#as you can see one of ems non-binary
homemade-laoli · 2 years
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Meet the player characters!
From left to right we have: Lee, Rea, and Nathan!
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bambi-slxt · 4 months
Could you write something with Matt or Chris (or both!) and a chubby/not petite reader? I don't see a lot of those and would really appreciate it!
Doesn't have to be smut, it can be more in the style of your non-binary post or love languages. Thank you!
oh honey. of course i can.
✨a concept✨
a/n: i'm not petite and i never have been. this post is not intended to cause body dysmorphia to those who are, but rather promote and uplift those who have more fat on them than what's normally represented in the fanfiction space. i hope you enjoy this one anon!
doing their makeup at a sleep over -
chris: "yeah, come on, sit on my lap. no, seriously. i don't mind. come here, mamas." *kisses* "there we go. now put this shit on my face before i change my mind."
matt: "you were saying something about hooded lids? yeah, i don't think i have those. what do you mean people have different eyelid shapes. what the fuck. you have to look up different- jesus christ i'm glad i don't fuck with this stuff."
watching a scary movie -
chris: "i never shoulda' agreed to this. what spell do you have me under? i hate you. no like actually." *holding your hand for dear life and also shaking like a chihuahua*
matt: "-genuinely fucking terrifying. what? why do I have to be the one who tells you when it's over? i don't wanna look either!" *long-suffering sigh*
swimming -
chris: "i don't want you to look like a model, i want you to look like you. you look real, and you feel real...when i look at my girl all i see is how beautiful you are. no, i'm being serious. especially wearin' the stuff i bought you."
matt: "it's just us, darlin'. i've seen all of you before. i know what you look like, and i love you because of it. get in the water so we can play mermaids."
clothes shopping -
chris: "what the Actual Fuck are these designs. this is the plus size section? what a waste of space? i'll make you better clothes. yeah, i'm serious. you like my brand better anyway. jesus christ, i'm sorry."
matt: "...is this really what you want to wear? no? okay so let's leave. yeah, this isn't your style at all. i don't care, i'll shop with you all fucking week if that's what it takes. you're not gonna settle on this shit if it's not what you want."
going to the gym -
chris: "come on, you got it. i know it hurts but you're almost done, come on. don't you dare stop, there we go...there we go, you're good, you're good, get some water...that was a new PR baby, i'm so fucking proud of you. hell yeah, you did so good...damn i don't even think i can get that...fuck you..."
matt: "why the fuck would we go to the gym when the bed is right there? absolutely not. we can work out in my bed-"
streaming together -
chris: "no we're playing fortnite, get on here. i don't care. we've played fallout all week i wanna play duos, pleasepleaseplease-thankssss. yeah we can hop on stream. nah, they love you. trust. you wanna get ready first? i think you look great, but it's up to you, mamas. i want you to be confident, you know that."
matt: "if they have something to say i'll just rip 'em a new one and kiss you on stream. yeah. no i'm dead serious. there's my girl. come on, let's play."
boyfriend hoodies -
chris: "course it fits. i got bigger ones for me so you could steal them. you're such a thief. i love you. what? i didn't say anything..."
matt: "i'm gonna freeze. no no, take it, take my only source of warmth. i'm not bitter. come here lemme cuddle you i'm fucking cold."
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a/n: hope you like this nonnie!
request to be on the taglist under this post right here, make sure your mentions are on!
tags: @selenascorner @pinksturniolo @malirosee @st7rnioioss @nonat-111 @cindylcuwho @evie-sturns @h3arts4harry @fanficsbymia @dazednmatthews @sturniolo-rat @mattsmad @sturniolo04 @bellasturn @blahbel668 @yomamaslays4lyfe @stasiesturn @pleasantlycrazyworld @ariqolyx @wh0resstuff @krissy4gov @coochiedestroyer1 @madisturn @mattspolitank @sturnsxplr-25 @xtravrgnoliveoil @raysmayhem-72 @sturnpooks @certifiedstarrr @melanch0lybby @freshloveforthefit @xoxo4chrisss @stunza @meerkatzthings  @zivall @sturniolopepsi @that1fangirll @wh0schl0 @sharksworldd @mattscoquette @chrisslutx @sturnzsblog @sturniologals @quaxkingshs @certifiedstarrr @sarosfilms @mattsfavbigtitties @slutforsturniolos 
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velvetvexations · 8 days
I feel like a lot of the trans women saying that masculinity/manhood is always rewarded in everyone because patriarchy often forget that the opposite is true, actually, for people who are seen as women/put in the "woman" category.
Because yes, trans women are usually forced into manhood and "rewarded" for being men, and punished for being women. But that's not because manhood is universally rewarded in everyone, but because partriarchy sees having been born with a penis as "man".
It also sees being born with a vagina as "woman", and every deviation from that is *also* punished.
Yes, people who are seen as women/girls may have more freedom in expression of gender (depending on where they are from. I hate when ppl act like people afab everywhere can just dress like men without punishment. There are so many countries with laws on what "women" (and those treated as women because of their agab) can wear, and if anyone believes for one second that breaking these laws is REWARDED in any way, they're so fucking deep in their own head and need to talk to someone from these countries) but that freedom was fought for by feminists! Feminists have fought to be simply just allowed to wear pants. It's ridiculous to look at how it is now (in the western world) and make conclusions on that without looking at *why* it is that way now and how it was before.
And people are usually expected to grow out of their tomboy-"phase" by the time they reach their late teens, or early twenties at latest, and become a feminine woman, wife, and mother. If you don't do that, your masculinity gets punished.
And the masculinity of people afab is also only (begrudgingly) accepted (in SOME places in the world) as long as they're still visible as women or girls and their masculinity is hot and serves cishet men. As soon as they step "too far" out of these roles (by being non-binary or men, or being "ugly", fat, or anything that would make them "undesirable"), their masculinity gets punished. Horribly.
It's really infuriating when (trans)radfem trans women try to act like their experiences are universal and whenever someone says something that disagrees with them, they must be lying or "delusional" (yay, ableism! so progressive /s) for thinking that they were, in fact, punished for their masculinity or manhood...
Sorry for unloading this on you, didn't know where else to put it. And thank you so much for listening.
