#as if I'd ever have the strength to romance someone else
awesomechocolatesauce · 10 months
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New playthrough! Maybe now, I'll romance someone else!
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...Damn it.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE BUDDING ROMANCE *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
i never thought something like this could happen to me.
when they said you were hurt... i've never been so afraid in my whole life.
i almost lost you.
you are the most special person i have ever met.
are you blushing? did i make you blush?
here, take my jacket. you're shivering.
i don't know how to function around you. i struggle with words.
you have an easy way of making me feel breathless.
you have no idea what you do to me.
i've never met anyone like you before.
you've been a great friend to me. better than a friend. someone i can turn to in my darkest times.
next time, warn me when you pull a stunt like that. i want to be with you.
i don't know where i'd be without you.
you came right when i needed you.
i was just thinking about you, and here you are.
i had a dream about you.
i've tried seeing other people... but they're not you. they're not who i want.
i'll protect you. i promise.
i haven't taken my eyes off you since you walked in.
this is new for me. feeling like this.
i'm sorry. i just had to see you.
you mean absolutely everything to me.
is this what happens when you fall in love?
do you feel the same way about me?
i thought i could handle seeing you with someone else, but i was wrong.
i don't know what to say. you make me forget how to speak.
you make my head spin.
do that again. that was cute.
i couldn't wait around anymore. i have to tell you how i feel.
stop! you're making me blush!
i've never felt anything like this before.
go easy on my heart. please.
my heart has been broken so many times in the past... but you won't hurt me, right? i can trust you.
you're very distracting, you know.
was that flirting? were you just flirting with me?
you're different. you're not what i'm used to.
you can keep holding my hand, you know. you don't have to let go.
i like it when you held onto me. that was nice.
this stopped being a fling a while ago.
everything changed for me last week.
when i saw you with someone else... it broke me.
could you see yourself with me?
i wish i had the strength to tell you how i feel.
i could be your date.
what if i asked you out?
i've been flirting with you this whole time.
this doesn't have to be a date if you don't want it to be.
we could... try. see what happens.
meeting you was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.
sorry, what did you say? i wasn't listening. i was... distracted.
i came as fast as i could. they said you needed me.
just stand behind me. i'll protect you.
you are... so infuriating. you know that, right?
i know what i said before... but i was wrong. about everything.
maybe we could try again?
you mumbled my name in your sleep again.
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comicaurora · 1 year
If you still have Sailor Moon on the brain, did watching it at all give you any options you wish to share about other magical girl esk media you wish existed or your own take on how you would create a story in that media space?
If not, then maybe, if you're inclined to, recount some interesting findings about the connections that exist between shojo and shonen media?
(If neither then please disregard, sorry for imposing)
It was interesting! I was surprised at how much it had in common with shonen action anime. Half the boss battles get resolved with a beam clash and the only difference between Super Saiyan and Neo Queen Serenity is whether the hair or the outfit changes.
The one part I found myself sliding off of - due to personal writing preference - is how Usagi is the defacto center of the universe and everyone else is very explicitly playing support. That's part of why I liked the Outer Senshi so much - because they've all got their own ludicrously OP stuff going on, they feel more like equals to Usagi than glorified bodyguards. The inner planet senshi get their own character arcs, which is excellent, but after a while it's pretty clear that none of them can ever finish a fight without Sailor Moon. And that's fine, that's the pretense of the story - their jobs are very explicitly to protect the turbopowerful demigoddess moon princess while she gets her act together enough to remember she can win - but I prefer writing an ensemble cast where everyone feels like the hero of their own story, not the support in someone else's, and that's pretty much antithetical to the core premise of the show.
It also has a lot of the hallmarks of a soft magic system that I personally struggle with - the old "you win by believing in yourself" thing basically means "you win when the plot demands it would be most interesting for you to win" - but again, they can get away with a lot by letting the actual core premise of the universe's power system be stuff like "a pure heart gives you strength" and "the power of love will legitimately make you more powerful." And I respect that the show doesn't just give people powerups whenever - one of the parts I found most emotionally impactful was in the finale of season 3, when Sailor Saturn is going to fight the big bad all by herself and will 100% definitely die in the process, and because Sailor Moon has sacrificed the season's macguffin, she can no longer transform into her powered-up form to help - which doesn't stop her from screaming the transformation phrase over and over, because she is desperate to save Sailor Saturn even if she's been told it can't possibly work. When she gets her The Most Purest Heart Ever powerup at the last possible second, that feels excellent because it's a profoundly impactful character moment that's being supported by the plot with a tangible powerup. It's pretty telling that we don't even see the final bossfight; it's not about the spectacle or the beam clash, it's about the character arcs that surround them. I think that's a really interesting way to handle it and to add depth to an otherwise basic "whose number is bigger" style struggle.
I'm also deeply fond of paragons, and as the seasons go on I really like how Usagi's ultimately kind personality drives her to constantly help, no matter the personal cost or how aggressively people try to dissuade her - and I like that she gets angry and frustrated and even says or does harsh things sometimes, but will ultimately always do what she thinks is right. It makes her feel like a real human being, and the "weaknesses" and flaws in her character - aka the parts that make her something more complicated than a perfectly stoic problem-solving machine - are a lot of fun to watch.
Personal preference, I'd like to see more magical girl stuff where the central pillar of the plot is not a constant will-they-won't-they het romance - but I also like how Sailor Moon as a series is legitimately aware that this is not actually the de facto most important relationship for everyone. Surprising multitude of gay characters aside, I recently caught a season 2 episode where Makoto donates blood to save a close friend, and explains to Usagi that she isn't in love with him, but they have an incredibly profound friendship that's more important to her than any boyfriend, a concept with startles and confuses Usagi. It seems to be a case where the heroine has a Foundational Romantic Subplot that defines the course of her life and the plot, but the rest of the characters get to have more complicated dynamics where their life goals aren't "omg boys", and I liked that a lot!
