#bad batch fantasy au
jedipoodoo · 8 months
Secret Kingdoms (Sergeant Hunter x Reader Fantasy AU)
Lady Luck (Prequel)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Notes: FINAL PART. Sequel to follow. Thank you for following this story and enjoying Knight Hunter and His Lady with me. Christianity-based wedding ceremony (spoilers). Beta-read by google drive Divider by @saradika
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Padme gifted you the blue dress, saying it became you more than it ever had for her. Since it was the dress you were wearing when you first met Hunter, it only seemed fitting that you wore it when you married him.
Padme’s new maid, Dorme, styled your hair, and Padme threaded greenery through the twists and turns like a crown. It felt strange having Padme help you with your hair when you had always been the one to do hers. She insisted that this was what friends did for each other on their wedding days, and that was what you were, after all. A maid and a princess. No, a duchess and a princess.
“If you weren’t leaving for Serenno after this I’d make you one of my ladies-in-waiting when I become queen,” Padme lamented, her face hovering next to yours in the mirror. You traced the braid and the greenery in awe. Dorme worked magic with her hands.
“Hunter and I will be too busy helping rebuild Serenno anyway,” You pointed out.
“True,” Padme sighed, but smiled. “You look radiant. Everything a bride should be on her wedding day.”
You held your head high and squared your shoulders. You felt radiant. Confident, beautiful, everything those you loved said you were. How much you had changed in the last few months. 
Padme and Dorme walked you to the chapel, where Crosshair was waiting for you just outside the doors. 
“Are you ready, little lady?” he asked, offering his arm like a gentleman. 
You were smiling so broadly you could hardly form the words to express your excitement. Crosshair chuckled and kissed your forehead. 
“Is everything else ready?” Padme asked. 
“They're all set up,” Crosshair nodded, “All we’re missing is the bride.”Hunter's got more pent up energy than one of the hunting dogs. “
“Just so you know, I'm proud to have you as a sister-in-law.”
You smiled down at your bouquet. It was the middle of winter, so there weren't many flowers available, but you and Padme had managed to find some wildflowers growing in the woods. The tiny pastel blossoms were sprinkled in the bouquet amongst boughs of pine and ivy, all tied together with the bandana Hunter had given you. 
“That being said, if you hurt him, I'll kill you.”
You laughed nervously, but Crosshair's face was deadly serious. You quickly composed yourself. 
“I promise I'll take care of your brother, Crosshair.”
“Good,” the organ inside the chapel played a fanfare, “Someone has to.”
The doors swung open, and Crosshair escorted you down the aisle. 
Only the first few pews of the chapel were filled, with the few friends and family you'd invited. Duke Kenobi nodded as you passed him and his wife, Wrecker gave you a thumbs up, and your aunt and uncle who'd gotten you a job at the castle in the first place dabbed at their tears with their kerchiefs. 
Padme and Anakin were standing in the front row with her parents. Anakin's hand was clutching his betrothed tightly, daydreaming of their own future wedding. The wedding of the Naboo princess would be a much more lavish occasion, with delegations and royalties from all across the Nine Kingdoms venturing to wish the future Queen and Prince Consort the best of luck in their marriage. Your wedding was much smaller, but you and Hunter agreed you didn't need anything much more than that. 
With butterflies fluttering in your stomach, you looked to Hunter, standing next to the altar. 
He was standing at attention, like he would at the training grounds, but you could see his shoulders trembling as he smiled at you. Tears bubbled at the corners of his eyes as he watched you. He looked as handsome as ever, wearing a bright red tunic over his polished armor. It gleamed in the light of the stained glass windows, like a star on a dark night. 
He couldn't even wait for you to reach him. When you reached the steps of the dias, He stepped down towards you, taking your hand from Crosshair to lead you to the priest. 
The priest was a short little man who reminded you of your grandfather, and he chuckled softly as Hunter helped you kneel at the altar beside him. 
“Together, to witness this union, we are gathered.”
The priest continued his speech on the sanctity of marriage and the loyalty spouses should have for one another. You tried to pay attention, but it was hard when you could see Hunter looking at you out of the corner of your eye. 
He leaned over to whisper in your ear. “You look radiant.”
You held back a laugh out of respect for the priest, “Did Padme tell you to say that?”
“No…” that threw him off for a moment, “But it must be true if we can both agree on it.”
Hunter squeezed your hand as it rested on the altar. 
“You look stunning,” You complimented back. 
Hunter glanced at the priest to show that yes, he was actually still listening, and then quickly lifted your hand to his lips to kiss your knuckles while the priest looked out over your wedding guests. 
You wanted to get him back, but the priest looked at the two of you again. 
“Do you, Duke Hunter of Serreno, take this woman to have and to hold, for better or worse, in sickness and in health, until death do you part? “
“I do.”
The Priest asked you the same question, to which you replied-
“I do.”
“The ring, do you have?”
Hunter reached into his pocket with his free hand, cradling your hand in his palm as he produced a small ring. It shone like gold, though it was just polished wood, and the pattern of twisting vines and leaves resembled the pendant on your necklace. 
Under the guidance of the priest, Hunter slid the ring on and off your first two fingers before placing it on the third, as tradition dictated. 
“This couple, I now pronounce as husband and wife, I do. The bride you may kiss.”
Hunter took your face in his hands, gently turning you to face him. He smiled at you as he tapped his forehead to yours before he kissed you. 
You knew that people must have been cheering, it was only natural, but all that existed for you in that moment was Hunter, your husband. His hand slid down to cradle the back of your neck and you gripped his shoulders, pulling him closer. When your first kiss as husband and wife ended, you kept your eyes closed for just a bit longer to savor the moment. You could feel Hunter's warm breath inches from your face as he chuckled. 
