him after that. But the very night before Ash leaves, she kisses Prentice on the cheek, which leads to a deeper kiss. They finally connect, have sex, and confess their mutual feelings. Ash still goes to her job in Canada, but says she'll come back when Prentice is done with his studies that summer.
The relationship's future is somewhat uncertain because something could come up while Ash is in Canada, but Prentice is hopeful. The book ends with Prentice getting ready to graduate with his grades on track as a history scholar, fully renouncing his belief in an afterlife while he acknowledges the inherent importance of our experiences in our lives now, and enjoying his time with Lewis and Verity and his other family members.
What's the point of all these hundreds of pages?
Well, look at all of the above; there's definitely more than one point. But the main point I took away is that we get this one life, with our loved ones in this world here and now, and this is where we make our meanings. There is no other meaning, but that doesn't mean there's no meaning at all. It means the meaning is here.
It's not death that gives life its meaning. It's the things we do while alive that give life its deeper meaning.
The Crow Road is described (on Wikipedia) as a Bildungsroman, a story focusing on the moral and philosophical growth and change of its main character as they transition from childhood to adulthood ("coming-of-age novel" is a similar term that is interchangeable, but more vague and not necessarily focused on morality/philosophy). And, indeed, all of the plots ultimately tie into Prentice's changed philosophy.
After his argument with Kenneth, Prentice feels childish and humiliated, and as a result, he refuses to go back home, which leads to a spiral of shame and depression. Kenneth dies and Prentice realizes it's too late to repair the relationship, which also leads him to realize it's what we do in life that matters, and that therefore, his father's argument was correct after all.
At the end of the novel, Prentice outright describes his new philosophy. However, I can't recall one specific passage where Prentice describes the process of how he changed his mind (if anyone else can remember something I missed, do let me know). There is, however, a moment when his narration indicates that Hamish seems less disturbed by his own part in the incident that led to Kenneth's death and more disturbed by the notion that his beliefs might actually be true: there might actually be an angry, vengeful God. In other words, Hamish's philosophy is selfish at its core.
My interpretation is that when his father died, Prentice realized three things: how utterly self-serving Hamish's devout faith is, how Kenneth's untimely death proves the importance of working things out now rather than in an imaginary afterlife, and how much profound meaning Kenneth had left behind despite having no faith at all. After these realizations, a determined belief in an afterlife no longer makes our lives here more profound like Prentice once thought it did.
Also, it's worth noting that this incident changes Prentice's idea of partnership, too. He loses interest in this distant, idealized woman he's been after. In love as in the rest of life, Prentice lets go of his ideals, and in doing so, he makes room for true meaning, both in a sincere familial, platonic connection with Verity and a sincere intimate, romantic connection with Ash.
But what about the sex scene?!
Yes, indeed, at the tail end of the story, Prentice and Ash have sex and admit they want to be in a relationship together. Prentice's narration describes them sleeping together and having intercourse not just once, but many times, including some slow and relaxed couplings during which they flex the muscles in their private parts to spell out "I.L.Y." and "I.L.Y.T." to each other in Morse code. This is relevant because earlier, they had been surprised and delighted to discover that they both knew Morse code; it isn't a detail that came from nowhere.
I didn't get the impression that this scene was trying to be especially titillating to the reader. It was mostly just a list of stuff the characters did together. I felt the point was that they were still anxious about being emotionally honest, a little desperate to convey their feelings without having to speak them out loud, and awkward in a way that made it obvious that their primary concern was the feelings, not the sexual performance. They cared about each other, but they weren't trying to be impressive or put on a show; contrast this with previous scenes where Prentice would act like a clown in front of Ash to diffuse his own anxiety. I've always thought that being able to have awkward sex and still enjoy it is a good sign.
Okay, so what does this all have to do with Good Omens?
Here's where I have to get especially interpretive. I'm doing my best, but of course, not everyone reading this will have the same perspective on Good Omens, the Final Fifteen especially. I believe similar themes are going to resonate between The Crow Road and Good Omens regardless of our particular interpretations of the characters' behavior and motivations, but I suppose it could hit differently for some people.
The TL;DR: I see similar themes between The Crow Road and Good Omens in:
The importance of mortal life on Earth
Meaning (or purpose) as something that we create as we live, not something that is handed to us by a supreme being
Sincere connection and love/passion (for people, causes, arts, life's work, etc) as a type of meaning/purpose
Relationships as reflections of philosophy
The dual nature of humanity
Life on Earth as the important part of existence is a core theme in Good Omens, and has been since the very beginning. We all already know Adam chose to preserve the world as it already is because he figured this out, and we all already know Aziraphale and Crowley have been shaped for the better by their experiences on Earth. But Good Omens isn't done with this theme by a long shot. I think this is the most important thematic commonality Good Omens will have with The Crow Road. Closely related is the notion that we create our meanings as we live, rather than having them handed to us. Isn't this, in a way, what Aziraphale struggles with in A Companion to Owls? He's been given this meaning, this identity, that doesn't fit him. But does he have anything else to be? Not yet.
Partnerships as a parallel to the characters' philosophical development also resonates as a commonality that The Crow Road may have with Good Omens. Prentice's obsession with Verity goes away when he starts to embrace the importance of life on Earth and makes room for his sincere relationship with Ash. Note their names: "Verity" is truth, an ideal Prentice's father instills in him; "Ashley" means "dweller in the ash tree meadow" in Anglo-Saxon, according to Wikipedia, and "ash" is one of the things people return to after death. Prentice literally trades his high ideals for life on Earth. We see in Aziraphale a similar tug-o'-war between Heaven's distant ideals and Crowley's Earthly pleasures, so I can see a similar process potentially playing out for him.
I don't particularly recall a ton of thematic exploration of free will in The Crow Road. However, there is a glimmer of something there: Prentice feels excessively controlled by Kenneth's desire to pass down his beliefs, and part of the reason Prentice is so resistant to change is simply his frustration with feeling censored and not being taken seriously. As the reader, I do get the feeling that while Prentice is immature, Kenneth made major mistakes in handling their conflict, too. And Kenneth's mistakes come from trying to dictate Prentice's thoughts. There is likely some crossover with Good Omens in the sense that I'm pretty sure both stories are going to take the position that people need to be allowed to make mistakes, and to do things that one perceives as mistakes, without getting written off as "stupid" or "bad" or otherwise "unworthy."
Suffice it to say that the human characters in Good Omens will also certainly play into these themes, but it's hard to write about them when we don't know much about them except that one of them is almost certainly the reincarnation of Jesus. This also makes me suspect perhaps the human cast will be 100% entirely all-new, or mostly new, symbolic of how Aziraphale and Crowley have immersed themselves in the ever-evolving, ever-changing world of life on Earth. Alternatively, if we encounter human characters again from Season 1 or 2, perhaps the ways they've grown and changed will be highlighted. For example, even in real-world time, Adam and Warlock have already, as of the time I'm writing this, gone through at least one entire life stage (from 11 in 2019 to 16 in 2024). They'll be legal adults in a couple of years, and if there's a significant time skip, they could be much older. If characters from Season 1 do reappear and themes from The Crow Road are prominent, I would expect either some key scenes highlighting contrasts and changes from their younger selves or for stagnation and growth to be a central part of their plot.
The more I write, the more I just interpret everything in circles. Hopefully this post has at least given you a decent idea of what The Crow Road is like and how it may relate to Good Omens.
I'll end this post with a quotation that feels relevant:
Telling us straight or through his stories, my father taught us that there was, generally, a fire at the core of things, and that change was the only constant, and that we – like everybody else – were both the most important people in the universe, and utterly without significance, depending, and that individuals mattered before their institutions, and that people were people, much the same everywhere, and when they appeared to do things that were stupid or evil, often you hadn’t been told the whole story, but that sometimes people did behave badly, usually because some idea had taken hold of them and given them an excuse to regard other people as expendable (or bad), and that was part of who we were too, as a species, and it wasn’t always possible to know that you were right and they were wrong, but the important thing was to keep trying to find out, and always to face the truth. Because truth mattered. Iain Banks, The Crow Road
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urluv69 · 2 months
Task Force 141 COD
Y/N(18+ user) X Ghost
Mature content!
It was October 31; Halloween. You didn’t normally dress up or go out for Halloween since you were normally either on a mission or too tired from a mission, but this year was different. You joined the task force 141 just under a year ago and found that they all liked to celebrate (in some way or form) holidays.
As usual, you weren’t planning on doing anything to celebrate Halloween but when Ghost invited you to a carnival, you couldn’t help but say yes. You dressed in fish neck stockings, a tiny leather skirt, a short black tank top, a red racing jacket and healed combat boots. You weren’t quite sure if it looked good or not when you arrived with Ghost but the looks people were giving said you looked hot.
The day went well with you and Ghost playing some games and carnival activities. As usual Ghost kept a stoic expression and lacked a smile but you could tell he was enjoying himself just as you were. When the time came everyone entered the large tent that had a huge stage in the middle. An odd box sat at the center of the stage but you didn’t pay any mind to it as you found two seats with Ghost.
“Ladies and gentlemen, to finish off your evening here I would like to present the annual event. As most of you have been waiting all day for this I won’t take long and will chose a lady from the audience to start us off.” The ring man standing in a flashy red suit announced through a microphone as the whole crowd roared.
It was only now that you noticed how many ladies were dressed in under garments and lacy clothes showing off more then they were covering. You couldn’t say you were covering any more than them but most almost looked as if it was intended to be taken off.
