#at least i didn’t walk all the way up and sit outside the room wondering where everyone was this time
selfconsumerofmywoes · 7 months
started walking to uni when i don’t have any lectures for the second time in two weeks - i will now be rage quitting life
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ellecdc · 7 months
Part two of feisty slytherin reader where it’s just the boys being like kinda in love with reader and everything you can pick how reader responds
this ended up taking me way longer to complete than I thought it would! it also ended up way longer than usual. here's the lead up to our infamous poly!marauders x feisty!slytherin reader!!! 🫶
poly!marauders x feisty, fem slytherin!reader
p1 // p2 // p3
CW: head injury - not graphic or detailed but mentions blood.
“Okay Moony, if you’re going to help us win over Y/N, you should know she does not like dramatic public displays of appreciation.” James said sagely as he walked into their shared dorm room.
Remus spared Sirius a confused look from his seat in the chair, but from the way James was currently rubbing his arm Sirius had a pretty good idea of what just took place.
“Yeah, erm, I don’t think you have to worry about that with me, bubs. Thanks for the heads up though.” Remus added bemusedly.
“Let me guess.” Sirius taunted, rolling over onto his stomach so that he faced James. “The charmed roses following her around the halls wasn’t a hit?”
“No, but she did...” He sulked, pulling his uniform shirt off to expose a small albeit quite red welt on his upper arm.
“Awe, poor Jamie. Come here bubs.” Remus cooed at him, opening his arms to invite the boy into his lap. 
James obliged all too willingly and snuggled up to the werewolf like he was a small toddler and not a giant beefy man-baby. 
“Don’t mollify him when he’s out here botching our grand plans to woo the girl of our dreams.” Sirius said, causing Remus to roll his eyes and James to scoff indignantly.
“Well at least I’m working on it! What are you doing to woo her?” James retaliated.
Sirius offered him a wolfish grin. “Oh, I’ve got a little trick up my sleeve.”
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You had to get out of the castle. You could still feel everyone’s eyes on you, ogling you like you were some kind of freakshow. 
You don’t know what kind of game those Gryffindor’s were trying to play, but you were not about to be the butt of whatever sodding joke this was.
Roses, really? Charmed to follow you around the castle as Potter smirked from the sidelines. Did he have any idea how humiliating that was?
       So, yeah. You walloped him. In the arm. With your fist. Hard. But what else were you supposed to do!? You’d confronted him and demanded that he end the charm and all he said was ‘you look so cute when your nose scrunches up like that’.
He and Black have always been a bother – seemingly having taken some kind of interest in you for whatever reason. Lupin had always been more reasonable; one would think that he’d have evened those two out during their relationship, but apparently that was an impossible task. You supposed it was because he was all but one man.
But lately, even he was starting to stare at you a little too long, smile a little too softly, find too many excuses to be in your vicinity. It was infuriating.
So, you were outside.
It was nice outside. 
Well, it was nice enough outside. 
You packed yourself some snacks in your book bag, two blankets and an extra jumper to go sit by the Black Lake. You figured you should be able to enjoy some peace and quiet out here on your own.
You unfolded one of the blankets to lay onto the ground before sitting on it and then laid the second blanket over your lap. You could hear other students on the grounds in the distance and the soothing sound of the water lapping gently against the shore. 
As luck would have it, a certain dog with long-black hair would set out to disrupt that.
“What are you doing here?” You asked the dog as it approached you calmly. You wondered for a moment if you should be scared before it stopped at the edge of your blanket to sit and tilt its head at you, his tongue falling out of his mouth haphazardly. 
He didn’t look too scary, ignoring his size.
You craned your neck to look around, checking if perhaps he was here with someone, but it appeared that you were, in fact, alone on this side of the lake.
You felt something cold and wet nudge your pinkie, and you turned to see that the dog had laid down beside you with his head between his paws, nose next to your hand.
“If I pet you, are you going to bite me?” You asked him. He answered by nudging your hand again and offering it a little lick.
“You better not have fleas.” You muttered as you scratched behind the dog’s ears. You would have sworn he had furrowed his eyebrows at your comment if dogs could do such a thing. You noticed then that the dog had startling silver-blue eyes. 
“Where are your people?” You asked, glad no one was around to see you conversing with a dog. He answered you by rolling over for belly rubs.
You scoffed out a laugh but acquiesced. “Fine, you can stay. But I came out here for peace and quiet, ‘kay?”
The dog seemed fine with that plan and let you read through two chapters of your book, only interrupting every paragraph or so for more pets. Eventually however, it grew too cold, and you decided to pack up.
Confirming your suspicions, the dog began to follow you towards the castle. You pretended like you hadn’t noticed or perhaps just didn’t care until you were near the greenhouses.
“For future reference, Black,” you said, turning to the dog who seemed to pause mid-step as you considered him. “I really am more of a cat person.” You smirked, turning to walk back to the castle alone.
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“Here, let me get that for you.” James said, opening the door for you rather chivalrously in Sirius’ opinion.
“I’m not a delicate flower, Potter, I can open a door.” You muttered angrily, storming past him into the classroom.
James deflated a little as he followed you in, but perked up when Remus placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder.
“I thought that was very sweet of you, Jamie.” He placated.
James gave him a half smile in response. “Thanks Moons.”
“I mean, what are we supposed to do? What bird doesn’t like dogs!?” Sirius grumbled, opting to ignore James’ whining. 
“Don’t call her a bird, Sirius.” Remus chided.
“Probably didn’t help you’re a big ol’ mangy mutt.” James muttered petulantly.
“Oi!” Sirius called. “That’s not what you say when Padfoot snuggles you to sleep.” 
James had the good graces to turn a little red at that.
Their conversation was interrupted (quite rudely if you asked Sirius) by Professor McGonagall as she began the instructions for today’s Transfiguration lesson: turning buttons into butterflies. 
Sirius stole a concerned glance towards James to see Remus doing the same; they were horrified to see a mischievous look adorning their boyfriend’s face.
“Prongs...” Sirius warned, whilst Remus whispered a “remember what we talked about.”
But they both knew it was too late; there was no stopping him once James set his mind to something. 
Sirius is quite sure it was the fourth butterfly that did you in; you seemed to consider the first a fluke, the second was annoying, the third made you suspicious, but by the fourth you’d had enough.
With little to no warning you turned and lobbed a large hard-covered tome at the group.
“I don’t know which of you tossers are behind this, but it reeks of Potter. So help me gods I will gut you and string you up to the rafters from your intestines if you don’t leave me alone!” You screeched. 
“But how else will you know I’m crazy about you?” James pouted, causing you to groan exasperatedly.
“If you’re looking for some cutesy princess who will swoon at your sodding roses and butterflies, then you’ve got the wrong witch.” You spat.
Sirius smirked. “Oh, we have exactly the right witch.”
“I swear to Circe if you don’t leave me alone, I’ll sic Barty on you.” You threatened.
Sirius and James both scoffed whilst Remus smirked. 
“Please dollface, you insult me. I’m not afraid of Junior.” Sirius taunted.
You narrowed your eyes at him menacingly before realization dawned on you. “Fine.” You said simply, giving Sirius a distinct uneasy feeling. “Perhaps I’ll tell Regulus.”
Sirius slammed his fist on the table and leaned forward. “You wouldn’t.” He seethed.
You smirked deviously. “Just try me, Black.” You sneered in response. 
Did...did Sirius have a degradation kink?
Sirius was ashamed to admit that he had to take a very cold shower after that.
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You had been sitting in the library trying to work on your Potions essay. You had felt fairly safe here seeing as the Gryffindor’s (at least the most problematic ones) had been sanctioned from using the library during quiet study hours on account of their typical foolishness.
Except one.
“Mind if I sit here?” Lupin’s lilting voice sounded from your right side before he sat down without waiting for your response. 
“Why bother asking if you were just going to sit anyways?” You grumbled. 
“Well, it was the polite thing to do.” He said, turning to face you. You held his gaze (his gaze, your glare) until he finally sighed. “I’ll leave if you want me to.”
You considered him for a moment. You couldn’t deny he was the least buffoonish out of the so-called Marauders though you’re not sure that amounted to much.
But he was quieter, kinder, softer around the edges. And he had been far more polite to you than his boyfriends.
“Are you going to flirt with me?”
One of Remus’ eyebrows (the one with the scar running through it, you noticed) raised expectantly as he considered you.
“Let me rephrase that.” You barked quickly, realizing your mistake perhaps a touch too late. “You may sit here, but if you flirt with me, I will stab you with my quill.” You punctuated your threat by blotting his hand which rested on the table with ink from the tip of your quill.
Remus smiled at the sight before returning his amber coloured gaze to yours. “Fair enough. I promise to try to restrain myself, but perhaps you ought to hold onto this hand for me just in case I slip up.” And he – the absolute sodding bastard – slid his left hand comfortably into your right.
You’d never seen someone make a move so assertively and smoothly before. There was nothing to say that any of this even affected Remus as he immediately turned his attention to his book. Was it hot in here? Your hand felt sweaty. Your throat felt tight. Your mouth was dry. Why didn’t you think to bring a bottle of water?!
“Erm,” you started, having to pause to clear your throat. “Just how am I supposed to get my work done with your hand in mine, Lupin?”
You had tried to sound threatening, but based off Remus’ smirk, you’d only managed to goad him further.
“You’re left-handed. Figure it out.” 
These boys were going to be the death of you if you didn’t end up killing them first.
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“You held her hand!?” James screeched in their dorm room that night whilst Remus smirked to himself. Sirius would make fun of James for his dramatics if he wasn’t just a pissed off about this.
“I’ve been working at this the longest out of either of you, and she lets you hold her hand?” He continued.
“She doesn’t like dogs,” Sirius grumbled, gesturing to himself, “she doesn’t like James. But the werewolf? Really. No offence Moons because I absolutely get the appeal.”
James snapped his fingers as he had a eureka moment. “I’ve got it! Remus; bite me!”
“James!” Remus scolded. 
“It’s not fair.” James muttered as he fell onto his bed in defeat. “I’d be so good to her.”
Any ire from Sirius and Remus drained at that as they both moved to join their boyfriend on his bed.
“We know, bubs.” Remus conceded. 
“We just...have to give her time. I’m sure she’ll come around, yeah? I mean, with Remus’ smooth moves, my undeniable charm, and your muscles? We’re unstoppable.” Sirius added, eliciting a smile from Remus and a gentle chuckle from James, though his usual light was diminished.
“We’ve just got to be patient, Jamie.” Remus concluded, causing James to groan.
“Patience.” He spat spitefully.
“A 'James ADHD Potter' special.” Sirius winked before kissing any further protests away from James’ lips.
“We’ve got Moony on our team now, bubs. We’re unstoppable.” He whispered, truly believing what he was saying.
If anyone could break through your hard candy-coating shell to reach the chocolate inside, it was certainly Remus Lupin.
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You’d had the lovely idea of sitting outside on one of the few sunny days that Scotland got to see this time of year. Unfortunately, it seemed that everyone else had the same idea too.
A few Hufflepuffs were playing with a charmed muggle football, kicking it back and forth between the two of them and chasing after it when it opted to fuck off on its own. You didn’t understand the objective of the game, nor did you care to.
Remus and Peter Pettigrew sat on a bench not too far off playing a game of Wizarding Chess that, from where you were sitting, looked like Remus was winning.
You got so caught up in watching Lupin’s game with Pettigrew - in the way that the tendons in his wrist and hands flexed as he moved pieces across the board, and the way that his honey blonde curls fell in front of his eyes causing him to have to blow air upwards so he could see the board - that you noticed something flying at you far too late. 
“Look out!” One of the dumb Hufflepuff’s shouted far too late as their charmed football soared into the side of your head, knocking you clean over where your head cracked painfully against a root of the tree you were sitting under.
You scrunched your eyes tight and tried to will your heart to start beating again and your lungs to cooperate, every part of your body seeming to have tensed out of instinct to protect itself.
“L/N! L/N! Come on, dove, open your eyes.” You heard a voice above you.
Why was the voice so worried? How long were your eyes closed? A gentle hand grabbed your chin and wiggled your head back and forth, causing you to hiss in pain.
“Sod...off.” You gritted through your teeth.
The voice chuckled and wiggled your chin once more. “There she is. Open your eyes for me.”
You hated being told what to do but decided to comply anyways.
You probably should have kept your eyes close because the sight made you feel dizzy for a completely different reason.
Hovering above your frame was Remus Lupin; his knees on the ground beside your elbow, one hand gripping your chin and the other gently moving hair away from your face and head.
“Atta girl.” He said with a smile.
“Get away from me.” You grumbled as you moved to sit up. Though Lupin hissed in protest, he helped you sit up nonetheless. 
“Is...is she okay?” a timid voice spoke from somewhere behind Lupin’s shoulder causing his expression to darken considerably.
“You stupid wankers are so dead.” You spat as loudly as you could manage, though in your current state – that wasn’t very loud at all.
Your message was received loud and clear, however, as the two Hufflepuffs took off in fear.
“My sentiments exactly.” Lupin muttered as he turned back to you, jaw still tense.
You snorted indelicately as you brought a hand to your head. “Please, don’t tell me you actually care about me, Lupin.”
You hissed in pain as your hand came in contact with something warm and wet and slightly sticky. You pulled your hand back in front of you to inspect, only for Lupin to grab your hand rather harshly and wipe the blood away with a handkerchief.
“Is it so impossible to believe that we could actually care for you?” He muttered quietly, eyes focused on your hand, pointedly avoiding eye contact with you. You watched as his curls bounced with each wipe of his hand against yours. You thought of his gentle hands brushing hair away from your wound moments before. You thought of him begging you to open your eyes. You thought of him being the first one at your side when you were hurt.
And you thought about Black finding ways to be with you even when you staunchly refused his company. You thought of him taking time out of his day to tell you how ‘smoking hot’ you looked that day, even though he said it every day before that, too.
And you thought about Potter who always held the door for you, saved you a seat even though you never accepted it, showered you in affection even though it was public and quite embarrassing. And you thought of the way he always had a smile to give you, even when you gave him no reason to smile at all. 
It wasn’t hard to imagine the three of them caring for anyone, quite frankly. Caring seemed to come second nature to those boys.
“No.” You admitted quietly. “It’s not impossible to believe that you could actually care. It’s just impossible to imagine why.”
He stopped rubbing at your hand and met your eye, seemingly contemplating what to say.
“Let’s get you to Madam Pomfrey.” He opted for. “Pete, let the boys know where I’ve gone when they’re finished with practice?” Lupin called over his shoulder.
“I can walk myself, Lupin.” You grumbled as he helped you up by your elbow.
“Yeah, yeah.” He grumbled back. “You’re not a delicate flower, we know.”
The two of you more or less muttered back and forth to each other the entire way to the infirmary, Lupin supporting more of your weight than he likely needed too but you didn’t feel the need (nor desire) to complain.
Madam Pomfrey was in the middle of looking after a first year Potions class who accidently set off an explosion of incorrectly brewed Cure for Boils which ultimately left each student (and Professor Slughorn) covered head to toe in painful boils.
“Mr. Lupin, if you could clean the wound for me. And Miss. L/N, drink the pain potion. Do not leave until I’ve had a chance to do a proper examination, okay?” She ordered as you positioned yourself more comfortably on the bed after she determined you weren’t about to die (or currently crying, as most of the first years were). 
You took the pain potion dutifully and placed it back on the table beside your bed before you startled at the sudden cold wet cloth on your head.
“You are not seriously doing this right now, are you?” You spat.
Remus’ eyebrows drew together as his hands continued on in their task. “You heard the matron; I’m supposed to clean it.”
“I can clean it myself, Lupin; I’ll conjure a mirror.” You argued, causing the scarred boy to scoff.
“I do what I’m told L/N, and quite frankly, the matron scares me more than you do.”
“I must be doing something wrong then.” You sighed, thinking you hadn’t said that loud enough to be heard, but a startled laugh escaped Lupin’s lips. 
“Why do you act so volatile?” He asked amusedly.
“It’s not an act.”
“I call bullshit.”
“Well, you call wrong, then, Lupin. I’m an arse and I find everyone exhausting. Deal with it.” You snarked sharply.
Lupin breathed a laugh through his nose. “Maybe we can find out what the hell your problem is over dinner sometime, then.”
Rotten bastard and his smooth talk...
“WHERE IS SHE!?” a voice echoed through the corridor just outside the entrance to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey needn’t even look up from the boil she was currently draining of puss to know who she was about to scold.
“Mr. Potter, I will have you banned from this infirmary so fast if you raise your voice above so much as a whisper, do not try me. That goes for you too, Mr. Black.” She barked; eyes still focused on the first year’s arm in front of her.
Sure enough, a mop of curly hair, impossibly more wild than usual due to the flight on his broom, poked around the privacy curtains a second before it was joined by a fuming looking Sirius Black.
Potter’s eyes flew to where Remus’ hands were positioned on your head and your stomach lurched at what looked like tears pooling in Potter’s eyes.
“Potter...please, erm, please don’t cry?” You asked awkwardly, leaning away from Remus’ touch as you suddenly became very uncomfortable with this amount of attention.
“She’s alright, Jamie.” Remus sighed, pulling you back over to him gently by the shoulder and continuing his prodding at your wound.
“Who did it?” Sirius spat, arms crossed defensively across his chest and jaw tight as he stared hard at the wound on your head. You were horrified to admit to yourself that he was hot. You’d never really seen it before, how all the girls in your year (and other years) fawned over the long-haired boy.
But he was currently standing in front of you still adorned in his quidditch gear, hair pulled back into a low bun - though he had many fly-aways on account of his recent time in the air - his cheeks still dusted pink from the assertion, and he was currently fuming on your behalf.
Yeah...he was hot. 
“Easy.” Remus warned.
“Answer me!” Sirius spat back.
“Pads. I mean it, leave it.” Remus said with finality.
Your eyes darted nervously between the two boys currently staring each other down, but Potter’s eyes were still steadfast on you.
“Let me, Rem.” He finally said gently – the most gently you’d ever heard from the rambunctious boy as he gently moved Remus aside and took over.
“I’m okay, you know.” You offered, not liking how worked up these boys were currently over you.
“I know.” He agreed. “I just hate to see you hurt.”
“Yeah, why.” You pressed. James looked like you just asked him to calculate the distance between the galaxy of Andromeda and our solar system using the measurement of broomsticks.  
“I... I don’t want to see you hurt?”
