#because it's embarrassing that he can only jump a short distance
teecupangel · 1 year
If anyone is wondering how things are going for Desmond in Faerun, he got sidetracked finding the tea on the druid 'leader' and got in a middle of some kind of Hanzel and Grethel BS in the swamp. Got into a long ass fight because he didn't want to kill the controlled people so that means no magic or ranged attack or throws for the final strike (and having to calculate the damages just to be sure).
Then we beat the crap out of the hag but she begged mercy from Shadowheart and Shadowheart agreed only if the hag leaves both the +1 item and the woman. (Desmond might be rethinking letting Shadowheart be the unofficial second in command)
Oh and Desmond gave a grieving woman a wand that resurrected her husband into a zombie because he was too surprised when her husband was resurrected into a zombie in the first place.
Gale and Karlach seemed to approve of his actions so maybe there is hope for the zombified husband in Baldur's Gate???
(I don't know what happened but we returned to the mind controlled masked people but one of them is missing. We did take off their masks and this time they didn't die so I guess the masks had to be taken off after the hag died. And no, we have not gotten to the goblin's camp at all.)
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miseries-mistress · 2 years
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Synopsis: solicitude /səˈlisəˌto͞od/: care or concern for someone or something.
The fellowship had set camp for the night in a clearing in the forest. They had set a fire and took refuge around it to stray off the coldness the night always seemed to bring. However, when you elicit to sit by a tree, a decision made out of insecurity, you find yourself not alone for too long as a certain elf notices your disappearance, 
Warnings: female reader, insecurity, some self-depreciation, fluff. W/C: 3153
lotr masterlist
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"Do you not wish to join the others?" a soft-spoken voice breaks you out of your stupor. You jump, startled by Legolas's sudden appearance, and he cocks his head to the side at your fright. He must have thought I heard him, you muse silently. 
You flash the elf a smile before returning to inspecting your blade slung casually over your thigh. The others, the fellowship, had gathered around the fire, telling stories of better times and victorious battles alike, their eyes gleaming with a joy that would soon diminish on your coming journey to Mordor. 
It was rather embarrassing to admit why you had secluded yourself to a tree away from your newfound companions. There had been a lack of room around the glowing embers, everyone else already fitting comfortably in their spot, laughing as the halflings cracked jokes, and well…you didn't want to intrude. It was evident that your presence was not warranted or needed, so instead of bothering them, you had taken refuge under the shade of the tree, and while the bark dug uncomfortably into your spine, it helped you ignore your strange longing to be apart of the group of men who had obviously grown accustomed to each other in your short time together. However, Legolas seemed to be the only one to notice your absence, hence his imposing figure standing above you with innocent curiosity adorning his profile. 
You admired Legolas far more than was permitted for a human such as yourself. His serene nature was a long-forgotten melody, gracing your ears with the enriched words that flowed effortlessly from his dainty lips. His personality, sharp wit, and impeccable features were a delight to be savored and worshiped, as his majesticness was truly a sight to behold.
It was painful to get around him when your feelings grew with every passing day, but the journey you had voluntarily embarked on was one without an end in sight. The ground you covered in a day trek was not nearly enough to get you to that wretched place in any small amount of time. 
But that endeavor of putting distance between Legolas and you was for not as he waited patiently for an answer to his question that took root in the back of your mind, the sweetness of his voice a delicacy to be enjoyed for centuries.
You try with all your might to maintain truth in your smile, but he sees through your thinly veiled lies, and his lips curve into a frown at your saddened gaze.  
"I fair fine here, Legolas. You should return to the others," you offer, dropping your gaze from the intensity of his. From the moment those words parted from your lips, Legolas seems to read your expressions, your feelings like a child's book in Elvish. Your inability to lie to him was humiliating, and you were mortified that you could not lace your words with enough sincerity to prove convincing to not trouble others with your burden because the last thing you wish for is for Legolas to pity you. That would twist your guilt further into something much darker, you surmise as your finger glides across the metal of your sword. 
You can feel his gaze bearing down on you as if he is considering an idea before his feet shift and some hopeful part of you wishes he would not abandon you; he would see through your struggle and wordlessly share his company with you. It takes a moment before you realize that he has, in fact, taken a seat next to you, and the air seems charged with energy and anticipation of what is to come. 
"Why do you detest me so?" The words leave him quickly as if he did not intend to speak them. In your surprise, you raise your head, only for your breath to stutter at his closeness. There's no more than a couple of inches separating you two. It's exhilarating but yet so daunting. "Please tell me what I have done to not earn your eye."
You blink at him, astonished. Even though words cannot convey the severity of your feelings, any other speech fails your tongue. 
Your irises which once held a far told sadness, fall away from his, and Legolas concludes that your lack of acknowledgment simply won't do. Gentle fingers lift your chain so you can gaze upon him once more. The connection is not rough or demanding but hopeful- pleading. Your heart scatters at the contact, beating erratically at the softness of his skin, being like the drip of silk, too impossible to feel so beautiful at the touch. 
You turn his question over and over through the gorges of your thoughts, the answer as clear as day, but a vulnerable emotion holds you back. 
It's easily recognizable and brings a dim chill over the cloudless sky of your admiration for the elvish male. 
"I do not detest you." Your words are simple, keeping your feelings at bay behind the motor and stone of your mind. 
"Then why do you avoid me?"
"I do not."
"I didn't take you for a liar."
Shame befalls your features, and Legolas's hand retracts from your face. 
"If you will not share with me that, then tell me why you retreat from the others."
Your eyes search the ground in determination for a good lie. However, Legolas reads your face with ease, practically predicting your formation of a lie, and his gaze falters at your unwillingness to share the truth with him.
More so, worry sets in his stomach. What had he done for you to despise him? He didn't think that your past conversations served with colorful banter were filled with ill intent on his behalf but had you taken something he had joked about to heart? Was that the reason he could not earn your gaze? Legolas was conflicted, toeing the lines of a worry that bordered something more than friendliness or natural curiosity with his willingness to right any wrongs he may have imposed upon you. 
"I would most certainly like the truth if you would grant it to me," he tries. 
Once more, you rip your gaze away, and embarrassment overturns your expression. You resign to following the thick roots that snake across the forest floor while you try to gather your thoughts, quite an impossible task with an elf of his caliber next to you. 
"It's rather foolish, I'm afraid. You would think me to be silly." Your defeated sigh does not go unheard, for Legolas's ears pick up every hint of dejection and the undercurrent of embarrassment lingering in the phrase cast into the open air. 
"I could never think of you in such a way," he affirms hesitantly, almost as if he had deliberated the action for quite some time. Then, finally, he places a tense hand on yours. 
Your breath stutters at the contact, and his muscles seem to pull even tauter at the breathless hitch. You silently chastise yourself for such an unbecoming reaction. He was only trying to comfort you as a friend would, yet you twisted his intentions into something entirely impure. It's shameful that you would even entertain the idea that he would want something more than mere friendship. He's never shown any inkling of that line of thought, and yet you let your fantasies run wild like some little girl. 
You turn your mind back to his statement, tossing it around, weighing the pros and cons while Legolas watches with interest, his careful eyes never straying from your hunched skeleton. 
"My presence was not needed, so I decided to resign myself to my solitude," you spoke plainly, your woes weighing down your spirits. Legolas stills. 
"It's silly, I know-"
"Why would you believe such a thing?" he asks suddenly, and your body betrays you as your eyes snap up to meet his worried ones. It takes a moment for his question to register, and before you know it, the words hastily tumble from your lips. 
"I was obviously not needed, and I did not want to be a bother and intrude..."
"So you thought you were unwanted?"
You frown, shame burning your cheeks all the way to the tips of your ears. With your blade now forgotten on the forest floor, you curl within yourself, desperate to hide from your own insecurity and Legolas's gaze. What would he think of you now, knowing how easily you succumb to your insecurity? How weak and pitiful must you look, curling within yourself like a frightened animal? 
You hear faint shuffling before his body is pressed against yours so intently that you can feel the heat radiating off of him. 
"Look at me," his voice is a gentle command, yet firm in its intention, but you don't have the heart to meet his eye and face his disappointment. "Your insecurity is misplaced."
At this, you cannot help but search for his features for falsities or ways of deceit wormed into the etches of his skin only to find none, just kind eyes glittering with empathy. Legolas's expression seemed to brighten at your acknowledgment, and he continued. "You have no reason to believe that we lament your person accompanying us. You are part of this company, the same as Aragorn or me, and you have proven your worth and reliability many times over. You could never be a burden or an annoyance."
"How do you know that?" your question strays on the path of bitterness, and you are tempted to turn your head away but not before gentle fingers grip your chin, forcing you to remain in contact. 
"I have come to know you and the company. They would have expressed their dissatisfaction by now," he replies simply, the warm brown of his eyes blazing with the truth he believes so heartily.
"How do you know for certain they do not talk behind my back when you or I cannot hear?"
"I would hear them."
"Legolas," you gently scold. The twitch of his lips indicates his amusement before his face morphs to one of gentle compassion.
"Heed my words, you are by no means a burden, meleth nin." 
Legolas holds for a moment, his eyes aglow in surprise at his own words. 
The crease between your eyebrows furthers as you study his uneasy expression. You can't hold back your curiosity as the question slips between your parted lips. "What does that mean?"
"It matters not, only that you are not plagued by what appears to trouble you." 
Way to turn the conversation around, you think bitterly, your head falling ahead to the fire by which the others ignore the two of you.
"Confide in me if that would ease your burden. Seeing you so troubled over matters I do not know of worries me greatly," Legolas fairly pleads, his voice not rising above the faint chatter of noise and voices of the forest. 
"It is nothing in which you can aid me, Legolas," you reassure him, but by his dissatisfied expression, he does not fall prey to the illusion you have spoken of. His hand falls to your thigh, and in an instant, it feels as though all oxygen is violently sucked from the air, leaving you unable to swallow the growing lump in your throat. Every nerve comes alive at his touch as if your soul is burning with the same adrenaline you are feeding off of. 
Oh, valor almighty, you didn't know how you possessed the strength to stray from this elf as long as you have; to resist his presence that intoxicated you because now, at the slightest taste of it, you were addicted, like a practiced addict. 
Still, he begged so sweetly. An elvish prince asking for you to share your woes unknowing that he was the cause of them. Every second thought, every hesitation was a result of the influence he held so fiercely over your heart. 
It's as if the Maker was pulling every winding tension tighter, making the oxygen that has now returned to your lungs come in short pants and allowing your mind to spiral as each moment passed in minutes instead of seconds. Eternity felt closer than the second this instant would end. 
A shadow casts over his pale features, making his already unreadable countenance impossible to decipher. His dark pupils seemed to have swallowed the riches of his irises, drawing them into a sea of darkness. The source of this darkness, the specification of what kind of darkness that seemed to linger in his hardened sight, was unidentifiable in the light given to you. His hair, braided in the ways of his kin, framed the strong muscles of his face as his jaw clenched, and you could find the peaks of his ears behind the waterfalls of blonde spilling over his shoulder. 
You met in the middle. 
There was no tender or ounce of patience to be found in the dance of his lips but the hungry desire of a starved being engulfing you. From what you could decipher over your pounding heart, his lips were slightly chapped and thin as your mouths tangled and tangoed, learning that language of lovers as they explored every unknown crevice of one another. It was all so much, yet not enough. 
You craved to feel more of him, of his body's sinful softness or his hand's possessiveness, which had begun to move up and down your thigh tentatively as if he was unsure what was allowed. 
Among the silver of devotion coming from tentativeness, there was passion, built up and overflowing, and you couldn't tell what was up and down from the way his mouth claimed yours. 
Your mind moved too fast to comprehend the full scale of his actions. The elf you had secretly pined for was kissing you as if Middle Earth was going to end with you under a tree with your friends mere yards from you. But for the moment, you let yourself succumb to your passion and indulge in a moment of weakness before this moment inevitably ends. 
And it did as all things do. 
You both pull back, gasping for breath while short pants leave those kiss-bitten lips of his. 
"Forgive me if I have overstepped–" Legolas unceremoniously trips over his words as they rapidly slip out of his mouth fervently. You shake your head and press your forehead against his, sharing a breath. 
"No, there is no reason to forgive you." Legolas's hands meet your face in a touch so light you were unsure if it was there. He waits for a moment for you to raise your objection or pull away, but when you remain firm, his deft fingers become more confident as they trail the contour of your face. You sink into the feeling, pushing out all else for a second of forever; of all that could be. 
"I didn't know you felt the same," he chuckles elatedly, and you press your lips together to contain what might be a wide grin of pure elation. 
"I did not know either," you both share a peal of laughter before a moment of quiet passes over you, the tone shifting into something more doleful. 
"I still know not of that which troubles you." He brushes the hair from your face before tucking it behind your ear, his hand blazingly ghosting over the shell of it. 
"I was afraid. Afraid that you would never harbor the feelings I do for you." The audible slip of breath makes your chest clench in anticipation. "I distanced myself from you to protect my heart from heartache."
"Did it work?"
"It did nothing but make me long for you even more than I already had." His hands smoothed down your dirt-ridden skin. There was no need to address what would happen now after you revealed feelings towards one another and you found no reason to. For spoiling this moment you have dreamed of would be a great sorrow, but Legolas seems to feel otherwise. 
"What will happen to us now?" he asks, fingers passing over your lips before cradling your face.
"I do not know," you murmur, tracing the lines of his skin with the gift of light bestowed upon you and him. His hands slip from your face, and your head moves back, startled by the sudden loss of touch. However, he did not stand or even attempt to put space between you two, but his fingers began to undo his braid behind his right ear, his dominant side, with the ease and precision only an elf could possess until all that remained were strands of crimped hair and a delicate silk tie that mirrored the color of his hair in his hands. He gazed down upon the band as stillness filled with buzzing energy grew as the seconds he spent focused on the tie. 
You knew little of the elvish culture, but from what you did know, braids were quite crucial to them, and who did them appeared to change the meaning behind said braids. So why had Legolas taken his? Did he intend for you to braid his...?
Legolas outstretches his hand, his palm facing upwards in an offering to you. Inside his palm sat a hairband of string. In what you could only describe as astonishment, you looked up to find him proposing to you a smile as sincere as the admiration brimming in the palace of his eyes.
You pulled away from his face, back to his hand where the hair tie stood waiting for you. No doubt stood in your mind, nothing besides your undying and unyielding feelings that filled your body with giddiness of the likes of which you've never known. You trusted Legolas, not with just your life but now with the very essence of your soul and the light in it. 
You took the hair tie. 
Your fingers began weaving through his silky hair, as soft as you imagined, sewing a new braid into his locks of gold with diligence and patience. You threaded a new promise through his soft strands, one that could not be conveyed by tongue but by emotion. 
It was as if the light herself guided your fingertips, showing you the path in which your hearts were now embedded to, destined to be intertwined for all of eternity.
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punishereditz · 2 years
Go On
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Pairing: Jake Sersin x f!reader
Warnings: 18 plus only! Minors DNI! DO NOT COPY! Prue smut with no plot. Dirty talk. Lots and lots of dirty talk. Unprotected sex. P in V. Masturbation. Getting caught. Fingering. Choking kink. Size kink. Little bit of a praise kink. Dom!Jake.
AN: I didn't even know I was capable of coming up with a story this filthy.
