#ask me system stuff
tenowls · 1 year
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So, I’m awkward with actual humans. It’s not paranoia about my hacked governor module, and it’s not them; it’s me. I know I’m a horrifying murderbot, and they know it, and it makes both of us nervous, which makes me even more nervous. Also, if I’m not in the armor then it’s because I’m wounded and one of my organic parts may fall off and plop on the floor at any moment and no one wants to see that.
one last fancomic to finish off the year, from asr this time!!
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chronurgy · 1 month
Idk man thinking about Caleb and Astrid and breakdowns. How the one time we see her have a breakdown it's so neat and quiet and private in contrast to Caleb's messy, public, even violent breakdowns. Do you think she looks down on him for not being able to control it? Do you think she resents him because Trent still wants him back even after all of it and she could never get away with something like that (does the specter of the hysterical woman keep her up at night)? Does she envy him because that's what freed him? And does that just cause the resentment to pile even higher because she could never allow herself to fall to pieces like that? Because someone has to stay in control. Someone has to keep it together.
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sysboxes · 9 months
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[Text: This system loves adores the colour purple.]
Like/Reblog if you save or use!
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bananonbinary · 3 months
as a certified Diagnosed Autist(TM) i cannot stress enough that i am not only pro- self-diagnosis, but also pretty anti- legal medical diagnosis. it is, at best, a cruel hoop we have to jump through so privileged people will deign to give us what we need. don't fucking do that shit unless you have to, it was disgustingly expensive, fucking humiliating, infantilizing, and dehumanizing, and would probably actively cause problems in my life if i didn't have some really good allistic (-passing) people in my corner and also wasn't so fucking disabled that it mostly doesn't matter.
literally get that diagnosis if you need it for job/school accessibility shit or SSI or whatever, and otherwise dont tell the government SHIT about yourself. there is zero good reason for them to want that information. that's between you and the people you want in your life.
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can-of-slorgs · 2 months
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The other researchers are also here! (magical edition!)
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gurggggleburgle · 3 months
I love shen yuan. He's an amazing nuanced stupid little man with a head full of contradictions and complexity that a love and adore
Also me: if I met this man in real life we would kill each other like rabid dogs. He would bring up his shitty opinions and we'd start arguing and I would try to tear his neck with my teeth we would not stop till one of us was dead. A battle of attrition at worst but bloodshed at best. Our hatred would be legendary as we are of the same ilk and spite!!!! And you are wrong sir!!! Your take is shit! You're mid!!!! Have you no ears or eyes to see your takes are shit?!!!!???!!??!!
Also also me: I think I met him we'd both agree that demon slayer is pretty but mid and never speak to each other again
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disrealities · 5 days
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System / alter alternatives with viscera themes! — requested by @sanguinaryfreaks ^_^
"system" . . . Morgue, Mortuary, Mortality, Celluloid, Macabre, Carnage, Necropsy, Bile, Alveolus, Parenchyma, Anatomy, Bacteria, Ventricle, Organ, Disease, Brainstem, Bloodflow / Bloodstream, Heartwhole, Pseudoheart, Mindwipe, Hindbrain
"alter" . . . Entrails, Tissues, Organs, Bodies, Innards, Carcasses, Corpses, Skulls, Arteries, Samples, Guts, Forensics, Specimen, Nerves, Cadavers, Roadkill, Organelles, Ruptures, Cavities, Vessels, Injuries, Patients, Valves, Coelom
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hajihiko · 8 months
Dude that actually really cool of an idea for Nagito to be getting scratched up as a part of paranormal activity
Honestly haven’t heard of that in ages haha /pos
the body parts are all ~symbolic~
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y-rhywbeth2 · 2 months
I have questions about the Weave, and I thought you might know.
