#as thanks for helping her get out of her last marriage and keep her baby. which he says is unnecessary but she insists
hooved · 1 year
lwaxodo but yuri
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Ascent Astarion referring to female Tav/Reader as „Lady Ancunín“ and insists that everyone else (staff, visitors etc) does so as well, even though they‘re not married (yet 😏) but she‘s his.
I'm back baby~
Yas let's romanticize this evil man I'm ready. But don't worry, he's still a terrible person <3 And so are you in this <3
TW: I'm so sorry I don't know how I got here. Murder, violence, a tiny bit of torture. And wtf tav has no last name? Uh, it starts with a c now I guess. Sex is alluded to but it isn't graphic.
"I just don't know why I have to be there," You sighed as the servants opened the doors for the both of you, your arm hooked with Astarion's while you complained, "You know you'll work better if you're not worrying about me all night."
"And how would letting you out of my sight help with my concentration?" Astarion shot back, a frown curling on his lips, "With strangers in our home? Absolutely not."
You barely stopped yourself from rolling your eyes. Gods, he could be so dramatic. Did he forget who you were?
"Don't you trust me to handle myself?" You asked with a pout, "I didn't always need your protecting, you know."
"Of course I trust you," Astarion sighed as he gave your hand a tight squeeze, "It's the rest of the world I have no faith in."
How on earth were you supposed to argue against that? You weren't quite sure, but you were going to try, "But-"
"No buts," Astarion interrupted curtly, "You're going and that's final. Besides, it's just one night. And we can have as many quiet evenings as you'd like for the rest of the week."
You sighed as you nodded your head, accepting the compromise, "Whatever you say my love."
Astarion smirked down at you, "That's my good girl."
Oh gods, why did he have to go and say that? He was well aware of what that did to you. And now was not the time to have to squeeze your thighs together. You could feel a flush crawl up your neck as you hissed, "I told you not to call me that in public!"
"Did you?" Astarion smirked as he came to a stop in front of a speaking squire, "I don't recall."
He turned his attention to the young man in front of you before you had a chance to respond, "Speak. Did anything happen while we were gone?"
The man shook his head, "No, Master Ancunin."
"Good," Astarion said curtly with a wave of the hand, "You're dismissed."
He nodded, "Thank you Master Ancunin, Misstress C-"
The consonant was barely out of the boy's mouth before Astarion was on him, moving so quickly that it was enough to startle even you. Before you blinked he had him pinned against the wall, a strong arm to his throat as he hissed, "I'm sorry, what did you just call her?"
The servant looked panicked, but at least he had the brains to catch on to his own mistake, "I-Apologies my lord. But since you are not wed I-"
"What we have is higher than the mundanities of marriage," Astarion growled, "You'll address her as Lady Ancunin from now on, if you wish to keep your tongue.
You couldn't help but laugh a bit behind him, more than a bit endeared at the display, "I thought you were saving the dramatics for this evening?"
Astarion ignored you briefly, opting to drop him back to the ground with a cold order, "Get out of my sight."
"Aw poor thing," You cooed as you watched him scramble away. You saddled back up to Astarion's side, linking your arms together with a smile, "Darling you didn't have to terrify him. It was a reasonable mistake."
"I beg to differ," Astarion said lowly, still glaring in the young man's direction, "I should have killed him for that. You're making me too soft."
"Or maybe we should just consider having a wedding?" You said as you leaned your head against his shoulder, "It would save a lot of confusion."
Astarion rolled his eyes, "Obviously we'll be having a wedding darling. But that's not the point. You are mine. With or without a ring. It's best that others learn to respect that now."
"No arguments here," You happily sighed as he led you to your chambers, "Just don't stain anything if you slit someone's throat, okay my love? Blood isn't easy to clean."
Astarion grinned as he pushed you through the door, a familiar glint in his eye as he shut it behind him, "No promises. Though I suppose there are other things we can do to keep my bloodthirst in check. Any ideas?"
You really were such a good girl, especially when the question was more than enough to have you untying the corset back of your dress. A shy smile was already on your lips as you laid back on the bed, your thighs spilling open enticingly, "I think I may have a few."
Astarion grinned as he crawled over you, his fangs already extending in anticipation. This was exactly what he needed. To drink from his precious future bride and have his merry way with her before entertaining a bunch of dullards for the evening.
But he needed to secure these alliances. There weren't many open-and-out vampires operating within the city walls. And the few that remained were valuable enough for him to take interest in, either to work with or to get rid of. Tonight would help him fully realize the distinctions.
And with you by his side, it would be tolerable. Though Astarion had quickly realized after his own turn that vampires had a bad habit of thinking that they were much, much, more interesting than they were.
A fact that he was quickly being reminded of as the night went on. Everything was going according to plan, the guests had arrived, you looked gorgeous and perfect on his arm, and he had a meticulous mask on to seem interested in all the inane conversations he needed to have.
Though this one was especially tedious. A newly risen vampire lord, weeks fresh off of killing his own master. Despite the achievement, he was as dry as a brick wall. But she was interesting. Well... perhaps not him, but certainly the master he had killed was of interest. And he was the only one left living who could possibly know of the woman's secrets.
"It's been an interesting few weeks, to say the least," The man said again, still lost in reliving the death of his own slave master, "I never thought it was possible, but here I am."
You were nodding along, taking the time to do the conversational work Astarion was growing tired of, "It is quite thrilling isn't it? To be free. I'm sure she had many perks of immortality that were lost to you. Hopefully, you're adjusting well."
"I am, and she did. In fact, I found these books, can't read a lick of them but-"
"Perhaps a translator could be of use?" You casually interrupted, "I can always take a look for you."
"That would be lovely-"
"Master Ancunin!" A feminine voice interrupted from behind, "I've been looking everywhere for you."
He turned, his annoyance shifting to interest when he realized who was speaking. Lady Imelel, a high-ranking spawn turned master after the murder of her sister, nearly three-hundred years ago. Done by Cazador's own hand. She had been a consistent thorn in his side since that day, only relenting to meet when she was certain of his murder.
She was beautiful, as expected. With an air of confidence that nearly made Astarion bristle. She was a bit... too comfortable in his presence. Especially when she decided that linking her arm to his was appropriate.
He could feel you stiffen at his side at the display, a fact she remained oblivious to as she spoke, "Gods, there is so much I'd like to discuss with you. Privately if you wouldn't mind."
For anyone else, the obvious display of disrespect towards you would have been an automatic death sentence. But Astarion was conflicted. If anyone was going to be aware of the identities of other unknown vampires in the realm, it would be her. He'd be forced to let it slide for the moment.
Though just because he was agreeing, didn't mean he couldn't make things more clear.
He plastered a tight smile on his face before nodding, "Certainly, just one moment."
He turned to you, his voice dropping a few octaves, "Will you be okay alone for a moment darling? I won't be long."
You nodded, always so, so good at picking up on what he needed, "I'll be fine my love. I'm sure Erwen will keep me plenty entertained."
"Good," He murmured before pressing a deep kiss to your mouth, taking the time to lick inside, just to feel you shudder. Perhaps it was a bit much. It certainly was if the flush to Erwen's face was anything to go by when he pulled away. But Astarion was trying to be fair here. And if Imelel didn't understand the picture after that, he couldn't be held responsible for what could happen to her.
He grinned down at you before pressing one last lingering kiss to your mouth, "I'll be right back."
And then he was off, reluctantly being dragged away by Imelel; who looked particularly offended at the display of affection. It didn't take long for her to make her offense known either.
She took him to the first quiet corner she could find, a frown on her lips as she leaned in, "My dear, I know you're quite new to this but... I would refrain from chaining yourself to one soul so quickly. It truly is a waste.
Ah. It was unfortunate that she was continuing that line of thought. Astarion only had so much patience.
He cocked his head at her, thoroughly amused at the audacity, "Oh? Whatever do you mean?"
"I mean that plaything that you take everywhere with you," She said easily, blissfully unaware of how close he was to ripping out her tongue. She was running a delicate hand down his chest, "You're limiting yourself for no reason. She's a mortal who was lucky enough to catch your eye. And she knows it. She won't be going anywhere if you explore your other options. And even if she did... who cares?"
That sealed it. She would be dying tonight. And if Astarion had any less patience she would have been slain the second she forgot your title. But he had more decorum than that. Or maybe he just wanted to make things personally horrifying, just for her.
He grinned back at her, leaning into her touch despite the way it made his skin crawl, "It sounds like there is an offer buried in your words. Am I right?"
"It could be," She purred, "If you'd be willing to sneak away."
Well wasn't that nice? For her to do the hard work for him. He took her hand in his, giving it a little squeeze before saying, "Go out and mingle my dear, then meet me upstairs in an hour. The second room to the left. And then you can show me exactly what I've been missing."
She smiled, one with too much teeth before sauntering away.
It was almost disgusting, how foolish she was. Astarion could scarcely believe she had survived this long. Though in her meager defense, this was probably going to be the first time that she was rebuffed for her advances. But otherworldly beauty could only take you so far, a harsh lesson that she was about to learn.
Astarion wasted no time in finding you again, politely dragging you away from the conversation. You didn't miss a beat, immediately updating him on everything that was said, "He'll bring the books by for translation. If there's any magic to them I'll be able to extract it and he'll get a.... redacted version. The poor thing really doesn't know what he's doing. But he's far from a threat-"
"That's wonderful my sweet, thank you," Astarion interrupted, his voice lowered, "But I need you to do something else for me. Do you remember those fun little ropes we found a few months back?"
You nodded, "The Cord of Constriction? Or the Lariat of Lethargy?"
"Let's say both. Now go and put them in the guest room for me will you? And then wait in the closet. And don't move a muscle until I say, no matter what you see or hear. Understood?"
"Why on Earth-"
"Darling," Astarion interrupted, an edge coloring his voice, "Don't question me. Just be a good girl and listen. Can you do that?"
Those were the magic words. He licked his lip as he watched a flush crawl up your neck, an adorable pout on your lips, "I-Gods. Fine! Just don't keep me waiting long."
"I won't," Astarion promised with a smile, "I'll see you soon."
He watched you go, excitement brewing in the back of his mind. And he thought tonight was going to be boring. He waited until he saw Imelel start her way up the stairs before following, a slight pep in his step. It was all so easy to manipulate her onto the bed, easier still to convince her of a "fun" little game to tie her to the bed posts.
He leaned back when he was done, a smirk forming as he watched her test her bindings, "I should have known that this would be your type of fun Astarion."
"Yes," Astarion laughed, low and mean, "You should have. Darling, you can come out now. I have a surprise for you."
Right on cue you were popping out of the closet, your eyes widening when you saw the woman tied to the bed. The woman who was slowly panicking as she realized just how strong the ropes she was tied with were.
"This is my surprise?" You asked as you saddled up to him, easily stepping into his open arms, "I assume this is the part where you explain why?"
"Astarion? What on earth are you doing?" Imelel asked quietly, her voice slightly shaking, "I am not someone to be trifled with-"
"I'll be the judge of that," Astarion said quickly before turning his attention back to you, "Darling, I'm so sorry to have to tell you this, but this creature spoke of you in one of the most disrespectful manners you can imagine. And for that a punishment is due, don't you think?"
"Are you insane?" Imelel screeched, "You won't get away with this!"
But Astarion wasn't listening. He was too busy watching the ways your eyes softened at him. You smiled, "So a powerful vampire mildly insults me, and your solution is murder?"
Astarion grinned, "Naturally."
"Gods, I love you," You sighed before leaning in to peck his lips, "But you'll help me, won't you?"
"Of course darling," Astarion cooed, his hand already reaching for the dagger in his belt, "I'm here to help."
Imelel was still struggling, hard enough to make the Cord of Constriction bite against her skin. Her hand was slowly turning purple from the loss of circulation. She was still screeching too, bellowing about her own importance. Right up until Astarion had the knife to her throat.
"Oh, not so brave now are you?" Astarion chuckled as she finally shut up, "To be clear, you will be dying tonight. For every offense that came out of your mouth in regards to my love. Your body will be used for a display to warn the next audacious shrew. Sound good?"
She was crying now. Good. It was her own fault that she was there to begin with, all because she couldn't keep her big mouth shut.
He turned back to you, "What do you say, darling? Do you want me to do the honors?"
You shook your head before gently taking the knife, taking the time to kiss him on the cheek, "No, I'll do the first cut, and the rest can be yours."
"Whatever you say darling," Astarion sighed, happy to step back and watch you get to work. You really were good with daggers, a skill he admired as he watched you slit her throat. There you were, the light of his life, the master of his heart, the one and only Lady Ancunin. And it was long time the world started to see you as such.
The two of you enjoyed yourselves for as long as you could before there was nothing left of the woman who once was. And Astarion kept to his word.
As a nice end to the evening he dropped her body down the stairs, chuckling at all of the shocked gasps it tore from his audience before he gave his speech, "This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you disrespect myself or Lady Ancunin in any shape or form. Do with the information as you will. Now please, enjoy your evening."
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ashwhowrites · 8 months
Yay! Your requests are open again!
Eddie + Reader are divorced, but parted on good terms. One day they are at a b-day of one of their mutual friends and get a little tipsy. They start talking and eventually hook up that night.
Reader finds out she is pregnant and decides to keep the baby with Eddie's full support. Throughout the pregnancy, they fall back in love.
<3 Thank you.
This is so cute. A happy ending!!
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Oh, Baby
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Falling in love young is always an unexpected journey. Y/N and Eddie felt unstoppable as they fell in love. Young teens that dove into something bigger than they thought they could handle. Fire and full of passion, speeding through too fast for either of them to see when it started to fall apart. They got married right after high school, hitched off to Vegas and she took his last name. Everyone thought they were crazy and dumb. But isn't the saying only fools go rushing in?
The start of their marriage was a fairytale. It was everything they dreamed of and knew they would prove everyone wrong. Because they knew they were meant to be and there was no one else they would ever be with. They fit perfectly together.
As hard as it was, they discovered people change as they grow up. And sometimes can't change together. Eddie and her wanted too many different things, which led them to realize they were meant to be together young, and not to grow old with.
They ended on good terms, both wishing the best for each other. They didn't keep much in contact, knowing it was easier to move on if they went their separate ways. They didn't have anything tying them together so they let go.
Steve decided to throw himself a huge birthday party for turning thirty. And since he was a friend of Eddie's and Y/N's they both knew there was a chance they'd run into each other.
Y/N may have gotten a new dress and tried extra hard with her makeup. She may have sprayed on Eddie's favorite perfume she used to wear during their marriage. She might have been eyeing the door, dying to see him again.
Eddie may have rolled up his sleeves in the way Y/N always liked. He may have dosed his neck in the cologne that made her legs weak. He might have tied up his hair in a lower bun, knowing his loose curls drove her insane. He might have smoked a cigarette on the way as he calmed his nerves.
Once he walked in, the magnetic connection between them yanked them together instantly. His eyes latched on her as she walked over to him. His nose inhaled her sweet perfume as she wrapped her arms around him. He bit his lip when he pulled away, no shame in checking her out.
She could smell the cologne on his skin, craving to taste him again. She blushed under his stare, the dress doing what she wanted. She couldn't help but check him out as well. She bit her lip as she noticed his thick arms underneath his tight button-up, his sleeves rolled so his tattoos showed. The fancy watch on his wrist and rings on his fingers. Yet, the only finger that remained empty was his ring finger.
"You look incredible." He complimented, his voice deep and raspy. It reminded her of his morning voice, how he'd roll over and whisper right against her ear.
"Thanks, Eds. You do too." Eddie felt like he got lost in her smile all over again.
"Eddie! You made it!" Steve cheered, dragging Eddie out of the room. His brown eyes looked back at her until she was out of his sight.
The last few people were starting to head out. Y/N had her feet in the pool as she sipped her drink. Steve was picking things up in the backyard, keeping a close eye on her.
"Sure you don't want me to bring you home?" He asked, but she shook off his offer.
"No, I think I'm good to drive." Steve accepted her answer and walked inside. He gave a small smile to Eddie as he passed him. Eddie had his hands in his pockets as he walked up to her. She smiled as he sat next to her, his back to the pool as he stretched out his legs. His shoulder rested against hers as he looked at her.
Neither knew how long they were out there, talking for hours. But they got the cue to leave once Steve was ready for bed.
Just like old times, she held his hand as they walked to his car. His hand was on her thigh as she hummed to the radio. Her stomach was filled with butterflies, but the smile on her face never left. The same feelings she felt on their first date were happening again.
"You still haven't fixed that front step!" Eddie laughed, following behind Y/N as she unlocked the front door. The same house they lived in together before Eddie moved out. Eddie remembered breaking that step when they moved in, carrying way too many boxes.
"It's our first memory in this house, I never want to fix it." She shrugged, taking off her shoes as he walked in behind her. He looked around, not much had changed. The pictures of them were taken off the walls, and replaced with their friends. All the things he took with him kept the place empty, he realized she never replaced his things with anything new.
"I kinda figured you'd make this place into your own," Eddie admitted, walking further into the small house. He didn't hear her behind him, and she didn't say a word.
She walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of wine, and poured two glasses. She let Eddie look around the house as she grabbed the glasses and headed to the couch.
After a second, Eddie joined her. Both filled up the silence with random conversations as they sipped glass after glass.
As time went on, she found herself and Eddie moving closer to closer. Then she felt his lips on hers, his hands eagerly touching her. She felt like he took all her breath away, his hands touching her the same way they used to. His kiss felt the same.
It's been a week since she and Eddie had sex. She felt relieved that he was still there when she woke up. It was awkward at first, neither knowing what to say or what the next step was.
But they were divorced, and they had to remind themselves of that.
She didn't plan on seeing Eddie much after that, just a little backslide but she's back on the path of moving forward.
That was until she found out she was pregnant. She knew it was Eddie's since she hadn't been with anyone lately. She was worried Eddie might not want to be brought back together again. But the excitement that was on his face washed all her worries away. He cheered and spun her around.
He always wanted a family and he always wanted it with her.
He didn't let her do a single thing alone. He went to every appointment, holding her hand as they stared at the screen. They went to every baby store, and he insisted on buying everything she wanted. Together they worked on the nursery at her house, Eddie painted the room and cleaned up the floors. She couldn't help but feel so much love for him as he worked to put the nursery together. His touch all around the room.
Some nights he stayed on the couch, the more she grew the more nervous he got leaving her alone. If there was ever an issue, no matter the time, he'd show up at her door.
She couldn't help but wish the divorce never happened, that Eddie was still hers. But in a way, she felt like they needed the divorce to grow on their own. And be better for each other.
"I still can't believe I did that!" Eddie groaned, Y/N laughed at his embarrassment, rubbing her stomach as she retold the story of when Eddie got drunk and met her parents for the first time.
They found themselves traveling down their memories every time they hung out. Digging up old feelings and showing them on their arms.
"Why are you laughing? You met Wayne right after you sucked me off!" Eddie said, laughing as she covered her face in horror.
"We were so crazy back then." Y/N sighed after their laughter died. Her hand was on her bump as she looked at him. "We were so in love and inseparable. What happened to us?"
Eddie looked over at her, his hand reaching to rub her stomach. His eyes were soft as he looked into her eyes.
"We grew up. I was nowhere near a good husband for you. I wanted to be, but we were too young to try to save a love like that. But there was never a day I didn't think about you." He admitted, dropping to his knees as he rested his chin on her bump.
She leaned down and rubbed his cheek, melting at his brown eyes.
"I always thought about you too. I know we were young and neither of us knew how to fight for each other, just against each other. But do you ever think about us if we did make it through? If we kept trying instead of giving up?"
"Sometimes," Eddie admitted, leaning into her touch. "But look where we are now. I think we needed to grow up on our own. Without the fear of disappointing each other. It helped us truly focus on just ourselves. And now? We are having a baby. Exactly where I always wanted to be with you." He kissed her stomach softly, resting his head against her as she played with his hair.
Before she could say something, she felt something. A harsh cramp in her stomach. She gasped and gripped Eddie's shoulders. His worried eyes looked at her as he felt something in her stomach.
"Was that?"
"Did he?"
Then another cramp, Y/N smiled when she realized their baby was kicking.
"Eddie! He's kicking!" She announced, Eddie quickly placed his hands on her stomach.
"Kick for daddy." He said, a smile on his face as he felt a hit against his palm.
Y/N felt tears in her eyes as she watched Eddie excitedly talk to the baby and wait for kicks. The excitement in his bright eyes and the love.
"I love you." She whispered, sniffling.
He looked up, hand on her stomach and the other hand on her cheek. He rubbed her tears away.
"I love you too."
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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starryschoolgirl · 8 months
Responsibilities (of marriage)
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Summary -> Even though the two of you may have a little fight here and there, Elvis reminds you that regardless of your feelings, you still have your marital duties to abide by, it's what holds a union together. Your responsibilities as a wife. And to keep him, you're bound to fulfill them because Lord knows he can have them filled anytime anyplace.
Warnings -> Jealousy, the brutally soft/appeasing nature of the reader can be annoying to some people, smut, p in v, possible dacryphilia, unprotected sex, sex in a house full of people(?), kitchen sex, entitlement to a woman's body, innocence/inexperience kink, threats of infidelity, dismissed jealousy, Elvis gets pervy with panties, ass slapping, outdated views on how marriage/being married should be, swearing, talks of 'breaking in' girl's vagina, repeated denial of sex, persuasion for sex, this is quite dubious at certain points
WC -> 5.6k
Edit: This is an installment of the Baby Love au!!
This could only have come to fruition thanks to the wonderful input of @yourfavoritedreamgirlblog, thank you Lovely for the help
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As another song came to a wrap Elvis made sure to send a smile to every girl in the room, along with a few of the guys who watched from their places at the fold-out table they used to play cards on, having their respective girls on their laps.
Squeals of excited ecstasy left the mouths of the girls that surrounded Elvis as he sang one last sweet, drawn-out note.
This kind of night wasn't an unusual occurrence, Elvis often held jam sessions with girls there to praise him because for some reason your words and the words of his entourage weren't enough to satisfy his ego. It had started happening a lot more since you and Elvis officially tied the knot, not even a month ago now.
But tonight it wasn't in you to be the cool wife, to be just the wife. The wife who was sweet and unthreatened by the floozies Elvis would let into the house, into your home. A strange swirl of anger and sadness had been giving you a headache for the entirety of the jam session. It either stemmed from your waves of emotions, or it was the fumes of how much perfume these girls were spritzing all over themselves, filling your house with the scent of them.
It also didn't help that Elvis had been paying special attention to the girls tonight, usually he'd take time to look at you and smile at you throughout the session, but tonight he hadn't given you any attention.
Biting down on your wobbly lip, you watched from afar on the plush couch, Elvis sat on a stool a few feet away, his guitar sitting on his lap as a group of girls sat at his feet like concubines. The girls were meant to be there for the other guys, at least that's what Elvis had always said to you. Joe would go down and pull a few pretty girls from the gate of your California home and drag them up to the house so that they could entertain the boys.