You gave a confused glance towards Ghost who was looking ahead and didn’t meet your gaze. Suddenly a white beam of light shone over you and the ring man pointed towards you. You were confused before he motioned for you to come down to the center stage where he stood.
You hesitated but did make your way down to him. “Now what is your name, doll?” You tell him your name as the crowd cheers and your cheeks flush not used to the attention being on you.
“Do you know the rules or shall I remind you of how we play here?”
“I-I don’t know the rules….”
You stammered as you nervously shifted on your feet.
“Very well. You will step into the box at the center of our ring. You will find various holes and cameras that way we can see and interact with you inside. You may exist at any given point you please by simply pressing the red button on the door. You can strip down at which ever speed you’d like and may choose who you interact with.”
You nodded as realization hit you. It was a pleasure box. You go in and others can chose to interact with you or not. You let out a shaky breath as you walk over to the box and close the door shut. Slowly, you strip off your jacket, top, and finally your skirt and fishnets. You are left in small black thongs and a black skimpy bra.
Soon enough you see something appear in one of the hole. A long, veiny, and strained cock. You sink to your knees without much hesitation and wrapped one hand around its base. You look to a screen inside the box to figure out who it was and see a tall brunette with messy hair in a fire fighter costume.
You wrap your lips around his tip and sensually swipe your tongue over. Your hand begins to pump as you start sucking harder and hollowing out your cheeks. You take him down your throat as far as you can go without chocking and pump the rest. Your tongue swirls around him as you now feel heat pulling in your core.
You should feel dirty and ashamed doing this in a semi-public scene but you don’t. It only turns you on more to think about it. Your body begins to heat up more as you feel him twitch signaling he is close. Another hole is filled to your left and another slightly shorter but thick cock is now in your view. You take your hand away from the man you are still working on and bring it to stroke the new one.
Your free hand reaches behind your back and unclamps your bra. You don’t pay mind to wear it falls and only focus on the load of cum being released into your mouth and down your throat. You swallow everything and pull away with a pop from his tip. Your one hand is still eagerly pumping the newcomers cock who you look up to the screen and see a blond, younger man dressed in a suit and tie.
It doesn’t take long before cum is dripping down your bare chest and you pull your hand back. At this point you are aching to be touched and receive any type of friction. This time when a new cock appears you stand up and shimmy out of your panties. You press your back against the wall before bending over and exposing your pussy to them as they pull back for a moment.
Conveniently there is a hand bar in front of you to hold as you glance up at the screen again. Ghost. He’s the one whose tip is circling your tight and clenching hole. He suddenly slams into you and your legs almost buckle right then and there. He fills you up perfectly as you clench around him. His thrusts are relentless as you have no time to adjust.
You’re so close already as he slams against your spongy g-spot with every thrust. You moan and can’t help your self as you reach down with one hand and rub your clit.
It doesn’t take long before you cum around him and he’s not far behind. After a moment of coming down from your climaxes, he pulls out. You lean against the wall as you manage to pull your clothes back on. You press the red button on the door and as promised it opens and you step out to see Ghost with a clear smirk.
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neechees · 1 month
This isn't supposed to be a gotcha, I'm genuinely asking because my dad keeps using this as an argument when I try to explain land back stuff to him. And I'm hoping you can help give tips on how to explain it to him.
We're European, and as you probably know there's people here who are anti-immigrant / anti-refugee bc they're racist and want it to be only Europeans. My dad thankfully isn't *that* bad, but his argument is "well if indigenous ppl deserve their land back, even despite all the non-natives who moved there bc they had to, then don't the anti-immigrant EU ppl have the right to kick out the immigrants even if they fled to here as refugees?"
It's so gross and i don't blame you if you don't want to engage with it/answer this anon. I just am like trying to figure out how to answer him and of all the progressive issues I explain to my dad this is the one I'm least familiar with. So how do I explain to him why it doesn't really apply to indigenous Europeans?
I can't tell what you mean when you say "Indigenous Europeans", because Indigenous is a racialized and political category of people that have been affected and racialized by colonialism in a specific way, "Indigenous" doesn't just mean "x group of people who originally come from x area". Because you haven't specific a specific Indigenous Nation (for example, Saami), I'm going to assume you just mean that you are White Europeans who are not Indigenous. You'll have to explain that to him as well. This is also important, because I know many racist Europeans will co-opt Indigeneity in order to promote White Supremacist ideas like creating an ethnostate, and what your dad has suggested, is the definition of that. Secondly, tell him (even if you ARE Indigenous,) Indigenous people, as the same with anyone else, being xenophobic and racist towards immigrants is still bad and unacceptable, we don't get a free pass to be bigoted towards different groups of people and use "landback" as an excuse. Landback goes hand in hand with decolonizing, and you can't do that while perpetrating settler-colonial ideology and bigotry.
I don't know how many times we have to say this, but Landback does not inherently have to do with deporting anybody who isn't "Indigenous", and does not have anything to do with trying to create an ethnostate, the core goals of Landback is neither of those things. You have to emphasize this to him.
Landback has to do with sovereignty for Indigenous Peoples because as it is, we're being oppressed by the White governments that are occupying us. We are stripped of multiple rights while in our own homes. What your dad has suggested about White Europeans having the "right" to deport immigrants is already a reality, White Europeans already have privilege and power over immigrants, and many immigrants already ARE being deported and mistreated by those governments. There are race riots targeting immigrants happening in the U.K for goodness sake!
Landback is centered ideas of decolonizing and dismantling White Supremacy: Your dad's presented idea of mass deportation of any person who isn't ehtnically/racially European or is an (immigrant to there) from the country you reside in is based on White Supremacy. The category "immigrant" itself is very racialized, because when White North Americans or Europeans talk about deporting "immigrants" from the country, typically they're talking about Brown and Black people & people who aren't Christian, and I've never heard a White Canadian complain about a White French immigrant and suggest we deport them, or hear a White American complain about deporting the Irish.
As an example, trying to kick everyone else out of Turtle Island (or anywhere) for one thing would be WAAAAY too much of a hassle to even attempt, too expensive, and useless. Plus, if there was a mass exodus (for lack of a better word) of people via planes, vehicles, and ships all at once or even over time, that would have a big negative impact on the environment, which kind of goes against why people want Landback in the first place (to take care of the land and environment, we care about it). It's counterproductive to several of the goals of Landback.
So to recap, deporting any people who are not "Indigenous" or originally from one area is not the goal, your dad has made a false equivalency because 1
that's not what we want in the first place, Landback has nothing inherently to do with deporting anyone who isn't originally from a specific area or creating an ethnostate, and
trying to do it would be useless and going AGAINST the goals and principles of Landback and what is wanted
part of Landback is undoing racism and White Supremacy, and what he's suggested is promoting those things (White Supremacy and racism)
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eatmangoesnekkid · 7 months
Forgive yourself for the rough relationship you have had with your body over the years. The relationship we had with our bodies growing up is the prime reason it takes a lot for us to learn to trust ourselves again. There is so much unlearning we have to be willing to do. When I was younger, I loved to read and prided myself off being a good thinker. If I could have bypassed my body into enlightenment in high school, I would have done it because the last thing I cared about doing was feeling--deeply feeling and hated being called a “cry baby” when I was much younger. I had a sharp analytical mind and was on the math and debate teams in middle and high school and graduated with 3 Bachelor degrees-accounting, biology, and chemistry. I couldn't decide what subject I liked the most and decided to major in them all over a 6 year period. I am grateful that I came across this path of love and way of beauty and opening/expansion in my late 20s because it is truly the purest form of energy. I am thankful that I could reclaim the lost parts of me that brought me back to my soul, alongside strength and flexibility, and is aging me well. It's often the very subtle violence and abuse we normalize with our female bodies, like living mostly in our heads, that creates the most harm overtime. Doctors won't tell us that because they honestly do not know the deeper mysteries or practicalities of being female. We know the obvious ways we harm ourselves (our cells), like when being intimate with the wrong people or drinking too much, but we often miss the more subtle, culturally-acceptable ways encouraged by society and how we learn to socialize together. Sugar used to be my baby, my drug of choice. I used to keep cookies and candy near my bed at night and snack while watching television. I would sweetened everything-toast, cereals, teas, and enjoyed plenty of cakes, pies, and other sugary items. I loved pretty, well-made, high-quality, sugary pasteries from the fancy artisanal bakery as well. But after some years, too much sugar ages you faster than what is necessary. Because sugar, refined sugar, even too much sugar alternatives like agave or coconut sugar, processes as a stimulant or drug to the body. Even white carbohydrate foods like potatoes, rice, white bread, etc. turn into sugar once digested. And most people eat a load of carbs and dessert afterwards on a regular basis, which increases their chance of chronic pain, especially as they get older. Too many carbs or sugar actually represses your body and decreases your female libido. There are a few exceptions to people who can eat more carbs, such as long-distance runners, high-intensity athletes or very thin people with high metabolic rates, and the like. Think about how your body feels after you have had incredible sex with a lover. Mm. The very act of healthy lovemaking is deeply warming, grounding, and relaxing. It is extremely embodying to center this feeling and impulse, this grounded rooted core, in your life, even when you are not making love. If you practice this, it will positively impact every area of your life. Reclaim the beauty of your body just for your own love and care, and not simply for the public gaze and consumption. Breathe life back into your body by limiting or greatly reducing your sugar consumption and get into autophagy, which cleanses your cells and tissues and radiates your light. Move your energy out of your head a little more often and discover ways to stay in your body from the neck down. And witness the differences in how you feel and emanate overtime. You will find yourself becoming a new you! Ask me how I know. --India Ame'ye, The Melody Of Love
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kyriefae · 1 month
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Being a Whovian is sincerely so much fun.
