#aro ace jim
just-being-aroace · 1 year
Characters who helped me realize and come to terms with me being aroace:
Charlie Weasley (HP) – first character ever I heard being addressed as on the aspec, loves dragons (so do I), made me realize I’m ace (before I discovered I’m also aro)
Bilbo Baggins (The Hobbit) – he was just chilling in the Shire, eating cool meals, having adventures and making friends – first character that made me feel so at peace before I even knew I was aro
Po (Kung Fu Panda) – dude just wanted to practice Kung fu, to have cool friends and eat noodles and honestly SAME
Remy (Ratatouille) – I always loved that movie because it was so important to me that you could be whoever you want to be despite what the word is telling you – Remy is like the representation of that in my life, plus he cooks amazingly
Jim Hawkins (Treasure Planet) – there is not one romantic thought in that boy’s brain, he just wants to fly ships
Aziraphale and Crowley (Good Omens) – living in a perfect representation of what for me is ideal queerplatonic relationship (I also never understood why people wanted more out of their relationship and then I discovered I’m aroace)
Isaac (Heartstopper) – his plot line made me cry more than once because I had related to it more than I consciously knew at the time. During the first season he was always reading books while his friends were having love related problems and I was like ‘same’. In the second season he felt so alone being surrounded by couples and I was like ‘SAME’. I think he was that first spark in my own journey.
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listen to me rhey're queer they're so queer listen they're queer they're in a queerplatonic relationship listen listen do you hear me are you understanding me do you understand they're queer-
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waywardpirate0 · 2 years
Aromantic and/or asexual OFMD headcanons
Putting my aro/ace headcanons out in the open lol
Stede Bonnet - demiromantic or cupioromantic and demisexual
Ed Teach/Blackbeard - demiromantic and gay
Frenchie - aroace in qpr with John
Wee John - aro, maybe some flavor of ace, in qpr with Frenchie
Lucius - a combination of demiromantic and polyamourus
Jim - demiromantic or grayromantic and
Roach - aroace, but sex positive
Swede - allo but so oblivious people think he's either or, or both
K byee
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steddielations · 11 months
Flight of Icarus Character List
Lore Part 1 | Part 2
- Eddie Munson: Our boy is 18 years old, lives alone in his dad's house with Wayne checking in on him. By 1984, he's the lead singer and guitarist of Corroded Coffin and the DM for Hellfire. He's known as Freak King at school, and Munson Junior around town, he hates both. His grades are bad, but the only trouble he gets in at school is getting blamed for fights with jocks that he doesn't start or win. He works as a barback at the Hideout where his band plays sometimes. His status as town pariah due to his dad's criminal reputation and being an outcast deeply affects him. He wants nothing more than to escape that image, even if he's trading it for a different image. The story kicks off when he gets a chance to chase a record deal in California and teams up with his dad to get the money to move.
- Al Munson: Eddie’s dad, he comes in and out of Eddie's life. He's been abandoning Eddie alone/with Wayne for long stretches since Eddie was a child. Al's very charismatic and has even made Jim Hopper laugh. He uses that "Munson Magic" to manipulate everyone around him, he's a conman and career criminal. He taught Eddie guitar, but also taught Eddie to jack cars at age 10 and only sees Eddie as his little minion. He comes back to town, claiming he's fresh out of a prison stint in Colorado with a debt he needs to repay, and enlists Eddie into helping him rob a truck carrying drugs from his former boss. He leaves details out of the story that blow up in their faces. In the end, he leaves again when Eddie needs him most.
- Wayne Munson: Eddie’s uncle, factory job guy and the best caregiver as we all predicted. Wayne’s a quiet guy, very emotionally reserved too. Eddie says he’s never even heard Wayne yell, he’s non-confrontational. He doesn’t like Al, says nothing even when Al tries to instigate an argument. He deeply cares for Eddie. Eddie is very stubbornly independent, so used to being on his own because of Al, and Wayne tries to respect his boundaries while also being concerned, as Eddie gets very prickly about it. He tries his best to keep Eddie from getting roped in with Al, but overall he lets Eddie make his own decisions. He seems like he wants to just bundle Eddie in a hug at times, but they're not to that point yet in the book. In the end, Al's scheme gets their house burned down, so Wayne permanently takes Eddie in. He shapes Eddie by telling him he’s not his dad and to stop caring what people think and not to put himself in a box. Some nice tidbits: Wayne has a green thumb, reads Gardener’s Weekly magazine and goes to a bar called the Attic on Fridays.
- Ronnie Ecker: Eddie’s childhood best friend. She lives with her grandma in the trailer park. Her father passed away and her mother is implied mentally unstable. She meets Eddie when they’re 8. She’s described as tall, taller than Eddie since they were kids, always wearing a corduroy hat, and people mistake them for siblings. She’s the first drummer of cc. Ronnie and Eddie formed the band specifically because they had to do the middle school talent show. Then Gareth becomes the drummer when she graduates. She’s also in Hellfire, wants to go to law school and has a full ride scholarship to NYU. She’s sort of implied aro/ace after Eddie tries to kiss her when they’re 13, she says it’s not just Eddie, she doesn’t think she’ll ever have a crush on anyone. Ronnie is perceptive and smart and she teases Eddie a lot but they’re very protective of each other. Eddie gets blackmailed by Principal Higgins into dropping out when he threatens to jeopardize Ronnie's scholarship. Eddie never tells Ronnie this, even when they have a fight about him choosing to end Hellfire because Higgins convinced him his friends would be better off. This causes them to leave off on vague terms when she goes to NYU.
- Dougie Teague: This could possibly be unnamed freak from the show, but there’s an age discrepancy because he’s the same age as Ronnie and Eddie in the books and it says he graduates. So he would have to fail senior year twice along with Eddie to still be in high school in the show as unnamed freak. Dougie is the backup cc guitar player, whereas unnamed freak played bass in the show. Dougie is brash and blurts things out. He lives where Eddie calls the nice side of town and they rehearse in his garage. Dougie’s mom is not fond of Eddie but lets them practice there. Dougie’s dad is an HVAC truck guy.
- Jeff (no last name): Jeff is a sophomore and the bass player for CC, whereas in the show he plays guitar. Jeff comes across as reserved compared to Eddie and Ronnie. He played D&D with his older brothers before joining Hellfire. Eddie says Jeff knows more about bass than him. Jeff is ‘the nice one’ and generally nervous and anxious. He’s reasonable but he looks up to Eddie and buys into what Eddie says about the band getting a deal even if it’s unrealistic. Jeff is awkward around girls, wants to do good in school and he’s afraid of getting in trouble. The owner of the Hideout bar lets the band split a beer and Jeff is nervous the whole time. Also, when Eddie screws up, Jeff is the first to forgive him.
- Gareth (no last name): Gareth takes on the role of Eddie’s first sheep, whereas everyone else are Eddie’s friends, Gareth is like the little kid he’s fond of. Gareth is a freshman, there’s a whole scene of Eddie helping him create a D&D character. He’s hotheaded and a target for bullies. Eddie sticks up for him a couple times, and once, Gareth barrels in shrieking and throwing windmill punches to stop Eddie from getting jumped by Tommy H and crew, which results in Gareth going to the hospital with a fractured wrist.
- Rick Lipton (Reefer Rick): Rick is a very typical laid back stoner character. He's around 35, described as a giant soft guy with big smiling eyes and friendly face, wearing a Smokey the Bear shirt, and not what Eddie expected from a drug dealer. His house is also not what Eddie expected, being pretty clean compared to Eddie's teenage inhabited space. Eddie meets Rick through his dad, who has screwed Rick over in the past and this makes Rick unwilling to be the buyer of what they're going to steal off the drug truck. Eddie however puts on his best "Munson Magic" and convinces Rick. Rick is impressed and calls him Munson Junior, which Eddie hates. He goes back to Rick at the end of the book, needing money and a job. Rick gets him started dealing.
- Elizabeth Munson (maiden name Franklin): Eddie’s mom, he's a certified mama's boy. She doesn't appear in the book, Eddie says she got sick and passed away when he was around 6. She's originally from Memphis, Tennessee, where she met Al and they moved to Hawkins when she was 19, they got married March 12th, 1966. She loved Eddie's dad but Eddie says Al was always leaving her to go off on schemes. She passed her love of music onto Eddie. Her favorite was Chicago blues, Eddie didn't understand why until she passed and he started to feel it in his bones too. Eddie remembers dancing with her to Muddy Waters' "Rollin' Stone" and when the song comes on in the truck while he's doing business with Al, it makes him tear up. He recalls this memory several times, it seems like it’s his happiest memory. He says "When Elizabeth Munson was happy, the whole entire world was happy." His biggest connection to his mom was through her music. Then when Al's scheme goes wrong, the people he screwed over show up and burn down their house in an act of revenge. Eddie almost gets killed trying to save his mom's records, but they burn.
- Paige Warner: Paige is a junior scout at WR Music. She's not described beyond having freckles, chin-length dark hair and dark eyes. She has a younger brother on the Hawkins baseball team. At the Hideout, she sees Eddie's band playing and he chalks up the courage to talk to her. (He's squeaky and blushy, no game) Paige is in town for her grandmother's funeral, she remembers Eddie from the middle school talent show, though she is two years older. She likes his band because they're "real". She returns another night and Eddie (after some bad news that makes him desperate to chase his future) propositions her to get them a record deal. She's insulted, having told Eddie that guys use her for that reason, but they agree to work together. Paige pays for the studio time for cc to record the demo tape. In the meantime, Paige meets Al and Eddie is beside himself the entire time, not wanting her to find out the dirty work they're doing to fund his future. Then, Paige's boss only likes Eddie, and when she delivers this news, Eddie expresses that he doesn't want to ditch his band, but she says this will benefit both of them. So he agrees and it's implied they start hooking up, never making things official. She leaves for California and he's supposed to go later for his audition and stay with her. This doesn't happen, Eddie's heist with Al lands him temporarily in jail, and over a heated phone call, things end between them. It's implied that Paige pays his bail but never speaks to him again.
- Tommy Hayes: It's debatable whether this is supposed to be Tommy H from the show, whether his last name was always Hagan or if that was a fanon thing. Given his proximity to the jocks and being bitter that Steve has changed since dating Nancy, it's supposed to be Tommy H from the show. He's extremely violent in the book, which doesn't track so much with Tommy in the show, who's more of a shit-talker lackey. This Tommy bullies Eddie for being poor, a freak, and the son of a criminal. He bullies the whole Hellfire club and beats Eddie up on two occasions, punches Ronnie (accidentally?) when she tries to protect Gareth, and puts Gareth in the hospital. He faces no repercussions because the Principal is on his side, as Tommy's family is influential and rich.
