#because david asks him to take it and get it home to his sister
stuckinthedeadlights · 6 months
In E1 of The Terror Goodsir tells David to call back to them after he dies to tell them where the passage is
In E9 when Goodsir gets David's ring he thought buried with him back we see Blanky find the passage
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crazyk-imagine · 6 months
Hi, I was thinking Jacob Black x Reader. Where Jacob was waiting for Reader to come out of school till he heard commotion in front of the school and saw Reader fighting a bully who is a guy. She has a bruised lip and bleeding nose. Jacob hurriedly pick up Reader and take her to Emily’s so she can chill out and so Emily can patch her up. The pack saw her and they started asking questions till Emily started lecturing her.
Jealousy and Pack Scolding's
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Pairing: Jacob Black x Uley!reader
Characters: Jacob Black, Uley!reader, Paul Lahote, Jared Cameron, Embry Call, Leah Clearwater, Seth Clearwater, Quil Ateara V, Brady Fuller, Collin Littlesea
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Paul being an idiot, Sam not liking the imprinting, this was actually kind of cute, I think I made Jake a likable character (for me), Emily is an angel, Sam and Emily are my fav, reader has avoided making eye contact with Jake bc she has a crush, Sam knows whats up, Embry just wants his imprint, Paul is such a big brother here, love writing for the wolfpack, it's so much fun, reader knows about imprints
Word Count: 2,431
A/N: Ask and you shall receive... this was fun and totally not inspired by Jake fics where he's a little jealous shit
I've aged probably everyone sooo, Sam is 26, Emily is 25. Leah is 23. Jared and Paul are 19 (in a nearby community college) and just one semester from graduating. Jake, Reader and Embry are 18. Quil, Seth, Brody are 17. Cam and Seth are 16
He kicks his bike stand up, so it stays upright while he waits for you to exit the school. He crosses his arms, not wanting anyone to talk to him, hoping he looks “menacing” enough for his classmates to get the hint and steer clear of him.
He knows Quil and Embry made their way back to Emily's since Sam wants them to do their patrol shift as soon as they can once they finished with their last class.
He couldn't complain much considering he was able to go home and change before heading back to pick you up so he could successfully switch shifts with Embry, which annoys him since Sam basically ordered him to pick you up.
He’d be more okay with it if you two were friends- or even talking; he doesn’t know why he was put to the job since you two aren’t close- or at least, compared to Jared and Paul.
Jake did recently find out (after complaining to the guys when their alpha wasn’t around) you’re Sam's niece and Emily has taken a light to you, thinking of you as her own daughter.
And the only reason he thinks that is because of how she treats you; it always reminds him of the way his mom took care of him and his sisters when they were younger.
Don't get him wrong, he has no problem with that or the way she treats you, he's more curious than anything since you haven't been talking to him.
It kind of bugs him that you talk to Paul and Jared more than him and isn't sure why. He gets the two shifted before everyone, but you've started talking to Embry and Quil so why not him too? Hell, you’ve even started making small talk with the newest shifters Brady and Collin.
He thinks this is why Sam sent him here, so he'll stop moping around about you and not just because the pack is tired of hearing how sad he is with you not talking to him.
The chanting, "fight, fight, fight," overtakes his sense in waiting for you and he steps closer.
He stops behind the wall of people, checking on who's fighting, curious as to who's stupid enough to fight on school property.
The fist flies to your face and he starts fighting his way to get past the people blocking him from getting to you.
You spit, not wanting the copper taste to remain in your mouth. You turn your head back to David, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of feeling like he won.
You kick his upper thigh, right above his knee and knock him down before pulling your arm back and drive your fist as hard as you can into his cheek.
He falls and cups his cheek, whining about the pain and the fact that he's bleeding.
"Talk about my family again and you'll be bleeding more."
Jacob finally breaks through the crowd and pushes David's friend away before the guy could grab you. "Back off," he growls.
The friend raises his hands in defense and backs away, noticing how buff he'd gotten and knows better to not fight Jacob.
He turns to you, smelling blood on you and cups your face, searching to find the damage, ignoring your eyes as the blood from your lip drips further down your chin. "Come on."
He puts you on the back of his bike and starts it before kicking the kickstand.
You unwrap your arms and get off the bike, trying to put distance between you, Jacob, and your home.
He grabs your wrist, "where do you think you're going?"
"Just because you want to hide your face from Emily and Sam, doesn't mean you can run away."
"I can still try." You tug on his arm. "Let me go."
"No, you need to go in there and face them."
You stop fighting and he lets go of you, trusting that you won't leave. "I don't want Sam to be disappointed."
"Did you pick a fight with David on purpose?"
You shake your head, "of course not."
"Then he won't be disappointed... as long as you talk to him."
"Says the guy who fights him every chance he gets."
That earns a chuckle from Jake. "Says the mousy niece."
You scoff, shoving his arm. "Hey, I'm not mousy."
"This is the longest conversation we've ever had."
"That's your fault, you're always mopey."
"I am not."
"Are so."
"Am"- You walk through the door.
Emily's voice interrupts yours and everyone else's conversations. "I'm happy to see the two of you are talking." She smiles with a twinkle shining in her eye that quickly dies as soon as she catches sight of your face.
"Oh my- what the hell happened to you?" She grabs your chin, tilting so she can look at your face. "Who did this?"
Paul tenses, Jared tries to see over her shoulder.
Embry and Quil walk through the back door and glance at one another with concern evident on their faces once they realize what’s happened.
"Don't tell, Sam," you reply, staring into her eyes, practically begging her not to tell him.
"Don't tell me what?"
You grimace and then wince because your adrenaline has worn off and the pain has surfaced. "How much I love you?" You say without turning.
"I don't buy it." He wraps an arm around Emily, pecking her cheek. "Did you cut your finger again?" He asks with the scent of blood wafting through the room.
"Uh-" She catches your eye as she glances down at her hands. "Maybe, I don't know."
You attempt to sneak away while he's distracted and fail.
"Turn around."
You pout, keeping your head low as you turn.
"Lift your head."
"I like staring at my shoes while they're clean."
He grumbles your name under his breath.
You lift your head and sigh. "I may have gotten into an altercation at school."
"What the hell happened?"
"That's what I was asking before you got here?" Emily chimes in. "And I was avoiding it then."
"What did you do?"
You scoff, "I didn't do anything, you dick."
"That is no way to talk to your uncle," she tells you.
You stare at her, "I'm going to give him the same respect he gives me," and turn to him. "Which is none."
You exit the room when you realize none of you are going to be able to have a proper conversation and make your way to your room, slamming the door behind you.
"What happened while you were waiting for her?" Sam towers over Jacob, attempting to search through his mind to figure out what could have happened.
"I don't- I don't know. I was waiting and then I heard the other kids chanting, fight and then I saw her get hit and then take down David-"
"Wait- she was fighting David?" Jared chimes in with a smile.
"He deserves it," Paul adds.
"Guys a grade A asshole," Embry says before snacking on a muffin.
"So, this fight was valid?" Sam asks, wanting to understand everything he's learned within the last five minutes.
"No, it wasn't valid because fighting isn't the solution, is it boys?" Emily turns to the boys at the table.
"No," everyone answers.
"Good," she smiles.
"But this hasn't happened before? What's happened? This David- or whoever clearly said something for her to act out."
"He was talking about my family," you tell them, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed.
"That doesn't give you enough reason to fight," she tells you.
"It does when they start making fun of your dead parents and uncle who's running a cult."
They purse their lips.
"How do you feel?"
You shrug, "my fist and face are aching, so I'd say I did something right."
She sighs. "Fighting isn't the answer."
"I know that!"
"Then why did you do it?"
Your emotions cause you to snap. "I was tired of him thinking he could still bully me!"
She takes a few steps closer to you. "This has been going on for a while now. Why didn't you tell us?"
"I didn't want either of you to walk into the principal's office thinking you could stop it when it'd only make things worse," you grumble.
"We could have found another way to stop him from making comments."
"I took care of it the only way I could."
"There's always more than one way-"
"I know," you run your fingers through your hair in a frustrated manner. "I wasn't thinking but he wouldn't shut up. He waited a few months, giving me a grievance period but then he started talking shit again and today he wouldn't leave me alone."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jared asks.
"Yeah," you scoff, "because I wanted you guys to help when the hothead is one fight away from being expelled. Everyone still thinks those two," you point to Embry and Quil. "Are weird because they suddenly got buff and had a haircut. Don't even mention the fact that Jake along with Brody and Cam are the new talk of the pack."
Sam sighs, rubbing a hand over his face. "Just, go clean the blood off as best you can, and Emily will wrap your wounds."
"I already did."
"Then go get the first aid kit and bring it in here."
You walk back into the bathroom throwing everything you’d laid out on the counter back into the bag and aim for the kitchen. "Heal me with your magical powers, Em."
She smiles and wraps an arm around your shoulders as she guides you to the island so she can use the natural light to check over you. "Does this hurt?"
"Not yet."
"Okay, let me know when it-"
You suck in a deep breath through your teeth.
"Hurts. You okay?"
"Peachy, Em."
"I know you had to defend yourself today, but fighting isn't always the answer."
"Yeah, I know," you reply with an attitude.
"I'm just reminding you, so you don't continue hurting yourself. You're not like the others, and I don't like seeing you get hurt."
"Thanks, Emily," you wrap your arms around her and pull her in for a long hug.
She smiles, returning the hug. "Don't go getting into fights again or else I'm going to bubble wrap you."
You chuckle. "As long as you save me from a Sam lecture."
"Deal." She slides the plate with muffins, closer to you. "Eat something first."
The guys shake their heads at your behavior.
"Does this mean I can hang out with you guys?"
"You hang out with us already," Jacob points out.
"Cliff diving." You unwrap your muffin.
"Absolutely not," your uncle tells you.
"Come on."
"No,” Sam shakes his head.
"Guys," you beg, turning around to look at the others.
"We're not getting involved in that," Paul raises his hands, heading towards the couch.
- Extra -
"I'm with Paul," Embry tells you, pulling Quil with him as they sit beside Jared.
You turn to face your knight in shining armor. “Jake-”
He turns away from the others and glances back at you, the humor falling from his face.
“Oh, shit,” Jared mutters.
“Are you serious?” Embry whines.
You owlishly blink trying to figure out what’s happened when he falls to his knees. You set your muffin down and push yourself off the stool to stand in front of him. You poke his shoulder. “Are you okay?”
“It’s you,” he mutters.
You raise your head and face the others with a scared and confused expression. “Guys, what the hell just happened?”
Paul smirks and looks away.
Jared buries his face with a muffin.
Embry and Quil face the tv, not wanting to see how things plays out.
Brady and Collin walk through the door.
“Holy shit,” the former says.
“Congrats, Jake. You finally got your imprint,” the latter adds.
“What?” You spin around to face Emily. “Imprint? That’s what just happened?”
Sam rubs a hand over his face. This was the last thing they needed.
“Did we- did you not know?” Brady asks you.
“Does this look like the face of someone who’s in the know? Does it. Brady?”
Collin pulls his buddy away before you can rip their heads off.
“I think we need to talk,” Sam says, pulling Jacob off the ground. “Outside.”
You three stand on the porch, trying to wrap your heads around the whole situation.
“I don’t know what this means,” you tell them.
“This means, no being alone in your room. No sneaking out after curfew. No-”
“Sam, we’re not dating. This doesn’t apply to us.”
“It could,” he says, finally snapping out of his mind.
“It- the imprint bond doesn’t happen by accident, it’s the joining of when two soulmates find each other.”
“So, we’re soulmates?”
He nods.
“I thought you were in love with Bella?”
“I was.”
“And now you’re not? You couldn’t have moved on that fast just because of this bond.”
He sighs, “I know this is going to be a lot of work, but I want to get to know you whether we go out or not… even though dating you-”
The clearing of someone’s throat cuts him off.
He sheepishly smiles, rubbing the back of his head. “We’ll talk more later.”
You can’t help but giggle and wince soon after.
He’s kneeling in front of you in seconds, searching for any sign of pain. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. My lip is going to be the kill joy of my existence for a few days but I’m fine.” You place a hand on his shoulder, “thanks for pulling me out of there when you did.”
He shakes his head, “it was nothing.”
“It was more than you know, and I know you were only there because Uncle Sam made you, but I still wanted to thank you.”
He can’t help the wide smile that stretches across his lips. “I’ll always be there for you.”
Sam throws you over his shoulder. “Babe, where’s the extra wood I keep for the winter?”
“Back room, why?” She asks, watching as you beat on his back.
“I’m locking some doors.”
“Sam, no!” You screech. “Boys, help me.”
“He’s the alpha, what he says go,” Paul tells you.
“You suck, Lahote.”
“You’re gonna be swallowing, princess.”
Paul has never shifted and ran out of his alpha’s place as quickly as he did today.
The others lose their minds as he runs all around, nearly bumping into the clearwater siblings as they head towards the place.
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@kmc1989 @gilbertgirl13
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aimedis · 2 months
redacted asmr headcanons pt. 6
-angel definitely has one of those shirts that says ‘angel’ on it
-asher calls baabe sexy on a regular basis
-lasko has a super bad fear of horror films and games (will start crying)
-the pack played fnaf once and all you could hear was screaming from milo, tank, and asher and laughter from angel, sam and sweetheart (david and baabe literally almost fell asleep on each other) 
-lovely makes vincent tea and reads to him when he’s sad (*being pouty) 
-angel used to have an eating disorder (still reverts to old habits sometimes but is recovered) ((when they struggle with eating, david holds their hand and talks them through it))
-freelancer speaks french and makes fun of damien (in french) for being so poor at it all the time ((damien: "bro shut up?" freelancer: "do you know how to say that in french, huh?")) -(damien and freelancer are so siblings coded)
-darlin’ and sam slow dance around the house all the time (in the kitchen when sam’s cooking, in their bedroom right before they go to sleep, after they wake up, in the hallways etc.)