This show is so many different things to so many people but what I think truly makes it special is not just the change it forces on us as an audience but the way it pushes us subconsciously to give up on purism.
"Your Doctor" was <insert amiable character traits> but the current one doesn't represent that same persona? Pity. Almost like we can be different people all throughout our lives...
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You ever hear someone say like..."it's fine it's just not for me"?
I wonder how many people who say that about the newest Doccy Who seasons genuinely think in their heart of hearts "actually this is garbage and you should agree with me that it is garbage" because those two are not the same thing at all! 🤭 Ugh, I can't help my incredulity sometimes. Maybe the internet adds to the expectation of toxicity. ...or I just spent a lot of time growing up around cynical assholes that hated fun. *shrug*
More to the point! 😅
Pick an era of this show; pick a doctor and you'll be transported to a world more or less unique to them. That's pretty cool if you ask me. They still have that silly multidimensional blue box; they still have two hearts (even if it didn't become canon until their 3rd incarnation)...and yes they still pick up stray humans (...usually young, petite British women from whatever decade said Doctor conveniently and sequentially visits).
But maybe to really hit home on what I mean about this show tackling purism in its audience's mind...it's always been a silly sci-fi show meant to elicit joy and wonder out of children. Additionally so, to help adults retain that same joy and wonder in their own lives by reflecting on the excitement that comes from infinite possibilities only possible when traveling with a genderfluid space alien that wears extraordinary clothes and hands out candy like it's already gone out of style. Oh and you become the universe's only hope the moment you step into another time or location lol.
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Sometimes when we love something, we take it very seriously no matter how absurd it truly is at its core. We may not even notice we're doing it but any criticism of Doctor Who really ought to be taken with a grain of salt (and spread out at the very edge of creation...just for good measure). No need to get all salty over a television show. 🧂
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So yeah. Being a Whovian, for me, is having the freedom to dive head first into an ocean of lore whenever I desire and really explore storytelling from several perspectives. Albeit many of the early years were written and directed and produced from the perspectives of white, straight men in the U.K. and stories with misogynist stances that heavily limited the functional roles of women in the context of said stories and were also affirmed by narratives and protagonists that failed to question any of it. *clearing throat* Oof, there was a frog back there!
All the same, our heroes of yesterday battled styrofoam monsters breaking through plywood walls built on cardboard sets represented by painted miniatures dangling on strings over a starlit portrait meant to look like space. Even when they couldn't help but be a bit cringe, they were still a silly lil sci-fi show playing at games of the imagination. Like children at play.
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Now, we have this beautiful and talented man standing at center stage:
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He is all the play; all the heart(s); all the joy we have known in this character but decorated in his own unique way.
My love for this show has evolved and I intend to allow it to continue doing just that. Hopefully we can continue to see the Whoniverse do just the same...instead of getting too caught up in the past. 🫣
Anywho, that's all for now.
Kisses 😘
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teecupangel · 2 months
An Inverse! Au where Desmond or whoever replaced him has Templar origins but, instead of "our" templars, the templars are the good guys and the assassins are evil? Like, Vieri De Pazzi goes on an arduous and wrought adventure to kill (I forgot Ezi's daddy's name rip)?
Since this is an Inverse AU, the Desmond of this AU would most definitely stayed with the Brotherhood and believed him to be the rightful mentor of the Brotherhood, making him the big bad and pretty much what can be considered as the final boss of the series.
So the main character would be either Lucy Stillman or Daniel Cross due to their connection with the Brotherhood and the Order.
Of course, Berg or Numbskull would be a good alternative main character to have a more acceptable way to infodump in the story because they’re new in the whole secret war thing.
The modern day plot would be the Order is now in small teams that have been driven underground thanks to the Brotherhood holding a Great Purge under the last mentor and now the Assassins are hunting for any survivors.
The Animus is the Templars last ditch effort to find a way to create a counterattack against the Assassins’ relentless hunting.
And to do that…
They have to ask help from the descendants of Templars of old who are also being hunted down by the Assassins because they know the Templars are developing the Animus and they have their own.
Unorganized Notes
The start of the Brotherhood’s corruption could be at any time but the three main possible triggers are: 1) From the start with Aya and Bayek being driven by their rage of Cleopatra’s betrayal, making the Hidden Ones much more vicious and more on the side of ‘destroy everything against us’, 2) Loki’s Isuness corrupting the Hidden Ones between Mirage and Valhalla and having long lasting effects even after his death or 3) Al Mualim raising Altaïr to be his heir and son, effectively turning him into the second Al Mualim
Personally I think 1 is the best option mostly so we can have this corruption start at the very core, becoming the foundation of the Assassins themselves.
Al Mualim used the Templars to get the Apple and used it to gain knowledge that would jumpstart the Brotherhood’s technological advancement. Altaïr continued what he started and drove the Brotherhood into the shadows because there’s an ongoing alliance of quite a lot of formidable foes that are trying to destroy Masyaf.
The Italian Brotherhood under Giovanni Auditore used the Medici family as their puppets exert control over the lands. The Pazzi conspiracy was meant to be a decoy to the real plan to destroy the Auditore family. This fails and most of the Pazzi die and Vieri de Pazzi is trained by Rodrigo Borgia to the ways of the Templar. His revenge is half successful in a way that he was able to cut off the strings between the Medici and the Brotherhood and deal a fatal blow to Giovanni (whether he lives or not is up to you). This, however, caused Ezio Auditore to take center stage and destroy the remaining Templars in a rain of blood and fire all the while Petruccio Auditore becomes the pope, effectively making the Church under Brotherhood control for as long as he reigns.
The Kenway drama unfolds in a different way with Haytham Kenway becoming a Templar to go against his father who has taken the mantle of mentor. Birch is now the guy who showed Haytham the errors of the Brotherhood’s way and this becomes a story of the Templars were able to destroy the Brotherhood in the colonies thanks to Shay (who, in this one, still defected because of Lisbon but less of a case of ‘people don’t communicate well in this game’ and more of a case of ‘it’s a shame but it cannot be helped’ mentality)
of course, this means Ratonhnhaké:ton becomes an Assassin for revenge because the burning of the village is still becomes of Washington and Charles Lee is a Templar but he still did as ordered (but, instead of hitting a kid hard, he orders him to run and shoots near his feet to force him to run). Ratonhnhaké:ton is trained by his grandfather in this one because Haytham couldn’t kill him and his aunt ends up being an Assassin who is mainly there to kill her own brother because he’s a ‘disgrace’)
Arno and Élise still have their forbidden love thing going on but, this time, it’s the Dorian family adopting Élise after her father is killed by an unknown ‘person’ (this turns out to be Jennifer Scott who was hunting Shay Cormac down). Charles Dorian dies because he tried to unite the Brotherhood and the Order. Eventually, it’s found out that he was killed by Bellec and Arno kills him out of revenge. Élise doesn’t die on this one but they don’t end up together because Arno wishes to remain in the Brotherhood to do what his father tried to do but Élise doesn’t believe unity can be accomplished considering how merciless the Brotherhood is. She’s proven right as even to his death, Arno was known as a great Assassin but his call for peace was deemed ‘poisoned’ because he loved a Templar Grand Master
The twins did everything they did the game but, more chaotic. Maxwell Roth absolutely joined their cause because he’s just like that and this is actually an AU where Jack the Ripper doesn’t happen because Jacob AND Roth nurtured his hatred and wrath into something more refined and much more… well stealthier. In exchange, London has an urban legend about how the Reaper would walk the streets of London during that time, and all he sees will never be seen ever again.
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queerextremity · 11 months
i think one of the reasons i really like steve is the fact that he contradicts everything that you initially thought should be true about him. I’m not just talking of how i, before watching the cap trilogy, expected him to be some sort of walking toxic masculine propaganda, but he ended up being quite the opposite of that—that's already been discussed many times. i’m talking about all the subtle ways his storyline is written. when you think about it (and that’s probably the reason why steve is a very “safe” male character to me), he kinda goes through a character development that’s archetypically usual for female characters.
trying to fit in within the army, being rejected and mocked because you’re weaker and different, but later proving your strength by staying kind, persistent and clever is a story many old feminist media pieces used. i think of that scene from the first movie when peggy, after steve tells her about his life, says she knows what it’s like to have the doors closed for her. she does point out the reason why so many women are so passionate about steve (and why he’s really popular within the lesbian community, where attraction doesn’t really play a part). and i think it’s just so fundamentally different from the way i expected to read his story—as a typical patriotic male-centered superhero movie—and why it stuck with me when I saw it.
and i know we’re all joking calling bucky a damsel in distress, but when you think about it, he really does fit into the archetype of a superhero love interest. and steve does spend a lot of time trying to save him. and i, the great hater of this trope, find myself loving them tremendously. the thing is that, outside of their relationship, bucky has his own complicated and deep character conflict, and you would care about him no matter how the story handles him. in a world where such superhero love stories usually require the hero to be strong and powerful, and the love interest to be helpless and bleak, we have the cap trilogy. it plays with so many tropes that are so outdated even for superhero cinema that they should get boring, but it makes them interesting, dynamic and complex and refreshing.
that’s where it becomes impossible to ignore the romantic undertones of their story, because a lot of it is just familiar like that. adding that they are much more emotional in their relationship than the bros can handle. so we’re probably stuck with people trying to prove something to themselves by discussing steve’s sexual life in she-hulk, for example. it’s just that our society isn’t ready to accept male characters who are vulnerable and humane to their very core, and that’s another interesting way to look at these movies.