I think a major issue here is that no matter how much we try to reason things out and work through why they act the way they do, radical feminism, trans or cis, ultimately comes down, at some point, to a deliberate decision to prioritize egocentrism and their own desires over seeing other people as real, actual people - not even other transfems, who they just sexualize and try to control, or call a TERF if they can't. And it's hard to reason with that.
Like, they have to know on some level that they hyperinflate trans women in particular being "socially murdered"* to use as social capital and terrorize younger** transfems into isolating themselves. Maybe a very long time ago for some of them it came from the distress they felt from the legitimately immense danger transfems face in a variety of contexts, but they've shot far beyond that now and just don't really care. They've built a cage of unreality around themselves that makes me feel like I'm talking to aliens.
Like the other day, I was talking to one who insisted that the tee-em-ees will not show up for me. Like, I said they did, and she said they won't, and I was like, but they DO! They have! Always! I've seen it with my own eyes, directly for me specifically! But it was just "who hurt you," "let yourself be angry," "don't settle for just scraps," "they won't treat you better if you throw yourself at their feet," "social murder," and it's like WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? ARE YOU HAVING A STROKE? WAS THIS A DREAM YOU HAD?
And what about the deliberately cruel fuckery, the constant derision of the most petty things like forcemasc? What the fuck do they get out of wrongly asserting that women are never punished for masculinity and never have a problem with being viewed as masculine, like why are they doing that, what is their goal? Because it seems like it's literally just "mock and invalidate the sexual interests of others and deem it an inferior copy of our thing."
What do they get out of misgendering cis and trans men for forcefem funsies and telling them to suck it up? They don't really believe that their forcefem joke is the only thing that might make an egg crack. That's extremely obviously a lie. They're doing it because they want to, because it's their kink, because they don't care about the feelings of other people, and they can use transmisogyny as a convenient defense when people ask them to moderate literally any of their behavior for the comfort of everyone else to literally any extent while demanding everyone else shut up and defer to them on every single topic in every single situation.
And this stuff with D20 and Ophiuchus and the transmasc character being treated better? A lie. Just fully making it up. Inventing it. Fabricating it. For attention.
I've never had one acknowledge it when I've tried to explain that I first learned about all of this from transmasc friends bringing it to me so they could defer to my opinion.
They're determined to stay like this. It sucks.
*truly a phrase that makes me livid to even think about now, they reduce it to about the same level of seriousness as forcefem jokes, every single time it's so thoughtlessly hollow and self-obsessed but you could guess that from it being a fair description of every thought they externalize
**let me make this clear, I'm referring to young adults, I am not accusing anyone of being predatory towards minors nor am I saying the motivations are necessarily sexual anyway, although clearly transradfems don't care about the effect their hyperbole will have on the mental health of minors exposed to it and trained from a young age to never trust anyone, so underage transfems are very much a concern here, but not in the sense that they're being directly and personally abused in any way
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Nothing is Trivial
Elrond x nonbinary!reader
Requested: Anonymous
TW: Fight scene that describes some injury
Hello sir can i request a elrond x gender neutral reader where he confesses his feelings for them thinking they are a girl but they come out to him as nonbinary (they do share the feelings though) and he's like "i love you anyways" ?
Also i love your writing 💛
Authors Note: Happy Pride Month!! Once again, I apologize for keeping you waiting. I do enjoy that as a trans masc writer I get quite a few requests for LGBTQ+ fics, so keep 'em coming!
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As the early evenings sunbeams danced across the valley, the waters of the trickling falls and brooks appeared as though they were teaming with diamonds. As a traveler, you had passed through Rivendell more times than you could count; Yet, those visits had been brief, never exceeding more than a week, despite the assurances of Elrond that you were welcome to stay as long as you liked.
You were fond of the Lord of Imladris - after all, he had proven a faithful friend time and again, was wiser than any scholar or wizard, and always extended some kindness to those residing in or passing through his lands. However, wanderlust had kept you on the road - at least that is what you told yourself and others you encountered - the excitement of seeing new lands, discovering yourself by trying on the lifestyles and customs of those coming from all walks of life. You were still young, believing you would have plenty of time to stay in one place once you had grown old and grey.
While this was not necessarily a lie, you were leaving out a portion of the truth. You avoided any extended stays within the hidden valley because in your heart, you knew you could stay forever, especially if it’s lord simply asked. It made your heart race - feeling as if it was sitting inside your throat, half choking you - to think of what may, or more likely may not, happen should you stay. It was easy to run away from the uncomfortable prospect of life changing (or failing to) after your heart had led you to crawl back to Rivendell between criss-crossing half the continent. That is, until an unexpected ambush resulted in an extended stay within the valley.
You passed Weathertop two days ago. Another day's journey and you would be able to spend a few nights resting in Rivendell. It had been well over three years since you had last sought respite in the valley.
While on your travels, you encountered Brunwulf - a kindred spirit. Months of travel and fireside chats with the individual resulted in many realizations, including one acknowledging your gender identity. Brunwulf's friendship was instrumental in becoming comfortable, and later proud, of being non-binary (a term and a concept they introduced, but fit like a glove once explained to you).
You promised yourself that during this short stay in Rivendell you may share the news with Elrond - he was your friend after all, and the time felt right to share this aspect of your life with him. His reaction was sure to be welcoming, you were only friends after all, yet you couldn't push away the building anxiety surrounding the "what if's?" rushing through your mind.
That shall be a problem for the future me, you thought as you lifted your pack onto your back. For now I must actually make it to Rivendell. The day seemed to drag on, the mild morning weather given way to a blistering heat by the early afternoon. The last leg of the journey taking its sweet time now that rest and warm food were finally in sight.
You had nearly passed over the border of Imladris when a sense of dread grew in the pit of your stomach. Your heart rate increased, every hair seemed to stand on end, and you quickened your pace. Nothing is wrong, you are simply worried and weary from travel, you tried to convince yourself. No foul being would dare come this close to-
The hideous echo of an orc horn upon the surrounding hills sent a shiver up your spine. You began running through the sparse pine wood and golden grasses. I only have to make it to the border, I only have to make it to the border, I only have to make it to the border, your mind repeated again and again. It felt as though you were running in a dream: no matter how hard you tried to run, it seemed the distance in front of you only grew greater.
