#based on my previous piece if you thought he's gonna have a good time then i'm sorry but no
elaemae · 7 months
The premium version of human is here to wreck house, mfs.
[Twst x Obey Me!AFAB!reader]
CHP. 6
I get really happy every time one of you guys like, reblog, or comment on my chapters, Thanks guys :3
CW: ANYTIME that MC is referred with male address or pronouns it's going to be color blue. There's also a shit-ton of cursing here.
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You can feel your blood pressure ascending into the Celestial Realm (faster than a newly deceased good person) as this Azul Asheng-something mf drags you into his oh-so-fancy "Monstro Lounge" while you're just peacefully trying to fuck off from his dorm.
You were unfortunately curious enough to go poke your head into the mirrors leading to the dorms to see what they've got and use it as inspiration, but then this greasy-ass bitch sadly spotted you and literally hounded you to go in.
You would've socked him in the face for a second time but it turns out that he's a pretty important figure in this school.
You don't really wanna get in trouble for doing that.
(You may be able to do it to Crowley but you don't know if this attempted-bangle-thief has influential parents or something.. Crowley meanwhile, acts pretty parent-less for you.)
You are keeping an eye on him though.
If he tries any bullshit then he's getting his ass kicked.
Social hierarchy be damned.
You didn't rein in 10 demons, 3 angels, The greatest sorcerer in all of humanity and The literal fuckin grim reaper, (who're all constantly dragging you onto bullshit as either an accomplice or the baby-sitter) just for some dude in an Emo-friendly-cut-my-life-into-pieces college to best you.
• • • •
Jade did a double-take.
He blinked.
Azul is sending him SOS signals by blinking morse code at him.
Jade rubbed his eyes for a few seconds.
Nope, still the same.
Azul: *Blinking for help intensifies*
He bit his lip to stop his laughter from escaping.
Who would've thought that he'll see a day where his precious housewarden is having his face passive-aggresively squished and kneaded by a new student? And also, probably getting himself threatened based on the eerie smile on the students' face.
Azul should be grateful that floyd isn't here, lest he'll have two people on his hands that are more than happy to squish him around. He should be grateful there isn't anyone else around, really.. Lest the reputation he took so long to build crumbles.
Oh he can just imagine it at the top of his head.. The poor octo-mer will probably combust from embarrassment and maybe even go find himself an octo-pot that he can shimmy himself into.. oh how he misses those days...
(Elae: I'm just imagining baby Azul shimmying into a lil pot.. Ugh, so adorable I'm getting cute aggression.)
He does eventually step in to stop the student from treating Azul's face like a squishy piece of dough He took a couple of pictures ofc. he ain't an amateur, but not before almost getting his own face fall victim to the new students' hands.
• • • •
"You try this shit again and see what happens." You smiled at him as you squished his face.
He's still holding onto your wrists but he seems to have given up from escaping your passive-aggresive face massage. Instead, he seems to have settled in blinking so fast he can almost fly with his eyelashes.
This bitch really had the audacity to try and get you to sell your jewelry to him in exchange for a room in his frankly unimpressive dorm. (You have more than a dozen rich and powerful simps. A dorm in a college ain't gonna be enough to impress you anymore.)
"— I know that you must not have any money to pay but maybe we can compromise, it's gonna be hard for you and your friend (Yuu) to keep staying in the infirmary after all.."
"We can manage—"
"And my benevolence will not allow me to let some poor unfortunate souls be without accommodations... So what if, for a week of stay each, you give me your jewelry in retur—"
You got so pissed at the audacity that you almost strangled him but changed your tactic into a hateful squeezing the last second. (You can't be reported for physically violent behavior rn.)
He speaks as if the entirety of this college and its dorms can actually be worth even a single piece of the ring in your left hand.
But seriously? 15,000 madols (that's the price Azul told you) for one night of stay?? If you're gonna be paying that much money for a single room, then that room better solve all your problems, fulfill your greatest ambitions and then suck your imaginary dick afterwards.
Your annoyed musings were cut off when a hand tries to remove your grip from Azul's face.
You absent-mindedly reach your other hand, trying to deliver another kneading to a new victim.
• • • • •
Azul covers his face with his hand, embarrassed of how the situation played out.
It doesn't help that Floyd is cackling like a deranged maniac at him right now.
Thank goodness they're in his office.
"Can you stOp?!"
Poor bbg was so embarrassed his voice cracked :<
Jokes on you, even if he got embarrassed today he still got closer to your jewelry.
And now, he can 100% confirm that those ornaments aren't just for decorations.
The strong magic from your rings that were pressed against his face confirmed it.
Those things are definitely custom-made magical artifacts of the highest caliber.
Now.. How to get them...
• • • • •
You stopped walking, feeling someone's gaze on you.
Looking around discreetly, you didn't see anyone but you can still feel the eyes on your form.
Yeah no.
You continue on, ignoring the feeling of being watched, but not going to dark places or spots where you'll be all alone.
Time to check in on Yuu and their unwilling gang of window cleaners.
See if they're done already.
The sun is starting to go down, after all.
• • • • •
Mc... We're going to come find you.
Don't worry..
Please stay safe..
Please don't forget that we love you more than anything else in existence..
0u® |!gHt įN tH€ d@RkN€§$
← Pr. 5 | Chapter List | Pr. 7 →
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Oh welp, ain't nothing I can do about it now..
Thanks for reading this far, readers☺️
Reblog or I'll bite ya ankles😈
@caprinaesprout (should I put you in the permanent tag list for this series?)
Tagging isn't working for some reason so I can't tag some of y'all. The usernames I tagged just fuckin disappearing.
Tumblr is messing with me rn.
You wanna throw hands, Tumblr??
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yeahspider · 10 months
I have a request if they're open! Can you please write something with Han or Felix based of the song Matilda by Harry Styles? I relate to that song more than I want to 😭
THIS IS SUCH A CUTE REQUEST !!!! tysm for stopping by my inbox i love this song it means alot to me so this is gonna be based off of my personal experience a little bit and i hope that's okay. also its a lil short im sorry . this is only semi proofread but just know that it was written passionately. abrupt ending as always and to all readers this is sfw but allusions to triggering topics such as parental abuse and neglect . enjoy and feel free to stop by again ! <3
(also i have something to confess …. this was originally written with lee know in mind bc i’m dumb and read your request wrong ….so i altered it i hope you still like it i’m sorry 😭😭)
Grape juice 🫀
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"Do you think I'm a terrible person for leaving?" you asked felix as you both sat in silence on the hood of his car. The night was warm despite the cold thoughts making their way into your head. It's been six months since left your home and three since you met him. In that time you've never felt more free. Your home life was never that good. Your stepfather was mean and your mother was blinded in love She did her best and you know that, but you were suffocating. Never enough money to go around and even less love. Your childhood was cold and ended all too soon. your family was struggling and you wanted out. As soon as you came of age you left. Starting a life of your own a world away. A life that was significantly better than the previous one you led. Every so often though, those thoughts would creep back up.
you abandoned them
you're being selfish
a coward
but felix was always there to chase them away. he didn't know every sad detail of your life but he knew enough to know that your home life was slowly killing you. Taking your hand he rubbed his finger over your palm, tracing the lines and curves.
"Your mother called again?" you nodded as you mulled over what details of the conversation you had with your mother earlier that evening. Calling it a conversation is a kindness you apply for her sake. In reality, it was thirty minutes of your mother berating you for leaving. From the sound of her slurred words, you could tell she was drunk, not a new thing for her. On most days you can ignore her hurtful words but today for some reason unknown to you, they stuck around in your heart.
"Just more of the usual stuff. She wants me to come home. Says Im a terrible person for leaving, that I abandoned my family. you know the usual stuff." you tell him as you pick at a peeling piece of paint on the hood. you could feel the tears welling up in your eyes and it made you feel so pathetic. How could someone miles away hurt your feelings? Crying felt stupid and pointless, you weren't taught to cry.
"You can cry you know? I'm not going to judge you." felix said as he wiped an escaped tear on your cheek. Something about those words made you so confused. Why wasn't he telling you to stop? To suck it up and be an adult? That you weren't a child anymore so it's not okay to cry when someone hurts your pathetic little feelings. An anger surged through you as you jumped out of the car and turned to him.
"Why are you so nice to me? I mean we barely know each other yet here you are comforting me on my mommy issues. What do you want from me?" you shouted at him as he just blinked at you, taking in your frenzied state. You weren't mad at felix and he knew that. This is just how you were taught to respond to kindness. Vulnerability was punished growing up, that lesson was still deeply embedded in your consciousness. He waited until your words washed over you and with the water came a calmness. He's seen plenty of your outbursts at this point in your friendship, although infrequent he handed them with grace every time. It surprised you never gave up on yourself like everyone else. Your brain wanted to be suspicious, your heart felt otherwise. felix waited until you released a breath and sat back down on the hood, muttering an apology as you went.
"You owe them nothing. All your life they've done nothing but tear you down as soon as you try and build a life for yourself. Your family robbed you of a childhood don't let them do the same to your adulthood. You deserve to live for yourself. That doesn't make you selfish or a coward. I won't let them ruin all the progress you've made. You're a good person. No one should make you feel any less." He finished his speech with a pat on your thigh, signaling you to get up and into the car.
"where are we going?" you asked as felix reached over and buckled your seatbelt for you. a habit he never seemed to forget.
"Somewhere, anywhere, everywhere. As far as we need to go for you toshake off those feelings. I'm gonna remind you how fun life can be. "
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bi-hop · 3 months
my thoughts on rgu ep 3
we're baaaack! my previous posts are all now under my rgu liveblog tag
lord, here we go with the extended recaps even though it's only episode 3-
it's interesting how memory is being played with here with Utena. such a formative moment is reduced to a strange fairy tale, a piece of gossip with faceless characters. the only proof of it is vague recollections paired with a single physical piece of evidence: the ring. but said ring is also associated with other elements of the world that she is still not fully privy to... just hm
the running gag of Utena being like "you need a friend" and Chu Chu being like "?" and Anthy being like "?" amuses me but also doesn't... can't put my finger on why though so I'm just gonna note it down and circle back to it
the Utena-sama stuff is funny. like, oh, okay, it's fine when girls are admiring you from a distance because you can write it off as a joke, but a girl insisting she's engaged to you and referring to you reverently is when you're finally like "actually I desire men, I totally want to date a boy, the masculinity has nothing to do with being gay, I want a NORMAL BOY" OADJODSJODS OKAY SURE UTENA
Girl, you claim to want to date a guy and then a guy flirts with you and you're immediately like "let's keep it platonic, dude". alright-
^ NOT AT ALL IMPLYING ATTRACTION TO DUDES MEANS YOU'RE RECEPTIVE TO ALL ADVANCES. just kinda funny immediately following a scene where she's like "erm actually I'm totally straight! I am a heterosexual!!!"
"is the prince bi too. did he kiss all of the duelists orrrr..." - riveting commentary from the girlfriend. I have no stance on this, I just think he seems like a creep
communication? in MY anime? it's far less likely than you'd think. (Touga is annoying but what else is new)
the council finally clueing in to the fact that Utena is not in fact in contact with End of the World (whoever THAT is). Saionji is also hiding or something? good fucking riddance
Anyway, I think the use of a prince as the model Utena bases her appearance on and also simultaneously the vague object of her desire is compelling in a compulsory heterosexuality narrative because it's a perfect analogue to how some lesbians I know would simply invent an idealized guy to project feelings onto due to the insistence of heterosexuality as a regime that a girl MUST desire a man. the easiest man to desire is the one you only vaguely remember from your childhood and have no real chance of meeting-
can everyone just leave Anthy alone????
Nanami looks nice, but I've watched too many shows with blonde mean girls to trust that she really has Anthy's best interests at heart...
circling back to the girls and how they treat Anthy (which includes Wakaba of course because Wakaba is meant to be a window into what the other girls are thinking IMO), there's this continual theme of everyone viewing Anthy as like... this seductress almost who is ruining the lives of boys like Saionji over nothing. She's 'shameless', she's a 'creep', whole time she's being abused and treated as an object. the relatable brown woman of color experience, I fear
Touga: I don't care about Utena. I care about a feminized fantasy of her I have in my head, even though my attraction to her started with how she regularly dresses. This is because I can fix her aesthetic-
Anthy and her social anxiety... man... just let her sit in the dorm and play cards with Chu Chu
and sure enough, Nanami sabotages her out of misdirected jealousy. girl, you need to be freed of the idea that girls are competition for your brother's affection. also, you need to kill your brother. you will do this for me and become a feminist-
I'm not surprised that the retaliation against Anthy is called a prank that maaaybe went too far. I'm especially not surprised this commentary is directed towards a moment of sexual violence. ty to Utena for intervening
gay people be dancing on loop... that is all
fun episode! much to chew on! on to the next
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angiehasakitten · 6 months
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ CHAPTER 2  ~   THAT'S A SHAME
{ WHAT TO KNOW }➤  This is HEAVILY inspired by the bl manhwa “No Love Zone” in which the main character ( fem!reader) is a newbie at the company. She has the worst luck in the romance department and always ends up heartbroken. That's when she sees Kamo Choso, who is her total type, but turns out to be her new boss and enemy… 
{ CHAPTER MAY CONTAIN }➤ Language, use of alcohol, bit of angst
{ WORD COUNT }➤ 3.1 K 
{ OTHER THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND }➤ I'll only be writing in 2nd person pov, so there won't be anything like y/n. Also this is based on my personal preferences so i'm sorry if it disappoints. Whenever something like “this is hsown” it indicates the readers toughts. 
“ I think I just met the man of my dreams…”  is all you can think of at the moment. 
In whom you soon find out , Kamo Choso, also known as your new boss/ team-manager, requests a task from you. You get straight to work without hesitating. Once you have finished drafting, writing, and reviewing your sheet, you walk over to his desk with a soft smile as you hand him your assignment. “All finished mr. Kamo!” You say proudly.  He briefly glances at the sheet before crumpling it up and tossing it into the trash, “Try it again, i don't like it,” He said, not even looking at you as he dismisses you away. 
You sigh as you redo the sheet another time. The response was a simple, “Again.” 
“I expected more from you.”  He gives you a stern look.
You were on the verge of snapping at him, but ,thankfully, you controlled yourself. 
His previous words replayed in your mind as he tossed the paper back to you. 
You mentally scream, cry, rage, kill yourself even as you walk to your desk and sink right back into the chair you’ve been in for the past 5 hours working on the same thing.
 Choso was already having you work overtime, not letting you leave until you finish. 
“That fucking piece of shit!”
“Son of a bitch!” 
“ I swear to fucking god im gonna murder this man’s handsome face in his sleep!”
“I'm quitting this useless shitty job!”
These are all the things you thought as you aggressively  started typing away, cursing him from afar as you watched him smiling and laughing with the other employees while he had you working your ass off. 
Mostly, you curse your own self for falling for handsome faces like his, for how your heart keeps fluttering each time he speaks to you. 
What the hell is wrong with you? This guy is a total dick in his personality!
 In a while, Shoko and Suguru walk over to you to say goodbye as they leave. 
How the fuck was this fair when you were the only one having to work so late?!
 Satoru already left a while back for another one of his stupid dates.
 You were so frustrated that you didn't even realize you fell asleep. 
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
Your eyes flutter open slowly, hearing the sound of your name being called out quietly in your ear, the feeling of someone shaking you awake ever so gently. 
You grunt slightly as you sit up slowly, looking over to see who it was waking you up.
 All you see is the most beautiful face right in front of you, just inches away as he speaks to you, his voice coming out lower than expected. 
“You must be very tired. Are you alright?” He asked, having such a soothing look on his face. 
You feel your face heat up as you stammer over your words “ o-oh, no.. I’m all good!”  
“When did I even fall asleep? And isn't this a little too close?” You thought to yourself as you leaned away a bit. 
He looks over at the half-done assignment he was making you do. “Are you still here because of the task I gave you?” He asked as his gaze returned back to yours.
 You hum in response and nod. “ I’m almost done. If i finish it by today, I’ll be able to submit it by tomo-” 
He then cuts you off. “Good work. This will do.” He says with a small smile.
“p-pardon..?” you ask completely caught off guard.
 “You may go home now. You must be so tired from working so late.” He explains, as if he did a full 180 in his behavior  in the matter of an hour.
He places his hand on your shoulder and gently pats it. “ I’ll tie up all the loose ends.”  He dismisses.
 All your brain could come up with was “huh?” 
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
You toss and turn in your bed, rethinking back to a few hours prior where all the events happened with Choso.
 “What the hell was that..?!” You huff as you grumble in frustration. 
“Did that guy seriously make my heart flutter..?” You spoke to yourself. “Just because he was actually a little nice?” 
You scream into your pillow and kick your feet as you let your frustration and confusion out. 
You huff a bit as you continue your rant to yourself. “I mean… even if he is my type, still…” You mutter, a mental image of when previously his face was so close to yours appears in your head.  
You shut your eyes as you roll around in your bed, squealing and blushing like some middle school girl. 
 “Okay, he is my type for sure!” You sigh as you think a little more.
 “His face is no sin..” You mutter as you hug your pillow. “The problem with that crazy bastard lies in his personality..” You grumble. 
“What am I even thinking? I’m probably just getting weirder because of how tired I am.” 
You whine as you sink your face into the pillow you held. 
“By the way… that little boyfriend of mine hasn’t contacted me in the past days claiming he is ‘busy’.“ You scoff. 
