#as u may or may not know. i hate lying to cover my actions. so i went to my dad right away and told him hey dad im gonna try weed
mxwhore · 1 year
I want to draw!!¡ but first, education
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scripturiends · 3 years
anchor up to me, love
Read on ao3
Summary: Prosecutor Jin forces an unexpected confession out of Joonhwi during Yeseul's trial.
Rating: T
Word count: 1226
Notes: I can’t tell you how many times I’ve received the same request over the course of two weeks. It seems like a lot of people really want a proper courtroom confession scene, so this is my best interpretation of it right now. I say ‘right now’ because ideally, I’d set aside a schedule to write this well, but given the inevitable time constraints in my life thanks to uni, I feel inclined to tell you all that as soon as I woke up, I wrote this on my Notes app in bed for one hour because that was all the free time I had. The idea came to me in a dream, so it just felt right to jot it all down at that very moment.
As usual, this fic is unedited so all mistakes are mine. Hope you enjoy!
"Who is it?" the prosecutor urged.
Han Joonhwi knows that Jin Hyeong-u would never let him off the hook if he didn't answer. That if the man on the opposing side of the courtroom didn't ask now, he'd just ask again later. So as much as he hated it, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Prosecutor Jin is cunning, Joonhwi will give him that. And after all that the law student has done to rile up this supposed well-meaning law enforcer in the past, it was pretty much inevitable. The man has him right where he wants him.
Joonhwi swallowed his pride. One deep breath, and then, "Kang Sol."
From the audience, he could see his long-haired brunette friend perk up, stealing a very long and very obvious glance at their black-haired classmate with the bob.
Of course she thinks it's B, Joonhwi thought. Always the selfless Kang Sol A. He made a mental note to make fun of her for it later, but not until —
"Which one?"
The dreaded follow-up question.
"There are two Kang Sols in your study group," the prosecutor started. "Yes or no?"
Joonhwi resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Yes."
"So which one is it? A or B?"
Prosecutor Jin's eyes were unyielding on Joonhwi's, so he knew this was a challenge. If he were doing this on his own, he'd be quick to respond. But after that mishap with Seungjae, he's learnt his lesson: never run your mouth mindlessly. That's how Prosecutor Jin gets you. That's how he wins.
Breaking eye contact first, Joonhwi looks towards the platform. "Judge, I don't see how this is relevant."
And before they could even say a word, Jin was already quick to retaliate. "When the defendant was hospitalized, you called on a friend to assist you with obtaining photographic evidence to prove that Ms. Jeon wasn't trying to flee. That friend was Kang Sol – A, was it?"
Turning to the jury, he continued, "Depending on his answer, we might have to call on Ms. Kang to the stand to verify her relationship with Mr. Han, and depending on her answer, she could either be acquitted, or be a secondary accomplice for attempted murder."
The jurors nod while Jin wraps up his explanation. “But if it were Kang Sol B... that might be enough to clear the suspicion."
Joonhwi mentally cursed. He was running out of cards to play, and Prosecutor Jin's little nod towards his direction, mouth smeared with a bragging smirk, was not helping.
The judge pulled his mic close to him. "Witness, please answer."
Think carefully, Han Joonhwi.
He could feel the entire audience's eyes on him — which usually doesn't scare him, but right now he feels boxed in. Cornered. The smallest he has ever felt, and not because it was his own life on the line, but because he fears dragging the person he loves into this mess.
It's funny how a simple letter can make or break this case. A or B. Fact or fiction, true or false. Love or not.
If he told the truth, he'd be setting himself up for failure. But if he lied, he'd be committing perjury.
Prosecutor Jin is good. He's managed to slip into the cracks of Joonhwi's personal life and possibly ruin any chances he has at a lovelife. Needless to say, as a 28-year-old man who is still single to this day, his self-esteem has taken a hit.
But there's no way Joonhwi is letting that happen. This is a trust fall exercise between him and the person he cares for. If she cared for him back, even just a little bit, he'd have nothing to worry about. He could just protect her the moment he gets called in again.
Now is not the time to falter. If she feels the same, he'll know when she testifies.
On the plus side, her parent is here so it's like killing two birds with one stone.
Joonhwi straightens his back, and with a wave of confidence he leans into the mic, finally answering, "I'm in love with Kang Sol A, your honor."
Joonhwi sat at the very back of the courtroom, ridden with anxiety.
With Sol A being called in as a witness last minute, he couldn't catch her at the right moment to apologize for what he did. For publicizing a confession, for making her go to the stand a second time, for everything.
This must be the end of our friendship, seems to be the only thought in his mind. And that's the thought that scares him the most. Not going to jail, but the thought of possibly losing Sol A in the process.
He watches her take her oath, demeanor blank unlike the first time she was there. Joonhwi's fear was taking over — was she annoyed? Was she mad? He couldn't tell. Her face normally said it all, but right now he can't read her whatsoever.
All of Prosecutor Jin's questions flew over his head, especially the ones about the night of Ko Yeongchang's accident. All, except for one.
"Han Joonhwi's feelings for you..." Prosecutor Jin trailed off. “Do you reciprocate?”
Sol A scoffs. "You tell me, big shot. You're the one who forced a confession out of him and made me go up here."
Joonhwi's lips twitched into a small smile. She's defending him.
"Just answer yes or n—"
"I wanted to protect Yeseul so badly,” she began, "that when she fainted, I was dead set on following her to the hospital no matter what. But when Joonhwi said I shouldn't, I didn't even question it. I trust him that much."
Silence enveloped the courtroom, but Sol A didn't even pause one bit. "Don't misinterpret my actions. I care about Yeseul, but I care about Joonhwi more."
And Joonhwi knew that wasn't true, that Sol A definitely loves Yeseul more, but that was enough to solidify their narrative to the jurors.
Despite the empty seats in front, Joonhwi spotted Sol A walking towards him with her head down. She didn't even look him in the eye as she sat next to him, their shoulders barely touching until she cleared her throat and inched closer.
Joonhwi did a double-take when he saw that her ears and her cheeks were red, but he chose to ignore it for now.
"Sorry for making you lie on the stand," Joonhwi apologizes.
Fiddling with her nails, she mumbles, "I wasn't lying."
Then, she added, "Unless you were."
He scoffs half-heartedly. Until now she's still doubting his sincerity. "I would never commit perjury. Not when I'm still trying to impress you."
Sol A scoffs in return, covering her face in her right hand, embarrassed. Like she couldn't believe this was happening. She lightly bumped his shoulder with her own. "I'm impressed."
Joonhwi may not have completely overturned the case in Yeseul's favor yet, but he was extremely lucky to have at least outsmarted Prosecutor Jin in the process. More than that, he was lucky to have the quick-witted girl right next to him. To have not just her trust, but also her heart was enough luck for more than a lifetime.
Joonhwi was right.
This was a trust fall exercise, but instead of him catching Sol A, turns out he was the one who fell instead.
Thank God she caught him.
Send me your thoughts here!
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kazuhasbunny · 3 years
Giiiirl, imagine you are on Baal's side, you are a general and commanding an army against the rebels' own general, Gorou.
You are all cocky and confident, your years of experience just keeping you aware enough so you won't be consumed by your pride. But oh, your face, when after all of those carefully thought out strategies and intensive training, you end up losing to that mutt.
He is insufferable. Even though his face and body is caked in a mixture only war can give-- blood, sweat and dirt, his smile is the biggest, smuggest thing you have ever seen in your life as a warrior. It does not help that you are on your knees, back stretching forward as the grip he has on your jaw tugs you up with such a force you won't ever believe an archer, a long distance fighter, would posses. The bodies of both sides lay scattered on the defiled land, but the purple spots decorate the most, as his last men stand straight and proud behind him, just as yours do, but the lack the attentiveness. Their tired and bored countenance ticks you in a wrong way. Why they don't look happy by this result?
Does your failure was already predicted? As if this end was something that was already calculated. Taken in account.
The man holding your jaw in a bruising grip let go of you, a mere blink of respite as the next second your left cheek explodes in pain, your vision swaggers for a second as you fall on your right side from the streght of that blow. You shut your eyes and concentrate on your breathing; the fight left you completely drained, as much as your brain screamed at you to stand up and attack that man, your bones and muscles protested as you tensed in hopes of getting up, but ultimately you only made yourself look pitiful.
Gorou turns to were his men are, his gaze lingering for a second on your laughable attempt. His focus switches to the army as he starts to pace from one side to the other, the victory was already decided, but the energy from the feat itself brought a surge of emotions within him.
Another quick glance at you, and something on his mind switched. He was wondering what to do with you; killing you off felt as a meaningless action, as the Shogun won't care for someone as low as yourself. You only were deployed to fight against them to gain time for the real force, to prepare and learn how strong the rebels actually are. With how confident you looked hours ago, it seems that your benevolent Shogun forgot to grace you with such knowledge before sending you off with a bunch of newly trainees.
"First of all, congratulations, my friends, for this well earned victory" Gorou began. The group of men on front of him quickly acknowledge his words, paying attention to what he had to say.
"Even if the outcome resulted as to what we--" He turns around, your eyes opened when he began speaking. You both made eye contact, and Gorou's smirk transformed into a full smile. Was it okay for him to fill such giddiness at the sight of your equally wounded pride and body? After all, he was the one to bring you into that state, he was the one to put you in your rightful place with just one arrow, kneeling on the dirty battlefield as the geo power incased on the arrowhead did its job in petrify you.
The glint of defeat on, dare he say, those gorgeous eyes of yours really made them stand out. Actually, as he approaches your form, he's starting to see some other appealing features he couldn't notice from a longer distance. What was the Shogun thinking, in even allowing you a spot within her number when you clearly weren't made for war?
"--Expected" his pause brought your attention to what he was actually saying. So they had all of this calculated...
"But now, all that is left to do, is tend to the wounded and take care of the dead. Yours and their sacrifice will bring an end to this stupid decree in no time. We need to prepare for tougher, real..." He gives you a glance "...battles from now on. Don't let this win get in your head"
The crowd quietly cheers between them, some of them patting each other on the shoulder for a job well done. All of that camaraderie made your stomach hollow, as you recognise the same speech you have told to your former men after a battle well fought. Those piercing blue eyes of his made you painfully aware of the consecutive part of giving a victory speech, about what is waiting for the losing side, the pit in your stomach grew in size and you really wished that it could swallow you whole before the man in front of you does.
Gorou thrills in your despair. That pretty face of yours plunging into dark dephts, your mind weaving one horrifying destiny after other speaks a lot of your character, as only those who have layed a cruel end to those before them can conceive. He knows what kind of thoughts those are, but as much of a monster as you are viewing him now, he won't do such a thing. He was quite merciful while deciding what your fate will be, even if he didn't pondered a lot in the few minutes after your fall, you are but only a child with a weapon, sent to die by that horrible woman.
And something he prides himself of, is learning from mistakes. He won't throw away something that can fulfill very well other duties than warfare ones.
"Sir! If I may--" a voice spoke between the masses of helms and spears.
"I know, I know. The general" Gorou waves off his hand, his eyes never stranding away from your form for far too long.
A groan escapes your body as his foot steps on your ribcage, not too hard but your weak body sense as if he had nails attached to the sole, your skin felt cold and as if it was being prickled by a ton of needles. He pushes your your body with a gentleness unexpected from an enemy, until you were lying on your back. The new position put pressure in the arrow wound on your right/left shoulder, your dominant arm, and for a second you were grateful of the rigidness granted by the geo element yet covering half of your arm or else you are sure you would have cried in pain, the last thing you want now is to show more weakness that what you are displaying.
"What I am going to do with her... I didn't know myself when we first begun this battle" Gorou continued. He removed his shoe from your chest to your side on the floor, so you'll be cage between his legs while he looks down on you. His arms crossed across his chest and he tilted his head to the side, as in assessing you, taking on your face just as covered in grime as his but not diminish your beauty in the slightest. He really made a good decision in regard of your fate.
The soldiers stood still, the atmosphere felt heavy like the air on a hot summer afternoon that feels stuffy on your lungs as your breath in. Their general had an unseen aura surrounding him, his usual careless actitud makes everyone forget that there's an animal side to him, although they aren't sure they will presence it for the first time, their captain is definitely switching towards that side... they even feel a little bit of pity for the woman under him.
"But as I see her like this, beaten, it makes me remember something of old, that the victorous usually sow. Can you guys guess what it is?" He squats over you, sweetly combing a couple of strands of hair out of your face.
Whispers break among the army after the question. One of them raised his hand, no barely 18 years old as he was one of the shortest in comparison to his bigger and wider shouldered comrades. The young recruit promptly lowered his arm as the general wasn't looking at their direction but that didn't stopped him from answering, eyes shining with excitement:
"They take something as a token of their victory, sir!"
Gorou hummed in affirmation. "Yes, they did. A spoil of war, if you may"
Dread washed over you. He wasn't going to kill you, as a way to demonstrate their superiority? To be taken as a trophy, a possession... He surely won't mean that, right? They are going to torture you and extract every drop of information that you have, until the last thing left in you is blood to shed on their hands as your usefulness is cut short like your troath.
You needed to say something. Anything, as long as it would arise anger within the young male, anything as long as you aren't degrade far from what you have been.
Gorou raised his eyebrows as you coughed. He wasn't expecting a monologue from you but neither silence. Your sudden wish of speaking made the men jump into action, their spears pointing at you with such terrifying speed made you realise furthermore that this battle was destined to end like this, another stripe to the tiger just like a new blow to your pride.
"Just kill me already. I won't say anything, and if given the opportunity, I will end it myself" you spat. You tried to transmit all of your pain, hate and shame in one stare, you won't go happy until you make that man see what you feel, how big your abhorrence is to his being.
All the males stare in silence, until the general himself chuckled. Your cheeks burn with rage, your teeth clenched together as you tried yo surf this flare of emotions. How dare he laugh like that! He already won and you won't speak a thing about the Shogun, why acting like that? Isn't the rebels supposed to act with nobility and fairness?
Gorou took a breath in. He's happy he didn't went for the traditional route and killed you.
"Aw, now you just proved me correct, sweetheart. I'll enjoy making you into a proper wife"
All of that just to say "Imagine being taken as Gorou's prize and he makes you his whore wife" LMAO
(Also? In the part that reader coughs? I wanted to put that Gorou spits on your lips because you looked thirsty AODJFJDC)
THIS 🙏 yes i’d love to be gorou’s housewife he should really take me in and train me to obey him . please i’d do anything for him
AND pleasee omg ... if u actually put that in i’d die on my chair it’s too hot i can’t hjnhnggrh
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mugi-chan · 4 years
Hii! First off: I LOVED THE WAY YOU WROTE MY REQUEST!!! it was absolutely everything I wanted and more!!! And second, can I request scenario(s) with the dorm leaders with an so who loves animals and tries to sneakily keep a pet. Thanks!!! Looking forward to seeing it!!
ლ  Content: Dorm leaders: S/O sneaking in animals 
ლ  Warnings: None!
ლ Comments: I just realize most of the s/o has pet bunnies whoopsie              ヾ(。﹏。)ノ゙
(a/n)-Animal name
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Riddle was coming over to visit you but had shown up a little early. He knocked the door a few times but didn’t hear anything, he knocked a few more times waiting for a response. When not getting a response he goes and finds the spare key  and unlocked the door. 
“(y/n), are you home?” Riddle called out to the empty house
He heard a little giggles down the house. He got suspicious and walked into the home dropping off his little present he brought for you. He walked down the hallway near your room and he could hear more giggling from you. He knocked on your door startling you. 
“(y/n)?” Riddle called out, hearing you shuffle a bit. He opened the door to see you holding something behind your back. 
“(y/n), what are you hiding?” Riddle asked leaning over trying to see what’s behind your back. 
“O-oh nothing” You stuttered, you were lying to both you and Riddle knew that. Riddle gave a smirk and tried to see what’s behind your back. You keep moving away trying to hide what’s behind your back. 
“(y/n) what’s behind your back?” Riddle smiled, this little game of yours was fun. He saw a glimpse of a long ear behind your back which made Riddle stop. 
You stopped as well looking at him, Riddle’s smile faded away. 
“(y/n), what do you have behind your back” he sternly said, you sighed and defeated him and showed him what was behind your back. A white rabbit, with droopy ears greeted him. Riddle stood there in shock and you sitting there embarrassed. 
“(y/n) you know your not suppose to have a pet here, its-”
“Yeah yeah it’s against school rules to have a pet on campus, b-but please don’t tell the Principal” You stuttered. Riddle leaned back thinking about it, but gave a big sigh. 
“I understand what it’s like sneaking a pet, well not really, I take care of the hedgehogs and most of the time I have to hide to take care of them. As I don’t want my dorm to see me like that” Riddle explained, he leaned over to take a closer look at your bunny, giving your bunny a small pat on the head. 
“As much as I hate people who break the rules I can let this one slide as your dorm may have different rules then mine” Riddle sighed. 
“So you're not going to report me?” you held your bunny to your chest
“I won’t if you give me a kiss” Riddle smirked, your face going red but nodded giving him a kiss on the cheek. 
You brought your bunny to your living room and you let Riddle hold your bunny as you grabbed some tea and snacks
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Leona smelled another scent on you other than his, he knew you two haven’t seen each other in a while because of winter break but this scent is new. You notice how protective Leona was since you two came back from winter break, you tried to ask him but he completely ignored you. 
“Leona whats wrong, you’ve been so protective” You tried to catch up to him after class but he just kept walking. He walked all the way to your dorm and walked in your dorm. You caught up and found him looking around the house sniffing. 
“Leona whats wrong?” You huffed trying to catch your breath. 
“Someone else was here, other than your annoying friends” Leona growled and kept looking around. 
“What are you even talking about? I had no one come over during the break” you responded trying to catch up with him again as he walked towards your room. He slammed the door open smelling the scent strongest here. He continued to look around your room until he saw a sheet covering a box. What’s this? The scent is strongest here. You finally found him in your room looking at the sheet. 
“Wait don’t take the sheet off!” You huffed trying to push him away, sadly he was stronger than you and reached down and grabbed the sheet. Yanking the sheet away revealed a cage with a hamster in it. Leona arched his eyebrow and looked at you. You were horrified, scared of what's going to happen next. Leona leaned down to examine your hamster.
“What is this (y/n)” Leona pointed to your hamster
“U-uhhh it’s my hamster, his name is (a/n)” you shuffled your feet, “I-i know we’re not suppose to have animals here but I really miss (a/n) so i brought him here” 
“So this was the scent I smelled” Leona mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Did you think it was someone else?” You asked grabbing your hamster out of his cage, leona didn’t answer you as he continued to mumble to himself. You brought over your hamster you brought him up to his face 
“D-do you want to say hi?” You asked leaning over to see his reaction. 
“No I don’t want to say hi to your damn hamster” Leona's face scrunched up. 
“Are you jealous of (a/n)?” You asked, leaning close to his face. Leona took this moment to steal a quick kiss from you. 
“Why would I be jealous of a little hamster?” 
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Azul was in Sam’s shop looking at an item he was thinking of purchasing. 
“Oh hey Azul!” you said walking into Sam’s shop. 
Azul turned to face you with a small smile plastered on his face. 
“Hello my dear how are you?” Giving you a quick kiss on your hand, you smiled as you accepted the affectionate action. 
“I’m doing okay, what are you doing here?” You asked as you took his side and looked for a certain item. 
“Ah, I'm looking for a certain item that is needed for a school assignment” Azul said, placing one of the items down. 
You went over and picked up a bag of grass, grass? Why would you need grass? Azul interest peaked. 
“(y/n) my dear why do you need a bag full of grass?” Azul asked. You tried to explain yourself but it seems like you were dodging the answer the best you can. You quickly bought the grass, gave your lover a quick kiss and said your goodbyes. Now that made you look even more suspicious, azul tried to think why you need it. 
Later on you came to visit Azul in the mostro lounge, the idea of you buying grass still lingered in his head. So when you popped up and immediately trapped you in his office and made you sit down on the couch. 
“My dear (y/n) it’s been on my mind for quite some time, what are you hiding?” Azul leaned forward, your faces very close to each other. You tried to lean back to get some room but it pretty much failed as your back hit the chair.
“I-i don’t know what you're talking about” You stuttered. 
“You know you can tell me anything, I can keep many secrets” Azul kept pressuring on, you finally snapped and just silently muttered to yourself. 
“You’ll need to speak up darling” 
“I have a pet bunny…” you mumbled. Azul got up letting the information sink it. 
“A pet bunny?”
You just nodded.
“Can I see it?” 
So there you two where, your bunny on your lap and azul sitting on your bed 
“What’s your bunny’s name?” He asked. 
“(a/n), that’s a nice name, you do know it’s against the rules to have any pets here right?” 
You just meekly nodded. Azul just sighed and ruffled your hair.
“As long as Principal doesn’t find out I’m fine with it,” Azul said, giving you a quick kiss.
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Kalim hasn’t seen you in a while and wanted to talk to you. He asked Jamil if he knew where you were and he mentioned something about seeing you heading back to your dorm. So that’s where Kalim went! He burst into your room only to be greeted by a tiny ferret. 
A Ferret? What is a ferret doing in (y/n) dorm? The Ferret got scared and ran off.
“H-hey wait up!” Kalim chased the ferret around your dorm and your ferret made Kalim chase them for a whole 10 minutes. You quickly scooped up your ferret in your arms as Kalim came around the corner. 
“Aha! You were finally caught, little fella. You think you can get away from me?!” Kalim smiled petting the little ferret's head. He looked up meeting your eyes, his face lit up even more and glomped you with a hug.
“(y/n) there you are, I was looking for you!” Kalim smiled crushing you and your ferret. 
“Is this ferret yours?” Kalima asked letting go of you, You looked at your little ferret and gave them a little pat on the head and looked back at Kalim.
“Please don’t tell the Principal” You asked, Kalim sat there for a second confused on what you meant by ‘don’t tell the principal’.
“What do you mean (y/n)? I have like 53 peacocks!” Kalim laughed, making you feel a little bit uneasy. 
You three went to your lounge and chill there for a while. Kalim would pick up your ferret and play with it. 
“Hey (y/n)! What’s this little fella’s name?” Kalim asked, picking up the ferret and petting his little head. 