A warg mounted by an orc rider cut across your path. You nearly tripped right into its jaws as you struggled to redirect your momentum. The beasts rider took a swing at you with his foul blade. You narrowly avoided what could have been a fatal blow, ducking and drawing your own dagger. The warg and it's rider were strong and cruel, yet you were cunning and quick, easily able to outwit the pair. Feigning your movement to one side, you dropped and rolled in the other direction, sticking your dagger in the side of the beasts neck while it tried to turn to where you had been a moment ago. With a grunt, you removed the small blade and the warg collapsed. The orc rider muttered something, probably a curse, in Orkish. He dismounted from the warg, and you readied your dagger for the offensive.
It was easy to parry and direct your own attacks at first, but the exhaustion of days spent traveling were creeping up on you. Perhaps your reaction time had delayed, for in an unregistered blink a sharp pain extended across your abdomen. You could feel blood starting to seep from the wound and into your clothing. Pressing one hand to your side to stay the bleeding, you fought on.
Blocking a forceful blow from your opponent sent another shot of pain through you. Your body felt as though it were on fire and the world was spinning. You fell to your knees as another call from the orc horn sounded. The orc gave a guttural laugh. You felt your eyes rolling back as you crumpled to the ground.
The sound of a sweeter second horn, though this one you could not tell if it was real or just a dream.
A steady thunder of riders moving closer.
Nothing but blissful ether.
That had occurred over a month ago now. You woke up days later, wrapped in a cozy blanket on a soft, warm bed. Elrond soon visited you. He asked how you were healing and told you of what had happened after you collapsed - how he and his riders fought the orcs, brought you to Imladris, and tended to you himself.
For once, he looked... tired, as though his thousands of years may finally be weighing on him. Surely that must be a projection of your own state, elves rarely displayed such things... right? Regardless, Elrond insisted that you stay until you were fully healed. You agreed given your near-brush-with-death, and were still resolved to have a heart-to-heart with Elrond about your identity. You just had to wait for the right time.
Except, it had been over a month, and still it had never been the right time. This is what led you to wandering the gardens on this particular evening. To continue waiting for the right moment, or to make the right moment, or to just abandon the whole thing completely and wait for some other visit to the valley. You plucked the petals off a flower, going between the three options. You had already gone through this process with two other flowers, unsatisfied with the results both times.
"I wonder what the flowers have ever done to you." A voice that was as warm as a late spring breeze caused you to jump. You jerked your head to the source.
"Sorry," You placed the naked flower down beside you on the bench you had been occupying. "I thought it may help me make a decision, but I guess I just made a mess of your gardens instead." Making room on the bench, you gestured for him to take a seat, "You may join me if you wish."
"They will grow back," He smiled, taking the seat you had offered. "I cannot say I don't blame you. I have also had to make some decisions of late." Elrond's gaze dropped towards the ground before meeting yours. You had seen the elf Lord worried before, but something else, something more personal, seemed to be a miss. You gave him a slight nudge.
"Well, I may not have all the wisdom of the elves, but I am here if you would like someone to listen."
"You are precisely who I've been needing to talk to," he held your gaze, his voice laced with earnestness. You quirked your head to the side, slightly confused, but remained silent waiting for him to continue. "We have known each other for awhile now, and recent events have shown me I must be bold as the world grows dark once more. I should like if you remain in Imladris."
"Forgive me, but I'm not sure what you mean." Bold? Bold how? Against the orcs?
"I have met many elleths and daughters of men, yet none have stirred my heart quite like you. I understand many of these attachments often result in tragedy, but after the grief your injury gave me I believe it would be a greater tragedy if I were to bury my heart for all the ages of the world." You swallowed, taking in the full (and very clear) meaning of his words. The right time is now.
"I confess, I have something I must share with you as well." Elrond's expression dropped, fearing for the worst. "I do return your feelings," You reassured. "It's just... I do not want to be referred to as a daughter of man, or even a son of man, simply a child of man. It may seem strange, and I hope that we may continue to be friends at least, but on my recent travels I learned of this term: non-binary..." You had started fidgeting with your hands, feeling as though you were losing control and losing everything you had only dreamed of hoping for until a moment ago.
"Ah, I see." Elrond took your hands in his, running his thumbs across your knuckles. "I am familiar with the term. I understand that in the world of men such things may take more time to be accepted," he said, gently squeezing your hands. "But among the elves, our ideas on this subject are much more fluid. I shall always stand with you, melleth nin."
At these words, you could not help the tears that began to brim and fall from your eyes. Elrond raised one of his hands to cup your cheek, wiping away the tears sliding down your face. Noticing the concern knitting his eyebrows together, you couldn't help but softly laugh.
"They are happy tears, I promise," you explained, placing your hand over his. You saw the relief wash over his features and the corners of his mouth turn upwards into a small, relaxed smile. You couldn't help but lean into his touch, pressing a small kiss against the inside of his wrist. "Your words have meant the world to me. I cannot believe I have been so lucky to know you in this lifetime." Your eyes glanced towards his lips. "May I?"
"You may," he returned with a smile, closing the gap between you.
Tag List: @themerriweathermage @entishramblings @miriel-estelwen
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ms-demeanor · 11 months
Heya, got a question about cybersecurity meetups. Do you think folks would be cool with a rando showing up because they're curious and like learning new stuff, especially for writing? And also because internet privacy is super important rn and there's no good books or written sources I can find on hacking, the dark web, etc; let alone digestible to somebody who knows what a directory is and how to use command line and not much more.
Also. I know it's gonna vary per location, so if you can't speak for all of 'em, I get it. Are these kinds of spaces like 2600 and Defcon queer friendly? Or I guess what I'm asking is are they notorious a place queer people should avoid. I'm non-binary and don't rly pass as remotely normal or straight, and I have nobody to go with me :|
Thank you!
Meetups that are publicly listed are very cool about randos showing up to learn new stuff and talk to weird people. Most meetups tend to be about 5 parts socializing and 1 part "tech activity" like a talk or a demo if they have a tech activity at all, so you're mostly just going to be meeting people and talking to them about themselves.
I will say, if you show up specifically saying "i'm a writer and i'm here to learn about stuff for writing" you're probably going to get some trolling - that's pretty common and a lot of meetups do have to deal with stuff like journalists periodically showing up to get the inside scoop about the scary hackers and that usually gets some fairly mean-spirited teasing directed at them.
