#aroace erasure sucks
crabs-with-sticks · 6 months
just saw a whole bunch of fics shipping a canonically aroace character who is canonically sex and romance repulsed...just...why...you wouldn't do that to a gay or bi person would you? So why is aroace any different
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thecommunalfoolboy · 4 months
It’s crazy how many people just don’t understand why a lot of aro and or ace people don’t like that Alaster gets shipped. It’s not that hard to understand we don’t have a lot to let ourselves lose. I mean can you name 10 asexual characters? 5? Can you name two aro characters. There’s the guy from Archie who they made have a sex scene in a movie version. There’s a few books. I think a background character in Heartstopper? Do you see the theme here??? You’re all queer people, do you not get it? How it feels to have nothing? Is it so wrong to be upset that there’s finally an outwardly aroace person in popular media and instead of people embracing that they’re fighting on the internet about why it’s ok to ignore it? And I will never in my fucking life have anything against the people who are aro and or ace and portray him in THEIR experiences, even if it is a romance or sex favorable experience, but it is obvious that way too many of you guys are allo and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t even like him as a character that much, he isn’t even made by an aroace artist. The show isn’t even that fucking good, I just want to keep someone like me for once in my life. If there were a million other aroace characters I wouldn’t care, but it just hurts seeing erasure coming from my own community. It just sucks, man, I don’t know. It just sucks
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archivomeow · 1 month
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so with the Thunderbolts* trailer being leaked, i’ve seem edits and edits of it and many comments about winterwidow and bucky x yelena.
let’s start off with the fact that forcing winterwidow in the mcu is wild, ESPECIALLY with nat’s sister in the movies/enemy in the comics. like bruuuh.
i have a whole ass post that’s linked in my pinned post about why yelena is aroace, she’s heavily implied aro and confirmed ace.
and before i hear that aroace’s can date, qprs are a thing shit. i will actually go on a killing spree yall.
1. bucky’s role in the movie is minor as it was stated already before by someone i don’t remember who wtv.
2. yelena is aroace and if you don’t care you’re aphobic
3. qprs and aroaces in relationships are both a thing but yelena shows no interest in a romantic relationship and if they write her in one while keeping her aroace i just know it’s going to be a flop and aroace erasure, just cause aroaces can and do date doesn’t make them allo all of a sudden, they are still aroace just in a relationship, just like bi people in straight relationships aren’t straight and in gay relationships aren’t gay, they are bi, so they have bi experiences still.
Katelena also sucks ass and i hope we get ruthless comic yelena and yall hate her so i can love her and people who ship her can fuck off for once and all.
katelena sucks ass again because yelena is not a lesbian and says so herself.
“oh but comphet” 🥹
bruuuh. if there was a lesbian character who says “i’m bi” and everyone would hc her as a lesbian and say “but many lesbians people think they’re bi before they realise they’re lesbians.” you would be mad, cause that’s just wrong to say.
aroaces are queer they are a part of the lgbtqia
we are valid
we are nor broken
we don’t need romantic relationships or friends or family or a qpr to be fixed or normal
just let us exist i peace and have our little to no rep just like out attraction pls.
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aroace-ventplace · 1 month
Being in fandom spaces is honestly so exhausting. Because there'll be a character who explicitly expresses disinterest in sex and romance, and most of the fandom will headcanon them as gay/lesbian. Any aspec headcanon will get called homophobic or assumed to be coming from a place of "Christian purity culture" (no I'm not a Christian, wasn't raised Christian and am not from a Christian majority country. Your assumption is racist and xenophobic actually).
Then there'll be characters who are confirmed to be aro/ace. These characters are always shipped with literally every other character and shippers would be like "but aros can still date! And aces can still have sex!" But then you headcanon a character who used to be in a relationship as angled or oriented aroace, and the entire fandom will be like "but this character has been in a relationship before, so they can't be aspec!" These aphobic double standards are infuriating.
YEAH, i've seen all of this so many times i've lost count. i understand that the people who say these things want to see themselves reflected in characters they like, but... so do aspecs. why are our headcanons and interpretations of relationships always treated as less legitimate? why is canonical aspec representation and coding so universally ignored? why does existing as aspec in fandom spaces always have to feel like an uphill battle?
(...and sometimes we get to see new and exciting variations of aspec erasure when certain (allo) creators explicitly say it's totally fine to romantically/sexually ship their aroace characters. that's been a fun one to see play out.)
i stopped interacting with fandoms a long time ago - finding other individual people who don't just tolerate but are actually EXCITED to discuss aspec readings of series has been far better than any fandom experience i've ever had. still, it sucks that larger fandom culture is so hostile to anything outside of the norm (basically: shipping two cis allo white men) that so many people have had to splinter off into their own small groups. i don't have much hope, but maybe one day we'll get to a point where aspec perspectives won't be entirely erased in mainstream fandom. maybe.
