#barret x cid
rauhallinen-hauki · 9 months
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Barret x Cid for Barret Birthday Bash, an event by @romancingbarret
short explanation (mini story?):
After a big party with the rest of his friends and family, Barret goes on a quieter, more private date with Cid through a forest surrounding Rocket town. He has taken his gun arm off, maybe to completely let the wind caress his skin. Cid holds his arm and pats his back, because sometimes that little reassurance from that special someone is like getting a daily birthday gift.
Happy birthday Barret, and happy day in general to fellow Barret fans
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canned-pears · 2 months
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ACC Cloud and Tifa!
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Yuffie: I am the ultimate third wheel.
Aerith: *cuddling with Tifa* You shouldn’t think that way.
Barret: *holding hand with Vincent* Yes, what makes you say that?
Cloud: *sitting on Zack’s lap* Completely untrue.
Cid: *with Shera arm in arm* Just like they say.
Yuffie: Wow. I have leveled up to nineth wheel. I am truly powerful.
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sleepsentry · 18 days
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Context: cid doing the whole patriarchy thing "reminds me of me at that age + he doesn't have a dad that's sad (cloud doesn't care) + should I be the dad figure?"
Then he sees barret and cloud interacting amicably and misinterprets
I wish I could make this more of a finished thing with actual set up for the punchline, but I'm not doing that too tired
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
I’m surprised it took me this long to do one of these for these two but here we are! A list of head canons and random thoughts I’ve had of them, with maybe a couple on other characters sprinkled throughout.
- Surprisingly enough, Cloud’s the more emotionally intelligent one between him and Zack. His social awkwardness just gets in the way and he struggles to show it to anyone other than Zack
- Zack and Cloud both know how to cook. Cloud having grown up with just his mother learned to help her out and Zack’s mother refused to let her son go off to Midgar without at least basic knowledge in cooking
- Despite Zack being the chronically flirty one, Cloud gets hit on more when they go to clubs and bars
- Zack hogs all the blankets like his life depends on it the second the temperature drops more than 10 degrees
- Cloud sleeps in boxers and nothing else. Unless it’s winter then you’ll catch him in a shirt as well
- Zack fucking hates doing the dishes. He will quite literally bribe Cloud to do them when it’s his night cause of how much he hates them 😂
- Kids absolutely adore Cloud and the blond never understands why despite going all soft on them and playing along with their dumb games when asked
- Zack once tried to convince Cloud it was a fantastic idea to get a dog for their tiny ass apartment but got shut down cause he got so excited over the idea he broke their dining table
- Zack came out of the closet after Cloud only because Aerith dragged him out by the ear and shoved him onto the blond
- Aerith and Tifa had an argument (not really it was more playful and halfhearted) over who would get Cloud as a best man/bride of honour cause they both wanted to put him in a dress
- Cloud wore a suit to Aerith’s and Tifa’s wedding and Zack was but hurt that neither of them wanted to see him in a dress
- Zack drinks his coffee black and Cloud puts enough sugar and milk in it your teeth would itch at the sight
- Cloud consumes salt like Zack does spice and neither of them can handle the others preference for them. Zack’s face screws up like he swallowed sea water and Cloud starts sweating at the mere whiff of spice
- Zack was so thrown off guard about all those people in sector 5, 6 and 7 knowing Cloud that he thought it was some massive, elaborate joke that everyone was in on
- Tifa was in mad denial about her feelings for Aerith but the second Cloud tried to ease her into the idea she caved pretty quick (she couldn’t stand the idea of Mr. Discovered Narnia himself giving her that talk)
- In Shinra days Zack most definitely used Kunsel to sabotage one of Cloud’s dates, only to discover the blond had never even gone on the date cause he thought it was a joke from his squad mate
- The only time Cloud ever showed an ounce of curiosity at gossip was when Vince had casually kissed Cid on the cheek before leaving and the latter had done nothing more than smile fondly after him
- Zack definitely mourns not having his mentor at his and Cloud’s wedding
- Cloud and Zack hung out so much in Shinra days that not only did Cloud get a fan club of his own, but a sub fan club that shipped the two of them together was created (and people lost their fucking minds when they spotted the two of them years down the track holding hands out in public)
- Genesis would have taken a liking to Cloud purely because he wanted to have a little protege like Angeal and the blond had enough of a spine to sass back and glare when Genesis had threatened him
- If Sephiroth hadn’t lost his mind to Jenova and all he would have been all too ready to go against Shinra and help take them down. Not because of his own feelings on any of the matters but because his friends had turned and he cared about them more
- Zack definitely got mildly jealous when he found out Cloud had been an avid member of Sephiroth’s fan club but had absolutely preened for weeks on end when he found out that he’d also been in Zack’s fan club
- Aerith proposed to Tifa and enlisted the help of Cloud cause he knew Tifa better and Zack unfortunately couldn’t keep a secret to save his life. But Zack did help keep Tifa distracted while Aerith made her preparations
- Barret is the unwilling dad of the group, Cid and Vince are the tired uncles that don’t actually know how they got there in the first place and literally everyone else are the chaotic children that only pull it together for eco terrorism and organised crime
- When Cloud gets sick he basically hibernates for like a week and only eats and drinks just enough so he doesn’t die. Zack freaked the fuck out the first time it happened and took him to the hospital after the first 24 hours of near constant sleep
- Zack becomes a big, whiny, clingy, cuddly mess when he’s sick and always tries to insist he’s all better the second he feels anything more than on the brink of death. Cloud almost spiked his food with sleeping pills so he’d just lie down and finally go to sleep and allow himself to heal somewhat
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eschercaine · 4 months
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Aerith tries to snatch the Black Materia from Sephiroth but fails.
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firstknightvulion · 7 months
More unhinged shipper Aerith.
Cloud and Tifa stand in the threshold of Tifa’s hotel room at Gold Saucer. Awkwardly. They fidget and glance at each other, happy but with a cloud (lol) of nervousness hanging over their heads.
Cloud: I…I had really good time.
Tifa: Me too! It was, um, really nice!
Cloud: *smiling earnestly* It was. Um, good night. *turns to walk away*
Tifa: *a little desperately* Wait, Cloud!
Cloud instantly turns to Tifa but moves too fast and collides with her. She stumbles back but his arms shoot out like lightning, stopping her fall and pull her into an embrace. Time stills. The world recedes. The two stand in each other’s arms, only the sensations of one another existing in this moment.
And sound of someone going “yes, yes, yes” excitedly from another room.
Tifa slowly looks up at Cloud. Her eyes yearning, her cheeks red, her breath quick and shallow. Cloud looks into her eyes, the same emotions churning across his face. Their lips inched closer.
Then reality flooded back into their space like the ocean rushing into a sinking ship.
Tifa: *quickly pushing herself away* I wanted to say thank you for such a wonderful time.
Cloud: *staring at her helplessly* Of course. *shuffling from side to side* Night.
Tifa: *sadly* Good night.
The door of the hotel room next to Tifa’s is kicked open. Into the hallway steps a VERY irate Aerith, glaring daggers at the both of them.
Aerith: That moment was fucking perfect! You don’t just walk away from that! You need to kiss, you fucking virgins!
Cloud and Tifa stare in stunned silence as Barret and Cid burst out of the same room Aerith came out of. They attempt to restrain her and to everyone’s (except Aerith’s) shock, she easily fights them off. She kicks Barrett back into hotel room and slams Cid’s head through a wall.
Aerith: You ruined it with your weak ass crap! You should be in pound town right now!
Yuffie appears in cloud of smoke behind Aerith, while Vincent materializes out of the shadows in front of her. In an instant it was over. With an almost casual backhand, the flower girl knocks Yuffie to the floor. Vincent attempts to reach out to her but before anyone could blink, Aerith was behind him, arms around his waist. The German Suplex that followed was truly epic.
Aerith: *standing up, her shoulders slumped* Kiss…*turning around to face a terrified Cloud and Tifa* KIIIIISSSSS!!!
Red XIII jumps from the shadows but Aerith shadow steps behind and grabs him by the tail. Cait Sith appears to help only to get taken out but the large, furry, red bullet hurled his way.