-freelancer is really good at acting like they’re sad when the boys tease them so they (huxley and dear) feel bad ((they just have to pout once and curl into themselves before huxley is hugging them and making the others apologize)) -(they're the youngest in the group so they get teased a lot) 
-sweetheart isn’t particularly known for taking care of themselves and whenever they complain about any health issue they’re having, david is quick to point that out (sweetheart: “my stomach hurts” david: “your stomach hurts because you don’t eat properly at the proper times or-“ sweetheart: “shut the actual fuck up david, I didn’t ask”)
-damien is such a shithead to everyone, even huxley and sometimes he forgets that huxley is shameless when talking back or “returning the energy” to people. damien will poke fun at him and act surprised when huxley starts attacking (tickling) him
-asher has a fear of needles but he got a tattoo in memory of gabe
-sam cried in darlin’s arms for hours after the inversion
-after the inversion, david flat out refused to let asher out of his sight until he was at home safe with his mate (drove him home when they couldn't pick him up, even when asher insisted he could drive himself home)
bonus +
-darlin’ is the only one who calls sam “samuel” 
-I just know kody reeks
-at random moments angel and asher would just be like “i can’t wait to get married” with little smitten smiles on their faces even before they got engaged (it’s too cute for anyone to give them shit for it) 
-asher's big sister was his favorite person for years (she's tied with david for second favourite after baabe) ((david sees her as the sister he never had)) -(think of asher and madelyn as the "i'm a big dog, i do big dog shit" older/younger sibling audio on tiktok)
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impyssadobsessions · 10 months
DP × DC where Daniel is adopted by the Fenton's, but he isn't a Wayne/al Ghul, but rather, he's Cassandra Cain's older brother who managed to slip his leash and escape. Before his biological donor could find and recover him, Daniel Cain is instead found by Jazmine Fenton, who brings Daniel to her parents and tells them she wants him to be her little brother. Madeline does not ask about Daniel's family as she can see the damage, and Jack shows off his talent for seeing the good in eople to see that the kid needs a good home.
All it takes is one call to Vlad, who is in a trifecta relationship with the Fenton adults, to make the arrangements. Gone is Daniel Cain, and in his place is Daniel Vladimir Fenton.
Danny tries to forget much of his past until some encouragement from Jazz makes Danny decide to track down his past, using his connections to he Infinite Realms and his status as the Kind Benevolent Ghost King he begins his search. Eventually, the ghosts point him towards Gotham, where he meets a girl who reminds him of Dani.
This is in a scenario where Madeline and Jack accept that their adopted son is Phantom. They also accept that Plasmius is Vlad's other half and welcome both parts with open arms, mostly Jack's open arms via the Fenton Bear Hug.
Danny is now searching Gorham for his past, unaware that the girl he first met was, in fact, the little sister he never knew of nor that his biological donor, David Cain is also in Gotham.
Ooo interesting setup~ Wonder how Cassandra would handle all this. I can see her not believing it at first- then perhaps confused/hurt why he never tried to find her. But essentially can see her being happy to have another brother. Especially as I can see Danny getting protective. Ahh Bruce be upset, this ones taken- jk. But oof yeah they probably run into their father.
This one too I had sitting in my box because I didn't know what to add~ >w< but it is a cool start up to a fic.
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misfit0789 · 3 months
Jersey Swap
Georgia Stanway x Reader
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Summary: Georgia visits R at her professional baseball game.
Word count: ~650 words
Warnings: None
Short little thing I wanted to post based on Georgia being at the New York Mets game the other day.
"I never get tired of seeing you in those pants" I jump as Georgia smacks my ass before wrapping her arms around me from behind and laying her head between my shoulder blades.
"Babe! I know you love me in these almost as much as I love you in your kit but," I turn and press a kiss to her forehead, "you only have a few minutes down here before you have to be up in the suite for the game. I think David has the jersey's we are swapping. I mean I have tons of your jerseys already but what's one more?" I smile, she rolls her eyes before pulling away from me and heading towards my twin in the dugout. I sigh and follow behind her.
"Ahh there is my favorite sister-in-law," David cheers opening his arms and pulling Georgia in for a hug. "Oh how I've missed you. I still don't get how you can put up with her."
"She's your only sister-in-law genius," I state grabbing the jerseys off his shoulder, but not before landing a slap to his head. "Besides you saw her when we were in London playing the Phillies. Now give me my wife so we can take some pictures before I have to go warm up Tylor." I joke pulling Georgia by the arm into my own arms. I press a kiss to her head as she giggles but waves by to David.
"Bye Dave, I'll see you after the game, we're going to dinner tonight anyway." She calls, he nods and gives a thumbs up before making his way to the bullpen. "Now, where were we?" I smile and hand her my jersey for her to hold in the picture, not noticing the camera crew already taking pictures of us.
"Okay you two, just a few more pictures and Y/n you're all set to go warm up." The social media team member says, we both nod and hold up each other's jerseys smiling for the camera. Once they finish with the pictures I hand Georgia her jersey to hold on to for me.
"Thank you babe. I will see you after the game. I love you," I press a quick kiss to her lips.
"I love you too. Go kick some Padres' ass love." I smile and nod pressing another kiss to her lips before moving to put on my catcher's gear.
The game ended in a victory for us winning 11-6 with myself hitting a home run. I finish cleaning up my stuff in the locker room before meeting Brandon and David at the doors with my bag in hand.
"Geeze you take forever!" Brandon exclaims David chuckling at his side, I smile and shove him to the side before moving past him to meet up with our wives for dinner.
"Yea well, I'd like to see you both sit and sweat in that catcher's gear most of the game, then see who can clean up the quickest." I say before opening the door to where the girls are waiting.
"Baby you did amazing!" Georgia exclaims, I laugh and drop my bag to catch her as she jumps into my arms spinning us both around before setting her back on her feet, my arms wrapping around her waist.
"Thank you, my love. Now, I don't know about you but I am starving. Who is up for some food?" the boys yell in agreement before moving to the exit, their wives shaking their heads but following behind. "Why do I talk to those two again?" I ask Georgia, removing one arm from her waist and grabbing my bag so we can follow behind the others.
"Because one is your twin and the other is your best friend." She giggles, I sigh and nod pressing a kiss to her head.
"Right, forgot about that." She smiles and leans her head on my shoulder as we continue our way to the car.
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lookingfts · 15 days
Thank you for your meet-cute ideas! I love them all and may write more of them, but for tonight I chose this idea from @rk19991999, so thank you!
He’d never felt more out of place.
The wedding was beautiful, of course. Dorset seemed happy, exchanging hushed words on the dance floor with his new bride. A lovely girl. Edwina – that was her name. To be fair, Anthony had only met her for about five seconds when they visited his table at dinner.
Daphne and Simon, the only other people he knew, had bowed out a bit early – Daphne’s pregnancy was making her regularly queasy. Anthony couldn’t quite recall, now, why he hadn’t made an excuse to leave with them.
Oh, right. The bridesmaid.
Edwina’s sister was very likely the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. He nearly dropped his phone when she walked down the aisle, draped in colorful fabric and heavy gold jewelry. Anthony rustled a floral decoration rather loudly, and the sister had looked at him sharply. He was torn between wanting the ground to swallow him whole and catching his breath, because really, she was fucking beautiful.
She’d recovered, and so had he, and then she had been surrounded by family all night. Anthony was certainly not above hitting on an attractive woman at a wedding, but to do it front of her relatives felt…uncouth.
After a while, he lost sight of her altogether, and swallowed down the rest of his champagne. He was happy for Dorset, genuinely, but it was long past time to make his exit.
Anthony stood, and a slim hand wrapped around his wrist. He turned to find the sister, her eyes urgent and her cheeks a little flushed. “Hi,” she said in a low voice. “Are you single?”
“Um. Yes?”
“Good. I’ll give you fifty pounds if you play along with what’s about to happen. An extra fifty if you kiss me right now.”
His first instinct was to tell this woman that he didn’t need the money, actually, and then realized that was an extremely stupid thing to lead with. Especially since he’d spent the whole night staring at her from across the room.
Tipping her chin up with his thumb, Anthony pressed his lips to hers gently. He didn’t want to push too far, but her skin was so soft under his palm and she tasted like mango and it was making him more than a little stupid.
Her nails raked through his hair, her mouth moving more insistently against his, and an embarrassing moan formed in his throat. Even more so when she nipped at his bottom lip, drawing back with dark, blown eyes and shallow breaths.
Christ, he wanted to take her home. Or – scratch that. Somewhere closer. A hotel room. A powder room. His car. This table right in front of them.
“Kathani!” He jumped at the voice behind him, forgetting for a moment that they were playing some kind of role. She tucked herself into Anthony’s side as three older woman descended on them, and he reciprocated, sliding his arm around her waist and holding her tight against him. His heart was still pounding, and he wondered if she could feel it as she placed her hand on his chest.
“This is David,” Kathani said, and he realized with some satisfaction that she sounded breathless as well. “My fiancé.”
“I’m sorry about that,” she sighed, linking her fingers together behind his neck. “The aunties are relentless.”
It had been quite the interrogation. Anthony wasn’t sure how to convincingly fake a relationship with a woman he’d literally never met, but Kathani had a quick answer to everything. They’d met on the tube; he was a surgeon; she wasn’t wearing her ring because they didn’t want to draw attention away from Edwina’s big day. Anthony had been happy to stare at her adoringly and hum his agreement at appropriate intervals. The aunties probably thought he was dim-witted, but they had called him handsome several times.
Finally, she’d tugged Anthony onto the dance floor, blending in with the sea of couples. “What happens when I’m not actually a surgeon named David and we don’t get married?”
Her eyes went wide. “Fuck! I never even asked your name.”
“It’s Anthony,” he said with a chuckle.
“I’m Kate,” she responded, wrinkling up her nose in a very endearing way. “Kathani, of course, but only my family calls me that. And to answer your question, I don’t care. Eddie’s wedding just brought out the vultures and I didn’t feel like being told everything I need to change about myself to attract a man’s attention.”
“Ouch. My mum kind of does the same thing, to be fair.” They shared a laugh, and Anthony felt his heart turn over in his chest. Her laugh was as stunning as the rest of her. “You don’t need to change anything, by the way. I almost disrupted your sister’s whole wedding because you took my breath away, walking down the aisle.”
She stiffened a little, blinking up at him through long lashes. Maybe it was too much, but Kate deserved to know that she was not lacking, at least not in his eyes. Whatever she did with that information was her choice.
A soft flush rose in her cheeks as she sank her teeth into her lip. “I, um…” Kate cleared her throat. “I might have chosen you as my fake fiancé because I liked the way you looked at me.”
Anthony did an internal cheer of victory. He was suddenly glad that he’d been too stubborn to leave the party early. Waiting for a chance that had turned out much better than he could have imagined. “Well, I am willing to keep up the pretense. Take you out for dinner, you know. Learn your life story so I can actually contribute to the lie next time. The aunties definitely thought there was nothing going on upstairs, if you know what I mean.”
Kate snorted, biting back a smile as her fingers played with the fine hairs at the back of his neck. “We should work on the kissing, too. A solid first effort, but I think we can get better.”
“Of course,” he agreed with mock seriousness. “We can’t half-arse it, can we?”
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bullet-prooflove · 18 days
Bad Boy: Chef Luca x Reader
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @djlnkaled @10ava01 @freckledhorse @wabi-sabi1090
Companion piece to:
Something Special - Luca knows you're something special from the very moment you meet.
Sfogliatella - Luca spends months perfecting your fav dessert leading to a surprise proposal.
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Luca used to be a little wild, he tells you that when you’re sitting on the deck of the boat that he lives in, sharing an expensive bottle of wine. Your gaze is fixed on the lights from the city as they glitter across the canal as he hands you the glass before taking up residence alongside of you on the cushioned bench.
“Used to be?” You ask carefully. “Or still are?”
“Used to be.” He reassures you because he knows your history.
You’d had a thing for bad boys in your early twenties. You’d fallen in love with a man you were translating for, one who rode motorcycles and was possessive over his woman. He was fun, adventurous and secretive.
You can’t say when you started to lose the pieces of yourself, only that one day Armand didn’t like the way you dressed, he preferred you to wear darker scents instead of floral. A tracking app appeared on your phone so he could make sure you were ‘safe’. You wanted to leave but by that point yourself confidence had been eroded so much that you just couldn’t bring yourself to walk out the door so you stayed.
You’d stayed until you were woken up at three in the morning to the police bursting into his home and raiding the place for drugs. They had found nothing on the premises but you were both swept up for questioning. They’d detained you for five hours before they ascertained you had no knowledge of the operation. Armand had been charged and sentenced to twenty five years in prison for his role in cross state heroin operation.
It had taken such a long time to put yourself back together again after that, to reclaim who you were. You’d taken a job at the UN to get out of the city, bounced around a few countries before you found a home in Copenhagen.
It’s Luca’s words that bring you back to the present. He hasn’t told you how he ended up in Denmark, what led him to become a chef.
“My home life, it was messed up. Most of the time we were this close-” he says indicating a tiny gap with his fingers. “- from being taken into care. I was stealing all the time, trying to make ends meet, bunking off school, lashing out...”
Noone in Copenhagen knows this story, they just know him as the guy who used to with for David Fields. Someone dependable, someone capable, someone stable. They don’t know that there were nights he used his hide his sister in the closet and sing her to sleep because their mother was on another bender.
“Cheffing saved me from all of that, it gave me the structure I needed at the time, the discipline and the cash to provide for my family until my sister was old enough for university.”
“What happened to your parents?” You ask him and he gives you a sad smile.
“Dad was never really in the picture. The last time I saw him I think I was seven and he took me to an Arsenal game, after that radio silence.” He says shaking his head. “And mum… well the drugs took her.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” You tell him and he shrugs his shoulders.
“We expected it to happen a lot sooner if I’m honest.” He tells you. “I know it sounds cold but when you live like that…”
“I kinda get it.” You say softly. “When I was with my ex, he would have these moods…”
You trail off and he understands the subtext. He’s not the only one that’s seen violence, that’s managed to escape it and make something of himself. His fingers entwine with yours, a show of solidarity because if there’s anyone that understands what you endured, it’s Luca.
“I was relieved when the police arrested him, I didn’t have the strength to leave him before that but after…” Your eyes flicker up to meet his and truly they are the most beautiful shade he’s ever seen. “I got to be me again, the real me, not the one he’d tried to shape me into.”
