#as someone who HAD to share a room with my older siblings until i was 18 due to financial reason's
fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Family Therapist
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Female vampire reader x Elijah Mikaelson
Summary: Elijah is your husband and you've been basically the family therapist. Well, one night you both became one for his little brother.
Warnings: mentions of death I think?, mentions of ghosts,
Elijah and you have been married for well over 400 years and over time you have gotten used to the family's drama and dynamic.
There have been many times when you acted as the family therapist, and let's not kid ourselves, you still are. Just somehow in weirder ways than some may think.
(But let's also be real, you still have to lecture Klaus out of daggering any of his siblings or hurting them 'just because', being the only one who he actually listens to, which is a miracle by itself.)
A great example is what just happened one night.
Surprising enough, this is the first time you've ever been in a situation like this. It's definitely not the worst or anything of it, but this was very different to say the least.
You were sound asleep in your husband's arms until you hear the door to your guys' room slam open. Both of you separate in alert, but the only danger there is, is the body that crashed between the both of you.
"What the?" You said sleepily and reached over to turn the lamp on.
Once the light lit the room in a yellow glow, you both look at the visitor in your bed.
"Kol? What are you doing?" Elijah asks, surprised that his younger brother is there, without acknowledging one of you.
"Oh you know, just missed my older brother and his wife" his voice was muffled by the pillow he pressed his face in to.
"Uh huh, and how does that explain you gripping onto the blanket for dear life?" You raised your eyebrow at the youngest brother.
"Because it's soft?" He asked unsure, rather than answering you.
"What happened?" You kept your eyebrow raised at the immortal teenager, no way for him to get himself out of this conversation now. Elijah saw that look on your face, knowing, now you won't budge until you get the truth out of Kol.
Kol looked up at you, letting out a huff, seeing no way of getting out of this. At least this is better than Nik, he'd just throw him in a box, he thought.
"I swear I saw someone move in my room, but I couldn't find anything, so I came in here to make sure if the ghost comes back there'll be alibis" he rapidly said, and hid his face back into the pillow, feeling his cheeks starting to turn red.
You and Elijah shared a look of concern before your husband placed a hand on Kol's back. "Kol, you don't have to be embarrassed about that, considering your experience with ghosts in the past, you have a right to react the way you did," he told him.
"Lijah's right, we would never judge you about that. So what if you're a bit wary about ghosts, it's normal, a lot of people are" you added.
Kol's breath hitched before speaking, "Really?" He looked up at both of you.
"Of course" You and Elijah nodded.
He smiled softly before a cheeky grin appeared on his face. "Just so you know, I'm not leaving. And if that ghost takes me, I'd rather have my final moments with you guys over Nik, who would most likely yell at me."
He laid his head back down on the pillow and closed his eyes, knowing that he was laying between you guys. "I know you guys probably want to be laying together and be all cute and couply, but I don't want to think about you two doing anything over pg-13. My poor innocence couldn't handle it" he said and let out an 'oof' when you smacked him with a pillow for the comment.
"Have you ever even been innocent?" You asked and looked at Elijah with amused eyes as he pinched the bridge of his nose, looking like a tired father that just had to put up with his child. Honestly, he just did, considering what Kol had just said and he can sadly be even more immature.
"Of course I have...like that time...okay maybe when I was human, but that still counts" he mumbles and sticks his tongue out at you. And he hates it when you call him a child? Really?
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bones4thecats · 3 months
hello i would like to make a request for the first years where your friends are liking your younger brother/sister please ex: Ace's sister is going to visit and the rest of the first years develop a crush
Ace's Sibling Attracts The Other 1st Years
Characters: Ace Trappola, Deuce Spade, Epel Felmier, Jack Howl, and Sebek Zigvolt Requester: @marinahavik A/N: For this, the Reader is Ace's younger twin. It just makes more sense to me since I don't want them to get a crush on someone in like middle school😵 And I know that my limit if 3-4 characters, but hear me out! The first piece (Ace's) is more background information than anything else! Anyways, I hope y'all have fun reading this! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Protective older siblings ig ⚠️
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╚═════ Ace Trappola ═══════════════════════════╝
🪅 When you and Ace were young, he would keep all of the guys away from you. You were his younger sibling, not theirs. And he did not share affection very well
🪅 But, as you two grew up, you went separate ways. He went to college at Night Raven, and you went to a straight job with you oldest brother
🪅 Ace didn't like to, but he had to admit that he missed you a lot. You were his partner in crime growing up. From throwing wet toilet paper onto other students or teachers you disliked to even going so far as to 'hiding' the teacher's notes. And by hide I mean by pass them to each other through your up-and-coming unique spell
🪅 Anyways. One day you realized that, because of some incidents at your workplace, you had around a couple weeks off. So, you called up your brother's Headmaster and asked if you could swing by for a couple days to hang around with your brother
🪅 The irresponsible man just laughed and gave you permission before rambling about how kind he was. What a strange man...
🪅 Grabbing your bag as you stepped out of the carriage, you smiled joyfully before sneaking into Heartslabyul and hiding your bag underneath the spare room's bed. Of course, Trey and Riddle knew that you were coming by, they are the Vice and lead Housewarden, so they knew everything when it came to their dorm
🪅 You adjusted the sleeves on your long white with red accents cardigan and began to sneak up behind your brother, who was walking backwards like the moron he was
🪅 Hunkering down before anyone could see you, you jumped up and pulled your brother down to the ground, making him squeal and land roughly, an annoyed expression laid on his face until he saw the familiar look of his younger twin
"Y/N?! What are you doing here, you little chameleon?"
"To keep it short and sweet, big bro. My work got a little screwed up and I have two weeks paid vacay while they fix it. I just decided to swing by and spend a few days here with you. Because, well, why the hell not?"
🪅 Ace grumbled as you began to screw around with his hair in a noogie. You had done this almost every time you saw him at school with your oldest brother. He understood now why being the middle child sucked so much in other's eyes
"Ace... who's this?"
🪅 The orange-haired male looked up at Deuce and smirked, a sense of pride washing over him as you used your unique magic to transport a floating chalkboard in front of the group of boys that Ace seemed close to. The sound of chalk rubbing on the board echoed until a single name was left
"This is... Y/N TRAPPOLA. My dearest younger twin."
"By only four minutes."
"Still older."
"Still far less mature."
"You wanna say that to my face, you little twerp?"
"Come at me, Ace Crappola!"
"Why you!-"
Over the course of the next couple weeks, you hung around Ace's group of friends, getting to know them all. Unaware of the secret they were all hiding from not only one another, but from Ace especially...
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╚═════ Deuce Spade ═══════════════════════════╝
♠️ Deuce was Ace's best friend, so you would get photos sent by your brother or messages of posts of the two of them on his Magicam account
♠️ When you looked at the other males, you smiled and immediately walked up to the former delinquent, a smile forming quickly as you wrapped your arms around his neck and made him hunch over slightly due to the force
"You must be Deuce! I've heard so much about you from my brother! By the way, what a fun change in your life." You said, teleporting a dual-sided card in your hand.
"Going from the tough eight of spades with dominance and ruthlessness only known. To the youthful three of spades with the love of teamwork and a special kind of playfulness, you really are the definition of a dual-sided card, Prince of Spades~"
♠️ As you twirled the card around and handed him it back, this time the King's face being replaced with his own. His face erupted in blush as you patted his head and wished him luck on his long journey to his view of perfection for his family
♠️ As you moved on to the others, Deuce couldn't help but look at the card and see a little note below with the words you just said to him there. His heart began to thump faster and harder within his chest, his face beginning to heat up with embarrassment. He was never like this with others... why were you so different...?
♠️ Oh Great Seven, Ace may just have his head
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╚═════ Jack Howl ═════════════════════════════╝
🐺 As Jack watched you step away from the spade-marked first year, he wondered what kind of trick you were going to try pulling on him. Were you going to do the same with a card, or maybe something new?
"Now, you I don't know much of. Though, by your adorable little ears, I'm guessing your Jack Howl. As I don't know as much about you, you give me more of a 'let the outcome tell' vibe. You also give me more of a... how do I put this." You began, grabbing a deck of cards out of your pocket as you shuffled it constantly as all listened to you speak.
🐺 Straightening out the cards, you smiled and handed him a random group cards, having him pick one out of it. He noticed one had a black dot, so he avoided that and picked the one next to it
🐺 Taking the cards back and reshuffling them, you pulled one out and he noticed quickly that it had no black dot. You had to have screwed the trick up
"You give me a eight of hearts vibe! How iconic, yes? This also tells me you care for your family and friends dearly and you have goals that you want to meet. I believe you shall meet this very easily and without any issues besides maybe a few corrupt souls. Have fun on that journey of strength, Jackie."
"H-how did you know that I..."
🐺 A smile appeared on your face as you spun back around and looked into the eyes of the beastman. You chuckled lightly and began to twirl his tail between your fingers, the soft fur bushes upwards before calming down and wrapping around his leg in embarrassment similar to Deuce's
"Had that card? I was taught magic growing up, I work in mysterious ways~"
🐺 Jack saw how you flung the card back at him, but the back was completely changed, a print of a snowy mountain surrounded by forests with a nice house laying in the front with a pack of wolves out front. It was like his family was at their home miles away in the Shaftlands
🐺 You were far more interesting than Jack initially thought. Maybe having a second Ace around would be entertaining for the new couple weeks...
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╚═════ Epel Felmier ════════════════════════════╝
🍎 Epel was shocked after seeing how you tricked Jack with the black dot on the card. You must've had the best eyes he had ever seen, maybe even better than Rook's! And he literally stalks students just because he wants to 'admire them'
🍎 God that guy's creepy sometimes...
🍎 The sound of your footsteps made the Pomefiore first year look up and see you put the deck of cards away and pull out multiple dice
"What are these for?"
"Well, to put it simple, pretty boy. If you roll these dice, you'll either see your biggest fear or your biggest want. What that is is completely up to your own psyche. Now, go ahead and pick a dice, or use 'em all."
🍎 Epel narrowed his eyes at you and looked over the dice, a sense of skepticism running through his mind. There was no way that a puny dice would be able to tell what his biggest fear and his biggest want was by him rolling it!
🍎 The male took one dice and scrambled it inside of his hands and rolled it onto the ground, thinking of his biggest want in life. He then took the second one and did the same thing, only thinking of his biggest fear this time
🍎 You smiled and tapped onto the ground ten times, throwing one hand down before clapping together over and over again before clapping down at the ground and summoning two holograms of his fear and want
🍎 The sight of Epel being a manly-man, carrying many barrels of hay around his family's farm shocked him enough, but seeing the other dice project a scene of him dining like a little princess with a posh accent made him jump and hide behind his hands, a hint of blush showing between his fingers
🍎 You chuckled and apologized for embarrassing the young man, pulling the two dices and scrambling them together before you opened them again and showed a single dice with special carvings on it. From trees of apples to the single fruit to even a little farmhouse, Epel looked at the object with stars in his eyes
"Thank you! This is so cool lookin'!"
"No problem! By the way, tell your grandmother that your family's apple juice recipe better not change! That stuff is the shit to drink when I have a break at work. Have fun attempting to reach your goal of being a manlier man, Felmier."
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╚═════ Sebek Zigvolt ═══════════════════════════╝
⚡ As you went through the multiple first years, Sebek watched and was getting very annoyed. You were obviously informed by Ace of their likes and dislikes and their lives all together. There was no way you just knew all of this!
⚡ You smiled and walked in front of Sebek, pulling out a vile of gambling chips. The edges were stripped with the same green as Sebek's hair with highlights of black and white
⚡ Handing the half-fae a single chip, you began to rant about how his family life was affecting him, much to his surprise. He never told anybody of it, and thankfully, you were sneaky enough to speak of this while the others spoke a few feet away
⚡ Sebek watched you carefully as you tossed him another chip, revealing a carving of his parents meeting
"You're parents are a fae and human, a female for the first and male for the second. Over time, you began to see your human side as weak." A third chip, then fourth, and over and over again.
"H-how do you know this..."
"Magic, Sebek. Magic."
⚡ Stepping closer to Sebek, you noticed how your information had slightly made him sad. So, in an action of sympathy, you laid your hand on his cheek and moved his face to make him look into your eyes
⚡ Opening his hands and trading the chips for a bracelet with dice charms and multiple extra ones attached, you gave him a light hug with your extra arm and told him to stay positive
"You're a human. What could you know about a fae's family and staying positive with a veteran for a grandfather?"
"More than you think. Just remember this whenever you feel bad of yourself. You were made this way for a reason. You're a half-human, half-fae for the sake of your life. Don't think wrongly of yourself. You're great the way you are... well, minus the yelling at least."
⚡ You let Sebek's face go and yelled at Ace to quit being an idiot. And as you scolded your sibling for his idiocy, the green-haired male looked at the bracelet, noticing the charms had dragons, swords, lightning, and a few cards and dices here and there, the most obvious one being a four of spades. He smiled gently as his cheeks heated up
⚡ You really were different than your brother, weren't you?
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russellsppttemplates · 9 months
How oblivious, Charles! (George Russell)
Usually, people think being a twin means having to share everything is a con, but really, it's having another you to help in everything
Note: english is not my first language. Here's some Leclerc!reader for you, it was quite fun!
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm taking requests so if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so as I'll try to get to them the best I can!
my masterlist
Tw: reader and George are in a secret relationship, mentions alcohol consumption
Tag list: @myloverjk-blog
"Is that a guys' wallet in the story you uploaded today? Who did you go and have lunch with today, Y/N?", Lorenzo asked, sitting next to you on the living room's sofa, exaggerating his fall and purposefully partially body blocking you.