Aerith: Do you turbo virgins need a demonstration?! I’ll get a strap! I’ll show you how it’s fucking done! I’ll—
Barret, Cid, Yuffie and Vincent dog pile Aerith, each taking a limb.
Aerith: You can’t stop this! They need to love each other! I’m just trying to make them happy!
The clusterfuck moves its way back into the other hotel room.
Barret: Get the Chocobo Tranquilizer!!!
Cid: How much?!
Barret: ALL OF IT!
Yuffie: She’s biting me! SHE’S BITING ME!!! Get her off, get her off!
Red XIII and Cait Sith run past Cloud and Tifa. Red XIII offers them a pained smile.
Red XIII: I hope you had a pleasant evening. *closes the door behind him*
I might be slightly projecting and using Aerith as a mouthpiece. This was fun to write.
Edit: Visual representation of Aerith fighting off the party.
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Edit: Edit: So imagine my surprise when part of my fanfiction actually happened during the game. Just involving Cait Sith and Yuffie in Gongaga.
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maxthedrawingperson · 3 months
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howlingday · 2 years
(Jaune Strife AU) Uncle Vincent decided to stop by and he terrifies everyone. Everyone except the Arcs, even little Adrian is chill with the half-vampire adopted relative. Terra just thinks her in-laws are weird like that.
"Sorry I'm late." Jaune huffed as he passed through the doors.
"About time you got here, kid." Uncle Barret chuckled. "Any later, and he would have grown up on ya!"
"Oh, be nice!" Tifa slugged Barret in the arm. "Jaune, we're glad you made it."
"Yeah!" Aunt Yuffie nodded. "Besides, it's not like the little guy was going anywhere."
"Especially not with how tall, dark, and creepy is holding him." Cid gruffed.
Jaune looked to where his sister and her wife sat at a booth, with his Uncle Vincent sitting between them. In his arms lay a chubby baby who seemed to be watching the pale male with interest.
"Coochie-coo." Uncle Vincent cooed, wiggling his clawed finger at the babe.
"Be careful, Uncle Vincent." Saphron worried.
"He's fine, Saph." Terra waved. "I'm sure your uncle know how to hold a baby."
"When will it be my turn?" Red XIII asked from the other side of the table.
"Uh, well..." Terra scratched her cheek, unsure of how to answer the question.
"So, how's it feel to a grandpa, Cloud?" Uncle Reeves asked, holding a stuffed toy in his arms.
"Not bad." Cloud replied. "Never really thought I'd make it this far, though, having my own kids with their own kids."
Jaune walked up to the table, where his sister and sister-in-law looked to him. He smiled and waved at them, and they all gasped at what happened. The baby reached out with his tiny hands and waved back.
"H-Hi there, uh..." Jaune continued to wave as his face flushed. "What's his name?"
"Adrian." Tifa answered behind her son. "Adrian Cotta-Arc-Strife."
"Kind of a mouthful." Jaune chuckled. "I'll just call him Adrian."
"Well, that is his name." Terra giggled.
Adrian giggled, too, and Jaune felt his heart melt.
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starcrossedspirit · 2 months
A Carrd for the FF7 fanfiction, As Above, So Below designed by the wonderful @koiscarrds ! After all of this time I'm finally getting it together so it can be shared and enjoyed by others! Thank you so much Koi! Even after all of this time I still love what you have made! ♡
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drabblesandimagines · 3 months
Materia Pops
Vincent Valentine x reader Fluffy nonsense, potential for minor spoilers depending on your knowledge of the FFVII compilation, and Vincent is def out of character at this point in the game but let me dream...
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Costa del Sol seems stiflingly hot this visit round, though maybe that’s more due to the manner in which you’d arrived, frazzled and somewhat flustered from the events over the past few days – surviving the trials of Hojo’s laboratory, followed by the Tiny Bronco making a crash landing and then Cid rejigging the craft into a boat to make it back to the beach resort.
It had been hectic and frightening, meaning you were given little opportunity to converse with the newest member of your ragtag crew, one Vincent Valentine, after a more than questionable introduction.
It had all happened so fast – the so-called security guard transforming into a hulking beast, leaving your party with more than a fair number of bruises and abrasions as you fought. The noises were sickening as he had returned back to his body – bones cracking, splintering in all direction, accompanied by pained grunts as he lay catching his breath upon the floor.
Cait Sith had approached, cautiously, saying something about how Vincent was a former Turk and had some history with Sephiroth.
You’d watched as he struggled to get up to his feet, limping back towards his sanctum. You don’t know exactly why you rushed forward when he stumbled, trying to steady him by his elbow. You felt his arm tense under your fingers, before his eyes flashed red and he yanked himself free from your touch with such ferocity, sending you crashing on your tailbone on the concrete floor. Only a second later, Barret’s gun arm cocked behind you, swiftly followed by a gust of air as Cloud readied his sword in retaliation.
You stumble back up to your feet with a poorly concealed wince, holding your hands aloft. “Sorry. I just-”
Vincent lurched forward, resting his cheek against the wooden door to catch his breath before he growled out an order.
“Get out… now.”
It was a complete surprise when he had boarded the plane hours later, after you’d downed a couple of potions and replenished your supplies within Nibelheim itself, somewhat thankful to say goodbye to the odd town. Vincent had made his way to the very back of the plane, giving a polite nod as he sat opposite, legs swiftly crossed, eyes cast down upon his lap.
Every once in a while, you swore his gaze fixed on you – a prickling feeling upon your scalp, though you’d never caught him looking, his chin tucked back under his collar so you couldn’t see the unspoken words on his lips.
Vincent had offered you a gloved hand when you’d hesitated, looking at the gap between the boat and the dock, worried you might fall by how big of a step it needed to be.
You’d taken it without hesitation and he’d pulled you up with ease, immediately releasing his grip once he seemed confident you were on safer footing.
“Thank you-” But he’d already turned and started to walk towards the ramp at an impressive speed.
The rest of the group seemed content to split up whilst Cid hung back to continue tinkering with the Bronco to make sure it could make the next part of its journey.
No-one was changing into beachwear at least – it didn’t feel right to truly relax, ready to set off again as soon as possible, but you decide you can at least wander the streets again, deciding to forego the segway this time.
“Beat the heat with this magical treat!” The vendor yells from his cart as you approach. “Materia pops have arrived in Costa del Sol…”
The small board positioned besides the cart shows iced globes upon sticks – all different flavours. It did look refreshing, especially as the sun bared down upon you.
You pull out your gil pouch, only to find it disappointingly empty. Of course, you’d spent the last of yours on potions and whatnot back at Nibelheim.
The vendor had already spotted you, beckoning you closer. “What will it be?”
“Ah, sorry… Gil’s a little light.” You apologise with a polite smile, putting your pouch back. “Maybe next time.”
You hurry away, deciding to head down to the shaded seats by the Card Carnival. You could spectate any matches going on down there and get out of the blazing heat – probably could even keep an eye on Cid...
It is a little cooler, thankfully – a refreshing breeze coming in off the sea. You lean back in the chair and take a deep breath, deciding to savour the moment of relaxation whilst you could, for you’d soon be traversing across again in search of the Temple of the Ancients.
It isn’t long until you are interrupted by a subtle clear of a throat. You open your eyes, finding Vincent of all people stood over you - a red Materia pop in his gloved hand, held out in a peace offering.
“I had to guess what flavour you would prefer – I hope I chose correctly.” 
You hesitate. “You got that for me?”
“Mm. I saw you at the cart earlier. It is my fault you are without gil, afterall.”
“Oh. No,” you shake your head in protest, but Vincent only extends the Materia pop in your direction once more.
“Consider it an apology for how I treated you when you tried to assist,” he pauses a moment, “if you would be willing to accept an apology from me, of course.”
You reach out and take grip the stick as he relinquishes his hold, not wanting to brush him off.
“Hardly necessary,” you shake your head, but take a lick of the pop, aware it’s beginning to drip in the midday sun. It’s refreshingly cold and sweet – made with real red fruits. “Thank you.”