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twofacedsystem · 11 months
i love the qsmp love the fandom aswell but ya'll have some serious problems with erasing peoples lore and treating them as a background character.
i have seen so much jaiden erasure and i understand you want to have this happy family scene with roier and cellbit but that is not an excuse to seperate her entirely from bobby she was his mother that will stay that way. you can make them what they have now which is roier and jaiden the parents of bobby and cellbit being the stepfather
i hate jaiden erasure with a burning passion especially when a reason she is cast aside is because she is aroace she has a beautiful character and it hurts me physically whenever she is ignored.
this isn't the only thing i have noticed just recently with bobbys return it has brought it up again. it sucks ass this fandom keeps on falling down same patterns and it hurts me so much please stop ignoring women i beg
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mini-jiminie · 7 days
No because again, leaving room for doubt is erasure and does invalidate them. They are literally out there showing us themselves in the show and you are still casting doubtful opinions about them. Are you insane? As another blogger said it’s like having your cake and eating it too. I don’t care if you’ve been here since 2017 or the year zero, doesn’t make a difference to the fact you’re invalidating them for your own benefit.
It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s just appreciating them as they are, respecting them. You’re answering asks about theories which have no valid basis, touting your opinion as fact, and it’s not. You don’t know they have been in other relationships, there is no evidence whatsoever, you’re believing a grainy video above everything Jikook have ever done, and that is homophobic, no matter what you say. You need to check yourself there. They literally spend the later half of 2023 travelling together and then enlisting and therefore there was no distance. They spent lives talking about each other, hugged like crazy at Hobi’s enlistment, went to Yoongis concert, they saw each other, so you think they made the decision for the show and enlistment in a vacuum? Grow up. You are the very definition of an insecure jkk, because you’ve also just said about JK being bi and with a women, that’s literally a paradox, bc he’s not going to leave Jimin if he loves him, for a women just bc you said it’s safer (again homophobic) and I’m sorry but that is so obvious, he’s obsessed) Jimin didn’t write letter for just anyone and get just anyone to sing on it, that shit meant something.
These men obviously have something incredibly special going on with each other, no matter your view point, or the aroace person or mine. Whatever we say or whatever our opinion has no mind to that.
They not only enlisted together but made this show for us to enjoy and all you keep doing is shitting on it, offering nothing more than doubt. You should truly be ashamed.
Suck my fucking dick omfg.
Yes, Jikook are gonna announce their very gay relationship through mf Disney+.
I’m only ashamed of the fact that I have to share this space with such shallow minded imbeciles such as yourself.
I’ve been replying to ‘controversial asks’ because, people like you are not the self proclaimed leaders of the tumblr Jikook space like you wanna believe you are.
You sound like a fucking cultist, did you know?
People can share their opinions whether you agree or not. Plus, bold of you to claim that I’m stating my opinion as fact when you are damn well doing the same thing.
Please touch some grass. Being so obsessed with two people who could give less of a rat’s shit about you is unhealthy.
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unoriginal-and-dumb · 6 months
PSA on my account and interacting with me!!
Please don’t come onto my posts and start talking about urrr… allosexual stuff!! As I hope you guys know by now, I am aroace!! And I happen to be like *SUPER* repulsed by that stuff!! (Not nearly as much for romance stuff but it’s certainly not my typical cup of tea)
ESPECIALLY if the post is talking about aroace stuff! I do not know why you would in good taste do that! Even if it’s not canon that kinda is just a weird thing to choose to ignore, So please don’t!
Please don’t take this as me trying to make people not enjoy the things they like, please continue liking what you want but I really do not want to be included in it
Maybe im being melodramatic but the aroace erasure is really insane, and it kind of sucks to see it every day, I try not to bother but when it starts directly affecting me (my account) that’s kinda a major bummer
This is actually why the ask blog has been dead for a bit, me and Mod ENO are both very aroace, seeing certain things have been really demotivating and it does kinda suck. Crazy thought but it sucks eggs to have your identity erased ignored or seen as a joke
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thealogie · 1 year
resident aroace following you for quite a few years here, wishing to address random commenters. the good omens issue isnt an allo issue- its a queer issue. unless the showrunners are going to explicitly say "they're in a queerplatonic relationship" (for ex in heartstopper) random people demanding them fuck and suck is not ace/aro hate!!! they're literally aroace-baiting you and then at the last minute they'll be just make them cishet! god this is the same issue with star trek and bi rep.
Literally you’ll be talking about your little show from the 70s (with zero canon queer people in it) having gay characters and people will be like…bi erasure. My brother in Christ there was nothing there to erase
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peonyblossom · 11 months
Ace Awareness Week Questionnaire - Isaak Vance
How/when did your character discover/realize they are ace? Isaak discovered he was ace in, like, eighth grade when he saw people talking about asexuality online. He only knew subconsciously though because he was in denial until about senior year of high school ("what if i really am just a late bloomer???" spoiler alert: he was not).
