#at some point i cant get any stronger
rivilu · 8 months
Nurse come in, the fey nerd is getting emotional over the implications of the 'speak no falsehoods' rule again
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anothertimdrakestan · 11 months
Batboys Toxic Traits Headcanons
because no one is perfect, i wanted to get a little dirty with it and imagine what the boys are like when they're a little... too obsessed with you.
tw for romanticizing possessive, obsessive, jealous, aggressive actions haha xoxo
Jason Todd
- scary dog privileges wherever you go with jace, but he is ALL bite with one and only one warning bark.
- when a hand that isn't his brushes your thigh in a club, fingers get broken. when a cat caller thinks his compliment just has to be said to you, he most likely won't be able to speak again for weeks. And god forbid any villain try to use you as bait for jason, they've all learned if they value their life to never touch you. He's all for justice not vengeance until anyone tries to mess with you, then those words always get mixed up in his head.
- sometimes you cant even complain about people, they end up getting randomly harassed by a certain someone until they just move town
- jason is adamant as long as he's alive there won't be a problem of yours he can't solve with a little violence
- your biggest problem is that he struggles to let you have guy friends, obviously the ones he knows especially fellow heroes are more than fine, but he's been known to burst blood vessels when he sees you close and person with men he's never met
- he's proud of it too: "let another man try and touch y/n, it's been a slow night for me." or "i just don't get why you need him as a friend when you have me, myself, and i"
Tim Drake
- tim gets... obsessive.
- he tends to fall hard but with you he brought the house down with him
- before you were officially his he had hacked every security camera in the city to have eyes on you at any given moment
- both for your safety and his own maniacal flirting strategy: you admire shoes but frown at the price tag? tim's buying you the matching bag to go with the shoes he bought the second you looked at them.
- before you knew how insanely in love with you he was, you truly thought he was a mind reader
- well he kind of was, seeing as he scrolled through your search history every night to know which talking points to bring up with you
- once you finally fell for him and set some stronger boundaries he still occasionally found himself double checking your location when you weren't by his side, or lazily purchasing every item on your pinterest boards, he just can't help but dote on you
Damian Wayne
- damian doesn't really get close to people, but as always you were his exception
- however, this means his list of people to hang out with is extremely short, and he saw no problem in wanting to be around you wherever you went whenever he could
- like a kind of tall, dark, and brooding puppy, he quietly followed you everywhere, and when you strictly told him he couldn't follow along, you always noticed a perched shadow just a few building away
- eventually you got used to rolling over to damian coolly watching you sleep or patiently waiting to pick you up from your classes/job, happy just to walk you to your car
- just like jason, damian had a brutal and heartless style of problem-solving when it came to anyone giving you trouble
- too often you found yourself standing in between his rage a massive mistake whether it was nearly assaulting a friend of yours who tried to ask you out or threatening to buy out your entire workplace when you didn't get the promotion you wanted
- forever cooling his rage was worth having his adoration though, and you were happy to have your overbearing shadow follow you throughout your days
Dick Grayson
- for such a bubbly leader, dick often struggled with communication
- always used to bearing his problems alone youd spent too many nights tracking down your own boyfriend only to beg him to tell you what's wrong
- he never understood that you didn't always want to solve his problems, but hold his sadness or hurt with him
- it was the worst when he was upset with you, whether it was jealously or insecurity that crept into his mind
- he'd take off in a rush hoping you wouldn't notice but you always did, either hunting him down or simply waiting with open arms for him to come home
- it would take years to teach your traveling-circus-raised boyfriend that you weren't going anywhere, ever.
- but, this made for many heartfelt nights where he held you and promised you the world, as if you'd opened him up in a way no one else could, pulling forward the most magical and loving side of your sweet boy
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tasteracha · 28 days
a/n: @astraystayyh i know you asked for some comforting fluff but your request really just screamed out cockwarming to me and i . i just . . had to . (warnings: cockwarming, gn!reader, slight d/s dynamic)
you cant help the slow circle your hips make against hyunjin’s, nor the breathless whine you let out into his neck. you can feel a bead of sweat trailing down your temple and you shiver against his body, freezing when you notice the lack of movement from his arm and the sound of his pencil gliding against paper gone. 
“behave,” he murmurs, moving his free hand to your hip to keep you still. you let out an embarrassing noise, a smirk he can’t see painted on your lips when you feel his cock twitch inside of you. 
“hyune,” you whine, feeling the edges of your patience wearing thinner and thinner with each passing minute. you had begged him for his dick to distract you from the awful day you had, but at this point all you can think of is how much you want to fuck him. he had sat you down on his lap, telling you warm him and that he would fuck you once he was done with his drawings. “you promised.”
“shh, angel,” he says, calmer than he had any right to when he was buried inside of you for who knows how long. “i know. just a few more minutes.”
“that’s what you said, um…” you trail off when he shifts his hips a little, bumping his cock into that spot inside you that dissolves words off of your tongue faster than anything else. its enough to keep you mindlessly drooling into his shirt for a few more moments before he finally takes pity on you, shifting you off of his lap and leaving you empty and dripping. he guides you to bed, shushing your babbling with his lips as he enters you properly, his drawings abandoned on his desk in favor of taking care of you. 
“my patient angel, you were so good for me,” he praises into your mouth, fucking you slow and deep, just the way he knew you liked it. he was surrounding you completely, the fuzziness in your head only getting stronger as he took up every single one of your senses. all you could see, touch, hear, smell was him. 
you had been riding along the edge of an orgasm for too long now, and he coaxes it out of you with a come for me like you were a small creature he was trying to gain the favor of. he holds you down as you shake under him, and you barely register him coming from how floaty you feel. 
you come back to yourself several moments later to him curling around your back, pulling the blankets up over both of you. he presses a kiss to your sweaty hair and you mumble something unintelligible in response, wriggling back so you were tucked further into him. 
“feeling better, angel?” he asks, and you hum at him. you don’t remember why you were feeling badly in the first place, you can only think of how good he felt inside of you and how much he loves you, the last thoughts you had before you drifted off to sleep. 
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danibeanie · 5 months
your gonna remember me
Astrology observations (synastry)
the wounded healer chiron😋
-people you have chiron synastry are usually people that your never gonna forget. Wether it be a good or bad ending there is always gonna be a hidden feeling of what ifs between the 2.
Moon conjunct Chiron synastry = hidden feelings of confession we both feel something for each other but it just can’t happen. (1st BOY I REALLY liked and I just knew he liked me 2 but he was leaving for college out of state and we both knew it wasn’t gonna happen)
Mercury conjunct Chiron synastry=hurt through the topic of communication.usually didn’t care to communicate. (2nd boy that hurt me with not caring to fix things on how they went down.. all he had to do is apologize.)
Where your Chiron is also depends on how this synastry play out- for me this synastry occurs in my 9th house which rules travel and school… how this occurred for me was one person is always leaving wether it be graduating school and going their separate ways or getting a scholarship and leaving the state meaning I CANT SEE THEM😍
Saturn synastry oh boy.
-a man usually has his saturn conjuncting my planets and while it is good for long term it’s also hard if you don’t have any saturn aspects in your chart or saturn energy in general. Your gonna feel a bit trapped and they’ll probably remind you of your parents somehow lmao.
There’s always a age difference in this synastry wether it be 2 years ,4, or even 1 the Saturn person will want to commit to you and will feel the need to stick by you. Way stronger if they have Capricorn or Aquarius placements.
These people are usually karmic (Saturn ruling karma) and these people just come into your life outta nowhere 😭 mostly needed.
natal venus retrograde rant :/
-It’s so hard having this in your chart because every person you’ve ever had a bond with or romantic partnership will always affect you WAY MORE than it should. we take relationships to the extreme and it’s so easy to get disappointed from people that don’t reciprocate how much we give and give. I’ve learned that the hard way and so many call us guarded and bit cold but just know it’s cause of past hurt. LITERALLY PAST HURT 😭.
