#arthur spies on merlin
marsafter-dark · 7 months
Makes myself piss laughing as I imagine a modern AU where the plot is that Merlin becomes head of the movement to unionize under Uther.
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onceandfutureclotpoll · 4 months
Title: The Bet (The One with the Las Vegas Wedding)
Author: Detochkina
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Merlin Emrys is used to living life on the go. As an agent for the Agency of Magic, Merlin’s days are consumed by travel, exotic locations, and battling a faceless rival -- an officer from the competing Bureau of Corrections, who is always hot on his heels and ready to one-up him.
When Merlin is sent on a mission to Las Vegas to secure a powerful artifact, he allows himself one night off. Just one, because he bloody deserves it. Drinks and foreplay lead to a bet with a hot financial advisor he just met. Merlin ends up as a newlywed. Oops.
Part Two:
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Did you miss out on part two? No worries, click here: youwhoooclickmehere
It's so obvious to everyone but them, they're literally married without being married:
Merlin's missing, Arthur's panicking, who could've kidnapped his most precious love manservant!? He rages in despair, throwing chairs and items off the table then he hears his beautiful soulmate's enchanting manservant's voice:
"Arthur? I'm back—what the fuck is this mess!?
"You were gone, Merlin!"
"It was only for a day! I told you where I was going and how long I'd be gone!"
"A day too long!!"
"Arrrgghh! You insufferable prat!"
Merlin was cold until he wasn't. A warm blue cloak engulfed him as a large familiar hand snuck under his tunic to rub his tummy before it pulled away. Merlin looked behind to see his prince, somehow Arthur always knew when he was feeling cold.
"I wish someone gave me their cloak to warm up." Gwaine mumbles before being elbowed in the stomach by Leon whilst the rest of the knights quietly chuckled as they watched over their sovereign and his favourite manservant.
As the Crown Prince it was his duty to take care of Camelots citizens but none more so than the well-being of his darling manservant who refuses to listen to him to take a damn rest. Arthur has no other choice but to throw the idiot over his shoulder and shove the younger man into his king sized bed conveniently forgetting Merlin has his own bed to rest upon.
When Arthur's sick Merlin is there attentively by his side, gentle and caring, although he absolutely abhors being ill it is in these moments he truly appreciates his dearest friend and one of the only times he hears Merlin sing sounding heavenly to his ears which of course he'd deny thinking so when he's not bedridden.
They need a distraction, something to catch the evil nobleman off-guard when they received a message from one of their spies that the nobleman is attracted to pretty twinks aka Merlin, therefore said manservant bravely volunteered himself which the round table knights immediately disagreed but none more loudly and quite vehemently than Arthur because he's possessive protective of his precious love manservant. Cue in oblivious merthur arguing and the knights making bets on who'll win the argument this time.
I cannot with these fools, when will they confess their intimate feelings towards each other!?
Find out in the next episode if they do 😘
Over here: clickmelover
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larluce · 8 months
Arthur travels back in time to save Merlin (from becoming a tree) AU
The king of Camelot goes to visit his magic tree before his next battle. This isn't new. He always visits it. But it will be the last time he does it.
Arthur: (caressing the bark of the tree with a hand)It's finally time. I'm sorry it took so long. (sighs) And I'm sorry I have to do this.
He knows he's being selfish. Camelot is better than ever, his people is happy and yet he's going to war, risking this era of peace. A war he knows he won't come back from. But it's necessary.
Gwen: (arriving) Arthur...
Arthur: I won't change my mind, Guinivere
Gwen: I know. I just want to understand. Arthur, why? The price is too high and the chance it might work too slim. And even if it does work, you are risking that everything you know, everything you built will never happen.
Arthur: It's a risk I'm willing to take. I can prevent so many things from happening, not only Merlin's fate, but Gawain's, Elyan's, Lancelot's-
Gwen: Don't pretend you're not doing this just for him, Arthur, I'm not a fool.
Arthur: ...
Gwen: He wouldn't want you to do this. And you know it.
Arthur: Yeah, well, he didn't care about what I wanted when he made that stupid deal.
It's been ten years since Merlin saved his life and was cursed to be a tree forever as a payback. He was now a majestic beautiful tree in the royal garden and the most valuable national treasure in Camelot due to its magical properties: It could give fruits with the ability to cure all ills and the most serious wounds, but also could give ones with the most letal poison. Its wood was the finest. Once it let some branches fall for its king before an important battle and the weapons that were made with them are still as good as new to this day. Though Arthur did his part, he knows Camelot probably would not have obtained the title of the greatest, richest and most prosperous kingdom if it weren't for his Merlin.
However, not everything was sunshine and rainbows. Like every treasure it was also coveted by everyone who wanted to use it for their own selfish purposes. Kingdoms envious of his power sent spies to try to steal its fruits, its branches and even to try to cut it down to leave Camelot defenseless. Others even tried to invade Camelot just to posses the magic tree, but Camelot's army was the strongest in all Albion so they never could and soon they stopped trying.
There was a time they almost got too close though. Once Arthur found a man holding an ax stuck deep in Merlin's trunk. He has gone so mad with fury, he almost beat the man to death if it weren't because his knights stopped him before he made the final blow. He was still livid after that, but he let Gwen handle the man's trial, because he knew he wouldn't be reasonable in the state he was in. In the end the man was sentenced to beheading. It was what the law decreed since touching the King's tree was by law an act of treason. The king who sent the spy had to make a public apology and give monetary compensation to avoid a war. Arthur did make sure the spy's head was cut of with his own ax though. Later, when he was alone with his tree, Arthur cried because he almost lost Merlin again. The king apologised to him over and over again between sobs and cried until he fell asleep at the tree's roots.
It was then when it hit him. One day he would die and there won't be anyone to protect Merlin from greedy people who will only use his power for their own gains. Merlin would be at his new owner's mercy and the one after that, and the one after that, forever without being able to do anything about it. The mere thought made Arthur sick to his stomach.
No, he won't allow that to happen.
Gwen: (with teary eyes) Aren't we happy?
Arthur: Don't say that. You have always made me happy.
Gwen: (laughs weakely) But he made you happier, didn't he?
Arthur: ...
Gwen: You never told me. Which were Merlin's last words.
Arthur: I love you... he said I love you.
Gwen: Oh... (smiles) I get it now. Alright I'll help you. Just promise me something.
Arthur: Anything.
Gwen: Don't feel bad if you can't prevent other people from dying. In fact, you don't have to do it. Just save Merlin.
Arthur: But-
Gwen: No, you have done so much for this kingdom and sacrifice so much. (cradling his face) You owe us nothing and you owe me nothing, alright? Just be happy.
They hugged each other tightly and they share their last kiss and I love you before Arthur finally went to bloodiest battle he'll ever had in his life. And, after killing 100 hundred enemy soldiers with his blade, the king of Camelot died at the early age of forty.
Later Percival and Leon retrieve the king's corpse and bring it before their queen who doesn't share a tear despite being broken inside. She orders for his late husband to be buried next to his tree instead of burned in a pyre, proclaming that's what the king would have wanted. The real reason however is more complex than that.
The night after the funeral, she secretly brings the druids her husband consorted for years to the royal garden for the ritual to be made. Before the tree, as was planned, is the Ancient Round Table of the Ancient Kings.
Druid1: A sword with the blood of 300 hundred man.
Gwen: (gives excalibur to him)
Druid2: Three dragon scales.
Percival: (gives them to her)
Druid3: And the corpse of a king. We have everything.
Leon: Will this really work?
Druid1: This ritual had only worked once in the times of the ancient kings and only because it was done by three of the most powerful sorcerers of that time. We are not that powerful.
Druid2: However, we have a great magic source (she points the tree). So it might work.
It worked! That's Arthur's first thought when he opens his eyes again and finds himself in his room 20 years younger.