Vincent nods, before he gestures at the seat besides you. “May I?”
He does so with a flourish of his cape, crossing his legs and then his arms, staring out into the horizon, as you eat your Materia pop in companiable silence.
It isn’t long before you hear Cid whistle – signaling he’s ready to depart when the rest of you are.
You swallow the last piece of your sweet treat before getting to your feet, Vincent immediately joining you – whether out of courtesy or urgency, you’re not sure.
“Thank you – again.”
There’s a hint of a smile on his face, though mostly obscured by his collar still. “I believe I chose correctly. Red is definitely your colour.”
“What makes you say that?” You raise an eyebrow, eyes flickering between him and the card tables as the two of you weave your way between them.
“It has stained your lips to a rather pleasing degree.”
You stop on the spot, face burning at his compliment, unsure what to say in response. However, the opportunity has passed with Vincent somehow already a dozen steps ahead of you.
You can only hope the heat in your cheeks has died down by the time you take your places back in the back of the boat.
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
Comments, reblogs and likes make my whole day x
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Tifa Lockhart X Dragoon!Reader
This was part of collection of requests from inconsistentlyinterested
Also, I apologize in advance for the egregious Iron Maiden reference and focus on the combat.
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The Buster Sword clashed with your Supercharger Lance, creating a storm of sparks between both you and Cloud while you and him sparred with The Highwind behind the both of you, docked on the ground for the group to take a bit of a break and for Cid to do a critical bit of maintenance on it with the semi-reluctant help of Vincent and the others.
Off to the side, Barett, Red, Tifa, and Aerith were in the middle of preparing food for the group that was kindly provided by You, Cloud, and Yuffie.
Speaking of Yuffie, the little thief was also hanging around the cooking group, though she was mostly pestering them with questions while trying to sneak bites of the ingredients, especially the dough Barret was making for the Cookies Marlene had always loved and the special dish Tifa was making with the help of Aerith who was chopping the vegetables that would serve as the sides and Red who was serving as the flame while he took a nap.
Alas, Yuffie’s attempts to get into either were thwarted by Barret lightly flicking her on the head or Tifa slapping her hand with a set of tongs.
This was an important dish for Tifa after all, and after being slapped on the hand for the twelfth time, Yuffie decided to ask her a few questions in order to distract her.
They were, of course, ineffective at distracting her.
However, the answers she gave most definitely did distract Yuffie.
Especially when she asked “Where did you guys even find someone who can go toe to toe with a SOLDIER like Cloud?”
Barret let out a groan and Aerith let out a chuckle as Tifa got a glint in her eye.
“Now why’d you have to go and ask something like that?” Barret groaned
“Well then Yuffie, if you must know, our resident Lancer kind of just… walked into Seventh Heaven one day from the desert, massive lance and all, before ordering a cup of clean water, a burger of whatever would be easiest to make, some kebabs and a single cookie.
“Wait a minute… isn’t that what you guys are cooking right now?” Yuffie asked, enraptured by the story.
“Correct, Tifa here has a question she wants to ask, but that's neither here nor there, I want to hear about their… What did Cloud call it? Supercharger Lance and Powerslave Engine?” Aerith asked as she continued to clean the vegetables, cut them, place them on sticks, and then grill the kebabs.
This is when Barrett decided to pipe up.
“I’ll admit, I don’t know all that much about it, just that it was a part of some sort of experiment involving using summoning Materia to power weaponry. Hell, up until we met that crazy fool I thought it was just some bedtime story to be told to anyone who got too uppity with Shin Ra, that they would ship you off somewhere and have you use one of those ticking time bombs on a stick against anyone they didn’t like. Yet there is one of those weapons right over there, apparently it isn’t as much of a myth as I thought.”
“Ooh! What was that experiment called!?” Yuffie asked, completely invested now.
“If memory serves, Project Dragoon. And let me tell you, I can definitely see why after the first time I saw that lance really go into action!” Barrett stated before beginning to recount the tale of the Airbuster.
“We had our backs to the wall, some mean bastard of a Robot was sicced on us by Shinra himself-” Barrett stated as the entire group, even the sleeping Red said in unison.
“May he burn in hell eternally.”
“-It wasn’t looking pretty, not because we couldn’t handle the bot but because we were running out of time on our bomb. Then the Dragoon there decided to pull out that limit break of theirs.” Barret stated, his memory returning to that moment which would forever be something he would remember.
“Retracting heat shields, activating turbines, injecting fuel… LIMIT BREAK: POWERSLAVE SUPERCHARGER!!!” you shouted as you raised your lance which was beginning to hum and spin as the blackened and soot covered metal slid open in places, revealing a blood red materia crystal about the size of Barrett's shoulder within that let out an infernal heat upon the battlefield.
Then… it began to scream like a banshee, the moisture in the air vaporizing, the materia flaring to life and your lance beginning to spin faster and faster, as if it was getting up to the right speed for something, like an engine readying for take off.
Little did they know, that was an accurate descriptor of what was about to happen.
You grabbed the Supercharger Lance tight in your hands as the revolutions of the metal finally came up to speed and then… you were gone
The arm of the robot flew off as you cratered into the metal wall before pushing off and disappearing.
The second arm was destroyed and you appeared on the catwalk before vanishing.
Its lower right half exploded and you appeared behind it.
Its lower left was gone in a flash and you were in the sky behind Barrett, Cloud, and Tifa.
Then finally.
A molten hole appeared in the core of the mechanical monster, you directly behind it, Lance glowing red and melting the metal catwalk just from being in contact with it.
“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT AND WHY DIDN’T YOU DO IT SOONER!!!” Barrett shouted in equal parts amazement and frustration.
“A Powerslave engine?” Cloud muttered to himself in shock.
“After that, all hell broke loose and we lost track of Cloud, not to mention we had to carry that crazy idiot and their damn near flaming lance back to Seventh Heaven.” Barrett muttered irritatedly.
“After that came the whole Don Corneo debacle.” Aerith chimed in.
“Who is-” Yuffie began before Barrett, Tifa, and Aerith all shouted in unison.
“Alright, alright, alright jeez!” Yuffie quietly muttered before asking “What happened next?
“Next… the plate fell…” Tifa mournfully stated as her mind wandered back to just after, when everyone brought her back up, both to save Aerith and to show Shin Ra they wouldn’t die so easily.
“Well then… better get ready old man… CAUSE AVALANCHE IS COMING FOR YOUR ASS!!!” Barrett shouted, raising his gun to the tower.
“We’ll be taking Aerith off your hands as well!” Cloud shouted as he took his sword and pointed it at the tower just like Barrett and his gun.
You smirked as you picked up your Lance and followed suit, offering your hand to Tifa who took it and was pulled up as you shouted “You're gonna be paying from out of the grave to fix all of this! Aerith, Sector Seven, The Slums, all of it!”
After a moment, Tifa followed everyone else's lead and raised her closed fist at the tower and shouted “Mako, The Planet, The People, ALL OF IT!!! WE REFUSE TO BE YOUR TOOLS ANY LONGER!!!”
After that, they spent the next hour or so parroting back their adventures and all the hijinks that took place during them.
And over that Time, Yuffie noticed something, whenever Tifa would talk about you, she would get a certain look in her eye, her face would start to turn a tad pink around the cheeks and she would always say things in a certain way… if Yuffie had to describe it, she would call it an admiring tone.
Then, finally, after dinner when Tifa asked you to come somewhere private with her and then the two of you returned, hand in hand looking extremely happy it hit the ninja.
The reason Tifa went through making this meal.
The reason she would talk so fondly about when you had her back or she had yours.
The reason she held you in high regard as a person, and a fighter.
It was because Tifa Lockhart had a crush.
A crush she just acted on.
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While playing monopoly:
Zack lands on Cloud's hotel property. 
Cloud: Pay up
Zack, looking at his little money: Or… I could pay you with my body?
Cloud: Deal!
Barret: Last time I'm going to play with you! 
I love your blog. It always puts smile on my face! 😊 Have a nice day!