“What's so funny?” You asked, finally opening your eyes.
Hunter kissed your forehead, ignoring your crowd of cheering friends in favor of drinking in the vision of you that sat before him. 
“You look so beautiful right after we've kissed. It's like it makes you glow.”
You doubted you had ever loved him more than you did at that moment. 
At long last, Hunter pulled you to your feet and you wrapped your arms around his. Your family and friends rushed forward to congratulate you once again. 
“Welcome to the family, little lady! “ Wrecker gave you a big hug and a whoop of joy, and his brothers gave you similar salutations while your little cousins all threw themselves at Hunter with a million questions. 
The dining hall was a bit smaller than the throne room, but it was the perfect size for your party. A few more lords and ladies were invited to the celebrations after the wedding ceremony, an effort to make a good impression on your now-peers. And if the king and queen were there, most of the court insisted on attending anyway. But if they were going to vie for Ruwee and Jobal’s attention, that was fine with you. You had more important people to worry about. 
The minstrels began to play the first notes of a waltz, and Padme and Echo dragged Hunter and you out to meet on the dance floor. 
Despite everything you'd been through, Hunter still approached you shyly. His primary objective for most of his life was working from the shadows, keeping an eye on everything from the background. 
Hunter waited until everyone had gotten a good look at you dancing before be spoke to you in a hushed voice. 
"Are you sure you're alright with this?" 
You looked at him. You had just said “I Do” to marrying him in front of the whole world,and now he was asking you if you were certain about all this? 
"Going back to Serenno," He clarified, "The last few days have been hectic, and I never... I asked if you would marry me, but I never thought to ask you if you wanted what came with it." 
You laughed softly. You thought over your answer as you swayed back and forth on the floor with your husband. 
"Hunter, I want you, and everything that comes with it." 
"Even if it means returning to Dooku's lands?" he looked at you in earnest. His dark eyes reflected the glimmering candlelight as he searched your face for any doubt.
Dooku's men had kidnapped you, yes. But Dooku was dead, killed by the man in front of you. His followers had been ousted from the Serenno, according to the letter from Captain Romar. The people who were left were the innocents who had suffered from Dooku's reign, you didn't have to fear them. 
"Someone has to take care of the people of Serenno. It might as well be us." 
Hunter sighed in relief, his cheek resting against the crown of your head as you tucked your head against his chest. 
“It takes a certain amount of bravery to be kind in the way you are, my dear wife.”
You chuckled, ”It's a good thing I have an equally brave husband to help me then.”
Hunter laughed at the compliment. He secured his hold on your waist and lifted you up in the air to spin you around, sending the train of your dress swirling around you like some kind of far magic. You squealed in delight, and your audience applauded. 
With that, the waltz ended abruptly, transforming into one of the vibrant, lively tunes that they played in the village where you grew up. 
Squeezing Hunter’s hand tightly, you took the hand of your nearest cousin. She grasped Tech’s hand, and led a good part of your guests in a circle to the tune of the music the castle minstrels played. You wove in and out of the crowd feeling lighter than air. Several people tried to talk to you, but you simply threw yourself back into the dancing with your husband and friends.
Hunter kept true to his promise that he would never let you dance with another. Even the Duke of Mandalore tried to offer you a dance when his wife’s discussion of politics with Lord Taa became too heated for his own liking. He failed, to no one’s surprise. Hunter kept his hand in yours the whole night, even when you had to stop and get a bite to eat. 
It was in the later hours of the night when you spotted Anakin and Padme sneaking out together. Old habits died hard.
Hunter noticed them too. “We should follow their example,” he whispered into his goblet of wine. His cheeks were flushed, and his hair was a bit unkempt from all the dancing, but his eyes were sharp as ever.
“Do you think it’s be rude if we left without a goodbye?” You scanned what remained of your guests. 
Crosshair and Tech had left a good while ago, thought Echo and Wrecker were seated on a bench with several other knights from the training grounds with their own casks of wine. King Ruwee and Queen Jobal had plenty of courtiers to talk to, and your aunt and uncle and their children would be staying for another week. You’d be able to say farewell before you left for Serenno around the same time. 
With all this in mind, you allowed Hunter to convince you to leave. You led him into the servant’s quarters and up the narrow spiral staircase that led to the private chambers. Upon receiving their dukedoms, Hunter and his brothers had each been granted their own guest quarters on the floor just below the royal family. You almost skipped past the door to the right floor, so used to the one you would take to go prepare Padme’s rooms, but Hunter tugged at your arm.
“I guess I have a few habits you break,” You looked down so that he couldn’t see your embarrassment.
Hunter stopped outside the door to his room- your room- and took your chin in his hand, tilting it up to look at him.
“You, my lady, look down for no one. And especially not to me. I am your husband, your equal, remember?”
Before you could say anything, Hunter led you into the room. It was dark but for a few embers in the fireplace, and the moon shining through the glass window. It reflected off the crisp, fallen snow, casting more light than usual. You stood there for a moment, staring out the window. The world was so still, so peaceful, so calm. Like the new beginning of your marriage. You didn’t even realize you’d started to shiver until Hunter wrapped his cloak around you.
“Thank you,” You whispered. Hunter stood there for a moment, just staring into your eyes. You couldn’t quite tell what he was thinking, but it felt like he was studying you, trying to engrave this memory of you into his brain.
“Hunter,” You whispered his name and reached up to caress his face. In the cool stone rooms, so far from the heat of the palace kitchens, his skin was growing cooler too.
Hunter kissed the palm of your hand and pulled you closer. His eyes fell to the pendant he’d made you, secured twice as well around your neck this time.
