#aren't we adorbs
dear-tortured-adam · 1 month
❝ 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐩-𝐢𝐬𝐡 ❞ Ver 3
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question : "Does this get tiring...?" AKA nondateables seeing their beloved sheep... as a human!
part.s : demon brothers | triworlds | nondateables
pairing.s : Thirteen x MC, Mephistopheles x MC, Raphael x MC [all separately] + a suprise guest
note.s : That took longer than I expected. Seriously, this week felt like such a rollercoaster ride that I didn't think I'd be able to finish this in time— but here we are!!
Fair warning that I have no notes on Raphael whatsoever. I am purely basing these off of interactions that I recall at the top of my head; consider this as another practice round :"DD
Anyhow, hope you enjoy the conclusion to this trilogy! ^^
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The sheep's curse returns.
It's been so long, why MUST it happen NOW!? After your family getaway to the human world, no less. Back to square one: memory loss and stubby legs. Everyone came to your aid, albeit more protective than before due to circumstances. New people? New People! You have bonded with them after a while, and while most weren't too overjoyed, you'd say it was an enjoyable-
Oh my for goodness' sake-
The all too familiar poof arises again. But, was it just you or did it hurt than the last- ahh.. You placed your palm to your forehead. Hurts. It fucking hurts. With one eye open, you try and ask for help to maybe Lucifer or- Oh right, they're also in this room.
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THIRTEEN ; "Awww!!"
Thirteen is very supportive.
Hm? She stans you all the way, one of your biggest fans! This privilege will surely seal the deal!
Another fangirl added to your roster. You have piqued her interest at the sight of your adorably special soul but-
Girly runs up to you and pulls you in a tight embrace.
Thirteen is absolutely GUSHING over how you look. That hair? adorbs! Any tattoos? Cuties!! More, more, more!!
What's got our reaper even more excited was your soul! Well, so the curse also managed to hide your soul- not literally though it slightly hindered its view.
The first instance she went to check on your soul, Thirteen noticed the white glowing light emitting like dispersed shockwaves; urging to be released to its full glory.
And to FINALLY inspect it with no obstacles? She was beyond thrilled.
Although, she does feel kind of bummed out about it, to be honest.
Thirteen had spent eons crafting and perfecting specialized traps and pranks for the little sheep. Seriously, do you have ANY idea how long it takes to get the measurements right?
Hmph! now she has nothing to use them for!!
It didn't matter how frickin' shorter you are than all of them, you still aren't plushie sheep size!
Hmm.. maybe she should instead use this as an opportunity to conduct larger-scale traps... though that wouldn't just be suited for you.
Hey hey human, get ready! Once she gets you, she's got you.
MEPHISTOPHELES ; "So THIS is the human?"
Pft- the nobleman scoffs.
He has seen far greater escapades than the sight beholding his very eyes at the moment.
It's really no outstanding feat.
As much as he wishes to brush this aside as yet another antic done by the human, you know that he will never escape it.
You know he will be thinking plentiful of it — though not in any particular light [yet]
You see, this transformation will become the next talk of the school for weeks. By cursed virtue, it felt mandatory to handle this topic and present its own article.
Unfortunately for Mephistopheles, it meant all who are part of the Newspaper Club would constantly observe; asking you questions to publish this latest issue.
Why must he care? Sure publication is necessary for the RAD archives yet he didn't have to think about you.
He shouldn't have to think about you.
Yet there he sat, scribbling through the papers on his desk to get your physical description as accurate as possible. A good headline may do? "The Tiny Lamb Turns Human!" — no. That's not read-worthy enough.
The last time he was ever like this was describing Lord Diavolo's newest outfit during one of the many balls he'd host back in the day. That article reached headlines as people exchange opinions on this "newest fashion trend".
Did he really pay this much attention to your appearance? You? An otherwise useless mound of flesh that's got everyone's attention?
"What did Diavolo see in you?" — whatever it may be, it made sense.
It should make sense. He trusts Diavolo's word for it, and he quotes: "the prettiest human to ever grace this land."
RAPHAEL ; "..."
...? Huh.
Raphael was very curious. It dates back to the first time he encountered you.
Frankly, at the time he had to look down to the ground as he didn't know humans could be so. . .
But now that the curse had once again faded away [perhaps], he tries to understand what all the others were fussing on about you.
His eyes peer over your form, taking in each and every detail. He has a sharp eye, though once you take a glance at him, you feel as if he's trying to memorize your form.