HIII!! First of all I want to thank you all for giving the first post so much love! I was truly shocked because I didn't think the AU was that good, so I'm really glad you liked it. I hope this kind of sequel/prequel? was of your liking too.
I don't think I'm going to make this a full fic yet, but I can make snippets like this about this AU until then.
What else would like to see happening in this AU? Let me know in the comments or reblogs ;)
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regulusrules · 6 months
Tags for BBC Merlin Fics
Since this post of general tags seems valuable, here is a specific one for my fellow Merlin readers and writers!
Can you guys believe that there are only 34K fics in our fandom that are tagged? When we have 62K+ fics!! There are so many hidden gems out there that honest to god changed my LIFE and deserve all the recognition in the world
So here is a guide for what are the most used/searchable tags in our fandom!
For Canon Era Fics
Merlin's Magic Revealed - Magic Reveal - Arthur knows about Merlin's magic - Arthur finds out about Merlin's magic - Episode Tag (for example: s01e04: The Poisoned Chalice) ((all episodes have a tag, and it's important to mark which setting are we in from the start)) - Merlin is Emrys - Merlin Needs a Hug - Protective Knights - Merlin dies - Everyone knows about Merlin's magic - Arthur-centric - Merlin-centric - Golden Age - Magic Ban Lifted - Merthur - Post-Camlann - (character's name) Lives - Arthur has magic - Merlin's Scars Revealed
For Reincarnation / Modern Fics
Arthur Pendragon Returns - Modern Setting - Modern Era - Alternate Universe - No Magic / Historical / War / University / High School / Reincarnation / Office / Authors / Royalty / Fantasy / Soulmates / Spies - Doctor Merlin - Businessman Arthur - Professor Merlin - Artist Merlin - CEO Arthur - Teacher Merlin - Actor Arthur - Musician Merlin - Lawyer Arthur - Writer Merlin
For Characters
(trait is followed by character's name. eg: Hurt Arthur)
Merlin: Hurt - BAMF - Immortal - Protective - Court Sorcerer - POV - Dragonlord - Pining - Oblivious - Powerful - Dark - Prince - Sick - Consort - Kidnapped - Caring - Top/Bottom - Royal - Tired - Sassy - Competent - King - Angry - Sad - Parent - Soft - Worried
Arthur Pendragon: Protective - King - POV - Pining - Prince - Caring - Hurt - Jealous - Soft - Worried - Oblivious - Confused - BAMF - Dark - Guilty - Smitten - Possessive - Angry - Top/Bottom - Parent - Insecure - Touch-Starved - Smart
Gwen: Awesome - Queen - POV - BAMF - Caring - Hurt - Protective
Morgana: Good - Evil - Redeemed - BAMF - Protective - POV - Awesome - Dark - Queen
Mordred: Good - Evil - Hurt - Protective - Kid
Gwaine: Protective - Hurt - POV - Pining - Awesome - Worried - Caring
Lancelot: Protective - Hurt - Supportive - Lives
Leon: Immortal - Long-Suffering - Protective
Elyan: Protective - Hurt - POV - Lives
Percival: Protective - Hurt
And remember to tag ANY triggering topic you will be writing about!
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achillesuwu · 1 year
I saw a wonderful post with 1500 yo merlin that time travel back to Camelot & he hates the fact that there is no coffee, no plumbing,...
Hear me out.
Merlin and post return Arthur that BOTH came back to Camelot but it's Arthur that HATES it
Arthur that lived for 30 years in the modern world & got used to it (but at the same time not totally because Merlin is an old man and his home look a lot like your grandpa's home if your grandpa was 1500 yo if you see what I mean. )
Arthur that simply can not live without his morning coffee and simply hates the fact that Merlin doesn't need it (the peak of being a warlock)
Arthur that got used to live in a magical house that was 100% rats-free (except for that two 150 years old pet rats that Merlin keeps, don't ask him. Arthur stopped asking questions about sorcerer and their familiars when Merlin's Owl began to speak. It's rats free where it matter aka NOT in his (their) bed) AND kind of half alive magical house (what do you mean he has to GET UP and ASK to someone to get his warm bath?!)
Arthur that lived his best life with 0 responsibility (except one or two magical quest here and there & the need to feed merlin's (their but Arthur has a dad-getting-a-pet-he-didn't-want behaviour about it) dragons) with his immortal bf/husband/he-is-half-of-my-soul-as-the-poets-say and now has to share his home with other people AND with assholes, spies, assassin's,... Lurking everywhere
Arthur that now understand why Merlin hates it so much when someone think he is a 20 something years old and why he never left the house without his old man/60 years old appearance
Basically Arthur at first being like "it's so nostalgic :D" then "Merlin, I don't care what you do, I want our home back😩... What do you mean we CAN'T!?! I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS?!? "
(this post is somewhat a fellow-up from Merlin actually living for 1500+ years and kind of merlin not looking 20 years old because he is old)
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were-wolverine · 1 year
merthur fic recs
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8163464 soulmate au, can’t lie
https://archiveofourown.org/works/689934 merlin returns to camelot
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43117?view_adult=true truth spell
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19323070 merlin being spoiled
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19259113 tales of emrys
https://archiveofourown.org/works/413847?view_adult=true post it notes
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11882160 boyfriend test, protective morgana
https://archiveofourown.org/works/958295 chocolate and spies
https://archiveofourown.org/series/1449505 merthur at Hogwarts
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18741493/chapters/44456014 heartstrings soulmate au, morgwen, arthur knows abt morgana and merlin’s magic
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26148382/chapters/63619297 lord!merlin, oblivious arthur
https://archiveofourown.org/works/29127561/chapters/71505519#workskin court jester merlin
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6092269/chapters/13964185 THEE merthur fic, modern au, arthur returns (my all-time fav)
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Title: Nimueh spied on Arthur in the scrying bowl as he approached the Balor forest 🌳
Source: Merlin novel; “The Poisoned Chalice”
I tagged: @tansyuduri
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tansyuduri · 29 days
OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT! Gwen as Camelot Spymaster!
You can expect this in a lot of my fics worlds now. Because it's litteraly perfect for any world she doesnt become queen. First of all Gwen is very observant. She's the first one to notice the water is back during the unicorn curse. Her instincts are amazing she often knows when characters are badies and is the only character Gaius cannot gasslight
Gwen knows the people. She knows how they feel and their points of view. Her servant status (even if she is no longer a servant at the time of being spymaster) means she got a great feel for knowing people. And watching nobles behind the scenes. She even seems to know people from places other than the city of Camalot (for example Mary in the Lamia Episode) She does spy like gambits as we see in the first espisodes of season five. Shes able to convince someone she is Lady Morgana for days! The only reason she is cought is because her hands are grabbed and are servant's hands and uther payed no randsom. The only times she ever messes up in a spy like things are the season 3 final when she goes to Arthur. And Morgana knows about it since she expected it. Or when Morgana realizes her feelings for Arthur. But Its Morgana, they litteraly grew up together. I dunno if anyone else has read the tricksters series by Tamora Peirce (which goes into spying) But I feel like many of the things it mentions as important for spies are shown in Gwen. Gwen has the pottential to be an AMAZING spymaster. I mean she would have to learn more about it and such but she would be SO GOOD at it based on raw talent. Way better than any other character in Merlin. I feel like it would also make her happy. Its an outlet for her inteligence and instincts. We see the potentail she might have for it IN SEASON 1 and it just gets stronger as the seasons go by!
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thank you so much, I shall answer these prompts NEOW
21: Fics you wish you could find more of?