"When we get to Serenno, I'm going to get you a proper wedding present." Hunter said. He slipped around behind you so that he could look out the window with you. His cheek pressed against yours as his arms wrapped around your waist. You reasted your arms on his.
"A necklace made of diamonds. One for every star in the sky."
You didn't know what to say. You were still getting used to the elegant hand-me-downs from Padme when she insisted that a Duchess deserved better. You'd never even dreamed of owning a diamond necklace.
Hunter turned to press his nose to your cheek.
"I'd give you the world if you asked for it," He said, almost in a whisper.
You ran your fingertip over the flowers he'd carved in your pendant.
"I... I don't need the world," You stammered, your cheeks flushed with heat despite the chilly night, "I just want you."
Hunter breathed deeply, "You deserve everything good that this world has to offer you, my lady."
You closed your eyes, and tried to think of your childhood dreams. Some of them had already come true, and now you had the ability to make others come true, and then some. 
“It gave me you, didn’t it?”
For once, you had left Hunter speechless. You laughed softly, and he joined you, gently swaying you back and forth as he had during your dance.
You hummed softly, only for yourself and Hunter to hear.
"If that secret kingdom's ours to share, I could never wish for more, for you'd be there. Just two subjects, you and me, In our private monarchy All alone together We would love forever In our secret kingdom far away somewhere"
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When I started writing this series, I was a single college student. It's been over two years since then, and now, like Hunter's lady, I am married to my own Knight in Shining Armor 👰😁 thank you guys for reading this story and for all your enthusiasm for it. I hope you'll keep an eye out for other works in this universe, coming soon!!
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wenalena · 10 months
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Here my first piece of the crossover of The Bad Batch x Witcher !
Crosshair of the Viper school!
I need to practice more this type of painting🫠
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theladyheroine · 7 months
Songs that would be good writing prompts ✨
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❥ This is just a short post for funsies! Enjoy if you’d like!
I See the Light from Disney’s Tangled
Strangers Like Me from Disney’s Tarzan
Son of Man from Disney’s Tarzan
I’m A Star from Disney’s Wish
The Neglected Garden by Cecile Corbel
The Voice by The Celtic Woman
Now I See by Lou & SQVARE
Wonderful from Netflix’s Over The Moon
To The Sky by Owl City
Dinosaur Park by Owl City
Under The Circus Lights by Owl City
Lavender by JVKE & Pink Sweat$
Broken Melodies NCT Dream & JVKE
Just A Cloud Away by Pharrell Williams
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lizartgurl · 2 months
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Now the sky could be blue I don't mind Without you, it's a waste of time
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dragonrider9905 · 1 year
The Price You Pay
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Haaaaaaaaaaappppyyyyy Birthday @photogirl894 Morgan!!!!!!!! I hope you have a great day filled with many blessings and much happiness!!!!! I made this little drabble for you for your birthday, which I know I'm a little early in posting but I couldn't wait :) I hope you enjoy it <3 I've loved talking to you and getting to know you the last few months. Thanks for being a great friend, bestie!!!! ❤️🤗 Hope you enjoy the show.😎 You have that fun drabble we had about TBB being fantasy characters and actually @lizartgurl to thank for this. Lizartgurl has an AMAZING medieval au, go check it out. Mine pales in comparison.
The wind’s icy hands of early fall ripped down your throat and sent its chilling fingers across all the avenues of your lungs, causing a frozen burn in your chest. It slapped your face and nipped at your nose, hands and feet as you ran. 
But that didn’t matter. 
You had to keep running. 
Breathing was getting increasingly difficult as your heaves were not getting enough air in fast enough, and what you did get, felt like a knife was being shoved in your chest. Your feet were tangling, catching on thorny bushes, blood blossoming from the open wounds left behind. You barely felt them over the pounding of your heart. 
That also didn’t matter. 
You had to get away.
They were getting close. They were gaining on you! The sound of the horses neigh and the gallops surrounded you, closing in and echoing in the distance. 
Typically, you’d stay home on a moonless night like tonight, but tonight, the mist that shrouded the area was your friend. It cloaked you from danger, yet also made it difficult for you to see the forest floor. Luckily, you knew these woods like the back of your hand. The paths and trails (some of which you made yourself) could be trekked blindfolded if you had to, but not making any noise equal with swiftness increased in difficulty. 
You stopped momentarily, panting heavily to catch your breath, leaning against a neighboring tree to look around for the best route.
How did they find out? Or were you just being paranoid? No, they were definitely after you. 
Eyes darting in all directions, you sprinted into the unknown arms of the night again, only to run full force into something…or rather, someone. The bulk of the man’s chest sent you flying backward onto the ground. 
Your body crumpled against the dirt, defeated. You couldn’t find it in yourself to get up. You’d been found out. Caught. A dull soreness settled into your bones and your muscles cramped and pinched. A sigh escaped your mouth as you looked up to see who your captor was. 
The blacksmith. 
Your mind reeled back to when you first met. 
The chill of early spring blooming from the gentle winter nipped at your nose in a pleasant way. The snow was melting, soaking the soil to hopeful green fields and crops. You bounded home, a skip to your step and a happiness to your beat. The sun was shining brilliant reflections of yellow and gold which bounced off the tops of the village roofs in a colorful array of reflections. 
The town was bustling and you couldn’t help but sing a happy song along with the birds that welcomed the morning, pleased to hear their pretty voices again. It was a busy day today. The baker was out with his tray, like always. The butcher preparing fresh meats for purchase. Children laughing and playing tag in the town square. 
A very familiar and welcome sight, it was. 
You knew everyone and everything that went on in town. It was the smart thing to do if you wanted to stay one step ahead. Everything was in its place and everyone was doing their thing. You could never say life was dull in Ord Mantell. Quite the opposite. It was rather an exciting, and well, dangerous place to live. 