As your nails dug little crescents into your palms Elvis' laughter boomed over the shrill giggles of the girls sitting at his feet, he then asked as he stared down at a particular green-eyed blonde,
"Got another request?"
Just then a different girl wearing a skin-tight green dress crawled forward slightly, putting her hand on Elvis' knee as she suggested with those big batting false lashes,
"Could you read to us again?"
Elvis smiled down at her sweetly and put his hand over hers as he purred,
"'Course Doll… And by the way,"
He went on about how pretty her makeup was done and that led to another girl clinging to his leg and asking coyly, "What about my eyelashes Mr. Presley? They're natural.", everyone in the room knew they weren't, even Elvis, but he'd feed into the girl's words because she was just so cute.
As the group continued to converse with Elvis' preferences being the focus, you bit your manicured nails harshly, feeling tears build up in your eyes as you watched this all go down in your home.
Your legs bounced nervously, but only seconds later a woman turned her head back to the sound of your heels clicking against the wood floor. Her stare wasn't nice or sweet, it looked closer to disgust. Your nervous habit came to a halt, not wanting to be bothersome to anybody even in your own house.
As her head turned back to Elvis her hair flicked with it. You pulled your nails from your mouth and let them rest in your lap, the paint on your pointer and middle fingernails was chipped. You'd have to fix the ugly mistake tonight.
Elvis' conversation with the girls came to a stop as he decided to fulfill the blonde's wish, and for the first time tonight he looked over to you with a hand pointed to the cushion next to you where he left one of his religious books,
"Honey, could ya grab my book f'me?"
You looked up at him with wide eyes and immediately stepped into action, grabbing his book gently and stepping around the girls who stared up at you with unreadable gazes. You mumbled quiet apologies as you tried to step around them to get to Elvis, you felt like an inconvenience, and you knew you shouldn't, but you did.
As Elvis grabbed the book from you, instead of smiling and mumbling a 'thank you', his eyes caught the imperfection on your nails. He grabbed your wrist gently and turned it so that he could get a better look at your hand, with a soft laugh he spoke bluntly,
"Your polish is chipped Honey,"
A few girls giggled along with his laugh, but you knew they weren't laughing out of love the way (you hoped) Elvis was. They were laughing because even the smallest glimpse of imperfection from a woman married to a man like Elvis was pathetic. It gave them the idea that they had a chance with Elvis. Little Miss Perfect made a mistake, so they had an opening. You felt a blush of embarrassment fall over your face and softly stuttered,
"I-I know, I'll fix it"
Elvis stared at you with a small smile, his thumb gliding across the smooth skin of your wrist as he mumbled,
"I think it's best ya do"
The attention on you at the moment was making you antsy and irritable. You just wanted to go back to being a decoration in the corner of the house. Something that no one but Elvis would pay any mind to. The uncomfortable feeling of having the eyes of girls you didn't even want in the house on you was weighing on your mind and your words.
You looked down at the tips of your heels and avoided eye contact as you quietly repeated yourself to get yourself out of the situation as fast as possible,
"I said I'll fix it."
His eyebrows lifted ever so slightly at his sweet little girl's tone, his grip on your wrist tightening just enough to leave a mark but not so much that the girls that surrounded you could see it. His smile turned patronizing as he tilted his head a little. He spoke through a breathy laugh,
"Shouldn't have chipped it in the first place Doll…"
The laughs of the other girls sounded like a soft hum as you stared at your feet, nodding in silence as you chewed your lower lip, feeling tears build up in your eyes once again. After he got your nod he let go of your wrist, but instead of turning to head back to the couch, you turned a different way, as you made your way through the girls in a different direction. As you walked you murmured a soft, "Excuse me", a quiet, "Sorry", and a shaky, "P-pardon me"
As you began to quickly make your way to the doorway that led to the kitchen you could hear Elvis ask, "Where ya goin' Hon?" and you continued without looking back or speaking, fearing that if you did he'd see your teary eyes and hear the cracks in your voice.
Thankfully the kitchen was a completely separate room, and though you could still hear everything going on in the living room, it was more subdued despite that the entry to the kitchen was open and free for noise to flow in and out. You sniffled softly and stared down at your nails, finally taking in the ugliness of the chipping at your polish.
You walked over to the medicine cabinet just above the stove, you were tall enough to open it but unfortunately, you weren't tall enough to reach inside so you had to grab one of the stools that were used as seating for the island counter, shakily standing on it as you continued to sniffle.
Your search for the nail polish remover was a hard one, maybe it was due to the tears that filled your eyes and made your vision blur, but for some reason, you were having such a hard time finding it that you hadn't even noted that the strumming of the guitar in the other room had come to a stop, and Elvis' voice which sounded like a soft murmur from here in the kitchen had now disappeared from the air, like the scent of your favorite dinner after everyone had taken their portion.
It was only when you felt the rough callouses on Elvis' hands and the rings that adorned his fingers run along the inside of your thigh that you realized he must've stopped entertaining the girls at some point and entered the kitchen. He looked up at you as you stood on the stool while his hand continued to knead at the flesh of your thigh.
Your lip wobbled as you looked down at him and you quickly used the back of your hand to swipe your tears away as you noticed a frown tug at his lips. He mumbled in plain confusion,
"Why ya cryin'?"
You sighed softly, disguising it as a breathy laugh as you shook your head,
"It's nothing"
Elvis' hand that caressed your inner thigh ran down toward the back of your calf, rubbing upward and downward twice before he spoke pointedly with an unamused look on his face,
"If it's nothin' why'd ya leave? And why didn't you answer me?"
You looked down at him with widened eyes and quickly closed the cabinet so you could put all your focus on him, feeling apologetic as you'd forgotten about that.
"I-I didn't mean to- I was just, I was embarrassed…"
Elvis' laugh was low and dry, complimented perfectly by his rough voice and tightening grip on your calf,
"You were embarrassed? How'd ya think I felt after my wife ignored me in front of a whole fuckin' room of people?"
You kept yourself from wincing at his tone as you looked away from him, realizing how inconsiderate your actions were, and remembering your mother telling you that the wife is a representation of the man, that she is responsible for his image, and that she should always maintain decorum. Hardly married a month and you'd already made so many mistakes, this was just another notch to the bedpost.
Your voice was quiet as you breathed out another apology.
A silence ensued as Elvis' hand ran up your calf to your thigh, slipping up even further to touch the skin under your skirt. You turned abruptly which made him lose his touch on your skin, before stepping off the stool carefully. Your eyes were widened as you looked scandalized by even the prospect of what he was silently proposing.
As he moved the stool out of the way to clear his path toward you, arms reached out and landing around your waist. You put both your hands on his chest, the force you could evoke from yourself was a small pathetic one as you whispered up at him, "No, no, no…"
He smiled down at you and licked his lips, his girl was so smart.
"No what? Hm?"
Each stride of his pushed his body against yours, the contact would lose for a second as you took a step back, but he would follow up with another stride until you were pushed back against the counter, you could feel the hard granite pushing into the back of you.
He knew what he was suggesting, he knew what he was imploring with those fingers that danced too close to the lace lining of your panties under your skirt. He just wanted to hear you say it, to say you knew what he was implying.
You, his sweet little wife, having only recently had her cherry popped by her husband, a girl who while she dated him wasn't all that aware of sexual cues until now. And within the span of a few weeks, Elvis had broken you in all nice and proper, he'd taught you how to take a cock, and he loosened you up enough to where sex could be enjoyable.
And though the wedding was almost a month ago, he still cradles the idea that his darling bride is still new and flimsy, inexperienced and innocent.
He wanted to hear what he was turning you into. From a virgin bride who needed to be gently introduced to her marital duties, to a fucked-out wife who knew her place and knew when she needed to fulfill her responsibilities. Whether those responsibilities take place on the plush of your shared bed, the leather of the couch in Elvis' dressing rooms, or the hardened countertops in the kitchen.
It didn't matter, it was your responsibility.
"E-Elvis, there are people, they'll hear…"
Elvis' grip on your waist had firmed up as he leaned down to press little kisses along the side of your neck. One hand rose to gently get a grip on your hair as he used it to pull your head to the side, giving him more access to the skin. He mumbled softly into the skin,
"Isn't that what you want?"
You breathed out a confused, "What?" as his kisses continued up your chin and then to your cheek. He pulled back and smiled down at you, both his hands cupping your cheeks in the gentlest of ways,
"As subtle as ya think ya are, it's pretty easy f'me to tell when you're jealous"
Oh no. He knew.
Your mother always told you that a good wife doesn't get jealous, she shouldn't anyway.
She's the wife and that's the spot that matters, a man can have girlfriends if he wants to. Because the only way to keep a man happy is to let him have his cake and eat it too. Men were simple that way, they were greedy and lustful. And your mother told you that no matter how hard you work, there comes a point when a man will no longer lust over his wife, his eyes will travel elsewhere and that's a given. But you'll stay around as long as you're pleasant company because men are greedy.
You looked panicked as you tried to deny it with a shake of your head, your voice frantically soft in the way your mother always spoke to your father,
"I'm not-"
His voice was sharp as he easily cut through your denial,
"Think I'm stupid or somethin'? I know ya want those girls to know you're mine. So I'll be a good husband and comply with your wishes."
It was all falling apart, you should've just sat there and dealt with it like a good wife. As you realized the bunch you got yourself into you began to try to explain yourself, only to have your thoughts get all jumbled as Elvis pressed his body against yours entirely, his arms trapping you against him as he wrapped them around your waist. His nose was buried into the crook of your neck as he began tugging the neckline of your shirt down, when it didn't comply he simply began ripping it.
"Elvis don't!"
He mumbled into your skin, sounding a little annoyed as he did so,
"Would ya just shut the fuck up"
You blubbered with your hands attempting to push him away by his shoulders, you needed to explain to him that you were fine with the girls, you didn't care, you could be the placating wife a man like him no doubt needed. You really could. So the two of you didn't need to do it now, didn't need to do it here for anyone to walk in and see. For the people just one room away to hear.
Your voice was panicked as you continued despite his scolding,
"B-but, I'm not, I mean- We can't"
As Elvis continued to attack your neck he spoke roughly into the skin, "Goddammit" and pulled away, pulling you by your wrist over to the island counter, center of the kitchen and as big as a dining table. You tried to explain your viewpoint quickly,
"People will hear, I don't, please no, not here, c-can we go upstairs?"
He kept a bruising grip on your waist with one hand while the other grabbed your chin roughly, making you look him in the eye. Your breathing was ragged, not from means of pleasure, but rather your fear of having a displeased husband, having done something to make him look at you the way he was now. You're sure what's in his eyes is anger, fury, disappointment, and dissatisfaction.
"Look Honey, I don't wanna be an ass of a husband, but if that's what I gotta be to make this marriage work, then that's what I'll be."
You stared up at him with fear of what being an ass of a husband entailed. Was he going to find a girl who'd let him fuck her in this situation instead? Would he do that? No, he wouldn't… Your eyes watered at the idea.
Your tone sounded hurt as you said, "Elvis…"
As your eyes continued to fill with tears Elvis' hands flew down to your hips, quickly spinning your around to face the island and pressing his groin against your ass. The surface was digging painfully into where your hip bones were.
"If I have to fuck you face down over this damn counter so that this marriage can keep on keepin' on, then that's what I'm gonna do."
You gasped at his statement and tried to maneuver out from between him and the counter, but that only led to him grabbing you by the back of your neck with a gentle, but firm grip. He pushed you down by the neck till you were completely bent over the counter. As the cold granite snapped against your temple and cheek you whined softly, "Elvis, can we please do it upstairs? Please"
Even in this situation, you were still acting like a good little girl, still minding your manners, talking sweet and soft.
Elvis gave you an ultimatum from behind as he shifted his crotch slightly, letting you feel what you were doing to him,
"I don't wanna fuck you upstairs, I wanna do it here and now, if you won't I'm sure one of the other girls will."
You stayed bent over the counter pliantly, chewing the bottom of your lip with an internal battle, Elvis' voice interrupting it as he asked,
"Now then, I'm gonna make this marriage work, spent too long breakin' ya in to have ya turn into some naggin' old, jealous prude of a wife."
Before you could say anything in response he was already hiking your skirt up to have it pool around your hips as he kneaded your ass. You let out a strangled yelp as the sharp sound of Elvis slapping your ass filled the room. Followed by another. he leaned over your body and cupped your chin from behind as he littered kisses down your temple and cheek, growling into the skin, "Go on Baby, let them hear you, let them hear what I do to you."
Another slap of your ass filled the room followed by a cry. You hated that you liked it.
Elvis pulled back to stare at your pretty pink panties, his fingers toyed with the edge of the thin fabric. After ample admiring he tugged the sides down, eventually letting them drop and watching as they fell to your ankles. He smirked softly as he watched your small clumsy feet try to step out of them.
"Atta girl, knew my sweet girl would come 'round"
You hummed softly, happy with the tinge of approval in his voice. Your actions showed that you could be the kind of wife Elvis could fuck next to a room full of people, but your body betrayed you as you trembled with anxiety from the thought of someone else coming in and seeing you in this state. Seeing you acting like a whore.
As you heard the click of Elvis' belt buckle you inhaled a sharp breath of nerves. And though at this moment, any spectator might think Elvis was just another self-centered man who thought sex was only about the man's feelings, you knew Elvis was thinking of you, that by having not even fucked you yet he was being considerate. He could have easily pushed you against the counter and had his way with you a few minutes ago.
And he showed his silent consideration of your feelings as he kept one hand on your lower back, rubbing soothing circles into the skin while his fingers on his other hand fumbled with the zipper of his trousers, pulling out his length and quickly spitting onto his palm just to rub himself up.
Had it been any other man the image would've been disgusting, but when it was Elvis it was different. Because your husband wasn't like any other.
His hand that once soothed you drifted down to squeeze the globe of your ass before traveling even further South as he used two fingers to part the lips of your pussy. A soft squelch filled the air between to two of you as he parted you, it was proof that your body wanted him just as much as his wanted yours. The noise left him to hum pleasurably, and you to press your red-hot cheeks into the cold counter.
"What's this? Were ya secretly hopin' I'd fuck you over the counter?"
You whined softly at his insinuation. Squeezing your eyes shut in distaste as he reasoned, "No point in askin' I guess, I mean-" His eyes caught sight of your discarded pink panties on the floor and he quickly reached to grab them, laughing softly to himself as he saw all he needed. He continued, bringing your panties down for you to look them head-on.
Your face flushed at the sight and as you tried to turn it away his other hand gripped your chin roughly, the rings pinching at your skin as he made you stare at your own doing, laughing breathily, "The answer to my question is right here ain't it?"
And it was. You didn't want to admit it, but it was all true. The idea of, after repressing your jealousy night after night for so long, of finally letting everyone know you were his and he was yours… It was such a romantic idea. And for you, raised to only get your rocks off on romance books rather than boys, romance was the most erotic thing of all.
His two fingers that parted your pussy's lips squeezed their way through the folds, entering a much warmer, more enclosed area. Your vagina contracted slightly at the sudden intrusions of Elvis' long fingers, you let out a soft breathy moan, it was quiet for the most part but had a high pitch at the end that could give away that not all was normal in the kitchen.
He spoke breathily at the noise, "Oh Honey," it was a giveaway that he'd enjoyed hearing that sound leave you. You quickly flung your hand over your mouth as Elvis' fingers curled within your heat, the squelching continued with each movement, the larger his movements were, the louder the squelch would be. It amused him.
When he deemed you ready he pulled his fingers out, running the white discharge that stuck to his fingers along his length, using it as a lubricant of sorts, but really, he just loved how lewd the idea was. His special times with you always ended with your skin getting stained with the proof of his satisfaction. So when he could, he loved to lather his cock in your proof of satisfaction as if it were the most purifying of body washes. You getting cum on your face and him watching it begin to slowly slide down your skin was lewd and he knew deep down you loved it, this was his equivalent, this is what he loved.
His head fell back gently as he tugged at his foreskin again, making sure to get your discharge in all the little cracks and crevices before lining himself up behind you. You could feel the tip of him press against your lips, despite all his experience he always fumbled around a little down there, in his defense there were a few things to look out for before he could land himself in the gold mine.
You tried your best to brace yourself, but there wasn't much to grab on the counter, it wasn't like when Elvis fucked you on the bed and you could cry into a pillow and grasp at the sheets, the best you could do on the counter was hold onto the edges, it was worth a try though.
As Elvis pushed into you he groaned lowly, the noise only getting louder the further he pushed in. You did your best to keep quiet, to keep your dignity, but it was only due to you beginning to stand on your tippy toes to stop Elvis from getting his natural leverage due to height into you, it soothed the burn enough to where instead of moaning loudly you got by with a soft cry that you did your best to choke back.
Elvis noticed this and leaned down, careful not to shuffle around in you too much. He kissed your shoulder gently and murmured into the skin, his tone and words sweet for the first time this evening, as he spoke he sounded the way he always did when the two of you were alone, his public behavior now wearing off as he tried to soothe his wife.
"I know it's still hard Babydoll, but this is the only way it gets better, c'mon, come down from the tips of your sooties, ya can do it Baby, I know ya can…"
As Elvis continued to press gentle kisses along your shoulder you slowly eased yourself down from your toes, but the tug at your inner walls and the burn that followed was too much. You fell forward defeatedly onto the island counter, raising yourself back up to your toes as you cried softly into the hard surface,
"It hurts Elvis..! I can't, I can't"
Elvis grimaced and looked up to the ceiling like he was asking the Lord for patience as the throbbing and twitching of his cock was beginning to tingle him painfully, he needed to move, but he needed you to be ok with that.
With a gentle hold, Elvis moved your hair to the side so that he could press a gentle kiss on the back of your neck. You could feel and hear him murmur into the skin, his voice patient yet stern,
"You've done it before Mama, we've been workin' so hard. Don't ya remember it only burns at first, r'member how good it feels after?"
You nodded slowly, he watched from behind and quietly hummed, "There, now let yourself down on me Honey, all the way." His hands settled at your hips as he slowly helped guide you down from your tippy toes, you winced softly as you continued, and he encouraged, "A-almost there Baby, that's right, there…"
His last word had drawn off as his head fell backward from being completely engulfed within your heat.
Pulling out a little was easy, it was the going back in that was hard as it put the both of you right back where you started with you arching back up on your toes and crying out softly from the familiar yet painful intrusion.
Elvis swore quietly, "Fuck's sake…"
Though you felt bad for being so bothersome, you stuck with your actions. You'd never done the act in this position before, all the other times you and Elvis had sex up until now, it was always slow, sweet, and soft. There was never any pressure, and you never had to stand up.
You stuttered out as you felt your poor little toes begin to tremble from supporting your entire body for so long,
"It-It's not getting better, it b-burns"
Elvis grunted and laid his head on your back as he spoke through a sexual frustration from being granted access to your pussy just to have it taken away once again,
"It will get better."
You were being such a tease, well not purposely, but it still wasn't something that would fly with Elvis. He knew how to cut through to you though, he knew his bride was such a sweet girl, such a people pleaser, that she wouldn't be so difficult under different conditions.
Elvis pressed his head against your back, his tone of voice low and breathy as he asked,
"Remember all that breakin' in I did for ya? How good I was? I was good wasn't I, mama?"
You wanted to sob as you were stuck in a predicament, if you stopped Elvis would think you didn't think he was good enough, but if you kept going you were certain he'd tear you open from the inside out, or at least rip the crevice of your womanhood, the idea made you grimace painfully as you thought about it.
As you ducked your head into your shoulder to try and stifle a cry, Elvis was there for you to lean your cheek against instead. It was romantic, the feel of your wet tears that glided down your face as if they were shooting stars, rubbing up against his much dryer cheek, letting him feel the struggle he was putting you through. Letting him feel what he was doing to you for once while you knew all too well with a hardened cock up your pussy what you were doing to him.
He hummed soothingly and clicked his tongue once, twice, before murmuring as he placed a kiss on your damp cheek,
"I jus' need ya to trust me Honey, same way ya did on our wedding night"
His kisses danced along your cheek and lingered on your earlobe, nibbling the edge softly as his hand drifted around your waist, landing expertly at your clit as if he knew your body like a map.
"Don't tell me ya forgot about that already?" He whispered as his middle fingers began to circle that special little bud down there, making your hips twitch ever so slightly with the sensation.
You let out an airy moan as he added his index finger to the circling of your most sensitive bundle of nerves, rubbing slow lazy circles as you felt the hot, wet edge of his tongue land on the skin just below your ear as he pressed gentle little kisses. His words were encouragingly sweet, "I've been neglectin' ya here, haven't I?"
Your hum was weak and broken as you tilted your head back, biting your lower lip,
Elvis cooed softly and kept with his thumb's movement.
"Oh Baby, why didn't ya tell me?"
As the burn in your aching cunt loosened to a familiar warmth from Elvis' expert strumming of your clit your breaths became ragged and torn, just the small stroking of his fingers was turning you into a panting dog, a bitch in heat. With the warmth overcoming your pussy your body began to chase what it needed, your hips began to grind downward. The feeling of Elvis' length rubbing up and down ever so slightly within your walls as you continued to grind down what you could handle was a pornographic one.
As you could practically feel the shift of his foreskin within your cunt with each rise and fall of your hips, Elvis' hands now rested on them as he helped you broaden your movements, his hands squeezing your sides tightly as a low groan fell from his lips. "That's it, oh fuck…"
As his head fell back he brought a hand up to rest firmly on the center of your throat, pulling you back by it just barely so that your head could fall back on his chest. The breaths you both let out no doubt danced with each other in the air as you continued to grind down as best you could while his fingers strummed a tune on your clit which pulled the notes from your mouth as your breaths turned to airy moans.
Abruptly, Elvis gave a small thrust upward, the strength within the movement was enough to make you bounce slightly and let out an immediate moan of pleasure. You quickly flung your palm over your lips just for him to remove his hand from the center of your throat, now gripping your wrist and pulling your hand down to your chest as he murmured lowly,
"Let it out Honey, let 'em know you're mine, and I'm yours."
He began to grind upward into you slowly, working his way back to a thrust, each movement evoked a noise from you louder than the last, and as time went on the soft grinding of his groin into your ass as his dick plunged further up your heat turned to soft skin-to-skin claps with air between them. He tended to be loud as he chased what he needed.
He groaned into your neck as he pressed open-mouth kisses along it, your skin didn't even make a dent in minimizing the sound of his groans. He was loud and full of want, and as prudent as you were taught to be about sinful, sexual desires, it was the most liberating experience you could ever go through.
The smutty sounds of skin slapping on skin reverberated in the walls of the kitchen, stretching into the room just a thin privacy wall away. All the while Elvis was groaning and growling loudly against your skin, mumbling your name between groans and low moans.