“(a/n)! What a great name! Does (y/n) spoil you?” Kalim smiled and placed them in his arms.
“AH don’t worry I’ll spoil you!”
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Vil knew what your dorm was like, he has visited it some many times, but how did he never notice the fish bowl sitting on the window sill in the kitchen? Maybe he thought it was a vase, no no he knows what a vase looks like. Pomefiore has hundreds of vases, he knows what various vases look like. 
You were out of the house to pick something up from Sam’s, so you left Vil by himself in your dorm. He became hungry and walked to your kitchen to see if you have something healthy he can eat. 
You feel like you forgot to do something, you got your item from sam right? Check, you got that but what did you forget? Then it hit you, you forgot to put away your betta fish. You quickly rushed home to see Vil staring down your betta fish. 
“Vil i know what it looks like, but-” 
“My darling potato, you know you're not supposed to have any pets” Vil said, turning to face you. You were trying to catch your breath as you ran most of the way. Vil frowned seeing all of the sweat on your face. He grabbed a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to you. 
“I know, but I really liked Betta fishes and thought maybe I could keep it a secret.” You said wiping your sweat off your face. Vil face frowned and as he watches you try to convince him that your betta fish is nice and doesn’t cause any problems. 
All Vil did was sigh, give you a quick kiss on the forehead 
“As long as you don’t give your fish more love than me, then I’m fine”
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Idia came over wanting to play a new video game that just came out, you already had everything set up with snacks! Now here you two were playing the new video game in your room eating all the delicious snacks you brought. 
During a cutscene you told him you had to take care of something, and that you’d be back real quickly. He just nodded, what peaked his interests was when he heard you shuffling around the room. Moving stuff out of the way and grabbing a box covered with a sheet. Idia paused the game and turned to see what you were doing. When you pulled away the sheet there revealed a cage. A cage? Why would (y/n) have a cage? 
“Hey (a/n) sorry for the loud noises, here have a little treat.” You said grabbing a bag beside you place, a bag of berries and placed it inside the cage. 
“(y/n) what are you doing?” Idia called out scaring you. You jumped and quickly turned around. 
“O-oh nothing, don't worry about it.” You stuttered scrambling to put the sheet over the cage. That just peaked Idia’s curiosity, but not wanting to pressure you into showing him what it was he just nodded and turned back to video game. 
The cage still lingered in the back of his head as both of you continued to play the video game. It was getting late and you were getting sleepy, and you fell asleep on your bed while Idia was still playing the game. 
Once he noticed that you fell asleep he paused the game and quietly got off the bed without waking you up. He walked over to the box with a sheet over it. He was a little scared of what it's going to be. 
He quickly pulled off the sheet and revealed the cage. It looked like there was nothing inside until he saw a tiny house. He bent over and looked inside seeing a little ball with spikes. He quickly pulled back scared on what he just saw. The ball unravels revealing a tiny hedgehog sleeping in the little house. Idia sighed in relief as it wasn’t something like an urchin. But an urchin can’t live above water so he doesn't know what he saw. Luckily it was just a cute hedgehog. 
So this is what (y/n) was hiding, ah okay I understand i’ll keep this secret as well is what idia thought as he put the sheet back on the cage and went back to playing the video games.
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Malleus was waiting for you at your normal waiting spot, pretty much outside your dorm. You were 30 minutes late and Malleus was getting worried. Did you get hurt? Did you forget about the meeting? He teleported to your door and knocked three times with no responses. He grabbed the handle and the door flung open revealing you with a dishevel look plastered on your face. 
“(y/n) what is the matter, you look like a mess” He asked, letting himself in as you just looked around the lounge again. Then both of you saw it, a little mouse running past the hallway.
“(a/n), get back here!” You screamed out and ran after the mouse. 
(a/n)? Who’s (a/n)? Malleus just followed you, chasing a little mouse. Is this what children of men do? Run after mice? 
You tried to swoop the mouse off the floor but missed and the mouse ran off again. You huffed and puffed from running around the dorm
“Are you trying to catch that mouse (y/n)?” Malleus asked, you just faced him and gave him a quick nod. Malleus thought about it for a while then grabbed his magic pen. Wave it around a bit and boom there’s your little mouse in Malleus hands. 
“Do you want me to get rid of it (y/n)?” Malleus asked, you quickly yelled out no surprising Malleus and scaring your mouse. You quickly grabbed your mouse and put him in his little ball that was laying on the living room. 
“Why did you put it in a ball?” Malleus asked walking into the living room behind you. 
“It’s so (a/n) can roam around the dorm and I’d be able to spot her” You smiled. Then you realize what you just said. You admitted to having a pet in your dorm, to a dorm leader or another dorm, and someone who has a lot of power. 
“P-please don’t tell anyone! I really love (a/n) I don’t want to get rid of her!” You pleaded, which caught Malleus off guard again. 
Malleus just gave a small smile and planted a tender kiss on your temple. 
“I won’t promise” 
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kafka-ish · 4 years
coward | s.u.
y/n, bold and beautiful, is now second guessing herself when she finds herself skinny dipping with stan uris 
word count: 2.5k
warnings/included: fluff, steamy-ish, exhibitionism, fem!reader
request: (from anon) “could i have a request where the reader is v v v flirty with stan and one day he says something really dirty even richie's shocked. it’s fine if not.” 
a/n: i accidentally changed it bc i misread ur request im so so sorry !!! also if u noticed i haven’t written in awhile it’s bc my classes started up again so fics may take more time to write/post -- hope u understand <3
What came out of y/n’s mouth next truly shocked Stanley.
“Wanna go skinny dipping?” It wasn’t far off from whatever usually spewed from her mouth that she and the rest of the Losers had a hard time controlling.
His mind flashed to all the times y/n’s hand grazed his: the light touches, the silent stares, the whispers that tickled his ears and kissed his brain.
“Next year for Halloween, you should be Stan without a shirt.”  
The hearts she drew on his notebook when he wasn’t looking, the hand she held in hers, the what-are-we’s before giggling in his wonderstruck face that she was joking; it was all a sign of want that he’d been too dense to see before.
“You’re great, you know. Great at being an asshole.”
Sweet, mischievous y/n; always blunt, always careless of what others thought of her. It never occurred to Stan of what she thought of him.
Richie was the first to speak up, Stan still having to catch his breath from the promiscuous words that left her mouth seconds ago. “Sure, toots, I’d love to see what’s under that suit of yours. God, you don’t know how much I hate that thing.” He laughed and Stan wanted to beat the shit-eating grin off his shit-eating friend. His jaw, pronounced and square, tightened and Richie saw. “On second thought, I think someone else would enjoy the view way more.”
Another laugh came from the group, but it wasn’t from Richie. It was y/n’s. The soft giggle leaving her luscious lips did nothing to calm Stan.
“Are you jealous, Stanley?” She asked. A smirk sat on her lips. She only called him by his full name when she teased him.
He definitely felt like he was being thrown a bone only to find out the pitcher never threw one right now.
“Of course not.” Stan gave her the side-eye, readjusting his position from the rock he sat on while doing so. “I can’t think of any situation where I’d be jealous of Richie.”
“Oh yeah?” Richie challenged and Stan squinted at him.
“I can think of one—multiple, actually.” Richie wore the same smirk as y/n—only his was less digestible. Maybe it was because y/n was less insufferable to be around, or because she didn’t take a crack at his religion every chance she had, or because her hair was soft and shiny on her head and something Stan wished he could run his hands through. Maybe it was because y/n was a girl, or because she was pretty and the way she batted her eyelashes made him see stars even in the sunlight.
Richie leaned in and whispered something that was totally vulgar and jarring to Stan’s ears.
Stan flinched—unsurprised that his friend was ballsy enough to say such a thing, but because what if he had actually thought about doing such a thing?
“Gross, Ruh-Ruh-Richie!” Bill yelled from across the quarry, already knowing what his friend would say.
“Yeah. You’re disgusting,” Eddie said from next to him while he looked up at Bill.
“Ruh-lax. It’s not like it’s something I’m gonna do.” Richie opened a new can of Keystone Light next to his already half-drunken one. “I got freedom of thoughts though, right?” He winked and Ben rolled his eyes.
“If you already have a drink open you should finish it,” Stan instructed, ignoring the subject at hand.
“Don’t get your panties in a twist.” y/n sounded closer than she was before. Her arm brushed up against his and he thought she was about to hold his hand until her fingers grazed just past his to grab his can of beer. She took a sip. “Besides, it all ends up somewhere.”
She could be so careless with her actions. But this was the same girl who made sure paper and plastic went to recycling, the total opposite of Stan, a total enigma.
“I just think, if you want another one, you should finish the one you already have.” Stan explained himself clearly and concisely. It was something y/n always admired. She never got tired of hearing him talk—she could listen to him talk for hours on end.
“Whatever.” Her eyes rolled so far he’d thought they’d get stuck. “I’m going home. “Later, Losers.”
“Wuh-what about the sk-skinny dipping?” Bill asked and Ben elbowed him. He wasn’t yet comfortable in his body, though he had been on Derry High’s track team for a year and a half and lost a fair amount of weight (twenty-two pounds), he still wasn’t comfortable in his own skin (he didn’t think he’d ever be)—even around his best friends—friends he considered family.
“We can do it tomorrow.” y/n shrugged. “Sound good to you, Stanley?” Her eyes were only focused on him and Stan knew that. They glowered under the sun’s harsh rays and fixated on his figure.
“I don’t know.” Stan tried to sound as monotone as possible. “Maybe you should be asking Richie instead.”
At that, y/n smiled, leaving the rest of the group confused as she walked away.
“Duh-dude!” What wuh-was that?” Bill wondered aloud, astounded how y/n had him wrapped around her finger—or maybe it was the other way around.
“If I knew, I would tell you,” Stan said, holding the same shock in his voice.
“Are you and y/n like—”
“No!” The sharpness of Stan’s tongue cut Ben off quickly with a harsh glare he’d later apologize for. But it would be a lie to say that he didn’t want something with y/n. Another lie, that Stan would keep to himself, would be that he didn’t anticipate the events that were to come for tomorrow…
“Hey, stranger!” It was y/n from down below. She was already wading in the water—waiting for him, presumably.
“Hey, y/n/n.” He started for the long way down, not caring to cannon-ball ten feet down from the cliff of the quarry today. “Where’s Bill and Bev and Mike and Ben and—”
“—and Richie?” A beam shot across y/n’s face as soon as Stan met her eye line.
“And Richie,” Stan mumbled. That was the only thing he’d been worried about. Although he knew there was nothing about his trashmouth friend to worry about. But it was always best to stay skeptical.
“I told them not to come.” y/n said this with such nonchalance—such grace as she tilted her head into the water and drifted back, letting the water carry her away as if she were weightless.
“Why,” Stan asked, though it came out as more of a demand.
“Because.” y/n shrugged, but you couldn’t really shrug while you were trying to stay afloat. He noticed that her eyes were closed, and her bathing suit was still on. Maybe she was lying about skinny dipping and he had worked himself up last night over nothing. y/n was like that—making promises she never intended to fulfill. If it weren’t for y/n being, well, y/n, Stan might’ve been annoyed at her antics. But he wasn’t—far from it, even. He was infatuated with her being—clothed or not, enraptured with how sunshine she could be one hour and rain she could be the next.
Math and English were an easy feat—but trying to understand y/n was like trying to learn Mandarin blind and deaf.
Her curves spilled from the bikini bottoms that hugged her butt and the matching top she wore hugged her bust exceptionally. The bikini’s scandalous red color harmonized with y/n’s skin tone well and Stan couldn’t imagine her in anything else at the moment. He didn’t want to imagine her in anything else.
“Are you gonna get in?” Her presence startled him as she was quick to swim up to the rocks. “Or are you scared?” A sly smile splayed across her pink lips and Stan mirrored her.
“I’m scared?” He scoffed. “You were the one who said we were going skinny dipping.” He stripped himself of his shirt, revealing his pale, yet toned, chest. “Guess who’s not undressed.”
“You?” y/n guessed; the innocent tone surprising on her tongue. She had inadvertently licked her lips at the answer and Stan couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her mouth due to the action.
“No. You.”
“My bad.” A giggle escaped her bitten lips and y/n began to unclip the back of her bikini. “Is that better now?” The straps fell loose against her arms, but the top stayed covering her breasts.
Stan didn’t say anything.
“What if I…” y/n didn’t finish her sentence. Silently, she fully removed the straps from her arms and the contraption left her bodice.
“Christ,” Stan seethed out, but he wasn’t gentlemen enough to look away from the sight on display before him: y/n treading the shallow water that was crystal clear thanks to Mr. Sun that shone down on this part of town, giving Stan an eyeful.
“Don’t say his name in vain.” She had now slipped the bottoms off and Stan didn’t know what to do with himself. Get undressed, I guess.
His pants were the next to go as Stanley undid his brown leather belt that held his too-big khaki shorts together. His waistline had shrunk due to baseball season’s quick start. And although it was only early March, the heat had picked up fast in this small town they called home and Stan could feel himself already itching to feel the water on his sweat-stricken skin.
“What are you waiting for?” y/n called from below. She was growing impatient, but who could blame her?
Stan stood above her in only his underwear. If the rest of the student body was here, he would’ve been living out his nightmare—stripped to the bone with an audience to gawk at him. But only y/n was here to witness the grey Calvin Kleins that hugged his thighs and rather than a nightmare, this felt more like a daydream.
“Are you shy?” She teased. “C’mon, Stanny, there’s no need to be—”
“Shy my ass,” Stan interjected as he relieved himself of the last piece of clothing and jumped into the water all in a quick movement.
“Glad you could finally make it, slowpoke.” y/n splashed his face, disregarding his lack of clothes—both of their lack of clothes—but Stan couldn’t help but admire y/n’s skin that the water had already kissed and glowed under the flash of the sun.
He’d never seen her in such a state before. In fact, he’d never intended to. But this was worth it—even if it were the only time, he knew he’d have this memory burned into his skull forever the same way the sun would burn his skin the next day because he forgot to apply sunscreen. Since when does Stanley Uris forget to apply sunscreen?
“It’s rude to stare,” y/n deadpanned, but Stan couldn’t help it. How could he not take his eyes off her tan lines from up close and the divot of her collarbone? The way her hair slicked back from the water and the pout of her lips was all too tempting to not want to consume. Stan Uris would be an idiot to not stare. A polite idiot.
“You make it hard.”
y/n felt her cheeks heat up and she knew she wasn’t sporting a sunburn. y/n never burned. “Oh. Well, in that case, stare as much as you want.”
y/n was quiet now—a rare event, but it gave Stan an opportunity he’d never thought he’d get or go for.
He swam closer, the stroke of his arms creating rifts in the water and y/n shivered at the feeling of the coldness that hit her chest each time he got closer.
It was strange seeing him up close—in such an intimate setting. As big of a crush y/n harbored on the boy, it’s not like she did anything about it. A few remarks there, a few remarks there. This was the furthest they’ve ever gotten. Maybe a little too far now that she was considering it more closely. Since when did first base turn into skinny dipping in the quarry?
Before her thoughts could leave her second-guessing anymore, y/n felt her lips on someone else’s. They were pressed together firmly and tightly. She held her breath as if she were underwater, but her heart prevailed, only picking up at a speed she’d only feel when she caught him looking at her or when he laughed at her jokes.
The kiss was powerful and all she needed. If this were the last time they’d ever see each other again, she wouldn’t care, because she’d have that kiss to cherish. Maybe she’d long for one in the future. Just one more. But this kiss left her knowing that this skinny-dipping idea wasn’t so bad after all.
His lips were soft and tickled as he pulled apart to catch a breath. y/n’s eyes opened to find Stan’s pupils were wide and lustblown. She stood still in the water, amazed that anyone could feel that way about her.
“Hey, Stan—”
“What?” Stan asked, eager and anxious for the words meant for him.
“This is embarrassing but.. I like you.” The words were bold and packed with courage—not far from the regular way y/n spoke, but this was different. It had a certain bite to it that Stan couldn’t quite taste.
“Are you embarrassed because you like me or are you embarrassed because you’re confessing to me without any clothes on?” Before Stan’s eyes could rake down to y/n’s body once more, a splash of water hit his face—cold and abrupt. His eyelids slammed at the impact and he flinched.
“You’re such a perv.” y/n scoffed as if she had forgotten her deepest secret had just spilled from her lips in front of the boy the secret was about. Secret. Don’t act like it wasn’t as obvious as a fat kid scarfing down their third brownie in the first place—
“You know if it’s any more embarrassing… I like you, too,” Stan said. He felt winded after saying it. His chest felt heavy and his toes dug into the sand in order to keep him from falling headfirst into the water. It was so easy for y/n. Brave, crass y/n who swore like a sailor yet had the face of a doll.
Stan’s train of thought was lost at the feeling of y/n’s body pressed against his. He’d forgotten they were both bare-assed and exposed for all of Derry to see because the warmth of y/n was all too much. His heart jumped out of his chest sixty miles a minute and the muscles under his arms were now stones. Stan didn’t recognize that her lips were on his until her tongue swiped his bottom one for access in which he granted.
Teeth clashed and tongues danced. It was a hot minute until y/n pulled away with a cheeky smile and lingering fingers on his collarbone that made Stan hold his breath.
“That was hot,” he heaved, finally cutting the silence between them. Of course, the birds still chirped and the water around them never stopped flowing. But the world just seemed to stop whenever Stan stepped foot into y/n’s intoxicating proximity.
“Hell yeah, it was.” One arm was still strewn around his neck while her free hand traced code on his shoulder.
Nothing else was said. Nothing had to be said. But Stan was sure of one thing; that y/n was no coward.
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viotrio2407 · 3 years
His Life He Faces.