NN synastry
-NOW THIS ONE… I had my Venus conjunct a guys north node and it felt so free and easy going yet terrifying and a bit uncomfortable. The north node is what we’re trying to learn in this life and people that put planets in it usually give a lesson to learn built off of the planet. in this case I had a relationship (Venus)with NN and it didn’t last long, we both got hurt in the end but I know that this was meant to happen AS A LESSON. I felt like the best version of myself and you can just be yourself. The nn perosn had a HUGE crush on me and u can feel the pure admiration from the nn🥲
I’ve been in both sides b4 and I have a man’s Venus conjunct my nn rn and I just wanna give and give to him. His Venus falls into my 12th house where this conjunction occurs but it’s also unconditional support and It’s a bond-like no other.
The planet person and any axis points that conjunction another north node will always help you in your path. Neither will forget but the nn person will always be thankful for the planet person for pushing them to where they are now.
In conjunction synastry😀
-you know that saying opposites attract well yeah this is literally OPPOSITES ATTRACT. When you date someone you have inconjunction with *cough *cough (gemini and capricorn) it can give u a doozy. I can literally write essays about this dynamic but I’ll keep it short and sweet. If you ever get into a relationship with someone that has Inconjunction with most of your planets and add this with 4th house and 8th house synastry…. Its something both of you will learn from. You’ll think back at this relationship and be like wow I dated him?!?😭
some background info I was a senior in highschool and even though I knew people I wasn’t super popular like at all lmao. this guy that was known to be a huge player and just super attractive had a huge crush on me since forever. We ended up dating and that was my 1st ever thing with anyone and let’s just say I got hurt obviously but I left. So many people questioned this relationship “she’s so nice” and “he’s so cocky” well yeah. It’s just 2 different people that are attracted to each other but just think too differently to make it work.
What makes this so strong is that we both really don’t know how this person acts. It’s like with opposition even though their opposites there’s similar traits. Inconjunction just screams going into a job you’ve never worked at and just learning everything on the spot.😭
8th house synastry
If a man’s planets fall into your 8th house just know that they want u so bad. LMAO JK no but actually they want to know everything about you and the attraction is off the charts with this one. - the boy from earlier had his sun in my 8th house and the tension between us was something I never felt b4. I felt uncomfortable and rushed. He was shining light on this relationship he wanted with me and I felt like he could see right thru me. (I have Pluto in the 8th house so I felt like my boundaries where even higher.) if you’ve never interacted with your 8th house sign your either gonna make the worst enemies of them or the bestest friends. 8th house also rules 1st when it comes to anything sexual. He was my 1st kiss
I have so much more to say but I’ll save it for another post and thank you guys for the likes on my last post!😙💘
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I love jack so so much he's perfect but tbh I do think it would've worked much more with the show if he was a destiel baby instead of lucifer's. and I'm not just saying that as a shipper or whatever I mean narratively it would've been a lot cleaner- and actually, I think it would've been super funny to no-homo them creating a baby together, like, literally all they would have to do is say "oh, when cas rebuilt dean after hell he accidentally left some grace tangled in his soul, and every time he's healed him since then it's been growing stronger until a nephilim was born". like yes the studio is homophibic etc etc but all the jokes they'd make about dean being spiritually pregnant would be very funny for me personally.
but ANYWAY, jack's story gets messy and convoluted and I think this would've been like...a simple fix. them worrying about him going dark side could be because they're worried how demon!dean and lucifer!cas affected him in development, the show LOVES bloodline drama, chuck's wanting abraham and issac 2.0 would've worked better this way, dean's storyline with him would be improved, bc rather than 'oh no I slowly but surely emotionally adopted the antichrist' like I think he would've had an easier time clocking his john-behavoir if it wasn't a question whether he was jack's dad or not. plus last time dean actively raised a kid he went to great lengths to keep the supernatural away from him, so it'd be interesting to see how he handles a kid he CANT possibly hide from this part of his life. it would make more sense why michael wanted jack as a vessel- yes obviously he wanted the nephilim power boost but also having him as part of the winchester bloodline, making him a PERFECT vessel he doesn't have to worry about burning up would add a lot. we could also use this argument for why lucifer is so interested in him if anyone actually liked that plotline in season 14 lmao. we know chuck hated cas and dean's relationship, could you imagine if he checked in and found out they made an unauthorized baby together💀 like that really would've given better context for why he hates jack so much. cas wouldn't need that whole weird brainwashing arc to wanna protect unborn jack, PLUS it could've been an interesting source of angst for him- he feels like he's failed once again, creating an abomination and putting dean in danger, but also still loves jack immensely. it'd be so good! also imagine how fucking stressed out heaven would be to find out a mini castiel is on the way. they wouldn't even wanna exploit that kid for power they'd be preemptively treating the headaches they know they're gonna get lmfao.
also. the casting directors literally put jensen and misha into a face morph app and cast the first actor they could find that matched the results. which would've made more sense if,,,,he was just Theirs. the comedy of dean and cas making a baby before either of them managed to admit their feelings to each other would be more fun then the "dude adopted a kid and pawns him off on his unwilling roommate's all the time and they eventually warm up to the kid" storyline we actually got. we also could've replaced some of the jack-dean angst from the show with "dean wants to connect more with jack but he feels shut out whenever cas is around bc he can't relate to any angel stuff so obviously jack's going to cas for help more!", which I think would be interesting!! how AWFUL dean and cas would feel that jack didn't feel safe enough to be a baby. dad!sam is still in full swing but he cares for jack right off the bat instead of trying to use him for his powers at first. lily sunder talking about how cas killed her kid bc he thought it was a nephilim and dean, who's already fully aware he's (spiritually) knocked up by cas is like 👹 inch resting cas-tee-elle tell me more. mary having a 'my baby has a baby' crisis. cas insisting jack looks nothing like him is a running joke but then at some point he explains its bc jack's 'true form' looks just like dean's soul....
ALSO- in a show where, canonically, the very first act of free will was cas falling in love with dean...the physical manifestation of that defeating chuck and taking his place as god? come ON.
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legend-the-dumb-jock · 3 months
Fuck I'm tired of being a smart twink that can only put on a slight layer of muscle.
I've got brains to spare, would you take them as trade for my dream body?
I want you to turn my IQ into a body covered in thick muscle, a chubby gut that never stops pumping out raunchy gas, a ruler busting horse cock, and massive balls that produce so much cum they need to be milked several times a day. Take as much as you want, I don't care if it leaves me a horny stinking beast. I don't want to care about anything except eating, lifting, farting, and dropping load after load after load in any man who can take my meat.
You really want yourself cursed to the full extreme don’t you ? We will definitely use all those wasted points on making you the gas machine you want to be. the first change you are going to notice is uncontrollable that seems to keep coming out of you. you cant stop it no matter how hard you try and even when you manage to squeeze your cheeks together to hold one in it makes your stomach have shooting pains that go through it. you stomach begin to balloon out slowly while being rapidly covered in hairy along with the rest of your chest and your arms being to thicket with muscle but become covered in a layer of fat. you legs begin to get covered in a dense forest of hairy while the same happens on you back. a long beard begins to grow from your face while you begin to sweat profusely. keep water near by you are going to need it because you are never going to be dry again. you begin to smell onions and cheese. you feet stretch forward going from an 11 to a 14 1/2 wide almost instantly as the cheese smells gets stronger. coming from your large thick soles. You try to keep you arms down because the onion smell burns your eyes and nose, but you can escape the manly scents you wish for. even when you shower you will be stuck with this smell. try as you might every time you get out of the shower you will look like the dirty sweaty jock you are supposed to be. and now for payment. you said you are willing to give up some iq points. well with a body like that you know that you cant have any brains. lets drop that iq to a shaky 65. perfect for someone who looks like an animal like you. and with that you shaft grow thicker and longer and your tennis ball sized nuts begin to churn leaving a wet showing on the front of our already damp shorts. You'll need to satisfy that new meet 5-7 times a day with the amount of testosterone you're going to be pumping out. and you're going to be drooling like an ape trying to find whatever hole you can to shove it in.