Does your character use any aspec microlabels? No, he just identifies as aroace.
Has your character come out as ace? If so, how/when? Yes, he's pretty out now. Unfortunately, he did not get to come out to his parents before they passed, but he came out to his brother after the events of ILB. He also came out to the friends he made that summer before he went back to school.
What is your character’s favorite thing about being ace? Isaak's favorite thing about being asexual is the fact that he doesn't have to worry about any of the negatives of having sex (i.e., STDs, unplanned pregnancy, etc.). He's had some friends who had some problems like that and is super happy he doesn't have to worry about it.
What is your character’s least favorite thing about being ace? Ace erasure. In media, in real life. Some people just don't believe him when he explains it, some people think something's wrong with him. It all sucks.
Is your character in a relationship (i.e., romantic, qpr, platonic, etc.)? Not currently.
How does your character feel about sex (i.e., sex-postive, sex-repulsed, etc.)? Generally sex-neutral, sometimes slightly sex-repulsed. He generally just doesn't think about sex, but he doesn't like when other people talk about it with him.
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aspecpolls · 5 months
Hey so as the anon who sent the poll on how everyone felt about finding out they were aro, I have two things.
1) hi mod, if I forget some folks and end up not creating poll options for them, feel free to just edit it in. I really wouldn’t mind, as an aro allo I get that erasure sucks and I’d rather be corrected on it than just have it slide. That’s my take tho, I can’t speak for everyone who sends something in. Probably not helping that I’m staying on anon but eh idk.
2) everyone else, ye I realize that those three were kinda reductive categories, I was just trying to make it quick and knew I couldn’t fit the full range of potential thoughts and feelings in a tumblr poll, mostly I asked that thinking of how many times I (an aroallo who felt relief at the realization) have encountered other aros who were genuinely upset about it like “I’ll never get to feel the feelings my allo friends experience" as well as the allos who are like "I'm sorry you'll never feel ~true love~" (don't be, in fact keep it away from me) and the ones who are like "don't worry, you'll find The One some day!" (I cannot express in words alone how much I do not want that). So on some level I was wondering how many aros felt what I did and how many were like the ones I met. But also wanted something to show just how wrong arophobic allos are in acting like we're pitiful because surely I wasn't the only one who was just super glad to figure out I did not have to date anyone ever. But also wondered how much being aroace vs aroallo affected it? Judging from poll results so far, it doesn't, so I might try again later with a poll that doesn't specify if you're ace, allo, or neither and just puts it in a numbers-based range of positive vs negative feelings with encouragement to expand on it in replies or reblogs. Thank you to everyone who voted and sorry to everyone who didn't get included in the last one.
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pageofheartdj · 7 months
I can just SEE from your recent posts that people are being jerks about the radioapple content :( if it helps I’m really enjoying it especially seeing an aroace character depicted as doing whatever the fuck he wants because he WOULD
The trolls may act as though anyone cares and the heheh now kiss games are dangerous somehow but I at least am thoroughly enjoying the puppet show
It's just really annoying and upsetting that people go talking about 'erasure' and being 'aphobic' because of how others play with dolls.
And it extra sucks because it's intentionally or unintentionally demeans a whole other side of the spectrum.
'It is erasure to portray ace character on demi side' well fucking thank you, I am sure demi people are totally fine to hear that they are not 'real' aces.
I am sure this might not bother everyone, but it bothers me.
not to fucking mention these characters are just 2D toys oh my GOD it's not that serious but they are making it serious for no normal reason
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eerna · 1 year
I am genuinely so! pissed! that they even made that tolya and inej interaction in episode 8! Tolya IS aroace and stated himself in book!canon that he doesn't want a relationship, and inej would NEVER just casually accept his hand like that without dissociating. Which is basically aroace and trauma erasure in a single shot. And then coupled with the fact that they put the no armour line in the same episode it's like she's ditching kaz??? After the hallucination scene they just make her basically leave him? No I'm not okay. Not to mention that the no armour scene didn't have the same impact as it did in the books, no hate to freddy and amita, the entire buildup to that scene was botched. I have a lot of problems with this season but that one shot is what bothers me most as someone who is both aroacespec and can't be looked at by boys in the streets without wanting to have a panic attack
I'm very sorry it made you feel so horrible. At first it was funny because it didn't feel like something the writers would actually pursue, but after seeing the comments they made,,,,,,,,,, Blergh. Not funny anymore. I can def relate to the pain you describe, and while I worked on myself and managed to deal with it, it still sucks to see erasure happen and be lauded as progressive or whatever
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partiallochnest · 2 years
Lore Olympus rant because it's horrible and so mythology inaccurate
Lore Olympus as a plot is so fucking dumb
I know someone is going to say something like "Oh BuT LoRe OlYmPUS iSn't sUpOsEd tO Be MyThOlogy aCcuRate"
Here are some of my least favorite inaccuracies
-For some dumbfuck of a reason a lot of people have been saying Hades and Persephone are so happy and noncreepy because she willingly went to the underworld- WRONG! The version where she willingly went to the underworld was written in 1949 and the Author didn't want to explain assault to her 5-year-old daughter. In both Greek and Roman times she was written and drawn as sobbing, and in several hymns, it was said that you could hear her cries from the underworld. It's kind of like Medusa, it's ok to care more about the assault version, but everything before Ovid's Metamorphosis stated that she was born a Gorgan. Just please know the original sources.