“You want to see Snape hurt.” You countered, causing James’ face to harden.
“Snape’s a tosser.” He muttered darkly.
“I’m not any nicer than Snape.”
“See, Y/N. You’re so smart and lovely and perfect, but you are way off on that front.” James said through a laugh. “Snape is prejudiced, vindictive, and a racist blood supremist. You’re just combative.” He explained, punctuating the word combative with a gentle boop of your nose. 
You wanted to break his finger.
But that would be combative, and you would rather die than prove Potter right, so you opted to roll your eyes instead. 
“Did they even hang around to see if she fucking survived or did they just take off to avoid detention?” Sirius spat at Remus, not looking any calmer than he did when he arrived.
“They stayed.” You answered tiredly. “They took off afterwards, and not to avoid detention, but to avoid me.”
“And me.” Remus muttered quietly, looking dangerously close to going back out there to find them himself. 
“Did you threaten them?” Sirius asked severely, though you weren’t sure who exactly he had asked.
“Yes.” You and Lupin both answered exasperatedly. 
Sirius looked between the two of you before letting out a sigh. “Fine, but if I run into them, I’m hexing them into oblivion.”
“Not if I get to them first.” You growled.
Sirius’ face finally softened as he sat on the end of your bed and cautiously touched your ankle under the blankets.
“You sure you’re okay, Y/N?”
And you aren’t sure what did it. 
You weren’t sure if it was the softness you saw in Sirius that you were sure you could have never even imagined possible from a person, let alone someone related to the infamous Black family. Or if it was the eyebrows of Remus Lupin that were furrowed in concern as he dutifully watched his boyfriend finish plastering a bandage to your head, or if it was the unbelievable softness of James Potter’s touch – in complete contrast to his fast, rough, bouncing personality that you were usually subjected to.
But dammit, you felt a tear slip down your cheek.
You wiped it away quickly and nodded your head in yes.
You braced yourself for the teasing, the cooing, the dramatic displays of affection. But Sirius quickly stood and disappeared behind the curtains, James began pouring you a glass of water, and Remus reached into his bag for something.
Remus returned to you first, breaking off a square of chocolate for you. “It’ll help.”
You were too embarrassed to argue and took it, popping it into your mouth dutifully. 
“Here.” Sirius said as he appeared back at your bedside, handing you a vial. 
“What is it?” You asked, your voice taut with emotion.
Sirius’ eyes softened again as he offered you a sad smile. “Calming draught. You can’t have any more pain potion, but this might make you feel better.”
“And if not, maybe you can convince Moony to share more of his chocolate.” James commented with a soft smile.
You grimaced at the taste of the potion and chased it with the water James had poured for you.
“Thank you.” You admitted quietly, shame colouring your tone as you looked to your lap.
“None of that.” Remus said as he handed you another piece of chocolate.
You took it skeptically. “Why do they call you Moony?”
No one said anything for a moment, but you could tell that neither James nor Sirius were moving a muscle as they watched Remus who in turn watched you.
“Because of my lycanthropy.” He said plainly.
You looked at the various scars before you started to laugh. Sirius’ face drained of all colour while James visibly tensed.
“Of course you are. Remus Lupin. Named after a man raised by wolves and the lupus, or wolf constellation. Oh gods, it was predestined, clearly.”
“Are...are you laughing at me right now?” Remus asked incredulously.
“It’s a little funny...no?” You asked back.
He looked as if he were torn between laughing and crying. “I pour my heart out to you – my deepest darkest secret, and you laugh at me?” He asked again, some amusement colouring his features.
“I told you, I’m an arse.” You said with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Does it bother you?” Sirius asked cautiously from the end of your bed, face appearing impassive for all intents and purposes. 
“I don’t see why it should, it’s none of my business.”
“It could be.” Remus input.
“You don’t want me. I’m no good, Lupin.” You stressed, looking back down at your hands.
“Neither am I.” Sirius agreed.
“Me neither.” Remus added.
“I’m n-” James started.
“So what if the only one of us worthy of love and affection here is James?” Sirius said, cutting James off. “It’s not going to stop me from cherishing what I can get - deserved or not.”
You groaned and threw your head back onto the pillow, cringing at the effect the fast movement had on you and the pain that the movement elicited in your neck.
“Okay, what about this.” James conciliated. “You don’t have to agree to be with us, just give us a chance? The time of day? One Hogsmeade trip to let us fawn over you.”
You looked up at his deep brown eyes that felt so warm you wanted to make a home in them. Sirius, in all his bravado, looked pained as he waited for an answer, and Remus smiled encouragingly at you.
“Fine!” You acquiesced with a groan. “One Hogsmeade trip.”
Much to your chagrin, though not really at all, it ended up being way more than just one Hogsmeade trip.
Thank you to @unstablereader who gave us the library handholding prompt 🫶
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talaok · 2 years
A small bed
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Pairing: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader Summary: During a cold night at Nevermore, you seek shelter in your friend's, Xavier, room, but as it turns out, sleeping on a single bed in two, is not as easy as it sounds. Warnings: SMUT (protected sex and oral sex- female receiving-) a/n: Let's play a game. Guess who's depressed and has done nothing other than "write" and watch Wednesday for the past few days? Please find the answer in the following text.
It was so cold in the room. Those stupid wooden thin walls never actually isolated the building from the cold. Funny how the headmaster seemed to have money to donate to the Mayor's campaign but none to invest in the infrastructure she herself was managing. The bedroom was way too large and the ceiling way too high for the mere thermostat to be enough to fight the cruel Jericho's cold. You could hear Edvin's low snoring coming from the opposite side of the room. You wondered how she did it, how she could fall asleep with this temperature. Maybe it had something to do with her nature, and if that was it, you wished for a moment to have been born a werewolf too. Able at least to close your eyes without the fear you'll freeze to death in your sleep keep you from doing so. you sighed. there was no way you were gonna do it. The alarm on the nightstand indicated the time. 3:46, plastered in red lightning, the only thing illuminating the room besides the sheer light coming from outside, the moon still emanating her immortal glow through the branches. The howling of the wind seemed almost sinister, as it infiltrated from the window. You gripped the blanket and wrapped it around yourself, sitting up on the bed. There had to be something you could do right? You intently thought about it, as the cold spread itself all over your body. They were no more blankets, so that was a no. there was hot tea in the kitchen, but that meant stepping outside, where the cause of your suffering had originated, not to mention you were still going to have to come back to this infernal room after, so that was another no. the gears in your brain were desperately operating, trying hard to find a solution, but it seemed the temperature had compromised also them, not just your body, which was now trembling, as the only one they could find was the first one you had thought of, but had deliberately discarded. It's not like it was a bad idea, he would have said yes, you knew. there was just something about it that didn't convince you, a feeling or, better even, a presentiment, that made you doubtful on whether it was a good idea either. But you didn't have time to think about it as you slipped through the door, glancing one last time, at that shadow-filled space.
The sound resonated through the whole corridor as your knuckles met the door's hardwood. Silence filled it just moments after. It's not like you were expecting a prompt reply, or one at all for that matter. Light footsteps echoed in your ears just before the doorknob turned. "Y/n?" Xavier whispered, his voice still hoarse and full of sleep. "I know, I'm sorry. can I come in?" He frowned, visibly confused "Uhh, sure" "Thanks" you immediately sneaked in. He closed the door and leaned on it, still incredibly perplexed. "Did-did something happen?" "No, nothing like that" You smiled "I just-" you bit your lip nervously as you looked up at him "I can't sleep in my room. It's too cold." "Oh" he exhaled relieved, calming you with him. "I didn't know where else to go. I'm sorry. I can go if you want" you said, realizing just now how crazy you must look. Showing up to his room at 4 in the morning trembling and without shoes on. "shit you're freezing" he noticed, immediately taking his bed's blanket and walking up to you. He was silent as he gently wrapped it around you, his hands remaining on your arms once you had gripped it. "Thanks" "don't worry." he shook his head. A sincere expression spread over his face, and you let yourself stare at it, loving the way he was doing the same. "so, can I stay here?" you asked again "Of course" he said, looking offended by the fact you even had to ask. He glanced at his bed, an eyebrow-raising itself "There's only one thing" he offered you an apologetic smile "There's only one bed. Rowan's old one doesn't have any blankets". You looked around. He was right. Only the single bed surrounded by drawing-filled walls seemed to be suitable to sleep in. Especially today. You laughed softly. It wasn't funny, well maybe just a bit, but most of all it was ironic. you had come here for shelter and the only one you had found was a very thin mattress you now had to share with someone else. You wouldn't have accepted if it wasn't for the fact that there was no other option. You definitely weren't going back to the hellhole you had just escaped from. "I think we can fit" "you sure?" "Well, we at least have to try" you said "If I go back to my room there's a 90 % chance that I'll die of hypothermia" "and we wouldn't want that" he chuckled, his thumbs stroking your arms through the cover. "no" you smiled "we definitely wouldn't". You liked looking at him, the moon illuminating only the left side of him, lightening his long amber hair to champagne ones. "all right then" he let his arms fall to his sides before indicating the way     "Ladies first" "Why thank you, kind sir" you grinned as you went to the bed, laying down on it. It smelled of him. His scent was soaked in the sheets and in the pillow and you immersed yourself in it as you closed your eyes. You liked it. More than you should have, probably. "comfortable?" he asked, and you nodded sleepily as your eyes stayed shut. He laughed softly at how cute you looked, peacefully sleeping in his bed, and a weird feeling invaded his chest. He didn't pay attention to it as he walked towards you. You felt the bed creek and move as he climbed on it, laying just beside you. You hadn't really understood how small the bed was when you had looked at it before, but as you laid here, your two bodies glued together, you realized just how wrong your estimate had been. Silence filled the room again as he set the cover on you both. You were still shuddering, it seemed like the cold had made its way into you and had now little to no intention of ever leaving you. "You're still cold" he whispered, his hand finding your arm again, just to caress it kindly. His touch felt like fire on your frozen skin. You opened your eyes, finding his already on yours. You swallowed nervously at how close you were, a few inches was all that separated you. If you hadn't been best of friends this would have looked romantic, you thought. But you were, so there was nothing to think about. "mh-mh" you nodded. "can I-" he murmured as he turned to lay on his side "I can hug you" he bit his lip "if that's ok" "Y-yeah sure. I'd like that" you said shyly and he smiled "ok" He scooted closer to you and you turned to your side, just like he had,  facing the wall. You admired the extremely detailed spider on the drawing in front of you as he put one of his arms around you, tightly holding onto your chest, pushing you against his, and the other under your head. His body was flat against yours, from head to toe following your body's position. You could feel every inch of his body, his hair brushing against your neck where his breath was giving you goosebumps, his chest moving up and down against your back, and his knees on the back of your legs. He was warm, and as much as you were grateful for the cold beginning to leave your body, you weren't thinking about it anymore. What you were thinking about, was his hand on your stomach, and your ass-well- your ass dangerously close to his crotch. You gulped, if you had been on the verge of falling asleep before, you doubted you were ever gonna do it now. You kept staring at the drawing as you let yourself melt into his touch, so gentle and yet so reassuring. It felt nice. More than nice actually. Your neck was starting to hurt and you readjusted yourself to get more comfortable, inadvertently moving closer to him, and well,  grinding against his lap. A small groan, clearly not intended for you to be heard, left his throat. "sorry" you whispered, faintly "don't worry" his hoarse voice traveled to your ears, as he tightened his hug. Shit. There was a weight on your chest and a familiar feeling in your belly, and you preyed that you would have fallen asleep soon, zeroing out all the possible mistakes that you were afraid you couldn't stop yourself from making, and that right now were all you wanted to do. All the thoughts passing from your head were things you knew you would have regretted later, like what would have happened if you ground again against his crotch, or if you turned and leaned just a few inches over, meeting his lips with yours. They were all potential, doable possibilities, that you could have explored in a matter of seconds, but you couldn't, you shouldn't. You were just tired, that was it. Xavier was your friend, and friends don't kiss each other, even if they really really want to. "Y/n?" a soft whisper in your ear. "Hm" you hummed "are you sleeping?" You turned your neck around, now really inches from his face, from his nose, eyes, and stupidly pretty mouth. "no" you answered There was a moment of silence, as he inspected your whole face, his eyes traveling from your eyes to your mouth and then up again. You felt butterflies in your stomach. You had never understood that expression, but now, all of the sudden, it seemed to make a lot of sense. "are you feeling better?" "yes, thank you" He moved his hand from your belly and brought it up to your face "good" he murmured, as he stroked your cheek. You felt your cheeks turn a brighter shade of pink. "I-" your voice died in your throat, as you forgot what you wanted to say. "You're very pretty you know?" he kept caressing your face "I don't think I've ever told you before" he smiled "but you really are" shit. He was making it really hard not to want to explore the possibilities. "I- thank you" you murmured. He looked at you, seriously now, penetrating and studying you, like he was really seeing you for the first time. "Y/n" he murmured, his eyes blinking slowly. "Xavier" you whispered too, before he slowly leaned over, indecisively getting closer and closer to your lips. you looked at him as he reached them, pressing his mouth on yours, in a chaste kiss. you barely reciprocated, still shocked this was actually happening. He leaned away, his eyes moving between your mouth and your eyes, desperately trying to understand what you were thinking, while also desperately wanting to kiss you again, this time, like he really wanted to. You looked at him, his beautiful eyes always so confident, now looked so hesitant. It was a weird image, a new one. You smiled subtly as you leaned over and pressed your lips with his, this time better, harder and more passionately as his hand on your cheek traveled to your hair. He stroked your hair as he kissed you lovingly, his warm mouth on yours, as you both closed your eyes. It felt like floating, like flying on cotton candy clouds. You had never felt something like this. he smiled as he leaned away, and you couldn't help but do the same. "you're a good kisser" he murmured" better than I expected actually" you gasped, pretending to be mad " you expected me to be bad? " you asked, realizing just at that moment something "and what do you mean by expected?" "well" he moved a lock of your hair behind your ear "let's just say there have been times when I wondered about this" "have there?" you grinned "yes" he kissed  you again quickly "there have been" " Good to know"  you bit your lip "and by the way, you're a good kisser too" "Oh I know" he chuckled, retracting his hand from under your head to place it on your shoulder, his fingers trailing on it. "I'm good at a lot of things" he looked at you. A fire burned in his eyes. Your mouth opened slightly in surprise, and he kissed it uncaringly. His tongue infiltrated your lips as he forced your head together with his hand. You could taste him in your mouth, Xavier, all of him. from his toothpaste to the tip of the pencil he bit constantly. It was all there. "And do you want to show me those things you're so good at?" you said, surprising even yourself "pleeeease" he begged, desperation clear in his voice as he gripped your head one more time, kissing you hard and messily as he pushed you to lay down on the bed. He didn't waste any time as he got on top of you, peppering kisses all over your face, while his hands explored every inch of your body, leaving a trail of shivers with his touch. You whimpered as one of his hands found your breasts "We can stop if you want" "no. please no" He smiled "thank god" he lifted your shirt and sweater "I was just getting to the good part," he said, as he lifted it over your head with your help and shamelessly stared at your bare tits " fuck you're hot" he said bending down to spread kisses all over them while groping and caressing them hungrily. "so" he started kissing down your belly "fucking" he trailed down under the covers "hot" he said, kissing your fully clothed pubis. You moaned softly at the hint of a touch he just gave you. You were desperate "please" as I said, desperate "patience my dear" he whispered sarcastically, as he hooked the hem of your pants under his fingers, toying with it. You whined softly "a virtue you clearly don't possess" he chuckled under his breath as he slowly took your pants off, finally freeing you. he bent down immediately between your thighs, looking up at you smugly. You met his gaze and bit your lip. This was crazy. You were friends and had been such for so long, and apparently, all it took was a very cold night and a much too small bed to make you forget about it, and for him to end up between your legs. Fuck, he looked pretty that way. He brought you back to reality as he bent down and kissed your clit, still looking at you. You moaned softly, and then he did it again, this time for longer, and your moan became louder and kept doing so until he was sucking your clit and you were screaming his name, your hands gripping his hair and the sheets mindlessly. Lost in the pleasure he was provoking you He was looking at you mesmerized as you threw your neck back, your eyes shutting close and your mouth open, those filthy sounds coming out of it. Xavier thought he had never heard something so beautiful in his life. "you taste so good y/n" he said, his words vibrating against your cunt, as his fingers came up to your pussy, slowly moving towards the entrance. You cried out as they entered you, Xavier pumping them in and out relentlessly. A very dirty sound echoed through the room as he kept doing that, not even your voice able to cover it, as he went back to sucking and licking all he could find. "xavier" you mumbled "s-shit" you tried to speak, but the pressure forming in your belly distracted you "I-I'm coming" you finally spat out, and he smiled against your cunt "then cum y/n, come all over me" he stopped just to resume again, even harsher than before. You felt a knot in your stomach and as he scissored his fingers inside of you again, hitting your g-spot perfectly, it broke down. Making you come undone, loudly moaning his name as you came down from your high. "shit" you sighed incredulously, as he came back up to your face, pressing his lips with yours once again, letting you taste yourself in his mouth. "you weren't joking when you said you were good" you giggled, and he smirked "I'm a man of my word" his hand found your side again "now" he looked at you "let me show you my full potential" he said, making you laugh giddily, exited for what was about to come. His hands left you momentarily as he took off his shirt and just moments after, his pants. You had never seen anyone undress that quickly. He leaned over you to reach into one of his nightstand's drawers, his hand reappearing with a tinfoil package between his fingers, the same ones that were inside of you moments before. You squeezed your thighs shut, just at the thought He looked down at your legs and smiled knowingly, as he slid the condom on his cock. You weren't nervous. It was weird, usually, you were always nervous at moment like this but you felt safe, and more than a bit turned on. "you're gonna have to open your legs y/n" he raised an eyebrow, and you tilted your head to the side, biting down a smile "and what if I don't?" he bent down over you "then I'm gonna have to open them for you" he ghosted your lips. you swallowed thickly. Fucking shitty shit. Hot. That was hot. You spread your legs and he smirked smugly " so obedient" he joked and you rolled your eyes. "look at me" he commanded as he positioned himself at your entrance "I want you to look at me when I'm inside you" Your mouth slaked open but you still nodded "use your words" "ok" you answered finally, and he looked at you proudly before slowly pushing himself into you. A series of stroked and interrupted moans escaped your mouth as he bottomed out, filling you up completely. You were doing as he requested, looking at him intently as your face contorted in all sorts of expressions. "you're perfect" he sighed faintly, as he placed his hand on your stomach, stroking it gently " so fucking perfect" he looked at you, making your heart miss a beat. his lips twitched up into a very thin smirk as he started moving in and out of you slowly, his veiny cock wrapped tightly around your walls. "feel so good " he groaned as he quickened his pace. One of your hands flew to his shoulder as you gripped it to bring him down to you. You wanted to feel him, all of him. And you did, as you hooked your arm beside his neck and reached up to kiss him desperately, leaving pointless little whines in his mouth as he kept thrusting into you. "shit Xavier" you cried out as he brought one of his hands down to circle your already overstimulated clit. "I know," he said without an ounce of real sorriness "just take it " he pecked your lips again "It'll be worth it" You were out of breath as you kept bouncing on his bed, your tits moving with you. his movements were fast and you were feeling so many things at once that you weren't sure you knew exactly where you were at the moment. The same knot from before was starting to form itself again. "you're coming" he said, through his panting, anticipating you. Some of his hair were stuck to his forehead, and his mouth was open, gasping for air in between his sporadical groans of pleasure. "mh-mh" you nodded desperately, your hips moving with his to get even more friction. "come baby" he murmured, the pet name echoing through your ears, and traveling straight down to your cunt "come for me" "oh god xavier" you had the time to murmur before a wave of pleasure overwhelmed you, a series of little fireworks exploding inside you as he kept moving, chasing his own orgasm while letting you ride yours out. "fuck" he growled as his thrusts got more sloppy "you feel- so f-fucking good" he groaned, before with one final push, he came, a series of profanities leaving his mouth before he collapsed on top of you, his head resting on your shoulder. You smiled as you realized what had just happened, and when he raised his head, you could see he was doing the same. "I think the bed was too small" you grinned "What makes you say that?" he laughed
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no-144444 · 2 months
mistakes- l.norris
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pairing: Lando Norris x publicist! fem! reader
summary: the aftermath of the Hungarian gp
He wanted to scream. At Oscar, at the team, at everyone. It wasn’t fair. Fair and fucking square he was supposed to be in first. He was closest to Max in the championship. It made fucking sense, and Oscar wasn’t going to catch up, so Lando was McLaren’s only chance at a world championship. Fuck their strategy, fuck being a ‘team player’, fuck all that shit. It wasn’t fair.