Definitely the place to go if you want to disappear. 
Reputable enough to live, seedy enough to live with a fake reputation and no one asked questions. People were nice enough, but true kindness was a downlow. Favor for favor was the rule, except for you. You probably should play that game too, but you didn’t have it in your heart to. You were just too generous and kind. 
But being generous and kind didn’t mean you didn’t have your secrets. 
It just meant you could only be so fake. Your name might be false but you could still be taken at face value.
Some parts of town, a person doesn’t go in lest they never come out. Some parts were completely safe such as in the hoity toity part of town. Then the rest was a solid mix of thieves living honest lives and honest men doing thievery. 
New faces came every day to trade or pass through. You knew the look of a newcomer who was soon a goner or a passer-through. So you could still say with all honesty…you still knew everyone’s face and their business in town, and there were in fact ‘no new faces’. The key was, none that stayed that was. 
That is what made today so different. 
There was a newcomer—who wanted to stay. 
Little did you know how much this day would affect the rest of your life. Later you would wonder if you had cause to bless or curse that day, but as of now, you had yet to see. 
Swinging your basket purposefully with rhythm humming your song, you jolted to a stop at the sight before you. 
A man, rugged with long, dark hair, face half inked in a skull tattoo turned from the man in front of him toward you. Nose was hooked and eyes were sharp like a hawk. Jaw was set and calculating, cold. Hyperfocsed on the world around him…and the sweet child before him, making sure she was safe and out of trouble. You knew the look well. 
She had to be his daughter, you thought. She had the same eyes as him, and perhaps smile if he ever would. Her hair was blond and bounced in sweet, short curls. The image of an angel.
You wondered about the mother, where she was, if she was coming soon or perhaps that’s why they were here to get away. Anything was possible in this place. 
She seemed happy but not unaware of the world around her. She looked about excitedly but minded her ‘father’ well when he’d comment. 
You locked eyes with the man, an unfamiliar chill going through your bones. His face was unreadable, searching yours. The two of you were locked in a silent, tense cord of something you couldn’t name. It wasn’t terror and it wasn’t attraction (though he was attractive). You weren’t afraid of the man—you’d known what true fear was. Let’s just call it caution. Caution was always advisable. 
Was he dangerous? Perhaps that was something you should find out. You suspected he could be if he wanted to, yet there was something to his demeanor that you liked, you trusted, but you couldn’t put your finger on why. Why was this man so different? You’d never felt this curious sense about anyone else before. You had good intuition but was it your intuition speaking or something else? 
Like fate…destiny…
The spell broke when the man he was talking to (who you knew to be the neighboring carpenter) called you over. 
“Come here and meet the new neighbors!”
You approached with a plastered smile and noticed the man tense slightly. 
“Hello! Welcome to Ord Mantell, truely. I know it isn’t much of a place, but it’s home, and I hope you find it to be as well.”
“The name is Hunter.” he grunted, shaking your hand then indicated the child, ‘and this is Omega.” He rested a hand on her shoulder and she smiled up at him then to you. He grinned down at her and you suspected she might be the only reason for him to smile. 
“He’s going to be our new blacksmith! Isn’t that wonderful!” 
“It is!” You exclaimed, “I know business will go well for you here. Well chosen trade. Will you take up the old smithery?”
“I was just showing it to him. What do you think, good sir?”
Hunter considered for a moment. 
“I’ll take it but I also want the house outside of town. I think it would be a better place for Omega.”
The carpenter laughed. 
“Quite agreed. The place will need a little work but it is suitable for the two of you. Word of the wise, fix the locks first before all else. Nothing you do will be any good if it’s stolen…or you’re dead.”
“Well noted.”
“Well, Hunter, Omega,” you smiled again, this time as genuinely as possible, “if you need anything at all, let me know. I’d be more than happy to lend a hand or help out if I can. Pleasure to meet you.”
“Another thing,” the carpenter broke in, “this is a literal angel. Trust no one in town but her. If she says she wants to help, she means it. So take her up on her offer. You’d be wise to get to know her. She’ll keep you out of trouble.”
You laughed softly and shook your head with an eye roll.
“A little dramatic, but thank you. I try.” You felt your face burn up and a shyness threatened to squeeze your throat. “I, uh, should go. Mrs. Pott’s kid is sick again. I promised to bring her some things. Bye now, and welcome.” You strode away with a subdued but still happy gait. 
The encounter was short, ‘normal’ and the strangest thing ever. They seemed normal but everything in the short minutes screamed secrecy. 
You would know. 
But how could a man with a girl as sweet as that be so terrible?
Omega waved you off happily, but before you were out of earshot you heard a “she seems really nice, Hunter! We should talk to her more later.” and a “we’ll see” from the man. 
You couldn’t blame him. He had to know what sort of place Ord Mantell was. You wondered why he trusted the carpenter in the first place.  
More questions. Perhaps he knew him from before? 
You made note of these things in your memory. The answers to these could be really important. Not just for your safety, but perhaps theirs. Who knew?
Besides, it couldn’t hurt to be friendly, make them dinner maybe. You wouldn’t have to stay, but extending an olive branch would be smart. An offering of peace. They didn’t seem like people who harmed but were running away from something. You weren’t always right but you weren’t always wrong either. Your intuition was pretty good, and they felt like people who would be good to get to know. 
Stopping by the door to Mrs. Potts’s humble home, you had to stow your thoughts aside. There was another little child who needed your help just beyond the door and he needed your attention. 