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geekforhorror · 1 year
thoughts on riding tired ani?
also i’ll do you one better and write a FIC all about it because i love this request sm
next to you
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pairing: rots!anakin x senator fem!reader
warnings: SMUT (DNI IF YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WITH IT!), sub!anakin, dom!reader, riding, p in v sex, penetration, pet names, teasing, reader being sexy as hell, fluff at the end, etc.
word count: 2.3k
To say it had been a long day for Anakin would have been the understatement of the century. He had been watching over the younglings in the Jedi Temple all day and most of the night while the jedi masters were away on a business venture. Even Yoda being there would’ve made it better. He loved the younglings, but they were too riled up today. The extensive training the younglings required exhausted him just as much as them. Despite this, there was one thought that kept him going throughout the long work day. Coming home to you. Even though it technically wasn’t his home due to the suspicion it would raise to the other Jedis, you made it feel like his home. So you could imagine the relief he felt when the masters returned, which let him finally jump into his speeder and focus on getting home.
You were cooking dinner for the two of you to enjoy when you suddenly heard an engine running just outside of your guys’ apartment. You got excited at the thought of him returning home and wrapping your arms around Anakin. You took the dinner out of the sauce pan and placed it on two plates— one for you and one for him. You had made spaghetti and meatballs, which was his favorite, especially after a long day.
Suddenly, you hear the elevator open and there he was. He looked so tired to the point where he could’ve been mistaken for a zombie or even a force ghost. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was disheveled as well, yet he still looked good.
“Hey baby,” you said with a smile as he walked into the kitchen.
“Hey,” he said to you with a tired tone in his voice.
“What’s wrong?” you asked him out of concern.
“Nothing, just a long day at the temple,” he says flatly.
“I’m sorry, Ani,” you say sympathetically.
“Don’t be, my love. It wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle. It would’ve been nice if the other masters were there,” Anakin says.
“You’re a stronger person than I am, darling,” you say with a chuckle. He lets out a weak chuckle at your comment and sits at the table, drained of any energy he may have had.
You decide to break the silence between the two of you and try to make small talk since that was all he was in the mood for right now. “I made us some dinner. It’s your favorite!” you exclaim in a chipper voice.
“Love, you shouldn’t have,” he says with a calm voice.
“I wanted to,” you say with a smile before kissing him on the lips. You noticed the expression in Anakin’s face and it was a rather sad one. “What’s wrong Ani?”
“It’s just that you worked so hard on dinner, but I’m too tired and stressed to enjoy or even eat it,” he says with defeat in his voice.
“I thought you were just tired,” you question.
“I just didn’t want you to worry about me,” he admits.
“Anakin, I’ll always worry about you whether I want to or not,” you say.
“I appreciate it, darling,” he says tiredly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you offer.
Anakin lets a sigh escape his lips before responding. “It’s just a lot of pressure, y’know? I mean I have to go on missions, fight, and look after the younglings. It’s just a lot for me and I feel like I’m not fulfilling my role as a Jedi,” Anakin confesses.
“You expect too much of yourself, Ani. You’re an amazing Jedi and I’m so proud of you,” you say out of pure love.
“I love you so much, sweetheart,” Anakin says to you.
“I love you too. More than you know,” you say with a big smile on your face.
He didn’t know if it was just the atmosphere in the room or because of the long day he had, but he hungrily kisses you out of nowhere with desire, leaving you surprised.
“Fuck I missed you so much,” he says in a soft but tired voice.
“I missed you too,” you let out.
He stands up and pulls your legs around his hips, causing you to let out a giddy laugh. “I think I can help you with some of that stress,” you whisper into his ear.
“Oh yeah?” he challenges.
“Yeah,” you replied with a hint of lust on your face.
He takes your hint and the two of you make your way towards the bedroom. He lays you down on the mattress before he climbs on top of you. You decide to take charge and you manage to get on top of him.
“Let me take care of you Ani,” you say seductively before kissing away at his neck. He lets out the tiniest whimper and you find yourself amused. He was so needy for you and only you. “Do you want this, sweetie?” you ask in an attempt to make sure he wasn’t vulnerable enough before you did anything.
“Fuck yeah,” he lets out, which causes you to smile.
“I’m gonna treat you so well,” you say. You continue to kiss his neck before undoing his robe, letting it slide off his beautiful figure. You let it hit the floor and reach for the hem of his tunics in an attempt to tease him. You slide one of your hands underneath his garments and caress his toned stomach, causing him to let out an inaudible gasp.
“You like this, don’t you?” you ask even though you already know the answer.
“Y-Yes,” he whimpers.
“What do you want, Ani?” you coo, now sucking away at his neck once more.
“I-I want you to ride me,” he lets out, being more embarrassed than ever.
“That’s a good boy,” you whisper.
He says nothing more as you pull his tunics off him and discard them on the floor. “What’s this?” you say with a raised eyebrow as you palm his hard on through his trousers. “Fuck…” he lets out as a breathy sigh.
“Want me to take these off?” you say with a smirk.
“Maker, yes,” he replies, more desperate than ever.
You let out a chuckle at Anakin’s response and you proceed to undo his utility belt and the zipper on his pants. You glide your hands down his legs to slide his pants off him and you successfully do so.
“I can’t wait to put your beautiful cock inside me until it splits me open and raw,” you say, knowing it would turn him on and make him even needier for your cunt. Here he is now, only in his tight boxers. It was truly suffocating for him. You finally give him some mercy now by stripping him of his boxers and he couldn’t be more relieved. “This isn’t fair… You’re still wearing all of your clothes,” he complains.
“Demanding, are we?” you ask rhetorically. He nods his head once more and you can feel your pride grow.
“All you had to do was ask, Ani,” you say before slipping your long, flowy dress off your body, leaving you only in your bra and matching panties, rendering Anakin speechless. “You wanna be a good boy and help me out here?” you ask.
“Y-Yes,” he answers. He reaches for the clasp on your bra and unhooks it, letting the straps fall down your shoulders. Anakin tries to take your panties off, but he’s stopped by your hand. “Not so fast…don’t you want to feel how wet you make me?” you ask breathily.
“Maker, yes,” he lets out. You grab his wrist before making his hand trail downwards until he hits the damp part of your panties. “All for me?” he asks pathetically. “Mhm… Just for you,” you respond. You slip your panties off your wet pussy and teasingly throw them across the room. “I need you inside me already… Please,” he begs of you. “Patience, Ani,” you let out.
You reposition the two of you so that you can sit on top of him accordingly. You wanted this just as much as he did, so who were you to deny him of such pleasure? You waste no more time before sinking yourself on his erection, now feeling him inside you, which caused you to let out an unexpected moan. He lays his hands on both sides of your hip bones to give you support. You instinctively start to buck your hips while you were gliding down on his cock. Anakin starts to provide some more friction between the two of you and you can’t hold back anymore.
You start to roughly thrust while he’s inside you and you feel a pool of ecstasy wash over you and your cunt. The newfound sensation had him throwing his head back as you continued your thrusts. “H-Harder,” he whimpers. You smile at this and you comply with his request. To help you out, Anakin pushes harder into you repeatedly until he’s balls deep inside your cervix, causing you to become even more cock drunk. More moans had escaped from his lips, but he didn’t seem to care because he just needed you to ride him like there was no tomorrow and that’s exactly what you were doing.
“You’re such a good boy for me Ani… Feels so good,” you say. You felt his tip twitch inside your clenched walls, hitting your sensitive g-spot. You knew that the both of you would be nearing your climax sooner rather than later considering that both of you had slowed down each others pace. “Such a big dick, Ani… Fills me up every damn time,” you praise.