And then there was you. Had he been harsh on the radio? Yes. Did you now have to clean up his mess? Yes. Was he scared to face you? Yes. But only because he knew what you’d be doing, and that you’d be too busy to be with him. Thus the joys of secretly dating your publicist.
He walked into his drivers room and found you on his bed, laptop on your lap as you answered call after call. You didn’t even spare him a glance. Fuck that. He was mad, and he sure as hell didn’t want to be alone right now. He changed and showered, then left you to work while he went out and ‘celebrated’ Oscar’s win.
At about 2am Lily called you.
“Hi Y/n,” she sighed, the loud music making her difficult to hear.
“What club?” You sighed.
“I’ll send you my location now,” she hesitated. “Lando’s not that drunk, he’s just… sad. He’s been begging me to call you for ages, and I was holding off because I knew you’d be working all night today and-“
“It’s fine, I’m getting in my car now.”
“Thanks Y/n.”
And with that you hung up the phone. You closed your overheated laptop and grabbed your keys. The hospitality was dead at this time and all you could think about was the race. You were angry at the team, happy for Oscar, and annoyed at Lando. He hadn’t even come in to see you after, he’d given you a week's worth of work in one race, and you had no idea how to feel about what had happened today.
You pulled up outside the club and found Lando outside with Oscar. You ran over when you saw him sitting down, wondering if he was completely drunk.
“Where’s Y/n?” He mumbled to Oscar, tears in his eyes. The fans around were screaming their names as they waited for a photo, or even a glimpse of the drivers.
“I’m here,” you kneeled down beside him, taking his hand. “I’m right here.”
“Y/n,” he just stared at you as you looked over him. He looked awful. “You’re here.”
“Let’s go home, ok?”
“Please don’t be mad at me,” he begged.
You squeezed his hand, if you two were alone you would’ve hugged him and kissed all over his face, promising that you weren’t, but alas, you were all too aware of the hundreds of eyes on you. “I’m not mad at you.”
He groaned. Yeah, he was at least a little drunk. “But you’re not kissing me, you’re mad.”
“I’m going to leave you to it,” Oscar tried to hold back a laugh, but failed and decided he wouldn’t be much help anymore. “Good luck.”
You waved him off and sighed. “Lan, come on. I’ll kiss you at home,” you promised.
“I promise,” you smiled, then tried to stand up but, Lando being Lando, he pulled you down and pressed his lips against yours.
Your heart stopped, and not in the usual way it did when he kissed you. The screams of the fans were drowned out by the beating in your ears.
He pulled back. “I love you. A lot.”
Fuck off. Not right now. No. He was not saying that for the first time now. That wasn’t fair.
“Lan please-“
“You don’t love me?”
Your breathing picked up, you felt sick. “Please can we just get to the car Lando?”
“Say it back!” He pleaded. “Please baby, I love you.”
“I love you too,” you sighed. “Now please can we go to the car?”
He nodded, a goofy smile on his face.
When Lando woke up the next morning you were at the desk in his room, laptop open in front of you.
“Morning,” he said. You didn’t answer. He got up, noticing how you’d changed his clothes and mentally reminded himself to thank you. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. “I’m sorry.”
You didn’t answer again.
“Baby?” He turned his head and looked at you. Shit.
You were crying, staring at the awful things people were saying about you two online.
Shes so ugly. How can he date her? She’s so boring. She doesn’t even go out and celebrate with the team? She’s such a stuck up bitch.
“Stop looking at that,” he closed your laptop and held you closer. “They don’t know you.”
You nodded, leaning into his body. “I’m sorry about yesterday. I wanted to talk to you about it-“
He scoffed. “You didn’t even say hello when I came in.”
“What?” You turned to him, wiping your eyes. “I didn’t hear you. I had my AirPods in.”
“Oh,” he scratched the back of his neck. “Shit.”
“And I didn’t exactly have time after the race yesterday to look up from my laptop, not after the shitstorm you caused,” you sighed, knowing you were being too harsh. “Sorry. I know yesterday was shit for you.”
He sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’m sorry too. I’m sure I did something fucking stupid last night.”
You chuckled. “You kissed me in front of everyone and told me you loved me.”
His body tensed. He took a deep breath. “Wow.”
“How do you think I felt?” You chuckled. “We’re going to have to answer so many fucking questions at work.”
He paused for a moment. “What did you say back?”
“I told you the truth,” you sighed, getting up. “I love you.”
He stared at you for a moment. “I love you too,” he pressed his lips to yours in a soft kiss. The tension and anxiety you felt dissipated as he held you closer. Yes, you were still stressed and upset, but Lando loved you.
You pulled away. “We need to talk about our strategy to explain what happened yesterday-“
“Please just stop talking and let me kiss you,” he pressed his lips to your again.
You’d talk about it all later.
navigation for my blog :)
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nexysworld · 9 months
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Summary: After his last failed mission, the D.S.O dropped him off at the shelter. Grumpy and off-putting, his chances of leaving were bleak until you came along. Pairing: Dog Hybrid!Vendetta Leon x Fem!Reader Tags: NSFW, MDNI, Smut, hybrid sex, unprotected sex, age gap, oral sex, knotting, mild dubcon reader into it though, cream pie, mentions of alcohol, mild angst, but also comfort, no use of y/n
Read on AO3 || Askbox || Masterlists A/N: A birthday gift for a wonderful person. <3 Also thanks to @explorevenus for helping with the banner photos, because Nexy still cannot Pinterest correctly. Title from the deftness song, Cherry Waves. I also have a bot based off this story: Character AI || Spicychat
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Leon grumbled as he laid against the shitty bench-turned-bed inside the small gray walled kennel. There was only a folded up blanket for padding, to protect him from the cold cement beneath his back. It was a far cry to the plush and lavish hotel room beds previously provided by the D.S.O. His ears twitched as he curled in facing the wall, doing his best to drown out the sound of the other hybrids around him as well as the sound of the people looking around. His throat ached for the burn of some good whiskey.
He resented all of them – owners and the yipping little pups who they were here to claim. How many months had it been since he’d seen the dewy green of the grass outside. How many months since some poor soul decided to even peer into his kennel? Too many by his calculations.
Leon didn’t want an owner exactly, much more used to having his own freedom. It was one of the few good things about his previous employment. As a federal agent Leon had been allowed free reign for most things unlike the other hybrids who ran around playing butler-house-pet or fuck toy. An owner meant rules, it meant being friendly, it meant playing and being lovey – all the things he had grown to be inexplicably bad at.
He couldn’t deny though that somewhere deep within his alcohol riddled organs, it stung a little knowing that he was likely never leaving the kennel again, it was his prison.  An owner at least meant getting out of there. But alas, he wasn’t a puppy anymore, and between his age and ‘off putting personality’ as it stated on his papers, he knew it was a pipe dream.
He stretched his limbs, flopping onto his back, trying to push the thought out of his mind. Idly, he stared at the flickering light mounted to the ceiling, eyes following the creaky fan blades as they swirled around. It was almost enough to lull him into another dreamless nap, until he heard an unfamiliar gait heading his way. With no pups beyond his kennel he figured it was someone walking the wrong way, so he ignored it, returning to the fascinating task of counting specs on the ceiling tiles once he grew bored of the fan. 
“Hm?” One of his ears perked up as the footsteps stopped outside his room. A moment of silence, no further sound. The soft scent of some dainty perfume graced his nostrils. “What are you still standing there for? Puppies are the other way.” He called out idly, still not willing to acknowledge their presence with his eyes. 
“O-oh. Well…I wasn’t really looking for a puppy per se.”  Soft. Soft was the best way he could describe your voice, like his ears were being tucked into a cushiony blanket. He couldn’t decide if he hated it or not, but it intrigued him enough to finally sit up — it’d been a while since someone who sounded as sweet as you bothered to even look his way.
Scratching at his stubble he took you in, head to toe as he walked closer, leaning against the bars. Just as he thought; soft, sweet, cute, too young. “Not looking for a puppy?” He questioned, raising a dark brow. “You really think I’m your taste?”
Doe eyes darted to his little display plaque before back to his, he could tell you were nervous, the slightest rosy flush on your cheeks. “I think so.” The words weren’t confident, they wavered, your hands fidgeted. He wanted to laugh in dry amusement, but he wasn’t that mean. “Listen kid, unless you got a flask of whiskey hidden in your pocket, a cute thing like you is better off finding a puppy to fawn over.”
“I don’t want a puppy.” You said again, this time more firm, determination overtaking your features. “The whiskey can be arranged though.” 
“You’re joking.” “Nope. Dead serious.” “You read my file? You know how big of a grouch I can be.” “I did.I like a challenge.”  That ditzy little smile never left your face, but your eyes screamed sincerity. His eyes narrowed, he had both arms crossed while he considered what you were saying, squeezing the worn leather of his jacket. “There’s plenty of other old dogs around here.” “You’re not old.” “I’m 37.” “That’s not old.”
“Old for you.” “You don’t even know how old I am.” “You’re a real pain, you know that kid?” “I like you already.”  Leon tilted his head to the side, one ear flopping with the movement, his tail against his will wagging slowly behind him. You were interesting, that’s for sure, like a little warm dart shot into his iced over heart. For the briefest moment he felt hope, though he steeled it away as fast as it came – he knew better than to let emotions like that flourish. But at least he figured this could be a nice vacation.. “Know what? I like you too, kid. But don’t expect me to do any cute shit.” “No cute shit, got it.” 
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The apartment was small, simple white walls, beige carpet that looked kinda scratchy. It reminded him of the first apartment he ever had, rented it himself when he began the police academy. That felt like a world away now – yet he could still remember the look on the manager’s face when he rolled up as a fresh-faced pup to sign the lease, his academy badge attached to his shirt. 
‘Wonder what my life would’ve been if I could’ve stayed that guy.’ He mused, following you around for the grand tour.  “It’s not much. But there’s a second bedroom you can have all to yourself, and the hall bathroom is all yours too.” 
He nodded, sniffing around the place, everything had your scent lingering on it, even down to the guest room sheets. That same dainty scent, he hated to admit it but it was nice, growing on him by the second – so much so he even felt his cock twitch in his pants. Surprising to him, he can’t remember the last time he popped a stiffy between the alcohol, work, and sour mood he’d been in forever.
When you weren’t looking he adjusted himself in his pants. You were saying something, but truthfully he was only half listening. “What was that?” “I was just saying how tomorrow we can stop and get you whatever you’re needing. I would offer you some of my pajamas but yknow…” 
“It’s fine, I’m a boxers kind of dog anyway.” He swatted you away dismissively. “Don’t worry about it either, I should still have some money in my account from my last job. I just have to get to the bank.” “Oh. Ok.” You replied. “Well uhmm, you know my room’s next door. If you need me for anything, don’t hesitate to come get me.” “Mhmm.” He didn’t say goodnight as he heard the door shut behind him. Not having much on his person to unpack, he decided to just strip for bed. He kicked his browned boots off into the corner, tossing the jacket on top. Opting to leave the tshirt on, he tossed his jeans over with the rest before flopping back onto the mattress. 
Truth be told, the silence was odd – even at the shelter there was always something or someone making noise. The loud industrial AC unit on blast, night puppies running around their rooms, idle chatter. Here there was just…silence, loneliness still. Despite the unease that set forth within him, he had to admit the feeling of a real mattress felt delightful, like floating on clouds. Rolling over he took the opportunity to bury his face in the pillow, finally getting to indulge in your scent as much as he wanted. His eyes squeezed shut, his tail wagged against the bed thumping each time it connected – he was glad for the privacy.  ‘I’m fucked up for this, she’s too young.’
He considered rubbing one out before falling asleep, but between the way he was sinking into the bed and the coolness of the pillow, he stood no chance. It wasn’t long before that sinking feeling of unconsciousness began to wrap itself around him. His cock could wait another day. 
For the first time in a long time, Leon dreamed while he slept. 
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You sat in your own bed, unable to sleep. It was odd knowing that someone else was in your home for a change, but you supposed that was the whole point. 
Living alone was hard, kinda scary, and definitely lonely. Though the decision to get a hybrid was one you landed on impulsively. You considered a regular dog but that was more of a hassle than you wanted – what you really needed was a companion that could be independent. 
Leon’s picture was one of the first on the shelter’s website. You were surprised a dog his age was there, more surprised at how handsome he was if you were honest. His file caught your interest right away, previously employed, a government agent? The mystery behind that had you wanting to know more – was he like James Bond? Why would a government agent wind up in a shelter? Someone like that would make a good guard dog, right? 
And then of course when you saw him in person you knew you wanted him. Leather jacket, boots, and those cute fuzzy ears. God. It felt like his blue eyes pierced your soul, his locks framing his face – you loved it. 
Now here you were, he was in the room right next to you and yet you couldn’t get him off your mind. Looking over at the clock it was around midnight now. ‘Come on, just sleep. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you can talk to him.’ You reminded yourself, trying to will your brain into submission
It didn’t work. 
“This sucks.” You complained to yourself, hanging your legs over the side of the bed, rubbing at your eyes. Figuring stretching your legs and grabbing a glass of water might help, you pushed forward, quietly making your way out of the room and down the small hallway to the kitchen.
The chilling water felt like a rush of relief the moment it made contact with your mouth, legs feeling better after walking as well. You stretched almost like a cat, arms in the air, relishing in the feeling before deciding to head back to bed. 
Your trek back was interrupted by sound coming from behind Leon’s door, it was so quiet at first you almost ignored it, until his booming voice made you jolt where you stood. 
“Fuck you Patricio, you fucking coward! I should kill you myself.”  “What the hell?” Nosily you cracked his door slightly. “Leon? Everything alright?” There was no immediate response, but you heard shuffling on the bed, like he was thrashing around. This time you pushed the door open completely, hall light illuminating the room just enough to see his torso on the bed. 
Another noise left him, almost like a pained cry, then a whimper. “Fuck you.” He said again. “They’re all dead because of you…no…because of me.” His voice became quieter towards the end of his sentence. 
“Leon?” You cooed his name, sitting down on the edge of the bed. You weren’t sure what to do, but it hurt to see him struggle in unconsciousness. Gently you placed your hand on his cheek, he was clammy, the stubble rough against your hand. He didn’t seem any closer to waking, but you could feel his facial muscles tense – a growl left him as he rolled the other way. 
Daring to reach out, you pet at his ears gently, the short fur soft against your skin. “Hey, it’s alright.” You moved closer on the bed, intending to try and comfort him some more. Instead, your hand landed on his tail by accident. 
Leon jolted awake, and in an instant you were flipped onto your stomach, arm twisted and pinned to your back. Your muscles strained painfully, his grip bruising. His breath was hot against your ear, growling loud. “Ow!” You whimpered, face buried into the pillow. 
His nose pressed into your neck, sniffing a bit before he finally retracted slightly. You could feel his cock harden a little as it twitched through his boxers, pressed slightly in on your thigh from behind. “Oh shit.” He said, sleep addled brain fully catching up. “Shit, I’m sorry kid.” He didn’t move off of you completely, but he let go of your arm at least. “You alright?” “I think so.” “What were you even doing in here?” “You were having a bad dream. I wanted to make sure you were ok.” You mumbled against the pillow, flopping your arm to the side to ease the pain and tension from how it had been pulled. You weren’t sure what to do next, ask him to get off? Try to move? Stay still? While it should have scared you more than it did, you hadn’t expected him pinning you down to make you feel…exhilarated? That coupled with him pressed against you made your panties grow sticky with arousal. ‘This is awkward.’ You thought to yourself, hoping he didn’t notice. Hoping he would do something on his end to move the situation forward.
“Are you sure that’s the only reason you were in here?” You couldn’t see him, but you swore you could hear the smirk in his very words. He leaned over you again, this time his chest flush against your back, lips against your ear. “I can smell it on you, you know. Don’t even need to feel it to know you’re soaking.” 
“Wha–” Your face burned hot with embarrassment, more slick soaked your panties with just his words. “No I swear, I was just –” Your words were cut off instantly by the feeling of his tongue on the shell of your ear, the warm muscle teasing it, skin cooling the moment it moved away. 