"What do you call perfect day? Filled with happiness?Filled with safety? Filled with freedom? Filled with pride? "said the anonymous man who stood in front of me ,he was pale, dressed in a grey suit, wearing accessories matching his scarlet tie and black shoes. His coal black eyes and sky blue hair stood out the most of his exquisite appearance. The first thought of him that popped in my mind was that he was 'Pitiful '.Filled with the urge to help him, I took a step forward and anxiously reached out my hand to him, almost immediately after my action of aid, the man disappeared into thin air ,so as well my surroundings and everything went blank. “Wake up Jamey! ”exclaimed my mum splashing a cup of water right onto my face. “You don't wanna be late of the first day of 9th grade do you ,my son!? " The late realization of this obvious fact resulted me in being late on the first day of school. What an embarrassment today, I guess luck isn't on my side today. By the end of the fourth period it is break for about 15 minutes , well I won't be surprised if nobody's gonna converse with me, if I were them I won't talk to a late comer either but I guess I was wrong, not everyone is ignorant. “Hey, late comer, why're you late, perhaps you overslept? ”said the light brown skinned girl holding her tiffin box in her hands, she had curly brown hair cut short above her shoulders ,black eyes and she was neatly dressed. ‘Well may I sit with you? ’’ ‘’Yes, you may. I would like an introduction if you don't mind "said I. “Yes ofcourse I don't mind at all.The names Monica Hunter, until today I was a student in Florida, U.S,I am of Indian origins not of the U. S.You missed my introduction earlier in the morning and so may I have an introduction from you as well? ” “My name is Vlad James Anderson, and the same as you ,I arrived in India after graduating elementary school in New Orleans U. S, I am of Indian origins and yes I overslept today” She looked surprised and suddenly fell in doubt as she stared into my eyes and asked, “But your eyes are blue? ” “Oh, my mum says I inherit them from my great grandpa ,he was of the U. S ,once again my citizenship is of India.Mum never spoke of any of my family member save my great grandpa and dad, I wonder why?” “Looks like there's a bit of mystery in the air ”said she grinning, it gave me chills up my spine and something told me ,my life just turned upside down. We conversed throughout the entire break .I am not the type for long conversations and yet I felt at peace. As speaking of myself, I am pretty good at academics and sports but socializing is not in my blood.I am tall and good looking ,my black hair is buzz cut ,blue eyes as mentioned before. And I certainly wonder why people distance themselves from me. School hours were over, it was time to go home, as I got ready Monica invited herself to tag along on the way home. And I asked her about her opinion on why people distance themselves from me and why out of the blue she decided to converse with me , it was certainly odd to me. As I stared at her for an answer she suddenly burst into laughter. “Oh, are you sure you don't know yourself! ” “I wouldn't have asked if I knew ”said I upset “Come on, don't pout. I'll tell ya” “well what are you waiting for, start already ” “Despite being good looking with excellent academics and sports grades you look quite -wait that's not right you look so ferociously angry. Thats the expression you have on your face all the time. When you entered the classroom, didn't you wonder why nobody mocked and laughed at you? ” “Well it looks like I'll have to smile once in a while. And your reason for conversing with me? ” “They say not to judge a book by its cover so I decided to converse with you, I don't need a big reason to talk to a person ” “Oh I see, so where's your house? ” “It's down this road ” Well after conversing down the road I reached home and was quite surprised to find out that she was my neighbor .Well  now I know her reasons to converse with me, well she wasn't surprised at all. After refreshing myself,
I'd normally sit to study but being the first day, no teachers have started off with anything. So some free time for me, i got relaxed and stretched myself on the sofa ,getting ready to watch some TV and before I knew my mum popped into the living room standing in front of me with a sneaky smile. “Jamey is free right, so why not go run errands for me? ” She got me cornered, I had to go run errands to the nearby convenience store, things just don't go as I planned when I'm free. After purchasing the stuff needed for mum, I started heading home not that I had to do anything else. Walking by I came across Monica's house, it seemed locked, all the lights were out. They were  switched on when on my way to the store. Looks like she and her family went out ,well I can't imagine anybody going to bed as early as 6:00pm . I arrived home and handed over the stuff to my mom and headed to my room. Just before I headed in ,the door bell rang. Curious enough couldn't imagine who would come to visit us ,mum wore the same expression as me and we both headed to the door to see who had come, we didn't expect delivery as we don't order anything. I answered the door  to see a man probably in his 30s or so, smiling ,who was fair ,tall,fit had black eyes, neatly combed black hair was dressed in a suit of black with neat polished shoes, wearing a cheap watch and a tie with a piercing in one his ears. “Jacob! ”exclaimed mum. I was quite surprised mum knew who he was, I mean to me he looked like a rather normal business man. “Who is He? ”asked I Mum totally ignored me and welcomed him into the house and the man named Jacob sat on the couch sipping tea which mum prepared . “The tea is always amazing prepared by Vanessa”he complimented mum. Is this man a relative of ours?  I thought, well he must've had mum's tea before according to his statement. I had numerous questions about in my head. “Dear Jamey, how's high school, going well? ”asked the man, as if he knew me from a long time. “Sorry but I have no idea who you are or if you have come here for some business, you look like a business man to me ”said I blandly “Ha! Looks like you've become quite observant Jamey I am a business man but you aren't observant enough to realize that I am your father”said he. I was shocked to realize that this man was my father I too realized that he quite resembled the photos of back in the day when I was 4 but the facts didn't add up as mum told me that dad had passed away in the car crash when I was five. Me and mum survived but dad was not to be found, it was as if he disappeared into thin air. I remember mum crying horribly over dads death. “What is the meaning of this mum, didn't dad die in the car crash in New Orleans?!! ” I interrogated my mum. Mum showed a guilty expression towards me and the man who introduced as my father. “What Vanessa haven't you told our dear son about me? ”said the man “How could I say it dear, for the love of God, how could I ?! .Its not something I could tell our son back then but when I thought he was ready to know about his father ,he had started enjoying his life without you and I couldn't bear his happiness just going away and so I kept quite”said mum in fear. “I understand dear.. ”He then looked at me “Will you accept me as father again ”He said with an expression  as of almost he was gonna cry, his words held strength but his eyes seemed they were breaking down to pieces. “I will dad, I will but I wanna know now, what happened back then, please ”said I. He felt relieved and then clenched his fists tight and requested mum to leave to her room and rest ,he then told me to sit down and I did and then he closed his eyes, took the sign of the cross and looked at me. “All was well when we went for a trip that day not until our car crashed down resulting us getting involved with an accident, but do you know Jamey what caused that accident,? ”I felt scared to know but I responded to him, “I don't dad, please proceed" “Sure son, this might be a little new to you but I had a twin brother who looked exactly like me and
who ferociously hated me to death, I kept a secret to him of my marriage and of you but he hunted me down all the way from Karnataka to New Orleans.He was the one who deliberately hit and ran, that damned man he didn't even care for a women and child in the car and took out his anger of me ,upon all of us. He laughed at me and said, “Oh dear brother, you never cared of me in the least and I don't care if your petty wife or child don't die well it doesn't matter even if they did I just want you to die, ”  He stood on my neck until I passed out, after that I was taken to the hospital and there I barely survived. The chance of my survival was just a percent out of 100 and guess what ?I survived, the operation was successful but I deliberately told them to tell Vanessa -your mother that I died and begged them to fake a death certificate, your mother cried to her fullest of depression with you right next to her. I thought it was best if my damned brother never knew that I was alive so at least your lives wouldn't be at stake. But your mom spotted me, she was clever enough to spot me that she didn't even that think I was a Dopple ganger or so, she didn't know about my twin brother though .She beat me a lot for lying as she cried  after she was sober I explained the situation to her and pleaded her that she wouldn't tell anyone save you but looks like she couldn't tell you and put your life in danger .I had to quit my job and find some other job and I have been in Florida ever since.And now I just found out that my brother had died of typhoid but I couldn't believe it what if he faked his death too, but his corpse was laid out right in front of me, I believed and I decided to comeback to you. ” He took a long breath after he was done explaining and he looked as if he lifted a heavy boulder of his shoulders. Nevertheless  I asked ,“Dad why was your brother angry towards you so much that he hated you to death, there has to be some reason right? ” Dad replied quite fast“It was of our achievements we both grew together but he wasn't willed enough to pursue his goals, I had put a lot of effort into my goals and had achieved them, he never saw me putting effort since he always went out with his friends slacking around. As his brother I told him to work a bit harder so that he won't lose to me but he took it as an insult and treated me like stranger when I had won awards and so he looked at me with anger on his face and a few days later he and I fought and he went on and on how I cheated and won those awards and that God never took his side and hated him. He had attempted to kill me and so I in fear left him and fled away. Sometimes I think maybe I should've made effort to help my brother ”He looked down to the floor as he said those words. “You still care about your brother don't you dad, if you hated him you would've complained on him to the police but you didn't, you hoped he would change one day didn't you”said I comforting my poor father and then he looked at me and said, “I've got a great son and I'm proud to be your father”said he as tears fell from his eyes. After wards I told my mum that all was well and we had  a family reunion dinner. I felt happy ,I've never felt this happy before .Despite being late to school and having to run errands in my free time, today almost felt like a perfect day.It wasn't possible to express my feelings through words because I felt various feelings which resonated in my heart, I just couldn't stop smiling.After dinner, I kissed my mum and dad good night and went in to my room to have a good nights sleep. I fell asleep quite quickly. “A perfect day, can be possessed of different events good or bad but didn't you know there's always a price to be paid when crime is committed and there's always a price when you feel happiness. There's nothing in this world that comes quite free ” said the anonymous man, he was the same as before ,dressed exquisitely but the word I felt to describe him was pitiful. I took a step forward and said, "What price should I pay for my happiness? " Looks like I asked
something from deep within my heart, I was never the type to bother others for the sake of my happiness.And again same as before the man disappeared into thin air and so the surroundings and then I woke up gasping, “Oh Jesus Christ, it wasn't scary but I feel really scared ” I felt something bad was gonna happen today. I looked at the time on my alarm clock it was 6 in the morning, I woke on time for school this time. I got refreshed ,went down to join for breakfast and this time not only mum but dad was also there.They seemed to be waiting for my arrival , so I quickly got seated at the table ,there was a really soothing atmosphere that filled our home and it was perfect to have breakfast. When came an end to our breakfast ,dad picked up the newspaper lying at the edge of the table and glanced through the headlines and columns, the soothing smile on his face suddenly dropped , “Vanessa our neighbors are the Hunters,- you mentioned yesterday? ”he asked calmly . “Yes dear, they just joined the day before yesterday, ” replied mum. “It's just Mr. Hunter ,his son and younger daughter. ” Dad engaged, “Dear, Mr. Hunter passed way due to cardial arrest yesterday evening, seems he was returning home from a colleague reunion ,he was found breaking down by two security officers patrolling the area and  was immediately taken to the hospital but it was too late by the time he got admitted. This agony was soon mentioned to his son and daughter, they were in plenty shock hearing this .The mourning funeral is being held today at 5 in the evening at Our Lady of Fatima Church ,Thannirbavi . ”Mum  went silent and asked after moments ,“ I don't think so we can attend the funeral we haven't known them well and —” “I'll go mum, Monica Hunter is my friend ”I interupted “I know her well even though, it was just a day meeting her. ” Dad and mum slowly smiled at me, I'm sure they felt light at heart after my words .It is utterly horrible that when one receives good another finds themselves in agony. I decided to go to school. Monica was absent which was to be expected ,and our class teacher had narrated the incident which dad had mentioned at breakfast to all of us and we approached a moment of silence for Mr. Hunter . After school, I returned home, got refreshed and got ready for the funeral of Mr. Hunter, I couldn't imagine what must Monica be going through.When I thought dad had died I didn't feel much as I was young ,I didn't how to react to such a situation but in her case she has lost her mother too. Even if I was of no help to console her, it was better than sitting at home. At the funeral, there were many people, a lot seemed to be colleagues and friends, many were American. Mr. Hunter i.e Richard Hunter was a successful business man in Florida and had come to India for lucrative business branches, explains why he was mentioned in the newspaper -obviously he was a famous man. The only family of his were Monica who was neatly dressed in a black frock and black accessories to match ,and her elder brother Layon Hunter—Layon ,who was a tall man probably in his 20's , had brown curly hair and light brown skin with black eyes and was neatly dressed in a black suit ,they both stood downcast looking at their dead father. Admist the mourning silence Monica spot me and our eyes met, she was startled, perhaps she never thought I'd see her this gloomy ,she couldn't smile even though she wanted to .After the funeral, people started departing back ,i thought maybe I could speak with Monica so I waited until most were gone but then I changed my mind, it would be a bit of a bother at a time like this .Just as I turned my back to leave, I was stopped by a hand at my shoulder, and I turned to see, “Are you perhaps Monica's friend ? I saw her looking at you for a second there , I couldn't help but be curious ”said Layon -Monica's brother, this was surely an unexpected meet. “Curiosity fills the family blood I suppose and yes I am her friend we met in class yesterday , by the way the names Vlad . ”said I He looked surprised at my statement and
engaged in talk, “You just met yesterday? I thought you were her best friend to make a visit to a funeral. I think it was her first day yesterday,.If I am right she should've made plenty friends in a day, just like she used to back in the day in U. S.," . Well ,looks like I made another friend ,just observing him would give plenty of his personality ,he was the most obvious among all people I've met. “Actually, I don't know any of her friends, she just conversed with me yesterday as much as I know."said I. “Oh, well that's surprising ”said he. “You aren't living with Monica and your father are you?, ”asked I doubtfully “I wasn't, how did you know, did she mention me ?" Looks like I was right, I do like deducing, I don't get it right all the time ,very seldom in case. “She never mentioned much of herself, leaving only the fact that she came from Florida. " “Then How did —” “You learn medicine, if I am not wrong ,even though you showered or used perfume to cover the awful smell of concentrated bases, the faint smell still remains.Its Probably from your left piercing ,I smelled it when you touched my shoulder earlier. The smell is fresh and the fact you used a lot perfume to cover it up means you have been in the lab quite recently and you are living here way before your father and sister arrived ,you probably experiment more than 6 hours a day and you were in the midst of experimenting when you came to know about your father death, and forgot to shower  and that smell got enough time to attach onto you . You also were gloves alot like anyone who deals with chemistry , there are marks in your wrists. "said I. To be honest I felt so proud of myself for deducing, for a moment there, I thought I should become a detective. Although it's pretty much  impossible for me. “Wow! You're right ,all of it, But how did you know that I was admist experimenting, I could have just been lazy” “You were probably informed after Monica as she left her house between 5:55 and 6 o clock. Again the smell proves alot, it was a hot day yesterday, there was no way someone would be lazy enough not to bathe especially if they  stink ,the heat outside caused much more effect " .Well I hoped I was right.. "To be honest, I was informed first, I then informed Monica about the news. "said he. "Well, I'm dissapointed in myself, and here I though I got it right "said I sighing, "You were right about me being a medical student and living here before father and Monica's arrival and yes, I was in the middle of an experiment when I got a call from the hospital."said he At least I was right, about some facts.Though I wanted to talk to Monica, I ended up talking to her brother instead . I asked him if Monica will be able to attend school tomorrow and he sighed and said, “I being her elder brother should know alot about her but we aren't that close, I don't know what it is, but she always distances from me, even when I met her at the hospital ,she didn't look at me one bit ” “ In other words ,some drama happened in the family ”said I smirking ,pointing my finger at him. He set aside my hand and said sighing, “Whatever it is ,you should go ask her yourself. ” “OK I will, ” “Well, see you some other time. Get along with my sister. ”He smiled, waved goodbye and headed out. After he left, I again thought of meeting Monica and then leaving .It was half past 7 but the girl supposedly in,  never came out . Since it was getting late, I headed back home and had dinner,had some family talk which was something new to dad ,did our daily rosary(prayer)and left to my room a bit earlier than usual, about quarter to 10, other wise it'd be somewhere past 11. After the mourning night passed by, It was the next day, waking up, I hoped the melancholy in the air would fade. Getting ready for school, I could feel the warmth in house flowing, I could sense the mood of mum and dad was fair and good.Heading out,waving them goodbye, shutting the door behind, looking ahead, I was astonished to see Monica standing outside the gate, waiting for my arrival. She turned around
looking at me ,she wore a bright smile and greeted morning. I never expected her to wait right infront of my house, well whatever, I returned my greetings and we were off to school. I never imagined that after we greeted morning that there wouldn't be a single word of conversation,as much as she smiled looking forward walking, I could totally sense awkwardness between us even though she didn't give out the vibe. When we almost reached, I decided to break the awkwardness,“Hey ,You've been silent all along the way, whats up with you?! ”I cried She stopped, looked up to the cloudless sky, and then looked at me with a serious face and replied,“To be honest, I don't wanna talk to you, but I want to talk to you ” “What on earth does that mean?” “You seriously didn't have to come yesterday ” “But I came” “You didn't even know anybody there, except me, and I bet you didn't engage with anyone there”she exclaimed pointing her finger at me. “Oh I did, I conversed  with your Brother ”I replied quick She went pale and her voiced went bitter.  “What business did you have with him, ” “You might not know that your brother cares for you alot, he was really happy to know that you have a friend like me ” “You know nothing about him and who told you that I'm your friend ”she said in anger Her words raged me alot. “You're nothing like of how you were on the first day we met,was it all an act?!”I interrogated her. She showed a sign of denial. “My changes are probably of father's passing ” My anger flowed through my veins and thus couldn't be controlled any more .I rose my hand and slapped her,..... I couldn't believe what I did for God's Word, but I spoke my mind. “You really think your father would be proud of you to change like this, he would be ashamed, Layon is  enduring as much as this and he was able to stop and put up a smile for you while conversing with me. Don't blame the dead man for your arrogance ” “But.. but ,I cant do anything that , mother 's  gone ,fathers gone, Brother hates me and really I can't —” I grabbed her hand, and scolded looking at her furiously. “It's not that you can't do anything, you're just not doing anything, no one has the right to judge others Even if you feel unfair. Life's just that way. ” She looked at me , her eyes filled with tears running down her cheeks. “You should go and talk to your brother ”I insisted I released her .I felt my anger easing down, and just as I relaxed myself I realized that we reached school and that she was holding my hand and was trembling , looking to the ground as we entered school. She was dull in the morning classes and when the clock struck twelve she seemed to be in her fair mood again. Well, I was at ease.Twelve o clock meant lunch break as I took out my lunch preceding Monica approached me with her lunch wearing a upset face ,stood fair and  smacked me in the head . “That's what you deserve for making me cry, You are really scary you know, Your looks and your anger sync alot ”she said squinting her eyes. “and I thought you would never be angry as your face suggested ,so much for' Don't judge a book by its cover '.Guess not everyone's by the quote. ” “Ha ha ha, I bet my slap hurt much more than this ”I laughed I totally regret saying that, she started smacking my head countlessly . But her bright smile was back onto her bright face again.
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ashtheshortstack · 4 years
make them learn - ch 3
Rating: T Ship: Adrinette (sorta) Chapter 3/3: followed the rules
Tags: Princess Justice AU, Akumatized Marinette, Bullying, One-Sided Reveal, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Read on Ao3
Previous Chapter
Adrien hopped along the rooftops, scouring the city for his now akumatized partner. He was terrified for her well-being, as well as Lila’s. Though the girl was a total brat, he couldn’t help but worry that his lady would do something horrible to her. 
There was so much guilt swirling within him. If only he had really been there for her when Marinette needed him the most. How much pain had she been in for it to finally come to this? How long had Lila been harassing her and she had always been able to overcome the negative thoughts and feelings that came with being bullied like this? And he had catered to Lila! Told Marinette not to bother with exposing her because it wouldn’t do any good.
Some friend he was, huh? 
When he heard a scream, he spun quickly towards the sound as he was jared from his thoughts. Glancing over at the park, he finally spotted his target. There stood an entity in a deep purple, flowy dress, jet black hair flowing behind her in long pigtails. There was a sharp crown on her head with a purple jewel in the center. A black, inky mask covered her face where she normally adorned her spots. It made his heart twist to see her in such a state. She held a staff in her hand, pointing it towards Lila who cowered by a tree. 
Adrien tossed the yo-yo, hooking it on the tree and swinging himself over towards the two of them. 
“You deserve judgement,” the akumatized Marinette hissed. 
Lila laughed hesitantly, glancing around nervously. “C’mon Marinette, you can’t be this upset over something I did when I was akumatized, right? It wasn’t my fault.” 
“Marinette’s gone. I’m Princess Justice, and you’ve been asking for this for a long time.”  
Adrien had no idea what the weapon did, but it hissed menacingly as Princess Justice aimed it directly at Lila’s nose. Lila whimpered with a grimace as the weapon was waved in her face. 
“You will tell the truth .” 
Suddenly, Lila was glowing and Adrien took that as his cue. Oh, how he didn’t want to fight her. He just felt guilty more than anything. His poor Marinette… how could he let this happen to her? 
Swinging down from the tree, he pounced on Princess Justice, knocking her down to the ground. His palms rested on either side of her head as dull, grey eyes gazed up at him. There was so much sadness… an emptiness he never thought he’d see on Marinette, let alone his Ladybug. His heart ached in his chest. Quickly, he grabbed her palms and pushed them flat beside her head. 
She sneered at him. “There is no Marinette. Princess Justice is here to serve the people of Paris who should all learn the truth.” Princess Justice pushed back against him, rolling them over and slamming his palms to the ground. He grunted before gazing up at her as she loomed menacingly over him. 
Damn, no wonder he could never win against Ladybug. Marinette was strong as hell. 
It would be kinda hot if his life wasn’t at stake. 
“Careful, Insect. If you get in my way, then I may have to reveal your identity to the world.” 
Adrien felt his eyes widen at that. “What?” 
Smirking, she glanced over at Lila. The girl had her palms over her mouth with wide eyes. He’d never seen Lila so stunned before. There was a sick, twisted sense of satisfaction swirling in his gut, but he had to ignore it. He was supposed to be the hero. 
But… he was here to save Marinette. Lila on the other hand, eh, not so much. 
Somehow, Adrien wasn’t at all shocked when he heard Alya’s surprised voice at the sight before her. Bless Nino… he was trying to pull his girlfriend away from the action, but she was clearly not giving up a chance to see this. For multiple reasons, obviously. Her best friend was akumatized and there was no Ladybug. There was Mister Bug instead, which he was pretty sure no one had ever seen before--aside from Juleka. 
“Marinette!” she cried. 
With the way Princess Justice glowered at her best friend, it was clear Marinette was not in there at the moment. And not too thrilled to see Alya sprinting towards them. 
“C’mon, girl! You’re better than this!” 
Adrien groaned as Princess Justice shoved his face into the dirt when she jumped to her feet. 
“What do you know!?” she hissed. “All you ever did was take Lila’s side! You never believed me!” 
Alya stepped back as if she’d been struck. “What’re you talking about?” 
Princess Justice snarled at Lila, snatching her by the wrist and shoving her towards their friends. “Why don’t you tell her, lying scum.” 
Lila, whose eyes were now glowing a deep purple, was under the influence of whatever Princess Justice’s powers were. But from the context clues Adrien had gathered, he figured it was a truth spell. 
“I lied,” Lila said. “I lied about having tinnitus. About knowing Jagged Stone and any other celebrities,” the girl began laughing. “And you know what? I don’t have a disease that makes me do it! I do it because it’s fun. People like me that way.” 
Jaw dropping, Alya gaped at her. “W-What?” 
“And, for whatever reason, Marinette here figured me out. She knew I was lying about my life. But I couldn’t let her out me, obviously,” Lila barked another laugh. “So, I had to get rid of her. I got akumatized on purpose twice to do just that. Oh, and I do know Ladybug. Because I hate her! And I only want to take her down. Well, her and Marinette. Adrien is mine . I just had to send Marinette a little reminder.” 
Alya trembled as her hands went to her mouth. Lila’s tyrant continued, growing more and more infuriating with each passing statement. Adrien could feel sick… He felt so wrong. Had he really failed his lady this much? She was suffering at the hands of this girl for so long. And he had brushed it off! 
He was seething at himself, but he needed this battle to be over. “Lucky Charm!” 
A sketch-pad fell into his hands. Glancing around, his brow pinched. “What am I…?” he suddenly remembered the last time he used the ladybug miraculous. His lady said he was a “straight-forward guy” meaning the answer was obvious and right in front of his face, unlike his lady’s convoluted schemes. 
“It’s not like I didn’t warn her,” Lila snickered before crossing her arms. “She and I had a great talk in the bathroom once. I told her that I would turn everyone against her and that Adrien would be mine. And if it weren’t for Adrien himself, my plan would’ve worked.” 
Princess Justice paused, looking at her victim in surprise. “Wait, what?” 
Lila rolled her eyes. “Adrien told me that I had to get you back into school after I got you expelled. He threatened to not be my friend anymore. Well, I think that’s what he meant. Either way, I had to prove my love to him, right? So, I told Mr. Damocles about that fake lying disease.” 
“Adrien… did that for me?” Princess Justice murmured, eyes widening slightly. Adrien blinked in surprise when there was a flash of blue in those dull irises. Suddenly, there was a butterfly framing her face. She clutched her head. “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”   The butterfly shattered making him gasp. Did she just…? 
“I don’t need Hawkmoth. I don’t need a miraculous,” she growled. “I’m doing this my way!” She aimed the staff at Alya. “Do you see now, Alya!? All I ever did was try to tell you the truth. And Adrien was the only person who ever believed me!” Princess Justice cried. 
That was definitely Marinette. A Marinette who was still angry and had truth powers, but it was her nonetheless. How did she break the mental connection with Hawkmoth? And why hadn’t he just removed her powers when she went rouge? Was he planning something worse? 
“Marinette, I didn’t know!” 
Princess Justice strode up to her. “You thought I was jealous! That I was lying! It’s like you don’t even know me at all!” 
“ Please, Marinette. I never meant--” 
Quickly, Adrien wound the yo-yo around her waist and yanked it towards him. She didn’t come willingly, however. Princess Justice took a swing, knocking him in the jaw. Skidding backwards in the dirt, he groaned as he looked up. She was charging at him, those eyes grey and pained once again. There was the pang of pain in his heart again as he flipped backwards away from her attack. 
“Marinette,” he murmured as she took another swing, this time with her staff. He caught it between his hands. “I know you’re in there, Marinette. Come back to me, please.” 
She merely growled. “What do you know!? You never believe me either, Kitty!”  