When comparing and contrasting it to shonen action anime, I think the magical girl genre manages to integrate the lower-stakes slice of life elements significantly more smoothly, and to great effect - the 90% of the show that's silly and ridiculous makes the 10% of it that's extremely serious and gutwrenching much more impactful. That's something that a lot of shonen series struggle with, where the tone goes from "moderately serious with the occasional goof" to "extremely serious with major character deaths." The magical girl genre going from "the dumbest episode premise you've ever heard" to "extremely serious with major character deaths" is a much more precipitous plunge into icy water, as it were.
When I think about how I would write a magical girl story, I basically just smack into the premise of Exalted. Its worldbuilding has exactly what I want - an interesting system of powerset-reincarnation into worthy hosts that allows for complex interpersonal dynamics through varying levels of memory preservation, several different flavors of magical transforming person including Evil Versions, and the one thing I prioritize in my own writing - a world that feels like it can have a lot of main characters and heroes of their own story. Everyone in Exalted has their own shit going on and their own past-life drama, including former friend groups/adventuring parties, soulmates (both regular and evil versions), and anyone who might've previously killed them. Most importantly for my preferences, there's no default main character of the universe. If I were to make an urban fantasy magical girl setting, I'd probably use an extremely similar premise because I find the ramifications of it unbelievably interesting in a way the system itself is not designed to explore.
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2smolbeans · 2 months
Read love me, love me not au and this is exactly the type of trope im looking for. Yan with a different darling and not reader. The story is what i need. Im also hoping and requesting that there will ever be a day where reader snaps and tries to get a knife or anything harmful to her and marco coincidentally founds her and like have a questional reaction. Would 100% love that
Ahhh!! Thank you so much! ^^
I'm not sure what yan trope I'd call this.. But I also enjoy the 'trope' where the yan is interacting with someone else that isn't their lover. Because with most yan stories, it's always the darling reader that's on the main focus as their lover, but you never get to see them actually have other relationships or see them as an actual person per say? Idk how to explain it.. But it's like-
How do you know yan hasn't had crushes before? What would it be like for them to have crushes and move on? How would the ppl around the yan be affected? What are their fears? Are they afraid of people around them figuring out their true nature?
The reader is always the main lover, the apple of their eye.. But what if they weren't? Would the yan still care about them? Or are they just a typical npc that is used as a prop in the usual romance stories.
I've never really seen that y'know??
And with the request: Funny enough! I'm actually currently re writing love me love me not and there are some scenes/scenarios that I'm brainstorming.
I don't wanna go into detail into it or else this will be a verryy long post- but I'm re writing it because I want the story to take a different and more darker direction (and also I feel like I could write it better ig?)
Also for clarification, I'm not re writing part 1, just part 2 and part 3!
And with that request/scenario I'll definetly want to put that as an idea or situation since there a part in the story where he geniuely questions If he's keeping reader because he needs them or because he geniuely wants them. He tests this out by testing the reader and putting them through multiple "tests" to see their loyalty towards him as their best friend or the whatnot.
If Marco in this au were to spot reader with something potentially dangerous with the intentions to harm themselves..
He'd panic at first. He knows you won't hurt him. You wouldn't do anything like that. He's a man of the law. He's popular, surrounded, and known by many. If you kill him, you'll just screw yourself over. Not to mention that he's 6'4 with a lot of muscle and strength. Unless you have a gun, you're not killing him.
So if it's to hurt yourself, he'll be like a deer in headlights. He won't even move a muscle out of the fear that's struken to him. But then eventually, he'll get anxious to the point he comes off as pissed. He'll patronize you, laughing while raising his voice.
"Go on, do it. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you on the other side"
"You don't actually wanna do that. You know I won't take you to the hospital. So drop it. I-I said fucking drop it!"
Sure, with all the times, he's thought of you as disposable and often fantasizes about getting rid of you to be with his darling once and for all. But when it comes to the reality of you actually disappearing.. He can't seem to follow through with his plan. Even if you aren't really important in his life, you are still his real best friend.
I won't say more of what he'll do or feel, but yeah! I really like the idea of that and most likely will add the idea or smth similar to the story!
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dreamyeuphoricll · 6 months
Create a dialogue of the anime waifus talking about who they rather date.
Ok,this will feature:
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Gathered in a cozy room, the air buzzes with laughter and playful banter as the characters engage in a lighthearted debate about their ideal dates:
Robin: "I'm not really one for romance, but if I had to choose, it would be Zoro. He's strong, dependable, and, well, getting lost all the time means I'd always have an interesting day trying to find him!"
Yor: (nervously twirling her hair)* "Oh, I'm already married to Loid, so I'm not looking... but if I weren't, I suppose I'd still choose him. He's... um, a good husband?"
Makima: "Younger boys do seem to find me... intriguing. Denji, for instance, he's quite... devoted. And who can resist that naive charm and unwavering loyalty?"
Hinata: (blushing furiously) "N-Naruto-kun is my choice! He's so brave, kind, and his dream is so inspiring! I've always loved him, even when we were kids."
Mikasa: "Eren. He's more than just strong. He fights with everything he has for freedom, and I've always been by his side. That's where I belong."
Shinobu: (smile not quite reaching her eyes) "Giyuu, of course. His stoic nature is... endearing. And he's a pillar, strong and reliable. What's not to like?"
Noelle: (puffing up with pride) "I would never admit it out loud, but... Asta. Yes, he's loud and can be utterly stupid, but he's also strong-willed and doesn't care about one's status. For a royal like me, that's... refreshing."
Yoruichi: "Strength is key. I'd need someone who can keep up with me, someone who's not afraid to spar. It's the best kind of date, don't you think?"
Alpha: "Cid, without a doubt. His strength, his intellect, his mysterious aura... There's no one else who could match me so perfectly."
Mei Mei: "A rich guy, obviously. Wealth indicates power and resourcefulness. Why settle for less when you can have the best?"