So it's better to show up because you want to learn generally. People don't like being used as reference material during their socializing; they're there to hang out and talk to people with similar interests, so ask them about their interests. You can just say you're new to the scene and you heard about hacker meetups online and wanted to learn more.
If you want to do something to pregame and learn a bit about hacking ahead of time you may want to try hackthissite.org, check out 2600 magazine, or look on the DefCon forums to see what's going on in your local DC Groups. There are some good books about hacking; I like The Cuckoo's Egg and am asking anyone with good books or memoirs about hacking to chime in in the notes.
I will say, asking about the darkweb specifically might get you some eyerolls because it's something that sounds a lot scarier and more intimidating to most people than it actually is. You can get on the darkweb now. You can do it on your phone. Here's a very basic get-started guide. I don't think it's necessary to use a VPN to use Tor (most guides recommend it and then link to pages full of affiliate links for VPNs), and here's the Tor user manual to get started if you want to. Be careful, and if you're planning on doing anything that requires actual anonymity do a LOT more research before you follow the advice in any guide, but yeah pretty much everybody with an internet connection can get access to the darkweb in about twenty minutes. It's just websites that you need to use a slightly different set of tools to navigate to (granted, the content of the websites might be horrifying, so. Again. Be careful.)
Anyway moving on:
Defcon has had Queercon (a queer party for queer hackers) as a part of the con for at like twenty years and I know many queer and trans people who are part of the scene. And there are a lot of trans folks who I know who are volunteers at defcon and help to run hackerspaces and who volunteer and attend and run all manner of cons. I can't speak for your local group, but I've found that hackers in generally are more tolerant of a *lot* of things than the broader population is (they are weird people who engage in a hobby or who engage in work that is often technically criminal - they don't have a lot of room to judge and the more sensible ones among them know that).
HOWEVER I have personally had problems with defcon the conference specifically about harassment and infosec does lag behind other parts of the tech sector in participation from women. Defcon is working on it and i know their current head of conference security is very serious about ensuring that it's a welcoming space for people and that if people DO have problems at the con it is handled in a serious, sensitive way. (Legitimately, he's a good dude) I just. I don't go to defcon. There's more info in my pinned post. That conference is burned for me.
BUT there are a lot of other conferences, big and small, and there are a lot of local groups to look into. You'll have to get to know your local scene, but I'd bet that if one part of your local scene is unwelcoming that other parts are more open.
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Shameless Pride month Etsy store plug!
Dinosaurs! Pride! They should hang out more right? Right! I spent ages searching for pride themed dinosaur earrings on Etsy, then I realised I could just make my own! SO I DID. AND I LOVE THEM.
Do you love them? Cause I have an Etsy store CHOCK FULL OF EM
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(I keep saying "we" but actually it's just me. I've always wanted to shout "step right up!" like an old timey carnie, though, and I saw my chance and took it.)
If you want a flag I don’t currently have in stock then DM me and I can make a new design just for you!
The earrings come on an earring card, wrapped in tissue paper and in plain, unmarked envelopes for those who need discreet packaging.
Whether these are for you or not, I hope you'll keep independent artisans in mind when you're getting ready for Pride this month! They work hard, are underpaid, and need your support more than corporations.
(Also, if you see an Etsy ad on google or in the ad space of a website, don't click on it! Search for the Etsy store's name through Etsy instead. When you make a purchase after clicking an advertising link, Etsy takes a percentage and keeps doing so every time you go back to that store. Etsy already takes 25%-33% of sellers' profits in fees, don't help them take more! Links like the above that are embedded in an individual person's post are fine, just look out for ads on the side or bottom of websites, blogs, and social media pages, as well as google ads.)
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lucifersresources · 1 month
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stupid shit said in discord servers part four meme. ft special guests from my dnd party!
edit/alter/change pronouns etc as you see fit!  
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i never wanna think a cop is funny.
flirty rat man was my nickname in college.
the moon sounds like a fun place to be.
thinking a cop is funny is a gateway drug to being a republican.
today i learned she would punch a seagull.
booty call via shared thoughts.
it's fallen angel math.
i want em gorgeous, awful and bloody.
the fuck did i just read.
i just didn't know what knotting was. i miss those times. i miss five minutes ago.
you're not an edgelord, you're just pathetic.
there will be no butt sniffing in my god fearing house!
wanna see how gay my kindle looks?
i saw a book review titled "unlikely travel companions fight their inner demons" and i just think that's all of us
come to america and we can lay down together with no spoons
sitting in vc with the two of you is probably a bit like couples therapy
i'm not a planner i'm a go with the flow-er
penguins are all non binary, confirmed
the world is a gay penguin waiting to fly
this is a win for the lgbtqa+ community, penguins are gay
new pride mascot just dropped: penguins
it'll be me shoving you in the PIT OF HELL
i'd push my friendguin off an iceberg for money ngl
penguins can accidentally end up in gay relationships
penguins are friends not food
they made weed legal in my state so now all the cop dogs are confused
they always stand there dick to dick
the giraffe wanted a pillow
have you smelt the grass?
like, sure, i am picking fights, but in an affectionate way
well now i'm contractually obligated to fight you
it's like a suburban mom's wet dream
sure, i'm better than donald trump, BUT LIKE THAT ISNT SAYING MUCH
doe, a deer, a female deer. Die, a long long way to hell -
i know you're a bot but get a grip
the jerking off motion at you is flirting
i hate it when my upper body grippers don't grip.
have you tried the lower grippers?
having to explain my joke makes me want to murder you
don't take my inches away from me, i need all the ones i can get.
nevermind, I'm not an eldritch horror anymore
are you a pretty worm?
i'll airfry a ghost i'm not afraid
kinky. not into that though
gay stuff in the creepy basement causes swollen lips?
*eddie culz voice:* say it out loud.
my brain just imagined Edward Cullen in like a rap outfit
eddie culz before the beat drops: hold on tight spider monkey
but am i a pretty melon?
what is ur secret, thumb
you guys are both bullies, you dont count
i am a hole
not to be a hole about it, but me too.
i am become cheese
mm i'm so edible.
i was eating my ass
sometimes it takes a dick to teach
when u don't get a regular boner but a fang boner
he fakes his death a lot
the threat is… unthreatening at best.
i imagined a finger waggle. it’s important.
the ghosts are still in *name* and *name's* head. fucking sick bro.
we see an exorcist fucking freak crawling along the ceiling...