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LBGTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 3, Wave 1, Poll 3
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included. 
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Wei Wuxian-The Untamed / Mo Dao Zu Shi
Goes through a somewhat unethical organ transplant (in that the person he is giving the organ to doesn't realize that's what's going on) where he gives up his "golden core." This is like his center of power and by giving it up, not only is he not able to do most of the more "magic" things he could do before, but he's also noticeably physically weaker and gets injured much more easily (and takes longer to recover) as well as faints more often (iirc he only faints once pre-golden core removal and that was after sustaining major injuries and going on for a significant time without any healing while also fighting and traveling). Like he finds ways around it and invents new methods so that he can still do some things that he did before, just via a very different method. In the show we don't really see any characters who aren't cultivators, or at least part of that world, so Wei Wuxian is like the only character we really get to see without a golden core.
Also gotta say that this boy is severely depressed. Like "I'm-going-to-ask-my-doctor-friend-to-perform-a-mutliple-day-long-surgery-on-myself-in-which-I-will-be-awake-where-she'll-rip-out-the-core-of-my-being-and-transplant-it-into-my-adopted-brother-who-I'll-make-sure-never-finds-out-what-happened-even-though-he'll-come-to-hate-me" depressed. he has no value for his own life other than what he can give to others, even if it's his own body. like I think some fans unfairly classify him as being insane when he's really just depressed as all hell and having the worst possible things happen to him one after another and every time he breaks down it causes more trouble and usually people end up dying because of him.
https://youtu.be/swbXAVADjxY ^ok this clip kinda explains the whole thing better (and obvs spoilers)
https://youtu.be/2wO5nsnkSBk ^and this video is just for fun but it's a little thing about Wei Wuxian & Jiang Cheng because their relationship makes me unwell
Additional Qualifications/Propaganda by @transparent-internet-maker
Kinda surprised ADHD!Wei Wuxian isn't included I thought that was a popular hc. There are several signs: He seems to forget a lot of things, but at the same time he clearly remembers other things that happened a long time ago. He invented a. lot. of things. His mind is almost never where he physically is and he's really smart in that thinks-way-too-much-out-of-the-box-in-a-short-time way. (1/2)
Then there is the fact that he's actually knowledgable, more than most of the others at times, but we see him doing whatever else he wants to instead of studying more often than not. The inventions point and this put together hint at him not being focused and having hyperfixations. And the general view of not studious but still smarter than everyone else just clear adhd I think. NOT trying to hate anyone, I thought I'd just mention this since I've seen a lot of adhd wwx.
Wade Wilson / Deadpool-Marvel
pansexual who has cancer and [has] chronic pain
Deadpool is all our favourite mutant/mutate merc with a mouth who suffers from chronic pain and makes others suffer by killing them, he is also pansexual and heartmates with Spiderman (they even have a ~genetically engineered evil~ daughter ~clone~ together)
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dangitjm · 6 months
How "You" (the player) Made Elster Suffer
SPOILERS FOR SIGNALIS (and its endings)
What elevates video games to an experience that you can only get from said video games and not from books or film or shows is one particular quality: "interactivity". You are not a passive viewer in (most) video games, and a few game developers take this idea to the next level: having your interactions--your agency--affect the outcomes of a game's narrative and direction. In a more typical fashion, a game might have you select a speech option amongst a handful in order to change an event, or to choose your player-character's morality at that moment in time. Perhaps the game might even hit you with a visual reminder that your actions have consequences, or "they will remember that."
Signalis has this quality too, but it's one that often gets overlooked when discussions are had about the game because it's not obvious that it's happening. But rest assured, Signalis remembers 'how you play.' The variables involved are a decently sized list, but for now, the core of what you need to know is that there is a distinct playstyle difference between someone who gets the Promise ending versus someone who might get the Memory or Leave ending. (We will also discuss the Artifact ending briefly afterwards.)
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The core of this thesis is that your first playthrough--and your first ending--is incredibly important because that ending is the punctuation at the end of what ought to be a blind playthrough. For extra context, Yuri Stern (one of the two devs behind Rose Engine) once wrote that there were no 'good' or 'bad' endings in Signalis. There is an ending screen that we all get that shows us our own statistics and performance, but the endings were not designed to 'rate' us on how well we performed. Instead, look at the endings from the perspective of Elster. What did Elster experience in your playthrough? Consider how she might have felt at the conclusion of the journey that you, the player, put her through.
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If you saw the Promise ending, then Elster had to suffer. In order to get Promise, Elster not only has to kill as many enemies as she can find (and potentially kill those same enemies again), but she also needs to receive a significant amount of damage over the playthrough. Elster needs to be both brought close to death (Deaths Cheated) and entirely die more than a handful of times. The longer your playthrough is or the longer you hold Elster in this "hell" of a reality, as it is described, it becomes even more likely that Elster will receive the Promise ending. Thus, if you genuinely struggled with Signalis' gameplay on your first playthrough, you most likely got the Promise ending. On the other hand, if you were aware of how to get the Promise ending (perhaps this wasn't your first time) and deliberately saw Elster through this process, consider the following: what is Elster's reward after doing violence and having violence done upon her? That a playthrough defined by combat, death, and ultimately failure, ends cloaked in an overwhelming amount of red, and Elster has to commit one more act of violence on the one person she actually cares about.
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Elster's Promise ending is as much a physical struggle for her as it is an emotional one. Without getting too deep into an "in-universe" reading of the endings, what we can say for certain is that the fact that this particular ending was titled as 'Promise' leaves me to believe that the emotions centered around the 'Promise' between Elster and Ariane are weighed down by a very real and very deep pain. In this way, one could describe Promise as the more cruel and severe of the endings. Again, this is NOT to say that Promise is a bad ending. Rather, it is the tip of the iceberg.
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In order to get the Memory ending, you would have to play Elster quite literally like a machine: fast, efficient, and with few errors. Memory is given to players who cleared through the game without much trouble, maybe even to a point of mastery. Did your Elster only kill enemies out of necessity? Did she always keep a forward momentum, rarely getting hurt and seldom dying? Maybe you, the player, are no stranger to survival horrors. Or perhaps games in general come more naturally to you. Regardless of how well you might have performed, the conclusion for Elster here is finding an Ariane who does not remember her.
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What is the reward supposed to be if you--by most survival horror metrics--played well? Perhaps reward is the wrong word. Perhaps Ariane's actions (or her reactions to Elster) ought to be viewed from another angle. Because look at how Elster reacts to Ariane forgetting her: "It's okay. Please, let me stay by your side a little longer." This scene, for what it is, shows you that no matter how perfect or proficient you might be, someone else could make a mistake. Someone else could forget the promise they made with you. And yet--despite all that--to Elster, Ariane's forgetting did not matter. Because to her, she made the journey, she made it to Ariane's side. And in the end, that's all that mattered to this Elster. It was getting there. That's what was important: the Memory. A heartbreaking ending, surely? But wait, there's more.
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There's Leave.
This is perhaps the most peculiar (and contested) ending not just because of its content, but because it requires some highly specific and deliberate actions in order to even unlock--even more so than Promise and Memory. Whereas Memory had Elster focusing on moving to her destination quickly and Promise focused on having Elster linger in the 'hell,' Leave is affected by Elster doing the most to keep herself physically and emotionally safe.
repeatedly attempting to open already known locked doors
exhausting NPC dialogue beyond what they already have to say
having Elster heal constantly as soon as she's hit, staying in blue/nominal health
having Elster far overstay her welcome in those 'memory' sequences (such as on the Penrose, on the beach, and any scene that involves the first-person perspective)
Instead of immersing Elster in the cruelty of the 'hellish reality/dreamscape' she finds herself in--
Instead of having Elster focused on a distinct goal--
If you had Elster linger in the environment, in the presence of other characters, and the past (her 'happier times' perhaps), Elster instead finds a state of twilight.
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Because the Leave ending starts off the same as the other two: Elster still finds her way to the Penrose, goes inside, read Ariane's notes, finds the body of the original Elster-512, receives the same prompt just before heading to the cryopod that read "Go Home?" and when she accepts it, where does she go? Back outside.
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Instead of back out to the endless red desert from before, she's met with a blue, calm night sky seemingly reflected by water. Quite literally, this is the Elster's "twilight." Twilights are a literal signifier for a period of time between daylight and darkness (and vice versa) but they could also signal a period of obscurity and ambiguity. After tossing away her armor and curling up on the ground, Elster almost looks peaceful. Maybe. Because after all that the player put her through (and also what they did not), can we surmise that Elster was able to at least find a little relief at the end?
We never see the inside of the Cryopod in this ending and I have to ask why? Did Elster never go inside? Or was there no one in the cryopod at all?
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Allow me to briefly introduce a new idea (I know it's late in this already long essay but stick with me): have we yet considered that every piece of text that shows up on screen like the ones we see above (unless otherwise identified as Alder, Falke, Isa's memory) has always been Ariane talking to Elster? Because here's another detail about Leave, it's the only ending to not include "Remember Our Promise".