"Why do you care so much?", you asked, hearing Charles' footsteps on the stairs, surely hearing the topic his older brother was on about and wanting to know more.
Because we are your older brothers and have a right to know if and who our little sister is dating!", Charles said, sitting next to you more gently than Lorenzo, expectant of your answer.
"I was with Arthur, if you must know", you said, looking at your younger (even if it was by only a few minutes) brother as he walked inside from the balcony, "me and Arthur had lunch today", you signalled with his eyes, hoping he would get the message.
While most people thought being a twin was a bad thing because you had to share everything since the womb, you would have to disagree. Having a twin brother had not only made your childhood incredible because you had a sibling always ready to play with you when your older brothers couldn't but also because you had someone to cover up any mishap the other did.
Your dating life wasn't a mishap, per se, but you and George had been careful. You knew how the media would react at the fact that the only Leclerc girl was dating a Formula One driver, and quite frankly, how your brothers would react. In reality, any person wanting to date you would have big trouble as it was, but being someone they knew so well?
Surprisingly, Arthur had been calm when he found out. He was quick to join the pieces when he went looking for you in the Mercedes hospitality, someone mindlessly pointing him there as it had been the last place they had seen you walk in. When he asked you about it, you couldn't lie to him. He understood your worries, and like so, he vowed to not tell anyone until you allowed him to. Unlike the odds of Charles making the same promise to you, Arthur been careful and, so far, there had been no issues.
"Yes, we went for lunch by the bay", Arthur replied shortly, "are you jealous?", he teased them. The ongoing joke that, one day, you two would join forces would take on the world was recurrent and hardly harmful, but it didn't mean you didn't love teasing them about it.
"Why don't you join forces and take on Ferrari's strategy delegation? Might as well start small before taking on the world", Lorenzo tapped Charles' back, making all of you laugh at the situation.
"That's where you think we would start small? At this point, taking over Monaco sounds easier", you offered.
"Did I just hear my mother talk about how 'lovely George must be' because you gave my brother advice on his love life and how it is to have a sister who's probably dating? Did I hear that correctly, George William Russell?", you said as you walked inside your boyfriend's apartment as soon as the door opened.
"Did your mother talk nicely about me? I think you should be thrilled about it", he said, puckering his lips so you could kiss them, melting when he finally had you close to him.
"I hate you, did you know that?", you slapped George's chest, kissing the spot straight away as you chuckled.
"It was funny, you have to admit it! Charles was genuinely listening to my advice and telling me all his worries about you, I think it's cute and caring, actually", George brought you to his kitchen, seeing you take a peek at want he was cooking, humming in delight as the scent stroked your nostrils, "my mother sure is delighted. Pascale Leclerc is a woman who takes a lot of convincing and persuasion, and she kept singing your praises!", you yelped when George's hand touched your tummy under your shirt, "I know how to make the Leclerc women fall in love with me, don't I?", he said cockily.
"You wouldn't prefer to be in a restaurant instead of having to eat in?", you asked as George as you helped him carry the food to the table, "I don't mind it, and this way we can have more privacy", he smiled.
"When do you want to tell them about us?", you continued, serving yourself and then your boyfriend, "whenever you want to, darling", George replied honestly, taking the cork off of the bottle and pouring the wine.
"Besides, I like this game where people try to figure out who you are and who I am", your boyfriend chuckled, kissing your forehead as you shook your head, watching him sit down in front of you, "Charles, especially, he's so easy to wind up about you. The other day, and I have to admit it I actually nearly gave it all away, it was me, Charles and some Ferrari guys, Pierre and Francisca, and she was commenting on how pretty you looked in your dress, and I made an humming sound in agreement as one of the crew members agreed and he shot daggers through his eyes directed at him", he explained.
"I think he genuinely doesn't know about it. Arthur knows about it, he's one of the reasons we've been able to do this for this long. Lorenzo knows that I'm seeing someone, and he's pretty much certain he is someone from the paddock, I think. Why he is keeping it quiet and never bringing it up, that I don't know. But I think he knows more than he says he does", you took a sip of wine.
Celebrations after the race were mandatory today. Both Charles and Arthur had been in the podium for each of their races, and since the whole family had travelled for the race, your family and some of the other drivers had agreed to have dinner together and celebrate at a club later.
"Behave, all of you", your mother threatened lightly, "I don't you doing anything that is dangerous, non consensual or illegal, okay?", she said as you and your brothers kissed her cheek good night before she went back to the hotel.
When arriving to the club, you were shown the area you'd be spending the night in, Lando and Carlos taking all of the orders from the rest of the group as your twin brother approached you, "is tonight the night?", he wondered.
You raised your eyebrows, not getting what he meant, "you're drinking, I've seen you look at George with eyes that could only mean you're undressing him your mind, so is tonight the night you slip and show everyone?", he smirked as you widened your eyes, "not if I can help it! Why are you conspiring against us?", you belted out.
"I'm only joking, if you need cover up, let me know okay? Besides, I think he's the one we will have to look out for tonight", Arthur chuckled, kissing the top of your head and looking at Carlos and Charles doing shots by the bar.
The music was nice and you had been dancing with Francisca and Lily until the Portuguese girl excused herself. Not long after, Alex walked up to his girlfriend, "Y/N Leclerc, just the one I was looking for", he smiled cheekily at you.
"Why do I sense this is going to be bad for me?", you squeezed your eyes nearly shut as the Williams driver pulled George with him, "if I have to dance with Lily, and I have to because this is the song we always dance together to, you can't be alone! George is a fine dancer, I'd say, so, lead the way, Russell!", he said as he made your boyfriend approach you.
Chuckling, you allowed George to hold your hand, "does he know?", you asked your boyfriend, "no, I didn't tell anyone, but he was just telling me that we'd be a good fit for eachother, and that if I could 'tame the army of brothers' you have, it would be smooth sailing", he offered, twirling you as the song became louder.
"Wonder where he got the idea, hm?", you smiled, George's arm and hand helping you twirl and spin, "Do you think they'll notice if I sneak a kiss?", George whispered.
Classic George, he was wearing a shirt, the top two buttons undone and his hair was wavy just how you liked it. Having started the race from the bottom places, the post race glow after he reached P4 was noticeable and it made him ever more charming and handsome as you pulled his neck down slightly, stealing a kiss when no one was looking.
"Arthur! Why do I have hair gel on my floor? Last time I checked, this wasn't a cleaning hack", you asked your brorher over the phone as he laughed histerically, "it's not funny Arthur! Me and George were wearing socks and it's all gooey now!".
"You can't deal with your boyfriend's feet, Y/N?", Arthur teased you, seeing your disgusted expression.
The prank was simple. Hair gel in your bedroom floor on the day everyone was our of the house and Arthur had assured you you'd have the place to yourself for the day.
"The minute you offered help, I should've- thank you, amour- I should've suspected!", you snapped, "my boyfriend has pretty feet, they're not like your nasty ones!", you said, chuckling as George wiped the floor with a wet cloth he carefully got from the kitchen after he cleaned his feet.
"Is this you having a go at my feet or at my hair?", George asked Arthur, smiling at his prank, "you looked like you needed help!", your brother offered his input.
"I love his fluffy hair, so I suggest you stay out of it before I go to your room and clean these wet cloths on your bed", you foreshadowed, you're lucky you're helping me have my boyfriend all to myself today, Arthur, or this could've ended differently".
"Why is George here?", Charles asked, noticing his friend walking to his mother's house garden with you by his side.
"Y/N didn't tell you he was joining us for lunch?", Pascale said simply, smirking at her son's obliviousness.
Your mother, as it turns out, had known all along not only that you were in a romantic relationship, but a romantic relationship wirh George Russell. Her unfazed expression when you announced to her you'd be bringing him to your family lunch told you that much, "Chérie, you have that look in your eye your father had for me when we met. It's kind, and a little scared, too, but it's full of passion, too. I noticed the moment you came home from Silverstone", she smiled, hugging you and kissing your forehead.
"Have you seriously not caught on, brother?", Lorenzo laughed at Charles' unawareness as Arthur watched his jaw drop when the Scuderia Ferrari driver noticed George was holding his sister's hand, "no way!", he yelled.
"Charles, this is my boyfriend, George. We've been dating for a few months now", you introduced them like they didn't race eachother twenty four weekends out do the year.
"How did I not know you were daring my sister?", Charles asked George, and maybe a little to himself too, "I spend a third of the year near you, and you live here on Monaco, where you've been seeing my little sister? How did I miss this?".
Chuckling at him, you walked up to Charles, letting go of George's hand and hugging your brother, "to be fair, Arthur covered for me a lot", you explained.
"But mama and Arthur knew, then?", he wondered, looking at the rest of the family.
"I thought only Arthur knew, but mama has known from the start, it seems. I only told Arthur", you clarified.
"I got suspicious when the race was here, you kept 'accidentally' going to the Mercedes hospitality, right Y/N? Didn't say anything as j figured it wasn't my place", Lorenzo excused himself.
"You knew and you didn't tell me? I asked you so many time if you knew if she was dating!", Charles pointed his finger at Arthur.
"We're twins, Charles, I wouldn't do her that dirty", Arthur added, "you certainly didn't have any issues when we swapped her shampoo when we were younger", he called, "That's different, messing with that is okay. With her feelings, it isn't", Arthur smiled.
"I hope you're also an apologist of not playing or messing with her feelings, George", Charles threatened lightly.
"The most. No messing with her feelings ever, even if she had messed my heart quite a bit until she finally let me win her over", George said as you approached him, hugging your waist ad kissing the side of your head.
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doudouma · 7 months
“a new meaning to butterfly〜”
the butterfly girls with gn!close friend reader who’s knowledgeable on butterflies!
who would’ve knew the butterfly girls would meet gn!platonic!reader who’s a researcher. twice the odds that they’re infatuated with butterflies!〜
there are no warnings, my dear lotus.
i will keep it gender neutral.❀ 〜
a/n : reader is also a demon slayer! i actually conjured this idea up while scrambling on what to post! i thought it was very unique〜
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you two aren’t on a mission, and is just chilling in her room.
trying to relax for the time being, she takes off her butterfly clips, and sets them down gently〜
she notices you admiring her clips, and puts them on you! the two of you laugh about it, and you look in the mirror. (how amazing you look〜)
you explain what pink butterflies symbolize (inner peace), and compliments her on the fact that it suits her so well!
kanae is astonished at your statement, and compliments you for knowing it!
until you two get something else to do, you take the time out to show her your journal of sketches of your butterflies〜
to her, you’ll add a new meaning to the butterfly girls now that shes very knowledgeable on them♡
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you two are sitting in her research room, doing regular demon research and making medicines〜
she starts to look a bit tense, because she can’t find the answer to something.
in a attempt to try to make her feel better, you compliment her butterfly pin!
she says thank you, and agrees that butterflies are beautiful♡
you decide to go further with it and inform her on rare few purple butterflies, and telling her about butterflies that matches your colors too!
surprisingly to her, she felt much more relaxed and calm, and kind of had the urge to research about butterflies!
now, almost every time you two are doing research, each time shinobu will say a different butterfly she wants to know about from you.
live up to the name, butterfly girl!
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to start off, you two would meet because of the butterflies.
you saw her butterfly clip and got intrigued. especially since she gives off such a calm butterfly demeanor!
you ask her if she knows anything about butterflies, much to your surprise, she shook her head a little.
you sit down next to her, asking if you two can talk about it, and she says yes〜
although, the conversation is much one-sided, but she’s listening to your every word!
kanao would actually keep a journal of butterflies you teach her about, or try to find them in the wild and report them to you!
as time goes on, she eventually asks questions about butterflies or brings one to you♡
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she would be really surprised on how you’re so well informed on butterflies!
sadly, she’d question if she’s smart enough to be your friend.
you pick up on those behaviors, and offer to share everything you know about butterflies with her, so you two can be educated on them together!
she practically unofficially made you a butterfly sister (regardless of your gender)〜
how can someone who’s so knowledgeable on butterflies just not join?
as a thank you, aoi often bakes you treats in the shape of a butterfly! she always does your favorite type of butterfly too!
maybe she teaches you her best baking recipes and even shares her favorite baking techniques〜
she even gets you your own clip, and gifts it to you on your nightstand while you’re sleeping♡
sumi, kiyo, naho
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the cute little girls would definitely see you as one of their cool older siblings!
when you guys are cleaning, they would ask to teach them about butterflies, and would be so interactive!
you would have no idea how much that would mean to them, they view it as bonding time♡
sumi, kiyo, naho would love to know if their blue, pink, and green butterflies have any cool or pretty meanings, and and would feel so proud once they know〜
in their free time, they’d draw you butterflies, and explain to you what they mean.
certainly, they want to know everything you know about butterflies, too!
and maybe even more, to tell you something cool someday♡〜
ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚ ੈ✩‧₊˚༺☆༻ੈ✩‧₊˚
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wow! these were quite quick to write, and they were very cute too. i really hope you like the bonus too! i worked hard for such a short amount of time it took. i try to write often, but i run out of inspiration, my apologies. my precious flowers, as always, thank you for your patience❀〜
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wardenparker · 2 years
Preview: Down the Rabbit Hole
Jack Daniels x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.  
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“Jason Howe, 36, born in Northwood, New Hampshire on April 4th.”