“I’m glad that you escaped that life.” He says, reaching out to brush a strand of hair back behind your ear. “That we both managed to find our way to each other.”
You clasp his hand to your cheek, your lips brushing over his pulse point as you whisper.
“Yea. I am too.”
Love Luca? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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ithaca-awaits · 10 months
"#love every time we made dave a question and he went all fanficcy #this one and the post-survival one" hello i have a BURNING need to know..... which post-survival question did he answer?
Hi! Sorry for the month-long delay in answering this! I don’t usually get asks on this account so I kept forgetting and say I’d answer as soon as I got to check Dave’s Q&As again, which I kept not being able to check. Anywho, the question I was referring to here was made by Liv on the Q&A session that took place on the 25th of June. You can find the complete recording and transcripts here (along with other fantastic fan-curated resources if you’re new to the fandom.)
Q: If the expedition had been rescued around, say, episode 8/9, and made it home, how do you think the various relationships that developed on screen would have fared back in ““civilization””? Would the intimacies some of these men formed between them persist? I’m also curious to know if you think any of them would resign from the Navy, be it for whatever reason: ethical, practical, physical, to explore other parts of themselves, etc.
I’m gonna try to be as brief as possible because Dave gave a very long response (find the non-abridged version in the link provided above), but this was the meat of it:
Crozier and Blanky would talk endlessly about quitting the Navy but only Crozier would. This doesn’t mean that Blanky would do this comfortably, as he’d already have survived two naval expeditions that turned out badly, so maybe he’d join a whaling ship, even if that would also have gotten under his skin.
He doesn’t think any of the surviving Lieutenants would have come back anywhere close to the poles, but he does think that most of them would have succumbed to the calling of fame and glory, i.e. wanting to return to the sea now that they had been named Commanders or Captains of their own vessels.
He’s not sure if Fitzjames would have been brave enough to stay aside of the Navy, even if during those three months he learnt a lot more about himself that what keeping the same persona for thirty years had brought him. He thinks Fitzjames would have written a “hell of a memoir” as well as a “hell of a military career, and that he would have stayed friends with Crozier, even if some of the things that happened in the Arctic would never have been mentioned again.
Goodsir would return to visit Silna “as often as possible.” Not for romantic reasons, but because there’d have been “a friendship there”. (also, taking into account he is making up all these scenarios after 8 or 9 the tuunbaq would have lived.)
“I think Bridgens and Peglar [smiles] would have worked like dogs to be able to afford some goddamn privacy where they could be together for the rest of their lives. [laughs]”
Pilkington and Des Voeux would have stayed friends.
“Little and Hodgson would be in one another’s lives.” They’d help each other patch themselves up after what happened because they’d both be in denial about everything that went down, helping create “a more palatable story about themselves”.
Sophia would feel like she’d have to choose between Lady Jane and Crozier and would chose the former, especially after the loss of her uncle.
Jopson would have stayed close to Crozier, they’d stay best friends for the rest of their lives.
Golding would commit suicide at some point, he was not equipped to deal with everything that happened and much less to go on living carrying it with him.
David Young’s ring would have been delivered to his sister. (with one of the crystal diamonds having fallen off during the journey.)
Mr Diggle would have been fine and stayed friend with some of the AB’s and midshipmen, but not with anyone else further up the hierarchy.
Collins would have lived a very quiet life, as most of what troubled him was PTSD.
Hartnell would have had a family and lived a quiet life. He’d have stayed close to Manson and from time to time he might have met with Crozier.
Hickey would have ended up in prison if he managed not to ger executed. If Tozer and him had ended up in the same prison they would have avoided each other for years, until they realized they were the one’s more suited for each other’s rest and protection. It’s tricky for Dave to say if they’d have become lovers because he is unsure about Tozer, but it’s prison so HE’LL LET US DECIDE. [ten seconds later he changed his mind] Tozer would have turned to Hickey for that kind of comfort and ended up murdering him, while Hickey convinced himself that he was the one letting himself be murdered. (This is already a very long ask, if you want more details on Hickey’s Vermont sex-cult, ping me and I’ll expand on it, because it was an answer from a different day and I don’t currently have it at hand.)
Gibson wouldn’t have wanted nothing to do with anyone. He might have found some new expedition or a house where he could work in as a domestic servant, but he wouldn’t have told anyone.
Hope this helped!
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chloe-skywalker · 2 months
I Know Them Better - Jax Teller
Jax x Fem!Reader
David Hale x Sister!Reader
Warnings: SOA
Word count: 1,942
Summary: Being Hale’s sister and dating Jax is complicated to say the least. Especially when hale doesn’t know about it
Authors Note: First Jax Teller story! So excited for this. There will be more!!!!
Sons Of Anarchy Masterlist
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The sun was breaking through the curtains which in return woke Y/n and Jax up slowly.
“Good mornin Darlin.” Jax smirked as he opened his eyes to see Y/n laying there next to him.
“Back atcha handsome.” Y/n smirked back not even opening her eyes, enjoying being in bed with her man. Since they were currently at Y/n’s house they didn’t have to worry about being interpreted or so they thought.
Right when they both were gonna try to go back to sleep there was a loud pounding on Y/n’s front door. Which made both of their eyes open quickly and widely.
“Are you expecting someone?” Jax asked her.
“Not that I know of. Stay here.” Y/n got up and threw on a shirt and a pair of shorts before glancing back at him and she noticed his nervous and apprehensive look. “I’ll yell for you if I need you, my knight with shining motorcycle.” she teased him.
Y/n walked down the hall and headed over to her front door only to see her brother on the other side causing the racket.
“David.” Y/n said his name in shock, why was her brother at her home she thought as she opened the door and greeted him.
“Y/n.” he greeted back as he entered her home.
“So what’s up brother?” Y/n said loud enough for Jax to hear so he knew who it was and to not come out of her room.
“I need you to be careful around town.” David told her as they stood in Y/n’s kitchen.
“Why? What's up?” Y/n furrowed her brows.
“Samcro’s up to something. And I have a bad feeling about it.” Hale told her annoyed at Charmings local Biker group.
“Why do you hate them?” Y/n questioned her brother trying not to sound upset with him for judgment of the Son’s. But it was hard not to, he judged them and doesn’t even know them.
“They’re criminals Y/n.” He told her simply.
“They may not be completely innocent but they also protect the town David. You have to see that.” Y/n tried with David often but it was hard when she had to not let on to her and Jax’s relationship. 
Y/n could see from her spot standing in the kitchen down the hall and saw Jax listening in to their conversation. He just smirked at her.
“Their good deeds don’t outweigh their bad ones.” Hale stated to her before sighing. “Just be careful okay? I don’t want you to get hurt because of them.”
“Okay. I’ll be careful.” y/n nodded along to appease him. But She wasn’t going to stay away from Jax or the club. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.” David smiled at her gratefully. He sometimes hated that she was still living in Charming, it made it harder to protect her. “Oh I won’t be able to have our normal weekly dinner tonight. I have to work late.”
“Okay, that's fine.” Y/n smiled at him.
“Bye Y/n/n.” Hale hugged her before heading for the door to leave.
“Bye Bro.” Y/n watched him leave before hearing the front door shut.
“Man, he really doesn’t like us huh?” Jax spoke from the entrance to the hallway.
“Not funny.” Y/n rolled her head to look at him. It was hard for Y/n that she essentially had 2 different lives. Y/n was close to her brother and they normally talked about everything but she couldn’t share with him anything about her relationship because he wouldn’t approved.
“Well, since you're not gonna be busy tonight. Why don’t you come to TM. We’re not having a party but we are all gonna be hanging out at the clubhouse. That way you don't have to be alone and get more time together.” Jax suggested walking over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. Jax knew Y/n hated being alone and he’d take any time they could spend together.
“Okay. I don’t like being alone and I miss all the guy’s.” She nodded in agreement looking up at him.
“What about me?” Jax raised a brow teasing her.
“Of course you.” She shook her head with a laugh at his antics, as she headed into the kitchen with Jax on her tail. Y/n grabbed a drink from her fridge as Jax watched her for a moment biting his lip before pushing off of the kitchen wall and leaving the room. Y/n called out at his retreating form. “Where are you going?”
“To pack you a bag.” He called back from down the hall, turning into her bedroom.
“Jax?” Y/n pushed off the counter top to follow him into her room.
“We’re staying the night at the clubhouse.” Jax states.
Y/n raised a brow, she knew all he’d try to pack. She rolled her eyes at his packing taste. “If all your gonna pack is lingerie-”
“I’ll pack other things.” He smiled mischievously.
“Like what?” Y/n asked him with a tilted head, curious to his other thoughts on what to pack.
“Extra of my clothes and you can wear those.” Jax smiled cheekily.
“Hmmm.” Y/n hummed, nodding amused at his answer.
^     ^     ^
@ TM  Next Morning
“Aye Lass, Morning.” Chib’s greeted with a nod and a smile upon seeing Y/n exit the dorm hallway.
“Morning.” Y/n greeted the Scottish man with a smile on her lips.
“Hey Darlin, you look good.” Jax looked her up and down as she walked over and he handed her a glass of orange juice.
“Hmmhmm, I’m in your clothes after all.” Y/n hummed smiling up at him knowing exactly what he was getting at.
“You should just wear my stuff from now on.” He smirked with a shrug.
“You’d like that wouldn’t you.” Y/n laughed, and then her phone started ringing.
“Hey, Whats up?” Y/n said answering her phone upon seeing her brothers name flashing on the screen.
“I need you to come down to the station.” David stated cutting to the chase.
“Why?” Y/n asked confused as to why he’d want her down to the police station?
“Just to talk about something. See you soon.” He wouldn’t say over the phone.
“Bye.” Y/n barley got it out before the line went dead.
“I have to go.” Y/n said looking up at Jax with a tight lipped, slightly sad smile. She didn’t want to leave.
“Nooooo. Why?” Jax whined wrapping his arms tighter around her waist as he sat behind her on a stool.
“Sorry, brother calls.” She sighed getting out of his hold and standing up.
“You gonna be okay, lass?” Chibs asked, they all considered Y/n family. She’d been around since her and Jax were in highschool.
“Yeah. Y/n/n. We could come with.” Tig offered fully prepared to back up the Y/h/c-ed girl.
“Nah, I’ll be okay. Brother just probably wants to rant about you guys anyway.” Y/n waved them off.
“You comin back?” Jax asked as he hands her her keys.
“Yeah, I’ll be back. Love you.” She smiled and leans over to kiss his cheek.
“Love you, too.” Jax squeezed her waist before watching her go.
^     ^     ^
“Hey. Why’d you need me down here?” Y/n walked into her brother's office shutting the door behind her before she went to sit down across from him.
“The Son’s are planning something. It’s gotta be big because they’ve been having meetings with every rival gang around. Its gonna be big and its gonna get people hurt. If not killed.” David explained to his sister stressing the possible implications of what he believes is to come.
“Maybe they're making deals to protect the town.” Y/n shrugged. She of course knew what was going on, Jax told her things even she shouldn’t know. But she couldn’t tell her brother that.
He shook his head in denial. “They aren’t. I know them. This is going to have a ton of casualties. Their gonna-”
“Stop! Just stop.” Y/n cut him off having had it with his obsession of making them the bad guys. “I know them better than you do. I know exactly what they do and what they were doing. Because unlike you I actually know them, and no I won’t share what is going on with you. Sorry.”
Hale furrowed his brows. “How do you know so much about Samcro?”
“In fact, whose clothes are you wearing?” He spoke up again. David noticed finally that she was wearing a men's shirt way to big for her, what really got him though was that the shirt had a faded “Samcro” printed on the front.
“I’m wearing Jax’s shirt because He’s my boyfriend. Had been for almost a year.” Y/n let out a stressed breath and just came out with her secret relationship that was only a secret to her brother.
“For fuck’s sake!” David let out angrily shaking his head.
“Shut up and listen.” Y/n told him standing up, taking charge of what was going to be said. “They are good guys. They may be in some not so legal shit, but they're good guys. Either give them a chance or back off some. You're stressing yourself out to unhealthy levels when it comes to Samcro.”
Y/n worried sometimes at how stressed the thought of the Son’s made her brother it was so unhealthy for him.
Y/n got up and stormed out of his office and the station. Right now she only wanted to be around the Son’s. Mainly Jax. Her Jax.
Once she got back to TM  Chib’s was the first to notice.
“Jackie boy. Someone's back and she looks stressed.” Chibs called out as he watched Y/n pull in on the faster side and all it took was one look at her body language to know something happened.
“Don’t think that talk went so good.” Juice commented as they all watched Y/n, the girl normally so calm and mostly relaxed acting very agitated and stressed.
“Y/n/n, what's wrong? What happened?” Jax asked as he approached her halfway seeing how stressed she was Jax pulled her into him for a few moment’s knowing his embrace comforted her.
“He knows about the club’s meetings with the rival MC’s, and he knows about us.” Y/n told Jax stepping out of his hold looking up at him. Jax looked shocked when she mentioned their relationship being outed to her brother. Y/n sighed before telling him. “I couldn’t take it anymore. He noticed my shirt as well. I had to tell him. . . I also told him to back off the club. You're all good guys and he’s stressing over it in unhealthy ways.”
Jax cupped the side of her face, he knew how worried she was about her brother finding out about their relationship. With how much he hate’s Jax and the Son's, how could she not worry. “I know you're worried that you’ll lose him because of our relationship. I’m sorry Darlin.”
Y/n gave him a half smile. “On the bright side we don’t have to hide and sneak around anymore.”
“Come on, Darlin. We missed you.” Jax mirrored her half smile. That was a perk of David now knowing, but Jaxx just wanted to cheer her up at the moment.
Jax wrapped his arms around her shoulders and guided her over to where the others were. They were her family to and they’d support her no matter what.
