#asexual terminology
infused-with-madness · 4 months
So, I'm a panromantic asexual, right? And that's a lot of syllables. I could use the short forms instead.
So, I'm a pan ace, right? And that's a lot easier to say, but it's not as cool as it could be. There's a word that already exists, though, that sounds kinda similar, and it works because of the aces and cake thing.
So, I propose this: I'm a pancake.
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mossy-aro · 2 years
i saw a comment on tiktok making fun of QPRs the other day saying smth like “stop saying ‘QPRs’ U MEAN FRIENDSHIPS?!?!” and it had like 50K+ likes and I can’t find the screenshot of it now but genuinely sometimes this shit makes me lose faith in humanity idk idk
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We're coming up on "ace people are Very Welcome in kink communities acktschually" season so I would just like to make sure that everyone knows that this might be true for a certain type of ace person and a certain type of kink community, but maybe we shouldn't universalize that experience
honestly we should stop presenting the highly stylized, highly psychosexual environment of the kink community as a one size fits all solution for basic human problems like "I would like to be able to communicate more honestly about my relationship preferences" or "I have a need for validation from an authority figure". like. I think we should encourage a wide variety of different solutions for those problems actually and I don't think all of them should exist under the umbrella of kink
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sunlit-mess · 4 months
is the character in your most recent post (the joke post) your sona or an OC? either way, they look absolutely GORGEOUS. that purple coat and the whole color palette is so visually pleasing, wtf
Ah- it's just me, AHAHAHHAA I incorporated cupio/ace colors to the clothing and hair (‾◡◝)
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theasexual-jackson · 5 months
You know, I was really thinking about the "love/sex is what makes us humans" and, to be honest...
What about our capacity to create ideas? Feel emotions? Our ability to communicate with such complex sounds, such as languages? Our individualities and personalities?
Looking from this point, it feels like allo/amatonormativity conditioned society to think the only goal for us is go give birth and nothing else, specially under capitalism, since the land lords need people to exploit.
It's sad, ngl.
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hussyknee · 1 year
could it not also be considered androphobia that trans men don’t actually “count” as men when it comes to lesbians…???
Policing the way you self-identify is inherently oppressive and queerphobic, and the particular way it's levelled at trans mascs is transandrophobic. Insisting that trans men can't be lesbians and that lesbians can't be attracted to trans men denies the fact that you can't pick most trans men out of a lesbian lineup, that being assigned female informs a lot of trans mascs' experiences, that they experience most of the same oppressions as women, and rejects the belonging they found in the lesbian identity while sussing out their gender (which may not even be a fixed thing). Like, fucking hell, you're attracted to what someone looks and behaves like, their aesthetic, their energy, their vibes. NOT whether they check the right gender box on a questionnaire. Male is an internal identity that can mean a lot of things. It has nothing to do with who's attracted to you or how you experience attraction.
Also like...the gender binary isn't real lol. Y'all think women and men occupy oppositional sides like a tennis court, and that all other genders fall into one or the other and never the twain shall meet. So that when a Man™ falls into the orbit of a sexuality that predominantly centers fems/women, or when that sexuality doesn't completely exclude all attraction to mascs/men, y'all have an entire cow about it.
Edited to clarify: I meant that the majority of trans mascs are pre-transition, not that no trans masc in any state of transition can look like anything but a woman. Begging y'all to remember that the vast majority of trans people are not medically transitioned because of socio-economic reasons, most are closeted to some extent and (can't find the stats on dysphoric vs. non-dysphoric trans people) some trans mascs don't/ can't even wear binders. And even cis gays mix up femme twinks and butch lesbians. Being able to be shielded among the cis gay community and its allies is one of trans folks's most important protections.
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allthegaynamesaretaken · 11 months
Are there labels for sexualities that define the trend in attraction you feel without being in reference to what gender you identify as? For example, heterosexuality is an attraction to the "opposite" gender. However, my gender is very fluid and hard to describe, so I'm having trouble finding the words I want to use to describe my sexuality.