Grimacing, he shot a look back at Alya and Nino, who were both still distracted by the Lila who was spewing her guts out to them, much to Alya’s continued horror. He loved his friends, but he had no idea that Alya had treated Marinette that way. That she hadn’t believed her and just assumed she was jealous. What an awful thing to do… Even after Marinette was right that Lila had framed her and gotten her expelled! And her best friend knew it too! 
So, thankfully, the fact that Mister Bug was Chat Noir was still a secret. For the moment, at least. 
He sighed. Tossing the yo-yo, it wrapped around her wrists, binding them in place. “I did believe you. I promise you, I did,” Princess Justice struggled against the binds, gritting her teeth as she pulled. Adrien held his ground, keeping her tied as he spoke. “I knew she was a liar, but I just didn’t realize how manipulative and cruel she was. U-Until Oni-Chan. When I fought Oni-Chan, then I realized that she would do anything to destroy yo--Ladybug. I’m sorry that people weren’t there for you like they should have been, Marinette! I’m sorry that telling Adrien your feelings was taken away from you! But you need to talk to him!” 
“What do you know!?” 
“I know everything! I know--I know how brave you are! I know how much you put everyone before yourself. I-I know how amazing you are, Marinette. I know that you’re creative, talented, selfless. I can’t imagine how much pain you’ve been bottling up inside,” he felt his voice wavering. “I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you,” he cracked. He tossed the sketch pad towards her. 
It opened to a page, showing a familiar doodle. The one he made for Marinette. 
Princess Justice froze, eyes going wide. The grey color of her eyes flashed back to that beautiful bluebell he’d grown to love. Gasping, she threw the staff down to the ground. Adrien watched in awe as she fell to the ground, collapsing in an emotional heep. Her hands went to her face as she sobbed. Her cries were loud and agonizing to listen to. 
Adrien grit his teeth, brows pinching as he listened to her finally break down. Listened to all the emotions fly out of her at once. How long had she bottled this? How long had Lila been tormenting her? 
Grabbing her staff, Adrien broke it over his knee. He snatched the butterfly with the yo-yo, purifying it and sending it off. He tossed the sketch pad into the air. 
“Miraculous Mister Bug!” 
 He wasn’t quite sure what happened with Hawkmoth… and he may never know. It seemed reasonable that Marinette would be strong-willed enough to defy Hawkmoth’s orders. It dawned on him then that she never demanded his miraculous a single time. Had she never been fully under Hawkmoth’s control? 
Shaking off his confusion, he scooped Marinette up in his arms. Her eyes were closed as her head lulled gently to the side. It must’ve taken a lot of energy to defy their enemy. Could it have drained her? He wasn’t sure, but he needed to get her out of here. 
“Wait!” Alya called as she ran up to him. “Who are you?” 
Adrien glanced around. “U-Uh, Mister Bug. I use the ladybug miraculous when the actual Ladybug can’t be here.” 
Alya crossed her arms, clearly not buying it. “Oh, really? How come I’ve never seen you before?” 
“I’ve worked before. Reflekdoll. I was there. That was your friend Juleka, right? Anyway, I’ve gotta get going.” 
“Wait, where are you taking her?” 
Sighing, he shook his head. “I just think it’d be best to get her away from everyone for now.” 
Alya hugged herself, glancing down at the ground as Nino wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Hey, dude. Will you tell Marinette we’re sorry?” 
With a sad smile, Adrien nodded. “Yeah, I can do that.” He shot a glare in Lila’s direction. “In the meantime, maybe you should put that journalism to good use and set some records straight, hm?” 
Alya looked back at Lila who was fleeing the scene now that the cure had freed her from Princess Justice’s powers. Lip twitching, her eyes hardened. Adrien said nothing as he shot the yo-yo to a nearby roof and repelled himself forward with Marinette in tow. He decided the best method would be to take her home. 
So, he landed on her terrance and detransformed. 
Tikki gave him a look. “You were a little reckless for a Ladybug.” 
He laughed hesitantly, ruffling his blond locks. “Sorry about that. I was just so desperate to save her.” 
“I know… Thank you, Adrien.” 
Giving the kwami a soft smile, he took out the earrings. As gently as he could, he pinched the miraculous back into her lobes. 
  Adrien brushed a batch of raven locks behind her ear, making Marinette stir. Her eyes scrunched before blinking open. 
“A-Adrien…? What--What happened?” 
Gingerly, he helped her sit up. “You were akumatized.” 
Her eyes blew wide. “What?!” 
“Hey, hey, calm down,” he said as he hushed her. 
Marinette was so confused. She had no idea what had just occurred. Akumatized!? She’d been akumatized!? Her eyes flicked around her terrance frantically. “H-How did I get here?” 
“Um, a hero named Mister Bug?” 
Oh, right. She’d given Tikki the earrings to take to Chat Noir, right? But wait… why had she--oh. Oh, that’s right. Lila exposed her crush on Adrien to everyone. Lightly, she pushed Adrien away before curling in on herself. 
“I--I’m sorry. I know I should’ve told you how I felt about you a long time ago. B-But I was so nervous and I couldn’t barely make sentences around you! Let alone confess! And--And I know you love someone else. And I know it’s probably Kagami which makes this so hard because you’re both my friends and I don’t want to lose either of you and--” 
“Woah, woah, woah, Marinette,” his gentle hands went on her shoulders. “Slow down. I-I’m not in love with Kagami.” 
Her confusion must’ve been written all over her face as she gaped at him. Adrien gave her a small smile with a nervous laugh. 
“If you want me to be honest? I’ve been stupidly in love with Ladybug for a long time.” 
Marinette felt her cheeks heat. “L-Ladybug!?” 
He nodded. “Yeah, but that’s kind of stupid, right? I don’t even know her.” 
“NO! I-I mean, no way. That’s not stupid. You can’t help who you like, right?” 
Adrien chuckled at that. “Yeah, maybe not. But I… I realized after I found out how you feel about me that I--I think I could fall in love with you too, Marinette.” 
Did he…? Wait. Was he choosing her? Over Kagami? Over her own superhero persona? That wasn’t--no way. That wasn’t even possible, was it? 
Marinette almost short-circuited when he reached over and touched her hand. “I’d love to get to know you more, if you’ll let me. My, uh, my father won’t allow me to date right now. But maybe… in the future? If you can wait for me?” 
Nodding stupidly, she agreed. “Y-Yes! Of course.” 
The smile he gave her was so, so gentle. Her heart nearly melted at the sight. Adrien leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek. “I’m so sorry, Marinette. I had no idea what Lila was really doing to you. This--This was my fault. I kept telling you to brush it off, and in turn I almost got you expelled.” 
There was a flash of something in her mind. “Did… Did you get her to fix it?” 
“I did. I couldn’t let her do that to you.” 
Marinette yanked on the hand he was holding, tugging him into a hug. She buried her nose into his shoulder. “Thank you so much. And thank you… for believing me.” 
“I should’ve done more. I-I didn’t know she was harassing you.” 
Shaking her head, she nuzzled his neck. “No. You at least knew. You trusted me. You have no idea what that meant to me.” 
“Alya knows now. And I assumed the whole class will after today.” 
Marinette tilted her head in confusion, pushing him back at arms length. “What?” 
“Your power as an akuma was like a truth spell. Lila’s true colors came out, the maniacal laughing and everything. She spilled everything she did to you to Alya.” 
As shameful as it was, she felt relief wash over her. Finally, her best friend would believe her. Finally, it wouldn’t be chalked up to jealousy or an overreaction. This girl who’d been so mean to her for months would finally get what she deserved. Knowing how Lila ran from her problems, she doubted they’d even see the cunning girl again. Not that Marinette minded. She could go the rest of her life without seeing Lila Rossi ever again. 
“Oh, wow…” 
Smiling, Adrien stood and helped her to her feet. Marinette glanced down at their conjoined hands. God, she was going to spontaneously combust right there. How was this her life? And what rotten luck that Adrien wanted to be with her and his father had banned him from dating! 
She couldn’t make eye contact when he pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ll see you around, Marinette.” 
“Y-You too, Adrien.” 
As he detached from her, he gave a small salute before going down into her bedroom to leave. The gesture felt oddly familiar, but she brushed it off. Leaning onto the railing, Marinette glanced over to see her kwami hiding behind the plants. Tikki squealed, fluttering over and hugging Marinette on the cheek. 
“Oh! I was so worried!” 
Marinette cupped her kwami’s back. “I’m so glad you’re alright, Tikki. Did Chat Noir do a good job?” 
“Yep! He saved the day!” 
Humming, she smiled. “I’ll have to thank him.” 
It was then she saw her crime-fighting partner bouncing through the rooftops nearby. Was he coming to check on her? That was sweet of him. He paused, giving her a glance and waving. Marinette returned the wave before pausing. 
She touched the miraculous in her lobes.
How’d he give her earrings back…?
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1-800-webtoon · 4 years
7 Days ➶ Kageyama Tobio
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ੈ♡‧₊˚  SYNOPSIS:                      ↝ 7 days away from you felt like 7 months to Tobio. Being separated from you was never easy on him but sometimes you do things on your own especially if it came to chasing your own dreams. To make it feel like as if you were right there home with Tobio, you came up with an idea to make him feel less lonely while you were gone for a week. ੈ♡‧₊˚ PAIRING:                      ↝ Kageyama Tobio x Gender neutral!reader
                     ↝ 5,710k 
ੈ♡‧₊˚ GENRE:                     ↝ Domestic fluff                     ↝ College students AU                     ↝ One-shot ੈ♡‧₊˚ STATUS:                     ↝ Completed! ੈ♡‧₊˚ AUTHOR’S NOTE:                     ↝ Hello! Nix speaking. I know this is a webtoon blog but I can’t help but to write something for kageyama because I’ve been thinking about him lately while I listened to John K’s song “6 months”. This one-shot was inspired by that song! I hope this one-shot would somehow make you fall in love with kageyama tobio (ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)♡ And as always, your support will be greatly appreciated!! P.S. please tell me if u want to be tagged in this one-shot!! you can message me directly or tell me in my ask box! i would love to tag u 
(  ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)◞*˚💗
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     Tobio is convinced that he is the luckiest guy in the universe when he first met you. To say that you are an angel that came into his life is an understatement—you are his everything. There was not a day that passed by without you occupying his mind. 
 You are the first person he looks for on mornings and the last person he holds close before he drifts to sleep at night. You live together in an apartment after two years of dating, which was your idea, since you noticed how Tobio would become restless if he can’t see you in a day. He was quick to get moody when you didn’t come and see him during his games in the court or visit him in his own apartment.
University life was hectic, especially since you are a med student. There were times that you did not have time to come and watch his games, which would result to him getting frustrated. Thus, your reason to live together.
Not that he disliked it in fact, Tobio loved the idea of living together. He would wake up to you frying pancakes and eggs and if you have more time, you would make bento boxes for the both of you. Aside from that, the two of you would do grocery shoppings together, and would fall asleep side by side as he holds you close. Some of your friends even mistook the two of you as a married couple which never fails to make the two of you blush.
Living together was perfect. Tobio could not ask for more. He knew that it was only you whom he needed in his life besides volleyball. In turn, you loved taking care of him as well, sometimes you would blush to yourself when you remember little moments with him.
These past few months, you’ve noticed how even more clingy Tobio became. He was never one to talk about his feelings that much but his actions were more than enough to let you know that he absolutely loved being around you. Random moments include waiting for you to finish classes so the both of you could eat together even if he’s already running late for practice.
That’s why it took you long enough to practice telling your boyfriend about you leaving for a week. Your professor had arranged his classes to attend a convention for med students in Osaka for a week. Although it was not mandatory, you were eager to attend since you wanted to experience more situations that are needed in your field.
Your lifetime dream was to be a nurse, and you believed that if you joined this convention, you would be one step closer in achieving your dreams.
It was a little late in the evening, both of you were full after eating Katsudon bowls you cooked for dinner since you yourself was craving for it. Tobio was washing the dishes while you on the other hand, was wiping them and putting them back to place.
You were happily chatting on about your day as the two of you did your chores in the kitchen when you decided to slip the topic in. Carefully explaining about what you were going to attend to as you put the last bowl back into place and faced your boyfriend to look at how he would react.
He had his arms crossed on his chest and his face was blank. 
 You hoped he was thinking about it in the way you think he is. Deep down, you knew you weren’t ready to see Tobio’s dejected face when he finds out that you will be gone for a week. 
 “7 days?” Tobio repeated. You nodded your head slowly before replying again.
Tobio was already worrying about you while you’re gone. He started to feel anxious that you might meet someone better than him and and leave him once you realize how dependent Tobio is being towards you.
Tobio was insecure at times, but he was good at hiding it. You always thought Tobio’s clinginess towards you was just a sign of his affection, but that was partly true. His clinginess came from his insecurity of you finding someone better.
If he was confident during his games in court, he was the complete opposite when it came to you. 
 “I’ll be going with people who I share the same classes with. We decided to sleep in an inn instead so we could save some money.” You continued.
Tobio’s jaw tightened as he looked at you intently.
“But I have a game on Thursday night.” He couldn’t believe that he was pulling this card on you.
He was ashamed of how pathetic and low he’s gone just to convince you not to go. He became too attached that he couldn’t bare not seeing you even if it was just for a week.
As much as you wanted to stay and watch his game on Thursday night, you have plans on your own and you have dreams you wanted to chase. You were a grounded person and once you set your heart on something, you made sure that you get to the end of it. Always. 
 You sighed and stepped closer so that you were in front of your tall boyfriend. Your hands reached towards his and as you squeezed his hands gently, you started to convince him that you have to go. 
 “Tobio, this convention is really important to me...” You started. Your voice was soft and gentle, careful enough not to hurt your boyfriend’s feelings. Although, you were sure that you are already hurting him by just leaving for 7 days all so suddenly.
You returned his gaze slowly before speaking again. “Didn’t we promise that we’ll chase our dreams together? This is an opportunity for me to be another step closer to my goal. I’m sure that game on Thursday night is also as important as mine, right?” You explained to him carefully.
Tobio’s gaze softened and he heaved a sigh. You felt a twinge of pain in your chest the moment his face changed. You absolutely hated hurting him like this, but sometimes relationships do hurt. There will be times that you two can’t see things on the same level but you knew you should always fix the problems whether you need to comprise on some things. 
 “Tobio, I know this is all of a sudden but I really hope you understand. Besides, it’s only for a week. You wouldn’t even notice that I’ll be gone that long.” Your hands rubbed his arms to warm him up and to show him that you know he’ll be alright while you’ll be gone. 
 “It’s going to be the first game that you won’t be watching... what if I mess up?” Tobio said with a sigh. He was already used to the fact that you were always cheering for him in the benches that every time he scores he looks at you from the court as if to say, “Did you see that?! I did that for you! Aren’t I amazing?!” 
 You gushed to yourself how Tobio could act like a child sometimes. You found it endearing, even if other people may view Tobio as someone who is annoyingly needy.
Your hands travelled all the way to cup his face, your toes tip-toeing so that you could reach eye level with him before telling him that he should stop doubting himself. “Tobio, Listen to me. You are not going to mess up in any of the games because you are you. One mistake won’t bring your whole team down, trust me. They have you, a prodigy from Karasuno! One of the strongest schools in Japan! Everyone would cower in fear if they see you up close, ha!” You exclaimed before kissing his nose and connecting your foreheads together. 
 “Besides, how many times do I have to tell you that messing up is definitely okay! You’re human and everyone else makes them to learn. Also, I don’t see the point how I could help you in the game anyway, all I do is yell our university’s team and your name. That’s it.” You chuckled afterwards. 
You could feel Tobio’s breath on your face but you did not mind. He smelled of home. Whenever you got a whiff of his fragrance it automatically reminds you of home. 
 “Let’s go for a shower now, we both smell like sweat.” You announced before pulling him into the bathroom with you.
Tobio’s face still looked down, and you felt guilty as hell but you needed to do this for the sake of your dreams. You knew you had to start making plans on how to make it up to him once you come back from the one week trip to Osaka.
You showered together and washed each other’s hair in the bathroom that the both of you shared. Tobio have seen your bare body times before and you have seen his too. There was no reason for the both of you to get shy with showing each other’s bodies.
Showering together was not usual for you, but you knew Tobio needed this for the night. His worries started to drift away when you started to massage his head with your soft hands as you hum along to the song playing on the bluetooth speaker in the bathroom. Tobio would sometimes look up to watch your face focus on washing his hair, his eyes slowly travelling to your marks, the scars you have, beauty marks he’s memorized, and even the parts where you have tattoos on. He was proud of himself for memorizing every corner of your body.
The two of you even shared the same shampoo, which was originally yours but Tobio claimed he loved the scent of your hair so you have decided to share the same shampoo to save up your own money as well.
After showering together, you slipped into your pjs as you dried up together before finally lying on your bed. You snuggled together in your pjs and under the covers. Your legs were all tangled up with his as he served as the big spoon.
 You were the big spoon most of the time, particularly because Tobio liked it better if you were the one holding him but tonight was different. Tobio seemed as if he did not want to let you go anywhere.
“Your presence makes a huge difference though...” You heard him whisper, even though his face was buried in your hair. He was pertaining to the last thing you said to him before pulling him into the shower. You smiled at him and kissed his chin. You could see a faint blush on his cheeks as he looked down at you with such fondness present in his eyes. 
 “I’m just scared y/n...” Tobio whispered. Your eyebrows furrowed at what he said. 
“You’re scared of?” You egged him to continue. He takes a deep breath and averts his gaze, the blush never leaving his face. You found him cute at this moment. You wanted to pepper his face with little kisses but you needed to know what scared your boyfriend to be this serious. 
 “You meeting someone better than me... and leaving me here.” Tobio’s voice broke causing you to slightly panic. He shifted his body slowly so he could bury his face on your chest. 
 Your position has now changed—you were the bigger spoon, holding a Tobio that was scared to let you go. Your heart felt like melting, and you were sure that if you were standing your knees would have buckled.
Your guilt was eating you alive. You wanted to slap yourself for putting Tobio through this but you still held your ground. You cupped his face to make him face you. “Tobio, I would never do that. Not in a million years, not ever. You are the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me and I would never trade you for anything in this world.” You assured him, your thumbs circling his cheeks gently.
There were nights that were intimate between the two of you, and this was one of those nights. Tobio laid there beside you, naked of all truth and vulnerability. Although most men did not like showing their soft sides to anyone nor did they like talking about what they are most insecure of, Tobio showed you a side of him that only you witnessed. Your boyfriend entrusted you with a piece of him, and you are determined to carry that piece with you forever and take care of it no matter where you go. 
 “I love you, y/n... so much.” He whispered under his breath before abruptly pulling you in for a kiss. 
 You felt Tobio’s soft lips against yours, nibbling softly and gently careful enough not to bite you even if he wanted to do so. The kiss was quite long enough—only breaking you two apart to share each other’s breaths as your foreheads connected each other. “I love you too, Tobio.” You replied lately, breathless by the sudden kiss Tobio pulled you in. Before you fell asleep in his arms, you thanked whatever Gods were listening that night for bringing Tobio into your life.
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Your hands fidgeted as you waited for Tobio to arrive at the station. You arrived there earlier and waited for your other classmates so you could board the train together. Tobio begged you to at least let him send you off, even if you already told him that it would be difficult since he still had practice on Monday afternoon.
Tobio begged, and you agreed. However, if he could not make it in time then you have no other choice but to board the train without him sending you off.
Tobio, on the other hand was already running in the crowd of people—desperately finding you if you were still waiting for him. He felt his heart hammer loudly in his chest, panic rising within him. His throat was dry and his eyes were glazed. He felt like crying but he held it in. He had been running for the past few minutes ever since he got out of a bicycle he borrowed.
The last time he saw you this day was when you dropped him off to his own classes before telling him that you have to go back home and prepare the house.
Tobio knew that wasn’t enough. There was something whispering in the back of his mind, making him feel so anxious all of a sudden. Why does he feel like this is the last time he will ever see you again? He gulped and shook his head, trying hard not to think of such things while you were gone. 
 “y/n, let’s go?” One of your classmates, Miko said before sitting beside you.
You looked at your phone, expecting at least a call from Tobio but you realized he still might be in practice. You sighed and stood up. Miko lead the way to the counter where you would get checked in for your seats, whilst you kept looking behind you—still waiting for signs that Tobio might be there.
Miko appeared beside you and handed you your tickets before giving you a knowing look. “And all this time we always thought it was Tobio who was the needy one...” Miko nudged at your sides playfully, in which you only rolled your eyes in retort.
You started thinking to yourself while you stood in line before entering the Shinkansen along with the other people. What if what Miko said was true? Maybe it was not Tobio who was the needy one, but it was you all along?
You huffed and slapped your cheeks together before shaking away your thoughts. Tobio is going to be fine, You thought to yourself. He can handle himself. He was already strong by himself even before you met him. 
 That’s right. You shouldn’t worry. With one last heavy sigh, you stepped inside the Shinkansen with your classmates, unaware of Tobio behind the glass that separated the platform you were in and the waiting station.
Before Tobio could reach his phone in his pocket, you were already inside. He couldn’t hug you one last time before you took off so he decided to call you instead, anxious to hear your voice—even if it was just through a phone.
It took him a few rings before you finally answered the call since you were settling down on your seats and double checking your luggage. 
 You swiped the green button to answer his call once you finally settled on your seat. 
 “I’m sorry,” Tobio sounded breathless, as if he was running miles after miles. You thought it was just because he came out of practice.
 “Why are you sorry? Did something happen?” You asked him gently. Tobio sounded panicked and anxious to you, which made you worried all of a sudden.
You hear a few pants before he replied again. “I couldn’t send you off... I’m really sorry, y/n.” Tobio’s voice was breaking. He really wanted to see you one last time before you boarded the shinkansen.
 “Where are you? I’m on the right side of the train, window seat. Are you at the station?” You asked. Maybe just a glimpse of you would make things alright with Tobio.
“Yeah, but which window?” He asked, his eyes squinted on the windows at the side of the Shinkansen. His feet started to walk to try and find you among the windows. 
 You stood up and counted from the doors which you entered in. You were seated fourth from the second doors. “Fourth seat from the second doors.” You replied. 
Your head turned to try and look for Tobio who was also counting the windows from you. You tried waving, hoping he could see you before the Shinkansen starts to move. 