@padawancat97 @gruffle1 (sorry I didn't have my list on me and I didn't know if you wanted to be tagged in SOA stuff)
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Happy Birthday David Dastmalchian 🎂🎉🎁🎈
To celebrate, I'm stealing borrowing from my friend's @polkadotjohnson amazing idea of making a Top 10 Loved/Hottest roles of his, with an honourable mention for both~ Here's 30 of my most adored characters of his with little snippets for each, it's a looooong read, and if anyone else wants to make their own, here's a tierlist I made for this exact purpose 💗💗💗
💘 Love of my Life - Dr Fearless
My cringefail boyfriend, I love every single headcanon I hear about him. He was so damn cute even before I fell in love, and now every time I see him I start giggling and kicking my feet lol 😚 I adore how much fun DD has with him, and honestly I’m gunna dress as a vampire for Halloween this year /)w(\ been like 20+ years but I really really wanna do it!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Whistling Marauder (Bird Box)
Mother of mercy. We rewatched the whole movie just for him, so naturally he shows up near the end and then died ;w; but that outfit, holy hell. Oh my god. I’m such a sucker for bad boys and this guy is going around forcing people to stare at this eldrich being that’ll destroy you or drive you mad. And he looks goddamn great while doing it. Gunna attach myself to the chain on his jeans. Okay I’m normal again, what a way to start off the list lmao
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Luke (Singled Out)
Douchebag. Shitty brother who’s also great if only to save his own ass. Thief. Pure idiot. Irresistible. I knew the moment I saw the clips on youtube that he would so be my type, and seeing the full pilot only proved that. Dude picked a burger over getting his sister, he would treat me so wrong half the time, but then he’d make me waffles and it’d be all better 😊
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💘 Love of my Life - The Writer (Making Love)
This one breaks my heart so much. I’ve been in a relationship like this before, and I really want to save him from his. He’s beautiful, he’s talented, his outfit is hot as hell with all the rings and bracelets and necklaces, not to mention the undone shirt buttons, he’s got the emo bangs, he is the complete package for me. The only reason he isn’t higher is because I fell for many others first. I almost never watched this one because my brain was going haywire trying to imagine what kinda scenes I’d find in something with a title like that, and sure enough my face was so red the entire time since I watched with headphones and it starts with him whispering right in my ear, like him asking, ‘Do you love me?’ nearly made me cry, I love him so much. If I could bring specifically him to life I would love the hell outta him until he stopped needing such a painful, self-destructive fake love with the Woman QwQ
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Nick (Love is an Elevator)
This one is just a silly little guy /)w(\ right from the start he’s so adorable, I would melt if anything even close to his interaction happened to me, and him just swooning and saying she was beautiful before bailing in tears is so me-coded TwT I would love to go out on a date with him!
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🔥 Hottest Role - Abra Kadabra (The Flash)
Abra was so tricky to place because I love him, but as soon as I remembered his buckle outfit from his second episode I knew he had to go under Hot. Like, again, I’m so weak. I love his attitude, I love how he just wants that applause for his showmanship, his ‘powers’ are cool as hell, and DD has the wand in his home now and I think that’s so damn cool 😊 The reveal with him wanting to bring back his alternate timeline family was so sweet I almost cried, and he definitely didn’t deserve to be killed out so instantly right after his redemption. Not even a fan/watcher of the show, but in my head I’m having Flash warn him about it since he’s from the future, so he’s fine now 😌
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💘 Love of my Life - James Lewis (Teacher)
James was also incredibly difficult to place because I love him so much ;w; The entire movie I was rooting for him, guy did nothing wrong in the face of what was going on around him, and granted he did take things too far, but… villains are hot 😳 so I won through that entire movie. And he lived! And kept getting to teach! I remember I pointed at the screen when he was putting books away cause that’s my job lol I felt truly close to him in that short moment 😂 Anyway, Arabella didn’t deserve him, like she wasn't into it from the moment they met, every single time he talked she would do this 😬 guy was going through hell and was very clearly in a bad place all around, I can’t fault him for drunkenly saying the wrong thing if it were me, even if it did really hurt me. Gunna give him a new wedding ring to put on when he gets outta prison.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hector (Premature)
He’s so cute!!! I may be weak for villains, but I adore his sweeter roles as well, I’m so glad I got to see him. If I moved to a new city and he was my neighbour I’d know I’d be okay, because honestly he needs to be my roommate like yesterday. A chef who’s afraid to cook because of OCD, I’m sure he’d be able to help me with my own cooking from a safe distance, and I already have some practice as my sibling has OCD and is very strict about how her food is handled, so I’ll have come full circle. I just need to make him more okay with cuddles first…
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🔥 Hottest Role - Denham (A Killer of Men)
Denham was another one that was hard to place, because that axe twirls makes me insane, but with what little screentime he gets it all evens out. Another great villain, he’s just senseless violence in a bloody wedding dress and he works it. Love the look, love the vibe, if the world ended and the whole gang was coming at me I’d be honoured if he was the one who got me (I swear I’m not that deranged lmao just thirsty)
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💘 Love of my Life - Simon Lynch (Almost Human)
Even now I feel like Simon should be higher, especially since I’ve written my fic about him as well as my deep dive. I’ve said it before but my heart really went out to him, the deep dive says way more than I can fit it here, which probably means he should be higher lol so give that (and maybe the fic too 👉👈😌) a read if you haven’t already, all my love for him went into both.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - James Harris (The Employer)
Another adorable character, the bar flashbacks had me blushing every time. We all knew it’d be him, but I’m so glad he pulled through at the end. I want this one to be happy, especially after everything he went through. Absolutely cutiepie, gunna be the one to pay for his dinner after he gets home 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Dwight Pollard (Gotham)
Since I go into all of his roles blind, I had no idea what to expect for this one, but from the start I was hooked. Having him be a crazed cult leader with the biggest, most feral smile and laugh ever stole my heart the things I would let this man do to me sakndskjds I liveblogged his eps to a friend of mine who’s seen Gotham and has been trying to get me to watch it for ages cause I love DC, so she was thrilled as I sat here screaming about everything leading up to his ending :’D I’ve gotten some encouragement to write him, so when I do it’s gunna be so insane I’ll have to tag the hell outta it lmao (btw making these gifs nearly killed me oh my god I need him)
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💘 Love of my Life - Joshua Whitmore (Cass)
All the pain I went through trying to get this movie was worth it because it all led to him. I love him, I adore him, I’m so incredibly glad that so many others got to see him and love him too thanks to my trials and tribulations. DD’s only artist role, I got to connect with him on a personal level not shared with the others, and my desire to make sure he’s safe and taken care of is so strong that I wrote 26k about him, they’re two of my most favourite things I’ve ever written. I’ve thrown the ending of the movie out and completely placed it with my own, which can be found in my fics, and until Hugh Schulze DMs me personally and tells me what his vision was, that’s what I’m sticking with forever. So rest easy, he’s free from New York and buyers and dealers and the street and he’s safe and happy and painting again ;w;
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Thomas Schiff (The Dark Knight)
The OG, a lot of people’s first roles of his, including mine. I remember seeing this movie in theaters when it came out so that means I saw him up there, on the big screen, and something about him stuck around in my brain until I finally realized my love QwQ Even if he isn’t as fleshed out in my mind to make the actual list, I still needed to include him in some way, I hope he got placed somewhere that wasn't Arkham after Batman stepped in.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Cam (Relaxer)
I will never watch Relaxer again. Couldn’t even do it while I was making his scenepack cause so many horrible things happen to Abbie I couldn’t take it. But Cam, oh my god, I need this man. Someday I wanna write this huge fic about the reader trying to date him, and there’s no redemption. He’s still terrible at the end. But that’s what we all love about him, how shitty he is and how the potential is there for him to make us all worse. He sucks, but in the best way, and I kinda need him to maybe bully me please 😳 (making that first gif nearly made me blackout why is he doing pushups)
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💘 Love of my Life - Bob Taylor (Prisoners)
When I started adding names to my list of men I loved, Bob wasn't even on it at first I think, despite liking him in the movie. Then I saw more with him and added him to crushes. Now I’m fully in love with him, and he breaks my heart every single day. He was hurting for so long, even when we were watching I couldn’t place the blame on him while the rest of my family were convinced just like Loki that he was the one, but no matter what I couldn’t. The second I saw his sweet smile I told them there was no way it was him, and sure enough I was right. Another character who didn’t deserve what happened to him, I’ve been slowly helping him with my headcanons, but in my personal queue I have a fic planned for him and he will have no more sad days when I do 😭 I also have a bunny plush I’d had for years, my dad bought it for me and it’s been sitting on my bed ever since, and when I’m sad I hold it and pretend Bob gave it to me, it’s honestly got me through some much needed therapy because if he could go about his day with that kind of trauma then I could be brave and call about my own mental health :’)
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lonny Crane (The Belko Experiment)
This one’s a bit of a double whammy, cause I love him, but the switch to violence had me staring 👀 Either way, he didn’t deserve his death, but since it is a killing game type movie he was doomed from the start, at least his seemed instant 🥺 Someday I’ll write a fixit for him too, it was just too much for him back to back to back, he really didn’t deserve his final moments to have him as a villain even though I would really love to be lifted up like that aklskjdskds okay I’m normal again
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🔥 Hottest Role - Ray Watkins (The Rookie)
Have you seen this man? No really, have you seen him? The twirl, the shirt lifting on his hips, the cold but also fun villainy, the nonchalance to mask the cruelness underneath. I need him. This one is not a Want, he is a Need and I need him. I hope that he gets to come back in the future to fully wrap up his plot along with the cop’s plot, pleasepleaseplease, otherwise I will die unsatisfied.
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💘 Love of my Life - Kurt Goreshter (Ant-Man 1-2)
I believe he might’ve been the second role I’d ever seen, but only after I really got into the MCU after Endgame. I skipped Ant-Man in my original watches, since I was mostly just into the Avengers and Cap (mainly Bucky lol) in general, but when I finally did a full marathon I really enjoyed the first movie. Cannot remember my feelings for him now since it’s been about 4 years, but I do know when I went back to rewatch in March I fell the second I saw him 🥰 the hair, the accent, the outfit AGAIN, and those hand tattoos, this is another Perfect Man. My crush on him is incredibly strong, it told me that yeah I was really starting to fall for DD (at that point I’d just seen Demeter a few times, and then Oppenheimer on accident) and it officially kicked off my marathon that eventually led me to my collection I have today. 
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Lester Billings (The Boogeyman)
My family actually watched this without me way before my crush began, so when I saw he was in it I just had to finally sit down and watch it myself. Cue me hurriedly typing to my sibling when he showed up lol this man is SAD! He’s so beautiful and sad, I just wanna make a new family with him (I would be a parent for him, that’s the extent of my love) so he can be happy again. I love the backstory I made up for him way more than the original story, sorry Stephen King but you made him awful and I don’t want that one. I’m gunna save this man and he WILL smile again, that’s a Ray Guarantee.
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🔥 Hottest Role - The Vampire (Cora)
Now, to start, this one falls prey to Very Bad Writing Choices. I will not deny that. Like, even with the allegory of the whole thing (that I did not see cause I just saw a short vampire story honestly) it's very much Not Good. But that’s why I’m removing him from the short and keeping him. In fact, go read polkadotjohnson’s fics on him, they’re fantastic and I adore how she wrote him. I someday wish to do my own, because otherwise everyone who can’t look past the Very Bad Writing Choices are getting straight up robbed of this one. Those double fangs need to introduce themselves to my neck pronto, you see what I’m saying? He’s so goddamn hot, DD needs to play a very serious vampire role again so everyone can see the Vision, he wants to do it, I need to win the lottery so I can fund this movie myself, that’s my new life’s goal.
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💘 Love of my Life - Jack Delroy (Late Night With the Devil)
The first movie I saw in theaters after my crush began! My friend saw him in a tweet about it and linked me to it so I thought it was already out, but I ended up having to wait two weeks and it nearly killed me ;w; I went in completely blind, which is good cause the trailer spoils so many great shots unfortunately, and the entire time I was swooning. Like, I usually whisper to my sibling during movies if we have comments, we’re very talkative at home when we watch stuff, but this time I was just sitting there staring with hearts in my eyes without pause. I’m in love with this man, plain and simple, I’m so glad I was able to get to see it since it didn’t come to the theater closest, we had to drive an hour away and when dad joked about me paying for the tickets since I was the one who wanted to see it, I did in a heartbeat. I wanted to see it again, but it was only there a couple weeks, so by the time I was able to go it was gone and I’m still upset about it. I’d sell my soul for this man, I love writing for him so much, I’m so glad my crush on Wojchek bloomed just in time for me to see this.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Hank (Virgin Alexander)
I avoided this one at first because the trailer was making me cringe and I was going crazy over what kinda sexy awkward role he’d have in it, but I was pleasantly surprised in the end. I think the movie is actually cute, despite some stuff still making me cringe, and Hank is literally the most perfect boyfriend. If he showed up randomly in my life I would date him in a second, hands down. He’s so shaped like a friend, I know I’d always have fun with him even when we’re not Having Fun, and that’s all you can ever ask for in a relationship 😊
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🔥 Hottest Role - Breck Montanari (Double Black)
Okay first of all I gave him that last name. Second of all, I wrote 70k about this man and I am so in love with him that I own him now. I’ve taken him from Sara Woomer, he’s mine now. He has a full past, gave him a future and a partner, there’s no way I couldn’t have fallen in love with him. Unfortunately that fic will never be shared as it’s private, but know that, again, until Sara Woomer DMs me personally and shares everything else about this world, this is my new canon for him. And the cult. And the entire area where he lives. And several of the members. And the new Double Black who was such a chill dude that I made my bff love him too. This is my secret legacy. He only lost out to my #2 because there’s no way he couldn’t be my #2.