- Principal Higgins: The principal of Hawkins High. Eddie is justified for wanting to flip him off in the show. Higgins has a ton of favoritism toward the kids from well off influential families, like jocks and preppy students, and always takes their side even when Eddie (and friends) are the ones bruised and beaten. He's a Bible thumper and hates Hellfire and also hates Eddie because he's a Munson, considers him a rotten apple that poisons the bunch. He wants Eddie to drop out to rid the school of the Hellfire club. After the brawl between the jocks and Hellfire, Higgins convinces Eddie that it's his fault his friends are considered freaks and get bullied. He blackmails Eddie into dropping out by threatening to jeopardize Ronnie's scholarship to NYU. Eddie eventually comes to his senses and finds his fire again when everything falls through. He gets re-enrolled in school and turns things around by blackmailing Higgins. At this point, he knows Higgins buys drugs from Reefer Rick, and uses that information to force Higgins to let Hellfire continue and leave him and his friends alone.
- Officer Moore: A Hawkins cop who has it out for Eddie. He's described as having a blond buzz cut, a square jaw, Superman level All-American looks. He has a growing mid-forties beer gut. He pulls Eddie and Ronnie over in Eddie's van, Eddie sasses the shit out of him since apparently he pulls Eddie over a lot trying to find reasons to arrest him, just because he's a Munson. But he has to let them go.
- CJ and Toby: These are two goons that worked with Al under the same boss, Charlie Greene, one of the biggest drug kingpins in Oregon. They are transporting the truck with the drugs that Al enlists Eddie to help him rob. Eddie and Al successfully rob the truck, but CJ and Toby show up to their house days later. While holding Eddie and Al at gunpoint looking for the drugs, It's revealed that Al didn't owe money because he borrowed it, he stole it because he got greedy. Eddie was under the impression that he was saving his dad from enforcers that would come to collect the debt eventually, not helping him steal more from them. Al wasn't in prison like he told Eddie, he was living large as Charlie Greene's right hand man, never sending Eddie a dime. At this point, Eddie and Al have already sold the stolen drugs to Reefer Rick, so Al turns over the 15 grand of money to CJ and Toby. They think it's settled, but CJ decides to set the house on fire too, since Al embarrassed them with the boss. The only reason they don't kill Eddie and Al is because Officer Moore shows up, having been following Eddie. Instead, CJ shoots Officer Moore in the leg and then he and Toby flee. Eddie immediately goes to help the officer (despite hating Moore) while Al is telling Eddie to come on so they can run. Eddie feels like its their fault Moore was shot and won't leave him, Al says he didn't realize Eddie was this much of a fool. Eddie tries to get him to stay because he needs him, but Al leaves him anyway and Eddie is devastated and numb. He's arrested when cops show up.
- Jim Hopper: Hopper brings Eddie a cup of water and talks to him while he's in lockup for the night. He calls Eddie "Junior" but Eddie's too numb at that point to care. He says they know that Eddie tried to help Moore, but he's being held for arson because of the house, until he makes bail. Hopper is really trying to give Eddie a break, knowing he helped Moore, and talks a bit about Eddie's dad. He says something cryptic about knowing Al in school and how every time something went down, Al was usually at the center. Hopper does Eddie a favor and lets him use the phone in his office, where Eddie calls Paige. Hours later, Hopper tells him he made bail and that Wayne is there to get him.
- Chrissy Cunningham: Eddie remembers Chrissy from the talent show. Eddie's dad was supposed to be there, but didn't show up, meanwhile Chrissy is disappointed that her mom did show up. A lot like the show, it's minimal but Chrissy is sweet with troubled undertones. Eddie's surprised she even talks to him, but she's nice and says she'd cheer for him if his dad didn't show. Fast forward to high school, when the jocks are giving Eddie flack, Chrissy tries to get them to stop. Then they try to lie to the principal and say Eddie was bothering Chrissy. Chrissy says it's a lie but Jason quickly silences her.
- Bev: The owner of the Hideout bar. She's a very no nonsense drill sergeant kind of lady. She keeps Eddie humble, calls him Junior despite him asking her not to, always tells him to get a haircut and doesn't like his band at all, though she lets them play there as part of the exchange for Eddie working there. The stage is just some rickety wood that her late husband built. It's implied she had something to do with his death. She's strict and doesn't give anything out for free, only Al is able to charm her out of a free pitcher of beer when he's celebrating Eddie (temporarily) dropping out of school, which stuns Eddie. When Eddie quits the job chasing his California dream, she admits she'll miss their band and that's that.
- Janice: Principal Higgins secretary who equally hates Eddie and favors jocks and preppy students. She wears coke bottle glasses that magnify her eyes and has a fanatical obsession with purple.
- Stan: A junior member of Hellfire who had to sneak around his parents to go to meetings by pretending to be at algebra tutoring, as they consider D&D to be Satanic. When his parents find out, they write a letter to the school, condemning Hellfire club and saying they sent Stan to a church program to cleanse him. Higgins shows Eddie this letter to make him feel guilty and responsible.
-Nicole Summers and Cass Finnigan: These girlies are mentioned in one sentence but I don't know where else to put this info. Eddie implies these are the two other hookups he had before Paige, once in grade ten and once senior year, saying that he could tell they were only doing it for the dare of getting with the freak. Though, he wasn't looking to be anybody's boyfriend. He compares them to Paige, who he feels like genuinely likes him
- Steve Harrington: He doesn't actually appear in the book but his balls get a mention so he's going on the list. The only thing to note is that Steve doesn't approve of any freshman getting beat up, to the point where the jocks do it behind his back and Jason Carver is worried about him finding out. Tommy says Steve doesn't have any balls since dating Nancy Wheeler. Eddie defends Steve's balls, saying Tommy can't talk about someone else having no balls when he gets his kicks beating up freshman.
- Will and Jonathan Byers: At the end of the book, in a record shop, Will and Jonathan walk in. Eddie recognizes Will from his missing posters and recalls the events where Will had a funeral yet somehow was found alive. Jonathan goes to the back for a certain record, and while Will is alone, Eddie watches as a few younger jocks come into the store and start hounding him, calling him zombie boy. Eddie takes up for him, goads the jocks and gets them to take it out on him, takes a baseball to the chest and they leave. Eddie tells Will that Zombie Boy is metal as shit and Jonathan thanks Eddie when he comes back. Eddie offers Jonathan weed and says Jonathan is way too offended by the question for someone with his haircut. This whole interaction solidifies Eddie's new sense of purpose, collecting and protecting sheep.
- Granny Ecker: Ronnie's grandmother. She's not a big part of the story at all but she lives in the trailer park too. She's a wooden spoon wielding grandma character. Eddie calls her Granny too and she worries about Wayne and makes Eddie bring him casseroles and stuff. it's just cute so I'm including it.
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a-side-character · 9 months
Sort of related to my last post, but here's a list of all the explicitly/canonically aspec characters in media I can think of who have fulfilling relationships (romantic, platonic, familial, etc) and lives with or without sex being a part of it. Media does a lot to push the idea that asexuality is a flaw, so it's always nice to see positive aspec representation.
Ekundayo Kunleo (Raybearer) - Major side character, Asexual
Fleet Captain Breq Mianaai (Imperial Radch) - POV character, Asexual
Medic (Imperial Radch) - Side character in the last two books, Asexual (implied aromantic? Don't quote me on it)
Arkady Patel (The Strange Case of Starship Iris) - A main character, Grey-Ace
Sir Fitzroy Maplecourt (The Adventure Zone: Graduation) - A Player Character, word-of-god confirmed Asexual
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) - Protagonist, Asexual
Tori Spring (Heartstopper/Solitaire) - Major side character/Protagonist, Asexual
Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper) - Side character with relevance in season two of the TV show, Aro-Ace
Uncle Jim (Cool Uncle) - Main Character, Aro-Ace
Kim (Boo! It's Sex) - A main character, Asexual
Rae (Always Human) - Side Character, Aro-Ace
Raphael Santiago (Shadowhunters) - Major side character, Asexual
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) - Major side character, word-of-god confirmed Aro-Ace
Peridot (Steven Universe) - Major side character, word-of-god confirmed Aro-Ace
Feel free to add more if you can think of them!
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treasure-goblin · 6 months
Remembering the time someone made an LU Time simp joke by putting an image of him in a water bottle and lightheartedly saying someone was thirsty, and I immediately went "Oh you listen to Jim Croce too?"
I'm too aro/ace for this shit
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lifblogs · 1 year
6, 11, and 22!
Hi, thank you!
6. Favorite episode from Trollhunters?
Oh no, how could I choose? I love season 1 the best, so you think I'd look there, but right now I'm going to say 3x10 "A House Divided." Nothing in it was imperfect. I loved every moment, and cry so much every time I watch it. It's soooooo GOOD!
11. Favorite dynamic?
I want to say Jim and Toby! Right now since I'm on 3Below I'm loving Aja and Krel, but honestly, how can you beat Jim and Toby? (Sorry, every other dynamic.) Crap, actually, now I'm thinking about Jim and Blinky. And I love Jlaire because they're so comfortable with each other. They hug because they want to, they show physical affection because they want to. They kiss because they want to. I just love the comfort with being around each other. It confuses me a bit since I've always been nervous about the physical part of dating, but that's why I love seeing it with them! Oh no, so how many dynamics is that? Four. Yeah, I'm bad at picking favorites.
22. Most relatable character?
Maybe Krel! I have a hard time relating to characters, but he loves music and science, which is... me. That was my biggest thing in high school, and still my two great loves. I'm also feeling Krel with the aro/ace showing through at times. I love him.
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theflagscene · 9 months
Dude, you’re not supposed enjoy the smell of your grandpa that much. Wtf Min!? I mean I get it, everyone’s old man smells like Old Spice occasionally, thinking your crush is sexy because they use it to is perfect normal. But that’s only if you’re not comparing him to your grandfather the whole time you’re thinking about it.
Also, what is with these shows (it’s not just in Asia, media across the globe in general) acting like 30 is old? I bet you had Cherry Magic been made as a sapphic series, the female lead would’ve have three cats, a chocolate addiction and people asking her why she didn’t have children and a husband yet.
The same goes for ones like Moonlight Chicken and Old Fashioned Cupcake, the male leads as 39 going on 40 and because they’re single apparently nothing else they have in their lives mean anything. Jim owned his own business, raised a child into a very strong and intelligent young man, kept his community together and was a well loved part of his neighbourhood. But! The dude was single, so therefore he was painted as living a lonely empty life.
Same went with Nozue, he was the head of his department at work, he was extremely well liked, had a decently sized apartment (which in Japan is unheard of unless you’re very well off). Yes, he lived a somewhat mundane life, but who the hell doesn’t!? But apparently because he was single he was pitied and gossiped about by his colleagues, and because he never dated any of the women that tossed themselves at him, none of them considered that maybe he was happy single or! - and this is another issue for a entirely different rant - maybe that he was either gay or aro/ace.