Jack winces and curls his hand into a fist as he stands in front of the conference room table. Not having been invited to sit, nor to have the glass of ‘67 Statesman Reserve that Champ has sitting in a glass at his elbow. A drink that Jack desperately needs. “Champ, there was a gun.” Jack defends, although he knows it’s a weak excuse. Statesmen take out the bad guys, not hurt the innocent. And Jack’s killed a bystander who had nothing to do with anything.
"You've been off since Cambodia, Jack." And although Champ knows exactly why, it can't be considered an excuse. He looks back down at the file on the conference table and frowns, then keeps reading. "Two siblings. Parents both living. Soulmate so far unknown." The older man looks up, locking his eyes on Jack. "We're tracking her down."
“Why?” Jack demands, frowning at the mere idea. Statesman had never tracked down a soulmate of anyone before, why start now? “We don’t know who it is, or if they care.” He scoffs. “Better to let sleepin’ dogs lie.”
“I don’t blame you for not noticing.” Champ sighs and shakes his head before finally motioning for Jack to sit. The man is his best senior agent, his quickest set of reflexes, and his closest friend. Frankly, Champ is worried about the upheaval in Jack’s life lately. It’s affecting his perception on a base level, not to mention his work. “You didn’t come out of that fire fight unscathed, and your adrenaline was too damn high for the pain to get through to you.” Running one hand down his face, Champ huffs slightly as he sips from his own whiskey glass but still doesn’t offer Jack any. “The back of your right arm. Just above your elbow. You have a new mark, Jack.”
“Bullshit.” Jack spits, furious at the implication of what Champ is saying. “My soulmate is dead.” He reminds the older man, as if he wasn’t well aware. Hell, Champ was the one who had recruited Jack to Statesman, so he was well aquatinted with his backstory. Until this moment, he would have called the man a friend. Maybe his best friend, even though Tequila likes to claim that’s his title. “Been dead and gone for years. So there ain’t no marks on my body.”
“I don’t mean to say anything against her memory.” Champ holds up one hand in a defensive posture. With the other, he gestures to the large mirror on the conference room wall. “Roll up your sleeve and take a look for yourself. Ginger noted the appearance of scars from minor cuts and bruises and a small tattoo on your arm. None of these marks were found on the civilian that was killed or any of the other dead men that Gamma Team cleaned from the scene. Following protocols, we’re now tracking down any and all soulmates and searching databases for your exact set of new marks.” He knows it isn’t good news. It isn’t good for the agency and it isn’t good for Jack. But, despite it being a long shot, it is now more likely than not that someone out there shares these marks with him. And that makes her both a liability and a potential target. Whoever she is.
Fuck.” Jack hisses bitterly, his shoulders jerking as he shuffles out of his sports coat and tosses it down so he can start rolling up his sleeve. “Can’t Ginger remove it?” He demands, not wanting marks on his body. He hasn’t had any since the day Abigail died and he doesn’t want some other woman’s scars or tattoos on his skin either. He doesn’t have a soulmate and he doesn’t want one.
“Soulmate scars don’t work like that.” He knows Jack knows it, but he also understands the younger man’s distress as he tears his sleeve back to inspect his skin. “As far as Ginger’s nanites are concerned, that’s just your skin. No imperfections about it.”
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More Clone Wars headcanons that I keep basing off me and my family cause where else am I gonna get inspo from
Both Anakin and Ahsoka try to keep their shared space as clean as possible 
Whenever they’re home and have free time after a long mission they’ll go around and pick up messes and they’ve got a somewhat decent system going until they get to the dishes that’s when war breaks out 
Normally people switch between who loads and who unloads but most of the time it just falls on Ahsoka to do both and she’s tried literally everything to get him to do the dishes
She’s made a chore chart, she’s let the dishes pile so high they’re at risk of all falling out, and she’s ratted him at to Obi-Wan but nothing works except giving him a challenge 
One day out of the blue she said something like “Last one to scale the wall washes the dishes when we get home!” 
And here’s the thing they’ve been doing these competitions for years so she knows he’s more than down 
Rex claims he’s never seen two people climb a wall faster in his life “They were like a blur” is something he mumbled after the two probably broke the galaxies record 
Ahsoka won by pure determination alone her sore arms and scraped-up hands would be worth it when she got home and wouldn't have to do the dishes
Even tho their shared space is relatively clean Anakin’s room is like a death trap
Random clothing items are strewn all over the floor and pieces of droids are scattered among them the first time Ahsoka walked into the room she almost ate shit twice and if it wasn’t for her training she would have hit the floor the second she stepped inside 
It’s a genuine miracle that he’s able to navigate this landmine of crap especially cause he doesn’t have night vision like she does 
Ever since I heard Ahsoka growl that one time I’ve been imagining her doing rottie rumbles (which just means she growls when she’s happy look it up it’s adorable) 
The first time it happened was when Ahsoka and Anakin were watching a movie and they fell asleep 
He woke up basically on top of her and heard quiet rumbling coming from the togruta he quickly got off cause he thought he was hurting her and she woke up confused he asked if she was in pain and all she said was that was the best she had slept in a while 
The next time was when the two had to share a bed with Obi-Wan it ended up working in their favor cause the planet they were on was freezing 
She started to growl again but the two men were 1. Too tired to move and 2. Kind of curious why she was growling 
When nothing changed and she didn’t seem to be exuding any kind of pain or stress they stayed 
After a couple of times Anakin and Obi-Wan managed to calm down this instinctual part of themselves that told them to back up when something growls 
The first time Padme witnessed it was during a big old group hug between her, her husband Obi-Wan, and Ahsoka 
She almost gave it to that instinct if it wasn’t for Anakin and Obi-Wan's calm demeanor 
Honestly it’s kind of become a telltale sign of who’s close to Ahsoka cause most people that she’s comfortable with know the difference between her happy grumbles and the growls that mean she wants to tear someones face off
Both Anakin and Ahsoka hate going to the med bay and the halls of healing or any place that’s got a person with medical training and tools to poke and prod them  
And the healers hate them for it because most of the time the last thing they want to do is chase down a Jedi and his padawan as they’re bleeding out
So most of them banned together to give the duo a pretty extensive first aid kit and teach them both how to use it 
Because for some kriffing reason they’re okay with being poked and prodded at if it isn’t a medical professional
The duo also participates in a decent amount of first aid training which has saved both of them and many other's so no one complains when they skip out on kind of important duties for those classes
As someone who has a lot of older siblings who I’m not related to so it wasn’t uncommon for people to tell me how attractive my siblings were 
So I’m just imagining the other padawans telling Ahsoka how lucky she is to have Anakin as a mentor and while they’re complimenting him she notices a lot of those comments were centered around his age and his looks 
At one point she’s sick of it and just straight up confronts them about it and they turn around and go “Well don’t you agree?” she alternates between being hunched over laughing and hunched over gagging 
Anakin finds her a little while later still stuck in this sick cycle surrounded by a group of concerned padawans 
He tries to get her help cause she’s kinda freaking him out but she stops him and just guides them both away because she knows if he shows more protective older brother energy the padawans are gonna be even more weird 
Literally everyone is too scared to mention Ahsoka’s physical appearance around Anakin 
But there have been a couple of times when he’s on an off-world mission and witnessed some dumb kids pushing their friends in her direction because it’s obvious they think she’s pretty
God forbid they catch a glimpse of him while it’s happening tho cause they walk away shaking like a leaf  
He doesn’t think Ahsoka noticed and even if she did he distracted her with boba and ice cream because she can never turn that combo down
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starogeorgina · 1 year
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Children of the dragon
Warnings: Incest, character death
Pairing: Aegon ii Targaryen × Targ OC
By the time you reach the quarters your children’s nursery is in, you are completely out of breath. Just as you are about to enter Aeron’s room, a large armored arm blocks your path. “I’m afraid I cannot let you go in, princess; the maester says it would put you and your unborn babe at risk.”
You had been so lost in thought that you hadn’t even noticed Ser Criston getting ahead of you. Hearing your son's cries, you try to push the knight away, saying, “You cannot keep me from my son!”
“Princess please,” he gives you an apologetic look while forcefully holding you out of the way so nurses can enter the room. You catch a glimpse of Aeron being held by one of the maids. His cheeks are swollen from crying, and the rest of his face is covered in red blotches. “Let me through; I need to be with him!”
You continue to struggle, trying to force your way into the room, until an arm wraps around your chest and says, “Theo, stop before you hurt yourself.”
You spin around and bury your face into Aegon’s neck, your body trembling as you sob. “What if he dies? I can’t lose him, Aegon; I can’t lose my boy, our son.”
“Shhh,” he coos, holding you tightly. “He won’t be alone. I’ll stay with him.”
“Will you?” It was a dumb question to ask; you knew how much Aegon loved Aeron and that it would take more than Ser Criston to keep him away, but you weren’t thinking straight.
He kisses your forehead and says, “I will. I promise I won’t leave him.”
You pulled back to look at him; Aegon’s eyes were welled with tears as well. He was scared. You rub your thumb across his cheek and whisper, “Avy jorraelan.”
“Avy jorrāelan toli,” he says quietly. Aegon looks at you one last time as he goes into Aeron’s nursery.
Feeling as if the air is being sucked out of you, you lean back against the wall with your hand on your chest, feeling yourself sway. Ser Criston calls for someone to bring you a chair, but you don’t pay attention to the fuss going on around you; all you can focus on is the screaming coming from the other side of the door.
Feeling something move against your arms, your eyes flutter open, and you see a figure hovering over you. It takes you a moment to realize who is standing beside you, “Jace?”
“Forgive me, I didn’t mean to wake you, but the blanket had fallen off and I didn’t want you to get cold.”
You sit upright, your eyes widening slightly when you notice Luke standing behind his older brother and asking, “What are you doing here?”
You had remained seated outside Aeron's nursery, refusing to move until you received word on your son’s condition. Your nephew gives you a comforting smile. Lucerys sits down next to you. “We wanted to know how Aeron is doing.”
Sweet boys. You smile at them and say, “That is very kind; thank you, but it’s late. It's not safe for you to be roaming the castle at this time.”
Jace squeezes your hand. “We do not wish for you to wait by yourself.”
The halls were mainly empty aside from a few knights and servants who worked the nights, but it still wasn’t safe despite it once being their home as well. You share a knowing look with your eldest nephew; he knew the risk they were taking. It frightened you knowing that if your husband made an appearance, you wouldn’t be able to stop him from attacking the younger boys alone.
Regardless of the possible threat, the two boys stayed with you.
Hearing a hushed voice, you open your eyes to see Daemon escorting your nephews out of the far end of the hallway. Feeling movement from inside, your hand goes to where your growing baby is kicking. Over the past few hours, you have been internally torturing yourself. What if the worst happens? What if the baby growing inside you never got to meet their oldest sibling? The horrifying thought that the woman screaming in your dreams was you.
“It’s exhausting being with a child, isn’t it?”
You lunged forward, hearing your sister's voice. “Gods, Rhaenyra, I had no idea you were behind me.”
She holds back a chuckle. "I thought you heard me when we came looking for my boys. You can imagine my panic when we discovered they were no longer in their rooms.”
You gulp down, “I apologize for my part in that. I should have told them to return the movement they arrived with, but Jace insisted they didn’t want me to be alone.”
She frowns. “I thought her Grace would have been beside you.”
“No, I haven’t seen my mother since dinner.”
Sitting down beside you, you notice how much smaller Rhaenyra’s bump is than yours. You wondered what she wanted; considering she already had five sons, you could imagine how spoiled her baby would be if it were a girl. “I’m sure her Grace would be here if she could. We are leaving for Dragonstone shortly, but I will be coming back on the dragon once my children have settled.” She smiles, “I intended to check in on you and Aeron before I left, however, I didn’t anticipate Jace and Luke doing the same.”
“Your sons are very kind. They are actually the only ones aside from yourself who came to see Aeron.”
It hurt that neither your mother, grandsire, or even Aemond came to see how Aeron was doing in person; they sent a servant to find out instead. You held no grudge against Helaena; you understood that all the commotion would be too much for her to handle.
Rhaenyra places her hand on top of yours and says, “Thank you for defending Jacaerys. I believe I’ve misjudged you for all of these years, so on my part, I apologize.”
“I told my husband that his fight with the Velaryon boys is not mine, and it’s not my children’s.” The bad blood between two halves of the same family was pointless. Everyone in the keep knew of the rumors surrounding Laenor not being the father of Rhaenyra’s children, just as you assumed your elder sister, and Daemon had heard the rumors Aemond wasn’t the father of your children. “We are all Targaryens and should be protecting one another.”
“It’s hard hearing the word ‘bastard’ when someone talks about your child. All you want to do is protect them.”
You remained silent for a moment; you could see the realization dawning on her. You seemed to have an unspoken understanding with your sister that you had more in common than you wanted to admit.
Rhaenyra clears her throat, “Where is Prince Aemond?”
You shrug and say, “Anywhere but here. The maesters wouldn’t allow me to be with Aeron because I’m pregnant, so Aegon has stayed with him.”
She opens her mouth to say something else, but her attention is drawn to Prince Daemon, who rents the hallway. “Sorry to interrupt,” he says. “Rhaenyra, our carriage is waiting.”
“Thank you, husband.” Rhaenyra lets out a sigh as she stands before smiling down at you. “I will come visit you and Aeron when I return in a couple of days.”
“Princess, princess.”
Feeling your shoulder being shaken, you open your eyes to see Ser Criston kneeling beside you. Your bedroom was now filled with sunlight. Rhaenyra wasn’t wrong when she said it was exhausting to be pregnant; the closer you got to your due date, the more tired you became. You had tried your best to stay awake, but when the master told you that Aeron’s temperature was returning to normal and he was through the worst of his sickness, you went to bed. Once you rub the sleep from your eyes, you take in how tense the knight in front of you is. “Ser Criston? What is wrong?”