His fingers kept their rhythm, so even in the chaos of Elvis' thrusts speeding and his body pushing yours against the hard granite of the counter to the point of bruising, he kept his fingers going just the way you liked. Your moans went up a pitch as you felt a feeling Elvis had introduced you to a few weeks ago on your wedding night, it was one you'd slowly begun to crave even when the two of you were doing something as simple as sitting in the car together. You could hold back and keep your dignity in those moments.
But now as the feelings lingered in your face and were oh so close, you felt like an addict who needed her high. Your voice cracked in a moan as you begged,
"Yes, just like that"
He growled breathily, his lips still dancing along your neck as his hips rocked into you from behind, his voice was breathy as he asked,
"Like that? Ya like it like that? Yeah?"
Your head hung back on his chest, your mouth open wide as your hips began to chase the sensations, "Yes Elvis, y-yes..!"
By now all the chatter that filled the house like background noise was completely silenced as the sounds of sex that filled the kitchen drifted into the other rooms. The air of the other room was awkward as your high-pitched moans which contrasted beautifully with Elvis' low groans were the only thing keeping the California house from silence. Everyone's assumptions were answered by the sudden increase in the volume of the skin-to-skin slapping along with of course your noises of ecstasy.
Elvis swore loudly into your neck, his voice reverberating against the soft skin,
"Fuck Baby!"
As he bit down roughly onto a rather sensitive spot your moans hit their height as you practically wailed, "Oh Elvis!"
And within the span of a second, that coil that played around ever so coyly in the space between your stomach and pussy had completely broken. Elvis' animalistic speed of rhythmic thrusts lost their rhythm and their speed as you felt a warmth like no other fill your body, his open-mouth kisses simply turned to his lips dragging lazily along your neck with a loud groan accompanying the skin.
His thrusts tampered down to deep grinds of his hips down into yours as you'd let out the heights of what your voice box could manage. Your mouth was still open wide but nothing leaving it as you'd reached nirvana.
Your body gave out as your legs trembled and you had to lean over onto the counter to support yourself. From behind Elvis' arms caged you against the island counter, his hands at either side of you pressed down onto the surface to support himself up. You let out a soft whimper as he slowly pulled out of you and fumbled around you from behind for a few moments, the familiar sound of his buckle could be heard.
Before you knew it his hands were on your hips turning you back around to face him, he was dressed, and in hand were the discarded panties of yours that he quickly shoved into the back pocket of his trousers.
Elvis' hands flew to smooth your hair back into place gently. They lingered on your temples as he leaned forward to press a kiss to your head, you closed your eyes in the process.
"You're so beautiful Honey, did so well for me…"
He quickly hiked your skirt back down to its proper length, and wrapped an arm around your waist, suggesting softly,
"We'll head upstairs for the night"
With the fucked-out look in your eyes he knew you needed rest and a shower. So he kept an arm around your waist and walked slowly with you out of the room. As the two of you passed the group in the living room you kept your eyes trained on the floor, knowing if you looked up, you'd only be met with looks of disgust from the girls that still occupied the floor of your living room, sitting around Elvis' stool as if it were a king's throne.
Elvis didn't spare them a glance as he only looked back toward Jerry and Joe, the two men were holding their cards without qualms at what they (and the rest of the house) were just exposed to listening to, as they'd heard that kind of thing more times than they could count coming from the two of you.
"Could y'all escort the girls out when you're done with 'em? Wife and I gonna be upstairs a while…"
With that simple statement, he helped you walk toward the staircase and kept a supporting hand on your lower back. Asking once, twice, three times, if you needed anything. You replied no.
All you needed was him, and that's exactly what you had.
And all the other girls knew it as a little something had fallen out of Elvis' pocket. It was hardly in his pocket to begin with. The boys wouldn't tell him, "Hey E, ya dropped somethin'" Because the boys knew the message he was sending to every girl in the room.
You were his, and he was yours.
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Well, for my first time writing, I quite enjoyed that. Anyways...
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890 notes · View notes
megamindsecretlair · 6 months
The King and I, Part 3
Pairing: King Ghezo x Virgin!Black!Fem!/ Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. SMUT AND ANGST. Don't say I ain't warn ya. Mentions of violence, forceful touching. Virginity loss. PIV, Oral (fem receiving) , all consensual. Doesn't follow canon of the movie.
Summary: You continue to enjoy your burgeoning life with the King. Though there is nothing to do and you fear that your life will revolve around him and him only. He shows you more beautiful sights and you decide to take the relationship to the next level.
Word Count: 8,016k
A/N: I don't know what happened. Forgive me! I did not intend for this to be so long, but I turned my mind off and let the story take me where it would. If you need a wind down from Christmas festivities, here ya go! Merry Christmas my lovelies. Or Happy Monday to those who don't celebrate. Please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! And please put ages in bios! Or get blockt!
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
Taglist: @planetblaque @browngirldominion @notapradagurl7 @honeyoriginalz @gg-trini @eggnox @naj-ay444 @sheepywritesfics @westside-rot @twocentuar @pinkpantheris @tchallasbabymama @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @abeautifulmindexposed @neawarren @monaeesstuff @blackerthings @melaninpov @1-800anklebully @mogul93 @softimgyu @henneseyhoe @blowmymbackout @softscorpio17 @theunsweetenedtruth
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You liked kissing. You really liked kissing. You had no love for your father, but you could thank him for keeping you from this experience until your marriage. You liked closing your eyes and feeling the King’s lips against yours. 
The King stole kisses whenever he could. Before and after meetings. During meals. You felt silly kissing him in front of his first wife but she only smiled or directed her attention elsewhere. You wondered if she was capable of speaking. You knew nothing about her and she offered precious little. 
The King would settle your thoughts of her by kissing your worries away. His kisses always started soft as a dove’s wing. He would look at you, trace your face with his fingers, and then pull you closer. His lips would press against yours. The first joining was your favorite. When he would linger before going deeper, spearing his tongue between your lips and exploring your mouth.
Then the kiss would light a fire inside you, deep down in your core. Where it felt like you would burn from the inside out. Burn with need. That need would drive you insane but you were always interrupted before things went further. A eunuch would come to collect the King or Nanisca would need his attention or there was some council member who needed to speak with him and they would take him away from you. 
One of his eunuchs came up to him now, spoke in his ear. “Already?” The King asked. The eunuch nodded. The King frowned but nodded.
He promised to see you later, but not before one last kiss. He traced your lips with his thumb, looked at your lips as if he were reluctant to leave, and then gave you that smile that never failed to make your knees weak. 
Left to your own devices, there wasn’t much for you to do. You did not have babies yet so there was no reason to visit the nursery. The first wife spent most of her time there with her babies. Sometimes you’d catch them walking around the palace garden.
His sons were beautiful. They looked like they would grow big and strong like him. The lines of succession weren’t always so cut and dry. The oldest wasn’t necessarily the heir but you could see that little boy taking over for his father.
All you had was your imagination to keep you company. This afternoon, there was no meeting to attend. So you wandered around the palace with a routine you set for yourself. 
You started off wandering towards the training field. The Agojie were intimidating. Sometimes you watched them through the windows. Watched them train and imagined living amongst them. In another life, perhaps you were braver. Tougher. Perhaps you would have been able to stand up to your father sooner. 
Growing up in the village, you had heard plenty of vile things said about the Agojie. Old men would lament about a woman’s place and how it was not to wield swords and protect the village. Bitter women would gossip about the mannish Agojie who could not find husbands and now never would. 
You admired them from the first moment you heard about them. Fierce women who were strong like men, pretty, and bonded in sisterhood. You always wanted a sister. You wanted the bonds that others seemed to enjoy. Even when sisters bickered and fought, it was out of love. 
You were a lonely child. With nothing but your mother and father for company, you learned to escape away in your head. Where you had a house full of beautiful kids, a loving husband who never raised a hand to you in anger, and a life spent laughing too much and drinking too much. 
What you never truly imagined though, was life beyond the wedding part. In your many musings, the wedding was part of it. You weren’t picky one way or another about what you would wear, what the feast would look like, what the flowers would be. But you knew your mother would help make it a special day, no matter how much your father would protest about every little detail. 
Beyond that…you had no idea what your marriage would look like. The men your father paraded in front of you were too old, too skinny, too ugly, too mean, too…gross. The way they would look at you still made you shudder in revulsion. You could not see a life with them. 
You never in your wildest imaginings thought you’d be married to the king. Not only married to the king, but kissing the king. And liking to kiss the king. You laid awake all night thinking about his kisses. His muscles. His chest. What he would look like naked.
You ducked your head and looked around you, at the empty hallway as if your thoughts were projected onto the walls. You had never seen a man naked. Had never cared to. But the more time you spent with the King, the more you found yourself wanting to. Wanting something and having the means to get it were alien concepts to you. 
You were forced to sift through your emotions and thoughts as you walked the halls every  day. The King was not evil. He was a man with a heavy burden and sometimes had to make decisions that seemed cruel. Kings in the past dealt with hardships, but considering the unprecedented attack across the lands, it was a wonder the King did half as good a job as he did. 
Your wanderings took you to the palace gardens anyway. You walked the paths, admiring the rich reds, purples, and pinks of the flowers growing there and lovingly tended to by palace servants. Trees stretched to the sky. You sat on a patch of grass, careful to avoid any potential wet spots. 
You laid back so that the sky was completely open to you. It truly amazed you that you were…free to do this. To do nothing. No one demanded anything from you. No one made you speak when you didn’t want to. No one talked bad about you to your face as if you weren’t standing right there. 
And yet…you were inexplicably still lonely. There was no one to really talk to besides your servant but her job was to talk to you. The first wife was content to live in her own little bubble and you were content to let her. The last thing you would do was to disturb her peace when precious few women got that in life. You could talk to the King and he was a remarkable conversationalist, but he was still a man. 
Your thoughts turned once more to the King. Lately, you thought of him more and more. Not only did he make you laugh, he also made you giddy. He made you think and challenge your thoughts. And you found yourself watching him, unable to tear your eyes away. His clothes were always finely tailored. His hair perfectly coiled and styled atop his head. His strong jaw, wide smile. 
What would it feel like if he were on top of you? If he peeled your dress off? If his fingers gripped your thighs…
“What are you thinking about so hard?” 
You gasped and sat up in a panic. Your head smacked into something hard and you yelped in pain. The King knelt down, cooing at you. 
“I am sorry, my Queen. Surely you will kill me for this,” he said. He prodded at your forehead. You hissed and jerked away from him. He sighed and planted a tender kiss to the spot. 
“The day is still young, my King,” you said but there was no real heat. You smiled at him and he smiled back. 
“I am spared for the moment, then,” he said. 
You fixed your crimson red robes and willed your heart to stop thundering in your chest. He could not read your thoughts and you hoped that your face did not betray you. Your hands shook at getting caught thinking something so naughty. The King has done nothing but made you feel safe and heard. But how did you let him know that you wanted to try? 
“You did not answer my question. You looked deep in thought and I was jealous your attention was elsewhere,” he said.
You giggled and his smile grew wider. “How can you possibly be jealous of my thoughts?” 
“They get to know what you’re thinking and I do not,” he said. 
You didn’t want to lie but you also didn’t want to tell him what you were thinking. You raised such a huge fuss about him being in your room on your wedding night, you feared that if he knew he’d take you to bed right this instant. The thought both thrilled you and terrified you. 
You drew your knees to yourself, as far as you were able with your tummy in the way, and bit your lip. 
“If you must know, I was thinking about you.” You peeked at him and he tilted his head. 
“Now you must really tell me what you were thinking. Your king demands it of you,” he said with a grin. 
You giggled and shook your head. “And give up my secrets so easily? You must earn them, husband,” you said. 
Surprise made his entire face open up. It was the first time you had called him such and by the look on his face, he noticed too. “How may I earn them, wife?” His voice grew deeper. It made your belly do a funny flip. 
“I’m sure you can think of something, husband,” you said. This was as far as your bravery allowed you to go. You wished you were more bold. That you could rip off his gold robes and taste his skin. That his hands would roam your body in previously forbidden places and douse this inferno in your veins. 
King Ghezo smiled and leaned closer, planting a kiss high on your cheek, near your ear. “I’m sure I can think of something, wife.” Shivers wracked through your body. “Come. I wish to show you something.” 
He stood up and held out his hands. You took his and he helped you stand. You dusted your robes and made sure it was still secure around your body. Then, he took your hand and led you out of the palace gardens. 
He asked about your day while he pulled you through the palace. There was nothing remarkable about it but he wanted to hear every bit of it. He thought your fascination with the Agojie was adorable. He told you that he liked how animated you were when you spoke about them.
“Should I be worried that you are getting ideas from my Agojie on how to kill me?” He asked.
You shrugged. “I deserve some credit. I would not choose something so obvious,” you said and smiled. 
“No, you would not. I will figure it out,” he said. You giggled as you emerged on the other end of the palace, towards the path that led you to “your spot”. He had shared the cliffside view with you many times by now but it was always in the morning or day time. 
The sun was setting, the giant resting its eye now as it descended in the horizon. But it was like it couldn’t resist one last peak at the world before it yielded the sky to the moon. You looked overhead. The dark purples and oranges were mixing and stars were starting to poke through.
King Ghezo tugged you to your spot and you thought he wanted to look at the sunset. Instead, he looked back to make sure there were no guards or servants nearby. Then, he moved a heavy branch out of the way revealing a sloping path downward. 
“What is this?” You asked.
“Do you trust me, wife?” The King asked.
You stared at his open face. He’s had plenty of chances to kill you by now. In fact, you stopped carrying your knife and finally returned it to the kitchen. You were not in danger of that from him. He had been nothing but kind. If he truly were cruel, he would have shown his true colors by now. 
So…yes. You nodded your head. “I trust you,” you said. 
The King grinned and squeezed your hand. Then, he descended down the slope telling you to step where he steps. And if there was an area you were concerned about, to let him know. You followed behind him with the darkening sky to your right. It took your breath away. Though to descend the cliff, you weren’t paying too much attention to the sunset. 
What was it that he wanted to show you? 
At the bottom of the cliff, there was a small beach area. It wasn’t that wide, but there was enough space to feel open and small enough to feel cozy. Your feet sank into the soft sand and you gasped at the sensation.
You grinned at the King and he was already watching you. “It’s so mushy!” 
“I found this as a boy and told no one. The guards and Agojie will likely close this off if they ever knew. When I want to be alone, sometimes I come here. I don’t stay for long. If the King goes missing, it tends to cause a fuss,” he said. 
He pulled you onto the beach proper. Your jaw dropped at seeing the ocean up close. The sun’s light only reached so far now. The moon was high in the sky, casting a faint glow over the water. You fought tears as you looked out over the darkened water. The King continued to show you sights you never imagined. 
He pulled you closer to the water. Where the water touched the sand, your feet sunk deeper still. The wet, squishy sand burrowed between your toes. The waves washed up on shore and over your feet. You squealed when the cold water hit your skin. The King laughed at your reaction.
He took your hand and spun you around in the water. You giggled as you did so, feeling silly, but it was a nice feeling. A freeing feeling. A feeling as close to flying as you could possibly get. You began to feel dizzy and stopped spinning. You swayed and the King caught you. You gazed at him, held in his arms, and feeling…happy. Strangely, wonderfully, magnificently happy.
“My King…” you breathed. You had no adequate words to thank him. This was yet another thing he was able to take for granted and he shared it with you. Distantly, you wondered if he took his first wife here too. But that kind of thinking would only make you feel sick. 
“I like when you call me husband more,” he said. 
You smiled at him. “Husband it is then,” you said. 
“Does this earn me one of your secrets?” The King asked. 
Your cheeks were going to hurt from all of this smiling. How was it that he was able to manage the land and still remember silly conversations between you? 
“What is it you would like to know?” You asked. 
“Have I earned your love yet?” He frowned slightly and you wondered why. You were still leaning into his arms, as close as…well, lovers. There were more shadows now and the quiet lull of the waves on the shore ensured a kind of intimacy. 
The moonlight made his skin shine and you licked your lips. It would be okay to admit this in the safety of night. When your face was not fully on display and you didn’t have to worry about how foolish you looked. A wife confessing her love to her husband.
“I do love you, my King. Despite my best attempts otherwise,” you said, with a smile. 
“Why attempt otherwise? Am I that undesirable for a husband?” He asked.
“No!” You nearly shouted. How could you put this? 
“Outside these palace walls, there are lots of rumors about you. We don’t know you as a people, which is to be expected. And if a father is to throw away his daughter, it is at your doorstep they discard us. Filled with thoughts of rumors and whispers. I expected you to be like any other man. Cruel, greedy, and dimwitted.” 
You watched his face, but it was carefully controlled. Watching you with mild interest as you tried to explain your feelings. “But you are kind, smart, and funny. You…you’re safe. And I love you for making me feel safe,” you said.
The King took a deep breath. He grabbed your hands and brought them to his lips. He kissed both. Then he pulled you into a hug. “I can die happy knowing that I’ve earned your love. I love you, my radiant Queen,” he said.
Your heart leapt in your chest hearing those words. “Husband,” you said and crashed your lips to his. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close to you. You molded your body to his so that no inch of him was not touching your body. You gasped into the kiss as you felt his dick, thick against your upper thigh. 
King Ghezo groaned and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you closer still and kissing you back. Your kisses turned bruising, crashing your lips against each other with passion. Teeth scraped against each other. Tongued dueled. His hands coasted down your body until he gripped your ass in his hands.
He groaned and began to squeeze your ass with his big, rough hands. You felt him lift your ass cheeks and you moaned into your kiss. The back of your thighs tingled. If you had hoped that this raging fire inside of you would dim over time, you were sorely mistaken. 
“Husband…” you said when there was a natural break in your kiss. 
“Yes, wife?” He asked, his voice slightly shaking and breathy. He nuzzled your cheek with his nose, planting soft kisses along your jawline. 
“Take me to bed?” 
His kisses stopped. His lips lingered on your jaw, under your ear. “Are you sure, wife?” 
“Take me to bed, husband. Please,” you said. The King leaned back and looked into your eyes. You didn’t know how else you could make it clear. If he asked you again, you may lose your nerve and rip his robes off here and now. If he ripped your robes off here and now, you would let him. 
Your mind was cloudy with no other thoughts than you were tired of waiting. You were a wife and you wanted to experience your husband. You and your friends would giggle about sex growing up, well out of earshot of your fathers.
You thought it was a trite thing between married partners. Something only done to produce a baby. You never thought that it would feel like this. Like there were bugs beneath your skin ready to burst out if you did not find relief soon. That you would yearn for such a thing. 
The King picked you up and you yelped in surprise. “Husband!” You squealed with laughter. He laughed with you but did not put you down until he reached the bottom of the slope. He went ahead of you to make sure you were safe on the jagged cliffside, avoiding rocks and slippery patches of grass. 
You followed behind, holding his hand, and trusting that he would lead you to safety. He pulled you to the top of the cliffside, stopping long enough to kiss you. You laughed in between kisses, such joy trying to crack open from your chest. 
The King pulled you into the palace, setting a pace that you barely kept up with. You had not thought that he would be so eager to take you to bed. Surely, he got it whenever he wanted from his first wife. But his excitement seemed to match yours. 
The tips of your ears burned as you passed servants who smiled politely but likely knew what was about to happen. You shouldn’t be embarrassed to go to bed with your husband. And you weren’t embarrassed to the point that you changed your mind. You wanted to do a good job and please him. You wanted to leave him satisfied and you feared that your lack of experience would make this your first and only night with him. 
What if he planted a baby inside you and never touched you again? Your heart squeezed painfully. That would break you. It would break you if your husband never touched you after tonight. 
The King found your room with ease. He opened the door and ushered you inside, closing it behind you. You took to keeping your balcony doors open because it became dreadfully stuffy otherwise. The room was perfectly breezy now, the air brushing along your damp skin from the mad dash through the palace. 
Standing in the room, the bed seemed impossibly large now. How different it was to stand here, not afraid of your husband or what you were about to do. You were terrified on your wedding night. Terrified that he would take what you were not offering. But he respected your wishes. 
Now, your wishes were to see all of him. Touch all of him. A few candles were lit and you silently thanked Mawu-Lisa for that. You were not ashamed of your body, but you liked it better that you would do this mostly in the light of the moon. 
The King brought your hand to his lips and kissed it. “I have dreamt of this many nights, wife. I will do my best. You must tell me if I’m hurting you,” he said. 
“I promise,” you told him. 
There was enough moonlight and light from the candles to point out most of his features. You saw him smile and then he pulled you closer. He dropped his head and kissed you. There was no more rush. The King was back to being sweet and tender, letting you get used to him being in your chambers. 
He walked you backwards until your legs hit the edge of the bed. He slowed his kisses down, pulling away from you with a small groan. “I wish to see you, wife,” he said. His gaze searched yours for permission and you nodded. 
You were so nervous, you could barely breathe at the moment. Need clawed your insides and it took all of your willpower to stand there while his hands reached for the tie at your waist. He pulled and tugged on it until the robe loosened. You took a deep breath as he peeled the side of the robe open, revealing your naked body beneath it. 
You watched his face. His eyes were on your body. Eyes wide and nose flared as he looked at your exposed flesh. He let out a soft curse. “You are absolutely gorgeous,” he whispered. 
You beamed at hearing his words. Many people had called you some variation of beautiful and it meant nothing to you. Hearing your husband say it was a treasure you locked away in your heart. You would trot it out for years and years and relive this moment until the end of your days. 
“I wish to see you husband,” you whispered back. He stepped back and opened his arms. His robe was already open, revealing that delectable chest you salivated over. You slipped the sides off of him, revealing thick arms to match his solid chest. Here, you became shy. You knew that his pants would have to come off, in fact you were licking your lips at the thought, but you’d never seen a dick before. You weren’t prepared. 
King Ghezo seemed to guess this. Maybe your face showed your fear. He stepped forward, slipping your own robes from your body and letting it pool at your feet. 
“I am going to taste you, wife. Would you like that?” The King had a strange note in his voice that you could not name. Like he was enjoying your shyness. 
“Taste me?” Did he not already taste you when he kissed you? The King only grinned and directed you to get on the bed. You did as you were told. The King’s hands grazed your ass as you wiggled onto the bed. Your skin tingled where he touched. 
He told you to flip over, so you did. You waited for him to take his pants off and climb into bed. Wasn’t that the idea? You had no clue what to expect or do or feel. The bed dipped as he climbed on, his knees sinking into the mattress as he came closer.
He sat back on his knees and grabbed your left foot. He began to massage it and you fell back against the pillow as you sighed with pleasure. “Oh,” you moaned.
“This only works if you are relaxed. I know this is new. But I will be as open as possible, eh?” He asked. 