“Does he expect me to text him first?! “ You grumble as your brows furrow. 
“Whatever, I still have work in the morning, let's just not think about this.“ You sigh as you slowly drift to sleep. 
It seemed that  you forgot about one thing for a moment… you have the most rotten luck when it comes to realationships. 
As you finally had a bit of free time, due to finishing all the tasks that were due, you were called over by Choso. 
“What could he possibly need?”
“Did he realize that he is head over heels for me?”
“Is he gonna propose to me?” 
“Is he about to bend me over his table and-” 
You quickly shake off all those thoughts to compose yourself as you walk over to his desk. He looks you up and down before sighing and showing you the task from earlier this morning. 
“The statistical data on this is very lacking..”  He begins with a sigh. “Although this would’ve been great if you were doing a college assignment…” Choso looks at you in such a cold way as he hands your work back to you. “Please revise it again.’’
You put on a fake little smile as you nod, trying to control your emotions. “Okay…” You say with gritted teeth, and walk back to your desk, cursing him out in your thoughts. 
“I must’ve been mad for falling for this guy’s stupid face!” You grumble under your breath. 
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
“AARGH-! How come I'm the only one getting treated this way?!” You whine to Satoru and Suguru as they help hold up your drunken body. 
“Do I look easy to ya? Huh? HUH?! Kamo Chose, you little asshole!” You start kicking your feet in frustration.
 Satoru was recording your little stunt while laughing like a maniac. 
“ We’re the same age, don’t you dare act all high and mighty over me!!!” You grumble in rage.
You hear Suguru say your name with a sigh, “She’s really drunk.” He then nudges your arm with a good amount of force, making you stumble a bit. 
“I told you not to drink so much, didn’t I?”  He scolds, “Snap out of it! I don’t have time to babysit you as well.” 
Satoru finally puts his phone away as his attention now goes to you. “Alright, settle down. What’s your address?” He asked you, making sure you get home safe under his supervision. 
“Home?” You pout. “I can still go for a round.. *hic* … 2!” You begin to try to drag them to a new bar. “I won't be coming back to work tomorrow!” You exclaim as you hiccup again. 
Satoru starts laughing again. “What do you mean you're not going to work?  C’mon! Let’s get your drunkass home~” He says as he pokes your side, making you squirm and giggle from the ticklish sensation. 
“I told you, I’m not drunk!” You try to explain but your words slur as you feel your eyes dropping as well. “..and i'm not going to…work… ”  You trail off as you come to a halt from  the view before you…
Toji was walking side by side, smiling and giggling with another woman, as well as a baby in his arms that looked very  identical to him and the woman… 
You stare blankly at your computer the next day at work. The hangover headache mixed with the bad feeling of finding out your boyfriend was cheating on you, let alone potentially having a kid with a different woman?  Let’s just say it didn't feel good for you at all.
“Seriously… why does this only happen to me?” you thought to yourself as you rested your chin on your palm.
  You already assumed he was cheating, but seeing it right in front of you, just like that, doesn’t feel any good at all. 
You snap back to reality as you hear Suguru’s voice calling your name. You turn to look at him with a raised eyebrow as you hum in curiosity. “hm?”
“What are you doing? It’s already lunch break, you coming with us?” Suguru asks as he points his thumb at Shoko and Satoru who were waiting for the two of you beside the door. 
You give him a small smile for the acknowledgment as you decline by shaking your head. “I’m feeling a little nauseous. Go ahead without me today.” you say as you look back at your screen.
Suguru scoffs as he begins his scolding. “It’s because of how much you drank last night! I knew you’d feel bad the next day!” 
You just roll your eyes at his nagging. “Yeah, Yeah, I get it.” 
“You want me to get you a drink though?” He offers. 
“Nah, don’t bother, I’m better without anything.” You dismiss as he nods. 
“ Alright, see you later, call me if you change your mind.” He flicks your head before walking away. 
You wait for them to completely leave before you exhale and clench your fist. “That fucking bastard! I should’ve known from the moment he started begging for my money!”  You smack your head a few times. 
“After using me, that fucking asshole dares cheat on me?”  You scoff and shake your head, “Is it even considered cheating on me if he is cheating on a different woman with me?!”  You plop your head down on your desk as you sulk. “To call him trash is an insult to garbage…” 
You stare intensely at the screen in front of you, the search bar reading ‘How do I kill someone and not get caught?’. All google gave you was a service line to seek help. You grumble as you slam your hand on your desk. 
“I should really just kill him and then kill myself! Wait- no I can't do that… What if there are hot guys out here that I haven't met yet?” You mumble to yourself. 
Little did you know, Choso was standing behind you with an amused smirk as he watched you fume in frustration. 
 “What are you looking so intensely at?” He calls your name. 
His sudden voice makes you quickly straighten your posture as you turn your chair to look at him. “Nothing! Nope! Nothing at all!” You say with a nervous smile. 
He looks at you for a second before speaking. “You should really get some lunch, it isn’t healthy to skip meals.”  
“Oh, no thank you! I’m not hungry mr. Kamo!” You say, shaking your head.   You turn back to your screen to exit from whatever you were looking at. 
He scoffs to himself and he walks closer to you and begins to lift you off your seat, making you gasp slightly as you feel your heart race. 
“ S-sir?” You question, trying to get out his grip. “What the hell? Is he trying to show off how strong he is just because he might work out a little?”
“I said it wasn’t good to skip meals.” He said your name again as he dragged you out of your seat. 
He finally lets go of you when you’re off your chair.   You back up a bit from him. 
“It.. it’s really fine-” You explain. “I had a good breakfast..” You add before you see the tiny frown on his face. 
“You’ll come with me, won’t you?” He asks, it sounded more like a demand, but still. 
Your heart literally felt like it was about to jump out of your body. How could you decline such a perfect oppertonity? 
“Ah.. I guess I'm a bit hungry…” You begin, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. “I suppose I'll go with you today.” You say with a small smile, which he returns back to you as he smiles as well. 
“That’s great!” He says as he begins to walk out the office, waiting for you to follow behined. 
𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡𓍢ִ໋🌷֒✧ ༘ ⋆。♡
You regret the desicion  you made as soon as he led you into a fancy steak house. How the hell were you gonna pay for this ‘rich people shit’?  You fidget with your nails as you look at the well prepared meals coming to your table. 
Choso leans back in his seat as he analyzes you. “It’s quite nice weather today, isn’t it?”  He decides to be the one to break the awkward silience. 
You nod as you chuckle awkwardly. “Ah yes, it is quite warm, good weather to be outside!”  You begin yapping.
 “You look like you play sports, I’m surprised you’re sitting so still.” You add as you look at him and put on a forced smile. “Must be difficult for you then, mr.Kamo..?”
“And here I am on the verge of dying due to overwork because of you!” You think to yourself, crying mentally. 
“It really does make me want to go somewhere.” He smiles. “On the other note, I apologize for all the hard work I've put on you!” 
You quickly shake your head and wave your hands in front of you. “Oh no, no, don’t be sorry! It’s because I'm still lacking in many aspects!” You dismiss. 
“Son of a bitch, so aware about giving me a hard time…”  You grumble to yourself as you imagine how satisfying  it would be to hit him repeatedly. 
“I promise to work harder and do a better job in the future!” You say while clenching your fist. 
He looks at you for a moment before slightly tilting his head, calling your name. “Can I ask you something?” His smile drops a bit, face now neutral.   
You nod and look at him as if you were interested in what he had to say. “Oh please do!” 
“Fuck off you bastard!” Is what you wish you could've told him.
He clears his throat and makes intense eye contact with you. “You look a little familiar, have we met somewhere before?” He asks, awaiting for an answer. 
You instantly think of when you first saw him at the subway, he was talking about that moment, you assumed.
 “Uhh… I’m not too sure about that..” You lie through your teeth, as if you weren’t gawking over the man the first time you laid your eyes on him. 
He nods as he looks away from you. “I see… I guess I mistook you for someone.” 
You gulp and nervously chuckle as you nod in agreement. “Was I being too obvious? Jeez, what a scary guy..”  You think to yourself. 
“Well that’s a shame..” He begins as he looks at you once more. “I was quite looking forward to it.” 
“what…?”  is all you could think of as your heart raced. 
You lay in your bed as you hug your pillow and think about the previous event. 
“What the hell was that? What does he mean ‘what a shame?” isn’t that a bit much to say just out of politeness?” You thought to yourself aloud. 
Your eyes widen at a sudden thought. “N-no way…” You mutter as your face burns up.
 “Does- He doesn’t like me or something, does he?” You scream into the pillow you held as you kick your feet, overwhelmed with emotions. 
You sit up on your bed as you can’t help but smirk. “Childish bitch…” You begin. “That’s why he’s been giving me such a hard time.” You giggle. 
“Looks like I haven’t lost my charm after all.” 
You let out a relaxed sigh as you lay back down and happily drift off to sleep, replaying the moment with him from earlier in your head. 
“Okay, let’s see what happens from now on, Kamo Choso.” You giggle. 
“I’ll make sure you confess to me with that smart mouth of yours…”
  ˚୨୧⋆。˚ CHAPTER 2 COMPLETE     
Thoughts and opinions?  
ANYWHO IMA GET GOING BC I GOTTA GET ALL PRETTY SINCE I'M ABOUT TO SEE MY MAN (he isn’t my man yet but still)  BYEEEE!!! ( ^◡^)っ✂╰⋃╯
Also i got walked in on reading  the bl while writing this ff 😭 sorry for spelling errors or if this was rushed 🙏
last chap ~ next chap
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littlemissaddict · 2 years
Night Time Fun (18+) - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: A bit of night time teasing turns into a bit of night time fun.
Word Count: 1629
Warnings ⚠️: groping, slight handjob, riding. 18+ minors stay away please.
Yet another one that has been sat in my drafts for far too long.
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"Get that sweet piece of ass into bed princess" Eddie jokes, making her jump as he grabs a handful of her ass before slapping it on his way past her to the bed.
"I'm coming, I'm coming just need to make sure the alarms set" she fusses, setting it down on Eddie's night stand. It was something she did everytime she stayed over at Eddie's because if she didn't then they'd both be late for school and with his track record that was something he had to avoid if he had any hope of finally passing this year.
With the alarm set, she climbed into bed much to Eddie’s delight and he was quick to pull her body into his. Manoeuvring their bodies into their usual position they fell asleep in before the eventuality of sleep had them moving from it, so with Eddie on his back and her on her side with her head rested on his bare chest he couldn’t help but switch it up a little by grabbing her leg and pulling it over his own.
“I hope that isn’t a hint for anything” she yawns, tired but still amused by his actions, “because we have to be up early in the morning so we don’t have time for that” she reminds him.
“Well what do you expect when you crawl in here in just your underwear and my shirt” Eddie muses, letting his hand trail up and down the bare skin of her leg. He can’t help but chuckle when he feels her adjusting her position so she’s pressing closer to him, although the angle she’s at does not allow for much movement, he still doesn’t miss it the subtle way she grinds against his hip. “I thought you said we don’t have time for anything” he asks, his turn to be amused.
“We don’t, I’m just trying to sleep while you’re getting all handsy” she mumbles. Eddie feels the faint brush of her eyelashes against his chest as she closes her eyes and pretends to be innocent as if she doesn’t know what she just did.
He isn’t fooled, he knows her too well. “Yeah, so if I was to slide my hand a little further up” he teases, his hand moving as he speaks so that it’s dangerously close to her panties, “then I wouldn’t find a wet mess between your legs” he asks as if he doesn’t already know the answer because he doesn’t just know her, he knows her body and how it reacts to his touches and if he had to bet, he’d bet everything he had that he was correct.
She hesitates before she shakes her head because she knows that he knows that she knows that he is right, even if she doesn’t want to admit it. Her whole body flinches as he presses the palm of his hand between her legs, feeling the wetness beginning to seep into the thin fabric even more than it was before. “I think you’re lying sweetheart” he chides as he slowly slides his hand that was rested on her up until it reaches her hair, fingers tangling in the soft strands, tenderly carding through at first until he finds his hold and uses her hair to gently tilt her head back so that she’s now looking up at him as he speaks.
“Now here's what's gonna happen, you’re gonna grind against my hand until you’re desperate and begging me for more,” he tells her, pressing his hand harder against her until the heel of it is pressed deliciously against her sensitive clit, making her whimper his name, “then I’m going to pull you into my lap, slide your panties to the side and let you ride my cock until you make us both feel good, got it” he growls, tightening his grip in her hair which causes a moan to slip from her lips as she tries to nod, the position was one they hadn’t tried yet as normally Eddie would be the one on top.
Letting go of her hair, he smiles, “good girl now get to it” His hand resumes its previous position at the base of her back, encouraging her movements. The movement of her hips are awkward and inconsistent which doesn’t give her the pleasure she’s looking for, although it does succeed in making her needy for his touch and in no time she’s begging him for more, just as he had predicted. “Aw you need more huh sweetheart” his tone mocking and laced with fake sympathy as she whines, bucking her hips into his hand with a little more urgency.
“Okay I’ll give you more, sweet girl, come on” he relents, his tone losing its edge and becoming softer as he helps her lift her body so that she’s straddling his lap. Within seconds her hands are tugging at his pyjama pants, carelessly trying to pull them down his legs which makes him chuckle at her neediness, “Slow down sweetheart no need to get yourself so worked up, here” he smiles, lifting his hips as much as he can with her sat on top of him as he pushes them down with ease and letting her take over once they were past his hips.
She doesn’t even give the material chance to hit the floor before she’s on him again, this time she’s wrapping a hand around him despite his protests that he won’t last. “Nu-uh you got to tease me so it’s only fair” she pouts, slowly beginning to move her hand up and down.
“No please sweetheart, I’m sorry just need your sweet pussy wrapped around me” he begs, chocolate brown eyes wide and pleading as his breath gets heavier and his body tenses in an attempt to stop himself from bucking his hips up into her hand, chasing the pleasure that she was offering.
That was all it took for her to stop her teasing, both of them too soft to starve off the other for too long and she’s soon pulling her underwear to the side and lining him up with her hole, gasping as the mushroomed tip of his dick pushes into her. His hands rest against her hips, fingers digging into the skin hard enough that she’ll probably have bruises tomorrow but that’s not what’s on his mind right now, the action simply to distract himself from her tight warmth that’s enveloping him nicely yet all too slowly but he knows she needs the time to adjust to his size even though this isn’t the first time they’ve done this.
When he’s fully inside, her body collapses forward as her head buries into the crook of his neck and her shallow breaths tickle his skin. The feeling of her tight walls gripping him has his head spinning, “need you to move sweetheart” he groans needing some relief from how good it feels or he’s going to finish before they’ve even started.
Without moving from where she’s laid on top of him, she gives an experimental grind of her hips that have them both moaning in surprise at how good it feels and it makes her wonder why they haven’t tried this before. “God Eddie can feel you so deep” she whines as she moves her hips again and again and again, she also finds that because her body is pressed against his that her clit rubs against him on every movement which only adds to her pleasure.
The constant stimulation has her body shaking and as her thrusts begin to slow, Eddie takes over, bending his knees so that he can plant his feet flat on the bed to give him leverage, he begins to thrust up into her. The new angle and speed of his thrust has him hitting that spongy spot inside of her that has her eyes rolling back and her moans increasing in pitch until her orgasm catches her by surprise and she’s cumming on his dick without warning, her body spasming as wave after wave crashes over her.
“That was so hot, god need to cum just a little bit more” he pants as her body falls against him, completely spent as all she can do is nod as he uses her body to find his release. It only takes a couple more thrusts before he's pulling her hips into him and burying himself as far inside her as he can just as she feels the hot spurts of cum filling her up.
Once he’s stopped twitching inside of her she rolls her body off of him, limbs feeling heavy as her back meets the mattress and only vaguely aware of his cum beginning to leak out of her and into the soft material of her underwear. She knows she should clean up and change them otherwise she’s going to be left with a horrible sticky wet mess when she wakes up in the morning but she’s far too tired to move.
Though it’s not until she feels the bed dipping beside her that she realises Eddie is taking it upon himself to do just that because he’s such a good boyfriend, always making sure that she’s taken care of in more ways than one. Her eyes slip closed as she feels him pull the ruined material off her body before a damp cloth wipes away their mess making her whimper because of how sensitive she still is. Then he’s sliding what she guesses is a clean pair of his boxers up her legs because they are far too big to be her own underwear, before he’s climbing back onto the bed next to her and pulling her into his side.
“Sleep well sweetheart” is the last thing she hears before sleep overtakes her body.
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venusofvolterra · 1 year
I have a question for you based on your headcanon on Demetri. I'm sorry if you've answered this already though in previous posts. I wanted to know the relationship dynamic between Demetri and Felix. Obviously, you've stated that Demetri would be a toxic partner, but how does that bleed into his relations with others (especially Felix)? Felix is pretty levelheaded and grounded so he would know and identify his behaviour, right? How do you view their relationship, the bond and the healthiness of it all? Does he have any boundaries with Demetri? Does Felix address his behaviourisms and trauma with Him, and keep him in line in a brotherly way or turn a blind eye? personally, I doubt Felix would stay completely silent if Demetri did perse get a mate and was manipulative, toxic (even emotionally abusive?) to them.
and how do Felix and Demetri maintain a stable and somewhat healthy bond? Because, in all honesty, I doubt you could stay friends with someone for over 1000 years if the relationship was utterly toxic.
if you don't answer questions right now, feel free to delete this, I just wanted your take on it! I hope you're having a great week though, Lovely xx
(that was longer than I anticipated, sorry)
Thanks for the question anon! My week has been okay but I hope yours is lovely!