He licks at his lips, struggling to find words. “I’m afraid I’ve got terrible news—”
“Prince Aeron is fine, but during the night King Viserys passed away.”
You're at a loss for words. Your father had been ill for some time, but you hadn’t expected him to die so soon. Taking a deep breath, you try to contain the flood of emotions you feel and say, “Thank you for telling me, Ser Criston. Who else in my family knows?”
“The queen has informed the king's hand, your brothers, and Princess Helaena.” Her Grace didn’t want to wake you earlier given the night you had; however, Prince Aegon has gone missing.”
“Yes, after being informed of your father's death, he disappeared from the keep. Her Grace thought he might have come to visit you.”
As the knight spoke, you noticed a small drop of dried blood on his armor. You didn’t believe for a moment that the small council was just being informed of the king's death. Something wasn’t adding up, but you needed to pretend to be none the wiser. “I haven’t seen Aegon since—” Hearing a thumping noise coming from the far side of the room, you cough loudly before continuing. “If you'll excuse me, I would like to get appropriately dressed before consoling my mother.”
Hesitantly, Ser Criston nods, leaving you alone to gather your thoughts. Although you never paid much attention to yourself, Helaena, or your brothers, his death still saddens you. Hearing the thump again, you turn to the wall and, your voice breaking, you say, “What have I told you about spying on people?”
Aegon steps out of the secret passageway, which was easily hidden by the design of the room. His eyes are bloodshot from crying, and he cups your face with shaky hands, giving you an intense stare and asking, “Do you love me?”
“Yes, of course I do.”
He looks relieved by your answer, “You need to leave.”
“I need to accept the crown and usurp Rhaenyra.”
You take a step back from him. “Aegon, you cannot!”
“Shh, Cole will still be lurking.” He kisses your forehead, and you feel his warm tears drip onto your own cheeks. “I tried to refuse, but mother... She knows. If I don’t do this, Aemond will find out…” Aegon cradles your bump, saying, “He will never believe this baby is his and won’t think twice about hurting you.”
“Oh, gods,” you sob. “What do we do? How do we keep our kids safe?”
“There might be a way, but you need to do exactly as I say.”
You nod.
“You need to leave. Aemond is with the knights who are looking for me; I will stay hidden for as long as I can to keep them busy.” He sniffs and wipes his nose with the back of his hand, as more tears fall from his red and swollen eyes. “You need to go to the dragon pit quickly, then fly to Dragonstone and bend the knee to our sister.”
“I can’t fly heavily pregnant with three children.”
“I know.”
“So one will fly with me, and the other two will fly with you.”
“I can’t go with you.”
His gaze drops to the ground, but you lightly grip his chin, forcing him to look at you. “Why aren’t you coming with me?”
Aegon closes his eyes, taking a deep breath. Watching him prepare himself to tell you something made you feel nauseous. He rubs his face harshly and says, “I can't. If I refuse the crown… mother and grandsire will push for it to go to Aemond; also, Aeron is still too weak to fly.”
“Then I’ll stay here, and we can fly to Dragonstone together in a few days.”
“It’s more complicated than that. Princess Rhaenys has been held captive, so she can’t warn Rhaenyra about what’s going to happen. Mother is counting on you going to get Aeron so she can do the same to you.”
Your heartache turns to anger. “Mother wouldn’t do that; I’m her daughter. She wouldn’t lock me away.”
“Theo,” he says, giving you a sympathetic look. “All that’s important to her now is keeping Rhaenyra off the throne; she thinks it’s the only way to keep us safe.”
It hurt knowing your mother didn’t see things clearly; she was unaware of how manipulated she had been all her life by your grandsire, which has led her into a warped reality. She refused to acknowledge how vicious Aemond could be and therefore didn’t understand the threat he would pose to you or your children. “I can’t leave you and Aeron behind.”
“Going to our sister will secure our alliance; the blacks won’t come for us if they know that we are on their side. It also means the children are protected if Aemond finds out they aren’t his.I will only stay here until he’s well enough to travel, then we will join you in Dragonstone and I will bend the knee to Rhaenyra.” He kisses you softly on the lips and says, “Take the passageway to the dragon pit. I will get Alyssa and Alina and meet you there.”
“What if Rhaenyra doesn’t accept us when we arrive?”
“She will, as long as you bend the knee and tell her... we do not need to go to war for the throne. She is the rightful heir; it is hers. Promise me that whatever happens, you won’t come back here, and you won’t let anyone drip poison into your ear and try to persuade you to attend my coronation. You must stick to the plan and leave.”
“I promise.”
Avy jorraelan - I love you
Avy jorrāelan toli - I love you too
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veryblushyswitch · 4 months
Arnold S. and Gerald J. ~ (best friend tickle hcs) 🏈
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These best buds deserve some tickle content! 🏈
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🏈 ~ Arnold is such a sensitive little guy. Both emotionally and physically. Of course Gerald takes advantage of it.
🏈 ~ They've known each other since preschool, so tickle fights were a constant occurrence when they found the other was ticklish.
🏈 ~ Arnold is usually on the receiving end of it. Gerald has both an older brother and a younger sister, so he's got his fair share of knowledge on how to tickle someone.
🏈 ~ Arnold gets him from time to time, but it only happens if Arnold is able to get at Gerald's worst spots or get him by surprise.
🏈 ~ Gerald doesn't hate being tickled, but he gets it enough at home so he doesn't necessarily like it or seek it out.
🏈 ~ Gerald is all about his cool image, and if it got out that he got tickle attacked by his big bother, and sometimes his little sister, he would never leave his room again.
🏈 ~ Arnold, being an only child, never had that type of sibling relationship so he really appreciates the friendship he has with Gerald. Especially the brotherly things like tickle fights.
🏈 ~ Arnold never knew it was something he looked forward to until it became a regular occurrence at sleepovers.
🏈 ~ Gerald had a hunch that Arnold didn't mind being tickled when he noticed how little he would put up a fight against him. And how Arnold would playfully provoke him in a way to get Gerald to retaliate.
🏈 ~ When Gerald asked about him about it, he didn't even know how much he enjoyed being tickled at first until Gerald made him think about it.
🏈 ~ He realized it was a comforting and fun thing to him. Something that brings him closer to his friends and family.
🏈 ~ While he would never judge anyone else for feeling the same way he does, he can't help but feel a bit flustered about it since it's so silly.
🏈 ~ Gerald assures him it's nothing to be embarrassed about. And, in his teasy little voice, that he'd tickle him whenever he wants. Cue Arnold becoming a stammering mess- 💖
🏈 ~ Gerald tickles Arnold to get him to go to bed when Gerald's ready to sleep but Arnold is still up and has some energy. Gerald gets wake up tickles tho because Arnold gets up at fucking 7am even on the weekends.
🏈 ~ Gerald loves sneaking up behind Arnold in school and tasing his sides. Arnold always jumps and Gerald loves it.
🏈 ~ Arnold’s favorite way to receive tickles from Gerald are during tickle fights. Although the doesn’t really mind when he just full on tackles Arnold to the ground and wrecks him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has to keep up his cool tickle monster persona ✨
🏈 ~ Gerald is so sassy and teasy when he’s tickling Arnold. He’s also a sarcastic little guy.
🏈 ~ Saying stuff like, “Dang, Arnold. I think my ears are ringing because of how loud that squeal was.”
“I wonder if this spot will work~” (he knows it’s one of Arnold’s worst spots)
“Ya know, for someone who’s so chill all the time, you sure are making a heck of a lot of noise right now. I wonder what Helga would think if she knew~”
🏈 ~ Arnold is teasy too. Gerald snorts and Arnold can’t help but giggle everytime he does and says that he sounds like Abner. (Arnold’s pet pig) 🐽
🏈 ~ Arnold is the only person Gerald knows who actually doesn't mind being tickled. He playfully teases Arnold about it of course, never in a mean way though. Gerald thinks it matches his personality.
🏈 ~ Arnold never really gets flustered about things, so seeing him get all blushy and embarrassed about tickling is so hilarious to Gerald.
🏈 ~ And Gerald doesn't mind tickling him either. It's fun and he never really gets to be on the giving side of it thanks to his older brother. He tickles his younger sister sometimes, but it's more fun with Arnold.
🏈 ~ If Arnold is going on about something that involves his friends and he feels the need to help, Gerald will interrupt and tickle him to pieces.
🏈 ~ Of course Gerald will actually talk with him, but he needs to remind Arnold every now and then that he doesn’t need to get stressed and solve everyone’s problems.
🏈 ~ There have been days where Arnold was stressed about things, and he felt lee moods for the first time. He had now idea what they were or even how to deal with them.
🏈 ~ He talked to Gerald about how he felt this fluttery feeling, almost like butterflies, and how he can't stop smiling or blushing. Gerald had a feeling he knew what to do.
🏈 ~ Since then, Gerald always knew when Arnold was in a lee mood or in need of a little stress reliever.
🏈 ~ Arnold has trained Abner to help him tickle Gerald. However, that heavily backfired on him when Gerald used his tactic right back at him.
🏈 ~ Gerald has for sure teased Arnold about a scenario where Helga, or the girl he had a crush on at the time, learned he was ticklish. Arnold had never felt so flustered in his life-
🏈 ~ Poor little guy 💖
🏈 ~ When Arnold and Helga started dating, Gerald was the one who got Arnold to tell Helga about the tickling thing. As if Helga didn’t already know-
🏈 ~ Gerald and Helga for sure tickle Arnold together. Gerald spilled all of his ticklish secrets and weaknesses to her. Not to mention while they’re tickling him which makes it even more flustering.
🏈 ~ Helga and Gerald kinda form this frenemy type bond after Arnold and her started dating.
🏈 ~ Gerald claims he can tickle Arnold better since they’ve been friends for so long, but Helga being her competitive self and his girlfriend is of course always down to prove him wrong.
🏈 ~ Arnold would never admit it, but he’s so glad Gerald spilled the beans about everything he’s learned over the years to Helga.
🏈 ~ Overall, they are so besties and playfully roughhouse with each other a lot. And neither could ask for a better best friend.
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mega-punani · 7 months
Hello hello!! I really love your writing and your art sm!! <33 I gotta say I'm all in for the romantic feels asks but platonic dynamics have a special place in my heart so- got any headcanons for the pirate au boys with a little sister medic/healer crewmate? Like the passive sweetie in the background that makes sure everyone's okay and her worry about everyone rivals that of edge yk? Ty! ^w^
Worried Medic Younger Sibling Y/N!:
Sans: Oh great, yet another sibling to spend sleepless nights worrying about... All jokes, Sans loves them to bits, and he is so incredibly grateful that they would go out of their way to fret over him and take care of him. He had just grown so used to hiding his weaknesses, for Pap's sake. But now, he finally had someone who took care of him like he does everyone else. Even if he's gonna crack cringey puns along the way. He'll let out a low chuckle every time they tell him to shut it. Papyrus: He's so touched! As much as he hates to make them worry, a part of him always cries when Y/N rushes up to him with a concerned expression and a medkit. Although Sans practically raised him, he could never feel good actually pouring all his concerns out to his stressed older brother. But his wonderful, amazing, talented sibling is the beam of sunshine he never knew he needed. Blue: NOOOOO NOT ANOTHER EDGE! Blue is sprinting the moment they approach him with a medkit. He always hated the doctor, and you are telling him that his beloved younger sibling is one of those apple-repelled freaks? With great effort, running, screaming, and other crewmates' help, Y/N will be patching up Blue with an iron grip on his skull. He'll whine, but he really is glad that they are willing to put up with his goofs. He will give you a big hug when he's all better and then jump straight into the fray like they didn't just spend 2 hours getting him fixed up.
Stretch: Literally the definition of the annoying older brother. Will come into the medical bay just to knock something off of the table and then turn off the lights, leaving Y/N in the dark. He'll say jokes and puns until someone shoves gauze in his mouth and will not stop bothering you. He has his moments and is a great shoulder to lean on when times are rough. And it's not like the teasing is one-sided! Y/N had seen their fair share of romance poems and songs that Stretch swore he had stashed away. Too bad Cash will do about anything for 3G.
Red: Annoying older brother #2 except he's the type to air punch you and profusely apologize if he accidentally hits you. He rolls his eyelights every time they scold him, sprinkling a few "Who are you, Edge?" and "Big words for such a short guy." He will be relentless when it comes to goofing off. One moment he's your partner in crime, another moment, he is giving you a noogie for being in his business.
Edge: It's like a nagging cycle. Y/N will fret over Edge triggering him to start analyzing you, and then it's just Y/N's sweet concern and Edge's masked care repeated into infinity. Of course, he can't help but cherish the feeling of being so looked after. Even if he feels like it is his duty to look after his younger sibling. He will give them a rare smile, just glad that they love him enough to try, even if he was as stubborn as a mule.
Razz: He's already covering his earholes the moment Y/N enters his navigation status chamber of a room. He groans and grumbles while they place some much-needed food on his desk, blocking his view of his book. But of course, he will never actually yell or rage at his kind younger sibling, although that was the only thing he knew best. He won't say a thank you, but just know that he is so giddy that his sibling is being so thoughtful. You can tell from the warm breeze and the pretty clouds.