Since not all magic comes from Mystra (warlocks, sorcerers who get their magic from say, the Shadow Weave and the Feywild), do the magic casters who get their abilities from other sources use the Weave or no, since it’s “hers”? For example. If I had a Wild Magic sorcerer, or a Shadow Magic Sorcerer, are they like. Always manipulating the Shadow Weave or whatever the Feywild has, or are they “borrowing” use of Mystra’s Weave when they’re on the material plane/toril/etc since she sort of rules the roost in these areas? And, if she wanted these sorcerers, or warlocks I suppose, to be not able to do magic, would she be able to stop them if their magic doesn’t come from her? I guess the same might go for clerics, since their powers come from their own gods, which isn’t always Mystra, so I don’t know if that’s Weave-based or not.
I’m sorry if this is difficult to parse, these were falling asleep questions that I wanted to ask before I forgot. Also I really appreciate your lore dumps and things they’re super helpful and interesting.
With the sole exception of Shadow Magic, all magic on Toril comes from/relies on the Weave/Mystra: magic + the Weave, and Mystra are one and the same. As I recall Gale saying, Mystra is magic.
Different classes simply access the Weave differently. The Weave is a sort of gateway/safety barrier maintained by Mystra to keep magic anchored and prevent raw magic breaking lose and uncontrolled (wild magic) or becoming unreachable (dead magic). Spellcasters basically build roads through the Weave in order to reach, channel and shape that raw magic.
Arcane magic is "the Art": For sorcerers magic is an innate part of them, and through trial and error (and sometimes education) they build their own personal routes of access. Wild magic sorcerers are still trying to cast spells as normal, there's just a very high chance of things going haywire. Wild magic utilises the areas where the Weave is damaged; it still uses it and the Weave must exist for Wild Magic to exist, if the Weave is completely absent then the raw magic is inaccessible and you get Dead Magic zones where magic isn't possible at all. An analogy that's given for warlocks is that their patron basically gives them a magic GPS so that they can find a path through the Weave using a road set up by the patron. Wizards and Bards build their roads through study (which is more academia and scientific method like for wizards, and usually more prose/verse/music theory-esque for Bards)
Divine magic, as used by clerics, druids, paladins, rangers and etc, is "Power": Mortal reaches out via prayer, god reaches back, and the path in the Weave is formed that way. While this power is the power of the deity itself, implanted with instructions on "how to use" into the worshipper's brain, it still gets into their brain via the Weave, and so gods and worshippers must go through Mystra as an intermediate/conduit.
Spellcasters from other worlds who come to Toril must use the Weave while they are there. Torilian spellcasters who go planewalking are subject to the magic systems/rules that govern wherever they're going.
Mystra can and will destroy your roads or ban your access to them - and would genuinely love to ban access to evil deities and people who want to use magic to harm others - but policing single mortal on Toril is a bit of a pain in the ass, and she's also limited by the terms of her employment contract as goddess of magic.
Mystra, as the manifestation of the Weave, decides who can draw upon it and who is barred from accessing it. Deciding is somewhat taxing to her, for every attempted use of the Weave by the target of this ability draws her attention and some small bit of her power, but for a mortal (or even a hun- dred mortals) doing so, this distraction is trivial to the deity. Such a punishment is normally reserved for someone who has been abusive of magic, trying to inflict great harm to magic itself (such as by intentionally creating areas of wild or dead magic), or researching spells of mass destruc- tion, such as many of those known in Imaskar, Narfell, Netheril, and Raumathar. Such a being cannot access the power of the Weave, cannot cast spells or use spell comple- tion or spell trigger items or activate spell-like or supernat- ural abilities. However, magic and its effects can still harm them, and such beings typically are slain by their rivals or angry commoners for their cruel and mad works. Mystra can also bar a deity from accessing the Weave, which would prevent the deity from using magic while in Faerûn but not while the deity was on another plane where the Weave does not exist, such as any of the planar homes of the deities. Such an act is very draining to her, and she only does it to reduce the power of a deity intervening directly in Faerûn. She cannot block a deity’s ability to grant spells to wor- shipers without negating the ability of each worshiper to draw on the Weave. In addition to being time-consuming to locate each of the target deity’s followers and sever their individual connections to the Weave, such an act would greatly upset the balance of power between the deities, angering Lord Ao. - Magic of Faerûn
Mystra has also closed off all and any access to Netherese High Magic, which is clearly too powerful to trust such hubristic creatures as mages with. You will stay within the power cap of 9th level spells, and you will like it.