“Okay,” you said. Your eyelids turned heavy as he put pressure on the heel of your foot, hitting a tender spot that shook you down to your bones. You melted into your bed, enjoying this. You wanted to catalog every second of this. If this would be your first and last time, you wanted the memories to keep you going. 
He switched to your right foot, giving it just as much attention. Then he worked his way up both of your legs, spreading them wider the higher he went up. Your heartbeat began to pick up, but you were so relaxed from the massage, you screamed at your body to calm down. You did truly trust your husband. 
He spread your legs and the cool air from outside hit your damp pussy. You bit your lip, looking away from him. Nothing about this should feel embarrassing and yet that’s exactly how it felt. No one had ever looked there and it made you nervous. Did he like what he saw? Was that a thing? Did it please him that you were wet for him? 
A dark light entered his gaze. He stared at the very heart of you. Your pussy clenched and unclenched around nothing, somehow growing wetter under his intense scrutiny. His fingers tightened around your knees. 
“Husband?” You asked.
“I’m trying to be gentle, but this is…proving very difficult.” His voice sounded hoarse as if he had been running for miles. 
“I am yours, husband. However you wish,” you said.
His eyes snapped to yours. “Do not tempt me,” he said with a wicked grin. Then he flattened himself on the bed, scooting in between your thighs. Your eyes rounded as he seemed to be aiming his mouth for your pussy. 
You were about to ask what he was planning to do, when his tongue swiped out and licked your pussy! “Oh!” You wailed. The sensation was completely foreign to you. You had nothing to compare it to. No basis to make you understand. 
Your pussy was warm, his tongue was warm, but the minute he retreated, the cold air swooped in and swept across your exposed core. He licked you a few times and you could not stop the avalanche of moans tumbling from your lips. It felt divine. It felt weird. It felt amazing and you did not want him to stop. 
“Are you okay, wife?” King Ghezo asked.
“Yes! Yes! Keep going!” You prayed. You prayed with all your might that you would get to experience this many times over. Your fingers played with his soft curls as he went back to licking you. His nose separated your folds as his tongue went lower, to your entrance, and he drank from you there. His slurps were loud in the chamber and you worried about the noise.
You gushed onto his face and you ought to feel some way about that, but all you felt was pleasure. There was tightening low in your belly but you ignored it in favor of feeling his wondrous tongue encircle your pussy. He groaned around you and it triggered your own groan. 
When he hit a spot that you particularly enjoyed, you yanked on his curls. You immediately loosened your grip, not wanting to hurt him. He lifted his head from your center and looked at you. “Do what you must, wife. You will not hurt me,” he said.
You giggled nervously as you saw your essence dripping down his chin. All of that came from you? 
You nodded and he returned to licking and tasting you. You moaned and dug your fingers into his curls, yanking and pulling. Your curses reached the ceiling and bounced back towards you.
The tightening got worse and worse until it almost felt like you were about to use it on yourself. You became worried that you would do just that, so you began to push at his head. His eyes flicked towards yours but he did not stop. 
He kept going, keeping his gaze trained on you while that tightening became overbearing. “Oh, my King, I–” 
A tidal wave of pleasure rolled through you and dragged you under. You moaned as that tight feeling dispersed, sending pinpricks of rapture to course through your body. You shook and jerked, your body completely out of your control. 
The King moaned as he continued to taste you through it. “Taste so good. Love tasting you,” he murmured into your pussy. Your thighs gripped his head but still he kept going, until the last shiver left you panting against your pillow. Your sweat gathered there creating a weird mix between hot and cold from the open balcony. 
“What..was that?” You asked.
“Climax,” he said.
“Climax?” You asked, rolling the word around your tongue. 
“It’s what people do when they experience great pleasure.” 
“So you will do it too?” You asked. How did people not spend every waking moment doing this? Now that you had experienced it, you never wanted to leave this bed! 
He grinned and nodded as he ran his hand down his face, wiping away your arousal. He climbed up your body, planting kisses here or there to your tummy, until he reached your breasts. 
“Are you alright, wife?” The King asked.
“Yes, husband,” you whispered. You couldn’t look at him. You were too full of love and basking in that wave of bliss. He chuckled as he kissed your belly.
“I’m going to kiss your breasts. Would you like that?” He asked.
“Yes!” You wanted to experience it all. You wanted all of it. Your hands caressed his thick arms, feeling his muscles bunch under your wandering hands. The King grinned and his mouth latched onto your nipple, suckling it into his mouth.
“Oh! Ouee,” you moaned. You had no idea that they could be so sensitive. When your cycle came, you only knew that they grew heavy and sometimes painful. But sensitive during this was fascinating to you as he rolled your nipple around his mouth. You watched the total concentration on his face. 
Your hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck while he switched his attention to your other nipple. Your hip jerked violently and your pussy clenched, feeling strangely empty. In theory, you knew what sex was. Your mother had that particular talk with you. You knew that he would stick his dick in there but after everything else, you weren’t sure you could handle that. But you wanted to try. 
The King kissed his way up your chest, kissed your neck, and then moved upwards to kiss your lips. You tasted and smelled yourself on him and it caused you to moan. You liked marking him in such a way. That it was your essence on his lips. That you belonged to him as only a wife could to her husband. 
“I am going to enter you now, wife. I will go slow, but be patient with me.” You nodded. You had no clue what he was on about but you enjoyed everything else. You were sure you would enjoy that too. 
King Ghezo scooted back and got off the bed. You missed the heat of his body instantly. The cold breeze from outside ran over your body and you shivered. The King smirked at you while his hands went to the waistband of his trousers. He lowered them off of his hips and your eyes watched his every movement.
The pants slipped down and exposed him and your jaw dropped open. His dick was huge, wide, with a defining mushroom head that your eyes zeroed in on. There was no way that would fit inside of you. Absolutely none! 
He palmed his length, rubbing his hand up and down. “Like what you see?” 
“You are…big,” you asked. Not that you had anything to compare it to. Surely, this was above average? Maybe this was why no one did this fifty times a day. If women were getting split in half by the likes of that, they wouldn’t be able to get any chores done! Ever. 
The King chuckled as he climbed back onto the bed. He laid next to you. “Would you like to touch it?” 
“I won’t hurt you?” You asked. 
The King grinned and shook his head. You knew you were being painfully stupid, asking these questions and acting like a skittish animal. How could you not? Why did no one prepare you for this shit? 
If you ever had a daughter, you would absolutely prepare her for this by detailing exactly what happened. No matter how awkward and painful it may be for the both of you, you would not send your daughter out into marriage without giving her some notion. 
You reached out your hand and wrapped your fingers around his length. You gasped. “You’re so soft!” Yet hard at the same time? The skin was smooth to the touch, with faint veins on the side. Yet his dick was also hard, unyielding. What would it feel like inside of you? 
The King began to kiss you while you stroked him. He groaned and moved his hips while you became bolder, gripping onto him harder, and loving the way he responded. He moved on top of you and gently moved your hand away from him. 
He gripped his dick and ran it through your folds, coating himself with your arousal. The tips of your ears burned but it felt good and you found yourself sinking down into a more prone position. 
He placed his dick at your entrance and took a deep breath. He looked into your eyes as he began to slide in. Your mouth dropped open as he stretched you. It both hurt and felt good as he worked his way in. 
“Wait!” The King paused. He wasn’t even partially in but it felt like was stabbing you with a knife. 
“It will get better, I promise,” he said. 
You nodded and took deep breaths, but fuck! You held onto his wide shoulders as he began to move forward. He retreated until just the tip of him was at your entrance and then he dove back again, getting deeper with each stroke. Your nails dug into his skin, leaving half-moon marks in it, as the stretch was too much for you to bear.
Something wonderful began to happen, however. It hurt, yes, but you were growing accustomed to it. Your body welcomed him in, your arousal helping the slide of him. He was about halfway in, getting deeper and deeper. He hit a particular spot and you screamed, slapping at his shoulder.
“Shh, shh, you have to relax.” He kissed you, trying to take your mind off of the splitting pain inside of you. 
The kissing helped and he kept going. His strokes were gentle but you knew instinctively that he had to work himself inside of you. He said it would get better and you truly hoped so. 
The King’s arms shook as he held himself on top of you, mindful to not put all of his weight on you. “Are you okay, husband?” You asked.
He huffed a laugh. “I should be asking you. You feel so good. So tight,” he whispered. 
You whimpered as he finally bottomed out, fully seated inside of you. He lay still, kissing your jaw, your lips, your cheek. Any area he could reach with his lips. Sweat gathered on his brow and you kissed his forehead when he dropped his eyes to look at where you were joined.
You followed his gaze. Somehow that giant thing between his legs fit inside of you. “I’m going to move now,” he said.
He moved out of you and then slowly pushed back in. This time, it wasn’t as painful. The more he did it, true to his word, the more it started to feel good. Really good. 
The mushroom head of his dick glided along your inner walls. It dragged ragged moans from you and King Ghezo dropped his head. “Fuck,” he groaned. 
His hips snapped as he increased his strokes. “Oue, oue, more, more,” you begged. You didn’t know what you meant, but he seemed to. He snapped his hips faster. He lifted one of your legs to straddle his hip. It opened you further and you moaned as he sank even deeper inside of you. You felt his dick twitching.
Your belly tightened and you knew now that it was a climax. He stroked long and deep, pulling inhuman moans from you. 
“Come on, wife. Come on,” he cheered.
You turned watery eyes to him as the climax finally washed over you. It burrowed into your bones, turning your insides to jelly, and melting you from the inside out. Your body was out of your control, your mind blissfully empty as you focused on nothing but the pleasure in your veins and the way he looked at you. Devoted. Cherished.
He moaned low and deep in his throat before something warm coated your insides. His dick pulsed as he snapped his hips as far forward as possible. He was completely buried inside of you as that warm, squishy feeling filled you to the brim. You felt incredibly stuffed. 
Was that his climax? You were too nervous to ask. It was a strange sensation but you loved the feeling of him moving inside of you. He groaned and dropped to the left of you. He kissed your shoulder.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked. You shook your head. Your body trembled as you recovered from your climax. The King grinned sloppily and kissed you gently. He pressed his lips to yours and lingered.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you,” you responded. 
He began to soften inside of you. Wait, so that wasn’t how he was normally?! You felt stupid. There was so much you didn’t know. And who did you have to ask? Absolutely no one. 
He pulled out of you and something slipped out right after him. Did you make a mess of yourself? You leaned up on your elbows and looked at your pussy. A white, creamy substance leaked out of you. Your eyes widened. That must have come from him.
You ran your fingers through it and it was silky and sticky. You looked at the King who watched your curiosity like it greatly pleased him. He rubbed your belly. 
“Are you truly alright, wife?” He asked.
You nodded. “Will we do that again?” You asked. You flipped onto your side and faced him. He matched you and rested his head on his hand. 
“As many times as you wish,” he said with a grin. 
You opened your mouth, ready to say something, but a yawn escaped you. The King chuckled and caressed your cheek.
“Thank you. That was…everything,” he whispered. He pulled you closer for a kiss. “Let’s sleep,” he said. 
He rolled you over onto your other side, facing away from the balcony. He wrapped his arms around you, one arm going under your head and the other around your middle. He scooted closer to your back, pressing the length of him along yours. His dick nestled into your ass and you wiggled.
His hand flexed on your hip. “Careful. Before I flip you back over.” His voice was gruff. His breath fanned across your ear and neck. You giggled and kissed his arm. 
You would get good at this sex thing. You would make sure that he continued to feel good when he was with you so that you could do that all the time. You snuggled into the oppressive heat of his body and drifted off to sleep. 
In the morning, you awoke to a cold bed. You leaned up, your bleary eyes scanning the room for the King. It made sense if he had to go back to his own room. A part of you wish he had stayed. 
As if she were connected to you, your servant entered the room carrying a green dress in her hands.
“Good morning, my Queen. The King has requested you join him in the council room.” 
“No breakfast?” You asked.
“It will be served after,” she said.
You nodded. You couldn’t fathom what the King would want before breakfast. It was unusual to have a council meeting this early. Maybe the Oyo have grown bolder and require more diligence in dealing with them. 
There was only one way to find out. You got up from the bed but you were deliciously sore. Your heart was light, airy, filled with so much love you wanted to cry. His spend had dried between your legs so your servant handed you a wet cloth and you cleaned yourself up.
She helped you dress and fixed your hair into something presentable. You couldn’t stop grinning and giggling. You were a bit worried about this meeting. You hoped it wasn’t something mortifying. Like the King announcing that you had sex and was hoping for another baby soon. 
Feeling and looking good, you left your room and headed to the council room. You were beyond to see your husband. You were the last to arrive. The King smiled when you entered. He, Nanisca, the first wife, and members of his council were standing in a circle with their backs to you. 
Nansica was the closest to you. She turned around and bobbed her head. You nodded back towards her. The King held out his hand.
“Wife, come meet Sade.” 
Your throat dried instantly as the King stepped aside and a lovely woman, with long braids stood beside the King. She had deep ebony skin, low cheekbones, and small features. She looked like a doll standing next to him. 
Your smile froze on your face as you looked from the King to Sade. Your steps turned wooden as your stomach hollowed out. You stopped a few feet from them both. 
“We will be married before the week is out as a union between our kingdom and her father’s,” The King said. 
Your stomach roiled with acid. You knew this day would come. You knew that you could not possibly be the last of his wives. 
“It’s nice to meet you,” you managed to say around the dry lump in your throat. Tears gathered in your eyes but you blinked them away. You would not cry and snivel like a little girl. No matter how much your world was crashing down around your ears. No matter that your heart beat painfully against your rib cage. You wished to carve it out and throw it away. 
You touched your hand to your chest, shocked not to find blood there already. A stab wound would hurt less. 
The past few weeks had taught you to lower your defenses and enjoy your newfound freedoms. Had you truly been free? The armor you donned every morning to survive your weak father and ineffective mother and their childish marriage schemes was not needed here. Or so you thought. You pulled on your resolve. You pulled on every ounce of strength you had to look that woman in the eyes.
It was not her fault that she was traded to the King for an alliance. It was always done that way. You looked at her and only saw yourself. In another life, you would have been from a rival kingdom. Sold to a different land with different customs, food, dress, and manner of speaking. Outcast and foreign and you would have looked as she looked. Confused, relieved with such a handsome king, and yet desperately seeking someone to understand and reach out a hand.
You had no hands to give. You hated her instantly at that moment. Your rival. Was this how the first wife felt? You looked to her and she only smiled at you and the King and Sade. How could she stomach this shit? 
You looked towards the King. He watched you, a slight furrow in his brow. How could he do this right after the night you spent together? After confessing your love for each other? Would he enter her bedroom on their wedding night and plant a baby so easily inside of her? Or would he wait as he did for you, coaxing you into bed, just so he could leave for the next one? 
Your body shook without your permission. You trembled with rage and you hated showing even that much. You placed your hand against your belly as you flushed with heat. If you pressed hard enough, this terrible dream would end. You would wake up in the circle of his arms and laugh this dream away. 
“Are you alright?” The King asked.
“I’m going to be sick.” You fled from the room. Fled from the circle of people who welcomed this new bride into your lives. Fled from the stupid, childish notion that he would have stopped with you. That it would have just been you and the silent wife.
You wanted to laugh. You pitied the first wife when you got here. You felt sorry for her that she had to watch you come along, kissing at breakfast like lovesick fools. Now you were asked to do the same. To share the love of your life with another. Someone newer, younger, daintier. You had wished for him to find someone more wifely. Ha! Who was more wifely than someone likely raised with the knowledge that she would be given away for a political alliance? 
She was likely raised and taught to speak well, think well, with knowledge of subjects you could only dream of. She likely knew how to run a household, to help ease the burdens of her husband. As a wife to a King? She probably already had knowledge on how to please him. How to make him laugh. 
She was completely refined and you were no more than a common village girl who no one wanted. Tears finally streamed down your cheeks as you rushed down the hallways. The pale color of the walls only served to make you sicker, weaker. You ran to your room, slamming the door behind you. You locked it and then ran to your balcony. 
You could only see part of the lands from here. The view before you was mostly jungle. You folded your arms around your stomach, trying to keep your insides intact. Trying to keep your emotions in check. You quaked with unreleased grief.
You survived your childhood. You survived your hateful father. You survived disgusting people with wandering hands and twisted words. You would survive this too. It hurt like hell, but you would survive this.
You were not weak. You were not small. You were not so dumb as to believe that you would have ever mattered to anyone but yourself. You were born alone and you would die alone. And that would have to suffice.
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The Secret King Ghezo Files | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Part 5
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scintillyyy · 4 months
listen!! i maintain this is a terrible idea that would fundamentally change things so ridiculously much that i don't even want to fully think if the ramifications!!!
but here it is. the vision. the terrible, unedited, completely nonserious vision.
"I don't know--the mathletes?" Jack says with a sigh. "Aren't the mathletes just a little...well, I mean, aren't they kind of..." he trails off when Janet swirls around to face them at the table. She's got a smile on her face, but you'd have to be blind to miss the obvious warning in her eyes.
"The mathletes are a little...what, exactly?" she asks, the edge clear in her voice.
"Um, well, that is," Jack blusters. He can clearly tell he's probably walking on thin ice right about now. "Well, uh, you know. Aren't the mathletes just a little...uh...lame?" Janet's eyes narrow.
"Jack!" she sounds outraged. "Excuse you. The mathletes are perfectly respectable people--it's a great club. I'll remind you that I was a mathlete, when I was Dick''s age."
"Yea, but-" Jack says, seemingly desperate to continue digging his grave. "That's different, dear. You're a girl. It's okay for girls to be nerds. Boys, on the other hand-"
"Boys, on the other hand, what?" Janet snaps. "Aren't allowed to be smart? Or kind? Or be a bit of a nerd?"
"Of course they are, Jan. I just--don't want the other kids to think he's a pansy, is all-" Jack Drake's patented way of showing he cares out in full force, again, apparently. "-Wouldn't something like football be better? He'd be cool and he'd impress all the ladies--you know, back when I was wide receiver at North Gotham High, all the girls- "
Dick hears a small snort from next to him. He looks over and down to see Tim trying badly to hide a giggle. The corners of Dick's lips also twitch. It's a classic Jack blunder to bring up his wide receiver days--it's a slam dunk for Janet to win whatever they're arguing about when he does.
Janet clinks Jack's place in front of him with a large thud and a glare. "Were they all over the second string wide receiver? Is that what they were? Really?" Jack shuts his mouth and looks a bit sheepish. She places Dick's in front of him, much softer, and her expression eases up. "Dick, don't listen to this unenlightened man," she says, ignoring her husband now. "If you want to join the mathletes, you join the mathletes. You know, actually, I wasn't only a mathlete--I was also Prom Queen my senior year. I was quite popular--even if I *was* a nerd. Just put the permission slip on my desk, I'll sign it for you tonight." Her eyes twinkle warmly at him. Dick can't help but smile.
"Thanks, Janet," Dick says. She smiles back and turns to go get her and Tim's plates from the counter.
Back when the Drakes first adopted him, he had almost felt like what a bandaid baby must feel like. Bored rich couple adopts local circus kid to try and save their marriage, it almost seemed like. It was easy to be a bit bitter about. But then they had sat him down one night, all nervous. Dick thought for sure that they were going to tell him they were going to return him--if they did, he's not sure what he would do. Would he dare ask Bruce if Bruce wouldn't mind taking him in, so he could keep up with the whole Robin thing? But maybe Bruce didn't want a partner that much, maybe he'd be okay with ending the partnership. The thought of having to find out made Dick feel sick. But when Jack and Janet pulled out a nicely framed picture from that day at the circus, the one they had all taken together, told him that they didn't want to be too forward, or hurt him, but they thought he'd maybe like to have a copy of his parent's photo, well... It felt like maybe they might actually have wanted to help him, when they decided to take him in.
(And actually, last month, they went to the opera--the four of them. And The Penguin had attacked, to try and kidnap the prima donna--Dick had slipped off in the ensuing chaos, to change into Robin. He ran into Janet while fighting some goons off some operagoers-
"Please," she had said. "Can you keep an eye for a boy about yay high, dark hair and blue eyes--we got separated, I'm so worried he could be hurt somewhere, we can't find him anywhere-"
Robin had promised to find him. The lie tasted awful on Dick's tongue, seeing Janet so concerned-)
So slowly but surely, he opened up to them. The Drakes, well. They're never going to replace his parents, no--but Tim is about as sweet of a little brother as he ever wanted growing up. A little bit on the pushy side--he is always trying to get Dick to play with him, or take him out for a bike ride, even when he would rather be alone--but he's a earnest kid who just always seems so happy to see Dick. And Jack and Janet, for all their issues, clearly care about the two of them--aside from minor squabbles, usually inevitably caused by Jack being Jack--they do try to keep the worst of their fighting from the two of them. Dick knows that, because he's heard some pretty nasty ones from their bedroom--fought in harsh whispers, not yells, so not to wake anyone else in the house--when he's sneaking back in at night. If it weren't for Robin, he'd have no idea.
Actually, come to think of it--the bruises aren't always easy to hide, with the Robin thing. And, well. Mathletes wouldn't provide a great cover for that--it probably wouldn't be good for them to think he's getting bullied, or anything. There's no way he would ever actually join football, but...
"Maybe I could do both," Dick says. It's a good cover. And he can use the excuse of weekend practice and sports camps to hang out with his friends. "Try out for football, and the mathletes." Janet raises an eyebrow. Jack looks delighted.
"Atta boy, Dick," Jack says. "With that build of yours, you'd make a great running back, I bet. Or maybe a tight end. You know, all you need to do is work hard, that's what matters. Listen, I may have been second string, but I was the hardest worker on the team-" he gets a little misty eyed.
Janet looks more unsure. "Well, as long as you're sure you'd like to," she says. "And that it won't affect your grades..."
"Hey, if Dick's going to do football, can I?" Tim asks.
"Absolutely not," Janet says. "You're already in gymnastics and martial arts classes, you absolutely do not need another sport on your plate." Tim looks disappointed. Dick ruffles his hair sympathetically. Well, it's not like Dick is actually planning on doing football, anyways. "Anyways, boys-" Janet continues on. "Just so you're aware, Dad--Jack and I have to go on a business trip next week-" Tim's face falls even more. He always does hate it when Jack and Janet have to go travel. "-now, Uncle Rich has said he can come stay with you two this time while we're gone-" Dick breathes a sigh on relief. Rich likes to wind down at the end of the day with a glass of whiskey. He always sleeps like a log. He's so easy to sneak around. "But he did say he has a couple of meetings that will conflict with Tim's gymnastics class, so Dick, I was hoping maybe you could take him after school on those days?"
"Sure thing," Dick says. Tim perks up at the thought.
"Dick, Dick-" he says excitedly. "Can we go out for ice cream, after?"