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romancingbarret · 1 year
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The majority of content ships Barret with Cloud, Tifa, and/or Reeve, and while those are all excellent ships, variety is the spice of life! We'd love to hear about the rarest of pairs you wish were more popular.
We hope to see some of these during Romancing Barret Week!
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 4 months
Randomly, I had a thought on how likely it would have been for different characters to have fallen for Cloud and why they would have fallen for him and now I’m here! Once more! So going in no particular order let us begin (this is just the main sort of batch of characters, let me know if you wanna see any of the side ones like the Turks or Rufus)
Also keep in mind this is just me, my opinions and my blog. Don’t like, don’t read, don’t bring your ship hating or ship wars in here or I’ll punch you. Please and thank you!
Zack: I am being mildly biased with my own shipping head canons when I say that he would’ve fallen head over heels upon first meeting, but also it is canon that he was a chronic flirt and had multiple ‘girlfriends’. So I say it’s not entirely out of the question.
Sephiroth: before he lost his mind there wasn’t a chance in fucking hell it would’ve happened I think. Besides the whole difference in rank thing Seph was already far too traumatised and probably would have just seen Cloud as another guy that saw him as nothing but a war hero. He might have entertained the thought of sleeping with him, maybe, but I really don’t think it would’ve happened. We all know how he is after he loses his mind so I don’t think I gotta delve into that.
Angeal: probably not. He definitely would’ve taken some sort of liking to Cloud, whether as a friend he could find good conversation with or a sort of protege like Zack, I dunno. But ultimately I don’t reckon they’d have too much of a connection, not without some form of poly going on or something. Which leads me to this next one.
Genesis: I for sure reckon he would’ve fallen for Cloud. It would’ve been fucking messy and drama filled and more than likely would have stemmed from an enemies to lovers cause they’re both so incredibly stubborn and head strong, but they would end up loving each other. They’d definitely still butt heads and get into useless arguments but there were far too many pros to even think of giving up on the other.
Aerith: without the whole Cloud resembling Zack thing, maybe. There’s a chance that she could have but it would have been slow. Would’ve been one of those things where they hung out and talked and did all this stuff together so often that one day she would’ve turned around and realised she was in love with him. Like a full on ‘oh’ moment.
Tifa: this is another thing that’s mildly biased based off my own head canons but I honestly don’t think Tifa would have fallen for Cloud. If not for the Nibelheim incident and Cloud being exactly what she always wished for as a kid I do not think it would’ve happened.
Barret: definitely fucking not 😂 besides the fact that he hated Cloud when they first met, Cloud is so far beyond his type it’s not even funny. Plus I feel like Barret would either be one of those guys who’s like ‘my wife was the only woman for me’ or he just wouldn’t wanna put Marlene through the stress of suddenly gaining another parent.
Biggs: maybe. Like a heavy ass possibly honestly. I feel like it would have been the most generic romance in history and it would’ve been so unbelievably normal and it most likely would have been short lived, but maybe.
Wedge: I’m not gonna lie. Wedge gives me aromantic vibes for some reason. I dunno why, he just does. He’d definitely befriend Cloud (eventually) and be willing to wingman him or something if he needed it but yeah, I don’t think Wedge would’ve fallen for him.
Jessie: she absolutely loves flirting with Cloud and teasing him and being all over him, but she is definitely a lesbian. Don’t even argue with me! That woman is a full fledged lesbian and she only flirts with guys so heavily cause it’s funny to watch them scramble.
Vincent: nah, not really. Would they have a friends with benefits thing? Probably. But I feel like Vincent is far too emotionally unavailable and traumatised to even entertain the idea of being with someone again.
Cid: I feel like this is similar to Angeal. He’d definitely like Cloud and they’d bond over mechanic shit and complain about the people they chose to surround themselves with, but he definitely wouldn’t fall for him either. Cloud is way too young for him and not nearly his type in a guy. Plus he has a wife.
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hecate-valentine · 1 year
Dirty Valentine
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Pairing: Vincent Valentine x OC (Laena)
WARNINGS: Mentions of past rape, self-harm, abuse and assault, experiments, creepy Hojo and horrible corporations, creepy and perverted old man. Themes of religious guilt. Psychological trauma
Content Warning: Oral sex, (F! receiving) breast play, vaginal fingering, inexperienced but also VERY experienced Vincent, praise kink, female orgasm, first-time orgasm, creampie
Word count: 8048 (help)
The rest of the group had long since retired for the night. All except for Vincent and Laena, who sat beside each other in front of the fireplace's dwindling flame in the camp's center. The orange of the fire illuminated both of their features, and Vincent found himself struggling not to turn and look at Laena. It has been a long while since she first joined the group, and in that time, Vincent and the Cetra woman grew to be close. After the death of Aerith, Laenas’ cousin, she spent many long nights awake, quietly sobbing and trembling, making her leave the comforts of the tent she shared with Vincent and go wherever she could letting loose her frustrations and grief.
Many instances occurred where Vincent would find her away from the camp, offering her comfort and solace in his presence. He was not too close to Aerith, but he knew the pain that came with losing a close friend and family member. And the longer he spent in her presence and knowing her, he grew even more moonstruck with her. She was kind, sweet, and most of all, innocent, contrary to what she thinks because of what had happened to her during her captivity at Shinra. 
He wanted to fight these feelings of affection because of the things that happened to Lucrecia, but he was no longer in control of what his heart wanted. It terrified him. These feelings were solidified after a rough transformation during a fight and a daring rescue. Everyone scattered away from Vincent as he struggled to regain control, destroying everything in his path and roaring. Laena was the only one who didn’t run away from him. Instead, she approached him, extending a hand and a firm look in her eyes as she looked into his. The beast wanted to tear Laena to shreds and eat her insides, but Vincent wrestled with that part of him, eventually winning as he crashed to his knees and turned back to his human form, breathing heavily and coughing blood. She quickly attended to him and kept him grounded, even as Barret and Cid helped him back to camp. 
Especially the time after she had first joined the group. It was two weeks after she was found. The group had gone scouting the land and surroundings for more resources. Laena was still much too weak, so she stayed behind with Yuffie and Tifa to watch over the camp and her. Many squads of the best Shinra troops set upon the camp, looking for her. Yuffie and Tifa were overwhelmed and sent Laena off to find the group for aid. Laena was cornered on a tall cliff, the troops pushing her closer and closer to the edge.
Luckily, the group emerged on an opposing cliff that was closer to the water. With one small misstep, Laena fell from the cliff. Vincent, being Vincent, was the first to respond and quickly sprouted wings, flying to her and catching her in mid-air. Once on the land after flying back up with Laena in his arms, Vincent made quick work of dealing with the troops that pushed her off. He was furious and violent. 
Laena remembered those days very clearly. It was only a few days after Aerith died and Laena needed to find a way to repay Vincent for being there for her when she needed someone and protecting her from the troops. She stayed beside him for five days, watching over him and using whatever magic she could to ease any injury from his intense transformation. She never left him. 
Vincent turned his head to Laena as she looked up at the night sky. It reminded him of the day that they first talked together.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” He asked, repeating what she first told him the first time they interacted. She turned her head, looking at him with a raised brow. She chuckled and looked down, hiding her face.
“Don’t make fun of me, Vincent.” She jested. He hid his face behind the high collar of his cloak, hiding the small smile on his face. She removed her gloves and held her hands out before the fire. His eyes wandered over her hands and to her arms and then her face. She was pale, no matter how long she spent under the sun, her skin never darkened. She had long red hair that flowed in waves down her back and chest and bright green eyes. Her face was decorated with freckles that went down her arms and faded into less sparse ones on her hands. Much like Vincent, she wore black and red colors. A black long-sleeve shirt that clung to her with a long red overcoat and black pants and boots with black leather gloves. The shirt was low-cut enough to reveal her collarbone and not hide the pendant she wore that held her summoning materia. Much like Aerith, she took to the mage route, and after Aerith passed, Laena inherited the staff that was used by the younger and half-blooded Cetra. Laena quickly proved to be a force to be reckoned with when she pulled the staff out, making the group frightful whenever she was ready to attack.