“You smelled good earlier. But now? Now you smell like a fucking treat.” He said, burying his nose back into your neck, pressing his now nearly fully hard cock against you more. He ground down slightly as he took in your scent again. “Wanna just tear you apart, eat you up.” 
“Leon!” You gasped out, squirming under him. “Bad boy!” You managed to get out, though it lacked any real authority.  He snorted with amusement, leaning back, a firm grasp on your hips with both hands. “I’m bad? Who’s the one sneaking into someone else’s bed in the middle of the night?” He punctuated each word by grinding his clothed erection against your clothed cunt.  “I already said..I wasn’t… Bad, boy. Down!” You whimpered again, trying to sound firm this time, and failing again. 
“No can do.” He replied. “Got me all worked up now.” He gave a solid slap to your ass cheek, not enough to leave a mark, but just enough to sting lightly. “I warned you to go fawn over a puppy, didn’t I?” “L-leon –”
 “Not in control with me, Sweetheart. Shouldn’t get a pet you’re not ready to take care of.” 
You weren’t able to reply as he brought his hand between you from behind, rubbing at your clit through your panties. He ghosted his fingers there with just enough pressure to make you want more, but not enough to really push you over that cliff of euphoria. A needy whine worked it’s way out of you, and you ground your clothes pussy back against his hands, desperate for more pressure.  “That’s better.” He praised, rewarding you by letting rut against his hand. “Gonna cum just from that, aren’t you? Dirty little owner.” He teased.  “N-no” You attempted to protest, but he was right. It felt so good, though a little rough from the friction of the wet fabric. Your hips didn’t stop their movement against his warm hand, chasing that pleasure, each movement making you whimper into the pillow. It wasn’t long before you were cumming against his hand, him rubbing your back with his free one, coaxing you through it. “Atta girl,” he praised. 
While you caught your breath, he made quick work of your panties, not bothering to pull them off, opting to tear the thin fabric instead, leaving them torn between your legs. “Bet you taste as good as you smell.” He mumbled to himself, scooting down the bed enough that he could lean forward face to face with your wet folds. He gave no warning before he dove in, tongue lapping at you like you were dripping liquid gold. “Sweet as a fuckin’ treat.” He said, pulling away just long enough to take a breath before sucking on your clit gently, swirling his tongue around it.
Too sensitive from your previous orgasm, you kicked against the bed, back arching as you tried to get his attention. “S’too much.” You cried out, squeezing your eyes shut. If he heard you, he didn’t acknowledge it, simply pulling you closer to his face, strong arms keeping you pinned where you were as he continued devouring your cunt mercilessly. “S’too much!” You cried out again. 
With one more particularly hard suck, your whole body tensed, hole clenching around nothing as you came again. Hot pleasure radiated from your core, shooting zaps of pleasure that tingled your fingertips and made your toes curl. Little aftershocks of pleasure made your brain hazy as he eased up on the pressure, giving light licks now to savor your taste. 
Legs trembling, you were relieved when you felt him move from between your thighs, feeling his weight shift off the bed for a moment. When he returned, you realized he’d taken his boxers off, whining pathetically as he ran the hot sticky tip of his cock against your folds, bumping it over your clit again for good measure making you squeal. 
“Be a good girl and relax.” He said, finally pressing himself inside of you. It was just the tip but you already felt so full, like you were being speared with every inch. “Easy, easy….biiiiiiiiiiigggg stretch.” He cooed, finally burying himself to the balls. You had never felt so full before, mouth opening into a little ‘o’ shape, no sound coming out. Velvet walls tightened around him, making him hiss behind you. “No pushin’ me out, not ‘til I’m done.” He said, sliding out just a little before pressing back in. He did this a few times, slow shallow thrusts, easing you open for him.  Leon wrapped one arm around you, pulling you back so you were leaning against him as he rocked your bodies together. He splayed one hand against your stomach to help hold you in place, the other a firm grip on your neck. Not tight enough for you to be unable to breathe, but enough to cut off some of the blood supply, give your brain that heavy drowsy feeling – tongue flopping out in your dazed state. 
Tilting your head to the side, he lapped at the junction between your neck and shoulder before biting down on the spot, letting just his canines puncture the skin, careful to not draw too much blood. You gasped at the sensation, while it stung at first, each slam of his thick cock head to your cervix made any pain forgettable, enjoying the feeling of being stretched and filled.
He was close, you could tell by the rugged and uneven breaths he was taking, mixed with how he desperately rutted into you. He pressed you forward back onto the mattress, releasing your neck to reach down and lace his fingers through yours, his other hand maintaining its spot around you for support as he smacked his hips against yours. 
Leon came hard, balls tightening as he painted your insides white with thick ropes of cum. He rode out his own pleasure with deep but slow thrusts, holding you tightly against him. It wasn’t long before the knot on his cock stretched you out further, nearly at your limit. “I know, I know.” He said, rubbing your stomach gently as you squeezed his other hand. Once you seemed mostly adjusted, he carefully rolled both of you so that you were laying sideways, one leg bent back slightly over his to accommodate where your bodies were still linked. He held you close to him, nuzzling into your neck and lapping up any remaining blood from the bite mark. 
Silence passed as your bodies cooled down together, an overwhelming sleepiness taking over you. You rubbed at your eyes again before breaking the silence by calling out his name. “Leon?” “Yeah?” “Are you really ok though?” “Huh?” He sounded genuinely perplexed by the simple question. “The nightmare, it sounded…real…like a memory. Are you alright, like really alright?” You turned your neck as best you could, wincing slightly from the bruised bite that was now aching a bit, trying to see his face in the dark room.  “You were serious about that?”  “Yeah, I was worried. I told you I wanted to make sure you were alright.” “Shit …. I’m fine kid, promise. Just a bad memory that’s done and over with.” 
“Wanna talk about it?”  “Right now?” He asked incredulously.  “Well, yeah why not? Post nut clarity and all that.”  “You’re literally stuck on my – “ He cut himself off with a sigh. “You’re a weird one.”
“Yeah, I know. And you’re kinda grumpy, especially when you first wake up.”  He let out a laugh, it sounded genuine this time. His knot finally deflating, he slipped out of you gently so he could readjust the way you were laying so you were facing him. He pulled you closer, burying your face in his chest, resting his chin on your head. You could hear the telltale sound of his tail gently patting against the bed – a part of you wanted to point out that he did, in fact, do cute shit, but held your tongue. Instead you closed your eyes, letting the smile he couldn’t see spread over your features, relishing in his warmth, and the smell of his spiced cologne.  “Tell you what. Keep me around long enough and I might just tell you about the dream some day.” “Mmm and what if I keep you around forever?” His tail thumped harder at that question, a sign of his true feeling, it made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  “Guess that remains to be seen.” You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off. “Go to sleep.” 
“Fine.” You conceded, too tired to really argue. A squeaky yawn escape you as you curled up into him, letting your eyes lid with sleep, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. 
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airaibunny · 7 months
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momo x reader - “it’s you” (warnings: smut[dom reader], angst with happy ending, sexual boundaries being pushed, crying, self deprecation, fingering, oral, heavy jealousy, spanking, cursing, degradation, slight praise, i feel like i’m forgetting something else…)
a/n: req!(“I’m obsessed with concept of being friends with benefits where the reader or member secretly has feelings for the other and gets jealous. If you could, could you do another friends w/ benefits but with Momo?”)okay, idk how this turned into angst like literally i went into it just wanting to make it rough sex. i rolled with it though, if it sucks pls tell me to stfu and stick to smut. hope you like this train wreck, mind you this was entirely written in 2 hours on a plane so like🙏
word count: 2.3k
low moans fill your dorm room as the sweat makes your hair stick to your forehead. with your face between her thighs, momo’s sickeningly sweet scent engulfs your nose. you praise her every sound, “just like that, you sound so pretty,” you coo, “you’re doing so well for me.”
her release comes with a gasp and you greedily lap up everything spilling out of her. your tongue glides up and down her folds, devoted to letting her completely give out.
you come up, wiping your mouth with your fingers and licking her off of them. “you were wonderful as always.”
“hm.” she’s still not thinking clearly, her attempt at a response coming out as a moan. you laugh and get up to find your clothes.
“are you leaving?” she sits up in bed, wiping her hair out of her face. “we’ve been in here too long, they’re going to wonder what we’re doing.” she flops back down. “i’ll be out there in a few.”
after you put all your clothes on, you walk to the door. your hand lays on the doorknob motionless for a few seconds, deciding on whether it should turn it or not.
if you’re being honest with yourself, you don’t want to leave.
momo completely consumes every one of your thoughts. there’s not a single event in your day that you don’t connect to her. you can’t wait for the one or two hours a day you get to have her all to yourself, even if she just sees it as sex. when you’re with her, you swear the world outside could end and you wouldn’t notice. she has become your everything, but you’re not the same to her.
to her, you’re just a friend she casually fucks. nothing more, nothing less. of course you feel incredibly lucky that you at least get to have this, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t yearn for more.
you want to tell everyone she’s yours and only yours, on all fronts.
but you can’t just bring it up to her, you would never be able to move on if she rejected you. even on days when she’s especially clingy and really makes you think she wants the same thing, you still tell yourself you’re over-analyzing.
“did you freeze?” she asks from behind you. you push the door and walk out, not making eye contact with her.
you start making your way to the kitchen to drink water and run into dahyun on the way there. “do you know if momo is in her room?” “she is.”
she walks away, but turns around again before leaving. “is she alone?”
‘why do you care?’
you think to yourself, of course you don’t respond with that, but it takes a great deal of self control not to.
“yes, she is.” you give her a fake smile and continue on your way to the kitchen.
“you’re so great at hiding when you’re angry.” mina teases as soon as she sees you. you roll your eyes at her and grab a glass of water. “were you with her just now?”
mina is the only person you’ve told about you and momo, your feelings for her included. it’s not that you don’t trust your other members; you just trust mina the most. with the others, there’s always a possibility that they might let it slip when they don’t mean to, but you know mina it’s ditzy enough to do that.
“yes.” you take a sip of your water and look down, trying to avoid mina’s gaze. “i’m tired of speaking to you about this, you know you’ll have to confess eventually. you’re destroying yourself, y/n.” she might not be telling anyone, but she sure as hell loves to hammer you about it.
“i know,” you sigh, “but how?” she walks beside you and pulls you into a hug. “you know what i have to say to that.” “yeah, yeah, whatever ‘it doesn’t matter how.’” she’s right, you’re very aware of that, but can’t bring yourself to do it.
“i’m going with everyone else, you coming?” you tell her you’ll be there shortly and let her leave. you stay sitting and contemplating your situation for a few more minutes until you decide to join your fellow members.
as soon as you walk into the living room your eyes dart towards momo, curled up next to dahyun. it instantly makes you see red, and very noticeably apparently because mina shoots you a knowing look.
you sit right across from them, glaring at them. you grit your teeth every time dahyun rubs momo’s leg or turns to whisper in her ear. you know that you all have a very close bond, and this is by no means out of the ordinary, but you can’t handle it when it involves with momo.
you also know she’s allowed to be with other people if so she desires, but if that’s what’s happening, is she really that shameless?
“y/n!?” jihyo yells beside you and you jump. “are you listening or just sitting there?” you are, in fact, not listening, too focused on the two people in front of you.
“sorry, i’m listening.”
“so what do you think?” you stare at her in confusion and your lie becomes evident. “ugh, never mind. i was saying that…” you tune her out again as you watch momo toss her head back in laughter at something dahyun said.
nothing could possibly be that fucking funny.
an hour passes of the same thing; momo and dahyun’s antics being met with your cold stare. that’s why you don’t waste a second when momo gets up and heads to the bathroom.
you make sure nobody can see down the hallway and follow her. she almost shuts the door, but you push it pack and step inside with her.
“oh sorry, i didn’t notice you.” she says, a fake pout on her lips.
“save it.” you walk closer to her, pushing her back until her ass hits the counter. “do you get off by being a slut on display, huh? does having people watch you be a whore turn you on?”
she smirks at you, acting like she’s completely unaware of what you’re saying. you see right through her, her rosy cheeks and labored breathing tell you she’s already dripping.
“what do you mean, are you jealous because of dahyun? do you not like seeing her touch me?” she gets really close, you can feel her breath on your neck.
fuck, even if you can tell what she’s doing, she knows how to push your buttons.
you grab her waist and turn her around, slamming her hips against the counter. she lets out a whine, but you’re too deep in your head to worry about whether it was in pain or pleasure.
“me, jealous?” you laugh, holding her in place, bent over the counter for you. “i just feel so bad for you. are you really that desperate? one girl isn’t enough, you need two?”
you rip off her shorts and panties, delighting in their soaked state. as soon as her ass is exposed, you land a hard hit on it. her back arches and you spank her again, harder. she whimpers with each slap and you can see her pussy growing wetter.
“that gets you really excited, look at that.” you dip your fingers between her folds, a silky string of her glistening slick attached to them when you take them off.
you grab her wrists behind her back, pulling her up by her hair at the same time. you think maybe you’re being a little too rough for a second, but your jealousy completely blinds you.
you shove her once again, against the door this time. you angrily let go of her hair and your hand flys to her ass, spanking her again. your own pussy throbs when you can perfectly make out your hand print on it.
“ow, y/n…” a tears rolls down her cheek and you chuckle at her. “oh c’mon, i thought you liked being treated like a bitch.”
another tear comes, then another. you’d normally ask her if she was alright, but you’re truly not yourself in this moment. seeing her so close with dahyun awakened something you didn’t know you had in you.
you fingers dive right into her entrance without teasing or warning, making her cry out.
“y/n, that hurts!”
her tears don’t stop. you’ve never been this way with her, but now you’re thinking you should’ve done this sooner. she looks absolutely stunning breaking down for you.
“crocodile tears, you know you love this.” she sobs, whining every time your fingers harshly re-enter her.
“they’re not, please…”
you hear her, but you don’t process what she’s saying. “oh shut the fuck up, whore.” another slap on her ass, right on top of the red handprint from before.
“stop, please, stop!”
only when she’s repeatedly begging you to stop do you remove your fingers and ease up, realizing you were basically cutting off her breathing with how hard you were pressing her against the door.
her legs immediately give out on her and she nearly falls to the ground, but you catch her before she does so.
you’re still in shock at what you just did, muttering countless apologies to her. she doesn’t react, just cries.
you hurriedly put her clothes back on and lead her to her bedroom, looking down the hallway to make sure none of the other girls can see you.
you lock the door when you step inside and carry her to the bed. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry.” your own tears form in your eyes, you feel like a monster. why are you crying? you’re the one who did this to her. if you love her so much, why’d you do this?
“momo, i’m sorry.” her sobs keep coming, each one deepening your wound even more.
“why were you like that?” she asks, wiping some of the still cascading tears from her face. you stay silent, too ashamed to give her an honest reply. “i don’t deserve an answer?”
“i went too far, i’m sorry.” you turn away, not wanting her to see your tears. she pulls your shoulder and makes you face her. “but why?” your heart breaks as you get a good look at her beautiful eyes completely bloodshot, and her rosy cheeks red and sticky with tears.
“because i’m a fucking idiot, and i kept things in for too long, and i just let them all pour out in the worst way possible. i’m sorry momo, i’m so, so sorry.” you break down, sobbing just as hard as she is. “i’ve,” you think about your next words very carefully, “i’ve loved you for so long, momo. i didn’t know how to say it. my incompetence just ended up hurting you, i’m so sorry.”
you feel even worse as her hand trembles on your cheek, wiping away the tears. you take it into your own, turning your face to kiss it.
“you’re not incompetent,” you cut her off. “no, don’t console me, i’m not the one in need of that.” she moves closer to you, settling in on your shoulder and grabbing both of your hands in hers. you can still see the tears falling from her eyes and onto her lap, only serving to make your own sorrows multiply.
“i haven’t been the brightest either.” you turn your face to look at her and she does the same. “asking you to just have sex with me seemed easier than asking you to be my girlfriend.”
you’re in utter shock for a few seconds, her sentence hitting you like a train.
all of this performing and going around in circles you’ve been doing for so long because you thought she didn’t feel the same way, you could’ve skipped all of that?
you should be ecstatic about this, but you won’t let yourself. you hurt her, you hurt her really bad. how could she ever forgive you?
“i’m so sorry i didn’t say anything sooner.” she starts audibly crying again and buries her head into your neck. you lift her face up, holding it in your hands. “why are you apologizing? don’t do that, please, don’t apologize to me for anything.”
for the first time in however many months this has been happening, she crashes her lips into yours. kissing always felt like a thing for couples in a weird way, which you both stressed you weren’t.
“momo…” she closes the distant between you two again, making your lips connect. you don’t try pulling away this time, you let her take the lead. the kiss is deep and passionate, perfectly matched to her lips. right now, her lips feel infinitely better on your own than they do anywhere else on your body. she’s heavenly; too good for you.
“momo, i’m so sorry.”
“i forgive you, y/n, i’ll always forgive you.”
more tears spill out of your eyes, how could she forgive you? “you can’t do that.”
her own tears still stain her face as she grabs your shirt into a fist, making you foreheads touch. “you do not get decide that for me.” she pauses to kiss you again. “i want you, i want you so bad, and you’re not going to pull away now that i know you feel the same way.” she sniffles, looking into your eyes while coming up with her next words.
“please don’t pull away.” you take her into your arms, you both still gasping for air from crying.
“i won’t.”
you wipe the hair from her face, wanting to admire every little detail.
“i love you so much, i’ll never make you feel like that again, i promise.”
she looks at you with pure admiration in her eyes.
“i love you too, and i believe you.”
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henry7931 · 1 month
Freaky Friday Block Part 2 Max & The Thomas Family
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I’m sitting here trying to do some kind of research on this situation and I don’t even know what to freaking google. I mean I could just type in, “help, I woke in my friend’s dad’s body. Oh and by the way said friend is now his little brother.”
I don’t know, I’ve been listening to Jacob and Conner go back and forth for hours now. And Mr. Thomas is much help either.
I’m just glad my family was out of town so they didn’t have to deal with this whole body swap thing.
The craziest part is that we learned quickly that ‘we’ aren’t the only ones. I think half of the block is going crazy right now from waking up as someone else.
Hell, I saw that college guys a couple houses down walking one of their roommates. He literally swapped bodies with a dog! Nuts right?
I guess I can’t be too mad with Mr. Thomas’s body. Hell, I’m hoping once some of the chaos settles down I can actually enjoy all of this.