Don't get too appalled, he does not have a disappointed look on his face.
As much as he's observing, Raphael won't comment on anything. Positive, Negative, none at all — he just stood there quietly. He lets other people do the talking for him.
That doesn't mean he won't give a comment or two asking if you're alright... Well, your face was indeed contorted in horror for a few seconds before you felt the traumatic headache building up once more.
He never understood how people's eyes seem drawn toward your direction. He thought that it almost looked like their eyes were permanently glued onto you.
Well at first he assumed that it's with how cute you were. Luke and Simeon constantly talk about it over at Purgatory Hall, paired with Solomon gushing about his "adorable apprentice" like an overproud mentor.
Now? Raphael sees himself fallen victim.
Ah. You got him.
Hm? Oh! A message from heaven?
MICHAEL ; "Surprise Surprise.."
Such an adorable little sheep. . .
You didn't know—no one did—but Michael had been observing everything up from the top of the Celestial Realm.
He wouldn't say he was curious, but more or less intrigued by the idea of what you looked like. All he received was a glimpse of one of the many chaotic instances that you got yourself into.
Oh my, it was a delight.
A small chuckle escaped Michael's lips. With a snap of the finger, the cloud within the orb dissipates, gone from within the crystal dome.
If you ever meet in the far distant future, Michael has exactly one question prepared for you.
Human, what have you done to them?
A/N: and that's a wrap! Now the Michael thingy was just a bit of a silly idea and to be clear I have not yet played Lessons 40+ of NB so I have no idea what goes there- so that last part is purely for the feels ;v; There won't be a part 4 or further continuation for "Feeling Sheep-ish", so what comes after is now up to the reader's interpretation. Would also like to add that my schedule will be taking a toll for the next few months, so there will be an update in the rules. And this will be the last you will see of this formatting because I'm updating this blog's theme- but hey, now it's series exclusive! How about it? That's all and stay safe whenever and wherever you are ! !
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divider/s by @/cafekitsune | artwork by NTT Solmare
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tmbgareok · 2 years
Hi flans! How are Password 1234 and MC Fresh Step doing??
JF: MCFS is adorbs, and knocking things over in the middle of the night. Password1234 is kind of moving into his elder years, getting more cuddly and less pouncy. He was a shelter cat, so we aren't exactly sure how old he is but it has to be 16 or more is my best guess-which is pretty much retirement age for a cat (well, being a cat the really they are almost retired at 1 year old, but you know what I mean)
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neonmetro · 6 days
*Does a back flip* Hey so uhh, Genesis looks so cool awo
IDK if you have anything about them or if you have any lore for them at all but like, yk they are like soooo cool *Gets hit by oncoming traffic*
-Ulysses loving anon
THEY'VE GOT SOME LORE. debating whether or not they're super major or not but genesis is reficul's wife ^_^ they have a kid together but they're fully grown and don't have contact with reficul
genesis really is just Some Guy who went into business/project management. they get along with most people alright and people like them back, but they aren't extraordinary
genesis just kept on bothering reficul to go to eat dinner with them every weekend and eventually they both started to feel something more. except they're both autistic so they don't know how to tell the other
genesis started getting incredibly introspective about their life suddenly, having felt like they were going to die soon, and they reflected on whether or not they were proud of what they've accomplished thus far. they knew they weren't satisfied, but they also don't know how they wanted to change
aishire pulled genesis aside to help with another project she had, and turns out ! she was attempting to make a black hole with a bunch of souls and was making genesis actually merge all the souls together. they got destroyed in the process, but the process eventually made two things. several more voices joined "the will of we many", and a black hole. aishire kept that black hole and used it as an intimidation project before project martyr was entirely scrapped, and stabilized it into making an recruiter.
the will of we many is essentially an amalgamation of everyone dead that has a strong enough will to keep lingering on, and is the narrator for the novaturi stories. they can be the catalyst of someone turning into a vagabond, or they can just be messing with someone. they choose a vessel to represent them whole, and genesis had a strong enough desire to mostly maintain their shape outside of being a voice and can somewhat wander around novaturi however they wish. and basically they want to prevent the corpheads from getting the primordial silt. they want things to stay exactly the same, or else the apocalypse will in fact. occur.
reficul has no idea any of this happened, they can only speculate that genesis has died. their main mission during project martyr the killing game is extracting as many memories of genesis that other people have to try and figure out what happened to them, either by allying with them more straight up killing them so they can get their memory footage. they don't have time to think about revenge or the other.