Summary: Your roommate, Jake and you, have at set of rules in your home. Tonight... Jake breaks every single one of them.
It was late, so as Jake unlocked his front door, he made sure to be quiet. Every night when he comes in late your normally asleep, or at the very least you're getting ready for bed.
He is used to having to tip toe around the house. Even when you are up, he still does it because it has become such a habit. Tonight, he was even more cautious because he got home later than usual. But as he grew closer to his bedroom that is directly in front of yours, he comes to a dead stop when he hears noises coming from your room.
He knows that you usual don't stay up this late, so his curiosity gets the best of him, and he carefully leans his ear against the door to try and make out the noise, and it doesn't take him long to figure it out. He's heard those sounds before. Your moans filling his ears.
He lets his head fall forward, a groan escaping his lips. I shouldn't. He reminds himself over and over. One day, a few weeks ago he got back earlier from his morning run and heard the shower running. He didn't think anything about it until he past the door, and when he did, he heard you moaning from the shower. He knew that day he shouldn't have stand by the door and listen, his cock throbbing, imagining it was his fingers giving you pleasure instead of your own. Ever since then, it has been a botheration to him. When he jerks off at night, he thinks about you and those little moans.
That's why now, he can't seem to move away from the door. Taking his hard, aching cock out of his pants and in his hand. Beginning to pump it in his fist. He carefully cracks the door and when he sees you, he has to bite his lip from making any noise. Your shirt is bunched up under your chin. Your back arched, your fingers drawing in and out of your pussy, your other hand pitching and toying with your hard nipples and your eyes shut in pleasure, mouth parted, pants and moans getting louder and heavier as you get closer to your climax.
Pre cum leaks from his cock and he knows he needs to do something quickly. That he has no business watching you, and that he can finish this when he gets to his bed; and just as he is about to cross the short distance to his room, he hears his name. Thinking you saw him, he looks through the crack and when he sees that your eyes are still closed and your caught up in your pleasure, he is confused. Just as he thinks that he is hearing things, he hears you say his name again. You're moaning his name. He heard it right. And as he hears you say his name as you touch yourself, he gets overconfident.
He opens the door, walking in. He stares at you, you not realizing he is there yet. He decides to speak.
"You called me?" His smirk is risqué. Playing dumb as if he wasn't just watching and listening to you masturbate and fucking his cock with his hand.
You jump, him scaring you. You quickly stop. Starting to cover yourself up. "What the fuck Jake?! Why didn't you knock?!" You say in panic. Your cheeks growing red in embarrassment from getting caught.
He steps forward. Stopping in front of your bed. Looking down at you. "Please. Don't stop on my accord. Go on." His voice is impish.
You try to reply. To yell at him to get out, but you are frozen. Your words are stuck in your throat. You can't speak. You can't move. Only stare up at him. He chuckles. Sitting at the edge of the bed, he leans over you. His lips hovering over yours. He gently places his hand on your leg.
"May I?" He asks for permission, and you slowly nod.
His hand begins to travel up your leg until he stops and grabs your hand. Guiding it back to your soaking core. He guides your fingers over your clit. Rubbing circles.
"Just like that sweetheart. Keep going." He encourages you. Moving his hand away from yours. Letting you do it yourself. He watches in amazement as you touch yourself. Your hips bucking and your breath starting to get heavier.
He leans up. Placing a long kiss on your neck. He pecks kisses up your neck. When he gets to your jawline, he bites your skin, a moan slipping from your lips. He sucks and bites at your skin. Getting you flustered. He bites at your ear. "Look at you..." He whispers. "Such a mess over me. Moaning my name when you touch yourself... such a bad girl." You can't help the moans that flow from you.
"You wish it was my fingers, huh? Do you want my fingers sweetheart?" He moves his hand down to your hips. Looking down at your fingers that are still working your clit. His teasing having you on the edge.
"Yes. I want your fingers. I can't help but think of you when I fuck myself." Your boldness catches him off guard. Your words making his cock twitch.
As badly as he wants to eat you out until your shaking and begging him to stop. He knows it can wait. He will make time for that later. But right now, he desperately needs his cock inside of you. He needs to take it a step further.
He pulls your shirt over your head, and he quickly does the same. Throwing them to the floor. He traps your lips in a kiss. His tongue teasing as he pulls his pants down. Taking his cock in his hand. He props himself up on top of you and your wrap your arms around his neck. He holds himself up with his elbow. His other hand squeezing your breast. Pitching your nipple with his fingers, moaning into his mouth. He pulls away. Those emerald eyes burning into you.
"Spread those pretty little legs for me." He pants and you do as he says. Spreading your legs wider. Allowing him to full range of motion. He lines his cock up with your entrance. Pushing the tip in. He rests his head in the bend of your neck. Groaning your name. He slowly pushes another inch in.
"Oh, fuck. That's it. You're taking my cock so well." He grunts out. Pushing in further. Even though it feels like he couldn't fill you up anymore. He only has half his cock in. He tries going slow. Letting you adjust. Your walls fluttering around him. Squeezing him tight. Getting harder to keep it together, being on the verge of coming all night. He tries to be patient. "You think you can take more sweetheart?"
"Yes." You answer. Grinding your hips down. "Oh, fuck!" He curses. His hand gripping your side. He keeps pushing his hips forward until he is bottomed out inside of you, completely filling you up. He pulls out, then back in. Thrusting in and out of you. Picking up his speed.
His hand sneaks up your body. Wrapping his hand around your neck. When he lightly squeezes. You clench your walls around him, a chocked moan coming from you like he has never heard from you before. He swears it is the hottest thing he has ever seen in his entire life, so he keeps that grip on your neck. Now pounding into you. His thrusts becoming harder and faster. Your stomach twisting and your head spinning.
You were seconds away from coming when he entered the room. Then he built your climax back up. Whispering the filthiest words into your ear. His touch teasing. Now he looks into your eyes as he fucks you into the bed, grunting and whimpering. That feeling in your stomach growing stronger.
You know just as much as Jake does that this is wrong in every way. And that wrongness only spurs your pleasure on more. It adds to the thrill of it. Breaking the rules. And as you stop and think about it, you're both breaking every single rule that you established. That being; Always knock on the door. No sex in the house. And absolutely no sex with each other. That is it. And honestly, right now, you could care less about that list of rules. Your happy you're breaking the rules, because God, no other man has ever made you feel like this. Be able to leave you speechless and breathless. Getting you flustered.
Clenching your walls around him, his name pours from your mouth. As you get closer. You run your nails down his back. Gripping and scratching at his skin. On the edge of your climax.
"Come for me sweet girl." He groans against your neck and his words was all you needed for your climax to crash over you. Soaking his cock. He somehow manages to thrust into you harder. Pushing his cock as far as he can into you, coming to a still, he shoots his cum in you. Filling you up. He kisses your salty skin, giving you one last harsh thurst.
He pulls out. A mixture of yours and his cum pooling out of you. He helps sit you up. Going into the bathroom, he wipes himself off and grabs a warm wet bath cloth. Dropping to his knees and cleaning you up. Making sure to be gentle.
"I guess I broke the rules, princess."
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frenchkisstheabyss · 1 year
♡cake ♡
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♡ I got a Big Matthew request ya'll! I love this man so much and never met someone else who loves him so, like, yay ♡
♡ Pairing: idol!boyfriend!bm x chubby!fem!reader
♡ Summary: You've been feeling insecure dating your idol boyfriend but a weekend away quiets your worries
♡ Genre: fluff/smut
♡ Word Count: 1.3kish
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♡ Warnings: unprotected sex, fingering, & that's all babes
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When your boyfriend suggested that you rent a house by the shore for the weekend, complete with your own private stretch of beach, you thought it was kind of excessive given the price. Even still, Matt insisted that nothing could ever cost too much when it came to his girl and you were on your way to the beach house in a matter of days. Now, as you sit along the white sandy beach on your striped towel reading that one book you’ve been putting off reading for ages, you’re happy that he convinced you to come.
Nothing in recent memory has been as soothing as the clear blue water crashing to shore. Birds fly above singing the sort of song that could lull you off to sleep in minutes. The bright rays of the sun are softened by the few clouds that surround it. You smile to yourself thinking of how hesitant you were to come only to find yourself dreading the thought of ever leaving. “Baby!” You hear Matt’s voice booming in the distance.
You peek over your shoulder to glimpse his muscular 6 '1 frame waving to you from the balcony of the beach house, not too far from where you are. In nothing more than a pair of gray sweatpants, your mind can’t help but drift off to the filthiest place possible at the sight of him. “Hey you!” you shout back, smiling sweetly despite your recent thoughts. Matt smiles back, his phone casually held up in your direction, “Say ‘hello’ to the people!”
“To the people?” you ask, eyes squinting as you notice the phone in his hand, “What people?” “I’m on Instagram live, baby. Get up. Come on!” In an instant, your heart’s in your stomach. Instagram? Live? You jump to your feet, wrapping the towel around your sheer black bikini. “Matt, you’re joking right?” you laugh, praying you’re right, “You can’t do that can you?” A part of dating an idol that you never questioned was the secrecy with which you had to navigate your relationship. No one besides his inner circle could know, especially not his fans.
It was honestly a relief for you. Not because you were afraid of how his fans would react but because you were nervous it might be weird for him if everyone knew he was with a plus sized woman. Matt has never made you feel anything short of beautiful yet somewhere inside of you there still exists this fear of how things might change if you went public. How he might change. You feel every single one of these thoughts flooding your brain at once. And, like the little hermit crab scurrying past your discarded book, all you want to do is hide. 
But you won't have to because he’s not embarrassed. From the moment he flipped the camera onto you, you’d officially gone public and the only thing he’s done is look out at you with stars in his eyes. “She is cute, isn’t she?” he says in response to a commenter, “Oh! Baby! Baby! Show them the bathing suit I got you! Her body in this? Oh my god!” “Stop it. You’re just saying that” you blush, softening in the presence of his adoration.
“I’m not. I swear you look so good, Y/N. Your body’s everything.” Matt’s excitement rubs off on you, even from a distance. Before you can second guess yourself you’ve dropped the towel, standing there feeling shyer than you ever have but somehow…liberated? “Yeah! Come on, girl! 360! 360!” he chants and you roll your eyes, offering him a graceful pageant spin. 
“Damn, I love you girl!”
“I love you too!”
You break into a fit of giggles, covering your face with your hands. Matt switches the camera back on himself, throwing up a peace sign. “You guys, I've gotta go. I’m…kinda in a mood now so take care of yourselves, okay?” Hanging up the phone, he leans over the railing, biceps flexing as he grips the ornate metal. “Meet me downstairs” he says in a voice…the voice…that lets you know exactly what he’s thinking. He winks at you, disappearing into the house, and you’re running to meet him like it’s Christmas morning.
Your bodies collide in the luxuriously decorated living room. Matt scoops you into his arms, kissing along your neck as you adjust your legs around his waist. The air conditioning’s off but you still get chills when his lips gently run along your collarbone. “You sure you should’ve done that?” you ask, playing with his short neon green hair. He looks up at you, his expression serious enough that you can’t question a word he says next.
“I know what you were worried about. It could never be that with us. I’m so proud to have you.” You almost tilt your head down, flustered beyond words, but he kisses you before you can. Having his lips against yours, his tongue exploring parts of your mouth only he’s ever been able to reach, is getting you wet already. “So beautiful” he whispers, long fingers slipping between your thighs to stroke your slit. Your bikini might be moisture wicking but there’s no denying how wet you are.
Pushing the material to the side, he presses two fingers into you. You gasp into his mouth, palming the thick bulge in his pants. “You want it?” he teases. “Mmm” you hum, nibbling at his bottom lip, “Just shut up and give it to me.” You’re rarely this bold but it drives him crazy when you are. In the blink of an eye he has you against the wall, a breadcrumb trail of clothes behind you. Your hands ride smoothly across his sculpted body as he caresses the softness of yours, guiding his head to your quivering entrance.
When he raises his hips, pushing into you, you whine and all he can do is groan at how pretty you sound. The way it feels to have him inside of you…it’s like electricity prickling at the tips of your fingers. It’s the waves of his movements washing against your shore, giving and taking from you all at once. He holds you so effortlessly, makes you feel so light, that the only thing you have to focus on is the pleasure that reverberates through your core when he grinds into you.
“Oh…fuck. Just like that” you whimper, nails digging into his shoulders when he hits a particularly sensitive spot. Matt slams into you harder, hitting your sweet spot every time, “Like this?” “Yes…mmph…I’m gonna…” You lay your head on his shoulder and he strokes your hair, his other arm keeping you steady for him. “It’s okay, baby” he coos, kissing your shoulder, “Come.” You’re shaking, doing your best not to scratch him but you can’t help it, when you finally come apart, gushing around him.
You press your face into him, muffling your moans. Matt tugs your hair, gently tilting your head back, “I wanna hear you.” So you let him, filling his ear with every noise you can make. Some you didn’t even know you could. When your body collapses, your muscles reduced to jello, he carries you over to the couch and lays you on your back. “You good?” he asks, caressing your soft belly before resting his head on it. “Are you good? You’re kinda big for this couch aren’t you?” you tease, legs wrapping around him once again.
“Shut up!” he shoots back, lifting his head to kiss your stomach. Nuzzling against you, taking deep breaths of your scent, he stares up at you the way he did on the balcony. “Mine” he sighs, “Now everyone knows it…” And for once the thought of that isn’t scary. In fact, you’ve never been happier ♡
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jays-bookmarks · 1 year
There was only one bed, but... (Dan Heng x gn!reader)
It's basically this picture. You're both nerds who don't know how to flirt and continually dance around your feelings.
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Summary: March tries her best to set you up with the man you've been pining after since you first joined the Express, but her best-laid plans are foiled because both you and Dan Heng are socially incompetent. Words: 2.5k Warnings: secondhand embarrassment, awkward pining, reader is "short" (tiptoes to reach the top shelf lol), reader has some skimpy nightclothes
It had been a long day for you, March, and Dan Heng. After what happened during your mission, all you wanted was to flop down on a bed and sleep. As your group made its way to the inn, a very sheepish receptionist came to greet you. He apologized and explained that there were only two rooms left available.
“Oh, that's okay,” you said, glancing over at your teammates with a shrug. “I can share with March.”
March, however, quickly declined.
“No, uh—you should go with Dan Heng!” she said.
Your eyes widened at her words. “What? Why?”
You couldn’t hide the small blush on your face as you glanced over at Dan Heng. Luckily, he didn’t seem to notice your nervousness, having been equally surprised by March’s sudden proposition. He tilted his head, waiting for March to explain.
“Well…” March looked a little nervous under Dan Heng’s scrutiny. She gave you a meaningful look. “Since you’re so new to this, wouldn't it be safest to stay with Dan Heng? Don’t forget he’s the guard of the Astral Express! Besides, I, uh… snore pretty loud!”
She ended her sentence with an awkward giggle. You narrowed your eyes at her. You knew March was only taking this opportunity to set you up with Dan Heng, but you tried to play it cool and let him have the final say. There was no way he'd agree… right?
“...I suppose that makes sense,” Dan Heng said, turning to you. “Are you alright with that?”