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This is quit a long ask so I’m gonna break it down into pieces that I think will help us understand some of my thoughts/HC regarding this.
On human/vampire relationships in general:
It’s important to understand first that I do think with the way that it is written in Twilight it is virtually impossible for there to be a healthy relationship between a vampire and a human. 
From the pheromones, to the strength, to the clear power imbalances any human would have in a relationship with a member of the Volturi guard, there is simply no advantage a human would have over either Felix or Demetri.
On Felix’s character:
I would also like to reiterate that Felix is not necessarily a good person. He might be very protective of those he cares about but doing his duties require at the very least indifference to the value of life and most likely even some enjoyment for what he does. In book canon, he makes several off color comments about killing Bella and about her looks.
Also Felix eats people guys. I know we all love him and have very fanciful ideas about him as a mate but realistically, he’s probably not interested in having a human mate long term and is probably eager to turn them.
Many of those power imbalances that make a relationship with a vampire unequal are very much present in a relationship with Felix — maybe even more so.
That said, I think you’re right to point out that he wouldn’t go out of his way to add to it but I can’t pretend Felix is free of these behaviors entirely.
On Demetri’s character:
I’ve expressed in this post how I see Demetri as being particularly sadistic. While I stand by that, even if he is more sadistic than some members of the Volturi/guard he’s not the most sadistic.
If his behavior somehow was too much for the Volturi he simply wouldn’t be in it. Ergo, it’s not. So while it isn’t exactly how Felix would behave, he has no qualms.
I also see Demetri as someone who would be controlling in a relationship. This is mostly because once again, he does not want his mate to stay human very long and will do whatever it takes to get them to agree to the change.
If we’re getting into some of my personal Demetri lore, some of this is left over anxiety following the death of his wife as a human. Despite that human memories tend to fade for vampires over time, I imagine core parts of their psychology at the time of turning stay relatively cemented (this is a hc to make the memory thing make more sense bc it really wouldn’t work given modern psychology). Thus, while he may not remember the details of why he reacts this way, he does.
It is also within the subtext of canon that the Volturi expect new vampires to cut off all their previous friends and family — I can’t imagine it’s any different for their own mates.
On Felix and Demetri’s relationship:
Simply put, they don’t really have that same toxicity between them — logistically there isn’t reason for there to be.
As it goes for them, they’re pretty much on equal footing. They rank similarly, they’re both vampires, they both have the same goals, and anyone they loved as a human is long dead.
Anything that might bog down a human friendship, like for example, significant time spent apart, isn’t a big deal for vampires — especially ones as old as them.
I do think Felix might stick up a bit for a vampire mate of Demetri’s if he was being unfair but even his own kings keep their wives drugged up in a tower, so he might sympathize to some extent with wanting to protect your mate to the nth degree even if he’s not in agreement with it. It all depends on the specific situation.
TLDR; what we consider moral/amoral and abusive in relationships doesn’t fully translate to vampires. They’re inherently kind of toxic and amoral so they have their own entirely separate understandings of those things.
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Alrighty! I hope that answers some of questions about my interpretations of Felix and Demetri, let me know if you have any further ponderings!
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robynroost · 1 year
Okay so I've done some write-ups for various fandoms in the past, and having been in the Stardew Valley for a little while now (I'm soo LATE to the game but I'm glad I get to experience it!) I thought why not a Shane fiction seeing as he is my absolute favourite character! Really be addicted to this man istg ;-; anyway, I'm not sure what write ups are like here, but I wanna share! Hope y'all like it! It's short and sweet, not great either, but I enjoyed writing it all the same ^^
The Long Walk Home
(Fic based on Shane's 8 heart event during the storm)
Pairing - Shane x Farmer (Female Y/n!)
Warnings - Mentions of sui*ide, depression, anxiety etc. Hospitals, alcoholism...
Description - After spending your evening speaking with Emily about your previous encounter with Shane at Marnie's ranch (previous heart event) an early storm roles in as you leave, taking the long walk back to your little farmhouse. It isn't until your foot bumps into something odd that you realise not everything is as it seems in Cindersap Forest...
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Thunder rolled overhead. What had previously been predicted for the end of the Summer season had come early: a torrential downpour of fat, heavy luke-warm raindrops and the whip-cracking sound of clouds crashing into eachother at such an outstanding velocity that the sky tore in two with the claws of lightning bolts.
You had been perched upon a stool inside the cozy Stardrop Saloon of Pelican Town, head buried into your muddied arms with your right hand clutching onto a half-empty glass of water after a long day in the fields. Work hadn't intended to be so difficult, albeit the thought of what had happened the day previously had you wracking your brains with guilt and worry for the past several hours - even as you attempted to sleep.
"I'm sure Shane will be fine." Emily sat opposite you, her hand working a cloth inside one of the Saloon glasses as she continued, her expression attempting to be cheerful with a splash of hope, "I've known him ever since he moved here with little Jas. He's always been to himself, always here drinking..."
Your head snapped upright with a frown, "That's the point. He's always drinking, and he's always to himself..." You wavered your hand in a gesture that could only explain your worry further, "I mean- who has actually spent the time to ask him how he's really feeling?"
Emily replied with a shrug and a frown, "Nobody really gets much else out of him than the snarky replies, so nobody really bothers." She buried her hand deeper into the glass as she spoke, your eyes watching closely as the squeaking became louder,  "I do tend to get more of a friendlier conversation mind you, but that's about it, poor guy..."
"Guess I'm just worried about him is all, he does seem like a lovely person. I've spent enough time with him at the dock to see that." You murmured with a shrug.
Another splitting crash of thunder had the walls of the Saloon shake. You narrowed your eyes upward towards the celling as if you expected the entire thing to collapse under the sheer malice of such a storm. Emily too shared your concerned expression and took a step back, tipping her head a few times towards the door, "You best be off if you want to get home in one piece."
"Yeah too right," you agreed whilst scooping yourself up and fixing your boots into place, "Thanks for the chat though. I'll go see how Shane's doing tomorrow. Gonna be passing that way back home actually, I fancy a walk."
With a wave and a bow of farewell you were on your way, arms crossed to shield yourself from the debris that the wind had managed to strip from the trees as you made your way back through Cindersap Forest. The rain had practically flooded you by the time you'd taken five steps out of the Saloon, but you welcomed it. Summer had been unusually hot this year, and you and your crops needed the much needed water to moisten your dry skin.
Now with such dark, thick clouds overhead, you struggled to see a good few feet ahead of you, and the jet stream of rain didn't seem to help either.
Of course I forgot my flashlight... how could I possibly-
That wasn't thunder...?
There it was again. That same clanking noise that sounded awfully familiar to "Beer cans...?"
There now resting cold and wet in your hand was an empty beer can after you had bent down to investigate. It had to be the same brand of alcohol as the cans you had seen in Shane's room yesterday. That's when a heavy gust of wind disturbed the forest floor and with that the sound of various other cans echoed down the pathway leading towards the edge of the forest, close to the cliffside.
Curiosity always got the better of you, you'd admit, but this was a different sort. It was anxiety bubbling away in your stomach, a knot so tight and horrifying it urged you to just go and follow that ominous trail - it was fear gnawing away at your bones...
So you followed with a frown.
A can here, a can over there... until you saw it through the flash of lightning. A silhouette of a man face down, teetering on the edge of the cliffside, surrounded by empty cans.
You could barely feel your throat vibrate when your chest constricted, letting out a terribly frightened yelp. Your feet charged aimlessly towards the scene, your heart rampaging inside your chest. You collapsed next to him, hands gripping onto the drenched blue rugged jumper as you begged for him to show you any signs of life, "Shane- come on Shane wake up!"
There was a sudden shift, and you felt yourself flopping back onto your knees with wide eyes and a slack jaw, hands now buried into your lap.
"...Y/n?" Shane barely managed to wheeze out at you, jaw clenched and eyes shut firmly. He stifled a sob, "I...I'm sorry..."
You found yourself silent and unmoving, as if you had a complete understanding of the situation and knew what to do: let Shane speak his truth. Regardless, you couldn't make much noise from your voice box through the shock anyway.
The man let out a drunken hiccup and barely managed to take in another breath as he continued, "M...My life... it's a pathetic joke."
Your eyes, heavy with sadness, caught sight of the tears that escaped his ducts. Even with such heavy rain, you could just tell that those droplets sliding down his cheek grew more heavy than the downpour itself.
Shane continued, "Look at me... why do I even try?" Sobbing again, much harder this time, Shane recoiled into himself. He felt his hand slip over the edge of the cliffside and narrowly opened an eye to take a look out into the horizon, "I'm too small and stupid to... to take control of my own life. I'm just a p... piece of soiled garbage flittering in the wind..." He jerked, having almost thrown up the incredibly high amount of alcohol he had consumed prior, and felt himself nearing the edge some more, eyes now focusing on the border of the cliffside, "I've been coming here often lately... looking down... here's a chance to finally take control of my life... these cliffs..."
You could have sworn you felt your heart shatter. You knew Shane was struggling but not like this... it had you completely broken listening to the pain in his voice. Your hands shook uncontrollably as you continued to listen.
"B... but I'm too scared-" Shane jolted again, forcing his mouth shut, "... too anxious. Just like always..."
You felt Shane's attention focus on you this time, "Y/n... all I do is work, sleep and drink...t... to dull the feelings of self-hatred." He was now angling his head towards you, deep green eyes focused on your own as you silently gasped with a visible flinch, "Why should I even go on? Tell me... T... Tell me why I shouldn't roll off this cliff right now."
A moment of clarity finally hit. You knew this was your time to speak. Shane gazed at you expectantly, deep purple hair clinging to his drenched face.
You took a deep breath, barely holding back a sob of your own, before steadying yourself to speak with a broken expression,  "The decision is your own. Just know that I'm here for you."
Shane remained silent for a moment, and another roaring crash of thunder echoed overhead. The storm should surely pass soon.
Finally, he answered, a small glint of hope now shining through the dark shadow behind those eyes, "... Thanks. I appreciate that. I really do."
Your head tipped to the side, a sad frown formed upon your face as you attempted to place your hand upon Shane's, but ultimately pulled back. Shane let out a gurgled cough and groan before attempting to lift himself, though he barely managed a few centermeters before collapsing back down, "Y/n... I think you should take me to the hospital now."
Your eyes widened, and you barely had time to even think before you were on your feet and gently scooped Shane up, letting him wrap his arms around your shoulders to keep him upright, "It's gonna be a long walk... but I'll get you there. Just don't give up Shane. Stay awake. Let me know if you need to stop or anything, okay?"
Shane whined out in pain but stabled himself against you, wincing in pain as he barely managed to stand straight. He nodded, gripping onto you as if his life depended on it- which it did, of course.
You gave him a squeeze for comfort and began your perilous walk, "I'll get you there Shane. I promise..."
White hospital lights hummed overhead. You found yourself waking from a short nap, head against the pearl-coloured sheets of a bed, but not your own. As you rose to sit upright, your tired eyes caught sight of Shane. He was tucked neatly under the sheets, hair now mostly dry and fluffed up, sticking in all different angles but mainly falling over his closed eyes. His chest rose and fell softly in such a way that at long last showed relaxation for such a mentally exhausted individual.
A sigh of absolute relief escaped your lungs, finding yourself gazing at the man's face in awe of how peaceful he finally seemed.
"How are you Y/n?" The voice that jolted you upright was none other than Harvey, the town doctor and one you knew well. He came to stand bedside your chair, looking down.
You offered Harvey a reassuring smile, "I'm doing okay, thank you Harvey. Just a little cold."
A small nod from Harvey reaffirmed his content with your own wellbeing. You hadn't come down with a fever, nor a cough, so you were going to be fine. He then turned his attention to Shane, "I've pumped his stomach and re-hydrated his body. He's going to be okay."
You gave Harvey a slow nod, sighing in the process as you frowned softly, eyes locked onto Shane's face as he slept. You felt the warmth of Harvey's hand meet your shoulder to offer some comfort as he spoke, "It's good you brought him in, though."
A wave of concern washed over Harvey's face as he spoke, "Too much alcohol is terrible for the body, but I'm more worried about his mental health..."
Me too... you wanted to speak that out loud, but something stopped you. For now, you just wanted to remain silent.
"Once he comes to," Harvey continued, "I'll have a chat with him about his treatment options. I know an excellent councelor in Zuzu City."
Ha... something that concrete jungle is actually good for...
You felt yourself shudder. Shane seemed so peaceful now... so content. You could hardly believe that you could have lost him tonight. If you hadn't made your way back through Cindersap, who knows what would have happened... Harvey's hand squeezed your shoulder to bring you back round, and you gazed upward to meet his eye.
"Life can be painful, sometimes..." Harvey spoke with a spark of confidence, "But there's always hope for a better future. You've got to believe in that." With that, Harvey removed his hand and gave you a smile before exiting the room. You heard the audible click of the door as it shut and felt your gaze drift back over towards Shane.
Your head tipped to the side, and with a small smile, you placed your hand upon Shane's. He stirred slightly, fingers twitching, before he too began to smile ever so slightly. You felt a jolt within your chest, a warm fuzzy feeling that completely shrouded each nerve ending within you. Tonight's events... the way you felt yourself gazing so protectively over the man ahead of you, and the idea of almost losing him had your head spinning until finally you felt realisation dig its claws into you.
You'd fallen for him. You had fallen in love, and you'd almost lost that all in one night, but here you were with your hand against Shane's own.
Now you were just thankful you had taken the long walk home.
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tactidoll · 4 months
Dollypop, got any rap recs?
so ive been planning on doing a series of playlists as a kinda introduction to rap, especially so after the dot vs drake beef has put rap back in the spotlight and made more people than ever actually aware of the lyrical content of these songs, its mostly been an issue of executive function beating my ass 5 ways to sunday lately, but suffice to say rap recommendations has been on my mind a lot lately
i could probably go on for a few hrs about hip hop and its place as the culmination of all music prior, but rap is a genre that more so than others rewards album listening so i will more often than not recommend albums over singles/tracks but ill try my best to isolate what i consider to be a well rounded list (no links cus i dont use spotify lmao)
theres a lotta ways to split up rap and hip hop as a whole into a thousand micro genres, especially when you take regions into consideration but i think im gonna go with just 15 tracks that cover as many bases as i can and give a little explanation for each track starting with
NY State of Mind - Nas: ny state of mind is THE classic in my books, dj premier provides the perfect boom bap beat for nas to make the final push to usher in a new generation of rap, literally sampling eric b and rakim in the chorus, the previous pair to bring the genre from the 80’s into the 90’s, furthering that push with more complex rhyme schemes and blending the street/gangsta rap of nwa and wu-tang with the jazzy introspection and philosophy of de la and tribe, a perfect set piece for the album of a desperate kid rapping and telling his stories like its his last day on earth because it just might be
Doomsday – MF DOOM: the manifesto of a super villain, a rulebook on rap, a re-emergence of a forgotten rapper, after the death of his brother and issues with the record label dropping KMD Zev Love X disappeared in ‘94 and then in ‘99 MF DOOM dropped operation: doomsday, the dizzying rhyme schemes and word play, the casual humor and pop culture and sampling referencing lends to a true statement of a song, that DOOM was here and was gonna change the world
4th Chamber – GZA: a dozen wu-tang tracks could’ve appeared on this list and all would be justified but 4th chamber is my favourite by far, starting with the now iconic samurai or kung fu film sample and then kicking into a crazy intro beat that calms slightly in time for ghostface killah to come in and pick it right back up with the first verse of this slick posse cut
Mathematics – Mos Def: Yasiin Bey Is a genius plain and simple, another track produced by preemo another masterpiece of a beat, Bey raps about the sociological statistics that work to keep the black population down in this mathematically driven guide through the politics of the late 90’s
You Got Me – The Roots: this track really shows just how good live instrumentation can be, black thought is one of the greatest of all time, simple as frankly I don’t have too much more to say its just a brilliant song
Wesley’s Theory – Kendrick Lamar: the opening to the greatest album of all time, opening with the mission statement of the album, the sample at the start before the james brown esque hit me pulls the tone back down to earth, part one of the track being a young kdots reactions to the money hes been looking for and part two kendrick plays the role of uncle sam the mascot of white supremacy looking to exploit over eager black artists and talents and lump them with a bill and lock them up when they cant pay it, the deep seeped politics, the groove of thundercat and george clinton of the parliments and funkadelic collectives and the dr dre break really helps sets the tone of the album
Jazz (We’ve Got) – A Tribe called Quest: the perfect jazz rap song, the beat was original made by pete rock before being remade by q-tip, a quintessential classic of the genre simple as
Shook Ones pt 2 – Mobb Deep: the greatest gangsta rap song of all time and frankly its not close its something spectacular, the hardest two 19 year olds ever sounded, over a dark almost evil beat produced by havoc this track is an absolute landmark for not just queensbridge but the entirety of the east coast
Introvert – Little Simz: this track is nothing short of spectacular, a powerful, cinematic, orchestral masterpiece, deep diving into her inner turmoil and her roots, the corruption of the british government, this song shook me to my core when I first listened to simbi, a rallying cry that calls for a war against the oppressing forces further tightening the chains if we ever are to be freed from the oppression
Don’t Cry – J Dilla: this song is gorgeous, chopping up I cant stand (to see you cry) by the escorts into a wonderful beat, made by jay dee in the final throws of his life, half worked on while hospital bound, frequent collaborator and fellow soulquarian questlove stated that this was a message to his mother as J dilla knew the end was near
Nuthin’ But A G Thang – Dr Dre ft Snoop Dogg: the quintessential G-funk banger the genre doesn’t get better than this
SORRY NOT SORRY – Tyler, The Creator: a weird choice for this list, I wasnt sure if I wanted to include it because its so tied to tylers discography but its honestly one of the best rap songs ever when you have the context, especially when you take into account the music video where tyler and all the various versions of himself stand before an audience of ex’s and other notable judgemental presences in his life, as he kills almost every version of himself barring the ‘ugliest’ sides of himself in igor and goblin era tyler potentially insinuating those parts of him still reside inside him
I Used to Love H.E.R – Common: this song is so very important, maybe the best use of metaphor in the whole genre, a fallen out of love story for that very same genre, fantastic storytelling and a great beat by no I.D. one of the most important producers and figures in hip hop out of chicago
Aquemini – Outkast: the title track from one the duos third album and really the record that put the dirty south on the radar on a nationwide level, a sign of their decision to stick together for as long as possible, andres verses really shows hes one of the all time greats and that big boi is not far behind at all
Hazard Duty Pay – JPEGMAFIA: this song was all I listened to for a few weeks after it release, an aggressive single verse track over a soulful beat what more could you want
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starlightrows · 2 years
9 — Admiral
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Hiding In Plain Sight
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Pairing: Commander Wolffe x reader
Word count: 3.9k
Warnings: Non explicit sexual harassment, attempted assault, political extortion, antagonist is a racist piece of shit, some actual assault in defense
Summary: Admiral Sarkany decides to stick around after the recuse mission to “assist and oversee” your campaign to increase funding for all soldiers to have better thermal equipment
“You think it’ll work?” Slush asks
“I think if we show the frostbite and medical expenses it takes to treat frostbite, it will '' you tell him “You know what motivates those votes… money and blind patriotism”
He considers this with a contemplative look “Honestly, that’s true. Maybe they’ll actually listen to you” he says “And as much as I loathe to admit, Admiral Sarkany backing you up on it will probably help sell it too”
“Yeah, that is the only reason I’ve been letting him anywhere near my office” you sigh “I thought maybe he’d be less creepy once we were out of survival mode… but he’s ever creepier now that we’re back on base”
“I don’t like the way he looks at you Doc, and I’m not the only one” Slush says, with genuine concern in his voice
“Trust me, I don’t like it either. I don’t think he’s actually gonna do anything, but still” you give a little shake as a chill runs down your spine “The sooner we can get back to blasting clankers the better”
“I’ll drink to that sister” he laughs “just be careful, yeah?”
