acemdzsfan · 3 months
Sometimes I think I'm not actually AroAce, and then someone asks me if I have a partner/implies I might be pregnant and my instantaneous response is:
Oh, god no. Please stop. Nope, nope, n-o. Gross
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when-is-tuesday · 11 months
me when parents are being homophobic transphobic aphobic biphobic nbphobic and sexist and intersexphobic
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deadaldipshit-jpg · 2 months
genuine question, why does the pjo fandom constantly make artemis a lesbian, or put her in relationships with the hunters? like genuine question. cause none of the hunters are in romantic or sexual relationships. i know in the beginning it was just no relationships and maidenhood with respect to men. but emmie and josephine literally left the hunters because they were in love. theres no love allowed when you are a hunter. so why does everyone assume that they are dating ech other?
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viago-vamps · 1 year
hey! being aromantic and not asexual does not make you a slut. i think you’re cool <3
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krogerkryptid · 4 months
Ace/Aro Identities in Media and Fandom
Alrighty I am jumping on the choo choo train of discussing this topic because OH BOY do I have little big thoughts. As someone who identifies as both asexual and aromanitic I would like to say that that is the perspective I am speaking from. I experience no sexual or romantic attraction and while being open to being in a queer platonic relationship sex would never be a part of it and neither would many aspects of romance. All the words after the cut!
Now to the fun and funky part!! OH MY GOD laddies, lassies, lairds please when something is canonized respect that. You know the joy you felt when your identity was seen on screen for the first time and you felt seen and heard? It's the same for me and for many who identify similarly. Those are big steps in inclusion and allow a lot of people to understand themselves sooner and with less stress and fear. Representation is IMPORTANT regardless of if it's something you identify with or not. Because when it comes to be your turn to see yourself in something I would hope everyone affords you the same courtesy to allow you that joy. Now on to talking about wronguns. As much as I wish to give everyone the benefit of the doubt I have seen aspec people pushed down the metaphorical stairs more times than I can count. This isn't to compare to other identities this is not the oppression olympics and nor will it ever be frankly we're all in this together to create a better world for all of us. If you are comfortable with ignoring ace/aro identities when it comes to shipping and speaking about their character but WOULD NOT do so for other identities that is something that you should deeply think about. In addition to this every person is allowed to experience their identity differently. Some asexual people have sex, some aromantic people date etc. etc. but that doesn't mean that can be taken and applied to every person to make them more palpable for the masses. Some people DON'T want to have sex or be in relationships and that is something that should also be respected. People need to understand that using the "oh well some people are ok with those things!!" is not the win you think it is. Because also some people ARE NOT and that is a core part of who they are and is not something that can be changed. Do better to understand both sides of this coin and if the creators and character in the media has stated that they are ace/aro work to understand that. To the Ace/Aro people and the people who got this far congratulations! I wrote lots of words in a fit of thoughts to place on my little blog and sometimes that is hard to read so thank you! To the aspec crew particularly you are all so incredibly wonderful where ever you fall and you deserve to see yourself in media without it being ignored and pushed aside! I genuinely am so happy to be able to be a part of the community and hope to be able to see so much more of us in the future.
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icechippies · 2 months
I love having OCs because I can say that supernatural creature with a face full of teeth and one (1) messed up eyeball on the top of their head is canonically aromanitic but not asexual
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I can't believe I tried writing RELATIONSHIP DRAMA for Harry Potter fanfiction as an 11 year old who had never dated anyone and future aromanitic.
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glacialblogs · 1 year
Pride month 2023: Aro Zero
First image of pride month. For those wondering, yes Zero is  canonically aromanitic. When thinking of how to write his character for my webcomic, I thought “why not make the main character aro”. Plus I thought it could lead to some comedic moments with another character in the story. Also, I know the colors and placement aren’t one to one with the flag but theres only so much you can do when doing this late in the month in autodesk sketchbook.
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hueningkoi · 4 years
Hey I know you did this for being nonbinary but I'm not sure if you've done anything for being aromantic.... I was wondering if you could explain kinda how you found out you were aro? If you don't want to that's totally fine! I've just been questioning myself for a long time now & it's still so confusing
Okay so my aromantic identity is the identity I am the most 100% about. I am full aro. There's no ifs ands or buts about romance for me lol like it's a NO. And I actually have gone into detail about how I know I'm aro before but finding that post would be a nightmare thanks to tumblr lmao so I'll go through it again in a heartbeat if it helps a fellow aro!!!
1. I have never had a crush before. I have had ppl I thought were crushes but it turns out I just really wanted to be their friend!!
2. I used to make up crushes to fit in. All throughout school ppl would talk about crushes and ask me about my crushes and when I'd say I had none ppl took it way worse than if I pretended so I remember going through year books by myself and finding a cute person and telling everyone that was my crush even though I honestly could not give a fuck about them that way 😂
3. I have always hated romance movies and books. Like romance as a genre has always been my least favorite ever
4. The biggest clue for me..... So. I've dated a lot. Like... a lot. And I realize now that it was me overcompensating. Because I didn't know what aromantic was so for years i thought I was... broken. And I forced myself into relationships to fix me. But they never lasted longer than 3 months and every single relationship was ended by me because they made me hate my life. No joke. Being aromantic and forcing yourself to date is a hell I would never wish upon anyone. When I learned what aromantic was I cried because I finally knew I wasn't alone!!! I haven't dated ever since learning about the identity and I am happier than I have ever been 💖
I feel like I have more about this but rn my brain is working at half the capacity it normally does. So pls send asks about this so I can answer more about aromanitism!!!!