Except Vincent. In many instances, whenever they were surrounded, the two of them stood back-to-back. Though both of them were more capable of long-range attacks, they weren’t afraid to get down and dirty, that much was known when Laena dealt with a Demon by charging it and pulling out a knife, stabbing it through the head. As it fell, lifeless and trembling from its nerves being struck, there was a shift in the air surrounding the party, and it came from Laena. She climbed on its body, repeatedly shoving her knife into its head, blood spraying out on the ground and her face and clothes. The party watched as she did this while sobbing. 
Vincent watched as well, his eyes wide with shock and partially horror. The way she was acting, was a trauma response from whatever happened to her at Shinra. He approached her and pulled her from the corpse, holding her close and turning his back on the body, hiding her from its view.
“Let me go!” She screamed and cried, even going to hold the knife once more with the intent of stabbing Vincent. He grabbed her wrist, stopped her, and spoke to her in an attempt to calm her down.
“Laena, please. It’s alright. You’re not there anymore.” His voice was clear and loud enough for only the two of them to hear. Her cries ceased, and her screams fell into silence. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes closed. She dropped the knife and went limp in his grip.
“I’m sorry.” She whispered, her voice cracking. He shook his head, shushing her, placing his gauntlet-covered hand on her head, caressing her to calm her down. Later that night at camp, when Vincent had asked her about what happened to give her a reaction like that, she told him the whole truth: She was sold to Shinra at ten years old by her stepfather when her mother died in childbirth. Her stepfather worked with Shinra and had told her she was going to get a better education through Shinra, but she found out later he gave her over to them for a promotion. Much like other Cetra’s that were taken by Shinra, like her cousin and aunt, she was experimented on daily, experiments that turned her into something else, something not entirely human. But all that changed when she turned eighteen. 
The President raped her, many times until she escaped when she was 24 years old. She was damaged, ruined, in her eyes, violated, and left to rot. Everything that transpired since then was done purely to break her, body and mind, so she could lead Shinra to the Promised Land for the boundless Mako that was said to be there as a mindless puppet. Many of the things that were done to her by the hands of Hojo and his department included forcing her to listen to the recordings of the President forcing himself on her, making her listen to how she cried and screamed for help, and begging him to stop. But he never did, not until he got his fill and left her battered, bruised, and bleeding. Other methods included physically assaulting her and running various tests on her. For all the years of abuse she endured at the hands of the President, she had never once fallen with a child. In Hojo’s words, it was “a curious circumstance, one to be explored”.
Vincent was disgusted. Not with her, never with her, but with Shinra. He was disgusted at how they could treat someone like her as a toy to be used for some old man and how no one once stepped in to stop. But how could they have when no one but the President, Hojo, and the R&D Department knew of her existence in the tower? He was angry beyond reason, at both the company and the world for letting that happen to her, and angry at whatever God there was that sat back and watched these acts against her. His anger towards the corporation grew when she showed him the several scars along her wrists, inflicted by her and her alone.
“I wanted control over myself. But I…also felt the need to punish myself and to remind myself that I am still a human, no matter what they did to me.”
“You were a child.”
Vincent let his eyes fall on Laena once more. He debated speaking up about how he thought about her, but he knew it would be better to get it off his chest rather than letting it fester inside and then watching something horrific happen to her before his very eyes while he is unable to stop it. He feared her death more than any possible rejection he would receive from her. 
“You are very beautiful, Laena.” He spoke up. She quickly turned her head to look at him. She met the gaze of his red eyes that stared intensely at her. They were full of affection for her, and honesty. He was always brutally honest with those in the camp, even in the case where honesty was not necessary. Laena smiled and turned her head from him.
“Thank you, Vincent. I…wish I knew how to respond to that.” She said and turned her head back to look at him. He shook his head.
“You don’t have to respond. And thank you for…watching over me after that transformation.” Vincent said. Laena smiled and nodded. That damned smile. He adjusted to sit closer to her, their legs only an inch away from each other now. She kept her head facing him, watching his expressions and body language.
“You’re welcome. I thought it necessary considering how you stood by me when Aerith left us. Now you owe me.” Laena jested with a smile. Vincent chuckled and raised a brow at her. His collar was lower now, showing Lavena the small smile that covered his face.
“Oh, do I?” He asked. She nodded, still smiling. Both of them started leaning in closer, not realizing they were doing that.
“Yes, you do, Valentine.” She said. Both of them realize they were both leaning in when their faces were only inches apart, their breaths were light, but both can feel it on their faces. Laena pulled back, her face turning bright red. Vincent was amused by her face turning red, making him smile even more.
“I’m…going to bed, Vincent. Goodnight.” She said and stood up. Something stirred in Vincent as he watched her reaction, like a sort of confidence and satisfaction. He nodded and looked to the fire once more.
“Goodnight, Laena.” He said. He watched her walk to their joined tent. She paused before turning her head, seeing Vincent looking at her. She shot him a look, full of mischievous playfulness, almost like she was inviting him to join her for some…explicit behavior. He was hesitant to respond, considering her past experiences with sexual behaviors. Damnit all. Vincent stood from the ground with a sigh and approached her, slowly. She stepped into the tent and turned the heat lamp to its dimmest setting.
Vincent stepped into the tent after her, pulling off his cape and setting it on his bedroll. Once aside, Vincent approached Laena. His body was inches away from hers, back to front. So close, yet so far. Reaching his gauntleted hand out, he grasped her shoulder, holding in a soft grip. With his hand on her shoulder, he inched forward, pressing their bodies together.
“I won’t do anything to you that you don’t want me to. Understand?” He asked. Was he misinterpreting the look she gave him? He couldn’t help not thinking that, making himself anxious and uncertain of himself and his feelings. She turned her head, looking at him over her shoulder. His head was inches from hers, his eyes never left her. They burned with an intense flame that coursed through Laena. 
“Understood. But I ask that you be patient with me. Please?” She told. He nodded, leaning his head forward, pressing their heads together.
“I will. I would rather feed myself to a horde of Death Claws than force you into something you aren’t ready for.” He said. Laena chuckled and kicked off her boots. Her feet came in contact with the furs that she had collected over the travels.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” She responded. Vincent chuckled and stepped back, pulling off his gauntlet, gloves, and boots with the gold sabatons. “I must admit, I have no idea what I’m supposed to do now, only what’s to come, and even then I’m still...” She fiddled with her hands and turned around as she fell silent, looking away from Vincent. He reached a bare hand forward, brushing her hair from her shoulder.
“Then let me take the lead. I’ll be as slow as you want me to be. And I promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you on purpose. You can trust me, Laena.” He said. His head leaned in closer to her neck, breathing on it softly. She shivered at his breath on her neck.
“I know I can.” She whispered. Vincent’s eyes stuck to her neck. He subtly bit his lower lip as he stared. His hand on her shoulder lowered to her waist with his other in tow. He was very careful with touching her, being wary of setting off a reaction.
“Do you trust me enough to let me kiss your neck?” He asked. She nodded. He raised a hand from her waist to her chin, turning her head to look at her. “Use your words, Laena.”
“I trust you.”
“Thank you, Laena.” He pressed his lips to her neck, softly kissing along her skin. Her hands clenched and her body shivered at the touch of his lips on her neck. She gasped as he licked at her neck, his hand instinctively clawing at her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
“Vincent.” She whisper-moaned. He pulled away from her neck.
“Yes?” He questioned. His voice hit right in her ear and sent shockwaves down her body, making her shiver. Vincent chuckled to himself as he felt her shudder against him, showing she was getting ready. “You’re aroused, aren’t you, Laena?”
“You seem pleased at that.” She said. He hummed and nodded, leaning into her neck once more.
“Yes, I am, especially because I have your consent and trust.” He said. He kissed her neck again, his hands beginning to instinctively claw again on her waist. Laena began reaching for the bottom of her shirt, only for Vincent to reach first and pull it off over her head. Once her shirt was off, he went for the clasps of her bra, expertly unclasping it and tossing it aside. She felt tense as Vincent stepped away, his eyes scanning over her. She was beautiful, full of life, and plump at the touch. His hand reached out, his fingers dancing along her collarbone. She was soft to the touch, like velvet over a fire.