“I’m gonna cum,” he pants raggedly as you continue to animalistically bounce on him while grabbing his hips in order to hit the right angle in your needy walls. Gasps and moans fill the room at the sudden change of motion, but it didn’t matter. You can feel your climax approaching, but you had the strong urge to hold it until after Ani came. His hips start to stutter uncontrollably and his pace was slower than before. Anakin was screwed.
“I can’t hold it in much longer, baby,” he cries out like a bitch in heat.
“Then cum inside me… It always feels so good when you do,” you admit. With that, you bounce on him a few more times just in case he needs the extra sensation. You know it works because within seconds of you doing so, you feel his warm seed spill into you and you loved it. After feeling him fill you up with his cum, you finally let yourself orgasm after holding it in. Your arousal splashes both Ani’s dick and your inner thighs, causing a big mess on your guys’ bodies. Realizing he’s still inside you, he pulls out of you at once.
"That was fucking amazing,” he pants out.
“I can’t disagree with that,” you chuckle. “We should probably clean up here,” you suggest.
“Yeah we probably should,” he says with a laugh.
“I’ll be right back,” you say, getting off of him to head to the bathroom for some towels. You open the bathroom closet and grab the nearest hand towels you can find. Once you have them, you walk over to the sink to dampen them with warm water. After feeling that they are wet enough, you head back to his bedroom and sit on the bed with Anakin.
“I can clean you up if you want,” you offer, now dangling the wet rag in his face.
“That’s an offer I could never turn down,” he says tiredly with an idiotic laugh.
“God you’re such a dork, Ani,” you say jokingly as you clean him off with the towel.
“A dork who made you moan,” he corrects with a snicker.
“Ani!” you gasp as you jokingly slap his arm.
“Ouch,” he said with a grin.
“I’ll tell you what… You can clean me up if you don’t make any more stupid dad jokes,” you say jokingly.
“Deal, but I know it’ll break your heart to not hear any,” he says mockingly.
You scoff sarcastically and you hand him a new rag to clean you up with. He rubs the rag against you for a bit, collecting the mess you made. After doing so, he walks up to the hamper and places the soiled towels in. On his way back to the bed, he picks up your guys’ underwear before handing it to you. You slip the garment on your body as does he. Once you finish putting your panties on, you head over to your closet to pick something to wear to bed. You grabbed a blue, flowy nightgown that would compliment your figure. You slip the nightgown on and you feel much more comfortable in it than you did in your other dress.
“Do you want your pajamas or not?” you ask Anakin.
“Yeah, could you get me the black pajama pants from the drawer?” he replies.
“Sure thing,” you say before retrieving them from the appropriate drawer. You walk over to him and hand the garment over. He quickly changes into his pants shortly after.
“Thanks, my love,” he says admiringly before he kisses you on the lips,
“Still too tired for that dinner?” you ask. It takes him a second to answer you because of his current disheveled state, but eventually answered within a few passing seconds.
“Now that I think about it, I could eat,” he says with a grin. The two of you casually walk out of your room before entering the kitchen and sitting at the nicely set table.
“Maybe I should stay at the temple longer everyday if it means I get this reward every time I come home from a long day,” he says with a raised eyebrow.
“Who knows? Maybe you’ll get lucky…” you reply with a smirk. With that being said, the two of you start eating dinner and have an enlightening conversation.
You guys could get used to this.
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savannahsdeath · 7 months
call me silly but i cant stop thinking about hogwart au ellabs uhhh istg . i cant . also im pretty sure im the first one to make a hogwart au so please give ib if you want to make your own fic🤭 if im not the first one then sorry and please lmk who is !!
summary: you're roommates with your best friend and girlfriend, which don't seem to get along well.
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you and abby often wondered what's ellie doing in gryffindor, as the setting hat had doubts itself, wanting her to go to the slytherin for a split second.
"i mean, i'm happy she's with us." you quickly explained, realizing she might hear you through the bathroom door.
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abby frowned, not looking away from her book. "oh, you are? and why, exactly?"
you laughed, leaning in to see what is she reading about, but she slammed the book shut with a loud bam! right in front your nose. "well, first of all, she's my girlfriend. self explanatory—"
"but... why?" she cut you off and sat up. "what do you see in her?" oh, you knew that one. it wasn't the first 'you deserve better' talk you had with abby. "wouldn't you rather to be with someone smarter, stronger and, i don't know, just... not a total loser?"
for a moment you sat there, so close to her your shoulders were touching, with your mouth parted and lips going dry. a moment passed as the door opened and ellie came out, sloppily wiping ruffling her wet hair with the towel. her gaze wandered between the two of you and she raised her eyebrow, but her obliviousness made her shrug the weird feeling off. "how much time do we have?" she asked, ignoring abby's presence, who just went back to reading her book.
"less than an hour." you annouced, getting up and taking the towel out of her hand, replacing it with a little bottle you picked up from your bedside shelf. "drink up."
"the fuck is that?" she twirled the unappetizing green liquid around the glass, noticing it's weirdly dense texture.
abby chuckled, winking at you as if to laugh at your low standards. "just listen to your girlfriend."
you smiled at the blonde girl before looking back at ellie. "it's going to rain, i don't want you getting sick."
"yeah, we don't want to hear you whining like a baby just because you catched a little cold." abby added, smirking as you gave her the stare. her comment passed by ellie's ears, not getting any reaction out of her.
she downed the potion in a few sips, wincing and letting you take the glass bottle out of her hands. she took a deep breath, trying to get rid of the taste. "i'd rather be sick." you giggled and rised on your tiptoes to reach her forehead, placing a loving kiss on it. she smiled for a second, before her face flashed with a grimace again. "wait— it's going to what?"
"it's going to rainnn" abby cooed, mercilessly but melodiously drawing out the vowels. you frowned, seeming to be the only one who doesn't see a reason to panic. yet, ellie was now pacing around the room, stopping to look outside the window. the clouds above the horizon were, in fact, dark blue, what predicted a downpour.
you came up to her, wrapping your hands around her tensed waist. "are you scared of some water?" you teasingly asked, nuzzling your head in the crook of her neck.
"that's not the point." she turned around, taking your hand and parting her lips. you just knew you'll probably spend the next minutes listening to the rules of quidditch, hopefully not enough to be late. "you see, when it rains, it's usually quite... foggy. pretty hard to see anything, yeah?"
"yeah, but..." you walked towards the bed, ellie following closely after. "slytherins won't see anything too, so it's fair, isn't it?"
she quickly shook her head and pursed her lips in a tight line, as if disappointed you don't get it. "someone gifted them special lenses. someone— i mean, anonymously, but everyone knows who it is. their captain's father." she stood in front of you as you sat down, fiercely gesticulating. "fucking bastards. they think money can solve everything... well, it kinda does but—"
"can you shut the f..." abby chimed in, deciding against cussing in the last moment. "...up. jesus, i'm just trying to study." she rolled her eyes as the attention was now on her.
"what are you even studying?" ellie walked closer to her, trying to see the book's cover through the blonde girl's pulled up knees, which she used to lean the volume on.
abby was quick to get defensive, closing the item as soon as she made sure the tab is on a right page. "none of your business."
"it doesn't look like one of our student's books at all..." ellie teased, tauntingly smiling as she got closer.
you sighed, taking a deep breath before speaking. "come on, els, we gotta go - get you ready and everything." you stood up and started rummaging through the drawers to think what should you take with you. ellie nodded and left your dorm, promising she'll wait for you before entering the quidditch's pitch.