The two areas of magic outside of her control are: Psionics, apparently (although that's not what it's called on Toril. It's better known as "mind magic" colloquially, "metaphsychics" to academics, and "mindfire" to mages (or the "Invisible Art", to Duergar). Sources disagree here. Some will tell you that Psionics are something other: and others will say that they still tap into the Weave but for some reason Mystra has zero influence over it, although it's been suggested that this is more because Mystra is "too busy with all the arcane shenanigans!", and thus far has only kept a careful side eye on it. She can and will still slap you down if you start threatening the stability of the Weave/the health of the world.
Where the Weave is the tapestry of all reality, governed by Mystra, the Shadow Weave is a copy made by Shar using the gaps between the threads of the true Weave: absolute nonexistence. Shar's end goal is to spread use of the Shadow Weave until it's used more than the Weave, and then take Mystra's place as goddess of magic. Ultimately though, while the Shadow Weave is very good at illusion, enchantment, necromancy and etc it comes with a lot more limitations and drawbacks: for example it can't replicate any spells that create light and heat. Also channelling it is a traumatic experience, and most users end up converting to Shar, because at least then she does her thing and numbs them to the suffering using her "gift" causes. As the Shadow Weave is not part of Mystra, she has no way of knowing if somebody is using it or cutting them off.
That said, apparently the Shadow Weave still relies on the Weave to exist and function. :
The Shadow Weave is an alternative to the Weave crafted by Shar that literally rides atop the Weave; it is an echo of the Weave and can't survive without it. - Ed Greenwood
Ultimately, there is no real way to completely get around needing Mystra if you want to use magic on Toril.
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oursystemblog · 13 days
Hey sorry if this is a weird question, what’s y’all’s opinion on moonknight? (Singlet here, sorry if this is a dumb thing to ask)
Wish i could give a more interesting answer but i did not watch it and know nothing about it haha
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shrimparts-blog1890 · 5 months
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This will be a wip till i finnish some of y'all's requests 😘✨️
Aaaand the sketches behind it cuz i could just not contain myself
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tj-crochets · 7 months
Another weird medical question for y'all! This one is benadryl (diphenhydramine) related. Well, these ones, plural A. Have you ever gotten so upset and/or emotional you spiked a fever? B. Have you ever taken benadryl for a fever, emotion-caused or not and C. Did the benadryl completely fix your fever? Before anyone points it out, yes I know none of that should I work that way. I did not take the benadryl for the fever, I took the benadryl for the oncoming allergic reaction that was starting, and then once it kicked in I no longer had a fever. I am aware all of that is weird, which is why I am asking these questions lol
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ktskibkg0 · 4 months
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So damned tired ifvb feel like fndndnn vvvvvv FUUUUUUUU DAMN IT......UUUUUUuuH.
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Anyone else have near-perfect executive function at work; but at home, have literally no energy or motivation to do anything except lie in a dark room, with something in or on your ears for several hours?