Oooohhh more fics involving Gwen, that's for sure. When she's written right she's one of the strongest, most relatable characters imo, 'cause all she wants is for the world to be right and just and kind and everything wants to prove her wrong, but she won't back down from her views. I would also adore more Elyan, just in general. And complete rewrites of the show 'cause the one I'm reading right now is so good I might do one as well. Also modern au's where they're all like secret badass spies or smth, 'cause those are so fucking cool (i am accepting fic recs for ALL of this, please feed me y'all)
24: Everyone knows that fandom doesn’t like uther but what are your feelings about gaius?
I think 1) we need more concrete info about how he was when he was younger, but 2) i think he is severely complicated and wanted what was best of merlin and morgana, but failed the two while also giving them a ton of love. With morgana, he just didnt want her to pursue her power lest she become uther's next victim, cuz gaius cares for the pendragon siblings like his own. With merlin, he was just trying his best with his overpowered nephew, who alos has a destiny regarding his people's genocide's son, and he just doesn't know what to do half the time, kinda like merlin. I didnt like how he lied to merlin n morgana, how he gaslit her and how he made merlin hide and become so anxious abt his magic (and we see what that looks like season 5), but i get it. I really get it. I dont know what i wouldve done if one wrong move could mean the death of two kids he considers his own. I bet he was scared all the time and hated himself for it.
27: Modern Merlin headcanons, if any?
OH BOY. OHHHH BOY. So many. It really depends on what au i have for modern merlin, but I'll give you a few generals:
he's a teacher of sorts; i like the idea that he's kinda collecting magical anomalies and teaching them how to understand their powers and being, since he knows what its like to be afraid of urself, so he's a personal magic teacher. I also rly like my magic elementary school au, since its merlin teaching magic to a bunch of kids, which is adorable
he has officially one cat, a black one called Midnight, that accidentally became immortal along the way and now hes severally attached. I say officially since hes also friends with any other animal that he might come across and they recognise him if he passes them again. disney princess fr
he's figured out his gender and he can turn into a woman if he wants; she looks exactly like merlin, same height, same weight n muscles, the hair is longer cuz merlin likes it that way and her voice is deep and gorgeous
his favourite weapon is a staff or any long distance fighting weapon of the sort; also he looks cool as fuck fighting with it, but thats just a bonus
I'll stop here but i have SO MANY MORE
30: Side character death that makes you the maddest?
Elyan. There was, quite literally, no need for it. I was gonna say Lancelot, since we did not get enough of him, but his death made sense for his character. Elyan? What the fuck was that? It was just for pain and nothing else. What did it add to the story if not just a sad funeral scene and thats it? It just felt like they wanted him gone n found a way, and that pisses me off. I feel like him saving gwen and living would've given such a complex situation when she turns evil, 'cause what if she "confides" more n more in her brother, creating a rift between arthur n elyan, which then creates a rift between arthur n the knights, which would just isolate him further n make him suffer, which is what morgana wanted!! we couldve had protective brother elyan! I think i just wanted more knights in general.
Thank you so much for this ask, I yapped a fuck ton but it was funn
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A while ago some wonderful Merlin fans asked me for a pronunciation guide for the “Common Brittonic” words that Arthur and Merlin use in “And like the cycle of the year, we begin again”.
I put the name Common Brittonic in huge quotes there, because basically I translated English to Modern Welsh, then researched the Consonant and Vowel Shifts that occurred to the related Proto Indo European languages in the Proto Celtic family, and tried to reverse-engineer the spelling. After that, I threw in a bit of Cornish influence and Manx spellings, you know, as one does, just for fun.
If you’re interested in the actual state of Brythonic Linguistic Reconstruction, there are many scholarly articles about it. Take some headache pills before you read them though. The topic gets very deep, very fast, and that particular rabbit hole has no bottom.
Anyway, here’s what the words sound like in my head — more Cornish than Welsh, with a flowing Latin influence.
Chapter 5:
“Pwy ydysw swhi bobl?” - “Who are you people?” - “Pwee DIH-SIHW swih bow-bull?”
“Bedh syon diwydd yma?!” - “What is happening here?” - “BETH-see-on dih-WHEETH-ee-mah”
“Merlin, a ywn schi?” - “Merlin, is that you?” - “Merlin, a-EEWAN she?”
“Nizh zhwi yn breuzhwetio?” - “Is this a dream?” - “Nizz ZWEE-een brayz-WET-cho?”
“Na, nizh ythych yn breuzhwetio” - “No, this is not a dream” - “Nah, nizz-HEETH-itch ee-in brayz-WET-cho”
Chapter 13:
“H’ud oyr awyr ar daear?” - “What on earth is it now?” - “Huh-DOE-ee-arr aweer arr-DAY-arr?”
“Merlin! Ble edech c’hi!” Damniasech, ble wyt ti!” - “Merlin! Where are you? Damn it where are you!” - “Merlin! Bled-ECK chee? Dahm-nih-sech, bleh WIT-tee?”
“Rydw i yma! Fod yn dawel!” - “I’m here! Be quiet!” / “Ree-DWEE-mah! Fow-DEEN dah-well!”
Chapter 14:
“Galwch barhau idal mi en avr, ni galweh shi?” - “Can you understand the words I’m saying” - “Galwich bar-how-ih-dall mee-in aver, nih gal-weh she?”

Chapter 18:
“Ror gora idos silus arnint!” - “Stop staring at them” - “Roar GORRIDOS sillus ar-nint.”
“Nid spi oed inos silus arnint!” - “I’m not staring at them” - “NID spy-oh-wed innohs sillus ar-nint!”
Chapter 29:
“Rhifegh ahn gifarweh.” - “Familiar yet strange. Known yet unknown.” - “RIFF-ehh gahnn gih-FAR-wehh”
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Hi! If you're still accepting asks I'd love it if you would write a Merlin fic! I love all of your writing, but I've been missing your Merlin fics recently! Whatever you want to write is fine, though I humbly request lots of h/c :) – anon
Hi!!! :D I've been reading your Merlin fics for a while now, and I absolutely ❤️LOVE❤️ them all, especially the ones about Leon (he's my FAVOURITE). If you are still taking requests, I was wondering if you could write something about Leon feeling left out or not quite apart of the group during training one morning and how that would affect him mentally. I feel he'd either hide himself away in work so no-one would notice (because he feels like he would just be a burden), but I'd love to see what you think would happen. I was also thinking that one of the Knights (maybe Gwaine? 🙏❤️) could notice and try and help Leon. Maybe begin to bring him out of his shell. Thank you, and I hope you have a great day. :D ❤️ – IntenseDreamer1
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: leon/gwaine
Word Count: 3947
It is not uncommon for the Knights of the Round Table to have their own separate training days, nor is it uncommon for Leon to notice his...distance from the rest of them. It starts to grate on him after a while. Gwaine has something to say about that.
It is not uncommon for the Knights of the Round Table to have their own separate training days. Typically the days for the rest of the knights are spent going over fundamentals, things that are useful for fighting in larger-scale battles or at the very least, in much larger groups. Ones that will have different members, ones that are subject to change more regularly, or even ones that will play to their various strengths and weaknesses as knights and warriors of Camelot. Common too are the days for the newly-minted squires, where they are taken under the wing of a supervising knight to learn the basics of swordsmanship and how to maneuver in a suit of armor for the first time.
But for them, they are a unit. They work together, more often that not, and form the iron fist around the King himself when he goes out on patrol, or on a hunt, or even inside the walls of the castle if the need arises. As such, they must work on developing their skills in conjunction with one another, how to determine each other's needs in the heat of battle while holding their own. They are a single cohesive warrior in these moments and they must be able to trust each other as such. There is no place for rifts between them, nothing that must stand between them as brothers or as men. They work together, they fight together, they stand together.
At least, Leon likes to think so.