Whew, okay, I’m cool, I’m chill. Sorry, I think I had a moment because my own birthday is coming up soon and as someone in their late 30’s that is constantly being told ‘omg but you look so much younger than that’ I just got a bit annoyed. Also, sidebar; I really don’t get why it’s considered some kind of compliment to tell a person; oh you don’t look that perfectly fine adult age, you actually look like a barely legal child instead.
Why is being an actual adult human being considered so bad? You couldn’t pay me to be 19 again, that shit was terrible!
Seriously if you’re 19 and somehow stumbled upon this weird rambling post, don’t worry honey, one day you’re gonna be 35 and not have to deal with any of the confused shit you’re dealing with right now. It’ll be okay, hang in there, being a grown up is actually way better than it sounds.
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Yes spock is aro ace, yes he's Jim's boyfriend, it's the 23ed century get with the times
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vamplanaut · 5 months
i’ve never seen a full episode of bbc sherlock. all of my knowledge comes from 1) Sherlock Is Garbage And Here’s Why, 2) pop culture osmosis, and 3) impassioned descriptions by my beloved partner who did watch the entire show. this is enough familiarity to create a sort of perverse fascination with the particular cocktail of queerbait and homophobia on display
sherlock has to beleaguer his lack of interest in romance, sex, and marriage to everyone he meets, including his supposed “closest friend” john watson. over and over it comes up, and his thoughts on the topic never change. if anything, he seems to get more anti-romance and anti-sex as other characters continue to pester him about it (relatable). i’m sure the writers made that choice because something something “he’s too cool and rude for a girlfriend,” but it’s still pretty explicit aro/ace coding, especially for the 2010s
but then the other shoe drops. despite the choice to write sherlock as being utterly and actively disinterested in romance and sex throughout the show, the writers also made the interesting choice to bait the fuck out of his relationships with john watson, jim moriarty, and irene adler. as early as the first 15 minutes of the very first episode the writers are making jokes about john and sherlock being a couple, and moriarty is..... Like That. adler is explicitly attracted to him, at least sexually if not romantically, and seemingly only shows up to make passes at him. then again, she is also Like That. there’s this bizarre meta-unrealness to all of these characters’ scenes with sherlock, as if the characters are somehow aware of the unhinged puppet show they’re trapped in and desperately want to escape it
and then there’s me, the uninvested observer peeking in through the windows, left wondering... why? why write a character so thoroughly uninterested in romance and sex, only to relationship-bait him with every other major character? why relationship-bait the one character you’ve gone out of your way to establish doesn’t want one? was all the relationship-bait meant to “fix” our staunchly anti-romance, anti-sex character? if so, why put that plotline in a show so utterly devoid of character development? these questions fascinate and madden me in part because I know I will have no answers, and so no peace. 2010s queerphobia was a different breed
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marzzthehuman · 10 months
this is info about me+my blog!!! PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU FOLLOW!!!!!!!!1
☆~(ゝ。∂) current favorite thing: Lucky Star! SORRY I’VE BEEN SO INACTIVE I’VE BEEN BUSY WITH SCHOOL 😔😔😔😔 --- i’ve got a strawpage! it includes basically the same info as here but also more! and you can send me doodles and such! (i have just realized these are all things you can do on tumblr) (warning- it does contain moving images/gifs!) im aware the formatting is a little weird but i tried to make it neat :) id recommend you check it out!
I’m Marzz! (the amount of Z's does not matter!! it changes every time i type it. lately i’ve been using 2!)
i go by she/they pronouns! (AFAB) i am genderqueer and on the aro/ace spectrum!
I AM A MINOR!! (teenager)
DNI!! if you are: racist, homophobic/transphobic, an NSFW account, ableist, pedo, proship, Zionist, etc. also if you support Wilbur Soot or pusu please go away
(more, less important, info is located under the cut!! trying not the make the post TOO big!!)
If i EVER offend you in any way or say something wrong/make you uncomfy, PLEASE TELL ME!! I am never trying to be mean or disrespectful on purpose and if i have been rude to you, PLEASE inform me so i can apologize and improve my actions!!
mutuals: please tell me if you want anything tagged and I will try my best to do so!! 🫶🫶🫶🫶 for me, please tag things like nsfw/nsft (not counting on it being a common occurrence, but just in case, because some things can fall into that category!), mentions of sh and similar, and child injury, thanks!
PLEASE refrain from saying things like "this isn't real" or "you're dreaming" because it makes me upset. thank you! :)
another thing is that if you are going to make a ‘im gonna kms’ joke please use ‘/j’ or something so i know you are not serious, because saying this will get me very worried, even if i can sense you arent serious, (if i can pick up on the joke depends on how well i know you) please use a tone tag anyway!
please, please, please tag posts about suicide with ‘tw suicide’ or some variation of that please. id rather it not be mentioned around me, thanks! (if we are friends and you need to vent or something, please ask first/give me a warning. tagging it counts as a warning, im just saying if we were having a one-on-one convo)
my asks are always open, so feel free to send me an ask!!!
About me!!
I can be energetic and am a positive and optimistic person!!! Along with that, please remember I have bad days sometimes, too!!
I love getting to know people and learning fun facts about them while also sharing fun facts about myself!!
the fandoms i am most active in are: Project Sekai. that's about it. i also like other things too! I also really like Lemon Demon, Doctor Who, and The Muppets (as in any Jim Henson production)!! (I am also into TBHK, Scott Pilgrim, Lucky Star, and Warrior Cats, though I wouldnt consider myself in the fandom) i am also into musical theatere and my favorite musical is Cats!
Trust me I know how to spell it's just keyboards are hard. yk what. words are hard.
i tend to use emoticons/kaomojis/emojis a lot!! i feel like they are helpful to getting my feeling across because online you can’t read tone or facial expressions!! (ó﹏ò。) i also use hyperboles much more than i should, but they should be easy to spot!
guys guess. guess who my favorite pjsk character is. its the hardest thing to guess guys.
I write fanfiction sometimes!! You can find me on Ao3 as MarzzzzTheHuman !!
yap posts will (hopefully) be tagged with: #marzzz's yappy yap yaps ! yap posts will include either me talking about pjsk, some sort of rant, or just sharing random things. (probably most things will be tagged with this. I'm bored and have a lot of thoughts.)
just random text posts or other stuff (just random stuff basically) will be tagged with #marmalade is here
art from after july 14 2024 SHOULD be tagged with #MARZZ ART YAAAYYY ! !
'marzz, how can I talk to you?' tags of posts, (I love seeing the little messages in tags!!) asks, or DM!! I love talking to people!! 'can I call you a nickname?' Mutuals, yes!! but please run it by me first! >.< (‘marzzy’ is already a nickname given to me by a beloved mutual so i’d prefer if only they call me it, thanks!) 'can I use your art?' Yes, but please ask first! I will allow my art to be used as pfps or banners (with credit) and for personal use like wallpapers. DO NOT repost my art on other sites, don't steal, and don't feed it to AI, please!
I'm just here to have fun, honestly! I mainly post art and reblog things but when i have access to my computer for an extended period of time i just say random things. If I want to. :D
this post should update somewhat regularly, but who knows!!! (I am aware this post needs serious reformatting.. and its currently under construction. kind of. I miiigghhtt make a 'meet the artist' thing but who knows lmao)
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jellybeanium124 · 1 year
hi lets show some love for our mutuals. tag your favorite mutuals and tell them why you love them
@burnmyself this is self explanatory they are my rotten cheese my soldier boy my spouse and survivor of at least 3 divorces with me
@in-a-slanted-outhouse you write really good fics and metas and are a cool person and I love talking to you!
@abigailpents fellow Jew in fandom and Jewish!Ed truther and you write really good fics!
@wearfinethingsalltoowell olu and jim love yes, but also really funny incorrect quotes
@the-aro-ace-arrow-ace @conchshell @ds-sparrow-manufacturing-co @writer-reader-traveller @cookiebunker and @thehargreevesfam : my umbrella acowdemy buddies!
@himbohargreeves you're so cool I love your fics and art and diego love
@hueningkoi you're so funny and talented!
@batsarebetterthanpeople if it wasn't for you I wouldn't like or care about cj nearly as much. you're also cool and write really good metas
@bizarrelittlemew just fuckin hit it out of the park with every goddamn fic
@xoxoemynn you write such beautiful fics with so much depth to them
@adrian-lavan-blog I love every fic you've ever written and the pining you've put me through should be considered a crime.
@snake-snack-stede my competitor for funniest person in the fandom 💖
@plutotheforgotten your first (mutual) always has a special place in your heart
if I didn't tag you please know I love you so so much and I sat here and was like "what's something more specific to say than just 'friend :D!!!!' ?" which feels kind of impersonal but of course when you get one of these asks your brain takes a holiday rip. anyways every mutual is my favorite mutual!!
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My Opinions on Every GX Ship
There is an absolute fuck ton of ships from this show since it has a big cast and is one of the older shows and there are some characters I absolutely will not ship with anyone. So I’m going to be excluding some ships, including some potentially popular ones, to avoid repeating myself. Even after excluding quite a few however, there are a ton of ships so keep that in mind before you click read more. The ships I’ll be excluding are as follows:
-Any Asuka ship. I’m pretty dead set on her being ace/aro.
-Any teacher/student or just adult/minor ship. I don’t think I need to explain this one.
-Any Supreme King ship. Because I just can’t get into that. The Supreme King in my mind is Judai after having a severe mental breakdown, he’s not his own character.
-Any ships with a huge age gap. (Ie: most Rei ships)
-Any ships involving manga or Tag Force only characters because I’ve never read the manga or played Tag Force. I’ve only seen the anime.
-Any incestual ship. I’m just not giving them the time of day this time.
-Any beastiality ships. Because those exist apparently.
-Most Amon ships because my reasoning for disliking most of them is just “x character deserves better than this canon abuser.” so any ships where that is my only thing to say about it are disqualified for the sake of avoiding repeating myself.
I might also drop some lesser known or lesser talked about ships if I have nothing to say about them. Also, as usual, I am not attacking any shippers when I diss the ships in question. You are perfectly valid to ship any of these pairings for any reason as long as you’re not hurting anyone. So now, let's begin.
Absquatulateshipping (Franz x Pegasus)
Franz is the guy who stole Ra in that episode and he’s one of Pegasus’s employees so there would be a power imbalance. Plus that Ra episode was one of my least favourites so I can’t get into this one.
Acceptanceshipping (Saiou x Misawa)
Yeah, this one’s understandable. Power imbalance out the wazoo, of course, since for the bulk of these two knowing about each other, Misawa was a brainwashed member of Saiou’s cult but as an intentionally problematic ship, it’s valid.
Achievedshipping (Jim Cook x Ryo)
I can't really see the connection here. Nothing against it though.
Afflictionshipping (Ryo x Yusuke x Judai)
I really like both of them with Ryo but Judai doesn’t interact enough with or have an interesting enough dynamic with Yusuke for me to care for that combination specifically. Not a bad trio though.
Afraidshipping (Judai x Iwamaru)
Iwamaru is such a minor character I had to look up who he is so he clearly didn’t leave an impression on me. So I can’t really justify shipping Judai with him over his far more appealing ships.