"Only if you're good, squirt," Dick replies, giving him a poke in the forehead. Tim rubs his forehead and looks affronted.
"I'm always good," he insists. Dick raises an eyebrow. Janet snorts.
"Well, since that's sorted," Jack says. "Jan, you don't have any plans on Saturday, do you? Bruce asked if I wanted to hit the green, get a few holes in..."
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calummss · 6 months
having a baby with marshall mathers/eminem
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headcanon includes timeline, pregnancy and after birth bullet points
for the purpose of this headcanon the baby is called romy
i imagine marshall to also be young in this universe — 24 years old, can barely keep a job down. you work multiple jobs to pull through college. becoming parents was the last thing on your mind
finding out you were pregnant was a shock; as much sex as you two had, you always made sure to be protected, so when you suddenly realised your period was late and took a pregnancy test your heart literally dopped
you literally dropped everything, crammed the test into your pockets and marched through the frosty detroit morning to the restaurant marshall was currently employed under and asked to see him
marshall assured you that whatever conclusion you came to would be right and would support you no matter what
that definitely was the biggest weight lifted off your shoulders—the reassurance that marshall would stick with you if you decided to keep the baby
it was definitely a tough decision and took you almost two weeks to completely make up your mind
you ofc decided to keep the baby (otherwise whats the point of this headcanon?)
marshall promised to that he would be by your side and support his new family
literally 5 seconds after you told him you wanted to keep the baby, he pulled out a ring and said ‘thank god cause this is just a good excuse to marry you’
and we all know that having a child in marriage is far easier (but marshall also loved you and would’ve married you anyways)
baby mathers would be born on december 25th aka christmas because it would just be the best christmas present
what it would include (during pregnancy)
i feel like marshall is the type to be extra careful with you; offering his arm or hand when walking down steps, not letting you carry heavy things, making sure you cannot be hurt in whatever it is you are doing. and if any of his friends did something harmless but he saw it as a danger, he would be so pissed off
i also think it’s very possible for him to call your unborn baby ‘baby mathers; little slim’ something sweet that builds a connection
i imagine marshall to be very helpful with things around the house or other things that need to be done but he’ll definitely be pissed a few times because even though he understands that you’re supposed to relax and take care of yourself and the baby, he feels an extra burden so maybe he snaps once or twice? he immediately apologises but it’s a lot for a man who constantly takes new jobs and tries to be the best husband and father
i 100% see him talking to your stomach. he’ll talk to his daughter, catch her up on life and what he’s doing
‘hello baby, it’s daddy. mommy only has a few months left before we finally get to meet you. don’t take too long though because mama is startin’ to get very tired. the doctor said that you’re due for christmas. now daddy isn’t one who belives in destiny but you my little lady are goin’ to be our little christmas present. daddy has no money right now and that makes him feel like a bum but he’ll work extra hard to give you everything you ever want… if you ever want a unicorn you just come and let daddy know, okay?’
i have this gut feeling that he tries to hide his feelings. during this time marshall is so overwhelmed. he’s happy to welcome his daughter, stressed because he doesn’t know how long his job will last and how much money he can put down. you’ll find him crying in the kitchen one night after you wake up and couldn’t feel him beside you. you let him cry alone knowing he needed alone time
marshall will try to honour your cravings and buy you anything you want. if he’s short on money or can’t leave he will ask deshaun to swing by (and shaun cannot say no to you)
the d12 group will 100% pledge allegiance to baby mathers!! like you just now that as soon as you hang out together they’re gonna talk about how baby mathers will be protected at all costs, no one’s gonna f*ck with her etc. it’s like they’re her bodyguards ready to get at anyone’s neck who would even dare take a wrong glance at her
marshall’s arm would drape over your stomach when you two sleep at night. his arm would go from lying on a flat surface to a montain but he didn’t seem to mind. it was a habit he picked up
when you get closer to your due date this man would be stressed!! i mean stressed! any call out (shit, fuck, no, yes, what, literally the list goes on and on) would have a panting marshall by your side in less than a few seconds. he’s just waiting for your water to break. he’s extra careful during the last weeks because at this point you’re also stressed and just want the pregnancy to be done with
so when your water does finally break you know the bag is packed and in less than 5 minutes you’re on your way to the hospital, i just know it
extra: during labour he’s so supportive: holding your hand, motivating you, but deep inside he’s so much more stressed than you are lmao
what it would include (after birth)
he would not be able to let go of her. any time you turn away and look back he’d have little romy in his arms, literally hearts in his eyes as he stares down at her
you both decided on breastfeeding but you bought formula so that he could feed her and seeing him holding her in his arms feeding her the bottle makes your heart skip a beat. it allowed him to be as close to her as you were during feedings
he is absolutely obsessed with her hands. he loves how her baby hand wraps around his finger, and when she’s older the feeling of her small hand in his as it engulfs hers
plus he loves carrying her. he just loves the closeness. he will carry his baby girl anywhere and everywhere
marshall would be so proud to show her off to his friends. and if she wasn’t with him he’d find any reason to talk about her. they could be talking about the best ways to make a drink and he’d just start rambling about baby romy. some of them playfully roll their eyes but understand where he’s coming from
he’ll definitely be overwhelmed the first months when she wakes up crying in the middle of the night because it just adds to the stress but will never openly complain about it. he toughens up and goes to her room to calm her down
he’d have an addiction with baby clothes and browsing around stores literally fighting himself wether or not he actually needs to buy certain things
he’ll only address his daughter as ‘baby’ to the point you tell him to start calling her romy because she’d probably start to believe that baby was her name
marshall would definitely beat himself up trying to live up to his own expectations as a father. having no father to look up to, he tries to do his daughter justice but feels like he fails her in certain moments. those moments similar to those during pregnancy, he would sit alone in the kitchen just thinking about how to make things right
he’d insist on bringing baby romy EVERYWHERE. this man cannot stay away from her for longer than a few hours. she’s his serotonin, his lifeline
he’d have a piggy bank for her where he would put a 1/4 of his pay into so that she would be able to buy things she wanted
romy (and you) would serve as his main inspiration for music and also motivate him to work hard to make it out of greensbriar
after his rise to fame, despite his busy work schedule, marshall tries to spend as much time with her as possible
he tries to do few shows so that he’s not away from her and you for too long
with the rise of fame, his income flooded in. marshall buys her almost everything she wants. not stuff she doesn’t need but a lot. he’s not spoiling her in the way you think. he just wants her to have everything he didn’t have and make her happy. and if buying her a fourth barbie doll makes his baby smile then he will buy her that fourth barbie doll!!
though romy serves as his drive and motivation and inspiration for many of his songs, he tries to keep her out of the spotlight and out of hollywood. as soon as he’s done recording, attending award shows etc. he’s back on a plane to detroit to see his baby the only lady he adores (see what i did? ofc you did.)
he’d just be such an amazing father which you remind him of every day. he still doubts a lot but he’s starting to know his impact on her life
also romy comes before anything else!! daddy-daughter-day at kindergarten? sorry dre but this recording will be postponed. tour dates fall onto romy’s first day of school? yeah that tour night ain’t happening—i think you get what i’m trying to say. nothing will stop him from experiencing milestones and important memories in her life and in his life as a father (learned what not to do from his father)
the older she gets the more sentimental he becomes. seeing his baby grow up makes him sad and proud at the same time. she’s not only his whole world but she is the reason for him breathing and continuing in life even if it seems that life doesn’t want him to win
you made romy a cd with all the songs dedicated or about her from her daddy so when she’s in her room playing with dolls whatever, his songs are on repeat and the sight of it could make him fall to his knees (metaphorically speaking)
when romy turns 4 and older she’ll randomly make him watch her self choreographed dances or sing along to his songs and you best believe he is smiling and clapping after EVERY performance his baby girl gives!! he’s her number 1 fan. he even encourages her to show his friends and you already now they’re hyping up their little lady
and when romy is 15, oh she’s gonna rap him some of his songs and he’ll have the same reaction. maybe even share the stage for one song? who knows?
marshall is known for his rap and not for his cooking for a reason but he has few recipes like pancakes or foods he grew up with that are staples and enjoys cooking them for romy (she has her dad’s tastebuds 100%)
when romy has nightmares he’ll let her sleep in your bed for as long as she needs to feel safe again (deep down he never wants his baby to leave)
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distortionbobble · 5 months
this is just a silly little warm up drabble to get me back in to writing but.... modern!anakin as the fun but lowkey deadbeat dad and you, the kids' babysitter after he divorces padme is haunting my brain. this is a little different from my usual writing style so if it's a flop everyone close their eyes ok thanks
warning there's no actual infidelity here but it's a little iffy it's a little close. as per usual minors dni
you know he's not the best dad. really, most of the time he just feels like a kid that never grew up. he's childish, snappy, and if you ask him who leia or luke's teacher is he's got no idea.
but man does he love those kids.
you started off as padme and anakin's babysitter; a bandaid to padme's problems with a marriage that's falling apart. she's exhausted, tired of taking care of two tiny seven year olds that are a little too good at getting into trouble. you'd know, you've seen it yourself so so often.
when anakin comes home, he gets to be the fun parent. always away on business trips or whatever-- and you know he's not cheating, he's too faithful to their marriage to do that-- but it doesn't change the fact that he really isn't doing much around the house.
padme doesn't confide to you often but when she does, over a glass of wine after the kids are tucked in and some thriller from twenty years ago is playing on their flatscreen, she tells you things. about their dead bedroom, created mostly by the fact that she can't stand anakin's touch anymore.
and you sympathize with her, you really do; he needs to do more chores around the house, he needs to stop contradicting padme when she gives a consequence to the kiddos and back her parenting up. he's making her the villain in the kids' eyes, you hear her!
but... you don't fully understand how she's able to keep her hands off of him. if you were in her position, you'd probably feel the same, but you're not and anakin skywalker is really. fucking. hot.
but that's none of your business.
until they've divorced. anakin's moved out but the kids are over there the weeks that he's in town and not on business trips. you come early one day, forgetting that the kids come home later on wednesdays, and anakin's in the garage, slid under his car, fixing something that you don't care about right now.
what you do care about is that he's shirtless, with motor oil streaked across his abs, his skin glinting in the afternoon sun and you want to lick it off of him. you should look away, should feel some type of shame, but you don't.
you only realize that you've been ogling him when he slides out a little more and laughs at your sight glued to his body, putting on a show of gulping down water and letting it fall messily. you can't help it, you watch the beads of water trail down his chest, down to his happy trail, and you have to hold back a whimper because dammit, you want him to bend you over the hood of his car and fuck you.
"d'you wanna come in?" he asks, getting up to turn off his music. some blend of early 2000s rock that fits him a little too well. "kids aren't home," anakin says. you don't have it in you to say no.
you're not sure what exactly started everything, but it doesn't matter when he's got your legs spread, has you leaning on the back of the couch and his face is buried between your legs, sucking on your clit and fucking your hole with his tongue. you can feel his nose drag against your labia, and it feels so good you have to hold back the whimpers and moans with your hand clamped to your mouth.
at this, anakin's just laughing at you, teasing you, "when was the last time you got laid, baby? just seein' a little skin got you this worked up?" and you can't manage a word back, distracted by the feel of him and the anxiety of needing to get this done to pick the kids up from the bus.
anakin's not worried about time, tho. he knows he can make you cum in five mins, that's all. and he does. by the time you're finished, his face is fucking soaked, and you'll be more than lucky if the neighbors didn't hear.
doesn't take much convincing after that to start coming in earlier on wednesdays.
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Malleus and his Divorce (Malleus)
Honestly, just some silly to cheer up this sick girl. I don't even know how to write a summary for this one. Literally just blurting out the first words that come to mind.
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
— (⁠ ⁠´⁠◡⁠‿⁠ゝ⁠◡⁠`⁠)
"Malleus, I want a divorce."
The feather pen almost drops from Malleus' hand.
He looks up from the paper he's been trying to read for the past ten minutes, not sure if the sudden dizziness comes from being snapped out of his thoughts of Yuu, or from hearing such outlandish words come from his wife's lips. He blinks a few times, questions stuck in his throat, while (Y/N) waits patiently for him to gather his wits, sipping her tea as if she just asked about the weather. Once he does, only one word leaves him.
“Because you are in love, and I have no interest in becoming your romance's villain.”
“... What?”
(Y/N) gives him a small, smug and playful smile, one very few have the privilege to see. (Y/N) Draconia, the Crown Princess of Briar Valley by marriage, is known for being the pinnacle of what Briar Valley nobility should be: A solemn, noble lady that remains calm and composed no matter the situation, like a beautiful and eternal statue. So very few people have ever seen her break the behavior and be playful or angry, with her husband of centuries being one of them.
That doesn't mean he's any good at reading her, though, as proven by the confusion that floods his mind right now.
“I was told by Lord Vanrouge and your attendants of the human you cherish, the human named Yuu.”
“Yuu is just a friend.”
“I am not accusing you of anything, Your Highness,” the sudden sharpness in her voice and the formal addressing makes him wince. “I am noting a fact. You are in love with that human, and I wish you were free to pursue them. After all… your time together is fleeting.”
Malleus feels like a searing needle just stabbed his heart. Right, who could ever forget the tragic romance between her father and his human lover? Who could forget Count (L/N)'s fall from grace as he cheated on his wife with a human that stole his heart? The Countess who then divorced him after finding out—the tale of their explosive fight is still brought up over tea—, only for him to come back one year later with a half-fae, half-human baby in arms, lover gone thanks to illness. (Y/N) had long forgiven her father, and her brother is a beloved young man, but that deeply ingrained in her two things: the terrible fear of being betrayed and sympathy for doomed romances between lovers with different lifespans.
And now Malleus is practically walking the same path as her father.
“I…” he's not sure what to say. That he is sorry for loving another? That he's sorry it is a human? Neither sounds good.
He might not love (Y/N) romantically, but he holds a considerable amount of affection for her, who grew up with him and went through thick and thin by his side, who accepted his selfish request and became the Crown Princess because he couldn't accept the idea of marrying some random noble. To say something like that, to put her through this heartbreak, it hurts tremendously.
“Can… Can this wait?”
“I have all the time in the world, Malleus, so don't think of me,” she warns, placing the cup down on the table and getting up. “Please give me an answer before you regret it.”
She offers him a last smile before leaving him alone in his office.
The rest of his winter break is spent in contemplation. Malleus doesn't tell anyone of her request, other than his mentor and his aides. Lilia's expression takes that melancholic hue; being the one who helped officiate the Countess' divorce and the best man of Malleus' wedding, it's understandable he's not happy with the situation. Silver looks conflicted, his loyalty to Malleus keeps him quiet, but his years of friendship with (Y/N), who never once treated him as nothing but an equal, make his unhappiness clear. And Sebek—Sebek for once is quiet, not one word comes from him as he thinks things through; he's yet another who (Y/N) had befriended to the point of openness, and he holds a special respect for her that goes beyond her married status.
Talking of her, (Y/N) acts like nothing happened, except she starts to distance herself more and more. Before, they'd sit almost glued together, but slowly she began sitting farther and farther away, and now they sit on opposing seats. Before, they'd walk arm in arm, her head many times finding his shoulder and his finding hers, but now there's enough space between them to fit about two of her maids. Before, she'd go spend time with him in his office while he did paperwork with a soft smile and a quip, but now he seldom sees her outside meals. 
The bed feels incredibly empty once she gets her own room.
Malleus knew of the word “miserable” before, but now he knows it intimately, like a host knows a parasite eating away their life.
(Y/N) is not there to see them off when they return to Night Raven College after winter break. Despite Malleus being the one facing a possible divorce, all four of them look like they ate an entire lime, even Lilia who usually keeps his boyish smile.
The first night he visits Yuu in Ramshackle is cold and sharp like the blade of a sword.
Even the Prefect notices his gloom, placing that gentle hand of theirs on his arm and asking what's wrong with their soft voice. Before, it had felt exhilarating; someone who's not afraid of him, and a human at that! Someone who treats him like just another man, finally!
But he has always had that, didn't he?
“I have a wife,” he blurts out, not knowing how to start but not wanting to go all the way back to the very beginning.
He prepares himself for the reaction, not even knowing what exactly he's expecting, but all they do is laugh kindly and look at him with amused eyes.
“I know, you talk about her all the time.”
“I… do…?”
“Did you not notice?” they furrow their brows. “Almost every time you talk about your life in Briar Valley, you find a way to talk about your wife. It's pretty cute, actually. You're so loving despite the usually regal and distant air you have.”
“She wants a divorce.”
Hard to tell whose eyes are wider as they look at each other. Yuu's face goes through a few changes, but the confusion remains the same, and if Malleus were a bit more expressive, he'd probably be mimicking them. A few seconds of that pass before the fae swallows the lump in his throat and tell his friend the conversation he had with his wife.
“So she's divorcing you… because you have feelings for me?"
“... Yes. Apologies that this is how you learn of said feelings, by the way.”
“No, no, it's fine, I'm just… me? You like me?” Malleus nods and Yuu frowns even harder. “But you're agonizing over losing your wife.”
And Yuu, brilliant, simple and lovely Yuu, brings clarity to his mind in one phrase. He says he's interested in Yuu, but his heart hurts at the idea of losing his wife. And when he thinks back at all the fleeting times he thought to himself he had an interest in Yuu, he sees they all happened whenever Yuu treated him as his wife does: as a friend, a companion, someone special not for his pedigree or his abilities, but for the relationship they share, the person he is.
“... I think I like what you share with my wife.”
“No Sense Thursday, huh? Ok, I can do that.”
“No, it does make sense, Child of Man. I miss my wife terribly and you treat me like her.”
“... Ok, now I'm offended, I'm not a replacement for your wife.”
“Of course, I'm not going to divorce my wife for you.”
Yuu blinks and it hits Malleus that he was terribly rude just now, but before he can apologize and correct himself, Yuu throws their head back and laughs. Laughs, laughs and laughs, until tears threaten to fall. The fae isn't sure what they're laughing about, but he's glad at least one of them is having a good time.
“Right, right, no divorces for you, mister.” Yuu sniffles, fanning their face with their hands, small giggles still bursting every now and then. “So, what are you gonna do about it?"
“I'll go talk to her!”
“Go get'em, tiger!”
Malleus pays no attention to the odd encouragement, probably another of those odd human sayings, storming away from Ramshackle. Convincing Crowley is easy, it's not everyday that the Briar Valley Crown Prince barges into his office in the middle of the night and demands he opens the portal. Malleus could just use his own magic to go there, but with Headmage Crowley as a witness and the Dark Mirror as a medium, any sort of bureaucracy trouble that otherwise could be born is annulled. Lilia will take care of it.
He finds her in her room, sitting by the window in her sleeping robes. Fae are naturally considered ethereal, but (Y/N) was made to represent the word.
And she is his wife.
And he almost lost her.
“My wife.”
Before she can ask him what he's doing in her room in the middle of the night, Malleus lunges at her, not caring about the closed window they bump on with the impact, or her startled shriek. No, all he cares about is pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss, a passionate kiss that he trills when he feels it being answered in the same intensity. Dragon fae vocalization is not something he indulges much, specially not when mingling with humans, but if there's ever a night for him to throw away everything but his truest, then it is tonight.
The kiss only ends when he feels his lungs burn, and he can tell she's the same by the greedy breaths she takes. He can tell she’s about to question him and following his unusual impulsiveness, he kisses her again before she can utter a word. The second kiss is shorter, but still just as passionate, and he trills again when he sees a rosy blush rise to her cheeks.
“You’re wrong, and so was I,” he blurts out—he’s been breaking all records tonight, huh?—, brushing a strand of her hair away from her face. “I do not love Yuu, I was taken by them because they reminded me of you.”
“... that’s so rude! You shouldn’t see them as a replacement for me!”
Malleus can’t help but laugh out loud, hugging her to his chest and telling her between his laughter that Yuu said the exact same thing. He’s not the only one acting uncharacteristically, for (Y/N) manages to show him a pout he hasn’t seen since they were much, much younger. A pout he kisses away.
“Come to school with me.”
“Malleus, there are so many reasons why I can’t–”
“I can change them, all of them.”
“What if one of them is my will?”
“... I can change that too, if you allow me, wife.”
She shivers in his embrace and he grins. To think he came so close to losing this forever. He’s determined to make up for that terrible slip up, by any means necessary. By all means necessary. Their honeymoon did happen quite a long time ago, it’d be a shame to miss a chance to relive it.
With luck, Lilia will actually knock on the door when he comes to fetch Malleus the next day.
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heavyhitterheaux · 10 months
Can't Take You Seriously
First Lady of Private Garden Blurb
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AN: I saw a tweet about this and just had to do it lol
Synopsis: You are trying to have a serious conversation with your husband, but can't figure out why he's so distracted
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 1
First Lady of Private Garden Masterlist 2
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
“Baby! Are you even listening to me?!” You exclaimed as you looked at your husband who seemed like he was focused on everything else but you.
“Of course I am!” Jack replied to you as you were standing in front of him.
“Then what did I just say?!”
“Umm, I forgot to do something that you asked.”
“And I asked you to do it last week! If I knew that this was going to take this long, I would have done it myself. You’ve been home for three weeks now from tour. I let you relax a little bit and take a moment for yourself, but did you suddenly forget that you’re a husband and a father too?”
“I’m not trying to argue with you, babe. Of course I didn’t forget!”
“Then why are we having this conversation for the third time this week? I’m about to drop you off on Maggie’s doorstep but now that she’s gotten rid of you, she probably doesn’t want you back.” You complained while crossing your arms and Jack still had that weird look on his face and didn’t even bother responding to your previous statement. 
“Jackman! What has you so distracted? Because you are literally hardly paying attention to anything that I’m saying. I could use a little more help here and I don’t know how many times that I have to say it. You decided to get me pregnant, did you not?”
All you felt was Jack move your wig that you were wearing slightly to the left, taking you aback and you were now the one looking confused.
“I literally cannot take you seriously while you’re yelling at me and your wig is crooked. Now it’s not, so we can continue.” Jack muttered while smoothing out the top and you were just looking at him in disbelief.
“Look, as much money as I spend on buying them for you, I need to make sure we’re getting my money’s worth and you’re wearing them right. Now, as you were saying?”
All you did was roll your eyes and Jack noticed that you now had a pout on your face.
“If you rolled your eyes at me any harder just now, they would have gotten stuck. So, now you’re quiet and don’t have anything to say?”
“You get on my last nerve.” You replied as you were trying your hardest not to laugh.
“I can’t have my wife out here looking like I don’t love her and take care of her! Can you imagine the headlines? And then he who shall not be named will take that as an opportunity to slide right in and take my place.”
“Not with him wearing those inspector gadget looking outfits.”
“I-... we’re going to leave that one alone.”