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torchwood-99 · 1 year
It really does bug me this insistence that Eloise must make an effort to understand others in a way that others absolutely refuse to understand her. How about, instead of putting the onus on Eloise to respect a world and a system of values that have dominated her entire life and made her feel like crap, instead of making Eloise responsible for respecting all women who want to conform and are never required to respect her or women like her, how about we ask these lucky characters whose hopes and dreams align entirely with the world they live in to reach out to the women and people who want something different, and help them face the many, many hurdles put in their way
Because you know, in this world, a world built on sexism and classism and homophobia and bigotry, upper class gender conforming women are not Eloise's victim, are not the victim of gnc women. They never have been. Not in this world, or the Bridgerton world.
Eloise is mocked and put down constantly; even gently by people who love her, for wanting something other than marriage and a domestic life.
She lives in a world where that life for women is constantly affirmed and constantly held up as a pinnacle of achievement for women. A world where that life is shoved down her throat until she's choking on it. And here she is screaming to be understood, screaming to be heard and respected for wanting something different.
And her family and friends roll their eyes and and go 'oh silly little Eloise, aren't you adorbs. You'll change your tune when you meet the right man.'
Is it any wonder Theo means so much to her? Why she'll go to such lengths to see him and talk to him. The first person she's met who believes in these politics as much as her. Who shares these deeply cherished values. Who encourages her to try new things and to step outside of the ton. Because as much as her haters will say "she complains but she doesn't do anything", they'll be the first person to throw hate the minute she does try to do something. The minute she risks social censure for stepping beyond the binds of society.
But Theo respects her and encourages her. The very thing that everyone else in her life (except Benedict) like the least about her, the part of her they wish she would just shut up about, is the thing he respects the most.
It must be such a relief for Eloise, after a lifetime of social gaslighting, of the world saying that things are actually ok and all women need to like the exact same thing and she's the weird one for questioning it. And finally here's someone saying "yeah, you're right. This is totally wrong. Your anger, your frustrations, are totally valid. You're not weird, you're not tilting at windmills. This thing you're saying is a problem, it is a problem."
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jiangwanyinscatmom · 1 year
I got into fandom late, so apologies if you've already hashed this, but does most of the jc/jiggy (& xy) hardcore stanning stem cuz cql actors are hot? I didn't care a whit about jc or lxc until wzc and lhk. Tho as much as I think zzj is adorbs, I want jgy to DIE, repeatedly and as painfully as possible. (I am ALL for ship and let ship, but I despise xiyao. Sucks to be me since it's such a popular ship but just ugh. -Thank you for letting me rant.)
I wish some of this was just to actors alone lmao.
Honestly even when it was serialized on JJWXC, the stans were... something for Jiang Cheng first, but then most of those migrated to Xue Yang when he debuted. With Netizen side of things, Xue Yang is THE sad boi (tm) as he is basically seen as cool. Infamously they were the ones that harassed MXTX enough for her to tell one infamous stan off.
Jin Guangyao wasn't as focused on, he has the reputation of a short vengeful meimei there. He seems vastly more popular to woobie on twitter and tumblr. And at this point trying to say Jiang Cheng is anything but Jiang Cheng is a joke in itself there to try to argue about Wei Wuxian owing him anything. Jiang Cheng's aesthetic is appreciated though.
CQL actors I suppose are a whole other beast as it brought in the idol and influencer side of stans. And that side of things is just not something I have ever wanted to deal with. So we have the base of character "I relate to them" on the EN side of things, Xue Yang solo fans that are anti MXTX netizens, and idol stans that have since moved on as they do when following their solo obsession's works and projects.
And the many adaptations dilute the interesting parts of all three to be more palatable but it turned into Disney-esque censorship. So there is even more incongruous results of what these characters are canonically.
None the less, these three aren't really... portrayed as sympathetically in the context of the actual plot vs fanon and bait merch for the fans so they look cuter than they are. Fandom life is a bit more, separated, I guess about what is and isn't canon etc, on chats around netizen sites.
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wickedslip · 10 months
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Nausicaä probably doesn’t like watching 𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖗 movies that fall under the 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐓 genre because her life is like one big cult movie . She can’t make it through 𝑰𝑻 without thinking of Nikolai ﹙ ʰᵉʳ ⁴ʸᵒ ᵇʳᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵈʳᵒʷᶰᵉᵈ ﹚ , and it 𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒓 to see anything involving children getting hurt . It’s been six years and she’s 𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚕𝚕 not over it .