Cash: Steals. Everything. He thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing in the world to bother the soul out of his siblings, and his poor younger sibling Y/N. So sweet, so kind, so... EASY TO STEAL FROM! The food they were saving for later? Gone. The little candy jar that they use to give to the crew after checkups? Vanished. Y/N's favorite jacket that doesn't even fit him? Wow, he actually looks really good in it- NO HE'S STRETCHING THE FABRIC. He thinks it's so incredibly rejuvenating when Y/N chases him around. Of course, doesn't last long cause that smoker is already heaving for breath. Bear: Being a sibling is the only way that Bear will not feel nervous about touching Y/N. Of course, he will make sure not to pat to hard or shake them around, but he will be more willing to throw Y/N around if he thinks that they are in danger. He will protect just as fiercely as Y/N would, and he is just so happy to be surrounded by that familial warmth he was never allowed to enjoy. Expect big thank-you meals every time he gets patched up. Cinnamon: He knows that Y/N worries for him sometimes, and he can't help but feel guilty. There are so many things that are wrong with him, and it seems like they visit him every day when he has yet another issue with his eyes or teeth. But every time he is reassured. Perhaps that is why he finds his sibling so wonderful. Because no matter how terrible he feels Y/N will always patch him up and give him a big hug. Having such a caring younger sibling had inspired him to be the best big bro!
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idontplaytrack · 6 months
Capri Donahue x Harper Sibling!fem reader
Warnings: Mentions/descriptions of death, implied self-harm & eating disorder, mentions of smut, coarse language.
First of several parts. Tells the story of how reader and Capri’s relationship began.
You remembered the day of Capri’s accident like it was yesterday. It was Tuesday morning. You’d just finished your last class before lunch, so you were headed from your Social Studies classroom down the hall from the school gymnasium to the gym. You made your way to the bleachers and sat down, greeting your sister Darby’s gym teacher on the way. It was like clockwork- the two of you had lunch together every Tuesday and Thursday. Those were also the days you were closest to Capri Donahue, the girl you’ve had a crush on ever since you started at Frederick Douglas High. Your sister Darby, and Capri were a year older and you hadn’t been able to see Capri for several years after they stopped being friends following the passing of your mother. Capri used to hang out with Darby every other day- they were best friends, until they weren’t and became enemies. Right up till the day she died.
You hear Darby asking where her clothes were. Then Capri says something, which you couldn’t hear. But then Darby gets her clothes back. Barely a few seconds later, the bloodcurdling screams you could never forget rang through the whole gym. You ran the mere few feet to the locker room, and Darby screamed for you to get out. But it was too late- the fear had you paralysed, as it did the rest. Youcould only watch. You watched Capri get electrocuted. From that point on, it was as though you blacked out- everything was a blur. Everyone who saw the accident was sent home early, but you were too anxiously waiting for any updates. And Darby outwardly judged you for it, finding it strange.
And then, the news came from your Dad. He’d just received a call and told you both that Capri’s barely made it to the hospital and despite their efforts to resuscitate her, she’s was gone. She was gone and never coming back. And you held onto what possibly was the biggest regret- you never got to tell her how you felt, and she even asked you out but you thought it was a prank after mentioning it to your sister. You felt like you were getting crushed from the inside out, your heart harshly ripped from your chest as you tried so hard to breathe. You don’t hear anything from Darby but you knew someone caught you in their arms. Your Dad. He held you as you sobbed.
Soon, it was nighttime and you were in bed. You’d been in your room for the past 10 hours. You were writing in your journal when a bottle of your perfumes got knocked off your desk. You gasped, startled as you looked up. The window was closed. As you repeatedly told yourself you were imagining things, it happens again. And again, and again. Every bottle of your perfumes were now on the ground. Darby barges in and told you to quit it, and you told her you weren’t doing anything.
“Then what is all that noise?” She sighed. You pointed to the bottles on the carpeted floor. “I didn’t do that, Darby.” You told her, getting a chill down your spine abruptly, smelling a familiar scent in the room. You shared a look with Darby, “Do you smell that too?”
She nods and closed your door. “That’s Capri’s perfume,”
“I know that.” She chided in a whisper.
You shut your eyes, too scared to continue looking and when you opened them, you got an even bigger shock. Capri Donahue, sitting at your desk. Were you thinking of her that much?
She turned to look at you, giving you a cheeky smile and wave. Strange. You wanted to scream, but nothing comes out of your mouth. You pointed at the girl, Darby’s eyes follow your finger. “Why- why is she here. Why can I see her? Darby, Darby, why-”
As much as you were totally freaked out by Capri’s presence, you couldn’t look away. You two locked eyes…she was sad, almost too sad. Darby was just as bewildered as you were. All along, Darby’s been the only one able to see dead people. “Capri, why can I see you?”
“I don’t know.” She told you with a shrug, “But the rumours are true, huh? Darby? You can see the dead.”
“And apparently, so can my sister.” She scoffs, a hand rubbing your back. “What do you want?”
“You need to help me. I don’t know why I’m still here.” Capri revealed.
“Can you two please carry on this conversation in your room, Darby? My head feels like it’s about to explode and me seeing a ghost is not helping how I feel about this whole day.” You begged, looking between the two of them. You feel Capri’s gaze linger on you, then a twinge in your heart. You glanced back at her and saw her face- there was a frown, as though she was hurt by your request…but it couldn’t be. She didn’t like you. No, that’s not possible. She hated people like you. The nobodies, the nerds, the freaks…
“Okay, y/n.” Darby got up from her spot beside you, “Let’s go, Capri. Let her have a minute.”
The rest of the night flew by peacefully. Well, you did cry yourself to sleep as her accident kept replaying itself in your head, but you made it through the night and eventually woke up after a dream that felt way too real- a freaking montage of what could’ve been yours an Capri’s relationship.
“How are you feeling? After last night?” Darby asks when she sees you walking down the stairs.
“Huh?” You asked her in return, looking around the house. “Dad’s left for work.” Darby answered. “Oh.” You sat down at the dining table.
“Capri didn’t bother you last night, did she?” Darby questioned.
“What do you mean?” You asked again.
“Oh, my God.” Darby huffs, “Capri.”
The dead girl appears right in front of you, like she just spawned in. “Holy shit. That wasn’t a dream?” You stared at your sister, wide-eyed. “Nope.” Darby tells you, “You don’t remember?”
“I know she died. I remember crying, but I don’t even remember how I ended up in my room and asleep. I must’ve been way too out of it.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes. Capri died. Right. There was that twinge in your heart again. That look on her face again. She was sad, but doesn’t say anything. “Can you see her?”
“I can. God, why?” You asked to no one in particular, “I can’t help.”
“I cannot move on and I can’t figure out why.” Capri said, “We stayed up all night to figure it out, but nothing.”
“I think you mean me. I stayed up all night. You’re just a ghost.”
“No!” You exclaimed, you didn’t even process what you said.
“Okay, you have been acting weird. Especially for the death of someone you barely knew.” Darby scoffs.
“I cannot help what I feel. It’s like if she feels said, I feel it too.” You stated.
“I have no idea why that’s the case, but-”
“Help me, please.” She actually said please, tears brimmed at her eyes. You feel the same way she did, you watch her. Wondering why you were feeling everything she felt.
“Darby, I feel terrible. I’m feeling everything she’s feeling on top of my own emotions. You have to fix this.” You informed your sister.
“I’ve been trying to do that for the past seven hours, y/n. I don’t know how to do that yet, whatever it is.” Darby sighs, “Have your breakfast first.”
“I’m not hungry.” You answered flatly.
“I don’t care, you need to eat. It’s been more than half a day since you ate anything.” Darby insisted. So, you gave in and ate what she’d prepared: a bowl of oatmeal with chocolate chips, peanut and honey. As you hesitantly ate, the more you began to feel something else, something completely new. Knowing the culprit, you turned your head to look at Capri unhappily. But it wasn’t like she could help it. “Capri, stop it. I don’t like this feeling.” You warned. Alarmed, Darby watched the two of you, “What the hell’s going on?”
“You ask her, she’s getting aroused.” You shrugged unfazed.
“Ookay, didn’t know that was something I’d be hearing today, but alright.” Darby nearly chokes on her water as she unsteadily puts down the glass. “Is there something you haven’t told me?”
“Who are you asking?” You and Capri inquired, almost in unison.
“Actually, both of you.” Darby decided. “It seems you two have been hiding a little something of your own.”
“Don’t you think it’s fucking weird that I - I saw her first?” You blabbed, you spoon falling back into the bowl from your hand with a clatter sound.
“Harsh.” Capri exhaled sharply.
“Okay, before you break anything in my house. I’d have to say it’s quite strange. She’s never had this ability, so why now? With you?” Darby glares at Capri, “And my sister feels everything you feel. Even I can’t feel anything- not from you, not from any deado ever.”
You shifted in your seat uncomfortably as you felt the heat rushing through your body, and Darby seems to have noticed, urging either of you to speak up. “I…may have a crush on your sister.”
Your eyes felt like they were going to bulge out of your head, while Darby feels the colour drain from her cheek as that piece of information rang through her mind. “What?” She mumbled.
“Awhile ago, like, I dunno. Six months after James dumped me, I started having a lot of times on my hands…not just being focused on a boy anymore. I noticed y/n, how flustered and shy she got around me. I catch her stealing glances and she bolts. Like I’d kill her.” Capri quite literally spilled her guts out to you and Darby. You never would’ve guessed this would happen. “So I asked her out, just to hang out. It wasn’t a date or anything. I mean, it couldn’t hurt to get to know someone and see where things lead…but now, that’s not possible and it fucking hurts!”
The last words- she screamed it. Darby’s glass shatters because of it, she rolled her eyes. “You’re on the news…” Darby says, pointing towards the TV. “Turn the volume up.” You sniffled, telling Darby. But before Darby got ahold of the remote, Capri was the one who increased the TV’s volume with a flick of her fingers.
“I thought you were dead.” Darby said, to no one in particular.
Capri scoffs, “Ugh, I look terrible.”
“Capri, that says you’re not dead. You’re just unconscious- your heart started beating again.” Darby continued.
“Hello? We’re hearing the same things you are, Harper. I don’t get it. Why am I…this? What, am I? A spirit?”
“Whatever, I called Alex to come over to help me out with this.” Darby was annoyed, but also equally befuddled.
“I like Capri. I like girls. And I’m scared and uncomfortable as fuck, Capri would you please just stop-!” you rambled. She interrupted you, kissing you on the lips to act on her desire.
“Oh, my fucking God.” Darby laughs, sitting down on the couch, away from you two. But as soon as she sat down, the doorbell rang. Darby scurries to the door, but not before shoving you and Capri upstairs. “I’ll fill him in, and stall him. We’ll uh, stay- stay away from upstairs.” Darby said awkwardly.
“You finally said it.” Capri smirked, “You do like me.” As soon as you walked into your room, Capri shut the door with her telekinesis, then pushed you onto the mattress the same way, slowly. It was bizarre. You could see her and you could feel her, but yet when you reached out to touch her, you couldn’t feel a thing. Your hand just went right through her…like she was a hologram.
“Oh, God. What the fuck did I do? What the fuck am I doing?” You sniffed, eyes brimming with tears once more. You were feeling a shit ton of things, making your mind an even bigger mess with Capri inevitably turning you on. You weren’t sure what to feel. So many emotions at once…all you could feel was the overwhelming urge to scream and screw your eyes shut, hoping all of this would magically disappear. But you know it wouldn’t. This was real life.
“Capri, please. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Please- please leave me alone. I can’t take it and I don’t know how to help you.” You pleaded tearfully. Her face softens, “Why are you doing this to me?”
The waterworks began once you notice her start to weep, then came the twinge in your chest. Again. Capri sits down on your mattress. “y/n, I don’t know why you can see me like this. I did not choose for this to happen, for you to be able to feel what I feel. You have to believe me.”
“You’re supposed to be lying in the hospital. I just- I don’t get how I’m supposed help you, i don’t get how is it that I can feel you but not touch you. How is it that you can touch me, or kiss me. I- I- just, I’m sorry nothing makes sense and I feel like I’m losing my mind.” You continued crying.
“I should’ve noticed you sooner.” She brushes the hair out of your face and you jump in your seat, startled. Capri cups your cheek, “I let the power of being popular ruin me. I failed to properly see the world as it is, and not just the version I curated.”
“You really like me?” You asked meekly, feeling the snot dripping out and causing you to quickly sniff.
“I do. I like you, and if you’re willing to give me another chance, once I wake up from that coma…we’re going on a first date.” Capri smiles, her usual bitchy demeanour was gone in a split second.
Your emotions were still mirroring hers but it was no longer overwhelming. Was it because her arousal died down and more importantly, that what needed to be said was finally said? You weren’t given too much time to think before she kisses you again. You didn’t even have to say anything now that you could practically read her mind, giving her a nod, you reciprocated her advances as she turned the lock on your door with ease, again, without even going up to it.
Quickly, the intense heat and desire for her returned. She was making you feel this way, but not entirely a knowing that you had a big fat crush on her and that you had her in your bedroom was making your heart race like crazy…you wonder if she could feel that too. Or if your new found gift was one-sided. Capri grabs your hand and places it on her chest, “You feel that? You’re the one making me feel like my heart’s about to leap out of my chest.”
You squirmed beneath the girl, gnawing onto your lower lip, “Forgive me for sounding totally crude, but you know what we’re both feelings and what you want is what I want, so for the love of God, take me now. I feel like I’m going to explode, Capri.” You rattled on, “As weird as this is, it’s the only way we’ll be able to feel any relief unless we can magically just not feel anything.”