Wait a minute, where is Mr. Thomas? He left over an hour ago and said he’s just going to change and come back….
Mr. Thomas
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Fuck I’ve been stroking this thing for hours now! I can’t stop!!
I know it’s awful of me especially this being the body of one of my son’s friends… but you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a whole house to myself? Hell, I haven’t been on a date in 10 years.
Ever since my kid’s mother left me after I came out to her I’ve had a hard time finding anyone to date.
But sitting here in this young handsome body… playing with this cock. Oh my god…
I keep trying to head back to my house but I’ve truly lost track of time. I’m just too horny right now.
I wonder… oh here it is! I knew Max was gay, he had Grindr already downloaded.
I take him off of discreet and update his bio: looking, ready to host.
Shit, his parents don’t come back for another week. I can at least enjoy myself at night.
Back at the Thomas’ Home:
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This is so freaking cool!! Not only did I wake up this morning inside my big brother’s body but now I have his room too!!!
I told him this morning since I have his body, that I get his room. He was so flipping mad about it but I can’t fit in my old bed anymore.
We screamed at each other for a long time. But I ended up picking him up and carrying him in my much smaller body back to my room.
He waited outside the door throwing a tantrum for a bit before giving up. So looks like I won!
Now I have an entire bathroom to myself and I even have my own cellphone (which I’m surprised he didn’t try to get from me.)
Now I think I’m going to take a shower because my new body is stinky!!!
I take off Jacob’s sweat pants he slept in and stopped at his undies.
I wonder what this looks like…
I yank them off and Jacob’s weiner comes floppin out. He has a big bush of hair right above it and weiner is way bigger than mine.
I start playing with it for a few until it gets hard.
I walk into the shower and start rubbing some all over my new muscles down to Jacob’s stinky feet.
Jacob’s feet are always stinky especially after practice. Sometimes they will stink up our entire house.
I weirdly like the smell…
I wash in between his toes and work back up his hairy legs.
I wrap his strong hand around his weiner and started tugging at it.
It felt so good that I couldn’t stop!
I tugged and tugged faster and faster…
I started to get really warm inside…
That’s when I started squirting all over the shower uncontrollably.
I was so out of breath that I laid on the shower floor for a few.
As soon as I could stand back up, I turned off the water and dried off.
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I walked over to the mirror and stared at my big brother’s face that I now controlled.
I hope I keep his body forever!
*knock knock*
“Conner it’s me, you have my phone and I want it back,” I hear coming from the door.
I walk over to the door and open it up.
“I don’t think you’re getting this phone. Actually, it’s my phone now. I have this body which was your body. But now it’s mine. So my phone, my room, and now my body. Also, I think it’s best if you call me Jacob for now. Understood little bro?”
Jacob was so angry. He tried to yank the phone out of my hand but I just dangled it over him.
“So close on getting it!”
I jumps for it again and laugh at him.
“Well this has been fun but I’m going to lock my door now.”
I closed the door in his face and went back to his bed.
I pulled my towel off and grabbed one of his dirty socks off of the floor. I laid back on his bed or I should say my bed now— sniffing his dirty sock and gently playing with my new hairy balls.
So no one else seems to care right now about trying to figure out why we are all in each other’s bodies. So I decided to stop caring as well and just enjoy my new hot daddy body.
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Starting with these sexy ass feet! God, I’m already getting hard!
My initial plan was to take a shower and I got as far as stripping down and grabbing a towel.
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Unfortunately, I’m so distracted by these feet and Mr. Thomas’s big hairy ballsack.
I eventually get to the shower, still have not jerked off yet.
It’s fun seeing Mr. Thomas hard throbbing cock leaking so bad…
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I’ll fondle it for a few and stare down at his feet again.
God I love them!! If we ever switch back I wish there was a way I could take his feet with me. Or at least get some visitation of his lower half.
Hell, this maybe my forever body. I may be Daniel Thomas forever.
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I dry off and sit in the steamy bathroom… talking dirty to myself.
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I work my way back to his bed jumping on it. I hold his feet up the air again.
I pull the towel off completely and rub his hands all over his hairy butt cheeks down to his hole.
I finally start jerking his dick that’s now throbbing so bad it immediately leaks.
“Mr. Thomas, you’re such a beautiful man. I love the way your cock feels, I love your hairy ass, your big feet, ohhhh… your dick is about to burst!”
“Oh god!!! This feels so goooooddd!!!”
I pull at his hair and start moaning incredibly loud.
Cum sprays all over me and I’m covered in his cum. I take bit off of his chest and taste it.
I lay back in his bed naked and grinning knowing that in a few hours I’m going to do it all over again.
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
hii, i love your page, it’s so cute!! i was just wondering, can we have a fic where ghost/the 141 forgets the readers birthday?
~ 💖.
A/N: Apologies for the delay, anon! Also, I hope that didn't happen to you, but if it did, happy belated birthday. Here’s your gift, I hope you like it.
Type, type, type.
That’s all you’ve been doing since this morning.
Replying to emails, developing the recruits’ training programme for the next week, preparing reports, and going back and forth on that group chat with the engineering team about that stubborn drone that refuses to take off but is mandatory for the next mission.
They wished you a happy birthday. Yes, it was through a faceless and impersonal message, but at least they did.
Unlike him.
He’s been sitting across from you all day, doing the same—typing, typing, typing.
Not at the pace you’ve been going, though. He’s much slower compared to you.
His fingers hesitate as they hover across the keyboard, lacking the speed and confidence he usually has in the field. The keyboard feels foreign in his hands—it’s not an MP5, you see.
His eyes, trained for action, struggle to adjust to the screen in front of him. He types, pauses, looks up at the screen, and then resumes typing. Yet his posture remains rigid like he’s ready for action at any given moment.
“Do you need help?” you ask, noticing his struggle to find the right shortcut for copying and pasting.
“I need a cigarette,” he replies, standing up from his chair. He opens the window, turns his back to you, and lifts his mask halfway.
He opens the packet and bites down on the cigarette filter to extract it from the package. Tilting his head to the side, he lights it up and takes a deep inhale.
There’s a knock on the door.
“Shit.” He swears and shouts at the door to “wait a fucking minute.”
He extinguishes the cigarette, pulls down his mask, and returns to his desk. You wait for him to sit down before inviting the person outside to come in.
Two recruits currently assigned to your team enter the room.
“Happy birthday!” says one, and the other repeats the wishes more timidly.
You give them a warm smile and thank them.
Their eyes, however, often drift from you to him. They look like they regretted coming into the office. Like they’d rather be anywhere else but here.
You empathise with them—you, too, were scared of him when you first came to the base.
You decide to relieve them of their discomfort.
“There are cupcakes in the kitchen,” you say, “please help yourselves.”
You can’t tell if they are too excited about the cupcakes or relieved that they now have a reason to escape the trap they’ve gotten themselves into. With a nod, they quickly exit the room and shut the door behind them.
You turn to the computer screen and continue typing.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You slightly turn your head towards him while keeping your eyes on the screen.
“Why didn’t I tell you what?”
“That the sky is blue,” he replies sarcastically. “That today’s your birthday, of course!”
“That’s not the kind of thing you go around telling people, Ghost,” you explain, “besides, you already knew.”
He stands up from his chair, and you turn to look at him.
“Why didn’t you remind me?”
“What should I say, Lt.?” You ask, “Hey, by the way, it’s my birthday today, in case you’ve forgotten?”
“Yes!” He insists, lifting his hands, “Yes, you should have told me that! Then you should have added a ‘you fucking idiot’ to complete the sentence.”
You look at him with furrowed eyebrows and a smirk.
He sighs and drops his hands to his sides.
“Come here,” he says, waving his hand for you to come closer.
You look at him, amused, and your smile widens. Yet you remain seated, and lean back to your chair.
“Come here!” He repeats and starts walking towards you.
You stand up, and he immediately wraps his arms around you, locking your arms to your sides. You hug his waist.
“Happy birthday,” he whispers and leans down, planting a kiss at the crown of your head.
“Thank you, Lieutenant,” you reply, your words muffled against his chest.
“I’m such an idiot, aren’t I?” He murmurs, his lips lingering against your head, “I’m sorry.”
You chuckle and push yourself away to look at him.
“No, you’re not,” you reply, “these things happen.”
He releases you from the hug but keeps his hands on your shoulders.
“Thanks for the cupcakes, by the way.”
“You had one?”
“Two,” he says, letting you go and returning to his desk, “but I didn’t know who they were from.”
You sit back in your chair and continue to type, type, type.
But this time, there’s a smile on your face.
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leaawrites · 3 months
I knew it, I know you
Lando Norris x fem!reader
summary: two people reflecting - and drowning in sorrow - on their lost almost.
Warnings: mentions of suicidal thoughts, angst, nothing about this is really happy tbh
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It had been 2 months. 2 months since all the pining and longing and dancing around each other finally found an end. It was the end of something that was never more than considering but still bigger than nothing. It was what happened when two broken souls found another one. Too afraid to heal and too hopeful to let it go before it could begin. They were always at the starting line never beginning to run. And when she did. She was left alone. He didn’t run with her. His eyes focusing on the win, planning strategies on what may be and what may be not. It was more than nothing but never enough.
Now she held herself at night, his face on her TV, far away. She was focusing on him, never stop cheering and praying to see him succeed. There was always something that made him crumble in the end. Whether it be the car or strategy, he blamed it on him. He had done it ever since she told him that it was his fault they could never work out. It was never the outside world or the misplaced bodies of theirs in time. It was him. He didn’t run, he planned.
Now he sat alone in his big apartment in this big city, filled with glamour and luxury and nothing but his own breathing. It was the purest thing he owned now, after losing what he never truly had. It was only one step he should’ve taken and he couldn’t bring himself too. Everything was shallow now, eating up his insides until no emotion but guilt was left. He hated that he let her go. He hated that he was afraid of real life like some kind of moron in a novel. The one who would end up all alone at some point.
The room was dark and stuffed with thoughts and hot air. The blanket on his bed was wrinkled and tossed around. He hadn’t even found the motivation to make his bed that morning. Going to races for the last 3 weeks was what made his mind walk away from her for a while, but now that it was over it was only him now.
The doorbell rang, making him open his eyes. Lando made his way towards the door, opening it to see Max standing on the other side with food in his hand. The man wore a sympathetic look on his face. He was the only person who knew about what happened. He was the only person who knew about her.
“Thought you might be hungry,” he said, holding up the food in hopes of making him smile at least a little bit. But there was nothing coming from Lando.
He only stepped away to let him in, walking to the coach to sit on it and turn on the TV. Some crappy Reality show was playing but Lando wasn’t paying any mind to it.
“How have you been?” Max asked, sitting down next to Lando, pushing the food in front of his face so he couldn’t ignore it.
Taking the fork in his hand, Lando started to move the Chinese dish around in it’s box. Watching it move like it would satisfy his hunger enough to not eat it.
“Wonderful,” he said quietly, sarcasm dripping from his tongue like water. “Though about throwing myself from the balcony.”
If it was anyone else, Lando wouldn’t have said it. But it was Max, his best friend since childhood. He knew about Lando’s mental health, he knew that it was horrible at times. Though it was never this far, at least not to his knowledge.
“Have you tried talking to her?” He wasn’t aware of what happened fully, but he knew enough to be sure that Lando could fix it. It only needed him to work. It only needed him to find itself again.
“She blocked me everywhere,” Lando only said, avoiding a clear answer of yes or no.
He had tried, multiple times. He even called her mother, but no one was willing to let him in again. They were hiding her away from his shining sword and he understood why. But he hated that they were that way. He hated that he was that way.
“Look, man,” Max started. P, his girlfriend, had told him to go back to the secret plan. “P has been keeping contact with her. She is really not happy about how things ended, but she misses you. She really does. So, if you’re willing to make it work this time - for real this time - I’ll give you her address and you can decide what to do with it.”
Lando looked at him with wide eyes, his heart leaping from his chest to hug his mate.
“You’re willing to do that?” Lando asked, sitting up straighter now and turning towards him.
“If you eat up,” Max joked, playing parent for him.
“But then?”
“If you don’t mess it up.”
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writingmeraki · 7 months
gents in dilemma.
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a park sunghoon drabble !
pairing : rich!boy!sunghoon x gn!reader, teasing classmates to ???
genre : fluff/humour (?)
warnings : nothing just sunghoon using his privileges as a pretty rich boy lmao also no actual knowledge os spider-man comics im sorry if it's inaccurate <3 !
author's note : wooo! a double update ?!? who is thisss mayhaps very random but i told ya'll ( if u read my recent mingu drabble ) it's been a while since i realeased anything enha :( this was sort of a warm up to get back into writing for them! if you have any ideas pls send them in!! i rlly want to write for them again hehe &lt;3
sp dt to my enha moots ! @blue-jisungs ; @lheebra ; @haknom ; @odxrilove ; @hsgwrld ; @quaissants ; @enluv ; @hannie-dul-set ; @tqmies ; @byuqi ; @urszn ; @flwoie ; @tranquilpetrichor ; @hqrana ; @shuamorollss ; @strxwberry-skiess !! just to let you know i love u guys and think of you when i open this app 💌 !! i am ia a lot but i truly am grateful for you and your works 🩷!
word count : 1.2k
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You were stuck there anyways. Your brother wouldn’t come pick you up earlier enough and all your friends left already so you found no point in wanting to leave and sit outside in the hot and humid weather where you’ll probably just end up with mosquito bites and sweaty skin. 
The song played in your earphones as you lazily flipped through the Spider-man comic. It was your newest hyperfixation and you had difficulties getting copies but you were getting there. 
Suddenly an intrusion popped in front of you as you got to the good part, but you paid no mind to whoever it was. 
Besides, who in their right mind would want to make small talk with a stranger in the damned detention room?
The music was dull but you could hear the sound of someone clearing their throat. Sighing, you put down the comic and looked unamused at the boy in front of you. 
Park Sunghoon. Rich, smart, pretty boy who lived up to all the stereotypes that clung to his personality while also hanging out with the same sort of people. Not a stranger you thought. 
You wondered how you missed seeing him and…Park Jonseong? (If you remembered correctly) walk in. Perhaps you indeed were too focused in your daydreams. 
Now amusement flickered in your gaze as you looked up at him. 
He definitely did live to his pretty boy name you mused as you took in the moles on his face, the shade of his pink lips, the messy yet perfectly sitting hair of his. 
He gulped under your calculating gaze, not knowing why he felt nervous all of a sudden when it was his idea to tell you not to say anything to Mr.Kim for when Jay and him would ditch the detention they got that day. He confidently told his friend he would threaten you if you didn’t comply, perhaps maybe bribe you a bit and surely it would do the trick.
But how his words seemed to bite right back at him because suddenly his mouth felt drier and tongue heavier under your gaze. For a brief moment, he wondered how he had never seen you, otherwise, he knew he wouldn’t be able to forget a face like yours. 
“Now now,what ever have I done to have the Park Sunghoon right in front of me?” You grinned teasingly at him and fuck you had dimples. He swore he might have died in that moment and reached heaven.
He felt a shove that snapped him out of his thoughts.
“Uh-yeah um we- wait you know me?” You raised a brow at his words, the amusement only growing as you saw the tip of his ears getting red.
Was he flustered…by you?
“ ‘course I do, it would seem weird if I didn’t at least to you people.” You murmured the last part, darting your eyes to his friend who seemed to roll his eyes.You weren’t sure if it was because of you or because of Sunghoon.
“Can you get to the point idiot-”
“Hey! Shut up, yeah? I’m talking-”
“All I see is you acting like a huge fucking si-”
They whispered to each other, almost making you giggle at the way they both seemed to be arguing over something, you figured you were somehow involved. 
“Well see- the thing is we’re going to ditch this.” You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, tilting your head a little as you leaned forward in your chair, placing your head on one hand.
“And? Does that concern me?”
“We don’t want you snitching, that’s what he meant. You can ditch too, Mr.Kim’s known for never coming back to his detentions once he leaves.” 
You shook your head, “I’m fine here, I have to wait anyways, you can-”
Suddenly a thought occurred to you, “Hmm, the snitching on you both part sounds tempting, I might even get brownie points, struggling with his class anyways.” 
No,he was not supposed to find your smirk cute, nor the mischievous glint in your eyes.
“What’s in it for me?”
“Wha- what’s in it for you?! You can ditch too! Didn’t I say that already-”
“Wait. I might have something.”
Jay stared at Sunghoon in both disbelief and annoyance while you looked at him curiously. He set his bag down and opened it, pulling out something.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. The newest edition of the Spider-man series. You’d been trying for ages to get it, but held yourself back when you saw the triple digit price point. 
Of course he’d have this. 
You gasped in disbelief, looking in awe as you grabbed it and flipped through the pages. Sunghoon found it absolutely cute the way your eyes lit up. 
He was concerned about how enduring he already found you in the span of approximately 10 minutes. 
“It’s too expensive, I can’t-”
“Who said I am giving it to you? I’m letting you borrow it so you won’t rat us out.”
It seemed the tables turned and it was your turn to be flustered under his teasing gaze and he did in fact have a cute grin. Shit-eating one but adorable. 
“I’ll take it to my grave.” You hugged the comic to your chest and did a zipping your mouth motion, throwing away the pretend key. He let out a chuckle at your actions and the sound absolutely did not do something to your heart ( You think it might have burst ). 
Jay had been observing the interaction and he knew why exactly Sunghoon did what he was doing. Seems like the supposed ‘ice’ prince was melting at your mere presence. Oh he was so going to spill everything to the rest of his friends and tease him for the life of it. 
Sunghoon’s gaze moved towards your phone, seeing it was still unlocked he took it while you yelped in alarm, “Hey! I said I won’t say anything!”
You had stood up from your chair and now only realised just how much taller he was than you when he began to type something with his hands raised above you. 
“Here. My number and I rang it to have yours. Call me when you’re done reading, I expect to get my comic back soon enough.” He held your hand and plopped your phone in it, while you remained frozen at his bold moves. Even the blonde next to him was surprised at his actions, that probably said a lot to you. 
He swung his arm around Jay who had an amused grin as he shook his head, waving bye to you, pausing for a moment when he realized something as he looked back at you.
“What’s your name?” 
“Uh-oh um,” You were still in a trance at what just happened as you said your name, not as confidently as you wished and you cursed yourself mentally for already being so hung up on his actions. 