“I’m always careful,” you remind him, glancing up at the chronometer on the wall. “You better get out of here if you’re gonna make it to the hangar on time. You know Jag is probably already there waiting for you”
“Teaching the shiny patience” he grins “but yeah he’s probably pacing a hole in the ship by now. Catch ya later Doc”
You wave goodbye to Slush as he heads out, but he doesn’t get far.
“Oh! Didn’t see ya coming Commander” Slush bumps into Wolffe pretty much the second he opens the door,
“The Doc in?” Wolffe asks
“She’s all yours Commander” Slush grins slyly, making his way down the hall away from your office. Wolffe taps on the door frame, even though you saw the whole exchange.
“Need any help from me with that pitch for better thermal equipment?” He asks, closing and locking the door behind him.
“No, but I could use your help with something else” you smirk
“Yeah?” He grins devilishly, leaving his helmet on the small table by the door “And what might that be?”
You take a second too long to think of some cute quippy comeback to keep up the flirting, “Oh fuck it, just get over here”
He chuckles and steps around your desk as you stand from your office chair. His hands go straight for your hips, pulling you into his chest plate, and tilting his head just enough to catch your lips.
You place a hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, fully embracing his kiss. It feels like it’s been forever since the two of you could have a private moment like this. He’s solid and strong and warm against you. You could get lost in those lips. But you can’t.
You pull back just a bit and rest your head against his, breathing a little harder than usual. “I wish we had more time” you whisper
“I know” he says lowly “I was actually coming by to let you know I’m gonna be swamped the next couple days”
“So no sleepovers?” you chuckle
“Well. I didn’t say that, we just have to actually get some sleep” he smirks, kissing you again
“I’m not the one who takes off all my clothes the second I get back to the room” you giggle
“No. You just put on my clothes, you know good and well that’s worse” he nips at your jaw playfully
“Quit” you giggle “I’ve got an appointment with Admiral Sarkany in five minutes, and you need to be outta here before he’s knocking on the door”
“Why hasn’t he fucking left the base yet? Shouldn’t he be overseeing whatever is taking them so long to finish our battlecruiser?” He groans, pulling away from you and sitting on the edge of your desk
You sink back into your chair and scrub a hand over your face “He’s adamant that he be involved in the “corrective measures” to ensure the way his rescue mission was handled never happens again”
Wolffe rolls his eyes and shakes his head “We just had to get the most entitled Admiral in the Republic didn’t we” he grumbles
“Lucky us” you agree “the sooner I get this proposal done the better. I’m hoping once he’s signed off on it he’ll go back to his own silly little life and get off our asses”
“That would be nice. I’d love to fucking eat something without being critizied for my poor table manners” he stands and heads for the door, scooping up his helmet
“Things will go back to normal soon” you tell him, walking him to the door
“Mm… hope so” he grumbles, leaning down a bit to kiss your cheek “Might be asleep if you come over later”
“S’okay” you assure him “Don’t worry about me”
He nods and puts his helmet back on before opening the door and heading down the hall and away from the private offices. Leaving you to get everything ready for your appointment, and mentally prepare yourself to deal with Admiral Sarkany for the next several hours.
Admiral Sarkany has the most massive superiority complex you’ve ever encountered, and you’ve spent your entire career in the military. He talks over you, corrects nearly every word out of your mouth, and talks down not only on you but on the men you serve with as well.
“The clone's thermal gear is sufficient. It’s not worth the millions of credits we would need to give each of them a coat they’ll never wear before they die” He says matter of factly
You grit your teeth and have to bargain with yourself not to rip out his tongue with your bare hands. “Would it not be more economic to have a few thousand units of thermal gear fabricated for use, if and when, troops are deployed to sub zero planets”
“Perhaps” the Admiral says, eyeing you up and down “And how else might we cut back on these manufacturing and distribution costs?”
“For one thing they should be standard. Civilian soldiers and Kaminoan born soldiers should all have the same access to the game grade of military equipment. That way we don’t have to special order anything” You’ve already explained this exact concept to him six different times this afternoon
The Admiral rolls his eyes and then immediately places his gaze back onto your chest, exactly where you don’t want it to be.
“I think that’s enough for today, Captain. I do believe the civilian soldiers such as you and I need better thermal equipment. We deserve it for our sacrifice for the good of the republic. But the clones do not” he says with finality
“With all due respect sir. I am not finished with my campaign to get better gear for all soldiers, and I will be continuing with that approach” you say, standing hurriedly and showing him to the door
Thank the maker, he does collect the few papers he brought and makes his way towards the door. “Captain, I am still planning to oversee this campaign. You need my testimony to make a case. You might consider showing me an extra measure of kindness or otherwise offering benefits for helping your cause”
That turns your stomach. Whatever this disgusting letcher is insinuating, you are having none of it. You have to remind yourself, he’s a superior officer. Breaking all of his teeth equals a court martial and dishonorable discharge.
“Have a good evening Admiral” you say sternly, opening the door and glaring at him with a cold unyielding stare.
Admiral Sarkany, takes just an extra moment to linger in your doorway, like he was considering saying something else nasty or offensive. But he doesn’t, instead he walks out and goes off on his way. You shut the door loudly, and lock it behind you.
You sit at your desk, putting your head in your hands. You’ve got a headache from listening to that Admiral talk out of his ass all day long. This is going to be a long and annoying process to get this campaign under way and the proposal into the senate.
Eventually after you deem that enough time has passed and you’ve grown so fatigued from staring at your own handwriting that you can’t get your eyes to focus. You stand from your chair and pop your back with a slight groan and start tidying things up for the night.
You sneak off to Wolffe’s quarters and find them empty, as promised. You don’t bother trying to wait up or even do much in the way of getting yourself ready for bed. You just strip out of your uniform and put on one of his shirts and flop down onto the mattress. You are out like a light.
At some point in the night Wolffe returns to his quarters. Finding the lights off and hearing your light breathing coming from the direction of the bed. He makes an effort to be quiet as he takes off his own armor and fatigues. He lays down beside you and kisses the top of your head before knocking out too.
Four days of this shit. Working your ass off, listening to Admiral Sarkany dispute every point you make, use every slur you can think of when referring to the men, and blatantly stare at your body. Every night you go back to Wolffe’s room and either pass out immediately or sit there with him with your head on his shoulder while he tells you about the stress he’s under.
To be fair, Wolffe is extremely stressed out and exhausted at the moment. Now that he’s back from medical leave and the 104th is technically back on assignment, he’s got a backlog of paperwork and war council Commanders and Generals and Admirals to listen to bicker and gripe all day long. Admiral Sarkany is stalling the 104th. You know it. Wolffe knows it. And the entire war council knows it. But he’s the highest ranking officer in this corps.
Wolffe asks how you’ve been. How your proposal is going, if Admiral Sarkany is only stalling the 104th deployment to participate in your campaign? You tell him part of the truth. That the proposal is going nowhere fast and that Admiral Sarkany is far more of a hindrance than a help at this point. But you don’t tell him how much the Admiral belittles you. Objectifies you. Or any of the terrible things he says about the men to you. Wolffe doesn’t need to hear all of that right now.
This morning you don’t feel very rested, but that isn’t unusual for you, a good strong cup of caf should take that edge right off. Wolffe is already gone by the time you wake up, so you get yourself dressed and head down to the mess to join some of the guys for breakfast and caf.
“Doin’ okay there Doc?” Cinder asks, taking in your particularly foul expression as you sip your caf.
“I would gnaw off my left leg to avoid working with that fucking Admiral again today” you grumble
“He’s looking at you” Cricket says, looking over your shoulder. You know better than to turn around, instead you watch Cricket and Cinder’s eyes to get a clue as to what’s going on over there.
“Well?” Slush asks them
“He’s just… staring” Cinder says
“Like in the cave” Cricket says coldly “Gives me the creeps”
“Staring at me in a I’m gonna harvest your organs kind of way… or in a I’m going to frame you for a crime and have you dishonorably discharged kind of way?” You ask, squirming a little in your chair
“Who’s harvesting your organs?” Sinker sits down next to Cricket with his own tray of food
“Apparently the Admiral” Slush informs him, as Boost takes the seat next to him
“Don’t worry Doc, we’ll avenge you when we find your body” Boost grins
You throw him a dirty look “Keep talking, I’m not gonna crack your back next time we have to do another night sleeping on the ground”
“Ah come on Doc. He may be creepy but I don’t think he’s actually gonna hurt ya” Boost says digging into his food
“No, he’s just gonna spout his biggoted rhetoric and stare at my tits for the next several hours. Almost makes me wish he would harvest my organs” you shake your head and drain your caf cup.
“The sooner that campaign proposal is done the sooner he’ll leave. You’ve got this Doc” Slush tries to be encouraging.
You grumble a thank you and bid them all a good day, before grabbing another cup of caf to take with you to your office. Now that it’s been pointed out, you can feel his eyes on you as you leave the mess hall. It follows you, like he’s haunting your steps. You walk quickly to your office and feel your heartbeat quicken as you get closer and closer to the door.
Moment you get the door open, you slam it closed behind you and lean back against the door. You wait to have the door knocked on or kicked in behind you, but it doesn’t come. The sound you hear is your heart
hammering away in your chest and blood rushing in your ears.
“Fuck” you mumble. This is getting ridiculous.
You sit down at your desk and try to get started working on your data pad, not even two minutes into working there’s the knock you were dreading to hear. You wince and call out your permission for entry.
Admiral Sarkany strolls in with a data pad and pinched face. The moment he closes the door he starts talking. And he doesn’t stop talking for nearly six hours. By the time you realize lunch time has come and gone, and it’s nearly dinner time; your head is throbbing and your patience is wearing thin.
Finally you cut him off “Admiral Sarkany, with all due respect, this is still my campaign. I appreciate your assistance in this matter and your testimony will still be greatly appreciated when it reaches the senate floor. But at present, our fundamental disagreement on how to present and approach this campaign is preventing me from making any headway with it”
His beady eyes narrow at you
“Young lady I—”
“Sir. I am a medical officer. A soldier. I’m not a politician. Spending days on end debating how to propose how to fix a problem is not time well spent in my line of work” you grit out, angered by him trying to interrupt you and belittle you “I will send you the necessary documents to finish you testimony. But I do not think this proposal will gain any further benefit from our collaboration”
“Stand at attention Captain” he barks
Out of reflex you do it.
“Your pretty little mouth is going to get you into trouble Captain. Remember your place and remember who you are speaking to. If you make me unhappy not only will I revoke my testimony for your proposal, I’ll lobby against it. And if you don’t clean up this little mess you’ve made here today, I’ll have you shipped off to serve on a grunt squad in a hot zone” he stands over you. Not even yelling like a drill Sergeant. It’s almost calm but with a malevolent, hateful tone.
“Answer me Captain” he says
You break form and look up at him. He’s expecting something. You’re confused. Clean up this little mess you’ve made here. What the fuck does that mean? Unless. No. Absolutely not. This can not be happening.
“Admiral Sarkany if you are asking me what I think you are asking me to do, I am telling you right now that I will put you in the fucking ground” you are seething with rage.
He laughs in your face “Yeah. Good luck with that. You really want to do time for slandering a highly decorated admiral of the Grand Army of the Republic? Or do you want to fix this right here, right now? This doesn’t have to be difficult”
This really is happening. This guy is serious. And standing between you and the door. But you don’t have a choice, not really. So with no regard for what consequences may befall you, you take a step forward into him, letting believe you’re actually gonna cave. And then jam your fist into his windpipe.
He stumbles back, choking and gasping for air. For good measure you grab your desk chair and literally fling it at him before sprinting for the door and taking off down the hallway.
Your mind is racing. You just physically assaulted an Admiral. Fuck. You’re gonna get discharged. Or go to prison. Fuck. And you have information on him, what if he has you killed?
You have to tell someone. But who to tell? Anyone that you tell what just happened could get hurt or in trouble too. And where it might mean prison or a potential hit put out on you, punishment for any of the men is being decommissioned…
But you have to tell someone. You’re panicking and still frantically trying to put as much distance between yourself and your office as possible. You barrel through an open door and realize you’re in the hanger.
“Hey Doc!” Someone calls out. You whip around in fear and see it’s Slush working on touching up the paint on the 104th ships. He looks at you, seeing how out of breath and frazzled you look. He knows something’s wrong. “Doc?”
“Where’s General Plo?” You ask him
“In a meeting I think… what’s going on?” Slush approaches you
“Fuck” now you’re really panicking “Fuck… where’s Wolffe?”
“In that meeting. Captain. What is going on?” Slush asks
“You never saw me. You hear me? I was never here. I promise I’ll explain everything later” you bark at him, backing away to find somewhere else to hide. The mere idea of being caught talking to one of your squad mates and having them be decommissioned because of that, you’d rather die.
You turn on your heel and go back the way you came while Slush calls after you. You don’t know where to go. You can’t go back to your quarters. What if he looks for you there? How is there nowhere to hide on a massive base like this? Where could you possibly hide that he won’t look for you?
You find yourself creeping through the halls towards the officers quarters. No one would think to look for you in your commanding officers private room. So you key in the code and lock the door behind you. To your surprise the room is not empty.
Wolffe is standing there having just changed back into his armor and fatigues after needing to wear his formal garments for the meeting today. He’s as surprised to see you as you are to see him.
He gives you a look “You okay?”
You lean back against the door and realize you’re starting to hyperventilate. Your head is pounding from the collective exhaustion of the last few days and the overwhelming amount of adrenaline of what happened today.
Wolffe stays calm but walks towards you. “Hey. Focus up” he says “Breathe” He reaches out and holds you at the crooks of your elbows. You latch on to him, grounding yourself while you work to take deep breaths and get control of your emotions and your body, at least enough to communicate what’s going on. You don’t want to tell him. Him most of all. You’d never forgive yourself if something bad happened to him because of you. You feel sick to your stomach and tears welling in your eyes.
“Hey. Right here” he says tapping his cheekbone underneath his brown eye. “Focus and breathe”
You nod and continue the breathing exercise, until finally you’re calmed enough to get some words out.
“I need help” you manage to get out
“Okay. Tell me how I can help” he says, staying calm and present
“I… I’m going to be arrested or discharged” you lip wobbles
“Why do you think that?” He gives your arms a squeeze
You hesitate before just coming right out and saying it “I punched Admiral Sarkany in the throat… and threw a chair at him”
That is… not what Wolffe was expecting you to say. He’s honestly a little shocked. Everyone wants to punch that guy in the face or eject him into space… but you actually did. He knows you. He knows, you know the consequences of such actions. He knows you would never do something like that… unless
“What did he do?“ he asks, an icy chill creeping into his voice as he begins to piece together what likely happened
You swallow the lump in your throat and finally let the brimming tears slip down your cheeks “He got angry at me when I asked him to take a step back from the campaign. He cornered me in my office and offered me a choice…”
Wolffe’s heart feels like it is made of lead, and his blood boils. Now he’s the one that needs to remember to breathe and keep calm. You don’t need him in a blind rage right now. Instead he pulls you away from the door and into his chest. He holds you tight against him and squeezes his eyes shut.