“You are very beautiful, Laena. You should be worshipped like the Goddess you are, and I gladly will.” He said and leaned in, kissing her fully on the lips. 
And then he kissed me, with all the power he could muster, making up for all the moons, weeks, days, minutes, and seconds our chapped lips hadn’t been touching, and finally, finally it felt like the world wasn’t burning around me.
She gasped into the kiss, her hands raising and grabbing his shoulders. Her chest bloomed and grew heavy at his careful touch and kiss, sending her into overdrive with emotions she has never felt before from a man. His kiss radiated down her spine as he stole her last breath, a chill rushed through her core and the goosebumps that followed were inevitable. As their tongues locked and slide against each other, her heart fluttered with desire and its steady drumbeat silently made its way between her thighs. She was indeed kissed, kissed by a gentleman, a gentleman who know how to kiss her soul.
The last time she felt this happy was during her moments with her mother, Valaena. Her eyes grew wet with tears. Not tears of sadness, anguish, regret, or fear, but joy and happiness, and relief. This was it…the feeling she had wanted for so long.
Vincent pulled away from her lips, his forehead pressing against hers as his eyes met hers, seeing the glossy tears in them.
“Are you alright, Laena?” He asked. She stared at him, her mind going blank for a moment as she tried to find the words to tell him she was indeed alright. I don’t know how to feel, but I wanna try. I don’t know how to feel, but someday I might. Someday I might. I think I forgot how to be happy, something I’m not, but can be. Something I’ve waited for. She could only nod at him, a smile slowly forming on her lips.
“I am now.”
Vincent stilled as he heard her speak. Her mind swam with thoughts and feelings, as did his. How should I initiate this? What can I do to make her comfortable? What can I do to make her happy? What can I do to keep her safe from her mind and Shinra? Nothing, but I will die trying. 
“You seemed lost for a moment.” He observed. A hand lowered from his shoulders and grabbed a hand of his, interlocking fingers. Vincent looked towards their joined hands before looking back up at her.
“I’m just…happy.” She responded. He felt his mind go silent with his concerns as he heard those words. He was relieved that he was doing something right for her. The fact that something so minimal as a kiss worked to ease her comforted him and relieved him. He would do anything for her to help her become comfortable with this experience. She released his hand and removed her other hand from his shoulder, instead going to his attire. Her hands went to the buckles, unbuckling them and pulling the top off once completely open, tossing it to the ground of the tent. 
She stared at his form, eyeing the several scars that covered him. Alongside the scars, his skin was just as pale as his face, and no hair grew on his chest, except the coarse patch on his lower stomach that went into his pants, his arms were the same, covered with thin sparse black hair. She reached out a hand, her finger caressing the y-shaped scar that went from his chest to his stomach, making him shiver and grab her wrist. She jolted at the sudden touch and looked up at him. She expected anger and disgust from her touching him, but when she saw his eyes she was met with gentleness and slight fear.
“No one has…ever seen me like this. Am I repulsive to you?” He asked. She shook her head quickly and lowered her head, her lips hovering over the scar. She glanced up at him through her eyelashes and pressed a gentle kiss to the middle of the scar. He sucked in air and ran his hands through her hair. He kissed the top of her head. Such a simple act of intimacy and both of us are drunk on it. As she kissed him, she took in his scent, a sweet concoction of beauty. Plums, jasmine, and red berries made him up. Scents as beautiful as him.
Laena stepped back. She reached her hands out toward his pants, before hesitating and looking up at him. He nodded and she began unbuckling his pants. Halfway through the process, she seized and turned her back on him. He knew she was afraid, and he didn’t want to pressure her into continuing if she was fearful. He removed his pants, letting them fall to the ground, and stepping out of them. Vincent grabbed her hand, holding it gently as his thumb caressed the back of it.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized. He shook his head, stepping forward but keeping a bit of space between them.
“Don’t be. It’s alright to be afraid in your case.” He fell silent, listening to her breathing and any signs of her being uncomfortable, but found one. “Do you wish to continue?” She nodded.
“Don’t agree just because I want to be close to you. Think for yourself, Laena. Do you really wish to continue?” He repeated. She paused and thought about it. She had been with the party a while, and through that time she and Vincent had grown close, first as friends, and now as potential interests. Potential? Be realistic, Laena. She liked him. She really liked Vincent. He was kind to her, gentle, careful, and understanding. Vincent had never pressured her into speaking out about what happened to her as Cid did which resulted in a heated argument between Cid and Vincent after Laena disappeared from camp crying her heart out, or questioning why she had a key with a small flower charm on her at all times. Both of them were damaged souls that were chewed up and spat out by Shinra, but they both found comfort in each other's presence and words.
“I do wish to continue, Vincent.” She said. Vincent nodded and stepped forward more, his body meeting hers. His hands went to her sides, going down to her pants. She grabbed his wrist as he went to the laces of her pants. She looked at him over her shoulder, her eyes wet with tears once more. 
“Sor-” Vincent silenced her apology by kissing her once more. She held the back of his head as he kissed her, his black hair seeping through her thin fingers. The kiss distracted her as he unlaced her pants. A stray tear ran down her cheek, which Vincent wiped away as he pulled from the kiss.
“I don’t want you to apologize to me ever again for something out of your control, Laena,” Vincent whispered. She nodded and turned once more to face him. He leaned forward, kissing her on the forehead. He pulled back after a brief moment, looking her in the eyes.
“I’m going to remove your pants. Is that alright with you?” Vincent asked. She looked at him for a brief moment, thinking about his question, and nodding. Slowly, he knelt to one knee before her, his hands, large and warm, went to the waistband of her pants, pulling them down along with her panties slowly in case she wanted him to stop. But she never stopped him. As he pulled them down, his lips ghosted over her stomach, before slowly pressing a kiss to her skin, making her gasp and shudder. He chuckled and stood from his knee, reaching up and running a hand through her hair. She stepped her legs out of the pants, putting them aside.
“You are very beautiful, Laena. Contrary to what you believe of yourself, but it is what I believe. You are very beautiful.” He whispered. She pressed her lips together and looked down, her pale cheeks blushing. He held a finger under her chin and lifted her head.
“Don’t hide yourself. I want to see that face and every reaction you have to me.” Vincent said. She slowly nodded and reluctantly met his eyes.
“What now?” She asked. Vincent smiled and placed his hands on her hips and picked her up into his arms. She stared at him like he was crazy for the forward movement, but accepted it willingly. He was warm. Very warm, and full of hard muscle. And that was just his chest. Several smaller scars covered him but were only noticeable when she was much closer. They almost faded completely into his skin, like they didn’t exist, but when she held a hand to his shoulder to support herself in his grasp, she could feel them. 
He chuckled, “Don’t worry, you are very light.” Carefully, he lowered to his knees and laid her on the furs of her bedroll, her legs spreading to fit him between them. Several were collected just for the sake of not being close to anyone on cold nights. Before her feelings for Vincent grew strong to where they are now, she refused to be close to him in any way out of both fear and discomfort. What was coming goes far beyond sleeping close to each other. 
“What are you planning to do to me now, Vincent?” She asked. Her voice was low and meek, full of curiosity but hints of fear, which was easily picked up by Vincent. He placed a hand on her cheek, his thumb caressing the skin.
“I am going to prepare you before I do anything too drastic. Is that alright with you?” He asked. His eyes bore into hers, full of lust and desire, but also care and love. She nodded, he shook his head and held a finger under her chin, “Speak, Laena. I will not answer to your silence.”
“Yes, it’s alright with me, Vincent.” 
“Thank you, Laena.” Removing his finger from her chin, Vincent held a hand to her collarbone, his fingers caressing her skin, going lower and lower until reaching her lower stomach. Her body shivered as he did so, making goosebumps rise along where he touched her. He was amused by her reaction, getting pleasure from the way she took it, but not enough to drive him further without getting her complete trust in what is to come.