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dragonairice · 1 year
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So I got a 13/15 for this-
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frogfriend-247 · 4 months
I wrote a reply to someone on Insta a couple days ago explaining queerplatonic relationships, and I wanted to share it here:
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I kinda ate with this ngl
(Edited out pfp and name bc it’s my private Insta account.)
Hopefully the alt text was successfully added, I was never actually taught how that stuff works fjdkfj
Anyway, feel free to reach out to me with questions if you have any!
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gender-trash · 1 year
semi-recently started using the skritter app to learn chinese (it's good! highly recommend!) and they've got all these premade decks of flashcards for, you know, normal shit. HSK vocabulary! computer terms! kangxi radicals!
meanwhile i am attempting to learn to read tropey xianxia novels, so i'm making a deck of xianxia terminology for myself and i keep needing to add new words to the skritter dictionary for stupid bullshit (latest word i added: "dual cultivation"), and it feels like. sorry hi hello i'm in this temple of learning exclusively for stupid bullshit purposes, don't mind me,,
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jenny-dreadful · 1 year
yk when someone confidently slides on their socks into a complex ongoing discourse to be like “um actually. [term] means [thing] 💅” all smug, and expect to be taken seriously, not realizing they completely lack a concept of a specific and contextually-applicable usage which everybody else here already understands. <<<<<<<<<
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templebet · 1 year
Actus-sexual: a term for those who only feel significant sexual attraction while sexually active. Often requires a defined sexual relationship to begin feeling attraction, but is not limited to that specific partner, actus-sexuals will feel attraction to other people while they are in a relationship. They will often feel less asexual while in a relationship, and more asexual when not. For me, I feel almost no attraction when not partnered, but almost allosexual when partnered. This term may be preferred by polyamourous people, but monogamous people may also resonate. Derived from the latin root actus - active, a doing
This term can also be used for aromantics, an actus-romantic may feel little to no romantic attraction unless they are actively in a romantic relationship, but their attraction can now be felt for people other than their partner.
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caitrionavalmai · 2 years
For all who want or need it - here is all the terms A-Z I’ve come across as a queer woman in my community :)
By: C. Valmai
Agender: to be without gender
Ally: supporter of equal civil rights, gender equality, and LGBT social movements
Androgynous (Andro): appearance of inter-determinate sex
Androphilia (Minsexual): the attraction to men and masculinity
Aporanger: form of non-binary; to feel seperate from any gender whilst still having a strong and specific gendered feeling.
Aromantic: little to no feeling of romantic attraction
Asexual (Ace): little to no sexual feeling or desire
Autosexual: to be sexually attracted to themselves
Bear: a hairy and heavyset queer man
Bigender: individual that experiences two gender identities; male and female
Bisexual: to be sexually attracted to both males and females
Butch: traditionally masculine appearing queer woman
Cisgender: person who’s gender identity matches their assigned gender at birth
Closeted: person who hasn’t publicly disclosed their sexual orientation
Coming-out: the self disclosure of ones sexual orientation
Cross-dressing: the act of wearing clothes commonly associated with the opposite sex
Demiromantic: person who experiences romantic attraction only after forming a strong emotional connection
Demisexual: person who experiences sexual attraction only after forming a strong emotional connection
Drag queen: males who ostentatiously dress in women’s clothes
Dyke: a lesbian with masculine mannerisms
Equality: the state of equal treatment without regard to differentiating characteristic
Femme (Feminine): queer person who presents in a feminine manner
Fraysexual: sexual attraction to others that they’re less familiar with
Futch: the midway point for lesbians on the scale between femme and butch
FTM/F2M: transition terminology for female to male
Gay: a homosexual male
Gender Dysphoria: discomfort and distress due to the mismatch between ones biological sex and gender identity
Gender fluid/queer: a gender identity not exclusively masculine or feminine
Gender neutral: a word/phrase that doesn’t refer to just one gender; they/them
Gender variant: behaviour or gender expression that doesn’t match masculine or feminine gender norms
Graysexual: A form of Asexuality, with very rare occurrences of sexual attraction
Gynephilia (Finsexual): the attraction to women and femininity
Hermaphrodite: having both sex organs/characteristics, either abnormally or naturally
Heterosexual: a person who is attracted to the opposite sex
Homosexual: a person who is attracted to the same sex
Intersex: individuals born with variations in sex characteristics that don’t fit typical definitions for male or female e.g. chromosomes, gonads, sex hormones, genitals etc.