Zero Two: (clasping her hands together dreamily) "Hiro! We're destined for each other, connected by fate and love. He understands me like no one else ever could."
Erza: "I live for the thrill of battle, it's true. But Jellal... he's different. He understands the weight of the past and the hope for the future. Plus, he can handle a sword almost as well as I can."
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cooco-ren · 5 months
Hi...if you don't mind, can I ask something from Blue Lock? What do you think are Nagi and Reo’s greatest personality strengths and weaknesses? Why? What do you love about their dynamic? Sorry if you've answered these questions before.....
Hihi and thanks for the ask, really don't think I've answered that here before, but I wanna keep it quick since, for how much I love them, it's so hard for me to put the emotions and feelings I have towards them into words that isn't a story about them.
For Nagi, I really think his greatest strength is how calm he's willing to be in most situations, I wouldn't say for any reason that his steady or emotionally intelligent but I think it's nice he's able to balance out Reo's hyperactivity. His dedication to Reo is definitely something else as well, many Reo haters that claim to be his fans really like to belittle that or make it a weakness where as I really think it's one of his greatest strengths; for someone who used to be so unmotivated by the world around him its amazing to see him grow to cherish someone and their wishes even if it means changing parts of himself that person has already accepted. My feelings for him shift constantly in time to how daft and goofy he can be but every time I remember he's truly experiencing the world for the first time because he chose to follow Reo, i can't help but love the complexity of his character even more.
For Reo, I feel a whole spectrum of things but I believe his greatest strength is his adaptability and charisma; he changes in time to his environment no matter how long it might take, like Isagi to some extent, he's emotional and inspirational but in such a raw way it feels almost unreal. He has everything one could ever need or want, so on the surface many wonder why he tries so hard, why he has to hang on and take the spot of those more in need of it because clearly if soccer doesn't work out for him he has better chances than 90% of of blue lock participants. The thing I think many people that like Reo can relate to his his search for fulfillment and excitement. To Reo, I believe soccer isn't just about the world cup, its what it'll prove once he gets it, what the road to it entails. I think that's beautifully encapsulated in him calling his notebook 'Road to the World Cup with Nagi'. It's wholesome, its beautiful and its such a teenage girl move that its adorable. For all his faults and how I know many can't relate to a rich boy's first world issues it think its safe to say many long for his charisma and wanting to be fulfilled. To feel like you've worked for something and earned the best result while having fun with it.
For both their weaknesses, on both sides I'd have to say it's a lack of communication. We can easily chalk it up to boys being bad at talking but for both I feel it stems much deeper. Nagi's never really had to communicate and Clearly Reo has always had to filter his words to appeal to the masses, he's been raised that way and his more direct side mostly comes out in Blue Lock as far as I've noticed (I could be missing something tho). They both struggle from lack of being as direct as they should with each other, expecting that since they work so well, the other should understand, they're partners after all, right?
Dynamic-wise, I think they can both be detrimental and empowering to each other. in the soccer sense, it's hard to put into words since I'm not much of a sports person but its definitely clear if one depends too much on the other they're plays will become stale and predictable. Nagi from when last I read still greatly depends on other's passing and Reo though a progressive all rounder, is very easy to see through because clearly, seven times out of ten he will pass to Nagi. I love that they plan to evolve and battle together but it's pretty hard for me to see how they will.
Romance-wise, I think they'll do well enough for each other. Reo's personality urges him to seek adventure and i think that's something Nagi can benefit from. Outside that, Nagi's dedication, calmness and optimism will definitely help keep Reo grounded when his mind tends to warp and tell him the worst. Every now and then they might tend to bring out the worst in each other or even have big fights thanks to poor communication but after realizing nothing is done out of malice and learning not to repeat mistakes, they'll surely grow into the most disgustingly clingy couple. I hate them so much ugh.
Well hope I kind of sated your curiosity and sorry it took me a while to get to this. Some time before I wanted to my phone got stolen and losing lots of the ngro fics (and other important stuff lol) on it made me a bit sour towards seeing the characters and ship. I'm doing better now and working on getting a replacement soon.
thanks for reading, hope there aren't typos and bye <333
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boombox-fuckboy · 3 months
archive 81 for the ask meme?
Podcast I feel sooooooo normal about.
The medium is integral to the narrative. I've really only seen this executed so well in comics, but A81 also ties it in thematically as well which is very neat.
Soundscaped body horror. But also, body horror of a sympathetic character serving as an effective parallel to disability, as well as being an actual disability. He ultimately grows to feel netural about his "new flesh", without losing the frustration that it happened, it was done to him against his will, or that it changes the way people see and interact with him. Not all of the ways its changed him are for the worse, but it makes his life harder, yet at the end of the day it's still just his body.
I adore that Season 2 considers kindness a strength, but also that Season 3 makes it clear that violence is just as useful an option.
But the story itself builds its surprise in kindness. A horror story using kindness for its narrative twists! It seems obvious written out like that but I'd never encountered this before and got such a kick out of it.
Also, ever notice how many characters get what they want in the end? Either in a good way or an awful one?
It taught me a lot about what I like in a story. I also inadvertently expanded my ability to analyse media because of it.
Clara is such a fascinating character to me. It's arguably implied that her brother started to become "weird" (the way Dan, Rat, Suit, the Rep, Kara, etc are) and got LMG's help to reverse it and that's why she's in their debt. And this is part of the reason Dan makes her so uneasy at first: he's not a person so much as a weird, obsessive, corrupting entity, who she's led to believe chose this. And then he stands up for himself she decides she needs change if she's going to survive. And she does! And they start worrying about each other. And by the time she sees Suit again, it doesn't matter that's Suit's weird: she's a person Clara decides she can trust. Clara's an abrasive character who's fear makes her vicious and is, by extension, constantly working to be better under terrifying circumstances.
^ This was arguably my first successful in-depth character analysis maybe ever. Clara is still very compelling to me, possibly in-part because of it.
Also the S2 straight-bait lmao. Gosh it was a relief they didn't shoehorn in a romance.