“Huh? Uh—yeah!” You froze up under his gaze, then quickly glanced away. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and your face was so hot that you were sure Dan Heng didn’t miss your blush this time. You weren’t expecting him to agree so easily… but then again, why would he refuse? Despite the shiftiness of her delivery, March did make a sound argument. And Dan Heng clearly didn’t have any feelings he needed to keep hidden…
From the corner of your eye, you saw March pumping her first in victory before quickly hiding her hands behind her back. She bit her lip to suppress a grin. You shot her a glare, but she only giggled in response before ushering you all down the hall.
Once you saw the room you were staying in, your heart dropped. Of course, there was only one bed.
Dan Heng seemed completely unfazed, immediately moving to set his stuff down on the floor.
“You can have the bed,” he said, glancing back to where you stood frozen in the doorway. His gaze lingered on you for a moment. He seemed like he wanted to say something, but then he turned away and began taking off his coat.
You tentatively stepped into the room.
“A-are you sure? I… think there's enough room on the bed for both of us…” you said, but you could already feel yourself combusting at the thought of sharing a bed with Dan Heng. Sure, the bed was technically big enough for two people, but just barely. Trying to share this bed would definitely result in you two being squished uncomfortably close together.
You glanced over at Dan Heng, who shook his head and set his coat on the floor as a makeshift bedroll.
“I’ll be more comfortable on the floor," he said. Then, after a pause, he added in a quieter voice. "It would be best to keep a distance…"
Your face fell at his subtle rejection. Or, maybe you were just reading too much into it. He was probably just used to sleeping on the floor like he did in the archives. Or maybe he saw your awkwardness around him as you being uncomfortable with his presence. Or perhaps he just meant it would be easier for him to jump into action if the two of you weren’t tangled up together in bed. Oh gods, why did you word it like that? You shook the thought from your head and took a deep breath.
“Right, well… do you want an extra pillow or anything? A blanket?” You gestured to the bed.
Dan Heng shook his head again. “Don’t worry about me,” he said.
You sighed and turned to the closet anyway to look for an extra blanket. You had to stand on your toes to take it from the top shelf, but you managed without having to grab a stool. With that small victory spurring you on, you held the blanket out to him. But Dan Heng shook his head once more.
“You should take it,” he said. “It’ll be cold tonight.”
“And what are you gonna do? Just freeze?” you retorted.
He chuckled. “I’m used to sleeping in all sorts of conditions. I’ll be fine.”
He seemed adamant about letting you take the extra blanket. Unfortunately for Dan Heng, you also knew how to be stubborn. You frowned, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Come on… Just take it,” you said.
Dan Heng didn’t budge. You huffed, pouting a little.
He simply raised an eyebrow in response. You pursed your lips, trying to find another angle.
“Okay… how about this? If I get too cold tonight I’ll come and steal it from you. Deal?”
After a pause, he sighed and took the blanket. You grinned as you watched him lay the blanket down next to him. Grabbing your bag, you went to the bathroom to change and get ready for bed.
By the time you returned, Dan Heng was settled on the floor. He had Cloud-Piercer in his lap and was polishing the tip of the spear. You gestured to the bathroom as you passed.
“It’s all yours,” you said.
He looked up and you noticed his gaze briefly flick over your body. You blushed as you realized how little your sleepwear actually covered. Dan Heng quickly looked away, placing Cloud-Piercer against the wall as he stood.
“Thank you,” he said. He paused when you didn’t move from where you stood. “…You don’t have to wait for me. Rest.”
“Right… um, goodnight!”
Despite the way your heart still hammered in your chest, you fell asleep surprisingly quickly. But not long after, you awoke to the sound of movement from the floor beside your bed.
As you blinked the sleep from your eyes, you heard Dan Heng mumbling something in his sleep. Concerned, you leaned over the bed to check on him. His brows were furrowed, and he was covered in a cold sweat while he tossed and turned. Was he having a nightmare? You stared at him for a moment longer, pondering whether you should try to wake him up. He was always such a private person… would he appreciate you butting into his personal life like this?
Still, you thought it would be best not to leave him to suffer. Sliding out from under the covers, you crouched down next to him and laid a hand on his shoulder. You called his name, trying to gently wake him up.
“Dan Heng…”
In a flash, you were pinned to the floor, your wrist held at a painful angle behind your back while Dan Heng’s other hand gripped the back of your neck. You sucked in a breath, too shocked to even say anything. A beat passed.
You heard Dan Heng quietly say your name in a surprised voice. He seemed to realize what had happened and quickly released you. His hands hovered uncertainly around you as you pushed yourself back into a sitting position with a groan.
“A-are you alright?” he asked. “I’m sorry, I thought—”
“I know,” you said, trying to give him a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I was just—”
You shrugged and rubbed at your wrist to ease the pain. A look of guilt flashed over Dan Heng’s face.
“Anyway,” you continued. “I should be asking you that. Are you okay? Were… you having a nightmare?"
Dan Heng opened his mouth to reply, before closing it again. He seemed hesitant to say anything. You could tell he was still shaken up by his nightmare, whatever it was. Eventually, he let out a sigh.
“...No. It’s fine. Forget it happened,” he said.
You paused for a moment, biting your lip. If he didn’t want to talk, then you couldn’t exactly force him to open up. You nodded.
“As long as you're feeling okay…” You began to stand, but paused halfway to look back at him. “Um, but if you want to stay up and chat about other stuff… just as a distraction… I wouldn't mind.”
Though you were making the offer for him, part of you secretly wanted this late-night conversation. It was a way to get to know him better. As a friend, of course. You looked at Dan Heng, hoping he would accept.
“...I suppose I wouldn't mind a distraction at the moment.”
You let out a small sigh of relief. Flashing a smile, you returned to sit down beside him on the floor. After a brief pause, you realized that Dan Heng had expected you to start the conversation.
"Um. Okay, well…" you floundered for something to say. You were never good at holding a conversation, and the fact that Dan Heng was sitting so close to you wasn’t helping you in the slightest. You tried to tell yourself not to think about it—he had already rejected you, anyway, you could take a hint—but your body was reacting on its own. You hoped that he didn’t notice the flush on your cheeks in the dark room.
Dan Heng remained silent for a while longer, waiting for you to finish your thought, but when it became clear you had nothing to say, he let out a quiet chuckle.
“It seems we’re both quite bad at conversation, aren’t we?” he said.
You laughed as well, feeling a bit of the tension between you dissipating.
"Yeah… I guess I should've thought of that when I offered…"
The two of you fell into silence once more. Since you were so preoccupied with searching for a topic of conversation, you were unaware of how Dan Heng was struggling not to stare at you in your sleepwear. The chill in the room seeped into your exposed skin, and you shivered slightly, bringing your knees up to your chest.
Before you could react, Dan Heng had leaned over you. You froze, your mind going completely blank as you felt his breath fanning over your cheek. His arms trapped you on both sides and you tried not to move lest you accidentally touched him. Your eyes flicked down to his lips…
But then Dan Heng pulled back, and you felt something being draped over your shoulders. He had grabbed the spare blanket from behind you and was now wrapping it around you. His hands, no longer covered by his gloves, grazed your bare skin as he did so, leaving a pleasant tingling in their wake. When you finally managed to snap out of your shock, you reached up to secure the blanket with your own hands, and Dan Heng retreated into his space once again.
You thanked him quietly, hoping your voice didn’t shake too much. He nodded in response before glancing away with a cough. If you weren’t panicking so hard over what had just happened, you would’ve laughed and called him cute.
But you were panicking, and right now teasing him was the last thing on your mind. You tried desperately to think of something, anything, to change the topic and move away from this tension between you two.
You blurted out the first thought that came to your mind.
“Uh... what's your favorite animal?”
You blushed immediately after the words left your mouth.
“Um. Sorry, that was kind of a stupid question…” you said. “I'm... not very good at... talking."
Dan Heng chuckled. You let out a relieved laugh as well, glad that you hadn’t made things more awkward, at least.
“The white tiger,” he said. “They’re quite striking, and very elusive... To the people of the Xianzhou, it is known as the Guardian of the West, representing the season of autumn.”
You nodded as he spoke, trying to indicate that you were paying attention to his words and not the way his lips were currently curled into a smile. He turned his gaze to you and you quickly looked away.
“What about you?” he asked.
You blinked, pleasantly surprised that he was willing to continue the conversation. Glancing up at the ceiling with a hum, you thought about your answer.
"I like dragons,” you said. “Oh, actually—aren’t the Vidyadhara, like, dragon people? Can they turn into dragons?”
“Only some could turn into dragons. The power was a rare inheritance, passed down only to those who could successfully complete numerous rites and challenges.”
“Oh? Like what?”
Dan Heng began to explain. You nodded along, your fatigue beginning to catch up to you as you listened to his soothing voice. After a moment, you yawned and leaned against him with a sigh. Your tired brain had pushed the memory of your awkwardness from just moments ago to the back of your mind. You didn't notice the way Dan Heng stiffened at your touch, nor the way his breath hitched as he stopped mid-sentence.
A moment of silence passed, then your eyes flew open as you realized what you had just done. You quickly withdrew, stammering apologies.
"I'm so sorry! I don’t know what— I'm sorry!" Your face was flushed and you couldn’t meet Dan Heng’s gaze.
"No… it's fine.” Dan Heng’s voice was quiet and seemed to waver slightly. He took a breath before clearing his throat. "Don't worry about it…"
You took a breath as well, willing your heart to calm down. "Right, um..."
You glanced down at the floor as you fidgeted with your hands. That tension was back again. You were acutely aware of how close you came to touching each other every time one of you shifted on the bedroll. The silence stretched on as you once again wracked your brain for something to say.
“It’s getting a bit late…” you finally said. “Should we go to bed?”
You weren’t trying to drop any hints, per se, but you didn’t think your heart could handle any more accidents tonight.
“Yes... let’s try to be well-rested for tomorrow,” Dan Heng said.
He stood and offered you his hand. You paused, a little surprised, before you flashed a nervous smile and took it. You couldn't help but stare at the way his muscles flexed in his arm… You quickly shook the thoughts out of your mind and handed the spare blanket back to Dan Heng. You sat down on the bed, leaving him to settle back on the floor.
“Goodnight, Dan Heng,” you said. “And... thanks for chatting with me.”
“Goodnight. And—” Dan Heng paused for a moment, seemingly debating something in his mind. After a moment, he continued with a faint smile. “It was... nice to talk to you as well.”
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fandom-blackhole · 6 months
Ok ok König half strung thoughts from someone who should be working on like three different school papers and a project->
+18 MDNI (check tags for warnings)
- König who literally has a run in with you bumping into his chest while texting and walking, squeaking out an apology to the giant of a man before scurrying away and he just immediately has his interest peaked and his eyes just follow you until you are no longer within eye sight, unable to work up the nerve to go speak to you without the fear of fucking things up.
- König who some how finds you once more in like a grocery store after not being able to stop thinking about you for the last week or so, to the point hes wondered if hes finally fallen off that line of insanity hes been toeing for years, and just follows and watches you from a distance unable to keep his eyes off of you for very long and manages to catch your name after you run into a friend of yours in the check out line.
- König who as soon as he gets home from the store barely has the mind to throw his cold items from the store into the fridge before pulling open his laptop with the intention of just looking you up on social media, but finds himself on a deep dive of investigating everything about you as he's convinced himself that if he can just find out the things you like, where you work, where you're from, and if you have a type when it comes to partners then he can get over his anxiety and not make a fool of himself and actually talk to you. Though he quickly finds out that the last part of that list of information turns his stomach as he already invested in his attraction to you and seeing you be romantic with others hurts and burns in more ways than one.
- König who when he looks up and sees the sunrising feels a little guilty for spending the whole night investigating you-he refusing to call it stalking even though his interest in you is becoming borderline obsessive as he's convinced himself that you are his one. Now he just needs to figured out how to put his new found knowledge into action.
- König who found out that you like this one local cafe goes in and just waits for you to come in and lucks out when he goes to order another coffee after being there for a few hours only to find you in line behind him so when he pays for his own drink he kinda of awkwardly loiters and jumps in after you order shoving his card down a little too harshly and says he'll pay for yours. You who turns to protest but he won't have it, pushing his card further towards the cashier until they take it.
- König who rushes from the Cafe after getting his card back forgetting his own ordered coffee and cutting off your thanks somewhat abruptly with a stiff head nod and jittery hands as he rushes from the Cafe.
- König who stands outside around the corner hidden grinding his teeth as he feels embarrassment creep over him as he feels like he fucked up the encounter he tried to plan so thoroughly for.
- König who for the next few days replays the whole event in his head over and over and over with a pit in his stomach. Though he also can't get the image of you looking up at him with those eyes of yours with surprise, how he swears he remembers how soft your eyes went, how your pupils widened just a but when you looked at him, convincing himself that maybe you are attracted to him too and maybe he should plan out another encounter.
- König who is deep in his own thoughts coming up with another plan to meet you once he's ready and over his embarrassment, only to have you come up to him with a shy smile while he's shopping a few weeks later causing him to kinda of short circuit because he's not planned for this to happen, he's not ready, he's gonna fuck up more he's sure of it, but you just shyly thank him again for buying your coffee the other day and he watches closely as your eyes kinda dart around refusing to look at him when you ask if he'd maybe like to go to dinner with you some time.
- König who manages to come out of his daze with a burst of confidence that comes from no where and accepts, suggesting a restaurant that he knows you love from all the stalk- research he did, as well as a day and time he knew would fit into your schedule, again from the research, making something spark within him as your eyes light up with excitement at his suggestions as you agree.
- König who spends the time between then and the date planning everything and being a fidgety wreck, but also taking a lot of cold showers because the way your eyes lit up because of him has him so whipped for you but the showers don't work like he needs them too so he finds himself pouring of audio porn sights for sounds of moans until he finds one he thinks you might sound like and then just looses himself with his eyes closed fucking into his fleshlight a few times. All this causing his borderline obsession to grow stronger.
- König who the day of the date fusses with his outfit until he finds one he likes and then rushes out to buy you your favorite flowers or flowers that are your favorite color and then goes and waits at the restaurant while being almost an hour early.
- König who when you finally arrive and he sees your eyes light up because he's there and he stands up awkwardly to pull your chair out for you, who watches the softest most sincere smile spread across your face and knows that he's done for.
- König who plays the perfect gentleman and listens to you talk about yourself all dinner even though he already knows everything you're saying. And at the end of the date he walks you to your car (or calls you transportation, paying in advance for you) and leans down to kiss you but ends up hesitating and finds himself regretting how much he's fantasized about your mouth because now he's popping a boner.
- König who can even make it home, who has to pull over because his phone pings (you'd exchanged numbers during dinner) and finds you sent him a message saying you'd enjoyed the date and would love to meet with him again and riding that high he can't hold back from fisting his cock and cumming all over his steering wheel only to blush hard as he cleans up the mess.
- König who finds himself on several more dates with you until you've found yourselves dating for a month now and he's using his research knowledge once more to buy a *thing* that you've wanted forever and he's excited because this date is the first time you're coming over to him little home, so he thoroughly cleans and prepares to cook your favorite food and dessert.
- König who finds out wasn't the only one who had a present when after he gives you the gift has you pushing him onto the couch as he looks at you somewhat surprised and startled until you climb onto his lap and start making out with him.
- König who thanks every deity that he keeps up with his workout routine when he stands up and carries you to his room laying you on his bed and removes your clothes to find his present which is black lingerie under your clothes.