“But seriously, baby can you please go do what I asked?” You said as Jack pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Yes, babe. I’m going right now and I’m sorry that I’ve just been in a mood lately. Being a husband and a parent doesn’t stop and I promise that I’m good now. Was just overwhelmed for a minute.”
“And you didn’t tell me this because? What did I tell you about that?”
“I know and I have no excuse. Thank you for always being here for me when I need you.”
“Always and forever.”
“And I’m always going to be here for you especially when your wig needs to be fixed.”
You pulled away from Jack to look up at him and gave him a blank stare.
“I should have returned you with the receipt when I had the chance.” You muttered and Jack rolled his eyes.
“If the receipt you’re talking about is our marriage license, keep in mind that you were the one who got drunk and proceeded to almost set it on fire and would have if I didn’t throw you over my shoulder and Dani grabbed it from you.”
“Hmm, she was useful for some things I guess, but I don’t recall.”
“I guess not since the next morning you didn’t remember a single thing that happened, but it’s okay. I love my wife and her crooked wigs and all.” Jack leaned down to kiss the tip of your nose and you were trying to get away from him. 
“Uh oh. Government name was used.”
“Use your hand for a week.”
“That’s how you’re going to treat me after these hands fixed your wig for you? They can make you cum too if you let me.”
First Lady Blurbs Taglist
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reashot · 10 months
What do you mean you won't LEWD me?
Thank you all for helping with the reblog of my last fic and I love what some of you made that I'm making this as a sequel to it.
Ruby's House.
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Ruby: Jaune, thank you for your help in making breakfast 🍳☕🥓
Jaune: It's the least I can do Ruby for letting me stay the night. And thank you too Ruby for helping me with the cooking.
Ruby: Flatterer. But I don't think that heating up bacon and eggs can be considered cooking.
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While Jaune is busy preparing the table for everyone. Ruby silently walks up behind him and lovingly embrace him.
Jaune: Ruby?...
Ruby: I-I want to say that I'm sorry and I admit that I may.... Have gone a little bit overboard last night.
Jaune: I don't think attempted rape can be considered little.
Ruby: That's because you keep rejecting me. What do you have against me Jaune. Do you hate me or something? Because if you do then just say it. Don't string me along. Don't get my hopes up...
Ruby said to him as she cries into Jaune's back and Jaune then respond by slowly turning around and returns her embrace.
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Jaune: How could I hate you? You're the greatest girl I know.
Ruby: T-then why?
Jaune: I don't even know myself Ruby. I want to do it with you too, but it just doesn't feel right.
Ruby: What do you mean it's doesn't feel right?
Jaune: I mean we should wait until we're married at least.
Ruby: What?
Jaune: I haven't told you this before but I'm a firm believer of abstinence.
Ruby: Abstinence. What the fuck is that?
Jaune: It means I will not engage in lewding before marriage.
Ruby: Huh!!! What kind of messed up crap is that are you in a cult. Is that it Jaune, you won't bone me because you're in a cult?
Jaune: No! I'm not in a cult. I-I just don't want to ruin what we have by sullying you before marriage.
Ruby: You can sully me if you want! I don't mind and you know I want your baby so you know that I will marry you no matter what.
Jaune: Still Ruby, no means no. But thank you for thinking about marrying me. I know that you can do better.
But before Jaune can finish saying his piece. Ruby's mind starts to wander into a dark place. And in that place she finds her mother...
Ruby's subconscious.
Ruby: Mom! Mom! I need your help!
Summer: Say no more my dear. Please tell me what's wrong?
Ruby: Mom! The boy I like doesn't want to lewd me.
Summer: Oh I'm sorry to say Ruby but I think he's gay. Cause there's no way any straight boy would say no to LEWDing you. Maybe you should find another guy to be your new boyfriend...
Ruby: No. Hell No! I will not pick any other boy but him.
Summer: He must be such a great guy if you think so. But it still doesn't change the fact that he's pitching for the wrong team.
Ruby: B-but here's the thing he wants to do it with me but he wants to wait until marriage.
Summer: Is that boy is in a cult? Please tell me he's in a cult.
Ruby: That's what I said, but no. He said he believes in Abstinence.
Summer: Damn organized religion... Ruby this is why I raised both of you to be godless heathen. Anyway, let me check who this boy you want to pounce on.
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Ruby: Isn't he the cutest? 🥰
Summer: Oooh mama likey... Wait a minute; blonde hair, blue eyes and dressed like he's going to a Renaissance fair... He's the Arc Boy!!!
Ruby: Mom, you knew him?
Summer: Knew him. I actually promised his mom to marry him off to you.
Ruby: *gasp* I'm enganged to Jaune?! That's awesome!!! We're meant to be. I gotta tell Jaune about this!
Summer: Wait a moment Ruby. I know how you can make Jaune LEWD you.
Ruby: You do. How?
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Back to reality
Jaune: ... And another thing Ruby it's not okay for a girl of your age to say "lewd" all the time.
Ruby: *shakes head* oh yes of course keep talking hot stuff me likey when you do it...
Jaune: Ruby I'm being serious here.
Ruby: (I like it when he's trying to be all serious and shit. It just makes him look even cuter.) Oh look Jaune, you have a smudge there on your pants from cooking earlier. Here let me help you out. 😋
Jaune: It's okay Ruby you don't have to... W-wait what are you doing?!
Ruby: Well you have to take off your pants to clean it first right?
Jaune: N-no it's fine Ruby please stop it! I did not consent to this...
Ruby's subconscious
Ruby: Mom! What the F are you doing with my body!!!
I know it's my body but if I'm not the one doing the deed then there's no point.
No! I don't consent to this! What kind of monster would force themselves on others.
I gotta find a way to get out of here. Please someone help. I'm about to get NTR'd by my mom!
Back to reality
Ruby: Shhh.... Just let it happen. *lower pants*
Jaune: No please. I don't want to lose my virginity. There's still an Elder Scroll video I haven't watched yet... *struggling to keep his pants up*
Kitchen's entrance
Tai: What the hell is making all this racket... *gasp*
Mama Arc: Oh my... This early in the morning too. Looks like I'll be getting my grandchildren after all. Right honey?
Papa Arc: Uh yes. I guess... *sips coffee* (I'm way too hungover to be dealing with this.)
Yang: Oh, sis not in the kitchen. At least do it in your room.
Tai: Yang... Get me my shotgun.
Yang: Which one the 20 gauge or the 12 gauge?
Tai: The 12...
Yang: There's not gonna be much left of him if you use this you know? *hands over shotgun*
Tai: That's the idea. *load shotgun*
Mama Arc: Dear please do something. I think Tai is about to kill our Son!
Papa Arc: *sips coffee* (What do you want me to do I just woke up.)
Oh no! Tai is about to blow Jaune's head off. Will Jaune get to keep his head and will Ruby gets back into hers. Find out next time on Drag... I mean in the next post.
Dear viewer you get to choose what happens next.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Hello Angel!!!
Perhaps Cowboy Sev breaking older Vi and Jinx out of jail. After so many years Sev would be so rusty that she needs reader to help too. Go wild with the shenanigans they get up too. Could bring back Silco and the boys to help legally maybe. Hilarious if somehow Vi got in trouble trying to impress Caitlyn and somehow managed to get Jinx involved. Also funny if Sev and reader meet Caitlyn as Vi’a girlfriend during this break out HAHHAHA
Pls I’m obsessed with cowboy Sevika HELP ME
Thank youuuuu
this is SOOOOOO cute such a good idea i'm crying.
men and minors dni
ten years into marriage, fifteen years into your relationship, eight years with the girls, five with them legally yours, and sevika finally retires.
there was no need for her to work at the ranch in the first place. the amount of loot she'd stolen and stored in your inn (both in your room hidden beneath the floorboards and in the rafters, and buried beneath your side garden) was enough to take care of you for ten lifetimes to come. but, sevika was used to spending her day on shimmer's back, and she needed something to do with her free time once she gave up her life of crime.
but now, things have changed. sevika's ready to settle down and spend her days in the inn with you. the girls are growing up, vi being sixteen and powder being twelve-- they'll be living their own lives soon, and sevika wants to be around to keep you company as you transition into empty nesters.
shimmer died last winter. the four of you spent her last days cuddled up beside her in the stable, feeding her sugar cubes by the handful, saying your final goodbyes to sev's trusty mare. she rests behind the side garden now, marked by a big stone vi and jinx engraved.
old man ernie died too, leaving his ranch to his son. when he took over, he offered to let sev keep her job, but she declined. she was ready to retire.
she's been adjusting to retired life really well.
she loves working behind the bar in the evening, chatting with locals who stop in for a drink and swapping stories with some of your shadier guests in the in.
she's gotten really into reading-- especially smutty paperback romances.
when she gets restless cooped up in the inn, you send her out to ride the new foal-- a sweet young horse the girls decided to name teddybear.
it's been great having sev around all the time. especially for your sex lives.
speaking of your sex lives, you and sevika have been having a particularly fun week. the girls took teddybear out on a trip to a town two days ride south. they're meeting up with mylo and claggor there to catch the traveling circus. and it's summer time, which is always your slow season, and as of two days ago-- you've got no guests. you and sevika have been having a fucking blast, fucking on any and every flat surface you can find. your legs have been like jelly all week long.
it's been paradise.
"what're you smilin' at?" sevika mumbles from her side of the bed. you grin, turning on your side to stare at your sleepy wife. it's the crack of dawn, not even the rooster is awake yet. just you and the crickets, singing through the open windows.
"you're awake." you say. sevika smiles.
"i am indeed. c'mon, what's got you smilin' all pretty, darlin'?" she asks again, yawning to punctuate her question.
you scooch forward to kiss her nose, and sevika grins, her eyes scrunching closed.
"what i've been smilin' at for the past fifteen years, baby." you say. sevika chuckles.
"havin' sweet dreams about me?"
"more like flashbacks to last night." you say, waggling youreyebrows salaciously. sevika laughs.
"mmm, knew we'd break the bedframe one'a these days." sevika says with a proud little smile. you giggle and sit up on your elbows to look over at the broken bedframe stacked against the wall beside where the two of you sleep-- on the mattress on the floor.
"shit, sev that was oak, can't believe you fucked me through oak." you laugh. sevika nods cockily.
"damn right i did." she says. you giggle and fall back down to bed, snuggling against her chest. "how're you feeling?" she asks.
you snort. "well, i don't think i'm gonna be able to walk straight for a few days, and i woke up giggling, so... i'm better than i've been since our honeymoon." you say.
sevika grins, her sweet little gap makes your heart melt, and she smacks your ass.
"fuck, i love you." she sighs. you giggle and kiss her neck.
"love you too."
you guys drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
an hour later, the rooster crows, and you both wake up smiling again.
"morning." sevika mumbles. you kiss her lips.
"i'll fetch some fresh water if you start breakfast?" sevika offers.
"will you let the chickens out?" you ask. sevika nods.
"duh." she says. you grin.
you guys move slowly, lazily rubbing your eyes and yawning as you wash your faces and brush your teeth, stretching and kissing between each article of clothing you pull over your naked bodies, luxuriating in the slow morning all to yourselves.
sevika laughs at the limp in your step, and you pinch the bruises you left on her shoulders in revenge.
you fry up some eggs and hashbowns, watching through the window over the stove as sevika pumps fresh water from the well, watering your garden, the chickens, and finally lugging two buckets inside for the two of you to share.
you guys eat breakfast on the front porch, cuddled together on the porch swing violet 'found' for the two of you a few years ago. (you're pretty sure she stole it off sheriff marcus' front porch, but violet hasn't admitted it yet, and the sheriff's still too scared of you and sev to say anything.)
"how do you think the girls're doin'?" you ask as you sip your coffee. sevika snorts.
"i knew you were gonna ask that." she teases. you roll you eyes and sevika leans over to press a kiss to your temple. "they're fine. you know they're fine." she says. you huff.
"i know, i just miss 'em." you say. sevika laughs.
"i do, too, darlin'." she says.
sevika leans in to kiss you, and you sigh against her, quickly melting against her lips. she licks against your lips and you hum, opening your mouth for her to slide her tongue into your mouth--
"ahem!" a voice calls.
you and sevika pull apart, necks snapping to the stairs in front of you where a teenage girl stands, blushing and rubbing the back of her neck.
sevika clears her throat in embarrassment. you giggle.
"how can we help you, honey?" you ask the girl. her eyes dart up to you, quickly shooting between you and sevika, back to you, and then sevika again.
"uh..." she chokes out. she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, before taking a deep breath. "s-sorry to inturrupt ma'am, i just-- d-do you happen to know a mylo and claggor? or violet and jinx, percha-"
"oh fuck." sevika groans. the girl squeaks at the curse, and you chuckle. "what did those shits get themselves into now?" she asks.
she blinks. "uhm. jail, miss." she says.
you blink.
sevika's jaw drops.
the girl clears her throat. "a-about thirty miles south of here in a small town call--"
"what did they do?" sevika groans. "i trained them for every scenario, how the fuck did they get caught?!" she whines.
you blink again, spots in your vision popping up.
"uh... they shot the sheriff?" she says.
you gasp.
sevika laughs.
"shit." she says, somewhat impressed. "on purpose?" she asks, her eyebrow raising.
you feel lightheaded.
"n-no ma'am. accident. he's still alive-- but he's sentenced them to hang at the end of the week..."
that's the last thing you hear before you black out.
you wake up in bed, sevika nervously hovering over you, pressing a wet cloth to your forehead.
"you passed out."
"jinx and vi--" you snap up in bed, scrambling to your feet. sevika's beside you in an instant, steadying you as you're knees threaten to give out beneath you.
"it's oka--"
"sevika don't you dare say 'it's okay' to me right now!" you snap. she shuts her mouth.
footsteps start up the steps, and you look over your shoulder, where the teenager from before appears, a fresh bucket of water in her hands.
she freezes at the top of the steps, taking in the tense environment she walked in, then turning red as a tomato when she tries to avert her eyes from you and sevika, and makes direct eyecontact with the broken bedframe behind the two of you.
you would laugh at the poor, flustered girl. now though, she just reminds you a bit of the first time violet saw you and sev kiss, and that just makes you want to vomit.
"caitlyn, here," sevika starts in an irritatingly annoying voice, "was hanging out with the kids at the circus, right cait?" sevika asks. caitlyn nods.
"i live in town." she explains.
"and when they got arrested, cait was the only one who got away. violet told her to come get us, right cait?" sevika asks again. caitlyn clears her throat.
"i rode through the night. i also sent a telegraph to a mr. silco?" she says. you blink.
"right. and we're all gonna meet in town, and we're gonna figure something out, okay baby?" she asks. you gulp.
"honey, i'm not gonna let anyone put a damn finger on our kids." she says firmly. you look away from the teenager to take in the steely sincerity of your wife's eyes, and you gulp. she gently reaches up to cup your face. "c'mon, have a little faith in me, darlin'" she coos, melting into a soft smile. you sigh shakily. "i'm the fuckin' weary woman of the west-- what's a little jailbreak, huh?"
you take a deep breath and lean forward to press your forehead against hers.
"we're gonna need a few horses." you say. sevika grins.
"i'm way ahead of you." she says.
grayson was happy to lend you two horses and buggies, almost crying at the thought of the girls in trouble. she promised to come over every day to care for your chickens and garden while you were away, and you thanked her profusely before riding the animals home faster than you've ever ridden-- anxious to get back.
when you arrive, it's to caitlyn and sevika waist deep in the dirt behind your garden, a few yards away from where shimmer lays. for the first time since caitlyn's arrived, you laugh.
sevika's pulls a crate out of the ground prying it open with a crowbar. as she opens the crate, she reveals dozens of sticks of dynamite, and she grins up at you with a proud smile. you giggle, and roll your eyes. caitlyn shoots out of the hole, terrified by the explosives.
"i'm gonna pack up some food for the trip." you nod to your house. "come help me kid." you say. the girl nods eagerly, sprinting away from the dynamite. sevika laughs.
you guys pack quickly, visiting the cellar for cans of food, gathering the essentials for travel, a couple blankets and quilts, a pack of matches, canteens and jugs of water. while you're folding some clothes, both for you and sevika as well as jinx and powder, you break down into tears.
caitlyn flounders around you for a few seconds, and you try desperately to collect yourself, but you can't quite manage.
the girl gently, awkwardly pats your shoulder.
you turn around and hug her impossibly close to your chest. she squeaks.
"fuck. shit." you cry. you take a few deep breaths, squeezing the girl in your arms, before letting her go. "sorry." you say, dropping your hands at your sides. "thank you." you sob. "for coming to get us."
caitlyn blinks, then wraps her arms around you, pulling you toward her this time. you giggle through your laughs against her shoulder and she gently rubs your back.
"violet told me you'd freak out." she says... "you remind me of my mom."
"oh, fuck, do your parents know where you are?" you gasp, pulling away. caitlyn laughs.
"yes." she says. you raise an eyebrow at her and she sighs. "okay, no. but they think i'm safe, at the circus, they won't be looking for me for a while." she swears.
"you stupid fucking kids." you groan.
you leave town at noon, and ride until midnight. the trip is solemn, nobody tries to talk much.
sevika's got this look in her eye, something you haven't seen in a long time. she's up to something-- something more than her usual mischievous pranks and jokes. the gears in her head are grinding, you can practically see her run scenarios and outcomes back and forth through her mind's eye.
it's a little scary-- you forgot how focused and intense she gets when she's plotting something. it's mostly hot though.
but you can't really say that-- not with caitlyn lurking. still, sevika catches your eye a couple of times and smirks, like she knows just how hot she looks as she rides beside you.
caitlyn's a good navigator-- apparently she's a junior guide up and down the river, so she knows the route to town like the back of her hand. she gets you around mountains, avoids most hills, and knows the best spots to stop for when the horses need to rest. sevika's impressed. the two of them chat over the campfire about the surrounding areas, comparing notes and shortcuts they've learned over in their travels. it's so cute it breaks your heart.
it's a dry, warm night, so you sleep beneath the stars.
you don't sleep.
sevika doesn't sleep.
you just stare at the sky while caitlyn and the horses rest.
at one point, sevika reaches over and grabs your hand. "it's gonna be fine." she says. tears well up in your eyes.
"i love you so much." you say. sevika squeezes your hand so hard it's painful, and she replies shakily.
"i love you too darlin'."
it's silent long enough for you to think sevika's fallen asleep, but then she speaks again. "betcha five bucks caitlyn's vi's girlfriend."
you burst into laughter, smacking your hand over your mouth as you laugh. caitlyn stirs beside you, and you can feel sevika's silent, mischievous laughter beside you. you nudge her with your elbow.
when you catch your breath, and caitlyn's snoring returns, you whisper to your wife. "you have way too much faith in your daughter."
she snorts.
you get to town by noon, and sevika sets you and caitlyn up in a the saloon that was the address caitlyn had telegraphed to vander and silco. she takes off to scope out the police station.
it's a pretty gritty place, and you look around it with a raised eyebrow, then look down at caitlyn. she's sitting with perfect posture, dusting off her tailored riding coat.
"you hang out in this saloon?" you ask. she blinks up at you and then sighs.
"well, no... but it's where all the shootouts in town happen!" she says. "it felt... good for planning a crime?" she tries. you laugh.
"sevika's gonna love this." you say. she grins. "what do your parents do?" you ask. caitlyn gulps.
"uh... oil?" she says.
you burst out into laughter.
"shit you're an heiress?" you ask. she nods. you shake your head. "no way vi's bagged you yet." you mumble. caitlyn blushes bright red and clears her throat.
sevika comes back before sunset, sitting beside you at the table and scrawling away in her notebook little sketches of the prison, mumbling to herself, occasionally looking up to ask caitlyn questions.
surprisingly, cait seemed to know a lot.
"do you know which cell they're in?"
"the one on the far end here." caitlyn says, circling a part of sevika's diagram.
"and who else is being held right now?"
"nobody. the sheriff's been itching for some action."
"how do you know all of this?" you ask. caitlyn blushes.
"it's good to stay up to date on local going ons." she says. you chuckle.
she's a dork, you think fondly. she's perfect for violet.
sevika returns to her drawings and you decide it's time to interrogate your daughter's possible future girlfriend.
"how exactly did the kids shoot the sheriff?" you ask. caitlyn blushes bright red, and you raise your eyebrow.
"uh. well..."
sevika looks up from her notebook, intrigued.
caitlyn gulps, then looks away. "it might've been me." she whispers.
your eyes widen.
"what?" sevika asks.
caitlyn blinks, then speaks so fast it's almost impossible to make out. "violet was showing off all the cool things she could do, and i had packed my gun to bring to the circus because they've got contests for clay duck shooting and you can win twenty bucks if you make it to the tournement and i'm a really good shot--" she sucks in a breath, tears bubbling up in her eyes "so i wanted to show off my shooting skills and vi told me to shoot the big roasted hog in the food tent and i did right through the eyes! but i didn't see the sheriff on the other side of the pig getting himself a serving, so the bullet went straight through his shoulder." she finishes, gasping for another breath.
"how did--"
"and before i could even do anything violet was already taking the gun from my hands and telling me to run and i'm so sorry--" she starts to sob.
"shit, relax, kid, it's okay." sevika says, reaching out to pat caitlyn's back. you smile. "it's fine, we're not mad." sevika says. caitlyn gasps, her eyes shooting up between you and sevika.
"you're not?" she asks. you shake your head no. "o-oh." she whispers, wiping her eyes. you ruffle her hair.
silco and vander arrive quickly after. they took the train, and they clearly left the moment they got the message-- wearing day old wrinkled clothes, no luggage, just pistols tucked in every pocket on their bodies.
silco's greeting is a gaurentee that he's going to kill the kids before the sheriff can, and vander's apologetic assurances that his husband is only joking. silco's appearance seems to ease something in sevika, and the two of them quickly fall into a hushed conversation as sevika discusses her plan with silco. caitlyn's right beside them, a little furrow in her brow as she absorbs their hushed discussions.
vander, cordial as ever, gives you a hug and presses a solid kiss to your scalp.
"how're you holding up?" he asks.
"better now that you're here." you respond. he laughs.
"can i be honest?" he mumbles. you nod. "silco's not gonna get the chance to kill the kids, i'll have already fucking done it." he whispers. you laugh. "we're not young and spry like you and sev-- we both nearly had heart attacks when we got your message." he groans. you rub his shoulder as you laugh.
"you wanna hear somethin' that'll make you laugh?" you ask. he nods.
"violet's got a crush on the girl here." you say. vander raises his eyebrow, looking over at caitlyn, who's absorbed by the diagram of the prison, pointing and mumbling to an interested and engaged silco and sevika. "an oil heiress." you say. vander chuckles.
"huh. well are the feelings mutual?" he asks. you laugh.
"they better be. violet got all our fuckin' kids arrested for her ass." you whisper. vander groans and rolls his eyes, grabbing his chest.