I quite like the genre changes between seasons. Feels like the creators are having fun with it. Creating what they want to.
Even the character change going into S3. Chris and Nicholas are really compelling right off the bat.
And Static Man & Nicholas' weird friendship. Do you have to be a good person to be a good friend? Are you bound by circumstance or choice? Dedicating so much of your life to someone you're still a stranger to in so many ways, but closer to than anyone else. They're fascinating.
How complicated and obsurd the rituals are. Also, did you notice in S1 that Jesse is often running weird and specific shit to particular apartments? What's the bet those are ritual components.
Following in from that: great relisten value. All the little details?
I could go on. But I will spare you.
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bloodinwine · 21 days
Writing Interview
🖤Writing Interview Tag Game🖤
Thank you for the tag @starryjuicebox
When did you start writing?
I think the earliest memory I had of sitting down to write a story was probably when I was eleven? I was working on something based on what my dad gave me as a story prompt. Turned out it was the premise for Fallout 💀
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
I think I would class what I'm writing as a...romantasy maybe? Except not so heavy on the fantasy part??? I normally don't read pure romance novels though. I largely read fantasy books - sometimes sci-fi.
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Hmmm. This is interesting, it's less that I want to emulate a certain writer and more that I hope to evoke similar feelings to how something I'd read made me feel. When I get to respond so emotionally to a piece of art, I have to ask myself too like... how were they able to do that? Magic. I haven't been compared to another writer before.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
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Sometimes I'm in my study room when I'm proofreading and doing more serious edits. But when I'm just drafting or vibing, I'm writing on my laptop in bed.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music is a big one for me. To me, nothing gets me more ready to dive into that document than listening to some good music and just putting your mental headspace completely in your own little world. It's my favorite part of writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Yes and yes. UY has a recurring theme of the passage of time and how little of it there is. Astarion's immortality and Effy's human life are at complete ends.
What is your reason for writing?
Nothing tangible on this earth is more cathartic to me. It's become so essential to my overall well-being.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
I appreciate them all. Writing is lonely and when you get to finally have that little time in the light sharing your work with others, being able to engage and connect with others over that is really nice and always motivating. I think that's essential to a writer's motivation, I know people say WRITE FOR YOURSELF and yes, absolutely you should, but being able to LET GO of that piece of writing you've held close to yourself for weeks can be immensely emotional in the best way. Now the story you've shared is bigger than just you, it's about other people too.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Diligent - that no matter what, I did my best.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Ahh....I always feel weird answering questions like this about myself. But I'd say that giving characters, whether major or minor, a strong presence in the story is probably it.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm working on building more confidence around my writing. But I feel that it's special to me at least. Even though it'll be shared with many others, there's still so many things that occur within that process that no one else will ever know or understand. Not to be dramatic, but damn, writing IS dramatic - like, I know so many things about Effy that no one else ever will. I'm the one who knows exactly what she looks like when she gives Astarion goo goo eyes. I'm the one that knows exactly what those horrible moments with her ex Blake looked like too. The attachment you can feel to your own characters as a writer is immense. A part of me feels sad when I think about the eventual ending of UY. Like one day I have to say goodbye to someone who feels like a friend to me now.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I write for myself in the sense that I refuse to compromise on how I want UY to go. BUT I did have a moment where I'd faltered and wondered whether I should skip scenes or whole chapters in fear that those moments wouldn't matter to people reading it. So when I worked on the new chapter (Chp18) it felt so wrong and that made me really unexcited to write and that is certainly not the energy I want to put into my work. Writing for myself is the ONLY way I can do this - and damn that first draft came out quick once I was reminded of this. <3
No pressure tag for: @thedreamlessnights @socialinadequacybeingsuchamust
#tag game
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damoselcastel · 29 days
Writer Interview game
Considering myself tagged by @queenlua
When did you start writing?
Jr. High is when I started sitting down and really going at it. I'd done visual art things since I was 4 years-old, but storytelling is something I'd always enjoyed. Now I consider myself faster at writing than as an artist, oof.
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Slice-of-lifes that dive deep into IRL topics, I have a lot of fun consuming. Modern set stuff I can enjoy, but usually don't want to write about (mostly cause I'll get neurotic about getting every little thing right)
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not by name, though I've been told my prose is 'lyrical', 'poetic', or just compared to older period books. Frankly, there was one creative workshop wherein a classmate was like "Oh, you talk like this too" when referring to my writing, and I just sat there all "?????" Personally, I remember loving Stephen Crane going ham with metaphors, but my childhood was most shaped by old fairytale collections.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
A desk dominating a corner of my bedroom houses my desktop. I'll bring my laptop to bed, or the living room couch (I should try bringing it outside the house more often)
What’s your most effective way to muster up a muse?
When I'm interacting with a piece of media with a similar idea or, uh... isn't up to snuff with what they've done with a premise. "I can do it better" has fueled some of my longer projects. But mostly, chasing intriguing ideas.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Culture clash - the nature of harmony - different people making an effort to interact. Those I've found crop up in my romances A LOT (one day I'll get my monster husband ideas down in longform prose). Not too surprising coming from a bi-racial, multicultural home.
What is your reason for writing?
Currently, for fun. An expressive outlet. Half a decade ago there was a lot of interaction it brought, in a mostly good way. Now that my expenses are bigger than ever, I'm kicking the can of "can this make money?" down the road.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Mood setting, description, worldbuilding, and dialogue. If someone likes purpler prose, that's where I indulge. I've honestly been doing various experiments to try and get quicker about finishing fics... alas, I'm simply wordy and slow.
How do you feel about your own writing?
I honestly like it all, even old stuff. That stuff is a snapshot in time that present me can't recreate, so it's fun in its own way even with mistakes (like trying to stuff TOO MUCH in one go). Although I do want to take it to the next step...need to get a manuscript DONE.
tagging @mrmissmrsrandom @dithorba @mannatea @arthoure
and anyone else that wants to participate
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morelikeravenbore · 2 months
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🦋 Thanks to the cuties who have tagged me in this, I've loved reading everyone's answers!