- König who has to burt his head in your neck to calm himself because fuck do you look so good, but he can't keep his hands from wandering, letting his fingers brush over your ripples pulling on them to hear your sighs and moans as he has to grind into the bed.
- König who oils up his fingers and presses them into your hole, watching you swallow them up before curling them around til he sees you jolt slightly and your eyes roll back.
- König who just gets lost in the rhythm and the sight of you that he looses focus on anything else until you're begging for his cock and then he's realizing just how painfully hard he is so with haste he's gonna look back on and make himself cringe he pulls out his cock squeezing it with a groan and not bothering with his pants removes over you and presses his head to your shoulder as he slides into you feeling your walls squeeze him so good he swears he's seeing the pearly gates.
- König who has to drag this out, has to enjoy this to its fullest sets a slow steady pace, his face still buried in your neck so all your noises are going right into his ear and God was that audio he'd been imaging was you was completely off.
- König who is lost to anything bit your noises and the feeling of his tip brushing deep inside you keeps his pace even as you beg for more as you claw at his back as your clit/cock brushes tantalizingly against the hairs of his happy trail.
- König who finds the only thing to break him from his bubble of pleasure is you tightening around his cock, all but strangling it as you cum, the feeling and your noises driving him to runt into you helplessly until with a groan of your name so hard it hurts his throat his cock accidentally slips out of your hole and as he presses forward desperately to back inside of you he paints your hole white with his cum.
- König who looks down and sees you white covered fluttering hole refuses to move deciding it's a later problem and while he is still hard thrusts harshly back into you as you whine and he sighs and flips the two of you over so you're laying on his chest and he mumbles to sleep.
- König who is sweat and cum covered with your comforting sleeping weight on him you and your divine little hole still squeezing his cock decides that sometimes stalking is ok, just as long as you never find out.
Please reblog if you like this 🫣👉👈
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thelittlewriter · 2 years
Pairing : Bakugou x Reader
Previous Part
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When he woke up, it was already the afternoon. He could see it through the window. His body felt lighter. He was surprisingly still a little tired, but he immediately thought of you. He felt like he needed to get to you as early as he could. He knew he promised not to see you until tomorrow, but he didn't want you to feel lonely and he wouldn't stay long to let you rest. He just needed to see you for a moment. To make sure you were ok.
He couldn't look at his phone, the batteries had gone flat a while ago, and he didn't think about charging his phone. He did, as he got ready to go see you. He looked into the mirror. He looked better, less scary. You wouldn't send him back home right away.
When he turned on his phone, he thought he'd need to call his parents. They probably wouldn't worry too much, as nobody knew about the incident, but he still didn't say a thing to them for a week. As he turned his phone on, he looked at the date.
He had left you on Tuesday morning. He had slept for more than a day. Tomorrow was today. He was supposed to come to see you this morning. He rushed to the hospital. He wondered if anybody came to see you today.
"You're back," the nurse said when he got into the building.
He nodded, as he came inside your room. It was empty.
"Where's Y/N ?"
Were you hurt ? He couldn't help but think about how frail you were when you were injured. How scared you were.
"Just running some tests. Don't worry, it won't take much longer."
He sighed in relief. He noticed this foreign feeling inside his chest. It was more than just worry.
"Maybe they were right not to let me back to work yet," he thought.
Whatever it was, he needed to sort it out quickly so he could get back to work. He looked through the window of the hospital room. The world didn't stop while he was here. He needed to go back out there.
"Guess who's here !" he suddenly heard behind him.
He didn't recognize this voice. He turned around.
"I can talk now," you said.
You were in a wheelchair.
"Only short sentences and not too much," the nurse who guided you here said.
The damage to your throat had really damaged your vocal cords. He still remembered how wounded you were, how scared you were. He closed his eyes for a second. You were fine now.
You stood up and walked to him. He could see you still had a little trouble walking but you were trying hard to hide it. You were feeling better, you could walk a little distance now so you didn't want him to worry too much. You took him in your arms. You would never admit it out loud but you had felt lonely these past days without him. Except for Hawks and him, you didn't have many people who would visit.
"Are you ok ?" he asked.
"What ?"
He cleared his throat.
"Do you need help getting to bed ?"
Oh. He thought you were holding onto him for help. You sighed. He was truly clueless.
"Yeah," you said. "Just a little help."
It was almost embarrassing how he was genuinely helping you. He made you sit on the bed and he sat on the chair. He wasn't saying anything, he was just looking at you. You had no idea what he was thinking about and you looked away, pretending not to notice.
You faked a cough to fill the silence and he jumped out of the chair.
"Does it hurt ?" he asked. "Do you want me to call a nurse ?"
"Relax, I just coughed a little. It's fine."
He sat back and looked down.
"I'm sorry, Y/N."
You frowned as he finally looked at you. You saw the despair in his eyes. The guilt.
"You got hurt because of me. I'm sorry."
You sighed. In class, you had learned about losing someone during a mission. You knew it could happen. You were prepared for this. But you didn't expect to see Bakugou feeling guilty for something like that. He was quick-witted, he was smart, and had the ability to review his past missions to improve. That was something you knew he could do, having worked by his side.
"It was not your fault," you told him. "You did the best you could with the information you had."
He didn't seem convinced.
"Tell me the truth," you said. "If it was any other mission, knowing the same information, would you do it again ?"
He frowned. He knew you were right. He was smart enough to know it was the safest plan. You didn't understand why he would blame himself when he had done everything he could.
"I would," you said. "I will do it again."
He nodded and you smiled at him.
The truth was that you were the one who made a mistake. You trusted the pieces of information you had a little too much and you got caught off guard. While the beating you took managed to buy the time to get those civilians out, you still got knocked out too fast.
But trusting him was not a mistake.
"Tell me," you suddenly said, wanting to change the topic. "What did you eat today ? The food here isn't as bad as we think but I'm still hungry."
He looked at you with a blank face, not answering.
"Hello ?" you said.
This time, he looked away.
"Don't tell me you didn't eat today ?" you asked.
It was true. When he woke up, all he thought about was seeing you. It had been a while since his last meal. He didn't even think about that.
You were about to scold him when you hear a gentle knock on the door.
"Am I interrupting something ?"
Your face lit up immediately. It was Hawks.
"I thought you got back."
"It's not really far," Hawks said. "And I had business here anyway."
Bakugou looked at the two of you. You looked very happy to see him. Happier than when he was there. He shook his head. He needed to chase those thoughts away. It didn't matter. It was good that you had someone to take care of you. The two of them had been the only person who came and see you. It was good for you that he was there too, no matter how weird he felt about that.
"I'm gonna buy a snack or something," he announced.
He felt a dark stare on his back. He knew it was you so he added :
"I'll cook myself something when I'll go back home."
And he left the two of you. He was happy that you had someone who would come visit, he was. But that feeling was eating all the good feelings he had. It was jealousy. There was no need to deny it. No matter how much he thought about it, the two of you never seemed to know each other very well during the few missions together. Were you the type to hide it ? He didn't know. He didn't know much about you. When he got back there, the two of you were still talking. He silently sat down. You were eyeing the small bag of potato chips he had in his hand. You didn't say anything about it, but you were looking at it so fiercely that he knew you wanted some too.
"I have to fly back home," Hawks announced. "Call me when you get out."
So he even had your phone number. He guessed the two of you must be really close. He was silently eating while you were looking at him.
"You're not getting any if you don't ask," he finally said.
"I don't want any," you answered.
He could tell by your face that he was a lie. He sighed as he handed you the bag. You shook your head.
"Stop lying and take it."
You shook your head again.
"You didn't eat all day," you said. "Even if you don't feel it, you are hungry. So I don't want any."
He smiled. Your face was painfully honest. You wanted to eat it too. But you wanted him to eat more.
"Thank you for being here," you suddenly said.
You weren't directly looking at him, just in his direction. You had a small smile on your face.
"It really made me happy."
He didn't say a thing but he could feel his ears heating up.
"You know, Hawks and I aren't really close. We just have a similar story. The commission rescued me when I was younger and that's how I met him."
Bakugou knew that you got in through recommendation but he never knew what it was about. He never asked.
"We don't have people around," you said. "So we are each other's people. We show up."
"Now, you have me."
You frowned and let out an embarrassed laugh.
"It's usually silly, like when I need help for small stuff."
You looked away.
"Still, I'm here. Even for silly stuff."
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Taglist : @zbeez-outlet​ @weebssecretattic​ @jihyuniepark​
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Hey ! I'm finally posting, I hope you liked it ! Thank you for reading and have a good day !
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kirk-says-wah · 3 months
Hi author, how are you?:D
I hope good:>
Anyways, little request: 15, 19 & 32 with Cliff and Kirk this time. Aka, Cliff went back to the hotel earlier, and got needy, and Kirk with his super lovely powers (I love these♡), tells him what to do until he gets back, and when Kirk comes back, they have sex like crazy, 'cause poor Cliff got so pent up!:0
See ya!
Thank you for the ask! 💕
Send me a pairing and a number and I’ll write a little something
15 - Mental/psychic sex
19 - Multiple orgasms/marathon sex
32 - Coming untouched
Cliff doesn’t really know the extent to Kirk’s powers. He knows he can read minds and can talk to him in his head, but Cliff wonders if there’s a distance limit.
His question is answered when he goes back to the hotel early one day, mostly because he’s tired, and Kirk and Lars had been squabbling all day and he just needs some peace.
Only problem is, after about an hour of flicking through the tv mindlessly in just his underwear, he can’t help but give himself a squeeze. He wishes Kirk would come back already, just wants to fuck him into oblivion.
He sighs, dipping his hand under the hem of his shorts.
Couldn’t wait for me?
Kirk’s voice sounds in his head, and Cliff jumps, looking around blearily only to realise Kirk must be speaking to him from the bar.
He must be able to tell what Cliff’s going.
Cliff slides a hand down his length, feeling it fill up, tenting his underwear.
You’re such a dirty boy. Getting off to the thought of fucking me.
Cliff chokes back a moan, licking his palm before delving back down to hold his cock, pumping it slowly, imagining it’s Kirk’s hand on it. And then he pictures Kirk’s mouth on him, lips spread wide as he deepthroats Cliff’s cock, slobbering all over the place as tears prick in his eyes.
Want me to choke on your cock?
Cliff’s eyes squeeze shut, his hand speeding up.
Want me to take all of you until I can’t breathe?
Cliff’s hips buck up into his hand, a strangled moan falling from his lips.
You’ll just have to wait till I get home. I bet you can’t wait.
Cliff is close now, Kirk’s voice helping to send him closer to the edge, his purpling cockhead pushing up into his closed fist.
Guess you’ll have to fuck me hard. You already get to come twice.
Cliff swears, panting, his hips jerking as his orgasm finally hits him, and he spills over his hand.
Good boy.
Cliff heaves for breath, slightly embarrassed for getting off to just Kirk’s voice, but then he realises he’ll just have to take it out on the guitarist when he gets back to the hotel.
He smirks.
— —
When Kirk finally opens the door, Cliff is dragging him inside, already pulling at Kirk’s clothes as Kirk laughs, stopping Cliff from opening his fly by pulling him up for a sloppy kiss.
“Enjoy that?” Kirk asks, breathless.
“You have no idea.”
They’re quick then; Cliff gets Kirk undressed and spread on the bed, burying his fingers into his tight hole as Kirk moans, biting his lip, legs slung around Cliff’s hips until finally Cliff pushes into him, splitting him open.
Kirk’s hands scramble for purchase, pulling in Cliff’s long hair, and Cliff leans over him to smother his moans with a kiss.
Cliff pistons his hips, chasing his release, moving to suck a dark bruise on the side of Kirk’s neck as Kirk squeezes around him, chanting Cliff’s name over and over.
Cliff doesn’t even have to touch Kirk’s cock before Kirk’s coming, spurting his come all over his stomach, pulsing around Cliff’s cock.
Cliff has to breathe deeply, keeps trying to move his hips past the tightness, loving the way Kirk’s channel sucks him in even deeper.
Cliff’s smirks at Kirk’s fucked out face, and quickly pulls his hips up to fuck him harder, finally coming deep inside Kirk’s hole.
Kirk whines softly, pulling on Cliff’s hair as Cliff makes sure to press his come in as deep as it will go before collapsing onto Kirk’s chest.
Kirk kisses the top of his head, carding a hand through his hair and Cliff smiles, leaning up to kiss him gently.
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immortalme123 · 2 years
i just write this to cheer myself since every story i read, yn is 140-150cm tall😭 and i am 173cm herself-
And i actually found out that camilo is 162cm-
So yeah, i will make reader 175 cm tall- and in this story y'all dating btw cause I am lazy to write story from the start💀😅😅😭😭😭
I will write headcanons and one shot maybe
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-he hates and loves the fact that you are taller than him
-he try to tip-toe to kiss you but you were too tall for him so he have to ask you- and let me tell you, he will be blushing mess
-he love to hug you and listen to your heartbeat 💓
-antonie and him sometimes ask you to piggyback
-and when pepa saw you two first time, she see herself and Felix in you guys and she almost cried✨
-he loves to hold your hand when you guys doing your chores or walking around and he told you that he won't get lost if he hold your hand.
-he thinks you are kinda scary when you mad
-when you first met His family, everyone was shocked and happy that camilo have loved who will care for him and love him.
-felix was proud and pepa was little crying and adored you but when you guys first met Like at market or during her chores, she was kinda suspicious of you and snappy now she loves you like her own daughter, Bruno thinks your great but keep little distance of you since you are way taller than him, even tho he live with luisa- and Isabela likes to tease you both to end (with Dolores)
-you think your gonna get bullied because your tall? Oh heck nah you easily can win whoever try to hurt you or camilo-
-he loves to wrap his arms around your waist and you put your head on his head (this sound weird)
-he sometimes cling in to you while you doing your chores
-you have to look little down to look at his face, and he have to look up
-he whine about how his neck hurt from looking up but he isn't complaining tho-your just so pretty
-he always say your pretty and some cheesy stuff
-if you are insecure about your height, oh boy he GONNE lecture you and told you how amazing you are and your height make it better for hour or maybe more
-you and Luisa kinda get along since you guys are tall duo in town
-if he is in bad moon, he just hug you from behind or headbutt your back to let you know
Short story:
"AYYYY amor!" You head voice behind you and that voice belong to only camilo madrigal, your boyfriend.
"oh hey love" you opened your arms and he jumped in to it, clinging to you and putting his head at your chest
"ughhh i missed you..it's like it's been years!!!!" He whined, you laughed softly "but it's been only 1 hour?-" he rolled his eyes and hugged you thigter.
"amor....u-uh can i kiss you?" He was embarrassed to ask that but he was kinda getting used to it, you bent over and he cupped your face and kisses also while tip-toe. Y'all didn't realize pepa and Felix were spying on you guys-
"aren't they perfect mi amor?" Felix said holding his wife hand, and wiping her tear
"oh yes....they are perfect....they remind of us while we were teenagers.." pepa smiled lovingly at us, and there was little cloud
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callmeklair · 11 months
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Chapter six
“I miss him. I miss my father.”
It was starting to get annoying for Shin in all this noise, he had lived long enough in the quietness of Bandmaden that now such rowdiness only put him on edge as it did in school. Not to mention the stench of humans and their creepy emotions swirling in the air was making his nose itch. Also he only wanted to spend more time with this girl who has the founder's blood to find opportunities and trick her into their den.