#It’s got to be the schedule keeping me on task at work#I love microdosing strict routines (not having an actual routine for the day; but having routines for small tasks#which piss me off if I can’t carry them out precisely the way I planned)#For instance: If I’m asked to paperclip a bunch of stuff together with multicolored paperclips of various sizes#I cannot just indiscriminately pick paperclips from the container because that is WRONG and ILLEGAL#The colors must fit the theme of the assignments; and the colors must alternate in a specific order#and the paperclips must all be the same size#If I’m asked to dump out and clean containers of writing utensils I am going to sort them by type and color#whether you like it or not#Black permanent markers have their own container in a different section from the blue permanent markers#Dry-erase markers are not to be mixed with permanent markers because they are easily confused and it is WRONG and ILLEGAL#Do not fuck with the system. It’s the only organizational skill I have and by fucking GOD I’m going to use it in EXCESS#I stuff and fill out envelopes the exact same way every time because if I do it any other way it is WRONG and ILLEGAL#The stamp always goes on last to minimize monetary waste if there is a mistake#Now you’d think my room is squeaky clean and organized because of how particular I am about these small tasks#Right? Right?#NO IT IS NOT. It looks like a bomb went off. Cleaning the room is a big task which cannot be accomplished within two hours#therefore I have discarded it as anything I need a routine for because it would take too long to come up with#and it is very hard for me to do things like that without instructions or a sense of consistency#So I simply don’t#“After five years the dust doesn’t get any worse” correct; but the mold certainly does#I am convinced half my problems with organization as a kid would have been solved if I just had a hamper#“We have a clothes chute; you don’t need a hamper” Maybe you don’t but I DO#I want one now; but I’m going to use it as incentive to get an apartment#because that’s another thing I need to smuggle and I have too much already
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peskywastaken · 2 months
Moon + Star Themed Pluralkit Template
This Template includes a System Temp., Alter Temp., and a Display Name Temp.!!! (May be adjusted however needed!! Reblog if used!!) Theme suggested by: @th3-p1zz3r14
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System Template
:crescent_moon: .・゜゜⁺ ☆ __**System Name**__ ꩜
꩜・゜゜⁺ :new_moon: ⁺ ゜゜・꩜ __**Collective Information**__ :dizzy: + ₊˚⊹☆ *Coll. Name(s)*:
₊˚⊹☆ *Coll. Pronouns*: :comet: + ₊˚⊹☆ *Bodily Age*:
₊˚⊹☆ *Relationship Status*:
✧ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ˚。⋆ :crescent_moon: ⋆。˚ ⋆。˚ ⋆ ✧ __**System Information**__ ✧ + ˚ ₊ ‧ *Sys. Origin*: :dizzy:✧ + ˚ ₊ ‧ *Sys. Tag*: ✧ + ˚ ₊ ‧ *Subsys. #*:
✧ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ˚。⋆ :new_moon: ⋆。˚ ⋆。˚ ⋆ ✧ __**Frequent Fronters**__ ╰ ★ + * ₊ ⋆ **Name** - Pro **Nouns** - [Role](Info Link) ╰ ★ + * ₊ ⋆ **Name** - Pro **Nouns** - [Role](Info Link) ╰ ★ + * ₊ ⋆ **Name** - Pro **Nouns** - [Role](Info Link)
✧ ⋆ ˚。⋆ ˚。⋆ :crescent_moon: ⋆。˚ ⋆。˚ ⋆ ✧ __**Boundaries**__ ☾ ⁀ * + ₊ **Touch**: Y/N/Ask :comet: ☾ ⁀ * + ₊ **Flirting**: ☾ ⁀ * + ₊ **PDA**: :dizzy: ☾ ⁀ * + ₊ **Nicknames**: ☾ ⁀ * + ₊ **Petnames**:
꩜・ 。 。 ⁺ :new_moon: ⁺ 。 。 ・꩜
« :full_moon: » ✫ ❝ + !! ➵
Display Name Template
‧ ₊ ˚ ⊹ {Name} ☾ Pro/Nouns ➵
Alter Template
:full_moon: * + ꩜ ❝ __Name(s)__ ❞pro *nouns* ✧ :dizzy: ✧ gender꩜ age__yo__ :new_moon: orientation ꩜interaction status ➵ [role](info link) ☾ source(s): [01](info link) [02](info link)
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oh-wow-im-still-here · 4 months
Aspec shen yuan in a relationship with a bingge learning he doesn't need sex 24/7 to have a happy and fulfilling life is the superior binggeyuan dynamic btw. It's like the succubus x aspec ship dynamic except dialled up even more (somehow) with some abandonment issues on the side. Comedic but also angst potential abound. Delicious.
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