Aiboushipping (Judai x Winged Kuriboh)
Okay, this is the first ship I have to say I actively dislike. Winged Kuriboh comes off way more like a pet to Judai than a romantic partner so this ship disgusts me.
Aidshipping (Judai x Johan x Edo)
I love all three of these characters and Judai’s bonds with them are pretty well established and interesting. Edo and Johan didn’t directly meet face to face in the series but they could post canon and I imagine they’d get along. Hell, they’d probably hit it off well since they both have deep connections with their decks. So this ship gets my seal of approval. Can’t believe I never thought of it before now honestly. I like it a lot.
Alloyshipping (Jim Cook x Edo)
I don’t recall these two ever meeting (Jim was dead before Edo’s involvement in the Supreme King arc) and I’m not really sure what they would have to talk about. So I don’t really care for it but I’m not against it.
Altershipping (Kenzan x Sorano)
Another minor character who only appears briefly in season 4 but he and Kenzan were implied to have been good friends so I understand it.
Amuletshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Sara)
Sara’s a one off character so this connection always seemed really flimsy to me so I could never get behind it. Maybe if Sara had appeared again and we saw what her connection with Fubuki was I could understand that pair but I cannot get behind her and Judai whatsoever since I headcanon Judai as gay.
Angelshipping (Manjome x Sho)
I think these two are a classic case of “these two fighting over girls was secretly just them trying to impress each other.” Or at least that would be more fun. So I enjoy this ship in that context. It’s not quite a favourite though.
Anikishipping (Judai x Sho)
I have only ever and can only ever see these two as brotherly since Sho canonically calls him “big bro.” So I can’t get into this at all.
Annoyingshipping (Manjome x Ojama Yellow)
Oh my god, this ship was beta Aiball all this time-
Except I love Ai and don’t like the Ojamas. I don’t hate them, they’re just… there for me. Also, the Ojamas all call Manjome “big bro” like Sho and Kenzan do to Judai so I see this as a more familial relationship. In fact, Manjome seeing the Ojamas as annoying little brother figures almost certainly feels implied to me.
Antidisestablishmentarianismshipping (Judai x Motegi)
Motegi seemed stoned the entire time he was on screen so a ship involving him having a crackhead ship name makes sense. Can’t say I care for the ship though since he’s so minor.
Antiheroshipping (Ryo x Edo x Judai)
Don’t really care for Ryo/Edo for reasons I’ll get to. As for the Judai ships, they could work. I can maybe like this as a vee but as a throuple, it’s not my thing at all.
Antiqueshipping (Chronos x Camula)
Nope. This one’s just creepy and not in an interesting way. Shoutout to this duel for being the first time Chronos was ever shown as something other than a nuisance though.
Aoishipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Manjome)
I don’t think I’ve ever considered Ryo/Manjome. I think from Fubuki’s point of view, this would work out really well since he’s close to both Ryo and Manjome, and they’d both bring different energies to the table in his relationships with them. So it’s a fun idea.
Attentionshipping (Hell Kaiser Ryo x Misawa)
Not sure why this is specifically Hell Kaiser. All the others were just Ryo and I don’t think these two ever duelled before or after Ryo’s transformation but okay. This doesn’t seem like it’s shipped at all and I agree. Not my thing.
Attractionshipping (Judai x Johan x Sho)
Again, I see Sho’s dynamic with Judai as purely brotherly so I can’t get behind this. Even if I didn’t though, Sho seems like he’d be too insecure to consider a poly relationship. That's not Sho slander by the way, poly relationships just aren't for everyone.
Australiashipping (Jim Cook x Hayato)
Okay, this one’s just funny. They’ve never met and the basis for the ship is really flimsy but it’s funny so it gets a pass. I hope these two meet and bond over… Australian things. Like… dying in the 30+ degree heat every summer.
Backboneshipping (Kenzan x Manjome x Misawa)
I don’t really see the connection between these three. So it’s a nah.
Beastshipping (Fubuki x Kenzan)
Again, don’t see the connection.
Bickershipping (Kenzan x Manjome)
I can’t find anything on this ship, surprising for a two person ship between two major characters but oh well. It doesn’t particularly appeal to me anyways.
Bluntshipping (Ryo x Manjome x Misawa)
This just looks like a random assortment of characters from Judai’s friend group or his friend group adjacent to me. So it doesn’t really appeal to me.
Bondshipping (Johan x Yubel)
Okay so… I have some fanfics which can be considered to be an unofficial series where Judai is dating and travelling with both Johan and Yubel, leading to them inevitably interacting a bit. It’s mostly just in support of Judai but in the most recent addition to this unofficial series, Johan and Yubel have an admittedly fun dynamic and Judai is very chill with the idea of them being together, even teasing the idea.
So while the canon backing for this is awful and doesn’t work for me, I already have a narrative in which I can see it working: Judai dating both of them and Yubel going from begrudgingly tolerating Johan to having feelings for him. It’s not an idea I’ve written outside of Judai teasing it but it’s certainly an idea I’ve considered. So uh… I’ll get back to you on this one if I ever write that fanfic. For now, I’m conflicted on this ship.
Boreshipping (Jim Cook x Manjome)
Okay I would have no opinion on this ship except for the fact that one of its only posts on Tumblr is COMPLETELY UNHINGED and made me laugh in the most guilt ridden horrified way you can possibly imagine. So now Jim being one of bi disaster Manjome’s many victims has been seared into my brain.
Brothershipping (Judai x Kenzan x Sho)
BOTH of them call Judai “big bro” (which is really funny in Kenzan’s case since at first glance, you can easily mistake him as older than Judai since he’s way taller and buffer) so this is a big nope from me.
Bulletshipping (Judai x Tania)
I have no idea how old Tania is supposed to be. I assumed she was supposed to be an adult woman and that her having feelings for high school boys was creepy but people in the fandom… don’t acknowledge that? Or maybe assumed she was actually around their age and just not in school because… different culture? So… no idea what’s going on there.
Potential age gap aside though, this ship doesn’t work at all because Judai is so absurdly disinterested and immune to her flirting that it’s part of how he beat her. So this ship is a no.
Buryshipping (Yusuke x Honest)
Honest’s protectiveness of Yusuke came off as more parental than anything else. So I really can’t see this one.
Bushshipping (Jim Cook x Yusuke)
Damn Yusuke ships don’t get jackshit in this fandom. Jim didn’t appear in season 4, the only season Yusuke’s in, so they haven’t ever met, but I could see this as a new post canon bond that Yusuke seeks out as to have someone in his life that he can start over with who won’t judge him for his past. It’s a decent idea. I'm just not sure how it would work in practice.
Canvasshipping (Saiou x Hayato)
These two never met and I don’t really know how they’d interact so… not my thing.
Challengeshipping (Judai x Ryo x Manjome)
So… Judai with his two rivals. Manjome would be the dumbass of this dynamic, no question there and Judai and Ryo would take turns being the enabler and the one keeping the other two from getting themselves killed. …Yeah I can see it.
Changeshipping (Hell Kaiser x Ryo)
This is just Ryo with himself so… I’m all for advocating for self love but I kinda feel like this isn’t what the term means.
Chrysocollashipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Johan)
I enjoy both Ryo ships. I'm not sure how Fubuki and Johan would get along but I'm sure they could at least be friends for Ryo's sake. This is a functional and potentially cute one.
Claimshipping (Sho x Yubel) & Clawshipping (Kenzan x Yubel)
Yubel, I’d prefer if you didn’t get involved with Judai’s adopted brothers. That’s kinda weird. Big no on these ships.
Clearshipping (Judai x Johan x Yusuke)
Well, I’ve started shipping a polyship after a two on one duel between the trio in which the two set the one, who’s a confused angry lackey to a bigger villain, on the right path again before. Doing it again would be nothing new. I prefer other ships for Judai/Johan and Yusuke though so I don’t actively ship this.
Clustershipping (Fubuki x Sho)
This one feels a little too random for me to get into.
Coachshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Emi Ayukawa)
All three of these are teachers who I’d guess are around the same age. Seems like a pretty random selection of the teachers though so I’m not into it.
Coatshipping (Manjome x Yusuke)
The other YGO ships this name is used for stick out to me a lot more. This one is just… not my thing on its own.
Colosseumshipping (Dark Johan x Johan)
…this is either Johan x himself or Johan x Yubel in a weird paint so… uh…
Cometshipping (Jim Cook x O’Brien x Judai)
My darkest secret as a GX fan is that I have just… never cared for O’Brien. I don’t even have a good reason, he just doesn’t interest me as much as the other GX characters. So I can get behind both of the Jim ships in this throuple but O’Brien/Judai just… doesn’t work for me, especially since O’Brien ran like hell from him when he became the Supreme King.
Comfortshipping (Yusuke x Johan)
Kind of just my thoughts on the throuple again. However, it’s slightly less appealing because of the missing Judai. Judai makes everything better in my eyes.
Companionshipping (Judai x Orgene)
I prefer to ship Judai with more major characters. Plus this prince guy was almost definitely a seasoned adult right? Surely? *cries about Yugioh ages again*
Comparisonshipping (Mitsuru x Ryo)
According to Junko and Momoe, Mitsuru duels on Ryo’s level so that’s likely where this came from. Still, I hate tennis guy more than I can possibly express so I despise this ship.
Competeshipping (Principal Samejima x Ichinose)
Two competing principals? Yeah this is a funny crackship.
Competitorshipping (Judai x Manjome x Johan)
This one is good and cute and nice because Judai does indeed have two hands, and those hands can hold his cringe-fail rival and sweet boy spiritual companion. I like both of those ships so putting them together is great.
Complexshipping (Edo x Echo)
I mean Edo did care more about Echo than the person she actually loved did so that’s something I guess. It's a bit too flimsy for me though.
Contendshipping (Judai x Ryo x Misawa)
Don’t really care for Misawa with Ryo and I’ll get to the Judai pairings on their own eventually. All I have to say now is: there are better throuples.
Consolationshipping (Ichinose x Tome)
Uuuuuh. No.
Contactshipping (Judai x Neos)
Couldn’t blame Judai for wanting that cake honestly. Fun crackship.
Convertshipping (Saiou x Manjoume x Misawa)
Saiou shipping his brainwashed minions... Yeah, no that's just gross.
Copyshipping (Judai x Kagurazaka)
Okay, this was such a minor and/or forgettable duel that I forgot this character existed. GX has a lot of one offs, give me a break. And this one off wasn’t one I liked so I’m not into this one.
Cosplayshipping (Tome x Dark Magician Girl)
I really don’t get everyone’s crush on Dark Magician Girl. Never have. With how common it is, I see where this came from but it’s not my thing.
Cowboyshipping (Jim Cook x Johan)
Well I know where that ship name came from. They both see animals as their family (Karen in Jim’s case and the Crystal Beasts in Johan’s case) so they could bond over that I suppose. Oh and their mutual love of Judai. So I can get behind this.