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💘 Love of my Life - Wojchek (The Last Voyage of the Demeter)
The reason I finally learned his name QwQ I went into this movie blind, dad really wanted to see it and I love horror so I went with him, and the second I saw him I said, ‘Oh that guy! I know that guy!’ since by then I’d seen Kurt and Abner a few years earlier and vaguely remembered him. I spent the whole movie then dreading his end thanks to the opening lines, and I’m pretty sure I quietly yelled at the screen when he fell and then got got after praying he’d be okay TwT After Abner, he’s the first DD role I ever shipped with, and when my crush officially restarted I ended up writing my entire plot for him and Addy that night before bed. I love him so much, he’s my jolly sailor bold who stole my heart by crying over the thought of having to lose his home. He’ll forever own a special place in my heart because of all this, I can’t imagine anyone else taking this spot.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Murdoc (MacGyver 2016)
Murdoc was the first TV role of his I checked out after I saw as many movies as I could that interested me (mostly all the ones on Prime sans a couple, my collection was very very small by then) and the moment I saw him be mentioned I was ready to go. The Alice in Wonderland vague text, running and then getting shocked before falling two floors, showing up with that hair, I was not prepared for everything else they were about to throw at me. Murdoc is one of my most favourite characters now, he’s so much fun, I adore everything about him, I’ve only edited with him twice and written him once, but I need to do both so much more! This one is hot as fuck, he’s adorable, he loves his son, he’s got tools, he’s utterly sadistic, he’s a silly little guy. This is another Perfect Man, I cannot wait to decide on his plot with Addy because there’s too many fun possibilities I honestly might just make multiple.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Willy Cunningham (The Domestics)
Now… you might all be thinking… why the hell is this guy a #2 honourable mention in the face of all the others… and the answer is… I’m a freak 😀 I’ll never say, but my eyes were opened to him, and my god, I will literally never be the same. I just need him and that insanely feral energy okay, lemme have this.
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💘 Love of my Life - Abner Krill (The Suicide Squad)
The love that started it all, I think I fell for him the moment he walked outta his cell and got teased. The love I feel for him goes so deep, it only compares to one other, and whenever I work on my plot for him and Addy I always get choked up. The ultimate one who didn’t deserve what he got, I actually refused to watch the movie again after he died, straight up did not watch until my marathon started, and as soon as I saw him in that cell it all came back. I instantly fell back in love with him, and thus his Addy plot has the most love put into it to make sure he’s happy and safe. I thought that maybe there’d be another to win my heart as my marathon grew, but nope he’s still there sharing it with my other #1, and seeing him can instantly bring a smile to my face no matter how I’m feeling. 
After the movie I read the trivia again and my crush on DD himself began, so it’s all thanks to him and Wojchek that I’ve met the people I know today and have created so many things in such a short time. When I hit my lowest low in years I just sat at my desk and held the funko I have of him and just cried it all out, and it honestly helped me get out of that spiral. Thanks to him I now have a Polka-Dot Man collection (still missing one figure and maybe a signed print and poster 👉👈🥰) and if I could get a plushie of him to join the ton I already have I’d buy him in a second. Maybe someday, if I have any courage, I’ll bring my funko or something to a con where DD is attending and get it signed, either him or my other #1, and I’ll cherish it forever.
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❣️ Honourable Mention - Jude (Animals)
Like all the others, I went into this movie completely blind. I didn’t know DD wrote it or its significance to him until after it was over and the credits rolled. So the entire time I was watching I was falling in love with him, he was so incredibly my type in the moments he was actually happy that it’s insane, I spent the whole movie just saying how much I would date him in better circumstances. We were sadly betting which one of them was going to die as things just got worse, me and my sibling were watching so miserably, and then we were rewarded with a happy ending despite the bittersweetness. And then the credits rolled, after me repeatedly wondering why he’d accept a role like this after knowing at least about his addiction and it all fell into place. I haven’t been able to watch again so far now that I know a lot of what happened to Jude also happened to him, it breaks my heart too much, but I still love him deep down and I hope he was also able to heal after the credits rolled.
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🔥 Hottest Role - Johnson (Reprisal)
Tied for first with Abner as the ultimate love of my life and claiming this one all to himself, Johnson is the Most Perfect Man. Literally, no other DD role can top him in my heart aside from Abner. I honestly almost skipped Reprisal entirely because the promo image on his imdb didn’t grab me (I’m such a fake fan I’m so ashamed of myself), but when I was done with everything else and wanted to see more, I downloaded it without ep9 since he wasn't in it, and started watching. What followed next was me falling so in love with the show that I spent forever trying to get that missing episode back from near dead torrents cause I needed to watch it even though he wasn't in it. Reprisal is my Roman Empire, I am constantly thinking about it and him and Matty, not just for my fic but just because I love it all so fucking much. 
Johnson himself is so fascinating, I’m incredibly in love with him and everything about him, he’s unlike any other role DD has played that there’s a complete disconnect in my mind, he’s just Johnson. He’s so goddamn hot I missed out on literally everything the first round because I was watching him so hard, Matty and Ethan were nonexistent to me and I’m madly in love with Matty now so let that sink in, and when I rewatched it immediately after with my parents it was like I was watching for the first time. I’m loving writing for him (and Matty and Ethan of course) so much that my thoughts go back to him daily, and it almost always includes me being on the verge of tears because of how insanely good this script is and how these boys bring me so much joy while also shattering my heart. 
Making the gif below no joke did make me cry like this show is my greatest weakness right now you guys don't even understand how much it and Johnson mean to me.
I need to edit more for him and them and the show in general, if I had endless money and all the confidence in the world I would truly fund this show single handedly so it can finish the way it was supposed to. I’m so mad at Hulu for giving me the greatest love(s) of my life before taking him away years before I’d ever know him, with no physical media or merch to at least collect to numb the pain. At some point I need to get some promo pics printed out as actual posters, I need this show on my wall so I can always see him.
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silvermaplealder · 5 months
Follow the Leader: Chapter 1
I wrote this because I love body-switching trope stories and I decided to share this one.
Story Summary: David switches bodies with a stranger, Michael Emerson, after a motorcycle accident. Michael has to take on the role of a vampire gang leader while David has to adapt to a domestic human life until they can figure out how to change back.
Chapter Summary: David has to deal with the stresses of being the lead vampire of his pack. There is more to making life run smoothly as a vampire besides existing and looking cool
Word Count: 3165
David stood just outside the cave, taking a drag of his cigarette. His eyes scanned the horizon, watching the last rays of the sun disappear beyond the water. Food, he thought to himself. Fuck, we need gas… he adjusted his gaze to his hands as he mentally listed off the chores for today. Eating, refueling, mending part of his jacket. The list went on and on. 
The thing about being the leader of his crew was having to keep track of everything happening. His boys were demanding when it came to lifestyles. He had to keep track of getting fuel and repairs for the bikes. He had to keep up with all of their little hobbies. Buying the cigarettes for himself, the weed that they shared, the alcohol, the art supplies for Marko, the list never ended. 
Being a vampire came with a lot of responsibilities.
He finished his cigarette and headed back into the cave. The other three boys were finally awake. When the bleach blonde arrived, the boys sat up and gave him their attention. “Breakfast?” Marko asked immediately. 
“Yes. There were a couple of those assholes from the other day-” David began. 
“Dewy and Martin, right?” Paul cut in quickly. 
David inclined his head. “Yes. I expect we’ll find them on the boardwalk. They’re our target tonight.” 
“What about that chick Donna?” Marko asked. 
David shook his head. “No, not yet. Later this week.” 
“But what if I’m still hungry?” the youngest whined. 
The leader sighed softly, looking over the curly haired vampire. He hated having to ration food. It wasn’t fair. “We can grab a snack on the boardwalk later,” David promised. “Let’s head out.” 
The crew followed David obediently to the bikes. The vampires mounted the motorcycles and headed to town. 
How’d the stalking go last night? David telepathically asked Dwayne over the sounds of their engines. 
Just fine. Dewy and Martin should be heading to the arcade tonight if nothing’s changed, Dwayne responded. 
Good. Let’s hope they’re there. David led the pack straight into town towards the main parking lot of the boardwalk. 
We could go after Donna as a plan B, Dwayne responded as they rolled up to park their bikes. It’s Tuesday and last I checked she had a spinning class that ends at nine.  
David sat back on his bike as he cut the engine. He fished a pocket watch out of his coat to check the time. Then we don’t have much time. Those brats better be at the arcade. David was quick to lead the way onto the boardwalk. He couldn’t risk missing out on the potential meals. Grabbing someone random was always a huge risk. 
The pack of vampires stalked down the boardwalk. David kept his eyes ahead of him, never faltering from the entrance to the arcade. He brought the rest of the pack up behind him as he slipped into the largest arcade on the boardwalk. Fan out, let’s find them, he demanded. 
The vampires scattered quickly. David’s eyes were as sharp as a hawk’s. He scanned the tourists, searching for the two late teens who had harassed Paul almost three weeks ago. The teens were quickly added to their menu, but David didn’t want to snatch them right away. They were young and foolish. Someone would be looking for them if they didn’t come home. But he waited and watched. Last week, Dewy got kicked out of his family’s house for attacking his younger sister. Martin was housing him at his folk’s house, but Martin’s family was away in Los Angeles this week. Two boys, all alone. No one would know they’re gone for days. 
The bleach blonde carefully admired the people he passed. He felt compelled to start stalking them. Tourists were so curious to him. He loved following them and figuring out their lives. He’d watch them from the windows of the hotels. He’d follow them on the rooftops across town. He’d listen in on their conversations and find out who they were and what they did. There were plenty of perfect meals wandering the boardwalk. He just had to find the right one and strike when the time was right. 
Found them! Paul’s voice cut through the leader’s skull. 
David sensed his companion and snaked through the crowd. The four vampires surrounded the teens without their knowledge. David’s eyes scouted through the crowd. The arcade was busy this evening. He could start a scene and provoke the teens into a fight. But then security would be called and tourists would remember their faces. Loss of good prey. 
Marko, Dwayne, wait outside by the river. Paul and I will lure them there. Dwayne and Marko were quick to follow his orders. David liked to keep Marko out of potentially heated encounters since the young vampire had a temper. 
The bleach blonde approached the teens. “Well,” he stated, alerting them to his presence. “Dooby, right?” His tone was drenched in mockery. 
The hot headed Dewy whirled around on David. It took him a moment to recognize the older boy and his companion that he saw a few weeks back. “Oh, it’s you,” Dewy remarked. The teen looked David over before giving a sneer. “Couldn’t find anything else besides your grandmother’s dress to wear today?”  
David gave a small mockery laugh. “It’s called having class, kid. Something you’ll never have.” The vampire looked the brat’s outfit over. He lashed out a hand and snatched the boy’s chain around his neck. He yanked it off harshly, resulting in hatred flashing across the kid’s face. “Only dogs wear chains,” David teased. 
“Oh you’re on pal,” the boy hissed. 
David turned on his heel and shoved through the arcade. Get to the edge of the boardwalk, and quickly, David instructed. 
Paul nodded and quickly disappeared among the crowd. 
The boys weren’t interested in his taller companion. Dewy and Martin stayed on David’s heels as the vampire brought the two straight out of the arcade building. He paused just enough to rile up Dewy enough to lunge for him. David sidestepped the teen and then ran towards the river. 
Paul stalked just out of sight. He followed the chase past the roller coaster and down towards the river. Dwayne and Marko stood their ground in the darkness, waiting for the ambush.  
David brought the teens towards the river bank and paused. He looked over to Paul who came behind the boys. “You want this piece of junk so bad?” David taunted. He tossed it over their heads to Paul. “Then come get it.” 
Dewy shoved the bleach blonde backwards. David took a short stumble back and scanned the surroundings. The boys turned to Paul who stood his ground with the necklace held over his head. 
No watchful eyes. The coast was clear. Go. Feast.  
Marko and Dwayne were quick to swoop in from the shadows. Paul threw the chain to the ground before latching onto one of the teens. 
The three vampires tore the boys apart before they could make a sound. David kept a few steps back to watch his pack feed. The scent of blood forced his fangs to slide out. His stomach cramped in hunger, but he kept his distance. Marko pulled at one of the boys, trying to get more than his fair fill. Dwayne and Paul shared a glance but they tugged the second boy closer to them. 
David turned away from the carnage to get away from the blood. When the boys were finished they washed up in the river. Marko splashed Paul with some of the water, causing the two of them to start wrestling playfully. 
“Aren’t you going to eat?” Dwayne whispered to David softly. 
David glanced over to the playing blondes. He exhaled. “I’ll grab a snack later. You’ve seen how Marko gets when he’s still hungry. I can handle my hunger.” 
“That’s fair,” Dwayne commented. 
David let the dark haired vampire break the two fighting blondes apart while he turned his attention to the bodies. He scooped them up easily and admired the work that his boys did. Teeth and claw marks all over their bodies. David grabbed at Dewy’s arm with his teeth trying to get a taste of his blood. There wasn’t much left, but he managed to get a couple swallows in. He took to the sky and dumped the bodies into the ocean. 
He rejoined the other vampires on the boardwalk. The three of them anxiously waited for their leader to return. The second he did, Paul headbutted the bleach blonde playfully. David grunted and Marko gave the taller vampire a smack. The two of them started nudging each other until David clicked his tongue for them to cut it out. 
“David, can we go back to the arcade?” Marko begged. 
“Got no money for arcade tonight, boys,” he replied. “Why don't you and Paul put those quick fingers to work and snatch some cash, hm? Bring me back a pack of cigs.” The blonde vampires playfully saluted their leader before charging off into the sea of people. “How's Veronica?” He asked to his last companion. 
Dwayne shrugged. “Haven't seen her in a week or so. Not since Tony showed up not long ago.” 
“Put them on the menu for tomorrow,” David ordered. “Get an idea for where they'll be.” 
Dwayne nodded. “You want to come with?” He offered. 
David pulled out a cigarette and lit it carefully. “I wish, but I have to meet with Max. We'll all catch up at the bikes later. We'll need to fuel up and then we can get back to the nest. Hopefully the blonde terrors can get a good stash tonight. We could use the money.” 
Dwayne gently put his hand on David's shoulder. David leaned into the touch to show his appreciation. “I'll bring you home something to eat,” he promised. David gave him a warm smile. He trusted Dwayne picking something safe for him. Dwayne was always his rock. The man could steady David through any storm. “Got my eye on this kid down by the docks. No family. No friends. Real loner.” 
“You're quite the hunter,” David praised. “Tell you what. Let me finish up with Max and then I'll meet you by the docks. We can grab the kid and then stalk Veronica.” 
David made quick work of his chores knowing that he'd get something to eat when he was finished. As Max's oldest boy, David took the role of being second in command. He met with Max regularly to discuss the town and what plans they had for it. Max wanted to expand his reach into the local government whereas David wanted more freedom. Max didn't mind what the boys did, as long as it kept the city on their toes, but didn't have the locals with torches and pitchforks searching for them. Max liked the uneasiness of the town. He could use fear to control the local population. And since David and his crew were the root of the fear that drove this town wild, Max had more control than anyone realized. 