There was only one option left now.
He slowly covered Yui's mouth and dragged both of them away from the scenario into a nearby cloth shop. Yui almost screamed when a hand covered her lips but inhaling the familiar scent of walnuts, calmed down. 
After making sure Shu didn't notice their disappearance because of all the girls crowding him, Shin gave a sigh of relief. 
“don't do that again! I almost screamed and got scared.” 
“I'm sorry Yui but I had no option, if I would have told you then he would have definitely noticed.” 
Yui gave him a puzzled look, not understanding his underhand intentions which only made Shin sigh in defeat at her gulliblity. He stepped forward closing off the distance between their bodies as his mouth moved near her right ear and whispered in a low voice, smiling. 
“cause… I wanted to be alone with you.”  
Yui blushes deeply at his seductive voice and the distance between their bodies becoming speechless not knowing what to concentrate on — the distance between their bodies or his words? 
“what can I help you with?” a female shop attendant interrupted them ruining Shin's mood as his opportunity was snatched. 
Yui looked around and saw that it was a casual clothes shop, so there's no way they can get a prom dress from here. maybe Shin took them here in the spur of the moment? 
“Please bring us some casual clothes” The attendant nodded and took out some random casual dresses and cloth sets from racks after scanning them for a few seconds to take in the guess of their sizes.
“cause… I wanted to be alone with you” 
Yui's face started becoming hot as what Shin said earlier became clear after seeing how he requested for casual clothes. 
The shopkeeper came out with several dresses and Yui was very confused and nervous about what to choose. She hasn't gone out for months to shop for herself after moving in with the vampires' as she was busy being kidnapped, whether inside the residence among the brothers or outside from the other family, Mukamis'. so currently she was wearing the same outfit she wore when she went out with Shin to the carnival. 
she thought it's just a dance practice so that outfit set would be the most comfortable to pack up in the school bag but… things turned out unexpectedly. 
she was very embarrassed now but with a sad look on her face. even if it was a practice she should have thought about it more than being excited to be with him. what must he think of her? no doubt he brought her into this shop to get her new clothes. 
“oh this looks perfect! with this he won't be able to find us”
‘us?’ Yui looked to see that Shin was picking out clothes not only for her but also for himself. And just with that her all sad thoughts vanished instantly. 
‘ah, he didn't want Shu-san to find us. That's why he requested a change of clothes not because I'm wearing the same… it somehow makes me happy’
now that Yui thinks of it, he never questioned her clothes when she changed into them for practice and neither showed any slight expression of disappointment or confusion. atleast not infront of her. 
Shin secretly took Yui's right hand and then dumped the clothes he chose in them. This got Yui's attention and she jumped at his physical touch in a shy way. 
he picked out a short sea blue dress with puffed half sleeves. there was a ribbon on the waistline, tied as a bow at the corner of the waist on the front side. the hem of the dress was covered with a few inches of thin white border. 
It was simple yet very pretty. just like her preference. 
Yui smiled as she rushed in the changing room to try them out, still shy from his physical touch. 
weird, he is starting to give her butterflies in the stomach. 
the dress fitted her. it's exactly her size. he had a good eye for her size… no that absolutely came out wrong. Yui blushes more as the steam starts evaporating from her head now. 
‘crazy. I'm starting to get crazy.’ 
Shin has already changed into his set of clothes as he waited for Yui to change while remembering how she jumped at his touch just now. the expression on her face was very cute. he wanted to see it more. from day one he had been seeing a lot of expressions of her and not to mention her way of reacting makes him wants to mess with her more to see those sherbet round eyes of her become wide, red dying her puffy cheeks. 
‘what did I just…!? No, the only goal is to carry out the bloodline and that woman is necessary for it. it's the only sole reason I'm hanging around with her and bearing with that sluggish vampire. nothing more nothing less.’ 
Yui came out but as soon as she did, she wished she didn't. the shopkeeper was at the door in case she needed anything but, “Matching couple fits. that's cute! Your boyfriend has a good eye” 
Shin was wearing a sea blue t-shirt and black pants.
they were matching! No more than that, the shopkeeper misunderstood Shin as her boyfriend.
she had just calmed herself down after a lot of efforts of slapping her cheeks and taking deep breaths inside the changing room. Even it took time for Shin to realise that he had actually selected matching clothes. It was totally an accident. He liked blue colour so he only chose the t-shirt of that specific colour but for Yui… he just thought she would look good in it. it matches her preferences too. 
thoughts about Yui's part only made matters worse for him. He is a founder! such things can't waver him and his pride. 
Shin took a calming breath as he told the shopkeeper to just check out as they are in a hurry. 
Yui didn't ask Shin why he didn't bother to explain but she understood that it'll just make matters worse. Though the thought of him as her boyfriend was intriguing to her. 
Until now she had never thought of such things. she did dream about finding someone she'll love after hearing all those exciting discussions of the group of girls that gathered beside her bench in middle school to gush about things with each other but as she grew she decided to be a nun instead. 
But now, after the eventful past months she went through, even that is not possible. so the thought of Shin as her boyfriend is appealing. she never thought she'll get to interact with a normal person and more than that, hang out like this. 
she really has ignored the danger related to the founders. no more than that, aren't founders suddenly so quiet. there hasn't been any action from their side since she met Shin…  
no no, she can't let her overthinking ruin her once in a while normal moments. she can discuss all these with Shu later. 
- In Town :
Shin is looking out and making sure Shu is not around to suddenly pop up and ruin his chances with Yui. Meanwhile Yui is looking around the view of lively town. It's been long since she had felt this free.
when she went to carnival with Shin, she was actually on edge every second due to the brothers keeping an eye on her and the threat of unknown founders. but the more she spent time with Shin, the more she calmed and felt free. 
This is the second time, and again in his presence she is feeling free. 
“tch, so many people. lowlives.” Shin complained but made sure the last part of lowlives comes out quitely or else his facade will be lifted. but it was too late, Yui had already heard it but kept quiet. 
Yui was always aware of the arrogance air around Shin just like it is around the brothers. even though she is being selfish for herself, she is not that stupid to not recognise the familiar atmosphere of arrogance around him. 
“dad! dad! there's a sale on those new toys cars, can we pleaseeee~ get it” a boy tucked at his father's shirt with his little hands pleading, and the father lifted his son up with a happy look and hugged him in his arms. 
“of course, anything for my son!” and they proceeded to enter the toy shop. 
Shin and Yui watched this scene as both started to reminiscent. Yui has been feeling this heavy burden after she find out about her adoption. it didn't matter if she adopted, he always treated her like his own. but abandoning her here suddenly… after all he was one of the people alongside church who requested her to move out. 
“You know Shin-kun, I was raised by an only parent, my father. even though he was most of the time busy with the church work, he always took out time for me and spoiled me. I moved out to a totally different country for study opportunities and on request of church, which included my father. After moving here with my distant relatives, I found out that I'm adopted.” 
Shin didn't knew what to say. no one has ever shared any of their personal feelings with him. When he looked at Yui, he saw her eyes gazing distantly, it was like what she was saying was a silent outburst she has been suppressing. even Yui wasn't aware why she was suddenly telling him all the personal matters, when she don't even know him that deeply but maybe it's because of the comfort and hope he brings out in her. the freedom she feels. she felt an urge to lighten this burden on her chest. 
“I am not able to contact him, I tried a few times already. It makes me wonder, was I really that blinded to not notice anything because I was happy and content. I miss him. I miss my father.” just like now. there are several times she wondered if she is again blinding herself from the possible threat that might be just infront of her but she is finally happy and content after a long time of going through hell. 
“My father also always spoiled me.” Shin started. he didn't know how to comfort Yui, but he also has a common ground about his feelings towards his father just like Yui does. 
“But as you know, I have an older brother, so I always felt like that even though my father was always strict with him, it was because he is the eldest sibling. who should pave a path and set an example for his younger sibling” and as a king. 
“My father pampered me a lot, and was never strict with me. At first I didn't pay it much attention but then I thought that I was being underestimated. Yui, you were blinded by the selfishness of happiness to look up at your father, while I was blinded by the selfishness of being seen as a powerful equal to look up at my father.” 
Yui looked at Shin, finally out of her dark haze as she glanced at his eyepatch and wondered if it's related to what he said. but at same time she was glad, she was glad to have someone share her burden with who also understood it with his own experience of pain. it gives them more understanding about each other's in depth feelings because of similar experiences. Yui was really happy, she was. 
Shin and Yui looked at each other with an understanding smile, knowing they found someone to relate with. Shin held Yui's hand, but Yui went in for a hug. Shin was surprised but eventually gave in. It was awkward for him as he didn't know what to do, it's his first time receiving something like this.
“before I left, my father told me that ‘family is a special kind of bond. We’re connected, even when we’re not with each other.’ maybe that's why I still believe in him" was Yui saying it herself, aloud to boost her belief in her father or to convey the same message her father left behind for her to him, because the way he sounded, it was like his father was no more. 
or maybe it was both. 
after a few moments of silence as they relaxed in each other's grip, they parted. blushing. Yui tried to wave off the awkwardness as she randomly took a topic. Shin’s hair. 
“my strawberry blond hair? ah you might be confused because my brother's hair colour is totally silver. parallel yet of same palette. My hair is mix of my mother and father's while my brother only got his genes from his mother, welp that's how they phrased it always” 
Yui laughed at Shin's dramatic sigh and hand actions. 
“genes are typical fufu, I wonder what hair colour Shin-kun's child will have?” 
did she just make the atmosphere around them worse? yes she did. both of them were flustered and dodging each other's eye contact. Shin scratched the back of his neck as he stumbled. 
internally he thought how he and his brother were dead set on getting this woman to bear a child to continue founder's bloodline but when she blurts out question like this, it actually makes him flustered and curious. they never thought about it that deeply except the continuation of the lineage. 
maybe these are things to be mulled over actually. 
“so this is where you guys are. such a drag.” 
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roguelov · 1 year
I've seen the idea of Morpheus x Matthew's daughter reader before and I love it because "Your chatty raven employee is your father in law and Your emo boss is your son in law" tickles me to no end, and grandpa Matthew babysitting their child would be so adorable, but yk, since my mind is infinitely in the gutter, it could goes like Morpheus is just so naughty and shameless. He loves christening the whole dreaming with reader and he always manages to melt her into a puddle despite her protesting that her dad might walk in on them, assuring her that he would sense Mathew from a distance if he's coming. But for a few time the poor raven nearly catches these two in the act. Morpheus is probably able to remain stoic and pristine, but reader looks very flustered. So Matthew has a very good guess of what they've been up to and reader and Morpheus can infer that Mathew's most likely aware of their activities given his suspicious tone. But they are not gonna talk about it.
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Oh my god 😂😂😂 I love this! Dream the king of smugness vs the suspicious father constantly battling it out while you are stuck in the middle silently begging for death
Your back pressed into the wall of this confusing hallway. While, Dream nuzzled his face into your neck. His mouth nibbled along your neck, enjoying the soft breathy sounds you made.
“Dream - ah, oh, okay, wait. Aren’t you supposed to meet with my - ah!” You moaned as his tongue swirled around his fresh bite. Your knees nearly buckled under his teases.
“You worry too much,” he murmured into your skin. “If Matthew comes I will know.”
“Yes, yes, I know you know but -“ His legs slotted between your legs. You gasped at the minimal friction. Your hands latched onto the front of his coat. “Shit,” you hissed.
“Such vile words, my dear, perhaps I will put your mouth to better use,” he teased.
Your heart flipped.
“Boss! You here?”
Only for your heart to drop into the pit of your stomach. An icy chill rushed over your hot, flushed skin.
Dream sighed deeply. He pulled away from you, and straightened out his clothes. His eyes flickered over to you. Amusement twinkled in his eyes. He reached out fixing you while you stared in horror and shock. His eyes dropped to your neck, and a flicker of a smirk tugged on his lips. Clearing his throat, he stepped out of your hiding spot. “Yes, Matthew?”
Matthew swooped over, landing on the floor. “Sorry, boss, but Lucienne -“
The raven’s eyes darted over, catching you not particularly hidden well in shadows. His beady eyes jumped between the two of you. You avoided your father’s gaze. You were an adult, and yet in this moment you felt like a teenager again caught red handed.
“What does Lucienne need, Matthew?” Dream asked, suppressing his smugness.
Matthew ruffled his feathers. He knew what just transpired, and he buried his usual fatherly instincts. “She needed help, talking about a library expansion with the flood of new books and stories being dreamt of.”
Matthew’s tone was short, despite who he was speaking with.
“Of course, thank you, Matthew.” Dream turned towards you. “Shall we continue this later?”
Your mouth fell open. He did not just -
Dream only chuckled to himself before walking off. Matthew looked to you. You continue to avoid his gaze as you crossed your arms hiding your embarrassment behind your anger.
“Come, Matthew.” Dream called out.
Matthew sighed, before flying after Dream. Internally, he debated asking for a bell around his talon to avoid any more of these encounters. His stomach twisted into knots. He didn’t need to know when his daughter and his boss were having their fun.
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atomicwrite · 2 years
Hello, I’m a huge fan of your work!
Can I request a SFW of Boom Sonic x reader but alphabetical please? Boom Sonic is just a dork and I love him sm<3
Omg I had so much fun with this! I hope it turned out to your liking! ♡
💙 Boom!Sonic x GN!Reader ABC Headcanons
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
⚠ Warnings: None
✼ •• ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ •• ✼
A – Affectionate: Sonic is very affectionate in private towards you and enjoys hugging, holding hands, and cuddling with you. He will occasionally kiss you on the cheek or forehead as well. You enjoy being hugged by him, especially when he is nuzzled into your neck. Affectionate kisses also include head nuzzles. However, Sonic will stand up and put some distance between you two if someone enters unexpectedly.
B – Brave: Sonic is incredibly brave and will always put himself in harm's way to protect you. His bravery is shown in his willingness to face dangerous situations alone, but he won't let anything get between you or your happiness. If something happens, he'll try everything in his power to make sure it doesn’t happen. If someone hurts you, he'll immediately start fighting that person.
C – Competitive: Sonic is competitive by nature and loves to challenge you to races and other games. He likes to win every time he participates in a competition, but he’s not willing to lose just because he loses. He’ll do whatever it takes to win. When he wins, he’ll smile at you proudly and show off all his trophies. He gets really excited whenever a good one comes out of their trials.
D – Determined: Sonic is determined to help you with anything you need and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. When he gets determined about something, he can't help himself from trying to achieve what he sets out to do. He has a lot of energy and wants to accomplish as many things as possible so that he can be happy. He can be stubborn sometimes, though, but when he does set his mind on something, it’s really hard for him to back down from it once he starts thinking about doing something. He’ll never say no, either. He’ll even go so far as to ask for permission to do something before he goes ahead with it. Determination is one of the strongest traits of his.
E – Energetic: Sonic has boundless energy and loves to run and play games with you. He will often push himself too much if you tell him to slow down, but when he sees the look on your face, he won’t listen. He’ll try harder than ever until you give up, but then he’ll cheerfully jump around and shout about how he won.
F – Funny: Sonic has a unique sense of humor and loves to make you laugh. He’ll always find some sort of joke to make you laugh. It may seem unfunny to anyone else, but to him it’s the most important thing in the world to hear you giggle. It’s also extremely easy for him to make you laugh, even if you don’t think it’s funny.