“You’re not going to be arrested” he says confidently
“Wolffe… I’m sorry… I promise I didn’t—“ you try to explain through tears
“It doesn’t matter sweetheart. You did the right thing” he assures you. He still wants to tear the admiral's limbs off but he knows that you need him more right now.
“Come on, go sit down” he tells you, gesturing towards the bed “I’m gonna com General Plo”
You nod and sit on the edge of his bed while gets on the coms and explains to General Plo that he needs to speak with him urgently. Never being one to brush off the needs of his team, General Plo dismisses himself from the meeting he was in and goes quickly to Wolffe’s quarters.
Even as he approaches the door, he senses many emotions running high inside the room. Anxiety, fear, shame, hatred, guilt. General Plo knocks on the door and is not at all surprised to see you there just behind Commander Wolffe.
“Commander. Captain” he addresses you both “How many I be of assistance?”
Wolffe invites General Plo to take a seat and encourages you to tell him everything. So you do. Everything from the moment he started staring at you in the cave until today where you had to defend yourself. General Plo nods along as you explain, asks a clarifying question when appropriate, and most importantly listens.
Wolffe is appalled to hear that this harassment has been going on for days and you haven’t told him, but he says nothing. Not the time.
“General. I know I probably shouldn’t have thrown a chair at him and I should have been telling someone that he was leering at me but I—“
“No Captain” General Plo says calmly “It is not your responsibility to police how others conduct themselves. And someone should have hit him with a chair a long time ago”
That makes you smile a little, and makes you feel better that you’re being taken seriously.
“Before we leave this room. I am going to ask you to repeat the entire story. Leave nothing out. I will record it and present it to the high war council. You will not be punished for defending yourself Captain” General Plo assures you
Tag List:
@maulslittlemeowmeow @lucyysthings @justanothersadperson93 @lackofhonor @paige6768 @thefact0rygirl
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Hi K! I was inspired by the ask you sent me and the game I saw @zablife create a few weeks ago (I can’t find the link for it, sorry!) where you send people a GIF for them to use as creative inspiration for either a blurb, headcannon, moodboard or one shot or fic whenever they choose!
This can sit in your inbox for months and months if you wish, the idea of this is just to be there for when you feel as though you need some inspiration for something creative and just want to have a bit of fun or get the brain into a creative place! Please don’t feel any pressure to use this I just thought it might be quite a nice thing to use when you’re in the mood to write but aren’t sure what!
I hope you enjoy this and have fun with it! X
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Thanks so much for sending this in, Aimee!! 🥰 I’m sorry it took a little bit for me to answer it, but I wanted to make sure that it was good. So with that being said…I hope that it’s good. It’s not quite based on the scene that we see him in here (because that scene breaks my heart) but it’s certainly not a fluffly piece.
I Have to Go
Tommy Shelby
Warnings: language
Tommy goes to (Y/N)’s house with hopes to stop her, but he finds that it’s too late to get her to change her mind.
“I have to go, Tommy,” (Y/N) said, her one hand gripping onto the wooden door while the other was clenched into a tight fist behind her back.
“You’re still going forward with it?” he asked her, swallowing harshly then.
“Yeah,” she nodded, keeping her response short at first. She looked into his blue eyes for a moment before she realized that he deserved a better explanation. “I need to do this for myself. We’ve talked about it many times…I’m never going to be the person I want to be if I don’t leave this city.”
“So you’re leaving now?” he asked, sounding like he was still trying to wrap his head around it.
“Yes,” she nodded, “I have to.”
“You’re gonna leave now…after I’ve come back; after I’ve told you what’s going on with my family, at the time that I need you most,” he tried to get his thoughts out, his sentences pieced together with pauses.
“Please don’t make this about yourself, Tommy,” (Y/N) asked him, her tone teetering on the fence of sounding like begging.
“I fucking need you here, (Y/N),” he reiterated the final part of his previous statement.
“I can’t be here anymore. This city’s going to eat me alive if I stay in it a moment longer,” she stressed, her desperation shining through in her words. This wasn’t an easy choice for her, but it was one that she needed to make.
Tommy dropped his eyes to the ground, breathing in slowly before he exhaled the air in a deep sigh. “Fine,” he said then, the word sounding like it was forced out.
“Tommy…” she sighed, already knowing what was coming next.
“No. Just go, yeah? Go like you’ve said you’re going to. Your mind’s made up…follow through with your choice,” he said, his eyes locked onto hers as he spoke, the blueness of them that once resembled a warm, summer day now looking like fractured ice.
(Y/N) opened her mouth to speak, but Tommy didn’t allow her to. Instead he held her gaze as he stepped away from her door, keeping his eyes locked onto hers until his body was completely perpendicular to her home. She watched in disbelief as he began walking away from her without speaking another word.
“This just goes to show that you’re absolute shit at saying goodbye, Tommy Shelby!” she called out to him as she watched him walk away, the tears now stinging her eyes. He didn’t stop his stride, so she continued, “all of those years…all of those moments we spent together…all of the secrets I vowed to keep!” her vocal level rose with each step he took away from her, “you should’ve just fucking stayed home; should’ve let me leave with the memory I had of you!” she was crying now, which surely made her words sound incoherent and jumbled together.
What she didn’t know was that Tommy had heard them loud and clear…and that it was taking everything in his power not to turn around and try again. But he kept on walking, because he knew that she was doing herself the biggest favor by getting as far away from this city, and him, as she possibly could.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08
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grippingbeskar · 2 years
salt, ice and fire | frank castle
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chapter eighteen - your fathers eyes
frank castle x fem!reader
word count: 5.9k
warnings: canon typical violence, punisher shit, mentions of blood, death, gross stuff u know the drill by now. also we decapitate someone. ya.
a/n: i’m not even an older sibling but why does this make me so emo???? idk. also yes i named the brother bc i’m watching supernatural again. i’m soft okay don’t look at me. how is there 18 chapters of my shit up in this bitch wow okay enjoy!!
[series masterlist] [previous chapter]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It had been an hour since the call from Agent Madani, and you were still in some sort of shock.
They’re going to kill him.
“Where’d you see ‘em last?” Frank had asked, getting in the drivers side of the car while you loaded the boot as fast as you could.
“He’s heading back to base, but it’s a mess. The ‘New America’ men stationed there have gone full riot— they saw the news, thought it was time to take a stand or some shit. Dead bodies everywhere. I have a link through their network— he’s given the order to move the kid, but the rest of them want him dead.”
“Why move him?” You felt sick as Frank pulled off the curb, but it was a fair question. Bobby wanted to hurt you— break the last piece of yourself you still had. Why not just kill him now? You were still six hours away, although with the way Frank was driving, it would be less.
“He said he wanted to finish the job— that he was taking him somewhere he could do that.” A part of you lit up— a part that you had tried to swallow down the past few weeks, something that had been far too easy to do.
“My old house.” You say, and Frank looks at you only for a second before repeating it into the phone. “It’s only an hour away from their base. We still have five between us.”
“They haven’t been able to get him out yet. Too many people.” You’d bought yourself time— maybe a few precious hours, but it would be enough. It had to be. “I’m heading out there now, you go straight to the kid. I’ll tell the rest of the squad to meet you there.”
Frank throws the phone behind him, and you see the red bar of the accelerator hit a new height. The highway stretched so far in front of you that you couldn’t see any end— it was like it went on forever, continuously throwing miles and miles between you and one of the only things you cared about.
“We’re gonna get there.” Frank says, sending your anxiety and you tuck your legs up under your chin. “There’s too many of the Colonels guys out there to make a quick exit.”
“Bobby’s men will shred them.”
“Good. That was always the plan. It’ll take ‘em time, time we need.” Swallowing hard, the seatbelt around your neck feels like it’s suffocating you. “We’re gonna get there.”
“How do you know?” The voice that comes out of you isn’t one you felt related to anymore— that low, commanding tone that sent shivers down your spine. Frank isn’t phased, his hand dropping from the wheel and planting firmly over yours.
“You trust me?” It was simple now— you trusted him with your life, like he did with his. Once a far away idea, now a real, tangled thread tying you to him. You nod once, and you swear he smiles slightly. “I’ll get you there.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Frank drove the next few hours, and you slept where you could. Once you got into the drivers seat, Frank passed out almost immediately. He’d told you to wake him up in an hour, but he needed to conserve his energy, so you let him sleep.
Weaving through traffic, you knew what you were driving into. It was going to be your last few moments of freedom— but nothing would stop you. Not when you were this close. You’d come to terms with the fact he might not know who you are, and as much as that broke your heart, nothing mattered more than his safety. He was your brother. The one you had let your house burn for, the one you’d killed for a thousand times. You owed him this much. It was your fault he was there, your fault he was used as leverage.
Everything you had done was leading to this moment, and when the sign to your town flashed over your head, you took the exit and woke Frank up, trying to swallow down the sickness in your chest.
“Hey, we’re nearly there.” He shot up, moving a lot easier than just a few hours before. The other wounds would hold well enough, but that one on his side was still raw. Madani had said they were taking a few men with your brother, and they’d only gotten him out about half an hour ago. You’d beat them here— giving you an advantage. You’d need all the help you could get right now.
“They already there?” Frank leans into the back seat, pulling out a long gun and loading it up.
“No. We should have… twenty minutes.” You pull onto your street. God— it was your street, your home after so long. The neighbouring houses were exactly how you remembered them— white picket fences, golden retrievers barking at mail men, the smell of someone barbecuing something. It was all so… familiar. “It’s this one.”
Pulling over, you hadn’t allowed yourself to look just yet. There’s been something built over the top of the ruins. A giant yellow ‘for sale’ sign is sticking up in the lawn, and then you see the one thing about this street that you don’t recognise. The house— entirely rebuilt as if you were never there. In some ways, you guessed you weren’t.
“Hey.” Is all Frank says, but it’s all he needs to. He says everything in that one look— that you needed to be good right now, needed to be strong just for a little longer, and you’d have everything you worked for. You both get out of the car, and look up.
“You should get up high. Pick them off.” Watching Frank wince as he bends out of the car, it’s clear he’s not 100%.
“Just like before. Once you see him, go. Madani’ll be there somewhere.” He says, but not with the relief that you feel. Your brother was going to be safe; that was a good thing. “Once your brothers safe…”
“I do what she wants me to do.” A metallic taste in your mouth forms at the words, knowing you wouldn’t see him again. Was that it? “That’s the deal.”
Frank meant… something to you now. What that was, you hadn’t had time to figure out, but it was big enough to distract you from your work, and certainly big enough to risk your life for. You’d brought each other back from the edge time and time again, and even though it had only been a few months since you met him, you don’t remember feeling anything like you do now for anyone you’ve met.
The way he always looked at you like you were something special— the first real person to treat you with some kind of dignity, kindness, compassion. He saved your life, knowing what you were and what you’d done, and you had done the same for him. He stepped forward, hand reaching for yours as he pulled you toward the empty house.
“Once he’s safe, come back to me.” You blink a few times. Once your brother was out, Madani would need to take you in. None of this made sense if you weren’t the link—if you weren’t her informant, she would never get the location to be here today. You had to— “You come back.”
“I can’t. Agent Madani—“
“Screw that.” He busted the lock to the door, and instantly you were looking around, finding possible vantage points of the new layout all the while trying to process what Frank was saying.
“I- I have to make sure he’s okay.” That was all it was. There was only, truely, one person that would override whatever it was holding you to him. One person that didn’t even know who you were. You heard the screech of tires outside, and knew that you didn’t have time. You never seemed to have the time you wanted with him, no matter how long you were given.
“He will be.” The guns strapped to him bulk him up too much, and you can’t get closer, but you heart was beating so fast like he was on top of you. You already know what he’s trying to say before he says it.
“I can’t ask you to do that. He’s… he needs to be away from all this shit. Away from me—“
“That’s bullshit. Kid would be lucky to have someone like you.” You try to blink it away, but a tear drops down your cheek anyway. “It’s not just for him. Come back to me.”
“I will. You know I will.” He doesn’t look so sure. You knew you needed to go with Agent Madani— give her what she wants, hold up your end of the deal. You couldn’t start your life running from another person. But after all that, you’d come back to him. You always would. “You remember that day that I left the hotel, after you stitched my leg up?”
“I remember that night.” You suck in a slow breath, trying not to think about how his hands held your skin, how you knew how they felt everywhere now.
“I left in the morning, and you told me you would leave if I didn’t come back.” He nods, eyes looking over your shoulder and out the window again, checking you were still alone, then locking back on you. “I knew I was coming back. Always. No matter what happens, I’ll come back.”
“You were late.” He looks down at you, hand tangled in your hair. “I told you thirty minutes in that hotel and I’d leave. Waited 45.”
“God, you really have gotten soft.” A grin splits his face, and his thumb traced over that tiny little scar on your head, the one he made with his gun the first time you fought. “Go.”
You shove him towards the stairs, knowing he needs time to set himself up, but he just looks at you.
“Go, Frank.” He looks like he’s in pain, and you can’t tell if it’s his side or you telling him to move, but either way it hurts him. You turn around, hearing Franks’ loud footsteps stomping up to the window of the attic you had spotted, and try to focus. Nothing was laid out the same, but you didn’t need it to be. You could asses— you could find the best spot, and then you would do what you always did. Find a way.
Frank was shooting as soon as the engine to the now pulled up car outside cut out. You shrunk back, covering yourself from the door by the corner of the wall, peeking up to look over out the window and firing a few shots. Two guys were splayed out on the driveway, blood splattered on the white fencing around the front lawn.
“Kill him now! Just fucking end it already!” One of the men was shouting and you couldn’t hold your spot any longer. You know you should, but you couldn’t stand there and wait. You had waited too long already— it was here and now, and a glimpse of brown hair, curly, like your dads, cracked out of the boot of the car, and you ran.
Adrenaline like you’d never felt it spurred every move. Three car loads of people were in front of you and you tore through them without blinking. You swung an open hand across the first man’s face, and felt the flesh split part underneath the sharp end of your fingers. Blood splattered and he fell, so you moved on to the next. Shots were firing around you, but you didn’t flinch for a second, trusting Franks’ eye to keep you safe. Trusting him to keep you safe.
You could see a part of your brothers face now. He was curled up in a corner of the boot of the car, hands over his head. You were distracted, and one of the men clocked you over the head but you recovered quickly, feeling his weight drop away when a sniper bullet tore through his head. There was another man, his focus on the car, shoving other people out of his path. He was the leader of some sort, ordering people in the chaos of bodies, and the shout of his voice was one you recognised.
You ran across the yard, dodging bullets and cracking bone wherever you could. You got your hands around the cuff of his shirt and yanked him back, only a few meters from where the gun in his hand would of been firing at your brother. He struggles, calling to someone, but your fingers are already linked around his neck. The flesh under his jaw gives way, and a familiar crack sounds as his body drops lifelessly to the pavement.
You hold his fractured head in your hands just for a second too long, before dropping it, a loud thud ringing over the shouts of men around you. The numbers had thinned, and you hadn’t realised Frank had dropped out of the second story window, hearing him groaning in pain as he laid into the man underneath him. Two more punches confirmed the man’s fate, and Frank staggered upright before turning around and starting over on the next.
You sprinted downhill, finishing off whoever you could, and your breath caught in your throat when you finally rounded the car.
You saw him.
Terrified, curled up, but unharmed. Your brother— after twelve years, he was here, and real, and right in front of you.
“Please, don’t hurt me.” His voice cries out, and footsteps behind you snap you away from the moment. You take care of your next victim swiftly, using the gun Frank gave you to put a bullet through his eyes, but not before you dragged him out of your brothers eyesight. He didn’t need to see anymore of it.
“Sammy?” You kept your distance, seeing how much the kid was shaking, but when you called his name, he looked up slowly. “Is that you?”
“How—how do you know my name?” He says, arms still wrapped over his head. You could feel how much blood you were covered in; feel it dripping off onto your shoes.
“I…” You lose the words. God— he looked just like your dad. That same curly hair, bright eyes… he even sounded like him. You heard more shots fired, and Frank was okay— you knew it, because the footsteps could be no one but him. “You won’t remember me, but I promise I’m not here to hurt you.”
“I haven’t seen you before?” He asks, the high pitch voice only reminded you how young he is. Your heart broke a little more when he shuffled back, seeing Frank appear behind you.
“It’s okay. You… I have met you before, but you were very young.” You were blinking back tears, and he squinted— curious. “Are you hurt?”
“I don’t think so.” His clothes were dirty, and there was a small cut on his cheek, probably from where they had knocked him out before chucking him in. “They— please, don’t make me go back with them. They’ll hurt me, they said—“
“No, I promise… God, I swear I will never let them take you again. Okay?” His eyes brimmed with tears, but he nodded, inching forward just a little. “First, we have to get you out of here. There’s some people coming, they are going to make sure you are safe.”
“People?” You nod, and he shakes his head. “No, no I can’t go with anyone. I don’t want to go with them again.”
“I promise you— they will keep you safe.” He was still shaking his head a little, bundled up in a corner, looking over your shoulder. You’d nearly forgotten Frank was there. “He’s a friend. It’s alright.”
“Why are you helping me?” He asks, eyes still squinted. Maybe you had mistaken his curiosity for suspicion, and it killed you that he had to be.
