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justmymindandstuff · 6 days
Why do you write a hatecomment?
Why do so many people write hate messages here? Especially in the Hotd fandom. I just do not understand. I just keep asking myself why? Really why? I've been in different fandoms since I am 13/14, and I've never, nerver seen so much hate as in the Hotd fandom. I don't post much here, but I love checking out other blogs. I have a few posts about HotD on my blog, a few reblogs and a few from myself. I have post for both teams on my blog. And I don´t have a big blog, still, the number of hate messages I receive is unbelievable. All anonym, of course.
I always delete this kind of messages straight away but I'm slowly getting tired of them. I do not get it. Fandoms and Tumblr are for fun. It's a series/book for heaven's sake! I don't understand the intention behind it. Do you think a hate comment makes someone think, oh right, I don't like this character (in this case Aegon)? Or do you just want to hurt other people?
I just don't understand the thought process behind it. Never in my life have I thought to myself after reading a post: Time to write mean things to this person. It's one thing to disagree with someone's opinion. I understand. Everyone has different opinions and likes certain characters more and dislikes certain characters. But is that enough to write mean, hurtful and sometimes threatening words? No! It's worrying how quickly and easily people write mean messages. It's anonym, so no harm. Wrong! You are hurting the people you write these messages to! Don't you realize that behind every blog there is a real person with feelings?
My mother always used to say if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything.
Why is this so difficult for some people?
So please if you don't like something, keep scrolling, block the tags and stop sending hate messages to strangers on the internet.
I'm sorry for the fuss, but I'm getting really tired. It's just not fun and that's what every fandom should be about.
How do you deal with hate messages? Do you just delete them or reply?
Please just be kind to each other. The world is so full of hate and anger. Why do you have to make it worse? Please let us have our little corner of the internet where everyone can love what they love and don't get any hate for it.
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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Breaking news from @jewishuncensoredthat “Hamas is unable to provide Israel with 40 hostages alive!”  עם ישראל חי 
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rubbylizzy · 2 years
"I feel there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people".
Vincent Van Gogh
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justemz · 6 months
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live your life not to satisfy others, but to fulfill your heart desires. prioritize your mental health, your happiness, and your peace of mind.
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frommydiary · 12 days
Never regret being too kind, your reward is with Allah, not people.!
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bennusimurgh · 9 months
Manifesto of Humanity: Behavior in a Strange World
Summary: In our world, there are peculiarities in human behavior, in their perception of each other, and the surrounding reality. Instead of seeing each person as an end in themselves, we often see them as a means to an end. It's time to stop measuring a person's worth by what they can offer you and start asking yourself: "How can I be of value to others?"
Main Principle: "Do not bring unto others the discomfort you would not wish upon yourself."
Interpretation of Key Words:
Do not bring: This refers to actions or inactions that might result in harm or inconvenience to another person.
Others: People in your life – not only close ones and acquaintances but also those you bump into incidentally. It’s every person that, for one reason or another, appears in your field of vision.
Discomfort: Any negative feeling, emotion, or physical state caused by the actions or inactions of another.
To make this manifesto alive, consider the following steps:
Self-awareness: Start with yourself. Before acting, ask yourself, "Does my action or inaction bring discomfort to others?"
Be open to others: Strive to understand and respect the needs, wishes, and feelings of others. Don't hesitate to ask questions and clarify details.
Practice gratitude: Every day, find an opportunity to thank someone – for help, kind words, or just for being in your life.
Share the manifesto: Share these principles with friends, family, colleagues. Create a community of like-minded people striving to live in harmony with their inner world and surroundings.
The world starts with each of us. Let it be filled with understanding, kindness, and respect for every living being.
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sanneannelies7 · 9 months
Please read interviews and listen to podcasts about RWRB
I feel like a lot of people are missing the point of the movie, or the changes that were made. The love these people have put into it is amazing. I have read and listened to every thing about this movie. I already love the movie. But hearing Matthew Lopez talk about his first film is amazing! He has so much passion. Everyone on this project did it with love and care. He made it as he wanted to. He read the book and saw this movie in his own mind and that is what he made. You got to love it, it is the same thing we do with fan fiction. To say you absoluty hate it, baffels me. We need more movies like this. So please listen, read and learn. Thank you.
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elfpuddle · 6 months
Just a note to say I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth. My job is a bit overwhelming at the moment, my best friends are getting divorced, and my mom had surgery this week to remove a growth that is indeed cancerous.
Thank you in advance for your prayers
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introvertedlass · 10 months
Depression is a horrible thing. People will encourage those afflicted to seek help but they are forgetting that those struggling often can't see a way out. It isn't that they don't want help, it's that life becomes so overwhelming that death seems like the only option.
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lilacsupernova · 10 months
Men create a world that is hard, aggressive, destructive, then use the fact that it should be otherwise to police female behaviour - the world is unkind, so you must compensate on behalf of us both. The worse the world gets, the more women are deemed to owe others. #BeKind is not gender neutral, but it is unkind - and therefore unfeminine - to point it out. This may be why it is left to hags to do so.
– Victoria Smith (aka. Glosswitch), Hags: The demonisation of middle-aged women, p.117.
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wellnessexplored · 2 months
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Be kind to yourself as well as others!!
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justemz · 4 months
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medina-promos · 2 months
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