While   Nausicaä’s   lack   of   expression   may   suggest   extreme   apathy   she   is   fundamentally   curious   ,   oscillating   between   hyperactive   coping   and   anxiety   paralysis  .   basically   just   a   vibrating   corpse  .
OKAY  SO  we  𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃  to  talk  about  Nausicaä's  two  cats  that  𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑  𝒐𝒏  𝒕𝒉𝒆  𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒏𝒔  𝒐𝒇 𝒃𝒐𝒐𝒌𝒔  𝒂𝒕  𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒔  and  have  been  helping  out  as  𝖋𝖆𝖒𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖘  for  the  last  six  years  !       𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭  +  𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐭  have  a  penchant  for  𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗴  𝗼𝗻  𝘁𝗵𝗲  𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗼𝗿  𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀  ,  jumping  at  unsuspecting  civilians  ,  and  delightfully  breaking  up  any  ᴄɪʀᴄʟᴇ  ʙᴀʀʀɪᴇʀ  ғᴏʀᴍᴀᴛɪᴏɴ  that  Nausicaä  has  𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒏  𝒖𝒑 .       They  also  like  to  𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖊  𝖙𝖍𝖊  𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊𝖘  𝖔𝖋  𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖙  𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘  and  bat  at  her  𝚛𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚠𝚘𝚘𝚍  𝚎𝚕𝚍𝚎𝚛  𝚏𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚔  𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚎𝚜  until  they  scatter  onto  the  hazelnut  acacia  floors .    Aren't they ADORBS.
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What if ...................... Nausi's original name was supposed to be Oktober because her orig. due date was Halloween, Oct 31, and then she was born on November 1 so they had to quickly change it. To add fuel to the already growing forest fire, they chose Nausicaä because it means "burner of ships" and I take that as "burning everything in her damn path" because she destroys everything by merely existing. No, don't name her November because that would just be too orderly, wouldn't it. Starting fires since the day she was born. Her first act of being born : I did it all in spite of my parents.
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despair-to-future-arcs · 11 months
What is it?
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Well, since your done... you mind showing me there commandments?
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Well... okay but I'm just going to say that you'll be very confused of what they written here...
*Sunako clicks a button and it presents the commandments*
Children's Paradise Preamble We won't try to fool you with fancy words or say something you don't understand. Let's just be happy as kids. That's it. The Demons aren't needed because they're selfish and treat children like they own us, like we're just things to them. They think we do not have feelings. They lack imagination.
We don't need them, so we're going to kill them. The paradise we build will be awesome. No parents. No chores. No school. No homework. There will be a few rules, but that's it. Respect one another. Be so good that you will become a role model for others. When you feel that you are becoming a Demon, kill yourself. Follow the rules and help build a paradise of only children.
Children's Paradise Commandments 1
Sleep lots, eat lots, play lots.
Anything that makes you look like a Demon, like drinking and smoking, is illegal.
Any items with a picture of a Demon on them are illegal.
Anybody who breaks the rules will suffer the punishment: "Gargle coffee for 20 hours straight."
Children's Paradise Commandments 2
Wash hands before a meal.
Play video games no longer than 8 hours daily.
If you ever feel like you are showing signs of reincarnating into a Demon, take responsibility and end your own life.
Anybody who breaks the rules will suffer the punishment: "Hold in their poo all day after a big barbecue."
Children's Paradise Commandments 3
If you have something on your mind, share it with the children around you.
Don't get involved in other people's business, like making fun of them for reading manga.
Don't ever try to remember what life was like with the Demons.
Anybody who breaks the rules will suffer the punishment: "Stuffed under the kotatsu in summer."
Children's Paradise Commandments 4
Inscribe on your hearts the fact that the "now" is the most precious thing we have.
Do not kill pets with "adorbs" faces.
Do not lose hope.
Anyone who breaks the rules will suffer the punishment: "Hide your Video Games Somewhere You'll Never Find Them."
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What...? That is, um...well...
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They... can't be serious about all this, right?
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Well you be surprise what a bunch of kids who hate their parents that were heavily influence by Junko Enoshima would think what a 'children's paradise' is like but reading all this; they had no idea what they are doing from the sounds of it.
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Which makes me question if any of them plan this through at all.