G – Generous: Sonic is very generous and loves to give you gifts and surprises. He might not know what to buy for you specifically, but he’ll spend an incredible amount of time looking through his options. He may only realize he bought something after it’s already been delivered.
H – Honorable: Sonic is very honorable and always keeps his promises. While he may forget to keep them in a situation like this, he’ll remember them afterwards. He tries to be as kind as possible to others when he can.
I – Independent: Sonic is independent and doesn't like to be tied down, which makes him extremely difficult to control, but props to you if you can figure out a way to do it. He tends to get easily annoyed if you tell him he can't do something (like very silly and weird things where he might end up getting hurt).
J – Jealousy: Sonic’s jealous streak is usually short lived and he will soon calm down. However, he’ll still feel bad and want to fix any problems with you. Sometimes he’ll act out, though, because he feels embarrassed. He’s very protective over you and he tends to become irritable and moody when he is jealous.
K – Kind: Sonic is very kind and friendly to everyone and will go out of his way to make new friends. He’s super outgoing and will talk to anyone who is nice to you. He’ll also try to make sure you have fun wherever you go. Whenever he thinks something might not be going well, he’ll be there to offer support. He’s a great big dork but a great friend. He loves to see you smile.
L – Lazy: Sonic can be pretty lazy, though not in the way that you're thinking. He actually loves to be lazy because it allows him to do whatever he wants without having to worry about anything. Sonic will also be more relaxed and less stressed if you don't have enough work to keep yourself busy with. He’s the type of guy that would rather nap during a movie marathon than stay awake and work.
M – Moody: Sonic is a little bit moody, but it’s more because he's sensitive. He doesn't mean to snap at you when you ask him to do something he doesn't want to, and he hates disappointing people. He'll never admit it, but he can be a little bit grumpy and he'll get mad easily if he feels mistreated or made fun of. He likes to pretend to be tough and strong when he gets upset, but he can also be a little bit soft inside. If you try and comfort him, he'll quickly change to his usual happy self.
N – Needy: Sonic can be very needy at times, but he’ll quickly calm down and get over it once you reassure him that he isn't annoying you, just being overly clingy. Remember that one time where Eggman retired for a week? Yeah, that hedgehog can be pretty jittery when he gets bored, especially if he hasn't done anything exciting for a while. While it annoyed everyone else, it was quite amusing for you.
O – Optimistic: Sonic is very optimistic and always looks on the bright side of things. He will always be the optimist, even when he knows something is wrong. The opposite of pessimistic would be Sonic with the mindset that things will eventually get better. Even if he's not feeling optimistic right now, he'll always be able to see a positive outcome somewhere in the horizon.
P – Playful: Sonic will tease you sometimes but he will stop if he sees that something upsets you. He will also hold your hand or hug you if he's feeling guilty and upset. He'll also pull pranks on you when he's feeling playful or amused and will be very proud of himself afterwards.
Q – Quick-thinking: Sonic is not only quick on his feet, he's also extremely smart. He'll be able to solve almost any problem and come up with a solution quicker than you can blink. He will not hesitate to throw ideas at you, and sometimes he'll do it without giving you time to prepare for a discussion first. He's very eager to prove himself to anyone who doubts or disagrees with him.
R – Reliable: Sonic is a reliable and trustworthy friend, but he can also have a tendency to be careless. While he can't always manage to do something right away, he will always take care of everything you need or want.
S – Strong: Sonic is very strong and will always stand up for you and defend you to the best of his ability. He’ll always try and save the day, even if it means putting himself in danger. He's extremely capable and can handle himself in dangerous situations; however, he won't let anyone see him in such a state of helplessness. He is very strong willed, so if you’re having trouble with an opponent, he'll be able to beat them in a heartbeat. If he says that he’ll do it, he’ll do it.
T – Tenacious: Sonic is tenacious and never gives up, even when things seem impossible. He always believes in his own ability to succeed, and he is always willing to fight against impossible odds and obstacles if it's to protect you and to keep you safe. He’s very stubborn, too, and doesn't like letting anyone tell him no. Telling him 'no' just isn't in his dictionary.
U – Unpredictable: Sonic's impulsive nature can make him unpredictable at times, which keeps things exciting and exciting. You will be able to depend on him when things get rough and you need something to distract you, but you will still need to be prepared to deal with his unpredictable behavior when things are calm. You can rely on him to pick out the right things to do when things are tense.
V – Vulnerable: Despite all of the challenges he faces, Sonic never backs down. There are moments when he may show signs of weakness around you (and only you), but he rarely ever does. When it comes to emotional stuff, Sonic's incredibly vulnerable. He can be really emotional, but he's definitely the type of person to show it with a grin and a thumbs up.
Willingness: When it comes to things that he truly cares about, Sonic will always put aside his own feelings and will help you out whenever possible. In fact, he will do anything for you; even if it's just taking care of someone else's problems. He will always make sure to help you, whether it's cleaning, buying things or taking care of you, even if it's just helping with a few chores. He will always want to help you out as much as he can.
X – X-citing: Being with Sonic is always exciting and full of adventure, and you will never get tired of it. His mind is very active and you'll often find yourself lost in thought when he is around. He is really good with words and always has interesting stories to share. You both love talking and joking with each other. He'll always say you're amazing and you'll always believe that you've nothing to be ashamed of.
Y – Youthful: Having fun and making jokes are Sonic's greatest joy, but he can also be surprisingly sentimental at times when he is alone with you. For example, it can be hard to understand Sonic when he's being serious and thoughtful. He can sometimes be very serious about certain topics, but he's also prone to being extremely playful and energetic.
Z – Zestful: Sonic is always full of zest and loves to live life to the fullest. While he may not always get excited for things, he's extremely passionate when it comes to enjoying things. He'll enjoy every single moment of every single day, because he enjoys everything, absolutely everything when he is with you. It is very rare that he is unhappy, since happiness brings him a sense of relief and fulfillment and is a huge source of satisfaction for him. He's very easy to please and will always be willing to give you whatever you'd like from the bottom of his heart.
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xsezzie · 2 years
Hiiii Sezzie~ omg if it's not too much trouble, could I request lee!scara and ler!Aether wheeeere hmm perhaps Scara sees Aether getting wrecked by someone else and Scara is like super entranced by the whole act, so Aether tickles him~?
Feel free to ignore if you waaaant~ thank yoouuuu!
Only taking requests from friends for now!
Hello gorgeous! I’m sorry this took so long 😭 Hope you like the little Scara fic I put together for you ❤️ It’s very short!
A/N: I kept Scaramouche as Scara, I can’t imagine him with another name LOL
Warnings: It’s tickling??? Also swearing because Scara is a grumpy cat.
Curiosity Tickled the Cat
“P-Paimon! Quihihihit ihihit!!!”
Familiar laughter of the Traveler could be heard in Avidya Forest as his dear, TRUSTED companion, or so he thought, decided to use her tiny hands to attack his soft sides.
The two were camping late in the afternoon, Aether had began teasing Paimon as usual, who in return saw fit to unleash her “Paimonial Wrath” on her Traveler. And Paimon was not an easy target to catch, quickly darting around administering pokes and squeezes to Aether’s poor sides, ribs, stomach.
Little did the two know they had a curious Wanderer watching from a distance, wondering what on Teyvat they were doing.
“How childish…” He grumbled, cautiously walking towards the two. When they both saw him they instinctively jumped to their feet and went into defense mode, Aether noticeably flustered and panting.
“Relax… I’m not going to do anything.” The Wanderer, as he was known, stared between them.
“Wait, what are you doing here? Did you…?” Aether suddenly turned more red than a tomato while muttering under his breath, Paimon couldn’t help but giggle to herself.
“I don’t know what you were doing, but yes, I saw it. Highly amusing~”
“Shut up! Ugh, I can’t believe YOU of all people saw me getting tickled!”
At this point Paimon burst into laughter, Aether shooting her an embarrassed glare. “Oh come on now, I’m sure Scara here is ticklish too~”
She smirked at the Wanderer, but he only stared blankly back, “Wait.. do you not know if you’re ticklish!? Wait, can you even be ticklish!? You’re a puppet right!?” Paimon seemed to have figured it out for herself for once.
“I wouldn’t have a clue, and quite frankly, I probably wouldn’t have such a childish sounding weakness anyway.” The purple haired boy shot a cheeky look at the Traveler who blushed again.
“Hmm~ There’s only one way to find out about this! Get him Aether!!” Paimon swooped quickly, taking Scara’s hat. In that short moment of distraction, the blond pounced and tackled him to the ground. The two wrestled for a moment before Aether was able to gain the upper hand, Scara growled and swore, throwing a few punches in the Traveler’s general direction.
“Gotcha! Now let’s see…” Aether softly pinched the purple haired boys side, eliciting a small squeak and flinch. Both Paimon and Aether’s eyes widened before looking at each other with a knowing look.
“W-What was that? What did you do to mehehehee!!” Scara couldn’t comprehend his own reaction and was quickly overwhelmed by this odd sensation traveling up and down his ribs and sides. Nor could he now contain the laughter beginning to bubble inside. He threw his head back and bit his lip, desperately trying not to succumb to this newly discovered weakness.
“C’mon now, don’t hide it!” Aether teased as he began softly scratching at the other boy's stomach.
“Pff-hahahahaha!!! Fuck off!!!” Scara finally cracked, swearing at his enemy.
“Woah! That was a bad word! I think he needs more tickles!” Paimon deduced.
“N-nohohohoho!!! Quihihihit iiiit!!!” The Wanderer howled as a finger began prodding around his navel. Aether smiled softly, seeing this former Harbinger being reduced to a giggling mess was highly amusing for him and Paimon.
Due to his strength being drained, Aether was easily able to lift Scara’s arms above his head, then swiftly dug his fingers into his exposed armpits.
Aether and Paimon laughed between each other at their former enemy’s reaction. At this point his head was thrown back, full laughter and a flushed face. Wriggling with all his might, the Wanderer managed to free himself and scrambled away from his attacker.
“Looks like he is ticklish! Well now we know what the Harbingers' weaknesses might be!” Paimon giggled to herself, “Ohh maybe we can try this on the others?”
Aether chuckled at her determination, turning his head back to the flustered mess that was in front of him.
“You two really know how to get on peoples nerves…” Scara growled.
“Why did you come over to us anyway?” The blond questioned with a slight smirk.
“I… I was wondering what you were doing, you were being noisy and weird as usual…” The blush on the purple haired boy's face was definitely visible as he tried to play his curiosity coolly, but it did not work.
“You remind Paimon of a cat… always trying to act cool but you secretly want attention…” Paimon smirked and crossed her arms, seeing Scara blush even more made her and the Traveler laugh.
“Go to… ugh whatever, forget this happened or else!!”
“Nope! We will remember this forever!”
Aether and Paimon’s somewhat maniacal laughter echoed throughout the forest as they celebrated their victory, all while the Wanderer could only cover his face in embarrassment.
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handspunyarns · 1 year
You Were Marked: Day Fourteen (Marathel).
Tumblr media
pairing: din djarin x fem!O/C  
word count: 4.4K  
chapter summary: After falling out of bed, Marathel receives treatment for her hemophilia. 
warnings:  angst, suicide ideation, medical procedures, English cursing  
***Please feel free to comment, kvetch, or otherwise speak your mind about my work. ***     
You Were Marked: Masterlist  
<- You Were Marked: Previous Chapter 
Marathel was dreaming.  She knew she was dreaming, because she was back on Unmanarall, walking in the overgrown field over the foothills from the low tide beach.  It was the middle of the night, but there was a light glow from the thousands of fairylight insects swirling all around her (catch one and make a wish), pulsing waves of yellow, pink, and blue; but fairylights never flew low enough to be caught by the hands of children or the occasional miserable woman wishing so much for an end to her miserable existence. She was pushing though the tall leafgrass towards a figure standing in the distance.  She knew who it was, and as she approached, the fairylights began swirling around the Bounty Hunter (Din Djarin, his name is Din Djarin), sparkling off his armor and weapons as he stood with his back to her.  She was reasonably sure it was actually him in her dreams, but her dreams had betrayed her before, and he answered her in her dream, as soft as a whisper in her ear, he replied, It’s me, mesh’la, and he removed the helmet so that she could see his brown hair, short, unruly, not the stringy, long, grey hair of the Bishop, and her heart skipped a beat, and she stopped just feet behind him, and she could feel in her dream, feel the folds of her yellow gown swirl around her legs, and she saw him beginning to turn to her, and then everything suddenly went dark, and it felt as if she had fallen off a cliff (but not jumped this time), and she was in incredible pain. 
Marathel began shrieking, and she could not begin to work out where she was, or even what was up and what was down.  The almost-closed door opened, and she was temporarily blinded by the sudden light in the pre-dawn darkness.  She felt hands on her, and she knew they belonged to a man, and she heard a man’s voice, which sent her into a terror, screaming as loud as she could.  It was only after Fennec turned on the lights that Marathel realized where she was.  She was on the floor, half-sitting, half-reclining, as Cobb Vanth had a tight hold on her wrists.  Fennec stood near the door, and both looked startled and concerned.    
“Marathel?  Can you hear me?  Wake up,” said Cobb.  “Are you in there?”  Marathel stared at his hazel eyes, a quiet whine escaping from her throat.  “Honey? Are you okay?” 
Marathel fell silent and blinked a few times, tears running down her cheeks.  “I think … I think I fell off the bed?” 
“Right on your face, it looks like.  You’re already getting a shiner and your forehead is bleeding again.” Cobb released his grip on her wrists, one hand going up to her elbow, the other going around her shoulders as he held her in a sitting position.  Marathel’s eyes went wide as she realized she was on the floor before Cobb, a man, while she was wearing only the tightest of compression clothing, in a bright room, and his arm was around her, touching her, holding her.  Her cheeks burned with fear and embarrassment. 
Fennec dropped to a knee beside Marathel, looking at her wounded face.  “Yes, Marathel, it looks like you fell off the bed.  You never had one that wasn’t on the floor, have you?” Fennec winked.  “I’ve fallen off a few myself. Never quite as dramatically as you, though.  Cobb, pull that blanket around her, she looks cold.” 
Cobb complied, draping the light blanket over her shoulders.  Marathel shot a grateful look to Fennec.  He lifted Marathel off the floor, setting her on the bed. He bent down to look Marathel in the eye… which she could not do.  “Are you hurtin’ anywhere?” 
“Everywhere, I think,” muttered Marathel.  “I can’t believe I fell like that.  I’m so sorry I woke you up.” 
“I should check you over,” said Fennec, glancing at the absorbent pad on Marathel’s bed, which was blood-soaked again.  The Modifier’s buddy better deliver soon, thought Fennec.  Marathel can’t keep on like this, and we’re running out of synth-blood now, too. 
Cobb knew better than to try to hang about when Fennec had that tone.  “No worries, Mar’.  Just shout if you need help.”  He tucked Marathel’s hair behind her ear, smiled, and headed out of the room.  Marathel noticed for the first time that Cobb was shirtless, wearing light-colored thermal pants that hugged his muscular backside and rippled as he walked out of the room, which made her catch her breath.  Marathel blinked again after he left, her breath hitching, and she wondered what that was about. 