-Made Apollo the fuck villain, even though in actual myths Helios was the sun god AND Apollo and Persphone have no myths together. AND Apollo is such a cardboard cutout villain, yes while I get he was an incel and pos in actual myths, MAKE PERSHPONE BEFRIEND HIS VICTIMS THEN LEARN ABOUT HOW MUCH HE SUCKS! IT'LL BE MORE INTERESTING AND MAKE IT CREATE TENSION BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD BELIEVE PERSHPONE AND HER FRIENDS AND HE CAN BECOME A BIGGER AND BIGGER PROBLEM!
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oflgtfol · 2 years
genuine baffling take to think being alloaro is some immoral failing when everyone else can have casual sex just fine. like. the hatred and dehumanisation of aro people is STARK 🤔🤔
and the kicker is this person is aroace themself! but well, emphasis on the ace part of their identity i guess
so you see why i, as an aromantic person, am alienated frequently from the ace community for a variety of reasons: from the not entirely unpopular sex negativity that really makes ace people no better allies than allo people on certain fronts, to the centering of asexuality and lack of recognition for (and sometimes even erasure of) aromanticism in wider aspec discussions, to just. so many other little aggravations that add up over time
and i hate talking about this because when it comes down to non-aspec people clowning on the aspec community then i will stand by and defend aces, and i dont want to add fuel to the fire by publicly complaining about the ace community. but i am also so sick of having to tiptoe around this and then anytime other aro people finally speak up and complain about it you get aces crying and wailing and claiming acephobia or that aros are “splitting the aspec community”
meanwhile when non-aspec people start clowning on aros specifically, instead of aces, it just sucks so bad when aces don’t defend us back, and sometimes even join in on it. its all around so aggravating and it sucks!
and yes, all of this applies to aroaces too, unless youre one of the few who are aroace but prioritize your aromanticism (which may or may not be me, since my sexuality is just one big question mark), in which case you likely have experienced all this yourself as well despite also being ace (as i did!, back when i still identified as ace - and in fact, experiencing this was a major step towards me no longer IDing as ace)
anyway i went to go check on the thread and it looks like it was deleted lmfao 😭😭 i can still see the comments though so here’s how it all looked. everyones just tearing op to SHREDS
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tikycuki · 1 year
some ppl are upset with me because of the doors aroace thing so lemme explain.
Taking canonically aroace characters and changing their sexualities is what I'd consider aroace erasure.
We aroaced barely get any representation so it sucks to see characters in our fandom that are like us be taken away, if u get what I mean. (Pur only Canon rep is spongebob and perry the platypus)
Personally, I don't mind it, But some people might. Representation matters.
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pennyngram · 2 years
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The “Greek looking thing” is called Valle dei Templi and it’s in Sicily. In case the UK viewers are wondering.
19 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
"Tell your friend that when that time you suck from my wound so swiftly the poison of the gangrene from that knife that our other friend, too nervous, let slip"
Excuse me what.
23 notes - Posted September 2, 2022
My latest obsession is Legally Blonde and I’ve been reading a lot of comments under the song “Gay or European” from the musical arguing that this song erases bisexuality. So I thought about it and:
The fact that the *bend and snap* didn’t work on Mr Argitakos implies that he is not attracted to women, therefore he cannot be bisexual. But at the same time it doesn’t imply that he is attracted to men.
Dear readers, this song does not erase bisexuality but rather asexuality. And what I find ironic is that the whole “bi erasure” discourse further erases ace people instead.
Now, listen. We can all agree that while the song is a bop, its depiction of queerness is completely centered on stupid stereotypes and a product of its times. It will be very interesting how they will deal with that once they inevitably make a mediocre remake of the movie but in the meantime we can’t change the bulk of the story.
But we can change a small detail of “Gay or European” to, in my opinion, avoid ace erasure in future productions:
having Emmett perform the *bend and snap* during the interrogation to both confirm that Mr Argitakos is actually gay and distract him before dropping the “and your boyfriend’s name is” question.
Just like tike they did in this Coastal Carolina University production of the musical:
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