He is not unaware of his station, as the last of Uther's knights among the King's inner circle, and as the only noble-born knight who accepts his status. (Gwaine is another matter: noble-born yet would happily pretend for the rest of his life that he wasn't.) He has an unconventional relationship with the King; there are a few council members who would happily see him dismissed as a knight for how close he is with Arthur, several more who would have him join their ranks permanently as would be fitting for someone more like an older brother than a knight of Camelot. And further still, he is aware that his presence typically means an end to some of the joking and jesting. He's been lamented as the end of all fun things more than once, especially where Gwaine and Percival are concerned.
So, when he arrives to the field precisely on time—if anything, he is a few minutes early—and spies the others already training, he simply blinks and readies himself to join them. A moment later, however, Arthur spots him and the jovial grin on his face fades to something almost like a grimace, before his courtly manners settle in place and he gives him a deep nod.
"Leon. Good of you to join us this morning."
"My apologies for my tardiness, sire," he says with a slight bow, "I didn't realize the time had shifted."
"You've nothing to apologize for, we've not done anything important yet." Over his shoulder, Elyan snickers and Lancelot steps on his foot to shut him up. "We're to train with staff and mace today, does that suit you?"
"Perfectly." Though as he slides his glance to Merlin, who is most definitely not outfitted with the proper padding or armor to be their training dummy, he hesitates before picking up the staff. "Are we sparring with each other?"
Arthur gives him a curious look. "Well, I'd hardly expect Merlin to be much use."
The others chuckle and Merlin rolls his eyes. "The day you lot can make it through a whole day without hitting yourselves in the head trying to do some stupid trick with them, then I'll believe you actually know what you're doing."
"It's not as easy as it looks, you know."
"It doesn't look easy at all."
"Well," Arthur mutters, "what would you know?"
Merlin narrows his eyes as Arthur turns his back and a moment later, a staff mysteriously ends up right in front of where Arthur needs to walk, which means he gets clocked in the ribs. The knights snicker as Arthur lets out a grunt and Leon rolls his eyes fondly. He's long since passed the time of worrying about Merlin's magic bringing harm to Camelot, but he does wish the man would be a little more discreet about it in front of everyone else.
(He'd brought the others in for a quick word in the armory once he overheard them talking about it and informed them none-too-kindly about what their fates would be if they dared speak out against Merlin. He was quickly reassured that not only would they never dream of doing such a thing, they would be happy to join him in 'educating' anyone else who would be so misguided as to view Merlin as a threat.)
"Pair up," Arthur says, drawing his attention back to the present moment, "let's try a few of the warm-up drills."
Percival and Elyan turn to each other, each settling into a ready stance. Gwaine affectionately ruffles Lancelot's hair a few times until Lancelot shoves him away with the butt of the staff and he laughs. Leon adjusts his own grip, ready for Arthur to square off against him, but Arthur isn't even looking at him. Instead, the King walks away, commenting on Percival's form, hitting Gwaine on the leg to get him to actually wise up and focus, leaning against the table where Merlin's cleaning the maces to watch and observe. Leon stands there for a moment. Was…was he supposed to do something different? The instruction had been to pair up, and the others had done so—he must not have realized that Arthur didn't intend to take part in this first drill.
Instead, he draws the staff closer to himself, switching seamlessly into another form. There is always room to improve his footwork—these past few times they've been on hunts, the uneven terrain has led to more close calls than he would prefer. He shifts his weight back and forth, feeling the way the staff moves in his hands. He stops to correct himself a few times, running the same turn back and over again until he can move fluidly from it into another thrust without faltering.
"Didn't realize this was dance practice."
He pauses, looking over. The others have stopped what they're doing, watching him. Gwaine's grinning widely and he can spot the others trying and failing to hide smiles behind their hands. He is far too experienced of a knight to let the shame burn on his face, so he tucks the staff to his side and shrugs.
"We're an odd number if Arthur's not participating. I figured I would practice my footwork."
"Hoping to catch the eye of some fair courtesan?" Gwaine punches him on the shoulder. "You been holding out on us?"
"I doubt there's a person in all of Camelot you've not tried your charms on," Elyan says, and Percival snorts.
"Why limit it to just Camelot?"
"Alright," Arthur says, putting an end to the teasing for the moment, "Leon's right. We should be working on our footwork as well. The last thing we need is to trip and impale ourselves on our own swords."
Gwaine groans, shooting a glare at Leon as he gets into position. The others make similar mutters of discontent as they start running through the drill Leon was just doing. He tries to ignore them and keep working at his own pace, but he can feel their eyes on him now and he can't help glancing over to see how they're doing. He should know better, should be better: how many years has he spent on this field, learning that the only performance he should be focusing on is his own? And yet—
"Sod this," Elyan mutters a few moments later, "I'm going stiff just standing here. Let's try a bout. No better way to learn than on your feet."
Arthur quirks an eyebrow but nods, immediately getting into position. Leon and the others quickly move out of the way. Something tugs at his chest as he watches them spar—would Arthur have practiced the first drill with him if he had asked?
He shakes it off almost immediately. It isn't his place to ask, the King had his own idea of what the training should be, and as such, it was their duty to carry it out. If the King had decided he wasn't going to do the warm-up drill, then Leon would not ask if he would do it with him. He was not a squire, he was more than capable of determining something useful to do.
Still, the feeling lingers as Arthur spars with each of the others before he gets to him, and even then, Arthur looks surprised when Leon steps into position.
"Ready, sire."
Arthur adjusts his grip and sets his jaw. He raises the staff and they're off, moving about each other as the clacking wood fills the field. The drill is working; he can feel his turns becoming more fluid, able to keep his gaze on Arthur instead of checking where his body is in space. They move faster, faster, until Arthur accidentally overextends on a swing and he ducks under it, planting his weight and shoving Arthur off his feet.
The King hits the ground with a thud and a grunt, and Leon's immediately offering his hand. Arthur takes it and—
He blinks. Surely…surely Arthur did not mean to scowl at him so. He helps the King to his feet and waits for something—a compliment, a critique, anything, but the King hardly looks at him a second time. Instead, he shakes himself off and puts the staff down.
"Maces, then?"
"Oh, thank God," Gwaine grumbles, "something actually worth fighting with."
Something is amiss, Leon thinks as he continues to train just on the periphery of the others. He is never forcibly excluded, nor do the others openly speak badly about him, but there is something there. A resentment, maybe? A grudge? A grating feeling against his armor that leaves him confused and off-guard. He does his best to push it away, leave it behind for when the weapons have been laid down, but he can't.
"That's enough for today," Arthur says when the sun is high in the sky, "who's hungry?"
"Me," Gwaine says, to none of their surprise, leading the way back inside, "let's see if Cook's lifted her ban from the kitchens, eh?"
"Don't hold your breath."
Leon lingers for a moment, helping Merlin take everything to the armory to be cleaned. He sets the maces down on the table and reaches for the rags.
"You don't have to do that," Merlin says, stilling him, "I can do it."
"There are the weapons of six men here, let me give you a hand, please?"
"Don't you want to go eat?"
He chuckles. "With Gwaine's appetite, I'll have to wait for a second round of food to be made anyways. Let me at least do something useful while I wait."
"Suit yourself."
They work in the quiet for a while, Leon shedding a few of the heavier pieces of armor to give himself greater dexterity. Merlin hums under his breath as he cleans the staff, setting it up on the rack to dry. They talk about how the preparations for the feast are coming, how Gwen and Elyan have seen greater success with the forge since a new delivery came in, and which servants are 'cleaning' the knights' quarters late at night. Leon does his best not to get too swept up in the castle gossip, but there is something about the way Merlin tells the most outrageous stories with a straight face that he can't quite ignore.
"But enough about all that," he says, not a few moments after regaling a fascinating story about bedsheets, a wagon, and a runaway horse, "what's wrong with you?"
"I beg your pardon?"