“Were you dreaming, Marathel?” 
Marathel had to pull her attention away from the door Cobb had just walked through.  “I dreamed I had j-- … fallen … off a cliff again,” whispered Marathel. 
“Do you make a habit of falling off cliffs?” asked Fennec quietly.  Marathel’s eyes locked with Fennec’s, and Fennec knew instantly that while this was obviously a fall, at least one rapid descent from a cliff for Marathel was in no way accidental.  “How many times have you … fallen from a cliff?” 
Marathel’s eyes dropped to the floor.  “Just once.” 
Fennec stroked Marathel’s brow, which was beginning to swell.  “Can you walk, Marathel?” Marathel nodded and began to stand, but her left knee buckled under her.  She cried out and immediately sat back down.  “Cobb!” shouted Fennec.  Marathel could hear bare feet slapping on the stone floor, and Cobb reappeared in the doorway, buttoning the pants he had just pulled on. “Can you carry her? Let’s get her back to the treatment room.” 
Cobb nodded and lifted Marathel off the bed in his wiry arms (arm, arm, the other is metal and strange, how is he even able to lift me?), and she leaned against his bare chest, and of course the best thing for her to do was place her arm around his bare shoulders, and she was so discomfited by all his bare skin.  She knew her face was as red as a dreamberry as she whispered, “I’m so sorry.” 
Cobb smiled his usual lazy half-smile.  “No bother.  Once I’m awake I’m up for the day.” 
“I’m getting blood on you.” 
“Blood washes off.” 
Marathel could think of nothing to say to that, certainly not in the pain she was in — and certainly not while being carried by a half-naked man, she thought.  Cobb carried her into the room with the bacta tank and he carefully placed her down on the floating gurney.  Fennec sliced the compression pants leg up to Marathel’s hip, laying it open.  Cobb whistled as he looked at Marathel’s swelling knee, already turning purple, making her blush again. “Damn, woman, you know how to do things right.” 
Fennec sighed and said, “You must have landed directly on your knee.  Can you lift your leg straight up?”  Marathel lifted her leg with a whimper.  “Well, you didn’t break your kneecap, at least.” Fennec carefully slid a soft fabric sleeve up Marathel’s leg and wrapped it in cold packs to stave off the swelling.   
Cobb gently placed a smaller cold pack on Marathel’s eye, which was swelling uncomfortably. Smiling and joking for her benefit, Cobb said, “Now, Mar’, Din told me to keep an eye on you, and he just left, for crying out loud.  He’s gonna wallop the tar out of me when he gets back.” 
Fennec snorted and gave Marathel a bacta injection along with a painkiller and a mild tranquilizer — not that the bacta seemed to do much for her, but it was better than nothing.  “Seems Din should wallop you one just on general principle,” Fennec muttered.   
Cobb threw up his hands in mock defeat.  “I give up.  I’m outta here.”  He smiled at Marathel, lightly stroking her upper arm.  “Now shout if you need anything, okay?  I’ll be close by, wherever you need me.” Marathel nodded, her eyes cast downward, her blush putting a pretty color on her pale face.  Damn, she is lovely, thought Cobb, before he turned and left the room, thinking, Din better keep a tight hold on this one … especially around someone like me. 
Fennec busied herself with retaping Marathel’s face wound first, then she got Marathel to turn over so that she could cut away the compression garments again.  The deeper wounds on Marathel’s back simply would not close, and it seemed all they were doing was delaying the inevitable.  It didn’t help that Marathel didn’t care.  Marathel seemed to Fennec to be in some kind of existential limbo. She was given to staring off into space, only speaking when spoken to, and silently following directions.  Silnima had told her that Marathel was actually animated in the kitchen, even cracking jokes and smiling at Din, but that was the only time Marathel didn’t seem to be in a pit of despair.  “Are you doing okay, Marathel?” 
“No.” Marathel sighed.   “And what you’re doing isn’t helping, is it?” 
“No, it’s not.” 
“Has the … Modifier heard anything?” 
“No.  Hopefully today.”  Fennec cleaned another wound and glued it shut again.  “How do you feel about that?” 
“I don’t know … but I think I’m scared.”   
“What scares you?” 
“Besides everything?” Marathel chuckled, surprising Fennec.  “I’m scared I’m going to wake up with metal hands.  I’m scared that this is all real.  I’m scared that … that what the Modifier finds out might work … what am I supposed to do if I live?” 
Fennec hadn’t thought about it that way.  For someone who had believed she would follow a strict and excessively narrow path that was now derailed, it could be a terrifying prospect.  “Well … I think … you have some people now who are willing to help you figure it out.” 
“As a burden, then.” 
“You’re only a burden if you make yourself one, Marathel,” Fennec said in a tone that made Marathel regret her statement.  In a kinder tone, Fennec said, “And this is all real, by the way. But even I wonder what the living kriff is going on sometimes.”   
Marathel smiled.  After a few minutes of silence, she reached out blindly with her splinted hand.  “Fennec, I …” Fennec gently took Marathel’s hand. “Thank you, Fennec,” whispered Marathel. 
“You’re welcome, Marathel,” Fennec whispered back.  “Just keep that bread coming,” she said with a wink. 
Marathel groaned.  “You people and your bread.  I can do more than just make bread, you know.” 
“I do.  And I believe a certain Mandalorian knows that as well.”  Fennec smiled as she saw the flush creeping up Marathel’s neck.  This woman better not play Sabacc, ever. 
A voice came from the corridor.  “May I come in?” 
“Is it okay if Boba comes in?  I’ll cover you up,” said Fennec to Marathel.  Marathel nodded, and Fennec draped her with the blanket up to the nape of her neck.  “Come in.” 
Boba came forward.  “Are you all right, Marathel?  I heard you fell.” 
“Out of bed.  On my face.  And my knee,” muttered Marathel.   
“Beds not on the ground take getting used to.”  He bent down to her eye level.   “The Modifer had word from his contact.  He’s putting injections together now.” 
“Marathel?” asked Fennec.  “Are you … are you ready to try this?” 
Marathel lay quietly for a long time.  If she refused, she would upset so many people who had been nothing but kind to her when they had no reason to be, and it seemed she was expected to agree to this treatment.  But if she took the injection, and it worked, then … a future lay in front of her, unknown, blank, intimidating … but open. 
How could I not? 
Marathel took a deep breath.  “I’ll do it.  I’ll… I’ll take the treatment.”  She felt Fennec squeeze her upper arm.  Boba left to inform the Modifier.  Fennec went back to Marathel’s wounds.  But it took some time before the Modifier had the injections ready, and as time passed, Marathel became more and more nervous, doubting her choice, and her thoughts began to race.  What if it doesn’t work?  Will it hurt?  What about my … other injuries?  Will I ever be … functional again?  Will I ever be able to cope? 
It was the last thoughts that crept unbidden into her mind more and more often.  Her bodily needs were currently very difficult and painful, and it wasn’t until Silnima and a midwife came to help her that Marathel felt less terrified every time she needed to use the necessary. She was certain that both women were very aware of the damage the Dilimgau had caused.  Neither one spoke about it, but only tended to Marathel’s private needs the best they could, providing her as much dignity as they could muster. 
And that was another thing, it wasn’t a necessary, but a contraption called a vac tube.  Even the vac tube itself scared the Frith out of Marathel in the beginning; she was already confused by the very idea of a necessary in the middle of a dwelling instead of out somewhere away from a living space.  It seemed both exposed and, well, dirty to her.   She had to press a button on the thing before it made the loudest whooshing noise and sent whatever was left in there off to wherever-it-went, but it certainly did send a gust of air through the room, and who knew what that air contained?  She made sure she kept that door closed.  There was some other thing in that room, called a fresher (or sometimes a refresher, depending to whom she was speaking) that contained a small walled cubicle with a door, and a water spigot inside.  This thing baffled Marathel but she hadn’t yet asked about its purpose. 
Then there was the running water, water that came magically out of a spigot and drained away like magic as well.  Being on a desert planet, of course, water was strictly monitored, and Marathel made sure she only used the barest minimum.  In fact, she did her best to be as small and unobtrusive as possible, but it seemed everyone in the palace was well aware of her and her … situation. One of the palace guards referred to Marathel as a refugee, a title Marathel approved of … once she learned what it meant. 
She felt utterly lost and completely ignorant in this strange world of instant lights and water, screens that glowed like fairylights, and the constant metal hulks flying through the air, not to mention all the metal people-things called droids.  They were everywhere, carrying things, talking, doing chores, making Marathel generally nervous.  She had been hobbling to the kitchen for some tea late yesterday when she first encountered the tall talking droid that did something called protocol for Boba Fett.  The thing had greeted her kindly, and she had screamed and threw her mug at it before turning tail and locking herself in her room.  She had heard peals of laughter from several people from the other side of the door and was so mortified she refused to come out until an hour later.  Fennec and Boba had then introduced her to a few droids within the palace, after which Din, who happened to be nearby, had leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You had the right idea.  Keep up the good work,” which also confused her tired mind. 
But things like vac tubes and freshers and droids were something she could possibly learn to contend with. 
People … men … outside her limited and narrow scope, that was a different matter altogether. 
Despite her fury at the Bounty Hunter (Din, you ridiculous woman!) for removing her from the Hold, she could not hold on to her anger, for she couldn’t have known what Din would do.  She had lied to him and refused to reveal her fate.  She knew vaguely about what being a bounty hunter entailed, but the fact that Din had arrived on her steps covered in well-used-appearing weapons should have alerted her that he was capable in dangerous situations.  But in her ignorance, Marathel had thought that her demanding he leave his weapons behind would keep something from happening when she turned herself over. If he didn’t have his weapons, it should have made it easier for the men to overpower him if he decided to create a fuss, she had thought.  All to make sure Din Djarin got the Aurodium. 
What she hadn’t expected was that Din would do nothing at all. 
Marathel had told him to do nothing, say nothing, be still.  As a young girl, she was taught be still; all she had to do was hear the words and she would be frozen, mind almost turned off, for who needed to think when you were still?  Better to not think when someone was doing something to you in some way.  All girls learned be still, and she taught the younger girls be still when she began to change for her destiny of being made a Whyn. 
She thought about the Whyn she didn’t become, the children she didn’t bear. What she had done instead was still bewildering to her beleaguered mind.  Instead, she became possessed by mating Dahls and took down a man, making him pleasure her just like a Dahl demanded satisfaction from her mate.  She then took her life in her own hands, intending to make it end.  All to make sure Din Djarin got the Aurodium. 
Marathel told Din to leave his weapons behind, and to be still.  He followed her command, simply because … she told him to?  She had no power over him … did she?  A woman, with power over a man?  What a pathetic notion!  The idea of it made her anxious, that Din would have enough affection for her that he’d try to rescue her — and if that were true, then what misery had she caused him?  The guilt she heard in his voice when she first woke up, him making sure she knew he had the coins, that she had succeeded … mostly.  The tremor she detected when he called her mesh’la, the slightest of stutters on the first syllable, him wanting to bear the responsibility for her pain, her disfigurement, when all he did was follow directions. 
She needed to release him from that responsibility and guilt.  He deserved absolution from her.  She should bear the guilt of making him break his Creed by abandoning his weapons.  Oh, she needed to beg his forgiveness for resenting him when he saved her life. He had held her in higher esteem than she held herself. 
Th’ych’lyth, Din Djarin, rhyd’imi erfymaddant. 
Come back to me, Din Djarin, I must beg your forgiveness. 
Th’ych’lyth, Din Djarin. 
Marathel felt a squeeze on her upper arm.  “Marathel?  The first injection is ready.  Are you?” asked Fennec.   
Marathel, who wasn’t at all ready, who didn’t want to do this anymore, took a breath, and said, “Yes.” 
The first injection had the initial shock of a thousand little pinpricks, all freezing cold.  Marathel could feel the treatment flowing under her skin, tiny little spiky pebbles rolling about, catching on everything under her skin, tumbling through her limbs, not hurting so much, but a terribly unpleasant sensation, nonetheless. Marathel closed her eyes tight, whimpering, trembling, gritting her teeth.  She felt a buzzing up and down her arms, as if they were filled with tiny insects, and then her legs started feeling the same way, her muscles flexing uncontrollably, trying to interrupt the irritating sensation.  She felt a hand on her arm.  Panicking, she shrieked, “Who is touching me?” 
“It’s me, just me, honey,” Marathel opened her eyes to see Cobb’s face close to hers.  When did he come back?  Frowning at her, Cobb said, “You’re shaking all over.  What’s happening?” Marathel couldn’t seem to form words.  Her brow furrowed as she moaned.  “Keep looking at me, honey.  Just concentrate on me.  Look at my eyebrow if looking at my eyes bothers you,” Cobb said, pointing at his arched brow above his hazel eyes.  How did he know I can’t look at his eyes?  His voice was soothing, even in tone, helping Marathel regain calm.  “Does it hurt?  What are you feeling?” 
“It feels … feels like very small spiky pebbles rolling everywhere under my skin,” she whispered.  Cobb’s eyebrows knitted together.  “It’s like there are tiny bugs marching back and forth inside my arms.” 
“Well, both of those sound … horrible.”  Marathel snickered even as she continued to panic.  “You’re doing great.  Just stay with me; we’re all here, you’re safe.” 
“Not all here,” said Marathel. She gritted her teeth again against the terrible buzzing sensation, and whimpered. 
Cobb’s hand left her arm and rested on her head as his thumb gently stroked her brow.  “No, you’re right.  But I can tell you you’re on his mind right now, honey,” he whispered, so emphatically she stole a look at his eyes.  Smiling, Cobb continued, “And you can put up with me, right, Mar’?” 
Marathel’s arms and legs continued to vibrate with tension, and she was now feeling a burning sensation trickling through her starting from the injection site. “Why are you calling me that?” 
“You mean ‘Mar’?  Just a nickname, honey, nothing more.” 
“No, the other thing … ‘honey’.  What does that mean?” 
He smiled at her indulgently. “I’ll tell you when this is over.  Still got bugs in your arms?” 
“It’s burning now.”  Marathel began breathing faster.  “It burns, it burns …” 
Cobb looked over her head; the Modifier was preparing something else that he couldn’t see.  Returning his eyes to Marathel’s, he said, “Just stay with me.  We got you.”  Fennec tossed an oxygen cannula over Marathel’s shoulder; Cobb snagged it and gently pulled the loops over her ears.  “Just breathe, honey.  Just keep breathing.” The Modifier injected Marathel again, and it felt like she was briefly on fire, but then freezing cold, and she made a mewling noise deep in her throat, tears leaking from her eyes.  “I got you, no worries.”  Cobb gently wiped her tears away with a soft handkerchief.  “Does it still burn?” 
Marathel swallowed and said, “No … but now I feel so … so … heavy.” Her eyes closed. Her breathing slowed.  Cobb kept up his gentle rhythmic stroking of her brow.  “I’m so sorry …” she murmured. 
“What’re you sorry for?” 
Marathel breathed deeply.  “For lying to you … Bounty Hunter …  because I …” 
Cobb’s eyes flicked up.  Fennec was rapt, looking at Cobb, and she waved her arm at him to continue this conversation with the half-conscious Marathel.  The other two men, at least, pretended to not be paying attention.  Cobb rolled his eyes at Fennec.  “Because you what, honey?” 