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alltimefail-sims · 2 years
Awe Zoe! Zoe is two adorbs can we get sum more info on her plz? ૮₍ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ₎ა♡
Thank you so much!! I think she is adorable, too! I'm happy to share a little more about her.
(A lot of) Random facts about Zoe:
Zoe's favorite color is green - olive green specifically!
Prior to moving to Strangerville after her uncle died (where the story begins), she'd only been there twice in childhood and remembers almost nothing about it.
Zoe grew up in San Myshuno in the "uptown" business district.
She was valedictorian of her high school class and voted "most likely to succeed."
She went to the national spelling bee twice as a kid (and won once). She also is a state chess champion and ran track in high school but asserts that she wasn't popular just "overly involved." (Probably fair because she only had 1 friend who she hung out with outside of school).
She changed her college major 3 times before settling on journalism.
Her favorite food is mac and cheese because it's comforting.
She's allergic to shellfish.
She has a pretty singing voice but she would never do a solo (but she did take choir as an elective in high school and loved singing in the background).
Zoe has a secret love for cleaning/organizing things. She could watch those "tidy up with me" tiktoks all day.
She is an avid animal lover (she has gone so far as to talk in a baby voice to a lizard before).
She is demisexual and demiromantic and has only been in 2 "serious" relationships.
Her favorite Stranger Things character is Lucas and Max and Lucas are her favorite canon couple.
Her favorite season is spring.
Those were off the top of my head, sorry I can't think of anything else at the moment! ❤ But I hope this was what you were looking for! If you have any specific questions abiut her please feel free to ask them (as long as they aren't questions that will lead to spoilers lol 😉).
Thank you for this ask!
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ask-steven-the-wolf · 2 years
Look guys! I gots new Jammies! They're so cozy, and I even match with Bernie!
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Aren't we adorbs ^^
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maipareshaan · 7 months
Early seasons spn has to be the cutest thing ever.
Like i have said it before but even teen shows aren't cute, bcz its like weirdly adult and somehow the parents even aren't ghere and its all look we are individuals who do shit and gossip and sleep around, but spn is like poor orphaned babies cutest man in the whole world big bro to this adorbs guy awwwww.
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eartheats · 2 years
Can I ask your opinion on rockruff? For the ask game.
Aurora (@unown-history)
ohmigosh, absolutely!!
so rockruff aren't really common around where i live but i've seen some of 'em before but we do get lycanroc around here, for some reason! i think rockruff are adorbs as heck though <3 they're pretty fun pokemon to be around, and when they're trained well they're just the friendliest lil guys! i've seen my share of untrained ones, though, but they're mostly just really energetic and love runnin' around a bunch
all in all, i think they're very good cuties!!
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charliexspring · 3 years
ur icon and url are too powerful they’re- *dies*
*crawls out of my grave* ✨TOO POWERFUL✨
and i LOVE IT tysm u rock have the best day ever 😘 bye💕
Thank you so much! Honestly, Stana Katic has slowly but surely been taking over my life the past few months and I am not mad about it at all.
Also... check out @emilysbyrne. They and I are matching, aren't we cute?
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pinkanonwrites · 2 years
the fics where jamil and azul turned into their respective animals were so cute 😭 may I request one with riddle turning into a hedgehog? tysm
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You most certainly may! This one has been in the works for quite a while, so I hope everyone enjoys now that I'm finally getting it out for you all to read!
GN! Reader, They/them pronouns +1,700 words
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"Housewarden! Please come out!"
"Riddle, I promise I won't take any more pictures!... Well, maybe just one? For the likes?"
"Snrk- Yeah, Housewarden! You'll be super popular this way!"
"Riddle, the sooner we find you the sooner we can figure out what happened."
Of all the things to expect when you waltzed into Heartslabyul commons that afternoon, you couldn't really say that this was one of them. Sprawled out amongst the furniture in various, uncomfortable states of disarray were your friends, clearly searching for something. Or someone, considering that the notable Housewarden of Heartslabyul was nowhere to be found.
As if to make the situation even more confusing, none of the boys seemed to be searching anywhere that would make actual sense for Riddle to be. Cater was on his hands and knees, peering under the sofa by the light of his phone. Deuce had somehow managed to weasel his head into the unlit fireplace, laying amongst the soot ad debris as he called upwards into the chimney with only an echo to respond. Trey was crawling around under the tea table in the sunroom with a deeply concerned expression.