Later in the evening, you stopped by the smithery to see the pair hard at work fixing up the place, guessing they didn’t have anything to eat. You were right of course, so when they saw the hearty meal you brought, even Hunter couldn’t hide the staggered look of surprise and longing when the smell reminded him of how hungry he was. He looked suspiciously at you but accepted it with gratitude. They hardly had anything… 
“Ember? What are you doing here?”
His nickname for you (because of your curly red hair—normally crowned with little purple flowers or your favorite, forget-me-nots) pulled you back to the present. 
Hunter stretched his hand toward you but you flinched back, cowering against the tree, arm raised to protect yourself. 
Hurt crossed his eyes for a moment but resolve replaced it in a matter of seconds. He crouched down to your level and raised his hands as a show of peace. 
“I’m not going to hurt you. What happened? Are you alright? Em, talk to me.”
You opened your mouth but nothing came out. Instead, you struggled to swallow some invisible sand. In the distance, a terrible crackling sounded. It could be mistaken for thunder by the untrained ear but to those who lived in the village of Ord Mantell, it meant terror. They knew what it meant. 
You tore your eyes away from him to where the sound came from, blood drained from your face. An invisible weight pressed itself onto your chest. Cold seeped in and the ghost of fear possessed your eyes. Hunter had never seen you like this before and it shook him. He’d only ever known your smile, your kindness. 
This was so unnatural to him, a shiver went down his spine. 
“They’re after you?”
Your only reply was a choked gasp. Words refused to form into a coherent sentence, so you nodded instead, ever so slightly. 
“Follow me. I can protect you.”
Hunter stretched his hand out once more. Tentatively, you took it. Your grip shook in his firm grasp, fingers rigid and weak from fear.
“Wh-ere a-re we going?” You hated how your voice faltered. You weren’t afraid of him, were you? Hunter was your friend! He was helping you, right? 
Ugh how you hated questioning him, but you couldn’t help it. 
“Back to the cottage. Our cellar is a safe place. You can rest there for a bit but if you need to, we have an underground tunnel you can use. We’ll get you food and supplies. You must have dropped yours.”
You blushed. You actually hadn’t packed anything in your hurry, but you didn’t want to admit that out loud. 
“Thank you, that would be nice.”
Hunter helped you to your feet and brushed you off. Neighing sounded in the distance again, which spurred a hurried “this way” and the care of cleaning you off was forgotten. 
Hunter guided you through the night in a different direction, bubbles in your stomach bursting acid in your throat, your trust in Hunter swaying only a little. 
You were headed toward the crackling sounds. Not away from it. 
But you also knew this was how you got to his home.
Be calm, be calm, be calm.
The words matched the strumming of your heart. And it was like Hunter could hear it because he kept turning to side-eye you, a look on his face, half shrouded by shadow. 
That look could either be concern and care or something else, something dangerous. 
But he never said anything. Only ushered you on with a “hurry!”, voice deep and husky, red with warning. At a certain point, Hunter left the trail to follow alongside a precipice. You knew why. Others would avoid the sharp decline, it would be your refuge. The horses wouldn’t come near it.
“Hunter, how much farther…” 
You were cut off by the sight to your left. It was a distance off, but the terror it evoked had you standing in horror. A hooded figure, draped in black rode atop a black steed which seemed like a ghost itself. Both creatures' eyes shone red and beady in the night, the sound of each breath breaking the quiet of the night. 
“Look out! Get down!” Hunter was already crouched behind a log, aghast at your immobility, hand extended to pull you down with him.
In your attempt to hide, you slipped.
Down you fell into the precipice below and straight into the murky ravine. You tumbled and rolled gasping and grunting with each roll, only vaguely registering your name being shouted in urgency.
Your head struck a rock just as your body hit the water.
Everything went black, and the rest of the night would escape your memory.
— — — 
Hunter watched you fall in horror. He could count on his hands the number of times he’s felt that distinct fear, and it wasn’t many. He cried out your name instinctively but quickly quieted himself. Cursing himself for the racket, he turned to see the horseman disappear in a different direction. 
Thank the maker.
Hunter hurried down the cliff to your side. Though steep, it wasn’t impossible for someone like him, all the while cursing himself for not being more careful with you. He should have noticed you weren’t by him, he should have guided you more carefully…he should have…he should have…
Hunter jumped into the stream moments after your own entry. He dragged your limp body out of the water, which was deeper than he expected. 
“Hey, hey Ember?” He pushed the hair from your face. Your eyes were closed but you were breathing. He sighed in relief. He couldn’t see anything without a light, so a wound check would have to wait for the time being.
 “Let’s get you out of here, come on.” Lifting you up, he carried you the rest of the way to his cottage. 
He rested your exhausted body on the excuse for a mattress in the cellar as promised. Instinctively, you curled in on yourself. Hunter couldn’t help but smile down at you a little sadly. Even in sleep, worry and care stretched across your brow, a restless type of rest. He started to examine your head to make sure you weren’t severely injured. He wrapped the spot which only started to bruise. Then he moved to the cuts on your face and hands, cleaning them and applying a healing cream that none knew existed (except his brother of course). 
When he finished, Hunter tucked you in under the blanket and brushed the hair further from your face. Sighing and smiling in your sleep, something like relief finally settled into your features. Murmuring some gibberish, you leaned into his warm touch. He couldn’t help but smile to himself at the sight. 
Hunter sat next to you on the bed and pondered. There were a lot of questions to be asked. The whole situation was so strange, and the fact it was past midnight at the time of your run wasn’t helping. Hunter wasn’t superstitious, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t unsettled by it. What were you doing out so late by yourself? 
Of course there was the fact ‘they’ were chasing you but..
Why would you be their target? What had you done to evoke their rage? But more importantly, how did you know? Most people simply vanished unawares. You had a head start in escape. 