Capri chuckles smugly before she attacks you with another kiss, this time one far from gentle. Here’s the thing, though, the more you saw her, the more you were reminded that she wasn’t an actual person with you right now. So what did you do, you shut your eyes and let her take control. You’d been dreaming, no- fantasising about this happening one day but it never did seem remotely possible till right now.
Holy fucking shit.
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wandafiction · 7 months
Twenty Percent - Just Us Chapter 11
Warnings: Talks of injury, and being in Coma, Lil fluff.
Word Count: 2101
Series List | Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
"No way!" Wanda leans back in her chair, putting her hand over her mouth to try and hide her laughing. 
"I was scared shitless! I mean imagine your sister walking in on you doing the nasty on the couch of your shared apartment. She chased me around the room for a good 10 minutes until we realised the girl was very confused." I shake my head as I think back to that night.
"What did the girl do?" Wanda gives me her full attention now she has gotten over her laughing fit.
"She asked what was going on and if she had just become a homewrecker." 
"Oh my goodness!" Wanda shakes her head at my antics. "Well I hope you explained that she was your sister." 
"Mhm. I did. Then she asked where we had gotten to and my sister left in a hurry." 
"I would too if my brother had a girl around." She takes a bite of the muffin she ordered.
"Yeah, I can't tell you how many times I have walked in on my sister and her wife. So you have a brother? Any other siblings." I like this, getting to know someone, thing. 
"Yeah, I do." Her expression changes slightly, shit I think I hit a nerve. 
"What's he like?" Wanda's eyes look into mine, before looking back down at her hands where she is fiddling with her rings. 
"There are so many things. Where do I start?" 
"How about his name?" I don't want to push her, but I feel like she wants to talk about him and never really gets the chance. 
"His name is Pietro, Pietro Maximoff. He is my twin brother, older by just a few minutes but will never let me forget it." She smiles to herself as she continues. "Even though he is the eldest of the two of us, he is most definitely the child and I feel like a parent to him sometimes. We had so many adventures as children back in Sokovia, and we made memories here too." 
Her smile drops. Oh shit.
"I miss him." I grab her hand from across the table giving it a comforting squeeze, she looks up at me and gives me a sad smile a few tears line her eyes. "Uh, sorry I, uhm didn't mean to put a damper on the mood."
"Do not apologise for having emotions. Tell me more." Her head shoots up to look at me in confusion and question.
"Wait really?! You want to hear about my brother?" 
"Only with what you're comfortable telling me." 
"Okay, just. I haven't spoken about him like this in ages, what do you want to know?" Her eyes fill with hope and the thought she gets to talk about him.
"Why not?" Her eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Why don't you speak about him more often, I mean."
"Well Vis, the twins' dad and my ex husband, wasn't Pietros biggest fan in college or out of college. So it always seemed difficult to bring him up after what happened, and he never asked. So I never told. My friends, work colleagues and those who know enough but never ask questions. It's like they are walking on eggshells and think that if they even mention his name I will have a mental breakdown or something." She uses her sleeve to clear a few of the tears that have escaped, a shaky breathing leaving her lips. 
"So tell me more. What's the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you in front of your brother that you know he will never let you live down?" I change the course of the conversation trying to give it a lighter tone, I don't need to know what happened. It's not my business. If she wants to tell me, then it will be her decision and her decision only. 
"Oh okay. So it was the twins 10th birthday we had a few family and friends around for a BBQ. Vis had let me know he may be late as he was stuck in a work meeting, so I had to set everything up...he didn't show up in the end. For his own boys' birthdays. Anyway, I was trying to take their minds off it by getting everyone outside the children in the pool and the adults to relax with a drink. It was all going well until I heard Billy call me over to the pool, me being me, I immediately went to the edge of the pool; and bent down to ask him what was wrong. Before he could reply I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, lift me up, and chuck me in the pool. I screamed of course, I mean who wouldn't. It only got worse from there though, because when I came to the surface to find the culprit, my brother, was laughing like there was no tomorrow. However, when he opened his eyes to look at my scowl he covered his eyes with his hand telling me to cover up. Confused, I look down, only to realise I'm wearing a now soaked white top, with no bra underneath because I hadn't had time to sort myself out." 
I laugh along with her stories as she continues, nodding my head and adding input every now and again but ultimately just letting her talk about him. It's adorable how much she loves her brother, whenever she remembers something else or even just talking about him her whole face lights up with an infectious smile. Oh god, and that laugh. At one point we both have tears streaming down our faces from laughing so hard. This is nice. I like this. Then her smile falters slightly as she looks at me through her eyelashes. 
"Can I tell you what happened?" I lean forward, my elbows resting on the table as I take both her hands in mine giving them a squeeze.
"Only if you're comfortable, and only when you're ready to do so." She goes to say something, but clothes her mouth and mumbles something under her breath. "Sorry Wanda I couldn't quite hear you. What were you saying?" 
"Just, he was in the wrong place at the wrong time." She takes a breath, so I decide to scoot my chair next to hers so I can wrap my arm around her. 
"Where is he now?" I think I know the answer, but she hasn't actually said it so I cannot make that assumption.
"He is in a coma. Has been for the last 2 years. I'm just grateful that I had him around during the divorce, I don't think I would have gotten through it without him."  Okay so he isn't dead like I thought. That's good.
"I'm so sorry Wanda. I know sorry doesn't mean a thing in situations like this, trust me I know. But he isn't truly gone yet so you have to live every moment because from what I've heard he is very much a live life to the fullest sort of person." She buries her head into my chest as she cries quietly, I can feel a wet patch soaking through my sweatshirt but that's not important.
"Is there still hope for him?" I feel her stiffen a bit before relaxing into my hold more.
"The doctors had said there was a 40% chance of him waking up, now it's more like 20%. He was shot multiple times and they said his body is healed so now it's just about him wanting to wake up." She grips into the front of my sweatshirt, it bunching up in her closed fists.
"Well 20% is better than 5%, so he still has a chance. These things take time unfortunately. Even though they say 'it's up to him whether he wakes up or not' what they mean is. Is his brain giving him the fighting chance he needs, and 20%. Well 20% is a hell of a good chance." She looks up at me with a small smile on her face.
"You think so." 
"I do. But you still have to remember it can take time, and things do go wrong. I don't want to give you this false sense of security where you believe he will 100% wake up because no one can be sure." She leans up to peck my lips a couple times, before looking up into my eyes.
"Thank you." 
"You have nothing to be thankful for. I am just telling you what I think after hearing the story."
"No I do. You didn't withhold any of the truth. People keep saying 20%, that's really good he will wake up. Where you've said 20% it's good, but it's not 100%. So thank you, most people just avoid the topic." She clears her throat as she loosens from my embrace, I quietly whimper at the loss of contact. "What a way for a first date to go." 
"Well we have already slept with each other. I mean according to my sister we skipped steps 1-3 and are now doing it all backwards." She hums in thought.
"What's steps 1-3?" 
"Well step 1 is the first meeting. So for us it was a club, for others maybe a coffee shop or work. Maybe even online." I lean my arm in the back of her chair, Wanda rests her head on my arm as she brings her left hand up to my arm drawing random shapes. All the time her attention is on me, a small smile plastered on her face as she watches me speak.
"Step 2 would be the talking. Getting to know one another. So texting back and forth, maybe a phone call here and there. Even a video call once or twice. Just talking." Wanda takes her bottom lip between her teeth.
"And step 3?" She asks as she relaxes more against my arm, her piercing green eyes looking right into mine.
"Well step 3 would be the date."
"What would this date consist of? If you were the one to set it up?" She crosses her legs over, her left hand still drawing shapes in my arm as her right one rests on her thighs.
"Well I would take you out to one of the best restaurants I know. Not one of those that sells tiny bits of food that wouldn't even feed a mouse, and at those prices. Pftt, that's extortion. I would take you to a place that sells the most glorious food, that could keep you full for days on end with a nice bottle of wine to go with it. Then as the night goes on, I would take you for a walk just to help keep the calm atmosphere. Of course being the gentlewoman I am, I would take you home waiting till you got into your house. Not before I steal a kiss from you of course. Then I would say I hope we can do this again." I look back at Wanda, as during the storytelling I looked up to the ceiling. 
She has this look about her, I can't quite place it. Her bottom lip is between her teeth, her hand that was drawing on my arm now rests gently against my elbow. Her other hand, at some point, has come to rest against my knee, her thumb stroking it gently with miniscule movements. She seems to be in a trance as her eyes look deep into mine, before searching the rest of my face.
"What's that look for?" I question, breaking her out of her trance.
"Nothing. I mean. I've never had a date like that before." Wait what?
"What about your ex husband?" She shakes her head.
"No we met in school, we never really did the whole date thing as we would just hang out at each other's houses whenever we could. After school, at 18, we found out I was pregnant. We did the whole college thing as well with two twin boys. Now that was difficult. But even after we left college, got jobs, and started earning money we never really had date nights. I think we classed going out with friends for meals as our dates." She shakes her head at the thought of her ex husband, going to say something but choosing not to. I don't question her.
"Well then princess. Maybe one day you will get the date you deserve."
"And will that date be with you." She looks up at me through her eyelashes.
"On what?" 
"How well this one ends." 
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bagsysworld · 1 year
Some Thoughts on the Black Brothers, Dysfunctional Family, and the Good Kind of Hurt.
TW: abusive households, sibling separation, childhood trauma
I’ve been seeing some discourse about the Regulus and Sirius situation (specifically Sirius leaving Grimmauld without Regulus) and as someone who has lived through a very similar situation, I wanted to (project and over share) explain some of the intricacies that I don’t see talked about a lot, particularly in regards to the effect that this kind of trauma had on me and my brother’s relationship. Hopefully this can serve as inspo for people who are writing the Black brothers if you haven’t lived this dynamic and/or don’t have siblings.
Background: I am the youngest sibling. I have a brother who is two years older than me. We were raised by our mother, in a household that was difficult and tumultuous. Our parents are separated and my dad lived far away.
My mother was raised in a very abusive household. I don’t say this to excuse her behavior, but for the sake of the conversation, I want to make note of this generational trauma. The Blacks are chock full of it. As a result of her trauma, she is volatile and quite emotionally reactive when she fears she is losing control. She has a very specific vision of the type of people her children should be, and if we defied her, and threatened what (in her mind) she had worked so hard to build, she lashed out. To my mother, she wasn’t as bad as her own parents, so we were weak if we couldn’t handle it. She viewed her behavior as normal.
Also, regardless of how difficult things were at home, it was VERY important that, to the outside world, everything looked perfect. Public perception was real to her, and whatever went on inside the house was just a means of keeping up that façade. Who we were wasn’t as important as how other people saw us. For anyone writing Walburga into their fics, this is helpful to keep in mind. Rather than just writing her as evil for the sake of being evil, understand this motivation, and you may find a bit more depth in your depiction of her.
But, like my mother, her vision of perfection was just that: a vision. It was unrealistic. It was unobtainable. Nothing would have ever been good enough.
My older brother was always the family scapegoat. Like Sirius, he is outgoing, charming, impulsive, witty, often unpredictable. He loves to have a laugh. He always speaks his mind. He doesn’t like to lose. As you can imagine, this put him at constant odds with my mother. If she was angry, he fought back. He questioned her, disagreed with her. Like Sirius, my brother knows who he is, and he wasn’t going to compromise that to live some life that didn’t even appeal to him.
I, on the other hand, didn’t talk back. Not when I was younger, at least. I was anxious, studious, a perfectionist in every hobby I took up. I didn’t know how to let myself have fun. I never felt like I had earned it. My mother was so loving when I had her approval, and so I chased it. I thought love needed to be earned. I had to be good enough. This is how I view Regulus, especially in their younger years.
As for the sibling dynamic as children… it always gives me a little chuckle when I read a fic where Sirius and Regulus are constantly soft with each other. Imagine them how you like, I don’t want to be condescending to anyone. But there’s no way those two didn’t fight like cats and dogs. Pun intended. My brother loves getting a reaction out of people for fun, and he knew how to press every button to make me mad. I look back on this fondly now, though. He’s my big brother, of course he thinks it’s funny to piss me off. asshole.
But when I was upset, he always knew just how to cheer me up. Not with some tearful heart-to-heart, or a long loving hug, or any of that. More like, he’d force his way into my room, I’d tell him to get out, and we would have an interaction in which he pestered me until I cracked a smile, then he would be ridiculous until I was laughing again and was sufficiently pulled out of my own head. He made it bearable, all the pressure. I didn’t realize how much I needed him until he wasn’t there. But more on that later.
My brother and mother were constantly screaming at each other. But when I got yelled at, I got distant and quiet, and I just said whatever I thought I needed to say to get the hell out of there, so I could lock myself in my room where I felt safe. It scared me, the yelling. And I didn’t understand why my brother always yelled back. It’s not like he was going to change our mothers mind about anything. And it made me angry at him, because he was always looking for a fight, and I always ended up feeling stressed and scared. Our mothers mood would be so sour after they fought, and the floor would be eggshells. It was misplaced anger. But I was a child.
To my brother, this anger made it seem like I was siding with my mother. I was not. I just wanted the fighting to stop. I don’t think Regulus would have been on Walburga’s side either. He was clearly aware of her abusive tendencies. I don’t know anyone with an abusive parent who is like, actually on their side and not just appeasing them so that they can be left alone. But who knows, maybe you know someone like that. There’s a lot of people in this world.