"you really should go, it can be fun." you friendly nudged abby's shoulder, trying to keep your eyes away from the pages of her book, which seemed to attract your gaze and curiosity.
she looked up at you, visibly annoyed that she has to repeat it for the hundredth time. "that's not my thing."
that's not my thing.
yet, about fifteen minutes after the match started, you felt her warm presence next to you. she didn't say a word, probably too embarrased to admit she somehow got convinced to get her priorities wrong.
yet, you could hear her breath hitch when she saw your rivals score another point. no matter how hard the rain would hit her, soaking through her clothes, she'd calmly stand her ground and squint her eyes to see how bad the situation is.
yet, you eventually noticed she was holding her wand the whole time. and you noticed how her grip tightened as she mumbled a few words under her breath, inaudible because of the cheers. you couldn't believe it, but after a few minutes the clouds turned purely white and bright sun rays made people take off their coats. the same abby anderson, who always had to be the best student, not letting herself be distracted from studying just broke one of the school rules.
"you know you're going to have problems if anyone finds out?" you innocently looked up at her, gratefully smilling.
"then don't snitch on me." she shrugged, admiring the weather, which was her own creation.
yet, she made gryffindor win.
let me know if you want to see more!
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yanderesimp2000 · 3 months
Extreme yandere adam x Fem listener Chap 2/5 "building "trust" MINORS STAY AWAY
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prev Chap https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745338401920860160/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-reader-chap-15-start?source=share this is my second post and second chap I've been really excited to do this My request are open so request away fuckers the TWs and tags for this one are
Drugging,gaslighting,manipulation,verbal abuse , Adam purposely making you bed ridden sick, Misogyny, Forceful kisses and cuddles, Abuse of power, Implied SA and VERY LIGHT body shaming
REMEMBER THIS IS FICTION ANY OF THIS IRL IS unacceptable Call your local Hotline for Domestic Abuse
"babe cmere you don't have to be scared" Adam complained he sounded like an annoyed and needy child This is your 9th day living with him and its already been Hell One thing you learned about Adam is he's more of a misogynist then you previously thought he thinks that you as a women are just a object for his pleasure he doesn't ask Before making a move he's much stronger then you and he know it but he's getting nicer its not like he treats you with respect but your life isn't that bad he looked through your life before you died and even though your locked up in his bedroom the minifridge in their is always stocked with your favorite food so if you would never get hungry
Adam kept looking around his room knowing you could not have left then he saw a feather sticking out of the cabinet "really bit- I mean baby hiding in the cabinet yknow you cant leave your trapped with me"you then felt his hand grab that little feather that was at the tip of your right wing and start pulling causing immense pain pulling you out of the cabinet he started down at you before saying "found ya" in a teasing and playful voice before giving you a kiss on the check and gently picking you up you didn't fight him you don't know why but he was kinda starting to seem tolerable I mean he was right in one thing you have no loved ones or friends in heaven so who was really gonna miss you and nobody had shown interest in you so you were lucky to have him and before he "took" you, you had to live in a small apartment now you get it live in his big room and even one day you could leave the room and go out with him once he trust you enough even though you thought he might have a point you just chose to brush it off as intrusive thoughts "he kidnapped you dumbass why are you starting to give into him" was your main thought
As you kept thinking you were gently placed onto the bed by him and he layed down next to you he said "babe guess what I got you" he said in a giddy tone "i dont care what you got me your not convincing me to stay with you " you said angry i got you your favorite food he then snaps his fingers and boereg your favorite food appeared "i got you boo-greg I don't know how ever ya fucking say it" he said in a calm tone little did you know he would weaponize your favorite food to get you to give in to trust him he put a small lace of strong poison in their not enough to kill you but enough to keep you bed ridden and sick he could then coddle and nurse you back to health and then you would think of him sooooo much better he saved your life how could you not
when he handed you the food you were happy but said " if you think this will make me magically love you then your wrong" you hissed he just laughed and said "oh we will see we will see" he said condescendingly
you grabbed the boereg and started shoving them in your mouth they tasted just how you remembered your grandma making them a crunchy outside of pastry and a cheesy goodness on the inside you greedily kept grabbing them and shoving them in your mouth the spices tasted a little different but that's just because of the new recipe... right after about 15 of them Adam made the plate disappear " be careful I don't want you turning into a little pig I don't like my women big" he said teasingly you thought to yourself "like he's some muscular man himself he's got a fuckin dad bod and I'm a fuckin twig but this still stung A LOT " you were right you were VERY skinny and Adam knew if he gave you insecurity's you would cling to him thinking you could do nothing better then him
You then said "it doesn't matter I'm full anyways by the way did you put any new spices in there" you asked talking about the new taste in the dish he just giggled a little and said "nope this was JUST like your grandmas recipe it has just been a little bit since you last had it so your probably just fuckin tasting things" he said that so confidently you just blindly believed him He then yawned and without warning collapsed onto you he stood at a good 13 feet and you were a feeble 5,6 so he was crushing your whole body his soft wings wrapped around you creating a nice blanket It felt like you were in a big blanket fort just trapped in between his Wings
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Even your light struggles inside his Wings did nothing other then make you look more adorable and helpless you then were fed up and tried to punch him as hard as you could in the stomach but he just sighed "Yknow your not escaping sweet cheeks yknow why, cause your mine all fucking mine and you bet your sweet ass you will never get away from me" he said teasing before saying "yknow I'm Adam I could just banish you to hell if you leave me you you better stay" he said that firm and threateningly you believed and stop squirming he then layed down and released you from his Wings but still was holding you against his chest and was rubbing cuddling you his cuddles to you were rough they were like tossing you around and it hurt but to him it was just gentle playing around with you which you hated he then settled down and held you tight against him then saying "its time to get some sleep" before turning the lights out and falling asleep
*18 hours later
you were in a whole new level of hurt last night you woke up in agony and started vommitng and Coughing up blood when Adam saw this he feigned concern and took you back to bed with a bucket to throw up in and lots of medicine but in reality the non lethal poison he put in your food worked he knew you weren't gonna die so why be so concerned he did feel really bad making you go though physical pain It made his heart break but he knew that this was a surefire way for making you trust him and believe him more
he said "I'm gonna call out of work today" in a caring tone this made you think "well he cares about me more then just a cuddle and fuckmeat that can just be left to rot" this sorta mad you care about him a little more and this was even more proven when he started to give you "medicine" in reality it was just water with Bitter syrup in it to make you think it was medicine in reality he knew the poison would just leave you system in 3 more days so why bother trying to stop it earlier
after giving you the medicine he crawled into bed with you and started to snuggle you unlike all the other times you let him you were in so much pain and agony you just needed comfort and the poison alters your thinking skills so you just let him you even started to snuggle him back he knew this event would alter you and it is you started to view him in a better more positive light someone who just wanted to take care of you rather then use you
even the words of comfort he was giving to you just seemed so... real it sounded like he was being genuine and since you had no family or loved ones in heaven why not just stay with him. "yes he's a little rough but that can be fixed outside of that hes gentle caring and just look at him taking time off of work just to take care of me Ill give him a chance if he screws up I'll leave him" you thought
Adam then snapped his fingers and soup appeared he looked at you gently like someone would look at a wounded animal and said here have some he then started to spoonfeed you the soup tasted fine a little salty but Adam said it would make you feel better his mask showing a caring and gentle appearance. As he spoonfed you he said "I'm so so sorry I don't know how this happened you you must of caught fuckin a disease or something like that but don't worry just keep eating you soup im sure you will be fine he said while spoon feeding you
once the soup was done you just looked at him and said "t-thank you" you were greatful that he saved you and took care of you, you then said "I'm sorry for being so harsh on you I'll g-give you a chance but if you screw up I'm leaving you" adams mask lit up in surprise before a light smile formed everything was going according to his plan
"no no don't worry my little fuckin doll" Adam said in his casual voice "I'm sorry for being so rough on our first date" he said referring to the time he kidnapped you, you stupidly believed his words all Adam could think was "dumb bitch she thinks she has a choice to leave me but on the other hand shes warming up to me so I should be gentle and make her relent on me before I start playing with her more" you stupidly fell for his plan and just cuddled against his chest it was warm and soft the body fat serving and a pillow as his soft wings gave you a hug you could not help but feel safe and secure with him "as long as I'm with him nothing bad will happen to me" you thought since he was the first man and gods favorite so you were nice and protected with him nice and safe this was where you were meant to be you fell for his tactics like a fly to a web and now you were trapped you did not know it yet but this was the time when you fell and completely helled to him like a dog to their owners
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xiulric · 4 months
On SV fics and jin lan city AU fanfics
Jin lan city is one of my fave arcs in SV bc we have all this wonderful tension coming to a head. Sqq's devotion to binghe turned over its head, into fear and animosity
meanwhile binghe laboriously built himself up, meticulously planned and manipulated his way into a favorable political position both in the demon realm and as a huan hua disciple
despite his anger and resentment. he thinks this will prove to shizun that hes still valuable. bc xin mo digs its claws into binghes insecurity: sqq either rejected him bc of his demon heritage, or worse. sqq found him unlovable, the person who knew him best, saw the core of who he is, found him insufficient
hell. maybe this was a long con years in the making, sqq hated him since they met, and then only pretended to be nice to binghe so that sqqs betrayal would hurt more
and all this planning bites him in the ass!!!! it makes shizun resent him more!!!