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We find in Ariane's own notes near 1:1 phrasing as she described why she wanted to leave Rotfront on the Penrose. What comfort could Ariane possibly find after these words flash on the screen: "In the end, I had to leave you behind. I wanted to see you again, but it's too much. Forgive me." That is, unless, the final words in Leave were not meant for her by Elster but for Elster by Ariane. Again, if we're viewing the game from the perspective of the player's/Elster's interactions and experiences having a tangible effect on Elster, then who's to say it did not also do the same with Ariane? How did Ariane feel after witnessing Elster try so desperately to survive, healing at every available opportunity, checking locked doors that would surely never open, talk to other Replikas that were surely doomed? Was the pain too much for Ariane as she realized that this Elster would rather soak in the memories of happier times than to deal with the pain of the cycles? Perhaps Leaving after such reality-bending nightmare is reasonable response for both Ariane and Elster. But this is not to say that Leave is the happier ending.
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One last thing: the Artifact ending. In fact, acquiring the Artifact ending is in and it of itself a meta-narrative ending. By pure technicality, Artifact is an ending where those who found it first (and the resulting players who looked up the guides made afterward) dig much deeper in the game--into the nature of the dreamlike reality itself--to find a new conclusion through mutual means. In other words, Artifact could not be obtained without multiple players controlling multiple Elsters convening and contributing together, like in the scene showing the graves surrounding a newly created or conceived 'tesseract'--that shiny object in the center, which is also the symbol of the game itself.
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And the results of their (half-literal and half-figurative) ritual was conceiving a new reality?/present?/ideal? where Elster and Ariane are finally together. Does this mean that, with their efforts combined, they found a way to beat death and live with each other once again? It's almost like this ending serves as a congratulatory thank you from the developer just as much as it might serve as an actual extension of the game's events into something new?/hopeful?/neverending? Perhaps it can also be as simple as viewing the dance that Elster and Ariane share as complete and utter wish fulfillment for the viewer (for the player and whoever the Red Eye is). But the Artifact ending rabbit hole is another talk for another time...
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Back to Yuri's words from earlier,
"I wish people would be more open to let others figure out for themselves how their ending made them feel. Instead of telling a streamer "you got the best ending!", maybe you can ask "did you think this was an interesting conclusion?" and they can decide if they liked it or not."
If you made it this far, I would like to thank you! Did this perspective of player agency affecting the ending of Signalis make the game more interesting to you? What made your first playthrough of Signalis interesting in the first place?
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bucketsquid · 2 years
Religion in the World of Splatoon - An Analysis
A thought struck me when I was thinking about the Horrorboros and how it’s pretty strongly intended to be an Eastern dragon-- “there really isn’t much discussion on the topic of religion and spirituality in the Splatoon world, even though it’s quite There”. I think that’s really interesting, because while it’s not a detail that’s front-and-center, it’s still pretty present in aspects of the world.
So, I offer you: a quick look and breakdown of religious + spiritual aspects in the funny little squid game. It’s not catch-all, I may miss fine details or this or that, but there’s some stuff that people often miss or are surprised to hear when I bring it up.
The tl;dr is that “yeah, it’s there. Squid Shinto is alive and well and we have, at least, canonization that the Squids (and Octopuses) acknowledge Christianity existing”.
But that’s not nearly enough for me, so read on if you want to see the details!
With the whole game taking place in mollusc-era Japan, there’s a good deal of “leftover” spiritual and religious aspects that remain or have otherwise been adopted by its cephalopod residents. I have a pretty strong case to say that Shinto still very much exists, and is a part of life, for Inklings and Octolings. Shinto at its core isn’t something that people with only a Western experience with religion and spirituality might easily pick out, simply because it’s treated and integrated into society somewhat differently. It’s something you have to approach after discarding your expectations, experiences and baggage involving what you know of religion. But it’s there, and really smoothly woven into Inkopolis.
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(Pic from Splatoonwiki, higher res here.)
Skipper Pavilion is pretty intensely and obviously a center of traditional Japanese celebration and Shinto spirituality. It’s a theater first and foremost, not necessarily a shrine, but it has Shinto aspects present. Its two mudskipper statues are direct parallels to komainu statues, which you’ll often find guarding a shrine; they even have the “one with closed mouth, one with an open mouth” detail found in paired komainu statues. Clever attention to detail!
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(Pic from Splatoonwiki, higher res here.)
Note these little areas with the blue curtains, too. The boxes of objects being sold remind me quite strongly of windows at shrines where you obtain omamori! Shinto shrines regularly offer these to people who give a donation, and they provide the shrine’s blessing to those who carry them on their person. (We never say that you buy or sell omamori.)
Finally, while I can’t find visuals of them, Splatoonwiki also says that there’s collections of ema plaques on the Skipper Pavilion stage as well. These are small wooden plaques that one typically writes wishes or desires on, before hanging them up with other ema. Like with the omamori, you can regularly find these at Shinto shrines, both in terms of ones you can obtain, and in space for you to hang them up. (If someone can find a screencap of the ema in this stage, I’d really appreciate it!)
9/1/24 Edit: You can somewhat see one of the ema plaques in this screenshot! It's to the right, slightly covered up by the ledge there.
Moving on from the Pavilion, there’s some other small details and indications of Shinto or a derived form of it in Inkopolis culture. One familiar sight is the Splatfest fax machine.
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It’s the super-special fax machine that delivers our Splatfest themes! And it’s also implied to have a divine nature: the NA localization names it The Voice on High according to Splatoonwiki, while in Japanese it’s Kami-sama. That’s a very esteemed title for a fax machine: this implies that it’s seen as a divine being, and quite respectfully too.
While kami is often a catchall word for “god”, “deity”, and so on in Japanese, it also refers to the inherently Shinto concept of kami: a spiritual being that may be anything as great as a deity of heavenly power, or something as modest as the soul of an ancient tree. It’s a kind of difficult concept to fully explain in a brief thing like this... but it’s a huge deal. Given the attention to detail with Shinto aspects in Inkopolis, I think it’s no coincidence that the fax machine is called this. And I think that’s incredibly charming that Inklings saw this still-functioning relic from the human age and attributed divinity to it and its abilities.
Side note, but kami can refer to both "spiritual being as described above" and a form of the word "paper". The Splatfest fax machine is a glorious pun in this sense.
(This is more obvious, but note the ofuda (paper charms) attached to it in the photo; ofuda have a ton of different meanings and uses, but we can pretty safely assume it’s of a protective or otherwise spiritually-significant nature here.)
I’ll also go ahead and mention the message that comes with this Sunken Scroll: "Why are we here? For what purpose do we exist? We must not dwell on these questions. We can merely trust in the will of the universe and spend our days and nights in harmony with the world, celebrating this festival called Life."
Yeah, that feels very “practical Shinto thought” to me, speaking as a Shinto practitioner. While “contemplation of existence and purpose” are still perfectly good subjects, there’s also, often, an emphasis on living practically, focusing on the present day and your community, and being in harmony with the world. This fits in perfectly with that philosophy.
One more detail is that, originally, the Squid Sisters were meant to be shrine maidens of a sort. They were meant to pass on the messages of fax machine Kami-sama to everyone else... or in other words, announcing Splatfest themes. While you can’t see this shrine maiden DNA in their designs anymore, they kept the Splatfest announcement detail through development. In a sense, I guess all of the news announcers and Splatfest hosts have a relationship with the divine.
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“Alright, that’s all super cool, Marine, but what about the other stuff? They have Squidmas and there’s those Sunken Scrolls too!”
Yup, they sure do. But from what we see in canon and from observations of the cephalopod world, these details feel like a case of “things that Inklings borrowed from humans and played with because they thought they were cool”, rather than “things Inklings kept and adopted because they were a part of the human culture in this region”. There doesn’t seem to be much of a presence of Squid Christianity much at all, at least in Inkopolis: Squidmas exists, but when discussed there’s absolutely no talk or evidence of any religious aspects that may have been lifted from humans. As far as we know, it’s “winter holiday that has some Christmas stage dressing”, which is a very Inkling thing to do with how much they like to borrow from humans. They love to do it so much.
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Secondly, yeah, these two Sunken Scrolls do very much point at evidence of “the cephalopods found some traces of Christianity and made content based on it, or inspired by it”. The Book of Madai scroll is particularly pointed in its name, writing and artwork styles. But while this proves that this exists in some form, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s particularly established in Inkopolis. We don’t have nearly as much evidence for Squid Christianity as we do for Squid Shinto, and it’s pretty safe to say that Squid Shinto is much more of a thing in Inkadia.
So what are we taking away from this? Mostly “yeah, religion and spirituality are very much a thing in the Mollusc Era, and it’s very elegantly woven into the setting”. Pretty cool if you ask me, it makes me really happy to find these thoughtfully-placed details where I then go “oh, I know what that is!”. It really adds to the hopeful post-human setting, that even after humans have long since gone extinct, their legacy still remains, and is celebrated and cared deeply for by the Earth’s new peoples.
I’ll probably add a small reblog to this later with my thoughts on the Inkantation and Salmonids, but this is definitely enough for one post.
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lokiondisneyplus · 1 year
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How Marvel officially added McDonalds to the MCU
On the very last day of filming on the first season of the Marvel Disney+ TV series Loki, executive producer Kevin Wright sat on the steps of The Citadel at the End of Time with costar Sophia Di Martino (Sylvie), and they started to chat about what might be next for her character. Not in any official script capacity, just as fans of the story they’d just finished filming. 