"oh, don't tell me these things." he begs. you laugh.
"you're lucky you don't have girls." you say.
you wait until midnight to start your plan.
you split up into three groups.
silco and vander are the horsemen, both of grayson's and cait's, plus teddybear, who they found outside the jail, wrangled up and tied to the two carts-- ready to get out of town fast once you break the kids out.
sevika's on explosives, obviously.
you and caitlyn have to find a way to communicate with the kids.
you're helping wrap a bandanna around the lower half of caitlyn's face, tugging an old hat low on her face to disguise her as best as possible. she grunts and squirms.
"quit movin'. you're a fuckin heiress, everyone knows your face. you can't be seen breakin' kids outta prison." you say. she sighs.
"fine." she grunts as you wrap a scarf over her neck.
"okay." you whisper, satisfied now that she's bundled enough to be indistinguishable. "show me this window."
caitlyn guides you around the back of the jail building, and quietly points up to a cell window about fifteen feet off the ground, iron barred.
"take the beef jerkey." you say, shoving the paper package in her hand. she pockets it, and then you crouch. "stand on my shoulders." you say. she nods, clambering on top of you.
once she's steady, you groan as you stand to your full height. with caitlyn on your shoulders, she can peek through the window.
the window, apparently, sits above the sheriff's desk-- likely where he's in a whiskey induced coma now-- sleeping away the pain of his shoulder. oppisite his desk, are the iron bars holding your children.
the sheriff's got a dog, hence the beef jerkey.
caitlyn whistles into the window. you cringe.
the sheriff snores, and the dog whines. you can make out the plop of a piece of jerkey, and then caitlyn's whispered, "hi doggie!"
you bite back your smile, and almost collapse when you hear jinx's voice.
"oh for fuck's sake-- violet!" she whispers."your stupid fucking girlfriend's here!"
you grin, tears welling in your eyes at the sound of your kid.
"caitlyn!" violet exclaims. you take a shaky breath.
"we're blowing the back wall down." caitlyn whispers. "you need to shelter on this end."
there's some shuffling as the kids wake up and run over to the oppisite wall, and you grin at the pitter patter.
the sheriff gasps, and you freeze. caitlyn bites squeaks.
and then he's back to snoring. you sigh shakily and squeeze caitlyn's ankles.
"stay there. we'll see you on the other side." she whispers, then she jumps down from your shoulders.
the two of you take off for the oppisite side of the building where sevika's waiting for the two of you.
she grabs your hand as she lights the line to the dynamite. you hold your breath. the line sizzles, sizzles, sizzles, quickly reaching the sticks at the base of the wall, until it... fizzles out.
sevika holds her breath. you hold your breath. caitlyn gasps, "oh fuck-- what do we do no--"
she's cut off by a BOOM!
the ground shakes, dust goes flying, and the wall comes tumbling down.
as the dust clears, a small fire illuminating the inside of the cell, you grin as the kids start hooting and hollaring in amazement.
"THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!" jinx and claggor shout at the same time as they all come sprinting out of the cell.
sevika snorts, then smacks them both upside the head.
"fuckin' stealth mission, assholes!" she whisper-scolds. mylo cackles.
"sorry sevika, but the stealth went out the window with that wall!" he laughs. sevika snorts and wraps all three of them up in her strong arms.
beside you, violet gasps, tears streaming down her eyes as she reaches up to pull caitlyn's bandana away.
"you came back." she whispers dramatically. you roll your eyes at the pure corniness, and then melt at the sweet sight of caitlyn darting forward and pressing her lips against your daughter's.
it's clumsy and quick, and they're both pull away bright red and gasping. you quickly look away when violet's eyes dart toward you, pretending like you weren't looking.
it doesn't seem to matter though, because next thing you know you have an armful of violet, sobbing into your shoulder. you squeeze her tight against your chest, and press a kiss against her head.
"you're in so much fucking trouble." you whisper against her hair. she giggles between her sobs.
"i knew you'd come." she whispers. you laugh.
"duh, dumbass. we need someone to take care of the chickens every day." you say. she cackles.
a gunshot rings out, and you all jump, turning around to face the now- open cell.
the sheriff stand sin the debris, a shard of wood speared through his unshot arm, his gun held weakly in his hand at his waist.
you push violet and caitlyn away to run grabbing their hands as you sprint down the street. beside you, sevika's got mylo under her arm, and calggor's got jinx on his back as they sprint, screaming and laughing down main street.
as the sheriff chases after you, unloading his gun at you, a bullet grazes violet's arm. she gasps in pain, and you gasp in horror, and before you know what's happening you're spinning on your heel and stopping dead in your tracks, reaching for the pistol you'd tucked into your waistband this morning.
you take a deep breath, and close one eye. lining your barrel up with the sheriff's bald, sweaty face.
he gets closer. he gets closer. sevika notices you're missing behind you, screaming your name, and the sheriff's right in front of you.
you shoot, and he crumbles to the ground.
it's quiet, and then your ears start ringing, and then, as the music fades, the sound of jinx's celebratory hoots fill your ears. you grin and turn back around, jogging to catch up to your family where everyone besides jinx (whose dancing in celebration at your shot) is frozen in place and gawking at you.
you smack sevika's ass as you pass her, grabbing jinx's wrist as you continue down main street, toward where silco and vander were waiting.
"c'mon y'all, someone's gonna check in on all this commotion soon!" you call over your shoulder.
shocked laughs fill the dusty main street as you and your family flee.
the ride back to your inn is mostly spent in long lectures, hilarious re-tellings of the kids' experience in jail, and tears and kisses being pressed to cringing children's heads.
but when you get back home to your inn, on your turf, all the anxiety and stress from the journey wear off, and you can finally relax.
you set up vander and silco and the boys in three rooms. violet eagerly volunteers to host caitlyn in her room, which makes you all laugh, (jinx groans in disgust) and you allow it.
and then, after scrubbing down with a washcloth, you fall crawl into the mattress on the floor beside sevika.
she's been snoring since you got back. she woke up for dinner, then fell back asleep after. but the second your weight hits the bed, she's blinking open, a smile on her face. you snort at her.
"what's that look for?" you ask.
"y'know that was the hottest thing i've ever fuckin' seen?" she whispers. you laugh.
"oh yeah?" you ask. she nods.
"didn't think you had it in you." she says, smirking. you just shrug and wink at her.
"you woulda done it anyways, i saw that look in your eye." you say. she grins and nods.
"yeah, but i didn't even have to try. my fuckin' outlaw wife killed the sheriff for me." she says, a blush working up her cheeks. you grin.
"now you know how it feels." you say. she laughs and you dart forward to kiss her forehead.
"i love you." she whispers. "i'm gonna fuck you through the floor tomorrow morning." she mumbles as she drifts off to sleep. you laugh.
"not happenin' babe." you say, kissing her forehead. "the kids are underneath us."
sevika groans. "those stupid fuckers."
you laugh and kiss her again. "i love you, sev."
"you owe me five bucks." she says.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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redheadjustin · 2 years
Omg I would love a fic where Bella’s dad remarries a guy and Bella is like thrown off because she is too involved with being a vampire to notice her dad is bi and getting remarried 😂
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You sighed happy in your husband's arms. You and Charlie swan had been Married for a few years and you were happy. Yes, Charlie Swan was Bisexaul and it was something he regretted hiding for years. He could have found a partner who respected his wants and desires instead of wasting years in a loveless marriage with Rene. Charlie wouldn't take any of it back. It gave him his little girl. If only she deserved him. It had been years since Charlie heard from his daughter despite her and the Cullens still being in Forks. It was something Charlie held deep resentment over.
You knew of Bella. But, you never met her and hoped you never would. You had spent your life babysitting and taking care of children so you knew that Bella was a grade one brat. You were a pediatrician and knew more about raising children than any parent.  After all, you knew what not to do thanks to your parents. You were abused, mistreated and pushed to the side while your siblings were treated like princes. You became a pediatrician to make sure no child grew up like you did. You met Charlie when he brought a kid in with a broken wrist. You two had seen each other around town and had spoken to one another once or twice but for some reason you two hit it off when you talked about suspected abuse. It was how you also met your adopted son, Shawn.
You and Charlie adopted Shawn after the investigation concluded that the poor boy was being abused. It gave you a chance to heal the kid and show him the love you missed. It gave Charlie a chance to make sure it wasn’t his fault on how Bella turned out. You both showered Shawn with love and gifts. But, unlike Rene with Bella, you never spoiled him. You made sure he knew that if he wanted something he had to work for them. And it turned a Scared five year old boy into a strong, brave, loving, caring and respectful ten year old boy who would go on to do extraordinary things in his life.
You sighed as you heard a knock on the door. “I got it Charlie, just relax. I’ll bring back some coffee.” You told your husband as you stood to put your bathrobe on. You walked down the stairs cursing whoever thought it was a good idea to visit at eight in the morning. You opened the door and the person on the other side of the door was the absolute last one you ever expected.
“Charlie! Your Daughter’s here! Why don’t you come in?” You told the confused Vampire after hearing a shout from your husband. You knew she was a vampire as you were a member of the Quileute tribe. Plus your older brother, Paul, is a part of the wolfpack and you expected your little brother to rush to the house once he smelled a vampire near his baby brother.
“So, um, who are you to my dad?” the female vampire asked as she shifted on the couch uncomfortable. You were smirking on the inside. You knew that she smelt Charlie all over you. And she probably already guessed about your relationship but you couldn’t help the satisfaction that rose up at that. You always wanted to take Bella down a few pegs as she always seemed so Goddamn smug when you met her. You’d be surprised if she recognized you. You were always by Paul’s side and helping Emily before you went to med school.  
“Bella, I’m sorry you had to find out about this but Y/N is my husband.” Charlie said as he stepped into the living room with a matching robe around his waist. “Wait, so, You’re Gay??” Bella asked and you flinched at the accusation. You knew what it was like. “No Bella, I’m bisexaul and so is Y/N. You never knew because you never visit and you keep your family away. I only see my granddaughter when Y/N sees his Brother and Jacob happens to be there. So, if you wanted to know you should have come around more. And you’d know you have a stepfather and stepbrother.” It was obvious that what Bella had been told had hurt her. “You catch her up, Charlie. I’ll help Shawn get ready.” You said as you went to go help your son get ready for the day. You smiled as you saw your son already awake. It was the same every morning. Shawn needed help on things normal ten year olds didn’t. Unfortunately, the abuse Shawn suffered gave him nerve damage and developmental delays. It was like he was two instead of ten. “Hey bud. Sleep well?” You asked as you went over to Shawn's dresser. You helped Shawn get dressed for the day and as you did you felt someone in the doorway.
“He’s special.” Bella said quietly. “He is. Shawn was abused heavily and he got nerve damage and delays in his development.” You told Bella softly as you let Bella closer. It seemed Charlie had a talk with Her about Shawn. “...You’re a doctor. Do…do you feel bad you can’t cure him?” You didn’t mind the blunt question. It was natural that she’d wonder how you felt. Everyone did. “Sometimes, yes. But I love him just the way he is and though I look for treatments I don’t care if I take care of him like this till he’s forty.” And that was God's honest truth.
“I’m glad you two are family. Dad said your brother is part of the wolfpack. Who is he?” Bella asked, running her hand through Shawn’s curly, blue hair. “ Paul Lahote.” You answered, smiling at the thought of your hothead brother. “I’m sorry.” Bella said playfully. “I don’t know why. He’s your uncle in law now.” You told her with a shit eating grin. You laughed at the grouan that came out of Bell’s mouth. You were glad Charlie and Bella reconciled. Shawn gained a sister and a whole extended family to help him. And you got to see Bella as she is now. Not as she was and that was everything.  
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batfamfucker · 1 year
Episode Three things I loved:
Bill and Frank. Obviously.
Old gays in general. Two gay men who get to grow old together and die together happily (As happy as you can be in the apocalypse).
Secret basement below the basement.
Bill's bunker. It's awesome.
Bill being Autistic for his entire screen time. Tell me that man isn't neurodivergent. I love him.
The fact Bill and Frank died together and it was lovely and they were happy instead of Bill finding Frank hanging like in the game. I'm glad they got to go together peacefully.
The gay coding with their words. 'A man who knows which wine to put with rabbit' 'I know I don't seem like the type' 'No, you do.' He read that motherfucker. 'Who's the girl' 'There is no girl' 'I know'
The piano scene. The fucking song throughout the ep. And the end as Joel and Ellie drive away. The open window. The message within the lyrics.
The cute little town.
Them bickering and being a married couple.
The meme-ability of Bill. 'The government ARE Nazis!' And 'You WHAT?' I need them as meme templates thanks.
Honestly that whole scene 'They ARE' 'They are NOW but they weren't THEN'
Bill's fucking Illuminati stuff. The hilarity of him staying alive because of his conspiracy theories.
Bill being a fucking badass tbh. The minute FEDRA leaves, just breaking into everywherr. Seeing him set up that town, having a full blown plan, setting up traps and building a goddamn generator, relaxing as he lets his traps take care of infected, just enjoying his steak and laughing. Knowing he does that a lot 'Gets me everytime'. Man's was made for this. He slayed tbh. That whole scene was so satisfying.
I was scared Frank was gonna use Bill, and he did at first, but then seeing him genuinely begin to love and care for him. Refusing to let Bill die when he got shot even though Bill told him Joel could care of him, wanting to marry Bill on his last day.
Honestly Frank just being sassy and dragging Bill lmao. 'We need friends babe. Sweetheart please you just sit in the basement all the time. You need a social life other than me, and for my own sanity, I need one too. So I've made a friend over the radio and you can't do anything about it. Now get me my paint'.
Tess being an AllyTM. Her and Frank being besties whilst their paranoid husbands scowl at each other.
Joel unable to say the word 'partner' for Bill and Frank lmao. You just adopted a lesbian. Honey, you've got a big storm coming.
I was hoping Ellie would get to meet Bill and he would tell her about Frank (Before going into the ep, based on the game) so she would have a nice little internal 'I'm not the only gay in the world thank god' moment. But I didn't mind since the whole episode was amazing.
The strawberry scene.
Bill apologising for getting older quicker but then it's Frank that needs the help later. My heart.
Frank and his paintings and beautiques.
Frank knowing Bill poured the pills into the wine bottle so he'd die too.
The marriage scene. Them exchanging rings. Having the same last meal and wine they had for their first meal together. Sitting next to each rather than across the table. A shot of the hole that Frank fell into, where they met. Sobbing. I love them.
They are the definition of 'In sickness and in health, till death do us part' and it hurt but it was some beautifully.
Knowing any Homophobic Gamer BoysTM were ripping their hair out at this episode.
It ripped my heart out but the fucking skeletons. The baby blanket and transition to seeing that baby and the mother. Knowing what happens. Hearing a mother comfort her kids and seeing a old lady and a whole community of families and knowing what happens to them.
All the fuck the government stuff. It feels like all the fucked up shit they did is so realistic and would happen.
The letter for Joel. 'Keep Tess safe'. And the symbolism of knowing there's at least one person (Ellie) worth saving. Worth living for. My heart.
Also, though. 'Hehehehe'
Ellie reading 'hehehehe'
The casualness of human bodies in the apocalypse. Periods actually referenced in an apocalypse show! Joel tossing Ellie some deodorant! Him being prepared to take care of a teenage daughger again! Ellie telling him he needs to shower (Also their banter). Ellie stocking her bag with toilet paper.
Joel making a small gravestone for Tess out of rocks from the river. That hurt.
Dad Joel coming out more and more each episode.
The forest scene. Joel giving his jacket to Ellie to sleep in so she wouldn't be cold. Him making sure she eats even if he doesn't.
Ellie roasting Joel. Joel roasting Ellie. 'Shit at shooting or life in general' Joel's continous 'offended but mostly confused I just got dragged by a 14 year old' face.
The arcade machine.
The repeat of the 'Anything bad?' 'Just you' joke.
Ellie being lowkey a psychopath again? The basement scene and her seeming to enjoy killing the infected dude.
Ellie being upset he stashes the massive gun. Because same.
The plane scene. Ellie's excitement all episode. Every question she asks. That's my Ellie.
Joel's dark humour. 'So did they'.
History Lesson With Joel.
Flour Zombies Confirmed. It's no longer Plants Vs Zombies, it's Plant Zombies.
The way he said the date of the outbreak, the subtle pain, and you can tell it's engraved because of that reason, as well as Sarah's death, and his birthday. I can't wait until Ellie finds out it was his birthday. And/Or about Sarah.
Contractor (?) Joel dragging Bill about his fences and using his KnowledgeTM to bait him into trading. Him being right.
Ellie's first time in a car. 'It's a spaceship'
'Women's shirts'. Joel really is thinking of her and it's nice to see he's used to taking care of a teenage girl and how he goes back into that role with ease. Him getting used to that again, even if begrudgingly at first.
Everytime Joel tells Ellie off. Dad Mode Joel Activated.
The fucking seat belt scene. Joel telling her to put her seatbelt on. The parallel of him saying that to Ellie like he did with Sarah. Him leaning over her and Ellie being completely comfortable with him doing so. Her not knowing what a seatbelt is.
Joel trying to get Ellie not to play music but then not letting her turn it off when he realises it's a song/artist he likes.
Joel warming up in the final shot when he likes the music. Ellie hating it. It's giving Dad Who Listens To Smooth Radio Whilst You Die Inside. I know because I've been there.
No school scene. Not introducing the bloater so soon. I'm glad we're building to that. Makes it seem much more impactful.
Basically the entire episode.
All I 'didn't like' (/Joking) was that they didn't hide literally everything in that house in the secret basement below the basement so raiders won't find anything when they come, so it'd still be there if they ever need to go back there. But that's just because I wouldn't be able to deal with it if that were me. I'd be making sure no one finds that shit. It's mine, and I'd go back for it when possible. Maybe. At some point. Hopefully. Or live there myself if I wasn't in Joel and Ellie's situation. I also wanna see Joel swinging upside-down from a chain at some point.
Joking aside, this episode is great. The show continues to not only meet my expectations, but exceed them. I can't take the fact that there's only nine episodes this season because I don't want it to end and I hope season two isn't about the second game, but for the show's later seasons to be about the years and adventures Joel and Ellie have together after the events of the first game, if season one meets the end of the first game. Because I love them and need more of this.
I'm so excited to see where this show goes. It has the perfect balance of sticking to the source material yet also doing new stuff that also surprises people who have played the game. I adore it.
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vintagepresley · 1 year
Hi can I request and Austin x reader fic, where he asks her to marry him in front of his whole family, but she’s not ready for marriage so she refuses him. They break up and reconnect years later, have make-up sex and run off to Vegas to enlope
Thank you for the request! I've got the perfect title for this one. ❤️
Bye Bye Baby
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Austin had been your boyfriend for almost two years and things were as perfect as they ever could be between the two of you and the love still strong as ever. That was until he would bring up the point of marriage and the possibility of the two of you getting hitched. He'd only bring it up just to get an idea of where your head was at when it came to marriage and when he did you would always lie about being ready for marriage. When in reality you were far from ready for something like that. You loved him dearly, but you weren't ready for such a huge commitment like that one. You didn't want to hurt his feelings either so you would suppress your actual thoughts just to make him happy. But doing that had him truly believing that you were ready and he couldn't hide his excitement. He wanted to make you his forever. So a few weeks after your last conversation on the matter he finally decided that maybe it was time to do a little ring shopping for you.
While you were away for a few days for work he had spent time going to a few different ring shops in town and just browsing for the perfect ring for you, he had it all planned out how he was going to ask your hand in marriage. He was going to throw a big dinner party for you, his parents, and your parents and ask you in front of everyone. He was so excited that it was hard for him to try to keep it a secret from you. After a few hours of ring shopping he finally came across the perfect ring. He picked out a beautiful ring it wasn't too flashy and over the top, it was just right with small diamonds along the band and a two carat diamond once he got it sized for you he left the store with the ring in hand and a wide smile on his face and making sure to hide it in some place you wouldn't think of looking until the dinner party.
It was the day of the dinner party and Austin was a nervous wreck and it was became quite obvious even though he tried his best to hide it, in order to make things not seem so suspicious about why both of your families were coming he made up some ridiculous story about how it had been awhile since you all spent time together. Which you bought for the most part but it still didn't explain his nervousness. He was never really nervous around your parents so you knew that wasn't it. But you pushed it out of your mind as the night went on and both of yours parents arrived. You had decided to make dinner for everyone and once everything was done Austin had helped you set the table as your parents talked with one another. He came up behind you as you were placing the wine glasses on the table, kissing the side of your neck softly as his arms squeezed around your waist. You let out a soft giggle from his tickling kisses. "You are in an extra happy mood today." you said softly. He chuckled softly against your neck, peppering a few more kisses against it as he let out a small hum. "You just make me happy that's all.." he grinned. You blushed at his words. "You make me happy too. Now shoo so I can finish doing this." you laughed as you wiggled from his grip.
He smiled widely as he grabbed a few plates and set them on the table and once that was all done you went to let both your parents know that dinner was ready, Austin stood in the dinning room clutching on the small box that was in his pocket as everyone came into the room, he decided to wait a little after dinner to propose, taking his seat a the head of the table as you took a seat at the other end, everyone digging into the delicious meal that you had made and chitchatting with one another. Everything about this night just seemed so perfect that he thought what could go wrong. Once everyone had finished their meal and was just causal talking and sipping on their wine that's when Austin stood up from his seat and the room fell silent as he stood before everyone getting their attention. You raised an eyebrow wondering what he was doing. You couldn't shake how strange he was being, little did you know that everyone knew his plans of proposing to you. "I-I just wanted to thank you all for coming and thank you to my beautiful girl for making this wonderful dinner for us." he said happily. A smile dancing across your lips.
"I also wanted to say how much I love you, adore you. You're the only girl that could ever make me this happy. I don't know what I'd do without you. You mean the world to me." he says softly as he moved from his place and slowly made his way over to you, his hand in his pocket holding onto the little box as he stood before you. You stared up at him with wide eyes completely in awe of his little speech that was until he slowly sank down onto one knee and now your heart was racing and your mind was running rampant. Oh god.. No... "You mean so much to me, Y/N, truly. I want you to be mine forever." he says as he slips the small box out of his pocket and holding it in front of you, your parents smiling warmly so excited for you along with his parents. He slowly opened the box to show the beautiful diamond ring. You felt the tightness in your chest and your nerves going crazy as everyone stared at the two of you. You didn't want this. You weren't ready. But you sat that nearly frozen as he finally said the words. "Y/N, would do me the honor of becoming my wife?" he whispered so sweetly. You swallowed harshly looking over at everyone and then looking down at him. He stared at you and now his smile was slowly fading as you still didn't answer. "Baby?" he says softly. "I-I'm sorry... No.." you mumbled as you stood up from your seat and hurried out of the room and sprinting down the hall to the bedroom and slamming the door closed.