He pressed a kiss to her lips, soft and gentle, but full of fire and passion. With both the kiss and his hand on her stomach, she felt her arousal growing higher, making her wet, but also confused. Vincent pulled back and looked at her puzzled face.
“What is it?” He asked. She opened her mouth to speak but struggled to find the right words to describe what she was feeling and thinking of. Until she finally did speak, and her cheeks grew bright pink.
“Why am I…oh, this is embarrassing.” She said and covered her face with her hands. Vincent chuckled and grasped her wrist, massaging the skin carefully.
“You can tell me anything, Laena. What is it?” He asked. She exhaled and lowered her hands from her face, still having rosy cheeks. She continued to struggle to speak, both out of disgust with how her body felt so needy and fearful of how Vincent would react to her.
“Down there, why am I…” She giggled nervously and turned her head away from him. Then he got her meaning, also chuckling along with her. She was so innocent, and cute, but Vincent must remember why she approached this with that reaction.
“Wet, hmm?” He asked, a small grin on his face. She nodded and turned her head back to look at him. “It’s a reaction, Laena. It’s your body preparing yourself and making you wet to decrease the risk of painful friction and injuries.”
“Oh. I didn’t know it could do that.” She spoke. Vincent said nothing to respond, but in the back of his mind, he knew why she never experienced that. So many life experiences were robbed from her in that damn tower, and he was furious. But now was not the time to be thinking of that, but instead taking her mind off it and giving her the pleasure she was never able to experience.
His fingers on her stomach caressed her skin while his other hand went to her thigh, kneading the skin and easing any potential discomfort.
“Is it alright if I touch you lower?” He asked. Laena looked at him, confused at his question, until it hit her. She blushed profusely and slowly nodded. She knew it was necessary, but the possibility of whatever feeling she was gonna get terrified her. This is Vincent Valentine, not the President. I have nothing to fear from him. 
“Yes.” She responded. He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose. His hand went even lower from her lower stomach, eventually coming to her folds. Her hands reached his shoulders as he ran his fingers along her slit. Laena bit her lower lip to keep herself quiet, but the way her legs quivered and her hips instinctively rocked against his hand gave her away. Vincent grinned.
“Good girl.” He praised. She whimpered as she heard him speak, her body also reacting to his words. She grew wetter, and Vincent chuckled.
“It seems you liked that.” He commented. Her cheeks grew enflamed once more.
“Don’t make fun of me,” Laena whined. He laughed lowly and shook his head.
“My apologies, I did not intend to make you think that. I was making an observation, is all.” He said. Before she could respond to his response, she lowly moaned as his fingers gathered her wetness and spread it over her folds and clit, making her legs shiver once more. His mind began growing foggy as he heard her reaction. Such a sweet sound. He grinned once more at her.
“Such a beautiful sound, like music to my ears.” He said. She covered her face with her hands once more, hiding herself.
“Shut up.” She said. He chuckled and leaned his head into her neck, pressing his lips to her pulse. Her heart beat like crazy under her skin, even more as his lips held their place on the artery. Her hands remained on his shoulders, tightening as he continued using his fingers on her. When he slipped one of his fingers inside her, she whined and dug her nails into his skin.
“You’re so warm, Laena.” He spoke, his lips still on her neck, steadily going lower. Lower and lower until his lips touched her collarbone, the valley between her breasts, her stomach, until he was hunched over Laena, his lips barely ghosting her very inner thigh and his arms sliding underneath her thighs. He looked up at her, his eyes asking the question for him.
“Yes.” She whispered. He smiled a smile that made his eyes crinkle and gleam. He leaned in slowly. He breathed out on her clit, making her shudder, the hot breath tickling her nerves. Her hands now found purchase on the furs beneath her, holding it tightly in her hands. His tongue came out, licking up her slit, her legs quivered in her response and her mouth fell open, a loud whine coming from her lips. His tongue spoke a thousand strokes. Dirty Valentine.
“V-Vincent..!” She whined. Thank God their tent was further from camp. He grinned, though she could not see it. One hand came to her clit, his thumb pressing down, and rubbing in slow circles. Laenas’ breath grew heavy as Vincent worked her, eventually moaning as his other hand raised and he dove a finger inside her, still licking and tasting her wetness. Just like herself, her taste was sweet. Sweet like melons, figs, and prunes, and the strongness of these tastes further fuzzed his mind as he continued. 
He looked up at her, his pupils dilating to all hell as he saw her eyes were sealed shut and her cheeks were rosy. She was just as lost as he was. Very carefully, he slipped a second finger inside her, making her yelp in shock and arch her back off the furs. He shushed her lightly.
“Shh, it’s alright.” He said before lifting his thumb from her clit, instead replacing it with the tip of his tongue. She writhed beneath his tongue, and her nails dug into the furs she laid on, they were steadily growing damp from the sweat that culminated on her skin.
“Please, I want…it feels so good, but I want…” She fell silent from the feelings that sent her mind into overdrive. Vincent pulled back and looked up at her. Her eyes were dazed and glossy, barely focusing on him. His fingers moved slowly inside her, gathering her arousal and stretching her for him.
“What do you want, my dear?” He asked. Laena couldn’t get the words out, her breath too heavy to speak and her mind too far gone with these first-time feelings she was experiencing. But, when she was able to speak, she was still struggling. She struggled even more when she saw him stick his fingers that were previously inside her into his mouth, tasting her even on his fingers and tongue.
“You. I want to feel all of you.” She whispered. He hummed and nodded. He was amused with her reaction, and a part of him was growing confident in himself and what he could do. He steadily moved back upwards, his lips ghosting over her skin once more before he was face level with her. Vincent pressed a kiss to her lips, letting her taste herself on him. One of his hands held her hip while the other held her thigh, raising the leg. Her eyes shot open when she felt the tip of his cock brushing her clit. She whimpered against his lips as she felt it, also calling his attention to it. He pulled himself from her lips.
“You’re not scared, are you? If you are, I can continue with my fingers instead.” He offered. She shook her head. Something within her stirred, making her bring a hand off the furs and down to his cock, the hand wrapping around him. It was his turn for his cheeks to flush. He groaned at her touch and his head fell back, his face scrunching.
“What you did to me with your mouth, I want to do to you.” She spoke. Vincent was bewildered by her newfound boldness and confidence, but he didn’t fight it. But, he did shake his head.
“Not tonight. Tonight is about you and you alone, Laena.” Vincent spoke through his reactions to her. She sighed and nodded. She knew where he was coming from, he was looking out for her, but that didn’t stop her from wanting to do the same. Another time, perhaps. She released her hand from around him, instead going to his jawline, and her other hand followed.
“Another time?”
“Another time.”
Vincent leaned his head forward, connecting their foreheads, and staring into her eyes, the green meeting the red in an intimate swirl of desire, lust, and love. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before he spoke up.
“I feel wrong touching you like this. Like it’s a sin for someone like me to touch and taste you in all these special places. I shall be judged a sinner by God for feeling this way for one of his angels.” His eyes opened as he finished speaking, they were dazed and unfocused as he looked at her. She rose a brow at him.
“God may judge you, but his sins outnumber your own.” They both stared at each other for a moment, before she chuckled. 
“Did you just come up with that?”
“Yes, I did and I do not know where it came from.” He smiled. The hand on her hip raised to her cheek, caressing her with such tender and gentleness.
“Your mind is as beautiful as the rest of you.” He dropped his hands from her, instead placing them on the furs under her and holding his weight up over her body. His eyes remained to stare into her own, but gone was the lust and desire, instead care and love filled them.
“Are you ready? Or do you want me to continue touching you?” He asked. She shook her head, her fingers still on his jawline.
“I’m ready.” She said. He nodded. His long hair brushed along the sides of her face, tickling her and making her smile. He tutted and lowered his head to her chest, his lips ghosting over her skin once more.
“But first…” His eyes landed on her breasts. His lips moved to them, inches away from making contact, his breath hitting her skin and making goosebumps form. A hand removed itself from the furs, going to touch her left breast carefully. His hand was warm against her skin. His lips made contact with her right breast, kissing it and making her gasp and shudder beneath him.