Dora The Explorer: Madre, Pick Me Up I’m Scared Edition
Skel and the eTons make their debut into the world.
critique me, writing daddy
it's me and my guiding bolt against the world
humans can’t exactly lick their own assholes
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Why Wishverse Buffy Fuels my "Buffy Summers is nonbinary" head canon
I will write my entire Non-binary Buffy meta post someday but it's a lot and for now I've got people asking about my wishverse + gender thoughts so I went ahead and wrote this piece of it. Wishverse!Buffy raises a lot of questions about Buffy's gender identity and gender expression. Like, why is Our Buffy so insistent that's she's Definitely A Girl with a feminine gender presentation when Wishverse!Buffy Who Has No One To Impress And Doesn't Care How She's Perceived presents as butch or masculine or even transmasc?
And this change in presentation isn't just the result of Wishverse!Buffy having nothing in her life outside of slaying. We've also met another Slayer (Kendra) who has no friends, no family, no one to impress except her Watcher who only cares about her usefulness as a Slayer, who still presents as feminine? We also meet Faith who only really has Buffy in her life to care about for a lot of s3 but Faith + gender is a whole other post (and this is not that post haha so we're not going there today).
Wishverse!Buffy is the ONLY TIME in canon that we meet a Buffy who doesn't care at all about how people perceive her, and she drops a lot of her femininity. Since Kendra's Watcher didn't try to take her own femininity from her—I mean, the girl named her own stake because she has nothing to care about besides weapons but her Watcher buys her jewelry and makeup?—surely Wishverse!Buffy also had wardrobe options and she chose THIS. Also I can understand why Buffy's Cleveland Watcher insisted she lose the dresses and skirts and heels from her wardrobe, but Buffy did have athletic wear we saw her training in sometimes in the library, so why did Wishverse!Buffy go out and buy herself completely new clothes? And instead of shorts and sports bras and t-shirts she chose this??? She took the time to buy a cross but no chain for it! That looks like she tied it into jewelry herself. Just...look at her:
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Also WHY in season 2 when Buffy meets Kendra for the first time does Buffy suddenly have the queerest outfit she's ever worn in her entire life and Kendra looks so gorgeous and feminine and put together? What were the costumers trying to say?? Buffy looks like a lesbian. Or I know non-binary and transmasc people who dress like that (myself included sometimes). Oversized shirts help so much with chest dysphoria and/or achieving a more masculine appearance I'm just saying.
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Actually she kind of looks like Oz and that guy has the most trans guy style and energy ever???
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I digress. Wishverse!Buffy is not Buffy simply choosing not to care about hair and makeup and fashion because she's depressed. Look at s5 and s6 Buffy. She is so depressed, so Not Okay, but there's one key difference between these two characters: unlike Wishverse!Buffy, canon Buffy cares SO DEEPLY about what others think of her. She even says as much to Spike:
BUFFY: I guess. Everyone...they all care. They all care so much, it...makes it all harder. SPIKE: I'm not sure I followed you around that bend, love. BUFFY: I don't know. I just, I feel like I'm spending all of my time trying to be okay, so they don't worry. It's exhausting. And then, I... SPIKE: And that makes 'em worry even more. (6x04 Flooded)
MY POINT IS the only time Buffy stops focusing so much on what others think about her and stops performing for others and simply allows herself to exist, she stops performing a lot of femininity and gender stuff as well. And I do think Buffy finds some enjoyment in being feminine and fashion, but how much of it is genuine enjoyment and how much is Buffy earnestly saying "I'm a normal girl and no one can say otherwise, look at how normal I am, I am the girliest girl who ever girled!!!!!" As in, Buffy's insistence that she's a girl isn't actually about wanting people to think she's a girl. It's about wanting people to think she's "normal," and that means them seeing her as a girl. When she actually isn't (a girl), because she's non-binary.
Also I KNOW that gender expression =/= gender identity, but since we are not Buffy and therefore cannot know what she thinks and how she would identify if given the education and label options, we can only look at what she says and how she dresses and acts. Buffy Summers is non-binary TO ME. And Wishverse!Buffy is a piece of why I think so. Meta post incoming one day when I write it all down.
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7clubs · 4 hours
I may be more in the transmasc non binary stacy/sebby camp but wow your transfem interpretation of them is so cool and contextualizes it differently than when you read em as trans man or generally transmasc
They're both good!!! seb can be trans any way tbh.
With the transmasc reading, for me the story/narrative (and some of the quotes I highlighted) kind of changes to one where it feels like Blaise/Excelsius is only like, conditionally accepting of them as long as they follow his wishes, or calls them a boy in a mocking/sarcastic kind of way. Not seeing seb/eustace as someone who can seriously match whatever toxic ideal of masculinity he has.
(this is of course assuming you go with a headcanon that blaise/excelsius himself isn't fully accepting. again, i see him as a very patriarchal old guy figure, so for me, that's what made sense. i understand the appeal of fully-accepting and frictionless universes for some people gender/sexuality wise, but i like having a struggle to conquer that's more true to real life usually!!!!)
I think the fan translation played a part in me preferring a transfem reading though, "you should've stayed an idiot son" as blaise's furious farewell as they both basically disown each other works better in that context in my opinion. (+ i just like and relate to women more LOL)
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Ok It's rambling time! I think I like rambling into the void on here so I'll probably do it more often lol
It's amazing how easily music can flip a switch in my brain lol maybe detrimental to my inspiration but what can ya do!
I have playlists for AUs so I have this one inspired by Vicious by Bohnes where Prowl is a dancer at the Cybertronian equivalent of a strip club. He loves it. He's a bad bitch that will absolutely fuck you up if you piss him off.
Here comes Jazz, he can't afford the club but he's a sneaky fucker. He's great at pickpocketing! He sees Prowl up there working the pole and is instantly smitten. He needs a night with this mech!
So he hits up the bartender, and of course it's Swerve. I love him so much and thought it would be cute if he and cunty Prowl were Amica. So Jazz is trying to get the deets on that sexy dancer and Swerve looks him up and down and is just... Shakes his head with an apologetic smile "She (I like the idea Prowl is gender fluid/non binary) will eat you up and spit you out, mech"
No one ever listens to Swerve though, despite the fact he's never wrong when it comes to Prowl. Jazz is no exception lol
Here comes Prowl, completely ignores Jazz as he tries to say hi like a love struck teenager, and plants a kiss on Swerve's cheek! Then, shoots a glare at Jazz and asks, "He bothering you?"