After their meeting, David returned to the docks to meet Dwayne. The poor man's boat dock, as the boys took to calling the smaller one, had fishing boats and was the main launch for canoes, kayaks, and other small boats. For the rich who had nice luxury boats, they were stored on a separate dock with security cameras and a regular patrolling guard. 
But on this dock, a young boy sat at the edge of the dock. David had seen him before but sorted him into a “starvation” category on his menu. The boy was barely in his early teens, but clearly running on his own. Scars coated his visible skin showing signs of abuse over many years. 
The boys didn't typically eat kids. Kids didn't have nearly as much blood as their adult counterparts. They weren't as filling and oftentimes would only result in angry parents. Of course during the off season all humans were game, size and age no longer mattered. But when the summer was full swing and thousands of new meat hit the streets each night, there was no need to feed on the young. 
But tonight David's hunger was gnawing at him hard. The kid had no one to go home to. No one to love him. The vampire saw it more as a mercy killing. 
Dwayne watched as his leader swooped down onto the child and quickly ended him. There was no fight. David knew when it was appropriate to play with his food and when he just had to go for the kill. When he was finished, the two vampires returned to their bikes to refuel and regroup with Paul and Marko. 
David and Dwayne sat on their bikes in the parking lot as the blondes came barrelling from the boardwalk. David held his hand out as Marko dropped a pack of cigarettes in it. It wasn't a brand that he preferred, but it didn't matter when it was given to him. He examined the pack seeing that they must have lifted it from someone's pocket. “Good work boys,” he praised, resulting in a happy noise from the smallest. 
“Got two hundred dollars today, David!” Paul bounced over to his bike excitedly. 
David gave him a warm smile. “That's very good. Why don't you two grab some gas on the way back and meet Dwayne and I at the nest later? We're stalking tonight.” 
“Can we come?” Marko pleaded. He gave David his big, puppy dog eyes. 
David propped his wrists up on his handlebars. He liked having the younger two learn hunting skills, but they tended to get in the way. “If you want to do some stalking, why don't you two check out that motel on Edmund? Watch the residents and see if you can get a running list of who's there and who'd make a good meal.” 
“Got it!” Paul cheered. 
“Remember, it has to be low profile. Figure out their check out date so we can figure out when to grab them.” David started up his engine. “No snacking.” 
The blondes, given their new orders, excitedly got onto their bikes and headed off to complete them. The motel on Edmund was a good mark for fresh blood, but it wasn't in the best shape so the place was never fully booked. Even with it's low prices, people liked to avoid it. It was a common motel to hide from one's spouse while hooking up, or a cheap place for drunken men to bring women they met at the bar. But every once and a while, a good meal would stay for a few days.  
David pulled out of the parking lot with Dwayne at his side. They had to make sure dinner was still on for tomorrow. 
Veronica lived outside of town. Dwayne had met her several times on the boardwalk. She was young and excited to get his attention. But it turned out she had a fiance. While Dwayne was looking for an easy mark, it got easier knowing that the fiance returned and was pissed at the situation. Tensions aside, the two lived together in a small home with next to no neighbors. Tony was her high school sweetheart, but she started to see other men on the side while Tony would go on “business trips”. 
Tonight, neither were home. David and Dwayne parked their bikes down the street and flew to the house. David picked the back door open and they started pawing through the place. David only cared about finding a schedule or calendar that would have their plans safely jotted down. And it didn't take him long to find one. He found a small notebook at the kitchen table. “They're having dinner with some friends tonight,” he commented. “Must be out late.” He flipped through the handheld planner. 
Dwayne stalked around the house. “Washer and dryer here,” he commented. 
“Great, it's about time we did laundry,” David grumbled. He hated domestic duties, but when you're a stinky vampire you have to maintain a healthy relationship with hygiene to keep living alongside humans. “They've got no plans for tomorrow. We can swing by after dark.” 
“Sounds good.” Dwayne continued to go through the house, examining all the knickknacks that he considered taking.
David left the planner on the table as he found it. “Let's go back.” He waited for Dwayne at the back door. 
It took the brunette vampire an extra minute before he returned to his leader. In his hand was a little trinket. “What's this?” He asked, passing it to David. 
The bleach blonde took the spherical trinket from him and examined it. “No idea.” He couldn't read the engraved words on the little bell-like thing. David played with it in between his fingers before sliding it into his pocket. 
The two vampires turned back to their bikes and began to head home. They took the winding back roads at a speed no human should. The two teased each other with a little race. 
Nothing got them more competitive than a race. 
David swerved onto a side road, cranking up his speed to try and cut off Dwayne up ahead. Adrenaline raced through his body as the boys couldn't see each other and tell who was winning. David didn't want to lose. He was the leader and he had to prove his mettle. 
He popped back up onto the main road. Dwayne wasn't ahead of him, though he could hear the engine of the other bike. He turned his head over his shoulder, barely seeing the headlight of his companion through the winding trees. 
He looked behind him for a fraction of a second too long. He snapped his attention back in front of him when movement caught his eye. 
Movement from an SUV. 
The vampire was blinded by the headlights of the vehicle. His vampire eyes were too sensitive to such lights in the darkness. His entire world went bright white. He was so overwhelmed with the race that he hadn't heard the sound of the car coming towards him. He tried to close his eyes and use his other senses, but it was too late. 
He instinctively swerved, but the SUV collided with his back tire. The vampire was thrown from his bike, crashing down onto the asphalt. For any human it would have been severed limbs and instant death. 
David couldn't feel anything, but he knew he wasn't dead. He wanted to open his eyes and get up, but he couldn't feel where his arms were. He knew for certain he hit his head and that his senses were gone for a duration of time. The only thing he could do was lay there and wait. There was no pain though. Maybe it was shock but he knew that consciousness was slipping away and fast. 
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luuvprincess · 8 days
Deacon Kay 🏌🏽‍♀️(4)
Summary: They take their relationship to the next level
Words: 1285
Warning : Things get reallyy smutty ⚠️‼️😭
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3rd Preson Perspective
It was the end of shift everyone was leaving. Deacon walked up to his locker room opening it up. He pulled his bag out and collected his items. He pulls his phone out texting Desiree she would be on his way home.
"Your still here Deac?" Hondo asked.
"Yea I was looking for you actually. I wanted to talk to you about something." Deacon said as he closed his locker. Hondo gathered his things together and the two Sargents began walking out the building.
"So what's sup? Everything good with my sister?" Hondo asked.
"Oh yea everything is great." Deacon says stopping in his tracks. He pulls out a black velvet box catching Hondo attention.
"Wait wait are you about to ask me what I think your gonna ask me?" Hondo asked.
"Over the past few years meeting your sister after not thinking I would ever find someone again after losing Annie. She so prefect and I am beyond grateful for her to be in my life and in the kids life she might not be Annie but she is prefect and I just want to lock everything in before it's to late and I can't do that without your blessing." Deacon said.
"If you think y'all are ready for this man then you have a my blessing. I've haven't seen my little sister this happy since her ex-husband so I know your good for her." Hondo says.
After this conversation deacon was to ready to start planning. But the next day came and something unexpected happened.
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"Des is my daddy gonna be okay?" Matthew asked as they sat in the waiting room for deacon to get out of surgery.
"Matt your dad is gonna be just fine." Desiree said to the little boy as she rocked the youngest in her arms. Giving it was passed their bed time. Annie’s parents weren't in town so Des had no other choice but the take the kids with her to the hospital.
"How do you know?" He asked.
"Because I trust him and because he's a super hero that's always putting the bad guys away." She said.
"Mrs Kay." The nurses calls out causing Desiree to look up the nurse smiles at her and walks up to her. "Your husband is out surgery you can go see him now his in room 236." She said. Desiree nodded her head and gets up slowly not to wake up Samuel. She shakes Lila out her sleep. 
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Few days later
Desiree walked into the house smelling her favorite candle burning and a trail of roses on the floor. She put her stuff down and followed the trail of roses leading her to the bedroom.
"Baby are you in here?" She called out as she walked up to the bed. She seen a black box with a white bow on it. She picked up the note that was left on top of the box.
You got 30mins to get ready and put this on then your gonna meet me downstairs ~ David
She smiled and pulled out the dress. When she seen it gasped shocked that Deacon picked it out. She walked to the bathroom turning the shower on. 30 mins went by Desiree was ready and dressed.
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"So who picked this dress out because I know it wasn't you." Desiree said as they sat across from each other. 
"Why don't you believe I picked the dress out?" He asked with a smile.
"Be serious David." She said not believing him.
"I'm serious I actually picked your outfit." He tells her.
"Okay sergeant you got some taste." She said honestly surprised they both laughed.
"I just know my girl." He says making Desiree blush so hard she couldn't hide it.
"Hi can I start with some drinks?" The waiter said as she walked up to the table. They placed their orders. After they placed their order the waiter walked away. Time went by they got drinks and food.
"Can I tell you something?" Deacon says as they walked down the sidewalk.
"Go for it baby." Des says. Deacon stopped just as they reached their 2nd destination.
"I love you and I appreciate you so much for everything you have done for me and the kids since Annie passed away." He says making Desiree blush extremely crazy. "So that's with that being said...follow me." He said leading her around the corner.
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"Oh my god David Kay you sneaky man." She said covering her mouth surprised. "Baby this is beautiful." She said turning to him as he was down on one knee holding a beautiful ring a in Tiffany box.
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"These 4 years with you Desiree have been the best years of my life well besides my kids borning." He said making her giggle a little.
"Seriously Desiree I never thought that I would meet someone again until I met you. Your everything I could ask for. Not only do you love me but you also love my kids as if they were your own so with that being said will you Marry me Desiree Harrelson?" He asked.
Desiree nodded her head as tears rushed down her cheek. "Yes David I would love to marry you." She said Deacon took the ring out the box and slid it on her finger then stood up picking her up kissing her deeply.
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Her nails dug deeply into his skin as he thrusted deeply inside her. She bit down on her lip holding her moans with her eyes rolling to back of her head.
"Let me hear you beautiful don't be afraid." He tells her leaning down kissing her. She moaned into the kiss.
"Ahh fuck David." She moaned gripping his biceps leaving marks all over his body. "Mmm shit." She gasped as he hit her spot.
"You like that gorgeous?" He asked kissing in between her boobs then sucked on her left nipple teasing her slightly swirling his tongue then moved to her right nipple doing the same.
He pulled out unexpectedly Desiree sat on resting on her elbows looking at him. "Turn around." He tells her. She did as told. Deacon leaned over into his nightstand grabbing his hand cuffs. He grabbed both her arms and cuffed them behind her back.
"Daviddd." She whined as he left feather kisses down her back. "Please fuck me." She begged.
"Relax gorgeous We'll get there soon." He tells her smacking her ass making her moaning out in pleasure. He kissed her very sensitive heat and began sucking on her clit making her jerk.
"David." She whined as he eat her out like he was the last meal on this earth. He took his to fingers sticking them into her core finger fucking her making her a moaning mess. "David I'm gonna cum."  She tells him.
"Cum for me beautiful." He says then connects his lips again with her second on. Seconds later she came in his mouth. He stood behind her spitting on her entrances before he slipped in.
"You feel so amazing Desiree." He wisphered as he gripped her ass. "I'm going to fuck you like the slut you are I hope you don't have any plans for tomorrow because you won't be walking."  He said in his ear as he pulls her to his chest.
"Take your time Sergeant Kay." She tells him
"Pleasure is all mines baby girl." He said pushing her down on putting a arch in her back. He began his strokes slow and steady taking his time. Desiree moaned eyes rolled to the back of head everything felt good the was he fit so perfectly in her threw them both off the edge.
“Harder Deac.” She says. “Oh fuck yess fuck David.” She yelled receiving what she asked for.
“See what happens when you be a good girl.” Deac said.
“Oh gosh im gonna cum.” She whined feeling how close she was. Deacon picked up the paste also feeling himself close to the edge.
Seconds later deacon couldn’t wait and started painting her walls they both moaned as they both released together. They stayed in this position for a little second before deacon pulled out and uncuffed her.
“Are you trying make a baby with me?” Desiree asked as he laid beside her.
“Maybe I am.” He says with a smirk.
“Let’s get married first then we’ll talk babies.” She tells him placing a kiss on his lips.
“ Roger that Mrs Kay.” He said making her giggle she climbed on his lap purposely rubbing against him.
“How would you feel if I hand cuffed you sergeant?” She asked as she cuffed his hand to the headboard. After that they went on all night.
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Don’t say I don’t warn y’all that this was gonna get very sumtty. Also excuse any mistakes ✌🏽💨
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wolverineluvr · 8 months
Soft yandere David x reader
TW: Slight angst, ooc David probably, size+strength difference, a few uses of Y/N, after time skip, stalking, fem!reader.
WC: 1.2k
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You were practically rushing around this morning, in a hurry because you have a job interview. You woke up late, had to make breakfast for your little sister, bring her to school, and now, it's finally after the interview. You hope you got it. You already work as a bartender, but it's just not enough to provide. Especially now that your rent has been raised.
As you walk, spaced out and thinking, you bump into someone. You freeze and look up from the ground, and you have to crane your head to look at the man. Your heart practically stops in your chest. The guy is, to say the least, huge. And you don't live in the best place, though practically none of Night City is necessarily "the best". You're terrified. The man looks tired and annoyed, his eyes are narrowed and his eyebrows are furrowed as he looks down at you.
"I-I'm so sorry." You choke out, quickly backing up from the man. His expression stays the same for a minute, before it softens. "Nah, it's good. We both should've watched where we were going." The man says, smiling a little. "Um..yea. Thank you." You reply. You thought he was going to be livid and have a much, much, worse reaction than he really did.
The man just smiles a little more and holds out his hand for a handshake. You hesitate at first, but take his hand and slightly shake it. Your hand is miniature compared to his. "I'm David." The man, who is now known as David, states. "Oh um..I'm Y/N." You clear your throat as you utter, but David just nods. "Nice name. Well I gotta go so, I'll see you around?" David lets go of your hand and begins to walk past you, turning his head back a little to hear your response. "U-Uh..Yeah." You murmur, and David smiles as he walks off.