Merlin bumps his shoulder. "Outside, today. Something was wrong. What was it?"
Leon sighs. "Nothing, truly—"
"Don't believe that for a second."
"No, it's only that I was caught off-guard by the training. It's nothing for you to worry about."
Merlin stops, setting down his polishing rag and narrowing his eyes at Leon. "You and I both know that telling me not to worry about something is a guarantee that I will."
"I would never make such an accusation."
"Like you're not the same."
"I've got no idea what you're talking about," he says with a smile just to watch Merlin roll his eyes. "I'm sure you have enough to trouble yourself with, I wouldn't dream of—"
"That's what I said last time and you held me captive until I told you."
"I didn't hold you captive, Merlin."
"You sat on the edge of my bed and propped your sword up underneath the door knob to keep people from coming in."
"To ensure your privacy, of course." Now Merlin does properly glare at him and he relents, shaking his head and looking back at his work. "I…I feel foolish about it, but I fear I've behaved as a jealous squire today and I'm not sure what possessed me to do so."
"How so?"
"Oh, it's—" the closer he gets to saying it out loud, the worse it sounds to his own ears— "I did not have a partner for the first exercise, and when I practiced the drill, the others seemed to resent me for it. But that's ridiculous, I know—"
Something prods his side and he stops, looking over at Merlin. Merlin holds the blunt end of a scraper toward him, poised to poke him again. He raises his eyebrows.
Ah, yes, he recognizes what this is. Once, when Merlin had been upset and insistent that it wasn't anything to worry about, that it was his fault and his fault alone, Leon had said that for every unkind thing Merlin said about himself, he would poke him. He sighs, setting down the mace.
"I feel as though I have done something to upset them," he says quietly, "and I do not know what."
"I'll ask Arthur."
"Please, do not feel the need to—" Merlin brandishes the scraper and he raises his hands in surrender— "I only wish to say that you don't have to—alright, alright, you've made your point."
Merlin prods him twice more for good measure and knocks their shoulders together. "I'll figure out what's going on."
Never let it be said that Merlin is not determined when he sets his mind to something, for it is scarcely a full day before there's a knock on the door to his chambers. When he opens the door, Gwaine all but blusters his way in, holding a cask of wine and a bag of something sweet-smelling.
"You're upset," the knight says unceremoniously, "I'm here to help. I brought your favorite."
Despite himself, Leon drifts towards the table as Gwaine opens the bag. His eyes widen when he sees the spiced pastries from the sweet girl down in the city, still steaming. He eyes the wine and it isn't too hard to determine that one, Gwaine knows his favorite wine, two, that he was able to get his favorite wine, and three, that he doesn't intend to leave without making Leon drink at least a goblet.
"What is this for?" Gwaine kicks out a chair and he sits, reaching for one of the pastries. It tastes wonderful, so much so that he has to close his eyes for a moment. "Forgive me."
"Nothing to forgive." There's a hand on his shoulder. "You looked as though you needed to be cheered up."
"That obvious, was it?"
"Merlin kicking our arses into gear helped too." He opens his eyes to see Gwaine watching him with obvious concern. He moves his chair a little closer, pushing the pastries toward Leon. "He said you were upset about something that happened this morning, would you tell me what?"
Leon sighs, putting the half-eaten pastry down on the bag. He pinches the bridge of his nose. The warmth of Gwaine's hand, the gentleness of the question, it's enough to undo the worst of the knot in his chest, but not all of it.
"Have I done something to upset the rest of you?"
Gwaine draws back in alarm. "Upset us? No, absolutely not, what makes you think so?"
"None of you wanted to train with me this morning. And when I was doing the footwork drill—you seemed upset that Arthur made you all follow me."
"Upset for—God, Leon, no," Gwaine says, and now there's a hand on each of his shoulders, "do you know what you look like when you train?"
He frowns. "What I look like?"
"I wasn't joking when I said it was like dancing, Leon, you—" Gwaine huffs, and Leon had never believed that Gwaine of all people could look flustered, but here they are— "watching you train is incredible, alright? And the others will never let me live it down if they hear that I've told you that, but—"
"Wait." Leon puts a hand over Gwaine's. "You…so you weren't angry? Or thought that I was trying to…order you about, or something?"
"You know the reason Princess doesn't like sparring with you is because you'll either take it easy on him, which he hates, or easily beat him, which he also hates?"
"Arthur is a fine and accomplished warrior."
"True, but you're better than him at almost everything and you don't even have the decency to be smug about it."
Gwaine fixes him with a look. "Do you have any idea how bloody frustrating it is to be beaten soundly by a handsome bastard who's kind to you about it?"
"I don't—what do you mean, 'handsome?'"
"Oh, you have got to be taking the piss," Gwaine grumbles, scrubbing a hand over his face and muttering something that sounds like damn you, Merlin, before looking back at him. "You know you're handsome, don't you?"
He knows that there are plenty of courtesans and squires who stare at him when he walks by. He knows his status as First Knight is one of the few things keeping him from being inundated with marriage proposals. He knows he takes a certain amount of pride in his appearance. But Gwaine, Gwaine describing him as handsome without a trace of tease or flirt in his voice?
"Bloody hell, you don't, do you?" Gwaine sits back. "You really walk around like that and don't know how attractive you are."
"I hardly see what that has to do with—"
"You're an incredible knight, Leon," he interrupts, hand still firmly on his shoulder, "you're a brilliant fighter and an even kinder man. You're…damn it, you're the type of noble I wouldn't mind being if I decided I wanted to be one, alright? We weren't angry at you, we're not upset with you—well, I might be a little upset that you don't know how much of a handsome bastard you are, but that's not entirely your fault."
Leon blinks. Then he blinks again. "You…"
Gwaine raises his eyebrows. "Me?"
"How can you say that I'm attractive when you're—when you—" he pinches the bridge of his nose again.
He hears Gwaine chuckle low in his throat and braces himself. "You think I'm handsome too, don't you?"
"I hardly think it needs repeating out loud."
"Maybe so, but it's nice to hear." A hand comes up to nudge his away from his face and he looks at Gwaine, smile softened now. "You at least sure that we're not upset with you now?"
He swallows the lump in his throat and nods sharply. He can smell the slight spice coming from Gwaine and the allure of the wine still in the cask. Gwaine must see his gaze dart to it, for he leans back, reaching for a goblet and filling it.
"Here," he says, holding it out, and when Leon eyes it warily, he chuckles again. "Want me to check if it's poisoned?"
"I don't think it's…"
He trails off when Gwaine raises the goblet to his lips, taking a sip, holding his gaze. A low hum leaves his chest and he holds it out again.
"No poison."
"What," Leon asks weakly, "are you doing?"
"I'm here to help you feel better since our dear Merlin let us know you're feeling upset." He puts down the goblet, never breaking his gaze. "Aside from that, well, I'm flirting with you."
A sharp bark of laughter echoes around the room. "This isn't how you flirt. You—you flirt with brazen comments and crude jokes. You don't do whatever this is."
Gwaine hums, hand returning to his shoulder. "And what is 'this?' Do you mean this—" and he indicates the wine and pastries— "or this?"
The hand slides up to cradle Leon's cheek and this time he has no defense. The red heat blooms along the side of his face and Gwaine's eyes widen. He sets his jaw, waiting for the teasing to come, but it doesn't; Gwaine simply brushes his hair out of his face and tilts his head.
"You didn't exactly respond to that method of flirting, now, did you? Can't fault a man for trying something different. Besides," and here he slides the wine closer, "now that I know you think me handsome, perhaps I'm trying my luck."
"I'm no good at this," Leon blurts out. Gwaine barely flinches.
"At what?" Leon silently gestures around. "Well, I think that's fair—if you were good at this and as skilled a knight as you are, I doubt there'd be anything left for the rest of us."