“I… I knew your parents. They would want me to make sure you are safe. I’ve been looking for you ever since they took you.” He shoots straight up, with more energy than you would of assumed he had with the dark rings under his eyes.
“My parents? You knew them?” You nod, going to open your mouth but he was was already talking. “What about my sister? Do you know her?”
“Your sister?” You felt something inside you thaw out— he knew he had a sister.
“They didn’t want me to know about her, but I remembered. They have her somewhere, she’ll be looking for me, too. I don’t want to go with someone else— you have to help me. I want to find her. I have to tell her I’m okay!” He was frantic, standing on his knees in the back of the van, his hands stained with how he grabbed your blood covered shoulders. “They said she was coming— that they’d kill me before she could find me. You have to let me go, I need to find—“
“Easy, kid.” Frank knelt down beside you, his hand easing Sammy down to sit. He was breathing rapidly, and looked pale. “Just… take a second. You’re okay. Just breathe.”
It’s you now that might start crying. It felt like the wind was knocked out of you— watching your brother, alive and real in front of you was one thing, but seeing Frank— Frank, who apparently never misses a fucking thing, talk him through it, counting the seconds for him slow and clear.
In for seven.
Out for eleven.
You knew exactly what you wanted now. God, it was so clear, now it was in front of you.
“I need to…” Sammy started saying again now his breathing was slower, less panicked. “I have to find my…” He stopped talking, looking up at you, eyes locked onto yours. “I do know you.”
“Yeah, you do.” You say, voice choked up. You knew what he was looking at. Where he had your fathers eyes, you were the spitting image of your mother. You saw the recognition, how his face drops when he puts it together. “I’m so sorry, Sammy. I tried to—“
He cut you off, slamming his entire body into yours so hard you nearly toppled over. His arms locked around your neck, so tight it crushed you a little but you couldn’t care less, grabbing him just as tight. He was smiling, maybe even laughing, and for some strange reason he laughed the same as he did when he was just a little baby, all high pitched and squeaky.
The sound makes you breathe again, holding him as close as possible. Your family, your fucking brother was here, in your arms, and it felt like somehow all this had been worth it. If you had to go through everything over again, for this moment, you would. Even with your brother in your arms, though, you knew it wasn’t the only thing you’d go through hell to fight for again.
Frank had a hand on your lower back, keeping you from dropping backwards even further as Sam eventually stopped clinging to you.
“How did you find me?!” He shouted, a giant grin spread across his little face. You never thought you had a motherly bone in your body, but seeing him just made you want to grab him and never let him out of your sight again.
“I never stopped looking for you. They never let me see you, I thought you might of been…”
“I knew they had you! I nearly found you, too! But they told me you were coming, just a few months ago and I thought it wasn’t real, but it was!” A car pulls onto the street, and you grab him, putting yourself in front of Frank and Sam. Franks hand falls on your shoulder.
“It’s Madani.” You knew she would come. Knew that this wouldn’t last, but he was safe. She would make sure of it. You turned back around, linking your hand with Frank’s, who had inched closer to you.
“I never stopped looking for you.” You put your hand on his head, and he smiles again, but it doesn’t last long when he sees Agent Madani walking up to you on the street, two other agents with pale faces taking in the scene. “Don’t worry. She’s a friend, too.”
“You must be Samuel.” She bends down, nodding at you and Frank, and smiling. “It’s very nice to meet you. My name is Dinah.”
He looks back to you, unsure, and the gesture is so small but it means so much to you. To have him look to you. You nod back, trying to look as encouraging as possible while still covered in blood.
“It’s okay. You know how I said before, there’s people that can make sure you never end up here again.” You stood up, and he did the same, following you close behind.
You lead him away from the scene, but he doesn’t seem phased, which only makes the pit in your stomach a little bigger. He must be used to it— to seeing things like this. It made this decision a little easier. If he was with you, this is all he would see, and even if the prospect of leaving him moments after you got him felt like a piece of yourself was being torn out, you knew you couldn’t stay with him.
“I’ll let you guys have a second. Then we have to get moving.” She looks at you, sympathy painted on her face as she heads back onto the front lawn, trying to shoo away the gathered neighbours. Stopping at the car, you bend down again, noticing Frank has given you your space, talking with Madani.
“You sure you aren’t hurt?” He shakes his head again, eyebrows nearly crossed.
“Don’t make me go with them. I…”
“You have no idea how much I want you to stay with me. I’ve been trying to get to you for 12 years— and I’ll visit as much as they let me.” You try to swallow the lump in your throat.
“As much as they let you? Where are you going?” He looks over your shoulder again, constantly analysing where he is, who’s around him.
“I’ve done… I’ve done some really bad things to find you, Sammy. I don’t regret it, not one second; but I have to own up to it now you’re safe.” You can feel the moment closing in on you, Frank and Agent Madani coming up behind you. “You’re gonna be okay, and I’ll be around, I just… god, you look just like him, you know.”
“Like who?” His voice was so small.
“Just like Dad.” He hugs you again, clinging onto your bloodied clothes. “It’s gonna be okay. I promise.”
“I don’t want you to go away again.” He cries into your shirt, and you do your best not to cry with him.
You needed him to go. You needed him to be safe, and to know he wasn’t in danger anymore— Bobby was still out there, and you couldn’t give him the security you know he needed. Whether you were locked up by the FBI or hunting down the rest of the gang on your own terms, you needed to know he was safe. And happy— seeing that kid smile made the last twelve years worth it. Agent Madani calls your name, and you look at her, still clinging to your brother.
“We need to get going. The rest of the Bureau is on its way, and they won’t wait before…” She looks down at Sam, and smiles kindly, choosing not to finish her sentence in front of him.
“Madani.” Frank says, his voice low.
“Castle.” He says something to her you can’t hear, and Sam finally lets you go.
“Alright. I have to go, now. You’re gonna go with some really nice people, and they’ll make sure you’re—“
“I don’t want to.” He says, a little more defiant. He wasn’t a baby anymore, and he sure as hell had good reason not to want to go with anyone, even you.
“I don’t want you to go either, but I have to sort this shit out and then I promise I’ll come see you.”
“Why? You haven’t done anything!” He turns to Agent Madani, having to look up pretty high to see her. “She was just trying to help me! It’s my fault— I promise she was just… they would have killed me. You want them to kill a kid? Huh?!” Christ, even though you haven’t seen him since he was a baby, he sounded more like you that you thought possible.
“We just need to talk to her for a while. Make sure everything is sorted out.” Madani says, trying to reason.
“Everything is fine. I’m fine right here.” He says, and you may have your mothers face, but he has every bit of her attitude. He moves away from her, holding you by one arm, and to your surprise, grabs Frank as well, who looks down at Sammy like he’s seen a ghost.
“We need to go. Now.” She says, losing her patience as she looks down at her phone.
“Okay.” You take Sams face in your hands, seeing his cheeks already smeared with blood. “Okay, I need you to do this for me. Just go with her, and I swear to God I will come back for you, but it isn’t safe for me either. We still have to find—“
“Bobby. I know. He told me he was coming for you.” Sam says. “You promise I’ll see you soon?”
“Promise.” You hug him, and he stands to the side, Frank looking down at you.
“You promise you’ll see me real soon?” He says, and you smile, laugh, then grab him and kiss him as hard as you can. You don’t care everyone’s watching, that everyone can see— you’ve spent too much time without the people you love, and you aren’t wasting a second of it now. And you do, love him, even though it makes you feel sick and scared and all too consumed— you love the shit out of him, and he kisses you right back. You let yourself think he’s telling you the same.
“I’m coming back for you. I promise.” You whisper, and Frank leans into you, his forehead pressing to yours. “Just like you said. I just need to know he’s okay.”
“He will be. I’ll—“
“Frank, he’s not your responsibility. I’d… I’d never ask you to do that.” Your eyes flutter open, watching as he looked at you with some kind of intensity you felt nearly naked under.
“I know.” You can’t help it, leaning in to kiss him again. “You say the word, and I’ll get you out of here right now.”
“It won’t be long. I…” You weren’t going to make a promise you couldn’t keep. In truth, you have no idea how long it would be. It could be hours, years… she could be planning to take you to Rikers and lock you away for good. Whatever happened, though, you’d come back. You knew that. “I’ll come.”
“You better, or I’ll have to come find you.” He says into your hair.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” Shaking his head, he links his arms around your back and crushes you to him, all but devouring every one of your senses.
“I have to go.” The sirens of cop cars sound around the corner, and you pull away at the sound but he just pulls you back. “I have to.”
“I know.” You pull him back this time, allowing for one, two, three more seconds of pure, pure happiness.
“I have to go.” You open the care door, mouth still on his. Everything is coming to a point— things feel sharp and raw and you have a name for that thing your feeling right now, the thing that’s been eating at you for a longer time that it should of. You know what it is, and that it’s not the right time or place but he kisses you again and you can’t help it. “I have to go,I—I love you. I have to go.”
You drop into the seat of the cop car behind you and the door is closed by more agents who appear out of nowhere. Through the tinted window you can only just make out his face, how his mouth is open and he hasn’t moved an inch from where you left him, and you can’t see anything more as you are sped out of your childhood street, and straight to the headquarters of Homeland Security.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“You should go, too.” Madani says, and Frank is still glued to the sidewalk like an idiot, watching you get hauled away in handcuffs. Like they’d do anything to hold you. “They might not kill you, but they’ll try.”
“What are you gonna do with him?” Frank nods over to where the kid— your brother, was sitting in the back of an ambulance. Madani blew out a breath.
“Social services, probably. He’s going to need a lot of help, and who knows what kind of shit he went through in there.”
“So you just ship him off?”
“Why are you trying to make me the bad guy here?” She turns to him, and Frank can’t take his eyes off the end of the road where you disappeared.
He thinks he could of blinked and missed it, that fucking word you said. He can’t even hear the sirens anymore, you were that far away. And he didn’t say it back. Said nothing at all— just fucking stood there and watched you go, staring down the street.
“If we don’t do this now, everything I’ve built— everything you’ve done for the past year goes to shit. If they find out I was working behind their backs and never brought her in, I get fired and the Gnucci’s lawyers get the case thrown out. Him and the rest of his family walk free. Are you willing to risk that? Especially now, with him out there?” She nods at the kid, but he’s still staring down the road. Madani looks too, and clearly puts it together. It probably didn’t help that he’d kissed you before you left. But what else was he gonna do? “I saw that, before. Since when were you and her…”
“You really goin’ there with me right now?” She put her hands up.
“Okay. I won’t ask.” He shakes his head, turning to face her. “He’s not going far. For now, we put him with a foster home. Keep him close as we can. I don’t want to seperate them.”
“Be a lot easier for them to be together if you let her go.” Madani sighs again, ignoring the buzzing of her phone.
“I told you both, I would do everything I can, but I’m not a miracle worker.” She goes to answer her phone and walk away, and something overtakes him. He can see the kid sitting there, alone, staring down the road like he was just seconds ago. “Some things need time. I need to put this all together, legally, or we’re all back where we started. The Gnucci’s have money— which means they have good lawyers. One slip up, and we lose everything, and I can’t control the fall out of that.” He knew what that meant— that you’d be the CIA’s next target, like you are now, and all this shit would of been for nothing. But he’d wait, if that’s what he had to do.
That little boy was gonna be waiting for you, too. The only family that kid had ever known just walked in and out in less than ten seconds. His face, all sad and tired, was tugging at strings Frank didn’t know he had left, and something about him, seeing a little bit of you in those big eyes… something in him just switches, and he’s grabbing Madani on the arm and saying something he’s probably going to regret.
“Let me take him.” Her face drops, and he thinks she laughs for a second before she realises he’s serious. He should laugh too. It was fucking ridiculous— a kid, a twelve year old, tagging along with him. Now, of all times.
“You?” Him. “You want me to hand over a vulnerable child to a known felon? A man who just racked up a higher body count that most of my agents have in years on the force, in less than twenty minutes?” He looks out at the yard, the bodies being carried away, then sees the kid out the corner of his eye, watching too, not flinching or even reacting. He felt…bad for him.
“Or take your chance in the foster system. You and I both know how well that can work out.” Madani looks at him then, the inference clearly enough to make her think for a second. “Come on. At least you’ll know I’ll be close to the city. You know I won’t be far.”
“Because you’re waiting for her.” She looks at him a final time, assessing him like she did when she first met him, interrogated him. He nodded once, and watched as she went over to Sam. His head snapped up when she started talking, and he looked him in the eyes, and it was then that Frank realised what he’d done. 
His vision and his brain was foggy with the memory and though of you, and now this kid was looking at him and he was fucking terrified. He didn’t know why, really. Maybe it was the part of him that was still so attached to kids. Your brother wasn’t that much older than Frankie Jr. would of been by now. Probably would look a lot like him too. Head of hair that messy, it was making Franks stomach churn just to think about it.
He didn’t know why he’d said what he did to Madani, but he did know you, and maybe that was why he’d done it. He knew you’d feel safer if your brother was with him, the only person you trusted since getting out. He knew a lot of things about you, now he thought about it, and yeah— that was exactly why he’d said he’d look after him. He was important to you. And you... you were everything to him.
Sam hopped off the back of the ambulance, walking over to Frank slowly, his head tilted a little to the side, and Frank thinks he might be in over his head again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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returnsandreturns · 3 months
re-working the grumpy/sunshine eating disorder recovery romance
“I understand it’s upsetting to hear,” Ella says, patiently, “but it kind of feels like you’re upset with me for having a childhood straight out of a SVU episode.”
“What?” Riley asks. “God, no — just — I don’t understand how you’re so. . .so. ..”
“I’m going to guess based on our previous interactions,” she says. "Obnoxious? Fake? Ella, if I could get away with killing you for talking at that volume this early in the morning, I would do it?”
“Did I say that?” Riley asks, wincing
“In your defense, I was being very loud,” she says, smiling, “and it was very early.”
“I’m such a dick,” he says, faintly.
“I interpret it as about 25% being a dick,” she says, lifting her head up as the wind picks up a little, sending her curls flying, “and 75% trying to make everybody think that you’re a dick so they’ll stop inviting you to stupid little town events and you can maintain your status as town hermit.”
He squints at her.
“You’re inexplicable,” he says, with the slightest hint of a tired, genuine smile that makes her stomach do something absolutely horrific. Butterflies. She doesn’t get those. “You know that, kid?”
“I feel like I’m pretty explicable,” she says, “but I guess there are a lot pieces to put together to get there.”
Riley’s smile grows a little before it settles into something sadder, eyes searching her face before he looks away, saying, “I know that saying I’m sorry is a useless thing to say when it comes to what you went through, so just—imagine that I said whatever the comforting version of that is, okay?”
“. . .that was actually pretty damn comforting,” she says, nudging him a little.
“You’re not fake at all, are you?” he asks, after a moment, like he’s been working it out in his head. “I thought the whole—walking on sunshine, consummate morning person, good girl schtick was a schtick but you’re just. . .like that. I don’t think you could walk out of all the bullshit that life has piled on you and still be able to fake. . .this.”
He gestures vaguely at her and she smirks.
“It’s not like I’m not fucked up,” she says, sighing. “I just. . .I woke up one day and decided to take as many buses as I needed until I hit ocean. I could either figure out how to live or walk right in and I picked the first one. I’m not gonna let everything I left behind eat the rest of my fucking life away. I can’t put any more energy into hating everything.”
Riley stares at her, looking surprised.
“Did I strike a chord?” she asks, unable to put the smirk away.
“Don’t get cocky,” Riley says, rolling his eyes.
She kicks her heels a little, looking out into the grey sky, the choppy water on the rocks. There’s a storm coming and the wind is making her shiver in old jeans and a too big t-shirt. Riley eyes her skeptically when she glances up at him, like they had the same thought at the same time.
“I’m supposed to give you my jacket now,” he says. “Aren’t I?”
“The townsfolk will talk,” she says, voice lilting.
“They already talk,” he says, dryly, shrugging off his jacket and cautiously putting it around her, like he’s trying not actually touch her. “Better?”
“Better,” she echoes, fluttering her lashes at him exaggeratedly.
“I’m taking it back,” he says, plucking at one of the sleeves, and she laughs and leans to the side.
“Absolutely not,” she says. “You’re repairing some emotional damage of mine right now, dude, don’t ruin it.”
“Well, fuck, if it’s that useful,” he says, sighing and wrapping an arm around her, letting her lean into him heavily. She knows that the scent of old books from his store isn’t strong enough to make him smell like that but her brain still imagines it. In reality, it’s one of those manly body washes that smells like a forest, which is honestly a close second. The tendency to smell like a forest is one of few redeeming traits men have in her experience. She opens her mouth to say something along those lines but Riley’s face is content as he looks ahead and she pauses.
Ella’s never met a silence she was comfortable with.
She’s really fucking comfortable right now.
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mellowheartthecat · 1 year
Maddening Mission - Chapter 2
Originally, there was gonna be cover art here like i did for my first fic. But yall aren’t getting shit now for the sole reason of im lazy.
Obligatory ping of the au author: @coolfireguy73
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Chapter is under the cut.
Another shot hit the ground near the two. This time, though, they saw where the shot was fired from. It was from on top of a building approximately 50 meters away. The two bolted up and Bomber shouted an order.
“Split and cut!” The two bolted in opposing directions perpendicular to the building the shooter was standing on top of, planning to circle around to block an escape. While Seeker could just run and be fast, Bomber had to put in a bit more effort. He pulled out one of his utility bombs and threw it upward with minimal effort. Exactly a second later he leaped upward as the bomb exploded and propelled himself off a piece of shrapnel.