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How many works do you have on AO3? Uhh *checks* — nine. One long fic and a bunch of oneshots.
What's your total AO3 word count? 88k~ but about 76k~ belong to Villain (so far).
What fandoms do you write for? Hogwarts Legacy is the only fandom I write for, and Sebastian is really the only character I care to write about (HAHA sorry everyone else.)
Top five fics by kudos? I don't really pay attention to stats so:
1. How to Make a Villain
And then whatever the next top four are 🙃
Do you respond to comments? I TRY VERY HARD TO but sometimes it takes me a while (spoons/adhd-brain/burn-out etc). Like any writer, comments give me LIFE, but something I wasn't expecting to struggle with is the feeling that I don't really deserve them. Who knew writing fic would be a lesson in accepting kindness lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Welp the only fics I've finished so far are my oneshots, and they all end with orgasms or romance so... 
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Here Comes The Sun: a cute little Sebaura proposal oneshot hehe 💍🌞
Do you get hate on fics? Not openly, lol. I do love it when people get mad about what my characters do though so pls don't hold back from yelling at them if the urge ever strikes you. 🍿🍿🍿
Do you write smut? I dabble every now and then, but to be honest it's not my favourite thing to write. Before writing for HL, I'd never written a sex scene in my life and I wanted to give it a go to challenge myself. Lately though, I haven't really had any smutty motivation. I'm definitely a romantic at heart and I LOVE writing about the playful side of romance: young love, cute banter, silliness, teasing, etc. Also bickering. Nom nom nom gimme all da arguments.
Craziest crossover? You and me bb :lip_bite:
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Nope! Does this really happen? Like, someone copies and pastes a whole-ass fic and calls it their own? 🧿🧿🧿
Have you ever had a fic translated? I've had requests to translate Villain into Russian, Polish and French, but I'd like to complete the story first.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Does contributing crack fic ideas counts? Because 👀 yeah all the time lol 
All time favorite ship? Uhhh Sebastian and Aurélie HAHA. Otherwise, it's Allie and Noah foreverrrrr. (The movie version though, I've never actually read the book.)
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💙 Honourable mentions go to Anne and Gilbert, and Emma and Mr Knightly. Dishonourable mention to Harry and Ginny, eurgh. 
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I only have enough spoons to write one long fic at a time, and I fully intend to finish Villain even if it kills me.
What are your writing strengths? Personally, I think my writers voice sounds distinctly me, which I'm very proud of.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? OOH this is a great question since Aurélie is fluent in French and I don't speak a bloody word. Generally speaking, I prefer to write it like: 'I can't speak a word of French,' she said in French. 
Sometimes I'll use French if the meaning is clear to someone who doesn't speak the language, or if I can give strong enough context clues, ie:
'How nice,' Aurélie said eventually, her accent thick with French indignation. 'I can see you're both very passionnés about Quidditch.'
Sebastian froze, sensing danger.
'Uh — Passionate?'
'Oui. I did not realise you had to undress yourself to discuss tactique.' 
Or if the POV character can accurately guess the meaning, like this:
'You don't have giant spiders in France then, I take it?'
'Non pas du tout!'
He didn't need to know French to translate that as a vehement no. 
But I try to avoid using the actual written language as much as possible because nothing kills immersion faster than trying to read dialogue you can't understand.
Also I frequently annoy my French friends for translations because uhh if I used Google Translate they'd probably guillotine me hehe.
First fandom you wrote in? This one.
Favorite fic you've written? How to Make a Villain is absolutely my greatest writing achievement ever hahaha. But aside from that, I'm really proud of Noctilucent because my goal was to write something suggestive without making it smutty and I was quite pleased with the outcome.
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🦋 np tags for my writer babes and anyone else who wants to join in: @galaxiasgreen @lyworth @sloanesallow @sunsetplums @gingerlegacy07
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plisuu · 6 months
Fanfic Writer Questions
Thanks for the tag @the-rebel-archivist! I think I might have been tagged by someone else a while ago but??? sorry ahahha
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
12! But two of those are art and one of them is the abandoned version of my long fic. I... don't post much ahahaha
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Dragon Age :)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In Flame Forged Anew - my long fic! DA: I, Cullen/m!Trev except not really because it's insanely slow burn. Deals with a lot of guilt and also tranquility. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ What You Want - My oldest work (barring my abandoned long-fic). Pavelyan, from when Connor used to be a Dorianmance. A lil confession one-shot. ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ Battle of Attrition - Dead-dove whump for whumptober. Red Templars and torture ahoy! ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ The Healer's Hands - Solas/Blackwall gay awakening and pining, ft. a little bit of hurt/comfort ㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ On Broken Wings We Fly - A lil friendship fic I wrote for @rosella-writes of their Lavellan's interactions with my Inquisitor and the start of their strange friendship.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! I also forget and get so caught up trying to write "meaningful replies" that I tend to fall behind on them ahaha
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hhhh well it hasn't ended, but probably Battle of Attrition (since it's all just whump) or Never Say Die, a tiny thing about some of the OCxOC lead-up to the Conclave.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my writing is pretty bittersweet at best, but probably Shrike, a lil Cullen PoV fic about his and Connor's relationship.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have in the past.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Only privately, and of the heavily character focused kink variety. Trust and emotional vulnerability through physical intimacy my beloved.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not off the top of my head, no.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware, but I mostly write OCs so probably not lol
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, it seems difficult?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
... All time? Axel x Saix, probably ahahaha for Dragon Age though I'd say my favorite romance is Iron Bull's.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have yet to finish anything ever soooo
16. What are your writing strengths?
Banter and character voice! The transcript project mostly means I've heard and read so much character dialogue that their voices are ingrained in my skull. I'm also told that I'm pretty good at grounding things in physical sensation.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I've always really struggled with head-hopping and under-explaining, I think.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've never needed to, but it depends on the fic/language. If it's something the reader would already be familiar with like or a word or phrase, I'd write it in the language, but for longer lines or a full conversation, I would either summarize for the reader or write the conversation in italicized English.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Definitely my long fic, I'm very proud of it, but I love all my writing! I write very specifically to my own tastes ahahah Though my whump fic has been so indulgent it's definitely near the top.