Then there was the Black Rider. 
Who was he? What did he have to do with you? 
Hunter ran his fingers through some of the tangles of your hair, brushing them further from your face, smoothing the strands behind the curve of your ear…when he noticed something. Your ears weren’t perfectly round…they were partially…tipped?
Suddenly, Hunter knew.
This was your secret. 
Well, one of many that was.
You were a half-elven. 
Half-elves were worth a lot of money, and rare. Heck, just as rare as a full-blooded elves. 
No wonder they wanted you…but somewhere deep down, Hunter guessed that wasn’t their only reason. 
Something squeezed in his chest for you, making his blood boil at the thought of what could have happened to you. The heat radiated in waves that made his head feel sick at how much fear you must have lived in for so long. 
The fear. The distrust. The urgency. 
Not to mention that this opened a whole new door of strange possibilities in a world a meager human mind could barely comprehend. 
Half elven. 
And you never told him…
Hunter understood, after all. He had his own secrets.  
In the morning, he’d figure something out. All he knew was that he had to keep you safe. 
Hunter left you in privacy quietly, with the lamp dimly lit, to go double bar the door. 
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gun-roswell · 4 days
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Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair/Clone Commander Mayday Characters: CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), Ice Vulture CT-9904 | Crosshair, Clone Trooper Character(s) (Star Wars) Additional Tags: wing fic, Fantasy AU, Open to Interpretation, Narrative, POV CT-9904 | Crosshair, Ice Vultures, Metamorphosis, Cloneshipping | Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars) Series: Part 24 of Crosshair/Mayday, Part 1 of Fandom Wing Fic, Part 1 of Crosshair and The Ice Vultures (Wing Fic)
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Summary: They might have died or then not. What they were becoming now, was something, special, quite magical even.
The Bad Batch S2E12 the Outpost episode reimagined. 
Fantasy AU/ Wing Fic.
Part of May/Cross / Fandom Wing Fic series
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sunnyvandsephi · 10 months
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i did this 'sneaking Hunter past the ToS' design for the Vampires vs Werewolves ArtFight this year and still adore it so, to here it goes
Feredir just = "Hunter" in Tolkien's elvish
he had lore and everything!
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i have phases where i just, want Hunter around in every canon or project i drift between, but this design was part of a whole little tale i was using to try and do collaborative pieces for ArtFight
as the story goes, Feredir and other Bad Batch mirrors still kept their 'outcast' vibes as they were either vampires who fled vampiric hierarchy after refusing a command, or werewolves who approved of that rebellion and joined forces (i was on Team Werewolf so)
design choices were, how to do his tattoo, instead made it a burn from exposure to sunlight, his fangs double up because his tat has gaps for two teeth, he still retains his "knife" in the form of a silver stake he can use an either Vampire -or- Werewolf, and in the same fashion as his Katarn-lll gear, keeps his vampiric armor even when acting against them- not going out of his way to hunt other vampires, but definitely willing to defend himself or when convinced by his fellows, rescue them from their superiors
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lifblogs · 3 months
Bad Batch Mistborn AU!
I’m rereading Mistborn and can’t get this idea out of my head. (layman’s terms will be at the bottom of the post)
So Clone Force 99 is an experimental elite unit by being given the powers of allomancy* and feruchemy**.
Hunter - burns copper to dampen allomantic vibrations (thus protecting his squad), uses tin to store senses
Crosshair - burns bronze to pinpoint allomancer enemies, uses steel to store physical speed
Wrecker - is supposed to be able to burn pewter to increase his strength, but it’s not working (subsequently making him feel like a failure), but he can actually burn brass to soothe emotions, though he can use pewter to store his strength
Tech - burns electrum to see into the future, which aids in his mental abilities and strategizing, uses zinc to store mental speed
Echo - is the product of the Techno Union’s half assed attempts at hemalurgy*** (I haven’t completely thought this one through). Regs tend to refer to him as a “creature,” and “that thing.” They’ll use it/its pronouns while talking about him.
Omega - Mistborn****
I’m thinking all the clones have earrings kind of like animal tags to mark property. When looked into the Kaminoans lie that it is something to keep them calm. But of course this is minor hemalurgy so the Empire can get inside their heads.
However if we look at Echo as being more a victim to hemalurgy he’d be the one who is turned by the Empire rather than Crosshair since he has more metal in his body. Enhancing him will probably include adding more spikes. (Should he get to keep his eyes in this? Idk.)
Omega doesn’t know she’s a mistborn until she runs away with Clone Force 99. The water on Kamino she drinks is pure, with no trace metals, so she had no idea she had powers until she was drinking non-purified water. Hunter is the one who decides they should test her allomantic abilities.
With leaving Kamino Clone Force 99 loses a steady supplier of their metals, and they find themselves stuck with only half their powers working.
I have a few disconnected scenes in mind. Not sure I’ll write this, but I wanted to get the idea out there (plus this helped hammer out some of my thoughts).
*Allomancy - a magic system in which users have the ability to “burn” metal they swallow, granting them abilities based on specific metals
**Feruchemy - a magic system in which users can store attributes from their own mind and body into a specific type of metal. Example: while storing one or more of his senses into a piece of tin jewelry Hunter will have that sense dampened as he is taking from himself. This is useful because he can take from his store later to enhance his senses.
***Hemalurgy - a violent magic system in which a spike driven through an allomancer’s heart is placed into someone’s body. Placement determines the power gained from the allomancer.
****Mistborn - someone who can use all the allomantic metals
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jedipoodoo · 4 months
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Crosshair: Kid?... Kid, c'mon, wake up!