some fics make the mistake of dissolving this tension too early. for the sake of speeding up the bingqiu cuddles
and like i think thats a waste bc those same misunderstandings, when resolved with good storytelling, lead to a satisfying conclusion that makes bingqiu feel deeper, with a stronger connection ! 
so anyway theres so many ways the jin lan meeting post abyss couldve gone. RIPE with potential for a variety of fun fanfic scenarios!!!
ive seen truth serum jin lan city aus, or obedience spell aus. even ones where sqq forces a soul connection so binghe. cant kill him without hurting himself
point is!! SO MANY OPTIONS
but my absolute favourite jin lan city aus, the most ironic, juicy, and hardest to execute imo :
aus where Binghe realizes something baffling about his shizun. the key to successfully manipulating SQQ and resolving this post-abyss misunderstanding.
its not through demonic power, prestige, manners or huan hua palace.
it's by binghe showing the most unlovable, weak side of himself. that makes sqq crumble like wet tissue paper IN AN INSTANT
if binghe in jin lan city cries, if hes hurt or sick, sqq will be there to help him immediately despite sqqs fear of binghe
sqq is so so weak to white lotus binghe that he would risk getting mauled by the demon emperor. bc he cant hold back his own need to coddle binghe
a sub point to this same weakness sqq has; jin lan aus where binghe pushes the limit of "how far will shizun go to pamper me?"
that one is tricky bc. it can sound OOC if written without believable buildup
disciple white lotus binghe is aware that sqq favours him; sqq vastly prefers binghes cooking over any other food. sqq got without-a-cure for binghes sake. binghe is head disciple.
but its not always that binghe realizes how FAR sqq would go to coddle binghe, and worse, sqq justifies it and lies to himself about it. "its only what binghe is owed! hes the protagonist! this world was built for him!"
so in some delicious jin lan aus, binghe goes; ok ok. shizun hates me now. but when i hug him.. he doesnt push me away? when i kill all the sowers, and jin lan proclaims me a hero, and i ask for shizuns hand in marriage... he doesnt DENY it to me??
shizun doesnt look happy. but he goes along willingly!?!?!?  WHAT IS GOING ON
basically it leads to more misunderstandings before a resolution BUT ITS SO JUICY!? SQQ's love for binghe vs his lying to himself about loving binghe! a truth he can hardly admit in the privacy of his mind !
and binghes confusion blending with his delight and the stinging betrayal of 3 years ago!!! CHEFS KISS
example below of this dynamic; from Sadie Hawkins fic by X_los
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gffa · 9 months
saw someone say "dickbabs is bad cuz they're written as a stereotype of smart nerd/dumb jock which is a disservice to their characters" and its so weird cuz i cant think of any comics where they're written that way?? like the best comics of them are the ones where they're working on cases together combining both of their strengths and resources to solve crime and theres plenty of those.
also i've noticed so many dickbabs antis have a problem with barbara's intelligence in general which is odd to me. esp when dick himself is never intimidated nor threatoned by it and its sad. its like ppl claim to like girlboss/malewife couples but then when there's actually a couple that displays that dynamic in a way that matters and isnt just based on appearance or physical traits its too much and they back out!
I just wish certain Dickbabs antis would stop putting their "why this other pairing is so much better than DickBabs" stuff in the #dickbabs tag, like you are not helping me think better of your competing ship with that kind of behavior, it just comes off as so desperate to be mad that other people like something you wish they wouldn't like. Otherwise, I don't really wander into spaces that aren't into the things I'm into, because I'd much rather spend my time yelling about why I DO love the thing I love, so in that vein, LET ME TELL YOU WHY I LOVE DICKBABS SO MUCH. (To be clear, it's perfectly fine not to like the ship or like it in a different way, we'll still get along fine! It's not the sum total of EITHER character's role in the comics, there's plenty to talk about them without getting into this relationship! I'm just not here for those who need to go out of their way to shove it in my face that they don't like the ship, but disliking it and staying in your lane--as many, many lovely people do! the majority I would even say!--is of course fine.) (To further clarify, I don't know the context of the original post mentioned here, it's not part of anything I'm speaking of, this is purely about trying to shove it in others' faces, not about how other people interpret ships differently from me while staying in their own lanes. So I'm probably not speaking about the original post whatsoever here!) For me, I think the heart of their bigger relationship is built on their mutual support for each other, that they each have established themselves individually and have their own books and their own time in the spotlight, but they keep gravitating towards each other because they're better and stronger and more fun together. That each of them gladly takes their turn being the support for the other, because that's what relationships do! And they do it with such love, like-- I love them because they've known each other so long that they really get each other, they get that the other isn't perfect, and they've made the choice to be with that person even when their issues have thorns. Like, I loved everything about their conversation in Nightwing #96:
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That is exactly what he needed to hear--she wasn't being cruel or dismissive of his issues, she wasn't even really being mean about the issues he picked up from Bruce, because she's right, Bruce does have some really shit traits that he passed on to his eldest. She's not saying that either he or Bruce are bad for it, she's just accepting that it's part of the man she loves and she'll cut through it with him because he's worth any effort it would take to be with him. I love that she laughs right in his face about breaking up, because that's not cruel or dismissive either, it's just Dick being ridiculous and sometimes it's part of his charm and they've always teased each other--the thing is, it's also always followed up with warmth and care, she asks him point blank, are you happy with me? Because you are allowed to be happy. I'm allowed to be happy and I'm happy with you, you're worth dying for, let's do this together. Or I love their earlier dynamic in the Batgirl comic as well, just after Bruce and Selina's failed marriage (this is before they got back together, like in the above):
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I love SO MUCH that Babs isn't sure that she necessarily wants a marriage any time soon, she doesn't trust yet that it could last, but what she does want is someone who would be there if she needed them, that at this point in time she feels like moments are all any of them are allowed to have, so what she wants is someone who will always answer when she calls. At this point, she's afraid to commit because she doesn't feel like they get that kind of thing, she's afraid of her own feelings, that really gets hammered in during the Death Knight storyline where they're fighting against the end of the world, the collapsing of the multiverse, and Bruce is tired of their bickering, so he tells them to just "skip to the end", which is basically, Dick wants to symbolically marry her, but she's afraid because she doesn't want her feelings for him to get in her way, she's terrified of losing him again:
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But he's there for her, he says that it's just for tonight, he can put it aside when they need to, and later he'll win her back. This is who Dick and Babs are to me--they dance around each other because their feelings are so intense and sometimes it feels like they're on different pages (Dick's a romantic who wants to get married someday and knows it, she isn't sure she wants marriage but something less defined), but then you dig into it a bit and realize they are on the same page, it's just that their costumed lives, the traumas they've both lived through, make them scared of that level of intensity. And that's why Babs being the one to say, once they're together, no, we're happy together, we're allowed to be happy together, is so important. It's why she refuses to not come along with when Dick is going to the founding of the Alfred Pennyworth Foundation and doesn't take his shit about trying to keep her safe in Nightwing #88.