And perhaps least helpful of all was Ace, who seemed to be picking up the same textbooks and flower vases on the coffee table again and again, occasionally lifting up one of his feet to check the underside of his sneaker.
"What are you guys even doing?"
Deuce jolted at the sound of your voice, smacking his head on the fireplace brickwork with a groan. The other boys all stumbled to their feet, dusting off their clothes and making their way carefully over to you, all but tiptoeing across the floor.
"Prefect! Did you see any adorable little hedgehogs in the hallway when you came in? Like, totes adorbs? With the grumpiest little eyebrows?" Cater's eyes were gleaming as he held up his phone, like he was expecting you to whip a hedgehog from your pocket and present it for him to photograph. Trey slowly put a hand atop Cater's phone and pushed it downwards and out of your face.
"We aren't taking any more photos of him. Not if we want him to come out at least." He added. Cater humphed, stowing his phone in his pocket.
"I didn't. But aren't you guys looking for... Riddle? Why would he be in the chimney?"
Deuce, with a face full of soot, piped in next. "Some sort of spell was cast on the Housewarden! One minute he was eating, the next, poof! We need to find him so we can take him to the Headmage."
"And whatever you do, don't take a bite of that tart, No matter how good it looks." Ace elbowed you and pointed to a half-eaten slice of strawberry tart on the tea table. Laying next to it appeared to be Riddle's magical pen, unattended. "That's our prime suspect for the magicking."
"You think... The tart cast the spell?"
Ace snorted. "You really don't understand how magic works here, do ya? We think someone might've cast a spell on it while it was in the fridge. So probably someone from Heartslabyul. But we can't figure that out until we find the Housewarden first. Sooooooo, if you aren't busy or anything?"
But you were already budging past the gaggle of boys and into the room to begin searching under furniture. Not that you'd ever tell him or any of his housemates (though you were starting to think Ace was catching on) you did have a particular fondness for the uptight Housewarden. And without reading into things too much, you were hoping he had just a touch of fondness for you as well.
Riddle didn't give you the same lectures he did to other students when you arrived with your tie crooked or your hair disheveled. He'd just quietly fix you up, tutting softly with just the faintest red to his cheeks. Then he'd seem to realize what he was doing, and rip his hands away like they'd been burned. It never stopped him from doing it again the next time, though.
He had a temper with others, but he never seemed to direct that anger towards you. He was notoriously strict, but more often than not you seemed to get away with merely a warning or a word of concern. Out of earshot, Ace had begun to refer to you as 'his favorite.'
You weren't quite ready to admit just how much that made your heart flutter.
"Of course I'll help. Is there anywhere you haven't looked yet?"
"We've covered most of the commons, do you want to start on the main hallway? He may be trying to get back to his room." Trey said. "Though he probably won't make it very far."
"Got it, I'll start there."
"Watch where you're stepping!" Deuce called after you as you made your way to the halls. "Don't squish the Housewarden!"
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Deuce.
But Trey was certainly right about Riddle not being able to make it back to his room. The Heartslabyul dorm hallways were full of staircases, wandering and twisting up and away into nooks and corridors. Even if he did manage to safely make it down a staircase or two, there's no way he'd make it up the next one.
"Riddle? Are you in here?" You called, though you doubted his ability to reply. You tread carefully down each step, checking corners and around each banister as you went. And sure enough, at the base of the staircase leading up to the first hall of dorm rooms, you spotted a little red ball of spikes attempting to scale the first step.
"Riddle!" You gasped, causing the little critter to startle and tumble from the edge of the step. As he turned around you could see that Cater has been completely on mark with his description, Riddle's little hedgehog forehead graced with the tiniest pair of little furrowed eyebrows you had ever seen. You almost cooed at the image, but you got the feeling Riddle wouldn't appreciate it.
Speaking of not appreciating, rather than scampering into the relative safety of your embrace, tiny hedgehog Riddle chose instead to turn on his heel and make a mad dash for the next hallway, almost disappearing out of sight before your brain caught up with your eyes.
"HEY! Riddle, wait!" You bolted after him. You'd teased Ace and Deuce before, watching them chase awkwardly after their respective hedgehogs during croquet while yours remained perfectly well-behaved. You'd have to apologize after this. Despite their small size, hedgehogs could apparently really motor.
But this hedgehog was still Riddle, and if Riddle's P.E. grades were anything to go by, it wouldn't be long before he started running out of steam. And the moment you saw the little guy began to falter, you took a running leap, pouncing on him and scooping him into your cupped hands. He didn't give in without a fight though, thrashing in your grip and jabbing you with his pricked-up quills.