In case the last Omega whump wasn't enough for you
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fandom-friday · 8 months
Hi Karrie!!!! One fic I may have already recommended but will absolutely do again if I did not is @lizartgurl @jedipoodoo ‘s Secret Kingdom series.
It is such a fun amazing read! I still haven’t finished but each chapter has been sooooo fun leaving me breathless for more!
Gotta love the idea of a medieval Hunter 😏
OOOOOH ok so I haven't read a lot of Fantasy AU fics, but I do love the idea of Hunter in one, especially as a knight. And HELL YES TO THE SELF-INDULGENT TAG. AS IT SHOULD BE. (I'm also giggling at the "Horse Girl Hunter" tag). And as someone that adores Jake Bartok's Medieval Star Wars series, I am INTRIGUED to see how it has inspired this work. The first few paragraphs have me giggling and kicking my feet for SURE. Thanks so much for sending it in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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wild-karrde · 1 year
Hi Karrde,
I've never sent in a Fandom Friday Rec before, but I think it's time for me to start!
I would like to highlight @vodika-vibes series of Clone Fairytale AU fics. I haven't caught up on her newest additions, but the ones I have read are positively magical!
If you like clones, knights, princess/princesses, magic, romance, and fairytales, then these are the fics for you! Vodika takes classic fairytale stories and adds her own twists, turns, and flare to create a whole new story that seems eerily familiar.
These fics deserve way more love than they are currently receiving, so I want to get the word out so others can enjoy!
Here is a list of current titles in the series:
The Prince's Wizard - Prince!Wolffe x Wizard!Reader  The Hand You're Dealt - Knight!Jesse x Princess!Reader Ner Kar'ta - Prince!Fox x reader The Mermaid and her ARC - Knight!Fives x Mermaid Princess!Reader The Witch and the Warrior - Prince!Cody x Witch!FemReader Wonderland - Knight!Gregor x f!reader Little Red - Devil!Hound x Detective!Reader Pen-Pals - Sailor!Tup x Reader The Merry Men of Mandalore - Prince!Boba x Outlaw!Reader Neverland - Knight!Howzer x Reader Another Happily Ever After - Knight!Rex x Reader Eternity - Kix x Vampire!Reader The ARC and the Monster - Knight!Echo x Reader Aliit Ori'shya Taldin - Prince!Fox x Reader
HOLY HECK this is QUITE the list with a little something for almost everyone! All of these AU characterizations seem to perfectly fit with the MC chosen for them! Thanks so much for sending these in!
Link to Masterlist (fics at bottom)
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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shipobsessed212 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-9904 | Crosshair/Clone Commander Mayday, Crosshair & Omega & Mayday, Phee Genoa/Clone Trooper Tech, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Phee Genoa, Clone Force 99 | Bad Batch & Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch) Characters: Tech (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Hunter (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Wrecker (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Clone Commander Mayday (Star Wars), Phee Genoa Additional Tags: Omega gets her period, Soft Crosshair (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Mythical Beings & Creatures, Force-Sensitive Omega (Star Wars: The Bad Batch), Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Swearing Summary:
When Omega gets her period some...Strange things happen and she's reunited with someone from her past.
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lizartgurl · 4 months
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"Let me go!" Omega pounded her fists against the glass, but it was only as the pattering of the rain against a leaf.
"Let you go?" the alchemist's apprentice asked. Such an idea appeared ludicrous to her
"You are too small, it's too dangerous out there. Someone might capture you and use you for your magic."
"You captured me!" Omega argued back, hot tears stinging to corners of her eyes, "I want my brothers!"
The apprentice shook her head, caressing the side of the lantern like one would a petulant child, "In time, you will come to understand.
"It is far safer in here than out there."
Fantasy Omega whump, anyone?
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dragonrider9905 · 6 months
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Chapter 1: The Secrets You Bury
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gun-roswell · 4 months
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars: The Bad Batch (Cartoon), Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo & CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives & CT-7567 | Rex, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/CT-7567 | Rex Characters: CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, CT-7567 | Rex, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, Mer-CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo Additional Tags: MerMay, Mermen, Fantasy, Alternate Universe, Soulmates, Obsession, Fluff, Cloneshipping | Clone Trooper/Clone Trooper Relationships (Star Wars), Inspired by Fanart Series: Part 1 of Echo/Fives/Rex, Part 4 of Mer-Tales - Tales of the Sea Summary:
They had seen him right by the seashores. Right there where Fives and Rex loved to take a stroll in the late evenings by the pale moonlight. The half fish, half man creature, the one straight out of fairytales. A Merman.
Part of Echo/Fives/Rex // Mer-Tales series
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//idk wut this will be… maybe a series… maybe not… Takes place after Clone Wars S.5 E19 Barrisoka// Ashoka POV
I rolled over again, stretching my arms above my head before slamming them down on either side of me. I’ve been trying to sleep for hours now… but I can’t shake it. How could she do this to me? After everything we’d been through? She could have picked anyone to frame; why me?
Anger boils inside me. “It’s not the Jedi way…” I stop myself; I’m not a Jedi. In a span of 48 hours, I’d lost my Master, my rank, my family, my purpose… my best friend.
The anger melts away and leaves something deep… a dark hole that’s swirling inside me; I feel like I’m being swallowed up.
Oddly, leaving the Jedi provided me with more relief than I anticipated. Barriss’ words have been running in a loop in my mind since her impassioned confession yesterday. She claimed the Jedi were corrupt. “The Jedi have become an army fighting for the Dark side!” I could still see the conviction in her eyes, the desperation in her voice.
If only she would have told me how she felt. How would I have responded? I wasn’t honest with her, why should I expect her to share everything with me? Barriss was always the open one. Always so kind and thoughtful. She knew me better than anyone… so why would would she chose me as her mark? Why set me up? I thought we were friends, many times, I thought we were more.