He repeated it as if testing it out, “See you soon then,” He grinned at you as you just chose to wave back, thinking you might just say something stupid. 
Looking down at your phone, you saw his number and back at the comic book that laid on the desk, you grinned bashfully, shaking your head as you laughed.
Maybe just maybe, Park Sunghoon wouldn't have to wait until you finished the comic for you to see him. 
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all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌
links : main navi ! | enhypen masterlist !
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sparklyoats · 4 months
A fuckboy will always break your heart - Harry Styles.
Summary: Summary: Hooking up with one of your friends couldn’t possibly do much damage in the friend group, right?
Word count: 1.5k.
Part one.
Life had continued on since the party and everything that went on there. Of course it had. I mean, why would the world stop just because I wasn’t feeling great ?
Even the weather had been great, lots of sunshine. Which was nice for my walks to and from work. But the lovely weather also brought along happy people. Happy, loving, friend groups, or couples. It was as if the universe was taunting me, laughing at me.
It had been a few weeks already. I hadn’t spoken to either of them. Sure they had tried to reach out. Mostly Sigrid, of course. It was as if she had no idea of what had went wrong. The first week she had messaged me as she normally would. Letting me know of all the drama that had went on, either at work or in the friend group. Not even once during that week had she even asked how I was doing or even wondered why I wasn’t responding. At least that’s how it seemed. It wasn’t until I sent a message back telling her I needed some space.
‘Wait. What. Why ?’ she had sent back.
I couldn’t even bring myself to tell her the truth. Eventually I just told her that work had been crazy lately. Because it had. But that obviously wasn’t why I needed space.
A few weeks ago she had been the wonderful host of a party for our friend group. I say ‘our’, but really it’s hers. I’m really only a part of it because of her. And of course, for someone that’s never really had more than one or two friends at the time, it was lovely to be part of. But now I was alone again.
The party had been good for me. The alcohol made me loosen up a bit, as it usually did. The dancing made me happy. But I had never thought the night would end the way it did. I had stayed back at Sigrid’s place as everyone else went out to continue partying. I had slept a bit it seemed, because at 3am I woke up in Sigrid’s bedroom. There had been some noise from the living room waking me up, and I had ventured out to see what it was. I had never in my wildest imagination though I would see what went on before me in that living room. Harry and Sigrid on the sofa, making out.
It had startled me, and in my panic I had left in a hurry.
Now it was a few weeks later and I finally felt ready to talk to Sigrid. I had had time to think, and came to the conclusion that I at least should let her know what was going on with and maybe even let her explain herself. Not necessarily for her sake, but i wanted to know. Had it been a spur of the moment thing, or had she had feelings all along. I needed to know.
So here I was, sat at a table for two outside of a café, waiting.
I had messaged Sigrid yesterday, letting her know that I wanted to see her. To talk. And she had agreed to meet.
I had already ordered a glass of white wine, half of it already drunken. Of course. I was nervous. Picking at my nails, and one of my legs was bouncing up and down slightly, as I awaited her arrival. As i picked up the wine glass to take another sip, i noticed her making her way towards the gate that lead in to the little garden space i was sitting in. She waved cheerfully with a grin as she made her way, zig zagging between the other tables, and eventually she made it to ours. “Hey gorgeous.” She said as she gave me a slight squeeze on my shoulder.
“Hi Sig.”
We sat in silence for a bit as Sigrid looked through the menu for a drink for herself.
“I will have the Rosé, please.” She told the waiter.
“And I will have another white, please.” I added.
As the waiter left with our orders, Sigrid took off her sunglasses and laid them neatly beside her purse on the table.
“So… How have you been?” She asked. I could tell she was nervous. Didn’t really know what to do or say. I was nervous as well. I had tried to think everything over in my head. Trying to figure out how to let it all out. To say it right.
“I have been okay… Life has been a bit busy lately… so… yeah…”
She looked at me, waiting for me to say more, but as I didn’t, she added.
“Yes, you mentioned…” With an annoyed expression on her face. It was always like this between us. At least when I wasn’t feeling well. I would go quiet and she would have to pry it out of me. It annoyed her. I knew that. And I really did try. Especially today.
“I saw you. That night.” I looked up at her to try and see how she would react. Confused, she said.
“What ? What night ?… can you please just tell me what it is ? Im not a fucking mind reader Y/n.”
Now I was annoyed. I knew she was right, of course I did. But it still annoyed me. I took a deep breath.
“I saw the two of you on the sofa that night. After your party… “ I said and looked down at my hands that were resting on the table yet picking away at the nail beds. I decided to take a sip of my wine, a big one, before carrying on.
“Remember the party you hosted ?” She nodded.
“Remember how I stayed back at your place to sleep as you all went out?” She nodded again.
“ Well, I woke up in the middle of the night to some noise coming from the living room, so I ventured out to see what it was. And that’s when I saw the two of you on the sofa making out. And i just… “
She interrupted.
“ Of course we were on the sofa. You were sleeping in my bed.” She said, grinning.
“What’s this got to do with anything?” She continued.
I looked at her, slightly surprised.
“Um, well… I mean… I just… I don’t understand why you would even do that in the first place… you knew I liked him… “
Now she was the one surprised.
“Who exactly do you think I was with that night, Y/n?” A small smile on her face letting me know that she knew exactly what I had been thinking. She continued
“I met that guy down at the pub, darling… maybe he looked similar to Harry in the dark. I don’t know. But I surely would never go after him. He is not my type at all and you should really know that by now.” She laughed. I joined her in laughing. My face red, either it be from blushing or the alcohol, I didn’t really know or care. “Oh my god… Sig, I’m sorry.”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. Just please don’t take so long to tell me… next time, I mean.” She said reassuringly.
“You got it.” We both raised our glasses and cheered. “So, do tell… What have you been up to these last few weeks?” I asked.
I felt so stupid to believe she would ever do something like that to me. I mean, this was Sigrid. My best friend since forever. The one who taught me basically everything. Okay, maybe not everything. But she’s always been there for me.
Sigrid had told me what else had went on after the group went out without me. Apparently Maria had gotten so drunk she had puked outside the pub as they got there, so they sent her home in a taxi. Not unusual of her, really. Also, Matthias and Lina had apparently hooked up. Surprisingly. But looking back, maybe not such a surprise after all.
The biggest surprise though was Harry. Apparently he had been quiet and moody the entire time. Why that was, Sigrid didn’t know. We both knew he could be like that sometimes, but no one ever really got him to talk about what was going on. He always either stayed quiet or pretended everything was okay and talked about anything else.
I suppose in that way we were quite similar.
“Hey Y/n… I have an idea.” She looked at me with an excited expression on her face. Oh dear, I thought. “Do tell…” I said rather comprehensive.
“Maybe it would be good for you to move on… don’t look at me like that, just hear me out.” She said. “I’m going to set you up on a blind date.” She said. “And it’s not up for a discussion.” She added. Blushing, I figured why the hell not. I raised my glass, “Cheers, to moving on.”
Authors note:
Thank you for reading! If you like my writing do feel free to reblog and like - and please let me know if you'd like a part three
Tag List:
@jaded-and-hollow-souls @scorpiotulipicon @lomlhstyles @gem1712 @tylerstacobell @happypoptart @behindmygreyeyes @mysteriouslydecaffeinatedfox @luvingthingstherightway @thiyaabs @be-with-me-so-happily @blepskies @abihst91
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b3ach-bunn7 · 8 months
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Jason Todd is the most beautiful boy in your lecture. Luckily, fate lands you a seat next to him
college!au, fluff, pining, happy ending
This has to be some form of epic karma.
You’ve never been late to a lecture before. At least, not this late, where you’re sure Professor Levine will not hesitate to slam the two double doors in his face when you eventually make it there.
You’d overslept horrifically. After a night spent with your roommates over board games and shitty wine in cracked mugs, you’d been too tired to remember to turn on your alarms. You didn’t regret it. It was hard to find time to spend together, and even if it was just a couple of hours of UNO, it was nice to catch up. Unfortunately, the drinks your friend Wendy had kept pouring into your mug had lulled you into the best sleep you had in a while. Which, unfortunately, was interrupted by a confused knock on your door, a concerned friend wondering why you were still in bed so late.
Now, without a shower and the outfit you’d worn yesterday, you were practically running to the hall to try to make it in time. Feverishly checking your phone, watching the minutes go by, as you finally stop outside the doors.
You pause for a second. Do you knock? Just walk in? Professor Levine wasn’t necessarily strict. He’d never kicked anyone out before, but you’d never seen him angry. Would he even be angry? You didn’t know. God, you were being so dramatic.
You push open the door. Immediately, a couple dozen eyes lock on you, dishevelled and anxious at the door. You could die. Really and truly, just drop down on the floor and die. You glance at the professor. He just nods slightly, and you take that as a sign you’re in the clear. You start walking to your seat, relief flooding your veins, to see that it’s taken.
Your second dosage of karma. You’re not sure what you’ve done to deserve such cruel treatment. You sat in the same seat every say. Far enough front the front that you didn't get picked on, and far enough from the back that it didn’t look like you were hiding from Levine. You quickly scan the room and see the only spare seat is right at the very back. Right next to Jason Todd.
You knew who he was. Everybody in your literature class did, everybody at your university did. He was six foot tall, with hair that curled perfectly over his brown eyes, and a body that looked like it had been carved by the gods. As if that wasn’t enough, he was also nice. Boys that attractive were usually paired with a big ego and an obnoxious personality, but he had neither. He kept to himself, was polite and respectful. Jason Todd was like every guy you’d spent hours reading about and analysing for your English classes, the perfect man in every way.
Which, of course, meant he was also horrifically out of your league.
You take the awkwardly long walk to the back. You drop your things on the floor, and sit down. He flashes you a small smile and your knees feel weak. You hope the one you give him back makes you look normal. You fiddle around with your things, bring out your laptop and books, and sigh.
Crisis averted. You made it in one piece. You tap the power on button, turning your laptop to face you. Wait a little bit. And nothing.
It's out of charge.
You tap furiously on the button, as if it will somehow make something happen.
“Fucking shit.” You whisper, digging in your bag for the charger, that you know is not there.
You feel eyes on you, and you look to your side. Jason is watching you, an amused smile gracing his lips. You feel heat rise to your cheeks and you look away.
“Sorry, I just- I forgot my charger. And my laptops out”
He hums under his breath, low and deep in his chest. “Not your day, is it?”
“No, it’s really not. It’s where I take all my notes.” You slump in your chair, rubbing a hand over your face.
He slides a piece of paper over to you. “It’s okay. Professor Levine won’t call on you if you sit this far back. He takes offence. Makes him think you’re avoiding him.”
“Surely that would make him want to call on us.”
Jason shrugs. “He’s different like that.”
You huff. You open your anthology. You’re studying Keats, one of your favourites. Despite the constant reminders that your chosen degree would get you nowhere, you love literature, evident by the copious amount of annotations you’d done. It wasn’t part of the syllabus but you thought it was fun.
A hand reaches over, hovering over your book. Jason’s, bigger thank yours, with a large watch around its wrist. Not that you were checking.
“Can I look?”
You nod. You try not to watch his deft fingers slip between the pages (try not to think about where else they could slip) and write meaningless things on the sheet of paper he’d given you. You can’t focus on the lecture, only your need for his approval of your work.
“This is incredible. You did this all on your own?” His eyes don't leave the paper as he continues to flick through.
You laugh nervously, “Yeah, I’ve got a lot of free time.”
“Oh, I love this one.”
He points to Modern Love. You smile, nodding excitedly.
“Yeah, that’s my favourite! I don’t know why, but there's something so cool about one of the best Romantic poets ever writing a poem about how people put so much pressure on romance, you know? Especially in the era he was in.”
You mouth shuts. You laugh nervously.
“Sorry. I'm rambling.”
“Don’t be sorry. It’s cute.”
You don’t have time to try and dignify a response through the shiver that runs down your spine, because Professor Levine clears his throat loudly from across the room. You look over and he’s staring right at the two of you (who are considerably closer than you were when you’d sat down).
“Is there something more interesting you two are discussing? Like perhaps how to show up to my lectures on time?”
Jason snorts and you duck your head. “Sorry, professor.”
The rest of the lecture is spent like something out of a high school classroom. He scribbles notes in the margin on your paper, and you draw little stars across the page. You’ve not spoken before, but you spend the whole time whispering to each other. He shows you his favourite poems, and you pretend they aren’t yours too.
It’s a shame, really. Deep down, you wish you didn’t get along with him so well. If not for the way he looks right at you when he speaks, breath fanning over your face as he leans down to say something, but for the fact you’ll never speak again. The two of you will pack your things and part ways, and you’ll spend the next lesson in your usual seat with a fully charged laptop, thinking about him. He’ll just be another story your friends will drag out of you over a glass of wine, the day when you sat with the sexiest boy on campus.
The lecture ends, and the two of you leave side by side. You avoid eye contact with your professor and pause outside the door.
“Thank you for the paper. And letting me sit next to you.”
Your hands awkwardly grasp at the straps of your bag. Of course today of all days you’d look so messy. You’re not wearing makeup, and you know your shirt is wrinkled. He looks effortless in a shirt that curls over his biceps oh, so perfectly.
“It’s no problem.”
Silence spills between the two of you. You nod once.
“Well. Bye, Jason.”
You turn to walk away, but you don’t make it far. A hand grabs your arm. You look back, and it's Jason, all smiling and nervous. He drops your arm, and shoots you another one of his boyish grins.
“Do you want to get some coffee? We can go over our notes. Get you back on Levine's good side.”
You should probably say no. Boys like Jason are the kind that could ruin you.
“Yeah. I’d love to.”
my first oneshot!! I hope you all like it, and plz leave requests or if u want a part two 🩷
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prettyboykatsuki · 4 months
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i've been very far home, my heart | nightowl (blooming panic)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ tags; established relationship, hurt/comfort, feelings of inadequacy / low self worth, gn!reader (they wear heels and have manicured nails, but otherwise nondescript. no gendered language), role reversal, arguing / messy human behavior, suggestive towards the end, they are implied to be the same height 🫡
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ wc ; 3.7k (added 500 to wc in editing. ok)
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a/n ; bro idk what happened here FDHJDKDKJ. my sleep meds were making me feel super hungover, i got a little cooked on the devils lettuce and then wrote this?? and it wasn't bad lmaoaoa??
i really like this blonde twink ive known for three days. he is like. so extremely, hilariously my type and exactly like several ppl i've dated so this end up being a reflective piece on being a giver n navigating adult relationships.
title is from where we go by jelani aryeh
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The bathroom light is on.
It’s spilling underneath the door frame when you come in from work later than usual. It’s busy season, with new clientele - all of which require socializing around drinks and expensive dinners to secure them. It’s nearly 1am, and you’ve taken two Ubers to get back home from the restaurant all the way across town that you’ve been mingling at since nine.
You closed the deal though, and your boss (perhaps seeing the visible exhaustion in your eyes) has given you the go-ahead on taking a few days off. The consulting part of your financial advising job could wait until Monday, which was a relief to hear. You came home expecting Nightowl to be up. He’s always up this late, and when he is - he rarely limits himself to one room in the apartment. You have a routine to it. You sleep in the dark bedroom and Owl tries not to make so much noise as to wake you.
You texted him you’d be late, and he’d read it but didn’t reply. Too worn down to think anything of It at the time, you slept on two car rides rather irresponsibly and were unsure of what to feel when your apartment didn’t have any lights from the outside upon arrival. Youwalked in after that, wondering if your eyes had been playing tricks. But the house was still dark, both upstairs and down stairs - in the bedroom and in the office. The only place you could find any trace of life was in the bathroom.
You’ve only left your bag on the couch downstairs. Worry makes your brows furrow as you turn the door knob to your shared bathroom and walk in. The clinical scent of bleach is the first thing to grasp your senses, jolting you awake from the haze of steam and leftover buzz of alcohol.
You cough a little, and find Nightowl on the bathroom floor. There’s a bottle of peach soju on the counter, and a few open packets of developer and mixing bowls. Owl is drunk already you think, or at the very least tipsy, moreso than you. The hot blush on his skin makes you think he’s been at it for a while. You try not to monitor his liquor intake too much, but the concern you feel is immediate and not helped by where you find him.
His body is slumped against the gray wall closes to the tub, sitting on the tile with a different bottle in his hand. His phone is face down beside him and he’s not noticed you come in. Your frown deepens as your heels click slightly on the tile. Crouching down at the knee, you reach your hand out for his forehead. His skin is so hot it’s scorching. You sober up almost instantly.
Even in his inebriated state, he seems to recognize you. His smile is wide, but you don’t feel like it reaches his eyes.
“Oh, so you decided to come home after all!”
You smile sadly followed with a curt nod. “Sorry.”
“Don’t really see what the point is in you apologizing when you’ve already been so late,” He says jovial. You try not to let it sting. You remind yourself that he’s drunk and stifle a sigh again. “But welcome home!”
“Were you gonna bleach your hair?”
“Isn’t that obvious?”
“Yeah,” You reply, choosing to sigh that time. His lip wobbles a little and you try not to say anything more. “Do you want help?”
“Sure. Whatever.”
You mumble something about being right back and Nightowl hums in affirmation. A feeling washes over you. Bone-deep exhaustion crushing your lungs and making you wheeze when you step out of the bleach-scented bathroom. When you’re distance enough away that he won’t hear you - closer to your bedroom door, you breathe in and out, calming yourself down. After you feel more centered, you open your shared room door and take a stool from along the wall, bringing it with you into the bathroom. Nightowl doesn’t turn his head to look at you until you place it. Sharing a glance with each other, he gets up on his own and sits himself on the placed stool dramatically and you give him a weak smile through the mirror he doesn’t bother returning.
You’re quiet as you leave the door open a touch to make sure the steam doesn’t overheat you both. Shrugging off your suit jacket, you fold it and hang it on the towel racks behind you. You unbutton your sleeves and roll them into neat folds on both arms, and before digging into one of your bathroom drawers for plastic gloves. Sliding them onto your manicured fingers, you pick up the bowl of developer from the side of the counter and mix it using the provided brush until it’s all smooth.
Nightowl is unusually silent through the entire thing. If he weren’t fidgeting, you could barely tell he was there. It’s so difficult to see him that way. You try not to blame yourself too much.