 Your throat was dry and you could feel Tobio’s anxiousness in your bones too. Your heart was hammering in a panicky state, and you felt cold sweat run down your back. You hope Tobio sees you waving, that at least could calm the both of you down. 
 Tobio’s gaze finally landed on you. 
 The world was quiet, and it’s like the whole universe stopped moving for awhile. No one else mattered in this world except you and him. 
 You brought a sense of calmness to Tobio’s life that he knows no one could ever give. You were the only one who could make him feel this scared of losing you but also the only one who could stop this feeling of drowning in his doubts.
Seeing you so far away from him breaks his heart, but he knows he has to be strong for the both of you.
Just like that, the world went back to normal. You saw Tobio’s face soften at the sight of you. That was enough to calm you down. You mouthed, “I love you,” to him. 
 To which he replied with, “I love you too.” You could not hear him from your place but your heart knows he means it from the bottom of his heart.
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As soon as Tobio arrived from the Shinkansen station, he noticed a blue sticky note on the shoe rack. He stepped closer to read it, no doubt it was your handwriting. He could recognize your penmanship even if it was far, after seeing you countless of times on how you do your notes for your classes at home. Tobio could not help but familiarize your handwriting—just another detail he did not notice himself paying so much attention to but only realized when you were gone. Welcome home, Tobio. I’ve prepared the food in the fridge for you. Heat them up so they’ll be tasty! — y/n The corner of Tobio’s lips raised as soon as he read the note. He touched the note with his hand and sighed. Was it weird that he hears your voice through that note? Tobio headed straight to the kitchen and rummaged for the food you have prepared. He noticed another sticky note on the fridge. I really hope you won’t sleep with an empty stomach. I know how much you love milk but it’s important to eat something that could fill your stomach too. I hope the meals are to your liking! — y/n He touched the sticky note with his palm, once again he couldn’t stop himself from smiling. You always nagged at him to eat properly in the correct time. You were there to cook food for the both of you or order take-out when none of you wanted to cook. Being the person you are, you thought ahead of Tobio’s week and decided on what meals to prepare for him while you were away. Tobio was so happy, he wanted to cry right now. All his life, he was the only one doing things on his own. Things changed when you came into his life. You took care of him in all ways, even if Tobio didn’t ask for it. You knew it was hard to live a life like that. Tobio’s schedule was always tight and simple. He never struck you to be the type of person to have a planner and makes to-do lists. When he allowed you to look at his planner you realized how Tobio never really had time to go out with his friends nor have fun. Ever since that, you tried your best to take him out on jogs for morning so he would have someone to talk to while you two take strolls in the neighborhood. Tobio reached for the container which contained his dinner for the night and took the sticky note on the cover. It was labelled as “Monday dinner”. With that, he turned on the microwave to heat the food you prepared and started to eat by himself. He sat on the couch with his plate but before he could start eating, he noticed another sticky note on the coffee table. If you’re eating in front of the TV I’m going to smack your head when I come back! Go to the table and eat there properly, understood?! —y/n Tobio chuckled to himself when he heard your nagging voice in his head. Even if you were away you wanted to keep things in order. “Eating will always happen in the kitchen.” He remembered you saying one time. He picked up the plate and sat on the table you had in your kitchen and finally started eating. Not long after, he noticed another sticky note stuck on the chair where you always sat. Eat well, love. P.S. Aren’t I such a good chef?! —y/n He found it admirable that you managed to predict his actions that easily. Have you watched him far too long to know what he does everyday as a routine? You took the time to prepare his dinner for the rest of the week so he did not have to bother with cooking by himself because you knew the only food he could cook was mackerel with his mediocre seasoning or instant ramen which is definitely unhealthy. With those sticky notes everywhere, he could feel as if you were right at home and never left. When he finished eating, he decided to wash the dishes on the sink and that’s where he noticed another sticky note on the wall near the sink. Thanks for washing the dishes! —y/n He smiled to himself when he realized it was always him washing the dishes for you as you wiped them dry and put them back into place. After that, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth, where he finds another sticky note on the bathroom mirror. Be sure wash your teeth properly! P.S. Don’t forget to take your vitamins. —y/n He did not take the sticky note off, he thought that if he saw that every night it would lessen his sorrow from missing you. He did as he was told, brushing his teeth properly and imagining you beside him as you brushed your teeth together. He took his vitamins and then went to bed, noticing another sticky note on the lamp beside him before switching it off. Sleep tight, Tobio. I love you. —y/n He thought of calling you this late in the night, when you most likely have arrived at the inn you were talking about. However, he suddenly thought that you might be tired from the trip and is now sleeping in your own futon that is why you were not able to text him that you have arrived. Tobio couldn’t sleep yet. The other wide of the bed smelled like you and that was enough to keep him up. Your lingering scent was still there but it hurt him to think that you were not physically beside him. Another hour had passed he still couldn’t bring himself to sleep. He did not dare and look at his phone because he knew he would not be able to resist himself and just end up calling you this late in the evening. Finally, Tobio stood up and walked towards the bathroom. He needed to hold you close or he would feel like he’s going to fall into madness. Sleeping without you was so hard for him he had to fight the urge to book a flight to Osaka the same night you took off. He shook his head to erase those thoughts. He rummaged the laundry basket to find if there was a shirt that you used this day before you left. He was relieved to see your shirt at the bottom. Tobio quickly grabbed the shirt and smelled it as he held it close to his chest. Pretty creepy for a stranger to do that, right? But this is Tobio, and he would never hurt you. Not in a million years. He went back to the bedroom whilst clutching your shirt. This crazy idea popped into his head when he realized he wanted to hold you close. He picked the pillow that you use and made it wear the shirt that you tossed in the laundry basket earlier. After doing so, Tobio was pretty much proud of himself. Maybe imagining that you were the pillow and making it smell just like you would help him fall asleep. He hugged the pillow close, he caught a whiff of your scent which instantly filled him with a warm and fuzzy feeling. It finally felt like you were just beside him. He reached over to get his phone to check if you left him a text or something. And when he found out that you did left him something, he almost fell down the bed. It was a picture of you wearing his white shirt while laying on the futon. You brought his plushie with you, which Tobio only noticed now. The floorboards can be seen from the photo and other people in the background that you were sharing in the room with photobombed unknowingly in the selfie that you sent Tobio. Thinking of you 🥺💗 The caption said. The text was sent minutes ago, when Tobio did not bother checking his phone because he knew he will not be able to stop himself from calling you. Was it possible that Tobio felt even more jealous of his shirt that you wore? He wished he could hold you close like that. He wanted to rip that shirt into shreds for making him jealous. How badly he wanted to be that shirt you were wearing. He wished you were right beside him as he drifted to sleep that night and the following nights that came by without you by his side.
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The following morning, Tobio woke up to your good morning text accompanied with a photo of what you were eating that morning. Tobio fell sound asleep that night thanks to your lingering scent on the pillow and the shirt. Although the bed feels quite big when you were gone, he knew he had to improvise to make it feel like you were there spending the night with him. Tobio walked towards the windows in the bedroom and pulled the curtains open. He was never one to do this since Tobio liked the house dim. You used to joke about how Tobio disliked the sun so much that he could be a descendant of Dracula since he closes the curtains immediately the second the sunlight seeps through the windows. His habit changed when you started to live together. You draw the curtains open to let in the light everyday. You always claim it to be therapeutic since it made you feel like the whole place is happy and warm. You also preached about the benefits of getting sunlight could increase your happy hormones. To which Tobio would whisper with, “You are my happy hormone provider.” A sticky note was on the window. Good morning! Open the blinds to let in some sunlight! Light kills darkness! (*,,˃ ᵕ ˂ )✰*。 Have an amazing day! P.S. Don’t forget to smile because I love you and the universe also loves you. —y/n If Tobio was going to find random notes around the house throughout the week that you were gone, maybe he could live with it. The little notes you left for him were all over the place and that was what you meant when you rushed home yesterday to “prepare the house” for him. You knew Tobio was going to be alone and it might be hard for him to get around without you so you realized maybe little sticky notes around the house could help him smile and push through the week. You were right. The notes that you left for him cheered him up in every possible way. Tobio knew you never failed at this and this is just one of the many reasons why Tobio grew even more in love with you as days passed by. He couldn’t wait to see you again.
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Seven days. Seven days that you were gone felt like seven months—perhaps even years, the longer that Tobio kept on thinking about it. He lost track of time when he only felt more discouraged to get on with his day without seeing you. “Was today the day that you would come home?” Tobio kept on asking himself. He could not even bother with texting you or calling you because he was afraid to bother your independent time while you were away. It was good enough that you left him messages accompanied with photos of what you did in the convention. Not to mention, the sticky notes around the house that he kept finding in the most bizarre of places which never fails to make him smile and lessen his pain. One note in particular which was his favorite when he opened the spice cabinet and found a sticky note that says, You spice up my life ;) —y/n He found the pun pretty funny, as expected of you who knew how to pull at Tobio’s heartstrings. It was a Sunday morning, and Tobio did not have the energy to go out in the world anymore. He just wished you were home now. He shifted and turned his position on the bed, facing the door that was slightly ajar. Closing his eyes slowly, trying to go back to sleep and ignore the noisy thoughts in his head that kept nagging at him to get up from bed and cook his breakfast. As he heaved a sigh, his nose caught a whiff of... pancakes? He was probably just dreaming. Tobio thought to himself and turned his back from the door. Seconds after, the smell of freshly fried bacon and eggs along with his favorite pancake started to gently fill the bedroom. What day is it? Tobio frowned and sat up almost immediately, making him dizzy in the sudden change of position. He slipped into his indoor slippers and walked outside of the bedroom, only to find a figure whom Tobio had been so familiar with. You’re finally back. Tobio could not help himself but to run towards you and hug you tightly from the back, his face buried on your neck as you flip the souffle pancake perfectly on the frying pan. “Rise and Shine, Tobio.” You said as you let him hug you even longer. You felt him kiss your neck and you let him do as he pleases. Poor thing probably missed you so much he needed your skinship after being deprived of it for a week. “Let me stay like this for a while...” He mumbled, tickling your neck in the process as he said those words. You let out a giggle and pulled on bis hair gently as if to massage his head. “I missed you so much...” He mumbles again, still not letting you go. “I miss you too, but this pancake is getting burnt if I don’t take it out any sooner. Let’s go have breakfast, alright?” You kissed his cheek afterwards and he let you go. He watched you walk towards the table and put the plate of pancakes in the middle along with the bacon and eggs. Tobio followed and sat on his chair the moment you sat down on your chair. The two of you said your prayer of thanks in silence and started eating. You watched as Tobio took his own share of pancakes and smiled at him sweetly. He was just like a little boy to you. You glanced around the apartment and realized that Tobio did not remove the notes at all but you knew your plan was a success since you found the meals that you’ve prepared eaten. “How does real food taste like?” You ask him while you watched him gobble up the pancakes you just made for the both of you. “Perfect because you’re here now.” Tobio replied, his mouth stuffed of pancakes. You chuckle and ruffled his hair gently before taking your own share and digging in. It felt great to finally feel at home again. You always knew your home was never a particular place but it was anywhere as long it was with Tobio.
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thewritingdungeon · 4 years
Discordancy #1
SUMMARY: Hawkeye has a long and varied past. He’s been a carnie, a spy, a superhero, even a brainwashed soldier. He also was, no matter how much he hates to admit it, an ex-criminal. It’s a part of his past he moved on from long ago and hoped he could just forget ever happened. But when an old associate contacts him for help, Clint is reminded that not everything he had so desperately tried to leave behind was something bad.
WARNINGS: heavy petting
"I can't believe that worked, you beautiful bastard!" Eris cries out, draping herself in the passenger seat. "That was such a rush, I could kiss you right now!"
Clint gives an easy smile in response, leaning back now that he has the luxury of driving slower. "By all means, don't fight it if you—"
The rest of his words are lost as his face is abruptly turned and his mouth covered by soft lips pressing eagerly against his. His lips part in silent surprise, and Eris takes the opportunity to dart her tongue in to swipe against his, bringing with it a taste of smoke and cinnamon he somehow finds intoxicating. But before he can register her actions enough to kiss back, Eris is pulling away, a grin on her lips and fire in her eyes.
He should have known right then and there that she'd be trouble for him.
Clint shook the memory off as he looked up at the nondescript hotel looming above him then back down at the text that had made its way onto his phone.
Hey Francis,
Long time, no chat! Just thought I'd see how you've been doing. How's the wife? Everest is lonely without your jokes, but I'm still climbing it!
It was a code he hadn't seen in a long time. Her code. She had even signed it with her usual kiss.
'Need help Ronin. Meet at hotel.'
He never thought he'd step foot back in such a place after SHIELD took him in—never thought he'd be allowed to step foot back in—but he could already feel that warm familiarity slip over him like a well-worn jacket as he stepped into the polished lobby, old habits making their way back into his gait.
"Good evening, Ronin," The Concierge warmly greeted. "It has been quite the long time since we have seen you around here. We are pleased to see you make use of our services once again."
"Evening, sir. It's, uh," Clint huffed out in incredulity, and the man's smile only grew more smug, "it sure is interesting to be back."
"And how may we help you this evening?"
Clint scratched at his chin. "Ah, I'm here to find an old friend, actually." He held up his hands in a gesture of good will at the sharp look in The Concierge's eye. "Don't you worry, I know the rules. Just looking for a drink and a chat, I swear."
The Concierge hummed noncommittally, flipping through his ledger. "Well, you're in luck that a room has already been reserved in your name, though payment will still be required." There was a slap of folded notes on the marble surface, but the man made no acknowledgement. "And you have a booth reserved in the lounge for midnight. We trust you can find your way there?"
"Mm, yeah. Thanks, man."
Clint made to take the offered room key, and was given one last unsettling smile by The Concierge. "Welcome back to Hotel Soteria, Ronin. Do let us know if you find yourself in need of any assistance."
The lounge was dim, lit sporadically with shifting colored lights meant to distract and obfuscate. There was no host to tell him which booth he was intended for, but a familiar shine of icy waves flashed through the milling crowd and gave Clint his answer. Taking quick steps forward, he left himself with no time to second guess his actions as he slid into the booth.
"You changed your hair."
He drank in the sight of the woman before him, trying his damnedest not to let the spark of familiarity burn into something more illicit. Where before had been wild white locks in a disheveled undercut, bold makeup and piercings, and a 'fuck you' attitude so common amongst rebellious youth, now stood messy silver-white waves cut sharp, with subtlety and daring balanced out in what combined into an impossibly alluring form.
And yet it was still that avid, easy grin tugging at dark, painted lips that met his words and stole his attention. "Aren't men your age supposed to start a flirtation with 'what's a girl like you doing in a place like this?' If you're not careful, I might start thinking you didn't miss me, Ronin."
Clint couldn't help but snort and roll his eyes at her greeting, "You got rid of the lip ring too."
"Aw, sad that it's gone?"
"Shouldn't you be flirting with people your own age?"
That pulled a sharp laugh from the woman, "Where would be the fun in that?"
Clint sighed; he had forgotten how...whimsical Eris could be. It was a fun trait to be around in the past, but the world had made him weary, jaded. There was no real place for exuberance in a spy's life. He didn't know how to deal with it anymore. "Get to the point, Eris. Why did you bring me here?"
A slow smile spread across her face, and Eris leaned forward, voice a husky whisper, "I've got something I think you'll really want to get a hold of."
Clint had been so wrapped up in not staring at her that he didn't quite grasp what Eris had intended when she told him she had something for him. It wasn't until he felt the heat of her slide onto his lap to straddle him that Clint realized the trouble he was in.
Rough, half-gloved hands cupped his face as Eris leaned down to press an eager kiss to his lips. His mind went blank, arousal and habit taking over to urge his mouth to move against hers. He dragged her closer by her hips, earning him a gasp that let him slip his tongue inside to explore her mouth. Clint smirked into the kiss; it was rare he was able to surprise the chaotic woman.
He buried a hand into her hair, letting him control their movements and deepen the kiss as Eris's touch burned a trail down his chest. His advantage was quickly lost, however, when she dipped a hand into the waistband of both his jeans and underwear, careful to keep away from where he suddenly found himself wanting her touch the most. A ragged moan escaped Clint from the combination of that teasing brush and the harsh bite to his lower lip.
"I'll wait up for you," she whispered, placing another short peck against his swollen lips.
And then the warmth of her body was gone. Clint blinked as he tried to understand what had just happened, but Eris had already disappeared.
"Damn girl's trying to give me a heart attack with her games, I swear," he groaned. "Can't she just leave an old man alone?"
Taking a moment to adjust himself, Clint palmed the flash drive Eris had slipped into his pants, moving it to a more secure location with the sly tricks years spent in the circus had taught him. He tipped back his beer and waited, looking as much like a man who had just been teased as any around him. All he needed to do was keep blending in a little bit more; then, he could escape to his room and see what the job was that awaited him.
Clint locked the door of his hotel room, slumping forward to lean his head against the polished wood with a frustrated groan. Why, of all the people he had teamed up with in his past, did it have to have been Eris that made contact with him again?
He thought back to all the jobs they had pulled off together. The bright, brilliant, chaotic demolitions prodigy who lived up to her alias was a surprising complement to his pinpoint efficiency as a marksman and hired sword. She was an explosion unto herself, and at only age 18, she truly had been a force to be reckoned with. So why she had taken after that first heist to teasing and flirting with a man over ten years her senior, Clint would never understand.
His mind brought up flashes of moments witnessed firsthand of how she liked to play with those who caught her interest like toys, and when she was done she'd leave them behind just as easily as one. It was all a game in her mind. Which made it all the more frustrating for Clint. As much as he hated to admit it, he was drawn to Eris, but he refused to play her games and be another crushed pawn. The age gap didn't help matters either. God, every time he thought about her made him feel like a dirty, old man. It was even worse now that he actually was a dirty, old man.
"A gorgeous woman is waiting for you on your bed, and you choose getting personal with a door instead?" He heard an undignified snort from behind him. "You're a better gentleman than me, Ronin."
Clint sighed. He wasn't surprised by her presence in his room: she hadn't given him a room number to meet him at, after all. He turned and made his way to the encrypted computer that came with every guest room in the hotel, ignoring Eris as she swung her legs back and forth off the side of the single bed. "That's because you are neither gentle nor a man," he remarked tersely, settling into the leather chair. "I don't see why you had to go and grope me to slip me the damn thing if you were just gonna meet me in the room anyway."
"Cuz then I wouldn't have had an excuse to kiss you!" Came Eris's cheerful response."
Yeah, yeah. This USB of yours got extra encryption already on it?"
"It's safe."
"All right, let's see what problems you're dragging me into now." He plugged in the drive and immediately a single folder popped up:
Project Shadrak.
Clint clicked through the folder, and dozens of files appeared on the screen, each one detailing a job right down to grainy, camera-feed clips of the woman in question. "Eris, what the fuck have you gotten yourself into this time?"
Silence hung heavy in the air for a single moment.
"…A week and a half ago, I found a bug in my apartment," she began from behind him, voice quiet. "I sweep the place regularly, so I don't know how long it had been there, but I could've sworn it couldn't have been for long. Then a few days later, an unmarked envelope was left inside my door, lock still secure. It contained that flash drive and details on every job I've ever pulled since joining the Underground."
He spun the chair to face her, eyes hard at the implication of her words. "Why didn't you have someone trace the data? Why not check your security system feeds? What the hell am I supposed to do? I'm a hired gun, Eris, not a hacker. And I'm not even that anymore."
"I tried!" She bit out in frustration. "Once any hacker saw the flash drive's encryption, they refused to help me. Wouldn't even tell me why!"
"And what exactly do you think involving me is going to help with?"
"Don't you get it?!" Clint faltered at the distress in her voice and watched as she gripped at the roots of her hair and tugged on the strands. "They have data on every. single. job. I've done! That means they have this information on you too! You're in danger, Francis!"
Her voice broke on his false name, and Clint felt his ingrained defensiveness crack at the sound. "What about other partners you've had; have you warned them too?"
He had thought by now nothing Eris could do nothing to surprise him anymore. But then, she shifted her gaze from his, looking awkward as she muttered, "I haven't had any other partners on jobs..."
Clint blinked, “What?”
“Look, I-I don’t— I just— Before you agreed to work with me, no one wanted to work with a technical teenager, all right?” Eris crossed her arms. “After the Italy job and the banker, I got a reputation for being difficult to work with. I don’t—” she cut herself off with a petulant huff, still refusing to meet his eyes. “I just don’t really play well with others, okay? It’s usually better for everyone if I’m hired for design work or solo jobs.”
“You worked with me just fine,” he pointed out.
Eris threw her hands up in the air, exasperation weaving its way through her words, “Yeah, and I got known for that too! You were known as the only one who could ‘handle’ me, as one employer put it. Did no one ever bring it up to you?”
“Honestly, I never really thought about it,” Clint admitted. “Usually was too busy thinking about the shit coffee they always gave us.”
“Yeah, well, it was said to me enough times. So there’s no one else to warn, you happy?”
Eris was dangerously close to pouting, and it made it difficult to keep the serious expression on his face that the situation called for. “Fine, I’ll help you find out who’s after you so that both our backs are in the clear. But after that you’re on your own, Eris. I can’t be seen back in this life.”
“Thank you, Ronin,” she breathed. The next instant, Clint found himself in a crushing hug.
“Oof. Er, I can’t help if you break me, all right? Jeez, I forgot how freakishly strong you are.” Clint rubbed his back as Eris stepped away and sighed. “We’ll head out around noon tomorrow to speak to the last hacker you brought the stick to. For now, get the hell out of my room and get some rest, okay?”
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fandom-necromancer · 5 years
451. Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.
Shoutout to the amazing anon prompting this! Your other story will be up tomorrow!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
‘Good morning, tin-can’, Detective Gavin Reed greeted him without making eye contact, as usual. Nines looked up from his work, the little jabbing program in the back of his head starting to act up again upon the conclusion that the uttered statement was [dishonest] and [human is lying]. ‘Good morning, Detective. How had your weekend been?’ ‘Fine.’ [Subject is distant]   [Doesn’t speak the whole truth] Nines nodded and got back to work. He had to go to a Cyberlife store soon and get this checked. Something had to be wrong, because with every word out of that human’s mouth he sensed lies and withheld words. A behaviour like that simply wasn’t natural. Maybe for a day or two, Nines supposed someone could handle it. But three months? Clearly some code had to be faulty.