Never has Leon felt this out of his element, nor is he immediately inclined to put an end to it. Still, he flounders, and something in Gwaine gentles.
"Am I making you uncomfortable?" He shakes his head. "Will you drink some of the wine, then? You look parched."
With a trembling hand, he reaches for the goblet. The wine is a relief and a new challenge all at once, settling heavily over his tongue. Gwaine's gaze rests on his face as he swallows, setting it back down.
"Very." He tests the words on his tongue before speaking them. "You seem like you're good at…this."
"I've had my fair share of practice, yes."
"Would you…teach me?"
A slow smile spreads across Gwaine's face and he leans in close. "It would be my honor."
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tora-the-cat · 8 months
the knights find (in the vaults? Or maybe receive as a gift from another kingdom?) an artifact that clean-slate-factory-reset wipes them of any enchantments or curses or general magic effects? And they all obviously think this is an amazing idea. They would be right except, of course, Merlin has been placing protective charms on them for years (and only most of them on purpose). Another thing Merlin did not-quite-on-purpose was subconciously enchant the knights (or maybe just Arthur) to not be able to connect the increasingly obvious dots between Merlin and magic. Arthur uses the magic washer and has two almost-immediate thoughts; Oh no, Merlin has Magic, and god DAMN it, that traitorous snake brainwashed me!
So Arthur like. Is heartbroken, but fully convinced that Merlin is secretly evil. He doesn't confront Merlin, choosing to hold off until he knew what Merlin's nefarious plan was, after all these years. He had so long to set things up, Arthur can't just dispose of him- who knows what contingencies or spies or allies he has. He meets with the round table to give them his findings, and they all slowly realize that Arthur's right and they were under the same spell (except Lancelot, who is sweating BULLETS), and feel verry betrayed and upset by all this.
Merlin, on the other hand, is painfully oblivious and confused. He didn't KNOW he had all of his friends under an anxiety induced mind control spell! He has no idea what's going on! It was a reflexive protection!
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earlgreyinpajamas · 1 year
Do you have any comfort fics? Like, fics where you’re having a bad day and rereading them makes you feel better?
1. match made in (heaven) by radioactivesunflower
“You are a client. This is my job. I’m not here to be your best friend. I am here to make the best match for you so you can find love. If you are not going to take this seriously, just leave. I have plenty of people who want my services.”
By this time, he had finished his little rant. Arthur’s smile was downright wicked as he leaned forward in his seat, holding eye contact with Merlin. “I was just going to do one meeting to please Morgana and piss off after, but you know what?” Merlin didn’t want to know what, as it sounded very bad for him.
“You intrigue me, Merlin. Let’s see you work your magic! Find me my true love, wizard boy.”
aka the one where merlin is a matchmaker and a big fat lair arthur likes to spend most of his time annoying merlin a love story between a matchmaker and client that share a past only one knows about
a newer fic but it gave me fuzzies when i finished so it has been promoted to comfort fic
2. The Proposition by fifty_fifty
Hit by another scandal and with the reputation of the monarchy hanging on by a thread, Prince Arthur finds himself in desperate need of an image rehabilitation.
When the press assumes his blossoming friendship with his maths tutor Merlin is more of a romance, his father proposes a proposition: ask Merlin to continue portraying a wholesome relationship for a few months to regain the prince’s reputation, and receive his university costs paid off in full in return.
With his image restored and a new beau lined up, Arthur is left with a difficult decision; bend to his fathers will, or defy him.
In the end, it’s not such a tough choice. Love always wins.
just them being in love + the ending also gave me toothaches therefore a comfort fic
3. With Flowers in Your Hair, With Courage in My Heart by Mischel (@magicalmischel) 
Merlin's magic has always been connected to his emotions, but when it starts reacting to his love for Arthur and flowers start appearing every time he looks or thinks about him, instead of a confession he chooses to pretend he has a magical cold. Arthur doesn't like it when Merlin avoids him though. And neither does Gaius. Or Morgana. Or Gwen. Or even the bloody dragon, it seems.
Sooner or later, they'll have to talk. And Merlin can only hope that Arthur won't mind the mountain of flowers they're swimming in because really, it's his fault for being so damn good-looking.
Written for the flower mini-challenge on the Merlin Fic Book Club server on Discord.
and this is angst free and full on fluff for a really bad day
Spies That Are Ridiculous by Celyan
James has plans for his Quartermaster.
they're in love. that's the plot
2. Third Valentine’s the Charm by Castillon02 (@castillon02)
The first time, Bond was in Rio from 3 to 16 February, and between him and 003 in Kiev, Q didn’t even think about Valentine’s Day until he was browsing the half-priced chocolate at his local Waitrose.
they're such dorks i want to keep them in my pocket forever
3. Casting On by storm_of_sharp_things
Bond and Q are delicately knitting a relationship together but Bond is far too free with gift-giving for Q’s taste.
asdhfjkjfhl bond
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best-tv-theme-song · 11 months
Round 1 is over, full results below!
Round 2 will start on Monday.
What are your most devastating losses this round?? Mine are Milo Murphy's Law, Gilmore Girls, That 70s Show, and Reba. (No respect around here for a single mom who works too hard who loves her kids and never stops)
Group A
The Addams Family vs. Fairy Tail
Sagwa, the Chinese Siamese Cat vs. Goosebumps
Wizards of Waverly Place (S1-3) vs. Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. Only Murders in the Building
The Backyardigans vs. Downton Abbey
Naruto vs. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Dexter's Laboratory vs. Kenan & Kel
Parks and Recreation vs. Jujutsu Kaisen
Danny Phantom vs. Pippi Longstocking/Pippi Långstrump
My Life as a Teenage Robot vs. My Hero Academia
Sabrina the Teenage Witch vs. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (S4-7)
Little Einsteins vs. The Benny Hill Show
Teletubbies vs. Ted Lasso
VeggieTales vs. Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir
Lizzie McGuire vs. The Proud Family
Steven Universe (Original Theme) vs. The A-Team
Group B
Doctor Who (New S1-2) vs. Charlie's Angels
Thomas & Friends vs. Bob's Burgers
Community vs. The Brady Bunch
Adventure Time vs. Ever After High
Seinfeld vs. Ranma ½
Batman vs. Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Monty Python's Flying Circus vs. One Piece (2023)
Friends vs. Rocko's Modern Life
Sesame Street (S1-23) vs. Saved by the Bell
Total Drama vs. Monk
Full House vs. Winx Club (We Are the Winx)
Looney Tunes vs. Murder, She Wrote
M*A*S*H vs. South Park
Pinky and the Brain vs. Happy Days
One Day at a Time (2017) vs. The Suite Life on Deck
Pokémon (Pokémon Theme) vs. The Andy Griffith Show
Group C
Gravity Falls vs. Milo Murphy's Law
Horrible Histories vs. Leverage
Neon Genesis Evangelion vs. Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers
The Simpsons vs. Samurai Jack
The Golden Girls vs. Wonder Pets!