“Oh, oh, Vincent.” She moaned and placed her hands on his head, his black hair spilling from between her fingers. He hummed against her skin while his hand was on her left breast. He took his time, nipping and kissing the skin of her breast while his hand caressed her other one. Until he wrapped his lips around her hardening nipple, making her groan while his hand pinched the other one.
“Vince-!” The call of his name fell silent when he bit down on her nipple, but her mouth remained open with a silent cry. Vincent chuckled and pulled away from her body.
“Apologies, but they were calling my name, Laena.” He said with a cheeky grin on his face. She scoffed and rolled her eyes at him.
“Oh, shut up.” She said, chuckling to herself. He grinned and dropped his hands from her body, instead placing one by her side while the other went to himself. She looked down to where his hand went, her eyes widening with both surprise and a tiny bit of fear. His size was large, very large, and very thick. Hot and hard as steel. How the hell was he walking around with that in those tight leather pants? He noticed her surprise.
“Are you scared? Or just surprised?” Vincent asked. Laena shook her head, moving her hands to his shoulders. They were very strong, much like the rest of him.
“No, not scared, but surprised. You are certainly, ehm, large.” Laena responded. He smiled and pressed their foreheads together once more, their eyes connecting as well.
“Which is why I wanted to properly prepare you, dear.” He responded. The hand that went to himself wrapped around his shaft, rubbing himself along her clit, further stimulating her. Her hands on his shoulders tightened and dug her nails into his skin. She moaned quietly and tilted her head back into the bedroll.
“Oh, oh, Vincent, please, I want you.” She pleaded. He nodded. His head went into the side of her neck. The hand on his shaft went to her thigh, holding her as he began the slow descent of sliding inside her.
She whined and whimpered as the tip of his cock split into her. He deeply moaned in her ear at the feeling of her warm wetness around him. The sound right in her ear made her clench around his tip. Fire ran through her veins, setting her nerves alight. He stopped when the noise of her reached his ears.
“Do you want more or do you need a minute?” He asked. Laena shook her head. Her breath grew heavy very quickly at the feeling and the sensations that ran through her.
“Don’t stop. Fuck, don’t ever stop.” Vincent was baffled by how vulgar she suddenly became. But it was a welcome surprise. He felt like he was seeing the real Laena beneath the disguise she mustered from her captivity. She pressed a hand between his shoulder blades, nails continuing to dig into his skin while the other grabbed at the furs beneath her, hanging on for dear life and keeping her mind in one piece. 
His own went to her thigh, while his other trailed up her arm with gentle caresses until threading their fingers together, pressing their joined hand into the furs. He was careful with Laena, even as he slowly inched deeper inside her until he was buried to the hilt. The stretch of her walls around him after much build-up was nothing short of euphoric for both of them. She writhed beneath him, and her cheeks flushed. Her walls pulsed around him, making his restraint begin to grow thin. He was surrounded by only her. Her touch, her scent, and her presence. He wanted to give in to the animalistic desires that grew in him, but he knew he had to hold back for her sake.
Her comfort must come before his pleasure.
“Still alright?” He asked. She didn’t trust her words, so she nodded. In truth, it was perfect. He felt utterly divine inside her, hitting all the spots and reaching places inside her she never knew existed. Her grip on their joined hands tightened when he slowly started thrusting inside her at a slow and steady pace. Nothing too fast for her, but enough that had her legs shaking. Enough for her back to arch off the furs and press her chest against his own and her head fell back, exposing her throat to him. 
His lips ran over her throat, before kissing along the skin. Just like the rest of her, he was careful to not leave any mark along her skin that was too noticeable. It was nothing short of relief with him inside her, their hands joined and his lips kissing her. 
Laena wrapped her trembling legs around his waist, pulling him close to her and deeper inside her. Vincent grinned at her advancement, pleasantly surprised at her initiative. She felt like she could cry from the sheer intensity of the new angle as his cock reached deeper inside her, but she held it back with a bite of her lip.
“Keep biting like that and you’ll bleed.”
“Will you kiss it better if it does?”
“I’ll kiss every inch of you if you asked it of me, Laena.” She smiled and chuckled. She moved her hips against his as he thrust. He pause and looked at her, whispering an apology as she moaned.
“Don’t be sorry. I want you to move more, Vincent.” She whispered. He nodded and pressed a kiss to her lips as he increased the pace. Her toes curled around his waist in a reaction. She moaned against his lips, stifling the sound so no one would hear how she was practically drooling over his cock. 
But that would be difficult with the sounds of their thighs and pelvis meeting. The tent was filled with the sounds and the smell of sweat and sex. Laena’s hand between his shoulders went into his hair, yanking his head back. His face was also red, and his eyes were closed. He groaned at her action and Vincent continued to groan when her lips met his neck, kissing and licking as he did her. 
He thrust faster and harder in response to her. She cried against his skin. She released his hair, her hand joining the one between his shoulders, and continuing to dig her nails into his skin. Her eyes went wide as she felt something burning within her lower stomach and her walls tightening around Vincent. His groans became low as he felt her approaching her finish. He was anxious to feel her come around him and him coming inside her, but she was afraid of that feeling.
“V…Vincent, what is that?” She asked with her head still in his neck and lips inches from his skin. Their joined hands tensed tighter. Vincent almost didn’t respond from the feeling of her tightening around him, the feeling melting his mind. God, it has been too long since he had last felt this. When he heard her speak, he shook the feeling from him and answered.
“Don’t fight it, Laena. It is the precipice of your pleasure approaching.” He responded. She pulled her head from his neck and looked at him. Her eyes were still wide and full of confusion and fear. Only when he saw the look on her face he did listen to her.
“But, what is it? I’m scared.” She said. He slowed his thrusts down to a slower pace and looked at her. He placed a kiss on her forehead before he reassured her.
“It’s an orgasm, my dear. It is a sudden and involuntary release of sexual tension. It won’t hurt you, Laena.” He reassured. She nodded. He reached for her lips, kissing her once more and pouring all his feelings into it. He picked his pace up once more, Laena yelped against his lips when he reached a spot inside her that made her legs tremble and her tightening around him grow more intense. Vincent smiled and chuckled.
“There you are. Oh, yeah, that felt good, do it again.” He said and hit that spot again. Tears welled in Laena’s eyes from the stimulation of that spot. Vincent groaned much louder as she tightened around him once more. He released their hands and brought his between them, his thumb stimulating and rubbing her clit.
“Come on, my dear. Come for me, Laena. I’m right behind you.” He said, his breath becoming heavy as he grew close. She dug her nails harder into Vincent’s skin, beginning to moan louder. He grew restless and relentless, the same feelings he wanted to suppress to not frighten her. But she was too far gone to care. In fact, she liked it very much.
“Vince, please…kiss me, or I might scream.” She begged. He nodded and instantly attached their lips once more, silencing her cries and screams from her impending climax. One last thrust to that spot sent her over the edge. Her eyes widened and she squealed against his lips. She tightened around him once more as she came around him. He pulled away from her lips as her cries died down.
“Fuck, Vincent, that feels so good, you feel so good. Oh, you’re so perfect, so perfect.” Her praises were endless, and also slurred together as his finger continued stimulating her and his cock continued thrusting inside her.
His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his hips stilled and he came inside her with a groan. Though her legs were already squirming, they did so much harder at the feeling of him filling her. He released his hold on her thigh and his thumb on her clit, instead now holding himself above her to not crush her with him. She wouldn’t have it, she wanted him close to her. She pulled him down, their chests meeting. The tent was filled with them breathing and panting for breath 
“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” He asked. She shook her head. He kissed her cheek before pulling himself from her. She whined in weak protest. His eyes wandered down to her cunt, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous pride as he watched his release flow from her. He raised a finger, collecting what spilled out on his fingers before pushing it back inside her. She trembled and whimpered. He smiled and grabbed her in his arms, moving her to her side and laying beside her.
“What did you just do?” She asked. Her voice was low and scratchy from her cries and moans. He ran a hand through her hair and kissed the back of her neck.
“Keeping it in. I don’t want to dirty these nice furs you have.” He said.
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