“This character had been on a decades-long, maybe centuries-long revenge mission, and the classic trope of those stories is that it’s all-consuming and she’s not thinking about what comes next,” says Wright. “Now she has this moment of opportunity, where is she going to go?”
Di Martino thought about it for a moment, and said, “She’d probably be pretty hungry.
There are more than 13,000 McDonald’s across the United States right here in 2023, and untold more across the multiverse. In a new campaign launched this week, the fast-feeder gave Marvel and Loki fans a peek at its own cameo in the series’ upcoming second season, set to launch on October 6.
“As Featured In” is the Golden Arches latest Famous Orders meal campaign and, instead of being tied to a particular artist or character, it celebrates all the instances in TV and movies that McDonald’s has appeared or been mentioned by characters: Friends, The Office, Seinfeld, Space Jam, Coming to America, and many, many more. But at the center of the campaign is Loki, one that hasn’t even happened yet, which is probably appropriate for a show that revolves around the multiverse and many different timelines. 
The meal itself—a choice of a 10-piece Chicken McNuggets, Quarter Pounder with Cheese, or Big Mac, with medium fries, a Loki-branded Sweet ‘N’ Sour Sauce, and a medium soda—is, like the Famous Meals before it, nothing all that special, but that has always been the point. The genius of Famous Orders is that it drives customers to McDonald’s core menu items rather than a limited-time stunt. There is, of course, also a merch collaboration, this time with streetwear darling Palace Skateboards. The packaging features QR codes that customers can scan to get fun Loki content and buy pieces from the Palace collaboration.
Long after his conversation with Di Martino on the Citadel set steps, Wright and his team were developing season two, and they were finding it difficult to pick up a new Sylvie storyline. She had just killed He Who Remains in season one, where does she go? 
“When we stayed in the view of character, this woman who went on the run as a child, had been running through time, a fugitive of time, living in apocalypses, never being able to relax or slow down, the novelty of walking into a 1980s McDonald’s looked appealing,” say Wright. “You play a Little League game and go to McDonald’s. You go to a kid’s birthday party at McDonald’s. Someone like Sylvie would never have experienced that, and would be really taken by that.”
Marvel Studios has been a brand partnerships factory since Iron Man first ate a Whopper in 2008. Typically these things happen when there is a finished script, and producers go through it with the studio’s brand partnerships team to see where opportunities may be. A car chase, you say? What brand of car should we use? Maybe an Audi?
But this latest collaboration happened in reverse. A 1982 McDonald’s was specifically written into the script, so Wright approached Marvel’s partnerships people to talk to the brand about helping them out with the details. “I was worried that McDonald’s would think we wanted to do something ironic or make fun of them,” says Wright. “But we were selling an earnest story, a love letter to nostalgia through a character’s eyes who will see all of the novelty and joy of it.”
He needn’t have worried. “When I pitched it, our internal team said, ‘Uh, you realize we have a partnership with McDonald’s already, right? The fact we’re going to them wanting to do something makes it even better.”
Around that same time mid-last year, McDonald’s marketing execs were on a tour of sorts, meeting with content creators and creative teams at studios like Disney about the brand’s interest in participating in cultural moments beyond the typical product tie-in. That’s when the call from Marvel about Loki came in.
“We tend to embrace things like this,” says McDonald’s global chief marketing officer Morgan Flatley, “which we feel can be an opportunity for us to learn, especially because we felt that between Marvel and Loki, there was a real willingness to take their rabid fandom and mix it with a fan truth around McDonald’s and bring them together.”
The fan truth Flatley refers to is of McDonald’s as a congenial gathering place, a common experience for so many people. “Sylvie’s storyline perfectly aligned with how we think about our brand in terms of providing comfort and familiarity,” says Flatley. Familiarity is the key to the emotion of nostalgia and shelter that Wright was aiming for in the story.
That same familiarity is indicative of a brand so ubiquitous, it’s become a cultural touchpoint. Hence all the McDonald’s references in TV and movies. There’s a reason McDowell’s works as such a big bit in the classic comedy Coming to America. We all get it.
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That all sounds great, but many brands get nervous or overprotective when they aren’t in full control of the creative. Not that long ago, McDonald’s was among them. The success of Famous Orders, allowing artists and partners like Cactus Plant Flea Market to play with its brand logos and characters, and the passionate response from fans—along with the sold-out merch and boosted sales—has given Flatley and the brand more confidence than ever in what she calls “sharing the pen.”
“I’ve become a big believer that if we lean into the right kind of creators in the right cultural phenomenon, and loosen some of our control on the brand, magic will happen,” says Flatley. “A few years ago, I don’t know that we would have felt as comfortable handing over key aspects of our brand to be part of a storyline like this, but today we’re really aware of the authenticity of our brand and the role that it can play.”
Wright is very familiar with the pitfalls of ill-conceived brand partnerships, and the impact they can have. “Wayne’s World was making fun of this stuff 30 years ago,” says Wright. “When it’s done poorly, it looks like business not driven by story. I don’t think that was ever a concern for us, mainly because we knew it was being driven by our story, and the more McDonald’s partnered with us, the better we were able to service the story.”
Multiversal marketing? Let’s see McDowell’s try that.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Starlight, Starshine; an impenetrable disguise
its finally happening! i came up with a name for this little fanfic/one shot series/whatever this is going to be! obligatory title is ripped from a steam powered giraffe song (go listen to starlight starshine, its literally sun+moon x reader core im begging you) anyways! Starlight, Starshine is going to be a collection of self indulgent writings between our favorite animatronic and reader! from multiple different aus, though it will mostly center around 2! one au thats "everything is fine nothing bad happens please i just want them ALL to be happy" and the other is a silly dumb idea of "what if reader who used to work at the pizzaplex takes eclipse home and repairs them and ect ect happens"! todays little fic is based off of that! im so sorry about the long authors note, i really need to make it a habit to shorten these but yk obligatory admin is not used to writing fics and theyre still trying to find their style in terms of writing so ! most of these one shots also arent going to be in order, due to the nature of this being a collection of writings for at least 2 aus so for the most part theres no need to read them all to understand a greater story!
Summary: Months after the reader brings Eclipse to their home and repairs them, sun and moon must get accustomed to their new environment. however sun has some plans...
Extra notes: this one is primarily sun centered, reader has a dog, author is attempting at comedy, not proof read we die like men so expect a few grammar mistakes and spelling errors, a lot of this one shot also contains more context and exposition (???) to the "Taken Home" au referenced above, author is not confident in their writing skills and hasnt written a full fledged fic in a year or two, author also isnt used to writing proper dialogue so take that as you will, reader is GN/typically wont be given pronouns due to authors general writing style/POV, he/they pronouns for sun and moon they /them for eclipse, really this is just an experimental piece with a vague idea i had last night, nothing too special more so an exercise to get me back into writing, author is still trying to figure out how to write personalities so these are very likely to be OOC
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The first word that came to your mind when describing Sun was "odd". He looked odd, he acted odd, he had odd rituals that he carried out in your home. However it wasn't a bad kind of odd.
It'd been a few months since you took the former daycare attendant to your home, and repaired them. You had already grown close to the pair long before the closure of the pizzaplex, being an extra set of hands in the daycare. You didnt even know they were still active within the building when you decided to explore the remains; already taken on the form of Eclipse, who at the time of your discovery was trying in vain to clean the wreckage. Of course repairing them wasn't easy given you had limited experience in... basically rebuilding an animatronic; but against all odds you made it work! You let them take the guest bedroom, not that either of them used it; they would much rather spend their time hovering around you.
It took a lot of getting used to, for everyone involved, but you were all adjusting quite nicely!
You see, Sun didnt like being cooped up.. your home being considerably smaller than the daycare he was so used to. Leading to todays horrible plan.
"Sunflower," You said through lightly clenched teeth as you watched the sun themed animatronic tug on an oversized hat. He really couldn't be doing this... this wasnt going to work, no one is this dumb to fall for this plan!
The plan in question? Well, Sun thinks it would be a good idea to wander about outside in a "disguise" of sorts; said disguise consisting of the aforementioned hat, sunglasses, a face mask, and a entirely new outfit. Obviously, it looked at convincing as it sounded.
Sun hummed and spun on his feel to look at you, already putting your dog on a leash. "Yeeees starshine?" He asked as he scratched your dog between the ears. "This isnt a good idea," You mumbled as you watched him make his way to the door. "Nonsense! There's hardly anyone out, it'll only be a quick walk around the park!" Sun cheered.
The second word that comes to your mind when you think to describe Sun, is "stubborn", as when he made his mind up on something you can almost guarantee that he would follow through with the plan. So now, you were following behind him, keeping your eyes peeled for anyone who could see him. If he weren't so tall, or if he could tuck his rays in, or didn't emit a mechanical creak with every step he made then perhaps, the plan may have just worked... perhaps.. maybe..
No, it wouldn't, you can see his metal neck from where you were standing.
"Remember, only one lap," You reminded him as you succumbed to his will, much to his delight as his pace picked up just ever so slightly.
To his credit, he was right about not many people being out and about, mostly in part due to the fact it was still early in the morning. Just light enough to keep Sun in control, but just early enough for most to still be sleeping or still getting ready for work. However, the park wasn't empty, mostly it was early morning joggers; who thankfully didn't pay much mind to the two of you outside of giving a half wave as they passed.