Jazz sputters "Wha-? So that's how it is? You coulda just said he's already taken-"
Prowl cuts him off with a scowl "What?”
"Sorry sweetspark, this mech's pining for ya. Tried to scare 'em off... But you know how they get," Swerve sighs.
"You're making him seem like a psycho!" Jazz squawks.
Prowl smiles wickedly, flashing fangs. "Maybe I am..." He grabs Jazz and kisses him fiercely, biting his lip in the process before shoving him away.
Lip bleeding, Jazz stumbles in a daze.
"You should run along now, little mech," Prowl purrs, watching Jazz like a predator. Oh he would absolutely devour this cute little mech. He could definitely ruin his life...
"Jazz, 'm Jazz. Do you uh... Take shanix for a uh, ya know..." Jazz asks with only a slight warble to his tone.
"Honey, I don't think you can afford me," Prowl smirks, looking him up and down again.
"H-how much for a night?"
"A night?!" Swerve cuts in. "You can't be-"
Prowl states his rates. (It's a lot)
Jazz deflates, knees nearly giving out. But he straightens up with a look of determination. "I-I can get it! I can! I'll be back!" He grins confidently and takes an abrupt leave.
Swerve just shakes his head. "Poor kid has no idea what he's getting into..."
"Mmm... He's quite adorable," Prowl's tongue dances over his fangs.
"You are a cruel mistress," Swerve chuckles.
Jazz manages to scrounge up the shanix. Even enough to get himself cleaned up before he returns. He's absolutely NOT prepared for the danger that comes with wheedling his way into Prowl's life. While Jazz is far from being a saint and has no compunction against engaging in illegal activities, Prowl is on an entirely different level.
One of these days, I will write this fic! I literally started conceptualizing it uuuuh, according to my discord notes, 09/20/2023! A year tomorrow lmao
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stupidloafofbread · 8 months
(guess who I am) so I was wondering what are your headcanons for the RT in ur AU? Maybe I missed that post or something cuz I never really got to know.😭
Sorry, just woke up! But yeah, I never actually said my headcanons for em lmao
It's still a work in progress but meh- Les go:
Helly headcanons!
- He has tons of blankets lmao
- He probably has like a million scratches or marks from missions
- He does, in fact, know how to work a gun (poli thought it was a good idea to teach him)
- He has ADHD (def not projecting myself onto him there-)
- If there's a version of cartoons in the Rcp world, Helly would watch them
- Goes by They/Them/He/Him/She/her (doesn't care what you use)
- Asexual and maybe trans?
Time for Poli
- From time to time he overworks himself to the point of just, fucking passing out
- He can use a gun (hence teaching Helly) but rarely does, cuz there's really no need to
- Can be a bit "hostile" when dealing with certain people. (I'll leave it up to y'all to figure out who or what I'm talking about)
- Honestly, he still fears caterpillars but not as much as he used to
- Nearly fucking froze outside before
- Goes by He/It
- Still figuring out his sexuality but identifies as Non-binary for now
Ight Time for Roy!
- Hug
- Will not hesitate to beat a bitch (only if they deserve it)
- Tends to lock himself in his room when he's sick or too tired
- tries to get everyone calmed down when something is going on with one of the RT members (take that thing with Helly for example)
- Has burn marks on his body, kinda like how Helly has scars from missions and/or rescues (I call them missions for some reason-)
- Goes by He/Him
- Bi
Amber time!
- She can perfectly throw a syringe right at someone's head, don't test her.
- Helly sees her as a big sister!
- She rarely gets mad, but when she does it's best to wait it out or just hide-
- She for some reason, has axe throwing skills
- Also will not hesitate to beat a bitch up
- Is probably the most trustworthy with secrets
- Goes by She/They
- Lesbian and Still figuring out gender
And time for Jin!
- Mother of the team
- Gets annoyed easily and tends to lash out at Helly but immediately apologizes for it
- Whenever she's bored, she'll go for a walk around the test track/lap thingy (idfk what it's called-) or the forest
- Sees some of the people in broomstown annoying af (and wishes they'd give the team a break from time to time)
- Personally likes tea more then coffee, but will drink coffee from time to time
- If any of the RT gets into a very sad state (Helly), she'll tell them to take a break and if they don't, she'll force em to
- Probably also has ADHD
- Goes by She/Her
- Also asexual
And idk if I'm missing anything or anyone!
That's about all I have!
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object-vault-9 · 25 days
Ok ok ok, hear me out here. What if corroded battery was intersex because minus the “make ‘em trans” option Non-binary got the highest. Like idk how being intersex would work as an object but the rep is cooltm
The rep is really cool I will not deny ! Though like you said, objects are a little harder to represent with that as they're inherently kind of sexless.
Oxy herself was made with the intentions of the poll of being a binary trans woman based on the poll, however you're free to hc her or other characters as intersex !
For officially confirmed intersex characters, I will see about adding one/some in the future, hopefully to the main cast as the vault member, so that there can be more intentionality behind the character(s) and the decision to make them that way!
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your-queer-dad · 1 month
pa I've got a problem, my ex came to my town cause they were traveling through on a road trip, we decided to meet up at the mall, catch up, hang out, the works. We were havin fun and it went great, I had a great time, they were one of my best friends you know? Anyways they gotta leave we say goodbye yadda yadda.
The next day they text me telling me they aren't over me and probably never will be... Now I don't know how to respond to this so I'm stuck for two days but I finally responded with something like "your one of my best buds, and I'm doing pretty good now" I kinda ignored the whole "not over me part". It's been a few days and they haven't responded.
I don't really have anyone to talk about this with, my folks weren't exactly the most supportive of me having a non binary partner, and my father did some really messed up stuff about it. I feel like I can't tell my girlfriend cause she says she gets jealous sometimes and I don't want her to feel that way, she's got real bad anxiety about me cheatin and the like(which I would never do for the record) hell I don't even know if she feels jealous of me seeing my ex in the first place, cause right after they left she came to see me and was vaguely talking about feeling really jealous and I don't know... It could be related?
I don't have much close friends I can talk with this about, so I'm feeling pretty isolated.