A message popped up in his vision, informing him of a crime scene that called for their attention. ‘There had been a suspected drug related murder’, he reported dutifully to his partner. ‘We are to leave immediately.’ ‘No, I didn’t even had-‘ The detective cut himself off as Nines had turned towards him attentive to every word. This time they didn’t scream [human is dishonest]. ‘Alright, I’m coming.’ The human stood up and put on his jacket. ‘May I inform you that you haven’t had your morning coffee yet, detective?’ The man tensed and held it for several seconds, before letting out a deep sigh. ‘I know, toaster, it’s fine.’   [human is lying]
The drive to the crime scene was silent. Nines knew it was normal to discuss what they knew about the scene, but the detective wasn’t one for banter. So, he prepared one of his usual monologues: ‘The body was found today at 6:43 AM by garbage collectors in an industrial park. As I was informed there aren’t any signs of a murder on the body, but there were traces of red ice and a message left.’ ‘Oh god, will you shut u-‘ Nines looked over to his partner at the uncommon reaction, but before he could say something, the human corrected himself: ‘I’m sorry. Continue.’ Again, it was dishonest from the bone. ‘Detective, if you’d rather drive in silence and examine the scene for yourself, I can stop.’ ‘No! No, no, I’m fine, I don’t want to stand in your way. Just get on.’ [lie] ‘Okay… Well, there is a message on the wall above the body, Cyberlife font but not perfect. Maybe trying to blame androids for the murder?’ ‘We are there’, the detective interrupted and parked the car lazily at the street.
He almost fled through the opened gate in the fence and followed a beat cop already waiting for them. The woman led them through a jungle of pipes and brick-walls, maybe it was a chemical plant. Nines didn’t look it up, he was preoccupied hurrying after his partner.
He caught up to him as they arrived at the scene: True to Nines’ description there was a dead body, a middle-aged woman, leaning against a wall and a pipe. The ground was covered in tiny red crystals that turned blue where they came in touch with water puddles from yesterday’s downpour. No obvious signs of foreign interference, no blood, no needles, no reminders of handprints or rope at the throat. She looked like she was sleeping. Above her head there was near perfectly written: Pay your debts.
The detective was already on his knees, inspecting the crystals on the ground. ‘There is no pattern in the distribution’, Nines helped and saw the man flinch but say nothing, moving on to the body. Nines dipped a finger into the red dust and brought it to his mouth. The familiar results came in near immediately. ‘Red Ice.’ Gavin was already looking at the woman, crouching down once more to study face and throat, then hands and clothing. Meanwhile Nines looked up her file. ‘Her name is Susan Miller. Married, no children. No history of drug abuse, at least none documented. Works at a local news channel, no peculiarities at record there. Uploads photos of a bird regularly on social media. At least from her file there is no motive for a murder.’ He had noticed how the human had increasingly tensed while he was speaking. Nines immediately recalled what he had said, searching for a reason for this behaviour but found none. So, he continued: ‘The writing on the wall appears perfect, but there are little waves at the corners, evidence of a slight tremor or malfunction. Not enough to eliminate the writer either being human or android.’ Still, the crouched down human wasn’t answering, silently inspecting the findings in her pockets. A wallet with a bunch of cards, some money and pictures of her husband and the bird. Some keys, one for a car, one that looked like fitting a front door. Some handkerchiefs. Pepper spray. ‘The spray had been used at least once’, Nines supplied from his analysis. ‘I will try to find out whether that was here.’
He crouched down, getting samples of the ground around the dead woman, but stopped as his partner got up and walked away without a word. ‘Detective!’, Nines called out for him, but there was no reaction. He got up, recalling his recent memories. Why was the man acting so strangely? With everything he had done he had intended to help. There was a reason, androids were flooding the police. They could see things humans couldn’t. Nines would stand for it without pride or a feeling of superiority. There was also a lot, humans could do that went far over an android’s head. Especially working with detective Reed Nines experienced it nearly every day. He really liked working with the man as he was efficient and not hindered by compassionate emotions. The only thing standing between him and a successful cooperation was this behaviour the man was displaying: No more speaking than the barest minimum, every direct question answered with something he knew wasn’t what the man wanted to say. And he decided that this had to end that moment, standing next to the dead body of the poor woman.
He started running to catch up to his partner and found him sitting behind the wheel looking the other direction. Clearly waiting for him but not voluntarily. Silently, Nines entered the passenger seat, but as the man wanted to reach for the gear-knob, Nines grabbed it instead, looking at the human with determination. The detective met his eyes, flinching at the contact and immediately his left hand was at the door-handle. Nines scanned the human opposite to him and realised for the first time that this was a reaction of fear. Of course, he had never noticed it. He wouldn’t have thought the man to fear anything after seeing him in action with no regards to his own safety, only having the mission in mind.
Nines averted his eyes and let go of the knob, strangely regretting that the human was afraid of him. What had he done to frighten a man like Reed? Of course, he could be frightening. He had been designed to be. But he had always tried to be gentle and helpful. ‘I’m sorry, detective.’ ‘What?’ ‘You seem to be afraid of me.’ ‘No I’m not!’ ‘You are lying right now.’
There was silence. ‘I detected you lying to me repeatedly, always saying something you didn’t mean or trying to cover something up that slipped past your lips that you did mean. I… I asked myself what I did wrong all the time, but now I know. I am sorry to frighten you.’ ‘You don’t frighten me’, it was quietly uttered, as if ashamed. But it was true for once and Nines looked up again, studying the human that had crossed his arms over the steering wheel. ‘Then please tell me what I’m doing wrong. I can see your stress levels spike whenever you are talking to me, but you never tell me what causes that. I can ask for a transfer, if you want. Though I really enjoy working with you.’ ‘It’s nothing, I can handle it.’ ‘You are lying again. Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.’
‘Fine, okay!’ Suddenly there was anger. Anger Nines hadn’t seen before, as if it had been chained deep inside his partner and only now set free. ‘I never asked for a partner. I was perfectly fine being alone. And then I get a phcking machine! A damn Connor 2.0! You know I would have rather learned I’m replaced by a bot than work with one! You perfect analysing dipshits, scrolling through people’s social media and finding out every little detail we thought to be well hidden. What will the world come to once our metal overlords slowly take everything? When our worth is determined by machines? Phck, I hate your kind. Always had and always will. And if you want to punch me unconscious for this too, like your damn doppelgänger did to show me my place, then fine, do it! It won’t change who I am! You would have to kill me for that!’ Nines looked at the human surprised and confused. He had never expected… What had Connor done? He accessed the precinct’s surveillance database through the android network and searched for anything that would explain what happened. As he searched, there was a groan coming from the human as he slumped down again. Finally he found a file. Gavin threatening Connor for illegally entering the evidence room. And moments later ending up on the floor unconscious. A heavy blow to a proud man’s ego. It made Nines re-evaluate his relationship to Connor and his approach to the human next to him.
‘I would never harm you, detective’, Nines said carefully. ‘I wouldn’t even think of it.’ He paused, expecting the human to intervene and shut him up. But detective Reed stayed silent. Without being able to see his face, Nines couldn’t find out whether what he was saying had an impact. ‘And I definitely don’t think humans are of any different worth than androids. I disagree of humans being superior. But so I do with androids. We are equals. I wouldn’t have taken the job if I replaced a human. I don’t know what Connor thought as he did this to you, but I don’t think it was justified. I know nothing I say will change your opinion on androids, but please look at my actions when judging me, not other’s.’ ‘Fine, asshole, I’ll judge you by your actions: You always act like you know phcking everything. As if a human can’t get to the conclusion that a pepper spray was used before! Shit, then the ordering around. New crime scene there, we are to go here… Bullshit! We are not partners! You are the perfect detective and I’m the burden you have to bring along because technically you have a partner. Don’t you tell me we are equals!’ ‘But we are? You are not a burden. You don’t speak to me at all, how should I have known what you found out? I just thought to help you by stating everything I could see. And I never intended to order you around although I see I might have phrased some sentences really weirdly. I’m sorry for that. But you have to tell me that, how else should I know?’ ‘Hmm yeah and end up drooling on the floor again? No thank you!’ ‘That’s not healthy.’ ‘Yeah, well, phck you! I only have my eight hours with you, then I can relax again.’ ‘But it doesn’t have to be like this. I can assure you you can always tell me. I promise you I’ll never harm you. We are partners, we are supposed to protect the other. And I need you. I agree, I can analyse samples and see more at a crime scene than a human. But you are far more advanced in finding a motive and thinking like a killer would. You have social skills I would never manage to develop in my active time. I need your skills and you need mine. And that’s how it is supposed to be. If you have problems with me, you can tell me.’
There was a heavy sigh. ‘You can’t tell me you need me. That’s bullshit. When did you ever needed me?’ ‘Every talk to witnesses or family members of victims, you lead. I couldn’t be compassionate if my life depended on it. I’m too analytical for it. And take this case for an example: I suppose you already have a hunch?’ ‘…Yeah.’ ‘I don’t. I know there is not enough evidence yet. But you already have an idea to follow for the next steps. That is one of your most amazing qualities.’
They still sat in the car, twenty minutes after leaving the crime scene. ‘So, how about we start over and you talk to me as if I were a human partner that in no way had a chance at overpowering you in a fight?’ The detective had risen his head over the wheel again, maybe Nines had managed to get through to him. ‘I think I could try that.’ ‘That’s good to hear, detective.’ ‘The name’s Gavin.’
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dlkardenal · 4 years
Psychopaths – A type of villain we all love to hate
A villain – if you have one – can make or break a book. When we attempt to understand their motivations we often bump into some kind of mental illness or condition that is not neurotypical. In the following weeks I will try to cover the most popular mental conditions of the villains, starting with the most common yet most misunderstood one: the psychopaths.
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When we read the story of a serial killer, we can go on shrugging and saying he was a psychopath like this term explain everything. The most important thing that I want to nail down, that yes, many serial killers were psychopaths but not all of them, and not all psychopaths become murderers.
The common trait most prominent feature of psychopathy is the lack of empathy. Everything else is the consequence of this –  if they want something, they will get it and they won’t think of the feelings and needs of others for a moment. If it is their best interest, they can be charming, they manipulate or get rid of anyone in their way without the shred of doubt. Pathological lying can also occur, and they feel no remorse or regret ever. They can’t feel a real emotional connection to anyone as they are biologically incapable of that.
How do we know this?
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Scientists measured the volume and activity of different brain regions in psychopaths – they found candidates for this among inmates unaware of their conditions – and compared it to neurotypical (aka. normal) people.
They found that those who showed psychopathic features, like impairment in moral judgment, manipulating and lying seemed to have increased white matter and decreased grey matter volume a certain brain area we call ventromedial prefrontal cortex, just behind the middle of your forehead. Interestingly, patients who suffer damage to this region due to an accident or infection can develop psychopathic features, depending on how old they were. Those who suffer damage under the age of 16 are more likely to show psychopathic and criminalistic behavior than those who were adults, although the damage can’t entirely replicate the disorder of psychopathy. This phenomenon is one indication that true psychopathy is developed – or rather undeveloped – very early, most likely during the time the parts of the brain responsible for affection and morals form the first time. Which means psychopaths are born.
They also found impairment in a little but very important nucleus in the middle-lower part of the brain called the amygdala. This region is responsible for controlling many things related to emotions – developing fear responses, rewarding yourself, and the process of learning through these effects. Without these, psychopaths don’t usually fear punishment and have a much milder reaction to stress. For example, you should never play poker or gamble with a psychopath as their heart-rate stays calmer than most people and they tend to take risks, stripping you of every bit of money quickly. They also have enhanced sensitivity for rewards, so they never step back until they are winning.
Having said that, most psychopaths can decide to imitate emotions, forcing themselves to fancy or take care of someone. This is a cold, rational decision without real feelings and attachment behind it, so they can cut their relationships just as easily as they formed them. They can just as easily show emotions through intelligence, shaming every Oscar-winning actor if that suits them. I seriously wonder if some awards for lead characters were handed out to psychopaths – only the main roles though, they would never accept anything less, don’t even dream of that.
What causes the neurodevelopmental impairment that leads to psychopathy is still a mystery but in conditions such as this, starting during early life and unfolding as the patient ages, the cause is most often the genetics. Yes, those pesky genes again. They do a lot, don’t they? Which one of those little cuties is responsible for this and how exactly, we are still unsure, but scientists all over the world are working hard to find out. There is a growing literature about psychopathy, if you want to read further from a neurobiological perspective, I suggest you start with the article “The Neurobiology of Psychopathy: A Neurodevelopmental Perspective”. It is free to read, and although not easy to read if you’re not used to scientific language, there are a lot of interesting little tidbits the readers could consider and learn from.
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 The most common misunderstanding about this condition is that some trauma or a tragic backstory can lead to psychopathy, thus justifying the actions of our cruel and vicious, yet somehow charming mass murderer, making him sympathetic and understandable. As we discussed before, this is a myth. Childhood experiences can create a sociopath, a narcissist, but not a psychopath. It is a condition people are born with, a dysfunction in the brain. You don’t need to have shitty parents and traumatic childhood to be a psychopath.
The other very important thing is, you can’t treat psychopathy. They don’t react to pills or therapy, nothing. This is their nature and they can’t change, even those who may understand their condition and are willing to try (a rare case, but not impossible) are doomed to fail. There is no redemption for them, no one will come to change their life. They can however act as if they have changed of course, but it would remain what it is: an act. Their true nature will come forward eventually, and that will sting like nothing else. Now that I think of it, this may be an interesting plot we should get on writing… Hmmm… But back to the topic…
As for representation, there are two main types. A successful psychopath blends in with society, manipulates, lies his way through life without detection, and ends up being the head of a bank or a huge company. The unsuccessful psychopath is more impulsive, more criminalistic, and most probably ends up in jail.
My favorite portrayal is a bit of both – the infamous Hannibal Lecter, especially the Hannibal from the series because Mads Mikkelsen shows perfectly just how manipulative yet charming can a psychopath be. Dar’s favorite example is the villain/evil king from the book Graceling by Kristin Cashore, which is also a perfect portrayal beginning with him being a cruel and uncaring little kid torturing animals.
That’s all for today, my children, next time we will move onto narcissists and sociopaths, what is the difference between psychopaths and them, which are the individual traits and how they develop. Stay tuned!
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Come Back to You
Stephen Strange x wizard! female reader
Warning: death, suicidal thoughts, depression, just a lot of angst but dont worry it gets fluffy, violence, curse words
Specifics: angst, romance, fluff, action, one-shot, race neutral reader, gif, !SPOILERS FOR ENDGAME!
People: stephen strange, steve rogers, tony stark, natasha romanoff, scott lang, thanos
Words: 2,147
Requested: By @abigator554 Hey could u do a dr strange x reader where she watched him fade away on titan and thought she would never see him again. she is also a “wizard” and fights in the last battle fighting as if she has nothing left loose. When all of them start to come back she sees him and runs over to him. She starts to break down ending with some really sappy stuff from Stephen and then they take down Thanos together 
Authors Note: so this guys is a sad one indeed god i feel like this whole week has been sad. this story deals and talks about a lot and to me a lot of what u would go thru if someone u loved passed away without a why. if you havent watched endgame then maybe this isnt the fic for u, if u dont care about spoilers then go on ahead. thanks for the request and i always love writing about those who dont get written a lot. also this gif 😍 i mean cmon!
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Its been 5 years. 5 years since your life turned upside down and was changed for the worse, but it just felt like yesterday. 
You stood there, awaiting for what came next, holding tightly Stephen’s hand. “Stephen...”
Suddenly, without control, your colleges, your friends started disappearing on planet Titan. It all happened so fast. You tried to stop it, but it was out of your hands. “No, no, no,” you were shocked, tears streaming down your face as you saw the ones you loved die, just poof away. 
You then remembered your husband. Turning your head to Stephen your world fell apart. He fell, leaning against a rock. “Oh god no,” you sobbed not wanting him to leave you. You needed him, he was your life. “Baby, no don’t leave me,” you pleaded, kneeling before him, clutching his once strong hands now going weak. 
“I’m sorry y/n, I’m sorry,” he only whispered, feeling life soon leaving his body. “I’m sorry, I...we all tried. There was nothing more we could do.” He tried gripping your hand, granting you one last kiss on your knuckles. You could feel the splash of tears drop onto your skin feeling worse knowing he was crying, knowing he didn’t want to leave you. “I love you...” 
He was gone. 
The wind took his ashes away, leaving you with only a little piece of himself. Your lips trembled, you were shaking out of anger and sadness. You picked up a pile of his ashes in your hand and dropped them again to the ground. You looked up to the sky and screamed. Screamed on the top of your lungs. For once being and Avenger didn’t matter for you were powerless.
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Sitting up in your bed full of sweat you look beside you. Hoping Stephen is there and it was all a nightmare. As you look you realize it was all a reality. He was truly gone. Again, everyday, you would sob. Either sob the whole night or sob till you fell asleep. You wrapped yourself up in one of his shirts, smelling it and just wishing for his presence, he was with you. “I miss you my love.” You would hug yourself with his shirt on. 
You were alone in the house. You felt broken and just not wanting to live anymore. Sometimes, what was left of the gang, would come visit you but most days you wanted to stay in bed and hope and pray that you would die. 
A knock on the door startled you. You still laid there not wanting any confrontation. 
“Y/n, I know you’re in there,” Steve called out to you. 
You groaned as you got up. You were wearing pajamas from who knows when. You hadn’t taken a shower, you were a mess. The house was a disaster and you were feeling very weak at the moment. 
You opened the door lightly, “what do you want?” Usually, your cheery self or the you from five years ago would of said something sarcastic or something silly to Steve but that you had disappeared, along with the love of your life. 
Steve looked worried, seeing as you had bags under your eyes and you looked almost lifeless, well you felt it. “Please, can I come in?”
You bit your lip in thought, thinking. 
“Please, y/n, can we just talk?”
You nodded, opening the door wide for him. He looked around the house that was so lively with music playing and you and Stephen dancing together, cooking, you would invite the Avengers for dinners all the time but now the house was dark, curtains closing the sunshine. It was better that way, outside people experienced the same things. Loss of loved ones. Half of the population was wiped out from that snap so outside was dark and gloomy, like everyone's souls. Garbage, clothes, his clothes were every where, lying around the house, bills and letters were all stacked into one corner. 
“Please, sit,” you said as you pointed to the kitchen table. It was all covered in junk. You quickly moved everything aside with force, not caring about a glass vase shattering. You just did not care about anything. 
“Thank you,” Steve sat politely. 
“Would you like some, um,” you went to the kitchen and saw you had no groceries, “water?”
“I’m good thanks.”
You walked back and sat in front of Steve, not knowing what to talk about but you knew what you didn’t want to talk about. Steve and Natasha and some of the group were dead set on bringing those who were snapped back. You just never wanted to talk about it. You didn’t want to bring your hopes up and then when it failed be down all over again. Even seeing their faces brought back your husband in your mind, old times. 
“How are you feeling?”
You chuckled, “the same...”
“Listen y/n, I know you miss him-”
“No don’t you start with that,” you shook your head. 
“-but you can’t keep living like this.” Steve wrapped your hands into his, engulfing them. He then realized you were wearing Stephen’s shirt. “He wouldn’t have wanted this for you.” You brought your hands back as if Steve stung your hands. You hated talking about him. 
“Oh what the he*l do you know, Steve? I can and I will keep living like this. You know I kinda have the right to. Everybody, everybody is wanting me to take care of myself, to just live on, well what if I don’t want to! I never wanted to proceed in living without Step- without him...”
Steve felt pain for you, but he didn’t want nothing bad happening to you either. “Y/n, this has got to stop.”
“I can’t even say his name. I can’t leave the house without thinking about him. I don’t want to breathe, eat, sleep, do anything without him. I won’t. You all expect me, oh its been 5 years, well to me it feels like it was yesterday, you guys expect me to be happy again, to find a hobby, do something amazing with my life, I can’t! For god’s sake that was my husband. He wasn’t just a man that I wanted to pass and we’re done, he was like my other half! I could depend on him and he could depend on me and I failed him.” You slouched in your chair sobbing. Steve wrapped his arms around you, “no don’t think that way. This wasn’t your fault.”
“I wish it would of been me instead of him. Steve, I have a baby room and baby clothes, things. We were gonna try. I was so happy, finally having our little family like I always dreamed of and now, its not a dream, its a nightmare. A nightmare that I am supposedly supposed to keep living. Steve, I don’t want to live anymore! I don’t want this life! I just want it all to end!”
Steve soothed you as he embraced you harder and for as long as you needed him. You cried onto his shoulder, needing that comfort. 
He stayed for the rest of the day there. Just having another person’s presence surprisingly aided you, but sadly he had to leave. You said your goodbyes as he left but he paused, “y/n if you ever need me for anything or just need someone there, someone to talk to, please, don’t ever hesitate to call me. Please.” He almost sounded as if he was begging. You, again, hugged him, “thank you Steve.”
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A couple of days later you got the call. 
You brought all your items together. Notebooks your husband told you about that were very important. They were about the stones, especially the one he gave up. It was all nostalgic. You remember Stephen he was your teacher. He taught you everything about magic and alternate dimensions. Grinning as you saw a picture you threw of him and you along with his old things, “don’t worry baby, we might get somewhere.” You got yourself ready and ran as fast as you could to the Avengers facility. 
The call was from Steve, he said they might have found a way to bring back all those people.
You were so quick, so fast. Could this be real? Could this be possible? Could you really end up seeing your husband again?
You ran, everything disheveled as you entered. Slamming the door open, “tell me!”
They explained to you everything calling the plan the “Time Heist”. Scott Lang said he had experienced the Quantum Realm so he had knowledge about it. He told you that it may help them go back in time and retrieving all the Infinity Stones from major historical events. It all made sense. The lost pieces you were trying to stick into the puzzle piece were found. 
“So you’re telling me this time voodoo whatever might actually work?” Scott placed his hands on your shoulders chuckling, excited, “that is what I’m saying y/n. We may be able to bring back all of them.”