I feel the tears burning my eyes. A week ago, I would have pushed them back. Emotions are not a friend of the Jedi. They cloud your judgment. They make you weak. But, I am no Jedi, so I let them fall. A tear for every conversation, every smile, every time we fought alongside each other… a tear for every dream I’d had.
“Ahhhhh!” I slam my feet on the ground beneath me. I can’t lie here anymore. I have to see her. I’ll make her explain this to me. I deserve an explanation; it’s the least she could offer me after the hell she’s put me through.
It’s darker here than I expected. I guess keeping the higher profile prisoners hidden deep under the city is a great deterrent for those who would want to break them free. Even with my knowledge of the force, I wouldn’t want to try it. I’m just here to get answers and get out. I don’t think I can bear looking at Barriss any longer than I have too. I’m lost in my thoughts and I barely acknowledge the two guards coming towards me.
Of course there are guards… I knew that going in. What I didn’t consider was my recent lack of clearance.
“Halt,” a guard now has his hand on my wrist, “you aren’t allowed down here.”
“Yes, I am allowed here.” I say as I wave my hand in front of his face. “Yes, you are allowed here,” the two guards echo in unison.
“You will take me to the cell of Barriss Offee, former Padawan and traitor to the Republic.” The words taste bitter leaving my mouth, and I fight the nausea rising in me.
A moment passes, and I almost waiver in my resolve. I’ve always struggled with mind tricks; Master Yoda says it because my mind is never at peace… now is no different. Finally, the guard repeats, “We will take you to the cell of Barriss Offee, former Padawan and traitor to the Republic.” We walk swiftly through the narrow corridors before stopping in front of a black, reflective door.
I waive my hand, “You will give me the key card and go about your day.” They do as I say, and I brace myself for what lies behind the door. I briefly consider walking away. What if what she says only hurts me more? What do I hope to gain from this conversation? An apology? No. She can’t say anything that would change the past, but, part of me (maybe a foolish, naive part) still hopes for a future. I take a breath and raise the card to the door.
“I’ve said all I intend to say. Further interrogation will get you nowhere.” Barriss’ back was to the door, her voice dull and without it’s usual sweetness. “That’s unfortunate,” I said mirroring the chill in her tone, “I risked my freedom to give you the opportunity to explain yourself. Foolish of me to assume my closest friend would have a reason for such betrayal. My mistake.” I knew I was speaking, but when she turned, when her tired eyes met mine, I felt the ice melt away.
“A-Ashoka?” she rasped. Barriss slowly stood up, hands raised in front of her, like she was afraid I would attack. There was fear written across her face, and something more… something deeper etched into the crease of her eyebrow. “Why-why are you here? I have nothing else to tell the Jedi.”
I tried to respond, but my mind was racing. Barriss stared at me wide eyed, awaiting a response. She didn’t wear her normal hood or headpiece, her short brunette waves falling loosely around her face. She wore a grey jumpsuit, and I couldn’t help but note that it was the only time I’d seen her in something other than her normal, baggy robe. Her legs were long, and obviously muscular. How did I never notice how small her waist was? The jumpsuit hugged her body around her hips and chest the material being pulled tight and…“Control yourself, Snips, a Jedi controls their emotions, not the other way around.” I could here Anakins snide voice correcting me for letting my guard down.
I snapped back into the moment, meeting Barriss’ eyes. “I’m not here on behalf of the Jedi. In fact, I won’t be doing anything for them ever again.” I said dryly. I noted the confusion that flooded her face. “What do you mean? As a Padawan, everything you do is on behalf of the Jedi, whether you intend it or not.”
“I left the order, Barriss.” It was the first time I said it out loud, and it didn’t hurt as much as I anticipated. Not when I was telling her.
“You left the order! Why?! Being a Jedi was everything to you! Was it because of what I did? Will they not let you back in?” Tears were pooling in her eyes, and I saw her bottom lip begin to quiver; my eyes were immediately drawn to it and I could think of nothing but making it stop. “My plan failed, Ashoka. I never intended for it to go that far. I wanted you to be out of danger, I never anticipated that you’d run away. I thought you’d be safe in a holding cell while I enacted the rest of the plan. I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry.” She crumpled before me, heaving sobs wracking her small body.
She almost killed me. She caused the Council to turn against me… my own Master doubted me. I lost everything because of her and I should be furious. I should be glad she is rotting in the dark cell, tortured by her guilt. But I’m not.
My feet begin moving before I realize what I’m doing. In one movement, I scoop her from the floor and carry her to the small cot in the corner of the room. Her body relaxes into mine and I hold her tightly as the sobs lessen into muffled whimpers.
Gently, I comb my fingers through her hair, allowing my thumb to graze her temple and ear. I whisper, “I know. I understand. I forgive you.” She releases an exhausted sigh, and I lean my cheek against her forehead. Her breathing slows and I realize she’s asleep. Asleep on my lap, in my arms, in a jail cell, not 48 hours since her lies had me on trial for treason.
I’m not even angry. Actually, this is the closest I’ve felt to peace in months. The war, the council, everything that weighed down my existence for as long as I can remember… none of it exists anymore. Right now, it’s just us. Just Barriss, against my chest, sleeping as if she hasn’t had rest in years, and that’s all that matters to me.
I know this won’t last. The guards will do rounds soon and I’ll have to sneak out. Or worse, Barriss will wake up and I'll be forced to articulate what I feel (something I'm not at all prepared to do at the moment). I push those thoughts away and pull her closer. If being a Jedi Master means I could never have this feeling, then walking away was the best decision I ever made.
To be continued…
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