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Because they take turns supporting each other, they take turns being the one to say I love you so much that I would fight the world for you, that they make each other stronger and shore each other up. Even before they got back together, they supported each other and were always there to listen, to joke around to lighten the mood, to just be a friendly ear without expectations of anything else:
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Plus, they are adorable when they're flirting:
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Ultimately, I love them because sometimes she goes to him. Sometimes he goes to her. Sometimes she cuts through his bullshit with love. Sometimes he cuts through her bullshit with love. They're always there for each other, even when they're not together. They have a blast flirting with each other. They're both aware of the other being a hot mess sometimes, but they know that's part of the person they love and deal with it. They're partners.
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miles-wrightworth · 4 months
AA culprit AU (TW for mentions of blood and violent murder)
okay so buckle up
Phoenix: when Dahlia tried to poison him, he became interested in chemicals and toxins. he switched his major to chemistry and he now sells concoctions and poisons to anyone who is willing to pay.
he is a little bit insane. he has built up an immunity to poisons after accidentally drinking them and narrowly surviving every time (and cuz he works with toxins so much). at this point, he just tastes his poisons like soup like 'hmmm needs more acetone'
his hands shake and hes gone just a little crazy from the damage the poisons have done to him
he pretty much always has some sort of chemical stain or burn somewhere on him or his clothing.
Miles: Miles is what began this idea because i think he would be ten times hotter if he was a muderer. anyways-
dl6 still happens and everything is the same up to when Miles is about 15 years old and he finds out about mvk killing Gregory. he is pissed asf and apalled at the injustice of the whole situation and how corrupted mvks methods are. he feels the urge to kill him grow stronger every day.
he eventually does snap and plunge his pocket knife into mvk multiple times and gets away with it. Franziska is pissed because he murdered her dad but eventually comes to terms with the fact that Miles' crime has made the world an overall better place.
with no legal guardian, Miles and Fran are put in an orphanage and vibe there until Miles is 18. Fran learns how to make knives and Miles learns how to use them. Fran lives with Miles until she is 18 and moves out.
Miles is like 'hey. im good with knives, i despise injustice, and i have begun to like the sight of blood. i should put that to good use' and he becomes somewhat of a serial killer/vigilante
he picks targets carefully. corrupt people in the legal system, corrupt politicians, any shitty person he can find. he murders them brutally and due to the dl6 incident, he cant hold a gun without trembling, so his go-to method of killing is knives. he loves knives and he has a huge collection of fancy blades and throwing knives. he always leaves his victims crucified on the nearest wall with knives through their wrists pinning them there and bathes the room in their blood. thats how the cops know he did it.
the news dubs him the 'Crimson King' and Phoenix sees that in a newspaper and wants to see this guy for himself because he definitely recognizes that blurred pic the police took in the paper.
basically hes noble but extremely brutal and god thats kinda hot
Fran: Franziska is a bladesmith/black market arms dealer. Miles frequently visits her shop and he gets discounts on her wares. havent thought about her story a lot.
Maya: Maya is a nurse at a nearby urgent care clinic. Phoenix frequently comes in begging her to help him but not tell anyone because he accidentally drank a lethal poison but nobody can know because its illegal to possess. also havent thought too much about her story.
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l0cal-catb0y · 8 months
Hero!Ghoap x God!Reader brainrot
this is mainly about ghoap cuz i didnt focus on them in the first post and they deserve love too!! and i wanna add backstory :33 based off this post i made and i think i want them to be childhood friends!! (its one of my favorite tropes im sorry </3)
once again this is just word vomit !! not my best but it must be shared :DD but also!! let me know if you have any ideas for what reader should be the god of cuz i really have no ideas and i wanna add more details to them!!
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definingly have the vibe they would've meet by running into each other playing in a field when they were very young and just ended up sticking together. simon found comfort in johnny's presence and just sort of started following him everywhere he went with johnny just completely okay with dragging this boy around cuz!! he gets to have fun with his friend!! :DD sadly though they have to have reason to become fighters for plot reasons </33 their village gets destroyed, burnt and looted with few survivors left. theyre both distraught and angry with johnny openly wanting to track down the people behind the attack and fuck them up (simon too but hes silent about it) maybe johnny starts getting ready to start that hunt without telling anyone but simon can just read him perfectly and just pulls him aside to tell him that he's coming too.
I feel like along their hunt they would stop and take care of anyone that were causing issues, probably with just small trouble makers but as they become stronger and more experienced they deal with whole gangs of people (they end up getting the names ghost and soap along the way somehow) they become more renowned for their strength and victories that even cities far off know them!! im thinking the group that destroyed their village became an army and overconfident to the point of disrespecting the gods (probably not all but definitely some big ones) so when ghost and soap become bigger names they are given the upperhand with the backing of the gods who wish to put the group back into place. they basically get to the level of demigods !!
romance wise though,,, giggles,,, somewhere along their journey after a hard fight they would confess while patching each other up, the concern for each other far outweighing the fear of rejection <33 the gentle touch of making sure theyre still there and the whispers of love would be so soft after they know its a mutual love omg. their routines change a little afterwards too!! like simon giving johnny little trinkets to have in his pockets (probably something handmade when he cant sleep) and johnny braiding part of simon's hair before a fight (maybe he braids a piece of simon's hair into his own braid and his hair into simon's?)
I don't think they would actively worship one particular god? they would give offerings every so often as thanks for the blessing or in hope of getting some luck with something (finding info or just having good weather) but they are mainly on their own for the most part. yes they are favored more than others but it doesnt mean the gods really care about them yknow? they both know theyre just a means to an end for some of them :((
so when you start looking out for them theyre both just :OO you actually care about them outside of what they can do!! you help them with small things!! your watching eyes comfort simon when he cant sleep!! you guide johnny to peaceful areas for him to relax and draw at!! you send your associated animal to keep watch if they ever both crash after a fight!! they start to add stuff to their routines that relate to you in some way :33 making crafts of your symbols and having one with them for "good luck" or making a small spot for you at every camp they make or talking to you (aka the open air of your spot) about their plans and what they wanna do next!!
idk man brainrot and lack of sleep are getting to me!! im going to rotate these two in this au in my head for the next month ^-^
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tibby · 2 months
i think it's partly bc of rerecording her albums and having fans love the vault tracks that she now feels she cant leave anything on the cutting room floor just in case
i definitely think that's part of it, but - and i say this as someone who likes a majority of the vault tracks - i think it was a good thing that they were initially left on the cutting room floor. including them originally would have detracted from what the albums were trying to say.
speak now and 1989 are the best examples of this. the point of speak now was two things: taylor wanting to prove she could do it on her own, and each song referencing a specific person or scenario. with the exception of when emma falls in love (the weakest of the lot imo) and castles crumbling (which has a feature), the SNTV vault tracks are more...vague in who/what they're about. and sure, if they'd been released on the original album with the secret messages we might have more context, but that isn't something we can say for certain. speak now is the only album that's about multiple people and we can pinpoint who or what each song is referencing (except maybe sparks fly which was included for the fans, and haunted but that could be because i've never cared enough to investigate if it's about john or joe).
as for 1989, i think the vault tracks are definitely stronger than some of the songs that made the cut (as much as i love WTNY and HYGTG, they're not her best work), but i don't think they would have fit into the story she was trying to tell. whether taylor successfully made an album that is about independence and not love is up for debate, but she claims that was her intention. IION and say don't go aren't great fits for that story, especially since it was one she was trying to tell within the secret messages.