Feeling light headed you sat down. Your mind was racing. Its been so many years. All this time you imagined there was never a possibility of seeing Stephen again and now you were told it might actually happen. 
“Y/n are you okay?” Tony asked concerned. 
Tears started to drip down your cheeks and you bit your fist, “we need to do this...”
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Fighting alongside the Avengers trio leaving behind the feelings of lost from your friend Natasha you head straight for Thanos. 
Using your powers you lift him up and smash him against stones. 
“Guys were losing!” You shouted as you suddenly saw the army of Thanos storming toward you four. You held your breath as you were ready to defend humanity, ready to fight till your last breath. Until you heard a voice on Steve’s ear piece. You turned around, shocked, “could it be...”
All of a sudden Sling Ring portals start opening and one by one people that have been affected by the Snap appear. 
“Oh my god, Steve!” You start laughing. Your hand atop your mouth so surprised. “It worked! It worked!” As you saw those you thought you had lost forever you remember that special someone. “Wait then that means...”
As the next portal opens up out comes you husband, Stephen.
You feel as if you are floating as you see him. Feeling his and your presence only in this terrifying war, in this world. Not caring about the battle that is about to begin you and Stephen make eye contact. You see a tear fall from his face as you pick up your cloak and sprint to him. You trip over your cape a couple of times but that does not stop you. As you get closer Stephen runs to you as well and the two of you embrace, you almost tripping him from the force. Stephen clutches onto your head as you rest your face into his chest, sobbing. “I thought I would never see you again. I missed you so much.”
“I know my love, I know,” he kissed your forehead as he rocked you back and forth. “I’m sorry for all the pain that I’ve caused you.”
You held onto him tighter, afraid of letting go. “It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters is that you are here with me.” You felt a tear press against your cheek and you realized it was not yours it was Stephen. You backed away and looked directly at his face. Opening his tear filled eyes, the portals light gleaming against his orbs, he sniffles as he smiles, “...my love...”
You touch his cheeks lightly and bring your forehead against his, “we are one again Stephen.” You two share a kiss that was so passionate and full of love. All those days and nights crying alone were days of the past. You now looked forward to your future. A future with your husband. 
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(not mine! do not own!)
You had a grip onto his clothing and you two giggled after the kiss just enjoying each others company. “I love you Mr. Strange.”
“And I love you more Mrs. Strange.”
You two held hands as you all prepared for battle. As husband and wife, the power couple you and Stephen kicked some a*s as you fought for not your life but your husband’s. Vowing that you would never let anything ever happen again to him. 
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A life was lost that day. Everyone mourned the loss of Tony and previously Natasha. It was tough, they were everyone's friend. You thanked everyone for the sacrifices they made, without them you wouldn’t be able to have your husband beside you. 
But just as a life was lost another life was born. You sat upon Stephen’s lap as you uttered only a few words that would completely change your lives, “guess what Stephen...I’m pregnant.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe, @egos-r-life
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cielleduciel · 5 years
okay okay, Black Eagles/Crimson Flower. this is very long and very rambly bc i was mad and i probably repeat myself a lot but whatever
keep in mind going forward that this was my FE3H first route and the only one i've played so far, and it was... disappointing. i really, really want to like Edelgard as a character bc she seems interesting and she has so much potential, but fact is the game never allows her any sort of true depth, and never lets you interact with her in any meaningful way
and i hate to say it bc i ALWAYS go to bat for complex underappreciated female characters, which is what i was expecting out of this, but that's not... even what she is. none of her potential is ever realized. she's one-note and static and the writers seem to think that just throwing in a traumatic backstory (that never gets explored, even as it very obviously relates directly to her worldview) and a few cute/quirky character moments will give her depth, but it doesn't
the game really LOVES to try and play up this special bond between Edelgard and Byleth and how much Byleth means to her, but it never feels earned. she always says that she feels like she can tell Byleth anything and everything, but she doesn't. i have no better understanding about why she felt like she needed to do the things she did than i did at the end of part 1. all she ever says is that she has to do it all in the name of her ideals and a better future and it's the only way, and all i ever wanted throughout the entire route was to ask WHY ? WHY is this the only way ? WHY do you feel like this is the only thing you can do ? WHY are all other options off the table ?
she's cooperating directly with Those Who Slither In The Dark (TWSITD), who not only experimented on and tortured Edelgard herself and killed her siblings, but also killed Byleth's father, but we never explore the implications of that. hell, Edelgard's issues aside, Byleth themself has their own stake in this, their own very good reasons to question Edelgard and the lengths she's willing to go to in order to achieve this future of hers, but they're NEVER given the chance. if you choose her route, the game apparently assumes that you've decided to follow her without question or reserve, regardless of everything that happened, even though it makes no sense in context. at the end of the route, Edelgard even admits that she couldn't understand why Byleth wound up taking her side, and i wanted to SCREAM !!! LIKE YEAH, I DON'T UNDERSTAND IT EITHER ??? i was HOPING we would get to explore that at some point but I GUESS NOT ????
at most, Edelgard offers platitudes by saying that she too hates TWSITD and regrets everything they've done but still maintains that her alliance with them is necessary for the time being, because they are the best allies she has against the church, and she needs their strength. again, my question is: WHY ? because while i can see how they may have been useful to her in part 1, i didn't see them do ANYTHING to help her during the entirety of part 2. they had literally zero presence in any of the battles, were not even shown or mentioned aside from the moments where they were being CLEARLY ANTAGONISTIC towards her, like when they NUKED ARIANRHOD AS A "WARNING" as soon as Edelgard captured the city bc they were mad she killed one of their officers,
and yet she felt like she needed to spin the story to say it was the church's doing so as to like, save face and rally morale while maintaining their alliance, i guess, but why ?** even in the FINAL BATTLE AGAINST RHEA HERSELF, Arundel shows up ONLY to literally say "yeah i'm just here to watch lmao". so like, as far as i know from everything i have physically seen, we defeated the church without their help at all--in SPITE of their "help", even--which does not help me understand why her alliance with TWSITD is so necessary that Edelgard has to just grit her teeth, bear it, and cover for them until the war is over so that she can finally turn on them
(**i get not telling the entire army about Arianrhod to avoid panic and questions, but what was the point of lying to the rest of the Black Eagles ? why is it that Byleth, Edelgard, and Hubert seem to be the only ones allowed to know about the empire's workings with TWSITD ? like what was even the point of Edelgard revealing herself as the Flame Emperor at the end of part 1 ((which was also a totally botched scene but i'm not even gonna get into that here))? i thought the reason for that scene WAS to reveal the truth to everyone that she was working with TWSITD, we even had that whole dramatic battle where Edelgard had to fight her own house and professor bc of it ? but i guess it wasn't, bc none of them ever bring it up again, and the game still treats it like they should all still be in the dark about it, so ???)
on top of that, i still don't understand why she felt like she needed to antagonize the Alliance, or even the Kingdom, when her enemy is the church. like i get it, there’s no negotiating with the church as it is, violent conflict with them is inevitable and i’m not against that, i understand it and i can get behind it. but why didn't she ever try talking to the other two factions or working together w them or FORGING ALLIANCES instead of resorting immediately to violence ?** maybe i can believe that Dimitri and the Kingdom are a lost cause, but for example--and again now i haven't played the GD route, but from what i understand-- Claude's values are fairly similar to Edelgard's, and he does a lot of digging into the church on his own and is able to discover much of the truth. her alliance with TWSITD is apparently "necessary" but it never occurs to her to reach out to GOOD PEOPLE like Claude who would share her interests ? why ? why can’t we even bring it up ?
(**my confusion with this is best summed up by that one interaction she has with Dimitri in part 2, where before they're about to fight, he asks her, "Must you continue to conquer? Continue to kill?" and her response is literally, "Must you continue to reconquer? Continue to kill in retaliation?" like WHAT ? WHAT KIND OF CHILDISH "NO U" NONSENSE IS THAT ? YOU'RE LITERALLY THE AGGRESSOR HERE, ARE YOU REALLY TRYING TO TELL HIM HE SHOULD'VE JUST SAT BACK AND LET YOU TAKE THE KINGDOM WITHOUT EXPLAINING ANYTHING ? HE'S TRYING TO REACH OUT TO YOU, WHY DO YOU ALWAYS REFUSE TO GIVE HIM A STRAIGHT ANSWER. WHY ARE YOU BEING SO OBTUSE ABOUT THIS. WHAT IS THE REASON)
this isn't even getting into the fact that it becomes very obvious that Edelgard does not have the whole story behind the church and TWSITD, but there's no way to call that into question either. from what i understand from a few spoilers i've been given, she even gets some parts of the story flat-out wrong. this is The Story that she uses to justify all her actions, to herself and to others, and yet she's clearly missing key details, but we never get to question it, or investigate it further, or do anything about it
and what makes it suck extra is that, as i said, i really wanted so, so badly to love Edelgard. i wanted that bond between her and Byleth to feel real, and earned, and substantial. i wanted to work together and interact with her, to  understand her, bc i genuinely sympathize with her goals. let’s erase inequality, abolish the nobility, destroy the crest system that sustains it, and tear down an oppressively intolerant religious institution ? hell yes sign me up bitch !!!! i don't like that we can't GUIDE her in her pursuit of that, or at least even try to understand why she's so committed to this horrific warpath she's on. bc why else would i have chosen to join her side and play her route ? why else is Byleth there, as her teacher ?
or maybe i'm not even supposed to sympathize with her or her cause, but they never make that point either ! like let's ignore what i want and entertain the notion that perhaps Edelgard's meant to be seen as clearly, dangerously radical and beyond all reason, that her route is supposed to be as close to a "bad" route as this game gets and you're supposed to feel guilty for helping her. i mean there definitely are points that made me go “uh, hey, what we’re doing here is kind of terrible”. the thing is they could've easily made that point at any time during her route, had moments where they highlighted the destruction left in Edelgard's wake as she "carves a bloody path" to her future with Byleth by her side, had her experience some kind of consequence for her actions or a "falling from grace" moment, exposed all the flawed logic behind her actions and examined how she came to be the way she is--but nothing like that ever happens. it’s just like “hooray we successfully invaded and conquered an independent nation :) on to the next one !” even in the epilogue, there's no downside to helping her win, no sort of realistic consequence like, idk, malcontent spreads, people aren’t happy that Edelgard took over their nation by force despite the reforms, riots flare up, etc etc., nothing that asks the player to stop and think about all this. they play everything straight but then refuse to give it meaning or make sense of any of it
and there's PLENTY of ways to make sense of it. even i can imagine some potential in-universe explanations to a lot of the "why" questions i have about Edelgard--why does she preemptively isolate herself from everyone that hasn't already demonstrated unconditional allegiance to her, why does she refuse to seek other allies or reach out to her peers like Dimitri or Claude for help and yet continue to associate with the dangerous group that is the source of her trauma, why does she rightly question one narrative while she never thinks to question the other, why does she resort to violence so quickly and easily even as she laments it, etc etc. the problem is that *the game itself* doesn't even THINK to try and address any of this, and so it's never able to make a point about any of it
so yeah, the point COULD'VE BEEN that she is too stubborn, too far gone, too caught up in her own narrative to comprehend that her actions are not as necessary as she thinks they are, too self-righteous to see the parallels between herself and Rhea as she needlessly sacrifices countless lives for her cause while she claims that HER life is too important to lose, too stuck in her own head to see the hypocrisy in her denouncement of the nobility and church and their treatment of the masses while SHE, Miss Imperial Royalty herself, throws others' lives away for her war--BUT the point is never made !! there's no statement from that point of view either ! there is literally no message ! Edelgard goes through no character development, positive or negative, despite all the groundwork for it being laid out plainly. she does not get a chance to grow, nor does she ever regress, nor is she ever faced with the consequences of her actions, and so no statement is ever made about her character or anything she represents
all the potential was there for Crimson Flower to have been a really good story, and that's why i'm so frustrated that i'm writing an essay about it. and it didn't HAVE to be a positive one with a happy ending, or even a mixed, bittersweet one, which i think would've been best. it easily could've been a tragic story about like, Byleth witnessing the fall of their misguided student firsthand as they try and fail to reach out to her, powerless to save her from herself as she drifts away from everybody, being forced into a position where her death becomes necessary in order to preserve the lives of others, or something--but it didn't try to do anything like that. it didn't try to do ANYTHING ! in fact, i would say her character is much more compelling in all the other routes where she DIES, if only bc at least then it feels like SOMETHING is being said about her character
the real kicker is that, at the end of Crimson Flower, it's said that Edelgard goes on to abolish the nobility, and yet in the epilogue she remains the emperor, and all your other units of noble birth still...... have noble titles and landholdings. not to mention i can't even be sure if the scene where Byleth's crest disappears is supposed to represent the disappearance of all crests, or just Byleth's ? so like i don't actually know what i'm supposed to think Edelgard accomplished ? what was the point of mindlessly helping her commit war crimes ? if not a character arc, or a plot resolution, or some greater message, or even the world state i was promised to get from siding with her, what exactly am i supposed to get out of this route ???
i keep thinking about how it feels in contrast to her progression in every other route, and to how Dimitri is written. bc when Byleth joins anyone else, Edelgard always dies, as Dimitri does. but unlike with Dimitri, intsys didn't adapt Edelgard's progression to Byleth's presence, beyond the simple facts of whether she wins/loses and lives/dies. what i’ve gathered from the other routes is that they portray her as a senselessly violent, incomprehensible, self-righteous kid with too much power who became consumed by it and then dies/is killed as a natural consequence of her own actions. i was expecting the difference in her route to be that we get to explore her side more and understand her inner workings and what could have led her down this path, and then to either get the chance to make a difference, or to be dragged down with her as a cautionary tale. but she STILL comes across as senselessly violent, incomprehensible, self-righteous and power-trippy, except now i get to enable her, and that’s presented as like, a genuinely wholesome thing ?
my gf has said that it feels like you're not meant to side with Edelgard, just from how poorly written and constructed her entire route is**, and i've been getting the same feeling. having finished it, the whole thing felt hollow. her actions and choices always feel absurd and frustrating because we never get any insight into what she's thinking, there's too much Telling and not enough Showing to back up any of the Telling, there are so many aspects of the route that don't make sense, and there's no ATTEMPT to make them make sense
(**seriously the production value felt so low at times that it got embarrassing to watch. like after part 1, Jeritza just dropped off the face of the planet with no explanation, and no one in the game ever brought him up again or even wondered where he was, not even Edelgard. then the recent game update suddenly added him to my roster right before i was about to finish the route, again with no explanation, and no in-game acknowledgement of this. which can only lead me to believe that Jeritza was actually SUPPOSED to be there the whole time but intsys.... forgot about him ? LIKE... THEY FORGOT TO WRITE THE DEATH KNIGHT INTO EDELGARD'S ROUTE ? WHAT)
in fact, it feels to me a lot like death was always the intended resolution for her character and everything was always written around that, but then they decided that wasn't an appropriate tone/direction to take for a route in which Byleth joins her, but then they weren't even bothered to really revise the route in any meaningful way so they just went "fuck it" and gave us.... whatever this mess is. but if so, if intsys really was so set on having her be this tragic misguided villain, i don't understand why they didn't commit to that narrative in her route as well, instead of just half-assing everything and doing nothing meaningful and wasting my time. hell i don't understand why they even bothered to include an Edelgard route if their hearts clearly weren't in it to begin with. just let her be the villain that you guys obviously wanted her to be and go
but, whatever. at least all the OTHER Black Eagle characters were great
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chocafe · 6 years
for you — bang yedam
summary: by mistake, you took yedam’s notebook that just so happens to be filled with songs written about you. genre: fluff pairing: shy!yedam x reader request: “can you do a fluffy yedam scenario? about songwritings and stuff, i would love it :') thank u so much, i love your writing a lot! <3 oh and the yedam scenario can be a bullet scn please? thank uuuu <33″ a/n: i based this scenario off of a prompt i found on google, which was, “i’m not stalking you, exactly, it’s just that you accidentally put my notebook in your bag and i’m waiting for a good moment to steal it back before you see my doodles in it.” instead, i replaced doodles with the songs yedam has wrote. i apologize for any mistakes you may find in this since i didn’t proofread this!
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if someone was to ask you if you knew yedam, then you would respond back with, “yes, i do.”
you know yedam, but that’s as merely as it gets
you didn’t know much about yedam
and despite you two sitting next to each other in class
the most you two have ever said to each other were “did you do the homework?”, “how did you get that answer?”, and possibly other quotes similar to this as it all only revolves around school
once the school bell rang throughout the campus, dismissing everyone from class, you always found yourself rushing yourself to put all of your belongings back into your backpack
you didn’t want to spend a single extra second in this cold building
i can relate
on the other hand, yedam tends to take his time
he has a more calmer state and doesn’t mind spending a few extra minutes at school
as you scrambled yourself and your belongings, yedam stood there completely frozen like a stone, not knowing what to do in that very second
right in front of yedam’s eyes, he caught you mistakenly grabbing a hold of his notebook as you placed it into your backpack
after safety putting everything in, you quickly zipped up your backpack and walked right out of the classroom
you have had confused yedam’s notebook as yours because you both had similar notebooks and it was also slightly hovering over on your side of the desk
idk about you guys but i get slightly annoyed when the person next to me has their stuff on my desk like even if its just a little bit im like hhhhhh
when yedam finally comprehended what had just happened, a small little “uh, wait.” fell out of his mouth
but it sure wasn’t loud enough for you to hear it as you have already left
“what am i going to do?” yedam asked himself as his palms became clammy
if there was anything in the world that yedam didn’t want to happen
then it would be you to read his notebook
he immediately grabs his backpack and runs outside the building, attempting to follow you in this panic state
yedam continued to follow you, from a distance, down the sidewalk as you casually made your way home
at first, he wanted to approach you and tell you what actually happened, but he’s waaaay too embarrassed to possibly start a conversation with you
he can’t even imagine a conversation happening between you two because he views it as something just “out of this world”
“should i just secretly open their backpack and steal back my notebook?” yedam quietly says to himself, tapping his index finger on the tip of his chin
“no, that’s stealing.” he shook his head. “actually, it wouldn’t be because it’s my notebook after all.”
as he was trying to decide how he should exactly approach you, he didn’t realize that he has been following after your footsteps for approximately ten minutes
suddenly, you stopped walking and began to shout out “whoever you are, i know you’re following me.”
yedam pauses and contemplates whether or not he should run back home
he’s definitely not a stalker!!! but come on, yedam, you are following someone and that’s the same action as a stalker
you reach into your backpack and pull out mysterious object as you spun around “I HAVE PEPPER SPRAY, SO BACK OFF.”
[birds] caw... caw... caw...
this is absolutely awkward
you found yourself standing and pointing your pepper spray at yedam, who was just as baffled as you
“yedam?” at the speed of light, you moved your hands and pepper spray behind your back as you start to chuckle to cover up what just occurred. “i’m sorry. let’s pretend that didn’t happen, alright?”
the two of you stood in front of one another
both of you were waiting for the other say something, but not a single word was coming out of either of your guys mouths
“the thing is—” yedam tries his best to spark up his previous thoughts, but he was unexpectedly cut off by you as you tried to speak at the same time
“are you also walking home?” a sudden shock was sent through yedam’s nerve system as you spoke up
“i’m sorry!” you apologize for cutting him off. “what was it that you were going to say?”
yedam’s mind: hmmmmm to awkwardly tell them that i was going to steal my notebook back from them? or to lie and say that my house is this way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
who knew that lying would be this easy?
“it’s nothing.” yedam brought his hand up to shyly rub his nape. “yeah, i’m also on my way home. i live just down the street.” he pointed down the pathway, releasing a chuckle to hide the uneasiness in his voice
“i didn’t know that you lived down here too! i thought i was the only one in the whole school who lived over here.” your voice raised up a pitch as you were completely thrilled to know that someone lives nearby you. “well, since we’re in this situation, should we continue to walk home together?”
“s-sure.” yedam stutters, walking a few steps closer to you
the two of you began walking beside with one another
it was a pretty silent trip, but you decided that it was time to break the silence
“yedam, you’re alright with me walking with you, right?”
yedam brought his head up, since he was originally staring at the ground, and raised an eyebrow. “of course. why wouldn’t i be?”
“i don’t know.” you slightly tilted your head before continuing on. “i just had a feeling that you didn’t like me since we never talk in class, despite us sitting next to each other.”
him?? not liking you???
sweetie, it’s the other way around
ᴬᴬᴬᴬᴴᴴᴴᴴ yedam wanted to scream
but right now isn’t the appropriate time to do so
“n-no, that’s not it!” he began to wave his hands back and forth in the air. “it’s just hard for me to talk sometimes. please, don’t misunderstand.”
your lips crept into a soft smile because you were so relieved to find out that he doesn’t hate you as you originally thought. “that makes me feel so much more better.”
yedam saw your smile and he could’ve swore he forgot how to breathe for a second
since it was 100% clear that yedam didn’t dislike you, you couldn’t help, but to ask him so much questions regarding about him
you wanted to get to know him, not as the boy who sits next to you in class
but as bang yedam, the individual human being who you were so curious about
maybe you didn’t notice this
but the two of you were walking in a much slower pace than usual
perhaps, you both wanted this conversation to last forever
as the time pasts by and the conversation between you two continued
you both come across a convenience store
“hey,” you say as you lightly pulled on yedam’s uniform sleeve. “let’s go inside here. i’ll buy you whatever you want!”
“i’m okay, really!”
as the two of you enter the convenience store, you push yedam into an aisle and declare “go pick out something. i won’t take no for an answer!”
he complies to your wish and walks over to the back freezers and picks out a can of iced coffee
“coffee? at a time like this?” you suddenly ask into yedam’s ears, causing him to startling jump. “do you need to stay up late or?”
“yeah, i think tonight is going to be a restless night for me, so i might as well get this.” he says as you both make your way towards the cash register
“what are you going to do? stay up all night long by just staring at the wall?” you jokingly comment, placing a bag of chips and soda onto the counter as yedam does the same with his iced coffee
yedam begins to laugh alongside with you. “i’m probably going to write some songs.”
you mouth falls wide open as you gasp. “you write songs? you should write a song about me!” you playfully nudge him in the arm. “i’m just kidding.”
before yedam could say anything in response, the cashier cuts him off, “the total is $5.25.”
as you pull out your wallet, yedam slams the exact total onto the counter, grabs his drink and proceeds to walk out of the store
“hey!” you scream out loud as you retrieve your snacks. “i said that i was going to pay.”