He grabbed onto a ladder anchored onto the side of the building. He quickly climbed up and pushed himself forward using the side of the roof. He pulled out a pistol on his side and pointed it at the surrendering man. After a few seconds Seeker finished climbing the opposite brick wall and joined him at his friend’s side.
The man they stopped appeared to be somewhere in his 40s. He definitely had the look of a survivor, with his cracked goggles and various mismatched clothes He looked a bit surprised.
“I don’t know who you folk are,” he said, “but yall should get out while you still can.”
“Nah.” Seeker pulled out a butterfly knife and twirled it around. “We got stuff to do here. But what’s up with you, eh? Shooting us and not even putting up a fight?”
The stranger sighed. “I thought you were one of them.”
“Well clearly not, eh?”
“Clearly.” He slung the gun across his shoulder as he got up. Bomber’s gun followed. The stranger didn’t care. “We’ve made too much noise here, we need to be careful. We don’t want them to hear us.”
Bomber lowered his gun. “‘Them’?”
“We gotta get to somewhere safe first. Follow me.” He turned around and started heading towards the ladder.
“Can’t.” Seeker put away the knife. “We’re waiting on someone.”
He briefly stopped. “I’m afraid they’re not coming back. Yall need to focus on livin’. If yall wanna live then you’ll follow me.” His tone was very stern.
“She will come back,” responded Bomber. “That girl is something else.”
Seeker jumped in. “Bloody right! She saved our bloody asses back there when we were ambushed by those mask guys!”
“You got darn lucky then. But your luck won’t last. It never does here. You gotta give up that pride or you wont last a night.”
Bomber stood his ground. “We are staying. Nothing you say can stop us.”
“...fine. Yall still have hope, I get it. I’ll keep watch to make sure nothing gets yall. But when the sun sets, yall give up or you’re on your own. And if you see a man with a bow and arrow, you run.” -- Another arrow skid by. It hit the tree next to her.
It knew where she was. That much was clear.
The lighting in the forest was too inconsistent to get a good view around her. It made practically no noise of its own, besides the light crunch of leaves, which she could barely make out over the sound of her own breathing. She needed to calm down.
Another arrow was fired. She quickly moved out of the way just for it to barely graze her cheek. She forced her breathing to normalize just to hear the bow being pulled back.
The entity was around 25 yards away. 10:30 o’clock.
She quickly darted behind a tree to avoid the arrow as it was shot. It continued to circle her as it pulled back its bow again. She dodged the arrow and summoned her steed and darted onto it. She practically slapped the base of its neck to make it take off. 
She has to get out of there.
The trio was all on lookout. Bomber and Seeker were looking out for Beastmaster, while the stranger was on the other side of the roof watching their backs.
Seeker thought this was fucking boring. They’ve faced a lot of threats in the past. In comparison, what they fought earlier was just a minor inconvenience. The only challenging part is that they can’t kill them.
He glared back at the stranger, who was paying no attention to them. How long has he been out here?
Wait, is he our client?
His brooding was interrupted by Bomber yelling out, “there she is!”
Sure enough, there she was, in the distance, riding into the clearing on her horse-deer hybrid creature. Bomber was already going down the ladder and Seeker hopped down from the roof. The stranger walked over to the edge of the roof. He looked both shocked and in awe that she actually came back.
She stopped next to the dead campfire.
Seeker was the first to greet her. “Ayo what took so long?”
“Had company. Got a good hit on me, too.” Her steed knelt down as she swung her other leg around, revealing an arrow deep in her thigh. “I can manage cleaning this up on my own.” Upon closer inspection, there was also a shallow cut along her cheek.
Bomber shrugged. “Whatever you say. Seeker, we should probably get some rations from the ship.”
“You have that little faith in me?” she muttered something and her steed dropped a rabbit with an arrow skewered through it straight into her hand. “I managed to stab it while on the run.”
“Woah... uh...” Seeker awkwardly stood around as she handed the rabbit to Bomber and took out some medical supplies, knowing damn well she’d get pissy if he offered to help. “Is that why you got shot?”
“Possibly.” She whistled to her steed and handed it a roll of bandages for it to hold, which it gently held in its mouth.
“You’re just gonna stand there and not help the damn girl?” The stranger, who had already climbed down the ladder and walked over, quickly rushed over to Beastmaster’s side. “Thats one nasty wound. You’re damn lucky that’s the only one. When I say I’ll pull out the arrow, and you’ll need to stuff a bunch of gauze into that wound. Can you handle that?”
“Um.” She was leaning away from the stranger, her cool composure completely gone. “Um, sure.”
Seeker and Bomber suppressed the urge to laugh as the stranger started looking for something. “Now, where’s the-” He came face to face with her steed. “Uh...” He looked at her. Then back at the steed. He slowly reached out and took the bandages from it. “Right... That’s something... lets, get you patched up.”
A couple minutes passed before the bleeding finally stopped. The stranger breathed a sigh of relief. “Glad that’s over with. Now, what in sam hell is up with you bunch?”
Beastmaster took a deep breath to regain her composure. “Never-nevermind us for the moment. We don’t even know your name.”
“Guess I owe you that. The name’s Dell Conagher. Would say its a pleasure but nobody should be here.”
She double checked her watch to confirm. Then she smiled. “Well then, Mr. Conagher, we’re here to help. We would explain, but I don’t think we’re quite in the state to do so this evening. Is there any place where those creatures won’t go for us that we can stay for the night?”
Bomber nodded. “Sounds good, we’ll explain everything tomorrow.”
Dell sighed. “Alright then. Yall follow me.”
~~~~~~~ yippee, it is done If you thought this this chapter was dialog heavy then you aint ready for the next one lol. It’ll pretty much exclusively be dialog and exposition. After that the fun can begin.
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dangraccoon · 2 years
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Oyuba’din - Chapter 2: Acquainted
Summary: Lt. Vale gets an introduction to her new squad, Clone Force 99. The Bad Batch is surprised by their new teammate.
Warnings: mentions of injury, mentions of previous character death
Author’s Note: thank you everyone for the warm reception on my first chapter! Y’all make my heart so happy! 💛
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“Lieutenant Vale’?” Hunter murmured. “Nat-born?”
“Yes,” Tech confirmed. “Although the files on her are not extensive, the verbal reports from the regs she served with in the 212th are mostly positive.”
“Mostly?” Crosshair drawled.
“It is difficult to tell the nature and validity of some of the stories being told about her.” Echo sighed. “What’s Cody say?” “Commander Cody is quite fond of Lieutenant Vale. After her injury, he visited her quite frequently in the medbay and was helping with her recovery training.” “She got hurt? Thought you said she’s a medic,” Wrecker hummed. “Just because she’s a medic doesn’t mean she couldn’t be injured,” Echo explained. “Echo, you’re a reg. What’s your opinion on her?”  Crosshair smirked. “Never met her, myself. I was with the 501st and she was 212th,” he said. “I didn’t know her, but- um, Fives did. Talked about her for months.” He looked away from the group as Wrecker laid a hand on his shoulder. “Tech, what kind of injury did she have? Is it gonna be a problem?” Hunter asked, moving the attention from Echo. “It seems as though she was shot by a blaster. The reports state that she was hit on the back of her neck, close to the base of her skull. However, that is impossible; no unarmored human could withstand that amount of damage and continue to live. There must be a mistake within the reports.” “Wait,” Wrecker shouted, causing the group to jump. “Our medic is Blaster Girl?” “‘Blaster Girl’?” Hunter repeated incredulously. “Yeah! Heard the regs talkin’ about her a while back. Said she took a hit right where you said and only passed out for a few hours and when she woke up she was fine!” “Wrecker, as I stated, it would be impossible for an unarmored human to survive an injury as such. And civilian medics are typically n-” “C’mon, Tech! I heard it from some of Echo’s 501st friends, a couple guys and that medic.” “Kix?” Echo supplied. “Yeah, he knows her or somethin’. Said he went to visit her in the medbay.” Echo scowled before looking up at Tech and Hunter with a shrug. “Don’t think Kix would make that up.” Hunter scowled at the table in front of him. “What is it?” Crosshair said, bumping Hunter’s shoulder. “Something just feels weird about the whole situation.”
“Anxious?” Cody asked as they walked through the sterile white halls. 
“Not particularly, mostly excited,” Jaine hummed, but her assertion fell on the deaf ears of her former commander. She thought his concern for her was sweet. 
“Don’t be nervous, Jainey,” Cody said, reassuring himself more than her. “These guys are a little rough around the edges, but they’re good men. You’ll be in good hands.”
They came to a stop in front of the door to the barracks of Clone Force 99. 
“Take shallow breaths until you get more used to it,” he suggested. 
Jaine didn’t have time to question him, before the foot slid open, revealing a man with long hair, tied away from his face by a red bandana. He donned what seemed to be standard armor, but it was painted a dark gray with red accents. 
All at once, what Cody had tried to warn her of hit her, the unpleasant odor seeming to come from the barracks. 
“Commander,” he greeted with a curt nod.
“Sergeant Hunter,” Cody replied. “Good to see you and the boys all in one piece.”
“Same for you,” he smirked. “You must be Lieutenant Vale.”
“I am. Pleased to meet you, Sergeant,” she said delicately. 
“These are my brothers,” he said, pointing out each of the squad as they stood at attention. “Tech, our battle technician; Wrecker, our weapons and demolition expert; Crosshair, our marksman; and Echo, our newest addi-”
“Pretty good with technology, eh, Echo? Might even say, handy,” Crosshair smirked. 
Wrecker could barely contain his giggle, despite the sharp elbow to the side he received from Tech, and Echo was staring daggers into Crosshair. Hunter sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 
“Relax, Sergeant,” Jaine smiled softly. “You boys don’t have to be so formal around me. And Echo?”
He looked up at her, surprise evident on his face. 
“It’s nice to see you again,” she grinned. 
“Thank you, sir, but I don’t recall us meeting,” he said cautiously. 
“Please, call me Jaine. It was quite a while ago, and you’d just been through one of your first battles. I didn’t expect you to remember me.”
Echo scowled at the floor for a moment. “It was after Rishi, right? You checked over me and Fives.”
She nodded. “That’s right.”
“Weren’t you a nurse back then? Serving on Coruscant?”
She nodded again. “Yes, and Fives-”
“Oh, please, don’t remind me. I think that was the worst line he ever used,” Echo said, physically cringing. 
Jaine laughed. “Well, he certainly made a lasting impression. I was sorry to hear,” she said quietly, placing a gentle hand on Echo’s pauldron. 
“Thank you, sir,” he replied awkwardly. “Can only imagine what he’d say now that I’ll be working with you.”
She smiled softly. “Nothing appropriate, I’m sure.”
With a reassuring pat, she turned away from him and to Tech, who straightened under her gaze. 
“Those prescription?” she asked, gesturing to his goggles. 
“Yes, sir. I am rather near-sighted,” he said, looking away from her. “As were you before your corrective eye surgery.”
“I see,” she answered, before dropping her voice to a whisper. “Next time you’re breaking down firewalls, at least find out something fun about me.”
Tech’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as she shot him a wink, moving onto the next brother. 
“Wrecker, isn’t it?”
“Yes, sir,” he said with a grin. 
“Maybe sometime you can show me how you got the name,” she smiled. 
“Maybe,” he laughed. “Maybe you can show me your scar.”
The room tensed around them. Everyone relaxed when Jaine failed to contain a hearty laugh. 
“We’ll compare stories later on, after all we do kind of match,” she beamed, referencing his own blaster scar. He laughed with her as she moved to stand in front of Hunter. 
“How am I doing, Sergeant? My vitals up to snuff?”
Hunter’s eyes widened a little as though he’d been caught. “Heart rate seems fine,” he mumbled. 
A smile played at her lips again, sparing a glance at Cody. “Really? I’m not even a little nervous?”
“No, sir,” he smirked. 
“Crosshair?” She said without looking his way.
“Yes, sir?” he asked. 
“Catch,” she advised, having pulled an item from her pocket and tossing it at the sniper at a speed none of them expected. He caught it easily, turning the small box over in his hands. 
“What is it?”
“New scope lens. Last mission report said yours was damaged and supply said it hadn’t been replaced,” she replied easily. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, Commander Cody owes me some caf.”
Cody gave a nod to the boys, and offered his arm to Jaine, who took it with a smile. 
They left the barracks, laughing together about some joke she made, and the batch just looked at each other in stunned silence. 
“I believe it is safe to say that she is nothing like any of us expected,” Tech supplied after a moment, the tiniest hint of a blush on his cheeks. 
“You can say that again,” grinned Wrecker. 
The boys went back to their business as Crosshair came to stand beside Hunter. “Quite a girl, isn’t she?”
“That she is,” Hunter sighed. 
Cody was practically bursting at the seams by the time they reached the officers’ mess. “Rex, you should’ve seen her! She walked in there like the queen of the whole damn system, shocked ‘em at every word. Even got that Tech to shut his mouth!”
“Stars, I would’ve loved to see that. Anyone that can render that squad speechless must be something special,” Rex replied, grinning ear to ear.
“Oh, please,” Jaine laughed. “They’re all like open books! Everyone thinks they’re so mysterious but if you just read their files it’s all plain as day.”
“You would read their files,” Rex jabbed.
“And they’re completely different in the field,” Cody added. “They’re absolutely insane!”
Rex nodded, handing Jaine a cup of caf. “He’s right! Even General Skywalker thinks so!”
“Well, with the two of you training me, they’ll be in for a surprise when I get into the field,” she smirked.
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Thanks for reading! - Dang
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beans-and-shet · 1 year
TMMN Episode 8 Thoughts
I’m gonna give a full review for episode 8 here. I have a lot of thoughts. Don’t read if you don’t want spoilers.
The art was good, but after watching it a couple times and letting it sink in, overall I’d say this episode whiffed hard when comparing it to the manga. I came out of it disappointed.
There were 5 things in particular I was hoping to get from this episode (cat Ichigo + Masaya kiss, shit not hitting the fan in only one day, full Masaya transformation sequence, angry Masaya when he rescues Ichigo, good action sequences), and New kind of only delivered on one of them (the action sequences), and even that was me being generous. The action scenes were better here than in recent episodes, but that was mostly just for Quiche vs the Blue Knight. It still wasn’t anything I’d write home about, but definitely an improvement.
First of all, Quiche kidnapping Ichigo so early into the episode after what happened in the previous episode felt way too rushed and like a "not this again" moment. And it looks like they really did skip the iconic Masaya/cat Ichigo kiss scene rest in pieces. How can they not show him realizing she was the cat from that night in s1e10?? Even if they do it later (after the final boss fight concludes) it seems like it would feel out of place at that point. I really wanted to see his reaction and that scene was in my top 5 scenes from the manga. Also, given how much they wanted to cram into this episode, I am surprised they wasted the pre-opening portion of the episode on a recap from the previous episode. As it stands right now, I still think from a pacing standpoint that it was a bad idea to have the lunch date happen as late as it did. They needed at least one episode of buffer between Ichigo and Masaya’s reveals for the pacing to feel right. I would have preferred two episodes of buffer, which is why I was originally hoping the lunch date would be in episode 5. If it had happened in episode 5 or 6, they could have sprinkled a few moments in to make Masaya’s worried reaction about Ichigo being a mew mew feel more natural. And it also wouldn’t feel like such a clusterfuck of reveals happening right at the end. There was nothing major in episode 5 or 6 that chronologically needed to happen before the lunch date anyway. Also, in the manga, when he told her he didn’t want her to fight anymore, he hugged her from behind after subconsciously rescuing her from drowning (aka almost DYING) in his blue knight form and he also saw the injury on her arm. He noticed it right in the moment too, not a day or two after she actually got hurt like what happened in New. The execution of these particular events in new, like the Quiche kidnapping, was very clunky and too fast paced.
Now for the Quiche confession scene. The first half of this scene should have been at night. At least the dark blue polluted air came in for the second half to match the scene’s vibe a bit better. I did like how New really portrayed from Ichigo’s perspective how scary and awful this was throughout the entire experience. There was no blush and "does he really love me?" after her ass just got choked. I do think choosing to have Quiche choke her after he finished crying tho is gonna make his redemption moment come off as way weirder than it did in the manga (and this is coming from someone who never thought the manga executed it very well either). But we’ll see, that’s just how I feel about it right now.
For the Blue Knight rescue oh boy, there are several things. I did think it was cool that Masaya could harness some of his power in his base form. But for the most part, this scene disappointed me. They took out most of the emotion from Masaya’s voice that should have been in his final "I said let her go!". His expression was also quite blank. I wanted to see him mad, dammit. He’s someone who is typically very calm and collected, so that moment in the manga when he yelled with that furious face was awesome and very impactful! Idk how whoever directed this episode thought it was a good idea to take that away. Their hug after she got freed from the webs restraining her wrists was cute. And I loved how Ichigo blocked Quiche’s attack. But then Masaya prevented her from fighting anymore, saying he would protect her. The manga’s portrayal of this was much better. There, Masaya told Ichigo to go help her friends against Tart so he could keep her away from the guy who tried to assault her and also question Quiche further on what he meant. New right now is making it seem like Masaya doesn’t want Ichigo to fight at all, which isn’t quite right. He is worried about her, but if he is there to help and have her back, he’s generally supportive (case in point, the Zakuro mew aqua fight from the manga).