Merlin vs. El Chavo del Ocho
Victorious vs. CSI: Miami
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic vs. Smallville
Good Omens vs. Good Luck Charlie
House, M.D. vs. Pride and Prejudice
LazyTown vs. The Big Bang Theory
Bob the Builder vs. Wild Kratts
New Girl vs. Infinity Train
Arthur vs. I Love Lucy
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles vs. The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
The X-Files vs. Pucca
Group D
The Fairly OddParents vs. X-Men: The Animated Series
Sherlock vs. Monster High
Spider-Man vs. Revolutionary Girl Utena
Orange Is the New Black vs. Hunter × Hunter
The Office vs. Angel: The Series
Law & Order (SVU) vs. Arcane: League of Legends
BoJack Horseman vs. Wonder Woman
Jeopardy! vs. Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody vs. Taskmaster
Totally Spies! vs. Yellowjackets
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia vs. Ouran High School Host Club (Japanese)
Yuri on Ice vs. Samurai Champloo
Ducktales (1987) vs. Charmed
Mister Rogers' Neighborhood vs. Shaun the Sheep
How It's Made vs. Tokyo Ghoul
Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! vs. The Emperor's New School
Group E
Kim Possible vs. Once Upon a Time
The Great British Bake Off vs. The Legend of Vox Machina
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs. Gilmore Girls
Animaniacs vs. Pretty Little Liars
Zoboomafoo vs. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
The Umbrella Academy vs. The Muppet Show
WandaVision (A Newlywed Couple/Ep 1) vs. NCIS
Reading Rainbow (1983-1999) vs. Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hannah Montana (S1-2) vs. Gilligan's Island
The Mandalorian vs. Dragon Ball Z (Cha-La Head-Cha-La)
What We Do in the Shadows vs. Inspector Gadget
Big Time Rush vs. Barney & Friends
Power Rangers (Mighty Morphin) vs. Young Justice
Futurama vs. Spy × Family
Succession vs. Bluey
iCarly vs. Code Lyoko
Group F
The Magic School Bus vs. Jackie Chan Adventures
Digimon Adventure (Butter-Fly) vs. The Last of Us
Star Trek: The Next Generation (S3-7) vs. Soul Eater
Zoey 101 vs. Xena: Warrior Princess
Dora the Explorer vs. We Bare Bears
Crazy Ex-Girlfriend vs. Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Star Trek: Enterprise (S1-2) vs. Mr. Bean
Sailor Moon (Japanese) vs. Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (S1-2) vs. Red Dwarf
Death Note vs. Phil of the Future
Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. El Chapulín Colorado
The Flintstones vs. His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones vs. Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
The Nanny vs. Haikyu!!
Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends vs. Frasier
The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air vs. Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
Group G
Bill Nye the Science Guy vs. The Facts of Life
George of the Jungle (1967) vs. Veronica Mars
H2O: Just Add Water (S1) vs. Star Trek: Voyager
Star Trek: The Original Series (With Vocal) vs. Hawaii Five-O
Drake & Josh vs. Fetch! with Ruff Ruffman
Puella Magi Madoka Magica vs. Cowboy Bebop (1998)
Lilo & Stitch: The Series vs. Torchwood
The Twilight Zone vs. Wander Over Yonder
Rugrats vs. Columbo
The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius vs. The Walking Dead
Hey Arnold! vs. Psych
Twin Peaks vs. Voltron: Legendary Defender
Dragon Tales vs. How I Met Your Mother
Stranger Things vs. Mission: Impossible (1966)
W.I.T.C.H. vs. Daredevil
What's New, Scooby-Doo? vs. Tiny Toon Adventures
Group H
SpongeBob SquarePants vs. X-Men: Evolution
Fraggle Rock vs. Stargate SG-1
Firefly vs. Scrubs
Codename: Kids Next Door vs. Inuyasha (Change the World)
That '70s Show vs. Bear in the Big Blue House
Cheers vs. American Dragon: Jake Long
A Series of Unfortunate Events vs. Black Sails
The Powerpuff Girls vs. Darkwing Duck
That's So Raven vs. Grey's Anatomy
Ben 10 vs. JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
Cyberchase vs. Reba
Malcolm in the Middle vs. Shake It Up
Teen Titans (2003) vs. Mob Psycho 100
The Owl House vs. I Dream of Jeannie
Assassination Classroom (Question) vs. Adventure Time: Fionna and Cake
Phineas and Ferb vs. Batman Beyond/Batman of the Future
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
The Shrine of Emrys: An Additional factor for Merlin's Migraines
The day began like any other which is what Merlin blames for why he felt so relaxed and not as vigilant. Maybe if he was, the warlock could have been able to convince his friends that he spied deer in the opposite direction of what will now be the reason for Merlin’s anxiety. Unfortunately, hindsight always works better after an incident occurs never before, the little fucker.
“At least it’s not a well this time,” Gwaine chimes in, interrupting the tense silence that enveloped their party the moment the shrine came into their sights.
“How does that make this one better?” Leon sighed.
“Well, none of us will feel compelled to drink it!”
In Merlin’s periphery, he saw Elyan wince, the memory of when he was possessed still haunting him. No one blames the knight though. After that whole mess, Percival and Leon made sure to keep their group’s supplies always stocked with the right amount for missions or hunting parties. They even made sure to teach their own squires how to properly ration food and water, the best places to find drinkable water, and what berries were considered safe to eat. 
Arthur moved closer to the little shrine that sat near an old oak tree. He squatted and examined how the thin rocks were piled on top of one another, how the inside of it seemed to glow (was it from magic? A trick of the light? Or maybe there were diamonds inside, Merlin couldn’t tell and Arthur didn’t say.) and how the curved roof of the shrine sprouted thick branches, harvesting some kind of fruit. Merlin watched carefully as his king looked the shrine up and down, as his lips curved into a pensive frown, as he brought his fingers to his lips, contemplating.
“What do you suppose this one’s for?” he finally asked. “This one seems…less somber.”
And it is, unless, a shrine that held sweetmeats and honeycomb inside it was one of malevolent intent. But what a strange shrine that would be. Merlin couldn’t help but ponder what kind of evil sweetmeats and honeycomb could cause. The evil of too much sugar? The evil of glorious temptation? Frankly, Merlin wouldn’t mind if he were to fall for such a temptation. In fact, these offerings almost seem to…call to him. Like they were there for him.
“Because it is less somber, sire.”
Everyone turns to Percival. The knight lets out a cough like he surprised himself with that answer, or maybe he didn’t expect everyone’s immediate attention on him. Eyes curious and surprised that he held such knowledge.
“How so, Percival?” their king asks him.
And Percival answers his king, but it’s an answer Merlin was not expecting. Honestly, he never expected such an answer to even be one Percival had previous knowledge of. 
“Because this shrine is to Emrys,” the knight says with no hesitation, “and the Druids wish to keep him pleased.”
“Who is he?”
“Will he be a threat to us?”
And so, there went Merlin’s peaceful day with nothing magic related. He wished the earth could just consume him, take him away from what’s about to transpire, but the earth stays quiet.
“No, no, Emrys is not a threat,” Percival answers, quick to reassure his friends. “Well…” the knight makes a face. “He isn’t…meant to be a threat.”
Merlin tries his best to not feel offended by such a description. It’s not like Percival knows he’s talking about the knights’ beloved manservant. Merlin shouldn’t feel the slight of betrayal as his dear friend describes him as some cryptid Fae folk. Merlin is not a part of the Fae! As far as he’s aware, anyway.
“Explain,” Arthur ordered.
So, Percival did. Percival explained to his friends all he knew about the infamous Emrys. He explained why the Druids revered him. 
(“Are we even sure this Emrys is a him?” Merlin couldn’t help but ask. Maybe if he did, then it would derail the topic and Merlin would be safe.
“I mean, that’s how the Druids refer to Emrys, but,” Percival hesitates as he considers how to answer it, “they could be wrong. Sometimes their prophecies are very vague to the point that any person could fit them, and sometimes they’re not. But Emrys has not struck them down yet, so maybe?”
And so Percival continued his tales about Emrys, with Merlin’s plan foiled.)
Merlin did note how the knight made sure to steer clear of ever explicitly mentioning the cause of the Druids’ reverence for Emrys (Uther’s Purge), but that didn’t stop Arthur from picking up on it. Percival also explained certain details Merlin wasn’t even aware of. Details like Emrys being immortal for one.
“So you mean…” Merlin bit his lip. “This Emrys can’t die?”
“Not by a mortal’s hand.”