I don't know, I can't deal with being a heartbreaker, every time someone tells me I'm the nicest person they know I just have ta think "what kinda assholes do you know that I'm the nicest one of em?"
Feel free to ignore this, I'm just dumping my junk at this point
Hey kiddo, I think you handled that situation really well by ignoring their attempts and I think it's very considerate of you to consider your girlfriend's feelings in all of this. You're not an asshole for not liking an ex back. You can't control someone else's emotions, only your own and someone else's feelings aren't your responsibility.
- dad x
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medeina-physis · 4 months
A Case for Ze
So I was doing some thinking about words and writing—as one does—and I got to thinking about agender singular pronouns. As you are probably aware, in English we have singular pronouns for both sides of the gender binary, as well as for non-human/in-animate things and creatures. Beyond that, we then have they/them/theirs, the genderless pronoun set that can be used to describe both a group of people, or a singular person regardless of gender. Generally, the singular they is used in the case that an individual’s gender has not yet been determined. For example:
An indistinct figure appeared, cresting the faraway hill. As they approach, more and more of their features become evident. First, is their hat, with a wide brim that becomes noticeable as it catches the afternoon wind blowing over the lake. Next, is their hair, long and flowing as it is caught in the same gust. Sometime later, it becomes clear that they are wearing a jacket, it’s labels fluttering in the breeze. As they come even closer, their silhouette becomes clearer, with a narrower waist, and broader hips, she(?) approaches ever closer. At but 20 feet away from me, the swell of breasts can be made out beneath the fluttering leather jacket that she wears. Her face still covered in shadows, she speaks, “I’ve come for you; you have been chosen…”
My point is this: while it is true that there is a non-gendered singular pronoun, and while it is true that strides are being made to make it more normal to use it as such rather than as a simple place holder, I think we can do better. Thus, my pondering. I brainstormed, playing with different combinations, thinking through how the other pronoun sets play together and such, and eventually, I arrived at something I’d heard of before… Ze. 
For a little explanation of that journey, I started with they, as it already does this job, it would be ideal if the new pronoun was reminiscent, as it would make it feel more natural. First, I tried to use the commonality of the first pronoun (she and he end with the E sound) while cutting of the th from the next two—giving Ee/Em/Eirs—however, the first one just ended up sounding like a shortened he while the other 2 sounded like shortened them and theirs. This reminded me that, in general, the masculine version of stuff is taken as default, and other versions are denoted by their existence as not male. In other words she is just not he. By just having the E sound, it is then assumed that it must be short for He as opposed to she or another pronoun entirely. As for the other two, it wasn’t really a problem in my mind, other than the fact that it would still be a little unclear. This led me to play with adding different sounds to try to distinguish the pronouns while still fitting within the standard workings and paying homage to they/them/theirs. Thus, I eventually landed on Ze.
In any case, while I had certainly heard of Ze, it had been in a negative light and had not been in any way specific on what it was actually used for. So I was curious and looked it up. Wouldn’t you know it, it is used for the exact same purpose that I wanted. It’s not some wacky pronoun for this ultra-specific group, it is simply a non-gendered pronoun. It can be used in the same way they is, or it can be used until someone specifies a preferred pronoun. This surprised me a bit given how it had been given a negative sigma, and the fact that I don’t see it used all that often (read: never). Thus, I wanted to write this post to make a case for Ze. 
Sidenote: While Ze lined up nearly perfectly with how I imagined it in my head, I do have some thoughts based on the brainstorming I did coming up to it. Ze is exactly what I would have put, so no changes there, Zir is actually better than my idea as it is more distinct, Zirs is a little bit different though. I was originally thinking of having the possessive pronoun be zeir/zeirs in the same way that their/theirs is used. While I can appreciate the value of maintaining the distinctness of zir, I think there is some value in a distinct possessive pronoun. Eg:
“Mary, can you do me a favor? Mel and I are working together to get the surprise birthday party for Ash ready, but we aren’t going to finish zeir cake in time. Can you distract Ash by taking her shopping—help zir get some new clothes after zeir move and all that? It’d help alot!” 
The part to take note of is: ‘help zir get some new clothes after zeir move’, as we can see the use of both pronouns. If we use the established pronouns, it would either be: ‘help zir get some new clothes after zir move’, or ‘help zir get some new clothes after zirs move’, neither of which feels good to me. The first feels awkward due to the lack of differentiation, while the second feels wrong. I understand that the first functions the same as the female pronoun ‘her’, however, I see no reason to use a less satisfying pronoun set. Look at how nice this flows because of it:
“Yeah I can take Ash shopping. I will help zir look for some posters and plushies to put in zeir room—make that room truly zeirs.”
I will note, however, that evey time I go to type zeir, I accidentally type their, so maybe it is too close to their… Idk, I’d love to hear some thoughts.
Tertiary note: When using the singular they, why don’t we say “what is they doing” as opposed to “what are they doing”? It feels like a much more intuitive and helpful way to use it. To the point that using are feels grammatically more wrong, are it is meant to be used plurally, not singularly.
Tldr: Ze/zir/zirs is a singular genderless pronoun set that should be used way more than it is. Please use it. Also, I personally like Ze/zir/zeir as a possible alternative, so there is that if you're interested. Finally, try out “what is they doing” when using they as a singular pronoun—I think it may be better. 
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mlmxreader · 1 year
Acceptance | Alfie Solomons x nb!reader
anonymous asked: Hi! Could I please request the following prompts for Alfie Solomons X non-binary!reader: "Get down!"+"Just think what they have to put up with."+"Stay with me" Maybe with the reader from Feisty, if the muse allows for it, of course! An idea could be that Alfie has been coming around their shop for a couple weeks. During a particular visit to their store, it gets hit by one of the other gangs, maybe one of them gets hurt during the encounter. Leads to reader accepting the offer of protection from Alfie. (But fully up to you, obviously) Thanks again! 🐍anon
summary: Alfie's offer to the shopkeeper he finds so terribly charming may just actually go through after all.
tws: mentions of gunshots, swearing, injury
support your fanfic writers by reblogging what you read & enjoy
You were hoping to make it home early, when he showed up; the shop had just finished closing and getting locked up for the day, when he fucking waltzed in and pretended to look at what you were selling. He had been doing this for two fucking weeks, and although you had grown to become aware of the times he would visit, that didn't mean you liked him.