tagging: @rosella-writes, @inquisimer, @dreadfutures, @broodsys, @blarrghe, and anyone else who wants to join! Question template under the cut :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
5. Do you respond to comments?
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
16. What are your writing strengths?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've written?
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library-child · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
Thanks for the tag, @thefinaljediknight
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions by Lemony Snicket and The Secret Series by Pseudonymous Bosch.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Associates (A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions)
Without Shedding a Tear (The Secret Series)
Unsafe Territory (All the Wrong Questions)
Places (A Series of Unfortunate Events/All the Wrong Questions)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do in order to show my gratitude that someone took the time to leave a comment.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
It's either Places or Without Shedding a Tear. I can't quite decide which one oozes out more misery.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Associates. Well, to be fair, it's been my only fic with a happy ending thus far.
Do you get hate on fics?
Fortunately not.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't write crossovers, but did imagine some insane mashups of basically all the media I ever consumed as a kid. And sometimes, I scribbled them down. Those were dark times.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No. Is that a thing?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not yet.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
I don't ship. Romance isn't my genre.
What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I am lucky enough to no longer have such a thing.
What are your writing strengths?
Definitely dialogue. Give me two arguing characters, and I'm happy. Conflict, story, it's all there.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions. They're the curse of my existence.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
This one is tricky. I haven't written dialogue in a different language from the rest of the fic before, but I'm not an English native speaker, so you might say I'm writing dialogue in another language all the time. Thoughts? Dialogue is the easy part.
First fandom you wrote for?
Depends on how you define writing. Technically, it was a children's book called Peter and Anneli's Journey to the Moon, for which I scribbled down my ideas for a sequel when I was six. (Again, dark times.) The first fandom I actually published for was The Secret Series.
Favorite fic you've ever written?
What a cruel question! How can you expect anyone to choose between their babies?! If I absolutely had to choose, I'd probably pick Without Shedding a Tear, because it was the first fic I published, the one that ignited the spark. And because the Secret Series fandom is so tiny it needs some extra sympathy.
Tagging (no pressure), @volunteerfelinedetectives, @dragoneyes618, @acacia-may, @jacobsnicket, @accidentallylita, @cleverqueencommander, @tangentiallly, @sianitha-snicket, and whoever else wants to play!
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acacia-may · 6 months
Hiya Acacia, I hope you’re doing well 🥰! Since you’re in a bit of a romantic mood, I thought I might ask for your thoughts on YuNeva and Zerilliam 👀? And for Platonic relationships how about Asta & Yuno and Fuegoleon & Nozel?
Sending you all the hugs and positive vibes in the world 🥰💜!
Aww Lyra! You're such a sweetheart! Thank you so much, dear! Sending you lots of love as well. 💕 I'd be thrilled to give you some ramblings. (Apologies in advance if they're too incoherent).
I hope by now that you already know, but just in case you didn't, I absolutely adore this pairing! When I first started reading "Dandelion Wishes," I actually made my poor sister listen to me rant about how much I love this ship (and she hadn't even read the fic so she had no clue what I was talking about), and honestly I had more to say about them than most canon x canon Black Clover pairings, so needless to say, it is definitely canon in my mind.
William is such a sweetheart, and I can really imagine him as someone who has domestic dreams of finding love, settling down, and having a family so it warms my heart to see that he did get to have this (even if it ended in tragedy--which I will never get over. They deserved their happy ending! 😭 Even if I'll admit the angst is delicious, and their boy, Alistair, is just so precious to me).
Also, your backstory for how the two of them ended up together is just delightful. Honestly, "Dandelion Wishes" is one of my favorite fanfictions I've ever read in my life, and I have been so invested in it and in William and Zera's relationship from day one. They are so perfect for each other in my opinion, just absolutely made-for-each-other soulmates. I love how they share common interests but have a lot of balance in personality with Zera a little more headstrong and William a little more reserved. They really are in awe of each other's strengths too and have so much respect and admiration for their differences which I just adore.
Zera as a character is so vibrant and so real to me, as well. She just commands attention every time she appears, and every time she does pretty much anything, I can just vividly imagine William staring lovingly awestruck at her and zest for life with hearts in his eyes or floating around his head like in an old cartoon. (He's so in love! I'm going to cry!) Also, her quirks and the adorable way she names her plants is super endearing, and the fact that she is a florist only makes me love her more (but my family actually runs a flower shop (A/N: But I don't work there), so I think I'm very biased in this regard 😅).
I honestly don't get this intense about ships all that often, but I cannot describe to you in words how much I think about this pairing and how desperately I need them to kiss. And I mean desperately. To be perfectly honest with you, at this point, I am so invested in it that it's really hard for me to imagine William with anyone else...which concerns the more neutral, multi-shipper part of me, if I'm being honest, but this ship is just that good. Reading about them has made me laugh and cry and squeal just like (and in many cases more than) reading about any ship between canon characters, and I'm honestly just in awe of how compelling this ship and their story is. I really can't thank you enough for creating Zera, Zerilliam, and the masterpiece that is "Dandelion Wishes"! 💖
Aww they're cute. 😊 To be honest with you though (and I am very sorry to have to say this) in general ships with Yuno in them aren't really my cup of tea personally since I tend to see Yuno as someone who isn't all that interested in romance and (possibly) would just never really want that kind of relationship. That said, according to the Assorted Question Brigade in Vol. 31 he does have a “type” of person he likes...so who knows? Maybe someday he'll want to find love. If he did, I would definitely be supportive of that, and I'm not against the idea of shipping him. It's just not something I personally have ever given much thought to, and, for that reason, I feel pretty neutral towards Yuno ships in general and don't have many thoughts or opinions (Again, I'm sorry about that).