“Gonna start,”
A longing passes over you in the warm, sterile air. The coolness from the A.C. in the rest of your apartment dries down the sheen of sweat your accumulated while out socializing. Your feet are killing you and your shoulders are aching and your lungs feel like you can’t get enough air out of them. That’s busy season for you. The price of your job with all of it’s stability and benefits is the annual stretch of months where you are so busy you feel like you are drowning.
It’s one thing to be so mind-numbingly busy when you’re single and only worried about not dying. Another though to have a partner waiting for you, who you love and would like to be with - who you’ve admittedly not done well in paying attention to. You’ve tried you think. Made some attempts, but it doesn’t feel good enough and it certainly isn’t enough for Nightowl. You know that, too. You look down at where your hands are applying the bleach, dazed - using only muscle memory to apply it to the roots and strands of his hair. You want to touch him. To press kisses into his spine, drunk and elated, and press your cheek to his shoulder and confess your undying love until he’s giggly all over again.
The thought of adoration soothes you. Makes you smile to yourself even amongst the unforgiving atmosphere. Nightowl doesn’t care for that, his face growing even more frustrated.
“Thought of something fun? Glad at least one of us is having a good time.”
Your eyes meet his in the mirror. He looks away when he sees how pained you look, and you shut your eyes trying not to react. “Sorry.”
“Stop saying that,” He frowns, though he seems more sad than you.
“S—“ You clear your throat and laugh humorlessly at yourself. “Okay,”
You go about your business. Many things cross your mind but you can’t wrangle your thoughts into anything cohesive enough to say. Your jaw tightens a little, like your mouth wants to practice syllables it can’t remember. The distraction of rubbing bleach into Nightowls roots is welcome. His hair is a lot healthier than it used to be, after a year of forcing him to use hair masks. You admire as you brush through the strands, and Nightowl seems to lost in his own thoughts to say anything in protest. He probably hates this silence more than you. He’s uncharacteristically stiff, and there’s no smalltalk to distract from the surroundings.
You’re not feeling well enough to try and remedy it. Allowing yourself to stonewall and sit in the discomfort is about as much as you can do to reach a hand to your relationship. You probably can’t make it better, but you can do your best not to make it any worse.
“All done,” You mumble, just loud enough for him to hear. You slide the gloves off and toss them into the trash “We should sober up before bed. Hangover before bed sounds awful. Did you,” You hiccup. “Want some?”
He doesn’t reply to you. You press your lips into a flat line, feeling somewhat sorrowful but ultimately resigned. “I’ll make some anyway. And set a timer too while I’m down there. Just, uh - join me. When you’re done here.”
Before you turn to leave, he grabs your wrist. You’re taken aback by the sudden gesture (though there’s not force in it), turning around to look at him. His face is red. Wet tears pool on the corners of his straight, black lashes. Blinking a few times in surprise, you reach your hand to wipe them from the corners. Muscle memory. You find your love for him defined that way. He doesn’t flinch away from the touch, at least.
“Don’t you have something to say to me,” He insists. You frown in genuine confusion, a sad smile pulling at your mouth.
“Thought you told me to stop saying sorry,” You repeat with no malice, smiling a little. “That’s all I’ve got though.”
His lower lip trembles again and you try not to laugh. “God. How could you be so. God.” He sniffles a little. “You could cuss me out. Or like, I dunno, just get mad in general. You’re supposed to be mad, I was,” He cuts himself off.
You laugh a little tiredly, bending down to press your forehead to his. The flush of his skin against your own makes your heart murmur his name. “I don’t have anything to say, my heart.” You assure, smiling. “We’re both pretty tired. But I have tomorrow off. Let’s cool off and talk tomorrow. “Okay?”
“Okay,” He says back, still simmering. “As long as you’re here tomorrow.”
Your heart stings. “For the next two days, promise. I’ll toss my work phone if you want.”
He cracks a smile like that. “Might have to take you up on that, cutie.”
The familiar nickname eases you a bit, making you laugh. “Whatever you want.”
Morning comes unyielding and indifferent, like always.
Sunlight filters through the curtains as your eyes peel open and try to get adjusted to the light. There’s a weight on top of you, and the sound of steady breath. Another heartbeat thumps alongside yours and before you can make much sense of it - you catch the freshly yellow blond roots of your lover as he lays on your chest.
You went to bed last night not even facing each other. The image of him reaching around for you in his sleep and ending up in your arms feels like divine intervention. You admire how perfectly he fits there. Your eyes trace of his features. Thick, straight brows, skin like light gold, a straight nose and full lips. The shock of blonde suits him strangely, makes the dark lines of his other features pop. It’s rare you get to look at him so closely, even more so lately.
The intimacy of his flaws makes your stomach flutter, texture in his skin and eyebags and all. You crane your neck to kiss his hairline and think about returning to sleep in the cocoon of warmth. The cradle of soothes you, makes your eyelids heavy with sleep again. You think it’d be nice to sleep in more, but you don’t want to squander anymore time with Nightowl. Shifting, you pry yourself away from his grasp and tuck him into blankets. You’ll wake him later.
You’re quiet as you tiptoe around the house and get your affairs in order. The bathroom first to shower and brush your teeth, then downstairs to start on breakfast. You take the ritual of it to calm down and ease the leftover nerves of your stomach. It was better to save any conversation for sobriety - so you don’t regret it. Still, you feel a fear lingering. A nagging voice in the back of your head as you flip pancakes and cut fruit and pour juice.
The eerie silence of Saturday morning pushes you to reflect. It’s rare you fight like this. Even more rare that Nightowl reverts to that kind of angriness, which is why you find you can’t get upset. Not even the sound of sizzling and frying can keep your mind from wandering.
Inadequacy is familiar. An old winter jacket, too sizes too small and ill-fitting but full of your own personhood. One of the things you and Nightowl bonded over a long time ago.
You did well in school, in college, made a career for yourself. It’s making up for the rest of you, you think.
At least you’re good at your job, even if the rest of you is not worth mentioning. The ghost of feeling like you are, in some basic and intrinsic way, not good enough likes to shake you every now and again. Not friend, nor partner. It’s not something you easily get rid of, despite how far you’ve grown past it. Or around it. Or ahead of it. Wherever you’ve ended up, occasions come that knock the feeling loose from your deepest memories. You work hard to cover for it.
You like to logic your way out of the guilt when you’ve poured so much into it and people drift. A self-fulfilling prophecy. Usually that works. Tuck your emotions into neat compartments, throw yourself further into your work, don’t drink too heavily or be alone with anyone for too long. Ignore everything, do it by yourself so you’re still worth something, wait until it’s over. Eventually it all comes to pass, and you come out of the other end alive - but alone.
You can’t do that anymore though. It’s hard to remember that. Isolation is no longer the answer, because there is someone (multiple people, really) who will feel lonely without you. Even if it’s unfathomable to you, even if it’s hard to remember. The consequences creep up like this, and your left with the emotional void of making a bad situation worse. Sorry is the only word you know. There are so many things to be sorry for.
You’re so lost in thought you burn a pancake and have to toss it. You also seem to miss the presence of another person in your shared space until Nightowl comes and wraps his arms around your shoulders. Turning the heat down, you shift to face him. He looks exhausted but he must’ve come down after washing up.
“You’re awake.”
“Mhm.” He says, still sleepy. A smile pulls at the corners of your mouth. “So are you. And you’re making me breakfast.”
You laugh. “I am. So, go sit down.” And then, a little more serious. “We have a lot to talk about but I’d rather do it on a full stomach.”
“We’re in an argument and you’re still taking care of me.” Sadness bleeds into his words.
You reply without skipping a beat, going back to the stove to pour some more batter. “Well, its not like I don’t love you anymore.”
There’s a long, long pause of silence that alarms you once you recognize it. Once you hear sniffling, you whip around again to see Nightowl weeping a little as he leans against the counter. Alarms go off in your head, once again turning the stove down. You wrap your arms around his waist loosely, bending down to get a closer look at him. He’s cover his face with his hands.
“Ugh,” His voice is thick and heavy. “Can you not be so nice and perfect and angelic? I’m trying really hard to be mad at you and I’m failing like a loser.”
You can tell there’s some sincerity in his words, though you ignore the first half of his statement. “I don’t want to make you feel bad.”
He pulls away then, looks at you incredulous. “You’re so,” His hands curl at your chest as you hug him slightly. You’re confused but don’t say anything. “God, you’re so frustrating.”
“Sorry,” You say apologetically. “Don’t mean to make you cry either. Feel like I’m going that a lot. We should really eat.”
“Don’t want to,” He whines a little as he says. “Just. I want to kiss and makeup already.”
You smile a little before humming.
“We should talk about it, then.”
Nightowl just nods, and you take that as permission to just go. You do your best to get the words out.
“I really love you,” You say first, and then sigh. Nightowl clings onto you tighter and listens instead of interjecting, which must mean he’s feeling serious. “And uhm, was already feeling bad about myself. And then I got busy which made it worse cause I couldn’t really you know… be there for you, so I ended up pulling away to figure it out alone and then got even busier. Which was isolating for you, and I’m sorry for that. It’s hard to like.. I dunno. Lean on you. On anyone.” You laugh a little. “Is that too vague?”
“It makes sense to me but…what were you feeling bad about, even?”
“Well I was busy before that, so I just felt shitty about being a bad partner to you. In general, don’t feel like I deserve you but then you know,” You sigh “It was shitty of me.”
“Are you kidding me?” He says. His face is twisted in a pout. “You’re seriously being all mopey ‘cause you think you’re a bad partner when you’re like… literally the best ever? Like, that I’ve ever had?”
You’re too surprised to say anything. “Is that not why were arguing?”
“I mean,” His frown deepens, and he presses his face against your chest. “Ugh. So embarrassing. I am upset because you’re so busy and we haven’t spent time together but that’s like… totally not your fault, yknow? I’m being super clingy and I was just… really lonely yesterday.”
“Sorry for making you feel lonely.”
“Stop apologizing or I’m gonna bite you, ‘kay cutie?” He says seriously. You relent with a worrisome smile and encourage him to keep going. “I was getting like… all pathetic. Cause I thought you didn’t want me anymore, didn’t even occur to me something was wrong. I’m so sorry about that, about all of it - god. I shouldn’t have lashed out on you. I hate that it still gets so bad when we've been together so long. I just missed you so fucking much. And I think so highly of you, I couldn’t help but be all torn up about the idea that you were pulling away cause you didn’t want me.”
“I do want you. I’m just surprised you want me sometimes.”
“You’re dumb,” He whispers with no bite at all. “That’s my line. You’re like literally perfect to me.”
“So we got in a fight ‘cause we needed to be with each other,” You say with a long pause, then laugh. “How silly.”
“Guess so,” He says back with a little frown. “Are we okay?”
“We’re okay,”
You share a brief moment of comfortable, understanding silence. It feels easier to breathe. Even though it’s messy and foolish, you love being with him. It makes you feel real and whole - wanted to be missed that much.
“I missed you too by the way,” You reply with utmost sincerity. “Only thing I thought of all night was how much I wanted to hold you.”
“You’re making me blush.” He says with a loopy little smile. “Y’mean that?”
“More than anything.” You reply. “I like being with you. I like taking care of you. I like that you’re needy and jealous and temperamental.”
“Stopppp,” He groans and you laugh aloud, leaning forward to place a kiss on his jaw. “Not that I hate being told what you like about me but it’s making my tummy flutter.”
“I like loving you,” You say with some finality. “I feel really shitty when I feel like I’m failing at it because I take pride in being good at that.”
“Jeez,” His face is bright pink when you pull away. “You shouldn’t think of yourself so little, yanno? Not that this is a surprise but yesterday I was like, totally acting awful to you. I really am sorry I let it get that bad, I was just really worked up. Even right now you make me so happy, it feels a little unfair to me. I want to be with you all the time. So sometimes when I can’t I just get like… awful. And stupid. And want to throw a bunch of dumb tantrums about it.”
You nod in understanding. “It did hurt my feelings but I really didn’t feel like it was undeserved.”
“It was totally undeserved!”
You crack a little smile. “Agree to disagree?”
He grabs your face with both hands, knocking your foreheads together. “It was undeserved, no take backs. I’m sorry I hurt you and always will be. Stop being so nitpicky about yourself, kay? I’m literally crazy about you.”
“Me too,” You crane your neck to kiss his palm where it cradles your face. “I adore you, baby.”
“I like being adored by you,” He says with a sweetness that makes your heart melt. “I like loving you too of course, but attention is… nice. You know.”
He makes a face at you as you say this that you can only describe as a grin, before pushing himself forward to press a long kiss to your lips. You laugh a little into, smile splitting your face at the intensity he kisses you at first thing in the morning. Over and over, pulling and pushing - giggling as you chase his mouth as he pulls away.
“We kissed but I dunno if we’ve made up,” He says. Concern briefly passes over your expression. “Got some really good ideas about how we could do that.”
You give him a flat look but can’t contain your laughter.
“We should really eat breakfast,”
He puts a hand at the top of your waistband with lidded eyes and smiles. “There’s something else I wanna eat first though?”
You pretend to be exasperated.
“Jesus. We just made-up and you wanna fuck already?”
“Duh. That’s like, the best part,”
You snort. “We’ll go once and then I’m making you eat breakfast even if I have to force it down your throat.”
“Ooh, feeling rough I see,”
You snort. “Yeah, guess so.” You shoot him a little look, leaning into whisper and nip at his ears. “On your knees for me, baby.”
He giggles a little, giddy with mischief in his face. “Mmkay,”
He presses a cheek to your clothed thigh, lovesick. “I love you,”
You can’t help but laugh at his choice of when to say it and simply reply back in full adoration. “I love you too, my heart.”
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a/n ; ANOTHER AUTHORS NOTE? sorry for being the ceo of yapping im insane
i just want to like. give some insight on this fight bc im worried it seems onesided. reader has low self esteem and really beats themself over their own expectations in everything. they isolate when they're overwhelmed and work was already doing that to them. and then things got busier, which meant there wasn't really time to repair the relationship between them which is why nightowl gets as mad as he does.
nightowl is deathly afraid of being unloved and abandoned, and he get a little caught up in his self hate that they fail to realize something is going on with their partner. so he lashes it out and it feels warranted but he gets like guilty bc reader doesn't react to the goading any differently
i think nightowl is a very complicated but incredibly familiar character. he's a little selfish but i find him incredibly endearing and i have a strong desire to dote on him and monopolize him. which was the intent for this fic. but i ended up just exploring real life relationship dynamics between a character like this. very selfless x selfish. they love each other and find fulfillment in this. i love them.
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bloatedandalone04 · 7 months
‘Til Morning Comes
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➪the one where luke is late for work after spending the night in the sheets with you, but quickly discovers that his attendance is the least of his worries.
Warnings: age gap - luke is 30, you are 24, swearing, spoilers for vanishing on 7th street, mentions of smut
Word Count: 2k
Do not repost this anywhere, reblogs are fine ♡ | Happy Valentines Day, loves x
Luke didn’t usually need to set an alarm for himself to be able to make it to work on time, but you had kept him up for most of the previous night. 
It was your two year anniversary, after all. 
The sun seeped through the tall windows since he had failed to close the curtains before fucking you into the mattress for hours on end. You and he lived on the twenty third floor, so there was no need to be worried about someone peeking into your room. Unless they had a telescope, no one would be able to see the way you two got each other off all night long.
You were younger than him by six years, but had pretty much the same sex drive as him, leaving him to wonder why he had wasted three years of his life with Anna when he could’ve been with you the whole time. 
After he got divorced, he had shamelessly moved onto you a mere few months after being labeled a single man, and he wouldn’t change a single thing. Even if you did make him late for work sometimes. 
He threw the covers off of him before sitting up and glancing over at you, seeing that you were still sound asleep. He quietly made his way to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, noticing that the lights seem to have been turned off as the apartment remained dark with the exception of the sun shining through the windows. He looked at the ‘I LOVE U’ you had written on the mirror yesterday before he got home from work, a dumb grin on his lips at the display of affection.
Luke quickly got dressed before walking around to your side of the bed and kneeling down. He trailed his knuckles along your cheek as he leaned in and blew out the candles you lit last night, the soft caress not being enough to wake you up. “Baby,” he called out, smiling when he saw you slowly open your eyes and grin shyly up at him. 
“Hey,” you whispered as you stretched a bit and squinted at the brightness that came from the windows behind him.
“Hi,” he said back. “I’m going to work now.”
You smile again and push yourself up on your elbow to press a deep kiss to his mouth. “Okay,” you murmur, biting your lip once you pull away. Luke groaned at that, making you laugh softly as you arch your back. The shirt you wore, one that was his, lifted and exposed your stomach to him, and if he looked further down he would be able to see the love bites he had left on your inner thighs the night prior. “Have a good day, babe.”
Luke leaned in and gave you another noisy kiss before he stood up. “You too,” he said as he looked over at the windows. “Want me to close the curtains?”
You tug your pillow closer to you as you shake your head. “No, it’s alright,” you answer and pull the sheet up again. “I love you.”
He grabbed his phone and wallet from off his nightstand before smiling down at you. “I love you, too,” he said back. “I’ll see you later.”
Later came sooner than either of you expected as when he entered the lobby and saw that any trace of life had been wiped away, he checked outside before promptly making his way back up to you. 
You had just fallen back asleep when he entered the room again and gently shook you awake. “What?” You ask tiredly, blinking up at him as he sat down next to you. “Your segments done already? I thought you just left.”
“I did,” he said, making you give him a confused look. “Something’s wrong.”
That had you sitting up, a bit more alert now. “What?” You ask as you crawl over to him and brace your hands on his shoulders. “What’s wrong?” 
He shook his head, his face sporting a conflicted look as he kept eye contact with you. “I don’t know,” he rasped, taking your hands in his. “Something happened, I don’t know what. None of the lights are working, everything in the kitchen is turned off and I haven’t seen a single person today other than you….it’s just…I don’t know how to explain it.”
That had you getting out of bed quickly and throwing on a pair of black leggings before you were following Luke down the stairwell. You were a bit out of breath by the time you reached the ground floor, and when he led you outside, your eyes widened in disbelief. 
Cars were abandoned along the streets, and there was no sign of life on the sidewalks, with the exception of random articles of clothing scattered around. You blindly reached for his hand as you began to understand why he was having such a hard time trying to explain what was happening to you. “I don’t get it,” you whisper, looking over at him as if you were trying to make sure that he was really there. “Luke, what’s going on?” 