Crystallizeshipping (Kenzan x Johan)
Random pair that I’m not into.
Crystalshipping (Johan x Sho)
“Stop dating my brother and date me!”
That’s pretty much the only way I can see this going down. And I love Spiritship and Judai a little too much to be okay with that.
Darkshipping (Hell Kaiser x Darkness)
…Yep. Hell Kaiser is such an edgelord that I can 100% see this. Just as a crackship but I can see it regardless.
Dealtshipping (Amon x Yubel)
Okay, this one’s funny so I’m including it. Amon was so terrible and abusive that even Yubel called him out on his bullshit and I find that simultaneously hilarious and badass. Yubel could put Amon in his place and I’d be all for it.
Defeatshipping (Judai x Osamu)
Another minor character but he and Judai were at least friends as kids. Ya know. Prior to Yubel putting him in a coma. Come to think of it, I wonder how a reunion post canon between them would go…
Okay, I’m gonna put a pin in this because I actually kinda want to write that. Not as a ship but just as a scenario it provides a lot of introspective potential.
Defuseshipping (Misawa x Yubel)
Pretty sure Misawa wouldn’t even consider them so no.
Destinyshipping (Saiou x Edo)
No. Saiou’s too old for him, I saw this as more brotherly.
Devilshipping (Light of Destruction x Saiou)
Like Darkness x Ryo, this one just… makes sense in a cracky way so I’m totally down.
Dingoshipping (Saiou x Jim Cook)
Too random for me.
Disastershipping (Darkness x Yubel)
No. Darkness forcibly stole Yubel from Judai and tried to make them hurt him. Bad. Mean. Give them back.
Distasteshipping (Manjome x Hayato)
I can’t remember these two interacting or picture a fun dynamic for them so this doesn’t appeal to me.
Distraughtshipping (Edo x Yubel)
I suppose in a context where Judai is dating both of them this could work, kinda like the Johan/Yubel. Plus this ship wouldn’t have the… negative history that Johan/Yubel does. So in a very niche scenario, this could work, although I’ll admit Johan/Yubel interests me more.
Divulgeshipping (Hayato x Yubel)
Way too random.
Dojoshipping (Hell Kaiser x Makoto)
No, this guy would just be bad for Ryo.
Drearyshipping (Ryo x Yusuke x Manjoume)
How many edgelords does it take to confess? None, they all just insult each other when trying to flirt.
This one’s hilarious so I’m down for it.
Durabilityshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Judai)
Can’t remember Kenzan and Misawa’s interactions at all and Judai’s relationship with Kenzan doesn't come off as shippy to me. Not my thing.
Duskshipping (Darkness x Ryo x Fubuki)
Arc V’s Duskshipping is better but… again, it just… it just makes sense and I almost hate that it does.
Egoshipping (Edo x Manjome)
I see this one a lot and I assume it mostly comes from the season 4 episodes where Manjome is his employee. So… There's too much of a power imbalance between these two for me to get into it canonically honestly. Now, Manjome did get a ton of sponsorship offers that he could easily take and thus no longer be Edo’s employee so I think in a post canon situation, this… might(?) be fine. It’s just that the majority of their screen time together in the actual show is them being an employee and a boss so I can’t personally get behind it.
Eliteshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Yusuke)
This one is great because they can confide in each other over their gifted kid burnout and varying experiences with Darkness. So I love it. I love the individual pairs (though I do have a favourite) and I wish we’d seen it on-screen as a trio more because what little we did get is so great.
Emasculateshipping (Chronos x Napoleon)
I mean I kinda got the vibe that these two are exes for some reason. So I guess I like it?
Employshipping (Pegasus x Samejima x Chronos)
A little too random for me.
Encoreshipping (Kenzan x Edo)
A little too random. What would these two even talk about? Judai? Is that all they share?
Endlesssshipping (Judai x Edo x Mizuchi)
Pretty sure Mizuchi’s too old for them so no.
Edit: So apparently Mizuchi is actually younger than Saiou. I wrote this bit when I thought she was older. God I hate YGO ages. Still don't like the ship though.
Endshipping (Judai x Yusuke)
Judai did help him return to the light so it’s… an understandable ship. Not as good as any of the gifted kid trio with Yusuke for me though.
Endureshipping (Saiou x O’Brien)
Too random for me. Plus I don’t really care for either of them.
Entrapshipping (Saiou x Misawa x Judai)
This seems more like something Judai would look at as a bystander and go “...why Misawa? Why?” Can’t get behind it.
Eucalyptusshipping (Yusuke x Hayato)
They never met and I can’t picture a dynamic so no.
Evolveshipping (Judai x Kenzan)
Gonna be disqualifying any other ships that include some combination of Judai/Kenzan or Judai/Sho and put it to rest here and now: I don’t like either of those ships because Kenzan and Sho refer to Judai as though he’s a brother to them.
Facultyshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Samejima)
I kind of feel like no one really liked Daitokuji? Or maybe that was just the students. Either way, Chronos is too good for either of these guys.
Fataleshipping (Tania x Camula)
…Okay this one’s kind of fun actually. Badass lesbians who can and will commit murder together.
Finalshipping (Hell Kaiser x Yubel)
I… I don’t know. I did joke about a Ryo/Yubel/Judai/Johan OT4 but… more for every other pairing in the ship than this one. I don’t know, I can’t really give an opinion on this one right now I guess.
Firewallshipping (O’Brien x Judai)
I’m surprised this wasn’t Yusaku and Ryoken’s ship name honestly. Anyways, what I said in the Jim/O’Brien/Judai section stands. Can’t get into this ship due to my disinterest in O’Brien.
Foodshipping (Judai x Hayato)
Like it platonically, can’t see it romantically though.
Foolshipping (Saiou x Judai)
Arc V’s Foolshipping was funnier. This one’s really not my thing because I honestly just don't like Saiou much. I find him mostly boring and I don't see anything between him and Judai. 
Fopshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Edo)
I will discuss/have discussed the Manjome parts of this ship so for now I’ll just say that I have no idea how Fubuki and Edo would interact but I hope it’s funny.
Forgottenshipping (Misawa x Hayato)
…okay the ship name sold me on this. The two most forgotten major boys in GX as a pairing: they can bond over constantly feeling ignored. Perfection. Screw it, it’s my OTP for both characters now.
Formalshipping (Ryo x Hayato)
I mean… I could see this starting out with Hayato asking Ryo to tutor him or something and through it, they grow close. It could work. Not particularly my thing but could work.
Fossilshipping (Jim Cook x Kenzan)
These two can bond over dinosaurs and their fossils and stuff. That would be pretty cute actually. I’d like it more platonically but it could be a fun ship.
Frozenshipping (Saiou x Fubuki)
Victim of the light of destruction x victim of darkness? I could see that working after season 2 actually.
Furryshipping (Johan x Hayato)
Very unfortunate ship name. I can’t get into this one.
Fusionshipping (Ryo x Judai)
I like that Judai loses to Ryo. I like how Judai reveals Ryo’s biggest flaw: his belief that he’s already achieved perfection and can’t improve. Ryo also cares quite a bit about Judai, choosing to duel him as his graduation duel and later dedicating his final words to Judai rather than his own brother. They’re also two very opposing personalities that can play off each other well and they both suffered traumatic losses in season 2. I grew to really love this ship during my recent GX rewatch, it might be my third favourite GX ship overall. It’s just really cute to me.
Geniusshipping (Misawa x Ryo)
Not my thing.
Glareshipping (Ryo x Junko)
I think Junko may have had a crush on him? It wouldn’t surprise me. I can’t see Ryo requiting that though.
Gloryshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Edo)
I kind of feel like any rapport these characters may have would fall apart when Fubuki finds out that Edo indirectly lead to Ryo having his downfall. So I’m not into this one.
Glowshipping (O’Brien x Johan)
Not my thing. Johan has more interesting ships.
Goblinshipping (Kohara x Ohara)
For one off characters, I actually really like these two and their rapport with each other. I don’t know if I particularly ship it romantically, but I can certainly see it
Grassshipping (Yusuke x Sho)
This just feels way too random for me. What would they even talk about? Touching grass?
Greyshipping (Darkness x Saiou)
Okay, this one’s just hilarious. When I said I like ships with opposing personalities, I didn’t exactly mean THIS opposing, but I enjoy it nonetheless.
Groupieshipping (Junko x Momoe)
Yeah sure whatever.
Guardshipping (O’Brien x Kenzan)
Not my thing.
Habitshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Manjome)
Fubuki and Manjome would be the dumbasses of this relationship, you cannot convince me otherwise. I know you all think of Judai as a dumbass, and he certainly can be hyperactive and reckless but Fubuki and Manjome, especially when they are together, share exactly one brain cell that only produces a non simping or duelling related thought once in a blue moon. Judai is the only one preventing them from jumping off a cliff. That being said, all three of them are dumbasses. Yes. Judai is just the designated driver when the other two go off and get drunk at a party. So I enjoy this dynamic.
Hangmanshipping (Saiou x Manjome x Judai)
Yet another dynamic I feel like Judai would just look at with concern based on the events of season 2. Very not my thing.
Harmshipping (Saiou x Yubel)
There’s two directions this could go: either they meet pre-Judai and Saiou realises that Yubel is sick with light of destruction disease and they team up against Judai. Or they meet post Judai and Yubel roasts Saiou. Either way, it’s funny and I approve.
Hasteshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Misawa)
Fubuki and Manjome have a pretty established relationship in canon but I don’t really see Misawa adding to that? So not particularly my thing.
Hazeshipping (Darkness x Ryo x Judai)
Can’t really see this one since Judai straight up murdered Darkness.
Heroshipping (Edo x Judai)
Well Judai canonically called him cute and also they both use hero decks. They’ve got history and something to bond over and a competitive streak between them and even one-sided attraction, however fleeting or offhand it was for Judai. I can get behind this.
Hornetshipping (Misawa x Manjome)
These two feel like they’re only in the same friend group, or friend group adjacent, because of Judai. Their duel ended up getting Manjome kicked out of a the school for a while, I don’t feel like Manjome thinks of him all that fondly.
Hustleshipping (Chronos x Titan)
Titan was just a one off though he and Chronos had that one funny scene where Titan prevents him from seeing his back… it makes sense in context. Not my thing since he’s just a one off though.
Idolshipping (Ryo x Fubuki)
This one’s pretty fun. They’ve got very opposing personalities and lots of history and interactions in canon to back it up so I’m pretty on board with them as a ship even if it’s not my go-to.
Impassiveshipping (O’Brien x Ryo)
I can’t remember these two even interacting and they seem like they’d be way too stoic with each other. Not my thing.
Infernoshipping (Darkness x Fubuki)
This canonically has the narrative of being something toxic that Fubuki is struggling to pull away from and is repeatedly relapsing into so that’s really the only way I could see this as a ship? So definitely not something to romanticise. Yikes.