There were even a few parents around with their small children walking with them; be it they were walking them to school or simply taking them to take in the early morning air... Sun's body seemed to perk up at the sight of the children, loudly greeting them with a good morning; leaving both them and the parents slightly bewildered at his high energy.
There were others, who had decided to also take their dog out for an early walk. The people once again weren't an issue, as they seemed to miraculously fall for Sun's disguise from a distance.
Their dogs weren't fooled, though. Multiple dogs began to bark and growl as they passed by. "Oh I'm so sorry, I don't know what's gotten into him!" was said a few times throughout the walk. Again, the owners somehow didnt seem to notice the fact Sun was an animatronic, mostly due to having to restrain their dog from lunging forward at him.
The closest call, however, came from Sun excitedly taking up an offer for someone to pet their dog. For you see, Sun didnt think far enough ahead to cover his hands, thus leaving his hands in clear sight. Add in the fact that the dog bit Sun as he leaned forward to pet them.
Of course, the man noticed, and before he could say a word or question, you blurted out that it was a prosthetic hand. Though, you're not sure that the man bought it, as he was now craning his neck up to look up at Sun's round, flat face.
He slinked off. Whether it be he didn't have the energy to deal with it, or he simply just didnt care, or somehow believed you, he left.
Thankfully, that last interaction happened as you and Sun were beginning to loop back to where you started. Before Sun could begin to beg for a second round around the park, you started to walk him home; hand in hand.
"Oh that was so so fun! Starshine we gotta do this more often, everyone was so nice, " Sun chirped as you approached your front door. In his excitement he had begun to skip in long strides, forcing you to speed up your walk to a light jog.
"Yeah, again... maybe we can go earlier in the morning? You know we cant risk anything, I mean, if I get caught with you I could probably get sent to," You trailed off as Sun suddenly shoved something into your hands.
A handful of flowers that he had pulled up from the ground, he must have grabbed them while on the walk. How did you not notice? Were you that nervous of being found out by others?
A third word to describe Sun would be sweet. Even through his oddity and stubbornness, he still thought of you. Always so considerate.
Now that you think about it, you realize this may be the first time Sun has touched a real living flower.
You frowned, slightly. It made sense, he wasnt permitted to step foot outside of the pizzaplex, and its not like many people were giving him bouquets of fresh flowers. Usually if they did it'd be the obviously fake plastic ones. Sure, sometimes the kids would give him paper flowers.
"Can we go again tomorrow?" Sun asked as he watched you fumble around with the cluster of flowers... some were weeds, but.. its the thought that counts.
"Of course, Sunflower," You said before you could let yourself think logically.
Well, there was no taking it back, now. How could you, when Sun quickly stamped his heels in excitement as he dashed inside your home.
Perhaps you'll pick some flowers for him tomorrow, too.
yeah idk about this one yall LMAO, i genuinely didnt know where i was going with this one nor did i know how to end it, if that wasnt obvious SOBS im so not used to writing actual stories, im so used to short scenarios and headcannons... gotta fix that anyways i still have a few more ideas i want to write, but! thats it for the first one shot for Starlight, Starshine !
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idkaguyorsomething · 10 months
Why Greta Gerwig should adapt The Magician’s Nephew instead of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
I had some thoughts. They are below the cut in list form
Something we Haven’t Been Shown Before- to put it bluntly, we already have a perfectly good adaptation of TLTWATW, and it’s probably as good and accurate an adaptation as you could ask for. There are a few minor details that got cut and added, but honestly, as far as book-to-movie adaptations go, it’s extremely faithful to the plot, themes, characters, the whole shebang of the original book. Even if you don’t count the live action movie, there’s still the animated movie, the BBC production, and several play adaptations out there. It’s had its time to shine and by adapting The Magician’s Nephew, we’d be getting something fresh from the franchise.
Equally Accessible Starting Point- while TLTWATW was the first Narnia book to be written and published, chronologically The Magician’s Nephew takes place before it, serving as both a prequel and standalone story so that newcomers to Narnia could get into the series with either book. C S Lewis himself said that it didn’t matter which one people chose to start with, so it would serve as a great entry point for anyone looking to get into the Chronicles of Narnia as well as provide an interesting prequel for people familiar with the movies that already came out, leading me to my next point:
Worldbuilding- this book has so much cool stuff you guys. The pool world, Charn, the apple grove, the rings, Frank. ¡Actual literal worldbuilding! Also Sherlock Holmes and Atlantis for some reason. There’s just a lot of really interesting concepts and locations in this story that have the potential to be a true spectacle while also serving as a rewarding expansion of the universe that Narnia fans know that newcomers will still be able to appreciate.
Our Heroes- Digory and Polly are incredibly adorable and likable protagonists. They feel a good deal more fleshed out and realistic than the Pevensie kids in the books, and even though the movies went out of their way to give them some more depths, our dynamic duo from The Magician’s Nephew still feel quite distinctive in their own right. Their interpersonal conflict never grows as deep as something like, say, Edmund’s betrayal, but they both have different perspectives and things they bring to the table as individuals while also having a very fun, genuine friendship. Bonus points for being a rare boy/girl relationship that is never so much as hinted to be anything beyond platonic.
The Villains- The Magician’s Nephew has a pretty perfect combination of antagonists who manage to be memorable and legitimately menacing as well as pathetic little meow meows. This book gives us Jadis’ backstory as well as her getting to wreak unhinged havoc in downtown 18XX London as well as Uncle Andrew, a conspiracy theorist incel Redditor before Reddit was ever a thing. They’re delightfully entertaining in completely different ways, and seeing them onscreen would be an absolute treat.
Thematic Resonance- lots of things that happen in this book carry a lot of similar motifs to other films that Greta Gerwig has worked on, and since she hasn’t really created any epic fantasy style films yet, they could provide a strong emotional core to center any experimentation she tries out in the genre. You’ve got Digory’s loving but complicated relationship with his mother due to her illness displacing them from home, the coming-of-age aspects as the children encounter various adult figures they feel powerless to oppose, and learning the consequences of one’s actions. It’s even mentioned in the book that Polly is working on a little writing project that she’s sensitive about, like Jo March. A lot of people have complained that they feel Greta Gerwig will neuter the story by toning down the religious elements (which there is A LOT to dissect about concerning how C S Lewis’ beliefs led to things like the Problem of Susan, but there just isn’t enough information about the actual movie out yet to draw any actual conclusions) yet I’d argue that these emotional arcs, which play into Gerwig’s strengths as a director, could easily hold up a movie on their own if handled well. Combine that with the potential for unique visuals, the book’s surprisingly good sense of humor, and the many concepts that could be brought onscreen in a truly unique way, and you’ve practically got a recipe for a great addition to the Chronicles of Narnia unlike anything the movie fans have gotten before.
Feel free to disagree about any of that, though. Hearing where other people think the netflix movies should pick up would be really interesting, so leave any thoughts on the subject in the notes if you want. I just wanna see Fledge the pony accidentally get yanked into another dimension.
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wtftarot · 2 years
PAC: The Tower
Now it’s time for the dreaded Tower card (que soundclip of a horrified gasp) The Tower card represents a time in our lives when our comfort zone is shattered. It talks about breaking down things that were built on a bad foundation. Sometimes this happens by choice, other times it's done for you. Either way, it talks about a major disruption to the way things were, so they can be built back the way they should be. This all may sound scary, it can be but it can also be extremely freeing. Remember The Tower is always followed by The Star. This is major life changes that have to start with a disruption of the way things were.
The Tower is about confronting the things you don't want to hear head-on, so expect tough love at the very least, and don't shoot the messager.
The Tower is another heavy one, I will put a warning at the top if anything super heavy or triggering comes up. If you don't feel like you're in a place for a heavier reading, maybe save this one for later.
as always this reading is for entertainment purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice in any capacity. Remember use common sense and don't be a dumbass.
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Pick either the Lightning, the Crown or the Foundation and head to your reading
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Mentions of appearance insecurities and beauty standards, if you don't wanna read that skip the small text. Did some of y'all come to this reading hoping to get a message about a life change? I'm hearing that some of y'all may be trying to be 'that girl'. Maybe that's not your style but you're still aiming for a glow up of some sort. It's like y'all think that if you can do enough or change enough, you'll be happy. Now, don't get me wrong making changes to your routine can help your mental/physical health. Thing is, it looks like you may be only focusing on external changes and not actually getting to the root of the things you're wanting to change. Not only that but you're trying to change as much as you can, as quick as you can. Sweetheart, you can't do everything all at once. It's exhausting you. Your brain needs time to adjust to changes. That's part of the reason it takes so long to start or stop a habit, your brain is used to you doing things a certain way and changes take some getting used to. Back to the main message though: you're focusing on surface-level changes, instead of getting to the core of what it is you're wanting to change. The way it's being shown to me is a lil unnerving? I'm seeing a person putting wallpaper over a termite-infested wall. You want to fix it but it's not getting to the actual issue. What y'all are wanting to change will be different for everyone. For example, we all have insecurities about our appearance, right? Trying to gain confidence in your appearance by fitting into (fucked up, euro-centered, male-gazy) beauty standards may help give you momentary confidence but it's fleeting. It even fucks you up more in the long run because you're building the tower of your confidence on the rug of other people's opinions that can be pulled out from under you at any moment. The only way to build true confidence in how you look is to decide what beauty means to you and to know that you are more than how you look. That was a lil tangent because fuck beauty standards. Anyway, this can be about anything not just physical appearance. Whatever it is that you're trying to change in your life, it has to start with you. In you. You can't change your life, without changing yourself first. If you want to be someone who's more independent, you won't just wake up that way. You have to learn to rely on and trust yourself more, otherwise, you'll end up a mess of indecision and confusion. You need to really look at what change you're wanting in your life. Why you want it and where it's coming from. Do you even WANT that change? Or are you doing it for the approval of others? And if so, what changes do YOU want to make? Focusing on just surface-level changes means you'll only get surface-level results and if you're in this group that's not what you want. You want deeper, more meaningful changes in your life. It's gotta start with you and in you.