But you were used to him by now, so you never paid it much mind anyway; you allowed him in, allowed him to browse while you read your newspaper and sat in the staff room. He knew where he was, he would often sit with you for a while. His presence wasn't welcome, but it was tolerated only because he paid for what he wanted and he often added on extra.
Today was no different though.
At his usual time, he walked in, took a look around and picked up a few things and paid more than the price for them and refused change; he popped them into a shopping bag that he left behind the till, and came to sit with you in the staff room as you read your newspaper.
You regretted sending your employees home.
"Evenin', sunshine," Alfie grinned. "You in a better mood today?"
"Genuinely, go shit in your hands and clap," you huffed, daring to smile to yourself. "Better yet, get the fuck off of my property."
Alfie leaned forward, tilting your newspaper down slightly so that you had to look at him. "I can see you smilin' there, treacle, c'mon. Admit you like me."
"I'd rather get a hot poker shoved up my arse," you scoffed. "You can fuck off."
He laughed softly, nodding as he leaned back again and stretched, lifting his legs up onto the table and resting his hands on his stomach. You were tough, and you weren't scared of him at all; he liked that. He thought you were great company, even if you acted like you utterly despised everything about him.
Quietly, he yawned under his breath, his eyes watering as his head tilted forward. "Can I at least walk you home later?"
"You can at least fuck off," you huffed. "Coffee?"
"Go on then," he grinned. "You left the puzzles, yeah?"
"Yeah, I left 'em for you," you huffed. "Selfish asshole."
Alfie hummed as he took the paper and started to look for the different puzzles that were often thrown in; he looked up every few seconds, keeping an eye on you and making sure that you were alright with him being there.
He thanked you quietly when you put the coffee down in front of him, but he soon rose to his feet when there was a loud crash and the telltale harsh cry of glass being broken.
"Get down!" He told you through gritted teeth. "I'll fuckin' handle it."
You waited in the staff room, under the table as you listened to the shouting match outside; there was a gunshot, and your stomach dropped as you feared the worst. But Alfie soon came back, a little bloodied but not too badly.
"I'm alright, sunshine," he smiled. "Just a little gash on my fuckin' arm is all. Nothin' for you to worry about."
You shook your head, ushering him to the seat he always used and sighing heavily. "No, you're gonna stay the fuck there, and I'm gonna look at it."
He cocked a brow. "Why?"
"You…" you huffed as you searched for the medicine kit. "Just stay with me."
He grinned. "Like what? Your own personal guard dog? I thought you fuckin' hated me."
You rolled your eyes. "I will really fucking hate you in a minute."
He couldn't stop smiling as you brought the medicine kit over, gentle as you removed his shirt and allowed it to drape across the back of his chair; the angle was awkward, so you were forced to sit on his lap as you patched the gash up.
It was a lot deeper and bigger than he had made it out to be, but every time you told him off, he just grinned and laughed - like all he cared about was being close to you.
"It was the cunts from Birmingham," he told you eventually. "Thought that because you were the only place that wasn't under my fuckin' protection, they could get away with havin' a pop."
You clenched your jaw. "Well. I don't see the harm in taking up your offer…"
"I spoke to Cohen," you sighed. "He said you weren't lying. You've shown me… you're not. So. I'll give it a go… just don't fucking annoy me every single day."
"I ain't makin' that promise," Alfie laughed. "You're too charmin' and fuckin' feisty for me to stop annoyin'."
You rolled your eyes as you shook your head. "Are you like this with everyone?"
"Of course I ain't," he hummed. "But imagine if I was. Just think what they have to put up with."
"I dread to think," you deadpanned. Making sure the wound was all set before you got off of his lap. "You'll survive, Mister Solomons."
Alfie grinned up at you. "Knight in shinin' armour, ain't you, sunshine? So, what next?"
"I thought you were staying."
"Right," he agreed. "With you, yeah?"
"If you must," you sighed. "If you have to annoy me constantly."
"Oh," Alfie laughed again as he stood up, putting his arm around your shoulders. "I absolutely fuckin' do, Mx."
You leaned into the touch a little, but not enough to let him think that you liked him. Of course you didn't.
He was Alfie Solomons, the very thorn in your side, the rock in your shoe, the sweat stuck to your back… he was Alfie Solomons, the man who drank coffee with you and whose visits you had come to tolerate.
You shook your head, clearing the latter thoughts as you dared to steal a look at him.
"Get the fuck off of me."
"Y'know," he mused. "I really fuckin' do like you."
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star2stop · 6 months
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wassup my names star but you can call me max or benjamin/benji if ya want i dont really care lmao, and im a 19 yo artist!!
my pronouns r he/they cuz ill never be him😔​💔​ [<- mind chonny jash] im one of em QUEERS!! RAAAHHH!!💥​💥​💥​💥​ (aroace non-binary transmasc lmao) and im from italy if u even care lol
uuh what else,,, i guess i crochet sometimes (booooo!! take a look at this guy hes got GRANDMA HOBBIESSS!!) but i dont post much about that
yeah my main thing is arting and idk i have a ty channel so heres that (theres like one single video on it lmao) and an insta
one last thing!! please dont ask me for money, cuz i dont got none of it lmao
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✨​Heres some stuff i like ig lmao✨​
chonny jash (current intrerest so thats like 99% of the shit ull see here if u follow me rn ALSO i run an askblog w a couple friends @ask-hms)
NINJAGO MY BELOVED (but i have a side blog for that @starwhipnspin)
fnf aka friday night funkin (COUGH @baby-pico-daily)
spiderman & deadpool (ask spiderpool my beloved, literally the reason why i got tumblr in the first place lol)
stardew valley (even tho i never post about it lmao)
sonic the hedgehog
minecraft (i dont really watch ppl play it tho, apart from like. grian. every once in a while so, no, im not part of mcyt.)
fnaf (WAS THAT THE BITE OF 87???)
dan & phil
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get hit w my main art tags IDIOT!!:
#starsfanarts (main fanart tag)
#starsdoodles (for my wonky ass doodles lmao)
#starsocs (sigh im a horrible parent i should draw my ocs more)
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my art requests are currently: CLOSED
also my askbox is always open for any questions or if u just wanna chat :] (beloved moots ur so cool but im so so SHYYY DMS SCARE ME)
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