Influenceshipping (Saiou x Misawa x Edo)
Saiou’s a little too old for Edo in my mind and I don’t care for Misawa with either of them so I can’t get into this.
Insecurityshipping (Chronos x Napoleon x Kabayama)
More of the teachers. I’m not sure what mister Ra Yellow would add to this dynamic in all honesty so I guess I’m just neutral to this?
Jarshipping (Cobra x Yubel)
Can't really see this one since Yubel murdered him the second they could.
Jewelshipping (Manjome x Johan)
Little ray of sunshine Johan with emo boy Manjome I can definitely see, especially alongside Rival and Spirit. So this is a good one.
Joyfulshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Johan)
That’s a very fitting name since all three of these characters fall under the “saddest people smile the brightest” category. I love Judai/Johan. I can kind of see Judai/Fubuki and don’t know how Johan and Fubuki would interact. They could get along for Judai’s sake though.
Judgementshipping (Gravekeeper’s Leader x Sara)
Hard no. He holds way too much power over her and abuses that power by slapping her across the face. Bad.
Jurassicshipping (Kenzan x Sho)
Another one I got into during my rewatch. It’s a fun one, especially post-canon where they no longer have Judai to fight over and can realise “oh wait, you’re kind of cool actually.” Or even better: they liked each other the whole time and were garbage at expressing it. Great ship and stuff.
Keyshipping (Saiou x Judai x Edo)
Did I do this one already? I’m not sure. Don’t really care for either of them with Saiou though. Do love Judai/Edo but Saiou doesn’t add much to the dynamic for me.
Kiiroshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Sho)
So… the three Ra Yellows of season 3? They were roommates and thus probably saw each other a lot that season before Misawa ran off. So… I can see where it comes from. Not sure what Misawa would add to the dynamic though.
Killshipping (Ryo x Johan x Yubel)
Part of my OT4. I think I’ve mostly covered my thoughts on these dynamics though, apart from Ryo/Johan which I’ll get to.
Koalashipping (Hayato x Sho)
These two seem more like brothers honestly.
Lateshipping (Yusuke x Yubel)
I mean I guess if Judai were with both of them I could see this making some sense. Otherwise it just feels too random.
Leftshipping (Darkness x Ryo)
This is just normal Ryo so it’s not a funny meme in my head, it’s just kind of sad.
Lithographshipping (Samejima x Pegasus)
They’re both garbage humans so I can totally understand this and get behind it.
Literateshipping (Fubuki x Jim Cook)
Another pair that I don’t think interacted in any substantial way So I can’t really see what dynamic they would have.
Lustfulshipping (Fubuki x Yubel)
This name and its implications are funny so it gets a thumbs up from me. I don’t think I need to explain why.
Majesticshipping (Ryo x Manjome)
I am… entirely unsure of this ship. I can’t remember any of their canon interactions so I have no idea how they’d interact. On the otter hand though, I’m not openly opposed to it. So… it's a maybe I guess?
Maskshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke)
YES. This is my favourite pairing for both of these characters honestly. Fubuki’s undying faith in him, coupled with his upbeat personality to contrast Yusuke’s reserved pessimism makes for such a fun dynamic. I love them so very much.
Meltshipping (O’Brien x Edo)
Well… they could bond over having dead parent trauma I guess. Not sure what else to grasp onto with this though so it’s not my thing.
Messengershipping (Saiou x Yusuke)
They are both former villains but I don’t really like Saiou so this isn’t my thing.
Mirroredshipping (Edo x Mizuchi)
Not my thing.
Mockshipping (Edo x Misawa)
Not my thing. Edo canonically thinks pretty poorly of Misawa honestly.
Nightshipping (Darkness x Camula)
Yes! What better partner for a vampire who feels safest in the darkness than Darkness himself! I have no complaints, this ship makes perfect sense.
Nihilityshipping (Darkness x Judai x Yubel)
No. Give Yubel back. They want to go back to Judai. DO NOT SEPARATE THEM.
Nocturnalshipping (Darkness x Fubuki x Manjome)
Really wish this was called Darkstormshipping since it’s Darkness x Stormshipping but oh well. The only way I can picture this is an AU where Manjome was also taken over by darkness and he and Fubuki go crazy together which sounds pretty fun. I’m down.
Northshipping (Edogara x Manjoume)
This is the gang leader guy at the North academy that Manjome beat. Honestly I don’t think Manjome has even spared this guy a passing thought since he returned back to Duel Academy so this one’s a nah.
Obeliskshipping (Chronos x Emi Ayukawa)
Not my thing.
Obsidianshipping (Fubuki x Manjome x Johan)
Not sure what Johan would add to this dynamic? But I do love him and I love Stormshipping so I can kinda see it.
Ojamashipping (Ojama Black x Ojama Green x Ojama Yellow)
They’re brothers so no.
Orangeshipping/Tutorshipping (Misawa x Judai)
Same ship, it just goes by two names apparently. Honestly Tutorshipping is better since it sticks out more. As for the ship itself, Misawa’s unique dialogue in Duel Links when Judai beats him is… pretty gay. I can see Misawa liking him easily, his dedication to beating Judai can certainly be read that way and I do enjoy a good rival ship. I like this one, just not as much as Judai’s other ships.
Orichalcumshipping (Jim Cook x O’Brien)
I can easily see this one after everything they went through together in season 3. They’re from different schools (I think) so it would likely be a long distance relationship and as someone in a long distance relationship, I relate pretty strongly. I dig this one.
Outbackshipping (O’Brien x Hayato)
Not as good as either of them with Jim. Could be fun in a polyship maybe though so I won’t dismiss this one entirely.
Outcastshipping (Yusuke x Edo)
Well… they’ve got the outcast thing in common, it’s right there in the name, and they were also both underlings to a greater evil. They could bond over that I suppose. Yusuke is prolly a bit old for him though so not my thing.
Peepershipping (Jim Cook x Yubel)
…why is it called that?
Why is that the ship name?
I’m concerned.
Anyways, I don’t ship it because I can’t picture a dynamic between them.
Personnelshipping (Samejima x Chronos x Tome)
So… the principal and his wife with that one cringe fail teacher. Nah.
Playshipping (Saiou x Gin)
This is the guy Saiou viciously punished for disobedience whom we never saw again… yeah can’t really ship it personally.
Portalshipping (Ryo x Judai x Johan)
Yes, I’m so very down for this one. Judai and Johan should absolutely induct big scary Kaiser Ryo into their relationship and attempt to fluster the crap out of him as he sits there more confused than flustered. That would be great.
Possessshipping (Judai x Johan x Yubel)
I have… sort of written this one. Multiple times, I’ve written Judai dating both Judai and Johan in a polyamorous situation but I haven’t written Johan/Yubel in a non-platonic context. So I love this as a vee and potentially like it as a throuple, though I wouldn’t know for sure. I like it in theory, but I'm not sure about it in practice. For now at least.
Primaryshipping (Judai x Manjome x Misawa)
One student of each dorm in a polyship sounds great not gonna lie. Destroy the elitism bullshit!
Principalshipping (Samejima x Chronos x Napoleon)
Huh. These three were all principal at one point weren’t they? Disapprove because Chronos gets character development later that makes him too good for these guys.
Prizeshipping (Samejima x Tome)
These two are canonically married aren’t they? Well you know what? They’re annoying so fuck this ship. /hj
Professorshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Kabayama)
Sure. The leaders of each dorm colour joining together in harmony and putting an end to Duel Academia’s elitism would be ideal. I ship it.
Proposalshipping (Abidos x Judai)
For a one off character and pairing, this is actually pretty cute and fun. I like how Judai calls him “your majesty” the whole time yet simultaneously treats him way more casually than you probably should treat a royal. And yet that’s exactly what Abidos ended up needing and liking. It’s cute, I love their duel and it’s a fun idea. I just admittedly prefer other ships.
Proshipping (Ryo x Edo)
I considered Ryo/Edo really briefly when first watching GX but uh… there’s a lot of unaddressed baggage between them and they’re a little far apart in age and places in life so it never really stuck with me.
Proveshipping (Edo x Hayato)
They both have daddy issues but it’s completely different breeds of daddy issues so I’m not sure how this would work.
Purpleshipping (Daitokuji x Chronos)
Chronos hates cats and Daitokuji is clearly a cat person with a cat so this definitely wouldn’t work out. Could be funny though.
Pyriteshipping (Ryo x Edo x Johan)
All three of these characters I ship more with Judai than with each other. That said, while Ryo/Edo is kind of a weird one for me, I can see both of the Johan ships here so it’s still a decent combination. I’d take it.
Quipshipping (Manjome x Kenzan x Sho)
The way I picture this is Manjome munching popcorn while Kenzan and Sho fight. Sounds pretty dysfunctional but also funny so I’m down for it.
Quizshipping (Judai x Tsugio)
I think I know exactly who that character is without looking it up just based on the ship name. But just to be sure.
*One Opera search later*
Yup. This was a one off duel but a really fun memorable one for a guy like me who loves game shows. Not my go to but I’m glad it exists and that it has this name.
Reapershipping (Juudai x Tachibana)
Another one off character, and one I don’t remember so I have no interest in this ship.
Rebirthshipping (Amnael x Daitokuji)
This is just Daitokuji with himself so nope.
Refinementshipping (Jim Cook x Misawa)
I don’t see the connection.
Reflectionshipping (Mizuchi x Mirror Mizuchi)
Again with the selfcest. No thanks.
Reflectorshipping (Darkness x Fubuki x Judai)
Ah yes. Judai murdered their lover. May the Darkness demon rest in pieces.
Can’t get into this ship in any genuine way, but at least it’s funny.
Repayshipping (Judai x Manjome x Yubel)
For Judai, I imagine this would work out just fine but it really does depend on Manjome and Yubel getting along and Manjome… is definitely one to hold a grudge. So I’m not sure about that. Could still work though.
Researchshipping (Yusuke x Misawa)
They’ve never met and I can’t really see a situation where they would. Not my thing.
Retconshipping (Darkness x Yusuke)
This would definitely explain some things about season 4. /jjj
Not my thing though.
Retireshipping (Edo x Manjome x Judai)
Pre season 4 or maybe even post canon, this is a fun combination of Judai and two of his rivals. Considering season 4 though, Edo is Manjome’s boss which I’ve mentioned is uncomfortable. Like I said earlier, if Manjome quit and took one of those other offers, it might be fine. So I’m mixed on this one.