David was right, only he sees you a lot more than you see him. He excuses his actions with the thought that, well, Night City is dangerous. He's just making sure you're okay. There's no harm to it. He just needs to protect you. You have no cyberware, he assumes you couldn't afford it even if you wanted to, do you want cyberware? Is that little girl your kid? If so, how young were you when you got pregnant? What's the girls name? He's sure she needs a father figure in her life, right?
The next time you bump into David was a few weeks later, he smiled down at you and asked if you wanted him to help you home. It was pretty late. And he doesn't seem like a bad guy, but you didn't say yes. You barely know him! David jusr smiled and nodded. He gets it. If he was in your position he wouldn't have said yes either. But still, he followed you after you left, making sure you didn't realize he was there. He doesn't want to call it stalking, he's just making sure you're okay, but yeah, he basically stalks you.
Eventually, after a few months of purposefully bumping into you, the dates not too far apart but not too close either, you considered David a friend. You started planning some hangouts if you had some free time. He learned that the girl, Nana, is in fact not your daughter, and she's 7. You brought Nana with you when David invited you somewhere or vice versa, and she was shy at first, but she grew to like David.
David was with you while you worked every now and then, just stared at you as you poured a shot of liquor for a customer. David walked you home after your shift ended, 12am. You offered to let him stay, and so he is. You don't have an extra bedroom in your apartment, and you know the couch isn't very comfortable, so you added that he could sleep on your bed if he wanted. He was ecstatic. Up until he realized that, 1, you'd be sleeping on the couch and 2, your bed nor your couch allows him to lay down comfortably. But he was still optimistic, he got to be around you, and you trusted him enough to sleep in your house.
You gave him two blankets and a pillow when he said he was fine with sleeping on the couch, and now it's dark, he's sitting on your couch, a blanket hanging off his shoulders and another covering his lap.
He can't sleep. Maybe because of the fact he's sitting, or maybe the fact he's been left alone in the dark with his thoughts; He doesn't blame you for either, he gets why you can get a bigger couch or a big spare bed, and why you can't keep the TV on for very long. But the real reason he can't sleep, at least to him, is because you're so close to him, just down the hallway. But at the same time you're so far away, he's in the same small apartment as you, yet can't even catch a glimpse of your face right now.
David tries to be optimistic again, at least he can protect you and Nana if something happens. Because you certainly can't. He admires you even more for the fact that your only Cyberware that is installed is for communication and the basics, not only because you couldn't afford any Cybernetics, but because you don't want any. David's thoughts are back to the fact that you're in another room. How do you look when you're sleeping? Maybe you look peaceful, blessed with the sweetest of dreams? Or maybe your face is contorted in fear, your mind riddled with terrifying nightmares? 
David stands, quickly folding the two blankets you gave him and placing them on the couch. He quietly walks down the short hall and is faced with your closed door. He tries to excuse his actions, what if someone broke into your room? He's just checking. He opens the door.
David is met with a rather small room, even for this apartment, the only thing in it is your bed, closet and photos of Nana as well as drawings from her taped onto the wall. He searches for you through the darkness, he can see you easily so he steps closer. He's rather quiet for someone of such large stature. Once he's beside your bed he just stares for a little. You don't look peaceful nor fearful. You just look...troubled and tired, yet so beautiful. Just like always. Even in the few hours of sleep you get, you don't get a break, your mind is still riddled with thoughts of paying rent, waking up on time, feeding Nana, paying the babysitter, making sure Nana is okay. 
You don't deserve to have to work two jobs and get a small amount of sleep before the cycle repeats. You don't deserve to have had to drop out of school so you could take on jobs and pay for you and your sister's necessities. 
He sighs and moves his large, cold and metal hand up to his face and kisses the thumb lightly. David then reaches down with the same hand and brushes his thumb against your cheek as he simultaneously crouches down beside the bed. He makes a promise to himself. To his mother, to Nana, and to you.
No matter who else he fails or has to hurt, he'll watch over you.
He'll protect you.
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Notes: This was a request for my Cyberpunk Edgerunners book on Wattpad !! I love him
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myteavsricochet · 4 months
Latest fanfics read, part 6
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(Part. 1) (Part. 2) (Part. 3) (Part. 4) (Part 5)
I Keep My Mouth Shut Tight (Cause I Don't Want To Lose What's Not Even Mine)
"Being affectionate, he has always used certain pet names with me. He’s called me sweetheart since we met, and I have used several in turn. That night he used a new one... I realised that he had woken me, saying it was time to take another dose of medicine. It was the way he said it, though: “Baby, I need you to wake up for me...” I am only slightly ashamed to admit that I whined pathetically at him calling me that, but he seemed to take it as protest that I didn’t want to wake, and not for what it really was—me absolutely losing my mind over that word coming out of his mouth and being directed at me. The cherry on top of it all was when he kissed me on the forehead and my brain promptly stopped working completely."
OR: At hit wits end, Henry decides to turn to reddit to ask the internet if his roommate likes him back, or if he's going insane. Then Nora intervenes.
Additional tags: Social Media, Ask reddit, Cute, Short & Sweet, Silly, Sharing a bad, Didn't know they were dating, Cuddling & Snuggling
It's Not a Secret
Henry is a boring person.
This is an objective fact. It’s been such a constant in his life that it hardly bothers him. He prefers the mundane. Thrives under routine. Tolerates many things poorly: surprise parties, capsaicin, loud noises.
Another objective fact: Henry loves Alex. Alex is not boring at all.
Unfortunately, everyone else in Henry’s life seems to think that a bore like him is incapable of a relationship like theirs— and, more distressingly, that this must mean that Alex simply doesn’t exist.
Or: Five times that no one believed that Henry and Alex were an item, and one time that they all did.
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Director of Finance Henry Fox, tattoo artist alex claremont-diaz, Opposites Attract, Not actually a secret relationship, Misunderstandings, Developing Relationship, Sexual Content
in sickness and in health
Henry has a rather nasty cold, but June had her appendix removed, which means she wins. Because of her victory in the unwell olympics, Henry will stay in Texas while Alex flies to New York to visit his sister and the rest of their chosen family, something Henry desperately tries not to resent.
Additional tags: Slice of life, Sickfic, Married life
The Room Where It Happens
caged, Alex who he had never thought would be his, making himself at home, in a place Henry hasn’t thought of as home since his father died. It was simply a place he lived. His home was now sitting on the edge of the bed and pulling off his socks.
Or, a trio of firsts.
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Pre-Canon, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, First Time Bottoming, Angst, But not like Alex/Henry angst, Lonely Henry angst, Praise Kink
the way it is suddenly there, total and complete
As Alex falls in love with David, Henry falls even more impossibly in love with him, and their little family.
Or: Over the first year of their new life together, Alex fully commits to being a dog dad. Henry is his captive audience.
When I Get Going
“On a scale of one to ten,” Henry says softly, stepping closer to him and lowering his voice in a way that has Alex’s pulse jumping in his throat, his entire body aching to respond, “how far gone are you right now? One being ‘I could easily hold a conversation with the Queen’ and ten being ‘I’m genuinely surprised nobody’s noticed yet’.” Alex grits his teeth, but even the reminder of Henry’s nefarious grandmother can’t quell the arousal burning hotly in his stomach.
“Six,” he hisses, embarrassed and turned on, every molecule of him straining to reach out and pull Henry into something that will start off as a kiss, and end as anything but.
“Let me know when you get to eight,” Henry says firmly, then he just-
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, PWP, Underwear, Coming In Pants, Orgasm Delay/Denial, delayed gratification, Control, Light Dom/sub, Dom/sub Undertones, Begging, Praise Kink, Henry is a fucking tease
crushed velvet
"In this brief moment of reprieve, Henry pants for breath, digging his fingers into the red material of the sofa to remind himself that this is, in fact, somehow real."
Or, movieverse couch blowjob missing scene.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Ficlet, Missing Scene, Blow Jobs, Skull Fucking, Simultaneous Orgasm, Coming In Pants
Comfort in the Backlight
For the prompt: "rainy day in the brownstone, fluff?"
Maybe sneakers weren’t the best choice of shoe for the day, Alex realizes as he shuts the front door behind him and grimaces at the quick puddle forming beneath him.
you are my medicine (when you're close to me)
After one last peck, Henry finally pulls away, leaving a sore spot of hollowness where his touch had filled it before. Alex forces his face to stay even– he doesn’t want his boyfriend to feel guilty for doing what he needs to do, doesn’t want to feed into the assumption that Alex is helpless without him.
Doesn’t want to be another obligation in Henry’s life that will one day grow to be too much to shoulder.
When the door falls shut, leaving Alex alone with a house that is much too empty and silent without his family there, there’s a lump in his throat that he can’t quite swallow. He thinks of Nora, making jokes that Henry is a saint for putting up with him during exam season; he thinks of June who uprooted her entire life to take care of him during college– and finally, he thinks of Henry, gentle and perfect Henry, that has had to worry about others way too much in his life– and a stinging sense of dread settles over him.
Or, Alex's no good horrible very bad two weeks without Henry.
Additional Tags: Alex Claremont-Diaz Has ADHD, Alex Claremont-Diaz Has Abandonment Issues, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panic Attacks, Alex Claremont-Diaz Needs a Hug, Long-Distance Relationship, Mental Health Issues, Established Relationship
Smile, You're on Camera
"Baby," Alex manages, and Henry groans in response, grazing his earlobe with his teeth. Alex bites his lip his stifle his own whimper. "H, hang on."
Henry pulls away from his assault on his neck, face flushed, chest heaving. "What's — what's wrong?"
"Nothing, sweetheart, nothing," Alex soothes, placing both hands on Henry's shoulders. "I just — do you wanna do it? Now?"
Henry blinks owlishly. Alex watches as the realization slowly dawns on him, and he turns his head to look at the camera. He stares for a moment, then looks back at Alex and says, "Can you bring it closer?"
Or, Alex and Henry film a sex tape.
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Sex Tapes, Explicit Sexual Content, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Crying During Sex, in a sexy way not a sad way, Switching, Sub Top Alex
no bunny compares to you
Henry is a lot of things as a person and while much of his personality transfers over to his bunny form, his physical attributes do not. Most notably, his size.
Where Alex’s boyfriend stands tall and regal, his furry counterpart is small and fluffy, unable to summit even the most minor of obstacles.
Take their sofa, for one. Alex is watching TV and minding his own business, when he hears a steady thump from just below him. Peering over the edge of the dark cushion, he spots his boyfriend angrily pounding his back foot against the carpet.
“Ha! Is my little bun too tiny to get up here on his own?” Alex teases. He’s promptly rewarded with a whisker twitch followed by a nose scrunch. Henry is pouting and it’s the most adorable thing he’s ever witnessed.
or, five times Henry shapeshifts for himself and one time he does it for Alex
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Magical Realism, 5+1 Things, Bunny Henry, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Shapeshifting, Idiots in Love, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Needs a Hug, Protective Alex Claremont-Diaz, Soft Boys, Henry Has Bad Days
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october-baby25 · 1 year
Redacted head cannons pt.2
Sweetheart has a lot of siblings.
When Milo goes with them to visit their family he loves it because they spoil him the whole time up until they leave.
Sweetheart has an amazing relationship with milo's mom.
Gabe loved Halloween.
Gabe was a dilf.
Before Ash and baabe met ash would go visit his sister as often as he could.
During the wedding, Ash's Sister was excited to see tank.
After the inversion, FL asked Gavin to let them know when caelum was ready to come back to their world, because they missed him.
FL keeps mini cupcakes and juice in the fridge, for caelum to eat when ever he pleases.
Whenever FL and Gavin spoon, Gavin is the little spoon.
FL called Huxley multipul times during the moon bound soltice to check on Damien.
FL and Damien get worried when Lasko calls because he usually texts them.
FL has tried many times to teach Gavin and Caelum to use the microwave ( failing each time).
Guy tells honey about the big dog he always sees at that house he delivers to way too much.
Guy finally asks baabe about the dog, and they tell him its a farm dog breed just too make fun of ash.
The Shaw pack play a massive game of hide and seek during pack gatherings, when they don't really have anything to discuss.
Even though he had to tell tank what they were doing would effect the pack, David actually missed them.
Asher and Guy have hella crocs.
Honey got Guy the exact same hoodie. But he still ended up wearing theirs.
FL and Damien are extremely over protective of Lasko. So knowing they like Dear is very important to him.
The damn crew sometimes on random days gather at one of their houses to have breakfast and carpool to school.
It took a while for dear to get used to how close they all were and to see how much they all love each other.
Gavin doesn't make his 711 jokes around dear because he knows Lasko really likes them, and he's scared it will mess things up between the two.
Lasko, Damien, and FL have a lack of boundaries in their relationship so they are all used to just walking into each others homes. Gavin and Huxley are so used to it they don't even acknowledge it anymore.
Huxley had everyone come over when his parents visited him so they could meet them. And they got four more children.
Aaron is such a morning person it hurts.
It goes without saying all the wolves would pick sleeping in over getting up early.
Geordi really truly is in love with cutie but he can't take the pain of going through another bad relationship.
I feel like William likes being introduced to his clans mates because he is one of those grandparents that love grandkids.
William and Caelum are my favorite non-romance characters.
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blue-bujo · 11 months
Bowled Over (Roy Kent x Reader): Chapter Three
You work at a bowling alley and a young girl named Phoebe has a birthday party there. You catch her uncle's eye.
Roy Kent x female reader
Will try to update roughly every two weeks
Chapter Three: Dual-Purpose Distraction
(3.1k words)
Summary: After a loss, Roy takes the team on a night out to distract them from said loss. He may or may not have ulterior motives.
Warnings: Roy Kent-level language (you know what you're in for), discussion of mental health
Brighton had not gone well. Roy had watched in disbelief as Montlaur and then Zoreaux had both been injured and subbed out, and the team had lost the match. His boys were dejected as they piled onto the coach for the drive home.
Jamie had tried to cheer everybody up by turning on the music loaded to his phone and bravely shuffling it, and Beard broke out his David Bowie impression, which got a few laughs. However, most of the men sat quiet and discouraged in their seats. Roy was fuming, although the casual observer would note that his lips were moving without him realizing when he recognized a song. He could feel the low morale laying heavy over the bus and its passengers.