i think red's biggest problem is that it was already too long of an album (which is also part of speak now's problem). i think the red vault tracks fit the theme of all the varying degrees of love, but red TV clocks out at over two hours. it's possible that forever winter in particular was too raw a song to release at the time (has she played it live yet? i haven't kept up with eras tour that much).
and while i love the fearless vault tracks, i do wonder if including them would have earned it less acclaim. they're good songs, but fearless is by far her most polished album imo. even the deluxe tracks, which i also adore, kinda take away from how well rounded the standard album is. it's very possible it's only capped at 13 tracks because cds back then could only hold so much, but i also think that it was a better decision for the marketing of the album itself.
but now, with ttpd and the eight million versions of midnights, it's harder to find the good shit because it's surrounded by so much filler. and yeah, part of it is that some of the songs on those albums are just...not good (bejeweled my deepest enemy), but i think a culling would have greatly benefitted them. ESPECIALLY with ttpd. taylor's always been songwriter who releases stuff that could be diary entries, but at least before it was like...you at least edited this. now it just seems like we're getting every single journal entry as is. and it's tiring. 31 songs is too much. hell, 16 songs for lover was too much.
ultimately i think it comes down to the fact that she no longer gets any push back from the people she works with, and fans are both willing to accept quantity over quality and (for many swifties, but not all) there's just a refusal to criticise her work at all. and i think taylor's desire to constantly release new content (which i think is a combination of a constant need for relevancy combined with the fact she's always writing) combined with being surrounded by yes men and adoring fans is impacting her work negatively. which has been the case since lover if not earlier, but i think midnights/ttpd are her most glaring examples of it.
anyway lmao sorry this got long. sorry for never being on here and then finally showing up to have opinions about taylor swift. do you guys still think i'm hot.
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minas-linkverse · 5 months
Twilight Princess! It’s my favorite loz game, personally, I’d love to hear your thoughts
Man... TP is wild cause its in my top 3 and I'll never be the same after it, but I also dont know if its that great of a game?? It rly throws me for a loop whenever I'm asked to express my feelings on it.
On one hand it has things like snowpeak. It's soundtrack slaps so much. It has my favourite in game Link and a gosh dang clown cannon that cannot be removed from the story because it is VITAL Link climbs in the clown cannon. He has to be shot out of the clown cannon guys. Hyrule needs him in the clown cannon. Nobody ever call TP grey and boring again theres a CLOWN CANNON.
On the other hand it has things like the water temple, weird teleportation system, kind of a dead overworld, I might love and care for Ilia and Zelda but Nintendo sure didnt make that happen.
Both of these lists could go on and on. Epona is so lovely. That bug at lake Hylia should raise the game's age rating to no-one ever.
However! I've concluded listing stuff eint gonna get me anywhere with explaining my feelings.
To me TP is an experience. It's a journey with highs and lows that is absolutely worth taking if you're at all intrigued by it. It's inconsistant but thats kind of a relief because you know after the hurdle youre gonna get some really good content. Then probably stuck again but THEN... Gold.
Also yea the overworld is dead but man is the story alive. I love the variety of different ppl in the cast and how they move around and change through the story. It feeeels aliiiveeee...
I guess my conclusion here is that TP is a game that feels alive when its moving as a whole, but if you point out the puzzle pieces instead of the main image you can spot some less than stellar stuff. That doesn't make it any lesser in my mind, and its a journey I'll gladly take again and again... But its smth that I cant deny. Sometimes the things we love are flawed and aknowledging that makes the love stronger.
Some part of me will always remain in Ordon, I think wolves are cool as heck, Ooccoo for president, thanks 4 read.
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darkniters · 10 months
jschlatt whos a bartender
im adding onto this post
your group of friends all leave one by one, leaving you the only one of your group left in the bar, waiting for your lift home (because you cant drink drive!)
you decide not to drink anything else, having your fill for the night and just ready to conk out the second your head hits the pillows.
youre reproached by the bartender, youve been sitting at the bar while you wait, not thinking one person is worthy to occupy an entire table. he greets you with a smile.
“you want anything else?” he leans forward as he asks this, smile on his lips. you shake your head, leaning in closer again.
“no, no, im done for the evening, thank you though!” you can tell yourself its because you dont want any alcohol in you all you want, but really its because that shit costs money.
“hey, if you want i can make you something alcohol free?” he offers, “it’d be my honor, and i’ll even make it on the house. just for you toots” he grins, subtly flirting with you
a roll of your eyes and a small chuckle leaves your lips. “alright, if you insist.”
it seems as if this bartender cant stop smiling, as he moves away, he’s got the widest smile youve ever seen from a person, teeth showing in all their pearly glory. he briefly walks away to get a glass.
while he’s gone, however, the universe decided that you’re its next victim.
a man approaches the chair beside you, and sits himself down. theres a strong attempt from you to pay him no heed, to focus on the man behind the bar making your elaborate yet alcohol free drink, but this man is in dire need of your attention it seems, staring you out while you look forward.
you sigh, turn towards him, and give him a small, unmotivated smile.
you’re not really listening to what he has to say, but he does say “whats a place like you doing in a girl like this” which is just. not right. at all. it makes you laugh though.
you don’t care about this guy enough to listen to him babble on about himself, and it seems the same comes from the bartender, finishing your drink and setting it infront of you.
while the guy doesnt seem like trouble, youre still wildly uncomfortable, and you give a sideeye to the bartender. his brown eyes are already on you, as he scratches the side of his face. the beard below his nails make a noise.
he understands your look, and he nods subtlety.
“hey man, this is my girlfriend youre speaking to. may wanna back off a bit.” the bartender says monotonously. he then reaches out his hand and grabs ahold of yours, gripping it softly.
the other man is surprised, probably just as surprised you are. you play along though.
“yeah sorry, i just wanted to see this man on shift, cant get any better than a man in uniform, right?” you regard cheekily. although its brash, it’s exactly what you’re thinking.
his tight fit black shirt is doing something to you, and he’s now looking out for you? you gotta come back here more often.
the bartender grins as the man leaves in a huff, giving up on his attempts to further advance with you. at some point, his fingers began to run left to right over your knuckle, without either of you noticing, it seems.
when you look back to him, his face is red, still gripping your hand. he clears his throat “apologies, i didnt mean to go to that level of extreme… in which saying we were together…” he seems flustered and embarrassed that he thought of that, and he physically cringed at himself for even bringing it to light.
he attempted to move his hand away, but your clamp on his hand was stronger. the heat between you two couldve melted the ice in your still undrunk drink. you cant help but smile. “i didnt mind at all, thank you.”
both of you are overjoyed that there are more than one bartenders working tonight, because everyone else wouldve been left waiting, your red faces looking into eachother as your hands stay pressed together.
he clears his throat.
“um. its not often time i find myself asking this but. can i give you my number?”
you pretend to think, lifting your unoccupied hand and tracing a finger around the rim of the drink he made for you.
you respond quietly, jokingly, “only because you paid for my drink”
a smile is exchanged between you to. he writes his number on a napkin, and leaves you to put it in while he runs off to server other customers, his eyes often looming back over to you while you drink your final drink of the night.
you call him over before you leaving, letting him know that youre going.
“please let me know when you get home!” he calls out as you walk away.
you turn your head and smile his way, giving a quick nod and a wave his direction.
when the bartender finishes his shift, he finally gets access to his phone again, you shouldn’t have your phone with you behind the counter! you’ll get distracted easily!
he sees he has 3 messages from an unknown number
‘hiiii im home btw :]’
‘wait i didnt give you my name oopsies‘
‘anyways GOOBDIGHT’
he cant help but let out one of those large grins he does, hoping he will see you at the bar, or other places, again soon.
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