If that was heavier for you, please remember to practice self-care whatever that means for you. Even softer readings can be draining, so take care of yourself.
random ass vibes: 12:34, the yellow wallpaper, 77, midsommar (the movie), Cancer, Aquarius, stripes, clean aesthetics, new years resolutions, moon jewelry.
The Crown
Y'all's is coming through loud and clear and it's giving me the feeling that y'all have been particularly hardheaded about this. You can't do it all on your own. You do need people. You know this already but you're lying to yourself. By avoiding this you are actively avoiding blessings that are trying to come your way. Ok, I'm hearing 'rip the bandaid off'. So, I'm going to just get to the point: Y'all are terrified of vulnerability and emotional intimacy (romantic or platonic). You're being asked to confront this because you're entering a cycle of your life where relationships are going to be highlighted. This is going to be a period of you learning to trust others and let that guard down. Relationships are key to helping us grow as people, running from them or keeping everyone at arm's length is only going to hurt you more in the long run. Y'all may already be starting to feel it. I'm sorry if this reading feels like it's going for the throat. Your guides have been trying to get this through to you but you've been avoiding it and the more you cover your ears the louder the message gets. Especially if you keep asking for help and guidance from them, they are giving it to you. It's up to you to listen though. Kinda poetic that this is coming through with the Tower. It's walls coming down, your walls coming down. You can do this. It'll be hard and uncomfortable. Think of it as changing from your work clothes into pjs when your room is really fuckin cold. You're uncomfortable already, you've been wearing those clothes all day and they may even be gross or dirty depending on your job. Yea, taking them off when it's cold will make you more uncomfortable. You'll get even colder and it takes a bit of effort. But then you can put on your pajamas. And they are comfortable. They're softer and warmer and more importantly, YOU CAN RELAX in them. You're already uncomfortable and unhappy without people, without meaningful relationships. Opening up to people is just a different kind of discomfort, but this kind has at least the possibility of comfort afterward. Loneliness, and self-isolation will never get more comfortable, you just will adapt to the discomfort. You deserve better than that. You deserve to have people in your life who want to help you, and who want to comfort you. You deserve to feel loved.
random ass vibes: tweety-bird, chocolate, standing in the rain, shout out to all y'all over 50, two-dollar bills, mountains in the western US?, green crystals, Virgo, Gemini
if that reading was heavy for you, take some time for self-care. tarot readings can be a lot even when they're not on a heavy topic, so give yourself a minute if you need it.
The Foundation
Sweetheart, you can't keep abandoning yourself. This tower for you is a Tower of mirrors you've built intentionally to let others see what they want in you. You've built it because somehow you decided that letting others project whatever they want on you is safer than you being yourself. You seem to be fighting tooth and nail to keep this Tower from falling. This facade you've built, it's got to come down. It's going to come down and you've got to be the one that does it. No one is going to come in a somehow see the parts of you you've hidden so artfully and take it down for you. It's no wonder you feel so damn lost, babe. You've been moving through life as someone else. I keep hearing 'rebuild'. A lot of people don't realize this but the Tower card is an invitation to burn it all down and rebuild. I think it's time for you to see yourself, be yourself. Maybe even meet yourself for the first time. How can you know who you are if you've always been whatever everyone else wanted you to be? There's a sense of freedom here. Freedom to be messy, experiment with your hair or clothes. Listen to different music, and read different books. You can be anything. This one is really short because I can't tell you what to try or where to go. You get to finally decide. That's the whole point of this Tower moment, for you to finally be able to choose. There is a second message for those who are not in a safe place to drop their facade: You will have a place where you can be yourself. A safe place. You will create it and it will have your fingerprints all over it. In the meantime, save that spark and anything that lights the spark of who you are. Write them down if you can, if you can't even do that commit them to memory. I'm seeing this image of a sailor using stars to guide them at sea. Those sparks will do the same for you.
random ass vibes: constellations, art school, Leo, barbed wire, daffodils, butterflies, Capricorn, 888, gnomes? pastels.
please remember to practice self-care with tarot readings. even gentle ones can be fucking draining, so maybe give yourself a minute to relax.
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kissorkill16 · 3 months
When We Were Once Happy: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: A story before Trinity moved to Raven Brooks.
Chapter 22
A month went by after Lucy's funeral, and the mayor is already working on building a statue in the middle of the square in her honor. It was a nice gesture, but to Nicky, it only made him miss her more.
Nicky was staring at the statue right now, trying not to cry, but it was kind of hard not to cry when you miss someone so much. He felt a hand on his shoulder.
"It's alright, Nicky. I miss her too. We all miss her.", said Enzo.
"I know.", said Nicky. "It's just so hard to forget someone who was so close to you.", Nicky sniffed and wiped the tears from his eyes.
Enzo took Nicky's hand, and pulled him away from the statue, "Why don't we go to my house? I have video games and snacks. Would that make you feel any better?"
Nicky smiled at Enzo. "It might."
When they got to Enzo's house, Nicky was shocked at how well-off these people were. Seriously. These people had such a big house, a nice and freshly mowed lawn, trimmed hedges, and a freaking fountain in the center.
He took a step inside, and he immediately calmed down a little bit. At least the inside looked a little normal.
Enzo pulled him to the couch, "What do you want to play? I have it all.", he said.
"Do you have Final Fantasy VII?"
Enzo pulled out a case, "You know it."
Soon enough, the two boys had aching fingers and sore eyes from playing so much Final Fantasy VII.
"That was so much fun.", Enzo giggled. "I can't believe we've been playing for two hours."
"Me neither.", said Nicky. He tried sitting up a little, then he saw out of the corner of his eye, a newspaper. He got up and grabbed it, and he immediately wished he hadn't.
They already made a freaking newspaper article about it.
Enzo snatched the article away from him.
"Please don't read this, I don't want you to start crying again.", he said.
Nicky looked Enzo dead in the eye, "Well what do you expect, Enzo? All week, I kept getting reminded that my friend is dead and there's nothing I can do about it.", he said, then he sat back down on the couch. "Don't tell me you don't feel a wave of tears coming whenever you think about her."
Enzo sat down beside him. "I do, Nicky. Lucy was very important to all of us. We all cry when we think about her, but we know we can't bring her back.", he said. "But you know what?", Nicky turned to look at him, "Lucy may be gone from life, but she's still in our hearts.", said Enzo.
Nicky didn't even feel like crying, he just felt like he needed a hug. Enzo pulled him close, and gave him the biggest hug in the world.
"If you don't mind me asking, where's your sister?", asked Nicky.
"She's at the square, but nowhere near the statue, she just wanted to go for a walk somewhere.", replied Enzo. "What about you? How's your life?"
Nicky buried his face in Enzo's shoulder, "My parents are doing okay, they have to work a whole bunch now, but they're doing okay. I'm not talking to my Bubba anymore, and she does her best to avoid me."
Nicky broke away from the hug, "I feel kind of bad for freaking out at her at the funeral, but I still think I did the right thing. She's been scaring me for my whole life, and I finally show bravery,...only for her to think I'm cursed."
Enzo pulled Nicky in for another hug, "You did do the right thing."
Another week went by, and Nicky had been doing many different things with his friends to forget about his sadness. Playing video games with Enzo, playing soccer with Maritza, building things with Ivan, and playing Hide & Seek with Aaron and Mya. He enjoyed being with Aaron and Mya more, not like he was playing favorites, he just liked them so much.
Nicky couldn't help but read the article he found from Enzo's house later, maybe he just wanted to see Lucy's face again.
Most of the stuff he read was about how Lucy went on the ride with her friends. Half was about how angry the parents were at Mr. Peterson for allowing the ride to operate before passing basic safety tests, even though Mr. Peterson had pleaded that he did do safety tests and he still has no idea how the ride could've failed.
Nicky stopped reading when he got to that part. He didn't really blame Mr. Peterson for the death of Lucy, even though he was the one who built the ride. He didn't like to think that Mr. Peterson purposely made the ride unsafe. Mr. Peterson wasn't insane.
Mr. Peterson felt like a second father to him, ever since that one sleepover at his house, where he carried him back to bed and tucked him in, like he was one of his own children.
He didn't want to think that a saint like him could ever kill someone on purpose.
One day when Nicky was at his house, getting ready to go to Aaron and Mya's house, he heard a knock at the door.
He went to open it, and he was shocked when he saw Mya's crying face, holding a newspaper in her hand. Mya ran into Nicky and wrapped her arms around him, crying into his shoulder.
"Mya, what's wrong?", Nicky asked, concerned for one of his friends.
"Nicky! It's t-terrible! My-! My-!", Mya couldn't finish her sentence as she broke down crying again. When she calmed down enough, she handed the newspaper to Nicky.
Nicky took it without another thought, and he was absolutely shocked at what the headline said.
And right in the corner of the paper was a picture of Mrs. Peterson.
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