“Ah.” He could feel his throat closing in on itself, flashes of past moments flooded his head. Past moments where Merlin felt himself cose to death or moments where others gazed at him with unbridled terror because some poison didn’t work. Merlin’s head pounds, this is too much for him to process.
Something flickered across Percival’s face. Confusion, curiosity, then something else, but his face switched to neutral before Merlin could decipher it. The knight looked back to the rest of their party as he wrapped an arm around Merlin. It almost felt like comfort. Like a reassurance. Merlin had a brief moment of panic. Did he know? Will he tell? Is this just because Percival is a very tactile person? Did he notice that Merlin was no longer feeling well?
“You said he’s born to heal the wounds of the Old Religion,” Arthur says, snapping Merlin from the downward spiral. “That he was born as the Druids’ protector and healer.”
“Not just the Druids, sire. There are more than just the Druids who practice the Old Religion.”
Arthur nodded, his eyes looking back at the shrine, but, strangely, it was like he was looking at something further away. Something only he could see. A past memory? Or maybe old words he once ignored that have new meaning to them with this context.
“If he’s here to be their avenger, why do they have to keep him pleased?” 
It was Gwaine who asked, mouth full of food. Somehow, the handsome man had found an apple whilst their friend told them all about this revered sorcerer. Probably one of the items Leon had packed for them.
(“So he’s a god?” Gwaine had asked.
“Wait, why’d you answer that like a question?”
“It’s really complicated–”
“So they worship him.”
“Yes but—”
“They hold a festival for when his power was first felt by everyone.” This one was Elyan. Both he and Gwaine exchange a look of understanding.
“And they say he is the chosen champion of the Triple Goddess.”
Percival sighed at his friends as they continued on with their, admittedly well-thought out, theory. It was times like these where he missed Lancelot, who he knew would have also brought up some interesting points that would have most likely fueled the flames to his friends’ assumptions. Although, Lancelot always seemed to know more than Percival despite him being the one raised by the Druids.
“Ok, fine, he’s a new god for them”
“But what is he the god of then? Say, Elyan do you still have those scrolls on that pantheon in the Mediterra—”)
Percival winces as he prepares himself to answer Gwaine’s question. Merlin couldn’t help but frown at that reaction. The Druids don’t see him as unpredictable do they? They view him as benevolent, right? Maybe they believe him to be wrathful like Morgana? He’ll need to meet with Taliesin soon just to make sure.
“About eight years ago, someone decided to challenge Emrys. She even went as far as to harm the Once and Future King–”
“The who?”
“There’s a prophesied king?!”
“Yes, he’s called the Once and Future King, their destinies are intertwined, he is said to bring in an age of peace and unity between those with magic and without—will you let me finish!”
The knights kept their mouths shut as Percival unveiled more about this sorceress. How she was the previous Priestess of Avalon (Merlin felt himself freeze, and he silently prayed that maybe Percival meant someone else), and that after attempting to force Emrys into joining her revenge plot against Camelot, he struck her with a lightning bolt.
“–So you see, the Druids felt that they needed to make sure Emrys knew they weren’t seeking to go against him. And while he is said to be their savior, there are Seers who have cautioned that Emrys can very well be their end if pushed too far. Nimueh’s demise was proof of that.”
Their circle of knights was quiet after that. Neither spoke nor asked Percival for more clarification, everyone too deep in their thoughts. Merlin, however, was an internal screeching mess. He had no idea that his battle with Nimueh caused such a reaction from the Druids. Honestly, with how much people continued to harm Arthur and the kingdom, he didn’t think anyone would have buckled down and built him shrines because of what he did. It was both strange and comforting, like his actions were truly being seen and appreciated, but also he felt something ugly curl into his gut. They didn’t build the shrine until he hurt one of their own.
They feared him.
Merlin wanted to sigh. He’s so tired of them solely viewing him like he was the Triple Goddess incarnate. He looked back at the shrine and how its offerings laid there to appease him. To keep him on their good side. Well, Merlin always was partial to some honeycomb. It wouldn’t hurt if he just…took the offerings, show them that he does want to see a future of peace between magic users and regular humans.
It’s not like Merlin wants to go against the Druids, but if these offerings will make them believe he is pleased with them, Merlin might as well. He wonders if someone overheard him admit to liking honey. Did they ask his mother about the sweetmeats? 
“Merlin!” It’s Elyan who grabs his wrist as it was closing in on one of the berry tarts (he hoped it was raspberry). “Do you want to get smited by Emrys?!”
It took every fiber in Merlin's body to keep a straight face. It took even more to not reply with a quip outing himself.
By the Goddess, how should he answer that question?
“No,” he said, eyes wide like a stunned deer.
“Then why did you reach for the offerings!”
What a silly question! These offerings are for Merlin, thereby he should have them, yes?
“I was hungry.”
“Merlin, we have plenty of food packed in our supplies,” Leon placated. It seemed he was trying to calm down Elyan, who became quite panicked when Merlin reached for the desired tart. Understandable though, Merlin knows Elyan meant well, but how can he explain why him taking the sweets won’t place Emrys’s wrath upon him without revealing that he is said wrathful Emrys (although he wouldn’t be very wrathful if they just let him take the tart).
“My bag is too far away though,” he said, like he was that six year old boy who followed his mother around the castle while she worked. He never wished to leave his mother’s side, so he would always complain if she asked him to fetch something a few feet away. Leon even gave Merlin the same look the boy’s mother gave him. This felt unfair. Merlin wasn’t some six year old with attachment issues. He was Emrys and this was his shrine, but he can’t tell Leon that.
“I’ll go fetch it for you, Merls!”
Bless Gwaine. Always after his own heart, that man. Not to mention, he also brought the knights’ attention to himself, granting Merlin the opportunity to swipe the tart from the shrine and shove it into his mouth. It tasted heavenly. 
Yes, this shrine thing was a great idea on the Druids part.
“What’s in your mouth, Merlin?”
Shit, he forgot to count Arthur. Arthur who only glanced over at Gwaine for a couple of seconds, and most likely saw Merlin shove the tart in his mouth. Merlin swallowed the rest of the  tart.
“Nothing, sire.”
Yes, good start, Merlin. He can play this game.
“So I didn't see you eat one of the offerings to Emrys.”
“That’s correct, sire.”
“And was it good?”
“Very, like a taste from–” shit!
“Do you have a death wish!” Elyan hissed at him. Merlin refrained from answering that question. It seemed rhetorical, and his friend probably wasn’t seeking for Merlin’s honesty right then. “Emrys killed a priestess, what do you think he’ll do to you?”
“Well, she was being rude. I just ate a tart.”
“A tart not meant for you!”
Typically, in moments like these, the party is interrupted by either bandits or rogue sorcerers. This is mostly because moments like these escalate and people get loud, alerting enemies to their location. Then, when the dust settles, they are able to end disputes more amicably (this is because all the frustration is let out during the fighting, leaving the gang tired with no need nor desire to fight their friends right after). Unfortunately for Merlin, there is no spontaneous appearance from rogue sorcerers or bandits that aid Merlin in avoiding this conversation. What there is, however, is a well placed beehive hanging just above their camp. Maybe if Merlin faked a cough he could—
A distant roar is heard, coming from the west. It pauses everyone’s movement for a quick moment until Arthur makes the order to seek out the roar, claiming that such a beast is too close to Camelot for his own comfort. Elyan gives Merlin a stern look to mean that this conversation wasn't over as he made his way to the horses. Merlin breathes out a sigh in relief before joining the knights with their preparations. Whatever creature they find, Merlin will find a way to spare it as thanks (not that it’d know what the thanks is for, but that’s not important).
my contribution to this post here and a special thank you to @bellamyblakru for beta-ing this ilysm <3 and read this fic by @0hheytherebigbadwolf that's inspired by the same post (it's very good btw)
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