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the-quiver-of-aros · 4 years
I just saw pictures of myself when i was ten and a bunch of the comments are that I am such a cute little girl (trans so that’s fun) and that my mom is gonna need a shot gun and some other stuff about the boys need to stay away.
Well one, I know my hair was amazing but like no thanks cause it’s gonna stay gone. Two, They got their wish everyone stayed away and are going to stay away because of aromantisism.
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mcusic-to-my-ears · 5 years
Nobody: ...
Me: My zucchini gives the best hugs and is the most kind, honest, perfect person I have ever met and I will kill for him
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kore-queen-of-hades · 5 years
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A day late but I have some plans for pride months so lets kick it off with my LGBT ocs 
Sorry if you give a shit about my webcomic, this kinda has a spoiler
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timsstoker · 3 years
me yesterday: romance? nasty. no thank you. happy with close friends and found family vibes. do not perceive me in a romantic light. i do not exist.
me today: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhng hold,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hand,,,,,,, k iss
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deadaldipshit-jpg · 2 months
I honestly hate how characters who dont like the opposute sex are automatically assumed to be gay. I hate it even more when the character explicitly shows no interest at all in any gender.
for example reyna from hoo was the first fucking aroace coded chracter i ever saw in a book. she was one of the first chracters to finally make me feel heard. i finally felt like there was a chracter i could truely relate to and who understood me. and i might sound like a bitch, but i absolutely fucking hate when people make her a lesbian. thankfully its rare to see her in a hetero pairing. but seeing her in a queer pairing isnt any better.
there are so many other chracters who would work better in queer parings, so why does it always have to be the aroace chracter.
Ive also noticed that its more common for a female aroace chracter to be put in lesbian pairings way more than male ones. correct me if im wrong though.
the aroace rep is so fucking rare anyways, so please stop putting them in relationships. while there are aroace people who want to be in relationships, not all of them want to be in a relationship, and they dont have to be you first pick for one.
im just so tired of seeing aroace chracters constantly being changed to fit ships. this might be very bitchy put for the fucking hell please stop.
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pothosgrowing · 2 years
Valentine’s Day as an aromanitic person is *strange*
Its like a whole day is just dedicated to a seemingly universal feeling that I just don’t feel
Its wack and usually tends to make me a bit sad
but I do have plenty of supportive friends and they always make me feel better :D
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morro-wants-a-pie · 3 years
Morro time guys holy shit
One of the shortest characters, and that's definitelly his big complex
Asexual/aromanitic demiboy
His green strand of hair is in 100% natural. He and Wu were always confused about it a lot. At some point Morro thought that it's a prove that his a green ninja. In reality, i like to hc that this is a characteristic feature for masters of wind, but the difference is that its usually much more paler.
Boy loves Samurai stuff, like a lot. Samurai aestetic, history, weapons, movies, everything. They would always ask Wu if he could tell him more and more stories about them. Some of them were made up, cuz Wu had much more extensive knowledge about ninjas rather than Samurais, what was pretty basic. He tried to learn smth more tho, for Morro, cuz dada.
He likes only one type of tea, what is the most basic one. The rest for him is disgusting. Wu do not approve.
Hates comedies with a burning passion. Idk he just does.
Likes grey, a lot. But also pale colors are his piece of cake.
Speaking of cake, they hates it. Overall Morro rly dislikes sweet stuff. Prefers salty food instead.
Loves fish! And seaside! Especially when there's no sun, just cloudy wheather with strong wind, he loves it. They and Wu would sometimes go there of summer vacation.
Easily angry, but also easily scared. Scary house or horror movies or anything related to hallowen : big no no for him. Not in the same level of Kai or Jay tho.
Ok now angsty ghost headcanons time
Kinda canon, but they died at the age of 15/16
Cause of death was gas poisoning in caves of despair. He was alone, with no chance of being saved, dying slowly. It is not a pleasant memory for them.
The cursed realm was a nightmare for him. Every second of living there was basically and literally hell.
Anger and jealousy at destiny, at Lloyd, at everything, was equal to his disappointment and regret for Wu.
Possesing Lloyd body was kinda hard. Rly hard. Extremaly hard, and uncomfy. Like, Lloyd was able to look into his memories too, it wasn't nice.
All of it was for them exuasting. He used to have hallucinations bc of it. Rly weird ones.
When they decided to say "imma die in the ocean now" the pain was comparable to jumping into a bathtub with caustic acid
Now he's just chilling in the departed realm don't worry, he's save.
Also hot take ig, but i don't think they would have such a great bound with Harumi???? Like, i think he woudn't want to even talk to her that much, not bc they dislikes her, but bc he doesn't care.
Ok back to the more fluff stuff
Definitelly a cat person. They would adopt every single cat they met.
On the opposite, he hates dogs. I think that he would have some sorta trauma related to them.
Used to know Ronin. Both of them were homeless at some point and tried to find some food together.
When he gets angry, his face is rly red. Smth like Amity from Owl House i think.
*sighs* Emo boi
Used to have garden with Wu. Not with flowers, but with vegetables and stuff like that.
Not messy boi in the slightest. Quite opposite i would say, they are much more perfectionist type. He also rly likes to clean, its relaxing for them.
He would also kill you for a mess.
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