Justified: to be understood and accepted for who you identify as without judgement
Kinks: bizarre or unconventional sexual preferences and behaviours
Lesbian: a homosexual woman
Lithosexual: an individual who experiences sexual attraction but doesn’t want it reciprocated
Lithromantic: an individual who experiences romantic attraction but doesn’t want it reciprocated
Mardi Gras: the annual parade/festival that celebrates the queer community (translates in French to Fat Tuesday)
Masc (Masculine): queer person who presents in a masculine manner
MTF/M2F: transition terminology for male to female
Neutrois: to have no gender or an absence of gender
Non-binary: identifying as without gender or gender identity
Omnisexual (Omni): sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards others with acknowledgement of sexual orientation and gender identity
Outing: revealing the sexual orientation of someone else without their consent
Pansexual (Pan/Gender Blind): sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards others regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity
Polyamorous: to have intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the consent of all involved
Polysexual (Poly): sexually attracted to more than one gender
Pride: the positive stance against discrimination and violence towards all queer people
Queer: an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that aren’t heterosexual or cisgender
Questioning: the process of discovering ones own gender, sexual identity, and/or sexual orientation
Quoisexual: unable to distinguish the differences between sexual and other forms of attraction
Rainbow flag: established in 1979, the rainbow flag of pride symbolises: red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, blue for harmony, and purple for spirit, for the queer community.
Skoliosexual: individuals attracted to gender queer, transgender and/or non-binary people
Stonewall: initially a mafia owned Inn, catered to the poorest and most marginalised people in the queer community
Straight: individual who is attracted to the opposite gender
Transsexual (Trans+): the desire to physically transition to the sex that corresponds with the gender they identify as
Transgender: individual that doesn’t identify as the sex they were assigned at birth
Trigender: individual that experiences three gender identities; male, female and non-binary
Twink: a small frames, young looking queer man, with little to no body hair
Unisex: designed to be suitable for both sexes
Visibility: the accurate representation of the diversity of the queer community
Wigstock: 1980’s annual outdoor drag festival in Manhattan’s East Village on Labour Day
XX/XY Chromosomes: the pair of DNA that determine the biological sex of an individual; XX for female, XY for male
You: the journey of understanding your own gender, orientation, personal preferences, and representation
Ze/Zir: third person pronouns describing individuals without gender assumption
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nextstepcake · 2 years
My primary regret (albeit not that serious of one) when it comes to ace and aro community terminology is that we let yet another “A” term win out as the word for non-aces, and then used the same prefix for non-aros, and then used a- again for the cross-community terms. So now we have allo aros and allo aces and aro aces and allo allos, and also sometimes aro allos and ace allos, and then the kind of allos where you have to guess from context, and aro-spec and then ace-spec or was that a-spec? How’s that for a tongue twister! I am constantly typing or hearing the wrong 2-4 syllable a-words and it’s just aaaaaaaaaaah all around. It may have been a major win for alliterative capacity at the time but it was a definitely loss for ease of listening/reading comprehension in the long run.
(I’m not actually suggesting we do anything to change that at this point, other than maybe spelling out ace spectrum / aro spectrum / ace and aro spectrums all the way more often, but I am hoping to commiserate with other a-related typo victims)
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kiribaku · 2 years
lrb reminds me how much I can't stand ppl who think demisexual is a real thing. you not wanting to fuck people you don't know because "they're not sexually attractive" isn't worth a damn label or to be called an "identity". and it's definitely not lgbt.
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arocoded · 3 months
What does it mean for you be be an aroace “lesbian”? Lesbians are definitionally homosexual.
Yeah it's definitely confusing terminology, but for me it refers to queerplatonic relationships. Like I'm asexual and aromantic, but I want to be in a qpr, but I really truly cannot imagine being truly happy in one w a man personally
I think the more technical terminology is lesbian *oriented* aroace
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