Bravely, Higgins got up to sit next to him when they were about halfway back to Richmond. Roy growled at him, but the older man ignored it. They sat in silence until Roy couldn’t take it anymore.
“The fuck do you want?”
“You looked like you used to when Ted was around and you were too stubborn to ask him about something that was bothering you,” said Higgins. “I’m a sorry substitute for Ted, but I’ll listen if you like. Our own little meeting of the Diamond Dogs.”
“Did I really have all that shit written on my face?” He wouldn’t admit it, but Roy was a little impressed with Higgins. The man was deceptively wise.
“Not all of it, but I know what it is to miss a close friend.”
“I do miss him,” Roy conceded. “He always knew how to make them see a little hope. He was better at this manager shit.”
“If you want to have the Lasso effect, you just need to try thinking like Ted. He would want to do something to distract them from the loss today and get them out of their heads. A movie night or a meal out. Anything, really.”
“Hmm… They’re good ideas, to be fair, but they feel too normal. We always do that,” pondered Roy. He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head, thinking, wracking his brain for something. His normal activities were reading, and cooking, and other introverted things. What he did with Phoebe and his sister Sofia were more inclusive.
Roy stood, squeezed past Higgins, and made his way up to the front of the bus. Jamie and Beard sat down, pausing their musical act, and watched him apprehensively. He walked slowly up the aisle – having had a serious knee injury made a person keen to avoid another one, which would be inflicted by walking on a moving bus. When he got to the front row, he leaned over the driver’s shoulder.
“I’m going to reroute us,” he said bluntly. “How do I change the satnav?”
The driver tapped a screen and a keyboard popped up. After a quick google, the manager tapped in an address, and the new route started. Straightening, Roy turned around and looked around the bus. As all eyes were already on him, he didn’t shout.
“All right, listen up. We’re all in a shitty mood because of the loss. Ted would’ve had something inspirational to say, but we all know I’m not Ted. All I know how to do is distract us until we forget about it.” He nodded at Higgins in silent acknowledgement of their conversation before continuing. “So that’s what we’re going to do, going to get ourselves fucking distracted for the night. I hope you don’t have any other plans.”
“Where are we going, Coach?” asked Bumbercatch.
“Wouldn’t you like to fucking know.” Roy sat down next to Jamie in the second row and crossed his arms. He was pleased with his choice; he didn’t think his team would guess where they were headed or what they were going to do. He was surprised he’d picked it, himself. It wasn’t what he expected from himself; he wasn’t typically that forward.
He massaged one hand with the other, passing the pads of his fingers over his knuckles, where just so recently... No. That wasn’t why he’d fucking made this choice!
Beside Roy, Jamie observed the anxious, wistful hand movements, and the address in the satnav, which he recognized. He fixed his mentor in his most suggestive side-eye, head tilted down and eyebrows quirked, until Roy noticed.
Just Roy’s heart nearly stopped. The prick had figured him out. Fuck.
You were at the counter, trying to read an online article. You’d consistently gotten through the first paragraph about six times today, before an interruption had presented itself. It had been an oddly busy day, which you attributed to your own terrible luck, as there was absolutely no reason for half of the house to be full on a weekday afternoon. You saw movement in the parking lot from the corner of your eye, but chose to ignore it and hope it went somewhere else. You really wanted to finish the article sometime this millennium, and tried to power your way into the second paragraph.
You weren’t that lucky. The movement in the parking lot was that of a bus unloading an army of footballers. They were milling around tie dye guy, who you now knew was Roy Kent, manager of AFC Richmond.
With a frustrated sigh, you closed the tab with the online article; there was no way you were reading it with all these athletes coming inside. Because these guys were proper athletes, and in your experience, those were the types that got the loudest when they realized their sporting skills didn’t translate to bowling. Your hair went up, and you braced once again for the difficulty of a large group. At least they all had socks, since they had their uniforms on; you didn’t think there’d be enough money in the register to make change for twenty-something uses of the supply vending machine.
A bespectacled man and a young man carrying a bunch of water bottles came up to your counter ahead of the herd.
“I’m so sorry, but do you have enough lanes to accommodate a football club?” Glasses guy was familiar; he bowled a weeknight league with his wife, and you were pretty sure he had a locker here.
Checking your computer, you answered, “I can give you lanes 17 through 24. Will that be enough? Each lane can fit eight to ten people.”
“That’ll be plenty, thank you. I’ve seen you around, right?”
His question confirmed your theory that he was a regular. “Yeah, I’ve traded shifts for a few weeknights before. I thought I recognized you.”
“You may not want to, after this,” he apologized. “Sorry in advance.”
The first of the footballers came bounding in, either voicing their disdain or their enthusiasm for the evening’s activity. Jamie Tartt swaggered straight up to you, put his arms on the counter, and grinned.
“Heya, Splits! Do you remember meh?”
Rolling your eyes, you quipped back, “How could I forget? Was this your idea, coming back to see if I was fit enough to risk Roy Kent’s wrath?”
To his credit, Jamie had the decency to look embarrassed. “I were being a proper twat, and I apologize. I’m trying to be better. But no, it weren’t my idea. It was all Coach.”
You looked up, past Jamie, to where the last few men were getting off of the Richmond bus, Roy among them. It had been his idea? Maybe Phoebe’s comment had had some truth to it. He was glancing inside hesitantly, and although you knew that he couldn’t see you through the tinted windows, you felt your ears warm ever so slightly. The thought that anybody could find you fit in any way felt foreign.
The clearing of a throat brought you back to reality. The young man with the water bottles had a sheet of paper in his hand that he was extending towards you.
“This is everybody’s boot sizes,” he was saying. “Hopefully that makes it easier.”
“It will, thank you so much.” You turned to the team now standing in front of you and raised your voice a bit to address them all. “You guys will be on lanes 17 through 24. Give me a minute to get all of these shoes ready and go find yourselves some balls.” There were more than a few snickers at the balls comment, which you fully knew you’d walked into, but you charged bravely on. “Once you’ve done that, come back here.”
All but Jamie dispersed to find a ball that fit; he waited at the counter. You couldn’t figure out why, until you saw Roy Kent finally enter your bowling alley. He didn’t seem pleased to find him standing there expectantly.
“What the fuck do you want now? Go and look around like everybody else! Quit waiting for me!”
He was in a mood. They must have lost the game they were obviously returning from. Either bravely or stupidly, Jamie ignored his coach’s orders and adopted an innocent expression.
“Splits is here.”
“I can see that. Now piss off.”
As he had at Phoebe’s party, Jamie gave you a wink before sauntering away. Which left you and Roy Kent staring at each other. You couldn’t tell what the coach was thinking – he kept his face impressively blank – but your mind shot back to your previous encounter, where you’d startled him, then maybe insulted him by not recognizing him, then accidentally touched his hand. You didn’t know how to react.
He made the choice easy for you and nodded curtly. “Hi.”
You noticed that he had stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“I have your shoes.”
“How the fuck do you remember my shoe size?”
You waved the sheet of paper. “The younger guy gave me a list. I’m guessing he’s the kit man?”
A grunt. It could be interpreted as a yes. Nothing else from Coach Kent. You grabbed a pair of rental shoes and held it out to him. “Here.”
As Roy Kent came forward and you reached out, your hands touched – again – and this was more contact than the mere finger brush last time. He froze, then quickly took the shoes and scurried off.
Talk about awkward! You banged your head softly against the counter and groaned. What were the odds of that happening twice?
Roy groaned as he retreated from the front desk. What were the odds that the woman would think that could happen twice? And what had possessed him to surge forward to grab the shoes? Was he that fucking touch-starved, that he needed to manufacture physical contact with fucking strangers? He flung himself onto a couch with Higgins, Beard, and Nate and set about angrily removing his trainers and putting on the bowling shoes. The other three men looked at each other behind his back and shrugged their shoulders. Nobody could decide whether it was better to engage, or just to let him stew until he was ready to come out with it.
Roy was done tying the laces and stood up to stare at them all. Only Nate was brave enough to break the silence.
“All right there, Roy?” he asked.
“Great,” Roy retorted. “Never been better.”
“You ready to tell us what’s going on with you?” questioned Beard. He leaned back, anticipating his fellow coach to blow. The old Roy would have, but Just Roy flared his nostrils, took a deep breath, and then looked at Beard, Nate, and Higgins.
“Like I told the team,” he ground out, “it’s my shit. None of your fucking business.”
“All right. But when you’re actually ready to talk, let us know.”
Rather than stay and face them, Roy left. He told himself it was so he could find a bowling ball, but he knew that he was running away. He didn’t know how he felt yet about being interested in someone again. It always made him feel incredibly vulnerable. The world expected moody, mysterious Roy Kent. The real Roy was lonely and just wanted connection with another human being who wasn’t interested in him being a footballer – no, a manager. Not a footballer anymore.
He surveyed the bowling alley. Everyone was having a decent time. It seemed a happy enough place, with its garish red walls and photos of local celebrities hung in frames across the soffits. Roy’s head was on a swivel looking at them all, then at his greyhounds. They were good boys, already losing the melancholy from the match. Higgins had his phone out, taking a picture of them, and they all exuded an easy comfort at spending time with each other. He kept looking around, settling his gaze just a moment too long on the girl at the counter.
Fuck, he was interested in her. She was just as awkward as he was, and she hadn’t recognized him at Phoebe’s party.
Plus, she was fit. So fucking fit.
Roy forced himself to look away. Staring creepily at a random woman was more than inappropriate; it was dangerous. If the paparazzi found out, it could cloud the whole team’s reputation. Plus, now Jamie knew. The manager couldn’t let on just how interested he was in Splits.
Hell, he didn’t even know her real name.
His team was starting to bowl. Roy could overhear snippets of their conversations as he walked by each lane. Jamie, Isaac, Dani, and Colin were horsing around, teasing Jamie about something.
“I’m just saying, a guy could do a lot worse!” Tartt was laughing. “She is fit!”
“She does have a very happy smile,” agreed Dani.
“I dunno, she’s not really my type,” Colin said, drawing a few laughs.
“That’s because nobody like her is!”
“Shut up, Isaac!”
“You walked into it!”
Suddenly, they all noticed Roy and shut their mouths. Roy glared at them.
“You talking about me?”
All four lads remained silent, although Jamie seemed to be struggling not to smile or laugh. The only response they gave was a communal shake of their heads. Roy stared them down until they started to squirm.
“We were talking about the pretty lady at the counter,” Dani eventually volunteered. “Jamie brought her up.”
Jamie snorted, like he was fighting for his life against laughter. Roy squinted at him and grunted.
“Doesn’t she look nice, Coach?”
Ooh, this was fucking evil shit. By asking, Jamie was forcing him to look over at her, knowing full well how expressive his eyebrows were. Jamie was getting annoyingly smart.
Roy turned to look at Splits, then quickly back to the boys. “She’s fine, like most people. Now get started with your game, before I decide to cancel team bonding time and make you fucking run home!”
Exchanging looks, Dani, Colin, and Isaac started bowling. Jamie grinned at his mentor one last time before joining in. They were all unfortunately on the lane next to Roy’s, so he would have to deal with them for the rest of the time they would be there.
Bowling did prove to be a good distraction. Everyone was equally terrible – except Higgins, of course – so the competition was fierce, and spares and strikes were celebrated loudly. Even Roy found himself relax slightly, and he was one of the worst bowlers of the lot. He had to put up with Jamie’s suggestive glances, and all of the Diamond Dogs on his lane, but he had people, and it was nice to feel surrounded rather than alone.
Higgins obviously won the day. With O’Brian winning among the non-bowlers after two games, AFC Richmond were ready to go home. Will began gathering everybody’s shoes. As Roy untied his, he had a stupid idea and started helping. The younger man seemed surprised, but happy for the help. Pretty soon, he and Roy both had armfuls of shoes.
“You go on ahead, Will. I’ll make sure none of these idiots have left anything behind,” Roy offered. He wanted Will done and gone from the counter when he went up. The team were already loading onto the bus, so he wouldn’t have to worry about any nosy players or obnoxious Tartts. Will was thanking Splits before he left, and a line of people was waiting between him and Roy. The manager shifted his weight to better balance the mountain of bowling shoes in his arms.
“I’m so sorry for the wait!” called Splits in the midst of charging a credit card. “You can dump those on the counter and I’ll deal with them later. You don’t have to wait.”
“I’m fine waiting. No rush.”
Truthfully, the shoes were becoming harder to balance by the second, but Roy Kent was determined. He would talk to Splits.
Finally, he was next in line. He did his best to set down the pile gracefully, but there were just too many shoes. He got them all on the counter without any falling, and that would have to do. Splits smiled, and Roy’s wait was made worth it.
“Thank you,” she said. “I’ll just count them real quick and make sure I have them all.”
“Take your time. I wouldn’t put it past one of these clowns to wear a pair home without fucking realizing it.”
“It happens more often than you’d think.”
There were a few beats of silence while she counted. Roy didn’t want to distract her, but he also didn’t want to lose the chance to speak with her. If only he hadn’t ignored small talk all these years!
“Your accent is different. Not in a bad way, I just can’t place it. Have you been in England long?”
“A few years,” she replied. “My dad was Army, so I grew up moving almost every year. I guess I picked up bits and pieces of whatever the local accents were.”
“That’s cool.” Roy had the distinct feeling that he was dangerously close to seeming extremely lame. “But you’ve stayed?”
“Obviously,” laughed Splits. “I like it here. I’ve never really had a group of my own, but here, it feels like I’m the closest to having it. I have all the shoes, by the way, so you’re good to go, Coach Kent.”
“Hmm. Cheers.”
Roy made no move to leave. He knew he should, but he hadn’t made any real progress here. He cleared his throat.
“Right. Well… Hope to see you around.”
“You, too!”
She seemed to react positively. Proud of himself, Roy turned and left. If he seemed less Roy-ish to anybody on the coach, none of them commented on it. Roy was in good spirits until he replayed the interaction in his mind.
He still hadn’t asked for her name.
He was a fucking idiot.
Tag list: @preciousbabypeter @harry-bowie-mercury @amieinghigh
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