"OW!" You yelped, hissing through your teeth at the needling sensation. Riddle stopped thrashing immediately, staring up at you as you kept him still cupped in your hands. He looked... guilty? If you had to guess.
"It's fine." You murmured. “I know you didn't mean to hurt me." He began to relax ever so slightly, at least enough so his quills wouldn't continue jabbing into your soft palms. "You should have been more careful though! Why didn't you just let your housemates help? What if someone had stepped on you?"
He furrowed his tiny brow, opening his mouth and hovering it over one of your fingers like he was about to bite you.
"You won't. You're too mature for that."
You called his bluff, and he huffed to himself, pulling back and closing his mouth again before curling into a little ball in the center of your palms. You sighed, moving yourself to sit upright so you could keep him cupped close to your body.
"I'm serious. I know you have an image you want to uphold and all that, but everyone needs help sometimes. And I know Ace and Cater probably weren't very mature about it, but Deuce and Trey were really worried about you! I was too!" You sighed, bringing the little ball of spikes closer to your face as your voice dropped into a murmur. "I don't know what I would have done if you actually got hurt."
It took a moment but Riddle finally poked his head back out of his irritated spike ball. He unfurled, sitting in the palm of your hand as he watched you, shifting back and forth in a manner you would almost call sheepish if you'd seen a person doing it.
"Can you please let us help you, Riddle? For me?"
A long moment of silence passed, before he finally nodded. You sighed in relief, bringing your hands forward to press a little kiss to the top of his head. "Thank you."
A wave of thick, pink mist began to envelop you, heavy with the scent of sugar and strawberries as it clouded your entire vision. A weight seemed to have draped itself over your lap, but it wasn't until the fog cleared that you were able to make out where it had come from. Seated facing you in your lap with his arms draped over your shoulders and somehow, despite all odds, redder than you had ever seen him in his life, was Riddle.
"I-I don't- I didn't- You-When-How did-?" He was stammering so hard you thought he was about to combust, and honestly you probably weren't that far behind him. But your brain was too fritzed to try and put any words together, so your body did the work for you instead. You wrapped your arms around his middle and tugged him in, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
"...Glad you're okay." You finally managed to force out.
He froze up, his whole body locked in place and for a moment you worried you made the wrong move. But then one incredibly shaky hand managed to find itself patting the top of your head in an awkward, placating manner.
"T-Thank you... for your help."
You couldn't have asked for a more Riddle-like response.
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immortalforged · 6 years
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okay but if you don’t think that 616 danny and sif wouldn’t be the cutest, most badass dimension hopping warrior couple ever, then we can’t be friends cause you’re wrong.
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garfinkelstingle · 2 years
social media au | timothee chalamet
click here for part one
click here for part three
pairing: timothee chalamet x celebrity!reader
warnings: swearing! none other though :)
a/n: as promised, here's part two!!! it's not necessary to check out the first part but i think it's more fun if you do :) anyways, hope you're all having a great day!
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liked by tchalamet, zendaya and 2,131,482 others
yourinstagram thanks for all the birthday wishes! and thanks to everyone who came and celebrated with me! love you guys to death!
view all 324,193 comments
yourfan14 happy birthday queen!!! love you more than you will ever know (literally)
yourinstagram thank you! love you too <3
yourfan14 EXCUSE ME WHAT???????
yourfan89 how does y/n manage to look this breathtaking while being completely wasted??
timmyfan73 timmy flew out to LA yesterday... i wonder why 🙂
taylor_hill once more, happiest of birthday's bestie
yourinstagram thank you tay!!!! wouldn't have been this amazing without you by my side though 😘
*liked by taylor_hill
yourfan62 am i the only one who's wondering wether timmy will post a picture of himself from the party or not lol? cause i really really hope that he will
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liked by yourinstagram, tomholland2013 and 1,482,500 others
tchalamet party animal
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timmyfan71 he looks so completely drunk lmao it's so hilarious
timmyfan85 does anyone know where this was taken??
timmyfan52 his girlfriend yourinstagram threw a party yesterday!
timmyfan85 ah okay ty!!!!
yourfan16 wish we could see the pictures they took together 🥺
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liked by yourinstagram and 72,291 others
gq The Making (and Remaking) of Timothée Chalamet- The actor who found superstardom and artistic acclaim instantaneously reveals what it's like to come of age in our very upside-down era, and the struggles he's had to face with keeping his private life truly private. Read the full article at the link in our bio!