But Marathel did not answer.  She lay still, breathing deeply.   
“She’s asleep, Fennec.” 
Fennec sighed.  “Damn.  Just when it was getting good.”  Cobb tilted his head, narrowing his eyes.  “Hey, I have to get excitement from somewhere these days.  Being the daimyo’s second can be … lackluster.” 
“I’m right here,” muttered Boba.   
The Modifier applied the third injection.  Marathel did not move.  “Does she still sleep?” 
Cobb took a closer look. “I think so.”  The Modifier wanted Marathel rolled over to her back, so Cobb carefully shifted her, letting his hand linger on her cheek before he gently gathered her hair away from her face.  The Modifier took her left hand and removed the tape holding it in the wooden block.  “What are you doing to her hand?” 
“I’ve been working on a different type of splint for her hands.  Strictly structural, not cybermod, not even mechanical, really, just analog.”  The Modifier placed her hand on a spindly apparatus of fine metal straps that resembled a dune spider.  He then wrapped each finger in a flexible spring that connected to each strap that ran under each finger.  When he was done with her hands, they looked like she was wearing complicated and exotic full-finger rings that connected under her palm and ran down to her wrist. “It was an interesting engineering puzzle, forcing me to not go completely cybernetic.  I’m pleased with the results.  I was wearing one yesterday and I found it quite comfortable.” 
“I think you’ve created quite an elegant solution,” said Fennec, impressed.  “The fact that you’ve left her fingertips free will please her, I think.  Her skills require her to remain tactile.” 
The Modifier nodded.  “Hopefully, she will continue to gain strength in her fingers, and she may be able to remove the spirals in time.” 
“You hear that, Mar’?  You’re getting your hands back,” Cobb whispered in her ear.  Straightening up, Cobb asked, “So what happens now?” 
“For now, she just rests.  She has an incredible amount of metabolic activity going on right now, and it’s better that she is asleep.  Sleeping is a good sign that she is accepting the genome change.  After a few hours, I’ll repeat the same injections.” 
Fennec asked quietly, “And what happens if she rejects the treatment?”  
“Then it’s best that she goes to my source.  They have more equipment and resources that will allow them to refine the treatment.”  The Modifier adjusted one of the spirals on Marathel’s thumb.  “She would also have access to Reconstructionists who could attend to many of her injuries.  It would be expensive, but she could then live a normal life.” 
“How expensive?” asked Boba. 
The Modifier shrugged. “Cheap, fast, good.  Pick two.” 
Boba and Fennec looked at each other.  Providing sanctuary and first aid to a woman from nowhere was one thing; bankrolling her recovery was quite another.  Fennec arched her eyebrow that told Boba: discussion for later. 
Cobb looked at the sleeping woman.  Not knowing what precisely what the Modifier meant by normal life, he wondered to what extent Din was willing to help her. 
Next Chapter ->
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sunflowernoodles · 2 years
Sibling Bonding
Hey, so, this actually isn’t my first fic. :D I actually posted that Seroroki tickle fic a few days ago but thought it didn’t post when I indeed did post it. So in a moment of panic I made a completely new account. But nope, it posted, and people are enjoying it, I just have a brain too small to use Tumblr. But on with that, I hope you enjoy! 🌻 p.s my favorite thing to write is 100% Shoto fluff and I’m not ashamed.
Warnings: tickle fic
Lee- Todoroki
Lers- Natsuo and Fuyumi
It was a Friday about as average for Shoto as it could be. Wake up, go to school, go back to the dorms. He had a date with Sero immediately after school but that was it.
Shoto sat in his dorm room, the now eventless Friday nearly boring him to death now that he really had nothing to do.
That was until he got a text message from his sister, Fuyumi. Shoto opened it, being surprised to hear from her at almost 9:00 PM.
‘Hello, Shoto! I know it’s short notice but Nat and I wanted to see if you’d like to stay over tonight. Dad is at of town so we could actually do something’
Shoto found himself smiling and being excited over the thought of getting to spend time with his siblings for once without interruption. He sent a text back faster than he ever had before, his excitement nowhere near properly conveyed in the small message.
Shoto quickly threw some pajamas and an outfit for tomorrow into a spare backpack. Along with normal hygiene things, like toothpaste and a toothbrush, shampoo, those kinds of things.
After getting permission from Aizawa to leave, he was on his way. He had never felt so happy to go home, or see his siblings for that matter. Theres always been a distance between him and his brother and sister. But he hoped to fill that gap tonight.
Fuyumi must have been watching from the window for him because the door opened before he even reached the front step. “Shoto! Hey, you made it!” Fuyumi greeted as her brother walked inside.
“Hello.” Shoto said in his usual monotone voice, but with a small smile nonetheless. The door was shut behind him and Shoto dropped his bag beside the couch. He looked around, the house felt different without Endeavor there, calmer, more relaxed.
Natsuo waved from the couch and Fuyumi grabbed one of his shoulders excitedly, “Alright, what should we do?”
They had all worked together to make a snack, talked for a little about school and Fuyumi’s teaching job and eventually settled on watching a movie.
Much to Shoto’s disliking, it was a horror movie, and he had agreed to watching it. He did fine out in the real world with real life villains. But horror movies? He hated the cheap thrill, jump scare crap.
Shoto was nestled between Natsuo and Fuyumi as he cowered under a blanket, his curiosity still keeping his eyes at the tv. He got scared of every little thing. The background music building for anticipation? Hide behind the blanket. Main character calling out into the dark? A barely audible, nervous whimper. Jump scare? Well he nearly fell out of his seat whenever there was one of those.
“Shoto, if you’re scared we can put something else on?” Fuyumi offered after the third time Shoto bumped one of them with his startled jumping.
“No! I- I’m not scared, I love this.” Shoto denied, a clear nervous shake in his voice. Fuyumi just smiled sympathetically, “We’ll keep it on. Only if you let us try something to help you if you keep getting scared.” She said, looking back at the tv. Shoto just nodded, suddenly shy and embarrassed.
Natsuo gave their sister a confused look, Fuyumi just winked at him and he caught on. He nodded with a smirk as he too turned back to the movie.
Shoto eventually forgot about the conversation as he was preoccupied with the movie. He began to cower under his blanket at another moment of anticipation building up. Natsuo and Fuyumi looked at each other, then just before the jump scare that they knew would happen, they both poked Shoto in his side.
“Hehehey!” Shoto giggled and twisted in his spot on the couch, not noticing he completely missed the jump scare. “You said we could help you!” Fuyumi explained excitedly as her and Natsuo kept poking their now very giggly little brother.
“I- I dihidn’t think you meheheant thihis.” Shoto giggled and put his head down to cover up his smile. “Oh, we did.” Natsuo said bluntly and wiggled his hand underneath Shoto’s arm, surprised by the small squeal he let out.
“Wow, I thought you’d be ticklish but we’re barely doing anything.” Natsuo pointed out, happy with the small blush that started spreading across Shoto’s face.
“Nohoho! Dohon’t sahay thahahat!” Shoto said as he giggled. Natsuo and Fuyumi smiled at each other, who knew their normally grumpy little brother could be so cute?
“Don’t say what? Tickle? Do you not like the word ‘tickle’ , Shoto?” Natsuo teased. Shoto shook his head quickly and sank into the back of the couch, “Nahahahahat!” His face was flushed a light pink.
“Oh, yup thats it” Natsuo nodded. “Shoto, you have such a nice smile! You should do it more often.” Fuyumi cooed, only succeeding in making Shoto more flustered.
“Well, this seems to be working in making sure you don’t get scared so.” Natsuo spoke, just wanting to point out his giggly brother. He and Fuyumi both gently grabbed either of Shoto’s wrists, surprised by just how easily they brought his arms up above his head.
Shoto’s giggles stayed the same as he got a break from the light tickles, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t excited about his siblings doing this. He wanted to be close with his siblings and recently learned that he very much craved affection. Shoto was receiving both of these so why fight it off?
Shoto sat there in giggly anticipation for a couple seconds until he felt gentle tracing and scratching down both of his arms that started at his wrists. “Nohohoho!” Shoto giggled, his legs gently kicking out in front of him, making no real struggle to get away.
Shoto sat there for a couple minutes, happily giggling as his siblings tickled him with the forgotten horror movie playing in the background.
Eventually though, Shoto did bring his arms down to hug his stomach and sides and his siblings took the hint that he was really done. Natsuo patted his back and Fuyumi ruffled his now already messy hair. “Feeling better? I think the movies over too so, nothing to get scared of” Natsuo spoke up as Shoto still recovered from his little giggle fit.
“Yehaha. I’m fihine, thank you both.” Shoto nodded, very grateful for his siblings. They both squished him into a hug and he didn’t complain, he just simply relaxed and sighed contentedly.
They all stayed in the little group hug as they watched different movies and tv shows until Shoto fell asleep, cuddled up in a blanket and with a small smile on his face.
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For WIP Wednesday I thought I’d post a scene from a Snowbaz AU I’ve been writing where the Crucible marries mages rather than assigning roommates. Simon and Baz are 20 and were surprise!married by the Crucible a short while before this snippet is set. Baz has been trying to keep an emotional distance because he still believes he and the Mage’s Heir are meant to kill each other, but he’s not managing it so well, as can be seen here when Simon tries to sneak an illicit midnight snack :P
I spy the butter and have it out before I even know what I’m thinking. In the group homes I used to spoon great mounds of it into my mouth whenever I was the first one down to breakfast and there was no one to see me embarrassing myself; I’m never the first one awake in the House of Pitch, but now it’s late and there’s no one in the kitchen. Working fast, I peel back the foil and take an enormous bite. It’s heaven: relief floods through me as tension I didn’t know I’d been carrying releases. Baz’s family has the best-tasting butter ever.
I jump at the loud groan behind me. “Please tell me you’re sleepwalking, Snow,” Baz says from across the kitchen, and I hastily shove the butter back on its shelf, my cheeks burning. There’s going to be teeth prints in it for sure; maybe I can sneak back down and slice off the ruined bit before his family finds out. There’s no way I’m here only a week and don’t get blamed for the sudden appearance of bite marks in the butter—come to that, I wouldn’t put it past Baz’s father to obtain my dental records if I denied it.
Baz shoulders me away from the still open refrigerator and takes the butter out; I want to die. Maybe I should pretend I was sleepwalking. “Baz, I—”
He shakes his head at me and steps over to the counter, slicing away the bitten chunk with a knife. Wordlessly, he holds it out, waving his hand at me when I hesitate. “Snow,” he says softly, no trace of accusation in his voice.
“I know I’m revolting,” I mutter, humiliation scalding my face and down my neck to my chest. Baz wags his hand again and when I step nearer him, he holds the piece of butter to my lips.
“Have it,” he says. “Do you think you’d like some toast? I was going to make myself a piece anyway.”
I take the butter but don’t put it in my mouth. “Baz.”
“What?” He’s opening a loaf of bread and taking out two slices. He glances up at me, but when I don’t say anything, he turns to the toaster. I hastily shove the pat of butter into my cheek and wipe my fingers against my pajama bottoms. I can’t help staring at Baz’s back. Even tired and mussed from sleep, he’s a sight to behold. He doesn’t belong with a mess like me.
“I’m sorry about the butter,” I say when he turns back to face me.
Baz winces. “Don’t apologize to me for what you like to eat, Simon,” he says. He looks almost pained.
“You don’t think it’s disgusting?”
Suddenly, his expression shifts. “Taking on a block of butter as though it were a chocolate bar, Snow?—it’s absolutely shocking. But you,”—Baz grabs me by the waist and sweeps me up onto the counter, how is he this strong—“are absolutely adorable.” He kisses the tip of my nose.
“Baz!” Bracing my hand against his chest, I push him back to look properly into his face. He’s laughing, and Merlin, he’s gorgeous. “I’m serious.”
“So am I.” His hands curl around my jaw, thumbs tracing slow, small circles against the side of my face. “Snow, when we’re old and fat and have troublingly high cholesterol levels, I’ll worry about your butter-snarfing habits. Right now you can eat a block a day and I’ll fight anyone who gives you guff about it, all right?”
The toast pops. Baz spreads a thick layer of butter over each piece and hands me one, a little smile playing around his mouth as I take a huge bite. “I told you I grew up in group homes,” I say while chewing, watching Baz nibble the corner of his toast. He nods. “You’d never make it taking your time like that,” I add, shoveling the rest of my toast into my mouth.
“Had to be fast, did you?” Baz breaks his toast in the middle and hands me half.
“There just wasn’t ever enough, really. Definitely nothing nice like what we got at Watford, or like you have here.”
Baz tilts his head and breaks his toast in two again when I finish. He passes me half of his half. “What we have here. It’s yours now, too, Snow-Pitch.”
I stuff the toast in my mouth and wave my hand as he breaks his piece again. “Don’t. I’ve eaten all your toast.”
“You can always eat all my toast.” Smiling, Baz pushes the piece into my hand and pops the last remaining crumbs into his mouth. “Do you want any more?”
I shake my head slowly. I hadn’t expected him to understand about the homes, but he caught on right away. He’s smart—so smart, how would I ever have defeated him? (And what if I still have to try? I don’t want to, even if all of magic depended on it.)
“Come on, then,” Baz says, taking my hand and tugging me down onto my feet. He’s pressed against me, holding me pinned against the counter, and I risk skating my hands up along his sides. I wish...I don’t know what I wish. When I meet his eyes, he’s just looking at me. Seeing me. It’s a little terrifying.
He looks terrified. I back away reluctantly (I want to kiss him. He’ll taste like butter and toast and only everything I’ve ever wanted) and return the butter block to the fridge. There’s more than enough left for breakfast, and the children prefer clotted cream, anyway.
Snow is quiet on the way back upstairs, although he holds my hand as he leads the way. Maybe he’s embarrassed about showing me so much of himself. I turn an image over in my mind: the rolly, dirt-faced urchin I’d seen years ago in oversized hand-me-downs, staring at all the pastries he wanted and couldn’t have. I didn’t know what want looked like, then; how could I have?—no. I did know, but not in the same ways as Simon. I wanted my mother back, the grief so sharp and slicing on some days that I thought the vampires must have left their teeth in me. I wanted comfort, though Fiona tried hard to pick up the slack from my father, and later on there was Daphne, doing her best. And then I wanted Snow, an ache that still breaks me open and turns me in on myself almost constantly.
I didn’t want for the basics, though, and I was well-cared for. Simon was emotionally deprived, and had to worry about keeping body and soul together on top of it. I think about the butter, the sheer caloric heft of it; his body instinctively craved it to ensure he had enough fat and calories to survive, and now it’s a comfort, a coping mechanism. Does he need to cope, here? Does he feel alone?
“Simon,” I say outside our bedroom door, and he lets me cup his face in my hands. (I shouldn’t kiss him here; there’s never any telling where Mordelia is).
I don’t know. I never don’t know what to say, but I don’t know now. That’s what this tawny-skinned nightmare does to me. I kiss the mole just above his left eyebrow. “Nothing. Let’s get some sleep.”
Snow curls up in the middle of the bed, covers kicked off and one hand stretched out toward me. I trace around his fingers, touching the webbing of each and then stroking every one of his knuckles in turn. He makes a sound that might be my name, or nothing at all, just some little noise against the pillow, and I twine my fingers with his at last. Moments later, his heart rate slows and I hear him start to snore.
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