Reunionshipping (Supreme King x Yubel)
Gonna actually be interpreting this as Judai and Yubel’s past lives. I don’t know if that’s actually what it is but a lot of these ship names don’t seem to be used nowadays and I’m using them more for organisation purposes at this point. Plus I just want to talk about Judai and Yubel’s past lives. We don’t know much about them, as we only see the one flashback but in that flashback, Yubel is willing to endure a horrific looking process and take on the form of a monster just to protect Judai. Meanwhile, Judai didn’t want them to hurt themself to protect him but after the fact, vows to love them forever. That’s just the right amount of touching and tragic for me and I really wish we saw more of these past lives. Maybe if the whole season had Judai having flashbacks to this past life and that scene in the season 3 finale was actually just the reveal that the person he was seeing the whole time was Yubel? I think that would’ve solved the problem people have of that decision of Judai’s being rushed. I never had a problem with it personally but this would have been better I admit. Anyways, I dig this ship.
Revealshipping (Edo x Sho)
Don’t see the connection here.
Rhymeshipping (Manjome x Junko)
I honestly always mix up Asuka’s two friends whose only interest is making sure GX doesn’t pass the bechdel test. I think Junko had a crush on Manjome though? If she did, then sure this ship makes sense.
Rivalshipping (Manjome x Judai)
Yeah, I like this one. Always enjoyed their dynamic after Manjome joined Slifer Red. It’s a fun one, though I’ll admit I prefer Fusion, Spirit, and Soul.
Rockyshipping (Jim Cook x Judai x Johan)
I love this one. These three are all the same breed of dork and canonically hit it off well so I’m very supportive of them as a throuple. It’s silly and cute and sweet.
Ruinshipping (Darkness x Light of Destruction)
I agree. These two should stop fighting and just kiss. For the good of the universe of course.
Sacrificeshipping (Amon x Echo)
This is a plotpoint: Echo repeatedly says how much she loves him, it’s pretty much her whole motivation, and Amon at the very least claims he loves her, because sacrificing a person he loves was the requirement to control Exodia. That being said, they are also very much intended to be an abusive relationship. Amon is intended to be selfishly using Echo’s love to benefit himself. It’s twisted and horrible and exactly why I like Amon as a villain: he’s irredeemably selfish and borderline sociopathic and all of that leads to a very interesting villain to root against. I think the way he plays off and contrasts with Yubel in their duel is especially fascinating and makes Yubel almost seem sympathetic by comparison, which is definitely important to set up. So I like this pairing’s inclusion in GX. I think it makes the story and Amon’s character stronger because of the fact that it is a toxic relationship. I would never genuinely ship it but I’m glad it was included in the series.
Sakoshipping (Winged Kuriboh x Ojama Yellow)
No thanks. Winged Kuriboh deserves better.
Saviourshipping (Jim Cook x Judai)
I agree. They hit it off well and Jim was even willing to sacrifice himself in an attempt to bring Judai back from the darkness that had consumed his heart, something he couldn’t do but O’Brien followed through with. I prefer it platonically but I can see it romantically.
Scepticalshipping (Manjome x Yubel)
Can’t see this working out on its own. Manjome would definitely hold too much of a grudge against Yubel to even consider this.
Seasonshipping (Yusuke x Edo x Johan)
This seems a little… random but I’m not against it. I love all three characters so seeing them interact would be nice.
Sempaishipping (Judai x Sorano)
I see more of a connection between Sorano and Kenzan though I’m not super into either with him being so minor.
Serveshipping (Saiou x Manjome x Edo)
Power imbalances everywhere with this one. Yikes no.
Sevenshipping (Darkness x Amnael x Don Zaloog x Titan x Abidos x Taniya x Camilla)
So basically the Seven Stars, with Darkness instead of Fubuki, all in a polycule? That’s funny as a crackship but definitely wouldn’t work out.
Severshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke x Judai)
Love Yusuke/Fubuki, as I mentioned, and I adore Judai though him with them are admittedly some of Judai’s weaker ships. I could still get into it though. Decent ship.
Shadowshipping (Ryo x Yusuke)
They were implied to be friends before canon and while we never got to see them interact in modern day, I can still see this ship. Having not read or seen any fanwork of them, the way I picture their potential dynamic is Yusuke’s sensitivity bringing out Ryo’s softer side which sounds really cute. I dig.
Shakeshipping (Fubuki x Misawa)
Not sure these two ever interacted? Though it’s definitely possible with how many episodes there are. Still don’t really see it though.
Shallowshipping (Fubuki x Momoe)
It would not surprise me if Momoe liked Fubuki. Her… best friend’s brother.
…I’m surprised that PMV doesn’t exist with either of Asuka’s friends with Fubuki. Don’t care for this ship though.
Shockshipping (Makoto x Sho)
No, Makoto damn near killed Sho’s brother a second time.
Showbizshipping (Fubuki x Edo)
Because Edo is a pro duellist and Fubuki has the attitude of a pro duellist? Yeah, I can actually see this one. Fubuki would be overly theatrical and get on Edo’s nerves which would be funny.
Shunshipping (Manjome x Misawa x Edo)
Can’t believe Arc V stole a name from a GX ship. Smh. /j
Manjome has duelled both of them but I still can’t really see this one.
Sidekickshipping (Kenzan x Hayato)
They’ve never met and just sort of fulfil similar roles in Judai’s friend group. At least that’s how I felt about it. It very much felt like Kenzan was replacing Hayato. Not my thing.
Singularshipping (O’Brien x Misawa)
They do both have calculating personalities but that’s about the only connection I can see. Plus I prefer ships with opposing personalities so this isn’t really my thing.
Smoochshipping (Sho x Dark Magician Girl)
This is the worst pairing that I have been presented with in this list, apart from the ones I disqualified. It’s fine when he’s got a one-sided crush but making it seem like he has a chance with this spirit he can’t even see feels like pure Dark Magician Girl fanservice which I have always found kind of creepy.
Snootyshipping (Ryo x Manjome x Edo)
They are all indeed snooty bitches. I know I have my problems with Manjome/Edo, but I’m actually down for this snooty throuple.
Soldiershipping (O’Brien x Jim Cook x Kenzan)
I like O’Brien/Jim but I don’t see what Kenzan even has to do with either of them?
Soulshipping (Yubel x Judai)
I may just be the biggest defender of this pairing and plot point on the planet. It’s definitely canon from Yubel’s end in the sub and at first, yeah, it seems extremely fucked up. Yubel seems almost delusional for the vast majority of season 3. The moment where it’s shown that they were in love in their past lives however made it click for me. Suddenly everything made sense to me and Yubel’s actions, which were also at least somewhat influenced by the Light of Destruction, were put into a different, more understandable light. It made sense to me. Reincarnation is something I genuinely believe in. This wasn’t some fantasy justification for Judai suddenly returning Yubel’s love, it felt real and genuine. Of course Judai has feelings for Yubel after memories of his past life returned to him: he isn’t just learning something he had no knowledge of. The way I saw it, all of those feelings and experiences from his past life were rushing back and hitting him all at once in that scene so it made perfect sense to me that he would choose to fuse their souls together. Yubel sacrificed something for him in their past lives and Judai loved them so much that he wanted to do the same to help them. Yubel was being tormented by the light of destruction. The strength of Judai’s feelings as expressed by his past life convinces me that he would absolutely want to put an end to Yubel’s torment, no matter what happened to him, just as Yubel did in their past lives. I get that to some people it feels rushed, I really do, and more could have been done to build it up without giving away this twist. However, the narrative gave me just enough for me to believe that Judai and Yubel’s love was genuine and powerful. It’s a beautiful scene to me. It shows love in its most powerful, most painful form and shows Judai’s growth excellently. I love this pairing and I always will, no matter what anyone says.
Spectrumshipping (Fubuki x Johan)
This one’s alright. I can’t remember them interacting on any level but I can still see it working out.
Spinshipping (Saiou x Johan)
I don’t like Saiou much in general so I don’t see any appeal of this ship.
Spiritshipping (Johan x Judai)
My… either second favourite or tied for favourite ship in GX. I have less of a personal connection to Spirit than I do Soul (though that being said the Spirit/Soul fic I wrote was what made me realise I’m polyamorous) but Spirit does have more moments between the two characters. They’re really about even for me. I love Judai and Johan’s interactions and bond in season 3 and 4. They’re very cute and sweet and get along really well. I love them.
Spotlightshipping (Fubuki x Judai x Edo)
Take what I said about Fubuki/Edo and add Judai. I love Judai. He makes everything he’s in a million times better so he makes this ship better too.
Squealshipping (Fubuki x Junko)
Same as Fubuki/Momoe. Wouldn’t care for it but it wouldn’t surprise me or even upset me.
Staffshipping (Daitokuji x Emi)
Don’t see the appeal.
Startershipping (Winged Kuriboh x Ruby Carbuncle)
Enemies to loves 100k slow burn startershipping fic when? This sounds so damn funny. I’m down.
Stormshipping (Fubuki x Manjome)
Honestly the first time I saw that episode where Fubuki gives Manjome advice on how to seduce Asuka or whatever, I remember saying out loud, “I think I’d rather ship these two.”
And to this day, I still do. It’s cute, they spend a lot of time together and seem like at the very least good friends. The “master” thing is a little weird but it’s funny so it gets a pass.
Strengthshipping (Saiou x Kenzan)
Saiou with the one guy who couldn’t be brainwashed into joining his cult? That would be kinda funny.
Stridentshipping (Kenzan x Ryo)
Don’t see this one since Ryo had already graduated by the time Kenzan was introduced.
Sturdyshipping (Kenzan x Misawa x Tania)
But. But why though? No.
Superiorshipping (Edo x Johan)
Yeah sure why not? There’s potential with this dynamic, partially through Judai, but also their connections with their cards.
Sweetshipping (Sho x Momoe)
I feel like this one is a big no for me since one of their only interactions is in the episode where Momoe, Junko, and Asuka all accuse him of being a pervert for an honestly justifiable reason. So nope.
Swoonshipping (Edo x Momoe)
It wouldn’t surprise me if she called him cute, Judai called Edo cute after all. It��s not enough basis for a ship for me though.
Tchotchkeshipping (Trueman x Pegasus)
Well they are both villains. Former villain in Pegasus’s case though and they have entirely different motives so I can’t really see this one.
Teachershipping (Samejima x Chronos)
I get where this comes from but I’m too far into my “hating the principal as a meme” joke to get into this, especially since Chronos improves overtime and principal guy just gets worse. Also, principal guy is his boss so there’s a clear power imbalance.
Tealshipping (Ryo x Johan)
This one I actually got into kinda recently. I don’t remember how, I think it was just from seeing posts of it on Tumblr randomly and thinking it was cute. Because it is. It’s big stoic emo Ryo thinking the dorky sweet creature that is Johan is cute. Opposites attract ships are cute to me dang it.
Tempshipping (Chronos x Daitokuji x Napoleon)
Daitokuji was very dead by the time Napoleon first appeared in the show so I can’t really see this one.
Tennisshipping (Mitsuru x Judai)
I hate Mitsuru’s guts though I admit it would’ve been both funny and horrifying if he pulled an Alito after his duel with Judai and jumped ship from crushing on Asuka to crushing on Judai.