All of that said, if I was to imagine Yuno falling in love, YuNeva is a very sweet pairing, and they make me smile in your stories and posts about them. I really enjoyed them in COTF too! ^^ Going back to that Assorted Question Brigade I mentioned, Yuno himself described his "type" as "someone who's relaxing to be around," and that's something that really sticks out to me about his relationship with Neva. It's very comfortable and almost cozy. They just work so well together, and it feels effortless--like they just naturally gravitate towards each other and genuinely enjoy each other's company. I love that a lot, and I also love how their bond is built on mutual respect and admiration. They really support each other and the moments they can share their vulnerabilities are always very compelling to me. I also think Neva is just a great character on her own (especially her platonic bond with William. So wholesome!). I like her dynamic with Yuno a lot too and how they complement each other. I think I'm a little more invested in their friendship (because I'm weird like that), but I could definitely see them very happy together romantically and I definitely want good things for both of them, so I'd support them falling in love and think you’ve done a great job crafting their love story. 💕
Platonic Relationship Ramblings! Yay! Thank you so much for this, dear!
Asta & Yuno
Aww I adore them, and their brotherly bond. Their dynamic and rivalry which is built on a such a strong foundation of familial love and mutual respect was what initially hooked me in Black Clover, and it has been such a delight getting to watch their individual journeys and how they have supported each other through the series. I'm getting a little emotional just thinking about it, honestly. 🥹
One of my favorite things about them is just how wildly different they are as people. Asta has such a big personality, and Yuno is so reserved, but their differences are always respected and really help inspire each other. In that way, I love that their relationship is kind of a twist on the usual rivals dynamic because it isn't just Asta trying to live up to the (quite frankly very OP) Yuno but Yuno also views Asta as his rival as well because he has so much admiration for his passion, resilience, and determination. I was not expecting that when I first watched the anime and thought it was such a refreshing reveal. I love how Yuno's genuine admiration for Asta has been such a driving force for his character throughout the series.
Fuegoleon & Nozel
Yes! I love this dynamic! Nozel being tsundere about his friendship feelings is just so entertaining, and I love to see the trope used in a platonic way instead of just an explicitly romantic one. The love between friends is really important too and can also be difficult to express sometimes, so it was really great to see Nozel kind of struggle with that and struggle with how much Fuegoleon means to him and how much he admires and respects him even if he lacks the words to say it. And yes, it was kind of played for laughs sometimes, (and my sister and I made so many "tsundere besties" jokes about them while binging the anime), but even so, there is something really genuine and really wholesome about their friendship. Getting to see how Nozel reacted to Fuegoleon's injury and subsequent coma and how motivated he was by his respect and admiration for him was just really compelling, and I found the scene in the elf arc in which Nozel is thinking of their rivalry and how much Fuegoleon inspires him to be really moving. Definitely a solid BROTP!
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nimata-beroya · 5 months
1, 13, 19, 25 for tbb ask game!!
1 - What’s your favorite thing about the show? In other words, what made you fall in love with the series? 
There are so many things. If I name them all I'd never end. But, one of my favorite things is that, on its core, the show was always about family. That even when external circumstances and pigheadedness from people involved made the road super rocky, the batch fought united and that's what made it possible for them to get a life they wanted and deserved. I love that it fairly realistic in the sense that sometimes you fight with your family, that even want to shake them to put some sense in them, you can have loses, but in the end, if you stay together, got each other's back, you can make things that seem impossible, possible.
13 - What jobs do you think each of the Batchers would have in a Modern AU? 
Hmm, let's see:
Tech, predictably, would work in computer science. But in which side of the law? There's room for him to be with a foot on each side. Probably, he'd have a normal job in a HighTech or inventions Company (his own perhaps) but also would have a side, "hidden" life as a hacker; not with malicious intentions or anything, just to prove his superior skills hacking into places he shouldn't be... and maybe doing some cyber-vigilantism? You know, righting greedy corporations wrongs.
I see Wrecker as a veteran turned teacher. Hear me out! He'd be that kind of Super Cool High School Chemistry teacher, that it's a little crazy or unhinged, but who's adored by all his students. Everyone would want to be in his class because he always makes the subject interesting and let students do cool experiments (safely!). He hates failing anyone and he gives extra attention to students who are struggling.
Echo would be an Army man, through and through. No matter in what galaxy he is in. After retirement, probably he'd work with his Army buddies (Rex & co) in a Security Company or something like that.
Crosshair would be a secretly famous romance writer. Every novel he writes becomes number 1 in every list, but nobody knows he's the author, except Omega. She keeps the secret. And Crosshair is just as snarky and grumpy as ever but romantic at his core.
Hunter would do work in a youth center as the manager or something like that. Maybe that's where he met Omega and ended up first fostering and then adopting her.
19 - What are some headcanons you have about Crosshair?
As you read above, he's a romantic at his core, and in-universe, I think his dirty pleasure is to read romance novels. He'd die before admitting it. Also, he'd extremely romantic with his SO, but only when nobody else is watching and once he has finally accepted that he has feelings for them. He has a super thick armor around his heart and not everyone can make it crumble away, but the person who manage to do it will have an unbreakable loyalty and faithfulness from Crosshair for the rest of their life. He's not someone that will go from relationship to relationship.
25 - What are your favorite things about each Batcher?
Wrecker: His zeal for life, for having fun. How he focus on the positive and not the negative. And most of all, his emotional intelligence. Yeah, he's boisterous most of the time, but he also knows when he needs to be the one giving support to others.
Crosshair: I love everything about him. I wouldn't change anything about him, not even his worst traits. It's what makes him, him. And I know that that prickling, abrasive exterior is to protect himself, to protect his soft heart.
Tech: His bluntness. I guess because I can relate to that. I also can be blunt, so I get him.