I often see people say that Regulus should have defended Sirius to their parents. Maybe. But also, it wouldn’t have really made any difference, other than both of them getting in trouble. In my experience, my brother knew me, and he never would have expected that level of confrontation from me. I think Sirius would have been the same way. I think he would have preferred Regulus stayed out of it, because he would have felt guilty if Regulus got hurt fighting his fight.
After my mother and brother fought, I would do my best to put him back together. But I wasn’t as good at it as he was. He always knew just how to cheer me up. I always felt like I was falling short. I think that he was hesitant to let me take care of him. I think it made him feel guilty, like he was failing somehow.
He would cope in other ways. Blow off steam at a party, get drunk or high or both. I’d stay awake to make sure he didn’t get caught, didn’t wake up our mother and cause another fight. And he’d let me take care of him then. Simple steps. I gave what I could. It never felt like enough.
He left when he was 16, after a huge fight with our mother. She made me stand in the room, and they both tried to get me to back them up. I clammed up, torn in two. I paid the price for it later.
My brother went to live with my dad. He didn’t ask me to come with him. I don’t think Sirius would have asked Regulus either, though I see that depicted a lot. I think he would have just wanted to get the fuck out. Completely understandable. Plus, even if my brother had asked me, I wouldn’t have gone. What, I was just going to move in with my dad and get on with it all, knowing that my mom was somewhere angry with me, disapproving of me, disappointed in me? It would have eaten me alive. Honestly, him asking me to leave with him never even crossed my mind. And I wasn’t mad at him for that. Devastated, sure, but more so because he was gone. I felt hopeful for him. I wanted him to be happy.
This is where things get tricky, and where I see a lot of people villainize Sirius unfairly. My brother built a new life at a new school. He leaned heavily into the new safety and acceptance that he had found, which he so desperately needed. Just like Sirius when he moved in with the Potters and began considering them to be his real family, and James to be his brother. He was traumatized from his past and didn’t like to think about it, so he built up a wall against us so that he didn’t have to. He was a child, reacting to trauma.
My brother thought that I was against him, because I hadn’t vocalized my support when he asked me to. So I got cut off as well. It fucking sucked, and it pissed me off so much at the time, especially because I had also gotten into trouble with my mother when I didn’t back her up either. And then we were both just pissed at each other. Hurt, and scared, and angry, and stubborn.
All of those feelings felt so grown up at the time, so righteous and justified. It’s funny now, looking back, seeing how immature it all was. If we had just fucking talked to each other, we could have saved ourselves so much misery. We could have saved ourselves.
But I was not encouraged to talk to him. And I had my mothers undivided attention. My brother always commanded the attention of everyone in the room (so Sirius Black coded of him) and suddenly he was gone. It was all on me now. My mothers expectations had been raised unimaginably, to compensate for the loss. I think that this was her insecurity coming in to play. She needed to prove that she didn’t fail. And I needed to be perfect. I had never wanted her undivided attention, just her approval. I never got her approval in the end. Like I said, unattainable. And I eventually reached a breaking point. Not quite as dramatic as defying a dark wizard, stealing a horcrux, and being drowned by Inferi, though i’m sure it did feel like it at the time. I survived though. Bagsy- 1, Regulus- 0.
I talk to my brother now, and we’re healing. We have had a few drunken heart-to-hearts. We love each other. But there’s an ache there, when I think of that time we spent apart. A mistrust that we’re both trying to unlearn, I think. It sucks, because I want to blame the whole thing on our shitty experience, but we were still part of it. It’s still part of us.
I think that even if Regulus and Sirius had reconnected, it would be very touch-and-go. They would remind each other of a very difficult time in their lives, an environment that they are both products of, even if they denounce it. They need each other to get through it, because no one else could understand what they’ve been through. But they hurt each other because of it.
And there’s a grief there, for the relationship and the trust that you want, need, but which feels so out of reach. It feels like it got taken away from us, and (petulantly, I often think) it’s not fair. Sometimes we fight, and I’m scared that we’re too broken by it all to ever be good for each other. I’m scared that I’ll only ever remind him of things he’d rather forget. Then we make up, and I’m reminded: despite the pain we cause each other sometimes, my life is so much better with my brother in it. And I know he feels the same. We’re so young. We have so much time.
Regulus and Sirius didn’t get that time.
tl,dr; call your sibling. go to therapy.
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seafoamey · 1 year
an accident (gen. neutral reader)
To Hajime’s credit, he never intended to form an interest in his friend’s “dearest baby sibling.” It was all an accident, really.
Oikawa (Y/n) has always had to deal with the consequences of having an overprotective, popular brother such as Oikawa Tooru. What will happen if Tooru's trusted friend happens to form feelings for the one person that is "seriously, totally off limits"?
“Hey, you better leave my sibling alone.” Tooru announces as he finally exits the practice gym, laying his bag down on the floor. Sitting down, he stretches out on the bench already occupied by his friend.
Iwaizumi startles, coming out of his sudden daze. He had been staring down the long corridor towards another clubroom. More specifically, Oikawa (Y/n)’s club room. The third year furrowed his thin eyebrows at the realization, a little ashamed. 
Hajime felt the sudden thud of Tooru’s hand on his shoulder. “I was just kidding. Noone would go for a brute like you.” He said with a mischievous grin, clearly entertained by his own comment. As if to support the point, Hajime shoved the setter’s hand off. 
“You really piss me off sometimes.” Hajime grumbles, staring at his phone to avoid Tooru’s playful taunts. Or, perhaps, to avoid the partial truth in his accusation.
To Hajime’s credit, he never intended to form an interest in his friend’s “dearest baby sibling.” The one person who was "seriously, totally off limits.” It was all an accident, really. 
Iwaizumi Hajime and Oikawa Tooru had been close friends since childhood. Sharing a love for volleyball, the two were often seen practicing together or watching matches. It was inevitable that the pair would get along, despite apparent clashes in their personalities.
Yes, it always irked Hajime that girls were obsessed with Tooru, simply because he was a “pretty boy.” And Hajime was aware that his rough exterior could cause problems, not to mention his tendency to resort to violence at Tooru’s jabs. But friendships could surpass these minor scuffs. 
Then came along Oikawa (Y/n). About a year younger than Tooru, the older boy always felt protective over his sibling. Whenever the subject of love arose, he always insisted that “men are players,” or that “you’re far too young to be dating.” If either Hajime or (Y/n) pointed out the hypocrisy of Tooru’s statements, he would resort to whining, childishly asking if his love wasn’t enough.
Hajime never really pushed the issue much. Oikawa (Y/n) wasn’t as popular as Tooru, and didn’t have nearly as many suitors due to the popular boy’s vocal apprehension. And when someone did come along, Tooru wasn’t afraid to start a fight with the man over seemingly minor issues. Hajime had been there before, pulling his stupid friend away before the shouting match could escalate to something physical. 
It never seemed to bother (Y/n) a lot, at least compared to the other problems that Tooru had caused. Being a charming athlete, Oikawa had many fans, including some of (Y/n)’s second year classmates. Hajime suspected that girls may become friends with (Y/n) in an attempt to get closer to Tooru, just as others had done to him. In fact, the first girl to show interest in Hajime had unashamedly asked if Tooru would go along on their date, crushing the hopeful boy’s heart. It was all a suspicion, however, until Hajime walked in on (Y/n) crying one summer day.  ---
Because of the strength and duration of their friendship, it wasn’t an unusual occurrence for Hajime to let himself into the Oikawa household. The whole family had gotten along with the young man, thinking he was a good influence on Tooru -- smart, thoughtful, responsible. Although Hajime wasn’t rude enough to come over unannounced, it was almost a daily basis that Tooru invited him over.
On that day, Tooru had instructed him to just let himself in, too hot or lazy to greet him at the door. So Hajime walked down the hallway, passing by (Y/n)’s room. Or at least he was going to, until the underclassman’s door slammed open.
Hajime startled at the sudden noise, quickly looking for the culprit. Oikawa’s younger sibling stood frozen in place, eyes red and puffy, before quickly closing the door again.
He debated whether or not to enter, if their relationship was close enough to impose like that. But his heart sank at the muffled sniffles that escaped through the door frame. Hajime cautiously knocked on the door, “(Y/n), is it okay if I come in?”.
“Yeah.” He heard the quiet reply before entering the room he had scarcely visited. The upperclassman stood over (Y/n) who sat on the bed, trying not to make the situation more awkward than it already was. (Y/n) looked up, grimacing slightly.
“It’s really stupid, I shouldn’t be crying,” (Y/n) began to explain, wiping tears away as quickly as they fell, “I invited some friends over, but they canceled our plans when I said that Tooru was busy. And before you say anything -- I know that they’re awful, that it isn’t my fault.” (Y/n) coughed a little, sounding congested. More quietly, (Y/n) added, “What’s worse is that I got mad at Tooru, as if it’s his fault. I’m an awful sibling.” 
A quiet fell across the room, as (Y/n) finished speaking and Hajime processed what he had been told. It was strange, a bit selfish, that Hajime felt relieved that someone had felt the same hurt that he had. The admiration for Tooru, but the bitterness that came with sometimes being in his shadow. 
“You know, I used to feel that way a lot, too. About Tooru. But you aren’t an awful sibling for having those kinds of thoughts when you’re upset.” He began, offering a small smile, deciding to finally sit down. “I know he jokes a lot, but Tooru adores you. And if he knew that your friends were so vile, he would probably form a committee to find you new ones. Or convince you that your ‘awesome, caring big brother’ is the only friend you need.”
(Y/n) snorted lightly at Hajime’s half-joking comment. And, to his embarrassment, Hajime felt strangely pleased that he had made Tooru’s younger sibling happy. 
“Please, no.” (Y/n) replied back in a joking manner, before looking down at the floorboards, almost shyly. 
Before Hajime could add anything else, he heard the sound of footsteps a few doors over. “He said he would be over, like, ten minutes ago,” Tooru complained loudly, “what a jerk.” Hajime and (Y/n) exchanged a knowing look. 
“I better get over there, before he starts throwing a fit. Or, well,” Hajime coughs, a little red, “before he finds me here.” He cringed at the potentially awkward explanation, or possibly more awkward assumptions that Tooru would make. He stiffly stood up and walked towards the door.
“Yeah, you better get out of here,” (Y/n) smiled, looking a little brighter than when Hajime had entered the room minutes earlier. As Hajime reached for the door handle, (Y/n) added, “Thanks, by the way. You’re really sweet.” 
Hajime paused, a little too pleased at the praise coming from his best friend’s younger sibling. Even if he thought it was a bit complimentary considering how short their conversation had been. He left the room, gently closing the door on the way out.
As soon as he entered his friend’s room, Tooru asked, “Why is your smile so dorky looking?” before getting pummeled by a pillow.  ---
Both Tooru and Hajime hear footsteps and turn to watch (Y/n) leave a group of friends in front of their clubroom. Hajime could only feel relief that (Y/n) was starting to make new friends after the summer incident. Friends that valued how special the younger Oikawa sibling was. 
The pair of boys stand up to walk with (Y/n). Hajime meets eyes with (Y/n), fighting the urge to immediately look away, pretending that the look was a coincidence. He finally decides that, despite it all, he will get closer to Oikawa (Y/n). That it may have been an accident that they got closer, but it would be intentional from now on. 
Tooru clears his throat, annoyed, “Hello? Can you stop looking at my younger sibling like you’re in love?”. Hajime looks at his friend, a little embarrassed to be called out and a little worried that Tooru might actually realize the truth in his jabs. 
“Hey, wait a second!”
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
47 - Proper Family Meeting
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Part 48
Gemini Runaway
Three updates in a day again and almost to 50 chapters I can't believe it 😁
Tag list ask to be added @dragonixfrye @secretdreamlandmentality
It had been a few days since we had met the mysterious sister named Freya that claimed to be their long lost sibling. Rolling out of the bed early this morning I shrugged on one of Nik’s shirts and some ripped jeans. Walking down the stairs I saw Nik in the room with the girls. “Morning Rae, how did you sleep this time?”
“Still not good, unfortunately. I don’t know how but I can’t get her nightmares out of my mind.” Slumping my shoulders in a heavy huff I throw my head back still terrified to think that this mysterious woman would come after Hope.
Missy was playing with a chess piece sucking on it in her mouth when he rose to his feet taking it before she choked on the object. “I could attempt to sort of compel the nightmares away from you.”
“It wouldn’t work though. I am still part witch, remember. Regardless of you being an original hybrid.” I reminded him by raising a brow at him.
He set the chess piece down on the table taking my hands in his rubbing his thumbs over my palms. “Yes, that's true. But I am also your sire, Raelyn. You have to do whatever I say if I use the power. That is one more advantage of being a vampire.”
“But you won’t do it. I know you, Niklaus.” I pointed out tilting my head to the side.
“Grah!” We heard someone make a noise before we turned our heads and saw Alina with her hand raised up using her other hand to siphon Hope who was standing. The cheese piece that he had moved was floating into the air and dropped back into Missy’s lap seeing that she was about to cry.
Knitting my brows at them I glanced out the corner of my eyes to Nik. “Well that’s going to be a problem when they get older….sweetie no siphoning your sister - ugh!”
“Alina!” Nik raised his voice at his middle daughter when he watched me try to take the toy from Missy who whined. She grabbed my elbow, siphoning me where I drew my hand back.
Rubbing my elbow I looked back at him rising to my feet. “It’s okay, Nik. I’m fine. Now I know how it feels. We can let her keep it so long as she doesn’t choke on it.”
“She still shouldn’t hurt you or her sister’s for that matter.” He wraps his arms around my waist tugging me into his chest kissing me before whispering down to me. “I’ll snatch it from her when our three princesses are fast asleep, don't worry.”