Tetranshipping (Judai x Gin)
“For a white, you’re a pretty interesting guy.” That’s the only thing I remember and not gonna lie, it’s a pretty solid foundation. If only Gin hadn’t fuckin died.
Thirdshipping (Martin x Rei)
I like this one. Their interactions in canon are minimal but enough to convince me that they’re friends. They’re both so much younger than everyone else at the school (or at least I assumed that was the case with Martin) so I think it’s sweet that they have each other. Also they were friends in my trans Rei fanfic and I can’t help it.
Thoughtfulshipping (Misawa x Sho)
Sho kinda bullies him in season 2 which is what makes him eventually turn to the Society of Light so I can’t see this one at all.
Thundershipping (Manjoume White Thunder x Manjoume)
Manjome: *sees his brainwashed self*
Also Manjome: God I am so hot.
Yeah, that sounds like the cringe-fail Manjome I know. Still don’t like the ship though :P
Thwartshipping (Darkness x Saiou x Judai)
The harsh darkness and light of destruction fighting over the gentle darkness boy. That sure is something. Not my thing but funny.
Tigershipping (Misawa x Tania)
Oh jeez here we go. Never thought I’d tell this story.
The first time I watched GX and saw Misawa adamantly refusing the idea of romantic love, my first reaction was to headcanon him as aromantic. So… you can imagine my disappointment when he started randomly falling for Tania the more she flirted with him. Now, obviously, headcanons like that for me aren’t that serious, especially the aromantic ones. I headcanoned both GX Ryo and Zexal Rio as ace/aro for a while before going back on the aromantic part, likely because I’m not aro myself. Believe me, my problem with this ship isn’t a short-lived headcanon being debunked: it’s the fact that the first time I saw GX, I assumed she was way older than him. She looks like she’s in her 30s and Misawa is irrefutably a minor. Tania is a huge creep if she actually is that old. The fandom seems to disagree with me on that though and assume Tania is younger since this is a fairly popular ship. And I don’t think Tania’s age is ever mentioned so if that’s how you interpret it, that’s fine. I just can’t agree.
Toastshipping (Misawa x Johan)
I could kind of see it? I don’t remember them interacting but Johan can get along with just about anyone so most of his ships feel probable in my mind.
Toppleshipping (O’Brien x Yusuke)
Can’t see this one after all the shit Trueman, Yusuke’s… comrade(?) did to O’Brien.
Topshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Judai)
…why is it called that? Whatever, I like all these individual ships so slapping them together sounds good to me. I dig it and stuff.
Traitorshipping (Saiou x Manjome)
Oh jeez the power imbalance with this one is horrendous. It could never feasibly be a healthy relationship. So I can't get into it.
Tremorshipping (Saiou x Sho)
This also sounds rather imbalanced, though maybe not quite as drastically depending on how you look at it? Still don’t like it.
Triangleshipping (Pegasus x Chronos x Napoleon)
Shoulda called it Threewayshipping /j
Not my thing though.
Truemanshipping (Trueman x Trueman Clones)
Okay I know I said no selfcest shipping but uh… it’s fine as a crack ship. This is a crack ship that I can get behind because it’s funny.
Twilightshipping (Judai x Dark Magician Girl)
Absolutely not. I hate shipping Dark Magician Girl, yes that includes Mana, with anyone.
Twitchshipping (Darkness x Judai)
Nope, that’s just a demon Judai killed.
Undeadshipping (Abidos x Camula)
Hey Abidos was at least somewhat kind-hearted. Camula though was just pure evil. So I don’t see how this would work.
Unfathomableshipping (Ryo x Fubuki x Sara)
Well that’s an incredibly accurate ship name because where the hell did this come from? That one-off line? That implied nothing about Ryo so this is just confusing.
Unmaskshipping (Judai x Ohara x Kohara)
I like Kohara and Ohara but more so with each other than with Judai. Judai has much stronger relationships with others that are more fun to ship. Not a bad ship, I just have other preferences is all.
Vanillashipping (Saiou x Ryo)
…I’m really really really really sorry, I truly am but I have to say it:
These two seem like anything BUT vanilla.
…and unfortunately, out of every Saiou ship, that means it has the most appeal to me, even if just in a stupid memey way.
Vertigoshipping (Fubuki x Junko x Momoe)
Shipping Asuka’s two female friends with her brother. Sure what could possibly go wrong?
Volcanoshipping (Darkness x O’Brien)
No. After how badly Darkness’s lackey screwed with O’Brien in their duel, this is a hard no.
Voltageshipping (Jinzo x Judai)
No, Judai deserves better than someone who tried to kill him.
Wallabyshipping (Jim Cook x Sho)
Nah, not my thing.
Waxshipping (O’Brien x Fubuki)
Don’t really see the connection here?
Wingshipping (Avian x Burstinatrix)
I mean admittedly, I would see this one if not for the Rei introduction episode where Avian and Sparkman berate themselves for falling for a girl.
Woeshipping (Fubuki x Yusuke x Manjome)
Yusuke having two cringe fail boyfriends who cringe fail date each other and him is pretty peak not gonna lie. I love it.
Yellowshipping (Kenzan x Misawa)
Honestly outside of sharing a dorm, they really don’t have anything in common? So this ship doesn’t particularly interest me.
Zooshipping (Fubuki x Judai)
Still really wanna know the story behind this ship name. We’re ending with a good ship in my eyes though. I like this one.
And now since I covered quite a few ships, here are my top 5 favourites:
#5 Jurassicshipping
#4 Fusionshipping
#3 Maskshipping & Stormshipping
#2 Spiritshipping
#1 Soulshipping
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bowtomytimeladystars · 3 months
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HAPPY PRIDE MOTH!This are my oc*s
1.Lizzie/Johnny-trans(ftm),ace(Lizzie was his nickname when he was a girl)
2.Jim-Bi(Has a crush on Lizzie/Johnny)
3.Cris-Lesbian(Has a girlfrend)
4.Dave-Aro Ace
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fanonsupremecy · 3 months
RomCom idea: Adam Sandler, Dwayne Johnson, Jim Carey and John Cena play californian bachelor roommates (Joey, Corey, Dewey and Davey) who for some reason have to coparent 2 twin teen girls from texas (Enid, an alt girl bordering on goth with a hint of punk whos obsessed with yungblud, falling in reverse, carolesdaughter and MOD SUN and Eva, A super girly colorful bubbly optimist and hopeless romantic who true to her texan roots is in love with country music and is obsessed with scotty mcreery, tenille art, kane brown and kacey musgraves) AND adam sandlers character and dwayne johnsons character fall in love, john cenas character is ace and jim careys character ends up with a character played by megan fox named Delia. Also kevin james and kevin Hart make an appearance as Arty and Darnell who are high-school sweethearts and joeys best friends from high-school and theyre always bickering but about endearing things and they own a lawfirm together and are renowned lawyers. idk who plays the twins maybe Olivia Rodrigo. Just her she plays them both. But she has to be able to do a thick texan accent. Maybe the twins end up in their care because their mom is dying and says corey is their dad so when she dies theyre sent to him except he has 3 roommates who end up fullhousing the shit out of the situation. theres some doubt that corey is actually the dad by himself but he ends up loving them and it turns out he IS the dad but some shit goes down and theres some "CoNcErN" for the girls and the situation but Arty and Darnell help him keep custody. The movie could be called how did we become girl dads, I would also accept this as a tv show. I would prefer it actually. Joey and Corey get married and get a house to raise Enid and Eva in and Davey lives with them too and helps out (so still fullhouse vibes) but Dewey and Delia get their own place close by when Delia finds out shes pregnant and of course Jack Black plays Enid and Evas new teacher who also moonlights as their counselor and the art club leader that their both in this whole time. and the whole time Davey gets asked why he doesnt date anyone by everyone but Joey, Corey, Enid and Eva and everyone else just doesnt understand when he explains that hes just not interested in sex or romance but then he meets Lane played Misha Collins who is also a sex and romance aversed aro ace and they enter a queer platonic relationship and eventually Dewey and Delia start to understand. I want Ryan Reynolds to make an appearance also but idk what his role would be. But it could be really funny if he was the case manager or judge. But idk.
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disappearinginq · 1 year
Show Recommendations: 
Star Trek Strange New Worlds: I love this version of Star Trek, this is like straight up fanfiction (the GOOD kind) come to life. It still addresses social issues, but instead of being dark and miserable, it’s very much hopeful. There’s time traveling, there’s body swapping, Spock-Made-Human, a MUSICAL episode. Jim Kirk shows up in a couple episodes, and I didn’t think I would like former Vampire Diaries actor playing him but I delightfully mistaken. They give Nurse Chapel and T’Pring personalities, all of the characters bring something to the table, and there’s like...next to nil romance. Spock and Nurse Chapel and T’Pring are about as close at it gets to romance, but it’s done well enough that I don’t mind. Also, I never thought I would love any captain as much as I love Kirk, but Pike is DANGEROUSLY close to becoming my favorite. 
Joe Pickett: game warden in BFE Wyoming with his wife and two daughters. Decidedly darker as far as themes go, but it’s weirdly non-graphic with sensitive subjects in a good way - like there’s no swearing, no nudity, and the second season deals with rape and murder but you see neither of them actually take place. Animals are clearly CGI’d when they get injured. But I love Joe himself - he’s one of those Will Always Do the Right Thing even to his own harm. He’s a childhood abuse survivor, and second season is like whump central for him - he gets shot with an arrow, severely concussed, field medicine, delusional in woods by himself on he the run from some psychotic backwoods type. AND - one of the only modern shows that has an adopted kid who is just IMMEDIATELY a part of the family. (Looking at you, Yellowstone, with serious judgement). You like the characters you should, you hate the characters you should, and everyone plays their roles really well. 
Justified: City Primeval - half the fun of this is that Raylan’s daughter is Timothy Olyphant’s real life daughter. Raylan is still his “Are You Serious Right Now?” dead pan self. Only two episodes so far, but I maintain if you liked the first series, you would like this one. 
Vienna Blood: This is probably my favorite out of the recommendations (other than Strange New Worlds but this is a very different vibe). It takes place in Vienna, Austria, in the early 1900′s and it follows Max Liebermann and Oskar Rheinhardt as they investigate various murders/crimes. Max is a psychoanalyst, Jewish, and English when all three are not good things to be at the time in Vienna, and Oskar has to make sure Max doesn’t kill himself with some of his plans. 90% of their interactions can be summed up as: 
Oskar: MAX, NO.  Max: MAX, YES. 
I think 99% of the people who watch it ship Oskar and Max, but I think Max leans a little more towards aro/ace than anything else and Oskar tolerates his BS. Oskar figures out very quickly he cannot prevent Max from doing Dumb Things, so he tries to make sure Max does the Least Dumb Version of Dumb Things. They try and set up romance for Max, but it’s pretty background and not much comes of it - and I actually only remember him kissing the woman he likes once? But there’s three seasons, 6 episodes each, 3 storylines told in two parts. 
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