He wore an unreadable expression as his hand tightened around yours. “I don’t know,” he answered honestly. He looked just as unnerved as you did, and it was quite the sight to see. Luke was a calm, cool and collected guy most of the time. To see him be so on edge had your whole body on high alert.
“What…” you trial off as your eyes burn with tears. “What are we going to do? Luke, where is everyone? What’s happening? What are we supposed to do-”
He quickly wraps his arms around you and pulls you against his chest. “It’s okay,” he caresses the back of your head and holds your body against his, trying to provide you with a least a little bit of comfort right now, even though he was terrified and had no answers to your questions. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not, I- Luke,” you cry and bury your face against his chest. 
Luke shakes his head and softly hushes you, hoping that you couldn’t hear or feel the way his heart was beating wildly right now. “It’s okay, baby, we’re okay,” he promised, kissing the top of your head as he looked over and saw jeans and a shirt that would fit a child no older than five. The harsh and scary reality quickly sets in and he holds you a bit tighter. “We’re gonna be fine, baby, I promise. We just need to stay together.”
You nod and bunch up his shirt in your fist as he guides you back into the apartment building to grab the bare necessities. After being chased by literal shadows, Luke figured out that the darkness is what causes people to disappear, and that as long as you had a light source on you, you’d be fine. 
Three days had passed and you hadn’t run into anyone. You were still so on edge while Luke remained the calmer one as he tried to grasp what he was supposed to do to protect you against something he still didn’t fully understand. 
His fingers were loosely tangled with yours as he guided you through the empty street, the pair of you trying to start any of the many abandoned cars. Any and all power had been shut off with the exception of a bar, and Luke quickly pulled you with him after finding a still working truck. 
You were running on a couple hours of sleep at this point, and your exhaustion definitely didn’t help you tune out the taunting shadows that followed you everywhere you went. 
Having Luke with you helped. You got to see a whole new side to him, one where he was on edge constantly and put your safety over his own. He was so protective over you, it probably would’ve turned you on if you weren’t so scared all the time. 
An hour or so passes since you entered the bar, and your duo became a group of five people, with one of them being a literal child. Rosemary was going to go help the man that was yelling from somewhere down the dark street, but Luke, the gentleman he usually never is, pushed you all back inside and went after the guy himself.
You tried to talk him out of it, tried to get him to stay with you, but he just kissed you quickly then took off. He brought the man back with him, and you saw that he was severely concussed while Luke was grunting in pain.
Rosemary tended to the new guy, Paul, while you wrapped Luke’s ankle in a scrap piece of fabric you found. “I need something to hold it in place,” you mumble, putting a small amount of pressure onto his ankle. 
“It’s fine, baby,” he grunted, straightening up as his ankle pulsed. “It’ll be fine.”
You went to protest when James walked over with a roll of duct tape. “Will this help?” He asked, looking between you and Luke.
“Perfect,” you say and take it from him with a grateful smile. “It’ll work perfectly.”
You tape the fabric while Luke gives James a quick nod as a way of saying thanks. James quickly walks away and helps Rosemary with Paul, and you pull down the leg of Luke’s jeans once you have the fabric in place. 
You avoid his eyes as you stare at the floor from your knelt position in front of him. Tears burned your waterline as the fear began to creep back into you, and Luke noticed it instantly. “Hey,” he called out to you, but you just shake your head and move away from him. “Hey, c’mere.”
He reaches out to you and takes your hand in his, pulling you up and tugging you towards him. He gently guides you to sit next to him on the bench, his arm wrapping around your shoulders once you are settled next to him. 
“Talk to me, baby,” he softly demanded, making you squeeze your eyes shut as you bunch up his jacket in your hand. “What’s wrong?” 
You look up at him through teary eyes and shrug, “I’m so scared, Luke,” you confess. “What’s going to happen to us? Are we just going to spend the rest of our lives hiding from the shadows? Will the days become shorter than they already are?”
Tired eyes met your own and Luke sighs as he kisses the top of your head. “I don’t know what’s going to happen,” he said, using his free hand to brush your messy hair away from your forehead. “I wish I did, but I just don’t. I can promise you that as long as I’m here, you’ll be okay. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
“But what if something happens to you? I can’t do this without you, Luke,” you cry, burying your face against the side of his neck. “I can’t.”
“Hey,” he says again, cradling the back of your head and holding you against him as if you were the most fragile thing he’s ever touched. “Don’t think like that, okay? You’re just scaring yourself even more.”
“I can’t help it,” you mumble. “I want to be strong for you, Luke, but I don’t know if I can.”
Luke shakes his head and pulls you closer. “You are strong, baby,” he promised. “But you don’t need to be for me. You and I are going to be fine, I’ll make sure of it.”
You pull away from him and meet his eyes as you try to even out your breaths. You glance over at the other three with a weary expression. “But-”
“Nothing else matters,” he rasped. “It’s just you and me. It’s just us. You’re the most important person to me, and you always have been. You’re going to be okay, I promise.” 
You bite down on your lip to stop it from quivering as you nod. “Just us,” 
“Just us,” Luke confirmed, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips before allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder again. 
Truthfully, he was terrified and he had no fucking clue what to do or where to go next, but he did know that he would do whatever it takes to make sure that you’re safe, no matter the cost.
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h0neylevi · 2 months
apparently all i can do lately is repost my old work. here's another one from a while back that I liked
tw: smoking, drinking, alcohol, university AU, gn!reader
Looking around the cramped living room of Erwin’s three bedroom apartment, you had to hand it to Hange for putting together such a successful party. 
A sea of people occupied every possible inch of the tiny, well-kept living room. In one of each person’s hands were cups—red ones for people who were taken and green ones for people who were single—and the other was cuffed to the hand of someone else attending the party.
The point, Hange had quickly explained, was to get people out of their comfort zones. Meet new people that they might otherwise not approach. Hange had at least been sensible enough to link the people with green cups together. Looking around the crowd, it looked like most of the people with red cups were tethered to their significant others. 
You wonder for a moment if Hange had put any thought into who was cuffed to who, if they thought them compatible in some way or if it was randomized. Most people seemed to be getting along just fine either way. Only your partner for the night just happened to be the most unapproachable person on Sina University’s campus.
It was your own fault for thinking that you could tell Hange anything in confidence, much less that you had been admiring Levi Ackerman from afar for the last two semesters. He was a friend of theirs, you knew, but up until now he never showed up to any of the small parties that Hange loved to throw so often.
You don’t know why he’s here now. And when the cool metal clamped down on both of your wrists and he’d glared at you like an angry bull seeing red, you’d been too afraid to ask.
“This is stupid.” Half-heartedly, he had tugged on the cuffs as if to test their durability. “You didn’t tell me you’d be pulling this shit when I agreed to stop by, Hange.”
Your friend had just shrugged off his ire. “Yeah, well you would have backed out if I told you.”
Now you’re sitting on the cramped sofa, surrounded by a few different faces, some familiar and some not. Levi is sitting on your left, looking bored between taking sips in the green cup that Hange had forced into his open hand.
Thankfully someone that you do know, Erwin Smith, sits immediately to your right. He greeted you immediately when you first sat down, giving you a small wave with the hand clutching a red cup. His girlfriend, Marie, had offered you a smile from her place next to him.
Hange and Moblit are also sitting together in the immediate circle around the seating area, but everyone else seems to be new to the university. They each rattle off their names and majors over the beat of the music, prompting everyone else to do the same.
Despite never having talked to Levi in the four classes you’ve taken together, you’ve observed enough to know that he generally hates introductions. He clearly isn’t having a good time, with you or with the party as a whole.
So to offer him an easy solution, you lean over enough to speak over the music.
“Hange told me that the penalty for breaking the link is to take a shot.” You emphasize your words by lifting your cuffed hand. He turns to you, looking surprised but doesn’t say anything. “If you want to—“
But he’s already rising to his feet. “Come on.”
You can’t help how much it stings, how easily he’s willing to give up without making an attempt to get to know you. But that was part of the reason you’d never introduced yourself to him in the last several months. He always put off a mood that said he’d rather not be bothered.
He leads you through the crowd, but when you realize that he isn’t headed for the kitchen where all of the alcohol is kept, you pull back. He stops and turns, eyebrows raised in question.
“What are you doing?” you ask.
He gives you a bored look. “I want to go outside.”
Indeed, you look to find that he is walking in the direction of the small balcony.
“It’s cold,” you borderline whine next to him, which oddly makes the corner of his lips lift into a smile.
With one brow quirked, he challenges you. “Take a shot then.”
If he isn’t willing to, then you’re not about to give in either. You straighten your shoulders. “No.”
He gives the cuffs a sharp tug and you have no choice but to follow along. “I guess you’re coming with me then.”
He leads you through the rest of the crowd until you get to the balcony doors. It’s a small space overlooking the twinkling downtown city skyline. The chilly December air immediately rips away any lingering warmth left in your body as he walks you to the railing. Levi places his cup on the edge and pulls out a packet of cigarettes and a lighter with his free hand.
A couple you don’t recognize take up the single set of seating, audibly making out in the corner. They don’t seem to notice the sound of Levi flicking his lighter, or they don’t care. He lights his cigarette, unperturbed. You give an awkward cough.
“You know, the entire point of this party is to get to know others,” you quip. “Instead of hiding out for a smoke on the balcony.”
He keeps his gaze toward the city lights. “I prefer to smoke.”
You almost wish you had taken him up on the offer of a shot. However stubborn you might be, he hasn’t shown any desire to speak to you. The question of why he hasn’t decided to be rid of you already sits on the tip of your tongue. But if he was making the choice to play along, you would at least take the opportunity to get to know him.
In an attempt to appear nonchalant you ask, “So, what’s your name?”
Levi looks to you as you speak. “You mean we’ve taken three classes together and you don’t know my name by now?”
“Are you saying you know mine?”
He looks at you thoughtfully for a long moment, then takes a drag on his cigarette. When he breathes out, a murmur of your name floats from his lips alongside the smoke. To your surprise, he tacks on your last name and your major as well.
When he looks away to flick the ash from his cigarette, you swear he’s smiling. But it disappears in the low light before he looks at you again. “Those first day introductions in class were good for something.”
Taken by surprise, you can only stare for a moment. The idea that he knew your name this whole time despite never crossing paths makes your stomach flutter like it’s been taken over by a swarm of butterflies.
He waits for your response patiently but when it doesn’t come, his tone sounds a little subdued when he adds, “My name is Levi. We have the same major and I hate parties.”
At a loss for anything else to say, you glance to the cigarette perched between his fingers. “Didn’t know you smoked.”
“How would you know?”
“Okay, so I do actually know your name,” you confess. “And it’s four classes if you count Professor Treadwell’s class this semester. I just thought you’d think it was weird for me to know who you were already without being introduced first.”
“Oh, it’s definitely weird.”
He levels you with another gaze over the glowing end of his cigarette, but where the enraged bull in his expression was half an hour ago now sits something more unassertive and relaxed. This must be what Levi looks like when he’s being playful.
Your face flushes, feeling unpleasantly warm against the chilly air. “Okay, now you’re just fucking with me.”
You both allow a silence to settle in then. It’s more comfortable than what you would have expected at the beginning of the party. Levi continues to quietly smoke, always considering the direction of the wind before blowing out so it doesn’t drift into your face.
You lean against the railing and stare down into your green cup for a moment, now empty. He seems more amenable in conversation now that he’s not surrounded by a crowd, so you ask the question you’d wondered about when he first arrived.
“So, why are you here if you hate parties?”
“You know Hange,” he shrugs. He stubs out the last of his cigarette and drops it into the single sip of whatever alcohol is left in the bottom of his cup. “I’m sure you also know their powers of coercion.”
You grin, knowing exactly what he means. “What did they bribe you with?”
There’s a pause where he turns to take a look around the balcony. It’s empty now, the couple that had occupied the seats before disappeared at some point without either of you noticing.
“They promised to not get a gift for my birthday if I came.”
“When is your birthday?”
“The 25th.”
“Of this month?" you ask. “They probably already have a gift for you.”
“I think you severely overestimate Hange’s ability to plan ahead.”
You laugh in agreement. With school, they could be aggravatingly detail-oriented, but anything else in life was another matter entirely.
A sharp breeze cuts through the air and you stiffen, casting a glance to the sliding door that leads to the warm apartment inside. Levi follows your line of sight.
“Do you have a partner yet?”
Your head whips around at his question, immediately feeling those butterflies again. “Huh?”
Levi blinks, brows raised. “For Treadwell’s class? The research project?”
“Oh,” you say, feeling silly for not immediately understanding. “No, not yet. You?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know anyone in the class except for you,” he admits. Emotions flicker over his features in tandem, but you can’t accurately guess what’s going through his head before he asks, “Would you like to work on it together?”
“Really?” The question comes out like you don’t believe he’s being sincere, but you quickly remedy it with a nod. In class, he’s always come off as someone diligent in his work. At least you wouldn’t be stuck with someone who slacked off and left the responsibility up to you.
Before you can think better of it, you gesture for him to hold your empty cup and pull out your phone. “Uh, here. I’ll take down your number and we can plan to meet up.”
He recites his number and you quickly add him into your contacts, taking a moment to send him a text with your name. From somewhere in his pocket, you hear his phone ding.
“There,” you grin. “We can set something up on Monday if you want.”
Surprisingly, Levi reciprocates your expression. With your cups now stacked together in his free hand, he gestures to the door. “Monday’s fine. I should get going anyway.”
You lead the way back inside, not feeling comfortable enough yet to question why he’s leaving so early. Knowing him, he’s probably just over being surrounded by so many people.
A wave of warmth shivers down your spine when Levi closes the door behind him. In the case of someone leaving, you think the best option would be to find Hange for the key to the cuffs, so you take a moment to look around the room.
You turn around. “Hange probably has the key, so—“
The cuff around your hand suddenly feels heavier, and you look down to see that Levi has already opened his side and it’s now swaying from your wrist.
“These cheap ones are easy to break out of,” he explains, punctuating his point by reaching to release your own. His fingers just barely brush your skin before it unlatches with almost no effort. He holds them up for you to take. “I’ll see you on Monday.”
Before you can think of something to say, he’s already making his way through the crowd toward the front door. Something compels you to follow, even if it’s just to get another drink from the kitchen nearby, but he’s slipped on his coat and closed the door behind him before you get a glimpse of him again.
“There you are!” Hange’s voice rings through the doorway from the kitchen and you turn, finding both Hange and Moblit standing together in front of the stove. “Wait, what happened? Where did Levi go?”
“He left,” you say, crossing into the room and placing the cuffs onto the counter. There’s already a growing pile of them and you wonder how many had left over taking the penalty shot. “He said you bribed him into coming by promising to not get him a birthday present, so I’m assuming he hit his social limit for the night.”
Hange laughs, throwing their head back with the force of it. “He didn’t tell you the full story then. Tonight was his birthday present.”
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elcpsstuff · 6 months
we can’t be friends // Conrad Fisher
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synopsis: you and conrad broke up.. and when you see him again you know you can’t just be friends.
warnings: swearing, slight kissing
a/n: WE CANT BE FRIENDSSSS my fav song
You didn’t want to see him again.
The last time you saw Conrad Fisher, he had walked out your house like the asshole he was, while tears slid down your face. Conrad was a lot of things— complicated, messy, and aggravating— but he was also sweet.
But alas, here you were standing outside of the summer house while Belly and Jeremiah went inside to talk to Conrad. Quite frankly, you didn’t want to be here, but this was Susannah’s house. You weren’t going to let Conrad or Jeremiah deal with this alone.
When you walked into the house, memories flooded through your head in an instant. Conrad, Susannah— every single summer you and the others had spent here— it was all too much. Still, you walked forward.
Conrad’s voice was the first you heard. Then Belly’s, and then Jeremiah’s. You caught his gaze first.
He looked a little different, more sad. You wondered if he thought you looked different as well— good different? You also knew you shouldn’t be thinking that, but you couldn’t help it.
“What,” Conrad said, “is she doing here?” his voice was menacing, deadly. A small part of you had believed it would be different.
“Connie,” Jeremiah warned.
“She’s here because she cares.” Belly shook her head. “And you can deny that all you want Conrad, but we’re here to help you.”
Conrad’s eyes wandered around the room until he met mine, and then, he spoke, “Fine. Fuck it. But i’m not doing this right now.”
At least he’s okay with it?
But looking at him again, seeing him like this, all you wanted to do was console him.
You couldn’t just be his friend. You knew that.
The pool was always a favorite spot of yours at night. Usually, you would swim until your arms were sore and then you would retire for the night. A tradition you and Belly had shared.
But now, your legs dangled in pool while you smoked a joint. Conrad had slightly influenced you to do so last summer before you started dating, and while he may not smoke anymore, you hadn’t dropped that habit as easily as he had.
Conrad opened the door, but he stopped when he saw you. At first, he stared, as if you couldn’t have been real, but then he tore his gaze from yours.
Those pretty eyes.
“Smoking?” Conrad snorted. “That’s funny.”
You blew out a puff. “I had an asshole for a teacher.” The smirk you gave Conrad was patronizing, and his face was absolutely priceless.
“Why are you here, yn?” Conrad tone shifted to something much angrier, more serious.
“For the same reason Belly and Jeremiah are,” You said. “If you can’t handle your ex being here, maybe you need to grow up.”
“Cut the bullshit, yn.” Conrad walked closer to you. “You didn’t have to come. You—”
“Fuck you, Conrad.” You stood up, now more angered than ever. “You ruined us. Don’t act like I was the one who broke up with you. At my prom? Really?” You remember the way he broke your heart, and the way steven, your brother Tate, and Belly had consoled you.
Love is embarrassing as hell.
Conrad sighed. Such pretty features for a tortured boy. “Don’t be like that, yn.” He ran a hand through his ragged hair. “What do you want me to say? That we can be friends?”
That was laughable, because out of all the things Conrad Beck Fisher could have said, he chose to say that. You had a truth, but you decided to sit in silence.
“We can’t be friends, ever.” And you said it in a way that made sure he wouldn’t forget that. “Friends aren’t in love with each other.”
Conrad stared at you, looking like he was contemplating something. And then, he grabbed your face and smashed his lips against yours.
The kiss was desperate, feverish, and you wanted it to last forever. You ran a hand through his hair and he let out a groan. You missed that.
When he pulled away, he only said one thing.
“I’m glad, because I can’t be your friend either.”
a/n: GUTS TOUR ON WEDNESDAY!!! hope u enjoyed this little thing i miss tsitp sm
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