“my treat?”
“fine, but just so you know, i’m paying next time.” you stubbornly say. “should we get going?”
“my house is actually this way.” yedam points towards the opposite way from your direction
his house isnt actually that way but its now the nearest way he can take to get back home bc he lied to you and said he lived in the area when really he lives on the other side
“ah, i see.” you bring your hand up to cheerfully wave him goodbye. “i’ll see you tomorrow then! (✿◠‿◠)”
yedam did the same in return and mimicked your wave goodbye, smiling at you one last time before he walked down the pathway
the two of you were now out of one another’s eye sight
while yedam was walking back home, he suddenly stopped himself, squatted down and covered his face with the palm of his hands as he screamed out into the void,
“oh my god.” you stood in front of your bed, wondering why you had two of the same notebook
one of the notebooks must be yours, but who’s notebook was the other way?
was it yoonbin’s?
no, you remembered he didn’t have anything with him when you saw him during lunch
was it keita’s?
it can’t be because all of keita’s notebooks were all neon pink
you opened the mystical notebook and found ‘bang yedam’ written on the very first page
you fell directly onto your knees and clenched tightly onto yedam’s notebook. “right when i thought things were going well- he’s going to accuse me of stealing his notebook and hate me foR THE REST OF HIS LIFE”
for some reason, you were so curious as to what yedam has in his notebook
did he use his notebook for notes just like you?
or did he use it for something completely different?
curiosity was running through your head and eventually took over you
if yedam is going to hate you in the future then might as well snoop into his notebook since ur already losing ya’know
when you opened his notebook, you found that each page was filled with endless writings
you came to a conclusion that they were all self composed song lyrics, made by the one and only bang yedam, since he did mention that he likes writing songs on his free time
as you read each page, you became totally immersed in the whole thing as you viewed each of his lyrics as brilliant
in no time
you found a page where the title had your name written on top
“huh?” you blurted out when your eyes laid upon your name written in yedam’s handwriting. “is this about me?”
you had discovered that yedam had wrote a song about you
the following song described the wall between you two, that yedam wished he had the power to take down, but simply doesn’t, so he’ll just continue to admire you from afar
tldr: it’s a song about him having a crush on you
“does??? yedam??? have a crush??? on me???”
of course you dense egg head
your heart began to pound, but you decided that it was time for you to end this spying as you close his notebook and store it back into your backpack
you had felt like you were invading his privacy and inner thoughts
but at the same time
you actually quite enjoyed it
the very next day, yedam and you were both uneasy, due to different reasons
you were afraid that yedam would hate you and accuse you of stealing (when really you accidentally grabbed it by mistake)
on the other hand, yedam was afraid that you read his song dedicated to you (revealing his hidden crush for you)
when you arrived to class, you quietly sat in your seat and slid yedam’s notebook towards his side of the desk
the first thing that escaped your mouth was, “i’m sorry.”
yedam’s hands became unsteady as he gulped in excessive saliva. “did you happen to read it?” he confusingly asks, grabbing a hold of his notebook
“yeah, i’m sorry.” you repeat yourself, not adding anything more into your sentence
this was it
yedam had thought you were saying sorry because this was your way of politely rejecting him
but actually ! ! !
you were apologizing because you were truly sorry for taking and reading his prized possession
“i see.” yedam mutters underneath his breath, avoiding your eye contact
he didn’t have the guts to even breathe in the same air as you
“yedam,” you follow up, closing the space in between you two as you scoot your seat closer to him. “are you free this saturday?”
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Lukas was wandering the halls of the Witherstorm base, still trying to take in the sights and learn the routes. It was all so confusing, and even after a nearly a week of nothing but sleep, he still felt exhausted. He would occasionally check up on Ranger and Trevor, who, in Orion's absence, were tending to the Hacked soldiers and trying to run the operation on hold.
Lukas visited Orion sometimes, only to make sure he wasn't being dumb and trying to overwork himself again. He always assured him that everything was alright, but the Leader was always stressed out if he wasn't working. He hadn't done this in a while though, maybe a few days, and decided that now would be as good of a time as ever to stop by.
Making his way to the infirmiry wing, he passed by Aiden and another soldier. Seeing Aiden again left him uneasy, and seeing him so robotic didn't help much either. Aiden had showed up back on the job after a week of what Ranger called 'procedure'. He seemed physically fine, however he showed no emotion, just like all of the other soldiers. Lukas figured this had something to do with this world's PAMA, and even though he still had yet to discover what this PAMA was, it still felt eerily similar.
He kept trying to push back the questions, but every time he saw one of the soldiers the question would pop back up again, seeming to intentionally grind away at him. The mention of PAMA in general spiked up terrible memories and sent chills down his spine. He could feel ghost pains in the back of his head, he could hear PAMA's voice again. He couldn't seem to stop the memories from flooding back to him, reminding him of the horrors he'd gone through.
Inevitably, the horrors came back to him once again, and for a moment he was stuck in a sort of shock until a couple more soldiers pushed past him as if he wasn't there, snapping him from his trance. He recognized both of them, Gabriel and Maya. He had to quickly remind himself that they weren't the same Gabriel and Maya he knew, and watched them go without them even batting an eye. Lukas figured he could ask Orion about PAMA later, just not now. For now it was best to forget about it, there was too much to think about. Lukas told himself to ignore the ghost pains pounding in the back of his head and continue on.
He continued down the hallway, stopping in front of the infirmiry door. He tugged it open before walking inside, only to find it completely empty, with Orion nowhere to be found. Lukas sighed, knowing exactly where he'd gone. He left the infirmiry, shutting the door again and walking further down the hall. He took a right, coming up on a large open hanger. The Ender Dragon was lying tilted lightly to its right in the center of the hanger, holes still scattered along its hull. As Lukas walked closer, he spotted the familiar sight of Orions feet poking out from underneath the large U-boat.
He kneeled beside him, grabbing onto his foot and tugging him out from underneath. He wasn't surprised when he was greeted by a pistol to the forehead and showed no shock this time, it'd happened so many times before. Lukas simply moved it aside lightly with two fingers. Orion scrunched his nose underneath his mask and tugged his goggles up off his eyes.
"You can't keep doing this, Orion. You'll never heal this way," Lukas signed to him, giving him a look of scolding concern.
"I feel fine."
Orion tried to slide back under the Ender Dragon, but Lukas stopped him. He tugged him back again and quirked an eyebrow.
"You may be slightly more healed now than before, but you're not alright yet."
Orion hesitated for a moment before responding.
"What if I let you assist me? I can show you how to build along with me."
Lukas was caught off guard this time, and glanced up at the massive Uboat above him.
"I forgot to ask-- Did you really build this all on your own? Ranger mentioned something like that. Is it true?"
"It is."
"And you could... Show me?"
Orion nodded, picking up one of the wrenches from off the ground and holding it out to Lukas.
"... Fine. But only for an hour. Then you're going back to rest."
"You know I can very well take care of myself, yes?"
"Your actions prove otherwise."
"You're ridiculous."
"I'm right."
Orion scoffed lightly, but Lukas could tell there was a bit of amusement in his eyes. Orion got up, and for the next few hours, Orion taught Lukas about the Ender Dragon. Together they fixed massive holes, reconnected circuits and put everything back together. Lukas was too fascinated by all of the information and complexity of the machine that he lost track of time. At the end of the day, the Uboat was completely fixed, done by the two men alone, and Orion had dropped against the freshly fixed Ender Dragon in pure exhaustion. Lukas was just as near worn down, covered in grease and sweat, sitting beside Orion and catching his breath.
"How do you do this on a regular basis?" Lukas signed to him, his hands shaking slightly from exertion.
"I have experience and patience. With that a man can do anything."
Lukas noticed very quickly the shudder in Orion's sign, and after a few more minutes got up.
"Alright, back to bed with you."
Before Orion could sign a protest, Lukas lifted him off the ground and over his shoulder. Once again Orion was left in shock, letting out a few questioning grunts before just going limp. Lukas carried him all the way back to the infirmiry, shoving the door open and setting him down on another bed. Once his hands were free, he signed again.
"You just finished repairing a massive boat, that's enough work for a while. Rest now. I lost track of time, I apologize.."
"You are fine. I'm alright, there's no need to worry."
Lukas didn't believe him, but wouldn't argue any more. He turned to leave, and hesitated for a moment.
"Would you like me to stay with you?"
Orion gave him a shocked, yet questioning glance.
"Why would you want to? Are there not- other things?"
Lukas sat next to the bed, leaning against it.
"I'm sure Trevor and Ranger have that all under control. It must get lonely in here without anything to do or anyone to talk to."
"It is just.." Orion hesitated this time, as if he was faltering on words, "Normal. It is normal.. I don't understand. Where is this coming from? What is it? I've never felt-- this before.. No one's ever--"
He trailed off, folding his hands and looking away. For once, the Leader looked to be showing quite a bit of emotion. Lots of confusion, almost sad.
"It's just.. Decency. Kindness-- you've never felt kindness? You've never had someone-- take care of you?"
Orion didn't reply at first, and there was a pause before either signed anything.
"Is that... Normal? You are not from here... The people I have encountered-- full of hate and evil. There was no kindness there... I only knew one person kind, besides my brothers. That was my mother, and she was shot and killed by yet another person of evil. Not even my father... All he showed was hatred, just as well as everybody else."
Lukas paused, just in light shock. This explained so much, and there was a new pang of sympathy for the terrorist. Lukas sighed before replying.
"I don't know lots of people here either, but I know there are others like me. Not everyone is evil."
Orion wanted to believe him, but remembering everything that happened, it was difficult to believe.
"I can't change my plans. I know you may not agree with them fully, but this is important. They need a reminder. A reminder that they are not as powerful as they think they are," Orion's light expression quickly switched to a faint glare as he finished, "I will be ruled over no longer by anyone. I will leave a dent in their society and leave them in ruin. That will be my legacy.. The Witherstorm continues whether or not there is good."
"I know, and I know I won't be able to change your mind. I don't agree with it, no, you're right, but I'm not turning against an ally. I'll still stay with you... You're bitter now, that doesn't mean you don't deserve kindness."
The glare faltered. Once again the word kindness caught Orion off guard. Lukas's kindness caught Orion off guard. He still didn't understand why Lukas seemed to care so much, but he was thankful. There was another pause before Orion went to sign again.
"...Thank you, Lukas... For being an ally I can trust. For being-- a friend."
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l-ivingforstyles · 6 years
"perfect" by Kaitlyn Fleming
In no shape, way or form am I trying to romanticise mental illness
Just a little something I wrote for my English assignment 2 years ago
Perfect- Kaitlyn Fleming
Red droplets fall from her wrist one by one, as clear heavy ones fall from her eyes. Mouth closed not daring to make a sound she’s used to it, this, the pain, the torture all of it. Don’t feel bad though she’s just a 15-year-old girl that has severe depression and a razor in her hand. Just a young naive girl that comes from a perfect family but isn’t perfect herself. She’s just a little girl who wants life to end.  
Her name is Aaliyah Carter; better known as the youngest daughter out of the Carters, followed by her older sister Annalise. The Carter’s were known as the "perfect" family in their small town known as Summerville. Everyone knew everything about everyone no matter how slight the detail. Secrets are pretty much useless in the town, as people already knew them before you could figure them out yourself. But then again there was one secret that was yet unleashed to the town. That being Aaliyah’s unsettling depression and her beautiful paintings on her wrist, but of course, the only thing stopping Aaliyah’s own dark secret from escaping was her perfect family image. Better yet, her perfect parents. They thought if they pretended it didn’t exist it would just disappear. But obviously, they were wrong.
One day as she was drowning in her own tears, chin trembling furiously. Her mouth catching every tear leaving a salty taste in its place, body shaking violently Aaliyah’s mother opened her perfect pastel pink door, into her pastel pink room. A perfect pastel pink room that once had a perfect pearly white carpet. Now stained ruby red, as each drop seeps deeper into the wool. With Aaliyah’s perfect pastel pink curtains securely closed, blocking any sunlight from breaking it. And lastly, you guessed it her perfect pastel pink sheets scattered on her bed, not touched since the night before. Aaliyah hated pink. But she mostly hated the word perfect.
Aaliyah’s mother was definitely the perfect definition of perfect. Although she too had her many secrets, her ocean blue eyes kept them hidden leaving them dull and lifeless. Her face held beauty, wrinkles kept at bay. Hair curled to perfection, lying lazily on her shoulders. Smile fake and damaged but look so real, pale skin that only helped her eyes stand out even more. A Light blue restricting skirt that just stopped above the knees, accompanied by a nude color top finished with a light pink cardigan. But now entering her daughter's room. Her wrinkles were forming as stress took over them, eyes creased in anger with jaw clenched. Hands closed tightly on either side of her, and through gritted teeth, she spoke.
"That’s it, I’ve had enough of your pity party Aaliyah!” Aaliyah’s mother started, “I’m sick of you constantly trying to ruin the family’s name that we’ve worked so hard on. You're going to The Three Sisters. You're officially disowned you are no longer a Carter but most importantly you're no longer my daughter.” With watering eyes and a sigh, she turns on her creamed colored heels and leaves.
The sounds of her heels hitting against the wooden floors still echo in Aaliyah’s head 2 months later, casting her eyes away from the white wall in front of her, Aaliyah untangles herself out of the white sheets. With zombie-like actions, she gets out of the restricting white bed over to the white dressers holding more objects that are purely white. Scuffing her white converses through the never-ending hallways of The Three Sisters,  Aaliyah quietly makes her way to the lunch room.
In the lunchroom she sits in her seat, Aaliyah may not be well known here due to her never trying to make friends or talk in general, but everyone knew that the single table and seat in the very back of the room is purely hers. Sitting by herself is nothing new as soon as she was put in this vacation away from home Aaliyah kept away from everyone. But one thing she didn’t stay away from was the never-ending voices in her head she gave into them. Once admitted here Aaliyah stopped talking altogether and let the voices control her, her theory is that if she just stays quiet maybe the voices would win and everything will end and it will go back to being perfect only if she would just shut up.
Aaliyah was getting fed up. She was over with the numerous fake smiles to all the passing patients. Also having to pretend to take meds after meds, when in fact she would just hide them under her tongue. Waiting until the nurse was out of the room, she would then spit them into the nearest trash can. 3 weeks, 3 weeks is all Aaliyah needed to decide this place, this asylum didn’t help you. In fact, rather this hell of a place helping you, it broke you further just reminding you how damaged you actually are to have to end up in this prison. Granted it was still way better than back home in Summerville, but with the constant white color scheme taking over her brain. Followed by the sickening, rotten sweet voices coming from nurses and therapists, she couldn’t help but question herself if she should just give up with this “I’m okay” act? Actually, try to get better. However, with the once vibrant red lines on her wrist now fading and itchy she thought against it.
It was in the middle of the semester in year 8. A bright sunny day, full of questions and hurt. Aaliyah was looking for her boyfriend (at the time) Daniel, she had just arrived at school with a surprise for him. She cooked homemade brownies for the first time just for him. Looking through the crowd of annoyed students, she tried spotting her boyfriend (of 8 months might she add) hazelnut hair amongst the moody teens. Looking at the clock that hung right above the entrance of the school, she knew that class was going to start in 5 minutes. Letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding in, she was about to give up on looking for him, that was until she saw a glimpse of his hazelnut hair turn the corner.
"Daniel! Daniel!!” She screamed while running after him, hands waving hysterically in the air trying to catch his attention.
Soon he slowed his pace and stopped at the door of an empty classroom. Eyebrows knitted together, Aaliyah quickly hid behind a wall as she sees him looking around making sure no one was near. With that, he quickly but quietly opened the door and walked in making sure to shut the door just as quietly as he did opening it. More questions appear in Aaliyah's head as her boyfriend’s actions confused her more, giving the container full of brownies in her hand a slight glance she crept to the classroom door. What she saw next was something she swore she would never witness. Looking through the small square window that lived in the middle of the door, there Aaliyah saw her boyfriend, Daniel, an English teacher, Miss Kate making out on a teacher's desk. Her boyfriend's hands around Miss Kate’s small frame, as her hands roam Daniels freshly cut hazelnut hair. The sound of a container hitting the cold marble ground caught Aaliyah’s teary eyes. As she let one single tear escape she started to make her way out of the school leaving the blaring bell to follow behind her.  
That night was the night she started to create her beautiful masterpiece. Her razor the paintbrush, her wrist the canvas. But that night was also the night she vowed to never love again.
With an exhausted sigh, she cast her eyes away from the healing scars looking at the clock, the nurse would be here in 3..2...1. The sounds of someone knocking on the door cause Aaliyah to get up from her bed and open the door.
“Hey hun it’s time for you to take you meds sweet pea” the nurse gave her a caring smile and two cups. One cup holding two single red and blue pills, and the other containing water.
The nurse then turns herself around closing the door as she leaves, leaving Aaliyah to decide what to do next. She decides to put the water on her bedside table as she pours the pills from the cup into her hand. Gazing at the pills she throws her head back as she pops both into her mouth, picking up the water from her bedside table she lets the cold liquid hit her mouth where she swallows both the water and pills.
One morning after Aaliyah’s meeting with one of her many therapists, she made a U-turn to the lunch room which was filled with more drama than just any standard cafeteria. While Aaliyah made her way to “her” seat she was lost in her own thoughts, you see Aaliyah didn’t really see the need for a therapist it’s not like she talks or anything it’s quite useless if you ask her, but hey anything to make her mother believes she is back on the road of being perfect. With these thoughts clouding Aaliyah’s mind she didn’t notice a young man sitting in her very seat. With a computer in front of him, he was too busy typing quite intensely to notice her standing a couple of meters away. Taking this to her advantage, she started to study him. He had wavy blonde hair that was covered by a grey beanie that sat well on his head, tan skin that looked soft as it did smooth, a pair of breathtaking emerald eyes with touches of blue and to top it all off an even more breathtaking smile that Aaliyah didn’t know she would soon grow to love. She shook her head taking her eyes of the unknown figure, with a sigh she slowly made her way to the table. Aaliyah couldn’t believe it he was even more gorgeous up close, but soon those thoughts were over as she reminded herself that she was here to become “perfect” again. Not fall in love with some damaged boy. Having a mini fight with herself, Aaliyah didn’t notice that his eyes that once was captivated by his computer was now fascinated by her.
"Hey can I help you?” he asked her but not before giving her one of those enchanted smiles of his.
In one swift movement, Aaliyah grabs her small notebook and pen from her left back pocket on her white high waisted jeans and quickly formed a response. Aaliyah then carelessly tore off the piece of paper and smacked it down on the table which left a soft but sharp thud.
“You’re in MY seat” he read out loud losing his smirk but soon returned when his greenish, blueish eyes looked back up to her. “Oh sorry beautiful I didn’t know this was YOUR seat,” he said but not without making sure he emphasizes the word “your”, “you see I’m new here, got here just today actually. The names Cole, Cole Miles” he gave her a subtle wink and a nod of the head.
With the pen still in Aaliyah’s hand, she wrote: “ Aaliyah, Aaliyah Carter” and this time she gently passed it to the boy she now knows as Cole. He gladly took it and his grin only grew wider once he read it.
“Aaliyah Carter aye? Makes sense a pretty name for a pretty girl” as Aaliyah felt her cheeks becoming a tad bit hotter as a blush crept up, he leaned back in her chair and lazily crossed his arms still having that annoying smug look on his face.
"Happy” by Pharrell Williams fulls the lunchroom, ironic right? A song filled about being ‘happy’ played at a mental asylum for kids who weren’t happy themselves, the song signals them that they all have to go back to their rooms, to either be seen by a therapist or take mountains of medicine that is apparently helping them. The sound of a laptop slamming shut brings Aaliyah’s attention back to Cole.
“Well Aaliyah we better get back to our rooms don’t ya think?” he asks while gathering his belongings.  She nods her head. “Walk with me? Don’t wanna look more of a loner than I already am” he chuckles at himself. She felt the edge of her mouth start to lift into a lopsided kinda smile, something she rarely did do remind you. Aaliyah started walking to the exit with Cole trailing not far behind.
As they were walking down a hallway filled with cards, made by kids thanking the nurses and doctors for ‘fixing’ them. Decorated with glitter and pictures, Cole decided to the break the peaceful silence.
“So you don’t talk whatsoever?” he had this serious look on his face, any trace of a smirk or grin long gone. But to answer him Aaliyah grabbed her notebook and wrote.
“Well, yea I guess I use to talk but was before I came here I haven’t spoken since” while reading it he seemed as if he generally cared and not just asked to start a conversation or felt obliged to.
“oh it must be hard I know I wouldn’t be able to do it” he answered honestly looking straight ahead still with that serious look of his, she was already missing his annoying but cute smirk. He side glances at her and gives her a small smile, at least it was something. She gave him a soft smile in return.
Soon they reach Aaliyah’s room. ‘B23’ was written in bold black letters on the top of the white door with a gold handle. As she was about to turn and write to Cole that they have reached her room, she sees him unlocking the door next to her smiling.
"Hey neighbor can I borrow that notebook of yours for a second?” he requested, Aaliyah quirks one of her eyebrows and cautiously gave him her notebook. As soon as the pen hit the paper, his tongue poked out a little on the side. She didn’t think he noticed himself doing it, but Aaliyah found it quite adorable.
“Until next time neighbor” he gave her one of his many charming smiles and playful winks, he then opened his door and she was assuming he saw his therapist as he welcomed her.
"uh-ha, hey Susan” he then casually walked inside and closed his door. But before doing all of this, he gave Aaliyah back her pen and a small notebook. Eyes leaving the door she looks at the notepad in her hand.
"0412749923 ;)” she rolls her eyes as she lets out a small giggle, thinking her ears were deceiving her. Surely she didn’t just giggle, but the huge smile on her face showed her otherwise. With that Aaliyah open her white door into her even more white room, ready to take the countless number of pills.
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