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timmyfan98 that photoshoot was a different kind of a dream... honestly not sure i will ever be able to recover
yourfan62 y/n liking the picture before anyone else did UGH she's smitten it's adorable
timmyfan77 "my priority is letting the people i love know that they mean more to me than any award ever could. having them in my life, that's the big win right there." TIMOTHEE 😭😭
timmyfan13 actual loml nobody could ever dream to compare literally beyond jealous of y/n
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liked by tchalamet, romeestrijd and 1,381,404 others
yourinstagram food & him, aka the best combo there is
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yourfan28 "how gorgeous do you want to be?" y/n: yes
yourfan79 her little nose scrunch y'all i'm WEAK
haileesteinfeld absolutely adorbs <3
yourinstagram ly haiz!!!!
yourfan62 literally just adopt me at this point i honestly can't with you two 😭
sydney_sweeney that looks yummy
yourinstagram you have no idea! don't think i have ever tasted anything better lol
*liked by sydney_sweeney
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liked by yourinstagram, zendaya and 2,391,490 others
tchalamet you know she's the real deal when you walk into her kitchen and see a picture like this hanging on her fridge
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timmyfan72 y/n really said "human being second, timothee chalamet stan first" and honestly i don't blame her
timmyfan02 so do i, which you would know if you'd respond to my dm and came over to my house 😾
florencepugh cute
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan62 my one goal in life has officially become going over to y/n's house just to stare at her fridge
timmyfan91 aren't you that girl that's been commenting on literally everything timmy and y/n related since day one? bc if so then ily bestie but you should probably get a life bc wtf 😭
yourfan62 this IS my life, so leave me alone honestly
zendaya told you she's a keeper
tchalamet good thing i listened to you, then ;)
*liked by zendaya
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liked by tchalamet , haileesteinfeld and 4,193,394 others
yourinstagram when he's clingy but extremely cute >>>
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yourfan92 OH MY ACTUAL FUCKING GOD WHAT?????????
timmyfan27 i was prepared for a lot of things but this???? THIS WAS NOT ONE OF THEM WHAT
maudeapatow absolute cuties 🥺
*liked by yourinstagram, tchalamet
timmyfan18 i was literally just waiting for you to comment skskskks
*liked by yourfan62
tchalamet it's just cause you're my favorite
yourinstagram well you're lucky you're my favorite, too ♥️
*liked by tchalamet
yourfan25 literally whAt how do you expect me to go on with my life normally after this????????
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liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 5,281,402 others
tchalamet my valentine
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timmyfan79 timothee chalamet aka the most smitten man on planet earth
timmyfan25 we've literally come full circle from seeing this one crusty ass picture of timmy giving flowers to "a mystery girl" to him posting a picture of HIS girl with flowers he's given her... i'm definitely crying but so should you
yourinstagram love you endlessly ♥️
tchalamet ♥️
*liked by yourinstagram
yourfan14 i want what they have 🥺
timmy37 we all do bestie 😭
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zorria · 2 years
Sense we are on the topic of shy Zeldris. Thought it would be adorbs if Zelly met Gelda when they were still young. Cause their mother was friends with the Vampire leader and Son of the supreme Deity. Yes...Elizbath gets the grands fuckery to. But we aren't talking about her right now. Maybe if you want more on that I'll touch on it. But Zeldris his behind his mom when the mothers where introducing their kids to eachother. The kids being Zeldris meeting Gelda. Zeldras being a shy cry baby at first. Meliodas was not at the meeting. He was with Daddy who was meeting the Supreme Deity's Granddaughter....yes I had the couple meet before the shit went down. They were just really young to remember any of it. So the two Gods thought 'eh...this puppy love won't be an issue...' THINK AGAIN!!!! Not sure if I should explain the Crimson Angels cause...they might be what breaks this AU for people...I added them cause again....out of spite!
Baby zel and gelda meeting and zeldris being too shy to talk her is everything to me. He totally would just peak around his mothers leg the whole night just looking at gelda before hiding again whenever she looked over. Gelda thought it was cute though so did both of their parents. He definitely wanted to talk to her but was just too shy to which more then definitely made him cry. Poor thing
Also this puppy love won’t totally back fire on us whatsoever hahahaha rip them
But please do explain what crimson angels are cause that sounds interesting 👀
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