Leaning up on my toes I kissed him slowly moving my arms around his neck. He leaned down bending his knees until I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. “We should get away from young minds if we keep this up. Don’t want to traumatize them.”
“Then we mustn’t waste another moment, Raelyn.” He vamped me back into our shared room with me landing on my back throwing my hair around before he kissed me again.
Running my hands up his chest I was seconds from ripping his shirt deepening the kiss until I heard Elijah calling our names from the other room. “Raelyn, Niklaus!”
“Ignore him. He’s just here to swindle tales of the fake sister I should trust.” He grumbled tilting my chin back to his when I glanced toward the door that was opened.
Shaking my head at him I agreed with him. I didn’t want to trust someone who could be toying with my mind throughout the night. “I’ve been thinking if we need to remind her that we don’t trust her. I could always do the flare for the dramatic like you do when you say I’m the Hybrid…cause it’s rather hot sometimes.”
“Ah, that's my girl. You’re finally seeing that you are a Queen fit for a King. And this city shall be ours forever.” He leans down, crashing his lips down onto mine feeling me smirk into the kiss.
Someone vamped into the doorway when he was about to tear my shirt and it was Elijah. “Brother, Raelyn. May we please talk before you make love throughout the entire compound.”
“Elijah, can’t you see we are busy!” I grumbled when Nik growled, flashing me the werewolf eyes where I kissed him tugging on the curls starting to make them a mess.
The original vampire spoke again. “I can see that, Raelyn. But I assumed you would wish to know that Rebekah is here and she needs help. The new body that she took over is now fighting back against her. So I have requested Freya’s help.”
“Brother, get out of here or I’ll dagger you!” Nik threatened him looking over his shoulder at his older brother.
The tux wearing vampire didn’t budge and said something that finally got our attention. “Freya is meeting her nieces.”
“What now!” Klaus and I both jumped up vamping past him and into the living room.
Raising my hand up I created a fireball in my hand with my fangs dropping down in my mouth stomping into the room halting in my tracks after what I saw before my eyes. “I’ll burn you if you don’t get your ass out of this house this instant…oh my gosh.”
Freya was down on her knees in front of our three girls. Missy was attempting to get to her feet beside her sister Hope. And Alina was playing with Freya’s long hair but untemanrly they were perfectly fine being with her like that. “I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist meeting them while Elijah went to go get you two. I could only sense one of your daughters' magic. So I am stunned that there are actually three of them.”
"Well don't get too attached. Now why exactly is she here Rebekah?' I crossed my arms over my chest putting out the flame in my hand.
She explains simply to me. "The witch is still fighting to regain their body. So that's why Elijah called her."
Klaus interrupts our conversation standing beside me throwing his hands up. "Have you lost your mind? Tell me we're not considering opening our sister's head to someone we barely know."
Rebekah shouted in frustration. "Nik, for God's sake, she is our sister. I've know it since she saved me from the fauline cottage."
"An act no doubt meant to secure your trust, perhaps for this very moment, to strike when we are vulnerable." Rebekah scowls at Klaus, but he shakes his head. "No. We've no way to prove that anything she said today is true."
Elijah sighs. "Niklaus, I understand your concern. Both of us are powerless to help our sister. Now either we leave Rebekah to suffer, or we place our faith in the hands of someone I believe to be our blood. Right now, I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to family."
"You needn't worry. Elijah explained the problem, and I can help.' Freya got to her feet.
Nik mutters loudly 'Rather confident, aren't we?"
Freya turns to look at him, partly amused and partly confused. "The spirit of the host body is powerful, but I can cast a spell, .. put you in a deep sleep, and then suppress this other essence. You'll be just fine."
Rebekah was nervous and I could hear her heartbeat inside her chest. "Lovely. When do we start?"
"Oh, you've got to be kidding me. She spouts off some magical diagnosis, and we are all supposed to applaud." Nik sat down at the bar pouring me and himself a glass of blood throwing his head back with a grumbling breath.
Rebekah was annoyed at him. "Nik, she's trying to help."
"Yes, but for the sake of keeping our options open, why not write down your spells and incantations? That way, we can have them double-checked by an impartial third party, say Davina. She'd love to prove me wrong." Nik slammed his glass down on the counter top raising his voice towards her. "I'd rather trust Raelyn than any other bloody witch on this entire earth because I have seen her magic!"
Freya eyes me clearly offended. "I doubt she would understand my magic, let alone have the power to execute it."
"Debatable I think not!" Nik raised his tone towards her. "She's the strongest witch I have ever seen."
Gripping the glass in my hand I was tempted to shatter it completely. "I can handle more power then you have ever seen, Freya. I dropped all the Originals on their knees. I consumed your mother Esther’s dark magic and didn't die. I put a hex curse on a werewolf's mother. My uncle wanted me to become the leader of our Coven and I didn't die when I consumed his power. Finally I am searching for a way to stop my Coven curse where twins compete in a battle of magical strength. Regardless, the thing you need to know is ... .I'm the Heretic and you can't KILL ME!"
"Bloody hell, siphon queen." Nik mumbled under his breath struggling to not throw her over his shoulder and ravish her right then. He had never been so turned on in his immortal life.
Freya walked over to me where I downed the blood in my glass striding up until we were pressed up against one another. "Regardless of how powerful you haven’t faced Dahlia, Raelyn. I have been raised by her and I am the only one here who can help Rebekah this instant. We can't afford for you or Niklaus to need to tend to one of your children during a spell."
Nik shook his head mockingly sitting back down at the bar. "Oh. So you're our only hope then? Seems rather convenient, doesn't it?"
"I knew it would be difficult to win your trust, Niklaus. Your reputation precedes you…" Nik smiles mockingly at her as she stands and walks toward him. "But if we are to face Dahlia together, you will have to trust me. Given the peril that Rebekah now faces, are you truly incapable of giving me even a chance to prove myself?"
Striding back over to Nik he poured me more blood tugging me up into his lap nuzzling his nose into my neck leaving kisses making me lean and moan into his scent. "Shall we leave the easily swayed alone so I have my way heretic fiancée."
"You are rather tempting but if we left them alone she might snatch our daughters and take them to this Dahlia woman." I draped my arms around his neck kissing him passionately then breaking the kiss showing my fangs to the stranger in our house.
"I know I appear as an outsider, but I have dreamt of you all for a thousand years." Rebekah and Elijah look at each other before turning back to Freya. "Elijah, when you were in Esther's womb, she would ask me to sing to you. I would feel her belly as I did. Heh. How you would kick. She would say, "it was as if Thor himself had raised his hammer"..."
Elijah finishes her sentence. " .. "And summoned thunder and lightning." Mother rarely mentioned you. When she did, she would say how enchanted you were by the prospect of my birth."
Freya grinned at the pair. "How I wanted more brothers and a sister more than anything, but between Esther and Dahlia, that wish was taken from me. I was ruined by those who raised me. If nothing else, at least we have that in common. There is nothing that can replace what was taken from us, but I hope we can make something better in its place. All you have to do is trust me."
Nik vamp-speeds over to her and breaks her neck. Rebekah tries to intervene, but she wasn't fast enough. "Nik!"
He smirks vamping back to me draping an arm over my shoulder, whispering the last part in my ear. "Well, that's enough of that, don't you think? Right. Now we can have a proper family meeting….no one is anything like you. You are the most badass and hottest witch ever, Raelyn." I leaned into his embrace eyeing Freya's unconscious body while we waited for her to supposedly come back to life.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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afterthegreatunknown · 10 months
platonic: Kit and Bertrand
Kit and Bertrand! Hell yeah!
If I ever thought about it: It's not really as develop as other SBG friendships, but I do think of them! I feel they're like, a perfect platonic match for one another. I don't explore it a lot, let along talk much of it much, but these two are there in my mind.
Who I think befriended the other first: Both insisted that the other was the one who initiated their friendship with one another.
Kit was running in the rain using her Uncle F's coat to shield her (because she was adamant that it wasn't going to rain because the Daily Punctilio's forecasts are wrong), and suddenly, it stopped. Kit looks up to see Bertrand -who while younger than her, who never interacted with her until now- using his umbrella to shield her.
Bertrand had saw Kit running in the coat, and chased after to shield her from the rain. Bertrand told her no need to thank him, but Kit did, and began a conversation. Bertrand found himself replying more than simple, short replies, finding the older girl to be nothing as she seem to be from a distance.
Who I think would steal the food of(f) the other plate: Bertrand. He doesn't look like the sort, but Bertrand will steal all of your food if you're gone for longer than [he] expected. Kit learned the hard way when she found her key-lime pie slice gone, with Bertrand not even looking guilty as he wiped his mouth clean.
Which one would tell the other a secret first: Kit. Kit knows one too many secrets, either because of her own decision or it was force upon her without any say. At times it overwhelms her so badly, she has to tell someone. And Bertrand is always willing to listen, promising Kit to never reveal them (and he never did. He died knowing many secrets, some being of Kit herself, some being of other people).
Ideal Hangout Locations: Hotel Denouement (any of the rooms), Kit's car (they be blasting and singing to the radio), Bertrand's apartment flat, The Baudelaire Mansion (usually with others pre-Island. Post-Island is themselves, with Beatrice taking Violet out around the City, or to be with other friends).
Which one would pretend to be their significant other if the situation ever calls for it: Somehow surprisingly, they never get put into this situation. If anything, Kit and Bertrand are mistaken for siblings, blood siblings or adopted siblings. And Kit and Bertrand are disappointed, because they legit have a two-page fake relationship history for them as a couple and they just need a chance to share it.
What causes them to fight, seriously or jokingly:
The two got into humorous fights about the differences between scallions and green onions, cilantro and coriander, and hares and rabbits. They always try to get other involves too.
Regarding serious fights, Myceilum Argument is the one that stands out. Kit strongly disagrees about the Myceilum's usage for good (because it's just too dangerous). Bertrand strongly believes it's power of good if kept in the right hands. This fight only came to be AFTER the Baudelaire's return from the Island, when all the fragmented clues are put together at last.
Kit and Bertrand do eventually come to an understanding on WHY the other think the way they feel, and agreed to push aside this fight in the past, because both agreed that the Myceilum will never be seen again, After all, the tunnel was never completed, and there's no way to access Anwhistle Aquatic anymore.
How they stop being friends: Time. And their loyalties.
Kit slowly began devoting more time to her duties for the organization, for she decided it's time to be a proper volunteer. She over time, longer made the visits to the Baudelaire Mansion, or answered the messages left on her phone. She no longer had the time to find glimpses of the man with glasses and long hair on the streets.
Bertrand slowly began his paperwork to enter 'retirement' for the organization, for he decided it's time to be with his family, a proper family man. He over time, no longer made the long walks to Kit's car, or left messages at random payphones. He longer had the time to find the woman with pencils in her messy bun on the roads.
@tangentiallly, thank you for picking this platonic ship!
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yellowdevilkitten · 1 year
Evelyn was going to kill her brothers, she’s going to kill Kai and then Steve for making her sit through his torture. She wouldn’t be dealing with this if Steve didn’t decide that he Would rather be at a friend's house than spending quality time as a family. She doesn’t understand why she was forced to come along when Kai can handle It fine, well if she thinks about it for a second longer he would not have it handled. He probably would’ve crashed from blowing his bubblegum too big which is getting on her fucking nerves right now. 
“Can you stop doing that?” She turns towards him ready to ripe the damn thing out of his mouth. 
“Nope.” He accentuates this with a pop of his bubble. 
Evelyn’s about to make good on her promise when the door finally opens. “Uh, hello, can I help you?” A woman with blonde curly hair questions clearly confused on the sight in front of her. 
“Oh! Hi I was told that my brother, Steve, might be here.” She answers, politely trying hard not to strangle Kai since he carries on chewing his gum as loud as he can. 
The woman looks desivie before shrugging, “They’re in the basement, I’ll show you where it is.” 
Her and Kai follow her through the house until she points towards a door. 
“Should we really go into a stranger's basement?” He asks. 
“Yes, Nathaniel, we’ll be fine as long as you keep chewing your gum so damn loud.” She rolls her eyes. 
“Really? The gum, again?” Kai groans. 
“Just open the door, idiot.” 
She watches as he opens the door and the sound of laughter explodes into her ears. Kai and her share a look before walking down the stairs, but not without fighting who gets to walk down first, Evelyn won of course. 
Once they make it down the steps she can see that there are at least twelve people crammed into the room and at least fifty different conversations going on at once. She looks around for Steve -she does almost immediately he's snuggled up on the couch with a girl and a boy- and when she spots him she charges for him. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Her arms flail around, probably hitting someone. 
“Evie, what’re you doing?” He actually sounds confused but she’s not falling for it. 
“Wait, you know her?” She hears one of the twelve people in the room ask. 
Suddenly Kai is next to her, a hand on her shoulder. “Evie and I were sent here to come see you, we were supposed to have family time.” 
“That was today?” He sounds surprised and that makes Evelyn feel a bit bad about charging him. 
She actually takes the time to look around the room and realizes that everyone is staring at her, it makes her face heat up. She awkwardly waves towards them. Before she can say a greeting Kai’s bubble pops loudly in her ear. Evelyn turns around ready to murder him. 
“Kai, stop with the gum.” 
A/N I had this in my drafts for a while and recently reread it and thought it was pretty funny lol. I might expand on it a bit more! I've had multiple ideas with Steve having good parents and two older siblings, so maybe I will get to writing those, who knows!
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