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And we know in a la mode and re-turn that while Masaya worries about Ichigo, he won’t stop her from fighting (and even encouraged her to go back to Tokyo in a la mode) so there’s that too. Lastly, NO LEGITIMATE TRANSFORMATION SCENE FOR MASAYA, WHY WORLD WHY?!!! Like I guess I have to riot now wtf. I am so bummed about that.
For the fight at cafe mew mew, it was nice to see Tart not getting that into the fight cause he didn’t really like the idea of fighting Pudding anymore. At least his change of heart will feel more natural. Also, it’s an interesting choice to keep Mint restrained at home. Will she reveal her identity to her brother or find a way to sneak away? I know she’s gonna probably be the one to stop her brother’s air purifier.
I am shocked we are already getting Deep Blue next episode. The re-turn outfit is here and I’m sad his fancy pattern isn’t on the green part of his outfit. But otherwise, he looks good. Here’s hoping we get lots of crazy facial expressions from him. New really took my guesses for how the pacing would go and flipped them on their heads. I didn’t think we’d get Deep Blue until the end of episode 10. Since they are investing so much time into the final fight, I really hope they make it worth it and give some great drama and original action scenes. ESPECIALLY SOME DETAILS tying Deep Blue to the original alien society on Earth and how exactly Masaya came to be. Also, New please give me a good shot of this panel (tho that’s probably gonna be for episode 10) holy shit:
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With Deep Blue being introduced this early, it also seems like it opens up episode 12 to have more room for cute moments in its second half. I know we’re probably gonna get that cheesy wedding scene for Ichigo and Masaya so I am looking forward to that.
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pickledpascal · 11 months
New Perspective
Chapter Ten: The Calm Before the Storm
Warnings: a bit of family angst and fears of transphobia
Word Count: 3.3k
New Perspective Masterlist
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Avery sat cross-legged in the middle of Jensen's bed, a notebook in her lap and her laptop in front of her. It became a habit after a little while of Jensen living close by. She scribbled something down as she glanced up at her computer screen.
"What class is that for anyway?" Jensen asked as he sat next to Avery. He took in her laptop and her notes but still didn't understand what it was for. 
Avery chuckled at Jensen. "I'm doing notes for what my professor wants for my last project. He finally posted what he wanted us to do." She explained as she jotted down some more notes.”
"What does he want you to do?" As much as Jensen was far removed from college since he hadn't been in college for over twenty years, he still liked to hear what Avery was doing. How she liked her classes, what was her favorite professor, what kind of projects she had to do, and if she liked them. It was nice to hear her rant about whatever. 
Avery glanced down at her notes and shrugged. "He wants us to write a two hundred to three-hundred-page story. Doesn't matter what it's about, just nothing non-fiction." Jensen's eyes widened. That sounded horrifying. More horrifying than half the shit he had to face on a certain TV show. "I'll probably do two hundred because he wants us to change the format to A5 anyway." Avery didn't seem too upset. She'd written two hundred pages in the span of a week once. And that wasn't even for school. 
Jensen was surprised. He knew Avery wanted to be an author but her teacher was basically asking her to write a book as an assignment. "What is it gonna be about?" He asked. 
"I got a few ideas. Both pretty gay." Avery winked. "One's basically like Romeo and Juliet but they're lesbians and set on another planet where one of them is royalty. 
Jensen commented, "Love a good sci-fi lesbian story." 
"The other is about a trans woman navigating her life. May or may not be based on my own experiences but I'll be taking a few creative liberties." Avery hummed, making a quick note. 
Jensen thought about which one he'd want to read. He liked both ideas but the latter seemed more personal. He knew bits and pieces of Avery's life before college but never the full puzzle. It was hard to talk about, Jensen knew that. But he wanted to know every part of Avery's life. She'd tell him on her own time. And he knew that too. 
"Do you have any plans for Thanksgiving?" He asked softly and they hadn't really talked about it since he moved. Her break for the holiday started in a few days. 
Avery was absentmindedly writing a few things she wanted to add to her final paper. "Nah. Roomies will be gone, my friends will be too, and my brother's gonna spend the day with my parents." 
Yet another small detail. Jensen's eyebrows furrowed. Her brother was still in contact with their parents? Even after they seemingly disowned Avery. He wondered if Avery felt betrayed. Apparently not. 
"Do you want to come to Texas with me? I usually do Thanksgiving but…" Danneel planned it. "So my parents are taking over again." Jensen didn't want to force Avery to come, he knew she'd be fine on her own but his parents specifically extended the offer to her. He was weary of them. They knew she was his girlfriend but what else did they know about her? What else had they found out?
The faint noise of pencil scribbling on paper stopped. Avery looked up at Jensen and studied his face for a moment. She was hesitant. Texas was fun when she didn't know anyone and went to tourist locations. She had no desire to have a conversation with someone who wouldn't like her if they found out she was transgender. 
But Jensen's family was important to him. Avery heard the slow, easy Texas accent come out every time his mom called and saw the faint smile. She wondered if his mom knew about her. If she would consider Avery "unnatural." Even worse, she wondered what his father would think. She didn't want to deal with another father figure who thought she was somehow mentally ill for knowing she was a woman trapped in the wrong body. Would Jensen defend her as he said he would? Doubts plagued her mind. 
Why the hell not? There wasn't any reason not to find out. At least, then, she'd know for sure. "I'll go." Avery said after a while. 
Jensen's eyes lit up with surprise. "Really?" 
"Yes, really. Now go away! I'm trying to focus." Avery pushed Jensen away. She unintentionally pushed him right off the bed so he fell with a thump. Her hand flew to her mouth. "Sorry!"
Jensen laughed. The wind was thrown out of him but he couldn't find it in himself to care. Avery was adorable when she thought she might have hurt Jensen. "You ever think my neighbors below us wonder what the hell we're doing?" He asked as he sat up with the help of his elbows.
"Fucking." Was Avery's immediate answer. She lived in a first-floor apartment for a year and, half the time, that was what the people above her were doing. 
Jensen picked himself off the floor and stood to ruffle Avery's hair. "I was gonna say rearranging furniture but that works too." 
"Rearranging furniture is code for fucking." Avery pointed out.
Jensen shrugged with a small laugh. 
Being in Texas again was weird as hell. Avery didn't have her friends with her. No one to rant to about how nervous she felt. Jensen was there. But she didn't want to bother him. He likely had other things on his mind. Avery was glad Jensen opted to just stay at his house instead of his parents. At least that would be familiar. 
As they settled into his room, Avery stretched onto the large bed in the middle. "No wonder you didn't want to sell this house." She hummed. To an outsider, she might have looked calm. 
Not to Jensen.
He sat next to Avery and brushed a few hairs away from her face. It was an excuse just to touch her. "We could always cancel tonight." Jensen whispered.
His parents wanted to meet Avery before Thanksgiving and before the rest of his extended family. His brother and sister would be there too. Thanksgiving was tomorrow. Jensen was dreading it as well. But not for the same reasons. He didn't want anyone to make Avery uncomfortable. And he wasn't sure if he would be able to stop that feeling. She deserved to be loved by everyone. Not just him. 
"No." Avery sighed. As much as the idea was appealing, she wanted to be prepared for tomorrow. She thought of this dinner as her putting her toes in the water, feeling for the temperature to make sure she could jump in. "I'll go. I just need to shower." She sat up. That always cleared her head. Unless it was one of those times she just felt numb and tired. 
Jensen smiled softly. "I could join you." He suggested. He didn't have any ulterior motives. Maybe he would have come up with some if she said yes.
"I'm good." Avery laughed half-heartedly as she grabbed some clothes from her suitcase. She decided on a button-up sweater combo with jeans. Nothing too fancy but respectable. 
She wanted Jensen's parents to like her so badly. She didn't know why. Perhaps it was because she was missing what a lot of other people had. A real family. Avery had carved her own little family but it wasn't the same. She didn't have people to go back to when Winter Break came along. She would just text her friends, see what they were doing, and plan a small Christmas party after the break was over. Hell, even Jay had a family to go to down in Georgia. 
Occasionally, Avery would get a Christmas card from her brother and a small gift but it wasn't anything meaningful. However, she did save every card he sent. Perhaps they were meaningful but not enough. Not what she wanted. 
Sometimes Avery wondered what life would have been like if she never came out. Her parents would still love her. Their perfect, third boy. But she'd immediately shut those thoughts down. She would've never found the friends she had. She never would've met Jensen. 
Avery caught a glimpse of Jensen as she closed the door to the bathroom. Maybe they would have met but it never would have been like this. She never would have stood in the middle of his king bathroom getting undressed and ready to take a shower. 
elena: if avery rants to me about your family, just know i know where you live
Jensen: Love you too elena
Jensen let out a breath. Elena may have acted like the child of the group but she was very protective as well. If Avery was hurt, best believe Elena would want to have a "word" with whoever did it. Jensen wasn't scared of that. Well, maybe a little bit. He wouldn't want to hurt Avery if he could help it. He just hoped his family would understand he was happy and leave it there. 
When Avery came out of the bathroom, her hair was still damp but she was dressed and had her makeup done—just some winged eyeliner and blush. She tousled her hair to dry it best she could. She preferred air-drying her hair instead of using a hair dryer.
"You don't need to try so hard." Jensen chuckled softly. He had a feeling Avery intentionally grabbed some of the more modest clothes in her closet.
Avery crossed her arms and pouted. "Would you rather I went to your parent’s house in a short skirt and bralette?" 
"You got me there." Jensen held his hands up in a surrendering gesture. "But I wouldn't mind seeing that." 
Avery shook her head, a smile unintentionally making its way to her lips. "Of course you wouldn't." 
Jensen smiled as he stood and pressed a kiss to Avery's temple. "That's my girl." He tilted her chin so she faced him. "I haven't seen you smile in a hot minute." She was nervous and Jensen knew why but he wanted to be her shoulder to cry on. And vice versa. 
"If something happens…" Avery swallowed thickly, face serious. "We can leave?" 
Jensen's eyes saddened as he pulled Avery into his arms. "Of course, sweetheart." The words came out on instinct. Avery was his whole world. The metaphorical light at the end of his dark tunnel. He held her close, clutching onto her as if she would slip from his arms.
Avery set her chin on his shoulder and sighed, eyes tired. "You give good hugs." She mumbled softly. She simultaneously wanted to fall asleep in Jensen's arms and felt energized. Like she could run a marathon. 
They stood there for a few moments, Jensen rubbing at her back before they pulled away. Avery took a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds before she let it go as Jensen put his jacket on. Her heart calmed. But her brain did not. 
The drive to the Ackles' house was surreal. Every single home in their subdivision had the American and Texas flags flying in the front. Avery's stomach churned with each one. She leaned her head against the window to feel the coolness of it and she might have wanted to get a small concussion with each bump and pothole in the road as her head thumped against it. 
As Jensen parked in the driveway, Avery pursed her lips. The house itself was very normal. Two stories with a double car garage and a sidewalk off to the side that led to the door. Like the others. She wasn't sure if she should feel safe or uneasy. Her brain went with uneasy. 
The pair got out of the car with Jensen setting a hand on the small of her back as they walked to the front door. Avery wondered what she should say. Hey,  I've had a crush on your son since I was fifteen. Isn't that crazy? The thought almost made her laugh. 
Jensen pressed on the doorbell to be immediately greeted by his mother right after. "Jensen!" She smiled with delight and gave him a tight hug. 
"Hi, momma." Jensen's Texan accent slipped out as soon as he opened his mouth. Avery simply enjoyed watching the interaction.
Her eyes shifted to Avery, less warm but still happy. "You must be Avery." 
"It's nice to meet you, Ms. Ackles." Avery offered a hand only to be pulled into a hug as well. 
Jensen's mom squeezed her tightly. No wonder Jensen's hugs were so soothing. He got it from his mom. "No need to call me that. Call me Donna." She said after she let Avery go. The hug left her winded. "Your dad, Josh, and Mackenzie are waiting for you." Donna waved the couple inside. 
As Donna turned inside, Avery glanced at Jensen who just smiled at her. Avery expected coldness. Not this. It was jarring. She stepped inside the house and was hit with Thanksgiving smells. Pumpkin pie, ham, and sweet potato were what Avery could discern. It had been so long since she had a proper family gathering that she forgot what it felt like… besides all the politics talk and picking apart the meal when the host was gone. 
"Jensen's here! Finally. I got here hours ago and momma didn't let me have even one bite." A woman Avery recognized as Jensen's sister, Mackenzie, complained. But it was a fond complaint. She stood from the island in the kitchen and gave Jensen a hug.
He chuckled softly. "Always nice to see you again." 
Mackenzie glanced from Jensen to look at Avery and gave her a smile. "You must be the girl my brother can't stop talking about. Nice to finally meet you. I'm Mackenzie." 
Avery couldn't form words in her mouth. She hadn't expected Jensen's family to be so… nice. They had to know. Maybe they just didn't care. That would be nice. 
"Did you break her on the plane ride here?" Mackenzie joked, nudging Jensen's shoulder. 
Jensen had to refrain from making a joke. His family didn't need to know about their sex life. "Nah. She's just nervous." He rubbed Avery's back. 
"Sorry. I get anxious when I meet new people." Avery admitted after her brain started to work again. 
"No problem, sweetie." Mackenzie smiled in understanding. 
Avery glanced at the other two people in the room. Jensen's brother and father. She forgot that not only would she be the most queer person in the room, but that she'd be the youngest. They looked as if they were sizing her up. So this was where she'd feel an immense amount of dread. 
Sometimes Avery wondered if she became a woman just because she hated men so much. It wasn't the main reason. But perhaps it was part of it. 
Donna started setting ceramic trays on the dining room table. "C'mon. Sit! Let's eat." She encouraged with a wide smile. "Would you like anything to drink?" She asked as Avery and Jensen sat. 
"Um, I'd like—"
"You know where it is, Jensen. I was asking Avery." Donna wiped her hands on her apron. 
Avery's eyebrows raised. "Oh, uh, do you have any apple cider? If not, water's fine." She felt dumb after asking. Apple cider was a child's drink. Why would an older couple have some? But it was her favorite drink when fall came along. 
"Oh, yes! Alan, can you get it? I think it's in the fridge in the garage." Donna set her apron on a hook hanging from a cabinet before she sat down. Alan simply stood and left to procure the cider without a word.
Jensen could sense Avery's surprise and leaned to her ear to whisper, "One of my mom's friends has an orchard so they get cider every year." 
"Oh, cool." Avery hummed. Sometimes she was bad at showing her enthusiasm and she forgot that people who didn't know her deeply didn't know that. It was just something that would happen. 
As the table started to grab servings of ham and mashed potatoes—the menu for that night since Donna had saved everything else for the next evening—more conversation started. 
"So, Avery," Jensen's father started. "What's your plan after college?" 
Avery had a feeling he thought she'd leech off of Jensen. She played with her potatoes a bit. They were delicious—nicely seasoned—but she was missing her handy garlic salt. She wanted to taste something familiar. "I want to get my doctorate. At my university, they have this program where I can teach as I get it so I'll probably do that. After that, I wanna write. Be an author." 
"For Avery's final project for a class this semester, she's basically gonna write a book." Jensen added. He was proud of Avery and he wanted to show it. He could never have even thought his next partner would be nearly as wonderful as Avery. Her ideas, her weird sayings, how she was still able to love even after all the things she went through. 
Josh decided to speak then, interest piqued. "A book? What's it about?" 
Avery didn't feel hungry anymore. They hadn't brought up the elephant in the room yet and Josh had done it accidentally. "I have two ideas. Haven't started writing it yet." She tried to deflect. 
"Which one are leaning more towards?" Josh pushed. Not hard. It was an innocent question. But it felt suffocating.
Open the can of worms. "Uh, one's a lesbian love story and the other is based on me. As a trans woman." Avery knew she could've lied. Come up with two perfectly "normal" topics on the fly. But she didn't like lying. She wanted to know what Jensen's family was like. No more dancing around.
Josh sat back in his chair, deflated. "Oh." Was his very eloquent answer. 
Tension rose from zero to a hundred. The table was silent for a while. 
"Does anyone here have a problem with that?" Jensen outright asked, his gaze hardened. He wouldn't take any shit if they did and he'd make their own Thanksgiving dinner at his house if he had to. 
Alan knew the look in Jensen's eyes. It was similar to the one he wore when he played Dean and he had to put on a brave face to save someone important to him. "Are you happy?" Was his response. 
"You have no idea." Jensen's eyes softened.
"Are you happy?" This time, the question was aimed at Avery.
She was shocked Alan would ask her. She tried not to let it show. "Very." 
"Then I don't have a problem with it." Alan said with a knowing smile. Josh and Mackenzie agreed.
Donna chimed in with a soft smile. "Jensen, we don't care who you love as long as they love you too. And, Avery…" She frowned for a moment. "I'm sorry if you felt like you couldn't talk about yourself. I understand we are in Texas and it's not the safest for you here." 
"Look, if Jensen's busy tomorrow doing whatever and one of our aunties or something is getting on your case, come to me. I'll fend 'em off for you." Mackenzie said, a fire in her eyes. 
Avery almost broke down. Her eyes welled with tears but she was able to keep them down. She was accepted into the family and that felt good. 
avery: i think I'll be good tomorrow
elena: why? no transphobia found?
avery: no
avery: well, at least not in his parents or siblings
elena: okay minute slay 
elena: however i will drop everything if i sense an OUNCE of transphobia in that house tomorrow
avery: i look forward to it <3
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