Austin was so embarrassed as his face got flustered and red, his hand hanging in disappoint before he slowly stood up again, closing the little box and setting it on the table. He couldn't understand what he did wrong, why you said no. You told him you wanted this. You both did. He apologized to everyone as he excused himself and went to the bedroom, slowly opening the door to find you packing a bag. "W-Where the hell are you going?? Why did you just embarrass me out there like that!?" he yelled. You ignored him just wanting to get away from him, feeling so confused. He walked over to you and grabbed you by the arm quite roughly to stop you. "I'm speaking to you! What the hell is your problem??? Now you don't want to marry me? But you told me several times you did." His voice loud and filled with anger. You tried to pull your arm from his tight hold. "I never wanted to get married!!" you finally admit to him, all of your parents hearing the two of you arguing with one another. "Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N? Then why did you lie and say that you did? You fucking embarrassed me out there!" he screams.
"I didn't want to hurt your feelings because I know how much you want to get married. But I don't. I'm not ready. I love you, but that is not something I can do right now. I never meant to embarrass you." you say with a soft sigh. He scoffed at your words. "You love me? But you do this to me? You don't love me.. You played with my feelings and made me believe you wanted something you didn't." he says almost on the verge of tears. "Austin, please, I do love you.. I never meant to lie.. I just.. I was afraid. You tried touch him now. He pulled away from you. "Just get the hell out.. I don't want to see you again.." he says sternly, he couldn't even look at you. You had such a sullen look on your face and your eyes welled up with tears at his words. He was shutting you out and not couldn't even look at you. It felt as if he was just disgusted with you. "Aus.. I.." but before you could finish your sentence he walked out the room, slamming the door shut that he almost knocked the pictures off the wall. That was the end of your loving relationship all because you couldn't be honest with him.
Bye Bye Baby Goodbye...
A few years had gone by since that awful and embarrassing night and the two of you never had any kind of contact since that day, you'd sometimes see things about him and how his career was going, he even started dating someone new through those years and though just the thought of him being with someone else broke your heart.. You were happy for him. You knew you broke his heart and that you had no right to even feel the way you did whenever his name was mentioned, but you couldn't help it. Your heart still longed for him that you even had regrets about not accepting his proposal. But you had moved on with someone else as well. You never found anyone who could make you feel so deeply as Austin had or gave you butterflies the way he did or just the way he could make you smile from the simplest things. But there wasn't anything you could do.
Austin had similar issues in his new relationships he just couldn't seem to find the girl for him, but he had thought he found it again in this new girl he had been dating for almost year now. She brought back some of those feelings that you had gave him and felt maybe he had finally found his person. Maybe you weren't the one for him all those years ago, maybe this new girl was. Even though he was hesitate to even ask another woman to marry him he decided to take the plunge and asked her to marry him, she said yes of course being completely in love with Austin. But even still his heart wasn't fully fulfilled and it didn't help that you ran in some of the same social circles and your name would be brought up and felt like ancient history how long ago you too had broken up, secretly still pinning for one another as you continued your lives with other people, not completely satisfied. But knowing it was for the best.
You're the one girl in town I'd marry...
There was a special event going on that the both of you were expected to attend that night, you showed up with your boyfriend on your arm and wearing a beautiful red dress with a plunging v-neck that showed off your breasts perfectly and hugged every inch of your curves, you were practically turning heads with how beautiful you looked. Austin had arrived with his fiancé on his arm looking handsome as ever in his tuxedo and his hair tussled so perfectly. Neither of you had even heard that the other one was going to be there and by some strange fate you ended up bumping into one another. You both stood frozen in place when you locked eyes and the history between you two all coming back in that one singular moment. You wanted to just walk away and pretend you hadn't seen him, but it was too late he was approaching you and his eyes sneakily wandering over your body, all he could think about was how incredibly sexy you looked. He took a deep breath and you clenched your jaw as you were face to face now. "Y/N.. It's been a long time.. H-How are you?" he says softly. You gulped and nodding slowly. "Yes.. A very long time.. I-I'm good.." you murmured, he looked so handsome it was driving you a bit wild, but you kept calm. The two of you forgetting that your significant others were standing beside you both. His fiancé squeezing at his arm to introduce her as she gave you a look.
"Oh... Uh.. Y/N this is Nora.. My uh.. My..." he couldn't get the words out until she rudely interrupted him, holding out hair hand to show off her ring. "His fiancé." she says with such an attitude. "Oh... Congrats.." you mumbled, so badly wanting to roll your eyes at her and noticing it was not the same ring he had offered you. She smiled, glancing up at him as he nodded. "Yes, thank you.." he says unenthusiastically. "Um, this is my boyfriend.. Milo.." you mumbled. "Nice to meet you.." Austin says as the two men shake hands. "Well, we should probably find our seats." you say softly, tugging your boyfriend away as you began to walk away, the two of you sharing a glance as you walked passed each other and then looking over your shoulder to catch him staring at you as well the farther you got from one another. Your heart feeling as it once did when you were together, that entire night all you both could do was think about each other and that awkward encounter. You couldn't believe he was engaged and to that rude woman. You truly had lost him and all you felt was regret no matter how long it had been since you were together.
You had excused yourself to run to the bathroom as you did you caught Austin walking in the same direction as you approached the bathroom and when he saw you he headed straight your way. "Y/N, hey, I-I'm sorry about Nora.. She's.." you cut him off. "Don't worry about it." you uttered as you pushed the bathroom door open, wanting to keep your distant from him because you were liable to do anything because of how much you waned him. But he grabbed a hold of your wrist. "Wait.. I.. Can we talk?" he asked. You nodded your head hesitantly and he gestured for you both to go somewhere a bit more private and he ended up leading you over to coat check where the attendant had left to go on break and he pulled you into the room full of everyone's jackets and shutting the door. You furrowed your brow at him, you understood he wanted to speak with you in private but it didn't need to be this private. As you were getting ready to speak his hands cupped your face and he crashed his lips against your own in a deep kiss.
As much as you knew it was wrong you kissed him back deeply, placing your hands against his chest and quickly pushing him back once you finally got a hold of yourself. "What are you doing? You're engaged.. I have someone..We can't do this.." you whispered. "Y/N, all these years, I've missed you so much. I hate what happened between us. How we left things. I've never been truly happy since then. Seeing you tonight for the first time.. I.. I realized I don't love Nora. My heart has always and will always belong to you." he confessed. Your eyes welled up with tears at his sweet confession and you had felt the same way. "Aus.. I.. I've felt the same way. I know I screwed things up with us, I hurt you and I lied. But I never stopped loving you. I've regretted that day since then." you whispered. He shook his head. "That's in the past.. I don't care anymore... I want you back. I need you or I can't ever be truly happy.." he his lips moving close to yours, hovering so close.
Your breath heavy as your eyes met his and your lips nearly touching again as you whispered, "I want you.." and then your lips crashed against one another and he pulled you into his tight embrace, pressing your body against his as his hands ran over the curves of your body as two of you kissed so intensely, devouring each other in such a passionate kiss. Your hands frantically reaching down to his pants and unbuckling his belt and eagerly tugging down his pants as he grabbed a hold of your dress and tugging it up over your waist, his hands running over the fabric of your panties. A rush of lust and happiness running throughout the both of you as you desired one another for so long that it felt like the very first time again, he grabbed your hips and turned you around, his hands ripping your panties off of you with such a roughness and you kicked off from around your ankles as your hands grasped the wall in front of you as he arched your back and grabbed a hold of your hips, pulling you back against him as he reached down with his right hand to grab a hold of his cock and lining it with your sweet entrance, a part of you he missed so much and in a blink of an eye you let out a soft gasp as you felt him plow his cock deep inside of you, a loud groan escaping his lips and you let out a whimpering sound. You had missed the feeling of him buried within you.
Your pussy clenched around his familiar cock so tight that it erupted another loud groan from his lips. “Goddamn.. So tight.. J-Just like I remember..” he mewled. He grabbed a hold of your hips and began to slam himself inside you, his hips and balls slapping against your ass with each rough thrust he made, his cock forcing you open for him and stretching around him as he pumped you full of him. Your hands clawing at the wall before you as you moaned out loudly. “Austin.. Fuck…” you whimpered. You were sure that if anyone walked by they could hear the dirty things the two of you were doing. He fucked you with such a forcefulness that it made you ache for more, not wanting him to stop. His name leaving your lips between your pornographic moans and whimpers, reaching a hand back to grip onto his thigh and digging your nails into him. “Harder, baby.. P-Please.. I-I missed your cock so much..” you cried. He smirked at your words and he reached around to place hand around your throat, squeezing tight as he held your hips still with his other hand he moving in at a quicker and rougher pace, each thrust slammed inside of you so deep and hard that he was hitting your cervix, it felt like he was tearing you apart and you loved every sweet moment of it. His groans loud and long as his eyes rolled back and his face buried into your neck. "I missed fucking you.." he uttered under his heavy panting breath.
Your hand squeezed and clawed at his tight that you managed to draw blood. "Oh, honey.. I.. I'm gonna cum.." you yelped between your moans as you threw your head back your mouth forming an O shape. He kissed along your neck his groans vibrating against you. "Cum for me, baby... Cum all over what belongs to you.." he whispered in your ear. His sweet words sent a shiver throughout your entire body, one you hadn't felt in so long and as your orgasm built up it finally came crashing to the surface and coming out in droves as you moaned his name at top of your lungs, cumming on his throbbing cock and making a mess. "Fuck.. Good girl.." he growled. His cock thrusting within you with long and slow strokes as he approached his climax his arms around you tight as he held you close and steady his movements as he held you down on his cock and his cum thick warm cum filling you up that you trembled around him at the very feeling, letting out a shaky whine. He reached down to slip his cock out of you the two of you whimpering softly against one another and you turned around in his arms, slipping your arms around his broad shoulders and kissing him so sloppily and deep, that what you just did together made you both forget you were in relationships. Nothing else mattered, no one else mattered. You had found a your way back to one another.
You pulled back from the kiss your lips hovering close to his and your sweaty foreheads pressed up against one another as you nuzzled your nose up against his the both of you taking deep slow breaths. "Let's get married.. I can't live without you.. it's unbearable.." you blurted out in a soft whisper. His eyes widen at your words, he captured your lips in a soft kiss, you could feel him smiling on your lips. "Right now?" he chuckled, he didn't even bother to question or think twice about what you two were about to do. All he knew is that you were his true love. His one and only and he didn't want to lose you again. You giggled at his words, nodding. "We can catch a flight to Vegas and be there within an hour.." you mumbled. He grinned at your words. "Let's do it.." he said happily, giving you another kiss. You were smiling so wide and it was hard to hide your blush and contain your excitement. You knew all those years ago that you were a fool for ever saying no to him, denying his proposal. You weren't going to make that same mistake twice.
The two of you quickly fixed yourselves and putting back on any clothing you had stripped off and he grabbed a hold of your hand, opening the coat check door just slightly, peeking his head out and making sure there was no one around as the two of you snuck away, practically running out of the event and suv that had driven Austin and his now ex fiancé to the event had still been waiting outside, the two of quickly hopped inside and the driver was a bit confused but didn't question a thing as Austin told him to make a quick stop before taking the two of to LAX. You had no real plan, no change of clothes, but you didn't care. The two of you were going to get married if it was the last thing you did. You pulled up to his apartment curious as to what he needed to get. He kissed you quickly. "I'll be right back, my love." he mumbled as he headed out of the car and into the house. You smiled as you waited patiently for him so anxious to get to Vegas.
When Austin got inside he hurried to his bedroom, searching through his closet and grabbing a small shoe box that sat in it and opening it to find some of the things he had saved from the time you were together, he didn't have the heart to throw any of it out. He grabbed the small jewelry box, not only did he not have the heart to throw anything out he never returned your ring either, he opened the box smiling at the beautiful diamond ring and he headed back out to you, hopping into the car and now you were headed to LAX. "Got everything you needed?" you hummed. "Oh, I do now.." he said with a grin presenting you with the familiar little box and you smiled widely at him. "Is that what I think it is?" you whispered. He nodded happily, opening the box and you beamed with happiness seeing that familiar gorgeous ring. "I-I thought you would've thrown that out or returned it.." you said softly, chewing on your bottom lip as you stared at it and then back at him. "I could never do that. This was meant for you and there was no way in hell I was giving it to Nora. She didn't even know I had this." he said softly, removing the ring from its box and taking your left hand into his with a grin and even though you two had already agreed to get married he felt it was only proper to ask. "Will you marry me, baby?" he uttered softly. Your face hurt with how big you were smiling, a few small tears streaming down your face as you nodded swiftly. "Yes!" you exclaimed the words leaving you with such glee. He leaned over to kiss your lips softly as he slide the ring onto your finger, giving your hand a gentle kiss and you sighed contently, snuggling up to him as you made your way to the airport.
Today's the day we'll say "I do", and we'll never be lonely anymore...
After three long hours two of it spent in the airport you finally made it to Vegas and Austin looked up chapels in the area as you were in your Uber from the Vegas airport. He chose the first one that popped up, he didn't care where you went as long as he was finally able to call you his wife. You were giddy with excitement as you clung to him a small part of you feeling a bit bad when you thought about Nora and Milo probably going out of their minds wondering where the two of you went and wouldn't be long before the news hit the internet. But that feeling lasted for a but a moment once you had arrived at he chapel. How could you feel bad about being reunited with your true love? It was pure fate. Austin held onto your hand as the two of you approached the little chapel and walked inside, looking around with smiles as you were greeted by the owner, he welcomed you and had asked what kind of wedding you were looking to have. Austin stopped him. "We don't need anything fancy.. We just wanna be married." he said with a soft chuckle. The man laughed and nodded his head. "Young love." he hummed.
You laughed as the two of you followed behind the man as he lead you to the cute little chapel, you certainly didn’t have the proper dress for this, but the two of you would eventually have another wedding, a proper wedding for your friends and family, but for now this was for the two of you. A long awaited commitment that should’ve happened years ago, but things happen for a reason. As the man stood before you being the one to marry the both of you, you turned to face each other and Austin took both of your hands into his and intertwining your fingers together, you squeezed his hands tight as those same rush of butterflies fluttered in your stomach as you stared at you soon-to-be husband. As he began the vows you had gotten quite emotional and began to tear up, Austin smiled and reached a hand up to wipe away your tears, his fingers brushing gently against your face and when you had finally gotten to the “I do’s” neither of you wasted a moment to utter those sweet words.
“I do.” Austin hummed with a grin.
“I do.” You followed behind his words, smiling ear to ear.
"By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may now kiss your beautiful bride." the man says happily. You two of you beamed with with happiness and cupping each other's faces within your hands as your lips met in a loving, passionate and deep kiss and pulling back slowly as you gazed into each other's eyes with so much love and hope for the future. He was your world and without him in it was the most miserable few years of your life. You promised to never let him go.
I'll be his and he'll be mine...
Oh goodness. Can you tell I was super inspired with this request? lol. Two songs I had in mind while writing it 'Bye Bye Baby by Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons, 'Chapel of Love' by The Dixie Cups.
Tagging who was interested and my other Austin fic lovers. ☺️
@purejasmine @generoustreemystic @kiankiwi @ilovehobi101 @kingdomforapony @pennyroyalcreep @godlypresley @emmymaehereeeeee @presleysdarling @powerofelvis
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drghostwrite · 6 months
A baby for Christmas
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x reader & BAU x reader
Summary: this is part 2 to the story two hearts collide, long story short Will left a pregnant JJ who has had feelings for you and she falls for you hard. You make the relationship official, but will it stand another challenge when the time for the baby to be born comes around.
******************************************************** You moved around the kitchen hearing laughter fill the air with soft Christmas music in the background., colorful lights flickered outside the window.The warm lights blended with the smells of your cooking. You had invited the team over for a sort of nontraditional Christmas dinner, you had spent the days before prepping for the meal, you had invited the team over one time before and they loved your cooking and begged so here you were an array of dishes covering your large kitchen island.
You quickly ran upstairs to you and Jj’s shared bedroom, changing into something a little nicer than the leggings and Christmas t-shirt you were cooking in, swapping it for nice jeans with a red and white plaid flannel, you let your curls falls down around your shoulders doing one last mirror check before heading back to the kitchen. You made your way down the hallway towards the large staircase stopping at the nursery door that was cracked open, you slipped in opening the top drawer of the changing table and grabbing a red velvet ring box, JJ had gone into full blown nesting mode and completely redid everything but she started with the nursery so you thought it would be great to hide the ring and turns out it worked.
you tucked it in your pocket and returned to the kitchen, only to be met with your pregnant, soon to be fiancé, sneaking some bites.
“Baby what’re you doing?” You smiled at her as she was caught red handed.
“Sampling the chefs cooking making sure it’s suitable for the general public.”
“Mmhmm I see…” you said getting close and pulling her into a kiss her bump brushing up against you, you lingered there before feeling the baby kick, you ran a hand along her 9 month swollen bump.
“only a few more days and we meet the little one.” You said with a smile but she saw it was laced slightly with disdain though you didn’t mean it.
“Our baby, Y/N we meet our baby, as far as I’m concerned its as much you as it is me.” She traced the side of your face gently with her fingers tips, pulling you down to meet her lips.
“Awww, mistletoe kisses.” Garcia cooed at you.
“Mmhmm mama is getting a special present tonight.” Derek said and you watched as Garcia slapped him in the arm for his dirty mind though you did chuckle, as JJ went bright red and turned hiding in your shoulder.
“Okay well please before it gets cold.” You motioned for them to come closer and took a step back, Derek called to the rest of the team and they quickly filled the room plates being made.
———time jump———
2 hours later and you found yourself putting dishes in the dishwasher and sliding leftover casserole dishes into the oven to keep them semi warm, the table had been cleaned and the team found themselves in your living room everyone helped themselves to the bar and had their respective drinks.
You finished drying your hands on the towel you were holding and made your way into the room. You watched as Garcia and Emily, laughed with JJ on the couch while the guys stood around the pool table, you heard Reid rambling about something while Hotch and Derek had a game going, Rossi was at your bar cart pouring a drink.
“Here love, this might help.” You heard Rossi next to you, extending his glass to you.
“Ahh no thanks.” You said as he just raised an eyebrow in protest but then proceeded to shrug and nurse it himself.
“you’re gonna do it tonight right?”
“yep, while we hand out gifts.”
“you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
“take it from someone with three failed marriages, I’ve seen the way you both look at each other and the way you handle Henry, if I believe anyone can do it it’s you two.” You turned giving him a small smile, it meant something coming from him. “On that note though let’s get these gifts going.” He said chuckling before pulling everyone in around your big tree. You walked over and sat sideways behind JJ letting her lean her head back against your thigh, you ran fingers thoughtlessly through her blonde hair, you all watched as you opened various gifts from each other. A bottle of very expensive Italian wine from Rossi, along with some other things and baby items from the members, now it was your turn you handed out your gifts and then all eyes were on you as you knelt in front of JJ on the couch.
“Y/N, what’re you doing?”
“Well I figured everyone got amazing gifts but I already have the best that I could ask for and in turn I have a question for you…” you slipped the red velvet box from your pocket flipping it open, “Jennifer Jareau will you make me the happiest woman alive and marry me?”
“Y/N I-I… Yes omg yes!” She said leaning down to kiss you, you pulled apart and gently held her hand sliding the ring onto her finger, you stood up and Emily also stood to congratulate you as Garcia leaned over to your new fiancé.
“So how’s it feel Jayge?… your gonna be married to the boss?” He said and you punched your best friends arm as Emily hugged you.
“Oh my god…Oh my God…” she said with a gasp.
“Babe he was just…” you didn’t finish before you saw the look of confusion and fear on her face.
“Oh my God.” She said with a gasp, wincing slightly.
“JJ baby what’s wrong? What’s going on?” You said kneeling next to her.
“M-my water just broke… on the couch, Y/N my water just broke.”
“Okay it’s okay.” You said rubbing a soothing hand up her arm. The team started to scramble but thank God for Derek being your rock he quickly ran upstairs grabbing the bags you had packed and putting them in your car, he came back in and ushered everyone out aside from Garcia who offered to stay and help clean up, leaving you to focus on JJ who was starting to feel contractions.
“Y/N car is packed and started.”you nodded to him looking over her shoulder as a contraction started to come over her.
“Okay love we’re gonna have to get you to the car…” you said turning back to her and in your most soothing voice possible.
“You sure, it could be a false alarm?” She said.
“Yes love I’m sure, you’re in labor your water broke, it’s time to go.”
“Okay.” She said as you helped her up and guided her to the car, Derek and Penelope stood by the front door watching as you pulled the car out of the garage and waved as you quickly drove by.
Inside the car JJ had her knee pushed up against the dash a hand gripping tightly at the skin under her bump as she contracted. Her other hand was digging into your bicep. She let out a small moan as she focused on the contraction, for a moment it subsided but the next took her breath away stealing it and the only sound that replaced it was a strangled cry.
“Nnghhh… this hurts.”
“Okay baby breathe just try and take deep breaths.”
“Y/N I can’t do this.” Tears gently rolled down her face as she held onto your arm for dear life, her hand u see her bump trying to soothe the burning muscles.
“Yes you can, I’m right here with you.” You reassured.
“Ugh what did I even do to deserve you, you shouldn’t have to be here.”
“What does that mean?”
“I mean I got pregnant and he left, you stepped in without even missing a beat and now I’m going to marry you but our kids won’t be yours.”
“Jennifer baby that’s okay, we can have more kids and as far as I’m concerned they are my kids because I made a choice to love you everyday for the rest of our lives and that includes them so no matter who’s dna they have I will constantly choose them because I love them as much as you.”
“You’re too good to me Y/N Avery….Unghh, but please babe drive a little faster, this baby isn’t going to wait.”
21 hours later and you held the most beautiful baby girl in your arms, you cooed at her as you sat in the recliner and looked up as you heard JJ stir in her bed.
“Is that our baby?”
Mhmm you said a huge smile pulling across your face, you stood moving over to the bed, she scooted over and you climbed in next to her handing her the baby, “Meet your mommy baby girl.”
“Hi baby, I’m your mommy… well one of them that is because you have a mama who also loves you so much and she’s the strongest and bravest woman I know and I’m going to marry her.” She spoke but she was watching you watch your little girl as she said it, you looked over meeting her blue eyes. You pulled her into a kiss foreheads resting against each other before the baby started to coo up at you.
“Looks like someone approves,” you chuckled pulling them both closer to you letting JJ rest in your arms.
“I think she’s saying she wants another sibling, but next time we have one, you’re carrying.” She laughed nudging into your side.
“A deals a deal.” You both laughed watching as your baby girl fell asleep, this wasn’t how you’d imagined spending your Christmas but here you were holding your soon to be wife and newborn baby in your arms.
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