Hunter: I love how protective he is with his family. He'd anything for them, to pull them out of the way from harm.
Echo: The strength of his convictions. How much he gives of himself to fight for what he believes in.
Omega: Her capacity for love, for seeing good in everyone, always willing to give second chances.
Thank you my dear @annwayne!! 😘 It was really fun to answer this.
Bad Batch Ask Game!
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thephysicsofmiracles · 7 months
This evening, I went for a stroll in an area I hadn't explored yet. The cloudy moon was ghostly and in the Celtic wisdom which my mother bestowed upon me, (though I was the only one listening!) I know it symbolises the caution to find stillness in the unknown and not make hasty decisions - wait for more information to come to light. I stumbled upon a community garden filled with flowers of strange varieties and burgeoning fruit and fat hens that stared at me obnoxiously. After wandering for a half hour or so, taking mental notes and snap shots for my own future permaculture planning that I've been envisioning for years, I was captivated by a fluttering ensemble that wafted over-shoulder so close I heard it's winged rapture reverberate in my ear, which turned out to be two butterflies in the midst of a balletic waltz, tumbling over, around and besides each other, amorously lost in a spontaneous orbit of mutual admiration. My immediate thought was: "If only I could be loved like that." Bold as they were, their time together seemed fragile, and I walked on as proscenium-arched jacarandas graciously harboured their momentary paradise. Wandering on and musing some more, I came by a tiny library the size of a doll house, the likes of which children had labouriously constructed containing an assortment of books and paraphernalia and labelled above in painted handwritten letters, "Free". I decided to peruse the generous but tatty collection, hoping for something with poems or a local guide to trees and native fauna. Immediately, I was surprised to see a copy of a recommendation from a friend from about 18 months ago, which I'd had on my "to read" list ever since: The Celestine Prophecy. I had recalled the conversation I had with her where I confided about finding someone I felt a strong, energetic pull toward and the confusion I experienced when they developed a serious connection with someone else. She recommended it for the clarity it provided around soul contracts and past lives and how the dance or "quantum entanglement" of two Souls can progress you just as powerfully and passionately in your Soul's development without an ensuing romance. It rang true because the inspiration I received from him to change my life was a profound turning point for me, one which I have only motioned forward from ever since. Something about his example, his heart’s intention to continuously evolve and self-invest in the face of the common adversities most Australian males almost never overcome for fear of social alienation from their immediate family and friends, mirrored my transformation intensely and helped me re-route toward my authentic individual purpose on Earth (outside of everyone's expectations) seriously for the first time. At that point I had only an inkling he had found a deep connection to someone; it wasn't until much later that my apprehensions were confirmed, although I was the same tangle of sadness and perplexity, missing someone I hadn't the opportunity to know but somehow felt a complete otherworldly sense of belonging to or with, or something. I don't know if I'll ever read it, to be honest, but it's message does give me the strength to let the beauty of the knowledge be mused over with sincerity and conscious appreciation for its value and fleeting cycle of life, before it passes out of view. I know my heart's song belongs to a great someone, and I am praying that his integrity and self-investment to prepare for a strong foundation for true love is as intentional and committed as mine. Though the meaningful passage of tangled magic that was this persons deep reflection has left a gentle imprint on my life that I hope will yield the same love which he discovered in a kind-natured someone, to me in due time. ~ Chantal Eva
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[20 Question Fic Writer Tag]
Tagged by the rad @scottysketches, thanks!!
How many works do you have on AO3? I have two, one on two different accounts to separate the fandoms lol
What is your AO3 word count? One account is: 99,568 The other: 125,471
What fandoms do you write for? I have written for many different fandoms over the course of my time here on tumblr such as the Supernatural fandom (many still up on tumblr) but currently I write for Assassin's Creed Odyssey and the MJ fandom!
What are your top five fics by kudos? The Odyssey That Should Have Been: 71 The Way The Wind Blows: 7 (this one is newer lol)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Absolutely!!! After the initial bit where I'm mushy and gushing over said comment, I try to be a bit more constructive in my response LOL
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's not finished yet (maybe never will be lmao) but 'The Odyssey That Should Have Been' is based off the First Blade DLC so it's got it's fair share of super angst but also humor and romance and joy!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of my characters must get a happy ending, NO QUESTIONS ASKED!!!!!!
Do you get hate on fics? I haven't yet and honestly, if you hate on someone's piece that they put a lot of work into - fuck you lol
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Indeed I do - it is pretty much always romantic smut between two lovers because I am a hopeless romantic at heart lol
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I've never really dabbled in crossovers but it could be fun to try one day!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? No and I s2g please don't do it!
Have you ever had a fic translated? No but feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to do that!!
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, unless you count roleplaying on roleplayer.me in the early-mid 2000s, then yes LOL
What's your all-time favourite ship? From my blog bio: "Resident Kassandra/Natakas shipper" ;)
What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will? ....All of them.
What are your writing strengths? I'd like to think I'm pretty good at A) dialogues, I just feel like I'm really good at writing what my characters are saying and I find myself often being like "oh that was a good line" LOL and B) historical facts. I pride myself on being somewhat historically accurate and to the time I'm writing in.
What are your writing weaknesses? Probably descriptions of scenery though I do my best. I also overthink when I'm trying to write a very simple scene and people 'nod' or 'chuckle' and 'look' too much lol
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I already sort of have Greek and Persian words for certain things in 'The Odyssey That Should Have Been'!
First fandom you wrote for? I couldn't tell you but I believe it may have been an MJ story when I was like 12 or 13, maybe Big Time Rush? IDK LMAAAAO
Favourite fic you've ever written? Probably 'The Odyssey That Should Have Been' simply because it was my first big labor of love in terms of fanfic writing and the first one I published for all to see on AO3!
I'm tagging (with absolutely no pressure as always!!) @aeide @blue-mono @solareias @findusinaweek @wickedwitchofthewesninski @ainulindaelynn and whoever else writes and wants to do it!
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